Paper - Catalogue of the collection of human embryos in the Anatomical Laboratory of the Johns Hopkins University: Difference between revisions

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==List of Embryos==
The followlDg list of bnmaa embcyoB, with the names and addresBes of the
pbrsIcEans Irom nhoDi the; were obtained, Is printed for the conveDleiice of
those who are interested In my collection. Tbe data collected hare all been
filed In order, but they have become so bulky that a list lite tbla la needed
(or reference. A nnmber Is given to eacb embryo which Is entered upon alt
of the glass sHdea pbotograpbic negatives and all otber records of the specimen. Sometimes the notes and Mlustratloo* of a single embryo are bo numerous
that they alone 811 a whole album.
Tbe flgures following tbe names refer to ttie publications baaed wholly or
In part upon this collection. According to present prospectB the bibliography
wilt be eitended greatly wltbln a few years. Tbe collectloo la now almost
unique and we shall prove ourselves unworthy tf we do not add something to
our knowledge of human embryology.
The abbreviations In parentheses are as follows ;
The first figure indicates tbe length of tbe embryo from vertex to breech In millimeters.
The sign following Indicates the direction of tbe section ; + means transverse, — means sagittal, and | means coronal.
The words good, fair or poor Indicate tbe quality of the series.
In case the specimen Is pathological It Is marked [p] in brackets-
1. M% * 10 poor). Dr. Gavin, Baltimore. 13, 21. 27, 40, 41.
" •" ■ "-good). T>r. C. O. Miller, Baltimore. 1, t, 4, J, «, 7, 8, B, JO,
I, 21, (4, 2T, tS, K, SO, it, S4, BS, », S9, 40, 41, fS, tS, P. .
SO, 51,
3. (21ft -f 10 poor). Prof. His, Lelpilg. Germany. 10 30, 40.
4. (7 + 10 fair). Dr. Williams, Baltimore. 10, 30, 40, 41, G3.
6. (18!4 -f 20 fair). Dr. Klttredge, Nashua. N. H. 10, 13, 21, 27, 30, 40,41.
6. <24 -f 20good). Dr. C. O. Miller, Baltimore. 4, S9, II, 13, IS, 19, 21, «,
27. TO, 40, 57.
T. (19W + 40poor). Dr. Booker, Baltimore. 30, 40, BT.
5. (17-i-40poor). Dr. Bitter, Brooklyn. N. Y. 10, 30, 40,
0. a7«-faOfalr>. Dr. BjeleBhymer, Chlcwfo. 19, 11, IS, IB, tt. W, 40, 41, 57.
10. (24 + 40 fair). Dr. W. S. Miller, Madison, Wis. 10, 11, IS, 21, .10, 40, 5«, -'>7.
11. (IW = lOfalr [pl). Dr. Klttredge, Nashua, N. H. J, t. 10. 13, fl, 27,
30, 3S, 40, 4S.
12. 12 1/10-HOgood). Dr. Ellis, Bltton, Md. 4, 10, 11, a, 13, IS, 19, tl, U,
27, M, M, ffl, tS. S9. 40, 41, 45. p. iS.
13. n% = lOtalr [p]). Prof. His, Lelpilg, Germany. 10, tl, 80. M. 37, 40.
14. {llS^lOfalr [pll. Dr. Frledeowald, BalUmore. 10, tl. 30, M, 40.
15. (6). Dr. Hoye, Richmond. Va.
16. (7). Dr. Sherwood, Baltimore. 10, 13, 21, 27, 40,
17. (18 = 30 & 100 poor). Dr. Cottell, Louisville, Ky. 10, 13, 21, 27, 30.
40. se, 57, BS.
18. (7 + 20falr). Dr. Douglass, NashvUIe. Tenn. 10, 18. IB, 21, 27, 10, 40.
is. *(SU -<■ 2(>poor). Dr. Williams. Baltimore 10, 13, 19. tl. 27, 30, S8, 40, 41.
"" '-^— '-'-■- "-, Williams, Baltimore. 10. tl. 3T, 40.
, .r.,- Dr. Cullen. London, Canada. 10, tl, SO, M, iO.
y 50 good! . Dr. SnlveJy, Waynesboro, Penn. 10, It. 13, tl, 25, 27,
'airlp]].' Dr. Cullen. London,
goodl. Dr. SnlveJy, Wayneaboiu, ri
.-, .., ._, -_, -, 40, 41, 42, r, 48, 52, 54, SB, 57, SS.
23. (70-fHlOKood). Dr. Knively. Waynesboro, Penn. 13, 21, 2T, 40, 42. SS.
24. (1 + 20 good rpl). Dr. C. O. Miller, Baltimore. 10, tl, 30, SJ, 40.
25. (6 — 50good [pit. Dr. Lord, Baltimore. II, SS. 87, 40.
26. (25). Dr. Simon. Baltimore. 13, 21, 27. 40.
27. )23l. Dr. Thayer, Baltimore, 18, 21, 27, 40.
£t. \£at. ur. iiiBver, caiciinore, 4.0, ^i, ^i, tv.
28. (19). Dr. Sewnll. Denver, Colo. 10, 13. 21, 27, 30, 40.
29. ( =BOBood[pl). Dr. Booker. Baltimore. 10, 21
80. (60). Dr. SnlTely, Waynesboro, Peon. IS, 21, 2T, 40.
31. (24). Dr. Ballard, Baltimore. 13, 21, 27, 40.
^2. l9 = r- - - -
32. (9 = 50 good [p]). Dr. Booker, Baltimore. 10, 21, M, 37, 40.
33. (17). Dr. Robb, Cleveland, Ohio.
34. (60 + 50 good). Dr. Ellis, Blkton, Md. 10, 11, 13, 15, 18, 21, «2, 27,
SO, 40, 42, 54.
35. (13). Dr. C. O. Miller, Baltimore. 13, 21, 40.
36. ( ). Dr. Gould, Philadelphia.
37. (2 + 50 poor [p]). Dr. Gould, Philadelphia. 10, 21, SS, 40.
38. (58).
39. (40).
40. (22).
41. (42). Dr. Williams, Baltimore.
42. (18). Dr. Wills, Los Angeles, Cal. 10, .13, 21, 27, 30, 40.
43. (16 = 50 good). Dr. Booker, Baltimore. 10, 12, U, 19, 2h 25, 26, 28,
SO, S2, S6, 40, 41, 52, 53, 57.
44. (70 + 100 good). Dr. Snively, Waynesboro, Penn. 42, 54, 58.
45. (28 + 50 good). Dr. Douglas, Baltimore. 10, 11, 13, 15, 18, 21, 22, 27,
SO, SI, 40, 41, 42, 54, 56. 57, 58.
46. (135). Dr. Taylor, Baltimore. 13, 21, 27, 40, 54.
47. (65).
48. (130 + 100 good). Dr. Wilson, Worcester, Mass. 10^. 11, 16,. 88, 30, 40,
41, 42, 54.
49. (70). 13, 21, 27, 40.
50. (120). Dr. Cullen, Baltimore.
51. (65). Dr. Gavin, Baltimore.
52. (33). Dr. Gavin, Baltimore. 13, 21, 27, 40.
53. (16). Dr, McMorris, Belle Plaine, la. 10, 40.
54. (11 + 50 & 100 fair £p]). Dr. McMorris, Belle Plaine, Ta. 21, 33, 37,
35. ( =50 good [p]). Dr. Watson, Baltimore. 10, 21, 38, 37, 40.
56. (24). Dr. Flexner, Baltimore.
57. (23 = 50 poor). Dr. Howard, Cleveland, Ohio. 10, 13, 21„ 27, 30,. 40,
41, 56, 57.
58. (6 + 50 & 100 good [p]). Dr. Howard, Cleveland, Ohio. 21, 30, 33, 40.
59. (10). Dr. Neale, Baltimore.
60. (8 = 100 fair [p]). Dr. Dobbin, Baltimore. 21, 33, 40.
61. ( +20 fair). Dr. Williams, Baltimore.
62. (130). Dr. Gibbs, Baltimore.
63. (5 weeks). Dr. Zimmerman, Baltimore.
64. (75). Dr. Zimmerman, Baltimore. 16, 40.
65. (120). Dr. Zimmerman, Baltimore. 16, 40.
66. (130). Dr. Zimmerman, Baltimore.
,67. (150). Dr. Zimmerman, Baltimore.
68. (160). Dr. Zimmerman, Baltimore.
69. (13 = 50 & 100 good [p]). Dr. Chabot, Baltimore, 21, 33, 37, 40..
70. ( good[p]). Dr. Ellis, Elkton, Md. 21, 33, 37, 40.
71. ( +20 good[p]). Dr. Whitcomb, Greenwich, N. Y. 21„ 37, 40.
72. (23). Dr. Arthur, Baltimore. 13, 21, 27, 33, 40.
73. (30). Dr. Irving Miller, Baltimore.
74. (19 + 50 good). Dr. Irving Miller, Baltimore. 12, 2i, 40,. 41, 50, 56, 57.
75. (30 = 50 good). Dr. Ferguson, Berwick, Me. SI, 34, 40, 41, 54, 56, 57.
76. (4^ +20 good). Dr. Mitchell, Chicago. 12, 13, 14, 21, 84, 27, 28, S2,
SJi, 40, 41, 48, 52, 5S, 58.
77. ( =20 good [p]). Dr. Horn, Baltimore. 21, 33, 37, 40.
"1. (1 = 50 fair [p]). T ~ - - _
79. (33 = 100 good [p]). Dr. Briggs, Blackville, S. C. 13, 18, 21, 27,. 33, 40,
78. (1 = 50fair [p]). Dr. Stoner, Harlan, la. 21, SS, 40.
56, 57, 58.
80. (5 + 20 good). Dr. Branham, Baltimore. 13, 21, 24, 27, 28, S2, H, 40, 41,
48, 52, 5S, 58.
81. (20 = 50 + 100fair[p]. Dr. Branham, Baltimore. 13, 21, 27, 33, 40.
82. ( good[p]). Dr. Cassidy, Baltimore. 21, 33, 37, 38, 40.
83. (18). Dr. McGraw, Pittsburg, Penn.
84. (50 + 50 good). Dr. Duval, Baltimore. 41, 54, 56, 58.
85. (80). Dr. Jump, Diamond, Cal. 56.
86. (30 11 50 good). Dr. Billingslea, Baltimore. SI, 40, 41, 54, 56, 37.
87. (4 + 20 fair). Dr. Cole, Peru, 111. 13, 21, 27, 30, S3, 40.
88. (10 + 50 & 100 poor). Dr. Brumme, Detroit. 13, 21, 27, 40, 41, 53.
89. (25). Dr. Brumrae, Detroit.
90a. (36). Dr. Brumme, Detroit. 25, 40.
90b. (25). Dr. Brumme, Detroit.
90c. (22). Dr. Brumme, Detroit.
90d. (18). Dr. Brumme, Detroit.
91. (20). Dr. Haynes, Brooklyn, N. Y.
92. (70). Dr. Ballard, Baltimore. 13, 27, 40.
93. ( II 50 & 100 [p]). Dr. Cassidy, Baltimore. 21, 33, 37, 40.
94. (20 = 50 fair [p]). Dr. Knlll, Detroit. 13, 21, 27, 33, 40, 57.
95. (46 = 100 good). Dr. Watson, Baltimore. 13, 21, 31, 40, 41, 54, 57.
96. (44 = 100 good). Dr. Spencer, San Francisco. 13, 21, 27, 31, 40, 41, 54,
57, 58.
97. (7 = 50 good [p]). Dr. Goldman, Baltimore. 21, 33, 40, 56.
98. (125). Dr. Atkinson, Baltimore. 13, 16, 21, 40.
99. (27). Dr. Carr, Durham, N. C. 13, 21, 27, 40.
100. (27 = 50 poor). Dr. Pole, Baltimore. 41, 57.
. We»t, Bettaire, Ohio. II, 83, 40.
lUmore. 13 "' "■' -•" ■'■'
rdner, Baltl
"lOT. (falr[p:). Dr. QlbbB, Baltimore.
lOB. (22 = 4Sfalrl. Dr. Sudler, Baltln
109. (11 + 20gm>il). Dr, Cuahtng, Bait — — _,„,_.,_
te, as, 40, 41, js, ^, p, BO. C3,
110. !8 = 100falrtp]). Dr. West, Beltalro, Ohio. M, 88, 87, 40.
111. <1H + 10 poor IPl ). DC. Qray, WaHhlngtoo.
112. (4 = 10 poor). Dr. Gray, WaalilDgtoD.
lis. is^lOialr). Dr. Gray, Washington. U, 40, 41, 48, 53.
114. (10= 10 fair). Dr. Gray, Waahlngton. H, 40, 41, 52, S3.
115. J8 + 20good [p]). Dr. A tkloaoD, Baltimore, tl, 33, 37, 40.
116. (5 = 20 good). Dr. Bran, SprlDgfleld, lit. 13, 21, «, 21, 40, 41, 03.
IIT. hOO). Dr. Ballard, Baltimore. 18, 21, 27, 40.
118. J23). Dr. Booker, Baltimore. 13, 21, 27, 40, 41.
lie. ( I 50 good (p)). Dr. Bledler, Baltimore.
120. (24). Dr. Cblttendeu, BlnghamtoD, N. Y.
121. (210). Dr. Ballard, Baltimore. 13, 21, 27, 40.
122. (G^lOOEOOd [p]). Dr. WilllamB. Baltimore. EJ, 33. 40.
133. f2 = 20falr Ipl). Dr. Bold t. New York, tl, 30, SS. 87, 40.
124. (35 = 50 & 100poor[p1). Dr. CasBldy, Baltimore, tl, 33, 37, 40.
125. (88). Dr. Ballard, Baltimore.
123. (125). Dr. Ballard, Baltimore.
127. (24). Dr. Gundry. Baltimore. 81, 40.
128. (20 1 50 good). Dr. Lupton, Baltimore, tl, 33, 34, 40, H.
129. (32). Dr. Gundry, Baltimore. 21, tS, 40.
,on )« , nn I ,^n .„,, T^- sanggure, CharleBton, S. C. M, 30. M
(4 + 20 *-100l
Dr. Lamb, WaflhlngtOD. £1, 38, 87, 40.
.„ „ .,.,. Dr. Hundley, Baltftiora. tl, 33, 40.
184. (9 good rpl). Dr. Bommer, Trenton, N. J. tl, 30. M, 37, 40.
ID. In , in — J r_i. r.- .. — ._^ Baltimore, tl. 33, 37, 40.
137. le^SOfalr [pi). Dr. Wal ,
138. (112). Dr. Wataon, Baltimore. 21, 27, 40,
189. (551. Dr. Boldt, New York. '
140. (40). Dr. Johnson, WeBblni
141. (8 = 50 fair [pi ). Dr. West,
-- — --good l^p]' - ~
pbell, nallfai. tl, H, 33, 37, 40.
tson, Baltimore, tl, 30,. 33, 40.
II, i9, t
1&. .
'20 = BOg(„- .r... --■ -, — , -
"- -- --..-. ... Jj^ ^^ gjj^ gg gj^ ^^
21, «t, 26, 2T, 28. 34, M, '.
„ __ , lore. 21, 27, 40, 48, 50, 04,
se, 57, S8.
146. (65 + 100 fair). Dr. Watflon, Baltimore. 21, 27, 40, 41.
147. (l = 60falrEp]). Dr. Pole. Baltimore. (1, 30. 33, 37. 40.
. 148. (4 3/10 +10 good). Dr. Hoen. Baltimore, tl, tt, 27. 18, 40. 41, 43, 44,
149. (180). Dr. Hoen, Baltimore. 27, 33, 40, 41.
,.„ I- jjj. (jgrfgi^ Auguata, Ga. 21, 33, 40.
153. I
155! (IS)."
1C6. h2).
good [pj). Dr. Stick, GlenvUlB, Pa. 21, ,
Dr. Russell.
158. (2 = 50poor [pll. Dr. Howard. Cleveland.
_-.. ,_.,. _-■. MacCallom. Baltimc...
161. (10 II 50falr [p]). Dr. CasBldy, Baltimore. 21, 33,
182. h + 50falr fp]) " ^--..-.. -.-. _ -
163. J» + 20 good).
W *«, (T. 48, SO, 52, M,
164. (3^/ + 20 fair). Dr. MacCallum, Baltimore, tt, St, U, SB, 40, 41, 52.
Dr. SampBon, Cambridge, Md.
good [p]^ "- " " "-"'
t52i. Dr. Watson, Baltrmore.
'■"- h lOOpoor- " — ■
. (60). Dr. IrTtog Miller, 1
. (80 + luOgood). Dr. Wat
HnFrlBOD, Baltlmnre. 37, 40.
Dr. CBBsiiiy. lialtlmore. r.7.
rir. Stone, Baiamore. 41.
-" Dr. Dodf,-?, KocheKtet. N. Y. 87, 40.
HI. Dr. I
mb. Wasbl
ftlOOfalr [p]). Dr. Lamb, WasliLngton. 37, 40.
'. Dr. Boldt New York.
^BOilOOBood). Dr. KnBBell, BaltLmoce. 48, 64, 57, .
falrtp]}. Dr. CnsBldy, Baltlmor
jirOfBir Tpi). Dr. Sommer, Treiidii
SOKOodlpll. Dr. Oertel. AukukU,
. Dr. ElllB, ELkton, Md. 37, 40.
. Dr. Ellia, Elkton, Mfl. 37, 40.
Dr. Laraan, Chicago.
Dr. FuchB, Loyal. TVIb.
Dr. Lamb, Waali
Dr, Lam] —
pi), Dr, Lamb, WnBblDinoE. ST, 40.
IIBOfalc [p]). BrHdel Collectloti. 37, 40,
wtfl,, nonnoM. Dr. LItllp. Baltimore.
IllOOfalrtpl). Dr, Laraen, Chleago, 37, 40.
" — '"'lirV ■, .n4, 57,
'- [pi). Dr. Skllllng, Lonacanlng, KO. (BrBdel Collection).
no f air! .
" ' 'pn- ur- SKtlllng, Lionaconli
:Br8de] Collection). 37, 40.
i8). Dr. B^lcbs, Loyal, Wla.
207. (16 = 100 fair [pj). Dr. Horo. Baltimore (BrOdel Collection).
20a (T = £OpQor). Dr. Dale, Lamont, Pa.
209. (3 + BOfair). Dr. Bommec. Trenton, N. J,
210. (35). Dr. Lamb, Wasblngton.
211. f3,1 = SO&lOOtrood), Dr. Spencer, Sua Franclaco. 54, 57.
,. . 100 fair [pll. Dr, West, Bellalrc, Oblo.
218, (37). Dr. Caaalaj, Baltimore.
214. jl9). Dr, Hurdon. Baltir " "
on). SB. 57, 58.
217. "-■ "
t 50A100KOoa lp]|. Dr. Wegcfartb, Baltimore (BrBdel Collec
217. (4E). Dr. Merrill, Stillwater, Minn.
218, (42). BrSdal Collection. 41.
210. (llB^lOOpoor). BrBdel Collection. 41.
220. (150 + lOOpoor). Brfldel Collection.
221. (12 = 20rafr). Dr. Perklna, Cletelanfl, Obii
222. ([plj. Dr. Steele. Cambridge. Md. (BrBdel
_. - ,..,) Dr, WUklns, Baltimore {BrBdel Collec
224 (40:^BO*10080odl. Dr. West. Bellalre. Oblo. 54. I
22B (46) Dr. Wegefarth, Baltimore (ErOdel Collection).
226 (25 + B0&100good Ip]). Dr. West, Bellalre, Obl.i. SS,
227 (30 = 50*100 good). Dr. Ingle, Baltimore. 54.
228 (3H = 50falr [p]). Dr, West. Bellalre. Oblo.
220 (21 = f,Ogood). Dr. Sandrock, Baltimore. SB. 57,
230 80 = 50&100good [p]). Dr. Weat. Bellalre. Ohio.
231 13 + lOOpoor), Brgdel Collection,
232 (14 + 100 fair fp]). BrHdel Collection.
238 ([p]) Dr. Preston Miller, Hagerstown,
234a (SO + UOgoodl. Dr. Aahby. Baltimore
234b (OB) BrHdel Collection. 50.
235 (B8) Dr. Llntblcum. Satage, Md. (BrSdel Collection). 50.
"■"• (92) Dr. Wllaon. Tllgham Md. (BrOde! Collection).
237 (4S)
238 —■
Ofalr). Dr. Morse, Boston.
(a) Dr. Sandrock, Baltin
<23 + 40falcfpl), BrBdel
(Tp]l_^ Dr, MlUer, Hagen
. Bellalre, Ohio.
<-20[p]). Dr. Kelly, Baltimore (BrBdel Collectloo)
i«o. II + Spoor), Dr, Irving Miller, Baltimore.
246. (3 + 20fairfp]l. Dr. WeKefacth. Baltimore IRrBdel r
247. (21^ + 20 fair [p]). Dr. Beymonr, Trnppe, Md. (Brocle
248. (4» + H0poor). Mr. Wfnternlt);, Baltimore.
240. <[pl). Dr. Hettoen, Cblcago,
250. (2 + 20 fair [p1). Dr. Sampson. Baltimore,
251. ([p]), Dr. Hitter, Brooklyn, N. T.
262. (S + 20 [p]). Dr. Lamb. Washington.
258. .(a -t-SOEOod [p]). BrBdel Collection.
Titles of papers based entirely or in part upon tibe collection of human em-
tiryoB at the iuiatomical Laboratory.
1. P. P. Mall. — ^A human embryo twenty-six days old. Jour, of Morph., V,
2. P. P. Mall. — Development of the lesser peritoneal cavity in birds and
fp^lfnfnalg- Ibid., V, 1891. . -,»»» ^cm^o
8. P. P. Mall. — ^A human embryo of the second week. Anat. Ana., VIII, 1893.
4. P. P. Mall. — Early human embryos and the mode of their preservation.
Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin, 1893. ^„^„
5. P. P. Mall.— Coelom. Eef. Handb. Med. Sci.. Supplement, 1893.
6. P. P. Mall.— The heart. Ibid.
7. P. P. Mall. — ^Development of the thymus. Ibid.
8. P. P. Mall. — Development of the thyroid. Ibid.
9. P. P. Mall. — Human embryos. Ibid.
10. P. P. Mall. — ^Development of the human coelom. Jour, of Morph., XII,
ll! P. P. Mall. — ^Ueber die Entwickelung des menschlichen Darmes und
seiner Lage beim Erwachsenen. Arch. f. Anat. u. Physiol., Supplementband,
12! P. P. Mall. — ^Development of the ventral abdominal walls in man. Jour.
of Morphol., XIV, 1898. , ,, , ^ ,, ^, ,
13. F. P. Mall. — ^The value of embryological specimens. Maryland Medical
Jour., 1898. , , . ^ ,
14. P. P. Mall. — ^Development of the internal mammary and deep epigastric
arteries in man. Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin, 1898.
15. P. P. Mall. — ^Development of the human intestine and its position in the
■dult. Ibid. . ^ . ^^
16. J. B. MacCallum. — On the histogenesis of the striated muscle fibre, and
the growth of the sartorius muscle. Ibid.
17. W. P. Hendrickson. — ^The development of the bile capillaries as revealed
Itj Golgi*s method. Ibid.
18. P. P. Mall. — Supplementary note on the development of the intestine.
Anat. Anz., XVI, 1899.
19. L. P. Barker. — ^The nervous system. D. Appleton & Co., New York, 1899.
20. J. G. Clark. — The origin, development and degeneration of the blood-
vessels of the human ovary. Welch Festschrift, Johns Hopkins Hospital Re-
ports, IX, 1900.
21. P. P. Mall. — ^A contribution to the study of the pathology of early human
embryos. Ibid.
22. J. M. Berry. — On the development of the villi of the human intestine.
Anat Anz., XVII, 1900.
23. J. B. MacCallum. — On the muscular architecture and growth of the ven-
tricles of the heart. Welch Festschrift, Johns Hopkins Hospital Reports, IX,
24! P. P. Mall. — On the development of the human diaphragm. Johns Hop-
kins Hospital Bulletin, 1901.
25. W. H. Lewis. — Observations on the pectoralis major muscle in man. Ibid.
26. R. G. Harrison. — On the occurrence €A tails in man, with a description
of a case reported by Dr. Watson. Ibid.
27. P. P. Mall. — ^Age of human embryos. Ref. Handb. Med. Sci., 2nd ed.,
nL 1901.
28. C. R. Bardeen and W. H. Lewis. — ^Development of the limbs, body-wall
and back in man. Amer. Jour, of Anat., I, 1901.
29. P. P. Mall. — Comparative development of the coelom. Bef. Handb. Med.
Sci., Ill, 1901.
80. P. P. Mall. — Development of the human coelom. Ibid.
81. Margaret Long.— On the development of the nuclei pontis during the
■econd and third months of embryonic life. Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin,
82. W. H. Lewis. — The development of the arm in man. Amer. Jour, of
Anat., I, 1902.
83. P. P. Mall. — ^Pathological human embryos. Ref. Handb. Med. ScL, 2nd
el. HL 1901.
84. J. B. MacCallum. — Notes on the Wolffian body of higher mammals. Amer.
Jour, of Anat., I, 1902.
85. P. P. Mall. — Development of the heart. Ref. Handb. Med. Sci., 2nd ed.,
IV. 1902.
36. M. T. Sudler. — ^The development of the nose and of the pharynx and its
tarivatives in man. Amer. Jour, of Anat., I, 1902.
87. P. P. Mall. — Second contribution to the study of the pathology of early
■unan embryos. Contributions to Medical Research. Dedicated to Victor C.
Ttughan, Ann Arbor, 1903.
88. J. W. Williams. — Obstetrics. D. Appleton & Co., New York, 1903.
89. W. H. Lewis. — Human Embryology. — New International Encyclopedia.
New York, 1903.
40. P. P. Mall. — Note on the collection of human embryos in the Anatomical
laboratory of Johns Hopkins University. Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin,
41. P. P. Mall. — On the transitory or artificial fissures of the human cere-
brom. Amer. Jour, of Anat., II, 1903.
Pearce.— On
e islands ot
Human emliri-o. Amar. Jquc. of Anat
II, laof
order of th
in the fore
brain of th
sriTxvn. 1003,
pmeaC of the thfmus
glDDd. Ref
Uandb. U
4fl. F. P. Mall.— DeTBlonment of the thyroid.
4T. W. n. Lewis.- — DBFelopmeol of the toetiia. lum,
-" ■ "■ Myers. — Ou the stcuatura of the buroan
iTvol. 3, 1004.
L. Btreeler. — Peripheral development of the
region of the human embcyn. Amer. Joor. of AdbI.
50. F. P. Mall. — On the development of the hi
imsa embryo. Ibid.
51. A. G. Pohlman. — ConcBrnlng the emhrjoio)
Med., 1004.
52. A. G.
dependent o
B3. A. G. Pohlman. — The development of the cloacn
1 the occlptfl
- vessel B of the brain li
>f kidney anomalies. A
In the form of the kidney and u
reoal hud. Johns Bopklna lluapltal I
C'owper'B gland I
.. G. Pohlman. — On the development and poeitlon •;
emhryoa. Ibid.
.. F. B. Sahln. — On the development of the lymph heart In the
56. C. R. Bardeen.— The development of the aplnal column and the ■
of the poateclor limb. Amer. Jnur. of Aoat.
57. C. K, Bardeen. — Vertebral variations In the human adull and t
ADBtom. ADzelger.
Ca. C. R. Bardeen, — ^Development of the
Jour, of Anatomy.
BO, W. U, LewlH.— On the early developmi
60. M. BrBdel. — On the development of th
81. F. HInman. — On the development o:
pharynx In the human embryo.
6S. W. H. LewlB.— The development of the muscles of the bead.
. 03. F. P. Mall, — Catalogue of tbe eolleetlon of bamito embryoa In thi
tomlcal Idboratory of the Johns Hopkins University. Baltimore. 1004.
Note. — The references of the papers from No. 4B on are Incomplete for the papers are still In press.

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Mall FP. Hosp. Bull., XIV, 1903. Catalogue of the collection of human embryos in the Anatomical Laboratory of the Johns Hopkins University. Johns Hopkins Hopkins University. Baltimore, 1904.

Online Editor 
Mark Hill.jpg
This 1904 historic paper by Mall describes the human embryos in the collection that would become the Carnegie Collection. There is also a PDF version.

See also Mall FP. A list of normal human embryos which have been cut into serial sections. (1910) Anat. Rec. 4(10): 355-367.

Franklin Mall Links: Franklin Mall | 1891 26 Day Human Embryo | 1905 Blood-Vessels of the Brain | 1906 Human Ossification | 1910 Manual of Human Embryology 1 | 1912 Manual of Human Embryology 2 | 1911 Mall Human Embryo Collection | 1912 Heart Development | 1915 Tubal Pregnancy | 1916 Human Magma in Normal and Pathological Development | 1917 Frequency Human Abnormalities | 1917 Human Embryo Cyclopia | 1918 Embryo Age | 1918 Appreciation | 1934 Franklin Mall biography PDF | Mall photograph | Mall painting | Mall painting | Carnegie Stages | Carnegie Embryos | Carnegie Collection | Category:Franklin Mall

Modern Notes:

Carnegie Collection | Carnegie Embryos

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Pages where the terms "Historic" (textbooks, papers, people, recommendations) appear on this site, and sections within pages where this disclaimer appears, indicate that the content and scientific understanding are specific to the time of publication. This means that while some scientific descriptions are still accurate, the terminology and interpretation of the developmental mechanisms reflect the understanding at the time of original publication and those of the preceding periods, these terms, interpretations and recommendations may not reflect our current scientific understanding.     (More? Embryology History | Historic Embryology Papers)

Catalogue of the collection of human embryos in the Anatomical Laboratory of the Johns Hopkins University

Franklin Mall (1911)

Franklin P. Mall

The age of an embryo in days equals V 100 '>'?'length in mm. or an embryo of a given age is . This rule applies to embryos less than 100 mm. long‘ ‘:In embryos from 100 to 200 mm. long the length from crown to rump in millimeters long. 100

millimeters equals the age in days. 2nd week. 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

0-2 mm. 7 0}{—82 82-96

12 76 148 186

87 164 209 239 250


19 112

80 116

18 113

208 248

109 168

43 106 144 17 5



17 57




95 96 224

84 184


28 172

34 44 230

23-la .

List of Embryos

The following list of human embryos, with the names and addresses of the phyicians from whom they were obtained, is printed for the convenience of those who are intereted in my collection. The data collected have all been flied in order, but they have become so bulky that a list like this is needed for reference. A number is given to each embryo which is entered upon all of the glass slides photographic negatives and all other records of the specimen. Sometimes the notes and illustrations of a single embryo are so numerous that they alone till a whole album.

The figures following the names refer to the publications based wholly or in part upon this collection. According to present prospects the bibliography will be extended greatly within a few years. The collection is now almost unique and we shall prove ourselves unworthy if we do not add something to our knowledge of human embryology.

The abbreviations in parentheses are as follows:

The first figure indicates the length of the embryo from vertex to breech in millimeters.

The sign following indicates the direction of the section; + means trans- verse, : means sagittal, and II means coronal.

The words good, falr or poor indicate the quality of the series.

In case the specimen is pathological it is marked [p] in brackets.

1. (4% + 10 poor). Dr. Gavin. Baltimore. 13, 21. 27, 40, 41. 2. (7 + 15 good). Dr. C. 0. Miller. Baltimore. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, %03l 51%! gg! 5169! 2‘! 277 28! 29! 301 :2! 34! 859 36! 39! 401 41-I 5! 56: ‘$71 ‘SI 49: . . . . - 3. 23/5 + 10 oor). Prof. His, Leipzig, German. 10 30. 40. 4. 7 + 10 fa r). Dr. Williams, Baltimore. 10, 0, 40, 41, 53. 5. 18% + 20 fair). Dr. Kittreldtge, Nashua, N. H. 10. 13, 21, 27, 30, 40,41. 276.” 240+ good). Dr. C. 0. iier, Baltimore. 4, 10, 11, 13, 15, 19, 21, :2, 7. 19%+40 poor). Dr. Booker. Baltimore. 30, 40, 57. 8. 17+-10 poor). Dr. Ritter, Brooklyn. N. Y. 10, 30, 40. 9. 17 _+20 fair). Dr. Eyeleshvmer, Chicago. 10, 11, 15, 19, £2, 30, 40 41. 57. 10. (2 + 40 fair). Dr. W. S. Miller, Madison Wis. 10, 11, 15, 21, -90, 46. 56, 57. 301;; (410154? 10 fair [p]). Dr. Kittredge, Nashua, N. H. 3, 5, 10, 13, 21, 27, '12.’ (2'1/1o+1o good). Dr. Ellis, Elkton, Md. 4. 10, 11, 1:, 13, 15, 19, 21, 2;. 27, 28, 30. 82, 06, 39. 40, 41, 45, $7. 8. 13. 1% = 10 fair [p]). Prof. H s, Leipzig, Germany. 10, B1, 30. 88, 37 40. 14. 1%:-10 fair [p]). Dr. Friedenwald, Baltimore. 10, £1, 30, .98, 40. 15. 6). Dr. Hoye, Richmond. Va. 18. (7). Dr. Sherwood, Baltimore. 10, 13, 21, 27, 40. 40175.6 ((13:30 & 100 poor). Dr. Cottell, Louisville, Ky. 10, 13, 21, 27, 30, . . 5 - 4118.8(7+'201'air). Dr. Douglass, Nashville, Tenn. 10, 13, 19. 21, 27, 30, 40, . »5 - 19. (5% + 20 poor). Dr. Williams, Baltimore 10, 13, 19, 21. 27, .90, 38, 40, 41. 20. 501'air[ 1). Dr. Williams Baltimore. 10. 21, 87, 40. 21. 5¥;+20 air [D1]. Dr. Cullen. London, Canada. 10, 21, 30, 88, 0. 22. 20 + .'-0 good). fir. Snively, Waynesboro, Penn. 10, 12, 13, 21, 5, 27, 88, 30, .52, 86, .39. 40. 41, 42, 47, 48, 52, 54, 58, 57, 58. 23. (70+1i)llgnnd). In-. Snively, Waynesboro, Penn. 13, 21, 27. 40, 42, 58. 24. (1 + 20 good [12]). Dr. C. 0. Miller, Baltimore. 10, 21, 30, 38, 40. 25. (8:50 good [p]). Dr. Lord, Baltimore. 21, 8.1, 37, 40.

26. 25 . Dr. Simon. Baltimore. 13, 21, 27, 40.

27. 23 . In-. 'l‘lmyc-r. Baltimore. 13 21, 27, 40.

28. 19 . Dr. Sewnil. Denver, Colo. 10, 13, 21, 27, 30 40.

29. : ..u good [p] . Dr. Booker, Baltimore. 16, 21, 33, 37, 4o. 30. 60). Dr. Snively. aynesboro, Pen. 13, 21, 27, 40.


984+ 31. 24). Dr. Ballard, Baltimore. 13, 21, 27, 40.

32. 9:50 good [p]). Dr. Booker, Baltimore. 10, 21, 83, 37, 40.

33. 17). Dr. Robb. Cleveland, Ohio.

34. 60 + 50good). Dr. Ellis, Elkton, Md. 10, 11, 13, 15, 18, 21, 22, 27, 50, 40, 42, 54.

35. 13;. Dr. c. 0. Miller, Baltimore. 13, 21, 40.

36. . Dr. Gould, Philadelphia.

3;. (gs? so poor[p]). Dr. Gould, Philadelphia. 10, 21, as, 40. 2:3 533;"-

41I (-12;". Dr. Williams, Baltimore.

3%. (13 . Dr. Wills, Los Angeles, Cal. 10, .13, 21, 27, so, 40.

6:50 good). Dr. Booker, Baltimore. 10, 12, 15, 19, 25, 25, 26, 28, 30, 32, 36, 40. 4 , 52, 63 57.

44. (70+100 good . Dr. Snively, Waynesboro, Penn. 42, 54, 58.

45. (28 + 50 good . Dr. Douglas, Baltimore. 10, 11, 13, 16, 18, 21, 22, 27, 80, 81, 40 41, 42, 54, 56 57, 68.

48. (135). Dr. Taylor, Baltimore. 13, 21, 27, 40, 54.

47. (65). 41484.2'(%340 + 100 good). Dr. Wilson, Worcester, Mass. 10,-.11, 15,. 3,. 30, 40, '49. (7o)'. :— 13, 21, 27, 4o.

50. 120). Dr. Cullen Baltimore. 51. 65). Dr. Gavin, Baltimore.

52. 33 . Dr. Gavin, Baltimore. 13. 21, 27, 40. . 53. (16 . Dr. McMorris, Belle Plaine, la. 10 -40. 4

4054. (11 + 50 8: 100 fair [p]). Dr. McMorris, Belle Plaine, Ia. 21,, 33, 37, 55. ( = 50 good [p]). Dr. Watson, Baltimore. 10, 21, 38, 37, 40. 58. 24). Dr. Flexner, Baltimore.

41526 §%='50 poor). Dr. Howard, Cleveland, Ohio. 10, 13, 21,. 27, 30,. 40,

, .

58. (6+50 J: 100 good [p] . Dr. Howard, Cleveland, Ohio. 21, 30, 33, 40. 59. 10). Dr. Neale, Bait more. 60. (8=100 fair [p]Ig. Dr. Dobbin, Baltimore. 21,. 33, 40. 61. + 20 fair). r. Williams, Baltimore. 62. 130). Dr. Gibbs, Baltimore. 63. 5 weeks). Dr. Zimmerman, Baltimore. 64. 75). Dr. Zimmerman, Baltimore. 16, 40.

65. 120 . Dr. Zimmerman, Baltimore. 16, 40.

66. 130 . Dr. Zimmerman, Baltimore.

.67. 150 . Dr. Zimmerman, Baltimore.

68. 160 . Dr. Zimmerman Baltimore.

69. (13 = 50 & 100 good Ipl). Dr. Chabot, Baltimore, 21, 33, 37, 40.. 70. ( good [p]). Dr. Ellis, Eikton, Md. B1, 33 37, 40.

71. +20 good [3]). Dr. Whitcomb, Greenwich, N. Y. 21,, 37, 40.

72. (23). Dr. Art ur. Baltimore. 13, 21, 27, 33, 40. 73. (30 . Dr. Irvin Miller, Baltimore. ‘ 74. (19+50 good). r. Irving Miller, Baltimore. 12, 21, 40,.41, 50, 56, 57-. 75. (30 :50 good). Dr. Ferguson, Berwick, Me. 81, 3 , 40, 41, 54, 56, 57. 76. (4% + 20 good). Dr. Mitchell, Chicago. 1:, 113, 14, 21,. 24, 27, £8, 82, 84,40, 41-, 48, 5 , 5 , 68. 77. E :20 good 9 J). Dr. Horn, Baltimore. 21, 33, 37. 40. 78. 1:50 fair pfi. Dr. Stoner, Harlan, la. 21, 33, 40. 5679;? (gig = 100 good p]). Dr. Briggs, Biackville, S. C. 13, 18, :1, 27,33. 40,

5 . 488%.2(k'g3'+ £0 good). Dr. Branham, Baltimore. 13, 21, M, 27, 28, 32, 85, 40, 41, '8 '(2o=E5o + 100 ralripl. Dr. Branham Baltimore. 13, 21, 27, 33. 40.

82. ( good [p]). Dr. Cassidy, Baltimore. 21, 33, 37, 38, 40. 83. (18). Dr. McGraw, Pittsburg, Penn. 84. (50+50 good). Dr. Duval Baltimore. 41, 54, 56, 68. 85. (80). Dr. Jump, Diamond, Cal. 56. 86. (30 ||50 ood). Dr. Billlngslea. Baltimore. 81, 40, 41, 54, 56, 57. 87. 4 + 20 air). Dr. Cole Peril, Ill. 13, 21 27, 30, 3.1, 40.

gg+50D& 130 poor).DIt5r.“Brumme, Detroit. 13, £1, 27, 40, 41, 53.

. . r. rumme, e ro . 90a. (3 Dr. Brumme, Detroit. 25, 40. 90b. 25 . Dr. Brumme, Detroit.

90c. (22). Dr. Brumme, Detroit. 90d. £18). Dr. Brumme Detroit. 91. 0). Dr. Haynes, Brooklyn, N. Y. 92. 70 . Dr. Ballard, Baltimore. 13 27, 40. 93.. |]50&100 [p]). Dr. Cassidy, Baltimore. 21, 33, 37, 40. 94. (20:50 fair [p]). Dr. Knill, Detroit. 13, 21, 27, 33, 40, 57. 95. (46: 100 good). Dr. Watson, Baltimore. 13, 21, 31, 40, 41, 54, 57. 96. (44 = 100 good). Dr. Spencer, San Francisco. 13, 21, 27, 31, 40, 41, 54, 57, 58. 97. (7 : 50 good [p]). Dr. Goldman, Baltimore. 21, 33, 40, 56. 98. (125). Dr. Atkinson, Baltimore. 13, 16, 21, 40. 99. (27). Dr. Carr, Durham, N. C. 13, 21, 27, 40. 100. (27 : 50 poor). Dr. Pole, Baltimore. 41, 57.

4 101. Dr. Pole, Baltimore.

102. Dr. Pole, Baltimore.

103. Dr. Pol Baltimore.

104. 12:50 air [p]). Dr. West, Bellaire, Ohio. 81, 33, 40.

105. 48). Dr. Watson, Baltimore. 13, 21, 27, 40, 41. .

58108. 17+50 good). Dr. Gardner, Baltimore. 13, 21,27, 88, 36, 40, 41, 57,

107. (fair [p]). Dr. Gibbs Baltimore.

108. 2:45 fair . Dr. §udler, Baltimore. 54, 57 58.

109. 11 + 20 go ). Dr. Cushing, Baltimore. 13, 21, £4, 95, 27, 88, 33.34,

86, 39 4 41, 45, 46, 7, 50, 53, 56 68.

116. ti = 100 fair 1). Dr. West, Bellaire, Ohio. 21, 33, 37, 40.

111. 1% + 10 poorp[%]). Dr. Gray Washington.

112. 4:10 oor). r. Gray, Washington.

113. 8:10 air). Dr. Gray, Washington. :4, 40 41, 48, 53.

114. 10: 10 fair). Dr. Gray, Washin on. 24, 4 , 41 52 53.

115. 8 + 20 good [p]£. Dr. Atkinson, altimore. 21 33, 37 40.

116. 5 =20 glodk r. Ryan Springfield Ill. 13 21, so, 27, 40, 41, 53. 117. 100). r. allard, Baltimore. 13, 21, 27, 46.

118. 525). Dr. Booker Baltimore. 13, 21, 27, 40, 41.

119. 1| 50 good [pj). Dr. Biedier, Baltimore.

120. 242). Dr. Chlttenden Binghamton N. Y.

121. 21 ). Dr. Ballard, Baltimore. 13, 21, 27, 40.

122. 5:100 good [p]). Dr. Williams, Baltimore. 21, 33, 40.

123. 2 =20 fair[ ]). Dr. Boldt New York. 81, 30, 38, 37, 40.

124. 35:50 & 00 poor[ ]). Dr. Cassidy, Baltimore. 21, 33, 37, 40. 125. . Dr. Ballard, Ba timore.

126. ). Dr. Ballard, Baltimore.

127. . Dr. Gundry, Baltimore. 21, 40.

128. 20 || 50 good). Dr. Lupton, Baltimore. 21, 33,. 34, 40, 5).

129. . Dr. Gundry, Baltimore. 21, 25, 40.

3713105 4+20 & 100 poor [p]). Dr. Saussure, Charleston, S. C. at. 30, as.

131. $9 . Dr. Watson, Baltimore.

132. 15 + 50 good [p]). Dr. Lamb, Washington. 81, 33, 37, 40.

133. (12 ‘.| luufnir [p]). Dr. Hundley, Baltimore. 21. 33, 40.

134. (9 good [[1]). Dr. Summer, Trt-nton. N. J. 21. 30, 35, 37, 40.

135. (9+fitj {mod [p]). Dr. iiloselv, Baltimore. 21, 33, 37, 40.

138. (5 150 good [p]). Dr. Campbell. llalifax. 21, 24, 33, 37, 40.

137. (_1 : 50 fnlr [[1]). Dr. Watson, Baltimore. 21 30,.33, 40.

138. ll 2). Ill‘. Watslnll. Baltllnore. 21, 27, 40, 41.

139. (5 ). Dr. Boldt. New York. 41.

140. (40). Dr. Johnson. Wasllington.

141. (R —. 50 fair [pl]. Dr. West. Bellaire. Ohio. 81, 33, 37, 40.

142. (20 no good [11]). Ill‘. Sommers. Trenton, N. J. 21, 33, 37, 40.

143. }.!5 50 poor [p]). Ilr. Stick. Glenviile,.Pa. £1. 30, 38, 37, 40.

144. 14 : 40 good). 111'. Watson. Baltimore. 21, 2.5, 26, 27, 28, 34, 86, 40,

41, 49, 50, 5- 53. 56. .'-7. as. 561%? $3 : .5-0&100 good). Dr. Watson, Baltimore. 21, 27, 40, 48, 50, 54,

1 V

146. § 5 + 1001'air). Dr. Watson, Baltimore. 21 27, 40, 41.

147. : 50 fair [p]). Dr. Pole, Baltimore. 21, 30, 33, 37. 40.

19148. ( 3/10+10 good). Dr. Hoen, Baltimore. 21, 24, 27, £8, 40, 41, 43, 44,

149. 3 ). Dr. Hoen, Baltimore. 27, 33, 40, 41.

150. :20 ralr[p]). Dr. Oertel, Aulgusta, Ga. 21, 33, 40.

151. . Dr. Ramse , Baltimore. 4 .

152. : 1001Eoor [:1 ). Dr. Boldt, New York. 21, 33, 40.

153. g good pl). Dr. Stick. Glenvilie, Pa. 21, 33, 37, 40.

154. ). Dr. Boldt New York.

155. 5 Dr. Kerr, itllaca, N. Y.

156. Dr. Kerr, Ithaca, N. Y.

157. g ). Dr. Russell, Baltimore.

158. :50 poor [p]). Dr. Iloward, Cleveland. 37, 40.

159. [ ]). Dr. Golden, Eikins, W. Va. 21, 37, 40.

160. 1 ). Dr. MacCallum, Baltimore.

161. 1 ll 501.'air Epl). Dr. Cassidy, Baltimore. 21, 33, 40.

162. 1 + 50 fair p]). Dr. Wanstail, Baltimore. 37, 40.

163. 9 + 20 good). Dr. Lamb, Washington. 25, 26, 28. 82, 34, 36, 89, 40, 41,

45, Q .07, 8, 50, 52, 56, 58. 531 . (3 + 20 fair). Dr. MacCallum, Baltimore. 2.}, 32, 3.5, 88, 40, 41, 52,

165. __). Dr. Sampson, Cambridge, Md.

166. 1/; + 00 good [p]). Dr. Cassett. Baltimore. 37, 40.

187. 1,4). Dr. Ritter, Brooklyn. 28, 40, 48.

168. ( ). Dr. Lamb, Washington.

169. g ). Dr. Watson, Baltimore. 41.

170. 5 + 100 oor). Dr. Watson, Baltimore. 41.

171. g ). Dr. rving Miller Baltimore. 48.

172. + 100 good). Dr. w'atson, Baltimore. 54.

173. ( ]). Dr. Jump, Tesla Mines, (‘al.

174. E + 50&100 good [p]). Dr. Gibbs. Baltimore. 37, 40.

571753. + 20 good). Dr. Boldt, New York. 38, so, 40, 41, 46, 59, 51, 52, 53, 56.

, . 176. 177. 178. 179. 180. 131. 182. 183. 184. 185. 136. 137. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 37, 40. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 207. 57

208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 218. tlon ) . 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 228. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 2349.. 234b. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 258.

88). Dr. Kerr, Ithaca, N. Y. 48.

12 + 50&100 good I). Dr. Harrison. Baltimore. 37, 40. 85). Dr. Caasidy. altimore. 57.

'z5°l‘3oD5io¢ast[‘L'1°' mB¢|':i;;:e.41liocheater N Y 37 40

( 1). in-. Lam '. Waémngton. 37. 40. ’ ' ' ’ ' gs)l).1oI1)Jm11;:;]l[‘5»t]‘)N Dr.Y Lgmb, Washington. 37, 40.

. 1'. new or. 50:50&100 good). Dr. Russell, Baltimore. 48, 54, 57, 58. goodggl). Dr. Sabin. Baltimore. 37. 40. %+‘ good). Dr. Boldt. New York. 58. - 9:20fair[ J). Dr. Culidy. Baltimore. 48. 17+%301':ii1' p )). Il))r. gongnlner.‘ '1‘re1;ionbN. 2'5, 40, 66, 57. + . r. or e. ngua a. a. . 1)“. 91-. His. Elkton, Md. 37. 40. ’ g . Dr. Ellis. Elkton, Md. 37. 40. . Dr. Larsen. Chic 0. 39 . Br. fie-i:)s.%oylall. la. . r. m. as n on.

[p ). Dr. Lamb. Waahlgafigton. 37. 40.

3|)50fnlr [13]). Brfidel ollectlon. 37. 40.

6 wka.. normal). Dr. Little. Baltimore.

§5I110l(5)of:‘ii1;r[)p]). Dr. Larzen57Chicago. 37, 40.

. . 0 . .

$14550 tair [p]). Dr. skilling, Lonaconing, Md. (Brlidel Collection). 20 +50 good [p]). Dr. helly, Baltimore (Brddel Collection). 37, 40. 3(8) . Br. gliitlfy, Ilfoaltimgge. . r. c 3 ya a. &p ). Dr. Lamb. Waslilngton. 37, 40. 40||)50 oodI[lp] . ‘1'?r.h{.amb. Washington. 37, 40. . 1'. am as n on. .

16=100 fair [pj). Dr. orn, Baltimore (Brtidel Collection). 37, 40, 27:20 oor). Dr. Dale. Lamont, Pa.

3 + 50 air). Dr. Bommer. Trenton, N. J. $35). Dr. Lamb. Washington.

33=50&100 good). Dr. Spencer. San Francisco. 54. 57.

37+ logfnié U3“. Il3r.mWeat. Bellaire, Ohio.

. r. aaa , a more.

19;. Dr. Hurdoli. Baltimore.

15 [p]). Dr. Unger, Mercereber . Pa. (Brfidel Collection). $75; 5%)}: 100 goo [p]). Dr. egefnrth. Baltimore (Br5del Collec- gg). ' Igrbdfllergillll. %tillwa‘tfir, Minn.

. r e 0 cc on. . 1132100 poor). Br-5del Collection. 41. §1E°=*26‘}2P.°‘."’b..”§»‘1‘1l.‘i.‘§?‘83523.... Ohio. .2, .3. [p]). Dr. teele, Cambridge. Md. (Briidel Collection). <ls“-..I.::-..,°.:'"***a:- ‘*:.“'"*.*:»'°."’.***.=.‘°: ..

oo . r. es. enre. o. .’. .

E46). Dr. Weggefarth. Baltimore (Brlidel Collection). 50. §§g+5g(:‘a:“1)3ti;23gd[)p])' D‘I?r'I¥el:t' B311elIt1ll1'l1r(sre0h!":i 56' 5" = . . . . D .

31,4; :50 tall‘ [DEL Dr. West. gliellalre. Ohio. (21 :50 ad). Dr. Sandrock. Baltimore. 55, 51'.

(133 : 100 goodalggll. Elect, Bcllaire. Ohio.

+ r . r e ,0 ec on.

14 + 1mm [1]). Brfldel Collection.

[g)]). Dr. Preston Miller. Hageratown, Md. (Br5del Collection). ((6%;-Bflfioggii CD111‘. t2l\al1by.5OBaltlrnore (Br{idcl Colic-ctlnn). 50.

. r e o ec on. .

59 . Dr. Llnthicum. Savage. Md. (Briidel Collection). 50.

92 . Dr. Wilson. Tllpzham. Md. (Briidel Colic.-ctlon).

48 . Dr. Todd, Mt. Waahington, Md. (Brlidel Collection). 50. $90). Dr. Smart. Baltimore. (Brlidel Collection). 50.

3 + 10 tair). Dr. Morse. Boston. I ). Dr. West. Bellaire. Ohio.

3%" + ‘25':.§“’l"’f’)°"' n‘%§lfél”‘l§§a..ffi‘..

£111). Dr. tmfiler, Hageratown, Md. ‘llilrlidel Collection).

+ 20 [0]). Dr. Kelly. Baltimore (Briidel Collection).

1' + 5 or). Dr. lrvinf Miller. Baltimore.

3+20 air ‘p]i. Dr. ecefnrth. Baltimore lnriidr-l Collection). (2% + 20 far [p]). Dr. Seymour. Trnppe. Md. (Brfidel Collection). (4% + 50 poor). Mr. Wlnternltz. Baltimore. ([p]). Dr. Hektoen. Chicago. (24-20 fair [[1]). Dr. Sampson. Baltimore. ([11]). Dr. Rlttcr, Brooklyn. N. Y. (3 + 20 [9]). Dr. Lamb. Washington. (3 + good [10]). Brodel Collection.


Titles of pafirs based entirely or in part upon the collection of human em- bryos at the atomical Laboratory.

183.19‘. P. Mall.—A human. embryo twentyiix days old. Jour. at Morph.. V.

2.'l'. P. ment oi.’ the leuer peritoneal cavity in birds and 3. 1:-. P. MnuI'—A' human embryo of the second week. Anat. Ans., vm. 1393. 4. F. P. Mall.—Early human embrgos and the mode ot their preservation.

Johns Hopkins Hos ital Bulletin, 189 . 5. F. P. Mall. oelom. Bet. Handb. Med. Sci.. Supplement, 1893.

6. F. P. Mall.—The heart. Ibid.

7. F. P. Mall.—Development or the thymus. Ibid. 8. F. P. Mall.—Development of the thyroid. Ibid. 9. F. P. Mall.—Human embryos. Ibid.

ll‘. P. Mall.—Development of the human coelom. Jour. of Morph., XII,

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