Embryology Historic Terminology: Difference between revisions

From Embryology
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:([[S#somite|somite]]) Historic terminology for the [[S#somite|somite]] pair seen in early embryonic development.
:([[S#somite|somite]]) Historic terminology for the [[S#somite|somite]] pair seen in early embryonic development.

===Rathke's pouch===
:The transient folding surface ectoderm from roof of the oral cavity that will form the anterior pituitary (hypophysis). in later development the connection with the oral cavity is lost. Named after Martin Heinrich Rathke (1793 – 1860)  a German embryologist and anatomist. (More? [[Endocrine - Pituitary Development|Pituitary Development]])
===Reichert's cartilage===
===Reichert's cartilage===

Revision as of 13:35, 22 September 2012


Historically many names and terminology in medicine and biology were given names based upon Latin or Greek roots. In addition, many discoveries were given names (eponyms) based upon the original discoverer or by the discoverer referring to other key researchers. Today many of these historic terms have been replaced with simplified descriptive names. This can also mean that a single structure can be identified by a range of names to confuse the unwary student.

I have attempted within the glossary to include both historic and modern equivalents. Within the notes I generally use the modern terminology and may refer to historic terms in brackets or in a terms list at the bottom of a notes page. Eventually a similar list should appear below, but there are also many good online medical glossaries that should help clarify misunderstandings.

In addition, during development an adult structure or tissue may go through a range of different intermediate forms and names, this though is not strictly a problem of terminology.

Links: Embryology History | Glossary

Historic Person/Term and (Modern) Term

ampulla of Vater

(hepatopancreatic ampulla) formed by union of pancreatic and common bile ducts, entering the duodenum at the major duodenal papilla. (More? Liver Histology)

Balbiani body

(mitochondrial cloud) Oocyte structure named after Balbiani, Edouard Gérard, 1825-1899 (Leçons sur les sporozoaires, cours d'embryogénie comparée du College de France, 1884). In 1993, Kloc et al. showed that the Balbiani body/mitochondrial cloud in Xenopus is a vehicle that transports localized RNA to the vegetal pole of the oocyte. (More? Oocyte Development)

Barker Hypothesis

(Fetal Origins Hypothesis) Term named after the researcher, Barker who began a statistical analysis in the UK, of low birth weight data (early 1900's). The hypothesis has since been renamed as the Fetal Origins Hypothesis and proposes that in utero influences can lead too permanent changes in embryo/fetus, low birth weight, which predisposes to chronic disease in adult life. (More? Fetal Origins Hypothesis)

Barr body

(inactive X chromosome) Name given to a visible cellular feature at the periphery of the nucleus, produced by the inactivation of a single X chromosome in females. Named after Murray Barr (1908 – 1995), a Canadian physician and medical researcher who first identified this cellular structure. (More? X inactivation | PMID 18120749)

Bowman's capsule

Describes the cup-shaped double epithelium surrounding the glomerulus of the nephron within the kidney. Named after Sir William Bowman (1816 - 1892), an English physician and physiologist. (More? Renal System Development | Renal Histology)

Cajal bodies

(CB) Ramon y Cajal originally identified these small nuclear organelles in cells, they have various suggested functions and are localized to the nucleolar periphery or within the nucleoli. Ramon y Cajal (1852 – 1934) was a Spanish histologist, neuroscientist, and Nobel laureate.

Call-Exner bodies

A histological feature seen in the developing ovarian follicle granulosa layer of some species, including human. Appears as a spherical space staining as an eosinophilic region and contains basal lamina components (type IV collagen and laminin) similar to thiose of the follicular basal lamina. Named named after Emma Louise Call (1847 - 1937) one of the first American women physician and Sigmund Exner (1846 – 1926) an Austrian physiologist. (More? Oocyte Development | Week 1)

Canals of Hering

(Hering's canal, intrahepatic bile ductules) Liver micro-anatomical structure. Named after Karl Ewald Konstantin Hering (1834 – 1918) a German physiologist. (More? Liver Development)

canal of Nuck

The female anatomical equivalent of the male processus vaginalis, a transient communicating channel in testes development between tunica vaginalis and peritoneal cavity. Named after Anton Nuck (1650 - 1692), a Dutch anatomist.

Cushing's syndrome

(hypercortisolism) A relatively rare metabolic hormonal disorder caused by prolonged exposure of the body’s tissues to high levels of the adrenal hormone cortisol, most commonly affects adults aged between 20 to 50 and also the obese with type 2 diabetes. (More? Endocrine - Adrenal Development | NIH - NIDDK)

Deiter's cells

(phalangeal cells, outer sustentacular cells in organ of Corti) Hearing microanatomy term named after Otto Friedrich Karl Deiters (1834 - 1863), a German anatomist and histologist from Bonn.

Deiter's nucleus

(lateral vestibular nucleus) Neural term named after Otto Friedrich Karl Deiters (1834 - 1863), a German anatomist and histologist from Bonn.

Descemet's membrane

(basement membrane of corneal posterior endothelium) Vision term first named (1758) after Jean Descemet, (1732 - 1810) a Paris anatomist, surgeon and botanist. (More? Vision Development)

Down syndrome

(trisomy 21) Common name for trisomy 21, the most common human aneuploidy where an extra copy of chromosome 21 is found in the cell genome. Named after John Langdon Down ( 1828 – 1896), a British physician who described the syndrome in 1866. (More? Trisomy 21)

duct of Bellini

(collecting duct) Historic anatomical term for the papillary collecting duct within the renal medullary region of the kidney. (More? Renal System Development)


Historic embryology term for what we now call endoderm.

Gartner's duct

A female developmental abnormality caused by the persistance of the mesonephric duct (normally lost in females) when the ureteric bud fails to separate from the mesonephric duct and can generate a broad ligament cyst or vaginal cyst. Named after Hermann Treschow Gartner (1785-1827) a Danish surgeon and anatomist. (More? Genital System - Abnormalities)

Graafian follicle

(preovulatory follicle, ovulating follicle or type 8 (>1000 cells) The historic term describing most hormonally sensitive and developed antral follicle that is released by ovulation each menstrual cycle. Named after Regnier de Graaf (1641 – 1673) a Dutch anatomist and physician who described the anatomy of the uterine tube and the development of follicles in the ovary. Ovarian Follicle Stages: primordial follicle - preantral follicle - antral follicle (More? Ovary Development | Oocyte Development | Menstrual Cycle | Lecture - Fertilization | Lecture - Genital Development)

Guthrie test

A newborn blood screening test carried out for a variety of known genetic disorders. Blood is collected using a heel prick and spotted onto a test sheet to dry for later testing. (More? Guthrie test | Dr Robert Guthrie | Neonatal Diagnosis)

Hamburger Hamilton Stages

Chicken stages of development named after the 2 authors of a paper that divides the 21 days of chicken embryo development into 46 defined stages. These were published in: Series of Embryonic Chicken Growth. J. Morphology, 88 49 - 92 (1951). (More? Chicken Development | Hamburger Hamilton Stages)

Hassall's bodies

(Hassall's corpuscles) Thymus histological structures that appear in fetal development and increase in number until puberty, then decreases. Named after Arthur Hill Hassall (1817-1894) a British physician and chemist. (More? Endocrine - Thymus Development)

Haversian canal

The historic term used to describe histologically a small central canal in the Haversian system bone microstructure that contains blood vessels for osteocyte nutrition and nerves for sensation. Named after Clopton Havers (1650-1702) an English physician and anatomist. (More? Bone Development)

Haversian system

(osteon) The term used to describe the histological and micro-anatomical unit structure (principal structure) of compact bone. Consists of a central cavity surrounded by lamellar bone matrix within which osteocytes reside. The central cavity or canal (Haversian canal) contains blood vessels for osteocyte nutrition and nerves for sensation. (More? Bone Development | Lecture - Musculoskeletal | Practical - Bone Development)

Hensen's node

(primitive node, primitive knot, Spemann's organizer) Small circular region located at the cranial end of the primitive streak, where gastrulation occurs, and is a controller of this process. Named after Victor Hensen (1835 - 1924) a German embryologist who first described the structure in the rabbit. (More? PMID 11170350 | Rabbit Development)

Hirschsprung's Disease

(intestinal aganglionosis, aganglionic colon, megacolon, congenital aganglionic megacolon) Gastrointestinal tract abnormality due to a lack of enteric nervous system (neural ganglia) in the intestinal tract responsible for gastric motility (peristalsis). In general, its severity is dependent upon the amount of the GIT that lacks intrinsic ganglia, due to an earlier developmental lack of neural crest migration into those segments. Historically, Hirschsprung's disease takes its name from Dr Harald Hirschsprung (1830-1916) a Danish pediatrician (of German extraction). (More? Neural Crest System - Abnormalities | Neural Crest Development | Gastrointestinal Tract Development)

Hofbauer cells

Cells found within placental villi connective tissue. Have a role as macrophages of mesenchymal origin with potentially additional functions (remodeling, vasculogenesis, regulation of stromal water content). (More? Placenta Development)

Howship's lacuna

(resorptive bay) The historic histological name for the shallow bay or cavity lying directly under an osteoclast located at the site of bone remodeling. This microscopic extracellular matrix space represents the site of bone matrix resorption by the osteoclast. (More? Musculoskeletal System - Bone Development)

Hunter's ligament

(ligamentum teres, ligamentum teres uteri) The round ligament of uterus which maintains the ventral uterine position.

Huxley's layer

(cell layer lying inside Henle's layer hair follicle root-sheath) Named after Thomas Henry Huxley (1825 - 1895) an English anatomist and naturalist.

Jacobson's organ

(vomeronasal organ, VNO) A neural structure forming part of olfactory system that functions in the detection of pheromones. Named after Ludwig Lewin Jacobson (1783 – 1843) a Danish surgeon who identified it in 1813. (More? Sensory - Smell Development | Historic textbook | Image - 28mm human embryo)

Kolliker's organ

(Kollicker's organ, greater epithelial ridge) A developing cochlear structure consisting of columnar-shaped supporting cells filling the inner sulcus and lying directly under the tectorial membrane. This transient organ regresses and generates the space of the inner sulcus. Named after Rudolph Albert von Kolliker (1817-1905). (More? Inner Ear Development | Hearing)

Lee-Boot Effect

Reproductive change in female mice housed together (in groups) results in a synchronization of their estrus cycles. In addition, the extended absence of male pheromones leads to a state of anestrus (lack of a normal estrus cycle). (More? Mouse Estrous Cycle)

Leydig cell

(interstitial cell) Male gonad (testis) cell which secrete the androgen testosterone, beginning in the fetus. These cells are named after Franz von Leydig (1821 - 1908) a German scientist who histologically described these cells. (More? Male Development | Genital System Development | Lecture - Genital Development)

Marquette method

(MM) A natural family planning technique used as a method of avoiding pregnancy, named after Marquette University. Couples track their fertility by self-observation of cervical mucus, by use of an electronic monitor that measures urinary levels of estrone-3-glucuronide and luteinizing hormone, and by use of basal body temperature. (More? Menstrual Cycle | PMID18997569)

Meckel's cartilage

A temporary cartilage located in the first pharyngeal arch (mandibular component) that forms the template for formation of the mandible and middle ear bones. Named after Johann Friedrich Meckel, the Younger a German anatomist (1781 - 1833). (More? Head Development | Johann Friedrich Meckel)

Meckel's diverticulum

(omphalomesenteric duct malformation) Gastrointestinal tract developmental abnormality due to persistence of the early vitelline duct region. Named after Johann Friedrich Meckel (1781 - 1833) the Younger, a German anatomist. (More? Gastrointestinal Abnormalities | Gastrointestinal Tract Development | omphalomesenteric duct malformations)

Meissner's plexus

(submucosal plexus) Part of the enteric nervous system lying in the submucosa layer of the gastrointestinal tract. Embryologically derived from neural crest cells. Named after Georg Meissner (1829-1905) a German histologist, physiologist and anatomist.(More? Gastrointestinal Tract Development | Neural Crest Development)

Morgagni's glands

(Littré's glands) Mucus secreting glands off the male urethra.

Moro reflex

(startle reflex) Clinical term describing a primitive reflex, an involuntary response (reflex) that is present at birth and that normally disappears after 3 or 4 months. The reflex has 4 parts: startle; abduction of the upper limbs (spreading out arms); adduction of the upper limbs (unspreading the arms); crying (usually, but may be absent). Preterm birth infants (28 to 33 weeks) have an incomplete form of this reflex and postnatal persistence (beyond 4 or 5 months) occurs in infants with severe neurological defects. (More? Neural Exam - Newborn reflexes - Moro | Neural System Development | Neonatal Development | Medline Plus - Moro reflex)

Müllerian duct

(paramesonephric duct) An embryonic paired duct system that will form the epithelial lining of female reproductive organs: utererine tube, uterus, upper vaginal canal. This duct system degenerate in male gonadal development. Named after Johannes Peter Müller (1801-1858) a German scientist. (More? Genital - Female Development | Genital System Development)

Müllerian Inhibiting Substance

(MIS, Anti-Mullerian Hormone, AMH, Mullerian inhibiting hormone, MIH). A sertoli cell secreted glycoprotein (transforming growth factor-beta, TGF-beta superfamily) that regulates gonadal and genital tract development. The main role is to inhibit paramesonephric duct (Müllerian) development in males. Postnatally, after puberty it is also expressed in females by ovarian granulosa cells and has a role in follicle development. (More? Testis Development | OMIM - AMH)

Nitabuch's layer

(fibrinoid layer) The layer formed at maternal/fetal interface during placentation and is thought to act to prevent excessively deep conceptus implantation. Fibrin-type fibrinoid (maternal blood-clot product) and matrix-type fibrinoid (secreted by invasive extravillous trophoblast cells). (More? Placenta Development)

omphalomesenteric artery

(vitelline artery) An embryonic artery carrying blood to the yolk sac from the embryo. (More? Cardiovascular System Development | Lecture - Early Vascular Development)

omphalomesenteric duct

(vitelline duct, yolk stalk) A connection through the umbilicus between the yolk sac to the primitive gut that disappears at 8 to 9 weeks of gestation. Many developmental abnormalities are associated with failure of the vitelline duct to resorb, most commonly Meckel's diverticulum. (More? Gastrointestinal Tract Development | Embryonic folding animation | omphalomesenteric duct malformations)

omphalomesenteric vein

(vitelline vein) Embryonic vessels providing the venous pole input into the heart from the yolk sac connected at the umbilicus. (More? Cardiovascular System Development | Lecture - Early Vascular Development)

Peyer's patches

(Gut-Associated Lymphoid Tissue, GALT) Immune structure located in the ileum and appendix (lying between the lamina propria to the submucosa). These immune system structures are the first line of protection against ingested infectious agents. (More? Gastrointestinal Tract)

Petit's canal

The canal between the anterior and posterior suspensory ligaments of the lens of the eye. (More? Historic - The Ciliary Body and Iris)

Pouch of Douglas

(rectouterine pouch or rectovaginal) A female anatomical region describing the portion of the peritoneal cavity lying between the back wall of the uterus and rectum. (More? Coelomic Cavity Development)

primitive segment

(somite) Historic terminology for the somite pair seen in early embryonic development.

Rathke's pouch

The transient folding surface ectoderm from roof of the oral cavity that will form the anterior pituitary (hypophysis). in later development the connection with the oral cavity is lost. Named after Martin Heinrich Rathke (1793 – 1860) a German embryologist and anatomist. (More? Pituitary Development)

Reichert's cartilage

Neural crest forming the cartilage band of the second pharyngeal arch. (More? Head Development)

Reichert's membrane

Early rodent development, a thick multilayered basement membrane between the parietal endoderm cells and the trophoblast cells. This membrane has contentious origins, and has been suggested to begin with the formation of a basement membrane of the mural trophoblast cells, subsequent growth is from primitive endoderm cell depositions. (More? Mouse Development | PMID 8651512)

Rouget cell

(pericyte) Historic term named after Rouget, C. for a cell found surrounding small blood vessels, now called a vascular pericyte. (More? Cardiovascular System - Blood Vessel Development | PMID 17162534)

Santorini's duct

(accessory pancreatic duct, APD) A pancreatic duct which may be present as an anatomical variation due to the embryological origin of the pancreas from two pancreatic buds (dorsal and ventral). Named after Giovanni Domenico Santorini (1681 - 1737) an Italian anatomist who dissecting and delineating many anatomical features. Note the main pancreatic duct (MPD) from the dorsal bud, present in the body and tail of the pancreas (also called Wirsung's duct). (More? Gastrointestinal Tract Development | Lecture - Gastrointestinal Development | Endocrine - Pancreas Development)

Schmidt-Lanterman cleft

(medullary segments) A histological term describing the small amounts of Schwann cell cytoplasm located within the myelin sheath surrounding a myelinated neuronal axon. These spaces form channels for nutrient and other substances to be exchanged. (More? Neural System Development)

Seessel's pouch

In early head development, an endodermal bud underlying the nasofrontal bud will form Sessel's pouch which later degenerates. In the chick embryo, this structure patterns first the nasal septum and later the nasal capsule, the ethmoid bone, and the upper beak. (More? Chicken Development)

Sertoli cell

The supporting cells in the testes (male gonad) that induce primordial germ cells to commit to sperm development. Support is nutritional and mechanical, as well as forming a blood-testis barrier. In development these cells secrete anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH), which causes the Mullerian duct (paramesonephric duct) to regress, and help to induce other somatic cells to differentiate into Leydig cells. The cells are named after Enrico Sertoli (1842 - 1910), and italian physiologist and histologist. (More? Genital System Development | Lecture - Genital Development | Enrico Sertoli)

Stenson's duct

(parotid duct) Historic term for the major duct of the parotid gland that allows salivary gland secretions to empty into the oral cavity. Named after Niels Stensen (1638 - 1686) a Danish anatomist, natural scientist, and theologist.

space of Nuel

Within the cochlea, an organ of Corti space between the outer pillar cells and the phalangeal and hair cells. Named after Jean-Pierre Nuel (1847-1920) a Belgian ophthalmologist. (More? Inner Ear Development)

von Ebner's fissure

Somite division furrow that divides each somite into a cranial and caudal half. The caudal half has a dense cellular packing compared to the crainial half. This region is located at the adult intervertebral boundary. Named after von Ebner (1842 - 1925), an Austrian anatomist and histologist who identified this region in 1888. (More? Axial Skeleton Development)

von Ebner's glands

Salivary glands (Ebner's glands) located at the base of the circumvallate papillae on the posterior dorsal surface of the tongue. (More? Tongue Development)

Waldeyer's ring

Historical name for the anatomical "ring" of lymphoid tissue in the pharynx (adenoids, tubal tonsils, palatine tonsils, lingual tonsils). Named after Heinrich Wilhelm Gottfried von Waldeyer-Hartz (1836 - 1921) a German anatomist.

Waldeyer's glands

Sweat glands in the attached edge of the eyelid, usually prominent in the lower lid margin.

Wharton's jelly

Placental cord (umbilical cord) gelatinous connective tissue composed of myofibroblast-like stromal cells, collagen fibers, and proteoglycans. Increases in volume (myxomatous, connective tissue embedded in mucus) at parturition (birth) to assist closure of placental blood vessels. Matrix cells from Wharton's jelly have recently been identified as a potential source of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC), also called mesenchymal stromal cell. This placental cord substance is named after Thomas Wharton (1614-1673) an English physician and anatomist who first described this placental tissue. (More? Placenta Development | Placenta - Histology | Stem Cells)

Whitten Effect

Reproductive change in female mice either singly or housed together (in groups) can be induced into estrus by exposure to male mouse urine or their dirty bedding. (More? Mouse Development | Mouse Estrous Cycle)

Wirsung's duct

(main pancreatic duct, MPD) An anatomical gastrointestinal duct located present in the body and tail of the adult pancreas connecting it to the duodenum. Embryonically, the duct initially forms within the dorsal pancreatic bud. Named after Johann Georg Wirsung (1589 - 1643) a German physician who worked as a prosector in Padua and discovered the duct in a cadaver in 1642. Note an accessory pancreatic duct (APD, or Santorini's duct) may be present as an anatomical variation due to the embryological origin of the pancreas from two pancreatic buds (dorsal and ventral). (More? Gastrointestinal Tract Development | Lecture - Gastrointestinal Tract Development | Endocrine - Pancreas Development)

Wolffian body

Historic name for the developing combined renal (mesonephros) and genital (paramesonephrotic blastema) structures. This term is no longer used in describing development. Named after Caspar Friedrich Wolff (1733-1794), a German scientist and early embryology researcher and is said to have established the doctrine of germ layers. (More? Renal System Development | Genital System Development | Caspar Friedrich Wolff)

Wolffian duct

mesonephric duct, preferred terminology), A developmental duct that runs from the mesonephros to cloaca. The duct in male differentiates to form the ductus deferens and in female the same structure regresses. Historically named after Caspar Friedrich Wolff (1733-1794), a German scientist and early embryology researcher and is said to have established the doctrine of germ layers. (More? Genital - Male Development | Genital System Development | Lecture - Genital Development | Caspar Friedrich Wolff)

External Links

External Links Notice - The dynamic nature of the internet may mean that some of these listed links may no longer function. If the link no longer works search the web with the link text or name. Links to any external commercial sites are provided for information purposes only and should never be considered an endorsement. UNSW Embryology is provided as an educational resource with no clinical information or commercial affiliation.

  • Who Named It? - A comprehensive dictionary of medical eponyms. The stories of diseases, conditions , medical syndromes and the people whose names they carry.

Glossary Comments

Use this page to access brief definitions of specific embryology terms. Additional information can be accessed from links listed at the end of each definition. Glossary from the UNSW Embryology program compiled and written by Dr Mark Hill. Reference material used in preparing this glossary list includes: texts listed on page 1 "Reading" of each notes section, Department of Anatomy Publications, WWW resources from NCBI, NIH, OMIM, NHMRC (Australia), AMA (USA), Office of Rare Diseases (USA), PubMed Medline Dictionaries, MSDS, Merck Manual home edn. and WHO ART terminology (2009).

These notes are for Educational Purposes Only Please email Dr Mark Hill if you wish to make a comment about this current project.

Glossary Links

Glossary: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Numbers | Symbols | Term Link

Cite this page: Hill, M.A. (2024, June 10) Embryology Embryology Historic Terminology. Retrieved from https://embryology.med.unsw.edu.au/embryology/index.php/Embryology_Historic_Terminology

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