2018 Group Project 4

From Embryology
Projects 2018: 1 Adrenal Medulla | 3 Melanocytes | 4 Cardiac | 5 Dorsal Root Ganglion

Project Pages are currently being updated (notice removed when completed)

Neural Crest and Cardiac Development


The very first major system to develop its function within a vertebrate embryo is the cardiovascular system with the heart becoming active from the fourth week of development when the placenta is no longer able to sustain the requirements of the growing embryo by itself. The four major embryonic regions that are involved in the process of vertebrate heart development are the primary heart field, secondary heart field, cardiac neural crest, and proepicardium. Each region have important contributions to the overall cardiac development, which occurs with complex and precise developmental timing and regulation. Neural crests are a population of multipotent cells which arises during embryonic development at the dorsal neural tube and were first identified by Wilhelm His as “Zwischenstrang,” the intermediate cord, in 1868, the year of Meiji Ishin, the westernizing revolution of Japan. [1]. The first study showing the relationship of neural crest cells with heart development was published in 1983 where a specific subgroup of neural crest cells, known as cardiac neural crest cells, have been shown to be essential for the septation of the cardiac outflow track as well as the development of aortic arch artery. Since then, the role of cardiac neural crest cells in the development of heart have been explored extensively in various studies which allowed for the classification of neural crest associated human cardiac defects such as DiGeorge syndrome.

Development of the heart in the fetus and partitioning of the heart into four chambers

Development of the Cardiovascular System

Development of the cardiovascular system begins with the formation of two endocardial tubes that merge together to form the tubular heart. These loop together and separate into the four chambers and paired arterial trunks form the adult heart. The tubular heart differentiates into the truncus arterioles, bulbus cordis, primitive ventricle, primitive atrium and the sinus venosus. The truncus arteriosus splits into the ascending aorta and pulmonary artery. The bulbus cordis forms part of the ventricles. The sinus venosus connects to the fetal circulation. Septa form within the atria and ventricles to separate the left and right sides of the heart.

Week 2 - 3 *Bilateral cardiogenic areas form
Week 3 - 4
  • Mesoderm splitting
  • Folding brings heart tubes into the ventral midline
  • Heart tube fusion
  • Heart tube begins to beat
Week 4 - 5
  • Heart looping
  • Neural crest migration starts
  • Dorsal and ventral endocardial cushions fused
  • Foramen premium closed, septum secundum begins to develop
Week 5-6
  • Deep, muscular interventricular septum
  • Bulbar ridges and trabeculations evident
Week 7
  • Aortic and pulmonary trunks cleave
  • Valves developed

<html5media width="480" height="358">https://www.youtube.com/embed/5DIUk9IXUaI</html5media>

Cardiac Neural Crest Cells

Neural crest cells are a population of multipotent cells which arises during embryonic development at the dorsal neural tube. Neural crest cells originate from the dorsal-most region of the neural tube. These cells are capable of migrating and differentiating throughout the body to give rise to many different cell types. These cells, which originate from the ectoderm in a region lateral to the neural plate in the neural fold, give rise to neurons, glia, melanocytes, chondrocytes, smooth muscle cells, odontoblasts and neuroendocrine cells, among others[2]. Cardiac neural crest cells (CNCCs) are a subpopulation of the cranial neural crest cells and migrate ventrally from the dorsal neural tube during weeks 3–4 PubmedParser error: Invalid PMID, please check. (PMID: [1]). CNCCs will then proceed and fall in place into third, fourth and the sixth caudal pharyngeal arches as they develop during their migration to the cardiac outflow tract. They will form condensed mesenchymal cells of the aorticopulmonary septation complex and also differentiate into cardiac ganglia[3].NCCs are necessary for aortic arch artery remodeling and outflow tract septation (OFT). [4]

Cardiac neural Cells can develop into:

  • Melanocytes near the heart region
  • neurons associated with cardiac innervation
  • cartilage
  • connective tissue (they form the connective tissue wall of the large arteries from the heart, as well as the septum between the branches in the heart)
  • provide signals required for the maintenance and differentiation of the other cell layers in the pharyngeal apparatus [4]

Early Development


Initially, NCCs are morphologically similar to other neuroepithelial cells and cannot be differentiated from them. With contact-mediated inductive signals from the surface ectoderm and underlying mesoderm through a process known as Induction where progenitor cells begin to differentiate PubmedParser error: Invalid PMID, please check. (PMID: [2]). Progenitor cells are found in the epiblast around Henson's node and are brought into the neural folds where signalling molecules will induce the progenitor cells to turn into CNCCs PubmedParser error: Invalid PMID, please check. (PMID: [3]). While key signalling regulators of neural crest cell formation such as bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) and fibroblast growth factor (FGF) have been identified in species such as fish and avians, there is currently no evidence that suggests the same factors play a role in mammalian neural crest cell induction, thus more studies have to be carried out to identify the signaling pathway for mammalian neural crest cell formation PubmedParser error: Invalid PMID, please check. (PMID: [4]). Studies have also shown that if BMP levels are too high or low, the progenitor cells will not be able to migrate, thus an intermediate level of BMP is ideal for the induction process.PubmedParser error: Invalid PMID, please check. (PMID: [5]) As for the other signaling cascades involved, little information is known.

Migration From Neural Crest to Circumpharyngeal Ridge

After the Induction process, cranial neural crest cells undergo an epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition and emigrate from the neural tube to the circumpharyngeal ridge which is an arc-shaped ridge structure that is found dorsal to developing caudal pharyngeal arches PubmedParser error: Invalid PMID, please check. (PMID: [6]). In higher vertebrates, cranial neural crest cells will migrate in three clusters (cranial, middle and caudal) and eventually develop cranial nerve ganglia at even-numbered rhombomeres proximally and populate pharyngeal arches distally. The caudal stream comprises most of the CNCCs.

There are multiple signaling factors which control the migration of CNCCs.

  • Snail2 inhibits the expression of cadherins and studies on avians and fish have shown that the presence of Snail2 helps to facilitate cell migration PubmedParser error: Invalid PMID, please check. (PMID: [7]). However, the expression of Snail does not seem to be needed for the neural crest induction in mammals PubmedParser error: Invalid PMID, please check. (PMID: [8]).
  • RhoA/B, a GTPase protein, regulates and remodels the actin cytoskeleton of the cells to alter the planar cell polarity to allow neural crest migration PubmedParser error: Invalid PMID, please check. (PMID: [9]).
  • CNCC expresses integrin receptors and MMP-2 to allow them to migrate on fibronectin in extracellular matrix which is believed to provide a permissive environment to allow the migration of crest cells to the circumpharyngeal ridge PubmedParser error: Invalid PMID, please check. (PMID: [10]).

Formation of Pharyngeal Arches and Cardiac Outflow Tract

The Cardiac Outflow Tract (OFT) is a transient embryonic structure located at the arterial pole of the heart that functions initially as a conduit for the blood flowing from the right ventricle into the aortic sac.[5].

CNCCs will initially pause their migration at the circumpharyngeal ridge as their destined pharyngeal arches have not been developed. The pericardial cavity will regress caudally, allowing pharyngeal pouches to indent the body wall and delineate the pharyngeal arches from the cranial to the caudal direction and generate arches (3, 4 and 6). As the arches develop, they will be populated by cardiac neural crest cells which migrates from the circumpharyngeal ridge.

CNCCs express different factors that target the cells to the pharyngeal arches. Slit cells can target cells to migrate to arch 3. FGF-8 targets for arch 4. EphA targets for arch 6. Rac1 and Sdf1 are both expressed in the cells, causing them to condensate around the arch arteries. Semaphorin is expressed and causes the cells to migrate further to the cardiac outflow tract. Notch and BMP are then expressed condensing the cells, forming the semilunar valve and aorticopulmonary septum.

  • The 3rd arch is dedicated in the formation of the carotid system. It forms the left and right common carotid arteries which will sprout into internal and external carotid arteries by angiogenesis PubmedParser error: Invalid PMID, please check. (PMID: [11]).
  • The 4th arch gives rise to the definitive aortic arch along with the pulmonary artery.
  • The 6th arch initially develops into the pulmonary trunk that emerges from the right ventricles, but this structure will be remodeled asymmetrically and gives rise to the ductus arteriosus which is a crucial embryonic structure that connects the pulmonary artery with the descending aorta for blood circulation in the fetus. This shunt allows blood from the right ventricle to bypass the lungs because the fetal blood is oxygenated through the placenta. At birth, as the lungs start their function, the ductus arteriosus closes allowing circulation through to the lungs to oxygenate the blood that subsequently reaches the systemic circulation of the newborn PubmedParser error: Invalid PMID, please check. (PMID: [12]).

Ectomesenchyme that is derived from CNCCs in pharyngeal arches 3, 4 and 6 are critical for the repatterning of the bilaterally symmetrical pharyngeal arch arteries to form the asymmetric great arteries of the thorax.

Migration of cardiac neural crest cells from the neuroectoderm into the outflow tract cushions induces the formation of the aortopulmonary (AP) septum, which divides the common outflow tract at the cardiac to vascular border into an aortic and pulmonary orifice and more proximally intracardiac into a right and left ventricular outflow tract. [6]

Later Development

Outflow Septation

The septation of the outflow tract is tightly coordinated with the septation of both the ventricles and atria. After migrating into the pharynx, some CNCCs will remain in the pharyngeal arches while the rest would continue and migrate into cardiac outflow cushions which converges to separate blood flow from the embryonic left and right ventricles PubmedParser error: Invalid PMID, please check. (PMID: [13]). Cushion formation and septation rely on the interaction of 3 distinct cell types, cardiac neural crest cells (NCCs), second heart field-derived (SHF-derived) cells, and endothelial cells (ECs) [5] . Currently, not much is known about which factors are responsible for attracting neural crest cells into the outflow tract cushions. Within the cushions, the CNCCs will condense and form the aorticopulmonary septation complex which is essentially two centrally placed columns and divides the common arterial outflow into the aorta and pulmonary trunks. Studies have shown that the TGFbeta/BMP signaling family is involved in this condensation processPubmedParser error: Invalid PMID, please check. (PMID: [14]). The cushions will be populated with three main types of mesenchymal cells, depending on their proximal-distal location in the outflow tract PubmedParser error: Invalid PMID, please check. (PMID: [15]).

There are three main components that are responsible for forming the septa in the outflow tract:

  1. Conus Septum
  2. truncus Septum
  3. Aorto-Pulmonary Septum

Failure of proper OFT septation during embryogenesis will result in inappropriate mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood at birth and this may cause an unfavourable clinical prognosis.


The majority of heart defects in live births arise from disruption of cardiac outflow tract development. The OFT is an embryonic structure that gives rise to the ascending aortic and pulmonary arteries as well as their respective tricuspid aortic (AV) and pulmonary (PV) valves.[7].The cNCC also contribute to the aortic and pulmonary valves, thereby connecting the heart to the vascular system. OFT endothelial cells that have undergone endoMT are thought to give rise to the bulk of the semilunar valves, which form within the aorta and pulmonary artery, to prevent the backflow of blood into the ventricles. In addition, cardiac NCCs also colonize the semilunar valves, where they mainly contribute to the two leaflets adjacent to the aorticopulmonary septum. Cells of the NCC have also been found to contribute to the atrioventricular valves, consisting of the bicuspid (mitral) valve and tricuspid valve, which is located between the upper atria and the lower ventricles.

Atrial and Ventricular Separation

The heart first transforms from the embryo into parts such as the atrial and ventricular chambers, arterial trunks and great veins. The first part of cardiac development involves the separation into phases of formation of the primary myocardial tube, looping of the tube, additional parts for future topography compartments, and assembly of the components into arterial trunks and cardiac chambers subsequently. [8]

The initial heart formation will involve the separation into four cardiac chambers.

involves more than simple formation of partitions between them.

The significance of morphologic distinctions of this type should become evident as we discuss the development of the various structures that, eventually, separate the atrial and ventricular chambers within the definitive heart. These are the atrial septum, the atrioventricular septum, and the ventricular septum. We will start, however, with a brief consideration of another area often described as a septum,

that subsequent to the formation of the two arterial trunks, there was disappearance of the cushions that initially divided them. Thus, in the definitive heart, the proximal parts of the aorta and pulmonary trunk, along with the sinuses of the arterial roots and the subpulmonary infundibulum, possess their own discrete walls, separated by extra-cardiac space.


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Formation of the Cardiac Ganglia

Cardiac ganglia are made entirely from cardiac crest cells.

"Virtually nothing is known about the factors that control their separation from the cardiac crest forming the aorticopulmonary septum or their condensation as ganglia. However, cardiac crest cells also participate in the formation of the nodose ganglion. This is the distal sensory ganglion of the vagus nerve. The nodose ganglion is formed from neurons derived from the nodose placode located dorsal to pharyngeal arches 4/6. Cells migrate from this placode to coalesce with cardiac crest to form the nodose ganglion. Condensation of this ganglion depends on N-cadherin and signaling by Slit/Robo signaling. In cranial crest Slit1/Robo signaling in conjunction with N-cadherin is important for coalescence of crest cells and placode-derived neurons into ganglia. N-cadherin and Robo2 are expressed by placodal neurons and Slit1 is on neural crest cells. If either N-cadherin or Robo2 is knocked down, the ganglia do not coalesce properly.115"

PubmedParser error: Invalid PMID, please check. (PMID: [16])

Signaling Molecules

  1. Wnt: extracellular growth factors that turn on intracellular signalling pathways. The Wnt pathway is needed to stabilize the expression of B-catenin by hindering proteasome degradation. If the Wnt pathway is inhibited, the decrease in B-catenin can result in a reduced proliferation of CNCCs which may result in the hindered development of the OFT. [9]
  2. Notch: a transmembrane protein whose signalling is required for differentiation of CNCCs to vascular smooth muscle cells and for proliferation of cardiac myocytes.
  3. BMP (bone morphogenetic proteins): they are required for neural crest cell migration into the cardiac cushions (=precursors to heart valves and septa) and for differentiation of neural crest cells to smooth muscle cells of the aortic arch arteries.
  4. GATA: Transcription factors which are key factors in the restriction of cell lineage differentiation during the development of the heart. One important member of GATA is the GATA6 which regulates the morphogenetic patterning of the outflow tract and aortic arch. If GATA6 is inactivated in CNCCs, defects in the development of the cardiovascular system such as persistent truncus arteriorus would occur
  • Meis2 PubmedParser error: Invalid PMID, please check. (PMID: [17])

Developmental Time Course

Week 3-4 Day 22-28 Neural crest migration starts
Week 5-6 Day 32-37 Cardiac neural crest migrates through the aortic arches and enters the outflow tract of the heart
Week 9 Day 57+ Outflow tract and ventricular septation complete

Human Congenital Heart Diseases associated with Neural Crest Cells

Cardiac neural crest ablation experiments in vertebrate models have demonstrated that upon removal of the pre-migratory cardiac neural crest cardiovascular abnormalities are induced such as:

  1. Defective development of the cardiac outflow tract;
  2. Abnormal myocardial function;
  3. Defective development of the derivatives of the caudal pharynx including arch arteries, pharyngeal glands and the secondary heart field.

The loss of neural crest cells or their dysfunction may not always directly cause abnormal cardiovascular development, but can also be involved secondarily because crest cells represent a major component in the complex tissue interactions in the head, pharynx and outflow tract. [10]

Even though there are various cardiac dysmorphologies caused by cardiac neural crest ablation, only those involving outflow or conotruncal defects are commonly seen, thus the majority of the studies have been focused on these cardiac defects which can include:

  1. Complete absence of outflow septation,
  2. Persistent truncus arteriosus,
  3. Overriding aorta

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that the quantity rather than the quality of neural crest cells is important in OFT septation.

Furthermore, cardiac malformations associated with partial ablation of the cardiac neural crest, show normal formation of the aorticopulmonary septum and as a result an aorta and a pulmonary trunk. However, the aorta and pulmonary trunk are malaligned with respect to the ventricles. One might argue that the neural crest-derived cells are not only crucial in the regulation of septation but also in the alignment of the great arteries with respect to the ventricles. On the other hand, one might argue that the malalignment is due to an indirect effect of neural crest ablation. https://academic.oup.com/cardiovascres/article/47/2/212/363634

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Disruptions to outflow tract septation

OFT remodeling is a process whereby the embryonic outflow tract undergoes a series of developmental transitions that involves extra cardiac cells recruitment and transformations that when disrupted, can result in Persistent Truncus Arteriosus (PTA), a rare congenital heart anomaly in humans. [7]. PTA occurs when there is a deficiency in the number of neural crest cells that reach the cardiac outflow tract, thus the truncus arteriosus will not be developed properly and will not be able to properly divide the common truncal outflow vessel into the pulmonary trunk and aorta, resulting in only a single arterial trunk arising from the heart 3791607. This will cause the oxygenated and deoxygenated blood to be mixed and the mixed blood will be pumped through the coronary and pulmonary arteries as wel as the systemic circulation. This can result in various defects such as cyanosis at birth, cardiomegaly and even heart failure in the fetus.

Failure of outflow tract septation may also be responsible for other forms of congenital heart disease, including transposition of the great vessels, high ventricular septal defects, and tetralogy of Fallot.

DiGeorge Syndrome

DiGeorge syndrome (DGS), aka Velocardiofacial Syndrome, is a congenital condition which affects the development of many tissues that are patterned by or derived from NCCs. People suffering from DGS display symptoms such as craniofacial defects, aplasia or hypoplasia of the thymus and parathyroid glands, mental disorders and cardiovascular defects. [1]. DGS results primarily due to defective development of cranial and cardiac NCCs which invades the first four pharyngeal arches that contribute to the development of the lower jaw, neck and cardiac structures. Studies have shown in chicks that the ablation of the pharyngeal NCCs population produce cardiocraniofacial anomalies which can be found in DGS patients. (how to cite this?: http://dev.biologists.org/content/143/4/582)


  • Caused by a chromosomal 22q11.2 deletion.
  • a hemizygous deletion within chromosome band 22q11.2 has been found in 25% of DGS patients.
  • Characterized by interrupted aortic arch type B, outflow tract malformations that include xxx


(to edit) The DiGeorge syndrome consists of a PTA, type B interrupted aortic arch, absent or hypoplastic thymus, craniofacial dysmorphology and cognitive or behavioral disorders. (ref) It can also include absent or hypoplastic parathyroid and thyroid glands.

https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/9514586 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/3728313

A variant of the DiGeorge phenotype, called Sprintzen or Velocardiofacial syndrome, also includes cleft palate. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/272242

C.H.A.R.G.E Syndrome

CHARGE is an acronym for a collection of symptoms including, heart defects, retarded growth, and development, genital hypoplasia, ear anomalies, and deafness.

  • Coloboma
  • Heart anomaly
  • Atresia of choanae
  • Retardation of physical and mental development
  • Genital hypoplasia
  • Ear anomalies and/or deafness

PubmedParser error: Invalid PMID, please check. (PMID: [18])

CHARGE syndrome is a sporadic, autosomal dominant malformation disorder diagnosed in 1/8,500-1/10,000 live births. [11] In addition, malformations of the foregut, kidneys, limbs, lung, and liver have been described in infants with CHARGE syndrome. The gene most commonly affected in patients with CHARGE syndrome is CHD7, which encodes a DNA binding protein involved in chromatin remodeling [11].Mutations in the chromatin helicase DNA-binding protein 7(CHD7) gene are causative of CHARGE syndrome and the loss-of-function.

The link between the chromatin-remodeling protein CHD7 with cardiac NCC-associated defects suggests that epigenetic regulation is important for genes controlling NCC function.

--> https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/42cc/ee7fbb545ea6752e1c126cc2769e8e33e7b7.pdf

"Neural crest cells contribute to these deformations and abnormalities of the tissues. How is because NC development involves many convoluted steps such as specification, delamination, migration, induction, and differentiation [11]. These processes are controlled by regulatory gene networks. If certain genes are disrupted affecting the neural crest cells then a variety of human diseases arise categorized as neurocristopathies." -> necessary? or can throw?

Models and Research

Animal Models

In the past century, various vertebrates have been utilised for the study of neural crest biology, such as: amphibians, fish, avians, mice, lamprey and even hagfish. [12][13][14] Interestingly enough, Zebrafish, Xenopus and chick embryos largely display consistent requirements for specific genes in early steps of neural crest development. However, knockout of homologous genes in the mouse often do not exhibit comparable early neural crest phenotypes, suggesting that there might be major differences between vertebrate species.[15]

Chick embryo models: (to edit)

the chick embryo using quail-chick chimeras to study neural crest migration and derivatives as well as using ablation of premigratory neural crest cells to study their function. These studies show that cardiac neural crest cells are absolutely required to form the aorticopulmonary septum dividing the cardiac arterial pole into systemic and pulmonary circulations. They support the normal development and patterning of derivatives of the caudal pharyngeal arches and pouches, including the great arteries and the thymus, thyroid and parathyroids.


Mouse models:


  • Can cardiac neural crest cells be used to repair human heart tissue? They are basically neural crest stem cells. In 2005, Tomita transplanted neural crest cells from mammal hearts to the neural crest of chick embryos --> find more research for this
  • What is the contribution of the cardiac NCCs to the myocardium and conduction system of the heart.


Number | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Nakanishi T, Markwald RR, Baldwin HS, Keller BB, Srivastava D, Yamagishi H, Miyagawa-Tomita S, Arima Y & Kurihara H. (2016). The “Cardiac Neural Crest” Concept Revisited. , , . PMID: 29787146 DOI. Odelin G, Faure E, Coulpier F, Di Bonito M, Bajolle F, Studer M, Avierinos JF, Charnay P, Topilko P & Zaffran S. (2018). Krox20 defines a subpopulation of cardiac neural crest cells contributing to arterial valves and bicuspid aortic valve. Development , 145, . PMID: 29158447 DOI. Pauli S, Bajpai R & Borchers A. (2017). CHARGEd with neural crest defects. Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet , 175, 478-486. PMID: 29082625 DOI.

  1. 1.0 1.1 Nakanishi T, Markwald RR, Baldwin HS, Keller BB, Srivastava D, Yamagishi H, Miyagawa-Tomita S, Arima Y & Kurihara H. (2016). The “Cardiac Neural Crest” Concept Revisited. , , . PMID: 29787146 DOI.
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