Talk:2011 Group Project 7

From Embryology
Revision as of 15:21, 24 September 2011 by Z3294943 (talk | contribs) (→‎Peer review)

Group 7: User:z3291622 | User:z3291643 | User:z3387190 | User:z3293267


--Mark Hill 07:35, 30 September 2011 (EST) Currently all students originally assigned to each group are listed as equal authors/contributors to their project. If you have not contributed the content you had originally agreed to, nor participated in the group work process, then you should contact the course coordinator immediately and either discuss your contribution or request removal from the group author list. Remember that all student online contributions are recorded by date, time and the actual contributed content. A similar email reminder will be sent to all current students.

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2011 Projects: Turner Syndrome | DiGeorge Syndrome | Klinefelter's Syndrome | Huntington's Disease | Fragile X Syndrome | Tetralogy of Fallot | Angelman Syndrome | Friedreich's Ataxia | Williams-Beuren Syndrome | Duchenne Muscular Dystrolphy | Cleft Palate and Lip

Peer review

Angelman Syndrome

  • You need to add an image in 'Introduction' or 'History', something to get the reader interested
  • You kind of repeat yourself in 'History'. Try putting more information into the timeline, as opposed to the text.
  • Epidemiology' looks a bit bare, is there a graph you can add or something? Also a bit more information can't hurt
  • Pathogenesis is HUGE, looks like you've put a lot of work into it. But, it needs to be broken up a bit. Also, shrink that first image down, it's a bit out of place. Maybe try to use proper subheadings to break it up, not just bold. Are you able to make a table out of 'Animal Models'? Ie type (mice), advantages, disadvantages, diagram (if present).
  • In 'Signs and Symptoms', you don't need the "Adapted from" you can just reference that. Or at least move it out of the table. I got confused and thought they were meant to be some of the symptoms
  • But you've got some good information in the rest of the section, nicely arranged with the images
  • Try shrinking the flow chart in 'Diagnosis', also reference it. It you made it yourself, say so
  • Nice table for 'Treatments'
  • Can you give a bit of an introduction to the table in 'Genetic Counselling', don't just jump straight into it
  • Make sure you reference that first paragraph in 'Current Research', you can't just make statements without justifying them with articles
  • Quite a good project, just need some more images and a bit of formatting

Group 7-

  • Very text heavy!
  • The introduction would benefit from an image
  • You can probably put all of the history into the table. Having text then summarised in a table is a bit redundant
  • Epidemiology is a little bland sorry. Table? Graph? Image? There is also not that much information there. And only including western Australia? I think you could find data for Australia as a whole
  • There is A LOT of text in pathogenesis. It is good but could be improved by breaking it up a bit. Maybe bullet points?
  • Animal models should be a new subheading
  • ‘pathophysiology’ subheading is not needed. The information in it could be included in pathogenesis

‘Adapted from Smith JC, et al. Angelman syndrome: a review of the clinical and genetic aspects. J Med Genet 2003;40:87-95 Adapted from Williams CA, et al Angelman syndrome: consensus for diagnostic criteria. J Med Genet 1995;56:237–8’ doesn’t need to be here. Just reference it normally. If this is your student drawn image I’m not sure it is enough. Making a table isn’t an “image”.

  • Other than that I like the signs and symptoms section. Although I believe that the table is a little out of place
  • Diagnosis section could be better formatted
  • Differential diagnosis and related diseases would work well together under one subheading
  • Referencing such as under the table in treatment is wrong. It isn’t done like this. You format it like everything else you reference. There is no place for the actual reference in the text. There should be a link for the reference in the reference section
  • What is the genetic counselling section? It makes no sense and needs to be explained.
  • Your project has obviously made progress but you need to look over it and make sure that things are formatted so that they are easily accessed, referenced properly and everything is in the right order.

Group 7

  • Good use of headings, maybe you could add sub headings into beak up the text and make the page easy to follow.
  • Intro section- maybe you could dot point the clinical features to make it easier to read.
  • Some of your intro and history dates dont correlate but this might be a typing mistake? 1956 and 1965??
  • Nice use of time line.
  • The epidemiology looks a little bare. Is there anymore info that could be added.
  • In the aetiology table make sure all your stats are referenced.
  • UBE3A Ubiquitylation Pathway picture is extremely large, maybe you could resize this.
  • I like the addition of animal models. With an amazing picture!
  • Sings and symptoms section is very well put together structurally- good use of subheadings, pictures and tables.
  • Are there anymore complication you could add for AS?
  • Maybe you could tabulate your diagnosis section. I like the flow chart!
  • Could have a common heading Related syndromes and differential diagnosis then use subheadings to split them up.
  • Genetic Counselling unsure of what this section is and what the table relates to?
  • I like that you colour scheme/tables are continuous through out the page.
  • Just make sure you reference list isn't doubled for some references.
  • make sure all acronyms are added to the glossary.
  • Nice student illustrations.

HELP. I made a flow chart for prenatal diagnosis but it is saved as pdf file. Does anyone know if I can upload a pdf file as an image? I'm too scared to do it in case it mucks up something. --N Fernando 21:51, 18 September 2011 (EST)

Hey guys, I've deleted the incidence and gender section from the introduction, caus it is outlayed in the epidemiology section anyway, and we would have had different statements.--Theodora Retzl 19:27, 18 September 2011 (EST)

Hey. I can't find the original article written by H, Angelman but I found a review on that original article published in 2008. It has the same title as the original angelman article. Here's the link: Can I use this? It's more of a commentary of the original paper than a review. --N Fernando 11:03, 18 September 2011 (EST)

Hey, maybe from now and til peer assessment day, we could work on the glossary? It's really hard to find a suitable image for intro and history. Nimeshi, have you managed to find the original article of Dr Harry's? We should probably ask Dr Hill first if getting a snapshot of the article isn't violating the copyright of the article. --Sang Lee 23:17, 17 September 2011 (EST)

Hey guys, I know the history section is lengthy, don't worry I will shorten it. Julia, is this what you meant? I used information from both the sources. --N Fernando 12:47, 12 September 2011 (EST)

Also, do you guys reckon we should put an image of Harry Angelman in the history section? --N Fernando 22:07, 11 September 2011 (EST)

Hey, Julia, Yes I'll look through the articles and fix up the diagnosis part. --N Fernando 20:22, 11 September 2011 (EST)

Hey, Julia, thx for the link. I put up some contant to my section and shifted the AS- PWS image there. I have also added some information to the pheno-genotyp correlation part, and the glossary. It would probably be good to focus on getting the page content we have so far and the sub- headings in order and work on what we have so far, rather than to add new content. Maybe delete the epidemiology section, as there is not enough specific information available that would make senece there (and is in the introduction anyway), what do you think? --Theodora Retzl 19:49, 11 September 2011 (EST)

Hey, Nimeshi, , , its good for history (like about Ellen Magenis, etc). Maybe we could have a paragraph giving a brief history then a timeline? --Sang Lee 17:28, 10 September 2011 (EST)

Forgot something, Nimeshi, do you think you could take the liberty of breaking down the diagnosis into pre and postnatal, just cos I remember reading about diagnosis and lots of papers have broken them down like so. I also think it won't hurt to have a picture of EEG or graph of AS patients, showing pheno-geno correlations, etc. I also think it'd be good to have more text accompanying the table for Treatment and Management, I knoe there's no treatment as such for AS, so maybe we should write that? Thanks --Sang Lee 14:06, 8 September 2011 (EST)

Hey, I've added some more info to my section, but need to reupload the image cos I've made a spelling mistake, what do you guys think? Please feel free to make suggestions to refine the image. Also, Theodora, do you think the image of the PWS and AS patients would be better positioned in the signs and symptoms section instead of the intro? I think the intro image could be more general, like a photo of Dr Angelman,etc.. Also, is PWS one of the differential diagnoses of AS? I don't think I put it up there with the other diseases, if so, could the person who added it in also put in the reference for that? This is for Theodora and Nimeshi, PMID 12566516, I think we should lay out the symptoms table like they did here and have a spider diagram style for diagnosis. Just remember to acknowledge them by saying 'Adapted from...', at the bottom of table, etc. Thanks --Sang Lee 13:46, 8 September 2011 (EST)

Just posted up the pictures. If you're not satisfied about the chromosome 15 pic, just let me know and I can change it up for you.

--Eugene Chan 12:06, 3 September 2011 (EST)

Hey guys just a quick note, we should refrain from using the words "mental retardation" as this could be deemed offensive. Use "intellectual disability" as that is a more common term now used in Australia. Also use "learning difficulty" or "developmental delay". We should also encourage the use of person-first language e.g., "a child with an intellectual disability" rather than "intellectually disabled child". This promotes the idea that a person comes before their disability.

Sorry to be very specific here, but if this is going to be a public-access website we should use the appropriate terminology.

Thanks --Eugene Chan 10:41, 3 September 2011 (EST)

Yeah, sure thing. Nimeshi,I've put your timeline into a table, I've given up on trying to do a graphical timeline.

  • PMID 12566516, I found this to be really good for Clinical features of AS (Theodora), I really liked the table formatting. It's relevant for Differential diagnosis, genetic counselling and phenotype/genotype correlation. It's also got a section on Management as well for Eugene.
  • PMID 20445456, for signs and symptoms, geno/pheno correlation, diagnostic testing methods+prenatal diagnosis, treatment and management
  • PMID 15668046, genetic diagnostic testing and clinical features (again in a table format according to frequency)

Also, I think we could also add Phenotype/genotype correlation and Animal models as subsections, what do you guys think? --Sang Lee 23:12, 1 September 2011 (EST)

Hey, I think it makes more sense to compare the symptoms in adults and children in a table, rather than to draw a timeline. There are no research articles really focusing on the symptoms in every age of the patients, and the changes from year to year.--Theodora Retzl 21:13, 1 September 2011 (EST)

Hey, I've just typed in some of the information I've collected so far. I'll definitely be writing a lot more on aetiology and pathogenesis, but I thought it won't hurt to contribute to other subsections as well. I'll add the references and glossary words bit later today. Please feel free to make

Peer Assessments

  • Your pathogenesis section was good, it was thorough and went into significant depth. The use of animal models and the support of recent studies was also a positive aspect
  • The photo of the ub pathway should be smaller or be placed as a thumb nail as it isn’t something that directly contributes to your defect
  • It is a shame that there is such a large gap in your Aetiology section, but i do realise that this is slightly out of your control due to wiki formatting issues.
  • I personally found the signs and symptoms section to be slightly confusing in format. Perhaps placing this info into a table would make it more concise.
  • Treatment and management section had lots of detail and highlighted a few different methods which gave a good insight of the current technologies and strategies out there in the market.

--z3332629 15:27, 22 September 2011 (EST)