Talk:Neural Crest Development

From Embryology


Glial versus melanocyte cell fate choice: Schwann cell precursors as a cellular origin of melanocytes

Cell Mol Life Sci. 2010 Sep;67(18):3037-55. Epub 2010 May 9.

Adameyko I, Lallemend F.

Unit of Molecular Neurobiology, Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics, Karolinska Institute, Scheeles väg 1-A1-plan2, 171 77, Stockholm, Sweden. Abstract Melanocytes and Schwann cells are derived from the multipotent population of neural crest cells. Although both cell types were thought to be generated through completely distinct pathways and molecular processes, a recent study has revealed that these different cell types are intimately interconnected far beyond previously postulated limits in that they share a common post-neural crest progenitor, i.e. the Schwann cell precursor. This finding raises interesting questions about the lineage relationships of hitherto unrelated cell types such as melanocytes and Schwann cells, and may provide clinical insights into mechanisms of pigmentation disorders and for cancer involving Schwann cells and melanocytes.

PMID: 20454996

Sox10-Venus mice: a new tool for real-time labeling of neural crest lineage cells and oligodendrocytes

Molecular Brain 2010, 3:31 doi:10.1186/1756-6606-3-31

  • Sox-E is the earliest marker of a subset of cells at the border of the neural plate that will give rise to NC-lineage cells
    • see Haldin CE, LaBonne C: SoxE factors as multifunctional neural crest regulatory factors. Int J Biochem Cell Biol 2010, 42:441-444.


Schwann cell precursors from nerve innervation are a cellular origin of melanocytes in skin

Cell. 2009 Oct 16;139(2):366-79.

Adameyko I, Lallemend F, Aquino JB, Pereira JA, Topilko P, Müller T, Fritz N, Beljajeva A, Mochii M, Liste I, Usoskin D, Suter U, Birchmeier C, Ernfors P.

Unit of Molecular Neurobiology, Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics, Karolinska Institute, 17177 Stockholm, Sweden. Abstract Current opinion holds that pigment cells, melanocytes, are derived from neural crest cells produced at the dorsal neural tube and that migrate under the epidermis to populate all parts of the skin. Here, we identify growing nerves projecting throughout the body as a stem/progenitor niche containing Schwann cell precursors (SCPs) from which large numbers of skin melanocytes originate. SCPs arise as a result of lack of neuronal specification by Hmx1 homeobox gene function in the neural crest ventral migratory pathway. Schwann cell and melanocyte development share signaling molecules with both the glial and melanocyte cell fates intimately linked to nerve contact and regulated in an opposing manner by Neuregulin and soluble signals including insulin-like growth factor and platelet-derived growth factor. These results reveal SCPs as a cellular origin of melanocytes, and have broad implications on the molecular mechanisms regulating skin pigmentation during development, in health and pigmentation disorders.

PMID: 19837037

Relationship between neural crest cells and cranial mesoderm during head muscle development

PLoS One. 2009;4(2):e4381. Epub 2009 Feb 9. Grenier J, Teillet MA, Grifone R, Kelly RG, Duprez D. CNRS, UMR 7622 Biologie Moléculaire et Cellulaire du Développement, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France. Abstract BACKGROUND: In vertebrates, the skeletal elements of the jaw, together with the connective tissues and tendons, originate from neural crest cells, while the associated muscles derive mainly from cranial mesoderm. Previous studies have shown that neural crest cells migrate in close association with cranial mesoderm and then circumscribe but do not penetrate the core of muscle precursor cells of the branchial arches at early stages of development, thus defining a sharp boundary between neural crest cells and mesodermal muscle progenitor cells. Tendons constitute one of the neural crest derivatives likely to interact with muscle formation. However, head tendon formation has not been studied, nor have tendon and muscle interactions in the head. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Reinvestigation of the relationship between cranial neural crest cells and muscle precursor cells during development of the first branchial arch, using quail/chick chimeras and molecular markers revealed several novel features concerning the interface between neural crest cells and mesoderm. We observed that neural crest cells migrate into the cephalic mesoderm containing myogenic precursor cells, leading to the presence of neural crest cells inside the mesodermal core of the first branchial arch. We have also established that all the forming tendons associated with branchiomeric and eye muscles are of neural crest origin and express the Scleraxis marker in chick and mouse embryos. Moreover, analysis of Scleraxis expression in the absence of branchiomeric muscles in Tbx1(-/-) mutant mice, showed that muscles are not necessary for the initiation of tendon formation but are required for further tendon development. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: This results show that neural crest cells and muscle progenitor cells are more extensively mixed than previously believed during arch development. In addition, our results show that interactions between muscles and tendons during craniofacial development are similar to those observed in the limb, despite the distinct embryological origin of these cell types in the head. PMID: 19198652


Neural crest origins of the neck and shoulder

Nature. 2005 Jul 21;436(7049):347-55. Matsuoka T, Ahlberg PE, Kessaris N, Iannarelli P, Dennehy U, Richardson WD, McMahon AP, Koentges G.

Wolfson Institute for Biomedical Research, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK.

Abstract The neck and shoulder region of vertebrates has undergone a complex evolutionary history. To identify its underlying mechanisms we map the destinations of embryonic neural crest and mesodermal stem cells using Cre-recombinase-mediated transgenesis. The single-cell resolution of this genetic labelling reveals cryptic cell boundaries traversing the seemingly homogeneous skeleton of the neck and shoulders. Within this assembly of bones and muscles we discern a precise code of connectivity that mesenchymal stem cells of both neural crest and mesodermal origin obey as they form muscle scaffolds. The neural crest anchors the head onto the anterior lining of the shoulder girdle, while a Hox-gene-controlled mesoderm links trunk muscles to the posterior neck and shoulder skeleton. The skeleton that we identify as neural crest-derived is specifically affected in human Klippel-Feil syndrome, Sprengel's deformity and Arnold-Chiari I/II malformation, providing insights into their likely aetiology. We identify genes involved in the cellular modularity of the neck and shoulder skeleton and propose a new method for determining skeletal homologies that is based on muscle attachments. This has allowed us to trace the whereabouts of the cleithrum, the major shoulder bone of extinct land vertebrate ancestors, which seems to survive as the scapular spine in living mammals.

PMID: 16034409

Rhombencephalic neural crest segmentation is preserved throughout craniofacial ontogeny

Development. 1996 Oct;122(10):3229-42.

Köntges G, Lumsden A.

MRC Brain Development Programme, Department of Developmental Neurobiology, UMDS, Guy's Hospital, London, UK. Abstract To investigate the influence of hindbrain segmentation on craniofacial patterning we have studied the long term fate of neural crest (NC) subpopulations of individual rhombomeres (r), using quail-chick chimeras. Mapping of all skeletal and muscle connective tissues developing from these small regions revealed several novel features of the cranial neural crest. First, the mandibular arch skeleton has a composite origin in which the proximal elements are r1+r2 derived, whereas more distal ones are exclusively midbrain derived. The most proximal region of the lower jaw is derived from second arch (r4) NC. Second, both the lower jaw and tongue skeleton display an organisation which precisely reflects the rostrocaudal order of segmental crest deployment from the embryonic hindbrain. Third, cryptic intraskeletal boundaries, which do not correspond to anatomical landmarks, form sharply defined interfaces between r1+r2, r4 and r6+r7 crest. Cells that survive the early apoptotic elimination of premigratory NC in r3 and r5 are restricted to tiny contributions within the 2nd arch (r4) skeleton. Fourth, a highly constrained pattern of cranial skeletomuscular connectivity was found that precisely respects the positional origin of its constitutive crest: each rhombomeric population remains coherent throughout ontogeny, forming both the connective tissues of specific muscles and their respective attachment sites onto the neuro- and viscerocranium. Finally, focal clusters of crest cells, confined to the attachment sites of branchial muscles, intrude into the otherwise mesodermal cranial base. In the viscerocranium, an equally strict, rhombomere-specific matching of muscle connective tissues and their attachment sites is found for all branchial and tongue (hypoglossal) muscles. This coherence of segmental crest populations explains how cranial skeletomuscular pattern can be implemented and conserved despite evolutionary changes in the shapes of skeletal elements.

PMID: 8898235