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==Horseshoe Kidney==
DE]-‘INITION.-—AS stated in a previous article‘ we believe that the term
“fused kidney” should be discarded. In its place we should employ the
following terms to designate the respective conditions:
I. Crossed F.ctopia.—To be used for those cases in which both kidneys
FIG. I.—Horscshoo kidney with symmetric halves. (Drawing made from specimen in Rush
Medical College Museum.)
are found on the same side of the body. They may be fused into one mass
or be separated. The lower of the two kidneys corresponds to the one which
in the embryo should have been found on the opposite side of the body.
2. Double Kidney.——To be used for those cases in which there is a redupli-
cation either complete or incomplete of the ureter and a corresponding
*From the Cook County and Michael Reese Hospitals.
reduplication of the renal pelvis on one or both sides of the body. The paren-
chyma around the respective pelves of each half of the kidney may fuse, or
the two halves may be more or less separated.
3. Horseshoe Kidney.—The two kidneys of opposite sides of the body
are connected across the spine by an isthmus which may consist only of
FIG. 2a.—Horseshoe]kidneys with asymmetric halves. One-ha.lf_'at higher level. (Rush
Medical College Museum.)
fibrous tissue or of parenchyma. The isthmus varies greatly in width and
as to whether it connects the upper or lower poles.
4. Cake or L. Kidney.—These are simply sub-varieties of the horseshoe
kidney. If the isthmus which extends across the spine is so wide that it
connects the two kidneys along their entire mesial borders, we speak of a cake
kidney. (Fig. 7.) If one-half of the horseshoe kidney is elongated so that
the other half only is united to its lowermost portion, we speak of an L. kidney.‘
(B of Fig. 2.)
1. Frequency of Horseshoe Kid12ey.—Botez°" collected the statistics of
FIG. 2b.—-Horseshoekidneys with asymmetric halves. The two halves form an L-shaped mass.
(Garre and Ehrhardt case.)
51,504 autopsies published by various authors up to, 1912. Horseshoe kidney
was found in 72 of these, or I to 715 autopsies. Carlier and Gerard,3 in
1913, added some later observations to those of Botez, finding that this
anomaly occurred eighty times in 69,98'9 autopsies or I to 862. Since I913,
47 737
FIG. 4.—Horseshoe kidney with superior isthmus. (Byron Robinson case.)
the observation of Motzfeld “ can be added, making a total of 73,489 autopsies
in which horseshoe kidney was found in 92, or approximately I in 710 bodies.
2. Relation of the Two Halves-—Horseshoe kidneys may be divided
as follows: i l l
I. Symmetric.—Both halves approximately equal‘ in size and at the same
level. (Fig. I.)
2. Asymmetric.——Inequa1ity in size and level of the two halvesf (-Fig. 2.)
One side may be hypoplastic and the other the size of a normal kidney, or
one side may be of normal size and the other so elongated as to form together
a V or L-shaped mass. ' h
(Fig. 2.) ‘ 1
As a rule the two‘
halves are situated an
equal distance from the
spine, but it is well to
remember in our radio-
graphic study of suspected it
cases that one or both 
halves may be as far away i‘ *
from the spine as is the
normal kidney, or on the
other hand, that one-half
may be quite close to the
spine andthe other not.
(Fig. I4.) It is" not 1111-
Colnrnon t0 find 3 h,V])0" FIG. )5.-—'-Isthmu_s_corC111p1c:sed of botlli cortel.-3x and ‘medulla. Tlhe isth-
° ' t . .
plasla of one-half and a musjome eupper Po es ( aetzner Case) ‘
compensatory increase in size of the other half. As a rule the lower poles
converge, as is true in the embryo (Broman) and: hence the renal shadows
and pyelograms or calculous shadows Fig. I5) are often directedobliquely
inwards. The upper poles _in some cases are very far apart and the angle
which the halves form with the spine wider than when the upper poles are
a normal distance apart.
3. The Isthmus, etc.—(a) Inferior and superior. Byron Robinson 5 found
the isthmus joining the lower poles in 88 per cent. of his observatioiis,
Beyer *3 found such an inferior isthmus in 93 per cent. and Gerard in 91 per
cent._. so that one can say that it is so located in about 90 percent.“ of the
cases. The superior polar isthmus occurs in the remaining 10 per cent.
(See Fig. 3.) if 4' if s
(b) Width and Character ‘of Isthmus.-This was fibrous in (Fig. 4)
seven cases. Robinson (loc. cit.) estimates that this condition exists in I 5
per cent. of all cases, but this appears too high a percentage. In.the majority
of cases the isthmus is composed of parenchyma, so that there is no demar-
FIG. 6a.—Specimen in_ Rush Medical College Museum, illustrating variation in width of isthmus. Com-
pare with Figs. 3, 6b and 7 to understand how the cake kidney originates.
FIG. 6b.—-Specimen in.Rush Medical College Museum, illustrating variation in width of isthmus. Corn-
pare with Figs. 3, 6a and 7 to understand how the cake kidney originates.
cation between the two halves. (Fig. 5.) The isthmus in a vertical direction
measures from 2 to 3 cm. in the majority of cases.
(c) Transition to Cake K'idney.—The isthmus may unite a variable pro-
portion of the two halves, as a rule only the poles, but it may fuse together
more than the 2 to 3 cm. just mentioned so that all degrees (Fig. 6, a and b) are
found up to that of complete fusion to which the name cake kidney (Fig. 7)
has been given. Here there is a solid mass of renal tissue without any
mesial demarcation.
(d) Relation of
Isthnms to A0rta.—In
only two cases, ‘via,
those of Nixon 7 and
Kelly3 was the isthmus
behind the aorta.
4. Renal Pelvies.-In
the majority of cases
there is a single pelvis on
each side. (Fig. I.)
Reduplication of the ure-
ters and of the pelves on
one or both sides is not
rare. (Fig. 8.)
The pelvis is usually
on the anterior (ventral)
aspect of -the kid n e 3'
(Fig. I) at the level of
the normal hilus. and
resembles that of the
normal organ in respect
to being a single cavity
with its calyces, located
either partly external to
the hilus or not extend-
ing beyond it; i.e., intra-
r e n a 1. In horseshoe
kidney a true pelvis of this kind is often al)sent,'the calyces being all extra-
renal and ending independently in the ureter. (Fig. 9.)
5. Ureters.—As a rule the ureters pass across the front of the isthmus
and this accounts for the frequency with which calculi, hydronephrosis, etc.,
occur. Robinson found that the ureters passed behind the isthmus (Fig. 10)
in 9 per cent. of his specimens, but this figure would seem too high inasmuch
as only two reports, 1/z'z., those of Landouzy° and Durham 1° have been
published of ureters behind the isthmus. The latter according to Robinson
and other observers, at times has an independent ureter. In Karl _Ioseph’s
case this isthmian ureter ended independently in the bladder. Perruchet 11
tum -.<— ,.
5'l_F1G. 7.——Typical cake kidney. (Papin.)
describes a case in which one ureter passed behind the other in front of the
isthmus. As a rule calyces are only present in the upper two-thirds of each
half, but an extrarenal calyx or an independent ureter may drain the isthmus
(Fig. 9) and be opened during the operation of division of the isthmus or
of heminephrectomy. The ureters usually end in the bladder at the normal
location, but it must be remembered clinically that one ureter may end ectopi-
cally (Fig. 11) as is so often the case in double kid-neys. A
6. Location of H orscslzoc K1'——Tliis is usually lower, just above the
aortic bifurcation (Fig. I), but it may be anywhere from the normal level of
FIG. 8.—Horseshoe kidney with two ureters'_and two’pelves for each half. (Byron Robinson case.)
the kidneys to the true pelvis. (Fig. 12.) Such‘ a pelvic ectopia is not
uncommon.“ Only seven cases are reported in which the isthmus was at the
normal level ofthe lower poles. In Rathbun’s 1‘-’ case one-half of
shoe kidney was in the true pelvis. The majority of horseshoe kidneys which
lie in thetrue pelvis-are of the cake (Fig. 7) variety, z'.'e., have completely
fused halves. The isthmus is usually at the level of the fourth to fifth lumbar
vertebrae and may not be in the median line. There is very little mobility as
a rule in a horseshoe kidney, but a few cases have been reported in which
marked mobility existed. The fixation of "a horseshoe kidney is in great
Fm. 9.—Horseshoe kidney with eiitrare_nal calyce endng directly in left lielf, io ureter.
(Rush Medical College Museum.)
FIG. Io.——Horseshoe kidneys with symmetric hglves in which urets crossed posterior aspect of isthmus.
(Rush Medical College Museum.)
measure due to the fact that it has multiple blood-vessels supplying it; all
from immediately adjacent trunks. There is but little perinephric fat, hence
this does not play a role in fixation of the horseshoe kidney.
7. Blood Supply.—It is important from the operative standpoint to
remember that multiple arteries and veins for each half and often for the
isthmus as well, are found in eighty per cent. In a study of I 39 cases, includ-
ing I0 of his own, Papin”
found the following:
(a) A single artery
for both halves in only
one case. (Bruncher..)
(b) One artery for
each half in 25 cases. (A
of Fig. I 3.)
(c) One artery for
each half and one for the
isthmus. (B of Fig. 13.)
This is almost the normal
condition. There were
40 cases in this group.
(d) Two arteries for
each half and one for the
isthmus. (C of Fig. 13.)
The one for the isthmus
is an aortic branch. There
were 26 cases in this
(e) Two arteries for
each half and one or two
for the isthmus. The
former are given off by
either the aorta or the
common iliacs. The lat-
te r (isthmic branches)
arise from the iliacs. (C
of Fig. .13.) Twenty
FIG. II.—Horseshoe kidney with relatively wide isthmus. One -
ureter ends just below external meatus. (Female.) (Massari C3533 belonged to th15
case.) group.
In the remaining groups there were from six to eight arteries for the
two halves. The important deductions are that‘ one must have an adequate
exposure of the operative field because (a) of the multiplicity of the vessels.
both arteries and veins,which supply both halves and the isthmus, and (1))
because they may arise from the aorta or end in the vena cava, respectively,
or similarly from the iliacs.
'2’ -14
I. Factors Favoring Pathologic C onditions.———(a) Course of ureter across
isthmus. This is perhaps the most important, because of the sharp bend
which must be made by the ureter across the more or less thick and hard
isthmus. (Fig. I.) Infections of the kidney involving the ureter secondarily
are more apt to cause obstruction through fixation and kinking than in the
caseof the normal ureter.
(b) The abnormal’ loca-
tion of the pelvis on the ven-
tral aspect of the kidney and
the fact that the ureteral
insertion is often at a higher
point than the bottom of the
pelvis and the f r e q u e nt
absence of a pelvis proper
(Fig. 9), all favor stagnation
of urine and subsequent infec-
tion. (Figs. 17 to 20.)
(c) The frequent occur-
rence 'of congenital strictures
of the ureter in horseshoe
kidneys. I
(d) The presence of
many accessory vessels and
the possibility of ureteral
obstruction by them.
2. Published Clinical Cases.
Botez (loc. cit.) collected all
clinical reports up to 1912
and included several unpub-
lished Ones (Marion) in  FIG. I2.—Hydronephro_sis of lefltl half of pelvic ectopic cake
article. Of a total of fifty “‘d“°Y- ‘ °““”-’
of Botez’s cases, only 39 are of value from the operative standpoint. Since
I912, we have found reports of ninety additional clinical cases and with our
own, reported in this article, we have a total of I 32 up to July, I925. (See
Tables I to VII inclusive.)
We will report our three cases before taking up the subject any further.
CASE I.—Pyelotomy for renal calculus in one-half of a horseshoe kidney. Presence
of this anomaly diagnosed before operation.
Male, aged thirty-two, complained of pain in right lumbar region radiating to right
upper quadrant of abdomen, of two days’ duration. In addition to tenderness over the
right iliocostal space, there were other evidences of acute renal infection. Radiography
(Dr. Cora M. Matthews) revealed an oval vertical shadow (A of Fig. 14) lying over the
transverse process of. the second lumbar vertebra; i.e., closer to the spine than shadows
of renal or ureteral calculi usually do. The right opaque catheter curved slightly out-
Division of Isthmus Alone (Symphysiotomy) or Combined with other Operations
Author and reference
E. Papin: Assoc. franc. d’Uro-
logie, 22nd Congress, Paris, Oct.
22. 1922, P- 557
Sex and age
Chief clinical data 0P€1'3ti0n
-<- 4- u‘ 4-.——:
4-4. I - n n u I —'
Ureter in front of the 2 cm.
isthmus on both sides. Divi-
sion of isthmus was easy.
Extraperitoneal approach
Gradually increasing ab-
dominal and lumbar pains.
Could feel isthmus and con-
firmed diagnosis by pyelog-
raphy. Both pelves lower,
with calyces directed to-
wards midline
-4. — -4: :1. -1 -R
Complete relief of pain. Diag-
nosis of horseshoe kidney
made by pyelography.
A Martinovv: Zent. f. Chir., 9, 314,
(Feb._) 1910
Rovsing: Zeit. f. Urol., 5, 586,
—-.__. a 1
Malinowsky: Jour. d'Uro1ogie,
I, 869, (Dec.) 1912
Mintz: Chirourg. Archiv.
Veliam, 29, I047, I923. Quoted
by Papin: Arch mal. des Reins,
2, 24, Feb. I, 1925
Male 23 years
u 1 x «u 4...
Recurrent attacks of pain
above» level of umbilicus
where could palpate tender
mass » '
Transperitoneal division of
— 4—_ 1 4- 1—
Crushed isthmus by trans-
peritoneal route
Recurrent attacks of girdle-
like pain at level of umbili-
cus. Disappeared when in
recumbent position. Could
feel mass running obliquely
across abdomen
Persistent abdominal pain, Crushed isthmus
accompanied by hyperacidi-
ity. Could palpate isthmus
Recurrent attacks of non-
localizable abdominal pain.
Felt mass size child ’s head
at level of umbilicus
Transperitoneal division of
isthmus -
Complete relief of pain.
Diagnosis of horseshoe kid-
ney made by palpation alone.
—’ 1
Complete relief of pain.
Diagnosis made by palpa-
tion alone.
Complete relief of pain, but
not of hyperacidity. Diag-
nosis made by palpation
Complete relief of pain.
Diagnosis of horseshoe kid-
ney not made before opera-
Brongersma: Zeit. f. Urol., 8, 477, Female, age Recurrent pain, (bilateral) Transperitoneal division of Complete relief of pain-
1914 not given resembling ureteral colics isthmus Diagnosis not made before
._. . -
I dem.. Male, age not Pain at level of umbilicus T ransperitoneal division of Complete relief of pain.
given especially upon leaning for— isthmus Diagnosis of horseshoe kid-
wards. Haematuria once ney made at previous ab-
after lifting heavy weight dominal operation.
iEggers: Zeit. f. Urol. Chir., 9, 427, Male 18 years History of left-sided renal Extraperitoneal division of Recovery. Diagnosis made
1922 calculus, confirmed by radio- isthmus with fixation of left during operation.
., graphy. Pyelography after half after pyelotomy for mul-
operation revealed both tiple calculi
pelves _close to spine
Kroiss: Verh. d. Deut. Gesell. f. Female 29 Recurrent severe pain at Transperitoneal division of Complete relief of pain.
Urologie, 1922 years level of umbilicus. Palpable isthmus J Possibility of horseshoe kid-
mass below this level. Pye- ney considered before oper-
lography reveals both pelves tion.
much lower than normal '
Kidd: Proc. Royal Soc. Med., Female 32 Recurrent attacks of severe Transperitoneal division of Complete relief of pain.
London, 15, 52, 1922 years pain over sacral region. Very isthmus Diagnosis made during pri-
mobile kidney to be felt in mary operation for supposed
right iliac fossa mobile kidney.
' Van Houtem: Zeit. f. Urol. Chir., I Female 37 Recurrent attacks of colicky '1‘ ransperitoneal division of Gradual disappearance of
8, 165, 1922 years pain in back and over abdo- isthmus pain. Diagnosis made by
men, accompanied by haem- palpation under anaesthesia
l aturia. Pyelography revealed and confirmed by pye1og-
one pelvis close to spine raphy before operation.
‘ De Groot: Zeit. f. Urol. Chir., Male 16 years Recurrent severe abdominal Transperitoneal division of Complete relief of pain.
8, 170, I922 pain " which disappeared isthmus Diagnosis made during ex-
when in recumbent position. ploratory laparotomy.
Could feel mass above and
. . to left of umbilicus
H eminephrectomy Alone
J Case
Author and reference
Indication for operation and remarks
Barth (Israel) :
Arch. Klin. Chir., 74,
3689 I904’ '
Tuberculous hydronephrosis of right half.
2 Clairmont: Arch. Klin. Chir., 79, 667, Hydronephrosis in two-year-old child.
3 Hoffman: Wien. Klin. Woch., I22, 355, Tuberculosis. Recovered.
4 Marjasches (see Kobylinski) Same as No. 3. Died p.o.
5 Koenig: Deut. Zeit. Chir., 40,92, I895 Sarcoma in child.
6 Gibbon: Rev. de Chir., 1265, 1909 Same.
7 Debuchy (see Koby1inski): Folia Urol., Carcinoma.
6, 160, 1911 -
8 _ Rumpel: Zent. Chir., 29, 1091, 1902 Calculous pyonephrosis.
9 Lotheissen: Arch. Klin. Chir., 52, 768, Hydronephrosis secondary to ureteral stric-
1896 ture. Died p.o.
1o Paschkis: Wien, Med. W., 60, 2417, Calculous pyonephrosis.
Oct., 1910
11 Kiimmell: Case 2. (Flockemann) Zeit. Hydronephrosis. Recovered.
Urol. Chir., 4, 204, 1918 -
I2 Kiimmell: Case 4. (Flockemann), Calculouslhydronephrosis. Recovered.
' I Idem.
I 3 Idem: Case 5. Idem. Chronic nephritis. Recovered.
14 Faykiss: Wien. Med. W., 60, 1479, 1914 Tuberculosis. Recovered.
15 Hi1debrandt:Zeit. f. Urol., 14, 465, 1920 Sarcoma.
16 Albarranz Ann. Mal. Gonitourin, 25, Hydronephrosis. Recovered.
17 Legueu: Necker Clinics, 1922 Tuberculosis.
I 8 Idem. Echinococcus.
19 Renton: Brit. Med. Jour., 1,601, May Calculus with atrophic pyelonephritis.
20,1920 .
20 Leedham-Green: Brit. Med. _]our., 2, Pyonephrosis.‘
1583, Dec. 20, 1923
21 Idem. Same.
22 Bryan: Virg. Med. Month., 48, 75, Hydronephrosis. Pyeloigram (post-opera-
May, 1921 tive) showed median pelvis.
TABLE II—Contz'nued
Heminephrectomy Alone
0 .
8% Author and reference Indication for operation and remarks
23 Rawlingz Brit. Jour. Surg., 9, 162, I921 Bilateral nephrolithiasis. Heminephrec-
tomy for calculous pyonephrosis.
24 Thompson: ANNALS OF SURGERY, 54, Pyonephrosis.
355, Sept., I911
25 Harris (see Thompson) Tuberculosis.
26 Rehling: Int. Jour. Surg., 32_, 239'," I919 Hydronephrosis. Recovered.
27 Magnus: Zent. f. Chir. Tuberculosis. Died seven weeks after
28 Jeck: Int. Jour. Surg., 32, 639, I919 Pyonephrosis.
29 Judd, Braasch & Scholl: J.A.M.A., 79, Ureteral calculus complicated by hydrone-
I 189, Oct. 7, I922 phrosis.
30 Idem. Infected hydronephrosis.
31 Idem. Multiple calculi.
32 Idem. Hydronephrosis.
33 Judd, Braasch & Scholl, Idem. Infected hydronephrosis.
34 Idem. Infected hydronephrosis.
35 Idem. Infected hydronephrosis.
36 Oraison: Gaz. Hebdom., 40, 32, Feb. Tuberculosis.
9. 1919
37 Nash: Lancet, 174, I151, I908 Hydronephrosis in 16 months child.
_38 Bugbee & Losee: Surg. Gyn. & Obst., Tuberculosis.
28, 97, Feb., 1919
39 Rathbun: Jour. Urol., 12, 612, Dec., Hydronephrosis. Died 17 days p.o. Diagno-
1924 ' sis made before operation by pyelography.
40 Idem. Calculous pyonephrosis.
41 Hess: Jour. Urol., I2, 267, I924 Uretal calculus complicated bypyonephrosis.
42 Loelfler (Kroiss): Zeit. Urol. Chir., I6, Infected hydronephrosis due to ureteral
181, 1924 kink.
43 Idem. Tuberculosis.
44 W. Carl: Zent. f. Chir., 50, 506, Mar. Multiple calculi complicated by pyone-
3I, 1923 phrosis. .
45 G. Magnus: Zent. Chir., 54, 76, Jan. Tuberculosis. Died7w‘eeks p.o.
24» 1925
TABLE .II—Continued
Heminephrectomy Alone
Author and reference
1_j_ 4—
Indication for operation and remarks
Leekahr: Ky. Med. Jour., 21, 679,
Dec., 1923
— ——. 4——: —1-————
Marson: Brit. Med. Jour., 1, 237, Feb.
Infected hydronephrosis.
47 Infected hydronephrosis complicating cal-
1o, 1923' C1111 (renal). Recovery.
48 Baltscheffsky: Finska. Lack. Handl., Tuberculosis. Recovery.
64,377.I922 I '
49 Israel: Fol. Urol., 1, 617, 1908 Hydronephrosis. Diagnosis before opera-
' tion by palpation.
50 Idem, Tuberculosis. Fistula persisted.
51 Zondek: Deut. Med. Woch., 46, 897, Calculous pyonephrosis.
Aug. 5, 1920 ~
52 Bockenheimer: Berl. Kl. Woch., 48, Hydronephrosis in boy of six, due to ureteral
641, Sept. 4, 1911 kink.
53 Simon: Beitr. Klin. Chir., 26, 148, I900 Sarcoma. Died two days p.o. of anuria.
54 Denk: Arch. Klin. Chir., I 16, 245, 1921 Shadows of multiple calculi close to spine at
level of 3rd to 4th lumbar vertebrae.
Found calculous pyonephrosis of one-half
of horseshoe kidney and resected. Isthmus
at upper poles. I
55 Karewski: Deut. Med.‘Woch., 47, 989 Infected hydronephrosis of one-half of
horseshoe kidney with superior isthmus.
56 Key: Nor. Med. Ark., 47, I, 1921 Hypernephroma.
57 Gibbon: Rev. de Chir., 1265, 1909 Sarcoma. Recovered.
58 Desmarest: J. de Chir., 5, 742, 1910' Calculous hydronephrosis. Recovery.
59 Enderlen: Presse Med., 357, I910 Hydronephrosis. Recovery.
60 Marion: Unpublished but cited by Hydronephrosis. Recovery.
Botez (lac. cit.)
61 Michon: Assoc. Franc. d’Urol., 15t_h Hydronephrosis. Secondary.
Session, 1911
62 Oehlecker: Zeit. Urol. Chir., I0, 66, Hydronephrosis.
63 Rovsing: Zeit. f. Urol., 5, 586, 1911 Pyonephrosis. Suspected horseshoe kidney
from palpatory findings.
64 Gayet: Jour. d’Urol. Tuberculosis. Made diagnosis before opera-
tion by proximity of lower poles "(pal-
an;-— *:—’u an-u-—--a rvw-v-w%—up
Pyelotomy or ‘Nephrotomy
Q) .
53:2 Author and reference Technic and remarks
1 V. Frisch: Proc. German Urol., Con- Pyelotomy for calculus anuria. Calculus
gress, 191 I passed spontaneously later. Recovery.
2 Steiner, Idem. Nephrotomy for two large calculi. Recovery.
Suspected horseshoe kidney from pal-
patory findings.
3 Eisendrath: Surg. Gyn. & Obst., 15, 467, Hydronephrosis. Nephrotomy.
Oct., 1912 -
4 Israel: Fol. Urol., 1, 617, 1908 Diagnosis by palpation before operation.
Bilateral pyelotomy for calculi.
5 Zuckerkandl (Paschkis): Wien. Med. Pyelotomy for calculus.
Woch., 59, 2605, Oct. 30, 1909
6 r Perineau (Marion): Ann. Mal. Gen. Pyelotomy. Recovery.
Urin., 28, 427, 1910
7 Roth (Casperz) Berl. Klin. Woch., 48, Nephrotomy for calculus.
66, Jan. 9, 1911
8 Adrian: Folia Urol., 8, 189, 1913 Pyelotomy for calculus.
9 Blesh: Jour. Okla. Med. Ass’n., I4, 239, Ureterotomy for calculus. Ureter behind
Sept. 21, 1921 isthmus.
I0 Krotoszyner: ANNALS OF SURGERY, 65, Nephrotomy for calculus in case of bilateral
565, 1917 renal calculus. Died on 3rd day after
operation of uremia.
11 Renton: Brit. Med. ]our., 1, 601, May Nephrotomy for calculus.
12 Taylor (Deaver): Am. J. Med. Sci., 161, Transperitoneal route. Pyelotomy for large
238, 1921 r calculi.
I3 Folsom: Texas St. Med. ]our., 16, 201, Pyelotomy for multiple small calculi.
Sept., 1920
14 Leedham-Green: Brit. Med. Jour., 2, Pyelotomy for ca1culus..
1583, Dec. 20, 1913
15 Idem. Pyelotomy for calculus.
16 Newman, Lancet, 2, 236, Aug. 18, Diagnosis by palpation before operation.
1917 Nephrotomy for calculus.
I7 Judd, Braasch and Schollz J.A.M.A., Nephrotomy for calculus.
791, 189, Oct. 7, 1922
18 Idem. Pyelotomy for calculus.
19 I dem? (Case 13) Diagnosis made before operation from
~ presence of shadows close to midline.
Bilateral pyelotomy for calculi.
20 Pyelotomy for calculus.
Idem. (CaLsefi14)
TABLE III——Contz'nued
Pyelotomy or Nephrotomy
| No.
Author and reference
Technic and remarks
Idem. (Case 15)
Diagnosis made before operation because
of proximity of shadows and of one pyelo-
gram to spine and anterior rotation of
calyces. Bilateral pyelotomy for calculi.
Judd, Braasch and Scholl: Casc 16,
Kinard: J.A.M.A., 81, 2077, Dec. 22,
Eisendrath, Culver and Phifer (Present
article), Case 1 ”'
Pyelotomy for calculus.
4 ;
Pyelotomy for calculus in one-half. Shadows
present in opposite kidney but operation.
—n —. -:1
Pyelotomy for multiple calculi. Diagnosis
before operation from proximity of
shadows to spine and pyelography.
Eisendrath, Culver and Phifer: (Pres-
sent article), Case 2.
Schuchardt (See Paschkis): Wien. Med.
Woch., 60,2417, Oct. 8, 1910
Winternitz: See abstract in Zent. Chir.,
35» 314» 1903
Samef as above. Pyonephrosis of opposite
hal .
Nephrotomy for calculus.
Nephrotomy for multiple calculi.
Zondek: Deut. Med. Woch., Oct. 13,
1921, See orig. again
Pyelotomy for calculus. Diagnosis of horse-
shoe kidney made before operation by
presence of shadows of both kidneys
close to spine.
Voorhoeve: Jour. de Radiol., 3, 414,
Pyelotomy for calculi. Diagnosis before
operation from facts that both kidney
shadows were close to spine, were verti-
' cal and both lower (at same level) than
Rathbunzhjour. Urol., 12,612, Dec.,
Pyelotomy for calculus. Post-operative
pyelogram confirmed diagnosis horseshoe
kidney made at time of operation.
genstr., 29, 808, 1922
752 '
31 Carlierz Memoires d’Urologie, July, Resection of tuberculosis upper third of
191 1, Masson & Co., Paris one-half. Recovery.
32 Lange: ANNALS OF SURGERY, 35, 581, Nephrotomy for calculi. Recovery.
33 Vince: Cercle Med., Brussels, 1902 Nephrotomy for calculus.
34 Walton: Ann. Genito-urin., 1802, 1910 Nephrotomy for calculus. Recovery.
35 Legueu: Traite Chirurg. d’Urol., 749, Pyelotomy for calculus. Recovery.
1910 H
.36 Reynard: Lyon Med., 132, 151, 1923 Nephrotomy for calculus.
37 Kraft: Fortsch. a.d. Geb. d. Roent- Nephrotomy for calculus. Possibility of
horseshoe kidney considered before opera-
tion because of proximity of shadow to
Primary Pyelotomy or Nephrotomy and Secondary Heminephrectomy
fig Author and reference Operations and remarks
I Gerard: Ann. mal. gen. urin., 29, 684, Pyelotomy for multiple calculi. Secondary
Apr., I9II heminephrectomy for pyelonephritis.
Died p.o.
2 Kuster: Cited by Kobylinski, Folia Pyelotomy for hydronephrosis. Secondary
Urolog., 6, I29, I91 I heminephrectomy.
3 Israel: Fol. Urol., I, 617, 1908 Diagnosis before operation by palpation.
Nephrotomy for intermittent hydrone-
phrosis. Secondary nephrectomy. '
4 Idem. I:IephrotomyIfor hydronephrosis.
5 H Albarran: See Kobylinski Same as above. I
6 Socin: Beitr. Klin. Chir., 4, 197, I888 Nephrotomy for hydronephrosis. Second-
ary heminephrectomy.
7 Boeckel: Jour. d’Urol., 12,296, 1921 Pyelotomy for calculi, Secondary hemi-
nephrectomy for fistula due to ureteral
calculus. ‘
8 Socin: (See Case 3 Table III) Primary nephrotomy for hydronephrosis.
Secondary heminephrectomy. Death from
9 Czerny-Nehrkom Beitr. Klin. Chir., 31, Nephrotomy for hydronephrosis. Secondary
139, 1900 nephrectomy.
IO Winternitz: See Steiner, Zent. Chir., Bilat. Nephrolithiasis of horseshoe kidney.
28, 314, I910 Nephrotomy for calculus followed by
herninephrectomy on one side, nephrolith-
otomy on opposite side. Recovery.
Plastics or Ureterolysis on Horseshoe Kidneys
Author and reference Operation and remarks
' N o.
I G:egoire:3our. d’Urol., 1, 659, I914 I\/Iobilized kinked ureter causinghydrone-
phrosis of half of horseshoe kidney.
2 Judd, Braasch and Scholl, (loc. cit.) Division of isthmus with mobilization of
ureter and rotation of right half in case of
congenital hydronephrosis of one-half of
horseshoe kidney.
wards, as it approached the shadow, but did not come in close contact with it (B of
Fig. 14). The left opaque catheter followed a similar course, but turned inwards at a
level corresponding to that of the right-sided shadow. The right pyelogram? (C of
Fig. 14) revealed an elongated vertical pelvis close tolthe spine with an inferior calyx
directed mesially, overlapping the disc between the third and fourth lumbar vertebrae.
The left pyelogram was more laterally located, but also had a mesially directed calyx.
_ ’rWe are indebted to Doctor M_ahone, the resident genito-urinary surgeon for the painstaking manner
in which the pyelograms were made in all of the cases. I
43 ‘ i753
Case .
I njuries of Horseshoe Kidneys
Author and reference
Description and remarks
1 Ehier: \-Ni-en. K1. W., 59, 3211,-Fiebi 6,
Crushing injury of abdomen. T emponnade.
I909 Autopsy revealed tear of isthmus.
2 Brunner: Beitr. Klin. Chir., I22, I46, Heminephrectomy for rupture of one-half
I92 I of horseshoe kidney.
3 Hinterstoisser: Wien. Klin. Woch., 33,
942, Oct., I920
-4 L. Herman: ].A.M.'A.-, ii3, IT],’I9;4, pp.
1315-1321 ‘
Crushing injury. Heminephrectomy. Death.
4:1 —:—n — —n
5 S. C. Dean: ANNALS or SURGERY, 75,
Gunshot wound of hilus of right half.
Heminephrectomy. Recovery.
Miscellaneous Cases
Author and reference
Lesion and remarks
I Moynihan: Brit. Med. ]our., 1, 263,
Feb. I, 1902
Aspirated and removed wall of cyst of
2 Pichler: Mitt. a. d. Grenz., geb., 30, 557,
Made diagnosis horseshoe kidney by pal-
19I8 pation and confirmed at autopsy.
3* Idem. T Same.
4D Idem. Same.
5 éergteri 1\/lt. Sinai Hosp. Rep., 1, 214, Decapsulation for acute nephritis. Recovery.
I 99 .
6 Ktittnerz Berl. Klin. Woch., 30, 471, Exploratory ‘ for chronic hemorrhagic
I911 nephritis. Diagnosis before operation by
7 Sturfndorfz llev. de Gyn. -et Chir. abd.,
3. 1053» 1903
Mobile horseshoe kidney. Nephropexy.
8 Buss: Zeit. Elin. Med., 5:49, 189;)
N ephrectomy (through error) of entire horse-
shoe kidney lying in true pelvis.
1 u—’-
Both ureters entered the respective pelves
shadows of the mesially directed calyces.
horseshoe kidney was made and confirmed
the usual lumbar kidney incision forwards
in a peculiar manner, passing behind the
From the above findings a diagnosis of
at operation. It was necessary to extend
so that the anterior surface of the renal
pelvis could be exposed after displacement inwards of the peritoneum. The upper pole
was at the level of the costal arch and one could follow an isthmus of about 4 cm.
width inwards until it crossed the spine.
Through an incision in the anterior aspect
of the renal pelvis, much phosphatic detritus and two well-formed but soft calculi were
removed. No attempt was made to close the pyelotomy incision.
was uneventful.
The convalescence
CASE II.—P_\'t’]()f()IlI_\’ for renal califiilzis in 0izu—/zalf of Izorscslzuc /cicihzey. 1-’resence
of I/zis czizoiizizly di'a_c/nosi'd before 0[m'atz'0n.
Male, aged fifty-oiie, with history of fistula following drainage of right perinephric
abscess ten months hefore. There was marked 1); uria and absence of dye excretion from
this right kidney, but clear urine and prompt concentrated (lye output on the left side.
l\’a(liogi‘apliy (Dr. Cora M.
Nlattliews) revealed a series
of four oval shadows (‘A of
Fig‘. 15) on the left side and
close to the spine. They were
directed dowiiwards and iii-
wards. so that the lowermost
one was in Contact with the
outer end of the left traits-
Verse process of the fourth
lumbar \'ertehra. The intra-
renal character of these
shadows was confirmed hy
the relatioii of the opaque
catheter and hy p_\'elog'rapli_\'
(B of liig. 15‘). The former
curved sharply iiiwarcls and
at its upper end was in close
contact with the lowermost of
the calculous shadows. The
opaque medium included all
of the. shadows and revealed a
narrow Vertical pelvis. with
the upper calyx directed ines-
ially. Froiii these tii1(liiigs
alone a diagnosis of calculi in
the left half of a horseshoe
kidney was made. In order.
however. to more accurately
ascertain the condition of the
right half. a p_\'elogram was
made and revealed (C of Fig.
15) an arlvanced degree of
dilatation of the renal pelvis.
thus contiriiiiiig our fiiiclings
on ureteral catheterization.
Before a right lieniinephrec—
toniy could he considered it
was deemed a(lVlSal)le to H3" FIG. 13, A and B.——Most frequent types of blood-vessels (Papin).
move the calculi from the A. Single vessel to each_ha1f and two to isthmus. B. Single vessel
1 ft 1 If to each half and one to isthmus.
L“ ' 18. .
On June 17, 1925, the left renal pelvis was exposed extraperitoneally, on its anterior
aspect. The upper pole of this half of the horseshoe kidney was, as in the first case.
at the level of the costal arch and the lower pole was continuous with an isthmus which
measured 3 to 4 cm. in a vertical direction. The ureter, as in the first case, passed across
the front of the isthmus and like the pelvis, showed marked thickening of its walls.
No difficulty was experienced in the delivery of four calculi through an incision in the
alltcrigr aspect of the renal pelvis. The convalescence from this operation was unevent-
ful and an attempt will be made in the near future to remove the pyonephrotic right
half. (C of Fig. 15.)
CASE III.—Tuberculosis of one-half of a_ horseshoe kidney. Presence of this anomaly
diagnosed _by pyelography but not yet confirmed at operation.
Male, aged twenty-four. Sudden onset of severe pain over right kidney region of one
C week’s duration. Frequency
of urination especially during
the day for a longer period.
_There was considerable ten-
derness over the right kidney.
One brother had kidney re-
moved for tuberculosis.
Bladder urine very turbid, as
was also that from the left
kidney. Dye excretion from
this side was delayed and poor
as compared with the opposite
(right) side. Acid-fast
bacilli were found by Doctor
Connell, the interne in charge,
in the bladder urine, but they
could not be found in the
urine from the left kidney.
Radiography (Dr. Cora M.
Matthews) revealed nothing
D abnormal in the plain film, -i.e.,
before the opaque catheters
were passed. The film taken
after these (opaque cathe-
ters) were introduced and the
opaque median (12 per cent.
sodium iodid) injected on both
sides revealed the following
very interesting findings.
(Fig. 16.) -
I. The opaque catheters
on both sides curve outwards
as they reach the lower bor-
der of the fourth lumbar
vertebra. This is more
marked on the left side.
2. The right pyelogram
has an unusual contour. At
its upper end one observes
FIG. I3,Cand D.—Most frequenttypesof blood-vessels(Papin). Superior and middle calyces
eCa.C}T;lvao1fy::?l:rf§fgcglhglisand twotoisthmusl. D. Two vessels to which are app,-0Xjm.ate]y nor-
_mal in location but unusual
in arising from an expanded area of the pelvis instead of a tapering portion as is to be
seen in the normal pelvis. There is a rudimentary infer_ior calyx directed laterally.
The most striking feature, however, of this right pyelogram is seen at its lower end.
Here one notes the extension mesially of the pelvis proper, so that it completely covers
the corresponding transverse process of the third lumbar vertebra. This portion of the
pelvis is almost quadrilateral in form and has rudimentary calyces along its mesial and
FIG. 14.3-—Radiogr_aphic and yelographic findings in Case I. A print—Shadow of r_ight renal calculus over outer end of right transverse process of second
lumbar vertebra. B pr1nt—Note ow r1ght_ opaque catheter turns outward and left one mwards. C pr1nt—Note meslally d1rected calyces (see text) and unusual
forms of both pyelograms; also close proximlty of fight one to spme. T
FIG. I5.—Radipgraphic'and pyelographjc findirggs in Case II. _ _
B. Pyelogram mcluding shadows _seen 1n A, Wlth several calyces d1rected mesxally.
marked d1Iatat1on of pelvis and calyces (mfected hydronephrosis).
A. Shadows of the four calculi arranged in serial rr_1anner_obliquely opposite fourth lumbar verte-
Note pecullar shape of th1s pelv1s. C. Pyelogram of right half showing
caudal borders. A diagnosis of horseshoe kidney could be made from such a pyelo-
gram alone. __ . . _
3. The right ureter runs behind the inferior calyx and enters the pelvis along the
middle of its curving caudal (inferior) border. .
4. The left pyelogram also reveals some features which are characteristic of horse-
FIG. I6.—Pye1ographic findings in Case III.’ Note mesially directed calyces on both sides; also howfright
pelvis extends across front‘ of body of third lumbar vertebra. Note unusual form of both pelves.
shoe kidney, due to faulty rotation. The pyelogram is situated at about the. distance
from the spine which is found under normal conditions. The pelvis itself has a peculiar
form, there being a marked protrusion along the mesial border at the upper inner angle.
The superior middle and inferior major calyces are very short and the ureter as on the
right side runs behind the inferior major calyx to enter the pelvis along the middle of
its caudal (inferior) border, instead of its mesial as in the normal kidney.
A more significant finding is that one of the calyces is directed mesially, an almost
pathognomonic evidence of renal torsion, as Braasch has pointed out.
From our pyelographic evidence we feel confident that we are dealing with a
tuberculosis of one-half of a horseshoe kidney, but the patient having thus far refused
operation, we must postpone confirmation of our diagnosis for the present.
I. Clinical Pictu-res.—Aside from the syndrome first described by
Rovsing 1‘ there are no pathognomonic symptoms indicative of this anomaly.
I 7In the cases first reported by
‘Rovsing and since by others
(see Table I), the abdominal
pains are thought to be due to
pressure of the isthmus on the
large vessels behind it (aorta
and ‘vena cava) and accom-
panying them. The complete
relief of symptoms after divi-
sion of the isthmus (_symphysi-
otomy) lends support to this
compression theory. The pain
in these cases is referred to
both lumbar regions and is
vaguely localized in different
parts of the abdomen. The
most characteristic feature is
the increased degree of pain on
leaning forwards or upon exer-
tion, and its complete disap-
pearance on lying down.
Neufville 15 described an un-
usual case related to this
syndrome of Rovsing. A
young man of twenty-five had
FIG. I7.—Hyd_ronephrosis of right half of horseshoe oedema Of l)OlZh IOWCI‘  and
kidney. (Bockenhe1mer.) . .
a slight degree of ascites for a
brief period. At autopsy the vena cava was found thrombosed by the
compression of a vena cava. We quote this case with skepticism as to the
relation of the anomaly to the thrombosis.
In Table IX we have grouped the entire I 32 cases, including our own,
as to the frequency of the various lesions and would direct attention to the
fact that the majority‘ are,‘ the result of the conditions mentioned above as
being present in horseshoe "kidney and favoring stagnation. For this reason,
diseases such as calculi, l1yd1'o- and pyonephrosis, etc., constitute the majority.
2. Diagnosis.—(Compare with Table VIII.)
In the earlier cases, the
proportions which were diagnosed by palpation alone is far greater than since
the advent of radiography supplemented by pyelography. Of a total of I 33
cases) (including our first two) only 19, or 14.2 per cent., were diagnosed
before operation or autopsy and confirmed. From the modern urologic‘ stand-
point we can eliminate the ten cases (all except Van Houten in the first
Cases Diagnosed before Operation or Autopsy?
By proximity
Palpation or plus ?e¥1aI1’1;%’;iCrlr:)i:"v3; calculus BY calculus Suspected
pyelography befo e
pyelography to spine fiiaggigg alone stlgaggigg operatlion
Martinow, I—-2. . . . . Zondek, III—28 — Tudd, Braiasch Papin, I:I I -Ju-dd. éfiaasai Kr-ogs, I:9- -
an an
Rovsing, I-3 . . . . . . . Voorhoeve, III—I9 Scholl, III—I9 Scholl, III—2I Rovsing. I-I3
Malmovsky, I-4. . . . . Rathbun, II—39
Van Houten (3) Eisendrath, Steiner, III—2
I-1 I . . . . . . . . . . . . Phifer and
Culver. III—24
Israel, IV—3 . . . . . . . . idem, III—25 Israel, III—4r
Pichler, (2). VII-2. . _
Pichler, (2). VII-3 . .
Pichler, (2). VII—4. .
Newman, III—I6. . ..
Israel, II-69 . . . . . . . .
Kuttner, II—6. . . . .
Totals . . . . . . . . . .11 2 I 2 3 4
I Figures after author's name refer to Table and Case number respectively.
2. Pichler’s cases were not operated, but confirmed at autopsy.
3. In this case diagnosis made by palpation and confirmed by pyelography.
Frequency of Various Lesions
Tlffbl Pain Hydronephrosis Calculi Tuberculosis Pyonephrosis Others
I I I ~ I
2 23 13 I3 6 ' 9
3 I 34 I
4 7 3
5 2
6 i 4
7 I 3
Totals. . . .. II 34 51 13 7 16
column of Table VIII) in which diagnosis was made by palpation alone
because this would hardly be depended upon at the present time.
One can
also discard the four cases not included in the nineteen (Table VIII) in which
the diagnosis was only suspected, thus leaving nine cases in which more recent
methods of diagnosisj: were employed. From an analysis of these nine cases
we can cite the following as important radiographic features.
-2}: Radiography (plain) supplemented by employment of opaque catheter and
(a) The close proximity of one or both renal shadows to the spine at a
lower level than normal.
(b) The close proximity to (Fig. I4) or obliquity of position (Fig. I 5)
in relation to the spine, of the shadows of renal calculi. If one or both halves
of the horseshoe kidney lie close to the spine the value of (a) and (b) as diag-
FIG. I8.—Hydronephrosis of right half of horseshoe kidney with superior isthmus. (Karewski.)
nostic features cannot be underestimated. If, however, one or both halves
are symmetric (Fig. I), i.e., at the same level and as far away from the spine
as is the normal kidney, the above data are of little value alone. One must
also recall the possibility of renal or calculous shadows being at different
levels (Fig. 2) in an asymmetric horseshoe kidney.
(c) Urography.—This in our opinion is the method which corroborates
the suspicions raised by the findings cited under (a) and (b). 7 If one or
both pyelograms (Figs. I4, 15 and I6) lie in close proximity to the spine at
the same or different levels, or even extend partly across the spine (Fig. 6),
as in one of our own and in Rathbun’s case, there can be little doubt as to
the presence of horseshoe kidney. The same is true even if one pyelogram
is close to the spine and the opposite one at the normal distance. (Fig. I4.)
If, however, both pyelograms are not close to the spine one must depend on
other findings which are of great value not only under these conditions of
normal distance of pyelo-
grams from the spine, but
also when one or both are
in close proximity.
These additional data
were first called to our
attention by Braasch.
They are due to the
faulty rotation of the
halves of a horseshoe
kidney. As a result we
find (a) one or more
calyces directed mesially
(Fig. I4); (b) very long,
narrow pelves (Fig. I5)
or “ bizarre” shapes; (c)
unusual course of the
ureter, i.e., passing behind
a calyx (Fig. 14) and
not entering the pelvis
along its convex border.
(Fig. I4.)
‘Ne believe that nu-‘re FIG. I9.—Hydronephrosis of both halves of ahorseshoe kidney.
. P ' .
widespread knowledge of s ( "“p“’) .
these radiographic features will enable us-to make a pre—operative diagnosis
in the future in a larger percentage of cases.
Table I. Symphysiotomy (Division of isthmus), alone or combined with
other operations, such as fixation of left half after pyelotomy
for calculi (Egger’s case) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I2 cases
Table II. Heminephrectomy alone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 63 cases
Table III. Pyelotomy or nephrotomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 35 cases
Table IV. Primary pyelotomy or nephrotomy and secondary heminephrcctomy 10 cases
Table V. Plastics or ureterolysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 cases
Table VI. Subparietal injuries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 cases
Table VII. Miscellaneous, not including three cases of Pichler (not operated) . 5 cases
Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I3I cases
1] Owing to omission of mention of result of operation in_a su_fficient.ly_ large number to nullify the
value of any deductions, the percentages of deaths and recoveries Wlll be omitted.
Technic of Operations on Horseshoe Kidneys.--The method of approach
should always be by the extraperitoneal route employing the same incision
(lumbar) as in the normally placed and formed kidney. It is necessary, how-
FIG. 2o.—Bilateral calculi in horseshoe kidney. (Schuchardt.)
ever, to extend the incision
much nearer the outer border
of the corresponding rectus
muscle because access to the
pelvis must be from the ven-
tral and not from the dorsal
~l aspect as in ordinary (pos-
terior) pyelotomy. There is
usually no difficulty in displac-
ing the peritoneum while the
patient is in the lateral position
and then changing to a supine
position while the pelvis and
isthmus are being exposed.
We found that this change of
position of the patient after
division of the various layers
of the abdominal wall and
strong retraction of the perito-
neum enabled us to work
under guidance of the eye in
both cases. For heminephrec—
tomy a similar good exposure
is essential owing to the many
accessory vessels (both arter-
ies and veins) which enter the
hilus, poles and isthmus in a
very irregular manner. The
isthmus can be clamped as one proceeds to divide it and the denuded areas
closed by mattress sutures of chromic gut reinforced at loop and knot by fat pads.

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Eisendrath DN Phifer FM and Culver HB. Horseshoe Kidney (1925) Ann Surg. 82(5): 735-64. PubMed 17865363

Horseshoe Kidney





DE]-‘INITION.-—AS stated in a previous article‘ we believe that the term “fused kidney” should be discarded. In its place we should employ the

following terms to designate the respective conditions: I. Crossed F.ctopia.—To be used for those cases in which both kidneys

FIG. I.—Horscshoo kidney with symmetric halves. (Drawing made from specimen in Rush Medical College Museum.)

are found on the same side of the body. They may be fused into one mass or be separated. The lower of the two kidneys corresponds to the one which in the embryo should have been found on the opposite side of the body.

2. Double Kidney.——To be used for those cases in which there is a redupli- cation either complete or incomplete of the ureter and a corresponding

  • From the Cook County and Michael Reese Hospitals.


reduplication of the renal pelvis on one or both sides of the body. The paren- chyma around the respective pelves of each half of the kidney may fuse, or the two halves may be more or less separated.

3. Horseshoe Kidney.—The two kidneys of opposite sides of the body are connected across the spine by an isthmus which may consist only of

FIG. 2a.—Horseshoe]kidneys with asymmetric halves. One-ha.lf_'at higher level. (Rush Medical College Museum.)

fibrous tissue or of parenchyma. The isthmus varies greatly in width and as to whether it connects the upper or lower poles.

4. Cake or L. Kidney.—These are simply sub-varieties of the horseshoe kidney. If the isthmus which extends across the spine is so wide that it connects the two kidneys along their entire mesial borders, we speak of a cake


kidney. (Fig. 7.) If one-half of the horseshoe kidney is elongated so that

the other half only is united to its lowermost portion, we speak of an L. kidney.‘

(B of Fig. 2.) 1. Frequency of Horseshoe Kid12ey.—Botez°" collected the statistics of

FIG. 2b.—-Horseshoekidneys with asymmetric halves. The two halves form an L-shaped mass. (Garre and Ehrhardt case.)

51,504 autopsies published by various authors up to, 1912. Horseshoe kidney was found in 72 of these, or I to 715 autopsies. Carlier and Gerard,3 in 1913, added some later observations to those of Botez, finding that this anomaly occurred eighty times in 69,98'9 autopsies or I to 862. Since I913,


FIG. 4.—Horseshoe kidney with superior isthmus. (Byron Robinson case.)


the observation of Motzfeld “ can be added, making a total of 73,489 autopsies in which horseshoe kidney was found in 92, or approximately I in 710 bodies.

2. Relation of the Two Halves-—Horseshoe kidneys may be divided as follows: i l l

I. Symmetric.—Both halves approximately equal‘ in size and at the same level. (Fig. I.)

2. Asymmetric.——Inequa1ity in size and level of the two halvesf (-Fig. 2.) One side may be hypoplastic and the other the size of a normal kidney, or one side may be of normal size and the other so elongated as to form together a V or L-shaped mass. ' h (Fig. 2.) ‘ 1

As a rule the two‘ halves are situated an equal distance from the spine, but it is well to remember in our radio- graphic study of suspected it cases that one or both halves may be as far away i‘ * from the spine as is the normal kidney, or on the other hand, that one-half may be quite close to the spine andthe other not. (Fig. I4.) It is" not 1111-

Colnrnon t0 find 3 h,V])0" FIG. )5.-—'-Isthmu_s_corC111p1c:sed of botlli cortel.-3x and ‘medulla. Tlhe isth- ° ' t . . plasla of one-half and a musjome eupper Po es ( aetzner Case) ‘

compensatory increase in size of the other half. As a rule the lower poles converge, as is true in the embryo (Broman) and: hence the renal shadows and pyelograms or calculous shadows Fig. I5) are often directedobliquely inwards. The upper poles _in some cases are very far apart and the angle which the halves form with the spine wider than when the upper poles are a normal distance apart.

3. The Isthmus, etc.—(a) Inferior and superior. Byron Robinson 5 found

the isthmus joining the lower poles in 88 per cent. of his observatioiis,

Beyer *3 found such an inferior isthmus in 93 per cent. and Gerard in 91 per cent._. so that one can say that it is so located in about 90 percent.“ of the cases. The superior polar isthmus occurs in the remaining 10 per cent. (See Fig. 3.) if 4' if s (b) Width and Character ‘of Isthmus.-This was fibrous in (Fig. 4) seven cases. Robinson (loc. cit.) estimates that this condition exists in I 5 per cent. of all cases, but this appears too high a percentage. In.the majority of cases the isthmus is composed of parenchyma, so that there is no demar-


FIG. 6a.—Specimen in_ Rush Medical College Museum, illustrating variation in width of isthmus. Com- pare with Figs. 3, 6b and 7 to understand how the cake kidney originates.

FIG. 6b.—-Specimen in.Rush Medical College Museum, illustrating variation in width of isthmus. Corn- pare with Figs. 3, 6a and 7 to understand how the cake kidney originates.


cation between the two halves. (Fig. 5.) The isthmus in a vertical direction measures from 2 to 3 cm. in the majority of cases.

(c) Transition to Cake K'idney.—The isthmus may unite a variable pro- portion of the two halves, as a rule only the poles, but it may fuse together more than the 2 to 3 cm. just mentioned so that all degrees (Fig. 6, a and b) are found up to that of complete fusion to which the name cake kidney (Fig. 7) has been given. Here there is a solid mass of renal tissue without any mesial demarcation.

(d) Relation of Isthnms to A0rta.—In only two cases, ‘via, those of Nixon 7 and Kelly3 was the isthmus behind the aorta.

4. Renal Pelvies.-In the majority of cases there is a single pelvis on each side. (Fig. I.) Reduplication of the ure- ters and of the pelves on one or both sides is not rare. (Fig. 8.)

The pelvis is usually on the anterior (ventral) aspect of -the kid n e 3' (Fig. I) at the level of the normal hilus. and resembles that of the normal organ in respect to being a single cavity with its calyces, located either partly external to the hilus or not extend- ing beyond it; i.e., intra- r e n a 1. In horseshoe kidney a true pelvis of this kind is often al)sent,'the calyces being all extra- renal and ending independently in the ureter. (Fig. 9.)

5. Ureters.—As a rule the ureters pass across the front of the isthmus and this accounts for the frequency with which calculi, hydronephrosis, etc., occur. Robinson found that the ureters passed behind the isthmus (Fig. 10) in 9 per cent. of his specimens, but this figure would seem too high inasmuch as only two reports, 1/z'z., those of Landouzy° and Durham 1° have been published of ureters behind the isthmus. The latter according to Robinson and other observers, at times has an independent ureter. In Karl _Ioseph’s case this isthmian ureter ended independently in the bladder. Perruchet 11


tum -.<— ,.

5'l_F1G. 7.——Typical cake kidney. (Papin.) EISENDRATH, PHIFER AND CULVER

describes a case in which one ureter passed behind the other in front of the isthmus. As a rule calyces are only present in the upper two-thirds of each half, but an extrarenal calyx or an independent ureter may drain the isthmus (Fig. 9) and be opened during the operation of division of the isthmus or of heminephrectomy. The ureters usually end in the bladder at the normal location, but it must be remembered clinically that one ureter may end ectopi- cally (Fig. 11) as is so often the case in double kid-neys. A

6. Location of H orscslzoc K1'——Tliis is usually lower, just above the aortic bifurcation (Fig. I), but it may be anywhere from the normal level of


FIG. 8.—Horseshoe kidney with two ureters'_and two’pelves for each half. (Byron Robinson case.)

the kidneys to the true pelvis. (Fig. 12.) Such‘ a pelvic ectopia is not uncommon.“ Only seven cases are reported in which the isthmus was at the normal level ofthe lower poles. In Rathbun’s 1‘-’ case one-half of shoe kidney was in the true pelvis. The majority of horseshoe kidneys which lie in thetrue pelvis-are of the cake (Fig. 7) variety, z'.'e., have completely fused halves. The isthmus is usually at the level of the fourth to fifth lumbar vertebrae and may not be in the median line. There is very little mobility as a rule in a horseshoe kidney, but a few cases have been reported in which marked mobility existed. The fixation of "a horseshoe kidney is in great



Fm. 9.—Horseshoe kidney with eiitrare_nal calyce endng directly in left lielf, io ureter. (Rush Medical College Museum.)

FIG. Io.——Horseshoe kidneys with symmetric hglves in which urets crossed posterior aspect of isthmus. (Rush Medical College Museum.)


measure due to the fact that it has multiple blood-vessels supplying it; all from immediately adjacent trunks. There is but little perinephric fat, hence this does not play a role in fixation of the horseshoe kidney.

7. Blood Supply.—It is important from the operative standpoint to remember that multiple arteries and veins for each half and often for the isthmus as well, are found in eighty per cent. In a study of I 39 cases, includ- ing I0 of his own, Papin” found the following:

(a) A single artery for both halves in only one case. (Bruncher..)

(b) One artery for each half in 25 cases. (A of Fig. I 3.)

(c) One artery for each half and one for the isthmus. (B of Fig. 13.) This is almost the normal condition. There were 40 cases in this group.

(d) Two arteries for each half and one for the isthmus. (C of Fig. 13.) The one for the isthmus is an aortic branch. There were 26 cases in this group.

(e) Two arteries for each half and one or two for the isthmus. The former are given off by either the aorta or the common iliacs. The lat- te r (isthmic branches) arise from the iliacs. (C

of Fig. .13.) Twenty FIG. II.—Horseshoe kidney with relatively wide isthmus. One - ureter ends just below external meatus. (Female.) (Massari C3533 belonged to th15

case.) group.

In the remaining groups there were from six to eight arteries for the two halves. The important deductions are that‘ one must have an adequate exposure of the operative field because (a) of the multiplicity of the vessels. both arteries and veins,which supply both halves and the isthmus, and (1)) because they may arise from the aorta or end in the vena cava, respectively, or similarly from the iliacs.



I. Factors Favoring Pathologic C onditions.———(a) Course of ureter across isthmus. This is perhaps the most important, because of the sharp bend which must be made by the ureter across the more or less thick and hard isthmus. (Fig. I.) Infections of the kidney involving the ureter secondarily are more apt to cause obstruction through fixation and kinking than in the caseof the normal ureter.

(b) The abnormal’ loca- tion of the pelvis on the ven- tral aspect of the kidney and the fact that the ureteral insertion is often at a higher point than the bottom of the pelvis and the f r e q u e nt absence of a pelvis proper (Fig. 9), all favor stagnation of urine and subsequent infec- tion. (Figs. 17 to 20.)

(c) The frequent occur- rence 'of congenital strictures of the ureter in horseshoe kidneys. I

(d) The presence of many accessory vessels and the possibility of ureteral obstruction by them.

2. Published Clinical Cases. Botez (loc. cit.) collected all clinical reports up to 1912 and included several unpub-

lished Ones (Marion) in FIG. I2.—Hydronephro_sis of lefltl half of pelvic ectopic cake article. Of a total of fifty “‘d“°Y- ‘ °““”-’

of Botez’s cases, only 39 are of value from the operative standpoint. Since I912, we have found reports of ninety additional clinical cases and with our own, reported in this article, we have a total of I 32 up to July, I925. (See

Tables I to VII inclusive.)

We will report our three cases before taking up the subject any further.

CASE I.—Pyelotomy for renal calculus in one-half of a horseshoe kidney. Presence of this anomaly diagnosed before operation.

Male, aged thirty-two, complained of pain in right lumbar region radiating to right upper quadrant of abdomen, of two days’ duration. In addition to tenderness over the right iliocostal space, there were other evidences of acute renal infection. Radiography (Dr. Cora M. Matthews) revealed an oval vertical shadow (A of Fig. 14) lying over the transverse process of. the second lumbar vertebra; i.e., closer to the spine than shadows of renal or ureteral calculi usually do. The right opaque catheter curved slightly out-

745 746


Division of Isthmus Alone (Symphysiotomy) or Combined with other Operations

Author and reference

E. Papin: Assoc. franc. d’Uro- logie, 22nd Congress, Paris, Oct.

22. 1922, P- 557

Sex and age

Female years


Chief clinical data 0P€1'3ti0n

-<- 4- u‘ 4-.——:

4-4. I - n n u I —'

Ureter in front of the 2 cm. isthmus on both sides. Divi- sion of isthmus was easy. Extraperitoneal approach

Gradually increasing ab- dominal and lumbar pains. Could feel isthmus and con- firmed diagnosis by pyelog- raphy. Both pelves lower, with calyces directed to- wards midline


-4. — -4: :1. -1 -R

Complete relief of pain. Diag- nosis of horseshoe kidney made by pyelography.

A Martinovv: Zent. f. Chir., 9, 314,

(Feb._) 1910

Rovsing: Zeit. f. Urol., 5, 586, I911

—-.__. a 1

Malinowsky: Jour. d'Uro1ogie, I, 869, (Dec.) 1912

Mintz: Chirourg. Archiv. Veliam, 29, I047, I923. Quoted by Papin: Arch mal. des Reins, 2, 24, Feb. I, 1925

Female years


Male 23 years

Female -years

Female years



u 1 x «u 4...

Recurrent attacks of pain above» level of umbilicus where could palpate tender mass » '

Transperitoneal division of isthmus

— 4—_ 1 4- 1—

Crushed isthmus by trans- peritoneal route

Recurrent attacks of girdle- like pain at level of umbili- cus. Disappeared when in recumbent position. Could feel mass running obliquely across abdomen

Persistent abdominal pain, Crushed isthmus accompanied by hyperacidi-

ity. Could palpate isthmus

Recurrent attacks of non- localizable abdominal pain. Felt mass size child ’s head at level of umbilicus

Transperitoneal division of isthmus -

Complete relief of pain. Diagnosis of horseshoe kid- ney made by palpation alone.

—’ 1

Complete relief of pain. Diagnosis made by palpa- tion alone.


Complete relief of pain, but not of hyperacidity. Diag- nosis made by palpation alone.


Complete relief of pain. Diagnosis of horseshoe kid- ney not made before opera- tion.


Brongersma: Zeit. f. Urol., 8, 477, Female, age Recurrent pain, (bilateral) Transperitoneal division of Complete relief of pain- 1914 not given resembling ureteral colics isthmus Diagnosis not made before operation.

._. . -

I dem.. Male, age not Pain at level of umbilicus T ransperitoneal division of Complete relief of pain. given especially upon leaning for— isthmus Diagnosis of horseshoe kid- wards. Haematuria once ney made at previous ab- after lifting heavy weight dominal operation.


iEggers: Zeit. f. Urol. Chir., 9, 427, Male 18 years History of left-sided renal Extraperitoneal division of Recovery. Diagnosis made

1922 calculus, confirmed by radio- isthmus with fixation of left during operation. ., graphy. Pyelography after half after pyelotomy for mul-

operation revealed both tiple calculi

pelves _close to spine


Kroiss: Verh. d. Deut. Gesell. f. Female 29 Recurrent severe pain at Transperitoneal division of Complete relief of pain. Urologie, 1922 years level of umbilicus. Palpable isthmus J Possibility of horseshoe kid- mass below this level. Pye- ney considered before oper- lography reveals both pelves tion.

much lower than normal ' I

Kidd: Proc. Royal Soc. Med., Female 32 Recurrent attacks of severe Transperitoneal division of Complete relief of pain. London, 15, 52, 1922 years pain over sacral region. Very isthmus Diagnosis made during pri- mobile kidney to be felt in mary operation for supposed right iliac fossa mobile kidney.

' Van Houtem: Zeit. f. Urol. Chir., I Female 37 Recurrent attacks of colicky '1‘ ransperitoneal division of Gradual disappearance of 8, 165, 1922 years pain in back and over abdo- isthmus pain. Diagnosis made by men, accompanied by haem- palpation under anaesthesia l aturia. Pyelography revealed and confirmed by pye1og- one pelvis close to spine raphy before operation.

‘ De Groot: Zeit. f. Urol. Chir., Male 16 years Recurrent severe abdominal Transperitoneal division of Complete relief of pain. 8, 170, I922 pain " which disappeared isthmus Diagnosis made during ex- when in recumbent position. ploratory laparotomy. Could feel mass above and . . to left of umbilicus



H eminephrectomy Alone

J Case No

Author and reference

Indication for operation and remarks

Barth (Israel) :

Arch. Klin. Chir., 74, 3689 I904’ '

Tuberculous hydronephrosis of right half.

2 Clairmont: Arch. Klin. Chir., 79, 667, Hydronephrosis in two-year-old child. 1906 3 Hoffman: Wien. Klin. Woch., I22, 355, Tuberculosis. Recovered. 1913 4 Marjasches (see Kobylinski) Same as No. 3. Died p.o. 5 Koenig: Deut. Zeit. Chir., 40,92, I895 Sarcoma in child. 6 Gibbon: Rev. de Chir., 1265, 1909 Same. 7 Debuchy (see Koby1inski): Folia Urol., Carcinoma. 6, 160, 1911 - 8 _ Rumpel: Zent. Chir., 29, 1091, 1902 Calculous pyonephrosis. 9 Lotheissen: Arch. Klin. Chir., 52, 768, Hydronephrosis secondary to ureteral stric- 1896 ture. Died p.o. 1o Paschkis: Wien, Med. W., 60, 2417, Calculous pyonephrosis. Oct., 1910 11 Kiimmell: Case 2. (Flockemann) Zeit. Hydronephrosis. Recovered. Urol. Chir., 4, 204, 1918 -

I2 Kiimmell: Case 4. (Flockemann), Calculouslhydronephrosis. Recovered. ' I Idem.

I 3 Idem: Case 5. Idem. Chronic nephritis. Recovered.

14 Faykiss: Wien. Med. W., 60, 1479, 1914 Tuberculosis. Recovered.

15 Hi1debrandt:Zeit. f. Urol., 14, 465, 1920 Sarcoma.

16 Albarranz Ann. Mal. Gonitourin, 25, Hydronephrosis. Recovered.


17 Legueu: Necker Clinics, 1922 Tuberculosis.

I 8 Idem. Echinococcus.

19 Renton: Brit. Med. Jour., 1,601, May Calculus with atrophic pyelonephritis.

20,1920 . 20 Leedham-Green: Brit. Med. _]our., 2, Pyonephrosis.‘ 1583, Dec. 20, 1923 21 Idem. Same. 22 Bryan: Virg. Med. Month., 48, 75, Hydronephrosis. Pyeloigram (post-opera- May, 1921 tive) showed median pelvis.


TABLE II—Contz'nued

Heminephrectomy Alone

0 . 8% Author and reference Indication for operation and remarks 23 Rawlingz Brit. Jour. Surg., 9, 162, I921 Bilateral nephrolithiasis. Heminephrec- tomy for calculous pyonephrosis. 24 Thompson: ANNALS OF SURGERY, 54, Pyonephrosis. 355, Sept., I911 25 Harris (see Thompson) Tuberculosis. 26 Rehling: Int. Jour. Surg., 32_, 239'," I919 Hydronephrosis. Recovered. 27 Magnus: Zent. f. Chir. Tuberculosis. Died seven weeks after operation. 28 Jeck: Int. Jour. Surg., 32, 639, I919 Pyonephrosis. 29 Judd, Braasch & Scholl: J.A.M.A., 79, Ureteral calculus complicated by hydrone- I 189, Oct. 7, I922 phrosis. 30 Idem. Infected hydronephrosis. 31 Idem. Multiple calculi. 32 Idem. Hydronephrosis. 33 Judd, Braasch & Scholl, Idem. Infected hydronephrosis. 34 Idem. Infected hydronephrosis. 35 Idem. Infected hydronephrosis. 36 Oraison: Gaz. Hebdom., 40, 32, Feb. Tuberculosis. 9. 1919 37 Nash: Lancet, 174, I151, I908 Hydronephrosis in 16 months child. _38 Bugbee & Losee: Surg. Gyn. & Obst., Tuberculosis. 28, 97, Feb., 1919 39 Rathbun: Jour. Urol., 12, 612, Dec., Hydronephrosis. Died 17 days p.o. Diagno- 1924 ' sis made before operation by pyelography. 40 Idem. Calculous pyonephrosis. 41 Hess: Jour. Urol., I2, 267, I924 Uretal calculus complicated bypyonephrosis. 42 Loelfler (Kroiss): Zeit. Urol. Chir., I6, Infected hydronephrosis due to ureteral 181, 1924 kink. 43 Idem. Tuberculosis. 44 W. Carl: Zent. f. Chir., 50, 506, Mar. Multiple calculi complicated by pyone- 3I, 1923 phrosis. . 45 G. Magnus: Zent. Chir., 54, 76, Jan. Tuberculosis. Died7w‘eeks p.o.

24» 1925


TABLE .II—Continued Heminephrectomy Alone

Case No.

Author and reference

1_j_ 4—

Indication for operation and remarks

Leekahr: Ky. Med. Jour., 21, 679, Dec., 1923

— ——. 4——: —1-————

Marson: Brit. Med. Jour., 1, 237, Feb.

Infected hydronephrosis.

47 Infected hydronephrosis complicating cal- 1o, 1923' C1111 (renal). Recovery. 48 Baltscheffsky: Finska. Lack. Handl., Tuberculosis. Recovery. 64,377.I922 I ' 49 Israel: Fol. Urol., 1, 617, 1908 Hydronephrosis. Diagnosis before opera- ' tion by palpation. 50 Idem, Tuberculosis. Fistula persisted. 51 Zondek: Deut. Med. Woch., 46, 897, Calculous pyonephrosis. Aug. 5, 1920 ~ 52 Bockenheimer: Berl. Kl. Woch., 48, Hydronephrosis in boy of six, due to ureteral 641, Sept. 4, 1911 kink. 53 Simon: Beitr. Klin. Chir., 26, 148, I900 Sarcoma. Died two days p.o. of anuria. 54 Denk: Arch. Klin. Chir., I 16, 245, 1921 Shadows of multiple calculi close to spine at level of 3rd to 4th lumbar vertebrae. Found calculous pyonephrosis of one-half of horseshoe kidney and resected. Isthmus at upper poles. I 55 Karewski: Deut. Med.‘Woch., 47, 989 Infected hydronephrosis of one-half of horseshoe kidney with superior isthmus. 56 Key: Nor. Med. Ark., 47, I, 1921 Hypernephroma. 57 Gibbon: Rev. de Chir., 1265, 1909 Sarcoma. Recovered. 58 Desmarest: J. de Chir., 5, 742, 1910' Calculous hydronephrosis. Recovery. 59 Enderlen: Presse Med., 357, I910 Hydronephrosis. Recovery. 60 Marion: Unpublished but cited by Hydronephrosis. Recovery. Botez (lac. cit.) 61 Michon: Assoc. Franc. d’Urol., 15t_h Hydronephrosis. Secondary. Session, 1911 62 Oehlecker: Zeit. Urol. Chir., I0, 66, Hydronephrosis. 1922 63 Rovsing: Zeit. f. Urol., 5, 586, 1911 Pyonephrosis. Suspected horseshoe kidney from palpatory findings. 64 Gayet: Jour. d’Urol. Tuberculosis. Made diagnosis before opera-

tion by proximity of lower poles "(pal- pation).

an;-— *:—’u an-u-—--a rvw-v-w%—up


TABLE III Pyelotomy or ‘Nephrotomy

Q) . 53:2 Author and reference Technic and remarks

1 V. Frisch: Proc. German Urol., Con- Pyelotomy for calculus anuria. Calculus

gress, 191 I passed spontaneously later. Recovery.

2 Steiner, Idem. Nephrotomy for two large calculi. Recovery. Suspected horseshoe kidney from pal- patory findings.

3 Eisendrath: Surg. Gyn. & Obst., 15, 467, Hydronephrosis. Nephrotomy.

Oct., 1912 -

4 Israel: Fol. Urol., 1, 617, 1908 Diagnosis by palpation before operation. Bilateral pyelotomy for calculi.

5 Zuckerkandl (Paschkis): Wien. Med. Pyelotomy for calculus.

Woch., 59, 2605, Oct. 30, 1909 6 r Perineau (Marion): Ann. Mal. Gen. Pyelotomy. Recovery. Urin., 28, 427, 1910 7 Roth (Casperz) Berl. Klin. Woch., 48, Nephrotomy for calculus. 66, Jan. 9, 1911 8 Adrian: Folia Urol., 8, 189, 1913 Pyelotomy for calculus. 9 Blesh: Jour. Okla. Med. Ass’n., I4, 239, Ureterotomy for calculus. Ureter behind Sept. 21, 1921 isthmus. I0 Krotoszyner: ANNALS OF SURGERY, 65, Nephrotomy for calculus in case of bilateral 565, 1917 renal calculus. Died on 3rd day after operation of uremia. 11 Renton: Brit. Med. ]our., 1, 601, May Nephrotomy for calculus. 20,1920 12 Taylor (Deaver): Am. J. Med. Sci., 161, Transperitoneal route. Pyelotomy for large 238, 1921 r calculi. I3 Folsom: Texas St. Med. ]our., 16, 201, Pyelotomy for multiple small calculi. Sept., 1920 14 Leedham-Green: Brit. Med. Jour., 2, Pyelotomy for ca1culus.. 1583, Dec. 20, 1913 15 Idem. Pyelotomy for calculus. 16 Newman, Lancet, 2, 236, Aug. 18, Diagnosis by palpation before operation. 1917 Nephrotomy for calculus. I7 Judd, Braasch and Schollz J.A.M.A., Nephrotomy for calculus. 791, 189, Oct. 7, 1922 18 Idem. Pyelotomy for calculus. 19 I dem? (Case 13) Diagnosis made before operation from ~ presence of shadows close to midline. Bilateral pyelotomy for calculi. 20 Pyelotomy for calculus.

Idem. (CaLsefi14)


TABLE III——Contz'nued

Pyelotomy or Nephrotomy

Case | No.

Author and reference

Technic and remarks

Idem. (Case 15)


Diagnosis made before operation because

of proximity of shadows and of one pyelo- gram to spine and anterior rotation of calyces. Bilateral pyelotomy for calculi.

Judd, Braasch and Scholl: Casc 16, Idem.

Kinard: J.A.M.A., 81, 2077, Dec. 22, 1923


Eisendrath, Culver and Phifer (Present article), Case 1 ”'

Pyelotomy for calculus.

4 ;

Pyelotomy for calculus in one-half. Shadows present in opposite kidney but operation.

—n —. -:1

Pyelotomy for multiple calculi. Diagnosis before operation from proximity of shadows to spine and pyelography.


Eisendrath, Culver and Phifer: (Pres- sent article), Case 2.

Schuchardt (See Paschkis): Wien. Med. Woch., 60,2417, Oct. 8, 1910

Winternitz: See abstract in Zent. Chir., 35» 314» 1903

Samef as above. Pyonephrosis of opposite hal .


Nephrotomy for calculus.


Nephrotomy for multiple calculi.

Zondek: Deut. Med. Woch., Oct. 13, 1921, See orig. again

Pyelotomy for calculus. Diagnosis of horse- shoe kidney made before operation by presence of shadows of both kidneys close to spine.


Voorhoeve: Jour. de Radiol., 3, 414, 1919

Pyelotomy for calculi. Diagnosis before operation from facts that both kidney shadows were close to spine, were verti-

' cal and both lower (at same level) than normal.


Rathbunzhjour. Urol., 12,612, Dec., 1924


Pyelotomy for calculus. Post-operative pyelogram confirmed diagnosis horseshoe kidney made at time of operation.

genstr., 29, 808, 1922

752 '

31 Carlierz Memoires d’Urologie, July, Resection of tuberculosis upper third of 191 1, Masson & Co., Paris one-half. Recovery.

32 Lange: ANNALS OF SURGERY, 35, 581, Nephrotomy for calculi. Recovery. I901

33 Vince: Cercle Med., Brussels, 1902 Nephrotomy for calculus.

34 Walton: Ann. Genito-urin., 1802, 1910 Nephrotomy for calculus. Recovery.

35 Legueu: Traite Chirurg. d’Urol., 749, Pyelotomy for calculus. Recovery. 1910 H

.36 Reynard: Lyon Med., 132, 151, 1923 Nephrotomy for calculus.

37 Kraft: Fortsch. a.d. Geb. d. Roent- Nephrotomy for calculus. Possibility of

horseshoe kidney considered before opera- tion because of proximity of shadow to spine.


TABLE IV Primary Pyelotomy or Nephrotomy and Secondary Heminephrectomy

fig Author and reference Operations and remarks

I Gerard: Ann. mal. gen. urin., 29, 684, Pyelotomy for multiple calculi. Secondary

Apr., I9II heminephrectomy for pyelonephritis. Died p.o.

2 Kuster: Cited by Kobylinski, Folia Pyelotomy for hydronephrosis. Secondary Urolog., 6, I29, I91 I heminephrectomy.

3 Israel: Fol. Urol., I, 617, 1908 Diagnosis before operation by palpation.

Nephrotomy for intermittent hydrone- phrosis. Secondary nephrectomy. '

4 Idem. I:IephrotomyIfor hydronephrosis. 5 H Albarran: See Kobylinski Same as above. I 6 Socin: Beitr. Klin. Chir., 4, 197, I888 Nephrotomy for hydronephrosis. Second-

ary heminephrectomy.

7 Boeckel: Jour. d’Urol., 12,296, 1921 Pyelotomy for calculi, Secondary hemi- nephrectomy for fistula due to ureteral calculus. ‘

8 Socin: (See Case 3 Table III) Primary nephrotomy for hydronephrosis. Secondary heminephrectomy. Death from hemorrhage.

9 Czerny-Nehrkom Beitr. Klin. Chir., 31, Nephrotomy for hydronephrosis. Secondary 139, 1900 nephrectomy.

IO Winternitz: See Steiner, Zent. Chir., Bilat. Nephrolithiasis of horseshoe kidney. 28, 314, I910 Nephrotomy for calculus followed by herninephrectomy on one side, nephrolith- otomy on opposite side. Recovery.

TABLE V Plastics or Ureterolysis on Horseshoe Kidneys

Author and reference Operation and remarks

Case ' N o.

I G:egoire:3our. d’Urol., 1, 659, I914 I\/Iobilized kinked ureter causinghydrone- phrosis of half of horseshoe kidney. Recovery.

2 Judd, Braasch and Scholl, (loc. cit.) Division of isthmus with mobilization of ureter and rotation of right half in case of congenital hydronephrosis of one-half of horseshoe kidney.

wards, as it approached the shadow, but did not come in close contact with it (B of Fig. 14). The left opaque catheter followed a similar course, but turned inwards at a level corresponding to that of the right-sided shadow. The right pyelogram? (C of Fig. 14) revealed an elongated vertical pelvis close tolthe spine with an inferior calyx directed mesially, overlapping the disc between the third and fourth lumbar vertebrae. The left pyelogram was more laterally located, but also had a mesially directed calyx.

_ ’rWe are indebted to Doctor M_ahone, the resident genito-urinary surgeon for the painstaking manner in which the pyelograms were made in all of the cases. I

43 ‘ i753 Case . No.


TABLE VI I njuries of Horseshoe Kidneys

Author and reference

Case No.

Description and remarks

1 Ehier: \-Ni-en. K1. W., 59, 3211,-Fiebi 6,


Crushing injury of abdomen. T emponnade.

I909 Autopsy revealed tear of isthmus. 2 Brunner: Beitr. Klin. Chir., I22, I46, Heminephrectomy for rupture of one-half I92 I of horseshoe kidney.

3 Hinterstoisser: Wien. Klin. Woch., 33, 942, Oct., I920

-4 L. Herman: ].A.M.'A.-, ii3, IT],’I9;4, pp. 1315-1321 ‘

Crushing injury. Heminephrectomy. Death.

4:1 —:—n — —n

5 S. C. Dean: ANNALS or SURGERY, 75, 253,1922

Gunshot wound of hilus of right half. Heminephrectomy. Recovery.

TABLE VII Miscellaneous Cases

Author and reference

Lesion and remarks

I Moynihan: Brit. Med. ]our., 1, 263, Feb. I, 1902

Aspirated and removed wall of cyst of isthmus.

2 Pichler: Mitt. a. d. Grenz., geb., 30, 557,

Made diagnosis horseshoe kidney by pal-

19I8 pation and confirmed at autopsy.

3* Idem. T Same.

4D Idem. Same.

5 éergteri 1\/lt. Sinai Hosp. Rep., 1, 214, Decapsulation for acute nephritis. Recovery. I 99 .

6 Ktittnerz Berl. Klin. Woch., 30, 471, Exploratory ‘ for chronic hemorrhagic I911 nephritis. Diagnosis before operation by


7 Sturfndorfz llev. de Gyn. -et Chir. abd., 3. 1053» 1903

Mobile horseshoe kidney. Nephropexy.


8 Buss: Zeit. Elin. Med., 5:49, 189;)


N ephrectomy (through error) of entire horse- shoe kidney lying in true pelvis.

1 u—’-

Both ureters entered the respective pelves shadows of the mesially directed calyces. horseshoe kidney was made and confirmed the usual lumbar kidney incision forwards

in a peculiar manner, passing behind the From the above findings a diagnosis of at operation. It was necessary to extend so that the anterior surface of the renal

pelvis could be exposed after displacement inwards of the peritoneum. The upper pole was at the level of the costal arch and one could follow an isthmus of about 4 cm.

width inwards until it crossed the spine.

Through an incision in the anterior aspect

of the renal pelvis, much phosphatic detritus and two well-formed but soft calculi were

removed. No attempt was made to close the pyelotomy incision.

was uneventful.

The convalescence


CASE II.—P_\'t’]()f()IlI_\’ for renal califiilzis in 0izu—/zalf of Izorscslzuc /cicihzey. 1-’resence of I/zis czizoiizizly di'a_c/nosi'd before 0[m'atz'0n.

Male, aged fifty-oiie, with history of fistula following drainage of right perinephric abscess ten months hefore. There was marked 1); uria and absence of dye excretion from this right kidney, but clear urine and prompt concentrated (lye output on the left side. l\’a(liogi‘apliy (Dr. Cora M. Nlattliews) revealed a series of four oval shadows (‘A of Fig‘. 15) on the left side and close to the spine. They were


directed dowiiwards and iii- wards. so that the lowermost one was in Contact with the outer end of the left traits- Verse process of the fourth lumbar \'ertehra. The intra- renal character of these shadows was confirmed hy the relatioii of the opaque catheter and hy p_\'elog'rapli_\' (B of liig. 15‘). The former curved sharply iiiwarcls and at its upper end was in close contact with the lowermost of the calculous shadows. The opaque medium included all of the. shadows and revealed a narrow Vertical pelvis. with the upper calyx directed ines- ially. Froiii these tii1(liiigs alone a diagnosis of calculi in the left half of a horseshoe kidney was made. In order. however. to more accurately ascertain the condition of the right half. a p_\'elogram was made and revealed (C of Fig. 15) an arlvanced degree of dilatation of the renal pelvis. thus contiriiiiiig our fiiiclings on ureteral catheterization. Before a right lieniinephrec— toniy could he considered it

was deemed a(lVlSal)le to H3" FIG. 13, A and B.——Most frequent types of blood-vessels (Papin). move the calculi from the A. Single vessel to each_ha1f and two to isthmus. B. Single vessel 1 ft 1 If to each half and one to isthmus.

L“ ' 18. .

On June 17, 1925, the left renal pelvis was exposed extraperitoneally, on its anterior aspect. The upper pole of this half of the horseshoe kidney was, as in the first case. at the level of the costal arch and the lower pole was continuous with an isthmus which measured 3 to 4 cm. in a vertical direction. The ureter, as in the first case, passed across the front of the isthmus and like the pelvis, showed marked thickening of its walls. No difficulty was experienced in the delivery of four calculi through an incision in the alltcrigr aspect of the renal pelvis. The convalescence from this operation was unevent-


ful and an attempt will be made in the near future to remove the pyonephrotic right half. (C of Fig. 15.)

CASE III.—Tuberculosis of one-half of a_ horseshoe kidney. Presence of this anomaly diagnosed _by pyelography but not yet confirmed at operation. Male, aged twenty-four. Sudden onset of severe pain over right kidney region of one

C week’s duration. Frequency

of urination especially during

the day for a longer period. _There was considerable ten- derness over the right kidney. One brother had kidney re- moved for tuberculosis. Bladder urine very turbid, as was also that from the left kidney. Dye excretion from this side was delayed and poor as compared with the opposite (right) side. Acid-fast bacilli were found by Doctor Connell, the interne in charge, in the bladder urine, but they could not be found in the urine from the left kidney. Radiography (Dr. Cora M. Matthews) revealed nothing D abnormal in the plain film, -i.e., before the opaque catheters were passed. The film taken after these (opaque cathe- ters) were introduced and the opaque median (12 per cent. sodium iodid) injected on both sides revealed the following very interesting findings. (Fig. 16.) -

I. The opaque catheters on both sides curve outwards as they reach the lower bor- der of the fourth lumbar vertebra. This is more marked on the left side.

2. The right pyelogram has an unusual contour. At

its upper end one observes FIG. I3,Cand D.—Most frequenttypesof blood-vessels(Papin). Superior and middle calyces

eCa.C}T;lvao1fy::?l:rf§fgcglhglisand twotoisthmusl. D. Two vessels to which are app,-0Xjm.ate]y nor-

_mal in location but unusual in arising from an expanded area of the pelvis instead of a tapering portion as is to be

seen in the normal pelvis. There is a rudimentary infer_ior calyx directed laterally. The most striking feature, however, of this right pyelogram is seen at its lower end. Here one notes the extension mesially of the pelvis proper, so that it completely covers the corresponding transverse process of the third lumbar vertebra. This portion of the pelvis is almost quadrilateral in form and has rudimentary calyces along its mesial and


FIG. 14.3-—Radiogr_aphic and yelographic findings in Case I. A print—Shadow of r_ight renal calculus over outer end of right transverse process of second lumbar vertebra. B pr1nt—Note ow r1ght_ opaque catheter turns outward and left one mwards. C pr1nt—Note meslally d1rected calyces (see text) and unusual forms of both pyelograms; also close proximlty of fight one to spme. T

757 bra.

FIG. I5.—Radipgraphic'and pyelographjc findirggs in Case II. _ _ B. Pyelogram mcluding shadows _seen 1n A, Wlth several calyces d1rected mesxally. marked d1Iatat1on of pelvis and calyces (mfected hydronephrosis).

A. Shadows of the four calculi arranged in serial rr_1anner_obliquely opposite fourth lumbar verte- Note pecullar shape of th1s pelv1s. C. Pyelogram of right half showing


caudal borders. A diagnosis of horseshoe kidney could be made from such a pyelo- gram alone. __ . . _

3. The right ureter runs behind the inferior calyx and enters the pelvis along the middle of its curving caudal (inferior) border. .

4. The left pyelogram also reveals some features which are characteristic of horse-


FIG. I6.—Pye1ographic findings in Case III.’ Note mesially directed calyces on both sides; also howfright pelvis extends across front‘ of body of third lumbar vertebra. Note unusual form of both pelves. shoe kidney, due to faulty rotation. The pyelogram is situated at about the. distance from the spine which is found under normal conditions. The pelvis itself has a peculiar form, there being a marked protrusion along the mesial border at the upper inner angle. The superior middle and inferior major calyces are very short and the ureter as on the


right side runs behind the inferior major calyx to enter the pelvis along the middle of its caudal (inferior) border, instead of its mesial as in the normal kidney.

A more significant finding is that one of the calyces is directed mesially, an almost pathognomonic evidence of renal torsion, as Braasch has pointed out.

From our pyelographic evidence we feel confident that we are dealing with a tuberculosis of one-half of a horseshoe kidney, but the patient having thus far refused operation, we must postpone confirmation of our diagnosis for the present.


I. Clinical Pictu-res.—Aside from the syndrome first described by Rovsing 1‘ there are no pathognomonic symptoms indicative of this anomaly. I 7In the cases first reported by ‘Rovsing and since by others (see Table I), the abdominal pains are thought to be due to pressure of the isthmus on the large vessels behind it (aorta and ‘vena cava) and accom- panying them. The complete relief of symptoms after divi- sion of the isthmus (_symphysi- otomy) lends support to this compression theory. The pain in these cases is referred to both lumbar regions and is vaguely localized in different parts of the abdomen. The most characteristic feature is the increased degree of pain on leaning forwards or upon exer- tion, and its complete disap- pearance on lying down. Neufville 15 described an un- usual case related to this syndrome of Rovsing. A young man of twenty-five had

FIG. I7.—Hyd_ronephrosis of right half of horseshoe oedema Of l)OlZh IOWCI‘ and

kidney. (Bockenhe1mer.) . .

a slight degree of ascites for a brief period. At autopsy the vena cava was found thrombosed by the compression of a vena cava. We quote this case with skepticism as to the relation of the anomaly to the thrombosis.

In Table IX we have grouped the entire I 32 cases, including our own, as to the frequency of the various lesions and would direct attention to the fact that the majority‘ are,‘ the result of the conditions mentioned above as being present in horseshoe "kidney and favoring stagnation. For this reason, diseases such as calculi, l1yd1'o- and pyonephrosis, etc., constitute the majority.

760 2. Diagnosis.—(Compare with Table VIII.)


In the earlier cases, the

proportions which were diagnosed by palpation alone is far greater than since the advent of radiography supplemented by pyelography. Of a total of I 33 cases) (including our first two) only 19, or 14.2 per cent., were diagnosed before operation or autopsy and confirmed. From the modern urologic‘ stand- point we can eliminate the ten cases (all except Van Houten in the first

TABLE VIII 1 Cases Diagnosed before Operation or Autopsy?

By proximity


Palpation or plus ?e¥1aI1’1;%’;iCrlr:)i:"v3; calculus BY calculus Suspected pyelography befo e pyelography to spine fiiaggigg alone stlgaggigg operatlion Martinow, I—-2. . . . . Zondek, III—28 — Tudd, Braiasch Papin, I:I I -Ju-dd. éfiaasai Kr-ogs, I:9- - an an Rovsing, I-3 . . . . . . . Voorhoeve, III—I9 Scholl, III—I9 Scholl, III—2I Rovsing. I-I3 Malmovsky, I-4. . . . . Rathbun, II—39 Van Houten (3) Eisendrath, Steiner, III—2 I-1 I . . . . . . . . . . . . Phifer and Culver. III—24 Israel, IV—3 . . . . . . . . idem, III—25 Israel, III—4r Pichler, (2). VII-2. . _ Pichler, (2). VII-3 . . Pichler, (2). VII—4. . Newman, III—I6. . .. Israel, II-69 . . . . . . . . Kuttner, II—6. . . . . Totals . . . . . . . . . .11 2 I 2 3 4 I Figures after author's name refer to Table and Case number respectively. 2. Pichler’s cases were not operated, but confirmed at autopsy. 3. In this case diagnosis made by palpation and confirmed by pyelography. TABLE IX Frequency of Various Lesions Tlffbl Pain Hydronephrosis Calculi Tuberculosis Pyonephrosis Others 00

I I I ~ I

2 23 13 I3 6 ' 9

3 I 34 I

4 7 3

5 2

6 i 4

7 I 3 Totals. . . .. II 34 51 13 7 16

column of Table VIII) in which diagnosis was made by palpation alone

because this would hardly be depended upon at the present time.

One can

also discard the four cases not included in the nineteen (Table VIII) in which the diagnosis was only suspected, thus leaving nine cases in which more recent methods of diagnosisj: were employed. From an analysis of these nine cases we can cite the following as important radiographic features.

-2}: Radiography (plain) supplemented by employment of opaque catheter and



(a) The close proximity of one or both renal shadows to the spine at a lower level than normal.

(b) The close proximity to (Fig. I4) or obliquity of position (Fig. I 5) in relation to the spine, of the shadows of renal calculi. If one or both halves of the horseshoe kidney lie close to the spine the value of (a) and (b) as diag-

FIG. I8.—Hydronephrosis of right half of horseshoe kidney with superior isthmus. (Karewski.)

nostic features cannot be underestimated. If, however, one or both halves are symmetric (Fig. I), i.e., at the same level and as far away from the spine as is the normal kidney, the above data are of little value alone. One must also recall the possibility of renal or calculous shadows being at different levels (Fig. 2) in an asymmetric horseshoe kidney.

(c) Urography.—This in our opinion is the method which corroborates the suspicions raised by the findings cited under (a) and (b). 7 If one or both pyelograms (Figs. I4, 15 and I6) lie in close proximity to the spine at


the same or different levels, or even extend partly across the spine (Fig. 6), as in one of our own and in Rathbun’s case, there can be little doubt as to the presence of horseshoe kidney. The same is true even if one pyelogram is close to the spine and the opposite one at the normal distance. (Fig. I4.) If, however, both pyelograms are not close to the spine one must depend on

other findings which are of great value not only under these conditions of normal distance of pyelo-

grams from the spine, but also when one or both are in close proximity.

These additional data were first called to our attention by Braasch. They are due to the faulty rotation of the halves of a horseshoe kidney. As a result we find (a) one or more calyces directed mesially (Fig. I4); (b) very long, narrow pelves (Fig. I5) or “ bizarre” shapes; (c) unusual course of the ureter, i.e., passing behind a calyx (Fig. 14) and not entering the pelvis along its convex border. (Fig. I4.)

‘Ne believe that nu-‘re FIG. I9.—Hydronephrosis of both halves of ahorseshoe kidney. . P ' . widespread knowledge of s ( "“p“’) . these radiographic features will enable us-to make a pre—operative diagnosis

in the future in a larger percentage of cases.


Table I. Symphysiotomy (Division of isthmus), alone or combined with other operations, such as fixation of left half after pyelotomy

for calculi (Egger’s case) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I2 cases Table II. Heminephrectomy alone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 63 cases Table III. Pyelotomy or nephrotomy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 35 cases Table IV. Primary pyelotomy or nephrotomy and secondary heminephrcctomy 10 cases Table V. Plastics or ureterolysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 cases Table VI. Subparietal injuries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 cases

Table VII. Miscellaneous, not including three cases of Pichler (not operated) . 5 cases

Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I3I cases

1] Owing to omission of mention of result of operation in_a su_fficient.ly_ large number to nullify the value of any deductions, the percentages of deaths and recoveries Wlll be omitted.


Technic of Operations on Horseshoe Kidneys.--The method of approach should always be by the extraperitoneal route employing the same incision (lumbar) as in the normally placed and formed kidney. It is necessary, how-

FIG. 2o.—Bilateral calculi in horseshoe kidney. (Schuchardt.)

ever, to extend the incision much nearer the outer border of the corresponding rectus muscle because access to the pelvis must be from the ven- tral and not from the dorsal

~l aspect as in ordinary (pos-

terior) pyelotomy. There is usually no difficulty in displac- ing the peritoneum while the patient is in the lateral position and then changing to a supine position while the pelvis and isthmus are being exposed. We found that this change of position of the patient after division of the various layers of the abdominal wall and strong retraction of the perito- neum enabled us to work under guidance of the eye in both cases. For heminephrec— tomy a similar good exposure is essential owing to the many accessory vessels (both arter- ies and veins) which enter the hilus, poles and isthmus in a very irregular manner. The

isthmus can be clamped as one proceeds to divide it and the denuded areas closed by mattress sutures of chromic gut reinforced at loop and knot by fat pads.