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Lab 4 Online Assessment

  1. The allantois, identified in the placental cord, is continuous with what anatomical structure?
  2. Identify the 3 vascular shunts, and their location, in the embryonic circulation.
  3. Identify the Group project sub-section that you will be researching. (Add to project page and your individual assessment page)

Lab Attendance

--Z3290379 12:55, 28 July 2011 (EST)

Individual Assessments

Lab 1

Identify the origin of In Vitro Fertilization and the 2010 nobel prize winner associated with this technique.

In Vitro Fertilization began in the UK in 1978, with Edwards RG succeeding with this process. He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 2010 for his work.

Identify a recent paper on fertilization and describe its key findings.

Improvements in human sperm quality by long-term in vitro co-culture with isolated porcine Sertoli cells

Co-Culture of sperm and Sertoli cell feeder (CCSCF) were able to maintain normal sperm motility, viability and mitochondrial function for 7 days. This is of great importance to ART technologies for long-term culture and enabling sperm to be transferred between 2 distant centers while maintaining their potential.

Improvements in human sperm quality by long-term in vitro co-culture with isolated porcine Sertoli cells

Identify 2 congenital anomalies.

Atrial Septal Defect- lacking of the interatrial septum, enabling blood flow between the left and right atria.

Arnold-Chiari Malformation- downward displacement of the cerebellar tonsils through foramen magnum.

--Mark Hill 09:52, 3 August 2011 (EST) These answers are fine for Lab 1 assessment.