Talk:2012 Group Project 6

From Embryology

From the Course Coordinator

2012 Projects: Vision | Somatosensory | Taste | Olfaction | Abnormal Vision | Hearing

--Mark Hill 09:58, 18 September 2012 (EST) This is a recent review on vision. JCB content allows reuse.

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1. Search:

2. History

  • Embryology History Explore the rich history of sensory research. In particular look through the available images that may complement the text. Any of this material can be used, you should cite the original paper or textbook. Gray | 1921 Bailey and Miller

This is a recent review on hearing. JCB content allows reuse.

Student evaluations

Please use this space to post your Group 6 student evaluation

Really funny image of the large eared dog is a great way to capture reader attention. It’s nice to see the importance of hearing in so many aspects of our lives. Finishing the introduction with an outline of the project is very appropriate because it sets up a framework of what you are going to talk about Overall, the introduction was very well written. The language is beautiful. However, there is a typo in ‘energy produced has be converted’.

Information presented in the history table was succinct and brief. It would be good to include proper references (in text citations) for each entry. There seems to be a gap between 1898 and 1978. Have there been any discoveries in those 80 years? It just seems like a big leap to go from the first portable electric hearing aid to a cochlear implant without any advances in hearing aid technology in between those years.

Anatomy of the ear was very clear. The text related to the picture nicely. The image enables readers to see all parts of the ear in relation to each other. It would nice to put an enlarged image of the inner ear and organ of Corti. Some people might not know what a ‘utricle’ or ‘saccule’ looks like and on that image it may be too hard to see.

With the development section, it would be good to include some images related to the development of outer, middle and inner ear. For example, include an image of week 5 embryo and label where the pharyngeal arches are so people with no background in embryology can understand what parts of the embryo you are referring to. Some of terminology, such as ‘auricular enlargement’, ‘tragus’ and ‘helix’, is hard to understand. Relevant images would help.

It would be good to put in text citations after important sentences in the paragraphs of outer, inner and middle ear development. This is because a couple of paragraphs (e.g. the middle ear paragraph) had several citations at the end of the paragraph and we don’t know which sentence or fact corresponds to which citation.

In the ‘Otic placode’ section, it’s great to see the images well referenced and have the correct copyright. ‘Early expression of Pax2 and Pax8 compared’ and ‘The expression of Sox2 and Sox3 during development of the ear’ images were useful because they reflected the processes outlined in the text. Maybe simplify the signalling information on the FGFs because I found it hard to understand. Maybe give a summary of the roles of the major factors – a table, showing ‘factor...process it controls’, would be nice.

‘Recent model related to sensory fate’ image made a complex process simple – this is great to see. ‘Establishing polarity and formation of inner ear structures’ section was very well written. Maybe put this under the same section as the inner ear. I feel the 2 sections are related.

Abnormal hearing section was very detailed and extensive. It covered so many hearing abnormalities. It would be good to include available treatments for some of the diseases and give a summary table – ‘causes...disease...description of disease...prevalence...treatments’. --Z3332863 14:34, 25 September 2012 (EST)

"The humorous image at the beginning accompanied by the “CAN YOU HEAR ME” in the introduction was a very clever way of drawing the reader in and making your message loud and clear, with all pun intended. Great work! I like how you also clearly introduced what your page will discuss.

No issues with the history timeline – it is well set out and very clear and concise. The section of the Adult Anatomy is quite clear also, however you refer to histology in the title – perhaps include an image that shows the histology of a certain structure. In regards to the section on Development, it is very clear that a lot of work has gone into this. However, be aware that you must reference all your information to avoid being penalised or accused of plagiarism. Additionally, images would help your explanations – it is slightly word dense at the moment so perhaps arrange some of the content into dot points in order to engage your reader. The sections on the Otic Placode and Otocyst are great examples of webpage layout, with the dot points and a clear image which links to the content. I especially liked how a summary of the inner ear was included – this demonstrates an awareness of peer teaching and reiterates your key points. Excellent!

The section on abnormal hearing was a joy to read and was cleverly set out in tables – the information will be even more enhanced by the images I can see you have indicated you will add. I also liked how you divided the different congenital abnormalities into environmental and genetic. In order to enhance these sections, incorporate some dot points or a diagram showing how viruses/drugs can cross the placenta.

The “Technologies to Detect” would best be organised under subheadings – at present it is a little daunting to read in the paragraph-paragraph format which is a shame because the information is very interesting! Also, be aware of correct referencing formats which you can find on the tutorial page – your in text references should be numbers and the references should go at the end of the webpage. I liked the “Technologies to overcome the problems” – may I suggest including images or diagrams of these technologies?

It would be great to see more examples of Current Research. However, what you have presented thus far is great – you have clearly described the aims and findings of research.

Overall, good work – just make sure you are consistent with referencing and strike a balance between images and text."

What drew me into reading this page, was the humerous image at the beginning together with the perfect introduction that encourages people to read on. The sub-headings, headings, figures and tables make it really simple for the reader to take in all the key points of the research area. I particularly like the inclusion of technologies to detect abnormalities. However, this great balance is not met in the development section where there is too much text and not enough images or diagrams to guide the thinking. I would suggest trying to simplify the information into key points by eliminating any information that would not necessarily contribute to a sound understanding of the topic. This could possibly be achieved further by having a separation or different sub-heading for the description of the development process and the description of the cellular structure.

What stands out the most about this page, is the amount of research you have put in to the genetics and molecular processes of development and abnormalities. Whilst it is very interesting and shows the amount of time you've put into having a clear understanding, at times it seems the naming of genes and their proteins do not contribute to a sound understanding but rather adds confusion. For example, your reference to FGF and Sox are important but you have further included the different types of FGF and Sox proteins without offering much of an explanation about what distinguishes them from eachother. Generalising in these cases (to just FGF not FGF1,2,3..) would not limit the extent to which a student may learn from your information but will avoid any confusion.

Another way you could further improve the page is with the inclusion of student-drawn images or learning aids to accompany the text. This way you can avoid the inclusion of unnecessary information on borrowed images, for example, the wild-type inner ear morphology image. The referencing system is consistent and well set-out on the page and the long list of references and interesting discoveries is impressive. Overall I would just encourage condensing the information into dot points that help simplify the reader’s understanding.

Good luck!

Good use of image, it attracts my attention straight away and it is very relaxing to look at a funny image before reading the text. Introduction is precise and to point, clearly identifying the purpose of the project and gives a general overview of what the readers will see or learn from the project. The timeline for history is good, but maybe indicate what kind of history is it? The adult anatomy and histology section is good but the heading should be "adult ear anatomy and histology"? I like it how the ear is divided into outer ear, middle ear and inner ear and then it is further divided into components that are included in these 3 different parts of the ear. This makes the structure of the ear very easy to understand and we can locate the different structure of the ear much easily. The image used in this section is very good with clearly labelled structures, the image also contained all the important information and referenced correctly but you forgot to include the student image template.

The development section is well-researched and contain a lot of information. More images should be put in to balance out the heavy text load in the section but the information provided is very in-depth and precise. The developmental process is explained in simple terms but i noticed that there is an imbalance in terms of research and information between middle ear and the other two. Maybe more research should be done on the middle ear. The summary of the inner idea was a good idea because it clearly points out the main points that readers should know, should consider do something similar for both the outer and middle ear.

The abnormal hearing section is well-researched and interesting. It is very nice to know about the association between gene mutation and its influence on hearing development. Maybe some images should be put here to balance out the text a bit. The table of genetic syndrome is very nice, maybe you can consider putting the gene mutations into table as well. The environmental section is nice and well-researched but maybe images should be put here because right now it is pretty boring just going through all the text. And there are just some weird reference under each infections but i think this can be fixed soon. Structural malformation of the ear table is nice as well, clearly showing all the important information. It will look even better when all the images are put in.

Overall, i thought the project is really good. Contained a lot of useful information and a lot of research effort has been put in, all the information are related to the research topic. The tables work really well and the structure of the page is easy to follow. Referencing is generally good but maybe get rid of some of the random citations in sections. More images should be put in to balance out the heavy text but I thought it was a very well-researched project. Hope this helps :)

Group Assessment Criteria:

  1. The key points relating to the topic that your group was allocated are clearly described. The introduction clearly outlines the key points of the project and the content is well described in the text.
  2. The choice of content, headings and sub-headings, diagrams, tables, graphs show a good understanding of the topic area. The choice of content and headings shows a good depth of research and understanding of the topic area. The ‘Summary of the inner ear’ table was a good idea and ties in all the information nicely.
  3. Content is correctly cited and referenced. There are large paragraphs of texts that have no references. The images provided display the copyright notices and explanations.
  4. The wiki has an element of teaching at a peer level using the student’s own innovative diagrams, tables or figures and/or using interesting examples or explanations. The introduction is well written and catches the readers interest and attention. Most of the normal development section is easy to understand, however the abnormalities section is difficult to understand due to the scientific jargon. Some hand-drawn images and tables would be beneficial in order to reduce the large paragraphs of text.
  5. Evidence of significant research relating to basic and applied sciences that goes beyond the formal teaching activities. The amount of information provided is evidence of the significant research that went into this project, and the sections such as ‘Technologies to overcome the problems’ shows research that goes ‘beyond the formal teaching activities’.
  6. Relates the topics and content of the Wiki entry to learning aims of embryology. The topics and content are well related to the learning aims of embryology
  7. The content of the wiki should demonstrate to the reader that your group has researched adequately on this topic and covered the key areas necessary to inform your peers in their learning. All the content is relevant to the key areas of the development of the eye and demonstrates an extensive amount of research into the topic.

Additional points:

  • The amount of text is overwhelming. You should make better use of tables, figures and diagrams to breakup/replace the text.
  • Adult anatomy and histology: no reference to histology. Would be beneficial to have a brief explanation of the functions of each structure.
  • Overall impression: Very well researched topic and I'm sure the use of tables, pictures and diagrams will make it more appealing to read!

The introductory image at the top of the page is very good but the "can you hear me' bit was overkill for me - maybe consider revising that. Also the small spelling mistake at the start of the introduction (should be senses not sense) is quite off-putting and should be fixed. Otherwise a good introduction.

The history timeline is very good and serves as another good introduction to the topic. Some external links are missing here though.

For development there is a lot of information in the outer ear section but not much in the middle and inner sections - it looks imbalanced and may be improved by adding to the other sections or perhaps splitting up the sections differently. Other than this the development section is very good with a lot of well researched information. The images are also good but don't forget to add the "student template". The inclusion of the summary box is a very good idea and is a good feature of the page.

The abnormal section is also very good and well researched. The subheadings are used effectively and the tables are a good addition. Adding images in the tables as well as the text will help to break up the text and promote interest.

The technology sections are an interesting addition however could be improved by referencing using the wiki system rather than standard in-text citations.

A good start has been made in the current research section however if possible add more current topics of research.

The glossary is very good and the references are extensive however don't forget to add to the external links.

Firstly the use of humour in this page is brilliant! Makes for an interesting and engaging read. The use of photographs and figures are particularly useful to help understand the topic but don't forget that the student template notice needs to be added to each photograph/diagram that you include. The referencing is great and extensive, perhaps though it might be an idea to see what is going on with reference number 56. The general layout of the page is really attractive too with a good balance of images and text, tables and especially the colourful Summary box. The content seems to address the course aims and requirements.

The introductory paragraph is to the point, well written and engaging. Similarly the structure and content included in the historic section is detailed and easy to read due to the table layout. The section about the development of the inner is well written but is somewhat overwhelming to look at just because of the amount of text. Maybe this could be combated by separating it into a few more paragraphs. The inclusion of genetic information in this area is great. The information under the subheading "The Otic Placode" onwards is particularly well done.

I like how the section on abnormalities is set out. However one problem with the area is the NOTE just before the table of genetic syndromes, I don't understand its purpose. Similarly the link in Goldenhar Syndrome entry appears random in comparison to the remainder of the entries. Perhaps some more images in the abnormality section would be beneficial in breaking up the text. The paragraph discussing Rubella has two sentences in brackets at the bottom. Not sure why they are there either. If possible make "Infections" and "Drugs" into subheadings. I assume that information is still forthcoming for the section on Isotretinoin.

"Technologies to detect" is a good entry but perhaps consider changing subheading title as it is a little vague and incomplete. Also with this section there are loose references which should be included in the reference list at the bottom of the page rather than in the middle of the text. The information on hearing technology is brief but to the point. Again with the section on current research it may be an idea to include subheadings rather than bullet points, just so it is more easily accessed from the contents box at the top of the page. Hope this helped.

The introduction gives a good overview of the project and serves its purpose well. In addition, the technology section is another thing that stands out in this page along with the glossary and extensive referencing. These sections don't need to be worked on, but rather concentrate on expanding the page and adding a few more subheadings including headings of "current treatment" and "infection".

Information is very easy to follow due to the right choice of subheadings, tables and graphs. A few more tables and images with labels would make the information even easier to understand. Sometimes the amount of information becomes overwhelming, therefore try to break up the amount of texts by adding diagrams in between. Student hand drawn diagrams would be an excellent tool to employ as they can go well with the information provided.

The division of information between inner/middle/outer ear makes the structure easy to follow. This is a very good idea and an example as to how to break up the rest of the information which is all crammed together. The citation and referencing seems to be correct, however, there are a number of paragraphs without any references, this is something that needs to be looked into. However, the level referencing at the end is great.

Also, there does not seem to be enough links. A few external links will benefit the page and allow readers to interact a fraction more. Overall the page is very informative, however, altering the outlay and including a few diagrams, labeled images and external links would make the information easier to apprehend.


Normal and Abnormal

Discussion Topics


Not what hearing is but what we are going to talk about

Image for hearing <pubmed>20624897</pubmed>


Research Contribution

Bartolomeo Eustachi 1514–1574

Proposed that the tympanic membrane was connected to the nasopharynx was in the book De Auditus Organis in 1563. This was focusing on the the middle ear. His knowledge had allowed him to rediscover the tube found many years before and describe it correctly. This tube, the eustachian tube was named after him, by Antonio Maria Valsava and was shown in his book De aure humana tractatus. [1] De aure humana tractatus.

Antonio Maria Valsava 1666-1723

The pioneer in the anatomy of the ear, published his first book De aure humana tractatus in 1704 this was the first to show and clearly describe the ear. He had been able to describe the anatomy and physiology of the ear by dissecting over thousands of corpses. He was able to separate the ear into its divisional compartments of inner, middle and outer ear.

Adult Anatomy and Histology

<pubmed> 15495168 </pubmed>

<pubmed> 16015653 </pubmed>

<pubmed> 9433684 </pubmed>


<pubmed> 6650859 </pubmed>

Outer Ear

Historic paper

<pubmed> 17104502 </pubmed>

<pubmed> 22296782 </pubmed>

<pubmed> 12874121 </pubmed>

Middle Ear

<pubmed> 18803631 </pubmed>

<pubmed> 21196256 </pubmed>

<pubmed> 14973294 </pubmed>

<pubmed> 11237469 </pubmed>

<pubmed> 16600992 </pubmed>

Inner Ear

(can include balance organs as well) cochlea and semi circular canals and the physiological function - how hearing works

Some papers to start with:





Abnormal Hearing

Just putting my articles in here so I can refer to them at a later date - will change the referencing when I have structured my points better


Genetic defects:

1. GJB2 Gene (accounting for 50% of non syndromic hearing loss)


1. Drugs: Hearing, Speech, Language, and Vestibular Disorders in the Fetal Alcohol Syndrome: A Literature Review. Michael W. Church and James A. Kaltenbach, Alcoholism: Clinical and experimental review. Vol. 21, No. 3, May 1997 PMID: 9161611

2. Infections: Congenital Rubella Deafness: A preventable disease. C. S Peckham, J. M Martin, W. C Marshall, J. A Dudgeon, The Lancet, February 3, 1979 PMID: 84910

|Deafness and Hereditary Hearing Loss Overview

Etiological diagnosis in the hearing impaired newborn: Proposal of a flow chart. De Leenheer, E.M.R. ; Janssens, S. ; Padalko, E. ; Loose, D. ; Leroy, B.P. ; Dhooge, I.J. International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, 2011, Vol.75(1), pp.27-32

Congenital cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection as a cause of permanent bilateral hearing loss: A quantitative assessment. Journal of clinical virology [1386-6532] Grosse, Scott yr:2008 vol:41 iss:2 pg:57 -62

Congenital Infections. JF Bale. Neurol Clin. 2002 Nov;20(4):1039-60, vii. PMID: 12616680

Related to both middle and inner ear (so we can link the technologies to this)

Technologies to detect

Any technologies (like pre-testing) that identify any problems with hearing development

Technologies to overcome the problems

(hearing aids, cochlear transplants, etc)

Current Research



Allocated subheadings

J: adult anatomy, outer and middle ear development

M: Inner ear

P: History and Technologies

B: Abnormal Hearing

Our Thoughts - put new comment at the top please

Hey all! We are starting to get some really good and useful feedback :) Hope everyone is ready to get stuck into editing from tomorrow onwards, cause the project is DUE WED 03/10/2012 - WHICH IS NEXT WEEK!! Keep this in mind. From what I read so far, the aim will be the simplify/reduce our text and include more images. Referencing needs to be fixed as well for some parts of the project.. but all in all its quite good :) M. --Z3333865 09:03, 25 September 2012 (EST)

Hey! To everyone who is working on the history, please add this to the table! I'm about to change it now so that there is simply one table with significant dates and explanations. And it would be good if we can quickly meet up after one of the lectures tomorrow :) anyone who can't make it, please let the others know. M --Z3333865 14:31, 17 September 2012 (EST)

Hi P, How are you going with your research? We really need to have it complete by this weeks lab so that we can spend the next couple of weeks adjusting the information. Thanks, B --Z3292017 12:08, 17 September 2012 (EST)

Hey M,

Yeah summary sounds like a good idea and maybe wiht some bolded words etc? Ive created 2 tables where I will briefly summarise the remaining diseases such as structural and genetic syndromes as my section will be too long and more boring than what it already is if I keep going. Yes, I think by our next lab would be a good idea. B. --Z3292017 19:22, 15 September 2012 (EST)

Hey B and others,

My section is almost finished. I mainly have to focus on the images. I was also thinking of putting a summary box in my section, because there is just so much text! About the due date.. I think it will be good for us all to have most of the research and text done by lab 8 (19/09/12). We can then focus on the layout and images and tables, etc. What do you think? M. --Z3333865 17:57, 15 September 2012 (EST)

Hey guys, I have been updating all of my abnormalities and along with the references, it will all be completed by Sunday night, exempt all the photos as that will be my final research. Thought I would update you all so we can get a finish timeframe in mind! B. --Z3292017 15:08, 15 September 2012 (EST)

Hi P, In regards the technologies, you should take a look at my section, because the technologies should really be perhaps how abornal hearing can be detected in the womb (such as amniocentesis for Rubella) and also the different insstruments used for hearing and why they do and don't work on certain patients. and perhaps with the history go a bit more indept/ greater explanation. such as if the first hearing aid was developed, find a picture and say what they originiall used to create noise for the patient etc. Use bulletpoints if you don't want it to seem too full on Do you guys agree? B. --Z3292017 15:02, 15 September 2012 (EST)

Hey P. The history section should contain major discoveries and the person(s) of interest. I started writing things down in a table. If anyone find info they should put that in and the original document/article should be referenced if possible (not a review). Hope this helps cause we really have to put all our info together soon. M. --Z3333865 12:40, 14 September 2012 (EST)

Hey guys, for the history, im not 100% what I supposed to write about, i know its late and i'm an idiot for asking now, but am i supposed to write like the old research papers like what they used to think? like how they thought the ear formed like from the 1800's or whatever? and how technologies also helped proved it wrong or proved that they are right? P. --Z3333431 13:13, 12 September 2012 (EST)

DW, I had a look at the editing basics and the references are working now! :) M. --Z3333865 10:20, 3 September 2012 (EST)

Hey ppl!

I can't seem to link my references. '9' and '10' in my inner ear section step 2 should be the same number, but I can't seem to get it to work... can anyone help?

Thanks, M. --Z3333865 09:46, 3 September 2012 (EST)

To all, I find it very difficult to find images which have the correct copyright statement and are not already used on this embryology website. So if anyone finds an image which we are allowed to use, please post it up and let the others know :)

And to B. That sounds good :) Speak to you tomorrow! M. --Z3333865 13:22, 27 August 2012 (EST)


In regards to my abnormalities (we can all discuss further this week), I will be focussing mainly on the gene GJB2 (which accounts for 50% of non syndromic hearing) and then for acquired hearing (organisms), I will focus mainly on what is known as "TORCH" organisms (i.e., toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalic virus, and herpes) and go into details in them and then as M said before, just list the other in a table.

Thanks, B. --Z3292017 17:45, 26 August 2012 (EST)


In regards to the hearing abnormalities, yes I would do the most common ones. It will be way too much otherwise! Just name the other abnormalities for now - depending on how long your section is we will include them or leave out. At the end of your section we can also put a table down with a summary of the common ones you explained in detail before :)

M. --Z3333865 13:07, 26 August 2012 (EST)

Hey guys,

Sorry I haven't been communicating via the discussion page, I've been sick in bed with a virus for the past week and half! Anyway, as I am focussing on the hearing abnormalities, I just wanted to clarify some things with you all. Firstly, there are A LOT of genetic disorder which contribute to hearing loss so I was thinking I would group them and would write in depth into the most common ones and then a brief description or just name the others. I'm currently compiling some research papers, so I will most likely get to writing some points on this page tomorrow.

Let me know if you have any suggestiosn etc and if I find any other articles in my research I will send them through! --Z3292017 18:44, 25 August 2012 (EST)

Hey all!

For this week, please find some good papers relating to your section - both primary and secondary - and start reading them. It will take some time to get all the info together and to also make it look good with pictures etc. So the sooner we start the easier it will be in the long-run!!

--Z3333865 21:00, 18 August 2012 (EST)

Hey everyone!

I guess if we end up doing the sensory topic and focus on the ear we can come up with some headings that we might want to use in our project.

This is the link to our lecture on the ear

I guess one way of doing this would be to divide it into inner, middle and outer ear and talk about the development of each. I guess we could include the progressive development over the weeks including cellular, molecular and morphological changes. We can also describe the developed ear, any genetic mutations or incorrect signal pathway that cause any defects. Then one part of it can be current research and any past research or noble prizes.


--Z3333794 11:31, 9 August 2012 (EST)

Hey all!

So we have to decide between normal development or abnormal development. Normal development can have headings as mentioned above, apart from the genetic mutations and defects. When focussing on abnormal development of the ear we can look at those mutations and defects. We can also look at technology such as hearing aids and the cochlear implant.

Please put down your preference! I really dont care.. but I think that if we have to discuss development it will be easiest to look at normal development.

--Z3333865 13:06, 14 August 2012 (EST)

  1. Cite error: Invalid <ref> tag; no text was provided for refs named /PMC1142106