
From Embryology
Revision as of 12:26, 21 April 2010 by S8600021 (talk | contribs)

Sunday June 2 2024

Error: Invalid coordinate at line 2, must be a number.

<img src="" width="500" height="649" border="0" usemap="#Map"> <map name="Map"><area shape="rect" coords="1,-2,116,92" href="Reproductive_Cycles"> <area shape="rect" coords="129,2,273,88" href="#fertiliz"> <area shape="rect" coords="279,2,501,131" href="#embryo"> <area shape="rect" coords="328,136,499,276" href="#systems"> <area shape="rect" coords="284,278,497,492" href="#fetal"> <area shape="rect" coords="357,505,497,645" href="#diagnosis"> <area shape="rect" coords="131,519,353,644" href="#neonatal"> <area shape="rect" coords="0,521,124,647" href="#animal"> </map>

This page is used to demonstrate online work to students and currently contains no useful information.

FLV Video

There should be a FLV Video below? I think I still need to configure and install Flowplayer correctly.

<Flowplayer height="540" width="720" autoplay="true">Folding animation 001.flv</Flowplayer>

A new page

This is a sub-heading

this is bold this is italic the text will be on same line

the text will be on a different line

  • bullet points
  • bullet points
  • bullet points

  1. numbered list
  2. numbered list
  3. numbered list