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== Assisted Reproductive Technology (USA) ==
== Assisted Reproductive Technology (USA) ==
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Educational Use Only - Embryology is an educational resource for learning concepts in embryological development, no clinical information is provided and content should not be used for any other purpose.


Louise Brown, the first IVF baby as an adult.

The now many different reproductive options are know as Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) and this technique continues to grow worldwide with development of new medical technologies. In vitro fertilization covers the aided fertilization process, in contrast with in vivo fertilization which is the normal uterine occuring fertilization process.

The earliest experiments 1945-48, involved fertilising oocytes that had been collected from women with spermatozoa in a petri dish.[1][2] The first successful IVF was carried out in the UK in 1978 by Edwards RG, et al.[3], receiver of the 2010 Nobel Prize in Medicine.

The Latin, In vitro = "in glass" meaning in essence a test tube as apposed to in vivo (in life or a living body). Note that even in vivo fertilization can also now be assisted through some fertility drug treatments. Both processes have the same biological outcome, fusion of male and female gametes to form a diploid zygote.

In Australia, the first successful IVF occurred in 1980.[4] and during 2005 1,596 IVF babies were born. In the same year in Australia and New Zealand 51,017 treatment cycles were reported, an increase of 13.7% of ART treatment cycles from 2004. In all countries using Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART), pregnancy rates vary for the different methods of treatment and also between individual IVF or GIFT units. In Australia best clinical pregnancy rate (per 100 oocyte retrieval cycles) by most successful 25% of all clinics increased from 24.9% (1998) to 34.4% (2001) (NPSU data - ART 2002 report)

ART Links: Assisted Reproductive Technology | In Vitro Fertilization | Oncofertility | In Vitro Oogenesis | NIPT | oocyte | spermatozoa | fertilization | Lecture - Fertilization | Lecture - Week 1 and 2 | Lecture - Genital Development | Robert Edwards | IVF Questions | ART Report 2013 | ART USA | ART Glossary | Category:ART
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2010
Awarded to Robert G. Edwards "for the development of in vitro fertilization" who battled societal and establishment resistance to his development of the in vitro fertilization procedure, which has so far led to the birth of around 4 million people. (More? Assisted Reproductive Technology | Nobel Prize 2010)

Some Recent Findings

Swapping mitochondrial DNA mammalian oocytes
Intracytoplasmic sperm insemination
  • Sep 2012 UK - Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) launches a public consultation on the ethical and social implications of new in vitro fertilisation (IVF) techniques designed to avoid the maternal transmission of mitochondrial disease. Technique The oocyte normally provides the mitochondria to the embryo (maternally-derived), therefore a different oocyte cytoplasm with an affected mother's nucleus would prevent transmission of mitochondrial disease. Report - Novel techniques for the prevention of mitochondrial DNA disorders: an ethical review Reports
  • Assisted reproductive technology in Europe, 2007[5] "This 11th European IVF-monitoring report presents the results of assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatments initiated in Europe during 2007. From 33 countries, 1029 clinics reported 493 184 treatment cycles: IVF (120 761), ICSI (256 642), frozen embryo replacement (91 145), egg donation (15 731), preimplantation genetic diagnosis/preimplantation genetic screening (4638), in vitro maturation (660) and frozen oocytes replacements (3607). Overall, this represents a 7.6% increase since 2006."
  • Retransplantation of cryopreserved ovarian tissue: the first live birth in Germany[6] "Cryopreserved ovarian tissue can be retransplanted to restore fertility after radiation or chemotherapy. To date, 15 live births after retransplantation have been reported worldwide. We report the first pregnancy and the first live birth after retransplantation in Germany. This was the first live birth after retransplantation of cryopreserved ovarian tissue in Germany and also the first case with histological confirmation that the oocyte from which the patient conceived could only have come from the retransplanted tissue."
  • Assisted reproductive technology in Australia and New Zealand 2009[7] "In 2009, there were 70,541 assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatment cycles undertaken in Australian and New Zealand. Of these cycles, 17.2% resulted in a live delivery (the birth of at least one liveborn baby). In total, 13,114 liveborn babies were born following ART treatment in 2009. The most important trend in ART treatment has been the increase of single embryo transfer, from 48.3% in 2005 to 69.7% in 2009. This trend has resulted in significant reduction of multiple delivery rate from 14.1% in 2005 to 8.2% in 2009." (More? Reports)
  • Sperm storage for cancer patients in the UK: a review of current practice[8] "An increasing number of cancer patients can now hope to have a full and normal life due to significant improvements in treatment outcomes and survival rates. The application of cryobiology to store fertile gametes before sterilizing treatments has been a natural progression. Greater awareness has markedly increased the worldwide demand for long-term storage of sperm, and has prompted the UK Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority to extend the period of storage permitted by their regulations to 55 years. Other patients undergoing sterilizing chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy such as haemoglobinopathies requiring bone marrow transplantation and autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis may further increase the indications for sperm storage. Most adult and adolescent patients and their relatives/spouses/parents/guardians value this service even though very few eventually use the sperm. There is an urgent need to develop national and international guidelines for the provision, organization, maintenance and management of the cryopreservation services."
  • The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2010 was awarded to Robert G. Edwards "for the development of in vitro fertilization". [3] Nobel Prize 2010

Recent References | References

18 Ways to Make a Baby

USA assisted reproductive technology 1996.jpg
  1. Natural sex
  2. Artificial insemination - of mother with father's sperm
  3. Artificial insemination - of mother with donor sperm
  4. Artificial insemination - with egg and sperm donors, using surrogate mother
  5. In vitro fertilization (IVF) - using egg and sperm of parents
  6. IVF - with Intra-Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI)
  7. IVF - with frozen embryos
  8. IVF - with Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD)
  9. IVF - with egg donor
  10. IVF - with sperm donor
  11. IVF - with egg and sperm donor
  12. IVF - with surrogate using parents' egg and sperm
  13. IVF - with surrogate and egg donor
  14. IVF - with surrogate and sperm donor
  15. IVF - with surrogate using her egg, sperm from baby's father
  16. IVF - with surrogate using egg and sperm donors*
  17. Cytoplasmic transfer**
  18. Nuclear transfer and cloning

First IVF Baby

Louise Brown was born at 1147 BST on 25 July, 1978, in Oldham, United Kingdom.

Blastocyst Formation (in vitro)

The table below shows human blastocyst in vitro changes during week 1 development.[9] Human blastocyst formation-in vitro.jpg

Links: Week 1 | Blastocyst

Embryo Culture Milestones

  • 1944-48 human oocytes fertilised by spermatozoa in vitro[1][2]
  • 1949 8 cell mouse embryo -> blastocyst (in saline and egg yolk)
  • 1956 8 cell mouse embryo -> blastocyst (first embryo culture medium)
  • 1957 2 cell mouse embryo -> blastocyst
  • 1958 8 cell mouse embryo -> blastocyst, then transferred to pregnant recipient
  • 1960's development of culture requirements for mouse mebryos
  • 1965 2 cell mouse embryo -> blastocyst, then transferred into pseudopregnant recipient
  • 1968 zygotes from mouse -> blastocysts
  • 1968,70 2 & 4 cell rabbit embryos -> blastocyst in serum supplemented medium
  • 1970,71 1 & 2 cell rabbit embryos -> blastocyst in defined medium
  • 1970,81 Culture of in vitro fertilized human embryo -> 16 cells -> blastula
  • 1998 Cloning of adult sheep "dolly"
  • 2004 Cloning of human blastocysts

Data modified from[10]

Oldest IVF Mother

There is still risk, ethical and genetic debate about very old women becoming pregnant by IVF.

  • 2003 India - A 65-year old Indian woman was the oldest in the world to give birth by IVF.
  • 2006 United Kingdom - A 62-year old woman has become the UK's oldest woman to give birth to a child.
  • 2008 Australia - A 54-year old woman was Australia's oldest woman pregnant by IVF (most Australian IVF clinics do not treat women over 50)
  • 2010 Australia - A 57-year old woman is now the oldest mother to give birth in Australia, has delivered IVF twins in Western Australia.

IVF Sex Ratios

A recent paper looked at Australian assisted reproductive technology (ART) data (2002-2006) studied the effect on human sex ratio at birth by different procedures. PMID:20875033

"More males were born following in vitro fertilisation single embryo transfer (IVF SET) (53.0%) than intracytoplasmic sperm insemination (ICSI) SET (50.0%), and following blastocyst SET (54.1%) than cleavage-stage SET (49.9%). For a specific ART regimen, IVF blastocyst SET produced more males (56.1%) and ICSI cleavage-stage SET produced fewer males (48.7%). The change in the sex ratio at birth of SET babies is associated with the ART regimen. The mechanism of these effects remains unclear. Fertility clinics and patients should be aware of the bias in the sex ratio at birth when using ART procedures."

Assisted Reproductive Technology (Australia and New Zealand)

Assisted reproductive technology in Australia and New Zealand 2010. Assisted reproductive technology in Australia and New Zealand 2009.
ART in Australia and New Zealand 2010[11] 26 Oct 2012
  • In 2010, there were 61,774 assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatment cycles performed in Australia and New Zealand.
  • Of these, 23.9% resulted in a clinical pregnancy and 18.1% in a live delivery (the birth of at least one liveborn baby).
  • There were 12,056 liveborn babies following ART treatments in 2010.
ART in Australia and New Zealand 2009[12] 9 Nov 2011
  • In 2009, there were 70,541 assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatment cycles undertaken in Australian and New Zealand.
  • Of these cycles, 17.2% resulted in a live delivery (the birth of at least one liveborn baby).
  • In total, 13,114 liveborn babies were born following ART treatment in 2009.
  • The most important trend in ART treatment has been the increase of single embryo transfer, from 48.3% in 2005 to 69.7% in 2009.
  • This trend has resulted in significant reduction of multiple delivery rate from 14.1% in 2005 to 8.2% in 2009.

IVF cycles ANZ 1999-2004.jpg 2005 - 51,017 treatment cycles reported to ANZARD in Australia and New Zealand in 2005. Of these cycles, 91.1% were from Australian fertility centres and 8.9% from New Zealand's centres. There is an increase of 13.7% of ART treatment cycles from 2004.[13]

Average age of women was 35.5 years (35.2 years in 2002). Women aged older than 40 years has increased from 14.3% in 2002 to 15.3% in 2005.

Since ANZARD was established in 2002 there has been a significant increase in the number of embryos transfer cycles where women received single-embryo transfers (SET). SET cycles accounted for 48.3% of embryos transfer cycles in 2005, compared to 28.4% in 2002. The increase of SET cycles resulted more singleton deliveries. The proportion of singleton deliveries was 85.9% in 2005, the highest proportion ever reported.

Babies born to women who had a single-embryo transfer had better outcomes compared to babies born to women who had a double-embryo transfer (DET). In 2005, there were 3,681 SET babies and 5,589 DET babies. In SET babies, 96.1% were singletons, compared to 61.6% singletons in DET babies. SET babies had a lower proportion of preterm babies (11.7%), compared to 30.6% in DET babies. Similarly, 8.0% of SET liveborn babies were low birthweight, compared to 25.0% in DET liveborn babies.

Perinatal mortality rate is a measure of perinatal outcomes. In 2005, for all babies born following ART treatment, the perinatal mortality rate was 14.7 deaths per 1,000 births, a 23.8% decrease from 19.3 deaths per 1,000 births in 2004. The perinatal mortality rate was the lowest among singletons born following SET (7.3 deaths per 1,000 births) in 2005.[13]

2004 - 41,904 IVF treatment cycles were started in Australia 92.6% (38,823) and New Zealand 7.4% (3,081). (More? NPSU Assisted Reproduction Technology Reports)

In Vitro Fertilization - ABC News Baby born from frozen embryo

"In what's thought to be a world first, a baby has been born in Melbourne using a woman's frozen egg and a donor's frozen sperm which created an embryo that was also frozen, then thawed and implanted into the mother"

"JOHN MCBAIN: Oh egg freezing is very difficult. Embryo freezing itself is very well established. We would probably have about 55 per cent of all the babies born from our program, and that's about 1,400 a year, come from frozen embryos. So, that's very well established technology. But even with these embryos, only 70 per cent of the embryos survive the freezing and thawing. With eggs, it's closer to 40 to 50 per cent, and then you have to have the number which don't fertilise following that, and then you have to have those which end up being frozen, possibly not surviving the embryo freezing stage too, and that's a reason we don't promote it."

Regulation of Assisted Reproductive Technology

Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) , including IVF (or in vitro fertilisation) is regulated in Australia through both legislative and voluntary compliance frameworks. Legislation in three states is underpinned by a national system of accreditation by the Reproductive Technology Accreditation Committee (RTAC) of the Fertility Society of Australia, which is in turn is underpinned by guidelines produced by the NHMRC. This is outlined in more detail below.

Current legislation

  • ART is regulated by specific legislation in three States, the Victorian Infertility Treatment Act (1995) , the South Australian Reproductive Technology Act (1988) and the Western Australian Human Reproductive Technology Act (1991) . Each of these pieces of legislation establishes a State regulatory body which issues Licences to clinics that provide ART services.
  • There is no Commonwealth legislation covering the regulation of ART clinical practice.
  • The Research Involving Human Embryos Act 2002 includes a requirement that use of non-excess ART embryos occurs in an RTAC-accredited ART clinic.

Reproductive Technology Accreditation Committee (RTAC). RTAC, under the Fertility Society of Australia, administers a national Code of Practice and a system for the accreditation of ART clinics in Australia. Through its Code of Practice, RTAC sets professional and laboratory standards for ART clinical practice.

(Information from teh NHMRC)

Links: NHMRC information | RTAC

Assisted Reproductive Technology (USA)


USA ART Report 2009 cover

Graph Links: Report cover | clinics | types of ART | outcomes | donor-vs-own-eggs | donor fresh outcomes | maternal age | nondonor embryos transferred | nondonor frozen fresh outcomes | nondonor low birthweight | nondonor maternal age | nondonor miscarriage | nondonor outcomes 1 | nondonor outcomes 2 | nondonor outcomes 3 | nondonor outcomes 4 | nondonor outcomes 5 | nondonor preterm | nondonor procedure | nondonor results | ART USA | Assisted Reproductive Technology


USA- ART clinics (2006)
USA assisted reproductive technology 1996.jpg

1996 Assisted Reproductive Technology Success Rates National Summary and Fertility Clinic Reports

  • The 1996 report of pregnancy success rates is the second to be issued. The report includes a national report that uses information from 300 U.S. fertility clinics to provide an indepth national picture of ART; fertility clinic tables that provide ART success rates for each clinic that submitted and verified its1996 data; and an appendix containing a glossary of terms and lists of reporting and nonreporting clinics in the United States. (See Pie Graph)

1995 Assisted Reproductive Technology Success Rates National Summary and Fertility Clinic Report.]

  • This report gives consumers and potential assisted reproductive technology (ART) users an idea of a woman's average chances of having a pregnancy and a live birth by using ART. The report includes a national summary that uses the information from all reporting fertility clinics to provide an indepth national picture of ART; fertility clinic reports that provide ART success rates for 259 clinics in the United States; and an appendix containing a glossary of terms used in the national and clinic reports.

USA ART live birth rates 1996.jpg

European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology

  • Assisted reproductive technology in Europe, 2007[5] "This 11th European IVF-monitoring report presents the results of assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatments initiated in Europe during 2007.

Highlights from the 2007 Report

  • From 33 countries, 1029 clinics reported 493 184 treatment cycles
  • IVF (120 761), ICSI (256 642), frozen embryo replacement (91 145), egg donation (15 731)
  • preimplantation genetic diagnosis/preimplantation genetic screening (4638)
  • in vitro maturation (660) and frozen oocytes replacements (3607)
  • overall a 7.6% increase since 2006.

Reports annually (in the journal Human Reproduction) on the European results of assisted reproductive techniques. Listed below are some statistical information gathered from reporting clinics for the current 2001 report. ESHRE Report 2001

Highlights from the 2001 Report

  • From 23 countries, 579 clinics reported 289,690 cycles
  • IVF 120,946, ICSI 114,378, frozen embryo transfer (FER) 47,195 and egg donation (ED) 7,171 (4% increase since the year 2000)
  • European data on intra-uterine inseminations (IUIs) were reported from 15 countries. A total of 67 124 cycles [IUI husband'sperm (IUI-H) 52 949 and IUI donor sperm (IUI-D) 14 185] were included.
  • In 12 countries where all clinics reported to the register, a total of 108 910 cycles were performed in a population of 131.4 million (829 cycles/million inhabitants).
  • IVF- clinical pregnancy rate per aspiration and per transfer was 25.1 and 29.0%, respectively.
  • ICSI- clinical pregnancy rate per aspiration and per transfer was 26.2 and 28.3% (similar to the results from 2000).
  • IUI-H- clinical pregnancy rate was 12.8% in women less than 40 and 9.7% in women 40 years of age.
  • After IVF and ICSI, the distribution of transfer of one, two, three and 4 embryos was 12.0, 51.7, 30.8 and 5.5%, respectively.
  • Distribution of singleton, twin and triplet deliveries for IVF and ICSI combined was 74.5, 24.0 and 1.5%, respectively.
  • Range of triplet deliveries after IVF and ICSI differed from 0.0 to 8.2% between countries.
  • After IUI-H in women less than 40 years of age, 10.2% were twin and 1.1% were triplet gestations.

Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority UK (HFEA)

The UK Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) was established in August 1991 following the passing of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990 (HFE Act).

The HFEA's principal  tasks are to:

  • License and monitor clinics that carry out in vitro fertilisation (IVF) and donor insemination
  • License and monitor research centres undertaking human embryo research
  • Regulate the storage of gametes and embryos

HFEA also provide a downloadable patient booklet: Your Guide to Infertility and website information on Patients' Guide to Donor Insemination (DI)

Links: Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, UK)


Sweden had its first child born after in vitro fertilisation 20 years ago. A recent paper in BMJ looks at the change in multiple birthrates since a change in the early 1990s, to reduce the number of embryos transferred in the clinic from three to two.[14]

"The rate of multiple births after in vitro fertilisation increased to a maximum of 29% in 1991 but fell to 18.5% by 2001, resulting in a 70% reduction of preterm births"

Controlled Ovarian Stimulation

A variety of drug based techniques are used to stimulate maternal oocyte development, called controlled ovarian stimulation (COS), for any in vitro fertilization procedure. The recommended for technique will vary for some procedures and also from clinic to clinic and between countries.

An example of ovarian stimulation (based on[15])

  • Gonadotrophin releasing hormone agonist (GnRHa) triptorelin acetate (0.1 mg/day) treatment started on the 22nd day of the preceding menstrual cycle.
  • Human menopausal gonadotrophin (HMG) and/or follicular stimulating hormone (FSH) was carried out daily 12 to 15 days later.
    • Dosage may vary dependent upon patient response and can be monitored by hourmone levels (oestradiol) and transvaginal ultrasound (follicular size).
  • The resulting ovulatory wave generates large follicles (greater than 18 mm in diameter).
  • Human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) is then administered (36 to 38 h later)
  • Clinical transvaginal puncture is used to collect from these follicles cumulus-oocyte complexes.
  • Oocytes are then isolated from these cumulus-oocyte complexes.

Links: Menstrual Cycle | Ovary Development | Oocyte Development | Pituitary

Gamete Banking

Both men and women undergoing clinical procedures of chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy (ionizing radiation) can have induced gametogenic failure.


Women undergoing clinical procedures of chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy (ionizing radiation) can have induced premature ovarian failure. Therefore a growing reproductive option has been the collecting of oocytes or ovarian tissue before commencing these procedures and storing ("banking") by cryopreservation for later use. One major issue is coordination of the two procedures, as most cancer therapies commence immediately, and most reproductive procedures require substantial preparation time. Currently the cryopreservation techniques required for ovarian tissue preservation are also improving all the time. In a number of clinics women with breast cancer and of reproductive age are being counselled about their reproductive options.[16]

Chemotherapy, alkylating and alkylating-like agents attach to the guanine base of DNA, cross-linking the DNA, preventing replication and cell division. Some examples include: busulfan, carboplatin, chlorambucil, cisplatin, cyclophosphamide, dacarbazine, ifosfamide, thiotepa

A third potential option that may also in future be available is the transplanting (allografting) of ovarian cortex between individuals, this has recently been carried out between genetically non-identical sisters.[17]


A recent paper[8] described the current practice of spermatozoa banking in the United Kingdom in relation to cancer patients. The UK Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority have now extended the period of storage permitted by their regulations to 55 years. They point to a lack of "national and international guidelines for the provision, organization, maintenance and management of the cryopreservation services."

Links: Environmental | Drugs | Radiation

Ovarian Reserve

Ovarian reserve is a term referring to the evaluation of ovary oocyte (egg) number and quality. A negative finding has been described as Diminished Ovarian Reserve, or an ovarian insufficiency or premature ovarian failure and may be seen in adult childhood cancer survivors and adult patients undergoing a number of therapies.

The anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) level is currently the most sensitive marker of ovarian reserve.[18]

Ovarian Follicle Growth in vitro

Ovarian follicle growth in vitro.jpg

2D and 3D methods of ovarian follicle growth in vitro.[19]


  1. 1.0 1.1 <pubmed>17788930</pubmed>| Science
  2. 2.0 2.1 <pubmed>18903892</pubmed>
  3. 3.0 3.1 <pubmed>6775685</pubmed>
  4. <pubmed>7353686</pubmed>
  5. 5.0 5.1 <pubmed>22343707</pubmed>
  6. <pubmed>22282711</pubmed>
  7. Wang YA, Macaldowie A, Hayward I, Chambers GM, & Sullivan EA 2011. Assisted reproductive technology in Australia and New Zealand 2009. Assisted reproduction technology series no. 15. Cat. no. PER 51. Canberra: AIHW. Online Summary | PDF
  8. 8.0 8.1 <pubmed>21873609</pubmed>
  9. <pubmed>10221713</pubmed>
  10. <pubmed>15726768</pubmed>
  11. AIHW, Macaldowie A, Wang YA, Chambers GM & Sullivan EA 2012. Assisted reproductive technology in Australia and New Zealand 2010. Assisted reproduction technology series. Cat. no. PER 55. Canberra: AIHW. Online Summary | PDF
  12. Wang YA, Macaldowie A, Hayward I, Chambers GM, & Sullivan EA 2011. Assisted reproductive technology in Australia and New Zealand 2009. Assisted reproduction technology series no. 15. Cat. no. PER 51. Canberra: AIHW. Online Summary | PDF
  13. 13.0 13.1 Wang YA, Dean JH & Sullivan EA. Assisted Reproduction Technology in Australia and New Zealand 2005 National Perinatal Statistics Unit (2007) AIHW Assisted reproduction technology series no. 11
  14. <pubmed>15894553</pubmed>| BMJ
  15. <pubmed>20953827</pubmed>
  16. <pubmed>20499073</pubmed>
  17. <pubmed>20663793</pubmed>
  18. <pubmed>19153092</pubmed>
  19. <pubmed>20946661</pubmed>| Reprod Biol Endocrinol.



<pubmed>20124287</pubmed> <pubmed>19147504</pubmed>

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External Links

External Links Notice - The dynamic nature of the internet may mean that some of these listed links may no longer function. If the link no longer works search the web with the link text or name. Links to any external commercial sites are provided for information purposes only and should never be considered an endorsement. UNSW Embryology is provided as an educational resource with no clinical information or commercial affiliation.


For a full list of terms see ART Glossary

  • empty follicle syndrome - (EFS) Term used to describe a condition in which no oocytes are recovered/obtained after an apparently successful ovarian stimulation.
  • follicle stimulating hormone - (FSH, gonadotropin) A glycoprotein hormone secreted by anterior pituitary (adenohypophysis gonadotrophs, a subgroup of basophilic cells) and acts on gametogenesis and other systems in both males and females. In females, FSH acts on the ovary to stimulate follicle development. Negative feedback by inhibin from the developing follicle decreases FSH secretion. In males, acts on the testis Sertoli cells to increase androgen-binding protein (ABP) that binds androgens and has a role in spermatogenesis. FSH-defficiency in females results in infertile (block in folliculogenesis prior to antral follicle formation) and in males does not affect fertility (have small testes but are fertile). FSH protein has a molecular weight 30 kDa and a 3-4 hour half-life in circulation. Gonadotrophins have been used clinically in humans for the treatment of infertility.
  • human chorionic gonadotropin - (hCG, human chorionic gonadotrophin) Placental hormone initially secreted by cells (syncitiotrophoblasts) from the implanting conceptus during week two, supporting the ovarian corpus luteum, which in turn supports the endometrial lining and therefore maintains pregnancy. Hormone can be detected in maternal blood and urine and is the basis of many pregnancy tests. Hormone also stimulates the onset of fetal gonadal steroidogenesis, high levels are teratogenic to fetal gonadal tissues.
  • human menopausal gonadotropin - (HMG) A clinical hormone preparation used in assisted reproductive technologies (ART). This hormone is collected from the urine of menopausal women and has similar biological activity to that of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). This is used in an injectable form along with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) to induce ovulation. Some commercial product names include Menogon or Organon.
  • triptorelin acetate - A gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist used clinically in an acetate or pamoate form inreproduction for assisted reproductive technologies (ART, in vitro fertilization, IVF). This decapeptide (pGlu-His-Trp-Ser-Tyr-D-Trp-Leu-Arg-Pro-Gly-NH2) agonist stimulates the pituitary to decrease secretion of gonadotropins luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). Also used for other clinical conditions.
  • zona pellucida birefringence - (ZPB) Optical property of the zona pellucida using polarization imaging when viewed microscopically. Used to qualitatively predict the developmental potential of a in vitro matured metaphase-II (MII) oocytes. High birefringence has been associated with oocytes contributing to conception cycles when compared with those of nonconception cycles and higher implantation, pregnancy, and live birth rates from transferred oocytes. (More? PMID18284880 | PMID20079896)

Glossary Links

Glossary: A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z | Numbers | Symbols | Term Link

Cite this page: Hill, M.A. (2024, June 2) Embryology Assisted Reproductive Technology. Retrieved from

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