Talk:ANAT2341 2011 Students

From Embryology
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Lab 1 Assessment

1. Identify the origin of In Vitro Fertilization and the 2010 nobel prize winner associated with this technique.

Write a brief answer to the question no more than a few lines or bullet points.

2. Identify a recent paper on fertilisation and describe its key findings.

Copy and paste the reference from a search of Pubmed and write a few lines about the paper.

3. Identify 2 congenital anomalies.

Just write their names.

Lab 2 Online Assessment

  1. Identify the ZP protein that spermatozoa binds and how is this changed (altered) after fertilisation.
  2. Identify a review and a research article related to your group topic. (Paste on both group discussion page with signature and on your own page)

Lab 3 Online Assessment

  1. What is the maternal dietary requirement for late neural development?
  2. Upload a picture relating to you group project. Add to both the Group discussion and your online assessment page. Image must be renamed appropriately, citation on "Summary" window with link to original paper and copyright information. As outlined in the Practical class tutorial.

Lab 4 Online Assessment

  1. The allantois, identified in the placental cord, is continuous with what anatomical structure?
  2. Identify the 3 vascular shunts, and their location, in the embryonic circulation.
  3. Identify the Group project sub-section that you will be researching. (Add to project page and your individual assessment page)

Lab 5 Online Assessment

  1. Which side (L/R) is most common for diaphragmatic hernia and why?

Lab 6 Online Assessment

  1. What week of development do the palatal shelves fuse?
  2. What early animal model helped elucidate the neural crest origin and migration of neural crest cells?
  3. What abnormality results from neural crest not migrating into the cardiac outflow tract?

Lab 7 Online Assessment

  1. Are satellite cells (a) necessary for muscle hypertrophy and (b) generally involved in hypertrophy?
  2. Why does chronic low frequency stimulation cause a fast to slow fibre type shift?
  3. I would like each student to now also look at the following online page before the next Lab and write a comment based upon the group project assessment criteria. Paste your comment on the Trisomy 21 discussion page and also on your own student page.

Lab 8 Online Assessment

  1. Completing the peer assessment is your individual assessment for this Lab. Write your comments on each group discussion page and place a coy of your comments on your own page,

Lab 9 Online Assessment

--Mark Hill 15:21, 6 October 2011 (EST) There was no assessment added for this practical class.

Lab 10 Online Assessment

  1. Besides fetal alcohol syndrome, identify another environmental teratogen that can lead to hearing loss.
  2. Identify 3 factors that contribute to poor neonatal drainage of the middle ear.
  3. Identify 1 genetic abnormality that affects hearing development and link to the OMIM record. (Your individual abnormality should be different from all other students)

Lab 11 Online Assessment

  1. Name the components that give rise to the interatrial septum and the passages that connect the right and left atria.
  2. Identify the cardiac defects that arise through abnormal development of the outflow tract

Lab 12 Online Assessment

--Mark Hill 22:39, 26 October 2011 (EST) The following 2 questions were listed during the lab last week on the last page 2011 Lab 12 - Online Assessment. I have only just added them here, so I will allow until the end of this week to complete this last assessment. I would also ask all students to complete the online CATEI for this course.

  1. Give examples of 3 systems that continue to develop postnatally.
  2. Identify the abnormalities detected by the Guthrie Test and link to one abnormality listed in OMIM.

Monday October 24 2011

  • Z3060621 [79 edits in the last 30 days]
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Group Assessment 30 Sep

Group Project Page Edits

Group Student No of Edits
Group 5 Z3290815 181
Group 11 Z3308968 137
Group 3 Z3289066 136
Group 8 Z3329495 125
Group 1 Z3217345 118
Group 2 Z3279511 117
Group 4 Z3290379 117
Group 5 Z3290808 96
Group 8 Z3294943 93
Group 2 Z3288729 92
Group 9 Z3331556 86
Group 1 Z3391078 68
Group 6 Z3291423 67
Group 10 Z3332824 66
Group 8 Z3389343 64
Group 7 Z3387190 57
Group 3 Z3289991 52
Group 7 Z3291643 49
Group 4 Z3290270 47
Group 1 Z3060621 46
Group 6 Z3291317 43
Group 9 Z3331469 43
Group 2 Z3288827 41
Group 9 Z3332183 39
Group 3 Z3289301 37
Group 7 Z3293267 36
Group 10 Z3332629 35
Group 5 Z3290689 33
Group 10 Z3332327 32
Group 11 Z3284061 30
Group 4 Z3389806 29
Group 2 Z3288196 27
Group 7 Z3291622 25
Group 11 Z3292953 25
Group 9 Z3332178 22
Group 4 Z3290558 21
Group 8 Z3332250 20
Group 6 Z3290841 19
Group 3 Z3289829 17
Group 11 Z3272325 16
Group 5 Z3290618 13
Group 11 Z3308965 10
Group 10 Z3330313 9
Group 6 Z3291324 7
Group 1 Z3217043 5

Discussion Page Edits

Group Student No of Edits
Group 8 Z3329495 54
Group 6 Z3291324 43
Group 3 Z3289066 42
Group 6 Z3291423 42
Group 9 Z3331556 39
Group 2 Z3288729 38
Group 11 Z3308968 36
Group 3 Z3289829 31
Group 8 Z3294943 30
Group 3 Z3289991 28
Group 7 Z3293267 28
Group 5 Z3290808 26
Group 9 Z3331469 25
Group 8 Z3389343 24
Group 7 Z3291622 23
Group 2 Z3288827 22
Group 7 Z3291643 22
Group 10 Z3332824 22
Group 10 Z3332327 21
Group 2 Z3288196 20
Group 3 Z3289301 20
Group 6 Z3291317 20
Group 1 Z3217345 19
Group 2 Z3279511 19
Group 5 Z3290689 18
Group 11 Z3284061 18
Group 4 Z3290379 16
Group 7 Z3387190 15
Group 11 Z3272325 15
Group 5 Z3290618 14
Group 9 Z3332183 14
Group 11 Z3292953 13
Group 4 Z3290270 12
Group 4 Z3389806 12
Group 9 Z3332178 12
Group 10 Z3332629 12
Group 8 Z3332250 10
Group 1 Z3391078 9
Group 4 Z3290558 9
Group 11 Z3308965 9
Group 10 Z3330313 8
Group 1 Z3217043 4
Group 6 Z3290841 4
Group 1 Z3060621 1

Group Assessment 8 Sep

Group 1

--Mark Hill 10:44, 8 September 2011 (EST) Some of the existing sub-sections have appropriate content, but there are also empty sub-sections, a total lack of referencing/citation and no glossary.

  • The referencing issue needs urgent progress.
  • Existing figures/table are appropriate. Table appears to be directly used from an uncited source.
  • There needs to be more images in this work.
  • Where is the student drawn figure?

Biomed Central 1566 items found = 1465 research articles + 101 other articles (reviews etc.)

Group 2

--Mark Hill 10:54, 8 September 2011 (EST) There seems to be some good progress on the project.

  • It would have been better to blank (black) the identifying information on this ultrasound.
  • Historical Background would look better with the dates in bold first and the picture not disrupting flow (put to right).
  • None of your figures have any accompanying information or legends.
  • The 2 tables contain a lot of information and are a little difficult to understand. Perhaps you should rethink how to structure this information.
  • Currently very text heavy with little to break up the content.
  • I see no student drawn figure.
  • referencing needs fixing, but this is minor compared to other issues.

Biomed Central 141 items found = 124 research articles + 17 other articles (reviews etc.)

Group 3

--Mark Hill 14:36, 8 September 2011 (EST) Good sub-heading structure and overall draft text layout. Some sections very content poor, who was working on Diagnosis and Current Research? In particular where are all the figures???

  • Introduction- you have the content there, but it reads very poorly in structure. You should try and fix this. Remember the introduction is the first thing that people will read. Also good to have some figure to interest the reader. There are also lots of clinical terms that may not be understood by the average undergraduate student.
  • History - There are only 3 worthy features in the history of this disease? You have not done the work here. This should perhaps also be structured as a timeline, bullets date first in bold.
  • Epidemiology - read the first sentence, its not English. The next section also is not very clear. I think this whole section should be looked at again in terms of structure and clarity.
  • Signs and Symptoms - this should illustrate some of these Signs and Symptoms, not the genital features please.
  • Diagnosis - OK this is sort of a description for Karyotyping, but it is not complete or accurate description of the method. Look it up please and fix this.
  • Etiology - this is not a description of non-disjunction, which is what this section should be about.
  • Pathogenesis - first sentence is repetition of previous sections, this should have been fixed by now so that the same content does not appear in multiple sub-headings.
  • Case Study- I don't think you need this section.
  • Other Similar Defects -first identify why they are similar, then explain how you will describe in a table.
  • Current Research - very poor. Who in the group should have done this section?

Biomed Central 68 items found = 64 research articles + 4 other articles (reviews etc.)

Group 4

--Mark Hill 15:01, 8 September 2011 (EST) Good sub-heading structure, as I have discussed this will be postnatal rather than prenatal effects, so diagnosis should be covered in some depth. Content in some sections is still very light and not researched. Currently there is not a single figure on the project page.

  • Introduction - brief and to the point. There are some terms that may require clarification (cerebral cortex, striatum, chorea). There is no mention of it belonging to a group of known disease types.
  • History - This is a genetic disease, it probably had "existed" before the seventeenth century, this was when it was described. It appears that there is only a single time point (the discovery) in the history of this disease, fix this please. khoreia should be in italics.
  • Epidemiology - "white people as compared to Africans and Asians" is this the correct terminology? The country by country information would look better in the form of a table. "HTT haplotypes" without any explanation. Sub-headings would fix some of the disjointed feel to this section.
  • Pathogenesis and Genetics - same content, with typos. Typos suggest that you (or your group) have not reviewed the work. This is a very poor sub-section.
  • Diagnostic Tests - "the middle ages" as opposed to the medieval period? These "similar diseases, which mimic similar characteristics" need to be better organised to show how they are similar. Neuropathology, is this not a postmortem diagnosis?
  • Clinical Manifestations - no text here.
  • Treatment - a list of bullet points with no accurate descriptions of these treatments. Breakthroughs, is this not Current/Future Research?
  • Current/Future Research - Nothing here of interest nor referenced.

Biomed Central 4564 items found = 4225 research articles + 339 other articles (reviews etc.)

Group 5

--Mark Hill 15:06, 8 September 2011 (EST) This is a reasonable start, you have identified most key topic issues. The formatting of your subheadings is all wrong. There is currently not a single figure, illustration or table in this project. There should at least be something showing the gene, location and genetic mutation.

<wiki>=Fragile X Syndrome = </wiki>


<wiki>==Introduction == </wiki>

and so on through all sub-headings, with appropriate sub-sub headings or bullet/numbered lists.

  • Introduction - should be just that and be before history of the disease section. Fix this.
  • History of the disease - just history will be fine. The writing is not very clear you need to go through this and restructure, perhaps by someone else not the original author who may not see the problems. Really, only 3 parts to the history of this disease, you have not done your research.
  • Epidemiology - The first part of this text looks to have come directly from (, not good enough. The (CGG) expansion has not even been explained.
  • Etiology - Reasonable description, but this section could be illustrated with what you are trying to describe.
  • Development of the Disease - Fetal not Foetal please. "evincing" remember your audience is university level student. Hoeft et al. (2010), place the citation directly after date. Postpubescent, where is the reference for what you are stating here.
  • Signs and Symptoms - OK here, not the best, but better than other parts of the project so far.
  • Recent Research - Rapin & Tuchman, (2008), place the citation directly after date. Diagnosis and Treatment, should this not have been in another section? Does not sound like recent research. This whole section needs some structural work.

Biomed Central Fragile X (exact phrase) in all fields 263 items found = 247 research articles + 16 other articles (reviews etc.)

Group 6

--Mark Hill 15:50, 8 September 2011 (EST) This has reasonable sub-heading structure, but several sections still lack any content, which they should by now. There are only 2 figures and the text in places is verbose, and very poorly structured for ease of reading/understanding.

  • Introduction - No text here? This is where the reader starts and it should grab their attention to your topic.
  • History - Good early background. Quoted text should be indented. You have included only a few time points in the disease up to 1945-50's and only broadly thereafter. The text is also very clinically technical, suggesting that you have just copied without understanding the content itself.
  • Signs and Symptoms - this should have subsections for each description.
  • Genetics/Aetiology - No text here?
  • Pathophysiology and Abnormalities - Seems to overlap with the Signs and Symptoms content.
  • Diagnostic Tests - you name the tests but do not describe how they work or what they show, this could easily be illustrated.
  • Treatment/Management - I think this should be far better structured in layout and content.
  • Prognosis - No text here?
  • Future Directions - No text here?

Biomed Central 195 items found = 188 research articles + 7 other articles (reviews etc.)

Group 7

--Mark Hill 13:42, 8 September 2011 (EST) Good overall layout in terms of sub-headings, but still feeling very incomplete.

  • History - which version are you using text or table? don't have the same content twice.
  • Epidemiology - very poor content. Who was doing this section?
  • Aetiology - chromosome image is useful here. If you include tables, you need to refer to them within the text and why is the table reference in this section?
  • Pathogenesis - a good section, ext could be simplified in structure. Includes a student drawn image, though no description to what each of the blocks and orange blobs are meant to represent.
  • Animal models - fix the numbered formatting. Text reads like it has come directly from a paper.
  • Signs and Symptoms - seems out of place located here and the content is a little jumbled about.
  • Complications
  • Differential Diagnosis - should this be a sub-heading of Diagnosis?
  • Genetic Counselling - same comment as for first table. How is this adapted it looks pretty much the same to me.
  • Current and Future Research - nothing in this section.
  • Notable people with Angelman Syndrome - is this relevant as a sub-heading?
  • Glossary - incomplete and does not include any acronyms.

Biomed Central 106 items found = 101 research articles + 5 other articles (reviews etc.)

Group 8

--Mark Hill 13:40, 8 September 2011 (EST) A well-structured project in terms of sub-headings. Student drag image included on project page. The problem, like all other projects, is a lack of section illustrations and figures. It currently just looks like a lot of writing, with each section slightly differently formatted.

  • Timeline - would look better vertical rather than horizontal.
  • Epidemiology - numbering should be either bullets or not at all. 1-3 and the separately Morbidity & Mortality?
  • Clinical Presentation - too many sub-sub headings, rationalise structure.
  • Postnatal Diagnosis - table formatting should be fixed.
  • Treatment - the text is poorly written/structured, go through this and organise to make sense.
  • Current Research - no text, a simple PubMed search would show you what is going on now.
  • Glossary - does not include all terms and acronyms used in the project.

Biomed Central (exact phrase) in all fields 50 items found = 47 research articles + 3 other articles (reviews etc.)

Group 9

--Mark Hill 13:09, 8 September 2011 (EST) This is a good start in the way of sub-heading structure. The current problem is that many of these sub-headings contain no content. A previous individual assessment was to insert your text on the project page, someone has either not added their text or their are unallocated sections. Either way it makes the project look very unfinished in places. More importantly at this stage is the lack of any related images or student illustration.

  • Introduction - should be more a brief text intro rather than bullet points here.
  • History of the disease - "William-Beuren Syndrome is named after John C.P. Williams," perhaps you should start with this. Timeline, this sub-sub heading has no text.
  • Genetic factors and Etiology - could indicate the region deleted in an image.
  • Diagnosis - there is a list of descriptions that should be illustrated. seems to be an overlap with the following section (Physical Characteristics).
  • Physical Characteristics - there is no text in this section.
  • Epidemiology - shod be linked earlier to diagnosis.
  • Glossary - no descriptions. Should include all acronyms used (FISH, STR etc).
  • Referencing - formatting seems to be applied well, I have not checked at this stage that all content is correctly cited.

Biomed Central 4564 items found = 4225 research articles + 339 other articles (reviews etc.)

Group 10

--Mark Hill 12:40, 8 September 2011 (EST) There is a backbone here for content to be built upon, but many sections still lack adequate work. I would have expected more by this stage in your work.

  • There are no images added to the project page. I would have thought at least dystrophin gene, mutation hotspots, abnormal muscle, etc.
  • History/timeline - just a single entry and nothing about the entire history of this disease.
  • Epidemiology - why does it occur at this rate?
  • Aetiology - Genetics - you have used a single review source for most of your information, without locating and identifying the research literature.
    • If you intend to use the same reference more than once use the following format (without the wiki): <wiki>[1]</wiki> it will then appear as a single entry in your reference list.
  • Clinical manifestations and complications - fix the sub-sub-heading format, I do not like asterisks and italics, keep it simple.
  • Diagnosis - you could not find a suitable illustration for this point?
  • Treatment: Current and Future Prospects - Future Therapies is currently a list of terms with no adequate descriptions.
  • Minor point - references should appear after the full stops.
  • 2 case studies? get rid of this unless you have something to say here.
  • Where is the student drawn illustration?
  • Glossary - descriptions are inadequate, and in some cases just wrong.

Biomed Central Duchenne in all fields 325 items found = 301 research articles + 24 other articles (reviews etc.)

Group 11

--Mark Hill 12:11, 8 September 2011 (EST) This project shows extremely poor progress at this time. May empty sub-sections and many of you have not met the requirements as required in an earlier laboratory assessment to add your content to the project page. Given the scope of your project topic there are an enormous number of resources, which have not been researched or utilised.

  • Timeline would look better as bullet points with the date in bold as the first text.
  • Only figure added is incorrectly named File:Pierre-Joseph_Desault-jpg.jpg. I had previously contacted and asked for this to be fixed and a citation added, neither has been done.
  • I cannot provide you any further constructive comments at this stage, because there is insufficient for me to work with.

Biomed Central Cleft Palate (exact phrase) in all fields 228 items found = 214 research articles + 14 other articles (reviews etc.)

Individual Assessments

Student Number Lab 1 Lab 2 Lab 3 Lab 4 Lab 5 Lab 6

Individual Assessments

Student Number User:z3060621 User:z3217043 User:z3217345 User:z3279511 User:z3288196 User:z3288729 User:z3288827 User:z3289066 User:z3289301 User:z3289829 User:z3289991 User:z3290270 User:z3290379 User:z3290558 User:z3290618 User:z3290689 User:z3290808 User:z3290815 User:z3290841 User:z3291317 User:z3291324 User:z3291423 User:z3291622 User:z3291643 User:z3292953 User:z3293267 User:z3294943 User:z3308965 User:z3329495 User:z3330313 User:z3331469 User:z3331556 User:z3332178 User:z3332183 User:z3332250 User:z3332327 User:z3332629 User:z3332824 User:z3387190 User:z3389343 User:z3389806 User:z3391078

Student 4 Groups

Log in with student number and unipass (not zpass).

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Group 8
Group 9 Group 10

Group 11

Students with no Page

Students with no page 28 Jul Lab 1

Student 3 Groups

Log in with student number and unipass (not zpass).

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4
Group 5 Group 6 Group 7 Group 8
Group 9 Group 10 Group 11 Group 12 Test Group

Student List

Test Student 2011

  1. <pubmed>21810612</pubmed>