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(358) R. v. Willemoes-Suhm. " Biologische Beobachtungen U. niedrige  
(358) R. v. Willemoes-Suhm. " Biologische Beobachtungen U. niedrige  
Meeresthiere." Zeit. f. wiss. Zool. Bd. xxi. 1871.  
Meeresthiere." Zeit. f. wiss. Zool. Bd. xxi. 1871.
==Chapter XIII. Discophora==
THE eggs of the Discophora, each enclosed in a delicate
membrane, are enveloped in a kind of mucous case formed by a
secretion of the integument, which hardens into a capsule or
cocoon. In each cocoon there are a limited number of eggs
surrounded by albumen. The cocoons are attached to waterplants, etc. In Clepsine the embryos leave the cocoon very
soon after they get rid of the egg membrane, but in Nephelis
they remain within the cocoon for a very much longer period
(27 28 days after hatching). The young of Clepsine, after
their liberation, attach themselves to the ventral surface of their
Our knowledge of the development of the Discophora is in a
very unsatisfactory state ; but sufficient is known to shew that it
has very many points in common with that of the Oligochaeta,
and that the Discophora are therefore closely related to the
Chaetopoda. In Clepsine there is an epibolic gastrula, and
mesoblastic bands like those in Euaxes are also formed. In
Nephelis however the segmentation is very abnormal, and the
formation of the germinal layers cannot easily be reduced to an
invaginate gastrula type, though probably it is modified from
such a type. Mesoblastic bands similar to those in the Oligochaeta occur in this form also.
The embryology of Clepsine, which will serve as type for the
Leeches without jaws (Rhyncobdellidae), has recently been
studied by Whitman (No. 365), and that of Nephelis, which will
1 The Discophora are divided into the following groups.
I. Rhyncobdellidse.
II. Gnathobdellidae.
III. Branchiobdellidffi.
serve as type for the Leeches with jaws (Gnathobdellidae), has
been studied by Butschli (No. 359). The early history of both
types is imperfectly known 1 .
Formation of the layers.
Clepsine. It is necessary to give a full account of the segmentation
of Clepsine, as the formation of the germinal layers would be otherwise
Segmentation commences with the division of the ovum into two unequal
spheres by a vertical cleavage passing from the animal to the vegetative
pole. By a second vertical cleavage the large segment is divided into two
unequal parts, and the small one into two equal parts. Of the four segments
so produced three are relatively small, and one, placed at the posterior end,
is large. Each of the four segments next gives rise to a small cell at the
animal pole. These small cells form the commencement of the epiblast,
and, according to Whitman, the mouth is eventually placed in their centre.
Such a position for the mouth, at the animal pole, is extremely unusual, and
the statements on this head require further confirmation.
The posterior large segment now divides into two, one of which is dorsal,
and the other and larger ventral. The former I shall call
with Whitman the neuroblast,
and the latter the mesoblast.
The mesoblast very shortly
divides again. During the formation of the neuroblast and
mesoblast additional epiblastic
small cells are added from the
three spheres which give rise
to three of the primitive epiblast cells, which may now be
called the vitelline spheres.
The neuroblast next divides
into ten cells, of which the two
smaller are soon broken up
into epiblastic cells, while the
remaining eight arrange themselves in two groups of four
each, one group on each side
at the posterior border of the epiblastic cap. The two mesoblasts also take up
a position on the right and left sides immediately ventral to the four neuroblasts of each side. The neuroblasts and mesoblasts now commence to
CLEPSINE. (After Whitman.)
o. oral extremity ; m mouth ; pr. germinal
A. This figure shews the blastoderm (shaded)
with a thickened edge formed by the primitive
(i.e. mesoblastic) streaks with the four so-called
neuroblasts posteriorly. The vitelline spheres
are left without shading.
B. represents an embryo in which the blastoderm has enclosed the yolk, and in which the
division into segments has taken place. At the
hind end are shewn the so-called neuroblasts
forming the termination of the germinal streak.
1 Hoffmann's account (No. 36) is so different from that of other observers that
I have been unable to make any use of it.
proliferate at their anterior border, and produce on each side a thickened
band of cells underneath the edge of the cap of epiblast cells. Each of these
bands is formed of a superficial quadruple 1 row of neuroblasts budded off
from the four primary neuroblasts, and a deeper row of mesoblasts. The
compound streaks so formed may be called the germinal streaks.
The general appearance of the embryo as seen from the dorsal surface,
after the appearance of the two germinal streaks, may be gathered from
fig. 158 A. The epiblastic cap in this figure is shaded. The epiblastic cap,
accompanied by the germinal streaks, now rapidly extends and encloses the
three vitelline spheres by a process equivalent to that of an ordinary epibolic
gastrula; but the front and hind ends of the streaks remain practically
stationary. Owing to this mode of growth the edges of the epiblastic cap
and the germinal streaks meet in a linear fashion along the ventral surface
of the embryo (fig. 159, A and B). The germinal streaks first meet anteriorly
(B) and their junction is then gradually continued backwards. The process
is completed at about the time of hatching.
During the above changes the nuclei of the vitelline spheres pass to the
surface and rapidly divide. Eventually, together with part of the protoplasm
of the vitelline spheres, they appear to give rise to a layer of hypoblastic
cells. This layer encloses the remains of the vitelline spheres, which
become the yolk.
At the front end of the germinal streaks, in a position corresponding with that
of the four original epiblast cells,
two depressions appear which
coalesce to form the single oral
invagination ; in the centre of
which are formed the mouth and
pharynx by a second epiblastic
The most important point in FIG. 159. Two EMBRYOS OF CLEPSINE IN
connection with the above history WHICH THE GERMINAL STREAKS HAVE PARTIis the fate of what have been ALLY^MET ALONG THE VENTRAL LINE. (After
called the germinal streaks. Ac- ^ germinal, i.e. mesoblastic streaks,
cording to Whitman they are The area covered by epiblast is shaded .
composed of two kinds of cells, The so-called neuroblasts at the end of the
viz. four rows of smaller super- germinal streaks are shewn in B.
ficial cells, which he calls neuroblasts, and, in the later stages at any rate, a
row of deeper large cells, which he calls mesoblasts. As to the eventual fate
of these cells he states that the neuroblasts uniting together in the median
line form the rudiment of the ventral ganglionic chain, while the mesoblasts
equally coalesce and give rise to the mesoblast. Such a mode of origin for a
ventral ganglionic chain is, so far as I know, without a parallel in the whole
animal kingdom ; and whatever evidence Whitman may have that the cells
1 According to Robin it is more usual for there to be only a triple row of primary
in question really do give rise to the nervous system he has not thought fit to
produce it in his paper. He figures a section with the eight neuroblastic cells
in the middle ventral line, and in the next stage described the nervous
system is divided up into ganglia ! The first stage, in which the so-called
nervous system has the form of a single row of eight cells, is quite unlike
any rudiment of the nervous system such as is usually met with in the
Chaetopoda, and not a single stage between this and a ganglionated cord is
described or figured. Whitman, whose views seem to have been influenced
by a peculiar, and in my opinion erroneous, theory of Rauber's about the
relation of the neural groove of Vertebrata to the blastopore, does not seem
to be aware that his determination of the fate of his neuroblasts requires any
special support.
He quotes the formation of these parts in Euaxes (vide preceding
Chapter, p. 324) as similar to that in Clepsine. In this comparison it
appears to me probable that he may be quite correct, but the result of the
comparison would be to shew that the neuroblasts and mesoblasts composed
together a mesoblastic band similar to that of the Oligochaeta. Till more
evidence is brought forward by Whitman or some other observer in support
of the view that the so-called neuroblasts have any share in forming the
nervous system, they must in my opinion be regarded as probably forming,
in conjunction with the mesoblasts, two simple mesoblastic bands. Kowalevsky has moreover briefly stated that he has satisfied himself that the
nervous system in Clepsine originates from the epiblast a statement which
certainly could not be brought into harmony with Whitman's account.
Nephelis. Nephelis will form my type of the Gnathobdellidae. The
segmentation of this form has not yet been thoroughly investigated, but
Biitschli's (No. 359) observations are probably the most trustworthy.
The ovum first divides into two, and then into four segments of which
two are slightly smaller than the others. Four small cells which form the
commencement of the epiblast are now formed. Three of them are derived
by budding from the two larger and one of the smaller of the four cells,
and the fourth from a subsequent division of one of the larger cells 1 .
The three cells which assisted in the formation of the epiblast cells again
give rise each to a small cell ; and the small cells so formed constitute a
layer underneath the epiblast which is the commencement of the hypoblast,
while the cells from which they originated form the vitelline spheres.
Shortly after the formation of the hypoblast, the large sphere which has
hitherto been quiescent divides into two, one of which then gives rise
in succession to two small epiblastic elements.
The two large spheres, resulting from the division of the originally
quiescent sphere, next divide again on the opposite side of the embryo,
and form a layer of epiblast there ; so that there is now on one side of
the embryo (the ventral according to Robin) a layer of epiblast formed
1 Doubts have been cast by Whitman on the above account of the origin of the
four epiblast cells.
of six cells, and on the opposite side a layer formed of four cells. The
two layers meet at the front border of the embryo and between them are
placed the three large vitelline spheres. The two patches of epiblast cells
now rapidly increase, and gradually spread over the three large vitelline
spheres. Except where they meet -each other at the front edge they leave
uncovered a large part of the margin of the vitelline spheres.
While these changes have been taking place on the exterior, the
hypoblast cells have increased in number (additional cells being probably
derived from the three large vitelline spheres) and fill up in a column-like
fashion a space which is bounded behind by the three vitelline spheres, and
in front by the epiblast of the anterior end of the embryo. At the sides of
the hypoblast the mesoblast has become established, probably as two lateral
bands. The origin of the cells forming it has not yet been determined.
The hypoblast cells in the succeeding stage arrange themselves round a
central archenteric cavity, and at the same time rapidly increase in size
and become filled with a secondary deposit of food-yolk. Shortly afterwards a mouth and thick-walled oesophagus are formed, probably from an
epiblastic invagination. The mesoblast now forms two curved lateral
bands at the two sides of the body, equivalent to the mesoblastic bands
of the Chaetopoda. The three vitelline spheres, still largely uncovered by
the epiblast, lie at the posterior end of the body. The embryo grows
rapidly, especially anteriorly, and the three vitelline spheres become
covered by a layer of flattened epiblast cells. Around the oesophagus a
cavity traversed by muscular fibres is established. Elsewhere there is no
trace of such a cavity. The cephalic region becomes ciliated, and the
dorsal part of it, which represents a rudimentary prae-oral lobe, is especially
prominent. The cilia of the oral region are continued into the lumen of
the oesophagus, and at a later period are prolonged, as in Lumbricus, along
the median line of the ventral surface.
The mesoblastic bands would seem from Biitschli's observations, which
receive confirmation from Kleinenberg's researches on Lumbricus, to be prolonged dorsally to the oesophagus into the cephalic region. Posteriorly they
abut on the large vitelline spheres, which were supposed by Kowalevsky
to give origin to them, and to play the same part as the large mesoblasts in Lumbricus. It has already been shewn that the function of the
large cells in Lumbricus has been exaggerated, and Biitschli denies to
them in Nephelis any share in the production of the mesoblast. It seems
in fact probable that they are homologous with the three vitelline spheres
of Clepsine ; and that their primitive function is to give origin to the
hypoblast. They are visible for a long time at the hind end of the embryo,
but eventually break up into smaller cells, the fate of which is unknown.
The embryo of Hirudo would appear from the researches of Robin
to develop in nearly the same way as that of Nephelis. The anterior
part is not however ciliated. The three large posterior cells disappear
relatively early.
General history of the larva.
The larva of Clepsine, at the time when the mesoblastic
bands have met along the ventral line, is represented in fig.
158 B. It is seen to be already segmented, the process having
proceeded pari passu with the ventral coalescence of the mesoblastic bands. The segments are formed from before backwards
as in Chaetopoda. The dorsal surface is flat and short, and the
ventral very convex. The embryo about this time leaves its
capsule, and attaches itself to its parent. It rapidly elongates,
and the dorsal surface, growing more rapidly than the ventral,
becomes at last the more convex. Eventually thirty-three postoral segments become formed ; of which the eight last coalesce
to form the posterior sucker.
The general development of the body of Nephelis and
Hirudo is nearly the same as that of Clepsine. The embryo
passes from a spherical to an oval, and then to a vermiform
shape. For full details the reader is referred to Robin's
The presence of a well-marked protuberance above the
oesophagus, which forms the rudiment of a prae-oral lobe, has
already been mentioned as characteristic of the embryo of
Nephelis ; no such structure is found in Clepsine.
History of the germinal layers and development of organs.
The epiblast. The epiblast is formed of a single layer of
cells and early develops a delicate cuticle which is clearly formed
quite independently of the egg membrane. It becomes raised
into a series of transverse rings which bear no relation to the
true somites of the mesoblast.
The nervous system. The nervous system is probably
derived from the epiblast, but its origin still requires further
investigation. The ventral cord breaks up into a series of
ganglia, which at first correspond exactly with the somites of
the mesoblast. Of these, four or perhaps three eventually coalesce to form the sub-cesophageal ganglion, and seven or eight
become united in the posterior sucker.
It would appear from Biitschli's statements that the supra
cesophageal ganglion arises, as in Oligochaeta, independently of
the ventral cord.
Mesoblast. It has already been indicated that the mesoblast probably takes its origin both in Nephelis and Clepsine
from the two mesoblastic bands which unite in the median
ventral line. The further history of these bands is only imperfectly known. They become segmented from before backwards. The somites formed by the segmentation gradually
grow upwards and meet in the dorsal line. Septa are formed
between the somites probably in the same way as in the
In Clepsine the mesoblastic bands are stated by Kowalevsky to become split into somatic and splanchnic layers, between which are placed
the so-called lateral sinuses. These sinuses form, according to Whitman,
a single continuous tube investing the alimentary tract ; a tube which
differs therefore to a very small extent from the normal body cavity of
the Chaetopoda. The somatic layer of mesoblast no doubt gives rise to
the circular and longitudinal muscular layers of the embryo. The former
is stated to appear the earliest, while the latter, as in the Oligochaeta,
first takes its origin on the ventral side.
A delicate musculature, formed mainly of transverse but also of longitudinal fibres, would appear to be developed independently of the mesoblastic bands in Nephelis and Hirudo (Rathke, Leuckart, Robin, and
Biitschli). It develops apparently from certain stellate cells which are
found between the walls of the alimentary tract and the skin, and which
probably correspond to the system of contractile fibres which pass from
the body wall to the alimentary tract through the segmentation cavity in
the larva of Chaetopoda, various Vermes and Mollusca 1 .
The mesoblast, so far as is known, gives rise, in addition to
the parts already mentioned, to the excretory organs, generative
organs, vascular system, etc.
Excretory organs. There are found in the embryo of Nephelis and Hirudo certain remarkable provisional excretory organs
the origin and history of which is not yet fully made out. In
Nephelis they appear as one (according to Robin, No. 364), or
(according to Biitschli, No. 359) as two successive pairs of
1 According to Robin this system of muscles becomes gradually strengthened and
converted into the permanent system. Rathke on the other hand states that it is
provisional, and that it is replaced by the muscles developed from the mesoblastic
somites. It is possible to suppose that it may really become incorporated in the latter
convoluted tubes on the dorsal side of the embryo, which are
stated by the latter author to develop from the scattered mesoblast cells underneath the skin. At their fullest development
they extend, according to Robin, from close to the head to near
the ventral sucker. Each of them is U-shaped, with the open
end forwards, each limb of the U being formed by two tubes
united in front. No external opening has been clearly made
out. Semper believed that the tubes were continuous with
the three posterior vitelline cells, but this has been shewn not
to be the case. Fiirbringer 1 is inclined from his own researches to believe that they open laterally. They contain a
clear fluid.
In Hirudo, Leuckart (No. 362) has described three similar
pairs of organs the structure of which he has fully elucidated.
They are situated in the posterior part of the body, and each of
them commences with an enlargement from which a convoluted
tube is continued for some distance backwards ; it then turns
forwards again and afterwards bends upon itself to open to the
exterior. The anterior part is broken up into a kind of labyrinthic network.
The true segmental organs are found in a certain number
of the segments and are stated (Whitman) to develop from
groups of mesoblast cells. Their origin requires however further
A double row of colossal cells on each side of the body has been
described in Clepsine by Whitman as derived from the mesoblastic plates.
These cells (fig. 58 B), which he calls segment-cells, lie opposite the walls of
the septa. The inner row is stated to be connected with the segmental
organs. Their eventual history is unknown, but they are conjectured
by Whitman to be the mother cells of the testes.
The alimentary tract. This is formed primitively of two
parts the epiblastic stomodaeum forming mouth, pharynx,
and oesophagus, and the hypoblastic mesenteron. The anus is
formed very late as a simple perforation immediately dorsal to
the posterior sucker.
In Clepsine, where there is an epibolic gastrula, the rudiment
1 Morphologisches Jahrbuch, Vol. iv. p. 676. He further speaks of the tube as
" feinverzweigt u. netzformig verastelt," but whether from his own observations is
not clear.
B. II. 23
of the mesenteron is at first formed of the three vitelline
spheres, from the surface of which a true hypoblastic layer
enclosing a central yolk mass becomes differentiated, as already
described. The mesenteric sack so formed is constricted by the
growth of the mesoblastic septa into a series of lobes, while the
posterior part forms a narrow and at first very short tube opening by the anus.
The lobed region forms the sacculated stomach of the adult.
The sacculations of the stomach by their mode of origin necessarily correspond with the segments. In the adult however the
anterior lobe is really double and has two divisions for the two
segments it fills, while the posterior lobe, which, as is well
known, extends backwards parallel with the rectum, is composed
of five segmental sacculations. In connection with the stomodaeum a protrusible pharynx is developed.
In Hirudo and Nephelis the mesenteron has from the first a
sack-like form. The cells which compose the sack give rise to a
secondary deposit of food-yolk. The further changes are practically the same as in Clepsine. In Hirudo the posterior sacculation of the stomach is primitively unpaired. The jaws are
formed at about the same time as the eyes as protuberances on
the wall of the oral cavity.
(359) O. Biitschli. " Entwicklungsgeschichtliche Beitrage (Nephelis)." Zeit.
f. wiss. Zool. Vol. xxix. 1877.
(360) E. Grube. Untersuchnngen iib. d. Entwicklung d. Aniiclidcu. Konigsl)crg, 1844.
(361) C.K.Hoffmann. " Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Clepsineen." Niederldnd. Archiv f. Zool. Vol. iv. 1877.
(362) R. Leuckart. Die mcnschlichen Parasiten (Hirudo), Vol. i. |>. 686,
et seq.
(363) II. Rathke. Beit. z. Entwicklungsgesch. d. Hirudineen. Leipzig, 1862.
(364) Ch. Robin. Mfm. sur le Dhjeloppcment embryogenique des Hirudwccs.
1'aris, 1875.
(365) C. O. Whitman. " Embryology of Clepsine." Quart. J. of Micro.
Science, Vol. xvm. 1878.
[Vide also C. Semper (No. 355) and Kowalevsky (No. 342) for isolated observations.]
IT is convenient for the purposes of embryology to divide
the Gephyrea into two groups, viz. (i) Gephyrea nuda or true
Gephyrea; and (2) Gephyrea tubicola formed by the genus
Segmentation and formation of the layers.
An embolic or epibolic gastrula is characteristic of the
Gephyrea, and the blastopore appears, in some cases at any rate
(Phascolosoma, Thalassema), to become the mouth.
Bonellia. In Bonellia (Spengel, No. 370) the segmentation
is unequal but complete, and, as in many Molluscs etc., the
ovum exhibits before its commencement a distinction into a
protoplasmic and a yoke pole. The ovum first divides into four
equal segments, each of them formed of the same constituents as
the original ovum. At the animal pole four small cells, entirely
formed of protoplasm, are next formed by an equatorial furrow.
They soon place themselves in the intervals between the large
spheres. Four small cells are again budded off from the large
spheres and the eight small cells then divide. By a further
continuation of the division of the existing small cells, and the
formation of fresh ones from the large spheres, a layer of small
1 The following scheme shews the classification of the Gephyrea adopted in the
present chapter :
i. Gephyrea nuda. {
ii. Gephyrea tubicola (Phoronis).
cells is eventually formed, which completely envelops the four
large spheres except for a small blastopore at the vegetative pole
of the ovum (fig. 160 A). The large spheres continue to give
rise to smaller cells which however no longer take a superficial
position but lie within the layer of small cells, and give rise to
the hypoblast (fig. r6o B). The small cells become the epiblast,
and at the blastopore they curl inwards (fig. 160 B) and give
A. Stage when the four hypoblast cells are nearly enclosed.
B. Stage after the formation of the mesoblast has commenced by an infolding of
the lips of the blastopore.
ep. epiblast ; me. mesoblast ; bl. blastopore.
rise to a layer of cells, which appears to extend as an unbroken
sheet between the epiblast and hypoblast, and to form the
mesoblast. The blastopore now closes up, but its position in
relation to the parts of the embryo has not been made out.
In Phascolosoma (Selenka, No. 369) the ovum, enclosed in a
porous zona radiata, divides into two unequal spheres, of which
the smaller next divides into two and then into four. An
invagination takes place which is intermediate between the
embolic and the epibolic types. The small cells, the number of
which is increased by additions from the large sphere, divide, and
grow round the large sphere. The latter in the meantime also
divides, and the cells produced from it form on the one hand a
small sack which opens by the blastopore, and on the other they
fill up the segmentation cavity, and become the mesoblast and
blood corpuscles. Tin- Mastoporc becomes the permanent
Larval forms and development of organs.
Amongst the Gephyrea armata the larva has as a rule
(Thalassema, Echiurus) the characters of a trochosphere, and
closely approaches the typical form characteristic of the larva of
Polygordius, often known as Loven's larva. In Bonellia this
larval form is less perfectly preserved.
Echiurus. In Echiurus (Salensky, No. 368) the youngest
known larva has all the typical trochosphere characters (fig. 161).
It is covered with cilia and divided into a prae-oral lobe and
post-oral region of nearly equal dimensions. There is a double
ciliated ring which separates the two sections of the body as in
the larva of Polygordius : the mouth (m) opens between its two
elements. The alimentary canal is divided into a stomodaeum
with a ventral opening, a large stomach, and a short intestine
opening by a terminal anus (an). Connecting the oesophagus
with the apex of the prae-oral lobe is the usual contractile band,
and at the insertion of this band -is a thickening of the epiblast
which probably represents the rudiment of the supra-oesophageal
ganglion. A ventral nerve cord is stated by Salensky to be
present, but his observations on this point are not quite satisfactory.
The metamorphosis is accompanied by the loss of swimming
power, and consists in the
enlargement of the post-oral
portion of the trunk, and in
the simultaneous reduction
of the prae-oral lobe, which
remains however permanently as the cylindrical
proboscis. A groove which
terminates posteriorly at the
mouth is very early formed
on its ventral side. The
ciliated rings gradually disappear during the metamorphosis.
(After Salensky.)
_ m. mouth ; an. anus ; sg. supra-ceso
Of the further external phageal ganglion (?).
changes the most important are (i) the early appearance
round the anal end of the body of a ring of bristles ; and (2) the
appearance of a pair of ventral setae in the anterior part of the
body. The anterior ring of bristles characteristic of the adult
Echiurus does not appear till a late period.
Of the internal changes the earliest is the formation of the
anal respiratory sacks. With the growth of the posterior part
of the trunk the intestine elongates, and becomes coiled.
Bonellia. The embryo of Bonellia, while still within the
egg, retains a spherical form and acquires an equatorial band of
cilia, behind which a second narrower band is soon established,
while in front of the first one a pair of eye-spots becomes
A. Larva with two ciliated bands and two eye-spots.
B. Ripe larva from the dorsal surface.
C. Young female Bonellia from the side.
a/, alimentary tract ; m. mouth ; sc. provisional excretory tube ; s. ventral hook ;
an.-', anal vesicle.
formed (fig. 162 A). The embryo on becoming hatched rapidly
elongates, while at the same time it becomes dorso-vcntrally
flattened and acquires a complete coating of cilia (fig. 162 B).
According to Spengel it resembles at this time in its form and
habits a rhabdoccelous Turbcllarian. The anterior part is
however somewhat swollen and presents an indication of a
pre-oral lobe.
During the above changes important advances are made in the formation of the organs from the embryonic layers.
The epiblast acquires a superficial cuticula, which is perhaps directly
derived from the vitelline membrane. The nervous system is also formed,
probably from the epiblast. The band-like supra-cesophageal ganglion is
the first part of the nervous system formed, and appears to be undoubtedly
derived from the epiblast. The ventral cord arises somewhat later, but the
first stages in its development have not been satisfactorily traced. It is
continuous with the supra-cesophageal band which completely girths the
oesophagus without exhibiting any special dorsal enlargement. After the
ventral cord has become completely separated from the epiblast a central
fibrous mass becomes differentiated in it, while the lateral parts are composed
of ganglion cells. In the arrangement of its cells it presents indications of
being composed of two lateral halves. It is, however, without ganglionic
The mesoblast, though at first very thin, soon exhibits a differentiation
into a splanchnic and somatic layer though the two do not become
distinctly separated by a body cavity. The somatic layer rapidly becomes
thicker, and enlarges laterally to form two bands united dorsally and
ventrally by narrow, thinner bands. The outermost parts of each of these
bands become differentiated into an external circular and an internal
longitudinal layer of muscles. In the pras-oral lobe the mesoblast assumes
a somewhat vacuolated character.
The hypoblast cells form a complete layer round the four yolk cells from
which they arise (fig. 162 B, al\ but at first no alimentary lumen is developed.
The oesophagus appears during this period as an, at first solid, but subsequently hollow, outgrowth of the hypoblast towards the epiblast.
The metamorphosis of the larva into the adult female
Bonellia commences with the conversion of many of the indifferent mesoblast cells into blood corpuscles, and the introduction into the body cavity of a large amount of fluid, which
separates the splanchnic and somatic layers of mesoblast. The
fluid is believed by Spengel to be sea-water, introduced by two
anal pouches, the development of which is described below.
The body cavity is lined by a peritoneum, and very soon
distinct vessels, formed by folds of the peritoneum, become
established. Of these there are three trunks, two lateral and a
median in the prae-oral lobe (proboscis), and in the body a
ventral trunk above the nerve cord, and an intestinal trunk
opening anteriorly into the ventral one. The vessels appear
to communicate with the body cavity.
In the course of the above changes the two ciliated bands
disappear, the hinder one first. The cilia covering the general
surface become atrophied, with the exception of those on the
ventral side of the prae-oral lobe. The latter structure becomes
more prominent ; the stellate mesoblast cells, which fill up its
interior, become contractile, and it gives rise to the proboscis
(fig. 162 C).
At the point where the cesophageal protuberance joined the epiblast at
a previous stage the mouth becomes established (fig. 162 C, ;//), and though
it is formed subsequently to the atrophy of the anterior ciliated band, yet
there is evidence that it is potentially situated behind this band. The lumen
of the alimentary canal becomes established by the absorption of the
remains of the four central cells. The anus is formed on the ventral side
of the posterior end of the body, and close to it the pouches already noticed
grow out from the hindermost part of the alimentary tract (fig. 162 C, an.v\
They are at first simple blind pouches, but subsequently open into the
body cavity 1 . They become the anal pouches of the adult. There is present
when the mouth is first formed a peculiar process of the alimentary tract
projecting into the prae-oral lobe, which appears to atrophy shortly afterwards.
After the formation of the mouth, there are formed on the ventral side of
and slightly behind it (i) anteriorly a pair of tubes, which appear to be
provisional excretory organs and soon disappear (fig. 162 C, sc}\ and (2)
behind them a pair of bristles (s) which remain in the adult. The formation
of the permanent excretory (?) organ (oviduct and uterus) has not been
followed out. The ovary appears very early as a differentiation of the
epithelium lining the ventral vessel.
The larvae, which become the minute parasitic males, undergo
a very different and far less complete metamorphosis than those
which become females. They attach themselves to the proboscis of an adult female, and lose their ciliated bands. Germinal cells make their appearance in the mesoblast, which form
spherical masses, and, like the germinal balls in the female
ovary, consist of a central cell, and an epithelium around it.
The central cell becomes very large, while the peripheral cells
give rise to the spermatozoa. A body cavity becomes developed
in the larvae, into which the spermatic balls are dehisced.
Neither mouth nor anus is formed. The further changes have
not been followed out.
1 The fact that these pouches are outgrowths of the alimentary tract appears to
preclude the possibility of their being homologous with excretory tubes of the Plalyelminthes and Rotifera.
The larval males make their way into the oesophagus of the
female, where they no doubt live for some time, and probably
become mature, though the seminal pouch of the adult is not
found in many of the males living in the oesophagus. When
mature the males leave the oesophagus, and pass into the
Phascolosoma. Cilia appear in Phascolosoma (Selenka,
No. 369) while the ovum is still segmenting. After segmentation
they form a definite band immediately behind the mouth, which
divides the Jarva into two hemispheres a prae-oral and a postoral. A prae-oral band of cilia is soon formed close to the postoral band, and at the apex of the prae-oral lobe a tuft of cilia
also appears.
The larva has now the characters of a trochosphere, but
differs from the typical trochosphere in the post-oral part of the
ciliated equatorial ring being more important than the prae-oral,
and in the absence of an anus.
The metamorphosis commences very early. The trunk
rapidly elongates, and the prae-oral lobe becomes relatively less
and less conspicuous. The zona radiata becomes the larval
Three pairs of bristles are formed on the trunk, of which the
posterior pair appears first, then the anterior, and finally the
middle pair : an order of succession which clearly proves they
can have no connection with a true segmentation.
The tentacles become developed between the two parts of the
ciliated ring, and finally the prse-oral lobe, unlike what takes
place in the Gephyrea armata, nearly completely vanishes.
The anus appears fairly late on the dorsal surface, and the
ventral nerve cord is established as an unganglionated thickening
of the ventral epiblast.
The larva of Phoronis was known as Actinotrocha long
before its connection with Phoronis was established by Kowalevsky (No. 372). There is a complete segmentation leading to
the formation of a blastosphere, which is followed by an invagination, the opening of which is said by Kowalevsky to remain as
the mouth 1 . It is at first terminal, but on the development of a
large prse-oral lobe it assumes a ventral position. The anus
is formed at a later period at the posterior end of the body.
ACTINOTROCHA. (After Metschnikoff.)
A. Young larva.
H. Larva after the formation of post-oral ring of tentacles.
C. Larva with commencing invagination to form the body of Phoronis.
D. Invagination partially everted.
E. Invagination completely everted.
m. mouth ; an. anus; iv. invagination to form the body of Phoronis.
The youngest free larva observed by Metschnikoff (No. 373)
was less developed than the oldest larva found by Kowalevsky.
1 Kowalevsky states that whnt I have called the mouth is the anus, but his subsequent descriptions shew that he has transposed the mouth and anus in the embryo,
and that the opening, which he asserts to be the anus, is in reality the mouth.
It probably belongs to a different species. The body is uniformly ciliated (fig. 163 A). There is a large contractile prse-oral
lobe, and the body ends behind in two processes. The mouth
(m) is ventral, and the anus (an) dorsal, and not terminal as in
Kowalevsky's larva.
The alimentary tract is divided into stomodseum, stomach
and intestine. The two processes at the hind end of the body
are the rudiments of the first-formed pair of the arms which are
so characteristic of the fully developed Actinotrocha. A second
pair of arms next become established on the dorsal side of the
previously existing pair, and the region where the anus is placed
grows out as a special process. New pairs of arms continue to
be formed in succession dorsalwards and forwards, and soon
constitute a complete oblique post-oral ring (fig. 163 B). They are
covered by long cilia. Round the anal process a very conspicuous
ciliated ring also becomes established.
At the period when five pairs of arms are present a delicate membrane
becomes visible on the ventral side of the intestine which joins the somatic
mesoblast anteriorly. This membrane is the rudiment of the future ventral
vessel. The somatic mesoblast is present even before this period as a
delicate layer of circular muscular fibres.
When six pairs of arms have become formed an involution
(fig. 163 C, iv) appears on the ventral side, immediately behind
the ring of arms. This involution consists both of the epiblast
and somatic mesoblast. It grows inwards towards the intestine,
and, increasing greatly in length, becomes at the same time
much folded.
When it has reached its full development the critical period
of the metamorphosis of Actinotrocha into Phoronis is reached,
and is completed in about a quarter of an hour. The ventral
involution becomes evoluted (fig. 163 D), just as one might turn
out the finger of a glove which had been pulled inwards. When
the involution has been to a certain extent everted, the alimentary canal passes into it, and at the same time the body of the
larva becomes violently contracted. By the time the evagination is completed it forms (fig. 162 E) a long conical body,
containing the greater part of the alimentary tract, and constituting the body of the young- Phoronis. The original anal process
remains on the dorsal side as a small papilla (fig. 162 E, an).
364 \< T1NOTROCHA.
While these changes have been taking place the prae-oral
lobe has become much contracted, and partly withdrawn into
the stomodajum. At the same time the arms have become bent
forward, so as to form a ring round the mouth. Their bases
become much thickened. The metamorphosis is completed by
the entire withdrawal of the prae-oral lobe within the oesophagus,
and by the casting off of the ends of the arms, their bases
remaining as the circumoral ring of tentacles, which form
however a lophophore rather than a complete ring. The
perianal ring of cilia is also thrown off, and the anal process
withdrawn into the body of the young Phoronis. There are now
three longitudinal vascular trunks, united anteriorly by a circular
vessel which is prolonged into the tentacles.
General Considerations.
The development of Phoronis is so different from that of the
other Gephyrea that further investigations are required to shew
whether Phoronis is a true Gephyrean. Apart from its peculiar
metamorphosis Actinotrocha is a very interesting larval form, in
that it is without a prae-oral ciliated ring, and that the tentacles
of the adult are derived from a true post-oral ring, prolonged
into arm-like processes.
The other Gephyrea present in their development an obvious
similarity to the normal Chaetopoda, but their development stops
short of that of the Chaetopoda, in that they are clearly without
any indications of a true segmentation. In the face of what is
known of their development it is hardly credible that they can
represent a degenerate Chaetopod phylum in which segmentation
has become lost. Further than this the Gephyrea armata seem
in one respect to be a very primitive type in that they retain
through life a well-developed pra-oral lobe, which constitutes
their proboscis. In almost all other forms, except Balanoglossus,
the larval prae-oral lobe becomes reduced to a relatively insignificant anterior part of the head.
Gephyrea nuda.
(366) A. Kowalevsky. Sitz. d. zool. Abth. d. III. Vcrsam. russ. Naturj.
(Thalasscma). Zeit.f. wiss. Zool. Vol. xxn. 1872, p. 284.
(367) A. Krohn. "Ueb. d. Larve d. Sipunculus nudus nebst Bemerkungen,"
etc. Miiller's Archiv, 1857.
(368) M. Salensky. "Ueber die Metamorphose d. Echiurus." Morphologisches
Jahrbuch, Bd. 11.
(369) E. Selenka. "Eifurchung u. Larvenbildung von Phascolosoma elongatum." Zeit.f. wiss. ZooL 1875, Bd. xxv. p. i.
(370) J. W. Spengel. "Beitrage z. Kenntniss d. Gephyreen (Bonellia)." Mittheil. a. d. zool. Station z. Neapel, Vol. I. 1879.
Gephyrea tubicola (Actinotrocha).
(371) A. Krohn. " Ueb. Pilidium u. Actinotrocha." Miiller's Archiv, 1858.
(372) A. Kowalevsky. "On anatomy and development of Phoronis," Petersbourg, 1867. 2 PI. Russian. Vide Leuckart's Bericht, 1866-7.
(373) E. Metschnikoff. " Ueber d. Metamorphose einiger Seethiere (Actinotrocha)." Zeit.f. wiss. Zool. Bd. xxi. 1871.
(374) J. Miiller. " Bericht lib. ein. Thierformen d. Nordsee." Miiller's Archiv,
(375) An. Schneider. "Ueb. d. Metamorphose d. Actinotrocha branchiata."
Miiller's Arch. 1862.
THE present chapter deals with three small isolated groups,
which only resemble each other in that the systematic position of
all of them is equally obscure.
The discoveries of Kowalevsky (No. 378) confirmed by
Btitschli (No. 376) with reference to the development of Sagitta,
though they have not brought us nearer to a knowledge of the
systematic position of this remarkable form, are nevertheless of
Hiitschli and B after Kowalevsky.) The three embryos are represented in the same
A. The gastrula stage.
li. A succeeding stage in which the primitive archenteron is commencing to be
divided into three parts, the two lateral of which are destined to form the body
C. A later stage in which the mouth involution (/;/) has become continuous with
the alimentary tract, and the blastopore has become closed.
m. mouth; al. alimentary canal ; ae. archenteron ; bl.p. blastopore; pv. perivisceral
cavity; sf>. splanchnopleuric mesoblast; so. somatopleuric mesoblast ; ge. generative
great value for the more general problems of embryology. The
development commences after the eggs are laid. The segmentation is uniform, and a blastosphere, formed of a single layer of
columnar cells, is the product of it. An invagination takes
place, the opening of which narrows to a blastopore situated
at the pole of the embryo opposite that at which the mouth
subsequently appears (fig. 164 A). The simple archenteron soon
becomes anteriorly divided into three lobes, which communicate
freely with the still single cavity behind (fig. 164 B). The two
lateral lobes are destined to form the body cavity, and the
median lobe the alimentary tract of the adult. An invagination
soon arises at the opposite pole of the embryo to the blastopore
and forms the mouth and oesophagus (fig. 164 B and C, m).
At the gastrula stage there is formed a paired mass destined
to give rise to the generative organs. It arises as a prominence
of six cells, projecting from the hypoblast at the anterior pole of
the archenteron, and soon separates itself as a mass, or probably
a pair of masses, lying freely in the cavity of the archenteron
(fig. 164 A. y ge). When the folding of the primitive cavity takes
place the generative rudiment is situated at the hind end of the
median lobe of the archenteron in the position represented
in fig. 164 C, ge.
An elongation of the posterior end of the embryo now takes
place, and the embryo becomes coiled up in the egg, and when
eventually hatched sufficiently resembles the adult to be recognisable as a young Sagitta.
Before hatching takes place various important changes
become manifest. The blastopore disappears after being carried
to the ventral surface. The middle section of the trilobed region
of the archenteron becomes separated from the unpaired
posterior part, and forms a tube, blind behind, but opening
in front by the mouth (fig. 165 A, al). It constitutes the permanent alimentary tract, and is formed of a pharyngeal epiblastic
invagination, and a posterior hypoblastic section derived from
the primitive archenteron. The anus is apparently not formed
till comparatively late. After the isolation of the alimentary
tract the remainder of the archenteron is formed of two cavities
in front, which open freely into a single cavity behind (fig.
165 A). The whole of it constitutes the body cavity and its walls
3 68
f/ic mesoblast. The anterior paired part becomes partitioned off
into a head section and a trunk section (fig. 165 A and B). The
former constitutes a pair of distinct cavities (c.pv) in the head,
and the latter two cavities opening freely into the unpaired
portion behind. At the junction of the paired cavities with the
unpaired cavity are situated the generative organs (ge). The
inner wall of each of the paired cavities forms the splanchnopleuric mesoblast, and the outer wall of the whole the somatic
mesoblast. The inner walls of the posterior cavities unite above
and below the alimentary tract, and form the dorsal and ventral
mesenteries, which divide the body cavity into two compartments
in the adult. Before the hatching of the embryo takes place
this mesentery is continued backwards so as to divide the
primitively unpaired caudal part of the body cavity in the
same way.
From the somatic mesoblast of the trunk is derived the
single layer of longitudinal muscles of Sagitta, and part of the
epithelioid lining of the body cavity. The anterior termination
of the trunk division of the body cavity is marked in the adult
by the mesentery dividing into two laminae, which bend outwards
to join the body wall.
The cephalic section of the body cavity
seems to atrophy, and
its walls to become converted into the complicated system of muscles
present in the head of
the adult Sagitta.
In the presence of
a section of the body
cavity in the head the
embryo of Sagitta re
sembles Lumbricus,
Spiders, etc.
The generative rudiment of each side
divides into an anterior
and a posterior part
SV.ITTA. A. from the dorsal surface. I?, from the
tide. (After 15iitschli.)
m. mouth ; al. alimentary canal ; v.g. ventral
ganglion (thickening of epiblast) ; rp. epiblast ; c.pv,
cephalic section of body cavity; so. somatopleure ;
s/>. splanchnopleure ; ,;v. generative
(fig. 165, ge]. The former constitutes the ovary, and is situated
in front of the septum dividing the tail from the body ; and the
latter, in the caudal region of the trunk, forms the testis.
The nervous system originates from the epiblast. There is a
ventral thickening (fig. 165 B, v.g) in the anterior region of the
trunk, and a dorsal one in the head. The two are at first
continuous, and on becoming separated from the epiblast remain
united by thin cords.
The ventral ganglion is far more prominent during embryonic
life than in the adult. Its position and early prominence in the
embryo perhaps indicate that it is the homologue of the ventral
cord of Chaetopoda 1 .
(376) O. Biitschli. "Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Sagitta." Zeitschrift f.
wiss. Zoo!., Vol. xxni. 1873.
(377) C. Gegenbaur. " Uber die Entwicklung der Sagitta." Abhand. d. naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Halle, 1857.
(378) A. Kowalevsky. " Embryologische Studien an Wiirmern u. Arthropoden." Mem. Acad. Petersbourg, VII. ser., Tom. XVI., No. 12. 1871.
The development of these peculiar parasites on Crinoids has been
investigated by Metschnikoff (No. 380), Semper (No. 381), and Graff
(No. 379).
The segmentation is unequal, and would appear to be followed by an
epibolic invagination. The outer layer of cells (epiblast) becomes covered
with cilia, and the inner is transformed into a non-cellular (?) central yolk
mass. At this stage the larva is hatched, and commences to lead a free
existence. In the next stage observed by Metschnikoff, the mouth, oesophagus, stomach, and anus had become developed ; and two pairs of feet
were present. In both of these feet Chaetopod-like setae were present, which
in the hinder pair were simple fine bristles without a terminal hook. The
papilliform portion of the foot is at first undeveloped. The feet become
successively added, like Chaetopod segments, and the stomach does not
become dendriform till the whole complement of feet (5 pairs) are present.
In the primitive covering of cilia, combined with a subsequent indication
1 Langerhans has recently made some important investigations on the nervous
system of Sagitta, and identifies the ventral ganglion with the parieto-splanchnic ganglia of Molluscs, while he has found a pair of new ganglia, the development of which
is unknown, which he calls the suboesophageal or pedal ganglia. The embryological facts do not appear to be in favour of these interpretations.
B. II. 24
of segments in the formation of the feet and setae, the larva of the Myzostomea shews an approximation to the Chaetopoda, and the group is
probably to be regarded as an early Chactopod type specially modified in
connection with its parasitic habits.
(379) L.Graff. Das Genus Myzostoma. Leipzig, 1877.
(380) E. Metschnikoff. "Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Myzostomum."
Zfit.f. wiss. Zool. y Vol. XVI. 1866.
(381) C. Semper. "Z. Anat. u. Entwick. d. Gat. Myzostomum." Ztit.f. wiss.
Zool., Vol. ix. 1858.
A few observations of Ludwig on the winter eggs of Ichthydium larus
shew that the segmentation is a total and apparently a regular one. It
leads to the formation of a solid morula. The embryo has a ventral
curvature, and the caudal forks are early formed as cuticular structures. By
the time the embryo leaves the egg, it has almost reached the adult state.
The ventral cilia arise some little time prior to the hatching.
(382) H. Ludwig. " Ueber die Ordnung Gastrotricha Mctschn" Zeit. f. wiss.
Zool., Vol. xxvi. 1876.
Nematoidea. Although the ova of various Nematodes have
formed some of the earliest, as well as the most frequent objects
of embryological observation, their development is still but very
imperfectly known. Both viviparous and oviparous forms are
common, and in the case of the oviparous forms the eggs are
usually enveloped in a hard shell. The segmentation is total
and nearly regular, though the two first segments are often
unequal. The relation of the segmentation spheres to the
germinal layers is however only satisfactorily established (through
the researches of Butschli (No. 383)) in the case of Cucullanus
elegans, a form parasitic in the Perch 2 .
The early development of this embryo takes place within
the body of the parent, and the egg is enveloped in a delicate
membrane. After the completion of the early stages of segmentation the embryo acquires the form of a thin flat plate
composed of two layers of cells (fig. 166 A and B). The two
layers of this plate give rise respectively to the epiblast and
hypoblast, and at a certain stage the hypoblastic layer ceases to
1 The following classification of the Nematoda is employed in this chapter :
r Ascaridae.
Trichinidse. II. Gordioidea.
I. Nematoidea. , Filarid8B . m . Chaetosomoidea.
[_ Anguillulidse.
2 The ova of Anguillula aceti are stated by Hallez to undergo a similar development to those of Cucullanus.
grow, while the growth of the epiblastic layer continues. As a
consequence of this the sides of the plate begin to fold over
towards the side of the hypoblast (fig. 166 D.) This folding
results in the formation of a remarkably constituted gastrula,
which has the form of a hollow two-layered cylinder with an
incompletely closed slit on one side (fig. 166 E, bl.p}. This slit
has the value of a blastopore. It becomes closed by the coalescence of the two edges, a process which commences posteriorly,
FIG. 166.
(From Biitschli.)
Surface view of flattened embryo at an early stage in the segmentation.
Side view of an embryo at a somewhat later stage, in optical section.
Flattened embryo at the completion of segmentation.
D. Embryo at the commencement of the gastrula stage.
E. Embryo when the blastopore is reduced to a mere slit.
F. Vermiform embryo after the division of the alimentary tract into oesophageal
and glandular divisions.
m. mouth; ep. epiblast; hy. hypoblast; me. mesoblast; a?, oesophagus; bl.p. blastopore.
and then gradually extends forwards. In front the blastopore
never becomes completely closed, but remains as the permanent
mouth. The embryo after these changes has a worm-like form,
which becomes the more obvious as it grows in length and
becomes curved (fig. 166 F).
The hypoblast of the embryo gives rise to the alimentary
canal, and soon becomes divided into an cesophageal section
(fig. 1 66 F, ce) formed of granular cells, and a posterior division
formed of clear cells. The mesoblast (fig. 166, me) takes its
origin from certain special hypoblast cells around the mouth,
and thence grows backwards towards the posterior end of the
The young Cucullanus becomes hatched while still in the
generative ducts of its parent, and is distinguished by the
presence of a remarkable thread-like tail. On the dorsal surface
is a provisional boring apparatus in the form of a conical papilla.
A firm cuticle enveloping the body is already present. In this
condition it leaves its parent and host, and leads for a time a
free existence in the water. Its metamorphosis is dealt with in
another section.
The ova of the Oxyuridae parasitic in Insects are stated by Galeb (No.
386) to take the form of a blastosphere at the close of segmentation. An
inner layer is then formed by delamination. What the inner layer gives rise
to is not clear, since the whole alimentary canal is stated to be derived from
two buds, which arise at opposite ends of the body, and grow inwards till
they meet.
The generative organs. The study of the development of
the generative organs of Nematodes has led to some interesting
results. In the case of both sexes the generative organs originate (Schneider, No. 390) from a single cell. This cell elongates
and its nuclei multiply. After assuming a somewhat columnar
form, it divides into (i) a superficial investing layer, and (2) an
axial portion.
In the female the superficial layer is only developed distinctly in the median part of the column. In the course of the
further development the two ends of the column become the
blind ends of the ovary, and the axial tissue they contain forms
the germinal tissue of nucleated protoplasm. The superficial
layer gives rise to the epithelium of the uterus and oviduct.
The germinal tissue, which is originally continuous, is interrupted
in the middle part (where the superficial layer gives rise to the
uterus and oviduct), and is confined to the two blind extremities
of the tube.
In the male the superficial layer, which gives rise to the epithelium of the vas deferens, is only formed at the hinder end of
the original column. In other respects the development takes
place as in the female.
Gordioidea. The ovum of Gordius undergoes a regular segmentation.
According to Villot (No. 391) it forms at the close of segmentation a morula,
which becomes two-layered by delamination. The embryo is at first
spherical, but soon becomes elongated.
By an invagination at the anterior extremity the head is formed. It
consists of a basal portion, armed with three rings of stylets, and a conical
proboscis, armed with three large stylets. When the larva becomes free
the head becomes everted, though it remains retractile. By the time the
embryo is hatched a complete alimentary tract is formed with an oral opening
at the end of the proboscis, and a subterminal ventral anal opening. It is
divided into an oesophagus and stomach, and a large gland opens into it at
the base of the proboscis.
The body has a number of transverse folds, which give it a ringed
Metamorphosis and life history.
Nematoidea. Although a large number of Nematodes have
a free existence and simple life history, yet the greater number
of known genera are parasitic, and undergo a more or less complicated metamorphosis 1 . According to this metamorphosis
they may be divided into two groups (which by no means
closely correspond with the natural divisions), viz. those which
have a single host, and those with two hosts. Each of these
main divisions may be subdivided again into two.
In the first group with one host the simplest cases are those
in which the adult sexual form of parasite lays its eggs in the
alimentary tract of its host, and the eggs are thence transported
to the exterior. The embryo still in the egg, if favoured by
sufficient warmth and moisture, completes its development up
to a certain point, and, if then swallowed by an individual of the
species in which it is parasitic in the adult condition, it is
denuded of its shell by the action of the gastric juice, and
develops directly into the sexual form.
Leuckart has experimentally established this metamorphosis in the case
of Trichocephalus affinis, Oxyurus ambigua, and Heterakis vermicularis.
The Oxyuridae of Blatta and Hydrophilus have a similar life history
1 The following facts are mainly derived from Leuckart's exhaustive treatise
(No. 388).
(Caleb, No. 386), and it is almost certain that the metamorphosis of the
human parasites, Ascaris lumbricoides and Oxyurus vermicularis, is of this
A slightly more complicated metamorphosis is common in
the genera Ascaris and Strongylus. In these cases the egg-shell
is thin, and the embryo becomes free externally, and enjoys for
a shorter or longer period a free existence in water or moist
earth. During this period it grows in size, and though not
sexual usually closely resembles the adult form of the permanently free genus Rhabditis. In some cases the free larva
becomes parasitic in a freshwater Mollusc, but without thereby
undergoing any change. It eventually enters the alimentary
tract of its proper host and there become sexual.
As examples of this form of development worked out by Leuckart may
be mentioned Uochmius trigonocephalus, parasitic in the dog, and Ascaris
acuminata, in the frog. The human parasite Dochmius duodenale undergoes the same metamorphosis as Dochmius trigonocephalus.
A remarkable modification of this type of metamorphosis is found in
Ascaris (Rhabdonema) nigrovenosa, which in its most developed condition
is parasitic in the lungs of the frog (Metschnikoff, Leuckart, No. 388). The
embryos pass through their first developmental phases in the body of the
parent. They have the typical Rhabditis form, and make their way after
birth into the frog's rectum. From this they pass to the exterior, and then
living either in moist earth, or the faeces of the frog, develop into a sexual
form, but are very much smaller than in the adult condition. The sexes are
distinct, and the males are distinguished from the females by their smaller
size, shorter and rounded tails, and thinner bodies. The females have
paired ovaries with a very small number of eggs, but the testis of the males
is unpaired. Impregnation takes place in the usual way, and in summer
time about four embryos are developed in each female, which soon burst
their egg-capsules, and then move freely in the uterus. Their active movements soon burst the uterine walls, and they then come to lie freely in the
body cavity. The remaining viscera of the mother are next reduced to a
finely granular material, which serves for the nutrition of the young forms
which continue to live in the maternal skin. The larvae eventually become
free, and though in many respects different from the parent form which gave
rise to them, have nevertheless the Rhabditis form. They live in water or
slime, and sometimes become parasitic in water-snails ; in neither case however do they undergo important changes unless eventually swallowed by a
frog. They then pass down the trachea into the lungs and there rapidly
develop into the adult form. No separate males have been found in the
lungs of the frog, but it has been shewn by Schneider (No. 390) that the
so-called females are really hermaphrodites ; the same gland giving origin
to both spermatozoa and ova, the former being developed before the latter 1 .
The remarkable feature of the above life history is the fact that in the stage
corresponding with the free larval stage of the previous forms the larvae of
this species become sexual, and give rise to a second free larval generation,
which develops into the adult form on again becoming parasitic in the
original host. It constitutes a somewhat exceptional case of heterogamy as
defined in the introduction.
Amongst the Nematodes with but a single host a remarkable parasite in
wheat has its place. This form, known as Anguillula scandens, inhabits in
the adult condition the ears of wheat, in which it lays its eggs. After
hatching, the larvae become encysted, but become free on the death of the
plant. They now inhabit moist earth, but eventually make their way into
the ears of the young wheat and become sexually mature.
The second group of parasitic Nematodes with two hosts
may be divided into two groups, according to whether the larva
has a free existence before passing into its first or intermediate
host, or is taken into it while still in the egg. In the majority
of cases the larval forms live in special connective tissue capsules, or sometimes free in the tissues of their intermediate
hosts ; but the adults, as in the cases of other parasitic Nematodes, inhabit the alimentary tract.
The life history of Spiroptera obtusa may be cited as an example of a
Nematode with two hosts in which the embryo is transported into its
intermediate host while still within the egg. The adult of this form is
parasitic in the mouse, and the ova pass out of the alimentary tract with the
excreta, and may commonly be found in barns, etc. If one of the ova is
now eaten by the meal-worm (larva of Tenebrio), it passes into the body
cavity of this worm and undergoes further development. After about five
weeks it becomes encapsuled between the ' fat bodies ' of the meal-worm.
It then undergoes an ecdysis, and, if the meal-worm with its parasites is
now eaten by the mouse, the parasites leave their capsule and develop into
the sexual form.
As examples of life histories in which a free state intervenes before the
intermediate host, Cucullanus elegans and Dracunculus may be selected.
The adult Cucullanus elegans is parasitic in the alimentary tract of the Perch
and other freshwater fishes. It is a viviparous form, and the young after
birth pass out into the water. They next become parasitic in Cyclops,
passing in through the mouth, so into the alimentary tract, and thence into
the body cavity. They soon undergo an ecdysis, in the course of which the
oesophagus becomes divided into a muscular pharynx and true glandular
1 Leuckart does not appear to be satisfied as to the hermaphroditism of these
forms ; and holds that it is quite possible that the ova may develop parthenogenetically.
oesophagus. They then grow rapidly in length, and at a second ecdysis
acquire a peculiar beaker-like mouth cavity approaching that of the adult.
They do not become encapsuled. No further development of the worm
takes place so long as it remains in the Cyclops, but, if the Cyclops is now
swallowed by a Perch, the worm undergoes a further ecdysis, and rapidly
attains to sexual maturity.
The observations of Fedschenko on Dracunculus medinensis 1 , which is
parasitic in the subcutaneous connective tissue in Man, would seem to shew
that it undergoes a metamorphosis very similar to that of Cucullanus. There
is moreover a striking resemblance between the larvae of the two forms.
The larvae of Dracunculus become transported into water, and then make
their way into the body cavity of a Cyclops by boring through the soft skin
between the segments on the ventral surface of the body. In the body cavity
the larvae undergo an ecdysis and further development. But on reaching
a certain stage of development, though they remain a long time in the
Cyclops, they grow no further. The remaining history is unknown, but
probably the next host is man, in which the larva comes to maturity. In the
adult condition only females of Dracunculus are known, and it has been
suggested by various writers that the apparent females are in reality hermaphrodites, like Ascaris nigrovenosa, in which the male organs come to
maturity before the female.
Another very remarkable human parasite belonging to the same group
as Dracunculus is the form known as Filaria sanguinis hominis, or Filaria
Bancrofti 2 .
The sexual form is parasitic in warm climates in the human tissues, and
produces multitudes of larvae which pass into the blood, and are sometimes
voided with the urine. The larvae in the blood do not undergo a further development, and unless transported to an intermediate host die before very long.
Some, though as yet hardly sufficient, evidence has been brought forward to
shew that if the blood of an infected patient is sucked by a mosquito the
larvae develop further in the alimentary tract of the mosquito, pass through a
more or less quiescent stage, and eventually grow considerably in size, and
on the death of the mosquito pass into the water. From the water they are
probably transported directly or indirectly into the human intestines, and
then bore their way into the tissues in which they are parasitic, and become
sexually mature.
The well-known Trichina spiralis has a life history unlike that of other
known Nematodes, though there can be little doubt that this form should
be classified in respect to its life history with the last- described forms.
The peculiarity of the life history of Trichina is that the embryos set free
in the alimentary canal pass through the walls into the muscular tissues and
there encyst ; but do not in a general way pass out from the alimentary
1 Vide Leuckart, D. men. Par., Vol. II. p. 704.
2 Vide D. P. Manson, " On the development of Filaria sanguinis hominis."
Journal of the Linnean Society, Vol. xiv. No. 75.
canal of one host and thence into a fresh host to encyst. It occasionally
however happens that this migration does take place, and the life history
of Trichina spiralis then becomes almost identical with that of some of the
forms of the third type. Trichina is parasitic in man, and in swine, and
also in the rat, mouse, cat, fox and other forms which feed upon them.
Artificially it can be introduced into various herbivorous forms (rabbit,
guinea-pig, horse) and even birds.
The sexual form inhabits the alimentary canal. The female is viviparous, and produces myriads of embryos, which pass into the alimentary
canal of their host, through the walls of which they make their way, and
travelling along lines of connective tissue pass into the muscles. Here the
embryos, which are born in a very imperfect condition, rapidly develop,
and eventually assume a quiescent condition in a space inclosed by sarcolemma. Within the sarcolemma a firm capsule is developed for each larva,
which after some months becomes calcified ; and after the atrophy of the
sarcolemma a connective tissue layer is formed around it. Within its
capsule the larva can live for many years, even ten or more, without
undergoing further development, but if at last the infected flesh is eaten by
a suitable form, e.g. the infected flesh of the pig by man, the quiescent
state of the larva is brought to a close, and sexual maturity is attained in
the alimentary tract of the new host.
Gordioidea. The free larva of Gordius already described usually penetrates into the larva of Chironomus where it becomes encysted. On the
Chironomus being eaten by some fish (Villot, No. 39) (Phoxinus laevis or
Cobitis barbatula), it penetrates into the wall of the intestine of its second
host, becomes again encysted and remains quiescent for some time. Eventually in the spring it leaves its capsule, and enters the intestine, and
passes to the exterior with the faeces. It then undergoes a gradual metamorphosis, in the course of which it loses its ringed structure and cephalic
armature, grows in length, acquires its ventral cord, and on the development of the generative organs loses the greater part of its alimentary tract.
Young examples of Gordius have often been found in various terrestrial
carnivorous Insecta, but the meaning of this fact is not yet clear.
(383) O. Biitschli. "Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Cucullanus elegans." Zdt.j.
wiss. Zool., B. xxvi. 1876.
(384) T. S. Cobbold. Entozoa. Groombridge and Son, 1864.
(385) T. S. Cobbold. Parasites; A Treatise on the Entozoa of Man mn/
Animals. Churchill, 1879.
(386) O. Galeb. "Organisation et developpement des Oxyurides," &c. Archives de Zool. expcr. et getter. , Vol. vn. 1878.
(387) R. Leu ck art. Untcrsufkutigcn itb. Trichina spiralis. 2nd ed. Leip/ig,
(388) R. Leuckart. Die tnenschlichcn Parasitcn, Bd. II. 1876.
(389) H. A. Pagenstecher. Die Trichinen nach Versitchen dargestellt. Leipzig, 1865.
(390) A.Schneider. Monographic d. Nemaioden. Berlin, 1866.
(391) A. Villot. "Monographic des Dragoneaux" (Gordioidea). Archives de
Zool. exper. et gener., Vol. ill. 1874.
The Acanthocephala appear to be always viviparous. At the time of
impregnation the ovum is a naked cell, and undergoes in this condition the
earlier phases of segmentation.
The segmentation is unequal (Leuckart, No. 393), but whether there is an
epibolic gastrula has not clearly been made out.
Before segmentation is completed there are formed round the ovum
thick protecting membranes, which are usually three in number, the middle
one being the strongest. After segmentation the central cells of the ovum
fuse together to give rise to a granular mass, while the peripheral cells at a
slightly later period form a more transparent syncytium. At the anterior
end of the embryo there appears a superficial cuticle bearing in front a ring
of hooks.
The embryo is now carried out with the excreta from the intestine of
the vertebrate host in which its parent lives. It is then swallowed by some
invertebrate host 1 .
In the intestine of the invertebrate host the larva is freed from its
membranes, and is found to have a somewhat elongated conical form, terminating anteriorly in an obliquely placed disc, turned slightly towards the
ventral surface and armed with hooks. Between this disc and the granular
mass, already described as formed from the central cells of the embryo, is a
rather conspicuous solid body. Leuckart supposes that this body may represent a rudimentary functionless pharynx, while the granular mass in
his opinion is an equally rudimentary and functionless intestine. The body
wall is formed of a semifluid internal layer surrounding the rudimentary
intestine, if such it be, and of a firmer outer wall immediately within the cuticle.
The adult Echinorhyncus is formed by a remarkable process of development within the body of the larva, and the skin is the only part of the
larva which is carried over to the adult.
In Echinorhyncus proteus the larva remains mobile during the formation of the adult, but in other forms the metamorphosis takes place during
a quiescent condition of the larva.
The organs of the adult are differentiated from a mass of cells which
appears to be a product of the central embryonic granular mass, and is
1 Echin. proteus, which is parasitic in the adult state in many freshwater fish,
passes through its larval condition in the body cavity of Gammarus pulex. Ech.
angustatus, parasitic in the Perch, is found in the larval condition in the body cavity
of Asellus aquaticus. Ech. gigas, parasitic in swine, is stated by Schneider (No. 394)
to pass through its larval stages in maggots.
called by Leuckart the embryonic nucleus. The embryonic nucleus becomes
divided into four linearly arranged groups of cells, of which the hindermost
but one is the largest, and very early differentiates itself into (i) a peripheral
layer, and (2) a central mass formed of two distinct bodies. The peripheral
layer of this segment grows forwards and backwards, and embraces the
other segments, with the exception of the front end of the first one which
is left uncovered. The envelope so formed gives rise to the splanchnic and
somatic mesoblast of the adult worm. Of the four groups of cells within it
the anterior gives rise to the proboscis, the next to the nerve ganglion, the
third, formed of two bodies, to the paired generatives, and the fourth to the
generative ducts. The whole of the above complex rapidly elongates, and
as it does so the enveloping membrane becomes split into two layers ; of
which the outer forms the muscular wall of the body (somatic mesoblast),
and the inner the muscular sheath of the proboscis and the so-called generative ligament enveloping the generative organs. The inner layer may be
called the splanchnic mesoblast in spite of the absence of an intestine.
The cavity between the two mesoblastic layers forms the body cavity.
The various parts of the adult continue to differentiate themselves as
the whole increases in size. The generative masses very early shew traces
of becoming differentiated into testes or ovaries. In the male the two
generative masses remain spherical, but in the female become elongated :
the rudiment of the generative ducts becomes divided into three sections
in both sexes. The most remarkable changes are, however, those undergone
by the rudiment of the proboscis.
In its interior there is formed a cavity, but the wall bounding the front
end of the cavity soon disappears. By the time that this has taken place
the body of the adult completely fills up the larval skin, to which it very
soon attaches itself. The hollow rudiment of the proboscis then becomes
everted, and forms a papilla at the end of the body, immediately adjoining the larval skin. This papilla, with the larval skin covering it,
constitutes the permanent proboscis. The original larval cuticle is either
now or at an earlier period thrown off and a fresh cuticle developed. The
hooks of the proboscis are formed from cells of the above papilla, which
grow through the larval skin as conical prominences, on the apex of which
a chitinous hook is modelled. The remainder of the larval skin forms the
skin of the adult, and at a later period develops in its deeper layer the
peculiar plexus of vessels so characteristic of the Acanthocephala. The
anterior oval appendages of the adult cutis, known as the lemnisci, are
outgrowths from the larval skin.
The Echinorhyncus has with the completion of these changes practically
acquired its adult structure ; but in the female the ovaries undergo at this
period remarkable changes, in that they break up into a number of spherical
masses, which lie in the lumen of the generative ligaments, and also make
their way into the body cavity.
The young Echinorhyncus requires to be transported to its permanent
host, which feeds on its larval host, before attaining to sexual maturity.
(392) R. Greeff. " Untersuchungen ii. d. Bau u. Entwicklung des Echin. miliarius." Archiv f. Naturgesch. 1864.
(393) R. Leuckart. Die menschlichen Parasiten. Vol. n. p. 80 1 et seq.
(394) An. Schneider. " Ueb. d. Bau d. Acanthocephalen." Archiv f. Anat.
u, Phys. 1868.
(395) G. R. Wagener. Beitrdge z. Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Eingeweidewiirmer. Haarlem, 1865.
THE remarkable researches of Moseley (No. 396) on Peripatus
(From Moseley.)
capensis have brought clearly to light the affinities of this form
with the tracheate Arthropoda ; and its numerous primitive
(After Moseley.)
A. Youngest stage hitherto observed before the appearance of the legs.
B. Later stage after the legs and antennae have become developed.
Both figures represent the larva as it appears within the egg.
i and i. First and second post-oral appendages.
characters, such as the generally distributed tracheal apertures,
the imperfectly segmented limbs, the diverging ventral nerve
cords with imperfectly marked ganglia, and the nephridia (segmental organs 1 ), would render its embryology of peculiar interest. Unfortunately Moseley was unable, from want of
material, to make so complete a study of its development as of
its anatomy. The youngest embryo observed was in part
distinctly segmented, and coiled up within the egg (fig. 168 A).
The procephalic lobes resemble those of the Arthropoda generally, and are unlike the prae-oral lobe of
Chaetopods or Discophora. They are not
marked off by a transverse constriction
from the succeeding segments. The three
embryonic layers are differentiated, and
the interior is filled with a brownish mass
the remnant of the yolk which is probably enclosed in a distinct intestinal wall,
and is lobed in correspondence with the
segmentation of the body. The mouth
invagination is not present, and but two
pairs of slight prominences mark the rudiments of the two anterior post-oral appendages.
The single pair of antennae is formed
in the next stage, and is followed by the
remaining post-oral appendages, which
arise in succession from before backwards
somewhat later than the segments to which
they appertain.
The posterior part of the embryo becomes uncoiled, and the whole embryo
bent double in the egg (fig. 168 B).
The mouth appears as a slit-like opening between and below the procephalic
lobes. On each side and somewhat behind it there grows out
an appendage the first post-oral pair (fig. 169, i) while in
front and behind it are formed the upper and lower lips. These
two appendages next turn inwards towards the mouth, and their
Slightly older than A in
fig. 168; unrolled. (After
a. antennae ; o. mouth ;
i. intestine ; c. procephalic
lobe, i, 2, 3, etc., postoral appendages.
1 F. M. Balfour, "On certain points in the Anatomy of Peripatus capensis."
Quart. Journ. of Micros. Science, Vol. xix. 1879.
bases become gradually closed over by two processes of the
procephalic region (fig. 170, m)
The whole of these structures
assist in forming a kind of
secondary mouth cavity, which
is at a later period further
completed by the processes of
the procephalic region meeting
above the mouth, covering over
the labrum, and growing backwards to near the origin of the
second pair of post-oral appendages.
The antennae early become
jointed, and fresh joints continue to be added throughout
embryonic life ; in the adult
there are present fully thirty
joints. It appears to me probable (though Mr Moseley takes
the contrary view) from the late development of the paired
processes of the procephalic lobes, which give rise to the circular
lip of the adult, that they
are not true appendages.
The next pair therefore
to the antennae is the first
post-oral pair. It is the
only pair connected with
the mouth. At their extremities there is formed a
pair of claws similar to
those of the ambulatory
legs (fig. 171). The next FIG. 171. HEAD OF AN EMBRYO PERIPA, . . r TUS. (From Moseley.)
and largest pair of appen- The figure shews the jaws (mamlil)lcs)> and
dagCS in the embryo are close to them epiblastic involutions, which
/. thickening of epiblast of procephalic lobe to form supra-oesophageal ganglion ; ///. process from procephalic lobe
growing over the first post-oral appendage ; o. mouth; e. eye; i and 2, first
and second pair of post-oral appendages.
the oral papillae. They
grow into the supra-oesophageal ganglia. The
antennae, oral cavity, and oral papilhe are also
are chiefly remarkable for shewn.
containing the ducts of the slime glands which open at their
bases. They are without claws. The succeeding appendages
become eventually imperfectly five-jointed ; two claws are
formed as cuticular investments of papillae in pockets of the
skin at the ends of their terminal joints.
I have been able to make a few observations on the internal structure of
the embryos from specimens supplied to me by Moseley. These are so far
confined to a few stages, one slightly earlier, the others slightly later, than
the embryo represented in fig. 168 B. The epiblast is formed of a layer of
columnar cells, two deep on the ventral surface, except along the median line
where there is a well-marked groove and the epiblast is much thinner (fig. 172).
The ventral cords of the trunk are formed as two independent epiblastic
thickenings. In my earlier stage these are barely separated from the
epiblast, but in the later ones are quite independent (fig. 172, v.n), and
partly surrounded by mesoblast.
The supra-cesophageal ganglia are formed as thickenings of the epiblast
of the ventral side of the procephalic lobes in front of the stomodaeum.
They are shewn at / in fig. 170. The thickenings of the two sides are at
first independent. At a somewhat later period an invagination of the
epiblast grows into each of these lobes. The openings of these invaginations
extend from the oral cavity forwards; and they are shewn in fig. 171 l .
Their openings become closed, and the walls of the invaginations constitute
a large part of the embryonic supra-cesophageal ganglia.
Similar epiblastic invaginations assist in forming the supra-cesophageal
ganglia of other Tracheata.
They are described in the sequel
for Insects, Spiders and Scorpions. The position of the supracesophageal ganglia on the ventral side of the procephalic lobes
is the same as that in other
The mesoblast is formed, in
the earliest of my embryos, of
scattered cells in the fairly wide
space between the mesenteron
and the epiblast. There are two
distinct bands of mesoblast on
the outer sides of the nervous
cords. In the later stage the
mesoblast is divided into distinct somatic and splanchnic layers, both very thin ; but the two
layers are connected by transverse strands (fig. 172). There
from which the section is taken was somewhat
younger than fig. 171.
sp.m. splanchnic mesoblast.
s.m. somatic mesoblast.
me. median section of body cavity.
k. lateral section of body cavity.
v.n. ventral nerve cord.
me. mesenteron.
1 This figure is taken from Moseley. The epiblastic invaginations are represented
in it very accurately, and though not mentioned in the text of the paper, Moseley
informs me that he has long been aware of the homology of these folds with those in
various other Tracheata.
B. II.
2 5
are two special longitudinal septa dividing the body cavity into three
compartments, a median (me), containing the mesenteron, and two lateral
(Ic) containing the nerve cords. This division of the body cavity persists,
as I have elsewhere shewn, in the adult. A similar division is found in
some Chaetopoda, e.g. Polygordius.
I failed to make out that the mesoblast was divided into somites, and
feel fairly confident that it is not so in the stages I have investigated.
There is a section of the body cavity in the limbs as in embryo Myriapods, Spiders, etc.
In the procephalic lobe there is a well-developed section of the body
cavity, which lies dorsal to and in front of the rudiment of the supracesophageal ganglia.
The alimentary tract is formed of a mesenteron (fig. 172), a stomodaeum, and proctodaeum. The wall of the mesenteron is formed, in the
stages investigated by me, of a single layer of cells with yolk particles,
and encloses a lumen free from yolk. The forward extension of the
mesenteron is remarkable.
The stomodaeum in the earlier stage is a simple pit, which meets but does
not open into the mesenteron. In the later stage the external opening of
the pit is complicated by the structures already described. The proctodaeum is a moderately deep pit near the hinder end of the body.
The existence of a tracheal system 1 is in itself almost sufficient to
demonstrate the affinities of Peripatus with the Tracheata, in spite of the
presence of nephridia. The embryological characters of the procephalic
lobes, of the limbs and claws, place however this conclusion beyond
the reach of scepticism. If the reader will compare the figure of Peripatus
with that of an embryo Scorpion (fig. 196 A) or Spider (fig. 200 C) or better
still with Metschnikoffs figure of Geophilus (No. 399) PI. xxi. fig. u,he
will be satisfied on this point.
The homologies of the anterior appendages are not very easy
to determine ; but since there does not appear to me to be sufficient evidence to shew that any of the anterior appendages have
become aborted, the first post-oral appendages embedded in the
lips may provisionally be regarded as equivalent to the mandibles,
and the oral papillae to the first pair of maxillae, etc. Moseley is
somewhat doubtful about the homologies of the appendages,
and hesitates between considering the oral papillae as equivalent
to the second pair of maxillae (on account of their containing the
openings of the mucous glands, which he compares with the
spinning glands of caterpillars), or to the poison claws (fourth
1 The specimens shewing tracheae which Moseley has placed in my hands are
quite sufficient to leave no doubt whatever in my mind as to the general accuracy of
his description of the tracheal system.
post-oral appendages) of the Chilopoda (on account of the
poison-glands which he thinks may be homologous with the
mucous glands).
The arguments for either of these views do not appear to me conclusive. There are glands opening into various anterior appendages in
the Tracheata, such as the poison glands in the Chelicerae (mandibles) of
Spiders, and there is some evidence in Insects for the existence of a gland
belonging to the first pair of maxillae, which might be compared with the
mucous gland of Peripatus. For reasons already stated I do not regard
the processes of the cephalic lobes, which form the lips, as a pair of true
(396) H. N. Moseley. "On the Structure and Development of Peripatus
capensis." Phil. Trans. Vol. 164, 1874.
Chilognatha. The first stages in the development of the
Chilognatha have been investigated by Metschnikoffand Stecker,
but their accounts are so contradictory as hardly to admit of
According to Metschnikoff, by whom the following four
species have been investigated, viz., Strongylosoma Guerinii,
Polydesmus complanatus, Polyxenus lagurus, and Julus Moneletei, the segmentation is at first regular and complete, but,
when the segments are still fairly large, the regular segmentation
is supplemented by the appearance of a number of small cells at
various points on the surface, which in time give rise to a
continuous blastoderm.
The blastoderm becomes thickened on the ventral surface,
and so forms a ventral plate 2 .
1 The classification of the Myriapoda employed in the present section is
I. Chilognatha. (Millipedes.)
II. Chilopoda. (Centipedes.)
2 Stecker's (No. 400) observations were made on the eggs of Julus fasciatus, Julus
fcetidus, Craspedosoma marmoratum, Polydesmus complanatus, and Strongylosoma
pallipes, and though carried on by means of sections, still leave some points very
obscure, and do not appear to me deserving of much confidence. The two species of
Julus and Craspedosoma undergo, according to Stecker, a nearly identical development. The egg before segmentation is constituted of two substances, a central protoplasmic, and a peripheral deutoplastic. It first divides into two equal segments, and
coincidentally with their formation part of the central protoplasm travels to the
(After Metschnikoff.)
A. Embryo on eleventh day with commencing ventral flexure (*).
B. Embryo with three pairs of post-oral appendages.
C. Embryo with five pairs of post-oral appendages.
gs. ventral plate; at. antenme; 15 post-oral appendages; x. point of flexure of
the ventral plate.
surface as two clear fluid segments. The ovum is thus composed of two yolk segments
to two protoplasmic segments. The two former next divide into four, with the production of two fresh protoplasmic segments. The four protoplasmic segments now
constitute the upper or animal pole of the egg, and occupy the position of the future
ventral plate. The yolk segments form the lower pole, which is however dorsal in
relation to the future animal. The protoplasmic segments increase in number by a
regular division, and arrange themselves in three rows, of which the two outermost
rapidly grow over the yolk segments. A large segmentation cavity is stated to be
present in the interior of the ovum.
It would appear from Stecker's description that the yolk segments (hypoblast)
next become regularly invaginated, so as to enclose a gastric cavity, opening externally
by a blastopore; but it is difficult to believe that a typical gastrula, such as that
represented by Sleeker, really comes into the cycle of development of the Chilognatha.
The mesoblast is stated to be derived mainly from the epiblast. This layer in the
region of the future ventral plate becomes reduced to two rows of cells, and the inner
of these by the division of its constituent elements gives rise to the mesoblast. The
development of Polydesmus and Strongylosoma is not very different from that of Julus.
The protoplasm at the upper pole occupies from the first a superficial position.
Segmentation commences at the lower pole, where the food yolk is mainly present !
The gastrula is stated to be similar to that of Julus, The mesoblast is formed in
Polydesmus as a layer of cells split off from the epiblast, but in Strongylosoma as an
outgrowth from the lips of the blastopore. Stecker, in spite of the statements in his
paper as to the origin of the mesoblast from the epiblast, sums up at the end to the
effect that both the primary layers have a share in the formation of the mesoblast,
which originates by a process of endogenous cell-division !
It may be noted that the closure of the blastopore takes place, according to
Stecker, on the dorsal side of the embryo.
The most important sources of information for the general
embryology of the Chilognatha are the papers of Newport (No.
397) and Metschnikoff (No. 398). The development of Strongylosoma may be taken as fairly typical for the group ; and the
subsequent statements, unless the reverse is stated, apply to the
species of Strongylosoma investigated by Metschnikoff.
After the segmentation and formation of the layers the first
observable structure is a transverse furrow in the thickening of
the epiblast on the ventral surface of the embryo. This furrow
rapidly deepens, and gives rise to a ventral flexure of the embryo
(fig. 173 A, x\ which is much later in making its appearance in
Julus than in Strongylosoma and Polyxenus. A pair of appendages, which become the antennae, makes its appearance
shortly after the formation of the transverse furrow, and there
soon follow in order the next three pairs of appendages. All
these parts are formed in the infolded portion of the ventral
thickening of the blastoderm (fig. 173 B). The ventral thickening has in the meantime become marked by a longitudinal
furrow, but whether this is connected with the formation of
the nervous system, or is equivalent to the mesoblastic furrow in
Insects, and connected with the formation of the mesoblast, has
not been made out. Shortly after the appearance of the three
pairs of appendages behind the antennae two further pairs become
added, and at the same time oral and anal invaginations become
formed '(fig- 173 Q. In front of the oral opening an unpaired
upper lip is developed. The prse-oral part of the ventral plate
develops into the bilobed procephalic lobes, the epiblast of
which is mainly employed in the formation of the supra-cesophageal ganglia. The next important change which takes place is
the segmentation of the body of the embryo (fig. 174 A), the
most essential feature in which is the division of the mesoblast
into somites. Segments are formed in order from before backwards, and soon extend to the region behind the appendages.
On the appearance of segmentation the appendages commence
to assume their permanent form. The two anterior pairs of
post-oral appendages become jaws ; and the part of the embryo
which carries them and the antennae is marked off from the
trunk as the head. The three following pairs of appendages
grow in length and assume a form suited for locomotion. Behind
the three existing pairs of limbs there are developed three fresh
pairs, of whicJi tJie two anterior belong to a single primitive segment. While the above changes take place in the appendages
the embryo undergoes an ecdysis, which gives rise to a cuticular
membrane within the single egg-membrane (chorion, Metschnikoff\ On this cuticle a tooth-like process is developed, the
function of which is to assist in the hatching of the embryo
(fig. 174 A).
In Polyxenus a cuticular membrane is present as in Strongylosoma,
but it is not provided with a tooth-like process. In the same form amoeboid
cells separate themselves from the blastoderm at an early period. These
cells have been compared to the embryonic envelopes of Insects described
In Julus two cuticular membranes are present at the time of hatching :
the inner one is very strongly developed and encloses the embryo after
hatching. After leaving the chorion the embryo Julus remains connected
with it by a structureless membrane which is probably the outer of the two
cuticular membranes.
At the time when the embryo of Strongylosoma is hatched
(fig. 174 B) nine post-cephalic segments appear to be present.
(After Metschnikoff.)
A. A seventeen days' embryo, already segmented.
B. A just-hatched larva.
Of these segments the second is apparently (from MetschnikofT's
figure, 174 B) without a pair of appendages; the third and
fourth are each provided with a single functional pair of limbs ;
the fifth segment is provided with two pairs of rudimentary
limbs, which are involuted in a single sack and not visible without preparation, and therefore not shewn in the figure. The
sixth segment is provided with but a single pair of" appendages,
though a second pair is subsequently developed on it 1 .
Julus, at the time it leaves the chorion, is imperfectly segmented, but is
provided with antennas, mandibles, and maxillae, and seven pairs of limbs,
of which the first three are much more developed than the remainder.
Segmentation soon makes its appearance, and the head becomes distinct
from the trunk, and on each of the three anterior trunk segments a single
pair of limbs is very conspicuous (Metschnikoff) 2 . Each of the succeeding
segments bears eventually two pairs of appendages. At the time when
the inner embryonic cuticle is cast off, the larva appears to be hexapodous,
like the young Strongylosoma, but there are in reality four pairs of rudimentary appendages behind the three functional pairs. The latter only
appear on the surface after the first post-embryonic ecdysis. Pauropus
(Lubbock) is hexapodous in a young stage. At the next moult two pairs
of appendages are added, and subsequently one pair at each moult.
There appear to be eight post-oral segments in Julus at the
time of hatching. According to Newport fresh segments are
added in post-embryonic life by successive budding from a
blastema between the penultimate segment and that in front of
it. They arise in batches of six at the successive ecdyses, till
the full number is completed. A functional, though not a real
hexapodous condition, appears to be characteristic of Chilognatha
generally at the time of hatching.
The most interesting anatomical feature of the Chilognatha
is the double character of their segments, the feet (except the
first three or four, or more), the circulatory, the respiratory, and
the nervous systems shewing this peculiarity. Newport's and
1 Though the superficially hexapodous larva of Strongylosoma and other Chilognatha has a striking resemblance to some larval Insects, no real comparison is possible between them, even on the assumption that the three functional appendages of
both are homologous, because Embryology clearly proves that the hexapodous Insect
type has originated from an ancestor with numerous appendages by the atrophy of
those appendages, and not from an hexapodous larval form prior to the development
of the full number of adult appendages.
2 Newport states however that a pair of limbs is present on the first, second, and
fourth post-oral segments, but that the third segment is apodous ; and this is undoubtedly the case in the adult.
Metschnikoff's observations have not thrown as much light on
the nature of the double segments as might have been hoped,
but it appears probable that they have not originated from a
fusion of two primitively distinct segments, but from a later
imperfect division of each of the primitive segments into two,
and the supply to each of the divisions of a primitive segment of
a complete set of organs.
Chilopoda. Up to the present time the development of only
one type of Chilopoda, viz. that of Geophilus, has been worked
out. Most forms lay their eggs, but Scolopendra is viviparous.
a u . i
(After Metschnikoff.)
A. Side-view of embryo at the stage when the segments are beginning to be formed.
B. Later stage after the appendages have become established.
at. antenna.-; an.t. proctodseum.
The segmentation appears to resemble that in the Chilognatha,
and at its close there is present a blastoderm surrounding a
central mass of yolk cells. A ventral thickening of the blastoderm is soon formed. It becomes divided into numerous segments, which continue to be formed successively from the
posterior unsegmented part. The antennae are the first appendages to appear, and are well developed when eighteen segments
have become visible (fig. 175 A). The post-oral appendages
are formed slightly later, and in order from before backwards.
As the embryo grows in length, and fresh segments continue to
be formed, the posterior part of it becomes bent over so as to
face the ventral surface of the anterior, and it acquires an
appearance something like that of many embryo Crustaceans
(fig. 175 B). Between forty and fifty segments are formed while
the embryo is still in the egg. The appendages long remain
unjointed. The fourth post-oral appendage, which becomes the
poison-claw, is early marked out by its greater size : on the
third post-oral there is formed a temporary spine to open the
egg membrane.
It does not appear, from Metschnikoff's figures of Geophilus, that any
of the anterior segments are without appendages, and it is very probable
that Newport is mistaken in supposing that the embryo has a segment without appendages behind that with the poison claws, which coalesces with the
segment of the latter. It also appears to me rather doubtful whether the
third pair of post-oral appendages, i.e. those in front of the poison-claws, can
fairly be considered as forming part of the basilar plate. The basilar plate
is really the segment of the poison-claws, and may fuse more or less completely with the segment in front and behind it, and the latter is sometimes
without a pair of appendages (Lithobius, Scutigera).
Geophilus, at the time of birth, has a rounded form like that
of the Chilognatha.
The young of Lithobius is born with only six pairs of limbs.
General observation on the homologies of the appendages of
The chief difficulty in this connection is the homology of the third pair of
post-oral appendages.
In adult Chilognatha there is present behind the mandibles a four-lobed
plate, which is usually regarded as representing two pairs of appendages,
viz. the first and second pairs of maxillae of Insects. Metschnikoff's observations seem however to shew that this plate represents but a single
pair of appendages, which clearly corresponds with the first pair of maxillae
in Insects. The pair of appendages behind this plate is ambulatory, but
turned towards the head ; it is in the embryo the foremost of the three
functional pairs of legs with which the larva is born. Is it equivalent to
the second pair of maxillae of Insects or to the first pair of limbs of Insects?
In favour of the former view is the fact (i) that in embryo Insects the
second pair of maxillae sometimes resembles the limbs rather than the
jaws, so that it might be supposed that in Chilognatha a primitive
ambulatory condition of the third pair of appendages has been retained ;
(2) that the disappearance of a pair of appendages would have to be
postulated if the second alternative is adopted, and that if Insects are
descended from forms related to the Myriapods it is surprising to find a
pair of appendages always present in the former, absent in the latter.
The arguments which can be urged for the opposite view do not appear
to me to have much weight, so that the homology of the appendages in
question with the second pair of maxillae may be provisionally assumed.
The third pair of post-oral appendages of the Chilopoda may probably
also be assumed to be equivalent to the second pair of maxillae, though they
are limb-like and not connected with the head. The subjoined table shews
the probable homologies of the appendages.
so ma at time of birth).
CHILOPODA (Scolopendra
Pre-oral region.
ist Post-oral segment.
2nd ,, ,,
Maxillae i. (Four-lobed
plate in adult, but a simple pair of appendages
in embryo).
Maxillie i.
(Palp and bilobed median
(probably equivalent to
segment bearing 2nd pair
of maxillae in Insects).
ist pair of ambulatory
Limb-like appendages with
basal parts in contact.
4th ,, ,,
(?) Apodous.
Poison claws.
2nd pair of ambulatory
ist pair of ambulatory
3rd ,,
2nd ,,
4th and sth
(rudimentary. )
8th ,, ,,
(the 7th pair is developed
in this segment later).
9 th
loth ,,
,, (last segment in
The germinal layers and formation of organs.
The development of the organs of the Myriapoda, and the origin of the
germinal layers, are very imperfectly known : Myriapoda appear however
to be closely similar to Insects in this part of their development, and the
general question of the layers will be treated more fully in connection with
that group.
The greater part of the blastoderm gives rise to the epiblast, which
furnishes the skin, nervous system, tracheal system, and the stomodacum
and proctodaeum.
The mesoblast arises in connection with the ventral thickening of the
blastoderm, but the details of its formation are not known. Metschnikoff
describes a longitudinal furrow which appears very early in Strongylosoma,
which is perhaps equivalent to the mesoblastic furrows of Insects, and so
connected with the formation of the mesoblast.
The mesoblast is divided up into a series of protovertebra-like bodies
the mesoblastic somites the cavities of which become the body cavity and
the walls the muscles and probably the heart. They are (Metschnikoff)
prolonged into the legs, though the prolongations become subsequently
segmented off from the main masses. The splanchnic mesoblast is,
according to Metschnikoff, formed independently of the somites, but this
point requires further observation.
The origin of the hypoblast remains uncertain, but it appears probable
that it originates, in a large measure at least, from the yolk segments. In
the Chilognatha the mesenteron is formed in the interior of the yolk segments, so that those yolk segments which are not employed in the formation
of the alimentary canal lie freely in the body cavity. In the relation of
the yolk segments to the alimentary canal the Chilopoda present a strong
contrast to the Chilognatha, in that the greater part of the yolk lies
within their mesenteron. The mesenteron is at first a closed sack, but is
eventually placed in communication with the stomodaeum and the proctodasum. The Malpighian bodies arise as outgrowths from the blind extremity of the latter.
(397) G. N e wp or t. " On the Organs of Reproduction and Development of the
Myriapoda." Philosophical Transactions, 1841.
(398) E. Metschnikoff. ' ' Embryologie der doppeltflissigen Myriapoden (Chilognatha)." Zeit.f. wiss. Zool., Vol. xxiv. 1874.
(399) ' ' Embryologisches iiber Geophilus." Zeit. f. wiss. ZooL y Vol. xxv.
(400) Anton Stecker. "Die Anlage d. Keimblatter bei den Diplopoden."
Archivf. mik. Anatomie, Bd. xiv. 1877.
The formation of the embryonic layers in Insects has not
been followed out in detail in a large number of types ; but, as
1 The following classification of the Insecta is employed in this chapter,
((i) Collembola.
I. Aptera. | (a) Thysanura .
!(i) Orthoptera genuina (Blatta, Locusta, etc.).
(2) pseudoneuroptera (Termes, Ephemera,
!(i) Hemiptera heteroptera (Cimex, Notonecta, etc.).
(2) ,, homoptera (Aphis, Cicada, etc.).
(3) ,, parasita (Pediculus, etc.).
in so many other instances, some of the most complete histories
we have are due to Kowalevsky (No. 416). The development
VENTRAL SURFACE. (After Kowalevsky.)
The upper end is the anterior, gg. germinal groove; am. amnion.
of Hydrophilus has been worked out by him more fully than
that of any other form, and will serve as a type for comparison
with other forms.
The segmentation has not been studied, but no doubt belongs
to the centrolecithal type (vide pp. no 120). At its close
there is an uniform layer of cells enclosing a central mass of
yolk. These cells, in the earliest observed stage, were flat on
the dorsal, but columnar on part of the ventral surface of the
egg, where they form a thickening which will be called the ventral plate. At the posterior part of the ventral plate two folds,
with a furrow between them, make their appearance. They form
a structure which may be spoken of as the germinal groove (fig.
!(i) Diptera genuina (Musca, Tipula, etc.).
(2) aphaniptera (Pulex, etc.).
(3) ,, pupipara (Braula, etc.).
v .. ( (i) Neuroptera planipennia (Myrniclcon, etc.)
TOptera. j (a) ^ trichoptera (Phryganea, etc.).
VI. Coleoptera.
VII. Lepidoptera.
(i) Hymenoptera aculeata (Apis, Formica, etc.).
(a) ,, entomophaga (Ichneumon, Platy
gaster, etc).
(3) ,, phytophaga ( Tenthredo, Sirex, etc.).
VIII. Hymenoptera.
EMBRYOS OF HvDROPHiLUS piCEUS. (After Kowalevsky.)
A. Section through an embryo of the stage represented in fig. 176 B, at the point where the two
germinal folds most approximate.
B. Section through an embryo somewhat later
than the stage fig. 176 D, through the anterior region
where the amnion has not completely closed over the
). The cells
which form the floor
of the groove are far
more columnar than
those of other parts
of the blastoderm (fig.
177 A). The two
folds on each side of
it gradually approach
each other. They do
so at first behind, and
then in the middle;
from the latter point
the approximation
gradually extends
backwards and forwards (fig. 176 B and
C). In the middle
and hinder parts of
the ventral plate the
groove becomes, by
the coalescence of the folds, converted into a canal (fig. 178 A,
gg), the central cavity of which soon disappears, while at the
same time the cells of the wall undergo division, become more
rounded, and form a definite layer (me} the mesoblast beneath
the columnar cells of the surface. Anteriorly the process is
slightly different, though it leads to the similar formation of
mesoblast (fig. 177 B). The flat floor of the groove becomes in
front bodily converted into the mesoblast, but the groove itself
is never converted into a canal. The two folds simply meet
above, and form a continuous superficial layer.
During the later stages of the process last described remarkable structures, eminently characteristic of the Insecta, have
made their first appearance. These structures are certain
embryonic membranes or coverings, which present in their mode
of formation and arrangement a startling similarity to the true
and false amnion of the Vertebrata. They appear as a double
fold of the blastoderm round the edge of the germinal area,
which spreads over the ventral plate, from behind forwards, in a
gg. germinal groove ;
nion ; yk. yolk.
me. mesoblast ; am. am
general way in the same
manner as the amnion in,
for instance, the chick.
The folds at their origin
are shewn in surface view
in fig. 176 D, am, and in
section in fig. 177 B, am.
The folds eventually
meet, coalesce (fig. 178,
am) and give rise to two
membranes covering the
ventral plate, viz. an
inner one, which is continuous with the edge of
the ventral plate ; and
an outer, continuous with
the remainder of the
blastoderm. The vertebrate nomenclature may
be conveniently employed for these membranes.
The inner limb of the
fold will therefore be spoken of as the amnion, and the outer
one, including the dorsal part of the blastoderm, as the
serous envelope 1 . A slight consideration of the mode of
formation of the membranes, or an inspection of the figures
illustrating their formation, makes it at once clear that the yolk
can pass in freely between the amnion and serous envelope (vide
fig. 181). At the hind end of the embryo this actually takes
place, so that the ventral plate covered by the amnion appears to
become completely imbedded in the yolk: elsewhere the two
membranes are in contact. At first (fig. 176) the ventral plate
occupies but a small portion of the ventral surface of the egg, but
during the changes above described it extends over the whole
ventral surface, and even slightly on the dorsal surface both in
front and behind. It becomes at the same time (fig. 179) divided
OF HYDROPHILUS PICEUS. (After Kowalevsky.)
A. Section through the posterior part of the
embryo fig. 1 76 D, shewing the completely closed
amnion and the germinal groove.
B. Section through an older embryo in which
the mesoblast has grown out into a continuous
plate beneath the epiblast.
gg. germinal groove ; am. amnion ; yk. yolk ;
cp. epiblast.
1 The reverse nomenclature to this is rather inconveniently employed by Metschnikoff.
pc.L procephalic lobe.
by a series of transverse lines into segments, which increase in
number and finally amount in all to seventeen, not including the most anterior section,
which gives off as lateral outgrowths the
two procephalic lobes (pc.l). The changes
so far described are included within what
Kowalevsky calls his first embryonic period;
at its close the parts contained within the
chorion have the arrangement shewn in fig.
178 B. The whole of the body of the
embryo is formed from the ventral plate,
and no part from the amnion or serous
The general history of the succeeding
stages may be briefly told.
The appendages appear as very small
rudiments at the close of the last stage, but
soon become much more prominent (fig.
1 80 A). They are formed as outgrowths of both layers, and
arise nearly simultaneously. There
are in all eight pairs of appendages.
The anterior or antennae (at) spring
from the procephalic lobes, and
the succeeding appendages from
the segments following. The last
pair of embryonic appendages,
which disappears very early, is
formed behind the third pair of
the future thoracic limbs. Paired
epiblastic involutions, shewn as pits
in the posterior segments in fig.
1 80 A, give rise to the tracheae;
and the nervous system is formed
as two lateral epiblastic thickenings, one on each side of the midventral line. These eventually become split off from the skin ; while
between them there passes in a
median invagination of the skin
PICEUS. (From Gegenbaur, after
Is. labrum ; at. antenna ; md.
(fig. 189 C). The two nervous strands are continuous in front
with the supra-oesophageal ganglia, which are formed of the
epiblast of the procephalic lobes. These plates gradually grow
round the dorsal side of the embryo, and there is formed
immediately behind them an oral invagination, in front of which
there appears an upper lip (fig. 180, Is). A proctodaeum is formed
at the hind end of the body slightly later than the stomodaeum.
The mesoblast cells become divided into two bands, one on
each side of the middle line (fig. 189 A), and split into
splanchnic and somatic layers. The central yolk mass at about
the stage represented in fig. 179 begins to break up into
yolk spheres. The hypoblast is formed first on the ventral
side at the junction of the mesoblast and the yolk, and
gradually extends and forms a complete sack-like mesenteron,
enveloping the yolk (fig. 185 al). The amnion and serous
membrane retain their primitive constitution for some time, but
gradually become thinner on the ventral surface, where a rupture
appears eventually to take place. The greater part of them
disappears, but in the closure of the dorsal parietes the serous
envelope plays a peculiar part, which is not yet understood. It
is described on p. 404. The heart is formed from the mesoblastic layers, where they meet in the middle dorsal line (fig. 185 C,
hi]. The somatic mesoblast gives rise to the muscles and
connective tissue, and the splanchnic mesoblast to the muscular
part of the wall of the alimentary tract, which accompanies the
hypoblast in its growth round the yolk. The proctodaeum
forms the rectum and Malpighian bodies 1 , and the stomodseum
the oesophagus and proventriculus. The two epiblastic sections
of the alimentary tract are eventually placed in communication
with the mesenteron.
The development of Hydrophilus is a fair type of that of
Insects generally, but it is necessary to follow with somewhat
greater detail the comparative history of the various parts which
have been briefly described for this type.
TJte embryonic membranes and the formation of the layers.
All Insects have at the close of segmentation a blastoderm
formed of a single row of cells enclosing a central yolk mass,
1 This has not been shewn in the case of Hydrophilus,
which usually contains nuclei, and in the Poduridae is divided up
in the ordinary segmentation into distinct yolk cells. The first
definite structure formed is a thickening of the blastoderm,
which forms a ventral plate.
The ventral plate is very differently situated in relation to the yolk in
different types. In most Diptera, Hymenoptera and (?) Neuroptera (Phryganea) it forms from the first a thickening extending over nearly the
whole ventral surface of the ovum, and in many cases extends in its subsequent growth not only over the whole ventral surface, but over a considerable part of the apparent dorsal surface as well (Chironomus, Simulia,
Gryllotalpa, etc.). In Coleoptera, so far as is known, it commences as a less
extended thickening either of the central part (Donacia) or posterior part
(Hydrophilus) of the ventral surface, and gradually grows in both directions,
passing over to the dorsal surface behind.
Embryonic membranes. In the majority of Insects there
are developed enveloping membranes like those of Hydrophilus.
The typical mode of formation of these membranes is represented diagrammatically in fig. 181 A and B. A fold of the
blastoderm arises round the edge of the ventral plate. This
fold, like the amniotic fold of the
higher Vertebrata,
is formed of two
limbs, an outer,
the serous membrane (se), and an
inner, the true amnion (am). Both
limbs extend so
as to cover over
the ventral plate,
and finally meet
and coalesce, so
thatadouble membrane is present
over the ventral
plate. At the same
time (fig. 181 B)
the point where the fold originates is carried dorsalwards by the
B. II. 26
In A the amniotic folds have not quite met so as to
cover the ventral plate. The yolk is represented as divided
into yolk cells. In B the sides of the ventral plate have
extended so as nearly to complete the dorsal integument.
The mesenteron is represented as a closed sack filled with
yolk cells, am. amnion; se. serous envelope; v.p. ventral plate ; d. i. dorsal integument ; me. mesenteron ; st.
stomodaeum ; an i. proctodaeum.
dorsal extension of the edges of the ventral plate, which give
rise to the dorsal integument (d.i). This process continues
till the whole dorsal surface is covered by the integument.
The amnion then separates from the dorsal integument, and the
embryo becomes enveloped in two membranes an inner, the
amnion, and an outer, the serous membrane. In fig. 181 B the
embryo is represented at the stage immediately preceding the
closure of the dorsal surface.
By the time that these changes are effected, the serous
membrane and amnion are both very thin and not easily
separable. The amnion appears to be usually absorbed before
hatching; but in hatching both membranes, if present, are either
absorbed, or else ruptured and thrown off.
The above mode of development of the embryonic membranes has been
especially established by the researches of Kowalevsky (No. 416) and Graber
(No. 412) for various Hymenoptera (Apis), Diptera (Chironomus\ Lepidoptera and Coleoptera (Melolontha, Lino).
Considerable variations in the development of the enveloping membranes
are known.
When the fold which gives rise to the membranes is first formed, there
is, as is obvious in fig. 181 A, a perfectly free passage by which the yolk can
pass in between the amnion and serous membrane. Such a passage of the
yolk between the two membranes takes place posteriorly in Hydrophilus and
Donacia: in Lepidoptera the yolk passes in everywhere, so that in this form
the ventral plate becomes first of all imbedded in the yolk, and finally, on the
completion of the dorsal integument, the embryo is enclosed in a complete
envelope of yolk contained between the amnion and the serous membrane.
During the formation of the dorsal integument the external yolk sack communicates by a dorsally situated umbilical canal with the yolk cavity within
the body. On the rupture of the amnion the embryo is nourished at the
expense of the yolk contained in the external yolk sack.
In the Hemiptera and the Libellulidae the ventral plate also becomes
imbedded in the yolk, but in a somewhat different fashion to the Lepidoptera, which more resembles on an exaggerated scale what takes place in
In the Libellulidas (Calopteryx) there is first of all formed (Brandt, No.
403) a small ventral and posterior thickening of the blastoderm (fig. 182 A).
The hinder part of this becomes infolded into the yolk as a projection (fig.
182 B), which consists of two laminae, an anterior and a posterior, continuous
at the apex of the invagination. The whole structure, which is completely
imbedded within the yolk, rapidly grows in length, and turns towards
the front end of the egg (fig. 182 C). Its anterior lamina remains thick and
gives rise to the ventral plate (ps), the posterior (am) on the other hand
becomes very thin, and
forms a covering corresponding with the amnion
of the more ordinary types.
The remainder of the blastoderm covering the yolk
(se) forms the homologue
of the serous membrane
of other types. The ventral surface of the ventral
plate is turned towards
the dorsal side (retaining
the same nomenclature as
in ordinary cases) of the
egg, and the cephalic
extremity is situated at
the point of origin of the
The further history is
however somewhat peculiar. The amnion is at first
(fig. 182 C) continuous with
the serous envelope on the
posterior side only, so that
the serous envelope does
not form a continuous sack,
but has an opening close
to the head of the embryo.
In the Hemiptera parasita this opening (Melnikow, No. 422) remains permanent, and the embryo, after it has reached a certain stage of development,
becomes everted through it, while the yolk, enclosed in the continuous membrane formed by the amnion and serous envelope, forms a yolk sack on the
dorsal surface. In the Libellulidae however and most Hemiptera, a fusion of
the two limbs of the serous membrane takes place in the usual way, so as to
convert it into a completely closed sack (fig. 183 A). After the formation of
the appendages a fusion takes place between the amnion and serous envelope over a small area close to the head of the embryo. In the middle of
this area a rupture is then effected, and the head of the embryo followed by
the body is gradually pushed through the opening (fig. 183 B and C). The
embryo becomes in the process completely rotated, and carried into a
position in the egg-shell identical with that of the embryos of other orders of
Insects (fig. 183 C).
Owing to the rupture of the embryonic envelopes taking place at the
point where they are fused into one, the yolk does not escape in the above
process, but is carried into a kind of yolk sack, on the dorsal surface of the
embryo, formed of the remains of the amnion and serous envelope. The
The embryo is represented in the egg-shell.
A. Embryo with ventral plate.
B. Commencing involution of ventral plate.
C. Involution of ventral plate completed.
ps. vefitral plate; g. edge of ventral plate; am.
amnion ; se- serous envelope.
walls of the yolk sack either
assist in forming the dorsal
parietes of the body, or are
more probably enclosed
within the body by the
growth of the dorsal parietes from the edge of the
ventral plate.
In Hydrophilus and
apparently in the Phryganidae also, there are certain remarkable peculiarities in the closure of the
dorsal surface. The fullest
observations on the subject
have been made by Kowalevsky (No. 416), but Dohrn
(No. 408) has with some
probability thrown doubts
on Kowalevsky's interpretations. According to Dohrn
the part of the serous envelope which covers the dorsal surface becomes thickened, and gives rise to a
peculiar dorsal plate which
is shewn in surface view in
ventral parts of the amnion
and serous membrane have
either been ruptured or
have disappeared. While
the dorsal plate is being
formed, the mesoblast, and
somewhat later the lateral
parts of the epiblast of the
ventral plate gradually
grow towards the dorsal
side and enclose the dorsal
plate, the wall of which in
the process appears to be
folded over so as first of
all to form a groove and
finally a canal. The stages
in this growth are shewn
from the surface in fig. 184
B and C and in section in
OF CALOPTERYX. (After Brandt.)
The embryo is represented in the egg-shell; B.
and C. shew the inversion of the embryo.
sf. serous envelope ; am. amnion ; ab. abdomen ;
v. anterior end of head ; at. antennae ; md. mandible ;
mx l . maxilla i ; mx*. maxilla 2 ; p 1 ^. three pairs
of legs; oe. oesophagus.
fig. 184 A, doi and in section in fig. 185 A, do. The
do. (After Kowalevsky.)
do. dorsal organ ; at. antennae.
fig. 185 B, do. The canal is buried on the dorsal part of the yolk, but for
some time remains open by a round aperture in front (fig. 184 C). The
whole structure is known as the dorsal canal. It appears to atrophy without
leaving a trace. The heart when formed lies immediately dorsal to it 1 .
Section through the posterior part of the body of the same age as fig. 184 A.
Section through the embryo of the same age as fig. 184 C.
Section through a still older embryo.
do. dorsal plate ; vn. ventral nerve cord ; al. mesenteron ; ht. heart.
The large spaces at the sides are parts of the body cavity.
In the Poduridas the embryonic membranes appear to be at any rate
imperfect. Metschnikoff states in his paper on Geophilus that in some ants
no true embryonic membranes are found, but merely scattered cells which
take their place. In the Ichneumonidas the existence of two embryonic
membranes is very doubtful.
Formation of the embryonic layers. The formation of the
layers has been studied in sections by Kowalevsky (No. 416),
1 According to Kowalevsky the history of the dorsal plate is somewhat different.
He believes that on the absorption of the amnion the ventral plate unites with the
serous membrane, and that the latter directly gives rise to the dorsal integument,
while the thickened part of it becomes involuted to form the dorsal tube already
Hatschek (No. 414), and Graber (No. 412), etc. From their
researches it would appear that the formation of the mesoblast
always takes place in a manner closely resembling that in
Hydrophilus. The essential features of the process (figs. 177
and 178) appear to be that a groove is formed along the median
line of the ventral plate, and that the sides of this groove either
(i) simply close over like the walls of the medullary groove in
Vertebrates, and so convert the groove into a tube, which soon
becomes solid and forms a mass or plate of cells internal to the
epiblast ; or (2) that the cells on each side of the groove grow
over it and meet in the middle line, forming a layer external
to the cells which lined the groove. The former of these
processes is the most usual ; and in the Muscidae the dimensions
of the groove are very considerable (Graber, No. 411). In both
cases the process is fundamentally the same, and causes the
ventral plate to become divided into two layers 1 . The external
layer or epiblast is an uniform sheet forming the main part of
the ventral plate (fig. 178 B, ep). It is continuous at its edge
with the amnion. The inner layer or mesoblast constitutes an
independent plate of cells internal to the epiblast (fig. 178 B, me).
The mesoblast soon becomes divided into two lateral bands.
The origin of the hypoblast is still in dispute. It will be
remembered (vide pp. 1 14 and 1 16) that after the segmentation a
number of nuclei remain in the yolk ; and that eventually a
secondary segmentation of the yolk takes place around these
nuclei, and gives rise to a mass of yolk cells, which fill up the
interior of the embryo. These cells are diagrammatically shewn
in figs. 181 and 189, and it is probable that they constitute the
true hypoblast. Their further history is given below.
Formation of the organs and their relation to the germinal
The segments and appendages. One of the earliest
phenomena in the development is the appearance of transverse
lines indicating segmentation (fig. 186). The transverse lines
are apparently caused by shallow superficial grooves, and also in
1 Tichomiroff (No. 420) denies the existence of a true invagination to form the
mesoblast, and also asserts that a separation of mesoblast cells from the epiblast can
take place at other parts besides the median ventral line.
many cases by the division of the mesoblastic bands into
separate somites. The most anterior line marks off a prae-oral
segment, which soon sends out two lateral wings the procephalic
lobes. The remaining segments are at first fairly uniform.
Their number does not, however, appear to be very constant.
So far as is known they never exceed seventeen, and this
number is probably the typical one (figs. 186 and 187).
In Diptera the number appears to be usually fifteen though it may be
only fourteen. In Lepidoptera and in Apis there appear to be sixteen
segments. These and other variations affect only the number of the segments
which form the abdomen of the adult.
The appendages arise as paired pouchlike outgrowths of the epiblast and mesoblast ; and their number and the order of
their appearance are subject to considerable
variation, the meaning of which is not yet
clear. As a rule they arise subsequently to
the segmentation of the parts of the body
to which they belong. There is always
formed one pair of appendages which spring
from the lateral lobes of the procephalic
region, or from the boundary line between
these and the median ventral part of this
region. These appendages are the antennae.
They have in the embryo a distinctly ventral position as compared to that which
they have in the adult.
In the median ventral part of the procephalic region there arises the labrum (fig. 187, Is}. It is formed
by the coalescence of a pair of prominences very similar to true
appendages, though it is probable that they have not this
value 1 .
1 If these structures are equivalent to appendages, they may correspond to one of
the pairs of antennae of Crustacea. From a figure by Fritz Miiller of the larva of
Calotermes (Jenaische Zeit. Vol. XI. pi. n, fig. 12) it would appear that they lie in
front of the true antennae, and would therefore on the above hypothesis correspond to
the first pair of antennae of Crustacea. Biitschli (No. 405) describes in the Bee a pair
of prominences immediately in front of the mandibles which eventually unite to form
a kind of underlip ; they in some ways resemble true appendages.
(After Kowalevsky.)
pc. I. procephalic lobe.
The antennae themselves can hardly be considered to have
the same morphological value as the succeeding appendages.
They are rather equivalent to paired processes of the prae-oral
lobes of the Chaetopoda.
From the first three post-oral segments there grow out the
mandibles and two pairs of maxillae, and from the three following
segments the three pairs of thoracic appendages. In many
Insects (cf. Hydrophilus) a certain .number of appendages of the
same nature as the anterior ones are visible in the embryo on
the abdominal segments, a fact which shews that Insects are
descended from ancestors with more than three pairs of ambulatory appendages.
In Apis according to Biitschli (No. 405) all the abdominal segments are
provided with appendages, which always
remain in a very rudimentary condition.
All trace of them as well as of the thoracic
appendages is lost by the time the embryo
is hatched. In the phytophagous Hymenoptera the larva is provided with
9 ii pairs of legs.
In the embryo of Lepidoptera there
would appear from Kowalevsky's figures
to be rudiments of ten pairs of post-thoracic appendages. In the caterpillar of
this group there are at the maximum five
pairs of such rudimentary feet, viz. a pair
on the 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th, and on the
last abdominal segment. The embryos
of Hydrophilus (fig. 187), Mantis, etc. are
also provided with additional appendages.
In various Thysanura small prominences
are present on more or fewer of the abdominal segments (fig. 192), which may
probably be regarded as rudimentary
Whether all or any of the appendages
of various kinds connected with the
hindermost segments belong to the same
category as the legs is very doubtful. Their usual absence in the embryo or
in any case their late appearance appears to me against so regarding them ;
but Biitschli is of opinion that in the Bee the parts of the sting are related
genetically to the appendages of the penultimate and antepenultimate abdominal segments, and this view is to some extent supported by more recent
PICEUS. (From Gegenbaur, after
Kowalevsky. )
Is. labrum; at. antenna; tnd.
mandible; nix. maxilla I.; li. maxilla II.; //>"/" feet; a. anus.
observations (Kraepelin, etc.), and if it holds true for the Bee must be regarded
as correct for other cases also.
As to the order of the appearance of the appendages observations are as
yet too scanty to form any complete scheme. In many cases all the appendages appear approximately at the same moment, e.g. Hydrophilus, but
whether this holds good for all Coleoptera is by no means certain. In Apis
the appendages are stated by Biitschli to arise simultaneously, but according
to Kowalevsky the two mouth appendages first appear, then the antennae,
and still later the thoracic appendages. In the Diptera the mouth appendages are first formed, and either simultaneously with these, or slightly later,
the antennae. In the Hemiptera and Libellulidae the thoracic appendages
are the first to be formed, and the second pair of maxillae makes its appearance before the other cephalic appendages.
The history of the changes in the embryonic appendages during the
attainment of the 'adult con- .
dition is beyond the scope
of this treatise, but it may
be noted that the second
pair of maxillae are relatively very large in the
embryo, and not infrequently (Libellula, etc.)
have more resemblance to
the ambulatory than to the
masticatory appendages.
The exact nature of the
wings and their relation to
the other segments is still
very obscure. They appear as dorsal leaf-like appendages on the 2nd and
3rd thoracic segments, and
are in many respects similar to the tracheal gills
of the larvae of Ephemeridae and Phryganidae (fig.
1 88 A), of which they are
supposed by Gegenbaur
and Lubbock to be modifications. The undoubtedly
secondary character of the
closed tracheal system of
larvae with tracheal gills
tells against this view.
Fritz Miiller finds in the
larvae of Calotermes ru
A. Hinder portion of the body of Ephemera
vulgata. a. longitudinal tracheal trunks; b. alimentary canal ; c. tracheal gills.
B. Larva of ^Eschna grandis. a. superior longitudinal tracheal trunks ; b. their anterior end ; c. portion branching on proctodaeum ; o. eyes.
C. Alimentary canal of the same larva from the
side, a, b, and c. as in B ; d. inferior tracheal trunk ;
e. transverse branches between upper and lower
tracheal trunks.
gosus (one of the Termites) that peculiar and similar dorsal appendages are
present on the two anterior of the thoracic segments. They are without
tracheae. The anterior atrophies, and the posterior acquires tracheas and gives
rise to the first pair of wings. The second pair of wings is formed from
small processes on the third thoracic segment like those on the other two.
Fritz Miiller concludes from these facts that the wings of Insects are
developed from dorsal processes of the body, not equivalent to the ventral
appendages. What the primitive function of these appendages was is not
clear. Fritz Miiller suggests that they may have been employed as respiratory organs in the passage from an aqueous to a terrestrial existence, when
the Termite ancestors lived in moist habitations a function for which processes supplied with blood-channels would be well adapted. The undoubted
affinity of Insects to Myriapods, coupled with the discovery by Moseley of a
tracheal system in Peripatus, is however nearly fatal to the view that Insects
can have sprung directly from aquatic ancestors not provided with tracheae.
But although this suggestion of Fritz Miiller cannot be accepted, it is still
possible that the processes discovered by him may have been the earliest
rudiments of wings, which were employed first as organs of propulsion by a
water-inhabiting Insect ancestor which had not yet acquired the power of
The nervous system. The nervous system arises entirely
from the epiblast; but the development of the prae-oral and
post-oral sections may be best considered separately.
The post-oral section, or ventral cord of the adult, arises as
two longitudinal thickenings of the epiblast, one on each side of
the median line (fig. 189 B, vn), which are subsequently split ofif
from the superficial skin and give rise to the two lateral strands
of the ventral cord. At a later period they undergo a differentiation into ganglia and connecting cords.
Between these two embryonic nerve cords there is at first a shallow
furrow, which soon becomes a deep groove (fig. 189 C). At this stage the
differentiation of the lateral elements into ganglia and commissures takes
place, and, according to Hatschek (No. 414), the median groove becomes in
the region of the ganglia converted into a canal, the walls of which soon fuse
with those of the ganglionic enlargements of the lateral cords, and connect
them across the middle line. Between the ganglia on the other hand the
median groove undergoes atrophy, becoming first a solid cord interposed
between the lateral strands of the nervous system, and finally disappearing
without giving rise to any part of the nervous system. It is probable that
Hatschek is entirely mistaken about the entrance of a median element into
the ventral cord, and that the appearances he has described are due to
shrinkage. In Spiders the absence of a median element can be shewn with
great certainty, and, as already stated, this element is not present in
Peripatus. Hatschek states that in the mandibular segment the median
element is absorbed, and that the two lateral cords of that part give rise to
the oesophageal commissures, while the sub-cesophageal ganglion is formed
from the fusion of the ganglia of the two maxillary segments.
The prae-oral portion of the nervous system consists entirely
of the supra-cesophageal ganglion. It is formed, according to
Hatschek, of three parts. Firstly and mainly, of a layer sepa
HYDROPHILUS. (After Kowalevsky.)
A. Transverse section through the larva represented in fig. 187 A.
B. Transverse section through a somewhat older embryo in the region of one of
the stigmata.
C. Transverse section through the larva represented in fig. 187 B.
vn. ventral nerve cord; am. amnion and serous membrane ; me. mesoblast ; me.s.
somatic mesoblast ; hy. hypoblast (?) ; yk. yolk cells (true hypoblast) ; st. stigma of
rated from the thickened inner part of the cephalic lobe on each
side ; secondly, of an anterior continuation of the lateral cords ;
and thirdly, of a pit of skin invaginated on each side close to the
412 IN SECT A.
dorsal border of the antennae. This pit is at first provided with
a lumen, which is subsequently obliterated; while the walls of
the pit become converted into true ganglion cells. The two
supra-cesophageal ganglia remain disconnected on the dorsal
side till quite the close of embryonic life.
The tracheae and salivary glands. The tracheae, as was
first shewn by Butschli (No. 405), arise as independent segmentally arranged paired invaginations of the epiblast (fig. 189 B and
C, st). Their openings are always placed on the outer sides of
the appendages of their segments, where such are present.
Although in the adult stigmata are never found in the space
between the prothorax and head 1 , in the embryo and the larva
tracheal invaginations may be developed in all the thoracic (and
possibly in the three jaw-bearing segments) and in all the
abdominal segments except the two posterior.
In the embryo of the Lepidoptera, according to Hatschek (No. 414),
there are 14 pairs of stigmata, belonging to the 14 segments of the body
behind the mouth ; but Tichomiroff states that Hatschek is in error in
making this statement for the foremost post-oral segments. The last two
segments are without stigmata. In the larvae of Lepidoptera as well as those
of many Hymenoptera, Coleoptera and Diptera, stigmata are present on all
the postcephalic segments except the 2nd and 3rd thoracic and the two last
abdominal. In Apis there are eleven pairs of tracheal invaginations according to Kowalevsky (No. 416), but according to Butschli (No. 405) only ten,
the prothorax being without one. In the Bee they appear simultaneously,
and before the appendages.
The blind ends of the tracheal invaginations frequently (e.g.
Apis) unite together into a common longitudinal canal, which
forms a longitudinal tracheal stem. In other cases (eg. Gryllotalpa, Dohrn, No. 408) they remain distinct, and each tracheal
stem has a system of branches of its own.
The development of the tracheae strongly supports the view,
arrived at by Moseley from his investigations on Peripatus, that
they are modifications of cutaneous glands.
The salivary and spinning glands are epiblastic structures,
which in their mode of development are very similar to the
tracheae, and perhaps have a similar origin. The salivary glands
1 In Smynthurus, one of the Collembola, there are, according to Lubbock, only
two stigmata, which are placed on the head.
arise as paired epiblastic imaginations, not, as might be
expected, of the Stomodaeum, but of the ventral plate behind
the mouth on the inner side of the mandibles. At first independent, they eventually unite in a common duct, which falls into
the mouth. The spinning glands arise on the inner side of the
second pair of maxillae in Apis and Lepidoptera, and form
elongated glands extending through nearly the whole length
of the body. They are very similar in their structure and development to salivary glands, and are only employed during larval
life. They no doubt resemble the mucous glands of the oral
papillae of Peripatus, with which they have been compared by
Moseley. The mucous glands of Peripatus may perhaps be the
homologous organs of the first pair of maxillae, for the existence
of which there appears to be some evidence amongst Insects.
Mesoblast. It has been stated that the mesoblast becomes
divided in the region of the body into two lateral bands (fig. 189
A). These bands in many, if not all forms, become divided
into a series of somites corresponding with the segments of the
body. In each of them a cavity appears the commencing
perivisceral cavity which divides them into a somatic plate in
contact with the epiblast, and a splanchnic plate in contact with
the hypoblast (fig. 189). In the interspaces between the
segments the mesoblast is continuous across the median ventral
line. The mesoblast is prolonged into each of the appendages
as these are formed, and in the appendages there is present a
central cavity. By Metschnikoff these cavities are stated to be
continuous, as in Myriapods and Arachnida, with those of the
somites ; but by Hatschek (No. 414) they are stated to be
independent of those in the somites and to be open to the yolk.
The further details of the history of the mesoblast are very imperfectly
known, and the fullest account' we have is that by Dohrn (No. 408) for
Gryllotalpa. It would appear that the mesoblast grows round and encloses
the dorsal side of the yolk earlier than the epiblast. In Gryllotalpa it forms
a pulsating membrane. As the epiblast extends dorsalwards the median
dorsal part of the membrane is constricted off as a tube which forms the
heart. At the same time the free space between the pulsating membrane
and the yolk is obliterated, but transverse passages are left at the lines
between the somites, through which the blood passes from the ventral part of
the body to corresponding openings in the wall of the heart. The greater
part of the membrane gives rise to the muscles of the trunk.
Ventrally the mesoblastic bands soon meet across the median line. The
cavities in the appendages become obliterated and their mesoblastic walls
form the muscles, etc. The cavities in the separate mesoblastic somites also
cease to be distinctly circumscribed.
The splanchnic mesoblast follows the hypoblast in its growth, and gives
rise to the connective tissue and muscular parts of the walls of the alimentary tract. The mesoblastic wall of the proctodaeum is probably formed
independently of the mesoblastic somites. In the head the mesoblast is
stated to form at first a median ventral mass, which does not pass into the
procephalic lobe ; though it assists in forming both the antennae and upper
The alimentary canal. The alimentary tract of Insects is
formed of three distinct sections (fig. 181) a mesenteron or
middle section (me), a stomodaeum (st) and a proctodaeum (an).
The stomodaeum and proctodaeum are invaginations of the
epiblast, while the mesenteron is lined by the hypoblast. The
distinction between the three is usually well marked in the adult
by the epiblastic derivatives being lined by chitin. The stomodaeum consists of mouth, oesophagus, crop, and proventriculus or
gizzard, when such are present. The mesenteron includes the
stomach, and is sometimes (Orthoptera, etc.) provided at its
front end with pyloric diverticula posteriorly it terminates just
in front of the Malpighian bodies. These latter fall into the
proctodaeum, which includes the whole of the region from their
insertion to the anus.
The oral invagination appears nearly coincidently. with the
first formation of segments at the front end of the groove
between the lateral nerve cords, and the anal invagination
appears slightly later at the hindermost end of the ventral plate.
The Malpighian bodies arise as two pairs of outgrowths of the
epiblast of t/te proctodceum, whether solid at first is not certain.
The subsequent increase which usually takes place in their
number is due to sproutings (at first solid) of the two original
The glandular walls of the mesenteron are formed from the hypoblast ;
but the exact origin of the layer has not been thoroughly worked out in all
cases. In Hydrophilus it is stated by Kowalevsky (No. 416) to appear as
two sheets split off from the lateral masses of mesoblast, which gradually
grow round the yolk, and a similar mode of formation would seem to hold
good for Apis. Tichomiroff (No. 420) confirms Kowalevsky on this point,
and further states that these two masses meet first ventrally and much later
on the dorsal side. In Lepidoptera, on the other hand, Hatschek finds that
the hypoblast arises as a median mass of polygonal cells in the anterior part
of the ventral plate. These cells increase by absorbing material from the
yolk, and then gradually extend themselves and grow round the yolk.
Dohrn (No. 408) believes that the yolk cells, the origin of which has
already been spoken of, give rise to the hypoblastic walls of the mesenteron,
and this view appears to be shared by Graber (No. 412), though the latter
author holds that some of the yolk cells are derived by budding from the
blastoderm 1 .
From the analogy of Spiders I am inclined to accept Dohrn's and
Graber's view. It appears to me probable that Kowalevsky's observations
are to be explained by supposing that the hypoblast plates which he believes
to be split off from the mesoblast are really separated from the yolk.
.It will be convenient to add here a few details to what has already been
stated as to the origin of the yolk cells. As mentioned above, the central
yolk breaks up at a period, which is not constant in the different forms, into
polygonal or rounded masses, in each of which a nucleus has in many
instances been clearly demonstrated although in others such nuclei have not
been made out. It is probable however that nuclei are in all cases really
present, and that these masses must be therefore regarded as cells. They
constitute in fact the yolk cells. The periphery of the yolk breaks up into
cells while the centre is still quite homogeneous.
The hypoblastic walls of the mesenteron appear to be formed
in the first instance laterally (fig. 189 B and C, hy). They then
meet ventrally (fig. 185 A and B), and finally close in the
mesenteron on the dorsal side.
The mesenteron is at first a closed sack, independent of both
stomodaeum and proctodaeum ; and in the case of the Bee it so
remains even after the close of embryonic life. The only glandular organs of the mesenteron are the not unfrequent pyloric
tubes, which are simple outgrowths of its anterior end. It is
possible that in some instances they may be formed in situ
around the lateral parts of the yolk.
In many instances the whole of the yolk is enclosed in the walls of the
mesenteron, but in other cases, as in Chironomus and Simulia (Weismann,
No. 430 ; Metschnikoff, No. 423), part of the yolk may be left between the
ventral wall of the mesenteron and the ventral plate. In Chironomus the
1 Graber's view on this point may probably be explained by supposing that he has
mistaken a passage of yolk cells into the blastoderm for a passage of blastoderm cells
into the yolk. The former occurrence takes place, as I have found, largely in Spiders,
and probably therefore also occurs in Insects.
mass of yolk external to the mesenteron takes the form of a median and two
lateral streaks. Some of the yolk cells either prior to the establishment of
the mesenteron, or derived from the unenclosed portions of the yolk, pass
into the developing organs (Dohrn, 408) and serve as a kind of nutritive cell.
They also form blood corpuscles and connective-tissue elements. Such yolk
cells may be compared to the peculiar bodies described by Reichenbach in
Astacus, which form the secondary mesoblast. Similar cells play a very
important part in the development of Spiders.
Generative organs. The observations on the development of the
generative organs are somewhat scanty. In Diptera certain cells known
as the pole cells are stated by both Metschnikoff (No. 423) and Leuckart to
give rise to the generative organs. The cells in question (in Chironomus
and Musca vomitoria, Weismann, No. 430) appear at the hinder end of the
ovum before any other cells of the blastoderm. They soon separate from
the blastoderm and increase by division. In the embryo, produced by the
viviparous larva of Cecidomyia, there is at first a single pole cell, which
eventually divides into four, and the resulting cells become enclosed within
the blastoderm. They next divide into two masses, which are stated by
Metschnikoff (No. 423) to become surrounded by indifferent embryonic cells 1 .
Their protoplasm then fuses, and their nuclei divide, and they give rise to
the larval ovaries, for which the enclosing cells form the tunics.
In Aphis Metschnikoff (No. 423) detected at a very early stage a mass
of cells which give rise to the generative organs. These cells are situated
at the hind end of the ventral plate ; and, except in the case of one of the
cells which gives rise by division to a green mass adjoining the fat body,
the protoplasm of the separate cells fuses into a syncytium. Towards the
close of embryonic life the syncytium assumes a horse-shoe form. The mass
is next divided into two, and the peripheral layer of each part gives rise
to the tunic, while from the hinder extremity of each part an at first solid
duct the egg- tube grows out. The masses themselves form the germogens. The oviduct is formed by a coalescence of the ducts from each
Ganin derives the generative organs in Platygaster (vide p. 347) from
the hind end of the ventral plate close to the proctodaeum ; while Suckow
states that the generative organs are outgrowths of the proctodicum.
According to these two sets of observations the generative organs would
appear to have an epiblastic origin an origin which is not incompatible
with that from the pole cells.
In Lepidoptera the genital organs are present in the later periods of
embryonic life as distinct paired organs, one on each side of the heart, in
the eighth postcephalic segment. They are elliptical bodies with a duct
passing off from the posterior end in the female or from the middle in the
male. The egg-tubes or seminal tubes are outgrowths of the elliptical
1 This point requires further observation.
In other Insects the later stages in the development of the generative
organs closely resemble those in the Lepidoptera, and the organs are usually
distinctly visible in the later stages of embryonic life.
It may probably be laid down, in spite of some of Metschnikoff's
observations above quoted, that the original generative mass gives rise to
both the true genital glands and their ducts. It appears also to be fairly
clear that the genital glands of both sexes have an identical origin.
Special types of larva.
Certain of the Hymenopterous forms, which deposit their eggs in the
eggs or larvae of other Insects, present very peculiar modifications in their
development. Platygaster, which lays its egg in the larvae of Cecidomyia,
undergoes perhaps the most remarkable development amongst these forms.
It has been studied especially by Ganin (No. 410), from whom the following
account is taken.
The very first stages are unfortunately but imperfectly known, and the
interpretations offered by Ganin do not in all cases appear quite satisfactory. In the earliest stage after being laid the egg is enclosed in a
capsule produced into a stalk (fig. 190 A). In the interior of the egg
there soon appears a single spherical body, regarded by Ganin as a cell
(fig. 190 B). In the next stage three similar bodies appear in the vitellus,
no doubt derived from the first one (fig. 190 C). The central one presents
somewhat different characters to the two others, and, according to Ganin,
gives rise to the whole embryo. The two peripheral bodies increase by
division, and soon appear as nuclei imbedded in a layer of protoplasm (fig. 190 D,
E, F). The layer so
formed serves as a
covering for the embryo, regarded by
Ganin as equivalent
to the amnion (? serous membrane) of
other Insect embryos. In the embryo cell new cells
are stated to be
formed by a process
of endogenous cell formation (fig. 190 D, E). It appears probable that
Ganin has mistaken nuclei for cells in the earlier stages, and that a blastoderm is formed as in other Insects, and that this becomes divided in a way
not explained into a superficial layer which gives rise to the serous
envelope, and a deeper layer which forms the embryo. However this
B. II. 27
OF PLATYGASTER. (From Lubbock ; after Ganin.)
may be, a differentiation into an epiblastic layer of columnar cells and
a hypoblastic layer of more rounded cells soon becomes apparent in the body
of the embryo. Subsequently to this the embryo grows rapidly, till by a
deep transverse constriction on the ventral surface it becomes divided into an
anterior cephalothoracic portion and a posterior caudal portion (fig. 190 F).
The cephalothorax grows in breadth, and near its anterior end an invagination appears, which gives rise to the mouth and cesophagus. On
the ventral side of the cephalothorax there is first formed a pair of
claw-like appendages on each side of the mouth, then a posterior pair of
appendages near the junction of the cephalothorax and abdomen, and
lastly a pair of short conical antennae in front.
At the same time the hind end of the abdomen becomes bifid, and gives
rise to a fork-like caudal appendage ; and at a slightly later period four
grooves make their appearance in the caudal region, and divide this part of
the embryo into successive segments. While these changes have been
taking place in the general form of the embryo, the epiblast has given rise
to a cuticle, and the hypoblastic cells have become differentiated into a
central hypoblastic axis the mesenteron and a surrounding layer of
mesoblast, some of the cells of which form longitudinal muscles.
With this stage closes what may be regarded as the embryonic development of Platygaster. The embryo becomes free from the amnion, and presents itself as a larva, which from its very remarkable characters has been
spoken of as the Cyclops larva by Ganin.
The larvae of three species have been described by Ganin, which are represented in fig. 1 9 1 A, B, C. These larvae are strangely dissimilar to the ordinary
Hexapod type, whether larval or adult. They are formed of a cephalothoracic
shield with the three pairs of appendages (a, kf, lfg\ the development of
which has already been described, and of an abdomen formed of five segments, the last of which bears the somewhat varying caudal appendages.
The nervous system is as yet undeveloped.
The larvae move about in the tissues of their hosts by means of their
The first larval condition is succeeded by a second with very different
characters, and the passage from the first to the second is accompanied by
an ecdysis.
The ecdysis commences at the caudal extremity, and the whole of the
last segment is completely thrown off. As the ecdysis extends forwards
the tail loses its segmentation and becomes strongly compressed, the
appendages of the cephalothorax are thrown off, and the whole embryo
assumes an oval form without any sharp distinction into different regions
and without the slightest indication of segmentation (fig. 191 D). Of the
internal changes which take place during the shedding of the cuticle, the
first is the formation of a proctodaeum (gfi) by an invagination, which ends
blindly in contact with the mesenteron. Shortly after this a thickening of
the epiblast (bsm} appears along the ventral surface, which gives rise mainly
to the ventral nerve cord ; this thickening is continuous behind with the
epiblast which is invaginated to form the proctodaeum, and in front is prolonged on each side into two procephalic lobes, in which there are also
thickenings of the epiblast (gsae), which become converted into supraoesophageal ganglia, and possibly other parts.
Towards the close of the second larval period the muscles (/;) become
segmentally arranged, and give indications of the segmentation which
(From Lubbock ; after Ganin.)
A. B. C. Cyclops larvae of three species of Platygaster.
D. Second larval stage. E. Third larval stage.
mo. mouth ; a. antenna ; kf. hooked feet ; Ifg. lateral feet ; /. branches of tail ;
ul. lower lip ; slkf. oesophagus ; gsae. supra- oesophageal ganglion ; bsm. ventral epiblastic plate ; Im. lateral muscles (the letters also point in D to the salivary glands) ;
gh. proctodseum ; ga. generative organs ; md. mandibles ; ag. ducts of salivary glands ;
sp. (in E) salivary glands ; mis. stomach ; ed. intestine ; ew. rectum ; ao. anus ;
tr. tracheae ; fk. fat body.
becomes apparent in the third larval period. The third and last larval
stage (fig. 191 E) of Platygaster, during which it still remains in the tissues
of its host, presents no very peculiar features. The passage from the second
to the third form is accompanied by an ecdysis.
Remarkable as are the larvae just described, there can I think be
no reason, considering their parasitic habits, for regarding them as ancestral.
Metamorphosis and heterogamy.
Metamorphosis. The majority of Insects are born in a
condition in which they obviously differ from their parents. The
extent of this difference is subject to very great variations, but
as a rule the larvae pass through a very marked metamorphosis
before reaching the adult state. The complete history of this
metamorphosis in the different orders of Insects involves a far
too considerable amount of zoological detail to be dealt with in
this work ; and I shall confine myself to a few observations on
the general characters and origin of the metamorphosis, and of
the histological processes which take place during its occurrence 1 .
In the Aptera the larva differs from the adult only in the
number of facets in the cornea and joints in the antennae.
In most Orthoptera and Hemiptera the larvae differ from the
adult in the absence of wings and in other points. The wings,
etc., are gradually acquired in the course of a series of successive
moultings. In the Ephemeridae and Libellulidae, however, the
metamorphosis is more complicated, in that the larvae have
provisional tracheal gills which are exuviated before the final
moult. In the Ephemeridae there are usually a great number of
moultings ; the tracheal gills appear after the second moult, and
the rudiments of the wings when the larva is about half grown.
Larval life may last for a very long period.
In all the other groups of Insects, viz. the Diptera, Neuroptera, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, and Hymenoptera, the larva
passes with a few exceptions through a quiescent stage, in
which it is known as a pupa, before it attains the adult stage.
These forms are known as the Holometabola.
In the Diptera the larvae are apodous. In the true flies (Muscidae) they
are without a distinct head and have the jaws replaced by hooks. In the
Tipulidae there is on the other hand a well-developed head with the normal
appendages. The pupae of the Muscidae are quiescent, and are enclosed in
the skin of the larva which shrinks and forms a firm oval case. In the
1 For a systematic account of this subject the reader is referred to Lubbock (No.
420) and to Graber (No. 411). He will find in Weismann (Nos. 430 and 431) a detailed
account of the internal changes which take place.
Tipulidae the larval skin is thrown off at the pupa stage, and in some cases
the pupae continue to move about.
The larvae of the Neuroptera are hexapodous voracious forms. When the
larva becomes a pupa all the external organs of the imago are already
established. The pupa is often invested in a cocoon. It is usually quiescent,
though sometimes it begins to move about shortly before the imago emerges.
In the Coleoptera there is considerable variety in the larval forms. As a
rule the larvae are hexapodous and resemble wingless Insects. But some
herbivorous larvae (e.g. the larva of Melolontha) closely resemble true
caterpillars, and there are also grub-like larvae without feet (Curculio) which
resemble the larvae of Hymenoptera. The pupa is quiescent, but has all
the parts of the future beetle plainly visible. The most interesting larvae
among the Coleoptera are those of Sitaris, one of the Meloidae (Fabre, No.
409). They leave the egg as active hexapodous larvae which attach themselves to the bodies of Hymenoptera, and are thence transported to a cell
filled with honey. Here they eat the ovum of the Hymenopterous form.
They then undergo an ecdysis, in which they functionally lose their appendages, retaining however small rudiments of them, and become grubs. They
feed on the honey and after a further ecdysis become pupae.
In the Lepidoptera the larva has the well-known form of a caterpillar.
The caterpillars have strong jaws, adapted for biting vegetable tissues,
which are quite unlike the oral appendages of the adult. They have three
pairs of jointed thoracic legs, and a variable number (usually five) of pairs
of rudimentary abdominal legs the so-called pro-legs. The larva undergoes
numerous ecdyses, and the external parts of the adult such as the wings, etc.,
are formed underneath the chitinous exoskeleton before the pupa stage.
The pupa is known as a chrysalis and in some Lepidoptera is enveloped in
a cocoon.
The Hymenoptera present considerable variations in the character of the
larvae. In the Aculeata, many Entomophaga, the Cynipidae, etc., the larvae
are apodous grubs, incapable of going in search of their food ; but in the
Siricidse they are hexapodous forms like caterpillars, which are sometimes
even provided with pro-legs. In some of the Entomophaga the larvae have
very remarkable characters which have already been described in a special
section, 'vide pp. 418, 419.
Before proceeding to the consideration of the value of the
various larval forms thus shortly enumerated, it is necessary to
say a few words as to the internal changes which take place
during the occurrence of the above metamorphosis. In the
simplest cases, such as those of the Orthoptera and Hemiptera,
where the metamorphosis is confined to the gradual formation
of the wings, etc. in a series of moults, the wings first appear as
two folds of the epidermis beneath the cuticle on the two
posterior thoracic segments. At the next moult these processes
become covered by the freshly formed cuticle, and appear as
small projections. At every successive moult these projections
become more prominent owing to a growth in the epidermis
which has taken place in the preceding interval. Accompanying
the formation of such organs as the wings, internal changes
necessarily take place in the arrangement of the muscles, etc. of
the thorax, which proceed pari passu with the formation of the
organs to which they belong. The characters of the metamorphosis in such forms as the Ephemeridae only differ from the
above in the fact that provisional organs are thrown off at the
same time that the new ones are formed.
In the case of the Holometabola the internal phenomena of
the metamorphosis are of a very much more remarkable character. The details of our knowledge are largely due to Weismann (Nos. 430 and 431). The larvae of the Holometabola have
for the most part a very different mode of life to the adults.
A simple series of transitions between the two is impossible,
because intermediate forms would be for the most part incapable
of existing. The transition from the larval to the adult state is
therefore necessarily a more or less sudden one, and takes place
during the quiescent pupa condition. Many of the external
adult organs are however formed prior to the pupa stage, but do
not become visible on the surface. The simplest mode of Holometabolic metamorphosis may be illustrated by the development
of Corethra plumicornis, one of the Tipulidae. This larva, like
that of other Tipulidae, is without thoracic appendages, but
before the last larval moult, and therefore shortly before the
pupa stage, certain structures are formed, which Weismann has
called imaginal discs. These imaginal discs are in Corethra
simply invaginations of the epidermis. There are in the thorax
six pairs of such structures, three dorsal and three ventral. The
three ventral are attached to the terminations of the sensory
nerves, and the limbs of the imago are formed as simple
outgrowths of them, which as they grow in length take a spiral
form. In the interior of these outgrowths are formed the
muscles, tracheae, etc., of the limbs; which are believed by
Weismann (it appears to me without sufficient ground) to be
derived from a proliferation of the cells of the neurilemma.
The wings are formed from the two posterior dorsal imaginal
discs. The hypodermis of the larva passes directly into that of
the imago.
The pupa stage of Corethra is relatively very short, and the
changes in the internal parts which take place during it are not
considerable. The larval abdominal muscles pass for the most
part unchanged into those of the imago, while the special
thoracic muscles connected with the wings, etc., develop directly
during the latest larval period from cords of cells already formed
in the embryo.
In the Lepidoptera the changes in the passage from the
larval to the adult state are not very much more considerable
than those in Corethra. Similar imaginal discs give rise during
the later larval periods to the wings, etc. The internal changes
during the longer pupa period are somewhat more considerable.
Important modifications and new formations arise in connection with the alimentary tract, the nervous and muscular
The changes which take place in the true flies (Muscidse) are
far more complicated than either those in Corethra or in the
Lepidoptera. The abdomen of the larva of Musca becomes
bodily converted into the abdomen of the imago as in the above
types, but the whole epidermis and appendages of the head and
thorax are derived from imaginal discs which are formed within
and (so far as is known) independently of the epidermis of the
larva or embryo. These imaginal discs are simple masses of
apparently indifferent cells, which for the most part appear at
the close of embryonic life, and are attached to nerves or
tracheae. They grow in size during larval life, but during the
relatively long pupa stage they unite together to give rise to a
continuous epidermis, from which the appendages grow out as
processes. The epidermis of the anterior part of the larva is
simply thrown off, and has no share in forming the epidermis of
the adult.
There are a pair of cephalic imaginal discs and six pairs of
thoracic discs. Two pairs, a dorsal and a ventral, give rise to
each thoracic ring, and the appendages attached to it.
Though, as mentioned above, no evidence has yet been
produced to shew that the imaginal discs of Musca are derived
from the embryonic epiblast, yet their mode of growth and
424 1NSECTA.
eventual fate proves beyond the shadow of a doubt that they are
homologous with the imaginal discs of Corethra. Their earliest
origin is well worth further investigation.
The metamorphosis of the internal organs is still more
striking than that of the external. There is a disruption, total
or partial, of all the internal organs except the generative
organs. In the case of the alimentary tract, the Malpighian
vessels, the heart and the central nervous system, the disruption
is of a partial kind, which has been called by Weismann
histolysis. The cells of these organs undergo a fatty degeneration, the nuclei alone in some cases remaining. The kind of
plasma resulting from this degeneration retains the shape of the
organs, and finally becomes built up again into the corresponding organs of the imago. The tracheae, muscles and peripheral
nerves, and an anterior part of the alimentary tract, are entirely
disrupted. They seem to be formed again from granular cells
derived from the enormous fat body.
The phenomena of the development of the Muscidse are undoubtedly of
rather a surprising character. Leaving for the moment the question of the
origin of the pupa stage to which I return below, it will be admitted on all
hands that during the pupa stage the larva undergoes a series of changes
which, had they taken place by slow degrees, would have involved, in such a
case as Musca, a complete though gradual renewal of the tissues. Such
being the case, the cells of the organs common to the larva and the imago
would, in the natural course of things, not be the same cells as those of the
larva but descendants of them. We might therefore expect to find in the
rapid conversion of the larval organs into those of the adult some condensation, so to speak, of the process of ordinary cell division. Such condensations
are probably represented in the histolysis in the case of the internal organs,
and in the formation of imaginal discs in the case of the external ones, and
I think it probable that further investigation will shew that the imaginal
discs of the Muscidae are derivatives of the embryonic epiblast. The above
considerations by no means explain the whole of Weismann's interesting
observations, but an explanation is I believe to be found by following up
these lines.
More or less parallel phenomena to those in Insects are found in the
development of the Platyelminthes and Echinoderms. The four disc-like
invaginations of the skin in many larval Nemertines (vide p. 198), which
give rise to the permanent body wall of the Nemertine, may be compared to
the imaginal discs. The subsequent throwing off of the skin of Pilidium or
larva of Desor is a phenomenon like the absorption of part of the larval
skin of Musca. The formation of an independent skin within the first larval
form in the Distomeaeand in the Cestoda may be compared to the apparently
independent formation of the imaginal discs in Musca.
The fact that in a majority of instances it is possible to trace
an intimate connection between the surroundings of a larva and
its organization proves in the clearest way that the characters of
the majority of existing larval forms of Insects have owed their
origin to secondary adaptations. A few instances will illustrate
this point.
In the simplest types of metamorphosis, e.g. those of the
Orthoptera genuina, the larva has precisely the same habits as
the adult. We find that a caterpillar
form is assumed by phytophagous larvae
amongst the Lepidoptera, Hymenoptera
and Coleoptera. Where the larva has
not to go in search of its nutriment the
grub-like apodous form is assumed. The
existence of such an apodous larva is
especially striking in the Hymenoptera,
in that rudiments of thoracic and abdominal appendages are present in the
embryo and disappear again in the larva.
The case of the larva of Sitaris, already
described (p. 421), affords another very
striking proof that the organization of
the larva is adapted to its habits.
It follows from the above that the
development of such forms as the Orthoptera genuina is more primitive than
that of the holometabolous forms; a
conclusion which tallies with the fact
FIG. 102.
HALF OF CAMPODEA FRAGILIS. (From Gegenbaur; after Palmen.)
a. antennae ; p. feet ; j> ',
feet; s.
that both palaeontological and anatomical evidence shew the
Orthoptera to be a very primitive group of Insects.
The above argument probably applies with still greater force
to the case of the Thysanura ; and it seems to be probable that
this group is more nearly related than any other to the primitive
wingless ancestors of Insects 1 . The characters of the oral
1 Brauer and Lubbock (No. 421) have pointed out the primitive characters of these
forms, especially of Campodea.
appendages in this group, the simplicity of their metamorphosis,
and the presence of abdominal appendages (fig. 192), all tell in
favour of this view, while the resemblance of the adult to the
larvae of the Pseudoneuroptera, etc., points in the same direction.
The Thysanura and Collembola are not however to be regarded
as belonging to the true stock of the ancestors of Insects, but as
degenerated relations of this stock ; much as Amphioxus and
the Ascidians are degenerate relations of the ancestral stock of
Vertebrates, and Peripatus of that of the Tracheata. It is
probable that all these forms have succeeded in retaining their
primitive characters from their degenerate habits, which prevented them from entering into competition in the struggle for
existence with their more highly endowed relatives. While in a
general way it is clear that the larval forms of Insects cannot be
expected to throw much light on the nature of Insect ancestors,
it does nevertheless appear to me probable that such forms as
the caterpillars of the Lepidoptera are not without a meaning in
this respect. It is easy to conceive that even a secondary larval
form may have been produced by the prolongation of one of the
embryonic stages ; and the general similarity of a caterpillar to
Peripatus, and the retention by it of post-thoracic appendages, are
facts which appear to favour this view of the origin of the caterpillar form.
The two most obscure points which still remain to be dealt
with in the metamorphosis of Insects are (i) the origin of the
quiescent pupa stage ; (2) the frequent dissimilarity between the
masticatory apparatus of the larva and adult.
These two points may be conveniently dealt with together,
and some valuable remarks about them will be found in Lubbock
(No. 420).
On grounds already indicated it may be considered certain
that the groups of Insects without a pupa stage, and with a larva
very similarly organised to the adult, preceded the existing
holometabolic groups. The starting-point in the metamorphosis
of the latter groups was therefore something like that of the
Orthoptera. Suppose it became an advantage to a species that
the larva and adult should feed in a somewhat different way, a
difference in the character of their mouth parts would soon make
itself manifest ; and, since an intermediate type of mouth parts
would probably be disadvantageous, there would be a tendency
to concentrate into a single moult the transition from the larval
to the adult form of mouth parts. At each ordinary moult there
is a short period of quiescence, and this period of quiescence
would naturally become longer in the important moult at which
the change in the mouth parts was effected. In this way a
rudimentary pupa stage might be started. The pupa stage,
once started, might easily become a more important factor in
the metamorphosis. If the larva and imago diverged still more
from each other, a continually increasing amount of change
would have to be effected at the pupa stage. It would probably
be advantageous to the species that the larva should not have
rudimentary functionless wings ; and the establishment of the
wings as external organs would therefore become deferred to
the pupa stage. The same would probably apply to other
Insects usually pass through the pupa stage in winter in cold
climates and during the dry season in the tropics, this stage
serving therefore apparently for the protection of the species
during the inclement season of the year. These facts are easily
explained on the supposition that the pupa stage has become
secondarily adapted to play a part in the economy of the
species quite different from that to which it owes its origin.
Heterogamy. The cases of alternations of generations
amongst Insects all fall under the heading already defined in
the introduction as Heterogamy. Heterogamy amongst Insects
has been rendered possible by the existence of parthenogenesis,
which, as stated in the introduction, has been taken hold of by
natural selection, and has led to the production of generations of
parthenogenetic forms, by which a clear economy in reproduction
is effected. Parthenogenesis without heterogamy occurs in a
large number of forms. In Bees, Wasps, and a Sawfly (Nematus
ventricosus) the unfertilized ova give rise to males. In two
Lepidopterous genera (Psyche and Solenobia) the unfertilized
ova give rise mainly, if not entirely, to females. Heterogamy
occurs in none of the above types, but in Psyche and Solenobia
males are only occasionally found, so that a series of generations
producing female young from unfertilized ova are followed by a
generation producing young of both sexes from fertilized ova. It
would be interesting to know if the unimpregnated female would
not after a certain number of generations give rise to both males
and females ; such an occurrence might be anticipated on
grounds of analogy. In the cases of true heterogamy parthenogenesis has become confined to special generations, which differ
in their character from the generations which reproduce themselves sexually. The parthenogenetic generations generally
flourish during the season when food is abundant; while the
sexual generations occur at intervals which are often secondarily
regulated by the season, supply of food, etc.
A very simple case of this kind occurs, if we may trust the
recent researches of Lichtenstein 1 , in certain Gall Insects
(Cynipidae). He finds that the female of a form known as
Spathegaster baccarum, of which both males and females are
plentiful, pricks a characteristic gall in certain leaves, in which
she deposits the fertilized eggs. The eggs from these galls give
rise to a winged and apparently adult form, which is not, however, Spathegaster, but is a species considered to belong to a
distinct genus known as Neuroterus ventricularis. Only females
of Neuroterus are found, and they lay unfertilized ova in peculiar
galls which develop into Spathegaster baccarum. Here we have
a true case of heterogamy, the females which produce parthenogenetically having become differentiated from those which produce sexually. Another interesting type of heterogamy is that
which has been long known in the Aphides. In the autumn
impregnated eggs are deposited by females, which give rise in
the course of the spring to females which produce parthenogenetically and viviparously. The viviparous females always
differ from the females which lay the fertilized eggs. The generative organs are of course differently constituted, and the ova of
the viviparous females are much smaller than those of the oviparous females, as is generally the case in closely allied viviparous and oviparous forms; but in addition the former are
usually without wings, while the latter are winged. The reverse
is however occasionally the case. An indefinite number of generations of viviparous females may be produced if they are artificially kept warm and supplied with food ; but in the course of
1 Petites Nouvelles Entomolog iyues, May, 1878.
nature the viviparous females produce in the autumn males and
females which lay eggs with firm shells, and so preserve the
species through the winter. The heterogamy of the allied
Coccidae is practically the same as that of the Aphidae. In the
case of Chermes and Phylloxera the parthenogenetic generations
lay their eggs in the normal way.
The complete history of Phylloxera quercus has been worked
out by Balbiani (No. 401). The apterous females during the
summer lay eggs developing parthenogenetically into apterous
females, which continue the same mode of reproduction. In the
autumn, however, the eggs which are laid give rise in part to
winged forms and in part to apterous forms. Both of these
forms lay smaller and larger eggs, which develop respectively
into very minute males and females without digestive organs.
The fertilized eggs laid by these forms probably give rise to the
parthenogenetic females.
A remarkable case of heterogamy accompanied by paedogenesis was discovered by Wagner to take place in certain
species of Cecydomyia (Miastor), a genus of the Diptera. The
female lays a few eggs in the bark of trees, etc. These eggs
develop in the winter into larvae, in which ovaries are early
formed. The ova become detached into the body cavity,
surrounded by their follicles, and grow at the cost of the
follicles. They soon commence to undergo a true development,
and on becoming hatched they remain for some time in the
body cavity of the parent, and are nourished at the expense of
its viscera. They finally leave the empty skin of their parent,
and subsequently reproduce a fresh batch of larvae in the same
way. After several generations the larvae undergo in the
following summer a metamorphosis, and develop into the sexual
Another case of paedogenesis is that of the larvae of Chironomus, which have been shewn by Grimm (No. 413) to lay eggs
which develop exactly in the same way as fertilized eggs into
(401) M. Balbiani. " Observations s. la reproduction d. Phylloxera du Chene."
An. Sc. Nat. Ser. v. Vol. xix. 1874.
(402) E. Bess els. " Studien u. d. Entwicklung d. Sexualdriisen bei den Lepidoptera." Ztit.f. wiss. Zool. Bd. xvii. 1867.
(403) Alex. Brandt. "Beitrage zur Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Libellulida u.
Hemiptera, mil besonderer Berucksichtigung d. Embryonalhiillen derselben." Mem.
Ac. Petersbourg, Ser. vn. Vol. xm. 1869.
(404) Alex. Brandt. Ueber das Ei u. seine Bildungsstdttt. Leipzig, 1878.
(405) O. Biitschli. "Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Biene." Zeit. f. wiss.
Zool. Bd. xx. 1870.
(406) H. Dewitz. "Bau u. Entwicklung d. Stachels, etc." Zeit.f. wiss. Zool.
Vols. xxv. and xxvin. 1875 and 1877.
(407) H. Dewitz. "Beitrage zur Kenntniss d. Postembryonalentwicklung d.
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(408) A. Dohrn. "Notizen zur Kenntniss d. Insectenentwicklung." Zeitschrift
f. wiss. Zool. Bd. xxvi. 1876.
(409) M. Fabre. " L'hypermetamorphose et lesmoeursdes Meloides." An.Sci.
Nat. Series iv. Vol. vn. 1857.
(410) Ganin. " Beitrage zur Erkenntniss d. Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Insecten."
Zeit.f. wiss. Zool. Bd. xix. 1869.
(411) V. Graber. Die Insecten. MUnchen, 1877.
(412) V. Graber. "Vorlauf. Ergeb. lib. vergl. Embryologie d. Insecten."
Archivf. mikr. Anat. Vol. XV. 1878.
(413) O. v. Grimm. " Ungeschlechtliche Fortpflanzung einer Chironomus Art-u.
deren Entwicklung aus dem unbefruchteten Ei." Mem. Acad. Petersbourg. 1870.
(414) B. Hatschek. " Beitrage zur Entwicklung d. Lepidopteren." Jenaische
Zeitschrift, Bd. XI.
(415) A. K 6 1 1 i k e r. " Observationes de prima insectorum genese, etc. " Ann. Sc.
Nat. Vol. xx. 1843.
(416) A. Kowalevsky. " Embryologische Studien an Wurmern u. Arthropoden."
Mem. Ac. imp. Petersbourg, Ser. vn. Vol. xvi. 1871.
(417) C. Kraepelin. 4 ' Untersuchungen Ub. d. Bau, Mechanismus u. d. Entwick. des Stachels d. bienartigen Thiere." Zeit.f. wiss. Zool. Vol. xxni. 1873.
(418) C. Kupffer. "Faltenblatt an d. Embryonen d. Gattung Chironomus."
Arch.f. mikr. Anat. Vol. u. 1866.
(419) R. Leuckart. Zur Kenntniss d. Generationswechsels u. d. Parthenogenese
b. d. Insecten. Frankfurt, 1858.
(420) Lubbock. Origin and Metamorphosis of Insects. 1874.
(421) Lubbock. Monograph on Collembola and Thysanura. Ray Society, 1873.
(422) Melnikow. " Beitrage z. Embryonalentwicklung d. Insecten." Archiv
f. Naturgeschichte, Bd. xxxv. 1869.
(423) E. Metschnikoff. "Embryologische Studien an Insecten." Zeit. f.
wiss. Zool. Bd. xvi. 1866.
(424) P. Meyer. "Ontogenie und Phylogenie d. Insecten." Jenaische Zeitschrift, Vol. x. 1876.
(425) FritzMiiller. " Beitrage z. Kenntniss d. Termiten." Jenaische Zeitschrift, Vol. IX. 1875.
(426) A. S. Packard. " Embryological Studies on Diplex, Perithemis, and
the Thysanurous genus Isotoma." Mem. Peabody Acad. Science, I. i. 1871.
(427) Suckow. " Geschlechtsorgane d. Insecten." Ileusinger's Zeitschrift f.
organ. Physik, Bd. n. 1828.
(428) Tichomiroff. " Ueber die Entwicklungsgeschichte des Seidenwiirms."
Zoologischer Anzeiger, n. Jahr. No. 20 (Preliminary Notice).
(429) Aug. Weismann. "Zur Embryologie d. Insecten." Archiv f. Anat.
und Phys. 1864.
(430) Aug. Weismann. " Entwicklung d. Dipteren." Zeit. f. wiss. Zool.
Vols. xin. and xiv. Leipzig, 1863 4.
(431) Aug. Weismann. " Die Metamorphose d. Corethra plumicornis. " Zeit.
f. wiss. Zool. Vol. xvi. 1866.
(432) N. Wagner. "Beitrag z. Lehre d. Fortpflanzung d. Insectenlarven."
Zeit.f. wiss. Zool. Vol. xin. 1860.
(433) Zaddach. Untersuchungen iib. d. Bau u. d. Entwicklungd. Gliederthiere.
Berlin, 1854.
The development of several divisions of this interesting
group has been worked out ; and it will be convenient to deal in
the first instance with the special history of each of these
divisions, and then to treat in a
separate section the development of the organs for the
whole group.
Scorpionidae. The embryonic development always takes
place within the female Scorpion. In Buthus it takes place
within follicle-like protuberances of the wall of the ovary.
In Scorpio also development
commences while the egg is
still in the follicle, but when the
trunk becomes segmented the
embryo passes into the ovarian
tube. The chief authority for
the development of the Scorpionidae is Metschnikoff (No. 434).
At the pole of the ovum facing the ovarian tube there is
(After Metschnikoff.)
bl. blastoderm.
1 The classification of the Arachnida adopted in the present work is shewn below.
c Scorpionidse. . . ( Tetrapneumones.
Pedipalpi. IL Aranema - JDipneumones.
I. ArthrOgastra. \ Pseudoscorpionidae.
I Soiifugse. in. Acarina,
^ Phalangidse.
formed a germinal disc which undergoes a partial segmentation
(fig. 193 bl). A somewhat saucer-shaped one-layered blastoderm is then formed, which soon becomes thickened in the
centre and then divided into two layers. The outer of these
is the epiblast, the inner the mesoblast. Beneath the mesoblast
there subsequently appear granular cells, which form the
commencement of the hypoblast 1 .
During the formation of the blastoderm a cellular envelope is formed
round the embryo. Its origin is doubtful, though it is regarded by
Metschnikoff as probably derived from the blastoderm and homologous
with the amnion of Insects. It becomes double in the later stages (fig. 195).
During the differentiation of the three embryonic layers the
germinal disc becomes somewhat pyriform, the pointed end
being the posterior. At this extremity there is a special thickening which is perhaps
equivalent to the primitive cumulus of Spiders.
The germinal disc continues gradually to spread
over the yolk, but the
original pyriform area is
thicker than the remainder, and is marked off
anteriorly and posteriorly by a shallow furrow.
It constitutes a structure
corresponding with the
ventral plate of other
Tracheata. It soon becomes grooved by a FIG. 194. THREE SURFACE VIEWS OF THE
shallow longitudinal fur- (After Metschnikoff.)
A. Before segmentation.
B. After five segments have become formed.
C. After the appendages have begun to be
row (fig. 194 A) which
subsequently becomes
less distinct. It is then
divided by two transverse lines into three parts 2 .
1 The origin of the hypoblast cells, if such these cells are, is obscure. Metschnikoff
doubtfully derives them from the blastoderm cells ; from my investigations on Spiders
it appears to me more probable that they originate in the yolk.
* The exact fate of the three original segments is left somewhat obscure by
In succeeding stages the anterior of the three parts is clearly
marked out as the procephalic lobe, and soon becomes somewhat
broader. Fresh segments are added from before backwards,
and the whole ventral plate increases rapidly in length (fig.
194 B).
When ten segments have become formed, appendages appear
as paired outgrowths of the nine posterior segments (fig. 194 C).
The second segment bears the pedipalpi, the four succeeding
segments the four ambulatory appendages, and the four hindermost segments smaller provisional appendages which subsequently disappear, with the possible exception of the second.
The foremost segment, immediately behind the procephalic
lobes, is very small, and still without a rudiment of the chelicerae, which are subsequently formed on it. It would appear
from Metschnikoff's figures to
be developed later than the
other post-oral segments present at this stage. The still
unsegmented tail has become
very prominent and makes an
angle of 180 with the remainder of the body, over the
ventral surface of which it is
By the time that twelve
segments are definitely formed, the procephalic region is
distinctly bilobed, and in the
median groove extending
along it the stomodaeum has
become formed (fig. 196 A).
The chelicerae (ck) appear as
small rudiments on the first
post-oral segment, and the
ITS MEMBRANES. (After Metschnikoff. )
ch. chelicerae ; pd. pedipalpi ; p^p 4 .
ambulatory appendages ; al>. post-abdomen
Metschnikoff. He believes however that the anterior segment forms the procephalic
lobes, the posterior probably the telson and five adjoining caudal segments, and
the middle one the remainder of the body. This view does not appear to me quite
satisfactory, since on the analogy of Spiders and other Arthropoda the fresh somites
ought to be added by a continuous segmentation of the posterior lobe.
B. II. 28
nerve cords are distinctly differentiated and ganglionated. In
the embryonic state there is one ganglion for each segment.
The ganglion in the first segment (that bearing the chelicerse) is
very small, but is undoubtedly post-oral.
At this stage, by a growth in which all the three germinal
layers have a share, the yolk is completely closed in by the
blastoderm. It is a remarkable fact with only few parallels, and
those amongst the Arthropoda, that the blastopore, or point
where the embryonic membranes meet in closing in the yolk, is
situated on the dorsal surface of the embryo.
The general relations of the embryo at about this stage are
shewn in fig. 195, where the embryo enclosed in its double
cellular membrane is seen in a side view. This embryo is about
the same age as that seen from the ventral surface in fig. 196 A.
The general nature of the further changes may easily be
gathered from an inspection of fig. 196 B and C, but a few
points may be noted.
An upper lip or labrum is formed as an unpaired organ in
the line between the procephalic lobes. The pedipalpi become
chelate before becoming jointed, and the chelicerae also early
acquire their characteristic form. Rudimentary appendages
appear on the six segments behind the ambulatory legs, five of
which are distinctly shewn in fig. 195 ; they persist only on the
second segment, where they appear to form the comb-like
organs or pectines. The last abdominal segment, Le. that next
the tail, is without provisional appendages. The embryonic tail
is divided into six segments including the telson (fig. 196 C, ab).
The lungs (st) are formed by paired invaginations, the walls of
which subsequently become plicated, on the four last segments
which bear rudimentary limbs, and simultaneously with the
disappearance of the rudimentary limbs.
PseudoscorpionidaB. The development of Qielifer has been investigated by Metschnikoff (436), and although (except that it is provided
with tracheae instead of pulmonary sacks) it might be supposed to be closely
related to Scorpio, yet in its development is strikingly different.
The eggs after being laid are carried by the female attached to the first
segment of the abdomen. The segmentation (vide p. 93) is intermediate
between the types of complete and superficial segmentation. The ovum,
mainly formed of food-yolk, divides into two, four, and eight equal segments
(fig. 197 A). There then appear one or more clear segments on the surface
of these, and finally a complete layer of cells is formed round the central
yolk spheres (fig. 197 B), which latter subsequently agglomerate into a
central mass. The superficial cells form what may be called a blastoderm,
which soon becomes divided into two layers (fig. 197 C). There now
appears a single pair of appendages (the pedipalpi) (fig. 198 A,/^/), while at
the same time the front end of the embryo grows out into a remarkable
proboscis-like prominence a temporary upper lip (concealed in the figure
(After Metschnikoff.)
ch. chelicerae ; pd. pedipalpi ; p l />*. ambulatory appendages ; pe. pecten ; st.
stigmata ; ab. post abdomen (tail).
behind the pedipalpus), and the abdomen (ab) becomes bent forwards towards the ventral surface. In this very rudimentary condition, after undergoing an ecdysis, the larva is hatched, although it still remains attached to
its parent. After hatching it grows rapidly, and becomes filled with a
peculiar transparent material. The first pair of ambulatory appendages is
formed behind the pedipalpi and then the three suceeding pairs, while at the
same time the chelicerae appear as small rudiments in front. External signs
of segmentation have not yet appeared, but about this period the nervous
system is formed. The supra-cesophageal ganglia are especially distinct,
and provided with a central cavity, probably formed by an invagination, as
in other Arachnida. In the succeeding stages (fig. 198 B) four provisional
pairs of appendages (shewn as small knobs at ati] appear behind the ambulatory feet. The abdomen is bent forwards so as to reach almost to the
pedipalpi. In the later stages (fig. 198 C) the adult form is gradually
attained. The enormous upper lip persists for some time, but subsequently
atrophies and is replaced by a normal labrum. The appendages behind the
(After Metschnikoff.)
In A the ovum is divided into a number of separate segments. In B a number of
small cells have appeared (bl) which form a blastoderm enveloping the large yolk
spheres. In C the blastoderm has become divided into two layers.
ambulatory feet atrophy, and the tail is gradually bent back into its final
position. The segmentation and the gradual growth of the limbs do not call
for special description, and the formation of the organs, so far as is known,
agrees with other types.
The segmentation of Chthonius is apparently similar to that of Chelifer
(Stecker, No. 437).
Phalangidae. Our knowledge of the development of Phalangium is
unfortunately confined to the later stages (Balbiani, No. 438). These stages
do not appear however to differ very greatly from those of true Spiders.
Araneina. The eggs of true Spiders are either deposited in
nests made specially for them, or are carried about by the
females. Species belonging to a considerable number of genera,
viz. Pholcus, Epeira, Lycosa, Clubione, Tegenaria and Agelcna
have been studied by Claparede (No. 442), Balbiani (No. 439),
Barrois (No. 441) and myself (No. 440), and the close similarity
between their embryos leaves but little doubt that there are no
great variations in development within the group.
The ovum is enclosed in a delicate vitelline membrane,
enveloped in its turn by a chorion secreted by the walls of the
oviduct. The chorion is covered by numerous rounded prominences, and occasionally exhibits a pattern corresponding with
the areas of the cells which formed it. The segmentation has
already been fully described, pp. 1 18 and 1 19. At its close there
is present an enveloping blastoderm formed of a single layer of
large flattened cells. The yolk within is formed of a number of
' r .v-ii~-cr^ ^H 1
ooo^ o^*afe
(After Metschnikoff.)
pd. pedipalpi ; ab. abdomen ; an.i. anal invagination ; c/i. chelicerse.
large polygonal segments ; each of which is composed of large
yolk spherules, and contains a nucleus surrounded by a layer of
protoplasm, which is prolonged into stellate processes holding
together the yolk spherules. The nucleus, surrounded by the
major part of the protoplasm of each yolk cell, appears, as a rule,
to be situated not at the centre, but on one side of its yolk
The further description of the development of Spiders applies
more especially to Agelena labyrinthica, the species which
formed the subject of my own investigations.
The first differentiation of the blastoderm consists in the
cells of nearly the whole of one hemisphere becoming somewhat
more columnar than those of the other hemisphere, and in the
cells of a small area near one end of the thickened hemisphere
becoming distinctly more columnar than elsewhere, and two
layers thick. This area forms a protuberance on the surface of
the ovum, originally discovered by Claparede, and called by him
the primitive cumulus. In the next stage the cells of the
thickened hemisphere of the blastoderm become still more
columnar; and a second area, at first connected by a whitish
streak with the cumulus, makes its appearance. In the second
area the blastoderm is also more than one cell deep (fig. 199).
It will be noticed that the blastoderm, though more than one
cell thick over a large part of the ventral surface, is not divided
into distinct layers. The second area appears as a white patch
and soon becomes more distinct, while the streak continued to
it from the cumulus is no longer visible. It is shewn in surface
view in fig. 200 A. Though my observations on this stage are
not quite satisfactory, yet it appears to me probable that there
is a longitudinal thickened ridge of the blastoderm extending
from the primitive cumulus to the large white area. The section
represented in fig. 199, which I believe to be oblique, passes
through this ridge at its most projecting part.
The nuclei of the yolk cells during the above stages multiply
rapidly, and cells are formed in the yolk which join the blastoderm ; there can however be no doubt that the main increase in
the cells of the blastoderm has been due to the division of the
original blastoderm cells.
In the next stage I have been able to observe there is, in the
place of the previous thickened half of the blastoderm, a well
developed ventral plate with a procephalic lobe in front, a
caudal lobe behind, and an intermediate region marked by
about three transverse grooves, indicating a division into
segments. This plate is throughout two or more rows of
The section is from an embryo of the
same age as fig. 200 A, and is represented
with the ventral plate upwards. In the
ventral plate is seen a keel-like thickening,
which gives rise to the main mass of the
yk. yolk divided into large polygonal
cells, in several of which nuclei are shewn.
cells thick, and the cells
which form it are divided into
two distinct layers a columnar superficial layer of epiblast
cells, and a deeper layer of
mesoblast cells (fig. 203 A).
In the latter layer there are
several very large cells which
are in the act of passing from
the yolk into the blastoderm.
The identification of the structures visible in the previous
stage with those visible in
the present stage is to a
great extent a matter of
guess-work, but it appears
to me probable that the
primitive cumulus is still present as a slight prominence visible
in surface views on the caudal lobe, and that the other thickened
patch persists as the procephalic lobe. However this may be,
the significance of the primitive cumulus appears to be that it is
the part of the blastoderm where two rows of cells become first
established \
The whole region of the blastoderm other than the ventral
plate is formed of a single row of flattened epiblast cells. The
yolk retains its original constitution.
By this stage the epiblast and mesoblast are distinctly
differentiated, and the homologue of the hypoblast is to be
sought for in the yolk-cells. The yolk-cells are not however
entirely hypoblastic, since they continue for the greater part of
the development to give rise to fresh cells which join the mesoblast.
The Spider's blastoderm now resembles that of an Insect
(except for the amnion) after the establishment of the mesoblast,
and the mode of origin of the mesoblast in both groups is very
similar, in that the longitudinal ridge-like thickening of the
1 Various views have been put forward by Claparfede and Balbiani about the
position and significance of the primitive cumulus. For a discussion of which vide
self, No. 440.
mesoblast shewn in fig. 199 is probably the homologue of the
mesoblastic groove of the Insects' blastoderm.
The ventral plate continues to grow rapidly, and at a somewhat later stage (fig. 200 B) there are six segments interposed
between the procephalic and caudal lobes. The two anterior of
these (ch and pd), especially the foremost, are less distinct than
the remainder ; and it is probable that both of them, and in any
case the anterior one, are formed later than the three segments
following. These two segments are the segments of the chelicenc
and pedipalpi. The four segments following belong to the four
pairs of ambulatory legs. The segments form raised transverse
bands separated by transverse grooves. There is at this stage a
faintly marked groove extending along the median line of the
ventral plate. This groove is mainly caused by the originally
single mesoblastic plate having become divided throughout the
whole region of the ventral plate, except possibly the procephalic
lobes, into two bands, one on each side of the middle line (fig.
203 B).
The segments continue to increase in number by the continuous addition of fresh segments between the one last formed
and the caudal lobe. By the stage with nine segments the first
rudiments of the limbs make their appearance. The first
rudiments to appear are those of the pedipalpi and four ambulatory limbs : the chelicerae, like the segment to which they
belong, lag behind in development. The limbs appear as small
protuberances at the borders of their segments. By the stage
when they are formed the procephalic region has become
bilobed, and the two lobes of which it is composed are separated
by a shallow groove.
By a continuous elongation the ventral plate comes to form
a nearly complete equatorial ring round the ovum, the procephalic and caudal lobes being only separated by a very narrow
space, the undeveloped dorsal region of the embryo. This is
shewn in longitudinal section in fig. 204. In this condition the
embryo may be spoken of as having a dorsal flexure. By the
time that this stage is reached (fig. 200 C) the full number of
segments and appendages has become established. There are
in all sixteen segments (including the caudal lobe). The first
six of these bear the permanent appendages of the adult ; the
next four are provided with provisional appendages ; while the
last six are without appendages. The further features of this
stage which deserve notice are (i) the appearance of a shallow
depression (st) the rudiment of the stomodaeum between the
hinder part of the two procephalic lobes ; (2) the appearance of
A. Stage when the ventral plate is very imperfectly differentiated, pr.c. primitive
B. Ovum viewed from the side when the ventral plate has become divided into
six segments, ch. segment of chelicerae imperfectly separated from procephalic lobe ;
pd. segment of pedipalpi.
C. Ventral plate ideally unrolled after the full number of segments and
appendages are established, st. stomodoeum between the two proe-oral lobes.
Behind the six pairs of permanent appendages are seen four pairs of provisional
D and E. Two views of an embryo at the same stage. D ideally unrolled,
E seen from the side. st. stomodseum ; ch. chelicerse ; on their inner side is seen
the ganglion belonging to them. pd. pedipalpi ; pr.p. provisional appendages.
raised areas on the inner side of the six anterior appendagebearing segments. These are the rudiments of the ventral
ganglia. It deserves to be especially noted that the segment of
the chelicera, like the succeeding segments, is provided with
ganglia ; and that the ganglia of the chelicerae are quite distinct
from the supra-cesophageal ganglia derived from the procephalic
lobes. (3) The pointed form of the caudal lobe. In Pholcus
(Claparede, No. 442) the caudal lobe forms a projecting structure
which, like the caudal lobe of the Scorpion, bends forward so as
to face the ventral surface of the part of the body immediately
in front. In most Spiders such a projecting caudal lobe is not
found. While the embryo still retains its dorsal flexure considerable changes are effected in its general constitution. The
appendages (fig. 200 D and E) become imperfectly jointed, and
grow inwards so as to approach each other in the middle line.
Even in the stage before this, the ventral integument between
the rudiments of the ganglia had become very much thinner,
and had in this way divided the ventral plate into two halves.
At the present stage the two halves of the ventral plate are still
further separated, and there is a wide space on the ventral side
only covered by a delicate layer of epiblast. This is shewn in
surface view (fig. 200 D) and in section in fig. 203 C.
The stomodaeum (j/) is much more conspicuous, and is
bounded in front by a prominent upper lip, and by a less
marked lip behind. The upper lip becomes less conspicuous in
later stages, and is perhaps to be compared with the provisional
upper lip of Chelifer. Each procephalic lobe is now marked by
a deep semicircular groove.
The next period in the development is characterised by the
gradual change in the flexure of the embryo from a dorsal to a
ventral one ; accompanied by the division of the body into an
abdomen and cephalo-thorax, and the gradual assumption of the
adult characters.
The change in the flexure of the embryo is caused by the
elongation of the dorsal region, which has hitherto been hardly
developed. Such an elongation increases the space on the
dorsal surface between the procephalic and caudal regions, and
therefore necessarily separates the caudal and procephalic lobes ;
but, since the ventral plate does not become shortened in the
process, and the embryo cannot straighten itself in the egg-shell,
it necessarily becomes ventrally flexed.
If there were but little food yolk this flexure would naturally
cause the whole embryo to be bent in so as to have the ventral
surface concave. But instead of this the flexure is at first confined to the two bands which form the ventral plate. These
bands, as shewn in fig. 201 A, acquire a true ventral flexure, but
the yolk forms a projection a kind of yolk sack as Barrois
(No. 441) calls it distending the thin integument between the
two ventral bands. This yolk sack is shewn in surface view in
A. Embryo from the side at the stage when there is a large ventral protuberance
of yolk. The angle between the line of insertion of the permanent and provisional
appendages shews the extent of the ventral flexure.
B. Embryo nearly ready to be hatched. The abdomen which has not quite
acquired its permanent form is seen to be pressed against the ventral side of the
prJ. procephalic lobe; pd. pedipalpi ; ch. chelicerae ; c,L caudal lobe; pr.p. provisional appendages.
fig. 20 1 A and in section in fig. 206. At a later period, when
the yolk has become largely absorbed, the true nature of the
ventral flexure becomes quite obvious, since the abdomen of the
young Spider, while still in the egg, is found to be bent over so
as to press against the ventral surface of the thorax (fig. 201 B).
The general character of the changes which take place
during this period in the development is shewn in fig. 201 A and
B representing two stages in it. In the first of these stages
there is no constriction between the future thorax and abdomen.
The four pairs of provisional appendages exhibit no signs of
atrophy ; and the extent of the ventral flexure is shewn by the
angle formed between the line of their insertion and that of the
appendages in front. The yolk has enormously distended the
integument between the two halves of the ventral plate, as is
illustrated by the fact that, at a somewhat earlier stage than
that figured, the limbs cross each other in the median ventral
line, while at this stage they do not nearly meet The limbs
have acquired their full complement of joints, and the pedipalpi
bear a cutting blade on their basal joint.
The dorsal surface between the prominent caudal lobe and
the procephalic lobes forms more than a semicircle. The terga
are fully established, and the boundaries between them, especially
in the abdomen, are indicated by transverse markings. A large
lower lip now bounds the stomodaeum, and the upper lip has
somewhat atrophied. In the later stage (fig. 201 B) the greater
part of the yolk has passed into the abdomen, which is now to
some extent constricted off from the cephalo-thorax. The
appendages of the four anterior abdominal somites have disappeared, and the caudal lobe has become very small. In front
of it are placed two pairs of spinning mammillae. A delicate
cuticle has become established, which is very soon moulted.
Acarina. The development of the Acarina, which has been mainly
investigated by Claparede (No. 446), is chiefly remarkable from the frequent
occurrence of several larval forms following each other after successive
ecdyses. The segmentation (vide p. 116) ends in the formation of a blastoderm of a single layer of cells enclosing a central yolk mass.
A ventral plate is soon formed as a thickening of the blastoderm, in which
an indistinct segmentation becomes early observable. In Myobia, which is
parasitic on the common mouse, the ventral plate becomes divided by five
constrictions into six segments (fig. 202 A), from the five anterior of which
paired appendages very soon grow out (fig. 202 B) The appendages are the
chelicerae (ch} and pedipalpi (pd] and the first three pairs of limbs (p^fi 1 }.
On the dorsal side of the chelicerae a thickened prominence of the ventral
plate appears to correspond to the procephalic lobes of other Arachnida.
The part of the body behind the five primitive appendage-bearing segments
appears to become divided into at least two segments. In other mites the
same appendages are formed as in Myobia, but the preceding segmentation
of the ventral plate is not always very obvious.
In Myobia two moultings take place while the embryo is still within the
primitive egg-shell. The first of these is accompanied by the apparently
total disappearance of the three pediform appendages, and the complete
coalescence of the two gnathiform appendages into a proboscis (fig. 202 C).
The feet next grow out again, and a second ecdysis then takes place. The
embryo becomes thus inclosed within three successive membranes, viz. the
original egg-shell and two cuticular membranes (fig. 202 D). After the
second ecdysis the appendages assume their final form, and the embryo
leaves the egg as an hexapodous larva. The fourth pair of appendages is
(After Claparede.)
J 1 j 4 . post-oral segments ; ch. chelicerae ; pd. pedipalpi ; pr. proboscis formed by
the coalescence of the chelicerse and pedipalpi ; p l , /*, etc. ambulatory appendages.
acquired by a post-embryonic metamorphosis. From the proboscis are
formed the rudimentary palpi of the second pair of appendages, and two
elongated needles representing the chelicerae.
In the cheese mite (Tyroglyphus) the embryo has two ecdyses which are
not accompanied by the peculiar changes observable in Myobia : the
cheliceras and pedipalpi fuse however to form the proboscis. The first
larval form is hexapodous, and the last pair of appendages is formed at a
subsequent ecdysis.
In Atax Bonzi, a form parasitic on Unio, the development and metamorphosis are even more complicated than in Myobia. The first ecdysis
occurs before the formation of the limbs, and shortly after the ventral plate
has become divided into segments. Within the cuticular membrane resulting
from the first ecdysis the anterior five pairs of limbs spring out in the usual
fashion. They undergo considerable differentiation ; the chelicerae and
pedipalpi approaching each other at the anterior extremity of the body, and
the three ambulatory legs becoming segmented and clawed. An oesophagus,
a stomach, and an oesophageal nerve-ring are also formed. When the larva
has attained this stage the original egg-shell is split into two valves and
eventually cast off, but the embryo remains enclosed within the cuticular
membrane shed at the first ecdysis. This cuticular membrane is spoken of
by Claparede as the deutovum. In the deutovum the embryo undergoes
further changes ; the chelicerae and pedipalpi coalesce and form the
proboscis ; a spacious body cavity with blood corpuscles appears ; and the
alimentary canal enclosing the yolk is formed.
The larva now begins to move, the cuticular membrane enclosing it is
ruptured, and the larva becomes free. It does not long remain active, but
soon bores its way into the gills of its host, undergoes a fresh moult, and
becomes quiescent. The cuticular membrane of the moult just effected
swells up by the absorption of water and becomes spherical. Peculiar
changes take place in the tissues, and the limbs become, as in Myobia,
nearly absorbed, remaining however as small knobs. The larva swims
about as a spherical body within its shell. The feet next grow out afresh,
and the posterior pair is added. From the proboscis the palpi (of the
pedipalpi) grow out below. The larva again becomes free, and amongst
other changes the chelicerae grow out from the proboscis. A further ecdysis,
with a period of quiescence, intervenes between this second larval form and
the adult state.
The changes in the appendages which appear common to the Mites
generally are (i) the late development of the fourth pair of appendages, which
results in the constant occurrence of an hexapodous larva ; and (2) the early
fusion of the chelicerae and pedipalpi to form a proboscis in which no trace
of the original appendages can be discerned. In most instances palpi and
stilets of variable form are subsequently developed in connexion with the
proboscis, and, as indicated in the above descriptions, are assumed to correspond with the two original embryonic appendages.
TJie history of tJie germinal layers.
It is a somewhat remarkable fact that each of the groups of
the Arachnida so far studied has a different form of segmentation. The types of Chelifer and the Spiders are simple modifications of the centrolecithal type, while that of Scorpio, though
apparently meroblastic, is probably to be regarded in the same
light (vide p. 120 and p. 434). The early development begins in
the Scorpion and Spiders with the formation of a ventral plate,
and there can be but little doubt that Chelifer is provided
with an homologous structure, though very probably modified,
owing to the small amount of food-yolk and early period of
The history of the layers and their conversion into the organs
has been studied in the case of the Scorpion (Metschnikoff, No.
434), and of the Spiders ; and a close agreement has been found
to obtain between them.
It will be convenient to take the latter group as type, and
simply to call attention to any points in which the two groups
The epiblast. The epiblast, besides giving rise to the skin
(hypodermis and cuticle), also supplies the elements for the
nervous system and organs of sense, and for the respiratory
sacks, the stomodaeum and proctodaeum.
At the period when the mesoblast is definitely established,
the epiblast is formed of a single layer of columnar cells in the
region of the ventral plate, and of a layer of flat cells over other
parts of the yolk.
When about six segments are present the first changes take
place. The epiblast of the ventral plate then becomes somewhat
thinner in the median line than at the two sides (fig. 203 B). In
succeeding stages the contrast between the median and the
lateral parts becomes still more marked, so that the epiblast
becomes finally constituted of two lateral thickened bands, which
meet in front in the procephalic lobes, and behind in the caudal
lobe, and are elsewhere connected by a very thin layer (fig.
203 C). Shortly after the appendages begin to be formed, the
first rudiments of the ventral nerve-cord become established as
epiblastic thickenings on the inner side of each of the lateral
bands. The thickenings of the epiblast of the two sides are
quite independent, as may be seen in fig. 203 C, vn, taken from a
stage somewhat subsequent to their first appearance. They are
developed from before backwards, but either from the first, or in
any case very soon afterwards, cease to form uniform thickenings,
but constitute a linear series of swellings the future ganglia
connected by very short less prominent thickenings of the epiblast (fig. 200 C). The rudiments of the ventral nerve-cord are
for a long time continuous with the epiblast, but shortly after the
establishment of the dorsal surface of the embryo they become
separated from the epiblast and constitute two independent
cords, the histological structure of which is the same as in other
Tracheata (fig. 206, vn\
The ventral cords are at first composed of as many ganglia
as there are segments. The foremost pair, belonging to the
segment of the chelicerae, lie immediately behind the stomodaeum,
and are as independent of each other as the remaining ganglia.
Anteriorly they border on the supra-cesophageal ganglia. When
the yolk sack is formed in connection with the ventral flexure of
the embryo, the two nerve-cords become very widely separated
(fig. 206, vn) in their middle region. At a later period, at the
stage represented in fig. 201 B, they again become approximated
in the ventral line, and delicate commissures are formed uniting
A. Stage when about three segments are formed. The mesoblastic plate is not
divided into two bands.
B. Stage when six segments are present (fig. ?oo B). The mesoblast is now
divided into two bands.
C. Stage represented in fig. 200 D. The ventral cords have begun to be formed
on thickenings of the epiblast, and the limbs are established.
ep. epiblast ; me. mesoblast ; me.s. mesoblastic somite ; 7>n. ventral nerve-cord ;
yk. yolk.
the ganglia of the two sides, but there is no trace at this or any
other period of a median invagination of epiblast between the
two cords, such as Hatschek and other observers have attempted
to establish for various Arthropoda and Chaetopoda. At the
stage represented in fig. 201 A the nerve ganglia are still present
in the abdomen, though only about four ganglia can be distinguished. At a later stage these ganglia fuse into two continuous
cords, united however by commissures corresponding with the
previous ganglia.
The ganglia of the chelicerae have, by the stage represented
in fig. 20 1 B, completely fused with the supra-oesophageal ganglia
and form part of the oesophageal commissure. The cesophageal
commissure is however completed ventrally by the ganglia of
the pedipalpi.
The supra-cesophageal ganglia are formed independently of
the ventral cords as two thickenings of the procephalic lobes (fig.
205). The thickenings of the two lobes are independent, and
each of them becomes early marked out by a semicircular groove
(fig. 200 D) running outwards from the upper lip. Each thickening eventually becomes detached from the superficial epiblast,
but before this takes place the two grooves become deeper,
and on the separation of the ganglia from the epiblast, the
cells lining the grooves become involuted and detached from
the skin, and form an integral part of the supra-oesophageal
At the stage represented in fig. 201 B the supra-oesophageal ganglia
are completely detached from the epiblast, and are constituted of the
following parts : (i) A dorsal section formed of two hemispherical lobes,
mainly formed of the invaginated lining of the semicircular grooves. The
original lumen of the groove is still present on the outer side of these
lobes. (2) Two central masses, one for each ganglion, formed of punctiform tissue, and connected by a transverse commissure. (3) A ventral
anterior lobe. (4) The original ganglia of the chelicerae, which form the
ventral parts of the ganglia 1 .
The later stages in the development of the nervous system have not
been worked out.
The development of the nervous system in the Scorpion is almost
identical with that in Spiders, but Metschnikoff believes, though without
adducing satisfactory evidence, that the median integument between the
two nerve cords assists in forming the ventral nerve cord. Grooves are
present in the supra-cesophageal ganglia similar to those in Spiders.
The mesoblast. The history of the mesoblast, up to the
formation of a ventral plate subjacent to the thickened plate of
epiblast, has been already given. The ventral plate is shewn
in fig. 203 A. It is seen to be formed mainly of small cells,
1 For further details vide self, No. 440.
B. II. 29
but some large cells are shewn in the act of passing into it
from the yolk. During a considerable section of the subsequent development the mesoblast is confined to the ventral
The first important change takes place when about six
somites are established ; the mesoblast then becomes divided
The section is through an embryo of the same age as that represented in fig.
200 C, and is taken slightly to one side of the middle line so as to shew the relation
of the mesoblastic somites to the limbs. In the interior are seen the yolk segments
and their nuclei.
i 16. the segments; pr.l. procephalic lobe ; do. dorsal integument.
into two lateral bands, shewn in section in fig. 203 B, which meet
however in front in the procephalic lobes, and behind in the
caudal lobes. Very shortly afterwards these bands become
broken up into a number of parts corresponding to the segments,
each of which soon becomes divided into two layers, which
enclose a cavity between them (vide fig. 204 and fig. 207). The
outer layer (somatic) is thicker and attached to the epiblast,
and the inner layer (splanchnic) is thinner and mainly, if not
entirely, derived (in Agelena) from cells which originate in the
yolk. These structures constitute the mesoblastic somites. In
the appendage-bearing segments the somatic layer of each of
them, together with a prolongation of the cavity, is continued
into the appendage (fig. 203 C). Since the cavity of the mesoblastic somites is part of the body cavity, all the appendages
contain prolongations of the body cavity. Not only is a pair of
mesoblastic somites formed for each segment of the body, but
also for the procephalic lobes (fig. 205). The mesoblastic somites
for these lobes are established somewhat later than for the true
segments, but only differ from them in the fact that the somites
of the two sides are united by a median bridge of undivided mesoblast. The development of a somite for the procephalic lobes
is similar to what has been described by Kleinenberg for Lumbricus (p. 339),
but must not be
necessarily supposed to indicate
that the procephalic lobes form a
segment equivalent to the segments of the trunk.
They are -rather
equivalent to the
The section is taken from an embryo of the same age
as fig. 200 D.
Drae oral lobe of g roove
stomodseum ; gr. section through semi-circular
procephalic lobe ; ce.s. cephalic section of body
Chaetopod larvae.
When the dorsal surface of the embryo is established a thick
layer of mesoblast becomes formed below the epiblast. This
layer is not however derived from an upgrowth of the mesoblast
of the somites, but from cells which originate in the yolk. The
first traces of the layer are seen in fig. 204, do, and it is fully
established as a layer of large round cells in the stage shewn in
fig. 206. This layer of cells is seen to be quite independent of
the mesoblastic somites (ine.s). The mesoblast of the dorsal
surface becomes at the stage represented in fig. 201 B divided
into splanchnic and somatic layers, and in the abdomen at any
rate into somites continuous with those of the ventral part of the
mesoblast. At the lines of junction of successive somites the
splanchnic layer of mesoblast dips into the yolk, and forms a
number of transverse septa, which do not reach the middle of
the yolk, but leave a central part free, in which the mesenteron
is subsequently formed. At the insertion of these septa there
29 2
are developed widish spaces between the layers of somatic
and splanchnic mesoblast, which form transversely directed
channels passing
from the heart outwards. They are
probably venous.
At a later stage
the septa send out
lateral offshoots,
and divide the
peripheral part of
the abdominal cavity into a number
of compartments
filled with yolk. It
is probable that
the hepatic diverticula are eventually
formed in these
The somatic
layer of mesoblast
The section is taken from an embryo of the same age
as fig. 201 A, and passes through the maximum protuberance of the ventral yolk sack.
vn. ventral nerve cord ; yk. yolk ; me.s. mesoblastic
somite ; ao. aorta.
is converted into the muscles, both of the limbs and trunk, the
superficial connective tissue, nervous sheath, etc. It probably
also gives rise to the three muscles attached to the suctorial
apparatus of the oesophagus.
The heart and aorta are formed as a solid rod of cells of the
dorsal mesoblast, before it is distinctly divided into splanchnic
and somatic layers. Eventually the central cells of the heart
become blood corpuscles, while its walls are constituted of an
outer muscular and inner epithelioid layer. It becomes functional, and acquires its valves, arterial branches, etc., by the
stage represented in fig. 201 B.
The history of the mesoblast, more especially of the mesoblastic somites,
of the Scorpion is very similar to that in Spiders : their cavity is continued
in the same way into the limbs. The general character of the somites
in the tail is shewn in fig. 207. The caudal aorta is stated by MetschnikofT
to be formed from part of the mesenteron, but this is too improbable to be
accepted without further confirmation.
The hypoblast and alimentary tract. It has already
been stated that the yolk is to be regarded as corresponding to
the hypoblast of other types.
For a considerable period it is composed of the polygonal
yolk cells already described and shewn in figs. 203, 204, and 205.
The yolk cells divide and become somewhat smaller as development proceeds ; but the
main products of the division
of the yolk nuclei and the protoplasm around them are undoubtedly cells which join the
mesoblast (fig. 203 A). The
permanent alimentary tract is
formed of three sections, viz.
stomodaeum, proctodaeum, and
mesenteron. The stomodaeum
and proctodaeum are both
formed before the mesenteron.
The stomodaeum is formed as
an epiblastic pit between the
two procephalic lobes (figs. 200
and 205, st). It becomes
deeper, and by the latest stage
figured is a deep pit lined by a
cuticle and ending blindly. To
its hinder section, which forms
the suctorial apparatus of the adult, three powerful muscles (a
dorsal and two lateral) are attached.
The proctodaeum is formed considerably later than the
stomodaeum. It is a comparatively shallow involution, which
forms the rectum of the adult. It is dilated at its extremity, and
two Malpighian vessels early grow out from it.
The mesenteron is formed in the interior of the yolk. Its
walls are derived from the cellular elements of the yolk, and the
first section to be formed is the hinder extremity, which appears
as a short tube ending blindly behind in contact with the proctodaeum, and open to the yolk in front. The later history of the
mesenteron has not been followed, but it undoubtedly includes
SOMITES. (After Metschnikoff.)
al. alimentary tract; an.i. anal invagination ; ep. epiblast ; me.s. mesoblastic somite.
the whole of the abdominal section of the alimentary canal of
the adult, except the rectum, and probably also the thoracic
section. The later history of the yolk which encloses the mesenteron has not been satisfactorily studied, though it no doubt
gives rise to the hepatic tubes, and probably also to the thoracic
diverticula of the alimentary tract.
The general history of the alimentary tract in Scorpio is much the same
as in Spiders. The hypoblast, the origin of which as mentioned above is
somewhat uncertain, first appears on the ventral side and gradually spreads
so as to envelop the yolk, and form the wall of the mesenteron, from
which the liver is formed as a pair of lateral outgrowths. The proctodaeum and stomodseum are both short, especially the former (vide fig. 207).
Summary and general conclusions.
The embryonic forms of Scorpio and Spiders are very
similar, but in spite of the general similarity of Chelifer to
Scorpio, the embryo of the former differs far more from that of
Scorpio than the latter does from Spiders. This peculiarity is
probably to be explained by the early period at which Chelifer
is hatched ; and though a more thorough investigation of this
interesting form is much to be desired, it does not seem probable
that its larva is a primitive type.
The larvae of the Acarina with their peculiar ecdyses are to
be regarded as much modified larval forms. It is not however
easy to assign a meaning to the hexapodous stage through
which they generally pass.
With reference to the segments and appendages, some interesting points are brought out by the embryological study of
these forms.
The maximum number of segments is present in the
Scorpion, in which nineteen segments (not including the praeoral lobes, but including the telson) are developed. Of these the
first twelve segments have traces of appendages, but the appendages of the six last of these (unless the pecten is an appendage)
atrophy. In Spiders there are indications in the embryo of
sixteen segments ; and in all the Arachnida, except the Acarina,
at the least four segments bear appendages in the embryo
which are without them in the adult. The morphological bearings of this fact are obvious.
It deserves to be noted that, in both Scorpio and the Spider,
the chelicerae are borne in the embryo by the first post-oral
segment, and provided with a distinct ganglion, so that they
cannot correspond (as they are usually supposed to do) with the
antennae of Insects, which are always developed on the prae-oral
lobes, and never supplied by an independent ganglion.
The chelicerae would seem probably to correspond with the
mandibles of Insects, and the antennae to be absent. In favour
of this view is the fact that the embryonic ganglion of the
mandibles of Insects is stated (cf. Lepidoptera, Hatschek, p. 340)
to become, like the ganglion of the chelicerae, converted into
part of the cesophageal commissure.
If the above considerations are correct, the appendages of
the Arachnida retain in many respects a very much more primitive condition than those of Insects. In the first place, both the
chelicerae and pedipalpi are much less differentiated than the
mandibles and first pair of maxillae with which they correspond.
In the second place, the first pair of ambulatory limbs must be
equivalent to the second pair of maxillae of Insects, which, for
reasons stated above, were probably originally ambulatory. It
seems in fact a necessary deduction from the arguments stated
that the ancestors of the present Insecta and Arachnida must
have diverged from a common stem of the Tracheata at a time
when the second pair of maxillae were still ambulatory in
With reference to the order of the development of the appendages
and segments, very considerable differences are noticeable in the different
Arachnoid types. This fact alone appears to me to be sufficient to prove
that the order of appearance of the appendages is often a matter of
embryonic convenience, without any deep morphological significance. In
Scorpio the segments develop successively, except perhaps the first postoral, which is developed after some of the succeeded segments have
been formed. In Spiders the segment of the chelicerae, and probably also
of the pedipalpi, appears later than the next three or four. In both these
types the segments arise before the appendages, but the reverse appears to
be the case in Chelifer. The permanent appendages, except the chelicerae,
appear simultaneously in Scorpions and Spiders. The second pair appears
long before the others in Chelifer, then the third, next the first, and finally
the three hindermost.
(434) El. Metschnikoff. " Embryologie des Scorpions." Zeit.f.wiss. Zool.
Bd. xxi. 1870.
(435) H. Rathke. Reisebemerkungen aus Taurien (Scorpio), Leipzig, 1837.
(436) El. Metschnikoff. " Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Chelifer." Zeit.f.wiss.
Zool., Bd. xxi. 1870.
(437) A. Stecker. " Entwicklung der Chthonius-Eier im Mutterleibe und die
Bildung des Blastoderms." Sitzung. konigl. bohmisch. Gesellschaft Wissensch., 1876,
3. Heft, and Aimed, and Mag. Nat. History, 1876, xvm. 197.
(438) M. Balbiani. " Memoire sur le developpement des Phalangides." Ann.
Scien. Nat. Series v. Vol. xvi. 1872.
A raneina.
(439) M. Balbiani. "Memoire sur le developpement des Araneides." Ann.
Scien. Nat. Series v. Vol. xvn. 1873.
(440) F. M. Balfour. "Notes on the development of the Araneina." Quart.
Journ. of Micr. Science, Vol. xx. 1880.
(441) J. Barrois. " Recherches s. 1. developpement des Araigndes. " Journal
de 1'Anat. et de la Physiol. 1878.
(442) E. Claparede. Recherches s. t evolution des Araignees. Utrecht, 1862.
(443) Hero Id. De generatione Araneorum in Ovo. Marburg, 1824.
(444) H. Ludwig. "Ueber die Bildung des Blastoderms bei den Spinnen."
Zeit.f. wiss. Zool., Vol. xxvi. 1876.
(445) P. van Beneden. " Developpement de 1'Atax ypsilophora." Acad. Bruxelles, t. xxiv.
(446) Ed. Claparede. "Studien iiber Acarinen." Zeit.f. wiss. Zool., Bd.
xvm. 1868.
Formation of the layers and the embryonic envelopes in the
There is a striking constancy in the mode of formation of
the layers throughout the group. In the first place the hypoblast is not formed by a process which can be reduced to
invagination : in other words, there is no gastrula stage.
Efforts have been made to shew that the mesoblastic groove of Insects
implies a modified gastrula, but since it is the essence of a gastrula that it
should directly or indirectly give rise to the archenteron, the groove in
question cannot fall under this category. Although the mesoblastic groove
of Insects is not a gastrula, it is quite possible that it is the rudiment of a
blastopore, the gastrula corresponding to which has now vanished from
the development. It would thus be analogous to the primitive streak of
Vertebrates 1 .
The growth of the blastoderm over the yolk in Scorpions admits no
doubt of being regarded as an epibolic gastrula. The blastopore would
however be situated dorsally, a position which it does not occupy in any
gastrula type so far dealt with. This fact, coupled with the consideration
that the partial segmentation of Scorpio can be derived without difficulty
from the ordinary Arachnidan type (vide p. 120), seems to shew that there
is no true epibolic invagination in the development of Scorpio.
On the formation of the blastoderm traces of two embryonic
layers are established. The blastoderm itself is essentially the
epiblast, while the central yolk is the hypoblast. The formation
of the embryo commences in connection with a thickening of the
blastoderm, known as the ventral plate. The mesoblast is
formed as an unpaired plate split off from the epiblast of the
ventral plate. This process takes place in at any rate two ways.
In Insects a groove is formed, which becomes constricted off to
form the mesoblastic plate : in Spiders there is a keel-like
thickening of the blastoderm, which takes the place of the
The unpaired mesoblastic plate becomes in all forms very
soon divided into two mesoblastic bands.
The mesoblastic bands are very similar to, and probably
homologous with, those of Chaetopoda ; but the different modes
by which they arise in these two groups are very striking, and
probably indicate that profound modifications have taken place
in the early development of the Tracheata. In the Chaetopoda
the bands are from the first widely separated, and gradually
approach each other ventrally, though without meeting. In the
Tracheata they arise from the division of an unpaired ventral
The further history of the mesoblastic bands is nearly the
1 The primitive streak of Vertebrates, as will appear in the sequel, has no connection with the medullary groove, and is the rudiment of the blastopore.
same for all the Tracheata so far investigated, and is also very
much the same as for the Chaetopoda. There is a division into
somites; each containing a section of the body cavity. In the
cephalic section of the mesoblastic bands a section of the body
cavity is also formed. In Arachnida, Myriapoda, and probably
also Insecta, the body cavity is primitively prolonged into the
In Spiders at any rate, and very probably in the other groups
of the Tracheata, a large part of the mesoblast is not derived
from the mesoblastic plate, but is secondarily added from the
In all Tracheata the yolk-cells give rise to the mesenteron
which, in opposition, as will hereafter appear, to the mesenteron
of the Crustacea, forms the main section of the permanent
alimentary tract.
One of the points which is still most obscure in connection
with the embryology of the Tracheata is the origin of the
embryonic membranes. Amongst Insects, with the exception
of the Thysanura, such membranes are well developed. In the
other groups definite membranes like those of Insects are never
found, but in the Scorpion a cellular envelope appears to be
formed round the embryo from the cells of the blastoderm, and
more or less similar structures have been described in some
Myriapods (vide p. 390). These structures no doubt further
require investigation, but may provisionally be regarded as
homologous with the amnion and serous membrane of Insects.
In the present state of our knowledge it does not seem easy to
give any explanation of the origin of these membranes, but they
may be in some way derived from an early ecdysis.
History of the larval forms 1 '.
THE larval forms of the Crustacea appear to have more faithfully preserved their primitive characters than those of almost
any other group.
The Branchiopoda, comprising under that term the Phyllopoda and Cladocera, contain the Crustacea with the maximum
number of segments and the least differentiation of the separate
appendages. This and other considerations render it probable
that they are to be regarded as the most central group of the
Crustaceans, and as in many respects least modified from the
ancestral type from which all the groups have originated.
1 The following is the classification of the Crustacea employed in the present
i Phyllopoda. ( Natantia.
I. Branchiopoda. ciadocenu III. Copepoda. Euc P e P da Iparasita.
( Branchiura
T Nebaliadse. jThoracica.
M f Sat- < v - wdi, p a minai ia
II. Malacostraca. ] Stomatopoda . ULocephaia.
I Cumacese. v. Ostracoda.
I Edriophthalmata.
2 The importance of the larval history of the Crustacea, coupled with our comparative ignorance of the formation of the layers, has rendered it necessary for me to
diverge somewhat from the general plan of the work, and to defer the account of the
formation of the layers till after that of the larval forms.
The free larval stages when such exist commence with a
larval form known as the Nauplius.
The term Nauplius was applied by O. F. Muller to certain
larval forms of the Copepoda (fig. 229) in the belief that they
were adult.
The term has now been extended to a very large number of
larvae which have certain definite characters in common. They
are provided (fig. 208 A) with three pairs of appendages, the
future two pairs of antennae and mandibles. The first pair of
antennae (an 1 ) is uniramous and mainly sensory in function, the
second pair of antennae (an*) and mandibles (md) are biramous
A qn
(After Claus.)
A. Nauplius stage at the time of hatching.
B. Stage after first ecdysis.
an 1 , and a 2 . First and second antennae ; md. mandible ; MX. maxilla ; /. labrum;
fr. frontal sense organ ; /. caudal fork ; s. segments.
swimming appendages, and the mandibles are without the future
cutting blade. The Nauplius mandibles represent in fact the
palp. The two posterior appendages are both provided with
hook-like prominences on their basal joints, used in mastication.
The body in most cases is unsegmented, and bears anteriorly a
single median eye. There is a large upper lip, and an alimentary canal formed of cesophagus, stomach and rectum. The anus
opens near the hind end of the body. On the dorsal surface
small folds of skin frequently represent the commencement of a
dorsal shield. One very striking peculiarity of the Nauplius
according to Claus and Dohrn is the fact that the second pair
of antennae is innervated from a sub-oesophageal ganglion. A
larval form with the above characters occurs with more or less
frequency in all the Crustacean groups. In most instances it
does not exactly conform to the above type, and the divergences
are more considerable in the Phyllopods than in most other
groups. Its characters in each case are described in the sequel.
Phyllopoda. For the Phyllopoda the development of Apus
cancriformis may conveniently be taken as type (Claus, No. 454).
The embryo at the time it leaves the egg (fig. 208 A) is somewhat oval in outline, and narrowed posteriorly. There is a
slight V-shaped indentation behind, at the apex of which is
situated the anus. The body, unlike that of the typical
Nauplius, is already divided into two regions, a cephalic and
post-cephalic. On the ventral side of the cephalic region there
are present the three normal pairs of appendages. Foremost
there are the small anterior antennae (an 1 ), which are simple
unjointed rod-like bodies with two moveable hairs at their
extremities. They are inserted at the sides of the large upperlip or labrum (/). Behind these are the posterior antennae, which
are enormously developed and serve as the most important
larval organs of locomotion. They are biramous, being formed
of a basal portion with a strong hook-like bristle projecting
from its inner side, an inner unjointed branch with three bristles,
and an outer large imperfectly five-jointed branch with five long
lateral bristles. The hook-like organ attached to this pair of
appendages would seem to imply that it served in some ancestral
form as jaws (Claus). This character is apparently universal in
the embryos of true Phyllopods, and constantly occurs in the
Copepoda, etc.
The third pair of appendages or mandibles (md) is attached
close below the upper lip. They are as yet unprovided with
cutting blades, and terminate in two short branches, the inner
with two and the outer with three bristles.
At the front of the head there is the typical unpaired eye.
On the dorsal surface there is already present a rudiment of the
cephalic shield, continuous anteriorly with the labrum (/) or
upper lip, the extraordinary size of which is characteristic of the
larvae of Phyllopods. The post-cephalic region, which afterwards
becomes the thorax and abdomen, contains underneath the skin
rudiments of the five anterior thoracic segments and their
appendages, and presents in this respect an important variation
from the typical Nauplius form. After the first ecdysis the
larva (fig. 208 B) loses its oval form, mainly owing to the elongation of the hinder part of the body and the lateral extension of
the cephalic shield, which moreover now completely covers over
the head and has begun to grow backwards so as to cover over
the thoracic region. At the second ecdysis there appears at its
side a rudimentary shell gland. In the cephalic region two
small papillae (fr) are now present at the front of the head close
to the unpaired eye. They are of the nature of sense organs,
and may be called the frontal sense papillae. They have been
shewn by Claus to be of some phylogenetic importance. The
three pairs of Nauplius appendages have not altered much, but
a rudimentary cutting blade has grown out from the basal joint
of the mandible. A gland opening at the base of the antennae
is now present, which is probably equivalent to the green gland
often present in the Malacostraca. Behind the mandibles a pair
of simple processes has appeared, which forms the rudiment of
the first pair of maxillae (mx).
In the thoracic region more segments have been added
posteriorly, and the appendages of the three anterior segments
are very distinctly formed. The tail is distinctly forked. The
heart is formed at the second ecdysis, and then extends to the
sixth thoracic segment : the posterior chambers are successively
added from before backwards.
At the successive ecdyses which the larva undergoes new
segments continue to be formed at the posterior end of the body,
and limbs arise on the segments already formed. These limbs
probably represent the primitive form of an important type of
Crustacean appendage, which is of value for interpreting the
parts of the various malacostracan appendages. They consist
(fig. 209) of a basal portion (protopodite of Huxley) bearing two
rami. The basal portion has two projections on the inner side.
To the outer side of the basal portion there is attached a
dorsally directed branchial sack (br) (epipodite of Huxley). The
outer ramus (ex) (exopodite of Huxley) is formed of a single plate
with marginal setae. The inner one (en) (endopodite of Huxley)
is four-jointed, and a process similar to those of the basal joint
is given off from the inner side of the three proximal joints.
At the third ecdysis several new features appear in the
cephalic region, which becomes more prominent in the succeeding
stages. In the first place the paired eyes are formed at each side
of and behind the unpaired eye, second
ly the posterior pair of maxillae is
formed though it always remains very
rudimentary. The shell gland becomes
fully developed opening at the base of
the first pair of maxillae. The dorsal
shield gradually grows backwards till it
covers its full complement of segments.
After the fifth ecdysis the Nauplius FIG. 209. TYPICAL PHYL
. , . , , LOPOD APPENDAGE. (Copied
appendages undergo a rapid atrophy. f rom ciaus.)
The second pair of antennae especially ex. exopodite ; en. endo
becomes reduced in size, and the man
dibular palp the primitive Nauplius portion bearing the two proxir . ..... , mal projections is not sharply
portion of the mandible is contracted separated from the endopoto a mere rudiment, which eventually dite completely disappears, while the blade is correspondingly enlarged and also becomes toothed. The adult condition is only
gradually attained after a very large number of successive changes
of skin.
The chief point of interest in the above development is the
fact of the primitive Nauplius form becoming gradually converted without any special metamorphosis into the adult condition 1 .
Branchipus like Apus is hatched as a somewhat modified Nauplius,
which however differs from that of Apus in the hinder region of the body
having no indications of segments. It goes through a very similar metamorphosis, but is at no period of its metamorphosis provided with a dorsal
shield : the second pair of antennae does not abort, and in the male is provided with clasping organs, which are perhaps remnants of the embryonic
hooks so characteristic of this pair of antennas.
The larva of Estheria when hatched has a Nauplius form, a large
upper lip, caudal fork and single eye. There are two functional pairs of
swimming appendages the second pair of antennae and mandibles. The
first pair of antennae has not been detected, and a dorsal mantle to form
the shell is not developed. At the first moult the anterior pair of
antennae arises as small stump-like structures, and a small dorsal shield
is also formed. Rudiments of six or seven pairs of appendages sprout
1 Nothing appears to be known with reference to the manner in which it comes
about that more than one appendage is borne on each of the segments from the
eleventh to the twentieth. An investigation of this point would be of some interest
with reference to the meaning of segmentation
out in the usual way, and continue to increase in number at successive
moults : the shell is rapidly developed. The chief point of interest in
the development of this form is the close resemblance of the young larva
to a typical adult Cladocera (Claus). This is shewn in the form of the
shell, which has not reached its full anterior extension, the rudimentary
anterior antennae, the large locomotor second pair of antennas, which differ
however from the corresponding organs in the Cladocera in the presence
of typical larval hooks. Even the abdomen resembles that of Daphnia.
These features perhaps indicate that the Cladocera are to be derived
from some Phyllopod form like Estheria by a process of retrogressive
metamorphosis. The posterior antennas in the adult Estheria are large
biramous appendages, and are used for swimming ; and though they
have lost the embryonic hook, they still retain to a larger extent than
in other Phyllopod families their Nauplius characteristics.
The Nauplius form of the Phyllopods is marked by several
definite peculiarities. Its body is distinctly divided into a cephalic and post-cephalic region. The upper lip is extraordinarily
large, relatively very much more so than at the later stages.
The first pair of antennae is usually rudimentary and sometimes
even absent ; while the second pair is exceptionally large, and
would seem to be capable of functioning not only as a swimming
organ, but even as a masticating organ. A dorsal shield is
nearly or quite absent.
Cladocera. The probable derivation of the Cladocera from a form
similar to Estheria has already been mentioned, and it might have been
anticipated that the development would be similar
to that of the Phyllopods.
The development of the majority of the Cladocera takes
place however in the egg,
and the young when hatched
closely resembles their parents, though in the egg they
pass through a Nauplius
stage (Dohrn). An exception to the general rule is
however offered by the case
of the winter eggs of Leptodora, one of the most primitive of the Cladoceran
families. The summer eggs after Sars.)
IIYAI.INA FROM wiNTKR EGG. (Copied from Bronn ;
develop without metamor
;/'. antenna of first pair; an*, antenna of
phosis, but Sars (No. 461) second pair; ntd. mandible;/ caudal fork.
has discovered that the larva leaves the winter eggs in the form of a
Nauplius (fig. 209). This Nauplius closely resembles that of the Phyllopods.
The body is elongated and in addition to normal Nauplius appendages
is marked by six pairs of ridges the indications of the future feet. The
anterior antennae are as usual small ; the second large and biramous,
but the masticatory bristle characteristic of the Phyllopods is not present.
The mandibles are without a cutting blade. A large upper lip and unpaired
eye are present.
The adult form is attained in the same manner as amongst the Phyllopods after the third moult.
Owing to the size and importance of the various forms
included in the Malacostraca, greater attention has been paid to
their embryology than to that of any other division of the
Crustacea ; and the proper interpretation of their larval forms
involves some of the most interesting problems in the whole
range of Embryology.
The majority of Malacostraca pass through a more or less
complicated metamorphosis, though in the Nebaliadae, the
Cumaceae, some of the Schizopoda, a few Decapoda (Astacus,
Gecarcinus, etc.), and in the Edriophthalmata, the larva on
leaving the egg has nearly the form of the adult. In contradistinction to the lower groups of Crustacea the Nauplius form of
larva is rare, though it occurs in the case of one of the Schizopods
(Euphausia, fig. 212), in some of the lower forms of the Decapods
(Penaeus, fig. 214), and
perhaps also, though this
has not been made out, in
some of the Stomatopoda.
In the majority of the
Decapoda the larva leaves
the egg in a form known
as the Zoaea (fig. 210).
This larval form is
characterised by the presence of a large cephalo
thoracic t shield usually FIG. 210. ZO^EAOFTHIAPOLITA. (After'Claus.)
, ., , , , , mxp*. second maxillipede.
armed with lateral, anterior, and dorsal spines. The caudal segments are well de
B. II. 30
veloped, though wit/tout appendages, and the tail, which functions
in swimming, is usually forked. The six posterior thoracic segments are, on the other hand, rudimentary or non-existent. There
are seven anterior pairs of appendages shewn in detail in fig. 21 1,
viz. the two pairs of antennae (At. I. and At. II.), neither of them
used as swimming organs, the mandibles without a palp (ma 7 ),
well-developed maxillae (two pairs, mx I and mx 2), and two or
sometimes (Macrura) three pairs of biramous natatory maxillipeds (mxp I and mxp 2). Two lateral compound stalked eyes
are present, together with a median Nauplius eye. The heart
has in the majority of cases only one or two (Brachyura) pairs of
The Zoaea larva, though typically developed in the Decapoda,
is not always present (e.g. Astacus and Homarus), and some
.-//./. first antenna ; At. I I. second antenna ; md. mandible (without a palp); mx.
\. first maxilla; mx. i. second maxilla; mxp. \. first maxilliped ; mxp. i. second
ex. exopodite ; en. endopodite.
times occurs in a very modified form. It makes its appearance
in an altered garb in the ontogeny of some of the other groups.
The two Malacostracan forms, amongst those so far studied,
in which the phylogenetic record is most fully preserved in the
ontogeny, are Euphausia amongst the Schizopods and Penaeus
amongst the Decapods.
Schizopoda. Euphausia leaves the egg (MetschnikofT, No. 4689)
as a true Nauplius with only three pairs of appendages, the two hinder
biramous, and an unsegmented body. The second pair of antennae has not
however the colossal dimensions so common in the lower types. A mouth is
present, but the anus is undeveloped.
After the first moult three pairs of prominences the rudiments of the
two maxillae and ist maxillipeds arise behind the Nauplius appendages
(fig. 212). At the same time an anus appears between the two limbs of
a rudimentary caudal fork ; and an unpaired eye and upper lip appear in
front. After another moult (fig. 212) a lower lip is formed (UL) as a
pair of prominences very similar to true appendages ; and a delicate
cephalo-thoracic shield also becomes developed. Still later the cutting blade
of the mandible is formed, and the palp (Nauplius appendage) is greatly
FIG. 212. NAUPLIUS OF EUPHAUSIA. (From Glaus; after Metschnikoff.)
The Nauplius is represented shortly before an ecdysis, and in addition to the
proper appendages rudiments of the three following pairs are present.
OL. upper lip ; UL. lower lip ; Md. mandible ; MX', and MX", two pairs of
maxillae ; mf . maxilliped i .
reduced. The cephalo-thoracic shield grows over the front part of the
embryo, and becomes characteristically toothed at its edge. There are also
two frontal papillae very similar to those already described in the Phyllopod
larvae. Rudiments of the compound eyes make their appearance, and
though no new appendages are added, those already present undergo further
differentiations. They remain however very simple ; the maxillipeds
especially are very short and resemble somewhat Phyllopod appendages.
Up to this stage the tail has remained rudimentary and short, but
after a further ecdysis (Claus) it grows greatly in length. At the same
time the cephalo-thoracic shield acquires a short spine directed backwards.
The larva is now in a condition to which Claus has given the name of
Protozoasa (fig. 213 A).
Very shortly afterwards the region immediately following the segments
already formed becomes indistinctly segmented, while the tail is still without a trace of segmentation. The region of the thorax proper soon becomes distinctly divided into seven very short segments, while at the same
time the now elongated caudal region has become divided into its normal
number of segments (fig. 213 B). By this stage the larva has become
FIG. 213. LARVAE OF EUPHAUSIA. (After Claus.) From the side.
A. Protozorea larva. B. Zonea larva.
mx'. and tux", maxillre I and 2 ; mxp^. maxilliped r.
a true Zoaea though differing from the normal Zoaea in the fact that
the thoracic region is segmented, and in the absence of a second pair of
The adult characters are very gradually acquired in a series of successive moults ; the later development of Euphausia resembling in this
respect that of the Phyllopods. On the other hand Euphausia differs from
that group in the fact that the abdominal (caudal) and thoracic appendages
develop as two independent series from before backwards, of which the
abdominal series is the earliest to attain maturity.
This is shewn in the following table compiled from Claus' observations.
REGION ; viz. the 2nd and
3rd maxilliped and 5 ambu
latory appendages.
3 3^ mm.
2nd maxilliped, rudimentary.
ist abdominal appendage.
3 4 mm.
2nd maxilliped, biramous.
3rd rudimentary,
ist and 2nd ambulatory appendages, rudimentary.
2nd and 3rd abdominal appendages.
4th and 5th rudimentary.
4^ 5 mm.
3rd maxilliped, biramous.
4 th, 5th, and 6th fully developed.
55^ mm.
3rd and 4th ambulatory appendages.
6 mm.
5th ambulatory appendage.
All the appendages following the second pair of maxillas are biramous,
and the first eight of these bear branched gills as their epipodites. It is
remarkable that the epipodite is developed on all the appendages anteriorly
in point of time to the outer ramus (exopodite).
Although in Mysis there is no free larval stage, and the development
takes place in a maternal incubatory pouch, yet a stage may be detected
which clearly corresponds with the Nauplius stage of Euphausia (E. van
Beneden, No. 465). At this stage, in which only the three Nauplius
appendages are developed, the Mysis embryo is hatched. An ecdysis
takes place, but the Nauplius skin is not completely thrown off, and
remains as an envelope surrounding the larva during its later development.
Decapoda. Amongst the Decapoda the larva usually leaves
the egg in the Zoaea form, but a remarkable exception to this
general rule is afforded by the case of one or more species of
Penseus. Fritz M tiller was the first to shew that the larva of
these forms leaves the egg as a typical Nauplius, and it is
probable that in the successive larval stages of these forms the
ancestral history of the Decapoda is most fully preserved 1 .
The youngest known larva of Penaeus (fig. 214) has a somewhat oval unsegmented body. There spring from it the three
typical pairs of Nauplius appendages. The first is uniramous,
the second and third are biramous, and both of them adapted
1 The doubts which have been thrown upon Miiller's observations appear to be
quite unfounded.
for swimming, and the third of them (mandibles) is without a
trace of the future blade. The body has no carapace, and bears
anteriorly a single median simple eye. Posteriorly it is produced
into two bristles.
After the first moult the larva has a rudiment of a forked
tail, while a dorsal fold of skin indicates the commencement of
FIG. 214. NAUPLIUS STAGE OF PEN^EUS. (After Fritz Miiller.)
the cephalo-thoracic shield. A large provisional helmet-shaped
upper lip like that in Phyllopods has also appeared. Behind
the appendages already formed there are stump-like rudiments
of the four succeeding pairs (two pairs of maxillae and two pairs
of maxillipeds) ; and in a slightly older larva the formation of
the mandibular blade has commenced, together with the atrophy
of the palp or Nauplius appendage.
Between this and the next observed stage there is possibly a
slight lacuna. The next stage (fig. 215) at any rate represents
the commencement of the Zoaea series. The cephalo-thoracic
shield has greatly grown, and eventually acquires the usual
dorsal spine. The posterior region of the body is prolonged
into a tail, which is quite as long as the whole of the remainder
of the body. The four appendages which were quite functionless
at the last stage have now sprouted into full activity. The
region immediately behind them is divided (fig.
215) into six segments
(the six thoracic segments) without appendages, while somewhat
later the five anterior
abdominal segments become indicated, but are
equally with the thoracic
segments without feet.
The mode of appearance
of these segments shews
that the thoracic and
abdominal segments develop in regular succession from before backwards (Claus). Of the
palp of the mandibles,
as is usual amongst Zosea
forms, not a trace remains,
though in the youngest
Zoaea caught by Fritz
Miiller a very small rudiment of the palp was present. The
first pair of antennae is unusually long, and the second pair
continues to function as a biramous swimming organ ; the
outer ramus is multiarticulate. The other appendages are fully
jointed, and the two maxillipeds biramous. On the dorsal
surface of the body the unpaired eye is still present, but on each
side of it traces of the stalked eyes have appeared. Frontal
sense organs like those of Phyllopods are also present.
From the Protozoaea form the larva passes into that of a true
Zoaea with the usual appendages and spines, characterised however by certain remarkable peculiarities. Of these the most
important are (i) the large size of the two pairs of antennae and
the retention of its Nauplius function by the second of them ;
(2) the fact that the appendages of the six thoracic segments
appear as small biramous Schizopod legs, while the abdominal
appendages, with the exception of the sixth, are still without
(After Fritz Miiller.)
their swimming feet. The early appearance of the appendages
of the sixth abdominal segment is probably correlated with
their natatory function in connection with the tail. As a point
of smaller importance which may be mentioned is the fact that
both pairs of maxillae are provided with small respiratory plates
(exopodites) for regulating the flow of water under the dorsal
shield. From the Zoaea form the larva passes into a Mysis or
Schizopod stage (fig. 216), characterised by the thoracic feet and
maxillipeds resembling in form and function the biramous feet
of Mysis, the outer ramus being at first in many cases much
larger than the inner. The gill pouches appear at the base of
these feet nearly at the same time as the endopodites become
functional. At the same time the antennae become profoundly
modified. The anterior antennae shed their long hairs, and from
the inner side of the fourth joint there springs a new process,
which eventually elongates and becomes the inner flagellum.
The outer ramus of the posterior antennae is reduced to a scale,
while the flagellum is developed from a stump-like rudiment of
the inner ramus (Claus). A palp sprouts on the mandible and
the median eye disappears.
The abdominal feet do not appear till the commencement of
the Mysis stage, and hardly become functional till its close.
From the Mysis stage the larva passes quite simply into the
adult form. The outer ramus of the thoracic feet is more or less
completely lost. The maxillipeds, or the two anterior pairs at
any rate, lose their ambulatory function, cutting plates develop
on the inner side of their basal joints, and the two rami persist
as small appendages on their outer side. Gill pouches also
sprout from their outer side.
The respiratory plate of the second maxilla attains its full
development and that on the first maxilla disappears 1 . The
Nauplius, so far as is known, does not occur in any other
Decapod form except Penaeus.
The next most primitive
larval history known is
that which appears in the
Sergestidae. The larval
history, which has been
fully elucidated by Claus,
commences with a Protozoaea form (fig. 217), which
develops into a remarkable
Zoaea first described by
Dohrn as Elaphocaris.
This develops into a form
originally described by
Claus as Acanthosoma,
and this into a form known
as Mastigopus (fig. 218)
from which it is easy to
pass to the adult.
The remarkable Protozoaea (fig. 217) is characterised by the presence on
the dorsal shield of a frontal, dorsal and two lateral
spikes, each richly armed
with long side spines. The
mxp'" '. third pair of maxillipeds.
normal Zoasa appendages are present, and in addition to them a small third
pair of maxillipeds. The thoracic region is divided into five short rings, but
the abdomen is unsegmented. The tail is forked and provided with long
spines. The antennae, like those of Penasus, are long the second pair
biramous ; the mandibles unpalped. Both pairs of maxillae are provided
with respiratory plates ; the second pair is footlike, and has at its base a
glandular mass believed by Claus to be the equivalent of the Entomostracan
shell-gland. The maxillipeds have the usual biramous characters. A
1 From Claus' observations (No. 448) it would appear that the respiratory plate
is only the exopodite and not, as is usually stated, the coalesced exopodite and
epipodite. Huxley in his Comparative Anatomy reserves this point for embryological
OF SERGESTES. (From Claus.)
Mf". maxilliped 3.
helmet-shaped upper lip like
that of a typical Nauplius is
present, and the eyes are situated on very long stalks.
In the true Zoaea stage there
appear on the five thoracic
segments pouch-like biramous rudiments of the limbs. The
tail becomes segmented; but the segments, with the
exception of the sixth, remain without appendages. On
the sixth a very long bilobed pouch appears as the commencement of the swimming feet of this segment. The
segments of the abdomen are armed with lateral spines.
From the Zoaea stage the larva passes into the form
known as Acanthosoma, which represents the Mysis stage
of Penaeus. The complex spikes on the dorsal shield of
the Zoaea stage are reduced to simple spines, but the
spines of the tail still retain their full size. In the appendages the chief
changes consist (i) in the reduction of the jointed outer ramus of the
second pair of antennae to a stump representing the scale, and the elongation of the inner one to the flagellum ; (2) in the elongation of the five
ambulatory thoracic appendages into biramous feet, like the maxillipeds,
and in the sprouting forth of rudimentary abdominal feet.
The most obvious external indications of the passage from the Acanthosoma to the Mastigopus stage (fig. 218)
are to be found in the elongation of the
abdomen, the reduction and flattening
of the cephalo-thoracic shield, and the
nearly complete obliteration of all the
spines but the anterior. The eyes on
their elongated stalks are still very
characteristic, and the elongation of
the flagellum of the second pair of
antennae is very striking.
The maxillae and maxillipeds undergo considerable metamorphosis, the
abdominal feet attain their adult form,
and the three anterior thoracic ambulatory legs lose their outer rami. The
most remarkable change of all concerns
the two last pairs of thoracic appendages, which, instead of being metamorphosed like the preceding ones, are
completely or nearly completely thrown
off in the moult which inaugurates the
Mastigopus stage, and are subsequently
redeveloped. With the reappearance
of these appendages, and the changes
in the other appendages already indicated, the adult form is practically
IN ZO/EA STAGE. (From Claus.)
MX', and MX", maxillae i and 2 ;
Mf. Mf. Mf". maxillipeds.
FIG. 220.
BECOME FORMED. (From Claus.)
With reference to the development of the majority of the
Carabidae, Penaeinae, Palaemoninae, Crangoninae, it may be stated
generally that they leave the egg in the Zoaea stage (fig. 219)
with anterior appendages up to the third pair of maxillipeds.
The thorax is unsegmented and indeed almost unrepresented,
but the abdomen is long and divided into distinct segments.
Both thoracic and abdominal appendages are absent, and the
tail is formed by a simple plate with numerous bristles, not
forked, as in the case of the Zoaea of Fritz M tiller's Penaeus and
Sergestes. A dorsal spine is frequently found on the second
abdominal segment. From the Zoaea form the embryo passes
into a Mysis stage (fig. 220), during which the thoracic appendages gradually appear as biramous swimming feet; they
are all developed before any of the abdominal appendages,
except the last. In some cases the development is still further
abbreviated. Thus the larvae of Crangon and Palaemonetes
(Faxon, No. 476) possess at hatching the rudiments of the two
anterior pairs of thoracic feet, and Palaemon of three pairs'.
Amongst the other Macrura the larva generally leaves the
egg as a Zoaea similar to that of the prawns. In the case of the
1 Fritz Miiller has recently (Zoologisrher Anzeiger^ No. 52) described a still more
abbreviated development of a Pala-mon living in brooks near Blumenau.
Thalassinidae and Paguridae a Mysis stage has disappeared.
The most remarkable abbreviations of the typical development
are presented on the one hand by Homarus and Astacus, and on
the other by the Loricata.
The development of Homarus has been fully worked out by S. J. Smith
(No. 491) for the American lobster (Homarus americanus). The larva (fig.
221) leaves the egg in an advanced Mysis stage. The cephalo-thoracic
shield is fully developed, and armed with a rostrum in front. The first pair
of antennae is unjointed but the second is biramous, the outer ramus forming
a large Mysis-like scale. The mandibles, which are palped, the maxillae,
and the two anterior maxillipeds differ only in minor details from the same
appendages of the adult. The third pair of maxillipeds is Mysis-like and
biramous, and the five ambulatory legs closely resemble them, the endopodite of the first being imperfectly chelate. The abdomen is well developed
but without appendages. The second, third, fourth and fifth segments are
armed with dorsal and lateral spines.
In the next stage swimming feet have appeared on the second, third,
fourth and fifth abdominal segments, and the appendages already present
have approached their adult form. Still later, when the larva is about half
an inch in length, the approach to the adult form is more marked, and the
exopodites of the ambulatory legs though present are relatively much
reduced in size. The swimmerets of the sixth abdominal segment are
formed. In the next stage observed the larva has entirely lost its Schizopod
characters, and though still retaining its free swimming habits differs from
the adult form only in generic characters.
As has been already stated, no free larval stages occur in the development of Astacus, but the young is hatched in a form in which it differs only
in unimportant details from the adult.
The peculiar larval form of the Loricata (Scyllarus, Palinurus) has long
been known under the name Phyllosoma (fig. 222 C), but its true nature was
first shewn by Couch (No. 474) [Couch did not however recognise the
identity of his larva with Phyllosoma ; this was first done by Gerstacker]
and shortly afterwards by Gerbe and Coste. These observations were
however for a long time not generally accepted, till Dohrn (No. 477)
published his valuable memoir giving an account of how he succeeded in
actually rearing Phyllosoma from the eggs of Scyllarus and Palinurus, and
shewing that some of the most remarkable features of the metamorphosis of
the Loricata occur before the larva is hatched.
The embryo of Scyllarus in the egg first of all passes through the usual
Nauplius stage, and then after the formation of a cuticle develops an
elongated thoracico-abdominal region bent completely over the anterior
part of the body. There appear moreover a number of appendages and the
rudiments of various organs ; and the embryo passes into a form which may
be described as the embryonic Phyllosoma stage. In this stage there are
present on the anterior part of the body, in front of the ventral flexure, two
pairs of antennae, mandibles, two pairs of maxillae, the second commencing
to be biramous, and a small stump representing the first pair of maxillipeds.
The part of the body bent over consists of a small quadrate caudal plate,
and an appendage-bearing region to which are attached anteriorly three
pairs of biramous appendages the second and third maxillipeds, and the
anterior pair of ambulatory legs and two pairs of undivided appendages
the second and third pairs of ambulatory legs. In a slightly later stage the
first pair of maxillae becomes biramous, as also does the first pair of maxillipeds in a very rudimentary fashion. The second and third pairs of ambulatory legs become biramous, while the second and third maxilliped nearly
completely lose their outer ramus. Very small rudiments of the two hinder
ambulatory legs become formed. If the embryo is taken at this stage (vide
fig. 222 A, which represents a nearly similar larva of Palinurus) out of the
egg, it is seen to consist of (i) an anterior enlargement with a vaulted dorsal
shield enclosing the yolk, two stalked eyes, and a median eye ; (2) a thoracic
region in which the indications of segmentation are visible with the two
FIG. 222. LARWE OF THE LORICATA. (After Claus.)
A. Embryo of Palinurus shortly before hatching.
B. Young Phyllosoma larva of Scyllarus, without the first maxilliped, the two
last thoracic appendages, or the abdominal appendages.
C. Fully-grown Phyllosoma with all the Decapod appendages.
at*, antenna of first pair ; at*, antenna of second pair ; md. mandible ; ntx 1 . first
maxilla; mx 1 . second maxilla; mx^mxf. maxillipeds; / 1 / 3 . thoracic
posterior pairs of maxillipeds (mxfp and wr/ 3 ) and the ambulatory legs (/ l );
(3) an abdominal region distinctly divided into segments and ending in a fork.
Before the embryo becomes hatched the first pair of maxillipeds becomes
reduced in size and finally vanishes. The second pair of maxillae becomes
reduced to simple stumps with a few bristles, the second pair of antennae
also appears to undergo a retrogressive change, while the two last thoracic
segments cease to be distinguishable. It thus appears that during embryonic
life the second pair of antennae, the second pair of maxillae, and the second
and third pair of maxillipeds and the two hinder ambulatory appendages
undergo retrogressive changes, while the first pair of maxillipeds is completely
obliterated !
The general form of the larva when hatched (fig. 222 B) is not very
different from that which it has during the later stages within the egg. The
body is divided into three regions: (i) an anterior cephalic; (2) a middle
thoracic, and (3) a small posterior abdominal portion ; and all of them are
characterised by their extreme dorso-ventral compression, so that the whole
animal has the form of a three-lobed disc, the strange appearance of which
is much increased by its glass-like transparency.
The cephalic portion is oval and projects slightly behind so as to overlap
the thorax. Its upper surface constitutes the dorsal shield, from which there
spring anteriorly the two compound eyes on long stalks, between which is a
median Nauplius eye. The mouth is situated about the middle of the under
surface of the anterior disc. It leads into a stomach from which an anterior
and a lateral hepatic diverticulum springs out on each side. The former
remains as a simple diverticulum through larval life, but the latter becomes
an extremely complicated glandular structure.
At the front border of the disc is placed the unjointed but elongated
first pair of antennae (rt/ 1 ). Externally to and behind these there spring the
short posterior antennae (at'*}. At the base of which the green gland is
already formed. Surrounding the mouth are the mandibles (md) and anterior
pair of maxillae (mx 1 ), and some distance behind the second pair of maxillae
(mx*), consisting of a cylindrical basal joint and short terminal joint armed
with bristles. The first pair of maxillipeds is absent.
The thoracic region is formed of an oval segmented disc attached to the
under surface of the cephalic disc. From its front segment arises the second
pair of maxillipeds (inxp l } as single five-jointed appendages, and from the
next segment springs the five-jointed elongated but uniramous third pair
of maxillipeds (mxfl 3 }, and behind this there arise three pairs of six-jointed
ambulatory appendages (p\ / 2 , p 3 , of which only the basal joint is represented
in the figure) with an exopodite springing from their second joint. The two
posterior thoracic rings and their appendages cannot be made out.
The abdomen is reduced to a short imperfectly segmented stump, ending
in a fork, between the prongs of which the anus opens. Even the youngest
larval Phyllosoma, such as has just been described, cannot be compared with a
Zoaea, but belongs rather, in the possession of biramous thoracic feet, to a
Mysis stage. In the forked tail and Nauplius eye there appear however to
be certain very primitive characters carried on to this stage.
The passage of this young larva to the fully formed Phyllosoma (fig.
222 C) is very simple. It consists essentially in the fresh development of
the first pair of maxillipeds and the two last ambulatory appendages, the
growth and segmentation of the abdomen, and the sprouting on it of biramous
swimming feet. In the course of these changes the larva becomes a true
Decapod in the arrangement and number of its appendages ; and indeed it
was united with this group before its larval character was made out. In
addition to the appearance of new appendages certain changes take place in
those already present. The two posterior maxillipeds, in the Palinurus
Phyllosoma at any rate, acquire again an exopodite, and together with the
biramous ambulatory feet develop epipodites in the form of gill pouches.
The mode of passage of the Phyllosoma to the adult is not known, but
it can easily be seen from the oldest Phyllosoma forms that the dorsal
cephalic plate grows over the thorax, and gives rise to the cephalo-thoracic
shield of the adult.
There are slight structural differences, especially in the antennae, between
the Phyllosoma of Scyllarus and that of Palinurus, but the chief difference
in development is that the first pair of maxillipeds of the Palinurus embryo,
though reduced in the embryonic state, does not completely vanish, at any
rate till after the free larval state has commenced ; and it is doubtful if
it does so even then. The freshly hatched Palinurus Phyllosoma is very
considerably more developed than that of Scyllarus.
Brachyura. All the Brachyura, with the exception of one or
more species of land crabs 1 , leave the egg in the Zoaia condition,
and though there are slight variations of structure, yet on the
At. I. first antenna ; At. //. second antenna ; md. mandible (without a palp) ; mx.
i. first maxilla ; mx. i. second maxilla ; w.r. 3. third maxilla ; mxp. i. first maxilliped ;
mxp. i. second maxilliped.
ex. exopodite ; ett. cndopodite.
whole the Crab Zoaea is a very well marked form. Immediately
after leaving the egg (fig. 210) it has a somewhat oval shape
1 It has been clearly demonstrated that the majority of land-crabs leave the egg in
the 7.oxa. form.
with a long distinctly-segmented abdomen bent underneath the
thorax. The cephalo-thoracic shield covers over the front part
of the body, and is prolonged into a long frontal spine pointing
forwards, and springing from the region between the two eyes ;
a long dorsal spine pointing backwards ; and two lateral spines.
To the under surface of the body are attached the anterior
appendages up to the second maxilliped, while the six following
pairs of thoracic appendages are either absent or represented
only in a very rudimentary form. The abdomen is without
The anterior antennae are single and unjointed, but provided
at their extremity with a few olfactory hairs (only two in
Carcinus Mcenas) and one or two bristles. The rudiment of the
secondary flageltum appears in very young Zoaeae on the inner
side of the antennules (fig. 223 At. /.). The posterior antennae
are without the flagellum, but are provided with a scale representing the exopodite (fig. 223 At. II. ex] and usually a spinous
at 1 , antenna of first pair ; at z . antenna of second pair ; mx l . first maxilla ; mop.
second maxilla ; mxp 1 . first maxilliped ; mxjP. second maxilliped ; mxf. third maxilliped ; oc. eye ; ht. heart.
process. The flagellum is very early developed and is represented in fig. 223, At. II. en. The mandibles (md) are large but
without a palp. The anterior maxillae (mx i) have a short twojointed endopodite (palp) with a few hairs, and a basal portion
B. II. 31
with two blades, of which the distal is the largest, both armed
with stiff bristles. The posterior maxillae have a small respiratory plate (exopodite), an endopodite (palp) shaped like a
double blade, and two basal joints each continued into a double
blade. The two maxillipeds (inxp i and mxp 2) have the form
and function of biramous swimming feet. The exopodite of
both is two-jointed and bears long bristles at its extremity ; the
endopodite of the anterior is five-jointed and long, that of the
second is three-jointed and comparatively short.
In the six-jointed tail the second segment has usually two
dorsally directed spines, and the three succeeding segments each
of them two posteriorly directed. The telson or swimming plate
is not at first separated from the sixth segment ; on each side it
is prolonged into two well-marked prongs ; and to each prong
three bristles are usually attached (fig. 224). The heart (fig.
224 ht) lies under the dorsal spine and is prolonged into an
anterior, posterior, and dorsal aorta. It has only two pairs of
venous ostia.
During the Zoaea stage the larva rapidly grows in size, and
undergoes considerable changes in its appendages which reach
the full Decapod number (fig. 224). On both pairs of antennae
a flagellum becomes developed and grows considerably in length.
Before the close of the Zoaea condition a small and unjointed
palp appears on the mandible. Behind the second maxilliped
the third maxilliped (inxp*} early appears as a small biramous
appendage, and the five ambulatory feet become distinctly
formed as uniramous appendages the exopodites not being
present. The third pair of maxillipeds and three following
ambulatory appendages develop gill pouches. The abdominal
feet are formed on the second to the sixth segments of the tail
as simple pouches.
The oldest Zoaea is transmuted at its moult into a form
known as Megalopa, which is really almost identical with an
anomurous Decapod. No Schizopod stage is intercalated, which
shews that the development is in many respects greatly abbreviated. The essential characters of the Megalopa are to be found
in (i) the reduction of the two anterior maxillipeds, which
cease to function as swimming feet, and together with the
appendages in front of them assume the adult form ; (2) the full
functional development of the five ambulatory appendages ;
(3) the reduction of the forked telson to an oval swimming
plate, and the growth in size of the abdominal feet, which
become large swimming plates and are at the same time
provided with short endopodites which serve to lock the feet of
the two sides.
With these essential characters the form of the Megalopa differs considerably in different cases. In some instances (e.g. Carcinus mcenas) the
Zoasa spines of the youngest Megalopa are so large that the larva appears
almost more like a Zoasa than a Megalopa (Spence Bate, No. 470). In other
cases, e.g. that represented on fig. 225, the Zoasa spines are still present but
much reduced; and the cephalo-thoracic shield has very much the adult
form. In other cases again (e.g. Portunus) the Zoasa spines are completely
thrown off at the youngest Megalopa stage.
There is a gradual passage from the youngest Megalopa to
the adult form by a series of moults.
Some of the brachyurous Zoasa forms exhibit
considerable divergences
from the described type,
more espcially in the armature of the shield. In
some forms the spines are
altogether absent, e.g. Maja
(Couch, No. 474) and Eurynome. In other forms
the frontal spine may be
much reduced or absent
(Inachus and Achasus).
The dorsal spine may also
be absent, and in one form
described by Dohrn (No.
478) there is a long frontal
spine and two pairs of
lateral spines, but no dorsal ^ MEGALOPA STAGE OF CRAB LARVA.
spine. Both dorsal and
frontal spines may attain enormous dimensions and be swollen at their extremities (Dohrn). A form has been described by Claus as Pterocaris in which
the cephalo-thoracic shield is laterally expanded into two wing-like processes.
The Zoasa of Porcellana presents on the whole the most remarkable
peculiarities and, as might be anticipated from the systematic position of the
adult, is in some respects intermediate between the macrurous Zoasa and that
of the Brachyura. It is characterized by the oval form of the body, and by
the presence of one enormously long frontal spine and two posterior spines.
The usual dorsal spine is absent. The tail plate is rounded and has the
character of the tail of a macrurous Zoaea, but in the young Zoasa the third
pair of maxillipeds is absent and the appendages generally have a brachyurous character. A Megalopa stage is hardly represented, since the adult
may almost be regarded as a permanent Megalopa.
Stomatopoda. The history of the larval forms of the Stomatopoda
(Squilla etc.) has not unfortunately been thoroughly worked out, but what is
known from the researches of Fritz Miiller (No. 495) and Claus (No. 494) is
of very great importance. There are it appears two types, both of which
used to be described as adult forms under the respective names Erichthus
and Alima.
The youngest known Erichthus form is about two millimetres in length,
and has the characters of a modified Zoaea (fig. 226). The body is divided
into three regions, an anterior unsegmented region to which are attached
two pairs of antennas, mandibles, and maxillae (two pairs). This portion
has a dorsal shield covering the next or middle region, which consists of
five segments each with a pair of biramous appendages. These appendages
represent the five maxillipeds of the adult 1 . The portion of the body
behind this is without appendages. It consists of three short anterior
segments, the three posterior thoracic segments of the adult, and a long
unsegmented tail. The three footless thoracic segments are covered by the
dorsal shield. Both pairs of antennae are uniramous and comparatively
short. The mandibles, like those of Phyllopods, are without palps, and the
two following pairs of maxillae are small. The five maxillipeds have the
characters of normal biramous Zoaea feet. From the front of the head
spring a pair of compound eyes with short stalks, which grow longer
in the succeeding stages ; between them is a median eye. The dorsal
shield is attached just behind this eye, and is provided, as in the typical
Zoaea, with a frontal spike while its hinder border is produced into two
lateral spikes and one median. In a larva of about three millimetres a pair
of biramous appendages arises behind the three footless thoracic segments.
It is the anterior pair of abdominal feet (fig. 226). The
inner ramus of the second pair
of maxillipeds soon grows
greatly in length, indicating
its subsequent larger size and
prehensile form (fig. 227 g).
When the larva after one or
two moults attains a length FlG - 6 - SECOND STAGE OF ERICHTHUS
the abdomen has six segments (From Claus.)
1 These five maxillipeds correspond with the three maxillipeds and two anterior
ambulatory appendages of the Decapoda.
(the sixth hardly differentiated), each with a pair of appendages (the two
hindermost still rudimentary) which have become gradually developed from
before backwards. The three hindermost thoracic segments are still without
Some changes of importance have occurred in the other parts. Both
antennas have acquired a second flagellum, but the mandible is still without
f. first maxilliped ; g. second maxilliped.
a palp. The first and second pair of maxillipeds have both undergone
important modifications. Their outer ramus (exopodite) has been thrown
off, and a gill-plate (epipodite) has appeared as an outgrowth from their
basal joint. Each of them is composed of six joints. The three following
biramous appendages have retained their earlier characters but have become
much reduced in size. In the subsequent moults the most remarkable new
features concern the three posterior maxillipeds, which undergo atrophy, and
are either completely lost or reduced to mere unjointed sacks (fig. 228). In
(From Claus.)
the stage where the complete Erichthus type has been reached, these
three appendages have again sprouted forth in their permanent form and
each of them is provided with a gill-sack on its coxal joint. Behind them
the three ambulatory appendages of the thorax have also appeared, first
as simple buds, which subsequently however become biramous. On their
development the full number of adult appendages is acquired.
The most noteworthy points in the developmental history detailed above
are the following :
(i) The thoracic and abdominal segments (apart from their appendages)
develop successively from before backwards.
(2) The three last maxillipeds develop before the abdominal feet, as
biramous appendages, but subsequently completely atrophy, and then sprout
out again in their permanent form.
(3) The abdominal feet develop in succession from before backwards,
and the whole series of them is fully formed before a trace of the appendages
of the three hindermost thoracic segments has appeared. It may be
mentioned as a point of some importance that the Zoaea of Squilla has
an elongated many-chambered heart, and not the short compact heart
usually found in the Zoaea.
The younger stages of the Alima larva are not known 1 , but the earliest
stage observed is remarkable for presenting no trace of the three posterior
pairs of maxillipeds, or of the three following pairs of thoracic appendages.
The segments belonging to these appendages are however well developed.
The tail has its full complement of segments with the normal number of
well developed swimming feet. The larva represents in fact the stage of
the Erichthus larva when the three posterior pairs of maxillipeds have
undergone atrophy ; but it is probable that these appendages never become
developed in this form of larva.
Apart from the above peculiarities the Alima form of larva closely
resembles the Erichthus form.
Nebaliadae. The development of Nebalia is abbreviated, but from
MetschnikofFs figures 2 may be seen to resemble closely that of Mysis.
The abdomen has comparatively little yolk, and is bent over the ventral
surface of the thorax. There is in the egg a Nauplius stage with three
appendages, and subsequently a stage with the Zoaea appendages.
The larva when it leaves the egg has the majority of its appendages
formed, but is still enveloped in a larval skin, and like Mysis bends its
abdomen towards the dorsal side. When the larva is finally hatched it does
not differ greatly from the adult.
Cum ace ae. The development of the Cumaceae takes place for the
most part within the egg, and has been shewn by Dohrn (No. 496) to
resemble in many points that of the Isopods. A dorsal organ is present,
and a fold is formed immediately behind this which gives to the embryo a
dorsal flexure. Both of these features are eminently characteristic of the
The formation of the two pairs of antennie, mandibles, and two pairs
of maxillae and the following seven pairs of appendages takes place very
early. The pair of appendages behind the second maxilku assumes an
ambulatory form, and exhibits a Schizopod character very early, differing
in both these respects from the homologous appendages in the Isopoda.
The cephalo-thoracic shield commences to be formed when the appendages
are still quite rudimentary as a pair of folds in the maxillary region. The
1 The observations of Brooks (No. 493) render it probable that the Alima larva
leaves the egg in a form not very dissimilar to the youngest known larva.
3 His paper is unfortunately in Russian.
eyes are formed slightly later on each side of the head, and only coalesce at
a subsequent period to form the peculiar median sessile eye of the adult.
The two pairs of appendages behind the second maxillae become converted into maxillipeds, and the exopodite of the first of them becomes the
main ramus, while in the externally similar second maxilliped the exopodite
atrophies and the endopodite alone remains.
The larva is hatched without the last pair of thoracic limbs or the
abdominal appendages (which are never developed in the female), but in
other respects closely resembles the adult. Before hatching the dorsal
flexure is exchanged for a ventral one, and the larva acquires a character
more like that of a Decapod.
Natantia. The free Copepoda are undoubtedly amongst
the lowest forms of those Crustacea which are free or do not
lead a parasitic existence. Although some features of their
anatomy, such for instance as the frequent absence of a heart,
may be put down to a retrogressive development, yet, from their
retention of the median frontal eye of the Nauplius as the sole
organ of vision 1 , their simple biramous swimming legs, and other
characters, they may claim to be very primitive forms, which
have diverged to no great extent from the main line of Crustacean development. They supply a long series of transitional
steps from the Nauplius stage to the adult condition.
While still within the egg-shell the embryo is divided by two
transverse constrictions into three segments, on which the three
Nauplius appendages are developed, viz. the two pairs of
antennae and the mandibles. When the embryo is hatched the
indication of a division into segments has vanished, but the
larva is in the fullest sense a typical Nauplius 2 . There are
slight variations in the shape of the Nauplius in different genera,
but its general form and character are very constant. It has
(fig. 229 A) an oval unsegmented body with three pairs of
appendages springing from the ventral surface. The anterior of
these (at i) is uniramous, and usually formed of three joints
which bear bristles on their under surface. The two posterior
1 The Pontellidse form an exception to this statement, in that they are provided
with paired lateral eyes in addition to the median one.
2 The term Nauplius was applied to the larva of Cyclops and allied organisms by
O. F. Muller under the impression that they were adult forms.
pairs of appendages are both biramous. The second pair of
antennae (at 2) is the largest. Its basal portion (protopodite)
bears on its inner side a powerful hook-like bristle. The outer
ramus is the longest and many-jointed ; the inner ramus has
only two joints. The mandibles (md), though smaller than the
second pair of antennae, have a nearly identical structure. No
blade-like projection is as yet developed on their protopodite.
Between the points of insertion of the first pair of antennae is
the median eye (oc), which originates by the coalescence of two
distinct parts. The mouth is ventral, and placed in the middle
line between the second pair of antennae and the mandibles : it
(Copied from Bronn ; after Claus.)
A. B. and C. Nauplius stages. D. Youngest Copepod stage. In this figure maxillae
and the two rami of the maxilliped are seen immediately behind the mandible md.
oc. eye ; at 1 , first pair of antennae ; a/ 8 , second pair of antennre ; md. mandible ;
/*. first pair of feet ; / 2 . second pair of feet ; f. third pair of feet ; //. excretory concretions in the intestine.
is provided with an unpaired upper lip. There are two bristles
at the hind end of the embryo between which the anus is placed,
and in some cases there is at this part a slight indication of the
future caudal fork.
The larva undergoes a number of successive ecdyses, at each
of which the body becomes more elongated, and certain other
changes take place. First of all a pair of appendages arises
behind the mandibles, which form the maxillae (fig. 229 B) ; at
the same time the basal joint of the maxillae develops a cuttingblade. Three successive pairs of appendages (fig. 229 C) next
become formed the so-called maxillipeds (the homologues of
the second pair of maxillae), and the two first thoracic limbs.
Each of these though very rudimentary is nevertheless bifid.
The body becomes greatly elongated, and the caudal fork more
Up to this stage of development the Nauplius appendages
have retained their primitive character almost unaltered ; but
after a few more ecdyses a sudden change takes place ; a cephalothoracic shield becomes fully developed, and the larva comes to
resemble in character an adult Copepod, from which it mainly
differs in the smaller number of segments and appendages. In
the earliest 'Cyclops' stage the same number of appendages are
present as in the last Nauplius stage. There (fig. 229 D) is a
well developed cephalo-thorax, and four free segments behind it.
To the cephalo-thoracic region the antennae, mandibles, maxillae,
the now double pair of maxillipeds (derived from the original
single pair of appendages), and first pair of thoracic appendages
(p l ) are attached. The second pair of thoracic appendages (/ 2 )
is fixed to the first free segment, and the rudiment of a third
pair (/ 3 ) projects from the second free segment. The first pair
of antennae has grown longer by the addition of new joints, and
continues to increase in length in the following ecdyses till it
attains its full adult development, and then forms the chief
organ of locomotion. The second pair of antennae is much
reduced and has lost one of its rami. The two rami of the
mandibles are reduced to a simple palp, while the blade has
assumed its full importance. The maxillae and following appendages have greatly increased in size. They are all biramous,
though the two rami are not as yet jointed. The adult state is
gradually attained after a number of successive ecdyses, at
which new segments and appendages are added, while new
joints are formed for those already present.
Parasita. The earliest developmental stages of the parasitic types
of Copepoda closely resemble those of the free forms, but, as might be
expected from the peculiarly modified forms of the adult, they present a
large number of secondary characters. So far as is known a more or less
modified Nauplius larva is usually preserved.
The development of Achtheres percarum, one of the Lernaeopoda parasitic
in the mouth, etc. of the common Perch, may be selected to illustrate the
mode of development of these forms. The larva leaves the egg as a much
simplified Nauplius (fig. 230 A). It has an oval body with only the two
anterior pairs of Nauplius appendages ; both of them in the rudimentary
condition of unjointed rods. The usual median eye is present, and there is
also found a peculiar sternal papilla, on which opens a spiral canal filled
with a glutinous material, which is probably derived from a gland which
disappears on the completion of the duct. The probable function of this
(Copied from Bronn ; after Claus. )
A. Modified Nauplius stage. B. Cyclops stage. C. Late stage of male
embryo. D. Sexually mature female. E. Sexually mature male.
at 1 , first pair of antennae; at 3 , second pair of antennae; tnd. mandible; tnx.
maxillae ; ptn 1 . outer pair of maxillipeds ; ftn^. inner pair of maxillipeds ; J> 1 . first pair
of legs ; /*. second pair of legs ; z. frontal organ ; i. intestine ; o. larval eye ; b.
glandular body ; t. organ of touch ; ov. ovary ; /. rod projecting from coalesced maxillipeds ; g. cement gland ; rs. receptaculurn seminis ; n. nervous system ; te. testis ; v.
vas deferens.
organ is to assist at a later period in the attachment of the parasite to its
host. Underneath the Nauplius skin a number of appendages are visible,
which become functional after the first ecdysis. This takes place within a
few hours after the hatching of the Nauplius, and the larva then passes from
this rudimentary Nauplius stage into a stage corresponding with the Cyclops
stage of the free forms (fig. 230 B). In the Cyclops stage the larva has an
elongated body with a large cephalo-thoracic shield, and four free posterior
segments, the last of which bears a forked tail.
There are now present eight pairs of appendages, viz. antennae (two
pairs), mandibles, maxillae, maxillipeds, and three pairs of swimming feet.
The Nauplius appendages are greatly modified. The first pair of antennae is
three-jointed, and the second biramous. The outer ramus is the longest, and
bears a claw-like bristle at its extremity. This pair of appendages is used
by the larva for fixing itself. The mandibles are small and connected with
the proboscidiform mouth ; and the single pair of maxillae is small and palped.
The maxillipeds (pm* and flm 2 ) are believed by Claus to be primitively
a single biramous appendage, but early appear as two distinct structures 1 ,
the outer and larger of which becomes the main organ by which the larva is
fixed. Both are at this stage simple two-jointed appendages. The two
anterior pairs of swimming feet have the typical structure, and consist of a
protopodite bearing an unjointed exopodite and endopodite. The first pair
is attached to the cephalo-thorax and the second (p*} to the first free thoracic
segment. The third pair is very small and attached to the second free
segment. The mouth is situated at the end of a kind of proboscis formed
by prolongations of the upper and lower lips. The alimentary tract is fairly
simple, and the anus opens between the caudal forks.
Between this and the next known stage it is quite possible that one
or more may intervene. However this may be the larva in the next stage
observed (fig. 230 C) has already become parasitic in the mouth of the Perch,
and has acquired an elongated vermiform aspect. The body is divided into
two sections, an anterior unsegmented, and a posterior formed of five
segments, of which the foremost is the first thoracic segment which in the
earlier stage was fused with the cephalo-thorax. The tail bears a rudimentary fork between the prongs of which the anus opens. The swimming feet
have disappeared, so also has the eye and the spiral duct of the embryonic
frontal organ. The outer of the two divisions of the maxilliped have undergone the most important modification, in that they have become united at
their ends, where they form an organ from which an elongated rod (_/)
projects, and attaches the larva to the mouth or gills of its host. The
antennae and jaws have nearly acquired their adult form. The nervous
system consists of supra- and infra-cesophageal ganglia and two lateral
trunks given off from the latter. At this stage the males and females can
already be distinguished, not only by certain differences in the rudimentary generative organs, but also by the fact that the outer branch of the
maxillipeds is much longer in the female than in the male, and projects
beyond the head.
In the next ecdysis the adult condition is reached. The outer maxilli
1 Van Beneden (No. 506) in the genera investigated by him finds that the two
maxillipeds are really distinct pairs of appendages.
peds of the male (fig. 230 ,/>#*) separate again ; while in the female (fig.
230 D) they remain fused and develop a sucker. The male is only about
one-fifth the length of the female. In both sexes the abdomen is much
In the genera Anchorella, Lernaeopoda, Brachiella and Hessia, Ed. van
BenecUn (No. 506) has shewn that the embryo, although it passes through
a crypto-Nauplius stage in the egg, is when hatched already in the Cyclops
Branchiura. The peculiar parasite Argulus, the affinities of which
with the Copepoda have been demonstrated by Claus (No. 511), is hatched
in a Cyclops stage, and has no Nauplius stage. At the time of hatching it
closely resembles the adult in general form. Its appendages are however
very nearly those of a typical larval Copepod. The body is composed of
a cephalo-thorax and free region behind this. The cephalo-thorax bears
on its under surface antennae (two pairs), mandibles, maxillipeds, and the
first pair of thoracic feet.
The first pair of antennae is three-jointed, but the basal joint bears a
hook. The second pair is biramous, the inner ramus terminating in a hook.
The mandible is palped, but the palp is completely separated from the
cutting blade 1 . The maxilla would, according to Claus, appear to be
The two typical divisions of the Copepod maxillipeds are present, viz. an
outer and anterior larger division, and an inner and posterior smaller one.
The first pair of thoracic feet, as is usual amongst Copepoda, is attached
to the cephalo-thorax. It has not the typical biramous Copepod character.
There are four free segments behind the cephalo-thorax, the last of which
ends in a fork. Three of them bear appendages, which are rudimentary in
this early larval stage. On the dorsal surface are present paired eyes as
well as an unpaired median eye.
Between the larval condition and that of the adult a number of ecdyses
The larvae of all the Cirripedia, with one or two exceptions,
leave the egg in the Nauplius condition. The Nauplii differ
somewhat in the separate groups, and the post-nauplial stages
vary not inconsiderably.
It will be most convenient to treat successively the larval
1 It seems not impossible that the appendage regarded by Claus as the mandibular
palp may really represent the maxilla, which would otherwise seem to be absent.
This mode of interpretation would bring the appendages of Argulus into a much
closer agreement with those of the parasitic Copepoda. It does not seem incompatible
with the existence of the stylet-like maxillse detected by Claus in the adult.
history of the four sub-orders, viz. Thoracica, Abdominalia,
Apoda, and Rhizocephala.
Thoracica. The just hatched larvae at once leave the egg
lamellae of their parent. They pass out through an opening in
the mantle near the mouth, and during this passage the shell of
the parent is opened and the movements of the cirriform feet
The larval stages commence with a Nauplius 1 which, though
regarded by Claus as closely resembling the Copepod Nauplius
(figs. 231 and 232 A), certainly has very marked pecularities of
its own, and in some respects approaches the Phyllopod
Nauplius. It is in the youngest stage somewhat triangular in
form, and covered on the dorsal side by a very delicate and
hardly perceptible dorsal shield, which is prolonged laterally
into two very peculiar conical horns (fig. 231 Ik), which are the
most characteristic structures of the Cirriped Nauplius. They
are connected with a glandular mass, the secretion from which
passes out at their apex. Anteriorly the dorsal shield has the
same extension as the body, but posteriorly it projects slightly.
An unpaired eye is situated on the ventral surface of the
head, and immediately behind it there springs a more or less
considerable upper lip (Ib), which resembles the Phyllopod
labrum rather than that of the Copepoda. Both mouth and
anus are present, and the hind end of the body is slightly forked
in some forms, but ends in others, e.g. Lepas fascicularis, in an
elongated spine. The anterior of the three pairs of Nauplius
appendages (At*) is uniramous, and the two posterior (Af and
md) are biramous. From the protopodites of both the latter
spring strong hooks like those of the Copepod and Phyllopod
Nauplii. In some Nauplii, e.g. that of Balanus, the appendages
are at first not jointed, but in other Nauplii, e.g. that of Lepas
fascicularis, the jointing is well marked. In Lepas fascicularis
the earliest free Nauplius is enveloped in a larval skin, which is
thrown off after a few hours. The Nauplii of all the Thoracica
undergo a considerable number of moults before their appendages
increase in number or segmentation of the body appears. During
these moults they grow larger, and the posterior part of the
1 Alepas squalicola is stated by Koren and Danielssen to form an exception to
this rule, and to leave the egg with six pairs of appendages.
body the future thoracic and abdominal region grows relatively in length. There also appear close to the sides of the
unpaired eye two conical bodies, which correspond with the
frontal sense organs of the Phyllopods. During their growth
the different larvae undergo changes varying greatly in degree.
In Balanus the changes consist for the most part in the full
segmentation of the appendages and the growth and distinctness
oc. eye ; At. i. antenna of first pair ; At. 2. antenna of second pair ; md. mandible ;
Ib. labrum ; an. anus; me. mesenteron; d.sp. dorsal spine; c.sp. caudal spine;
Vp. ventral spine ; Ih. lateral horns.
of the dorsal shield, which forms a somewhat blunt triangular
plate, broadest in front, with the anterior horns very long, and
two short posterior spines. The tail also becomes produced into
a long spine.
In Lepas fascicularis the changes in appearance of the
Nauplius, owing to a great spinous development on its shield,
are very considerable ; and, together with its enormous size,
render it a very remarkable form. Dohrn (No. 520), who was
the first to describe it, named it Archizoaea gigas.
The dorsal shield of the Nauplius of Lepas fascicularis (fig. 231) becomes
somewhat hexagonal, and there springs from the middle of the dorsal surface
an enormously long spine (d,sp], like the dorsal spine of a Zoa^a. The hind
end of the shield is also produced into a long caudal spine (c.sfi] between
which and the dorsal spine are some feather-like processes. From its edge
there spring in addition to the primitive frontal horns three main pairs of
horns, one pair anterior, one lateral, and one posterior, and smaller ones in
addition. All these processes (with the exception of the dorsal and posterior
spines) are hollow and open at their extremities, and like the primitive
frontal horns contain the ducts of glands situated under the shield. On the
under surface of the larva is situated the unpaired eye (pc] on each side of
which spring the two-jointed frontal sense organs. Immediately behind
these is the enormous upper lip (lb] which covers the mouth 1 . At the sides
of the lip lie the three pairs of Nauplius appendages, which are very
characteristic but present no special peculiarities. Posteriorly the body is
produced into a long ventral spine-like process ( Vfi) homologous with that
of other more normal Nauplii. At the base of this process large moveable
paired spines appear at successive moults, six pairs being eventually formed.
These spines give to the region in which they are situated a segmented
appearance, and perhaps similar structures have given rise to the appearance of segmentation in Spence Bate's figures. The anus is situated on
the dorsal side of this ventral process, and between it and the caudal
spine of the shield above. The fact that the anus occupies this position
appears to indicate that the ventral process is homologous with the
caudal fork of the Copepoda, on the dorsal side of which the anus so
often opens 2 .
From the Nauplius condition the larvae pass at a single
moult into an entirely different condition known as the Cypris
stage. In preparation for this condition there appear, during
the last Nauplius moults, the rudiments of several fresh organs,
which are more or less developed in different types. In the
first place a compound eye is formed on each side of the
median eye. Secondly there appears behind the mandibles a
fourth pair of appendages the first pair of maxillae and
internal to these a pair of small prominences, which are perhaps
1 Willemoes Suhm (No. 530) states that the mouth is situated at the free end of the
upper lip, and that the oesophagus passes through it. From an examination of some
specimens of this Nauplius, for which I am indebted to Moseley, I am inclined to
think that this is a mistake, and that a groove on the surface of the upper lip has been
taken by Suhm for the oesophagus.
2 The enormous spinous development of the larva of Lepas fascicularis is probably
to be explained as a secondary protective adaptation, and has no genetic connection
with the somewhat similar spinous armature of the Zosea.
equivalent to the second pair of maxillae, and give rise to the
third pair of jaws in the adult (sometimes spoken of as the
lower lip).
Behind these appendages there are moreover formed the rudiments of six pairs of feet. Under the cuticle of the first pair of
antennae there may be seen just before the final moult the fourjointed antennae of the Cypris stage with the rudiment of a disc
on the second joint by which the larvae eventually become
By the free Cypris stage, into which the larva next passes, a
very complete metamorphosis has been effected. The median
and paired eyes are present as before, but the dorsal shield has
become a bivalve shell, the two valves of which are united along
their dorsal, anterior, and posterior margins. The two valves
are further kept in place by an adductor muscle situated close
below the mouth. Remains of the lateral horns still persist. The
anterior antennae have undergone the metamorphosis already
indicated. They are four-jointed, the two basal joints being
long, and the second provided with a suctorial disc, in the centre
of which is the opening of the duct of the so-called antennary or
cement gland, which is a granular mass lying on the ventral
side of the anterior region of the body. The gland arises
(Willemoes Suhm) during the Nauplius stage in the large upper
lip. The two distal joints of the antennae are short, and the
last of them is provided with olfactory hairs. The great upper
lip and second pair of antennae and mandibles have disappeared,
but a small papilla, forming the commencement of the adult
mandibles, is perhaps developed in the base of the Nauplius
mandibles. The first pair of maxillae have become small papillae
and the second pair probably remain. The six posterior pairs
of appendages have grown out as functional biramous swimming
feet, which can project beyond the shell and are used in the
locomotion of the larva. They are composed of two basal
joints, and two rami with swimming hairs, each two-jointed.
These feet resemble Copepod feet, and form the main ground
for the views of Claus and others that the Copepoda and
Cirripedia are closely related. They are regarded by Claus as
representing the five pairs of natatory feet of Copepoda, and the
generative appendages of the segment behind these. Between
the natatory feet are delicate chitinous lamellae, in the spaces
between which the cirriform feet of the adult become developed.
The ventral spinous process of the Nauplius stage is much reduced,
though usually three-jointed. It becomes completely aborted
after the larva is fixed.
In addition to the antennary gland there is present, near the
dorsal side of the body above the natatory feet, a peculiar paired
glandular mass, the origin of which has not been clearly made
out, but which is perhaps equivalent to the entomostracan shell
gland. It probably supplies the material for the shell in succeeding stages 1 .
The free Cypris stage is not of long duration ; and during it
the larva does not take food. It is succeeded by a stage known
as the pupa stage (fig. 232 B), in which the larva becomes fixed,
while underneath the larval skin the adult structures are developed. This stage fully deserves its name, since it is a quiescent stage during which no nutriment is taken. The attachment
takes place by the sucker of the antennae, and the cement gland
(/) supplies the cementing material for effecting it. A retrogressive metamorphosis of a large number of the organs sets in,
while at the same time the formation of new adult structures
is proceeded with. The eyes
become gradually lost, but the
Nauplius eye is retained,though
in a rudimentary state, and the
terminal joints of the antennae
with their olfactory hairs are
thrown off. The bivalve shell
is moulted about the same time
as the eyes, the skin below it
remaining as the mantle. The
caudal process becomes aborted. Underneath the natatory
THORACICA. (From Huxley.)
A. Nauplius of Balanus balanoides.
(After Sp. Bate.) B. Pupa stage of Lepas
australis. (After Darwin.)
n. antennary apodemes ; /. cement
gland with duct to antenna.
1 There is considerable confusion about the shell gland and antennary gland. In
my account Willemoes Suhm has been followed. Claus however regards what I have
called the antennary gland as the shell gland, and states that it does not open into the
antennae till a later period. He does not clearly describe its opening, nor the organ
which I have called the shell gland.
B. II. 32
feet, and between the above-mentioned chitinous lamellae, the
cirriform feet are formed ; and on their completion the natatory
feet become thrown off and replaced by the permanent feet. In
the Lepadidae, in which the metamorphosis of the pupa stages
has been most fully studied, the anterior part of the body with
the antennae gradually grows out into an elongated stalk, into
which pass the ovaries, which are formed during the Cypris
stage. At the base of the stalk is the protuberant mouth, the
appendages of which soon attain a higher development than in
the Cypris stage. At the front part of it a large upper lip
becomes formed. Above the mantle and between it and the
shell there are formed in the Lepadidae the provisional valves of
the shell. These valves are chitinous, and have a fenestrated
structure, owing to the chitin being deposited round the margin
of the separate epidermis (hypodermis) cells. These valves in
the Lepadidae " prefigure in shape, size, and direction of growth,
the shelly valves to be formed under and around them" (Darwin,
No. 519, p. 129).
Whatever may be the number of valves in the adult the provisional
valves never exceed five, viz. the two scuta, the two terga and the carina.
They are relatively far smaller than the permanent valves and are therefore
separated by considerable membranous intervals. They are often preserved
for a long time on the permanent calcareous valves. In the Balanidce
the embryonic valves are membranous and do not overlap, but do not
present the peculiar fenestrated structure of the primordial valves of the
In connection with the moult of the pupa skin, and the
conversion of the pupa into the adult form, a remarkable change
in the position takes place. The pupa lies with the ventral side
parallel to and adjoining the surface of attachment, while the
long axis of the body of the young Cirriped is placed nearly at
right angles to the surface of attachment. This change is
connected with the ecdyses of the antennary apodemes (),
which leave a deep bay on the ventral surface behind the
peduncle. The chitinous skin of the Cirriped passes round
the head of this bay, but on the moult of the pupa skin
taking place becomes stretched out, owing to the posterior
part of the larva bending dorsalwards. It is this flexure which
causes the change in the position of the larva.
In addition to the remarkable external metamorphosis
undergone during the pupa stage, a series of hardly less considerable internal changes take place, such as the atrophy of
the muscles of the antennae, a change in the position of the
stomach, etc.
Abdominalia. In the Alcippidae the larva leaves the egg as a
Nauplius, and this stage is eventually followed by a pupa stage closely
resembling that of the Thoracica. There are six pairs of thoracic natatory
legs (Darwin, No. 519). Of these only the first and the last three are preserved in the adult, the first being bent forward in connection with the
mouth. The body moreover partially preserves its segmentation, and the
mantle does not secrete calcareous valves.
The very remarkable genus Cryptophialus, the development of which is
described by Darwin (No. 519) in his classical memoir, is without a free
Nauplius stage. The embryo is at first oval but soon acquires two anterior
processes, apparently the first pair of antennae, and a posterior prominence,
the abdomen. In a later stage the abdominal prominence disappears, and
the antennary processes, within which the true antennas are now visible, are
carried more towards the ventral
surface. The larva next passes into
the free Cypris stage, during which it
creeps about the mantle cavity of its
parent. It is enveloped in a bivalve
shell, and the antennae have the normal cirriped structure. There are no
other true appendages, but posteriorly
three pairs of bristles are attached to
a rudimentary abdomen. Paired compound eyes are present. During the
succeeding pupa stage the metamorphosis into the adult form takes place,
but this has not been followed out in
In Kochlorine, a form discovered
by Noll (No. 526) and closely related
to Cryptophialus, the larvae found
within the mantle represent apparently two larval stages, similar to
two of the larval stages described by
Rhizocephala. The Rhizocephala, as might have been antici
Huxley, after Fritz Miiller.)
A. Nauplius of Sacculina purpurea.
B. Cypris stage of Lernseodiscus porcellanae. C. Adult of Peltogaster paguri.
II, III. IV. Two pairs of antennae
and mandibles; cp. carapace; a. anterior
end of body; b. generative aperture; c.
root-like processes.
pated from their close relationship to Anelasma squalicola amongst the
Thoracica, undergo a development differing much less from the type of the
Thoracica than that of Cryptophialus and Kochlorine.
Sacculina leaves the egg as a Nauplius (fig. 233 A), which differs from
the ordinary type mainly (i) in the large development of an oval dorsal
shield (eft] which projects far beyond the edge of the body, but is provided
with the typical sternal horns, etc. ; and (2) in the absence of a mouth.
The Cypris and pupa stages of Sacculina and other Rhizocephala (fig. 233 B)
are closely similar to those of the Thoracica, but the paired eye is absent.
The attachment takes place in the usual way, but the subsequent metamorphosis leads to the loss of the thoracic feet and generally to retrogressive
Our knowledge of the development of this remarkable group is entirely
due to the investigations of Claus.
Some forms of Cythere are viviparous, and in the marine form Cypridina
the embryo develops within the valves of the shell. Cypris attaches its
eggs to water plants. The larvae of Cypris are free, and their development
is somewhat complicated. The whole development is completed in nine
ecdyses, each of them accompanied by more or less important changes in
the constitution of the larva.
In the earliest free stage the larva has the characters of a true Nauplius
with three pairs of appendages (fig. 234 A). The Nauplius presents howB A
A. Earliest (Nauplius) stage. B. Second stage.
A'. A". First and second pairs of antennae ; Md. mandibles ; OL. labrum ;
MX,', first pair of maxilla; /". first pair of feet.
ever one or two very marked secondary characters. In the first place it is
completely enveloped in a fully formed bivalve shell, differing in unessential
points from the shell of the adult. An adductor muscle (SM] for the shell
is present. Again the second and third appendages, though locomotive in
function are neither of them biramous, and the third one already contains
a rudiment of the future mandibular blade, and terminates in an anteriorly
directed hook-like bristle. The first pair of antenna? is moreover very
similar to the second and is used in progression. Neither of the pairs of
antennae become much modified in the subsequent metamorphosis. The
Nauplius has a single median eye, as in the adult Cypris, and a fully
developed alimentary tract.
The second stage (fig. 234 B), inaugurated by the first moult, is mainly
characterized by the appearance of two fresh pairs of appendages, viz. the
first pair of maxillae and the first pair of feet ; the second pair of maxillae
not being developed till later. The first pair appear as leaf-like curved
A. Fourth stage. B. Fifth stage.
MX', first maxilla ; MX", and/', second maxilla ; /". first pair of feet ; L. liver.
plates (Mx'} more or less like Phyllopod appendages (Claus) though at this
stage without an exopodite. The first pair of feet (/"} terminates in a
curved claw and is used for adhering. The mandibles have by this stage
fully developed blades, and have practically attained their adult form, consisting of a powerful toothed blade and a four-jointed palp.
During the third and fourth stages the first pair of maxillae acquire
their pectinated gill plate (epipodite) and four blades ; and in the fourth
stage (fig. 235 A) the second pair of maxillae (Mx"} arises, as a pair of
curved plates, similar to the first pair of maxillae at their first appearance.
The forked tail is indicated during the fourth stage by two bristles. During
the fifth stage (fig. 235 B) the number of joints of the first pair of antennae
becomes increased, and the posterior maxillae develop a blade and become
four-jointed ambulatory appendages terminating in a hook. The caudal fork
becomes more distinct.
In the sixth stage (fig. 236) the second and hindermost pair of feet becomes formed (/"') and the maxillae of the second pair lose their ambulatory
function, and begin to be converted into definite masticatory appendages by
the reduced jointing of their palp, and the increase of their cutting blades.
By the seventh stage all the appendages have practically attained their
MX!, first maxilla ; Mx".f. second maxilla; /'. and/"', first and second pair oi
feet ; Fu. caudal fork ; L. liver ; S.D. shell gland.
permanent form ; the second pair of maxillae has acquired small branchial
plates, and the two following feet have become jointed. In the eighth and
ninth stages the generative organs attain their mature form.
The larva of Cythere at the time of birth has rudiments of all the limbs,
but the mandibular palp still functions as a limb, and the three feet (2nd
pair of maxillae and two following appendages) are very rudimentary.
The larvae of Cypridina are hatched in a condition which to all intents
and purposes resembles the adult.
Phylogeny of the Crustacea.
The classical work of Fritz Miiller (No. 452) on the phylogeny of the
Crustacea has given a great impetus to the study of their larval forms, and
the interpretations of these forms which he has offered have been the subject
of a very large amount of criticism and discussion. A great step forward
in this discussion has been recently made by Claus in his memoir (No. 448).
The most fundamental question concerns the meaning of the Nauplius.
Is the Nauplius the ancestral form of the Crustacea, as is believed by Fritz
Miiller and Claus, or are its peculiarities and constant occurrence due to
some other cause ? The most plausible explanation on the second hypothesis
would seem to be the following. The segments with their appendages of
Arthropoda and Annelida are normally formed from before backwards,
therefore every member of these two groups with more than three segments
must necessarily pass through a stage with only three segments, and the fact
that in a particular group this stage is often reached on the larva being
hatched is in itself no proof that the ancestor of the group had only three
segments with their appendages. This explanation appears to me, so far
as it goes, quite valid ; but though it relieves us from the necessity of
supposing that the primitive Crustacea had only three pairs of appendages,
it does not explain several other peculiarities of the Nauplius 1 . The more
important of these are the following.
1. That the mandibles have the form of biramous swimming feet and
are not provided with a cutting blade.
2. That the second pair of antennae are biramous swimming feet with a
hook used in mastication, and are innervated (?) from the subcesophageal
3. The absence of segmentation in the Nauplius body. An absence
which is the more striking in that before the Nauplius stage is fully reached
the body of the embryo is frequently divided into three segments, e.g.
Copepoda and Cirripedia
4. The absence of a heart.
5. The presence of a median single eye as the sole organ of vision.
Of these points the first, second, and fifth appear only to be capable of
being explained phylogenetically, while with reference to the absence of a
heart it appears very improbable that the ancestral Crustacea were without
a central organ of circulation. If the above positions are accepted the
conclusion would seem to follow that in a certain sense the Nauplius is
an ancestral form but that, while it no doubt had its three anterior pairs
of appendages similar to those of existing Nauplii, it may perhaps have
been provided with a segmented body behind provided with simple biramous
appendages. A heart and cephalo-thoracic shield may also have been
present, though the existence of the latter is perhaps doubtful. There was
no doubt a median single eye, but it is difficult to decide whether or no
paired compound eyes were also present. The tail ended in a fork between
the prongs of which the anus opened ; and the mouth was protected by a
large upper lip. In fact, it may very probably turn out that the most
primitive Crustacea more resembled an Apus larva at the moult immediately
before the appendages lose their Nauplius characters (fig. 208 B), or a
Cyclops larva just before the Cyclops stage (fig. 229), than the earliest
Nauplius of either of these forms.
If the Nauplius ancestor thus reconstructed is admitted to have existed,
the next question in the phylogeny of the Crustacea concerns the relations
of the various phyla to the Nauplius. Are the different phyla descended
from the Nauplius direct, or have they branched at a later period from
1 For the characters of Nauplius vide p. 460.
some central stem? It is perhaps hardly possible as yet to give a full and
satisfactory answer to this question, which requires to be dealt with for each
separate phylum ; but it may probably be safely maintained that the existing
Phyllopods are members of a group which was previously much larger, and
the most central of all the Crustacean groups; and which more nearly
retains in the characters of the second pair of antennae etc. the Nauplius
peculiarities. This view is shared both by Claus and Dohrn, and appears
to be in accordance with all the evidence we have both palaeontological and
morphological. Claus indeed carries this view still further, and believes
that the later Nauplius stages of the different Entomostracan groups and
the Malacostraca (Penaeus larva) exhibit undoubted Phyllopod affinities.
He therefore postulates the earlier existence of a Protophyllopod form, which
would correspond very closely with the Nauplius as reconstructed above,
from which he believes all the Crustacean groups to have diverged.
It is beyond the scope of this work to attempt to grapple with all the
difficulties which arise in connection with the origin and relationships of the
various phyla, but I confine myself to a few suggestions arising out of the
developmental histories recorded above.
Malacostraca. In attempting to reconstitute from the evidence in
our possession the ancestral history of the Malacostraca we may omit from
consideration the larval history of all those types which leave the egg in
nearly the adult form, and confine our attention to those types in which the
larval history is most completely preserved.
There are three forms which are of special value in this respect, viz.
Euphausia, Penaeus and Squilla. From the history of these which has
already been given it appears that in the case of the Decapoda four stages
(Claus) may be traced in the best preserved larval histories.
1. A Nauplius stage with the usual Nauplius characters.
2. A Protozoaea stage in which the maxillae and first pair of maxillipeds
are formed behind the Nauplius appendages ; but in which the tail is still
unsegmented. This stage is comparatively rarely preserved and usually not
very well marked.
3. A Zoaea stage the chief features of which have already been fully
characterised (vide p. 465). Three more or less distinct types of Zosea are
distinguished by Claus. (a) That of Penaeus, in which the appendages up
to the third pair of maxillipeds are formed, and the thorax and abdomen are
segmented, the former being however very short. The heart is oval, with
one pair of ostia. From this type the Zoaea forms of the other Decapoda
are believed by Claus to be derived, (b} That of Euphausia, with but one
pair of maxillipeds and those short and Phyllopod-like. The heart oval
with one pair of ostia. (c) That of Squilla, with an elongated manychambered heart, two pairs of maxillipeds and the abdominal appendages in
full activity.
4. A Mysis stage, which is only found in the macrurous Decapod
The embryological questions requiring to be settled concern the value
of the above stages. Do they represent stages in the actual evolution of
the present types, or have their characters been secondarily acquired in
larval life ?
With reference to the first stage this question has already been discussed,
and the conclusion arrived at, that the Nauplius does in a much modified
form represent an ancestral type. As to the fourth stage there can be no
doubt that it is also ancestral, considering that it is almost the repetition of
an actually existing form.
The second stage can clearly only be regarded as an embryonic preparation for the third ; and the great difficulty concerns the third stage.
The natural view is that this stage like the others has an ancestral value,
and this view was originally put forward by Fritz Miiller and has been
argued for also by Dohrn. On the other hand the opposite side has been
taken by Claus, who has dealt with the question very ably and at great
length, and has clearly shewn that some of Fritz Miiller's positions are
untenable. Though Claus' opinion is entitled to very great weight, an
answer can perhaps be given to some of his objections. The view adopted
in this section can best be explained by setting forth the chief points which
Claus urges against Fritz Miiller's view.
The primary question which needs to be settled is whether the Malacostraca have diverged very early from the Nauplius root, or later in the history
of the Crustacea from the Phyllopod stem. On this question Claus 1 brings
arguments, which appear to me very conclusive, to shew that the Malacostraca are derived from a late Protophyllopod type, and Claus' view on this
point is shared also by Dohrn. The Phyllopoda present so many characters
(not possessed by the Nauplius) in common with the Malacostraca or their
larval forms, that it is incredible that the whole of these should have
originated independently in the two groups. The more important of these
characters are the following.
1. The compound eyes, so often stalked in both groups.
2. The absence of a palp on the mandible, a very marked character of
the Zoasa as well as of the Phyllopoda.
3. The presence of a pair of frontal sense knobs.
4. The Phyllopod character of many of the appendages. Cf. first pair of
maxillipeds of the Euphausia Zosea.
1 Claus speaks of the various Crustacean phyla as having sprung from a Protophyllopod form, and it might be supposed that he considered that they all diverged from
the same form. It is clear however from the context that he regards the Protophyllopod type from which the Malacostraca originated as far more like existing Phyllopods than that from which the Entomostracan groups have sprung. It is not quite
easy to get a consistent view of his position on the question, since he states (p. 77) that
the Malacostraca and the Copepods diverged from a similar form, which is represented
in their respective developments by the Protozosea and earliest Cyclops stage. Yet if
I understand him rightly, he does not consider the Protozosea stage to be the Protophyllopod stage from which the Malacostraca have diverged, but states on p. 71 that
it was not an ancestral form at all.
5. The presence of gill pouches (epipodites) on many of the appendages 1 .
In addition to these points, to which others might be added, Claus
attempts to shew that Nebalia must be regarded as a type intermediate
between the Phyllopods and Malacostraca. This view seems fairly established, and if true is conclusive in favour of the Phyllopod origin of the
Malacostraca. If the Protophyllopod origin of the Malacostraca is admitted,
it seems clear that the ancestral forms of the Malacostraca must have developed their segments regularly from before backwards, and been provided
with nearly similar appendages on all the segments. This however is far
from the case in existing Malacostraca, and Fritz Miiller commences his
summary of the characters of the Zoaea in the following words 2 . "The
middle body with its appendages, those five pairs of feet to which these
animals owe their name, is either entirely wanting or scarcely indicated."
This he regards as an ancestral character of the Malacostraca, and is of
opinion that their thorax is to be regarded as a later acquirement than the
head or abdomen. Claus' answer on this point is that in the most primitive
Zoasas, viz. those already spoken of as types, the thoracic and abdominal
segments actually develop, in regular succession from before backwards,
and he therefore concludes that the late development of the thorax in the
majority of Zoaea forms is secondary and not an ancestral Phyllopod
This is the main argument used by Claus against the Zosea having any
ancestral meaning. His view as to the meaning of the Zoaea may be
gathered from the following passage. After assuming that none of the
existing Zoaea types could have been adult animals, he says" Much more
"probably the process of alteration of the metamorphosis, which the Mala" costracan phylum underwent in the course of time and in conjunction
" with the divergence of the later Malacostracan groups, led secondarily
" to the three different Zoaea configurations to which probably later modifica" tions were added, as for instance in the young form of the Cumaceae. We
"might with the same justice conclude that adult Insects existed as cater" pillars or pupae as that the primitive form of the Malacostraca was a
" Protozoaea or Zoaea."
Granting Claus' two main positions, viz. that the Malacostraca are
derived from Protophyllopods, and that the segments were in the primary
ancestral forms developed from before backwards, it does not appear impossible that a secondary and later ancestral form may have existed with a
reduced thorax. This reduction may only have been partial, so that the
Zoaea ancestor would have had the following form. A large cephalo-thorax
and well-developed tail (?) with swimming appendages. The appendages up
to the second pair of maxillipeds fully developed, but the thorax very
1 Claus appears to consider it doubtful whether the Malacostracan gills can be
compared with the Phyllopod gill-pouches.
3 Facts for Darwin, p. 49.
imperfect and provided only with delicate foliaceous appendages not projecting beyond the edge of the cephalo-thoracic shield.
Another hypothesis for which there is perhaps still more to be said is
that there was a true ancestral Zoaea stage in which the thoracic appendages
were completely aborted. Claus maintains that the Zoaea form with
aborted thorax is only a larval form ; but he would probably admit that its
larval characters were acquired to enable the larva to swim better. If this
much be admitted it is not easy to see why an actual member of the
ancestral series of Crustacea should not have developed the Zoaea peculiarities when the mud-dwelling habits of the Phyllopod ancestors were
abandoned, and a swimming mode of life adopted. This view, which
involves the supposition that the five (or six including the third maxillipeds)
thoracic appendages were lost in the adult (for they may be supposed to
have been retained in the larva) for a series of generations, and reappeared
again in the adult condition, at a later period, may at first sight appear very
improbable, but there are, especially in the larval history of the Stomatopoda,
some actual facts which receive their most plausible explanation on this
These facts consist in cases of the actual loss of appendages during
development, and their subsequent reappearance. The two most striking
cases are the following.
1. In the Erichthus form of the Squilla larva the appendages corresponding to the third pair of maxillipeds and first two pairs of ambulatory
appendages of the Decapoda are developed in the Protozosea stage, but
completely aborted in the Zoasa stage, and subsequently redeveloped.
2. In the case of the larva of Sergestes in the passage from the Acanthosoma (Mysis) stage to the Mastigopus stage the two hindermost thoracic
appendages become atrophied and redevelop again later.
Both of these cases clearly fit in very well with the view that there was an
actual period in the history of the Malacostraca in which the ancestors of
the present forms were without the appendages which are aborted and
redeveloped again in these larval forms. Claus' hypothesis affords no
explanation of these remarkable cases.
It is however always possible to maintain that the loss and reappearance
of the appendages in these cases may have no ancestral meaning ; and the
abortion of the first pair of maxillipeds and reduction of some of the other
appendages in the case of the Loricata is in favour of this explanation.
Similar examples of the abortion and reappearance of appendages, which
cannot be explained in the way attempted above, are afforded by the Mites
and also by the Insects, e.g. Bees.
On the other hand there is almost a conclusive indication that the loss
of the appendages in Sergestes has really the meaning assigned to it, in that
in the allied genius Leucifer the two appendages in question are actually
absent in the adult, so that the stage with these appendages absent is
permanently retained in an adult form. In the absence of the mandibular
palp in all the Zoaea forms, its actual atrophy in the Penaeus Zoasa, and its
universal reappearance in adult Malacostraca, are cases which tell in favour
of the above explanation. The mandibular palp is permanently absent in
Phyllopods, which clearly shews that its absence in the Zoaea stage is due to
the retention of an ancestral peculiarity, and that its reappearance in the
adult forms was a late occurrence in the Malacostracan history.
The chief obvious difficulty of this view is the redevelopment of the
thoracic feet after their disappearance for a certain number of generations.
The possibility of such an occurrence appears to me however clearly demonstrated by the case of the mandibular palp, which has undoubtedly been
reacquired by the Malacostraca, and by the case of the two last thoracic
appendages of Sergestes just mentioned. The above difficulty may be
diminished if we suppose that the larvae of the Zoaea ancestors always
developed the appendages in question. Such appendages might first only
partially atrophy in a particular Zoaea form and then gradually come to
be functional again ; so that, as a form with functional thoracic limbs
came to be developed out of the Zoaea, we should find in the larval history
of this form that the limbs were developed in the pre-zoaeal larval stages,
partially atrophied in the Zoaea stage, and redeveloped in the adult. From
this condition it would not be difficult to pass to a further one in which the
development of the thoracic limbs became deferred till after the Zoaea stage.
The general arguments in favour of a Zoaea ancestor with partially or
completely aborted thoracic appendages having actually existed in the past
appear to me very powerful. In all the Malacostracan groups in which
the larva leaves the egg in an imperfect form a true Zoaea stage is found.
That the forms of these Zoaeas should differ considerably is only what might
be expected, considering that they lead a free existence and are liable to
be acted upon by natural selection, and it is probable that none of those
at present existing closely resemble the ancestral form. The spines from
their carapace, which vary so much, were probably originally developed,
as suggested by Fritz Miiller, as a means of defence. The simplicity of
the heart so different from that of Phyllopods in most forms of Zoaea
is a difficulty, but the reduction in the length of the heart may very
probably be a secondary modification ; the primitive condition being retained
in the Squilla Zoaea. In any case this difficulty is not greater on the
hypothesis of the Zoaea being an ancestral form, than on that of its being a
purely larval one.
The points of agreement in the number and character of the appendages,
form of the abdomen, etc. between the various types of Zoaea appear to me
too striking to be explained in the manner attempted by Claus. It seems
improbable that a peculiarity of form acquired by the larva of some ancestral
Malacostracan should have been retained so permanently in so many groups l
1 A secondary larval form is less likely to be repeated in development than an
ancestral adult stage, because there is always a strong tendency for the former, which
is a secondarily intercalated link in the chain, to drop out by the occurrence of a
reversion to the original type of development.
more permanently indeed than undoubtedly ancestral forms like that of
Mysis and it would be still more remarkable that a Zoaea form should
have been two or more times independently developed.
There are perhaps not sufficient materials to reconstruct the characters of
the Zoaea ancestor, but it probably was provided with the anterior appendages up to the second pair of maxillipeds, and (?) with abdominal swimming feet. The heart may very likely have been many-chambered.
Whether gill pouches were present on the maxillipeds and abdominal feet
does not appear to me capable of being decided. The carapace and general
shape were probably the same as in existing Zoaeas. It must be left an open
question whether the six hindermost thoracic appendages were absent or
only very much reduced in size.
On the whole then it may be regarded as probable that the Malacostraca
are descended from Protophyllopod forms, in which, on the adoption of
swimming habits, six appendages of the middle region of the body were
reduced or aborted, and a Zoaea form acquired, and that subsequently the
lost appendages were redeveloped in the descendants of these forms, and
have finally become the most typical appendages of the group.
The relationship of the various Malacostracan groups is too difficult
a subject to be discussed here, but it seems to me most likely that in
addition to the groups with a Zoaea stage the Edriophthalmata and Cumaceae
are also post-zoaeal forms which have lost the Zoasa stage. Nebalia is
however very probably to be regarded as a prae-zoaeal form which has
survived to the present day ; and one might easily fancy that its eight thin
thoracic segments with their small Phyllopod-like feet might become nearly
Copepoda. The Copepoda certainly appear to have diverged very
early from the main stem, as is shewn by their simple biramous feet and the
retention of the median eye as the sole organ of vision. It may be argued
that they have lost the eye by retrogressive changes, and in favour of this
view cases of the Pontellidae and of Argulus may be cited. It is however
more than doubtful whether the lateral eyes of the Pontellidae are related to
the compound Phyllopod eye, and the affinities of Argulus are still uncertain.
It would moreover be a great paradox if in a large group of Crustacea the
lateral eyes had been retained in a parasitic form only (Argulus), but lost in
all the free forms.
Cirripedia. The Cirripedia are believed by Claus to belong to the
same phylum as the Copepoda. This view does not appear to be completely
borne out by their larval history. The Nauplius differs very markedly from
that of the Copepoda, and this is still more true of the Cypris stage. The
Copepod-like appendages of this stage are chiefly relied upon to support the
above view, but this form of appendages was probably very primitive
and general, and the number (without taking into consideration the doubtful
case of Cryptophialus) does not correspond to that in Copepoda. On the
other hand the paired eyes and the bivalve shell form great difficulties in the
way of Claus' view. It is clear that the Cypris stage represents more or less
closely an ancestral form of the Cirripedia, and that both the large bivalve
shell and the compound eyes were ancestral characters. These characters
would seem incompatible with Copepod affinities, but point to the independent derivation of the Cirripedia from some early bivalve Phyllopod form.
Ostracoda. The independent origin of the Ostracoda from the main
Crustacean stem seems probable. Claus points out that the Ostracoda
present by no means a simple organisation, and concludes that they were
not descended from a form with a more complex organisation and a larger
number of appendages. Some simplifications have however undoubtedly
taken place, as the loss of the heart, and of the compound eyes in many
forms. These simplifications are probably to be explained (as is done by
Claus) as adaptations due to the small size of body and its enclosure in a
thick bivalve shell. Although Claus is strongly opposed to the view that
Parker ; after Reichenbach.)
A. Section through part of the ovum during segmentation, n. nuclei ; w.y. white
yolk ; y.p. yolk pyramids ; c. central yolk mass.
B and C. Longitudinal sections during the gastrula stage, a. archenteron ;
b. blastopore ; ms. mesoblast ; ec. epiblast ; en. hypoblast distinguished from epiblast
by shading.
I '. Highly magnified view of the anterior lip of blastopore to shew the origin of
the primary mesoblast from the wall of the archenteron. primary mesoblast ;
ec. epiblast ; en. hypoblast.
I Two hypoblast cells to shew the amoeba-like absorption of yolk spheres.
y. yolk ; . nucleus ; /. pseudopodial process.
F. Hypoblast cells giving rise endogenously to the secondary mesoblast (s.nts.).
tt. nuclei.
the number of the appendages has been reduced, yet the very fact of the
(in some respects) complex organisation of this group might seem to indicate
that it cannot have diverged from the Phyllopod stem at so early a stage as
(on Claus' view of the Nauplius) would seem to be implied by the very small
number of appendages which is characteristic of it, and it therefore appears
most probable that the present number may be smaller than that of the
ancestral forms.
The formation of the germinal layers.
The formation of the germinal layers has been more fully
studied in various Malacostraca, more especially in the Decapoda,
than in other groups.
Decapoda. To Bobretzky (No. 472) is due the credit of
having been the pioneer in this line of investigation ; and his
researches have been followed up and enlarged by Haeckel,
Reichenbach (No. 488), and Mayer (No. 482). The segmentation
is centrolecithal and regular (fig. 237 A). At its close the
blastoderm is formed of a single uniform layer of lens-shaped
cells enclosing a central sphere of yolk, in which as a rule all
trace of the division into columns, present during the earlier
stages of segmentation, has disappeared ; though in Palaemon
the columns remain for a long period distinct. The cells of the
blastoderm are at first uniform, but in Astacus, Eupagurus,
and most Decapoda, soon become more columnar for a small
area, and form a circular patch. The whole patch either
becomes at once invaginated (Eupagurus, Palaemon, fig. 239 A)
or else the edge of it is invaginated as a roughly speaking
circular groove deeper anteriorly than posteriorly, within which
the remainder of the patch forms a kind of central plug, which
does not become invaginated till a somewhat later period
(Astacus, fig. 237 B and C). After the invagination of the
above patch the remainder of the blastoderm cells form the
The invaginated sack appears to be the archenteron and its
mouth the blastopore. The mouth finally becomes closed 1 , and
the sack itself then forms the mesenteron.
In Astacus the archenteron gradually grows forwards, its
opening is at first wide, but becomes continuously narrowed
1 Bobretzky first stated that the invagination remained open, but subsequently
corrected himself. Zeit. /. Wiss. Zool., Bd. xxiv. p. 186.
and is finally obliterated. Very shortly after this occurrence
there is formed, slightly in front of the point where the last trace
of the blastopore was observable, a fresh epiblastic invagination,
which gives rise to the proctodaeum, and the opening of which
remains as the definite anus. The proctodaeum (fig. 238 A, kg)
is very soon placed in communication with the mesenteron (mg).
The stomodaeum (fg) is formed during the same stage as the
proctodaeum. It gives rise to the oesophagus and stomach.
The hypoblast cells which form the wall of the archenteron
grow with remarkable rapidity at the expense of the yolk ; the
spherules of which they absorb and digest in an amceba-like
fashion by means of their pseudopodia. They become longer
and longer, and finally, after absorbing the whole yolk, acquire
a form almost exactly similar to
that of the yolk pyramids during segmentation (fig. 238 B).
They enclose the cavity of the
mesenteron, and their nuclei
and protoplasm are situated externally. The cells of the mesenteron close to its junction
with the proctodaeum differ
from those elsewhere in being
nearly flat.
In Palaemon (Bobretzky)
the primitive invagination (fig.
239 A) has far smaller dimensions than in Astacus, and appears before the blastoderm
cells have separated from the
yolk pyramids. The cells which
are situated at the bottom of it
pass into the yolk, increase in
number, and absorb the whole
yolk, forming a solid mass of
hypoblast in which the outlines
of the individual cells would
seem at first not to be distinct.
(From Parker ; after Bobretzky.)
A. Nauplius stage. B. Stage after
the hypoblast cells have absorbed the
food yolk. The ventral surface is turned
upwards, fg. stomodseum ; hg. proctodccum ; an. anus ; m. mouth ; mg. mesenteron ; abd. abdomen ; h. heart.
The blastopore in the mean
time becomes closed. Some of the nuclei now pass to the
periphery of the yolk mass ; the cells appertaining to them
gradually become distinct and assume a pyramidal form (fig.
239 B, hy\ the inner ends of the cells losing themselves in a
central mass of yolk, in the interior of which nuclei are at first
present but soon disappear. The mesenteron thus becomes
constituted of a layer of pyramidal cells which merge into
a central mass of yolk. Some of the hypoblast cells adjoining
the junction of the proctodaeum and mesenteron become
flattened, and in the neighbourhood of these cells a lumen
(After Bobretzky.)
A. Gastrula stage.
B. Longitudinal section through a late stage, hy. hypoblast ; sg. supra-resophageal ganglion ; vg. ventral nerve cord ; hd. proctodseum ; st. stomodseum.
first appears. The stomodaeum and proctodaeum are formed as
in Astacus. Fig. 239 B shews the relative positions of the
proctodaeum, stomodaeum, and mesenteron. Although the
process of formation of the hypoblast and mesenteron is
essentially the same in Astacus and Palaemon, yet the differences
between these two forms are very interesting, in that the yolk is
external to the mesenteron in Astacus, but enclosed within it in
Palaemon. This difference in the position of the yolk is rendered
possible by the fact that the invaginated hypoblast cells in
Palaemon do not, at first, form a continuous layer enclosing a
central cavity, while they do so in Astacus.
The mesoblast appears to be formed of cells budded off
from the anterior wall of the archenteron (Astacus, fig. 237 D),
B. II. 33
or from its lateral walls generally (Palaemon). They make
their first appearance soon after the imagination of the hypoblast has commenced. The mesoblast cells are at first spherical,
and gradually spread, especially in an anterior direction, from
their point of origin.
According to Reichenbach there are formed in Astacus at the Nauplius
stage a number of peculiar cells which he speaks of as * secondary mesoblast
cells.' His account is not very clear or satisfactory, but it appears that they
originate (fig. 237 F) in the hypoblast cells by a kind of endogenous growth,
and though they have at first certain peculiar characters they soon become
indistinguishable from the remaining mesoblast cells.
Towards the end of the Nauplius period the secondary mesoblast cells
aggregate themselves into a rod close to the epiblast in the median ventral
line, and even bifurcate round the mouth and extend forwards to the
extremity of the procephalic lobes. This rod of cells very soon vanishes,
and the secondary mesoblast cells become indistinguishable from the
primary. Reichenbach believes, on not very clear evidence, that these cells
have to do with the formation of the blood.
General form of the body. The ventral thickening of epitlast
or ventral plate, continuous with the invaginated patch already
mentioned, forms the first indication of the embryo. It is at
first oval, but soon becomes elongated and extended anteriorly
into two lateral lobes the procephalic lobes. Its bilateral
symmetry is further indicated by a median longitudinal furrow.
The posterior end of the ventral plate next becomes raised into
a distinct lobe the abdomen which in Astacus at first lies in
front of the still open blastopore. This lobe rapidly grows in size,
and at its extremity is placed the narrow anal opening. It soon
forms a well-marked abdomen bent forwards over the region in
front (figs. 239 B, and 240 A and B). Its early development
as a distinct outgrowth causes it to be without yolk ; and so to
contrast very forcibly with the anterior thoracic and cephalic
regions of the body. In most cases this process corresponds to
the future abdomen, but in some cases (Loricata) it appears to
include part of the thorax. Before it has reached a considerable
development, three pairs of appendages spring from the region
of the head, viz. two pairs of antennae and the mandibles, and
inaugurate a so-called Nauplius stage (fig. 240 A). These three
appendages are formed nearly simultaneously, but the hindermost appears to become visible slightly before the two others
(Bobretzky). The mouth lies slightly behind the anterior pair
of antennae, but distinctly in front of the posterior pair. The
other appendages, the number of which at the time of hatching
varies greatly in the different Decapods (vide section on larval
development), sprout in succession from before backwards (fig.
240 B). The food yolk in the head and thoracic region
gradually becomes reduced in quantity with the growth of the
embryo, and by the time of hatching the disparity in size between
the thorax and abdomen has ceased to exist.
Isopoda. The early embryonic phases of the Isopoda have
been studied by means of sections by Bobretzky (No. 498) and
Bullar (No. 499) and have been found to present considerable
A. Nauplius stage.
B. Stage with eight pairs of appendages, op. eyes ; at 1 , and at*, first and second
antennae; md. mandibles; mx l , mx 2 . first and second maxillae; mxp*. third maxillipeds ; Ib. upper lip.
variations. When laid the egg is enclosed in a chorion, but
shortly after the commencement of segmentation (Ed. van
Beneden and Bullar) a second membrane appears, which is
probably of the nature of a larval membrane.
In all the forms the segmentation is followed by the
formation of a blastoderm, completely enclosing the yolk, and
thickened along an area which will become the ventral surface of
the embryo. In this area the blastoderm is formed of at least
two layers of cells an external columnar epiblast, and an
internal layer of scattered cells which form the mesoblast and
probably in part also the hypoblast (Oniscus, Bobretzky ; Cymothoa, Bullar).
In Asellus aquaticus there is a centrolecithal segmentation,
ending in the formation of a blastoderm, which appears first
on the ventral surface and subsequently extends to the dorsal.
In Oniscus murarius, and Cymothoa the segmentation is
partial [for its peculiarities and relationship vide p. 120] and a
disc, formed of a single layer of cells, appears at a pole of the
egg which corresponds to the future ventral surface (Bobretzky).
This layer gradually grows round the yolk partly by division of
its cells, though a formation of fresh cells from the yolk may
also take place. Before it has extended far round the yolk, the
central part of it becomes two or more layers deep, and the cells
of the deeper layers rapidly increase in number, and are destined
to give rise to the mesoblast and probably also to part or the
whole of the hypoblast. In Cymothoa this layer does not at
first undergo any important change, but in Oniscus it becomes
very thick, and its innermost cells (Bobretzky) become imbedded
in the yolk, which they rapidly absorb; and increasing in
number first of all form a layer in the periphery of the yolk, and
finally fill up the whole of the interior of the yolk (fig. 241 A),
absorbing it in the process.
It appears possible that these cells do not, as Bobretzky believes, originate from the blastoderm, but from nuclei in the yolk which have escaped
his observation. This mode of origin would be similar to that by which yolk
cells originate in the eggs of the Insecta, etc. If Bobretzky's account is
correct we must look to Palaemon, as he himself suggests, to find an explanation of the passage of the hypoblast cells into the yolk. The thickening of
the primitive germinal disc would, according to this view, be equivalent to
the invagination of the archenteron in Astacus, Palaemon, etc.
Whatever may be the origin of the cells in the yolk they no
doubt correspond to the hypoblast of other types. In Cymothoa
nothing similar to them has been met with, but the hypoblast
has a somewhat different origin ; being apparently formed from
some of the indifferent cells below the epiblast, which collect as
a solid mass on the ventral surface, and then divide into two
masses which become hollow and give rise to the liver caeca.
Their fate, as well as that of the hypoblast in Oniscus, is dealt
with in connection with the alimentary tract. The completion
of the enclosure of the yolk by the blastoderm takes place on
the dorsal surface. In all the Isopods which have been carefully
studied, there appears before any other organ a provisional
structure formed from the epiblast and known as the dorsal
organ. An account of it is given in connection with the development of the organs. The general external changes undergone by the larva in its development are as follows. The
ventral thickened area of the blastoderm (ventral plate) shapes
itself and girths nearly the whole circumference of the ovum in
Oniscus (fig. 241 A) but is relatively much shorter in Cymothoa.
Anteriorly it dilates into the two procephalic lobes. In
Cymothoa it next becomes segmented; and the anterior segments are formed nearly simultaneously, and those of the
abdomen somewhat later. At the same time a median depres
MURARIUS. (After Bobretzky.)
st. stomodaeum ; pr. proctodseum ; hy. hypoblast formed of large nucleated cells
imbedded in the yolk ; m. mesoblast ; vg. ventral nerve cord ; sg. supra- oesophageal
ganglion ; li. liver ; do. dorsal organ ; zp. rudiment of masticatory apparatus ; ol. upper
sion appears dividing the blastoderm longitudinally into two
halves. The appendages are formed later than their segments,
and the whole of them are formed nearly simultaneously, with
the exception of the last thoracic, which does not appear till
comparatively late after the hatching of the embryo. The late
development of the seventh thoracic segment and appendage is
a feature common to the majority of the Isopoda (Fritz Miiller).
In Oniscus the limbs are formed in nearly the same way as in
Cymothoa, but in Asellus they do not arise quite simultaneously.
First of all, the two antennae and mandibles (the future palp)
appear, inaugurating a stage often spoken of as the Nauplius
stage, which is supposed to correspond with the free Nauplius
stage of Penaeus and Euphausia. At this stage a cuticle is shed
(Van Beneden) which remains as an envelope surrounding the
larva till the time of hatching. Similar cuticular envelopes are
formed in many Isopoda. Subsequently the appendages of the
thorax appear, and finally those of the abdomen. Later than
the appendages there arise behind the mouth two prominences
which resemble appendages, but give rise to a bilobed lower lip
In Asellus and Oniscus the ventral plate moulds itself to the
shape of the egg, and covers the greater part of the dorsal as
well as of the ventral side (fig. 241 A). As a result of this the
ventral surface of the embryo is throughout convex ; and in
Asellus a deep fold appears on the back of the embryo, so that
the embryo appears coiled up within the egg with its ventral
side outwards and its head and tail in contact. In Oniscus the
ventral surface is convex, but the dorsal surface is never bent in
as in Asellus. In Cymothoa the egg is very big and the
ventral plate does not extend nearly so far round to the dorsal
side as in Asellus, in consequence of which the ventral surface
is not nearly so convex as in other Isopoda. At the same time
the telson is early formed, and is bent forwards so as to lie
on the under side of the part of the blastoderm in front. In
having this ventral curvature of the telson Cymothoa forms
an exception amongst Isopods ; and in this respect is intermediate between the embryos of Asellus and those of the
Amphipoda. Amongst the Amphipoda the segmentation
is usually centrolecithal. In the case of Gammarus locusta
(Ed. van Beneden and Bessels, No. 503) it commences with
an unequal but total segmentation like that of the Frog (vide p.
97), and the separation of a central yolk mass is a late occurrence ; and it is noticeable that the part of the egg with the
small segments eventually becomes the ventral surface. In the
fresh-water species of Gammarus (G. pulex and fluviatilis) the
segmentation is more like that of Insects ; the blastoderm cells
being formed nearly simultaneously over a large part of the
surface of the egg.
Both forms of segmentation give rise to a blastoderm covering the whole egg, which soon becomes thickened on the ventral
surface. There is formed, as in the Isopoda, a larval membrane
at about the time when the blastoderm is completed. Very
soon after this the egg loses its spherical shape, and becomes
produced into a pointed extremity the future abdomen which
is immediately bent over the ventral surface of the part in front.
The ventral curvature of the hinder part of the embryo at so
early an age stands in marked contrast to the usual condition of
Isopod embryos, and is only approached in this group, so far as
is known, in the case of Cymothoa.
At the formation of the first larval membrane the blastoderm
cells separate themselves from it, except at one part on the
dorsal surface. The patch of cells adherent at this part gives rise
to a dorsal organ, comparable with that in Oniscus, connecting
the embryo and its first larval skin. A perforation appears in it
at a later period.
The segments and limbs of the Amphipoda are all formed
before the larva leaves the egg.
Cladocera. The segmentation (Grobben, No. 455) takes place on the
normal centrolecithal type, but is somewhat unequal. Before the close of
the segmentation there may be seen at the apex of the vegetative pole one
cell marked off from the remainder by its granular aspect. It gives rise
to the generative organs. One of the cells adjoining it gives rise to the
hypoblast, and the other cells which surround it form the commencement
of the mesoblast. The remaining cells of the ovum form the epiblast. By
a later stage the hypoblast cell is divided into thirty-two cells and the genital
cell into four, while the mesoblast forms a circle of twelve cells round the
genital mass.
The hypoblast soon becomes involuted ; the blastopore probably closes,
and the hypoblast forms a solid cord of cells which eventually becomes the
mesenteron. The stomodaeum is said to be formed at the point of closure
of the blastopore. The mesoblast passes inwards and forms a mass adjoining the hypoblast, and somewhat later the genital mass also becomes
covered by the epiblast. The proctodseum appears to be formed later than
the stomodasum.
The embryo as first shewn by Dohrn passes through a Nauplius stage
in the brood-pouch, but is hatched, except in the case of the winter eggs of
Leptodora, in a form closely resembling the adult.
Copepoda. Amongst the free Copepoda the segmentation and
formation of the layers have recently been investigated by Hoek (No. 512).
He finds that there is, in both the fresh-water and marine forms studied
by him, a centrolecithal segmentation similar to that of Palaemon and
Pagurus (vide p. 112), which might from the surface be supposed to be
complete and nearly regular. After the formation of the blastoderm an
invagination of some of its cells takes place and is completed in about a
quarter of an hour. The opening becomes closed. This invagination is
compared by Hoek to the invagination in Astacus, and is believed by him
to give rise to the mesenteron. Its point of closing corresponds with the
hind end of the embryo. On the ventral surface there appear two transverse furrows dividing the embryo into three segments, and a median
longitudinal furrow which does not extend to the front end of the foremost
segment. The three pairs of Nauplius appendages and upper lip become
subsequently formed as outgrowths from the sides of the ventral blastodermic thickening.
Amongst the parasitic Copepoda there are found two distinct types of
segmentation, analogous to those in the Isopoda. In the case of Condracanthus the segmentation is somewhat irregular, but on the type of Eupagurus, etc. (vide p. 112). In the other group (Anchorella, Clavella, Congericola, Caligus, Lerneopoda) the segmentation nearly resembles the ordinary
meroblastic type (vide p. 120), and is to be explained in the same manner as
in the cases of Oniscus and Cymothoa. The first blastodermic cells sometimes appear in a position corresponding with the head end of the embryo
(Anchorella), at other times at the hind end (Clavella), and sometimes in the
middle of the ventral surface. The dorsal surface of the yolk is always
the latest to be inclosed by the blastoderm cells. A larval cuticle similar
to that of the Isopoda is formed at the same time as the blastoderm. At
the sides of the ventral thickening of the blastoderm there grow out the
Nauplius appendages, of which only the first two appear in Anchorella.
In Anchorella and Lerneopoda the embryos are not hatched at the
Nauplius stage, but after the Nauplius appendages have been formed
a fresh cuticle the Nauplius cuticle is shed, and within it the embryo
develops till it reaches the so-called Cyclops stage (vide p. 490). The
embryo within the egg has its abdomen curved dorsalwards as amongst the
Cinipedia. The segmentation of Balanus and Lepas commences by
the segregation of the constituents of the egg into a more protoplasmic
portion, and a portion formed mainly of food material. The former separates from the latter as a distinct segment, and then divides into two not
quite equal portions. The division of the protoplasmic part of the embryo
continues, and the resulting segments grow round the single yolk segment.
The point where they finally enclose it is situated on the ventral surface
(Lang) at about the position of the mouth (?).
After being enclosed by the protoplasmic cells the yolk divides, and gives
rise to a number of cells, which probably supply the material for the walls of
the mesenteron. The external layer of protoplasm forms the so-called
blastoderm, and soon (Arnold, Lang) becomes thickened on the dorsal
The embryo is next divided by two constrictions into three segments ;
and there are formed the three appendages corresponding to these, which are
at first simple. The two posterior soon become biramous. The larva leaves
the egg before any further appendages become formed.
Comparative development of the organs.
Central nervous system. The ventral nerve cord of the
Crustacea develops as a thickening of the epiblast along the
median ventral line ; the differentiation of which commences in
front, and thence extends backwards. The ventral cord is at
first unsegmented. The supra-oesophageal ganglia originate as
thickenings of the epiblast of the procephalic lobes.
The details of the above processes are still in most cases very imperfectly known. The fullest account we have is that of Reichenbach (No. 488)
for Astacus. He finds that the supra- cesophageal ganglia and ventral cord
arise as a continuous formation, and not independently as would seem to be
the case in Chsetopoda. The supra-cesophageal ganglia are formed from the
procephalic lobes. The first trace of them is visible in the form of a pair of
pits, one on each side of the middle line. These pits become in the
Nauplius stage very deep, and their walls are then continued into two ridges
where the epiblast is several cells deep, which pass backwards one on each
side of the mouth. The walls of the pits are believed by Reichenbach to
give rise to the optic portions of the supra-cesophageal ganglia, and the
epiblastic ridges to the remainder of the ganglia and to the circum-cesophageal commissures. At a much later stage, when the ambulatory feet have
become formed, a median involution of epiblast in front of the mouth and
between the two epiblast ridges gives rise to a central part of the supracesophageal ganglia. Five elements are thus believed by Reichenbach to be
concerned in the formation of these ganglia, viz. two epiblast pits, two
epiblast ridges, and an involution of epiblast between the latter. It should
be noted however that the fate neither of the pair of pits, nor of the median
involution, appears to have been satisfactorily worked out. The two
epiblast ridges, which pass back from the supra-cesophageal ganglia on
each side of the mouth, are continued as a pair of thickenings of the epiblast
along the sides of a median ventral groove. This groove is deep in front
and shallows out posteriorly. The thickenings on the sides of this groove
no doubt give rise to the lateral halves of the ventral cord, and the cells of
the groove itself are believed by Reichenbach, but it appears to me without
sufficient evidence, to become invaginated also and to assist in forming the
ventral cord. When the ventral cord becomes separated from the epiblast
the two halves of it are united in the middle line, but it is markedly bilobed
in section.
In the Isopoda it would appear both from Bobretzky's and Bullar's
observations that the ventral nerve cord arises as an unpaired thickening of
the epiblast in which there is no trace of anything like a median involution.
After this thickening has become separated from the epiblast a slight
median furrow indicates its constitution out of two lateral cords. The
supra-oesophageal ganglia are stated to be developed quite simply as a pair
of thickenings of the procephalic lobes, but whether they are from the
first continuous with the ventral cord does not appear to have been determined.
The later stages in the differentiation of the ventral cord are,
so far as is known, very similar throughout the Crustacea. The
ventral cord is, as has been stated, at first unsegmented (fig. 241
A, vg\ but soon becomes divided by a series of constrictions into
as many ganglia as there are pairs of appendages or segments
(fig. 241 B, vg).
There appears either on the ventral side (Oniscus) or in the
centre (Astacus, Palaemon) of the two halves of each segment or
ganglion a space filled with finely punctuated material, which is
the commencement of the commissural portion of the cords.
The commissural tissue soon becomes continuous through the
length of the ventral cord, and is also prolonged into the supracesophageal ganglia.
After the formation of the commissural tissue the remaining
cells of the cord form the true ganglion cells. A gradual
separation of the ganglia next takes place, and the cells become
confined to the ganglia, which are finally only connected by a
double band of commissural tissue. The commissural tissue not
only gives rise to the longitudinal cords connecting the successive
ganglia, but also to the transverse commissures which unite the
two halves of the individual ganglia.
The ganglia usually, if not always, appear at first to correspond in number with the segments, and the smaller number so
often present in the adult is due to the coalescence of originally
distinct ganglia.
Organs of special sense. Comparatively little is known on
this head. The compound eyes are developed from the coalescence of two structures, both however epiblastic, viz. (i) part of
the superficial epiblast of the procephalic lobes ; (2) part of the
supra-cesophageal ganglia. The former gives rise to the corneal
lenses, the crystalline cones, and the pigment surrounding
them ; the latter to the rhabdoms and the cells which encircle
them. Between these two parts a mesoblastic pigment is interposed.
Of the development of the auditory and olfactory organs
almost nothing is known.
Dorsal organ. In a considerable number of the Malacostraca
and Branchiopoda a peculiar organ is developed from the epiblast
in the anterior dorsal region. This organ has been called the
dorsal organ. It appears to be of a glandular nature, and is
usually very large in the embryo or larva and disappears in the
adult ; but in some Branchiopoda it persists through life. In
most cases it is unpaired, but in some instances a paired organ
appears to take its place.
Various views as to its nature have been put forward. There
is but little doubt of its being glandular, and it is possible that it
is a provisional renal organ, though so far as I know concretions
have not yet been found in it.
Its development has been most fully studied in the Isopoda.
In Cymothoa (Bullar, No. 499) there appears on the dorsal surface, in the
region which afterwards becomes the first thoracic segment, an unpaired
linear thickening of the blastoderm. This soon becomes a circular patch,
the central part of which is invaginated so as to communicate
with the exterior by a narrow
opening only (fig. 242). It becomes at the same time attached
to the inner egg membrane. It
retains this condition till the close
of larval life.
In Oniscus (Dohrn, No. 500 ;
Bobretzky, No. 498) there appears
very early a dorsal patch of thickened cells. These cells become
attached at their edge to the
inner egg membrane and gradually separated from the embryo,
with which they finally only re- , FlG - W- DIAGRAMMATIC SECTION OF
main in connection by a hollow (F rom Bullar.)
column of cells (fig. 241 A, do).
The original patch now gradually spreads over the inner egg membrane, and
forms a transverse saddle-shaped band of flattened cells which engirths the
embryo on all but the ventral side.
In the Amphipods the epiblast cells remain attached for a small area on
the dorsal surface to the first larval skin, when this is formed. This patch
of cells, often spoken of as a micropyle apparatus, forms a dorsal organ
equivalent to that in Oniscus. A perforation is formed in it at a later
period. A perhaps homologous structure is found in the embryos of Euphausia, Cuma, etc.
In many Branchiopoda a dorsal organ is found. Its development has
been studied by Grobben in Moina. It
persists in the adult
in Branchipus, Limnadia, Estherea, etc.
In the Copepoda
a dorsal organ is
sometimes found in
the embryo ; Grobben at any rate believes that he has
detected an organ of
this nature in the
embryo of Cyclops
A paired organ
which appears to be
ORGAN. (From Bullar ; after E. van Beneden.)
of the same nature
has been found in
Asellus and Mysis.
In Asellus (Rathke (No. 501), Dohrn (No. 500), Van Beneden (No. 497))
this organ originates as two cellular masses at the sides of the body just
behind the region of the procephalic lobes. Each of them becomes trifoliate
and bends towards the ventral surface. In each of their lobes a cavity
arises and finally the three cavities unite, forming a trilobed cavity open to
the yolk. This organ eventually becomes so large that it breaks through the
egg membranes and projects at the sides of the embryo (fig. 243\ Though
formed before the appendages it does not attain its full development till
considerably after the latter have become well established.
In Mysis it appears during the Nauplius stage as a pair of cavities lined
by columnar cells, which atrophy very early.
Various attempts have been made to identify organs in other Arthropod
embryos with the dorsal organ of the Crustacea, but the only organ at all
similar which has so far been described is one found in the embryo of Linguatula (vide Chapter XIX.), but there is no reason to think that this organ is
really homologous with the dorsal organ of the Crustacea.
The mesoblast. The mesoblast in the types so far investigated arises from the same cells as the hypoblast, and appears
as a somewhat irregular layer between the epiblast and the
hypoblast. It gives rise to the same parts as in other forms, but
it is remarkable that it does not, in most Decapods and Isopods
(and so far we do not know about other forms), become divided
into somites, at any rate with the same distinctness that is usual
in Annelids and Arthropods. Not only so, but there is at first
no marked division into a somatic and splanchnic layer with an
intervening body cavity. Some of the cells become differentiated
into the muscles of the body wall and limbs ; and other cells,
usually in the form of a very thin layer, into the muscles of the
alimentary tract. In the tail of Palcsmon Bobretzky noticed
that the cells about to form the muscles of the body were
imperfectly divided into cubical masses corresponding with the
segments ; which however, in the absence of a central cavity,
differed from typical mesoblastic somites. In Mysis Metschnikoff states that the mesoblast becomes broken up into distinct
somites. Further investigations on this subject are required.
The body cavity has the form of irregular blood sinuses amongst
the internal organs.
Heart. The origin and development of the heart and vascular system
are but very imperfectly known.
In Phyllopods (Branchipus) Claus (No. 454) has shewn that the heart is
formed by the coalescence of the lateral parts of the mesoblast of the ventral
plates. The chambers are formed successively as the segments to which
they belong are established, and the anterior chambers are in full activity
while the posterior are not yet formed.
In Astacus and Palaemon, Bobretzky finds that at the stage before the
heart definitely appears there may be seen a solid mass of mesoblast cells
in the position which it eventually occupies 1 ; and considers it probable that
the heart originates from this mass. At the time when the heart can first
be made out and before it has begun to beat, it has the form of an oval sack
with delicate walls separated from the mesenteron by a layer of splanchnic
mesoblast. Its cavity is filled with a peculiar plasma which also fills up the
various cavities in the mesoblast. Around it a pericardial sack is soon
formed, and the walls of the heart become greatly thickened. Four bands
pass off from the heart, two dorsalwards which become fixed to the
integument, and two ventralwards. There is also a median band of cells
connecting the heart with the dorsal integument. The main arteries arise
as direct prolongations of the heart. Dohrn's observations on Asellus
greatly strengthen the view that the heart originates from a solid mesoblastic mass, in that he was able to observe the hollowing out of the mass in
1 Reichenbach describes these cells, and states that there is a thickening of the
epiblast adjoining them. In one place he states that the heart arises from this thickening of epiblast, and in another that it arises from the mesoblast. An epiblastic origin
of the heart is extremely improbable.
the living embryo (cf. the development of the heart in Spiders). Some of the
central cells (nuclei, Dohrn) become blood corpuscles. The formation of
these is not, according to Dohrn, confined to the heart, but takes place in
situ in all the parts of the body (antennae, appendages, etc.). The corpuscles
are formed as free nuclei and are primarily derived from the yolk, which at
first freely communicates with the cavities of the appendages.
Alimentary tract. In Astacus the formation of the mesenteron by
invagination, and the absorption of the yolk by the hypoblast cells, have
already been described. On the absorption of the yolk the mesenteron has
the form of a sack, the walls of which are formed of immensely long cells
the yolk pyramids at the base of which the nucleus is placed (fig. 238 B).
This sack gives rise both to the portion of the alimentary canal between the
abdomen and the stomach and to the liver. The epithelial wall of both of
these parts is formed by the outermost portions of the pyramids with the
nuclei and protoplasm becoming separated off from the yolk as a layer of
flat epithelial cells. The yolk then breaks up and forms a mass of nutritive
material filling up the cavity of the mesenteron.
The differentiation both of the liver and alimentary tract proper first
takes place on the ventral side, and commences close to the point where the
proctodasum ends, and extends forward from this point. A layer of epithelial
cells is thus formed on the ventral side of the mesenteron which very soon
becomes raised into a series of longitudinal folds, one of which in the
middle line is very conspicuous. The median fold eventually, by uniting
with a corresponding fold on the dorsal side, gives rise to the true mesenteron ; while the lateral folds form parallel hepatic cylinders, which in front
are not constricted off from the alimentary tract. The lateral parts of the
dorsal side of the mesenteron similarly give rise to hepatic cylinders. The
yolk pyramids of the anterior part of the mesenteron, which projects
forwards as a pair of diverticula on each side to the level of the stomach, are
not converted into hepatic cylinders till after the larva is hatched.
The proctodasum very early opens into the mesenteron, but the stomodaeum remains closed till the differentiation of the mid-gut is nearly
completed. The proctodaeum gives rise to the abdominal part of the intestine, and the stomodaeum to the oesophagus and stomach. The commencement of the masticatory apparatus in the latter appears very early as a
dorsal thickening of the epithelium.
The primitive mesenteron in Palaemon differentiates itself into the
permanent mid-gut and liver in a manner generally similar to that in
Astacus, though the process is considerably less complicated. A distinct
layer of cells separates itself from the outer part of the yolk pyramids,
and gives rise to the glandular lining both of the mid-gut and of the liver.
The differentiation of this layer commences behind, and the mid-gut very
soon communicates freely with the proctodasum. The lateral parts of
the primitive mesenteron become constricted into four wings, two directed
forwards and two backwards ; these, after the yolk in them has become
absorbed, constitute the liver. The median part simply becomes the me
senteron. The stomachic end of the stomodaeum lies in contact with the
mesenteron close to the point where it is continued into the hepatic
diverticula, and, though the partition-wall between the two becomes early
very thin, a free communication is not established till the yolk has been
completely absorbed.
The alimentary tract in the Isopoda is mainly if not entirely formed
from the proctodaeum and stomodaeum, both of which arise before any other
part of the alimentary system as epiblastic invaginations, and gradually
grow inwards (fig. 244). In Oniscus the liver is formed as two discs
at the surface of the yolk on each side of the anterior part of the body.
Their walls are composed of cubical cells derived from the yolk cells, the
s r " a qcaggaw. rt -j_ .-. f .i~T' : . -^a^Mi^ . - .. >va^^^
MURARIUS. (After Bobretzky.)
st. stomodaeum ; pr. proctodseum ; hy. hypoblast formed of large nucleated cells
imbedded in yolk ; m. mesoblast ; vg. ventral nerve cord ; jr^. supra- oesophageal ganglion ; li. liver; do. dorsal organ; zp. rudiment of masticatory apparatus.
origin of which was spoken of on p. 516. These two discs gradually take
the form of sacks (fig. 244 B, li.) freely open on their inner side to the
yolk. As these sacks continue to grow the stomodaeum and proctodaeum
do not remain passive. The stomodaeum, which gives rise to the oesophagus
and stomach of the adult, soon exhibits a posterior dilatation destined to
become the stomach, on the dorsal wall of which a well-marked prominence
the earliest trace of the future armature is soon formed (fig. 244 B,
xp}. The proctodaeum (pr) grows with much greater rapidity than the
stomodaeum, and its end adjoining the yolk becomes extremely thin or even
broken through. In the earliest stages it was surrounded by the yolk cells,
but in its later growth the yolk cells become gradually reduced in number
and appear to recede before it so much so that one is led to conclude
that the later growth of the proctodaeum takes place at the expense of the
yolk cells.
The liver sacks become filled with a granular material without a trace
of cells ; their posterior wall is continuous with the yolk cells, and their
anterior lies close behind the stomach. The proctodaeum continually
grows forwards till it approaches close to the stomodaeum, and the two
liver sacks, now united into one at their base, become directly continuous
with the proctodaeum. By the stage when this junction is effected the yolk
cells have completely disappeared. It seems then that in Oniscus the yolk
cells (hypoblast) are mainly employed in giving rise to the walls of the
liver ; but that they probably also supply the material for the later growth
of the apparent proctodaeum. It becomes therefore necessary to conclude
that the latter, which might seem, together with the stomodasum, to form
the whole alimentary tract, does in reality correspond to the proctodaeum
and mesenteron together, though the digestive fluids are no doubt mainly
secreted not in the mesenteron but in the hepatic diverticula. The proctodaeum and stomodaeum at first meet each other without communicating, but
before long the partition between the two is broken through.
In Cymothoa (Bullar, No. 499) the proctodaeum and stomodaeum
develop in the same manner as in Oniscus, but the hypoblast has quite
a different form. The main mass of the yolk, which is much greater than
in Oniscus, is not contained in definite yolk cells, but the hypoblast is
represented by (i) two solid masses of cells, derived apparently from the
inner layer of blastoderm cells, which give rise to the liver ; and (2) by a
membrane enclosing the yolk in which nuclei are present.
The two hepatic masses lie on the surface of the yolk, and each of them
becomes divided into three short caecal tubes freely open to the yolk.
The stomodaeum soon reaches its full length, but the proctodaeum grows
forwards above the yolk till it meets the stomodaeum. By the time this
takes place the liver caeca have grown into three large tubes filled with
fluid, and provided with a muscular wall. They now lie above the yolk,
and no longer communicate directly with the cavity of the yolk sack,
but open together with the yolk sack into the point of junction of the
proctodaeum and stomodaeum. The yolk sack of Cymothoa no doubt
represents part of the mesenteron, but there is no evidence in favour of
any part of the apparent proctodaeum representing it also, though it is
quite possible that it may do so. The relations of the yolk sack and hepatic
diverticula in Cymothoa appear to hold good for Asellus and probably for
most Isopoda.
The differences between the Decapods and Isopods in the development
of the mesenteron are not inconsiderable, but they are probably to be
explained by the relatively larger amount of food yolk in the latter forms.
The solid yolk in the Isopods on this view represents the primitive mesenteron of Decapods after the yolk has been absorbed by the hypoblast cells.
Starting from this standpoint we find that in both groups the lateral parts of
the mesenteron become the liver. In Decapods the middle part becomes
directly converted into the mid-gut, the differentiation of it commencing
behind and proceeding forwards. In the Isopods, owing to the mesenteron
not having a distinct cavity, the differentiation of it, which proceeds forwards
as in Decapods, appears simply like a prolongation forwards of the proctoda?um, the cells for the prolongation being probably supplied from the yolk.
In Cymothoa the food yolk is so bulky that a special yolk sack is developed
for its retention, which is not completely absorbed till some time after the
alimentary canal has the form of a continuous tube. The walls of this yolk
sack are morphologically a specially developed part of the mesenteron.
General Works.
(447) C. Spence Bate. " Report on the present state of our knowledge of the
Crustacea." Report of the British Association for 1878.
(448) C. Claus. Untersuchungen zur Erforschung der genealogischen Grundlage
des Crustaceen- Systems. Wien, 1876.
(449) A. Dohrn. "Geschichte des Krebsstammes. " Jenaische Zeitschrift,
Vol. VI. 1871.
(450) A. Gerstaecker. Bronris Thierreich, Bd. v. Arthropoda, 1866.
(451) Th. H. Huxley. The Anatomy of Invertebrated Animals. London,
(452) Fritz Mliller. Fur Darwin, 1864. Translation, Facts for Darwin.
London, 1869.
(453) Brauer. "Vorlaufige Mittheilung iiber die Entwicklung u. Lebensweise
des Lepidurus (Apus) productus." Sitz. der Ak. d. Wiss. Wien, Vol. LXIX., 1874.
(454) C. Claus. "Zur Kenntniss d. Baues u. d. Entwicklung von Branchipus
stagnalisu. Apus cancriformis." Abh. d. kb'nig. Gesell. der Wiss. Gb'ttingen, Vol. XVIII.
(455) C. Grobben. "Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Moina rectirostris."
Arbeit, a. d. zoologisch. Institute Wien, Vol. II., 1879.
(456) E. Grube. " Bemerkungen uber die Phyllopoden nebst einer Uebersicht
etc." Archivf. Naturgeschichte, Vol. xix., 1853.
(457) N. Joly. " Histoire d'un petit Crustace (Artemia salina, Leach} etc." Annales d. Sciences Natur., 2nd ser., Vol. xiii., 1840.
(458) N. Joly. " Recherches zoologiques anatomiques et physiologiques sur
1'Isaura cycladoides ( = Estheria) nouveau genre, etc." Annales d. Sciences Nat., 2nd
ser., Vol. xvii., 1842.
(459) Lereboullet. " Observations sur la generation et le developpement de la
Ltmnadia de Hermann." Annales d. Sciences Natur., <$th ser., Vol. v., 1866.
(460) F. Leydig. " Ueber Artemia salina u. Branchipus stagnalis." Zeit. f.
wiss. ZooL, Vol. in., 1851.
(461) G. O. Sars. " Om en dimorph Udvikling samt Generationsvexel hos
Leptodora." Vidensk. Selskab. Forhand, 1873.
(462) G. Zaddach. De apodis cancreformis Schaeff. anatome et historia evolutionis. Dissertatio inanguralis zootomica. Bonnse, 1841.
(463) C. Claus. " Ueber den Bau u. die systematische Stellung von Nebalia."
Zeit.f. wiss. Zool., Bd. xxn. 1872.
(464) E. Metschnikoff. Development of Nebalia (Russian), 1868.
B. II. 34
(465) E. van Beneden, " Recherches sur 1'Embryogenie des Crustaces. n.
DeVeloppement des Mysis." Bullet, de rAcadtmie roy. de Belgique, second series,
Tom. xxvin. 1869.
(46G) C. Glaus. " Ueber einige Schizopoden u. niedere Malakostraken." Zett.
f. wiss. Zoologie, Bd. XII I., 1863.
(467) A. Dohrn. " Untersuchungen Ub. Bau u. Entwicklung d. Arthropoden."
Zeit.f. wiss. Zool.y Bd. XXL, 1871, .p. 375. Peneus zoaea (larva of Euphausia).
(468) E. Metschnikoff. " Ueber ein Larvenstadium von Euphausia." Zeit.
fiir wiss. Zool., Bd. xix., 1869.
(469) E. Metschnikoff. " Ueber den Naupliuszustand von Euphausia. " Zeit.
fiir wiss. Zool., Bd. XXI., 1871.
(470) S pence Bate. "On the development of Decapod Crustacea." Phil.
Trans., 1858.
(471) Spence Bate. " On the development of Pagurus." Ann. and Mag. Nat.
History, Series 4, Vol. II., 1868.
(472) N. Bobretzky. Development of Astacus and Palamon. Kiew, 1873.
(473) C. Glaus. "Zur Kenntniss d. Malakostrakenlarven. " Wiirzb. naturw.
Zeitschrift, 1861.
(474) R. Q. Couch. "On the Metamorphosis of the Decapod Crustaceans."
Report Cornwall Polyt. Society. 1848.
(475) Du Cane. "On the Metamorphosis of Crustacea." Ann. and Mag. of
Nat. History, 1839.
(476) Walter Faxon. " On the development of Palsemonetes vulgaris." Bull,
of the Mus. of Camp. Anat. Harvard, Cambridge, Mass., Vol. v., 1879.
(477) A. Dohrn. " Untersuchungen lib. Bau u. Entwicklung d. Arthropoden."
" Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Panzerkrebse. Scyllarus Palinurus." Zeit. f.
wiss. Zool., Bd. xx., 1870.
(478) A. Dohrn. "Untersuchungen lib. Bau u. Entwicklung d. Arthropoden.
Erster Beitrag z. Kenntniss d. Malacostraken u. ihrer Larven Amphion Reynaudi,
Lophogaster, Portunus, Porcellanus, Elaphocaris. " Zeit. f. wiss. Zool., Bd. xx.,
(479) A. Dohrn. "Untersuchungen lib. Bau u. Entwicklung d. Arthropoden.
Zweiter Beitrag, etc." Zeit.f. wiss. Zool., Bd. xxi., 1871.
(480) N. Joly. " Sur la Caridina Desmarestii." Ann. Scien. Nat., Tom. xix.,
(481) Lereboullet. " Recherches d . 1'embryologie comparee sur le developpement
du Brochet, de la Perche et de 1'Ecrevisse." Mem. Savans ktrang. Paris, Vol. xvn.,
(482) P. Mayer. "Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Dekapoden." Jenaische
Zeitschrift, Vol. XI., 1877.
(483) F r i t z M u 1 1 e r. " Die Verwandlung der Porcellana." Archivf. Natnrgeschichte, 1862.
(484) Fritz Muller. " Die Verwandlungen d. Garneelen," Archiv f. Naturgesch., Tom. xxix.
(485) Fritz Muller. " Ueber die Naupliusbrut d. Garneelen." Zeit f. wiss.
Zool., Bd. xxx., 1878.
(486) T. J. Parker. "An account of Reichenbach's researches on the early
development of the Fresh-water Crayfish." Quart. J. of M. Science, Vol. xvin.,
(487) H. Rathke. Ueber die Bildung u. Entivicklung d. Flusskrebses. Leipzig, 1829.
(488) H. Reichenbach. " Die Embryoanlage u. erste Entwicklung d. Flusskrebses." Zeit.f. wiss. Zool., Vol. xxix., 1877.
(489) F. Richters. " Ein Beitrag zur Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Loricaten."
Zeit.f. wiss. Zool., Bd. xxiil., 1873.
(490) G. O. Sars. " Om Hummers posiembryonale Udvikling. " Vidensk Selsk.
Fork. Christiania, 1874.
(491) Sidney J. Smith. " The early stages of the American Lobster. " Trans,
of the Connecticut Acad. of Arts and Sciences, Vol. n., Part 2, 1873.
(492) R. v. Willemoes Suhm. " Preliminary note on the development of some
pelagic Decapoda." Proc. of Royal Society, 1876.
(493) W. K. Brooks. " On the larval stages of Squilla empusa." Chesapeake
Zoological Laboratory, Scientific results of the Session of 1878. Baltimore, 1879
(494) C. Claus. "Die Metamorphose der Squilliden." Abhand. der kbnigl.
Gesell. der Wiss. zu Gbttingen, 1871.
(495) Fr. Muller. " Bruchstuck a. der Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Maulfusser I.
und II." Archiv f. Naturgeschichte, Vol. xxvin., 1862, and Vol. xxix., 1863.
(496) A. Dohrn. " Ueber den Bau u. Entwicklung d. Cumaceen." Jenaische
Zeitschrift, Vol. v., 1870.
(497) Ed. van Beneden. " Recherches sur 1'Embryogenie des Crustaces. I.
Asellus aquaticus." Bull, de FAcad. roy Belgique, 2me serie, Tom. xxvni., No. 7,
(498) N. Bobretzky. " Zur Embryologie des Oniscus murarius." Zeit. fur
wiss. Zool., Bd. xxiv., 1874.
(499) J. F. Bullar. "On the development of the parasitic Isopoda." Phil.
Trans., Part II., 1878.
(500) A. Dohrn. " Die embryonale Entwicklung des Asellus aquaticus." Zeit.
f. wiss. Zool., Vol. xvn., 1867.
(501) H. Rathke. Untersuchungen iiber die Bildung tmd Entwicklung der
Wasser-Assel. Leipzig, 1832.
(502) H. Rathke. Zur Morphologic. Reisebemerkungen aus Taurien. Riga u.
Leipzig, 1837. (Bopyrus, Idothea, Ligia, lanira.)
A mphipoda.
(503) Ed. van Beneden and E. Bessels. "M&noire sur la formation du
blastoderme chez les Amphipodes, les Lerneens et les Cope"podes." Classe des Sciences
deTAcad. roy. de Belgique, Vol. xxxiv., 1868.
(504) De la Valletta St George. " Studien iiber die Entwicklung der Amphipoden." Abhand. d. naturfor. Gesell. zu Halle, Bd. v., 1860.
(505) E. van Beneden and E. Bessels. " Me*moire sur la formation du blastoderme chez les Amphipodes, les Lerndens et Copepodes." Classe des Sciences de
FAcad. roy. de Belgique, Vol. xxxiv., 1868.
(506) E. van Beneden. " Recherches sur 1'Embryogenie des Crustaces iv. Anchorella, Lerneopoda, Branchiella, Hessia." Bull, de FAcad. roy. de Belgique, 2me
serie, T. xxix., 1870.
(507) C. Claus. Zur Anatomie u. Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Copepoden.
(508) C. Claus. " Untersuchungen Uber die Organisation u. Verwandschaft d.
Copepoden." Wiirzburger naturwiss. Zeitschrift, Bd. III., 1862.
(509) C. Claus. " Ueber den Bau u. d. Entwicklung von Achtheres percarum."
Zeit.f. wiss. Zool., Bd. XL, 1862.
(510) C. Claus. Die freilebenden Copepoden mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der
Fauna Deutschlands, des Nordsee u. des Mittelmeeres. Leipzig, 1863.
(511) C. Claus. " Ueber d. Entwicklung, Organisation u. systematische Stellung
d. Argulidse." Zeit.f. wiss. Zool., Bd. xxv., 1875.
(512) P. P. C. Hoek. " Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Entomostracen." Niederldndisches Archiv, Vol. IV., 1877.
(513) N o r d m a n n. Mikrographische Beitrdge zur Naturgeschichte der ivirbellosen
l^hiere. Zweites Heft. 1832.
(514) Salensky. " Sphseronella Leuckartii." Archivf. Naturgeschichte, 1868.
(515) F. Vejdovsky. "Untersuchungen Ub. d. Anat. u. Metamorph. v. Tracheliastes polycolpus." Zeit.f. wiss. Zool., Vol. xxix., 1877.
(516) C. Spence Bate. "On the development of the Cirripedia." Annals
and Mag. of Natur. History. Second Series, Vin., 1851.
(517) E. van Beneden. " DeVeloppement des Sacculines." Bull, de I" Acad.
roy. de Belg., 1870.
(518) C. Claus. Die Cypris-dhnliche Larve der Cifripedien. Marburg, 1869.
(519) Ch. Darwin. A monograph of the sub-class Cirripedia, i Vols., Ray
Society, 18514.
(520) A. Dohrn. ' Untersuchungen iiber Bau u. Entwicklung d. Arthropoden
ix. Eine neue Naupliusform (Archizoea gigas)." Zeit. f. wiss. Zool., Bd. xx.,
(521) P. P. C. Hoek. "Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Entomostraken i.
Kinbryologie von Balanus." Niederldndisches Archiv fur Zoologie, Vol. III., 1876 7.
(522) R. Kossmann. "Suctoria u. Lepadidoc." Arbeiten a. d. zool.-zoot. Instituted. Univer. Wiirz., Vol. I., 1873.
(523) Aug. Krohn. " Beobachtungen iiber die Entwicklung der Cirripedien."
Wiegmanris Archiv fur Naturgesch., xxvi., 1860.
(524) E. Metschnikoff. Sitzungsberichte d. Versammlung deutscher Naturforscher zu Hannover, 1865. (Balanus balanoides.)
(525) Fritz Muller. "Die Rhizocephalen." Archiv f. Naturgeschichte,
(526) F. C. Noll. " Kochlorine hamata, ein bohrendes Cirriped." Zeit.f. wiss.
Zool., Bd. xxv., 1875.
(527) A. Pagenstecher. " Beitrage zur Anatomic und Entwicklungsgeschichte
von Lepas pectinata." Zeit.f. wiss. ZooL, Vol. xni., 1863.
(528) J. V. Thompson. Zoological Researches and Illustrations, Vol. I., Part I.
Memoir IV. On the Cirripedes or Barnacles. 8vo. Cork, 1830.
(529) J. V. Thompson. " Discovery of the Metamorphosis in the second type
of the Cirripedes, viz. the Lepades completing the natural history of these singular
animals, and confirming their affinity with the Crustacea." Phil. Trans. 1835. Part
(530) R. von Willemoes Suhm. "On the development of Lepas fascicularis."
Phil. Trans., Vol. 166, 1876.
(531) C. Glaus. " Zur naheren Kenntniss der Jugendformen von Cypris ovum."
Zeit.f. wiss. ZooL, Bd. xv., 1865.
(532) C. Glaus. "Beitrage zur Kenntniss d. Ostracoden. Entwicklungsgeschichte von Cypris ovum." Schriften d. Gesell. zur Befdrderung d. gesamm. Naturwiss. zu Marburg, Vol. IX., 1868.
THE groups dealt with in the present Chapter undoubtedly
belong to the Arthropoda. They are not closely related, and in
the case of each group it is still uncertain with which of the
main phyla they should be united. It is possible that they may
all be offshoots from the Arachnidan phylum.
The development of Limulus has been studied by Dohrn (No. 533) and
Packard (No. 534). The ova are laid in the sand near the spring-tide
marks. They are enveloped in a thick chorion formed of several layers ;
and (during the later stages of development at any rate) there is a membrane within the chorion which exhibits clear indications of cell outlines 1 .
There is a centrolecithal segmentation, which ends in the formation of
a blastoderm enclosing a central yolk mass. A ventral plate is then
formed, which is thicker in the region where the abdomen is eventually
developed. Six segments soon become faintly indicated in the cephalothoracic region, the ends of which grow out into prominent appendages
(fig. 245 A) ; of these there are six pairs, which increase in size from before
backwards. A stomodaeum (m) is by this time established and is placed well
in front of the foremost pair of appendages'*-.
In the course of the next few days the two first appendages of the
abdominal region become formed (vide fig. 245 C shewing those abdominal
appendages at a later stage), and have a very different shape and direction
to those of the cephalothorax. The appendages of the latter become
1 The nature of the inner membrane is obscure. It is believed by Packard to be
moulted after the formation of the limbs, and to be equivalent to the amnion of Insects,
while by Dohrn it is regarded as a product of the follicle cells.
2 Dohrn finds at first only five appendages, but thinks that the sixth (the anterior
one) may have been present but invisible.
flexed in the middle in such a way that their ends become directed towards
the median line (fig. 245 B). The body of the embryo (fig. 245 B) is
now distinctly divided into two regions the cephalothoracic in front, and
the abdominal behind, both divided into segments.
(Somewhat modified from Packard.)
A. Embryo in which the thoracic limbs and mouth have become developed on
the ventral plate. The outer line represents what Packard believes to be the amnion.
B. Later embryo from the ventral surface.
C. Later embryo, just before the splitting of the chorion from the side. The full
number of segments of the abdomen, and three abdominal appendages, have become
established ; m. mouth ; I IX. appendages.
Round the edge of the ventral plate there is a distinct ridge the
rudiment of the cephalothoracic shield.
With the further growth of the embryo the chorion becomes split
and cast off, the embryo being left enclosed within the inner membrane.
The embryo has a decided ventral flexure, and the abdominal region
grows greatly and forms a kind of cap at the hinder end, while its
vaulted dorsal side becomes divided into segments (fig. 245 C). Of these
there are according to Dohrn seven, but according to Packard nine, of
which the last forms the rudiment of the caudal spine.
In the thoracic region the nervous system is by this stage formed as
a ganglionated cord (Dohrn), with no resemblance to the peculiar cesophageal ring of the adult. The mouth is stated by Dohrn to lie between the
second pair of limbs, so that, if the descriptions we have are correct, it must
have by this stage changed its position with reference to the appendages.
Between the thorax and abdomen two papillae have arisen which form the
so-called lower lip of the adult, but from their position and late development
they can hardly be regarded as segmental appendages. In the course of
further changes all the parts become more distinct, while the membrane in
which the larva is placed becomes enormously distended (fig. 246 A). The
rudiments of the compound eyes are formed on the third (Packard) or fourth
(Dohrn) segment of the cephalothorax, and the simple eyes near the median
line in front. The rudiments of the inner process of the chelae of the cephalothoracic appendages arise as buds. The abdominal appendages become
more plate-like, and the rudiments of a third pair appear behind the two
already present. The heart appears on the dorsal surface.
An ecdysis now takes place, and in the stage following the limbs have
approached far more closely to their adult state (fig. 246 A). The
cephalothoracic appendages become fully jointed ; the two anterior abdominal appendages (vn.) have approached, and begin to resemble the oper
(After Dohrn.)
A. An advanced embryo enveloped in the distended inner membrane shortly
before hatching ; from the ventral side.
B. A later embryo at the Trilobite stage, from the dorsal side.
I., vii., VIII. First, seventh, and eight appendages.
cs. caudal spine ; se. simple eye ; ce. compound eye.
culum of the adult, and on the second pair is formed a small inner ramus.
The segmentation of the now vaulted cephalothorax becomes less obvious,
though still indicated by the arrangement of the yolk masses which form
the future hepatic diverticula.
Shortly after this stage the embryo is hatched, and at about the time of
hatching acquires a form (fig. 246 B) in which it bears, as pointed out by
Dohrn and Packard, the most striking resemblance to a Trilobite.
Viewed from the dorsal surface (fig. 246 B) it is divided into two
distinct regions, the cephalothoracic in front and the abdominal behind.
The cephalothoracic has become much flatter and wider, has lost all trace
of its previous segmentation, and has become distinctly trilobed. The
central lobe forms a well-marked keel, and at the line of insertion of the
rim-like edge of the lateral lobes are placed the two pairs of eyes (se and
ce). The abdominal region is also distinctly trilobed and divided into nine
segments ; the last, which is merely formed of a median process, being the
rudiment of the caudal spine. The edges of the second to the seventh are
armed with a spine. The changes in the appendages are not very considerable. The anterior pair nearly meet in the middle line in front or
the mouth ; and the latter structure is completely covered by an upper
lip. Each abdominal appendage of the second pair is provided with four
gill-lamellas, attached close to its base.
Three weeks after hatching an ecdysis takes place, and the larva passes
from a trilobite into a limuloid form. The segmentation of the abdomen
has become much less obvious, and this part of the embryo closely resembles its permanent form. The caudal spine is longer, but is still relatively
short. A fourth pair of abdominal appendages is established, and the first
pair have partially coalesced, while the second and third pairs have become
jointed, their outer ramus containing four and their inner three joints.
Additional gill-lamellae attached to the two basal joints of the second and
third abdominal appendages have appeared.
The further changes are not of great importance. They are effected in
a series of successive moults. The young larvae swim actively at the
Our, in many respects, imperfect knowledge of the development of
Limulus is not sufficient to shew whether it is more closely related to the
Crustacea or to the Arachnida, or is an independent phylum.
The somewhat Crustacean character of biramous abdominal feet, etc.
is not to be denied, but at the same time the characters of the embryo
appear to me to be decidedly more arachnidan than crustacean. The
embryo, when the appendages are first formed, has a decidedly arachnidan facies. It will be remembered that when the limbs are first formed
they are all post-oral. They resemble in this respect the limbs of the
Arachnida, and it seems to be probable that the anterior pair is equivalent
to the cheliceras of Arachnida, which, as shewn in a previous section, are
really post-oral appendages in no way homologous with antennae 1 .
The six thoracic appendages may thus be compared with the six
Arachnidan appendages; which they resemble in their relation to the
mouth, their basal cutting blades, etc.
The existence of abdominal appendages behind the six cephalothoracic
does not militate against the Arachnidan affinities of Limulus, because in
the Arachnida rudimentary abdominal appendages are always present in
the embryo. The character of the abdominal appendages is probably
1 Dohrn believes that he has succeeded in shewing that the first pair of appendages
of Limulus is innervated in the embryo from the supra-cesophageal ganglia. His
observations do not appear to me conclusive, and, arguing from what we know of the
development of the Arachnida, the innervation of these appendages in the adult can be
of no morphological importance.
secondarily adapted to an aquatic respiration, since it is likely (for the
reasons already mentioned in connection with the Tracheata) that if Limulus
has any affinities with the stock of the Tracheata it is descended from airbreathing forms, and has acquired its aquatic mode of respiration. The
anastomosis of the two halves of the generative glands is an Arachnidan
character, and the position of the generative openings in Limulus is more
like that in the Scorpion than in Crustacea.
A fuller study of the development would be very likely to throw
further light on the affinities of Limulus, and if Packard's view about the
nature of the inner egg membrane were to be confirmed, strong evidence
would thereby be produced in favour of the Arachnidan affinities.
(533) A. Dohrn. "Untersuch. Ub. Bau u. Entwick. d. Arthropoden (Limulus
polyphemus)." Jenaische Zeitschrift, Vol. vi., 1871.
(534) A. S. Packard. "The development of Limulus polyphemus." Mem.
Boston Soc. Nat. History, Vol. II., 1872.
The embryos, during the first phases of their development, are always
carried by the male in sacks which are attached to a pair of appendages
(the third) specially formed for this purpose. The segmentation of the
ovum is complete, and there is in most forms developed within the eggshell a larva with three pairs of two-jointed appendages, and a rostrum
placed between the front pair.
It will be convenient to take Achelia kevis, studied by Dohrn (No. 536),
as type.
The larva of Achelia when hatched is provided with the typical three
pairs of appendages. The foremost of them is chelate, and the two following pairs are each provided with a claw. Of the three pairs of larvalappendages Dohrn states that he has satisfied himself that the anterior is
innervated by the supra-cesophageal ganglion, and the two posterior by
separate nerves coming from two imperfectly united ventral ganglia. The
larva is provided with a median eye formed of two coalesced pigment
spots, and with a simple stomach.
The gradual conversion of the larva into the adult takes place by the
elongation of the posterior end of the body into a papilla, and the formation there, at a later period, of the anus ; while at the two sides of the
anal papilla rudiments of a fresh pair of appendages the first pair of ambulatory limbs of the adult make their appearance. The three remaining
pairs of limbs become formed successively as lateral outgrowths, and their
development is accomplished in a number of successive ecdyses. As they
are formed caeca from the stomach become prolonged into them. For each
of them there appears a special ganglion. While the above changes are
taking place the three pairs of larval appendages undergo considerable
reduction. The anterior pair singly becomes smaller, the second loses
its claw, and the third becomes reduced to a mere stump. In the adult the
second pair of appendages becomes enlarged again and forms the so-called
palpi, while the third pair develops in the male into the egg-carrying appendages, but is aborted in the female. The first pair form appendages lying
parallel to the rostrum, which are sometimes called pedipalpi and sometimes antennae.
The anal papilla is a rudimentary abdomen, and, as Dohrn has shewn,
contains rudiments of two pairs of ganglia.
The larvae of Phoxichilidium are parasitic in various Hydrozoa (Hydractinia, etc.). After hatching they crawl into the Hydractinia stock. They
are at first provided with the three normal pairs of larval appendages. The
two hinder of these are soon thrown off, and the posterior part of the trunk,
with the four ambulatory appendages belonging to it, becomes gradually
developed in a series of moults. The legs, with the exception of the hindermost pair, are fully formed at the first ecdysis after the larva has become
free. In the genus Pallene the metamorphosis is abbreviated, and the'
young are hatched with the full complement of appendages.
The position of the Pycnogonida is not as yet satisfactorily settled.
The six-legged larva has none of the characteristic features of the Nauplius,
except the possession of the same number of appendages.
The number of appendages (7) of the Pycnogonida does not coincide
with that of the Arachnida. On the other hand, the presence of chelate
appendages innervated in the adult by the supra-cesophageal ganglia rather
points to a common phylum for the Pycnogonida and Arachnida ; though as
shewn above (p. 455) all the appendages in the embryo of true Arachnida
are innervated by post-oral ganglia. The innervation of these appendages
in . the larvae of Pycnogonida requires further investigation. Against
such a relationship the extra pair of appendages in the Pycnogonida is
no argument, since the embryos of most Arachnida are provided with four
such extra pairs. The two groups must no doubt have diverged very
(535) G. Cavanna. " Studie e ricerche sui Picnogonidi." Pubblicazioni del R.
Institute di Studi stiperiori in Firenze, 1877.
(536) An. Dohrn. " Ueber Entwickhuig u. Baud. Pycnogoniden." Jenaische
Zeitschrift, Vol. v. 1870, and " Neue Untersuchungen lib. Pycnogoniden." Mitthdl.
a. d. zoologischen Station zu Neafel, Bd. I. 1878.
(537) G. Hodge. " Observations on a species of Pycnogon, etc." Annal. and
Mag. of Nat. Hist. Vol. ix. 1862.
(538) C. Semper. " Ueber Pycnogoniden u. ihre in Hydroiden schmarotzenden
Larvenformen." Arbeiten a. d. zool.-zoot. Instit. Wiirzburg, Vol. I. 1874.
The development and metamorphosis of Pentastomum taenoides have
been thoroughly worked out by Leuckart (No. 540) and will serve as type
for the group.
In the sexual state it inhabits the nasal cavities of the dog. The early
embryonic development takes place as the ovum gradually passes down the
uterus. The segmentation appears to be complete ; and gives rise to an
oval mass in which the separate cells can hardly be distinguished. This
gradually differentiates itself into a characteristic embryo, divided into a tail
and trunk. The tail is applied to the ventral surface of the trunk, and on
the latter two pairs of stump-like unsegmented appendages arise, each
provided with a pair of claws. At the anterior extremity of the body is
formed the mouth, with a ventral spine and lateral hook, which are perhaps
degenerated jaws. The spine functions as a boring apparatus, and an
apparatus with a similar function is formed at the end of the tail. A larval
cuticle now appears, which soon becomes detached from the embryo, except
on the dorsal surface, where it remains firmly united to a peculiar papilla.
This papilla becomes eventually divided into two parts, one of which remains
attached to the cuticle, while the part connected with the embryo forms a
raised cross placed in a cup- shaped groove. The whole structure has been
compared, on insufficient grounds, to the dorsal organ of the Crustacea.
The eggs, containing the embryo in the condition above described, are
eventually carried out with the nasal slime, and, if transported thence into
the alimentary cavity of a rabbit or hare, the embryos become hatched by
the action of the gastric juice. From the alimentary tract of their new host
they make their way into the lungs or liver. They here become enveloped
in a cyst, in the interior of which they undergo a very remarkable metamorphosis. They are, however, so minute and delicate that Leuckart was
unable to elucidate their structure till eight weeks after they had been
swallowed. At this period they are irregularly-shaped organisms, with a
most distant resemblance to the earlier embryos. They are without their
previous appendages, but the alimentary tract is now distinctly differentiated.
The remains of two cuticles in the cyst seem to shew that the above changes
are effected in two ecdyses.
In the course of a series of ecdyses the various organs of the larval form
known as Pentastomum denticulatum continue to become differentiated.
After the first (= third) ecdysis the cesophageal nerve-ring and sexually
undifferentiated generative organs are developed. At the fourth (=sixth)
ecdysis the two pairs of hooks of the adult are formed in pockets which
appeared at a somewhat earlier stage ; and the body acquires an annulated
character. At a somewhat earlier period rudiments of the external generative organs indicate the sex of the larva.
After a number of further ecdyses, which are completed in about six
months after the introduction of the embryos into the intermediate host, the
larva attains its full development, and acquires a form in which it has long
been known as Pentastomum denticulatum. It now leaves its cyst and
begins to move about. It is in a state fit to be introduced into its final host ;
but if it be not so introduced it may become encysted afresh.
If the part of a rabbit or hare infected by a Pentastomum denticulatum
be eaten by a dog or wolf, the parasite passes into the nasal cavity of the
latter, and after further changes of cuticle becomes a fully-developed sexual
Pentastomum taenioides, which does not differ to any very marked extent
from P. denticulatum.
In their general characters the larval migrations of Pentastomum are
similar to those of the Cestodes.
The internal anatomy of the adult Pentastomum, as well as the
characters of the larva with two pairs of clawed appendages, are perhaps
sufficient to warrant us in placing it with the Arthropoda, though it would
be difficult to shew that it ought not to be placed with such a form as
Myzostomum (vide p. 369). There do not appear to be any sufficient
grounds to justify its being placed with the Mites amongst the Arachnida.
If indeed the rings of the body of the Pentastomida are to be taken as
implying a true segmentation, it is clear that the Pentastomida cannot be
associated with the Mites.
(539) P. J. van Beneden. " Recherches s. 1'organisation et le developpement d.
Linguatules." Ann. d. Sden. Nat., 3 Ser., Vol. XI.
(540) R. Leuckart. " Bau u. Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Pentastomen." Leipzig
and Heidelberg. 1860.
Very little is known with reference to the development of the Tardigrada.
A complete and regular segmentation (von Siebold, Kaufmann, No. 541) is
followed by the appearance of a groove on the ventral side indicating a
ventral flexure. At about the time of the appearance of the groove the cells
become divided into an epiblastic investing layer and a central hypoblastic
The armature of the pharynx is formed very early at the anterior
extremity, and the limbs arise in succession from before backwards.
The above imperfect details throw no light on the systematic position of
this group.
(541) J. Kaufmann. " Ueber die Entwicklung u. systematische Stellung d.
Tardigraden." Zeit.f. wiss, ZooL, Bd. HI. 1851.
Summary of Arthropodan Development.
The numerous characters common to the whole of the
Arthropoda led naturalists to unite them in a common phylum,
but the later researches on the genealogy of the Tracheata and
Crustacea tend to throw doubts on this conclusion, while there
is not as yet sufficient evidence to assign with certainty a
definite position in either of these classes to the smaller groups
described in the present chapter. There seems to be but little
doubt that the Tracheata are descended from a terrestrial Annelidan type related to Peripatus. The affinities of Peripatus to
the Tracheata are, as pointed out in a previous chapter (p. 386),
very clear, while at the same time it is not possible to regard
Peripatus simply as a degraded Tracheate, owing to the fact
that it is provided with such distinctly Annelidan organs as
nephridia, and that its geographical distribution shews it to be a
very ancient form.
The Crustacea on the other hand are clearly descended from
a Phyllopod-like ancestor, which can be in no way related to
The somewhat unexpected conclusion that the Arthropoda
have a double phylum is on the whole borne out by the anatomy
of the two groups. Without attempting to prove this in detail,
it may be pointed out that the Crustacean appendages are
typically biramous, while those of the Tracheata are never at
any stage of development biramous 1 ; and the similarity between
the appendages of some of the higher Crustacea and those of
many Tracheata is an adaptive one, and could in no case be
used as an argument for the affinity of the two groups.
The similarity of many organs is to be explained by both
groups being descendants of Annelidan ancestors. The similarity of the compound eye in the two groups cannot however
be explained in this way, and is one of the greatest difficulties
of the above view. It is moreover remarkable that the eye of
Peripatus 2 is formed on a different type to either the single or
compound eyes of most Arthropoda.
The conclusion that the Crustacea and Tracheata belong to
two distinct phyla is confirmed by a consideration of their
development. They have no doubt in common a centrolecithal
segmentation, but, as already insisted on, the segmentation is
no safe guide to the affinities.
In the Tracheata the archenteron is never, so far as we
know, formed by an invagination 3 , while in Crustacea the
1 The biflagellate antennae of Pauropus amongst the Myriapocls can hardly be
considered as constituting an exception to this rule.
3 I hope to shew this in a paper I am preparing on the anatomy of Peripatus.
8 Stecker's description of an invagination in the Chilognatha cannot be accepted
without further confirmation ; -vide p. 388.
evidence is in favour of such an invagination being the usual,
and, without doubt, the primitive, mode of origin.
The mesoblast in the Tracheata is formed in connection with
a median thickening of the ventral plate. The unpaired plate
of mesoblast so formed becomes divided into two bands, one on
each side of the middle line.
In both Spiders and Myriopods, and probably Insects, the
two plates of mesoblast are subsequently divided into somites,
the lumen of which is continued into the limbs.
In Crustacea the mesoblast usually originates from the walls
of the invagination, which gives rise to the mesenteron.
It does not become divided into two distinct bands, but
forms a layer of scattered cells between the epiblast and hypoblast, and does not usually break up into somites ; and though
somites are stated in some cases to be found they do not
resemble those in the Tracheata.
The proctodaeum is usually formed in Crustacea before and
rarely later 1 than the stomodaeum. The reverse is true for the
Tracheata. In Crustacea the proctodseum and stomodaeum,
especially the former, are very long, and usually give rise to the
greater part of the alimentary tract, while the mesenteron is
usually short.
In the Tracheata the mesenteron is always considerable, and
the proctodaeum is always short. The derivation of the Malpighian bodies from the proctodaeum is common to most
Tracheata. Such diverticula of the proctodaeum are not found
in Crustacea.
1 This is stated to be the case in Moina (Grobben).
THE development of the Echinodermata naturally falls into
two sections:
(i) The development of the germinal layers and of the
systems of organs; (2) the development of the larval appendages
and the metamorphosis.
The Development of the Germinal Layers and of tJie Systems
of Organs.
The development of the systems of organs presents no very
important variations within the limits of the group.
Holothuroidea. The Holothurians have been most fully
studied (Selenka, No. 563), and may be conveniently taken as
The segmentation is nearly regular, though towards its close,
and in some instances still earlier, a difference becomes apparent
between the upper and the lower poles.
At the close of segmentation (fig. 247 A) the egg has a
nearly spherical form, and is constituted of a single layer of
columnar cells enclosing a small segmentation cavity. The
lower pole is slightly thickened, and the egg rotates by means of
fine cilia.
An invagination now makes its appearance at the lower
pole (fig. 247 B), and simultaneously there become budded off
from tJie cells undergoing the invagination amoeboid cells, which
1 The following classification of the Echinodermata is employed in this chapter.
I. Holothuroidea. IV. Echinoidea.
II. Asteroidea. V. Crinoidea.
III. Ophiuroidea.
eventually form the muscular system and the connective tissue.
These cells very probably have a bilaterally symmetrical origin.
This stage represents the gastrula stage which is common to all
Echinoderms. The invaginated sack is the archenteron. As it
grows larger one side of the embryo becomes flattened, and the
other more convex. On the flattened side a fresh invagination
A. Blastosphere stage at the close of segmentation. B. Gastrula stage.
mr. micropyle ; //. chorion; s.c. segmentation cavity; bl. blastoderm; ep. epiblast;
hy. hypoblast; ms. amoeboid cells derived from hypoblast ; a.e. archenteron.
arises, the opening of which forms the permanent mouth, the
opening of the first invagination remaining as the permanent
anus (fig. 248 A).
These changes give us the means of attaching definite names
to the various parts of the embryo. It deserves to be noted in
the first place that the embryo has assumed a distinctly bilateral
form. There is present a more or less concave surface extending from the mouth to near the anus, which will be spoken
of as the ventral surface. The anus is situated at the posterior
extremity. The convex surface opposite the ventral surface
forms the dorsal surface, which terminates anteriorly in a
rounded prse-oral prominence.
It will be noticed in fig. 248 A that in addition to the
primitive anal invagination there is present a vesicle (?/.).
This vesicle is directly formed by a constriction of the primitive
B. II. 35
54 6
archenteron (fig. 249 Vpv.), and is called by Selenka the vasoperitoneal vesicle. It gives origin to the epithelioid lining of
the body cavity and water-vascular system of the adult 1 . In the
parts now developed we have the rudiments of all the adult organs.
The mouth and anal involutions (after the separation of the
vaso-peritoneal vesicle) meet and unite, a constriction indicating
their point of junction (fig. 248 B). Eventually the former gives
tn. mouth; oe. oesophagus; st. stomach; i. intestine; a. anus; I.e. longitudinal
ciliated band; v.p. vaso-peritoneal vesicle; p.v. peritoneal vesicle; p.r. right peritoneal vesicle ; //. left peritoneal vesicle ; w.v. water- vascular vesicle ; p. dorsal pore
of water- vascular system ; ms. muscle cells.
rise to the mouth and cesophagus, and the latter to the remainder of the alimentary canal 2 .
The vaso-peritoneal vesicle undergoes a series of remarkable
changes. After its separation from the archenteron it takes
up a position on the left side of this, elongates in an anteroposterior direction, and from about its middle sends a narrow
diverticulum towards the dorsal surface of the body, where an
1 The origin of the vaso-peritoneal vesicle is not quite the same in all the species.
In Holothuria tubulosa it is separated from the csecal end of the archenteron; the
remainder of which then grows towards the oral invagination. In Cucumaria the
archenteron forks (fig. 249) ; and one fork forms the vaso-peritoneal vesicle, and the
other the major part of the mesenteron.
2 There appears to be some uncertainty as to how much of the larval cesophagus is
derived from the stomodaeal invagination.
opening to the exterior becomes formed (fig. 248 B, /.). The
diverticulum becomes the madreporic canal, and the opening
the dorsal pore.
The vaso-peritoneal vesicle next divides into two, an anterior vesicle (fig. 248 B, w.v.), from which is derived the
epithelium of the water-vascular system, and a posterior (fig.
248 B, /.?;.), which gives rise to the epithelioid lining of the body
cavity. The anterior vesicle (fig. 248 C, w.v.) becomes fivelobed, takes a horseshoe-shaped form, and grows round the
oesophagus (fig. 256, w.v.r). The five lobes form the rudiments
of the water-vascular prolongations into the tentacles. The
remaining parts of the water-vascular system are also developed
as outgrowths of the original vesicle. Five of these, alternating
with the original diverticula, form the five ambulacral canals,
from which diverticula are produced into the ambulacral feet ; a
sixth gives rise to the Polian vesicle. The remaining parts of
the original vesicle form the water-vascular ring.
We must suppose that eventually the madreporic canal loses
its connection with the exterior so as to hang loosely in the
interior, though the steps of this process do not appear to
have been made out.
The original hinder peritoneal vesicle grows rapidly,
and divides into two (fig. 248 C,
pi. and pr.}, which encircle the
two sides of the alimentary
canal, and meet above and
below it. The outer wall of
each of them attaches itself to
the skin, and the inner one to
the alimentary canal and watervascular system ; in both cases
the walls remain separated
from the adjacent parts by a
layer of the amoeboid cells
already spoken of. The cavity
of the peritoneal vesicles becomes the permanent body
cavity. Where the walls of
Vpv. vaso-peritoneal vesicle; ME.
mesenteron; Blp., Ptd. blastopore, proctodaeum.
the two vesicles meet on the dorsal side, a mesentery, suspending the alimentary canal and dividing the body cavity longitudinally, is often formed. In other parts the partition walls
between the two sacks appear to be absorbed.
The amoeboid cells, which were derived from the invaginated
cells, arrange themselves as a layer round all the organs (fig.
249). Some of them remain amoeboid, attach themselves to the
skin, and form part of the cutis; and in these cells the calcareous spicula of the larva and adult are formed. Others
form the musculature of the larval alimentary tract, while the
remainder give rise to the musculature and connective tissue of
the adult.
The development of the vascular system is not known, but the discovery
of Kowalevsky, confirmed by Selenka, that from the walls of the watervascular system corpuscles are developed, identical with those in the bloodvessels, indicates that it probably develops in connection with the watervascular system. The observations of Hoffmann and Perrier on the communication of the two systems in the Echinoidea point to the same conclusion.
Though nothing very definite is known with reference to the development of
the nervous system, Metschnikoff suggests that it develops in connection
with the thickened bands of epiblast which are formed by a metamorphosis
of the ciliated bands of the embryo, and accompany the five radial tubes
(vide p. 555). In any case its condition in the adult leaves no doubt of its
being a derivative of the epiblast.
From the above description the following general conclusions
may be drawn :
(1) The blastosphere stage is followed by a gastrula stage.
(2) The gastrula opening forms the permanent anus, and the
mouth is formed by a fresh invagination.
(3) The mesoblast arises entirely from the invaginated cells,
but in two ways :
(a) As scattered amoeboid cells, which give origin to the
muscles and connective tissue (including the cutis) of the body
wall and alimentary tract.
(&) As a portion separated off from the archenteron,
which gives rise both to the epithelioid lining of the body cavity,
and of the water-vascular system.
(4) The oesophagus is derived from an invagination of the
epiblast, and the remainder of the alimentary canal from the
(5) The embryonic systems of organs pass directly into those
of the adult.
The development of Synapta diverges, as might be expected, to a very
small extent from that of Holothuria.
Asteroidea. In Asterias the early stages of development conform to
our type. There arise, however, two bilaterally symmetrical vaso-peritoneal
diverticula from the archenteron. These diverticula give rise both to the
lining of the body cavity and water-vascular system. With reference to
the exact changes they undergo there is, however, some difference of opinion.
Agassiz (543) maintains that both vesicles are concerned in the formation of
the water-vascular system, while Metschnikoff (560) holds that the watervascular system is entirely derived from the anterior part of the larger left
vesicle, while the right and remainder of the left vesicle form the body
cavity. MetschnikofFs statements appear to be the most probable. The
anterior part of the left vesicle, after separating from the posterior, grows
into a five-lobed rosette (fig. 260, /), and a madreporic canal (h] with a dorsal
pore opening to the exterior. The rosette appears not to grow round the
oesophagus, as in the cases hitherto described. But the latter is stated to
disappear, and a new oesophagus to be formed, which pierces the rosette,
and places the old mouth in communication with the stomach. Except
where the anus is absent in the adult, the larval anus probably persists.
Ophiuroidea. The early development of the Ophiuroidea is not so
fully known as that of other types. Most species have a free-swimming
larva, but some (Amphiura) are viviparous.
The early stages of the free-swimming larvae have not been described,
but I have myself observed in the case of Ophiothrix fragilis that the
segmentation is uniform, and is followed by the normal invagination. The
opening of this no doubt remains as the larval anus, and there are probably
two outgrowths from this to form the vaso-peritoneal vesicles. Each of these
divides into two parts, an anterior lying close to the oesophagus, and a
posterior close to the stomach. The anterior on the right side aborts ; that
on the left side becomes the water-vascular vesicle, early opens to the
exterior, and eventually grows round the oesophagus, which, as in Holothurians, becomes the oesophagus of the adult. The posterior vesicles give rise
to the lining of the body cavity, but are stated by Metschnikoff to be at first
solid, and only subsequently to acquire a cavity the permanent body cavity.
The anus naturally disappears, since it is absent in the adult. In the
viviparous type the first stages are imperfectly known, but it appears that
the blastopore vanishes before the appearance of the mouth. The development of the ^vaso-peritoneal bodies takes place as in the free-swimming
Echinoidea. In the Echinoidea (Agassiz, No. 542, Selenka, No. 564)
there is a regular segmentation and the normal invagination (fig. 250 A).
The amoeboid mesoblast cells arise as two laterally placed masses, and give
rise to the usual parts. The archenteron grows forward and bends towards
the ventral side (fig. 250 B). It becomes (fig. 250 C) divided into three
chambers, of which the two hindermost (d and c) form the stomach and
intestine ; while the anterior forms the oesophagus, and gives rise to the
a, anus (blastopore) ; d. stomach ; o. oesophagus ; c . rectum ; w. vaso-peritoneal
vesicle ; v. ciliated ridge ; r. calcareous rod.
vaso-peritoneal vesicles. These latter appear as a pair of outgrowths
(fig. 251), but become constricted off as a single two-horned vesicle, which
subsequently divides into two. The left of these
is eventually divided, as in Asteroids, into a
peritoneal and water-vascular sack, while the
right forms the right peritoneal sack. An oral
invagination on the flattened ventral side meets
the mesenteron after its separation from the
vaso-peritoneal vesicle. The larval anus persists, as also does the larval mouth, but owing
to the manner in which the water-vascular
rosette is established the larval oesophagus appears to be absorbed, and to be replaced by a
fresh oesophagus.
Crinoidea. Antedon, the only Crinoid
so far studied (Gotte, No. 549), presents some
not inconsiderable variations from the usual
Echinoderm type. The blastopore is placed on
the somewhat flattened side of the oval blastosphere, and not, as is usual, at the hinder end.
The blastopore completely closes, and is not converted into the permanent anus. The archenteron gives rise to the epithelioid lining of both body
cavity and water-vascular system. These parts do not, however, appear as
a single or paired outgrowth from the archenteron, but as three distinct
outgrowths which are not formed contemporaneously. Two of them are first
a. anus ; d. stomach ; o.
oesophagus ; w. vaso-peritoneal vesicle; r. calcareous
formed and become the future body cavity; but their lumens remain distinct.
Jngmally appearing as lateral outgrowths, the right one assumes a dorsal
position and sends a prolongation into the stalk (fig. 252 rp'\ and
the left one assumes first a ventral, and then an oral position (fur
252 lp\
The third outgrowth of the archenteron gives rise to the water-vascular
vesicle. It first grows round the region of the future oesophagus and so
forms the water-vascular ring.
The wall of the ring then
grows towards the body wall
so as to divide the oral (left)
peritoneal vesicle into two
distinct vesicles, an anterior
and a posterior, shewn in fig.
253, lp' and lp. Before this
division is completed, the
water-vascular ring is produced in front into five pro
AN ANTEDON LARVA. (From Carpenter: after
al. mesenteron ; -wv. water- vascular ring ;
lp. left (oral) peritoneal vesicle; rp. right peritoneal vesicle ; rp'. continuation of right vesicle
into the stalk ; st. stalk.
cessesthe future tentacles
(fig. 252, wv) which project
into the cavity of the oral
vesicle (lp\ After the oral
peritoneal space has become
completely divided into two parts, the anterior dilates (fig. 253, //) greatly,
and forms a large vestibule at the anterior end of the body. This vestibule
(lp'} next acquires a communication with the mesenteron, shewn in fig. 253
at m. The anterior wall of this vestibule is finally broken through. By this
rupture the mesenteron is placed in communication with the exterior by the
opening at m, while at the same time the tentacles of the water-vascular ring
(/) project freely to the exterior. Such is Gotte's account of the prge-oral
body space, but, as he himself points out, it involves our believing that the
lining of the diverticulum derived from the primitive alimentary vesicle
becomes part of the external skin. This occurrence is so remarkable, that
more evidence appears to me requisite before accepting it.
The formation of the anus occurs late. Its position appears to be the
same as that of the blastopore, and is indicated by a papilla of the mesenteron attaching itself to the skin on the ventral side (fig. 253, an). It eventually becomes placed in an interradial space within the oral disc of the adult.
The water-vascular ring has no direct communication with the exterior, but
the place of the madreporic canal of other types appears to be taken in
the larva by a single tube leading from the exterior into the body cavity, the
external opening of which is placed on one of the oral plates (vide p. 571) in
the next interradial space to the right of the anus, and a corresponding
diverticulum of the water-vascular ring opening into the body cavity. The
line of junction between the left and right peritoneal vesicles forms in the
larva a ring-like mesentery dividing the oral from the aboral part of the body
cavity. In the adult 1 the oral section of the larval body cavity becomes the
ventral part of the circumvisceral division of the body cavity, and the
subtentacular canals of the arms and disc ; while the aboral section becomes
the dorsal part of the circumvisceral division of the body cavity, the cceliac
canals of the arms, and the cavity of the centro-dorsal piece. The primitive
(From Carpenter ; after Gotte.)
ae. epithelium of oral vestibule; ;//. mouth; al. mesenteron; an. rudiment of
permanent anus; lp. posterior part of left (oral) peritoneal sack; lp' '. anterior part of
left (oral) peritoneal sack; wr. water-vascular ring; /. tentacle; mt. mesentery;
rp. right peritoneal sack; rp '. continuation of right peritoneal sack into the stalk;
r. roof of tentacular vestibule.
distinction between the sections of the larval body cavity becomes to a large
extent obliterated, while the axial and intervisceral sections of the bodycavity of the adult are late developments.
The more important points in the development indicated in
the preceding pages are as follows :
(i) The blastosphere is usually elongated in the direction
of the axis of invagination, but in Comatula it is elongated
transversely to this axis.
1 Vide P. H. Carpenter, "On the genus Actinometra." Linnean Trans., and
Series, Zoology, Vol. n., Part I., 1879.
(2) The blastopore usually becomes the permanent anus,
but it closes at the end of larval life (there being no anus in the
adult) in Ophiuroids and some Asteroids, while in Comatula it
closes very early, and a fresh anus is formed at the point where
the blastopore was placed.
(3) The larval mouth always becomes the mouth of the
(4) The archenteron always gives rise to outgrowths which
form the peritoneal membrane and water-vascular systems. In
Comatula there are three such outgrowths, two paired, which
form the peritoneal vesicles, and one unpaired, which forms the
water-vascular vesicle. In Asteroids and Ophiuroids there are
two outgrowths. In Ophiuroids both of these are divided into a
peritoneal and a water-vascular vesicle, but the right watervascular vesicle atrophies. In Asteroids only one water-vascular
vesicle is formed, which is derived from the left peritoneal vesicle.
In Echinoids and Holothuroids there is a single vaso-peritoneal
(5) The water- vascular vesicle grows round the larval
oesophagus in Holothuroids, Ophiuroids, and Comatula ; in
these cases the larval oesophagus is carried on into the adult.
In other forms the water-vascular vesicle forms a ring which
does not enclose the cesophagus (Asteroids and Echinoids);
in such cases a new oesophagus is formed, which perforates this
Development of the larval appendages and metamorphosis.
Holothuroidea. The young larva of Synapta, to which J.
Muller gave the name Auricularia (fig. 255), is in many respects
the simplest form of Echinoderm larva. With a few exceptions
the Auricularia type of larva is common to the Holothuria.
It is (fig. 254 A and fig. 255) bilaterally symmetrical, presenting a flattened ventral surface, and a convex dorsal one.
The anus (an) is situated nearly at the hinder pole, and the
mouth (m) about the middle of the ventral surface. In front
of the mouth is a considerable process, the prae-oral lobe.
Between the mouth and anus is a space, more or less concave
according to the age of the embryo, interrupted by a ciliated
A similar ciliated ridge is
ridge a little in front of the anus,
present on the ventral surface
of the prae-oral lobe immediately in front of the mouth.
The anal and oral ridges are
connected by two lateral ciliated bands, the whole forming
a continuous band, which,
since the mouth lies in the
centre of it (fig. 255), may be
regarded as a ring completely
surrounding the body behind
the mouth, or more naturally
as a longitudinal ring.
The bilateral Auricularia
is developed from a slightly
elongated gastrula with an uniform covering of cilia. The
gastrula becomes flattened on the oral side. At the same time
the cilia become specially developed on the oral and anal ridges,
and then on the remainder of the ciliated ring, while they are
;//. mouth; st. stomach; a. anus; l.c>
primitive longitudinal ciliated band; pr.c.
prae-oral ciliated band.
The black line represents the ciliated ridge. The shaded part is the oral side of
the ring, the clear part the aboral side.
/;;. mouth; an. anus.
simultaneously obliterated elsewhere ; and so a complete Auricularia is developed. The water-vascular ring in the fully-developed
larva has already considerably advanced in the growth round the
oesophagus (fig. 256 w.v.r).
Most Holothurian larvae, in their transformation from the
bilateral Auricularia form to the radial form of the adult, pass
through a stage in which the cilia form a number of transverse
rings, usually five in number, surrounding the body. The
stages in this metamorphosis are shewn in figs. 256, 257, and
The primitive ciliated band,
at a certain stage of the metamorphosis, breaks up into a
number of separate portions
(fig. 256), the whole of which are
placed on the ventral surface.
Four of these (fig. 257 A and B)
arrange themselves in the form
of an angular ring round the
mouth, which at this period projects considerably. The remaining portions of the primitive
band change their direction from
a longitudinal one to a transverse (fig. 257 B), and eventually
grow into complete rings (fig.
2570). Of these there are five.
The middle one (257 B) is the
first to develop, and is formed
from the dorsal parts of the
primitive ring. The two hinder
rings develop next, and last of
all the two anterior ones, one of
which appears to be in front of the mouth (fig. 257 C).
The later development of the mouth, and of the ciliated ridge
surrounding it, is involved in some obscurity. It appears from
Metschnikoff (No. 560) that an invagination of the oesophagus
takes place, carrying with it the ciliated ridge around the mouth.
This ridge becomes eventually converted into the covering for
the five tentacular outgrowths of the water- vascular ring (fig.
258), and possibly also forms the nervous system.
The opening of the cesophageal invagination is at first behind
the foremost ciliated ring, but eventually comes to lie in front of
it, and assumes a nearly terminal though slightly ventral position
(fig. 258). No account has been given of the process by which
this takes place, but the mouth is stated by Metschnikoff (though
SYNAPTA. (After Metschnikoff.)
m. mouth ; st. stomach ; a. anus ;
p.v. left division of perivisceral cavity,
which is still connected with the watervascular system ; w.v.r. water-vascular
ring which has not yet completely encircled the oesophagus; I.e. longitudinal
part of ciliated band ; pr.c. prae-oral part
of ciliated band.
Miiller differs from him on this point) to remain open throughout. The further changes in the metamorphosis are not considerable. The ciliated bands disappear, and a calcareous ring
of ten pieces, five ambulacral and five interambulacral, is formed
round the oesophagus. A provisional calcareous skeleton is also
All the embryonic systems of organs pass in this case
directly into those of the adult.
The metamorphosis of most Holothuroidea is similar to that just
described. In Cucumaria (Selenka) there is however no Auricularia stage,
and the uniformly ciliated stage is succeeded by one with five transverse
are viewed from the ventral surface, and C from the side. (After Metschnikoff.)
m. mouth; oe. oesophagus; pv. walls of the perivisceral cavity; wv. longitudinal
vessel of the water- vascular system; p. dorsal pore of water-vascular system;
cr. ciliated ring formed round the mouth from parts of the primitive ciliated
bands of cilia, and a prae-oral and an anal ciliated cap. The mouth is at
first situated ventrally behind the prse-oral cap of cilia, but the prae-oral
cap becomes gradually absorbed, and the mouth assumes a terminal
In Psolinus (Kowalevsky) there is no embryonic ciliated stage, and the
adult condition is attained without even a metamorphosis. There appear to
be five plates surrounding the
mouth, which are developed before
any other part of the skeleton, and
are regarded by P. H. Carpenter
(No. 548) as equivalent to the five
oral plates of the Crinoidea. The
larval condition with ciliated bands
is often spoken of as the pupa stage,
and during it the larvae of Holothurians proper use their embryonic
tube feet to creep about.
Asteroidea. The commonest and most thoroughly
investigated form of Asteroid
larva is a free swimming form
known as Bipinnaria.
This form in passing from
the spherical to the bilateral
condition passes through at
first almost identical changes
to the Auricularian larva.
The cilia become at an early
period confined to an oral
and anal ridge.
The anal ridge gradually extends dorsalwards, and finally
forms a complete longitudinal post-oral ring (fig. 259 A) ; the
oral ridge also extends dorsalwards, and forms a closed prae-oral
ring (fig. 259 A), the space within which is left unshaded in my
The presence of two rings instead of one distinguishes the
Bipinnaria from the Auricularia. The two larvae are shewn side
by side in fig. 254, and it is obvious that the two bands of the
Bipinnaria are (as pointed out by Gegenbaur) equivalent to the
single band of the Auricularia divided into two. Ontologically,
however, the two bands of Bipinnaria do not appear to arise
from the division of a single band.
As the Bipinnaria grows older, a series of arms grows out
along lines of the two ciliated bands (fig. 259 C), and, in many
cases, three special arms are formed, not connected with the
ciliated bands, and covered with warts. These latter arms are
The figure shews the vestibular cavity
with retracted tentacles ; the ciliated bands ;
the water-vascular system, etc.
p. dorsal pore of water-vascular system ;
pv. walls of perivisceral cavity; ms. amoeboid cells.
known as brachiolar arms, and the larvae provided with them
as Brachiolaria (fig. 259 D).
As a rule the following arms can be distinguished (fig. 259 C and D), on
the hinder ring (Agassiz' nomenclature) a median anal pair, a dorsal anal
pair, and a ventral anal pair, a dorsal oral pair, and an unpaired anterior
dorsal arm ; on the prae-oral ring a ventral oral pair, and sometimes (Miiller)
an unpaired anterior ventral arm.
The three brachiolar arms arise as processes from the base of the
unpaired dorsal arm, and the two ventral oral arms. The extent of the
development of the arms varies with the species.
LARWE. A, B, C, BIPINNARIA; D, BRACHIOLARIA. (Copied from Muller.)
The black lines represent the ciliated bands ; and the shading the space between
the prae-oral and the post-oral bands.
m. mouth; an. anus.
The changes by which the Bipinnaria or Brachiolaria becomes
converted into the adult starfish are very much more complicated
than those which take place in Holothurians. For an accurate
knowledge of them we are largely indebted to Alex. Agassiz
(No. 543). The development of the starfish takes place entirely
at the posterior end of the larva close to the stomach.
On the right and dorsal side of the stomach, and externally
to the rig/it peritoneal space, are formed five radially situated
calcareous rods arranged in the form of a somewhat irregular
pentagon. The surface on which they are deposited has a
spiral form, and constitutes together with its calcareous rods, the
abactinal or dorsal surface of the future starfish. Close to its
dorsal, i.e. embryonic dorsal, edge lies the dorsal pore of the
water-vascular system (madreporic canal), and close to its ventral
edge the anus. On the left and ventral side of the stomach is
placed the water-vascular rosette, the development of which was
described on p. 549. It is situated on the actinal or ventral surface
of the future starfish, and is related to the left peritoneal vesicle.
Metschnikoff (No. 560) and Agassiz (No. 543) differ slightly as to the
constitution of the water- vascular rosette. The former describes and figures
it as a completely closed rosette, the latter states that ' it does not form a
completely closed curve but is always open, forming a sort of twisted
crescent-shaped arc.'
The water-vascular rosette is provided with five lobes, corresponding to which are folds in the larval skin, and each lobe
corresponds to one of the calcareous plates developed on the
abactinal disc. The plane of the actinal surface at first meets
that of the abactinal at an acute or nearly right angle. The two
surfaces are separated by the whole width of the stomach. The
general appearance of the larva from the ventral surface after
the development of the water-vascular rosette (i) and abactinal
disc (A) is shewn in fig. 260.
As development proceeds the abactinal surface becomes a
firm and definite disc, owing to the growth of the original
calcareous spicules into more or less definite plates, and to the
development of five fresh plates nearer the centre of the disc and
interradial in position. Still later a central calcareous plate
appears on the abactinal surface, which is thus formed of a
central plate, surrounded by a ring of five interradial plates, and
then again by a ring of five radial plates. The abactinal disc
now also grows out into five short processes, separated by five
shallow notches. These processes are the rudiments of the five
arms, and each of them corresponds to one of the lobes of the
water-vascular rosette. A calcareous deposit is formed round
the opening of the water-vascular canal, which becomes the
madreporic tubercle 1 . At about this stage the absorption of the
larval appendages takes place. The whole anterior part of the
1 The exact position of the madreporic tubercle in relation to the abactinal plates
does not seem to have been made out. It might have been anticipated that it would
be placed in one of the primary interradial plates, but this does not seem to be the
case. The position of the anus is also obscure.
5 6o
larva with the great prae-oral lobe has hitherto remained
unchanged, but now it contracts and undergoes absorption, and
becomes completely withdrawn into the disc of the future starfish.
The larval mouth is transported into
the centre of the actinal disc. In the
larvae observed by Agassiz and Metschnikoff nothing was cast off, but the
whole absorbed.
According to M tiller and Koren and
Danielssen this is not the case in the larva
observed by them, but part of the larva is
thrown off, and lives for some time independently.
After the absorption of the larval
appendages the actinal and abactinal
surfaces of the young starfish approach
each other, owing to the flattening of
the stomach ; at the same time they
lose their spiral form, and become flat
discs, which fit each other. Each of
the lobes of the rosette of the watervascular system becomes one of the
radial water-vascular canals. It first
becomes five-lobed, each lobe forming
a rudimentary tube foot, and on each ^ d ctinal disc of youn Aste '
side of the middle lobe two fresh ones
next spring out, and so on in succession. The terminal median
lobe forms the tentacle at the end of the arm, and the eye is
developed at its base. The growth of the water-vascular canals
keeps pace with that of the arms, and the tube feet become
supported at their base by an ingrowth of calcareous matter.
The whole of the calcareous skeleton of the larva passes directly
into that of the adult, and spines are very soon formed on the
plates of the abactinal surface. The original radial plates,
together with the spines which they have, are gradually pushed
outwards with the growth of the arms by the continual addition
of fresh rows of spines between the terminal plate and the plate
next to it. It thus comes about that the original radial plates
persist at the end of the arms, in connection with the unpaired
Gegenbaur ; after Miiller.)
b. mouth ; a. anus ; h. madreporic canal ; t. ambulacral
rosette ; c . stomach ; d. g. e.
etc. arms of Bipinnaria ; A.
tentacles which form the apex of the radial water-vascular
It has already been mentioned that according to Metschnikoff (No. 560)
a new oesophagus is formed which perforates the water-vascular ring, and
connects the original stomach with the original mouth. Agassiz (No. 543)
maintains that the water-vascular ring grows round the primitive oesophagus.
He says " During the shrinking of the larva the long oesophagus becomes
" shortened and contracted, bringing the opening of the mouth of the larva
" to the level of the opening of the oesophagus, which eventually becomes
"the true mouth of the starfish." The primitive anus is believed by
Metschnikoff to disappear, but by Agassiz to remain. This discrepancy
very possibly depends upon these investigators having worked at different
There is no doubt that the whole of the larval organs, with
the possible exception of the oesophagus, and anus (where absent
in the adult), pass directly into the corresponding organs of the
starfish and that the prae-oral part of the body and arms of the
larva are absorbed and not cast off.
In addition to the Bipinnarian type of Asteroid larva a series of other
forms has been described by Miiller (No. 561), Sars, Keren, and Danielssen
(No. 554) and other investigators, which are however very imperfectly
known. The best-known form is one first of all discovered by Sars in
Echinaster Sarsii, and the more or less similar larvae subsequently investigated by Agassiz, Busch, Miiller, Wyville Thomson, etc. of another species
of Echinaster and of Asteracanthion. These larvae on leaving the egg have
an oval form, and are uniformly covered by cilia. Four processes (or in
Agassiz' type one process) grow out from the body ; by these the larvae fix
themselves. In the case of Echinaster the larvae are fixed in the ventral
concavity of the disc of the mother, between the five arms, where a temporary brood-pouch is established. The main part of the body is converted
directly into the disc of the young starfish, while the four processes come to
spring from the ventral surface, and are attached to the water- vascular ring.
Eventually they atrophy completely. Of the internal structure but little is
known ; till the permanent mouth is formed, after the development of the
young starfish is pretty well advanced, the stomach has no communication
with the exterior.
A second abnormal type of development is presented by the embryo of
Pteraster miliaris, as described by Koren and Danielssen 1 . The larvae to
the number of eight to twenty develop in a peculiar pouch on the dorsal
surface of the body. The early stages are not known, but in the later ones
the whole body assumes a pentagonal appearance with a mouth at one edge
1 The following statements are taken from the abstract in Bronn's Thierreichs.
B. II. 36
5 62
of the disc. At a later stage the anus is formed on the dorsal side of an arm
opposite the mouth. The stomach is surrounded by a water-vascular ring,
from which the madreporic canal passes to the dorsal surface, but does not
open. At a later stage the embryonic mouth and anus vanish, to be replaced
by a permanent mouth and anus in the normal positions.
A third, and in some respects very curious, form is a worm like larva of
Miiller, which is without bands of cilia. The dorsal surface of the youngest
larva is divided by transverse constrictions into five segments. On the
under side of the first of these is a five-lobed disc, each lobe being provided
with a pair of tube feet.
At a later period only three segments are visible on the dorsal surface,
but the ventral surface has assumed a pentagonal aspect. The later stages
are not known.
Ophiuroidea. The full-grown larva of the Ophiuroids is
known as a Pluteus. It commences with the usual more or less
spherical form ; from this it passes to a form closely resembling
calcareous skeleton is not represented.
///. mouth; an. anus; d. anterior arms; d'. lateral arms; e'. posterior arms; tf.
anterolateral arms.
that of Auricularia with a rounded dorsal surface, and a flattened
ventral one. Soon however it becomes distinguished by the
growth of a post-anal lobe and the absence of a prae-oral lobe
(fig. 261 B). The post-anal lobe forms the somewhat rounded
apex of the body. In front of the mouth, and between the
mouth and anus, arise the anal and oral ciliated ridges, which
soon become continued into a single longitudinal ciliated ring.
At the same time the body becomes prolonged into a series of
processes along the ciliated band, which is continued to the
extremity of each. The primitive ciliated ring never becomes
broken up into two or more rings. A ciliated crown is usually
developed at the extremity of the post-anal lobe. The arms are
arranged in the form of a ring surrounding the mouth, and are
all directed forwards.
The first arms to appear are two lateral ones, which usually remain the
most conspicuous (fig. 261 B and C, cf\ Next arises a pair on the sides of
the mouth, which may be called the mouth or anterior arms (C, d}. A pair
ventral to and behind the lateral arms is then formed, constituting the
posterior arms (D, e'\ and finally a pair between the lateral arms and the
anterior, constituting the anterolateral arms (D,^).
The concave area between the arms forms the greater part of
the ventral surface of the body. Even before the appearance of
any of the arms, and before the formation of the mouth, two
calcareous rods are formed, which meet behind at the apex of
the post-anal lobe, and are continued as a central support into
each of the arms as they are successively formed. These rods
are shewn at their full development in fig. 262. The important
points which distinguish a Pluteus
larva from the Auricularia or
Bipinnaria are the following :
(i) The presence of the postanal lobe at the hind end of the
body. (2) The slight development of a prae-oral lobe. (3) The
provisional calcareous skeleton in
the larval arms.
Great variations are presented
in the development of the arms
and provisional skeleton. The
presence of lateral arms is however
a distinctive characteristic of the
Ophiuroid Pluteus. The other
arms may be quite absent, but
the lateral arms never.
The formation of the permanent Ophiuroid takes place in
much the same way as in the Asteroidea.
FIG. 262.
after Miiller.)
(From Gegenbaur ;
A. rudiment of young Ophiuroid ;
(?. lateral arms; d. anterior arms;
e . posterior arms.
There is formed (fig. 262) on the right and dorsal side of stomach the
abactinal disc supported by calcareous plates, at first only five in number
and radial in position 1 . The disc is at first not symmetrical, but becomes so
at the time of the resorption of the larval arms. It grows out into five
processes the five future rays. The original five radial plates remain as the
terminal segments of the adult rays, and new plates are always added
between the ultimate and penultimate plate (Mu'ller), though it is probable
that in the later stages fresh plates are added in the disc.
The ventral surface of the permanent Ophiuroid is formed by the concave
surface between the mouth and anus. Between this and the stomach is
PLUTEI. (Copied from Miiller.) The calcareous skeleton is not represented. E.
Pluteus of Spatangus.
m. mouth; an. anus; d. anterior arms; d' . point where lateral arms arise in the
Ophiuroid Pluteus; e. anterointernal arms; e. posterior arms; g'. anterolateral arms;
g. anteroexternal arms.
situated the water-vascular ring. It is at first not closed, but is horseshoeshaped, with five blind appendages (fig. 262). It eventually grows round
the cesophagus, which, together with the larval mouth, is retained in the
adult. The five blind appendages become themselves lobed in the same
way as in Asterias, and grow out along the five arms of the disc and become
the radial canals and tentacles. All these parts of the water-vascular system
are of course covered by skin, and probably also surrounded by mesoblast
cells, in which at a later period the calcareous plates which lie ventral to the
radial canal are formed. The larval anus disappears. As long as the larval
appendages are not absorbed the ventral and dorsal discs of the permanent
Ophiuroid fit as little as in the case of the Brachiolaria, but at a certain
period the appendages are absorbed. The calcareous rods of the larval arms
1 Whether interradial plates are developed as in Asterias is not clear. They seem
to be found in Ophiopholis bellis, Agassiz, but have not been recognised in other
forms (vide Carpenter, No. 548, p. 369).
break up, the arms and anal lobe become absorbed, and the dorsal and
ventral discs, with the intervening stomach and other organs, are alone left.
After this the discs fit together, and there is thus formed a complete young
The whole of the internal organs of the larva (except the anus), including
the mouth, cesophagus, the body cavity, etc. are carried on directly into the
The larval skeleton is, as above stated, absorbed.
The viviparous larva of Amphiura squamata does not differ very greatly
from the larvae with very imperfect arms. It does not develop a distinct
ciliated band, and the provisional skeleton is very imperfect. The absence
of these parts, as well as of the anus, mentioned on p. 549, may probably be
correlated with the viviparous habits of the larva. With reference to the
passage of this larva into the adult there is practically nothing to add to
what has just been stated. When the development of the adult is fairly
advanced the part of the body with the provisional skeleton forms an
elongated rod-like process attached to the developing disc. It becomes
eventually absorbed.
Echinoidea. The Echinus larva (fig. 263} has a Pluteus
form like that of the Ophiuroids, and in most points, such as the
m. mouth; a. anus; o. cesophagus; d. stomach; c. intestine; '. and v. ciliated
ridges; iv. water- vascular tube; r. calcareous rods.
presence of the anal lobe, the ciliated band, the provisional
skeleton, etc., develops in the same manner. The chief difference
between the two Pluteus forms concerns the development of the
lateral arms. These, which form the most prominent arms in
the Ophiuroid Pluteus, are entirely absent in the Echinoid
5 66
Pluteus, which accordingly has, as a rule, a much narrower form
than the Ophiuroid Pluteus.
A pair of ciliated epaulettes on each side of and behind the
ciliated ring is very characteristic of some Echinoid larvae.
They are originally developed from the ciliated ring (fig. 266 A
(From Agassiz.) General references as in fig. 264.
b. dorsal opening of madreporic canal; e '. posterior arms ; e'". anterior arms;
f lV . anterointernal arms.
and B, z>"). The presence of three processes from the anal lobe
supported by calcareous rods is characteristic of the Spatangoid
Pluteus (fig. 263 E).
The first two pairs of arms to develop, employing the same names as in
Ophiuroids, are the anterior attached to the oral process (fig. 263 C, d] and
the posterior pair (*?') A pair of anterolateral arms next becomes developed
(j^). A fourth pair (not represented in Ophiuroids) appears on the inner
side of the anterior pair forming an anterointernal pair (e}, and in the
Spatangoid Pluteus a fifth pair may be added on the external side of the
anterior pair forming an anteroexternal pair (g).
Each of the first-formed paired calcareous rods is composed of three
processes, two of which extend into the anterior and posterior arms ; and the
third and strongest passes into the anal lobe, and there meets its fellow
(fig. 265). A transverse bar in front of the arms joins the rods of the two
sides meeting them at the point where the three processes diverge. The
process in the anterolateral arm (fig. 266 B) is at first independent of this
system of rods, but eventually unites with it. Although our knowledge of
the Pluteus types in the different groups is not sufficient to generalise with
great confidence, a few points seem to have been fairly determined 1 . The
Plutei of Strongylocentrus (figs. 266 and 267) and Echinus have eight arms
and four ciliated epaulettes. The only Cidaris-like form, the Pluteus of
which is known, is Arbacia : it presents certain peculiarities. The anal lobe
develops a pair of posterior (auricular) appendages, and the ciliated ring,
besides growing out into the normal eight appendages, has a pair of short
blunt anterior and posterior lobes. An extra pair of non-ciliated accessory
mouth arms appears also to be developed. Ciliated epaulettes are not
present. So far as is known the Clypeastroid larva is chiefly characterized
by the round form of the anal lobe. The calcareous rods are latticed. In the
Pluteus of Spatangoids there are (fig. 263) five pairs of arms around the
mouth pointing forwards, and three arms developed from the anal lobe
pointing backwards. One of these is unpaired, and starts from the apex of
the anal lobe. All the arms have calcareous rods which, in the case of the
posterior pair, the anterolateral pair, and the unpaired arm of the anal lobe,
are latticed. Ciliated epaulettes are not developed.
Viviparous larvae of Echinoids have been described by Agassiz 2 .
The development of the permanent Echinus has been chiefly worked out
by Agassiz and Metschnikoff.
In the Pluteus of Echinus lividus the first indication of the adult arises,
when three pairs of arms are already developed, as an invagination of the
skin on the left side, between the posterior and anterolateral arms, the
bottom of which is placed close to the water-vascular vesicle (fig. 266 B, u/\
The base of this invagination becomes very thick, and forms the ventral disc
of the future Echinus. The parts connecting this disc with the external
skin become however thin, and, on the narrowing of the external aperture of
invagination and the growth of the thickened disc, constitute a covering for
the disc, called by Metschnikoff the amnion. The water- vascular vesicle
adjoining this disc grows out into five processes, forming as many tube feet,
which cause the surface of the involuted disc to be produced into the same
number of processes. The external opening of the invagination of the disc
never closes, and after the development of the tube feet begins to widen
again, and the amnion to atrophy. Through the opening of the invagination
the tube feet now project. The dorsal and right surface of the Pluteus,
which extends so as to embrace the opening of the madreporic canal and
the anus, forms the abactinal or dorsal surface of the future Echinus
(fig. 267, a). This disc fits on to the actinal invaginated surface which arises
on the left side of the Pluteus. On the right surface of the larva (dorsal of
permanent Echinus) two pedicellariae appear, and at a later period spines
are formed, which are at first arranged in a ring-like form round the edge of
the primitively flat test. While these changes are taking place, and the two
surfaces of the future Echinus are gradually moulding themselves so as to
1 Vide especially Muller, Agassiz, and Metschnikoff.
2 For viviparous Echini vide Agassiz, Proc. Amer. Acad. 1876.
5 68
form what is obviously a young Echinus, the arms of the Pluteus with their
contained skeleton have been gradually undergoing atrophy. They become
irregular in form, their contained skeleton breaks up into small pieces, and
they are gradually absorbed.
The water-vascular ring is from the first complete, so that, as in
Asterias, it is perforated through the centre by a new oesophagus. According
(From Agassiz.) General reference letters as in figs. 264 and 265.
e" . anterolateral arms; v" '. ciliated epaulettes; ?&'. invagination to form the disc
of Echinus.
to Agassiz the first five tentacles or tube feet grow into the radial canals,
and form the odd terminal tentacles exactly as in Asterias 1 . Spatangus
only differs in development from Echinus in the fact that the opening of the
invagination to form the ventral disc becomes completely closed, and that
the tube feet have eventually to force their way through the larval epidermis
of the amnion, which is ruptured in the process and eventually thrown
Crinoidea. The larva of Antedon, while still within the
egg-shell, assumes an oval form and uniform ciliation. Before it
1 Gotte (No. 549) supported by Muller's and Krohn's older, and in some points
extremely erroneous observations, has enunciated the view that the radial canals in
Echinoids and Holothuroids have a different nature from those in Asteroids and
becomes hatched the uniform layer of cilia is replaced by four
transverse bands of cilia, and a tuft of cilia at the posterior
extremity. In this condition it escapes from the egg-shell
The figure shews the largely-developed abactinal disc of the young Echinus
enclosing the larval stomach. Reference letters as in previous figs.
(fig. 268 A), and becomes bilateral, owing to a flattening of the
ventral surface. On the flattened surface appears a ciliated
depression corresponding in position with the now closed blastopore (vide p. 550). The third ciliated band bends forward
to pass in front of this (fig. 269). Behind the last ciliated band
there is present a small depression of unknown function, also
(From Lubbock; after Thomson.)
A. larva just hatched; B. larva with rudiment of the calcareous plates; C. Pentacrinoid larva.
situated on the ventral surface. The posterior extremity of the
embryo elongates to form the rudiment of the future stem, and
a fresh depression, marking the position of the future mouth,
makes its appearance on the anterior and ventral part.
While the ciliated bands are still at their full development,
the calcareous skeleton of the future calyx makes its appearance
in the form of two rows, each of five plates, formed of a network
of spicula (figs. 268 B and 269). The plates of the anterior ring
are known as the orals, those of the posterior as the basals.
The former surround the left, i.e. anterior
peritoneal sack ; the latter the right, i.e.
posterior peritoneal sack. The two rows
of plates are at first not quite transverse,
but form two oblique circles, the dorsal
end being in advance of the ventral.
The rows soon become transverse, while
the originally somewhat ventral oral
surface is carried into the centre of the
area enclosed by the oral plates.
By the change in position of the
original ventral surface relatively to the
axis of the body, the bilateral symmetry
of the larva passes into a radial symmetry. While the first skeletal elements
of the calyx are being formed, the
skeleton of the stem is also established.
The terminal plate is first of all established, then the joints, eight at first, of
the stem. The centro-dorsal plate is
stated by Thomson to be formed as the
uppermost joint of the stem 1 . The larva, after the completion
of the above changes, is shewn in fig. 268 B, and somewhat more
diagrammatically in fig. 269.
After the above elements of the skeleton have become established the ciliated bands undergo atrophy, and shortly after
1 Gotte (No. 549) on the other hand holds that the centro-dorsal plate is developed
by the coalescence of a series of at first independent rods, which originate simultaneously with, and close to, the lower edges of the basals, and that it is therefore
similar in its origin to the basals.
(From Carpenter; after
i. Terminal plate at the
end of the stem ; 3. basals ;
or. orals ; bl. position of blastopore.
wards the larva becomes attached by the terminal plate of its
stem. It then passes into the Pentacrinoid stage! The larva in
this stage is shewn in fig. 268 C and fig. 270. New joints are
added at the upper end of the stem next the calyx, and a new
element the radials makes its appearance as a ring of five
small plates, placed in the space between the basals and orals,
and in the intervals alternating with them
(fig. 270, 4). The roof of the oral vestibule (vide fig. 253 and p. 551) has in
the meantime become ruptured ; and
the external opening of the mouth thus
becomes established. Surrounding the
mouth are five petal-like lobes, each of
them supported by an oral plate (fig.
268 C). In the intervals between them
five branched and highly contractile tentacles, which were previously enclosed
within the vestibule, now sprout out :
they mark the position of the future
radial canals, and are outgrowths of the
water-vascular ring. At the base of each
of them a pair of additional tentacles is
soon formed. Each primary tentacle corresponds to one of the radials. These
latter are therefore, as their name implies,
radial in position; while the basals and
orals are interradial. In addition to the
contractile radial tentacles ten non-contractile tentacles, also diverticula of the
water- vascular ring, are soon formed, two
for each interradius.
In the course of the further development the equatorial space between the FlG - 2 7<>. YOUNG PEN
orals and the basals enlarges, and gives TEDON. (From Carpenter ;
rise to a wide oral disc, the sides of which after w >' ville Thom s"-)
- , , . ... . i. terminal plate of stem;
are formed by the radials resting on the c d. centro-donal plate; 3 .
basals; while in the centre of it are bftsals J 4- radials; or. orals.
placed the five orals, each with its special lobe.
The anus, which is formed on the ventral side in the position
of the blastopore (p. 551), becomes surrounded by an anal plate,
which is interradial in position, and lies on the surface of the
oral disc between the orals and radials. On the oral plate in
the next interradius is placed the opening of a single funnel
leading into the body cavity, which Ludwig regards as equivalent to the opening of the madreporic canal (vide p. 55 1) 1 .
From the edge of the vestibule the arms grow out, carrying
with them the tentacular prolongation of the water-vascular ring.
Two additional rows of radials are soon added.
The stalked Pentacrinoid larva becomes converted, on the
absorption of the stalk, into the adult Antedon. The stalk is
functionally replaced by a number of short cirri springing from
the centro-dorsal plate. The five basals coalesce into a single
plate, known as the rosette, and the five orals disappear, though
the lobes on which they were placed persist. In some stalked
forms, e.g. Rhizocrinus Hyocrinus, the orals are permanently
retained. The arms bifurcate at the end of the third radial, and
the first radial becomes in Antedon rosacea (though not in all
species of Antedon) concealed from the surface by the growth of
the centro-dorsal plate. An immense number of funnels, leading
into the body cavity, are formed in addition to the single one
present in the young larva. These are regarded by Ludwig as
equivalent to so many openings of the madreporic canal ; and
there are developed, in correspondence with them, diverticula of
the water-vascular ring.
Comparison of Echinoderm Larvce and General Conclusions.
In any comparison of the various types of Echinoderm larvae
it is necessary to distinguish between the free-swimming forms,
and the viviparous or fixed forms. A very superficial examination suffices to shew that the free-swimming forms agree very
much more closely amongst themselves than the viviparous
1 I have made no attempt to discuss the homologies of the plates of the larval
Echinodermata because the criteria for such a discussion are still in dispute. The
suggestive memoirs of P. H. Carpenter (No. 548) on this subject may be consulted by
the reader. Carpenter attempts to found his homologies on the relation of the plates
to the primitive peritoneal vesicles, and I am inclined to believe that this method of
dealing with these homologies is the right one. Ludwig (No. 559) by regarding the
opening of the madreporic canal as a fixed point has arrived at very different results.
forms. We are therefore justified in concluding that in the
viviparous forms the development is abbreviated and modified.
All the free forms are nearly alike in their earliest stage after
the formation of the archenteron. The surface between the
anus and the future mouth becomes flattened, and (except in
Antedon, Cucumaria, Psolinus, etc. which practically have an
abbreviated development like that of the viviparous forms) a
ridge of cilia becomes established in front of the mouth, and a
second ridge between the mouth and the anus. This larval
form, which is shewn in fig. 264 A, is the type from which the
various forms of Echinoderm larvae start.
In all cases, except in Bipinnaria, the two ciliated ridges
soon become united, and constitute a single longitudinal postoral ciliated ring.
The larvae in their further growth undergo various changes,
and in the later stages they may be divided into two groups :
(1) The Pluteus larva of Echinoids and Ophiuroids.
(2) The Auricularia (Holothuroids) and Bipinnaria (Asteroids) type.
The first group is characterized by the growth of a number
of arms more or less surrounding the mouth, and supported
by calcareous rods. The ciliated band retains its primitive
condition as a simple longitudinal band throughout larval life.
There is a very small prae-oral lobe, while an anal lobe is very
largely developed.
The Auricularia and Bi- A. B
pinnaria resemble each other
in shape, in the development
of a large prae-oral lobe, and
in the absence of provisional
calcareous rods ; but differ in
the fact that the ciliated band
is single in Auricularia (fig
271 A), and is double in Bipinnaria (fig. 271 B).
THUROID. B. THE LARVA OF AN ASTEa great tendency to develop RIAS.
soft arms; while in the Auri- . ' mouth; st. stomach; a. anus; I.e.
, . ,_, , *_ 1-1- primitive longitudinal ciliated band; pr.c.
cularia the longitudinal ciliat- p r3 e-oral ciliated band.
ed band breaks up into a number of transverse ciliated bands.
This condition is in .some instances reached directly, and such
larvae undoubtedly approximate to the larvae of Antedon, in
which the uniformly ciliated condition is succeeded by one with
four transverse bands, of which one is prae-oral.
All or nearly all Echinoderm larvae are bilaterally symmetrical,
and since all Echinodermata eventually attain a radial symmetry, a change necessarily takes place from the bilateral to the
radial type.
In the case of the Holothurians and Antedon, and generally
in the viviparous types, this change is more or less completely
effected in the embryonic condition ; but in the Bipinnaria and
Pluteus types a radial symmetry does not become apparent till
after the absorption of the larval appendages. It is a remarkable fact, which seems to hold for the Asteroids, Ophiuroids, Echinoids, and Crinoids, that the dorsal side of the larva is
not directly converted into the dorsal disc of the adult; but
the dorsal and right side becomes the adult dorsal or abactinal
surface, while the ventral and left becomes the actinal or ventral
It is interesting to note with reference to the larvae of the
Echinodermata that the various existing types of larvae must
have been formed after the differentiation of the existing groups
of the Echinodermata ; otherwise it would be necessary to adopt
the impossible position that the different groups of Echinodermata were severally descended from the different types of larvae.
The various special appendages, etc. of the different larvae have
therefore a purely secondary significance; and their atrophy
at the time of the passage of the larva into the adult, which
is nothing else but a complicated metamorphosis, is easily explained.
Originally, no doubt, the transition from the larva to the
adult was very simple, as it is at present in most Holothurians ;
but as the larvae developed various provisional appendages, it
became necessary that these should be absorbed in the passage
to the adult state.
It would obviously be advantageous that their absorption
should be as rapid as possible, since the larva in a state of
transition to the adult would be in a very disadvantageous
position. The rapid metamorphosis, which we find in Asteroids,
Ophiuroids, and Echinoids in the passage from the larval to the
adult state, has no doubt arisen for this reason.
In spite of the varying provisional appendages possessed by
Echinoderm larvae it is possible, as stated above (p. 574), to
recognise a type of larva, of which all the existing Echinoderm
larval forms are modifications. This type does not appear to
me to be closely related to that of the larvae of any group
described in the preceding pages. It has no doubt certain
resemblances to the trochosphere larva of Chaetopoda, Mollusca,
etc., but the differences between the two types are more striking
than the resemblances. It firstly differs from the trochosphere
larva in the character of the ciliation. Both larvae start from the
uniformly ciliated condition, but while the prae-oral ring is almost
invariable, and a peri-anal ring very common in the trochosphere;
in the Echinoderm larva such rings are rarely found ; and even
when present, i.e. the prae-oral ring of Bipinnaria and the terminal
though hardly peri-anal patch of Antedon, do not resemble
closely the more or less similar structures of the trochosphere.
The two ciliated ridges (fig. 264 A) common to all the Echinoderm larvae, and subsequently continued into a longitudinal ring,
have not yet been found in any trochosphere. The transverse
ciliated rings of the Holothurian and Crinoid larvae are of no
importance in the comparison between the trochosphere larvae
and the larvae of Echinodermata, since such rings are frequently
secondarily developed. Cf. Pneumodermon and Dentalium amongst Mollusca.
In the character of the prae-oral lobe the two types again
differ. Though the prae-oral lobe is often found in Echinoderm
larvae it is never the seat of an important (supra-oesophageal)
ganglion and organs of special sense, as it invariably is in the
Nothing like the vaso-peritoneal vesicles of the Echinoderm
larvae has been found in the trochosphere ; nor have the characteristic trochosphere excretory organs been found in the Echinoderm larvae.
The larva which most nearly approaches those of the Echinodermata is the larva of Balanoglossus described in the next
(542) Alex. Agassiz. Revision of the Echini. Cambridge, U.S. 1872 74.
(543) Alex. Agassiz. " North American Starfishes." Memoirs of the Museum
of Comparative Anatomy and Zoology at Harvard College, Vol. v., No. i. 1877
(originally published in 1864).
(544) J. Barrois. " Embryogenie de 1'Asteriscus verruculatus " Journal dc
VAnat. et Phys. 1879.
(545) A. Baur. Beitrdge zur Naturgeschichte d. Synapta digitata. Dresden,
(546) H. G. Bronn. Klassen u. Ordnungen etc. Strahlenthiere, Vol. II. 1860.
(547) W. B. Carpenter. "Researches on the structure, physiology and development of Antedon." Phil. Trans. CLVI. 1866, and Proceedings of the Roy. Soc.,
No. 166. 1876.
(548) P. H. Carpenter. " On the oral and apical systems of the Echinoderms."
Quart. J. of Micr. Science, Vol. xvm. and xix. 18789.
(549) A. Gotte. " Vergleichende Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Comatula mediterranea." Arch, fur micr. Anat., Vol. xn. 1876.
(550) R. Greeff. "Ueber die Entwicklung des Asteracanthion rubens vom Ei
bis zur Bipinnaria u. Brachiolaria." Schriften d. Gesellschaft zur Beforderung d. gesammten Natunvissenschaften zu Marburg, Bd. xn. 1876.
(551) R. Greeff. "Ueber den Bau u. die Entwicklung d. Echinodermen." Sitz.
d. Gesell. z. Beforderung d. gesam. Naturwiss. zu Marburg, No. 4. 1879.
(552) T. H. Huxley. "Report upon the researches of Miiller into the anat.
anddevel. of the Echinoderms." Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist., 2nd Ser., Vol. vin.
(553) Koren and Danielssen. "Observations sur la Bipinnaria asterigera.
Ann. Scien. Nat., Ser. in., Vol. vii. 1847.
(554) Koren and Danielssen. "Observations on the development of the Starfishes." Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist., Vol. XX. 1857.
(555) A. Kowalevsky. " Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Holothurien. " Mhn.Ac.
Petersbourg, Ser. VII., Tom. XL, No. 6.
(556) A. Krohn. "Beobacht. a. d. Entwick. d. Holothurien u. Seeigel."
Miillers Archiv, 1851.
(557) A. Krohn. "Ueb. d. Entwick. d. Seesterne u. Holothurien." Miillcr's
Archiv, 1853.
(558) A. Krohn. "Beobacht. lib. Echinodermenlarven." Mailer's Archiv,
(559) H. Ludwig. "Ueb. d. primar. Steinkanal d. Crinoideen, nebst vergl.
anat. Bemerk. lib. d. Echinodermen." Zeit.f. wiss. ZooL, Vol. xxxiv. 1880.
(560) E. Metschnikoff. "Studien iib. d. Entwick. d. Echinodermen u.
Nemertinen." Mem. Ac. Petersboiirg, Series vii., Tom. xiv., No. 8. 1869.
(561) 1 Joh. Miiller. "Ueb. d. Larven u. d. Metamorphosed. Echinodermen."
Abhandlungen d. Berlin. Akad. (Five Memoirs), 1848, 49, 50, 52 (two Memoirs).
(562) Joh. Mtiller. "Allgemeiner Plan d. Entwicklung d. Echinodermen."
Abhandl. d. Berlin. Akad., 1853.
1 The dates in this reference are the dates of publication.
B. II. 37
(563) E. Selenka. "Zur Entwicklung d. Holothurien." Zeit. f. wiss. Zool.,
Bd. xxvii. 1876.
(564) E. Selenka. "Keimblatter u. Organanlage bei Echiniden." Zeit.f.-wiss.
Zool., Vol. xxxin. 1879.
(565) Sir Wyville Thomson. "On the Embryology of the Echinodermata."
Natural History Review, 1 864.
(566) Sir Wyville Thomson. "On the Embryogeny of Antedon rosaceus."
Phil. Trans. 1865.
THE larva of Balanoglossus is known as Tornaria. The prselarval development is not known, and the youngest stage (fig.
272) so far described (Gotte, No. 569) has
many remarkable points of resemblance to
a young Bipinnaria.
A mouth (m\ situated on the ventral
surface, leads into an alimentary canal with
a terminal anus (an). A prae-oral lobe is
well developed, as in Bipinnaria, but there
is no post-anal lobe. The bands of cilia
have the same general form as in Bipinnaria. There is a prae-oral band, and a
longitudinal post-oral band ; and the two
bands nearly meet at the apex of the praeoral lobe (fig. 273). A contractile band
(After Gotte.)
W. so-called watervascular vesicle developing as an outgrowth
of the mesenteron; m.
passes from the oesophagus to the apex of mouth; an. anus,
the prae-oral lobe, and a diverticulum (fig. 272, W) from the
alimentary tract, directed towards the dorsal surface, is present.
Contractile cells are scattered in the space between the body
wall and the gut.
In the following stage (fig. 274 A) a conspicuous transverse
post-oral band of a single row of long cilia is formed, and the
original bands become more sinuous. The alimentary diverticulum of the last stage becomes an independent vesicle opening
by a pore on the dorsal surface (fig. 274 A, w). The contractile
cord is now inserted on this vesicle. Where this cord joins the
apex of the prae-oral lobe between the two anterior bands of
cilia a thickening of the epiblast (? a ganglion) has become
(After Miiller.)
m. mouth ; an. anus ; w. watervascular vesicle ; oc. eye-spots ; c.c.
contractile cord.
established, and on it are placed
two eye-spots (fig. 273 oc, and
fig. 274 A). A deep bay is
formed on the ventral surface of
the larva.
As the larva grows older the
original bands of cilia become
more sinuous, and a second
transverse band with small cilia
is formed (in the Mediterranean
larva) between the previous
transverse band and the anus.
The water-vascular vesicle is
prolonged into two spurs, one
on each side of the stomach.
A pulsating vesicle or heart is
also formed (fig. 274 B, ht), and arises, according to Spcngel
(No. 572), as a thickening of the epidermis.
It subsequently becomes enveloped in a
pericardium, and is
placed in a depression
in the water-vascular
vesicle. Two pairs of
diverticula, one behind
the other, grow out
(Agassiz, No. 568) from
the gastric region of
the alimentary canal.
The two parts of each
pair form flattened
compartments, which
together give rise to a
complete investment of
the adjoining parts of
the alimentary tract.
The two parts of each
coalesce, and thus form
OF TORNARIA. (After Metschnikoff.)
The black lines represent the ciliated hands.
m. mouth; an. anus; br. branchial cleft; ///.
heart ; c. Ixxly cavity between splanchnic and
somatic mesoblast layers; 7.-'. watcr-vascvilar vesicle:
v. circular blood-vessel.
5 8l
a double-walled cylinder round the alimentary tract, but their
cavities remain separated by a dorsal and ventral septum.
Eventually (Spengel) the cavity of the anterior cylinder
forms the section of the body cavity in the collar of the adult,
and that of the posterior (fig. 274 B, c) the remainder of the
body cavity. The septa, separating the two halves of each,
remain as dorsal and ventral mesenteries.
The conversion of Tornaria (fig. 274 A) into Balanoglossus
(fig. 274 B) is effected in a few hours, and consists mainly in
certain changes in configuration, and in the disappearance of
the longitudinal ciliated band.
The body of the young Balanoglossus (fig. 274 B) is divided
into three regions (i) the proboscidian region, (2) the collar,
(3) the trunk proper. The proboscidian region is formed by the
elongation of the prae-oral lobe into an oval body with the eyespots at its extremity, and provided with strong longitudinal
muscles. The heart (hi) and water-vascular vesicle lie near its
base, but the contractile cord connected with the latter is no longer
present. The mouth is placed on
the ventral side at the base of the
prae-oral lobe, and immediately behind it is the collar. The remainder
of the body is more or less conical,
and is still girt with the larval
transverse ciliated band, which lies
in the middle of the gastric region
in the Mediterranean species, but
in the cesophageal region in the
American one.
The whole of the body, including
the proboscis, becomes richly ciliated.
One of the most important cha- S us WITH FOUR BRANCHIAL
racters of the adult Balanoglossus CLEFTS * (After Alex. Agossiz.)
r . m. mouth ; an. anus ; br. bran
consists in the presence of respira- chial cleft . hL heart ; IV. watertory structures comparable with the vascular vesicle,
vertebrate gill slits. The earliest traces of these structures
are distinctly formed while the larva is still in the Tornaria
condition, as one pair of pouches from the oesophagus in the
Mediterranean species, and four pairs in the American one
(fig. 275, br).
In the Mediterranean Tornaria the two pouches meet the
skin dorsally, and in the young Balanoglossus (fig. 274 B, br)
acquire an external opening on the dorsal side. In the American
species the first four pouches are without external openings
till additional pouches have been formed. Fresh gill pouches
continue to be formed both in the American and probably
the Mediterranean species, but the conversion of the simple
pouches into the complicated gill structure of the adult
has only been studied by Agassiz (No. 568) in the American
species. It would seem in the first place that the structure of
the adult gill slits is much less complicated in the American than
in the Mediterranean species. The simple pouches of the young
become fairly numerous. They are at first circular ; they then
become elliptical, and the dorsal wall of each slit becomes folded ;
subsequently fresh folds are formed which greatly increase the
complexity of the gills. The external openings are not acquired
till comparatively late.
Our knowledge of the development of the internal organs, mainly
derived from Agassiz, is still imperfect. The vascular system appears early
in the form of a dorsal and a ventral vessel, both pointed, and apparently
ending blindly at their two extremities. The two spurs of the water-vascular
vesicle, which in the Tornaria stage rested upon the stomach, now grow
round the oesophagus, and form an anterior vascular ring, which Agassiz
describes as becoming connected with the heart, though it still communicates
with the exterior by the dorsal pore and seems to become connected with the
remainder of the vascular system. According to Spengel (No. 572) the
dorsal vessel becomes connected with the heart, which remains through life
in the proboscis : the cavity of the water-vascular vesicle forms the cavity of
the proboscis in the adult, and its pore remains as a dorsal (not, as usually
stated, ventral) pore leading to the exterior.
The eye-spots disappear.
Tornaria is a very interesting larval form, since it is intermediate in structure between the larva of an Echinoderm and
trochosphere type common to the Mollusca, Chxtopoda, etc.
The shape of the body especially the form of the ventral
depression, the character of the longitudinal ciliated band, the
structure and derivation of the water-vascular vesicle, and the
formation of the walls of the body cavity as gastric diverticula,
are all characters which point to a connection with Echinodcrm
On the other hand the eye-spots at the end of the prae-oral
lobe 1 , the contractile band passing from the oesophagus to the
eye-spots (fig. 273), the two posterior bands of cilia, and the
terminal anus are all trochosphere characters.
The persistence of the prae-oral lobe as the proboscis is
interesting, as tending to shew that Balanoglossus is the surviving representative of a primitive group.
(567) A. Agassiz. "Tornaria." Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist.\u\. New York,
(568) A. Agassiz. "The History of Balanoglossus and Tornaria." Mem.
Amer. Acad. of Arts and Stien., Vol. IX. 1873.
(569) A. Gotte. " Entwicklangsgeschichte d. Comatula Mediterranea." Archiv
fur mikr. Anat., Bd. xii., 1876, p. 641.
(570) E. Metschnikoff. " Untersuchungen iib d. Metamorphose, etc. (Tornaria)." Zeit.fiir wiss. ZooL, Bd. xx. 1870.
(571) J. M tiller. " Ueb. d. Larven u. Metamor. d. Echinodermen." Berlin
Akad., 1849 and 1850.
(572) J. W. Spengel. "Ban u. Entwicklung von Balanoglossus. Tagebl. d.
Naturf. Vers. Miinchen, 1877.
1 It would be interesting to have further information about the fate of the thickening of epiblast in the vicinity of the eye-spots. The thickening should by rights be the
supra-oesophageal ganglion, and it does not seem absolutely impossible that it may give
rise to the dorso-median cord in the region of the collar, which constitutes, according
to Spengel, the main ganglion of the adult.
Abdominalia, 459, 493, 499
Acanthocephala, 379
Acanthosoma, 473, 474, 475
Acarina, 444, 454
Accipenser, 102
Achaeta, 319
Achelia, 538
Achtheres percarum, 490
Acineta, 7, 8
Acraspeda, 152, 165, 167, 178, 179, 182,
185, 186
Actinia, 169, 171, 179
Actinophrys, 9
Actinotrocha, 315, 318, 363, 364
Actinozoa, 26, 102, 152, j66, 170, 171,
172, 176, 178, 179, 181, 182, 186
Actinula, 155
Aculeata, 421
^Egineta flavescens, 158
yEginidae, 156, 158
^Eginopsis Mediterranea, 158
/Equorea Mitrocoma, 182
Agalma, 163
Agelena, 436, 450
Agelena labyrinthica, 119, 438
Alciope, 74
Alcippidae, 499
Alcyonaria, 152
Alcyonidse, 167, 168
Alcyonidium mytili, 297, 300, 302
Alcyonium palmatum, 119, 148, 167, 182
Alima, 484, 486
Amoeba, 19, 20
Amphibia, 22, 54, 56, 59, 60, 63, 66, 74,
83, 102
Amphilina, 218
Amphioxus, 54, 56, 59, 61, 66, 93, 426
Amphipoda, 518
Amphiporus lactifloreus, 202
Amphistomum, 31
,, subclavatum, 205
Amphitrochae, 330
Amphiura squamata, 565
Anchorella, 108, 492, 520
Anelasma squalicola, 499
Anguillulidse, 371
Annelida, 14, 25, 98, 503, 525
Anodon, 37, 38, 39, 100, 107, 259, 260,
265, 266, 268
Anopla, 189, 202
Anura, 5
Antedon, 568, 573, 574
Aphides, 15, 16, 76, 79, 116, 428, 429
Aphrodite, 42
Apis, 402, 407, 408, 412, 413
Aplysia, 99, 226, 238, 252, 253
Aplysinidaa, 146
Apoda, 459, 493
Aptera, 395, 420
Apus, 1 6, 79, 460, 463
Arachnida, 22, 114, 119, 413, 4.51, 435,
444, 454, 455, 458, 537, 539
Arachnitis, 171
Araneina, 50, 51, 436
Arbacia, 567
Area, 38
Archigetes, 218
Archizosea gigas, 494
Arenicola, 42
Argiope, 311, 312, 315, 317
Argonauta, 247, 248
Argulus, 492
Armata, 355
Arthropoda, 12, 16, 18, 22, 75, 77,79, 83,
108, no, 221, 382, 383, 434, 448,503,
5 2 5> 534 54', 54 2
Articulata, 311, 313, 316, 317
Ascaridiae, 371
Ascaris nigrovenosa, 16, 82
,, lumbricoides, 375
Ascetta, 144
Ascidia canina, 53
Ascidians, 74, 102, 208, 426
Asellus aquaticus, 112,120, 516
Astacus, 66, 465, 477, 511, 512, 513,
Asteracanthion, 69, 70, 561
Asterias, 20, 68, 69, 71, 78, 80, 84, 549,
Asteroidea, 35, 36, 544, 549, 557, 563,
Astnea, 169
Astroides, 169
Atax Bonzi, 445
Atlanta, 231, 240
Atrochae, 330
Aurelia, 167
Auricularia, 553, 554, 562, 574
Autolytus cornutus, 319, 343
Aves, 56, 59, 61, 64, 107. 109
Axolotl, 1 6
Balanoglossus, 576, 579, 581
Balanus balanoides, 75, 493
Belemnites, 252, 253
Bipinnaria, 557, 563, 574, 576, 579
Blatta, 374, 395
Bojanus, organ of, 264, 282
Bonellia, 20, 43, 44, 98, 324, 355, 358,
Bothriocephalus salmonis, 211
,, proboscideus, 212
Brachiella, 492
Brachiolaria, 558, 564
Brachiopoda, 311, 317, 318
Brachyura, 466, 480, 483
Branchiobdella, 42, 43, 346
Branchiogasteropoda, 272
Branchiopoda, 79, 459, 523, 524
Branchipus, 463, 524
Branchiura, 459, 492
Branchionus urceolaris, 221
Braula, 396
Uuccinum, 237, 280
Bulimus citrinus, 229
Bunodes, 169, 171
Buthus, 431
Calcispongiae, 138, 148
Calopteryx, 402
Calycophoridce, 152, 159
Calyptoblastic Hydroids, 184, 185
Calyptraea, 223, 280
Campanularidse, 183, 184
Capitclla, 330, 332
Carabidae, 476
Carcinus Mcenas, 481, 483
Cardium, 260, 262
" pygmaeum, 262
Carinaria, 240
Caryophyllium, 168, 171
pea, 165, 167
Cecidomyia, 15, 79, 416, 417, 429
Cephalopoda, 20, 40, 41, 102, 108, 109,
135. "5. 240, 242, 244, 250, 252, 253,
270, 271, 272, 274, 279, 282, 287
Cephalothrix galatheae, 202
Ceratosponguc, 146
Cercariae, 207, 208, 209
Cerianthus, 168, 171
Cestodes, 14, 29, 31, 32, 33, 189, 210,
212, 218, 313, 425, 541
Chsetogaster, 342
Chaetopoda, 5, 18, 23, 41, 43, 44 , 54,
67, 209, 215, 270, 275, 307, 312, 317,
318, 319, 320, 326, 334, 33<S, 342, 346,
349, 350, 351, 364. 369. 33, 36, 408,
448, 457, 458, 521, 576,582
ChiXitopteridte, 333
Cha^tosomoidea, 371
Chelifer, 434, 436, 442, 446, 454
Chermes, 15, 429
Chilognatha, 113, 387, 389, 391, 393,
Chilopoda, 387, 392, 394
Chilostomata, 292, 297, 298, 304, 305
Chironomus, 15, 378, 401, 402, 415, 416,
Chiton, 254, 256, 257, 273
Chordata, 5
Chrysaora, 165
Chthonius, 436
Cicada, 395
Cirripedia, 459, 492, 496,503, 509, 520
Cladocera, 459, 464, 519
Clausilia, 239
Clavella, 520
Clavularia crassa, 167
Cleodora, 241
Clepsine, 73, 346, 347, 349, 351, 352,
353, 354
Clio, 242, 278
Clubione, 436
Clupeidae, 64
Cobitis barbatula, 378
Coccida;, 429
Coccus, 50
Ccelebogyne, 79
Coelenterata, 3, 5, 13, 18, 26, 27, 2S, 35,
74, 93, 94, 126, 148, 170, 178,179, 1 80,
181, 191, 342
Ccenurus cerebralis, 213, 214
Coleochaete, 1 1
Coleoptera, 396, 402, 409, 412, 420, 421,
Collembola, 395, 426
Comatula, 5, 552, 553
Condracanthus, ill, 120, 520
Conochilus volvox, 22 1
Convoluta, 32
Copepoda, 109, 120, 459, 460, 487, 489,
493, 496, 503, 509, 519
Corallium rubrum, 168, 182
Corethra, 422, 423, 424
Crangoninoe, 476
Crnniiuhv, 311
Craniata, 5, 6, 19, 20, 54, 56, 59, 6l, 62,
6 4 , 74, 102
Crinoidea, 35, 36, 544, 550, 568, 576
Criodilus, 321, 324, 328, 341
Crisia, 304
Crocodilia, 63
Crustacea, 5, 6, 18, 51, 66, 102, 109, 120,
458, 4 6 5> 487* 5<>2, 521, 524, 537, 541
Cryptophialus, 499, 509
Crystalloides, 163
Ctenophora, 26, 93, 102, 152, 173, 175,
177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182
Ctenostomata, 292, 297, 298, 304, 305
Cucullarms elegans, 46, 75, 82, 371, 376
Cucumaria, 546, 556, 574
Cumaceae, 459, 465, 486, 506
Curculio, 421
Cyclas, 259, 260, 261, 265
Cyclops, 376, 377, 418, 489, 503
Cyclostomata, 102, -292, 304
Cymbulia, 241, 242
Cymothoa, 516, 517, 519, 520,524, 528
Cynipidae, 15, 421, 428
Cyphonautes, 297, 301, 304, 306, 308
Cypridina, 500, 502
Cysticercus cellulosce, 214, 217
,, fasciolaris, 216
,, limacis, 213
Daphnia, 79, 464
Dasychone, 331, 336
Decapoda, 66, 248, 459, 465, 469, 504,
Dendroccela, 32, 33, 189, 195, 196
Dentalium, 258, 576
Desmacidon, 147
Desor, type of, 196, 197, 201, 202, 204,
212, 424
Diastopora, 304
Dibranchiata, 225, 253
Dicyema, 9, 131, 134, 135, 136
Dimya, 225
Diphyes, 159
Diplozoon, 11, 209, 210
Diporpa, 210
Diptera, 49, 194, 204, 396, 401,402,407,
409, 412, 416, 420, 429
Discina radiata, 317
Discinidse, 311
Discophora, 18, 42, 165, 346, 383
Distomese, 189, 205, 425
Distomum, 31
,, cygnoides, 209
,, globiparum, 207
,, lanceolatum, 205
Dochmius duodenale, 375
,, trigonocephalus, 375
Donacia, 401
Dracunculus, 376, 377
Echinaster fallax, 23
,, Sarsii, 102, 561
Echinodermata, 5, 18, 24, 35, 74, 102,
325, 424, 544, 573, 574, 57 6 > 5 82
Echinoidea, 35, 36, 544, 549, 565, 576
Echinorhyncus, 379, 380
Echinus lividus, 83, 84, 88
Echiurus, 44 , 357, 358
Ectoprocta, 297, 306
Edriophthalmata, 459, 465
Elaphocaris, 473
Elasmobranchii, 23, 56, 59, 61, 62, 64,
67, 105, 106. 107, 108, 109
Enopla, 189, 202
Entoconcha mirabilis, 237
Entomophaga, 421
Entoprocta, 292, 298, 300, 302, 304, 306
Epeira, 436
Ephemera, 395, 409, 420, 422
Ephyra, 186
Epibulia auranliaca, 159, 165
Erichthus, 484, 507
Errantia, 319, 336
Esperia, 147
Estheria, 463, 464
Euaxes, lol, 322, 324, 341, 346,349
Eucharis, 178
,, multicornis, 178
Eucopepoda, 459
Eucope polystyla, 23, 154
Eunice sanguinea, 319
Eupagurus prideauxii, 112, 113, 115, 511,
Euphausia, 465, 468, 504, 505, 518, 523
Eurostomata, 176
Eurylepta auriculata, 192
Eurynome, 483
Euspongia, 146, 147
Filaria, 377
Filaridae, 371
Firoloidea, 240
Flagellata, 7, 8
Flustrella, 301, 303
Formica, 396
Fungia, 182, 186
Fusus, 275, 280, 284, 288
Gammarus, 122, 518
,, fluviatilis, 117
,, locusta, no, 112
Ganoids, 54, 102
Gasteropoda, 39, 41, 98, 225, 226, 229,
230, 232, 233, 240, 258, 260, 261, 270,
272, 275, 279, 283, 324
Gasterosteus, 64, 210
Gastrotricha, 370
Gasterotrochce, 330, 333
Gecarcinus, 465
Geophilus, 392, 393
Gephyrea, 5, 18, 24, 44, 54, 67, 102,
318, 320, 325, 355, 357, 361, 364
Germogen, 134
Geryonia hastata, 156
Geryonidse, 156
Glochidia, 267, 268
Gnathobdellidas, 346, 349
Gordiacea, 94
Cimlioidca, 371, 374, 378
;nia, 168
Gorgonidce, 181
Gorgoninrc, 181
Gregarinidae, 8
Gryllotalpa, 401, 412, 413
Gunnnineiv, 147, 148
Gymnoblastic Hydroids, 184, 185
Gymnoloemata, 292
Gymnosomata, 225, 240, 241, 242, 270
Gyrodactylus, 210
Halichondria, 147
Ilalisarca, 22, 66, 145
Halistemma, 165
Helicidce, 238
Helioporidae, 182
Helix, 67, 229
Hemiptera, 395, 402, 403, 409, 420, 421
Hessia, 108, 492
Heterakis vermicularis, .374
Heteronereis, 343
Heteropoda, 71, 72, 225, 226, 231, 278
Hexacoralla, 152, 179, 182
Hippopodius gleba, 27, 159
Hirudinea, 74, 84
Hirudo, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354
Holometabola, 420, 422
Holostomum, 205
Holothuria, 19, 25, 35, 549, 558, 576
Holothuroidea, 35, 544, 553, 556
Homarus, 477
Hyaleacea, 273, 275
Hyaleidce, 241
Hydra, 21, 22, 26, 28, 29, 34, 152, 154,
155. 179, 183
Hydractinia, 539
Hydrocoralla, 152, 181, 185
Hydroidea, 152
Hydromedusae, 152, 179, 182, 183, 184,
185, 186, 187
Hydrophilus, 374, 396, 400, 401, 402,
404, 408, 409
Hydrozoa, 14, 19, 26, 27, 67, 102, 152,
155. 165. 179, 1 80, 181, 182, 539
Ilymenoptera, 396, 401, 402, 412, 420,
421, 425
Ichneumon, 396
Inarticulata, 311, 316
Infusoria, 7, 8
Insecta, 5, 15, 18, 19, 25, 46, 395, 396,
4^5, 455. 45
Intoshia gigas, 136
Isidimc, 181
Ixxlyctia, 147
Isopoda, 109, 515, 519, 521, 523, 527
Julus Moneletei, 387, 388, 389
Kochlorine, 499
Lacertilia, 64
Lacinularia, 221, 223
socialis, 75
Lamellibranchiata, 23, 25, 37, 39, 98,
225, 241, 257, 258, 259, 269, 270, 271,
273, 274, 288
Lepadkue, 498
Lepas fascicularis, 224, 493, 494, 495
Lepidoptera, 79, 396, 402, 407, 408, 412,
413, 415, 417, 420, 421, 423, 415, 426.
Leptodora, 16, 51
Leptoplana, 74, 189, 192, 193
Lernseopoda, 490, 492, 520
Leucifer, 507
Libellulidae, 402, 403, 409, 420
Limax, 229, 232, 239, 278, 280
Limnadia, 79, 524
Limulus, 534
Lina, 402
Lingulidae, 311, 316
Lithobius, 393
Lobatse, 178
Loligo, 242, 243, 244, 247, 253
Loricata, 507, 514
Lota, 105
Loxosoma, 292, 294, 296, 306, 307
Lucernaria, 185
Lumbricus, 341, 368
,, agricola, 321
,, rubellus, 324
trapczoides, 13, 321, 323
Lumbriconereis, 334
Lymnseus, 82, 98, 226, 227, 232, 238,
Lycosa, 436
Macrostomum, 32, 34
Macrura, 476
Malacobdella, 203
Malacodermata, 171
Malacostraca, 66, 459, 462, 465, 504,
505, 506, 511, 523
Mammalia, 56, 58, 59, 64, 66
Marsipobranchii, 59
Mastigopus, 473, 474
Medusoe, 27, 154, 157, i.^s, 16;, 164, 176,
178, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186
Megalopa, 482, 483, 484
Melolontha, 402, 421
Membranipora, 297, 303
Mermithido;, 371
Mesotrochoe, 330
Metachoetoe, 335
Metazoa, Q, 10, 12,67, 86, 125, 135, 14^,
ISO, 179
Millepora, 152, 181
Mitraria, 308, 337
Molgula, 102
Mollusca, 5, 18, 24, 66, 74, 84, 99, 225,
247, 248, 251, 256, 257, 262, 271, 285,
288, 307, 325, 333, 352, 576, 582
Monomya, -225
Monostomum capitellum, 205
,, mutabile, 205, 206
Monotrochse, 330
Montacuta, 260, 262
Musca, 396
Muscidae, 420, 423
Myobia, 444, 445
Myrianida, 343
Myriapoda, 22, iir, 113, 387, 394, 395,
4i.3 458
Mynothela, 155
Myrmeleon, 396
Mysis, 120, 469, 472, 486, 504, 509, 525
Mytilus, 260, 261
Myxinoids, 5
Myxispongise, 145
Myzostomea, 369
Nais, 342
Nassa mutabilis, 101, 226, 227, 233, 262,
278, 279, 288, 3^4
Natantia, 487
Natica, 237, 283
Nauplius, 5, 16, 460, 461, 463, 465, 466,
469, 473, 490, 491, 493, 497
Nautilus pompilius, 253, 276
Nebaliadse, 459, 465, 486
Nematoda, 45, 46, 50, 66, 74, 75, 371,
373. 374> 376
Nematogens, 131
Nematoidea, 18, 84, 94, 371, 374
Nematus ventricosus, 13, 427
Nemertea, 94, 189, 196, 202, 204
Nemertines, 30, 31, 33, 93, 136, 195,
202, 328, 333, 424
Nephelis, 82, 346, 349, 350, 351, 352,
Nereis, 343
,, diversicolor, 319
,, Dumerilii, 343
Neritina, 229, 237
Neuroptera, 396, 401, 420, 421
Neuroterus ventricularis, 428
Notonecta, 395
Nototrochse, 330, 353
Nudibranchiata, 229, 241
Ocellata, 184
Octocoralla, 152, 179
Octopus, 248
Odontophora, 225, 257, 271
Odontosyllis, 333
Oedogonium, 1 1
Oligochseta, 42, 319, 321, 325, 330, 338,
346, 352
Olynthus, 144
Oniscus murarius, 107, 108, 109, 120,
516, 520, 528
Opercula, 31
Ophiothryx, 36, 549
Ophidia, 64
Ophiuroidea, 136, 544, 553, 562, 565,
Ophryotrochoe puerilis, 333
Opisthobranchiata, 225, 232, 237
Ornithodelphia, 109
Orthonectidae, 136
Orthoptera, 395, 414, 420, 421, 425, 426
Ostracoda, 459, 500, 510
Ostrea, 259, 260, 262
Oxyuridse, 46, 373, 374
Oxyurus ambigua, 374
,, vermicularis, 375
PcEcilopoda, 534
Paguridse, 477
Pakemon, no
Palaemonetes, 476
Pakemoninre, 476, 511, 512
Palinurus, 478, 480
Paludina, 66, 227, 229, 235, 270, 278,
,, costata, 229
,, vivipara, 226
Pandorina, n
Parasita, 489
Pedalion, 221
Pedicellina, 98, 292, 296, 299, 307
Pelagia, 167, 185
Penseinse, 476
Penaeus, no, 113, 465, 469, 473, 474,
504, 518
Pennatulidae, 181
Pentacrinus, 5
Pentastomida, 539, 540
Pentastomum denticulatum, 540, 54!
tsenoicles, 539, 540, 541
Percidae, 64
PerennichaetcE, 335
Peripatus, 5, 386, 411, 412, 413, 542
Petromyzon, 61, 63, 64, 74, 83
Phalangella, 304
Phalangidse, 436
Phallusia, 83
Phascolosoma, 44, 355, 356, 361
Pholcus, 436, 442
Phoronis, 315, 355, 363, 364
Phoxinus laevis, 378
Phryganea, 396, 401, 409
Phylactokemata, 292, 294, 297, 305, 306
Phyllobothrium, 218
Phyllodoce, 329
Phyllopoda, 16, 459, 461, 505
Phyllosoma, 479, 480
Phylloxera, 429
Physophoridoe, 152, 16-2, 164
Pilidium, type of, 196, 200, 201, 202, 704,
Pisces, 5
Piscicola, 20, 43
Pisidium, 259, 260, 262, 264
Planaria Neapolitana, 193
Planorbis, 273, 281, 325
Platyelminthes, 18, 20, 24, 221, 424
Platygaster, 396, 416, 417, 418, 419
Pleurohrachia, 176, 177, 238
Pneumodermon, 242, 576
Podostomata, 292
Poduridce, 401, 405
Polychaeta, 42, 319, 325, 338
Polydesmus complanatus, 387, 388
Polygordius, 319, 325, 326, 327, 328,
332, 357 386
Polynoe, 42, 331
Polyophthalmus, 328
Polyplacophora, 225, 254, 270, 271, 288
Polystomeas, 189, 205, 209
Polystomum, 209
,, integerrimum, 30, 31, 210
Polytrochne, 330, 333
Polyxenia leucostyla, 158
Polyxenus lagurus, 387
Polyzoa, 98, 303, 305, 306. 30 8 > 3 ! 5. 3^
Porcellana, 483
Porifera, 102, 138, 148
Porthesia, 115
Prorhyncus, 32, 34
Prosobranchiata, 225, 237, 281
Prostomum, 32, 34, 38, 196
Protozoa, 8, 9, lo, n, 86, 135, 149
Protozoaea, 471
Protula Dysteri, 342
Pseudoneuroptera, 426
Pseudoscorpionid;e, 434
Psolinus, 556, 574
Psychidae, 16
Pteraster miliaris, 561
Pteropoda, 98, 225, 226, 229, 230, 232,
240, 258, 270, 272, 279, 283
Pterotrachcea, 71, 229, 240
Pulex, 396
Pulmonata, 39, 225, 232, 238, 281, 282
I'urpura lapillus, 78
Pycnogonida, 538
Pyrosoma, 13, 53, 109
Rana temporaria, 210
Kaspailia, 147
Rcdia, 206, 207, 208, 209
Reniera, 147
Kcptilia, 56, 59, 60, 61, 62, 64, 109
Rhabditis dolichura, 82
Khabdoccela, 32, 33, iSy, ic/>
Khnbdopleura, 294, 306
Rhi/occphala, 459, 493, 499, 500
Klii/.ocrinus, 5
klii/.ostoma, 167
Rhomlx>gens, 131, 134
Khynchoncllidaj, 311
Rhyncdbddlkbe, 346
Rotifera, 5, 12, 18, 75, 76, 77, 79, 83,
102, 221, 308, 325
Saccocirrus, 328, 329, 332, 340
Sacculina, 500
Sagartia, 169, 171
Sagitta, 33, 74, 94, 130, 366, 367, 368
Salmonidrc, 64
Salpa, 102
Sarcia, 164
Seaphopoda, 225, 257, 270, 271
Schistocephalus, 2 1 1
Schizopoda, 459, 465, 466
Scolopendra, 392
Scorpio, 120, 43 r, 44 6, 454, 455, 457
Scrobicularia, 38, 39
Scyllarus, 477
Scyphistoma, 179, 185, 186
Sedentaria, 319, 336
Sepia, 20, 40, 41, 242, 243, 244, 245,
247> 2 49> 253
Sergestidce, 473, 507
Serpula, 319. 325, 331
Sertularia, 152, 183, 184
Silicispongia.', 147
Simulia, 401, 415
Siphonophora, 13, 77, 152, 159, 163,
165, 179, 1 80, 182, 185
Sipunculida, 24
Sipunculus, 44
Sirex, 396
Sitaris, 42!
Spathegaster baccarum, 428
Spjo, 4 2 > 33 2 > 333
Spiroptera obtusa, 376
Spirorbis Pagenstecheri, 319
spirillum, 319, 336
Spirula, 252
Spirulirostra, 252
Spongelia, 147
Spongida, 138, 144, 148, 149
Spongilla, 147, 150
Sporocysts, 206, 207, 208, 209
Squilla, 66, 504, 507
Stephanomia pictum, 162, 165
Stomalopoda, 459, 465, 4X4
Stomodoeum, 413
Strongylidrc, 371, 375
Strongylocentrus, 567
Strongysoloma Guerinii, 3<S7, 388, 390
Stylasterictae, 152, r8r
Styliolidic, 24!
Stylochopsis ponticus, 193
Sycandra, 93, 138, 144, 145, 147, 150
,, raphanus, i^S, 174
Syllis, 343
vivipara, 319
Sympodium coralloidcs, 168
Taeniatoe, 178
Tardigrada, 541
Teoenaria, 436
'I'clcDsti'i, IS, 25, 5^), 59, C>4. 107, io<)
I'r].)troch;i.-, 330
Tcndra, 300
'I '(.'nth reds, 396
Tcrcbdla concliilcga, 332, 333, 337
Terebella nebulosa, 332, 333
Terebratula, 311, 315
Terebratulina, 311, 315, 316
,, septentrionalis, 315, 316
Teredo, larva of, 262
Tergipes, 232, 238
,, Edwardsii, 238
,, lacinulatus, 238
Tethya, 147
Tetrabranchiata, 225
Tetranychus telarius, 116
Tetrastemma varicolor, 203
Thalassema, 44, 355, 357
Thalassinidae, 477
Thallophytes, n
Thecidium, 311, 312, 315, 316
Thecosomata, 225
Thoracica, 459, 493, 499, 500
Thysanozoon, 192, 193
Thysanura, 395, 408, 425, 458
Tichogonia, 39
Tipula, 396
Tipulidae, 420, 421
Toenia cosnurus, 214
,, echinococcus, 215, 217
solium, 217
Tornaria, 579, 581
Toxopneustes, 22, 24, 35, 85, 88, 89
Tracheata, 385, 426, 432, 44 8, 455, 457,
458, 538, 54i
Trachymedusae, 152, 156, 179, 185
Trematodes, 14, 16, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33,
46, 94, 189, 205, 208, 210, 212, 216
Trichina, 377, 378
Trichinidse, 371
Trichocepha'lus affinis, 374
Trochosphsera aequatorialis, 221
TubiporidcE, 182
Tubularia, 34, 38, 152, 154, 158
Tubularidse, 29, 179, 183
Tunicata, 5, I 4 , 53
Turbellaria, 5, 30, 31, 33, 74, 98, 102,
136, 179, 189, 193, 333
Tyroglyphus, 445
Unio, 37, 38, 39, 100, 101, 259, 260,265,
266, 445
Vaginulus luzonicus, 229
Vermes, 5, 74, 102, 223, 324, 352
Verongia rosea, 146
Vertebrata, 14, 18, 19, 24, 59, 64, 83,
272, 349. 397' 4^6
Vesiculata, 184
Vitrina, 229
Vorticella, 8, 9, 10
Wilsia, 164
Xiphoteuthis, 252
Zoantharia, 152, 168, 169
Zooea, 465, 468, 471, 474, 482, 483, 484,
486, 504
General Works.
(1) } Ed. van Beneden. "Recherches sur la composition et la signification de
,A T m ' cour ' d ' l Acad " r y- des Sci <<* de Belgique, Vol. xxxiv. 1870.
/ '%, R- Leuckart. Artikel "Zeugung," R. WagMsfs Handworterbtek d. Physio
logte, Vol. iv. 1853.
(3 ^ Fr ' L/ydig- , " Die Dotterfurchung nach ihrem Vorkommen in d. Thierwelt
u. n. ihrer Bedeutung." Oken. Isis, 1848.
(4) Ludwig. "Ueber d. Eibildung im Thierreiche." Arbeiten a. d. zool.-zoot
Institiit. Wiirzburg, Vol. I. rSy^.
(5) AllenThomson. Article ' ' Ovum " in Todd's Cyclopedia of Anatomy and
Physiology, Vol. v. 1859.
(6) W. Waldeyer. Eierstock u. EL Leipzig, 1870.
(7) Ed. van Beneden. "De la distinction originelle d. testicule et de
1'ovaire." Bull. Acad. roy. Belgique, f serie, Vol. xxxvu. 1874.
(8) R. and O. Hertwig. Der Organismus d. Medusen. Jena, 1878.
(9) N. Kleinenberg. Hydra. Leipzig, 1872.
(10) P. Hallez. Contributions a fHistoire naturelle des Turbellarih. Lille,
(11) S. MaxSchultze. Beitrdge z. Naturgeschichte d. Turbellarien. Greifswald, 1851.
(12) C. Th. von Siebold. ' ' Helminthologische Beitrage." Miiller's Archiv,
(13) C. Th. von Siebold. Lehrbuch d. vergleich. Anat.d. wirbellosen Thiere.
Berlin, 1848.
(14) E. Zeller. " Weitere Beitrage z. Kenntniss d. Polystomen." Zeit. f.
wiss. ZooL, Bd. xxvu. 1876.
[Vide also Ed. van Beneden (No. i).]
(15) C. K. Hoffmann. " Zur Anatomic d. Echiniden u. Spatangen." Niederllindisch. Archiv f. Zoologie, Vol. I. 1871.
(16) C. K. Hoffmann. " Zur Anatomic d. Asteriden. Niederldndisch. Ardiiv
/. Zoologie, Vol. n. 1873.
(17) H. Ludwig. "Beitrage zur Anat. d. Crinoiden." Zeil. f. wiss. Zool.,
Vol. xxvin. 1877.
(18) Job. Miiller. "Ueber d. Canal in d. Eiern d. Holothurien." Miiller's
Archiv, 1854.
(19) C. Semper. Holothurien. Leipzig, 1868.
(20) E. Selenka. Befruchtung d. Eies v. Toxopneustes variegalits, 1878.
[Vide also Ludwig (No. 4), etc.]
1 A very complete and critical account of the literature is contained in this paper.
B. II. a
(21) II. Lacaze-Duthiers. " Organes genitaux des Acephales Lamellibranches." Ann. Set. Nat., 4 mc serie, Vol. 1 1. 1854.
(22) W. F lemming. " Ueb. d. er. Entwick. am Ei d. Teichmuschel." Archiv
f. mikr. Anat., Vol. x. 1874.
(23) W. Flamming. "Studien lib. d. Entwick. d. Najaden." Sitz. d. t: Akad.
Wiss. men, Vol. LXXI. 1875.
(24) Th. von Hassling. " Einige Bemerkungen, etc." Zeit. f. wiss. ZooL,
Bd. v. 1854.
(25) H. von Jhering. "Zur Kenntniss d. Eibildung bei d. Muscheln." Zeit.
f. wiss. ZooL, Vol. xxix. 1877.
(26) Keber. De Introihi Spermatozoorum in ovula, etc. Konigsberg, 1853.
(27) Fr. Leydig. " Kleinere Mittheilung etc." Miiller's Archiv, 1854.
(28) C. Semper. "Beitrage z. Anat. u. Physiol. d. Pulmonaten." Zeit. f.
wiss. ZooL, Vol. vni. 1857.
(29) H. Eisig. " Beitrage z. Anat. u. Entwick. d. Pulmonaten." Zeit.f. wiss.
ZooL, Vol. xix. 1869.
(30) Fr. Leydig. " Ueb. Paludina vivipara." Zeit.f. wiss. ZooL, Vol. u. 1850.
(31) Al. Kolliker. Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Cephalopoden. Zurich, 1844.
(32) E. R. Lankester. "On the Developmental History of the Mollusca."
Phil. Trans., 1875.
(33) Ed. Claparede. " Les Annelides Chaetopodes d. Golfe de Naples."
Mem.d. 1. Soctit. phys. eld 1 hist. nat. de Geneve, 1868 9 and 1870.
(34) E. Ehlers. Die Borstcnwiirmer nach system, und anat. Untersuchungen.
Leipzig, 186468.
(35) E. Selenka. " Das Gefass-System d. Aphrodite aculeata." Niedcrldndisches Archiv f. ZooL, Vol. n. 1873.
(36) H. Dorner. " Ueber d. Gattung Branchiobdella." Zeit.f. wiss. ZooL,
Vol. xv. 1865.
(37) R. Leuckart. Die menschlichen Parasiten.
(38) Fr. Leydig. "Zur Anatomie v. Piscicola eeometrica, etc." Zeit. f. wiss.
ZooL, Vol. I. 1849.
(30) C. O. Whitman. "Embryology of Clepsine." Quart. 7. of Alter.
Sci., Vol. xvin. 1878.
(40) Keferstein u. Ehlers. Zoologische Beitrage. Leipzig, 1861.
(41) C. Semper. Holothurien, 1868, p. 145.
(42) J. W. Spengel. " Beitrage z. Kenntniss d Gephyreen." Beitriigc a. d.
zool. Stationz. Neapcl, Vol. I. 1879.
(43) J. W. Spengel. " Anatomische Mittheilungen lib. Gephyreen." Tagcbl.
d. Naturf. Vers. Munchen, 1877.
(44) Ed. Claparede. De la formation ct de la fccondaiiou dcs- n-uf.\ chcz Ics
I'crs Ntmatodcs. (ienevc, 1859.
(J- r )) K. I. (.-nek art. Hif nirnsf/i lichen Paras! ten.
^' Nels0n * " On the reproduction of Ascaris mystax, etc." Phil.
(48) A.Schneider. Monographie d.' Nematoden. Berlin, 1866.
Sm ' T? r u n d V Ueb ,?'* a5 Ei u ' seine Bildungsstdtte. Leipzig, 1 878.
(50) T. H. Huxley. " On the agamic reproduction and morphology of Aphis.
Ltnnean Trans., Vol. xxn. 1858. Vide also Manual of Invertebrate* Animals, 1877.
1 * ^ ^ ^ *
bei den *,++,*
/-a\ ? r ',k ey< MS' Der Eierstock u. die Samentasche d. Insecten. Dresden, 1866.
tSl ~ ub . bock - " The ov a and pseudova of Insects." Phil. Trans. 1850.
(o4) Stem. Die weiblichen Geschlcchtsorgane d. Ktifer. Berlin, 1847.
[Conf. also Glaus, Landois, Weismann, Ludwig (No. 4).]
(55) Victor Cams. " Ueb. d. Entwick. d. Spinneneies." Zeit. f. wiss. Zool. t
Vol. ii. 1850.
(56) v. Wittich. "Die Entstehung d. Arachnideneies im Eierstock, etc."
Miiller s Archiv, 1849.
[Conf. Leydig, Balbiani, Ludwig (No. 4), etc.]
(57) Aug. Weismann. "Ueb. d. Bildung von Wintereiern bei Leptodora
hyalina." Zeit.f. wiss.ZooL, Vol. xxvn. 1876.
[For general literature vide Ludwig, No. 4, and Ed. van Beneden, No. i.]
Urochorda (Tunicata).
(58) A. Kowalevsky. " Weitere Studien ii. d. Entwicklung d. Ascidien."
Archiv f. micr. Anat., Vol. VII. 1871.
(59) A. Kowalevsky. "Ueber Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Pyrosoma."
Arch.f. micr. Anat., Vol. xi. 1875.
(60) Kupffer. " Stammverwandtschaft zwischen Ascidien u. Wirbelthieren."
Arch. f. micr. Anat., Vol. VI. 1870.
(61) Giard. " Etudes critiques des travaux, etc. " Archives Zool. experiment.,
Vol. I. 1872.
(62) C. Semper. " Ueber die Entstehung, etc." Arbeiten a. d. zool.-zoot.
Institut Wiirzburg, Bd. II. 1875.
(63) P. Langerhans. "Z. Anatomic d. Amphioxus lanceolatus," pp. 330 3.
Archiv f. mikr. Anat., Vol. xil. 1876.
(64) F. M. Balfour. "On the structure and development of the Vertebrate
Ovary." Quart. J. of Micr. Science, Vol. xvm. 1878.
(65) Th. Eimer. " Untersuchungen ii. d. Eier d. Reptilien." Arckiv f.
mikr. Anat., Vol. vni. 1872.
(66) Pfliiger. Die Eierstbcke d. Sdugethiere u. d. Menschen. Leipzig, 1863.
(67) J. Foulis. " On the development of the ova and structure of the ovary in
Man and other Mammalia." Quart. J. of Micr. Science, Vol. XVI. 1876.
(68) J. Foulis. " The development of the ova, etc." Journal of Anat. and
Phys., Vol. xni. 18789.
a 2
(69) C. Gegenbaur. " Ueb. d. Bau u. d. Entwicklung d. Wirbelthiereier mit
partieller Dottertheilung." Muller's Archiv, 1861.
(70) Alex. Gotte. Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Unke. Leipzig, 1875.
(71) W. His. Untersuchungen iib. d. Ei u. d. Eientwicklung bei Knochenfischcn.
Leipzig, 1873.
(72) A. Kolliker. Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Menschen u. hoherer Thicre,
Leipzig, 1878.
(73) J. Miiller. " Ueber d. zahlreichen Porenkanale in d. Eikapsel d. Fische."
Muller's Archiv, 1854.
(74) W. H. Ransom. " On the impregnation of the ovum in the Stickleback."
Pro. K. Society, Vol. vn. 1854.
(75) C. Semper. " Das Urogenitalsystem d. Plagiostomen etc." Arbeiten a.
d. zool.-zoot. Instit. Wiirzburg, Vol. II. 1875.
[Cf. Ludwig, No. 4, Ed. van Beneden, No. i, Waldeyer, No. 6, etc.]
(76) Auerbach. Organologische Studien, Heft 2. Breslau, 1874.
(77) Bambeke. " Recherches s. Embryologie des Batraciens." Bull, de
royale de Belgique, 2me ser., T. LXI. 1876.
(78) E. van Beneden. " La Maturation de 1'CEufdes Mammiferes." Bull,
de fAcad. royale de Belgique, 2me ser., T. XL. No. 12, 1875.
(79) Id em. " Contributions a 1'Histoire de la Vesicule Germinative, &c." Bull,
de fAcad. royale de Belgique, sme ser., T. XLI. No. i, 1876.
(80) O. Biitschli. Eizelle, Zelltheilung, und Conjugation der Infusorien.
Frankfurt, 1876.
(81) F. M. Balfour. " On the Phenomena accompanying the Maturation and
Impregnation of the Ovum." Quart. J. of Micros. Science, Vol. xvm. 1878.
(82) Calberla. " Befruchtungsvorgang beim Ei von Petromyzon Planeri.*'
Zeit. f. iviss. Zool., Vol. xxx.
(83) W. Flemming. "Studien in d. Entwickelungsgeschichte der Najaden."
Sitz. d. k. Akad. Wiett, B. LXXI. 1875.
(84) H. Fol. "Die erste Entwickelung des Geryonideneies. " Jenaische
Zeitschrift, Vol. vn. 1873.
(85) Idem. " Sur le Developpement des Pte"ropodes." Archives de Zoologic
Experimental et Gtnerale, Vol. iv. and v. 1875 6.
(86) Idem. " Sur le Commencement de 1'Henog^nie." Archives des Sciences
Physiques et Naturelles. Geneve, 1877.
(87) Idem. Recherches s. I. Ftcondation etl. comrnen. d. rHcnogcnic. Geneve, 1879.
(88) R. Greeff. " Ueb. d. Bau u. d. Entwickelung d. Echinodermen." Sitzun.
der Gesellschaft z. Befonlerung d. gesammten Naturwiss. z. Marburg, No. 5, 1876.
(89) Oscar Hertwig. " Beit. z. Kenntniss d. Bildung, &c., d. thier. Eies."
Morphologisches Jahrbuch, Vol. I. 1876.
(90) Idem. Ibid. Morphologisches Jahrlntch, Vol. ill. Heft i, 1877.
(91) Idem. " Weitere Beitrage, &c." Morphologisches Jahrbuch, Vol. in. 1877.
Heft 3.
(92) Idem. "Beit. z. Kenntniss, &c." Morphologisches Jahrbuch, Vol. iv.
Heft i and 2. 1878.
(93) N. Kleinenberg. Hydra. Leipzig, 1872.
(94) C. Kupffer u. B. Benecke. Der Vorgang d. llcfnichtinig am Eie d.
Neunaugen. Konigsberg, 1878.
(95) J. Oellacher. "Beitrage zur Geschichte des Keimblaschens im Wirbelthicreie." Archiv f. micr. Anat., Bd. VIII. 1872.
(%) W. Salensky. " Befruchtung u. P^urchung d. Sterlets-Eies." Zoologischer Anzeigcr, No. 11, 1878.
(97) E. Selenka. Befruchtung des Eies von Toxopncustcs variegatus. Leipzig,
fl Strasburger. Ucber Zclllnldu n- n. /.clltln ////;/;. Ji-na, 1876.
Idem. Utber Befrvehtung u. Zdlthdhing. Jena, 1X78.
(HiO) C. (). \V hi "Tlic- Kniliryology of Clepsine." Quart. J. of A/i<r.
Science, Vol. xvm. 1878.
(101) W. Flamming. "Beitrage z. Kenntniss d. Xclle u. ihrcr Lcbun.scrschcinungen." Archiv f. mikr. Anat., Vol. xvi. 1878.
(102) E. Klein. "Observations on the glandular epithelium and division of
nuclei in the skin of the Newt." Quart, y. of Micr. Science, VoL XIX. 1879.
(103) Peremeschko. "Ueber d. Theilung d. thierischen Zellen." Archiv f.
mikr. Anat., Vol. xvi. 1878.
(104) E. Strasburger. "Ueber ein z. Demonstration geeignetes ZclltheilungsObject." Sitz. d. Jenaischen Gesell.f. Med. u. Naturwiss., July 18, 1879.
(105) E. Haeckel. "Die Gastrula u. Eifurchung." Jenaische Ztitschrift, Vol.
ix. 1877.
(106) Fr. Leydig. "Die Dotterfurchung nach ihrem Vorkommen in d. Thierwelt u. n. ihrer Bedeutung." Oken. /sis, 1848.
(107) K. E. von Baer. " Ueb. Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Thiere." Konigsberg, 182837.
(108) C. Glaus. Grundziige d. Zoologie. Marburg und Leipzig, 1879.
(109) C. Gegenbaur. Grundriss d. vergleichenden Anatomie. Leipzig, 1878.
Vide also Translation. Elements of Comparative Anatomy. Macmillan and Co.,
(110) E. Haeckel. Studien z. Gastrcea-Theorie. Jena, 1877, and also Jenaische Zeitschrift, Vols. vni. and ix.
(111) E. Haeckel. Schopfungsgeschichte. Leipzig. Vide also Translation.
The History of Creation. King and Co., London, 1876.
(112) E. Haeckel. Anthropogenie. Leipzig. Vide also Translation. Anthropogeny (Translation). Kegan Paul and Co., London, 1878.
(113) Th. H.Huxley. The Anatomy of Invertebrated Animals. Churchill,
(114) E. R. Lankester. "Notes on Embryology and Classification." Quart.
J. of Micr. Science, Vol. xvi I. 1877.
(115) A. S. P. Packard. Life Histories of Animals, including Man, or Outlines
of Comparative Embryology. Holt and Co., New York, 1876.
(116) H. Rathke. Abhandlungen z. Bildung- und Entwicklungsgesch. d. Menschen u. d. Thiere. Leipzig, 1833.
(117) E van Beneden. "Recherches sur les Dicyemides." Bull. d. FAcadtmie roy. de Belgique, f ser. T. XLI. No. 6 and T. XLII. No. 7, 1876. Vide this
paper for a full account of the literature.
(118) A. K 611 ike r. Ueber Dicyema paradoxum den Schmarotzer der Venenanhiinge der Cephalopoden. ,
(119) Aug. Krohn. "Ueb. d. Vorkommen von Entozoen, etc. Fronep
Notizen, vn. 1839.
(120) A If. Giard. "Les Orthonectida classe nouv. d. Phylum des Vers."
journal de tAnat. et de la Physiol., Vol. XV. 1879.
(121) El. Metschnikoff. "Zur Naturgeschichte d. OrthonecUdae." Zoologi
scher Anzeiger, No. 40 43 l8 79
'(122) C Barrois. " Embryologie de quelques eponges de la Manche. " An
""$) & &ZS^^'<t*>* SP"6es." A~* ^ M g . cf
Nat. Hist., 4th series, Vol. xiv. 1874.
(124) Ganin 1 . " Zur Entwicklung d. Spongilla fluviatilis." Zoologischer Anzeigtr, Vol. i. No. 9, 1878.
(125) Robert Grant. "Observations and Experiments on the Structure and
Functions of the Sponge." Edinburgh Phil. jf., Vol. xm. and XIV., 1825, 1816.
(126) E. Haeckel. Die Kalkschwamme, 1872.
(127) E. Haeckel. Studien zur Gastraa- Theorie. Jena, 1877.
(128) C. Keller. Unterstichungen iiber Anatomic und Entwicklungsgeschichte
einiger Spongien. Basel, 1876.
(129) C. Keller. "Studien lib. Organisation u. Entwick. d. Chalineen." Zeit.
f. wiss. Zoo/., Bd. xxvin. 1879.
(130) LieberkUhn. "Beitr. z. Entwick. d. Spongillen." Muller's Archiv,
(131) LieberkUhn. "Neue Beitrage zur Anatomie der Spongien." Miiller's
Archiv, 1859.
(132) El. Metschnikoff. " Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Kalkschwamme. "
Zeit.f. wiss. Zool., Bd. xxiv. 1874.
(133) El. Metschnikoff. "Beitrage zur Morphologic der Spongien." Zeit.
f. wiss. Zool., Bd. xxvii. 1876.
(134) El. Metschnikoff. " Spongeologische Studien." Zeit. f. wiss. Zool.,
Bd. xxxn. 1879.
(135) Miklucho Maklay. "Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Spongien." Jenaische
Zeitschrift, Bd. iv. 1868.
(136) O. Schmidt. "Zur Orientirung iiber die Entwicklung der Schwamme."
Zeit.f. wiss. Zool., Bd. xxv. 1875.
(137) O. Schmidt. "Nochmals die Gastrula der Kalkschwamme." Archiv
fur mikrosk. Anat., Bd. XII. 1876.
(138) O. Schmidt. "Das Larvenstadium von Ascetta primordialis und Asc.
clathrus." Archiv fur mikrosk. Anatomie, Bd. xiv. 1877.
(139) F. E. Schulze. "Ueber den Bau und die Entwicklung von Sycandra
raphanus." Zeit.f. wiss. Zool., Bd. xxv. 1875.
(140) F. E. Schulze. "Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte von Sycandra." Zeit. f.
wiss. Zool., Bd. XXVII. 1876.
(141) F. E. S chulze. " Untersuchung Ub. d. Bau, etc. Die Gattung Halisarca."
Zeit.f. wiss. Zoo/., Bd. xxvin. 1877.
(142) F. E. Schulze. "Untersuchungen iib. d. Bau, etc. Die Metamorphose
von Sycandra raphanus." Zeit.f. wiss. Zool., Bd. xxxi. 1878.
(143) F. E. Schulze. "Untersuchungen u. d. Bau, etc. Die Familie Aplysinidae." Zeit.f. wiss. Zool., Bd. xxx. 1878.
(144) F. E. Schulze. "Untersuchungen u. d. Bau, etc. Die Gattung Spongelia." Zeit.f. wiss. Zool., Bd. xxxn. 1878.
(145) Alex. Agassi z. Illustrated Catalogue of the Museum of Comparative
Anatomy at Harvard College, No. II. American Acalephac. Cambridge, U. S., 1865.
(140) O. and R. Hertwig. Der Organismus d. Medusa: u, seine Stellung z.
Keimblattertheorie. Jena, 1878.
(147) A. Kowalevsky. "Untersuchungen lib. d. Entwicklung d. Coelenteraten." Nachrichten d. kaiser. Gcsell. d. Freunde d. Nattirerkenntniss d. Antliropologie u. Ethnographie. Moskau, 1873. (Russian). For abstract vide Jahresberichtc
d. Anat. u. Phys. (Hoffman u. Schwalbe), 1873.
(148) L. A gas si z. Contributions to the Natural History of the United States of
America. Boston, 1862. Vol. IV.
(149) G. J. Allman. A Monograph of the Gymnoblastic or Tubularian Hydrotds. Ray Society, 1871-2.
1 There is a Russian paper by the same author, containing a full account, with
clear illustrations, of his observations.
(150) G. J. All man. "On the structure and development of Myriothela." Phil.
Trans., Vol. CLXV. p. 2.
(Iff), P - J- van Beneden. "Mem. sur les Campanulaires de la Cote d'Ostende
consideres sous le rapport physiologique, embryogenique, et zoologique." Nouv. Mini.
de PAcad. de Brux., Tom. xvn. 1844.
(^ 2 ) p - J- van Beneden. "Recherches sur 1'Embryogenie des Tubulaires et
1 histoire naturelle des differents genres de cette famille qui habitent la Cote d'Ostende."
Nouv. Mem. de P Acad. de Brux., Tom. xvii. 1844.
(153) C. Claus. "Polypen u. Quallen d. Adria." Denk. d. math.-naturwiss.
Classe d. k. k. Akad. d. Wiss. Wien, Vol. xxxvin. 1877.
(154) J. G. Dal yell. Rare and Remarkable Animals of Scotland. London,
(* 55 ) , H - Fo1 - " Die er ste Entwicklung d. Geryonideneies." J 'enaische Zeit
schrift, Vol. vn. 1873.
(156) Carl Gegenbaur. Zur Lehre vom Generationswechsel und der Fortpfianzung bei Medusen und Polypen. Wiirzburg, 1854.
(157) Thomas Hincks. "On the development of the Hydroid Polypes, Clavatella and Stauridia ; with remarks on the relation between the Polype and the Medusoid, and between the Polype and the Medusa." Brit. Assoc. Rep., 1861.
(158) E. Haeckel. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Siphonophoren. Utrecht,
(159) Th. H. Huxley. Oceanic Hydrozoa. Ray Society, 1858.
(160) Geo. Johnston. A History of British Zoophytes. Edin. 1838. 2nd
Edition, 1847.
(161) N. Kleinenberg. Hydra, eine anatomisch-entwicklungsgeschichtliche Untersuchung. Leipzig, 1872.
(162) El. Metschnikoff. "Ueber die Entwicklung einiger Ccelenteraten."
Bull, de FAcad. de St Petersbourg, XV. 1870.
(163) El. Metschnikoff. "Studien liber Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Medusen
u. Siphonophoren." Zeit.f. wiss. ZooL, Bd. xxiv. 1874.
(164) H. N. Moseley. "On the structure of the Sty lasteridse." Phil. Trans.,
(165) F. E. Schulze. Ueber den Bau und die Entwicklung von Cordylophora
lacustris. Leipzig, 1871.
(166) Al. Agassiz. "Arachnitis (Edwarsia) brachiolata." Proc. Boston Nat.
Hist. Society, 1860.
(167) Koch. "Das Skelet d. Alcyonarien." Morpholog. Jahrbuch, Bd. iv.
(168) A. Kowalevsky. "Z. Entwicklung d. Alcyoniden, Sympodium coralloides und Clavularia crassa." Zoologischer Anzeiger, No. 38, 1879.
(169) H. Lacaze Duthiers. Histoire nat.du Cor ail. Paris, 1864.
(170) H. Lacaze Duthiers. " Developpement des Coralliaires." Archives
de Zoologie experimental et generate, Vol. I. 1872 and Vol. u. 1873.
(171) C. Semper. " Ueber Generationswechsel bei Steinkorallen etc." Zeit. f.
wiss. ZooL, Bd. xxii. 1872.
(172) Alex. Agassiz. "Embryology of the Ctenophorae." Mem. of the Anur.
Acad. of Arts and Sciences, Vol. X. No. 1 1 1. 1874.
(173) G. J. All man. "Contributions to our knowledge of the structure and development of the Beroidse." Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, Vol. IV. 1862.
(174) C. Chun. "Das Nervensystem u. die Musculatur d. Rippenquallen."
Abhand. d. Senkenberg. Gesellsch., B. XI. 1879.
(175) C. Claus. "Bemerkungen u. Ctenophoren u. Medusen." Zeit. f. wiss.
ZooL, xiv. 1864.
(176) H. Fol. Ein Beitrag z. Anat. u. Entwickl. einiger Rippenquallen. 1869.
(177) C. Gegenbaur. "Studien u. Organis. u. System d. Ctenophoren."
Archiv f. Naturgesch., xxii. 1856.
(178) A. Kowalevsky. " Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Rippenquallen. " Mtm.
Acad. St Petersbourg, vii. serie, Tom. x. No. 4. 1866.
(179) J. Price. "Embryology of Ciliogrades." Proceed, of British Assoc.,
(180) C. Semper. "Entwicklung d. Eucharis multicornis." Zeit. f. wtss.
Zool., Vol. IX. 1858.
(181) Alex. Agassiz. "On the young stages of a few Annelids" (Planaria angitlata). Annals Lyceum Nat. Hist, of Neiv York, Vol. vin. 1866.
(182) Dalyell. "Powers of the Creator."
(183) C. Girard. "Embryonic development of Planocera elliptica." J our. of
Acad. of Nat. Set., Philadelphia. New Series, Vol. II. 1854.
(184) Alex. Gotte. "Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Seeplanarien." Zoologischer Anzeiger, No. 4, 1878.
(185) P. Halle z. Contributions a Thistoire naturelle des Turbellarits. Thesis a
la facult^ des Sciences p. le grade d. Docteur es-sciences naturelles. Lille, 1879.
(186) Knappert. "Bijdragen tot de Ontwikkelings-Geschiedenis der Zoetwater-Planarien." Provinciaal Ulrechtsch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. Utrecht, 1865.
(187) W. Keferstein. " Beitrage z. Anat. u. Entwick. ein. Seeplanarien von
St. Malo." Abh. d. konig. Gesell. d. Wiss. zu Gottingcn. Bd. XI v. 1868.
(188) El. Metschnikoff. " Untersuchungen lib. d. Entwicklung d. Planarien."
Notizen d. neurussischen Gesellschaft d. Naturforscher. Odessa, Bd. V. 1877. Vide
Hoffman and Schwalbe's Bericht for 1878.
(189) H. N. Moseley. "On Stylochus pelagicus and a new species of pelagic
Planarian, with notes on other pelagic species, on the larval forms of Thysanozoon,
etc." Quart. Journ. of Micr. Science, Vol. xvn. 1877.
(190) J. Miiller. "Ueber eine eigenthiimliche Wurmlarva a. d. Classe d. Turbellarien, etc." Miiller's Archiv f. Anat. u. Phys. 1850.
(191) J. Miiller. "Ueber verschiedene Formen von Seethieren." Miiller's
Archiv f. Anat. und Phys. 1854.
(192) J. Barrois. " L'Embryologie des Nemertes." An. Sci. Nat., Vol. VI.
(193) O. BUtschli. Archiv f. Naturgeschichte, 1873.
(194) A. Krohn. "Ueb. Pilidium u. Actinotrocha." Miiller's Archiv, 1 858.
(195) E. Desor. "Embryology of Nemertes." Proceedings of the Boston Nat.
History Society, Vol. VI. 1848.
(196) G. Dieck. "Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Nemertinen." Jenaische Zeitschrift, Vol. vin. 1874.
(197) C. Gegenbaur. "Bemerkungen lib. Pilidium gyrans, etc." Zeitschrift
furwiss. Zool., Bd. v. 1854.
(198) C. K. Hoffman. "Entwicklungsgeschichte von Tetrastemma tricolor."
Niederldndisches Archiv, Vol. ill. 1876, 1877.
(199) C. K. Hoffman. "Zur Anatomie und Ontogenie von Malacobdella."
Niederldndisches Archiv, Vol. IV. 1877.
(200) W. C. M c Intosh. British Annelids. The Nemerteans. Ray Society,
(201) Leuckart u. Pagenstecher. "Untersuchungen lib. niedere Seethiere."
Miiller's Archiv, 1858.
(202) E. Metschnikoff. "Studien lib. die Entwicklung d. Echinodermen u.
Nemertinen." Mhn. Acad. imp. Pttersbourg, vn. Ser., Tom. xiv. No. 8, 1869.
(203) T. S. Cobbold. Kntozoa. Groombridge and Son, 1864.
(204) T. S. Cobbold. Parasites; a Treatise on the Entozoa, etc. Churchill,
(205) F i 1 i p p i. " Mem. p. servir a 1'histoire geneHique des Tre"matodes." Ann.
Scien. Nat., 4th Series, Vol. II. 1854, and Mem. Accad. Torino, 1855-1859.
206) R. Leuckart. Die menschlichen Parasilen, Vol. I. 1863, p. 485 ct seq.
207) H. A. Pagenstecher. Trematodtn u. Trematodenlarven. Heidelberg,
(208) C. Th. von Siebold. Lehrbuch d. vergleich. Anat. wirbelloser Thicre.
Berlin, 1848.
( 209 ) J- J- S. Steenstrup. Generationswechsel. 1842.
(210) R. v. Willemoes-Suhm. "Zur Naturgeschichte d. Polystomuiu intcgerrimum, etc." Zeit.f. wiss. Zool., Vol. xxn. 1872.
(211) R. v. Willemoes-Suhm. ''Helminthologische Notizcn III." Zeit. f.
wiss. Zool., Vol. xxiii. 1873. Vide this paper for a summary of known observations
and literature.
(212) G. R. Wagener. Beitrdge zur Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Eingeweidewiirmer. Haarlem, 1855.
(213) G. R. W age n e r. " Helminthologische Bemerkungen, etc." Zeit. f. wiss.
Zool., Vol. ix. 1850.
(214) G. R. Wagener. "Ueb. Gyrodactylus elegans." Archiv f. Anat. u.
Phys. 1860.
(215) E. Zeller. " Untersuchungen ub. d. Entwicklung d. Diplozoon paradoxum." Zeit.f. wiss. Zool., Vol. xxn. 1872.
(216) E. Zeller. "Untersuchungen u. d. Entwick. u. Bau d. Polystomum integerrimum." Zeit.f. wiss. Zool., Vol. xxn. 1872.
(217) E. Zeller. "Weitere Beitrage z. Kenntniss d. Polystomen." Zeit.f.
wiss. Zool., Vol. xxvn. 1876.
(218) Ed. van Beneden. "Recherches sur la composition et la signification
d. 1'oeuf." Mem. cour. Acad. roy. Belgique. Vol. xxxiv. 1868.
(219) P. J. van Beneden. "Les vers Cestoi'des consideres sous le rapport
physiologique embryogenique, etc." Bull. Acad. Scien. Bruxelles. Vol. xvn.
(220) T. S. Cobbold. Entozoa. Groombridge and Son, 1864.
(221) T. S. Cobbold. Parasites; a treatise on the Entozoa, etc. Churchill,
(222) Th. H. Huxley. "On the Anatomy and Development of Echinococcus
veterinorum." Proc. Zool. Soc. Vol. xx. 1852.
(223) J. Knoch. "Die Naturgesch. d. breiten Bandwiirmer." Mem. Acad.
Imp. Petersbourg, Vol. v. Ser. 7, 1863.
(224) F. Kiichenmeister. "Ueber d. Umwandlung d. Finnen Cysticerci in
Bandwiirmer (Tsenien)." Prag. Vierteljahrsschr. 1852.
(225) F. Kiichenmeister. "Experimente iib. d. Entstehung d. Cestoden.
2 Stufe zunachst d. Ccenurus cerebralis." Giinsburg, Zeitsch. klin. Med. iv. 1853.
(226) R. Leuckart. Die menschlichen Parasiten, Vol. I. Leipzig, 1863. Vide
also additions at the end of the ist and 2nd volume.
(227) R. Leuckart. "Archigetes Sieboldii, eine geschlechtsreife Cestodenamme." Zeit.f. wiss. Zool., Vol. xxx. Supplement, 1878.
(228) El. Metschnikoff. "Observations sur le developpement de quelques
animaux (Bothriocephalus proboscideus). " Bull. Acad. Imp. St Petersbourg, Vol.
(229) 'w. Salensky. "Ueb. d. Bau u. d. Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Amphilina." Zeit.f. wiss. Zool., Vol. xxiv. 1874.
(230) Von Siebold. Burdach's Physiologie.
(231) R. von Willemoes-Suhm. "Helminthologische Notizen." Zfit. /.
wiss. Zool., Vol. xix. xx. xxn. 1869, 70 and 73.
(232) F. Cohn. "Ueb. d. Fortpflanzung von Raderthiere." Zeit.f. wiss.
^(233) F. Cohn. "Bemerkungen u. Raderthiere." Zeit.f. wiss. Zool., Vol. IX.
1858, and Vol. xn. 1862.
(234) T. H. Huxley. "Lacinularia socialis." Trans, of the Microscopical
Society, 1853.
(235) Fr. Leyclig. " Ueb. d. Bau u. d. systematische Stelluny; d. Radcrthiere."
Ztit.f. unss. Zool., Vol. vi. 1854.
(236) W. Salensky. "Beit. z. Entwick. von Brachionus urceolaris." Zeit. /.
itnss. Zool., Vol. xxn. 1872.
(237) C. Semper. " Zoologische Aphorismen. Trochosphuera axjuatorialis."
Zeit.f. wiss. Zool., Vol. xxn. 1872.
(238) T. H. Huxley. "On the Morphol. of the Cephal. Mollusca." Phil.
Trans., 1853.
(239) E. R. Lankester. "On the developmental history of the Mollusca."
Phil. Trans., 1875.
(240) H. G. Bronn and W. Keferstein. Die Klasscn u. Ordnungcn d.
Thierreichs, Vol. III. 1862-1866.
Gasteropoda and Pteropoda.
(241) J. Alder and A. Hancock. "Devel. of Nudibr." Ann. and Magaz.
Nat. Hist., Vol. XH. 1843.
(242) N. Bobretzky. "Studien iiber die embryonale Entwicklung d. Gasteropoden." Archivf. micr. Anat., Vol. xin.
(243) W. K. Brooks. "Preliminary Observations on the Development of
Marine Gasteropods." Chesapeake Zoological Laboratory, Session of 1878. Baltimore, 1879.
(244) O. Biitschli. " Entwicklungsgeschichtliche Beitrage (Paludina vivipara)."
Zeit.f. wiss. Zool., Vol. xxix. 1877.
(245) W. Carpenter. "On the devel. of the embr. of Purpura lapillus."
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(246) W. Carpenter. "On the devel. of the Purpura." Ann. and Mag. of
Nat. Hist., 2 d series, Vol. xx. 1857.
(247) E. Claparede. "Anatomic u. Entwickl. der Neritina fluviatilis."
MUller's Archiv, 1857.
(248) H. Eisig. "Beitr. z. Anat. u. Entwickl. der Geschlechtsorg. von Lymnieus." Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool., Vol. xix. 1869.
(249) H. Fol. " Sur le developpement des Pteropodes." Archives de Zool. experim. et gtntrale, Vol. iv. 1875.
(250) H. Fol. " Sur le developpement des Gasteropodes pulmones." Compt.
rend., 1875, pp. 523526.
(251) H. Fol. "Sur le developpement des Heteropodes." Archives de Zool.
expe"rim.etgtn<b-ale,\o\.v. 1876.
(252) C. Gegenbaur. "Beit. z. Entwicklungsgesch. der Landgasteropoden."
Zeitschr. f. w. Zool., Vol. ill. 1851.
(253) C. Gegenbaur. Untersuch. iib. Pteropoden u. Hetcropoden. Leipzig,
(254) H. von Jhering. "Entwicklungsgeschichte von Helix." Jcnaische Zcitschrift, Vol. IX. 1875.
(255) W. Keferstein and E. Ehlers. "Beob. lib. d. Entwick. v. Molis
peregr." Zool. Beitr., 1861.
(256) J. Koren and D. C. Danielssen. "Benuerk. til Mollusk. Udvikling."
NytMag.f. Naturvidensk., Vol. v. 1847. -^"j P- 2O2> '848.
(257) J. Koren and D. C. Danielssen. liidrag til Pectinibr. Udvikl. licrgcn,
1851 (supplement, 1852). Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1857.
(258) A. Krohn. "Beobacht. aus d. Entwickl. der Pteropoden u. Heterop."
Muller's Archiv, 1856 and 1857.
(259) A. Krohn. Beitr. zur Entwickl. der Pteropoden u. Heteropoden. Leipzig,
(260) H. de Lacaze-Duthiers. "Mem. sur 1' 1'embryog. des Vermets."
2 partie. Ann. sc. not., 4" srie, T. xm. 1860.
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f. w. Zool., Vol. xxni. 1873.
. E. R. Lankester. "On the development of the Pond-Snail." Quart.
J. of Micr. Scie., Vol. xiv. 1874.
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(264) F. Leydig. "Ueber Paludina vivipara." Zeitschr. f. w. Zool., Vol. 11.
(265) J. MUller. Ueber Synapta dig. u. iib. d. Erzeug. v. Schnecken in Holoth.,
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Berl. Akad., 1857.
(267) C. Rabl. "Die Ontogenie d. Siisswasser-Pulmonaten." Jenaische Zeitschrift, Vol. IX. 1875.
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(269) W. Salensky. " Beitr. zur Entwickl. d. Prosobr." Zeitschr. f. iv. Zool. ,
Vol. xxii. 1872.
(270) O. Schmidt. "Ueb. Entwick. von Limax agrestis." Miillcr's Archiv,
(271) Max S. Schultze. "Ueber d. Entwick. des Tergipes lacinulatus."
Arch. f. Naturg., Jahrg. XV. 1849.
(272) E. Selenka. "Entwick. von Tergipes claviger." Niederl. Arch.f. Zool.,
Vol. I. 1871.
(273) E. Selenka. "Die Anlage d. Keimbl. bei Purpura lapillus." Niederl.
Arch.f. Zool., Vol. i. 1872.
(274) C. Semper. "Entwickl. der Ampullaria polita, etc." Natuurk. Verhandl. Utrechts Genootsch., 1862.
(275) An. Stecker. "Furchung u. Keimblatterbildung bei Calyptraa."
Morphol. Jahrbuch, Vol. n. 1876.
(276) A.Stuart. " Ueb. d. Entwickl. einiger Opisthobr." Zeitschr. f. w. Zool.,
Vol. XV. 1865.
(277) N. A. Warneck. "Ueber d. Bild. u. Entwick. d. Embryos bei Gasterop." Bullet. Soc. natural, de Moscou, T. xxm. 1850.
(278) P. J. van Beneden. " Recherches sur 1'Embryogenie des Sepioles."
Nouv. Mem. Acad. Roy. de Bruxelles, Vol. xiv. 1841.
(279) N. Bobretzky. Observation on the Development of the Cephalopoda
(Russian). Nachrichten d. kaiserlichen Gesell. d. Freunde der Naturwiss. Anthropolog.
Rthnogr. bei d. Universitdt Moskau.
(280) H. Grenacher. " Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Cephalopoden." Zeit.
f. wiss. Zool., Bd. xxiv. 1874.
(281) A. K6 Hiker. Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Cephalopoden. Zurich, 1844.
(282) E. R. Lankester. "Observations on the development of the Cephalopoda." Quart. J. of Micr. Science, Vol. xv. 1875.
(283) E. Metschnikoff. " Le developpement des Sepioles." Archives d. Sc.
phys. et nat., Vol. xxx. Geneve, 1867.
(284) A. Kowalevsky. "Ueb. d. Entwick. d. Chitonen." Zoologischer
Anzeiger, No. 37. 1879.
(285) S L. Loven. " Om utvecklingen hos sliigtet Chiton." Stockholm
ofversigt, xn. 1855. [Vide also Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist., Vol. xvii. 1856, ami
Archivf. Naturgeschichte, 1856.]
(286) H. Lacaze-Duthiers. "Developpement du Dentale." Ann. d. Sci.
Nat., Series iv. Vol. VII. 1857.
(287) M. Braun. " Postembryonale Entwicklung d. Susswasser-Muscheln."
Zoologischer Garten.
(288) C. G. Carus. " Neue Untersuch. lib. d. Entvvickl. unscrer FlussmuVcrh. Leop.-Car. Akad., Vol. xvi. 1832.
(289) W. Flemming. " Studien in d. Entwicklungsgeschichte der Najadcn."
Sit*, d. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Vol. LXXI. 1875.
(290) F. Ley dig. " Ueber Cyclas Cornea." Miiller's Archiv, 1855.
(2111) S. L. Loven. " Bidrag til Kanned. om Utveckl. af Moll. Acephala
I^amellibr." Vetensk. Akad. Handl., 1848. [FiVfcalso Arch. f. Naturg., 1849.]
(292) C. Rabl. "Ueber d. Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Malermuschel." Jenaische Zeitschrift, Vol. X. 1876.
(293) W. Salensky. " Bemerkungen uber Haeckels Gastraea-Theorie (Ostrea)."
Arch. f. Naturg., 1874.
(294) O. Schmidt. " Ueb. d. Entwick. von Cyclas calyculata." Muller's
Arch., 1854.
(295) O. Schmidt. "Zur Entwickl. der Najaden." Wien. Sitzungsber.
math.-nat. C!., Vol. xix. 1856.
(296) P. Stepanoff. " Ueber die Geschlechtsorgane u. die Entwicklung von
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(297) H. Lacaze-Duthiers. " Ueveloppement d. branchies d. Mollusques
Acephales." An. Sc. Nat., Ser. iv. Vol. v. 1856.
(298) J. Barrois. Recherches sur Cembi yologie des Bryozoaires. Lille, 1877.
(299) B. Hatschek. " Embryonalentwicklung u. Knospung d. Pedicellina
echinata." Zeitschrift fiir wiss. Zool., Bd. xxix. 1877.
(300) M. Salensky. " Etudes sur les Bryozoaires entoproctes." Ann. Scien.
Nat., Ser. vi. Tom. v. 1877.
(301) O. Schmidt. "Die Gattung Loxosoma." Archivf. mik. Anat.,Rd.
xii. 1876.
(302) C. Vogt. "Sur le Loxosome des Phascolosomes." Archives de Zool.
cxptr. et gtnfr., To.n. v. 1876.
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(304) G. J. A 11 man. Monograph of fresh water Polyzoa. Ray Society.
(305) G. J. Allman. " On the structure of Cyphonautes." Quart. J. of Micr.
Scie., Vol. xii. 1872.
(306) G. J. Allman. "On the structure and development of the Phylactola>
matous Polyzoa." Journal of the Linnean Society, Vol. xiv. No. 77. 1878.
(307) J. Barrois. " Le developpement d. Bryozoaires Chilostomes." Comptes
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(308) E. Claparede. " Beitrage zur Anatomic u. Entwicklungsgeschichte d.
Seebryozoen." Zeit. fiir wiss. Zool., Bd. xxi. 1871.
(309) E. Claparede. "Cyphonautes." Anat. u. Entwick. wirbell. Thiere.
Leipzig, 1864.
(310) R. E. Grant. "Observations on the structure and nature of Flustrae."
Edinburgh New Philosoph. Journal, 1827.
(311) B. Hatschek. "Embryonalentwicklung u. Knospung d. Pedicellina
echinata" (Description of Cyphonautes). Zeit. f. wiss. Zool., Bd. xxix. 1877.
(312) T. II. Huxley. "Note on the reproductive organs of the Cheilostome
Polyzoa." Quart. Jour, of Micr. Science, Vol. IV. 1856.
(313) L. Joliet. "Contributions a 1'histoire naturelle des Bryozoaires des
cotes de France." Archives ie Zoologic Experimental, Vol. VI. 1877.
(314) E. Metschnikoff. " Ueber d. Metamorphose einiger Seethiere." Gottingische Nachrichten, 1869.
(315) E. Metschnikoff. Bull. deTAcad. de St Pttersbourg, XV. 1871, p. 507.
(316) H. Nitsche. " Beitrage zur Kenntniss d. Bryozoen." Zrit. f. wiss.
Zool., Bd. xx. 1870.
(317) W. Repiachoff. "Zur Naturgeschichte d. chilostomen Seebryozoen."
Zeit.f. wiss. Zool., Bd. xxvi. 1876.
(318) W. Repiachoff. " Ueber die ersten Entwicklungsvorgange bei Tendra
zostericola.'' Zeit. f. wiss. Zoo!., Bd. xxx. 1878. Supplement.
(319) W. Repiachoff. "Zur Kenntniss der Bryozoen." Zoologischer Anzeiger, No. 10, Vol. i. 1878.
(320) W. Repiachoff. " Bemerkungen lib. Cyphonautes. " Zoologischer Anzeiger, Vol. n. 1879.
(321) M. Salensky. " Untersuchung an Seebryozoen." Zeit. fur wiss. Zool..
Bd. xxiv. 1874.
(322) A. Schneider. "Die Entwicklung u. syst. Stellung d. Bryozoen u.
Gephyreen." Archiv f. mikr. Anaf., Vol. v. 1869.
(323) Smitt. " Om Hafsbryozoernas utveckling och fettkroppar. " Aftryck ur
ofvers. of Kong. Vet. Akad. Fork. Stockholm, 1865.
(324) T. Hincks. British Marine Polyzoa. Van Voorst, 1880.
[Conf. also works by Farre, Hincks, Van Beneden, Dalyell, Nordmann.]
(325) W. K. Brooks. " Development of Lingula." Chesapeake Zoological
Laboratory, Scientific Results of the Session of 1878. Baltimore, J. Murphy and Co.
(326) A. Kowalevsky. "Development of the Brachiopoda." Protocol of the
First Session of the United Sections of Anatomy, Physiology, and Comparative Anatomy at the Meeting of Russian Naturalists in Kasan, 1873. (Russian.)
(327) H. Lacaze-Duthiers. " Histoire de la Thecidie." Ann. Scien. Nat.
etc. Ser. 4, Vol. xv. 1861.
(328) Morse. " On the Early Stages of Terebratulina septentrionalis." Mem.
Boston Soc. Nat. History, Vol. n. 1869, also Ann. &> Mag. of Nat. Hist. Series 4,
Vol. vm. 1871.
(329) Morse. "On the Embryology of Terebratulina." Mem. Boston Soc.
Nat. History, Vol. ill. 1873.
(330) Morse. " On the Systematic Position of the Brachiopoda." Proceedings
of the Boston Soc. of Nat. Hist., 1873.
(331) Fritz Miiller. " Beschreibung einer Brachiopoden-Larve." Miiller's
Archiv, 1860.
(332) Alex. Agassiz. "On the young stages of a few Annelids." Annals
Lyceum Nat. Hist, of New York, Vol. vm. 1866.
(333) Alex. Agassiz. " On the embryology of Autolytus cornutus and alternations of generations, etc." Boston Journal of Nat. History, Vol. VH. 1859-63.
(334) W. Busch. Beobachtungen it. Anaf. u. Entwick. einiger wirbelloser Seethiere, 1851.
(335) Ed. Claparede. Beobachtungen u. Anat. u. Entwick. 'wirbelloser Thiert
an d. Kiiste von Normandie. Leipzig, 1 863.
(336) Ed. Claparede u. E. Metschnikoff. "Beitrage z. Kenntniss lib.
Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Chsetopoden." Zeit.f. wiss. Zool., Vol. xix. 1869.
(337) E. Grube. Untersuchungen ub. Entivicklung d. Anneliden. Komgsberg,
4 (338) B. Hatschek. " Beitrage z. Entwick. u. Morphol. d Anneliden." Si/*.
d. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Vol. LXXIV. 1876.
(339) B. Hatschek. "Studien liber Entwicklungsgeschichte der Anneliden.
Arbeiten aus d. zoologischcn Institute d. Universitiit Wien. Von C. Claus. Heft in.
(340) Th. H. Huxley. "On hermaphrodite and fissiparous species of tubicolar Annelidse (Protula)." Edinburgh New Phil. Journal, Vol. I. 1855.
(341) N. Kleinenberg. "The development of the earthworm Lumbncus
trapezoides." Quart. J, of Micr. Science, Vol. xix. 1879 Sullo ariAtfff del tn<
bricus trapezoides. Napoli, 1878.
(342) A. Kowalevsky. " Embryologische Studien an Wiirmern u. Arthropoden." Mem. Acad. Pttersbourg, Series VH. Vol. xvi. 1871.
(343) A. Krohn. " Ueber die Erscheinungen bei d. Fortpfianzung von Syllis
prolifera u. Autolytus prolifer." Archiv f. Naturgesch. 1852.
(344) R. Leuckart. " Ueb. d. Jugendzustande ein. Anneliden, etc." Archiv
f. Naturgesch. 1855.
(345) S. Love"n. " Beobachtungen ii. die Metamorphose von Anneliden."
Wiegmann's Archiv, 1842.
(346) E. Metschnikoff. "Ueber die Metamorphose einiger Seethiere (Mitraria)." Zeit.f. tuiss. Zool., Vol. XXI. 1871.
(347) M. Milne- Ed\vards. " Recherches zoologiques, etc." Ann. Scie.
Natur. HI. Se"rie, Vol. ill. 1845.
(348) J. Miiller. "Ueb. d. Jugendzustande einiger Seethiere." Monats. d.
k.Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1851.
(349) Max Miiller. "Ueber d. weit. Entwick. von Mesotrocha sexoculata."
Miiller's Archiv, 1855.
(350) Quatrefages. " Memoire s. 1'embryogenie des Annelides." Ann. Scie.
Natur. HI. Serie, Vol. x. 1848.
(351) M. Sars. " Zur Entwicklung d. Anneliden." Archiv f. Naturgeschichte,
Vol. xi. 1845.
(352) A. Schneider. " Ueber Bau u. Entwicklung von Polygordius." Miiller's
Archiv, 1868.
(353) A. Schneider. "Entwicklung u. system. Stell. d. Bryozoen u. Gephyreen (Mitraria)." Archiv f. mikr. Anat. Vol. v. 1869.
(354) M. Schultze. Ueb. die Entwicklung von Arcnicola piscatorum u. anderer
Kiemenwurmer. Halle, 1856.
(355) C. Semper. "Die Verwandschaftbeziehungen d. gegliederten Thiere."
Arbeiten a. d. zool.-zoot. Instit. Wiirzburg, Vol. in. 1876-7.
(356) C. Semper. "Beitrage z. Biologie d. Oligochjeten." Arbeiten a. d.
zool.-zoot. Instit. Wiirzburg, Vol. IV. 1877-8.
(357) M. Stossich. " Beitrage zur Entwicklung d. Chaetopoden." Sitz. d. k.
k. Akad. Wiss. Wien, B. LXXVII. 1878.
(358) R. v. Willemoes-Suhm. " Biologische Beobachtungen ii. niedrige
Meeresthiere." Zeit.f. wiss. Zool. Bd. xxi. 1871.
(359) O. BUtschli. " Entwicklungsgeschichtliche Beitrage (Nephelis)." Zeit.
f. wiss. Zool. Vol. xxix. 1877.
(360) E. Grube. Untersuchungen ub. d. Entwicklung d. Anneliden. Konigsberg, 1844.
(361) C. K. Hoffmann. "Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Clepsineen." NICderland. Archiv f. Zool. Vol. IV. 1877.
(362) R. Leuckart. Die menschlichen Parasiten (Hirudo}, Vol. I. p. 686,
et seq.
(363) H. Rathke. Beit. z. Entwicklungsgesch. d. Hirudineen. Leipzig, 1862.
(364) Ch. Robin. Mem. snr le Developpement embryogenique des Ilirndiih'c*.
Paris, 1875.
(365) C. O. Whitman. "Embryology of Clepsine." Quart. J. of Micro.
Science, Vol. xvm. 1878.
[ Vide also C. Semper (No. 355) and Kowalevsky (No. 342) for isolated observations.]
GepJiyrea nuda.
(366) A. Kowalevsky. Sitz. d. zool. Abth. d. Iff. Versam. rtiss. Naturf
(Thalassema). Zeit.f. wiss. Zool. Vol. xxn. 1872, p. 284.
(367) A. Krohn. "Ueb. d. Larve d. Sipunculus nudus ncbst I'.c UK iknii^cn, '
etc. Miiller's Archiv, 1857.
(368) M. Salensky. " Ueber die Metamorphose d. Echiurus." Morfhohgisches
Jahrbuch, Bd. 11.
(369) E. Selenka. "Eifurchung u. Larvenbilflung von Phascolosoma elongatum." Zeit.f. wiss. Zool. 1875, Bd- xxv. p. i.
(370) J. W. Spengel. " Beitrage z. Kenntniss d. Gephyreen (lionellia)."
MitlheiL a. d. zool. Station z. Neapel, Vol. i. 1879.
Gephyrea tubicola (Actinotroc/ia).
(371) A. Krohn. " Ueb. Pilidium u. Actinotrocha." Muller's Archiv, 1858.
(372) A. Kowalevsky. " On anatomy and development of Phoronis," Petersburg, 1867. i PI. Russian. Vide Leuckart's Bcricht, 1866-7.
(373) E. Metschnikoff. " Ueber d. Metamorphose einiger Seethiere (Actinotrocha)." Zeit.f. wiss. Zool. Bd. XXI. 1871.
(374) J. Miiller. " Bericht ub. ein. Thierformen d. Nordsee." Muller's Archiv,
(375) An. Schneider. "Ueb. d. Metamorphose d. Actinotrocha branchiata."
Muller's Arch. 1862.
(376) O. Butschli. " Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Sagitta." Zeilschrifl f.
wiss. Zool., Vol. xxin. 1873.
(377) C. Gegenbaur. "Ueber die Entwicklung der Sagitta." Abhand. d.
natiirforschenden Gesellschaft in Halle, 1857.
(378) A. Kowalevsky. " Embryologische Studien an Wiirmern u. Arthropoden." Mem. Acad. Petersbourg, vn. ser., Tom. xvi., No. 12. 1871.
(379) L.Graff. Das Genus Myzostoma. Leipzig, 1877.
(380) E. Metschnikoff. "Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Myzostomum."
Zeit.f. wiss. Zool., Vol. xvi. 1866.
(381) C. Semper. "Z. Anat. u. Entwick. d. Gat. Myzostomum." Zeit.f.
wiss. Zool., Vol. IX. 1858.
(382) H. Ludwig. " Ueber die Ordnung Gastrotricha Metschn." Zeit.f. wiss.
Zool., Vol. xxvi. 1876.
(383) O. Butschli. "Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Cucullanus elegans." Zeit.
f. wiss. Zool., B. xxvi. 1876.
(384) T. S. Cobbold. Entozoa. Groombridge and Son, 1864.
(385) T. S. Cobbold. Parasites; a Treatise on the Entozoa of Man and
Animals. Churchill, 1879.
(386) O. Caleb. "Organisation et developpement des Oxyurides, etc.
Archives de Zool. exper. et gener., Vol. VII. 1878.
(387) R. Leuckart. Untersuchungeniib. Trichina spiralis. 2nd ed. Leipzig,
(388) R. Leuckart. Die menschlichen Parasiten, Bd. u. 1876.
(389) H. A. Pagenstecher. Die Trichinen nach Versuchen dargestellt.
(390) A.Schneider. Monographie d. Nematoden. Berlin, 1866.
(391) A. Villot. " Monographie des Dragoneaux " (Gordioidea). Archives de
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(392) R. Greeff. " Untersuchungen u. d. Ban u. Entwicklung des Echin.
miliarius." Archiv f. Naturgesch. 1864.
(393) R. Leuckart. Die menschlichen Parasiten. Vol. 11. p Soi ol
(394) An. Schneider. " Ueb. d. Bau d. Acanthocephalen." Archiv f. Anat.
w. Phys. 1868.
(395) G. R. Wagener. Beitrdge z. Entrvicklungsgeschichte d. Eingeweidewiirmer. Haarlem, 1865.
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(397) G. Newport. "On the Organs of Reproduction and Development of the
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(398) E. Metschnikoff. " Embryologie der doppeltfiissigen Myriapoclen
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(400) Anton Stecker. "Die Anlage d. Keimblatter bei den Diplopoden."
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(401) M Balbiani. " Observations s. la reproduction d. Phylloxera du Chene."
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(402) E. Bessels. "Studien u. d. Entwicklung d. Sexualdrtisen bei den Lepidoptera." Zeit.f. miss. Zool. Bd. xvn. 1867.
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Hemiptera, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung d. Embryonalhiillen derselben." Mem.
Ac. Pttersbourg, Ser. vn. Vol. xin. 1869.
(404) Alex. Brandt. Ueber das Ei u. seine Bildungsstdtte. Leipzig, 1878.
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Zool. Bd. xx. 1870.
(406) H. Dewitz. "Bau u. Entwicklung d. Stachels, etc." Zeit.f. wiss. Zool.
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(419) R. Leuckart. Zur Kemituiss d. Gi'ncratiomxi'ffhscls it. d. /'/; -Ihetii^ , <
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(420) Lubbock. Origin and Metamorphosis of Insi-cts. 1874.
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(422) Melnikow. " Beitrage z. Embryonalentwicklung d. Insecten." Archiv
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(423) E. Metschnikoff. ' ' Embryologische Studien an Insecten." '/.fit. /.
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(425) Fritz Miiller. " Beitrage z. Kenntniss d. Termiten." Jcnaische Zeitschrift, Vol. IX. 1875.
(426) A. S. Packard. " Embryological Studies on Diplex, Perithemis, and the
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(434) El. Metschnikoff. " Embryologie des Scorpions." Zeit.f. unss. Zool.
Bd. xxi. 1870.
(435) H. Rathke. Reisebemerknngen aus Taurien (Scorpio), Leipzig, 1837.
(436) El. Metschnikoff. " Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Chelifer." Zeit.f. unss.
Zool. Bd. xxi. 1870.
(437) A. Stecker. "Entwicklung der Chthonius-Eier im Mutterleibe und c
Bildung des Blastoderms." Sitzung. konigl. bohmisch. Gesellschaft Wissensch. t 1876,
3. Heft, and Annal. and Mag. Nat. History, 1876, xvill. 197.
(438) M. Balbiani. " Memoire sur le developpement des Phalangides." Ann.
Scien. Nat. Series v. Vol. xvi. 1872.
(439) M. Balbiani. "Memoire sur le developpement des Araneides." Ann.
Scien. Nat. Series v. Vol. xvn. 1873. /->./
(440) F. M. Balfour. "Notes on the development of the Arane
Journ. of Micr. Science, Vol. XX. 1880. v ,
(441) J. Barrois. " Recherches s. 1. developpement des Araign^es.
de I' Anat. et de la Physiol. 1878. , , fiA
(442) E. Claparede. Recherches s. revolution des Aratgnees. Jtrecht, 1862.
(443) Her old. De generation Araneorum in Ovo. Marburg, 1824.
(444) H. Ludwig. "Ueber die Bildung des Blastoderms bei den
Zeit.f. wiss. Zool. Vol. xxvi. 1876.
B. II. b
(445) P. van Beneden. " Developpement de 1'Atax ypsilophora." Acad. Bruxelles, t. xxiv.
(446) Ed. Claparede. "Studien uber Acarinen." Zeit. /. wits. Zoo/., Bd.
xvin. 1868.
General Works.
(447) C. Spence Bate. " Report on the present state of our knowledge of the
Crustacea." Report of the British Association for 1878.
(448) C. Claus. Untersuchungen zur Erforschung der genealogischen Grundlage
des Crustaceen -Systems. Wien, 1876.
(449) A. Dohrn. "Geschichte des Krebsstammes. " Jenaische Zeitschrift,
Vol. vi. 1871.
(450) A. Gerstaecker. Bronris Thierreich, Bd. v. Arthropoda, 1866.
(451) Th. II. Huxley. The Anatomy of Invertebrated Animals. London,
(452) Fritz Miiller. Fiir Darwin, 1864. Translation, Facts for Darwin.
London, 1869.
(453) Brauer. "Vorlaufige Mittheilung iiber die Entwicklung u. Lebensweise
des Lepidurus (Apus) productus." Sitz. der Ak. d. Wiss. Wien, Vol. LXIX., 1874.
(454) C. Claus. ' Zur Kenntniss d. Baues u. d. Entwicklung von Branchipus
stagnalisu. Apuscancriformis." Abh. d. konig. Gesell. der Wiss. Gbttingen, Vol. xviii.
l8 '3-_
(455) C. Grobben. "Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Moina rectirostris."
Arbeit, a. d. zoologisch. Institute Wier., Vol. II., 1879.
(456) E. Grube. " Bemerkungen iiber die Phyllopoden nebst einer Uebersicht
etc." Archivf. Naturgcschichte, Vol. xix., 1853.
(457) N. Joly. " Histoire d'un petit Crustace (Artemia salina, Leach) etc." Annales d. Sciences Natur., 2nd ser., Vol. xiir., 1840.
(458) N. Joly. " Recherches zoologiques anatomiques et physiologiques sur
1' I sauracy clad oides ( = Esther ia) nouveau genre, etc." Annales d. Sciences Nat., 2nd
ser., Vol. xvii., 1842.
(459) Lereboullet. " Observations sur la generation et le de veloppement de la
Limnadia de Hermann." Annales d. Sciences Nattir., ^th ser., Vol. v., 1866.
(460) F. Ley dig. " Ueber Artemia salina u. Branchipus stagnalis." Zeit. f.
wiss. Zool., Vol. in., 1851.
(461) G. O. Sars. "Om en dimorph Udvikling samt Generationsvexel hos
I^eptodora." Vidensk. Selskab. For hand, 1873.
(462) G. Zaddach. De apodis cancrefortnis Schaeff. anatome ct historia evolutionis. Dissertatio inanguralis zootomica. Bonnae, 1841.
(463) C. Claus. " Ueber den Bau u. die systematische Stellung von Nebalia."
Zeit.f. wiss. Zool., 15d. xxn. 1872.
(464) E.Metschnikoff. Development of Nebalia ( Russian), 1 868.
(465) E. van Beneden. "Recherches sur 1'Embryogenie des Crustace's. u.
Developpement des Mysis." liullet. de rAcadc ! mie roy. de Belgique, second series,
Tom. xxvin. 1869.
(46H) C. Claus. " Ueber einige Schizopoden u. niedere Malakostraken." Zeit.
/. -t'tss. Zoologie, Bd. XIII., 1863.
(467) A. Dohrn. " Untersuchungen iib. Bau u. Entwicklung d. Arthropoden."
Zeit. f. wiss. Zool., Bd. xxi., 1871, p. 375. Peneus zoaea (larva of Euphausia).
(468) E. Metschnikoff. " Ueber ein Larvenstadium von Euphausia." Zeit.
fiir wiss. Zool., Bd. xix., 1869.
(469) E. Metschnikoff. " Ueber den Naupliuszustand von Euphausia." Zeit.
fiir wiss. Zool., Bd. xxi., 1871.
(470) Spence Bate. "On the development of Decapod Crustacea." Phil.
Trans., 1858.
(471) Spence Bate. " On the development of Pagurus." Ann. and Mag. Nat.
History, Series 4, Vol. 1 1., 1868.
(472) N. Bobretzky. Development of Astacus and Paluemon. Kiew, 1873.
(473) C. Claus. "Zur Kenntniss d. Malakostrakenlarven." Wiirzb. naturw.
Zeitschrift, 1861.
(474) R. Q. Couch. "On the Metamorphosis of the Decapod Crustaceans."
Report Cornwall Polyt. Society, 1848.
(475) Du Cane. "On the Metamorphosis of Crustacea." Ann. and Mag. of
Nat. History, 1839.
(476) Walter Faxon. " On the development of Paloemonetes vulgaris." Bull.
of the Mus. of Comp. Anat. Harvard, Cambridge, Mass., Vol. V., 1879.
(477) A. Dohrn. " Untersuchungen iib. Bau u. Entwicklung d. Arthropoden."
" Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Panzerkrebse. Scyllarns Palinurus." Zeit. f.
wiss. Zool., Bd. xix., 1870.
(478) A. Dohrn. "Untersuchungen iib. Bau u. Entwicklung d. Arthropoden.
Erster Beitrag z. Kenntniss d. Malacostrakcn u. ilirer Larven Amphion Reynaudi,
Lophogaster, Portunus, Porcellanus, Elaphocaris. " Zeit. f. ^viss. Zool., Bd. XX.,
(479) A. Dohrn. "Untersuchungen iib. Bau u. Entwicklung d. Arthropoden.
Zweiter Beitrag, etc." Zeit.f. wiss. Zool., Bd. XXI., 1871.
(480) N. J oly. " Sur la Caridina Desmarestii." Ann. Scien. Nat., Tom. xix.,
(481) Lereboullet. " Recherches d. 1'embryologie comparee sur le developpement du Brochet, de la Perche et de 1'Ecrevisse." Mem. Savuns Etrang. Paris, Vol.
xvii., 1862.
(482) P. Mayer. "Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Dekapoden." Jenaische
Zeitschrift, Vol. XI., 1877.
(483) Fritz Miiller. '* Die Verwandlung der Porcellana." Archivf. Naturgeschichte, 1862.
(484) Fritz Miiller. " Die Verwandlungen d. Garneelen." Archivf. Naturgesch., Tom. xxix.
(485) Fritz Miiller. " Ueber die Naupliusbrut d. Garneelen." Zeit. f. wiss.
Zool., Bd. xxx., 1878.
(486) T. J. Parker. "An account of Reichenbach's researches on the early
development of the Fresh-water Crayfish." Quart. J. of M. Science, Vol. xvui.,
(487) H. Rathke. Ueber die Bildung u. Entwicklung d. Flusskrebses. Leipzig, 1829.
(488) H. Reichenbach. " Die Embryoanlage u. erste Entwicklung d. Flusskrebses." Zeit. f. wiss. Zool., Vol. xxix., 1877.
(489) F. Richters. "Ein Beitrag zur Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Loricaten."
Zeit.f. wiss. Zool., Bd. xxiii., 1873.
(490) G. O. Sars. " Om Hummers postembryonale Udvikling." Vidcnsk Selsk.
Forh. Christiania, 1874.
(491) Sidney J. Smith. " The early stages of the American Lobster. " Tratts.
of the Connecticut Acad. of Arts and Sciences, Vol. II., Part i, 1873.
(492) R. v. Willemoes Suhm. " Preliminary note on the development of some
pelagic Decapoda." Proc. of Royal Society, 1876.
(41KI) \V. K. Brooks. " On the larval stages of Squilla empusa.'' Chesapeake
Zoological Laboratory^ Scientific results of the Session ^1878. Baltimore, 1879.
(494) C. Claus. "Die Metamorphose der Squilliden." Abhand. dcr konigl.
Gesell. der IViss. ztt Gottingen^ 1*7-.
( 1 '.!">) Fr. M tiller. 4i Bruchstuck a. der Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Maulfiisser I.
und II." Archivf. Naturgeschichte, Vol. xxvni., 1862, and Vol. XXIX., 1863.
( 1%) A. Dohrn. " Ueber den Bau u. Entwicklung d. Cumaceen." Jenaische
Zeitschrift, Vol. v., 1870.
(497) Ed. van Beneden. " Recherches sur 1'Embryogenie des Crustaces. i.
Asellus aquaticus." BiuL de FAcad. roy. Belgique, 2me serie, Tom. XXVIII., No. 7,
(498) N. Bobretzky. "Zur Embryologie des Oniscus murarius." Ztit. fur
wiss. Zool., Bd. xxiv., 1874.
(4119) J. F. Bullar. "On the development of the parasitic Isopoda." Phil.
Trans., Part n., 1878.
(500) A. Dohrn. " Die embryonale Entwicklung des Asellus aquaticus." Zeit.
f. wiss. Zool., Vol. xvii., 1867.
(501) II. Rathke. Untersuchungen iibcr die Bildung und Entwicklung der
VVasser-Assel. Leipzig, 1832.
(5u2) H. Rathke. Zur Morphologic. Reisebemerkungen aus J^aurien. Riga u.
Leipzig, 1837. (Bopyrus, Idothea, Ligia, lanira.)
. A mphipoda.
(503) Ed. van Beneden and E. Bessels. "Memoire sur la formation du
blastoderme chez les Amphipodes, les Lerneens et les Copepodes." Classe des Sciences
de F Acad. roy. de Belgiqtie, Vol. xxxiv., 1868.
(004) De la Valette St George. " Studien liber die Entwicklung der Amphipoden." Abhand. d. naturfor. Gesell. zu Halle, Bd. v., 1860.
(505) E. van Beneden and E. Bessels. "Memoire sur la formation du blastoderme chez les Amphipodes, les Lerneens et Copepodes." Classe des Sciences dc
FAcad. roy. de Bel^ique, Vol. xxxiv., 1868.
(">(Hi) E. van Beneden. " Recherches sur 1'Embryoge'nie des Crustaces I v. Anchorella, Lerneopoda, Branchiella, Hessia." Bull, de FAcad. roy. de Belgique^ sme
serie, T. xxix., 1870.
(507) C. Claus. Zur Anatomie u. Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Copepoden.
("iii.S) C. Claus. " Untcrsuchungen iiber die Organisation u. N'crwaiulschaft d.
Copepoden." Witrzburger nalttnviss. Zeitschrift, Bd. ill., 1862.
(.")('.() C. Claus. ' Ueber den Bau u. d. Entwicklung von Achtheres percarum."
'/.cit.f. wiss. Zool., Bd. XI., 1862.
I ."> 1 ( i ) C . (' 1 a u s. Die frcilcbcnden Copepoden mit bcsonderer Beritcksichtigiing der
Fauna Dcutschlands, der Nordsec u. des Mitteltnecres. Leip/.i.^, 1863.
(511) C. C laus. " Ueber d. Entwicklung, Organisation u. systematische Stellung
d. Arguliihv." /.eit. f. wiss. tool., P>d. xxv., 1875.
(51^) P. P. C. Hoek. "Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Entomostracen." Niederliindischcs Archiv, Vol. IV., 1877.
(513) N o rd m a n n. Mikrographische Beitrdge zur Naturgeschichte der ivirbcllosen
Thiert Z\\ cites Heft. 1832.
|.">M) Salensky. " Sphseronella Leuckartii." Archivf. Naturgcschichtc, 1868.
(515) F. Vejdovsky. "Untersuchnngen lib. d. Anat. u. Mctamorph. v. Trachcliastes polycolpus " Zcit.f. wiss. Zool., Vol. xxix., 1877.
(516) C. Spence Bate. "On the development of the Cirripedia." Annals
and Mag. of Natur. History. Second Series, vm., 1851.
(517) E. van Beneden. " Developpement des Sacculines." Bull, de F Acad.
roy. de Belg., 1870.
(518) C. Claus. Die Cypris-dhnliehe Larve der Cirripedien. Marburg, 1869.
(519) Ch. Darwin. A monograph of the sub-class Cirripedia, i Vols., Kay
Society, 1851 4.
(520) A. Dohrn. " Untersuchungen iibcr Bau u. Entwicklung d. Arthropoden
ix. Eine neue Naupliusform (Archizoea gigas)." Zeit. f. wiss. Zool., Bd. XX.,
(521) P. P. C. Hoek. "Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Entomostraken I.
Embryologie von Balanus." Wiederlandisches Archiv fur Zoologic, Vol. III., 1876 7.
(522) R. Kossmann. " Suctoria u. Lepadidze. Arbeiten a. d. zool.-zoot. Instituted. Univer. Wiirz., Vol. I., 1873.
(523) Aug. Krohn. " Beobachtungen iiber die Entwicklung der Cirripedien."
Wiegmanrfs Archiv fur Naturgesch., xxvi., 1860.
(524) E. Metschnikoff. Sitzungsberichte d. Versammlung deutscher Naturforscher zu Hannover ; 1865. (Balanus balanoides.)
(525) Fritz Muller. "Die Rhizocephalen." Archiv /. Naturgeschichte,
(526) F. C. Noll. "Kochlorine hamata, ein bohrendes Cirriped." Zeit.f. wiss.
Zool., Bd. xxv., 1875.
(527) A. Pagenstecher. " Beitrage zur Anatomic und Entwicklungsgeschichte
von Lepas pectinata." Zeit.f. wiss. Zoo/., Vol. xin., 1863.
(52tt) J. V. Thompson. Zoological Researches and Illustrations, Vol. I., Part I.
Memoir iv. On the Cirripedes or Barnacles. 8vo. Cork, 1830.
(529) J. V. Thompson. " Discovery of the Metamorphosis in the second type
of the Cirripedes, viz. the Lepades completing the natural history of these singular
animals, and confirming their affinity with the Crustacea." Phil. Trans. 1835. P art
(530) R. von Willemoes Suhm. "On the development of Lepas fascicularis."
Phil. Trans., Vol. 166, 1876.
(531) C. Claus. " Zur naheren Kenntniss der Jugendformen von Cypris ovum."
Zeit.f. wiss. Zool., Bd. XV., 1865.
(532) C. Claus. "Beitrage zur Kenntniss d. Ostracoden. Entwicklungsgeschichte von Cypris ovum." Schriften d. Gesell. zur Bejorderung d. gesamm. Naturwiss. zu Marburg, Vol. IX., 1868.
(533) A. Dohrn. "Untersuch. lib. Bau u. Entwick. d. Arthropoden (Limulus
polyphemus)." Jcnaische Zeitschrift, Vol. VI., 1871.
(534) A. S. Packard. "The development of Limulus polyphemus." Mem.
Boston Soc. Nat. History, Vol. II., 1872.
(535) G. C a van n a. " Studie e ricerche sui Picnogonidi." PiMIicazioni del R.
Instittito di Studi super iori in Firenze, 1877.
(536) An. Dohrn. " Ueber Entwicklung u. Bau d. Pycnogoniden." Jenaische
Zeitschrift, Vol. v. 1870, and "Neue Untersuchungen ub. Pycnogoniden." Mittheil.
a. d. zoologischen Station zu Ncapel, Bd. I. 1878.
(537) G. Hodge. " Observations on a species of Pycnogon, etc." Annal. and
Mag. of Nat. Hist. Vol. ix. 1862.
(538) C. Semper. " Ueber Pycnogoniden u. ihre in Hydroiden schmarotzenden
Larvenformen. 1 ' Arbeiten a. d. zool.-zoot. Instit. IViiizburg, Vol. I. 1874.
(539) P. T. van Ben e den. " Recherches s. 1'organisation et le developpement d.
Linguatules. Ann. d. Scien. Nat., 3 Ser., Vol. XI.
("I'M R. Leuckart. " Bau u. Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Pentastomen." Leipzig
and Heidelberg. 1860.
(541) J. Kaufmann. " Ueber die Entwicklung u. systematische Stellung d.
Tardigraden." Zeit.f. iviss. Zool., Bd. ill. 1851.
(542) Alex. Agassiz. Revision of the Echini. Cambridge, U.S. 1872 74.
(543) Alex. Agassiz. " North American Starfishes." Memoirs of the Museum
of Comparative Anatomy and Zoology at Harvard College, Vol. v., No. i. 1877
(originally published in 1864).
(544) J. Barrois. " Embryogenie de 1'Asteriscus verruculatus " Journal de
VAnat. et Phys. 1879.
(545) A. Baur. Beitrdge zur Naturgeschichte d. Synapta digitata. Dresden,
(546) H. G. Bronn. Kiassen u. Ordnungen etc. Strahlenthiere, Vol. II. 1860.
(547) W. B. Carpenter. "Researches on the structure, physiology and development of Antedon." Phil. Trans. CLVI. 1866, and Proceedings of the Roy. Soc.,
No. 166. 1876.
(548) P. H. Carpenter. " On the oral and apical systems of the Echinoderms."
Quart. J. of Micr. Science, Vol. xvni. and xix. 1878 9.
(549) A. Gotte. " Vergleichende Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Comatula mediterranea." Arch.fiir micr. Anat., Vol. xn. 1876.
(550) R. Greeff. "Ueber die Entwicklung des Asteracanthion rubens vom Ei
bis zur Bipinnaria u. Brachiolaria." Schriftcn d. Gesellschaft zur Beforderung d. gesarnmlen Natnrwissenschaften zu Marburg, Bd. XII. 1876.
(551) R. Greeff. "Ueber den Bau u. die Entwicklung d. Echinodermen." Sitz.
d. Gesell. z. Beforderung d. gesam. Naturwiss. zu Marburg, No. 4. 1879.
(552) T. H. Huxley. "Report upon the researches of Mliller into the anat.
and devel. of the Echinoderms." Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist., 2nd Ser., Vol. vin.
(553) Koren and Danielssen. "Observations sur la Bipinnaria asterigera."
Ann. Scien. Nat., Ser. in., Vol. VII. 1847.
i-">l) Koren and Uanielssen. "Observations on the development of the Starfishes." Ann. and Mag. of Nat. Hist., Vol. XX. 1857.
(."..",.",) A. Kowalevsky. "Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Holothurien." Aft m. Ac.
Petersburg, Ser. VII., Tom. XI., No. 6.
("'"><') A. Krohn. "Beobacht. a. d. Entwick. d. Holothurien u. Seeigel."
M tiller's Archiv, 1851.
(Vi7) A. Krohn. " Ueb. d. Entwick. d. Seesterne u. Holothurien." Muller's
A. Krohn. "Beobacht. lib. Echinodermenlarven." Miiller's Archiv,
('>'>'.)} II. Ludwig. "Ueb. d. primar. Steinkanal d. Crinoideen, nebst vergl.
anat. Bemerk. ub. d. Echinodermen." Zeit.f. wiss. Zoo/., Vol. xxxiv. iSSo.
(">r,n) K. Metschnikoff. "Studien lib. d. Entwick. d. Echinodermen u.
Nemertinen." Mem. .!< . J', : /i'rsfa>nr?. Scries VII., Tom. XIV., No. 8. 1869.
(501)' Joh. Miillcr. " Ueb. d. Larven u. d. Metamorphose d. EchinodcM men.'
Alhandlnng,-n d. />>///'. Akad. (Five Memoirs), 1848, 49, 50. 52 (two Mnnoirs).
Joh. Miiller. " Allgemeincr Plan d. Entwicklung d. Echinodermen.
Abhandl. d. Berlin. Akad., 1853.
1 The dates in this reference are the dates of publication.
(563). E. Selenka. "Zur Entwicklung d. Holothurien." Ztit. f. wiss. Zoo/.,
Ed. xxvn. 1876.
(564) E. Selenka. "Keimblatter u. Organanlage bei Echiniden." Zeit.f.wiss.
Zool.t Vol. xxxni. 1879.
(565) Sir Wyville Thomson. " On the Embryology of the Echinodcrmata."
Natural History Review, 1864.
(566) Sir Wyville Thomson. "On the Embryogeny of Antedon rosacetw."
Phil. Trans. 1865.
(567) A. Agassiz. "Tornaria." Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. vin. New York,
(568) A. Agassiz. "The History of Balanoglossus and Tornaria." Mem.
Amer. Acad. of Arts and Scien., Vol. IX. 1873.
(569) A. Gotte. " Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Comatula Mediterranea. " Archiv
fur mikr. Anat., Bd. XII., 1876, p. 641.
(570) E. Metschnikoff. " Untersuchungen lib. d. Metamorphose, etc. (Tornaria)." Zeit.fiir wiss. Zool., Bd. XX. 1870.
(571) J. M tiller. " Ueb. d. Larven u. Metamor. d. Echinodermen." Berlin.
Akad., 1849 and 1850.
(572) J. W. Spengel. "Bau u. Entwicklung von Balanoglossus." Tagebl.d.
Naturf. Vers. Mtinchen, 1877.
[[Category:Historic Embryology]][[Category:1800's]]

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Foster M. and Sedgwick A. The Works of Francis Balfour Vol. II. A Treatise on Comparative Embryology 1. (1885) MacMillan and Co., London.

The Ovum and Spermatozoon | The Maturation and Impregnation of the Ovum | The Segmentation of the Ovum | Dicyemae and Orthonectidae Dicyema | Porifera | Coelenterata | Platyhelminthes | Rotifera | Mollusca | Polyzoa | Brachiopoda | Chilopoda | Discophora | Gephyrea | Chaetognatha | Nemathelminthes | Tracheata | Crustacea | Pcecilopoda | Echinodermata | Enteropneusta | Bibliography
Online Editor 
Mark Hill.jpg
This historic 1885 book edited by Foster and Sedgwick is the second of Francis Balfour's collected works published in four editions. Francis (Frank) Maitland Balfour, known as F. M. Balfour, (November 10, 1851 - July 19, 1882) was a British biologist who co-authored embryology textbooks.

The Works of Francis Balfour Foster M. and Sedgwick A. The Works of Francis Balfour Vol. I. Separate Memoirs (1885) MacMillan and Co., London.

Foster M. and Sedgwick A. The Works of Francis Balfour Vol. II. A Treatise on Comparative Embryology 1. (1885) MacMillan and Co., London.

Foster M. and Sedgwick A. The Works of Francis Balfour Vol. III. A Treatise on Comparative Embryology 2 (1885) MacMillan and Co., London.

Foster M. and Sedgwick A. The Works of Francis Balfour Vol. IV. Plates (1885) MacMillan and Co., London.

Modern Notes:

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Pages where the terms "Historic" (textbooks, papers, people, recommendations) appear on this site, and sections within pages where this disclaimer appears, indicate that the content and scientific understanding are specific to the time of publication. This means that while some scientific descriptions are still accurate, the terminology and interpretation of the developmental mechanisms reflect the understanding at the time of original publication and those of the preceding periods, these terms, interpretations and recommendations may not reflect our current scientific understanding.     (More? Embryology History | Historic Embryology Papers)

Draft Version - Notice removed when completed.

Vol II. A Treatise on Comparative Embryology (1885)

Chapter XII. Chaetopoda

Formation of the Germinal Layers.

MOST Chaetopoda deposit their eggs before development. The Oligochaeta lay them in peculiar cocoons or sacks formed by a secretion of the integument. Some marine Polychaeta carry them about during their development. Autolytus cornutus has a special sack on the ventral surface in which they are hatched. In Spirorbis Pagenstecheri they develop inside the opercular tentacle, and in Spirorbis spirillum inside the tube of the parent.

A few forms (e.g. Eunice sanguinea, Syllis vivipara, Nereis diversicolor) are viviparous.

Perhaps the most primitive type of Chaetopod development so far observed is that of Serpula (Stossich, No. 357) 2 . There is a regular segmentation resulting in the formation of a blastosphere with a central segmentation cavity. An invagination of the normal type now ensues. The blastopore soon narrows to become the permanent anus, while the invaginated hypoblast forms a small prominence with an imperfectly developed lumen, which does not nearly fill up the segmentation cavity (fig. 139 A). The embryo, which has in the meantime become completely

1 The following classification of the Chaetopoda is adopted in the present section.

I. Achseta (Polygordius).


ii. Polychseta. j Errantia ill. Oligochgeta.

2 The observations of Stossich are not thoroughly satisfactory.


covered with cilia, now assumes more or less the form of a cone, at the apex of which is the anus, while the base forms the rudiment of a large prae-oral lobe. The alimentary sack grows forwards and then bends upon itself nearly at right angles, and meets a stomodaeal invagination from the ventral side some way from the front end of the body.

The alimentary canal soon differentiates itself into three regions (i) oesophagus, (2) stomach, and (3) intestine. With


m. mouth ; an. anus ; al. archenteron.

these changes the larva, which in the meantime becomes hatched, assumes the characters of a typical Annelid larva (fig. 139 B). In front is a large prae-oral lobe, at the sides of which the eyespots soon appear. The primitive segmentation cavity remains as a wide space between the curved alimentary tract and the body walls, and becomes traversed by muscular fibres passing between the two. The original chorion appears to serve as cuticle, and is perforated by the cilia.

The further changes in this larval form do not present features of general importance. A peculiar vesicle, which in anomalous cases is double, is formed near the anus. If it were shewn to occur widely amongst Chaetopoda, it might be perhaps regarded as homologous with the anal vesicles of the Gephyrea.

Serpula is one of the few Chaetopoda at present known in


which the segmentation is quite regular 1 . In other forms it is more or less unequal. The formation of the germinal layers has been far more fully studied in the Oligochaeta than in the Polychaeta, and though unfortunately the development is much abbreviated in the former group, they nevertheless have to serve as our type ; and unless the contrary is indicated the statements in the remainder of the section apply to the Oligochaeta. The segmentation is nearly regular in Lumbricus agricola (Kowalevsky) and results in the formation of a flattened blastosphere, one of the sides of which is hypoblastic and the other epiblastic, the hypoblast cells being easily distinguished from the epiblast cells by their clearer aspect. An invagination takes place, in the course of which the hypoblast becomes enclosed by the epiblast, and a somewhat cylindrical two-layered gastrula is formed. The opening of this gastrula at first extends over the whole of what becomes the ventral surface of the future worm, but gradually narrows to a small pore the permanent mouth near the front end. The central cavity of the gastrula is lined by hypoblast cells, but the oral opening, which leads by a narrow passage into the gastric cavity, is lined by epiblast cells.

The segmentation of Lumbricus trapezoides (Kleinenberg, No. 341), and of Criodrilus (Hatschek, No. 339), is more unequal and more irregular than that of Lumbricus agricola, and there is an invagination which is intermediate between the embolic and epibolic types.

The segmentation of Lumbricus trapezoides is especially remarkable. It is strangely irregular and at one period the segmentation cavity communicates by a pore with the exterior. Before the completion of the gastrula stage the ovum becomes partially divided into two halves, each of which gives rise to a complete embryo. The two embryos are at first united by an epiblast cord which connects their necks (fig. 141 A), but this cord is very early ruptured, and the two embryos then become quite independent. Some of the peculiarities of the segmentation may no doubt be explained by this remarkable embryonic fission.

The gastrula opening in both Lumbricus trapezoides and Criodrilus is placed on the ventral surface, and eventually narrows to form the mouth or possibly (Criodrilus) closes at the position of the mouth. In Lumbricus trapezoides the oral opening is at first lined by hypoblast, and in Criodrilus is bounded anteriorly by three large peculiar epiblast cells, which are

1 According to Willemoes-Suhm, Terebellides stroemii is also characterised by a regular segmentation,

3, II, 21


believed by Hatschek to assist in absorbing the albuminous fluid in which the eggs are suspended. These large cells are eventually covered by the normal epiblast cells and subsequently disappear. In both these types the hypoblast cells undergo, during their invagination, peculiar changes connected with their nutritive function.

In Euaxes (Kowalevsky) the segmentation is far more unequal than in the other types ; a typical epibolic invagination takes place (fig. 140), and the blastopore closes completely along the ventral surface.

In all the oligochaetous types, with the exception of Euaxes, where the blastopore closes completely, the blastopore becomes, or coincides with the mouth. In Serpula it is stated (Stossich), as we have seen, to coincide with the anus : a statement which receives confirmation from the similar statements of Willemoes-Suhm (No. 358). It is necessary either to suppose ^

a mistake on the part of Stossirh or that we have in Chaeto- FlG - l *' TRANSV EKSE SECTION


pods a case like that of Gas- DURING AN EARLY STAGE OF DEVELOP, . 1-1 f. 1-1 MENT. (After Kowalevsky.)

teropods in which a slit-like ^ epiblast; ms. mesoblastic band; blastopore originally extending h- hypoblast. along the ventral surface may in some forms become reduced to a pore at the oral, or in other forms at the anal extremity.

So far only two germinal layers the epiblast and the hypoblast have been spoken of. Before the invagination of the hypoblast is completed the mesoblast makes its appearance in the form of two bands or streaks, extending longitudinally for the whole length of the embryo. These are usually spoken of as germinal streaks, but to avoid the ambiguity of this term they will be spoken of as mesoblastic bands.

Their origin and growth has been most fully studied by Kleinenberg (No. 341) in Lum. trapezoides. They commence in this species shortly before the gastrula stage as two large cells on the surface of the blastoderm, which may be called mesoblasts. These cells lie one on each side of the median line at the hind end of the embryo. They soon travel inwards and become covered by the epiblast (fig. 141 A, m'\ while on their inner and anterior side a row of small cells appears (ms).



These rows of cells form the commencement of the mesoblastic bands, and in the succeeding stages they extend one on each side of the body (fig. 141 B, ms) till they reach the sides of the mouth. Their forward growth takes place mainly at the expense of the superjacent epiblast cells, but the two mesoblasts


TRAPEZOIDES. (After Kleinenberg.) ms. mesoblastic band ; m' . mesoblast ; al. archenteron ; pp. body cavity.

A. Horizontal and longitudinal section of an embryo which is dividing into two embryos at the gastrula stage. It shews the mesoblasts and the mesoblastic bands proceeding from them.

B. Transverse section shewing the two widely-separated mesoblastic bands.

C. Transverse section at a later stage shewing the mesoblastic bands which have approached the ventral line and developed a body cavity^/.

at their hinder extremities probably assist in their growth. Each mesoblastic band is at first composed of only a single row of cells, but soon becomes thicker, first of all in front, and becomes composed of two, three or more rows of cells abreast. From the above it is clear that the mesoblastic bands have, in L. trapezoides at any rate, in a large measure an epiblastic origin.

At first the two bands end in front at the sides of the mouth, but subsequently their front ends grow dorsalwards at the

21 2


expense of the adjoining epiblast cells, and meet above the mouth, forming in this way a mesoblastic dorsal commissure.

The mesoblastic bands soon travel from the lateral position, which they at first occupy, towards the ventral surface. They do not however meet ventrally for some time, but form two bands, one on each side of the median ventral line (fig. 141 C).

The usual accounts of the origin and growth of the bands differ somewhat from the above. By Kowalevsky (No. 342) and Hatschek (No. 339) they are believed to increase in Lumbricus rubellus and Criodrilus entirely at the expense of the mesoblasts. Kowalevsky moreover holds that in L. rubellus the original mesoblasts spring from the hypoblast. In some forms, e.g. Lumbricus agricola, the mesoblasts are not present.

In Euaxes the origin of the mesoblast bands is somewhat interesting as illustrating the relation of the Chaetopod mesoblastic bands to the mesoblast of other forms. To render intelligible the origin of the mesoblast in this form, it is necessary to say a few words about the segmentation.

By a somewhat abnormal process of segmentation the ovum divides into four spheres, of which one is larger than the others, and occupies a position corresponding with the future hind end of the embryo. The three smaller spheres give rise on their dorsal side by a kind of budding to small cells, which become the epiblast ; and the epiblast is also partly formed from the hinder large cell in that this cell produces by budding a small cell, which again divides into two. The anterior of the two cells so formed divides still further and becomes incorporated in the epiblast ; the posterior only divides into two which form the two mesoblasts. The remainder of the mesoblast is formed by further division of the three smaller of the primitive large spheres, and at first forms a continuous layer between the dorsal cap of epiblast and the four largest cells which, after giving rise to the epiblast and mesoblast, constitute the hypoblast. As the epiblast spreads over the hypoblast the mesoblastic sheet gives way in the middle, and the mesoblast remains as a ridge of cells at the edge of the epiblastic cup. It forms in fact a thickening of the lips of the blastopore. Behind the thickening is completed by the two mesoblasts. The appearance of the mesoblast in section is shewn in fig. 140. As the epiblast accompanied by the mesoblast grows round the hypoblast, the blastopore assumes an oval form, and the mesoblast appears as two bands forming the sides of the oval. The epiblast travels over the hypoblast more rapidly than the mesoblast, so that when the blastopore becomes closed ventrally the mesoblastic bands are still some little way apart on the ventral side.

In Euaxes the mesoblast originates in a manner which is very similar to that in some of the Gasteropoda, e.g. Nassa, vide p. 234, and Vermes, e.g. Bonellia, etc. As mentioned in the chapter on the


Mollusca the origin of the mesoblast in Planorbis, p. 227, is very similar to that in Lumbricus.

Hatschek has shewn that in Polygordius the mesoblast arises in fundamentally the same way as in the Oligochaeta.

Besides the mesoblast which arises from the mesoblastic bands, there is evidence of the existence of further mesoblast in the larvae of many Polychaeta in the form of muscular fibres which traverse the space between the body wall and the wall of the enteric cavity prior to the formation of the permanent body cavity. These fibres have already been described in the embryo of Serpula, and are probably represented by stellate cells in the cephalic region (pras-oral lobe) of the Oligochaeta. These cells are probably of the same nature as the amoeboid cells in the larvae of Echinodermata, some Mollusca and other types.

The Larval form.

True larval forms are not found in the Oligochaeta where the development is abbreviated. They occur however in the majority of the marine Polychseta.

They present a great variety of characters with variously arranged ciliated bands. Most of these forms can be more or less satisfactorily derived from a larval form, like that of Serpula (fig. 139 B) or Polygordius (fig. 142); and the constant recurrence of this form amongst the Chsetopoda, combined with the fact that it presents many points of resemblance to the larval forms of many Rotifers, Molluscs, and Gephyreans, seems to point to its being a primitive ancestral form for all these groups.

The important characters of this larval form are (i) the division of the body into a large prae-oral lobe and a relatively small post-oral region containing the greater part of the alimentary tract ; (2) the presence of a curved alimentary canal divided into stomodaeum (oesophagus), stomach and intestine, and opening by a ventrally placed mouth, and an anus near the hind end of the body. To these may be added the frequent presence of (i) a ganglion at the apex of the prae-oral lobe, (2) a large cavity between the wall of the gut and the skin, which is the remnant of the segmentation cavity, and is usually traversed by muscular strands, of which one connecting the apex of the prae-oral lobe and the stomach or oesophagus is very commonly present (fig. 142).

The arrangement of the ciliated bands presents great varia





tions, though in some instances it is constant through large groups. In Chaetopods there is a widely distributed prae-oral ciliated band, which is similarly placed to the ring constantly found in the larvae of Molluscs, Rotifers, etc. In many of these forms the band is practically double, the opening of the mouth being placed between its two component rings (vide fig. 142). The best introduction to the study of the Chaetopod larval forms will be the history of the changes of a typical larval form in becoming converted into the adult.

For this purpose no better form can be selected than the interesting larva of Polygordius (vide Agassiz, No. 332, Schneider, No. 352, and Hatschek, No. 339), which was first discovered by Lovdn, and believed by him to be the larva of an ordinary Chaetopod. Its true nature was determined by Schneider.

At a very young stage the larva has the form (fig. 142) of a flattened sphere, with a small conical knob at the posterior extremity.

At the equator are situated two parallel ciliated bands 1 , between which lies the ventrally placed mouth (ni). The more conspicuous ciliated band is formed of a double row of cilia, and is situated in front of the mouth. The thinner ciliated band behind the mouth appears to be absent in the American species.

The mouth leads into an oesophagus, and this into a globular stomach (<?/), which is continuous with a rectum terminating by an anus (an) placed at the hind end of the posterior conical knob. The whole alimentary tract is ciliated. In the American form of larva there is a ring of cilia round the anus, which is developed at a somewhat later stage in the form observed by Hatschek.

The position of the ciliated bands and the alimentary tract enables us to divide the embryo into three regions : a prae-oral region bounded by the anterior ciliated band, a gastric region in which the embryonic stomach is situated, and an abdominal region formed of the posterior conical


LARVA. (After Hatschek.)

m. mouth; sg. supra-cesophageal ganglion ; nph. nephridion ; me.p. mesoblastic band ; an. anus ; ol. stomach.

FIG. 143. POLYGORDIUS LARVA . ( From Alex . Agassiz.)

1 These two rings are at first (Hatschek) not quite closed dorsally, calling to mind the early condition of the Echinoderm larva with a prae-oral and post-oral ciliated



FlG. 144. POLYGORDIUS LARVA. (From Alex. Agassiz.)

portion, which by its subsequent elongation gives rise to the whole segmented portion of the future Polygordius.

At the front end of the prae-oral lobe is situated the early formed supracesophageal ganglion (sg) (first noticed by Agassiz) in connection with which is a pair of eyes, and a ramified system of nerves. The ganglion is marked externally by a crown of cilia.

The larval epidermis bears a delicate cuticula, and is separated by a considerable interval from the walls of the alimentary tract. The space between the two represents a provisional body cavity, which is eventually replaced by the permanent body cavity formed between the two layers of the mesoblast. It is doubtful when the replacement takes place in the head. It probably does so very early. The mesoblast is present in the usual form of two bands (me.p] (germinal streaks), which are anteriorly continued into two muscular bands which pass through the embryonic body cavity to the front end of the prae-oral lobe. Another pair of contractile bands passes from the same region of the prse-oral lobe to the oesophagus.

There is no trace of the ventral nerve cord. The most remarkable organ of the larva is a paired excretory organ (npti) discovered by Hatschek. This is a ciliated canal with at first one and subsequently several funnel-shaped openings into the body cavity in front and an external opening behind. It is situated immediately anterior to the lateral band of mesoblast, and is parallel with, and dorsal to, the contractile band which passes off from this. It occupies therefore a position in front of the segmented region of the adult Polygordius.

The changes by which this peculiar larval form reaches the adult condition will be easily gathered from an inspection of figs. 143 148. They consist essentially in the elongation of what has been termed the abdominal region of the body, and the appearance of a segmentation in the mesoblast ; the segments being formed from before backwards, and each fresh segment being interpolated between the anus-bearing end of the body and the last segment.

As the hind portion of the body becomes elongated the stomach extends into it, and gives rise to the mesenteron of the adult (figs. 143, 144, and 145). For a long time the anterior spherical dilated portion of the larva remains very large, consisting of a prae-oral lobe and a post-oral section. The two together may be regarded as constituting the head.

At a comparatively late stage a pair of tentacles arises from the front

FIG. 145. POLYGORDIUS LARVA. (From Alex. Agassiz.)



end of the prae-oral lobe (fig. 146), and finally the head becomes relatively reduced as compared with the body, and gives rise to the simple head of

FIG. 146. POLYGORDIUS LARVA. (From Alex. Agassiz.)

the fully formed worm (fig. 148). The two ciliated bands disappear, the posterior vanishing first. The ciliated band at the hind end of the body also atrophies ; and just in front of it the ring of wart-like prominences used by the adult to attach itself becomes developed.

At the sides of the head there is formed a pair of ciliated pits, also found by Hatschek in the embryo of Criodrilus, and characteristic of many Chaetopod larvae, but persistent in the adult Polygordius, Saccocirrus, Polyophthalmus, etc. They are perhaps the same structures as the ciliated pits in Nemertines.

During the external changes above described, by which the adult form of Polygordius is reached, a series of internal changes also takes place which are for the most part the same as in other Chaetopoda ; and do not require a detailed description. The nervous 1 and muscular systems have precisely the normal development. The division of the mesoblast into somites is not externally indicated. The organs most worthy of notice are the excretory organs.

FIG. 147. POLYGORDIUS LARVA. (From Alex. Agassiz.)

The essential points in the above development of Polygordius are (i) the gradual elongation and corresponding segmentation of the post-cephalic part of the body ; and (2) the relative reduction in size of the prae-oral lobe and its conversion together with the oral region into the head ; (3) the atrophy of the ciliated bands. The conversion of the larva into the adult takes place in fact by the intercalation of a segmented region

1 The structure of the ventral cord in the adult requires further elucidation.



between a large mouth-bearing portion of the primitive body and a small anus-bearing portion 1 .

The general mode of development of Chsetopod larvae is similar to the above except in details, which are however no doubt often of great importance. The history of the larvae may

FIG. 148. POLYGORDIUS LARVA. (From Alex. Agassiz.)

be conveniently treated under three heads, (i) The form of the primitive unsegmented larva; (2) the arrangement of the cilia on the unsegmented larva, and on the larva at later stages ; (3) the character of the metamorphosis and the development of the permanent external organs.

A larva similar to the Polygordius larva with a greatly developed prae-oral lobe is widely distributed amongst the Annelids.

An almost identical form is that of Nepthys scolopendroides (Claparede and Metschnikoff, No. 336) ; that of Phyllodoce (fig. 149) is also very similar, and that of Saccocirrus (Metsch. and Clap. No. 336, PL XIII. fig. i), a very primitive form most nearly related to Polygordius, clearly belongs to the same type. Many other larval forms, such as that of Spio fuliginosus (Metsch. and Clap. No. 336), Terebella, Nerine, etc., also closely approach this form.

FIG. 149. LARVA OF PHYLLODOCE. (From Alex. Agassiz.)

Other really similar forms at first sight appear very different, but this is mainly owing to the fact that their prae-oral lobe never attains a considerable development. Its smallness, though obviously of no deep morphological significance, at once produces a very different appearance in a larva.

1 For Semper's view as to the intercalation of segments in the cephalic region, vide note on p. 333.



A good example of a larval form with a small prae-oral lobe is afforded by Capitella, which is figured by Clap, and Metsch. (No. 336, PI. xvn. fig. 2). The imperfect development of the prae-oral lobe is also generally characteristic of the Oligochasta. The persistence of a relatively large pras-oral lobe for so long a time as in Polygordius is very unusual.

The arrangement of the cilia in Chaetopod larvae has been employed as a means of classifying them. Although a classification so framed has no morphological value, yet the terms themselves which have been invented are convenient. The terms most usually employed are Atrochae, Monotrochae, Telotrochae, Polytrochae, Mesotrochae. The polytrochae may again be subdivided into Polytrochae proper, Nototrochae, Gasterotrochae, and Amphitrochae.

The atrochae contain forms (fig. 139) in which the larva is at first coated by an uniform covering of cilia, which, though it may subsequently disappear from certain areas, does not break up into a series of definite bands.

The monotrochae or cephalotrochae are larvae in which only a single prae-oral ring is developed (fig. 150 B).

In the telotrochae there is present a prae-oral and a postoral, i.e. peri-anal ring (fig. 150 A) ; the latter sometimes having the form of a peri-anal patch.

The polytrochae are segmented larvae with perfect or imperfect rings of cilia on the segments of the body usually one ring to each segment between the two characteristic


(From Gegenbaur.)

o. mouth ; i. intestine ; a. anus ; v. pne-oral ciliated band ; w. peri-anal ciliated band.

telotrochal rings. When these

rings are complete the larvae

are polytrochae proper, when they are only half rings they are

either nototrochae or gasterotrochae. Sometimes there are both

dorsal and ventral half rings which do not however correspond,

such forms constitute the amphitrochae.

In the mesotrochae one or two rings are present in the middle of the body, and the characteristic telotrochal rings are absent.


Larvae do not necessarily continue to belong to the same group at all ages. A larva may commence as a monotrochal form and then become telotrochal and from this pass into a polytrochal condition, etc.

The atrochal forms are to be regarded as larvae which never pass beyond the primitive stage of uniform ciliation, which in other instances may precede that of definite rings. They usually lose their cilia early, as in the cases of Serpula and other larvae described below.

The atrochal larvae are not common. The following history of an Eunicidan larva (probably Lumbriconereis) from Claparede and Metschnikoff (No. 336) will illustrate their general history.

In the earliest stage noticed the larva has a spherical form, the prae-oral lobe not being very well marked. In the interior is a globular digestive tract. The cilia form a broad central band leaving free a narrow space at the apex of the prae-oral lobe, and also a circumanal space. At the apex of the pras-oral lobe is placed a bunch of long cilia, and a patch of cilia also marks out the anal area.

As the larva grows older it becomes elongated, and the anterior bunch of cilia is absorbed. The alimentary canal divides itself into pharynx and intestine. The former opens (?) by the mouth in the middle of the central band of cilia, the latter in the anal patch. The setae indicating the segmentation are formed successively in the posterior ring-like area free from cilia. The cilia disappear after the formation of two segments.

In Lumbricus, the embryo of which ought perhaps to be grouped with the atrochae, the cilia (Kleinenberg) cover a ventral tract of epiblast between the two mesoblastic cords, and are continued anteriorly to form a circle round the mouth.

The monotrochal larvae are provided only with the important prae-oral ciliated ring before mentioned. In the majority of cases they are transitional forms destined very shortly to become telotrochal, and in such instances they usually have a more or less spherical body which is nearly divided into two equal halves by a ciliated ring. In some few instances, such as Polynoe, Dasychone, etc., the monotrochal characters are not lost till the larval cilia are exuviated.

The telotrochal forms (of which examples are shewn in figs. 144, 150, etc.) may (i) start as monotrochal; or (2) from the first have a telotrochal character ; or (3) be derived from atrochal forms. The last mode of origin probably represents the ancestral one.


Their mode of development is well illustrated by the case of Terebella nebulosa (vide Milne-Edwards, No. 347). The embryo is at first a nearly spherical ciliated mass. One end slightly elongates and becomes free from cilia, and, acquiring dorsally two eye-spots, constitutes a prse-oral lobe. The elongation continues at the opposite end, and near this is formed a narrow area free from cilia. The larva now has the same characters as the atrochal Eunicidan larva described above. It consists of a non-ciliated prae-oral lobe, followed by a wide ciliated band, behind which is a ring-like area free from cilia ; and behind this again a peri-anal patch of cilia. The ring-like area free from cilia is, as in the Eunicidan larva, the region which becomes segmented. It soon becomes longer, and is then divided into two segments ; a third and fourth etc. non-ciliated segment becomes successively interposed immediately in front of the peri-anal patch ; and, after a certain number of segments have become formed, there appear on some of the hinder of them short tubercles, provided with single setae (the notopodia), which are formed from before backwards, like the segments.

The mouth, anus, and intestine become in the meantime clearly visible. The mouth is on the posterior side of the ciliated band, and the anus in the centre of the peri-anal patch.

The ciliated band in front now becomes contracted and provided with long cilia. It passes below completely in front of the mouth, and constitutes, in fact, a well-marked pras-oral ring, while the cilia behind constitute an equally marked peri-anal ring. The larva has in fact now acquired all the characters of a true telotrochal form.

Only a comparatively small number of Chsetopod larvae remain permanently telotrochal. Of these Terebella nebulosa, already cited (though not Terebella conchilega), is one ; Polygordius, Saccocirrus and Capitella are other examples of the same, though in the latter form the whole ventral surface becomes ciliated.

The majority of the originally telotrochal forms become polytrochal.

In most cases the ciliated rings or half rings of the polytrochal forms are placed at equal distances, one for each segment. They are especially prominent in surface-swimming larvae, and are in rare cases preserved in the adult. In some instances (e.g. Nerine and Spio) the ventral half rings, instead of being segmentally arranged, are somewhat irregularly distributed amongst the segments, so that there does not seem to be a necessary correspondence between the ciliated rings and the segments. This is further shewn by the fact that the ciliated rings are not precursors of the true segmentation, but are


developed after the establishment of the segments, and thus seem rather to be secondarily adapted to the segments than primarily indicative of them.

In most Polytrochae the rings are incomplete, so that they fall under the category of Nototrochae or Gasterotrochae.

The larva of Odontosyllis is an example of the former, and that of Magelona of the latter. The larvae of Nerine and Spio, already quoted as examples of an unsegmented arrangement of the ventral ciliated half rings, are both amphitrochal forms.

As an example of a polytrochal form with complete ciliated rings Ophryotrocha puerilis may be cited. This form, discovered by Claparede and Metschnikoff, develops a complete ciliated ring on each segment : and the prae-oral ring, though at first single, becomes at a later period divided into two. This form is further exceptional in that the ciliated rings are persistent in the adult.

The unimportance of the character of the rings in the polytrochal forms is shewn by such facts as the absence of these rings in Terebella nebulosa and the presence of dorsal half rings in Terebella conchilega.

The mesotrochal forms are the rarest of Chaetopod larvae, and would seem to be confined to the Chaetopteridae.

Their most striking character is the presence of one or two complete ciliated rings which girth the body between the mouth and anus. The whole body is further covered with short cilia. The anus has a distinct dorsal situation, while on its ventral side there projects backwards a peculiar papilla.

The total absence of the typical prae-oral and of the peri-anal bands separates the mesotrochal larvae very sharply from all the previous types.

A characteristic of many Chaetopod larvae is the presence of a bunch of cilia or a single flagellum at the apex of the prae-oral lobe. The presence of such a structure is characteristic of the larval forms of many other groups, Turbellarians, Nemertines, Molluscs, etc.

In the preceding section the mode of multiplication of the segments has already been sufficiently described 1 .

1 It has been insisted by Semper (No. 355) that certain of the anterior segments, belonging to what he regards as the head region in opposition to the trunk, become interpolated between the trunk and the head. The general evidence, founded on observations of budding, which he brings forward, cannot be discussed here. But the special instance which he cites (founded on Milne-Edwards's (No. 347) observations)





Alex. Agassiz.)

Apart from the formation of the segments the larval metamorphosis consists in the atrophy of the provisional ciliated rings and other provisional organs, and in the acquirement of the organs of the adult.

The great variations in the nature of the Chaetopod appendages render it impossible to treat this part of the developmental history of the Chaetopoda in a systematic way.

The mode of development of the appendages is not constant, so that it is difficult to draw conclusions as to the primitive form from which the existing types of appendages are derived.

In a large number of cases the primitive rudiments of the feet exhibit no indication of a division into notopodium and neuropodium ; while in other instances (e.g. Terebella and Nerine, fig. 152) the notopodium is first developed, and subsequently the neuropodium quite independently.

In many cases the setae appear before there are any other visible rudiments of the feet (e.g. Lumbriconereis) ; while in other cases the reverse holds good. The gills arc usually the last parts to appear.

Not only does the mode of development of the feet differ greatly in different types, but also the period. The appearance of setae may afford the first external indication of segmentation, or the rudiments of the feet may not appear till a large number of segments are definitely established.

A very considerable number of Chaetopod larvae are provided with very long provisional setae (figs. 152 and 153). These setae

of the interpolation of the head segments, bearing the gills, in Terebella appears to me quite unjustified from Milne-Edwards's own statements ; and is clearly shewn to be unfounded by the careful observations of Claparede on Ter. conchilega, where the segments in question are demonstrated to be present from the first.



Alex. Agassiz.)



are usually placed at the sides of the anterior part of the body, immediately behind the head, and also sometimes on the posterior parts of the body. In some instances (e.g. fig. 153)


they form the only appendages of the trunk. Alex. Agassiz .has pointed out that setae of this kind, though not found in existing Chaetopods, are characteristic of the fossil forms. Setae of this kind are found in chaetopod-like larvae of some Brachiopods (Argiope, fig. 136).

It is tempting to suppose that the long provisional bristles springing from the oral region are the setiform appendages handed down from the unsegmented ancestors of the existing Chaetopod forms. Claparede has divided Chaetopod larvae into two great groups of Metachaetae and Perennichaetae, according as they possess or are without provisional setae.

With reference to the head and its appendages it has already been stated that the head is primarily formed of the prae-oral lobe and of the peristomial region.

The embryological facts are opposed to the view that the prae-oral region either represents a segment or is composed of segments equivalent to those of the trunk. The embryonic peristomial region may, on the other hand, be regarded as in a certain sense the first segment. Its exact relations to the succeeding segments become frequently more or less modified in the adult. The prae-oral region is in most larvae bounded behind by the ciliated ring already described. On the dorsal part of the prae-oral lobe in front of this ring are placed the eyes, and from it there may spring a variable number of processes which form antennae or cephalic tentacles. The number and position of these latter are very variable. They appear as simple processes, sometimes arising in pairs, and at


other times alternating on the two sides. There is frequently a median unpaired tentacle.

The development of the median tentacle in Terebella, where there is in the adult a great number of similar tentacles, is sufficiently remarkable to deserve special notice ; vide Milne-Edwards, Claparede, etc. It arises long before any of the other tentacles as a single anterior prolongation of the prae-oral lobe containing a parenchymatous cavity, which communicates freely with the general perivisceral cavity. It soon becomes partially constricted off at its base from the procephalic lobe, but continues to grow till it becomes fully half as long as the remainder of the body. A very characteristic figure of the larva at this stage is given by Claparede and Metschnikoff, PI. XVII., Fig. I E. It now strikingly resembles the larval proboscis of Balanoglossus, and it is not easy to avoid the conclusion that they are homologous structures.

Another peculiar cephalic structure which deserves notice is the gill apparatus of the Serpulidae.

In Dasychone (Sabella) the gill apparatus arises (Claparede and Metschnikoff, No. 336) as a pair of membranous wing-like organs on the dorsal side of the prae-oral lobe immediately in front of the ciliated ring. Each subsequently becomes divided into two rays, and new rays then begin to sprout on the ventral side of the two pairs already present. A cartilaginous axis soon becomes formed in these rays, and after this is formed fresh rays sprout irregularly from the cartilaginous skeleton.

In Spirorbis spirillum as observed by Alex. Agassiz, the right gill-tentacle (fig. 154, /) first appears, and then the left, and subsequently the odd opercular tentacle which covers the right original tentacle. FIG. 154. LARVA OF SPIROR The third and fourth tentacles are formed BIS. (From Alex. Agassiz.) successively on the two sides, and rapidly The first odd tentacle (t) is shewn

become branched in the succeeding stages. on J\?e ht , side Behind the prse-oral ciliated ring

With reference to the sense

organs it may be noted that the eyes, or at any rate the cephalic pigment spots, are generally more numerous in the embryo than in the adult, and that they are usually present in the larvae of the Sedentaria, though absent in the adults of these forms. The Sedentaria thus pass through a larval stage in which they resemble the Errantia.

Paired auditory vesicles of a provisional character have been found on the ventral side of the body, in the fourth segment



behind the mouth, in the larva of Terebella conchilega (Claparede).

Mitraria. A peculiar larval Ch?etopod form known as Mitraria, the metamorphosis of which was first worked out by Metschnikoff, deserves a special notice.

This form (fig. 155 A) in spite of its remarkable appearance can easily be reduced to the normal type of larva.

The mouth (m) and anus (an) (fig. 155 A) are closely approximated, and situated within a vestibule the edge of which is lined by a simple or lobed ciliated ring. The shape of the body is somewhat conical. The cavity of


(After Metschnikoff.)

m. mouth; an. anus; sg. supra-oesophageal ganglion; br. provisional bristles; pr.b. prse-oral ciliated band.

the vestibule forms the base of the cone, and at the apex is placed a ciliated patch (sg). A pair of lobes (br) bear provisional setae. The alimentary canal is formed of the three normal parts, oesophagus, stomach, and intestine.

To compare this larva with an ordinary Chsetopod larva one must suppose that the alimentary canal is abnormally bent, so that the post-oral ventral surface is reduced to the small space between the mouth and the anus. The ciliated band surrounding the vestibule is merely the usual prae-oral band, borne on the very much extended edge of the pras-oral lobe. The apex of the larva is the front end of the pras-oral lobe with the usual ciliated patch. The two lobes with provisional bristles are really dorsal and not posterior.

B. II.



The correctness of the above interpretation is clearly shewn by the metamorphosis.

The first change consists in the pushing in of a fold of skin, between the mouth and anus, towards the intestine, which at the same time rapidly elongates, and forms the axis of a conical projection, which thereupon becomes segmented and is thereby shewn to be the rudiment of the trunk (fig. 155 B). On the elongation of the trunk in this way the prae-oral lobe and its ciliated ring assume an appearance not very dissimilar to the same structures in Polygordius. At the ciliated apex of the prae-oral lobe a paired thickening of epiblast gives rise to the supra-cesophageal ganglia (sg). In the further metamorphosis, the prae-oral lobe and its ciliated ring gradually become reduced, and finally atrophy in the normal way, while the trunk elongates and acquires setae. The dorsally situated processes with provisional setae last for some time, but finally disappear. The young worm then develops a tube and shews itself as a normal tubicolous Chaetopod.

Formation of Organs.

Except in the case of a few organs our knowledge of the formation of the organs in the Chaetopoda is derived from investigations on the Oligochaeta.

The embryo of the Oligochaeta. has a more or less spherical form, but it soon elongates, and becoming segmented acquires a distinct vermiform character. The ventral surface is however for a considerable time markedly convex as compared to the dorsal.

The ventrally placed mouth is surrounded by a well-marked lip, and in front of it is placed a small prae-oral lobe.

The epiblast. The epiblast cells at the commencement of the gastrula stage become much flattened, and on the completion of the invagination form an investment of flattened cells, only thickened in the neighbourhood of the mesoblastic bands (fig. 141 B and C). In the Polychaeta at any rate the statements of several investigators would seem to in dicate that the cuticle is derived from the FJG i 6 SFCTION chorion. It is difficult to accept this THROUGH THE HEAD OF A

conclusion, but it deserves further in VCStigation. Kleinenberg. )

Nervous system. The most im- '-& cephalic ganglion;

, .. cc. cephalic portion of the

portant organ derived from the epiblast body cavity ; x. cesophagus.





is the nervous system ; the origin of which from this layer was first established by Kowalevsky (No. 342).

It arises 1 (Kleinenberg, No. 341) from two at first quite distinct structures, viz. (i) the supra-cesophageal rudiment and (2) the rudiment of the ventral cord. The former of these takes its origin as an unpaired dorsal thickening of the epiblast at the front end of the head (fig. 1 56, e.g.], which sends two prolongations downwards and backwards to meet the ventral cord. The latter arises as two independent thickenings of the epiblast, one on each side of the ventral furrow (fig. 157, Vg]. These soon unite underneath the furrow, in the median line, and after being differentiated into segmentally arranged ganglionic and interganglionic regions become separated from the epiblast. Both the supra-cesophageal and ventral cord become surrounded by a us TRAPEZOIDES. (After Kleinen berg.)

layer of somatic mesoblast. The Mm longitudinal muscles . S0m so .

junction between the tWO parts of matic mesoblast ; sp. splanchnic me! i . ' i soblast; hy. hypoblast ; Vg. ventral

the central nervous System takes nerve cord ; w. ventral vessel.

place comparatively late.

The mesoblast. It is to Kowalevsky (No. 342) and Kleinenberg (No. 341) that we mainly owe our knowledge of the history of the mesoblast. The fundamental processes which take place are (i) the splitting of the mesoblast into splanchnic and somatic layers with the body cavity between them, (2) the transverse division of the mesoblast of the trunk into distinct somites.

The former process commences in the cephalic mesoblastic commissure, where it results in the formation of a pair of cavities each with a thin somatic and thick splanchnic layer (fig. 156, cc) ; and thence extends gradually backwards into the trunk (fig. 141 C, //). In the trunk however the division into somites precedes the horizontal splitting of the mesoblast. The former process commences when the mesoblastic bands form widish columns quite separate from each other. These columns become

1 For further details, vide general chapter on Nervous System.

22 2


broken up successively from before backwards into somewhat cubical bodies, in the centre of which a cavity soon appears. The cavity in each somite is obviously bounded by four walls, (i) an outer, the somatic, which is the thickest; (2) an inner, the splanchnic ; and (3, 4) an anterior and posterior. The adjoining anterior and posterior walls of successive somites unite together to form the transverse dissepiments of the adult, which subsequently become very thin and are perforated in numerous places, thus placing in communication the separate compartments of the body cavity. The somites, though at first confined to a small area on the ventral side, gradually extend so as to meet their fellows above and below and form complete rings (fig. 157) of which the splanchnic layer (sp) attaches itself to the enteric wall and the somatic (so) to the epiblast. In Polygordius and probably also Saccocirrus and other forms the cavities of the somites of the two sides do not coalesce ; and the walls which separate them constitute dorsal and ventral mesenteries. The two cavities in the cephalic commissure unite dorsally, but ventrally open into the first somite of the trunk.

The mesoblastic masses of the head are probably not to be regarded as forming a pair of somites equivalent to those in the trunk, but as forming the mesoblastic part of the pras-oral lobe, of which so much has been said in the preceding pages. Kleinenberg's observations are however of great importance as shewing that the cephalic cavities are simply an anterior part of the true body cavity.

The splanchnic layer of the head cavity gives rise to the musculature of the oesophagus.

The somatic layer of the trunk somites becomes converted into the musculature of the body wall and the external peritoneal layer of body cavity. The first part of the muscular system to be definitely formed is the ventral band of longitudinal muscles which arises on each side of the nervous system in contact with the epidermis (fig. 157, m). How the circular muscles become subsequently formed outside these muscles has not been made out.

The splanchnic layer of the trunk somites gives rise to the muscular and connective-tissue wall of the mcscntcron, and also to the walls of the vascular trunks. The ventral vessel is first formed (Kowalevsky) as a solid mass of cells which subsequently


becomes hollowed out. The dorsal vessel in Lumbricus and Criodrilus is stated by Kowalevsky and Vejdovsky to be formed by the coalescence of two lateral vessels ; a peculiarity which is probably to be explained by the late extension of the mesoblast into the dorsal region.

The layer from which the sacks for the setae and the segmental organs spring is still doubtful. The sacks for the setae are believed by Kowalevsky (No. 342) to be epiblastic invaginations, but are stated by Hatschek (No. 339) to be mesoblastic products. For the development of the segmental organs the reader is referred to the chapter on the excretory system.

In marine Polychaeta the generative organs are no doubt mesoblastic products, as they usually spring from the peritoneal epithelium, especially the parts of it covering the vascular trunks.

The Alimentary Canal, In Lumbricus the enteric cavity is formed during the gastrula stage. In Criodrilus the hypoblast has at first no lumen, but this becomes very soon established. In Euaxes on the other hand, where there is a true epibolic gastrula, the mesenteron is at first represented by a solid mass of yolk (i.e. hypoblastj cells. As the central amongst these become absorbed a cavity is formed. The protoplasm of the yolk cells which line this cavity unites into a continuous polynuclear layer containing at intervals masses of yolk. These masses become gradually absorbed, and the protoplasmic wall of the mesenteron then breaks up into a cylindrical glandular epithelium similar to that of the other types.

In Lumbricus and Criodrilus the blastopore remains as the mouth, but in Euaxes a new mouth or rather stomodaeum is formed by an epiblastic invagination between the front end of the two mesoblastic bands. This epiblastic invagination forms the permanent oesophagus; and in Lumbricus trapezoides and Criodrilus, where the oral opening is at first lined by hypoblast, the epiblast soon becomes inflected so as to line the cesophageal region. The splanchnic mesoblast of the cephalic region subsequently invests the oesophagus, and some of its cells penetrating between the adjoining epiblast cells give rise to a thick wall for this part of the alimentary tract ; the original epiblast cells being reduced to a thin membrane. This mesoblastic wall is sharply


separated from the muscular wall outside, which is also formed of splanchnic mesoblast.

The anus is a late formation.

Alternations of generations.

Amongst Chaetopoda a considerable number of forms exhibit the phenomenon of alternations of generations, which in the same general way as in the case of the Ccelenterata, is secondarily caused by budding or fission.

The process of fission essentially consists in the division of a parent form into two zooids by the formation of a zone of fission between two old rings, which becomes differentiated (i) into an anal zone in front which forms the anal region of the anterior zooid, and (2) into a cephalic zone behind which forms the head and some of the succeeding segments of the posterior zooid. The anal zone is capable, by growth and successive segmentation, of giving rise to an indefinite number of fresh segments.

In Protula Dysteri, as shewn by Huxley, there is a simple fission into two in the way described. Sexual reproduction does not take place at the same time as reproduction by fission, but both zooids produced are quite similar and multiply sexually.

In the freshwater forms Nais and Chaetogaster a more or less similar phenomenon takes place. By a continual process of growth in the anal zones, and the formation of fresh zones of fission whenever four or five segments are added in front of an anal zone, complicated chains of adhering zooids are produced, each with a small number of segments. As long as the process of fission continues sexual products are not developed, but eventually the chains break up, the individuals derived from them cease to go on budding, and, after developing a considerably greater number of segments than in the asexual state, reproduce themselves sexually. The forms developed from the ovum then repeat again the phenomenon of budding, etc., and so the cycle is continued 1 .

The phenomena so far can hardly be described as cases of

1 Reproduction by budding and formation of the sexual products to some extent overlap.


alternation of generations. The process is however in certain types further differentiated. In Syllis (Quatrefages) fission takes place, the parent form dividing into two, of which only the posterior after its detachment develops sexual organs. The anterior asexual zooid continues to produce fresh sexual zooids by fission. In Myrianida also, where a chain of zooids is formed, the sexual elements seem to be confined to the individuals produced by budding.

The cases of Syllis and Myrianida seem to be genuine examples of alternations of generations, but a still better instance is afforded by Autolytus (Krohn, No. 343, and Agassiz, No. 333).

In Autolytus cornutus the parent stock, produced directly from the egg, acquires about 40 45 segments, and then gives rise by fission, with the production of a zone of fission between about the I3th and I4th rings, to a fresh zooid behind. This after becoming fully developed into either a male or a female is detached from the parent stock, from which it very markedly differs. The males and females are moreover very different from each other. In the female zooid the eggs are carried into a kind of pouch where they undergo their development and give rise to asexual parent stocks. After the young are hatched the female dies. The asexual stock, after budding off one asexual zooid, elongates again and buds off a second zooid. It never develops generative organs.

The life history of some species of the genus Nereis presents certain very striking peculiarities which have not yet been completely elucidated.

As was first shewn by Malmgren asexual examples of various species of Nereis may acquire the characters of Heteronereis and become sexually mature.

The metamorphosis of Nereis Dumerilii has been investigated by Claparede, who has arrived at certain very remarkable conclusions. He finds that there are two distinct sexual generations of the Nereis form of this species, and two distinct sexual generations of the Heteronereis form.

One sexual Nereis, characterized by its small size, is dioecious, the other discovered by Metschnikoff is hermaphrodite.

Of the Heteronereis sexual forms, both are dioecious, one is small, and swims on the surface, the other is larger and lives at the bottom.

How these various generations are mutually related has not been made out ; but Claparede traced the passage of large asexual examples of the Nereis form into the large Heteronereis form.



(332) Alex. Agassiz. "On the young stages of a few Annelid.^." Annuls Lyceum Nat. Hist, of New York, Vol. vin. 1866.

(333) Alex. Agassiz. " On the embr}'ology of Autolytus cornutus and alternations of generations, etc." Boston Journal of Nat. History, Vol. VII. 1859 63.

(334) W. Busch. Beobachtnngcn ii. Anat. u. Entwick. einiger wirbel loser Seethiere, 1851.

(335) Ed. Claparede. Beobachlungen ii. Anat. it. Entwick. wirbelloser Thiere an d. Kiiste von Normandie. Leipzig, 1863.

(336) Ed. Claparede u. E. Metschnikoff. " Beitrage z. Kenntniss iib. Entwicklungsgeschichte d. Chrctopoden." Zeit.f. wt'ss. Zool. Vol. xix. 1869.

(337) E. Grube. Untersuchungen iib. Entwicklung d. Anneliden. Konigsberg, 1844 (338) B. Hatschek. "Beitrage z. Entwick. u. Morphol. d. Anneliden." Sitz. d. k. Akad. Wiss. Wien, Vol. LXXIV. 1876.

(339) B. Hatschek. " Studien iiber Entwicklungsgeschichte der Anneliden." Arbeiten aus d. zoologischen Institute d. Universitdt Wien. Von C. Claus. Heft III. 1878.

(340) Th. H. Huxley. "On hermaphrodite and fissiparous species of tubicolar Annelidae (Protula)." Edinburgh New Phil. Journal, Vol. I. 1855.

(341) N. Kleinenberg. "The development of the earthworm Lumbricus trapezoides." Quart. J. of Micr. Science, Vol. Xix. 1879. Sullo sviluppo del Lumbricus trapezoides. Napoli, 1878.

(342) A. Kowalevsky. " Embryologische Studien an Wurmern u. Arthropoden." Mem. Acad. Petersbourg, Series VII. Vol. XVI. 1871.

(343) A. Krohn. " Ueber die Erscheinungen bei d. Fortpflanzung von Syllis prolifera u. Autolytus prolifer." Archiv f. Naturgesch. 1852.

(344) R. Leuckart. " Ueb. d. Jugendzustande ein. Anneliden, etc." Archiv f. Naturgesch. 1855.

(345) S. Loven. " Beobachtungen u. die Metamorphose von Anneliden." Weigmann's Archiv, 1842.

(346) E. Metschnikoff. " Ueber die Metamorphose einiger Seethiere (Mitraria)." Zeit.f. wiss. Zool. Vol. xxi. 1871.

(347) M. Milne-Edwards. " Recherches zoologiques, etc." Ann. Scie. Natttr. in. Serie, Vol. in. 1845.

(348) J. M tiller. " Ueb. d. Jugendzustande einiger Seethiere." Monats. d. k. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1851.

(349) Max Muller. "Ueber d. weit. Entwick. von Mesotrocha sexoculata." Muller's Archiv, 1855.

(350) Quatrefages. " Me"moire s. 1'embryogenie des Annelides." Ann. Scie. Natur. in. Serie, Vol. x. 1848.

(351) M. Sars. "Zur Entwicklung d. Anneliden." A re hiv f. Naturgeschichte, Vol. xi. 1845.

(352) A. Schneider. "Ueber Bau u. Entwicklung von Polygordius." Muller's Archiv, 1868.

(353) A.Schneider. " Entwicklung u. system. Stell. d. Bryozoen u. Gephyreen (Mitraria)." Archiv f. mikr. Anat. Vol. v. 1869.

CHyfcTOPODA. 345

(354) M. Schultze. Ueb. die Entwicklitng von Arenicola piscatorum u. anderer Kiemenwiirmer . Halle, 1856.

(355) C. Semper. "Die Verwandschaftbeziehungen d. gegliederten Thiere." Arbeiten a. d. zool.-zoot. Instit. Wurzburg, Vol. in. 1876-7.

(356) C. Semper. " Beitrage z. Biologic d. Oligochseten." Arbeiten a. d. zool.zoot. Instit. Wurzburg, Vol. IV. 1877-8.

(357) M. Stossich. "Beitrage zur Entwicklung d. Chaetopoden." Sitz. d. k. k. Akad. Whs. Wien, B. LXXVII. 1878.

(358) R. v. Willemoes-Suhm. " Biologische Beobachtungen U. niedrige Meeresthiere." Zeit. f. wiss. Zool. Bd. xxi. 1871.