Testis Development

From Embryology
Historic testis drawing


The male gonad is the testis. The initial difference in male and female gonad development are dependent on testis-determining factor (TDF) the protein product of the Y chromosome SRY gene. Recent studies have indicated that additional factors may also be required for full differentiation.

The seminiferous tubules are considered the parenchyma of the testis.

Links: Y Chromosome | Week 1 - Spermatogenesis | Ovary | Puberty | original page

Development Overview

Sex Determination

  • Humans (week 5-6)
  • Germ cells migrate into gonadal ridge
  • Gonads (male/female) identical at this stage, Indifferent

Gonad Development

  • dependent on sex chromosome
  • Y testes
  • No Y ovary


SRY protein (Testes determining factor, TDF) binds DNA Transcription factor, Bends DNA 70-80 degrees

Internal Genital Organs

  • All embryos form paired
  • Mesonephric duct, see kidney development
  • Paramesonephric duct, Humans 7th week Invagination of coelomic epithelium Cord grows and terminates on urogenital sinus
  • Male Gonad (testes) secretes Mullerian duct inhibitory factor (MDIF) which causes regression of paramesonephric duct
  • Male Gonad (testes) secretes Testosterone which retains mesonephric duct

External Genital Organs

  • All embryos initially same (indifferent)
  • Testosterone differentiates male

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