Talk:Movie - Human Development cartoon

From Embryology
Revision as of 13:18, 15 October 2009 by S8600021 (talk | contribs)
<Flowplayer height="400" width="360" autoplay="true">Human development 001.flv</Flowplayer> 00:02 - Two blastomere cell stage: enclosed within the zona pellucida (pink ring) with polar bodies (upper right) lying under the zona pellucida.

00:06 - Morula stage: a solid ball of cells, still dividing rapidly.

00:08 - Blastocyst stage: trophoblast cells (at periphery), embryoblast (inner cell mass, right) and blastocoel (fluid-filled cavity, yellow) still within the zona pellucida.

00:09 - Blastocyst hatches from zona pellucida and adplants (attaches, adheres) to the uterine endometrium epithelium (right red structure)

00:10 - Bilaminar embryo stage: Embryoblast has formed two layers, hypoblast layer (yellow) and epiblast layer (blue).

Note 1. the beginning of the amnitic cavity (fluid-filled space, blue beside the epiblast) 2. Implantation has continued into the uterine wall and the trophoblast layer now als forming two layers (outer synctiotrophoblast and inner cytotrophoblast)