Embryology History - Shinya Yamanaka

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Links: Induced Stem Cells | Stem Cells

Some Recent Findings

Mouse- embryonic stem cell signaling regulation

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2012 was awarded jointly to Sir John B. Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka

"for the discovery that mature cells can be reprogrammed to become pluripotent"

Recent References | References

Yamanaka Factors

Yamanaka Factors[1][2] Are a set of 4 transcription factors when introduced into cells induces stem cell formation. These four transcription factors can be expressed from doxycycline (dox)-inducible lentiviral vectors.


  • Transcription factors containing the POU homeodomain
Links: OMIM - OCT4


  • Sry-related HMG-Box gene 2
Links: OMIM - SOX2


  • Kruppel-like factor 4, zinc finger protein, transcription factor which acts as both an activator and repressor.
Links: OMIM - KLF4


  • The MYC protooncogene encodes a DNA-binding factor that can activate and repress transcription.
  • Ectopic expression of c-Myc can also cause tumorigenicity in offspring.
Links: OMIM - MYC

  • More recently shown that Oct4 together with either Klf4 or c-Myc is sufficient to generate iPS cells from neural stem cells.[3]
  • Tbx3 transcription factor significantly improves the quality of iPS cells.[4]

Links: Generating iPS Cells from MEFS through Forced Expression of Sox-2, Oct-4, c-Myc, and Klf4


  1. <pubmed>16904174</pubmed>
  2. <pubmed>18035408</pubmed>
  3. <pubmed>18594515</pubmed>
  4. <pubmed>20139965</pubmed>


<pubmed></pubmed> <pubmed></pubmed> <pubmed></pubmed>


<pubmed>20535199</pubmed> <pubmed>18035408</pubmed> <pubmed>16904174</pubmed>

Journal of Visualized Experiments - Generating iPS Cells from MEFS through Forced Expression of Sox-2, Oct-4, c-Myc, and Klf4

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