Template:European abnormal data table 2010

From Embryology
Revision as of 16:18, 2 June 2013 by Z8600021 (talk | contribs)
Total Cases Cases Prenatally Diagnosed % of Total Cases
All Anomalies 75751 22573 30
Anencephalus and similar 1232 1185 96
Spina Bifida 1577 1288 82
Hydrocephalus 1914 1403 73
Transposition of great vessels 1188 454 38
Hypoplastic left heart 888 624 70
Cleft lip with or without palate 2857 1379 48
Diaphragmatic hernia 893 509 57
Gastroschisis 993 904 91
Omphalocele 730 596 82
Bilateral renal agenesis including Potter syndrome 392 343 88
Posterior urethral valve and/or prune belly 291 234 80
Limb reduction 1626 811 50
Club foot - talipes equinovarus 3678 1398 38
Chromosomal 12479 8765 70
Down Syndrome 7233 4538 63
Patau syndrome/trisomy 13 685 625 91
Edwards syndrome/trisomy 18 1709 1537 90
Data: EUROCAT Website Database data uploaded 04/12/2012