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==Part III Organogeny==
Chapter VIII Endodermal Derivatives
The tissues derived directly from the endoderm are for the
most part of the epithelial type and form the inner lining of the
gastrocoel and the organs that arise therefrom. These organs
are grouped into two closely connected organ systems, the digestive system and the respiratory system. The digestive (enteric)
tube, however, becomes ensheathed in splanchnic mesoderm which
contributes largely to the ultimate structure of the organ systems
just mentioned. Furthermore, this tube opens to the exterior
at both the anterior and posterior ends by means of two ectodermal pits, the stomodeum and proctodeum, respectively. All
three germ layers, therefore, contribute to the organogeny of these
The stomodeum. — There is an ectodermal invagination on
the ventral side of the head to form the stomodeum (Fig. 118),
Notochord Neural tube
Fig. 118. — Diagram of an early vertebrate embryo, to show endodermal derivatives.
which is bounded on the sides by the maxillary ridges and on the
rear by the mandibular ridges. The rupture of the oral plate,
which separates the stomodeum from the fore-gut, results in the
formation of the oral cavity, or mouth. From the stomodeum
another invagination, the hypophysis, grows upward in front of:
the fore-gut, and eventually fuses with an evagination from the
floor of the neural tube, the infundibulum, to form the pituitary
gland, an organ of internal secretion. As the stomodeum joins
the fore-gut a little posterior to the anterior end of the latter
cavity, there is a blind pocket of endoderm, anterior to the
mouth, called the preoral gut.
The oral cavity. — The cavity of the mouth is a compound
structure, derived in part from the ectodermal stomodeum and
Epithelium —=y4r3
of mouth Snosie
Fig. 119. — Diagram to show origin of vertebrate tooth (lower jaw).
in part from the endodermal fore-gut. The boundary line between these is soon lost after the rupture of the oral plate owing
to unequal local growth of the different regions of the mouth.
The boundaries of the mouth are the upper jaws, formed from the
maxillary ridges, and the lower jaws, derived from the mandibular
Visceral pouches
Dorsal epithelial bodies stomach
Dorsal pancreas
Ventral pancreas
epithelial bodies Hepatic diverticulum
Fia. 120. — Diagram showing derivatives of vertebrate fore-gut.
ridges. On these ridges the teeth arise in exactly the same way
as the placoid scales of the elasmobranchs (page 230). Two elements are concerned: an ectodermal enamel organ, shaped like an
inverted cup; and a mesodermal dental papilla, which fills the
cavity of the enamel organ. The enamel organ gives rise to the
outer enamel layer of the tooth, while the papilla forms the dentine
(Fig. 119). The dentine is in the general form of a hollow cone,
the cavity of which is filled with connective tissue, nerves, and
blood vessels. The tongue (Fig. 120) is also a compound organ,
arising from an endodermal primary tongue which is formed from
the floor of the pharynx in the region of the hyoid arches, and
from an ectodermal secondary tongue which arises from the
floor of the oral cavity in front of the thyroid gland (page 184).
Into the tongue a migration of mesoderm takes place, by means
of which the musculature is formed. The glands of the mouth
(salivary glands, etc.) arise from the ectodermal lining of the
mouth. The taste buds, however, are endodermal (Holtfreter,
1933). The connection between the oral cavity and the nasal
cavity will be discussed in Chapter X.
The pharynx. — The region of the fore-gut which follows the
oral cavity is the pharynx, particularly important on account of
the respiratory organs and other structures which arise from it.
Respiratory organs. — Respiratory exchange may take place
in any thin epithelium in which the blood corpuscles are brought
into contact with the oxygen-carrying medium. ‘These epithelia
may be either ectodermal or endodermal in origin. Thus, we
find that among the amphibia, respiration may take place in the
skin as a whole (lungless salamandeys) ; ; An specialized outgrowths
on the visceral arches, external gills (N. ecturus); or in the so-called
“hairs ” of the African frog, Astylosternus. In this group are to
be found also examples of endodermal respiratory organs, the internal gills and lungs. Internal gills are otherwise found only
among the fish, while the lungs are characteristic respiratory
organs also of the amniotes.
The internal gills. -- The internal gills (branchiae) arise in the
visceral clefts (Fig. 120) common to all chordates. Among the
aquatic vertebrates these are typically six in number (see Table 8,
page 131). In the cartilage fish the first cleft (the spiracle) opens
on the dorsal side of the head and is otherwise modified. The
clefts are separated by the visceral arches, of which the first is
known as the mandibular arch and the second is called the hyoid
arch. The visceral clefts are formed by the coming together of
paired evaginations of the endoderm (visceral pouches) and complementary invaginations of the ectoderm (visceral grooves).
The ectoderm and endoderm come into direct connection to form
closing plates. Later, these plates rupture and a series of finger184 ENDODERMAL DERIVATIVES
like projections grow out into the cleft from the anterior and
posterior sides of each arch. These filamentous processes usually
fuse to form a demibranch (Fig. 197). The demibranchs in some
fish are apparently of endodermal origin, while in the amphibia
they are derived from the ectoderm. It is interesting to note that
in the spiracle of the cartilage fish a gill-like structure, the
pseudobranch, develops. In amphibians and the amniotes generally the first visceral pouch does not open to the exterior but
gives rise to the tympanic cavity and auditory tube (see Chapter
X). In all fish except the elasmobranchs, a projection grows
back from the hyoid arch to cover the remaining visceral clefts.
This is the operculum. Internal gills do not appear in the development of the amniotes; but the visceral clefts, or at least the
visceral pouches and grooves, are of invariable occurrence.
The lungs. — In all the vertebrates except the cyclostomes and
cartilage fish, there develops from the pharynx a sac (or a pair
of sacs) which becomes the air bladder in pisces and the lungs
in tetrapoda. We shall confine our attention here to the development of the lungs (Fig. 120). The first indication of lung formation is the appearance of a longitudinal groove in the floor of the
pharynx posterior to the last pair of visceral pouches. This is
the tracheal groove. This groove separates from the pharynx,
the process commencing at the posterior end, so that the dorsal
portion of the tube, or esophagus, is separated from the ventral
portion, or trachea, except for a narrow opening, the glottis.
The trachea grows backward rapidly and divides into two lobes,
the primordia of the lungs. There is some evidence that the
trachea is bifurcated from its first appearance, suggesting that
the lungs arise from paired primordia. In the birds and mammals
the lung primordia subdivide many times to form the bronchi, or
branches of the respiratory tree.
The thyroid gland. — This structure arises as a median ventral
evagination of the pharyngeal floor between the primary and the
secondary tongue primordia or at the level of the hyoid arches.
The diverticulum grows downward and expands at its distal
end (Fig. 120). Eventually, its connection with the pharyngeal
floor, the thyroglossal duct, becomes occluded and disappears,
and the gland itself subdivides into a mass of vesicles which
migrate backward and assume somewhat different positions in
various vertebrates, often ending as a paired organ on either side
of the trachea.
The epithelial bodies.— In all the vertebrates there arise,
from the upper or lower angles of the visceral pouches, small
buds of epithelium which often give rise to endocrine glands of
varying — and mostly unknown — function (Figs. 120, 121).
The dorsal buds (except among the mammals, where conditions
are reversed) contribute in varying number to the formation of a
large gland, the thymus, which loses connection with the pharynx
and moves backward to its definitive position, which differs
according to the form studied. The remainder of the dorsal
I Thyroid 1 Thyroid 1
aD ap
Thyroid Tr L H
Thymus pare
Para- Para- mw ¥
thyroid thyroid Th
<4 ymus w
Ultimo- Ultimobranchial branchial
Fig. 121. — Diagrams showing origin of epithelial bodies in A, frog; B, chick;
and C, man.
bodies become lymphoid and degenerate. The ventral buds
(absent in fish) detach themselves from the pharyngeal wall
and take up varying positions. Among the mammals it is
the ventral buds which form the thymus, while the dorsal buds
of the third and fourth pouches move to the sides of the thyroid
gland where they are known as the parathyroids.
The esophagus. — The digestive canal behind the pharynx
becomes specialized into four regions: (1) the esophagus; (2)
the stomach; (3) the intestine and its derivatives; and (4) the
cloaca. Of these, the esophagus (Fig. 120) remains comparatively
unspecialized; it is a narrow tube, short in the anamniotes, elongate in the amniotes. No digestive glands are found in this region.
The stomach. — This portion of the digestive tract is distinguished by its dilation (Fig. 120) into a large sac or series of
sacs, and by the development of a thick wall of muscle from the
splanchnic mesoderm in which it is enveloped. The stomach is
rich in glands which aid in digesting the passing food.
The intestine. — All the regions of the digestive tract mentioned
so far are derived from the fore-gut. The intestine is derived in
part from the fore-gut, in part from the mid-gut, and in part from
the hind-gut. It is impossible to indicate exactly which regions
arise from these divisions of the gut, as both the fore-gut and the
hind-gut expand at the expense of the mid-gut during the consumption of the yolk. As was said in the discussion of the development of body form, the division of the alimentary canal
into these regions is the result of the method by which the head
and tail are formed. The intestine becomes subdivided in various
ways in the different groups, but we need notice only the most
anterior of these, the duodenum, which is that portion of the
intestine immediately succeeding the stomach and generally held
to be derived from the fore-gut. The intestine is richly glandular
throughout its length, but from the duodenum, in particular, we
find developed two most important glands, the liver and the
pancreas (Fig. 120).
The liver. — This gland arises from the ventral side of the duodenum as an evagination which grows forward, expanding into
a vesicle at the distal end and retaining its connection with the
duodenum by a narrow hollow stalk, the common bile duct,
(Fig. 120). The sac-like distal end becomes subdivided, by the
ingrowth of mesenchyme, into many tubules which often anastomose. In this process of growth and subdivision the liver grows
about the vitelline veins (Chapter [X) and breaks these up into
a system of hepatic capillaries. The cavity of the sac becomes
the gall-bladder, to which the bile, formed in the glandular
portion of the liver, is carried by means of the hepatic ducts. It
releases these secretions into the duodenum via the common
bile duct (ductus choledochus).
The pancreas. — This gland arises usually from three diverticula of the duodenum (Fig. 120), but the number of primordia
is variable. One appears on the dorsal side of the duodenum
just posterior to the stomach; the others arise on the ventral
side, usually in connection with the hepatic diverticulum. The
primordia increase in size, and break up into masses of secretory
tubules at the distal end of each. The primordia unite and their
proximal ends become the pancreatic ducts, one or more of which
may be suppressed in later organogeny. The pancreas, as well
as elaborating a digestive pancreatic juice discharged through the
pancreatic duct, forms a hormone (insulin), which is carried away
by the blood stream. It functions therefore as an endocrine
gland in addition to its digestive function. Insulin, as is well
known, is important in the treatment of diabetes.
The cloaca. — The intestine behind the duodenum is variously
subdivided in the different vertebrate classes, but all are alike in
the possession of a terminal region which receives in addition the
ends of the nephric ducts and of the genital ducts (see Chapter IX).
From the cloaca also arises the urinary bladder and the allantois
of the amniotes.
The cloaca, like the pharynx, communicates with the exterior
by means of an aperture lined with ectoderm, which arises as
a median ventral pit, the proctodeum (Fig. 118), just in front
of the tail region. The proctodeum is formed at the point where
the blastopore was obliterated and is separated from the hind-gut
temporarily by means of the cloacal plate, which is comparable
with the oral plate. For a time there is a blind pocket of endoderm posterior to the cloaca, which is known as the postcloacal
gut. The region of the cloaca anterior to the entrance of the
nephric ducts is known as the rectum; its aperture is called the
vent. In mammals the rectum becomes separated from the remainder of the cloaca, which is then known as the urogenital
sinus. Each of these cavities has a separate exit, the two openings
being the anus and the urogenital aperture, respectively.
THE FROG (SEE ALSO CHAPTER XI).— The mouth of the tadpole does not open until a few days after hatching. It remains
round during larval life and is enclosed by the mandibular ridges.
Outside these, folds of ectoderm project as the larval lips, on which
horny larval teeth develop. These larval structures are lost at
metamorphosis, when the definitive jaws and teeth are formed
in the usual way. The tongue is compound, arising from a primary tongue and a gland field, relatively late in larval life. The
hypophysis is solid (Fig. 181).
Six visceral pouches appear, of which the first never ‘becomes
perforated, its closing plate becoming the tympanum of the ear,
and its cavity persisting as the tubo-tympanic cavity. Of the
five remaining pouches, the second and third open to the exterior before the first and fourth, and the fifth remains vestigial.
External gills appear on the third, fourth, and fifth arches (that
on the fifth arch being rudimentary), but are resorbed later when
covered by the operculum. This structure fuses with the body
surface on the right side, but on the left it opens to the exterior
by an opercular aperture. The internal gills appear as demibranchs commencing on the anterior side of the third arch. The
first three gills, therefore, have two demibranchs, while the fourth
has but one, formed from the anterior side of the sixth arch. The
visceral clefts, gills, and opercular cavity are lost as separate
structures by cell proliferation and reorganization just before
metamorphosis. The lungs appear early in larval life as solid
primordia of the pharynx. These acquire cavities prior to the
formation of the tracheal groove which is relatively late in formation. The thyroid arises, just before hatching, as a solid diverticulum of the pharynx; it soon detaches itself and divides into
two bodies which later become vesicular. The two thymus
glands are formed from epithelial bodies on the dorsal side of the
first and second visceral pouches. Epithelial bodies arise from
the ventral sides of the second visceral pouches. It has been
claimed that those of the third and fourth pouches become the
carotid glands. The sixth pharyngeal pouches give rise to the
ultimobranchial (suprapericardial) bodies. (Fig. 121A.)
The esophagus is short, and the stomach a simple dilation.
The liver arises as a backward ventral diverticulum of the duodenum (Fig. 181). All three pancreatic primordia appear and
fuse; the dorsal duct disappears, while the two ventral ducts
fuse to become the adult pancreatic duct. The intestine of the
tadpole, which is long and coiled (about nine times the body
length), becomes resorbed during metamorphosis until it is about
one-third of its larval length (Fig. 122).
The postcloacal gut loses its connection with the neural tube
(neurenteric canal) during the backward growth of the tail. The
urinary bladder does not appear until after metamorphosis.
THE CHICK (SEE ALSO CHAPTER XII). — The mouth opens on the
third day of incubation. The teeth are represented only by the
tooth ridges which are the first stage in the appearance of the
enamel organs. These appear on the sixth day of incubation and
disappear shortly after the cornification of the jaws. This results in the formation of the beak and the egg tooth, the latter
a horny projection on the upper jaw which is used in breaking
through the shell at the time of hatching, and soon after disappears. The primordia of the tongue appear on the fourth day.
Five visceral pouches appear, of which the first three open to
the exterior during the third day of incubation (Fig. 218). The
Fig. 122. — Digestive tube in A, tadpole, and B, frog, to show actual shortening of
intestine. (After Leuckart wall-charts.)
first cleft closes during the fourth day, and the dorsal part of the
pouch becomes the tubo-tympanic cavity. With the extension
of the cervical flexure, the remaining pouches are crowded together and disappear. The thyroid appears on the second day,
separates from the pharynx on the fourth, and on the seventh
divides inte two bodies which migrate backward to the junction
of the common carotid and subclavian arteries. The thymus
arises from the dorsal epithelial bodies of the third and fourth
visceral pouches, while the parathyroid rudiments arise from
the ventral epithelial bodies. The fifth pouch gives rise to the
ultimobranchial bodies. The lung primordia (Fig. 123) appear on
the third day and grow back, becoming surrounded by mesenchyme. The primary bronchi subdivide to form a respiratory
tree, some branches of which extend among the viscera and even
into the hollow bones, as the accessory air sacs.
The esophagus is relatively long; and a dilation, the crop,
forms at its posterior end. The stomach is divided into an anterior proventriculus, which contains the gastric glands, and a
Visceral arches
Yolk stalk
Fig. 123. — Endodermal derivatives in a 72-hour chick.
muscular gizzard at the posterior end. The liver primordium
arises at the edge of the anterior intestinal portal on the second
day and, therefore, presents the aspect of an anterior ventral
and two posterior lateral diverticula for a short time. These
fuse, however, by the end of that day, as the backward extension
of the fore-gut continues. Three pancreatic diverticula are
formed, the dorsal one on the third day, the ventral ones on the
fourth. They fuse in later development, and either two or three
of the ducts persist. The anterior portion of the mid-gut becomes
the small intestine, the large intestine arising from the posterior
MAN 191
The cloaca is first distinguishable on the fourth day, when the
proctodeum also is first apparent. The cloaca is ultimately
divided into three regions: an anterior portion, the coprodeum,
into which the rectum enters; an intermediate part, the urodeum,
into which the nephric ducts and gonoducts enter; and the terminal proctodeum.
MAN (SEE ALSO CHAPTER XIII). — The mouth opens in the second or third week, and, like that of all vertebrates, develops lips
(fifth week). Ten teeth papillae and enamel caps, the primordia
of the milk teeth, appear in each jaw. This is a long-drawn-out
process, the germs of the third molar not appearing until the
fifth year of infancy. The tongue arises from swellings on the
first three arches, the secondary tongue, or gland field, appearing
as the tuberculum impar, which does not, however, appear to
contribute to the ultimate structure of the tongue.
Five pairs of visceral pouches appear, none of which becomes
perforated. The first gives rise to the tubo-tympanic cavity.
The ventral portion of the second persists as the fossa in which
the tonsil develops. The dorsal epithelial bodies from the third
and fourth pair of pouches become the parathyroids. The
ventral epithelial bodies of the third pair of pouches unite to form
the thymus gland. Similar bodies from the fourth pair may give
rise to vestigial thymus-like bodies which remain attached to
the parathyroids from the same pouch. The fifth pair become
the ultimobranchial bodies. The thyroid gland undergoes an
incomplete division into two lobes which remain connected by a
narrow isthmus. The lungs (Fig. 124) arise toward the end of the
fourth week, from a laryngo-tracheal groove. The cartilages and
musculature of the larynx arise from the branchial arches.
The esophagus, at first relatively short, lengthens as the backward movement of the heart and lungs displaces the stomach.
The latter organ arises as a dilation of the fore-gut posterior
to the esophagus. Continued growth, mainly on the dorsal
surface, produces the greater curvature, and a displacement of
the whole organ so that the cephalic end is moved to the left
and the caudal end to the right. This is followed by a rotation
of the stomach on its long axis through 90° to the left. The liver
ari ring the third week as a ventral groove in the duodenum.
The-pancreas appears slightly later, with either two or three
primordia according to whether or not one of the ventral primordia
is suppressed. The ventral pancreatic duct persists and opens
into the common bile duct. The point of division between small
and large intestines is marked by the formation of a blind pouch,
Visceral arches
( Hypophysis )
pancreas Intestinal loop
Allantoic stalk
( Mesonephric duct ) liverticulum
Fig. 124. — Endodermal derivatives in 10-mm. pig. (From a wax reconstruction
by G. W. Hunter and L. T. Brown.)
the cecum. The distal end of the cecum does not grow as rapidly
as the proximal region and so remains a finger-like projection
known as the vermiform appendix. The small intestine, growing
more rapidly than the large, is thrown into a set of six primary
coils, each of which develops secondary coils.
The cloaca becomes divided, by a frontal partition, into a
dorsal rectum and a ventral urogenital sinus. The cloacal
membrane is correspondingly divided into a rectal and a urogenital plate, and the final openings are the anus and the urogenital aperture. The urogenital sinus later is divided into a
phallic portion (see page 211) and a vesico-urethral portion. The
latter gives rise to the urinary bladder at its distal end, and to.
the urethra at its proximal end.
The endoderm gives rise to the epithelial lining of the following
A. Fore-gut
I. Oral cavity (also partly from ectoderm of stomodeum)
Teeth (also partly from ectoderm)
II. Pharynx
Trachea and lungs
Visceral pouches
Auditory tube and chamber
Fossa of palatine tonsil
Ultimobranchial bodies
III. Esophagus
IV. Stomach
V. Duodenum
B. Mid-gut
I. Intestine
C. Hind-gut
I. Cloaca (also partly from ectoderm of proctodeum)
Urogenital sinus
Urinary bladder
Urethra (also partly from mesoderm, page
Keey, L. B. 1934. Developmental Anatomy, 3rd Ed., Chaps. 7 and 8.
Brachet, A. 1921. Traité d’embryologie des vertébrés, Part 2, Bk. 1, Chap. 5;
Bk. 2, Chap. 4.
Hertwig, O. 1906. Handbuch, Vol. 2, Chaps. 1, 2, and 4.
Keibel and Mall. 1910-1912. Human Embryology, Chap. 17.
Kellicott, W. E. 1913. Chordate Development.
Kerr, J.G. 1919. Textbook of Embryology, Vol. II, Chap. 3.
Kingsley, J.S. 1926. Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates, 3rd Ed.
Lillie, F. R. 1919. The Development of the Chick, 2nd Ed.
MeMurrich, J. P. 1923. The Development of the Human Body, 7th Ed.
The middle germ layer arises as three different aggregates of
cells between the ectoderm and endoderm: the notochord; the
mesoderm; and the mesenchyme. The origin of the notochord
has already been described, and its later history will be discussed
in connection with the skeleton. Organs of mesenchymatous
origin will be taken up in connectiqn with the history of the
region from which their mesenchyme originates. Of the structures derived from the mesoderm, we shall consider first those
arising from the lateral mesoderm, then those whose origin is from
the intermediate mesoderm, and finally those derived from the
axial mesoderm.
Cavities may appear in all three divisions of the mesoderm;
if in the myotomes, they are known as myocoels; if in the
nephrotomes, they are called nephrocoels; the cavity of the
lateral mesoderm is the coelom (Fig. 76). In some forms the
three cavities are confluent. The connection, however, is a temporary one, and the myocoels soon disappear. In other forms
they make a transitory appearance and are entirely disconnected
with the other cavities, and in many vertebrates myocoels are
never formed. The nephrocoels will be considered with the
nephric organs. The coelom_ in amphioxus has a metameric
origin from the ventral portions of the enterocoels, which become
confluent at this point by the disappearance of the intervening
anterior and posterior partitions. In vertebrates the coelomic
cavity arises from the splitting of the lateral mesoderm into a
dorsal somatic and a ventral splanchnic layer. In the amniotes
this: split continues out into the extra-embryonic mesoderm, thus
giving rise to the exocoel, or cavity of the chorion. The coelom
does not extend anterior to the visceral arches. Transitory
cavities have been found in the arches and, indeed, in the head
itself, and these have been interpreted as the remains of a cephalic
coelom. It will appear later that these are more probably the
rudiments of cephalic myotomes. The coelom does not extend
into the tail.
Somatopleure and splanchnopleure. — The somatopleure has
already been defined as the outer layer of the lateral mesoderm
together with the ectoderm with which it becomes associated.
Between these two there is an invasion of mesenchymatous cells
from the dermatomes and myotomes which give rise to the
corium of the skin (see Chapter X) and to its dermal musculature (see page 239). The somatic mesoderm lining the outer
wall of the coelom becomes the outer peritoneal lining. The
splanchnopleure is the inner layer of the lateral mesoderm plus
the endoderm with which it is associated. Between these two
occurs a migration of mesenchyme cells which give rise to the
splanchnic musculature and blood vessels, while the splanchnic
mesoderm itself forms the inner peritoneal lining of the coelom.
The mesenteries (Fig. 125).—JIn all the vertebrates, the
coelom is divided for a time into right and left halves by sagittal
partitions above and below the alimentary canal, known as the
dorsal mesentery and the ventral mesentery, respectively. These
are formed by the inward growth of the splanchnic mesoderm
above and below the digestive tube and the subsequent fusion
of these sheets in the median line. The ventral mesentery disappears posterior to the liver, probably in connection with the
coiling of the intestine. The dorsal mesentery (Fig. 125) persists
as the support of the alimentary canal, and frequently becomes
subdivided into regions which are named from the supported
organ, such as the mesogastrium which supports the stomach, the
mesoduodenum, etc. In the formation of the ventral mesentery,
two organs, the heart and the liver, owing to their ventral position,
are caught in between the two advancing sheets of splanchnic
mesoderm. In these regions, therefore, the ventral mesentery is
divided into an upper and a lower half. The ventral mesentery
dorsal to the heart becomes the dorsal mesocardium; that part
which is ventral to the heart is the ventral mesocardium (Fig.
126A). Both eventually disappear as the heart increases in size
and complexity. In the region of the liver, the dorsal half of the
mesentery becomes the dorsal mesohepar, while the ventral porTHE MESENTERIES 197
Pericardial cavity—__f 4 Dorsal mesocar, a dium
Ventricle of heart
Ventral mesocardium +- Septum transversum
Liver Stomach
Ventral mesentery st omac
(faeiform Hgament) Ventral mesentery
(lesser omentum)
Dorsal mesogastrium
Dorsal pancreas
Fia. 125. — Diagram of mesenteries in early human embryo from left side. A, B,
and C indicate planes of sections shown in Fig. 126. (From Arey after Prentiss.)
Neural tube
Notochord Neural tub
Aorta NotochordPostcardinal vein Aorta
Dorsal mesentery,
— Fore-gut
B Cc
Fra. 126. — Diagrams of mesenteries in early human embryo as seen in transverse
sections. Compare lig. 125. (From Arey after Prentiss.)
tion is the ventral mesohepar (Fig. 126B). The primordia of the
pancreas lie originally in the dorsal and ventral mesenteries,
respectively, but with the rotation of the stomach all are included
in the dorsal mesentery. The peritoneal supports of the nephric
and genital organs will be considered in the following section.
The spleen (see page 224) arises in the mesogastrium, close to the
wall of the alimentary canal, and is probably mesodermal in
Later divisions of the coelom. — The coelom becomes divided
into an anterior pericardial cavity surrounding the heart, and
a posterior abdominal cavity surrounding the viscera, by the
septum transversum, a transverse partition which grows out
from the bridge of mesoderm surrounding the vitelline veins
( Coe nos
fx-+- Peritoneal
“cavity |
Fie. 127. — Diagrams of coelom and its divisions in A, fish, B, amphibia, reptiles
and birds, and C, mammals. (After Kingsley.)
where they cross the coelom en route from the body wall to the
heart (Fig. 127A). These cavities are connected during a large
part of the embryonic period by pericardio-peritoneal canals
where the septum has failed to unite with the ventral body wall.
In the amniotes, additional septa develop behind the lungs and
separate the pleural cavities, which contain the lungs, from the
remainder of the abdominal cavity, which is now known as the
peritoneal cavity (Fig. 127B). The pleural cavities are separated
from each other in the median line by the mediastinum. In the
mammals (Fig. 127C) the partition separating the lungs from the
viscera receives musculature from the myotomes and becomes the
THE FROG (SEE ALSO CHAPTER XI.) — In the frog, the ventral
mesentery disappears as soon as it has been formed, except in the
region of the heart and liver. The ventral mesocardium appears
before the dorsal mesocardium is formed, and disappears soon
after, to be followed by the disappearance of the dorsal mesocardium. The ventral mesohepar also has but a short period of
existence. The septum transversum receives much of its substance from the mesodermal sheath of the liver. No pleural
cavities are formed.
THE CHICK (SEE ALSO CHAPTER xII.) — In the chick, both dorsal and ventral mesenteries are formed. The latter, however, persists only in the region of the fore-gut, and gives rise to the
mesocardia, which soon disappear; the dorsal mesohepar, which
becomes the gastro-hepatic omentum, and the ventral mesohepar, which becomes the falciform ligament. The septum transversum is not completed until the eighth day of incubation.
The pleural cavities are cut off from the pericardial cavities by
a pleuro-pericardial septum, and from the peritoneal cavity by
the pleuro-peritoneal septum.
MAN (SEE ALSO CHAPTER XIII).— From the first, the pericardial cavity is distinguishable from the abdominal cavity,
inasmuch as it never communieates directly with the extraembryonic coelom as does the abdominal cavity. As in the chick,
its posterior boundary is coterminous with that of the fore-gut,
but it is in communication with the abdominal cavity by means
of the parietal recesses, passages which correspond to the peritoneo-pericardial canals of the anamniotes. The recesses are
divided frontally by the vitelline veins into dorsal and ventral
parietal recesses. With the formation of the septum transversum,
the ventral recesses are incorporated into the pericardial cavity.
The dorsal recesses become the pleural cavities; and the pleuroperitoneal septum, which divides them from the peritoneal
cavity, is formed by the upward growth of the diaphragm. The
musculature of this organ arises from the fourth cervical myotome
during the backward growth of the diaphragm. The rotation of
the stomach results in a rearrangement of the mesenteries, for
an account of which the reader is referred to Hertwig or Keibel
and Mall.
The nephric or excretory system of vertebrates is essentially
a paired series of tubes (nephridia), developed in the intermediate
mesoderm, which collect nitrogenous wastes from the blood and
discharge them to the exterior by two longitudinal ducts emptying
into the cloaca. The intermediate mesoderm in the anterior
part of the body is divided into
nephrotomes corresponding to the
somites. There are three different
types of kidneys among the vertebrates (Fig. 128). The first is the
pronephros, which arises from the
anterior nephrotomes and is the
functional kidney in the larval
stages of the fish and the amphibians. The second is the mesonephros, which arises from nephro
9 } Pronephros
Mesonephric duct tomes posterior to the pronephros
and is the functional kidney of
Metanephros adult anamniotes and embryonic or
Mefanephric duct f4¢4] amniotes. The third is the
Cloaca metanephros which is the functional
rae, kidney of adult amniotes.
Fig. 128. — Diagram to show rela- The pronephros. — This organ is
tionships of vertebrate excretory formed during development by all
systems. :
vertebrates, but is best developed
in larval types like the frog, where it arises from nephrocoels
(Fig. 129) in the anterior nephrotomes (III, IV, V), the dorsal
ends of which grow caudally and unite with each other to form
the pronephric duct which grows backward toward the cloaca.
The ventral ends of the nephrocoels open into the coelom, and
these openings, the nephrostomes, become lined with long cilia.
The tubules meantime elongate and become contorted as they project into the surrounding posterior cardinal vein. Median to each
nephrostome, the splanchnic mesoderm bulges out and in this
projection develops a net of capillaries, or glomerulus, which becomes connected with the dorsal aorta. The pronephros is functional, at most, for a short time; and it disappears as the mesonephros develops to replace it.
The mesonephros. — The mesonephros, like the pronephros,
is developed by all vertebrates. It becomes the adult kidney
of the anamniotes, but is functional during the embryonic (and
fetal) period only of the amniotes. Portions of the mesonephros
become associated with the genital organs of the adult (see next
The mesonephros also develops as a series of segmental nephrocoels, but in the nephrotomes posterior to those containing the
IP \nc_Nephrostome
Fig. 129. — Diagrams showing three stages in the development of the pronephric
tubule. (After Felix.)
pronephric ducts with which they unite (Fig. 130). After the
degeneration of the pronephros, the tube is known as the mesonephric or Wolffian duct. The ventral ends of the nephrocoels
acquire coelomic nephrostomes in the anamniotes. In amniote
development, nephrostomes are seldom formed. A glomerulus
connected with the dorsal aorta and the cardinal veins arises in
connection with each tubule, as in the pronephros. An important
difference between the pronephros and the mesonephros lies in
the fact that the number of nephric tubules in each nephrotome
is greater in the mesonephros (Fig. 131). These arise by the
constriction of the posterior median part of each nephrocoel into
a small vesicle which gives rise to a secondary tubule; each of
these tubules acquires a glomerulus and nephrostome at the
proximal end. The connection of these secondary
tubules with the Wolffian
duct, however, is attained
by an evagination from the
duct itself which grows out
as the collecting duct to
meet the developing
secondary tubule. From
these secondary tubules,
tertiary ones bud off and
develop in like manner,
acquiring connections with
the collecting duct through
an evagination of this
canal. As many as eight
tubules may be formed in
a single segment by this
process of budding. This
complexity is greatest at
the posterior end of the
mesonephros. In the amBowman’s capsule niotes, the mesonephros
Fig. 130. — Diagrams showing four stages in (except for that portion
development of mesonephric tubule. (From associated with the genital
Arey after Felix.) organs) disappears after
Mi esonephric duct
Anlage of
mesonephric tubule!
the metanephros has
been formed. v OT Aorta
The metanephros. “(WS NN
— The metanephros,
which is found as a
separate kidney only
in adult amniotes, iry 3ry 2ry Iry 2ry duct. ry ty
. . —_—— ened
probably is equiva- Collecting Nephrostomes Secretory
tubules P tubules
lent to the posterior
portion of the meso- F1¢. 181. — Diagram to show origin of secondary and
terti . :
7 eph ros of the anam- ( ar nary meson yPhne tubules from primary tubules
niotes, which it resembles greatly in its organogeny.
The region in which the metanephros arises is, like that in
which the earlier kidneys are found, the intermediate mesoderm.
But in the posterior region of the body this mass is never segmented into separate nephrotomes. The first indication of metarephros formation is the appearance of an evagination from the
dorsal surface of the mesonephric duct near the point at which
the latter enters the cloaca. This evagination grows dorsally and
4 5
Fig. 182. — Diagrams to show origin and development of metanephric tubules.
Collecting tubule in center, secretory tubules to right and left, the one on the right
relatively more advanced. (From Arey after Huber.)
then turns forward to become the metanephric duct, or ureter, in
much the same manner as the collecting ducts of the mesonephros
arose. The metanephric duct then sends out into the nephrogenous tissue evaginations which increase in length and branch
repeatedly to form the collecting tubules of the metanephros.
Around the distal end of each tubule, a small mass of the nephrogenous tissue condenses and acquires a lumen like the nephrocoels
of the pronephros and mesonephros (Fig. 132; 1, 2). From these
vesicles the secretory nephric tubules arise by a process of elonga204 MESODERMAL DERIVATIVES
tion and later fuse with the collecting tubules just described
(Fig. 132; 3,4). In each of the tubules a capsule develops for the
reception of a glomerulus which later acquires a connection with a
branch of the renal artery (Fig. 1382; 4, 5). Development proceeds from the posterior end toward the anterior, instead of in the
opposite direction as in the earlier types of kidneys. The portion
of the Wolffian duct nearest to the cloaca is absorbed by it so that
the ureter has an opening into the cloaca separate from that of the
mesonephric duct. From the region of the cloaca into which the
ureters open is formed the urinary bladder and urethra (page
193). In mammals, at least, the enlarging bladder includes part
of the ureter.
The later history of the kidneys and their ducts is considered
in the next section.
THE FROG (SEE ALSO CHAPTER XI). — Threc pronephric tubules
are formed (somites II, III, IV), each with a nephrostome. The
region of the coelom into which these open is cut off ventrally
by the development of the lungs and becomes the pronephric
chamber. The glomeruli soon unite to form a glomus. Before
metamorphosis the pronephric tubes, and that portion of the
duct into which they open, degenerate.
Mesonephric tubules appear in the nephrotomes (somites VIIXII). These have nephrostomes in early larval life; but at the
time the pronephroi degenerate the portion of each mesonephric
tubule next to the nephrostome (peritoneal canal) breaks away
from the remainder of the tubule and fuses with the posterior
cardinal vein. The mesonephros is the functional kidney of the
adult, and the Wolffian duct, therefore, functions as the ureter.
THE CHICK (SEE ALSO CHAPTER xi). — About twelve pronephric tubules arise (somites V-XVI) beginning on the second day of
incubation. Nephrostomes are formed, but glomeruli do not
appear until the third and fourth days of incubation, at which
time the pronephros is degenerating. The pronephric duct arises
at the ninth somite.
Mesonephric tubules arise from the intermediate mesoderm
between somites XII and XXX, the more anterior of which
develop nephrostomes. The main part of the mesonephros, however, arises between somites XX and XXX, where the continued growth of the tubules causes the projection of this region
into the coelom as the Wolffian body. It is extremely doubtful
whether the mesonephros ever functions as a kidney, as it begins
to degenerate on the eleventh day.
The metanephros arises on the fourth day of incubation, from
two primordia as usual, the intermediate mesoderm in somites
XXXI-XXXIII, and an evagination of the mesonephric duct,
comparable to the collecting ducts of the mesonephric tubules,
which becomes the ureter, pelvis, and collecting ducts.
MAN (SEE ALSO CHAPTER XIII). — Pronephric tubules arise in
somites VII—XIII, develop nephrostomes and glomeruli, but
degenerate rapidly.
Mesonephric tubules appear in the intermediate mesoderm
between the sixth cervical and fourth lumbar segments, but
those of the cervical and thoracic segments soon degenerate.
Nephrostomes are formed by the more anterior tubules but have
only a transitory existence. The mesonephros does not function
as a kidney.
The metanephros has a double origin as in the chick.
The genital organs may be grouped into two classes: (1) the
primary genital organs, or gonads, in which the germ cells develop; and (2) the accessory genital organs, whose original function is the discharge of the germ cells from the body.
The gonads consist of the germ cells and the subordinate tissues,
blood vessels, nerves, connective tissue, ete., which make up a
large part of these glands. In an earlier chapter it has been
shown that the primordial germ cells may first appear in the
endoderm of the gut wall and thence migrate by way of the
splanchnic mesoderm, dorsal mesentery, and peritoneum to their
definitive position in a thickening of the peritoneum on the
mesial side of the nephrotomes. This thickening is called the
genital ridge (Fig. 133B). A considerable body of evidence is
accumulating to indicate that germ cells may also arise from the
cells of the genital ridge itself.
The genital ridge is now invaded by mesenchymal cells, and
projects into the coelomic cavity. In some amphibians, a metameric arrangement corresponding to the myotomes has been
recorded, but following this the segments unite. The anterior
and posterior ends of the ridge degenerate, and the middle portion enlarges and is separated by a longitudinal groove from the
mesonephros so that it hangs in the coelom suspended by a fold
of the peritoneum, known as the mesorchium in the male or the
mesovarium in the female. The germ cells have by this time
become transformed into gonia (Chapter III) and the germ glands
are known as gonads.
Within the gonads, the gonia come to lie in nests, close to
the germinal epithelium. Tubular outgrowths from the nephric
Fig. 133. — Diagrams to show early development of the gonads in transverse sections. A, testis. B, genital ridge. C, ovary. (After Corning.)
tubules of the mesonephros approach these nests. The later
history of the gonads differs in the two sexes.
Testis. — In the male, the nests of spermatogonia become
tubules which connect with the tubules growing in from the
mesonephros (Fig. 133A). The testicular parts of these canals
are known as the seminiferous tubules, the nephric portions as
the efferent ductules. The walls of the seminiferous tubules are
composed of spermatogonia and sustentacular cells which act
as nurse cells to the developing sperm. Between the tubules lie
partitions of mesenchyme which make up the stroma of the testis
and contain the interstitial cells, which are supposed to be concerned in the formation of the male hormone. _ It is because of the
presence of these cells that the testis is sometimes spoken of as
the “ interstitial gland.” It is now well established that the
testis secretes a “male”? hormone whose presence in the blood
has much to do with the male secondary characters. Eventually,
the tubules become separated from. the surrounding germinal
epithelium by the development of a mesenchymatous layer called
the tunica albuginea.
Ovary. — In the female, the nests of odgonia become separate
follicles (Fig. 133C) which never attain connection with the mesonephric tubules. These tubules consequently degenerate. A
follicle consists of a single o6gonium surrounded by follicle cells
which may be compared to the sustentacular cells of the male.
In the mammalian ovary the primary follicle is greatly enlarged
to form a vesicular (Graafian) follicle (Fig. 184), which protrudes
Tunica externa
Tunica interna
Stratum granulosum
Cumulus odphorus Ovum
Fig. 134. —Section of human vesicular (Graafian) follicle. (From Arey after
from the surface of the ovary. The follicle cells multiply and
secrete a follicular fluid which presses the outer wall (stratum
granulosum) away from the egg and a layer of follicle cells
immediately surrounding it. These form a projection (cumulus
odphorus) into the cavity of the follicle. When ovulation takes
place the wall of the follicle is ruptured, and the egg,. ‘still surrounded by its investment of follicle cells, now known as the
corona r | radiata (page 41), is washed out with the_ follicular fluid.
After ovulation the follicle cells enlarge, ‘multiply, and secrete a
yellow “substance, the whole forming a corpus luteum. Hisaw
has identified hormones from corpus luteum which produce
definite effects on the uterus and other parts of the female body
associated with pregnancy and parturition. The existence of
female hormones formed in the ovary is now definitely proved.
These hormones appear to be formed in the follicles and to be
quite distinct from the hormones derived from the corpus luteum
(Hisaw). The tunica albuginea of the ovary develops much later
than that of the testis but is also of mesenchymal origin.
The genital ducts. — The sperms formed in the seminiferous
tubules of the testis are discharged into the mesonephric tubules
and thence make their way into the mesonephric duct, which
accordingly becomes the male genital duct. The ova, on the
other hand, are discharged directly into the cavity of the coelom
whence they are received into a new tube, the oviduct, by means
of an opening, the ostium tubae (abdominale). The mesonephric
duct is often called the Wolffian duct; the oviduct is frequently
called the Miillerian duct. Both ducts appear in every embryo
(Fig. 135A), but the later histories of the two differ according to
the sex.
The Wolffian duct.— In the male (Fig. 135B), the efferent
ductules toward the posterior end of the series become occluded,
leaving only a few at the anterior end functional. These lose
their renal corpuscles and shorten greatly. In the amniotes,
where the metanephros acts as the functional kidney, this anterior
group becomes the epididymis, while the more posterior, nonfunctional vestige becomes the paradidymis. The mesonephrie
duct persists as the deferent duct. At the point where the deferent duct enters the cloaca, there develops a dilation, the seminal
vesicle. In the female (Fig. 185C), the anterior portion of the
mesonephros persists as the vestigial epodphoron, and the posterior portion becomes the paroédphoron. Traces of the Wolffian
duct sometimes persist, as in mammals, where this structure is
known as Gartner’s canal.
The Millerian duct. — This canal arises in the elasmobranchs
by the constriction of the pronephric duct into two tubes, of
which the ventral becomes the Miillerian duct, while the dorsal
tube becomes the Wolffian duct. The opening of the Miillerian
duct into the coelom, the ostium tubae abdominale, is a persistent
nephrostome. In all other vertebrates, this duct arises independently of and after the formation of the Wolffian duct, a
fact possibly correlated with the delayed functioning of the oviduct as compared with the primary renal function of the Wolffian
duct. In these vertebrates the duct arises in the mesoderm
lateral to the Wolffian duct and grows both forward and backward until the abdominal and cloacal openings are formed. It
is not formed until late in embryogenesis. In the female (Fig.
135C), the posterior ends of the ducts are usually dilated as
Fia. 135. — Diagrams showing origin and early development of genital ducts. A,
early stage showing mesonephros, gonads, (male on left, female on right) and
ducts. B, later stage in male, showing in broken lines the structures which degenerate. C, later stage in female. (After Felix.)
storage chambers, and not infrequently fuse to form a uterus.
In the male (Fig. 135B), the Miillerian duct degenerates, but
vestiges are to be found even in the adult, such as the appendix
testis and prostatic utricle of man, which represent the anterior
and posterior ends of the female duct, respectively.
Estrous cycle. — Most vertebrates have an annual breeding
season. Among the mammals, however, the fact that the young
develop for a longer or shorter period (of gestation) in the uterus
of the mother is associated with a periodical set of changes in the
activity of the uterus which are known as the estrous cycle.
There are three main stages: proestrum, estrus, and anestrum.
During the proestrum the blood vessels of the uterine wall are
congested, and in some animals (dog) there is destruction of the
uterine wall accompanied by the discharge of blood into the
cavity of the uterus.
In estrus the destructive changes of the proestrum are repaired
while the cavity itself often contains the secretions of the uterine
glands and the materials discharged in the preceding period
(“ uterine milk’’). It is in this period that ovulation usually
takes place and the wall of the uterus is in the condition most
favorable for the implantation of the blastocyst. The estrus receives its name from the fact that this is the time in which the
sexual drive is strongest. If implantation (page 140) and pregnancy do not take place, a condition known as pseudopregnancy
occurs in some animals (rat, rabbit, etc.). In the closing stages
of the estrus, the wall of the uterus returns to its normal condition, accompanied in some animals (dog) by slight hemorrhages. This period of repair is distinguished (Marshall) as the
The estrus is succeeded by the anestrum, a name given to the
interval lasting until the next proestrum commences. In many
mammals estrus occurs but once during the breeding season, but
in others it may take place more frequently. The period between
each estrus and the next proestrum is sometimes known as a
diestrum in these polyestrous species.
There is a considerable difference of opinion among the authorities as to the exact relation between ovulation and menstruation,
a term applied to the periodic hemorrhages characteristic of the
female primate. It is assumed that the period of ovulation corresponds to the estrus, but the clinical evidence is not clear as to
whether the menstrual discharge is comparable to that of the
proestrum or that of the closing stages of the estrus itself.
The external genitalia. — The genital organs so far considered
are common to all vertebrates and are sometimes spoken of as the
internal genitalia. External genitals are found only in those
animals in which fertilization is internal. These organs serve the
function of transmitting or receiving the sperm at the time of
copulation. Internal fertilization is a phenomenon which has
been observed in all classes of the vertebrates, but it is characteristic of all amniotes.
Although the external genitalia differ in the sexes, they are
embryologically homologous. Two types are recognized, duplex
and simplex. In the duplex type, characteristic of the sauropsids, sac-like extensions arise on each side of the cloaca, which
in the male become the hemipenes or intromittent organ, while
in the female they remain vestigial.
In the simplex type, characteristic
of mammals, a single median ectodermal prominence arises anterior Genital tubercle
to the cloacal aperture, to become Phallus
the phallus (Fig. 136). In the
male, the phallus enlarges and encloses the greater part of the urogenital sinus. In this way it becomes the penis, while the enclosed Fie. 136.— Diagram to show the
sinus becomes the penile urethra, °"i#in_of the mammalian external
genitalia. (After Ielix.)
In the female mammal, the phallus
becomes the vestigial clitoris, while the sides of the urogenital
sinus remain open as the labia minora which guard the opening
of the urogenital vestibule. At the base of the phallus is a swelling, the genital tubercle, from which labio-scrotal folds arise on
either side of the urogenital opening. In the male they fuse to
form the scrotum, an external sac into which the testes descend;
in the female they remain separate as the labia majora.
Homo.ocies oF THE MAMMALIAN GentTraL System
Male Indifferent Female
Testis Gonad Ovary
Epididymis Mesonephros Epoéphoron
Paradidymis Paroéphoron
Ductus deferens Mesonephric Gartner’s canal
(Wolffian) duct
Appendix testis Miillerian duct Uterus
Prostatic utricle Vagina
Penis Phallus Clitoris
Labia minora
Scrotum Labio-scrotal swellings | Labia majora
THE FROG (SEE ALSO CHAPTER XI). — The genital ridges arise
soon after hatching. Sex can be distinguished at the time when
the embryo is about 30 mm. in body length. The anterior portion of each genital ridge degenerates and becomes a fat body.
The Wolffian duct in the male acquires connection with the
testis by means of some of the mesonephric tubules (vasa efferentia), and serves as the deferent duct as well as the ureter. A
seminal vesicle is formed. A rudimentary Miillerian duct appears. In the female the Wolffian duct functions solely as a
ureter while the Miillerian duct becomes the oviduct.
No external genitalia are developed.
THE CHICK (SEE ALSO CHAPTER XII).— The genital ridge arises
with the mesonephros as the urogenital ridge. Of this the
anterior region gives rise to the gonad on the mesial side. Sex
is not distinguishable until the seventh day of incubation. In
the female, the right ovary develops only partially and finally
The Wolffian duct becomes the deferent duct, connected with
the testis by vasa efferentia forming the epididymis. The persisting mesonephric tubules of the posterior region of the mesonephros form a paradidymis. In the female a vestigial epodphoron and parodphoron represent these bodies respectively. The
Miillerian ducts degenerate in the male without ever acquiring
a cloacal exit. In the female the right Miillerian duct disappears while the left becomes the oviduct. The shell gland
appears on the twelfth day of incubation, but the cloacal opening
is not formed until the hen is six months old.
No external genitalia are formed, although hemipenes are
formed in some other birds.
MAN (SEE ALSO CHAPTER XIII).— The genital ridge arises on
the mesial side of the mesonephros. Sex is not distinguishable
until after the fifth week.
Each Wolffian duct functions as a deferent duct, and both epididymus and paradidymis are formed, as is a seminal vesicle
at the distal end. In the female, epodphoron and paroédphoron
are formed, while some portion of the duct itself may persist
as Gartner’s canal. The Miillerian ducts become the uterine
tubes, which unite at their posterior ends to form the uterus
and vagina. The latter is partially closed by a semicircular
fold, the hymen, where it enters the urogenital sinus. In the
male, vestiges of the anterior end of each Miillerian duct persist
as the appendix testis, while the posterior end is represented by
the rudimentary prostatic utricle. The dilation of the bladder
results in the inclusion of the ureters (metanephric ducts) in
its walls. The genital ducts (Wolffian or Miillerian ducts) empty
into the urogenital sinus posterior to the bladder, in a region
which constricts to form the urethra. About this develop a
number of outgrowths which acquire cavities and form the prostate gland in the male, and the para-urethral glands of the female.
The external genitalia are of the mammalian type.
Closely associated with the nephric organs are the mesodermal
interrenal glands, which frequently become associated with the
suprarenal glands, of ectodermal origin, to form the so-called
Sympathetic @~
Suprarenal @. 2D QO} \
Inter - ——ep
Fig. 137. — Diagrams to show the origin of the suprarenal and interrenal components
of the adrenal gland. A, origin as shown in cross section (after Corning). B,
condition in amphibia. C, in birds. D, in Tammals. .
adrenal glands. All are endocrine (or ductless) glands. The
suprarenal portion of the adrenal forms the powerful hormone
epinephrin (adrenalin); the interrenal portion secretes a hormone
known as cortin (Swingle), which is employed in the treatment
of Addison’s disease.
The interrenals. — These arise as paired thickenings of the
splanchnic mesoderm mesial to the nephrocoels. In some of
the amphibians there are traces of a segmentation which is soon
lost by fusion. There is no direct connection between the interrenal and the mesonephros. These glands may fuse to form an
elongate median organ or become associated with the suprarenals.
The suprarenals. — Although these glands are found in the
vicinity of the mesonephros, they originate from the sympathetic
ganglia (ectodermal) as described in the following chapter. They
are separate structures in the fish, but unite with the interrenals
in the tetrapods.
The adrenals (Fig. 137). — These compound glands are not
found in the fish. In the amphibians the suprarenal portion of
the gland is external to the interrenal portion. In the chick they
are intermingled. In the amniotes, however, the interrenal substance (cortex) surrounds the suprarenal (medulla).
The vascular system is mesenchymatous in origin. It consists
of separate cells, the blood corpuscles, floating in a fluid matrix,
Blood island Ectoderm Somatic mesoderm Splanchnic mesoderm Blood vessel Blood cells
: Enloderm fused to yolh
Fia. “138. — Diagrams showing three stages in the development of seplary from
blood island based on transverse sections of the area vasculosa in a seven somite
chick. (From Arey.)
the blood plasma, in a closed system of interconnected tubes, the
blood vessels. Some vessels become lined eternally with muscle
fibers, and in one locality this muscular development gives rise
to a pulsating heart by means of which the blood is kept in
Origin of the blood-vascular system. — The first indications of
the vascular system are found in the splanchnopleure as blood
islands (Fig. 138). In the telolecithal vertebrates this is always
in the extra-embryonic splanchnopleure. These blood islands
originate as local aggregates of mesenchyme. Later, the inner
cells separate as corpuscles, while the outer ones form the endothelial lining of a vesicle. These vesicles anastomose with each
other to form the extra-embryonic vitelline circulation.
The blood corpuscles. — The first corpuscles formed are the
inner cells of the blood islands. Later corpuscles are budded off
. (" 2
@ “SoC
°e@ ef
Fie. 139. — Stages in the development of human red blood corpuscles. A, hemoblasts. B, megaloblasts (anamniote type). C, D, normoblasts (sauropsid type).
E, normoblasts in process of becoming F, erythrocytes. (From Arey after Prentiss.)
from the walls of the capillaries into their cavities. Mesenchymal cells in regions where the capillary network is forming
may develop into blood corpuscles and enter the blood stream.
These first corpuscles are the hemoblasts (Fig. 139).
Hemoblasts become differentiated into the different types of
blood corpuscles in the following blood-forming centers: (1)
the yolk sac; (2) the embryonic capillaries; (3) the liver, the
spleen, and the lymph glands; (4) the bone marrow. In the
adult the lymph glands give rise to lymphocytes, and the bone
marrow to all types of corpuscles.
The erythrocytes, or red corpuscles, are distinguished by the
presence of hemoglobin which gives them their color. In the
anamniotes the erythrocytes have a large vesicular nucleus with
granular chromatin and a distinct cell membrane. In the sauropsida, the erythrocytes have a small compact nucleus. The
mammalian erythrocyte is distinguished by the absence of the
nucleus in the adult. In the development of mammals there is a
succession of erythrocytes: first the anamniote type; then the
sauropsid type; and finally the mammalian erythrocyte, which
is produced by the extrusion of the nuclei from the blood cells
of the sauropsid type (Fig. 139).
The leucocytes, or white corpuscles, are of many types, for
a discussion of which the reader is referred to the textbooks on
histology. The preponderance of evidence indicates that these,
like the erythrocytes, are derived from the hemoblasts.
Origin of the intra-embryonic vessels. — The first embryonic
blood vessels (Fig. 140) are the vitelline veins which appear at the
ventro-lateral margins of the fore-gut. These vessels unite in
the region of the anterior intestinal portal to form the heart, then
separate as the ventral aortae, which bend up around the pharynx
in the mandibular arch as the first aortic arches, and continue
backward as the dorsal aortae. These fuse at a very early stage as
the dorsal aorta, from which branches are sent to each myotome
and to the vitelline circulation. The posterior ends of the vitelline veins fuse in small-yolked forms, such as the frog, to form a
subintestinal vein which continues back to the tail. In largeyolked forms like the chick, the vitelline veins are widely separated
and brought into connection only by the sinus terminalis which
makes a circuit of the area vasculosa. The vitelline veins are
the ventral venous channels of the splanchnic circulation. <A
dorsal set of vessels soon originates independently to form the
somatic venous circulation. The first of these to appear are the
anterior cardinal (precardinal) veins of the head. A similar pair,
the posterior cardinal (postcardinal) veins, arise in connection
with the nephric region. These, however, do not discharge their
contents directly into the heart but into the anterior cardinals.
The portions of the original anterior cardinals proximal to this
juncture with the posterior cardinals are now called the common
cardinal veins.
The heart. — Although the heart is primitively a paired organ,
we have seen that the two primordia are soon fused into a single
Dorsal aorta
Aortic arch
Ventral aorta
Vitelline Vitelline
vein A area vasculosa
osterior cardinal vein
Aortic arches
Anterior cardinal vein
Common cardinal vein
External Vitelline
carotid vein
Internal carotid
External carotid
I y_S
CS Anterior cardina)
Dorsal aorta
Common cardinal
. | ==— Vitelline vein
4 Posterior cardinal
Vitelline artery —= _
Fig. 140. — Diagrams to show fundamental plan of embryonic circulation. A,
early stage in side view. _B, later stage in side view. C, same from above, aortic
Ventral aorta
roots pulled apart.
median tube connected with the ventral aortae in front, and the
vitelline veins (and later the common cardinals) behind. Around
the endocardial lining there develops a coat of muscle fiber which
later becomes striated to form the myocardium. Outside this
is a lining of splanchnic mesoderm which forms the epicardium,
continuous with the lining of a part of the coelom surrounding
the heart, which will later be cut off by the septum transversum
to form the pericardium. In this the heart is suspended by a
dorsal and a veéritral mesentery known respectively as the dorsal
and ventral mesocardia.
The later history of the heart is one of growth and subdivision
into special chambers. Because the local growth of the heart
is limited by the anterior and posterior walls of the pericardium
Fie. 141. — Diagrams to show early stages in development of vertebrate heart.
A, paired heart tubes. B, same fused. C, primary flexure. D, later ‘‘S”’ stage.
E, after antero-dorsal displacement of atrium.
and by the mesocardia in which it is suspended, any extension
in length must be accompanied by coiling. The primary flexure
of the heart is toward the right, thus changing the shape of the
organ from a straight tube to a C-shaped one. Further growth
results in the twisting of the heart into the shape of an S. Still
later, the original posterior loop of the S is pushed forward and
dorsad so that it comes to lie above the morphologically anterior
end (Fig. 141).
The original chambers of the heart are produced by local
dilations, of which the most posterior is the sinus venosus; next to
this is the atrium; in front of this, the ventricle; and finally,
the bulbus arteriosus. The sinus is the chamber into which the
primitive veins enter; the atrium is a thin-walled distensile
chamber; the ventricle is a thick-walled, muscular, pulsating
pump; and the bulbus is the chamber from which the blood
efitéts the primitive arteries.
These chambers undergo different changes in the various types
of vertebrates. Of these, the most important is a progressive
differentiation, completed in the mammals and birds, of the
atrium and ventricle into separate right and left halves, of which
the right side receives venous blood from all parts of the body
and transmits it to the lungs for respiratory exchange. From
the lungs the blood is returned to the left side of the heart and
thence conveyed to all parts of the body.
The arteries (Fig. 142). — The ventral aortae fuse into a single
median tube sending branches into each of the visceral arches.
Fig. 142. — Diagrams to show principal arteries; A, in side view, B, cross section
through mesenteric.
These branches, which unite with the dorsal aortae, are usually
six in number and are known as the aortic arches. Anterior to
these the ventral aortae continue forward as the external carotid
arteries. Similar forward extensions of the dorsal aortae are
known as the internal carotid arteries. In the region of the
aortic arches the dorsal arteries remain separate as the aortic
roots (radices aortae). Behind them, as has been mentioned, the
paired vessels fuse as the median dorsal aorta.
The aortic arches. — In larvae breathing by means of external
gills, a loop from each aortic arch grows out into the gill developing on the visceral arch with which it is associated. These loops
are short-circuited when the external gills disappear.
In forms with internal gills, each aortic arch breaks up into
capillaries in the demibranch and becomes divided into a ventral
afferent branchial artery and a dorsal efferent branchial artery.
In vertebrates with a pulmonary respiration, aortic arches I
and II, in the mandibular and hyoid arches, respectively, disappear. Arch III, in the first branchial arch, persists as the
connection between the internal and external carotid arteries,
Internal External
carotid carotid
clgy TT
Vv Subclavian
B Cc D
Fig. 143. — Diagrams of aortic arches. A, hypothetical primitive type. B, in
frog. C, in chick. D, in man. (After Kingsley.)
while the dorsal aorta between arches III and IV disappears.
Arch IV becomes the systemic arch connecting the dorsal and
ventral aortae (Fig. 143B). In birds (Fig. 143C), the arch on the
left side disappears; in mammals (Fig. 143D), that on the right
degenerates. Arch V is greatly reduced and frequently disappears or has at most a vestigial and transitory existence. From
arch VI there grow back to the lungs the pulmonary arteries.
The portion of the sixth arch distal to the pulmonary arteries
is reduced in caliber and is known as the ductus arteriosus. It
becomes occluded and degenerates in all the amniotes except
some few reptiles.
Intersegmental arteries. — From the dorsal aortae are given
off small branches between the myotomes (Fig. 142B). Some of
these intersegmental arteries persist as the intervertebral arteries. The more anterior ones becomes united on either side by
a dorsal longitudinal vertebral artery. These vertebrals subsequently fuse to form an anterior basilar artery which divides behind the pituitary, the two halves uniting with the internal
carotid on either side. The posterior halves of the vertebral
arteries fuse to form the spinal artery which runs back beneath
the spinal cord. In the region where the anterior limb buds are
developing, intersegmental arteries grow out, to give rise to the
subclavian arteries. Similarly, in the region of the pelvic limb
buds, intersegmental arteries give rise to the iliac arteries. In
the amniota, the allantoic arteries grow out from the iliac arteries
into the walls of the allantois. These become so important
that for some time it appears as though the iliac arteries were
derived from the allantois instead of the reverse. These allantoic arteries, which degenerate at the time of birth, are known as
the umbilical arteries in mammals as they traverse the umbilical
cord and supply the placenta.
Other important intersegmental arteries become the renal
arteries of the kidneys and the genital arteries of the gonads.
Mesenteric arteries. — From the dorsal aorta, a number of
ventral branches, originally paired, but soon fused to become
median vessels, pass down the dorsal mesentery. They unite
with the capillaries of the yolk sac which they supply with blood.
Later, some of them develop branches over the alimentary canal
which persist after the loss of the yolk sac as the coeliac and
mesenteric artcries.
The veins. — There are two primitive venous systems: the
somatic system, comprising the cardinal veins; and the splanchnic,
including the vitelline (omphalomesenteric) and, in amniotes, the
allantoic (umbilical) veins. The cardinal veins are replaced by
caval veins; the vitelline veins become transformed into a
hepatic-portal system. The allantoics disappear at hatching
(or birth). Finally, there are the pulmonary veins. In general,
the history of these transformations may be summed up in the
statement that the primitive independent venous systems become
transformed into a system wherein an accompanying vein is
developed for every artery.
The vitelline veins (Fig. 144). — These vessels, and their continuation, the subintestinal vein (in small-yolked forms), are the
first vessels formed in the embryo. In the amniotes, two veins
grow out from these into the wall of the allantois to become the
allantoic veins of the sauropsida (umbilicals of mammals). In
man, however, the umbilical veins actually appear before the
vitelline veins.
It has been noted previously that the vitelline veins pass
around the liver on their way to the heart. As the liver enlarges,
it surrounds the vitelline veins, and these become broken up in
the liver tissue to form a great capillary network. In the amniota, the allantoic (umbilical) veins are similarly absorbed. The
proximal portions of the vitelline veins, from the liver to the sinus
venosus, are now known as the hepatic veins; the distal portions
64 Common
{ venosus
Fig. 144. — Diagrams to show three stages in the development of the hepatic-portal
venous system, based on conditions in man. (After Hochstetter.)
are called the portal veins. Of the umbilical veins, the right degenerates; the left for a time maintains a direct connection
through the liver to the hepatic veins, known as the ductus
venosus. This connection disappears at the time of birth. After
the disappearance of the yolk, the portal vein and its tributaries,
of which the most important is the mesenteric vein, carry blood
from the digestive canal to the liver.
The anterior cardinal veins. — The original plan of the cardinal
system is that of an H in which the upper limbs represent the
anterior cardinals; the cross-bar the common cardinals, with
the heart in the middle of the cross-bar; and the lower limbs
represent the posterior cardinals (Fig. 145). The anterior cardinals arise as a drainage system for the blood passing into the head
from the carotid arteries.
The anterior cardinals are often called the internal jugular
veins. From these, parallel veins, known as the external jugular
veins, branch off in the ventral region of the head. Veins from
the vertebral region (vertebral veins) and from the pectoral appendages (subclavian veins) soon develop. In most vertebrates
the common cardinals and the proximal portion of the anterior
cardinals, i.e., up to the point where these tributary veins diverge, persist as the precaval veins. In some mammals, a crossconnection is formed between the anterior cardinals, after which
the portion of the left anterior cardinal, proximal to the anasto
cardinal Anterior
Pre cava ot} Coronary
Sub - cava
Fia. 145. — Diagrams to show three stages in the development of the caval venous
system. Generalized (supra-cardinals omitted).
mosis, and the left common cardinal become the coronary vein
draining the wall of the heart. The corresponding vessels on
the right side persist as the precaval (anterior caval) vein.
The posterior cardinals. — Each posterior cardinal lies dorsal
to the mesonephros which it drains. Beneath each mesonephros
is developed a subcardinal vein. In the anamniotes these veins
arise as tributaries of the posterior cardinals, returning blood from
the tail where they are united to form the caudal vein. Later,
they lose direct connection with the parent vessels and return
blood from the tail region to the mesonephros as the renal-portal
veins. The posterior portions of the subcardinals fuse as the
interrenal vein, which acquires a secondary connection with the
hepatic vein, and persists as the postcaval vein. In the amniotes the postcaval vein is a complex which arises partly from
the hepatic veins, partly from appropriated portions of the
posterior cardinals and subcardinals, and partly from the supracardinals, a pair of vessels dorso-mesial to the posterior cardinals.
It eventually replaces the posterior cardinals, so that the only
blood vessels entering the right side of the heart are (1) the precaval vein returning blood from the head, pectoral region, and appendages; and (2) the postcaval vein returning blood from the
trunk and pelvic appendages as well as all blood from the digestive
canal conveyed by way of the hepatic-portal system.
The pulmonary veins. — These enter the left atrium and are
new vessels which grow backward from the heart to the developing
The lymphatic system. — This system serves to return to the
veins the blood plasma which has escaped from the capillaries
(Fig. 146). It contains white blood corpuscles of the ameboid
type (lymphocytes) which have the power of making their way
through the capillary walls. The lymphatics apparently originate as intercellular spaces in mesenchyme which later become
confluent and acquire a limiting endothelium. Like the blood
vessels, the lymphatic capillaries anastomose and form larger vessels which drain into the veins. The walls of these central vessels
are often muscular, and localized areas known as lymph hearts
are found. So, too, localized distensible sacs, the lymph sacs, are
notunknown. Some of these become lymph glands. The spleen,
already alluded to in the section on mesenteries (page 198), is a
hemolymph gland in which both lymphocytes and erythrocytes
are proliferated.
THE FROG (SEE ALSO CHAPTER XI). — In the frog (Fig. 147),
the primordia of the vitelline veins first appear and grow together as a loose aggregate of cells in front of the liver. Around
this the coelom grows in from right and left to form the pericardium. Meantime the primordium of the heart endocardium
develops from the loose aggregate of cells referred to above.
The inner wall of the coelom (splanchnic mesoderm) becomes the
myocardium. The atrium is divided by an interatrial septum
into two auricles, right and left. The ventricle remains a single
THE FROG, : 225
Superficial lym phatics
Jugular lymph sac
Subclavian lymph sac
as ao] Lymph gland
yi) Deep lymphatics
4 /// Thoracic duct
‘ i Retroperitoneal lymph sac
YA Cisterna chyli
Posterior lymph sac
Superficial lymphatics Lymph gland
Fig. 146. — Reconstruction of primitive lymphatic vessels in human fetus of two
months. (From Arey after Sabin.)
Arteries External Aortic
: Ventral
carotid __ arches
: fiver 2orta Dorsal
Internal; | WIWIVV VI - aorta
carotid ; ;_ Vitelline + Caudal
‘ Caudal
Heart :,. ’
Anterior > ey :
cardia Posterior. *Vitelline
Veins cardinal cardinal"
Fie. 147. — Diagram of embryonic vascular system of early tadpole. (After
Aortic loops develop in the external gills, corresponding to
aortic arches III, IV, and V. After the appearance of the internal gills, the ventral limb of the loop becomes the afferent
branchial artery, while the dorsal limb becomes the efferent
branchial artery. A similar differentiation takes place in arch VI.
With the loss of branchial respiration, arch III becomes the proximal portion of the carotid arteries, arch IV the systemic arch
which persists on both sides, and arch V disappears, while from
arch VI arise vessels which carry blood to both the lungs (pulmonary arteries, Fig. 143B) and skin (cutaneous arteries).
The vitelline veins anterior to the liver fuse to become the
hepatic vein: posterior to the liver, the right vitelline vein disappears, the left becomes the hepatic-portal vein. The anterior
cardinal veins become the internal jugular veins; the common
cardinals become the precaval veins. The posterior cardinal
veins fuse between the mesonephroi, and a new vein grows back
from the hepatic vein to the right posterior cardinal, to form the
postcaval vein. The posterior cardinals, anterior to their junction with the postcaval, degenerate. Posterior to this junction
they persist as the renal-portal veins carrying blood from the
iliac veins to the kidneys.
THE CHICK (SEE ALSO CHAPTER XII). — In the chick (Fig. 148),
the endocardium of the heart arises as the forward extension of
the vitelline veins, which soon fuse as the pericardial | primordia
are brought together beneath the head. The myocardium is
formed as in the-frog. The right and left halves of the heart
are completely separated by three septa: the septum aorticopulmonale, which divides the bulbus into a chamber on the right
‘leading to the pulmonary arteries and one to the left leading to
the dorsal aorta; the interventricular septum, which divides the
ventricle; and the interatrial septum, which divides the atrium
into two auricles. This separation is completed at the end of
the first week of incubation. The sinus venosus is incorporated
in the right auricle.
Six aortic arches are formed: I and II disappear on the third
and fourth days of incubation; IIT forms the proximal portion
of the internal carotid artery; IV disappears on the left side
but persists as the systemic arch on the right; V disappears; the
pulmonary arteries arise from VI, but the distal portion of the
MAN 227
right arch remains as the ductus arteriosus until the chick hatches
(Fig. 143C).
The vitelline veins unite behind the sinus venosus to form the
meatus venosus which later becomes the hepatic vein. The
mesenteric vein becomes the portal vein, and the vitelline veins
disappear at hatching. The allantoic veins grow backward from
the common cardinals to join the capillaries of the allantois;
the right allantoic degenerates on the fourth day, and the left
acquires a new connection with the meatus venosus, by way of the
$432 Aortic _ _ g 2
EZES arches Eg gs s 3 a
<Timmivvvr § 2 a
arene EERIUNNVT SS 88 5 2 3
Common ‘ Allantoie oornne
ardinal “PON ON
Vitelline | “NS
Fie. 148. — Diagram of embryonic vascular system of chick. (After Kingsley.)
left hepatic vein. The allantoic vein degenerates at hatching.
Two precaval veins are formed from the proximal portions of
the anterior cardinals and common cardinals. The posterior
caval vein arises from (1) a branch of the meatus venosus which
grows back to meet the right subcardinal vein, (2) the fused subcardinals which carry blood from the mesonephros, and (38) the
renal veins which develop in connection with the metanephros.
The anterior ends of the posterior cardinals disappear, while the
posterior ends supply the mesonephros and, after its degeneration, the common iliac veins, which pass directly to the postcaval vein.
MAN (SEE ALSO CHAPTER XIII). The heart arises in man
(Fig. 149) much as in the chick; but the subsequent partition228 MESODERMAL DERIVATIVES
ing of this organ into right and left halves is more complicated,
for two atrial septa are formed. The ventricle is separated by an
interventricular septum, and the bulbus is divided by two septa
which unite to form the septum aortico-pulmonale. The sinus
venosus is incorporated in the right atrium.
The aortic arches are formed and have the same history as
those of the chick, with the exception that it is the left fourth
aortic arch which becomes the systemic arch (Fig. 143D).
The anterior portion of the right vitelline vein becomes the
hepatic vein; the hepatic-portal arises from the posterior portion
of the vitelline veins anterior to their junction with the mesenteric
Postcardinal veins Precardinal veins
Descending aorte
Sinus venosus
Vitelline veins
Fia. 149. — Diagram of embryonic vascular system in man: (From Arey after Felix.)
vein. The anterior cardinals are united by an anastomosis (left
innominate vein), and the left common cardinal disappears with
the exception of the coronary vein. The right common cardinal,
together with that portion of the anterior cardinal as far as the
branching of the left innominate, becomes the precaval vein.
The postcaval vein is a complex formed from (1) a branch of
the hepatic vein, (2) the anterior portion of the fused subcardinals, (3) part of the fused supracardinals, and (4) the fused
posterior portion of the posterior cardinals. The anterior portions of the posterior cardinals separate from these veins, unite by
means of an anastomosis, and drain into the right precaval vein.
They are then known as the azygos (right) and hemiazygos (left)
veins. Of the umbilical veins, the left only persists, with a
direct connection through the liver by means of the ductus
venosus. At birth this duct closes and the umbilical vein dis
The skeleton of vertebrates consists of a system of supporting
and protecting elements developed from mesenchyme. These
elements pass through several conditions in later development.
The primordia of the skeletal elements are preformed in connective tissue. These become transformed into cartilage, a
process known as chondrification, through the activities of specialized cells, the chondrioblasts. Cartilage in turn is transformed into bone, through the action of osteoblasts, the process
being known as ossification. Bones that pass through these three
stages are known as cartilage bones. In the formation of some
bones, the cartilaginous stage is omitted; these are known as
membrane bones.| Both cartilage and bone are typically surrounded by a membrane of mesenchyme which is called the
perichondrium or periosteum, as the case may be. The separate
elements of the skeleton are connected with each other by ligaments, by cartilage, or in a bony union.
Fia. 150. — Diagram to show the skeleton-forming regions as seen in the tail region
of a vertebrate. (After Kingsley.)
Skeletogenous regions. — The principal regions where skeleton
may be formed in the vertebrate body (Fig. 150) are (1) the
dermis of the skin, (2) the median sagittal planes between the
myotomes on the dorsal and ventral sides of the body, (3) the
right and left frontal planes between the dorsal and ventral
muscle masses, (4) the transverse planes between the myotomes,
(5) around the notochord, neural tube, and axial blood vessels,
(6) in the visceral arches, and (7) in the paired appendages.
Skeletal elements formed in (1) are called the dermal skeleton;
those formed in (2) to (5), the axial skeleton; those formed in (6),
the visceral skeleton; and those formed in (7), the appendicular
skeleton. The skull contains elements from all but the appendicular skeleton.
The dermal skeleton. — Among living vertebrates the most
primitive example of derm bones are the placoid scales (Tig. 151)
of the eartilage fish which are
formed in exactly the same
way as teeth (Chapter VIIT).
In the dermal skeleton two
types of bones are distinguished. The investing bones
(dermal plates) serve to envelop regions of the head
scale (Squalus acanthias) to show originof and trunk. The substituting
primitive dermal bone. Compare Tig. bones become so closely allied
119. (After Kingsley.) . . .
with the cartilaginous bones as
to become fused with them or even to replace them in ontogeny.
Many of the cranial bones are of this type. They may be distinguished by the fact that they
x * : Seles ee ORS IS SS Ectoderm
do not pass through a cartilagi- SaaS EE Dermatomé
nous stage in development.
The axial skeleton. — The
primitive axial skeleton is the
notochord, whose origin has
been discussed in Chapter V. 1 NTA
Around this a connective tissue Fig. 152. — Section through sclerotome
heath is f db h of lizard (Scleporus) to show arcualia.
snea 1s forme y mesenchy- (After Kingsley.)
mal cells. The mesenchyme
from each sclerotome now forms four little blocks, the arcualia
(Fig. 152), two dorsal to the notochord and two ventral, from
which the arches and centra of the vertebrae are formed, as well
as the primordia of the ribs. The posterior arcualia of each somite unite with the anterior arcualia of the succeeding myotome
to form the definitive vertebra, which thus comes to lie at the
point of separation between two myotomes. Eight elements are
thus concerned with a single vertebra: right and left dorsal
arcualia from the anterior half sclerotome, and from the posterior
half sclerotome, and the corresponding ventral elements.
The vertebrae. — In the prevertebral masses so formed appear
centers of chondrification, one on each side of the spinal cord
and one or more below the cord. These form, respectively, the
neural arch and the centrum of the vertebrae (Fig. 153). In the
tail region, two centers of chondrification arise below the centrum,
Fia. 153. — Section to show ossification centers in human vertebra and ribs. (After
enclosing the caudal prolongation of the dorsal aorta, and form a
hemal arch. With the chondrification of the vertebrae the notochord disappears in all but the most primitive vertebrates, persisting only between the vertebrae as nuclei pulposi of the intervertebral discs. Finally the vertebrae become ossified, and the
spines, zygapophyses, and other differentiations are developed.
The ribs. — Except in the caudal region, lateral processes
arise from the vertebral primordia and grow out into the myosepta. They later become cartilaginous, and finally true bone.
These are the ribs, of which there are two types, dorsal and ventral, distinguished according to the part of the vertebra from which
they originate.
The sternum. — The sternum, or breast bone, arises in the
amphibians from the coalescence of two longitudinal bars of
cartilage, which later articulate with the coracoids of the pectoral
girdle, but do not come in contact with the ribs. In the amniota,
the sternum arises from the fusion of the ventral ends of the anterior rib rudiments. In this way there arise two longitudinal
bars, from which the unpaired sternum
, <—_Chviele is formed by fusion along the mesial
line (Fig. 154).
Ends The skull. — The skull is a complex
or of skeletal elements, arising from the
chondrocranium, or primitive cranium
of cartilage bones, which is derived in
part from the protective covering of
the brain and sense organs (neurocranium), and in part from the supporting elements of the visceral arches
Fia. 154. — Diagram to show ori- (gnlanchnocranium). This is supplegin of mammalian sternum. . .
(After Kingsley.) mented by numerous investing and
substituting bones from the original
dermal skeleton (dermocranium).
Neurocranium.— The neurocranium arises from the head
mesenchyme which, as has been said, cannot be traced to any
definite somites. In this mass, which completely invests the
brain and sense organs, definite centers of chondrification appear.
These masses unite to form the chondrocranium of the cartilage
fish (Fig. 155). If the notochord be used as a point of orientation,
Otic capsule a
4. Occipital
Visceral arches
Fig. 155. — Diagram showing components of chondrocranium (Squalus acanthias).
(After Kingsley.)
on either side of it is found a parachordal bar. In front of each
of these is a separate rod; these are the trabeculae. Between
the two parachordals and around the notochord, the basilar plate
arises as the support of the epichordal brain. The trabeculae
also fuse in front, to form the ethmoid plate which supports
the prechordal brain, but remain separate at their posterior
ends to form an opening through which the pituitary projects
downward. In front of the ethmoid plate the trabeculae grow
forward as the cornua. Dorsal to each trabecula, another longitudinal bar, the sphenolateral, arises. Between these two bars
the cranial nerves make their way to the exterior.
Around each of the major sense organs a cartilaginous capsule
develops. The olfactory capsules unite with the cornua, ethmoid, and sphenolaterals. The optic capsule rarely develops
fully, usually persisting in the conncctive tissue stage as the
sclera of the eyeball. The otic capsule, however, becomes completely chondrified and unites with the parachordals and the
latero-sphenoids. Between the two otic capsules and sphenolaterals arises a dorsal plate which forms a roof for the brain.
In the amniotes, one or more neck vertebrae are consolidated with
the occipital region.
The splanchnocranium.— The digestive canal in the head
region consists of the mouth, oral cavity, and pharynx, the walls
of the pharynx being penetrated by the visceral clefts. As there
is no coelom in this region, the lateral mesoderm is not divided but
gives rise to mesenchyme which foreshadows the cartilaginous
bars supporting the wall of this part of the body. These visceral
arches are the mandibular, hyoid, and four (or more) branchial
arches. The mandibular arch divides into dorsal and ventral
portions, of which the dorsal portion becomes the pterygoquadrate
cartilage (upper jaw of cartilage fish) while the ventral portion
becomes the meckelian cartilage (lower jaw). The hyoid arch
divides into a dorsal hyomandibular cartilage, and a ventral hyoid
cartilage which is usually divided into several centers of chondrification. The hyomandibular acts as a suspensory element for
the jaws in the fish. It is homologized with a bone of the middle
ear, the columella, in amphibians, and the stapes of mammals
(see page 269). The hyoid gives rise to the support of the
tongue. The branchial arches are usually divided into four parts
and act as gill supports in the anamniota and disappear or become
laryngeal cartilages in amniota.
Ossification of the chondrocranium. — The limits of this text
will not permit of an enumeration of all the bones formed from
the chondrocranium (Figs. 156, 157, 158). They may be grouped,
however, as follows: (1) the occipitals, formed from the occipital
vertebrae; (2) the sphenoids, arising from the parachordals,
basilar plate, trabeculae, and latero-sphenoids; (3) the ethmoids,
Palatine Parasphenoid
Orbito sphenoid
Pterygoid Jugal
Quadrate +
Prootic ~ A 5 “
Supratemporal oo
Fia. 156. —— Diagram showing components of vertebrate skull, generalized. Ventral
view. Chondrocranium stippled, dermal elements in outline. (After Kingsley.)
from the ethmoid plate and nasal capsule; (4) the otics, from the
otic capsule. The pterygoquadrate bar gives rise to the pterygoid bones and the quadrate (which in mammals becomes the
incus of the middle ear). The mcckelian cartilage gives rise to the
Fig. 157. — Dorsal view of skull diagrammed in Fig. 156.
articular bone at its distal extremity. This becomes the malleus,
another ear-bone, of the mammals. The remainder of the
meckelian persists as cartilage. In the hyoids and the branchials,
bones are formed which retain the names of their cartilaginous
The dermocranium (Figs. 156, 157, 158). — The derm bones
which invest and, to some extent, supplant the elements of the
chondrocranium are too numerous to be more than mentioned Premaxilla
here. The dorsal derm bones
are, from front to rear, the nasals, Maxilla
frontals, and parietals, together
with a number of smaller bones Jugal
which appear in variable quantity
in the different classes. The
Postorbital —}
principal lateral elements, from Squamosal
front to rear, are the premaxillae, #4708"!
Tibia Ulna
Tarsals 09520 Carpals
oO oO
Metatarsals Ui it Metacarpals
f ¥V Phalanges
Fig. 159. — Diagram of appendicular skeleton, tetrapod type, showing homologies of pectoral elements
above and to left; pelvic
elements below and _ to
right. (After Kingsley.)
Via. 158. — Lateral view of skull diagrammed in Figs. 156, 157.
maxillae, jugals, quadratojugals, and
squamosals. The floor of the chondrocranium is invested by the parasphenoids,
palatines, and vomer. The lower jaw is
invested by a series of bones of which the
most important is the dentary.
The appendicular skeleton. — The simplest forms of appendages, the unpaired
and paired fins of fish, contain a skeleton
consisting of parallel cartilaginous rods,
which are divided into proximal portions,
basalia, embedded in the body, the distal
portions, radialia, extending into the free
appendages. The paired appendages of
fish are paddle-like fins; in tetrapods they
are jointed legs. In both, the skeleton is
divided into a basal girdle and a free appendicular skeleton (Fig. 159).
The girdles. — The girdles are in the
form of inverted arches, of which the
pectoral girdle is united to the axial skeleton in fish and free in the tetrapods,
while the pelvic girdle, usually free in
fish, is united to the axial skeleton in the tetrapods. Each arch
typically consists of three portions. The dorsal one in the pectoral girdle is the scapula; in the pelvic girdle it is called the
ilium. The two ventral elements of the pectoral girdle are the
precoracoid (anterior) and the coracoid (posterior), while the
corresponding elements of the pelvic girdle are the pubis and
ischium. In the shoulder region, the clavicle, a derm bone,
becomes associated with the pectoral girdle.
The free appendages. — The pectoral and pelvic appendages
are very similar. Each has three segments: proximal, intermediate, and distal. The proximal segment of the pectoral appendage contains one bone, the humerus, while the corresponding
bone of the pelvic limb is called the femur. The intermediate
portion of the pectoral limb possesses two bones, the radius and
ulna; while the corresponding bones of the pelvic appendage are
the tibia and fibula. The distal segment is divided into three
regions of which the proximal portion contains nine or ten bones,
the carpalia of the pectoral appendage, tarsalia of the pelvic.
The intermediate portion contains five metacarpalia or metatarsalia, respectively. The distal portion contains the free
phalanges of the fingers or toes.
Pectoral Gencral Pelvic
; Girdle
Seapula | lium
Procoracoid Pubis
Coracoid Ischium
Free appendage
Humerus Femur
Radius Tibia
Ulna Fibula
Carpalia Tarsalia
Metacarpalia Metatarsalia
Phalanges (I-V) Phalanges (I-V)
Origin of the appendicular skeleton. — All the bones of the
appendicular skeleton, with the exception of the clavicle, are
formed from a mesenchymal blastema in the limb buds by the
appearance of centers of chondrification. The origin of this
mesenchyme is probably from the somites, but the details of the
process are still imperfectly understood.
THE FROG.! — Nine vertebrae are formed, of which the first is known as the
cervical vertebra, or atlas, the succeeding seven are the abdominal vertcbrac, and
the last is called the sacral vertebra as it is to this that the pelvic girdle is attached.
No caudal vertebrac are formed, but thrce strips of cartilage enclose the notochord
and form the primordium of the adult urostyle. Dorsal ribs are differentiated, but
these remain rudimentary and fuse with the transverse processes of the vertebrae.
The sternum arises from the fusion of two longitudinal bars of cartilage which never
attain connection with the ribs. It persists anterior and posterior to the pectoral
The cartilage bones of the skull are the exoccipitals, prodtics, stapes, ethmoids,
and the pterygoquadrate (in part), articulare, mentomeckelian, hyoid, and branchials.
The derm bones are the fronto-parictal, nasals, premaxillac, maxillac, quadratojugals,
squamosals, parasphenoid, palatines, vomers, and dentaries.
In the pectoral girdle develop the scapula, coracoid, and precoracoid, the last of
which is replaced by the clavicle. In the pelvic girdle only the ilium and ischium
ossify. Only four digits are present in the hand, the thumb (pollex) being absent.
THE CHICK. — There are sixteen cervical vertebrae, of which the first is the atlas,
and the second, which has appropriated the centrum of the first, is the axis; five
thoracic vertebrae; about six lumbar vertebrac; two sacrals; and about fifteen
caudals. The last thoracic, all lumbars, and sacrals and five caudals are fused to
the pelvic girdle. The last four caudals are fused into a pygostyle. Dorsal ribs are
formed by the cervical and the thoracic vertebrae. The sternum arises from two
longitudinal bars of cartilage which unite in the median line. It is distinguished by
the development of a large keel (carina) for the attachment of the pectoral muscles.
The cartilage bones of the skull are the basioccipital, exoccipitals and supraoccipitals; prodtics, epiotics, and opisthotics; basisphenoid, orbitosphenoids, and
alisphenoids; the ethmoid; quadrate, articular, meckelian cartilage; stapes, hyoid,
and branchials. The derm bones are the frontals, parictals, nasals, lachrymals, premaxillac, maxillae, jugals, quadratojugals, squamosals, pterygoids, palatines, parasphenoids, vomer, angular, supra-angular, opercular, and dentary.
The pectoral girdle devclops a scapula and coracoid, together with a dermal
clavicle. Ilium, ischium, and pubis ossify separatcly in the pelvic girdle. Five
digits are performed in the pectoral appendage; of these the first and fifth fail to
develop further. Five also appear in the embryonic skeleton of the pelvic appendage;
the fifth soon disappears, and the first is extremely short and develops no phalanges.
MAN. — Seven cervical vertebrae, including the axis and atlas, twelve thoracic,
five lumbar, five sacral, and four caudal vertebrae are formed. Of these, the sacral
vertebrae are united to the pelvis, and the caudal vertebrae are frequently fused to
form the coccyx. Primordia of ribs are formed by all vertebrae except those following the first caudal. Only the thoracic segments, however, develop complete ribs.
The sternum arises from two longitudinal primordia with which the first eight or
nine ribs acquire cartilaginous connections.
The cartilage bones of the skull are the occipital (in part), the sphenoid, the
ethmoid, the turbinates, temporals (in part), the stapes, malleus, incus, and hyoid.
The malleus and incus are the representatives of the articular and quadrate. The
1 The details of the skeleton in this and succeeding paragraphs arc for reference
derm bones are the occipital (in part), temporals (in part), frontal, parictals, lachrymals, nasals, vomer, maxillae, zygomatics, palatines, and mandible, the last-named
bone representing the fused dentaries. It is apparent that many of the bones of the
human skull are the result of the fusion of separate centers of ossification which
represent skull elements of the lower vertebrates. The second and third visceral
arches contribute to the formation of the hyoid, the others to the laryngeal cartilage.
The pectoral girdle consists of the scapula, with which is fused the coracoid.
There is no precoracoid, but a dermal clavicle is present. The centers of ossification
that represent the pubis, ischium, and ilium fuse to form an innominate bone. The
free appendages terminate in five digits. In conclusion, it should be mentioned
that the adult condition of the human skeleton is not attained until the age of
The musculature of the vertebrate is derived from mesenchyme (Fig. 160), of which the greater part originates from the
myotomes and gives rise to striated muscle cells, controlled by the
central nervous system, the skeletal musculature. A portion,
Neural tube
muscle mass
Gut muscle mass
Fig. 160. — Diagram of transverse section through vertebrate embryo in region of
limb bud, to show origin of appendicular muscles. (After Corning.)
however, originates from splanchnic mesoderm and gives rise to
non-striated (smooth) muscle cells(found in the skin, surrounding
the alimentary canal, blood vessels, and the urogenital organs.
They are/controlled by the autonomic nervous system (page 254),
and make up the visceral musculature. Several exceptions to
these general statements should be noted. The muscle cells of
the heart are striated; the muscles derived from the visceral
arches are both)striated and controlled by the central nervous
system, although derived from lateral mesoderm. It will be
noted later that the muscles of the iris of the eye (page 266) and
of the sweat glands (page 246) are apparently ectodermal in
Dermal musculature. — In the skin are found striped muscles
which are derived from skeletal musculature (see below) but
which have lost their attachment to the skeleton. The dermal
musculature is best developed in the amniotes. The muscles of
expression in man are dermal muscles supplied by the seventh
cranial nerve (see Chapter X).
Axial musculature. In this section are included all the
muscles arising from the myotomes and attached to parts of the
axial skeleton, which they move. They are originally metameric, but their later history is obscured by subsequent migration, fusion, splitting, budding, and degencration. The intercostals, between the ribs, however, preserve their original metamerism, which in the others may be traced to some extent by the
innervation, since the connection between a spinal nerve and
the muscle mass it supplies is established early in organogeny
and remains constant. Thus it can be shown that the musculature of the diaphragm,
supplied by the phrenic
nerve, arises from a cervical myotome.
Cranial muscles. —
Like the cranium, the associated muscles are derived from different
sources and consist of
skeletal and _ visceral
muscles. The muscles
of the eyeball arise from Fia. 161.— Head of embryo dogfish (Squalus
: _ _ acanthias) showing preotic somites (A, B, C)
the three preotic myo and cranial nerves (V, VII, [X, X). (After
tomes (Fig. 161), of which — jingsley.) 7
the first supplies all the
muscles of the eyeball except the superior oblique, derived from
the second myotome, and the lateral rectus, supplied by the third
head myotome. These are innervated by the third, fourth, and
sixth cranial nerves, respectively. The tongue musculature is
derived from the myotomes associated with the occipital vertebrae
and supplied by the twelfth cranial nerve. The muscles of mastication, the facial muscle, and the laryngeal muscles, together with
those of the ear bones, arise from the visceral arches (Fig. 162),
Glossopharyngeal _, Facial
\i Me
. id Mandibular
Branchial arches Fiyel arch
Fia. 162. — Diagram to show primitive visceral muscles in relation to visceral skeleton and cranial nerves. (Hypothetical after Wilder.)
and are supplied by cranial nerves V, VII, [X, X, and XI (see
Chapter X).
Appendicular muscles. — In the anamniotes, these muscles
arise from the myotomes; among the amniotes, their origin is
doubtful, as the limb bud develops as an undifferentiated mass of
mesenchyme surrounded by ectoderm. In this blastemal mass,
Dorso - medial
muscle primordia
Ventro - lateral
muscle primordia
Fig. 163. — Reconstruction of the pectoral muscle masses in a 17-mm. Necturus:
(Prepared by H. F. DeBruine.)
muscles and bones are laid down, the differentiation proceeding
from the proximal toward the distal end. The pectoral muscles
differentiate before those of the pelvic appendage. The appenSUMMARY 241
dicular muscles are found in antagonistic groups: protractors,
which move the limb forward; and retractors, which have the
opposite effect; levators, which raise the limb; and depressors,
which contract in the opposite direction. Like the axial muscles,
these have become highly modified and specialized among the
tetrapods (Fig. 163).
Visceral muscles. — Under this head are included the muscles
lining the alimentary tract, lungs, vascular organs, and urogenital system. All arise in the mesoderm which surrounds the
endothelial lining of the organs concerned. The muscle cells of
the heart arise as smooth muscle cells which become striated in
later development. It is interesting in this connection that the
smooth muscle cells of the bladder of the dog have been transformed into what are apparently striate muscles when this organ
is made to pulsate rhythmically by continued irrigation.
The following structures are derived from the middle germ
A. The notochord
B. The mesoderm
I. The lateral mesoderm
Epithelium of the coelom
Pericardial cavity
Pleural cavity
Peritoneal cavity
Dorsal mesentery
Ventral mesentery
II. The intermediate mesoderm
Genital ducts
Wolffian (mesonephric) duct
Miillerian (oviducal) duct
External genitalia (also ectodermal)
Adrenal glands
(Suprarenals from ectoderm)
C. The mesenchyme
III. (Principally from splanchnic mesoderm)
The blood corpuscles
Blood plasma
Blood vessels
The lymphatics
IV. (Principally from the axial mesoderm)
Connective tissue
_ Cranial
Splanchnocranium (or visceral
Visceral (from splanchnic mesoderm)
Allen, E. 1932. Sex and Internal Seerction.
Arey, L. B. 1934. Developmental Anatomy, 3rd Ed., Chaps. 9-13.
Brachet, A. 1921. Traité d’embryologie des vertébrés, Part II, Bk. 1, Chap. 2;
Bk. 2, Chaps. 1+4.
Hertwig, O. 1906. Handbuch, Vol. 1, Chap. 5; Vol. 3, Chaps. 1-7.
Jenkinson, J. W. 1913. Vertebrate Embryology, Chap. 7.
Keibel and Mall. 1910-1912. Human Embryology, Chaps. 11-13, 15, 18, and 19.
Kellicott, W. E. 1913. Chordate Development.
Kerr, J.G. 1919. Textbook of Embryology, Chaps. 4-6.
Kingsley, J.S. 1926. Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates, 3rd Ed.
—— 1925. The Vertebrate Skeleton.
Lillie, F. R. 1919. The Development of the Chick, 2nd Ed.
MeMurrich, J. P. 1923. The Development of the Human Body, 7th Ed.
Vialleton, L. 1924. Membres et ceintures des vertébrés tétrapodes.
The ectoderm, being the external germ layer, gives rise to the
outer layer of the skin, the epidermis, which continues into all
the openings of the body} Of these, the development of the
mouth, the cloaca and its derivatives, and the visceral clefts
has been discussed. There remain for consideration the openings of the nostrils, the chamber of the eye, and the external
auditory meatus. These will be taken up in connection with the
sense organs, which, together with the nervous system, form in
development a sensory-nervous complex.
The integument consists of two parts, the ectodermal epidermis, and the mesodermal dermis. The epidermis soon de
Stratum intermeditum
Stratum germinativum
after Prentiss.)
laminates into two layers, the deeper germinativum, from which
new strata are proliferated towards the exterior, and an outer
periderm or embryonic skin (Fig. 164). Beneath the periderm,
the outer cells of the germinativum are transformed into a horny
layer, the corneum. The underlying dermis is essentially a
supporting layer of mesenchyme cells derived largely from the
outer side of the myotome, a region which is sometimes known
as the dermatome. In the dermis are formed blood vessels, connective tissue, bone, and muscle. The bony scales of fish are
dermal in origin.
Derivatives of the corneum. — In the amniotes the horny layer
of the epidermis is frequently fragmented to form horny scales
h~ Dermis
" Blood vessel = i!
Fiq. 165.— Diagrams showing similar development in A, scale; B, feather; and C,
hair. (After Kingsley.)
(Fig. 165A), such as those of reptiles, or those found on the legs
of birds, or the tails of rats, ete. Among the birds, scales are
largely replaced by feathers which originate in much the same
Al Cy
Fia. 166. — Diagrams to show ectodermal primordia of A, nail; B, claw; and C, hoof.
Above in sagittal sections; below ventral view. (After Kingsley.)
manner as scales. The epidermal plate, however, grows down
like a cup to enclose a core of dermal origin (Fig. 165B). The
epidermal sheath gives rise to the quill and barbs, while the core
gives rise to the pulp, by means of which nutriment is supplied
to the developing feather. Among the mammals, hair arises in a
very similar fashion. An epidermal plate grows down into the
dermis to form the hair bulb, the proximal end of which invaginates to receive a mesodermal core, the hair papilla, while
around the whole is a mesodermal hair sheath (Fig. 165C). The
hair papilla, however, does not grow out into the center of the
hair as does the pulp of the feather. Claws, nails, and hoofs
arise from the union of two epidermal primordia like those of
scales, a dorsal unguis and a ventral subunguis (Fig. 166).
Derivatives of the germinativum. — The germinativum, in addition to producing the more superficial layers of the epidermis,
gives rise to the glands of the skin
Unicellular Multicellular (Fig. 167). Among the anamnigland gland .
— — otes, these glands are usually unicellular and produce the mucus
which serves to diminish the friction of the skin against the water
while swimming.  Unicellular
glands frequently aggregate to
3 Epi 2 | dermis
Se esa £ produce multicellular glands, such
RS Sars
Chromatophore 7 as the flask glands and cement
glands of the anamniotes, or the
sebaceous (oil) and sudoriparous
(sweat) glands of the mammals.
The mammary glands of mammals are modified sudoriparous
glands secreting the milk by which the new born are nourished
through infancy.
Derivatives of the dermis. — Two types of pigmentation are
to be distinguished in the integument. The first is produced by
pigment secreted in the ectodermal epidermis, i.e., the melanin,
of the frog tadpole. The second is produced by chromatophores,
which are mesenchyme cells of the dermis. These secrete pigment granules and move toward the light to form a layer immediately below the epidermis, some even wandering into the epidermis
THE FROG. — The ectoderm of the frog embryo is ciliated at
6-mm. body length and remains so until the length of 20 mm. is
attained, when the cilia disappear except on the tail which remains ciliated until metamorphosis. The jaws and oral combs
of the tadpole are derivatives of the corneum and consist of rows
Fig. 167. — Section of Protopterus skin
to show glands. (After Kingsley.)
of horny denticles forming replacement series. The oral gland,
or sucker, is a multicellular mucous gland derived from the
germinativum and elevated by the elongation of its gland cells.
It arises as a crescentic groove posterior and ventral to the point
where the stomodeum will appear, then becomes V-shaped, and
finally divides by the degeneration of the middle portion. The
cement gland atrophies soon after the opening of the mouth. The
pigmentation of the skin is derived from two sources, the melanin
of the egg which is distributed to the epidermis, and the mesenchymal chromatophores (Fig. 199) which develop in the dermis.
THE CHICK. — The scales on the legs are typical reptilian scales
and are derived from the corncum; they sometimes bear feathers
in the young’bird and so form a transition between scales and the
characteristic avian feathers. The claws arise in the corneum
from two primordia, a dorsal “ claw-plate ” and a softer “ clawsole.” To prevent the sharp claws tearing the embryonic membranes, the concavity of the claw is filled with a pad known as the
neonychium, derived from the corneum, which is lost after hatching. The beak arises from the corneum around the upper and
lower margins of the jaws. The egg tooth is a horny prominence
on the dorsal side of the upper jaw, appearing on the sixth day of
incubation but not taking on its ultimate shape until the fourteenth. It serves to aid in breaking the shell and is lost after
MAN. — The nails arise from nail-plates and sole-plates, of
which the latter are rudimentary structures. They are covered
during fetal life by the eponychium, consisting of the periderm
and outer layers of the corneum. The hairs are arranged in
patterns which have been’ interpreted as reminiscences of the
ancestral scalés. The first growth of hair is called the lanugo;
it is cast off, except over the face, soon after birth. The mammary glands arise from two longitudinal thickenings of the
epidermis, known as the milk ridge. In later development the
gland resembles an aggregation of sudoriparous glands.
Although the nervous system and sense organs arise together
and remain in functional continuity, it has become customary to
distinguish the sense organs (receptors) from the nerves (trans248 ECTODERMAL DERIVATIVES
mittors) by which stimuli are passed on to the muscles or glands
(effectors). | Both the nervous system and the sense organs arise
from specialized regions of the dorsal ectoderm, knowy respectively as the neural plate and the sense plates (placodes)4 These
represent an inward growth from the germinativum as opposed
to the outward growth which produces the epidermis. In the
frog this division is clearly indicated by a line of cleavage between the outer epidermal ectoderm and the inner nervous ectoderm. Both the neural plate and the sensory placodes withdraw from the surface and become subepidermal by a process of
invagination. In this connection it is interesting to note that
the optic placode is incorporated and invaginates with the neural
plate so that when the retina of the eye develops, it does so from
the brain. |
The neural tube. —'The neural plate is an elongate structure,
extending from the blastopore to the head region.! Local growth
results in the incurving of this plate to produce a neural groove
with conspicuous lips, the neural folds. As this growth continues the groove sinks inward and the lips meet above it, thus
converting the groove into a neural tube, which breaks away from
the overlying epidermis and sinks into the interior. The cells
at the margin of the neural plate form, at each dorso-lateral
angle of the neural tube, a bar known as the neural crest, which
subsequently segments into the ganglia.
The neurons. — The inner lining of the neural tube, corresponding to the outer layer of the neural plate, is called the
ependyma. This is the center of cell proliferation (Fig. 170).
Two types of cells are formed: the supporting cells, or spongioblasts; and the embryonic nerve cells, or neuroblasts. The
neuroblasts migrate out of the ependyma and form an intermediate mantle layer in which they become transformed into
neurons. These nerve elements have a prolongation at one
end known as the axon or nerve fiber, while at the other are
branched projections called dendrites. The axons grow out
from the mantle layer into the outer layer of the cord, known as
the marginal layer, where they secrete the medullary sheaths
which act as insulating coats. Not all axons become medullated.
Similar changes take place in the ganglia, whereby neurons and
supporting cells are differentiated.
Types of neurons. — We may distinguish four types of neurons
(Fig. 168), as follows: (1) Afferent neurons arising in the ganglia
and sending theiraxons
to the dorsal region of
theneuraltube. These
convey excitations
from the sensory receptors to the neural tube.
Two sub-types are distinguished: (a) the somatic sensory neurons,
conveying excitations
from the exterior; and
(b) splanchnic sensory
neurons, conveying excitations from the viscera. (2) Efferent
neurons, with their
bodies in the ventral
region of the neural
tube, sending their
axons to effectors
(muscles or glands).
Two sub-types are recognized: (a) somatic
motor and (b) splanchnic motor. These af- Fig. 168.— Diagram to show cross-sections of the
ferent and efferent neu- spinal cord at three levels, the posterior level above.
rons form the periph- The dotted lines indicate the paths of neurons whose
bodies lie wholly within the cord, suprasegmental
to the left.
eral nervous system.
(3) The intersegmental
neurons have their bodies in the ventral portion of the neural tube
and their axons are usually directed towards its posterior end.
They serve to connect efferent neurons in the different segments
of the body. (4) The suprasegmental neurons have their bodies
usually in the dorsal portion of the neural tube and their axons are
directed toward the anterior end of the tube, i.e., the brain.
They serve to convey afferent excitations toward the brain and
in that organ give rise to the great brain centers. The axons of
these last two types of neurons form the descending and ascending bundles of the brain and cord.
The spinal cord. —4 The spinal cord, or neural tube exclusive
of the brain, retains its primitive characteristics, - The cavity,
or neurocoel, persists as the central canal. (Between each pair
of vertebrae/ the afferent and efferent neurons’ form a pair of
spinal nerves which run out into the myotomes and hence have
a metamerism equivalent to that of the myotomes, an important
point in considering the homologies of the muscles. { In the region
of the pectoral and pelvic appendages, several of the segmental
nerves combine to form the brachial and the sacral plexus, respectively. The cord becomes surrounded by an envelope of mesenchyme known as the meninx, which in the higher vertebrates
becomes divided into an inner pia mater and an outer dura mater.
The development of the nerves will be taken up in a later section.
The brain. — Whereas the cord is largely composed of afferent,
efferent, and intersegmental neurons, by which certain reflex
actions are directed, the anterior end of the neural tube enlarges
and differentiates into the complex brain (Fig. 169). Here arise
several centers in which the impulses received mainly from the
major sense organs, nose, eye, and ear, are correlated. The brain
may be divided into two major regions: the archencephalon, or
prechordal brain; and the deutencephalon, or epichordal brain.
With continued local growth, the archencephalon grows down in
front of the notochord, thus forming the first or cranial flexure.
At the same time, three dilations appear: the prosencephalon
from the archencephalon; the mesencephalon at the point of the
flexure; and the rhombencephalon from the deutencephalon.
It is convenient to associate the future history of the prosencephalon with that of the nose, the mesencephalon with that of
the eye, and the rhombencephalon with that of the ear.
The prosencephalon. — The later history of the prosencephalon
is complicated by the fact that\the optic placode is included in
the neural tube at this point. Accordingly, we find he prosencephalon dividing into an anterior telencephalon and a posterior
The telencephalon. — The anterior part of the telencephalon
becomes the olfactory lobe, which receives the afferent neurons
from the nose. From the roof develops the cerebrum, ‘which beTHE DIENCEPHALON 251
comes the most complex and important center of association’.
From the floor arises the optic part of the hypothalamus.* There
are two cavities, or telocoels (also known as the lateral ventricles).
- Deutencephalon
Neyrenterie EX
Fig. 169. — Diagrams to show early development of the vertebrate brain in sagittal
sections. A, prechordal and epichordal divisions. B, primary brain vesicles.
C, definitive vesicles. The longitudinal broken line indicates division between roof
and floor regions. (After von Kuppfer.)
The diencephalon. — The roof of the diencephalon gives rise
to the thalamus in front, and the metathalamus behind; from
the latter springs a dorsal diverticulum, the epithalamus. This
structure, often known as the epiphysis, gives rise to something
very much resembling an unpaired eye in early embryonic life;
this later becomes the pineal gland of the adult, one of the so252 ECTODERMAL DERIVATIVES
called endocrine glands. / The eyes take their origin from the side
of the diencephalon. The floor of the diencephalon gives rise to a
ventral diverticulum — the infundibulum, which grows downward
to meet the advancing hypophysis from the stomodeum (see page
181). The two later fuse to form the pituitary glandJanother of
the endocrine series. Behind the infundibulum, the floor of the
diencephalon forms the mammillary part of the hypothalamus.
It is evident that the thalamencephalon, often used as a synonym
of the diencephalon, differs from it by the inclusion of the optic
part of the hypothalamus, which is derived from the telencephalon
although indistinguishable from the mammillary part of the
hypothalamus in the adult. The thalami contain nuclei (masses
of neurons) which receive afferent impulses from the optic,
general sensory, and acoustic organs, and transmit impulses to
and from the other centers of the brain. The cavity of the
diencephalon persists as the diacoel (third ventricle).
The mesencephalon. — The roof of the mesencephalon gives
rise to the corpora bigemina (quadrigemina in mammals), or optic
lobes, the centers which receive afferent impulses from the eyes
transmitted through the diencephalon.| The floor of the mesencephalon is the anterior portion of the brain stem, from which the
motor neurons of the cranial nerves depart. The third and fourth
cranial nerves originate from the mesencephalon. Its cavity is
the mesocoel (or aqueduct).
The rhombencephalon. —‘The hind-brain, like the fore-brain,
is divided into two regions, metencephalon and myelencephalon,
respectively. ~
The metencephalon. — The roof of the metencephalon gives
rise to the cerebellum, the center associated with hearing except
in mammals), the lateral line organs of anamnidtes, and the sense
of equilibrium. The floor of the metencephalon is part of the
brain stem, and from it arises the pons, a bundle of axons connecting the two sides of the cerebellum. The cavity is the
The myelencephalon. — The roof of the myelencephalon is
covered by a thin roof plate, the choroid plexus. Its floor forms
the posterior portion of the brain stem. (The cranial nerves,
from V to XII inclusive, depart from this portion of the stem,
which merges imperceptibly into the spinal cord. Its cavity,
hardly distinguishable from that of the metencephalon, is called
the myelocoel (fourth- ventricle).
The spinal nerves. af The nerves are segmentally arranged
bundles of afferent and efferent neurons originally associated with
the myotomes. The afferent neurons arise in the ganglia, the
efferent in the floor of the spinal cord. Accordingly, a typical
spinal nerve has two roots in the cord: a dorsal afferent root
uniting with the ganglion; and a ventral efferent root which
unites with the dorsal root after the other has attached itself to
the ganglion ¥Fig. 170). The nerve trunk then divides into
branches, each containing afferent and efferent neurons, which
are called rami and supply the body wall, although one (the com
Dorsal root Marginal layer
Somatic sensory neuron foi rs Ependymal layer
Visceral sensory neuron fd i \\\ Manile layer
Spinal ganglion
Visceral motor neuror
Somatic motor neuro
Dorsal ramus
Lat. terminal . O
division CV\’\A (
Ventral terminal division of , Aorta teen A
Spinal nerve .
Ramus communicans Sympathetic ganglion
Fia. 170. — Diagram to show the neuron components of a spinal nerve. Transverse section of 10 mm. human embryo. (From Arey after Prentiss.)
municating ramus) connects with a sympathetic ganglion, derived
from a spinal ganglion, through which the splanchnic afferent and
efferent neurons serve the viscera.
It has been shown by Coghill that the development of behavior is closely paralleled by the development of the connections (synapses) between the neurons. Thus in the urodele,
Ambystoma, the first reflex of the embryo, a bending away from a
light touch on the skin, does not take place until an intermediate
neuron in the spinal cord has established synaptic relations with
the sensory tract on one hand and a floor plate cell which already
has established a synaptic relation to the motor tract on the
opposite side of the spinal cord (Fig. 171).
Floor Piole Ceir
Motor Fibre
Fig. 171. — Diagram to show in transverse section of Ambystoma larva, neurons
concerned in earliest reflex. (From Coghill, ‘““Anatomy and the Problem of
The autonomic nerves. — The brain, spinal cord, and cranial
and spinal nerves are grouped by anatomists as the central
nervous system. Associated with this is the autonomic nervous
system, consisting of nerves and ganglia and controlling the smooth
muscles of the viscera and blood vessels, and some glands. This
system arises from the neural plate, like the central nervous system, but from the lateral margins which become the neural crests.
At the time when the neural crests are dividing into the cerebrospinal ganglia, some of the cells migrate inward toward the dorsal
aorta, where they aggregate and multiply to form the chain
ganglia. The chain ganglia on each side become connected by
fore and aft extensions which form the sympathetic trunks. They
retain a connection with the cranial and spinal ganglia by means of
the communicating rami, and send out nerves along the principal
blood vessels. From the chain ganglia, by secondary and tertiary
migrations, arise the prevertebral and visceral ganglia. In the
head the four sympathetic ganglia (ciliary, sphenopalatine, otic,
Semilunar ganglion Vagus
ganglion | ganglion
Ciliary ZO 4
ganglion @-— / /
@ tic
Sphenopalatine / ganglion Z )
OZ) ganglion
Submaxillary (a
cartine Za § —<_)
plexus @
Chai n PSS
cit Ly SS
<i SS
Soma eS
Prats geeg™ Se
© “
oe a
aft PA
dy j | \y sO
Fig. 172. — Diagram to show migrations of autonomic ganglia in human develop
ment. (After Strecter.)
and submaxillary) arise from the semilunar ganglion of the fifth
cranial nerve, and later acquire connections with the chain
ganglia (Fig. 172).
It has already been noted (page 214) that some of the cells from
the autonomic ganglia (chromaffin cells) migrate to the vicinity
of the mesonephros to form the suprarenal gland.
The cranial nerves. — The cranial nerves, or nerves of the
head regions, contain not only splanchnic and somatic afferent
and efferent neurons comparable to those of the spinal
nerves, but also special afferent neurons from the nose,
eye, ear and lateral line system. There are ten cranial
nerves in the anamniotes,
twelve in the amniotes (Figs.
173, 174). To these should
be added in all cases the terminal nerve, unknown when
the cranial nerves were first
O. Terminal, a ganglionated nerve from the organ of
Jacobson entering the cerebral lobe with functions unknown, probably sensory.
Fig. 173. — Diagram to show origin of cranial I. Olfactory, a non-gangli
nerves in man. (After His.) onated sensory nerve from
the olfactory sensory region
of the nose to the olfactory lobe.
II. Optic (ophthalmic), a non-ganglionated sensory nerve from
the retina of the eye to the floor of the diencephalon where the
fibers from the two eyes cross (optic chiasma). Each set of
fibers then enters the brain and runs to the optic lobe on the opposite side of the brain to that on which the eye is located.
Il. Oculomotor (motor oculi), a motor nerve, somatic with
some sensory elements, from the floor of the mesencephalon to all
muscles of the eyeball except the superior oblique and the lateral
IV. Trochlear, a motor nerve, somatic with some sensory elements, from the roof of the mid-brain to the superior oblique
muscle of the eyeball.
V. Trigeminal, a mixed nerve. Its somatic sensory neurons
arise in the semilunar ganglion, the motor elements in the floor of
the myelencephalon. The sensory neurons are somatic (general
cutaneous). The motor neurons supply the jaws (mandibular
VI. Abducens (pathetic), a somatic motor nerve with some
sensory elements, arising from the myelencephalon and supplying the external rectus muscle of the eyeball.
VII. Facial, a mixed nerve. The afferent neurons arise in the
geniculate ganglion and are splanchnic in nature, supplying the
Somatic sensory «.....- .
Visceral sensory — — — —
Somatic motor
Visceral motor —-—-—
Fig. 174. — Diagram showing relationships between cranial nerves and parts supplied. A, B, C, head somites. Arabic numerals, visceral arches. Roman
numerals, nerves.
hyoid arch, and also the tongue of mammals. In the anamniotes, an associated ganglion gives rise to a lateral branch with
afferent components from the lateral line organs. The efferent
neurons supply the hyoid arch in the lower vertebrates and the
facial region in the amniotes. The rami of the fifth and seventh
nerves are closely associated.
VIII. Acoustic (auditory), a ganglionated sensory nerve arising
from the acoustic ganglion and bearing afferent neurons from the
ear. In higher vertebrates it becomes differentiated into the
vestibular and cochlear nerves, each with its own ganglion
produced by the division of the acoustic ganglion.
IX. Glossopharyngeal, a mixed nerve. The afferent neurons
arise in the petrosal and the superior ganglion and are principally
splanchnic. They divide into a prebranchial branch running into
the hyoid arch and a postbranchial branch into the first branchial
arch. The efferent components are principally found in the
postbranchial branch.
X. Vagus, a mixed nerve arising by the fusion of several primitive cranial nerves, which supplied the arches with afferent
(from the jugular ganglion) and efferent neurons. In addition,
the vagus gives off a visceral branch to the stomach, lungs, etc.,
and in the anamniotes a lateral branch to the lateral line organs
of the trunk (from the nodosum ganglion).
XI. Accessory, a motor nerve which innervates the muscles of
the shoulder girdle and is found only in the amniotes. A ganglion
(of Froriep) disappears before the embryo becomes adult.
XII. Hypoglossal, also a motor nerve, which innervates the
tongue in the amniotes. In the anamniotes the tongue is innervated by so-called “ occipital’? nerves which possibly are the
fore-runners of the hypoglossal, prior to the appropriation of the
occipital region by the head.
Metamerism of the nervous system.— The metameric arrangement of the nerves, like that of the segmental arteries, is
purely secondary and dependent upon the primary metamerism
of the mesoderm. The nerves, however, are more conservative
than the vascular organs or myotomic derivatives. For example, the diaphragm of mammals is supplied by muscles from
one of the cervical myotomes, and the innervation of the diaphragm (phrenic nerve) still arises from the cervical region.
Many attempts have been made to reconstruct the metamerism
of the head, by a study of the cranial nerves, following Bell’s law:
that every original cranial nerve has, like a spinal nerve, a dorsal
sensory and ventral motor root.
This problem has been complicated by the fact that in the
head there are two types of metamerism, (1) primary as indicated
by the head myotomes in the elasmobranch embryo, and (2)
secondary (branchiomeric) as indicated by the visceral arches
(Fig. 174). Accordingly, there are two types of musculature,
Nerve Afferent Afferent Efferent Efferent
erv Somatic Splanchnic Somatic Splanchnie
I Smell
IT Vision
III Movement
of eyeball
IV Movement
of eyeball
Vv General Movement
cutaneous of jaw
VI Movement
of eyeball
VII Taste Hyoid and
facial movement
and salivation
Vill Hearing and
Ix Taste and Salivation,
pharyngeal pharyngeal
sensation movement
x Visceral Movement of
sensation viscera and
XI Movement of
pharynx and
XII Movement
of tongue
(1) somatic as represented by the muscles of the eyeball, and (2)
splanchnic as represented by the muscles of the jaws and visceral
arches. Two types of efferent neurons, therefore, are present,
(1) somatic and (2) splanchnic. The splanchnic motor neurons
of the cranial nerves differ from those of the trunk, however, in
that no sympathetic neurons intervene between them and the
muscles which they supply. There are altogether three sets of
afferent neurons: (1) the general sensory or cutaneous, which
correspond to the somatic sensory neurons of the trunk; (2)
splanchnic sensory, which correspond to those of the trunk; and
(3) lateral, belonging to the lateral line system. The cranial
nerves are evidently not serially homologous, as can be seen from
Table 11.
Finally, we must mention the neuromeres which have been
reported in various vertebrate embryos. These are formed by
constrictions in the cranial portion of the neural tube and interpreted by some authors as the remains of a neural metamerism.
They seem in many forms to correspond with the cranial nerves
and more probably represent areas of local growth prior to the
outgrowth of the nerves themselves.
The general problem of the metamerism of the head still awaits
solution. The latest summary, that of Brachet, indicates the
probable number of segments in the primitive head as six. Three
of these are ephemeral, and their somites give rise to mesenchyme.
The three posterior segments are associated with the first three
visceral clefts bounded by the first four arches, each of which has
its own cranial nerve: the trigeminal of the mandibular arch; the
facial of the hyoid; the glossopharyngeal of the first branchial;
the vagus of the second branchial arch. According to this interpretation, the posterior clefts and arches are reduplications supplied by new branches of the vagus, while the accessory and
hypoglossal are secondarily acquired spinal nerves.
THE FROG (SEE ALSO CHAPTER XI). — The prechordal and epichordal divisions of the brain are demarcated by the notochord,
and the division into the three primary vesicles is but slightly
indicated. The brain of the frog never develops neuromeres.
The optic lobes are corpora bigemina. The division into myelencephalon and metencephalon is incomplete, and no pons is formed.
There are forty pairs of spinal nerves in the tadpole, reduced to
ten in the adult. There are but ten of the cranial nerves (XI and
XII not included). The sympathetic ganglia originate from the
cranial and spinal ganglia by the emigration of ganglion cells.
THE CHICK (SEE ALSO CHAPTER XII). — The divisions of the
brain into the three primary and five secondary vesicles is well
marked. Eleven neuromeres are formed, of which three are found
‘in the prosencephalon, two in the mesencephalon, the remainder in
the rhombencephalon. “Three flexures are formed: (1) cranial
in the floor of the mesencephalon; (2) cervical at the junction
of the myclencephalon and the spinal cord; and (3) pontine
in the floor of the myclencephalon. A pons is formed. There
are fifty pairs of nerves developed in the chick of eight days
(Lillie), of which thirty-cight are spinal and twelve cranial, including the eleventh and twelfth which are not incorporated in
the head of the frog.
MAN (SEE ALSO CHAPTER XIII). — The particular feature of importance in the development of the human brain is the great
increase in size and complexity of the cerebral hemispheres of
the telencephalon. The optic lobes are quadripartite (corpora
quadrigemina), of which the two anterior lobes are especially
associated with vision, the two posterior ones with hearing.
The nervous system receives stimuli not only from outside the
body but also from within, such as those concerning the tension of
the muscles. For the reception of stimuli, special organs — the
sense organs — are developed. Of these the most conspicuous
are the eyes, the ears, and the nose. In addition, it must be
remembered that the entire skin functions as a sense organ by
means of special receptors, and that stimuli are received from the
viscera and other internal structures by means of free nerve
Of the special sense organs, the eye is most specialized in its
mode of development. It is responsive to photic stimuli. ‘The
nose represents a concentration of chemical sense receptors, more
highly developed than the scattered taste buds of the head,
which are confined in adult mammals to the cavity of the mouth.
The ear, responsive to slower vibrations (pressure, sound) in the
surrounding medium, originates in a manner similar to that of
A Nasal pit
process Oronasal
c. QS b
Fig. 175. — Diagrams showing early stages in development of nose. A, nasal placodes (in black). B, same now on ventral
surface of head. C, nasal pits. D, nasal grooves, anterior-ventral view. E, nasal tubes, ventral view, lower jaw removed.
~ "
the lateral line system. This system is highly developed in
the aquatic anamniotes, vestigial or absent in the amniotes. The
ear, on the other hand, is more highly developed in the amniotes.
The nose. -+ The nose arises as a pair of local thickenings of the
ectoderm at the anterior end of the head (Fig. 175). These
thickenings are hereafter known as the nasal (olfactory) placodes.
Later they invaginate to form the nasal (olfactory) pits,)which
persist as the nose of all fish except the air-breathing dipnoi.
Here also should be noted the fact that the cyclostomes are
peculiar in the possession of a single median nasal pit. Among
the tetrapods(the nasal pits elongate to become oro-nasal grooves,
the anterior ends of which become connected with the developing
mouth into which they are carricd.\ The original anterior ends
: : tube
External Dee Pai NE Pharynx
“nares. Gil y Hard st
/ ; Palate oft
Fig. 176. — Sagittal hemi-section through human nose. (After Howden.)
of the nasal pits, therefore, come to lie at the posterior end of the
mouth and open into the pharynx as the internal nares, while the
original posterior ends become the external nares (Fig. 175E).
The nasal cavity is later separated from the oral cavity by the
ingrowth of the maxillary, palatine, and pterygoid bones, which
form the hard palate YFig. 176). Jacobson’s organ arises as a
pocket of the olfactory epithelium. Its function is unknown.
The olfactory epithelium contains ciliated cells connected to the
olfactory lobe by means of the first cranial nerve) which is
peculiar in that its ncurons run directly to the brain. without the
interposition of ganglion cells. Jacobson’s organ receives a
branch of the trigeminal nerve.
The eye. — The optic placodes are incorporated into the neural
plate, where they can be distinguished as lateral thickenings of
the margin at points which will later be included in the diencephalon. (Fig. 177). When the tube is formed, the relation of the
sensory epithelial cells to the exterior is, of course, reversed.
The optic placodes “ invaginate,” but, owing to their relation
to the neural tube, the result is an apparent “ evagination ” from
the tube towards the exterior. This produces the outgrowths
which later, by constriction, give rise to the proximal optic stalks
and distal optic vesicles. At the point where the optic vesicle
touches the ectoderm, two reactions take place: (1) a local thickening of the ectoderm, called the lens placode, from which the lens
of the eye develops; and (2) an invagination of the optic vesicle
whereby this vesicle is transformed into a two-layered optie cup
This invagination continues into the optic stalk to produce a
groove called the choroid fissure.
The lens. —< The lens placode invaginates to form the lens pit,
which then withdraws still further from the surface and becomes
closed in by the union of its external lip to form the lens vesicle.
The lens‘vesicle becomes solid by the elongation of the cells on the
internal side which assume a clear transparent appearance.)
The optic cup. — The inner layer of the cup becomes the sensory portion of the retina, the outer layer the pigmented portion.
Jt will be recalled that the sensory epithelium of the eye is inverted, and as a result the rods and cones, or sensory elements,
of the retina are pointed away from the light.’ In the pigmented
layer of the retina, melanin is secreted. Meantime the cavity of
the optic cup becomes filled with a clear fluid secreted by the
surrounding cells, which later becomes viscous and forms the
vitreous humor.
The envelopes of the eyeball (Fig. 178). — Around the optic
cup and stalk, a layer of mesenchyme accumulates, which later
differentiates into an inner delicate layer called the choroid which
contains pigment and capillaries and: may be compared with the
pia mater of the brain, and an outer dense layer known as the
sclera, which may be compared with the dura mater of the brain.
The external portion of the sclera over the lens makes contact
with the epidermis-and becomes transparent to form the cornea.
Fig. 177. — Diagrams showing early stages in development of vertebrate eye. A,
optic placodes (in black). B, same after formation of neural tube. C, optic
vesicles and lens placodes. D, optic cups and lens pits. E, optic cups and lens
The epidermis over the eye forms the conjunctiva. In some
vertebrates, sclerotic cartilage, or even bone, is formed, the vestige of an optic capsule. ) The edge of the choroid, together with
the marginal retina, gives rise to the iris, a circular curtain surrounding the opening of the cup which is called the pupil of the
eye. The muscles of the.iris are apparently of ectodermal origin.
The iris divides the space between the lens and the cornea into
two chambers, an anterior and a posterior chamber, which are
filled with a fluid, the aqueous humor. The muscles of the
Posterior chamber:
SL Ciliary
Optic nerve
Fig. 178. — Horizontal section of human eye. (After Howden.)
eyeball are six in number, arising from the three head myotomes.
They are innervated by the oculomotor, trochlear, and abducens
The optic nerve. — The afferent neurons pass from the retina
into the optic cup and form a bundle which passes out through
the choroid fissure and into the optic stalk, and so to the optic
chiasma on the floor of the diencephalon, where they cross and
make their way to the optic lobes on the opposite side.
The lateral line system. — This is a diffuse sensory organ consisting of sense buds arranged in rows over the head and body of
aquatic anamniotes. Its function apparently is to detect slow
vibrations in the water. The origin of the lateral line system is a
lateral thickening of the sensory ectoderm which later breaks up
into separate suprabranchial placodes. These are found in the
embryos of the amniotes but soon degenerate. The lateral line
system is of particular interest inasmuch as the lateral thickening referred to is in some cases continuous with the otic placode
which gives rise to the ear. The principal nerve supplying the
lateral system is the facial, although trigeminal, glossopharyngeal, and vagus often contain lateral line components.
The ear. — The ear becomes differentiated into the vestibule or
equilibratory organ and the cochlea or organ of hearing. Three
parts of the ear are distinguished (Fig. 180). The inner ear,
giving rise to the vestibule and the cochlea, arises from an ectodermal otic (auditory) placode. The middle ear appears in the
amphibians, and it is derived from the endodermal first visceral
pouch. The outer ear, found only in the amniotes, is an ectodermal derivative of the first visceral groove and an outgrowth
from the mandibular and hyoid arches
The inner ear. — This originates from the otic placode, which
invaginates to form an otic (auditory) pit (Fig. 179) and later
closes over to withdraw from the epidermis as the otic (auditory)
vesicle or otocyst., In some vertebrates (elasmobranchs) the
vesicle retains its connection with the exterior by means of a
hollow stalk, the endolymphatic duct. Usually this connection
is lost and the endolymph duct of the adult is a new formation.
The vesicle divides into a ventral saccule and a dorsal vestibule
or utricle. The saccule gives rise to the éndolymph duct and the
lagena, which in mammals becomes th@ coiled cochlea or organ of
hearing, while the utricle gives rise by constriction to three semicircular canals, each with a dilation at one endf the ampulla.
The sensory epithelium is restricted to the lagena and ampullae}
The cavity of these structures is known as the membranous
labyrinth, and contains a fluid, the endolymph. Concretions, the
otoliths, may appear in the endolymph of the vestibular portion.
Around this labyrinth ‘the otic capsule, Jor skeletal labyrinth} is
formed. ‘This later ossifies to give rise to the otic bones. (The
skeletal labyrinth contains a fluid known as the perilymph. In
vertebrates with a middle ear) two openings are formed in the
skeletal labyrinth, the fenestra rotunda, closed by a membrane,
and the fenestra ovale, into which the stapes projects.g The
acoustic nerve, whieh is ganglionated, divides into a vestibular
and a cochlear nerve, each with its separate ganglion. }
fo \0\
Fie. 179. — Diagrams showing early stages in development of inner ear, A, otic
placodes (in black). B, otic pits. C, otic vesicles (otocysts).
Fig. 180. — Frontal section of human ear. Semi-diagrammatic. (After Howden.)
The middle ear. — The middle ear arises from the first visceral
pouch, which constricts into a proximal auditory (Eustachian)
tube and a distal tympanic cavity which is separated from the
exterior by the tympanic membrane,(a persistent closing plate
formed from ectoderm and endoderm. Through the tympanic
cavity there is a chain of bones (auditory ossicles) connecting the
tympanum with the fenestra ovalis. In anurans and sauropsids,
this chain of auditory ossicles consists of the columella and stapes
(hyomandibular). In the mammals, the columella is replaced by
the incus and malleus, equivalent to two other jaw bones, the
quadrate and articulare, respectively. The muscles of the middle
ear, tensor tympani and stapedial muscles, arise from the mesoderm of the mandibular and hyoid arches, respectively, and are
innervated by the facial and glossopharyngeal nerves.
The outer ear.—— The external ear consists of the external
auditory meatus, derived from the first visceral groove, and the
pinna, which arises from tubercles on the mandibular and hyoid
arches. It is composed of mesoderm and ectoderm, contains
muscles, and is strengthened by cartilage. The innervation is
from the facial nerve.
THE FROG (SEE ALSO CHAPTER XI).— In the development of
the nose, the nasal groove stage is suppressed. Instead, a thickening develops from the olfactory pit into the mouth as far as the
pharynx. This acquires a lumen which connects the olfactory
pit to the pharynx. The development of the eye presents no
especial peculiarities. The endolymph duct is a dorsal evagination from the otocyst. The semicircular canals are each formed
by the appearance of a pair of ridges in the cavity of the utricle
which fuse to enclose the cavity of the canal. The saccule gives
rise to two ventral diverticula, the cochlea and basilar chamber.
The function of the latterisunknown. The tubo-tympanic cavity
arises from the first visceral pouch, which in the frog is vestigial
and has no cavity. From this rudiment a strand of cells grows
dorsad and later acquires a lumen. It loses its connection with
the pharynx and moves backward to the ear region where it
acquires a secondary connection with the pharynx (Fig. 181).
The tympanic membrane is apparently entirely ectodermal. The
columella, which connects the tympanum with the inner ear, arises
from two primordia: the inner stapedial plate, which is a part
of the otic capsule; and a cartilage derived from the palatoquadrate bar. This cartilage is thought to be homologous with
the hyomandibular bone of fishes. The lateral line organs arise
from the fragmentation of a placode known as the placode of the
tenth cranial nerve, which innervates this series. Similar epibranchial placodes appear on the head and are innervated by the
Brain . Utriculus and
Auditory semi-circular canals
) OX
2 o
Ree 5x Stape al
Fig. 181. — Rana pipiens, diagram to show the parts of the ear. Schematic crosssection through head.
seventh and ninth nerves. They are larval sense organs and
disappear at metamorphosis.
THE CHICK (SEE ALSO CHAPTER XII). — The chick has a cleft
palate due to the incomplete fusion of the palatine processes of
the maxillae. Jacobson’s organ makes a short appearance as a
vestigial organ but disappears before hatching. The eye possesses three eyelids, the third (nictitating membrane) arising
from a separate fold inside that which forms the upper and
lower lids. The pecten is a vascular plate in the vitreous
humor, from mesenchyme which enters the choroid fissure. Its
function is unknown. \The endolymphatic duct arises from the
dorsal wall of the otocyst. The semicircular canals arise as outpocketings of the otocyst prior to its separation into utricle and
saccule. The cochlea is more highly developed than in the frog.
The tubo-tympanic cavity arises from the first pharyngeal pouch.
The tympanum is formed from ectoderm and endoderm and includes a middle layer of mesenchyme. The columella arises from
a stapedial plate and hyomandibular cartilage. The external
auditory meatus is short, and no pinna is developed. ©:
MAN (SEE ALSO CHAPTER XIII). — The organ of Jacobson is
rudimentary and may completely disappear in the adult. A
small fold (plica semilunaris) is the representative of the nictitating membrane. The cochlea is highly differentiated. The tube
and tympanic cavity form from the first visceral pouch. The
tympanum apparently is composed of all three germ layers.
There are three auditory ossicles. The stapes is derived from the
second visceral arch, while the malleus and incus arise from the
first visceral arch. They are thought to represent the quadrate
and articular bones of reptiles, respectively. The pinna arises
from elevations on the mandibular and hyoid arches.
The ectoderm gives rise to the epithelial linings of the following structures:
A. The epidermis, with the apertures of Oral cavity
Visceral clefts
B. The neural plate
1. Neural tube
Brain and cranial nerves
Cord and spinal nerves
2. Neural crest
Suprarenal gland
C. Sensory placodes
1. Nose
2. Eye (choroid and sclera from mesoderm)
3. Ear (middle ear from endoderm, ossicles from mesoderm)
4. Lateral line organs
Arey, L. B. 1934. Developmental Anatomy, 3rd Ed., Chaps. 14-17.
Brachet, A. 1921. Traité d’embryologie des vertébrés, Part H, Bk. 1, Chap. 4.
ACoghill, G. E. 1929. Anatomy and the Problem of Behavior.
Hertwig, O. 1906. Handbuch, Book II, Chaps. 5-10.
Jenkinson, J. W. 1913. Vertebrate Embryology, Chap. 7.
Keibel and Mall. 1910-1912. Human Embryology, Chaps. 14 and 16.
Kerr, J. G. 1919. Textbook of Embryology, Chap. 2.
Kingsley, J.S. 1926. Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates.
Lillie, F. R. 1919. The Development of the Chick, 2nd Ed.
MeMurrich, J. P. 1923. The Development of the Human Body.
Strong, O. S. 1921. The Nervous System, being Chap. 17 of Bailey and Miller,
Textbook of Embryology, 4th Ed.
==Part IV Anatomy Of Vertebrate Embryos==
Chapter XI The Anatomy Of Frog Embryos
In earlier chapters we have discussed the fertilization of the
frog’s egg (page 57), its cleavage (pages 97, 103), and germ-layer
formation (pages 109, 118), and have observed that while the germ
layers are being laid down the process is complicated by the early
localization of some of the organ systems, notably the sensorynervous complex (page 129). In this account of later organogeny, three stages of development seem especially significant:
first, an early embryo of about 3 mm. body length in which the
visceral grooves are apparent, a stage attained in Rana pipiens
about the second day after the eggs are laid; second, the newly
hatched larva of about 6 mm. with external gills developing,
about two weeks old; third, a young “ tadpole ” stage of about
11 mm. with the opercula covering the internal gills, about the
age of one month.
These stages are easily identified even though the lengths and
ages can be given only approximately, for the rate of development is greatly influenced by the prevailing temperature, and
the size of the tadpole is determined largely by external factors,
such as the amount of food available.
The student must bear in mind that the sections illustrated in
this and the two chapters following are for the sole purpose of giving
him starting points from which he 1s expected to study all the sections
in the series furnished him. He will probably never encounter
sections exactly like those selected for these illustrations, but he will
discover sections very like them from which he can commence his
own observations.
External form. — This stage corresponds approximately to the
embryo of 33 mm. described by Marshall. The head region,
through its more rapid growth, has become easily distinguishable
from the trunk, which bulges ventrally on account of the large
amount of contained yolk, and a well-marked tail bud is present.
The neural folds have fused throughout their length, and enclosed the blastopore. In the head the stomodeum appears
as an antero-posterior slit on the anterior ventral surface, and is
enclosed by ridges identifiable as the maxillary processes and
mandibular arches. On either side and slightly ventral to the
stomodeum, are the primordia of the sucker or oral gland. At the
dorso-lateral margins the olfactory placodes have begun to evaginate. Lateral bulges on either side of the head are due to the
developing optic vesicles. The ear is now in the otic vesicle stage.
The gill region shows five visceral grooves. Immediately behind
the last arch, a swelling is caused by the developing pronephros.
Dorsally, slight furrows indicate the boundaries of thirteen soEpiphysie mites. Beneath the tail
Optic vesicle bud, the proctodeum
Prosencephalon has united with the
Oral gland hind-gut to form the
Visceral pouch eloacal aperture.
Fore gut Endodermal derivaay Liver tives. - The anterior
portion of the gastrocoel
is now a large fore-gut
with a thin-walled
lining. From this, on
a . either side, the begin
eurenteric . :
canal nings of three visceral
Fig. 182. —3 mm. frog embryo, viewed from right pouches can be seen.
side as a transparent object. X15.
From the fore-gut a narrow evagination grows backward into the floor of the mid-gut as
the primordium of the liver. The mid-gut is distinguishable by
its relatively narrow lumen and thick yolk-laden floor. The
small but thin-walled hind-gut opens above into the neurenteric
canal by which it is connected with the neurocoel, and opens
ventrally to the exterior by way of the proctodeum. An axial
rod, the hypochord, is found beneath the notochord. It originates from the roof of the gastrocoel and disappears soon after
Mesodermal derivatives. — The notochord is large and vacuolated and enclosed by two sheaths. The somites have now
attained their maximum number (13) in the trunk, but are not
Otic vesicle
Somite I
Notochord +
yet distinguishable in the tail region. The intermediate mesoderm, after a temporary division into nephrotomes, is now reunited into a nephrotomal band in which spaces have appeared
opposite the second, third, and fourth somites, indicative of the
pronephric tubules which are to develop. A thickening along the
Mesencephalon PD, Prosencephalon
Fia. 1838. —3 mm. frog embryo. Sagittal section: 50.
nephrotomal band immediately below the ventro-lateral margins
of the somites is the primordium of the pronephric duct. Immediately below the floor of the fore-gut, the lateral mesoderm has
separated into dorsal splanchnic and ventral somatic layers, while
the contained space is the beginning of the pericardial cavity, the
only region of the coelom yet apparent.
Ectodermal derivatives. — The epidermis at this stage is
ciliated. The neurocoel, as has been remarked above, is con278 , THE ANATOMY OF FROG EMBRYOS
nected with the hind-gut by the neurenteric canal. At the
anterior end, the brain is distinguishable by its relatively larger
lumen and by the cranial flexure over the anterior end of the
notochord. The divisions between the three primary vesicles
are not marked by the constrictions characteristic of
many vertebrates, but are
distinguished by the following points of reference: the
prosencephalon extends to a
Optic line projected from a thickvesicle ening on the floor known as
the tuberculum posterius to
a point just in front of a
similar thickening on the
Hypophysis — dorsal wall; the mesencephOral gland = aon, from the boundary of
the prosencephalon to a line
Fia. 184. —3 mm. frog embryo. Transverse connecting the tuberculum
section through optic vesicle. 50. anda point just behind the
dorsal thickening; the rhombencephalon merges imperceptibly
into the spinal cord. From the prosencephalon, the optic vesicles
extend on either side and cause the external bulges already noted.
From the ventral side of the prosencephalon, a depression, the
infundibulum, extends towards the hypophysis, which in the frog
grows inward as a solid wedge of ectodermal cells anterior to
the stomodeum. Dorsally, the epiphysis appears as a median
External form. — Although the larva, if it may be so called,
has emerged from the protecting membranes of egg jelly, the
mouth has not yet opened and for several days the yolk is still
the sole source of food. The head region is still easily distinguishable from the trunk, while the tail has increased greatly in
length and has become bilaterally compressed. In the head, the
stomodeal pit has deepened at the anterior end, and the maxillary processes and mandibular arches are more sharply sculptured. The invagination of the nasal (olfactory) placodes has
Fig. 185.—3 mm. frog embryo. Transverse section through otic (auditory)
vesicle. 50.
Fig. 186. —8 mm. frog embryo. Transverse section through mid-gut and liver.
Fig. 187. — 3 mm. frog embryo. Frontal section through optic stalks, liver, and
hind-gut. 50.
continued to the point where they may be called pits, connected
to the anterior margins of the stomodeal pit by oro-nasal grooves.
The bulge of the eye is still prominent. The primordia of the oral
glands have fused to form a U-shaped sucker ventral and posterior to the stomodeum. The visceral grooves are still separated from the visceral pouches by closing membranes, while on
the third and fourth arches external gills have appeared. Behind
them the pronephric elevation is well marked, and continues
backward as a slight ridge marking the pronephric duct.
Intersomitic grooves are still apparent. On the ventral side
at the base of the tail is the cloacal aperture.
Optic cup
Otic vesicle a
Rhombencephalon S External gills
Pronephros i a— Liver
Fig. 188. — 6 mm. frog larva (just hatched). Transparent preparation, viewed from
right side. X15.
Endodermal derivatives. — On either side of the fore-gut are
to be seen five visceral pouches, although they would hardly be
recognized as such since they are so compressed. A groove on
the ventral side of the pharyngeal cavity is the primordium of
the thyroid gland. At this stage, also, the dorsal epithelial
bodies of the first two visceral pouches (hyomandibular and first
branchial) may be distinguished. The liver diverticulum has
increased in length. The hind-gut has lost its connection with
the neurocoel through the occlusion of the neurenteric canal, but
now receives the posterior ends of the pronephric ducts.
Mesodermal derivatives. — The notochord has grown back
into the tail. The somites have now become differentiated into
the myotomes, dermatomes, and sclerotomes, while from the
myotomes muscle cells have been formed. The pronephros is
now established. There are three pronephric tubules, each
opening into the coelom by means of a ciliated nephrostome.
Opposite these, a mass of capillaries, connected with the dorsal
aorta, forms the so-called glomus, equivalent to the separate
glomeruli of other vertebrates. The pronephric tubules grow
backward into the pronephric ducts, which have acquired lumina.
At the time of hatching, the primordia of the heart have fused
to form a tube, twisted slightly and almost S-shaped, suspended
in the pericardial cavity by a dorsal mesocardium. ‘Two regions
may be distinguished, the posterior atrium and anterior ventricle. From the ventricle leads the bulbus, arising from the
fusion of paired primordia. This connects with the dorsal aorta,
also the result of fusion, by means of aortic arches in the third
and fourth visceral arches (vestiges of the first and second aortic
arches have already appeared and disappeared). At a slightly
later stage, loops from these arches will grow out into the external gills to form a branchial circulation. The anterior ends of
the dorsal aortae are prolonged to form the internal carotids,
while the posterior ends unite directly above the heart, and just
after uniting give off the glomi on either side. Both the somatic
and splanchnic venous systems are represented at this stage.
Two vitelline veins unite to enter the heart at the sinus venosus.
The cardinal veins at this time are represented by irregular
lacunar spaces in the head and near the pronephros.
Ectodermal derivatives.— The epidermis is still ciliated.
From the prosencephalon the thin-walled cerebral vesicle has
appeared. The epiphysis is well marked, and the infundibulum
is in contact with the hypophysis. At this time the primordia
of cerebrospinal nerves may be distinguished. In the spinal
nerves, dorsal roots arise from the ganglia produced by the segTHE LARVA AT HATCHING
Mesencephalan. piphysis
Fore gut
Oral gland
Sittegretee SEN
Bengawere ee
a ‘5-3 eo
Re Od
SA eGo
a Hoe Raa pide
Pina SRL
ce ‘
OKs Ve
Fig. 189. — 6 mm. frog larva.
Sagittal section, anterior portion. 50.
Optic . ZH
stalk FF 5 —_ Notochord
Fig. 190. — 6 mm. frog larva. Transverse section through optic cup. 50.
Otic vesicle
Fig. 191. — 6 mm. frog larva. Transverse section through otic vesicle. 50.
mentation of the neural crest while the ventral roots arise from
neuroblasts in the spinal cord. In the head, four ganglia arise
and with each is associated a placode of nervous ectoderm. From
the first ganglion and placode, the trigeminal (V) nerve arises.
The second combination gives rise to the facial (VII) and acoustic
(VIII) cranial nerves, while the remainder of this placode invaginates to form the otic vesicle. The third ganglion and placode produce the glossopharyngeal (IX) cranial nerve, and the
Fig. 192. — 6 mm. frog larva. Transverse section through pronephros. 50.
fourth gives rise to the vagus (X). The fourth placode grows
back as far as the tail, giving off as it goes small groups of cells
which later become the lateral line organs of the trunk. Those
of the head arise from the second and third placodes. At this
time, also, ganglion cells are migrating toward the dorsal aorta to
aggregate as the ganglia of the autonomic nervous system. The
eye is well advanced in development, as the optic vesicles have
invaginated to form the optic cup and the lens placode has separated from the epidermis and acquired a cavity. The ear is in
the otic vesicle stage with an endolymphatic duct. The nose is
still represented by the nasal pits. From the prolongation of
the fourth placode referred to above, the lateral line system is
in process of formation.
Visceral 1
I Visceral
Fig. 193. —6 mm. frog larva. Frontal section through nasal pit and visceral
pouches. 450.
External form. — The head and trunk are now fused into a
common ovoid mass, sharply distinguished from the long bilaterally compressed tail. The mouth is open and equipped with
horny raspers, while the oral gland is reduced to two vestiges
on the ventral side of the head. On the dorsal surface, the large
eyes, now functional, protrude slightly. Anterior to these are
the external openings of the nasal tubes (external nares). The
external gills, which were developing at hatching, have now degenerated and been replaced by internal gills concealed from view
by the opercula. On the left side, the opercular aperture serves
as a means of egress for the water from which the gills obtain
their oxygen. The tail, now two-thirds the length of the tadpole, has a dorsal and a ventral fin. Close to the margin of the
latter, at the base of the tail, is the cloacal opening.
Endodermal derivatives. — The mouth has been formed by
the breaking through of the oral membrane. From the pharynx,
all the visceral pouches except the hyomandibular and the
vestigial sixth pouch open to the exterior as visceral clefts; and
demibranchs have arisen on the anterior and posterior margins of
the third, fourth, and fifth visceral arches and on the anterior
margin of the sixth. These are the internal gills which hang down
into the opercular cavity. The epithelial bodies from the hyomandibular pouch have disappeared. Those from the second pouch
form the thymus gland, while similar buds arise from the third
and fourth but presently disappear. The ventral epithelial
bodies of the second pouch are said to give rise to the carotid
gland, and those of the third and fourth to “ parathyroids.”
The fifth pouch never gains communication with the exterior
but gives rise to the ultimobranchial bodies. The thyroid is
now separated from the pharynx. In the tadpole the pulmonary
organs consist of a pair of thin-walled sacs, the lungs, arising
from a laryngeal cavity connected with the pharynx by a narrow
opening, the glottis. Posterior to the pharynx comes the esophagus, which was occluded just before the opening of the mouth but
now possesses a narrow lumen opening into the stomach, which is
not greatly dilated. The vesicle, which formerly represented the
liver, persists as the gall bladder and common bile duct, rela288 THE ANATOMY OF FROG EMBRYOS
Fig. 194. — 11 mm. frog larva.1_ Transparent preparation viewed from right side.
1 Figs. 194-198 inclusive are from preparations loaned me by Dr. A. R. Cahn.
In earlier editions they were labelled 9 mm., as measured after preservation.
Dorsal aorta Yolk
of tail
Fig. 195. — 11 mm. frog larva. Sagittal section, anterior part. 40.
tively small in comparison with the great glandular mass of the
liver. Although the pancreas arose from paired primordia of the
duodenum, these have now shifted their position so that their
ducts open into the common bile duct. The intestine is extremely long and coiled into a double spiral. It terminates in a
slightly dilated rectum, opening into the cloacal cavity which also
receives the pronephric ducts and opens to the exterior by the
cloacal aperture.
Mesodermal derivatives. — The notochord has elongated toward the posterior end, accompanying the growth of the tail.
The two most anterior somites have disappeared, leaving eleven
in the trunk region and a much larger and variable number in
Fig. 196. — 11 mm. frog larva. Transverse section, through eye. X40.
the tail. In the tail the myotomes have given rise to the dorsal
and ventral musculature. The pronephros has become larger
and more complicated through the branching of the pronephric
tubules. The coelom consists of a pericardial cavity containing
the heart, whose myocardia have disappeared, and an abdominal
cavity in which the gut is suspended by the dorsal mesentery.
These cavities are still continuous up to the time of metamorphosis. In the heart the sinus venosus is now a large transverse sac;
the atrium is partially divided by the interatrial septum; the
ventricle has thick muscular walls; and the short bulbus opens
into the ventral aorta which is divided into proximal and distal
portions by a pair of valves. The ventral aorta is divided into
four afferent branchial arteries, the ventral portions of aortic
arches III-VI. From these the blood passes through the internal
gills by means of capillaries and is conveyed to four efferent
branchial arteries, the dorsal portions of the aortic arches referred
to above, which in turn lead to the dorsal aortae. The carotid
arteries are connected in front of and behind the infundibulum by
commissural vessels, and continue forward as the anterior cerebral arteries. From the anterior commissure the basilars run
backward and the anterior palatines forward. The pharyngeal
Otic vesicle
Fig. 197. — 11 mm. frog larva. Transverse section through ear. X40.
artery, running forward from the dorsal aorta, at a point just
posterior to the anterior commissure, represents the dorsal portion
of the mandibular arch; the lingual artery arises independently
and unites with the first efferent branchial. From the efferent
branchial arteries of the sixth arch, the pulmonary arteries grow
backward to the lungs. The vitelline veins have been broken
up, by their inclusion in the developing liver, into hepatic veins,
opening into the sinus venosus, and hepatic-portal veins from the
intestine. The anterior cardinal veins are formed by the union
of the superior jugular and facial veins and empty into the common cardinals. From the ventral side of the head the inferior
jugulars drain into the common cardinals. The posterior somatic
veins are the posterior cartlinals, which return the blood from the
region of the pronephros into the common cardinals. The lymphatic vessels of the tadpole have arisen from the confluence of
numerous, small intercellular spaces in the mesenchyme.
Ectodermal derivatives. — The epidermis is no longer ciliated.
The cerebral vesicle is now subdivided into right and left portions, while immediately behind this is the choroid plexus of
the diencephalon. The pineal gland is connected with the
diencephalon by:a small stalk; the pituitary gland has lost all
connection with the exterior. In the mesencephalon the optic
Neural tube
Fig. 198. — 11 mm. frog larva. Transverse section through pronephros. X40.
lobes are just apparent. The metencephalon is distinguishable
by the thickness of its walls as compared with the choroid plexus
of the myelencephalon. All cranial nerves and spinal nerves
are now established. The eye now contains all elements necessary for functioning; rods and cones of the sensory layer connect
with the neurons of the optic nerve; pigment is deposited in
the pigment layer; the choroid and sclerotic layers have been
formed from mesenchyme; the lens is transparent, as is the
cornea formed from the ectoderm. The otocyst is partially
divided by a dorsal partition into an outer saccule and inner
utricle. The nasal pits have grown backward as solid rods
which by now have acquired lumina and will soon open into the
Wall of
Fig. 199. — 11 mm. frog larva. Trontal section through nose, eye, and ear. 40.
Huxley, J. S., and de Beer, G. R. 1934. The Elements of Experimental Embryology, Chap. 2.
Jenkinson, J. W. 1913. Vertebrate Embryology, Chap. 7.
Kellicott, W. E. 1913. Chordate Development.
Marshall, A. M. 1898. Vertebrate Embryology, Chap. 3.
McEwen, R.S. 1931. Vertebrate Embryology, 2nd Ed., Part 2.
Morgan, T. H. 1897. The Development of the Frog’s Egg.
Zeigler, H. E. 1902. Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Entwickelungsgeschichte der
niederen Wirbeltiere. .
The traditional stages in the development of the chick Gallus
domesticus) for laboratory practice are those at the end of each
of the first three days of incubation. So many important changes
take place during the second day, however, that it is advisable
to study an additional stage intermediate between twenty-four
and forty-eight hours in age. The chick of thirty-three hours
is selected because the form of the embryo is not yet affected by
torsion or flexure, and the headfold of the amnion has not yet
slipped over the head of the chick.
As it is a well-known fact that, in these first few days of incubation, embryos of the same age have attained varying degrees of
development, the length of the embryo has been proposed as a
mark of identification. The flexures of the body, however,
make this standard impracticable, and the remaining alternative
is to select the specific development of some particular structure
as a basis of arrangement. For this purpose the number of
somites, suggested by Lillie, is admirable. Still, it must be remembered that on account of the effect of temperature upon the
rate of development, the number of somites is not correlated
exactly with the number of hours of incubation, as may be seen
from the following table.
Duval Keibel Lillie Patten
About 24 hours Fig. 76 Vig. 9, 9A Vig. 59 Fig. 36
(24 hrs. 6S) (24 hrs. 7-88) (25 hrs. 7S) (27 hrs. 8S)
About 33 hours Fig. 93 Fig. 10, 10A Fig. 68 Fig. 39
(33 hrs. 168) (32 hrs. 9 S) (33 hrs. 128) (33 hrs. 128)
About 48 hours Fig. 109 Fig. 16, 16A Fig. 93 Fig.
(48 hrs. 27-28S)| (52 hrs. 278) a8 hrs. 278) (55 hrs. 2 S)
About 72 hours Fig. 115 Fig. 18, 18A g. 117 g. 63
(68 hrs. 37S) {(67 hrs. 35-37 S) (ak 18s, 35S) ah ee 368)
° 294
At the end of the first day of incubation, the chick embryo has
completed the period of cleavage (pages 98, 105) and germ-layer
formation (pages 111, 121), and is in the early stages of organogeny.
Anterior neuropore
Head fold Proamnionrn t hy
Amnio te Anteriorcardiac ntestinal portal
vesicle Neural fold
Area &
Fie. 200. — 24 hour chick embryo. Cleared preparation from dorsal side. X25.
External form. — The embryo, 3.3 mm. in length, lies along
the axial line of the slipper-shaped area pellucida which in turn is
surrounded by the crescent-shaped area vasculosa, whose anterior
horns, separated by the proamnion, reach about to the level of
tip of the head. At the anterior end, the head fold of the embryo
is lifted above the proamnion from which it is separated by the
subcephalic pocket. In the head fold is contained the fore-gut,
0.59 mm. in length, which opens at its
posterior end into the yolk cavity by
means of the anterior intestinal portal.
On either margin of the portal the pri
mordia of the vitelline veins are to be
recognized in thick bands of splanchnic
mesoderm. The neural plate has already given rise to the neural folds
which extend back as far as the first
somite. They have united just posterior
to the region where the optic vesicles are
_ to appear and thus have given rise to a
neural tube 0.3 mm. in length, which is
widely open in front and behind as the
anterior and posterior neuropores, respectively. Behind the head fold the
axial mesoderm is segmented into six
somites. Between the neural folds the
notochord can be recognized as a faint
line which joins, at its posterior end, the
primitive streak, now reduced to 0.83
mm. in length.
Endodermal derivatives. — The only
differentiation which has taken place in
the endoderm consists of the establishment of the fore-gut by means of the
folding off of the head from the proamnion. As this process continues the fore
gut will be lengthened at the expense of
Fia. 201. — 24 hour chick em- the widely open mid-gut, and the an
ean Sagittal section. terior intestinal portal: will progress
steadily backward.
Mesodermal derivatives. — The mesoderm proper does not
extend into the head, but a loose aggregate of mesenchyme
derived from it is present. Posterior to the head the axial mesoderm is divided into six somites. Transverse sections show that
Epidermis , , Brain
Somatic mesoderm
Ectoderm Endoderm.
Fig. 202. — 24 hour chick embryo. Transverse section through brain region. The
neural folds have met but are not yet fused together. X50.
Axial mesoderm Notochord
ge ie
SO ete Ry
oe ayer
Vitelline vein Amnio-cardiac Splanchnopleure
Fig. 203. — 24 hour chick embryo. Transverse section through region of intestinal
portal. X50.
Neural groove
| Somite IY
PO Blood island
nom i ram) Canes.
Notochord So
Endoderm ~
Fig. 204. — 24 hour chick embryo. Transverse section through fourth somite.
Intermediate mesoderm
Primitive groove
Fig. 205. — 24 hour chick embryo. Transverse section through primitive streak.
each has a minute cavity, or myocoel. The intermediate mesoderm does not divide into nephrotomes as in the frog. The
lateral mesoderm is divided into the somatic and splanchnic
layers. In the latter, numerous blood islands appear and give
the characteristic mottled appearance to the area vasculosa. The
coelom of the embryo is continuous with that of the extra-embryonic regions, or exocoel. In the region on either side of the head,
between the proamnion and the intestinal portal, the coelom is
distended into an amniocardiac vesicle, so called because the somatopleure will contribute to the head fold of the amnion, while
the splanchnic mesoderm will give rise to the primordia of the
heart, and the cavities of the vesicles will unite to form the
pericardial cavity. The notochord, from its point of origin, the
primitive streak, extends forward into the head.
Ectodermal derivatives. — The ectoderm at this stage consists of the elongate neural plate, with its groove and folds which
are already in process of fusion, and the epidermis or non-nervous
External form. — In the chick embryo, after thirty-three hours’
incubation, the length has increased to 4.3 mm. There is a
slight bending of the head downward over the end of the notochord, foreshadowing the cranial flexure. The area vasculosa,
in which the blood islands are being converted into capillaries,
now has grown in toward the embryo, so that the area pellucida
persists only around the head and tail regions. The anterior
horns of the area vasculosa have met in front, completely inclosing the proamnion. The head has increased in length not
only by actual forward growth but also by the backward extension
of the lateral margins of the head fold, so that the enclosed foregut is now 1 mm. long. The vitelline veins are prominent at
the margins of the intestinal portal and continue on the ventral
side of the fore-gut to meet at the posterior end of the heart,
which is now a single tube, slightly bent toward the right. The
neural folds are fused as far back as the eleventh somite, where
the posterior neuropore is now known as the rhomboidal sinus.
The anterior neuropore is about to close, and in the head the
neural tube shows three regions of dilation which represent the
Head fold |.
of amnion
4 neuropore
: Optic
7 vesicle
& Heart
- Vitelline
Somite 6
Fig. 206. — 33 hour chick embryo. Cleared preparation from dorsal view. X25.
fore-brain, mid-brain, and hind-brain, respectively. The sides
of the fore-brain are evaginating to produce the optic vesicles.
Head fold .
of amnion
Subcephalic F
Rhombencephalon# 6.4. /"
Fig. 207. — 33 hour chick embryo.
Sagittal section.
are ~ Anterior
i Primitive
cm, streak
In the hind-brain, five neuromeres
can be identified. Twelve somites
may be counted. The notochord
extends forward to the fore-brain
from the primitive streak which is
now reduced to 0.3 mm.
Endodermal derivatives. — The
anterior end of the fore-gut is in
contact ventrally with the stomodeum separated only by the oral
plate, composed of ectoderm and
endoderm. At the sides, the walls
of the fore-gut are fused to the ectoderm at points where the first visceral pouches (hyomandibular) will
be located.
Mesodermal derivatives. — The
somites now number twelve, and
myocoels are still apparent. The
mesomere is still unsegmented, but
pronephric tubules have appeared
in the region corresponding to somites 5-12. The four posterior
tubules are growing back to form
the pronephric duct. In the
splanchnic mesoderm the blood
islands are being converted into
capillaries. The vitelline veins are
prominent and continue forward
into the heart, of which the endo
-cardium and myocardium are dis
tinct. The heart is supported by
the dorsal mesocardium, the ventral
mesocardium having disappeared.
The primordial tubes, from the
fusion of which the heart arose, continue forward as the ventral
aortae which bend around the pharynx (first aortic arches) and
continue backward along the dorsal surface of the pharynx as the
dorsal aortae. At the level of the primitive streak they are lost
in a capillary nexus which foreshadows the vitelline arteries.
From a point immediately in front of the optic vesicle, the anterior
cardinals course backward on either side of the neural tube, bending down ventrally to enter the heart with the vitelline veins.
The notochord is slightly bent at the anterior end.
Ectodermal derivatives. The ncural folds now extend to
the eleventh somite and have fused throughout the length of the
head. The anterior neuropore is almost closed. The three
Epidermis Mesenchyme
Optic vesicle
=» _
ts wa
P Exocoel é OOF
Splanchnopleure Sub-cephalic
Fia. 208. — 33 hour chick embryo. Transverse section through optic vesicles.
dilations which represent the prosencephalon, mesencephalon,
and rhombencephalon are distinct. From the prosencephalon
the two optic vesicles extend to the ectoderm of the sides of the
head. Five neuromeres may be identified in the rhombencephalon. It has been asserted that in earlier stages three neuromeres may be identified in the prosencephalon and two in the
mesencephalon, while the first of the five noted above has resulted from the fusion of two original neuromeres destined to
give rise to the metencephalon. At about this time a shallow
depression in the floor of the prosencephalon, just in front of the
tip of the notochord, marks the appearance of the infundibulum.
The auditory placodes may sometimes be seen in sections as
thickenings at the level of the constriction separating the last two
neuromeres on either side.
Fore-gut Otic ( auditory) placode
Somatopleure TET Dorsal aorta
Dorsal [Bi soy 7S uateral sulcus
mesocardium B Feria
: 5 Way, Oe
ee ae
ox ed fhe & wou
ee se
Os a lamest ~
Endocardium Splanchnopleure
Fig. 209. — 33 hour chick embryo. Transverse section through otic placodes.
Spinal cord
Dorsal aorta Somite
Intermediate mesoderm
Vitelline vein
Fie. 210. — 33 hour chick embryo. Transverse section through vitelline veins.
Spinal cord
Neural crest Somite
Intermediate mesoderm
Somatic layer
Fig. 211. — 33 hour chick embryo. Transverse section through sixth somite. 50.
External form. — The chick at the end of the second day of
incubation has usually attained a length of 7 mm., but the form
of the body has been altered profoundly. As the head has been
lifted away from the blastoderm, it has increased greatly in size,
Ww ir ot
h h, Mesencephalon
Otic vesicle Optic cup
Lens vesicle
Visceral cleft I Prosencephalon
Sinus venosus—
Vitelline vein—
Bulbus arteriosus
Amniotic fold
Somite XIV
Vitelline artery
Neural tube
Tail fold
aed cent
Fia. 212.—48 hour chick embryo. Transparent preparation from dorsal view
(head from right side). X15.
and the cranial flexure, which was just appearing in the thirtythree hour chick, has become so pronounced that the anterior
end of the head is directed backwards. With this growth and
flexure the head is twisted normally to the right, until it lies on
one side, a phenomenon known as torsion. At forty-eight hours,
this torsion involves the chick as far back as the seventeenth
somite. The posterior end of the chick lies in its original position,
and at the extreme caudal end a tail fold is being formed. In the
Fig. 213. — 48 hour chick embryo.
frontal section due to torsion.
Head in sagittal section, somite region in
area vasculosa the capillaries have formed attachments with the
vitelline arteries and veins, and at the border of this area is a circular vessel, the sinus terminalis. The fore-gut is now 1.4 mm.
in length, and the first of the three visceral pouches now communicates to the exterior following the rupture of the closing
plate which separated it from the corresponding visceral groove.
The second and third visceral grooves are apparent, but their closing plates are still unperforated. In the visceral arches the first
three aortic arches are apparent, arising from the ventral aorta.
The heart is now twisted so that the ventricular loop is upper
Anterior cardinal vein Dorsal aorta
Otic pit
Yolk sac tent
Notochord eet Blood island
Visceral groove I a Pigment layer
Visceral pouch I Hypophysis Sensory layer
Fia. 214. — 48 hour chick embryo. Transverse section through otic pit and optic
cup. 650.
most. The vitelline veins are large and conspicuous, as are the
vitelline arteries which leave the body at the level of the twentysecond somites. The neural tube is completely closed. In the
head the five definitive regions of the brain are outlined, the
prosencephalon having given rise to the telencephalon and diencephalon, and the rhombencephalon to the metencephalon and
myelencephalon. The eye is now in the optic cup stage, and the
invagination of the optic vesicle continues down the stalk to form
the choroid fissure. The lens is in the form of a pit which has
almost attained the vesicle stage. The ear is represented by an
otic pit which, owing to the cervical flexure, is about on a level
with the eye. There are twenty-seven somites at this stage.
The primitive streak is found only in the tail fold. At this time
the head fold of the amnion has grown back over the chick as
far as the sixteenth somite.
Endodermal derivatives. — The stomodeum, an ectodermal
invagination from the ventral surface of the head fold, has formed
the oral membrane by contact with the fore-gut a little back of its
most anterior point. Hence there is a blind pocket in front of
the oral plate, known as the preoral gut. Three visceral pouches
are present, the first of which opens into the corresponding visceral
furrow following the rupture of its closing membrane. The
primordium of the thyroid is represented by a ventral depression
in the floor of the pharynx at the level of the second visceral
pouches. The primordia of the lungs (sometimes difficult to
distinguish) extend to the level of the sinus venosus. The liver
arises at the level of the anterior intestinal portal from two
evaginations of the endoderm, one below and one above the
meatus venosus. ‘The mid-gut now has two shifting boundaries,
the anterior intestinal portal and the posterior intestinal portal.
The latter is barely apparent as the opening of a shallow endodermal pocket or hind-gut in the tail fold.
Mesodermal derivatives.—-The somites, twenty-seven in
number, show a varying degree of specialization, with the most
advanced at the anterior end. In these two regions can be distinguished: a loose aggregate of cells at the median ventral angle
(the sclerotome); and a cap of epithelial cells at the lateral dorsal
angle. The cells of this cap nearest the epidermis will form the
dermatome, while those nearest the neural tube will form the
The pronephric tubules in the more anterior somites have disappeared and mesonephric tubules are appearing in the mesomere posterior to the thirteenth somite. The pronephric (now
the mesonephric) duct has acquired a lumen but has not yet
attained its complete backward growth.
The heart is still tubular, but the ventricular limb of the cardiac
loop has grown back and over the atrial limb so that the ventricular region is now caudal and dorsal with relation to the
atrial region. Three aortic arches are present as a rule, but infrequently the third has not developed. From the first aortic arch
a network of capillaries extends into the head. From these the
carotid arteries will be formed. The dorsal aortae have fused
from a point back of the sixth somite as far as the level of the
fifteenth somite. The vitelline arteries leave the dorsal aortae at
the level of the twenty-second somite but the aortae continue
Common cardinal Bulbus
vein arteriosus Chorion
: I.- poem 2s Cra, /
Dorsal aorta Fore-gut er ,
Spinal cord
Epidermis 5
“  Somiter
‘Dorsal mesocardium
Fia. 215. — 48 hour chick embryo. ‘Transverse section through heart. X50.
backward as the caudal arteries to the last somite. The vitelline
veins are fused at their point of entrance into the heart as the sinus
venosus. The anterior cardinals are prominent and extend from
a capillary plexus in the head back toward the heart, where they
Notochord | Dorsal aorta
Vitelline vein,
- Armnion— Gi
Coelom —
Posterior cardinal
Meatus Mid-gut: *
Fig. 216. — 48 hour chick embryo. Transverse section through liver. 50.
are joined by the posterior cardinals and proceed as the common
cardinals to: enter the heart in the angles between the sinus
venosus and the vitelline veins. The posterior cardinals may be
traced back to the last somite. The heart of the chick commenced
beating at the forty-fourth hour of incubation, so that the course
of the blood is through the ventral aorta to the aortic arches and
thence to the dorsal aorta. From the first aortic arch a network
of capillaries supplies the head with blood (which is returned by
way of the anterior cardinals). The main current of the stream
passes down the dorsal aortae to the point where these fuse to
form the median dorsal aorta. From the dorsal aorta, the somites
are supplied by capillaries, which will later become the intersegmental arteries. This blood is returned through the posterior
cardinals. Leaving the dorsal aorta by way of the vitelline
arteries, the blood passes through the capillaries of the area
vasculosa to the sinus terminalis, and thence to the capillary
drainage of the vitclline veins which return it to the heart.
The notochord is bent, not only at its tip (cranial flexure) but
also at the point where the myelencephalon merges with the spinal
cord (cervical flexure).
Ectodermal derivatives. — The brain now has acquired its
five definitive vesicles. The telencephalon is enlarged but shows
Amniotic raphe
— Posterior cardinal vein
Mesonephric tubules
Lateral sulcus
Fig. 217. —48 hour chick embryo. Transverse section through mesonephros.
no particular differentiation. From the diencephalon project the
constricted optic stalks which bear the optic cups with their inner
sensory layer and outer pigmented layer. (The pigment will
not arise until later.) The invagination by which the cups were
formed continues down the stalk as the choroid groove. On the
ventral surface of the diencephalon the infundibulum has deepened. Growing in toward it from the stomodeum is an ectodermal invagination, the hypophysis, which will fuse with the
infundibulum to form the pituitary gland. The lens of the eye
is in the pit stage, resulting from the invagination of a sensory
placode. When the process is complete, the lens will be a vesicle
completely withdrawn beneath the surface of the ectoderm, as
will the otic vesicle, the primordium of the inner ear. Along the
rhombencephalon and cord, the neural crest is to be seen as a
narrow band of cells on each dorso-lateral angle.
Otic vesicle %, Metencephalon
he 4 te
cleft I *
q Mesencephalon
wy Choroid fissure
Optic cup
Atrium and lens
: Diencephalon
Nasal pit - Epiphysis
limb bud
3 Somite 26
Vitelline 2
Vitelline ; .
. : Posterior
vem limb bud
Fig. 218. — 72 hour chick embryo. Transparent preparation from dorsal view,
head seen from right side. X15.
External form. — At the end of the third day of incubation,
the total length of the embryo is 9.5 mm., but the curvature of
the body is so great, on account of the cranial and cervical flexures in addition to the newly developed caudal flexure, that the
greatest length, from neck to tail, is 7 mm. Torsion involves the
body as far back as the vitelline arteries and will become complete during the fourth day. Anterior and posterior limb buds
are now apparent at the levels of somites 17-19 and 26-32 respectively. The tail is curved forward. The fore-gut is still
1.4 mm. in length but has undergone further differentiation,
indicated externally by the fact that the first three visceral
clefts are open while the fourth is still interrupted by its closing
plate. In the branchial arches four aortic arches may be seen.
The telencephalon has given rise to the primordia of the cerebral
hemispheres, and from the roof of the diencephalon, a small
evagination represents the epiphysis or primordium of the pineal
gland. The eye and ear, which were formerly in the same
transverse section, are now nearly in an antero-posterior relationship. The olfactory pits have made their appearance in the
head. The semilunar (fifth cranial nerve), geniculo-acoustic
(seventh and eighth), and petrosal (ninth) ganglia may be seen.
There are approximately thirty-five somites. The primitive
streak has disappeared. The amnion is completed by the fusion
of head and tail folds. The allantois, a small sac-like evagination,
protrudes ventrally between the posterior limb buds.
Endodermal derivatives. — At the end of the third day the oral
aperture has been formed by the rupture of the oral membrane
separating the stomodeum and the fore-gut. Immediately anterior to this opening the preoral gut persists. The fore-gut is
still the same length as in the chick of forty-cight hours, but is
more complex in structure. The thyroid gland, which appeared
during the second day, has now become differentiated into the
distal dilation which will give rise to the gland proper and the
thyroglossal duct. The first three visceral pouches are open
to the exterior, but the epithelial buds destined to give rise to the
thymus and parathyroids are not yet apparent. The fourth
visceral pouch is still separated from the corresponding groove by
the closing plate. The laryngeo-tracheal groove has developed
in the floor of the pharynx just posterior to the fourth visceral
pouches. At its posterior end the dorsal margins of this groove
have closed together to form the primordium of the trachea which
is thus set free from the esophagus above. The trachea is bifurcated at the posterior end, thus giving rise to the two bronchial
buds which are the primordia of the lungs.
The esophagus, which is relatively narrow, is followed by a
dilation which is to become the stomach. Posterior to this, the
primordium of the liver may be seen as an evagination from the
Aortic arches
aorta Myelencephalon
. Roy fandibatam
venosus Isthmus
cord ,
Notochord ++—%
Telencephalon Epiphysis
Spinal cord—
Fiq. 219. — 72 hour chick embryo. Sagittal section. X25.
ventral floor of the duodenal region of the gut. The dorsal
pancreas arises from the duodenal region just dorsal to the liver
at the end of the third day. The ventral primordia will not
appear for another day.
Fig. 220. — 72 hour chick embryo. ‘Transverse section through otic vesicle. X25.
L esicle
Dorsal aorta Optic ome
Aortic arches
d cup Sensory layer
Pharynx yyy
Visceral arches
Fia. 221. — 72 hour chick embryo. Transverse section through optic cup. X25.
Esophagus Primary ‘Common cardinal Bulbus arteriosus “
. : i
Chorion Amnion bronchus yon polite eee! oa
3 A ang ots + ~
Somite AfSead- m,
rst; Epidermis
‘Yolk sac
Pleural groove
Sinus Atrium Nasal pit
“venosus Pericardial
Fig. 222. — 72 hour chick embryo. Transverse section through heart and lung.
The mid-gut region is gradually lessened by the advancing
sulci which are cutting off the body of the embryo from the yolk.
This region opens into the yolk stalk which is still quite wide.
The hind-gut contained in the tail fold has not yet acquired
its cloacal aperture nor has the proctodeum appeared. The
floor of the hind-gut between the tail bud and the posterior
intestinal portal evaginates to give rise to the allantoic primordium.
Mesodermal derivatives. — The somites, typically thirty-five
in number, still show a varying degree of differentiation which is
carried to its furthest point in the more anterior somites. The
dermatome is now a thin sheet of cells along the dorso-lateral
Dorsal cardinal} Dorsal Li
_Amnion aorta vein mesentery iver
Allantoic vein
Ventral mesentery
Meatus venosus
Fig. 223. — 72 hour chick embryo. Transverse section through liver. X25.
angle of the embryo, with the myotome parallel and internal;
the sclerotome in these anterior segments is a large and loose
aggregate of cells investing the neural tube, notochord, and
The pronephric tubules have degenerated to a considerable
extent, but the nephrostomes opening into the coelom may persist. The mesonephric tubules are now in process of development, with those in the more anterior segments most highly
differentiated. The tubules between the thirteenth and _ thirtieth somites have progressed from the vesicle stage characteristic of those behind the twentieth somite, and some have acquired a lumen and joined the pronephric duct which henceforward is known as the mesonephric duct. A few of the more
anterior tubules develop nephrostomes, but these soon disappear.
Behind the twentieth somite, as far back as the thirtieth, only
vesicles are formed. The mesonephric ducts have grown back
and united with the cloaca.
The heart now shows a constriction between the atrial and
ventricular region. Four aortic arches are developed, of which
Dermatome, Sclerotome \ Spinal cord
Vitelline tubule
Lateral sulcus Dorsal
Fig. 224. — 72 hour chick embryo. Transverse section through vitelline arteries
leaving body. X25.
the first is becoming smaller, and somctimes has disappeared at
this stage. The internal carotid arteries are now well developed,
growing forward into the head from the point of union between
the first arches and the dorsal aortae. From the ventral end of
the first aortic arch the external carotid takes its origin. The
Chorion Mesonephric .
Amnion duct  Somite Dorsal ao
Fig. 225. 72 hour chick embryo. Transverse section through allantois. 25.
pulmonary is sometimes apparent as a posterior prolongation of
the ventral aorta at the point where the fifth arches will appear
during the next twenty-four hours. The intersegmental arteries
are now apparent as dorsal diverticula from the aorta between
each pair of somites. The vitelline veins have fused for a short
distance behind the sinus, thus giving rise to the meatus venosus.
The anterior cardinal vein now possesses many branches from
the head, among which are three intersegmental veins. The
posterior cardinal has continued its backward growth dorsal
to the mesonephric duct as far as the thirty-third somite. It
receives the intersegmental veins of this region. Where the
posterior cardinals unite with the common cardinals, a capillary
network indicates the beginnings of the allantoic veins.
Ectodermal derivatives. —-'The brain at the end of the third
day has its five definitive vesicles even more sharply demarcated.
From the telencephalon two lateral vesicles have evaginated to
form the primordia of the cerebral hemispheres. In the diencephalon the epiphysis has appeared as a dorsal evagination.
On the floor of this vesicle the infundibulum is almost in contact
with the hypophysis. The mesencephalon is separated from the
metencephalon by a deep constriction known as the isthmus.
Along the sides of the myelencephalon may be distinguished the
following cerebral ganglia: the semilunar of the fifth cranial
nerve; the acoustico-facialis which will later separate into the
geniculate ganglion of the seventh and the acoustic of the eighth;
and the petrosal ganglion of the ninth. The eye has increased in
size, and the lens is now free from the epidermal ectoderm. The
ear, too, is in the vesicle stage and possesses a short endolymphatic duct, which has lost its connection with the epidermis.
On the third day the primordium of the nose is represented by
two olfactory pits anterior to the mouth.
Arey, L. B. 1934. Developmental Anatomy, 3rd Ed., Chap. 18.
Duval, M. 1889. Atlas d’embryologie.
Keibel and Abraham. 1900. Normaltafeln II, des Huhnes (Gallus domesticus).
Lillie, F. R. 1919. The Development of the Chick, 2nd Ed.
McEwen, R. 8S. 1931. Vertebrate Embryology, 2nd Ed., Part 4.
Patten, B. M. 1929. The Early Embryology of the Chick, 3rd Ed.
Pig embryos of 10 to 12 mm. body length are particularly
instructive for laboratory work in mammalian embryology as they
Myelencephalon Metencephalon
Trachea +
Anterior __| a —Body stalk
limb bud
Roots of
spinal nerves Posterior
Fig. 226. — 10 mm. pig embryo. Transparent preparation from right side. X11.
are sufficiently large for the study of external structures and yet
small enough to afford serial sections for a detailed study of the
anatomy. The primordia of practically all the organ systems,
excepting the skeleton and musculature, are present. In comparing the accounts given by different authors of this particular
stage, it should be remembered that a large amount of shrinkage
takes place during the preparation of fresh sections, so that, as
pointed out by Patten, an embryo of 12 mm. will not measure
more than 93} mm. when prepared for sectioning. The account
which follows corresponds in general to the pig (Sus scrofa) of
10 mm. described by Keibel, of 12 mm. (Minot), 10 mm. (Prentiss)
and 9.4 mm. (Patten), but is not so advanced as the 13.5 mm.
pig (Boyden).
External form. — The pig embryo at this stage is relatively
‘more advanced than the chick of seventy-two hours. The body
is sharply flexed, owing to the presence of the cranial, cervical,
dorsal, and caudal flexures. In the head region the olfactory
pits are well developed and are connected by the naso-lachrymal
groove to a depression which surrounds the bulging eyeball.
The five divisions of the brain are apparent through the relatively thin overlying epidermis. Four visceral grooves can be
seen, the first of which, or hyomandibular, is the primordium of
the external auditory meatus. The third and fourth grooves are
compressed by the cervical flexure into a deeper depression known
as the cervical sinus. A frontal view of the head shows the oral
cavity bounded above by the frontal process in the middle, the
maxillary processes at the side, while the lower jaw is represented
by the mandibular arch.
In the trunk region, the buds of the pectoral and pelvic appendages are large but show no further differentiation. The
contours of the somites, now forty-four in number, are apparent
along the back, and ventral to these can be seen the outlines of the
heart, liver, and mesonephros. In some specimens there appears
between the limb buds a thickened ridge from which the mammary
glands develop and which is therefore known as the milk line. |
The umbilical cord projects from the ventral side of the embryo.
Between this and the base of the slender tail is a small protuberance, the genital tubercle, or primordium of the external
Endodermal derivatives. — The preoral gut still persists anterior to the oral aperture. Ventral to this, and seen best in
sagittal section, is the long and slender hypophysis, now in contact with the infundibulum of the diencephalon. Both the
hypophysis and infundibulum, it should be remembered, are of
ectodermal origin. The pharynx is dorso-ventrally compressed,
and from its floor the tongue is arising. Four visceral pouches
are present, corresponding to the visceral grooves already noted.
These do not unite to become visceral clefts but remain separated
by their closing membranes. Between the second and third
vena cava
//_ . Ductus venosus
i Liver
Duct of ventral pancreas
Spinal { nw ;
artery fDuodenum___Vitelline vein
on—__ Body
Dorsal stalk
pancreas i ses mbilical
SSS ) rte
Vitelline 4 7 SN d Af ty
(ant. mesenteric)’ oN i R
artery cl
Notochord oaca
Fia. 227.— 10 mm. pig embryo. Sagittal section. 164.
pouches the thyroid gland appears. From the level of the fourth
pouch a short laryngeal groove is prolonged into the trachea
which has given rise to the bronchial buds, three in number. Two
of these, the primary bronchi, have arisen by the bifurcation of
the trachea; the third or apical bud, which will give rise to the
eparterial bronchus, develops anterior to the right primary
bronchus. The esophagus is relatively long and narrow and,
just posterior to the level of the lung buds, passes into the stomach
which is dilated and shows a slight dorsal curvature. Posterior
to the stomach the duodenal glands, liver, and pancreas are well
developed. The liver, now a large glandular mass traversed by
W- Nerve XI
Nerve X
and jugular F Ganglion IX
ganglion (superior)
Otic vesicle
~Ganglion VOI
Myelencephalon ¥} (acoustic)
Ganglion Y~}(semilunar) P
Pog IT a1 Basilar
Fee eof artery
Nerve III
carotid artery
Fig. 228. — 10 mm. pig embryo. Transverse section through otic vesicles. 163}.
the capillaries of the hepato-portal veins, retains its original connection with the duodenum as the common bile duct from the
distal end of which the gall bladder is forming. Both dorsal
and ventral primordia of the pancreas are present, the duct of
the latter arising from the common bile duct. The long and
slender intestine extends into the umbilical cord as the intestinal
loop, to which the yolk stalk is still attached. Just posterior to
this, a slight enlargement may sometimes be observed which indicates the boundary between the large and small intestine. The
hind-gut is dividing into a dorsal rectum and ventral urogenital
sinus, prolonged into the allantoic stalk. The sinus and rectum
unite in a common cloaca which has not yet established connection
with the proctodeum. Immediately posterior to the cloacal plate,
a small blind pocket represents the postcloacal gut.
Spinal cord.
it Dorsal root
co Spinal ganglion
re Ventral root
Dorsal ramus
cardinal vein Ganglion X
Aortic ( nodosum )
arch OT Radix aortae
Visceral arch
a Hypophysis
cardinal vein
Sensory layer
Pigment layer
Fig. 229.10 mm. pig embryo. Transverse section through optic cup. 164.
Mesodermal derivatives. — The notochord extends from the
vicinity of the floor of the mesencephalon into the tail, following
the flexures of the body.
The somites have long since become differentiated into the
myotome, dermatome, and sclerotome. In the tail region, the
sclerotomes are separated into the cranial and caudal arcualia
from which the vertebrae will originate.
In the pig of 10 mm., the pronephric stage has been passed;
the mesonephros is at the height of its development, forming a
great “Wolffian” body with a complicated network of interwoven
tubules; while the mesonephric duct (originally the pronephric
duct) may be recognized along the ventral margin. Emerging
from the mesonephros, each duct enters the urogenital sinus at the
same level as the allantoic stalk. From each duct a narrow stalk
runs dorsally and forward as the metanephric duct, or ureter,
which at its distal end is enlarged to form the pelvis of the metanephros. Around the pelvis the posterior portion of the nephrotomal band will produce the secretory tubules of the definitive
kidney at a later stage. On the median ventral margin of each
Dorsal aorta
Oesophagus Anterior
ardinal vein
Fig. 230. — 10 mm. pig embryo. Transverse section through nasal (olfactory) pit.
X 163.
mesonephros are slight swellings which will later become the
genital ridges, primordia of the gonads. The coelom is partially
divided into the pericardial and abdominal cavities by the septum
transversum. The mesenteries of the principal viscera are in
evidence. The liver is still suspended in the ventral mesentery.
A dorsal mesocardium is present.
The heart of the 10 mm. pig has the four main chambers established, although not yet completely separated into right and left
halves. The sinus venosus now enters the right atrium through
a slit guarded by the valves of the sinus. The right and left
atria are partially separated by the interatrial septum in which
can be seen an opening, the foramen ovale. The atrio-ventricular canal leading to the ventricle is partially separated into right
and left halves by the endocardial cushion. The ventricle is partially divided by the interventricular septum. From the ventral
aorta three aortic arches curve around the pharynx to unite with
the dorsal aorta. These are the third, fourth, and sixth aortic
arches; the first and second have degenerated, while the fifth
Spinal cord .
limb bud
Common Dorsal aorta
cardinal vein
Eparterial Oesophagus
bronchus Trachea
Valves of
sinus Left atrium
Right \ ventricle
Fia. 231. — 10 mm. pigembryo. Transverse section through sinus venosus. 16}.
seldom appears as a separate structure. The pulmonary arteries
are growing back from the sixth aortic arches.
As prolongations of the original paired ventral and dorsal aortae,
the external and internal carotid arteries, respectively, run forward into the head. The internal carotid arteries are united at
the level of the isthmus between the mesencephalon and the
metencephalon with the basilar artery, which serves to unite
them with the vertebral arteries, arising from the anastomosis of
intersegmental arteries in the cervical region. At the 10 mm.
stage the vertebral arteries have lost their intersegmental connections with the aorta except at the posterior end, where the
limb bud:
vena cava
atrium {
i Left
Right i
ventricle ventricle
Dorsal aorta
ketee . g ‘
Posterior Vea me AN Stomach
vena cava i
by \
: Septum 4 Pericardial
ransversum — cavity
Fig. 233. — 10 mm. pig embryo. Transverse section through stomach. X16}.
seventh cervical intersegmental artery persists and grows out into
the pectoral limb bud to form the subclavian artery. Near the
point of origin of the subclavian, the dorsal aortae are fused and
run back as a single median aorta into the tail. Dorsally,
branches are given off from the aorta as intersegmental arteries
of the trunk. Laterally, many small branches supply the glomeruli of the mesonephros. Ventrally, the dorsal aorta gives
off the coeliac artery and anterior mesenteric arteries to the gut.
Left umbilical
Fig. 234. — 10 mm. pig embryo. Transverse section through gall bladder. 163.
Two large umbilical (allantoic) arteries run from the dorsal aorta
into the umbilical cord. The aorta continues into the tail as a
relatively slender vessel, the caudal artery.
The vitelline veins are much smaller than in the chick of
seventy-two hours, for the yolk sac from which they drew their
blood is nearly degenerated. In the pig at this stage they drain
the gut area and cross into the liver where they become the portal
vein. Within the liver they are broken up into capillaries which
emerge as the hepatic veins to the sinus venosus. Of the somatic
veins, the anterior cardinals are still prominent and are joined
by an extensive series of head veins. In the cervical region the
anterior cardinals receive the dorsal intersegmental veins as well
as the external jugular from the mandible. As the anterior
cardinals enter the common cardinal veins, they are joined by the
posterior cardinals, which have already lost part of their drainage
Spinal cord oO .
Fig. 235. 10 mm. pig embryo. Transverse section through umbilical stalk in
region of intestinal loop. X16}.
area to the subcardinal veins passing through the ventral portions
of the mesonephroi. Numerous small venous channels serve to
connect the subcardinals and postcardinals during this period.
The posterior caval vein has already made its appearance as a
direct connection from the subcardinals to the liver. The umbilical (allantoic) veins proceeding from the allantois toward the
heart are fused together in the umbilical cord. In the body they
pass through the liver, within which they are, like the vitelline
veins, broken up into capillaries. The left umbilical maintains a
broad channel through the liver. This vessel, now known as the
ductus venosus, connects the umbilical with the posterior caval
Posterior Mesonephric
limb bud duct
artery Metanephric
Fig. 236. — 10 mm. pig embryo. Transverse section through metanephric duct and
posterior limb buds. X16}.
Ectodermal derivatives. — The epidermal derivatives of the
ectoderm have already been enumerated in the description of
external form. There remain for consideration the nervous system and sense organs. ‘The five definitive vesicles of the brain
are well marked. From the telencephalon arise the two lateral
cerebral vesicles. This division of the brain is separated from
the diencephalon by two points of reference, the optic recess in
the floor, and the velum transversum in the roof. From the
diencephalon spring the optic stalks, leading to the optic cups,
and the infundibulum, now in contact with the hypophysis as
mentioned above. The posterior boundary of the diencephalon
is indicated by the tuberculum posterius arising from the brain
floor. The epiphysis seldom appears at this stage. The mesencephalon, with the third cranial nerve arising from its floor, is
demarcated at its posterior end by the deep constriction of the
isthmus. The metencephalon is distinguished from the myelencephalon by its thicker roof. From the isthmus the fourth
cranial nerve runs forward laterally over the sides of the brain to
the mass of mesoderm surrounding the eyeball, from which the
vein Internal
carotid artery
Thymus Olfactory pit |
Visceral 8rd Aortic arch
4th Aortic arch
6th Aortic arch.
[J Subcardinal
#/J anastomosis,
Fig. 237. — 10 mm. pig embryo. Frontal section through aortic arches and ductus
venosus. X16}.
eyeball muscles will be formed. Conspicuous at the anterior
ventro-lateral margin of the metencephalon is the large semilunar
ganglion of the fifth cranial nerve. From the floor of the myelencephalon, the sixth cranial nerve emerges to run forward toward
the eye. Immediately following this, the geniculate ganglion of
the seventh and the acoustic ganglion of the eighth are in close
connection. The ninth cranial nerve has two ganglia, the dorsal
superior ganglion and ventral petrosal, while the tenth similarly
possesses a dorsal jugular and ventral nodose ganglion. The
eleventh cranial nerve possesses at this stage a small ganglion
(of Froriep) which disappears in the adult. The last of the cranial
nerves, the twelfth, arises from the floor of the myelencephalon
by a number of small roots and without a ganglion. In the region
of the spinal cord the segmental nerves arise from the cord by two
roots, of which the dorsal is associated with a spinal ganglion.
The trunk is very short and soon divides into three main branches.
The dorsal and ventral rami run to these respective regions of
the body wall, while the third, or communicating ramus, unites
the spinal nerve with a ganglion of the sympathetic chain. The
sympathetic ganglia may be recognized as small masses of cells
dorsal to the aorta.
The nose is represented by the olfactory pits. The eye is in
the optic cup stage with a well-marked choroid fissure and
groove, while the lens is completely separated from the outer ectoderm and is in the vesicle stage. Of the various regions of the
ear, all the primordia are now established. The otic vesicle with
its endolymphatic duct, representing the inner ear, is in close
juxtaposition to the first visceral pouch (hyomandibular) which
will give rise to the auditory tube and chamber of the middle ear;
the external auditory meatus, or outer ear, will arise from the
first or hyomandibular groove.
Arey, L. B. 1934. Developmental Anatomy, 3rd Ed., Chap. 19.
“Boyden, E. A. 1933. A Laboratory Atlas of the Pig Embryo.
Keibel, I’. 1897. Normaltafeln, I, des Schweines (Sus scrofa domesticus).
Lewis, F. T. 1902. The gross anatomy of a 12 mm. pig, Am. Jour. Anat., Vol. 2,
pp. 211-226.
‘Minot, C.S. 1911. A Laboratory Textbook of Embryology, 2nd Ed.
Patten, B. M. 1931. The Embryology of the Pig, 2nd Ed.
Wallin, E. 1917. A teaching model of a 10 mm. pig embryo, Anat. Rec., Vol. 5,
pp. 17-45.
A method much employed in the study of comparative embryology is that of cutting a preserved egg or embryo into a series
of extremely thin slices, and arranging these in order upon a
glass slide, so that they may be examined under the microscope.
The older embryologists, however, were limited to the study of
entire embryos and of minute dissections. These methods are
still of great value in supplementing the study of serial sections,
for it is a difficult mental exercise to translate sections into terms
of the whole embryo. The single section, especially, is meaningless except when interpreted as a part of the complete series. It
is very helpful, therefore, when facilities permit, for each student
to prepare for himself a whole mount and a series of sections
through one of the embryos he is to study.
Although preserved embryos of the more important laboratory
types may be obtained from the biological supply houses, it is
often desirable to collect and rear live embryos.
THE FROG. — There are some sixty species of tailless Amphibia
within the continental limits of the United States. Although
the capture of adults in a pond where eggs are found is strong
circumstantial evidence as to the species of the eggs, even this
evidence is often lacking, so that the ability to identify the
eggs or larvae from their own characteristics is highly desirable.
A key to the eggs and larvae of some of the common Eastern frogs
and toads is found in Wright’s ‘‘ Life History of the Anura of
Ithaca, N. Y.” For the Pacific slope fauna, see Storer, “A
Synopsis of the Amphibia of California.”’ The eggs of the salamander, Ambystoma, are laid at the same time and in the same
localities as those of the early frogs, but may be distinguished
from them by the greater proportion of jelly to the eggs in the
mass of spawn.
Experiments dealing with the effect of pituitary hormones have
led to the discovery that one of these hormones will induce
ovulation in the female frog, and the drive to amplexus in the
male, out of the breeding season. Rugh! (1934) has described in
detail a technique for inducing ovulation and bringing about
artificial fertilization which has been since used in several laboratories, including the author’s, with complete success.
The rate of development of the frog’s egg depends upon the
temperature of the water. In the laboratory, the eggs will hatch
in about one week after laying, at the ordinary room temperature. The egg masses should be kept in clean glass containers
with at least ten times as much water. The water should not be
changed until after hatching, when the larvae should be transferred to fresh water with aquatic plants. After the assumption
of the tadpole form, they should be fed small pieces of finely
ground meat. Metamorphosis may be hastened by feeding fresh
or desiccated thyroid tissue.
Artificial fertilization is the best method of obtaining the
earliest stages of development. The testes and vasa deferentia
of the male are teased out in a watch glass of water. The eggs
from the distal portions of the oviducts are placed in this water for
five minutes and then removed to glass containers with not more
than four inches of water.
THE CHICK. — In collecting hens’ eggs for incubation, it is a
truism that they must be fresh and fertile. The best results are
obtained from trap-nested eggs in the spring semester. The egg
is normally laid in the gastrula stage (Chapter II), but in those
cases where the egg does not reach the distal end of the oviduct
by 4 P.M., it is retained till the following morning and undergoes
further development. After laying, the egg cools and development ceases until incubation is commenced. The fertilized egg
is viable for five weeks at a temperature of 8°-10° C. The time
of hatching, as in the frog’s egg, is dependent upon the temperature. The minimum temperature at which development will
take place is about 25° C.; the optimum is 37° C., at which
temperature the egg will hatch in twenty-one days; the maximum
temperature is about 41° C. In incubating eggs, care must be
1R. Rugh. Induced Ovulation and Artificial Fertilization in the Frog, Biol.
Bull. 66, 22-29.
taken to keep the air in the incubator moist and to rotate the
eggs once a day.
Instructive demonstrations may be made by opening the shell
and shell membranes under aseptic conditions and removing a
bit of the albumen. <A window of celloidin placed over the opening and carefully sealed will permit of observations on the development of the embryo for several days. An alternative method
is that of opening the egg and placing the contents in a sterilized
small stender dish. A glass ring is placed on the yolk to keep it
beneath the surface of the albumen, and the dish is covered and
placed in the incubator. If this operation is carried on under
aseptic conditions, development will continue for two or three days.
THE PIG. — The early stages of development in any mammal
are valuable. The larger embryos are visible as protuberances
on the inner side of the uterine tubes. The tube should be slit
open and the embryos exposed by cutting open the embryonic
membranes which surround them. Smaller stages are obtained
by washing out the contents of the tube with normal salt solution
or preserving it entire.
Pig embryos may be obtained in quantities from any good-sized
packing house. As many as eighteen may be found in a single
female, but the average number is eight. The period of gestation
in the pig is 121 days. Pig embryos of 10 mm. body length are
the most useful in the elementary course. Later stages are of
value in the detailed study of organogeny.
The preliminary preparation of material for microscopical work
involves three distinct operations: killing, fixing, and preservation. In practice, two or three of these operations are performed
by a single reagent known as a “ fixing fluid.” Such a reagent
should kill the embryo so rapidly that it will undergo the minimum
of post-mortem changes; it should preserve the structures of the
embryo with as life-like an appearance as possible; and it should
harden the soft parts so that they may undergo the later processes
of technique without loss of form or structure. Some fixing fluids,
such as alcohol or formalin, may be used indefinitely as preservatives, but the majority are used for a particular optimum period,
and then washed out and replaced by alcohol.
THE FROG. — The frog’s egg, before hatching, is best fixed by
Smith’s fluid.
Potassium bichromate.......... cece eee eee eee 0.5 gram
Glacial acetic aCid. . 6... ce cece cece cece eee eee 2.5 ce.
Formalin. 2.0... ccc ccc cece cee cece cence eeaee 10.0 ce.
Distilled water... 2... . cece eee eee eee eee 75.0 cc.
1. Cut the egg masses into small pieces of about twenty-five
eggs each, and submerge them in a dish of Smith’s fluid for
twenty-four hours. A quantity equal to ten times the volume
of the eggs should be used.
2. Rinse the eggs in water and wash with a 5 per cent aqueous
solution of formalin until no more free color comes out. The
eggs may be kept indefinitely in this fluid. If it is desired to
remove the egg membranes, proceed as follows:
3. Wash in water for twenty-four hours, changing the water
several times.
4. Place the eggs in eau de Javelle, diluted with three time its
volume of water, and shake gently from time to time during a
period of 15 to 30 minutes until the membranes are almost
dissolved and will shake off.
5. Rinse in water and run through 50 per cent and 70 per cent
alcohol, an hour to a day each, and preserve in 80 per cent alcohol.
After hatching, larvae are best fixed in Bouin’s fluid.
Picric acid, saturated aqueous solution................ 75 cc.
Formalin. 2.0... cece cece eee een eeeeees 25 cc.
Glacial acetic acid... .. ec cee cece eeeeees 5 ce.
1. Larvae are left in this fluid from one to eighteen hours,
according to size.
2. After rinsing in 50 per cent alcohol, wash in 70 per cent
alcohol, to which has been added a few drops of lithium carbonate, saturated aqueous solution, until the yellow color is
extracted, and preserve in 80 per cent alcohol.
THE CHICK. — The chick embryo must be removed from the
shell, albumen, and yolk before fixation. As the early stages
are more difficult to handle, it is advisable to practice this operation on embryos of seventy-two hours’ incubation and then work
backward toward the stages of the first day.
1. Place the egg in a dish 3 inches high and 6 inches in diameter, two-thirds full of normal saline solution, warmed to 40° C.
2. Crack the shell at the broad end with the flat of the scalpel,
and pick away the pieces of shell until an opening slightly larger
than a half dollar has been made. Remove the outer and inner
shell membranes. Invert egg beneath the surface of the salt
solution and allow the contents to flow out. The blastoderm,
containing the embryo, will rotate until it is uppermost. With
fine-pointed scissors, cut rapidly a circle of blastoderm, about the
size of a quarter, with the embryo at the center. With blunted
forceps, pull the blastoderm and adherent vitelline membrane
away from the yolk and albumen, waving it gently beneath the
surface of the salt solution to remove all yolk.
3. Submerge a syracuse watch glass in the salt solution and
float the embryo into this. Remove the watch glass carefully
from the large dish and examine the embryo with a dissecting lens.
If the vitelline membrane has not yet separated from the blastoderm, it should be removed at this time with fine-pointed forceps
and needles. Make sure that the embryo lies dorsal side up, as
it did when the egg was opened.
4, Slide a cover glass under the embryo, and remove all salt
solution: with a pipette, taking care that the embryo lies in the
center of the cover glass. Lift the cover glass by one corner so
that the overhanging edges of the blastoderm fold under, and
place it in a dry watch glass on a piece of thin absorbent tissue
paper and add fixing fluid at once. While the embryo is becoming
attached to the cover glass, remove the yolk, albumen, and pieces
of shell from the dish of salt solution to a slop jar, reheat the salt
solution to 40° C., and prepare another embryo. Three embryos
of each stage are to be prepared.
5. After five minutes, drop the cover glass, embryo side up,
into a small stender dish of Bouin’s fluid and leave from two to
four hours.
6. Rinse in 50 per cent alcohol, wash for two days in 70 per
cent alcohol to which lithium carbonate has been added or until
the yellow color is extracted from the embryo, and preserve in
80 per cent alcohol.
THE PIG. — Embryos of 6 mm. body length and over are easily
located in the uterine wall. Slit open the uterus and remove the
embryo with fine-pointed forceps and a horn spoon, taking pains
not to rupture the membranes. Place at once in Bouin’s fluid.
Embryos of 10 mm. body length should be fixed for four hours.
Rinsing and preserving are done as for the frog or chick. Larger
embryos should have the body cavity slit open to admit the fixing fluid. Fetal pigs of 6 inches or more should be injected
through the umbilical artery with formalin (20 per cent aqueous
solution). This solution is also injected into the body cavity and
cranium, after which the fetus is submerged in the same medium
for a week and preserved in 6 per cent formalin.
It is very helpful to have some embryos mounted entire for
comparison with the serial sections. In making these whole
mounts, the embryos are stained, cléared, and mounted, i.e.,
transferred to a final medium for preservation and examination
on the slide beneath a cover glass.
THE FROG. — Frog eggs and embryos may be mounted as opaque
objects with the natural pigmentation, or they may be cleared
and stained as transparent mounts.
Opaque mounts. —
1. Prepare a saturated aqueous solution of thymol. Filter
the solution, and add gelatin until saturated. Remove the
supernatant liquid.
2. Liquefy the gelatin by immersing a small quantity, in a
test tube, in a dish of hot water. Fill a hollow-ground depression
slide with gelatin and allow to cool.
3. With a hot needle, melt a small hole in the gelatin, sufficiently large to hold the embryo. Place the embryo in the
desired position and hold it in place until the gelatin has cooled.
4, Add a drop of gelatin just warm enough to be liquid and
cover with a cover glass which has been slightly warmed. When
the gelatin has cooled, any surplus may be removed from the
edges of the cover glass with a toothpick wrapped in moist cotton.
In order to prevent the later formation of bubbles, the edges
of the cover glass should be painted with gold size or Valspar.
Free-hand sections and dissections are admirably mounted by
this method, but great care must be exercised to prevent the
formation of air bubbles through cracks in the gold size.
Transparent stained mounts. —
1. Bleach the embryo, until white, in hydrogen peroxide.
About one week is required for this purpose. Embryos that have
been preserved in 80 per cent alcohol should first be passed
through 70 and 50 per cent alcohol to water, an hour or more in
each fluid. Embryos in formalin must be rinsed in water for
one hour.
2. Stain in dilute borax carmine four days or more.
Borax, 4 per cent aqueous solution. .................. 100 ce.
Carmine. . 0.0.2... ccc cece eee eeneee 1 gr.
Boil until dissolved and add alcohol, 70 per cent....... 100 ce.
To dilute, take 5 cc. of the borax carmine and 95 ce. of 35 per cent
alcohol and add a crystal of thymol.
3. If overstained, remove the surplus color with hydrochloric
acid (1 per cent solution in 70 per cent alcohol) after passing
through water and 50 per cent alcohol, an hour each.
4, Run up through 80, 95, and 100 per cent alcohol, an hour
each, and place in xylene (xylol) until transparent.
5. Prepare a mounting diagram by drawing an outline of a
slide on a piece of cardboard and in this laying off an outline of
the cover glass to be used. Place a clean slide on the diagram,
and, just’ inside the right and left margins of the cover-glass outline, attach a thin strip of celluloid, 15/1000 of an inch in thickness, by means of a drop of acetone. Greater thicknesses may
be obtained by attaching other strips as necessary. When these
supports are dry, place a few drops of Canada balsam, dissolved
in xylene, between the supports, place the embryo in position,
and lower a clean cover glass gently. Try to avoid the formation
of air bubbles. If these appear later they may be removed by a
needle which has been heated or dipped in xylene. A little fresh
balsam may be run into the cavity.
THE CHICK. — Total mounts may be stained either with the
borax carmine or with Conklin’s modification of Delafield’s
hematoxylin. Delafield’s hematoxylin, which gives a blue color
to the embryo, is made as follows:
Hematoxylin (16 per cent solution in 100 per cent al
COMO]... cc ee een eee nes 25 ce.
Ammonia alum (saturated aqueous solution).......... 400 ce.
Hydrogen peroxide, neutralized. . 0... 6. cee eee ee eee 25 cc.
Glycerin. 20... cc cece eet ee eee eens 100 ce.
Alcohol methyl... 0.0.0... ccc cence nens 100 ce.
Conklin’s modification consists of diluting the stain with four
times the volume of distilled water and adding to each 100 ce. of
the dilute stain 1 ec. of picrosulphuric acid, prepared by adding
2 cc. of sulphuric acid to 98 cc. of picric acid (saturated aqueous
1. Run the embryo from the 80 per cent alcohol down to
water through changes of 70 and 50 per cent alcohol, an hour
2. Stain in borax carmine, undiluted, over night, or in hematoxylin from one to three hours. Either stain may be diluted
still further and the staining period prolonged. In the author’s
laboratory the schedule demands a four-day staining period and
the borax carmine is diluted 5 x, the hematoxylin 20 x.
3. Destain, if necessary, in acid alcohol until the desired color
is obtained. Embryos stained with hematoxylin will turn red
in the acid alcohol, and the blue color must be restored by washing them in running water or, after washing in neutral 70 per
cent alcohol, placing them in alkaline alcohol (1 per cent ammonia
in 80 per cent alcohol).
4. Run up the alcohols, 80, 95, and 100 per cent, half an hour
each. Pour off half the 100 per cent alcohol and add an equal
amount of xylene. When the diffusion currents disappear, transfer to pure xylene and leave until the embryo is transparent. In
rainy weather, or when 100 per cent alcohol cannot be obtained,
phenol-xylene (phenol crystals, 25 gr. and xylene 75 cc.) may be
5. Remove the embryo from the cover glass (if it has not already detached itself) and trim the surrounding blastoderm to
the form of an oblong or circle. Arrange a clean slide on the
mounting diagram, as described for the frog, attach celluloid
support, and mount the embryo in Canada balsam with the same
side uppermost as when the egg was opened. Put the slide away
where it may lie flat and free from dust until the balsam has
hardened. This will take at least a week, after which the slide
may be cautiously cleaned and studied. The process may be
hastened by drying the slide in the paraffin oven.
THE PIG. — Embryos up to 10 mm. body length may be prepared as whole mounts by staining in dilute borax carmine, destaining until only a trace of color persists, and mounting in
Canada balsam. The time spent in each alcohol should be at
least an hour for the larger embryos.
In the preparation of serial sections of an embryo, the fixed
material is (1) embedded in a suitable matrix and (2) sliced into
extremely thin sections, which are (3) mounted in serial order
upon slides. The embryo may be stained before or after
Embedding. — There are two principal methods of embedding,
in paraffin or in celloidin. For especially delicate objects, the
best results are obtained by a combination of these methods,
the embryo being first impregnated with celloidin in order to
avoid the shrinkage (about 10 per cent) caused by paraffin embedding, and the block of celloidin then immersed in paraffin so
that ribbons of serial sections may be cut.
Embedding in paraffin. — In preparing the first few embryos
for sectioning, it is advisable to stain, dehydrate, dealcoholize,
and clear as if for a total mount. Later, the staining may be
omitted until after the sections are affixed to the slide.
1. After clearing in xylene, which should be done in a warm
place, for example, the low-temperature oven at about 40° C.,
pour off half the xylene and add an equal amount of paraffin chips.
In the author’s laboratory a paraffin of about 55° melting point,
obtained by mixing commercial paraffin with parawax, is used.
The parawax, unfortunately, varies in melting point, so that the
formula is empirical. The embryo may be left in this xylene
paraffin for two days.
2. If the mixture has hardened it should again be melted in
the low-temperature oven. Fill a clean stender dish with melted
paraffin, transfer the embryo to this, and place in the high-temperature oven at about 56° C. (or one degree above the melting
point of the paraffin used) for not more than two hours. The
xylene paraffin should be thrown in the slop jar. Take care not
to get any xylene in the high-temperature oven or paraffin used
for the final embedding.
3. Smear the interior of a small watch glass with a 10 per cent
aqueous solution of glycerin (or vaseline), and fill with fresh
melted paraffin. Transfer the embryo to this, making any necessary adjustments in position with a heated needle. Place the
embryo dorsal side up, and note the position of the head. Cool
the surface of the paraffin by blowing on it gently until it is congealed. Then plunge it immediately into a dish of cold water or
waste alcohol and leave it there for five minutes. Mark the block
for identification. Objects may be left in paraffin indefinitely.
4. On removing the block of paraffin from its container,
examine for the following flaws:
a. Air bubbles, if they are not near the embryo, may be removed with a hot needle. Otherwise it is better to trim the
block close to the embryo, put it into melted paraffin, and
b. Milky streaks are due to the presence of xylene. These
will crumble during sectioning, so that it is best to re-embed if
they occur near the embryo.
c. If the paraffin has “ fallen ” in the center, it is because the
surface was cooled too long before the block was immersed in the
water. If any part of the embryo is exposed, it must be reembedded.
Sectioning after paraffin embedding. — Before sectioning your
first embryo, be sure you understand the mechanism of the
microtome (there are many varieties, of which the rotary type is
best adapted to beginning students), and have practised the
technique on a block of paraffin. There are three standard planes
of sectioning corresponding to the axes of the body (Fig. 238).
Transverse sections are obtained by cutting the cephalic end of
the body first, with the knife entering the left side. Sagittal
sections are made by cutting the right side first, with the knife
entering the ventral surface. Frontal sections are made by
commencing at the ventral surface, the knife entering the left
side. It is best to begin with transverse sections.
1. Attach the paraffin block to the object-carrier of the microtome in the proper manner to obtain the type of section desired.
This is done by heating the surface of the carrier until it will just
melt paraffin, pressing the block against it in the desired orientation, and lowering into a dish of cold water. A little melted
paraffin may be poured around the base of the block and this
again cooled to secure additional support.
2. Place the object-carrier in the microtome and, after orienting the block with respect to the knife, trim it so that the end
of the block is a perfect rectangle with one of the longer sides
parallel to the knife edge. If one of the angles is cut off slightly
there will be a series of indentations in the ribbon which will
assist in orienting the sections on the slide.
3. If microtome knives are not available, place a new safetyrazor blade (Autostrop type) in the holder provided, allowing the
Transverse Sagittal
Fig. 238. — Diagram to show method of orienting embryo with reference to microtome knife according to type of section desired.
edge to project between a sixteenth and an eighth of an inch.
Screw the holder in the knife-carrier so that the edge of the blade
is tilted inward about 10° from the perpendicular.
4. Set the regulator for 20 microns (thousandths of a
millimeter). .
5. Run the feed screw as far back as it runs freely; do not
force it.
6. Advance the knife-carrier until the edge of the blade just
clears the block.
7. Release safety catch and turn the wheel steadily until the
knife begins to cut the block. Cut slowly, making necessary
adjustments to the block and knife until you are cutting a perfectly straight ribbon without wrinkles or splits. The principal
causes of trouble and their remedies are as follows:
a. The ribbon curls to right or left. This happens because (1)
the block is thicker on the side away from which the ribbon
curls, or (2) the knife is duller on the side toward which the ribbon
curls. Remedy: (1) trim the sides of the block parallel; (2)
shift the knife to one side.
b. The sections curl and the ribbon is not continuous. This
is due to (1) too much tilt of the knife, (2) too hard a grade of
paraffin, or (3) too cold a room. Remedy: (1) lessen tilt of
knife; (2) re-embed in softer paraffin; (3) move microtome to
warmer place, light an electric light or micro-bunsen burner
near microtome, or cut thinner sections.
c. The ribbon wrinkles badly. This is caused by (1) too little
tilt to the knife, (2) too soft a grade of paraffin, (3) too warm a
room, or (4) a dull or dirty knife. Remedy: (1) increase the
tilt of the knife; (2) re-embed in harder paraffin; (8) move to a
cooler room, or cool the knife and block by dropping alcohol on
them and blowing vigorously, or cut thicker sections; (4) clean
knife edge with cloth moistened in xylene or shift to a new place
on the knife.
d. The ribbon splits lengthwise. This is due to (1) a nick in
the knife, (2) a bubble in the paraffin, or (3) dirt on the knife
edge or side of the block. Remedy: (1) shift to new cutting edge;
(2) paint surface with thin celloidin; (3) clean knife edge and block.
e. The sections refuse to ribbon; they fly apart or cling to
the knife or the block. This is due to the electrification of the
sections caused by unfavorable atmospheric conditions. Many
remedies have been suggested; the best is to ground the microtome to a water pipe. Usually it is advisable to wait for more
favorable conditions.
8. Remove the ribbon in 6 inch lengths with a camel’s hair
brush and arrange these in order, shiny side down, in a cardboard
box cover. Avoid air currents of all kinds. The ribbons may be
put away in a dust-free place if the room is not too warm. It is
better to affix them to slides as soon as possible.
Affixing paraffin sections to the slide. — 1. Prepare a mounting
diagram by laying off the outline of a slide as before, but enclose
in this the outline of a long cover glass (25 by 50 mm. approximately) and leave space for a label on the right-hand side.
2. Clean a slide thoroughly by washing with acid alcohol
followed by distilled water. Place this over the mounting diagram and brush over the surface above the outline of the cover
glass with the following dilute solution of egg albumen:
Egg albumen, beaten and skimmed.................. 50 ce.
Glycerin... 0... cece cece eee eee neeeeeeees 50 ce.
Filter and add Thymol.............. 0. ccc cee ee ee ees a crystal
Dilute 2 drops of this to distilled water............... 25 ce.
3. Cut the ribbon into lengths about 2 per cent shorter than
the length of the cover glass. Using the wet brush from which
most of the albumen solution has been squeezed, pick up these
lengths and arrange them on the albumenized slide so that the
sections will follow each other like the words on a printed page.
The shiny side of the ribbon should be next to the slide. Great
care should be taken to lower the ribbon slowly so as to prevent
the formation of air bubbles beneath it.
4. Carefully warm the slides on a warming plate or a piece of
plate glass, previously heated in the paraffin oven, until the sections are expanded and perfectly smooth. If bubbles appear
beneath the ribbon, prick them with a hot needle while the ribbon
is still soft and hot. Drain off the surplus water, carefully realign
the sections, mark the slides with a glass-marking crayon, and set
them away in the low-temperature oven to dry, at least two days.
They may be kept indefinitely in this condition if not exposed
to dust. .
Embedding in celloidin. — This method is preferred by some
technicians as no heat is used in the process and the shrinkage is
less than that resulting from the paraffin method. However,
thin sections are not so easy to obtain and the sections must be
handled individually.
1. Embryos are dehydrated as for the paraffin method. Leave
in absolute alcohol one day.
2. Absolute alcohol and ether, equal parts, one day.
3. Thin celloidin, three days to one week.
Alcohol, 100 per cent. ... 0... eee eee eee eee eee 100 ce
Ether... 0.2... cece ccc eee cence eee eeeeee 100 ce
Celloidin. £0... ccc ccc cece eee e eee e eee eaes 5 gr.
4, Thick celloidin, two days to two weeks.
Alcohol, 100 per cent... 1... 0.0... ccc cece eee 100 ce
BO 6) a 100 ce
5. Remove the embryo to a small watch glass and pour thick
celloidin over it. Cover lightly, or place under a bell jar until
the celloidin is hard enough to cut with a scalpel.
6. Dip a block of vulcanized fiber in thick celloidin. Cut
out a block of celloidin containing the embryo from the watch
glass and, after moistening the end by which it is to be attached
in ether alcohol, press it firmly against the prepared fiber block.
7. Pour a little chloroform into a stender dish, add the block
and embryo, cover tightly, and allow the celloidin to harden in
the fumes for thirty minutes.
8. Fill the stender dish with chloroform and cover. Leave for
thirty minutes.
9. Pour off half the chloroform and add an equal amount of
cedar oil. Leave for one hour.
10. Transfer to pure cedar oil where it may remain indefinitely.
Sectioning after celloidin embedding. — Celloidin sections are
usually cut with some form of sliding microtome. Be sure to
study the mechanism and cut a piece of hardened celloidin before
proceeding further.
1. Set the knife with a little more tilt than would be used for
paraffin, and obliquely to the object so that at least half the
cutting edge will be drawn through the block.
2. Orient the block upon the object-holder so that the desired
type of sections may be obtained. The long side of the block
should be parallel to the edge of the knife.
3. Cut sections 20 » or more in thickness, using a steady
drawing cut. Mount sections as they are cut.
Affixing celloidin sections to the slide. — This is best done as
the sections are cut.
1. Using the mounting diagram as before, rub on a thin film
of undiluted albumen solution to cover the areas of the cover
glass. Rub in well with the ball of the finger.
2. Arrange the sections in order on this area. When this is
filled, lay a cigarette paper over the sections and press gently
with another slide. The slides may be kept in a dust-free
Double embedding in celloidin and paraffin. — This process,
although tedious, combines the best points of the two methods
already given.
1. Embed in celloidin according to the method above, omitting
step 6.
2. Trim the celloidin block close to the embryo and wash out
the cedar oil with xylene, three changes in two hours.
3. Embed in paraffin as described above, commencing at step 2.
4. Section according to the method given for paraffin.
5. Affix to the slide according to the method given for paraffin
Staining serial sections. — When the embryo has been stained
before sectioning, it is only necessary to remove the paraffin (or
celloidin), replace with Canada balsam, and cover, if the stain
proves to be satisfactory. Sometimes, however, it is advisable
to strengthen or weaken the stain or to add a contrasting dye.
After staining in bulk. —
1. Paraffin sections on the slide should be put in a Coplin
staining jar of xylene and left until the paraffin is dissolved, up
to fifteen minutes.
2. Transfer to a mixture of xylene and 100 per cent alcohol,
equal parts, five minutes.
3. Transfer to 100 per cent alcohol, five minutes.
4, Examine slide rapidly under microscope after wiping the
back of the slide.
a. If the stain is satisfactory:
5a. Absolute alcohol and xylene, five minutes.
6a. Xylene, ten minutes.
7a. Mount in balsam under cover glass.
b. If the stain is too intense:
5b. Ninety-five and 85 per cent alcohol, one minute each.
6b. Acid 70 per cent alcohol, until stain is correct.
7b. Sections stained in hematoxylin should have the blue
color restored in alkaline 85 per cent alcohol.
8b. Eighty-five, 95, and 100 per cent, one minute each.
9b. Absolute alcohol and xylene, five minutes.
10b. Xylene, ten minutes.
11b. Mount in balsam.
c. If the stain is too light:
5c. Ninety-five, 85, 70, and 50 per cent alcohol, one minute
6c. Stain until desired effect is secured.
7c. Distilled water, five minutes.
8c. Fifty, 70, 85, 95, 100 per cent alcohol, one minute each.
9c. Absolute alcohol and xylene, five minutes.
10c. Xylene, ten minutes.
llc. Mount in balsam.
Celloidin sections on the slide should be exposed to the fumes
of the aleohol-ether mixture for half a minute, dried for one minute, and placed in a staining jar of 95 per cent aleohol. All other
operations may be carried on as above except that phenol-xylene
should be substituted for 100 per cent alcohol.
Counterstaining after staining in bulk. — In order to differentiate the parts of the embryo more sharply, it is often desirable
to add a second stain contrasting with the first. The stains that
have been employed in the previous exercises are nuclear dyes;
that is, when extracting by acid alcohol, the color will persist
in the nucleus after it has been washed out of the cytoplasm.
The second stains affect the cytoplasm and should contrast in
color with the nuclear stain employed. After borax carmine, a
0.5 per cent solution of anilin (Lyons) blue in 95 per cent alcohol
is employed; after hematoxylin, a similar solution of cosin should
be used.
1. Proceed as in the preceding section as far as 60.
2. Destain in acid alcohol until the color persists only in the
3. Restore the blue color to hematoxylin-stained sections in
alkaline 80 per cent alcohol.
4, Eighty and 95 per cent alcohol, one minute each.
5. Counterstain lightly, dipping the slide into the solution
repeatedly until a light color persists in the sections, one-half to
one minute.
6. Rinse in 95 per cent alcohol, dehydrate with 100 per cent
alcohol, followed by xylene-absolute, clear in xylene, and mount.
Staining with Delafield and eosin on the slide. — Follow
directions given for sections stained in bulk (where stain is too
light), as far as step 6c, and follow with directions for counterstaining as given above.
Staining with Heidenhain’s hematoxylin. — This is one of the
most important embryological stains.
1. Remove the paraffin from the sections and run down the
alcohols to distilled water.
2. Four per cent aqueous solution of iron alum, one hour to
over night.
3. Rinse in distilled water and place in 0.5 per cent aqueous
solution of hematoxylin, same time as in the iron alum.
4. Rinse in distilled water and return to the iron alum until
sections are a pale gray. Check from time to time by rinsing in
distilled water and examining under microscope to see that the
desired structures are still visible.
5. When sufficiently destained, wash in running water for
twenty minutes, or in distilled water, with frequent changes, for
two hours.
6. Run up the alcohols, clear, and mount.
Fuchsin and picro-indigo-carmine. — This polychromatic stain
is especially fine for organogeny.
1. Remove the paraffin and run down the alcohols to distilled
2. Stain in basic fuchsin, saturated aqueous solution, twenty
3. Rinse in distilled water and place in picro-indigo-carmine
for five minutes.
Picric acid, saturated aqueous solution................ 50 ce.
Indigo-carmine, saturated aqucous solution............ 50 ce.
4. Pass rapidly through 70, 95, and absolute alcohol into
xylene-alcohol. The green dye is extracted most rapidly by the
70 per cent alcohol, the red by the absolute. Only experience
will teach the right time allowance for each alcohol.
5. Clear in xylene and mount.
Oppel’s polychromatic stain. — This gives beautiful effects with
older embryos and larvae.
1. Fix in Bouin.
2. Stain in bulk with undiluted borax-carmine, one to two
days. Destain for the same period.
Embed, preferably by the double method.
Cut sections, 15-20 u.
Run down the alcohols to water.
Stain in picro-indigo-carmine, 14 minutes.
Stain in picro-fuchsin, one minute.
Picric acid, saturated aqueous solution................ 50 ce.
Acid fuchsin, saturated aqueous solution.............. 50 ce.
8. Wash in distilled water, changed repeatedly, five minutes.
9. Ninety-five per cent alcohol, two minutes.
10. Phenol-xylene, xylene, and mount.
Not the least important part of technique is the keeping of
exact records covering every technical operation. For each
embryo there should be a card, giving the following data:
Kind of embryo and stage of development.
Method of fixation, time and date.
Bulk staining, time and date.
Method of embedding, time and date.
Plane and thickness of sections, and date.
Slide staining, time and date.
Method of mounting, and date.
Name of preparator.
1. Remove embryo from egg in warm normal salt solution.
2. Fix for two hours in Bouin’s fluid.
3. Wash in 70 per cent alcohol (plus lithium carbonate), at
least one change, for two days.
4. Pass through 50 per cent alcohol and water, one hour each.
5. Stain in dilute borax-carmine or Delafield’s alum-hematoxylin, four days.
6. Destain in acid 70 per cent alcohol until desired effect is
7. Wash in neutral 85 per cent alcohol. (The hematoxylinstained specimen is transferred to alkaline 85 per cent alcohol
until blue color is restored.) Two days.
8. Dehydrate and clear: 95 per cent, 100 per cent alcohol,
absolute alcohol-xylene, xylene, twenty minutes each.
Mount in Canada balsam
9. Prepare for embedding by pouring off half the xylene and
adding an equal amount of paraffin chips. Keep in warm place
up to four days.
10. Continue by transferring embryo to melted paraffin and
place in paraffin oven for an hour and a half.
11. Embed in fresh paraffin and cool in water. Make blocks.
12. Cut transverse sections 20 u in thickness on microtome.
13. Prepare clean albumenized slide, float sections on this in
order, warm until sections are expanded, remove surplus water.
Dry for at least two days.
14. Remove paraffin with xylene, and
A. Mount in balsam, or
B. Run down alcohols to 70 per cent and destain. Run up
the alcohols, through absolute alcohol and xylene and
xylene, mount in balsam, or
C. Run down alcohols to water and restain, dehydrate, clear
and mount, or
D. To 95 per cent and counterstain for one minute. Dehydrate, clear, and mount.
Baker, J. R. 1933. Cytological Technique.
Ballentyne, F. M. 1928. An Introduction to the Technique of Section Cutting.
Carleton, H. M. 1926. Histological Technique.
Gage, S. H. 1925. The Microscope, 14th Ed.
Guyer, M. F. 1917. Animal Micrology, 2nd Ed.
Lee, A. B. 1929. The Microtomist’s Vade-Mecum, 9th Ed.
McClung, Ch. 1929. Handbook of Microscopical Technique.
Oppel, A. 1914. Embryologisches Practikum und Entwicklungslehre.
Rugh, R. 1934. Induced Ovulation and Artificial Fertilization in the Frog.
Biol. Bull. 66, 22-29.
Shumway, W. 1926. Fuchsin and Picro-indigo-carmine, a Polychromatic Stain
for Vertebrate Organogeny. Stain Technology I, 1.
During the carly stages of development, embryos are too small
to be studied with the unaided eye. Some observations, to
be sure, may be made with the dissecting lens, but most embryological work requires the use of the compound microscope.
Although the student may be familiar with the use of the microscope from the elementary course in biology, he should nevertheless review this subject before proceeding further. In addition, he should at this time familiarize himself with the simpler
methods of measuring objects with the aid of the microscope,
as embryological drawings require a strict accuracy as to proportions. A great convenience in embryological work is the camera
lucida or some other device by means of which accurate outlines
may be traced. Finally, we must consider the methods by which
the embryo may be reconstructed in magnified form from serial
sections, thus returning, in a sense, to the point where the study
of embryological technique was begun.
Nomenclature of the microscope. — The separate parts of the
microscope (Fig. 239) may be grouped into two systems, the
mechanical parts, and the optical parts. The principal mechanical parts are the base, from which arises the pillar, attached to
which is the arm, which may be inclined at the joint. Attached
to the arm, just above the joint, is the stage, upon which the
slide is placed for examination, and beneath this, the movable
sub-stage equipment, consisting of a condenser-sleeve, and one
or two iris-diaphragms, by means of which the amount of light
to be used is regulated. At the base of the arm is the mirror, a
silvered double mirror, with a plane surface on one side and a
concave surface on the other. At the upper end of the arm are
two screws, the coarse and fine adjustments, by means of which
the barrel of the microscope may be raised or lowered either
rapidly or very slowly. The barrel is composed of the bodytube, connected to the arm by a rack and pinion, in the upper
end of which is enclosed an inner tube, the draw-tube, on which
is a graduated scale of millimeters representing the tube length
exclusive of the revolving nose-piece at the lower end. The
optical parts of the microscope
are systems of lenses, the condenser, placed in the condensersleeve, the objectives, attached
to the revolving nose-piece, and
the oculars, one of which is placed
at the upper end of the drawtube.
The condenser. — This is a
system of lenses which increases
the amount of illumination O
thrown upon the object, and is BJECTIVE
required only with the higherpower objectives.
The objectives. — These are
systems of lenses which produce
an enlarged and inverted image
of the object under proper conditions. Objectives were formerly marked by arbitrary letters V1¢. 239.— Diagram showing parts of
or numbers, with the lowest-pow- ae compound microscope. (From
er objectives beginning the series. age.)
To-day they are usually indicated by the equivalent focal length
(E. F.), that is, the focal length of a simple lens at 250 mm. or 10
inches, or else by the actual magnification (x) at 160 mm.
(Leitz microscopes, 170 mm.). In some of the older microscopes
the tube lengths indicated on the draw-tube were calibrated
without including the length of the revolving nose-piece, then an
accessory part. When setting up these instruments the length of
the nose-piece (Leitz, 18 mm.) must be deducted and the drawtube set at the reduced length (Leitz, 152 mm.). The most
useful objectives for general embryological purposes are the
25-mm. or 6 X, which will hereafter be spoken of as the lowerpower objective; the 16-mm. or 10 X, which will be called the
medium-power objective; and the 4-mm. or 40 x, known as the
high-power objective. For the study of the germ cells, an oilimmersion objective, of which the front lens must be in contact
with the cover glass by means of a drop of cedar oil, is necessary.
The most generally used immersion objective is that of 1.9 mm.
E. F. or approximately 95 xX.
Oculars. — These are systems of lenses which magnify the
real image formed by the objective. Like objectives, these
were, in the past, usually numbered or lettered, beginning with
that of the lowest power, but now are marked with the E. F. at
250 mm. or the actual magnification at 160 mm. (Leitz oculars,
170 mm.). The most useful oculars are the 50-mm. (5 X) or
low-power ocular, and the 25-mm. (10 x) or high-power ocular.
When used with the objectives given above, a range of magnification from 30 xX to 450 * may be obtained. A method of obtaining the exact magnification will be described in connection
with the directions for reconstruction given below.
The use of the microscope. —
1. Place the microscope squarely in front of you with the pillar
toward you and the stage horizontal.
2. Place the low-power ocular in the draw-tube, and adjust
this to a length of 160 mm. (170 mm. for Leitz instruments) as
indicated on the millimeter scale. Swing the low-power objective into position. Place the mirror bar in the median line
and adjust the mirror to secure an even illumination. Use the
plane side of the mirror. The concave side is employed only
when the condenser is not in use.
3. Place the slide on the stage so that the object to be examined
is in the center of the stage aperture, and fasten it down with the
spring clips provided. With the coarse adjustment, lower the
body-tube until the objective nearly touches the cover glass.
Then, with the eye at the ocular, slowly raise the body-tube until
the object comes into plain view. With the fine adjustment,
raise and lower the body-tube a little at a time until the point
at which the smallest details show clearly is discovered. This
is the focal point.
4, When using the low-power and medium-power objectives, the
condenser should be lowered until the illumination is evenly distributed. With the high-power objective, the condenser should
be raised almost to the level of the stage. The iris diaphragm
should be open sufficiently to illuminate about three-quarters of
the aperture of the objective. In other words, it is more widely
open for the low-power objective than for the high-power objective.
5. If a greater magnification is desired, change to the highpower ocular, which will double the magnification. If this is not
sufficient, return to the low-power ocular and swing the mediumpower objective into position, and so on. On most modern
instruments, the objectives are par-focal; that is to say, the
lengths of the objectives are such that when another objective
is swung into place the object will still be visible. If, however,
the object is not in focus, it is best to lower the body-tube until
the new objective almost touches the cover glass, and focus up
until the object comes into view. If the oil-immersion objective
is to be used, lower the condenser and place a drop of oil on its
upper surface; then raise it until it touches the bottom of the
slide. Place another drop immediately over the object on the
cover glass and lower the body-tube with great care until the
front lens of the objective touches the oil. Focus by means of
the fine adjustment only. .
6. All optical parts of the microscope must be cleaned with
lens-paper. After the oil-immersion objective has been used,
the front lens, condenser, and slide should be wiped with a bit
of lens-paper dipped in xylene and then dried with a fresh piece.
Never separate any of the optical parts. The microscope should
be lifted by the pillar unless a special grip is provided to the arm.
The microscope should be kept in the case when not in use. One
of the oculars should be left in the draw-tube at all times to
prevent dust getting on the upper lenses of the objectives. Beginners should try to avoid the error of closing the eye that is not
in use. Practice will enable the microscopist to work with both
eyes open and even to alternate the right and left eye at the
Micrometry. — The unit of measurement in microscopy is the
micron (x). It is the one-thousandth part of a millimeter.
Measurement of microscopic objects is performed with the aid of
micrometers, of which there are two types, the stage micrometer
and the ocular micrometer. The former is a glass slide, in the
center of which, under a cover glass, is a line, usually 2 mm. long,
divided into 200 equal parts, each of which, therefore, is equivalent
to 10 wu. The ocular micrometer is a glass disc, placed in an
ocular at the level of the ocular diaphragm, on which is engraved
a scale, with arbitrary subdivisions. Some oculars are furnished
with a draw-tube so that the upper lens of the system may be
focused more sharply upon the scale. The value of the divisions
indicated on the scale varies according to the amount of magnification of the real image, and so must be obtained for each objective independently, according to the following method:
1. Arrange the microscope as before, taking particular care to
secure the proper tube-length.
2. Focus the eye-lens on the ocular micrometer scale by means
of the ocular draw-tube. Focus the objective on the stage micrometer.
3. Make the lines of the stage micrometer parallel with those
of the ocular micrometer, and determine the value of the divisions
of the ocular micrometer in terms of those of the stage micrometer. Thus, if it requires 10 spaces of the ocular micrometer,
and the latter is equal to 0.1 mm., then the value of a single
space of the ocular micrometer for that particular objective and
at that particular tube-length is 0.01 mm. or 10 ». Determine
the value of the ocular micrometer for each objective in the same
Free-hand drawings of microscopic objects can only approximate an accurate representation. However, great pains should
be taken to secure at least accurate proportions, neat and cleancut lines, and complete labels. Accurate outlines can be secured
by the aid of the camera lucida, various types of projection
apparatus, or microphotography.
Equipment. — The student will need a hard lead pencil (4H),
a medium pencil (HB), and blue, red, and yellow colored pencils,
an eraser, and bond paper to fit the note-book cover used in
earlier courses.
Free-hand drawing. —
1. Lay off the space to be occupied by the drawing, by placing
four dots at the corners. Rule in two lines, intersecting at the
center of this space. These will represent the dorso-ventral
and the dextro-sinistral axes, if the drawing is to be of a transverse
2. Measure the corresponding axes of the sections by means
of the ocular micrometer, multiply by the desired magnification
of the drawing, and lay off these magnified measurements on the
cross lines already drawn. The following magnifications are
recommended: for the twenty-four hour chick, 100 x; for the
thirty-three hour chick, 75 x; for the forty-eight hour chick,
50 xX; for the seventy-two hour chick, 30 x; for the 10 mm.
pig, 20 x.
3. Draw in a careful outline of the section and of the internal
structures, paying particular attention to the proportions, which
should be measured with the ocular micrometer and laid off on
the axes at the proper magnification.
4, On one side of the dorso-ventral axis, all structures should
be colored with the crayons in accordance with the following
scheme: ectoderm, blue; mesoderm, red; and endoderm, yellow.
5. Label all structures represented in the section, using broken
lines at right angles to the long axis of the paper to connect the
label with the structure indicated.
6. Identify the drawing fully, by means of a serial number,
the species, and stage of development, the number given to the
series, slide, and section, the type of sections, and the amount of
magnification. Example: No. 23, Chick, 48 hours, Series 1102,
Slide 2, section 28, transverse section 50 x. If a drawing has
already been made of the total embryo or a total mount, indicate
on this, by means of a heavy ruled line, the position of the section
just drawn, and number this line with the serial number of the
Abbé camera lucida. — This is an attachment which reflects
the light from the drawing board, by means of a mirror, to a
silvered prism, whence the light is reflected to the eye, superimposed on the image of the object which is transmitted through
a small hole in the silvered surface of the prism directly above the
ocular of the microscope (Fig. 240).
1. Attach the camera to the draw-tube of the microscope in
such a way that the mirror projects to the right, and the opening
in the prism lies above the center of the ocular.
2. Extend the mirror arm to its greatest length and set the
mirror at an angle of 45°. The mirror arm must be parallel to
the drawing board.
3. Try various combinations of objectives and oculars until an
image of the desired magnification appears on the paper. Magnifications intermediate to those obtainable in this way may be secured
by varying the tube-length or by
raising or lowering the drawing
board. If the stage of the microscope interferes with the drawing, the
mirror should be set at an angle of
40° or 35° and the drawing board
tilted toward the microscope at an
angle of 10° or 20°, respectively, by
means of wooden images. If the
image is stronger than the reflection
of the pencil point, a smoked glass
may be placed beneath the prism, or
the aperture of the iris diaphragm
may be reduced. If the reflection of
the pencil is stronger than the
image, smoked glass may be placed
. at the side of the prism or the amount
Fig. 240. — Diagram showing prin- Of light falling on the paper reduced
ciple of the Abbé camera lucida. by means of a screen.
Path of image seen in microscope 4, Draw in the outlines of the sec
shown in broken lines, that on, .
drawing paper shown in unbroken tions and the larger internal struc
lines. (From Gage.) tures. The details may be added
5. Remove the slide and substitute a stage micrometer. Trace
in part of the scale by means of which both the magnification
of the drawing and the absolute size of the object may be computed
Projection apparatus. — Where many drawings are to be made,
as in the case of reconstructions, some form of apparatus by
means of which the image of the section may be projected
directly upon the paper is very helpful. There are many types of
projection apparatus, directions for the use of which may be
obtained with the instruments.
Microphotography. — The photography of minute objects with
the aid of the microscope is of great assistance in embryology.
However, the methods are so difficult, the apparatus so complex,
expensive, and delicate, and the process requires so much technical knowledge and skill, that microphotography has been considered a field too advanced for the beginning student, although
a method described by Headland seems to overcome these
difficulties to a large extent. In recent years the motion-picture
camera has been adapted for use with the microscope, and
excellent results have already been obtained.
After an embryo has been sectioned, it is sometimes necessary
to reconstruct some part of it from the sections. There are two
important methods: graphic reconstruction, in which a geometric projection of a sagittal section, for example, might be
made from transverse sections; and plastic reconstruction, in
which magnified replicas of each section are made of wax and
piled together so as to make an enlarged model of the object to
be studied. A complete series of sections of uniform thickness
and accurate orientation is required for either type of reconstruction, and an outline drawing of the embryo before sectioning is
of great assistance.
The graphic method (of His).— This method can best be
described by giving practical directions for a particular problem,
e.g., to prepare a geometrical sagittal projection 20 x of the
neural tube of a 10 mm. pig embryo from a series of transverse
sections 20 pz in thickness.
1. From the lateral view of the embryo drawn before sectioning,
make an outline drawing 20 x.
2. Draw a median line corresponding to the cephalo-caudal
axis, the length of which, in this case, should be 200 mm.
3. Count the number of sections in the series, in this case, 500.
4. Locate the position of each transverse section which you
have drawn on the median line of the outline. Thus if the most
anterior section drawn was the fiftieth of the series of 500 sections, it would be located at a point 1/10 of the total length of
the axis (200 »), or 20 mm. from the cephalic end.
5. Theoretically, each section is at right angles to the median
line, but this angle may be greater or less as a result of variations
in technique. Study each drawing of a cross section in connection with the ‘drawing of the total embryo and determine the
angle made by that section with the cephalo-caudal axis of the
embryo. Draw in, at each point located on the median line, a
cross line at the proper angle so determined. These lines represent the dorso-ventral axes of the transverse sections. Their
lengths should correspond with those of the dorso-ventral axes
of the drawings of the transverse sections previously made at
the same magnification, 20 x.
6. Plot in on each section-plane line (dorso-ventral axis) the
dorsal and ventral boundaries of the neural tube as determined
from measurements of the drawings already made. Interpolate
by direct measurement and magnification of these points on
intervening sections.
7. Sketch in the contours of the neural tube by connecting up
the points which have just been plotted. Compare the drawing
with a sagittal section of an embryo in the same stage of development.
Plastic reconstruction. — This method also will be indicated
by practical directions for the reconstruction of a particular
organ, in this case, a model 50 x of the heart of a 10 mm. pig,
from a series of transverse section, 20 u in thickness.
1. Prepare a number of wax plates of the proper thickness.
In this case, if every section is to be reconstructed, the thickness
of the plates must be 50 X 20 u,orlmm. Nearly as good results
can be obtained by reconstructing every second section and
making the plates twice as thick. The wax is prepared according
to the following formula:
Beeswax... 0... ccc cc cece eee eee e eee eeeeee 6 parts
Paraffin, 56° C. mp... ccc eee cceeec eee eeeeeee 4 parts
Rosin, white lump. ...... 0. cee eee cece ee eee eee 2 parts
Mix and melt.
Pour 130 grams of this wax into a pan with an inside measurement of 500 X 280 mm., into which boiling water has been poured
to a depth of 15 mm. This amount of wax will make a plate
1 mm. in thickness. Bubbles in the wax may be removed by
playing the flame of a bunsen burner over the surface as it is cooling. As the surface hardens, cut the edges free from the sides of
the pan. When the wax has set put is still malleable, roll up
the plate and remove it to a soapstone slab, where it is unrolled
and allowed to cool.
2. With the help of a camera lucida or projection apparatus,
prepare outlines 50 x of the heart in all the sections in which it
isfound. Number the drawings consecutively and note the serial
number of the sections drawn, so that it will be possible to
check the drawings later if necessary. Note also whether the
right and left sides of the drawing actually correspond with the
right and left sides of the embryo or whether this condition is
reversed. This is very important, as a mistake at this point
would render the reconstruction valueless.
3. Transfer the drawings to the wax plates by means of carbon
paper. Place the wax plates on a sheet of glass, and cut out the
parts to be preserved with a sharp scalpel, leaving bridges of wax
to connect the parts which would otherwise be separated. These
bridges are best made in the form of arches bending towards the
outside of the section.
4. Pile the sections in order, taking care to avoid the reversal
of right and left sides, and to get an accurate fit. It is best to
group the sections in piles of ten. A steady pressure of the hand
will be sufficient to cause the sections to adhere to each other.
The bridges may be cut away and stout pieces of wire substituted. Heat the wire at each end and press into position.
After the wire is set, the wax bridges are cut away and the edges
of the piece smoothed with a heated scalpel or aluminum modeling
5. When all the sections have been combined in groups of ten,
these groups should be united and the completed model smoothed
in the same way. Such models may be painted or dissected,
and mounted on wooden supports as desired. They are quite
permanent if not exposed to high temperatures. Plaster of
Paris molds and casts may be made from them in the customary
Belling, J. 1930. The Use of the Microscope.
Cage, S. H. 1932. The Microscope, 15th Ed.
Guyer, M. F. 1917. Animal Micrology, 2nd Ed:
Headland, C. I. 1924. A Simple and Rapid Photomicrograph for Embryological
Sections. Anatomical Record, XVII, 2.
Lee, A. B. 1929. The Microtomist’s Vade-Mecum, 9th Ed.
Mueller, J. F. 1935. A Manual of Drawing for Science Students.
Norman, J. R. 1923. Methods and Technique of Reconstruction. Journal of the
Royal Microscopical Society.

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Shumway W. Introduction to Vertebrate Embryology. (1935) John Wiley & Sons, New York

Shumway (1935): Preface - Contents | Part I. Introduction | Part II. Early Embryology | Part III. Organogeny | Part IV. Anatomy of Vertebrate Embryos | Part V. Embryological Technique
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Introduction to Vertebrate Embryology (1935)

Part III Organogeny

Chapter VIII Endodermal Derivatives

The tissues derived directly from the endoderm are for the most part of the epithelial type and form the inner lining of the gastrocoel and the organs that arise therefrom. These organs are grouped into two closely connected organ systems, the digestive system and the respiratory system. The digestive (enteric) tube, however, becomes ensheathed in splanchnic mesoderm which contributes largely to the ultimate structure of the organ systems just mentioned. Furthermore, this tube opens to the exterior at both the anterior and posterior ends by means of two ectodermal pits, the stomodeum and proctodeum, respectively. All three germ layers, therefore, contribute to the organogeny of these systems.

The stomodeum. — There is an ectodermal invagination on the ventral side of the head to form the stomodeum (Fig. 118),

Notochord Neural tube


Fig. 118. — Diagram of an early vertebrate embryo, to show endodermal derivatives.

which is bounded on the sides by the maxillary ridges and on the rear by the mandibular ridges. The rupture of the oral plate, which separates the stomodeum from the fore-gut, results in the formation of the oral cavity, or mouth. From the stomodeum another invagination, the hypophysis, grows upward in front of: the fore-gut, and eventually fuses with an evagination from the

floor of the neural tube, the infundibulum, to form the pituitary 181 182 ENDODERMAL DERIVATIVES

gland, an organ of internal secretion. As the stomodeum joins the fore-gut a little posterior to the anterior end of the latter cavity, there is a blind pocket of endoderm, anterior to the mouth, called the preoral gut.

The oral cavity. — The cavity of the mouth is a compound structure, derived in part from the ectodermal stomodeum and

Epithelium —=y4r3 of mouth Snosie



Fig. 119. — Diagram to show origin of vertebrate tooth (lower jaw).

in part from the endodermal fore-gut. The boundary line between these is soon lost after the rupture of the oral plate owing to unequal local growth of the different regions of the mouth. The boundaries of the mouth are the upper jaws, formed from the maxillary ridges, and the lower jaws, derived from the mandibular

Visceral pouches

Dorsal epithelial bodies stomach Esophagus

Dorsal pancreas


Ventral pancreas

epithelial bodies Hepatic diverticulum


Fia. 120. — Diagram showing derivatives of vertebrate fore-gut.

ridges. On these ridges the teeth arise in exactly the same way as the placoid scales of the elasmobranchs (page 230). Two elements are concerned: an ectodermal enamel organ, shaped like an inverted cup; and a mesodermal dental papilla, which fills the cavity of the enamel organ. The enamel organ gives rise to the outer enamel layer of the tooth, while the papilla forms the dentine (Fig. 119). The dentine is in the general form of a hollow cone, THE INTERNAL GILLS 183

the cavity of which is filled with connective tissue, nerves, and blood vessels. The tongue (Fig. 120) is also a compound organ, arising from an endodermal primary tongue which is formed from the floor of the pharynx in the region of the hyoid arches, and from an ectodermal secondary tongue which arises from the floor of the oral cavity in front of the thyroid gland (page 184). Into the tongue a migration of mesoderm takes place, by means of which the musculature is formed. The glands of the mouth (salivary glands, etc.) arise from the ectodermal lining of the mouth. The taste buds, however, are endodermal (Holtfreter, 1933). The connection between the oral cavity and the nasal cavity will be discussed in Chapter X.

The pharynx. — The region of the fore-gut which follows the oral cavity is the pharynx, particularly important on account of the respiratory organs and other structures which arise from it.

Respiratory organs. — Respiratory exchange may take place in any thin epithelium in which the blood corpuscles are brought into contact with the oxygen-carrying medium. ‘These epithelia may be either ectodermal or endodermal in origin. Thus, we find that among the amphibia, respiration may take place in the skin as a whole (lungless salamandeys) ; ; An specialized outgrowths on the visceral arches, external gills (N. ecturus); or in the so-called “hairs ” of the African frog, Astylosternus. In this group are to be found also examples of endodermal respiratory organs, the internal gills and lungs. Internal gills are otherwise found only among the fish, while the lungs are characteristic respiratory organs also of the amniotes.

The internal gills. -- The internal gills (branchiae) arise in the visceral clefts (Fig. 120) common to all chordates. Among the aquatic vertebrates these are typically six in number (see Table 8, page 131). In the cartilage fish the first cleft (the spiracle) opens on the dorsal side of the head and is otherwise modified. The clefts are separated by the visceral arches, of which the first is known as the mandibular arch and the second is called the hyoid arch. The visceral clefts are formed by the coming together of paired evaginations of the endoderm (visceral pouches) and complementary invaginations of the ectoderm (visceral grooves). The ectoderm and endoderm come into direct connection to form closing plates. Later, these plates rupture and a series of finger184 ENDODERMAL DERIVATIVES

like projections grow out into the cleft from the anterior and posterior sides of each arch. These filamentous processes usually fuse to form a demibranch (Fig. 197). The demibranchs in some fish are apparently of endodermal origin, while in the amphibia they are derived from the ectoderm. It is interesting to note that in the spiracle of the cartilage fish a gill-like structure, the pseudobranch, develops. In amphibians and the amniotes generally the first visceral pouch does not open to the exterior but gives rise to the tympanic cavity and auditory tube (see Chapter X). In all fish except the elasmobranchs, a projection grows back from the hyoid arch to cover the remaining visceral clefts. This is the operculum. Internal gills do not appear in the development of the amniotes; but the visceral clefts, or at least the visceral pouches and grooves, are of invariable occurrence.

The lungs. — In all the vertebrates except the cyclostomes and cartilage fish, there develops from the pharynx a sac (or a pair of sacs) which becomes the air bladder in pisces and the lungs in tetrapoda. We shall confine our attention here to the development of the lungs (Fig. 120). The first indication of lung formation is the appearance of a longitudinal groove in the floor of the pharynx posterior to the last pair of visceral pouches. This is the tracheal groove. This groove separates from the pharynx, the process commencing at the posterior end, so that the dorsal portion of the tube, or esophagus, is separated from the ventral portion, or trachea, except for a narrow opening, the glottis. The trachea grows backward rapidly and divides into two lobes, the primordia of the lungs. There is some evidence that the trachea is bifurcated from its first appearance, suggesting that the lungs arise from paired primordia. In the birds and mammals the lung primordia subdivide many times to form the bronchi, or branches of the respiratory tree.

The thyroid gland. — This structure arises as a median ventral evagination of the pharyngeal floor between the primary and the secondary tongue primordia or at the level of the hyoid arches. The diverticulum grows downward and expands at its distal end (Fig. 120). Eventually, its connection with the pharyngeal floor, the thyroglossal duct, becomes occluded and disappears, and the gland itself subdivides into a mass of vesicles which migrate backward and assume somewhat different positions in THE STOMACH 185

various vertebrates, often ending as a paired organ on either side of the trachea.

The epithelial bodies.— In all the vertebrates there arise, from the upper or lower angles of the visceral pouches, small buds of epithelium which often give rise to endocrine glands of varying — and mostly unknown — function (Figs. 120, 121). The dorsal buds (except among the mammals, where conditions are reversed) contribute in varying number to the formation of a large gland, the thymus, which loses connection with the pharynx and moves backward to its definitive position, which differs according to the form studied. The remainder of the dorsal

Thymus I Thyroid 1 Thyroid 1 aD ap Thyroid Tr L H Thymus pare thyroi Para- Para- mw ¥ thyroid thyroid Th <4 ymus w Y B Ultimo- Ultimobranchial branchial


Fig. 121. — Diagrams showing origin of epithelial bodies in A, frog; B, chick; and C, man.

bodies become lymphoid and degenerate. The ventral buds (absent in fish) detach themselves from the pharyngeal wall and take up varying positions. Among the mammals it is the ventral buds which form the thymus, while the dorsal buds of the third and fourth pouches move to the sides of the thyroid gland where they are known as the parathyroids.

The esophagus. — The digestive canal behind the pharynx becomes specialized into four regions: (1) the esophagus; (2) the stomach; (3) the intestine and its derivatives; and (4) the cloaca. Of these, the esophagus (Fig. 120) remains comparatively unspecialized; it is a narrow tube, short in the anamniotes, elongate in the amniotes. No digestive glands are found in this region.

The stomach. — This portion of the digestive tract is distinguished by its dilation (Fig. 120) into a large sac or series of 186 ENDODERMAL DERIVATIVES

sacs, and by the development of a thick wall of muscle from the splanchnic mesoderm in which it is enveloped. The stomach is rich in glands which aid in digesting the passing food.

The intestine. — All the regions of the digestive tract mentioned so far are derived from the fore-gut. The intestine is derived in part from the fore-gut, in part from the mid-gut, and in part from the hind-gut. It is impossible to indicate exactly which regions arise from these divisions of the gut, as both the fore-gut and the hind-gut expand at the expense of the mid-gut during the consumption of the yolk. As was said in the discussion of the development of body form, the division of the alimentary canal into these regions is the result of the method by which the head and tail are formed. The intestine becomes subdivided in various ways in the different groups, but we need notice only the most anterior of these, the duodenum, which is that portion of the intestine immediately succeeding the stomach and generally held to be derived from the fore-gut. The intestine is richly glandular throughout its length, but from the duodenum, in particular, we find developed two most important glands, the liver and the pancreas (Fig. 120).

The liver. — This gland arises from the ventral side of the duodenum as an evagination which grows forward, expanding into a vesicle at the distal end and retaining its connection with the duodenum by a narrow hollow stalk, the common bile duct, (Fig. 120). The sac-like distal end becomes subdivided, by the ingrowth of mesenchyme, into many tubules which often anastomose. In this process of growth and subdivision the liver grows about the vitelline veins (Chapter [X) and breaks these up into a system of hepatic capillaries. The cavity of the sac becomes the gall-bladder, to which the bile, formed in the glandular portion of the liver, is carried by means of the hepatic ducts. It releases these secretions into the duodenum via the common bile duct (ductus choledochus).

The pancreas. — This gland arises usually from three diverticula of the duodenum (Fig. 120), but the number of primordia is variable. One appears on the dorsal side of the duodenum just posterior to the stomach; the others arise on the ventral side, usually in connection with the hepatic diverticulum. The primordia increase in size, and break up into masses of secretory THE FROG 187

tubules at the distal end of each. The primordia unite and their proximal ends become the pancreatic ducts, one or more of which may be suppressed in later organogeny. The pancreas, as well as elaborating a digestive pancreatic juice discharged through the pancreatic duct, forms a hormone (insulin), which is carried away by the blood stream. It functions therefore as an endocrine gland in addition to its digestive function. Insulin, as is well known, is important in the treatment of diabetes.

The cloaca. — The intestine behind the duodenum is variously subdivided in the different vertebrate classes, but all are alike in the possession of a terminal region which receives in addition the ends of the nephric ducts and of the genital ducts (see Chapter IX). From the cloaca also arises the urinary bladder and the allantois of the amniotes.

The cloaca, like the pharynx, communicates with the exterior by means of an aperture lined with ectoderm, which arises as a median ventral pit, the proctodeum (Fig. 118), just in front of the tail region. The proctodeum is formed at the point where the blastopore was obliterated and is separated from the hind-gut temporarily by means of the cloacal plate, which is comparable with the oral plate. For a time there is a blind pocket of endoderm posterior to the cloaca, which is known as the postcloacal gut. The region of the cloaca anterior to the entrance of the nephric ducts is known as the rectum; its aperture is called the vent. In mammals the rectum becomes separated from the remainder of the cloaca, which is then known as the urogenital sinus. Each of these cavities has a separate exit, the two openings being the anus and the urogenital aperture, respectively.

THE FROG (SEE ALSO CHAPTER XI).— The mouth of the tadpole does not open until a few days after hatching. It remains round during larval life and is enclosed by the mandibular ridges. Outside these, folds of ectoderm project as the larval lips, on which horny larval teeth develop. These larval structures are lost at metamorphosis, when the definitive jaws and teeth are formed in the usual way. The tongue is compound, arising from a primary tongue and a gland field, relatively late in larval life. The hypophysis is solid (Fig. 181).

Six visceral pouches appear, of which the first never ‘becomes perforated, its closing plate becoming the tympanum of the ear, 188 ENDODERMAL DERIVATIVES

and its cavity persisting as the tubo-tympanic cavity. Of the five remaining pouches, the second and third open to the exterior before the first and fourth, and the fifth remains vestigial. External gills appear on the third, fourth, and fifth arches (that on the fifth arch being rudimentary), but are resorbed later when covered by the operculum. This structure fuses with the body surface on the right side, but on the left it opens to the exterior by an opercular aperture. The internal gills appear as demibranchs commencing on the anterior side of the third arch. The first three gills, therefore, have two demibranchs, while the fourth has but one, formed from the anterior side of the sixth arch. The visceral clefts, gills, and opercular cavity are lost as separate structures by cell proliferation and reorganization just before metamorphosis. The lungs appear early in larval life as solid primordia of the pharynx. These acquire cavities prior to the formation of the tracheal groove which is relatively late in formation. The thyroid arises, just before hatching, as a solid diverticulum of the pharynx; it soon detaches itself and divides into two bodies which later become vesicular. The two thymus glands are formed from epithelial bodies on the dorsal side of the first and second visceral pouches. Epithelial bodies arise from the ventral sides of the second visceral pouches. It has been claimed that those of the third and fourth pouches become the carotid glands. The sixth pharyngeal pouches give rise to the ultimobranchial (suprapericardial) bodies. (Fig. 121A.)

The esophagus is short, and the stomach a simple dilation. The liver arises as a backward ventral diverticulum of the duodenum (Fig. 181). All three pancreatic primordia appear and fuse; the dorsal duct disappears, while the two ventral ducts fuse to become the adult pancreatic duct. The intestine of the tadpole, which is long and coiled (about nine times the body length), becomes resorbed during metamorphosis until it is about one-third of its larval length (Fig. 122).

The postcloacal gut loses its connection with the neural tube (neurenteric canal) during the backward growth of the tail. The urinary bladder does not appear until after metamorphosis.

THE CHICK (SEE ALSO CHAPTER XII). — The mouth opens on the third day of incubation. The teeth are represented only by the tooth ridges which are the first stage in the appearance of the THE CHICK 189

enamel organs. These appear on the sixth day of incubation and disappear shortly after the cornification of the jaws. This results in the formation of the beak and the egg tooth, the latter a horny projection on the upper jaw which is used in breaking through the shell at the time of hatching, and soon after disappears. The primordia of the tongue appear on the fourth day.

Five visceral pouches appear, of which the first three open to the exterior during the third day of incubation (Fig. 218). The


Fig. 122. — Digestive tube in A, tadpole, and B, frog, to show actual shortening of intestine. (After Leuckart wall-charts.)

first cleft closes during the fourth day, and the dorsal part of the pouch becomes the tubo-tympanic cavity. With the extension of the cervical flexure, the remaining pouches are crowded together and disappear. The thyroid appears on the second day, separates from the pharynx on the fourth, and on the seventh divides inte two bodies which migrate backward to the junction of the common carotid and subclavian arteries. The thymus arises from the dorsal epithelial bodies of the third and fourth visceral pouches, while the parathyroid rudiments arise from 190 ENDODERMAL DERIVATIVES

the ventral epithelial bodies. The fifth pouch gives rise to the ultimobranchial bodies. The lung primordia (Fig. 123) appear on the third day and grow back, becoming surrounded by mesenchyme. The primary bronchi subdivide to form a respiratory tree, some branches of which extend among the viscera and even into the hollow bones, as the accessory air sacs.

The esophagus is relatively long; and a dilation, the crop, forms at its posterior end. The stomach is divided into an anterior proventriculus, which contains the gastric glands, and a

Visceral arches

Dorsal pancreas

Yolk stalk

Fig. 123. — Endodermal derivatives in a 72-hour chick.

muscular gizzard at the posterior end. The liver primordium arises at the edge of the anterior intestinal portal on the second day and, therefore, presents the aspect of an anterior ventral and two posterior lateral diverticula for a short time. These fuse, however, by the end of that day, as the backward extension of the fore-gut continues. Three pancreatic diverticula are formed, the dorsal one on the third day, the ventral ones on the fourth. They fuse in later development, and either two or three of the ducts persist. The anterior portion of the mid-gut becomes the small intestine, the large intestine arising from the posterior

region.. MAN 191

The cloaca is first distinguishable on the fourth day, when the proctodeum also is first apparent. The cloaca is ultimately divided into three regions: an anterior portion, the coprodeum, into which the rectum enters; an intermediate part, the urodeum, into which the nephric ducts and gonoducts enter; and the terminal proctodeum.

MAN (SEE ALSO CHAPTER XIII). — The mouth opens in the second or third week, and, like that of all vertebrates, develops lips (fifth week). Ten teeth papillae and enamel caps, the primordia of the milk teeth, appear in each jaw. This is a long-drawn-out process, the germs of the third molar not appearing until the fifth year of infancy. The tongue arises from swellings on the first three arches, the secondary tongue, or gland field, appearing as the tuberculum impar, which does not, however, appear to contribute to the ultimate structure of the tongue.

Five pairs of visceral pouches appear, none of which becomes perforated. The first gives rise to the tubo-tympanic cavity. The ventral portion of the second persists as the fossa in which the tonsil develops. The dorsal epithelial bodies from the third and fourth pair of pouches become the parathyroids. The ventral epithelial bodies of the third pair of pouches unite to form the thymus gland. Similar bodies from the fourth pair may give rise to vestigial thymus-like bodies which remain attached to the parathyroids from the same pouch. The fifth pair become the ultimobranchial bodies. The thyroid gland undergoes an incomplete division into two lobes which remain connected by a narrow isthmus. The lungs (Fig. 124) arise toward the end of the fourth week, from a laryngo-tracheal groove. The cartilages and musculature of the larynx arise from the branchial arches.

The esophagus, at first relatively short, lengthens as the backward movement of the heart and lungs displaces the stomach. The latter organ arises as a dilation of the fore-gut posterior to the esophagus. Continued growth, mainly on the dorsal surface, produces the greater curvature, and a displacement of the whole organ so that the cephalic end is moved to the left and the caudal end to the right. This is followed by a rotation of the stomach on its long axis through 90° to the left. The liver ari ring the third week as a ventral groove in the duodenum. The-pancreas appears slightly later, with either two or three 192 ENDODERMAL DERIVATIVES

primordia according to whether or not one of the ventral primordia is suppressed. The ventral pancreatic duct persists and opens into the common bile duct. The point of division between small and large intestines is marked by the formation of a blind pouch,

Visceral arches

( Hypophysis )



pancreas Intestinal loop

Dorsal pancreas,

Allantoic stalk



( Mesonephric duct ) liverticulum


Fig. 124. — Endodermal derivatives in 10-mm. pig. (From a wax reconstruction by G. W. Hunter and L. T. Brown.)

the cecum. The distal end of the cecum does not grow as rapidly as the proximal region and so remains a finger-like projection known as the vermiform appendix. The small intestine, growing more rapidly than the large, is thrown into a set of six primary coils, each of which develops secondary coils.

The cloaca becomes divided, by a frontal partition, into a SUMMARY 193

dorsal rectum and a ventral urogenital sinus. The cloacal membrane is correspondingly divided into a rectal and a urogenital plate, and the final openings are the anus and the urogenital aperture. The urogenital sinus later is divided into a phallic portion (see page 211) and a vesico-urethral portion. The latter gives rise to the urinary bladder at its distal end, and to. the urethra at its proximal end.


The endoderm gives rise to the epithelial lining of the following structures:

A. Fore-gut I. Oral cavity (also partly from ectoderm of stomodeum)

Teeth (also partly from ectoderm) Tongue II. Pharynx Trachea and lungs Thyroid Visceral pouches Auditory tube and chamber Fossa of palatine tonsil Thymus Parathyroids Ultimobranchial bodies III. Esophagus

IV. Stomach V. Duodenum

Liver Pancreas B. Mid-gut I. Intestine C. Hind-gut I. Cloaca (also partly from ectoderm of proctodeum) Rectum

Urogenital sinus

Urinary bladder

Urethra (also partly from mesoderm, page 204) 194 ENDODERMAL DERIVATIVES


Keey, L. B. 1934. Developmental Anatomy, 3rd Ed., Chaps. 7 and 8.

Brachet, A. 1921. Traité d’embryologie des vertébrés, Part 2, Bk. 1, Chap. 5; Bk. 2, Chap. 4.

Hertwig, O. 1906. Handbuch, Vol. 2, Chaps. 1, 2, and 4.

Keibel and Mall. 1910-1912. Human Embryology, Chap. 17.

Kellicott, W. E. 1913. Chordate Development.

Kerr, J.G. 1919. Textbook of Embryology, Vol. II, Chap. 3.

Kingsley, J.S. 1926. Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates, 3rd Ed.

Lillie, F. R. 1919. The Development of the Chick, 2nd Ed.

MeMurrich, J. P. 1923. The Development of the Human Body, 7th Ed. CHAPTER IX MESODERMAL DERIVATIVES

The middle germ layer arises as three different aggregates of cells between the ectoderm and endoderm: the notochord; the mesoderm; and the mesenchyme. The origin of the notochord has already been described, and its later history will be discussed in connection with the skeleton. Organs of mesenchymatous origin will be taken up in connectiqn with the history of the region from which their mesenchyme originates. Of the structures derived from the mesoderm, we shall consider first those arising from the lateral mesoderm, then those whose origin is from the intermediate mesoderm, and finally those derived from the axial mesoderm.


Cavities may appear in all three divisions of the mesoderm; if in the myotomes, they are known as myocoels; if in the nephrotomes, they are called nephrocoels; the cavity of the lateral mesoderm is the coelom (Fig. 76). In some forms the three cavities are confluent. The connection, however, is a temporary one, and the myocoels soon disappear. In other forms they make a transitory appearance and are entirely disconnected with the other cavities, and in many vertebrates myocoels are never formed. The nephrocoels will be considered with the nephric organs. The coelom_ in amphioxus has a metameric origin from the ventral portions of the enterocoels, which become confluent at this point by the disappearance of the intervening anterior and posterior partitions. In vertebrates the coelomic cavity arises from the splitting of the lateral mesoderm into a dorsal somatic and a ventral splanchnic layer. In the amniotes this: split continues out into the extra-embryonic mesoderm, thus giving rise to the exocoel, or cavity of the chorion. The coelom does not extend anterior to the visceral arches. Transitory

cavities have been found in the arches and, indeed, in the head 195 196 MESODERMAL DERIVATIVES

itself, and these have been interpreted as the remains of a cephalic coelom. It will appear later that these are more probably the rudiments of cephalic myotomes. The coelom does not extend into the tail.

Somatopleure and splanchnopleure. — The somatopleure has already been defined as the outer layer of the lateral mesoderm together with the ectoderm with which it becomes associated. Between these two there is an invasion of mesenchymatous cells from the dermatomes and myotomes which give rise to the corium of the skin (see Chapter X) and to its dermal musculature (see page 239). The somatic mesoderm lining the outer wall of the coelom becomes the outer peritoneal lining. The splanchnopleure is the inner layer of the lateral mesoderm plus the endoderm with which it is associated. Between these two occurs a migration of mesenchyme cells which give rise to the splanchnic musculature and blood vessels, while the splanchnic mesoderm itself forms the inner peritoneal lining of the coelom.

The mesenteries (Fig. 125).—JIn all the vertebrates, the coelom is divided for a time into right and left halves by sagittal partitions above and below the alimentary canal, known as the dorsal mesentery and the ventral mesentery, respectively. These are formed by the inward growth of the splanchnic mesoderm above and below the digestive tube and the subsequent fusion of these sheets in the median line. The ventral mesentery disappears posterior to the liver, probably in connection with the coiling of the intestine. The dorsal mesentery (Fig. 125) persists as the support of the alimentary canal, and frequently becomes subdivided into regions which are named from the supported organ, such as the mesogastrium which supports the stomach, the mesoduodenum, etc. In the formation of the ventral mesentery, two organs, the heart and the liver, owing to their ventral position, are caught in between the two advancing sheets of splanchnic mesoderm. In these regions, therefore, the ventral mesentery is divided into an upper and a lower half. The ventral mesentery dorsal to the heart becomes the dorsal mesocardium; that part which is ventral to the heart is the ventral mesocardium (Fig. 126A). Both eventually disappear as the heart increases in size and complexity. In the region of the liver, the dorsal half of the mesentery becomes the dorsal mesohepar, while the ventral porTHE MESENTERIES 197

Pericardial cavity—__f 4 Dorsal mesocar, a dium

Ventricle of heart


Ventral mesocardium +- Septum transversum

Liver Stomach Ventral mesentery st omac (faeiform Hgament) Ventral mesentery

(lesser omentum) Dorsal mesogastrium

Dorsal pancreas

Fia. 125. — Diagram of mesenteries in early human embryo from left side. A, B, and C indicate planes of sections shown in Fig. 126. (From Arey after Prentiss.)

Neural tube Notochord Neural tub Aorta NotochordPostcardinal vein Aorta

Dorsal mesentery,

— Fore-gut Lesser ‘omentum


Peritoneal cavity Foalciform ligament

B Cc

Fra. 126. — Diagrams of mesenteries in early human embryo as seen in transverse sections. Compare lig. 125. (From Arey after Prentiss.) 198 MESODERMAL DERIVATIVES

tion is the ventral mesohepar (Fig. 126B). The primordia of the pancreas lie originally in the dorsal and ventral mesenteries, respectively, but with the rotation of the stomach all are included in the dorsal mesentery. The peritoneal supports of the nephric and genital organs will be considered in the following section. The spleen (see page 224) arises in the mesogastrium, close to the wall of the alimentary canal, and is probably mesodermal in origin.

Later divisions of the coelom. — The coelom becomes divided into an anterior pericardial cavity surrounding the heart, and a posterior abdominal cavity surrounding the viscera, by the septum transversum, a transverse partition which grows out from the bridge of mesoderm surrounding the vitelline veins

( Coe nos


Pericardial cavity


fx-+- Peritoneal cavity

Abdominal “cavity |

Fie. 127. — Diagrams of coelom and its divisions in A, fish, B, amphibia, reptiles and birds, and C, mammals. (After Kingsley.)

where they cross the coelom en route from the body wall to the heart (Fig. 127A). These cavities are connected during a large part of the embryonic period by pericardio-peritoneal canals where the septum has failed to unite with the ventral body wall. In the amniotes, additional septa develop behind the lungs and separate the pleural cavities, which contain the lungs, from the remainder of the abdominal cavity, which is now known as the peritoneal cavity (Fig. 127B). The pleural cavities are separated from each other in the median line by the mediastinum. In the mammals (Fig. 127C) the partition separating the lungs from the viscera receives musculature from the myotomes and becomes the diaphragm.

THE FROG (SEE ALSO CHAPTER XI.) — In the frog, the ventral mesentery disappears as soon as it has been formed, except in the region of the heart and liver. The ventral mesocardium appears THE NEPHRIC ORGANS 199

before the dorsal mesocardium is formed, and disappears soon after, to be followed by the disappearance of the dorsal mesocardium. The ventral mesohepar also has but a short period of existence. The septum transversum receives much of its substance from the mesodermal sheath of the liver. No pleural cavities are formed.

THE CHICK (SEE ALSO CHAPTER xII.) — In the chick, both dorsal and ventral mesenteries are formed. The latter, however, persists only in the region of the fore-gut, and gives rise to the mesocardia, which soon disappear; the dorsal mesohepar, which becomes the gastro-hepatic omentum, and the ventral mesohepar, which becomes the falciform ligament. The septum transversum is not completed until the eighth day of incubation. The pleural cavities are cut off from the pericardial cavities by a pleuro-pericardial septum, and from the peritoneal cavity by the pleuro-peritoneal septum.

MAN (SEE ALSO CHAPTER XIII).— From the first, the pericardial cavity is distinguishable from the abdominal cavity, inasmuch as it never communieates directly with the extraembryonic coelom as does the abdominal cavity. As in the chick, its posterior boundary is coterminous with that of the fore-gut, but it is in communication with the abdominal cavity by means of the parietal recesses, passages which correspond to the peritoneo-pericardial canals of the anamniotes. The recesses are divided frontally by the vitelline veins into dorsal and ventral parietal recesses. With the formation of the septum transversum, the ventral recesses are incorporated into the pericardial cavity. The dorsal recesses become the pleural cavities; and the pleuroperitoneal septum, which divides them from the peritoneal cavity, is formed by the upward growth of the diaphragm. The musculature of this organ arises from the fourth cervical myotome during the backward growth of the diaphragm. The rotation of the stomach results in a rearrangement of the mesenteries, for an account of which the reader is referred to Hertwig or Keibel and Mall.


The nephric or excretory system of vertebrates is essentially a paired series of tubes (nephridia), developed in the intermediate mesoderm, which collect nitrogenous wastes from the blood and 200 MESODERMAL DERIVATIVES

discharge them to the exterior by two longitudinal ducts emptying into the cloaca. The intermediate mesoderm in the anterior part of the body is divided into nephrotomes corresponding to the somites. There are three different types of kidneys among the vertebrates (Fig. 128). The first is the pronephros, which arises from the anterior nephrotomes and is the functional kidney in the larval stages of the fish and the amphibians. The second is the mesonephros, which arises from nephro 9 } Pronephros

Mesonephric duct tomes posterior to the pronephros and is the functional kidney of Metanephros adult anamniotes and embryonic or Mefanephric duct f4¢4] amniotes. The third is the Cloaca metanephros which is the functional

rae, kidney of adult amniotes.

Fig. 128. — Diagram to show rela- The pronephros. — This organ is tionships of vertebrate excretory formed during development by all systems. :

vertebrates, but is best developed

in larval types like the frog, where it arises from nephrocoels (Fig. 129) in the anterior nephrotomes (III, IV, V), the dorsal ends of which grow caudally and unite with each other to form the pronephric duct which grows backward toward the cloaca. The ventral ends of the nephrocoels open into the coelom, and these openings, the nephrostomes, become lined with long cilia. The tubules meantime elongate and become contorted as they project into the surrounding posterior cardinal vein. Median to each nephrostome, the splanchnic mesoderm bulges out and in this projection develops a net of capillaries, or glomerulus, which becomes connected with the dorsal aorta. The pronephros is functional, at most, for a short time; and it disappears as the mesonephros develops to replace it.

The mesonephros. — The mesonephros, like the pronephros, is developed by all vertebrates. It becomes the adult kidney of the anamniotes, but is functional during the embryonic (and fetal) period only of the amniotes. Portions of the mesonephros THE MESONEPHROS 201

become associated with the genital organs of the adult (see next section).

The mesonephros also develops as a series of segmental nephrocoels, but in the nephrotomes posterior to those containing the

Primary tubule

Nephrostomal _

IP \nc_Nephrostome ECS

i A

Fig. 129. — Diagrams showing three stages in the development of the pronephric tubule. (After Felix.)

pronephric ducts with which they unite (Fig. 130). After the degeneration of the pronephros, the tube is known as the mesonephric or Wolffian duct. The ventral ends of the nephrocoels acquire coelomic nephrostomes in the anamniotes. In amniote development, nephrostomes are seldom formed. A glomerulus connected with the dorsal aorta and the cardinal veins arises in connection with each tubule, as in the pronephros. An important difference between the pronephros and the mesonephros lies in the fact that the number of nephric tubules in each nephrotome is greater in the mesonephros (Fig. 131). These arise by the constriction of the posterior median part of each nephrocoel into a small vesicle which gives rise to a secondary tubule; each of these tubules acquires a glomerulus and nephrostome at the 202 MESODERMAL DERIVATIVES

proximal end. The connection of these secondary tubules with the Wolffian duct, however, is attained by an evagination from the duct itself which grows out as the collecting duct to meet the developing secondary tubule. From these secondary tubules, tertiary ones bud off and develop in like manner, acquiring connections with the collecting duct through an evagination of this canal. As many as eight tubules may be formed in a single segment by this process of budding. This complexity is greatest at the posterior end of the mesonephros. In the amBowman’s capsule niotes, the mesonephros

Fig. 130. — Diagrams showing four stages in (except for that portion development of mesonephric tubule. (From associated with the genital Arey after Felix.) organs) disappears after

Mi esonephric duct

Anlage of mesonephric tubule!

the metanephros has been formed. v OT Aorta

The metanephros. “(WS NN — The metanephros, which is found as a separate kidney only


in adult amniotes, iry 3ry 2ry Iry 2ry duct. ry ty . . —_—— ened

probably is equiva- Collecting Nephrostomes Secretory tubules P tubules

lent to the posterior portion of the meso- F1¢. 181. — Diagram to show origin of secondary and

terti . : 7 eph ros of the anam- ( ar nary meson yPhne tubules from primary tubules

niotes, which it resembles greatly in its organogeny. THE METANEPHROS 203

The region in which the metanephros arises is, like that in which the earlier kidneys are found, the intermediate mesoderm. But in the posterior region of the body this mass is never segmented into separate nephrotomes. The first indication of metarephros formation is the appearance of an evagination from the dorsal surface of the mesonephric duct near the point at which the latter enters the cloaca. This evagination grows dorsally and

4 5 Fig. 182. — Diagrams to show origin and development of metanephric tubules. Collecting tubule in center, secretory tubules to right and left, the one on the right relatively more advanced. (From Arey after Huber.)

then turns forward to become the metanephric duct, or ureter, in much the same manner as the collecting ducts of the mesonephros arose. The metanephric duct then sends out into the nephrogenous tissue evaginations which increase in length and branch repeatedly to form the collecting tubules of the metanephros. Around the distal end of each tubule, a small mass of the nephrogenous tissue condenses and acquires a lumen like the nephrocoels of the pronephros and mesonephros (Fig. 132; 1, 2). From these vesicles the secretory nephric tubules arise by a process of elonga204 MESODERMAL DERIVATIVES

tion and later fuse with the collecting tubules just described (Fig. 132; 3,4). In each of the tubules a capsule develops for the reception of a glomerulus which later acquires a connection with a branch of the renal artery (Fig. 1382; 4, 5). Development proceeds from the posterior end toward the anterior, instead of in the opposite direction as in the earlier types of kidneys. The portion of the Wolffian duct nearest to the cloaca is absorbed by it so that the ureter has an opening into the cloaca separate from that of the mesonephric duct. From the region of the cloaca into which the ureters open is formed the urinary bladder and urethra (page 193). In mammals, at least, the enlarging bladder includes part of the ureter.

The later history of the kidneys and their ducts is considered in the next section.

THE FROG (SEE ALSO CHAPTER XI). — Threc pronephric tubules are formed (somites II, III, IV), each with a nephrostome. The region of the coelom into which these open is cut off ventrally by the development of the lungs and becomes the pronephric chamber. The glomeruli soon unite to form a glomus. Before metamorphosis the pronephric tubes, and that portion of the duct into which they open, degenerate.

Mesonephric tubules appear in the nephrotomes (somites VIIXII). These have nephrostomes in early larval life; but at the time the pronephroi degenerate the portion of each mesonephric tubule next to the nephrostome (peritoneal canal) breaks away from the remainder of the tubule and fuses with the posterior cardinal vein. The mesonephros is the functional kidney of the adult, and the Wolffian duct, therefore, functions as the ureter.

THE CHICK (SEE ALSO CHAPTER xi). — About twelve pronephric tubules arise (somites V-XVI) beginning on the second day of incubation. Nephrostomes are formed, but glomeruli do not appear until the third and fourth days of incubation, at which time the pronephros is degenerating. The pronephric duct arises at the ninth somite.

Mesonephric tubules arise from the intermediate mesoderm between somites XII and XXX, the more anterior of which develop nephrostomes. The main part of the mesonephros, however, arises between somites XX and XXX, where the continued growth of the tubules causes the projection of this region THE GENITAL ORGANS 205

into the coelom as the Wolffian body. It is extremely doubtful whether the mesonephros ever functions as a kidney, as it begins to degenerate on the eleventh day.

The metanephros arises on the fourth day of incubation, from two primordia as usual, the intermediate mesoderm in somites XXXI-XXXIII, and an evagination of the mesonephric duct, comparable to the collecting ducts of the mesonephric tubules, which becomes the ureter, pelvis, and collecting ducts.

MAN (SEE ALSO CHAPTER XIII). — Pronephric tubules arise in somites VII—XIII, develop nephrostomes and glomeruli, but degenerate rapidly.

Mesonephric tubules appear in the intermediate mesoderm between the sixth cervical and fourth lumbar segments, but those of the cervical and thoracic segments soon degenerate. Nephrostomes are formed by the more anterior tubules but have only a transitory existence. The mesonephros does not function as a kidney.

The metanephros has a double origin as in the chick.


The genital organs may be grouped into two classes: (1) the primary genital organs, or gonads, in which the germ cells develop; and (2) the accessory genital organs, whose original function is the discharge of the germ cells from the body.

The gonads consist of the germ cells and the subordinate tissues, blood vessels, nerves, connective tissue, ete., which make up a large part of these glands. In an earlier chapter it has been shown that the primordial germ cells may first appear in the endoderm of the gut wall and thence migrate by way of the splanchnic mesoderm, dorsal mesentery, and peritoneum to their definitive position in a thickening of the peritoneum on the mesial side of the nephrotomes. This thickening is called the genital ridge (Fig. 133B). A considerable body of evidence is accumulating to indicate that germ cells may also arise from the cells of the genital ridge itself.

The genital ridge is now invaded by mesenchymal cells, and projects into the coelomic cavity. In some amphibians, a metameric arrangement corresponding to the myotomes has been recorded, but following this the segments unite. The anterior 206 MESODERMAL DERIVATIVES

and posterior ends of the ridge degenerate, and the middle portion enlarges and is separated by a longitudinal groove from the mesonephros so that it hangs in the coelom suspended by a fold of the peritoneum, known as the mesorchium in the male or the mesovarium in the female. The germ cells have by this time become transformed into gonia (Chapter III) and the germ glands are known as gonads.

Within the gonads, the gonia come to lie in nests, close to the germinal epithelium. Tubular outgrowths from the nephric

Glomerulus Wolffian di

Fig. 133. — Diagrams to show early development of the gonads in transverse sections. A, testis. B, genital ridge. C, ovary. (After Corning.)

tubules of the mesonephros approach these nests. The later history of the gonads differs in the two sexes.

Testis. — In the male, the nests of spermatogonia become tubules which connect with the tubules growing in from the mesonephros (Fig. 133A). The testicular parts of these canals are known as the seminiferous tubules, the nephric portions as the efferent ductules. The walls of the seminiferous tubules are composed of spermatogonia and sustentacular cells which act as nurse cells to the developing sperm. Between the tubules lie partitions of mesenchyme which make up the stroma of the testis and contain the interstitial cells, which are supposed to be concerned in the formation of the male hormone. _ It is because of the presence of these cells that the testis is sometimes spoken of as the “ interstitial gland.” It is now well established that the testis secretes a “male”? hormone whose presence in the blood has much to do with the male secondary characters. Eventually, the tubules become separated from. the surrounding germinal OVARY 207

epithelium by the development of a mesenchymatous layer called the tunica albuginea.

Ovary. — In the female, the nests of odgonia become separate follicles (Fig. 133C) which never attain connection with the mesonephric tubules. These tubules consequently degenerate. A follicle consists of a single o6gonium surrounded by follicle cells which may be compared to the sustentacular cells of the male. In the mammalian ovary the primary follicle is greatly enlarged to form a vesicular (Graafian) follicle (Fig. 184), which protrudes

Tunica externa

Tunica interna

Stratum granulosum

Cumulus odphorus Ovum


Fig. 134. —Section of human vesicular (Graafian) follicle. (From Arey after Prentiss.)

from the surface of the ovary. The follicle cells multiply and secrete a follicular fluid which presses the outer wall (stratum granulosum) away from the egg and a layer of follicle cells immediately surrounding it. These form a projection (cumulus odphorus) into the cavity of the follicle. When ovulation takes place the wall of the follicle is ruptured, and the egg,. ‘still surrounded by its investment of follicle cells, now known as the corona r | radiata (page 41), is washed out with the_ follicular fluid. After ovulation the follicle cells enlarge, ‘multiply, and secrete a yellow “substance, the whole forming a corpus luteum. Hisaw has identified hormones from corpus luteum which produce 208 MESODERMAL DERIVATIVES

definite effects on the uterus and other parts of the female body associated with pregnancy and parturition. The existence of female hormones formed in the ovary is now definitely proved. These hormones appear to be formed in the follicles and to be quite distinct from the hormones derived from the corpus luteum (Hisaw). The tunica albuginea of the ovary develops much later than that of the testis but is also of mesenchymal origin.

The genital ducts. — The sperms formed in the seminiferous tubules of the testis are discharged into the mesonephric tubules and thence make their way into the mesonephric duct, which accordingly becomes the male genital duct. The ova, on the other hand, are discharged directly into the cavity of the coelom whence they are received into a new tube, the oviduct, by means of an opening, the ostium tubae (abdominale). The mesonephric duct is often called the Wolffian duct; the oviduct is frequently called the Miillerian duct. Both ducts appear in every embryo (Fig. 135A), but the later histories of the two differ according to the sex.

The Wolffian duct.— In the male (Fig. 135B), the efferent ductules toward the posterior end of the series become occluded, leaving only a few at the anterior end functional. These lose their renal corpuscles and shorten greatly. In the amniotes, where the metanephros acts as the functional kidney, this anterior group becomes the epididymis, while the more posterior, nonfunctional vestige becomes the paradidymis. The mesonephrie duct persists as the deferent duct. At the point where the deferent duct enters the cloaca, there develops a dilation, the seminal vesicle. In the female (Fig. 185C), the anterior portion of the mesonephros persists as the vestigial epodphoron, and the posterior portion becomes the paroédphoron. Traces of the Wolffian duct sometimes persist, as in mammals, where this structure is known as Gartner’s canal.

The Millerian duct. — This canal arises in the elasmobranchs by the constriction of the pronephric duct into two tubes, of which the ventral becomes the Miillerian duct, while the dorsal tube becomes the Wolffian duct. The opening of the Miillerian duct into the coelom, the ostium tubae abdominale, is a persistent nephrostome. In all other vertebrates, this duct arises independently of and after the formation of the Wolffian duct, a ESTROUS CYCLE 209

fact possibly correlated with the delayed functioning of the oviduct as compared with the primary renal function of the Wolffian duct. In these vertebrates the duct arises in the mesoderm lateral to the Wolffian duct and grows both forward and backward until the abdominal and cloacal openings are formed. It is not formed until late in embryogenesis. In the female (Fig. 135C), the posterior ends of the ducts are usually dilated as





deferens Seminal vesicle Utriculus prostaticus

Fia. 135. — Diagrams showing origin and early development of genital ducts. A, early stage showing mesonephros, gonads, (male on left, female on right) and ducts. B, later stage in male, showing in broken lines the structures which degenerate. C, later stage in female. (After Felix.)

storage chambers, and not infrequently fuse to form a uterus. In the male (Fig. 135B), the Miillerian duct degenerates, but vestiges are to be found even in the adult, such as the appendix testis and prostatic utricle of man, which represent the anterior and posterior ends of the female duct, respectively.

Estrous cycle. — Most vertebrates have an annual breeding season. Among the mammals, however, the fact that the young develop for a longer or shorter period (of gestation) in the uterus of the mother is associated with a periodical set of changes in the 210 MESODERMAL DERIVATIVES

activity of the uterus which are known as the estrous cycle. There are three main stages: proestrum, estrus, and anestrum.

During the proestrum the blood vessels of the uterine wall are congested, and in some animals (dog) there is destruction of the uterine wall accompanied by the discharge of blood into the cavity of the uterus.

In estrus the destructive changes of the proestrum are repaired while the cavity itself often contains the secretions of the uterine glands and the materials discharged in the preceding period (“ uterine milk’’). It is in this period that ovulation usually takes place and the wall of the uterus is in the condition most favorable for the implantation of the blastocyst. The estrus receives its name from the fact that this is the time in which the sexual drive is strongest. If implantation (page 140) and pregnancy do not take place, a condition known as pseudopregnancy occurs in some animals (rat, rabbit, etc.). In the closing stages of the estrus, the wall of the uterus returns to its normal condition, accompanied in some animals (dog) by slight hemorrhages. This period of repair is distinguished (Marshall) as the metestrum.

The estrus is succeeded by the anestrum, a name given to the interval lasting until the next proestrum commences. In many mammals estrus occurs but once during the breeding season, but in others it may take place more frequently. The period between each estrus and the next proestrum is sometimes known as a diestrum in these polyestrous species.

There is a considerable difference of opinion among the authorities as to the exact relation between ovulation and menstruation, a term applied to the periodic hemorrhages characteristic of the female primate. It is assumed that the period of ovulation corresponds to the estrus, but the clinical evidence is not clear as to whether the menstrual discharge is comparable to that of the proestrum or that of the closing stages of the estrus itself.

The external genitalia. — The genital organs so far considered are common to all vertebrates and are sometimes spoken of as the internal genitalia. External genitals are found only in those animals in which fertilization is internal. These organs serve the function of transmitting or receiving the sperm at the time of copulation. Internal fertilization is a phenomenon which has THE EXTERNAL GENITALIA 211

been observed in all classes of the vertebrates, but it is characteristic of all amniotes.

Although the external genitalia differ in the sexes, they are embryologically homologous. Two types are recognized, duplex and simplex. In the duplex type, characteristic of the sauropsids, sac-like extensions arise on each side of the cloaca, which in the male become the hemipenes or intromittent organ, while in the female they remain vestigial.

In the simplex type, characteristic of mammals, a single median ectodermal prominence arises anterior Genital tubercle to the cloacal aperture, to become Phallus the phallus (Fig. 136). In the male, the phallus enlarges and encloses the greater part of the urogenital sinus. In this way it becomes the penis, while the enclosed Fie. 136.— Diagram to show the sinus becomes the penile urethra, °"i#in_of the mammalian external genitalia. (After Ielix.) In the female mammal, the phallus becomes the vestigial clitoris, while the sides of the urogenital sinus remain open as the labia minora which guard the opening of the urogenital vestibule. At the base of the phallus is a swelling, the genital tubercle, from which labio-scrotal folds arise on either side of the urogenital opening. In the male they fuse to form the scrotum, an external sac into which the testes descend; in the female they remain separate as the labia majora.

TABLE 9 Homo.ocies oF THE MAMMALIAN GentTraL System


Male Indifferent Female Testis Gonad Ovary Epididymis Mesonephros Epoéphoron Paradidymis Paroéphoron Ductus deferens Mesonephric Gartner’s canal

(Wolffian) duct

Appendix testis Miillerian duct Uterus Prostatic utricle Vagina Penis Phallus Clitoris

Labia minora

Scrotum Labio-scrotal swellings | Labia majora 212 MESODERMAL DERIVATIVES

THE FROG (SEE ALSO CHAPTER XI). — The genital ridges arise soon after hatching. Sex can be distinguished at the time when the embryo is about 30 mm. in body length. The anterior portion of each genital ridge degenerates and becomes a fat body.

The Wolffian duct in the male acquires connection with the testis by means of some of the mesonephric tubules (vasa efferentia), and serves as the deferent duct as well as the ureter. A seminal vesicle is formed. A rudimentary Miillerian duct appears. In the female the Wolffian duct functions solely as a ureter while the Miillerian duct becomes the oviduct.

No external genitalia are developed.

THE CHICK (SEE ALSO CHAPTER XII).— The genital ridge arises with the mesonephros as the urogenital ridge. Of this the anterior region gives rise to the gonad on the mesial side. Sex is not distinguishable until the seventh day of incubation. In the female, the right ovary develops only partially and finally disappears.

The Wolffian duct becomes the deferent duct, connected with the testis by vasa efferentia forming the epididymis. The persisting mesonephric tubules of the posterior region of the mesonephros form a paradidymis. In the female a vestigial epodphoron and parodphoron represent these bodies respectively. The Miillerian ducts degenerate in the male without ever acquiring a cloacal exit. In the female the right Miillerian duct disappears while the left becomes the oviduct. The shell gland appears on the twelfth day of incubation, but the cloacal opening is not formed until the hen is six months old.

No external genitalia are formed, although hemipenes are formed in some other birds.

MAN (SEE ALSO CHAPTER XIII).— The genital ridge arises on the mesial side of the mesonephros. Sex is not distinguishable until after the fifth week.

Each Wolffian duct functions as a deferent duct, and both epididymus and paradidymis are formed, as is a seminal vesicle at the distal end. In the female, epodphoron and paroédphoron are formed, while some portion of the duct itself may persist as Gartner’s canal. The Miillerian ducts become the uterine tubes, which unite at their posterior ends to form the uterus and vagina. The latter is partially closed by a semicircular THE ADRENAL ORGANS 213

fold, the hymen, where it enters the urogenital sinus. In the male, vestiges of the anterior end of each Miillerian duct persist as the appendix testis, while the posterior end is represented by the rudimentary prostatic utricle. The dilation of the bladder results in the inclusion of the ureters (metanephric ducts) in its walls. The genital ducts (Wolffian or Miillerian ducts) empty into the urogenital sinus posterior to the bladder, in a region which constricts to form the urethra. About this develop a number of outgrowths which acquire cavities and form the prostate gland in the male, and the para-urethral glands of the female. The external genitalia are of the mammalian type.


Closely associated with the nephric organs are the mesodermal interrenal glands, which frequently become associated with the suprarenal glands, of ectodermal origin, to form the so-called


Sympathetic @~


Suprarenal @. 2D QO} \ Inter - ——ep renal Genital ridge A

Fig. 137. — Diagrams to show the origin of the suprarenal and interrenal components of the adrenal gland. A, origin as shown in cross section (after Corning). B, condition in amphibia. C, in birds. D, in Tammals. .






adrenal glands. All are endocrine (or ductless) glands. The suprarenal portion of the adrenal forms the powerful hormone epinephrin (adrenalin); the interrenal portion secretes a hormone known as cortin (Swingle), which is employed in the treatment of Addison’s disease. 214 MESODERMAL DERIVATIVES

The interrenals. — These arise as paired thickenings of the splanchnic mesoderm mesial to the nephrocoels. In some of the amphibians there are traces of a segmentation which is soon lost by fusion. There is no direct connection between the interrenal and the mesonephros. These glands may fuse to form an elongate median organ or become associated with the suprarenals.

The suprarenals. — Although these glands are found in the vicinity of the mesonephros, they originate from the sympathetic ganglia (ectodermal) as described in the following chapter. They are separate structures in the fish, but unite with the interrenals in the tetrapods.

The adrenals (Fig. 137). — These compound glands are not found in the fish. In the amphibians the suprarenal portion of the gland is external to the interrenal portion. In the chick they are intermingled. In the amniotes, however, the interrenal substance (cortex) surrounds the suprarenal (medulla).


The vascular system is mesenchymatous in origin. It consists of separate cells, the blood corpuscles, floating in a fluid matrix,

Blood island Ectoderm Somatic mesoderm Splanchnic mesoderm Blood vessel Blood cells

Enloderm fused to yolh

Fia. “138. — Diagrams showing three stages in the development of seplary from blood island based on transverse sections of the area vasculosa in a seven somite chick. (From Arey.)

the blood plasma, in a closed system of interconnected tubes, the blood vessels. Some vessels become lined eternally with muscle fibers, and in one locality this muscular development gives rise THE BLOOD CORPUSCLES 215 to a pulsating heart by means of which the blood is kept in circulation.

Origin of the blood-vascular system. — The first indications of the vascular system are found in the splanchnopleure as blood islands (Fig. 138). In the telolecithal vertebrates this is always in the extra-embryonic splanchnopleure. These blood islands originate as local aggregates of mesenchyme. Later, the inner cells separate as corpuscles, while the outer ones form the endothelial lining of a vesicle. These vesicles anastomose with each other to form the extra-embryonic vitelline circulation.

The blood corpuscles. — The first corpuscles formed are the inner cells of the blood islands. Later corpuscles are budded off

. (" 2 @ “SoC

°e@ ef

Fie. 139. — Stages in the development of human red blood corpuscles. A, hemoblasts. B, megaloblasts (anamniote type). C, D, normoblasts (sauropsid type). E, normoblasts in process of becoming F, erythrocytes. (From Arey after Prentiss.)

from the walls of the capillaries into their cavities. Mesenchymal cells in regions where the capillary network is forming may develop into blood corpuscles and enter the blood stream. These first corpuscles are the hemoblasts (Fig. 139).

Hemoblasts become differentiated into the different types of blood corpuscles in the following blood-forming centers: (1) the yolk sac; (2) the embryonic capillaries; (3) the liver, the spleen, and the lymph glands; (4) the bone marrow. In the adult the lymph glands give rise to lymphocytes, and the bone marrow to all types of corpuscles.

The erythrocytes, or red corpuscles, are distinguished by the presence of hemoglobin which gives them their color. In the 216 MESODERMAL DERIVATIVES

anamniotes the erythrocytes have a large vesicular nucleus with granular chromatin and a distinct cell membrane. In the sauropsida, the erythrocytes have a small compact nucleus. The mammalian erythrocyte is distinguished by the absence of the nucleus in the adult. In the development of mammals there is a succession of erythrocytes: first the anamniote type; then the sauropsid type; and finally the mammalian erythrocyte, which is produced by the extrusion of the nuclei from the blood cells of the sauropsid type (Fig. 139).

The leucocytes, or white corpuscles, are of many types, for a discussion of which the reader is referred to the textbooks on histology. The preponderance of evidence indicates that these, like the erythrocytes, are derived from the hemoblasts.

Origin of the intra-embryonic vessels. — The first embryonic blood vessels (Fig. 140) are the vitelline veins which appear at the ventro-lateral margins of the fore-gut. These vessels unite in the region of the anterior intestinal portal to form the heart, then separate as the ventral aortae, which bend up around the pharynx in the mandibular arch as the first aortic arches, and continue backward as the dorsal aortae. These fuse at a very early stage as the dorsal aorta, from which branches are sent to each myotome and to the vitelline circulation. The posterior ends of the vitelline veins fuse in small-yolked forms, such as the frog, to form a subintestinal vein which continues back to the tail. In largeyolked forms like the chick, the vitelline veins are widely separated and brought into connection only by the sinus terminalis which makes a circuit of the area vasculosa. The vitelline veins are the ventral venous channels of the splanchnic circulation. <A dorsal set of vessels soon originates independently to form the somatic venous circulation. The first of these to appear are the anterior cardinal (precardinal) veins of the head. A similar pair, the posterior cardinal (postcardinal) veins, arise in connection with the nephric region. These, however, do not discharge their contents directly into the heart but into the anterior cardinals. The portions of the original anterior cardinals proximal to this juncture with the posterior cardinals are now called the common cardinal veins.

The heart. — Although the heart is primitively a paired organ, we have seen that the two primordia are soon fused into a single 217


Dorsal aorta

Aortic arch Ventral aorta

Vitelline Vitelline vein A area vasculosa

Caudal artery

osterior cardinal vein

Aortic arches Anterior cardinal vein

Internal Common cardinal vein

carotid artery

Ventral aorta

External Vitelline carotid vein artery

Internal carotid External carotid

I y_S c—~\ — (EAI ESXJ ¢ IAN

CS Anterior cardina) Dorsal aorta Common cardinal . | ==— Vitelline vein 4 Posterior cardinal Vitelline artery —= _ C

Fig. 140. — Diagrams to show fundamental plan of embryonic circulation. A, early stage in side view. _B, later stage in side view. C, same from above, aortic

Ventral aorta

roots pulled apart. 218 MESODERMAL DERIVATIVES

median tube connected with the ventral aortae in front, and the vitelline veins (and later the common cardinals) behind. Around the endocardial lining there develops a coat of muscle fiber which later becomes striated to form the myocardium. Outside this is a lining of splanchnic mesoderm which forms the epicardium, continuous with the lining of a part of the coelom surrounding the heart, which will later be cut off by the septum transversum to form the pericardium. In this the heart is suspended by a dorsal and a veéritral mesentery known respectively as the dorsal and ventral mesocardia.

The later history of the heart is one of growth and subdivision into special chambers. Because the local growth of the heart is limited by the anterior and posterior walls of the pericardium


Fie. 141. — Diagrams to show early stages in development of vertebrate heart. A, paired heart tubes. B, same fused. C, primary flexure. D, later ‘‘S”’ stage. E, after antero-dorsal displacement of atrium.

and by the mesocardia in which it is suspended, any extension in length must be accompanied by coiling. The primary flexure of the heart is toward the right, thus changing the shape of the organ from a straight tube to a C-shaped one. Further growth results in the twisting of the heart into the shape of an S. Still later, the original posterior loop of the S is pushed forward and dorsad so that it comes to lie above the morphologically anterior end (Fig. 141).

The original chambers of the heart are produced by local dilations, of which the most posterior is the sinus venosus; next to this is the atrium; in front of this, the ventricle; and finally, the bulbus arteriosus. The sinus is the chamber into which the primitive veins enter; the atrium is a thin-walled distensile THE ARTERIES 219

chamber; the ventricle is a thick-walled, muscular, pulsating pump; and the bulbus is the chamber from which the blood efitéts the primitive arteries.

These chambers undergo different changes in the various types of vertebrates. Of these, the most important is a progressive differentiation, completed in the mammals and birds, of the atrium and ventricle into separate right and left halves, of which the right side receives venous blood from all parts of the body and transmits it to the lungs for respiratory exchange. From the lungs the blood is returned to the left side of the heart and thence conveyed to all parts of the body.

The arteries (Fig. 142). — The ventral aortae fuse into a single median tube sending branches into each of the visceral arches.

Anterior mesenteric

Fig. 142. — Diagrams to show principal arteries; A, in side view, B, cross section through mesenteric.

These branches, which unite with the dorsal aortae, are usually six in number and are known as the aortic arches. Anterior to these the ventral aortae continue forward as the external carotid arteries. Similar forward extensions of the dorsal aortae are known as the internal carotid arteries. In the region of the aortic arches the dorsal arteries remain separate as the aortic roots (radices aortae). Behind them, as has been mentioned, the paired vessels fuse as the median dorsal aorta. 220 MESODERMAL DERIVATIVES

The aortic arches. — In larvae breathing by means of external gills, a loop from each aortic arch grows out into the gill developing on the visceral arch with which it is associated. These loops are short-circuited when the external gills disappear.

In forms with internal gills, each aortic arch breaks up into capillaries in the demibranch and becomes divided into a ventral afferent branchial artery and a dorsal efferent branchial artery.

In vertebrates with a pulmonary respiration, aortic arches I and II, in the mandibular and hyoid arches, respectively, disappear. Arch III, in the first branchial arch, persists as the connection between the internal and external carotid arteries,

Internal External carotid carotid

I clgy TT Il


Vv Subclavian VI

Pulmonary arteries


B Cc D

Fig. 143. — Diagrams of aortic arches. A, hypothetical primitive type. B, in frog. C, in chick. D, in man. (After Kingsley.)

while the dorsal aorta between arches III and IV disappears. Arch IV becomes the systemic arch connecting the dorsal and ventral aortae (Fig. 143B). In birds (Fig. 143C), the arch on the left side disappears; in mammals (Fig. 143D), that on the right degenerates. Arch V is greatly reduced and frequently disappears or has at most a vestigial and transitory existence. From arch VI there grow back to the lungs the pulmonary arteries. The portion of the sixth arch distal to the pulmonary arteries is reduced in caliber and is known as the ductus arteriosus. It becomes occluded and degenerates in all the amniotes except some few reptiles.

Intersegmental arteries. — From the dorsal aortae are given off small branches between the myotomes (Fig. 142B). Some of these intersegmental arteries persist as the intervertebral arteries. The more anterior ones becomes united on either side by THE VITELLINE VEINS 221

a dorsal longitudinal vertebral artery. These vertebrals subsequently fuse to form an anterior basilar artery which divides behind the pituitary, the two halves uniting with the internal carotid on either side. The posterior halves of the vertebral arteries fuse to form the spinal artery which runs back beneath the spinal cord. In the region where the anterior limb buds are developing, intersegmental arteries grow out, to give rise to the subclavian arteries. Similarly, in the region of the pelvic limb buds, intersegmental arteries give rise to the iliac arteries. In the amniota, the allantoic arteries grow out from the iliac arteries into the walls of the allantois. These become so important that for some time it appears as though the iliac arteries were derived from the allantois instead of the reverse. These allantoic arteries, which degenerate at the time of birth, are known as the umbilical arteries in mammals as they traverse the umbilical cord and supply the placenta.

Other important intersegmental arteries become the renal arteries of the kidneys and the genital arteries of the gonads.

Mesenteric arteries. — From the dorsal aorta, a number of ventral branches, originally paired, but soon fused to become median vessels, pass down the dorsal mesentery. They unite with the capillaries of the yolk sac which they supply with blood. Later, some of them develop branches over the alimentary canal which persist after the loss of the yolk sac as the coeliac and mesenteric artcries.

The veins. — There are two primitive venous systems: the somatic system, comprising the cardinal veins; and the splanchnic, including the vitelline (omphalomesenteric) and, in amniotes, the allantoic (umbilical) veins. The cardinal veins are replaced by caval veins; the vitelline veins become transformed into a hepatic-portal system. The allantoics disappear at hatching (or birth). Finally, there are the pulmonary veins. In general, the history of these transformations may be summed up in the statement that the primitive independent venous systems become transformed into a system wherein an accompanying vein is developed for every artery.

The vitelline veins (Fig. 144). — These vessels, and their continuation, the subintestinal vein (in small-yolked forms), are the first vessels formed in the embryo. In the amniotes, two veins 222 MESODERMAL DERIVATIVES

grow out from these into the wall of the allantois to become the allantoic veins of the sauropsida (umbilicals of mammals). In man, however, the umbilical veins actually appear before the vitelline veins.

It has been noted previously that the vitelline veins pass around the liver on their way to the heart. As the liver enlarges, it surrounds the vitelline veins, and these become broken up in the liver tissue to form a great capillary network. In the amniota, the allantoic (umbilical) veins are similarly absorbed. The proximal portions of the vitelline veins, from the liver to the sinus venosus, are now known as the hepatic veins; the distal portions

64 Common ardinal p

Ductus { venosus ‘

Fig. 144. — Diagrams to show three stages in the development of the hepatic-portal venous system, based on conditions in man. (After Hochstetter.)

are called the portal veins. Of the umbilical veins, the right degenerates; the left for a time maintains a direct connection through the liver to the hepatic veins, known as the ductus venosus. This connection disappears at the time of birth. After the disappearance of the yolk, the portal vein and its tributaries, of which the most important is the mesenteric vein, carry blood from the digestive canal to the liver.

The anterior cardinal veins. — The original plan of the cardinal system is that of an H in which the upper limbs represent the anterior cardinals; the cross-bar the common cardinals, with the heart in the middle of the cross-bar; and the lower limbs represent the posterior cardinals (Fig. 145). The anterior cardinals arise as a drainage system for the blood passing into the head from the carotid arteries.

The anterior cardinals are often called the internal jugular THE POSTERIOR CARDINALS 223

veins. From these, parallel veins, known as the external jugular veins, branch off in the ventral region of the head. Veins from the vertebral region (vertebral veins) and from the pectoral appendages (subclavian veins) soon develop. In most vertebrates the common cardinals and the proximal portion of the anterior cardinals, i.e., up to the point where these tributary veins diverge, persist as the precaval veins. In some mammals, a crossconnection is formed between the anterior cardinals, after which the portion of the left anterior cardinal, proximal to the anasto

Anterior. cardinal Anterior


Pre cava ot} Coronary

sinus Common cardinal Post

Sub - cava


Post cardinal]



Fia. 145. — Diagrams to show three stages in the development of the caval venous system. Generalized (supra-cardinals omitted).

mosis, and the left common cardinal become the coronary vein draining the wall of the heart. The corresponding vessels on the right side persist as the precaval (anterior caval) vein.

The posterior cardinals. — Each posterior cardinal lies dorsal to the mesonephros which it drains. Beneath each mesonephros is developed a subcardinal vein. In the anamniotes these veins arise as tributaries of the posterior cardinals, returning blood from the tail where they are united to form the caudal vein. Later, they lose direct connection with the parent vessels and return blood from the tail region to the mesonephros as the renal-portal veins. The posterior portions of the subcardinals fuse as the interrenal vein, which acquires a secondary connection with the 224 MESODERMAL DERIVATIVES

hepatic vein, and persists as the postcaval vein. In the amniotes the postcaval vein is a complex which arises partly from the hepatic veins, partly from appropriated portions of the posterior cardinals and subcardinals, and partly from the supracardinals, a pair of vessels dorso-mesial to the posterior cardinals. It eventually replaces the posterior cardinals, so that the only blood vessels entering the right side of the heart are (1) the precaval vein returning blood from the head, pectoral region, and appendages; and (2) the postcaval vein returning blood from the trunk and pelvic appendages as well as all blood from the digestive canal conveyed by way of the hepatic-portal system.

The pulmonary veins. — These enter the left atrium and are new vessels which grow backward from the heart to the developing lungs.

The lymphatic system. — This system serves to return to the veins the blood plasma which has escaped from the capillaries (Fig. 146). It contains white blood corpuscles of the ameboid type (lymphocytes) which have the power of making their way through the capillary walls. The lymphatics apparently originate as intercellular spaces in mesenchyme which later become confluent and acquire a limiting endothelium. Like the blood vessels, the lymphatic capillaries anastomose and form larger vessels which drain into the veins. The walls of these central vessels are often muscular, and localized areas known as lymph hearts are found. So, too, localized distensible sacs, the lymph sacs, are notunknown. Some of these become lymph glands. The spleen, already alluded to in the section on mesenteries (page 198), is a hemolymph gland in which both lymphocytes and erythrocytes are proliferated.

THE FROG (SEE ALSO CHAPTER XI). — In the frog (Fig. 147), the primordia of the vitelline veins first appear and grow together as a loose aggregate of cells in front of the liver. Around this the coelom grows in from right and left to form the pericardium. Meantime the primordium of the heart endocardium develops from the loose aggregate of cells referred to above. The inner wall of the coelom (splanchnic mesoderm) becomes the myocardium. The atrium is divided by an interatrial septum into two auricles, right and left. The ventricle remains a single chamber. THE FROG, : 225

Superficial lym phatics

Jugular lymph sac

Subclavian lymph sac oly as ao] Lymph gland

yi) Deep lymphatics 4 /// Thoracic duct ‘ i Retroperitoneal lymph sac YA Cisterna chyli

Posterior lymph sac Superficial lymphatics Lymph gland

Fig. 146. — Reconstruction of primitive lymphatic vessels in human fetus of two months. (From Arey after Sabin.)

Arteries External Aortic


carotid __ arches

fiver 2orta Dorsal

Internal; | WIWIVV VI - aorta

carotid ; ;_ Vitelline + Caudal

‘ Caudal

Heart :,. ’

Anterior > ey : cardia Posterior. *Vitelline Veins cardinal cardinal"


Fie. 147. — Diagram of embryonic vascular system of early tadpole. (After Kingsley.) 226 MESODERMAL DERIVATIVES

Aortic loops develop in the external gills, corresponding to aortic arches III, IV, and V. After the appearance of the internal gills, the ventral limb of the loop becomes the afferent branchial artery, while the dorsal limb becomes the efferent branchial artery. A similar differentiation takes place in arch VI. With the loss of branchial respiration, arch III becomes the proximal portion of the carotid arteries, arch IV the systemic arch which persists on both sides, and arch V disappears, while from arch VI arise vessels which carry blood to both the lungs (pulmonary arteries, Fig. 143B) and skin (cutaneous arteries).

The vitelline veins anterior to the liver fuse to become the hepatic vein: posterior to the liver, the right vitelline vein disappears, the left becomes the hepatic-portal vein. The anterior cardinal veins become the internal jugular veins; the common cardinals become the precaval veins. The posterior cardinal veins fuse between the mesonephroi, and a new vein grows back from the hepatic vein to the right posterior cardinal, to form the postcaval vein. The posterior cardinals, anterior to their junction with the postcaval, degenerate. Posterior to this junction they persist as the renal-portal veins carrying blood from the iliac veins to the kidneys.

THE CHICK (SEE ALSO CHAPTER XII). — In the chick (Fig. 148), the endocardium of the heart arises as the forward extension of the vitelline veins, which soon fuse as the pericardial | primordia are brought together beneath the head. The myocardium is formed as in the-frog. The right and left halves of the heart are completely separated by three septa: the septum aorticopulmonale, which divides the bulbus into a chamber on the right ‘leading to the pulmonary arteries and one to the left leading to the dorsal aorta; the interventricular septum, which divides the ventricle; and the interatrial septum, which divides the atrium into two auricles. This separation is completed at the end of the first week of incubation. The sinus venosus is incorporated in the right auricle.

Six aortic arches are formed: I and II disappear on the third and fourth days of incubation; IIT forms the proximal portion of the internal carotid artery; IV disappears on the left side but persists as the systemic arch on the right; V disappears; the pulmonary arteries arise from VI, but the distal portion of the MAN 227

right arch remains as the ductus arteriosus until the chick hatches (Fig. 143C).

The vitelline veins unite behind the sinus venosus to form the meatus venosus which later becomes the hepatic vein. The mesenteric vein becomes the portal vein, and the vitelline veins disappear at hatching. The allantoic veins grow backward from the common cardinals to join the capillaries of the allantois; the right allantoic degenerates on the fourth day, and the left acquires a new connection with the meatus venosus, by way of the


$432 Aortic _ _ g 2

EZES arches Eg gs s 3 a <Timmivvvr § 2 a

arene EERIUNNVT SS 88 5 2 3



Common ‘ Allantoie oornne


Posterior ardinal “PON ON Vitelline | “NS

Fie. 148. — Diagram of embryonic vascular system of chick. (After Kingsley.)

left hepatic vein. The allantoic vein degenerates at hatching. Two precaval veins are formed from the proximal portions of the anterior cardinals and common cardinals. The posterior caval vein arises from (1) a branch of the meatus venosus which grows back to meet the right subcardinal vein, (2) the fused subcardinals which carry blood from the mesonephros, and (38) the renal veins which develop in connection with the metanephros. The anterior ends of the posterior cardinals disappear, while the posterior ends supply the mesonephros and, after its degeneration, the common iliac veins, which pass directly to the postcaval vein.

MAN (SEE ALSO CHAPTER XIII). The heart arises in man (Fig. 149) much as in the chick; but the subsequent partition228 MESODERMAL DERIVATIVES

ing of this organ into right and left halves is more complicated, for two atrial septa are formed. The ventricle is separated by an interventricular septum, and the bulbus is divided by two septa which unite to form the septum aortico-pulmonale. The sinus venosus is incorporated in the right atrium.

The aortic arches are formed and have the same history as those of the chick, with the exception that it is the left fourth aortic arch which becomes the systemic arch (Fig. 143D).

The anterior portion of the right vitelline vein becomes the hepatic vein; the hepatic-portal arises from the posterior portion of the vitelline veins anterior to their junction with the mesenteric

Postcardinal veins Precardinal veins Descending aorte

Sinus venosus Vitelline veins Fia. 149. — Diagram of embryonic vascular system in man: (From Arey after Felix.)

vein. The anterior cardinals are united by an anastomosis (left innominate vein), and the left common cardinal disappears with the exception of the coronary vein. The right common cardinal, together with that portion of the anterior cardinal as far as the branching of the left innominate, becomes the precaval vein. The postcaval vein is a complex formed from (1) a branch of the hepatic vein, (2) the anterior portion of the fused subcardinals, (3) part of the fused supracardinals, and (4) the fused posterior portion of the posterior cardinals. The anterior portions of the posterior cardinals separate from these veins, unite by means of an anastomosis, and drain into the right precaval vein. They are then known as the azygos (right) and hemiazygos (left) veins. Of the umbilical veins, the left only persists, with a SKELETOGENOUS REGIONS 229

direct connection through the liver by means of the ductus venosus. At birth this duct closes and the umbilical vein dis appears. F. THE SKELETON

The skeleton of vertebrates consists of a system of supporting and protecting elements developed from mesenchyme. These elements pass through several conditions in later development. The primordia of the skeletal elements are preformed in connective tissue. These become transformed into cartilage, a process known as chondrification, through the activities of specialized cells, the chondrioblasts. Cartilage in turn is transformed into bone, through the action of osteoblasts, the process being known as ossification. Bones that pass through these three stages are known as cartilage bones. In the formation of some bones, the cartilaginous stage is omitted; these are known as membrane bones.| Both cartilage and bone are typically surrounded by a membrane of mesenchyme which is called the perichondrium or periosteum, as the case may be. The separate elements of the skeleton are connected with each other by ligaments, by cartilage, or in a bony union.

Transverse septum

Sagittal septum

Fia. 150. — Diagram to show the skeleton-forming regions as seen in the tail region of a vertebrate. (After Kingsley.)

Skeletogenous regions. — The principal regions where skeleton may be formed in the vertebrate body (Fig. 150) are (1) the 230 MESODERMAL DERIVATIVES

dermis of the skin, (2) the median sagittal planes between the myotomes on the dorsal and ventral sides of the body, (3) the right and left frontal planes between the dorsal and ventral muscle masses, (4) the transverse planes between the myotomes, (5) around the notochord, neural tube, and axial blood vessels, (6) in the visceral arches, and (7) in the paired appendages. Skeletal elements formed in (1) are called the dermal skeleton; those formed in (2) to (5), the axial skeleton; those formed in (6), the visceral skeleton; and those formed in (7), the appendicular skeleton. The skull contains elements from all but the appendicular skeleton.

The dermal skeleton. — Among living vertebrates the most primitive example of derm bones are the placoid scales (Tig. 151) of the eartilage fish which are formed in exactly the same way as teeth (Chapter VIIT). In the dermal skeleton two types of bones are distinguished. The investing bones (dermal plates) serve to envelop regions of the head

scale (Squalus acanthias) to show originof and trunk. The substituting

primitive dermal bone. Compare Tig. bones become so closely allied

119. (After Kingsley.) . . .

with the cartilaginous bones as to become fused with them or even to replace them in ontogeny. Many of the cranial bones are of this type. They may be distinguished by the fact that they

x * : Seles ee ORS IS SS Ectoderm do not pass through a cartilagi- SaaS EE Dermatomé


nous stage in development. The axial skeleton. — The primitive axial skeleton is the notochord, whose origin has been discussed in Chapter V. 1 NTA Around this a connective tissue Fig. 152. — Section through sclerotome heath is f db h of lizard (Scleporus) to show arcualia. snea 1s forme y mesenchy- (After Kingsley.) mal cells. The mesenchyme from each sclerotome now forms four little blocks, the arcualia (Fig. 152), two dorsal to the notochord and two ventral, from which the arches and centra of the vertebrae are formed, as well THE STERNUM 231

as the primordia of the ribs. The posterior arcualia of each somite unite with the anterior arcualia of the succeeding myotome to form the definitive vertebra, which thus comes to lie at the point of separation between two myotomes. Eight elements are thus concerned with a single vertebra: right and left dorsal arcualia from the anterior half sclerotome, and from the posterior half sclerotome, and the corresponding ventral elements.

The vertebrae. — In the prevertebral masses so formed appear centers of chondrification, one on each side of the spinal cord and one or more below the cord. These form, respectively, the neural arch and the centrum of the vertebrae (Fig. 153). In the tail region, two centers of chondrification arise below the centrum,


Fia. 153. — Section to show ossification centers in human vertebra and ribs. (After JXollman.)

enclosing the caudal prolongation of the dorsal aorta, and form a hemal arch. With the chondrification of the vertebrae the notochord disappears in all but the most primitive vertebrates, persisting only between the vertebrae as nuclei pulposi of the intervertebral discs. Finally the vertebrae become ossified, and the spines, zygapophyses, and other differentiations are developed.

The ribs. — Except in the caudal region, lateral processes arise from the vertebral primordia and grow out into the myosepta. They later become cartilaginous, and finally true bone. These are the ribs, of which there are two types, dorsal and ventral, distinguished according to the part of the vertebra from which they originate.

The sternum. — The sternum, or breast bone, arises in the amphibians from the coalescence of two longitudinal bars of cartilage, which later articulate with the coracoids of the pectoral girdle, but do not come in contact with the ribs. In the amniota, 232 MESODERMAL DERIVATIVES

the sternum arises from the fusion of the ventral ends of the anterior rib rudiments. In this way there arise two longitudinal bars, from which the unpaired sternum , <—_Chviele is formed by fusion along the mesial line (Fig. 154). Ends The skull. — The skull is a complex or of skeletal elements, arising from the chondrocranium, or primitive cranium of cartilage bones, which is derived in part from the protective covering of the brain and sense organs (neurocranium), and in part from the supporting elements of the visceral arches Fia. 154. — Diagram to show ori- (gnlanchnocranium). This is supplegin of mammalian sternum. . . (After Kingsley.) mented by numerous investing and substituting bones from the original dermal skeleton (dermocranium).

Neurocranium.— The neurocranium arises from the head mesenchyme which, as has been said, cannot be traced to any definite somites. In this mass, which completely invests the brain and sense organs, definite centers of chondrification appear. These masses unite to form the chondrocranium of the cartilage fish (Fig. 155). If the notochord be used as a point of orientation,




Otic capsule a 4. Occipital


Nasal capsule

Visceral arches

Fig. 155. — Diagram showing components of chondrocranium (Squalus acanthias). (After Kingsley.)

on either side of it is found a parachordal bar. In front of each of these is a separate rod; these are the trabeculae. Between the two parachordals and around the notochord, the basilar plate arises as the support of the epichordal brain. The trabeculae also fuse in front, to form the ethmoid plate which supports OSSIFICATION OF THE CHONDROCRANIUM 233

the prechordal brain, but remain separate at their posterior ends to form an opening through which the pituitary projects downward. In front of the ethmoid plate the trabeculae grow forward as the cornua. Dorsal to each trabecula, another longitudinal bar, the sphenolateral, arises. Between these two bars the cranial nerves make their way to the exterior.

Around each of the major sense organs a cartilaginous capsule develops. The olfactory capsules unite with the cornua, ethmoid, and sphenolaterals. The optic capsule rarely develops fully, usually persisting in the conncctive tissue stage as the sclera of the eyeball. The otic capsule, however, becomes completely chondrified and unites with the parachordals and the latero-sphenoids. Between the two otic capsules and sphenolaterals arises a dorsal plate which forms a roof for the brain. In the amniotes, one or more neck vertebrae are consolidated with the occipital region.

The splanchnocranium.— The digestive canal in the head region consists of the mouth, oral cavity, and pharynx, the walls of the pharynx being penetrated by the visceral clefts. As there is no coelom in this region, the lateral mesoderm is not divided but gives rise to mesenchyme which foreshadows the cartilaginous bars supporting the wall of this part of the body. These visceral arches are the mandibular, hyoid, and four (or more) branchial arches. The mandibular arch divides into dorsal and ventral portions, of which the dorsal portion becomes the pterygoquadrate cartilage (upper jaw of cartilage fish) while the ventral portion becomes the meckelian cartilage (lower jaw). The hyoid arch divides into a dorsal hyomandibular cartilage, and a ventral hyoid cartilage which is usually divided into several centers of chondrification. The hyomandibular acts as a suspensory element for the jaws in the fish. It is homologized with a bone of the middle ear, the columella, in amphibians, and the stapes of mammals (see page 269). The hyoid gives rise to the support of the tongue. The branchial arches are usually divided into four parts and act as gill supports in the anamniota and disappear or become laryngeal cartilages in amniota.

Ossification of the chondrocranium. — The limits of this text will not permit of an enumeration of all the bones formed from the chondrocranium (Figs. 156, 157, 158). They may be grouped, 234 MESODERMAL DERIVATIVES

however, as follows: (1) the occipitals, formed from the occipital vertebrae; (2) the sphenoids, arising from the parachordals, basilar plate, trabeculae, and latero-sphenoids; (3) the ethmoids,


Vomer Maxilla

Ethmoid Palatine Parasphenoid Orbito sphenoid Pterygoid Jugal Alisphenoid Squamosal


Quadrate + Prootic ~ A 5 “ Opisthotic

Supratemporal oo Basioccipital

Fia. 156. —— Diagram showing components of vertebrate skull, generalized. Ventral view. Chondrocranium stippled, dermal elements in outline. (After Kingsley.)

from the ethmoid plate and nasal capsule; (4) the otics, from the otic capsule. The pterygoquadrate bar gives rise to the pterygoid bones and the quadrate (which in mammals becomes the incus of the middle ear). The mcckelian cartilage gives rise to the





Fig. 157. — Dorsal view of skull diagrammed in Fig. 156.

articular bone at its distal extremity. This becomes the malleus, another ear-bone, of the mammals. The remainder of the meckelian persists as cartilage. In the hyoids and the branchials, bones are formed which retain the names of their cartilaginous predecessors. THE GIRDLES 235

The dermocranium (Figs. 156, 157, 158). — The derm bones which invest and, to some extent, supplant the elements of the

chondrocranium are too numerous to be more than mentioned Premaxilla here. The dorsal derm bones

are, from front to rear, the nasals, Maxilla

frontals, and parietals, together

with a number of smaller bones Jugal

which appear in variable quantity in the different classes. The

Postorbital —}

Nasal Lachrymal




principal lateral elements, from Squamosal front to rear, are the premaxillae, #4708"!


Tibia Ulna


Tarsals 09520 Carpals ‘0

oO oO Metatarsals Ui it Metacarpals

f ¥V Phalanges WY 0

Fig. 159. — Diagram of appendicular skeleton, tetrapod type, showing homologies of pectoral elements above and to left; pelvic elements below and _ to right. (After Kingsley.)

Parietal Supratemporal Interoccipital


Via. 158. — Lateral view of skull diagrammed in Figs. 156, 157.

maxillae, jugals, quadratojugals, and squamosals. The floor of the chondrocranium is invested by the parasphenoids, palatines, and vomer. The lower jaw is invested by a series of bones of which the most important is the dentary.

The appendicular skeleton. — The simplest forms of appendages, the unpaired and paired fins of fish, contain a skeleton consisting of parallel cartilaginous rods, which are divided into proximal portions, basalia, embedded in the body, the distal portions, radialia, extending into the free appendages. The paired appendages of fish are paddle-like fins; in tetrapods they are jointed legs. In both, the skeleton is divided into a basal girdle and a free appendicular skeleton (Fig. 159).

The girdles. — The girdles are in the form of inverted arches, of which the pectoral girdle is united to the axial skeleton in fish and free in the tetrapods, while the pelvic girdle, usually free in

fish, is united to the axial skeleton in the tetrapods. Each arch 236 MESODERMAL DERIVATIVES

typically consists of three portions. The dorsal one in the pectoral girdle is the scapula; in the pelvic girdle it is called the ilium. The two ventral elements of the pectoral girdle are the precoracoid (anterior) and the coracoid (posterior), while the corresponding elements of the pelvic girdle are the pubis and ischium. In the shoulder region, the clavicle, a derm bone, becomes associated with the pectoral girdle.

The free appendages. — The pectoral and pelvic appendages are very similar. Each has three segments: proximal, intermediate, and distal. The proximal segment of the pectoral appendage contains one bone, the humerus, while the corresponding bone of the pelvic limb is called the femur. The intermediate portion of the pectoral limb possesses two bones, the radius and ulna; while the corresponding bones of the pelvic appendage are the tibia and fibula. The distal segment is divided into three regions of which the proximal portion contains nine or ten bones, the carpalia of the pectoral appendage, tarsalia of the pelvic. The intermediate portion contains five metacarpalia or metatarsalia, respectively. The distal portion contains the free phalanges of the fingers or toes.



Pectoral Gencral Pelvic


Seapula | lium Procoracoid Pubis Coracoid Ischium

Free appendage

Humerus Femur

Radius Tibia

Ulna Fibula Carpalia Tarsalia Metacarpalia Metatarsalia Phalanges (I-V) Phalanges (I-V)

Origin of the appendicular skeleton. — All the bones of the appendicular skeleton, with the exception of the clavicle, are formed from a mesenchymal blastema in the limb buds by the appearance of centers of chondrification. The origin of this ORIGIN OF THE APPENDICULAR SKELETON 237

mesenchyme is probably from the somites, but the details of the process are still imperfectly understood.

THE FROG.! — Nine vertebrae are formed, of which the first is known as the cervical vertebra, or atlas, the succeeding seven are the abdominal vertcbrac, and the last is called the sacral vertebra as it is to this that the pelvic girdle is attached. No caudal vertebrac are formed, but thrce strips of cartilage enclose the notochord and form the primordium of the adult urostyle. Dorsal ribs are differentiated, but these remain rudimentary and fuse with the transverse processes of the vertebrae. The sternum arises from the fusion of two longitudinal bars of cartilage which never attain connection with the ribs. It persists anterior and posterior to the pectoral girdle.

The cartilage bones of the skull are the exoccipitals, prodtics, stapes, ethmoids, and the pterygoquadrate (in part), articulare, mentomeckelian, hyoid, and branchials. The derm bones are the fronto-parictal, nasals, premaxillac, maxillac, quadratojugals, squamosals, parasphenoid, palatines, vomers, and dentaries.

In the pectoral girdle develop the scapula, coracoid, and precoracoid, the last of which is replaced by the clavicle. In the pelvic girdle only the ilium and ischium ossify. Only four digits are present in the hand, the thumb (pollex) being absent.

THE CHICK. — There are sixteen cervical vertebrae, of which the first is the atlas, and the second, which has appropriated the centrum of the first, is the axis; five thoracic vertebrae; about six lumbar vertebrac; two sacrals; and about fifteen caudals. The last thoracic, all lumbars, and sacrals and five caudals are fused to the pelvic girdle. The last four caudals are fused into a pygostyle. Dorsal ribs are formed by the cervical and the thoracic vertebrae. The sternum arises from two longitudinal bars of cartilage which unite in the median line. It is distinguished by the development of a large keel (carina) for the attachment of the pectoral muscles.

The cartilage bones of the skull are the basioccipital, exoccipitals and supraoccipitals; prodtics, epiotics, and opisthotics; basisphenoid, orbitosphenoids, and alisphenoids; the ethmoid; quadrate, articular, meckelian cartilage; stapes, hyoid, and branchials. The derm bones are the frontals, parictals, nasals, lachrymals, premaxillac, maxillae, jugals, quadratojugals, squamosals, pterygoids, palatines, parasphenoids, vomer, angular, supra-angular, opercular, and dentary.

The pectoral girdle devclops a scapula and coracoid, together with a dermal clavicle. Ilium, ischium, and pubis ossify separatcly in the pelvic girdle. Five digits are performed in the pectoral appendage; of these the first and fifth fail to develop further. Five also appear in the embryonic skeleton of the pelvic appendage; the fifth soon disappears, and the first is extremely short and develops no phalanges.

MAN. — Seven cervical vertebrae, including the axis and atlas, twelve thoracic, five lumbar, five sacral, and four caudal vertebrae are formed. Of these, the sacral vertebrae are united to the pelvis, and the caudal vertebrae are frequently fused to form the coccyx. Primordia of ribs are formed by all vertebrae except those following the first caudal. Only the thoracic segments, however, develop complete ribs. The sternum arises from two longitudinal primordia with which the first eight or nine ribs acquire cartilaginous connections.

The cartilage bones of the skull are the occipital (in part), the sphenoid, the ethmoid, the turbinates, temporals (in part), the stapes, malleus, incus, and hyoid. The malleus and incus are the representatives of the articular and quadrate. The

1 The details of the skeleton in this and succeeding paragraphs arc for reference only. 238 MESODERMAL DERIVATIVES

derm bones are the occipital (in part), temporals (in part), frontal, parictals, lachrymals, nasals, vomer, maxillae, zygomatics, palatines, and mandible, the last-named bone representing the fused dentaries. It is apparent that many of the bones of the human skull are the result of the fusion of separate centers of ossification which represent skull elements of the lower vertebrates. The second and third visceral arches contribute to the formation of the hyoid, the others to the laryngeal cartilage.

The pectoral girdle consists of the scapula, with which is fused the coracoid. There is no precoracoid, but a dermal clavicle is present. The centers of ossification that represent the pubis, ischium, and ilium fuse to form an innominate bone. The free appendages terminate in five digits. In conclusion, it should be mentioned that the adult condition of the human skeleton is not attained until the age of twenty-five.


The musculature of the vertebrate is derived from mesenchyme (Fig. 160), of which the greater part originates from the myotomes and gives rise to striated muscle cells, controlled by the central nervous system, the skeletal musculature. A portion,


Neural tube

Notochord Aorta

Dorsal appendicular muscle mass

Ventral appendicular Gut muscle mass Splanchnie mesoderm

Somatic mesoderm

Fig. 160. — Diagram of transverse section through vertebrate embryo in region of limb bud, to show origin of appendicular muscles. (After Corning.)

however, originates from splanchnic mesoderm and gives rise to non-striated (smooth) muscle cells(found in the skin, surrounding the alimentary canal, blood vessels, and the urogenital organs. They are/controlled by the autonomic nervous system (page 254), and make up the visceral musculature. Several exceptions to these general statements should be noted. The muscle cells of the heart are striated; the muscles derived from the visceral arches are both)striated and controlled by the central nervous CRANIAL MUSCLES 239

system, although derived from lateral mesoderm. It will be noted later that the muscles of the iris of the eye (page 266) and of the sweat glands (page 246) are apparently ectodermal in origin.

Dermal musculature. — In the skin are found striped muscles which are derived from skeletal musculature (see below) but which have lost their attachment to the skeleton. The dermal musculature is best developed in the amniotes. The muscles of expression in man are dermal muscles supplied by the seventh cranial nerve (see Chapter X).

Axial musculature. In this section are included all the muscles arising from the myotomes and attached to parts of the axial skeleton, which they move. They are originally metameric, but their later history is obscured by subsequent migration, fusion, splitting, budding, and degencration. The intercostals, between the ribs, however, preserve their original metamerism, which in the others may be traced to some extent by the innervation, since the connection between a spinal nerve and the muscle mass it supplies is established early in organogeny and remains constant. Thus it can be shown that the musculature of the diaphragm, supplied by the phrenic nerve, arises from a cervical myotome.

Cranial muscles. — Like the cranium, the associated muscles are derived from different sources and consist of skeletal and _ visceral muscles. The muscles

of the eyeball arise from Fia. 161.— Head of embryo dogfish (Squalus

_ _ acanthias) showing preotic somites (A, B, C)

the three preotic myo and cranial nerves (V, VII, [X, X). (After tomes (Fig. 161), of which — jingsley.) 7

the first supplies all the

muscles of the eyeball except the superior oblique, derived from the second myotome, and the lateral rectus, supplied by the third head myotome. These are innervated by the third, fourth, and sixth cranial nerves, respectively. The tongue musculature is 240 MESODERMAL DERIVATIVES

derived from the myotomes associated with the occipital vertebrae and supplied by the twelfth cranial nerve. The muscles of mastication, the facial muscle, and the laryngeal muscles, together with those of the ear bones, arise from the visceral arches (Fig. 162),

Glossopharyngeal _, Facial



ma \i Me


. id Mandibular Branchial arches Fiyel arch

Fia. 162. — Diagram to show primitive visceral muscles in relation to visceral skeleton and cranial nerves. (Hypothetical after Wilder.)

Vagus \\\ i

and are supplied by cranial nerves V, VII, [X, X, and XI (see Chapter X).

Appendicular muscles. — In the anamniotes, these muscles arise from the myotomes; among the amniotes, their origin is doubtful, as the limb bud develops as an undifferentiated mass of mesenchyme surrounded by ectoderm. In this blastemal mass,

Dorso - medial muscle primordia


Humerus Ventro - lateral muscle primordia

Fig. 163. — Reconstruction of the pectoral muscle masses in a 17-mm. Necturus: (Prepared by H. F. DeBruine.)

muscles and bones are laid down, the differentiation proceeding from the proximal toward the distal end. The pectoral muscles differentiate before those of the pelvic appendage. The appenSUMMARY 241

dicular muscles are found in antagonistic groups: protractors, which move the limb forward; and retractors, which have the opposite effect; levators, which raise the limb; and depressors, which contract in the opposite direction. Like the axial muscles, these have become highly modified and specialized among the tetrapods (Fig. 163).

Visceral muscles. — Under this head are included the muscles lining the alimentary tract, lungs, vascular organs, and urogenital system. All arise in the mesoderm which surrounds the endothelial lining of the organs concerned. The muscle cells of the heart arise as smooth muscle cells which become striated in later development. It is interesting in this connection that the smooth muscle cells of the bladder of the dog have been transformed into what are apparently striate muscles when this organ is made to pulsate rhythmically by continued irrigation.


The following structures are derived from the middle germ layer:

A. The notochord

B. The mesoderm

I. The lateral mesoderm Epithelium of the coelom Pericardial cavity Pleural cavity Peritoneal cavity

Mesenteries Dorsal mesentery Ventral mesentery Mesocardia Mesohepares

II. The intermediate mesoderm

Kidneys Pronephros Mesonephros Metanephros 242 MESODERMAL DERIVATIVES

Genitalia Gonads Genital ducts Wolffian (mesonephric) duct Miillerian (oviducal) duct External genitalia (also ectodermal)

Adrenal glands

Interrenals (Suprarenals from ectoderm)

C. The mesenchyme III. (Principally from splanchnic mesoderm)

The blood corpuscles Blood plasma Blood vessels Heart Arteries Veins The lymphatics

IV. (Principally from the axial mesoderm)

Connective tissue Skeleton Dermal Axial _ Cranial Chondrocranium Neurocranium Splanchnocranium (or visceral skeleton) Dermocranium Appendicular Musculature Dermal Axial Cranial Appendicular Visceral (from splanchnic mesoderm) REFERENCES 243


Allen, E. 1932. Sex and Internal Seerction.

Arey, L. B. 1934. Developmental Anatomy, 3rd Ed., Chaps. 9-13.

Brachet, A. 1921. Traité d’embryologie des vertébrés, Part II, Bk. 1, Chap. 2; Bk. 2, Chaps. 1+4.

Hertwig, O. 1906. Handbuch, Vol. 1, Chap. 5; Vol. 3, Chaps. 1-7.

Jenkinson, J. W. 1913. Vertebrate Embryology, Chap. 7.

Keibel and Mall. 1910-1912. Human Embryology, Chaps. 11-13, 15, 18, and 19.

Kellicott, W. E. 1913. Chordate Development.

Kerr, J.G. 1919. Textbook of Embryology, Chaps. 4-6.

Kingsley, J.S. 1926. Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates, 3rd Ed.

—— 1925. The Vertebrate Skeleton.

Lillie, F. R. 1919. The Development of the Chick, 2nd Ed.

MeMurrich, J. P. 1923. The Development of the Human Body, 7th Ed.

Vialleton, L. 1924. Membres et ceintures des vertébrés tétrapodes. CHAPTER X ECTODERMAL DERIVATIVES

The ectoderm, being the external germ layer, gives rise to the outer layer of the skin, the epidermis, which continues into all the openings of the body} Of these, the development of the mouth, the cloaca and its derivatives, and the visceral clefts has been discussed. There remain for consideration the openings of the nostrils, the chamber of the eye, and the external auditory meatus. These will be taken up in connection with the sense organs, which, together with the nervous system, form in development a sensory-nervous complex.


The integument consists of two parts, the ectodermal epidermis, and the mesodermal dermis. The epidermis soon de Periderm


Stratum intermeditum

Stratum germinativum


after Prentiss.)

laminates into two layers, the deeper germinativum, from which new strata are proliferated towards the exterior, and an outer

periderm or embryonic skin (Fig. 164). Beneath the periderm, 244 DERIVATIVES OF THE CORNEUM 245

the outer cells of the germinativum are transformed into a horny layer, the corneum. The underlying dermis is essentially a supporting layer of mesenchyme cells derived largely from the outer side of the myotome, a region which is sometimes known as the dermatome. In the dermis are formed blood vessels, connective tissue, bone, and muscle. The bony scales of fish are dermal in origin.

Derivatives of the corneum. — In the amniotes the horny layer of the epidermis is frequently fragmented to form horny scales

Epidermis —_—

i i

Germinativum h~ Dermis

Germinativum Corneum

" Blood vessel = i! Fiq. 165.— Diagrams showing similar development in A, scale; B, feather; and C,

hair. (After Kingsley.)

(Fig. 165A), such as those of reptiles, or those found on the legs of birds, or the tails of rats, ete. Among the birds, scales are largely replaced by feathers which originate in much the same


Al Cy

Fia. 166. — Diagrams to show ectodermal primordia of A, nail; B, claw; and C, hoof. Above in sagittal sections; below ventral view. (After Kingsley.)

manner as scales. The epidermal plate, however, grows down like a cup to enclose a core of dermal origin (Fig. 165B). The epidermal sheath gives rise to the quill and barbs, while the core gives rise to the pulp, by means of which nutriment is supplied to the developing feather. Among the mammals, hair arises in a 246 ECTODERMAL DERIVATIVES

very similar fashion. An epidermal plate grows down into the dermis to form the hair bulb, the proximal end of which invaginates to receive a mesodermal core, the hair papilla, while around the whole is a mesodermal hair sheath (Fig. 165C). The hair papilla, however, does not grow out into the center of the hair as does the pulp of the feather. Claws, nails, and hoofs arise from the union of two epidermal primordia like those of scales, a dorsal unguis and a ventral subunguis (Fig. 166). Derivatives of the germinativum. — The germinativum, in addition to producing the more superficial layers of the epidermis, gives rise to the glands of the skin Unicellular Multicellular (Fig. 167). Among the anamnigland gland . — — otes, these glands are usually unicellular and produce the mucus which serves to diminish the friction of the skin against the water while swimming. Unicellular glands frequently aggregate to

3 Epi 2 | dermis eo:

Se esa £ produce multicellular glands, such RS Sars Chromatophore 7 as the flask glands and cement

glands of the anamniotes, or the sebaceous (oil) and sudoriparous (sweat) glands of the mammals. The mammary glands of mammals are modified sudoriparous glands secreting the milk by which the new born are nourished through infancy.

Derivatives of the dermis. — Two types of pigmentation are to be distinguished in the integument. The first is produced by pigment secreted in the ectodermal epidermis, i.e., the melanin, of the frog tadpole. The second is produced by chromatophores, which are mesenchyme cells of the dermis. These secrete pigment granules and move toward the light to form a layer immediately below the epidermis, some even wandering into the epidermis itself.

THE FROG. — The ectoderm of the frog embryo is ciliated at 6-mm. body length and remains so until the length of 20 mm. is attained, when the cilia disappear except on the tail which remains ciliated until metamorphosis. The jaws and oral combs of the tadpole are derivatives of the corneum and consist of rows

Fig. 167. — Section of Protopterus skin to show glands. (After Kingsley.) THE NERVOUS. SYSTEM 247

of horny denticles forming replacement series. The oral gland, or sucker, is a multicellular mucous gland derived from the germinativum and elevated by the elongation of its gland cells. It arises as a crescentic groove posterior and ventral to the point where the stomodeum will appear, then becomes V-shaped, and finally divides by the degeneration of the middle portion. The cement gland atrophies soon after the opening of the mouth. The pigmentation of the skin is derived from two sources, the melanin of the egg which is distributed to the epidermis, and the mesenchymal chromatophores (Fig. 199) which develop in the dermis.

THE CHICK. — The scales on the legs are typical reptilian scales and are derived from the corncum; they sometimes bear feathers in the young’bird and so form a transition between scales and the characteristic avian feathers. The claws arise in the corneum from two primordia, a dorsal “ claw-plate ” and a softer “ clawsole.” To prevent the sharp claws tearing the embryonic membranes, the concavity of the claw is filled with a pad known as the neonychium, derived from the corneum, which is lost after hatching. The beak arises from the corneum around the upper and lower margins of the jaws. The egg tooth is a horny prominence on the dorsal side of the upper jaw, appearing on the sixth day of incubation but not taking on its ultimate shape until the fourteenth. It serves to aid in breaking the shell and is lost after hatching.

MAN. — The nails arise from nail-plates and sole-plates, of which the latter are rudimentary structures. They are covered during fetal life by the eponychium, consisting of the periderm and outer layers of the corneum. The hairs are arranged in patterns which have been’ interpreted as reminiscences of the ancestral scalés. The first growth of hair is called the lanugo; it is cast off, except over the face, soon after birth. The mammary glands arise from two longitudinal thickenings of the epidermis, known as the milk ridge. In later development the gland resembles an aggregation of sudoriparous glands.


Although the nervous system and sense organs arise together and remain in functional continuity, it has become customary to distinguish the sense organs (receptors) from the nerves (trans248 ECTODERMAL DERIVATIVES

mittors) by which stimuli are passed on to the muscles or glands (effectors). | Both the nervous system and the sense organs arise from specialized regions of the dorsal ectoderm, knowy respectively as the neural plate and the sense plates (placodes)4 These represent an inward growth from the germinativum as opposed to the outward growth which produces the epidermis. In the frog this division is clearly indicated by a line of cleavage between the outer epidermal ectoderm and the inner nervous ectoderm. Both the neural plate and the sensory placodes withdraw from the surface and become subepidermal by a process of invagination. In this connection it is interesting to note that the optic placode is incorporated and invaginates with the neural plate so that when the retina of the eye develops, it does so from the brain. |

The neural tube. —'The neural plate is an elongate structure, extending from the blastopore to the head region.! Local growth results in the incurving of this plate to produce a neural groove with conspicuous lips, the neural folds. As this growth continues the groove sinks inward and the lips meet above it, thus converting the groove into a neural tube, which breaks away from the overlying epidermis and sinks into the interior. The cells at the margin of the neural plate form, at each dorso-lateral angle of the neural tube, a bar known as the neural crest, which subsequently segments into the ganglia.

The neurons. — The inner lining of the neural tube, corresponding to the outer layer of the neural plate, is called the ependyma. This is the center of cell proliferation (Fig. 170). Two types of cells are formed: the supporting cells, or spongioblasts; and the embryonic nerve cells, or neuroblasts. The neuroblasts migrate out of the ependyma and form an intermediate mantle layer in which they become transformed into neurons. These nerve elements have a prolongation at one end known as the axon or nerve fiber, while at the other are branched projections called dendrites. The axons grow out from the mantle layer into the outer layer of the cord, known as the marginal layer, where they secrete the medullary sheaths which act as insulating coats. Not all axons become medullated. Similar changes take place in the ganglia, whereby neurons and supporting cells are differentiated. TYPES OF NEURONS 249

Types of neurons. — We may distinguish four types of neurons (Fig. 168), as follows: (1) Afferent neurons arising in the ganglia and sending theiraxons to the dorsal region of theneuraltube. These convey excitations from the sensory receptors to the neural tube. Two sub-types are distinguished: (a) the somatic sensory neurons, conveying excitations from the exterior; and (b) splanchnic sensory neurons, conveying excitations from the viscera. (2) Efferent neurons, with their bodies in the ventral region of the neural tube, sending their axons to effectors (muscles or glands). Two sub-types are recognized: (a) somatic motor and (b) splanchnic motor. These af- Fig. 168.— Diagram to show cross-sections of the ferent and efferent neu- spinal cord at three levels, the posterior level above. rons form the periph- The dotted lines indicate the paths of neurons whose

bodies lie wholly within the cord, suprasegmental to the left.


eral nervous system. (3) The intersegmental neurons have their bodies in the ventral portion of the neural tube and their axons are usually directed towards its posterior end. They serve to connect efferent neurons in the different segments of the body. (4) The suprasegmental neurons have their bodies usually in the dorsal portion of the neural tube and their axons are directed toward the anterior end of the tube, i.e., the brain. They serve to convey afferent excitations toward the brain and in that organ give rise to the great brain centers. The axons of 250 ECTODERMAL DERIVATIVES

these last two types of neurons form the descending and ascending bundles of the brain and cord.

The spinal cord. —4 The spinal cord, or neural tube exclusive of the brain, retains its primitive characteristics, - The cavity, or neurocoel, persists as the central canal. (Between each pair of vertebrae/ the afferent and efferent neurons’ form a pair of spinal nerves which run out into the myotomes and hence have a metamerism equivalent to that of the myotomes, an important point in considering the homologies of the muscles. { In the region of the pectoral and pelvic appendages, several of the segmental nerves combine to form the brachial and the sacral plexus, respectively. The cord becomes surrounded by an envelope of mesenchyme known as the meninx, which in the higher vertebrates becomes divided into an inner pia mater and an outer dura mater. The development of the nerves will be taken up in a later section.

The brain. — Whereas the cord is largely composed of afferent, efferent, and intersegmental neurons, by which certain reflex actions are directed, the anterior end of the neural tube enlarges and differentiates into the complex brain (Fig. 169). Here arise several centers in which the impulses received mainly from the major sense organs, nose, eye, and ear, are correlated. The brain may be divided into two major regions: the archencephalon, or prechordal brain; and the deutencephalon, or epichordal brain. With continued local growth, the archencephalon grows down in front of the notochord, thus forming the first or cranial flexure. At the same time, three dilations appear: the prosencephalon from the archencephalon; the mesencephalon at the point of the flexure; and the rhombencephalon from the deutencephalon. It is convenient to associate the future history of the prosencephalon with that of the nose, the mesencephalon with that of the eye, and the rhombencephalon with that of the ear.

The prosencephalon. — The later history of the prosencephalon is complicated by the fact that\the optic placode is included in the neural tube at this point. Accordingly, we find he prosencephalon dividing into an anterior telencephalon and a posterior diencephalon.

The telencephalon. — The anterior part of the telencephalon becomes the olfactory lobe, which receives the afferent neurons from the nose. From the roof develops the cerebrum, ‘which beTHE DIENCEPHALON 251

comes the most complex and important center of association’. From the floor arises the optic part of the hypothalamus.* There are two cavities, or telocoels (also known as the lateral ventricles).

- Deutencephalon


Neyrenterie EX




Fig. 169. — Diagrams to show early development of the vertebrate brain in sagittal sections. A, prechordal and epichordal divisions. B, primary brain vesicles. C, definitive vesicles. The longitudinal broken line indicates division between roof and floor regions. (After von Kuppfer.)

The diencephalon. — The roof of the diencephalon gives rise to the thalamus in front, and the metathalamus behind; from the latter springs a dorsal diverticulum, the epithalamus. This structure, often known as the epiphysis, gives rise to something very much resembling an unpaired eye in early embryonic life; this later becomes the pineal gland of the adult, one of the so252 ECTODERMAL DERIVATIVES

called endocrine glands. / The eyes take their origin from the side of the diencephalon. The floor of the diencephalon gives rise to a ventral diverticulum — the infundibulum, which grows downward to meet the advancing hypophysis from the stomodeum (see page 181). The two later fuse to form the pituitary glandJanother of the endocrine series. Behind the infundibulum, the floor of the diencephalon forms the mammillary part of the hypothalamus. It is evident that the thalamencephalon, often used as a synonym of the diencephalon, differs from it by the inclusion of the optic part of the hypothalamus, which is derived from the telencephalon although indistinguishable from the mammillary part of the hypothalamus in the adult. The thalami contain nuclei (masses of neurons) which receive afferent impulses from the optic, general sensory, and acoustic organs, and transmit impulses to and from the other centers of the brain. The cavity of the diencephalon persists as the diacoel (third ventricle).

The mesencephalon. — The roof of the mesencephalon gives rise to the corpora bigemina (quadrigemina in mammals), or optic lobes, the centers which receive afferent impulses from the eyes transmitted through the diencephalon.| The floor of the mesencephalon is the anterior portion of the brain stem, from which the motor neurons of the cranial nerves depart. The third and fourth cranial nerves originate from the mesencephalon. Its cavity is the mesocoel (or aqueduct).

The rhombencephalon. —‘The hind-brain, like the fore-brain, is divided into two regions, metencephalon and myelencephalon, respectively. ~

The metencephalon. — The roof of the metencephalon gives rise to the cerebellum, the center associated with hearing except in mammals), the lateral line organs of anamnidtes, and the sense of equilibrium. The floor of the metencephalon is part of the brain stem, and from it arises the pons, a bundle of axons connecting the two sides of the cerebellum. The cavity is the metacoel.

The myelencephalon. — The roof of the myelencephalon is covered by a thin roof plate, the choroid plexus. Its floor forms the posterior portion of the brain stem. (The cranial nerves, from V to XII inclusive, depart from this portion of the stem, which merges imperceptibly into the spinal cord. Its cavity, THE SPINAL NERVES 253

hardly distinguishable from that of the metencephalon, is called the myelocoel (fourth- ventricle).

The spinal nerves. af The nerves are segmentally arranged bundles of afferent and efferent neurons originally associated with the myotomes. The afferent neurons arise in the ganglia, the efferent in the floor of the spinal cord. Accordingly, a typical spinal nerve has two roots in the cord: a dorsal afferent root uniting with the ganglion; and a ventral efferent root which unites with the dorsal root after the other has attached itself to the ganglion ¥Fig. 170). The nerve trunk then divides into branches, each containing afferent and efferent neurons, which are called rami and supply the body wall, although one (the com

Dorsal root Marginal layer Somatic sensory neuron foi rs Ependymal layer Visceral sensory neuron fd i \\\ Manile layer

Spinal ganglion Visceral motor neuror

Somatic motor neuro

Dorsal ramus


Lat. terminal . O division CV\’\A ( Ventral terminal division of , Aorta teen A Spinal nerve . Ramus communicans Sympathetic ganglion

Fia. 170. — Diagram to show the neuron components of a spinal nerve. Transverse section of 10 mm. human embryo. (From Arey after Prentiss.)

municating ramus) connects with a sympathetic ganglion, derived from a spinal ganglion, through which the splanchnic afferent and efferent neurons serve the viscera.

It has been shown by Coghill that the development of behavior is closely paralleled by the development of the connections (synapses) between the neurons. Thus in the urodele, Ambystoma, the first reflex of the embryo, a bending away from a light touch on the skin, does not take place until an intermediate 254 ECTODERMAL DERIVATIVES

neuron in the spinal cord has established synaptic relations with the sensory tract on one hand and a floor plate cell which already has established a synaptic relation to the motor tract on the opposite side of the spinal cord (Fig. 171).

Floor Piole Ceir

Motor Fibre


Fig. 171. — Diagram to show in transverse section of Ambystoma larva, neurons concerned in earliest reflex. (From Coghill, ‘““Anatomy and the Problem of Behavior.’’)

The autonomic nerves. — The brain, spinal cord, and cranial and spinal nerves are grouped by anatomists as the central nervous system. Associated with this is the autonomic nervous system, consisting of nerves and ganglia and controlling the smooth muscles of the viscera and blood vessels, and some glands. This system arises from the neural plate, like the central nervous system, but from the lateral margins which become the neural crests. At the time when the neural crests are dividing into the cerebrospinal ganglia, some of the cells migrate inward toward the dorsal aorta, where they aggregate and multiply to form the chain ganglia. The chain ganglia on each side become connected by fore and aft extensions which form the sympathetic trunks. They retain a connection with the cranial and spinal ganglia by means of the communicating rami, and send out nerves along the principal blood vessels. From the chain ganglia, by secondary and tertiary THE AUTONOMIC NERVES 255

migrations, arise the prevertebral and visceral ganglia. In the head the four sympathetic ganglia (ciliary, sphenopalatine, otic,


Semilunar ganglion Vagus ganglion | ganglion Nile Aorta Ciliary ZO 4 ganglion @-— / / @ tic Sphenopalatine / ganglion Z ) ganglion

Spinal OZ) ganglion Submaxillary (a ganglion

cartine Za § —<_)

plexus @ Chai n PSS

$ BS cit Ly SS

<i SS Soma eS

Prats geeg™ Se © “ oe a Te ALD aft PA dy j | \y sO Fig. 172. — Diagram to show migrations of autonomic ganglia in human develop ment. (After Strecter.)

and submaxillary) arise from the semilunar ganglion of the fifth cranial nerve, and later acquire connections with the chain ganglia (Fig. 172). 256 ECTODERMAL DERIVATIVES

It has already been noted (page 214) that some of the cells from the autonomic ganglia (chromaffin cells) migrate to the vicinity of the mesonephros to form the suprarenal gland.

The cranial nerves. — The cranial nerves, or nerves of the head regions, contain not only splanchnic and somatic afferent and efferent neurons comparable to those of the spinal nerves, but also special afferent neurons from the nose, eye, ear and lateral line system. There are ten cranial nerves in the anamniotes, twelve in the amniotes (Figs. 173, 174). To these should be added in all cases the terminal nerve, unknown when the cranial nerves were first classified.

O. Terminal, a ganglionated nerve from the organ of Jacobson entering the cerebral lobe with functions unknown, probably sensory. Fig. 173. — Diagram to show origin of cranial I. Olfactory, a non-gangli nerves in man. (After His.) onated sensory nerve from the olfactory sensory region

of the nose to the olfactory lobe.

II. Optic (ophthalmic), a non-ganglionated sensory nerve from the retina of the eye to the floor of the diencephalon where the fibers from the two eyes cross (optic chiasma). Each set of fibers then enters the brain and runs to the optic lobe on the opposite side of the brain to that on which the eye is located.

Il. Oculomotor (motor oculi), a motor nerve, somatic with some sensory elements, from the floor of the mesencephalon to all muscles of the eyeball except the superior oblique and the lateral rectus.

IV. Trochlear, a motor nerve, somatic with some sensory elements, from the roof of the mid-brain to the superior oblique muscle of the eyeball. THE CRANIAL NERVES 257

V. Trigeminal, a mixed nerve. Its somatic sensory neurons arise in the semilunar ganglion, the motor elements in the floor of the myelencephalon. The sensory neurons are somatic (general cutaneous). The motor neurons supply the jaws (mandibular arch).

VI. Abducens (pathetic), a somatic motor nerve with some sensory elements, arising from the myelencephalon and supplying the external rectus muscle of the eyeball.

VII. Facial, a mixed nerve. The afferent neurons arise in the geniculate ganglion and are splanchnic in nature, supplying the

Visceral arches



Somatic sensory «.....- . Visceral sensory — — — — Somatic motor Visceral motor —-—-—

Fig. 174. — Diagram showing relationships between cranial nerves and parts supplied. A, B, C, head somites. Arabic numerals, visceral arches. Roman numerals, nerves.

hyoid arch, and also the tongue of mammals. In the anamniotes, an associated ganglion gives rise to a lateral branch with afferent components from the lateral line organs. The efferent neurons supply the hyoid arch in the lower vertebrates and the facial region in the amniotes. The rami of the fifth and seventh nerves are closely associated.

VIII. Acoustic (auditory), a ganglionated sensory nerve arising from the acoustic ganglion and bearing afferent neurons from the ear. In higher vertebrates it becomes differentiated into the 258 ECTODERMAL DERIVATIVES

vestibular and cochlear nerves, each with its own ganglion produced by the division of the acoustic ganglion.

IX. Glossopharyngeal, a mixed nerve. The afferent neurons arise in the petrosal and the superior ganglion and are principally splanchnic. They divide into a prebranchial branch running into the hyoid arch and a postbranchial branch into the first branchial arch. The efferent components are principally found in the postbranchial branch.

X. Vagus, a mixed nerve arising by the fusion of several primitive cranial nerves, which supplied the arches with afferent (from the jugular ganglion) and efferent neurons. In addition, the vagus gives off a visceral branch to the stomach, lungs, etc., and in the anamniotes a lateral branch to the lateral line organs of the trunk (from the nodosum ganglion).

XI. Accessory, a motor nerve which innervates the muscles of the shoulder girdle and is found only in the amniotes. A ganglion (of Froriep) disappears before the embryo becomes adult.

XII. Hypoglossal, also a motor nerve, which innervates the tongue in the amniotes. In the anamniotes the tongue is innervated by so-called “ occipital’? nerves which possibly are the fore-runners of the hypoglossal, prior to the appropriation of the occipital region by the head.

Metamerism of the nervous system.— The metameric arrangement of the nerves, like that of the segmental arteries, is purely secondary and dependent upon the primary metamerism of the mesoderm. The nerves, however, are more conservative than the vascular organs or myotomic derivatives. For example, the diaphragm of mammals is supplied by muscles from one of the cervical myotomes, and the innervation of the diaphragm (phrenic nerve) still arises from the cervical region. Many attempts have been made to reconstruct the metamerism of the head, by a study of the cranial nerves, following Bell’s law: that every original cranial nerve has, like a spinal nerve, a dorsal sensory and ventral motor root.

This problem has been complicated by the fact that in the head there are two types of metamerism, (1) primary as indicated by the head myotomes in the elasmobranch embryo, and (2) secondary (branchiomeric) as indicated by the visceral arches (Fig. 174). Accordingly, there are two types of musculature, METAMERISM OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM 259

TABLE 11 NEURONE COMPONENTS OF CRANIAL NERVES AND FUNCTIONS Nerve Afferent Afferent Efferent Efferent erv Somatic Splanchnic Somatic Splanchnie I Smell IT Vision III Movement of eyeball IV Movement of eyeball Vv General Movement cutaneous of jaw VI Movement of eyeball VII Taste Hyoid and facial movement and salivation Vill Hearing and equilibration Ix Taste and Salivation, pharyngeal pharyngeal sensation movement x Visceral Movement of sensation viscera and pharynx XI Movement of pharynx and shoulder XII Movement of tongue 260 ECTODERMAL DERIVATIVES

(1) somatic as represented by the muscles of the eyeball, and (2) splanchnic as represented by the muscles of the jaws and visceral arches. Two types of efferent neurons, therefore, are present, (1) somatic and (2) splanchnic. The splanchnic motor neurons of the cranial nerves differ from those of the trunk, however, in that no sympathetic neurons intervene between them and the muscles which they supply. There are altogether three sets of afferent neurons: (1) the general sensory or cutaneous, which correspond to the somatic sensory neurons of the trunk; (2) splanchnic sensory, which correspond to those of the trunk; and (3) lateral, belonging to the lateral line system. The cranial nerves are evidently not serially homologous, as can be seen from Table 11.

Finally, we must mention the neuromeres which have been reported in various vertebrate embryos. These are formed by constrictions in the cranial portion of the neural tube and interpreted by some authors as the remains of a neural metamerism. They seem in many forms to correspond with the cranial nerves and more probably represent areas of local growth prior to the outgrowth of the nerves themselves.

The general problem of the metamerism of the head still awaits solution. The latest summary, that of Brachet, indicates the probable number of segments in the primitive head as six. Three of these are ephemeral, and their somites give rise to mesenchyme. The three posterior segments are associated with the first three visceral clefts bounded by the first four arches, each of which has its own cranial nerve: the trigeminal of the mandibular arch; the facial of the hyoid; the glossopharyngeal of the first branchial; the vagus of the second branchial arch. According to this interpretation, the posterior clefts and arches are reduplications supplied by new branches of the vagus, while the accessory and hypoglossal are secondarily acquired spinal nerves.

THE FROG (SEE ALSO CHAPTER XI). — The prechordal and epichordal divisions of the brain are demarcated by the notochord, and the division into the three primary vesicles is but slightly indicated. The brain of the frog never develops neuromeres. The optic lobes are corpora bigemina. The division into myelencephalon and metencephalon is incomplete, and no pons is formed. There are forty pairs of spinal nerves in the tadpole, reduced to THE SENSE ORGANS 261

ten in the adult. There are but ten of the cranial nerves (XI and XII not included). The sympathetic ganglia originate from the cranial and spinal ganglia by the emigration of ganglion cells.

THE CHICK (SEE ALSO CHAPTER XII). — The divisions of the brain into the three primary and five secondary vesicles is well marked. Eleven neuromeres are formed, of which three are found ‘in the prosencephalon, two in the mesencephalon, the remainder in the rhombencephalon. “Three flexures are formed: (1) cranial in the floor of the mesencephalon; (2) cervical at the junction of the myclencephalon and the spinal cord; and (3) pontine in the floor of the myclencephalon. A pons is formed. There are fifty pairs of nerves developed in the chick of eight days (Lillie), of which thirty-cight are spinal and twelve cranial, including the eleventh and twelfth which are not incorporated in the head of the frog.

MAN (SEE ALSO CHAPTER XIII). — The particular feature of importance in the development of the human brain is the great increase in size and complexity of the cerebral hemispheres of the telencephalon. The optic lobes are quadripartite (corpora quadrigemina), of which the two anterior lobes are especially associated with vision, the two posterior ones with hearing.


The nervous system receives stimuli not only from outside the body but also from within, such as those concerning the tension of the muscles. For the reception of stimuli, special organs — the sense organs — are developed. Of these the most conspicuous are the eyes, the ears, and the nose. In addition, it must be remembered that the entire skin functions as a sense organ by means of special receptors, and that stimuli are received from the viscera and other internal structures by means of free nerve terminations.

Of the special sense organs, the eye is most specialized in its mode of development. It is responsive to photic stimuli. ‘The nose represents a concentration of chemical sense receptors, more highly developed than the scattered taste buds of the head, which are confined in adult mammals to the cavity of the mouth. The ear, responsive to slower vibrations (pressure, sound) in the surrounding medium, originates in a manner similar to that of A Nasal pit


process Oronasal


Mandible Mandible


Oy 2K xX

Primitive palate

c. QS b

Fig. 175. — Diagrams showing early stages in development of nose. A, nasal placodes (in black). B, same now on ventral surface of head. C, nasal pits. D, nasal grooves, anterior-ventral view. E, nasal tubes, ventral view, lower jaw removed.

~ " 2, x


CALS. Xx XH ieee Y x)






the lateral line system. This system is highly developed in the aquatic anamniotes, vestigial or absent in the amniotes. The ear, on the other hand, is more highly developed in the amniotes.

The nose. -+ The nose arises as a pair of local thickenings of the ectoderm at the anterior end of the head (Fig. 175). These thickenings are hereafter known as the nasal (olfactory) placodes. Later they invaginate to form the nasal (olfactory) pits,)which persist as the nose of all fish except the air-breathing dipnoi. Here also should be noted the fact that the cyclostomes are peculiar in the possession of a single median nasal pit. Among the tetrapods(the nasal pits elongate to become oro-nasal grooves, the anterior ends of which become connected with the developing mouth into which they are carricd.\ The original anterior ends

Nasolachyrmal duct


: tube

External Dee Pai NE Pharynx “nares. Gil y Hard st / ; Palate oft

Palate Fig. 176. — Sagittal hemi-section through human nose. (After Howden.)

of the nasal pits, therefore, come to lie at the posterior end of the mouth and open into the pharynx as the internal nares, while the original posterior ends become the external nares (Fig. 175E). The nasal cavity is later separated from the oral cavity by the ingrowth of the maxillary, palatine, and pterygoid bones, which form the hard palate YFig. 176). Jacobson’s organ arises as a pocket of the olfactory epithelium. Its function is unknown. The olfactory epithelium contains ciliated cells connected to the olfactory lobe by means of the first cranial nerve) which is 264 ECTODERMAL DERIVATIVES

peculiar in that its ncurons run directly to the brain. without the interposition of ganglion cells. Jacobson’s organ receives a branch of the trigeminal nerve.

The eye. — The optic placodes are incorporated into the neural plate, where they can be distinguished as lateral thickenings of the margin at points which will later be included in the diencephalon. (Fig. 177). When the tube is formed, the relation of the sensory epithelial cells to the exterior is, of course, reversed. The optic placodes “ invaginate,” but, owing to their relation to the neural tube, the result is an apparent “ evagination ” from the tube towards the exterior. This produces the outgrowths which later, by constriction, give rise to the proximal optic stalks and distal optic vesicles. At the point where the optic vesicle touches the ectoderm, two reactions take place: (1) a local thickening of the ectoderm, called the lens placode, from which the lens of the eye develops; and (2) an invagination of the optic vesicle whereby this vesicle is transformed into a two-layered optie cup This invagination continues into the optic stalk to produce a groove called the choroid fissure.

The lens. —< The lens placode invaginates to form the lens pit, which then withdraws still further from the surface and becomes closed in by the union of its external lip to form the lens vesicle. The lens‘vesicle becomes solid by the elongation of the cells on the internal side which assume a clear transparent appearance.)

The optic cup. — The inner layer of the cup becomes the sensory portion of the retina, the outer layer the pigmented portion. Jt will be recalled that the sensory epithelium of the eye is inverted, and as a result the rods and cones, or sensory elements, of the retina are pointed away from the light.’ In the pigmented layer of the retina, melanin is secreted. Meantime the cavity of the optic cup becomes filled with a clear fluid secreted by the surrounding cells, which later becomes viscous and forms the vitreous humor.

The envelopes of the eyeball (Fig. 178). — Around the optic cup and stalk, a layer of mesenchyme accumulates, which later differentiates into an inner delicate layer called the choroid which contains pigment and capillaries and: may be compared with the pia mater of the brain, and an outer dense layer known as the sclera, which may be compared with the dura mater of the brain. THE ENVELOPES OF THE EYEBALL 265

The external portion of the sclera over the lens makes contact with the epidermis-and becomes transparent to form the cornea.



Fig. 177. — Diagrams showing early stages in development of vertebrate eye. A, optic placodes (in black). B, same after formation of neural tube. C, optic vesicles and lens placodes. D, optic cups and lens pits. E, optic cups and lens vesicles.

The epidermis over the eye forms the conjunctiva. In some vertebrates, sclerotic cartilage, or even bone, is formed, the vestige of an optic capsule. ) The edge of the choroid, together with 266 ECTODERMAL DERIVATIVES

the marginal retina, gives rise to the iris, a circular curtain surrounding the opening of the cup which is called the pupil of the eye. The muscles of the.iris are apparently of ectodermal origin. The iris divides the space between the lens and the cornea into two chambers, an anterior and a posterior chamber, which are filled with a fluid, the aqueous humor. The muscles of the

Posterior chamber: SL Ciliary

Optic nerve Fig. 178. — Horizontal section of human eye. (After Howden.)

eyeball are six in number, arising from the three head myotomes. They are innervated by the oculomotor, trochlear, and abducens nerves.

The optic nerve. — The afferent neurons pass from the retina into the optic cup and form a bundle which passes out through the choroid fissure and into the optic stalk, and so to the optic chiasma on the floor of the diencephalon, where they cross and make their way to the optic lobes on the opposite side.

The lateral line system. — This is a diffuse sensory organ consisting of sense buds arranged in rows over the head and body of aquatic anamniotes. Its function apparently is to detect slow vibrations in the water. The origin of the lateral line system is a lateral thickening of the sensory ectoderm which later breaks up into separate suprabranchial placodes. These are found in the THE INNER EAR 267

embryos of the amniotes but soon degenerate. The lateral line system is of particular interest inasmuch as the lateral thickening referred to is in some cases continuous with the otic placode which gives rise to the ear. The principal nerve supplying the lateral system is the facial, although trigeminal, glossopharyngeal, and vagus often contain lateral line components.

The ear. — The ear becomes differentiated into the vestibule or equilibratory organ and the cochlea or organ of hearing. Three parts of the ear are distinguished (Fig. 180). The inner ear, giving rise to the vestibule and the cochlea, arises from an ectodermal otic (auditory) placode. The middle ear appears in the amphibians, and it is derived from the endodermal first visceral pouch. The outer ear, found only in the amniotes, is an ectodermal derivative of the first visceral groove and an outgrowth from the mandibular and hyoid arches

The inner ear. — This originates from the otic placode, which invaginates to form an otic (auditory) pit (Fig. 179) and later closes over to withdraw from the epidermis as the otic (auditory) vesicle or otocyst., In some vertebrates (elasmobranchs) the vesicle retains its connection with the exterior by means of a hollow stalk, the endolymphatic duct. Usually this connection is lost and the endolymph duct of the adult is a new formation. The vesicle divides into a ventral saccule and a dorsal vestibule or utricle. The saccule gives rise to the éndolymph duct and the lagena, which in mammals becomes th@ coiled cochlea or organ of hearing, while the utricle gives rise by constriction to three semicircular canals, each with a dilation at one endf the ampulla. The sensory epithelium is restricted to the lagena and ampullae} The cavity of these structures is known as the membranous labyrinth, and contains a fluid, the endolymph. Concretions, the otoliths, may appear in the endolymph of the vestibular portion. Around this labyrinth ‘the otic capsule, Jor skeletal labyrinth} is formed. ‘This later ossifies to give rise to the otic bones. (The skeletal labyrinth contains a fluid known as the perilymph. In vertebrates with a middle ear) two openings are formed in the skeletal labyrinth, the fenestra rotunda, closed by a membrane, and the fenestra ovale, into which the stapes projects.g The acoustic nerve, whieh is ganglionated, divides into a vestibular and a cochlear nerve, each with its separate ganglion. } 268 ’ ECTODERMAL DERIVATIVES



B fo \0\ Fie. 179. — Diagrams showing early stages in development of inner ear, A, otic

placodes (in black). B, otic pits. C, otic vesicles (otocysts).

Semicircular canal

Endolymph duct



Fig. 180. — Frontal section of human ear. Semi-diagrammatic. (After Howden.) THE FROG 269

The middle ear. — The middle ear arises from the first visceral pouch, which constricts into a proximal auditory (Eustachian) tube and a distal tympanic cavity which is separated from the exterior by the tympanic membrane,(a persistent closing plate formed from ectoderm and endoderm. Through the tympanic cavity there is a chain of bones (auditory ossicles) connecting the tympanum with the fenestra ovalis. In anurans and sauropsids, this chain of auditory ossicles consists of the columella and stapes (hyomandibular). In the mammals, the columella is replaced by the incus and malleus, equivalent to two other jaw bones, the quadrate and articulare, respectively. The muscles of the middle ear, tensor tympani and stapedial muscles, arise from the mesoderm of the mandibular and hyoid arches, respectively, and are innervated by the facial and glossopharyngeal nerves.

The outer ear.—— The external ear consists of the external auditory meatus, derived from the first visceral groove, and the pinna, which arises from tubercles on the mandibular and hyoid arches. It is composed of mesoderm and ectoderm, contains muscles, and is strengthened by cartilage. The innervation is from the facial nerve.

THE FROG (SEE ALSO CHAPTER XI).— In the development of the nose, the nasal groove stage is suppressed. Instead, a thickening develops from the olfactory pit into the mouth as far as the pharynx. This acquires a lumen which connects the olfactory pit to the pharynx. The development of the eye presents no especial peculiarities. The endolymph duct is a dorsal evagination from the otocyst. The semicircular canals are each formed by the appearance of a pair of ridges in the cavity of the utricle which fuse to enclose the cavity of the canal. The saccule gives rise to two ventral diverticula, the cochlea and basilar chamber. The function of the latterisunknown. The tubo-tympanic cavity arises from the first visceral pouch, which in the frog is vestigial and has no cavity. From this rudiment a strand of cells grows dorsad and later acquires a lumen. It loses its connection with the pharynx and moves backward to the ear region where it acquires a secondary connection with the pharynx (Fig. 181). The tympanic membrane is apparently entirely ectodermal. The columella, which connects the tympanum with the inner ear, arises from two primordia: the inner stapedial plate, which is a part 270 ECTODERMAL DERIVATIVES

of the otic capsule; and a cartilage derived from the palatoquadrate bar. This cartilage is thought to be homologous with the hyomandibular bone of fishes. The lateral line organs arise from the fragmentation of a placode known as the placode of the tenth cranial nerve, which innervates this series. Similar epibranchial placodes appear on the head and are innervated by the

Brain . Utriculus and Auditory semi-circular canals nerve




y 2 o Ree 5x Stape al OR SIO SK HOS P


Fig. 181. — Rana pipiens, diagram to show the parts of the ear. Schematic crosssection through head.

seventh and ninth nerves. They are larval sense organs and disappear at metamorphosis.

THE CHICK (SEE ALSO CHAPTER XII). — The chick has a cleft palate due to the incomplete fusion of the palatine processes of the maxillae. Jacobson’s organ makes a short appearance as a vestigial organ but disappears before hatching. The eye possesses three eyelids, the third (nictitating membrane) arising from a separate fold inside that which forms the upper and lower lids. The pecten is a vascular plate in the vitreous humor, from mesenchyme which enters the choroid fissure. Its function is unknown. \The endolymphatic duct arises from the dorsal wall of the otocyst. The semicircular canals arise as outpocketings of the otocyst prior to its separation into utricle and saccule. The cochlea is more highly developed than in the frog. The tubo-tympanic cavity arises from the first pharyngeal pouch. The tympanum is formed from ectoderm and endoderm and includes a middle layer of mesenchyme. The columella arises from SUMMARY 271

a stapedial plate and hyomandibular cartilage. The external auditory meatus is short, and no pinna is developed. ©:

MAN (SEE ALSO CHAPTER XIII). — The organ of Jacobson is rudimentary and may completely disappear in the adult. A small fold (plica semilunaris) is the representative of the nictitating membrane. The cochlea is highly differentiated. The tube and tympanic cavity form from the first visceral pouch. The tympanum apparently is composed of all three germ layers. There are three auditory ossicles. The stapes is derived from the second visceral arch, while the malleus and incus arise from the first visceral arch. They are thought to represent the quadrate and articular bones of reptiles, respectively. The pinna arises from elevations on the mandibular and hyoid arches.


The ectoderm gives rise to the epithelial linings of the following structures:

A. The epidermis, with the apertures of Oral cavity Visceral clefts Cloaca

B. The neural plate 1. Neural tube Brain and cranial nerves Prosencephalon Telencephalon Diencephalon Mesencephalon Rhombencephalon Metencephalon Myelencephalon Cord and spinal nerves

2. Neural crest Ganglia Cerebrospinal Autonomic Suprarenal gland 272 ECTODERMAL DERIVATIVES

C. Sensory placodes

1. Nose

2. Eye (choroid and sclera from mesoderm)

3. Ear (middle ear from endoderm, ossicles from mesoderm)

4. Lateral line organs


Arey, L. B. 1934. Developmental Anatomy, 3rd Ed., Chaps. 14-17.

Brachet, A. 1921. Traité d’embryologie des vertébrés, Part H, Bk. 1, Chap. 4.

ACoghill, G. E. 1929. Anatomy and the Problem of Behavior.

Hertwig, O. 1906. Handbuch, Book II, Chaps. 5-10.

Jenkinson, J. W. 1913. Vertebrate Embryology, Chap. 7.

Keibel and Mall. 1910-1912. Human Embryology, Chaps. 14 and 16.

Kerr, J. G. 1919. Textbook of Embryology, Chap. 2.

Kingsley, J.S. 1926. Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates.

Lillie, F. R. 1919. The Development of the Chick, 2nd Ed.

MeMurrich, J. P. 1923. The Development of the Human Body.

Strong, O. S. 1921. The Nervous System, being Chap. 17 of Bailey and Miller, Textbook of Embryology, 4th Ed.

Part IV Anatomy Of Vertebrate Embryos

Chapter XI The Anatomy Of Frog Embryos

In earlier chapters we have discussed the fertilization of the frog’s egg (page 57), its cleavage (pages 97, 103), and germ-layer formation (pages 109, 118), and have observed that while the germ layers are being laid down the process is complicated by the early localization of some of the organ systems, notably the sensorynervous complex (page 129). In this account of later organogeny, three stages of development seem especially significant: first, an early embryo of about 3 mm. body length in which the visceral grooves are apparent, a stage attained in Rana pipiens about the second day after the eggs are laid; second, the newly hatched larva of about 6 mm. with external gills developing, about two weeks old; third, a young “ tadpole ” stage of about 11 mm. with the opercula covering the internal gills, about the age of one month.

These stages are easily identified even though the lengths and ages can be given only approximately, for the rate of development is greatly influenced by the prevailing temperature, and the size of the tadpole is determined largely by external factors, such as the amount of food available.

The student must bear in mind that the sections illustrated in this and the two chapters following are for the sole purpose of giving him starting points from which he 1s expected to study all the sections in the series furnished him. He will probably never encounter sections exactly like those selected for these illustrations, but he will discover sections very like them from which he can commence his own observations.


External form. — This stage corresponds approximately to the embryo of 33 mm. described by Marshall. The head region, through its more rapid growth, has become easily distinguishable from the trunk, which bulges ventrally on account of the large

amount of contained yolk, and a well-marked tail bud is present. 275 276 THE ANATOMY OF FROG EMBRYOS

The neural folds have fused throughout their length, and enclosed the blastopore. In the head the stomodeum appears as an antero-posterior slit on the anterior ventral surface, and is enclosed by ridges identifiable as the maxillary processes and mandibular arches. On either side and slightly ventral to the stomodeum, are the primordia of the sucker or oral gland. At the dorso-lateral margins the olfactory placodes have begun to evaginate. Lateral bulges on either side of the head are due to the developing optic vesicles. The ear is now in the otic vesicle stage. The gill region shows five visceral grooves. Immediately behind the last arch, a swelling is caused by the developing pronephros. Dorsally, slight furrows indicate the boundaries of thirteen soEpiphysie mites. Beneath the tail Optic vesicle bud, the proctodeum Prosencephalon has united with the

Oral gland hind-gut to form the Visceral pouch eloacal aperture.

Fore gut Endodermal derivaay Liver tives. - The anterior portion of the gastrocoel is now a large fore-gut with a thin-walled lining. From this, on a . either side, the begin eurenteric . : canal nings of three visceral Fig. 182. —3 mm. frog embryo, viewed from right pouches can be seen.

side as a transparent object. X15.

From the fore-gut a narrow evagination grows backward into the floor of the mid-gut as the primordium of the liver. The mid-gut is distinguishable by its relatively narrow lumen and thick yolk-laden floor. The small but thin-walled hind-gut opens above into the neurenteric canal by which it is connected with the neurocoel, and opens ventrally to the exterior by way of the proctodeum. An axial rod, the hypochord, is found beneath the notochord. It originates from the roof of the gastrocoel and disappears soon after hatching.

Mesodermal derivatives. — The notochord is large and vacuolated and enclosed by two sheaths. The somites have now attained their maximum number (13) in the trunk, but are not


Otic vesicle Rhombencephalon

Somite I Notochord + THE EARLY EMBRYO 277

yet distinguishable in the tail region. The intermediate mesoderm, after a temporary division into nephrotomes, is now reunited into a nephrotomal band in which spaces have appeared opposite the second, third, and fourth somites, indicative of the pronephric tubules which are to develop. A thickening along the

Mesencephalon PD, Prosencephalon

Neurenteric canal

Fia. 1838. —3 mm. frog embryo. Sagittal section: 50.

nephrotomal band immediately below the ventro-lateral margins of the somites is the primordium of the pronephric duct. Immediately below the floor of the fore-gut, the lateral mesoderm has separated into dorsal splanchnic and ventral somatic layers, while the contained space is the beginning of the pericardial cavity, the only region of the coelom yet apparent.

Ectodermal derivatives. — The epidermis at this stage is ciliated. The neurocoel, as has been remarked above, is con278 , THE ANATOMY OF FROG EMBRYOS

nected with the hind-gut by the neurenteric canal. At the anterior end, the brain is distinguishable by its relatively larger lumen and by the cranial flexure over the anterior end of the notochord. The divisions between the three primary vesicles are not marked by the constrictions characteristic of many vertebrates, but are distinguished by the following points of reference: the prosencephalon extends to a Optic line projected from a thickvesicle ening on the floor known as the tuberculum posterius to a point just in front of a similar thickening on the Hypophysis — dorsal wall; the mesencephOral gland = aon, from the boundary of the prosencephalon to a line Fia. 184. —3 mm. frog embryo. Transverse connecting the tuberculum section through optic vesicle. 50. anda point just behind the dorsal thickening; the rhombencephalon merges imperceptibly into the spinal cord. From the prosencephalon, the optic vesicles extend on either side and cause the external bulges already noted. From the ventral side of the prosencephalon, a depression, the infundibulum, extends towards the hypophysis, which in the frog grows inward as a solid wedge of ectodermal cells anterior to the stomodeum. Dorsally, the epiphysis appears as a median evagination.



External form. — Although the larva, if it may be so called, has emerged from the protecting membranes of egg jelly, the mouth has not yet opened and for several days the yolk is still the sole source of food. The head region is still easily distinguishable from the trunk, while the tail has increased greatly in length and has become bilaterally compressed. In the head, the stomodeal pit has deepened at the anterior end, and the maxillary processes and mandibular arches are more sharply sculptured. The invagination of the nasal (olfactory) placodes has THE LARVA AT HATCHING 279

Fig. 185.—3 mm. frog embryo. Transverse section through otic (auditory) vesicle. 50.

Fig. 186. —8 mm. frog embryo. Transverse section through mid-gut and liver. X50. 280 THE ANATOMY OF FROG EMBRYOS

Fig. 187. — 3 mm. frog embryo. Frontal section through optic stalks, liver, and hind-gut. 50. THE LARVA AT HATCHING 281

continued to the point where they may be called pits, connected to the anterior margins of the stomodeal pit by oro-nasal grooves. The bulge of the eye is still prominent. The primordia of the oral glands have fused to form a U-shaped sucker ventral and posterior to the stomodeum. The visceral grooves are still separated from the visceral pouches by closing membranes, while on the third and fourth arches external gills have appeared. Behind them the pronephric elevation is well marked, and continues backward as a slight ridge marking the pronephric duct. Intersomitic grooves are still apparent. On the ventral side at the base of the tail is the cloacal aperture.


Optic cup

Mesencephalon é

Otic vesicle a

Heart Rhombencephalon S External gills Pronephros i a— Liver



A Fig. 188. — 6 mm. frog larva (just hatched). Transparent preparation, viewed from right side. X15.

Endodermal derivatives. — On either side of the fore-gut are to be seen five visceral pouches, although they would hardly be recognized as such since they are so compressed. A groove on the ventral side of the pharyngeal cavity is the primordium of the thyroid gland. At this stage, also, the dorsal epithelial 282 THE ANATOMY OF FROG EMBRYOS

bodies of the first two visceral pouches (hyomandibular and first branchial) may be distinguished. The liver diverticulum has increased in length. The hind-gut has lost its connection with the neurocoel through the occlusion of the neurenteric canal, but now receives the posterior ends of the pronephric ducts.

Mesodermal derivatives. — The notochord has grown back into the tail. The somites have now become differentiated into the myotomes, dermatomes, and sclerotomes, while from the myotomes muscle cells have been formed. The pronephros is now established. There are three pronephric tubules, each opening into the coelom by means of a ciliated nephrostome. Opposite these, a mass of capillaries, connected with the dorsal aorta, forms the so-called glomus, equivalent to the separate glomeruli of other vertebrates. The pronephric tubules grow backward into the pronephric ducts, which have acquired lumina. At the time of hatching, the primordia of the heart have fused to form a tube, twisted slightly and almost S-shaped, suspended in the pericardial cavity by a dorsal mesocardium. ‘Two regions may be distinguished, the posterior atrium and anterior ventricle. From the ventricle leads the bulbus, arising from the fusion of paired primordia. This connects with the dorsal aorta, also the result of fusion, by means of aortic arches in the third and fourth visceral arches (vestiges of the first and second aortic arches have already appeared and disappeared). At a slightly later stage, loops from these arches will grow out into the external gills to form a branchial circulation. The anterior ends of the dorsal aortae are prolonged to form the internal carotids, while the posterior ends unite directly above the heart, and just after uniting give off the glomi on either side. Both the somatic and splanchnic venous systems are represented at this stage. Two vitelline veins unite to enter the heart at the sinus venosus. The cardinal veins at this time are represented by irregular lacunar spaces in the head and near the pronephros.

Ectodermal derivatives.— The epidermis is still ciliated. From the prosencephalon the thin-walled cerebral vesicle has appeared. The epiphysis is well marked, and the infundibulum is in contact with the hypophysis. At this time the primordia of cerebrospinal nerves may be distinguished. In the spinal nerves, dorsal roots arise from the ganglia produced by the segTHE LARVA AT HATCHING

283 Infundibulum Epiphysi Mesencephalan. piphysis Prosencephalon Rhombencephalon Fore gut Oral gland




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Ps ae oe

Fig. 189. — 6 mm. frog larva.

Sagittal section, anterior portion. 50. 284 THE ANATOMY OF FROG EMBRYOS


Optic cup Lens Optic . ZH stalk FF 5 —_ Notochord



Fig. 190. — 6 mm. frog larva. Transverse section through optic cup. 50.

Otic vesicle


Fig. 191. — 6 mm. frog larva. Transverse section through otic vesicle. 50. THE LARVA AT HATCHING 285

mentation of the neural crest while the ventral roots arise from neuroblasts in the spinal cord. In the head, four ganglia arise and with each is associated a placode of nervous ectoderm. From the first ganglion and placode, the trigeminal (V) nerve arises. The second combination gives rise to the facial (VII) and acoustic (VIII) cranial nerves, while the remainder of this placode invaginates to form the otic vesicle. The third ganglion and placode produce the glossopharyngeal (IX) cranial nerve, and the

Pronephric tubules

Fig. 192. — 6 mm. frog larva. Transverse section through pronephros. 50.

fourth gives rise to the vagus (X). The fourth placode grows back as far as the tail, giving off as it goes small groups of cells which later become the lateral line organs of the trunk. Those of the head arise from the second and third placodes. At this time, also, ganglion cells are migrating toward the dorsal aorta to aggregate as the ganglia of the autonomic nervous system. The eye is well advanced in development, as the optic vesicles have invaginated to form the optic cup and the lens placode has separated from the epidermis and acquired a cavity. The ear is in the otic vesicle stage with an endolymphatic duct. The nose is still represented by the nasal pits. From the prolongation of the fourth placode referred to above, the lateral line system is in process of formation. 286 THE ANATOMY OF FROG EMBRYOS

Visceral 1 pouch

I Visceral arch

Pronephric tubules

Segmental muscles

Fig. 193. —6 mm. frog larva. Frontal section through nasal pit and visceral

pouches. 450. THE YOUNG TADPOLE 287


External form. — The head and trunk are now fused into a common ovoid mass, sharply distinguished from the long bilaterally compressed tail. The mouth is open and equipped with horny raspers, while the oral gland is reduced to two vestiges on the ventral side of the head. On the dorsal surface, the large eyes, now functional, protrude slightly. Anterior to these are the external openings of the nasal tubes (external nares). The external gills, which were developing at hatching, have now degenerated and been replaced by internal gills concealed from view by the opercula. On the left side, the opercular aperture serves as a means of egress for the water from which the gills obtain their oxygen. The tail, now two-thirds the length of the tadpole, has a dorsal and a ventral fin. Close to the margin of the latter, at the base of the tail, is the cloacal opening.

Endodermal derivatives. — The mouth has been formed by the breaking through of the oral membrane. From the pharynx, all the visceral pouches except the hyomandibular and the vestigial sixth pouch open to the exterior as visceral clefts; and demibranchs have arisen on the anterior and posterior margins of the third, fourth, and fifth visceral arches and on the anterior margin of the sixth. These are the internal gills which hang down into the opercular cavity. The epithelial bodies from the hyomandibular pouch have disappeared. Those from the second pouch form the thymus gland, while similar buds arise from the third and fourth but presently disappear. The ventral epithelial bodies of the second pouch are said to give rise to the carotid gland, and those of the third and fourth to “ parathyroids.” The fifth pouch never gains communication with the exterior but gives rise to the ultimobranchial bodies. The thyroid is now separated from the pharynx. In the tadpole the pulmonary organs consist of a pair of thin-walled sacs, the lungs, arising from a laryngeal cavity connected with the pharynx by a narrow opening, the glottis. Posterior to the pharynx comes the esophagus, which was occluded just before the opening of the mouth but now possesses a narrow lumen opening into the stomach, which is not greatly dilated. The vesicle, which formerly represented the liver, persists as the gall bladder and common bile duct, rela288 THE ANATOMY OF FROG EMBRYOS

Internal gills


Fig. 194. — 11 mm. frog larva.1_ Transparent preparation viewed from right side. X15.

1 Figs. 194-198 inclusive are from preparations loaned me by Dr. A. R. Cahn. In earlier editions they were labelled 9 mm., as measured after preservation. THE YOUNG TADPOLE 289


Stomach Notochord Intestine Dorsal aorta Yolk Muscles of tail

ie Fig. 195. — 11 mm. frog larva. Sagittal section, anterior part. 40. 290 THE ANATOMY OF FROG EMBRYOS

tively small in comparison with the great glandular mass of the liver. Although the pancreas arose from paired primordia of the duodenum, these have now shifted their position so that their ducts open into the common bile duct. The intestine is extremely long and coiled into a double spiral. It terminates in a slightly dilated rectum, opening into the cloacal cavity which also receives the pronephric ducts and opens to the exterior by the cloacal aperture.

Mesodermal derivatives. — The notochord has elongated toward the posterior end, accompanying the growth of the tail. The two most anterior somites have disappeared, leaving eleven in the trunk region and a much larger and variable number in

Fig. 196. — 11 mm. frog larva. Transverse section, through eye. X40.

the tail. In the tail the myotomes have given rise to the dorsal and ventral musculature. The pronephros has become larger and more complicated through the branching of the pronephric tubules. The coelom consists of a pericardial cavity containing the heart, whose myocardia have disappeared, and an abdominal cavity in which the gut is suspended by the dorsal mesentery. These cavities are still continuous up to the time of metamorphosis. In the heart the sinus venosus is now a large transverse sac; the atrium is partially divided by the interatrial septum; the ventricle has thick muscular walls; and the short bulbus opens into the ventral aorta which is divided into proximal and distal portions by a pair of valves. The ventral aorta is divided into THE YOUNG TADPOLE 291

four afferent branchial arteries, the ventral portions of aortic arches III-VI. From these the blood passes through the internal gills by means of capillaries and is conveyed to four efferent branchial arteries, the dorsal portions of the aortic arches referred to above, which in turn lead to the dorsal aortae. The carotid arteries are connected in front of and behind the infundibulum by commissural vessels, and continue forward as the anterior cerebral arteries. From the anterior commissure the basilars run backward and the anterior palatines forward. The pharyngeal


Otic vesicle


Fig. 197. — 11 mm. frog larva. Transverse section through ear. X40.

artery, running forward from the dorsal aorta, at a point just posterior to the anterior commissure, represents the dorsal portion of the mandibular arch; the lingual artery arises independently and unites with the first efferent branchial. From the efferent branchial arteries of the sixth arch, the pulmonary arteries grow backward to the lungs. The vitelline veins have been broken up, by their inclusion in the developing liver, into hepatic veins, opening into the sinus venosus, and hepatic-portal veins from the intestine. The anterior cardinal veins are formed by the union of the superior jugular and facial veins and empty into the common cardinals. From the ventral side of the head the inferior jugulars drain into the common cardinals. The posterior somatic veins are the posterior cartlinals, which return the blood from the 292 THE ANATOMY OF FROG EMBRYOS

region of the pronephros into the common cardinals. The lymphatic vessels of the tadpole have arisen from the confluence of numerous, small intercellular spaces in the mesenchyme. Ectodermal derivatives. — The epidermis is no longer ciliated. The cerebral vesicle is now subdivided into right and left portions, while immediately behind this is the choroid plexus of the diencephalon. The pineal gland is connected with the diencephalon by:a small stalk; the pituitary gland has lost all connection with the exterior. In the mesencephalon the optic

Neural tube



Fig. 198. — 11 mm. frog larva. Transverse section through pronephros. X40.

lobes are just apparent. The metencephalon is distinguishable by the thickness of its walls as compared with the choroid plexus of the myelencephalon. All cranial nerves and spinal nerves are now established. The eye now contains all elements necessary for functioning; rods and cones of the sensory layer connect with the neurons of the optic nerve; pigment is deposited in the pigment layer; the choroid and sclerotic layers have been formed from mesenchyme; the lens is transparent, as is the cornea formed from the ectoderm. The otocyst is partially divided by a dorsal partition into an outer saccule and inner utricle. The nasal pits have grown backward as solid rods which by now have acquired lumina and will soon open into the

pharynx. REFERENCES 293





Wall of Intestine

Fig. 199. — 11 mm. frog larva. Trontal section through nose, eye, and ear. 40.


Huxley, J. S., and de Beer, G. R. 1934. The Elements of Experimental Embryology, Chap. 2.

Jenkinson, J. W. 1913. Vertebrate Embryology, Chap. 7.

Kellicott, W. E. 1913. Chordate Development.

Marshall, A. M. 1898. Vertebrate Embryology, Chap. 3.

McEwen, R.S. 1931. Vertebrate Embryology, 2nd Ed., Part 2.

Morgan, T. H. 1897. The Development of the Frog’s Egg.

Zeigler, H. E. 1902. Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Entwickelungsgeschichte der niederen Wirbeltiere. . CHAPTER XII THE ANATOMY OF CHICK EMBRYOS

The traditional stages in the development of the chick Gallus domesticus) for laboratory practice are those at the end of each of the first three days of incubation. So many important changes take place during the second day, however, that it is advisable to study an additional stage intermediate between twenty-four and forty-eight hours in age. The chick of thirty-three hours is selected because the form of the embryo is not yet affected by torsion or flexure, and the headfold of the amnion has not yet slipped over the head of the chick.

As it is a well-known fact that, in these first few days of incubation, embryos of the same age have attained varying degrees of development, the length of the embryo has been proposed as a mark of identification. The flexures of the body, however, make this standard impracticable, and the remaining alternative is to select the specific development of some particular structure as a basis of arrangement. For this purpose the number of somites, suggested by Lillie, is admirable. Still, it must be remembered that on account of the effect of temperature upon the rate of development, the number of somites is not correlated exactly with the number of hours of incubation, as may be seen from the following table.

TABLE 12 Duval Keibel Lillie Patten About 24 hours Fig. 76 Vig. 9, 9A Vig. 59 Fig. 36

(24 hrs. 6S) (24 hrs. 7-88) (25 hrs. 7S) (27 hrs. 8S)

About 33 hours Fig. 93 Fig. 10, 10A Fig. 68 Fig. 39 (33 hrs. 168) (32 hrs. 9 S) (33 hrs. 128) (33 hrs. 128)

About 48 hours Fig. 109 Fig. 16, 16A Fig. 93 Fig. (48 hrs. 27-28S)| (52 hrs. 278) a8 hrs. 278) (55 hrs. 2 S)

About 72 hours Fig. 115 Fig. 18, 18A g. 117 g. 63 (68 hrs. 37S) {(67 hrs. 35-37 S) (ak 18s, 35S) ah ee 368)



At the end of the first day of incubation, the chick embryo has completed the period of cleavage (pages 98, 105) and germ-layer formation (pages 111, 121), and is in the early stages of organogeny.

Anterior neuropore

Head fold Proamnionrn t hy

Amnio te Anteriorcardiac ntestinal portal vesicle Neural fold

Neural groove

4th Somite

Area & pellucida Primitive knot

Primitive streak

Area vasculosa

Fie. 200. — 24 hour chick embryo. Cleared preparation from dorsal side. X25.

External form. — The embryo, 3.3 mm. in length, lies along the axial line of the slipper-shaped area pellucida which in turn is surrounded by the crescent-shaped area vasculosa, whose anterior horns, separated by the proamnion, reach about to the level of 296 THE ANATOMY OF CHICK EMBRYOS

tip of the head. At the anterior end, the head fold of the embryo is lifted above the proamnion from which it is separated by the subcephalic pocket. In the head fold is contained the fore-gut,

0.59 mm. in length, which opens at its

posterior end into the yolk cavity by

means of the anterior intestinal portal.

On either margin of the portal the pri mordia of the vitelline veins are to be

recognized in thick bands of splanchnic mesoderm. The neural plate has already given rise to the neural folds which extend back as far as the first somite. They have united just posterior to the region where the optic vesicles are _ to appear and thus have given rise to a neural tube 0.3 mm. in length, which is widely open in front and behind as the anterior and posterior neuropores, respectively. Behind the head fold the axial mesoderm is segmented into six somites. Between the neural folds the notochord can be recognized as a faint line which joins, at its posterior end, the

primitive streak, now reduced to 0.83

mm. in length.

Endodermal derivatives. — The only differentiation which has taken place in the endoderm consists of the establishment of the fore-gut by means of the folding off of the head from the proamnion. As this process continues the fore gut will be lengthened at the expense of

Fia. 201. — 24 hour chick em- the widely open mid-gut, and the an ean Sagittal section. terior intestinal portal: will progress steadily backward.

Mesodermal derivatives. — The mesoderm proper does not extend into the head, but a loose aggregate of mesenchyme derived from it is present. Posterior to the head the axial mesoderm is divided into six somites. Transverse sections show that TWENTY-FOUR HOURS 297

Epidermis , , Brain


Splanchnic mesoderm


Somatic mesoderm Fore-gut

Ectoderm Endoderm.

Fig. 202. — 24 hour chick embryo. Transverse section through brain region. The neural folds have met but are not yet fused together. X50.

Axial mesoderm Notochord ge ie See SO ete Ry oe ayer Vitelline vein Amnio-cardiac Splanchnopleure vesicle

Fig. 203. — 24 hour chick embryo. Transverse section through region of intestinal portal. X50.

Neural groove

| Somite IY Ectoderm


PO Blood island nom i ram) Canes.

Notochord So Endoderm ~

Fig. 204. — 24 hour chick embryo. Transverse section through fourth somite. X50.

Intermediate mesoderm

Primitive groove


HH, BY Fig. 205. — 24 hour chick embryo. Transverse section through primitive streak. x50. 298 THE ANATOMY OF CHICK EMBRYOS

each has a minute cavity, or myocoel. The intermediate mesoderm does not divide into nephrotomes as in the frog. The lateral mesoderm is divided into the somatic and splanchnic layers. In the latter, numerous blood islands appear and give the characteristic mottled appearance to the area vasculosa. The coelom of the embryo is continuous with that of the extra-embryonic regions, or exocoel. In the region on either side of the head, between the proamnion and the intestinal portal, the coelom is distended into an amniocardiac vesicle, so called because the somatopleure will contribute to the head fold of the amnion, while the splanchnic mesoderm will give rise to the primordia of the heart, and the cavities of the vesicles will unite to form the pericardial cavity. The notochord, from its point of origin, the primitive streak, extends forward into the head.

Ectodermal derivatives. — The ectoderm at this stage consists of the elongate neural plate, with its groove and folds which are already in process of fusion, and the epidermis or non-nervous ectoderm.


External form. — In the chick embryo, after thirty-three hours’ incubation, the length has increased to 4.3 mm. There is a slight bending of the head downward over the end of the notochord, foreshadowing the cranial flexure. The area vasculosa, in which the blood islands are being converted into capillaries, now has grown in toward the embryo, so that the area pellucida persists only around the head and tail regions. The anterior horns of the area vasculosa have met in front, completely inclosing the proamnion. The head has increased in length not only by actual forward growth but also by the backward extension of the lateral margins of the head fold, so that the enclosed foregut is now 1 mm. long. The vitelline veins are prominent at the margins of the intestinal portal and continue on the ventral side of the fore-gut to meet at the posterior end of the heart, which is now a single tube, slightly bent toward the right. The neural folds are fused as far back as the eleventh somite, where the posterior neuropore is now known as the rhomboidal sinus. The anterior neuropore is about to close, and in the head the neural tube shows three regions of dilation which represent the THIRTY-THREE HOURS 299

Head fold |. of amnion

4 neuropore Prosencephalon


7 vesicle Mesencephalon Foregut Rhombencephalon & Heart

- Vitelline vein

Somite 6

Sinus rhomboidialig

Primitive streak

Fig. 206. — 33 hour chick embryo. Cleared preparation from dorsal view. X25. 300 THE ANATOMY OF CHICK EMBRYOS

fore-brain, mid-brain, and hind-brain, respectively. The sides of the fore-brain are evaginating to produce the optic vesicles.

Head fold . of amnion

Prosencephalon— Subcephalic F pocket Mesencephalon Fore-gut Pericardial cavity

Rhombencephalon# 6.4. /"


Fig. 207. — 33 hour chick embryo.

Sagittal section.

are ~ Anterior

intestinal portal

i Primitive cm, streak



In the hind-brain, five neuromeres can be identified. Twelve somites may be counted. The notochord extends forward to the fore-brain from the primitive streak which is now reduced to 0.3 mm.

Endodermal derivatives. — The anterior end of the fore-gut is in contact ventrally with the stomodeum separated only by the oral plate, composed of ectoderm and endoderm. At the sides, the walls of the fore-gut are fused to the ectoderm at points where the first visceral pouches (hyomandibular) will be located.

Mesodermal derivatives. — The somites now number twelve, and myocoels are still apparent. The mesomere is still unsegmented, but pronephric tubules have appeared in the region corresponding to somites 5-12. The four posterior tubules are growing back to form the pronephric duct. In the splanchnic mesoderm the blood islands are being converted into capillaries. The vitelline veins are prominent and continue forward into the heart, of which the endo -cardium and myocardium are dis tinct. The heart is supported by the dorsal mesocardium, the ventral mesocardium having disappeared. The primordial tubes, from the

fusion of which the heart arose, continue forward as the ventral aortae which bend around the pharynx (first aortic arches) and THIRTY-THREE HOURS 301

continue backward along the dorsal surface of the pharynx as the dorsal aortae. At the level of the primitive streak they are lost in a capillary nexus which foreshadows the vitelline arteries. From a point immediately in front of the optic vesicle, the anterior cardinals course backward on either side of the neural tube, bending down ventrally to enter the heart with the vitelline veins. The notochord is slightly bent at the anterior end.

Ectodermal derivatives. The ncural folds now extend to the eleventh somite and have fused throughout the length of the head. The anterior neuropore is almost closed. The three


Epidermis Mesenchyme

Optic vesicle

=» _

ts wa P Exocoel é OOF

Splanchnopleure Sub-cephalic pocket

Fia. 208. — 33 hour chick embryo. Transverse section through optic vesicles. X50.

dilations which represent the prosencephalon, mesencephalon, and rhombencephalon are distinct. From the prosencephalon the two optic vesicles extend to the ectoderm of the sides of the head. Five neuromeres may be identified in the rhombencephalon. It has been asserted that in earlier stages three neuromeres may be identified in the prosencephalon and two in the mesencephalon, while the first of the five noted above has resulted from the fusion of two original neuromeres destined to give rise to the metencephalon. At about this time a shallow depression in the floor of the prosencephalon, just in front of the tip of the notochord, marks the appearance of the infundibulum. The auditory placodes may sometimes be seen in sections as thickenings at the level of the constriction separating the last two neuromeres on either side. 302 THE ANATOMY OF CHICK EMBRYOS


Notochord Fore-gut Otic ( auditory) placode Somatopleure TET Dorsal aorta Dorsal [Bi soy 7S uateral sulcus mesocardium B Feria

5 Way, Oe

ee ae ox ed fhe & wou ee se Os a lamest ~ Endocardium Splanchnopleure Fig. 209. — 33 hour chick embryo. Transverse section through otic placodes.


Spinal cord

Dorsal aorta Somite

Intermediate mesoderm Exocoel


Vitelline vein

Fie. 210. — 33 hour chick embryo. Transverse section through vitelline veins. x50.

Spinal cord

Neural crest Somite

Intermediate mesoderm Somatic layer


Fig. 211. — 33 hour chick embryo. Transverse section through sixth somite. 50. FORTY-EIGHT HOURS . 803

Cc. THE FORTY-EIGHT HOUR STAGE — External form. — The chick at the end of the second day of incubation has usually attained a length of 7 mm., but the form

of the body has been altered profoundly. As the head has been lifted away from the blastoderm, it has increased greatly in size,

Ww ir ot y h h, Mesencephalon ‘Rhombencephalon

Otic vesicle Optic cup

Lens vesicle Visceral cleft I Prosencephalon

0 i

Sinus venosus— Vitelline vein—

Atrium Bulbus arteriosus Ventricle

Amniotic fold Somite XIV

Vitelline artery

Neural tube

Tail fold

aed cent Fia. 212.—48 hour chick embryo. Transparent preparation from dorsal view (head from right side). X15.

and the cranial flexure, which was just appearing in the thirtythree hour chick, has become so pronounced that the anterior end of the head is directed backwards. With this growth and flexure the head is twisted normally to the right, until it lies on one side, a phenomenon known as torsion. At forty-eight hours, this torsion involves the chick as far back as the seventeenth somite. The posterior end of the chick lies in its original position, and at the extreme caudal end a tail fold is being formed. In the Fig. 213. — 48 hour chick embryo. (304)

frontal section due to torsion.


Head in sagittal section, somite region in

Stomodaeal plate Telencephalon.




Mesencephalon FORTY-EIGHT HOURS 305

area vasculosa the capillaries have formed attachments with the vitelline arteries and veins, and at the border of this area is a circular vessel, the sinus terminalis. The fore-gut is now 1.4 mm. in length, and the first of the three visceral pouches now communicates to the exterior following the rupture of the closing plate which separated it from the corresponding visceral groove. The second and third visceral grooves are apparent, but their closing plates are still unperforated. In the visceral arches the first three aortic arches are apparent, arising from the ventral aorta. The heart is now twisted so that the ventricular loop is upper Anterior cardinal vein Dorsal aorta

Otic pit

eB 5


Yolk sac tent Notochord eet Blood island Visceral groove I a Pigment layer

Visceral pouch I Hypophysis Sensory layer

Fia. 214. — 48 hour chick embryo. Transverse section through otic pit and optic cup. 650.

most. The vitelline veins are large and conspicuous, as are the vitelline arteries which leave the body at the level of the twentysecond somites. The neural tube is completely closed. In the head the five definitive regions of the brain are outlined, the prosencephalon having given rise to the telencephalon and diencephalon, and the rhombencephalon to the metencephalon and myelencephalon. The eye is now in the optic cup stage, and the invagination of the optic vesicle continues down the stalk to form the choroid fissure. The lens is in the form of a pit which has almost attained the vesicle stage. The ear is represented by an otic pit which, owing to the cervical flexure, is about on a level with the eye. There are twenty-seven somites at this stage. The primitive streak is found only in the tail fold. At this time 306 THE ANATOMY OF CHICK EMBRYOS

the head fold of the amnion has grown back over the chick as far as the sixteenth somite.

Endodermal derivatives. — The stomodeum, an ectodermal invagination from the ventral surface of the head fold, has formed the oral membrane by contact with the fore-gut a little back of its most anterior point. Hence there is a blind pocket in front of the oral plate, known as the preoral gut. Three visceral pouches are present, the first of which opens into the corresponding visceral furrow following the rupture of its closing membrane. The primordium of the thyroid is represented by a ventral depression in the floor of the pharynx at the level of the second visceral pouches. The primordia of the lungs (sometimes difficult to distinguish) extend to the level of the sinus venosus. The liver arises at the level of the anterior intestinal portal from two evaginations of the endoderm, one below and one above the meatus venosus. ‘The mid-gut now has two shifting boundaries, the anterior intestinal portal and the posterior intestinal portal. The latter is barely apparent as the opening of a shallow endodermal pocket or hind-gut in the tail fold.

Mesodermal derivatives.—-The somites, twenty-seven in number, show a varying degree of specialization, with the most advanced at the anterior end. In these two regions can be distinguished: a loose aggregate of cells at the median ventral angle (the sclerotome); and a cap of epithelial cells at the lateral dorsal angle. The cells of this cap nearest the epidermis will form the dermatome, while those nearest the neural tube will form the myotome.

The pronephric tubules in the more anterior somites have disappeared and mesonephric tubules are appearing in the mesomere posterior to the thirteenth somite. The pronephric (now the mesonephric) duct has acquired a lumen but has not yet attained its complete backward growth.

The heart is still tubular, but the ventricular limb of the cardiac loop has grown back and over the atrial limb so that the ventricular region is now caudal and dorsal with relation to the atrial region. Three aortic arches are present as a rule, but infrequently the third has not developed. From the first aortic arch a network of capillaries extends into the head. From these the carotid arteries will be formed. The dorsal aortae have fused FORTY-FIGHT HOURS 307

from a point back of the sixth somite as far as the level of the fifteenth somite. The vitelline arteries leave the dorsal aortae at the level of the twenty-second somite but the aortae continue

Common cardinal Bulbus vein arteriosus Chorion

I.- poem 2s Cra, /

Dorsal aorta Fore-gut er , bAY


Spinal cord



Epidermis 5 J


“ Somiter Coelom

‘Dorsal mesocardium Fia. 215. — 48 hour chick embryo. ‘Transverse section through heart. X50.

backward as the caudal arteries to the last somite. The vitelline veins are fused at their point of entrance into the heart as the sinus venosus. The anterior cardinals are prominent and extend from a capillary plexus in the head back toward the heart, where they


Notochord | Dorsal aorta

Vitelline vein,


- Armnion— Gi N Coelom —

Posterior cardinal vein


Meatus Mid-gut: *


Fig. 216. — 48 hour chick embryo. Transverse section through liver. 50.

are joined by the posterior cardinals and proceed as the common cardinals to: enter the heart in the angles between the sinus venosus and the vitelline veins. The posterior cardinals may be traced back to the last somite. The heart of the chick commenced 308 THE ANATOMY OF CHICK EMBRYOS

beating at the forty-fourth hour of incubation, so that the course of the blood is through the ventral aorta to the aortic arches and thence to the dorsal aorta. From the first aortic arch a network of capillaries supplies the head with blood (which is returned by way of the anterior cardinals). The main current of the stream passes down the dorsal aortae to the point where these fuse to form the median dorsal aorta. From the dorsal aorta, the somites are supplied by capillaries, which will later become the intersegmental arteries. This blood is returned through the posterior cardinals. Leaving the dorsal aorta by way of the vitelline arteries, the blood passes through the capillaries of the area vasculosa to the sinus terminalis, and thence to the capillary drainage of the vitclline veins which return it to the heart.

The notochord is bent, not only at its tip (cranial flexure) but also at the point where the myelencephalon merges with the spinal cord (cervical flexure).

Ectodermal derivatives. — The brain now has acquired its five definitive vesicles. The telencephalon is enlarged but shows

Amniotic raphe

— Posterior cardinal vein

Mesonephric tubules


Lateral sulcus Fig. 217. —48 hour chick embryo. Transverse section through mesonephros. 50.

no particular differentiation. From the diencephalon project the constricted optic stalks which bear the optic cups with their inner sensory layer and outer pigmented layer. (The pigment will not arise until later.) The invagination by which the cups were formed continues down the stalk as the choroid groove. On the ventral surface of the diencephalon the infundibulum has deepened. Growing in toward it from the stomodeum is an ectodermal invagination, the hypophysis, which will fuse with the infundibulum to form the pituitary gland. The lens of the eye SEVENTY-TWO HOURS 309

is in the pit stage, resulting from the invagination of a sensory placode. When the process is complete, the lens will be a vesicle completely withdrawn beneath the surface of the ectoderm, as will the otic vesicle, the primordium of the inner ear. Along the rhombencephalon and cord, the neural crest is to be seen as a narrow band of cells on each dorso-lateral angle.


Otic vesicle %, Metencephalon

he 4 te

Visceral cleft I * q Mesencephalon wy Choroid fissure Optic cup Atrium and lens


Nasal pit - Epiphysis Telencephalon Ventricle Anterior limb bud 3 Somite 26 Vitelline 2 artery Vitelline ; . . : Posterior vem limb bud

Fig. 218. — 72 hour chick embryo. Transparent preparation from dorsal view, head seen from right side. X15.

D. THE SEVENTY-TWO HOUR STAGE External form. — At the end of the third day of incubation, the total length of the embryo is 9.5 mm., but the curvature of the body is so great, on account of the cranial and cervical flexures in addition to the newly developed caudal flexure, that the greatest length, from neck to tail, is 7 mm. Torsion involves the 310 THE ANATOMY OF CHICK EMBRYOS

body as far back as the vitelline arteries and will become complete during the fourth day. Anterior and posterior limb buds are now apparent at the levels of somites 17-19 and 26-32 respectively. The tail is curved forward. The fore-gut is still 1.4 mm. in length but has undergone further differentiation, indicated externally by the fact that the first three visceral clefts are open while the fourth is still interrupted by its closing plate. In the branchial arches four aortic arches may be seen. The telencephalon has given rise to the primordia of the cerebral hemispheres, and from the roof of the diencephalon, a small evagination represents the epiphysis or primordium of the pineal gland. The eye and ear, which were formerly in the same transverse section, are now nearly in an antero-posterior relationship. The olfactory pits have made their appearance in the head. The semilunar (fifth cranial nerve), geniculo-acoustic (seventh and eighth), and petrosal (ninth) ganglia may be seen. There are approximately thirty-five somites. The primitive streak has disappeared. The amnion is completed by the fusion of head and tail folds. The allantois, a small sac-like evagination, protrudes ventrally between the posterior limb buds.

Endodermal derivatives. — At the end of the third day the oral aperture has been formed by the rupture of the oral membrane separating the stomodeum and the fore-gut. Immediately anterior to this opening the preoral gut persists. The fore-gut is still the same length as in the chick of forty-cight hours, but is more complex in structure. The thyroid gland, which appeared during the second day, has now become differentiated into the distal dilation which will give rise to the gland proper and the thyroglossal duct. The first three visceral pouches are open to the exterior, but the epithelial buds destined to give rise to the thymus and parathyroids are not yet apparent. The fourth visceral pouch is still separated from the corresponding groove by the closing plate. The laryngeo-tracheal groove has developed in the floor of the pharynx just posterior to the fourth visceral pouches. At its posterior end the dorsal margins of this groove have closed together to form the primordium of the trachea which is thus set free from the esophagus above. The trachea is bifurcated at the posterior end, thus giving rise to the two bronchial buds which are the primordia of the lungs. SEVENTY-TWO HOURS 311

The esophagus, which is relatively narrow, is followed by a dilation which is to become the stomach. Posterior to this, the primordium of the liver may be seen as an evagination from the

Aortic arches


aorta Myelencephalon

Metencephalon . Roy fandibatam


venosus Isthmus

Atrium Spinal cord , Notochord ++—%

>Amnion Mesencephalon


Telencephalon Epiphysis Mesonephros


Spinal cord—

Fiq. 219. — 72 hour chick embryo. Sagittal section. X25.

ventral floor of the duodenal region of the gut. The dorsal pancreas arises from the duodenal region just dorsal to the liver at the end of the third day. The ventral primordia will not appear for another day. 312 THE ANATOMY OF CHICK EMBRYOS



Fig. 220. — 72 hour chick embryo. ‘Transverse section through otic vesicle. X25.

L esicle Dorsal aorta Optic ome

Aortic arches

d cup Sensory layer ii

Pharynx yyy

Visceral arches Fia. 221. — 72 hour chick embryo. Transverse section through optic cup. X25.

/ Esophagus Primary ‘Common cardinal Bulbus arteriosus “ . : i Chorion Amnion bronchus yon polite eee! oa 3 A ang ots + ~ Somite AfSead- m,

\ rst; Epidermis ip


‘Yolk sac

Pleural groove Sinus Atrium Nasal pit “venosus Pericardial cavity Fig. 222. — 72 hour chick embryo. Transverse section through heart and lung. X25.


The mid-gut region is gradually lessened by the advancing sulci which are cutting off the body of the embryo from the yolk. This region opens into the yolk stalk which is still quite wide.

The hind-gut contained in the tail fold has not yet acquired its cloacal aperture nor has the proctodeum appeared. The floor of the hind-gut between the tail bud and the posterior intestinal portal evaginates to give rise to the allantoic primordium.

Mesodermal derivatives. — The somites, typically thirty-five in number, still show a varying degree of differentiation which is carried to its furthest point in the more anterior somites. The dermatome is now a thin sheet of cells along the dorso-lateral

Posterior Dorsal cardinal} Dorsal Li _Amnion aorta vein mesentery iver


Spinal cord



Allantoic vein

Ventral mesentery

Meatus venosus Fig. 223. — 72 hour chick embryo. Transverse section through liver. X25.

angle of the embryo, with the myotome parallel and internal; the sclerotome in these anterior segments is a large and loose aggregate of cells investing the neural tube, notochord, and aortae.

The pronephric tubules have degenerated to a considerable extent, but the nephrostomes opening into the coelom may persist. The mesonephric tubules are now in process of development, with those in the more anterior segments most highly differentiated. The tubules between the thirteenth and _ thirtieth somites have progressed from the vesicle stage characteristic of those behind the twentieth somite, and some have acquired a lumen and joined the pronephric duct which henceforward is known as the mesonephric duct. A few of the more anterior tubules develop nephrostomes, but these soon disappear. 314 THE ANATOMY OF CHICK EMBRYOS

Behind the twentieth somite, as far back as the thirtieth, only vesicles are formed. The mesonephric ducts have grown back and united with the cloaca.

The heart now shows a constriction between the atrial and ventricular region. Four aortic arches are developed, of which

Amniotic raphe

Dermatome, Sclerotome \ Spinal cord

Mesonephric Vitelline tubule artery

Lateral sulcus Dorsal aorta

Fig. 224. — 72 hour chick embryo. Transverse section through vitelline arteries leaving body. X25.

the first is becoming smaller, and somctimes has disappeared at this stage. The internal carotid arteries are now well developed, growing forward into the head from the point of union between the first arches and the dorsal aortae. From the ventral end of the first aortic arch the external carotid takes its origin. The

Chorion Mesonephric . Amnion duct Somite Dorsal ao

Fig. 225. 72 hour chick embryo. Transverse section through allantois. 25.

pulmonary is sometimes apparent as a posterior prolongation of the ventral aorta at the point where the fifth arches will appear during the next twenty-four hours. The intersegmental arteries are now apparent as dorsal diverticula from the aorta between each pair of somites. The vitelline veins have fused for a short distance behind the sinus, thus giving rise to the meatus venosus. REFERENCES 315

The anterior cardinal vein now possesses many branches from the head, among which are three intersegmental veins. The posterior cardinal has continued its backward growth dorsal to the mesonephric duct as far as the thirty-third somite. It receives the intersegmental veins of this region. Where the posterior cardinals unite with the common cardinals, a capillary network indicates the beginnings of the allantoic veins.

Ectodermal derivatives. —-'The brain at the end of the third day has its five definitive vesicles even more sharply demarcated. From the telencephalon two lateral vesicles have evaginated to form the primordia of the cerebral hemispheres. In the diencephalon the epiphysis has appeared as a dorsal evagination. On the floor of this vesicle the infundibulum is almost in contact with the hypophysis. The mesencephalon is separated from the metencephalon by a deep constriction known as the isthmus. Along the sides of the myelencephalon may be distinguished the following cerebral ganglia: the semilunar of the fifth cranial nerve; the acoustico-facialis which will later separate into the geniculate ganglion of the seventh and the acoustic of the eighth; and the petrosal ganglion of the ninth. The eye has increased in size, and the lens is now free from the epidermal ectoderm. The ear, too, is in the vesicle stage and possesses a short endolymphatic duct, which has lost its connection with the epidermis. On the third day the primordium of the nose is represented by two olfactory pits anterior to the mouth.


Arey, L. B. 1934. Developmental Anatomy, 3rd Ed., Chap. 18.

Duval, M. 1889. Atlas d’embryologie.

Keibel and Abraham. 1900. Normaltafeln II, des Huhnes (Gallus domesticus). Lillie, F. R. 1919. The Development of the Chick, 2nd Ed.

McEwen, R. 8S. 1931. Vertebrate Embryology, 2nd Ed., Part 4.

Patten, B. M. 1929. The Early Embryology of the Chick, 3rd Ed. CHAPTER XIII THE ANATOMY OF THE 10 MM. PIG EMBRYO

Pig embryos of 10 to 12 mm. body length are particularly instructive for laboratory work in mammalian embryology as they

Myelencephalon Metencephalon



Trachea +

Anterior __| a —Body stalk

limb bud Roots of spinal nerves Posterior

Fig. 226. — 10 mm. pig embryo. Transparent preparation from right side. X11.

are sufficiently large for the study of external structures and yet small enough to afford serial sections for a detailed study of the anatomy. The primordia of practically all the organ systems, excepting the skeleton and musculature, are present. In comparing the accounts given by different authors of this particular stage, it should be remembered that a large amount of shrinkage

takes place during the preparation of fresh sections, so that, as 316 ENDODERMAL DERIVATIVES 317

pointed out by Patten, an embryo of 12 mm. will not measure more than 93} mm. when prepared for sectioning. The account which follows corresponds in general to the pig (Sus scrofa) of 10 mm. described by Keibel, of 12 mm. (Minot), 10 mm. (Prentiss) and 9.4 mm. (Patten), but is not so advanced as the 13.5 mm. pig (Boyden).

External form. — The pig embryo at this stage is relatively ‘more advanced than the chick of seventy-two hours. The body is sharply flexed, owing to the presence of the cranial, cervical, dorsal, and caudal flexures. In the head region the olfactory pits are well developed and are connected by the naso-lachrymal groove to a depression which surrounds the bulging eyeball. The five divisions of the brain are apparent through the relatively thin overlying epidermis. Four visceral grooves can be seen, the first of which, or hyomandibular, is the primordium of the external auditory meatus. The third and fourth grooves are compressed by the cervical flexure into a deeper depression known as the cervical sinus. A frontal view of the head shows the oral cavity bounded above by the frontal process in the middle, the maxillary processes at the side, while the lower jaw is represented by the mandibular arch.

In the trunk region, the buds of the pectoral and pelvic appendages are large but show no further differentiation. The contours of the somites, now forty-four in number, are apparent along the back, and ventral to these can be seen the outlines of the heart, liver, and mesonephros. In some specimens there appears between the limb buds a thickened ridge from which the mammary glands develop and which is therefore known as the milk line. | The umbilical cord projects from the ventral side of the embryo. Between this and the base of the slender tail is a small protuberance, the genital tubercle, or primordium of the external genitalia.

Endodermal derivatives. — The preoral gut still persists anterior to the oral aperture. Ventral to this, and seen best in sagittal section, is the long and slender hypophysis, now in contact with the infundibulum of the diencephalon. Both the hypophysis and infundibulum, it should be remembered, are of ectodermal origin. The pharynx is dorso-ventrally compressed, and from its floor the tongue is arising. Four visceral pouches 318 THE ANATOMY OF THE 10 MM. PIG EMBRYO

are present, corresponding to the visceral grooves already noted. These do not unite to become visceral clefts but remain separated by their closing membranes. Between the second and third

Metencephalon Myelencephalon


Posterior vena cava

//_ . Ductus venosus

i Liver Duct of ventral pancreas

Spinal { nw ; artery fDuodenum___Vitelline vein on—__ Body Dorsal stalk pancreas i ses mbilical SSS ) rte Vitelline 4 7 SN d Af ty (ant. mesenteric)’ oN i R artery cl Notochord oaca Metanephros Aorta


Fia. 227.— 10 mm. pig embryo. Sagittal section. 164.

pouches the thyroid gland appears. From the level of the fourth pouch a short laryngeal groove is prolonged into the trachea which has given rise to the bronchial buds, three in number. Two of these, the primary bronchi, have arisen by the bifurcation of ENDODERMAL DERIVATIVES 319

the trachea; the third or apical bud, which will give rise to the eparterial bronchus, develops anterior to the right primary bronchus. The esophagus is relatively long and narrow and, just posterior to the level of the lung buds, passes into the stomach which is dilated and shows a slight dorsal curvature. Posterior to the stomach the duodenal glands, liver, and pancreas are well developed. The liver, now a large glandular mass traversed by

W- Nerve XI

Nerve X and jugular F Ganglion IX ganglion (superior)

Otic vesicle

~Ganglion VOI Myelencephalon ¥} (acoustic) Ganglion Y~}(semilunar) P Pog IT a1 Basilar Fee eof artery Nerve III Internal

carotid artery


Fig. 228. — 10 mm. pig embryo. Transverse section through otic vesicles. 163}.

the capillaries of the hepato-portal veins, retains its original connection with the duodenum as the common bile duct from the distal end of which the gall bladder is forming. Both dorsal and ventral primordia of the pancreas are present, the duct of the latter arising from the common bile duct. The long and slender intestine extends into the umbilical cord as the intestinal loop, to which the yolk stalk is still attached. Just posterior to this, a slight enlargement may sometimes be observed which indicates the boundary between the large and small intestine. The hind-gut is dividing into a dorsal rectum and ventral urogenital 320 THE ANATOMY OF THE 10 MM. PIG EMBRYO

sinus, prolonged into the allantoic stalk. The sinus and rectum unite in a common cloaca which has not yet established connection with the proctodeum. Immediately posterior to the cloacal plate, a small blind pocket represents the postcloacal gut.

Spinal cord.

it Dorsal root co Spinal ganglion

re Ventral root Dorsal ramus


Anterior cardinal vein Ganglion X Aortic ( nodosum ) arch OT Radix aortae Visceral

Visceral arch

a Hypophysis Anterior cardinal vein

Sensory layer Pigment layer


Fig. 229.10 mm. pig embryo. Transverse section through optic cup. 164.

Mesodermal derivatives. — The notochord extends from the vicinity of the floor of the mesencephalon into the tail, following the flexures of the body.

The somites have long since become differentiated into the myotome, dermatome, and sclerotome. In the tail region, the sclerotomes are separated into the cranial and caudal arcualia from which the vertebrae will originate.

In the pig of 10 mm., the pronephric stage has been passed; the mesonephros is at the height of its development, forming a great “Wolffian” body with a complicated network of interwoven tubules; while the mesonephric duct (originally the pronephric duct) may be recognized along the ventral margin. Emerging MESODERMAL DERIVATIVES 321

from the mesonephros, each duct enters the urogenital sinus at the same level as the allantoic stalk. From each duct a narrow stalk runs dorsally and forward as the metanephric duct, or ureter, which at its distal end is enlarged to form the pelvis of the metanephros. Around the pelvis the posterior portion of the nephrotomal band will produce the secretory tubules of the definitive kidney at a later stage. On the median ventral margin of each


Dorsal aorta

Oesophagus Anterior

ardinal vein

Left atrium


Fig. 230. — 10 mm. pig embryo. Transverse section through nasal (olfactory) pit. X 163.

mesonephros are slight swellings which will later become the genital ridges, primordia of the gonads. The coelom is partially divided into the pericardial and abdominal cavities by the septum transversum. The mesenteries of the principal viscera are in evidence. The liver is still suspended in the ventral mesentery. A dorsal mesocardium is present.

The heart of the 10 mm. pig has the four main chambers established, although not yet completely separated into right and left halves. The sinus venosus now enters the right atrium through 322 THE ANATOMY OF THE 10 MM. PIG EMBRYO

a slit guarded by the valves of the sinus. The right and left atria are partially separated by the interatrial septum in which can be seen an opening, the foramen ovale. The atrio-ventricular canal leading to the ventricle is partially separated into right and left halves by the endocardial cushion. The ventricle is partially divided by the interventricular septum. From the ventral aorta three aortic arches curve around the pharynx to unite with the dorsal aorta. These are the third, fourth, and sixth aortic arches; the first and second have degenerated, while the fifth

Spinal cord .

Ganglion Notochord

Anterior limb bud

Common Dorsal aorta cardinal vein Eparterial Oesophagus bronchus Trachea Valves of sinus Left atrium Right atrium Left Right \ ventricle ventricle

Fia. 231. — 10 mm. pigembryo. Transverse section through sinus venosus. 16}.

seldom appears as a separate structure. The pulmonary arteries are growing back from the sixth aortic arches.

As prolongations of the original paired ventral and dorsal aortae, the external and internal carotid arteries, respectively, run forward into the head. The internal carotid arteries are united at the level of the isthmus between the mesencephalon and the metencephalon with the basilar artery, which serves to unite them with the vertebral arteries, arising from the anastomosis of intersegmental arteries in the cervical region. At the 10 mm. stage the vertebral arteries have lost their intersegmental connections with the aorta except at the posterior end, where the MESODERMAL DERIVATIVES 323

Anterior limb bud:


Posterior vena cava


atrium { i Left Right i ventricle ventricle


Dorsal aorta


ketee . g ‘ Posterior Vea me AN Stomach vena cava i

by \ v

Septum 4 Pericardial

ransversum — cavity a

Fig. 233. — 10 mm. pig embryo. Transverse section through stomach. X16}. 324 THE ANATOMY OF THE 10 MM. PIG EMBRYO

seventh cervical intersegmental artery persists and grows out into the pectoral limb bud to form the subclavian artery. Near the point of origin of the subclavian, the dorsal aortae are fused and run back as a single median aorta into the tail. Dorsally, branches are given off from the aorta as intersegmental arteries of the trunk. Laterally, many small branches supply the glomeruli of the mesonephros. Ventrally, the dorsal aorta gives off the coeliac artery and anterior mesenteric arteries to the gut.

Ganglion Notochord

Left umbilical vein

Fig. 234. — 10 mm. pig embryo. Transverse section through gall bladder. 163.

Two large umbilical (allantoic) arteries run from the dorsal aorta into the umbilical cord. The aorta continues into the tail as a relatively slender vessel, the caudal artery.

The vitelline veins are much smaller than in the chick of seventy-two hours, for the yolk sac from which they drew their blood is nearly degenerated. In the pig at this stage they drain the gut area and cross into the liver where they become the portal vein. Within the liver they are broken up into capillaries which emerge as the hepatic veins to the sinus venosus. Of the somatic MESODERMAL DERIVATIVES 325

veins, the anterior cardinals are still prominent and are joined by an extensive series of head veins. In the cervical region the anterior cardinals receive the dorsal intersegmental veins as well as the external jugular from the mandible. As the anterior cardinals enter the common cardinal veins, they are joined by the posterior cardinals, which have already lost part of their drainage

Spinal cord oO .

Notochord Posterior cardinal vein Posterior vena

Left vitelline (portal) vein Left mbilical vein Left vitelline artery


umbilical artery

Fused umbilical veins

Fig. 235. 10 mm. pig embryo. Transverse section through umbilical stalk in region of intestinal loop. X16}.

area to the subcardinal veins passing through the ventral portions of the mesonephroi. Numerous small venous channels serve to connect the subcardinals and postcardinals during this period. The posterior caval vein has already made its appearance as a direct connection from the subcardinals to the liver. The umbilical (allantoic) veins proceeding from the allantois toward the heart are fused together in the umbilical cord. In the body they 326 THE ANATOMY OF THE 10 MM. PIG EMBRYO

pass through the liver, within which they are, like the vitelline veins, broken up into capillaries. The left umbilical maintains a broad channel through the liver. This vessel, now known as the ductus venosus, connects the umbilical with the posterior caval vein.

Posterior Mesonephric

limb bud duct Umbilical artery Metanephric duct

Caudal artery

Notochord Spinal cord

Fig. 236. — 10 mm. pig embryo. Transverse section through metanephric duct and posterior limb buds. X16}.

Ectodermal derivatives. — The epidermal derivatives of the ectoderm have already been enumerated in the description of external form. There remain for consideration the nervous system and sense organs. ‘The five definitive vesicles of the brain are well marked. From the telencephalon arise the two lateral cerebral vesicles. This division of the brain is separated from the diencephalon by two points of reference, the optic recess in the floor, and the velum transversum in the roof. From the diencephalon spring the optic stalks, leading to the optic cups, and the infundibulum, now in contact with the hypophysis as mentioned above. The posterior boundary of the diencephalon is indicated by the tuberculum posterius arising from the brain floor. The epiphysis seldom appears at this stage. The mesencephalon, with the third cranial nerve arising from its floor, is ECTODERMAL DERIVATIVES 327

demarcated at its posterior end by the deep constriction of the isthmus. The metencephalon is distinguished from the myelencephalon by its thicker roof. From the isthmus the fourth cranial nerve runs forward laterally over the sides of the brain to the mass of mesoderm surrounding the eyeball, from which the

Basilar artery

Anterior cardinal

vein Internal carotid artery Thymus Olfactory pit | Visceral 8rd Aortic arch

4th Aortic arch 6th Aortic arch. Sinus


Right atrium


Ductus venosus

[J Subcardinal

  1. /J anastomosis,


Fig. 237. — 10 mm. pig embryo. Frontal section through aortic arches and ductus venosus. X16}.

eyeball muscles will be formed. Conspicuous at the anterior ventro-lateral margin of the metencephalon is the large semilunar ganglion of the fifth cranial nerve. From the floor of the myelencephalon, the sixth cranial nerve emerges to run forward toward the eye. Immediately following this, the geniculate ganglion of the seventh and the acoustic ganglion of the eighth are in close 328 THE ANATOMY OF THE 10 MM. PIG EMBRYO

connection. The ninth cranial nerve has two ganglia, the dorsal superior ganglion and ventral petrosal, while the tenth similarly possesses a dorsal jugular and ventral nodose ganglion. The eleventh cranial nerve possesses at this stage a small ganglion (of Froriep) which disappears in the adult. The last of the cranial nerves, the twelfth, arises from the floor of the myelencephalon by a number of small roots and without a ganglion. In the region of the spinal cord the segmental nerves arise from the cord by two roots, of which the dorsal is associated with a spinal ganglion. The trunk is very short and soon divides into three main branches. The dorsal and ventral rami run to these respective regions of the body wall, while the third, or communicating ramus, unites the spinal nerve with a ganglion of the sympathetic chain. The sympathetic ganglia may be recognized as small masses of cells dorsal to the aorta.

The nose is represented by the olfactory pits. The eye is in the optic cup stage with a well-marked choroid fissure and groove, while the lens is completely separated from the outer ectoderm and is in the vesicle stage. Of the various regions of the ear, all the primordia are now established. The otic vesicle with its endolymphatic duct, representing the inner ear, is in close juxtaposition to the first visceral pouch (hyomandibular) which will give rise to the auditory tube and chamber of the middle ear; the external auditory meatus, or outer ear, will arise from the first or hyomandibular groove.


Arey, L. B. 1934. Developmental Anatomy, 3rd Ed., Chap. 19.

“Boyden, E. A. 1933. A Laboratory Atlas of the Pig Embryo.

Keibel, I’. 1897. Normaltafeln, I, des Schweines (Sus scrofa domesticus).

Lewis, F. T. 1902. The gross anatomy of a 12 mm. pig, Am. Jour. Anat., Vol. 2, pp. 211-226.

‘Minot, C.S. 1911. A Laboratory Textbook of Embryology, 2nd Ed.

Patten, B. M. 1931. The Embryology of the Pig, 2nd Ed.

Wallin, E. 1917. A teaching model of a 10 mm. pig embryo, Anat. Rec., Vol. 5, pp. 17-45. PART V MICROSCOPICAL TECHNIQUE


A method much employed in the study of comparative embryology is that of cutting a preserved egg or embryo into a series of extremely thin slices, and arranging these in order upon a glass slide, so that they may be examined under the microscope. The older embryologists, however, were limited to the study of entire embryos and of minute dissections. These methods are still of great value in supplementing the study of serial sections, for it is a difficult mental exercise to translate sections into terms of the whole embryo. The single section, especially, is meaningless except when interpreted as a part of the complete series. It is very helpful, therefore, when facilities permit, for each student to prepare for himself a whole mount and a series of sections through one of the embryos he is to study.


Although preserved embryos of the more important laboratory types may be obtained from the biological supply houses, it is often desirable to collect and rear live embryos.

THE FROG. — There are some sixty species of tailless Amphibia within the continental limits of the United States. Although the capture of adults in a pond where eggs are found is strong circumstantial evidence as to the species of the eggs, even this evidence is often lacking, so that the ability to identify the eggs or larvae from their own characteristics is highly desirable. A key to the eggs and larvae of some of the common Eastern frogs and toads is found in Wright’s ‘‘ Life History of the Anura of Ithaca, N. Y.” For the Pacific slope fauna, see Storer, “A Synopsis of the Amphibia of California.”’ The eggs of the salamander, Ambystoma, are laid at the same time and in the same localities as those of the early frogs, but may be distinguished from them by the greater proportion of jelly to the eggs in the


Experiments dealing with the effect of pituitary hormones have led to the discovery that one of these hormones will induce ovulation in the female frog, and the drive to amplexus in the male, out of the breeding season. Rugh! (1934) has described in detail a technique for inducing ovulation and bringing about artificial fertilization which has been since used in several laboratories, including the author’s, with complete success.

The rate of development of the frog’s egg depends upon the temperature of the water. In the laboratory, the eggs will hatch in about one week after laying, at the ordinary room temperature. The egg masses should be kept in clean glass containers with at least ten times as much water. The water should not be changed until after hatching, when the larvae should be transferred to fresh water with aquatic plants. After the assumption of the tadpole form, they should be fed small pieces of finely ground meat. Metamorphosis may be hastened by feeding fresh or desiccated thyroid tissue.

Artificial fertilization is the best method of obtaining the earliest stages of development. The testes and vasa deferentia of the male are teased out in a watch glass of water. The eggs from the distal portions of the oviducts are placed in this water for five minutes and then removed to glass containers with not more than four inches of water.

THE CHICK. — In collecting hens’ eggs for incubation, it is a truism that they must be fresh and fertile. The best results are obtained from trap-nested eggs in the spring semester. The egg is normally laid in the gastrula stage (Chapter II), but in those cases where the egg does not reach the distal end of the oviduct by 4 P.M., it is retained till the following morning and undergoes further development. After laying, the egg cools and development ceases until incubation is commenced. The fertilized egg is viable for five weeks at a temperature of 8°-10° C. The time of hatching, as in the frog’s egg, is dependent upon the temperature. The minimum temperature at which development will take place is about 25° C.; the optimum is 37° C., at which temperature the egg will hatch in twenty-one days; the maximum temperature is about 41° C. In incubating eggs, care must be

1R. Rugh. Induced Ovulation and Artificial Fertilization in the Frog, Biol. Bull. 66, 22-29. PRESERVATION OF MATERIAL 333

taken to keep the air in the incubator moist and to rotate the eggs once a day.

Instructive demonstrations may be made by opening the shell and shell membranes under aseptic conditions and removing a bit of the albumen. <A window of celloidin placed over the opening and carefully sealed will permit of observations on the development of the embryo for several days. An alternative method is that of opening the egg and placing the contents in a sterilized small stender dish. A glass ring is placed on the yolk to keep it beneath the surface of the albumen, and the dish is covered and placed in the incubator. If this operation is carried on under aseptic conditions, development will continue for two or three days.

THE PIG. — The early stages of development in any mammal are valuable. The larger embryos are visible as protuberances on the inner side of the uterine tubes. The tube should be slit open and the embryos exposed by cutting open the embryonic membranes which surround them. Smaller stages are obtained by washing out the contents of the tube with normal salt solution or preserving it entire.

Pig embryos may be obtained in quantities from any good-sized packing house. As many as eighteen may be found in a single female, but the average number is eight. The period of gestation in the pig is 121 days. Pig embryos of 10 mm. body length are the most useful in the elementary course. Later stages are of value in the detailed study of organogeny.


The preliminary preparation of material for microscopical work involves three distinct operations: killing, fixing, and preservation. In practice, two or three of these operations are performed by a single reagent known as a “ fixing fluid.” Such a reagent should kill the embryo so rapidly that it will undergo the minimum of post-mortem changes; it should preserve the structures of the embryo with as life-like an appearance as possible; and it should harden the soft parts so that they may undergo the later processes of technique without loss of form or structure. Some fixing fluids, such as alcohol or formalin, may be used indefinitely as preservatives, but the majority are used for a particular optimum period, and then washed out and replaced by alcohol. 334 PREPARATION OF EMBRYOLOGICAL MATERIAL

THE FROG. — The frog’s egg, before hatching, is best fixed by Smith’s fluid.

Potassium bichromate.......... cece eee eee eee 0.5 gram Glacial acetic aCid. . 6... ce cece cece cece eee eee 2.5 ce. Formalin. 2.0... ccc ccc cece cee cece cence eeaee 10.0 ce.

Distilled water... 2... . cece eee eee eee eee 75.0 cc.

1. Cut the egg masses into small pieces of about twenty-five eggs each, and submerge them in a dish of Smith’s fluid for twenty-four hours. A quantity equal to ten times the volume of the eggs should be used.

2. Rinse the eggs in water and wash with a 5 per cent aqueous solution of formalin until no more free color comes out. The eggs may be kept indefinitely in this fluid. If it is desired to remove the egg membranes, proceed as follows:

3. Wash in water for twenty-four hours, changing the water several times.

4. Place the eggs in eau de Javelle, diluted with three time its volume of water, and shake gently from time to time during a period of 15 to 30 minutes until the membranes are almost dissolved and will shake off.

5. Rinse in water and run through 50 per cent and 70 per cent alcohol, an hour to a day each, and preserve in 80 per cent alcohol.

After hatching, larvae are best fixed in Bouin’s fluid.

Picric acid, saturated aqueous solution................ 75 cc. Formalin. 2.0... cece cece eee een eeeeees 25 cc. Glacial acetic acid... .. ec cee cece eeeeees 5 ce.

1. Larvae are left in this fluid from one to eighteen hours, according to size.

2. After rinsing in 50 per cent alcohol, wash in 70 per cent alcohol, to which has been added a few drops of lithium carbonate, saturated aqueous solution, until the yellow color is extracted, and preserve in 80 per cent alcohol.

THE CHICK. — The chick embryo must be removed from the shell, albumen, and yolk before fixation. As the early stages are more difficult to handle, it is advisable to practice this operation on embryos of seventy-two hours’ incubation and then work backward toward the stages of the first day. THE CHICK 335

1. Place the egg in a dish 3 inches high and 6 inches in diameter, two-thirds full of normal saline solution, warmed to 40° C.

2. Crack the shell at the broad end with the flat of the scalpel, and pick away the pieces of shell until an opening slightly larger than a half dollar has been made. Remove the outer and inner shell membranes. Invert egg beneath the surface of the salt solution and allow the contents to flow out. The blastoderm, containing the embryo, will rotate until it is uppermost. With fine-pointed scissors, cut rapidly a circle of blastoderm, about the size of a quarter, with the embryo at the center. With blunted forceps, pull the blastoderm and adherent vitelline membrane away from the yolk and albumen, waving it gently beneath the surface of the salt solution to remove all yolk.

3. Submerge a syracuse watch glass in the salt solution and float the embryo into this. Remove the watch glass carefully from the large dish and examine the embryo with a dissecting lens. If the vitelline membrane has not yet separated from the blastoderm, it should be removed at this time with fine-pointed forceps and needles. Make sure that the embryo lies dorsal side up, as it did when the egg was opened.

4, Slide a cover glass under the embryo, and remove all salt solution: with a pipette, taking care that the embryo lies in the center of the cover glass. Lift the cover glass by one corner so that the overhanging edges of the blastoderm fold under, and place it in a dry watch glass on a piece of thin absorbent tissue paper and add fixing fluid at once. While the embryo is becoming attached to the cover glass, remove the yolk, albumen, and pieces of shell from the dish of salt solution to a slop jar, reheat the salt solution to 40° C., and prepare another embryo. Three embryos of each stage are to be prepared.

5. After five minutes, drop the cover glass, embryo side up, into a small stender dish of Bouin’s fluid and leave from two to four hours.

6. Rinse in 50 per cent alcohol, wash for two days in 70 per cent alcohol to which lithium carbonate has been added or until the yellow color is extracted from the embryo, and preserve in 80 per cent alcohol. 336° PREPARATION OF EMBRYOLOGICAL MATERIAL

THE PIG. — Embryos of 6 mm. body length and over are easily located in the uterine wall. Slit open the uterus and remove the embryo with fine-pointed forceps and a horn spoon, taking pains not to rupture the membranes. Place at once in Bouin’s fluid. Embryos of 10 mm. body length should be fixed for four hours. Rinsing and preserving are done as for the frog or chick. Larger embryos should have the body cavity slit open to admit the fixing fluid. Fetal pigs of 6 inches or more should be injected through the umbilical artery with formalin (20 per cent aqueous solution). This solution is also injected into the body cavity and cranium, after which the fetus is submerged in the same medium for a week and preserved in 6 per cent formalin.


It is very helpful to have some embryos mounted entire for comparison with the serial sections. In making these whole mounts, the embryos are stained, cléared, and mounted, i.e., transferred to a final medium for preservation and examination on the slide beneath a cover glass.

THE FROG. — Frog eggs and embryos may be mounted as opaque objects with the natural pigmentation, or they may be cleared and stained as transparent mounts.

Opaque mounts. —

1. Prepare a saturated aqueous solution of thymol. Filter the solution, and add gelatin until saturated. Remove the supernatant liquid.

2. Liquefy the gelatin by immersing a small quantity, in a test tube, in a dish of hot water. Fill a hollow-ground depression slide with gelatin and allow to cool.

3. With a hot needle, melt a small hole in the gelatin, sufficiently large to hold the embryo. Place the embryo in the desired position and hold it in place until the gelatin has cooled.

4, Add a drop of gelatin just warm enough to be liquid and cover with a cover glass which has been slightly warmed. When the gelatin has cooled, any surplus may be removed from the edges of the cover glass with a toothpick wrapped in moist cotton. In order to prevent the later formation of bubbles, the edges of the cover glass should be painted with gold size or Valspar.

Free-hand sections and dissections are admirably mounted by THE CHICK 337

this method, but great care must be exercised to prevent the formation of air bubbles through cracks in the gold size.

Transparent stained mounts. —

1. Bleach the embryo, until white, in hydrogen peroxide. About one week is required for this purpose. Embryos that have been preserved in 80 per cent alcohol should first be passed through 70 and 50 per cent alcohol to water, an hour or more in each fluid. Embryos in formalin must be rinsed in water for one hour.

2. Stain in dilute borax carmine four days or more.

Borax, 4 per cent aqueous solution. .................. 100 ce. Carmine. . 0.0.2... ccc cece eee eeneee 1 gr. Boil until dissolved and add alcohol, 70 per cent....... 100 ce.

To dilute, take 5 cc. of the borax carmine and 95 ce. of 35 per cent alcohol and add a crystal of thymol.

3. If overstained, remove the surplus color with hydrochloric acid (1 per cent solution in 70 per cent alcohol) after passing through water and 50 per cent alcohol, an hour each.

4, Run up through 80, 95, and 100 per cent alcohol, an hour each, and place in xylene (xylol) until transparent.

5. Prepare a mounting diagram by drawing an outline of a slide on a piece of cardboard and in this laying off an outline of the cover glass to be used. Place a clean slide on the diagram, and, just’ inside the right and left margins of the cover-glass outline, attach a thin strip of celluloid, 15/1000 of an inch in thickness, by means of a drop of acetone. Greater thicknesses may be obtained by attaching other strips as necessary. When these supports are dry, place a few drops of Canada balsam, dissolved in xylene, between the supports, place the embryo in position, and lower a clean cover glass gently. Try to avoid the formation of air bubbles. If these appear later they may be removed by a needle which has been heated or dipped in xylene. A little fresh balsam may be run into the cavity.

THE CHICK. — Total mounts may be stained either with the borax carmine or with Conklin’s modification of Delafield’s hematoxylin. Delafield’s hematoxylin, which gives a blue color to the embryo, is made as follows: 338 PREPARATION OF EMBRYOLOGICAL MATERIAL

Hematoxylin (16 per cent solution in 100 per cent al COMO]... cc ee een eee nes 25 ce. Ammonia alum (saturated aqueous solution).......... 400 ce. Hydrogen peroxide, neutralized. . 0... 6. cee eee ee eee 25 cc. Glycerin. 20... cc cece eet ee eee eens 100 ce. Alcohol methyl... 0.0.0... ccc cence nens 100 ce.

Conklin’s modification consists of diluting the stain with four times the volume of distilled water and adding to each 100 ce. of the dilute stain 1 ec. of picrosulphuric acid, prepared by adding 2 cc. of sulphuric acid to 98 cc. of picric acid (saturated aqueous solution).

1. Run the embryo from the 80 per cent alcohol down to water through changes of 70 and 50 per cent alcohol, an hour each.

2. Stain in borax carmine, undiluted, over night, or in hematoxylin from one to three hours. Either stain may be diluted still further and the staining period prolonged. In the author’s laboratory the schedule demands a four-day staining period and the borax carmine is diluted 5 x, the hematoxylin 20 x.

3. Destain, if necessary, in acid alcohol until the desired color is obtained. Embryos stained with hematoxylin will turn red in the acid alcohol, and the blue color must be restored by washing them in running water or, after washing in neutral 70 per cent alcohol, placing them in alkaline alcohol (1 per cent ammonia in 80 per cent alcohol).

4. Run up the alcohols, 80, 95, and 100 per cent, half an hour each. Pour off half the 100 per cent alcohol and add an equal amount of xylene. When the diffusion currents disappear, transfer to pure xylene and leave until the embryo is transparent. In rainy weather, or when 100 per cent alcohol cannot be obtained, phenol-xylene (phenol crystals, 25 gr. and xylene 75 cc.) may be substituted.

5. Remove the embryo from the cover glass (if it has not already detached itself) and trim the surrounding blastoderm to the form of an oblong or circle. Arrange a clean slide on the mounting diagram, as described for the frog, attach celluloid support, and mount the embryo in Canada balsam with the same side uppermost as when the egg was opened. Put the slide away where it may lie flat and free from dust until the balsam has hardened. This will take at least a week, after which the slide EMBEDDING IN PARAFFIN 339

may be cautiously cleaned and studied. The process may be hastened by drying the slide in the paraffin oven.

THE PIG. — Embryos up to 10 mm. body length may be prepared as whole mounts by staining in dilute borax carmine, destaining until only a trace of color persists, and mounting in Canada balsam. The time spent in each alcohol should be at least an hour for the larger embryos.


In the preparation of serial sections of an embryo, the fixed material is (1) embedded in a suitable matrix and (2) sliced into extremely thin sections, which are (3) mounted in serial order upon slides. The embryo may be stained before or after sectioning.

Embedding. — There are two principal methods of embedding, in paraffin or in celloidin. For especially delicate objects, the best results are obtained by a combination of these methods, the embryo being first impregnated with celloidin in order to avoid the shrinkage (about 10 per cent) caused by paraffin embedding, and the block of celloidin then immersed in paraffin so that ribbons of serial sections may be cut.

Embedding in paraffin. — In preparing the first few embryos for sectioning, it is advisable to stain, dehydrate, dealcoholize, and clear as if for a total mount. Later, the staining may be omitted until after the sections are affixed to the slide.

1. After clearing in xylene, which should be done in a warm place, for example, the low-temperature oven at about 40° C., pour off half the xylene and add an equal amount of paraffin chips. In the author’s laboratory a paraffin of about 55° melting point, obtained by mixing commercial paraffin with parawax, is used. The parawax, unfortunately, varies in melting point, so that the formula is empirical. The embryo may be left in this xylene paraffin for two days.

2. If the mixture has hardened it should again be melted in the low-temperature oven. Fill a clean stender dish with melted paraffin, transfer the embryo to this, and place in the high-temperature oven at about 56° C. (or one degree above the melting point of the paraffin used) for not more than two hours. The xylene paraffin should be thrown in the slop jar. Take care not 340 PREPARATION OF EMBRYOLOGICAL MATERIAL

to get any xylene in the high-temperature oven or paraffin used for the final embedding.

3. Smear the interior of a small watch glass with a 10 per cent aqueous solution of glycerin (or vaseline), and fill with fresh melted paraffin. Transfer the embryo to this, making any necessary adjustments in position with a heated needle. Place the embryo dorsal side up, and note the position of the head. Cool the surface of the paraffin by blowing on it gently until it is congealed. Then plunge it immediately into a dish of cold water or waste alcohol and leave it there for five minutes. Mark the block for identification. Objects may be left in paraffin indefinitely.

4. On removing the block of paraffin from its container, examine for the following flaws:

a. Air bubbles, if they are not near the embryo, may be removed with a hot needle. Otherwise it is better to trim the block close to the embryo, put it into melted paraffin, and re-embed.

b. Milky streaks are due to the presence of xylene. These will crumble during sectioning, so that it is best to re-embed if they occur near the embryo.

c. If the paraffin has “ fallen ” in the center, it is because the surface was cooled too long before the block was immersed in the water. If any part of the embryo is exposed, it must be reembedded.

Sectioning after paraffin embedding. — Before sectioning your first embryo, be sure you understand the mechanism of the microtome (there are many varieties, of which the rotary type is best adapted to beginning students), and have practised the technique on a block of paraffin. There are three standard planes of sectioning corresponding to the axes of the body (Fig. 238). Transverse sections are obtained by cutting the cephalic end of the body first, with the knife entering the left side. Sagittal sections are made by cutting the right side first, with the knife entering the ventral surface. Frontal sections are made by commencing at the ventral surface, the knife entering the left side. It is best to begin with transverse sections.

1. Attach the paraffin block to the object-carrier of the microtome in the proper manner to obtain the type of section desired. This is done by heating the surface of the carrier until it will just SECTIONING AFTER PARAFFIN EMBEDDING 341

melt paraffin, pressing the block against it in the desired orientation, and lowering into a dish of cold water. A little melted paraffin may be poured around the base of the block and this again cooled to secure additional support.

2. Place the object-carrier in the microtome and, after orienting the block with respect to the knife, trim it so that the end of the block is a perfect rectangle with one of the longer sides parallel to the knife edge. If one of the angles is cut off slightly there will be a series of indentations in the ribbon which will assist in orienting the sections on the slide.

3. If microtome knives are not available, place a new safetyrazor blade (Autostrop type) in the holder provided, allowing the

Transverse Sagittal

Fig. 238. — Diagram to show method of orienting embryo with reference to microtome knife according to type of section desired.

edge to project between a sixteenth and an eighth of an inch. Screw the holder in the knife-carrier so that the edge of the blade is tilted inward about 10° from the perpendicular.

4. Set the regulator for 20 microns (thousandths of a millimeter). .

5. Run the feed screw as far back as it runs freely; do not force it.

6. Advance the knife-carrier until the edge of the blade just clears the block.

7. Release safety catch and turn the wheel steadily until the knife begins to cut the block. Cut slowly, making necessary adjustments to the block and knife until you are cutting a perfectly straight ribbon without wrinkles or splits. The principal causes of trouble and their remedies are as follows: 342 PREPARATION OF EMBRYOLOGICAL MATERIAL

a. The ribbon curls to right or left. This happens because (1) the block is thicker on the side away from which the ribbon curls, or (2) the knife is duller on the side toward which the ribbon curls. Remedy: (1) trim the sides of the block parallel; (2) shift the knife to one side.

b. The sections curl and the ribbon is not continuous. This is due to (1) too much tilt of the knife, (2) too hard a grade of paraffin, or (3) too cold a room. Remedy: (1) lessen tilt of knife; (2) re-embed in softer paraffin; (3) move microtome to warmer place, light an electric light or micro-bunsen burner near microtome, or cut thinner sections.

c. The ribbon wrinkles badly. This is caused by (1) too little tilt to the knife, (2) too soft a grade of paraffin, (3) too warm a room, or (4) a dull or dirty knife. Remedy: (1) increase the tilt of the knife; (2) re-embed in harder paraffin; (8) move to a cooler room, or cool the knife and block by dropping alcohol on them and blowing vigorously, or cut thicker sections; (4) clean knife edge with cloth moistened in xylene or shift to a new place on the knife.

d. The ribbon splits lengthwise. This is due to (1) a nick in the knife, (2) a bubble in the paraffin, or (3) dirt on the knife edge or side of the block. Remedy: (1) shift to new cutting edge; (2) paint surface with thin celloidin; (3) clean knife edge and block.

e. The sections refuse to ribbon; they fly apart or cling to the knife or the block. This is due to the electrification of the sections caused by unfavorable atmospheric conditions. Many remedies have been suggested; the best is to ground the microtome to a water pipe. Usually it is advisable to wait for more favorable conditions.

8. Remove the ribbon in 6 inch lengths with a camel’s hair brush and arrange these in order, shiny side down, in a cardboard box cover. Avoid air currents of all kinds. The ribbons may be put away in a dust-free place if the room is not too warm. It is better to affix them to slides as soon as possible.

Affixing paraffin sections to the slide. — 1. Prepare a mounting diagram by laying off the outline of a slide as before, but enclose in this the outline of a long cover glass (25 by 50 mm. approximately) and leave space for a label on the right-hand side.

2. Clean a slide thoroughly by washing with acid alcohol EMBEDDING IN CELLOIDIN 343

followed by distilled water. Place this over the mounting diagram and brush over the surface above the outline of the cover glass with the following dilute solution of egg albumen:

Egg albumen, beaten and skimmed.................. 50 ce. Glycerin... 0... cece cece eee eee neeeeeeees 50 ce. Filter and add Thymol.............. 0. ccc cee ee ee ees a crystal Dilute 2 drops of this to distilled water............... 25 ce.

3. Cut the ribbon into lengths about 2 per cent shorter than the length of the cover glass. Using the wet brush from which most of the albumen solution has been squeezed, pick up these lengths and arrange them on the albumenized slide so that the sections will follow each other like the words on a printed page. The shiny side of the ribbon should be next to the slide. Great care should be taken to lower the ribbon slowly so as to prevent the formation of air bubbles beneath it.

4. Carefully warm the slides on a warming plate or a piece of plate glass, previously heated in the paraffin oven, until the sections are expanded and perfectly smooth. If bubbles appear beneath the ribbon, prick them with a hot needle while the ribbon is still soft and hot. Drain off the surplus water, carefully realign the sections, mark the slides with a glass-marking crayon, and set them away in the low-temperature oven to dry, at least two days. They may be kept indefinitely in this condition if not exposed to dust. .

Embedding in celloidin. — This method is preferred by some technicians as no heat is used in the process and the shrinkage is less than that resulting from the paraffin method. However, thin sections are not so easy to obtain and the sections must be handled individually.

1. Embryos are dehydrated as for the paraffin method. Leave in absolute alcohol one day.

2. Absolute alcohol and ether, equal parts, one day.

3. Thin celloidin, three days to one week.

Alcohol, 100 per cent. ... 0... eee eee eee eee eee 100 ce

Ether... 0.2... cece ccc eee cence eee eeeeee 100 ce

Celloidin. £0... ccc ccc cece eee e eee e eee eaes 5 gr. 4, Thick celloidin, two days to two weeks.

Alcohol, 100 per cent... 1... 0.0... ccc cece eee 100 ce


5. Remove the embryo to a small watch glass and pour thick celloidin over it. Cover lightly, or place under a bell jar until the celloidin is hard enough to cut with a scalpel.

6. Dip a block of vulcanized fiber in thick celloidin. Cut out a block of celloidin containing the embryo from the watch glass and, after moistening the end by which it is to be attached in ether alcohol, press it firmly against the prepared fiber block.

7. Pour a little chloroform into a stender dish, add the block and embryo, cover tightly, and allow the celloidin to harden in the fumes for thirty minutes.

8. Fill the stender dish with chloroform and cover. Leave for thirty minutes.

9. Pour off half the chloroform and add an equal amount of cedar oil. Leave for one hour.

10. Transfer to pure cedar oil where it may remain indefinitely.

Sectioning after celloidin embedding. — Celloidin sections are usually cut with some form of sliding microtome. Be sure to study the mechanism and cut a piece of hardened celloidin before proceeding further.

1. Set the knife with a little more tilt than would be used for paraffin, and obliquely to the object so that at least half the cutting edge will be drawn through the block.

2. Orient the block upon the object-holder so that the desired type of sections may be obtained. The long side of the block should be parallel to the edge of the knife.

3. Cut sections 20 » or more in thickness, using a steady drawing cut. Mount sections as they are cut.

Affixing celloidin sections to the slide. — This is best done as the sections are cut.

1. Using the mounting diagram as before, rub on a thin film of undiluted albumen solution to cover the areas of the cover glass. Rub in well with the ball of the finger.

2. Arrange the sections in order on this area. When this is filled, lay a cigarette paper over the sections and press gently with another slide. The slides may be kept in a dust-free container.

Double embedding in celloidin and paraffin. — This process, although tedious, combines the best points of the two methods already given. AFTER STAINING IN BULK 345

1. Embed in celloidin according to the method above, omitting step 6.

2. Trim the celloidin block close to the embryo and wash out the cedar oil with xylene, three changes in two hours.

3. Embed in paraffin as described above, commencing at step 2.

4. Section according to the method given for paraffin.

5. Affix to the slide according to the method given for paraffin sections.

Staining serial sections. — When the embryo has been stained before sectioning, it is only necessary to remove the paraffin (or celloidin), replace with Canada balsam, and cover, if the stain proves to be satisfactory. Sometimes, however, it is advisable to strengthen or weaken the stain or to add a contrasting dye.

After staining in bulk. —

1. Paraffin sections on the slide should be put in a Coplin staining jar of xylene and left until the paraffin is dissolved, up to fifteen minutes.

2. Transfer to a mixture of xylene and 100 per cent alcohol, equal parts, five minutes.

3. Transfer to 100 per cent alcohol, five minutes.

4, Examine slide rapidly under microscope after wiping the back of the slide.

a. If the stain is satisfactory:

5a. Absolute alcohol and xylene, five minutes. 6a. Xylene, ten minutes. 7a. Mount in balsam under cover glass.

b. If the stain is too intense: 5b. Ninety-five and 85 per cent alcohol, one minute each. 6b. Acid 70 per cent alcohol, until stain is correct. 7b. Sections stained in hematoxylin should have the blue color restored in alkaline 85 per cent alcohol.

8b. Eighty-five, 95, and 100 per cent, one minute each. 9b. Absolute alcohol and xylene, five minutes.

10b. Xylene, ten minutes.

11b. Mount in balsam.

c. If the stain is too light: 5c. Ninety-five, 85, 70, and 50 per cent alcohol, one minute each, 346 PREPARATION OF EMBRYOLOGICAL MATERIAL

6c. Stain until desired effect is secured. 7c. Distilled water, five minutes. 8c. Fifty, 70, 85, 95, 100 per cent alcohol, one minute each. 9c. Absolute alcohol and xylene, five minutes. 10c. Xylene, ten minutes. llc. Mount in balsam.

Celloidin sections on the slide should be exposed to the fumes of the aleohol-ether mixture for half a minute, dried for one minute, and placed in a staining jar of 95 per cent aleohol. All other operations may be carried on as above except that phenol-xylene should be substituted for 100 per cent alcohol.

Counterstaining after staining in bulk. — In order to differentiate the parts of the embryo more sharply, it is often desirable to add a second stain contrasting with the first. The stains that have been employed in the previous exercises are nuclear dyes; that is, when extracting by acid alcohol, the color will persist in the nucleus after it has been washed out of the cytoplasm. The second stains affect the cytoplasm and should contrast in color with the nuclear stain employed. After borax carmine, a 0.5 per cent solution of anilin (Lyons) blue in 95 per cent alcohol is employed; after hematoxylin, a similar solution of cosin should be used.

1. Proceed as in the preceding section as far as 60.

2. Destain in acid alcohol until the color persists only in the nuclei.

3. Restore the blue color to hematoxylin-stained sections in alkaline 80 per cent alcohol.

4, Eighty and 95 per cent alcohol, one minute each.

5. Counterstain lightly, dipping the slide into the solution repeatedly until a light color persists in the sections, one-half to one minute.

6. Rinse in 95 per cent alcohol, dehydrate with 100 per cent alcohol, followed by xylene-absolute, clear in xylene, and mount.

Staining with Delafield and eosin on the slide. — Follow directions given for sections stained in bulk (where stain is too light), as far as step 6c, and follow with directions for counterstaining as given above.

Staining with Heidenhain’s hematoxylin. — This is one of the most important embryological stains. OPPEL’S POLYCHROMATIC STAIN 347

1. Remove the paraffin from the sections and run down the alcohols to distilled water.

2. Four per cent aqueous solution of iron alum, one hour to over night.

3. Rinse in distilled water and place in 0.5 per cent aqueous solution of hematoxylin, same time as in the iron alum.

4. Rinse in distilled water and return to the iron alum until sections are a pale gray. Check from time to time by rinsing in distilled water and examining under microscope to see that the desired structures are still visible.

5. When sufficiently destained, wash in running water for twenty minutes, or in distilled water, with frequent changes, for two hours.

6. Run up the alcohols, clear, and mount.

Fuchsin and picro-indigo-carmine. — This polychromatic stain is especially fine for organogeny.

1. Remove the paraffin and run down the alcohols to distilled water.

2. Stain in basic fuchsin, saturated aqueous solution, twenty minutes.

3. Rinse in distilled water and place in picro-indigo-carmine for five minutes.

Picric acid, saturated aqueous solution................ 50 ce. Indigo-carmine, saturated aqucous solution............ 50 ce.

4. Pass rapidly through 70, 95, and absolute alcohol into xylene-alcohol. The green dye is extracted most rapidly by the 70 per cent alcohol, the red by the absolute. Only experience will teach the right time allowance for each alcohol.

5. Clear in xylene and mount.

Oppel’s polychromatic stain. — This gives beautiful effects with older embryos and larvae.

1. Fix in Bouin.

2. Stain in bulk with undiluted borax-carmine, one to two days. Destain for the same period.

Embed, preferably by the double method. Cut sections, 15-20 u.

Run down the alcohols to water.

Stain in picro-indigo-carmine, 14 minutes. Stain in picro-fuchsin, one minute.


Picric acid, saturated aqueous solution................ 50 ce. Acid fuchsin, saturated aqueous solution.............. 50 ce. 8. Wash in distilled water, changed repeatedly, five minutes. 9. Ninety-five per cent alcohol, two minutes. 10. Phenol-xylene, xylene, and mount.


Not the least important part of technique is the keeping of exact records covering every technical operation. For each embryo there should be a card, giving the following data: Kind of embryo and stage of development. Method of fixation, time and date. Bulk staining, time and date. Method of embedding, time and date. Plane and thickness of sections, and date. Slide staining, time and date. Method of mounting, and date. Name of preparator.



1. Remove embryo from egg in warm normal salt solution.

2. Fix for two hours in Bouin’s fluid.

3. Wash in 70 per cent alcohol (plus lithium carbonate), at least one change, for two days.

4. Pass through 50 per cent alcohol and water, one hour each.

5. Stain in dilute borax-carmine or Delafield’s alum-hematoxylin, four days.

6. Destain in acid 70 per cent alcohol until desired effect is obtained.

7. Wash in neutral 85 per cent alcohol. (The hematoxylinstained specimen is transferred to alkaline 85 per cent alcohol until blue color is restored.) Two days.

8. Dehydrate and clear: 95 per cent, 100 per cent alcohol, absolute alcohol-xylene, xylene, twenty minutes each.

Mount in Canada balsam OR

9. Prepare for embedding by pouring off half the xylene and adding an equal amount of paraffin chips. Keep in warm place up to four days. REFERENCES 349

10. Continue by transferring embryo to melted paraffin and place in paraffin oven for an hour and a half. 11. Embed in fresh paraffin and cool in water. Make blocks. 12. Cut transverse sections 20 u in thickness on microtome. 13. Prepare clean albumenized slide, float sections on this in order, warm until sections are expanded, remove surplus water. Dry for at least two days. 14. Remove paraffin with xylene, and A. Mount in balsam, or B. Run down alcohols to 70 per cent and destain. Run up the alcohols, through absolute alcohol and xylene and xylene, mount in balsam, or C. Run down alcohols to water and restain, dehydrate, clear and mount, or D. To 95 per cent and counterstain for one minute. Dehydrate, clear, and mount.


Baker, J. R. 1933. Cytological Technique.

Ballentyne, F. M. 1928. An Introduction to the Technique of Section Cutting.

Carleton, H. M. 1926. Histological Technique.

Gage, S. H. 1925. The Microscope, 14th Ed.

Guyer, M. F. 1917. Animal Micrology, 2nd Ed.

Lee, A. B. 1929. The Microtomist’s Vade-Mecum, 9th Ed.

McClung, Ch. 1929. Handbook of Microscopical Technique.

Oppel, A. 1914. Embryologisches Practikum und Entwicklungslehre.

Rugh, R. 1934. Induced Ovulation and Artificial Fertilization in the Frog. Biol. Bull. 66, 22-29.

Shumway, W. 1926. Fuchsin and Picro-indigo-carmine, a Polychromatic Stain for Vertebrate Organogeny. Stain Technology I, 1. CHAPTER XV STUDY OF EMBRYOLOGICAL PREPARATIONS

During the carly stages of development, embryos are too small to be studied with the unaided eye. Some observations, to be sure, may be made with the dissecting lens, but most embryological work requires the use of the compound microscope. Although the student may be familiar with the use of the microscope from the elementary course in biology, he should nevertheless review this subject before proceeding further. In addition, he should at this time familiarize himself with the simpler methods of measuring objects with the aid of the microscope, as embryological drawings require a strict accuracy as to proportions. A great convenience in embryological work is the camera lucida or some other device by means of which accurate outlines may be traced. Finally, we must consider the methods by which the embryo may be reconstructed in magnified form from serial sections, thus returning, in a sense, to the point where the study of embryological technique was begun.


Nomenclature of the microscope. — The separate parts of the microscope (Fig. 239) may be grouped into two systems, the mechanical parts, and the optical parts. The principal mechanical parts are the base, from which arises the pillar, attached to which is the arm, which may be inclined at the joint. Attached to the arm, just above the joint, is the stage, upon which the slide is placed for examination, and beneath this, the movable sub-stage equipment, consisting of a condenser-sleeve, and one or two iris-diaphragms, by means of which the amount of light to be used is regulated. At the base of the arm is the mirror, a silvered double mirror, with a plane surface on one side and a concave surface on the other. At the upper end of the arm are two screws, the coarse and fine adjustments, by means of which

the barrel of the microscope may be raised or lowered either 300 THE OBJECTIVES 351

rapidly or very slowly. The barrel is composed of the bodytube, connected to the arm by a rack and pinion, in the upper end of which is enclosed an inner tube, the draw-tube, on which is a graduated scale of millimeters representing the tube length exclusive of the revolving nose-piece at the lower end. The optical parts of the microscope are systems of lenses, the condenser, placed in the condensersleeve, the objectives, attached to the revolving nose-piece, and the oculars, one of which is placed at the upper end of the drawtube.

The condenser. — This is a system of lenses which increases the amount of illumination O thrown upon the object, and is BJECTIVE required only with the higherpower objectives.

The objectives. — These are systems of lenses which produce an enlarged and inverted image of the object under proper conditions. Objectives were formerly marked by arbitrary letters V1¢. 239.— Diagram showing parts of or numbers, with the lowest-pow- ae compound microscope. (From er objectives beginning the series. age.)

To-day they are usually indicated by the equivalent focal length (E. F.), that is, the focal length of a simple lens at 250 mm. or 10 inches, or else by the actual magnification (x) at 160 mm. (Leitz microscopes, 170 mm.). In some of the older microscopes the tube lengths indicated on the draw-tube were calibrated without including the length of the revolving nose-piece, then an accessory part. When setting up these instruments the length of the nose-piece (Leitz, 18 mm.) must be deducted and the drawtube set at the reduced length (Leitz, 152 mm.). The most useful objectives for general embryological purposes are the 25-mm. or 6 X, which will hereafter be spoken of as the lowerpower objective; the 16-mm. or 10 X, which will be called the

Coarse Adjustment


medium-power objective; and the 4-mm. or 40 x, known as the high-power objective. For the study of the germ cells, an oilimmersion objective, of which the front lens must be in contact with the cover glass by means of a drop of cedar oil, is necessary. The most generally used immersion objective is that of 1.9 mm. E. F. or approximately 95 xX.

Oculars. — These are systems of lenses which magnify the real image formed by the objective. Like objectives, these were, in the past, usually numbered or lettered, beginning with that of the lowest power, but now are marked with the E. F. at 250 mm. or the actual magnification at 160 mm. (Leitz oculars, 170 mm.). The most useful oculars are the 50-mm. (5 X) or low-power ocular, and the 25-mm. (10 x) or high-power ocular. When used with the objectives given above, a range of magnification from 30 xX to 450 * may be obtained. A method of obtaining the exact magnification will be described in connection with the directions for reconstruction given below.

The use of the microscope. —

1. Place the microscope squarely in front of you with the pillar toward you and the stage horizontal.

2. Place the low-power ocular in the draw-tube, and adjust this to a length of 160 mm. (170 mm. for Leitz instruments) as indicated on the millimeter scale. Swing the low-power objective into position. Place the mirror bar in the median line and adjust the mirror to secure an even illumination. Use the plane side of the mirror. The concave side is employed only when the condenser is not in use.

3. Place the slide on the stage so that the object to be examined is in the center of the stage aperture, and fasten it down with the spring clips provided. With the coarse adjustment, lower the body-tube until the objective nearly touches the cover glass. Then, with the eye at the ocular, slowly raise the body-tube until the object comes into plain view. With the fine adjustment, raise and lower the body-tube a little at a time until the point at which the smallest details show clearly is discovered. This is the focal point.

4, When using the low-power and medium-power objectives, the condenser should be lowered until the illumination is evenly distributed. With the high-power objective, the condenser should MICROMETRY 353

be raised almost to the level of the stage. The iris diaphragm should be open sufficiently to illuminate about three-quarters of the aperture of the objective. In other words, it is more widely open for the low-power objective than for the high-power objective.

5. If a greater magnification is desired, change to the highpower ocular, which will double the magnification. If this is not sufficient, return to the low-power ocular and swing the mediumpower objective into position, and so on. On most modern instruments, the objectives are par-focal; that is to say, the lengths of the objectives are such that when another objective is swung into place the object will still be visible. If, however, the object is not in focus, it is best to lower the body-tube until the new objective almost touches the cover glass, and focus up until the object comes into view. If the oil-immersion objective is to be used, lower the condenser and place a drop of oil on its upper surface; then raise it until it touches the bottom of the slide. Place another drop immediately over the object on the cover glass and lower the body-tube with great care until the front lens of the objective touches the oil. Focus by means of the fine adjustment only. .

6. All optical parts of the microscope must be cleaned with lens-paper. After the oil-immersion objective has been used, the front lens, condenser, and slide should be wiped with a bit of lens-paper dipped in xylene and then dried with a fresh piece. Never separate any of the optical parts. The microscope should be lifted by the pillar unless a special grip is provided to the arm. The microscope should be kept in the case when not in use. One of the oculars should be left in the draw-tube at all times to prevent dust getting on the upper lenses of the objectives. Beginners should try to avoid the error of closing the eye that is not in use. Practice will enable the microscopist to work with both eyes open and even to alternate the right and left eye at the ocular.

Micrometry. — The unit of measurement in microscopy is the micron (x). It is the one-thousandth part of a millimeter. Measurement of microscopic objects is performed with the aid of micrometers, of which there are two types, the stage micrometer and the ocular micrometer. The former is a glass slide, in the center of which, under a cover glass, is a line, usually 2 mm. long, 354 STUDY OF EMBRYOLOGICAL PREPARATIONS

divided into 200 equal parts, each of which, therefore, is equivalent to 10 wu. The ocular micrometer is a glass disc, placed in an ocular at the level of the ocular diaphragm, on which is engraved a scale, with arbitrary subdivisions. Some oculars are furnished with a draw-tube so that the upper lens of the system may be focused more sharply upon the scale. The value of the divisions indicated on the scale varies according to the amount of magnification of the real image, and so must be obtained for each objective independently, according to the following method:

1. Arrange the microscope as before, taking particular care to secure the proper tube-length.

2. Focus the eye-lens on the ocular micrometer scale by means of the ocular draw-tube. Focus the objective on the stage micrometer.

3. Make the lines of the stage micrometer parallel with those of the ocular micrometer, and determine the value of the divisions of the ocular micrometer in terms of those of the stage micrometer. Thus, if it requires 10 spaces of the ocular micrometer, and the latter is equal to 0.1 mm., then the value of a single space of the ocular micrometer for that particular objective and at that particular tube-length is 0.01 mm. or 10 ». Determine the value of the ocular micrometer for each objective in the same way.


Free-hand drawings of microscopic objects can only approximate an accurate representation. However, great pains should be taken to secure at least accurate proportions, neat and cleancut lines, and complete labels. Accurate outlines can be secured by the aid of the camera lucida, various types of projection apparatus, or microphotography.

Equipment. — The student will need a hard lead pencil (4H), a medium pencil (HB), and blue, red, and yellow colored pencils, an eraser, and bond paper to fit the note-book cover used in earlier courses.

Free-hand drawing. —

1. Lay off the space to be occupied by the drawing, by placing four dots at the corners. Rule in two lines, intersecting at the center of this space. These will represent the dorso-ventral ABBE CAMERA LUCIDA 355

and the dextro-sinistral axes, if the drawing is to be of a transverse section.

2. Measure the corresponding axes of the sections by means of the ocular micrometer, multiply by the desired magnification of the drawing, and lay off these magnified measurements on the cross lines already drawn. The following magnifications are recommended: for the twenty-four hour chick, 100 x; for the thirty-three hour chick, 75 x; for the forty-eight hour chick, 50 xX; for the seventy-two hour chick, 30 x; for the 10 mm. pig, 20 x.

3. Draw in a careful outline of the section and of the internal structures, paying particular attention to the proportions, which should be measured with the ocular micrometer and laid off on the axes at the proper magnification.

4, On one side of the dorso-ventral axis, all structures should be colored with the crayons in accordance with the following scheme: ectoderm, blue; mesoderm, red; and endoderm, yellow.

5. Label all structures represented in the section, using broken lines at right angles to the long axis of the paper to connect the label with the structure indicated.

6. Identify the drawing fully, by means of a serial number, the species, and stage of development, the number given to the series, slide, and section, the type of sections, and the amount of magnification. Example: No. 23, Chick, 48 hours, Series 1102, Slide 2, section 28, transverse section 50 x. If a drawing has already been made of the total embryo or a total mount, indicate on this, by means of a heavy ruled line, the position of the section just drawn, and number this line with the serial number of the section.

Abbé camera lucida. — This is an attachment which reflects the light from the drawing board, by means of a mirror, to a silvered prism, whence the light is reflected to the eye, superimposed on the image of the object which is transmitted through a small hole in the silvered surface of the prism directly above the ocular of the microscope (Fig. 240).

1. Attach the camera to the draw-tube of the microscope in such a way that the mirror projects to the right, and the opening in the prism lies above the center of the ocular.

2. Extend the mirror arm to its greatest length and set the 356 STUDY OF EMBRYOLOGICAL PREPARATIONS

mirror at an angle of 45°. The mirror arm must be parallel to the drawing board.

3. Try various combinations of objectives and oculars until an image of the desired magnification appears on the paper. Magnifications intermediate to those obtainable in this way may be secured by varying the tube-length or by raising or lowering the drawing board. If the stage of the microscope interferes with the drawing, the mirror should be set at an angle of 40° or 35° and the drawing board tilted toward the microscope at an angle of 10° or 20°, respectively, by means of wooden images. If the image is stronger than the reflection of the pencil point, a smoked glass may be placed beneath the prism, or the aperture of the iris diaphragm may be reduced. If the reflection of the pencil is stronger than the image, smoked glass may be placed . at the side of the prism or the amount Fig. 240. — Diagram showing prin- Of light falling on the paper reduced

ciple of the Abbé camera lucida. by means of a screen.

Path of image seen in microscope 4, Draw in the outlines of the sec shown in broken lines, that on, .

drawing paper shown in unbroken tions and the larger internal struc lines. (From Gage.) tures. The details may be added


5. Remove the slide and substitute a stage micrometer. Trace in part of the scale by means of which both the magnification of the drawing and the absolute size of the object may be computed readily.

Projection apparatus. — Where many drawings are to be made, as in the case of reconstructions, some form of apparatus by means of which the image of the section may be projected directly upon the paper is very helpful. There are many types of projection apparatus, directions for the use of which may be obtained with the instruments. THE GRAPHIC METHOD (OF HIS) 357

Microphotography. — The photography of minute objects with the aid of the microscope is of great assistance in embryology. However, the methods are so difficult, the apparatus so complex, expensive, and delicate, and the process requires so much technical knowledge and skill, that microphotography has been considered a field too advanced for the beginning student, although a method described by Headland seems to overcome these difficulties to a large extent. In recent years the motion-picture camera has been adapted for use with the microscope, and excellent results have already been obtained.


After an embryo has been sectioned, it is sometimes necessary to reconstruct some part of it from the sections. There are two important methods: graphic reconstruction, in which a geometric projection of a sagittal section, for example, might be made from transverse sections; and plastic reconstruction, in which magnified replicas of each section are made of wax and piled together so as to make an enlarged model of the object to be studied. A complete series of sections of uniform thickness and accurate orientation is required for either type of reconstruction, and an outline drawing of the embryo before sectioning is of great assistance.

The graphic method (of His).— This method can best be described by giving practical directions for a particular problem, e.g., to prepare a geometrical sagittal projection 20 x of the neural tube of a 10 mm. pig embryo from a series of transverse sections 20 pz in thickness.

1. From the lateral view of the embryo drawn before sectioning, make an outline drawing 20 x.

2. Draw a median line corresponding to the cephalo-caudal axis, the length of which, in this case, should be 200 mm.

3. Count the number of sections in the series, in this case, 500.

4. Locate the position of each transverse section which you have drawn on the median line of the outline. Thus if the most anterior section drawn was the fiftieth of the series of 500 sections, it would be located at a point 1/10 of the total length of the axis (200 »), or 20 mm. from the cephalic end.

5. Theoretically, each section is at right angles to the median 358 STUDY OF EMBRYOLOGICAL PREPARATIONS

line, but this angle may be greater or less as a result of variations in technique. Study each drawing of a cross section in connection with the ‘drawing of the total embryo and determine the angle made by that section with the cephalo-caudal axis of the embryo. Draw in, at each point located on the median line, a cross line at the proper angle so determined. These lines represent the dorso-ventral axes of the transverse sections. Their lengths should correspond with those of the dorso-ventral axes of the drawings of the transverse sections previously made at the same magnification, 20 x.

6. Plot in on each section-plane line (dorso-ventral axis) the dorsal and ventral boundaries of the neural tube as determined from measurements of the drawings already made. Interpolate by direct measurement and magnification of these points on intervening sections.

7. Sketch in the contours of the neural tube by connecting up the points which have just been plotted. Compare the drawing with a sagittal section of an embryo in the same stage of development.

Plastic reconstruction. — This method also will be indicated by practical directions for the reconstruction of a particular organ, in this case, a model 50 x of the heart of a 10 mm. pig, from a series of transverse section, 20 u in thickness.

1. Prepare a number of wax plates of the proper thickness. In this case, if every section is to be reconstructed, the thickness of the plates must be 50 X 20 u,orlmm. Nearly as good results can be obtained by reconstructing every second section and making the plates twice as thick. The wax is prepared according to the following formula:

Beeswax... 0... ccc cc cece eee eee e eee eeeeee 6 parts Paraffin, 56° C. mp... ccc eee cceeec eee eeeeeee 4 parts Rosin, white lump. ...... 0. cee eee cece ee eee eee 2 parts

Mix and melt.

Pour 130 grams of this wax into a pan with an inside measurement of 500 X 280 mm., into which boiling water has been poured to a depth of 15 mm. This amount of wax will make a plate 1 mm. in thickness. Bubbles in the wax may be removed by playing the flame of a bunsen burner over the surface as it is cooling. As the surface hardens, cut the edges free from the sides of PLASTIC RECONSTRUCTION 359

the pan. When the wax has set put is still malleable, roll up the plate and remove it to a soapstone slab, where it is unrolled and allowed to cool.

2. With the help of a camera lucida or projection apparatus, prepare outlines 50 x of the heart in all the sections in which it isfound. Number the drawings consecutively and note the serial number of the sections drawn, so that it will be possible to check the drawings later if necessary. Note also whether the right and left sides of the drawing actually correspond with the right and left sides of the embryo or whether this condition is reversed. This is very important, as a mistake at this point would render the reconstruction valueless.

3. Transfer the drawings to the wax plates by means of carbon paper. Place the wax plates on a sheet of glass, and cut out the parts to be preserved with a sharp scalpel, leaving bridges of wax to connect the parts which would otherwise be separated. These bridges are best made in the form of arches bending towards the outside of the section.

4. Pile the sections in order, taking care to avoid the reversal of right and left sides, and to get an accurate fit. It is best to group the sections in piles of ten. A steady pressure of the hand will be sufficient to cause the sections to adhere to each other. The bridges may be cut away and stout pieces of wire substituted. Heat the wire at each end and press into position. After the wire is set, the wax bridges are cut away and the edges of the piece smoothed with a heated scalpel or aluminum modeling tool.

5. When all the sections have been combined in groups of ten, these groups should be united and the completed model smoothed in the same way. Such models may be painted or dissected, and mounted on wooden supports as desired. They are quite permanent if not exposed to high temperatures. Plaster of Paris molds and casts may be made from them in the customary manner.


Belling, J. 1930. The Use of the Microscope. Cage, S. H. 1932. The Microscope, 15th Ed. Guyer, M. F. 1917. Animal Micrology, 2nd Ed: 360 STUDY OF EMBRYOLOGICAL PREPARATIONS

Headland, C. I. 1924. A Simple and Rapid Photomicrograph for Embryological Sections. Anatomical Record, XVII, 2.

Lee, A. B. 1929. The Microtomist’s Vade-Mecum, 9th Ed.

Mueller, J. F. 1935. A Manual of Drawing for Science Students.

Norman, J. R. 1923. Methods and Technique of Reconstruction. Journal of the Royal Microscopical Society.