Talk:BGDB Sexual Differentiation - Quiz

From Embryology
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Here are a few simple questions that relate to your BGD practical, this page is not a part of today's Practical class. You should try in your own time after completing the Practical today.Take the quiz and see what you know, if you get some wrong, try working through through the 2010 BGD Practical - Fertilization to Implantation.

Take the Quiz


1 Sex determination occurs initially through the SRY transcription factor acting on:

primordial germ cells
anterior pituitary
testes support cells
ovary support cells
mesonephric duct cells

2 The adult spermatogenic epithelium is stimulated by follicle stimulating hormone (FSH)


3 The lower end of the mesonephric duct branches to form the:

ureteric bud
uterus bud
urethral bud
gonadal bud
none of the above

4 The sequential development of the genital system can best be described as:

internal and external genital tract dependent upon primordial germ cells
gonadal differentiation determining internal then external tract development
mesonephric duct forming genital ridge then internal and external tract development
internal tract determining gonadal then external tract development
paramesonephric duct forming genital ridge then internal and external tract development

5 Which of the following statements about the blastocyst is most correct

the blastocyst forms from the 2 blastomere stage
the blastocyst has a cavity lined with endoderm
the blastocyst stage occurs after hatching from the zona pellucida
the blastocyst has an embryoblast and trophoectoderm layer

6 Select the correct options below for the process of implantation

is driven by the trophoblast layer
occurs following adplantation
can occur inside and outside the uterine body
allows endocrine support of the corpus luteum

7 The extraembryonic coelom refers too

amniotic cavity, yolk sac and chorionic cavity
pericardial cavity, pleural cavity and peritoneal cavity
blastocoel, somitocoel and lateral plate coelom
maternal lacunae, uterine gland lumen, uterine body cavity

8 Which of the following statements is incorrect about the process of gastrulation

gives rise to the trilaminar embryo
involves cell migration from the epiblast layer
extends from the primitive node to the buccopharyngeal membrane
occurs at the region known as the primitive streak
generates endoderm and then mesoderm layers

9 What are the two main early embryonic developmental roles of the notochord

mechanical role in embryonic disc folding and signaling for tissue patterning
formation of the nucleus pulposis and separating cloacal and buccopharyngeal membranes
gastrulation and neuralation
formation of the nucleus pulposis and intervertebral disc

10 Ectoderm refers only to the neural plate region of the trilaminar embryo
