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Vernix Caseosa

Unraveling the mystery of vernix caseosa

Indian J Dermatol. 2008;53(2):54-60.

Singh G, Archana G.

Department of Dermatology and STD, Sri Devaraj Urs Medical College, Tamaka, Kolar - 563 101, India. Abstract Vernix caseosa is a white, creamy, naturally occurring biofilm covering the skin of the fetus during the last trimester of pregnancy. Vernix coating on the neonatal skin protects the newborn skin and facilitates extra-uterine adaptation of skin in the first postnatal week if not washed away after birth. It consists of water-containing corneocytes embedded in a lipid matrix. The strategic location of the vernix on the fetal skin surface suggests participation in multiple overlapping functions required at birth, such as barrier to water loss, temperature regulation, and innate immunity. Vernix seems to perform various integral roles during transition of the fetus from intra-uterine to extra-uterine life. It has also found various interesting diagnostic and prognostic implications in this arena. Thus, it continues to be an intriguing topic of interest among the medical fraternity to understand its detailed biology and function in the fetus and also to put its naturally endowed characteristics to use in the adult population.

PMID: 19881987;year=2008;volume=53;issue=2;spage=54;epage=60;aulast=Singh

Vernix caseosa as a multi-component defence system based on polypeptides, lipids and their interactions

Tollin M, Bergsson G, Kai-Larsen Y, Lengqvist J, Sjövall J, Griffiths W, Skúladóttir GV, Haraldsson A, Jörnvall H, Gudmundsson GH, Agerberth B. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2005 Oct;62(19-20):2390-9.

PMID: 16179970

Vernix caseosa is a white cream-like substance that covers the skin of the foetus and the newborn baby. Recently, we discovered antimicrobial peptides/proteins such as LL-37 in vernix, suggesting host defence functions of vernix. In a proteomic approach, we have continued to characterize proteins in vernix and have identified 20 proteins, plus additional variant forms. The novel proteins identified, considered to be involved in host defence, are cystatin A, UGRP-1, and calgranulin A, B and C. These proteins add protective functions to vernix such as antifungal activity, opsonizing capacity, protease inhibition and parasite inactivation. The composition of the lipids in vernix has also been characterized and among these compounds the free fatty acids were found to exhibit antimicrobial activity. Interestingly, the vernix lipids enhance the antimicrobial activity of LL-37 in vitro, indicating interactions between lipids and antimicrobial peptides in vernix. In conclusion, vernix is a balanced cream of compounds involved in host defence, protecting the foetus and newborn against infection.

Characterization of vernix caseosa: water content, morphology, and elemental analysis

J Invest Dermatol. 2000 Nov;115(5):875-81.

Pickens WL, Warner RR, Boissy YL, Boissy RE, Hoath SB.

The Skin Sciences Institute and Division of Neonatology, Children's Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Abstract Recent studies have prompted interest in the use of epidermal barrier creams as protective biofilms for very low birthweight preterm infants. The key to understanding the role of epidermal barrier films is an elucidation of their interaction with water and a basic knowledge of their composition. In this study, we investigated the morphologic properties and elemental composition of the naturally occurring biofilm, vernix caseosa. This biofilm is typically lacking in preterm infants and its production coincides in utero with terminal differentiation of the epidermis and formation of the stratum corneum. Significantly, vernix (80.5+/-1.0% H2O) had a much higher water content than other barrier creams (Eucerin: 17.1+/-0.6%, Aquaphor: 0.33+/-0.03%, Ilex: 0.19+/-0.02%, petrolatum: 0.03+/-0.01%; all p<0.05). Phase contrast microscopy of vernix showed multiple cellular elements with nucleic "ghosts" embedded in a putative lipid matrix. Transmission electron microscopy revealed flattened structures approximately 1-2 microm in thickness with distinct cellular envelopes indicative of differentiated corneocytes. Compared with mature corneocytes in adult stratum corneum, vernix corneocytes appeared swollen, the density of the keratin filaments was less, and there was a relative lack of tonofilament orientation. Cryofractured specimens were examined by cryoscanning electron microscopy with subsequent elemental localization by X-ray beam analysis. The findings indicate the high water content of vernix is largely compartmentalized within fetal corneocytes. These results are consistent with the novel view of vernix as a "fluid phase" stratum corneum consisting of a hydrophobic lipid matrix with embedded fetal corneocytes possessing unique biomechanical and water-binding properties.

PMID: 11069626

Branched chain fatty acids are constituents of the normal healthy newborn gastrointestinal tract

Pediatr Res. 2008 Dec;64(6):605-9.

Ran-Ressler RR, Devapatla S, Lawrence P, Brenna JT.

Division of Nutritional Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853, USA. Abstract Vernix suspended in amniotic fluid is normally swallowed by the late term fetus. We hypothesized that branched chain fatty acids (BCFA), long known to be major vernix components, would be found in meconium and that the profiles would differ systematically. Vernix and meconium were collected from term newborns and analyzed. BCFA-containing lipids constituted about 12% of vernix dry weight, and were predominantly saturated, and had 11-26 carbons per BCFA. In contrast, meconium BCFA had 16-26 carbons, and were about 1% of dry weight. Meconium BCFA were mostly in the iso-configuration, whereas vernix BCFA contained dimethyl and middle chain branching, and five anteiso-BCFA. The mass of BCFA entering the fetal gut as swallowed vernix particles is estimated to be 180 mg in the last month of gestation whereas the total mass of BCFA found in meconium is estimated to be 16 mg, thus most BCFA disappear from the fetal gut. The BCFA profiles of vernix and meconium show that BCFA are major components of normal healthy term newborn gastrointestinal tract. BCFA are candidates for agents that play a role in gut colonization and should be considered a nutritional component for the fetus/newborn.

PMID: 18614964

Vernix caseosa peritonitis - no longer rare or innocent: a case series

J Med Case Reports. 2009 Feb 10;3:60.

Stuart OA, Morris AR, Baber RJ.

Department of Women's & Children's Health, Royal North Shore Hospital, Pacific Highway, St Leonards, NSW 2065, Australia. Abstract ABSTRACT:

INTRODUCTION: Vernix Caseosa peritonitis is a rare post caesarean section complication with only 19 case reports in the literature to date. Vernix caseosa spilt at the time of caesarean section is thought to incite an inflammatory reaction, causing symptoms resembling an acute abdomen.

CASE PRESENTATION: We discuss three Caucasian patients (aged 32 to 43 years) who presented in our health sector in Sydney with vernix caseosa peritonitis. Each had a protracted course with significant comorbidities requiring surgical and medical intervention. This contrasts with other reports suggesting that a rapid resolution can be expected.This cluster may be a consequence of the rising caesarean section rate, a heightened local awareness of the condition and possibly a result of leaving material in the paracolic gutters intraoperatively.

CONCLUSION: Our aim is to increase awareness among our obstetric and surgical colleagues of the characteristic clinical presentation and intra-operative findings of vernix caseosa peritonitis. We also point out that, in contrast to those presented here, not all patients require laparotomy.

PMID: 19208257

Contamination of caesarean wounds by Vernix caseosa. MALPAS P. Br Med J. 1950 Sep 30;2(4682):763. No abstract available. PMID: 14772475