From Embryology

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hair follicle

The specialised integumentary (skin) hair forming structure with both epithelial and mesenchymal origins.
(More? Hair Notes | Skin Notes)

Hamburger Hamilton Stages

Chicken stages of development named after the 2 authors of a paper that divides the 21 days of chicken embryo development into 46 defined stages. These were published in: Series of Embryonic Chicken Growth. J. Morphology, 88 49 - 92 (1951).
(More? Chicken Embryo | Chicken Hamburger Hamilton Stages | Embryo Staging Systems)


(Greek, haploos = single) Having a single set of chromosomes as in mature germ/sex cells (oocyte, spermatozoa) following reductive cell division by meiosis. Normally cells are diploid, containing 2 sets of chromosomes.
(More? DNA Notes)

hard palate

The bony anterior portion of the palate formed by maxillary and palatine bones. The muscular posterior portion is called the soft palate.
(More? Head Notes)


Term used to describe the colon recesses or sacculations caused by contractions of the teniae coli and circular muscle.
(More? GIT Notes)


The percentage by volume of red blood cells in blood.
(More? Blood Notes)


The term used to describe the process of blood cell formation/differentiation from blood stem cells. In the embryo, this is mainly red blood cell formation which begins in the yolk sac mesoderm, then the liver and other organs finally residing in the bone marrow.
(More? Blood Notes | Liver Notes)

Haemolytic Disease of the Newborn

See fetal erythroblastosis.


A gene encoding a basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factor that is expressed in fetal and adult heart. In the mouse, Hand1 and Hand2 are expressed in the heart and some neural crest derivatives, and Hand1 is also expressed in extraembryonic membranes.
(More? OMIM: HAND1)


These abnormalities are benign focal malformations that resemble a neoplasm in the tissue of its origin and are often seen in association with tuberous sclerosis.

Hassall's bodies

(Hassall's corpuscles) Histological thymus structures that appear in fetal development and increase in number until puberty, then decreases. Named after Arthur Hill Hassall (1817-1894) a British physician and chemist.
(More? Endocrine Notes - Thymus)

Haversian system

(osteon) The term used to describe the histological and micro-anatomical unit structure (principal structure) of compact bone. Consists of a central cavity surrounded by lamellar bone matrix within which osteocytes reside. The central cavity or canal (Haversian canal) contains blood vessels for osteocyte nutrition and nerves for sensation.
(More? 2009 Lecture - Musculoskeletal | 2009 Practical - Bone Development | Musculoskeletal Development - Bone)

Haversian canal

The historic term used to describe histologically a small canal in bone microstructure that contains blood vessels for osteocyte nutrition and nerves for sensation. Named after Clopton Havers (1650-1702) an English physician and anatomist.
(More? Bone Notes)


Acronym for heparin-binding epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like growth factor.


An acronym for the ultrasound measurement of Head Circumference.


An acronym for the hormone human Chorionic Gonadotrophin.

head circumference

An ultrasound measurement of Head Circumference (HC) is used to determine fetal age and normal development (small/large/abnormal) parameters. Measured as an ellipse in a horizontal section at the level of the thalamus and the cavum septi pellucidi. It is one of the four typical ultrasound assessments of fetal size and age: Biparietal Diameter (BPD), Head Circumference (HC), Abdominal Circumference (AC), and Femur Length (FL).
(More? Ultrasound | Head | Fetal Development | Birth)


(cardiac) An early developing organ which fuctions as a pump for blood in the embryo and adult. In the human, the heart development appears in week 4 within the splanchnic mesoderm as a simple tube. This tube then undergoes a series of growth, complex folding and reorganization to form the 4 chambered heart. There are many developmental abnormalities associated with heart development.
(More? Heart Notes | 2009 Lecture - Heart | original Heart Notes)

heart field

The term used to describe the splanchnic mesoderm cardiogenic region in the trilaminar embryo that generates most of the heart. In humans, there are two fields the primary and secondary heart fields.
(More? 2009 Lecture - Heart | Heart Notes)

heart valves

The heart has a series of valves which regulate the directional flow of blood. The human heart has valves separating the atria from ventricles (atrioventricular, AV) and the ventricles from the outflow tract aortas. The left atrioventricular valve has two leaflets, anterior and posterior, and is the bicuspid valve or mitral valve. The right atrioventricular valve has a third leaflet (small, septal cusp) and is the tricuspid valve.
(More? 2009 Lecture - Heart | Heart Notes)


the common blood island progenitor cell which forms both hematopoietic (blood) and endothelial (blood vessel) cells.
(More? Blood Notes Blood Vessels)


(Greek, hemi = half, melia = limb) limb abnormality with the absence of half a limb, as described in the original classical classification of limb deficiencies.
(More? Limb Abnormalities - Classification)

hemotrophic nutrition

Term used to describe in late placenta development the transfer of blood-borne nutrition from maternal to embryo/fetus compared to early [H#histiotrophic_nutrition|histiotrophic nutrition].
(More? Placenta Notes | Uterine glands provide histiotrophic nutrition for the human fetus during the first trimester of pregnancy. Burton GJ, Watson AL, Hempstock J, Skepper JN, Jauniaux E. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2002 Jun;87(6):2954-9. PMID: 12050279 J Clin Endocrinol Metab.)

Hensen's node

(primitive node, primitive knot) See primitive node. forms the initial region at the cranial end of the primitive streak (where gastrulation occurs) and is a controller of this process. It is also the site of epiblast extension cranially to form the initial axial process. Region is equivilant to the blastopore in amphibians.
(More? Carnegie stage 7 | original Carnegie Stage 7 | Week 3 Gastrulation | Neural Notes | Nobel Laureate- Hans Spemann)

heparin-binding epidermal growth factor-like growth factor

(HBEGF) Member of the EGF family synthesized as transmembrane proteins that signal to adjacent cells, appears to be involved in the signaling between the endometrium and implanting trophoblast cells, resulting in a synchronization of their corresponding developmental programs. Expression by trophoblast cells also appears to regulate extravillous differentiation. In mice, has been identified as an important factor required by the uterus for implantation. Expression pattern is different between primates and other species, in the human menstrual cycle late proliferative phase until the early secretory phase HBEGF is mainly localized in the stromal compartment of the endometrium.
(More? Placenta Development | PMID: 19565643 | PMC2789565)


(Greek, hepato = liver) Term used in relation to the liver and its associated structures.
(More? Gastrointestinal Tract - Liver)

hepatic duct

The liver excretory duct, joins with gall bladder cystic duct to form the common bile duct.
(More? Gastrointestinal Tract - Liver | GIT Notes)


The undifferentiated liver progenitor cell formed initially from endoderm, which willlater form both hepatocytes and biliary cells.
(More? Gastrointestinal Tract - Liver | GIT Notes)


The functional liver cell formed from hepatoblast differentiation (hepatoblasts form from endoderm).
(More? Gastrointestinal Tract - Liver | GIT Notes)


A peptide involved in iron homeostasis which is regulated by bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs), cytokines belonging to the TGF- superfamily.


The commercial name for an antibody that attaches itself to HER2 on breast cancer tumors, inhibiting the tumor's ability to grow. Approximately 15 - 25 % of breast cancer patients have a gene mutation known as HER2-positive.


(Disorder of Sex Development, DSD) This historic terminology is no longer applied to abnormal sexual development and has been replaced with the term Disorders of Sex Development (DSD). Humans having both male and female reproductive organs, occurs in both male and female forms and mixed ovotesticular DSD.
(More? Reproductive System - Abnormalities)


A general discription of protrusion of an organ through a weak spot in the surrounding tissue. In normal development, herniated midgut, describes the gastrointestinal tract growth outside the abdominal wall prior to body wall growth. In abnormal development, abnormal protrusion of organs in the diaphragm, abdominal or groin areas (hiatal hernias or inguinal hernias).


The description of the process of protrusion of an organ through a weak spot in the surrounding tissue. In normal development, herniated midgut, describes the gastrointestinal tract growth outside the abdominal wall prior to body wall growth. In abnormal development, abnormal protrusion of organs in the diaphragm, abdominal or groin areas (hiatal hernias or inguinal hernias). Occurs normally in the development of the gastrointestinal tract when the midgut is initially herniated at the umbilicus during embryonic development.

Hertwig's epithelial root sheath

(HERS) A bilayered epithelial structure required for tooth root formation (root organization induction, biomineralization), which also interact with cranial neural crest derived ectomesenchyme to guide root development. The two layers have different embryonic origins; an ectodermal outer and inner enamel epithelium layer. Named after Oskar Hertwig (1849 - 1922) who identified in amphibia in 1874.
(More? Tooth Development | 2009 Lecture - Integumentary Development | PMID: 19576204)


(Greek, heteros = other + trophe = nourishment) An organism that cannot derive energy from sunlight or from inorganic chemicals but must obtain energy by degrading organic molecules.


Having two different alleles for a single gene (in a diploid organism).


(Greek, hiatum = to gape) anatomical description of a gap, cleft or opening.


Acronym for Haemophilus influenzae type b vaccine.
(More? Normal Development - Immunization)

hydatiform mole

A uterine tumour with "grape-like" placenta appearance without enclosed embryo formation, arises mainly from a haploid sperm fertilizing an egg without a female pronucleus. It is one form of gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD), a number of abnormalities including hydatiform mole, invasive mole, choriocarcinoma and placental site trophoblastic tumor (PSTT).
(More? Placenta Development | Week 1 Abnormalities | Week 2 Abnormalities)


A transcription factor that is one of the main regulators of homeostasis in human tissues exposed to hypoxia, due to inflammation and/or insufficient circulation.
(More? Respiratory Development)

High mobility group box 1 protein

(HMGB1) A protein that regulates the process of endochondral ossification. HMGB1 accumulates in the cytosol of hypertrophic chondrocytes at bone growth plates and is secreted to act as a chemoattractant for osteoclasts, osteoblasts, and endothelial cells. The protein has other functional roles within the cell nucleus.
(More? Bone Development Notes | Stage-Specific Secretion of HMGB1 in Cartilage Regulates Endochondral Ossification)

high risk pregnancy

Term relates to multiple pregnancies, previous pregnancy problem, health problem (either before or due to the pregnancy) and age (over 35 years). Examples of maternal health conditions leading to high risk pregnancy include: autoimmune disorders, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, kidney problems and sexually transmitted diseases.


Term used to describe an anatomical depression in an organ where vessels and nerves enter or leave.


(rhombencephalon) The common term used to describe the early primary brain vesicle lower subdivision of brain development at the stage when there are three primary vesicles or expansions of the early neural tube (forebrain, midbrain, hindbrain). These will later form the two secondary brain vesicles, the metencephalon and the myeloncephalon. These will in turn generate in the adult brain the cerebellum, pons and medulla. The hindbrain lumen (the cavity of the neural tube) will form the fourth ventricle.
Three primary brain vesicles: forebrain ( prosencephalon) - midbrain (mesencephalon) - hindbrain (rhombencephalon)
(More? 2009 Lecture - Early Neural Development | Neural Notes)


The last of the three part/division (foregut - midgut - hindgut) of the early forming gastrointestinal tract. The hindgut forms all the tract from the distral transverse colon to the cloacal membrane and extends into the connecting stalk (placental cord) as the allantois. In addition, a ventral of the hindgut will also form the urinary tract (bladder, urethra) epithelium. These anatomical divisions also correspond to their 3 main vascular supply divisions of foregut coeliac artery, midgut superior mesenteric artery and hindgut inferior mesenteric artery.
Gastrointestinal Tract Divisions: foregut - midgut - hindgut
(More? Gastrointestinal Tract Notes | Urogenital Notes)

Hirschsprung's Disease

(intestinal aganglionosis, aganglionic colon, megacolon, congenital aganglionic megacolon) Gastrointestinal tract abnormality due to a lack of enteric nervous system (neural ganglia) in the intestinal tract responsible for gastric motility (peristalsis). In general, its severity is dependent upon the amount of the GIT that lacks intrinsic ganglia, due to an earlier developmental lack of neural crest migration into those segments. Historically, Hirschsprung's disease takes its name from Dr Harald Hirschsprung (1830-1916) a Danish pediatrician (of German extraction).
(More? Gastrointestinal Tract Abnormalities | Neural Crest Abnormalities)


Term used to describe male pattern hair (terminal hair: long, coarse, and pigmented) growth in the female due to androgens. The condition affects 5-15% of women of reproductive age and may be ethnic or genetic, but may also relate to the gonadal abnormality of polycystic ovary syndrome. Androgens from the adrenal glands and ovaries increase hair growth by converting vellus hair (fine, unpigmented) to terminal hair in areas of the face, chest, and abdomen. This condition differs from generalised hair growth not exclusive to androgen sensitive areas (hypertrichosis).
(More? Polycystic Ovary Syndrome | Integumentary Development - Hair)

histiotrophic nutrition

Term used to describe in early placenta development the intital transfer of nutrition from maternal to embryo (histiotrophic nutrition) compared to later blood-borne nutrition (hemotrophic nutrition). Histotroph is the nutritional material accumulated in spaces between the maternal and fetal tissues, derived from the maternal endometrium and the uterine glands. This nutritional material is absorbed by phagocytosis initially by blastocyst trophectoderm and then by trophoblast of the placenta. in later placental development nutrition is by the exchange of blood-borne materials between the maternal and fetal circulations, hemotrophic nutrition.
(More? Placenta Development | Placenta Notes | Uterine glands provide histiotrophic nutrition for the human fetus during the first trimester of pregnancy. Burton GJ, Watson AL, Hempstock J, Skepper JN, Jauniaux E. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2002 Jun;87(6):2954-9. PMID: 12050279 J Clin Endocrinol Metab.)


Term used to describe the structural and functional differentiation of organs and tissues.
(More? Fetal Development)


(Greek, histo = "tissue" and logia = “to speak”) The study of tissue microscopic structure often using sectioning of the tissue, fixation to preserve structure and stains or dyes to specifically label cellular and extracellular structures.


(Greek, histos = web) One of a set of small, positively charged proteins that bind to DNA in eukaryotic cells. Their role is to "pack" DNA strands into a smaller volume to form the chromosome.
(More? DNA Notes)


Acronym for Human Immunodeficiency Virus.


An acronym for Human Leukocyte Antigen

Hofbauer cells

Cells found within placental villi connective tissue. Have a role as macrophages of mesenchymal origin with potentially additional functions (remodeling, vasculogenesis, regulation of stromal water content).
(More? Placenta Development | Placental Notes)


A neural development abnormality resulting from incomplete cleavage of the forebrain (prosencephalon). Associated facial abnormalities can include: cyclopia, proboscis, median or bilateral cleft lip/palate (severe forms), ocular hypotelorism or solitary median maxillary central incisor (minor forms). Seven genes have been positively implicated: sonic hedgehog (SHH), Zinc finger protein of the cerebellum 2 (ZIC2), Sine Oculis Homeobox 3 (SIX3), Transforming Growth Factor-beta-induced Factor (TGIF), Patched 1 (PTCH1), Gli-Kruppel family member 2 (GLI2) and TDGF1. In humans, 1 in 250 first-trimester embryos can have this condition, live birth prevalence is 1 in 16,000.
(More? Neural System Development | OMIM236100 | PMID17274816)


(Greek, homeo = like, similar + stasis = standing) Term used to describe the process of achieving a relatively stable internal environment. Often used in describing the changes required in the fetus to neonate transition following birth (parturition).
(More? Birth Notes)

homeotic mutation

A mutation that causes the cells of an embryo to give rise to an inappropriate structure in the adult, for example, to legs instead of antennae.
(More? Fly Development | Fly Notes)


Homocysteine is an amino acid homologue of the amino acid cysteine, having an additional methylene (-CH2-) group. It is biosynthesized from methionine and can be recycled into methionine or converted into cysteine with the action of B group vitamins. Folic acid (B9) deficiency can lead to high homocysteine levels and is associated with both neural tube defects and premature birth.

homologous chromosomes

The two matching chromosomes that align during meiosis I.
(More? DNA Notes)


Having two copies of the same allele (in a diploid organism).
(More? DNA Notes)


(Greek, hormao = "I excite or arouse") A substance, made and released by cells in a specific organ or structure, that moves throughout the organism and exerts specific effects on specific cells in other organs or structures.
(More? Lecture - Endocrine Development | Endocrine Notes)

hormone replacement therapy

(HRT, hormone therapy, HT) Clinical term referring to the treatment of mainly menopausal women to prevent discomfort associated with decreases in circulating estrogen and progesterone hormones. The therapy artificially increases these estrogens, progesterone or progestins, and sometimes testosterone hormone levels. Also used in transgender, either male to female or female to male, treatments.
(More? Menstrual Cycle)

Howship's lacuna

(resorptive bay) The histological historic name for the shallow bay or cavity lying directly under an osteoclast located at the site of bone remodeling. This microscopic extracellular matrix space represents the site of bone matrix resorption by the osteoclast.
(More? Histology Image - Osteoclast | 2009 Bone Development Practical | 2009 Lecture - Musculoskeletal Development)

Hox gene

Acronym from homeo box gene identified as a conserved region of protein sequence required for DNA specific binding. Hox proteins are transcription factors regulating gene activity within cells during development and differentiation, have an important role in "patterning" tissues during development. These are the mammalian counterpart of a Drosophila homeo domain gene, for example the antennapedia mutation.
(More? Molecular Notes | Fly Development)

Hox B8

(HOMEOBOX B8, HOXB8) Member of the Hox gene family that act as transcriptional regulators during development and in the adult. Knockout mice behave with excessive pathologic grooming behavior, leading to hair removal and self-inflicted wounds at overgroomed sites. Hoxb8 is expressed in regions of the CNS known as the 'obsessive-compulsive-disorder-circuit' where OCD patients are thought to have abnormal metabolic activity.
(More? OMIM - Hox B8)


Acronym for Human Papilloma Virus, a group of more that 100 different viral strains. Detectable by pap smear
(More? Abnormal Development - Viral Infection | CDC STD Facts - Human papillomavirus | Medline Plus Human Papillomavirus | Human Menstrual Cycle - PapSmear)


Clinical acronym for hormone replacement therapy.


Acronym for Haematopoietic Stem Cell, note the alternate US spelling Hematopoietic Stem Cell.
(More? Blood Notes)

human chorionic corticotropin

(human chorionic adrenocorticotropin, hCACTH) Placental hormone thought to have corticotropin (ACTH)-like activity, increasing maternal cortisol levels.
(More? Lecture - Placenta Development | Lecture - Endocrine Development | Placenta Notes)

human chorionic gonadotrophin

(hCG, human chorionic gonadotropin) UK spelling for human chorionic gonadotropin.

human chorionic gonadotropin

(hCG) Placental hormone initially secreted by cells (syncitiotrophoblasts) from the implanting conceptus during week two, supporting the ovarian corpus luteum, which in turn supports the endometrial lining and therefore maintains pregnancy. Hormone can be detected in maternal blood and urine and is the basis of many pregnancy tests. Hormone also stimulates the onset of fetal gonadal steroidogenesis, high levels are teratogenic to fetal gonadal tissues.
(More? Placenta Development | Week 2 | Week 3 | PMID: 20735820)

human chorionic somatomammotropin

(hCS, human chorionic somatommotropin, human placental lactogen, HPL) Placental peptide hormone, similar to pituitary growth hormone, secreted by placental syncytiotrophoblasts. Hormone level increases in maternal blood through pregnancy, decreases maternal insulin sensitivity (raising maternal blood glucose levels and decreasing maternal glucose utilization) aiding fetal nutrition. Has some weak growth hormone activity.
(More? Lecture - Placenta Development | Lecture - Endocrine Development | Placenta Notes | Integumentary Development - Mammary Glands)

human chorionic thyrotropin

(hCT) Peptide placental hormone, similar to anterior pituitary released thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), which along with human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG) is thought to act on maternal thyroid. There is little recent research published on this hormone, its level and activities.
(More? Lecture - Placenta Development | Lecture - Endocrine Development | Placenta Notes | Integumentary Development - Mammary Glands)

Human Immunodeficiency Virus

(HIV) The virus which leads to Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS), a fatal disease that destroys the immune system's ability to fight off infection. HIV virus is capable of being transmitted from mother to fetus.
(More? Abnormal Development - Viral Infection)

Human induced pluripotent stem cells

(hiPSCs) Human stem cells generated by the de-differentiation of adult somatic cells. The same type of induced cell in other species are referred to as induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and requires 4 specific genes to be expressed.

human embryo

The term used in describing the first 8 weeks of human development following fertilization. Historically divided into 23 Carnegie stages and is the time of organogenesis. The following period defined as fetal development. :(More? Embryo Stages)
Legal definition (Australian Government):
"human embryo means a discrete entity that has arisen from either:
(a) the first mitotic division when fertilisation of a human oocyte by a human sperm is complete; or
(b) any other process that initiates organised development of a biological entity with a human nuclear genome or altered human nuclear genome that has the potential to develop up to, or beyond, the stage at which the primitive streak appears; and has not yet reached 8 weeks of development since the first mitotic division."

human leukocyte antigen

(HLA) human major histocompatibility complex.

Human Papilloma Virus

(HPV) a group of more that 100 different viral strains. Infection can be detected by pap smear.
(More? Abnormal Development - Viral Infection | CDC STD Facts - Human papillomavirus | Medline Plus Human Papillomavirus | Human Menstrual Cycle - PapSmear)

human umbilical cord perivascular cells

Cells that surround the umbilical cord blood vessels and when isolated have been identified as a source of human mesenchymal stem cells. Described as umbilical cord derived mesenchymal progenitors (HUCPVCs) forming single-cell-derived (SCD) clonal populations.

humoral immunity

(Latin, umor = fluid) The production of antibodies by the immune system that recognise foreign material to the body.

Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome

(HGPS) a rare genetic disorder characterized by dramatic premature aging. It occurs due to a point mutation in the gene for nuclear lamin A (LA) protein, required for normal nuclear structure, the mutation generates a mutant protein.
(More? Cao K, Capell BC, Erdos MR, Djabali K, Collins FS. A lamin A protein isoform overexpressed in Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome interferes with mitosis in progeria and normal cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2007 Mar 14)

Hv1 proton channel

Membrane channel found on spermatozoa, thought to be involved with the primary activation prior to fertilization.


(hyaluronic acid or hyaluronate) An extracellular matrix glycosaminoglycan disaccharide composed of D-glucuronic acid and D-N-acetylglucosamine. Has a role in embryonic development and in joint fluid, space filling role in resisting compressive forces. In oocyte development, hyaluronan is found in the cumulus extracellular matrix and has a role in the detachment of the cumulus-oocyte complex that becomes freely floating in follicular fluid before ovulation.
(More? Joint Development)

hydantoin syndrome

Term used to describe a fetal disorder caused by exposure of a fetus to the anticonvulsant drug phenytoin (Dilantin) used in the treatment of epilepsy.
(More? Abnormal Development - Drugs | Abnormal Development Notes | Medline Plus - phenytoin)


Term used to describe "water".


(Greek, hydro = water, coele/koilia = cavity) a fluid-filled cavity of either testis or spermatic cord, where peritoneal fluid passes into a patent processus vaginalis.
(More? Genital Notes)


(Greek, hydro = water + cephalus = brain) A developmental abnormality of the rostral neural tube, in development where the anterior neuropore fails to close leading to a large fluid-filled space rather than the normal brain development. In young children, hydrocephalus can often lead to enlargement of the head (skull) as the bones of their cranial vault are not yet fused. Normal-pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) is an adult-onset syndrome involving non-obstructive enlargement of the cerebral ventricles. See also obstructive hydrocephalus.
(More? Neural System Development | Neural System - Abnormalities)


(Greek, hydro = water + lysis = breaking) Breaking the bond between two building blocks by adding a water molecule, reversing the dehydration-condensation reaction.


(congenital hydronephrosis, Greek, hydro = water) A kidney abnormality due to partial or complete obstruction at the pelvi-ureteric junction. This leads to a grossly dilated renal pelvis causing extensive renal damage before birth. This abnormality may be familial, may be lateral, and is most commonly an intrinsic defect in the wall of the ureter (structural or functional). The less severe cases may be salvaged by reconstruction of the pelvi-ureteric junction.
(More? Urogenital Abnormalities | Development of the Kidney - Nephron)


(Greek, hydro = water + phobos = fear) Avoiding associations with water; nonpolar. The type of charge interaction which leads to the bilaminar structure of membranes where the nonpolar molecular "tails" face each other and polar "heads" are exposed to water.

hydrops fetalis

(Greek, hydro = water) accumulation of interstitial fluid (edematous) in the fetus resulting in utero or perinatal morbidity and mortality. The two main forms are immune (Rh incompatibility) or non-immune (disruption of fluid management).
(More? Medline Plus - hydrops fetalis)


(Greek, hydro = water + salpinx = trumpet) Accumulation of interstitial fluid (edematous) in either one or both blocked uterine tubes or fallopian tubes due to a previous tubal infection. (Salpinx refers to the trumpet shape of the uterine tube. This blockage can impact upon maternal fertility and may require in vitro fertilization (IVF) techniques for reproduction.
(More? ASRM - Hydrosalpinx Patient FactSheets PDF)

hygiene hypothesis

(microbial deprivation hypothesis) A relatively new theory (yet to be tested) that suggests that first world disease like asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis, and others may be due in part to lifestyle and environmental changes that make us too "clean" for our environment. The hypothesis is that early exposure to environmental factors directs the body’s immune system along a particular developmental path, and that this in turn offers long-term protection from the development of disease such as asthma. An alternate view/theory is that some microbes can actually enhance antigen sensitization.

hypaxial muscle

(hypomere) Anatomical term describing skeletal muscles which lie ventral (anterior) to the vertebral column developing from the somite myotome. In humans, these are the three body muscle layers and the limb muscles. The muscles dorsal (posterior) to the vertebral column are the epaxial muscles.
(More? Musculoskeletal System Development)


Bilirubin is produced during red blood cell recycling and processed by the liver to be removed in the stool. Prenatally the placenta removes fetal bilirubin for maternal liver processing. High levels of unconjugated bilirubin (UCB) in the body is associated with a reduction in hepatic UDP glucuronosyltransferase (UGT) 1A1 activity can cause the skin to look yellow, jaundice and can lead to CNS toxicity, brain damage, and even death.
(More? Medline Plus - Newborn jaundice)


(heavy periods, excessive menstrual bleeding) Clinical term describing heavy bleeding during the menstrual cycle (menses). This excessive bleeding can be due to a number of different physiological and pathological conditions.
(More? Menstrual Cycle)

hypernatraemic dehydration

A form of newborn dehydration associated with insufficient intake of milk. Blood sodium can increase and if not treated can lead to neurological, circulatory problems and death.


An abnormal increase in organ due to cell proliferation.

hyperplastic rests

In kidney development, embryonic blastema cells can persist and proliferate to form a pool of cells, which under either genetic or epigenetic influence can then change to become a neoplastic rest. Normally the majority of nephrogenic rests either regress or become dormant.
(More? Wilm's tumour | nephrogenic rest | Urogenital Abnormalities | Urogenital Notes)


Term used to describe a high core body temperature. This has been shown in animal models to be a potent teratogen.
(More? Abnormal Development- Hyperthermia)


Clinical term describing an overactive thyroid gland.
(More? Thyroid Notes | Endocrine Notes)


The transient epithelium that forms during week 2 of human development that lines the blastoceol, and forms part of the bilaminar embryo (epiblast/hypoblast) from the inner cell mass. During trilaminar embryo development, the process of gastrulation replaces the hyoblast layer within the embryo with endoderm germ layer.
(More? Week 2 Notes)


Clinical term describing mild skeletal dysplasia, due to a mutation in gene encoding fibroblast growth factor receptor-3 (FGFR3), the same gene mutated in the more severe limb Achondroplasia. Genetically heterogeneous, with some cases caused by mutation in genes other than FGFR3.
(More? Musculoskeletal Abnormalities | OMIM Hypochondroplasia | FGFR3)


Term describing a congenital absence of teeth.
(More? Integumentary Development - Tooth)


Term describing a diminished sweat gland function, and therefore decreased or lack of perspiration.
(More? Integumentary Development - Glands)

hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia

(HED) An abnormality of skin characterised by: sparseness of scalp and body hair, reduced ability to sweat and congenital absence of teeth. Occurs in three distinct forms: X-linked recessive (EDA gene), autosomal recessive forms (EDAR and EDARADD genes) and autosomal dominant form (EDAR and EDARADD genes).
(More? Integumentary Development - Glands | GeneReviews - Hypohidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia)

hypopharyngeal eminence

(hypobranchial eminence) An early embryonic structure in the developing head. A narrow midline mesodermal (mesenchymal) exension lying within the floor curve of the developing pharynx. Fusion of 3rd pharyngeal arches and precursor of root of tongue. Early developing thyroid cells also migrate into this structure as cords of cells.
(More? Head Notes | Endocrine Development - Thyroid)


Clinical term for a decreased amount of of scalp and body hair.
(More? Integumentary System Development | Integumentary Development - Hair)


(pituitary gland) An endocrine gland historically called the "pituitary" as it was thought to produce mucous that discharged through the nose. The function of the hypophysis is as an endocrine gland linking the brain hypothalamus to peripheral endocrine organs and systems of the body through several specific hormones. These pathways are often described as the HPA (hypothalamus - pituitary - adrenal) and HPG (hypothalamus - pituitary - gonad) axes. The developmental origin of the hypophysis is also unique, epithelial origins from neural ectoderm (posterior, or neurohypophysis) and from surface ectoderm (anterior, or adenohypophysis).
(More? Endocrine - Pituitary Development | Lecture - Endocrine Development | Image - Fetus week 10 | Endocrine Notes - Pituitary)


A male external genital abnormality resulting from a failure of male urogenital folds to fuse in various regions and are therefore classified by the location of the opening (meatus). This is the most common penis abnormality (1 in 300) and one of the highest in the list of frequently reported birth defects.
(More? Genital Abnormality - Hypospadia | Genital System - Abnormalities | Genital System Development | Human Abnormal Development)

Glossary Comments

Use this page to access brief definitions of specific embryology terms. Additional information can be accessed from links listed at the end of each definition. Glossary from the UNSW Embryology program compiled and written by Dr Mark Hill. Reference material used in preparing this glossary list includes: texts listed on page 1 "Reading" of each notes section, Department of Anatomy Publications, WWW resources from NCBI, NIH, OMIM, NHMRC (Australia), AMA (USA), Office of Rare Diseases (USA), PubMed Medline Dictionaries, MSDS, Merck Manual home edn. and WHO ART terminology (2009).

These notes are for Educational Purposes Only Please email Dr Mark Hill if you wish to make a comment about this current project.

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Cite this page: Hill, M.A. (2024, June 22) Embryology H. Retrieved from https://embryology.med.unsw.edu.au/embryology/index.php/H

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© Dr Mark Hill 2024, UNSW Embryology ISBN: 978 0 7334 2609 4 - UNSW CRICOS Provider Code No. 00098G