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Although the Dasal chambers and the pharyDgcal cavity contribute to the formation of the respiratory system, these

Middle lobe

of thyroid gland.

Thymus gland.

Lateral lobe of thyroid gland.

Trachea, Lung.

Right lobe of liver.

Vitelline duct.

Pharyngeal pouches.



Left lobe of liver.

Small intestine.

Large intestine.

Fig. los.— Scheme of the alimeiiUry canal and its accessory organs (Bonnet).

jiarts will not be considered here, since they are described elsewhere.

Anatomically and according to their mode of development^ the lungs might be looked upon as a pair of glands having a common dnct, the trachea, which latter, through the medium of its dilated proximal extremity, the larynx, opens into the pharyngeal cavity. In point of fact, these organs are developed as an ontgrowth from the entodermal alimentary canal in a manner similar to the development of the liver and the pancreas.

The first step in the development of the lungs is the outpouching of the ventral wall of the esophagus throughout its entire length. The longitudinal median groove thus formed is the pulmonary groove. It makes its appearance when

the embryo has a length of 3.2 mm. (0.128 inch) or probably early in the third week. The groove is more pronounced at its lower or gastric extremity. As the groove deepens, its edges approach and finally meet and fuse ^vith each other. In this manner the groove is converted into a tube, wliich gradually separates from the esophagus, the separation beginning at the end toward the stomach and progressing toward the pharynx. The separation, however, is not complete, stopping short of the upper end of the groove, so that the tube retains communication with the pharyngeal end of the esophagus. Even l>efore the constricting oiT of this tube or pulmonary diverticulum is completed, its free end bifurcates. The pulmonary anlage consists, then, at this stage, of two short wide pouches connected by a common |>edicle with the primitive pharynx (Figs. 108 and 109), and this condition is present in the fourth week.

A'^ery soon after the end of the first month each of the pouches undergoes division, the right one into three branches,

Fkj. 109.— Transverse section to show outgrowth of pulmonary anlage from gut-tube (alter Tourneux): 1, dorsal mesentery; 2, ventral mesentery ineluding 3, mesocardlum posterius ; 4, mesocardlum antcrius; 7, esophagus;

8, diverticulum which becomes the lungs, the trachea, and the larynx;

9, heart.



epithelial cylinders, the lumina being acquired later. At first, the lining entodermal cells of the primitive tubes are tall and cylindrical, the tubes themselves having a relatively small lumen. In the fourth month the cells acquire cilia. From the anatomical standpoint, the lungs now present the characters of compound saccular glands.

From the sixth month to the end of gestation occur the changes which give to the organs their essential characteristics. Upon the dilated extremity of each terminal tube numerous little evaginations develop. These are the air-sacs, or pulmonary alveoli, the terminal tubes from which they are evaginated being the alveolar passages and the inftmdibnla. Their walls remain very thin and their lining epithelium flattens to such a degree as to closely resemble endothelium. The trachea is simply the elongated stalk of the pulmonary diverticulum. Its incomplete cartilaginous rings first appear in the eighth or ninth week.

The larsrnx is the dilated proximal extremity of the stalk of the pulmonary diverticulum specially modified to serve as an orgjin of plionation. It is first indicateil at the end of the fifth week (or, according to KalHus, in the fourth week). One of the earliest changes is the appearance of two dorsoventral ridges at the junction of the primitive tnichea with the esophagus. They are close together in front, ventral ly, but separated dorsally. They are the first indications of the true vocal cords. At this time the pharyngeal aperture of the primitive larynx is at about the level of the fourth viscenil furrow, behind the three segments of the developing tongue (p. 144), and is separated from them by the Aircnla, a horseshoe-shaped ridge which bounds the aperture in front and laterally and which represents apparently the ventral parts



Fio. 112.— Entrance to larynx in a forty- to forty-two-<luy human embryo (from KalliusK /, tuberculum impar; p, pharynjro-epiglottic fold; e, epiglottic fold : l.e, lateral part of epiglottis ; ni. cuneiform tubercle; com, cornicular tubercle.

of the third visceral arches (Fig. 71, A, 3, p. 144). A little later the furcula difTerentiates into a median eleratioii, which is the anlage of the epiglottis, and into the two lateral arytenoid ridges, each of which latter presents two little elevations^ the comicnlar and cnneiform tabercles respectively (Fig. 112). The arytenoid cartilages are thus well indicated by the sixth week. The lateral p)rtions of the furcula also produce the aryteno-epiglottidean folds.

The thsrroid cartilage develops in two lateral halves from corresponding masses of mesenchyme which chondrify from two distinct centers for each mass. It is regarde<l as representing the cartilages of the fourth and fifth branchial arches. The two alie fuse with each other ventrally as development advances. Failure of cartilaginous iniion between the two alo) constitutes the malformation, /oramr/i thyroidcum. The cricoid cartilage is regarded as being an independent cartilaginous formation in scries with the rings of the trachea. Tiie chondrification of these various elements of the larvnx begins in the eighth or ninth week.

The development of the pleurae has been descril)ed in connection with that of the ]x»ricardium and of the diaphragm (p. 175).


Th(\*<e organs may be considered in this connection as a matter of convenience and because of their embryological relationship to the* respiratory system, being developed, like the latter, from the epithelimn of the gut-tract.

Th(» thyroid body, an organ common to all vertebrates, genetieallv consists of two parts, a median and two lateral portions, or lateral thyroids.

The median portion originates from an evagi nation of the ventral wall of the pharynx, in the median line, posterior, caudad^ to the tuberculum imi)ar, and between the ventral extremities of the first and second visceral arches. This median diverticulum is present in the human embryo of 5 nmi. It soon pouches out on either side, assuming thereby the form of an epithelial vesicle connected by the constricted pedicle of the diverticulum with the ventral wall of the pharynx (Fig. 113, 3). From the situation of the original point of evagination behind the tuberculum impar and vcntromesial to the two halves of the posterior segment of the tongue, the orifice of the pedicle corresponds to the line of junction of the three parts of the tongue. As a consequence, when these parts

Fig. 113.— DiagTammatip representation of pharynx of human embryo seen from in front (after Tonrnenx): I, II, first and second pharyngeal pouches ; 1, tuberculum irapar; 2, course of thy mglossal duct leading from 3, median lobe of thyroid gland; •I. laryngotracheal tube: a, esophagus: 6, thymus: 7, epithelial body [parathyroid]; 8, lateral thyroid ; 9, postbranchial body [parathyroid ?].

unite, the pedicle or duct is prolonged upward and comes to open upon the surface of the tongue. The canal is known as the thyrogloBsal duct or canal of His. In the fifth week it begins to atrophy, and usually by the eighth week has become obliterated. Occasionally it persists throughout life. The foramen csecnm on the dorsum of the tongue is the vestige of the orifice of the duct. Other vestiges of the thyroglossal duct are sometimes present. For example, the lower part of the duct may persist as a short tube, the tlisrroid duct, leading upward from the median lobe to the hyoid bone; and again, according to His, isolated persistent segments of the duct constitute the little vesicles in the neighborhood of the hyoid bone which are known resjx?ctively as the accessory thyroid and the suprahyoid and prehyoid glands. According to some recent observations the lower piirt of what His calls the tliyroglossal duct gives rise ti> the pyramidal process of thn thyroid, whirh extends ujw waixl towiml the hyoiil bone, usually a litllc to the lefl of the mid-line. Tiiis impaired median anlage gives rise to tile isthmus of the adult oi^aii and abo, to a considerable jMirt at least, of eai-h lateral lobe.

The lateral thjrroida begin their development somewhat later than dues iho niodlan ]xirtion. In the embryo of 10 mm., the fourth inner visceral ftirroT or throat-noeket of each Bide pouches om to form a. vesicle {Fig. 113, S). As the vesitrle grows, its iH-dieli- W'TOmes attenuated and finally disappears. After their isolation from the thniat-jKwkets, the

Fio, lU.-Seml-dlaenmnuitlc iniutrallam (o i>how Ww iilUmnlu |>oaliliiii of (be ttifiniu, Ih^rold gUntl, *nd pcMibranoliUl txid]' on thu niTk of tlii' vlilpk {A) and the K«1f(B). niter de Mciimn: ■■(, Ihjrfiid Elnnd ; p, postbranrhlal bodjr; «. Ihymxa: r, epithelliltiody [pumlhjniW]; ;r,lrBcbBfl; A.hrort; t^, vena Jugulmrls i eo. eiRHid Ti-ln.

vesicles give out small bud-like processes after the usual manner of the development tif glantl- and gradually approach the median lobe {Fig. 1 14, B), fusing with its posterior surface. The three parts unite probably in the seventh week. In the vertebrates below mammals the lateral parts of the thvmid darated from it as the suprapericardial bodies. According to the older view of His, the lateral thyroids produce all of the lateral lobes of the adult thvroid; laler i-eBoarehes have shown that they do not, but


authorities are not in harmony as to whether they produce a large part or only a small portion of the adult lateral lobes. The more recent view of His is that the adult lateral lobes develop only in part from the lateral anlages. Verdun, the most recent worker in this field, maintains that the entire thyroid body of mammals and man is developed from the median anlage and that the podbranchial bodies (Figs. 113 and 114), by which name he designates the structures referred to above as the lateral thyroids, atrophy.

After the union of the three portions of the gland, the latter consists of a network of cords of cells, the meshes of which reticulum are occupied by embryonal connective tissue. Subsequently the cords of cells become hollowed out and exhibit alternating enlargements and constrictions. By the increase of the constrictions the continuity of the cell-cords is interrupted at short intervals, and so the network is converted into numerous closed follicles lined with epithelium, the formation of follicles beginning in the eighth week. The follicles later undergo considerable increase in size on account of the secretion by their epithelial cells of a peculiar colloid material, characteristic of the thyroid body. The embryonal comiective tissue, made up necessarily of mesodermic elements, furnishes the comiective-tissue framework and the blood-vessels of the organ, while the epithelium originates in the manner indicated from the entoderm of the gut-tract.

The Parathyroid Bodies. — The parathyroid bodies, usually two in number on each side, were discovered by Sandstrom in 1880. The lower pair lie upon the trachea in close relation with the thyroid body, while the upper pair lie at the level of the lower border of the cricoid cartilage, in relation with the dorsal surface of the lateral lobes of the thyroid body.

Their origin is still somewhat obscure. Apparently they are outpouchings respectively from the third and fourth visceral furrows, being composed, therefore, of entodermal epithelium. These epithelial bodies develop in a manner similar to the development of the thyroid body, but the fact that the cell-gi'oups are not broken up by the invading embryo anal connfdive timue to the «(me extent as in the ease of the thyroid rendei'a them hixlolagicaUy distinfjuhhabh from the laltrr ; moreover, it is stated by Maiirer that they never form colloid Hiibstjiiicc.

The Thymus. — What remains of the thymus after the second year of life is in;i(io up chiefly of Ijrmplioid and connective tissue, (.'nilniiilrd in wliicli are c ha racl eristic little epithelial bodies, the corpascles of Hasaall.

the epithelial parts of tlic thymns, in all vertebrate aniinalij, are derived from the entodennal lining if the pharyngeal region of the p;ut-trart. In tiio lower gronps, such as reptiles, amphibians, and bony fishes, the epithelinni of all the inner visceral clefts or throat-pouches shares in the development; while in birds, only two or three clefts bike part. In mammals, however, including man, the thymus body is derived probably from but one throat-pocket, the third.

The entodennal epithelium of the third inner pouch becomes evRginated (Fig. 113) to form an epithelial sac whose connection with the pharyngeal cavity is subsequently lost. The isolated and elongateil sac soon gives out small lateral buds or processes at the distal extremity. While the original sac has from the first a cavity, the bud-like branches are solid masses of epithelinm. The liranching continues and affecl^ not only the lower or distal extremity of the thymus sac but also the proximal end, the structure now resembling an acinous gland (Fig. 115). While this growth is taking place, the epithelial muss is being invaded by lymphocytes and young conneetive tissue with developing blood-vessels. (According to some recent studies by E. T. Bell, the lymphocytes are dcrivetl from the epithelium of the originul Ihymna anlage; but this is denied byStohr.) The encroachment by these elements continues to such an extent that lymphoid tissno — including leukocytes and ervthroblasts — becomes the predominant constitnent of the thymus, the epithelial parts sutferitig rc<luction, relatively, and liecoming fiiiiilly broken up into isolated maswa which are the corptucleB of Hassall of the mature gland. The breaking down of the epithelial cords is probably res[>onsible also for the irregular cavities of the thymus. Not until after birth do the glands of the two sides of the hcKly unite to form a single vnpaiied strnctore, and the development of the thymus is not completed until tiie end of the second yi'ar of life. Having attained its full development, the organ l>egins to retrograde, and ut the time of puberty has almost disappeared. Although sometimes persistent throughout life, it is usually represented by an insigniticant vest^ ige. (It has recentlybeen said that the thymus increast^s in size and weight up to puberty, and that it is an active organ until the fortieth year, after which time it atrophies.) While the epitheli&I parts of the thymus body, represented in the fully developed oi^n by the corpuscles of Hassali, are derived from the entodennal epithelium of the third inner visceral furrow, all other parts, the Irmpboid tisBoe, conoectlTe tissue, and bloodvessels, are products of the surrounding mesodenn.

Fni. lis.— ThyiDua of ao embrro nbblt or ■liteen da;B taRer K&Ulker), magnlfled: a, canal of the tb^mus; b, npper, c, lower end of Ihe


OwiNU to tlio intimate anatomical and functional associa\{\\\\ \\( llio ^viiomlivo organs with the urinaiy apparatus, it U M^HH^*iM'v to iliseuHH the development of these two systems


V\\y \*M^iu ol* {\\v ki(hu'y and ureter of the higher vcrte^^^^U^-^ U rtwn^oiat^^d with the development of certain fetal ^»V^M\-UM\'^^ \\\\' VHW^jfiiTOU and the mesonephros, which represent Sv |Hv ^uvl\ \\\s' kidiiry t»f hirval amphibians and the perma\\\M\ ki\\\\\\\ \»r llfthrw. In man and other allied types, the U^ui^ 4^^^^^^o i« of litthM)r no importance functionally, \\luK ihv' Iwwv t\iiu»lioimteH (hiring a i)art of fetal life as the '«»<.. ^^ \a uuu.M\ *'\oi'vti(»n, prior to the development of the |i\Muu^ui lvidiu\\.

\\u ^uvu^i^k^vui \»r ht»A(l kidney constitutes the most primiVvw ^I'U^UiAW I.VM^ pr)unc(*hiinism for the excretion of urine, iln iui«(\iir mii',mi*Uvi iu the foUowing manner: When Ok pu.ivtil iiu .mUiiu, Nshioh Hnbsc<jncntly divides into the

MMU, \ .\\iM\\\ (o riAjuMuto Ironi the lateral plate of mesoU i»u \Ux i\\,i |tvit t lU'o oouneoted for a time by an interven(M. )m.( I .>( K air, ibc middU plate or intermediate cell-mass \U. u». I hi ihii'kndiig of this intermediate cell-mass y\ ' l»i . 1 1*. Wu^UiiiU iidgt». whioh projects into the ctelom or I- ■ U M'iv ri»*' uu'^iuU'iiual i»r mesenchymal eh»ments of I'l \\ i'Uli in udm* brroiiu^ i^i'ouprd into cords of cells which it ui iiu. I liMU .u \'i'ii;iiu points with the mesothelial cells

I \U ■ s liMii I hr iU'iv'iu of (hcs(« et»ll-cords of the Wolffian \.A^,. \i\ hiiij^; biiu u Uk;Uici' ot' dispute, some authorities

maiiituiniiig that they come from the mesothelium of the body-wivity, while others believe that they are of ectotlerraic origin. Further cimiiges bring about the hollowing out of the cell-cords so that there results a long tube, the pronephtla or Besmental duct, which has several siiort tranaverre tnbtilen — ill some vertebrates, sis ; in man, two — ojwiiing into it ami communicating by their opposite oi>cn extremities, the nephridial fonnels or nephrostomata, with the cojlom (Fig. 117). In the human embryo the pronephric tubules have been found with oi»cn nephridial funnels, but without connection with the pronephric duct. The mesothelium in imnifxliato proximity to the open end of each short tubule is invaginated

Axia/trnr. , IflanU canml.


Lttttal fUuti/sr

by a tuft of capillary blood-vessels from the adjacent primitive aortro to constitute a glomemlna (Fig. 117, hh). The pronephric duct passes tailward and opens into the cloaca,- a receptacle which receives, in common, the terminal orifice of the primitive bladder and that of the primitive intestine. It is apparent, therefore, that the pronephros or head-kidney is anatomically adapted to the function of removing certain substances from the blood by virtue of the action of the cells surrounding the glomeruli or tufta of capillary blood-vessels, and that these substances may be conveyed away through the duct into the cloaca and thence evacuated from the body. This organ is functionally active, however, only in certain lower classes of vertebrates, as in the Amphibia during the larval stage and in bony fishes. In mammals it is exceedingly rudimentary and very soon gives place to a more important organ, the mesonepliros.

The MesonepliroB or Wolffian Body. — As in the case of the pronephros, the origin of the mesonephros is to be found in the Wolffian ridge. Reference has been made, in treating of the primitive segments, page 77, to the middle plate (Fig. 116) as a tract of mesodermic tissue connecting the paraxial tract with the parietal plate. When the paraxial mesoderm

Fk;. llT.^Diagnim of pronephros (F) and proncphric duct (Prf): Al, allantols; G, gut; a, cloaca; W>, glomeruli.

Fig. 118.— Diagram of Wolffian body and duct : AU allantols ; (?. gut ; (jy, cloaca ; K. kidney evagination.

segments to form the somites the middle plate likewise undergoes segmetation, each segment being designated a nephrotome. Each nephrotomo, in the lower vertebrates, contains a cavity which communicates with the general bodycavity and which is, therefore, in effect, an evagination of the mesotheliuni of this space. In mammals, however, as well as in reptiles and binls, the nephrotome is a solid cord of cells. I5y the hollowing out of these cell-cords or nephrotomes a scries of transversely directed tubules is formed, each nephrotome, in fact, becoming converted into a short

Fig, 119.— TmiiJivcrso •cction of ■evenWen-day sheep ombryo iBonnetl; n«, ■nnlnn: on, amniotic atic-. n. nearal canal; >. ■omlte dUTerenllatecl Into miucleplate: H'd, Walfflau dut^l: R'b, Wulffliiii body: pm. psHvCal meioderm; vm. visceral lueaadenn; a, a, tUiIng primlllre aortas ; I, InlcsMne.

canal. These tubes acquire oonnection by their deeper ends with the previously formed proncphric duct (Fig. ] 1 7), which

Fro. lai.-DtepnaUlo


or Che M



6.6 cm (12 In.l long (To

, Wolffian body :

^ m-ary : a. InBUlnal llgamtnl:

  • , diBphrBpn^llo IlKBine


ach ; 0. tnwstinp

7, bU.lder: s. unibilitiil Httery.

is known hereafter, therefore, as the mesonephric or Wolffian duct (Fig. 118). The latter duct and the short transveraa

liibulow which open into it constitute the Wolffian body or meaoaephros (Figs. 119aiid 120, 1). the tissue of the intermediate eell-nias!) from whicii the W'ollflan tiihiil<'s develop is designated, by Sedgewick. the Wolffian blastema, and by Rabl and by Schreiner, the nephrogenic tissue. At tliii* stage of its development the Wolffian bmiy consists of a tube or duct lying behind the parietal layer of the mesoderm, parallel with, and lateral to, the primitive vertebrid column, and opening at the caudal end of the embrj-o into the cloaca ; and of a series of transverse Wolffian tubules opening into the duct and abutting by their opposite ends upon the bodycavity. At the bead-end of the Wolffian duct the now atrophic pronephric tubes are still in connection with it.

As a farther step in the development of an organ adapted to the function of the secretion of urine, each Wolffian tubule becomes somewhat saccular midway between its two extremities, and this dilated ptirt of the tubule is invaginated by the capillary branches of an artery from the aorta. In this manner the cells that line the tubules are brought into relation with the bltK)d of the fetns and acquire at the same time the charaotors of secreting epithelinra. Such an invaginating tuft of capillaries, known as a glomernlns, with its enveloping capsule of Bowman, which latter is the invaginated saccular part of the tubule, constitutes a primitive Malpighian cor* puBcle, a ritructure analogous to the Malpigiiian corpuscle of ihe permanent kidney. Thi.t simple form of the mesonephros is seen as a permanent structure only in some of the lowest vertebrates. In all higher vertebrates it attains to a more complex degree of development, reaching its maximum in man in the seventh week of fetal lii'c. Its complexity ia increased by the dcvelopmont of secondary tubules and Malpighian corpuscles conneoled with those first forme<l. White at first the number of tubules corresponds with the number of nephnitomes, tlus corre^^pondenee is soon lost by the appearance of the secondary tubules.

The horizontal or transverse tnbnleB of (be Wolffian body arc divisible into an anterior or iipf)or scries, diatiiiguislied us the sexual aegmeut, anil a lowir set of atrophic tubules — atrophic for reasons that will appear hereafter. In certain vertebrates that are of higher type than those in which the pronephros functionates, such as adult amphibians and fishes, the Wolffian body persists throughout life as an organ of urinary secretion. In binls and mammals, however, its functional activity is but temporary, since it is supplanted, before the end of fetal life, by the permanent kidney. In man it disappears relatively early, retrogression beginning in the eighth week and the Malpighian bodies having almost disappeared by the fifth month. The presence of the mesonephros as a temporarily functionating organ in birds and mammals, while it is a permanent structure in certain lower members of the vertebrate series, exemplifies the embryological principle elsewhere referred to, that the higher types pass through stages during their development that are permanent in some of the forms below them in the scale of evolution.

The Metanephros or Permanent Kidney. — While the Wolffian body is temporarily functionating as a kidney, a structure is developing from the lower, caudal end of the AVolffian duct which is to form the permanent organ. It has been stated that the Wolffian duct opens into the cloaca. From the dorsal asjiect of this duct, near its cloacal end, a small diverticulum, the kidney evagination (Fig. 1 1 8 and Plate VII., 1), grows forth and soon lengthens into a tube which grows head ward, dorsomesial to the Wolffian duct, penetrating into the nephrogenic tissue or mesonephric blastema (p. 236).

The cephalic end of the tube dilates somewhat to form the primary renal pelvis, the anlage of the adult pelvis of the kidney, while the duct itself becomes in time the ureter. From the primary renal pelvis several small divertictila pouch out (Fig. 121), while the surrounding blastema becomes condensed and vascular.

Fig. 121.— Diagram to show extension and branching of kidney evagination and separation of its stalk from the Wolffian duct: u,primitiYe ureter; ;>, pelvis of ureter; WD, Wolffian duct ; Bl^ bladder ; u*, urogenital sinus ; CI, cloaca ; G, gut.

The development of the kidney from this stage onward has been for some years a disputed question. According to the older conception, still maintained by Golgi and by Minot, the small tubes which branch from the primary renal pelvis become the collecting tubules of the kidney and themselves give off branches which, increasing in length and acquiring tortuosity, become the secreting tubules (proximal and distal convoluted tubules, loops of Henle, etc.). The blind end of each convoluted tubule, becoming dilated and saccular, is invaginated by a tuft of capillary blood-vessels, thus being converted into a capsule of Bowman. The invaginating mass of blood-vessels constitutes a glomerulus, and

Mesodermic tissue.

i Wter.

V*.. V > \Mi^v<«m^^MMo n>)xiriiontAtton of the development of the kidney (after


^KiiMs'MiUu ausi s^i|wulo of Bowman together make up a llH^VA^t^UH sSMl^UiK^Wx Thus the entire system of tubules i^y K I hi I w \\\\ \\w i^lvin aiul the ureter have a common origin lU'iu \\u^ ^A\\^^\\ \'\\\\ \»t* thv Woltlian duct, while the blood\v V I \\\x\ Ks^wwwMW' {\^<\\K\ as well as the capsule, originate u villi ()i. uiuMtiubu^ Huvvnvhymo.

\. V I'lvliu^' lo \\\\^ K^\\wy viow — S»mi>er, Sedgewick, Balfour, »u.l ill. I \\\\\\\ iasUHiiiuhI bv the n»searches of Schreiner, wU- \y nil. li»\*' tnvh v^mtlmuHl for the most jwirt by UnJ». I. »li. « ^uixmIiu^hI uibuKvH and the capsule of Bowman ..ULUint ux.i \ *\U II .u^h.'t v»t* ilivertieula from the primitive \K\\.\\ |ul\i . tiui iiuU^ik^ikU^uIv tViMU the nephrogenic tissue,

and in the folluwiag inanoer : The nephrogenic tissue into which the kidney evagination peaetrates shows a differentiation into two zones — an mTtefOfif,immediatelysurrounding the primitive renal jielvisij consisting of epithelioid cells, and an oiUer zone of less differentiated mesenchyme. Soon after the appearance of the small diverticula which evaginate from the primitive renal pelvis and which arc designated the primary collecting tubules (which lattercorresjxtnd with the " primitive renal vesicles" of Haycraft), the nephrogenic tissue breaks up into smaller cell-masses, each snch mass surrounding a primary collecting tubule (Fig. 123, mk). This part of the nephro

FiO. 1Z3.— Section throuRh the kldn«]r tiT human TeIus <if Eeven monlhs (from Felii. sfterSchreinert: Sr, collt-cllnu tubules of wlilrh three nre ehuwn. each with itfl cap of metauepbTogenlc tiHue, mt; in relation with each is un early UTiniferoua tubule, the three latler. n, b, c, cuch nbovlnif a dlHerent itBgc nf development— a, showing beglnnltiK of eipanslon; b, evaclnatlon at At; r, S-sbapeil aiage, M Indicating development of Bouniana capsule.

genie tissue Schreiner calls the metanephrogenic tiasoe by way of distinction from the remaining part of this mesenchymal aggregation which, from its relation to the development of the mesonephros, is called the meBonephiogenic tissue. Each primary collecting tubule, after becoming bulbous at its end, divides into two tubules, each one of whicli in ttirn divides into two, this process of division Iwing repeated several times. These tubules become the adult straight collectinK taboles. The branching of (be primary collecting tubules continue'^ to the time of birth ; or until the fifth fetal month, according to Hamburger.

In the development of the secreting tubnles the inner zone of nephrogenic or metanephrogenio tissue alone is concerned.

This tissue preseDts little btid-like prulongatioiis, each such little bud of i-ells later acquiring u luiuen and M'jurating from the pureiit tissue (Fig. 12^,1, 6,c}. The buds are now small sacs, the renal veaicleB (Emery), of which there are at least two for each collecting tubule. Each vesicle now elongates and assumes an S-shaped form, the concavity of the up]»er part of the looking toward the collecting tubule, the vesicle on the right of the tnliule being, therefore, a reverse.1 S (Fig. 124). The lower limb of the^ S, from being simply tubular, becomes expanded, its upper wall being indented (Fig. 124, x), no Ihat it acquires the shape of a double- 1 aye red saucer, the space between its two layers being continuone with the remaining part of the lumen of tiie S tube. In the concavity of the saucer, beneath the middle piece

of the S, a strand of mesenchyme makes its appcamnce and into this tissue blooil-veKscls penetrate, hi that it finally becomes the glomemlns of the Malpighian corpuscle. The saucer-shaiied lower limb of the S becomes the capsnl* of Bowmaa; the lumen of the saucer, the apace of fiowm&n. Meanwhilii the upjwr limb of the S acquires continuity with the collecting tubule in close relation with which it has developed, and the two extremes of the S l)eing thus relatively fixed points, the ensuing elongation of the intervening portion neces^ii tales the formation of curvatures. A small part of the h)wer limb of the S, not being concerned in the formation of the saucer-shnjied anlage of Bowman's capsule, Wcomes a jmrl of the proximal convoluted tubule, the remaining portion of the latter, and tlic suc<vt'ding loop of Henle, the distal convoluted tubule anil the arched collecting tubule, being develojied respectively from the succeeding parts of the S. The outer zone of the metanephrogenic tissue gives rise to the capsule of the kidney and the supporting connective tissue, ineludiDg the columns of Bertini.

Iftnm Felix, after Bloofkl; Jir. ■mpulla af cnllvcUoR tubule ; oB. upper limb nf S; hB, lower IJmb of S (Bowmmn's cap(Die); X, pmllinn occupied by glomeru

The kidney acquires its characteristic features by the end of the second month of fetal life, and it reaches its permanent position by the third month.


The development of these structures has been the subject of much discussion. It has been maintained, on the one hand, that the cortex of the organ develops either directlv or indirectlv from the mesothelium of the body-cavity and that the medulla has its origin in outgrowths from the sympathetic ganglia ; on the other hand, that the entire organ is a product of the mesenchyme — indirectly, therefore, of the mesothelium. Thus Minot, Human Embryology, 1892, remarks, "That both the cortex and the medulla of the adult organ are formed in man from the mesenchymal cells, as Gottschau showed was the case in several mammals, is, I think, beyond question "; but in his Laboratory Text-book of Embryology, 1902, p. 267, the same authority, in describing pig-embryos, says : "The sympathetic tissue gives rise to the so-called medulla of the adult organ." Again, Aichel, 1900, from his investigations concluded that both medulla and cortex arose from the mesenchyme. O. Hertwig, in his Lehrbiich, 1906, expresses his conviction of the correctness of Poll's ^ conclusions as to the double origin of the organ.

The cortex, according to Poll, whose work reaffirms in many particulars the conclusions of some earlier investigators, arises from small bud-like masses of cells that come from the mesothelium of the coelom in close relation with the genital gland and the mesonephros, but distinct from them. These buds lose their connection with the coelomic epithelium by the fifteenth day in the chick. They are situated on each side of the root of the dorsal mesentery and all those of one side unite to form a single organ. This occurs in man by the twenty-eighth day (Souli6). In the lower vertebrates this organ fails to unite with the anlage which represents the medulla of the higher vertebrate suprarenal body and constitutes the separate interrenal organ of the lower vertebrates. In some cases — e. g., in sharks — the anlages of the two sides unite with each other, forming a single unpaired interrenal organ, which lies l)etween the primitive kidneys. Failure of union of some of the buds, it is believed, is responsible for the accessory suprarenal organs of Marchand which are occasionally found between the layers of the broad ligament of the female or in relation with the epididymis of the male> these having followed the descent of the testis or ovary respectively.

  • H. Poll, Die Entwicklung der Nebennieren Sjrsteme, Handbuch der

vergleich. und experim. Entwicklungslehre d. Wirbeltiere, Bd. III., Abt 1, 1905.

The medulla of the organ, still following Poll's account, originates at a later stage than the cortical anlage from chains of cells that grow forth from the sympathetic ganglia and form groups which for a time retain their connection with the ganglia. The cells show a differentiation into two classes, the sympathoblasts and tiie phjeochromoblasts, the latter gradually becoming the phseochronie cells, so called from their staining darkly by chromium salts. In many vertebrates these cell-masses remain separate from the interrenal anlage and constitute the phseochronie bodies or suprarenal bodies of lower vertebrates. In birds and rej)tiles the union of the phfeochrome and interrenal anlages occurs by a mutual intergrowth of their cells, the result being an irregularly stratified organ ; in mammals and man, however, the cells of the sympathetic anlage gradually {wnetrate in the form of cell-coixls into the interior of the interrenal anlage to occupy their adult position as the medulla of the organ. This process of intergrowth continues in man until the time of birth.

In the early stages of fetal life the suprarenal body is relatively much larger than in the adult condition, and is situated chiefly on the ventral surface of the kidnev. At about the thinl month it Iwgins to assume more nearly its normal position.

The account of the development of the bladder and of the urethra mav be deferred until the evolution of the internal sexual system shall have been considered.



The Indifferent Type. — The internal generative organs of both sexes, in the course of their development, pass through a stage in which there is to be found no distinction of sex. This stage is designated, therefore, the indifferent type of sexual apparatus.

While the Wolffian body is attaining its full development, there appears in its vicinity a tube, the duct of MUUer (Plate VII., Fig. 1), which lies parallel with, and to the outer side of, the Wolffian duct. In non-amniotic vertebrates the duct of Miiller arises by fission or longitudinal division of the mesonephric duct. Its exact mode of origin in the amniotic vertebrates is not as yet definitely settled. According to one view its upper or cephalic portion is produced by an evagination of the mesothelium of the bwly-cavity, while the remaining lower segment results from fission of the mesonephric or Wolffian duct. According to another view the lower or caudal portion is produced by the direct extension of the upper portion in the caudal direction by the proliferation of its own cells. In whatever way the duct may be formed, its lower or caudal end opens into the cloaca, which receptacle receives also the termination of the Wolffian duct. The upper end of the duct maintains a communication with the body-cavity or coelom by means of an expanded funnelshaped mouth. Its lower segment is closely associated with its fellow and with the Wolffian ducts, forming thus the genital cord. The function of this canal in lowly organized animals — that of receiving from the body-cavity the female genital products, the ova, and evacuating them from the body — foreshadows its subsequent metamorphosis in most vertebrates.

While the duct of Mfiller is forming, the mesothelial cells overlying that part of the free surface of the Wolffian body which looks toward the median plane and somewhat forward, its ventro-mesial aspect, undergo multiplication and thickening (Fig. 125, a), forming an elongated swelling or ridge. This is known as the genital ridge, which produces a projection upon the wall of the body-cavity. The genital ridge is still further thickened by the proliferation of

llio niPstKlermid tissue (£') beneath the niosothelial cells. The genital rulgos ol' the liiimaii fetus apijesir in the fifth week.

Further differentiation of the genital ridge results in ita tninRformatiun into the so-cilUciI indiffeient sexual gl&nd (Plate VII., Fig. 1), a structure common to Iwth sexe.s at this stage. The essential feature of this process is that the thickened raesothelial cells overlying the genital ridge become modified in character and penetrate the ridge in the form of conls or Btrands of cells. These mesothelial e]eioent.s were called by

Fin. 1».— Crou-fcrtlnn Uirnugh IcrlBn duct, and the leiual gland of vMcV nr i mrunlnud 100 dliiineMn: m, iDeacDti>ry: L, Mimatopleun germinal epllheliiim tnim wlilob the Milllprlan dtict (i) hi Uilckcncd pari of the Rcrminal eplih.lium, iii wlilch the

r the UUlilsy (afttr WaldcyOT), a', [he nglon of the been invaglnated ; a, rlRiary sexual cvlli. C

Waldeyer the genninal epithelium, because, after their extenaion into the interior of the ridge or gland, they give to the genn-cells, namely, the ova or the spermatozoa as the case may lie. The eelt-cnrda include two kinds of elements, the smaller mesothelial cells and the primitive sexual cells, which latter art! laryir und less numerous than the mesothelial cells

I>ia?ramm«llc reprewnliillnn of the ilcmlopmeiil of [be genllim WolIBiMi bod; and Its derlvittlTeg belni; colored red, the MUUerlBn rtTBtlves, green: I. ludHRri-nt type; i ilnHBerent type, Islet Btage, HfllleTlan ducta and tlic piimillve areter now openlog into ibe iirc^eultal ilnn* e type, lower ooda of MaUerlMi dnole ftued lu futm Ibe ilniu pocuUirli: ~

B type.

Xom, the

.,»«,. I

nkn and ^M

awl kive hr^ niicK^»lati*tl iiurl<M. Tlir tirlmlHv«i m^^^At

or primitiye ota, tin' mi imiIIihI iM^Hiiiat' H Ihi that thoy ilovolop olllirr inli» \\u' n\ii tit 0\t* 1 filaments accimliii^ tt) \\\v **v\ nl iIh' i'ImI«i\i« t'lu* ceU-cords have boon so<mi in \\\v iiHlillrrtnl iiImmiI i«I tltr hmun embn'o a:!: oarlv as (In* lil'tli wv^U \\ \\s\^ \\\s\\ althoagfa thero are no ^ross st^xiiitl tliiliiiiliitn i ii t>i«iMti"*ti«ii it ia po^iblo to ilotonninr iVnni tlir lii^tolnpitiil i)fn*ti'ii \ M the organ whether it is tn Im* n Itwti^j m tiM«M*n\. \\\* l'M«it> oells bein^ far loss iniinrniiM itliiti\i>l\ in \\\* t^Mni t

se than in the hittor (Nii^rl).

The indiBbront soxnal ^IiiihI iMiinr : imIh 'Hi i-^pn i'lllx .In .• rehitiun with tho n|)|NT or si*\niil •:i'iii> nl tin- nii i^nipln* orWolffianb<Kly (IMato V 1 1., \'"\\\. 1 1. llM«'i|»niMi -Mh . .m \\!\\. U fact will a|>|)oar hit or.

The Male T3rpe of Hnminl FtriHiMM

The teSticlo llil-: IL <ImiiIi|i. Ill ik:iM ini. llii |«tiipti qiii'titiotV part of tho orpin i -. iniiiliniil In dti im ('ihiiii|ilin t - •«! ilio

indifToroiit scxiimI ^'IiiimI. \Jiili ii - :\ dm ni pfYptonl iturU i-i furnisli(;(I liv ilw Wnllli'in Imih Miiifmn h'l > liri-n nciilr

of tho O4;"- and tho lar^^rr and Irrvi ninnrroiiM priinitivo srvnal (*olls. The mesothelial coIIn inrrraso in nninhor and Uooonio so grouped as to form (^ylindrioal masses known as sexual cords, each of which inolndos sonu* of tlu* primitive seminal or sexual cells. By the ingrowth of connective tissue from the surrounding mesoderm, the timica albnginea is formed and the sexual cords are divided into roundish masses, each of whicli is made up of many of the smaller elements and a less number of the large seminal cells. These follicle-like masses become hollowed out to form the seminal ampulla, which afterward, undergoing great increase in length, are transformed into the seminiferous tubules. During fetal life, however, and even to the period of puberty the "tubules" remain solid cords of cells. The small mesothelial or epithelial cells give rise to Sertolli's columns, while the primitive seminal cells produce the spermatogonia.

Spermatogenesis, or the development of the spermatozoa from the cells thatline the seminiferous tubules of the functionating testicle, has been considered in Chapter I.

While the sexual cords are bein": transformed into the cylinders that become the seminiferous tubules, the surrounding mesodermic tissue ix^netrates the genital gland and forms the connective-tissue septa that constitute the stroma of the organ and divide it into lobules. At the same time, also, marked chanj^es occur in the Wolffian bodv. From certain of the Malpighian corpuscles of this structure, cords of cells, the medullary cords, grow forth and penetrate the genital gland, their ends fusing with the primitive seminiferous tubules. The conversion of these cell-cords into tubes furnishes the initial part of the system of excretory ducts of the testicle, namely, the vasa recta and the rete testis. Somewliat later, in the twelfth week, the rete testis is extended to form the vasa efferentia, and still later, in the fourth and fifth months, the efferent vessels lengthen and become tortuous, producing thereby the coni vasculosi or head of the epididymis (Plate YII., Fig. 3; Fig. 126). The upper part of the Wolffian duct develops into a convoluted tube which constitutes the body and tail of the epididymis, while the lower |X)rtion becomes the vas deferens, thus completing the system of canals provided for the escajx* of the spermatozoa. Near the caudal end of the Wolffian duct a little pouch-like evagination grows from its wall and becomes

Fia. 126— Inlemal generative o EBni of ■ m&le fetua of about fouruc wiiekB (Waldeyer); (. testicle; t, ej dldymla: f. Wolffian duct: u>. lowi jlfflan body; j, guberoac

the seminal vesicle, the lower end of the duct, below the orifice of the semiDal vesiule, being the sjacnlatory duct. Since the "Wolffian duct terminates in the cloaca, and since the anterior part of tbc cloaca corresponds to a portion of the later urethra, the termination of the ejaculatory duct in the prostatic part of the urethra ig accounted for. Thus it will be seen that while the secreting part of the testicle results from the transformation of the indifferent genital gland, the secretorr cells having their origin in the germinal epitheliam, the complicated system

of dnctd with which it is provided is fumbhed by the mesonephros or Wolffian body.

The series of tubules connected with the upper extremity of the Wolffian duct, the remnant of the pnmspbros or headkidney, frequently persists as a little pedunculated sac attached to the upper part of the epididymis ; it is known as the stalked liydatid and sometimes also as the hydatid of MorgagnL The posterior or lower set of Wolffian tubules likewise give rise to an atrophic structure, the paradidymis or organ of Oirald^a, which consists of a series of short tubes closed at both ends, lying among the convolutions of the tail of the adult epididymis (Plate VII., Fig, 3), while a lateral evaginalion from that i>art of the Wolffian duct which forms the tail of the epididymis becomes thevaa abeirans.

The dnct of Uttller remains atrophic, in the male, throughout its entire extent, and in fact, with the exception of its two extremities, it usually altt^ther disappears. Its upper extremity persists as a small vesicle, the nnstalked or sessile hydatid, attached to the upper aspect of the testicle. The lower extremity of the duct, uniting with its fellow, becomes converted into the sinus pocnlarls or ntenu mascnlintiB of the prostate gland (Plate VII., Fig. 3). If the intervening part of the tube persists to post-natal life and remains patulous^ it is known as the duct of Rathke.

the change of location whicii the testicle undergoes is a conspicuous feature of its development. To understand this clearly, it is necessary to recall the relation of the mesonephros and the genital gland to the peritoneum. Since both of these bodies originate from the cells of the outer wall of the body-cavity, or, in other words, from what becomes the parietal peritoneum, necessarily they lie between the body-wall and the parietal peritoneum — that is, behind the peritoneal cavity. With the increase in size of these structures, they project toward the peritoneal cavity, the peritoneum passing over them and forming a "mesentery," which anchors them to the posterior wall of the abdomen. In the case of the testicle, this peritoneal fold or " mesentery " is called the mesorchium ; in the case of the ovary, the mesovarium. It is prolonged upward to the diaphragm as the diaphragmatic ligament of the primitive kidney, and downward to the inguinal region as the inguinal ligament of the ])rimitive kidney (Fig. 120), since this latter organ is the largest constituent of the projecting mass. When the primitive kidney has disiippeared as such, the inguinal ligament nientiontul seems to connet^t the ovarv or testicle with the inguinal region of the abdominal wall.

The inguinal ligament eontiiins between its folds connective ti>«^ue and unstriped muscular fibers. These become the gub«»)iUACulum testis in the male or the round ligament of the uteiHH in tl»e female. As the bodv of the fetus continues to )i}\^\\ while the tissues of the ligament remain stationary or i;ro\N lr.-»-' rapidlv, the testicle is gradually displaced from its pmiiiioM al iho side of the lumbar spine, and by the third uioutii Uiuhr.-x I he false pelvis. In th(» fifth and sixth months it it in roui.u'l willi the anterior abdominal wall, near the iniu'i' iJuloioiiial ring. In th(» eighth month it enters the in>;ninal lanal, and \\\^\v the end of th(> ninth month, shortly bi-fou' Iniih, it K'a\e« the inguinal canal and enters the

  • .\i>M «Uv.ivui .>i \\w Uviiis'U>M. \^llli (H>nstM)Ucnt emptiness and flabbinesH

Before the testicle leaves the abdominal cavity, the parietal peritoneum pouches through the inguinal canal into the scrotum, the protruded part being the processus vaginalis. Since the testicle is from the first behind the parietal peritoneum, it passes into the scrotum behind the vaginal process, the latter then folding around it as a shut sac of two layers. Subsequently the connection of the sac, now the tunica vaginaJis testis, with the abdominal peritoneum is reduced to a slender strand of tissue lying in front of the spermatic cord.^

The testicle necessarily carries witli it, in its descent, its blood-vessels, the spermatic artery and vein ; its duct, the vas deferens ; as well as its nerves and lymphatic vessels ; and these structures collectively constitute the spermatic cord.

The Female Type of Sexual System. — While the indifferent sexual gland, in the development of the male generative system, undergoes metamorphosis into the testicle, it becomes, in the evolution of the female type, so altered as to constitute the ovary ; and while the Wolffian tubules and the Wolffian body become in the male the system of excretory ducts of the testicle, they produce in the female merely atrophic structures. On the other hand, the duct of Miiller, which gives rise in the male, to atrophic appendages, forms in the female type 'the Fallopian tube and, by fusing with its fellow of the opposite side, the uterus and the vagina.

The ovaiy results from alterations in the structure of the genital gland analogous to those that occur in the evolution of the testicle. The special features of these changes are better understood, however, than arc those of the testicle. As in the case of the development of the testicle, the mesothelial cells on the peritoneal surface of the genital ridge become thickened, these altered cells constituting the germinal

of the scrotum, is designated cryptorchism (hidden testes). The presence of but one testicle in the scrotum is called monorchism,

  • Occasionally it happens that the funicular process of the tunica vaginalis — that is, the stalk of the sac, remains patulous throughout its entire

extent, a condition which allows of the easy and sudden protrusion of a segment of the bowel into the cavity of the tunica vaginalis, constituting the so-called congenital hernia. Or the funicular process may close only at one or the other end, givitig rise to other varieties of hernia.

epithelium (Fig. 125). Coiuciden tally, (lie primitive connective tissue — iiiesodermic tii^ue — u ml e Hying the germinal epitheliiim pmliferates, contributing to the thickness of the genital ridge. By the sixth or seventh ^vcek, the germinal epithelium consi!^t»of several strata of cells, gruu{>3 of which begin to penetrate the umierlying niesodermio tissue in the form of cordlike procesBSB (Fig, 128, f, sch). The indifferent mcsodermic tissue at the same time increases in quantity, in turn penetrating between the groiijis of advancing cells, so that what takes place might be described as a mutual intergriiwth. The presence of the growing connective tissue acceniuatfis the grouping of the cells into cylindrical masses. These latter are the sexual cords or egg-colunma (Pfluger's egfi-tulie,-). They ccntyin twit special kinds of cells, the large sexual cells or primitive ova (Fig. 128, xie), and the smaller hnt more numenins mesothelial cells. The connection of the sexual cords with the germinal epithelium is much more obvious in this case than in the case of the developing testicle, and the primitive sexual cells are much more abundant. The e^-colnmns, surrounded by young connective tissue, constitute the nucleus of the cortical part of the future ovary. This mass is later sharply marked off from the free or peritoneal aspect of the gland, the region of the germinal epithelium, by a zone of proliferating mesodermic cells which become the tunica albuginea of the ovar^'. An important change now takes place in the egg-columns ; the primitive ova, or large sexual cells, increase in size, their nuclei l>ecoming espi-cially well ilevelojKH], while the small

Fig. 127.— Internal or^ni of ft remale Ibtiuof sbtiut fourtti'ii werks (WnMeyer): 0, ov»ry; *, epoSphoron or ptrovnriiim : u-.WulfflKD duct: m. MUllerlftD duct; v. iQwcr put uf (he Wulfflaii body.

mesothelial cells become smaller and less conspicuous. It frequently happens that several of the large cells fuse into a single mass of protoplasm, while one of the nuclei outstrips the others in growth and, with the surrounding zone of protoplasm, becomes the ovtun. Each egg-column is now broken up into several groups of cells by the penetration of connective tissue, each group (Fig. 128, c, «;/(') containing a single ovum, but many of the smaller cells.

Fig. 128— PBrt of safflltal aeclfon of ati iivarx of a ehlld jujt born (after W«ldeyor). Hlfdily matniifled: te, Berminal epilhi-llum ; t. acft. PflQger's egg-lubes; ue, primitive ova iylng on the germinal epilhclium ; e, kK, long PflOgert tubes. In process of being coiiverled Into folll«les ; el, b. L-gK-balla (nests), likewise in process of being resolved Into follicles: /, youngest follicle already Isolated: gu. bloodveBsels. In the tubes and egg-nests the primordial eggs are dlstingofshable from tbe smaller epithelial cells, the future follicular epltheUum.

These groups are the young Qraafian folllclas of the ovary (/). The enveloping zone of connective tissue becomes the tbeca of the fotliote, while the single large cell constitutes the omm, and the smaller cells are the membrana granulosa. At first the graniitosa cells surround the ovum as a single layer of flattened cells which gradually assume the columnar type and become so numerous as to form many layers. They secrete a fluid, the liquor folliciili, which crowds the ovum to one side of the follicle where it is enveloped by a special group of graniilosa-cells, the discns proUgenu (Fig. 129).

The question of the origin of the lolliouhir cells ia still an unsettled one, though it seenib probable, thut the> are derived from the cells of the egg <. Itimiis jnd Minot believes that thej are probabjv ikscendt i from the prmiitue o\a.

Till formation of new Qraaflan follicles iiid consequently of o\!i, begins in the decjitr pirt of thi o\ar\ and advances toward tlic iiurface TIk production ot o\a and follicles is

Fin. tiB,— Section of human OTary. including cortex . a, geriolnal epiltiellum or ft^e aurdicv: b, lunica Bltjuglnea; c, peripheral aironm canUlnlng loimBluTe Gnuflnii follicles Cf I -. c. WHtl-advonced fullicle IWim whcsc wall memljninil granaloBii hu partialis Mimrsleil :/. cavity of liquor folUcull: g, ovum surruunded by cell-miut coiistliullng illaciii proligenis (Pis reol).

limited to the fetal stage and to the early part of post-natal life, their formation not occurring, according to Waldeyer, after the second year.

What has been said above refers to the development of the cortex of the ovary. The medulla is produced by the growth toward the egg-columns of cord-like processes, the medollaiy cords, fi^m the epithelial walls of the Miilpighian corpuscles of the primitive kidney or Wolffian body, the cords l)e('oniing surrounded by connective tissue and forming a network. The fetal medullary cords are reprcsentwl in botli the cortex and the medulla of the mature ovary by the groups of interstitial cells di'-]>o«ed between the bundles of the stroma-tissue.


The Oviducts, the Uterus, the Vagina. — The system of passage-ways that constitute the outlets for the ova and the means of nourishing them and evacuating the product of gestation from the body in the event of impregnation — namely, the Fallopian tubes, the uterus, and the vagina — result from the metamorphosis of the ducts of Miiller. These ducts, as stated above, lie along the dorsal aspect of the body -cavity, separated from it by the parietal peritoneum, and parallel with the primitive spinal column (Plate VII.). The probable method of their formation has been pointed out (p. 243). Near the lower (caudal) end of the body they approach each other, and finally unite about the second month to form a single duct for the rest of their extent (Plate VII., Fig. 4). The upper, ununited parts of the ducts become the Fallopian tubes or oviducts, while the lower portions, now fused into one, become the uterus and the vagina. The upper end of each single duct expands trumpet-like to form the fimbriated extremity of the Fallopian tube.

Until the fifth month there is no distinction between the vagina and the uterus, the two being represented by a single sac-like structure. The development of a circular ridge in the wall of the sac marks the division between the two organs, the part above the ridge acquiring thick muscular walls, while the part below it, the future vagina, remains thin-walled and more capacious. In the third month the uterus is bifid at its upper extremity, a condition which is permanent in some animals and occasionally in the human subject.^

The Wolffian duct, which, in the male, becomes metamorphosed into a part of the epididymis and the vas deferens, remains undeveloped in the female, producing merely atrophic or vestigial structures (Plate VII., Fig. 4). The upper series of Wolflian tubules, the remnant of the pronephros, frequently

' The formation of the uterus and of the vagina by the coalescence of two parallel tubes affords an explanation of the uterus bicomis or bifid uterus and of the condition of double uterus sometimes met with, as also of the presence of a median septum in the vagina^ since by the failure of union of the two tubes in greater or less degree one or other of these anomalies would result persists, as in the male, in the form of a small pedunculated sac, the stalked hydatid or hydatid of Morgagni. When present, it is to be found in the broad ligament, in the neighborhood of the outer extremity of the ovary. The middle or sexnal series of the Wolffian tubules with the adjacent part of the Wolffian duct, which, in the male type, develop into the epididymis, become in the female, an atrophic structure known as the epodphoron or parovarium, or organ of Bosenmiiller (Fig. 127). This structure, which is almost constantly found between the layers of the broad ligament in close proximity to the ovary, consists of a larger horizontal tube representing a segment of the Wolffian duct, and of shorter vertical tubes joining this at a right angle and representing the transverse Wolffian tubules. The lower set of small Wolffian tubules, those which, in the male become the paradidymis, give rise in this case to a similar atrophic body, the parodphoron. This is also situated in the broad ligament, usually to the inner side of the ovary. The Wolffian duct, with the exception of that portion of it that assists in the formation of the parovarium, usually entirely disappears. Occasionally, however, it persists as a small canal traversing the broad ligament close to the uterus and passing on the dorsal side of the upper part of the vagina to be lost upon the wall of the latter or, more rarely, to open near the urinary meatus. When thus persistent, it is known as the duct of Gartner.

The change of position of the ovaries is similar to, though less marked than, that of the testes. The inguinal ligament in the female (Plate VII.) extends from the primitive position of the ovaries in the lumbar region of the abdominal cavity to the groin, where it pas>5es through the abdominal wall, traversing the inguinal canal, to terminate in the labium majus. The upper part of this ligament, coiitiiining involuntary muscular substance, firmly unites with the ovary. In the third month the ovary descends to the lower part of the abdominal cavity and is now connected, by the succeeding portion of the inguinal ligament, with the uterus. This connection may be a factor in the fiiial change of position of the ovary — that is, its descent into the true pelvis. The part of the inguinal ligament that passes from the ovary to the uterus is the permanent ligament of the ovary, ivhile the remaining portion, which passes from the uterus through the inguinal canal to the labium majus of the vulva, is the round ligament of the uterus. As the inguinal ligament perforates the abdominal wall, a small diverticulum of peritoneum goes with it. Normally this peritoneal pouch subsequently becomes obliterated. Occasionally, however, it persists and then constitutes the canal of Nuck. Should the canal of Nuck be present, the ovary may pass into or through it, thus reaching the labium majus. A patulous canal of Nuck, as in the case of a patulous funicular process of the tunica vaginalis of the male, may j)ermit the sudden occurrence of an inguinal hernia in the female. The mesovarium or " mesentery of the ovary accompanies the ovary in its descent and constitutes a fold of peritoneum which envelops not only the ovary but also the adjacent part of the duct of Miiller and the remnants of the Wolffian body. Upon the uniting of the lower parts of the Miillerian ducts to form the uterus and the vagina these mesovaria unite with each other mesially to become the broad ligament of the uterus. Thus it comes about that the uterus, the ovaries and their ligaments, the epoophoron, and other fetal remnants are contained between the layers of the broad ligament.

The account of the development of the external genital organs will be deferred until after the consideration of the formation of the urinary bladder and of that part of the urethra that originates from the same embryonic structure.


As stated in Chapter V., the urinary bladder and a part of the urethra are derived from the intra-embryonic portion of the allantois. In the same chapter the allantois was described as a sac which develo|3ed as a pouching-out of the ventral wall of the gut-tract near its caudal end (Plate II., 5 and 6). The sac protrudes from the still widely open abdominal cavity, enters the extra-embryonic pAit of the bodv-cavit*-, and reaches the inner >arface nf the fidse amnion, with which structure it intimatelv unites to form the true chorion (Plate III.L A? tht- «-all> of the abd<4DeD gradually Q\i^\ leaving only the umbilical aperture, it is, neceRsarilyy through tlii< aperture that the allantois prxH trudes.

We have seen p. 91) what become? of the extra-abdominal part of the allantoic — in what dejrri'C* it contributes to the formation of the placenta and of the umbilical cord. Obviously, with the j^evering of the umbilical cord after birthy all this extra-embiyonic ]Kirt of the allantois disappearsy giving rise to no adult organ.

Its intra-enibiyonic ]K>rtion consists of a tube extending from the caudal end of the intestine to the umbilicus (Plate II., 5 and Gj. As early as the second month, the middle segment of this tube dilates and assumes the form of a spindleslia(KHl sac, which becomes the minary Uadder (Plate VII.). The part of the tube connecting the summit of this sac with the umbilicus remains small, gradually loses its limien, and constitutes in the adult the (usually) impervious cord known as the urachns. Should the cavity of the urachus persist in its entirety, and should there l>e at the same time an external o{>eniug at the umbilicus, the condition would constitute an imibilical minary fistula. The proximal {>art of the allantois — that is, the i)orti*)n intervening l>etween the bladder and the intestine — is designat(f<l the sinns nrogenitalis, while the caudal end of the intestine, which is, in (fffi'ct, a jH>nch in which lH)th the allantois and the intestine terminate, is known as the cloaca (Fig. 96). The urogenital sinus receives the terminations of both the Mullerian and the Wolffian ducts (Plate VII.).

In the sixth week or slightly earli<»r, there api)ears uix)n the surface of th(i IxhIv, in the region corres|M Hiding to the iK>siti(m of th<» <'loaca, a (l(>pr(»ssion, the cloacal depression (Fig. 96), which lat<T, except in man and the higher mammals, meets the cloaca, and thus establishes a communication between it and the exterior. In the Amphibia, in reptiles, and in birds, as also in the lowest mammals, the monotremes, the cloaca is a permanent structure, and through it, in these groups of animals, not only the fecal matters and the urine, but also the genital products, the spermatozoa and the ova, are evacuated from the body. In all mammals, however, with the exception of the monotremes, the cloaca undergoes division into a posterior part or anal canal and an anterior urogenital aperture. This division is brought about by the growth of three ridges or folds, of which one springs from each side of the cloaca and one from the point of union of the urogenital sinus and the intestine. These folds coalesce about the eighth * week to form a complete septum, which continues to thicken antero-posteriorly up to the time of birth and constitutes the perineum.

It will be remembered that the ureters originally spring from the terminal parts of the Wolffian or mesonephric ducts (Fig. 118), Owing to alterations brought about by processes of unequal growth, the orifices of the ureters subsequently change their position so as to open into the urogenital sinus (Fig. 121), and still later, by the further operation of the same agency, they come to open into the bladder on its dorsal wall, thus gradually assuming their permanent relations (PL VII.). After the division of the cloaca the urogenital sinus, as stated above, opens independently upon the surface of the body. In the female it is transformed into a short tube, the urethra, and an expanded terminal recess or fossa, the vestibule of the vulva (PI. VII.). In the male it becomes the first or prostatic part of the urethra.

In the twelfth or thirteenth week, the future prostatic urethra acquires very thick muscular walls, and the original epithelial tube pouches out into the muscular tissue in the form of little sacs, the lining cells of which assume the characters of secreting epithelium. In this way is produced the aggregation of muscular and glandular tissue known as the prostate gland. This is a well-developed structure by the fourth or fifth month (Tourneux). The recess in the floor of this part of the urethra, the sinus pocularis or uterus mas

  • Fourteenth week, according to Miuot

enlintu, Iia« l>een previously referred to as the homolc^e of the atcrus, being the persirtent caudal extremities of the ducts of Miiller (Plate VII.).


In the early stages of the development of the external f^nital oi^ns no ^xual distinotions are apparent.

Reference has been made to the eloacal depression as a superficial fossa which makes its appearance at the caudal end of the body of the embryo iu the sixth week (Fig. 96). At

Fig. 1:10.— Pi:ur iiut'i:vulvi' lUufoa titAe\e\n\iiaenltit tliv i;!!!'^!!!! gciiical organr (IndlR^rcnl typcl of Iho hurnun felui iif Sito M mm. {> to I J5 inuhl ITourneux) : 1, MEnlUl etnlneucG or lubcrck; 1, eliin<: 3. geoilal groorc; 4, gcnllal ridge; 5i

olilMBl ilupTWlxD : fi. cncr^Rcil emlaeace.

about the same period an ciieireling elevation, the genital ridge (Fig. 130, -"1,4), is seen to surround this depression. Within the gciiitul ridge, at the anterior part of the cloncal fbcsa, a email tubercle, the genital eminence, appears at the same time. On the under asjH'ct uf the tjonilal eminence there is soon distiiiguishftlile tin; genital groove (Fig. 130,3), which apjieare as if a continuation of the fis,sure-Iikc cloacsil dcpi-ession iji)^


and the groove very shortly becomes flanked by two ridges, the genital folds, one on each side.

The genital eminence becomes the penis or the clitoris^ according to the sex of the fetus. It very early acquires a knob-like extremity (2) which is the beginning of the glans penis or of the glans clitoridis, as the case may be. Further development of the glans is brought about by the appearance of a partially encircling gr(X)ve which serves to differentiate it from the body of the organ.

At this stage of development, the rudimentary organs, as described above, are precisely alike in the two sexes. Early in the third month — about the ninth week — sexual distinctions begin to become manifest. Since the female organs exhibit the less degree of deviation from the early indifferent form, they will be first considered.

The External Genital Organs of the Female. — The sexually indifferent genital eminence which, as we have seen, presents even by the end of the second month a rudimentary glans and an indicaton of a prepuce, elongates somewhat and becomes the clitoris. The genital folds bounding the genital groove on the under surface of the genital eminence (Figs. 130 and 131, A) never unite with each other as they do in the male, but become prolonged in the direction of the future anus and constitute, by the fourth month, the lateral boundaries of the orifice of the urogenital sinus, or, in other words, of the vestibule of the vagina (Fig. 131, 3). These folds, continuous over the dorsum of the clitoris with its rudimentary prepuce, are the nympha or labia minora (Fig. 131, 2), 7) of the fullyformed state. The masses of erectile tissue in close relation with each labium minus, the pars intermedialis and the bnlbns vestibuli, are the homologues respectively of a lateral half of the male corpus spongiosum and its bulb. The genital ridge, which, from the first, encircles the genital eminence and the cloacal depression, and, consequently, the later clitoris and the aperture of the sinus urogonitalis, increases greatly in thickness. The part of it situated on the ventral side of the clitoris becomes the mons veneris, while the lateral parts of the ridge become the labia majora of the vulva. The several jiarls of the female g«niJ talia develop lo such a degree durhig the fourth month tlmn their aexual characters at this time are well marked.

Fig, ISI.— FouKUCcesalvt aUR*Tiiprilovlip|.iiii 'i' .r im. ■ m. iim! jii-uital Of the human remsle fisliis {Tuuruvuxi^ 1, clHi.tiK. •;, tluii.s clllDriilli; \ genlMlflnun:: 4, labia majors: S. anui; 0, rwc jgeHl emlncDPC : 7. Uljlami

The reader is again reminded that in the stage when the 1 cloaca is present, the Miilleriaii ducts terminate in the siniia | I un^nitalis (Plate YII.). As previously stated, the stnus u gsnitalia becomes the female urethra, ita terminal portion expanding into the vestlbulum vagins. The openings of the Miillerian ducts fall widiin tliis latter veatihular region of the sinus. the lower purtidu of the two ducts by this time, however, have fused to form the uf«ru3 and the vagina, and the glans penis, wliilc the integuinentary fold that ])artially encircles the latter assumes more distinctive character as the prepuce. This fold gradually advances over the glans and adheres to it, the adhesion j)ersisting until, or shortly after, birth. All of the rudimentary penis, exclusive of the glans and of the genital folds, becomes the corpora cavernosa of the adult organ. The characteristic structure of the corpora cavernosa is forcshadowcKl as early as the third month by the appearance in the ])enis of capillary blood-vessels, which, in the sixth month, undergo marked dilatation.

The groove on the under surface of the penis becomes dee{>er, and the genital folds, which bound the groove laterally, increase in size. This groove extends from the orifice of the urogenital sinus to the glans penis. The genital folds, which in the female, remain distinct and l>ecome the nymphie, unite with each other in the male and convert the groove into a canal, which latter is practically an extension of the urogenital sinus along the entire length of the j)enis to the glans. The e^uial thus formcnl is the anterior part of the male urethra, or, in other words, it includes all of the urethra except its prostatic i)ortion, whicli represents the urogenital sinus. The orifice of this newlv-formtHl canal, situated in the glans, is the meatus urinarius. Failure of union of the genital folds, either wholly or in part, results in total or in partial deficiency of the floor of the urethra, tliis anomaly being known as hypospadias. If the defective closure involves only the glans, the condition is denominated glandular hypospadias.

The genital folds form not only the si<les and the floor of the penile urethra, but by an extension of their growth, also its roof, thus completely surrounding it. Upcm the acquisition, by the now united genital folds, of bhwKl-vessels and cavernous spa(!es, they become the corpus spongiosum of the j)enis, and thus is established the p<?nnanent or adult relation of these partes.

The genital ridge be(^omes differentiated into two prominent folds or pouches placed one on either side of the root of the penis. In the fourth month these unite to form the scrotum, the line of union being indicated by the raphe. Pailure of union of the two halves of the scrotum is one of the features of certain forms of so-called hermapliroditism.

The glands of Cowper, which correspond to the glands of Bartholin of the female, are developed, like the latter, as evaginations of the terminal part of the urogenital sinus.

The accompanying tabulation exhibits a comparison of the organs of the two sexes on the basis of their common origin. Male and female parts that develop from the same fetal structure are said to be homologous with each other.

Homologies op the Sexual System.

Fetal Structure. Female Organs. Male Organs.

Indifferent sexual gland. Ovary. Testis.

Wolffian body — Its middle series of tu- Short tubules of par- Vasaefierentia^rete testis

bules and ovarium and and coni yasculosi.

Corresponding part of Horizontal or long tube Tube of epididymis.

Wolffian duct. of parovarium.

Keinainder of Wolffian Usually altogether dis- Yas deferens, seminal

duct. appears ; if persistent, vesicle, and ejacula Gartner's duct tory duct

Upper serin of short Stalked hydatid of Mor- Stalked hydatid of Mor tubules (pronephros). * gagni. g^^i Lovoer series of tubules. Paroophoron. Paradidymis (org^an of


Duct of Miiller — Its upper extremity. Fimbria of oviduct. Sessile hydatid.

Succeeding portion. Oviduct Usually disappears ; if

persistent, duct of Bathke. Remaining portion, by Uterus and vagina. Uterus masculinua.

fusion with its fellow.

External Organs.

Fetal Structure. Female Organs. Male Organs.

Genital eminence. Clitoris. Penis.

Genital folds. Nymphae and bulbi ves- Corpus spongiosum, en tibiili. closing spongy part of

urethra. Genital ridge. Labia majora. Scrotum.

Urogenital sinus. Urethra and vestibule. Prostatic urethra, membranous urethra, prostate, Cowper's glands.

Glands of Bartholin.


1 . Th(» male and the female internal generatiye organs, as well as the kidney and the ureter, originate from the mesothelial Hning of the b(Kly-cavity, being directly produced from the Wolffian IxhIv and the duct of Miiller.


2. The bladder and the female urethra, but in the male only th(» prostatic urethra, result from the metamorphosis of the intrn-ombryonic jmrt of the allantois, and are therefore to be repirded as of entodermic oripn.

3. Ikfore the estiiblishment of the j)ermanent kidney, a temponirily functionating organ, the mesonephros, performs the oflice of a kidney during a jxirt of fetal life, and this latter is preceded i)y the pronephros, an organ which, though represented in the higher vertebrates by a vestigial remnant^ is functionally active only in larval Amphibia and in bony fislu's.

4 The Pronephros. — The mesothelial cells of the outer or pari(>tal wall of the body-cavity become invaginated in a line parallel with the axis of the body, and the cord of cells thus Ibrined bectnnes hollowed out to constitute the pronephric or s('j;;iiiciitnl du<'t. At several points this duct retains its connection with the surface-cells by nieiins of cell-cords, which latliT beeonie tubes and acquire glomeruli. The long tube anid the shorter tubules with their glomeruli constitute the pronephros.

5. The Mesonephros. — The transverse segmentation of the middle plate, whi<'h connects the ]>araxial mesoderm Avith tlit^ parietal plate, results in the formation o( a series of ccll-mass<'s, llu' nephrotomes. Each nephrotome becomes a tube and a<M|uircs one or more glomeruli. The decjwr eniU of the tubes bcc<)me c<»imected with the pronephric

  • ir M«n;iiicntal dnct, which latter is known henceforth as

the nicsonephric or Wolflian duct. These tubes, with the atljacent part of the Wolffian duct, constitute the mesonephros, which fnnctii»nat<'s, for a time, even in the human fetus, as an organ of urinary ex<»retion. The entire AVolffian duct, with the pronephric tubules and th(» mesonephric tubules, eonstitntes the Woltlian body. The AVolffian duct ojK»ns at its lower or caudal extremitv into the cloaca.

6. The metanephros or pennanent kidney develops in part from a small diverticulum that pouches out from the lower or caudal end of the Wolffian duct. The straight collecting tubules and the pelvis of the kidnev correspond to the dilated and subdivided fundus of this diverticulum, while the ureter represents its stalk. The secretory tubules of the kidney develop from the inner zone of the metanephrogenic tissue. The surrounding mesodermic tissue furnishes all the component elements of the ureter-walls and of the kidney except the epithelial parts, as noted above.

7. The supraxenal bodies probably are derived, in part, from epithelial outgrowths which proceed from the mesonephros to form the cortical part of the organ, and, in part, from chains of small cells that bud forth from the embryonic sympathetic ganglia to form its medulla. The surrounding mesodermic tissue contributes the connective-tissue parts of the suprarenal body.

8. The sexual apparatus in its earlier stages presents no distinctions of sex. The elements of this earlv indifferent type are the indifferent genital gland, the Wolffian duct, and the duct of Miiller.

9. The indifferent genital gland originates in the mesothelium of the body-cavity. The mesothelial cells overlying the ventromesial aspect of the Wolffian body undergo multiplication in the fifth week and thereby produce an elongated elevation, the genital ridge. Further multiplication of its cells and the addition of other elements bring about the transformation of this ridge into the well-defined genital gland, which now lies in close relation with the Wolffian tubules. The mesothelial cells are the "germinal epithelium of AValdeyer, the cells that produce the ova or the spermatozoa, according to the future sex.

10. The duct of Miiller makes its appearance soon after the AVolffian duct. It lies parallel with and to the outer side of the Wolffian duct and also terminates in the cloaca. It is of mesodermic origin, being produced either by evagination of the mesothelial cells of the body-cavity, or by a splitting off from the Wolffian duct.

11. The generative systems of both sexes result from the metamorphosis of the three structures making up the early indifferent sexual apparatus — namely, the indifiei'ent sexual gland, the Wolffian body, and the duct of MuUer.

12. The male sexual system is ])roduced by the transformation of the indifferent gland into the testicle, and the conversion of the Wolffian tubules and the Wolffian duct into the system of excretory ducts for that gland, the short tubules becoming the effcrc^ntia and coni vasculosi, while the Wolffian duct itself furnishes the body and the globus minor of the epididymis, the vas deferens, the vesicula seminalis, and the ejaculatory duct. The duct of Muller remains undeveloped and is represented in the adult by the atrophic sessile hydatid and the uterus masculiuus.

13. The female sexual apparatus is brought about by the development of the indifferent gland into the ovary, and by the metamorphosis of the upper segments of the ducts of Muller into the Fallopian tubes, and the fusion of the remaining portions of the two ducts to form the uterus and the vagina. The Wolffian duct and tubules give rise to atrophic structures in the female, the most conspicuous of which is the parovarium or ej)oophoron.

14. Both the male and the female external genitalia are developed from fetal structures conmion to the two sexes, the genital eminence, the genital ridge, and the genital folds. The genital eminence is situated at the anterior or ventral part of the eloaeal depression. The genital ridge is an elevation surrounding this pit and the genital eminence, while the genital folds are on the under surface of the genital eminence, on(» on each side of a longitudinal groove.

15. The Wolffian ducts and the ducts of Muller open into the cloaca, but when that a|>erture becomes differentiated into the anus and the urogenital sinus, as it does at the fourteenth week, these ducts fall to the latter apartment. The orifice of the urogenital sinus being at the base of the genital eminence, the sinus comes into continuity with th(» groove on the under surface of the eminence.

16. The female external genitalia are produced by the further development of the three structures mentioned above.

The genital eminence becomes the clitoris. The genital folds on the under surface of the clitoris become somewhat prolonged to constitute the labia minora. The genital ridge becomes, anteriorly, the mons veneris and laterally the labia majora. The orifice of the urogenital sinus is represented by the vestibule, and since the Miillerian ducts near their termination in the urogenital sinus fuse to form the vagina, the latter passage opens in the adult into the vestibule. Since, also, the urogenital sinus receives the termination of the allantois, which becomes the female urethra, the latter canal likewise opens into the adult vestibule.

17. The male external genitals represent a further development of the embryonic genital eminence, genital folds, and genital ridge than do the female organs. The genital eminence becomes the penis, the genital folds, uniting with each other so as to surround the groove, producing the corpus spongiosum. The groove itself, being thus converted into a canal which extends the now closed urogenital sinus to the end of the penis, constitutes all of the male urethra except the first or prostatic portion. The prostatic urethra represents the proximal extremity of the allantois. Since the Wolffian ducts open into the urogenital sinus after the division of the cloaca, the terminations of those ducts, represented now by the ejaculatory ducts, open into the prostatic urethra ; and since the Miillerian ducts also open into the urogenital sinus, the uterus masculinus, which is the representative in the male of the terminal parts of the Miillerian ducts, is found likewise in the prostatic urethra. The lateral parts of the genital ridge, which, in the female, become the labia majora, fuse with each other in the male to form the scrotum.

18. The condition of so-called hermaphroditism may be produced either by an unusual degree of development of the female external genitals, resulting in a clitoris resembling a penis and in labia majora which simulate a cleft scrotum ; or by the arrested development of male organs, whereby the genital folds and the genital ridges fail to unite, the urethra in consequence opening at the base of the penis.




Thk a]))iGiidatroH of the Kkin include the BebaceooB and sweat glands, tlio manunoi; glanda, the nails, and the halis.


isiiitiiig of tlic epiderniU or cuticle and of the lorm, or coritim, is derived from two sources, the epitEiclial epidermis being a prtKhict of the ectoderm, and the corinm originating from themesoderm. The nuils and hairs are outgrowths of the epithelial layer, wliile tlio various glands Are lierived from infoldings or in vagi nations of the same stratum.

The corinm, the connectivetissue i'"m|Mment n( the skin, is an i>nt}:nhwtli of the cntis plates tif the primitive segments or somites (Fig. l;'.;!). If iirst appeju-s ill (Tilde P)rm in the s^'i'inid niontii lis a layer of spindle-cells liemtfitli the ectoderm. In till' third month, the more siipcrlicial imrt of this layer ac<iiiires more definite and distinctive eharaeter, the nilher loose aggn'gation of cells having diilerentiate<l inti> a tissue wich is a niesh-work of handles of white fibrous connective tissue with some intermingled elastic and muscular fibers ; this constitutes the corium proper. The deeper layer of cells becomes a loose, subcutaneous areolar tissue containing a few scattered fat-cells. About a month later the external surface of the primitive corium loses its smooth character and presents numerous little elevations, the villi, which project into the overlying epidermis. The villi, being highly vascular, play an important i)art in the nutrition of the epidermis and being also freely supplied with nerves they sustain an equally important relation to the sensitiveness of the skin.

From the middle of fetal life onward, the fat-cells in the subcutaneous tissue increase in number to such extent that there is formed a continuous and well-marked subcutaneous layer of fat, the panniculus adiposus.

Certain of the cells of the primitive corium differentiate into unstriated muscular tissue, forming thus the muscles of the liair-follicles, the airectores pilonun, as well as the subcutaneous muscular tissue of the dart(»s of the scrotum and penis, and that of the nipple and of the perineum.

The epidermis, consisting of the suj>erficial horny layer and the deeper mucous layer or stratum Malpighii, is entirely an epithelial structure. Its element* are simply the descendants of the early ectodermic cells specially modified to afford the necessary protection to the more sensitive and delicate corium.

The division into the two strata of the epidermis is indicated a? early as the latter part of the first month, at which time the cells of the ectoderm have become arranged into two single layers, a superficial layer of rather large flattened cells and an underlying stratum of smaller elements. The cells of the outer layer, or epitrichiiun, which probably represents the future stratum corneum, successively undergo degeneration and descpiamation, the places of those lost being supplied by the formation of new ones from the deei)er layer. As time goes on, both layers increase in thickness and the hairs and the glands of the skin are gradually formed. With increased proliferation there is increasingly


active desquamation of superficial cells, and as the degenerate and cast-off cells become mixed with the products of the sebaceous glands, there is formed a sort of cheesy coating of the skin, the vemix caseosa or smegma embryonmn. This is first easily recognizable in the sixth month, and first covers the entire surface of the body in the eighth month. It serves to protect the epidermis of the fetus from maceration in the amniotic fluid.

The completion of the epidermis, aside from the development of its accessory parts, consists simply in further increase in thickness and in the modification of the superficial cells to produce the characteristic scale-like elements of the corneous layer of the skin, accompanied by the differentiation of the deeper cells into those of the rete mucosum or stratom Malpiglm. The extent to which these modifications are carried varies in different regions of the Ixnly.


The Nails. — The nails have their beginning in little clawlike projections, the primitive nails, that appear upon the tips of the still imperfect fingers and toes in the seventh week.* These result from localized proliferation of the cells of the epidermis, Ix'ing entirely epithelial structures. The rudimentary nails project from the tips -of the digits, instead of o<!eupying the dorsal position of the completed structures. The claw-like primitive nail, between the ninth and twelfth "weeks, becomes surrounded l)v a groove, which starves to separate it from the ij:eneral eetodermic surface. Th(»se claw-like rudiments of the human nails are (juite similar to the primitive chiws of many mamY\r.. iw- Longitudinal sec- mals, the ])rinntive nail in ea(^li case

tion throuKh the toe of a <'«'r- •it i i i .1 •!

copitiu<ussoiftir<ieKrni.aur^: inchi(hnir a (lorsa! part, the nailn,>.naiH.iato:^A, plantar horn plate, and a portion which belonjrs

(Sohlenhorn) ; 7IM', nail-wall. * , . ,. .

t<) the ventral surra<*e ol the <ligit, called the plantar horn (Fig. l.'U). The striking difference between the nails of the human a<hilt and the claws and

  • Or ninth week, Miiiot. ' A j^eniis of lon^MaikMl African monkeys.


hoofs of many animals is due in great measure to the degree of development to which this ventrally situated plantar horn attains. In the hoofed mammals (Ungulata) and the clawed mammals (Unguiculata), the plantar horn undergoes very great development, whereas in man it retrogrades and leaves no trace except the nail-welt, or the narrow line of thickened epidermis where the distal end of the nailbed merges into the ordinary skin. After the atrophy of the plantar horn, the dorsally situated nail-plate being alone present, the rudimentary nail bears a greater resemblance to the adult condition.

As the nail-plate gradually acquires more distinctive character, the deeper layers of the skin specialize into a structure adapted to its nutrition. This is the nail-bed, a highly vascular and sensitive cushion consisting of the corium and of the stratum Malpighii of the epidermis. It is especially from the proximal part of the nail-bed, representing the matrix of the fully-formed condition, that the nail grows. The rate of growth is such that- the ends of the nails protrude beyond the tips of the digits in the eighth month.

The tissue of the folly-formed nail corresponds to the stratum lucidum of the typical epidermis, developed to an unusual degree. The epitrichium or future stratum comeum, the most superficial layer of the epidermis, does not form a part of the nail, but constitutes a thin covering, the eponychium ; this is lost in the seventh month, with the exception of a small band over the root of the nail, which persists for a short time as the perionyx.

The nails of the toes are always somewhat behind those of the fingers in development.

To repeat, the claw-like rudimentarj- nails appear in the seventh week, the nails are perfectly formed about the twelfth week, and break through their epidermal covering in the seventh month, reaching to or beyond the finger-tips in the eighth month.

The Hair. — Each hair consists of the projecting shaft and the embedded root, with its expanded deep extremity, the hair-bulb, the root being embraced by the hair-foUicle. The


hair is entirely of ectodermic origlu, being ileriveii from the epidermal Isij-lt of fhi.' Hkin, while the liair-follicle is partly derived from the epidermis and in jjart is a product of the coriiim. The hairs are homologous with the feathers and scales of the lower animals.

The development of the hair is initiated in the third fetal month hy the appearance of small solid masses of epithelium in the stratum Mulpighii of the epidermis. The epithelial plugs or hair-germs grow into the underlying corium and are met by outgrowths or papiUn of the latter, which develop almost simultanoonsly. The papilla; are very vascular and serve for the nutrition of the developing hair.

The root and the shaft of the rudimentary hair result from the specialization of the axial or central cells of the hairgerm. These eells lengthen iu the direction of the long axis of the hair-germ and become hard and corneous, thus constituting the ro'it and the shaft, the cells of the deepest part of the hair-eenn forming the bulb. Tin- irrowtli of the hair

b«Jr; te, liuUiof hBtr; Aa, young hair; of Ihelialt: W, balr-n>nide: M.wbBG<

Lir (Hertwlg): ^ and B, Ir-pnpms : U, ireriD of

in length is due to the proliferation and specialization of the cells of the bulb. The papilla of the niiderlying corinm indents the deep surface of the hair-bulb, this close relation of the two structures enabling the {>apilla the better to fulfil its function of providing nourishment t« the bulb.


The hair-follicle, consisting of an outer connective-tissue portion or fibrous layer and an inner epithelial part, the inner and outer root-sheaths, is partly of mesoderniic and partly of ectodermic origin. The inner and outer rootsheaths are produced by the peripheral cells of the hairgerra augmented by cells contributed directly by the stratum Malpighii of the epidermis. The outer fibrous constituent of the follicle results from the mesoderniic cells of the corium that immediately surround the hair-germ.

Gradually increasing in length by the addition of new cells from the hair-bulb, the primitive hair at length protrudes from the follicle as free hair. This first growth of hair is unpigmented and is extremely fine and soft, being known as the lanugo or embryonal down. This appears upon the scalp and some other parts of the body in the fourth month, gradually extending over the entire surface in the succeeding months. In the eighth month the lanugo begins to disappear, but is not lost as a whole until after birth, when the permanent growth of hair takes its i)lace. Upon the face, in fact, the lanugo j)ersists throughout life.

The development of the secondary hair is still a disputed point. It is claimed by some authorities (Stieda, Feiertag) that they develop from entirely new hair-germs. Most authorities hold, however, that the secondary hair develops from the same papilla that produced the hair just lost. According to this view, the empty root-sheath of the cast-oflP hair closes so as to form a cell-cord which represents a hair-germ for the new hair. The cells of this germ in most intimate relation with the underlying papilla produce the new hair in the same manner that hair is produced by the original hair-germs. As the new hair grows toward the surface the old one is gradually crowded out.

The Sebaceus and Sweat-glands. — The sweat-glands, including not only the sweat-glands proper but the ceruminous glands of the external auditory meatus and the glands of Moll of the eyelids, are derived from the ectodermic epithelium. The glands are of the simple tubular type. Each gland develops from a small accumulation of epidermal cells that



grows, in the fifth month, from the Malpighian or mucous layer of the epidermis into the underlying corium. The solid epithelial plugs l)ecome tubes in the seventh month by the degeneration and final disappearance of the central cells. The deeper part of the tube becomes coiled and its lining epithelium takes on the (characteristics of secreting cells. Some of the cells of the original epithelial plug undergo specialization into muscular tissue, thus producing the inyolnntary muscles of the sweat-glands.

The sebaceous glands arc dcvelopeci from solid epithelial processes that originate from the deep layer or retc inucosum of the epidermis in a manner similar to that of the development of the sweat-glands. There is the difference, however, that the ej)ithelial plugs acquire lateral branches and thus usually produce glands of the compound saccular or acinous variety. There is the further difference that the epithelial outgrowths generally develop from the ectodcrmic cells of the outer sheath of the root of the hair near the orifice of the follicle (Fig. 136, id), in consecpience of which the ducts of the finished glands usually open into the hair-follicles. In some regions, however — regions devoid of hair, as the prepuce and the glans penis, the labia minora, and the lips — the growth is directly from the stratiini Malpighii, as in the case

of the sweat-glands.

The Mammary Gland. — The mammary pflnnd represents a number of highly specialized p:lan<ls of the skin, so associated as to constitute the sinjrie adult structure. Its origin, therefore, is to be sought in the cells of the epidermis in common with that of the ordinary glaiuls of the skin.

It is claimed by many authorities, by (ie^enbauer especially, that the mamnue are modified sebaceous glands ; others assert that they are to be elass<'d with the sweat-glands, Ilaidenhain having shown that in the development of the milk-glands there is no fatty metamor])hosis of the central cells as in the sebaceous glands, and Minot enijihasiziiig tin* fact that their mcwle of development closely resembles that of the sweat-glan<ls.

The development of the milk-glands is begun as early as




the second month. At this time the deep layer of the epidermis, in the bites of the future gknds, becomes thickened by the multiplication of its cells, the thickened patch encroaching upon the underlying coriuni (Fig. 136, A, b). Thia thickened area enlarges somewhat peripherally and its mai^ins become elevated, owing to wliich latter circumstance the piitch appears relatively depressed [B). The depression is known as the Klaadular area., and it corresponds with the fatnre areola and nipple. In many mammals the development of the milk-glands is initiated by the appearance of a

Fio. IM,— Secllunii representing (hree luceeislvc 8t»Be« of dBTclopmont of tha human DiiimmB (ToiirDeui|; .1, fetiaof SlWmm. (l.S la): fi. of 10.16 eni. (4lii,): C, of '^4.3% GtD. (9.A In.); u. epidermis; A. kggregnlloii of epldcmtKl veils funnlDg ■nUgo of gtand : e, gBlnctophoroiu dui^ts; d, groove limiting glamliitsr area; i, (treat pectoral muscle; /, unslrlalcd muBLnilar tisaue of arvolu; g, subCDtlDeoiu adipose tisaue.

pair of linear thickening;s of the epidermis on the ventrolateral aspect of the bfjdy, called the milk -ridges or milklines, from localized thickenings of which the multiple mammary glands of such animals develop. These railklines have also been observed in the human embryo, but the constancy of their occurrence in man has not as yet been established.

From the bottom of the glandular area, numerous small masses or bad-like processes of cells ^row down into the corinm. Some of the buds acquire lateral branches. By the hollowing out of these cell-buds the latter are transformed


into tubes (c), which open upon the glandular area. The branching of the cords begins in the seventh month and is carried on to such a degree that each original cell-cord gives rise to a tubo-racemose gland. The hollowing out of the solid processes begins shortly before birth, but is not completed until after that event. Each cell-cord becomes, in the strict sense, a complete gland, each such individual structure forming a lobe of the mature organ.

This stage of the human mammary gland — that is, a depressed gland-area upon which open individual glands, the nipple being absent^ — is the permanent condition in some of the lowest mammals, as in the echidna, one of the monotremes. In all higher mammals, however, further metamorphoses occur in the tis.sites of the glandular area, and in the human fetus these tissues become the nipple and the surrounding areola.

The nipple is partly formed before birth, but does not become protuberant until post-fetal life. The depressed glandular area rises to the level of the surrounding parts, and its central region, which includes the orifices of the already formed or just forming ducts, swells out into a little prominence, the nipple. This prominence is a protrusion of the epidermis and includes the terminal extremities of the milk-ducts as well as the blood-vessels and connective- tissue elements which surround tli(» ducts. In the dermal constituent of the rudimentary nipple unstriated muscular tissue develops. The region of the glandular area not concerned in the formation of the nipple becomes the areola.

At birth, as above intimated, the manmiary gland is still rudimentary, since many of the ducts have not yet acquired their lumina nor their full degree of c(mij)lexity. Shortly after birth a small quantity of milky secretion, the so-called witches' milk, may be ex])ressed from the glands — in the male and female infant alike. This is true milk according to Rein and Barfruth, but according to Kolliker, it is merely a milky fluid continuing the debris of the degenerated central cells of those rudimentarv ducts that were still solid at birth.

So far, the milk-glands are alike in the two sexes, but


while in the male they remain rudimentary structures, they continue to increase both in size and in complexity in the female. The increase aflfeets not only the glandular tissue proper but the connective-tissue stroma as well. At the time of puberty the growth of the glands receives a new impetus, which is very materially augmented upon the occurrence of pregnancy. There may be said, therefore, to be several distinct phases in the development of the milk-glands, first, the embryonic stage ; second, the infantile stage ; third, the stage of maturity beginning at the time of puberty ; and finally, the stage of fhU functional maturity consequent upon preg-> nancy and parturition.



The nervous system of the adult, including the cerebrospinal axis and nerves, and the sympathetic system of ganglia and nerves, is made up of the essential neural elements, the neurons, together with the supporting framework or stroma.^

The neurons and a part of the stroma result from the specialization of the ectodermic layer of the embryo. The ecto<lermic origin of the nervous system acquires certain interest in view of the conditions that obtain in some of the lowest and simplest organisms. For example, in the ameba, the single protoplasmic cell which constitutes the entire individual possesses the several fundamental vital properties of protoplasm, such as resi)iration, metabolism, contractility, motility, etc, in ecpial degree, no single property being more highly developed than the others, and no particular part of the cell exliibiting greater s])ecialization than the other parts. In other words, the j)n)t()plasmic substance of the animal is at once a respiratory mechanism, a nervous apparatus, and an organ for the execution of the various other vital functions.

In somewhat more highly developed creatures, as the infusoria, although there is no differentiation into separate tissues and probably not even into separate cells, there is seen some progress toward the sj)ecialization of certain parts of the orgimism for the performance respectively (»f the different functions of life. For example, the central part of the ani ' The neuronti are the units of which tlic nervous Bvstem is made up. Each neuron consists of a nerve-cell with everything belonging to it -that is, with its various processes, including the nxis-rylinder process or iieuritf which becomes the axis-cvlindcr of a nerve-ri))er. 278


mal has digestive functions, while it is by the superficial portion alone that the creature is brought into relation with the outside world, the sensitiveness or irritability of the surface, by which the animal is made responsive to external impressions, being the nearest approach to the function of a nervous system that it possesses.

This primitive function of the surface of the organism is suggestive as to the origin of the nervous system of higher type creatures. It will be seen, indeed, that not only is the nervous system proper derived from the ectoderm ic cells of the embryo but that the peripheral parts of the organs of special sense, as the olfactory epithelium, the organ of Oorti, and the retina, have the same origin.

The alteration of those cells of the ectodermic stratum that are to specialize into nervous elements begins prior to the fourteenth day in the human embryo, in the stage of the blastodermic vesicle. The change consists in a gradual modification of the form of the cells, the cells common to the general surface of the germ assuming the columnar type. The process affects the cells of the median line of the embryonic area in advance of the primitive streak, resulting in the production of a thickened longitudinal median zone. This thickened area is the medullary plate (Fig. 41, p. 70). On each side of the plate — which is apparent at the fourteenth day — the adjoining ectodermic cells become heaped up to form the medullary folds, which latter therefore bound the medullary plate laterally. The medullary plate becomes concave on the surface, forming the medullary groove (Fig. 137). By the deepening of the groove, the lateral edges of the plate approach each other (Fig. 138), and finally they meet and unite, thus producing a tube, the neural tube or canal.

Since the medullary folds similarly meet and unite with each other — their union slightly preceding that of the edges of the plate — the neural tube comes to lie entirely beneath the surface-ectoderm and soon loses all connection with it. The closing of the tube and the union of the medullary folds occur first near the anterior end of the embryonic area, in a position that corresponds with the region of the future neck,


flnil fnim this jwint it proceeds Iwlh cephalad and caudad. Sinw the nie»!ullar>' fnUis at their caiidal extremity embrace

ITctKkarJ, Scmitr. Cnl /•laJrrm.

Fid. is;.— TrBDirene lecllon of > ■Ixteen-Rnd'a-l

mbryo poaMctlOK

the primitive streak {Y\g. -11, p. 70), the latter structure i» inchidefl within the cjuidiil end of the neural tube by the \

isHTie BBcUiiii of II fitl<;i;n-mnl a-hslf-dnj sheap embryo Kvca lomltci (Bonnet).

coming together of the folds, and thus the blastopore, which was previously the external aperture of the archonteron.


comes to constitute the neurenteric canal, or an avenue of communication between the neural canal and the primitive intestine.

The neural canal then is a tube composed of columnar cells, which is formed by the folding in of the ectoderm and which occupies the median longitudinal axis of the embryonic area and consequently of the future embryonic body. From this simple epithelial canal the entire adult nervous system is evolved.

The evolution of the highly complex cerebrospinal axis from such a simple structure as the neural canal is referable both to the principle of unequal growth — the walls of the tube becoming thickened by the multiplication of the cells — and to the formation of folds.

The portion of the neural canal — approximately one-half — that is devoted to the formation of the brain is delimited from the part that produces the spinal cord by the dilatation of the anterior or head-end of the tube, and the subsequent division of this dilated sac-like portion into three communicating sacs called respectively the fore-brain, mid-brain, and hind-brain vesicles (Fig. 142). These three vesicles give rise to the brain, while the remaining part of the neural canal forms the spinal cord.


In the growth of the spinal cord from the spinal portion of the neural canal we have to consider the evolution of a cylindrical mass of nerve-cells and nerve-fibers with the supporting stroma from a simple epithelial tube.

The wall of the neural tube, although consisting at first of a single layer of epithelial cells, is not of uniform thickness throughout its circumference. While the external outline is oval, the lumen of the tube is a narrow dorsoventral fissure (Fig. 45, p. 73). The cavity is therefore bounded on the sides by thickened lateral columns, while the dorsal and ventral walls, which connect the lateral columns with each other, are thinner and are called respectively the roof-plate and the floor-plate.


After a short time, the walls of the tube having thickened by the multiplication of the cells, the shape of the lumen alters, two laterally projecting angles being addetl (Fig. 139). The effect of tiiis change is to partiallydivide each lateral half into a dorsal and a ventral region. The neural canal at tlii,-i stage may be said to consist of six columnri of cells, the two dorsal zones connected with each other liy the roof-plate, and the two ventral zones united by the floor-plate. These regions are also distinguishable, with . certain characteristic modifi<a- I tions, in the head-region of tlw I tnl>e. They are important in their bearing upon the further development of the atrnctnre, since the dorsal and ventral zones are related respectively to the dorsal or sensory and the ventral or motor roots of the spinal nerves.

The differentiation of the cells of the neural tube into two ^ kinds of elements, one of which gives rise to susteutative tissue or neuroglia wliile the other produces the nerve-cells, is ( observed at about the end of the third week. The single , layer of columnar cells which at first comjMises the wall of the tube, the long axes of the cells being radially arranged, soon exhibits near the lumen a row of roond cells, jirobably the first offspring of the columnar cells. The round cella are the genn-cells or Kerminating cells, from which are develoiied ihe neuroblasts or young nerve-colls as well as the neuroglia cells. All the other cells, known as the spongioblfista or ependymal cells, are concerned in producing susten

36<rWim Kaillkcr): c.ccDtraJ t, its eplthdUI nntng: Me' ortyl, Iho original placu of ot (he cuul ; a, the wblte lU of the anterior coluouu : a. g atance of BnlerolUiiral born terlar column ; or. miterlui pr, iMatarior roola.



Tiie stroma of the central nervous system includes two constituents — a connective-tiBsue element, and a part, the neuroglia, which is of epithelial origin, and which is not to


be regarded, therefore, as connective tissue. The connectivetissue portion of the stroma is produced by the ingrowth of the pial processes from the pia mater, and is hence of mesodermic origin.

The neuroglia is derived from the spongiobhtsts, which result from the specialization of the large colnmnar cells of which the wall of the neural canal is composed. These cells, whose length comprises the entire thickness of the wall of the tube in the earliest stages, undergo partial absorption and disintegration, each cell being transformed into an elongated system of slender processes or trabecule, and each such system

no. IW.-CrOBB-Bectlon through the ipinal cord of ■ Tertebnite embryo {after His}: a. outer nmltlng membrane; b, outer DeurogUa layer. re«lon of future white matter; e, germ^cells ; d, central canal: e. Inner UmitlnE membrane or ependymal t>rer 1 /, spongioblaiU : a, neuroblaata (mantle tajer) : A, anterior root-flben.

being a completed spongieblaet or ependymal cell (Fig. 140). Thp inner ends of the spongioblasts coalesce with each other, forming thus the Inteinal limiting membrane, while the peri])heral extremities interlace with each other to form a close network, the marginal velum. As the walls of the neural tube increase in thickness, the spongioblasts become mors and more broken up to form the delicate neurogliar networf


with interspersed nucleated glia cells, which latter are derived from some of the round cells noted above as lying near the hmien of the neural tube and which have taken a position in the marginal velum. Such of the spongioblasts as border the cavity of the neuml tube become the cells of the later ependyma of the central canal of the spinal cord and of the ventricles of the brain. The cells of the ejwndyma become ciliated in the human fetus in the fifth week.

The nerve-cells of the spinal cord — as also of the brain — are the specialized descendants of the germ-cells referred to above. The proliferation of the germ-cells produces the neuroblasts, or young nerve-cells (Fig. 140). The latter elements move away from the primitive position of the germcells near the lumen of the tube and, taking up a position between the bodies of the ei)endymal cells and the periphery of the neural tube, develop into the nerve-cells. The transition is effected by the accumulation of the cell's protoplasm on the distal side of the nucleus and its elongation into a process. This ])rocess is a neurit or axon or axis-cylinder process and is the beginning of a nerve-fiber. The dendrites or protoplasmic processes apj>ear considerably later. Some of the fibers thus prcHluced grow out from the neural tube to constitute the eiferent filxTs of the jxTiphcral nerves, that is, the ventral roots of the spinal nerves, while others contribute to the formation of the fiber-tracts of the cord.

After the appearance of the neuroblasts and developing nerve-cells, the wall (►f the neural tube is divisible into three layers (Fig. 140): an inner or ependsrmal layer, next the lumen of the tube; adjoining this, the mantle layer, made up of neuroblasts ; and a peripherally situated neuroglia layer or marginal velum, which occupies the position of the future tracts of white fibers (►f the cord.

The alterations in the form and size of the sj)inal cord go hand in hand with the histological changes noted above. While th(»se areas that have been mentioned a> the dorsal and ventral zones in{.Teas<» greatly in thi<'kness, the floor-plate and the roof-plate — the ventral and dorsal walls of the neural tube — remain thin i Fig. 141). They are n<'ver invaded by the nerve-cells, but consist of thin layers of neuroglia which



later become penetrated by nerve-fibt-ra thatpro"' fnim oiif side to the other. They thus represent the anterior and posterior white commiBsmes of the cord. Thetie plates remain relatively fixed in position because of their failure to expand, while the liitcral walls iif the tulie undergo great expansion, in both the ventral and dorsal directions, as well as laterally. In this way a median longitudinal cleft is produced on the ventral wall of the spinal c<>r<l and a similar one on the dorsal wall. These are the anterior and posterior median fissures. Since the so-called jKisterlor median tissiiit is not a true fissure but merely a eeptiim, it differs from the anterior fissure, and It is held by some authorities that this septum is

formed by the gmwing togetiier of the walla of the dorsal part of the central canal.

The flber-tracts or white matter of the spinal cord develop in the outer or neuroglia layer, each filjer being the elongated neurit of a nerve-cell. Some of the fibers originate from the nerve-cells of the cord while others grow into the c«rd from other sources. As examples of the former method may be cited the direct cerebellar tract, composed of the axons of the cells of the vesicular column of Clark, and the tract of ,*



GrowtT, made up of the axons oi' cells t>f the dorsal gray horn ; while the direct und crosat-d |iyniniiilul tracts ai-e the axons of cells in the cortex of the ct-rebrum. and the tracta of Goll and of Biinlach are composed largely of the axons >] of the cells of the Hpinal ganglia (see p. 318), The devcl- 1 opmont of these filwr-tracts is not complete until the tilwrs ap(|iiirc their niyeltn-sheaths (see p. 414), The myelination of the tracts of Biirdach and of Goll occurs In the latter part of the fourth month and in the tit\h month ; of the : direct cerehellar tract, in the seventh month ; of ihe jiyramidal tracts, at or soon after birth.

As the walls of the neural canal thicken through the mul-^ tipliciition of the cells, the cavity of the tube is gradually] encroached upon almost to obliteration. Whea development f is complete, all that remains of the cavity is the sm&U ceatral f canal of the spinal cord.

The lengtb of the spinal cord in the fourth fetal month \ corresponds with that of the spinal column, Its lower termi- J nation being opposite the last coccygeal vertebra. From this 1 time forward, however, the cord grows less rapidly than does J the spinal column, so that at birth, the cord terminates at the4 last lumbar vertebra, and in adult life at the second lumbar 1 vertebra. This gradually acquired disproportion in thai length of the two structures explains the more oblique 1 direction of the lower spinal nerves as comi«ired with those g

E higher up. In the early condition of the cord, each pair of ' Uerves passes almost horizontally outward to the cprrespoading intervertebral foramina, but us the spinal column gradn- ] ally outstrips the cord in growth, the lower nerves necessarily ^ pursue a successively more oblique course to reach their j foramina, the lower nerves being almost vertical in direction and constituting, collectively, the canda equina. -J (lev dih ves nei


The encephalic portion of the neuml iuIk, — that part devoted to the production of the bniin — after undci^ing dilatation, becomes marked "ff into ihe thnc ])riman' brainvesicle«, the fore-brain or prosencephalon, the mid-brain or mesencephalon, and llie hind-brain or rhombencephalon, by constrictions in the lateral walls of the tube (Fig. 142). the constricted part of the hind-brain that adjoins the midbrain is the isthmns. This division occurs at an early stage, before the closure of the tube is everywhere complete. The vesicles communicate with each other by rather wide openings. As in the spinal part of the neural canal, the walls of the primary brain- vesicles consist of epithelial cells, and it is by the. muliiplicalion of these cells in unequal degree in different regions^ and by the fo)*r)iation of folds in certain localities, that the various parts of the adult brain are developed from these simple epithelial sacs.

The stage of three vesicles is soon succeeded by the fivevesicle stage, the primary fore-brain vesicle undergoing division into two, the secondary fore-brain (telencephalon) and the inter-brain (thalamencepalon) or diencephalon, and the primary hind-brain vesicle likewise dividing, a little later, into the secondary hind-brain (meteneephalon) and the after-brain (myelencephalon).

The division of the primary fore-brain is preceded by the appearance upon each of its lateral walls of a small bulgedout area which soon assumes the form of a distinct diverticulum. This is the optic vesicle, the earliest indication of the development of the eye (Fig. 142). In the further process of growth the base of attachment of the optic vesicle becomes lengthened out into a relatively slender pedicle, which remains in connection with the lower }>art of the hiteral wall of the brain- vesicle. Following the appearance of the optic vesicle, the anterior wall of the primary fore-brain vesicle projects as a small ovagination, which latter is then distinctly marked off from

Anterwr hrtUn-wtieU.

Middle brain-vesicle. P0Uerior breun-vesicle.


Primary optic vesicle.

Simik ^ optic vesicle. Inter-brain. Mid-brain. Hind-brain.

After-brain. Fore-brain.

Primary optic vesicle.

Jnier-brain. Mid-breun.



Fio. 142.~Diagrram8 illustrating the primary and secondary segmentation of the brain-tube (Bonnet).

the parent vesicle by a groove on either side. This anterior divertieuhim is the secondary fore-brain vesicle or the vesicle of the cerebrum, and the original or ]>riniary fore-brain vesicle is now the vesicle of the inter-brain.

The division of the primary hind-brain is eflTected by the development of a constriction of its lateral wall, this resulting in the production of the secondary hind-brain or the vesicle of the cerebellum, and the after-brain or the vesicle of the medulla oblongata.

While the three primary vesicles at first lie in the same straight line, they begin to alter their relative positions shortly before division. The change of position is coincident with the flexures of the body of the embryo that occur at this time. Three well-marked flexures appear, the result being



Cephalic flexure.


Olfactory lobe

Optic stalk.


Cerebral portion of Pontine pituitary body. fltxure.

Fig. 143.— Diagram shuwin^ relations t)f l)raiii-vesiclvs ami flexures (Bonnet\

that the fore-brain is bent over ventrad to a marked degree. The most anterior of these flexures, and the first t4) develop, is the so-called cephalic flexure (Fig. 143), the primary forebrain, in the advanced stiite of the curvature, being bent around the termination of the chorda dorsiUis so as to form a right angle, and later, after its division, an acute angle with the floor of the mid-brain. This curvature makes th(» mid-brain very prominent as regards the surface of the embryonic body, producing the parietal elevation or the prominence of mid-brain. In the region of the future pons Varolii, on the floor or ventral wall of the secondary liind-brain, is a second wullmarked an^^iilarity. This is the pontal flexure. Its convexity projects forward.

A third bond, the nuchal flexure, is a less pronounced cnrvature at the jniicture of the after-brain with the spinal part (if the neural tube.

The Metamorphosis of the Fifth Brain-vesicle.— The fifth brain-vesicle, the caudal division of the primary hind-brain, (lifferentiates into the strnctnres whioh surnmnd the lower half of the fourth ventricle, these stnictures con

F\a. 144.— Diagram of > sinrlttal section or the brain of ■ mammal, sbowlng tbe trpc of stroctiirc and tlic pailB that develnji from the Beveral bialn-TeBlclei (modified rrnm Edltim^r).

stituting the mTelenceplialoii (Pig. 144). The Ustological clianges eorresjjond essentially with those that occur in the spinal segment of the neural tube, the aerve-cells and fibers and the neuroglia resulting from the diilbreiitiation of the original ectoderniic epithelium of which the wall of the tube is composed, and the coimective-tiflaue stroma growing into these from the surrounding mesoderm.

There is a marked disproportion between the rate of growth of the tube in different parts of its circumference. The great thickening of the ventral and lateral walls produces the several parts uf the mednlla oblongata. In the dorsal wall growth occurs to such slight extent that the wall in this region remains a thin layer of epithelium. As a consequence, the cavity of the neural tube is not encroached upon on its dorsal side and the central canal of the spinal cord therefore expands in the myelencephalon into a much larger space, the lower half of the future fourth ventricle. This relative expansion of the central canal begins to be apparent in the third week in the human embryo, from which period it continues to increase. A cross-section through the lower part of the developing medulla shows a cavity which is narrow laterally but which has a considerable anteroposterior extent. A section at a higher level disclosc^s a triangular space, the base of the triangle being the dorsal wall of the cavity.

At the time when the cavity of the after-brain acquires a distinctly triangular shape — about the third week — each thickened lateral half of the tube is divisible into a ventral and & dorsal segment, these being known respectively as the basal lamina and the alar lamina (Fig. 145).

The first indication of the longitudinal fiber-tracts of the medulla is presented by two bands of fibers which appear upon

the surface of the alar lamina and which constitute the ascending root of the fifth nerve and the ascending root (funiculus solitarius) of the vagus and glossopharyngeal nerves. These are later covorcil in by the folding over of the dorsal part of the alar lamina (Fiff. 146) and thnaighupiHT part core- tlius coiiic to ()crn)>y tlicir permanent bviiar rtri<m. of tho po^jticm ill tlic interior of the medulla.

fourlh venlrielo <.f an * /» i i i •

omhryo (His): r, roof of 1 hc parts of the alar lamina^ that are

mv.rai ;a""i : "/. "i"r f^^i^j^.^j ^,^,^.,. j^^ ^\^^ manner referred

Iniiiina ; W, basal luiiiina ;

r. ventral ixjrdiT. to diiliTeiitiatc for the most part

into the restiform bodies or inferior peduncles. These are distinguishable in the third month. The anterior pyramidal tracts develop from the ventral parts of the basal lamiiue and are recognizjible in the fifth month. CoiiK*i<leiitally with the f\)rmation of the fibers, the gray matter of th(* medulla assumes its prrmancnt form and arrangement. This gray matter, although in part ])eculiar to the

nie<1iilla, is in great measure hut the continuation of the gray matter of the spinal cor*l rearranged and differently related because of the motor and sensory decussations and of the dorsal expansion of the central canal. A notable feature of this

■t/ {Ills) : V, ventml border : (, tenls : ot, otic vesicle ;

rearrangement is the presence of masses of gray matter immediately beneath the floor or ventral wall of the now expanded cavity or fourth ventricle.

As stated above, the dorsal \vall of the aftcr-brain vesicle remains an extremely thin epithelial lamina, and the cavity in consequence expands toward the dorsal surface. Owing to the excessive delicacy of this dorsal wall of the cavity, it ia easily destroyed in dissection, with the effect of disclosing a triangular fossa (Fig. 151) on the dorsal surface of the medulla, which in connection with a similar depression on the dorsal surface of the pons, constitutes the rbomboidal fossa, or the foortli Tentride of the brain.

It is often stated in descriptions of the medulla and fourth ventricle that the latter is produced by the opening out of the central canal of the cord to the dorsal surface. It should be borne in mind, however, that the central canal does not, in reality, open out to the surface, although it may appear to do so l)ecause of the attenuated condition of its dorsal boundary. The thin epithelial roof or dorsal wall of the aflerbrain l>ecomes adherent to the investing layer of pia mater, thus forming the tela choroidsa inferior, which roofs over the lower half of the fourth ventricle (Fig. 144). The piamater invnj^inUcs ilu» epithelial layer to form the choroid plexuses of the fourth ventricle. Although apparently within the cavity of the ventricle, the choroid plexuses are excluded from it hy the layer of epithelium, the morphological roof of the after-hrain, which they have pushed before them.

AVhile, for the most part, the roof of the after-brain consists of the thin epithelial layer referred to above, there are slight linear thickenings, the ligulsB, along its latei'al margins, and at its lower angle, the obex. At the up|)er margin of the roof, at the place of junction with the hind-brain, there is also a thicken<>d area, the inferior medullary velum. These regions of thick<T tissue serve to eife<'t the transition from the thin epithelial layer that helps to form the inferior choroidal tela to the more massive boundaries of the rhomboidal fossa.

The Hind-brain Vesicle or Metencephalon. — The

metencephalon <*onsists of the pons, the cerebellum with its suj)erior and mid<lle jx^duncles, and the valve (valve of A"ieuss(Mis). the>e structures are j)r()duced by the thickening of the walls of the fourth or hind-brain vesicle.

Th(» pons is forni<Ml by the thickening of the ventnd wall of the vesi(rlc. Its tnmsverse libers become recognizable durintr the fourth mouth.

The cerebellum grows iVom tin? posterior part of the nK)f or dorsid wall of the vesicle (Fig. \A\). The lirst indication of its development is seen as a thick transverse ridge or fold on th(; po>terior extremity of the <lorsid wall (Fig^*. 147, 1 4S). In tli<* tliinl mouth the <M'ntral j)art of this ridge, now grown larger, )>r('S('uts iour deep transverse grooves with the n'sult oi* dividing the originid eminence into five transverse ridges. The grooved ))art of the ridge is the ]>ortion that subse<|ueutly becomes the vermiform process or median lobe of the cerebelluui, while the smooth lateral ])ortious becom<' the lateral hemispheres. As the vermiform process increases in bulk, two of the ridges come to lie ujM)n its upper surface and three? on the inferior aspi»ct. These ridg(»s and furrows j)ersist throughout lifi^ as the principal convolutions and fissures of the vermiform process (Figs. 14J», 1 :»<)).

The lateral parts of the primary ridge inercaso in size and eventually, in the hiiin&n bmin, outstrip the niwlian lobe in pritwlh. They acquire their chief transverse fifisures in the fourth or fifth iiKinth, and the smaller sulci later.

The thickened cerebellar ridge nn the roof of the hindbrain vesicle being continuous with the lateml walls, the continuity of the cerebellar hemispheres with the jHins through the middle and superior cereliellnr |>eiliincles and with the medulla by means of the inferior pcdnnrles. is easily

thickens and dcvelojxs into the cerebellum, all the remaining part of this roof remains relatively thin and becomes the anterior medullary velum or the valve of Vieussens (Fig. 144). The relations of this structure in the mature brain, stretching across, as it does, from one sujHjrior cerebellar })eduncle to the other and l)eing continuous posteriorly with .the white matter of the cerebellum, ixw. easily explained in the light of the fact that all these parts are but the specialized dorsal and lateral walls of the hind-brain vesicle. Since the roof of the hind-brain vesicle is continuous with that of the after-brain or fifth vesicle, it will be seen that the cerebellum must be in continuity with the roof of the medullary part of the fourth ventricle. The transition from the cerebellum to the epithelium of the tela choroidea inferior is eifected by a pair of thin crescent-shaped bands of white nerve-matter which i>ass downward from the central white-matter of the cerebellum, and which are collectively known as the inferior or posterior medullary velum. Thus, as the result of unecpial growth, there are ])ro<luced from the continuous dorsid walls of the fourth and fifth vesicles the thin laminar medullary velum or valve, the massive cerebellar lob(»s, the thin bands known as the infi^rior niedullarv velum, and the single layer of epithelimn which, with a layer of pia mater, constitutes the inferior choroidal tela.

Although the fourth and fifth brain-vesicles are at first delimited from each other by a constriction, this constriction, as development goes on, <Iisappears, the cavity of the fourth vesicle and that of the iifth together constituting the fourth ventricle of the brain.

The walls of th<» fourth or hind-brain vesicle then give rise vent rally to the j)ons, latendly to the superior and middle cerebellar peduncles, and dorsally to the valve* and the cerebellum, while its cavitv beciunes the anterior half of the fourth ventricle.

The Mid-brain Vesicle. — The third brain-vesieh? or the vesicle of the mi<l-l)rain or mesencephalon gives rise to the structures surroun<ling the acpieduct of Sylvius, the ])ersistent part of the cavity constituting the aqueduct itself.

The thickeninir of the ventral wall of the vesicle results in the formation of the crura cerebri and the poaterior peribrated lamina nr space included between them. The crura first become apparent in the third month as a j»air of rounded longitudinal ridges on the ventral siirface of the vesicle. These remain relatively small until the fifth month, when the longitudinal fibers of the pons begin to grow into them. After this occurrence their increase in size is comparatively rapid, their ventral parts or cmsta becoming separated from each other ami iiidndiiig between tiieni the posterior perforated lamina.

The roof or dorsal wall of the mid-brain vesicle undergoes considerable thickening (Fig, 147), especially in the Sauropsida (birds, reptiles, fishes). In the fifth week a longitudinal ridge appears upon the dorsal wall, which in the third month is replaced by a furrow. The expansion of the wall on each side of the furrow produces a pair of rounded eminences (Figs. 148-151), which, in birds, attain to a much

Fig. UK.— Brain aire; f 6, foro-brafu ; lb, brain: P, ruliln uf pLa

greater development than in mammals and constitute the corpora bigemina or optic lobes. In the human emhr}'o, each of these elevations is divided into two by an oblique groove, and thus arc formed the coipora qtiadiigemina, which are peculiar to man and other mammals.

The jiart of the dorsal wall of the vesicle that underlies the corpora quadrigemina is the lamina qnadrigemina.

The thickening which the walls of the vesicle undergo to produce the several parts of the micl-bmin encroaches so miicli iiiK)n its cavity thatan I'.xceedinj^'ly small cjiual, the aqueduct of Sylvius, remains. It is scarcely necessary to piHiit out llijtt llii>; canal is a part of the ventricular system of the iiniii), ost:ihli'-hiu<;a ctminiunicatiou l>etweeu the fourth ventricle ami the thini ventricle or tyivity of the intcr-braiu. The Metamorphosis of the Inter -brain "Vesicle. — The inter-limiii vesicle results fn.m the division of the primary fore-brain vehicle, comprising what in lell of the latter after the outgrowth from it uf the diverticulum that l>ecome8 the secondary fore-brain. The thickening of the walls of the inter-brain vesicle produces the sirueture-s which surround the third ventricle in the mature eoudition, and which constitute collectively the thalomencephalon or inter-brain, the cavity of tJie vesicle persisting as the adult third ventricle. These Btructures are the optic thalajoi, which iirc iorincd from the lateral walls; the velum interpoBitum and the pineal bod7> which develop from the roof; and the lamina cinerea, the

Fig. ]4S,~A. mualsl icrtiDii IhroURh bniiii <i[ a huiunii rclUB of two-Bud-a-bfttf months (Hla): cA. cerebral lii'mlnphi-'ru ; o. ituWc UinliiiDue:/Hi. ri>niin«n of Monro; o{f, olOwtory tobc: p, pllultar; body ; no, minlulU (iblongaU: eq, corpora quadrlpmlDai tb, eerebetlum, B, brain of human Celui of (hrve montbi (HI*): olf, olftntory Inlie; rM, rnrpUB sltUlum; eq, corpora quadriffemlna ; eft, eerebBllnrnj inn, mcdiinn obloiiKOU.

tuber cinereum, the infiindibuluin, the posterior lobe of the pituitary body and the corpora albicantia, which are differentiatoil fiiuii the floor of the vesicle.

The lateral walls of the vesicle undergo the most marked thickening. The cell-multiplication here is so r.ipid that each lateral wall is converted into a large ovoiil inaris of cells with iiiterminglctl bands of fibers, the optic thalamus.

The roof of the inter-brain vesicle, in nutahle with the lateral walls, remains extremely thin throiighnnt the greater part of its extent (Fig. 144). Fmm ihe Ijack part of the roof, at a point immediately in front of the lamina iiiiadrigeiuina of the mid-brain, a diverticulum grows otit and becomes metamorphosed into the pineal tody. With this e.\ception, the roof of the vesicle reinains a single layer of epithelium, just aa in the ease of the roof of the afterbrain. This epithelial layer adheres closely to the pia mater, which covers it in common with the other parts of the hrain. As the fore-brain expands, it covers the inter-brain, the under surface of the cerebral hemispheres of the former l>eing closely applied to the roof of the latter. As a consetjucnce, the pia mater on the under surface of the fore

Fin. i:iO.—itra<n of A^tm of ihreemnnihs, enlarged. Tbc outer wall of the light

hcmlipheru hu been lemoveil ; LH, left bemlHpliere ; Ca, part of corpiu ■Irialum; FS, site of fossa of Kylviiis; I', vascular fold of pia mater which has been InvagInalcd ihniuRh the mesial wall of the hemisphere: Mb, miil-broln; C.ceiebellum; Jf , medulla oblongala,

brain is brought into contact with and adheres to the pia covering the roof of the inter-brain. Thus the thin epithelial roof of the inter-brain becomes closely united with the two layers of the pia luater to form the velnm iutarpodtam or tela choroidea anterior or superior of adult anatomy. Obviously, the edges of the velum interpositum rest upon the optic thalami, and its piamatral layers are continued into the cavities of the lateral ventricles (Fig. 150). The space occupied by the velum is designated the transyerse fissure of the brain, and it is often stated that the pia mater is pushed in from behind, between the optic thalami and the cerebral hemispheres. As will be seen from the above description^ however, its development really begins in front.

The pineal gland or conarium develops from the back part of the roof of the inter-brain at its point of junction with the mid-brain (Fig. 144). This body is found in all vertebrate animals except the amphioxus, but its form varies greatly in difierent groups. In all cases it begins as a small pouch-like evagination from the roof of the inter-brain, the diverticulum being directed forward. In the human brain alone the structure is subsequently directed backward, so that it conies to occupy a position just over the corpora quadrigemina. This peculiarity of location is due probably to the greater development of the human corpus callosum, by whicli the conarium is crowded backward.

In selachians (sharks and dog-fish), the enlarged vesicular end of the diverticulum, which is lined with ciliated columnar cells, lies outside the cranial capsule and is connected with the inter-bruin by the lonij: hollow stalk which perforates the roof of the (M-aiiiuni. In many reptiles, the conarium is more liighly specialized. In the chameleon, for example, the peripli(;ral extremity has the form of a small closed vesicle which lies outside the roof of the cranium and which is covered by a trans|)aroiit pat(*li of skin. The stalk in this case is ])artly a solid cord and ]>artly a hollow canal, which latter oj)ens into the cavity of the inter-brain. The solid portion lies within a foramen in the pjirietal bone, the parietal foramen. A farther modification of the conarium is jiresented in lizards, blind- worms, and some other reptiles. In these the vesicle underji^oes a marked specializjition, its peripheral wall being so nicxlilled as to become trans))arent and to resemble the crystalline lens of the eye, while the opposite deeper wall comes to consist of several layers of cells — some of which become piirmente<l — ainl ac(juire«* a striking resemblance to the retina. The stalk of the body, which perforates the roof of the skull and is attacheil to the roof of the interbrain, bears a certain likeness to the optic nerve, being solid and composed of fibers and elongated cells. The presence of the transparent epidermal plate which covers the vesicle serves to complete the similarity of this particular type of pineal body to the eye of vertebrate animals. It is for this reason that it is often designated the pineal or parietal eye and that it has been looked upon as a third or unpaired organ of vision.

In man and other mammals and in birds the pineal diverticulum does not reach the degree of development that is attained in certain of the Reptilia. The evagination from the roof of the inter-brain begins in the sixth week in the human embryo. The peripheral end of the process enlarges somewhat and small masses of cells project from it into the surrounding mesodermic tissue. These cellular outgrowths, giving off secondary projections, become converted into small closed follicles lined with columnar ciliated cells. The follicles in the case of mammals very soon become solid or nearly so by the accumulation of cells in their interior. Solid concretions of calcareous matter, the so-called brain-sand (acervulus cerebri) are found in the follicles in the adult. By these alterations the pineal body of birds and mammals acquires a structure resembling that of a glandular organ. Since it is onlv the end of the diverticulum that becomes thus altered, the remaining part constitutes the relatively slender stalk of the pineal body, the stalk being solid at maturity except at its point of attachment to the inter-brain, where a portion of the cavity persists as the pineal recess of the third ventricle.

The pineal body of man and the higher vertebrates is therefore a rudimentary structure and is the representative of an organ that is much more highly developed in some of the lower members of the same series. Its true significance is still a matter of conjecture. Although resembling the eye in its structure, and although regarded by some on that account as primitively an organ of vision, it is considered probable by others that in its most highly developed condition it is an organ of heat perception.

The floor of the inter-brain vesicle presents several interesting

iiu'tainorphosos. Tlui anterior ])art of the floor n?mains quite thill an<l Ix'coines the lamina cinerea of th<^ niatinv hraiu (Fig. 111). Iiuiiiediately posterior to this region, the floor of the vesiele poiK^hes out, this evagination developing into a slender IhIm', (he inftmdibuluin. Behind the [XHut of origin of the ini'undilMihiin a sc>eond protnheranee indicrates the beginning nf* (lie tuber cinereum. By subse(|uent altenitions, the tuber eiurreiini enlarmnir in ('ircuniferenee so as to include the point ol'ori<::in of the infundibnlnm, the base of attachment III" the infnn(lil)nluin eonies to be the center of the tuber riniTruni, so that the cavity of the former is a continuation of thr eavilv of the latter. the end of the infundibulum limiMies tiie posterior lobe of tiie pituitary body or hsrpoMliynlH ( Vi\r>, 144 and 140). Posterior to the tulxjr cinertiiiiii a small evagination of the floor of the vesicle .ippiMi'i an<l berimes divide<l in the early part of the fourth iiiniilh iiiln two lateral halves bv a median furrow. The Iwii bllh' bodies thus forme<l become, after further developiiH lit. ihr corpora albicantia.

I hr hypophysis or pituitary body briefly referred to above iii|iiiir: iimrr <'.\tende(l consideration because of its morlihuiti^firid liiipnriancc. The posterior lobe of this body is the • iil.ii^fiil nid of the infiindihulnm, which is an evagination of I hi iImiii 111' I he inlcr-brain. The cells in the lower end of I hi iiitiiiiihbiihnu specialize into nerve-cells, and ncrvelilii I < .il:ii drv<'h»p. In some lower vertebrates these eleiiii 111 < .111* i-i'iiiiiird throu(rhout lii'<\ but in man and the hi;'. hi I l\pi- niiiiiial> the distinctively nervous character of ihi II- 111 • I- -ooii lost, and the cavity of this part of the ihiiiiiilihiihiiii iill'ris oblitenition. The bmnched ])igmentiilh •iiiir(iiiir-i nM'oiTiii/jihh' in the j)osterior K)b(» of the hiiiiiaii piiiiitiir\ body an* the only remnant of tiie early III I \ »• ii'lU.

I hi' Hiitttiior lobn of the hypophysis is essentially different III Hiii'.iii ii^ wi'll MM in structure from tin* ]>ost<»rior h»be. It i- piodiii-nl b> nil cviiixination from the pcisterior wall of the piiiiiili\c phar\n\,l»ut from that region of the ])harvnx which i- anterior to the |»haryngcal membrane and which therefore bcloii^> to the primitiv(^ mouth-cavity (Fig. GO, p. l;ilj. The out-pocketing of the pharyngeal wall begins in the fourth week, shortly after the rupture of the pharyngeal membrane. The little pouch is the pocket of Bathke. The pouch grows upward and backward toward the floor of the inter-brain and meets the end of the infundibulum. As the pliaryngeal diverticulum lengthens, its stalk becomes a slender duct, which for some time retains its connection with the pharynx. As the membranous base of the skull becomes cartilaginous, the duct begins to atrophy, and finally entirely disappears. In selachians, however, it is retained permanently, establishing thus a connection between the hypophysis and the pharyngeal cavity. AVith the disappearance of the duct the enlarged extremity of the diverticulum becomes a closed vesicle lying now within the cavity of the brain-case, in contact with the end of the infundibulum. From the wall of the vesicle numerous little tubular projections grow out into the enveloping mesodermic tissue, and these, by detachment from the parent vesicle, become closed tubes or follicles. The entire structure becomes converted in this manner into a mass of closed follicles held together by connective tissue, after which event this mass acquires intimate union with the infundibular lobe.

Thus the pituitary body consists of two genetically distinct parts, the anterior lobe being derived from the ectoderm of the primitive pharyngeal or buccal cavity, and the posterior lobe from the ectoderm of the central nervous svstem. The posterior lobe, developing as it does as an evagination from the floor of the inter-brain, is to be regarded as a small outlying lobe of the brain.

AVHiat remains of the cavity of the inter-brain, after its walls have thus developed into the several structures described, is the third ventricle of the adult brain, and the aperture of communication with the secondary fore-brain vesicles becomes the foramen of Monro. Since the lateral walls become the massive optic thalami, while the dorsal and ventral walls give rise to much thinner structures, the cavity of the vesicle is encroached up(m to a greater extent on the sides than from above and below, and hence the form of the third ventricle in the mature condition is that of a narrow vertical fissure between the thalami.

The Metamorphosis of the Fore-brain Vesicle. —

The secondary lore-brain vesicle gives rise to the telencephalon, which includes the cerebral hemispheres and the structures belonging directly to them. As above indicated, this vesicle grows from the anterior wall of the primary forebntin vesicle as a diverticulum which is at first single, but which sfK)n becomes divided into two lateral halves by the formation of a cleft in the median plane (Fig. 147, /6). This cleft or interpallial fissure is the early representative of the longitudinal fissure of the adult cerebrum. The two vesicles remain attached at their bases or stalks with the parent vesicle and communicate by a common orifice with its cavity. The vesicles of tiie secondarj' fore-brain grow in an upward and backward direction as well as laterally, and their develo])ment is so much more raj)id than that of the other vesicles that they soon spread over them and partially hide them from view. It is for this reason that the mass resulting from the fore-bniin vesicles, except their basal ganglia, is known in comparative anatomy as tiie pallium or mantle (Fig. 144).

The relative rate of growth of the cerebral hemispheres is such that in the third month th(»y completely overlie the inter-bniin and bv the sixth month thev have extended so far back as to hide the corpora rjuadrigcniina.

The mesodermic tissue surrounding the developing brain becomes ditlerentiated into the three brain-membranes, which penetrate into the fissure and thereforc invest the vesicles on their mesial surfaces as well as elsewhere. The invaginating layers of the dura mater constitute the ])rimitive falx cerebri.

The metamorphosis of this pair of sacs into the cerebral hemis])heres is broujrht about by three important processes : first, the multiplication of the cells whicli compose its walls to form the masses <»f nerve-cells and fibers of the hemispheres ; second, the formation of folds in the wall whereby are pr<Khiced the fissures which divide the hemispheres into lobes and convolutions ; and third, the development of adhesions within certain areas between the mesial walls of the two vesicles, by which the system of commissures of the hemispheres is produced.

The walls of the cerebral vesicles are at first very thin, consisting merely of several layers of spindle-shaped cells. By the rapid multiplication of these cells, the walls are thick•ened and the cavity of the vesicle is gradually encroached upon until the mature condition of the brain is attained, when the cavity is relatively very much smaller than in the fetus and constitutes the ventricle of the hemisphere or the lateral ventricle. The nerve-cells develop processes or polar prolongations, of which the most conspicuous, the axis-cylinder processes, lengthen out to form the axis cylinders of nerve-fibers. The fibers thus formed are directed away from the surface and make up the white medullary matter of the hemispheres, while the more superficially placed layers of cells constitute the gray matter of the cortex of the brain.

In addition to the cortical or superficial gray matter there are masses of gray matter within the hemisphere, the basal ganglia, which are likewise collections of nerve-cells. Witliin a limited area on the lateral wall of each cerebral vesicle, near the lower margin, the cells undergo excessive proliferation resulting in the production of a large ganglionic mass, the corpus striatum, and of two smaller aggregations of cells, the claustrum and the nucleus amygdala. These basal ganglia are in reality an infolded part of the cortex.

Inasmuch as the cortical matter develops more rapidly, as regards superficial extent, than does the medullary substance, the cortex becomes thrown into folds, forming thus the convolutions and fissures of the hemispheres.

Some of the fissures of the brain are produced by an infolding of the entire thickness of the vesicle-wall so that their presence is indicated by corresponding projections in the walls of the ventricles. Such fissures are distinguished as total fissures. Included in this category are the fissure of Sylvius, which is represented in the wall of the lateral ventricle by the corpus striatum; the calcarine fissure, the dentate fissure, and the collateral fissure, which are responsible respectively for the calcar avis, the hippocampus major, and the collateral eminence of the lateral ventricle ; and the gnst transrerse flseure of the brain, the infolded wall in thia case being very thin and consisting merely of the layer of epithelium which covers the choroid plexus.

The flssnre of Sylvins is the earliest fissure formed and one of the most imjmrlant. At an early period in the history of the secondary fore-brain, there is a region in the lower part of the lateral wall of the vesicle where expansion is loss rapid than elsewhere, this area, as it were, remaining fixed. As the vesicle-wall innnediatoly surrounding thb

8))ot etmtiniies to expaml, n dimpling of the wall is produced, (he depression bcinfj (li'sii;imtc(l the fossa of Sylvius (Fig. 152, S'V The jKirt of the vcsiclo-wall In-hind the fos.'ia advances forwanl and downward to form the future temporal lobe, and thus till- fiwHJi ronu's ti» Ih' siirroiindwl hy a convolution having the form of an incfiniplctt' rinfr, i>|M'n in front — the ring lobe. The llcmr of tlii^ fossi undcinocs very eonsidorable thiekeninj; to form ilie basal ganglia — that is, the corpus striatum, the amygdaloid niielens, and lln" ehuistnim. These structures, most conspicuously tli<' i-orpns striafmn, cniToiioh ujKin the cjivily of iho vesiili', the nucleus caudatus of the

corpus Btriatum bulging intu the floor anJ outer wall of the adult lateral ventricle.

The cortical matter of the floor of the fossa of Sylvius, beiug circumscribed by a groove or sulcus, constitutes tbe

bi. wllh right half of fore-braJn. Dved: lb, CBvilf of inter-brHln; hy, stle of b^p. : Mbr. mid-brain roof; mv, nilil-braliL cuvily ; C wrvbi-lliiin : M. medulla

central lobe or island of Reil, which is subsequently brokea up, by seiMjndnry fissures, into from five to seven email convolutions.

By the extension of the fossa of Sylvius backward, and by the increased gi^owth of the vesicle-wall above and below it, the fossil is converted into the flssnre of Sylvius (Fig. 156, B)y and the island of Iteil is hidden from view. Subsequently the ascending and anterior limbs are added to the chief or horizontal part of the Kssure.

The anterior part of the ring lol>e corresponds with the future frontal lobe, the ]K>sterior part represents the parietal lobe while the lower part of the ring becomes the temporal lobe. A backward extension of the ring lobe produces the occipital lobe.

The cavity of the vesicle is mcKlifiiMl in form and extent eoincidentally with the formation of the corpus striatum and the alterations in the ring lobe. Just as the ring lobe partially encircles the fossa of Sylvius, so does the cavity of i\w. ventricle partially encircle the corpus striatum. An anterior prolongation of the cavity extends into the com|>l<»tc(I frontal lobe as the anterior comu of the ventricle, and iin (»xteusion downward and forward into the apex of the temporal lobe constitutes the descending comu, while the posterior horn is ^nulually protruded into the occipital lobe as ihr latter dcvc](>])s. From the earliest stage, therefore, until I he eoiii])lete(l condition is attained, the cavity of the ventrieli' eoiilonns in a general way to the shape of the henii■'?ph«Te. The a])ertiires of (Mummiuieation between the vesirli-j (>r thi* cerebrum and the eavitv of the inter-brain are the lithr Y shaped foramen commune anterius or the foramen of M«»iito.

The numial surfaces of the hemispheres are much modified ht ehintieirr by the (levelopnicnt here of two total fissures, (hr tiiruato flKHure and the choroid fissure. TIksc ap|)ear in Hie lillh week while the ve^i<*les are >till separate fnun each iiilnr ilnNMi III (heir Ntall\< of attaehnient to the inter-brain, pii«ii it» the development, th(M*efor(', of tile eorpiis callosuni .Old the Cnriiiv. The two lis<ni*e^ lie ejox' to<rother, pandlel Willi iiiili othri* an«l with the niarLrin of the riuir lobe, their r»»iir-.i' ront'nnniiiL: lo ihiit ot'ihe eaviiv t»t'the ventricle. Ik»'jiiiiiMiv ne;ir the anlrrioi* evtreniitv of the brain, ahove the

level of the corpus striatum, they pass backward and then downward and afterward forward to terminate near the anterior extremity of the temporal lobe, thus incompletely encircling the striate body.

The arcuate flssnre is the more peripherally placed of the two. Its anterior portion lies just above the region throughout which adhesions subsequently develop between the two hemispheres, or in other words, above the position of the future corpus callosum (Fig. 154, a./.). This part of the arcu

Fig. 154.— Mesial surface of left fore-brain vesicle of brain shown in Fig. 148 (F6) : /.3/, foramen of Monro, or opening into inter-brain ; o/, arcuate fissure : chj, choroid fissure ; r," randbogen," corresponding to future corpus callosum and fornix; o^f, olfactory lobe.

ate fissure is the sulcuB of the corpus callosum of the mature brain. The posterior segment, that which belongs to the temporal lobe (not present at this stage), is the future bippocampal or dentate Assure. The hippocampal fissure is represented ujion the mesial wall of the descending horn of the lateral ventricle by the prominence known as the hippocampus major.

The choroid fissure or fissure of the choroid plexus, forming an incompI<?te ring within, and parallel with, that described by the arcuate fissure, encircles the corpus striatum more closely (Figs. 154, 155). It begins at the foramen of Monro, and its anterior part lies under the position of the body of the future fornix. It then sweeps around into the tem])oral lobe and terminates near the anterior part of the latter. The fissure of the chon)id plexus, like other total fissures, is an infoMing of the wall of the cerebral vesicle. It presents the l>eculiarity, however, that the infolded part of the wall is extremely thin, consisting of but a single layer of epithelial cells. The pia mater, which everywhere closely invests the surface of the bniin, is infolded with the vesicle-wall, the infolded part becoming very vascular and constituting the choroid plexus of the lateral ventricle. The choroid plexus, although within the limits of the ventricle, is excluded, strictly sjKjaking, from its cavity by the layer of epithelium which still covers it and which has been simply pushed before it into that cavity. Since the epithelial layer is very thin and easily ruptured, the choroid fissure is apjiarently an opening into the cavity of the ventricle through which the pia enters ; in the adult it is called the great transverse fissnre of the brain.

The calcarine Assure, another of the total fissures, develops in the latter part of the third month as a branch of the arcuate fissure. It bulges into the mesial wall of the posterior horn of the ventricle, i)r()ducing the elevation known as the calcar avis or hippocampus minor. Since the posterior horn of the ventricle is developed as an extension of the cavity into the backward prolongation of the ring lobe which forms the occipital lobe, the calcarine fissure necessarily is later in appearing than the fissures above described.

The parieto-occipital fissure is added in the fourth month as a branch of the calcarine, ellecting the definite demarcation between the parietal and occi])ital lobes.

The fissure of Rolando develo]is in the latter part of the fifth month in two ])arts. The two furrows are at first entirely se])arat('(l from each other by an intervening area of cortex. Subsecjuently this part of the cortex sinks l>eneath the surface, as it were, sinec it expands less rajndly than the adjacent regions, and in this way the upi>er and lower limbs of the fissure become continuous. The sunken cortical area is to Ix* found even in the adult brain as a deep anneetant gyrus embedded in the Kolandic fissure at the position of its superior genu. TIk^ development of the fissure of Kolando effects the division betw(HMi the fnmtal and jwirietal lobes.

The collateral fissure appears in the sixth month as a longitudinal infolding of the mesial wall of the hemisphere below and parallel with the hippocarapal fissure. Being a total fissure, its presence affects the wall of the cavity of the vesicle, producing the eminentia collateralis. At about the same time the calloso-marginal Assure . makes its appearance, and this is morphologically continuous, through the medium of the post-limbic sulcus, with the collateral fissure (Fig. 157). These three fissures constitute the peripheral boundary of a region of the mesial wall which is known in morphology as the falciform or limbic lobe.

The longitudinal Assure in the early stage of the growth of the cerebrum separates the two vesicles from each other except at the place where they are attached to the inter-brain ; here the two sacs are united by that part of their common anterior wall which is immediately in front of the apertures of communication with the inter-brain and which is called the lamina terminalis.

The development of adhesions between the mesial surfaces of the hemisphere vesicles throughout certain definite areas marks the beginning of the corpus callosnm and the fornix. The fusion of these areas begins in the third month in the region corresponding to the anterior pillars of the fornix, the septum lucidum and the genu of the corpus callosum ; in the fifth and sixth months adhesion occurs in the position of the body of the fornix and of the body and splenium of the corpus callosum.

Although the central white medullary matter of the cerebral hemisphere is covered almost universally by the cortical gray matter, there is a limited area of the mesial surface from which the gray matter is absent, leaving the white matter ex]>osed. The area of uncovered white matter has the form of a narrow band, which begins at the base of the hemisphere, in front of the opening into the inter-brain, extends upward along the anterior wall of the inter-brain, then passes backward along its roof and curves downward and outward behind, and then forward under it, to terminate at the front part of the temporal lobe. Thus this white band, which is known as the fimbria, and which represents the lower mesial edge of the hemisphere, almost encircles the inter-brain. The fimbria runs between the arcuate fit^sureand the fissure of the choroid plexus (Fig. 155, /). It holds such a close relation to the lat

F[o. IM.— Mu'sl«l Bnrftcc of left hcmlsphcp;, hmln of fi'tim of three months (ciilurRiid) : /.. fiirnii: r.r.. beginning of u>rpus cHlluiam; c.rl., partot vuriiui atrtstiiiii iirelilnB uruiind fmra of Sylvius ; a/., unttrinr. mill nj./i.. |HiitvrU'r parti of urrnauj Huiin? ; rhj., i-l]i>ri>id Usrun.', the coni'ui li.v lH-tH'i'i.'ti u'liii'li und the corpni klrlatnin ucComniudatLii the luUT-linin, which hna Ik'vii ivmiirtil. The Itiaare U ■icL'Upiiil by the pla luutuc.

tor fissure, Iwiiig placet! on its ]>erii) side, that it constitutes the e<lge of the apjtaroiit o|Htniiig into the cavity of the vesicle thi-ough wliiuh the piji niiiter, iKiiriiig bloofl- vessels, is reflctrted iuto the interior, and which, as pointed out above, is the tniiisverM' fissure of the Itniin. The <i|ieuing is only a])piir(^nt, however, since tlif wall is still iinlirokfii, although reduced to ii single layer of ejntltflinin. The pia mater, forming, with its blood-vessels, the cliDniiil plexus of tlic lateral ventri.-Ie, pushes the layer "f cpirhellnin before it, and althoM^di the |)lexns is s;ii«l to be within the eiivily of the ventricle, it is still covtirod by the layer of epitliclinm, the ependrma, whifh lines that oiivity.

Thi' part of (he (iuibria that ini mediately overlies the roof of the inter-hrnin Iieeonii's iiitinmtely uniteil, as noted alx)ve, with the eorri'sponiling jiarl of the titiibria of the other heniis|ihen>, these fused portions of the two limhri;e forming a flat tnangular sheet, the body of the fornix. the anterior and IKisti'i'ior portions of the fimbria, wich diverge from the moilian plane, represent res|Mitiv<'ly the anterior ami posterior limbs of the fiiniix.

Noting the relation ->r tlu^ anterior part of the fimbria to till- a]>or(ur(Mif eonniinnii'ation between the inler-brain and the cereijnil vesicles, it becomes apparent that the anterior pillar of the fornix forms the anterior and n|»per Iwuiidarj' of

the foranifQ of Munro. When, further, one considers the relatiou uf the fimliria to the apparent oi>ening into the ventricle, through which the pia mater i« invaginated (the transverse fissure), it is explained why the edge of the fornix appears as a narrcjw white band, not only as viewed from within tile ventricular cavity, Imt tiho in a nit-Mal section of the brain (Fig. 156, C).

t^o. liiK.—Fctal tiriiln at thr \ieg\xm\ng of Ihe tiiihlh moiitli <MlliaIkovlm> : A.iiiperloi, B. Inderal, C, rnvslnl aiirfaru: K. tliaiiK of KoUndo: prf, ■■reecnlral fi«Buw; S|f, HylirlanHwure: inip, lntBrp»rletiil llHiiin.'; jhw, parfet(ww«lpil«l(i»aurB! pU, psratlel tiiuurv: eailra, calloiomirglnnl Buure: u'T, unoui : cale. culCBTine

Another important region of fusion of the opposed mesial surfaces of the hemispheres is that corresponding lo the future corpus calloBum Throughout this area the liemispheres closely unite with each otiier The line of fusion begins at the Imses of the vesicles, some little distance in front of the anterior parts of the fimbriie (Fig. 155, f-c). and after passing upward and luruird, curves horizontally backward kward I

in close relation with the fused portions of the fimbria?, now the body of the fornix. The atUiesiou begins at the anterior part in the third month, and atfects the regit)n of the body and gplenlum of the future corpus callosum in the fifth and sixth mouths. Fibers penetrate from one hemisphere to the , other throughout this zone of contact, intimately uniting the cerebral hemispheres. The corpus callosum is therefore & great commissure lietween the two halves of the cerebrum, and is necessarily composed of fibers having a transverse 1 direction.

While the back part of the corpus callosum lies over the body of the fornix and is in close contact with it, the front part of the body of the corpus collusum, as also its genu or | curve and its rostrum or ascending part are at some distance ( from the front parts of the fimbrite. In other words, while the j great longitudinal fissure extends at first to the bases of the cerebral vesicles, this fissure is made relatively loss deep by the adhesions which occur between the mesial walls and which result in the development of the corpus callosum ; and the space below the anterior part of the corpus callosum, between it and the anterior parts of the fimhriie (Fig. 1.56, C), is an isobtied part of the great lonrjitudinal fissure. This space is bounded on either side by thatjtart nf the wall of the corres- , ponding cerebral vesicle or hemisphere which is limited above | and in front liy the corpus collusum, and behind by the anterior part of the fimbria or anterior limb of the fornix. The ' space is the so-cniled fifth ventricle of the adult brain. The | circumscribed parts of the mesial walls of the hemisphei which form the lateral walls of the space, together constitute ' the Beptum lucidum. The jtarts of the hemisphere walls that ' become the septum lucidum do not participate iu the procesa ' of fusion mentioned above. Their surfaces are iu contact) [ however, and do not develop the typical gray cortical matter, I such OS appears elsewhere ujKin the surface of the cerebrum. J Cortical gray matter is produced here, but only iu radi- 1 mentary form.

From what has been said, it will be seen that the t layers of the septum lucidum are circumscritKid and opposed.

parts of the mesial walla of the hemispheres ; that the fifth ventricle is not a tnie ventricle but an isolated part of the longitudinal tiggure having no connection whatever witli the system of ventricular cavities ; and that this .so-called ventricle is not, like the true ventricles of the brain, lined with ependyma, but with atrophic gray cortical matter.

The limbic lobe has been referred to as that part of the mesial aurf'ace of the hemisphere which is circumscribed by the calloso- marginal fissure, the post-limbic sulcus, and the collateral fissure. It is limite<l centrally by the fissure of the corpus callosum and the hippocampal fissure, which are represented in the fetal brain by the single uninterrupted arcuate fissure. Hence the limbic lobe would include the gyrus fornicatus, the isthmus, and the gyrus uncinatua, which constitute morphologically a single ring-like convolution. Schwalbe, however, includes with this so-called limbic lobe all the surface of the mesial wall of the hemisphere included between the arcuate fissure and the fissure of the choroid plexua (Fig. 154), designating it the folciform lobe (Fig. 157).

The falciform lobo therefore consists of two ring-like convolutions, one within the other, the two l)eing separated from each other by the arcuate fissure (the adult callosal and dentaf« fissures) and being limited centrally by the fissure of the choruiii plexus (the great transverse fitisurc of the adult brain). While the outer of these concentric convolutions — the limbic lobe of Broca — develops into the fornicate or callosal, the isthmian, and the uncinate gyri, the inner ring differentiates but slightly, its cortical matter remaining atrophic. The atrophic condition of the cortex here is associated with those adhesions between the mesial walls of the hemispheres that result in the formation of the corpus callosum and the septum lucidum. By these adhesions the continuity of the inner concentric convolution is broken, and it is therefore represented, after the development of the corpus callosum, by the atrophic gray matter of the septum lucidum, by the gyrus dentatus, and by the lateral longitudinal striae on the free surface of the cor])us callosum, the latter being an atrophic or rudimentary convolution. Since the transverse fissure of the brain is the centric boundary of the ring, the fornix is also a part of the falciform lobe. To sum up, the falciform lobe includes the gyrus fornicatus, the isthmus, the gyrus uncinatus, the lateral longitudinal striae or taenia tectae of the corpus callosum, the gyrus dentatus, the lamina* of the septum lucidum and the fornix.

The olfactory lobe or rhinencephalon is an outgrowth from the vesicle of the cerebral hemisphere. Its development begins in the fifth week by the pouehing-out of the wall of the vesicle near the anterior part of its fioor (Figs. l-t7 and 149). This diverticulum, which contains a cavity contiinious with that (»f the vesicle, grows forward and so<ni l)ecomes somewhat clul)-sha]>ed. In the selachian.'^ (.sharks and dog-fish) the projection attains a great relative size, the olfactory lobes in these animals being one of the most eonsj)icuous ]uirts of the brain. In all mammals except man it is well developed, and in the horse its cavity persists throughout life. In man the cavitv soon becomes obliterated and the lobe itself in part aborts. The ])rotru(le(l })ortion, becoming more distinctly club-shaped, differentiates into the olfactory bulb and the olfactory tract, the ))osition of the original cavity being indicated by a more or less central mass of neuroglia conspicuous in cross-sections of those structures. The proximal portion (»f the olfactory lobe is represented in the adult human Urain by the gray matter of the anterior perforated lamina {or space), ami by the trigonuin ol facto riiiiii and the area of Broca, as well aa by the inner and outer roots of the olfactory tract (note olfactorj- lobe of dog's brain, t"ig. 156).

Fig.— Buc of dogabialn: al., o\lar\otj lube: a.ji,»., rcxiin corrcipandiiiK M r perforaled spa<-c. which la Incluiled in the ulllictorv l<ibc ; /.S.. IliiBurt nT i; a.h., hlppooampal ((>tus. deTelopvd to a Rn-iitor rtpRree than In human 1., leellonal siirCice of oltactoty lobe: m.. olltictury sulcus.

Because of the relation of the place of evagination of the olfactory lobe to the fossa of Sylvius, it happens that a |>art of this lobe, the anterior perforated lamina, is i^ititatcd at the commeneeincnt of the fissure of Sylvius and that it is in eoiithmity with Iroth extremities of the ring lobe; hence, the olfactory lobe Is connected with both extremities of the falciform lobe. To express it in the language of human anatomy, the outer or lateral root of the olfactory tract is connected with the gyiuB uncinatUB, while the inner or mesial root'may be traced to the fore part of the gyrus fomicatns.

After what has been said, the reader need scarcely be reminded that the olfactory bulb and tract, often erroneously referred to as the olfactory nerAe, are parts of a lobe of the

iirain, a lobe which in man is rudimentary but which in all o(h(M* mammals is well developed.

Tahulaied Rijnim^ of ihe Derivatives of the Brain-Besides,

Hkain VKtiK'l.KM. AfliT tiralu

Ililidbrnln vuhIcIo.

Mill tiruin VVblcie.




Medulla oblongata.

PonH Varolii.


Tela choroidea inferior.

Lateral walls.

Inferior peduncles of cerebellum.

Hiiroiidary fi in* bruin Vfnirlt*.

Peduncles of cerebrum. Posterior perforated space.

(N)rpora albicantlii. Tuber cintTcum, infundlbulum, and imrt of hypojihvHis. Uptic ehiiiHm.

AntiTlor |K'rfonittMl lamina. CorpUM 8triiitum. Island of \W\\. Olfai'tory lolic.

Po8terit)r medullary velum. Cerebellum. Anteri(»r medullary velum.

Posterior part of toKnientum.

Corpora quadriuemina. I^amina quadrigemina.

Pineal l>ody. Posterior commissure. Epithelium of velum interpositum.

Middle and superior peduncles of cerebellum.

Brachia. Internal geniculate bodies.

Optic thalami.

Convolutions of cerebral hemisplieres. Corpus rallosum. Fornix. iSeptum lucidum.


Fourth ventricle.

Aqueduct of Sylvius.

Third ventricle.

Lateral ventricles.


'I'lif (l<»v<*l<>|)m<'nt of the pcri])heral nervous system is still iiiV(»lvr<l ill some ilejxroe of obscurity. In general terms it nmy Iw .slal4*(l that tin* ])eri])lieral nervous apparatus is derive<l as an e\t<>nsion of the central cerehro-spinal axis.

In the ease of the spinal nerves, e^'ich nerve-trunk is com* poseil of hoth motor aiul sen.<orv fihers, the former being in continuity with the spinal cord tlirough the medium of the anterior (»r motor roots, and the latter through the posterior or sensory roots, ea<'h sensory root ))o.^.sessing a ganglion. The cranial nerves exhibit a less n^giilar composition. While the trigeminal nerve, for e.xam|>le, arises by two roots, after the manner of a spinal nerve, some others correspcmd in relative {N)sition and in mod(» of d<»velopinent to the ventral or motor r(M>ts of th(» spinal nerves, and still others are equivalent to the Hi»nsory spinal roots.

The deTelopment of the sensoir nerve-Sbers ib d^jH-udent upon and is preceiicd liy tliiit of the ganglia of the posterior roots of the tspinal nervi'.=, and nf several ganglia of the head rt'giiin which are related tu the development of certain of the cranial nerves. Hence the consideration of the genesis of

Firi. IM.

oritr Rnbl). The

primitive ergments vn atlLt conneL'Icd wilh Ihe reiaiiluluK porllnn genn-ltiTer. At the regiuu of tmnnltlon lliere ie to be ii

muHclc-plato ut the primiLlvc x gemi-Uyer ; pmi. i»ri«Ul, imi6, vlwx-ral mldillB Ujrpr. 8, crotMCClion through a Ilunl emhryo (nflvr Sagvuii'hl) : m, spinal cori] : tpa. lower thickened part of (he nuurul ridge: ipp'. Its Dpptr allcnuated part, which Ii conllnuoiu with the Toorof the Deural tube : ui. primitive aegmunt,

the ganglia niiist precede the account of the growth of the sensory nerve-fibers.

The oriKin of the ganglia is connected with the early history of the evoliilion nf the neural tuhe. Just after the sides of the medullary plate {vide p. 279) have united with each other to form the neural tube, there appear two ridges of cells between the tube and the epidermis, one on each side of the raphe or line of union of the sides of the tube. Thene ridges are the neural crests (Fig. 159). They first appear in the region of the hind-brain and advance from this point both headward and tailward. The ganglia develop from these neural crests. The cells of the neural crest are usually described as growing out from the neural tube, though according to His it is probable that they originate singly from the ectoderm.

Tlic mass of cells composing the neural crest grows out\vard and then ventrad along the Avail of the neural tube, and very soon undergoes segmentation into a number of cellmasses which are the rudimentary ganglia. In the spinal region the number of segments corresponds to the number of future spinal nerves. In the head region there are four segments. These latter, the cephalic ganglia, will be referred to sul)se(iuently.

The segmentation of the neural crest corresponds in the main witli the sogmcntation of the ])araxial plate of the inc.-odcrm, whereby the myotomes are ))ro(luced, and ench segment lies upon the inner side of :i myotome. The connection of the segments with the neural tnl)e beccmies reduced in each case to a slender strand, the point of continuity of which with the tube is shifted farther awav from the median line, as (level(>])nient proi^resses, to eorresptmd with tl)e dorsolateral position of tiie sensory nerve-roots in the mature condition.

theeells of the tranirlia ae<|nir(» eaeli an axis-evlinder process and a (h-ndrite or |)n>toj)la>iiiie process, beeoniing thus bijKjIar e<'lls. Tli«' axons or axis-eylinder |>i'oeesses make their way into the spinal e<)nl — in the ease of* the spinal gauiilia — eunstitnting ilui> the dorsal nerve-roots, and ])nrsne their eour>e within tiie eord as the e(>lnnins of (loll and Bnr<la('h. The (hndrites, eon>titntini:' llie distal ]>ortions of the dorsal roots, join tlir ventral r(K)i< (»ii the distal si<le of the iranulia and lM'<'onie liie sensory nerve-fibers of* the spinal nerves. Allhonirji these two proe«.*sses grow out from opposite sides of the cell, the further growth of the cell is such that both processes are connected with it by a common stalk, thus producing the cell with T-sha|)ed process so characteristic of the spinal ganglia. Thus the ganglia are made up of cells which are interpolated in the course of the sensory nerve-fibers, and these cells may be regarded as having mignited from the developing cerebrospinal axis, or, if the view of His be acc^ptwl, from the region of the e^ctoderm from which the tube originates, their connection with the axis l)eing maintained by the gradually lengthening out axis-cylinder process.

The development of the motor nerve-fibers differs from that of the sensory. These fibers, or at least, the axis cylinders of the fibers, are the elongated neurits of nerve-cells of the spinal cord and brain. The neuroblasts of the thickened neural tube, as they become fully differentiated nerve-cells, migrate from their central position into the mantel layer, or superficial stratum (Fig. 140). On the distal side of the nucleus of the cell, the protoplasm first becomes massed and then lengthens out to form an axis-cylinder processor neurit, which in all vertebrate animals grows out from the cerebrospinal axis to form the axis-cylinder of a motor nerve-fiber.

Although, in the wise of the spinal nerves, the motor and sensory fibers are separated from each other at their origin from the cord, they soon intermingle to constitute a spinal nerve-trunk. In certain lower types, as cyclostomes and amphioxus, the motor and the sensory fibers permanently pursue separate routes to their ]>eriphenil distribution.

The envelopes of the nerve-fiber are acquired at a relatively late period. The appearance of the neurilemma precedes that of the white substance of Schwann. The neurilemma is derived from the mesmlerm. The cells of the latter apply themselves to the nerve and, penetrating between the fibers, become arranged as an enveloping layer upon each axis cylinder, ultimately forming a complete sheath, the neurilemma. The persistent nuclei of these cells, scantily surrounded with protoplasm, constitute the nervecorpuscles of the neurilemma. The medulla, or white substance of Schwann, is formed at a considerably later period within the neurilemma. The ileixwit of the medullary sheath 1 varies as to time lor (Jifferent groups of SIhts — although the ] time is constant for each groti|j — unJ proceeds always in a direction away from the cell from which the fiber originates, or, differently expressed, in the direction in which the fiber eonveys impulses. Thus, in the spinal cord, groups of afferent fibers may be distinguished from those that are efferent hf observing the direction in wliich the medullary sheath develops — that is, whetiier tlio sheath appears first at the upper end | of the fiber or at the lower end.

The cranial nerve-flbers in their development follow in the \ main the same general principles that govern the growth of the iipina! nerves. That is to say, the motor fibers grow out 1 as extensions of the axis-cylinder processes of nerve-cells of i the cephalic jmrt of the neural tul)e and the sensory fibers \ proceed from the cells of outlying ganglia, or in the case of at least one nerve, the olfactory, from infolded and highly I specialized ceils of the ectoderm.

The cephalic ganglia, four in number, have been referred I to as resulting from tiie segmentation of the head-region of ] the neural crest. As previously stated, the neural crest I begins to grow first in the region of the hind-brain and j extends from this point both forward and backward, occupying a iwsition upon the roof or dorsal wall of the hind-brain. \ The part of the neural crest belonging to the head-region i then divides into the four masses or head-giinglia which are I designated respectively the first or tiigemmaJ, the second or ] acosticofadal, the third or glosBophanrngeal, and the fourth ; or vagal, ganglia.

The trigeminal ganglion, which is very large, becomes di- i vidwl into a smaller anterior (M>rtiou, the ophthalmic or ciliaiT ganglion, and a. larger posterior segment, the tiigemlsal j ganglion proper. These two become widely so|mrated durin^J llic pnigres.'i of development, since they constitute respeo-J lively the later ciliary and aasserian ganglia, the ciliary I ganglion belonging to the ophthalmic division of the fifth I nerve, while the trigeminal belongs to the sui^-rior maxillary J division and the sensory part of the inferior maxillary divi- J

<n of the fifth. Their nerve-cells give rW. to the sensory fibers of these trunks in the same manner that the cells of the spinal ganglia produce the sensory fibers of the spinal nerves.

The acusticofacial ganglion, afler its migration from its original position on the dorsum of the hind-brain, lies just in front of the otic vesicle. This ganglion subsequently divides into the facial and the acoustic ganglia. The facial ganglion, the geniculate ganglion or intumescentia ganglioform is of the facial nerve, situated in the facial canal of the temporal bone, although described as a ganglion upon a motor nerve, the facial, is, in reality, connected mainly with the pars intermedia, a bundle of sensory fibers issuing from the nucleus of origin of the glossopharyngeal nerve. It is equivalent therefore to a spinal ganglion.

The acoustic portion of the acusticofacial ganglion divides still further to become the ganglion on the vestibular part of the auditory nerve, and the ganglion spirale of the cochlear division of the auditory, which latter is situated in the spiral canal of the modiolus. It is considered probable that the lateral accessory auditory nucleus, which is connected with the cochlear fibers of the auditory nerve and lies on the outer side of the restiform body, is also a part of the acoustic ganglion. From the cells of the vestibular ganglion, which is situated in the internal meatus, centrifugal fibers develop to form the vestibular nerve, while other centripetally growing fibers become the ventral or mesial (vestibular) root of the auditory nerve. The cochlear ganglion in the same way gives rise to the cochlear branch of the nerve and to its dorsal or lateral root. Thus the auditory nerve and its ganglia correspond respectively to the sensory root of a spinal nerve and to a spinal ganglion.

The third cephalic ganglion becomes the ganglion of the glossopharyngeal nerve, undergoing segmentation to form the upper or jugular and the lower or petrous ganglia of this nerve, while the axis-cylinder processes of its cells lengthen out to become the sensory fibers.

The fourth cephalic ganglion similarly becomes the two ganglia of the pneumogastric nerve and gives rise to its sensory fibers.

From what has been said, it will be apparent that the cranial nerves develop in a far less regular manner than the spinal nerves, and that consequently their trunks consist in some cases of only sensory fibers, in other cases of only motor fibers, and in still others, of both varieties. Typically, each cranial nerve would have a dorsal sensory root with a ganglion, and two motor roots, one lateral and the other ventral. But by the suppression of one or two of these typical roots there will be produced a nerve, for example, representing only the ventral root, as the sixth and twelfth nerves, or a trunk containing sensory and lateral motor fibers, as the vagus, or a nerve consisting solely of sensory fibers, as the auditory.

By way of recapitulation the cranial nerves may be briefly considered seriatim :

First Pair. — The olfactory nerve-filaments grow centripetal ly from the olfactory epithelium of the nasal mucous membrane.

Second Pair. — The optic nerve is not a true nerve (see Chapter XVI.).

Third Pair. — The oculomotor nerve represents a persistent lateral motor root of the first head-segment (the ophthalmic division of the fifth nerve being the sensory root of the same segment).

Fourth Pair. — The trochlear nerve represents a lateral motor root and belongs to the second head-segment.

Fifth Pair. — The trifacial or trigeminal nerve, containing sensory and motor fibers, represents a persistent lateral motor root and a dorsal sensory root. The ophthalmic portion of the sensory root belongs to the first head-segment, while all the remaining fibers, with the fourth nerve, are assigned to the second segment.

Sixth Pair. — The abducens develops as a ventral motor root and belongs to the third and possibly to the fourth segments.

Seventh and Eighth Pairs. — The acusticofacialis nerve, or the facial and auditory nerves, develop as a single nerve with ^veral roots. The auditory nerve and the sensory fibers ^^

the facial — that is, the pars intermedia — correspond to a dorsal sensory root, the division of the acusticofacial ganglion into the several ganglia of the auditory nerve and the geniculate ganglion of the facial accounting for the division of the root into the auditory trunk and the ]xirs intermedia. (The sen* sory tibors of the facial pass off through the chorda tympani to go to the tongue as special-sense fibers.) The motor fibers of the facial develop as a lateral motor root^ originating from c-ells in the ventral zone. These two nerves, with the sixth, belong to the third and possibly to the fourth head* segments.

Xinth Pair. — The glossopharyngeal nerve, made up largely of s(»ns()rv fibers?, re[)resents a dorsal sensory root and a lateral motor root, the fib(»rs of which latter grow out from cells in the dorsal ])art of the v(»ntral zone of His, the later micleus ambigmis. It belongs to the fifth head-segment.

Tenth Pair. — The vagus develops in the same manner as the glossoj)harvngeal.

Eleventh Pair. — The sj)inal acoessorv represents in part motor spinal roots and in [)art probably the lateral motor and dorsal scnsorv roots of the cranial nerves.

Twelfth l^iir. — The liy[)ogIossal develops as the ventral motor roots of several segments, being identical in mode of origin with the anterior roots of the sjnnal nerves. This nerve and the vati^us b(*long to the head-sc»gments from the sixth to the tenth inclusive.


There are two views as to the origin of the sympathetio system. One theory, based uj)on the investigjitions of Paterson, is that the gangliated cord of the sym[)athetic is differentiated from mesodermie cells, the eell-eord thus formed acquiring, secondarily, coinieetions with the spinal nerves, and ])res<Miting still hiter the enlargements which C4mstitute the ganglia.

The more genendly accept(»d vi(?w, based upon the researches of Rilfour and the later work of Onodi and His, is that the Bsrmpathetie ganglia develop as offshoots from the ventral extremities of the spinal ganglia. Each little mass, which has budded off from a spinal ganglion, moves somewhat toward the ventral surface of the body, its bond of union with the parent spinal ganglion being drawn out to a slender cord, the representative of the future ramus communicans. Each primitive sympathetic ganglion sends out two small processes, one growing tail ward from its lower extremity, and one in the opposite direction from its upper end, the approaching processes from each two adjacent ganglia meeting and uniting and thus secondarily establishing the connection between the different ganglia of one side of the body and forming the gangliated cord of the ssrmpathetic. From these ganglia migrating cells probably pass out to develop into the secondary ganglia of certain viscera, as His has shown to be the mode of origin of the ganglia of the heart.


In connection with the sympathetic system may be mentioned the " carotid gland," or glomus caroticus, or intercarotid ganglion, found at the bifurcation of the common carotid artery ; the coccygeal body or " gland," Luschka's ganglion, found at the lower extremity of the coccyx in relation with branches of the middle sacral artery; and the organs of Zuckerkandl, found in later fetal life and for a short time after birth at the origin of the inferior mesenteric artery.

These structures present features in common with each other in that they are made up of knots of blood-vessels intermingled with collections of cells, among which are numerous chroviaffine cells such as are found in the medulla of the adrenal body and in the sympathetic ganglia ; and in the furthor fact that they are penetrated by sympathetic nerve-fibers.

That the cells of the carotid body and of the organs of Zuckerkandl are derived from the adjacent sympathetic ganglia has been established, but whether these bodies are for that reason to be classed as nervous structures is as yet uncertain.



In the organs of the .senses we have to do with peripheral nervous mechanisms of greater or less degrees of complexity, the essential elements of which are elalK>ratelv modified or specialized neiiro-epithelial cells. These neuro-epithelial structures are specialized cells of the ectoderm, derive<l from it either directly, hy the infolding of patches of ectodermic epithelium, as in the case of the olfactory cells, or indirectly, by growth outward from the central nervous system, as in the case of the retina. The organs of the sense of touch, the tactih' corpuscles of the skin and mucous membranes, are distributed somewhat irregularly, while such highly Sjweialized struc^tures as the organs of the special senses of vision, hearing, smell, and taste are provided with special protective and accessory apparatuses.


It will perhaps larilitatc th<* eoinpreliension of the general principles involved in the (Ifvclopincnt of the eye if its function as the organ of vision is. krpt in mind, and if, therefore, the retina and the o|)tic nerve are recognized as the essential parts (»f the organ, and the other structures as accessories. The retina an<l the optic nerve are an outgrowth from the brain, the rod- ai]<I eone-visual <'ells of the former being epithelial cells so specialized as to serve as j)ercipient eh-ments, while the (»j)tic nerve-fibers are the (-onducting medium. To alh)Wof tlu' penetration and refra<'ti<m of the ravs of liirht, the (»verlving epich^rmis differentiates into a transparent and refra<*tive medium, the crystalline lens, and the necessary prote<»tion an<l means of nourishment are provided by the other constituent of the eyeball. Further protection is furnished by two folds of modified skin and subcutaneous tissue, the esrelida, and lastly for the lubrication and still further protection of the exposed part of the eyeball, there is formed still another set of accessory organs, the l&crimal appuratiu.

The first step in the development of the eye is the growth of a diverticulum from the side of the primary fore-brain vesicle (Fig, 160). These optic evaginations are qnite large

II of two-d«j- chlck-embryn ; B. bmln of huni»n embrro of Oiowii the development of tbe opllc leslclva and bnlD-resl< h. inter-brain; ob, optic veulcles.

as com{)arGd with the h rain- vesicle. They begin to be evident even before the neural tube is completely closed. As the attached part of the diverticulum expands less rapidly than the distal ]>ortioii, the evagination soon assumes the form of a sac or vesicle, the optic vesicle, connected by a hollow stalk with the primarj' fore-brain. When the secondary fore-brain vesicles gn)w out anteriorly from the primary vesicle, the region of the latter that Itecomes in consequence the inter-brain is the part to which the stalk of the optic vesiele in attachetl. Hence the optic vesicle is an appendage of the inter-brain or thalamoncephalon and its point of attachment to the latter Is at the lateral iwrt of the base, in front of the region of the infundihiihim (Fig. 147, A and C).

The optic vesicle expands laterally and dorsally lies immediately lieneath the epidermis, forming a prorai

nenee on the side of the head (Fig. 62). The ectoderm at the point of omtaet with the optic ver^iele becomes thick* ened and depressed, the dilTerentiation of this lens-area being the >tartin^ p«.»int of the erystaUine lem. The depressed |iatoli of ectixlemi, sinking more <k»eply, is converted into a sac, the lens-vesicle, the o >nnt*etion of which with the surfacecells is <mM\ l«»st. The ilistal wall of the optic vesicle, upon coming into contact M'ith the lens-vesicle, undergoes invagination, this wall sinking in until the cavity of the vesicle is ahno-t obliterated. Thus the vesicle is converted into the druilile- walled optic cnp, the o|K'ning of which looks laterally toward the surface of the head, and is occupied by the leusvesiele.

The invaginated wall of the vesicle — thatis, the layer nearer the c<*nter of the cuji — becomes the retina, except its pigment-layer, the latter resulting fn)m the outer layer of the cup. The stalk <»f the cup l)ecomes the optic nerre. The surroimding mesodermic tissue grows into the openings nrferred to above, and gives rise to the vitreous hnmor, while the mesodermic cells that closely envelop the optic cup produce the uveal tract and the sclera and cornea.

Having tra<*ed briefly the develripment of the organ, its sevcnil parts may now bo considered in detail.

The Retina and the Optic Nerve. — These two structures, as stated abov<*, an; directly derive<l from the optic vesieh; and its stalk.

To rep4*at, for the sake of continuity, some points already mentioned, tin; optic vesicle grows forth as a diverticidum from the side; of tin? primary fore-brain vesicle, its appearance beting foreshadowed by a lateral bulging of this vesicle even before the neural canal is com[)letely eloswl. When the primary fore-bniin vesicle divides into the secondary fore-brain vesicles and the vesicle of the inter-brain, the regir>n of origin of the optic vesicle falls to the latter, the jM»int (»f attachment being at the outer edge of the base of the vesicle in front of the infundibular evagination. The optic nerve is to be regar<le<l th(Tefore as springing from the inter-brain or thahunen<*e|)halon.

Fig. 162.— Three BUMtmlvc sMgca of dsTelopnient of the eye, showinE fOmt.tlon or aeenndary nptic cup and crrilaltlne leiu in human embryos or 4 mm. < J), fl mm. (B), &nd H mm,(C]. (Tonnieui): a, a, primltlTe optic veilclei; b, extern *l Uyer of neciuidary opllc cup (fliture pfttmenl-Uyor of rellna) ; c. Inner layer of cnp (re linn proper) ; il, lens-pit llhlekened and depreued eatudena):

diattfly under the epidermis, separated from it by nnly a thin layer of embryonal connective tisBtie. This lateral position of the optic vesicles is characteristic of the early stages of development. After the end of the first month the eyes gradually move forward and downward toward their permanent position, which is approximately attained probably early in the third month.

Shortly after the fourth week the distal or lateral wall and the under surface of the optic vesicle l>ecome invaginated. The invagination begins when the vesicle comes into contact with the lens-vesicle (Fig. 162). When the infolding is complete, the vesicle has l>econie the secondsiy optic cap, which latter consists therefore of two layers, an inner and an outer. The month of the cup, which faces away ffom the niMliaii plane of the head, is occupied by the lens-vesicle. Since the under surface of the vesicle ]>artici))a(es in the invnginating pniee.'is (Fig. 163) there is also in this wall of the enp an ajwrture, which is known as the choroidal flsmre. The invagination affects the under siirfatre of the tubular .-^lalk of the vesicle sii that it is c<mvertc<l into an inverted (loultle-Iaycred trough. These invaginations bear an important relation not only to the further nK'taniorphosis of the optic vcsieli" lunl its stalk into the retina and thf.iptic- nerve, but also to the (levc4o|)nnTit iif the vitreous body ami of llic r<-iiti-al artery of tlic n.'lina. TliMs, the vitreous binly is PrmIiiwiI in yurX at !ca>t by the Kie^iilcrmic tissue that finds access to the cui) tlin.Li<rh llic ehoniidai fiTisure, and tlic arloria wntralis n-i'mw is di'v.IojK'd in the vascular ■ tissue iliat invagliiates -uriaee of the stalk of


the I the '


gnuhially 1-oiitraeis after ilic enti-!in<-e of the niescRlerni, and in the liist motitli of fetal life it entirely closes. Tiie mouth of ilie o]Hie cup einlinices tite lens, its rim being always on the ilislal side of, or su]>crlii-ial to, that .-itructure. This iijieiiiiig repiTM-ntf* the pupil of later stagi-s.

The further metamorphosis of the optic cup includes alterations peculiar to each of the two layers and also to the different regions of the cup. The mouth of the cup contracts somewhat by increased growth of the wall, and thus there is a zone bordering this orifice which is anterior to the lens, holding the same relation to the latter body that the future iris holds. A second zone corresponds with the periphery of the lens, while a third region, the fundus of the cup, includes all the remaining part of its wall.

The flmdas of the cup undergoes much greater specialization than the other regions. The outer layer of the cup remains thin, consisting of a single layer of cells which assume the cuboidal form and become infiltrated with pigment-granules. This forms the pigmenlrlayer of the retina. The inner lamina of the cup thickens, by the multiplication of its cells, and soon consists of numerous spindle-shaped cells. The thickened fundus is marked off from the zone that surrounds the periphery of the lens by a slight groove which corresponds in position with the future ora serrata. These early spindlc-cells give rise to two kinds of elements, the stroma of the retina, or Miiller's fibers, and the various nerve-cells, including the highly specialized rod- and cone-visnal cells.

The principal sustentacular elements, or Miiller^s fibers, like the spongioblasts of the neural tube, are radially arranged and extend throughout the entire tliickness of the retina. Their inner expanded extremities, in close contact with each other, form the inner limiting membrane, while their outer ends, in the same way, constitute the outer limiting membrane, which latter is in contact with the pigmentlaver. The stroma of the retina receives a small contribution from the mesodermic tissue, which grows into it through the choroidal fissure to furnish the vascular supply.

Of the nerve-cells, those near the pigment-layer undergo great alteration in form and become the sensory epithelium — that is, the rod- and cone-visual cells. At first these lie entirely internal to the external limiting membrane, which separates them from the pigment-layer. After a time, liowever, processes grow out — that is, away from the center of the eyeljall — and ]>erforate the external limiting membrane to i»eiietrale Iwtwecn the cells of the pigment-layer. These

jmxresscs are llu' rods and fonen, and colWtively constitute the layer of rods and conea of (lit- iidult The bodies of the

KoMlsni pi. pi BtQ* 11 led I'plthcUiiTii iif Ihc eju I'luttr luniella uf the opUc enp,fl^ aceondary optic veiklcl ; r.rolinii(iniiprlain*llB of the optic cup); it, mKi^iUln nf (he optic cup. which farma the pun clllarls el Iriills rellnie: g, Til with blood-TCBKla : fv, tunlm tucuIou leiilla; U. blood-uurpuwlei : tA.ehon tf, lens-flben: It, leiu-eplthcllum ; r.nnu of the leni-tlbcr nuclei; ft, ftindaB at the iK>niea; he, exlernAl corneal epithelium.

rod- and cone-visual cells, situated on (he inner side of the i membrana limitan.s externa, are elongated into narrow ele- j ments, the position of tho nnctei being indicated by slight I enlai^ments. They constitnte the outer nuclear layer of ' the matnre retina. The outer nuclear layer and the layer of rods and cones are to be regarded, therefore, as one layer of highly specialized neuro-epithelium, made up of the rodvisual cells and the cone-visual cells, the inner segments or bodies of the cells being only apparently isolated from the outer segments, the rods and cones respectively, by the fact that the latter proj(?ct through minute apertures in the external limiting membrane. The axis-cylinder pnxjcssesof these cells pass toward the center of the eyeball.

The neuro-epithelium of the retina is the last of its elements to develop. In man and in many mammals, it is present at birth. In the cat and the rabbit, the rod- and cone-visual cells develop after birth, and hence the new-born of these species are blind. The macula lutea is developed after birth.

The cells of the inner part of the retina differentiate into the remaining nervous elements, some becoming the bipolar and other cells of the inner nuclear layer — the ganglion retinae — while others form the large ganglion cells of the ganglion-cell layer. The axis-cylinder processes of the ganglion cells are directed inward to form the nerve-flber layer, the fibers of this layer converging from all parts of the inner surface of the retina toward the optic disk or papilla. Here they perforate the retina, as well as the choroid and sclera, to pass, as optic nerve-fibers, to the brain.

This part of the optic cup, the ftmdus, produces then, in the manner descrilKjd above, the functionating portion of the retina, or the pars optica retinae, the anterior termination of which is indicated by the orra serrata.

The lenticular zone of the optic cup, which is in relation with the peripherj' of the lens, undergoes comparatively slight specialization. Its outer lamella is pigmented, as in the fundus of the cup. Its inner layer remains very thin and consists of cells which at first are cuboidal, but which later become cylindrical. At the end of the second month, or the beginning of the third, the two layers of the lenticular zone become plicated, owing to excessive growth in superficial extent. The folds are nearly parallel and are arranged radially with reference to the lens, the margin of which they surround. These folds are the first indication of the ciliary processes. The mcstKlermic tissue immediately external to th(» <)j)ti(! cup (lifforentiates into the uveal tract, the part corresponding with the lenticular zone of the cup furnishing the ciliary hody. The young growing connective tissue penetnitos between the folds of the lenticular zone of the cup, acupiiring intimate union with the pigment-layer, and thus provides the connective-tissue basis of the ciliary processes. This lenticular zone of the two hiyers of the optic cup, therci'on*, <'onstitutes the lining, or internal covering, of the ciliary ImmIv, and must necessarily be reganled as the continuation of the retina, it is known as the pars ciliaris retiiUB of the fully developed (?ye.

TIkj marginal zone of the optic cup, or the region bordering its orilice, is also related in its further growth with the uveal traet. Although in the earlier stages of development the lens lies in the mouth of the cuj), as time goes on the relation is so altered that the a[K»rture and the zone which borders it occupy a position in front of the lens. In this marginal zone both lamelhe of the cuj) become pigmented and aecjuire union with the layer oi' mes(Klermic tissue which is dillerentiatiiiir into the iris, and thev therefore contribute to the formation of that structure, ecmstituting its pigmentlayer. Th(^ pigment-layer of the ]>osterier surface of the iris is, therefore, an extended but rudimentary part of the retina. It is called the pars iridica retinae.

FnMu what has been said, it will be ap])arent that the retina f(>rms a (Mnnplete tunie with an anterior perforation, the pupil, and that it consists of the funetionally active part, or retina proper, th(» pars optica retinae; of the pars ciliaris retinae, marked olV iVom the latter by the ora s(»rrata ; and of the pars iridica retinae, which terminates at the margin of the pupil.

The evolution of the optic cuj) or secondary oj)tic vesicle mav b(» thus summarized :

I. Marginal or most anterior The thin atrof)liic pare iridica reregion of cup. tinir, or pi^rnicnt layer of the iris.

n. Ltnticular zone of cup. Pars ciliaris rt-tina*, covering inner

surface of ciliary body.

III. Fundus of cup. Functionating part of retina, or pars

optica retins, including : A. Outer layer. A. Pigment-layer of retina.

£. Inner layer. B. 1. Neuro-epithelial layer, made

up of layer of rods and cones (the processes of the rod- and cone-visual cells) ; membrana limitans externa; outer nuclear layer (the bodies of the rodand cone-cells).

2. Cerebral layer (representing an interpolated ganglion with connecting fibers), consisting of :

Outer reticular layer ; Inner nuclear layer ; Inner reticular layer; Ganglion-cell layer; Nerve-fiber laver.

The optic nerve is the metamorphosed stalk of the optic vesicle. When the distal and under surfaces of the vesicle suffer invagination, the stalk participates in the process, its under surface being marked by a groove which is a prolongation of the choroidal fissure of the optic cup (Fig. 163). By this infolding, the cavity of the stalk is obliterated and the stalk is converted into a double-walled tube enclosing mesodermic tissue which follows the invaginating ventral wall. In this mesodermic tissue is developed the arteria centralis retina. In mammals the invagination affects only the distal part of the stalk, the segment included between the eyeball and the point corresjionding in the adult to the place of entrance into the nerve of the central artery. It must be apparent that the outer layer of the tube thus formed is directly continuous with the outer layer of the optic cup, while the invaginated lamina is the prolongation of the inner wall of the cup or of the part that becomes the retina proper, since not only the distal wall of the optic, vesicle is invaginated, but its under or ventral wall as well.

the primitive optic nerve at this stage consists of layers of spindle-shaped cells, with a central core of vascular connective tissue.

The manner in which the nerve-fibers are developed is still a matter of controverjsy. According to His and K5lliker, the fibers gi*o\v out from the ganglion-cells of the optic thahimi and the anterior corpora quadrigemina^ while Muller and Froriep believe that they are the prolonged axis-cylinder processes of the ganglion-cells of the retina. According to Ramon y Cajal, growth occurs in both directions. In either ease, the cells of the optic stalk would furnish only the sustentative tissue of the nerve. There is also a contribution of sustentative tissue or stroma fnmi the mesoderm, as in the case of the central nervous svstem.

The Crystalline I^ens. — The lens, exclusive of its capsule, is, like the retina, of ectodermic origin. The first step in its <leveIopm(»nt is the formation of a thickened and deI)ressed patch of the ectoderm on the lateral surface of the hea<l, this area being situated at the place where the optic vesicle is nearest the surface (Fig. U)2, By d). The depression is the lens-pit. It soon becomes converted into a closed sac, the lens-vesicle, by the gradual a])proximation and union of its edges. The pit receding from the surface as its lips come together, the completed vesicle lies under the surface ectoderm, witli wliieh it is for a time connected by the slender stalk of tho invagination. Upon the disapi)earanc(» of the strand of cells constituting the stalk, the lensvesicle is completely isolated from the outer germ-layer (Kig. 1(12, (\i'l

The lens-voside in birds is a hollow epithelial sac several lavers thick, but in nuunmals the central cavitv contains a mass of (jells, which latter disappear in the later stages of development.

I^pon the invagination of th<» optic vesicle to form the se(M>ndary optic cu|>, the lens-vesich? is embracwl by the lips of the cup and still later Cannes to lie within the cup, near its orifice (Fig. 1^)4).

The further alterations in the vesicle are de|KMident primarily upon changes in its deep and sujH^rficial walls resjH^ctively, each of wliich consists of several layers of cylindrical cells. the cells of the sui>erficial wall alter their form, bcH?oming cul)oi<lal, while the posterior or decjwr cells lengthen so as to become fibers. Thus the deeper wall of the vesicle thickens at the expense of the central cavity — the central mass of cells at the same time disappearing — while the superficial layer remains thin. The two strata are continuous with each other at the equator of the lens, one form gradually merging into the other at this region, which is a zone of transition (Fig. 164).

The lens at this stage is composed, therefore, of a thin superficial or anterior stratum of cuboidal epithelial cells and a much thicker posterior or deep layer of so-called fibers, the latter being simply the greatly elongated cells of the posterior wall of the vesicle. Between the two laminse is a small remnant of the cavity of the vesicle. The epithelial layer persists throughout life as the epithelium of the lens, while the fibrous layer is the basis of the lens-fibers of the mature condition. The cavity sometimes persists as a small space containing a few drops of fluid, the liquor of Morgagni.

The next important stage in the development of the lens is the formation of additional lens-fibers. These result from the proliferation of the cells of the epithelial or anterior layer. The lens-fibers are formed in successive layers, as may be made evident by the maceration of a lens. Each fiber extends from the anterior to the posterior surface of the lens. The ends of the fibers meet each other along regular lines, producing thus the characteristic three-rayed figures or stars of the lens, one of which belongs to each surface. Hence, while the lens-fibers first formed are the elongated cells of the posterior layer of the lens-vesicle, the fibers of later gro^vth originate from the cells of the anterior wall. The epithelial character of the lens-fibers is evinced by the presence of a nucleus in each fiber of a young lens.

The lens-capsule results from the differentiation of the mesodermic tissue which surrounds the lens. It is from this enveloping vascular lamina, the tunica vasculosa lentis, that the growing lens derives its nutrition. The capsule is well marked in the second month. Its blood-vessels are derived from those of the vitreous body. At the end of the seventh month this well-developed, highly vascular membrane begins to undergo retrograde alterations, the final result of which is its transformation into the thin, non-vascular^ transparent capsii le of tlio mature lens.* The most active growth of the lens itself occurs prior to the degeneration of the tunica vasculosa lentis, so that even before the end of fetal life the lens has nearly attained its full size. Thus the weight of the lens of the new-born child is 123 milligrammes, while that of the adult lens is but 11)0 milligrammes (Huschke).

Hence the crystalline lens has a double origin, the lens-substance or lens proper being derived from the ectoderm, while the capsule oriirj nates from the mesoderm.

The Vitreous Body, — The vitreous body has been regarded usually as a roniparatively slightly differentiated form of connective tissue, and as being derived from the middle germ-layer. Recent investigtitions show, however, that it originates in ])art at least from ectodermal tissue. According to these observations, processes grow forth from those stromal elements of the optic cup which afterwanl Ix^come Midler's libers, and these processes, advancing toward the lens-vesiele, interlace to form a network, the primitive vitreous (Kolliker, Froriep). This ])roeess continues for a longer time at the marginal zone or month of the cup than elsewhere, the j>roto|)lasniie fil>ers which grow from this future ciliary and iridal j)ortion of the cup contributing to the lorniaiion of the zonule of Zinn. In mammals the cells of the lens-vesicle, another ectodermal structure, also send torth processes which, according to Lenhossek, bear a prominent part in the d<velo|)ment of the vitreons body. The mesodermic tissue, already in the sta<x<* <>f cnd)rvonal connective tissue, now gains access to the optic (Mip through the choroidal fissure (Fig. 1 <>•>), its ingrowth, in fact, accomjKinying the invagination of the un<l(M' >urta<M' of the opti(^ vesicle, and constitutes what K(")lliker designates the mesodermal vitreous. The intermingling of these two constituent ele ' It sonu'titiu's li:i|>|»«.Mis that parts of the fetal lons-capsulc persist. The most ootnmon exani]>le of 8\i<h persistence is the so-called meiiihrana pupillaris soinetinK*s present at hirth, pnuhicinK rmnjnn'tal otrtAia of the pupil. This results from the persistence (»f that part of the fetal capsule which is situated on the anterior surface of the lens, hehind the pupil.


ments produces finally the definitive vitreous. Since the inferior surface of the stalk of the vesicle — the future optic nerve — participates in the invagination of the optic cup, the mass of mesodermic tissue which helps to form the vitreous is continuous with that which invaginates the primitive optic nerve to produce the central artery of the retina. As a consequence, the blood-vessels which soon develop so plentifully in the vitreous b(xly are extensions from the central artery of the retina, the latter itself being continued forward as the hyaloid artery. The terminal branches of the hyaloid artery pass on through the vitreous body to terminate in the vascular capsule of the growing lens, constituting the blood-supply of that structure.

The intercellular substance of the young tissue undergoes but little differentiation, while the cells become gradually reduced to a few stellate elements which ultimately entirely disappear. The peripheral part of the tissue develops into the hyaloid membrane, which anteriorly acquires union with the capsule of the lens.

The blood-vessels of the vitreous disappear during the last two or three months of fetal life. The hyaloid artery persists, although in reduced form, for a longer time than the smaller vessels. Upon its final degeneration it is replaced by a canal, the hyaloid canal, or canal of Stilling, which is present in adult life.

The Middle or Vascular and the Outer or Fibrous Tunics of the Bye. — The outer fibrous coat of the eye, including the sclera and the cornea, and the middle tunic or uveal tract, comprising the choroid, the ciliary body, and the iris, are structures of mesodermic origin, being directly produced by the mesodermic tissue surrounding the optic cup. The richly cellular mesoderm applies itself to the exterior of the cup and differentiates into the two layers in question, the changes involving on the one hand the metamorphosis of the mesodermic cells chiefly into muscular and vascular elements, and on the other hand the evolution of a tissue essentially fibrous in structure. These two tunics are distinguishable in the sixth week.

the cornea is formed from the thin laver of mesoderm that penetrates l)et\veen the lens-vesicle and the surface ectoderm. The lens- vesicle lies very near the surface, and the thin stRitum of mesoderm that is interposed between the two is the anterior layer of the lens-capsule (Fig. 164). This anterior layer thick(»ns by the immigration of other cells and subsequently splits into two lamime, a superficial one which produces the cornea (Fig. 104, A), and a deeiK?r, which is now the proper anterior wall of the lens-c^apsule. Thus a space filled with fluid a pjwars between the primitive cornea and the lens, which (H)rresponds with the future anterior and posterior chambers of the eye, the <livisicm of the sj>ace into these two chambers being eflectcd subsequently by the development of the iris. The further (leveloi)meiit of the cornea consists simply in the differentiation of the mesodermic cells and the int(M'eellular substance into the several characteristic elements of the adult structure.

The uveal tract closely corresponds in extent with the two layers of the oi)tic cup. The choroid is differentiated from that portion of this primitive uveal tract which envelops the pars optica of the retina. In this region the enveloping layer of nicso<lcrniic cells develops into the several elements of the choroid, the most C()ns])icuous of which are an inner layer of capillary vessels, tlu^ choriocapillaris, and an outer lay(»r of larg(?r vessels, th(» stroma-layer of the choroid. the development of the clioroi<l bears a certain relation to the choroidal fissure of the optic cup. This tissure has been referred to as a gap in the iMi<lcr surface of the eup corresponding with the line of invagination through which the mesodermic tissue, of which the developing choroid is a part, grows into the cup to pnxluee the vitreous. Although normally this fissure in the retina entirely disjippears, its site be<*onies pigmented later than other regions of the pigment«laycr of the retina, and h<*nce there is, for a time, a clear streak in this part of the retina which has the appeanince of a fissure in that membrane. As the pigment-layer of the r(»tina was formerly assigncnl to the choroid, this streak appeared to be a breach of continuity of the ch<»roid ; hence the term choroidal fissure. In some cases, however, the choroidal fissure fails to close, and as the development of the choroid is largely dependent upon or is governed by that of the retina there remains a corresponding gap in the choroid. This defect enables the sclera to be seen from the interior in a line extending forward from the optic nerve entrance. It is known as coloboma of the choroid.

The ciliary body is developed immediately in advance of the choroid and from the same layer of mesodermic tissue. The deeper parts of the tissue in this region correspond with the plications of the ciliary part of the retina, sending processes into and between the radial folds of this part of the two layers of the optic cup, with which latter the highly vascular mesodermic tissue acquires firm union. This results in the formation of the ciliary processes. Some of the cells of the more peripheral part of this zone are converted into unstriated muscular tissue, thus producing the ciliary muscle. All the characteristic or important elements of the ciliary body are, therefore, derived from the mesoderm, while the thin layer of tissue on its inner surface, representing an undeveloped part of the optic cup, the pars ciliaris, is of ectodermic origin.

The iris, the most anterior zone of the uveal tunic, is produced from the same mesodermic tract that gives rise to the choroid and to the ciliary body. As stated above, soon after the lens-vesicle becomes constricted off from the surface ectoderm, it is enveloped by a mass of mesodermic cells which constitute its primitive capsule, and the layer of these cells lying between the lens-vesicle and the surface ectoderm splits into an anterior layer, which becomes the cornea, and a posterior stratum which is the anterior wall of the lens-capsule. This produces a space between the lens and the cornea. The lens now recedes farther from the surface, and the margins of the optic cup advance, so that the lens now lies within the cup, the marginal zone of the cup being in front of the lens, between it and the cornea, while its equator is in close relation with the ciliary regions of the cup and of the uveal tract. Thus the space between the lens and the cornea is

H divided into an iiiitcrior cdnipartnicnl, tlic anterior chamber,

H ntid a jmsterior fl])ai-p, tin- posterior chamber, the orifice of

■ tlic cup being a mi-nns of comiTHinication l>plnceii the twd

H and representing ttie pupil of a iaier sla^, the niar^ual

H zone of the cuj) furnishes the gniding line for the develo]* ^1 ment of the iris, The niesf«lcniiie tissue in rclutioD with

tm. Iffi.— BtgltEal iiectlon IhroUBh ttif pyp nf an embryo i

lUyi X 30 (Kailkerl: o,o|illc nttrc; j.. licmgimBl Hmni-nl-U

CllUry pun nf the rellnt ; p'. fi>rppiirl "f llie i>l.ll« PUp (rudiment of thB il

the srterli twnlralls retlnit unler II: f. trls; mj,, nienibr«n» pupllUriii «,«  with Piilib*tluro (,- iMiliwbne; I. lem; V. Icnt-cpllhcHum ; /. MlwottBjJ

the outer surface of the marginal stone of the euji difTerc tiatca into the vascular, muscular, and couneclive-tiasuc elM tnenta of the iris pn)iwr, while ils pfisterior pignient-laycr fa constituted by the slightly specialized layers of the mot anterior part of the optic cup, the part that in known a* th< para iridica retinre. Recent investigations (Xushhauni, Her^ zog, etc.) indicate that the circular and the radial muscular'J

fibers of the iris develop from the outer epithelial layer of the optic cup or, iu other words, from the part of the optic cup that becomes the pars iridica retina?. The circular fibers, sphincter pupillee, are distinguishable in the fourth month, the radial or dilator fibers, in the seventh mouth.

Since the anterior and posterior chambers of the eye are spaces hollowed out of the mesoderm, they represent a lymph-space and are, as such, lined with endothelial cells.

The cleft in the inferior wall of the optic cup referred to above as the choroidal fissure necessarily affects the marginal zone of the cup as well as the region posterior to it. If this part of the fissure persists, as it sometimes does, it may be accompanied by a corresponding deficiency in the tissues of the iris projjer. Such a congenital defect, appearing as a radial cleft in the lower half of the iris, is known as coloboma of the iris.

The Eyelids and the Lacrimal Apparatus. — The eyelids are developed from folds of the primitive epidermis that form over the superficial part of the developing eyeball (Fig. 165, pp and pa). After the separation of the lens- vesicle from the surface ectoderm, the latter pouches out into two little transverse folds for the upper and lower lids respectively. Each fold includes a certain quantity of mesodermic tissue, from which are produced the connectivetissue elem.ent^ of the lids, as the tarsal plates, etc. After the folds attain to a certain degree of development their eilges approach each other and become adherent, thus enclosing a space between the primitive lids and the front of the eyeball. The infolded ectodermic layers lining this space acquire the characteristic features of mucous membrane and constitute the epithelium of the coAJnnctiva, the part of this membrane that covers the cornea adhering closely to that structure as its anterior epithelial layer. The union of the edges of the lids begins in the third month and lasts until near the close of fetal life. A short time before birth the permanent palpebral fissure begins to form by the breaking down of the adhesions.

A part of the mesodermic tissue of the lids undergoes conversion into fibmiis connective tissue, thus producing the tarsal plates of the upper and lower lids^ with the iMJpebral DasciflB and tarsal ligaments by which the plates are attached to the margins of the orbit.

During the period when the edges of the lids are adherent, the Meibomian glands and the eye-lashes are formed. The ghmds develop from solid cords of epithelial cells that grow from the deepest or Malpighian layer of the primitive epidermis into the tarsal plates. The conls become hollow tubes by degeneration of their eentnd cells.

In addition to the two principal folds that produce the lids, a third, vertical fold app(\ars at the inner, nasal side of the conjunctival space, beneath the lids. This fold remains quit(i small in man and forms the plica semilunaris, but in most other vertebrates it attains much greater size as the third eyelid or nictitating membrane. A small part of this third fold develops sebacw)us glands and a few hair-follicles and becomes the lacrimal caruncle.

The lacrimal gland is devel(>]KHl in the same manner as tl)(i Meibomian glands, by the growth of solid epithelial cords from the conjunctiva. The cords grow into the underlying inesodcnn at th(» outer part of the line of reflection of the conjunctiva from the inner surface of the upj)er lid to the front of the eyeball. The conls acquire lateral branches and then become liollowcd out to form the secreting tubules and efferent ducts of the gland, the connective-tissue stroma of which is contribut<'d by the surrounding mesodermic tissue. The orifices of the adult efferent ducts in the upj>er outer j)art of the conjunctival sacj corr(»sjK)nd with the points from which the primitive cell-cords first grow forth.

Th(> efferent lacrimal apparatus, consisting of the nasal or lacrimal du<'t and the canaliculi, is related genetically to the growth of the nose and the upjxT jaw. S(M)n after the appearance of the nasofrontal ]>rocess, a lateral projection, the lateral nasal process, grows from its side near the base and advances <lownward so as to form the outer boundary of the nasal j)it and consequently of the future nostril (Fig. ()7, A, i>). This lateral nasal process is separated from the maxillary process of the first visceral arch by an oblique furrow, the naso-optic groove, which extends from the inner angle of the orbit to the outer side of the nostril, or, before the separation of the nasal pit from the primitive mouth, to the upper boundary of the latter orifice. The naso-optic groove indicates the situation of the lacrimal duct. By some authorities — Coste and Kolliker — it is believed that the duct results from the union of the edges of the groove. Later investigations seem to indicate, however, that the duct is formed by the hollowing out of a solid cord of epithelial cells that appears at the bottom of the furrow. In either case the epithelial lining of the duct is an ectodermic involution. When the nostrils are separated from the oral aperture by the union of the nasofrontal, the lateral nasal, and the maxillary processes (p. 133), the lower end of the furrow is obliterated, and the partially formed duct is made to terminate in the nasal cavity.

The canaliculi, representing the bifurcated upper extremity of the duct, result, according to one view, from the division of the upper end of the epithelial cord into two limbs, one for each lid, and their subsequent hollowing-out ; according to another, from the continuation of the cell-cord into the upper lid and the later addition of a limb for the canaliculus of the lower lid. The lacrimal sac is merely an expanded part of the duct.


As in the case of the other sense-organs, the auditory apparatus consists of highly specialized nenro-epiiheliiim, connected by nerve-fibers and interpolated ganglia with the central nervous system, and of protective and auxiliary structures. The neuro-epithelial structures, including the organ of Corti and the cells of the cristsB and maculae acusticae, result from the specialization of certain of the epithelial cells which line the membranous labyrinth. The perilymphatic space, which is a lymph-space, together with its bony walls, the osseous labyrinth, serve for the protection of the delicate neural elements, while the middle ear

ami tlio nxleriial oar act ; siinuroiis vibratiims.

Till' iiitcrniil ciir Iwiiig the css^scntial [lart of the organ of hciiriiif^ ami hriiij; alsd the part first formed may i»ro|wrIy n-ccive tirst eoiisiih-nit^m.

The Internal Car. — The membriuioiis labyrintli uf the

Uc vesicle of > ilors pit: B. Ihtf ol[c Malcle; rftirc Lrloderm,

iiilerMal ear is tlic <il<h'.-l part df the "i-jran i>f licanng. Its DiiM-iii is from a lliiekeiie.l .-in-iilar |»ateh i.|' eetiHlerm on the liorsulateral Mirl'ace i.l" the hea.l-rrjrimi of the eiiihryo near the liiirsil lerriiiitalioii i.f the fir.-l oilier viseerjil furrow. The tiiieketi.'.! arra M1ll^^ l>i-lo\v the Mirfar*', forniiiig thus the auditory pit, whic-li is iin>eiit in itie ihinl week (Kig, lOd, .1 ).

the 1 nrs .h-e|.rr, it^ e.lut- a|.|.rua.-h eaeh other and

tiiially iiieel ami niiitc lo form the otic vesicle or otocyst. Tills "lilile e]>ithelial sae fira.lnally nve<les from the nirface eeli«l.'i-m. At llii,- Ma.L'i- "f d-veloimieiit then- is no eraiiial eapsule oiher than tlir imlilti'r<'nt itu-oileriaie tissue \v I lieli surrounds ihe hi-ain-ve.-ieles ; heuee, the otic vcsiele, cmbedded ill tlii,- ti»m-, lies in elo^,- proxhnily to tlw aftor!>n»iti, and e.mies into r<>Iation with the neiisli«)(aeial ^Mtiglion (jt. ;t"21). Till' vcsiele, at lirst s|ilierii-al, soon heeoiiies



pear-shaped owing to the protrusion of its tlorsal wall. Tliis dursal projection, the recesaos vestibtiU or la.b3rrmthi (Pig. 16ii, C), lengthens out into a slender tube, the ductus endolymphaticns (Fig. ^^^), llie slightly dilated end of wlneli, the aaccua endolymphaticuB, is found in the adult occupying the aqucdiictus veslilndi of the tempoml bone. ,

Fig. 187.— Development or the membranniu labjrrlnth of tbo human ear (W. Hta, Jr.l : A. left labyrinlli of embryo of about four U'ecke, outer ildc; i>E, velUbutar and cochlear poitlons : rl. recessua Jabyrliithl. B, left labrrlnlh with part* nftoclalanaaudllfiry nerre* of embryo of about four ani a half weeka: rl. reoealus labyrintlii ; hc. ptc, ok, saperlar. poaterior. and external nemlelrciilar canalg ; I. Haccule: <. cochlea: vn./R. vdlbular and facial aervea; rg- rfi SB- veatlbular. cochlear, and genlciilatcganElin. C, left lahyrlnlh of embryo of about (Ivcwoclu, bom wllhnlit and below: labelllni; as In preredlngflKure.

The opiHJsite, anterior or ventral extremity of the otic vesicle tilsti bulges out into a small cvagiuatioD, wliieh gradually elongates until it is a tapering tube, slightly curved inward toward the median piano. This lengthens still more and becomes spirally coiled, forming the cochlear duct or scala media of the future cochlea (Fig. 168). The venicle it'^e If becomes constricted in such manner by an inward projection of its wall as to indicate its <livision into an upper larger and a lower smaller sac, the terms upper and lower referring respectively to the head-eud and the tail-end of the embryonic body. Before the con.strietion occurs, the wall of that part of the vesicle which is to become the future iipjKT or utricular division presents two {)ouched-out areas (Fig. I(j7, B). One of these gives rise to the extenud semicircular canal, while from the other are formed the saperior and posterior canals. The pouch that produces the external

Fig. 168.— niafrram to illustrate the ultimate condition of the membimnotu lAbjMnth (after Wnldeyer): i/, utrieulus: if, sacculus; cr, oanaliH rcuniens; r, ductus endolymphaticus: r. cochlea; k, blind sac of the cupola; r, vestibular blind cae of the du(?tu8 coehleuris.

canal is scmieirciilar in form and flat, lying in the horizontal plane, its upper and lower walls bring in contact with each other. The oppo.sed walls fuse, except at the periphery of the pocket, and hence all that remains of its cavity is a small marginal tube or channel, corresponding with its border and opening at each end into tlu* cuvity of the vesicle. Throughout the region of fusion of the walls, the latter become thin and finally disaj)i)oar, being replaced by connective tissue. Thus a semicircular epithelial tube is formed^ which is the horizontal or external semicircular canal. One end of the tube being dilated, the ampulla of the canal is produced.

the superior and posterior semicircular canals are formed in a somewhat similar inanucr by the other evaginatcd ponch or ])ockct, which is irregularly globular. To pro<bi<*e this result, the walls of the pocket contract adhesions throughout two regions, which (U)rresp<md with the rcs])cctive sj)accs enclosed by <'acli of the* two future canals in (jiiestion. The fusion of the walls takes place in such manner as to leave two narrow channels or tubes, one of which ahnost encircles the inner or mesial asjKHJt of the pocket, while the other bears the same relation to its jH)stcrior wall, the inner limb of the latter semicircle coinciding with the posterior limb of the former. The result of this arrangement is that two vertical semicircular canals are formed with their planes at right angles to each other, the two communicating with the otic vesicle by three openings, one of which is common to both canals. The other two apertures, being dilated, are the ampullated individiial orifices of the posterior and superior canals.

The constriction in the otic vesicle referred to above increases until this sac is divided into two parts, a larger, which includes the region from which the semicircular canals have developed and which is now the utricle, and a smaller vesicle, the sacculOi comprising the part from which the cochlear duct was evaginated (Fig. 168). The line of division coincides with the middle of the orifice of the ductus endolymphaticus, the proximal end of which participates in the division. Thus the ductus endolymphaticus becomes a Y-shaped tube, and affords the only bond of connection between the saccule and the utricle (Fig. 168).

The beginning of the cochlear duct, failing to keep pace in growth with the other parts, api)ears as a smaller tube relatively, and is known as the canalis reuniens (Fig. 168, cr).

The structures so far considered — the utricle, the saccule, the semicircular canals, and the cochlear duct — being the product of the ectodermic otic vesicle, represent simply the adult epithelial linings of those cavities. The fibrous layer of the membranous labyrinth, in common with the walls of the bony labyrinth, is a product of the enveloping mesodermic tissue. While the cells of the otic vesicle thus for the most part constitute the walls of the several sacs and canals of the primitive internal ear, some of the cells specialize into neuro-epithelium. The most marked specialization of this sort occurs in the cochlear duct, where most of the cells on that wall of the duct which may be called its floor — the part corresponding to the future membrana basilaris — undergo such profound modification in form as to produce the most highly specialized neuro-epitheliul cells anywhere to be found, the elements that constitute the organ of Corti.

In the utricle and the saccule, as well as in the ampulIsB of tlio semicircular C4inals, there is a similar but less marked sp(»cializati(m of epithelial cells to produce in the former case the maculae acusticse, and in the latter, the crista acusticfle of the ampnlhT. While, therefore, the cells of the otic vesicle which are to s(Tve as the lining mucous membrane of the membranous labyrinth become flattene<l polyhe<lral cells arranpMl as a sintrle lay(T, those cells which are to functionat(» as the periphenil part of th(» acoustic mechanism l>ecoine the specially modified C(>lumnar cells, many of them with cilium-like appendages, of the maculie, the cristae, and of the organ of C(>rti.

From the first the otic vesicle lies in close relation with the aeustieofacial ganglion (Fig. 167, />). As pointed out in a preceding chapter (p. 321), this ganglion subsequently divides into two parts, corresponding with the two divisions of the auditory nerve. This division (jf the ganglion and of th(* nerve is correlated with the separation of the otic vesicle into a coelilear part, the cochlear duct, and the two vestibular vesicles, the saccule and the utricle. While the cochlear duct IS still a short, slightly curved tube, the cochlear ])art of the ganglion lies in close proximity to the tube, in the concavity on its inner side. As the duct lengthens and becomes more coiled, tiie ganglion likewise lengthens into a band which follows the spiral course of the duct, lying parallel with the latter and on the side toward the axis about which it is coiled. Ai'ier the formation of the bony parts of the cochlea, this ganglion octMipies the sjnral canal of the modiolus and is known as the gangUon spirale. It helongs to the cochlear division of the auditorv nerve, which is distributed to the cochleii.

The remaining part of the acoustic ganglion becomes rather widely separated from the spiral ganglion, coining to occupy a position in tluMuternal auditorv meatus, and the part of the auditory nerve with which it is conne<*ted acquires relation with the macular regions of the utricle and saccule as well as with the crista' of the ampulhe of the semicircular canals. These nerve-fibers constitute the vestibular division of the auditory nerve, M'hile the ganglion is the vestibular ganglion or intumescentia ganglioformis of Scar])a.

The development of the bony labsrrinth of the internal ear^ as well as of the connective-tissue parts of the membranous labyrinth, is effected solely by the differentiation of the mesodermic tissue which surrounds the epithelial structures above considered. As previously stated, at the time when the otic vesicle is first formed there is no indication of a cranial capsule, the brain-vesicles being surrounded and separated from the ectoderm by indifferent mesodermic cells. During the progress of the alterations in the otic vesicle, this tissue undergoes condensation and alteration to form the membranous primordial cranium, and shortly thereafter the petrous portion of the temporal bone is outlined in cartilage by the further specialization of a portion of this primitive connective tissue. The formation of cartilage does not affect all of the tissue which is afterward represented by the petrosa, the region that borders the semicircular canals, the cochlear duct, the saccule, and the utricle remaining soft embryonal connective tissue. There is thus a cartilaginous ear-capsule produced which is more than large enough to contain the primitive epithelial labyrinth, and the walls of which are separated from the latter by embryonal connective tissue.

The bony semicircular canals are almost exact reproductions, on a larger scale, of the epithelial canals^ and they are formed by the ossification of the cartilaginous petrosa. Even before this ossification occurs the soft connective tissue between the cartilage and the epithelial semicircular canals differentiates into three layers. The inner layer, becoming more condensed, is converted into fibrous tissue, and, adhering to the epithelial walls of the canals, furnishes the connective-tissue component of the completed membranous canals. Its blood-vessels serve for the nutrition of the canals. The outer layer also undergoes condensation and forms a fibrovascular membrane, the perichondrium, which later becomes the internal periosteum of the bony canals. The middle layer, on the contrary, becomes softer — by the liquefaction nf tin* intercellular siul>stance ami the degeneration of the cells — so that gradually increasing, fluid-filled cavities make their ap|H*a ranee, and these latter becoming lar^(T and many of them coalescing, a ^pace is formed around the niemhranous canals which is filled with fluid, the perilymph. This perilymphatic space is bridged across at intervals by con nectivt»-t issue processes that serve for the convevanct* of l)hMMl-vess<*ls to the membranous canals.

The vestibule of the internal ear is formed in practically the same manner as the Imny semicircular canals, the epithelial saccule and utricle at'quirinj;^ their cimnective-t issue constituents in the same way. TheR* is the difference, however, that the bony v<»stibule dm^s not conform to the shape of the vestibular |mrts of the membranous labyrinth, since it is a sinjrle unilividinl cavitv enclosinjr the two little vesiclcs, the siiccule and the utricle.

The bony cochlea, while develo|K»d u|M)n the same general plan as the other parts of the bony labyrinth, presents certain cons|)iouous uKNlitications. The epithelial cochlear duct, as stati'd above, in its early sta^ is a short, tapering, and sli«rhtly curved tube. While it is still in this condition, chondritication of tlir petrous bone (K»curs, whereby the duct ac(|uircs its cartilaginous capsule (Ki^. 109, hk). This capsule is i)\\v\\ at the prnximal end of the duct and thronjrh this o|K*iiinLr lh<' cochlear bninches of the audittuy ncrvi' gain access U) the capsule, beinj; connected with the c(K'hlcar <livi>inn of the auditory «ran«rlion, which, owing to its prcviou>ly having a>>iuncd a jK>sitiou beside the duct, Ciuucs to be enclosed by th<* <'apsulc as the latter is formed (Kig. 1^>9, m\ <j^it). It is only after the chondrification that the ci>chlear duct lengthens out and becomes t>pirally coiled. The coiling is in such n)ann(>r that the cochlear nerve is surrounded bv the duct — thatis, it lies in the axis about which the duct is spindly wound. Within the cartilaginous capsidc, filling all the space not occupied by the spirally coiled duct and the ccH^hlear nerve with its lengthened-out ganglion, is the end)ryoni<* conn<»ctive tissue of which f(»nnerly the entin* cartilaginous {x^trosa ccmsisted.

Thu cochlea consists now of a spirally coiled epithelial tu!>e Ijiug within an eloiigati'd cavity in the cartilaginous petrosa, a cavity, the walls of which arc, therefore, cartilaginous. The peripheral wuU of the coiled tube is in contact with the inner surface of the wall of the iTnrtilaginous cnpfule (Fig. 169, x), a fact which has an imiHtrtaiit bearing upon ihc further stages of growth.


Tio, Ue,— Pan of ■ Bectloii Itiniugh the cocblea or an embryo Ml. II cm. (3.l> in.) long litter Boellchcrl: bt. cartl]*gln(nis capadte. In vhLch llie cocblmr duel describe* aseending »|"lral turns i ilf. duetUB t'orhletrin ; c. iirgun of Cortl; It, lamina vialibul«rt«: i, ouler wall of the membranous duclu«cochl«arl» nilh Ugamenlum aplrale; SV. acila vfitninll : ST*. S7'. acila tympanl; g. Kelallnoun tiaae, which itni Hlls the tcala Tvatlbulf inO In Ita I'M tniat: a\ remnant of the gelatinous tliiue, which I> not yet llquvllcd : M. Arm connective tluua summnillne the cochlear nerve lac); gip. ganglion splcnle; .v. nerrc which rum to Cortl'a or>n>n in (he nilure lamina aplrallanuea: r, c<im|<Hct cnnnL-dlre-tiune UfCT.wblch liepomo onined and shares In boundlBK ""o bone cochlear duct : P, pcrichon

The embryonal connective tissue within the capsule now undergoes important modifications, which vary greatly in different regions. That portion of this tissue which immediately envclo])ri the cochlear nerve becomes first dense connective tissue, which is afterward <lire<*tly coiiverte^l into bone, constituting the modiolus, or axis, of the cochlea. The processes of eondensation and subsequent ossification extend outward from the nuKliolus in a spiral line, which corresponds with the intervals bi^tween the successive turns of the cochlear duet, until they meet the wall of the original capsule, thus produein^ the bony cochlea. That is, by the development of this spiral plate and its connection internally with tlu» uKHliolus and externally with the wall of the capsule, a tub(* at first partly membranous and jwrtly cartilaginous, and at a later sta^e osseous, is produced, which encloses the mueli smaller cochlear duct, and like it is wound spirally arc>und the modiohis. To repcnit, the original sample eavity of the cartilaginous capsule is subdivided by the growth of the modiolus and of th(» spiral shelf in such manner as to become a t<jjinil/t/ coiUd tube.

The cochlear nerve, enclosed within the coil of the cochlear duct, semis branches (Fiji:. 1^^, -V) i»^ a continuous spiral line to th<* duct, and the soft tissue surrounding and supporting these branches condenses to form a connectiyetissue plate whicli extends outward from the modiolus tc the cochlear duct and which, therefore, has a spiral course about the modiobis, its entire inniM* edge being attached to that central axis, while; its outer border is, throughout its entire extent, in continuity with the inner wall of the duct. At a later sta^e tliis s])iral plate undergoes direct ossification to form tlic two lainclhe of the bony lamina spiralis. Thus it is that the ganglion s])ir:de and the successive terminal branches of the cochlear nerve come to be enclosed within th(; s[)iral lamina. Recalling the condition of the cochh»a before the growth of the spiral lamina, it will be seen that the latter, in connection with the epithelial cochlear duct, divides the tube into two parts (Fig. IfJO, aST, .ST). It will be evident, to(), that the epithelial cochlear duct now holds a relation to the* larger tube of the future bony cochlea which is similar in principh* to the relation of the membranous semicircular canals to th(» bony canals, but with the dilVcrcnce that the outer wall of the epithelial duct is in close contact with the outer wall of the future bonv canal at Xf and that the inner walls of the two are connected by a spiral plate, the lamina spiralis.

The cochlear duct, then, is surrounded by undifferentiated mesodermic tissue, except on the side farthest from the modiolus, where its wall is in contact with and finally adheres to the wall of the cartilaginous capsule. The lamina spiralis divides this tissue into two parts which respectively occupy the positions of the future scala vestibuli and scala tympani. Tliis soft embryonal tissue, as in the case of the corresponding tissue of the semicircular canals, develops differently in different regions. The innermost stratum, which is in relation with the epithelial cochlear duct, becomes fibrous connective tissue and constitutes the flbrons layer of the adult cochlear duct ; that is, on the side of the duct toward the scala tympani, it becomes the connective- tissue layer of the membrana basilaris, while on the side toward the scala vestibuli it forms the fibrous stratum of the membrane of Beissner (Fig. 169). The peripheral zone of indifferent tissue, that in contact with the now cartilaginous wall of the future bony cochlea, as well as that which lies against the lamina spiralis, also undergoes condensation and forms a fibrous, or fibrovascular, membrane, the internal perichondrinm or future periostenm. The tissue intervening between these two layers retrogrades, the cells degenerating and the intercellular substance liquefying, until finally the spaces known as the scala vestibuli and the scala tympani are hollowed out. These channels are lymph-spaces and the fluid they contain is the perilymph. This perilymphatic space is in communication with that of the vestibule. Therefore, while the cochlear duct or scala media encloses an epithelinm-lined space, as do the saccule, the utricle, and the membranous semicircular canals, and in common with those structures contains the so-called endolymph, the scala vestibuli and the scala tympani are in the same category with the perilymphatic spaces of the other parts of the internal ear.

The Middle and the External Ear.— The middle ear, consisting of the tympanic cavity and the Eustachian tube, is devclojx}il from the back part or dorsal ond of the first inner visceral fUrrow. The external ear, comprising the external auditory meatus and the auricle, comes from the dorsal extremity of the first outer furrow and the tissue about its margins, the tympanic membrane representing in part the closing membrane which sepanites the inner furrow from the outer.

The first inner viscend furrow, in common with the other inner furrows, is an evagination of the lateral wall of the primitive pharvngcal ciivity, or head-end of the guttract. The ventral end of this groove suffers obliteration, but the dorsal s(»gment, designate<l the tnbotympanic sulcus, becomes converted into a tube by the growing together of its edges. The tube is composed therefore of entodermic epithelial cells. It elongjites in the dorsal and outward dire(?tion, and its dorsal extremity becomes enlarged to produce the cavity of the tympanum, the remaining part of the canal becoming the epithelial lining of the Eustachian tabe. The canal being formed before the development of the cranium, and approximat(?ly its posterior half being surrounded bv the mesodermic embryonal connective tissue that al'terward becomes the petrosa of the temporal bone, the tympanic, cavity and a part of th(» Eustachian tube come to be enclosed within that bone, while the connective tissue enchasing the anterior part of the tube differentiates into the curved plate of ciirtilage that forms the cartilaginous part of the Eustachian tube.

Since the posterior end of the primitive epithelial tube insinuates itself between the otic vesicle and the surface, the tympanum comes to o(*cupy its normal position on the outer side of the internal ear. The tympanum, being derived from the back part of the first vis(»eral cleft, is in close relation with the first and second visceral arches, and the ossicles of the mid<ll(» ear ar(» derived from the dorsal extremities of the cartilaginous bars (jf these arches in the manner described in C-hapter XVIII. Necessarily the primitive ossicles are exterior to the primitive epithelial tympanic sac, as is also the chorda tympani nerve, which jKisses ulcDg its outer nide. After the ossification of the temporal hone, these structures are emhedded within the abundant soft connective tissue which is between the epithelial sac, now the mucous membrane, and the bony walls of the tympanum. This mass of soft tissue undergoes verj' considerable diminution, owing to which the mucous membrane comes into contact with the bony walls, and as a result the ossicles and the chorda tympani are enclosed in folds of the mucous membrane and seem to lie within the tympanic cavity,' They are excluded, however, from the true cavity of the tympjinum, since they are exterior to the epithelial or mucous- membrane layer.

Fin. 170. -Showing the gracjua] cluvi;lii|iiiii.-iil uf tlio fiartiinf the external car ftom promlncncss upon the mandibular and hyoldean Tistcral archus lHI»),varlnmly magnlHeil : 1. 2. prunilnenceB on mandibular arcb : 3. prominence between the two archea, prolooged postertorly in leconil fixture tu Sr; t.b. and 0, pniminencea on hyoidcau nr lecond riaceral arph; ^.lowerjaw. Prominence I forms the li^rua; 2, 3. ^, the helix; 4. Ihu anllbelli ; G, Ihc antitragug: S, the lubule.

The external auditory meatus is simply the persistent posterior part of the fir«t outer visceral furrow or hyomandibular cleft (sec pp. \\2, 1 Hil, this cleft doffing completely everywhere but in this region. The closing plate of the firrt cleft becomes the tympanic membrane. Hiiice the outer layer of this membrane is of wt.xlennie orijjin, while the inner layer is entodermic, being continuous with the epithelial tympanic lining, and the middle fibrous layer is derived from the mesoderm. The relation of the malleus to the membrane and of the latter to the bony tyinjKinie plate which forms part of the wall of the meatus is dealt with in the chapter on the development of the skeleton.

The auricle is ilerived from the tissue around the margin of the uucIoscmI hack part of the first outer cleft (Fig. 171, C). Six little elevations make their appearance here, the projections being mesodermic tissue covered with ectoderm. The mesodermic component of the elevations diiferentiates into the <':irtilaginous and other connective-tissue jKirts of the auricle. The nodules marked 2 and 3 in Fig. 170 bi^coming a continuous ridge, produce* the helix, while nodule 4 becomes the antihelix. The tragus and antitragus develop resijcctively from the projections 1 and 5. At the end of the second month, these parts are so far a<lvan(?ed as to be easily distinguishable, and the connective-tissue basis of the ridges and projections and the continuous plate-like mass to which they all are attache<l be^in to undergo chcmdrification. From the third month onward, this primitive auricle, by continued growth and greater sepanition from the si<le of the head, assumes more? and more the charactei>> of the fullv formed member. The lobule, however, which results from the growth of the little elevation marked G, lags behind the other parts in development and is rather indistinct until the fifth month, after which time it increases in size and gradually acquires its normal i)rop(>rtioiis.


The nose is primarily a special sense-organ, although a pjirt of its cavity serves, in air-br(»athing vertebrates, as an adjunct to the respiratory system. The evolution of the mature organ of smell may be epitomized by the statement that the olfactory epithelium, the ess(>ntial part of this senseorgan, is a patch of dei)ressed or infolded ecjtoderm, the cells of which are highly specialized and ar(» brought into relation with the central nervous system by means of the outgrowth from the latter of a part of its mass, the olfactory lobe.

Verv wirly in intra-uterine life — before the end of the thinl week — the olfactory plates apjn^ar as loealizt^l thicken


iiigs of the ectoderm situated just in front of or above the on»l fossH. Tbese nasal areas are the forerunners of the future olfactory epithelium. It is worthy of note that the olfiictory [ilatf.* un.- \n very close relation with thf iirimiiry

— Devetupment or (he flu» nr ihc bum&neiDbryn (TUB) - A, embryo of it twenty-nluv dayi. The nuuCroalal plate dlOeren Hating into proccuui gioDularea, toward whlph the mailllnry proccsies of llret vlucral arcb are eitendiag. B. embryo of about Ihlrty-fourdajra: Ibe global ar, lateral frontal, and nuiillnry prufetwea are In apposition ; the prlmlllTe openlnt; la now better deflned, C, embryo of about the eighth week - Immediate Imiinilsrle* of moulh are more deflntte and the nasal oriHces are partly (brmed, external ear appearing. D. embryo at end of oecond munth.

fore-brain vesicle, being, in reality, on the outer surfiiee of the ectodermic covering of its ventral wall.

Owing to the rapid outgrowth of the surrounding tissue, the olfactory plates l)ecome relatively depressed, constituting now the nasal pits, which arc distinguishable at about the twenty-eighth day. The pits are separated from each other by a broad mass of tissue, the nasal or iia8ofh>ntal process (Fig.

171), which is, as it were, a localized thickening of the inesoderniic tissue on the ventral wall of the primary fore-brain vesicle ; and this process makes its appearance in the third week. During the fifth week the nasofrontal process thickens greatly along its lateral margins, the thick edges being known as the globular processes (Fig. 171, A, B). At the same time the lateral nasal processes bud out from the nasofrontal process, one on each side, above the nasal pits, and, growing downward, form the external boundaries of the pits, each of which depressions is bounded on its inner side by the corresponding globular process. The nasal pits, therefore, have well-marked walls on every side except below, where they are directly contimious with the oral fossa.

In the latter end of the sixth week the nasofrontal process, which, it will be remembered, constitutes the upper limit of the oral fossa, is joined on each side bv the united maxillary, and lateral nasal, processes. This effects a division between the oral fossa and the nasal pits, and forms, though as yet crudely, th(* external nose, and the upper lip as well. The detinite formation of the external nose may be said to be indicated about the cH/htli rack. The orifices of the na>al pit.-^ are now the anterior nares, while the pits themselves have bectnne short canals, opening by their deep orifices, the posterior nares, into the primitive mouth-cavity ahove the palatal shelves. The nanvs are separated from i'ach other by the still broad nasofrontal j)roeess. That portion of the nasofrontal process that separates the nares gradually becomes thinner and produces the septum of the nos(\ while its external or superticial })art gives rise to the bridge and tip of the organ.

The growth of the palate- shelves (Fig. 172) toward the median line, resulting in their union with each other and with the recently-fornn^d septum, definitely divides the nasal chambers from the cavity of the mouth, th(» posterior nares now opening into the pharynx. This separation is completed toward the end of the third month.

The complexity of the ndiilt nasal cavities js proclticetl W the formation of ridges ami jKHielies on (he lateral walls of the original nasal pits. Three inwardly projecting horizontal folds of the eeio<lernii(i lining of the cavity, tho superior, middle, and inferior tnrbi&al folds, appear njion the outer wall nf each nasal fossa (Fig. 173). Each fold contains a stratnni of mesodermie tissue which develops into cartilage and nubseqnenily into bone, forming respectively the three turbinated bones. The cartilaginons character of these folds becomes apparent at the end of the second, or the early part of the third, month. An cvagination on the lateral wall of each

Fin. ITS.— Roof or Ihe oral rnvlly ofa human emhirj-o with the niiidiunenta of (he poUlal prouenes (alter HIa), < 10.

nasal fossa, between the middle and the inferior tnrbinnl processes, becomes the antnun of Higbmore ; this is fnrmcil in the sixth month. Other cvafrinalions jirtxiiiec the ethmoidal, the frontal, and the sphenoidal sinuses, the last two of which are not completed, however, until after birth. Very early in the development of the nose a small invagination appears on the mesial wall of the nasal pit. In the fourth month of gestation this invagination has become n canal in the iipptum (Fig. 173, /), running from before backward and ending in a blind extremity. It is the so-called organ of Jacobson, which, in man, is merely a rudimentary strnctnre, but which, in most other mammals, is more highly developed, Iwing surrounded by a cartilaginons capsule and receiving a special nerve-supply from the olfactory nerve.

The olfactory plates lictKime sejiaratod from the fore-brain vesicle and ajii.-cijiiontly from the later brain and its oulgrowtli, the olfactwry bulb, by the development of au intervening bony plate, the cribriform lamina of the etlimoid bone. The ectoderraic cells of the olfactory plates differentiate into the highly specialized nenro-epithelial elements of the olfactory mncoiis monibranc, the olfactory epithelliun, and I their asiioeiuted supporting cells. The axon*; of the neuro- I epithelial cells piws upwuiil (liroiifrli die tribrlform ]»late of the ethmoid bone as the olfactory nerve-fibers, and, entering the ventral surface of the olfac'lory Ijnlb, arliorize with the proces-ses of the mitnd cells of ilie bull), whereby they acquire J functional relationship with the olfactory centers in the brain, 1

Fm. 173.— Cr SB a i i tl t tl tl hmd f ai en I rj i orown-rump meuureuient The iiuml cavlllw Bre (leen lot wlih thcoralisTilyal IhepUieii dealsniileiJ by a* K cBrUlHseaf tbeoual Mp-fl tuni;iH,turblnal»rlIl&ge J argan i f Jucnbson J the place when ItopaulBttfl Ihe naiial dbtUs' ; gf, paUul proceis; of. mftxlUary proceM; il. dBntal rld|».| |Hert»[g).

The esternal nose, as previously stated, first acquires defi- 1 nite form about the eighth week by the union of the distal J ends of the lateral nasal processes with the nasofrontal proo* 1 C8.S, the former proilucing the ala and the latter thebiid|«| and the tip of the nose. In the third month the organ is j tmduly flat and broad, but from this time on it gradually j a-ssume-s the familiar characteristic form. From the third i month to the fifth each external naris is closed by a gelat- J inous plug of epithelial cells.





The voluntary muscular system, genetically considered, is divisible into (1) the muscles of the trunk and (2) those of the extremities. The muscles of the trunk include two distinct sets : (a) the muscles of the trunk proper, or the skeletal muscles, and (b) the muscles of the visceral arches or the branchial muscles.

To arrive at a proper comprehension of the evolution of the muscular system it is necessary to revert to an important fundamental emhryological process, the segmentation of the body of the embryo, or, as it is sometimes expressed, the segmentation of the coelom, or body-cavity. As pointed out in Chapter IV., this process of segmentation occurs in all vertebrate animals and in some invertebrates.

The Muscles of the Trunk Proper.— At a very early stage of development the tracts of mesodermic tissue situated one on each side of the median longitudinal axis of the future embryonic body, the paraxial mesodermic tracts, undergo division or segmentation, in lines transverse to the long axis, into 'a series of pairs of irregularly cubical masses of mesodermic cells. These masses are the mesoblastic somites or primitive segments, often inappropriately called the protovertebrse. The somite first formed corresponds with the future occipital region, the second one lies immediately in front of the first, while two others, situated still more anteriorly, that is, near the cephalic end of the embryonic area, and seven more, behind the first, are added almost simultaneously. The formation of the primitive segments

tlicn pr(^>cociU tiiilwiinl until a considerable number have l)e(.'ii luldi'd. Tliorie in front of tlic one first formed are di'iiomiimted tlip head-segments, while the others are known iis the tnmk-segments. Kacli mniito ii> at first triangular in iToss-stt;fion, the haso of the triangle looking toward the chunla dor.sidi:*. Siibsc<iiiently they assume a more ciiboidal whiiiM'. In the lower vertebrates — amphibians and fishee — the somite is hollow, its cavity being in these cases a constricted-iift" portion of the IxKly-cavity (hence the term " 8^

el'iRciiuui tlMie iiiiting tnirt rb! roin wbo«e wall.

mentation of the eieloni" to exjin.-is this iirtHrsf). In the higher vert eh rates, liowevcr. the eavitv is obliterated by the eneroiielinieiit of the eells of the wall> of the soniit<-.

The eells of the somites soon iin(h'r<;o ditfereiitiation nnd rearm iifreii lent. It is nsiiiilly stated that, preparatory to the segmentation of the paraxial mesodermic tract, this tract has become separated from the remaining lateral plate of the mesoderm. The separation is not complete, however, and therefore, after the appearance of the primitive segments, each segment is connected with the more laterally placed lateral plate — by the separation of which latter into two lamellae the coelom is formed — by a smaller mass of tissue, the iieplirotome, also called the middle plate, or intermediate cell-mass (Fig. 17-!, vb). As development progresses the distinction between the primitive segment proper and the nephrotome becomes more sharply expressed, and the former is designated the myotome. The primitive segment on its mesial surface, near the point of union with the nephrotome, sends forth cells which form a mass called the sclerotome (Fig. 174, sk). The sclerotomes spread out and blend with each other, forming a continuous mass of tissue which envelops the chorda and the neural canal, and which also extends laterally between the myotomes, separating them from each other and constituting the ligamenta intermuscnlaria {vide p. 375) ; this tissue, being concerned in the production of the permanent vertebrse, has no further interest in this connection.

What remains of the primitive segment after the forma-* tion of the nephrotome and of the sclerotome is the myotome proper or the muscle-plate. Although, as previously stated, the primitive segments of the higher vertebrates contain no cavity, the myotome and the nephrotome each enclose a space, that belonging to the former being known as the myoccel. The myotomes or muscle-plates are so called because they give rise to the voluntary musculature of the trunk. But not all of the cells of the muscle-plate undergo transformation into muscular tissue. While the cells on the mesial or chordal side of the myoccel are going through certain alterations preparatory to their metamorphosis, the cells nearer the body-wall become rearranged to form a characteristic layer which is known as the cutis-plate from the fact that it contributes to the formation of the corium of the skin (Fig. 174, cp). The cutis-plate and the remaining part of the miisde-plate are conliniiniis around the myoctpl, the trunsition from one to the other being more or less gradMal. To suminarize, the primitive segment is differentiated into the nephrotome, the sclerotome, the myotome or mnaclaplate, and the cutis-plate.

The Metamorphosis of the Muscle-plate. — By the terra inujKle-ftlate. ia meant here the thickened layer of cells on the chordal or mesial side of the myotome proper, which layer condtitiites what remains of the myotome after the differentiation of the eutis-plate. These cells having pro- | liferated and increased in size, and having encroached ' thereby upon the cavity of the myotome, next undergo alteration in shape, becoming cylindrical, with their long axes parallel with that of the body of the embryo. The length of each cylindrical cell equals the thickness of the primitive segment, at least in the Amphibia and probably also | in the chick. The next step in the transformation is the ' acquisition of the transrerse Btriation characteristic of ver- j tebratc voluntary mupclc. Soon after this the protoplaf of tlic cell uudergoc];) longitudinal division iVito minute] fibrillie — which latter do not necessarily correspond, how- J ever, with the primitive fibrillfe of mature muscle — and tlw I cell-nucleus likewise divides. The metamorphosis of the f now tibrillated protoplasm into muscular tissue is first com— 1 pleted at the periphery of the fiber, so that a young musole- 1 fiber contains a central core of undifferentiated material, | including the daughter-nuclei resulting from the divis of the original nucleus. Soon after the appearance of stria- 1 tion and the fibrillation of the fil>er, the fibers begin to sepa^l rate from each other, and developing connective tissue witJtT young blood-vessels penetrates between them, the fibers now 1 showing aggregation into bundles. For some time longer i the fibers are naked, since the earcolemma is not acquired until considerably later. The differentiation into muscular . tissue gradually extends from the periphery of the fiber to 'J its core, the process being complete in the human embryo at J about the end of the fifth month for the muscles of the upper.jj extremities and in the seventh month for tho.-ie of the lower.


The embryonic muscle-fibers are smaller than the mature elements and increase in size until the third month.

It is considered highly probable by most embryologists that muscle-fibers undergo multiplicatioii during embryonic life. There are several theories as to the method of this multiplication. The most generally accepted view is that put forth by Weismann, the essential feature of which is that the fibers multiply by longitudinal division or fission. Reference was made above to the repeated division of the nucleus of the cell as one of the initiatory steps in the formation of the muscle-fiber. According to the fission theory, there is one class of fibers in which the nuclei are arranged in a single row, and the fibers of this class do not undergo fission ; while there is another class, the fibers of which have their nuclei arranged in several rows. Fibers of the latter type divide longitudinally into as many daughter-fibers as there are rows of nuclei.

Although many of the details of the development of the muscular system are still involved in obscurity, it is a generally accepted fact that each fiber is derived from a single cell, the protoplasm of which develops the function of contractility to the subordination of the remaining vital properties of protoplasm. With this specialization of function there is nefcessarily a concomitant alteration of structure.

The muscular mass resulting from the transformation of each myotome grows in the ventral direction between the ectoderm and the parietal leaf of the mesoderm, or in other words into the somatopleure, to produce the muscular structures of the ventrolateral body-wall. The off-shoots of the myotomes which thus jKjnetrate the body-wall in the fourth week produce, in the fifth week, a muscle-mass which, for the most part, is non-segmental, and which gives rise to a dorsal and a ventrolateral division ; the dorsal division, derived from all the spinal myotomes, l)eing destined for the musculature of the back, while the ventrolateral division, springing from the thoracic myotomes alone, gives rise during the fifth, sixth, and seventh weeks to the muscles of the thoracic and abdominal walls (Banleen and Lewis *). The dorsal division extends in the dorsal direction, covering and acquiring points of attachment to the vert<}bral column, which has meanwhile Ix'cn forming. In addition to the ventnd and dorsal extension of the muscl(?-|)lates, each one grows both forward and backward — cephahid and caudad — in such manner that overhipping and intermingling result. During the diflTerentiation of the various muscular mass(\s from the myotomes, ventnd and dorsal l)ranches of the corresi)onding spinal nerves grow forth, their final distribution being to muscles developed from the particular myotcmies with which the respective nerv(»s correspond. According to Bardeen and Lewis the struc'turcs of the l)v)dv-wall are well differentiated by the end of the sixth week, although their extension to the mid-line is not completed until near the end of the third month.

What has been said above concerning the evolution of the trunk-musculature from the primitive s(»gments refers to those muscles that are develope<l from the segments of the trunk. As to the evolution of the head-segments comparatively little is definitely known. It is generally accepted thatin ela^niobranchs — a group including sharks and rays — there an? nine primitive segments in the region of the future head. The number present in mammalian embryos has not been clearly worked out. Three? oeeiptal and thirty-five spinal myotomes have been seen in human embryos of the fourth week, at which time the formation of myotomes is said to cease. In th(» l(>wer vertebrates each segment contains a eavitv lined with flattened e(»lls, the mesothelium, the metamorphosis of which into muscular tissue may be inferred to be essentially as alreadv outlined ai)ove. The first head-segment, which lies in contact with and partially envelops the optic vesicle, gives rise to the su|)erior rectus, the inferior rectus, antl the inferior t>bli(jue muscles of the eye-ball (innervated by the thinl cranial nerve) : the second segment produces the superior obli(jue (iiniervated by the fourth nerve); and the third, the external rectus (iiniervated by the sixth nerve). The fourth, fifth, and sixth segments al)ort and hence pnxluce

  • Amerirnn Jtntrnal nj AniitomUj vol. L, No. 1.

no adult structures ; while the seventh, the eighth, and the ninth segments become metamorphosed into the muscles that connect the skull with the shoulder-girdle.

From recent studies^ it would appear that individual muscles undergo peculiar and significant migrations during their development, and that the origin of the nerve-supply of a muscle indicates the location of the particular myotome or myotomes from which it originated, since the segmental nerves are connected with their respective myotomes and supply the muscles derived from such myotomes. For example, the serratus magnus, being innervated by branches of the cervical nerves, develops from myotomes in the neck region, and subsequently moves down to become attached to the scapula and the ribs.

The Branchial Muscles. — This term embraces the muscles of mastication and the various muscles connected with the hyoid bone, with the jaws, and with the ossicles of the middle ear. They result from the metamorphosis of the mesothelimn of the visceral arches and acquire connections with structures that have arisen from the so-called mesenchymal cells of these arches or, in other words, from the embryonal connective tissue which makes up the chief part of their bulk. For an account of the growth of the visceral arches the reader is referred to Chapter VII. From this account and from that found in Chapter IV., it will be seen that the formation of the visceral arches and clefts is in reality the segmentation of the ventral mesoderm of the headregion of the embryo, or to express it in another way, it is the segmentation of the ventral coelom of that region. It is interesting to note that whereas in the trunk the segmentation of the mesoderm is restricted to the dorsal part of the body, in the head-region the ventral mesoderm also participates in the process. Hence the visceral arches, as might be exj)ected, consist of so many masses of mesodermic tissue, each arch containing a small («ivity lined with mesothelium, which cavity is a constricted-off part of the body-cavity or

  • See '* Development of the Ventral Abdominal Walls in Man/* Franklin P. Mall, Johns Hopkins Papers, vol. iii., 1898.

Od'loiii. It is those mesotholial ct4l8 that produce, by their diift'rentiation, the niusoles under consideration. While so nuieh ooneerninjj: the origin of tliis group of muscles is practically assured bv ol)servations upon the embryos of the lower vertebrates, the details are still obscure. His assumes the origin of the palatoglossus, the styloglossus, and the levator palati from the second or hyoid arch ; of the stylopluayngeus, perhaps the palatopharsrngeus, the hyoglossus and the superior constrictor of the pharsrnx from the third arch ; and of the middle and inferior pharyngeal constrictors from the fourth arch. Further, it is held bv Rabl that the muscles of the i\u\\ including those of the scalp and the platysma — the muscles of expression — originate* from the mesothelium of the hyoid anrh in the form of a thin superficial sheet, which, gratlnally spreading out from the place of origin, breaks up into the intlividual muscles.

The Muscles of the Extremities. — The relation of i\\o (It'vclopnirnt ot'tlic inn>cles of tiie limbs to the myotomes i> >till a (li<j)uttMl point. Sdihc authorities hold that the linil)-mu-cK> of inaiiinials orii^inate from the mvotomes, as \\{\< >li()\vn l)v l)«)lirn U) l)c the ca>e with the fin-musculaturc of Selachian-. A tact adduced as a strong argument in t'avnr «>f tht'ir niyotomic oriiiiii is that the ncrve-su|)[)ly of each liiiil) ('(U'rc-jjonds with the nerves of the number of myotoniie x'unients in relr.tion with which the limb-bud <lcvelops (rid, |). loi)). ( )n th(* other iiand, it is stated* that the myotome- do n(»t extend into th(» developini:- limb-buds, but that the inn.-ch'< ol" the liinl).- are diil'ci-entiated from the mesenchvinal core ol' the liinh-bud, thi- procos following the entrance of the motor nerve-fihi'rs into the member. The mn>chs of the npper lind) are so well advanced in their devel<»|)ment by th(*' >ixth week a< to be individually distingni-hablc. th(»-^e (if the lower limb reaciiing a corresponding stau'e in the >eventh week.

^ r»anU*oii Mini Lc\vi>, /-*(•. cit.


This variety of muscular tissue, like that considered above, is of mesodermic origin. But while the voluntary muscles arise from the flattened or mesothelial cells of the primitive segments, involuntary muscle results from the transformation of the embryonal connective-tissue elements, the mesencliymal cells, of the mesoderm. It is for this reason that some authors speak of the voluntary muscles as the mesothelial muscles and designate the involuntary muscular tissue as mesenchymal muscle.

While it is a generally accepted fact that each of the fibercells which make up nnstriated muscle is a metamorphosed mesenchymal or connective-tissue cell, the details of the process have not been accurately worked out. One may assume that necessarily the young connective-tissue cell elongates and that its protoplasm must undergo such differentiation as will fit it for the exercise of its future function, contractility.


The account of the development of the heart-muscle will be found in Chapter X.



Although the skeleton is the framework of the body in the aiiatoiuieal or meehanieal sense, it is not so embryologically, since its deveh)pnient is not l)egun, at least not to any important extent, until nearly all the prineijial organs are well differentiated, and its growth is largely subsidiary to that of the structures which, in the mature state, it supports and })r(>tects. M4»rph()logists s])eak of the exoskeleton and the endoskeleton, the former having reference to the hard structures found superficial to the soft parts, for whose protection they serve, such as the canipace of the lobster, and the hartl scales of certain fishes ; while the latter term si<rnifies the cartilairinous or bonv structures found within the bodies of most vertebrate animals. Kven in the highest vertebrates, certain bones, such as those (►f the vault of the cranium, are usually cousi(l(»r(»d by morphologists as l>eing thi' representatives <>f p;irt of the cx<>skeleton of lower ty])es.

The skeleton, using the W(>rd in its 4>rdinary sense, consists of the axial skeleton and the appendicular skeleton, or skeleton of the limbs, '^fhe former, inclu<liug the head and the trunk, is connnon to all vert(»brates ; the latter is not found in the lowest members of tliis class and hence is to \ye regarded as a later ac(|uisition in the evolution of the skeleton.

In studying the development of t]w skeleton, as in considering thatof otht'r systems an<l organs, cleaner conceptions of the y:rowth of the individual mav be obtained bv comparing it witli the evolution of the ty[)e. For example, the simplest form of skeletal apparatus is that of the amphioxns.

In this animal the only representative of the skeleton is the notochord, a cyliiulrical rod composed of cellular or gelatinous tissue in which neither cliondrification nor ossification ever takes place. Such an animal furnishes an example of the notochordal stage of the skeleton. the surrounding of the chorda with a sheath of embryonal connective tissue, by which it is strengthened and thereby better fitted to serve as the body-axis, furnishes the membranous type of skeleton, a stage a little farther advanced than the preceding. The next higher type of skeleton is the cartilaginous form. In tliiscase the eml)ryonal (ronnective tissue has undergone transformation into cartilage, at which p%int development is arrested, the stage of ossification never being attained. The cartilaginous type of skeleton is illustrated by that of the selachian (sharks and dog-fish).

The third and highest type of skeleton is the osseous. This results from the replacement of the cartilaginous tissue l)y bone. The process of ossification does not, however, affect every part of the cartilaginous skeleton, there being some portions of the latter which remain permanently unossified. As there are, throughout the vertebrate series of animals, various gra(hitions in the degree of differentiation of the skeleton, so in the course of development does the osseous system of every higher vertebrate pass througli these stages from the simplest condition, that of the notochordal skeleton, to the highest form of the almost completely ossified skeletal apparatus.


The axial skeleton, as stated above, includes the bones of the trunk and those of the head. Logically the development of the former will first claim attention.

The Development of the Trunk. The Stage of the Chorda.— The formation of the (jhorda dorsalis or notochord is the earliest indication of the axis of the embryonic body and it will be recalled that it is also one of the earliest embryological processes. The mode of development of the chorda from the entodermal epithelium has been described at p. 73. The chorda serves the purpose, as it were, of an axis about which the permanent vertebral column and a part of the skull are, at a much later date, built up. The anterior or headward termination of the chorda corresponds to the position of the later hypophyais, or pituitary body, and thus the chorda is coextensive, not only with the vertebral column, but also with a portion of the cranium. The cells of the chorda enlarge and become distended with fluid, the protoplasm of each cell being reduced to a thin layer. The peripheral cells, however, constituting a distinct layer, the chordal epithelinm, remain small, and it is by their proliferation that the •horda increases in size. In the amphioxus the chorda is the only " skeleton *' that is ever acquired, and in this animal it is a permanent structure. In all other vertebrates it becomes surrounded by embryonal connective tissue, mesenchyme, which latter undergoes chondrification, and in the higher types ossification also. While in some of the lower vertebrates, as in certain classes of fishes, the chonla persists as a structure of more or less importance, in the higher members of the series, birds and mammals, it retrogrades as the processes of chondrification and ossification go on, until finally it is represented only by the pulpy centers of the intervertebral disks.

The Membranous Stage. — The notochordal stage of

the development of the vertebral column is succeeded by the menihninous staire. The transformation is effected bv the appearance of an ensheathing mass composed of embryonal connective-tissue cells which surround not onlv the chorda but also the neural canal or fundament of the nervous svstem (Fig. 17-1, nh). The source of this embryonal connective tissue or mesenchyme bears an imi)ortant relation to the primitive segments. As the develo[)nient of the primitive segments was described in the last chapter, and also in Chapter IV., it will suffice to remind the reader that each primitive segment undergo(»s differentiation into the myotome or muscleplate, the cutis-plate, the nephrotome, and the sclerotome (Fig. 174), the sclerotouK? occupying the mesial surface of the segment and lying in close proximity to the chorda.

AVhile the myotome originates from the flattened or mesothelial cells of the primitive segment, the sclerotome is made up of cells of the type characteristic of young-growing connective tissue — that is, of the mesenchymal part of the primitive segments as distinguished from their mesothelium. Owing to the rapid multiplication of its cells, each sclerotome spreads out headward and caudalward, and dorsad and ventrad, surrounding both the chorda and the neural canal, until both these structures become enclosed in a common, continuous sheath of embryonal connective tissue. That part of this tissue which surrounds the chorda is often designated the skeletogenous sheath of the chorda and also the membranous primordial vertebral column. The cells of the sclerotomes not only surround the chorda and the neural canal, but they also spread out laterally into the intervals between the muscle-segments to constitute the ligamenta intermuscnlaria or the bands or strips of connective tissue which separate adjacent muscle


Intersegmental arteries

ist spinal nerve

Ligamentum intermuscularium

2d spinal nerve

Ligamentum intermuscularium

jd spinal nerve

Skeletogenous sheath of chorda^ \^horda

Fig. 175.— Frontal projection fVom a series of sections through a cow embryo of

8.8 mm.(0.35 in.). (From Bonnet, after Froriep.)

segments from each other (Fig. 1 75). It is worthy of note that while this skeletogenous sheath of the chorda originates from segmented structures, the somites or primitive segments, and is to that extent related to the segmentation of the body, it now presents no trace of segmentation.

Very soon, however, this ensheathing membranous tissue exhibits areas of condensation alternating regularly with less dense areas. Eaeh such condensed area has the form of u somewhat obli(|uely i)lace<l bow or half-arch. This halfareli of condensed mesenchymal tissue is called the primitive vertebral bow by Froriep (^Figs. 175 and 176), whose investigations upon chick and cow embryos established most of the facts known concerning the development of the vertebra?.^ The median portion of the lx>w is on the ventral side of the cliorda and is known as the hypochordal brace. The lateral extremities of the bow abut against the eorresj>onding myotomes, eadi extremity becoming bifurcated. The dorsal limb of the bifurcation, the neural process, extends gradually over the dorsal surface of the primitive spinal cord, forming the neural arch; while the ventral limb advances ventrad, foreshadowing the hemal arch or costal process of the vertebra, or, as regards the thoracic region of the body, the future rib.' Both dorsal and ventral processes grow into the intervals between iidjaoeiit myotomes and hence are intersegmental, that i>, they, n> well as the vertebral \m)\\ from which they >j>rintr, (•orre>pon(l to the intervals between the primitive segments of the body. Sub>e(|iieiitly these j)roeesses of the bow uive rise to the variou«- processes of the ecmipleted vertebra. The median part ol' the bow, the hypochordal brace, subseqncMitly becomes cartilaginous and assists in forniiii<r th(» bodv of the vertebra in l)inl>, but in mammals it reuiaius unchondrified and becomes an inconspicuous and transitory part of the intervertebral ligament — the future intervertebral disk — exce]>t in the case of the first cervical vertebra, the atlas, the ventral arch of which it furnishes. The nieinbran(nis anlage of x\w cartilaginous body of the vertebra is fcnind in a special condensation of the mesen ' M<»re rcH'ently the ]>r(>cess lias K'cii stiKlicd m tlu* human embryo by IJiinh-eii. Afurrn'tin Jourunl nf Annfonv/. vol iv , No. 'J, \W\.

' Mnr]»h(>l()irir:illy, each vertehni is po^n^ssod of a ii'iirnl nrrh^ f(f>r tlio protection of the spnial cord ; and a bnnni nrrh^ for the protection of the ortnms of emulation, re<y)i I'll turn, and diirc^tion, the ril)> of man and the higher Vi'rtebnites U'lny the ])er»^istent hemal arches in tfie rei^ion of the tfiorax.

eliymatous slieath of tlio i-lionla on tin; caudal aide of the liyi>ocliortlal brace. The intarrertebral ligament is develowd fnmi the (erichonlal tissue on the dorsal side of the liyi>ocliordal bniee. Banleen's piimilivc rlluk iiiultides this aniiigc nf the iiitorvtTtebnil ligament phis the hyiwK'lionial brace of Froriep, which latter Bardceii regards as a transitory thicken of e n r 1 gi. Ilk

The Cartilaginous Stage.— This stage of the devcloi>niciit (if titc spine is bi-onght abont by the metamorphosis of IKirts of the niembrannus vertebral column into the cartilaKinons vertebra. Other and alternating \arts of the same strncttiro furnish the Intervertebral disks and the ligaments that hind together the individual elements of the spine. 'J'he hisliilogic:il changes neeessiry to effect the transformation of the embryonal connective tissue into cartilage are, briefly, the moving ajwrt of the cells and the modification of both the cells and the intercellular substance, the latter acquiring the characteristic qualities of the matrix of cartilage.

For each vertebral bodr there are two centers of chontlrifieation, one on each ^ide of the chorda within the mass of tissue referred to above (Fig, 176), The formation of cartilage l>egins in the second month. The two centers are soon connected with each other by a third, which lies on the ventral side of the chorda, the three forming now a cartilaginons half

crliuder wliicli js later coniplete<l by the development of c tilage on tLe dorsal side of the chorda (Fig. 177). Accord- ' ing to Bardeen, the tartilage of llie body grows at the exjwhse of the primitive disk anterior to (above) it. At the time when the chorda is completely encased in cartilage the Bi>inal cord is still ensheathed by merely membranous tig Before the end of the second month the neural uches of the J vertebrte are indicated by small isolated niassi's of cartila) which develop in the connective tissue BUrrounding the spinal I cord, the lateral parts of the membranous vertebral bows. 1

Parachordal carlilagt

In the eighth week these fuse with the bodies and appear I llieri as projections from them. By the end of the third I month the processes, or neural arches, have grown snfficiently ] to" meet with their fellows on the dorsal side of the spinal J conl, and in the fourth month the corresponding arches of , the two sides become niii ted, thuscompletingthecartilariiuma I sbeath of tbe cord.

The masses nf connective tissue occupying the intervalsj

between the vertebral bodies, originating, as stated above, in condensations of the mesenchymal sheath of the chorda on the dorsal aspect of the hypochordal braces, become the intervertebral ligaments (Bardeen's primitive disks) upon their fusion, in mammals, with the hypochordal braces. Subsequently they become the intervertebral disks. The tissue between the cartilaginous arches becomes differentiated into the ligamenta subflava.

While the unsegmented skeletogenous sheath of the chorda is gradually differentiating into the separate elements of the cartilaginous vertebral column, the chorda itself begins to retrograde. Within the bodies of the vertebrae its development is completely arrested, while those portions of it contained within the intervertebral disks continue to grow. The chorda at this stage consequently shows alternating enlargements and constrictions. In certain fishes it persists as a structure of more or less importance. In vertebrates above cartilaginous fishes, all traces of the parts of the chorda within the vertebral bodies are lost as soon as ossification occurs, while in the intervertebral disks parts of it jxjrsist as the soft pulpy cores of the latter.

Thus the cartilaginous vertebral bodies or centra originate in masses of mesenchyme situated between the primitive vertebral bows and are, according to Froriep, segmental, that is, they correspond in position with the muscle-segments, each centrum being developed within the limits of a single segment ; while the processes develop from the lateral parts of the vertebral bow and later unite with the body. Bardeen, on the other hand, refers the origin of each vertebral body to two segments, since, according to his observations, the body grows at the expense of the next anterior primitive disk.

The cartilaginous trunk is completed by the chondrifieation of the ligamenta intermuscularia to form the cartilaginous thorax.

The Osseous Stag^e. — The process of ossification begins in certain parts of the trunk at the end of the second month.

W\\\vv \\w work (»f olioiulrifiration is entirely completed. As i)ii« liiisioloirical details of Ixuio-foriiintion are to be found in I 111' h'\l-lMM)ks of lii>toloirv, it will not 1)C necessary to enter into till' suhjcct lu»ix'. The place's in any individual cartilage wlu-rr tissificMtion houiiis aix» called the cHintcrs of ossification. I'lh' proiM'ss is oni' of siii)stitutk>n, the cartilage becoming broki'ii down an<l absorlunl as the fonnati«)n of bone goes on. riit' oBHification of each vertebra is l)ogun at three conliT-n, onr in the bodv and one in cjieh arch. The centers l»»r the arches appear in the x'venth week. The centers ti>r ilic bodies a)){M'ar a little later and are found first in the d»n-;d MTtehiie, ap|)«'arinLr sueeessively later in the vei"t<»bi.i- I'iiiihrr lip and farther down. The ossified arches unite wtili liu'ji other diiriiiii: the lirst vear of life, but their nnicin Willi ihr ImmIv of the vertebra takes place betwtHjn the thinl .Old rii.ditli vciirs. At a much later periinl five accessory canU-.ia ul' H-.-i Ural ion are added to each vertebra. Two of these til I.. Oil to the body an<l jrive rise to two annular ]>lates of i.i.iu . I In- epiphyses, one for tlu' upper or cephalic surface and .•III lix ihr opposite t)r eautlal snrt:u*e. The remaining three I . (Oi I ■ briMiin rr>p<M*tively t<) the spinous process and the two ii.iii.»viii:ii» pi'orusses. The i*piphyses do not acrpi ire osseous Mil. Ill wiih ilu' vrrtrbra projuT until al)out the twenty-fifth

1 1 1. ... 1 .1 1 hi I transverse process of a e<'rvieal vertebra, enI III. I i.'i.oniii, and <'onsistini: of an aiiteriorand a j>osterior I III III liuh • iimrr than th«' tran>vcr>r process ])roper, since I. ml iiii iM \ i-iiir:i I port i(>iM> t hi' rudiment of a cervical rib. I '.II 1.1 ihi (Mitr (it' the fii>ion ot' this nidimentarv rib with I J, I. Ill ^.1 . pitMi-s, the vertebral artery, which passes i , . ,1 (lu III i' -iMTtimidctl by tlu» two processes, and thus .1, . h.ii I \ ii .d luiii-vcrM* processes di tier from those of ,1, I t, III III. f III the possession of a foramen.' I I. aUi- III. I ill*' rtxlH, bein^ strikintrly modified eervic^al

I I 111. 1 .1.1.1. li '.uiir iiiitlii>rili«'s. :iN Miiiot, that tht* >k)ium]()08 I ti.. ..«., I » . tiul iliiii thi' arti'iy j^rows through the* ossifying

I ii

vertebne, require special mention. The atlas contains less and the axis more than an ordinary vertebra, since that which corresponds to the body of the atlas never unites with it but fuses witli the body of the axis to constitute its odontoid process.

The atlas presents two centers of ossification for its neural arches — the so-called posterior arch — just as other vertebra? do. Unlike other vertebrae, these centers do not unite with the body but become joined to each other on the ventral side of the position of the cliorda by a piece of cartilage which results from the chondrification of the hypochordal brace, referred to on page 376. This forms the cartilaginous ventral or anterior arch of the atlas, which, in the first year of life, develops a center of ossification. The arch acquires bony union with the lateral parts between the fifth and sixth years.

The axis or epistropheus develops from the usual centers of ossification and from an additional one for its odontoid process. Bony union of the odontoid process with the proper bodv of the axis occurs in the seventh year. The odontoid process, in common with every other vertebral body, is traversed in the cartilaginous stage by the notochord.

The transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrse, like those in the cervical region, include not only the transverse process proi)er but also the rudiment of a rib.

The sacral vertebra each present the usual ossific centers. Inasmuch as they become articulated firmly with the pelvic bones and undergo fusion to form a single adult bone, the sacrum, their form is much modified during the course of development. The transverse processes of each side coalesce to form the lateral mass of the sacrum. Each transverse process consists, as in the cervical and the lumbar vertebrae, of the transverse process proper and a rudimentary rib, the center of ossification for the latter being quite distinct during early stages of development. The intervertebral disks of the sacral vertebrae begin to ossify in the eighteenth year, the process being completed in the twenty-fifth year.

Tlio coccygeal vertebrse are quite rudimentary. Each one is ossified from a single piece of cartilage, and usually from hut a single (H'uter of ossification. Occasionally the first piece of tli<.' coccyx <levelops from two ossific centers, the pnx?ess l)eginning at hiiili. Ossification begins in the second vert<*l)ra lu'twcen the lifth and the tenth years ; in the third, shortly l)elon' puberty ; in the fourth, scnm after puberty. The lower three pieces fuse into one before middle life, and this unites with the first, and the latter with the sacrum, at variable periods thereafter.

The Development of the Ribs and Stemtun. —

Ivcference has been made in the preceding pages to the liganieiita iulcriiuiscularia as strips or l)ands of embryonal conn<'('live tissue lying between adjacent muscle segments, which have ()rigiii;i(<'d, in conuunn with the sheath of the chorda, iVoiii tlx' c(>lls of the sclerotomes. TIh^ ligamenta intermnscularia become invaded by the costal j)roeesses of the primitiv<' v<'rt<'bral bows, th(^ costal process, which is the ventral division ol* the tip of tlw i)ow, growing ventnul and j)enetratiiig th(^ substance of the ligament to constitute a curved rod of connective tissue, the forerunner of the future rib. Thus (lu'rc are form<'d coiniective-tissne rej)resentatives of the ril)s, ench of which is enibedded in the looser connective tissue nl' th<' corresponding intei'nniscular ligiunent. It is b\ the development of* cartilage within these curved rods of conden-ed moenchvme, the membranous ribs, that the cartiliiginous ribs are jn'odnced. 'Vhv pi*ocess of chondrification commences in the >econd month, but does not involve the proximal <'n(U of the ribs, the tissue heie becoming ligamentous and servinir to bind to<reth<'r the ribs and the vertebi.e. Ivibs are formed throughout the entire extent of the Vertebral <M>lumn, except in the coccygeal region, but while in tlu' lower vertebrates the entire series goes on to mature de\.lt»|>meut, in mammals, including man, their growth is arrc-ted in the cervical, hunbar, and sacral regions. In the case ot' man and mammals only the thoracic ribs persist and iM'conh' adult structures.

As the distal (ventral) extremities of the ribs advance toward the ventral median line, the tips of the first five, six, or seven each exhibit an enlargement. These broadened ends soon coalesce, thus forming on either side of the median line a continuous strip of cartilage, the anlages of the sternum. The other ribs remain free at their ends. The sternum is therefore produced from two lateral halves, a circumstance that explains some of its anomalies, as for example, cleft sternum, which is a condition due to arrested development or deficiency of union.

The ossification of the ribs begins in the second month of fetal life and from a single center for each. The process does not involve the entire rib, a portion near the distal extremity remaining cartilaginous and becoming the adult costal cartilage. Accessory centers of ossification for the head and tubercle appear between the eighth and fourteenth years of life.

The ossification of the sternum proceeds from numerous centers. There is one for the manubrium and from six to tw^elve for the gladiolus. The ensiform acquires a center of ossification in the early years of life, but for the most part remains cartilaginous.

Although, as stated above, the ribs of adult human anatomy are limited to the thoracic region, their rudimentary representatives are found throughout the other regions of the vertebral column. In the cervical, lumbar, and vsacral regions each rudimentary rib becomes blended with the transverse proceas of the corresponding vertebra to form the transverse process of human anatomy. It is from the persistence of the seventh rudimentary cervical rib and its failure to fuse with the corresponding transverse process that the anomaly of a free cervipal rib results ; while the presence of a thirteenth or lumbar rib, as occasionally met with, is due to the unusual development of the first lumbar rudimentary rib.

The Development of the Head Skeleton.

Just as the wkck'tdii of tlif trunk consists of a doraally sihiatcd bony casir tor tlit- protection of the spinal con! aud a wrics of vcntrul nr licnisil arclics (or the protection of the orgiins of circiilutioii iiiiil respiration; so does the head skeleton comprise n Iiony eiise for the accommodation of the lirain with smaller ac(.^;ssory osseous coni[>artment3 for the orgiuis of special sense, as the orbits and the nasal chamlwrs; and also a ventrally situated ai>i>aratus which constitutex both a receptacle for the oral anil the pbarii'ngeal jxirts of the digestive system and a nicebanlsm for the mastication of



rounding' th<> h<'adsimilar l.> that i.l" ■ till' ventral parts, -.v stni<'tTircs,<-oiistiliit from the nie.-ioilcnn

iirt. the cranial capsule, or brain-case, is exli'iit IVnm the c-i.iinective tis-^iic sai-id of tlic cliorila. its .>riL'in thus being r spiml chmm. On the other hand, he jaws and the liyojd bone and related ^' till- <(>-ealle<l viBceral skeleton, develop tissue of the visceial aicbes. As in the of ih.' trnrik skeleton, the eraniimi is first outlined in branous tis^n<' re>nliiii,n I'rom the dilliTcnliatioii of the embryonal connective tissue which ensheaths the head-enJ of the chorda, and also of the connective tissue of the visceral arches, this differentiation producing the membranotis primordial cranium. The metamorphosis of the membranous cranium into cartilage brings about the cartilaginous stage of the cranium, while the replacement of the cartilage by bone is the final step in the process.

Bones that develop from centers of ossification in previously formed masses of cartilage are styled primordial bones, while those that are pixxiuced independently of cartilage,, either in the skin covering the membranous cranium, or in the mucous membrane lining indentations in its walls, arc known as coveiing or dermal bones. The development of bone is therefore said to be either endochondral or membranous. For the most part, the bones of the base of the skull are of endochondral formation, while those of the vault are develoj)ed in membrane. The membranous or dermal bones are similar in point of origin to the exoskeleton — placoid and ganoid scales — of certain fishes.

The Membranous Cranium. — The membranous braincase is differentiated from the mesenchymal tissue which ensheaths the anterior or head-end of the chorda. As previously stated, the anterior end of the chonla is at a point ventrad to the mid-brain vesicle, in the angle formed by the latter with the fore-brain, at a position corresponding with that of the i)ituitary body (Fig. 178). The skeletogenous sheath of the chorda, in this situation as elsewhere, results from the multiplication of the cells of the sclerotomes, since this region of the body undergoes segmentation in common with the trunk. The number of bead-segments is uncertain. According to recent investigations upon shark embryos, there are at least nine primitive segments formed in the headregion.

The skeletogenous sheath of the chorda spreads out dorsad to cover the brain- vesicles. From the terminal point of the chorda, beneath the inter-brain, the sheath advances anteriorly to invest the fore-brain, which latter at this stage is bent over vcntrcul. From the part investing the fore-brain, a protiibcnint mass, the nasofrontal process, extends toward the j)riinitivo inoutli-cavity, constituting the anterior or upper h()iin<lary of the hitter. Meanwhile the mesencbsrmatic tissue of the visceral arches — that is, that part of the mesodcrnii(^ tissue of these structures wliich does not form muscular tissue — is un<lergoing similar transformation into menibninous tissue. The first visceral arch divides into an anterior or upp(T part, the maxillary process, and a posterior or hnvvv mass, the mandibular arch, these being the membninous jaw arches. The four jaw arches, with the nasofrontal process, form the boundaries of the primitive mouthcavity, the mandibular arches of the two sides having united in the median line to form its lower border, and the maxillary arches having fused with the lateral nasal and the nasofrontal j)n>cesses to c( institute its upper boundar}'.

"^rhe membranous primordial cranium, then, consists of a cnniplete connective-tissue investment for the brain-vesicles, of tlui nieiiibi-anous jaw arches, and of the hyoid and the branchial a relics, and presents in its walls the indications of the cavities for speeial-sens<» organs in the shape of the surface iuvauinations which constitute rtv-^pectivcly the otic vesicle, the Icns-vesieh', and the nasid pits.

The Cartilag^inous Cranium. — By the further differentiation of the memi)ranous cranium the cartilaginous stage is attainecl. The development of cartilage begins in the second month. \Vhih» thc^ membmnous cranium furnishes a coni]>let(* <*a])snle for the brain, tJK* cartilaginous brain-case is deficient, sinc(^ the process of ehondrification <loes not affect the i-egions of the future parietal and frontal bones. This is true at lea>t <>f man and the high<*r vertebrates. In those case^ where the >i<elet«)n rcMuains })ermanently cartilaginous, as in selachians (sliarks, <log-tish, ct<\), the entire brain-case partici])ates in the chondritying ])rocess. As the skull ext<'n(ls verv nnich farther forward than the end of the chorda — wliich latter terminat<*s at the j)osition of the future sella turcica — the regions of the |)rimitive skidl are designated respectively chordai and prechordal (Kolliker), or vertebral and everid>ral (Gegenbauer), according as they fall behind or in front of the end of the chorda.

The formation of cartilage begins in the region corresponding to the base of the future skull. On each side of the end of the chorda a mass or bar of cartilage is formed, extending forwand and backward, this pair of parallel bars being designated the parachordal GartUagflB(Fig. 179,1). Farther forward,

Fig. 1T9.— Kirtt tundameat of the cartilaginous primordial c Wlcderebelm) ; 1. J^ntStage! Cchordai jpE, parachordftl cartilage TV. Batbke'a trabecule cranll ; PR, passage for the bypophysla S, A, O naeal pit apcic veiiiclc, otncysl. 2. Second Stage: C, chorda; B, basilar plate TV trabeculie cranll, which have become united In front to eonrtilute the nagal Beptum (S) and the ethmoid plat«; a.AF, proccsBusnf the ethmoid plate enclosing the naial otsan ; (H, foramina olfactorla for (he passage of the olfactory ni^nca FF poilorhltal process; SK. nasal pit; A, 0. optic and lahyrtnihlne veskle*

in the prechordal r^Ion, another pair of cartilaginous masnea is producetl, known as the trabetmla cituiU. The latter are not straight bars, but have somewhat the form of a pair of calipers. In a short time the cranial tni)>eculfe unite with each other, but not throughout their entire extent, an aperture being left at the position of the pituitary body. It is through this aperture that the oropharyngeal diverticuluni, which forms the anterior lobe of the pituitary body, projects to come into rolatioa %vith the diverticulum from the inter-brain, which pnxliices the posterior lol)e. At a later period ossification fM-curs lien*, as elsewhere in the Ikiso of the skull, thus eoniph'tely isolating the pituitary IkkIv from the wall of the j)harynx. The jKiraehonhil eartilages also fuse with each other an<l with the eraniti! tral)ecula?, the four pieces now foniiinji: <»»H^ mass. The j»n)oess of ehomlrification extends to iither parts of the memhranous enuiiuni so as to produce a eartilagiiKnis hrain-ease, just as, in the case of the vertebral column, the «lorsal extrusion of cartilage-formation gives rise to a case (»r canal for the sj»inal cord. As before stated, however, the chondrifyiug j)nx'ess does not affect the entire niembnuious cranium in the higher vertebnites, chondrificatiou oceurring around the ]»osition of the foramen magnum and in the lateral walls of the cranial capside, while parts of tli(? vault remain membranous. The anterior extremities of \\n\ unite(l cranial trahecuhe become so modified in form as to constitute the plate of the ethmoid and the nasal capsule for the lo<lg('ment of th<» olfactory epithelium. In each lateral n'<rion the cartilaginous ear capsule is differentiated.

Meanwhile the cartilaginous visceral skeleton is developing from the memhranous .-truetures of the visceral arches. As in the ease of the hniin-eapsule, the ehondrifying process does not involve all \yav{< of the membranous visceral skeleton, ]>arts of the latter heing replaced later by dermal or c<^vering l)one — that i<, bones that develop in membrane without having been ])revion>ly mapped out in cartilage.

In tlu; first visceral arch, the formation of cartilage occurs only in the mandil)nlar jMU'tion, the maxillary pnx'ess contiimintr memhranou*^. The eartilairc <>f the mandibular arch a])p<'ars in the form of a eurved bar running ventrodorsally. '^rhi> bar divides into a smaller j)roximal or dorstd piece, the palato(juadratum of comparative luiatomy, and a longer distal or ventral s(^gment, Meckel's cartilage, "^rhe ])alato-quadratum sul)s<'(|nently divides into two ])arts, the cartilaginous anlages resj)ectiv<'ly ol* tin- ])aIato-j)teryg<)id plate and the incus. MeckeFs cartilage like\vi>e undergoes division, there being se])arate<l from the chief mass a small ju'oximal st»gment called the arti<*ulare, which is the forerunner of the future malleus. Thus th(» cartilaginous bar of the mandibular arch has to do with the formation of certain of the ossicles of the middle ear as well as, to a limited extent, with the development of the mandible.

In the second visceral or anterior hyoid arch, chondrification also occurs, but not throughout its entire extent. A bar of cartilage, the hyoid bar or Beichert's cartilage, is produced in this arch and undergoes division into three segments, of which the proximal or dorsal is the forerunner of the future stapes of the middle ear, while the other two pieces represent respectively the styloid process and the lesser horn of the hyoid bone. The tissue intervening between the position of the styloid process and the lesser hyoid cornu does not chondrify in man but remains membranous and becomes the stylohyoid ligament (see Fig. 185).

In the third visceral arch, or the posterior hyoid arch, a rod of cartilage develops which represents the greater cornu of the future hyoid bone. Ventral to this, there is formed a median unpaired piece of cartilage, the copula, belonging to the arches of the two sides, which later develops into the body of the os hyoides.

To summarize, the head skeleton in the cartilaginous stage of development presents an imperfect cartilaginous brain-case, capsules for the organs of smell, sight, and hearing, and a cartilaginous visceral skeleton, the several parts of which map out the lower jaw, the hyoid bone, the styloid process, and the ossicles of the middle ear.

The Osseous Stage. — The bony condition of the head skeleton is brought about in part by the development of bone from centers of ossification in the cartilages described above, and in part by the growth of covering or dermal bones in the integument covering those areas which are deficient in cartilage ; in other words, by both endochondral and membranous ossification. It may be stated in general terms that the bones of the baseand of the sidesof the skull, including the auditory ossicles, the ethmoid, and the inferior turbinated bone, are produced by ossification in cartilage and are hence called primoi'diaJ bones; and that the bones of the vault of the cranium, and for the most part of the face, result from the membranous method of

nssi Rent ion, unci :irp tlicrcforo stylod (Icrmal or covering bones. Smio of tii(! iiulivkliial bones, however, are partly of carlila}rinouij and partly of nicnibraiioiia origin, the several {Mrtioiis reniuining iwrnmncntly distinct in certain lower vertebrates, but in niEin nuiting so iutiniately witli (iich otlitT a» to present no trai-e tif their previously separate comlition.

The occipital bone consists of

two genetically distinct jKirts,

the )iUiK>rior or intetpatietal -por tion, which \n a dermal bone,

and the occipital bone proper,

rijiin. The OBsiflcation of the latter

(Hie on each side of the fommen

mitions, one in frtmt of the foramen

ihi' liii^ilar process, and one (losterior to that fli)Ort«re for

III' lalmliir imnioii nfilic !»iiie ni>t belonging to the iuter >ial Minium. ( Wiliciiiinn lnjiiii^ in these centers early

K' ihird li'ial ni«n[h and pr«<-<rds at ^yv]\ rate that at tlic

ol' bii'ih ihi- lioin' n>n-^i-.ts of fmir bony jwns which are 

tliii) hiyers of cartilage.

tiiaiii separate tlntingboiit

ijrir-ls, iTsjteetively, the ex supra-occipital (Fig. 181).

ihennion with it of the in riial bone that ossifies from

! wifli the .-iUpra-oiK^iintal

iilli ot'fi'tal life. Consisting at panilcil liv caililagc, the oceip 1 be<-onii-s a ,-ii,._de by the end i.f the thin! or fourth

ir by thi- buiiy uiiiuii c.fllie sciKinitt' se-rmeiits.'

J'lic temporal bone is made up of thi-ee genetically distinct

' In s.iiiir- m^,-' \}\i- union of llir iii(i'rii:irifl;il willi llii' sii]irH-<>n-ipitnl is iiniili'iiv Ihi' ailiill Ihiiu' tluii iiiTwiitin;! Iwii iniusvcrau linsures which s, iiui: rriilii LMi'li laliTjl :iii^lv, tiiwunl tlio lULiliun line.

parts, the smuunoBal or BqaamosTgomatic, the petrosal or petrom&stoid or periotic, and the tympanic. At the time of birth these three elements of the bone are still separate from eacli other, the tympanic being an incomplete ring, and the petro

mastoid being still without a mastoid process. The petromastoid is the only part of the temporal bone that is outlined in cartilage, the squamozygomatic and the tympanic being represented in the eartilaginous stage of the cranium by mem bran OU3 tissue.

The. sqnunosygomatic (Fig. 182) is ossified in previously

Fig. l^J.— S«iuamozy«<>mjitic 1^7) and tyin|»aiiic ('), of t«'iu|M>ral IxtUL' at birth.

formed niemhrano from a single center of ossification, which ai>j)oar.s in the lower part of this segment at about the seventh \v<»('k. The proeess of bone-formation extends in all directions from this center, but especially upward into the squamosa and outward and forwaril into the zygoma. The periotic or petromastoid results from the ossification of the cartilaginous ear-oaj>sule, which latter constitutes a part of the cartilaginous portion of the early cranium. It should be remembered that the essential part of the orgiui of hearing, the internal ear, is differentiated from a small pouch of epithelium, the otic vesicle, wliieh is produced by an infolding or iiivairination of the surface* ectoderm, and that it is the cartilat^inniis tissue cuclosiuir the otic vesicle and its outgrowths, the semicircular canals and the cochlea, that constitutes the cartilai^iuous car-capsulc.

The (Ksitication of (he ])criotic is usually descrilx?d as pro(•('(Mlinir iVom three ceuter<. The first of these, the opisthotic, inake< its apix-araiiec iu the hitter part of the fifth month on the outer wall ot' th<' ea]>sule, at a poiut corresj)onding to the ])o>i{iou of the |U"ouiout<»ry, \\ heuee the formati<m of bone -preads iu such uiauuer a> to ]>ro(lu(M' that part of the petros:i which is below the iuterual auditory eanal. A secoml center, the pro-otic, aj>]>eais a little later over the superior seniiein'ular eaual aud <::ive< rise to that ])art of the ])etrosa above the iutiMMial auditory uieatus, aud also to the inner and up|)er part of the uia>toidea. The third nucleus, the epiotic, arises iu the ueiiihborhood «»f the ])o-iterior semicircular eanal. ( )>sifieatiou proeee(N rapidly, the three parts speedily uniting to t'orui oue boue, the [xriotic or petroiuastoi<l. The |)etrous portion of the ju'riotic is the ruon' important and the more constant. I'he luastoid is of variable size in different animals, and in the human sp<'cies, at birth, it is fiat and devoid of the ma>toi<l pnx'ess w hich is so conspicuous in the mature condition of the skull. The mastoid process develops during the first two years of life, but its air-cells do not appear until near the age of puberty.

The pars tyznpamctis, or the tsrmpanic (Fig. 182), whicli constitutes the bony part of the wall of the external auditory meatus, is ossified in membrane from a single center of ossification. This center appears in the third fetal month in the lower part of the membranous wall of the external canal, from which point the pnxiess of bone-formation extends upward on either side so as to form an incomplete bony ring, open above. This tympanic ring is situated external to both the ear capsule and the ossicles of the middle ear and gives attachment to the periphery of the tympanic membrane. The further growth of the tympanic ring being in the outwanl direction, it becomes a curved plate or imperfect cylinder of bone which constitutes the bony wall of the external auditory canal. At birth, the pars tympanicus still has the form of the incomplete ring, its further development taking place during the first few years of life. The extremities of the ring unite with the squamozygomatic before birth. The tympanic unites also with the petrosa except in a region adjacent to the proximal end of Meckel's cartilage, where an aperture is left which is the petrotympanic or Glaserian fissure. Since upon the part of Meckel's cartilage which is thus enclosed bv the union of the two bones is formed the long process of the malleus, the presence of this process in the Glaserian fissure is accounted for.

The stybid process of the temporal bone belongs to the visceral-arch skeleton. It ossifies in two parts in small masses of cartilage that belong to the anterior hyoid arch. One, the tympanohyal, gives rise to the base of the process (Fig. 186); it begins to ossify before birth and soon unites with the temporal. The other segment, the stylohyal, undergoes ossification later and joins with the tympanohyal only after adult age is reached. Sometimes it remains separate throughout life.

The sphenoid bone is for the most part ossified in cartilage. The body of the bone is represented in the fetus by two sej>arate parts, the posterior body, or basisphenoid, or post

.spli<'noi<l (Fijr. 1S.3, hs\, wliicli incliulos all that part of the IhmIv ni* th<» niatiiro bono whicli is jx)stcrior to the olivary rinlnrnco and to whirh belong the greater wings (alisphenoitls): and an anterior body or presphenoid (;>^), situattnl in front of the olivary ominonoe, to which belong th|? lesser wings (orbitos|)h('noids). The ossification of the basisphenoid {)roeeeds from two centers placed side by side, which



Ki«.. l.s:;. - Splu'noiil Imhu\ fiflh or sixth A tnl month: seen from above: p«. pre>I))h-iiui«1 itr iiiiti-riur Ixuiy, \\ itti h'sscr wiii}:-^; (i{(, greater wings ; 6<, baffisphenoid

or |»i»'ti'i lur I'luly.

i|»jMar in the eii
:htli w(M'k. 1\vo months later two secniid.-irv (M-nh rs M])pear for the lateral parts of the b(Kly.

'rih- presphenoid likewise develops fnjni two centers, which nre appMniit in ilie ninth week. The union of the |)ir-plu'n<)id with tlir basisplieiioid occurs in the seventh or eiL'lith nionili. Maeli greater wing develops from a sinprle eenlci* of o»ili<:ition, uliieli is ]>resent in the eighth week. The pmrrssof o>sifieaiion >j)read> from this center to produce imi (nilv the LTi'eatrr wini: but also the external pterygoid j)lal('. i'lie ureatrr win^s remain separate from the body until <nnie tiinedurinsr tli(» lir>t vear after birth. P^aeh lesser wing <»s>ities from a center that appears about the ninth wrcL. 11ie les<er >vinij:s unite with the j)rcsj)henoid in the >i\ih fetal montii.

The internal pterygoid plate dilfers from the other parts of the .vpheiioiify in cartilage but in membrane. It is stated. howev(»r, that its hamular process tir-^t hreomes eartilaiLrinons bet'ore it ossities. It is, therefore, a run rin(/ hum'. \\< center or <'enters of os>itication aj>pear in the fourth month in the connective tissue in the lateral walls of the oro])harvnireal t-avitv. In manv animals this plat<' ac(|uires n«» connecti(»n with the external pterygoid plate, but remains throughout life a distinct l>one, the ptervgoiil. In man it fuses witli the external plate in the fifth month.

The presphenoid with its attaclied leaser wings, and the basisphenoid, to which are united the greater wings and the pterygoid plates, remain permanently separate bones in some animals. In man, as noted above, the two parts of the body of the bone unite shortly before birth, although the greater wings remain separate until some ranutha after that event.

The etlunoid bone and the Inferior turbinate are formed in cartilage, resulting from the ossification of the jKiHterior portion of the cartilaginous nasal capsule (Fig. 184, m). The

vtlli Ih^ nntl ruTltj at (hcplMea dmtEnntri by n 't K. »rt1lnge»t ibe iiikwI Hptum ; n, (urbliml cartilage ; J. omnn nf Jacobsnn : J', the iilaoe wbeie II apclW into tlia nasal raviij- ; gf, palatal proeeia; of, maiillarj pruccu; iJ. dental rtdgc


latter represents the anterior extension of the cartilaginous trabecule cranii so mmlified as to constitute a rc<»ptacle for the olfactory epithelium. The anterior part of this capsule remains cartilaginous throughout life as the septal and lateral cartilages of the nose. By the ossification of the posterior part of the nasal capsule the ethmoid and the inferior turbinate bones are produced. Ossification, beginning in the fifth month, involves the lower and the middle turbinals and a psirt of the lateral masses. The ixwificatlon of the superior turbinal, of the vertical plate, of the crista galli, and of the

rcintiiiiinjL^ jxirts <»f tho lateral masse? is efiected after birth. Tlic Imiiiv iiiiinii <»f till' lateral masses with the median plate i> <'oinplct(*<l U'twii'ii the fifth ami seventh years.

Tlif frontal bone is a ot evening or dermal l)one, being ossitird ill iiK'inhran*.' tVom two centers of ossificatioUy one for earh iatt-nil half. These centers are situateil above the <)rl>ital arrhrs and are tir>t a]»|mrent in the seventh week. At hirtli, tin* two halves of the bone are still se|)aratey their niiiuii not nr<Mirriiig until during the first year of life. Sonieiinic> till* union fails to take platv, the ciimlitiou of the per>i>t<Mit frontal or metopic suture being known lus metopism. M<toj»i-in is ronsid(*ral)ly more common in European skulls than in tlm.-t' «»f lower tyjH'.

TIk- parietal bone i< also o.-sificnl in membrane. It develops from tuo mhlci wliirli soon c<»alesce. Their position eonx?-jMnid- to that of tile future parietal eminence.

TIh.' bones of the face are for the most jxirt dermal l>ones. < )f tin-**, tin* nji|K'r and the lower maxilhe and the palate Imiiu- IxJoiiLT to the vi-ccral-arch skeleton. The others devrlnp ill tin- iiHinhranous wall <>f the cranial eapside.

Tlw nasal jithI lacrimal bones ossify each from a single (•(•lit*!-, uhirli a|»|M':ir- in the ci^dith week.

The malar i- o--ifn d in nicniKrane from three nuclei, the ppKM-- iMMiniiiiiir in tlic eighth week.

riic palate bone is iorinr<l in ninrous membrane fn>m a -iiw^lc cciitf r whirli i- .-itnal<_'(l at the jniiction of the vertical and tlic horizontal pl.itc^.

riic vomer d<'V('l(»|>s from two center- of ossification which a|>|H':ir at the hack |)art of the cartilaLrinotis nasid septum. Ivi'h <'eiiirr Liive- rise to a laniina ol' hone, the two laminae

rMdually iinitiiiLr with each other from behind forwanl, and

eiiil>r:uinL'" Ix'tween them anteriorly the septal cartilage.

The vomer and the palate bone are examples of the formation of JM)iie in iniieoiH in<'inl>rane. The centers of ossification lir-t aj)peMr in the eighth week in each ca-e.

'i'he skeleton of the visceral arches includes the upi>er and lower niaxilhe, the liyoi<l Ixnu* with a ])art of the styloid |)rocess, tlu? ear ossicles, and the j)alate bones. The ]>alate hone- have heeii referred to above. These hones of the visceral-arch skeleton are partly primordial and partly membranous.

The snperior maxilla comprises two parts, the superior maxilla proper and the intermaxillary bone. While these intimately unite in man, in some animals, as the dog, they are permanently distinct, the intermaxillary lK)ne constituting the important and conspicuous premaxilla of the dog. The superior maxilla ossifies in membrane — within the membranous maxillary process of the first visceral arch — from an uncertain number of centers. It seems probable that there are five nuclei of origin, one for the palate process, one for the malar or external part of the bone, one for the portion internal to the infra-orbital foramen and a part of the nasal wall (orbitonasal center), one for the part of the bone between the frontal process and the canine tooth, and one for the premaxilla. The formation of the antmm begins in the fourth month by the development of a recess or fossa on the inner or nasal wall of the bone.

The palate process is formed by the growth, on the inner aspect of the bone, of a shelf-like projection which advances toward the median line until it meets and unites with its fellow of the opposite side (Fig. 172j. The horizontal plate of the palate bone develops similarly and very shortly after, and thus is produced the hard palate, which separates the nasal chambers from the mouth. The two halves of the hard palate unite first in fnmt, their union being completed by the twelfth week. If union is incomplete, the anomaly of deft-palate results. The intermaxillary segment begins its development in the seventh or eighth week upon that part of the nasofrontal process which lies between the nasal apertures. In the fifth month the intermaxillaries fuse with the maxillse, the line of union being indicated by a suture which is apparent upon the oral surface of the palate processes. The intermaxillaries contain the germs of the four incisor teeth. As previously mentioned, deficiency of union between the maxilla and the intermaxillarv results in the deformity of hare-lip. Obviously, the hiatus in hare-lip will be found to be not me<lian, but lateral, corresponding to the position of the line of normal union.

Tliti lower jaw or mandible is intimatcl}' associated ia its (K^vclopriiuiit witli that of the malleus and incus of the middle (•(ir. Inasmuch as thoric thrt-e Inmes are dilfcrentiatcd from ihi! it:irti[:i;riiioiis anil inumliniiioiis visceral skeleton of the first vi.-wrrtil arch it is di'sir.ibk< to consider their develop IIHlll toj^tiuT.

As dfscrilied aliove, the inenihmiiotis jaw-arches form the hiliral and Idwit Iiniiiidtirics of the month-cavity, the first vis<i'ral arch dividing into the nuixillary process and the iiuiiidihiihir :m-li. Thenr apjH'iirs in the mandibular arch a bar of cartilage which abuts liy its jmiximal extremity upon th Iter wall of the au<litory labyrinth. This cartilaginous

" r'ii;)il<'t'ii n-i-Lka nld with the 1til. 1'lii- liiniT Jaw lomewhU 'li i.'iiti'iiil:> III till' niHlkiii. The lyuitaiiicu!! iKvikible: Aa.nwlfiirlilnip-. .Vt: uk, biiiijr lower

>. iia*


orliim, Meckel's cartilage (Fifr.

•.iNii.ial whifh is called,

- |>al:ito<|ii:iiIi-:itLnti. From the

Hie {i:<[iili>|ilery[ruiil process.

grows toward the roof of the mouth-cavity and becomes a separate segment. The piece of cartilage remaining, which represents the proximal end of the original bar, undergoes ossification, becoming the incus (Fig. 185, am). The posterior or proximal extremity of Meckel's cartilage, becoming a partly sej)arated cartilage, the articulare, ossifies to produce the mallens (Fig. 185, ha). Though the form of the malleus is recognizable, it is still in direct continuity with Meckel's cartilage. In the opposite direction it is articulated with the incus. As the tympanic ring develops, and the interval below, between tliis ring and the petrosa, is gradually narrowed to the petrotympanic or Glaserian fissure, the malleus comes to He within the tympanic cavity, being continuous, through the fissure, with Meckel's cartilage. Upon the separation of the malleus from the cartilage of Meckel, the long process of the malleus represents the former bond of union and therefore occupies, in the mature state, the Glaserian fiasure. The joint between the malleus and the incus represents the primitive vertebrate jaw articulation. In the shark, for example, the mandibular joint is between the two pieces into which the cartilaginous bar of the first visceral arch divides — that is, between the palatoquadratum and the representative of Meckel's cartilage, the mandibulare. In mammals, however, the malleus, as we have seen, loses its connection with the mandible, the joint between the latter and the skull, the temporomaxillary articulation, being secondarily acquired in a manner to be pointed out hereafter. While the malleus develops for the most part by ossification in cartilage, its long process develops in membrane as a small covering or dermal bone, the angulare.

The membranous lower jaw with its enclosed bar of cartilage becomes osseous, not by the ossification of the cartilage, but by the development of a casing of bone within the surrounding membrane. In other words, the lower jaw develops chiefly by the intramembranous method of boneformation. Several centers of ossification appear, and from these the process of bone production extends rapidly, forming, by the fourth month, a covering or dermal bone, the dentale (Fig. 185, uh)^ which is situated mainly on the outer side of Meckel's cartilage. A smaller plate appears on the inner side. Thus the cartilage comes to be surrounded by an irregular cylinder of bone. The cartilage of Meckel plays a comparatively unimportant part in the ossification of the lower jaw-bone and begins to degenerate in the sixth fetal month. Its distal extremity, however, undergoes ossification, thus aiding in the formation of a small part of the mandible near the symphysis; while a posterior segment, with the fibrous tissue encasing it, which extends from the temjx>ral bone to the inferior dental foramen, persists as the internal lateral ligament of the lower jaw. With these exceptions, Meckel's cartilage entirely disappears. The angle of the mandible and a small part of the ramus are also ossified in cartilage, which latter is developed independently of Meckel's cartilage. From the posterior part of the dentale the condyloid process develops and becomes articulated with the glenoid fossa of the temporal bone, thus establishing the temporomaxillary articulation. This joint, as previously stated, is a secondary one and replaces in mammals the primitive articulation between the mandibulare and the palatoquadratum of the lower vertebrates.

At birth, the two lateral halves of the inferior maxilla are united at the symphysis by fibrous tissue ; bony union occurs during the first or second year after birth.

To summarize, the inferior maxilla develops as a part of the visceral -arch skeleton and is chiefly a covering bone, since, with the exception of the angle, a portion of the ramus, and a small part near the symphysis, which are of cartilaginous origin, it is formed by the membnmous method of ossification. The two other products of the mandibular arch, the malleus and the incus, are ossified from cartilage, with the excej)tion of the processus gracilis of the malleus, which is of membranous origin.

The development of the hyoid bone, of the styloid process of the temporal bone, and of the stapes was referred to in considering the c4irtilaginous visceral-arch skeleton, but for the sake of clearness and completeness it may not be amiss to repeat, in this connection, Bome points previously mentione<!.

The membranons ulterior hyoid or second Tisceral arch, at a certain stage of development, presents, in ita interior, the dorsoventral cartilaginoiiii bar known as Keichert's cartilage. This is parallel with Meckel's cartilage, and, like it, is in contact by its dorsal or cranial end with the outer wall of the auditory labyrinth. A shorter bar of cari:ilage appears in the third visceral arch, which latter is known also as the posterior hsroid arch. Together, these two cartilaginous elements furnish the stapes of the middle ear and the hyoidean apparatBS, the latter consisting of tlic hyoid bone, the stylohyoid ligaments, and the styloid processes. In man the

llfOldeaii apparatuB and Inryni at dog.

hyoidean apparatus is somewhat nidlmontary, but in the dog and many other mammals it is present in its typical form (FIr. 18G). In such animals the stylohyoid ligament of human anatomy is roprescntrd by a b()ne, the epihyal, the hyoid bone being, therefore, connected with the skull by a series of small bones artieulatod with earh other. AH the elements of the hyoidean apparatus, ^ave the IwmIv and the greater cornna of the livotd liono, are produced bv Reichort's cartilage ; the hyoid Iwdy, known in comiKirutive anatomy as the basiliyal, .tihI the greater eornua, or the thyrohyals, ossify from the cartilage of the third arch, the cartilage for the body being a median unpaired segment known as the copula. Beicliert's cartilage undergoes division into five s^ments. The segment at the cranial end, upon ossification, becomes the stapes/ This ossicle, by the closing of the walls of the tympanic cavity, is isolated from the other segments. The second piece, the tsrmpanohyal, ossifies to form the base of the styloid process and ankyloses firmly with the temporal bone at the point of junction of the periotic portion of that bone with its tympanic plate. The third portion, the stylohyal, forms the lower part of the styloid process. It undergoes ossification later than the tympanohyal and does not acquire osseous union with it until the time of adult age. It sometimes remains separate throughout life. The fourth segment, the epihyal, does not even become cartilaginous in man, but remains fibrous, constituting the stylohyoid ligament. In most mammals it ossifies, to form a distinct bone, the epihyal. The ventral extremity of the cartilage of Roichert, the ceratohyal, produces the lesser cornu of the hvoid bone.


The upper and lower limbs articulate with the trunk through the modium respootivcly of the pectoral and pelvic jj^irdlcs, tho fornicr being constituted bv the scapula and the elaviele, and the latter by the ossa iiinoniiiiata. As in the ease of the axial skeleton, the hones of the limbs in their develo]nu(jnt ])ass sueeessively through a nienibnmous and a cartilaginous stage.

The general (h^velopnient of the upper and lower extremities is deseribed in a later section. As stated in that account, each linii)-bud is to be regarded as an outgrowth from, or as eorresj>ou(ling in posili(ni to, several primitive segments, the tissue composing the little bu(l-lik(» ])rocess subsequently differentiating into the muscular, cartilaginous, and connectivetissue elements (►f the member. The origin of each limb from more than one primitive segment has been established

^ Si'u ft)ot-n()te, i>:igt.' J 15).

chiefly by eml)ryological investigations upon the lower vertebrates, and is borne out by the fact that each extremity receives- its nerve-supply from a series of spinal nerves instead of from the nerve-trunk of any one segment.

The Development of the Pectoral and the Pelvic Girdles. — The pectoral or shoulder girdle consists in its earliest stage of a pair of curved bars of cartilage, each of which is made up of a dorsal limb occupying approximately the position of the future spine of the scapula and approaching but not touching the spinal column, and a ventral segment lying near the ventral surface of the trunk. At the angle of union of the dorsal and ventral parts is a shallow depression, an articular surface, which represents the point of articulation with the future humerus.

The scapula is developed, except its coracoid process, from the dorsal part of the primitive shoulder-girdle. This soon acquires a form resembling that of the adult scapula with the infraspinous portion of the bone very much shortened. Ossification begins at the neck of the scapula about the eighth week, and in the third month extends into the spine. The ventral part of the cartilaginous shoulder-girdle extends almost to the median line of the chest-wall. It divides into two diverging bars, the lower one of which undergcx^s ossification in birds and in some other vertebrates to form the conspicuous coracoid bone. In mammals, however, it aborts and gives rise to a smaller element, the coracoid process of the scapula. At birth the human scapula is but partially ossified, the coracoid process, the acromion, the edges of the spine, the base, the inferior angle and margins of the glenoid cavity being cartilaginous. The coracoid process ossifies from a single center and acquires osseous union with the body c>f the bone at about the age of puberty. The acromion ossifi(s from two or three nuclei and joins the sj)ine between the twenty-second and twentyfifth years. Still other centers of ossification ai)pear from time; to time. Thus there is an accessory center for the base of the cf)racoid and the* adjacent part of the glenoid cavity, and one at the inferior angle of the hone, from which latter ossification extends along the vertebral border.

The clavicle does not develop from the primitive shouldergirdle, but is formed in membrane, for the most part, as a dermal bone. 1\^ ossification begins in the sixth or seventh week, before that of any other bone in the body. Subsequently, cartilaginous epiphyses are added, one at each end. It is by means of the epiphyses that the bone grows in length.

The cartilaginous pelvic girdle consists of a pair of cartilages, which are united with each other by their ventral extremities, and each of which, by its dorsal end, is articulated with the sacral region of the cartilaginous spinal column. At about the middle of each cartilage, on its outer surface, is a depression representing the future acetabular fossa. Anterior to the depression is a large ajjerture, the thyroid foramen, the upper and lower boundaries of which are respectively the pubic and ischiatic rwls or bars, which make up the ventral portion of the cartilage, while posterior to the fossa is the iliac segment, which has a somewhat irregular jilatc-likc form. Ossification Ix'^ins in the third month, ]>roccc(Iiii<2; from three centers, one for each of the tlire(? divisions of the innominate l)one. At the time of birth a large pro|)oriion of the orijxinal cartilage is still present, the os pnl>is, the ischium, and the ilium being separated from each other np to the age of puberty by strips of cartilag(». The ischium and the pubes unite first, and later acquire osseous union with the ilium. In addition to the three ])rimarv centers of ossification, other and secondary nuclei apj)ear at a later date in the crest of the ilium, the tuberosity of the ischium, and in i\w various spines and tubercles.

The skeleton of the free portions of each extremity, consisting at first of a continuous mass or rod of partially metamorphosed mesenchymal tissue, undergo(»s division into segments which represent the skeleton of the arm or of the thigh, of the forearm or of the leg, and of the hand or of the foot. This segmentation corresponds with that of the entire mass of the limb, both as to extent and order of appearance (see page 406). Nuclei of chondrification now appear, one in the center of each skeleton-piece, from which cartilage formation extends toward either end. The several cartilaginous elements thus pnKluced present approximately the respective forms of the future bones. The larger cartilages are present in the upj)er extremity in a six weeks' embryo, but not until somewhat later in the lower limb. All the bones of the extremities are of endochondral origin.

The long bones develop in a fairly uniform manner. The shaft or diaphysis ossifies from a single center, while the two epiphyses each present several centers. The centers for the diaphyses appear at about the eighth week, ossification proceeding at such rate that at birth only the ends of the long bones are cartilaginous. The centers for the epiphyses appear at various times after birth. Osseous union between the diaphysis and the epiphyses does not occur until the growth in length of the bone is completed. As the details conceniing the time of appearance and the number of these centers are to be found in the text-books of anatomy, they are omitted here.

Each bone of the carpus and of the tarsus ossifies from a single center, except the os calcis, which has two ossific nuclei. The bones of the carpus are entirely cartilaginous at birth, their ossification beginning in the first year with the appearance of a center in the scaphoid. The pisiform bone is the last of the series to ossify, its ossification beginning in the twelfth year.

The bones of the tarsus begin to ossify earlier than those of the carpus. The os calcis and the astragalus present osseous nuclei in the sixth or seventh ft^tal month, and the cuboid shortly before birth. With thos(^ excej^tions the tarsal bones undergo ossification between the first and the fourth years.

The metacarpal and the metatarsal bones and the phalanges present each a center of ossific^ation for the shaft and one epiphyseal center. In the case of the phalanges and of the metacarj)al bone of the thumb and of the great toe, the epiphyseal center is at the proximal extremity, while in the

n'inaininj: nu'tatarsiil anhaft begins in the eighth or ninth wwk of fetal life; <»f the epiphyses, n(»t until scvenil y«irs after hirtli. The development of the ungual or distal phalanges — of the hand, at least — is jH-euliar in that the ossification l)egins at the distal extnMuity, instead uf in the middle uf the shaft.


The linihs of vertehnites develop fi-om little bud-like i)r(KH'sses (Fig. iVl) liiat spring from two lateral longitudinal ridges, situattnl one on eaeli side of the body. Thes(» ridges are not exactly i^anillel with the nuMhau ]>hine of the body, but converge somewhat toward that jilane as they api)roaeh the «uidal end of the embryo. It results from this circumhiancc that the jMistcrior limbs are jilaeed chaser together than the anterior. In man, the limb-buds ai)pear soon after the thin! wivk. Kju'Ii bud contains a basis (»f j)rimitive eonnivtivc tissue oontributt»<l by several somites, as >vell as muscubr <tnietnrt\ whioh is th(? ofi«hoot from the muscle-plates 0-' J 1.^ numlKT of primitive si^gments.

  • Thr assumption of the origiu (►f each limb-bud from more

i «r^mitivc socmont is borne out by the nerve-sup])lv Th' fu]lv-l>"^*^' l"»l^' ^*"** extremity being innervated by ' ' ' ^ ■ •' <nir.-il nerves (compare page ;}GS). The eon.>a<m of the limM)ud i)ro(iuces the bony structures while the i»utgn)Wths from the mustrle-plates \r.y mnsriilntun*. Previous reference has been -.. t.^ ihe work of Banleeu and Lewis on v^ ihr limbs. Aci'ordiug to their findings,

T^y fVTcnd into the limb-buds, i)ut the limb .^ f«rtni the mestMichymal core of the bud.

""""'* -,,*; thf bnJ for the arm is at first ojiposite

i.\'/*!ol' the third ('crvical >cgm«'nt, ^. N.-^v* 10 its adult position ; and that the hud for the leg, at first attached at the region of the lower four lumhar and first sacral myotomes, extends to include the first lumbar and the second and third sacral segments, assuming later a more caudal position.

In the fifth week each limb-hud becomes divided, by a transverse groove, into two segments (Fig. 59, 12, 13), of which the distal part becomes the hand or foot, while the proximal j>ortion very soon afterward divides into the forearm and arm or leg and thigh. Even as early as the thirty-second day, the digitation of the limb-buds — in the case of the up]>er extremities — is indicated by four longitudinal parallel lines or grooves on the distal extremity of each (Fig. 59, 14). By the conversion of these grooves into clefls, the fingers appear, in the sixth week, as separate outgrowths. The development of the upper extremities precedes that of the lower by twelve or fourteen days, so that, when the fingers are present as distinct projections, the toes are just being marked off in the manner noted above for the fingers. The toes begin to separate, by the deepening of the intervening clefts, from the fiftieth to the fifty-third day. By the end of the eighth week, the fingers are perfectly formed, with the exception of the nails. The nails have their beginning in the seventh or eighth week, in little claw-like masses of epidermal cells, which are attached to the tips of the digits instead of to the dorsal surfaces. Subsequent transformations result in bringing the nail into its normal position on the dorsal surface of the distal phalanx. The nails are well formed by the fifth month, at which time the covering of modified e])idermal cells begins to disapi>ear. The extremity of the nail, however, does not break through so as to project beyond the finger-tip until the seventh month. A more complete account of the development of the nails will be found in connection with the origin of the skin (page 270).

The Position of the Wmbs.— The paddle-like limbbuds at first project laterally almost at right angles with the axis of the trunk. At this time the future dorsal surface of eacrh limb looks toward the back of the fetal Ixxly (dorsad), the future flexor surface toward its anterior aspect (ventrad), while the first digits — the future thumb and great toe — and consequently the radius and tibia, occupy the side of the member that is directed headvvard or cephalad, the future little finger and fifth toe with the ulna and fibula looking caudad. As the limbs enlarge and differentiate into their respective segments, they apply themselves to the ventral surface of the body, this change in position being facilitated by the occurrence of the future elbow- and knee-flexions, which cause the flexor surfaces of the forearm and leg, respectively, to approach the corresponding surfaces of the upper arm and thigh. At abf)ut the same time, the distal segments, the hand and foot, become bent in the opposite direction, producing the condition of the limbs that is permanent in the Amphibia — that is, the condition in which the dorsal surface of the proximal segment of the limb faces in the same direction as the dorsal surface of the trunk, while the middle segment is flexed and the distal is extended. To establish the permanent condition of the human limbs, there occur an outward rotation of the arms and an inward rotation of the lower extremities, on their long axes. The thumb and nulius, therefore, instead of looking cephalad, are now directeil dorsad — with the forearm in the supine jxjsition and the arm outstretched — or laterad, away from the median plane of the body, if the arm hangs by the side in the anatomical j)osition. By the inward rotation of the lower limb, the great toe and the tibia come to lie toward the median plane of the body, cjiusing the extensor surface to look ventrad, the flexor surface, dorsad.



STAGE OF THE OVH«. FiiCT Weik. Second Week.


SegmenUtlon of fartlllied while pauine along ovl Great Increase In tl«. Cella of loner cell-maw rearranged lo form cnto cell* of Rauber.

eytlum (.--3 dar).

Ovnm Id ntema, embedded

C°ortSn'and il> Tilll (FlgJ 49). YapeularitalloQ of Fliorlau and ila villi.

Yalk-uc partly formed.


rf"yolk-wc. ""


Oral pit (12thMl«h day). «m-lmrt partly «.i-.n.ted from yHlk-BBc.



Ouiarml Cbuutan.

Body of embryo indicated.

VUcural arche. and clefia

NMo^fciltkr"™™ AllBiitoiCBtnlklFlgisTt. lHjllnctton betweuii chorion Jevc and rhorion fWn

Marked flexion of body (21irt to lOd day): sradual uncoiling after aSd day.

Vlacerararchea and jolk-aac

to flatten. CephBllo Bcxurea.


Heart wllb einitle caTlty present, aooo dlvldltig Into

VlaCBral-areh -veueli beglu to appear.

IMviilon of atrium begini.

DlceiUTa TlyaMm.

(5ut-lracl a strBlght lube connetted wlih yolk-«ae by a

Anal Plate.

Alimentary canal ptcocnla pharvni. euipbapu, atomach. and intwliue.

Fancrcaa bvguii.

l.lver-dlTPrileulum divides,

Blle-diicta acquire himlna.

brealiB down,


tral wflU of esophagus, arterward becoming a

Pulmonary anlage blftircall's, the two poaches being eonne-ted by « pedicle,^he prlraltlTC irwhea. with the pharynx.


Wolffian bodies reeoBnlsuble.


SeKmenlation of paraxial mesoikTm,

HeurBl canal : Its cells sho*

El obi oats and Kerm-cellH Fourth ventricle Indlcaled. Fore-bralQ mtd-brBln, and hind-brain -reniples. s-kiu illvidlns Into five vealelcs.

Auditory pll followed by ollc

nlfaclory plalM. Optic vL-hlclcflbi-frtn,


Vettmu 87item.

thicken. Yenlral roots of aplual

Anterior' lobe of hypopbrila


Smel&l Bsnae


Ollc vealcle with recenu

NHMlplu dl'itlnd. lJl4lc veaicic atalked and tmuBformetl IntooptlccDp,

MOBCular ByaCem.

Bkflleton Mid


iiicsodcrm. ft-Km.nlallon of paraxial

Somites or primitive acf


S.iniltcs or prlmlllre aeg Sk"ci(.'t.ien.ina ahcath of

phorrla. Llmb-hiidii Biijarent (aboot

2lst day).



Tabuulted Chronoloot of Development (Oontinued),


Fifth Week.

Sixth Week.

Body shows dorsal coDcavity in neck- NasofVontal, lateral nasal, and maxil


Globular and lateral nasal processes. Lacrimal groove. Third and fourth gill-clefts disappear in

sinus prscervicalis. Umbilical cord longer and more spiral. Umbilical vesicle begins to shrink. Length of fetus 1 cm. ({ inch). Larynx indicated.

lary procesnes unite. I'mbilical vesicle shrunken. Amnion Larger.

Primitive aorta divides into aorta and I)ulmonary artery.

The only corpuscular elements of the blood during the first month are the primitive nucleated red blood-cells.

Vitelline circulation atrophic and replaced by allantoic circulation.

Intestine shows flexures, notably the U-loop, inaugurating the distinction between large and small bowel.

Anal pit.

Right and left bronchi divide into three and two tubes respectively (5th to 7th week).

First indication of teeth in the form of the dental shelf.

Submaxillary gland indicated by epithelial outgrowth.

Duodenum well formed; caecum; rectum (end of week).

Larynx indicated as dilatation of proximal end of trachea.

Arytenoid oartiliiges indicated (though not cartilagiiiouM).

Thyroid and thymus bodies begun.

Genital ridges appear on wall of b<»dycavity and soon t>ecome the indifferent genital srlands.

Ducts of Mtiller apfiear.

(ienital tubercle, genital folds, and gen- ' ital ridge (external genitals). '

Epidermis present as two layers of cells.

CoIIh of oiiti>)-t>late proliferate and gradually hpreau out beneath epidermis.

Olfactory lobe begins.

Arcuate and choroidal Assures on mesial surfaces of fore-brain vesicles.

Cells of central canal of cord ciliated.

i Ridge-like thickening of roof of mid! brain.

Membranes of brain and cord indicated. I*inenl body U;gins. Dorsal roots of spinal ner\'es. Home tracts of spinal cr>nl indicated, and its lumen alters (Fig. 139).

Semicircular canals indicatcnl. Semicircular canals.

Eyes begin to move forward from side Concha of external ear. of head. ' Outer flbrous and middle vascular tu 1 nicR of eye. Eyelids

I Mandibles unite (a')th day).

, Meckel's cartilage.

I Limb-buds segment.

I Digitation indicated (32d day, for hand.

I^wer jaw begins to ossify.

Clavicle iHJgins to ossify.

Rilw l>egin to chondrify.

Bodies of vertebra: are cartilaginous.

Fingers as sefMirate outgrowths.



Tabulated Chronology of Development {Contiuued).

STAGE OF THE FETUS. Seventh Week. Eighth Week.

General Characten.

Fetal body and limbs well defined (Fig. 64).

Head less flexed.

No longer any trace of syncytium on dccidua vera.

Head more elevated (Fig. 65). Free tail begins to disappear. Subcutaneous lymph-vessels

present. Oils lining the coelom are

true endothelium.

VaBcular Bystem.

Interventricular septum of heart completed, tne heart now having four chambers.

Other corpuscular elements added to blood during second month.

Dlgeetlve System.

Transverse colon and descending colon indicated.

Parotid gland begins.

True endothelium lines the body-cavity.

Gall-bladder present (2d month).

Anlage of spleen recognisable (2d month).

Respiratory System.

Median and lateral lobes of thyroid unite.

lArynx begins to ehondrify. Formation of follicles of thymus.

Oenlto-nrlnary System.

Maximum development of Wolffian body.

Mailerian ducts unite with each other. Genital groove.

Bladder present as spindleshaped dilatation or allantois.

Suprarenal bodies recognizable.


Nails indicated by claw-lIkc masses of epithelium on dorsal surfaces of digits.

Corium indicated as a layer of spindle-cells beneath epidermis. Development of mammary glands began.

Nervous System.

Fore-brain vesicles increase in size disproportionately. Cerebellum indicated.

Sympathetic nerves discernible.

Special Sense Organs.

External nose definitely formed (Fig. 171).


Palpebral conjunctiya separates from cornea.

Muscular System.

Muscles begin to be recognizable, though not having as yet the characters of muscular tissue.

Ossific centers for vertebral arches and for vertebral l»odies; ossiflc renters for frontal bone and for sciuamosa.

Membranous primordial cranium begins to ehondrify.

Claw-like anlages of nails.

Skeleton and Limbs.

Ribs begin to ehondrify. Centers of ossification of bestsphenoid, of greater wings. of nasal and lacrimal bones, of malar, vomer, palate, neck of scapula, diaphysos of long bones and of metacar)>al bones. Fingers perfectly formed. Toes begin to seiMirate (53d day).

Tabulated Chronology of Development (Continued),

STAGE OP THE FETl'8. Ninth Week. Third Month.

Weight, 15 to 20 frrams ; length, 25 to 30 Weight (end of month), 4 ounces: length,

mm. (1 to Ij inchefi). 2) Inches.

Hard palate completed. - At first chorion Icve and chorion fron • Free tail has disapfteared. dosiim prt'oent : later, formation of

Differentiation or lymph-nodes begins placenta (see second frontispiece). (O. Schultze). (Uoaea divided. I

Pericardium indicated.

Placental system of vessels. Blood-vessels fienetrate spleen.

Anal canal formed by division of cloaca. Mouth-cavity divided fh)m nose (end of

(Anus opens at end of '2d month, ac-, cordiuK to Tourncux.)

month). Soft (Mlate completed dlth week). Papillie of tongue. Evagination for tonsil. Intestine begins to rect»de within abdomen (10th week). Rotation of stomach. Vermiform api>endix as a slender tube. Omental bursa, (tastric glands and glands and villi of intestine fairly well formed (lOth week I. Liver verj* large. Peritoneum has its adult histological characters.


External genitals begin to show distinctions of sex.

Ovary and testis distinguishable fVom each other.

Kidney has its characteristic features.

Urogenital sinus ac<iuires its own aperture by division of cloaca.

Union of ti-stis with canals of Wolftian

lM)dy conn>lete. Testes in false jx-lvis. Ovaries descenM. Prostate K*gun d'ith week).

r«>riuin projK»r present as distinct layer. | Nails not (juite iH»rfeetly fi>rmed. Hepinning Jif <ievelopiiient of hair as ' solid ingrowths of epithelium.

Corpus striatum in«licated. j Corpora quadrigemina represented by two elevations on mid-brain roof.

Cerebrum covers inter-brain. Fornix ' and corpus callosum iK'gun. Fissure ' of Sylvius. Calcarine fissure. Crura cerebri. Kestiftirm bodies. Pon.s.

! External ear indicated (Fig. Ciliary processes intlicated.


Eves nearly in normal iK>8ition. Eyelids begin to adhere to each other.


Centers of ossillcation of presphenoid. Ik'jrinningossiticationof occipital bone. " of les.«ier wings of sphenoid, and t)f of tympanic, of spine of scapula, of shafts of metatarsal bones. ossu innominata. '

Cnrtilacinovis arches of vertebrse close. Limbs have definite shape ; nails almost |)erfeetly formed.

Tabulated Chronology op Development (Coniinwd).

General CliaracterB.


Vasciilax System.

Digestive System.

Respiratory System.

Oenito-urlnary System.


Nervous System.

Special SenBo Organs.

STAGE OF THE FETUS. Fourth Month. Fifth Month.

Weight, 7j ounces: length, 5

inches. Head constitutes about oneI quarter of entire body.

Enamel and dentine of milkteeth. Germs of permanent teeth tl7th wk) : (for 1st molar, 16th wk). Muscularis (longitudinal and cirt>ular) of stomach and esophagus. Intestine entirely within abilomen. Acid cells of peptic glands. Malpighian I bodies of spleen. Anal ' membrane disappears.

! Cells of tracheal and bron' chial mucous membrane ciliated.

Weight. 1 lb. : length, 8 in. Active fetal movements begin. Two layers of decidua (Mialesce, obliterating the space between vera and reflexa. Lymphatic glands begin to appear.

Heart very large.

Salivary glands acquire lamina.

Villi of large intestine begin

to disai>piear. i Liver very large.

Meconium shows traces of bile (sometimes early in fourth month).

Sexual distinctions of external organs well marked. Closure of genital farrow. Scrotum. Prepuce. I*rostate well formed.

Pftpilln? of corium. Subcutaneous fat first appears. I^iiiugo or embryonal down on scalp and some other parts.

rnrieto-orcipital fissure.

Distinction between uterus

and vagina. Hymen begins.

j CorfHtra alhicantia. Tmnsvei

»rse fibers of p<m«.

Middle i>eduncle8 and chief fissures of cerebellum.

Spinal cord ends at end of riM'cyx.

Deposit of myelin on fihrrs of |Mist«Tior* roots, extending to liurdaeh and (ioll.


Panniculus adiposus. lanugo more abundant. Sel>aceous and sweat-glands iH'gin.

Fissure of Rolando. Body of fornix and corp. caliosum. I>on>:itudinal fibers in crura cerebri. Superior peduncles. A nterior pyramids of medulla. Chief transverse fissures of lateral lobes of cerelwllum. Deposit of myelin completed for tract of (roll and later of Burdach. and for short commissural fibers (Tourneux).

Kyolids and iiostriN closed. ("urtiljiKcof Kustnchiun tnlK?.

Orj^m of Corti indicated.


Difiirentiation of muscular


tissue of arms.

Skeleton and

Os»i<'(ms crntcr for inteninl

(>s*!ifl<«tion of stapes and petriisji. Opisthotic and prootic apjH-ar. Ossificati<m


ptrrvjroid |»ljite.

Antnnn of lliirhmore b^'cins.

<Ksin«'Mtioii of malleus and

iM'irins in middle and infe


rior turt)inals and lateral

Tnav»jr«i of t>thmoid. Internal pt<'ryiroi<l plate Aisea witlj •'Xternal. Intermaxillarifs fuse with maxilla. I^'us longer than arms.

Tabulated Chronology of Development (OonHwued),

STAGE OF THE FETUS. Sixth Month. Seventh Month.

Weight, 2 poands ; length, 12 inches. Vemix ca«eo«a begins to appear. Amnion reaches maximum size ; amniotic fluid of maximum quantity.

Weight, 3 pounds ; length, 14 inches. Sur»ce less wrinkled owing to increase of fiit.

Peyer*s patches. I Meconium in large intestine.

Trypsin in pancreatic secretion (fifth ■ Ascending colon partly formed, or sixth month). Csecum below right kidney.

Air-vesicles of lungs begin to appear.

Walls of uterus thicken.

Vernix caseosa begins to appear. Eyebrows and eyelashes begin.

Testes at internal rings or in inguinal canals.

Epithelial buds for sebaceous glands acquire lumina. Branching of cords of milk-glands. Eponychium of nails lost; nails said to break through, lanugo over entire body.

Collateral and calloso-marginal Assures.

Body of fornix and corpus callosum complete.

Hemispheres of cerebrum cover midbrain.

Cerebral convolutions more apparent.

Cori>ora nuadrigeraina.

Myelination of fibers of direct cerebellar

tracts. (Crossed pyramidal tracts not

until after birth.)

Lobule of ear more characteristic.

Lens-capsule begins to acquire trans- , mrcnry. Kyelids permanently open. , rupilliiry membrane atrophies.

DiflTorontintion of muscular tissue of , lower extremities.

i I^esser winps unite with presphcnoid. i Basisphenoid and presphenoid unite ' Mockel'H cartilHffo h<»cin« to rctrogrn<lo. I (7th or blh month). ' Ossific nuclei of os calcis and astragalus.

Tabulated Ciironoloot of Development (Conduded),

STAGE OF THE FETUS. Eighth Month. Ninth Month.

General Charftcters.

Weight, 4 to 5 pounds ; length,

16 Inches. Body more plump.

Weight, 6 to 7 pounds ; length,

20inches. Umbilicus almost exactly in

middle of body.

Vascular System.


Digestive System.

Ascending colon longer. Caicum below crest of Ilium.

Meconium dark greenish.

Respiratory System.

Oenito-orinary System.

Testes In inguinal canals.

Testes in scrotum. T^bia m^Jora in contact.


Vemix caseosa covers entire

body. Skin briehter color. Lunug(j begins to disappear. Nails project bi'yond hnj^er tii>a. Increase of subcutaneous


Lanugo almost entirely absent.

Galaetopherous ducts of milk-glands acquire lumina.

Nervous System.

Spinal cord ends at last lumbar vertebra.

Special Sense Organs.

Ossification of bony lamina spiralis and of modiolus.

Neuro-epithelial layer of retina completed; macula still absent.

Choroidal fissure closes.

Muscular System.

Skeleton and Limbs.

Ossification in lower epiphysis of femur, sometimes also in ui>i>er ei>iphy8e8 of tibia an(i humerus.

Tyinpanohyal begins to ossify.

Ossitlc nuclei for body and great horn of hyoid bone. 1


Abdominal cavitv, development of,

215 Accessory sii])nirenul oi*};ans, 242

thyroid. 227 Acetabiilur fossa, 404 Achoria, 1)4 Achroiuatin, 27 Acid colls, formation of, 200 Acoustic gaii)j:lioii, ;J21 Acusticofacial jraiijilioii, 321 Adaniantoblasts. I'.VJ Adenoid tissue. develo|>ineut of, 129 Adipose tissue, formation of, 12G After-birth, 104 After-brain, 2S7 Age of fetus, estimation of, 122 Air-chambtT of hen's e;;i;, 29 Air-sjK's, development of. 2"2o Ala* of n<)se. <h'volopment of, 3<)2 Aiiir lamina. 290 Alecithal ova, 2()

Alimentary c^inal, develoi)ment of, Ls5 * diflcrentiatiou into separate region^. 11>7 histolojiical alteratitms in. 20.")

tract, alteration in position of parts, 202 in«.'rease in length of. 201 Alisphenoids. .'{91 Allantoic arteries. 90, 104

circulation. 90 formation of, 103

stalk. .N'>

veins, im, 104 Allantois, ^9, 190. 2.")

function of. JM)

resi)iratory function of. 200 Alveoli, ]>ulmonarv, development of,

225 Ameloblasts. 1.39 Amnion, HI, t<'2

false, si

of man, >^^ Amnion-fold, 80. J^l. R3 A mil iota. H3 Amniotic cavity, 54, 84. 5i5

lluid. 85. SO functi<ui of, J^O

suture, S3 Amphibians, blastula of. 51 Amt)hioxus. blastula of. 50

.skehjtal apparatus of, 372

  • >7

Ampull(e of semicircular canals, development of, 34rt

seminal, 240 Anal canal. 257

membrane, 195

l»late, 195 Anamnia, Si Angioblast. 147 Animal ]Mjle. 27 Animalculi^ts. 18 Anhige, 175

median, of thyroid body. 228 Annular sinus, 179 Annulus ovalis, 157 Anomalous arrangements of aortic

aivh, lOs Anterior chamber of eye, 342

nares. development of. 1 10, 3«U»

pyramidal tmcts of medulla, development of, 2JK> Antitragus, formation <»f, 35*< Antrum of liighmore. di'velopment

of, 301 Anus, development (»f. 195

imi)erforate, 1!»7 Aorta, caudal, KJO

develo]iment of. 159

l)rimitive, 151. 1(J5 Aortic arch, anomalous arrangements t.f, HW

arciies. 105

septum. 159 Api>enda«j:es of skin. 27n Appendicul.-ir skeleton. 372

deveIo])ment of. 4<>2 Aque«lu«t of Sylvius, development of,

29(> Arch, hyoid. 115

mandibular. 115

maxillary. 115

of aorta. d«*velo]»ment of, 107 Arched eolle(>ting tubule of kidney,

240 An'heiitenm. 52 Ar;lie>. aortic. 105

branehial. 114

mandibular. 1.35

visceral, 112 Arehibla«<t. Of! Arcuate fissure. 300. .307 Area, embryonal, 5S

glamlular, 275

opaca, 59




Area pellucida, 59

vasculosa, 59, 88, 150 Areas, iiasail, 145, 359 Areola, development of, 276 Areolar tissue, develo))tueiit of, 125 Arrectores piloruiii, 2b9 Arteria centralis retinae, development

of, ;«5 Arterial system, fetal, 165 Arteries, allantoic, 90, 164

umbilical, 103, 165

vitelline, 151 Artery, carotid, common, development of, 166 external, development of, 166 internal, development of, 166

innominate, development of, 167

middle siicral, development of, 166

pulmonary, development of, 168

subclavian, left, development of, 168 right, development of, 167

superior vesical, 182 Arytcno-cpiglottidean folds, 226 Arytcn»>id cartilages, development of, 22()

ridges, 22(> Ascending colon, formation of, 203

me.socolon, formation of, 203

root of lifth nerve, 224

root of vagus, 290 Aster. 45

Atlas, formation of, 381 Atresia of pupil, 3:tt. Atrial crescent, 157 Atrioventricular canal, 156

valves, ]56 Atrophic tubules of Wolffian bmlv,

23() Attract ion -sphere, 45 Auditory apparatus, development of. 3*15

meatus, external, formation of. 357

nerve, formation of. 321

nucleus, lateral accessorv. 321

]>it. 3I(» Auricle, (levelopuKMit of, 35R Auricles, division into right and left,

157 Auricular ap])eudages. 159

canal. 15<)

<;cptuni. 157 Auriculovcntricular a]»ertures. 161

valves. \i]'2 Axial tiher of spern«arozo<m. 20, 22

skeleton. 372

development of. 37'> Axis. (leveio]>ment of. 3>0 Axis-cylinder process. 2>1

IUui>kkn's primitive disk. 377, 379 Hartholiji. glands uf. '2til Basil ganuHia. .".(K]. ,3Hl

lamina. 2!>o Hasi-ocripital bojie. .390 Rasisphcnoid, 394

Belly-stalk, 85 Bifid uterus, 253

Bile-capillaries, formation of, 209 Bile-ducts, formation of, 209 Bladder, development of, 255 Blastema, Wolffian, 236 Blastodermic vesicle, mammalian, 50 stage of, 49

two- layered stage of, 52 Blastopore, 52 Blastula stage, 49 Blood, development of, 126, 147 Blood-islands. 148 Blood-lacunee, 97 Blood-platelets, 150 Blood-vessels, 150 "Blue baby," 158 Bodie^i, polar. 3.3, 34 Body of vertebra, formation of, 377 Body-cavity, 63, 6(>, 214 Body-wall, development of muscles of, 367

formation of, 79 Bony cochlea, development of, 352

labyrinth, development of, 351

semicircular canals, 351 Bowman, capsule of, 238, 240 Brain, development of, 286 Brain-case, 384 Brain-membranes, development ot,

302 Brain-vesicles, 287

derivatives of, 316 Bninchial arches, 114

development of, 369 Bran chiome res, 78 Bridge of nose, development of, 362 Broad ligament of uterus, 255 Brunner. glands of, 206 Bud, embryonic, 54 Bulbus arteriosus. 156

vestibuli. 259 Burdax'h. tract of. myelination of, 414 Bur>;i. omental. 20l,'21S

pharyngeal. 136 Bni-sal sacs, development of, 126

('ADrcors niembrjm<»s, 195 C'tecum, develo]mient of, 202, 203 Calcaravis. 308 Calcarine fissure, 303, 308 Callosoniarginal fissure, 309 ("'anal, anal, 257

atrioventricular, 156

auricular. 15()

hyaloid. 339

medullary. 70

neural. 70. 279. 281

jieurenteric. 74. 281

of anus. 197

«.f His. 145. 227

of Xuck. 255

of Stilling, 339 Canaliculi. hurrimal, development of, 345



Canalis reuniens. 349 Capsule of Bowman, 238, 240

of kidney, 241 Cardinal veins, 164 anterior, 189 posterior, 169 Carotid artery, common, development of, 166 external, development of, 166 internal, development of, 166

body, 325 Carpus, development of bones of, 405 Cartilage, formation of, 126

Meckel's, 115, 398

Reicbert's. 115 Cartilage-cells, 126 Cartilaginous capsule of cochlea, 352

cranium, 386

ear-capsule, 351

ribs, 382

sheath of spinal cord, 378

stiige of skeleton, 373 of trunk skeleton, 377

vertebral bodies, origin of, 379 processes, origin of, 379 Caudal aorta, 166 Cavity, amniotic, 54, 84

cleavage-, 50

pleuroperitoneal, ^

segmentation-, 50 Cell-cords, 150 Cell-mass, inner, 50

intermediate, 77, 232

outer, 50 Cells, sexual, 31

mesenchynjal, 66 Cementum of tooth, 137

development of, 141 Central canal of cord, formation of, 286

lobe, formation of, 305 Centrolecithal ova, 27 Centrosome, 45 Cephalic flexure, 112,288

ganglia, development of, 320 Ceratohyal, 402

Cerebellum, development of, 292 Cerebral fissures, development of, 302

vesicles, 287, 288 Ce numinous glands. 273 Cervical fistula, 116

flexure. 112

rib. 380. 383 Chalazsp, 29 Chambers of eye. 342 Chin ridge. 13.'> Chorda dorsjilis. 73 formation of. 373 stage of. 373 Chordte tendiiu'jp. 162 Chordul ei)ithelium, 374

plate, 74

region of primitive skull, 387 Choriata, 94 CIiorioc:;pillaris, 340

Chorion, 92

frondosum, 93

leve, 93

primitive, 92

true, 92 Choroid, coloboma of, 341

development of, 340

fissure, 306, 307

plexus, 308

plexuses of fourth ventricle, 291 Choroidal fissure, 330, 341 ChromafiSne cells, 325 Chromatin, 27

Chromosomes, reduction of, 23 Cicatricula, 28 Ciliary body, development of, 341

ganglion, 320

muscle, development of, 341

processes, development of. 333, 341 Circulation, allantoic, 90, 163

placental, 147

portal, 177

vitelline, formation of, 147 Claustrum, 303 Clavicle, development of, 404 Cleavage, kinds of, 47

of ovum, 45

partial discoidal, 48 peripheral, 48

total equal, 47 unequal. 47 Cleavage-cavity, 50 Cleavage-nucleus. 43 Cleavage-planes, 46 Cleft palate, formation of, 137

stem urn, 383 cause of, 82

uvula, fonnation of, 137 Clefts, visceral, 112 Climacteric, 38 Clitoris, development of, 259 Cloaca, 190, 196, 256 Cloacal depression. 197, 256 Closing membrane, 113, 117, 106 Coccygeal body, 325

curve, 112

vertebra?, ossification of, 382 Cochlea, bony, development of, .352 Cochlear duct, formation of, 347

ganglion. 321

nerve, .'154 Coplenteron, 52 Ccplom, 63. (>6, 214" Collateral fissure, 30,3. .308 Collecting tubules of kidney, 237 Coloboma of choroid, 341

of iris, 343 Colon, ascending, formation of, 203

descending, formaticm of, 201, 203

transverse, formation of, 203 Coluinnre carnete, 154 Commissures of brain, development of, 303

of cord, white, 285 Conarium, 298



Conariuiii. modificatious of, 298 Coue-visuul cells, 331 Congcuital iitresia of pupil. 33d <lia])brHKniatic heruia, 177 fecal fistula, 207 hernia, 249 umhilic4il hernia, 205 Colli vasoulosi, formation of, 246 Connective tissues, development of,

124 Constructive stage of menstrual cycle,

39 (.'oi>iila of hyoid hone, 3S9 Conicoid hone, 403

process of scapula, 40,3 Cord, spinal, <levelopment of, 2sl

umhiiical, 102 (^)^ds of cells. 147 Corium, development of. 2()8 Cornea, development of. 340 Cornicular tuberch'S. 2i<) Corona radiata. 2."). 31 Coronarv lipvment. 210 of liver. 221 sinus of heart, 172 valve. Kil Corpora alhicantia. 296 hijreniina. 29.1

cavernosa, formation of, 262 (juadrijjemina. '^9.") Corpu«; callosum, formation of, 309, 311 hemorrhaKicum. 37 luteum of prej^nancv. 37, 38 false, :W

of menstruation, 3S true. .38 spongiosum, formation of, 262 striatum, 303 Corpus.;le of Hassal. 230 Corti. or;ran of, 319 Costal process of vertebra, formation

of. 37«). 3'-2 Ci»tyl»Mlous of placejita. !»9 Coveriiii; l)ones, .3*»r> Cowper. ulaiuls <»f. 2<J3 Cranial capsulf, IJ*^!

nerve-fibers. dev«'lopmcnt of, 320 Cranium, cartilairiuous. 3s(> membranous, .385 ossL'ous. 3*^9 Crescent, atrial. l'>7 <'ricoid cartilai^e. 22»» ( 'rista' Mcusticu'. 350 (rossrd pvramidal tract. mvelinati<ui

of, 115 ('rum cerebri, develoi>ment of, 295 Crusta |)etrosa, 1 11 Cryptorcbism. 219

CrystjiUine lens. cl('veloi)ment of. .336 Cuueitorm tubi'rcle>. 22<» Cu-.]iioiis, endocardial. 15«) Cutis-plat'*. 77. 26S. :ij;.-> Cuvi«'r. duct of. Ml. 17(K 176 Cv-^tic dtirt. develo])ment of, 209 cVt.»bIast. 54

Daughter-cells, 22 Daughter-wreaths, 45 Decidua nienstrualis, 39, 95

of pregnancy, 96

reliexa, 9rocesses, 141

ridge, 1,37

shelf. 137 Den tale, 400 Dentate tissure, 30.3, 307 Dentinal fibers, 141

tubules, 141 IX'ntine, 137 Dermal bones, 385

navel, 82 Descending colon, formation of, 203 Descent of testicles. 218 Destructive stage of menstrual cycle,

39 Deutoplasm of hen's egg, 28

of ovum. 26 Develo])inent during eighth mouth,

during eighth week, 119

during fifth month. 121

during fifth week, 118

during ninth month, 122

during secoiul moiAh, 118

during seventh unrnth, 121

during sixth month, 121

during third month, 120

•luring tiiird week, 117

length of time necessary for, 18

tabulated chnmology of, 409

theories of. 17 Diaphragm. develo]>ment of, 177 Diaphragmatic hernia, congenital, 177

ligament. 248 Dieiicepbalon. 287 Digestive svstem. development of,

1.S5. 411-416 Diiritation of limb-buds, 407 Dipbyodont. 137 Dire<t cerebellar tra<*t. nivelination

of. 411 I)isc«>idal cleavage, partial, 48 Discus proiigerus, 31. 251 Disk, germinative. 28 Distal convoluted tubule of kidney,

210 Divrrticubi of primarv renal pelvis,

237 l)ors;il curve, 112

mesrnter.v. 1{H»

nerve-roots of s])inal ganglia, 318

pjincreas. 211 Double monster, origin of, .58

uterus, 2.53

Duct of Cnvier, 164, ITO, ITS luuouephric. £U of UutuKr. 251

ur Miuicr. 24a. air, 253, se&

i>f Batbkc. 246 <if SaotoriDi, 812 of Wirauug. as proDcphrlc, 233

8i'KllieuUl. 233

tlivrtiKlossal. 145. 227

tlivruld, B2T

vitelline, HO, fC, 1S»

Wuiffiau, 234 Ductus Arunlii. 180

arteriosus, 16H

commuDia chuledochus, formation of, 20!)

vndol Till p till lie us, 347

veiuhiUs. lli:i, l-u Duodi'Dum. furtuution of, 217

Ear. eitemiLl, development of, 355. 358 iiiliTiiiil. Ji'velopnient of, 316 iiiiildl, ilcvelopmonC of. 35G

l;.riin-iiU\ cartiUginomi, 351

Ectudemi, 'fi

Egg. iihiinate origin of, 31 E^Wuiuns. 31. iHQ E«K-^'>v«lapeB, 85 Egg-plasm. 26 EKg-lubi», priniary, 31 EigbCh mouth, ilovelopnicat during. 123.416

pair cranial nervea, developmeat of, 323

week 'development during, llil, 412 Ellaculiitarjr iluct. furmntlan of, 347 Elaatii: tissue, formatian of. ]^ Elevontb paircrnnial ii.TTes. 324 EmbpddiiigofDX'iini. M Embryo, diScreiitiuIion of. ffi>

of elffht and B half weclu, 121

of lin«ctitlj riBT, Its

c.frtli weeks, I'lP

of hirtwnthdnr. lOS

of three weekx. 112

of tirenlv-eight days, 118

sejtnii-iiUlion nf body of, 78

slSKi-of. in. 107 Eiubryolijay de fined, 17 Enibryouiil area, .>8

Embryonic bud. I>4 cn-KCcnl. -")!)

Eutl-kuob i.f lipunUBtozooii, 21. 22 EriducardiaU'nslii..iis lat* Eudoutrdiiim. 1>4 Endochoudral Uiuus, 3»5 Eudolyniph. aoA Cndoskeloton, 3T^ KiLili'ih'liuiii. I'liniintluu of. 66, 126 Eiid-piPd- i,r swrmaf

] I ' . i'.ii.. ; \.:\:r of loammaliau

l>l:if ttnlrtmjo vesicle, QO Ependyma. 310 Epcndymal celU, 392. £83

E|.ihyttl, 402

Epiotic center uf usdtlcation, 392 Epitbeliul lHHlie«. ^9 Epithelium, terminal. '29, 31, 244 Epitriebium, 2U0

Efn^'phoroiuVVl Erythruhlustii. 14^ Erythrocytes, 119 Elhniold bune. iwifiuition of, 305

cribriform plate of. 388 Ethmoidal sinuB. dDvelopmcnt of, 3^1 Euatnchian tube, development of, fJW fominli'iuof, 19-1


Exoccipitals. 300

Eioskclelon, 372

ExBtmphy iif lihiddor, cause of, fi3

Eitcrniil uaditory meatus, formation

of, 31.-),

jimiitiils, ^mu!.^ 250, 266

.uiiic. an. iW

Eyp. devoli.pment of. I'lH. 326 Evclashoi. duvclopment of, 344 Eyvlid, third. 344 Eyelids, development of. 343 primitive, 134

Fack, derclopmcnt of, 117, 130 Fai'ial KHKRllon, 321 Falciform ligament of liver, formation of. 210 lobe, 309. 313 Fnllopian tube«, development of, 253

1. SI I Fall cerebri, 303



Fecal fistula, congenital, 207 Female external genitals, 259, 266

internal genital organs, 249

pronucleus, 34

sexual system, 266 Fertilization, 41

artificial, 44

external, 42

internal, 42 Fetal arterial system, 165

membranes at birth, 104

vascular system, final stage of, 181

venous system, 169 Fetus, length of, at term, 122

stage of, 20, 118

weight of, at term, 122 Fiber-tracts of cord, development of, 285 myelination of. 414, 415 Fibrillee of muscle, formation of, 366 Fibrous tunic of eye, development of,

339 Fifth brain-vesicle, metamorphosis of, 289

month, development during, 121, 414

pair cranial nerves, development of, 323

ventricle. 312

week, development during, 411 Fimbria, 309

Fingers, development of, 407 First pair cmnial nerves, development of, 323

week, development during, 409 Fissure, arcuate, 306, 307

calcarine, 303, 30H

calloso-niarginal, 309

choroid. :W), 307

choroidal, 330

collateral, 303, 308

dentutc. 303, 307

great transverse. 304, 308

hippocampal. 307

of choroid ]>loxus, 3^)7

of Kohmdo. 30,S

of Sylvius, 303, 301

purieto-occii»ital. 308 Fissures, cerebral, development of, ,^02. 303

median, of cord. 285 Fistula, congenital fecal, 207

M Ml hi Heal urinary, 25<j Flexure, cephalic. 112. 288

nuchal, 289

pontal, 2.^9 Floor-i)late, 2.'-l. 282 Fold, ])h'uropericardial, 176 Folds, medullary. 72 Folliflo. (Jraafian. 2J»

of tooth, 1 11 ForauHMi cR'cuni. 115, 227

eomnunu' anterius. 30()

of Monro. 301. 3<M)

of V/inslow, 221

Foramen ovale, 157

thyroideum, 226 Fore-brain, 286, 302

secondary, 287

vesicle, 73

metamorphosis of, 302 Foregut, 81 Formative yolk, 26 . Fornix, formation of, 309, 310 Fossa of Svlvius, 304

oral, 192

ovalis, 158 Fourth month, development during, 120, 414

pair cranial nerves, development of, 323

ventricle, 291 development of, 290, 294

w^eek, development during, 410 Fretum Halleri. 156 Frontal bone, ossification of, 396

lobe, 306

sinuses, development of, 361 Funiculus solitarius, 290 Furcula, 225

Gall-bladder, development of, 209 Ganglia, cephalic, 320

spinal, 317 Gangliated cord of the sympathetic,

325 Ganglion, acoustic. 321 acusticofacial, .'^21 cephalic, fourth, 321

third, 321 ciliary. 320 cochlear. 321 facial. 321 Gasserian, 320 intercarotid, 325 Luschka's. 325 ophthalmic, 320 s]>irale, 350 trigeminal, 321 vestibular, 351 Ganglion -cell laver, development of,

333 Gartner, duct of, 254 Gasserian ganglion, 320 Gastrjil mesoderm, 63 Gastrohepatie omentum, 209, 220

formation of, 205 Gastrosplenic omentum, 214 (rastrula, 52

stage, 52 Generative organs, external, development of. 258 internal, development of, 243 Genital cord. 243 eminence. 259 in male, 261 folds. 259

in female. 259 in male. 262 gland, indifierent, 265



Genital groove, 258

ridge, 243, 258 in female, 259

ridges, 31 Genito-urinary system, development

of, 232, 409-416 Germ-cells, 224 Grcrm-disk, 27 Germ-layers, 52

derivatives of, 67 Germinal epithelium, 29, 31, 244

sj)ot, 25, 27

vesicle, 25, 27 Grerraiuative disk, 28 Giral<les, organ of. 247 Glands of alimentary tract, formation of, 206

of Bartholin, 261

of Brunner, development of, 206

of Cowper, development of, 263

of intestine, development of, 206

of Lieberkiibn, development of, 206

of Moll, 273

of stomach, development of, 206 Glandular area, 275

hy]K>spudias, 262 Glaus clitoridis. formation of. 259

penis, formation of, 259, 262 Glasorian fissure, 393, 399 Globular processes, 118, 132, 360 Glomerulus of kidney, 233, 238, 240 Glomus caroticus, 325 Goll, tract of, myelinatiou of, 414 Graafian follicle, 29 development of, 251 formation of new, 252 Gray matter of bniin, formation of, 303 of medulla, development of, 224 Great omentum, formation of, 204,

220 Groove, dental. 140

lacrimal, 119, 132

medullary, 71

naso-optic, 345

primitive, 60

pulmonary, 22.S

transverse, crescentic, 398 Gubernaculum testis, 248 Gum, development of, 136 Gut, postanal, 196 Gut-tract, 80. HI. 186, 188 Gyrus fornicatus, 315

uncinatus, 315

Hair, development of, 271 Hair-bulb. 271

development of, 272 Hair-follicle, 271.

development of. 272, 273 Hair-germs. 272

Hard palate, development of, 397 Hare-lip, 134, 397 Hassal, corpuscles of, 230

Head, muscles of, development of, 367

of epididymis, 246

of spermatozoon, 20, 22 Head-fold, 80

of amnion, 80, 83 Head -gut, 188 Head-kidney, 232 Head-process of primitive streak. 62,

70 Head-segments, 364 Head-skeleton, development of, 384 Heart, development of, 152

lymph-, 128 posterior, 128

metamorphosis of single into double, 156

valves, development of, 161 Helix, formation of, 358 Hemal arch, formation of, 376 Henle's loop, 240 Hen's egg, description of, 27 Hensen's node, 62 Hepatic cylinders, 209

vein, development of, 181 Hermaphroditism, 263, 2()7 Hernia, congenital, 249

umbilical, 205 Highmore, antrum of, development

of, 361 Hilum folliculi, 31 Hind-brain. 28(J. 292

secondary, 287

vesicle, 73, 292 Hindgut. 81, 1H8 HipiKicanipal fissure, 307 Hippocampus migor, 307

minor. 308 His, canal of. 145, 227 Holoblastic ova, 47 Homogeneous twins, origin of, 59 Homologies of the sexual system, 263 Hyaloid arterj*, formation of, 339

canal, 339

membrane, formation of, 339 Hydatid of Morgagni, 247

8i»s8ile, 247

stalked, 247

unstalked, 247 Hydramnios, 86 Hymen, formation of, 261 Hyoglossus. origin of. 370 Hyoid arch, anterior, 389 l)osterior, 3'^9

arches. 115

bar. 3H9

bono, development of. 389, 401 Hyoidean apparatus, 401 Hyonmndibular cleft, 115 Hypobhist. 5'^ Hypochordal brace, 376 Hypophysis, ,'^(X>

formation of. I'i5 Hypospailias, 262

glandular, 262



Iliac segment of pelvic girdle, 404 vein, left cuiumun, development of,

I m perforata anus, 197 luipresisious, maternal, 120 Ini'us, development of, 388, 399 Indifferent genital gland, 265

si'xual gland, 244 Inferior medullary velum, 292

peduncles of brain, 290 Infundibula of lungs, development of,

225 Infundibulum of brain. 2i>6, 300 Inguinal ligament, 248

in female, 254 Inner cell-mass, 50 Innominate artery, development of,

liu Inter-brain, 287, 296

vesicle, metamorphosis of, 296 Intercarotid ganglion, 325 Intermaxillary bones, formation of,

l.iei, 397 Intermedial cell-mass, 77, 232, 365 Internal ear, development of, 346

fertilization, 42

lateral ligament of lower jaw, 400

limiting membrane of spinal cord, 3v'^3 Interpallial fissure, 302 Interrenal organ, 242 Intervertebral disks, 377, 379

ligament, development of, 377, 379 Intervillous spaces. 97, 102 Inte.stinal canal, formation of, 79

glands, development of, 20*>

mesentery, 216

mucosa, formation of. 189

villi, formation of, 206

]>ortals, 81. 186 Intestine, small, development of, 202,

205 Intestino-bodv cavitv, 52 Intumescentia ganglioformis. 351 Involuntarv muscle, development of,

371 Iris, coloboma of. 343

development of, 341 Ischiatic rod. 404 Island of Keil, :J05

.Tacobson's organ, development of.

3()1 Jaw. upper, development of, 134 Jaw-arch. 115 .lellv of Wharton, 103 Joint-cavities, development of, 128 Jugular vein, primitive. 1({4, 169 transverse. 172

Kidney, development of, 232

Labia majora, 260

minora, formation of, 259 Labyrinth, bony, development of, 351

Labyrinth, membranous, development of, 346 Lacrimal bones, ossification of, 396

canal iculi, 345

caruncle, 344

duct, development of, 344

gland, development of, 344

groove, 119, l.'i2

sac, development of, 345 Lamina cinerea, 296, 299

quadrigemina. 295

spinilis, bony, development of, 354

terminal is, 309 Langhans' laver, 97 , lanugo, 121, 273 I I^iryux, development of, 225 I Uitebra, 29 Lateral cartilage of nose, 395

folds of amnion, 80

frontal processes, 118, 132, 134 in formation of nose, 146

ligaments of liver, 210

nasal process, 344, 360

plate of mesoderm, 65

plate of somite, 63

ventricle, development of, 303 length of fetus at term, 122 Lens, crystalline, development of,

336 Lens-area, 328

Lens-capsule, development of, 337 Lens-pit, 336

Lens- vesicle, 110, 134, 328, 336 Lenticular zone of optic cup, 333 Lesser omentum. 220 formation of, 205 Leukocytes, 149 Levator palati, origin of, 370 Lids, union of edges of, 343 LieberkiJhn, glands of, 206 Ligament of ovary, 255 Ligamenta intermuscularia, 365, 375

subflava, 379 Ligaments of liver, formation of, 209 Ligamcntum venosum Arantii, 184 Liguhr. 2\yZ Limb-buds, 119. 406 Limbic lobe, 309, 313 Limb-muscles, development of. 370 Limbs, bones of. development of, 405

development of, 406, 409-416

position of, 407 Limiting membrane, intier, formation of, 3:ji outer, formation of, 331 Lin in, 27 Lip ridge. 135

upper, development of, 136 Liquor amnii, 85. 86 function of. 86

n.lliculi, 31. 251

of Morgagni. 337 Liver, development of, 207

first rudiment of, 198

ligaments of, formation of, 209



Liver-ridge, 175, 208 Iiobes of liver, 208 Lobule of ear, development of, 358 Longitudiual liber-tracts of medulla, 2«0

fissure of brain, 302 Loop of Henle, 240 Lower jaw, ossification of, 398 Lumbar rib, .'i83

vertebne, ossification of, 381 Lungs, development of, 223 Luschka's ganglion, 325 Lymph, formation of, 126 Lymph-clefts, development of, 128 Lymph-hearts, 128

posterior, 128 Lymph-sacs, development of, 127 Lymph-spaces, development of, 127 Lymphatic system, development of, 127

vessels, development of, 128 Lymphoid follicles of tonsil, 195

tissue, development of, 1'^

Macula lutea, formation of, 333 Maculse acustictc. development of, 350 Malar bone, ossification of, 396 Male external genitals, 261, 267

internal genital organs, 245

pronucleus, 42

sexual system, 245, 266 Malleus, development of, 388, 399 Malpighian corpuscle, development of, 213, 238 primitive, 236 Mammalia deciduata, 99

indeciduata, 99 Mammals, blastula of, 49 Mammary gland, development of, 274 Mandible, ossification of, 398 Mandibular arch, 115, 135, 386 Mantle layer, 284 Marginal sinus, 102

velum of spinal cord, 283, 284

zone of optic cup, 334 Marshall, vestigial fold of, 172 Maternal impressions, 120 Maturation of ovum. 32 Maxilla, superior, ossification of, 397 Maxillary arch, 115

process, 135, 386 Meatus, external auditory, 357

urinarius, male, 262 Meckel's cartilage, 115, 388, 398

diverticulum, formation of, 207 Meconium, 122 Median fissures of cord, 285

lobe of cerebellum, 292 Medulla oblongata, development of,

289 Medullarv canal, 70

cords, 246. 252

folds, 72. 279

farrow, 71

groove, 71

Medullary plate, 70, 279 tube, 279

velum, anterior, 294 inferior, 292, 294 Meibomian glands, development of,

344 Membrana adamantiua, 139 basilaris of cochlea, formation of,

eboris, 141

granulosa, 31 formation of, 251

prseformativa, 141 Membrane, anal, 193

closing, 113, 117, 194

nuclear, 27

of Xasmyth, 140

of Reissner, 355

pharyngeal, 117, 131, 188, 192

vitelline, 25, 26

tympanic, 194, 357 Membranes, caducous, 95

deciduous, 95 Membranous bones, 385

cranium, 385

labyrinth, development of, 346

ribs, 382

stage of skeleton, 373 of trunk, 374 Menopause, 38 Menstrual cycle, 39 Menstruation, 38

relation of, to ovulation and conception, 40 Meroblastif ova, 48 Mesencephalon, 286, 294 Mesenchymal cells, 66

muscle, 371 Mesenchyme, 66 Mesenteric artery, superior, 152

vein, superior, 181 Mesenteries, 190 Mesentery, intestinal, 216

ventnil, 204 development of, 220 Mesoblast, 62

Mesoblastic somites, 65, 75 Mesooardium anterius, 153, 174

posterius, 153, 174 Mesocolon, ascending, production of, 203

formation of, 203 Mesonephrogenic tissue, 239 Metanephrogenic tissue, 239 Mesoderm, 62

derivatives of, 68

gastral, 63

paraxial, 65

peristomal. 63

somatic, 66

splanchnic, 66

structures developed from, 12Aet8eq. Mesodermal vitreous, 338 Mesogastrium, 204, 216 Mesonephric duct, 235



Mesonephros, 234, 264 Mesorchiuu, 24b, 255 Mcsothelium, (Hi, 126 McHovarium, 24>::^

Metacar|>al l>oneg, development, 405 MetamorphoHiH of single into double

heart, l.VJ MctanephroH, 237, 265 Metatarsal boneif, development, 405 Meteiiceplialon, 287, 292 Me topic suture, 396 Metopism, 396 Micropyle. 25, 42 Mid-brain, 2»6, 294

prominence of, 288

vesicle, 73. 294 Mid-gut, las Middle ear, development of, 194, 355

piece of Kpermatozoon, 20, 22

plate. 77, 232, 3<I5

sacral artery, development of, 166

tunic of eye, development of, 339 Milk-lines. 275 Mi Ik -ridges, 275

Mo<liolus of cochlea, development, 354 Moll, glands of. 273 Monorchism, 249 Monro, foramen of, .'$01, 306 Mons v<?neris, formation of, 259 Morgagni, hvdatid of, 247

liquor of, 337 Morula, 45 Mother-cells, 22

Motor nerve-fibers, development, 319 Mouth, development of, 134, 192 Mucous tissue, formation of, 125 Mulberry -mass, 45 Miiller, duct of, 243, 247, 253, 265 Miillcr's lib«;rs, :W1 Muscle, involuntary, development, 371

Vdluntary, development of, 363 Muscle-plate, 78, .365

metamorphosis of, .366 Muscles, bnmchial, development of, .3()9

of extremities, development of, 370

of trunk, development of, .363 Muscular coat of inti'stines, formation of, 205

system, development of, 363, 409416 Musculi papillares. 163

pectinati. 154 Myeleiucphalon. 287. 289 Myelin. <leposit of. 319 Mv<K-(el, .365 Myotonu", 77, 365

N'ml-rki). 271 Nail-phite. 270 Nails, development of, 270

of toes, 271 Nail-welt. 271 Nares, anterior, formation of, 146

develo])ment of, 3<)0

Nasal areas, 145, 359 bones, ossification of, 396 capsule, 388

cavities, development of, 361 pits, 118, 132, 145,360 process, 132. 360 lateral, 344, 360 Nasmych, membrane of, 140 Nasofrontal process, 115, 118, 132, 134, 360, 386 in development of nose, 145 Naso-optic furrow, 132, 134 in formation of nose, 146 groove, 345 Nephridial funnels, 233 Nephrogenic tissue, 236 Nephrostomata, 2«33 Nephrotome. 77, 234, 264, 365 Nerve-cells, formation of, 2c»2

of cord, formation of, 284 Nerve-corpuscles of neurilemma, 319 Nerve-fiber, envelopes of, formation of, 319 layer, development of, 333 Nerve-fil>ers, cranial, development of, 320 motor, development of, 319 sensory, development of, 317 Nerve-trunk, spinal, development of,

319 Nervous system, development of, 278, 409-416 peripheral, development of, 316 sympathetic, development of, 324 Neural canal, 70, 279, 281 crest, si'gmentation of, 318 crests, 318 process of vertebra, formation of,

376 tube, 279 Neurenteric canal, 74, 281 Neurilemma, formation of, 319 Neurit, 278, 284 Neuroblasts, 282, 284 Neuro-epithelium of retina, development of. .3.33 Neuroglia. 2S2.283

layer, 284 Neurons. 278

Nictitating membrane. 344 Ninth month, development during, 122. 416 pair cranial nerves, development of,

.324 week, development during, 413 Nipple, development of, 276 Node. Hensen's. (>2 Normoblasts. 149 Nose, development of. 145, 358 Nott>chord. 73

Notochordal stage of skeleton, 373 Nuchal flexure, 2S9 Nuck. canal of. 255 Nuclear.juice. 27 layer of retina, outer, 332



Nuclear membrane, 27

ttpiiidle, 45 Nucleus amygdalae, 303

cleavage-, 43

of uvuiii, 27

scgmeutation-, 43 Nutritive yolk, 26 Nymphffi, formation of, 259

Obex, 292

Occipital bone, ossification of, 390

lobe. 30<) Odontoblasts, 141 Odontoid process, development of,

3m Olfactory bulb, 314

epithelium, 359, 362

lobe, 314

nerve-fibers, 362

plates, 132, 145, 358

tract, 314 Omental bursa, 204, 218 Omentum, gastrohepatic, 209, 220 formation of, 205

gastrospleuic. 214

great, formation of, 204, 220

lesser, 220 formation of, 205

phrenicosplenic, 214 Omphalomesenteric veins, 151 Ontogeny, 17 Oocytes, 32 Oogenesis, 29 Oogouia. 32

Ophthalmic ganglion, 320 Opisthotic center of ossification, 392 Optic cup, 328

secondary, 330

lobes, formation of, 295

nerve, development of, 335

thalami, 29fj

vesicle, 287. 327 Ora serrata. 'Xil Oral cavity, development of, 192

f ( JSSft 1 ' f"^

pit. lOH. 117, 131. 135, 192

plate, l.SO, 134, 192 Orbitonasal center, 397 Orbitosphenoids, 394 Organ of Corti. 349

of Giraldts, 247

of .Tacobson, development of, 361

of Kosenniuller, 254 Ors^ans of Ziirkerkandl. 325 OsstMMis cnmiuni, 3H9

stag«» of trunk skeleton. 379

tissue, formation of, 126 r)ssirlcs of ear. d(*velopment of, 356 Ossification of ribs, 383

of skull. :}H9

of st<Tnuni. '.V<\

of vcrtcbne.'JrsO Ostium int(?rv«'ntrieulare, 158 Otir v<'sirlc. 109, :i46 Otocyst, 34()

Outer cell-mass, 50 Ova, alecithal, 26

centrolecithal, 27

classification of, 26

formation of, 29

holoblastic, 47

meroblastic, 48

primitive, 31, 245, 250

telolecithal, 26 Ovaries, change of position of, 254 Ovary, development of, 249 Oviducts, development of, 253 Ovists, 18 Ovulation, 36

relation of, to menstruation, 40 Ovum, 24, 251

embedding of, 95, 96

maturation of, 32

rii)ening of, 32

segmentation of, 45

stage of. 19, 106

Palate bone, ossification of, 396

formation of. 136

process, development of, 397 Palate-shelves, 3<)0 Palatoglossus, origin of, 370 Palatopharyngeus. origiu of, 370 Palpebral fasciae, 344

fissure, 343 Pancreas, development of, 211

dorsal, 211

first rudiment of, 199

ventral, 211 Pancreatic duct, development of, 211 Pander's nucleus, 28 Panniculus adiposus, 269 Papilla? of tongue, formation of, 145 Parablast, (Hi

Paraehoi-dal cartilages. 387 Paratlidymis, 247 Parathyroid bcnlies. 229 Paraxial nies<Mlerm. 65 Parietal bones, ossification of, 396

elevation, 288

eye, 299

fomnien, 2JW

layer of pleura. 177

lobe, 3(KJ

zone. 76 Parieto-oocipkal fissure, 308 Pan»oj)horon. 254 Parovariunj. 254 Pars ciliaris retime. 334

i n te rm ed i a 1 i s, 259

iridiea retina?. 334

menibranacea septi, 159

optica retinje. 333 Parthenogenetic <'ggs. 34 Patuh)us foramen ovale, 157 Pectoral girdle, development of, 403 Pelvic girdle. 404 Pelvis of kidney, primary, 237 Penis, development of, 259 Perforated lamina, anterior, 315



Perforated space, posterior, 295 Pericar<lial aivity, 175 Pericardium, development of, 174 Perilymph, 352, 355 Perilymphatic space, 352 Perineal bwly, 197 Perineum, formation of, 197 Perionyx, 271 Periotic bone, 392 Perijiheral cleavage, 48

nervous system, 316 Peristomal mesoderm, 63 Peritoneal cavity, 215 Peritoneum, development of, 214

visceral layer of, 189 Perivitelline space, 25 Permanent kidney, 237

teeth, development of, 141 eruption of, 143 Petromastoid bone, 392 Petrotympanic fissure, 399 Pfliiger's egg-tubes, 250 Phteochrome bodies, 242

cells, 242 Phalanges, development of, 405 Pharyngeal bursa, 136

constrictors, origin of, 370

membrane, 117, 131, 188, 192 in formation of mouth, 135

pouches, 113, 188, 193 Pharynx, 193

Phrenicosplenic omentum, 214 Phylogeny, 17 Pial processes, 283 Piiimcnt-lavcr of retina, 331 Pillars of Uskow, 177 Pineal body. 296

or gland, 2f)7, 298

eye, 299 Pit, auditory, 316

oral, 1 OS 117 Pits, nasi I, 360 Pituitary body, 300

formation of, 135 Placenta, 98

at term, 101

discoidoa, 99

pnevia. 102

zonaria, 99 Placental sinuses, 100

spaces. 102

system of blood-vessels, 164 PlaVentoblast. 51 Plaues of cleavage, 46 Plantar born, 270 Plasiuodobljist, 54 Plate, chordal. 71

medullary. 70

vertebral, 65 Pleura, parietal layer of, 177

visceral layer of, 177 Pleune. develoi)ment of, 174, 175. 226 Pleural sjics, formation of, 174, 175 P]euroi)eri('ardial fold, 176 Pleuroperitoneal cavity, 66, 215

Plica semilunaris, 344 Pocket of Rathke, 301 Polar bodies, 33, 34

striation, 45 Polarity of egg, 27 Pole-corpuscles, 3ii Polyphyo<lont, 137 Polyspermia, 42 Pontal flexure, 289 Pons, formation of, 292 Portal circulation, 170, 177

vein, development of, 181

venous system, 170, 177 Postanal gut, 196 Postbranchial bodies, 229 Posterior chamber of eye, 342, 343

nare«, development of, 360 Post-limbic sulcus, 309 Postsphenoid, 393 Preformation theory, 18 Prehepaticus, 175, 208 Prehyoid gland, 227 Premaxilla, 397 Prepuce, formation of, 262 Prespbenoid, 394

Primary collecting tubules of kidney^ 239

egg- tubes. 31

renal pelvis, 237 Primitive aorta, 151, 165

chorion, 92

disk, 377, 399

enamel -germ, 138

eyelids, 134

groove, 60

heart- valves. 161

jugular veins, 161, 169

Malpighian corpuscle, 236

nails, 270

ova. 31, 2-15, 250

segment i)late, 65

segments. 65. 75

sexual e«dls, 245

streak. 59

vertebral bow, 376

vitreous. 33S Primordial bones, ,*^5 Proamnion. i\\ Process, latenil frontal, 118, 132, 134

nasal. 132, 3()0

nasofrontal. 115, 118, 132, 134, 360 in formation (jf nose, 145 Processes, dental, 141

globular. 118, 132, 360 nasal, 360

maxillary, 135

of vertebra, development of, 376 Processus vnginalis, 249 Proeborion, 50, 92 Proctodeum. 196 Pronei)bric duet, 233 Pronephros, 232. 264 Pronucleus, female, 34

male, 42 Pro-otic center of ossification, 392^



Prosoncephalon, 28(5 Prostate kI&"^* formation of, 257 Prostatic urethra, formatiou of, 257 Protoplasmic processes, 264 Prottivertebru, 6.3

Proximal convoluted tubule of kidney, 240 Pterygoid plate, internal, development of, 394 Pubic rod, 404

Pulmonary alveoli, development, 225 artery, development of, 159, \G6 diverticulum, 223 grtK>ve, 223 Pulp of spleen, development of, 213

of teeth, 137 Pupil, :VM) congenital atresia of, 333 development of. ;W2 Pvnimiilul process of thyroid gland, 22H tracts, anterior develojmient of, 290 crossed, of cord, mvelination of, 415

Ramus communicans. 325 Riithke's piK-ket, 13<>, 193, 301 Kiiuber's layer, 50 Ki'ceptaciilu chyli. 12S Keceptive i)rominence, 42 Kecessus labyrinthi, kWI

vestibuli. .'M7 Kectuui, 197

Ri'current laryngeal nerves, 1(38 Ke<luctiou of chromosomes, 23 Reduction-division, 23 Reichert's cartilage, 115, 389, 401 Reil, island of, 305 Reissner, membrane of, 355 Renal vein, left, 173

vesicles, 210 RepHMliiction, theories of, 17 Re>pinitorv svstem. development of,

222,'40i>-41() Restiform bodies, develoimieut of, 290 Rete mucosum. 270

testis, formation of. 21() Retina, development of, \^Z6 Rhinencephalon, 314 Rhombencephalon, 2H() Rhomboidal fossji, 2i)l i:ib, cervical, :W0. 3^3

lumbar, 38.3

thirteenth, 383 Rib-j, development of, 382 Ri«lne, genital, 213

terminal, 58 Ring lobf, formation of, 304 Ri|M'Mlug of ovum. 32 Roil-and-cone laver, formation of, 332 Rod-visual cells,\'{;n R(»lando, fissure of. 30^ R(M)f-plate, 2'^1, 2>^2 Rotation of stomsu'h, 203, 217 Round ligament of liver, Irtl

Round ligament of liver, formation of, 210 of uterus, 248, 255

Saccule, development of, 349 Saccus endoh'mphaticus, 347 Sacral vertebrse, ossitication of, 381 Sacrum, formation of, 381 Salivary glands, development of, 143 Santorini, duct of. 212 Sauropsida, blastula of. 51 Scala media of cochlea, development of, 347

tympani, development of, 355

vestibuli. development of, 355 Scapula, development of, 403 Schwann, white substance of, 319

deposit of, upon libers of tract of conl, 411, 415 Si'lerotome, 77, 365, 375 Scrotum, development <tf, 263 Selniceous glands, development of, 274 Second month, development in. lis

IMiir cranial nerves, development of, 323

week, development during, 40i) Secondary hair, 273

optic cup, ;J30 Secreting tubules of kidney, 237, 239 Segmental duct, 233 Segmentation of body of embryo. 78

of ovum, 45 S(;gmen tat ion -cavity, 50 Segmentation-nucleus, 43 Semicircular canals, bony, 351

<levelopment of. ,'i4.S SiMuilunar valves, development of. KC Sc>minal ampulhe, 21<)

vesicle, format i(m of. 247 Seminiferous tubules, formation, 246 Sense (ngans, development of, 32t),

409-416 Sensory epithelium of retina, 331

nerve-libers, development of, .317. 31s Septa placenta*. 102 Si'ptal cartilage of nose. 395 Septum, aortic, 159

auricular. 157

intermedium. 1.56

luciduni. fornuition of. 312

primum. 157

secundum, 157

spurlum, 1.59

transvcrsum. 164, 175 SeroMi. si

Si'rous membranes, development, 126 Sertoli's columns. 21. 246 Sessile hydatl«l. 217 Seventh month, development during. 121, 415

pair cranial nerves, development of, 32,3

week, development during, 412 Si^xual cells. 31



Sexual cells, primitive, 245

cords, 31, 245 female, 250

gland, inditl'erent, 244

system, female. 24f», 2t>6 homologies of, 2t).'i inditferent type, 243 male, 245, 2m SJiell of lien's egg. 29 She 11 -membrane, 21) Shoulder girdle, development of, 403 Sinus, annular, 179

pcK'ularis, 247, 257

pneeervic^ lis, 110

reuuiens, 159

terminal is, 150

urogenital, UK), 256

venosus, 159, 169 Sixth month, development during, 121, 415

pair cranial nerves, develo])mentof, 32.3

week, development during, 119. 411 Skelelogenous sheath of chorda dorsal is, 375

tissues, 77 Skeleton, appendicular, 373

development of, 402, 409-416

axial. 373

development of, .372

of head, development of. 384

of trunk, cartilaginous stage, 377 chonlal stage of. 373 development <»f. 373 membranous stage of, 374

visceral. 3>4 Skin, ajipeiulujjes of, 270

development of. 2(»S. 409-116 Small intestine. develo]unent of, 205 Snu'gnia enibryonum. 270 Somatic mesmlcrni. 6(5 Somatopleure, 6»l, 1>6 Sornitrs. 6.3, 75

mesoblastic, 65. 75 Space, peri vitelline. 25 Spaces, intervillous. 97. 102 Spermatie cord, 249

veins. 173 Spermatids. 22 Spermatoblasts. 2*? Sperniatogenesi>. 'Jl Spermatoyenic eell>. 21 SpiTUiatocytes. primary, 22

S4'0niid:irv. 22 SjM'rmato<;(»Tiia. 22 Spernialozoon. tjo

power of loeoiMotion of. 21

vitJility of. -Jl Splu'uoid b«t!ie. os>iri(at ion <»f. 39."» S]>heTioi«lal sinus, development of. ."',61 Spinal eonl. <lev<]«ipmeiil of. •^•'1 Spinous p^oee«^> of vertebra, develop nn'Tit of. .'Jsn Splaiiebuie nn>.od<'rni, 66 Splanebnopleure. i\i\, INJ

Spleen, development of, 212 Spongioblasts, 282, 283 Spot, germinal, 27 Sprouts, vessel, 150 Squamozygomatic bone, 391 Stage of embryo, 19, 107

of fetus, 20, 118

of ovum, 19, 106

of quiescence of menstrual cycle, 40

of rei>air of menstrual cycle. 40 Stalked hydatid, 247 Stapes, development of, 389 Stem-zone, 75 Sternum, cleft, 383

development of, 383 Stigma. 31

Stilling, canal of, 3:i9 Stomach, development of, 203

first rudiment of, 198

glands of, development of, 206

rotation of, 203, 217 StomodsBum, 131, 192 Straight collecting tubules of kidney,

239 Stratum Malpighii, 270 Streak, j)rimitive, 59 Striated muscles, development of, 303 Stroma-laver of choroid, development

of, 340 Styloglossus, origin of, 370 Stylohyal, 402

cartilage, 393 Stylohyoid ligament, 389 Styloid process of hyoid. 389

temponil, development of, 393 Stylopharyngeus, origin of, 370 Subclavian arterv, left, development of, 1(38 right, development of, 167 Submucosaof intestines, formation of,

205 Substance-islands, 147 Subzonal layer of mammalian blasto <lerniic vesicle, 50 Sulcus interventricularis, 1.58

of corpus callosum. ;i07

terniinalis, 160 Suju'rior maxilla, ossification of, 397 Suprahyoid gland, 227 Supra-<M'(*ipital bone, 390 Su]M"aperi('ardial bmlies, 228 Suprarenal bo<lies, development of,

241. 265 Suspensorv ligament of liver, fonna tioil of. 210 Sustentacular cells of seminiferous

tubule. 21 Suture, amniotie, KJ Sweat-glands, development of, 273 Sylvius. a<iueduet of, 2fW>

' ti-sure of. ;}n:;, :ioj

l'oss;» <)f. 1504 Syujpathetie nervous sy.stem, 324 Syncytium. 93, 97 Synovial sacs>. dev<'lopment of, 126




Tail of spermatozoon, 20, 22

Tail-fold, «0

Tarsal ligameuts, 344

plates, 344 Tarsus, development of bones of, 405 Teeth, development of, 137

permanent, development of, 141 eruption of, 143

temporary, development of, 137 eruption of, 142 Tela choroidea, 297 Telencephalon. 287, 302 Telolecithal ova, 26 Temporal bone, ossification of, 390

lobe, formation of, 304 Temporary teeth, development of, 137

eruption of, 142 Temporomaxillary articulation, 400 Tendon, development of, 125 Tendon-sheaths, development of, 128 Tenth pair cranial nerves, development of, 324 Terminal filament of spermatozoon, 20,21

ridge, 58 Testicle, development of, 245

descent of, 248 Thalamencephalon, 287, 296 Thebesius, valve of, 161 Theca foUiculi, 29 Thecal sacs, development of, 126 Theory of evolution, 17

of unfolding, 17 Third eyelid, 344

month, development in, 120, 413

pair cranial nerves, development of, 32:i

ventricle, formation of, 296

week, development during, 410 Thirteenth rib, 383 Thoracic prolongations of abdominal

cavity, 175 Throat-pockets, 113, 188, 193 Thymus body, 194, 230 Thyroglossal duct, 145, 227 Thyroid body, accessory, 227 development of, 194, 226

cartilage, 226

duct. 227

foramen, 404 Thyroids, lateral. 226. 228 Tissue fungus, 97 Toes, development of, 407 Tongue, development of, 143, 194 Tonsil, development of, 194 Tonsillar pit, 195 Trabecula; cranii, ;J87 Trachea, develoiuuent of, 225 Tragus, formation of, 358 Transverse colon, formation of, 203

crescentic groove, 80

fissure of brain. 2})H

processes of vertebne, 380 Trigeminal ganglion, 320 Trophoblast, 92

True chorion, 92

Truncus arteriosus, 113, 151, 154, 165 Trunk, skeleton of, development of^ 373 osseous stage of, 379 Trunk-muscles, development of, 363 Trunk -segments, 364 Tuber cinereum, 296, 300 Tubercles, corn icular, 226

cuneiform, 226 Tuberculum impar, 144, 194 Tubotympanic sulcus, 356 Tunica albuginea of ovary, 250 of testicle, 246 fibrosa, 30 propria, 30 vaginalis testis, 249 vasculosa, 29 lentis, 31^7 Turbinal folds. 361 Turbinate bone, inferior, ossification

of, 395 Turbinated bones, development of,

361 Twelfth pair cranial nerves, development of, 324 Twins, origin of, 59 Tympanic cavity, formation of, 194 membrane, 194

development of. 357 portion of temporal bone, development of, 393 Tympanohyal, 402

cartilage, 393 Tympanum, development of, 356

Umbilical aperture, 87, 186

arteries, 103. 165

cord, 102

hernia, congenital. 206

urinary fistula, 256

vein, 103.165, 169

vesicle, 80, 87, 186 function of, 89 human, 89

vessels, 103 Uncinate gyrus, 315 Unstriated muscle, development, 371 Urachus. 91, 256 Ureter. 237

development of, 232 Urethra, female. 257

male, formation of. 262

prostatic, formation of. 257 Urinary fistula, umbilical, 256 Urogenital aperture, 257

sinus, 190,196,256 Uskow, pillars of, 177 ,

Uterus bicomis, 2.53

development of. 253

double. 25.3

masculinus, 247. 257 Utricle, development of, 349 Uveal tract, development of, 340 Uvula, formation of, 137



Vagina, development of, 253

median septum iu, :i^ri Valve, coronary, IGl

Eustachian, 160

ofThebesius, 161

of V'ieussens, 294 Valves, atrioventricular, 156

auriculoventricular, 162

of heart, development of, 161

semilunar, development of, 163 Van Beneden's embryonic bud, 54 Vas aberrans, 247

deferens, formation of, 246 Vasa eflerentia, 246

recta, formation of, 246 Vascular area, 88

system, development of, 147, 409-416 fetal, final stage of, 182

tunic of eye, development of, 339 Vegetative pole, 27 Vein, <'ardinal, 164

hepatic, 181

iliac, leftc(mimon. development, 172

portal, development of, 181

renal, left, 173

superior mesenteric, 181

umbili(tal, 103 Veins, allantoic, 90, 164

cardinal, 164 anterior, 169 pdsterior, 1(>9

omphalomesenteric, 151

primitive ju^iular, 169

spermatic. 173

umbilical, 165, 169

vitelline, 151, 169 Velum interposi turn, 296. 297 Vena azygos major, 173 minor. 174

cava, inferior, 171. 174 superior, 170 Veiue hepaticie advehentes, 179

reveheiites. 179 Venous segmeut of heart, 156

system of fetus, 1()9 ])ort:il, 170 V'^iitral nu'Sfiitery. 190. 204 developuient of, 220

pancreas, 211 Ventricles, separation of, 158 Vermiform appendix. dcvelopment,203

process of cerebellum. 292 Virnix caseosa. 87, 121, 270 Vertfbni'. ossification of, 3^0 Vertebral bow, primitive, 376

column, <levelopment of. 373-3S2 meuibranous primordial. 375

])lati'. 65

region of primitive skull, 3'^7 Vesicle, blastodcrmii'. stage of, 49 tWi)-layered stage of, 52

germinal. 25, 27

lens-, 110

otic, 1(K», 34(5

umbilical, 80, 87, 18<)

Vesicles, cerebral, 287, 288 Vessel sprouts, 150 Vestibular ganglion, 351

nerve. 321 Vestibule of ear, development of, 352

of vagina, 259

of vulva, 257 Vestigial fold of Marshall, 172 Vieussens, valve of, 294 Villi of chorion. 93

of intestine, formation of, 206 Visceral arch, first, function of, 115, 131

arches, 112

metamorphosis of, 115 moqdiological significance of, 113

clefts, 112

layer of peritoneum, 189 of i)leum, 177

skeleton. 384 Vis«'eral-arch vessels, 113, 151. 165 Vitelline arteries, 151

artery, right, 152

circulation, formation of, 147

duct, 80, 87, 186

membrane, 25, 26

veins, 151, 169 Vitellus, 25, 26 Vitreous body, development of, 338

mesodermal, 338

primitive, 3,'i8 Voluntary' muscles, development, 363 Vomer, ossification of, 396

Weight of fetus at different stages, 412-416 at term. 122 Wharton, jelly of, 103 White commissures of cord, 285 tibrous tissue, formation of, 125 matter of brain, formation of. 30.3

of ct»rd. development of, 285 of hen's egg. 29

substance of Schwann, development of, 31 J». .|(»9. 41 Winslow. fonimen ol. 221 Wirsung, duct of. 212 Witches' milk. 276 WoltUan blastema, 236 body, 2:M duct. 235

in female. 253 ridge. 232. 234 Wolff's doctrine of epigenesis, 18 Wreath, 45

VoLK of ovum. 25 Yt»lk-sac, M), v87, 186

ZiNX, zcmule of, 3:58 Zona pellucida, 25. 31

r.idiata, 31 Zone, parirtal. 7(>

stem-, 76 Zonule of Zinn. .338 Zuckerkandl. organs of, 325



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