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midgut herniation

The part of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) lying between the stomach and anus, is described as the intestines or bowel. This region is further divided anatomically and functionally into the small intestine or bowel (duodenum, jejunum and ileum) and large intestine or bowel (cecum and colon). Initially development concerns the midgut region, connected to the yolk sac, and the hindgut region, ending at the cloacal membrane. This is followed by two mechanical processes of elongation and rotation. Elongation, growth in length, leaves the midgut "herniated" at the umbilicus and external to the abdomen. Rotation, around a mesentery axis, establishes the anatomical position of the large intestine within the peritoneal space.

Migration of neural crest cells into the wall establishes the enteric nervous system, which has a role in peristalsis and secretion. Prenatally, secretions also accumulate in this region and are the first postnatal bowel movement, the meconium.

The small intestine grows in length rapidly in the last trimester, at birth it is about half the eventual adult length (More? Small Intestine Length). Like most of the gut, this region is not "functional" until after birth, when development continues by populating the large intestine with commensal bacteria and the establishment of the immune structure in the wall.

GIT Links: Introduction | Medicine Lecture | Science Lecture | endoderm | mouth | oesophagus | stomach | liver | gallbladder | Pancreas | intestine | mesentery | tongue | taste | enteric nervous system | Stage 13 | Stage 22 | gastrointestinal abnormalities | Movies | Postnatal | milk | tooth | salivary gland | BGD Lecture | BGD Practical | GIT Terms | Category:Gastrointestinal Tract
GIT Histology Links: Upper GIT | Salivary Gland | Smooth Muscle Histology | Liver | Gallbladder | Pancreas | Colon | Histology Stains | Histology | GIT Development
Historic Embryology - Gastrointestinal Tract  
1878 Alimentary Canal | 1882 The Organs of the Inner Germ-Layer The Alimentary Tube with its Appended Organs | 1884 Great omentum and transverse mesocolon | 1902 Meckel's diverticulum | 1902 The Organs of Digestion | 1903 Submaxillary Gland | 1906 Liver | 1907 Development of the Digestive System | 1907 Atlas | 1907 23 Somite Embryo | 1908 Liver | 1908 Liver and Vascular | 1910 Mucous membrane Oesophagus to Small Intestine | 1910 Large intestine and Vermiform process | 1911-13 Intestine and Peritoneum - Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 5 | Part 6 | 1912 Digestive Tract | 1912 Stomach | 1914 Digestive Tract | 1914 Intestines | 1914 Rectum | 1915 Pharynx | 1915 Intestinal Rotation | 1917 Entodermal Canal | 1918 Anatomy | 1921 Alimentary Tube | 1932 Gall Bladder | 1939 Alimentary Canal Looping | 1940 Duodenum anomalies | 2008 Liver | 2016 GIT Notes | Historic Disclaimer
Human Embryo: 1908 13-14 Somite Embryo | 1921 Liver Suspensory Ligament | 1926 22 Somite Embryo | 1907 23 Somite Embryo | 1937 25 Somite Embryo | 1914 27 Somite Embryo | 1914 Week 7 Embryo
Animal Development: 1913 Chicken | 1951 Frog
Historic Embryology: 1912 Small Intestine | 1912 large Intestine

Some Recent Findings

Model for cloacal septation[1]
  • Digestive Tract in Human Embryos Between Carnegie Stages 11 and 13[2] "We selected 37 human embryos at Carnegie Stage (CS) 11-CS13 (28-33 days after fertilization) and three-dimensionally analyzed the morphology and positioning of the digestive tract and derived primordia in all samples, using images reconstructed from histological serial sections. The digestive tract was initially formed by a narrowing of the yolk sac, and then several derived primordia such as the pharynx, lung, stomach, liver, and dorsal pancreas primordia differentiated during CS12 (21-29 somites) and CS13 (≥ 30 somites). The differentiation of four pairs of pharyngeal pouches was complete in all CS13 embryos. The respiratory primordium was recognized in ≥ 26-somite embryos and it flattened and then branched at CS13. The trachea formed and then elongated in ≥ 35-somite embryos. The stomach adopted a spindle shape in all ≥ 34-somite embryos, and the liver bud was recognized in ≥ 27-somite embryos. The dorsal pancreas appeared as definitive buddings in all but three CS13 embryos, and around these buddings, the small intestine bent in ≥ 33-somite embryos. In ≥ 35-somite embryos, the small intestine rotated around the cranial-caudal axis and had begun to form a primitive intestinal loop, which led to umbilical herniation."
  • Review - How to make an intestine[3] With the high prevalence of gastrointestinal disorders, there is great interest in establishing in vitro models of human intestinal disease and in developing drug-screening platforms that more accurately represent the complex physiology of the intestine. We will review how recent advances in developmental and stem cell biology have made it possible to generate complex, three-dimensional, human intestinal tissues in vitro through directed differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells.
  • Bmp7 functions via a polarity mechanism to promote cloacal septation[1] "During normal development in human and other placental mammals, the embryonic cloacal cavity separates along the axial longitudinal plane to give rise to the urethral system, ventrally, and the rectum, dorsally. Defects in cloacal development are very common and present clinically as a rectourethral fistula in about 1 in 5,000 live human births. Yet, the cellular mechanisms of cloacal septation remain poorly understood. ...Our results strongly indicate that Bmp7/JNK signaling regulates remodeling of the cloacal endoderm resulting in a topological separation of the urinary and digestive systems. Our study points to the importance of Bmp and JNK signaling in cloacal development and rectourethral malformations."
  • Fgf9 signaling regulates small intestinal elongation and mesenchymal development [4] "Short bowel syndrome is an acquired condition in which the length of the small intestine is insufficient to perform its normal absorptive function. ...These data suggest a model in which epithelial-derived Fgf9 stimulates intestinal mesenchymal stem cells (iMSCs) that in turn regulate underlying mesenchymal fibroblast proliferation and differentiation at least in part through inhibition of Tgfbeta signaling in the mesenchyme."
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<pubmed limit=5>Intestine Embryology</pubmed>

Adult Small Intestine

Duodenum cartoon.jpg Jejunum and ileum cartoon.jpg
Duodenum Jejunum and ileum
  • Duodenum (adult 25 cm length)
  • Jejunum (adult 1.4 m length)
  • Ileum (adult 3.5 m length)

The adult ileum contains specialised aggregated lymphoid nodules known as Peyer's patches.

Intestine histology 001.jpg Peyer's patch 01.jpg
Adult jejunum histology Adult ileum Peyer's patches

See small intestine or bowel length (see also Fetal Intestine Length and Small Intestine Length)

Large intestine or bowel

  • Cecum (caecum)
    • Vermiform appendix ("appendix", adult 2 to 20 cm length)
  • Colon
    • Ascending colon (adult 25 cm length)
    • Transverse colon
    • Descending colon
    • Sigmoid colon

Intestinal Functions

Small Intestine

  • absorption of nutrients and minerals found in food
  • Duodenum -principal site for iron absorption


  • connects the ileum with the ascending colon
  • separated by the ileocecal valve (ICV, Bauhin's valve)
  • connected to the vermiform appendix ("appendix")


  • absorbs fluid, water and salts, from solid wastes
  • site of commensal bacteria (flora) fermentation of unabsorbed material

Embryonic Development

Week 4


Colour code:

  • Foregut - oropharyngeal membrane, oesophagus, pharynx (dark salmon - Foregut, oropharyngeal membrane, oesophagus, pharynx)
  • Trachea and Lung Buds (dark blue - Trachea and Lung Buds)
  • Mesonephros (yellow - mesonephros)
  • Mesonephric Ducts (light blue - mesonephric ducts)
  • Hindgut and Cloaca (brown - hindgut and cloaca)
 ‎‎GIT Stage 13
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Week 7

Small intestine secondary loops week 7 to 8

Human embryo small intestine secondary loops (week 7 to 8).[5]

Week 8

 ‎‎GIT Stage 22
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Stage 22 image 088.jpg Stage 22 image 089.jpg

Late embryonic small intestine commencing at the duodenum, continuing as ventrally herniated and returning to join the colon.

Small intestine tertiary loops week 8

Small intestine tertiary loops week 8. [5]

Links: Carnegie stage 22 | Week 8


Normal intestinal rotation cartoon.jpg

Normal intestinal rotation[6]

Fetal Intestine Length

Fetal small Intestine length growth graph.jpg Fetal large Intestine length growth graph.jpg
Fetal small Intestine length growth Fetal Large Intestine length growth

Data from [7][8]

Small Intestine Length

Small intestine growth in length is initially linear (first half pregnancy to 32 cm CRL), followed by rapid growth in the last 15 weeks doubling the overall length. Growth continues postnatally but after 1 year slows again to a linear increase to adulthood.[9]

Age (weeks gestational age) Average Length (cm)
20 125
30 200
term 275
1 year postnatal 380
5 years 450
10 years 500
20 years 575

Table data based upon 8 published reports of necropsy measurement of 1010 guts.[9]


The appendix (vermiform appendix, vermix) is a finger-like diverticulum located anatomically at the cecum, the junction between the small and large intestines (colon). The length (2.5-13 cm) is longer in both infants and children and also has more abundant lymphatic tissue in early life. The wall structure is similar to the small intestine (though with no villi), nor plicae circularis. Its immune function is associated with the many lymph nodules surrounding the lumen that extend from the mucosa into the submucosa. It has also been suggested as a repository for beneficial intestinal microflora. See also the review comparing the appendix in different species.[10]

There appears to be a developmental anatomical differences in the fetal position of the appendix in males and females.[11] In the fetus, lymphocyte aggregates first appear in this region during the second trimester, week 15 (GA week 17).[12]

Historically, Berengario da Carpi (1460-c.1530) in Commentaria cum amplissimis additionibus super Anatomia Mundini (1521) was the first to describe the human appendix.

Links: Immune System Development | Lecture - Lymphatic Structure and Organs


Anatomically the distal third of the transverse colon and the splenic flexure, the descending colon, sigmoid colon and rectum. The developmental timing of the anus and rectum formation[13] in human embryos of the Carnegie Collection has been previously carried out (1974). A more recent study[14] has also been made of the Kyoto Collection embryos.

There has been some recent controversy over the "anal membrane" formation.

A recent study hindgut and anorectum development in human embryos shows that Wnt5a is active in this region prior to anus formation, when it is down-regulated.[15]

Other studies - PMID 19496155 PMID 10504783 PMID 9562679 PMID 9243909 PMID 21708335 (rat)

Intestinal Motility

The enteric nervous system neural crest-derived neurons interacts with the circular and longitudinal smooth muscle layers and the interstitial cells of Cajal to generate motility. The developmental timing data shown below is from a recent review.[16]

Neural Crest

week 5 - migrating neural crest cells reach the midgut

week 7 - neural crest cells have colonized the entire gut

  • colonization occurs in a rostro-caudal sequence

Myenteric plexus (Auerbach's plexus, named after Leopold Auerbach (1828–1897) a German anatomist and neuropathologist.)

  • is first formed plexus
  • lies between the outer longitudinal and inner circular layers of muscularis externa
  • provides motor innervation to both layers
  • secretomotor innervation to the mucosa
  • has both parasympathetic and sympathetic input

Submucosal Plexus (Meissner's plexus, named after Georg Meissner (1829–1905) a German anatomist and physiologist.)

  • forms 2-3 days after the myenteric plexus
  • formed by cells migrating from the myenteric plexus
  • innervates smooth muscle of the muscularis mucosae
  • has only parasympathetic fibers

Smooth Muscle

week 8 - esophagus circular muscle

week 11 - hindgut circular muscle

week 14 - hindgut concentric muscularis mucosae, circular muscle, and longitudinal muscle

Interstitial Cells of Cajal

Interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) are electrical pacemaker cells within the gastrointestinal tract smooth muscle. They create the basal (slow waves) rhythm required for contraction and peristalsis. They are mesodermal in origin.

weeks 7-9 - cells initially appear

week 11 - distinct clusters

week 12-14 - clustered around myenteric ganglia along the entire gut

Links: Neural Crest Development


Abnormality Links: Gastrointestinal Tract - Abnormalities | Intestine Development | Gastrointestinal Tract

Cite this page: Hill, M.A. (2024, June 26) Embryology Gastrointestinal Tract - Intestine Development. Retrieved from

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© Dr Mark Hill 2024, UNSW Embryology ISBN: 978 0 7334 2609 4 - UNSW CRICOS Provider Code No. 00098G
Links: Gastrointestinal Tract - Abnormalities | Image - Small intestine duplication

Appendix Duplication

Appendix duplication is an extremely rare congenital anomaly (0.004% to 0.009% of appendectomy specimens) first classified according to their anatomic location by Cave in 1936[17] and a later modified by Wallbridge in 1963[18], subsequently two more types of appendix abnormalities have been identified.[19][20]

Modified Cave-Wallbridge Classification (table from[21])

Classification of types
of appendix duplication
A Single cecum with various degrees of incomplete duplication
B1 (bird type) Two appendixes symmetrically placed on either side of the ileocecal valve
B2 (tenia coli type) ne appendix arises from the cecum at the usual site, and the second

appendix branches from the cecum along the lines of the tenia at various distances from the first

B3 One appendix arises from the usual site, and the second appendix arises from

the hepatic flexura

B4 One appendix arises from the usual site, and the second appendix arises from

the splenic flexura

C Double cecum, each with an appendix
Horseshoe appendix One appendix has two openings into a common cecum
Triple appendix One appendix arises from the cecum at the usual site, and two additional appendixes arise from the colon

Short Bowel Syndrome

Short bowel syndrome (SBS) results typically due to developmental abnormalities, extensive intestinal resection during the neonatal period, or necrotising enterolitis.[22]

  • reduces gut function for digestion and absorption of nutrients (intestinal failure).

Links: PubMed Health | Better Health

Molecular Factors

  • Cdx (Caudal-type homeobox) group of ParaHox genes (mouse Cdx1, Cdx2 and Cdx4)[23]
  • FGF9


  1. 1.0 1.1 <pubmed>22253716</pubmed>
  2. <pubmed>26995337</pubmed>
  3. <pubmed>24496613</pubmed>| Development
  4. <pubmed>18653563</pubmed>
  5. 5.0 5.1 <pubmed>26297675</pubmed>
  6. <pubmed>20549505</pubmed>| PMC2908440
  7. <pubmed>3244599</pubmed>
  8. <pubmed>16891202</pubmed>
  9. 9.0 9.1 <pubmed>1752463</pubmed>| PMC1379160 | Gut.
  10. <pubmed>11135184</pubmed>
  11. <pubmed>11316934</pubmed>
  12. <pubmed>15173960</pubmed>
  13. de Vries PA. and Friedland GW. The staged sequential development of the anus and rectum in human embryos and fetuses. (1974) J. Pediatr. Surg., 9(5): 755-69 PMID 4424274
  14. <pubmed>23480355</pubmed>
  15. <pubmed>21431850</pubmed>
  16. <pubmed>19782301</pubmed>
  17. <pubmed>17104589</pubmed>
  18. <pubmed>13998581</pubmed>
  19. <pubmed>2772830</pubmed>
  20. <pubmed>5635427</pubmed>
  21. <pubmed>21513538</pubmed>| J Medical Case Reports | PDF
  22. <pubmed>3159212</pubmed>
  23. <pubmed>20298182</pubmed>


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Frazer JE. and Robbins RH. On the factors concerned in causing rotation of the intestine in man. (1915) J Anat. 50(1): 75-110. PMID 17233053

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Cite this page: Hill, M.A. (2024, June 26) Embryology Gastrointestinal Tract - Intestine Development. Retrieved from

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© Dr Mark Hill 2024, UNSW Embryology ISBN: 978 0 7334 2609 4 - UNSW CRICOS Provider Code No. 00098G