Talk:2012 Group Project 2

From Embryology
Revision as of 12:10, 22 September 2012 by Z3333865 (talk | contribs)

From the Course Coordinator

2012 Projects: Vision | Somatosensory | Taste | Olfaction | Abnormal Vision | Hearing

--Mark Hill 09:58, 18 September 2012 (EST) This is a recent review on vision. JCB content allows reuse.

--Mark Hill 08:17, 16 August 2012 (EST) This small section at the top of your discussion page allows me to easily distribute information to all students looking at the group discussion page.

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1. Search:

2. History

  • Embryology History Explore the rich history of sensory research. In particular look through the available images that may complement the text. Any of this material can be used, you should cite the original paper or textbook. Gray | 1921 Bailey and Miller

--Mark Hill 09:57, 18 September 2012 (EST) This is a recent review on touch. JCB content allows reuse.

Group evaluation

Your introduction is quite expansive and the first paragraph gives an excellent overview of what the somatosensory system actually is. At the end of the first paragraph you do refer to a picture; however, there is no picture. Please add this to show the somatosensory organisation within the body. In the second paragraph you mention some key timepoints related to the somatosensory development, which is good. After this (“Development of the system entails…lemniscal system.”) the text is probably too specific for the introduction. This can be used as an introduction for your development subheading. Please make sure that you edit the in-text references to proper references which we can access via your reference list. Also make sure you start adding terms to the glossary, eg. dorsal column-medial lemniscal system (I do not know what this means!)

You have started on your history section, but it would be more interesting and easier to read if you put this in a table. For instance: date – description – significant person. Also try to add a few more important discoveries. Again, please provide proper references. See the ‘editing basics’ section on this embryology website.

The central somatosensory differentiation is good and I can see that a lot of effort has been put into this section. The picture is very helpful and complements the text. To some extend it does seem like the sensory neurons only come from the dorsal aspect (going into the dorsal root ganglion), so maybe put a note in there that the dorsal and ventral rami are mixed nerves and both of them will contain sensory neurons that go to the dorsal root ganglion. With this image, you also have to include the student template. Text and references are good in this section and I particularly found the ‘making connections’ section very clear, organised and enjoyable to read. Do make sure that you add to the glossary – in particular terms from the ‘development of the primary cortex section’, and if possible add more images.

The touch section has a fair amount of text, but no images to complement it. This made it a bit boring to read. Make sure the subheadings stand out by making them bold. Most of the text has not been references at all, which is concerning and could potentially indicate plagiarism. I also did not read anything about the development of the various receptors (or hypotheses it no distinct evidence has been provided yet). Keep in mind we are looking at the development of the system, not the physiology. You did put in some interesting facts, such as that cell abnormalities can lead to Merkel-cell carcinoma.

Pain and hot/cold are similar to touch: good description of the physiology, but no development included. References are only provided as in-text citations or listed below, which will need to be edited to include them into the reference list. Include images to complement your text and engage the reader – this also concerns the touch section.

The pressure section has limited information regarding the development. Please include how this develops – what factors are included etc. In my opinion there is too much focus on the adult physiology. We are studying embryology… As mentioned above, please edit references and include appropriate images.

Current research looks good with an interesting image and the appropriate references, copyright and student template. The description helps to understand the image. Maybe add another research project to this section.

Add to the glossary, references and actually name the external links listed as 1) 2) and 3).

Hope this helps!


Hi, whoever wrote the history section, can you include some dates as to when the discoveries were made. I was thinking of putting that info into a table but we need the dates to do that. Thank you. --Z3332863 14:50, 15 September 2012 (EST)

search pubmed GTO development

Development of Nociceptors, Thermoceptors,and Pruriceptors

Lopes C, Liu Z, Xu Y, Ma Q. Tlx3 and runx1 act in combination to coordinate the development of a cohort of nociceptors, thermoceptors, and pruriceptors. J Neurosci. 2012 Jul 11;32(28):9706-15. <pubmed>22787056</pubmed>

Review for general Somatosensory development - just for background knowledge:

<pubmed>7812142</pubmed> --Z3332863 14:53, 23 August 2012 (EST)

Central sensory Neuron development:

<pubmed>2918087</pubmed> --Z3332863 14:53, 23 August 2012 (EST)

Article on Pain Development:


--Z3332863 10:05, 22 August 2012 (EST)

I think it would be cool to do an organ, but i'll be just as happy to do one of the senses. Does anyone have a specific organ they were thinking of?

My preference was Sensory, but if we get organ that's fine also. If we did do organ I still want to look into some of the topics before I give my opinion, depending on the research and information behind it. If we got sensory, sight could be cool? - ==Z3330539 08:26, 10 August 2012 (EST)==

I'd prefer Sensory.

I agree; if we got Sensory, I would be happy to do Sight. But if we got Organ, I want to do the Heart but I'd be just as as happy to do another organ if anyone's keen. --Z3332863 09:14, 10 August 2012 (EST)

Hi all,

I started with; and have mainly been looking into development relating to "Touch" and the receptors involved and time at which this occurs. I am happy to keep going or do research on the other categories as well? I will share what I found when we meet next. --Z3330539 22:02, 20 August 2012 (EST)--