
From Embryology
    2017 Project Groups
Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 Group 6































Mark Hill - Lab 1 page

Here is the Student Page demonstration page I showed in the Practical class.

Use this page to practice editing and don't forget to add a topic to the 2017 Group Project 6 page.

Peer Review

Group 1

Overall the project was very good and clear. Pictures were well placed and bullet points spaced out information, making the page easy to look at and follow. The layout of the beginning and end sections with the short paragraphs and interspersed bullet points broke up the information and highlighted key facts. The introduction was a good overview of the page, including a quick summary of the anatomy, function, and development of the cerebral cortex.

There were some basic grammatical and spelling errors (e.g. “neurons” is spelled wrong under the subheading “Layer 4”), but for the most part did not take away from the clarity of the page. One sentence, “From there three primary vesicles, there is a further division at the anterior extremity of the medullary canal into five secondary vesicles during week five,” seems to be missing something at the beginning that would increase clarity.

Some pictures had a lot of information in the summary when clicking on them while others lacked sufficient information. Some pictures that could benefit from more information are Corticogenesis of mouse and humans.jpeg, SBH.png, Disorders of Cortical Formation2.png, Symptoms of microcephaly.png, Hemimegalencephaly.png, and SchizencephalicBrain.jpg. These pictures are relevant to the topic and are pretty self-explanatory so this does not take away much clarity from the page but for the parameters of the project, additional summary should be added. The picture Stage22 HPA2L.jpg has good information in the summary but it is oddly structured. FASface.jpeg does not have any copyright information included. Having Gray754.png displayed on the page rather than as a link would look better.

The video describing the functions of the cerebral cortex was a good introduction to that topic. The video was easy to watch and understand. The first video about corpus callosum agenesis was a good introduction to the topic, but the second video about corpus callosum agenesis was long and the lecturer was hard to understand. That subheading would benefit from a brief description of that topic rather that a long video explanation.

The switch from a mix of bullets and short paragraphs to all bullet points in Anatomy of the Cerebral Cortex makes the page look less cohesive. The last bullet point in Layer 4 is hard to understand and the last 2 bullet points in Layer 5 would flow better if they were combined. The information in these sections are good and relatively easy to follow.

Overall the project is very good. The table explaining the timetable of cortex development is a clear way to break down the topic. Breaking down the information of abnormal development into what went wrong in the embryology (e.g. migration problems vs. differentiation problems) highlights importance of embryology in congenital disorders. There is a lot of information about the abnormal development of the cortex but could use some information about past and current research and animal studies. Reference list at the end looks good but the in-text citations of abnormal development should be interspersed with the information rather than all at the beginning.

Group 5

The project has a very good lay-out and is written relatively clearly. The table with the developmental timeline and historical discoveries of those developmental stages is excellent and the images that go along with each stage are relevant and have a summary and the appropriate copyright information when you click on them. Some pictures on the page do not have the appropriate copyright information or a summary of them when clicking on them that still needs to be added. In-text citations need to be added to a lot of the sections. There are 7 in-text citations at the beginning of the references section that do not refer to any specific information that should be moved to the appropriate information.

The information in the project is good and you explain studies that have been done to determine this information throughout the project which is an effective way to describe past and current research. There is currently no information under “Current understandings and areas of research” and “Future questions,” but these headings could potentially just be eliminated.

The project is relatively clear but a couple things could be added, changed, or moved to add more clarity. There are some basic grammatical issues and spelling errors that can easily be fixed (e.g. “These branching structures involve are regulated by a network of signalling factors”). In “Developmental signalling processes,” adding whether each signalling molecule is either a ligand, receptor, or transcription factor (e.g. Sox9 is a transcription factor, SHH is a ligand, and HS-GAG is a receptor), what cells these molecules are expressed in, and which cells these molecules act on (if different than where they’re expressed) may make this section clearer. In “Animal Models” the introduction of mouse models would make more sense if there was an explanation of the mice used in the studies (i.e. what strains of mice are used, how are they genetically modified, do these mutations result in a KO, etc.) rather than just the genes being looked at.

Overall good project. Referencing needs to be fixed, summary and copyright information needs to be added to some pictures, and blank subheadings either need information or should be eliminated. The information in the project is good, the lay-out is good, the interspersed information about research is good, and the pictures support the information well.

Lil Embryo

Chicken embryo E-cad and P-cad gastrulation.png

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 2017 ANAT2341 - Timetable | Course Outline | Group Projects | Moodle | Tutorial 1 | Tutorial 2 | Tutorial 3

Labs: 1 Fertility and IVF | 2 ES Cells to Genome Editing | 3 Preimplantation and Early Implantation | 4 Reproductive Technology Revolution | 5 Cardiac and Vascular Development | 6 CRISPR-Cas9 | 7 Somitogenesis and Vertebral Malformation | 8 Organogenesis | 9 Genetic Disorders | 10 Melanocytes | 11 Stem Cells | 12 Group

Lectures: 1 Introduction | 2 Fertilization | 3 Week 1/2 | 4 Week 3 | 5 Ectoderm | 6 Placenta | 7 Mesoderm | 8 Endoderm | 9 Research Technology | 10 Cardiovascular | 11 Respiratory | 12 Neural crest | 13 Head | 14 Musculoskeletal | 15 Limb | 16 Renal | 17 Genital | 18 Endocrine | 19 Sensory | 20 Fetal | 21 Integumentary | 22 Birth | 23 Stem cells | 24 Revision

 Student Projects: 1 Cortex | 2 Kidney | 3 Heart | 4 Eye | 5 Lung | 6 Cerebellum