Category:Corpus Luteum

From Embryology
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These Embryology pages and media relate to the specialized ovary structure the corpus luteum. Required for hormonal support of early pregnancy.

The corpus luteum is formed by both granulosa cells and thecal cells after ovulation has occurred. The wall of the follicle collapses into a folded structure, which is characteristic for the corpus luteum. Vascularization increases and a connective tissue network is formed. Theca interna cells and granulosa cells triple in size and start accumulating lutein within a few hours after ovulation. They are now called granulosa lutein cells and theca lutein cells and produce progesterone and oestrogens.

Hormone secretion in the corpus luteum ceases within 14 days after ovulation if the oocyte is not fertilised. In this case, the corpus luteum degenerates into a corpus albicans, a whitish scar tissue within the ovaries.

Pages in category 'Corpus Luteum'

The following 40 pages are in this category, out of 40 total.

Media in category 'Corpus Luteum'

The following 14 files are in this category, out of 14 total.