2018 Group Project 4

From Embryology
Revision as of 11:50, 4 September 2018 by Z5229185 (talk | contribs)
Projects 2018: 1 Adrenal Medulla | 3 Melanocytes | 4 Cardiac | 5 Dorsal Root Ganglion

Project Pages are currently being updated (notice removed when completed)

Neural Crest and Cardiac Development

Introduction/history/structure of the cardiovascular network/histology/anatomy/physiology

Embryonic Origins/Embryonic Contributions

Early Development

Development of the heart in the fetus and partitioning of the heart into four chambers

Later Development

Developmental time course/carnegie stages/overview

Cell signalling involved/Molecular Mechanisms/Factors/Genes


Current research/main animal models/future questions

