Template:Flecker1932 table58

From Embryology
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Chronological Order of Appearance and Fusion of Epiphyses
Before birth:
Both sexes Appearance Head of humerus, distal femur, proximal tibia, calcaneum, talus

Appearance Female ”

During first year:

Both sexes Appearance Female ” Male ”

During second year:

Both sexes Appearance Female

Male At age of 2: Both sexes Appearance

Female ” Male ”

At age of 3: Female Appearance Male Appearance

At the age of 4: Both sexes Appearance Female » Fusion

Male Appearance

At the age of 5: Both sexes Appearance

Female ” Male ” Fusion At the age of 6: Male Appearance At the age of 7: Female Appearance Fusion

At the age of 8: Both sexes Appearance

Female ” At the age of 9: Female Appearance Male Fusion At the age of 10: Male Appearance At the age of 11: Female Appearance

Male ”»


Head of humerus, distal femur, proximal tibia, calcaneum, talus Cuboid

Hamate, capitate, head of femur, third cuneiform Capitulum, distal radius, distal tibia, distal fibula Cuboid

Proximal phalanges of inner four fingers

First metacarpal, distal phalanges of thumb, middle and ring fingers, tarsal navicular, first and second cuneiforms

Capitulum, distal epiphysis of radius, distal fibula

Inner four metacarpals, first metatarsal, proximal phalanges of toes, distal phalanx of hallux

Proximal phalanx of thumb, middle row of phalanges of fingers

First metacarpal, distal phalanx of thumb, and distal phalanx of index, first cuneiform

Patella, proximal fibula, second metatarsal, third metatarsal, middle phalanges of second, third and fourth toes, distal phalanges of third and fourth toes

Triquetrum, proximal phalanx of thumb, middle phalanges of middle and ring fingers, tarsal navicular, second cuneiform

Fourth metatarsal

Head of radius, fifth metatarsal

Greater tubercle to head of humerus

Lunate, middle phalanges of index and little fingers, distal phalanges of middle and ring fingers, second metatarsal, third metatarsal, middle phalanx of second toe

Navicular (carpal), multangulum majus, greater trochanter, distal phalanx of second toe Medial epicondyle, distal ulna, lunate, triquetrum, multangulum minus, distal phalanx of index

Head of radius, distal phalanx of little finger, patella, proximal fibula, fifth metatarsal, middle phalanges of third and fourth toes, distal phalanges of third and fourth toes

Greater tubercle to head of humerus

Medial epicondyle, distal ulna, multangulum minus

Distal phalanx of little finger Rami of ischium and pubis

Apophysis of calcaneus Olecranon

Trochlea, pisiform Rami of ischium and pubis

Trochlea, olecranon

Lateral epicondyle Pisiform Times of Appearance and Fusion of Epiphyses 159

At the age of 12:

Male Appearance At the age of 13: Female Appearance Fusion Male ” At the age of 14: Female Appearance Fusion Male Appearance

At the age of 15: Both sexes Appearance

Fusion Female Appearance Fusion Male Appearance Fusion At the age of 16: Female Appearance Fusion Male ”

At the age of 17:

Both sexes Fusion

Female ”

Male Appearance Fusion

At the age of 18:

Female Fusion Male ” At the age of 19: Male Appearance Fusion At the age of 20: Both sexes Fusion Male ”

At the age of 21: Both sexes Appearance Female Fusion

At the age of 22: Both sexes Fusion

Lateral epicondyle

Proximal sesamoid of thumb

Lower conjoint epiphysis of humerus, distal phalanx of thumb, bodies ilium, ischium and pubis

Capitulum to trochlea and lateral epicondyle

Acromion, iliac crest, lesser trochanter

Olecranon, upper radius, proximal phalanx of ring finger, distal phalanx of thumb, head of femur, greater trochanter, distal tibia and fibula, apophysis calcaneus, first metatarsal, proximal phalanges of toes

Proximal sesamoid of thumb, base of fifth metatarsal

Sesamoid of little finger

_Distal phalanges of second, third and fourth toes

Sesamoid of index and little fingers

Medial epicondyle, first metacarpal, proximal phalanx of thumb, distal phalanges of inner four fingers, proximal tibia, outer four metatarsals, middle phalanx of second toe, distal phalanges of inner four toes :


Ilium, ischium and pubis

Distal sesamoid of thumb, tuber ischii

Inner four metacarpals, proximal phalanges of index, middle and little fingers, middle phalanges of fingers

Lower conjoint epiphysis of humerus, medial epicondyle, olecranon, head of radius, distal phalanx of middle finger, apophysis of calcaneus


Upper conjoint epiphysis of humerus, distal ulna, distal femur, proximal fibula

Distal sesamoid of thumb

First metacarpal, proximal phalanges of thumb and ring finger, middle phalanges, index, middle and ring fingers, distal phalanges of thumb, index, ring and little fingers, head of femur, greater trochanter, distal tibia and fibula, metatarsals, proximal phalanges of toes, middle phalanx of second toe, distal phalanx of hallux

Distal radius Inner four metacarpals, proximal phalanges of index, middle and little fingers, middle phalanges of little finger, proximal tibia

Sesamoid of index, tuber ischii Upper conjoint epiphysis of humerus, distal radius and ulna, distal femur, proximal fibula

Tliac crest Tuber ischii