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=On the Development of the Amnion and Exocoelomic Membrane in the Previllous Human Ovum=
=On the Development of the Amnion and Exocoelomic Membrane in the Previllous Human Ovum=
[[File:Arthur Hertig.jpg|thumb|alt=Arthur T Hertig|link=Embryology History - Arthur Hertig|Arthur Tremain Hertig (1904-1990)]]
[[File:Arthur Hertig.jpg|thumb|alt=Arthur T Hertig|link=Embryology History - Arthur Hertig|Arthur Tremain Hertig (1904-1990)]]
An embryologist, as implied by his name, is primarily interested
in the development of the embryo as a whole or at least in one or
more of its intra-embryonic structures. Being a pathologist, Whose
interest in embryology has been stimulated by contact with the pathological problems of The Boston Lying-in Hospital, 1 have, perforce,
become more interested in those extra-embryonic structures, the
placenta and its associated membranes. It is the purpose of this
lecture to discuss the origin and early development of two such
extra-embry~onic structures, the amnion and the exocoelomic membrane. Due to the fortunate circumstance of having spent a stimulating year as a National Research Fellow with Dr. George L.
Streeter (your Ferris Lecturer in 1936), my embryological status
might be described as semi-professional. Certainly -by no stretch
of the imagination would my embryological colleagues consider me
a full-fledged professional, and I suspect they probably regard me
as a rank amateur. Having thus explained why a combination pathologist and obstetrician has ventured into the anatomical specialty of
embryology I now turn to the problem of the amnion and the exocoelomic membrane. If one regards the fertilized ovum, as does
Dr. Streeter, from its inception to its death at the end of the Biblical
three score and ten years, both these extra-embryonic structures are
temporary, the exocoelomic membrane being far more evanescent
than the amnion. The former is present but 4 to 5 days during the
pre-villous stage and is the possible precursor of still another temporary structure, the yolk sac. The amnion, by contrast, appears
early and persists throughout gestation-——a veritable Methuselah as
extra-embryonic structures go. Its life span is rivaled only by the
chorion, from whose trophoblast it takes origin.
*Eighth Harry Burr Ferris Lecture delivered at Yale University on May 2,
194-5. From the Free Hospital for Women, Brookline, Mass., the Departments
of Pathology and of Obstetrics, Harvard Medical School, and the Department of
Embryology, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Baltimore.
Studies on the origin of other primate extra—embryonic structures
such as the primary mesoderm and the chorionic -blood vessels first
interested the author‘ in 1935. At that time, the material available
for study consisted of five early macaque ova ranging from 10 to 17
days of age together with 15 human ova (12 pre—somite and 3
somite) in the Carnegie Embryological collection. Morphologic
evidence showed a simultaneous origin of angioblasts and primary
mesoderm from the chorionic trophoblast of such primate ova. These
early connective tissue elements of the chori-On, arising by in situ
delamination and differentiation, continue to develop as long as primary villi are being formed. The isolated vascular primordia thus
formed soon possess power of independent growth and lumen formation, resulting not only in the vascularization of the chorion and
primitive villi but the secondary villi as well.
Since these earlier studies it has been possible for the author, in
collaboration with Dr. John R-ock,2’ 3’ 4’ 8 to obtain a series of 18
early human ova from uteri removed surgically prior to the first
missed menstrual period. Eleven of these specimens are normal
while the remainder show varying degrees of abnormality. The
general features -of many of these specimens have already been
reported or descriptions are in press. All of these ova, even the
pathological ones (with the exception of a 4-day segmenting
morula), throw some light upon the origin of the amnion and exocoelomic membrane. However, the nine normal pre-Villous specimens ranging from 7% to 12% days of age (8th to 13th days) will
be discussed in some detail, because it is in these ‘hitherto unknown
stages of human development that the beginning of these extraembryonic structures is first seen.
Fi.g. 1. The middle cross section of an ovum not over 7% days of age. Above the somewhat
eccentrically placed germ-disk is a barely discernible cleft—the amniotic cavity. Above the latter
are a few dark, flattened amniogenic cells de-lamiznating in situ from the adjacent trophoblast.
Toward the left of the chorionic cavity, a few primitive mesoblastic cells are seen which likewise
arise from trophoblast by in situ delamination. Carnegie No. 8225, section 20-5-5, X 300 (minus).
Fig. 2. The middle cross section of a 7%-day ovum. The cleft-like amniotic cavity lies above
the germ-disk and beneath amniogenic cells arising from the adjacent trophoblast. A single, flattened meso-blastic cell is seen to the right of the germ-disk and lying upon the inner aspect of the
tropho-blast. Carnegie No. 8020, section 6-5-9, X 300 (minus).
Fig. 3. The same ovum as fig. 2 but 7 sections removed. The amniotic cavity is less evident
because of its smaller size although the amniogenic cells overlying it are more prominent. Carnegie
No. 8020, section 6-5-2, X 300.
Fig. 4. The same ovum as shown in figs. 2 and 3 but the section passes to one side of the
germ-disk. Note at the embryonic pole the three prominent mesoblastic cells which are delaminating
in situ from the adjacent troplgoblast. A somewhat more advanced stage of this process is seen
in the two mesoblastic cells shown in fig. 5. Carnegie 8020, section 6-3-6, X 300 (plus).
Fig. 5. A section of a. 7%-day ovum (same specimen as figs. 2-4) showing a more advanced
stage of mesoblastic formation. Note the two, nearly detached mesoblastic cells delaminating from,
but still lightly attached to the trophoblast at the embryonic pole of the ovum. Carnegie 8020,
section 6-4-3, X 300 (plus). A
Ova of the eighth day
Ova of the ninth and tenth days
0714 of the eighth day
The material in this stage consists of two specimens, both in
approximately the same stage of development, Whose essential form
is that of a superficially but Well-attached blastocyst containing a
bilaminar germ disk. The solid trophoblast, composed of primitive
syncytio— and cyto-trophoblast, is invading the physiologically edematous endometrium characteristic of the 21st to 22nd day of the
menstrual cycle. Plate 1 shows the essential features displayed by
these ova with respect to the formation of the amnion and extraembryonic mesoblast.
In both specimens, the amniotic cavity is a tiny irregular or
multilocular slit lying between the ectoderm and the adjacent trophoblast. The cells of the latter immediately dorsal to the amniotic
cavity differ in appearance from those of the remaining trophoblast,
they are smaller, flatter, and darker. T This is best seen in the specimen (Carnegie 8225) sh-o-Wn on plate 1, fig. 1. These amniogenic
cells, however, are still attached to their parent trophoblast and
appear to be delarninatin.g in situ therefrom.
Both specimens show isolated instances of in situ delamination of
primitive mesoblasts. This process is best seen in the specimen
(Carnegie 8020) shown on plate 1, figs. 4 and 5. These spindleshaped mesoblasts are in one instance (fig. 4) still obviously a part
of their parent trophoblast, whereas in another section (fig. 5) these
maturing cells have almost separated from their tissue of origin.
Such difierentiating mesoblasts tend to occur principally on the inner
surface of the trophoblast at the embryonic pole although they are
present on the abembryonic pole but in lesser numbers. This may
Fig. 6. A mid-crossi section from an ovum of approximately 8 days of age. Note the prominent
amniotic cavity above the primitive ectoderm of the germ-disk but the amniogenic cells have not
yet begun to form. There are, however, _a few mesoblastic cells to the right of the germ-disk,
several of which are still attached to their parent trophoblast. Carnegie 8155, section 4-4-8, X 500.
_ Fig. 7. A mid-cross section of an ovum 8 to 9 days of age. Note that the amniotic cavity
is no more advanced_ than is that of the younger specimen seen in ii . 6, although there are several
amniogenic cells arising from the adjacent trophoblast in the ol er specimen. Likewise, mesoblastic formation is more advanced, as shown by the presence of an early exocoelomic membrane.
In places the mesoblastic cells of_ the latter are still attached to the trophoblast from which they
appear to be originating. Carnegie 8171, section 3-2-12, X 300.
, 13- 3- A mid-cross section of an ovum of 8 to 9 days of age. The amniotic cavity is a mere
slit although the amniogenic cells are well formed and have become detached from the adjacent
trophoblast._ The exocoelomic membrane is similar in appearance and stage of development to that
of  specimen _shown in fig. 7. Carnegie 8215, section 12-4-5, X 140.
Fig. 9. A mid-cross section of a 9%-day ovum. The amniotic cavity is well formed, as are
the enclosing amniogenic cells _although the latter are still attached in places to their parent
trophoblast. Mesoblastic formation is scanty and_ is represented in this section by two delaininating
cel s seen toward the_ lower left, of the chorionic cavity. The granular material in the latter is
extravasated blood which is a possible factor in delaying the formation of the mesoblast. Carnegie
8004, section 11-4-4, x 160.
possibly be so because the abembryon.-ic portion of the blastocyst wall
is less mature at this stage in the development of the ovum. This
primitive chorionic connective tissue is apparently the precursor of
the exocoelomic membrane which will ultimately, but only temporarily, line the chorionic cavity of the older pre—villous ova. Its
origin in the macaque is shown by Heuser5' 3 to be associated with
both the chorionic trophoblast and the primitive endoderm of the
embryo. This apparent double origin may -be due merely to continuity of mesoblast with primitive endoderm, since Heuser6 states
that two types of cells are apparently involved. While the membrane does ultimately become attached to the margins of the germdisk, both in the monkey and in man, it appears to the author that
in man the exocoelomic (Heuser’s) membrane arises entirely from
primitive mesoblast which in turn arises by delamination from the
trophoblast. Morphologic evidence for this will be shown in older
pre—villous specimens.
Ova of the ninth and tenth days
There are four specimens in this group, representative sections
of which are shown on plate 2, figs. 6 to 9. These ova are characterized by progressive embedding of the blastocyst in end-ometrium
of the 22nd to 26th day of the cycle with development of a series
of intercommunicating lacunae within the trophoblast. Such lacunae,
the intervillous space of the future placenta, will later on in the previllous stage be flooded by maternal blood. It is only during the
latter part of the present stage that such lacunae con-nect with endometrial sinusoids, thereby allowing small amounts of maternal blood
to flow into the ovum.
The development of the amnion progresses during this stage,
the cavity becomes larger and the amniogenic membrane becomes
more differentiated. However, not all specimens fit into this orderly
pattern. Thus, the youngest specimen (Carnegie 8155, pl. 2, fig.
6) shows a beautifully developed amniotic cavity but relatively little
amniogenesis even though there are a few tropho-blastic cells of the
future amnion lying dorsal to the cavity. Tlhe other three specimens,,consis_tent with their more mature development, all show a
definite amniotic cavity which is more or less enclosed by a primitive
amnion, the latter still attached to its parent trophoblast. With the
gradual development of the amnion the cells composing it metaDEVELOPMENT OF AMNION AND EXOCCELOM 11 1
morphose from their cytotrophoblastic prototype to one of fibroblastic or epithelioid type. Coincidentally, they become partially
but incompletely detached from the adjacent trophoblast and assume
a more or less perfect membranous form. This diaphanous structure, attached to the edge of the primitive embryonic ectoderm,
begins to seal off the amniotic from the chorionic cavity.
Formation of primitive mesoblast continues through this stage of
ovular development. The ovum is now sufliciently embedded so
that most of its wall has begun to form primitive trophoblast.
Hence, all specimens of this group show a fairly uniform degree of
mesoblast formation at the abembryonic as Well as at the embryonic
pole. In two of the specimens (Carnegie 8171 and 8215) shown on
plate 2, figs. 7 and 8, there is already an early exocoelomic membrane
beginning to form. Perhaps this is associated with the relatively
deeper implantation of these two specimens. It is curious that the
oldest ovum in this group (Carnegie 8004) shown on plate 2, fig. 9,
sh-ows relatively little mesoblast formation even though its amniogenesis is well advanced. This apparent discrepancy may be due to
the recent hemorrhage in the chorionic cavity. This maternal blood,
undoubtedly an abnormal feature in -this otherwise normal ovum,
gained entrance through a break in the chorionic membrane. That
the hemorrhage had stopped is shown by the clotting of the blood
within the lacuna from which the hemorrhage arose. Whether the
hemorrhage had a temporarily deleterious efiect on mesoblast formation is impossible to say. In any event, the formation of primitive
mesoblast has been slowed up for some reason, although it is not
entirely absent. Thus, in plate 2, fig. 9 there are a pair of these
primitive connective tissue cells delaminating in situ from the inner
surface of the trophoblast liningathe ch-orionic cavity. Elsewhere in
the ovum, n-ot illustrated, there is an imperfect segment of the exocoelomic membrane, already attached to the endoderm of the germ
Ova of the twelfth and thirteenth days
Three specimens of this stage are available for study but only
two are illustrated. The essential features of amniogenesis and
formation of the exocoelomic membrane during this phase of ovular development are shown on plate 3, figs. 10 to 15. These ova are A characterized by the continued differentiation of early primordial
villi, most marked in the older of the two specimens. Maternal blood has likewise flooded the lacunae of the latter. The chorionic cavity
has become progressively more distended so that embedding of the
ovum does not quite keep pace with its general growth. As a result
the ovum is elevated above the surrounding endometrium and continues to be imperfectly oovered by endometrium.
Tlhe amniotic cavity is now a distinct dome-shaped or flattened
ellipsoidal space. It is as yet imperfectly enclosed -by a thin mem-'
branous amnion whose cells are still attached to the trophoblast.
New amniogenic cells are being added to the definitive amnion as
shown by the cell in mitosis (pl. 3, fig. 15 ) which is attached to both
the trophoblast and the amnion.
The exocoelomic (Heuser’s) membrane has now reached its peak
of development. It is a relatively complete, but by no means an
imperforate membrane lining the chorionic cavity. It is attached
to the endoderm at the edge of the germ—disk. Its inner surface is
relatively smooth but its outer aspect is quite the reverse. I-ts component cells, of flattened or stella-te fibroblastic type, are continuous
with a gossamer web of mesoblasts which are even yet delaminating
in situ from the inner surface of the surrounding trophoblast. The
gross form of this evanescent structure is best seen in the reconstruc
l tion of -the older specimen (Carnegie 7700) shown on plate 3, fig. 13.
The primordial villi are just beginning to form in the older
specimen (pl. 3, fig. 12). Focal accumulations of cytotrophoblast
develop in the chori-onic membrane and grow peripherally. In so
doing, they become invested by syncytiotrophoblast, ‘thereby account
Fig. 10. A mid-cross section_of an ll‘/2-day ovum. The amniotic cavity is more advanced in
its development than in the previous specimens although the amniogenic cells——now a distinct membrane-are still attached to the adjacent trophoblast. _ The exocoelome is now well contained within
its membrane which is_ continuous above with the primitive endoderm of the germ-disk. Mesoblast
formation is still continuing and is laying the foundation for the future connective tissue of the
chor_ion. Carnegie 7699 ‘section 8-5-3, X 100.
Fig. 11. The germ- isk, amnion and exocoeloomic membrane of the 11%-day ovum at higher
magnification to show greater detail. Note the attachment of the amniogenic cells to their parent
trophoblast. Carnegie 7699, section 8-S-3, x 250.
Fig._  A mid-cross section of a _12‘;§~day ovum. The amniotic cavity is a cleft-like space above
the primitive ecto_derm of the germ-disk. It is barely enclosed above by the amniogenic cells which
are still arising, _in places, from adjacent trophoblast: Details of this process, at higher magnification, are ‘shown in figs. 14 and 15. The exocoelomic (Heuser’s) membrane has reached the high
point of .ltS development and is destined to disintegrate within the next few days. Its essential
mesoblastic nature is_ shown by the character of its cells and by their attachment. in places, to the
trophoblast from which they arose. Carnegie 7700, section 6-1-S, x 100.
Fig. 13.  plastic reconstruction of.hal'f the 12%-day ovum. The cut surface represents the
section seen in fig. 12. This picture, by its three dimensional _co_ncept serves to emphasize the nature
_of the‘ amnion, the einocoelomic membrane and the_mesoblast lining the chorionic cavity at this stage
in their development. Carnegie 7700, reconstruction, x 75.
Fig. 14. A mid-cross section of the amnion and erm-disk of the 12%-day ovum (same section
as fig. 12). The cleft-like amniotic_cavity is seen dorsal to the primitive ectoderm and is barely
enclosed by the extremely thin _amnion ab-ovve. Carnegie 7700, section 6-1-5, X 250.
Fig. 15.  para-median section of the germ-disk and amniotic cavity from the 12%-day ovum.
gTi<;tiIt:fithe Vfiflaablq thickness and appearance of the amnioge-iiic cells which are being added to by
113 cc s erived from the adjacent trophoblast. Carnegie 7700, section S-7-7, x 250,
Ova of the twelfth and thirteenth days
Normal villous ova and pathologic pre-villous ova
ing for the presence of syncytium as the outer element of the mature
chorionic villus. Coincident with these growth processes, the core
of the future villus differentiates into premature mesoblastic and
angioblastic tissue. The details of this phenomenon’ have been previously reported by the author‘, as mentioned earlier in the lecture.
However, the previously studied human material was neither as
young nor as perfectly preserved and sectioned as the present specimens so that this confirmation of previous data is worthy of
Villous ova of the fourteenth to seventeenth day:
Two specimens from this stage of embryonic development are
available (pl. 4, figs. 16 and 17). They have been described in
detail by Dr. Heuser in conjunction with Dr. Rock and the aut'hor.7
These ova are characterized by the development of chorionic villi
-which hav-e become simply branched in the older specimen. Mater
nal blood is circulating through the intervillous space of the early
placenta, but some of it has escaped through the confining membrane
of the latter into the uterine cavity. and endometrial glands adjacent
to the ovum. The latter is still not completely embedded within
the endometrium but is covered by the “Schlusscoagulum” of Peters.
Indeed, the younger of the two specimens is essentially similar to
the famous embryo described by that author.
The exocoelomic membrane as such has almost completely dis
appeared although several bubble-like remnants of it are seen
throughout the chorionic cavity of the younger specimen. The yolksac which may be its success-or, at least functionally, is now well
formed and is larger than the amnion in both specimens. In the
younger, it is composed of a single layer of mesoblasts attached to
Fig. 16. A maid-cross section of the embryo and adjacent chorion of a 14-day ovum. The
amniotic cavity is now a flattened cone and is completely enclosed by the thin amniotic membrane
above and the primitive ectoderm below. The yolk-sac has now appeared and has already outstri the amniotic cavity in size although the former has probably not been present for more than
36 ours. Carnegie 7801, section 12-1-3, X 100.
Fig. 17. A mid-cross section of the embryo and adjacent chorion of a 16-day ovum. The doublelayered amnion is attached by mesocblast to the adjacent chm-ion. The amniotic cavity is approximately equal in size no the yolk-sac cavity. The latter is bounded by the endoderm above and the
double-layered yolk-sac elsewhere. Carnegie 7802. section 44-3-5. X 100.
Fig. 18. A mid-cross section of a pathologic, pre-villous ovum of uncertain age but probably
11 to 12 days old Its embryonic mass and hence the amnion are absent although _there IS an
exioocoelomic membrane and some mesoblastic tissue lining the chorionic cavity. Carnegie 7771, sec
tion 3-4-I. x 100. _ _
Fig. 19. A mid-cross section of a pathologic ovum of uncertain age. Its relatively normal
embryo is equivalent to that of a 14- or possibly 15-day specimen although its tropho-blast is defec
tive, especially toward the right side. Note the relatively poor mesoblastic formation associated
this region in contrast to the abundant mesoblast associated with the better, but still defectnve
trophoblast on the left side. Carnegie 7800, section 15-1-3, X 35.
the endoderm, whereas in the older it is formed by'a double layer
of such cells.
The amnion is now in the stage familiar to all students of embryology—that of a blunted and somewhat flattened cone wh-ose base
rests upon the ectoderm of the germ disk. In the younger specimen, its exceedingly thin wall of mesoblasts merges imperceptibly
into the primitive connective tissue of the adjacent chorion. In the
older specimen, however, it possesses a double-layered wall composed mainly of very thin mesoblastic tissue except at its apex where
its less differentiated polyhedral cells are continuous with the adj acent chorionic connective tissue. Here the latter forms a definite
adhesion-like strand that is interpreted as being the forerunner of
the amniotic duct.
Pathological ova
Of the seven specimens available for study two illustrated in
plate 4- (figs. 18 and 19) are of interest wi‘th respect to the formation of .primitive mesoblast and the exocoelomic membrane. Nature
has seen fit to perform on each of these ova a teratological experiment which has resulted in the absence of the embryo in one and
impaired the development of the trophoblast in the o-ther. The
blighted ovum, thus bereft of its embryonic mass, has still been able
to form an exocoelomic membrane because its formative trophoblast
was relatively unimpaired. It would seem, therefore, that in this
instance, at least, the embryo was not a contributory or inductive
force in the formation of the exocoelomic membrane. It might be
further observed that since there is no embryo there is no amnion
because the inductive force of the former with respect to the latter
was lacking.
The other specimen, presumably older, shows an absolute hypoplasia of a portion of its trophoblast and only a relative hypoplasia
of the remainder. The amount of primitive mesoblast associated
with the two portions of trophoblast is strikingly different; the
better developed region has given rise to an abundant primitive connective tissue whereas the other has generated practically none. It
is apparent from these fortuitous natural experiments that the trophoblast plays the leading r6le in the formation of extra-embryonic
structures of mesoblastic origin; the exocoelomic membrane arising
therefrom without induction from the embryo whereas the latter
does induce the trophoblast to form its amnion.
Summary and conclusion:
From a series of eleven normal human ova, nine in the pre-villous
and two in the villous stage, is demonstrated the progressive in situ
delamination of primitive mesoblast, exocoel-omic membrane, and
amnion from trophoblast. T"-he primitive mesoblast ultimately
becomes the connective tissue of the chorion, Whereas the exocoelomic
membrane is an extremely temporary mes-oblastic structure lining
the chorionic cavity during the ninth to the thirteenth days of ovular
development. The amnion begins to delaminate from adjacent
trophoblast during the eighth day and gradually encloses the con
—cave space above the germ—disk during the next five days to form
the amniotic cavity.
Observations on two pathological pre-villous human ova deficient in embryonic and trophoblastic tissues, respectively, show that
the ex-ocoelomic membrane will form in the absence of an embryo,
although an amnion will not, and that the degree of mesoblast formation is correlated with the degree of trophoblasftic development.
1 Hertig, Arthur T.: Angiogenesis in the early human chorion and in the
primary placenta of the macaque monkey. Contr. Embryol. Carnegie
Inst. (Publ. 4-59), 1935, 25, 37-81.
2 Hertig, Arthur T., and John Rock: Two human ova of the pre-villous stage,
having an ovulation age of about eleven and twelve days, respectively.
Contr. Embryol. Carnegie Inst. (Publ. 525), 194-1, 29, 127-56.
3 Hertig, Arthur T., and John Rock: On the development of the early human
ovum, with special reference to the trophoblast of the pre-villous stage:
a description of 7 normal and S pathologic human ova. Aem.  Obst. & Gyn., 1944, 47, 149-84.
4 Hertig, Arthur T., and John Rock: Two human ova of the pre-villous stage, having a developmental age of about seven and nine days, respectively.
Contr. Embryol. Carnegie Inst. (Publ. 557), Vol. 31 in press.
5 Heuser, Chester H.: An intrachorial mesothelial membrane in young stages of the monkey (Macaw: r/term). Anat. Rec., 1932, 52, suppl. p. 15.
6 Heuser, Chester H.: Early development of the primitive mesoblast in embryos of the rhesus monkey. Carnegie Inst. (Publ. S01), Cooperation in Research, 1938, 383-88.
7 Heuser, Chester H., John Rock, and Arthur T. Hertig: Two human embryos showing early stages of the definitive yolk sac. Contr. Embryol. Carnegie Inst. (Publ. 557), Vol. 31 in press.
8 Rock, John, and Arthur T. Hertig: Some aspects of early human reproduction.
Am.  Obst. & Gyn., 194-2, 44, 973-83.

Revision as of 12:44, 24 October 2017

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Hertig AT. On the development of the amnion and exocoelomic membrane in the previllous human ovum. (1945) Yale J Biol Med. 18:107-15. PubMed 21007544

Online Editor 
Mark Hill.jpg
This historic 1945 paper by Hertig describes Carnegie Collection early human extra-embryonic development in week 2. The historic term "ova" is still used here to describe the early developing conceptus.

See also:
Hertig AT. and Rock J. On the development of the early human ovum, with special reference to the trophoblast of the previllous stage: A description of a normal and 5 pathologic human ova. (1944) Amer. J. Obstet Gynecol., 47: 149-184.

Hertig AT. and Rock J. Two human ova of the pre-villous stage, having a developmental age of about seven and nine days respectively. (1945) Contrib. Embryol., Carnegie Inst. Wash. Publ. 557, 31: 65-84.

Hertig AT. and Rock J. On a normal human ovum not over 7.5 days of age. (1945) Anat. Rec. 91: 281.

Hertig AT. and Rock J. On a normal ovum of approximately 9 to 10 days of age. (1945) Anat. Rec. 91: 281.

Hertig AT. and Rock J. On a human blastula recovered from the uterine cavity 4 days after ovulation. (1946) J Gerontol. 1(1): 96-117.
Modern Notes: Week 2, Trophoblast,

Historic Disclaimer - information about historic embryology pages 
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Pages where the terms "Historic" (textbooks, papers, people, recommendations) appear on this site, and sections within pages where this disclaimer appears, indicate that the content and scientific understanding are specific to the time of publication. This means that while some scientific descriptions are still accurate, the terminology and interpretation of the developmental mechanisms reflect the understanding at the time of original publication and those of the preceding periods, these terms, interpretations and recommendations may not reflect our current scientific understanding.     (More? Embryology History | Historic Embryology Papers)

On the Development of the Amnion and Exocoelomic Membrane in the Previllous Human Ovum

Arthur T Hertig
Arthur Tremain Hertig (1904-1990)



An embryologist, as implied by his name, is primarily interested in the development of the embryo as a whole or at least in one or more of its intra-embryonic structures. Being a pathologist, Whose interest in embryology has been stimulated by contact with the pathological problems of The Boston Lying-in Hospital, 1 have, perforce, become more interested in those extra-embryonic structures, the placenta and its associated membranes. It is the purpose of this lecture to discuss the origin and early development of two such extra-embry~onic structures, the amnion and the exocoelomic membrane. Due to the fortunate circumstance of having spent a stimulating year as a National Research Fellow with Dr. George L. Streeter (your Ferris Lecturer in 1936), my embryological status might be described as semi-professional. Certainly -by no stretch of the imagination would my embryological colleagues consider me a full-fledged professional, and I suspect they probably regard me as a rank amateur. Having thus explained why a combination pathologist and obstetrician has ventured into the anatomical specialty of embryology I now turn to the problem of the amnion and the exocoelomic membrane. If one regards the fertilized ovum, as does Dr. Streeter, from its inception to its death at the end of the Biblical three score and ten years, both these extra-embryonic structures are temporary, the exocoelomic membrane being far more evanescent than the amnion. The former is present but 4 to 5 days during the pre-villous stage and is the possible precursor of still another temporary structure, the yolk sac. The amnion, by contrast, appears early and persists throughout gestation-——a veritable Methuselah as extra-embryonic structures go. Its life span is rivaled only by the chorion, from whose trophoblast it takes origin.

  • Eighth Harry Burr Ferris Lecture delivered at Yale University on May 2,

194-5. From the Free Hospital for Women, Brookline, Mass., the Departments of Pathology and of Obstetrics, Harvard Medical School, and the Department of Embryology, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Baltimore.

Studies on the origin of other primate extra—embryonic structures such as the primary mesoderm and the chorionic -blood vessels first interested the author‘ in 1935. At that time, the material available for study consisted of five early macaque ova ranging from 10 to 17 days of age together with 15 human ova (12 pre—somite and 3 somite) in the Carnegie Embryological collection. Morphologic evidence showed a simultaneous origin of angioblasts and primary mesoderm from the chorionic trophoblast of such primate ova. These early connective tissue elements of the chori-On, arising by in situ delamination and differentiation, continue to develop as long as primary villi are being formed. The isolated vascular primordia thus formed soon possess power of independent growth and lumen formation, resulting not only in the vascularization of the chorion and primitive villi but the secondary villi as well.

Since these earlier studies it has been possible for the author, in collaboration with Dr. John R-ock,2’ 3’ 4’ 8 to obtain a series of 18 early human ova from uteri removed surgically prior to the first missed menstrual period. Eleven of these specimens are normal while the remainder show varying degrees of abnormality. The general features -of many of these specimens have already been reported or descriptions are in press. All of these ova, even the pathological ones (with the exception of a 4-day segmenting morula), throw some light upon the origin of the amnion and exocoelomic membrane. However, the nine normal pre-Villous specimens ranging from 7% to 12% days of age (8th to 13th days) will be discussed in some detail, because it is in these ‘hitherto unknown stages of human development that the beginning of these extraembryonic structures is first seen.

Fi.g. 1. The middle cross section of an ovum not over 7% days of age. Above the somewhat eccentrically placed germ-disk is a barely discernible cleft—the amniotic cavity. Above the latter are a few dark, flattened amniogenic cells de-lamiznating in situ from the adjacent trophoblast. Toward the left of the chorionic cavity, a few primitive mesoblastic cells are seen which likewise arise from trophoblast by in situ delamination. Carnegie No. 8225, section 20-5-5, X 300 (minus).

Fig. 2. The middle cross section of a 7%-day ovum. The cleft-like amniotic cavity lies above the germ-disk and beneath amniogenic cells arising from the adjacent trophoblast. A single, flattened meso-blastic cell is seen to the right of the germ-disk and lying upon the inner aspect of the tropho-blast. Carnegie No. 8020, section 6-5-9, X 300 (minus).

Fig. 3. The same ovum as fig. 2 but 7 sections removed. The amniotic cavity is less evident because of its smaller size although the amniogenic cells overlying it are more prominent. Carnegie No. 8020, section 6-5-2, X 300.

Fig. 4. The same ovum as shown in figs. 2 and 3 but the section passes to one side of the germ-disk. Note at the embryonic pole the three prominent mesoblastic cells which are delaminating in situ from the adjacent troplgoblast. A somewhat more advanced stage of this process is seen in the two mesoblastic cells shown in fig. 5. Carnegie 8020, section 6-3-6, X 300 (plus).

Fig. 5. A section of a. 7%-day ovum (same specimen as figs. 2-4) showing a more advanced stage of mesoblastic formation. Note the two, nearly detached mesoblastic cells delaminating from, but still lightly attached to the trophoblast at the embryonic pole of the ovum. Carnegie 8020, section 6-4-3, X 300 (plus). A PLATE 1 Ova of the eighth day PLATE 2 Ova of the ninth and tenth days

0714 of the eighth day

The material in this stage consists of two specimens, both in approximately the same stage of development, Whose essential form is that of a superficially but Well-attached blastocyst containing a bilaminar germ disk. The solid trophoblast, composed of primitive syncytio— and cyto-trophoblast, is invading the physiologically edematous endometrium characteristic of the 21st to 22nd day of the menstrual cycle. Plate 1 shows the essential features displayed by these ova with respect to the formation of the amnion and extraembryonic mesoblast.

In both specimens, the amniotic cavity is a tiny irregular or multilocular slit lying between the ectoderm and the adjacent trophoblast. The cells of the latter immediately dorsal to the amniotic cavity differ in appearance from those of the remaining trophoblast, they are smaller, flatter, and darker. T This is best seen in the specimen (Carnegie 8225) sh-o-Wn on plate 1, fig. 1. These amniogenic cells, however, are still attached to their parent trophoblast and appear to be delarninatin.g in situ therefrom.

Both specimens show isolated instances of in situ delamination of primitive mesoblasts. This process is best seen in the specimen (Carnegie 8020) shown on plate 1, figs. 4 and 5. These spindleshaped mesoblasts are in one instance (fig. 4) still obviously a part of their parent trophoblast, whereas in another section (fig. 5) these maturing cells have almost separated from their tissue of origin. Such difierentiating mesoblasts tend to occur principally on the inner surface of the trophoblast at the embryonic pole although they are present on the abembryonic pole but in lesser numbers. This may

Fig. 6. A mid-crossi section from an ovum of approximately 8 days of age. Note the prominent amniotic cavity above the primitive ectoderm of the germ-disk but the amniogenic cells have not yet begun to form. There are, however, _a few mesoblastic cells to the right of the germ-disk, several of which are still attached to their parent trophoblast. Carnegie 8155, section 4-4-8, X 500. _ Fig. 7. A mid-cross section of an ovum 8 to 9 days of age. Note that the amniotic cavity is no more advanced_ than is that of the younger specimen seen in ii . 6, although there are several amniogenic cells arising from the adjacent trophoblast in the ol er specimen. Likewise, mesoblastic formation is more advanced, as shown by the presence of an early exocoelomic membrane. In places the mesoblastic cells of_ the latter are still attached to the trophoblast from which they appear to be originating. Carnegie 8171, section 3-2-12, X 300.

, 13- 3- A mid-cross section of an ovum of 8 to 9 days of age. The amniotic cavity is a mere slit although the amniogenic cells are well formed and have become detached from the adjacent trophoblast._ The exocoelomic membrane is similar in appearance and stage of development to that of specimen _shown in fig. 7. Carnegie 8215, section 12-4-5, X 140.

Fig. 9. A mid-cross section of a 9%-day ovum. The amniotic cavity is well formed, as are the enclosing amniogenic cells _although the latter are still attached in places to their parent trophoblast. Mesoblastic formation is scanty and_ is represented in this section by two delaininating cel s seen toward the_ lower left, of the chorionic cavity. The granular material in the latter is extravasated blood which is a possible factor in delaying the formation of the mesoblast. Carnegie 8004, section 11-4-4, x 160.

possibly be so because the abembryon.-ic portion of the blastocyst wall is less mature at this stage in the development of the ovum. This primitive chorionic connective tissue is apparently the precursor of the exocoelomic membrane which will ultimately, but only temporarily, line the chorionic cavity of the older pre—villous ova. Its origin in the macaque is shown by Heuser5' 3 to be associated with both the chorionic trophoblast and the primitive endoderm of the embryo. This apparent double origin may -be due merely to continuity of mesoblast with primitive endoderm, since Heuser6 states that two types of cells are apparently involved. While the membrane does ultimately become attached to the margins of the germdisk, both in the monkey and in man, it appears to the author that in man the exocoelomic (Heuser’s) membrane arises entirely from primitive mesoblast which in turn arises by delamination from the trophoblast. Morphologic evidence for this will be shown in older pre—villous specimens.

Ova of the ninth and tenth days

There are four specimens in this group, representative sections of which are shown on plate 2, figs. 6 to 9. These ova are characterized by progressive embedding of the blastocyst in end-ometrium of the 22nd to 26th day of the cycle with development of a series of intercommunicating lacunae within the trophoblast. Such lacunae, the intervillous space of the future placenta, will later on in the previllous stage be flooded by maternal blood. It is only during the latter part of the present stage that such lacunae con-nect with endometrial sinusoids, thereby allowing small amounts of maternal blood to flow into the ovum.

The development of the amnion progresses during this stage, the cavity becomes larger and the amniogenic membrane becomes more differentiated. However, not all specimens fit into this orderly pattern. Thus, the youngest specimen (Carnegie 8155, pl. 2, fig. 6) shows a beautifully developed amniotic cavity but relatively little amniogenesis even though there are a few tropho-blastic cells of the future amnion lying dorsal to the cavity. Tlhe other three specimens,,consis_tent with their more mature development, all show a definite amniotic cavity which is more or less enclosed by a primitive amnion, the latter still attached to its parent trophoblast. With the gradual development of the amnion the cells composing it metaDEVELOPMENT OF AMNION AND EXOCCELOM 11 1

morphose from their cytotrophoblastic prototype to one of fibroblastic or epithelioid type. Coincidentally, they become partially but incompletely detached from the adjacent trophoblast and assume a more or less perfect membranous form. This diaphanous structure, attached to the edge of the primitive embryonic ectoderm, begins to seal off the amniotic from the chorionic cavity.

Formation of primitive mesoblast continues through this stage of ovular development. The ovum is now sufliciently embedded so that most of its wall has begun to form primitive trophoblast. Hence, all specimens of this group show a fairly uniform degree of mesoblast formation at the abembryonic as Well as at the embryonic pole. In two of the specimens (Carnegie 8171 and 8215) shown on plate 2, figs. 7 and 8, there is already an early exocoelomic membrane beginning to form. Perhaps this is associated with the relatively deeper implantation of these two specimens. It is curious that the oldest ovum in this group (Carnegie 8004) shown on plate 2, fig. 9, sh-ows relatively little mesoblast formation even though its amniogenesis is well advanced. This apparent discrepancy may be due to the recent hemorrhage in the chorionic cavity. This maternal blood, undoubtedly an abnormal feature in -this otherwise normal ovum, gained entrance through a break in the chorionic membrane. That the hemorrhage had stopped is shown by the clotting of the blood within the lacuna from which the hemorrhage arose. Whether the hemorrhage had a temporarily deleterious efiect on mesoblast formation is impossible to say. In any event, the formation of primitive mesoblast has been slowed up for some reason, although it is not entirely absent. Thus, in plate 2, fig. 9 there are a pair of these primitive connective tissue cells delaminating in situ from the inner surface of the trophoblast liningathe ch-orionic cavity. Elsewhere in the ovum, n-ot illustrated, there is an imperfect segment of the exocoelomic membrane, already attached to the endoderm of the germ disk. Ova of the twelfth and thirteenth days

Three specimens of this stage are available for study but only two are illustrated. The essential features of amniogenesis and formation of the exocoelomic membrane during this phase of ovular development are shown on plate 3, figs. 10 to 15. These ova are A characterized by the continued differentiation of early primordial villi, most marked in the older of the two specimens. Maternal blood has likewise flooded the lacunae of the latter. The chorionic cavity has become progressively more distended so that embedding of the ovum does not quite keep pace with its general growth. As a result the ovum is elevated above the surrounding endometrium and continues to be imperfectly oovered by endometrium.

Tlhe amniotic cavity is now a distinct dome-shaped or flattened

ellipsoidal space. It is as yet imperfectly enclosed -by a thin mem-'

branous amnion whose cells are still attached to the trophoblast. New amniogenic cells are being added to the definitive amnion as shown by the cell in mitosis (pl. 3, fig. 15 ) which is attached to both the trophoblast and the amnion.

The exocoelomic (Heuser’s) membrane has now reached its peak of development. It is a relatively complete, but by no means an imperforate membrane lining the chorionic cavity. It is attached to the endoderm at the edge of the germ—disk. Its inner surface is relatively smooth but its outer aspect is quite the reverse. I-ts component cells, of flattened or stella-te fibroblastic type, are continuous with a gossamer web of mesoblasts which are even yet delaminating in situ from the inner surface of the surrounding trophoblast. The gross form of this evanescent structure is best seen in the reconstruc l tion of -the older specimen (Carnegie 7700) shown on plate 3, fig. 13.

The primordial villi are just beginning to form in the older specimen (pl. 3, fig. 12). Focal accumulations of cytotrophoblast develop in the chori-onic membrane and grow peripherally. In so doing, they become invested by syncytiotrophoblast, ‘thereby account

Fig. 10. A mid-cross section_of an ll‘/2-day ovum. The amniotic cavity is more advanced in its development than in the previous specimens although the amniogenic cells——now a distinct membrane-are still attached to the adjacent trophoblast. _ The exocoelome is now well contained within its membrane which is_ continuous above with the primitive endoderm of the germ-disk. Mesoblast formation is still continuing and is laying the foundation for the future connective tissue of the chor_ion. Carnegie 7699 ‘section 8-5-3, X 100.

Fig. 11. The germ- isk, amnion and exocoeloomic membrane of the 11%-day ovum at higher magnification to show greater detail. Note the attachment of the amniogenic cells to their parent trophoblast. Carnegie 7699, section 8-S-3, x 250.

Fig._ A mid-cross section of a _12‘;§~day ovum. The amniotic cavity is a cleft-like space above the primitive ecto_derm of the germ-disk. It is barely enclosed above by the amniogenic cells which are still arising, _in places, from adjacent trophoblast: Details of this process, at higher magnification, are ‘shown in figs. 14 and 15. The exocoelomic (Heuser’s) membrane has reached the high point of .ltS development and is destined to disintegrate within the next few days. Its essential mesoblastic nature is_ shown by the character of its cells and by their attachment. in places, to the trophoblast from which they arose. Carnegie 7700, section 6-1-S, x 100.

Fig. 13. plastic reconstruction of.hal'f the 12%-day ovum. The cut surface represents the section seen in fig. 12. This picture, by its three dimensional _co_ncept serves to emphasize the nature _of the‘ amnion, the einocoelomic membrane and the_mesoblast lining the chorionic cavity at this stage in their development. Carnegie 7700, reconstruction, x 75.

Fig. 14. A mid-cross section of the amnion and erm-disk of the 12%-day ovum (same section as fig. 12). The cleft-like amniotic_cavity is seen dorsal to the primitive ectoderm and is barely enclosed by the extremely thin _amnion ab-ovve. Carnegie 7700, section 6-1-5, X 250.

Fig. 15. para-median section of the germ-disk and amniotic cavity from the 12%-day ovum. gTi<;tiIt:fithe Vfiflaablq thickness and appearance of the amnioge-iiic cells which are being added to by

113 cc s erived from the adjacent trophoblast. Carnegie 7700, section S-7-7, x 250, Sinusoida Amman

. PLATE 3 Ova of the twelfth and thirteenth days PLATE 4

Normal villous ova and pathologic pre-villous ova

ing for the presence of syncytium as the outer element of the mature chorionic villus. Coincident with these growth processes, the core of the future villus differentiates into premature mesoblastic and angioblastic tissue. The details of this phenomenon’ have been previously reported by the author‘, as mentioned earlier in the lecture. However, the previously studied human material was neither as young nor as perfectly preserved and sectioned as the present specimens so that this confirmation of previous data is worthy of


Villous ova of the fourteenth to seventeenth day:

Two specimens from this stage of embryonic development are

available (pl. 4, figs. 16 and 17). They have been described in

detail by Dr. Heuser in conjunction with Dr. Rock and the aut'hor.7 These ova are characterized by the development of chorionic villi

-which hav-e become simply branched in the older specimen. Mater nal blood is circulating through the intervillous space of the early placenta, but some of it has escaped through the confining membrane of the latter into the uterine cavity. and endometrial glands adjacent to the ovum. The latter is still not completely embedded within

the endometrium but is covered by the “Schlusscoagulum” of Peters. Indeed, the younger of the two specimens is essentially similar to

the famous embryo described by that author. The exocoelomic membrane as such has almost completely dis appeared although several bubble-like remnants of it are seen

throughout the chorionic cavity of the younger specimen. The yolksac which may be its success-or, at least functionally, is now well

formed and is larger than the amnion in both specimens. In the younger, it is composed of a single layer of mesoblasts attached to

Fig. 16. A maid-cross section of the embryo and adjacent chorion of a 14-day ovum. The amniotic cavity is now a flattened cone and is completely enclosed by the thin amniotic membrane above and the primitive ectoderm below. The yolk-sac has now appeared and has already outstri the amniotic cavity in size although the former has probably not been present for more than 36 ours. Carnegie 7801, section 12-1-3, X 100.

Fig. 17. A mid-cross section of the embryo and adjacent chorion of a 16-day ovum. The doublelayered amnion is attached by mesocblast to the adjacent chm-ion. The amniotic cavity is approximately equal in size no the yolk-sac cavity. The latter is bounded by the endoderm above and the double-layered yolk-sac elsewhere. Carnegie 7802. section 44-3-5. X 100.

Fig. 18. A mid-cross section of a pathologic, pre-villous ovum of uncertain age but probably 11 to 12 days old Its embryonic mass and hence the amnion are absent although _there IS an exioocoelomic membrane and some mesoblastic tissue lining the chorionic cavity. Carnegie 7771, sec tion 3-4-I. x 100. _ _ Fig. 19. A mid-cross section of a pathologic ovum of uncertain age. Its relatively normal

embryo is equivalent to that of a 14- or possibly 15-day specimen although its tropho-blast is defec tive, especially toward the right side. Note the relatively poor mesoblastic formation associated this region in contrast to the abundant mesoblast associated with the better, but still defectnve

trophoblast on the left side. Carnegie 7800, section 15-1-3, X 35.

the endoderm, whereas in the older it is formed by'a double layer of such cells.

The amnion is now in the stage familiar to all students of embryology—that of a blunted and somewhat flattened cone wh-ose base rests upon the ectoderm of the germ disk. In the younger specimen, its exceedingly thin wall of mesoblasts merges imperceptibly into the primitive connective tissue of the adjacent chorion. In the older specimen, however, it possesses a double-layered wall composed mainly of very thin mesoblastic tissue except at its apex where its less differentiated polyhedral cells are continuous with the adj acent chorionic connective tissue. Here the latter forms a definite adhesion-like strand that is interpreted as being the forerunner of the amniotic duct.

Pathological ova

Of the seven specimens available for study two illustrated in plate 4- (figs. 18 and 19) are of interest wi‘th respect to the formation of .primitive mesoblast and the exocoelomic membrane. Nature has seen fit to perform on each of these ova a teratological experiment which has resulted in the absence of the embryo in one and impaired the development of the trophoblast in the o-ther. The blighted ovum, thus bereft of its embryonic mass, has still been able to form an exocoelomic membrane because its formative trophoblast was relatively unimpaired. It would seem, therefore, that in this instance, at least, the embryo was not a contributory or inductive force in the formation of the exocoelomic membrane. It might be further observed that since there is no embryo there is no amnion because the inductive force of the former with respect to the latter was lacking.

The other specimen, presumably older, shows an absolute hypoplasia of a portion of its trophoblast and only a relative hypoplasia of the remainder. The amount of primitive mesoblast associated with the two portions of trophoblast is strikingly different; the better developed region has given rise to an abundant primitive connective tissue whereas the other has generated practically none. It is apparent from these fortuitous natural experiments that the trophoblast plays the leading r6le in the formation of extra-embryonic structures of mesoblastic origin; the exocoelomic membrane arising therefrom without induction from the embryo whereas the latter does induce the trophoblast to form its amnion.

Summary and conclusion:

From a series of eleven normal human ova, nine in the pre-villous and two in the villous stage, is demonstrated the progressive in situ delamination of primitive mesoblast, exocoel-omic membrane, and amnion from trophoblast. T"-he primitive mesoblast ultimately becomes the connective tissue of the chorion, Whereas the exocoelomic membrane is an extremely temporary mes-oblastic structure lining the chorionic cavity during the ninth to the thirteenth days of ovular development. The amnion begins to delaminate from adjacent trophoblast during the eighth day and gradually encloses the con —cave space above the germ—disk during the next five days to form

the amniotic cavity.

Observations on two pathological pre-villous human ova deficient in embryonic and trophoblastic tissues, respectively, show that the ex-ocoelomic membrane will form in the absence of an embryo, although an amnion will not, and that the degree of mesoblast formation is correlated with the degree of trophoblasftic development.


1 Hertig, Arthur T.: Angiogenesis in the early human chorion and in the primary placenta of the macaque monkey. Contr. Embryol. Carnegie Inst. (Publ. 4-59), 1935, 25, 37-81.

2 Hertig, Arthur T., and John Rock: Two human ova of the pre-villous stage, having an ovulation age of about eleven and twelve days, respectively. Contr. Embryol. Carnegie Inst. (Publ. 525), 194-1, 29, 127-56.

3 Hertig, Arthur T., and John Rock: On the development of the early human ovum, with special reference to the trophoblast of the pre-villous stage: a description of 7 normal and S pathologic human ova. Aem. Obst. & Gyn., 1944, 47, 149-84.

4 Hertig, Arthur T., and John Rock: Two human ova of the pre-villous stage, having a developmental age of about seven and nine days, respectively. Contr. Embryol. Carnegie Inst. (Publ. 557), Vol. 31 in press.

5 Heuser, Chester H.: An intrachorial mesothelial membrane in young stages of the monkey (Macaw: r/term). Anat. Rec., 1932, 52, suppl. p. 15.

6 Heuser, Chester H.: Early development of the primitive mesoblast in embryos of the rhesus monkey. Carnegie Inst. (Publ. S01), Cooperation in Research, 1938, 383-88.

7 Heuser, Chester H., John Rock, and Arthur T. Hertig: Two human embryos showing early stages of the definitive yolk sac. Contr. Embryol. Carnegie Inst. (Publ. 557), Vol. 31 in press.

8 Rock, John, and Arthur T. Hertig: Some aspects of early human reproduction. Am. Obst. & Gyn., 194-2, 44, 973-83.