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Assheton, R.
'94, a. On the Phenomenon of the Fusion of the Epiblastic Layers in
the Rabbit and in the Frog. Quart. Jour. Micr. Science, XXXVII, '94. '94, b. On the Growth in Length of the Frog Embryo. Quart. Jour.
Micr. Science, XXXVII, '94. '96. Notes on the Ciliation of the Ectoderm of the Amphibian Embryo.
Quart. Jour. Micr; Science, XXXVIII, '96. Von Baer, K. E.
'28. Ueber Entwickelungsgeschichte der Thiere, '28 and '37.
'28. Geschichte des Froschembryo. Burdach, Die Physiologie als
Erfahrungswissenschaft, II, '28. '34. Die Metamorphose des Eies der Batrachier von der Erscheinung
des Embryo und Folgerung aus ihr fUr die Theorie der Erzeugung.
Miiller's Archiv, '34. Van Bambeke, Ch.
'68. Recherches sur le developpement du Pelobate brun. Memoires
couronnes de I'Acad. Roy. des Sc. de Belgique, XXXIV, '68. '70. Sur les trous vitellms que presentent les oeufs fecondes des
amphibiens. Bull, de I'Acad. Roy. d. Sc. de Belgique, (II), XXX, '70. '80, a. Fractionnement de I'oeuf des Batraciens. Arch, de Biologic, I, '80. '80, b. Xouvelles recherches sur I'embryologie des Batraciens. Arch.
de Biologie, I, '80. '80, c. Formation des feuilletsembryonnairesetdelanotochordechezles
Urodeles. Bull, de I'Acad. Roy. des Sc. de Belgique, (II), XLIX, '80. Barfurth, D.
'93, a. Halbbildung oder Ganzbildung von halber Grosse. Anat. Anz.,
VIII, '93. '93, b. Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Regeneration der
Keimblatter bei den Amphibien. Anat. Hefte, III, '93. '93, c. Ueber organbildende Keimbezirke und kiinstliche Missbildungen
des Amphibieneies. Anat. Hefte, III, '93. Beddard, F. E.
'94. Notes upon the Tadpole of Xenopus Isevis (Dactylethra capensis).
Proc. Zool. Soc, London, '94.
Bellonci, G.
'86. Sui nuclei palimorfii delle cellule sessuali degli aiifibi, '86. Benecke, B.
'80. Ueber die Entwickelung des Erdsalamanders. Zool. Anz., Ill, '80. Bergmann.
'41. Die Zerkluftung und Zellenbildung im Froschdotter. Miiller's
Archiv, '41. Bernard und Bratuschek.
'91. Der Nutzen der Schleimhiillen fiir die Froscheier. Biol. Centralb.,
XI, '91. Bertacchini, P.
'89. Sui fenomeni di divisione delle cellule seminali primitive nella
Rana temporaria. Rassegna Sc. Med., IV, '89. Born, G.
'81. Experimentelle Untersuchungen iiber die Entstehung der Ge schlechtsunterschiede. Breslauer arztl. Zeitschr., No. 3, '81. '82. Ueber Doppelbilduiigen beim Froschund deren Entstehung. Breslauer arztl. Zeitschr., No. 14, '82. '83, a. Biologische Untersuchungen, T. Ueber den Einfluss der Scliwere
auf das Froschei. Pfliiger's Archiv, XXXII, '83. '83, b. Beitrage zur Bastardirung zwischen den einheimischen Anuren arten. Pfliiger's Archiv, XXXII, '83. '84, a. Ueber die inneren Vorgange bei der Bastardbefruchtung der
Froscheier. Breslauer arztl. Zeitschr., No. 16, '84. '84, b. Ueber den Einfluss der Schwere auf das Froschei. Verh.
d. Med. Section d. Schles. Ges. f. vaterl. Cultur. April 4,
'84. '85. Biologische Untersuchungen iiber den Einfluss der Schwere auf
das Froschei. Archiv f. Mikr. Anat., XXIV, '85. '86. Weitere Beitrage zur Bastardirung zwischen den einheimischen
Anuren. Archiv f . Mikr. Anat., XXVII, '86. '87. Ueber die Furchung des Eies bei Doppelbildung. Breslauer arztl.
Zeitschr., No. 15, '87. '92. Die Reifung des Amphibieneies und die Befruchtung unreifer Eier
bei Triton taeniatus. Anat. Anz., VII, '92. '93. Ueber Druckversuche an Froscheiern. Anat. Anz., VIII, '93. '94, a. Die kiinstliche Vereinigung lebender TheilstUcke von Amphibien Larven. Jahresb. d. Schles. Ges. f. vaterl. Cultur. Med. Section.
Juni 8, '94. '94, b. Die Structur des Keimblaschens im Ovarialei von Triton tsenia tus. Archiv f. Mikr. Anat., XLIII, '94. '94, c. Neue Compressionsversuche an Froscheiern. Jahresb. d. Schles.
Ges. f. vaterl. Cultur. Zool. Bot. Section. 10 Mai, '94. Cramer, H.
'48. Bemerkungen liber das Zellenleben in der Entwickelung des
Froscheies. Miiller's Archiv, '48.
Cucati, G.
'90. Spermatogenesi nella Rana esculenta. Anat. Anz., V, '90. Driesch, H.
'95. Zur Analysis der Potenzen embryonaler Organzellen. Archiv f.
Entwickelimgsmechanik der Organismeii, II, '95. '96, a. Betrachtuiigen iiber die Organisation des Eies und ihre Genese.
Archiv f. Entwickelungsmechanik der Orgauisnien, IV, '96. '96, b. Die Maschinentheorie des Lebens. Biol. Centralb., XVI, '96. Durham.
'86. Note on the Presence of a Neurenteric Canal in Rana. Quart. Jour. Micr. Science, XXVI, '86. Ecker, A.
'51. Icones physiologicae, '51-'59. Endres, H.
'94. Ueber Anstichversuche an Froscheiern. Jahresb. d. Schles. Ges. f.
vaterl. Cultur. Zool. Bot. Section. Xov. 15, '94. '95. Ueber Anstich- und Schnurversuche an Eiern von Triton tseniatus. Jahresb. d. Schles. Ges. f. vaterl. Cultur, '95. Endres, H., und Walter, H. E.
'95. Anstichversuche an Eiern von Rana fusca. Archiv f. Entwickelungsmechanik d. Organismen, II, '95. Von Erlanger, R.
'91, a. Zur Blastoporusfrage bei den anuren Amphibien. Anat. Anz.,
VI, '91.
91, b. Ueber den Blastoporus der anuren Amphibien, sein Schicksal
und seine Beziehungen zum bleibenden After. Zool. JahrbUcher. Abt. f. Anat. und Ontog., IV, '91. Eycleshymer, A. C.
'92. Paraphysis and Epiphysis in Amblystoma. Anat. Anz., VII,
'92. '93. The Development of the Optic Vesicles in Amphibia. Jour. ]\Iorph., VIII, '93. Fick, R.
'93. Ueber die Reifung und Befruchtung des Axolotleies. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool., LVI, '93. Field, H. H.
'91. The Development of the Pronephros and Segmental Duct in
Amphibia. Bull. Museum of Comp. Zool., XXI, '91. '93. Ueber die Gefassversorgung und die allgemeine Morphologie des
Glomus. Anat. Anz., VIII, '93.
94. Die Vomierenkapsel, ventrale Musculatur und Extremifatenan
lagen bei den Amphibien. Anat. Anz., IX, '94. '95. Bemerkungen iiber die Entwickelung der Wirbelsaule bei den Amphibien; nebst Schilderung eines abnormen Wirbelsegmentes. Morph. Jahrbuch, XXII, '95.
Flemming, W.
'87. Xeiie Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Zelle. Archiv f. Mikr. Anat., XXIX, '87. Fiirbringer, M.
77. Zur Entwickelung der Amphibienniere. Dissertation, '77. '78. Zur vergleichenden Anatomie und Entwickeluiigsgeschichte der Excretionsorgane der Yertebraten. Morph. Jahrbuch, IV, '78. Gurwitsch, A.
'95. Ueber die Einwirkung des Lithionchlorids auf die Entwickelung der Frosch- und Kroteneier (R. fusca und Bufo vulg.). Anat. Anz., XI, '95. '96. Ueber die formative Wirkung des veran-derten chemischen Mediums auf die embryonale Entwickelung. Archiv f. Entwickelungsmechanik d. Organismen, III, '96. Gasser, E.
'82. Zur Entwickelung von Alytes obstetricans. Sitz-Ber d. Naturf . Ges. Marburg, No. 5, '82. Gebhardt, W.
'94. Ueber die Bastardirungvon Rana esculenta mit Rana arvalis. Dissertation, Breslau, '94. Goette, A.
'75. Die Entwickelungsgeschichte der Unke, '75. Von Griesheim, A.
'82. Kiinstliche Befruchtung der Eier von Rana fusca. Dissertation, '82. Von Griesheim, A., Kochs, W., Pfliiger, E.
'81. Beitrage zur Physiologie der Zeugung. Pfliiger's Archiv, XXVI, '81. Herlitzka, A.
'95. Contributo alio studio della capacita evolutiva dei due primi blastomeri nell' novo di tritone (Triton cristatus). Archiv f. Entwickelungsmechanik d. Organismen, II, '95. H6ron Royer et Ch. van Bambeke.
'81. Sur les Caracteres fournis par la bouche des Tetards des Batraciens anoures d'Europe. Bull. Soc. Zool. d. France, VI, '81. Hertwig, 0.
'77. . Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Bildung, Befruchtung, und Theilung
des thierischen Eies, II Theil. Morph. Jahrbuch, III, '77. '82. Die Entwickelung des mittleren Keimblattes der Wirbelthiere.
Jena. Zeitschr. f . Xaturw., XV und XVI, '82-'83. '85, a. Das Problem der Befruchtung und der Isotropic des Eies, eine
Theorie der Vererbung. Jena. Zeitschr., XVIII, '85. . '85, b. Welchen Einfluss iibt die Schwerkraft auf die Theilungen der
Zellen. Jena. Zeitschr., XVIII, '85. '85, c. Ueber das Vorkommen Spindeliger Korper im Dotter junger
Froscheier. Morph. Jahrbuch, X, '85. '92. Urmund und Spina bifida. Archiv f. Mikr. Anat., XXXIX, '92.
Hertwig, 0. {continued).
'93, a. Experimentelle Untersuchungen liber die ersten Theilungen des Froscheies und ihre Beziehungen zu der Organbildung des Embryos. Sitzungsb. d. k. Preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. zu Berlin, '93. '93, b. Ueber den Werth der ersten Furchungszellen fUr die Organ
bildung des Embryo. Archiv f. Mikr. Anat., XLII, -93.
94. Ueber den Einfluss ausserer Bedingungen auf die Entwickelung
des Froscheies. Sitzungsb. d. k. Preuss. Akad. d. Wiss. zu Berlin, XVII, '94. '95. Beitrage zur experimentellen Morphologie und Entwickelungsgeschichte, No. 1. Archiv f. Mikr. Anat., XLIV, '95. Higgenbotham, J.
'50. Influence of Physical Agents on the Development of the Tadpole of the Triton and the Frog. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc, London, '50.
63. Influence des agents physiques sur le developpement du tetard de
la grenouille. Jour, de la Physiologie de I'homme et des animaux. VI, '63. Hinckley, Mary H.
'82. Xotes on the Development of Rana sylvatica. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. History, '82. His, W.
'74. Unsere Korperform, '74. Hochstetter, F.
'94. Entwickelung des Venensystemes der Wirbelthiere. Ergebnisse der Anatomic und Entwickelungsgeschichte, III, '94. Houssay, F.
'90. fitudes d'embryologie sur les vertebres. L'Axolotl. Archiv de Zool. exper. et gen., (ID), VIII, '90. De ITsle, A.
73. De I'hybridation chez les amphibies. Ann. des sc. naturelles,
XVII, '73. Johnson, A.
'84. On the Fate of the Blastopore and the Presence of a Primitive Streak in the Newt (Triton cristatus). Quart. Jour. Micr. Science, XXIV, '84. Johnson, A., and Sheldon, L.
'86. Notes on the Development of the Newt. Quart. Jour. Micr. Science, XXVI, '86. Jordan, E. 0., and Eycleshymer, A.
'92. The Cleavage of the Amphibian Ovum. Anat. Anz., VII, '92. Jordan, E. 0.
'93. The Habits and Development of the Newt. Jour, of Morph., VIII, '93. Jordan, E. 0., and Eycleshymer, A. C.
'94. On the Cleavage of Amphibian Ova. Jour. Morph., IX, '94.
Kolessnikow, N.
78. Ueber die Eientwickelung bei Batrachiern und Knochenfischen. Archiv f. Mikr. Anat., XV, 78. Kupffer, C.
'82. Ueber aktive Betheiligung des Dotters am Befruchtungsakte bei Bufo variabilis und vulgaris. Sitzungsb. d. math.-physik Classe d. k. b. Akad. d. Wiss. zu Miinchen, XII, '82. Lataste, F.
'78. Tentatives d'hybridation chez les Batraciens anoures et urodeles. Bulletin de la Societe zoologique de France, III, '78. Lwoff, B.
'94. Die bildung der primaren Keimblatter und die Enstehung der Chorda und des Mesoderms bei den Wirbelthieren. Bull, de la Soc. imper. des Xaturalistes de Moscou, VIII, '94. Marshall, A. M., and Bias, E. J.
'90. The Development of the Kidneys and Fat Bodies in the Frog. Stud. Biolog. Lab. Owens College, II, '90. Marshall, A. M.
'90. The Development of the Blood Vessels in the Frog. Stud. Biolog.
Lab. Owens College, II, '90. '93. Vertebrate Embryology, '93. McDonnell, B.
'57. Expose de quelques experiences concernant I'influence des agents physiques sur le developpement du tetard de la grenouille commune. Jour, de la Physiologie de I'homme et des animaux. (I), II, '57. Massart, J.
'89. Sur la penetration des spermatoides dans I'oeuf de la grenouille. Bull, de I'Acad. Roy. des Sci. de Belgique, (III), XVIII, '89. Maurer, F.
'88. Die Kiemen und ihre Gefasse bei Anuren und Urodelen Amphibien. Morph. Jahrbuch, XIV, '88. Meves, F.
'91. Ueber amitotische Kerntheilung in den Spermatogonien des Salamanders. Anat. Anz., VI, '91. '96. Ueber die Entwickelung der mannlichen Geschlechtszellen von Salamandra maculosa. Archiv. f. Mikr. Anat., XL VIII, '96. Moquin-Tandon, G.
'76. Recherche sur les Premiere Phases du Developpement des Batraciens anoures. Ann. des sciences naturelles, (VI), III, '76. Morgan, T. H.
'89. On the Amphibian Blastopore. Studies from the Biol. Lab. Johns
Hopkins Univ., IV, '89. '91. Some Notes on the Breeding Habits and Embryology of Frogs.
American Naturalist, XXV, '91. '94. The Formation of the Embryo of the Frog. Anat. Anz., IX, '94.
Morgan, T. H. {continued).
'95. Half-Embryos and Whole-Embryos from one of the first two Blastomeres of the Frog's Egg. Anat. Anz., X, '95. Morgan, T. H., and Tsuda Um6.
'93. The Orientation of the Frog's Egg. Quart. Jour. Micr. Science, XXXV, '93. Newport, G.
'51. On the Impregnation of the Ovum in the Amphibia. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc, London, '51. Nussbaum.
'93. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der embryonalen Gefassendothelien und der Blutkorperchen bei den Anuren (Rana temporaria). Abh. Akad. der Wiss. in Krakau, XXII. (Reprinted in Biol. Centralblatt, XIII, '93.) Nussbaum, M.
'95. Zur Mechanik der Eiablage bei Kana f usca. Archiv f . Mikr. Anat., XLYI, '95. Orr, H.
'88. Note on the Development of Amphibians. Quart. Joui\ Micr. Science, XXIX, '88. Von Per6nyi, J.
'89. Die Entwickelung der Keimblatter und der Chorda in neuer Beleuchtung. Anat. Anz., IV, '89. (Page 587.) Pfliiger, E.
'82. I. Hat die Concentration des Saraens einen Einfluss auf das Geschlecht? II. Ueber die das Geschlecht bestimmenden Ursachen und die Geschlechtverhaltnisse der Frosche. III. Ueber die parthenogenetische Furchung der Eier der Amphibien. IV. Wirkt der Saft nicht brunstiger Mannchen befruchtend? V. Die Bastardzeugung bei den Batrachien. VI. Versuche der Befruchtung iiberreifer Eier. VII. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der GeburtsheKerkrdte (Alytes obstetricans). Pfltiger's Archiv, XXIX, '82. '83. Ueber den Einfluss der Schwerkraft auf die Theilung der Zellen.
I, II, III, Theil. Pfluger's Archiv, XXXI, XXXII, '83. '84. Ueber die Einwu'kung der Schwerkraft und anderer Bedingungen auf die Richtung der Zelltheilung. Pfltiger's Archiv, XXXIV, '84. Pfliiger, E., und Smith, W. J.
'83. Untersuchungen iiber Bastardirung der anuren Batrachier und die Principien der Zeugung. Pfltiger's Archiv, XXXII, '83. Ploetz, A. J.
'90. Die Vorgange in den Froschhoden unter dem Einfluss der Jahreszeit. Archiv f. Anat. u. Phys., (Supplement-Band) '90. Prevost et Dumas.
'24. Troisieme Memoire. De la generation dans les Mammifers. Ann. des sc. naturelles, II, '24.
Rabl, C.
'86. Ueber die Bildung des Herzens der Amphibien. Morph. Jahrbuch, XII, '86. Vom Rath, 0.
'93. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Spermatogenese von Salamander maculosa. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool., LVII, '93. Rauber, A.
'82. Xeue Grundlegungen zur Kenntnis der Zelle. Morph. Jahrbuch,
VIII, '82.
'83. Furchung und Achsenbildung der Wiebelthiere. Zool. Anz., VI,
'83. '86, a. Personaltheil und Germinaltheil des Individuum. Zool. Anz.,
IX, '86.
'86, b. Furchung mid Achsenbildung. II. Zool. Anz., IX, '86. Reichert, K. B.
'41. Ueber den Furchungsprocess der Batrachier-Eier. Midler's Archiv. '41.
'46. Der Furchungsprocess und die sogenannte Zellenbildung um Inhaltsportionen. Miiller's Archiv, '46.
'61. Der Faltenkranz an den beiden ersten Furchungskugeln des Froschdotters und seine Bedeutung fiir die Lehre von der Zelle. Midler's Archiv, '61. Remak, R.
'55. Untersuchung iiber die Entwickelung der Wirbelthiere, '55. Robinson, A., and Assheton, R.
'91. The Formation and Fate of the Primitive Streak, with Observations on the Archenteron and Germinal Layers of Rana temporaria. Quart. Jour. Micr. Science, XXXII, '91. Rossi, U.
'90. Contributo alia maturazione delle nova degli Amfibii. Anat. Anz., V, '90. Roux, W.
'83. Ueber die Zeit der Bestimmung der Hauptrichtungen des Froschembryo, '83.
'84-'91. Beitrage zur Entwickelungsmechanik des Embryo.
No. I. Zur Orientirung iiber einige Probleme der embryonalen Entwickelung. Zeitschr. f. Biologic, XXI, '85.
No. II. Ueber die Entwickelung der Froscheier bei Aufhebung der richtenden Wirkung der Schwere. Breslauer arztl. Zeitschr., '84.
No. III. Ueber die Bestimmung der Hauptrichtungen des Froschenibryo im Ei und iiber die erste Theilung des Froscheies. Breslauer arztl. Zeitschr., '85.
No. IV. Die Bestimmung der Medianebene des Froschembryo durch die Copulationsrichtung des Eikernesund des Spermakernes. Archiv f. Mikr. Anat., XXIX, '87.
Ronz, W. (continued).
No. V. Ueber die kiinstliche Hervorbringiing halber Embryonen durch
Zerstbrung einer der beiden ersten Furchungskugeln sowie iiber
die Nachentwickelung (Postgeneration) der fehlenden Korperhalfte.
Yirchow's Archiv, CXIV, '88. No. VI. Ueber die moiphologische Polarisation von Eiem und Embryonen durch den electrischen Strom. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akad. Wiss.
in Wien, CI, '91. '88, a. Ueber die Lagerung des Materials des MeduUarrohres im gefurch ten Froschei. Yerhandlungen d. Anat. Gesell. zu Wiirzburg, '88;
also Anat. Anz., Ill, '88. '88, b. Zur Frage der Axenbestimmung des Embryo im Froschei. Biol.
Centralb., YIII, '88. '89, a. Die Entwickelungsmechanik der Organismen, eine anatomische
Wissenschaft der Zukunft. Festrede, '89. '89, b. Ueber die Entwickelung der Extraovates der Froscheier. Jahresb.
d. Schles. Ges. f. vaterl. Cultur, '89. '92, a. Ziele und Wege der Entwickelungsmechanik. Merkel-Bon net's
Ergebnisse der Anatomie und Entwickelungsgeschichte, II, '92. '92, b. Ueber das entwickelungsmechanische Yermogen jeder der beiden
ersten Furchungszellen des Eies. Yerhandl. d. Anat. Gesellschaft
Wien, '92. '93, a. Ueber Mosaikarbeit und neuere Entwickelungshypothesen.
Anat. Hefte, ^lerkel und Bonnet, '93. '93, b. Ueber die Spezifikation der Furchungszellen und iiber die bei
der Postgeneration und Regeneration anzunehmenden Yorgange.
Biol. Centralb., XIII, '93. '93, c. Ueber die ersten Theilungen des Froscheies und ihre Bezie hungen zu der Organbildung des Embiyo. Anat. Anz., \T!1I, '93. '93, d. Ueber die Selbstordnung der Furchungszellen. Berichte des
natursv.-med. Yereins zu Innsbruck, XXI, '93. '94, a. Die Methoden zur Hervorbringung halber Froschembryonen und
zum Xachweis der Beziehung der ersten Furchungsebenen des Froscheies zur Medianebene des Embryo. Anat. Anz., IX, '91. 94, b. Ueber den Cytotropismus der Furchungszellen des Grasfrosches
(Rana fusca). Archiv f. Entwickelungsmechanik der Organismen,
I, '94. '95. Gesammelte Abhandlungen Uber Entwickelungsmechanik der
Organismen, '95. '96, a. Ueber die Selbstordnung (Cytotaxis) sich " beriihrender " Furchungszellen des Froscheies durch Zellenzusammenfugung, Zellentren nung und Zellengleiten. Archiv f. Entwickelungsmechanik der
Organismen, III, '96. '96, b. Ueber die Bedeutung "geringer " Yerschiedenheiten der relativen
Grosse der Furchungszellen fUr den Charakter des Furchungsschemas.
Archiv f . Entwickelungsmechanik der Organismen, lY, '96.
Ruckert, J., und MoUier, W.
'89. Resultate iiber die Entstehung des Vornierensystem bei Triton,
Rana und Bufo. Sitz. Ber. d. Ges. fur Morph. u. Phys. in Munchen,
XIX, '89. Rusconi, M.
'26. Developpement de la grenouille commune, '26.
'36. Zweiter Brief an E. H. Weber. MuUer's Archiv, '36.
'40. Ueber kiinstliche Befruchtung von Fischen und iiber einige neue
Versuche in Betreff ktinstlicher Befruchtung an Froschen. Miiller's
Archiv, '40. '54. Histoire naturelle, developpement et metamorphose de la Sala mandre terrestre, '54. Samassa, P.
'95. Studien iiber den Einfluss des Dotters auf die Gastrulation und die
Bildung der primaren Keirablatter der Wirbelthiere. II. Amphibien.
Archiv f. Entw.-mechanik d. Organismen, II, '95. Schanz, F.
'87. Das Schicksal des Blastoporus bei den Amphibien. Jena. Zeitschr.
f. Naturwissenschaft, XXI, '87. Schmidt, V.
'93. Das Schwanzende der Chorda dorsalis bei den Wirbelthieren.
Anat. Hefte, II, '93. Schnetzler, J. B.
74. De I'influence de la lumiere sur le developpement des larves de
grenouilles. Arch, des sciences physiques et naturelles, LI, '74. Schultze, M.
'63. Observationes nonnullae de ovorum ranarum segmentatione, '63. Schultze, 0.
'83. Beitrage zur Entwickelung der Batrachien. Archiv f. Mikr. Anat.,
XXIII, '83. '86. Ueber Reifung und Befruchtung des Amphibieneies. Anat. Anz.,
I, '86. '87, a. Zur Entwickelung des braunen Grasfrosches. Festschrift f.
Kolliker, '87. '87, b. Die vitale Methylenblaureaction der Zellgranule. Anat. Anz.,
'87. '87, c. Zurersten Entwickelung des braunen Grasfrosches (Ref. Roux).
Biol. Centralb., VII, '87. '87, d. Ueber Axenbestimmung des Froschembryo. Biol. Centralb.,
VII, '87. '87, e. Untersuchungen iiber die Reifung und Befruchtung des Amphibieneies. Zeitschr. f. wiss. ZooL, XLV, '87. '88. Die Entwickelung der Keimblatter und der Chorda dorsalis von
Rana fusca. Zeitschr. f . wiss. ZooL, XLVII, '88. '89. Ueber die Entwickelung der Medullarplatte des Froscheies. Verb d. phys. med. Gesellschaft, Wurzburg, XXIII, '89.
Schultze, 0. (continued).
'94, a. Ueber die unbedingte Abhangigkeit normaler thierischer Gestal tung von der Wirkung der Schwerkraft. Verb. d. Anat. Ges., VIII, '94. '94, b. Die ktinstliche Erzeugung von Doppelbildungen bei Froschlarven
mit Hilfe abnormer Gravitationswirkung. Archiv f. Entwickelungs mechanik der Organismen, I, '94. '94, c. Ueber die Ein wirkung niederer Teraperatur auf die Entwickelung
des Frosches. Anat. Anz., X, '94. '94, d. Ueber die Bedeutung der Schwerkraft fiir die organische Ges taltung sowie iiber die mit Hilfe der Schwerkraft mogliche kiinst liche Erzeugung von Doppehnissbildungen. Verh. phys. med. Ges.
zu WUrzburg, XXVUI, '94. Schwink, F.
88. Ueber die Gastrula bei Amphibieneiern. Biol. Centralb., VIII,
'88-'89. '89. Ueber die Entwickelung des mittleren Keimblattes und der Chorda
dorsalis der Amphibien. Miinchen, '89. '90. Ueber die Entwickelung des Herzenendothels der Amphibien.
Anat. Anz., V, '90. '91. Untersuchungen iiber die Entwickelung des Endothels und der
Blutkorperchen bei Amphibien. Morph. Jahrb., XVII, '91. Sidebotham, H.
'88. Note on the Fate of the Blastopore in Rana temporaria. Quart.
Jour. Micr. Science, XXIX, '88. Spallanzani, L.
1785. Experience pour servir a I'histoire de la generation, 1785. Spencer, W. B.
'85. On the Fate of the Blastopore in Rana temporaria. Zool. Anz.,
VIII, '85. '85. Some Xotes on the Early Development of Rana temporaria. Quart.
Jour. Micr. Science, XXV, '85. Stahl, E.
'88, Pflanzen und Schneckeu. (Jena,) '88. Strieker, S.
'60. Entwickelungsgeschichte von Bufo cinereus bis zum Erscheinen der
ausseren Kiemen. Sitzungsb. d. k. Akaderaie der Wiss. zu Wien,
XXXIX, '60. '62. Untersuchungen iiber die ersten Anlagen in Batrachier-Eiern.
Zeitschr. f . wiss. Zool., XI, '62. Swammerdam, J.
1737. Die Bibel der Natur, 1737. V. la Valette St. George.
'75. Die Sperm atogenese bei den Amphibien. Archiv f . Mikr. Anat.,
XII, '75. '86. Spermatologische Beitrage. Dritte Mittheilung. Archiv f . Mikr.
Anat., XXVII, '86.
Vogt, K.
'42. Untersuchungen iiber die Entwickeluugsgeschichte der Geburtshelferkrbte, *42. Wetzel, G.
'95. Ueber die Bedeutung der Cirkularen Furche in der Entwickelung der Schultzeschen Doppelbildungen von Rana fusca. Archiv f. Mikr. Anat., XLVI, '95. '96. Beitrag zum Studium der kiinstlichen Doppelmissbildungen von Rana fusca. Inaugural Dissertation. Berlin, '96. Will, L.
'84. Ueber die Entstehung des Dotters und der Epithelzellen bei den Aniphibien und Insecten. Zool. Anz., VII, '84. Wilson, C. B.
'96. The Wrinkling of Frog's Eggs during Segmentation. American Naturalist, XXX, '96. Yung, E.
'78. Influence des differentes couleurs du spectre sur le developpement des animaux. Arch, de zool. experimentale et generale, (I,) VII, '78, and Arch, des sciences physiques et naturelles, '78. '81. De I'influence des lumieres colorees sur le developpement des animaux. Mittheil. a. d. zool. Station zu Neapel, II, '81. '90. Propos scientifiques, '90. Ziegler, F.
'92. Zur Kenntniss der Oberflachenbilder der Rana-Embryonen. Anat. Anz., VII, 92.
Boveri, Th.
'89. Ein geschlechtlich erzeugter Organismus ohne mtitterliche Eigen schaften. Sitz. d. Ges. f. Morph. u. Physiol, zu Munchen, '89.
(Translated in American Naturalist, March, '93.) Chun, B.
'92. Die Dissogonie der Rippenquallen. Festschrift f. Leuckart, '92. Clapp, C. M.
'91. Some Points on the Development of the Toad-fish (Batrachus Tau) .
Jour. Morph., V, '91. Driesch, H.
'91-93. Entwickelungsmechanische Studien.
No. I. Der Werth der beiden Furchungszellen der Echinodermentwick elung. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool., LIII, '91. No. II. Ueber die Beziehungen des Lichtes zur ersten Etappe der
thierischen Fornibildung. Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool., LIII, '91. No. III. Die Verminderung des Furchungsmaterials und ihre Folgen.
Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool., LV, '92.
Driesch, H. (continued').
Xo. IV. Experimentelle Veranderungen des Typus der Furchung und
ihre Folgeii. Zeitschr. f. wiss. ZooL, LV, '92. No. V. Von der Furchung doppeltbefruchteter Eier. Zeitschr. f. wiss.
Zool., LV, '92. No. VI. Ueber einige allgemeine Fragen der theoretischen Morphologie.
Zeitschr. f. wiss. Zool., LV, '92. No. VIT. Exogastrula und Aneuteria. Mittheil. a. d. zool. Station zu
Neapel, XI, '93. No. VIII. Ueber Variation der Mikromerenbildung. Mittheil. a. d.
zool. Station zu Neapel, XI, '93. No. IX. Ueber die Vertretbarkeit der Anlagen von Ektoderm und
Endoderm. Mittheil. a. d. zool. Station zu Neapel, XI, '93. No. X. Ueber einige allgemeine entwickelungsmechanische Ergebnisse.
Mittheil. a. d. zool. Station zu Neapel, XI, '93. '92. Entwickelungsmechanisches. Anat. Anz., VII, '92. '93, a. Zur Theorie der thierischen Formbildung. Biol. Centralb.,
XIII, '93. '93, b. Zur Verlagerung der Blastomeren des Echinideneies. Anat.
Anz., VIII, '93. '94. Analytische Theorie der Organischen Entwickelung, '94. Driesch, H., und Morgan, T. H.
'95. Zur Analj^sis der ersten Entwickelungsstadien des Ctenophoreneies.
Archiv f. Entwickelungsmechanik d. Organismen, II, '95. Hertwig, 0.
'90. Vergleich der Ei- und Samenbildung bei Nematoden. Archiv f.
Mikr. Anat., XXXVI, '90. '94. Zeit- und Streitfragen der Biologie, '94. Hertwig, 0., und Hertwig, R.
'87. Ueber den Befruchtuugs- und Theilungs-vorgang des Thierischen
Eies unter dem Einfluss ausserer Agentien. Jena. Zeitschr. Naturw.,
XX, '87. His, W.
'94. Ueber mechanische Grundvorgange thierischer Formbildung.
Archiv f. Anat. u. Phys., '94. Morgan, T. H.
'93. Experimental Studies on Teleost Eggs. Anat. Anz., VIII, '93. '95. Studies of the "Partial" Larvse of Sphserechinus. Archiv f.
Entwickelungsmechanik d. Organismen, II, '95. Rabl, C.
'89. Die Theorie des Mesoderms. Morph. Jahrbuch, XV, '89. Vom Rath, 0.
'92. Zur Kenntniss der Spermatogenese von Gryllotalpa vulgaris.
Archiv f . :Mikr. Anat., XL, '92. '95. Neue Beitrage zur Frage der Chromatinreduction in der Samen und Eireife. Archiv f . Mikr. Anat., XLVI, '95.
Rauber, A.
'80. Formbildung und Formstorung. IMorph. Jahrbuch, VI, '80. Sachs.
'92. Die Anordnung der Zellen in jiingsten Pflanzentheilen. Arbeiten d. botan. Institute in Wurzburg, II, '92. Schwann, Th.
'39. Mikroskopische Untersuchungen Uber die Uebereinstimmung in der Structur und Wachsthum der Thiere und Pflanzen, '39. Weismann, A.
'92. Das Keimplasma. Eine Theorie der Vererbung. '92. Whitman, C. 0.
'95. The Inadequacy of the Cell Theory of Development. Jour. Morph., VIII, '93. Wilson, E. B.
'92. The Cell Lineage of Nereis. Jour. Morph., VI, '92. '93. Amphioxus and the Mosaic Theory. Jour. Morph., VIII, '93. Zoja, R.
'95. Sullo svilluppo dei blastomeri isolati dalle uova di alcune meduse (e di altri organismi). Archiv f. Entwickelungsmechanik d. Organismen, I, '95.
Adhesive glands, 62, 165. Afferent branchial vessels, 153-155. Amphioxus, isolation of blastomere, 127, 131.
isolation of one-fourth and oneeighth blastomeres, 133. Anus, 60, 62.
beginning of, 136-139.
of Urodela, 139, 140. Aorta, early stage, 153. Aortic bulb, 153. Archenteron, 66-68, 70.
of spina bifida, 77.
of hemiembryo, 108, 109.
posterior pocket of, 136-140.
enlargement of, 140-143. Ascidians, half-development, 127.
isolation of blastomere, 131. Assheton, formation of archenteron, 70.
ciliation of embryo, 165. Auditory nerve, 164. Auricle of heart, 153. Axis, primary, 81.
secondary, 82.
tertiary, 82.
von Baer, account of cleavage, 48.
Barock segmentation, 29.
Bellonci, direct division of germ-cells,
12. Bergmann, account of cleavage, 49. Bernard and Bratuschek, 20. Blastomeres, injury to, 106-122. Blastopore, 50-57.
overgrowth of, 50-57, 68.
injury to, 79.
position of dorsal lip, 88.
in compressed egg, 98-101.
closure of, 137-140.
of Urodela, 139, 140. Blastula, double, 118.
Blood-corpuscles, 155. Body- cavity, 148. Bombinator, pronephros of, 158. Born, cross-fertilization, 26-28.
sperm-fluid, 29.
experiments, 90-92.
compression of egg, 95-99.
conclusions from compressed egg, 102.
cleavage-plane and embryo-axis, 108. Boveri, second maturation-division, 8, 9.
egg-fragments, 30, 31. Brain-vesicles, 62. Branchial arches, 145. Branchial vessel, 153, 154.
development of, 155. Brauer, second maturation-division, 8,
9. Bufo, fertilization of egg, 22.
vulgaris, cross-fertilization, 26-28.
communis, cross-fertilization, 28.
Cardinal veins, 153, 157.
Cellulation of yolk, hemiembryo, 110.
Centrifugal force, effect of, 92-94.
Centrifugal machine, 92-94.
Cerebellum, 160.
Cerebral hemispheres, 160.
Chabry, 127.
Chun, 127.
Cilia, on surface, 165.
Cleavage, 32-41.
of compressed egg, 96-101.
of egg in centrifugal machine, 92-94. Cleavage-plane, relation to egg-axis,
82, 85-87. Cloaca, opening of segmental duct into,
156. Coelom, 148, 150.
relation to pronephros, 156.
Collecting tubes of pronephros, 156,
157. Communicating canal, 148. Compression of egg, 95-105. Concrescence, 64, 65, 80. Correlation of parts, 124-126. Cramer, account of cleavage, 49. Cranial nerves, 164. Cross-fertilization, 26-30. Cross-line, 37, 39. Ctenophor, half-development, 127.
isolated blastomere, 129, 130, 132.
half-larva, 130.
fragment of egg, 131.
imperfect embryo, 135. Cutaneous nerves, 164. Cuvierians veins, 153.
Delamination, 41. Development, direct, 128.
indirect, 128. Differentiation by protoplasm, 131. Diverticula, from aorta, 155.
from aortic bulb, 155. Division (direct), of germ-cells, 11,
12. Dorsal aorta, origin of, 155. Driesch, sea-urchin egg, 126, 127.
action of nucleus on cell, 135.
theory of embryo, 136. Dumas, account of cleavage, 48.
Ear, 162, 163.
Echinodermata, isolation of blastomere, 131. Echinus, isolation of one-fourth and
one-eighth blastomere, 133. Ectoderm, 71, 72.
ciliation of, 165.
organs from, 159. Efferent branchial vessels, 153-155. Egg, separation from ovary, 15.
orientation of, 81.
rotation of, 83-85.
rotation of contents, 91, 92.
in centrifugal machine, 92-94.
of Rana fusca, size of, 95.
fragments of sea-urchin, 130, 131.
ctenophor, fragments of, 131. Egg-axis, 32.
relation to cleavage-plane, 82, 85-87. Egg-laying, Introduction. Egg-membranes, 17, 19, 20.
Egg-membranes, absorption of heat
by, 20. protection by, 19, 20. Egg-nucleus, migration of, 13. Elastic plates, 63, 64. Embryo, on compressed egg, 98-101. Embryonic ring, 64-66. Embryos, double, 117-119. Endoderm, 70, 73. Endodermal cells of heart, 151. Endothelium of heart, 151. Endres and Walter, half-embryos, 115,
116. Epigenesis, 125, 126. Evolution, 125, 126. Eye, 60, 64, 161.
Facial nerve, 164. Fiedler, 126, 127. Field, H. H., origin of pronephros, 155 158. Fin, 62. Flemming, spermatogenesis of SalS/ mandra, 5, 6. Fore-brain, 62, 100. Fiirbringer, pronephros, 158.
Ganglia, spinal, 62.
Germinal localization, 125, 126.
Germ-plasm, 124.
Gill- arches, 62.
Gill-plate, 58-60.
Gill-slits, 62.
formation of, 141, 144.
relation of nerves to, 164. Gills, ciliation of, 167. Glomus, 156, 157. Glosso-pharyngeal nerve, 164. Goette, origin of pronephros, 158. Gryllotalpa, 2.
Half-blastula of Echinus, 127. Half-embryos of Echinus, 133. Half-larva, ctenophor, 130. Head-kidneys, 156-158.
veins from, 153. Head-somites, 148. Heart, 150-155.
bending of tube, 151. Hemiembryo, anterior, 109.
lateralis, 107, 108.
posterior, 109. Hemiooholoplasten, 121.
Hertwig, O., second maturation-division, 8, 9.
rotation of egg, 20.
cross-fertilization of sear-urchin, 28.
polyspermy, 30.
origin of mesoderm, 70.
formation of spina bifida, 77.
effect of gravity, 90.
compression of egg, 95, 99, 100.
egg in tube, 101.
law of cleavage, 102, 103.
injury to blastomere, 112-115.
methods of injury, 112.
hemiembryo lateralis, 113.
asymmetry of embryo, 113, 114.
criticism of Roux, 114, 115,
revivification of injured blastomere, 114, 115.
criticism of, 121.
quantitative division, 127.
interaction of blastomeres, 134.
effect of temperature, 168, 169. Heterotypic division, 5, 6. Hind-brain, 160. His, elastic plates, 63, 64.
germinal localization, 125, 126. Hoffmann, pronephros, 158. Homoeotypic division, 6, 7. Hydromedusae, isolation of blastomere,
131. Hyla, spermatozoon of, 11. Hyoid arch, 145.
vessel, 153. Hyomandibular-cleft, 145.
Idioplasm, 128. Infundibulum, 160, 161. Interaction of parts, 124, 125. Invagination of archenteron, 70.
Isotropy, 87.
Jordan, E. O., entrance of spermatozoon, 35, 36. fertilization, 24. median plane of embryo, 42. overgrowth of blastopore, 68.
Kolliker, account of cleavage, 49. Kupffer, fertilization, 22.
Lataste, cross-fertilization, 26. Lateral line, 164. Lens, 162.
Liver, origin of, 141.
relation of, to heart, 151. Lungs, 145.
Mandibular vessels, 153, 154. Marshall, origin of gill-slits, 144, 145.
account of lungs and thyroid body, 145.
origin of optic nerve, 161.
cranial nerves, 164. Marshall and Bles, pronephros, 158. Maturation-divisions, of Gryllotalpa, 2-4.
of Salamandra, 7, 9.
of frog, 10. Maxillary process, inferior, 61.
superior, 61. Medulla oblongata, 160. Medullary folds, inner, 57-59.
outer, 57-59. Medullary plate, 73, 158.
formation of, 80.
half, 108.
length of, 80. Mesenchyme, 148, 149. Mesoderm, 69, 71-74.
early condition of, 146.
extension of, ventrally, 146.
around blastopore, 147.
in region of pharynx, 147. Mesodermic somites, 148. Methods of preservation. Appendix. Meves, spermatogenesis of Salamandra, 5, 9.
direct division of germ-cells, 12. Mid-brain, 160. Mole-cricket, 2.
Morgan, T. H., formation of spina bifida, 77.
injury to blastomere, 120, 121.
isolation of blastomeres by, 133. Morula, 107. Mouth, 60, 61.
Miiller, origin of pronephros, 158. Muscle fibres, origin of, 149.
Nasal pits, 62.
Nephrostomes of pronephros, 156-158.
Nerves, 163, 164.
dorsal roots, 163.
ventral roots, 163. Nerve-tube, bending of, 160.
closure of, 160.
Nervous system, central, 159-161. Neural crest, 159, 160. Neural ridge or crest, 163, 164. Neurenteric canal, 138-140. Newport, absorption of water by eggmembranes, 19.
entrance of egg into oviduct, 16.
median plane of embryo, 42. Newt, fertilization of, 24. Notochord, 70, 73, 74.
of spina bifida, 76-78.
half, 108.
origin of, 146. Nuclei, distribution in compressed egg,
104, 105. Nucleus, control of cell by, 128.
qualitative division of, 129. Nussbaum, entrance of egg into oviduct, 16.
Oil-drops, 43-47. Oogenesis, 12.
and spermatogenesis, comparison of, 13, 14. Optic lobes, 160. Optic stalk, 162. Optic vesicles, 160, 161. Orientation of egg, 81.
Pelobates, cross-fertilization, 26.
Pericardium, 151.
Pfliiger, cross-fertilization, 26-28.
median plane of embryo, 42.
blastopore, 51-53, 56.
account of experiments, 81-89.
methods, 82.
conclusions from experiments, 8789.
compression of egg, 95.
conclusions from compressed egg, 101, 102.
cleavage-plane and embryo-axis, 108. Pharynx, 62, 145. Pigment, distribution of, 15.
rotation of, 83. Pineal body, 160, 161. Pituitary body, 161. Plane of embryo, median, 42. Pneumogastric nerves, 164. Polar body, first, extrusion of, 16-18.
second, 21.
in inverted egg, 91.
Polarization of egg, 88. Poles of egg, 81. Polyspermy, 30. Post-anal-gut, 141.
Postgeneration, 110, 111, 116, 128, 129.
of archenteron. 111.
of medullary folds, 111.
of mesoderm. 111.
of ectoderm, 111.
of whole embryo, 122. Provost, account of cleavage, 48. Primitive groove, 57, 72. Primitive segments, origin of, 147. Proctodseum, 141, 158. Pronephric capsule, 156. Pronephros, 155-158. Pro-nucleus, union, 23.
apposition of, 35.
Hana arvalis, cross-fertilization, 27,
28. Rana esculenta, spermatozoon of, 11.
cross-fertilization, 26-28.
effect of light, 170. Rana fusca, extrusion of polar body, 21.
cross-fertilization, 26-28.
inversion after first cleavage, 116118.
effect of temperature, 168, 169. Rana temporaria, egg-laying, 17.
time of egg-laying, 168.
effect of light, 169, 170. vom Rath, spermatogenesis of Gryllotalpa, 2-4.
spermatogenesis of Salamandra, 5, 7.
tetrad formation in Salamandra, 8.
spermatogenesis of frog, 10.
direct division of germ-cells, 12. Rauber, interchange of nuclei, 30.
segmentation, 39.
effect of gravity, 90. Reichert, account of cleavage, 49. Remak, segmentation, 38.
account of cleavage, 49. Reorganization, 109, 110. Retma, 161. Robinson, formation of archenteron,
70. Rotation of egg, 83-85. Roux, artificial fertilization, 32.
Roux (continued).
median plane of embryo, 42.
experiments with oil-drops, 43-47.
spina bifida, 75.
centrifugal machine, 92-94.
egg in tube, 100, 101.
methods, 106, 107.
mjur>^ to blastomere, 106-111.
cleavage-plane and embryo-axis, 108.
mosaic theory, 109, 123, 126.
whole embryos, 121.
subsidiary hypothesis, 127-129.
anachronism in cleavage, 129.
part of egg removed, 130.
qualitative division of nucleus, 134. Rusconi, cross-fertilization, 24.
account of cleavage, 48.
Sachs, law of cleavage, 102. Salamandra, isolation of blastomere,
131. Salt-solution, effect of, 77. Schleiden, 49.
Schnetzler, effect of light, 169. Schultze, M. , segmentation, 39.
account of cleavage, 49. Schultze, 0., formation of egg, 12.
rotation of egg, 20.
polar bodies, 21.
origin of mesoderm, 71.
experiments of, 116-118.
effect of temperature, 169. Schwann, 49. Sea-urchin, cross-fertilization, 30.
isolation of blastomeres, 126.
half development, 127.
fragments of egg, 130, 131. Segmentation, variations of, 41. Segmentation-cavity, 40, 41, 67, 71. Self-differentiation, 123, 124, 126. Semiblastula verticalis, 107, 108. Semigastrula verticalis, 107, 108. Semimonila verticalis, 107, 108. Sense-plate, 57-60. Sex-cells, development of, 1. Sinus venosus, 151. Size of egg, 95. Somatic layer, of mesoderm, 147.
of heart, 151. Somites, mesodermic, 148.
of head, 148.
Spallanzani, egg-laying, 17.
account of cleavage, 47. Spermatid, 1. Spermatocyte, 1. Spermatogenesis, 1, 10.
salamander 4, 5. Spermatogenesis and oogenesis, comparison of, 13, 14. Spermatogonia, 1. Spermatozoon, of frog, 4, 5, 11.
inheritance through, 134. Spina bifida, 75-80. Splanchnic layer of mesoderm, 147.
of heart, 151. Star-fish, cross-fertilization, 30. Stomodaeum, 60, 159. Strasburger, action of nucleus on cell,
135. Suckers, 60, 62, 166. Swammerdam, passage of egg from ovary to oviduct, 17.
account of cleavage, 47. Sylvian aqueduct, 100.
TaU, 62.
Teleostei, isolation of blastomere, 131.
Temperature, effect of, 167-170.
Tetrad, 3, 4, 8.
Thyroid body, 145.
Toad, European, spermatozoon of,
11. Totipotence, 132, 133. Trigeminal nerve, 164. Triton alpestris, cross-fertilization, 26, 28. taeniatus, cross-fertilization, 26, 28. Truncus arteriosus, 153.
Urodela, anus of, 139, 140.
closure of blastopore, 139, 140.
Vagus, near first somite, 148.
V. la Valette St. George, terminology, 1.
Ventricle of heart, 153.
Visceral-arches, 145.
Visceral-slits, 145.
Vitelline veins, 151.
Vitreous body, 162.
Vogt, segmentation, 38.
de Vries, action of nucleus on cell, 135.
DEVELOPMENT OF THE FROG'S EGG Wrinkles of egg, 33.
Weismann, theory of heredity, 14.
qualitative nuclear division, 129.
qualitative division of nucleus, 134. Wetzel, double embryos, 118, 119. Whitman, theory of embryo, 136. Wichmann, pronephros, 158. Wilson, E. B., amphioxus, 127.
Yolk-granules, absorption of, 141. Yolk-plug, withdrawal of, 140. Yung, effect of light, 169, 170.
Ziegler, embryos, 61.
Zoja, isolation of blastomeres by, 132.
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This work comprises forty figures, photographed from nature by Dr. Learning from the preparations of Professor Wilson at an enlargement of one thousand diameters, and mechanically reproduced by the gelatine process, without retouching, by Edward Bierstadt of New York. The plates are accompanied by an explanatory text, giving a general introduction to the subject for the use of students and general readers, a detailed description of the photographs, and over sixty text-figures from camera-drawings.
It is the object of this atlas to place before students and teachers of biology a practically continuous series of figures photographed directly fi-om nature, to illustrate the principal phenomena in the fertilization and early development of the animal egg. The new science of cytology has in the course of the past two decades brought forsvard discoveries relating to the fertilization of the egg and the closely related subject of cell-division (karyokinesis) that have called forth on the part of Weismann and others some of the most important and suggestive discussions of the post-Darwinian biology. These discoveries must in some measure be dealt with by every modern text-book of morphology or physiology, yet they belong to a region of observation inaccessible to the general reader or student, since it can only be approached by means of a refined histological technique applied to special objects not ordinarily available for practical study or demonstration. A knowledge of the subject must therefore, in most cases, be acquired from text-books in which drawings are made to take the place of the real object. But no drawing, however excellent, can convey an accurate mental picture of the real object. It is extremely difficult for even the most skilful draughtsman to represent in a drawing the exact appearance of protoplasm and the delicate and complicated apparatus of the cell. It is impossible adequately to reproduce the drawing in a black-and-white text-book figure. Every such figure must necessarily be in some measure schematic and embodies a considerable subjective element of interpretation.
The photograph, whatever be its shortcomings (and no photograph can do full justice to nature), at least gives an absolutely faithful representation of what appears under the microscope ; it contains no subjective element save that involved in the focussing of the instrument, and hence conveys a true mental picture. It is hoped, therefore, that the present work may serve a useful purpose, especially by enabling teachers of biology to place
before their students a series of illustrations whose fidelity is beyond question, and which may serve as a basis for either elementary or advanced work in this direction.
Following is a partial list of the points clearly shown in the present series: The ovarian egg, with germinal vesicle, germinal spot and chromatin-network ; the polar amphiaster with the " Vierergruppen " or quadruple chromosome-groups ; the unfertilized egg, after extrusion of the polar bodies; entrance of the spermatozoon, the entrance-cone; rotation of the sperm-head, origin of the sperm-aster from the middle-piece, growth of the astral rays; conjugation of the germ-nuclei, extension and division of the sperm-aster; formation of the cleavage-nucleus ; the attraction-spheres in the resting-cell ; formation of the cleavage-amphiaster, origin of the spindle-fibres and chromosomes ; division of the chromosomes, separation of the daughter-chromosomes; structure and growth of the astrosphere ; degeneration of the spindle ; formation of the " Zwischenkorper " ; origin of the chromatic vesicles from the chromosomes; reconstruction of the daughter-nuclei; cleavage of the ovum ; the two-celled stage at several periods showing division of the archoplasm-mass, " attraction-spheres " in the resting-cell, formation of the second cleavageamphiasters.
"A work which is an honor to American scholarship." — Philadelphia Evening Telegraph.
" Professor Wilson has rendered a great service to teachers and students in the publication of the splendid series of micro-photographs of these different processes. These are accompanied by an admirably lucid text." — The Dial.
" It is not often that one is permitted to examine a piece of work which is done, in all respects, on an ideal standard, as this is. . . . It is safe to say that the whole area engaged in the fertilization and division of the ovum has never been shown or the forces traced with such precision before." — The Independent.
" Every biologist owes the greatest gratitude to the authors and publishers of this beautiful volume; and only those who have labored themselves to make good photographic plates from specimens exhibiting karyokinesis, can appreciate the wonderful delicacy of the results." — Natural Science.
" This work is of a very high order, and both by its merit and its opportuneness is a noteworthy contribution to science. . . . The pictures obtained represent the highest perfection of micro-photography yet reached, especially as applied to protoplasmic structures. ... To the whole is prefixed an abundantly illustrated "General Introduction" in which Professor Wilson gives a summary of our present knowledge of our history of the ovum, so far as it has any bearing on the problems of fertilization. It would be very difficult to surpass this introduction, owing to its felicitous combination of terseness, clearness, and completeness. The work takes its place at once as a classic, and is certainly one of the most notable productions of pure science which have appeared in America. It will be valuable to every biologist, be he botanist or zoologist, be he investigator or teacher." — Science.

Latest revision as of 10:24, 28 February 2020

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Chapter XVI Effects of Temperature and of Light on Development

It has been long known that the rate of development within certain limits is dependent on temperature. The development of the frog's Qg^ is very much retarded, or even stopped, in water at the freezing-point. In North America, Rana temporaria often lays its eggs so early in the spring that the water is afterward frozen. The eggs that are caught in the ice are generally killed, but those that lie in the water below often remain alive and will subsequently develop normally.

Hertwig ('94) has shown that the maximum temperature for normal development of the eggs of Rana fusca is about 25 degrees C. Eggs develop very rapidly at this temperature, and in twenty-four hours have reached a stage of advancement corresponding to that at the end of the second day for the average temperature of 16 degrees. A temperature of 25 to 30 degrees C. long continued, or a temperature of 30 to 35 degrees for a short time, injures the eggs ; their development is arrested and many die. Eggs that have been partially injured by heat (after two or three hours at 30 degrees C. or after three to eight hours at 26 to 28 degrees C. and then brought into a normal temperature) continue to develop at a slower rate than eggs under normal conditions. The yolkhemisphere of the Qgg is first affected, so that the cleavagefurrows do not appear in it. The injured or dead half of the Q^g lies below, and the segmented portion above.

Hertwig obtained similar results by cooling the eggs. Soon after fertilization the eggs were placed in water at zero C. and kept there for twenty-four hours. During that time they did not segment, but when brought back to a higher (normal) temperature, the Qgg divided into two, four, etc., blastomeres; nevertheless, as subsequenf development showed, the egg had been injured. Many of these eggs developed in the same way as did those kept at a temperature of 25 degrees C, i.e. the segmentation of the yolk-hemisphere was retarded.

Schultze ('95) has also made some experiments on the eggs of Rana fusca in which the eggs were subjected to a temperature of zero C. Embryos in the following stages of development were used : stage A, when the dorsal lip of the blastopore had just appeared ; stage B, at the end of the "gastrula " period ; stage C, embryos with closed medullary folds. Three days after these had been placed in a chamber at zero C. they were examined and found in the same stage as when put into the cold. Some of the eggs were then removed, and continued to develop normally at a higher temperature. After fourteen days in the cold the remaining eggs were examined. The eggs were still in the same stage as when put into the cold chamber, but those of stage C had died. The others developed normally when brought into a liigher temperature.

Thus while Hertwig found that the eggs of Rana fusca were injured by only twenty-four hours at a temperature of zero C, Schultze saw that certaiii stages^ at least, were not affected by fourteen days at the same temperature. It is to be noted that Hertwig put the eggs into cold water soon after fertilization, while Schultze used later stages of development.

Not only is the rate of development of the frog-embryo affected by the temperature, but also by the kind of light in which it develops. Schnetzler in 1874 compared the development of Rana temporaria in white and in green light. The conditions of the two sets of embryos were nearly the same except as regards the kind of light. The embryos developed much faster in the white light, and the tadpoles underwent sooner their metamorphoses. Yung ('78) made a much more careful and elaborate series of experiments in which the eggs and embryos were subjected to a series of different lights. Instead of colored glass, which is seldom monochromatic, Yung used solutions of different sorts. The eggs were placed in a vessel containing about 5 litres of water ; this vessel was then placed in a larger vessel of the same form. A space of 5 to 10 mm. was left between the two vessels. This space was filled with a fluid that allows only certain parts of the spectrum to pass through. The top of the dish containing the eggs was covered by an opaque lid. An alcoholic solution of " fuchsine cerise " was used to produce a monochromatic red light ; a solution of potassium chromate for a yellow light (although this allows a little red and green to pass through) ; a solution of nitrate of nickel (which is perfectly monochromatic) for a green light; an alcoholic solution of aniline "bleu de Lyon" for a blue light ; and an alcoholic solution of aniline violet for a violet light. Parallel experiments took place in the daylight (" white light ") and in the dark. The other conditions were the same for all the aquaria ; they had the same amount of water, the same extent of surface for aeration, the same temperature^ and were placed in the same position before a window. Eggs of R. esculenta and of R. temporaria were used.

At the end of seven days it could be seen that the embryos in the violet and in the blue light were more vigorous and in a later stage of development than the others. At the same time the development in the red and in the green was retarded. At the end of a month the tadpoles were in good condition, and the following table shows their mean length in each aquarium.

Larvae of Rana Esculenta at the End of One Month.















The breadth of the embryos shows the same differences. It is interesting to see that in the red and in the green light the tadpoles were even less developed than those in the white light or even in the dark. The result of this series of experiments on R. esculenta agrees with other experiments made by Yung at different times, upon other species of frogs and upon other animals.



For general purposes the eggs and embryos may be preserved in a saturated solution of picric acid in seventy per cent, alcohol to which a little sulphuric acid has been added (as in Kleinenberg's picro-sulphuric solution). The segmenting eggs or the early stages of the embryo surrounded by the jelly should be put directly into the fluid. Each egg should have, however, the outer jelly-coats cut off with a pair of scissors, and it is well to use an abundance of the preserving solution. Older embryos may be shelled out in the preserving fluid with sharp needles. After from three to five hours the eggs or embryos are transferred to seventy per cent, alcohol, which is changed several times ; they should be kept for several days in eighty per cent, alcohol. In this alcohol (eighty per cent.) the inner egg-membrane slowly separates from the Qgg^ and can be easily removed, after which the Qgg is preserved permanently in eighty-five per cent, to ninety per cent, alcohol. Corrosive-acetic solution gives good results with older embryos. For the early stages of fertilization and of extrusion of the polar bodies the following solution is to be recommended : one per cent, chromic acid, twenty-five parts ; water, seventy parts ; glacial acetic acid, five parts. Boiling water also gives good results.

Difiiculty is often found in cutting the eggs on account of the brittleness of the yolk-portion ; but if the following method is carefully followed, there will be no trouble in this regard. The preserved Qgg or embryo is put into absolute alcohol from two to five hours, turpentine two to three hours, soft paraffine a half-hour (change once), hard paraffine a half-hour. The melting-point of the hard parafiine should be from 56 to 58 degrees C. The egg miist then be cut at a temperature of seventy-five to eighty degrees Fahrenheit (24 to 26 degrees C); one often succeeds best if the microtome is placed in the sunlight during the cutting.

The segmentation-stages do not need to be stained. The okler embryos stain well in toto in borax carmine or in hsematoxylin on the slide. Fresh material cuts and stains better than that long preserved.

Formalin preserves eggs and jelly most admirably for demonstration. The segmentation-stages show particularly well when preserved (permanently) in this solution.

Historic Disclaimer - information about historic embryology pages 
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Pages where the terms "Historic" (textbooks, papers, people, recommendations) appear on this site, and sections within pages where this disclaimer appears, indicate that the content and scientific understanding are specific to the time of publication. This means that while some scientific descriptions are still accurate, the terminology and interpretation of the developmental mechanisms reflect the understanding at the time of original publication and those of the preceding periods, these terms, interpretations and recommendations may not reflect our current scientific understanding.     (More? Embryology History | Historic Embryology Papers)
Frog Development (1897): 1 Formation of the Sex-cells | 2 Polar Bodies and Fertilization | 3 Cross-fertilization Experiments | 4 Egg Cleavage | 5 Early Embryo | 6 Germ-layers | 7 Abnormal Embryos with Spina Bifida | 8 Pfluger's Experiments | 9 Born and Roux Experiments | 10 Cleavage Modification | 11 Effect of Blastomere Injury | 12 Interpretations of Experiments | 13 Endoderm | 14 Mesoderm | 15 Ectoderm | 16 Temperature and Light Effects | Literature | Figures

Morgan TH. The development of the frog's egg: an introduction to experimental embryology. (1897) The Macmillan Co. London.

Cite this page: Hill, M.A. (2024, June 2) Embryology Book - The development of the frog's egg (1897) 16. Retrieved from

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