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Lab Attendence

--Z3463667 (talk) 13:16, 14 August 2015 (AEST)

--Z3463667 (talk) 12:10, 21 August 2015 (AEST)

Lab 1 Assessment

Article 1

PMID 26238449

Progesterone elevation on the day of human chorionic gonadotropin administration adversely affects the outcome of IVF with transferred embryos at different developmental stages

The effect progesterone evaluation (PE) during fresh invitro fertilisation (IVF) cycles after hCG administration for oocyte maturation is still unclear. To overcome the possible effect, cleavage-stage embryo’s are replaced with blastocyst-stage embryos before transfer (they are suggested to be unaffected by PE), however it is unclear if the results are reliable. Therefore a study was conducted to investigate the link between PE on the day hCG is administrated and the clinical pregnancy rate (CPR) following IVF/intracytoplasmic sperm injection cycles (ICSI) after embryo transfer at different stages. The levels at which PE had a detrimental effect on CPR was also investigated.

A retrospective study was conducted on a cohort of patients undergoing IVF with gonadotropin and GnRH agonist for ovarian stimulation at a single-centre. Patients were then spilt into two groups, one undergoing cleavage-stage embryo transfer at day 3, and the other undergoing blastocyst-stage transfer at day 5. Patients were assessed clinically to undergo the standard long GnRH protocol or a prolonged protocol.

The pituitary was suppressed by injecting Triptorelin acetate or Diphereline. This was followed by gonadotropin, FSH activity or FSH and LH activity to initiate ovarian stimulation. Oocyte retrieval was conducted and embryo quality graded. CPR was measured as well as implantation rate, fertilisation rate and cleavage rate. Statistical analysis was performed.

It was found that in the day 3 and day 5 group, serum progesterone levels are inversely related to CPR. The detrimental affect of progesterone became evident once serum progesterone reached 1.0ng/ml in the day 3 group and 1.75ng/ml in the day 5 group. The developmental stage at which embryos were transferred was not found to be statistically significant. Therefore it is concluded that on the day that hCG is administered PE was found to decrease CPR in GnRH IVF cycles despite developmental stage of transfer.


Article 2

PMID 26246873

Cut-Off Levels of Anti-Mullerian Hormone for The Prediction of Ovarian Response, In Vitro Fertilization Outcome and Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome

The role of Anti-mullerian hormone (AMH) in the ovary is to inhibit the early stages of follicular development. It appears to be a reliable marker for the number of small antral follicles and as a result can help determine the plan for ovarian stimulation. AMH also decreases from adulthood onwards, and so can help indicate reduced ovarian reserve and dysfunction. Ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome (OHSS) patients have high serum AMH. A study was conducted to compare the average and cut-off AMH levels after oocyte attainment after ovarian stimulation and the association with pregnancy rates. AMH levels endocrinological and pathological risk factor patients were also compared to patients without the risk factors.

Serum and follicular fluid (FF) was collected from patients in their first or second IVF and ICSI cycles. Patients were analysed and their pathological factors compared to normal patients. The correlation between serum and FF AMH levels and the correlation between serum AMH, estradiol, number of follicles, injected dose of recombinant FSH (rFSH - used to induce ovarian stimulation after down-regulation with GnRH agonist) and patient age was analysed. The average and cut-off level of AMH was also evaluated in low, moderate or high responders to ovarian stimulation and pregnancy rates. Three analysis were conducted where AMH levels were analysed. They included one where ovary overreaction was induced (OHSS) and one for polycistic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) which were both compared against the third analysis of normal endocrinological patients.

It was found that AMH levels were significantly higher in FF than serum where AMH levels increased with increasing ovarian response in both. There was a positive correlation present between AMH levels and estradiol, number of follicles, number of retrieved oocytes and number of fertilised oocytes where AMH levels increased with each factor as response increased. There was an inverse correlation with age. The median AMH level in serum (1.76 ng/ml) and FF (2.9 ng/ml) was higher in patients who became pregnant than those who did not (1.0ng/ml in serum and 1.8 ng/ml in FF). AMH cut off level was 0.61 ng/ml in serum and 1.43 ng/ml in FF in low responders, and 1.03 ng/ml in serum and 2.23 ng/ml in FF in high responders. OHSS and PCOS patients had lower level of injected rFSH and higher follicle numbers which suggests higher estradiol than normal patients. A higher number of oocytes were retrieved from OHSS patients. Normal patients had the lowest AMH, PCOS had the highest. In conclusion, AMH can help predict ovarian stimulation response, can be a marker for PCOS and help to avoid OHSS.


Lab 2 Assessment

Uploading Images in 5 Easy Steps  
First Read the help page Images and Copyright Tutorial.
Hint - This exercise is best done by using separate tabs on your browser so that you can keep all the relevant pages easily available. You can also use your own discussion page to copy and paste links, text. PMIDs etc that you will need in this process.
  1. Find an image .
    1. Search PubMed using an appropriate search term. Note that there is a special library of complete (full online) article and review texts called PubMed Central (PMC). Be very careful, while some of these PMC papers allow reuse, not all do and to add the reference link to your image you will still need to use the PMID.
    2. You can also make your own search term. In this link example PMC is searched for images related to "embryo+implantation" simply replace "embryo+implantation" with your own search term, but remember not everything in PMC can be reused, you will still need to find the "copyright notice" on the full paper, no notice, no reuse.
    3. Where else can I look? BioMed Central is a separate online database of journals that allow reuse of article content. Also look at the local page Journals that provides additional resources.
    4. You have found an image, go to step 2.
  2. Check the Copyright. I cannot emphasise enough the importance of this second step.
    1. The rule is unless there is an obvious copyright statement that clearly allows reuse (there are several different kinds of copyright, some do not) located in the article or on the article page, move on and find another resource. Not complying with this is a serious academic infringement equivalent to plagiarism."Plagiarism at UNSW is defined as using the words or ideas of others and passing them off as your own." (extract from UNSW statement on Academic Honesty and Plagiarism)
    2. You have found the statement and it allows reuse, go to step 3.
  3. Downloading your image.
    1. Download the image to your own computer. Either use the download image on the page or right click the image.
    2. To find the downloaded image you may have to look in your computer downloads folder, or the default location for downloaded files.
    3. The image file will have its own original name, that you will not be using on the wiki. You can rename it now (see renaming below), but you should also make a note of the original name.
    4. Make sure you have everything ready then for the
    5. You have the image file on your computer, go to step 4.
  4. Uploading your image.
    1. First make sure you have all the information you want to use with the file readily available. There is also a detailed description below.
    2. Towards the bottom of the lefthand menuunder “Toolbox” click Upload file. This will open a new window.
    3. In the top window "Source file", click "Choose file" and then navigate to find the file on the computer. and select the image.
    4. If you have done this correctly the upload window will now have your image file shown in choose file and also in the lower window "File description" in "Destination filename:" DO NOT CLICK UPLOAD FILE YET.
    5. Rename your file in "Destination filename:" this should be a brief filename that describes the image. Not any of the following - the original file name, image, file, my image, your ZID, etc. Many of the common embryology names may have already been used, but you can add a number (01, 02, 03, etc) or the PMID number to the filename to make it unique.
    6. If the filename or image has already been used or exists it will be shown on the upload page. If another student has already uploaded that image you will have to find another file. Duplicated images will not receive a mark, so check before you upload as you cannot delete images.
    7. In the "Summary" window for now just paste the PMID. You will come back and edit this information.
    8. Now click "Upload image" at the bottom of the window, go to step 4.
  5. Edit and Add to your page.
    1. Edit - Open the image with the "Edit" tab at the top of its page. You should see the PMID you had pasted earlier in the new edit window. Add the following information to the summary box.
      1. Image Title as a sub-heading. Under this title add the original figure legend or your own description of the image.
      2. Image Reference sub-sub-heading. Use the PMID link method shown in Lab 1 and you can also have a direct link to the original Journal article.
      3. Image Copyright sub-sub-heading. Add the copyright information under this sub-sub-heading exactly as shown in the original paper.
      4. Student Image template, as shown here {{Template:Student Image}} to show that it is a student uploaded image.
    2. Add - Now add your image to your own page under a subheading for Lab 2 Assessment including a description and a reference link. If still stuck with this last step, look at the example on the Test Student page.
    3. Done!

Students cannot delete images once uploaded. You will need to email me with the full image name and request deletion, that I am happy to do with no penalty if done before I assess.

Non-Table version of this page

Stress Relief....

<html5media height="480" width="640"></html5media>

Roles of LIF in embryo implantation.jpeg

Roles of LIF in embryo implantation[3]

PMID 25152902

Lab 3 Assessment

Fertility preservation

Variability in the practice of fertility preservation for patients with cancer.

<pubmed>26010087</pubmed> This is an interesting article on how reproductive endocrinologists counselled cancer patients on fertility preservation. This is relevant to our group projects because it gives us an idea of what techniques and services are currently being utilised to help women.

Strategies for fertility preservation in young patients with cancer: a comprehensive approach.

<pubmed>24669162</pubmed> This article recognises that as cancer treatment improves the life span of patients, with it comes the treat to fertility. It is a great article as it clearly states what methods are currently available for addressing fertility preservation in males and females.

Clinical guide to fertility preservation in hematopoietic cell transplant recipients.

<pubmed>24419521</pubmed> This article focuses specifically on patients suffering infertility due to hematopoietic cell transplantation. It lists the options available to the patients whether female or male, which are applicable to patients who underwent other treatments and also lists the barriers to fertility preservation.

Fertility preservation in patients with haematological disorders: a retrospective cohort study.

<pubmed>24140311</pubmed> This article addresses fertility treatment in patients with haematological disorders specifically. However, is it a really good article as it is a cohort study comparing patients at various stages in their cancer journey, such as those who have had prior chemotherapy, those who pursued ovarian stimulation and those who did not pursue fertility treatment at all.


  1. <pubmed>26238449</pubmed>
  2. <pubmed>26246873</pubmed>
  3. <pubmed>25152902</pubmed>

Please do not use your real name on this website, use only your student number.

2015 Course: Week 2 Lecture 1 Lecture 2 Lab 1 | Week 3 Lecture 3 Lecture 4 Lab 2 | Week 4 Lecture 5 Lecture 6 Lab 3 | Week 5 Lecture 7 Lecture 8 Lab 4 | Week 6 Lecture 9 Lecture 10 Lab 5 | Week 7 Lecture 11 Lecture 12 Lab 6 | Week 8 Lecture 13 Lecture 14 Lab 7 | Week 9 Lecture 15 Lecture 16 Lab 8 | Week 10 Lecture 17 Lecture 18 Lab 9 | Week 11 Lecture 19 Lecture 20 Lab 10 | Week 12 Lecture 21 Lecture 22 Lab 11 | Week 13 Lecture 23 Lecture 24 Lab 12 | 2015 Projects: Three Person Embryos | Ovarian Hyper-stimulation Syndrome | Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome | Male Infertility | Oncofertility | Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis | Students | Student Designed Quiz Questions | Moodle page

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