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'''Dorsal root ganglion stimulation'''
'''Dorsal root ganglion stimulation'''

DRG stimulation link {{#pmid: 28621025|PMID28621025}}
Over the past few years there has been profound research studies on dorsal root ganglion and its importance as a neuromodulation of pain, such research has introduced a new therapy for those suffering from Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) and other chronic pain conditions. Previously, the recommended treatment therapy for CRPS was spinal chord stimulation (SCS) which has been successful at providing significant pain relief in patients suffering from chronic neuropathic pain, CRPS and other chronic pain. Although successful and efficient SCS "tends to decay over time in patients with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)."{{#pmid: 28621025|PMID28621025}}. Which introduces a new treatment therapy known as DRGS or dorsal root ganglion stimulation, as the name suggest this approach understands the importance of DRG and therefore specifically targets the DRG in those with chronic pain.
Over the past few years there has been profound research studies on dorsal root ganglion and its importance as a neuromodulation of pain, such research has introduced a new therapy for those suffering from Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS). Previously the recommended treatment therapy for CRPS was spinal chord stimulation (SCS) which has been successful at providing significant pain relief in patients suffering from chronic neuropathic pain, CRPS and other pain. Although successful and efficient SCS "tends to decay over time in patients with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)."{{#pmid: 28621025|PMID28621025}}
The research ''DRG Stimulation as a Salvage Treatment for CRPS Refractory to Dorsal Column Spinal Cord Stimulation: A Case Series'' {{#pmid: 28621025|PMID28621025}} wanted to know if patients who once used SCS as a treatment for CRPS but were unsuccessful would have success with DRG stimulation for pain relief. The case study concluded that the patients whose t-SCS treatment was unsuccessful felt a great relief of pain when using the DRG-SCS system for treatment .


Revision as of 15:57, 18 September 2018

Projects 2018: 1 Adrenal Medulla | 3 Melanocytes | 4 Cardiac | 5 Dorsal Root Ganglion

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Dorsal Root Ganglion


Dorsal Root Ganglion is a cluster of neurone found in the dorsal root of the spinal nerve. The cells found in the ganglion develops from the neural crest migration at about 4 weeks post-conception (pc).


Embryonic Origins

Early Development

In the trunk of the embryo, a small number of neural crest cells (NCCs) migrate ventrally through the dorsal anteriorsclerotome, travelling laterally on the myotomal basal lamina to form the dorsal root ganglia, sympathetic ganglia and adrenal medulla. The differentiation of NCCs is dependent on the instructive cues from their environment when they migrate or when they reach their end destination. NCCs undergoes a epithelial-to mesenchymal transition (EMT) once they are induced to become pluripotent, triggering the division from the neural tube [1]. The EMT process, which generates neural crest cells from the neuroepithelium of the dorsal neural tube, is believed to be enhanced by bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) activation and the promotion of the Wnt Signalling pathway [2].

Developmental Process

Neural Crest Migration in Formation of the DRG

Trunk neural crest cells migrate via a ventromedial pathway on the neural tube during the fourth week of development through the anterior somite. Depending on where these cells cease their migratio will determine the structure into which they develop. The neural crest cells that will divide to form the dorsal root ganglion cease ventral migration once they have reached the area of the perisomitic vessel between the neural tube and the somites, lateral to the neural tube. [3]. Both populations of cells, those that will develop into the Schwann cells and those that will develop into DRG, follow the same migratory pattern and both precursor cells undergo significant cell death following the migration.[4]Boundary cap neural crest stem cells are some of the transient cells that give rise to the neurons and glia of the DRG.[5].

A diagram displaying the developing dorsal root ganglion and ventricular zone in a mouse embryo 12.5 days after fertilization.

Progenitor cells act as the beginning catalysts that lead the neural crest cells to differentiate into the neurons and glial cells that will comprise the DRG. Sox10+ progenitors are one of the most common progenitors that plays a role in the differentiation of the neural crest cells first into neurons and then in glia. The multipotent Sox10+ and Kit-/Kit+ cells usually differentiate into neurons or glias during later stages following migration. [6] TrkA, a nociceptor, and TrkB/TrkC, mechanoreceptors and proprioceptors, are the three classes of neurons that form the DRG following the end of the neural crest migration.[7]. The precursors that shape the development of TrkB and TrkC neurons are produced first, followed quickly by the precursors that shape the development of TrkA.[8].

After migration and at the beginning of formation, the DRG only is made up of a core section, which is covered by undifferentiated progenitor cells. [9] . These progenitor cells specifically reside in the dorsal pole and root. [9]

Ngn1 and Ngn2 are transcription factors that shape DRG's role in the sensory system. These transcription factors act as some of the first factors in signaling neurogenesis in the DRG, which marks the beginning of differentiation.[10] Ngn1 helps to enhance the transcription of the mylinated TrkB,TrkC, and TrkA axons, while Ngn1 follows this action with control of both nonmylinated and mylinated axons. Furthermore, the morphogen Wnt1 is also recognized as having an important role in sensory development.[8]. Ngn2 leads to the first initiation of neurogenesis. [9]

Many receptor kinases also aid in the migration and formation of DRG, specifically ErbB family with erbb2 and erbb3.[10]

Neural Crest cells, once they reach the area of DRG propagation, display two different migration patterns in the formation. The cells that proliferate in the core of the DRG, after ipsilateral migration from the dorsal midline, lead to the generation of the TrkB and TrkC neurons. The second population, which proliferate in the peripheral area of the DRG after following either an ipsilateral or contralateral path, leads to the generation of TrkA neurons in this area. [9]

Neuron Development

The SOX2 transcription factor plays a large role in the individual differentiation of of the neuronal and glial populations within the Dorsal Root Ganglion. [11] Due to its role in differentiation, alterations to transcriptional levels can prevent the natural neurogenesis of DRG neurons. SOX2 is thought to be bound to the progenitors NGN1 and MASH1 via a promoter region. [11]

Glial Development

Schwaan cells are an important glial cell that myelinate peripheral neural axons in order to increase the speed of action potential conduction in the adult peripheral nervous system. In embryonic development, schwaan cell precursors are derived from neural crest cells. Schwaan cells also have the capacity to derive melanocytes through schwaan to melanocyte differentiation that can occur to its retained multipotency. [12]

Adult Function

The dorsal root ganglia is the primary structure that transmits sensory information from primary afferent neurons to the spinal cord. It holds the cell bodies of these primary afferent bipolar neurons, and from these neurons, sensory information is transmitted to the central nervous system and processed in both the brain and spinal cord. DRG neurons can process both external stimuli, such as pain, or internal stimuli, such as inflammation. [13] Between the cell bodies are layers of satellite glial cells. [14] Specifically for pain sensation, the purinergic receptor P2X3 has been short to be activated in the DRG by ATP. The calcitonin gene related peptide that is expressed in the DRG is similarly involved in inflammatory processes. [15] There are a few different subpopulations of DRG neurons, and each population plays a specific role in different types of sensations. For instance, the A and C nerve fibers show both different sizes of myelination and soma size that correspond to the role they play in the PNS. [13]

Tissue Structure

The Dorsal root ganglion structure is less defined by its shape but by its function. The dorsal root ganglion is a cluster of neurons located in the dorsal root of the spinal cord . They have long axons known as afferents that are long so they can extend from dendrites on the skin to other tissues and organs throughout the body such as muscles,tendons,joints then to the brain. DRG neurons are psuedo-unipolar in shape, is several centimeters long and contains several cell bodies .

Student drawn image of a top view of the spinal cord that shows the location and structure of the dorsal root ganglion

Molecular Mechanisms / Factors / Genes

Transcription Factors

Sry-related HMG box (Sox)

Sox genes are a group of transcription factors characterised by their DNA-binding HMG domain and their expression is highly dynamic and conserved [16]. The expression of ErbB3 is regulated by the transcription factor Sox10 and its level is consistently maintained throughout the period of neural crest cell migration [17]. Sox10 is also widely expressed in the dorsal root ganglia as well as its surrounding spinal nerves [18]


Rbpj (Recombination signal binding protein for immunoglobulin kappa J region) is a transcription factor that helps to integrate activation signals from Notch receptors to regulate their transcriptional effects, specifically the inhibition of DRG neuronal differentiation [19].


Neurogenins are neuronal determination genes that encodes for base helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors for neurogenesis. Two main gene types, neurogenin 1 (ngn1) and neurogenin 2 (ngn2), are prominently expressed during neural crest migration and early dorsal root gangliogenesis and the deficiency in both genes would result in the absence of DRG neurons. Notably, constitutive expression of ngn2 by neural crest cells during the early stages of migration suggests the crucial role it plays in DRG development [20].

Glial cell-line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF)

GDNFs belong to a family of ligands that binds to the cell surface alpha receptor GFRalpha1 to induce a signalling cascade pathway for neuron development in the dorsal root ganglia. [21]


Runx transcription factor signalling plays a role in designating the specific type of neurons present in DRG. The two types of Runx transcription factors, Runx1 and Runx3, works on different cohort of neuronal groups. Runx3, for example, directs the promotion of proprioceptive sensory neurons differentiation by suppressing TrkB expression in prospective TrkC+ sensory neurons [22]

Signalling pathway


ErbB receptors play a role in the development of the dorsal root ganglia. These tyrosine kinase receptors are sites for neuregulins (Nrg), a group of epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like motifs, which activates intracellular effector pathways to trigger migration and development of neural crest cells [23]. In particular, ErbB3 and its complementary ligand Nrg1 are strongly expressed in neural crest cells and a defect in any components will result in abnormalities in migration of neural crest cells to the mesenchyme lateral of the dorsal aorta [24].

Notch signalling

The role in DRG development by Notch signalling coincides with its position in suppressing neuronal differentiation and neural crest cell migration [19] This is done by first creating the neural crest domain within the ectoderm by lateral induction and later lateral induction to differentiate NCC types [25]

Abnormalities / Abnormal Development

Dorsal Root Ganglionopathy is responsible for the sensory impairment

Dorsal Root Ganglion disorder.jpg

"Sensory ganglionitis, variably called ganglionopathy, is a disease of sensory neurons in dorsal root ganglia. Major forms of these diseases are associated with neoplasm, Sjögren syndrome, and paraproteinemia or polyclonal gammopathy with or without known autoantibodies. Most cases follow subacute courses, but there are forms that develop chronically and acutely as well. Clinical signs seen include sensory ataxia exhibited by gait unsteadiness, a positive Romberg sign, reduced deep tendon reflexes, poor coordination, and pseudo-athetoid movements in the hands.

Axonal degeneration warrants the treatment as early as possible. Early cases of immunologic origin that are immune-mediated may respond to plasmapheresis and immunosuppression. Differential diagnoses include environmental and industrial intoxication and adverse effects of antineoplastic and antibiotic drugs. The term “sensory neuronopathy” or “ganglionitis” refers to disorders of small neurons, larger neurons, and/or neurons of both sizes in the sensory ganglia."

Animal Models

Dorsal Root Ganglion (CCD).png

Since lower back pain and sciatica are becoming more common medical issues, studies has been carried out to display these problems in animals. Chronic compression of the dorsal root ganglion (CCD) is one of these models. This models exposes the L4/L5 intervertebral foramin, and stainless steel rods are implanted unilaterally, one rod for each vertebra, to chronically compress the lumbar dorsal root ganglion (DRG). Then, CCD can be used to simulate the clinical conditions caused by stenosis, such as a laterally herniated disc or foraminal stenosis.

As the intraforaminal implantation of a rod results in neuronal somal hyperexcitability and spontaneous action potentials associated with hyperalgesia, spontaneous pain, and mechanical allodynia, CCD provides an animal model that mimics radicular pain in humans. This review concerns the mechanisms of neuronal hyperexcitability, focusing on various patterns of spontaneous discharge including one possible pain signal for mechanical allodynia — evoked bursting. Also, new data regarding its significant property of maintaining peripheral input are also discussed. Investigations using this animal model will enhance our understanding of the neural mechanisms for low back pain and sciatica. Furthermore, the peripheral location of the DRG facilitates its use as a locus for controlling pain with minimal central effects, in the hope of ultimately uncovering analgesics that block neuropathic pain without influencing physiological pain.

Zebrafish Model

Neural crest migration and somite development in zebrafish.

Trunk neural crest migration in the zebrafish is confined to the centre of the medial surface of each somite and the pattern of migration is determined before neural crest cells contacts the sclerotome cells. Unlike other animals such as mice and birds, the sclerotome only makes up an inconsequential part of the somites in zebrafish and did not disrupt neural crest migration and dorsal root ganglia development[26]. It has been demonstrated that the myotome of the zebrafish contributes more in the establishment of neural crest cell migration patterns together with neural crest cells[27]. In particular, the adaxial cells, the first cells to develop and migrate from the myotome, helps in the regulation of trunk neural crest migration patterns. These slow muscle precursors have been shown to be crucial for normal migration patterns as their removal resulted in the accumulation of trunk neural crest cells at the level of the notochord[28].

Another key aspect in the proper development of dorsal root ganglia (DRG) neurons in zebrafish lies in the Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signalling pathway. The Shh protein has been recognised to play an important role in neural tube and somite signalling and is necessary for the development of slow muscle fibres[29], which was earlier discussed to be important for normal neural crest migration. Shh signalling directs the differentiation of neural crest cells into neurons of the DRG by activating the expression of ngn1 gene, though it does not influence the normal development of early trunk neural crest[30]. The expression of ngn1, in combination with Shh signalling, is thought to be a major influence in promoting neuronal cell development than to fulfil a sensory purpose.

Comparison of neural crest cell migration between erbb3b mutants and wildtype zebrafish models.

Current Research (Labs)

Link on current research for DRG [31]

research on naturopathic pain

Microphotograph of dorsal root ganglion from a frozen section including DRG neurons and satellite cells.

The link provided above is a recent research journal that involves an approach in developing a new therapeutic target for neuropathic pain . It is known that during nerve injury or inflammation the dorsal root ganglion neurons have the potential to be a source of increased nocioceptive signalling through increasing neuron excitability and creating ectopic discharges. Therefore ,this provides the opportunity for the anesthesia of DRG neurons to prevent pathological discharges such as ectopic discharges from developing [31] . This research journal seeks to provide an alternative to the application of therapeutic agents and further explains the importance of DRG as a "targeted therapuetic agent". It was concluded that "Such an approach may provide adequate specificity to capitalize on the new knowledge of peripheral sensory nerve function in painful conditions." [31] .

Dorsal root ganglion stimulation

Over the past few years there has been profound research studies on dorsal root ganglion and its importance as a neuromodulation of pain, such research has introduced a new therapy for those suffering from Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) and other chronic pain conditions. Previously, the recommended treatment therapy for CRPS was spinal chord stimulation (SCS) which has been successful at providing significant pain relief in patients suffering from chronic neuropathic pain, CRPS and other chronic pain. Although successful and efficient SCS "tends to decay over time in patients with complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS)."[32]. Which introduces a new treatment therapy known as DRGS or dorsal root ganglion stimulation, as the name suggest this approach understands the importance of DRG and therefore specifically targets the DRG in those with chronic pain. The research DRG Stimulation as a Salvage Treatment for CRPS Refractory to Dorsal Column Spinal Cord Stimulation: A Case Series [32] wanted to know if patients who once used SCS as a treatment for CRPS but were unsuccessful would have success with DRG stimulation for pain relief. The case study concluded that the patients whose t-SCS treatment was unsuccessful felt a great relief of pain when using the DRG-SCS system for treatment .


Reference List

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