2010 Lab 6

From Embryology
Laboratory Notice - Mark Hill
This online lab page will contain the content required when attending the practical. Currently this page is only a template and will be updated before the practical (this notice removed when completed).


Group Project

Group Projects (20% of your final mark). It is now week 7 and the project is due for peer assessment in the week following the mid-semester break.

Peer Assessment

The Peer assessment process will evaluate only what is on the Project page before Lab 7 (16th September) and this should be as close to the final format that you intend to submit for the course coordinator assessment later this semester. The peer assessment process that all students will participate in as part of their ongoing individual assessment (20% of your final mark).

Briefly, each student will need to assess all other projects (not your own) and add comments to the appropriate Project talk page, using the same assessment criteria that the assessor will use as outlined in the first Laboratory (http://php.med.unsw.edu.au/embryology/index.php?title=2010_Lab_1#Group_Assessment_Criteria). These comments will need to be signed and should be balanced in their critical assessment.

Your feedback will be used for each group to update their project before the final course coordinator assessment. Your own comments are up to you.

If you are having trouble getting started here are some examples: did you learn something about that prenatal diagnostic technique, was it overall clearly structured and organised, was it missing something, was there too much of one particular concept, did it lack a "scientific" feel etc. Your assessment should be objective, avoid inappropriate terms, not "gushing" not "damning". If possible include an example of what you found good or bad about the project. Finally and most importantly include a section "What would improve this project....". When you have completed each assessment you should add a copy of your comments for each to your own student page for my assessment.

All peer assessments must be completed before the following weeks Lab (23rd September). I remind you that you are supposed to be working on these projects in your own time and the time I make available within the labs is for project tutorial and co-ordination only.