Template:Anti-Mullerian Hormone Vignette

From Embryology
Revision as of 11:42, 16 November 2019 by Z8600021 (talk | contribs)
Historic Embryology
Stage 22 image 214.jpg
Anti-Mullerian Hormone (19p13.3) was first discovered in 1947 by Alfred Jost (1916-1991), a French endocrinologist researcher, he used a rabbit model to identify this hormone as responsible for Müllerian duct (paramesonephric duct) regression during fetal rabbit development. His findings explained several abnormalities of sexual development. This included the "freemartin calf", that acquires AMH placentally from a male twin in utero generating an infertile female with masculinized behavior and non-functioning ovaries. Pubmed: Alfred Jost (author)