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Gournal of Anatomp and Pbpsiologp.
By O. CHaRNock BRADLEY, MB. DS$Sc. FRS.E, Royal Veterinary
College, Edinburgh. (PLATES XIX-XXIV.)!


THE RHomgic Lre.
CHARNOCK BRADLEY, M.B., Professor of Anatomy, Royal
Veterinary College, Edinburgh. (PLATESs XVII-XXIIL)

PART II.— Pic.
IN 1886, His (13) called attention to a folding over of the dorsal edge
of the alar lamina which he named the “ Rautenlippe” and to which he
attached great importance as a factor in the development of certain
portions of the medulla, and especially of the cerebellum of Man. He
stated that the rhombic lip begins to form, in the human embryo, at
the beginning of the fifth week, and that it extends from the cervical
flexure to the isthmus rhombencephali; in some places being larger, in
others smaller.

40 days embryo, 52 mm. long (figs. 54, 55 and 56).—At this
Since the publication of His’ paper several observers, working on the
stage the cerebellum of the pig embryo bears a certain likeness
development of the hind-brain of different mammals, have arrived at
to that of the rabbit on the 20th day of gestation. No fissures
diverse conclusions as to the formation and significance of the rhombic
are visible to the naked eye, but when sections are made and
lip. Herrick (14) figures it as of extensive development in the guinea-pig,
microscopically examined there is noticed a somewhat thin liplike plate projecting from the lower posterior corner of the
and dilates upon its high position as an agent in the formation of the
section of the cerebellar lamina (fig. 56). This is comparable
in every respect to the same feature in the rabbit’s brain on
the 20th day, and there develops a homologous lobe in connection with it.

44 days embryo, 64 mm. long (figs. 57, 58 and 59).—Development has proceeded rapidly during the interval betweën the
Dexter (15), on the other hand, avers that in the rabbit there is no trace
last stage and the present. A naked-eye examination shows a
ofit. Kuithan (16) also, after following the development of the cerebellum
sufficiently clear distinction between the future vermis and
in the sheep, expresses himself as doubtful of the occurrence of a lip.
hemispheres. There is also visible on the anterior slope a
fissure (IL.) of considerable length (fig. 58). Microscopie sagittal
sections show fissure IV. as before, and fissure II. of some depth.
There are also possibly faint indications of two other fissures
in that part of the vermis lying between II. and IV. There is
as yet no trace of a separation of a paraflocculus from the

48 days embryo, 80 mm. long (figs. 60, 61 and 62)-—Develop
Blake (12), in 1900, claimed that it is present in several mamimals (pig,
1 The work, of which the present paper is the outcome, was done by the
sheep, cat, and rat), and gave an illustration of a transverse section through
writer as a Research Student of the University of Edinburgh.
the hind-brain of an embryo rat (3 mm. long) which certainly closely
resembled some of the figures given by His. Blake stated that “hitherto
it has not been demonstrated in the lower mammalia,” and suggested that
this omission may be due to the fact that “it is probably extremely transi
tory in an unfused condition.

Yrônberg (6), writing still more recently, and basing his statement on
the examination of Erinaceus embryos, speaks in no uncertain voice
against the occurrence of a rhombic lip. Not only does he deny its

1 Figs. 1 to 44 accompany Part I. of this paper, which was published in the last

ment has again progressed rapidly ; indeed, it is something of
number of the Journal (Oct. 1905).
a misfortune that a stage intermediate between 44 and 48 days
VOL. XL. (THIRD SER. VOL, I.)—JAN. 1906. 12
could not be obtained. But though this is a misfortune, it is
134 Professor O. Charnock Bradley
not one which offers any insuperable difficulty in the solution
of the problem before us.

An examination of a 48 days cerebellum reveals a fissure (IL)
presence in hedgehog embryos, but he even seriously questions its
which is prolonged for some distance into the hemisphere.
formation in Man.
Below it the two othér fissures are faintly marked. These
develop into fissures I. and c. On the posterior slope there
are two faint fissures in the vermis. Subsequent development
shows that these become fissures III. and d. In the hemisphere
there is an indication of a fissure, which, growing inwards from
the lateral part of this portion of the cerebellum, ultimately
demarcates the paraflocculus. Another faint foreshadowing of
a fissure is also seen indenting the margin of the hemisphere
anterior to the one just mentioned. This latter, growing inwards, ultimately forms part of fissure a (fig. 60, a).

Microscopie sections afford additional evidence as to the
So far as Man is concerned, the occurrence of à rhombic lip may be
actuality of the faint depressions seen with the naked eye
assumed to be proved. In regard to its presence in the embryonic brain
(fig. 62). They also show that a number of fissures are about
of the lower mammals, there is not vet sufficient evidence to prove that
to complicate that portion of lobe À which lies below fissure c
it is universal or even common. For this reason considerable attention
(lobule A,). Lobe E has increased in volume, and is now, in
has been paid to the condition of the dorsal border of the alar lamina
consequence, sharply defined from the posterior medullary
in the hind-brain of the various pig embryos employed in this research.
velum. A flocculus is becoming evident, and its development
from the boundary of the lateral recess is clearly indicated. Its
boundaries are not as yet rigidly set down, but it reveals itself
as a thickening and bulging in the region in which, in the
future, it is to become conspicuous (fig. 61).

Embryo, 86 mm. long.—In the cerebellum of an embryo of
In the youngest embryo the edge of the alar lamina passes in a simple
86 mm. in length (of which the age is not certainly known,
manner into the membranous roof of the ventricle. No indication of an
but is estimated at about 50 days) the anterior surface is quite
outward folding is to be observed in any part of the rhombencephalon of
richly fissured. Fissure IT. now reaches the extreme margin of
the 19 and 22 days embryos. In the next older embryo (15 mm.) there is
the hemisphere, and fissure I. almost does 80. On the posterior
a considerable difference. In the most posterior part of the medulla the
slope, fissure &« runs completely across the cerebellum, but is
upper border of the alar lamina is no longer thin, but has become thick
shallow at the junction of vermis and hemisphere. Fissure III.
and rounded, forming an apparent equivalent to His “ Flügelwulst,” along
crosses the vermis and invades the groove between it and the
the lateral border of which the membranous rouf of the ventricle is
hemisphere. The fissure which is about to cut off the paraflocculus is deep, and is growing inwards towards fissure III.
attached (fig. 12). When sections are followed forwards it is found that
of the vermis, with which it finally becomes continuous.
not only is the border of the lamina rounded, but there is also the appearance of an outward bending ; that is to say, there is distinct evidence of
the formation of a rhombic lip with a well-marked outer and à shallow
inner “ Lippenfurche” This is well seen opposite the otic vesicle.
Towards the anterior limit of the vesicle the folding-over almost entirely
disappears, to be again well developed as soon as the vesicle is completely
passed. On a level with the origin of the root-complex of the N. acusticofacialis there is a slight diminution in the size of the lip—a diminution
doubtless associated with the exit and entrance of nerve-fibres at this point
(fig. 13). Immediately in front of this root the lip assumes its maximum
development, both its outer and inner “ Lippenfurchen”” being deep (fig.
14). The root of the N. trigeminus is connected with another diminution
in the size of the lip, which is once more clearly marked externally in the
region of the lateral recess; the outer “Lippenfurche”” being continued
slightly beyond the anterior limit of the recess (fig. 5).

Fissure d is, if anything, rather longer than fissure III. The
The various neuromeral grooves cross the “ Flügelwulst,” so causing the
parafloceulus forms a distinct projection, and is now clearly
production of a number of rounded eminences.
separated from the flocculus. Sections show that lobe B is
becoming divided by a shallow transverse fissure.

51 days embryo, 88 mm. long (figs. 63, 64 and 65).—The
With certain reservations it may be said that, so far as concerns the
difference between this and the above stage is only one of depth
rhombic lip, sections through the hind-brain of this embryo bear à marked
of fissures.
resemblance to the figures given by His of a five-weeks’ human embryo.
There is, however, none of that flattening of the medulla at the widest part
of the ventricle, so conspicuously present in Man. There is, further, as has
been previously stated, no clear distinction of alar and basal laminæ in the
widest part of the medulla.
Development of the Hind-Brain of the Pig 135

55 daus embryo, 100 mm. long (fig. 66).—To the naked eye
It is not possible to follow the rhombic lip for even the shortest distance
the fissures have obviously deepened since the 51st day, but no
on to the cerebellum at this stage.
new ones can be made out. Sections, however, show that a
fissure, 6, has begun to invade that part of lobe C which is in
the vermis. It seems likely that this fissure first made its
appearance, on the anterior slope of the hemisphere, about the
48th day (fig. 61), and that the two parts gradually grew
together in the vermis. It is interesting to notice at what
an early period fissure a came into existence, and how comparatively late fissure b is in making its appearance in the
vermis. This should be compared with the constancy of the
former fissure in the cerebella of the type of the rabbit, and
the inconstancy or difficulty of determination of fissure b in
the cerebella of the same order of complexity.

The fissures in lobule A, are now of considerable depth.
À considerable advance has been made in the growth of the lip between
Lobule A, retains its comparatively small size. Lobe B is
the 15 mm. and the 23 mm. stages. In à 23-mm. embryo it is again poorly
larger, and contains a moderately deep fissure, which is the
developed in the posterior part of the medulla, and fusion is apparently
forerunner of a like feature in the adult brain.
taking place between it and the wall of the brain-tube (fig. 16). Opposite
the anterior part of the otic vesiele it would be difficult to say that a
rhombic lip had ever existed were it not for the evidence afforded by the
younger embryo. In connection with the lateral recess, on the contrary,
the lip has grown considerably and now forms a substantial floor to the
recess (fig. 18). This region obviously corresponds to the district in which
the lip was greatest in the 15-mm. embryo.

59 days embryo, 118 mm. long (figs. 67, 68 and 69).—As in
At this stage there are unmistakable traces of a folding of the edge of
the rabbit, the anterior part of the pig’s cerebellum has advanced
the cerebellar lamina ; but in no part is it so well marked as was formerly
more rapidly than the posterior part during the earlier stages
the case in the medulla (fig. 19). A cerebellar rhombic lip can be detected
of development. By the 59th day the anterior surface is bearing a strong resemblance to the adult condition, but the
in both transverse and sagittal sections; the latter showing it best in the
posterior part is still comparatively simple. Fissure à is now
region of the lateral recess. As sagittal sections are followed towards the
of some depth and can readily be recognised by the unaïded eye.
middle line the lip becomes gradually less and less, but does not entirely
Fissure a has gained considerably in depth. Fissure III. has
disappear until the median plane is closely approached.
become continuous with the lateral fissures, which, making an
early appearance, first indicated the limits of the paraflocculus.

Fissure d is of great lateral extent, being indeed the longest
In the posterior part of the medulla of à 25-mm. embryo there is a
fissure of the cerebellum at this stage (with the possible
thickened hem appended to the border of the former alar lamina, and to it
doubtful exception of fissure IL, which has a curved course).
the membranous roof of the ventricle is attached. The hem is sharply
Fissure d, it should be noted, is growing forwards into the
warked off from the rest of the wall of the ventriele by an internal furrow,
above which is a rounded ridge-like prominence (figs. 21 and 22). The
furrow began to appear in the 23-mm. embryo (ef. fig. 16), and it does not
seem altogether unreasonable to compare it with a groove figured by His
(fig. 13 (13)) as being present in à five-weeks human embryo internal to
the “ Flügelwulste” If such a comparison be allowed, then the rounded
ridge above the furrow must be the remains of the “ Flügelwulste.”  However this may be, the hem itself may be considered the representative of
the rhombic lip, Blake having shown that in the lower mammals it has
such an appearance.

paraflocculus, which is, by it, being divided into an upper and
In connection with the lateral recess the rhombic lip continues to grow
a lower part, connected together in front (fig. 67). It is desired
both in thickness and also in an outward direction (fig. 23). Attention
to emphasise the fact that there is a strong, well marked
has already been called by Blake to the important rôle played by the lip
connection between lobe D and the paraflocculus This
in the formation of the recess, and the material at present described lends
connection at this stage is not confined to the part of lobe D
support to his statement. It should be added that the N. acustico-facialis has
above fissure d (lobule D,), but belongs to the entire lobe.
established à close connection with the ventral wall of the recess so formed.
Nothing could show more clearly that the paraflocculus and
lobe D are parts of one and the same morphologie unit. This
point is illustrated much better in the pig than it was in the

The paraflocculus has enlarged, and its anterior surface shows
There is still à slight trace of a rhombie lip in connection with the
signs of foliation (fig. 68).
cerebellum in the 25-mm. embryo, but this is the latest stage in which ït
can be detected,
136. Professor O. Charnock Bradley

65 days embryo, 132 mm. long (figs. 70, 71, 72, 73 and 74).
As has been previously stated, the most posterior part of the medulla
The anterior surface has now very closely approached the adult
has become “closed ” in the 32-mm. embryo; the “closed” portion being
condition, both in its external appearance and also in those
provided with a dorsal median furrow. Just before the central canal enters
features which can only be adéquately appreciated by means
into the ventricle à ridge makes its appearance in this furrow (fig. 24).
of sagittal sections. |
If it be followed forwards it is found that the ridge is continuous with
rhombic lips such as were described as occurring in the 25-mm. embryo
(figs. 25 et seqg.); that is to say, the closure of the medulla has been caused
by the fusion of the lips of the two sides. From this point the rhombic
lip can be easily followed forwards—being found to present an appearance
not unlike that of the next younger specimen, and gradually increasing in
size as the entrance to the lateral recess is approached (figs. 28 and 29).

Fissure IL. is of great depth, its lowest part being not far
A slight exagveration in the thickness of the lip is shown in fig. 29.
removed from the summit of the roof of the 4th ventricle
This follows upon a narrowing of the roof of the ventricle just behind the
(fig. 74). Lobe B shows definite evidence of its future bipartite
opening into the lateral recess, which causes the lip to incline inwards and
condition. Lobule A, has now lost its former arrangement of
forwards. Sections of it, therefore, are eut somewhat obliquely. The
indefinitely arranged folia, and has collected them into three
obliquity of section, however, does not account for more than a comparatively small part of the width of the lip as illustrated.
sub-lobules such as are found in the adult brain. Fissure b
is now of some depth, and fissure a makes an important
landmark on the posterior slope. Fissure d is deeper than
fissure III, and both parts of lobe D are becoming foliated
(fig. 74). Lobe E remains relatively small and simple, but
is now separated from the posterior medullary velum by a
conspicuous fissure.

The paraflocculus is now divided into two parts, both of
That part of the rhombic lip which is associated with the lateral recess
which are now foliated. The whole lobule now closely
has increased in thickness as well as in lateral dimensions. Consequent
resembles the same lobule in the adult squirrel. The division
upon the addition to its width, the lip is now folded farther over the side
into two parts has obviously been brought about by an extension in a forward direction of fissure d. This extension
of the medulla; but there is still no very remarkable degree of fusion
was beginning in the previous stage. The upper part of the
between the medulla and the lip. The independence of the two structures
paraflocculus is connected with lobule D, by a rounded nonfoliated ridge. The connection between lobule D, and the
is well shown in fig. 29. Fig. 29 also demonstrates that the lateral recess
lower half of the paraflocculus has almost become obliterated,
is growing backwards beyond the level of the aperture of communication
but it should be kept in mind that such a connection did at
with the body of the ventricle, and that the N. acustico-facialis is now
closely associated with the rhombic lip.

one time exist. The flocculus is small and, to the naked eye,
The “elosed ” part of the medulla has increased in length in the 52-mm.
not yet provided with folia. On examining microscopic sections,
embryo. As in the yvounger spechmen, it possesses à dorsal median fissure.
however, slight fissures are found to exist.
And, again, before the central canal opens out into the fourth ventricle
a low rounded ridge appears in the fissure, thus materially reducing its
depth (fig. 32).

70 days embryo, 150 mm. long (fig. 75).—Except in richness
In transverse sections there is an area of tissue, differing structurally
of foliation, no marked change has occurred in that part of the
from that adjacent to it, stretching from the surface of the medulla down
cerebellum which is anterior to fissure II. The posterior
to the central canal, and corresponding in lateral extent to the width of
portion of the organ, however, has now entered into a more
the ridge in the bottom of the dorsal fissure (fig. 32}. It has evidently
active phase of development, and is rapidly assuming the adult
been produced by the fusion of the two rhombie lips, for the examination
appearance. That part of lobe C which is anterior to fissure a
of serial sections shows à continuation of the area with lips such as were
(lobules C, and C,) has grown considerably in a lateral
present in the 32-mm. embryo (figs. 32 and 33).
direction. Further, the vermis portion has also grown so much
in an antero-posterior direction that it can no longer be
accommodated in the strict mesial plane, but has become
distorted by being thrust over to one side. Fissure b is now
a very important feature. It extends all the way across the
cerebellum. Lobule C, has also altered considerably in appearance. It no longer forms a band of practically uniform width,
running from one margin of the cerebellum to the other. It
now fails to extend as far laterally as the more anterior part
of lobe C. Its vermis portion has increased in volume in a
sagittal direction, and, like that part of the vermis immediately
in front of it, is now distorted by being pushed to one side.
The hemisphere portions, too, have enlarged in a sagittal
direction, and are now in the form of rounded masses, connected
with the vermis by a comparatively narrow isthmus. This
lobule has therefore come to resemble that of the squirrel.

The two parts of lobe D have also enlarged, and their folia
The disposition of the epithelium over the rhombic lip in the neïghbourhood of the posterior end of the ventricle is noteworthv. Immediately
are more numerous. The connection between lobule D, and
upon the opening up of the central canal to form the ventricle, 4.6. as soon
the corresponding part of the paraflocculus is still smooth.
Development of the Hind-Brain of the Pig _- -137
Lobe E remains small, and to the naked eye appears to have
no connection with the flocculus beyond that established by
means of the posterior medullary velum. But microscopic
sections show that there is still a low smooth ridge running
between the two structures.

The parañlocculus has not increased much in size, and,
as the area of union of the two rhombic lips is passed, the epithelium,
because of the lateral expansion of lobe C, is now not 80
though of the same thickness over the greater part of the wall of the
prominent a feature on the lateral surface of the hemisphere.
ventricle as in the central canal, becomes remarkably thin over the lips
The flocculus is still small, and to the naked eye smooth.
themselves (figs. 33, 34, and 35). This peculiarity is retained for some
distance forwards:; but more anteriorly the lip carries as thick an
epithelium as the rest of the interior of the ventricle.

Embryo, 165 mm. long, age unknown (figs. 76, 77, 78, 79
Just as the opening into the lateral recess is being reached, there is,
as previously, à conspicuous increase in the size of the rhombic lip (fig. 41)
—-a condition, however, not demonstrable in older embryos. That part of
the lip which assists in bounding the recess is beginning to lose its
hitherto remarkable independence.

and 80).—This is the last embryonic stage which it is necessary
The appearance presented by the central canal in an 80-mm. embryo
to examine, as it brings us within a short distance of the
is possibly of interest. About the junction of the spinal cord and the
condition of the adult cerebellum. Lobule A, is now certainly
medulla the canal is of fair width, and, judging from the arrangement of
composed of three sub-lobules, the uppermost of which has
its epithelium, is undergoing constriction by fusion of its walls both dorsally
beyond doubt an extension into the hemisphere. One single
and ventrally. If the canal be followed forwards, it is first observed to
small folium still adheres to the anterior medullary velum,
narrow ; and then its lateral walls «ppeur to fuse about their middle, thus
and therefore may possibly be looked upon as an attenuated
producing the appearance of two canals—a dorsal and a ventral. Into
example of a lingula. Lobule A, is relatively small, and has a
the dorsal canal projects a slight dorsal ridge of epithelium. Still farther
rather shallow fissure dividing it into two parts. Fissure IT.
forwards the dorsal canal enlarges—the ridge of epithelium being still
begins on the dorsal surface of the vermis; curving forwards
present—and finally appears to form the single central canal which opens
at the lateral boundary of the vermis, it runs obliquely down
into the ventricle Though this is the appearance presented by sections,
the anterior surface. Lobe B is divided into upper and lower
it is very doubtful if there is even an attempt at fusion of the lateral
portions by a fairly deep fissure, whose advent has been noted
walls of the canal. Some sections which had doubtless been rather more
in earlier stages. Lobe C has again made great advances. So
roughly handled in preparation show the walls separated from each other
much is this the case that lobule C, is very considerably
by à very narrow chink.
distorted. Lobule C, is now clearly divided into three parts—
one in the vermis and one in each hemisphere—connected by
narrow bands. The connection between lobule D, and the
upper part of the paraflocculus is becoming slightly marked
by fissures, and has become in part hidden by the posterior
extremity of lobe C.

The paraflocculus is now quite complicated, from the presence
This condition of the central canal of the medulla would not have been
of numerous folia; but there is no difficulty in recognising its
so fully described were it not that Balfour (17) was originallv of opinion
constitution as two tiers. The flocculus is now foliated.
that diminution in the size of the central canal of the spinal cord was
produced by a median coalescence of its walls. It was thought that here
might possibly be an appearance shmilar to that which led Balfour to
his conclusions.

Adult cerebellum (figs. 81, 82, 83 and 84).—Having traced
À dorsal median fissure in the “closed” part of the medulla is not
the development of the fissures and lobes up to an advanced
present in the 80-mim. embryo. Its place is taken by à triangular area
stage, it does not seem necessary to give an additional detailed
of tissue, scantily provided with nuclei, which represents the opposed and
description of the adult organ. It will suffice to briefly indicate
fused rhombic lips (fig. 46). At the apex of the ventricle the lips no longer
the changes which have occurred since the 165 mm. stage.
project from the edge of the medulla: but their extent is determinable as
a sparsely nucleated area continuous with the structurally similar field
in the “closed”? portion of the medulla (fig. 47).

The cerebellum anterior to fissure II. has not undergone any
In view of the condition exhibited in the older material, it is well here
radical change. It has taken additional folia upon itself, but
to call attention to the fact that there is à manifest thickening of the
that is all In the posterior part of the cerebellum more
138 Professor O. Charnock Bradley
decided changes have occurred. Fissure b is now very distinct
crossing vermis and hemisphere, and reaching the border of the
latter. A further displacement of the vermis portion of lobe
C has taken place, so that in the adult brain fissure à is
decidedly oblique. The connections between the vermis and
hemisphere portions of lobule C, have become very much reduced.
The upper part of lobe D has shared in the general distortion of

this region of the vermis. Its connection with the paraflocculus
epithelium about the lower limit of the fused rhombic lips (figs. 47 and 48).
now consists of a transversely foliated ridge (fig. 83). Lobule
Over the major part of the lip the epithelium is almost as thin as was
D, has merely increased in size and become more thickly foliated.
found to be the case in the next younger embryo.
Lobe E remains very small and inconspicuous (fig. 84).

In many cerebella the paraflocculus has become a somewhat
On passing forwards the pale area representing the rhombic lip disappears and the lip forms à projection such as has been seen previously
jumbled collection of folia, but in most brains it has retained
(figs. 49 and 50).
a closer resemblance to its earlier condition. There is usually
little difficulty in tracing its two-tiered character, but it appears
as though the lower tier had been turned forwards at its posterior end. The flocculus in the adult is in the form of a row
of vertically placed folia, and runs in an antero-posterior direction, immediately below the paraflocculus. Its extremities only
are visible when the cerebellum is looked at from before or from

Having now learnt the characters of the fissures and lobes in
Fusion between the floor of the lateral recess and the medulla still
the pig, we are in a position to examine those cerebella which are
goes on, but there is no difficulty in seeing the line along which it has
constructed after a similar plan.
taken place (fig. 51).

Mustela furo (figs. 85, 86, 87 and 88).—In this animal is
In the embryo 100 mm. in length there is again a trace of a dorsal
a good example of the backward retreat that fissure II. makes in
median fissure in the most posterior part of the medulla (fig. 52) As
some of the more complex cerebella. The vermis is about
stated above, this was not to be found in the 80-mm. embryo; it appears
equally voluminous in front of and behind this fissure, this
possible, therefore, that it is a new formation produced by inequalities in
being the result of an increase in the number of lobules in the
the rate of growth of different parts of the medulla. As the groove runs
more anterior section of the vermis.
forwards it becomes obliterated by the presence of à pale triangular area
like that previously seen (fig. 53). Careful measurements show that the
area increases in both its lateral and vertical dimensions as it is followed
forwards. Its continuity with the rhombic lips is as evident as it was
in the younger embryo (figs. 53, 54, and 55). Contrary to the condition
present in the earlier stages, the bulk of the rhombic lip diminishes as the
opening into the lateral recess is approached (figs. 55 and 56).

Lobe A is divided into two slightly unequal parts by a fissure,
The character of the central canal, and its modification as it opens
e, which is almost entirely visible when the cerebellum is looked
into the ventricle in the 100-mm. embryo, seem worthy of note. Some
at from the front, and which reaches the margin of the hemisphere. Lobule A, is divided into two parts, each carrÿing two
little distance (less than 300u) before the canal reaches the ventricle it
or three folia. Lobule A, is also divided into two portions, but
has the form of a moderately wide vertical slit with à median constriction,
the fissure is not so deep as that in lobule A. Lobe B is cut
but none of that approximation of its lateral walls seen in the 80-mm.
by a curved fissure which almost reaches its lateral boundaries.
embryo (fig. 52). (The constriction is greater in a section 140w farther
It will be seen that lobes À and B are very similar to the
forwards than the one from which this figure was made.) The constriction
corresponding lobes in the pig, except that the lower component
produces the appearance of two dilatations in the canal. A little farther
of A is divided into two instead of three sub-lobules.
forwards the slit is elongated by the occurrence of à third dilatation dorsal
in position (fig. 53). Still more anteriorly a cleft sunders the pale area
which represents the combined rhombic lips. At the upper edge of the
third dilatation and about the lower limit of the rhombic-lip area is a
thickened patch of epithelium such as was seen at an earlier stage
(fig. 54).

Lobe C forms à very considerable constituent of the hemisphere. It has fissures a and 6, but the lobules in the vermis
The manner in which the central canal of à 150-nnn. embryo comes to
between a and b and « and IIL are comparatively simple; 1e.
an end differs somewhat from the foregoing description. Here the pale
they are not developed to such an extent that their accommodation necessitates distortion of the vermis The connection
triangular area is present on a level at which the canal is still small ; that
between vermis and hemisphere segments of lobule C, is very
is, the third dilatation mentioned in the preceding paragraph has evidently
been obliterated by the coalescence of the dorsal part of the walls of the
canal. The area itself is even more obvious than before on account of
Development of the Hind-Brain of the Pig 139

narrow, as in the pig, and partly or wholly concealed. Lobes
its marked vascularity. (Blake has directed attention to the fact that the
D and E are confined to the vermis; and D is divided into two
extent of the fused rhombic lips can be determined by the greater vascularity of the area of tissue so produced.) In addition, the area forms a
lobules by a fissure, d.
dorsal projection in transverse sections (figs. 59 and 60). In this specimen
the antero-posterior diameter of the area is absolutely less than it was
in the 100-mm. embryo. In the latter it measured 252u from its most
posterior recognisable limit to the point of separation of the two rhombie
Lips; in the 150-mm. embryo it only measures 204u between similar
points. This circumstance indicates à gradual loss by the area of its
distinctive histological characters, the structural change occurring first
posteriorly and advancing towards the apex of the ventricle. The area
clearly forms the obex of the adult brain.

The paraflocculus is arranged in the form of two tiers of folia
As the central canal is entering the ventricle it shows the constriction
joined together anteriorly. From the lower tier a lobulus
noted in the 100-mm. embryo; but the third—most dorsal—dilatation is
petrosus projects for some distance. The connection between
replaced by a rounded ridge on each side of the canal. This is the
paraflocculus and lobe D cannot be made out in the adult. It is
funiculus separans of Retzius (fig. 8). The two funiculi blend posteriorly
somewhat difficult to satisfactorily distinguish a flocculus, but
in such à manner that there is a slight backward prolongation of the
it is apparently present, and visible when the cerebellum is
cavity of the ventricle above them (figs. 8 and 60). The more dorsal of
viewed from the side or from behind.
the two dilatations of the central canal is continued into the ventricle as
the ala cinerea (fig. 8). The rhombic lip, passing forwards from the obex,
forms the area postrema, which gradually becomes smaller and more and
more separated from the bulk of the medulla A little distance behind
the opening into the recess it is very small and forms a thin projection :
just as the opening is reached it can hardly be said to be present at all.

Mustela erminea and M. vulgaris have both been examined,
That the rhombic lip is an important factor in the formation of the
but they so closely resemble M. furo that no further description
tuberculum acusticum has been claimed by Blake. The present research
is necessary.
lends support to the claïm (figs. 63 and 64).

Meles taxus (figs. 89, 90, 91 and 92).—As compared with
From what has been saïd above, it follows that the rhombic lip of the
lobe B, lobe A is smaller in the badger than it is in the
pig differs somewhat from the like structure in Man. From the time of its
pig. Only a comparatively small portion of it is visible on
earliest appearance it is much more perfectly formed in the region of the
the anterior surface of the cerebellum. Lobule A, is also small.
lateral recess. In the posterior part of the medulla the lip is small in the
Below fissure c there are two groups of folia, that group lying
younger material, but attains a good development later. In the middle
more inferiorly being further partially divided.
district of the medulla there is an imperfect development of the lip during
the whole of embryonic life. Immediately behind the opening into the
lateral recess it is large enough to be remarkable during the earlier stages
covered by the material at present considered: but later this comparative
prominence is lost (cf. figs. 41 and 56). At no period is the folding over of
the lip so great as has been described by His as occurring in the human
embryo; there is never even an approach to the condition as depicted in
His’ fig. 16 (18). It is difficult to imagine that the rhombic lip of the pig
forms the olivary body, etc.—at any rate in the manner as related by His;
140 Professor O. Charnock Bradley

Lobe B is large, and divided by a deep fissure into upper and
it seems more probable that the fasciculus solitarius becomes buried as the
lower lobules, each of which is again somewhat deeply indented
consequence of migration of neuroblasts independent of the formation of
by a fissure (fig. 92).
the lip. This would harmonise with the inability of Grônberg and Dexter
to find the lip in the hedgehog and rabbit. Further, it cannot be claimed
that it plays more than a very small part in the formation of the cerebellum
of the pig. The cerebellar rhombic lip appears later than the medullary lip ;
it is much smaller, does not reach the middle line, and all traces of it are
soon lost.

In lobe C, fissure b extends to the border of the hemisphere,
It must be concluded therefore from these observations on the pig, and
as it does in the pig (fig. 90). Lobule C, consists of a vermis
from the published results of other investigations, that a rhombic lip is not
portion, whose folia—unlike those of the pig—run transversely ;
invariably present in mammals, and, when present, is not so important a
and à hemisphere part, considerably removed from the vermis,
factor in the development of the medulla as it is in Man. In connection
because of the large development of those parts of lobule C,
with the cerebellum its morphologie value is small.
which belong to the hemisphere. The three segments of lobule
C, are very unequal in size, the hemisphere portions being
very extensive. There is practically no distortion of lobule C,
in the vermis (fig. 91). Lobes D and E call for no special remark.
The double character of the paraflocculus is very evident, the
two portions being arranged in an oblique plane, and very
clearly continuous in front (figs. 89 and 90). The connection
between paraflocculus and vermis is very difficult to establish.
In the brain examined, a very prominent lobulus petrosus was
present on the right side, and was received into a fossa formed
by the temporal bone. On the left side the corresponding
lobule was curved forwards underneath the lower part of the

paraflocculus (fig. 89). The question arises as to the possibility
of the lobulus petrosus always representing the posterior
extremity of the lower portion of the paraflocculus. This may
be the case. If we accept this as being a true interpretation
of the facts, then we should consider that, as the paraflocculus
increases in size in different animals, it tends to press forwards,
since the lobulus petrosus is often found in cerebella having
small paraflocculi.

The flocculus consists of a single folium iying between the
Since the earliest observers were of opinion that the hind-brain presented à yawning cleft in its roof during the first stages of its development,
lateral recess of the ventricle and the most posterior part of the
it was natural that they should conceive the cerebellum as arising from a
pair of lateral Anlagen which, gradually growing towards each other,
ultimately fused in the middle line. This view originated, according to
Mihalkovies, with Fracassati (19), and was acquiesced in by all subsequent
writers up to the time of the appearance of the first edition of Külliker’s
Embryology (9). Tiedemann (20), Serres (21), v. Baer (22), Valentin (23),
Schmidt (24), and Kollmann (25) were of this opinion.

Canis familiaris (figs. 93, 94, 95 and 96)-—The anterior
Kôlliker gave pause to the prevailing theory when he described the
part of the cerebellum of the dog does not differ very materially
cerebellum as developing as a thickening of the roof of the most anterior
in the arrangement of its fissures and the disposition of its lobes
part of the hind-brain—the thickening soon attaining the form of a
from the corresponding part of the badger’s cerebellum. In
transverse plate. Mihalkovics (26) followed Külliker in considering the
lobes C and D, however, there are differences of sufficient
cerebellum to grow out of a transverse curved “Kleinhirnlamella”?
magnitude to warrant mention. Fissure b is present in a position
Lahousse (1888 (27)) and Hertwig (1893 (28)) are examples of moderns
very similar to that of the badger. It can readily be followed
who hold with an unpaired cerebellar Anlage.
across the vermis and hemisphere to the border of the latter,
running almost parallel to fissure IT. Lobule C, has a very
considerably distorted vermis portion, and its hemisphere
dependencies show several fissures of some depth, which. give
the impression that it consists of several distinct sub-lobules.
The central segment of lobule C, is also much twisted, and on
superficial examination appears to have no connection with
those vertically elongated masses which form its hemisphere
segments. On opening up the groove between vermis and
hemisphere, however, the connection can be distinguished. The
displacement and sinuousness of the vermis in lobules C, and
C, only appears after birth. In a new-born dog the vermis is
perfectly straight and its folia entirely transverse.

Lobule D is connected to the upper part of the paraflocculus
Most recent writers, however, describe a pair of lateral Anlagen.
by a low white ridge, which can only be discovered by removing
Goronowitsch (29) so represents the development in Acipenser, and
the lowest and most posterior part of lobe C. The rest of lobe
Schaper (8) believes that the cerebellum of Teleosts Springs from a
D and lobe E call for no remark.
bilaterally symmetrical Anlage.

The paraflocculus is relatively larger than that of the badger,
Stroud (30) doubts w hether the cerebellum as a whole grows out of a
to which it bears a close resemblance in the manner in which
thickening occurring in the roof of the hind-brain at the constriction of
its two tiers are arranged. It has not, however, a lobulus
the isthmus. If this transverse plate is the cerebellum, he asks, “ Where is
petrosus; or, at any rate, there is not more than the merest
the valvula ?” He appears to incline to the view that the cerebellum
proper develops from a pair of Anlagen which appear posterior to the
Development of the Hind-Brain of the Pig 141

attempt at the formation of one, this occurring at the posterior
thickening, and sums up by saying, “The mammalian cerebellum is
end of the lower tier, and being only occasionally present. The
developed from the caudal part of the epicælian roof.” '
flocculus is small and consists of a few folia, placed, under cover
of the paraflocculus, at the most anterior limit of the lateral
recess of the ventricle (fig. 95).

Canis vulpes (figs. 97, 98 and 99).—The general shape of the
Kuithan (16), from his observations on the sheep, is of the opinion that
cerebellum of the fox is very different from that found in the
the embryonice cerebellum has at first an unpaired Anlage, but later it
dog. The fox’s cerebellum has a greater vertical height in comparison with its antero-posterior diameter. Its anterior surface
passes through à stage in which paired Anlagen can be detected. Prenant
is depressed for the reception of the corpora quadrigemina, and
(31) joins the ranks of those who adhere to the opinion that there are
its posterior surface is also concave from above downwards.
originally two lateral structures from which the cerebellum arises; and
The posterior concavity is rendered all the more obvious because
Grünberg (6) is led to the same conclusion by his examination of hedgehog
of the backward projection of lobe D over the medulla. This
projection is confined to lobule D,, and is so great that this
lobule can be seen very distinctly when the cerebellum is
viewed from above. These differences being recognised, the
cerebellum of the fox otherwise resembles that of the dog.
The only points to which it seems necessary to draw attention
are two, as follows: The vermis in the region of lobules C,
and C, is possibly a little shorter in an antero-posterior
direction, and somewhat less distorted in form. The lower
part of the paraflocculus carries a definite lobulus petrosus
(figs. 97 and 98).

The flocculus is small in the fox, and only just visible from
There appears to be sufficient justitication for the assertion that the
behind (fig. 98).
cerebellum of the pig develops from à pair of lateral rudiments. The
median connection present in the youngest embryo examined (19 days) is
so thin that there appears to be no reason for considering it of more
importance than the Deckplatte of the spinal cord. It is merely à connecting-link between the alar laminæ of opposite side of the rhombencephalon. Further, the connection so established is of short sagittal
extent only.

Felis domestica (figs. 100, 101 and 102).—In the domestic cat
The rudiments of the cerebellum which are present in the 19-days
the anterior part of the cerebellum is so similar to the same
embryo are not marked off from the medulla by anything more than the
portion in the dog, both as regards its superficial characters and
occurrence Of à maximum width of the brain tube. The main connection
also its appearance in sections, that no detailed description is
of the two halves of the organ is the thin membranous roof of the ventricle,
needed. The most important features are those presented by
each half having a border which slopes gradually inwards as it passes
the organ when viewed from behind. Several cerebella of the
forwards. Speaking generally, there is an interval between the two halves
cat have been examined, and in all a very striking character is
of the cerebellum in the form of a moderately elongated isosceles triangle
the extreme to which the distortion of the central portions of
whose base is formed by a line drawn transverse to the long axis of the
lobules C, and C, is carried (figs. 100 and 101). In the brain
rhombencephalon on à level with its widest part, and whose apex points
from which the figures were made this distortion is very
marked, possibly more so than is the case in the average cerebellum ; but they serve to show to what lengths this twisting
of the vermis may go. It will be observed that lobules C, and
C,; are arranged in the form of an S-shaped curve, the bends of

which are very abrupt. This curvature of the vermis is continued into lobe D, but here its bends are not so sudden (fig.
As development procceds the superficial area of the two moieties of the
101). There can be little doubt that this exaggerated dis-.
cerebellum increases, and their median connection is extended anteroposteriorly from an expansion of their line of contact. The median
placement of the vermis is to be interpreted as meaning that,
connection, though gradually becoming thicker, does not do so in proportion
in the cat, lobes C and D are relatively more developed (s0
to the increase in its sagittal extent: the consequence being that, for a
far as those parts of them which belong to the vermis are concerned) than is the case in the other mammals examined. The
long time, the two halves of the cerebellum are joined to each other by a
lateral parts of lobule C, are relatively smaller in the cat than
remarkably thin bridge, internal to which is à longitudinal fissure whose
in the dog, badger, or fox (fig. 101). They do not extend 80
relative depth increases, rather than diminishes, up to à certain stage of
far downwards as to blot out the connection between paraflocculus and the vermis. This connection is in the form of
development. How this fissure develops into the cerebellar ventricle, and
one or two folia, resting upon the medulla below, and in contact with the lowest part of lobule C, above.
how it is not entirely obliterated even in à 100-mm. embryo, have been

The paraflocculus resembles that structure in the dog. There
Concerning the manner in which the originally thin median portion of
is considerable difficulty in distinguishing a flocculus with any
the cerebellum increases in thickness, with a concomitant diminution in the
degree of certainty in the adult animal. That it is present is
depth of the internal longitudinal fissure, there has been some divergence of
undoubted from the observations made by Stroud on its
142 Professor O. Charnock Bradley
development. But its clear definition in the embryo appears
to become obscured at a later date.

Goat and Sheep (figs. 103, 104 and 105)—In many respects
opinion. Kuithan inclines to the view that there is an approximation of,
the cerebellum of ungulates departs, in the way of details,
and, finally, fusion between the two walls of the fissure. Grünberg, on the
from the plan found in those carnivora just described.
other hand, holds that Erinaceus embryos do not exhibit any fusion of the
ependyma. Schaper, as the result of his investigations into the development of the cerebellum in teleostean fishes, concludes that the connecting
lamina between the two lateral halves does not develop into typical
cerebellar tissue.

When viewed from the front, the cerebella of the goat and
The question is evidently not one to which a satisfactory answer can be
sheep show fissures c, I., II. and b very distinctly (fig. 103), all
readily found. In the embryo of the pig there is certainly some thickening
of these reaching the margins of the hemisphere. Fissure c
produced by proliferation of cells within the median part of the cerebellum
crosses the vermis almost perfectly transversely. Lobule A,
itself. But there is the possibility that these cells have migrated thither
has only a very imperfectly developed hemisphere portion;
from more lateral areas. It is not without interest to note that a ridge is
indeed it is doubtful if the hemispheres can be considered to
present, in certain embryos, at the bottom of the internal median fissure of
extend into this region. Fissure I, possibly a little shallower
the cerebellum (figs. 30 and 43), not altogether unlike that which appears
than c, has a curved direction. Fissure IL is very acutely
in the depths of the sulcus centralis of the floor of the ventricle.
curved, as in the dog. Lobule A, and lobe B are almost entirelÿ
confined to the vermis, their lateral prolongations being very
small Indeed, in this region it is difficult to set definite bounds
between the vermis and the hemispheres. There is some
amount of lateral displacement, with consequent curvature, in
the vermis in lobules C, and C,, but this is not greater in
amount than that found in the dog.

In the sheep and goat, and in ungulates generally, the lateral
The extraordinary uniformity in the architecture of the whole of the
divisions of lobule C, are not nearly so large as they are in the
hind-brain in the youngest embryo recalls the question as to whether à
division of the rhombencephalon into two distinct segments, as originally
suggested by v. Baer, is based upon altogether good morphological grounds.

carnivora. In the carnivora their uppermost ends are commonly
Edinger’s assertion that the cerebellum is in the highest probability
visible, either on one or both sides, when the cerebellum is
one of the oldest segments of the brain (32) does not remove the impression,
regarded from the front. This has never been found to obtain
gained from an examination of the literature, that it is fundamentally
in those ungulates which have been examined for the purposes
merely a continuation of the posterior part of the rhombencephalon; or,
of this research. Again, these lobules do not reach so far down
as Spitzka has expressed it, a dorsal hypertrophy of the hind-brain.
as to touch the medulla, other than in exceptional cases. The
result of this vertical abbreviation is to allow of the connection
of the paraflocculus to be traced directly to the vermis, as is
the case in the simpler forms of cerebellum (fig. 104). As we
have seen, this connection is easily made out in the adult pig.
In the sheep and goat, however, it is not quite so evident on à
superficial examination ; it is necessary to open up the groove
between vermis and hemisphere.

The form of lobule D, is somewhat peculiar in both the sheep
That the cerebellum of the lower animals is mainly, if not entirely
and goat (fig. 104). It has a central, well developed portion in
commissural has been shown by the researches of Burckhardt (on Protopterus (33) ), Osborn (on Cryptobranchus and Amphiuma (34)), Fish (on
the vermis, and smaller offshoots reaching into the hemispheres,
Desmognathus (35) ), Kingsbury (on Necturus (36)), and others. This leads
a constriction of greater or less tenuity intervening.
to the deduction that, in its original form, the cerebellum was not an
important nerve-centre ; its subsequent attainment to a high morphological
position being due to an augmentation in volume and an elaboration of
structure rendered necessary by physiological specialisation.

Lobe E is of larger size than in the pig and the carnivora.
The structural continuity of medulla and cerebellum lends support to
The paraflocculus and flocculus resemble those parts of the
the hypothesis that they are merely different parts of one and the same
cerebellum of the pig.
brain segment. In 1888, Goronowitsch (29) made the statement that, in
Acipenser, the molecular layer of the cerebellum (with cells of Purkinje) is
continued over the tuberculum acusticum as à crest, to which he gave the
name of “ Cerebellarleiste.” A like condition has been found to obtain in
Amia (Kingsbury (37)), Acipenser rubicundus (Johnston (38)), Mustelus
(Houser (39)), and Petromyzon (Johnston (40)). Johnston in particular
is very earnest in his insistence upon “the morphological unity of the dorsal
Development of the Hind-Brain of the Pig 143

Bos taurus (fig. 106).—In the cerebellum of the cow, although
horn, acusticum, and cerebellum ” : a unity rendering à dividing line between
the same lines are followed as in the sheep and goat, the arrangement of fissures appears at first sight to be very complicated.
the cerebellum and tubereulum acusticum an impossibility.
This remark applies only to the superior and posterior views,
as lobes À and B and lobule OC, are almost identical in form
with those parts in the average carnivore or ungulate brain. It
may be added that it is impossible to make out any hemisphere
in lobe A. Even in lobe B the hemisphere is very attenuated.

On closely examining the posterior part of the cerebellum, it
The relationship between the acusticum and cerebellum is further shown
is found that the complexity is more apparent than real, and is
by the fact that the N. acusticus has an end-station in both. This has been
due to a distortion which rivals that of the cat’s vermis. Apart
demonstrated by à multiplicity of observations on all classes of vertebrates.
from this disturbance of form, there is little to which special
Of those to whom we owe knowledge of this fact may be mentioned Mayser
attention need be directed. It may be mentioned, however,
(41), Goronowitsch (29), Johnston (38 and 40), Kôppen (42), Edinger (43),
that the lateral parts of lobule C, commonly extend farther in
Sala (44), Brandis (45), and Wallenberg (46). Even in Man himself, in
a downward direction than obtains in the sheep and goat, this
whom the cerebellum has become most highly specialised, the vestibular
extension bringing them almost or quite in contact with the
nerve sends fibres into the cerebellum.
medulla. Not infrequently lobe E is so large and projects s0
far backwards as to be visible as one or two folia on the posterior aspect of the cerebellum.

Equus caballus (figs. 107, 108 and 109)—A very striking
In view of the facts which have been accumulated, and which are still
feature in the horse’s cerebellum is the comparatively posterior
rapidly accumulating, there seems good reason for considering the cerebellum and medulla as part of one segment of the brain, even if we do not
position of fissure IL. Fissures c, I, IL. and b are distinct and
go so far as Haller (47) and say that beyond doubt the “ Cerebellarleiste ”
deep. Fissure c is of very considerable depth, and fissure I. is
and its associated cerebellum have developed from the outer sensory region
almost as deep as fissure IT. (fig. 109). It should be noted—as
of the medulla oblongata—thus reducing the cerebellum to the level of a
distinguishing the cerebellum of the horse from that of the
were appendage to the medulla. That even the latter and more extreme
sheep and goat, and especially from that of the cow—that lobe
conclusion is justitied by some-—not to say many—facts may, however, be
À is certainly, though not very strongly, continued into the
readily contended.

The posterior part of the horse’s cerebellum shows one or
The problem being one of much complexity, and further evidence being
two points of interest and importance. As in the ungulates
still needed for its solution, it may be well to suspend judgment and await
already mentioned, the lateral parts of lobule C, are small as
further developments ; concluding with Wilder (48) that there is no reason
compared with the carnivora. In the horse their connections
why we should not go on “entertaining and employing, «s « convenient
with the vermis are not difficult to follow. There is, further,
“working kypothesis, the interpretation made by v. Baer and accepted by
no difficulty in making out the connecting link between lobule
the majority of later authorities upon the subject,” at the same time remaining alive to the possibility that the division of the rhombencephalon
D, and the paraflocculus (fig. 108).
into two segments, though convenient, may not be strictly scientific.

In some specimens lobule D, is continued into the hemisphere for a short distance, but this continuation has only once
been found on both sides in the same brain. Its presence,
though inconstant, is interesting, as being apparently the
remains of that undoubted connection which we have seen to
exist between lobule D, and the lower part of the paraflocculus
during the embryonic life of the pig. In the majority of
animals all trace of this primitive unity is lost as the brain
grows into its adult form; but in some, possibly in man, evidences remain.

Lobule E is, if anything, smaller in the horse than it is in
the sheep, goat and cow. The paraflocculus shows its two-tier
character more clearly than in the other ungulates examined,
in this respect resembling the paraflocculus of the carnivora.
It should be remembered that in ungulates generally the lower
tier shows a tendency to curve forwards at its posterior end.
This is so well marked in the horse that there are practically
three tiers produced. In an earlier part of this paper the suggestion has been thrown out that possibly the lobulus petrosus of
the rabbit, etc. represents only the posterior extremity of the
lower part of the paraflocculus of more complex cerebella. It may
be asked, further, whether in those animals like the horse, in
which the paraflocculus turns forwards at its posterior end, this

recurved extremity may not be equivalent to a lobulus petrosus,
À figure given by His (fig. 33 (49)) shows the roof of the embryonic
unenclosed in a special fossa of bone. The supposition that this
fourth ventricle to be of the same thickness throughout. In the process of
may be so is strengthened when the condition found in the badger
development a relative thinning takes place, and it seems probable that, in
is taken into account. In the cerebellum of Meles taæus, of
some mamimals at least, this continues until an actual break occurs at certain
which a description has already been given, on one side a lobulus
points of the roof, whereby the cavity of the ventricle is placed in communication with the sub-arachnoid space. That such à communication is
petrosus was found; but on the other side the corresponding
established in Man and the higher apes, at least, appears to have been
part of the paraflocculus was turned forwards underneath the
proved beyond doubt by careful work recently undertaken.  Whether all
lower tier. |
the apertures found in Man occur with the same regularity in all mammals
has not been so clearly demonstrated. The older methods of research were

The flocculus is usually easily distinguished in the horse, and
1 The italics are not in the original.
is visible from the side and from behind. In some specimens
144 Professor O. Charnock Bradley
a distinct white ridge, independent of the posterior medullary
velum, passes from the flocculus to lobe E of the vermis. This
ridge is indicated on the left side of fig. 108. It has not been
met with elsewhere than in the horse—possibly because an
insufficient number of cerebella have been examined—but its
occurrence in this animal is of importance, as showing evidence,
in the adult, of the embryonic unity of the structures between
which it passes.

Equus asinus.—The cerebellum of the donkey is 80 like that
not such as lent themselves to proving or disproving the existence of small
of the horse in all but the merest details that an extended
apertures in so delicate à membrane as that which closes in the fourth
description is not necessary. It may perhaps be well to say
ventricle. So long as the only method employed was that of ordinary
that lobule C, in the hemisphere carries several fairly deep
dissection it was only natural that different observers should arrive at
fissures, whose presence give the surface a complex appearance.
different conclusions, the amount of tension requisite for the production
Lobule D, shows the tendency, remarked in the sheep and goat,
of an artificial opening being so very small. Even when the process of
to extend into the hemispheres in the form of lateral appendages. The connection of this lobule with the paraflocculus is
embedding and cutting sections in paraffin or celloïdin is used the results
not so superficially evident as it is in the horse. The flocculus
may be untrustworthy if there has been any roughness indulged in during
of the donkey has a greater antero-posterior extent than is the
the extraction of the brain from the cranium.
case in the horse.

In the foregoing pages the steps by which the fissures, and
The only way in which all danger of producing artifacts can be obviated
consequent lobes and lobules, of the cerebellum came into
is by embedding and cutting the whole head-—a matter of obvious difficulty
existence have been traced in two mammals. It has also been
in the case of the larger animals. Embryos lend themselves much more
sought to discover the simplest form of mammalian cerebellum,
readily to this method than do adult animals. But in the case of the use
and this having been done, to endeavour to recognise, in the
of embryonic material, negative evidence is of greatly less value than positive. If there be no opening in the embryo, it does not follow that there
complex as well as in the simpler forms, a likeness to this
should also be none in the adult: it is easily conceivable that an intercommunication between the ventricle and the sub-arachnoïid space may
elementary pattern. Apparently the cerebellum in which the
be formed after birth. If, however, an opening is found to be present in the
fissures are fewest and the lobes smoothest belongs to the
embryo there is a strong probability of its being present in the adult also.
shrew and the smaller bats. In the shrew there are four

fissures only ; and of these only one (the second, 4e. IL.) extends
In the early part of last century Burdach (50) described the hinder end
through both vermis and hemisphere. The remaining three do
of the roof of the fourth ventricle as being perfectly closed. But, in 1842,
not belong to the hemisphere, being confined to the vermis or
Majendie (51) pointed out that there is normally and constantly an opening
its immediate neighbourhood.
in the roof of the human ventricle; this foramen being bounded by the
choroid plexus and the posterior medullary velum, and its size differing
very much in different individuals.

In following the development of the cerebellum of the rabbit,
Since 1842 conflicting opinions have been expressed as to whether the
it was found that this five-lobed and four-fissured stage was
foramen of Majendie is an entity or a chimera  Virchow (52) denied the
reproduced. But in the adult rabbit the number of fissures is
existence of any connection between the ventricle and the sub-arachnoïd
increased. In the development of the pig, it appears possible
space. Luschka (53) succeeded in finding an opening in the tela choroïdea
that the five-lobed condition may obtain in its simple form for
inferior of Man, but added that in many animals the ventricle is closed. In
a time, but it quickly gives place to a much greater complex of
1861, Reichert (54) averred that the foramen is only produced during the
fissures. |
process of removal and manipulation of the brain: whereas, in the same
year, Kollmann (25) not only described the opening as being natural, but
also stated in what manner it is bounded.

In both rabbit and pig fissure IV. was the first to appear,
Quincke (55) saw in the foramen à very variable and not always
and this in association with the Rautenlippe, which, continuing
demonstrable opening in the connective tissue of the roof of the ventricle,
round the lateral recess of the ventricle, blends with the
Key and Retzius (56) examined 100 human brains and found a foramen of
Rautenlippe of the medulla The association of fissure IV.
Majendie in 98 of them. Sée (57) declared himself on the side of those
originally seems beyond doubt. But as development goes on it
who denied the existence of the foramen, and stated reasons for his attitude.
becomes more and more removed from the edge of the cerebellar
It is exceedingly easv, he said, to tear the fine membranous roof of the
lamina, because of the growth of lobe E and the flocculus.
ventricle during the removal of the brain; in several annnals, e.y. horse,
Development of the Hind-Brain of the Pig 145

In both rabbit and pig the second fissure to develop is
goat, etc., it has been shown that the ventricle is closed, and the overfilling
fissure II. which has been recognised by several writers to be
and distension of the ventricle, as the consequence of pathological processes,
of paramount importance, and which is declared by both Stroud
is not reconcilable with the acceptance of the presence of an opening.
and Kuithan to be the first fissure visible in the developing
Kôülliker (9) held that there is complete closure of the ventricle in the
embryo, and that this is the rule in the adult also The foramen of
Majendie, when present, he said, is no regular structure.

The next fissures, in point of time of appearance and importance as dividing lines of the cerebellum, are fissure III. and
In 1885 the problem was attacked by Hess (58). He examined the
those demarcating the paraflocculus from the rest of the hemisphere. These three are in reality the three elements of. one
brain of thirty adult human beings, ten new-born children, and seven
and the same fissure, which, becoming continuous, they ultimately
embryos of different ages. In only one instance did he fail to find an
opening. He came to the conclusion, therefore, that the foramen is constant in man. He thought that it is possible that there is always an
opening in the roof of the embryonic ventricle, since at five months the
aperture is wide. He also found à foramen in the embryo of the cat.

By the presence of the above mentioned fissures, the cerebellum
.. Later observations by Wilder (59), Morton (60), Jacobi (61), Kohlmann
becomes divided transversely (but not completely as yet) into four
(62), and others appear to indicate that the foramen as described by
unequal portions. (1) À part anterior to fissure IL.; this becoming itself divided later into lobes A and B by fissure I. (2) Lobe
Majendie is à natural opening in Man at least. Cannieu (63) is not so
C, lying between fissure II. and fissure III. with its lateral
sure of the presence of à natural and normal opening in the lower animals.
elements. (3) Lobe D, to which the parafiocculus belongs. And
(4) lobe E, of which the flocculus is an outlying dependency.

Fissure I., separating lobes À and B, appears shortly after
The subject has received very careful attention at the hands of Blake
fissure IIT. in the rabbit, and somewhere about the same timein the
(12), whose results were published in 1900. He describes à protrusion
pig. The other fissures, which are formed either at the same time
of the roof of the ventricle in the form of à glove-finger-like projection,
which remains closed in the majority of mamimals but becomes an opening
in Man and the anthropoid apes.

as some of the above (as in the pig), or at a somewhat later date
In the pig there is little that is remarkable in the changes which occur
(as in the rabbit), may be considered as of secondary importance,
in the roof of the ventricle before the embryo has attained a length of
and have no representatives in the simplest type of mammalian
50 num. The only point which needs mention is the relative thickness of
the roof in different regions. In all the younger embryos (except that
Of 19 days) an oval patch of the membranous roof differs from the rest
in being noticeably much thinner. This occurs about the centre of the
“ Rautenfeld,” and can be distinguished as early as the twenty-second day.
It is not due to à reduction in the number of the layers of cells forming
the membrane but rather to à flattening of the individual cells: for the
zone immediately surrounding the patch is provided with no more than
one layer of cells, thus agreeing in constitution with the patch itself.

In those adult cerebella which have been examined, there
Transverse sections through the “closed” part of the medulla of an
is quite clearly a common pattern running through the whole
SO-mn. embryo show a backward extension of the cavity of the ventricle
series. But in many of them there are interwoven into this
into a membranous cul-de-sac which lies on the dorsal surface of the
fundamental pattern subsidiary ornaments, which tend, in a
medulla. At this stage the cul-de-sac is closely applied to the medulla,
measure at least, to obscure the simplicity of the cerebellum which has been taken as the starting-point. In all the
to which it is adherent; its extent, in a sagittal direction partly and
cerebella the five fundamental lobes can be recognised, and
in à lateral direction entirely, corresponds to a triangular area formed
their individual peculiarities and tendencies may be summarised
by the coalesced rhombic lips (fig. 46). À younger embryo (52 mm.) shows
as follows :—
the commencement of the condition. It is evident that, as the rhombic
146 Professor O. Charnock Bradley

Lobe A, in all but the very simplest forms, is divided into
lips fuse together, there is not a corresponding diminution in the anteroposterior diameter of the roof of the ventricle; the “closed” medulla
two unequal parts by fissure c This fissure is wanting in the
rather, in à sense, burrowing under the roof and so causing a cul-de-sac.
shrew and indefinite in the hedgehog, but is constant in all
others. Lobule A, in the higher forms consists of three sublobules. In some there are apparently only two of these
divisions. It is possible that this complexity of the lobule may
be indicated even in the rabbit. Lobule A, is always smaller
than lobule A,, and is generally provided with a moderately
deep fissure, whose precursor may possibly be shown in the

In the higher forms lobe B is divided into two parts, each of
The backward continuation of the cavity of the ventricle is very
which may be again divided. In the rabbit and hedgehog it
definite in a 100-mm. embryo. Its form may be well likened to that
carries two folia, separated by a moderately deep fissure.
of a finger of a glove. It extends farther back than the caudal limit
of the area produced by the fusion of the rhombic lips, and it is now free,
its caudal extremity being some distance removed from the surface of the
medulla (fig. 52).

Lobe C consists of three lobules, separated by fissures à and
À 150-mm. embryo shows the same kind of protrusion, but much better
b. Of these two fissures « is held to be much the more important morphologically, because of its earlier appearance in the
developed. It now extends backwards almost to a level with the most
embryo and its more constant character in the adult. These
caudal part of the cerebellum, and is, posteriorly, in even closer relation
two fissures apparently develop in a manner peculiarly their
with the cerebellum than with the medulla. Although the walls of this
own. They both begin in the hemisphere, and grow towards
caudal protrusion are thin, there is no indication of a foramen of Majendie.
the middle line.

Lobule C, must be considered as standing definitely apart
The embryo of the pig, therefore, corroborates the statement made by
from the rest of lobe C. Its differentiation is early, especially
Blake. And, it may be added, à careful examination of the adult brain
in the pig, and in all the adult animals described, from the
leads one to assert that the protrusion never becomes an opening.
squirrel upwards, its individuality is very strongly asserted.

Even in the rabbit there is an attempt at a division of lobe
D, but this is not accomplished until the squirrel is reached.

In the higher forms the division is embryonic and early. In
Although Bockdalek (64), in 1849, stated that the choroïd plexus lies free
the ‘pig, fissure d appears about the same time as fissures III.
under the arachnoïd mater in the region of the “ Fullhorn,” the description
and ÏI. Particular attention has been called to the development of fissure d because of its forward extension and invasion
he gave was not such as to cause modern morphologists to associate his
of the paraflocculus, which is, as a result, divided into two
name with the opening in the lateral recess of the fourth ventricle.
parts, as is the rest of lobe D to which it belongs. Subsequent
development may obscure the continuity of the paraflocculus
with lobule D,, or, on the other hand, the connection may persist into adult life (eg. in the horse). The connection of the
paraflocculus with lobule D, is always lost in the adult, but
there may remain slight traces, such as are found in the horse.

The embryonic continuity of lobe E and the flocculus, and
Luschka (53), some years after the publication of Bockdalek’s paper,
their morphologie unity, have already been commented upon.
described the outer angle of the ventricle as standing in connection with
This continuity early disappears, and there is usually no trace
the sub-arachnoïd space, and the lateral part of the choroïd plexus as lying
of it apart from the posterior medullary velum. But in the
free under the arachnoïd. This, however, was not supported by Reichert
horse at least, as has been noted, some evidence may exist
(54), who, after à minute description of the choroïd plexus, concluded
even in the adult.
with the declaration that there is a membranous closure of the lateral
recess of the ventricle. °

The various fissures and lobes have been distinguished, up to
There seems little doubt that to Key and Retzius (56) should be viven
this, by letters and figures only. It would have been easy to
the credit of having provided the first clear and detailed description of
employ terms such as those used in human anatomy, but—as
the connection of the cavity of the ventricle with the sub-arachnoïd space
Oliver Wendell Holmes has expressed it— words, from occupying for a long time the same place in language, become
through the intermediation of an aperture in the lateral angle of the
‘polarized.” So, in order to trammel the mind as little as
ventricle. Out of 100 human brains examined by them the communication
possible, it was thought better to avoid those terms which
was found in ail but three.
would call up certain fixed and long-rooted conceptions.

The purpose of keeping the judgment as unbiassed as possible
Kôülliker (9) expressed himself as convinced that the openings are even
being now served, the letters and figures may give place to
less of regular structures than the foramen of Majendie, which, as previously
terms such as are commonly employed. In order to do this,
mentioned, he held to be usually absent. Hess (58) concluded that the
the notion of the plan of the mammalian cerebellum, which has
apertures are constant in man. Bland Sutton (65) attached great imDevelopment of the Hind-Brain of the Pig 147
been gained from the descriptions given herein, must be applied
to the cerebellum of man. Using the technicalities as employed
by Schäfer in Quain's Anatomy, the letters and figures may be
transmuted as follows :

There can be little doubt that fissure IT. corresponds to sulous
portance to the openings, and stated it as his opinion that their complete
preclivalis, fissure III. to sulcus postpyramidalis, and fissure IV.
absence, or their closure before or after birth, leads to pathological results.
to sulcus postnodularis.  Fissures a and b correspond respectively
to sulci horizontalis magnus and postclivalis, and fissure & is
equivalent to sulcus prepyramidulis. That sulcus horizontalis
magnus should not be employed, as is done in human anatomy,

Morton (60) and Jacobi (61) have averred that the openings are normal
and always present, whereas Cannieu (63) casts doubt on their natural
occurrence in the lower animals.

to divide the cerebellum into two primary parts, is evident, and
Blake (12) included the considerations of these openings in the paper
has been pointed out and insisted upon by Stroud. The comparative method clearly shows that sulcus preclivalis (furcal
to which reference has already been made. The results of his investigations are of great interest, since they indicate that the openings are always
suleus of Stroud) forms the real and fundamental dividing line.
present in mamimals, and are even larger in the lower animals than in
Man. It would appear that there is a kind of compensatory development.
When the foramen of Majendie is absent the openings in the lateral
recesses are larger than when the foramen is present.

In that part of the cerebellum which falls anterior to fissure
The first rudiments of lateral recesses occur in the 15-mm. embryo of
IT. (suleus preclivalis), difficulties arise in the use of human
the pig, 4e. in the same specimen in which a rhombic lip is first observed.
anatomical terms. For sulcus postcentralis of the human
From this stage onwards the recess is bounded ventrally by the rhombic
anatomist corresponds to fissure c; a fissure secondary both in
lip. Its caudal boundary is very indefinite in the 15-mm. embryo, but in
point of time of appearance in the embryo and in morphologie
the next older specimen (23 mm.) this limit is clearly formed, for now the
value. In the current descriptions of the human brain, as
recess has à greater antero-posterior diameter than has the opening from
given in this country, no suleus is mentioned as equivalent to
it into the body of the ventricle. It extends farther back, as well as
fissure I. The result is that the culmen of human anatomy
farther forward, than the level of the bounds of the opening into it; there
includes lobe B and lobule A, Lobule A, probably corresponds
has been, therefore, a bulging backwards of the caudal wall of the recess.
to the “ascending part of the monticulus” of some German
The disparity between the antero-posterior measurements of the recess
writers (Flatau and Jacobsohn, for instance), but I am not
and of its opening into the ventricle becomes exaggerated as development
certain that the expression is used for lobule A, alone or

The following table shows the parts in the human brain
As early as the 23-mim. stage the choroïd plexus has invaded the recess
corresponding to the various divisions of the mammalian cerebellum as described in this paper.
(fig. 18). In the 25-nun. embryo, that part of the plexus which invaginates
the outer wall of the recess is more anterior in position than the portion
of it which belongs to the ventricle itself. Later, the median part of the
plexus grows at à greater rate than the lateral portion.

Fissuress. Loges.
À very important process begins in the 80-mm. embryo. The most
posterior part of the recess in this specimen has very attenuated walls,
consisting solely of very thin epithelium, which, over blood-vessels especially,
can scarcely be said to be perfectly continuous (fig. 50). There is, however,
as yet no definite discontinuity of the epithelium. The rest of the wall
of the recess is composed of thick nervous tissue except along the line of
invagination produced by the choroïd plexus (fig. 51).

Lobus centralis.
In the 100-mim. embryo there is a wide area in the most posterior part
c. Sulcus postcentralis
of the posterior end of the recess from which the epithelium has entirely
disappeared. In fig. 56 the termination of the epithelium is shown to
occur abruptly, the contour of the recess remaining imperfectly preserved
by loose and delicate connective tissue. In some sections from the same
148 Professor O. Charnock Bradley

embryo this tissue is more scanty and interrupted than in the one from
which the figure was made.

The break in the wall of the recess is complete in the 150-mm. embryo
(fig. 63), and the communication between the cavity of the ventricle and
the sub-arachnoid space is fully established. Sections taken farther back
than the one illustrated in the figure show the choroïid plexus lying free
in the sub-arachnoïd space at some distance posterior to the caudal end of
the recess. It seems worthy of note that the break in the wall does not
occur along the line of invagination of the choroïd plexus. Both fig. 56
(100-mm. embryo) and fig. 63 (150-mm. embryo) show that the opening
has been produced by à thinning: of the lower part of the outer wall of
the recess.

I. (Not named by Schäfer)
The embryo of the pig, then, lends confirmation to the statement as
made by Blake that, while the foramen of Majendie is wanting in the
lower animals, openings of large size exist in the lateral recesses.

Lobus culminis

(1) Kerr, F., Normentafel zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Schweines, Jena, 1897.

(2) Brancey, O. CHarnock, “ Neuromeres of the Rhombencephalon of the Pig,”
Rev. Neurol. and Psych., vol. ii., 1904.
IT. Sulcus preclivalis

b. Sulcus postclivalis
(3) Orr, H. B., “Contribution to the Embryology of the Lizard,” Journ.
Morph., vol. i., 1887.

(4) Hire, C., “ Developmental History of the Primary Segments of the Vertebrate
Head,” Zocl. Juhrb. Abth. f. Anat. u. Ontogenie, Bd. xiii., 1900.

Lobus cacuminis. Cy } C.
(5) v. Kuprrer, C., “Die Morphogenie des Centralnervensystems,” Handburh
der  vergleichenden und  experimentellen  Entwicklungslehre der  Wirbeltiere,
Herausgegeben von Dr O. Hertwig, Jena, 1903, Lief. 14-15 and 16.

a. Suleus horizontalis magnus__ ’
(6) GRônBerG, G., “Die Ontogenese eines niederen Säugerhirns,” Zoo!. Jahrb.
Lobus tuberis. C..
Abth. f. Anat. u. Ontogenie, Bd. xv., 1902.

III. Sulcus postpyramidalis,
(7) PRENANT, A., ‘Note sur l’existence des replis médullaires chez l'embryon
du porc,” Bull. de la Soc. d. Se. de Nancy, sér. 2, t. ix., 1889.

(8) ScHaper, A. “Die morphologische und histologische Entwicklung des
Kleinhirns der Teleostier,” Morph. Jahrb., Bd. xxi., 1894.

(9) KôzuiKER, A., Entwicklungsgeschichte des Menschen und der hôheren Thiere,
Leipzig, 1861 ; 2te. Aufl., Leipzig, 1879.

(10) Borx, L., “ Hauptzüge der vergleichenden Anatomie des Cerebellum der
Säugetiere mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des menschlichen Kleinhirnes,”
Monatsch. f. Psych. u. Neurol., Bd. xi., 1902.

(11) Brapzey, O. CHarnock, “On the Development and Homology of the
Mammalian Cerebellar Fissures,” Journ. Anat. and Phys., vol xxxvii., 1903.

Lobus pyramidis. D,
(12) Braxe, J. A., “The Roof and Lateral Recesses of the Fourth Ventricle,”
d. Sulcus prepyramidalis D.
Journ. Comp. Neurol., vol. x., 1900.
Lobus uvulæ. D.. ]
IV. Sulcus postnodularis
Lobus noduli. }E.

It will be observed that I have only examined the cerebella
(13) His, W., “Zur Geschichte des Gehirns,” Abhandl. 4. math.-phys. Classe d.
.of placental mammals. Lack of suitable material has precluded
k. sächs., Gesell. d. Wissen., Bd. xiv., 1888.
a first-hand investigation of Monotremes and Marsupials. But,
Development of the Hind-Brain of the Pig 149

judging from the descriptions and figures given by Ziehen (7),
(14) Herrice, C. L., “Illustrations of the Archetectonic of the Cerebellum,
it is clear that the scheme, as elaborated in the foregoing pages,
Journ. Comp. Neurol., vol. i., 1890.
will apply to Marsupials at least. These mammals evidently
fall into the group of animals in which the cerebellum follows
the simpler type. Whether Monotremes also can be included
in this group is not so obvious from the descriptions available.
It seems not unlikely that their cerebella belong to a group
separate from the rest of the mammalia.

In carrying out the work of this investigation, so much
(15) Dexrer, F., “ Ein Beitrag zur Morphologie der verlängerten Markes beim
assistance, in the form of material, has been afforded by 80
Kaninchen,” Arch, f. Anat. u. Phys. 1895.
many persons, that it is impossible to make suitable acknowledgment without going to considerable length. Let it suffice to
say, that my debt of gratitude is not to be computed from the
extent of the avowal here made. Much of the microscopie
work has been done in the Physiological Laboratory of the
University of Edinburgh, where, through the courtesy of Professor
Schäfer and his assistants, every facility that could be wished
for has been afforded. , /

(16) KUITHAN, W., “Die Entwickelung des Kleinhirns bei Säugetieren,”
Miünchener medic. AbhandL., vii. Reihe, 6 Heît, 1895.

(7) Zienen, Tu, ‘Das Centralnervensystem der Monotremen und
(17) Bazrour, F. M. Comparative Embryology, vol. ii., 1881.
Marsupialier. Thiel L. Macroscopische Anatomie,” Jenai’sche Dentkschriften, vi., 1897.

(18) His, W., “ Die Entwickelung des menschlichen Rautenhirns vom Ende des
ersten bis Beginn des dritten Monate.” Abhandl. d. math.-phys. Classe d. k. säche.
Gesell. d. Wissen, Bd. xvii., 1891.

(19) FRACASSATI, “ÆEpistola de cerebro ad M. Malpighium,” Opera omnia
Fig. pa. Pig embryo, 40 days, 52 mm. Posterior view. x 2.
Malpighi, T. xi. (Quoted by Mihalkovics.)

Fig. 55 » 40 days, 52 mm. Left lateral view. x 2.
(20) TreDEMANN, FR, Anafomie und Bildungsgeschichte des Gehirns im Foetus
Fig. 56. » 40 days, 52 mm. Mesial sagittal section.
des Menschen, N ürnberg, 1816.
Fig. 57. 5 44 days, 64 mm. Posterior view. x 2,
Fig. 58. 5 44 days, 64 mm. Anterior view. x 2.
Fig. 59. » 44 days, 64 mm. Mesial sagittal section.
Fig. 60. » 48 days, 80 mm. Posterior view. x 2.
Fig. 61. 5 48 days, 80 mm. Anterior view. x 2.
Fig. 62. » 48 days, 80 mm. Mesial sagittal section.
Fig. 63. 5 51 days, 88 mm. Posterior view. x 2.

Fig. 64. 5» 51 days, 88 mm. Anterior view, x 2.
(21) SERRES, E. R. A., Merckels Archiv, Bd. i., 1815.

(22) v. Baer, K. E,, Ueber Entiwicklungsgeschichte der Thiere, Beobachtung und
Reflexion, Künigsburg, 1828.  
(23) VALENTIN, G., Handbuch der Entwicklungsgeschichte des Menschen,
Berlin, 1845.

(24) Scamior, F., “ Beiträge zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des Gehirns,” Zeitschr.
J. Wissen. Zool., Bd. xi., 1862.

(25) KoLLMANN, Entwicklung der menschlichen Adergeflechte, Leipzig, 1861.

(26) v. Mixazxovics, V., Entwicklungsgeschichte des Gehirns, Leipzig, 1877.

(27) Lanousse, E., “Recherches sur l’ontogenèse du cervelet,” Arch. de Biol.
t. vil, 1888.

(28) HerrwiG, O., Lehrbuch der Entwicklungsgeschichte des Menschen und der
Wiüirbelthiere, 3 Auf. Jena, 1893.

(29) GoronowiTscH, N., ‘Das Gehirn und die Cranialnerven von Acipenser
ruthenus,” Morph. Jahrb., Bd. xiïi., 1888.

(30) Srroup, B. B., ‘The Mammalian Cerebellum. Part 1: The Development
of the Cerebellum in Man and the Cat,” Journ. Comp. Neurol., vol. v., 1895.

(31) PRENANT, À., Éléments d'Embr yologie, Paris, 1896.

(32) Enincer, L., ? Bau der nervüsen Zentralorgane, Leipzig, 1904.

(33) BURCKHARDT, R., Das Centralnervensystem von Protoplerus annectens,
Berlin, 1892. |

(34) Ossorn, H. F, ‘A Contribution to the Internal Structure of the
Amphibian Brain,” Journ. Morph., vol. ïi., 1888. “ Preliminary Observations upon
the Brain of Amphiuma,” Proc. Philadelphian Acad. Nat. Sci., 1893.

(35) Fisx, P. A., “The Central Nervous System of Desmognathus fusca,” Journ.
Morph., vol. x., 1895.

65. Pig embryo, 51 days, 88 mm.  Mesial sagittal section.
(36) KinesBury, B. F., ‘On the Brain of Necturus maculatus,” Journ. Comp.
66. 5 55 days, 100 mm. Mesial sagittal section.
Neurol., vol. v., 1895.
67. » 59 days, 118 mm. Superior posterior view.
68. 5» 59 days, 118 mm. Anterior view. x 2.
69. » 59 days, 118 mm. Mesial sagittal section.
70, » 65 days, 132 mm.  Posterior view. x 2.
71. » 65 days, 132 mm. Superior view. x 2
72. » 65 days, 132 mm. Anterior view. x 2.
73. » 65 days, 132 mm. Left lateral view. x 2.
74. » 65 days, 132 mm. Mesial sagittal section.
75. » 70 days, 150 mm. Superior view. x 2.
76. » 165 mm. Posterior view. x 2.

77. mn 165 mm. Superior view. x 2.
(37) KixesBury, B. F., “The Structure and Morphology of the Oblongata in
Fishes,” Journ. Comp. Neurol., vol. vii., 1897.

78. » 165 mm. Left lateral view. x 2.
(38) Jonnsron, J. B., “ Hind-Brain and Cranial Nerves of Acipenser,” Anat.
Anz., Bd. xiv., 1898. “The Brain of Acipenser,” Zoo!. Jahrb. Abth. f. Anat. u.
Ontogenie, Bd. xv., 1902.

79. 5» 165 mm. Anterior view. x 2.
(39) Houser, G. L., “The Neurones and Supporting Elements of a Selachian
Brain,” Journ. Comp. Neurol., vol. xi., 1901.

80. » 165 mm. Mesial sagittal section.
(40) JonnsTon,J.B.,‘“* The Brain of Petromyzon,” Journ, Comp.Neur., vol. xii., 1902,

81. Pig, adult. Anterior surface. x 1.
VOL. XL. (THIRD SER. VOL. L)—JAN. 1906. 13
150 Professor O. Charnock Bradley

82. ,, 5 Superior view. x 1.
(41) Mayser, P., ‘ Vergleichendanatomische Studien über das Gehirn der
Knockenfische mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Cyprinoiden,” Zeitschr. f. Wiss.
Zool., Bd. xxxvi., 1881.

63. » Posterior view. x 1.
(42) KôPPen, M., ‘Zur Anatomie des Froschgehirns,” Arch. f. Anat. u. Phys.
Anat. Abth., 1888.

84. ,, 5 Mesial sagittal section. x I.
(43) Enincer, L., ‘“ Ueber Ursprungsverhältnisse des Acusticus und die directe
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85. Mustela furo. Anterior surface. x 2
(44) Saza, L., ‘Ueber den Ursprung des Nervus acusticus,” Arch. f. mikrosk.
Anat., Bd. xlii., 1893.

86. » Superior view. x 2.
(45) BranDis, F., ‘ Untersuchungen uber das Gehirn der Vogel, ii. Th,
Ursprung der Nerven der Medulla oblongata,” Arch. f. mikrosk. Anat., Bd. xli.
u. xliïi., 1893-1894.

87. 5 Posterior view. x 2.
(46) WaLLenBERG, A., ‘‘ Die secundäre Acusticusbahn der Taube,” Anat. Anz.,
Bd. xiv., 1898.

88. » Mesial sagittal section,
(47) HaLer, B., “Vom Bau der Wirbeltiergehirns,” i. Th., Morph. Jahrb.,
Bd. xxvi., 1898.

89. Meles taxus. Anterior surface. x 1
(48) Wizper, B. G., “Do the Cerebellum and the Oblongata represent Two
Segments or only One?” Proc. Amer. Ass. Adv. Science, vol. xxxiii., 1884.

90. 5 Superior view. x 1.
(49) His, W., Die Entwickelung des menschlichen Gehirns während der ersten
Monate, Leipzig, 1904.

91. » Posterior view. x 1.
(50) Burpacx, Bau und Leben des Gehirns, Leipzig, Bd. ü., 1822; Bd. ii,
1826. ‘

92. Mesial sagittal section.
(51) MaJENDIE, Recherches anatomiques et physiologiques sur le liquide céphalorachidien, 1842.

93. Canis familiaris. Anterior surface. x 1.
(52) VircHow, Handbuch der speciellen Pathologie und Therapie, 1854.

94. » Superior view. x 1.
(53) LuscaxaA, H., Die Adergeñflechte des menschlichen Hirns, 1855.

95. » Inferior surface. x 1.
(54) ReicmerT, C. B., Der Bau des menschlichen Gehirns, Leipzig, 1861.

96. » Mesial sagittal section.
(55) QuinoKe, “Zur Physiologie der Cerebrospinalfiüssigkeit,” Arch. v. Reichert
u. du Bois-Reymond, 1872.

97. Canis vulpes. Superior view. x 1.
(56) Key u. Rerzius, Séudien in der Anatomie des Nervensystems, Stockholm,

98. » Posterior view. x 1.
(57) SÉE, M., “Sur la communication des cavités ventriculaires de l’encéphale
avec les espaces sous-arachnoïdiens,” Revue Mensuelle, ii. (1878), üïi. (1879). |

99. » Mesial sagittal section.
(58) Hess, C., “Das Foramen Magendie und die Offnungen an den Recessus
lateralis des iv. Ventrikels,” Morph. Jahrb., Bd. x., 1885.

100. Cat. Superior view. x 1.
(59) Wien, B. G., “The Foramen of Magendie in Man and the Cat,” W. F.
Med. Journ., vol. xxxix., 1884. “Note on the Foramen of Magendie in Man and
the Cat,” Journ. Nerv. and Ment. Diseases, vol. xüi., 1886. “The Metapore
(Foramen of Magendie) in Man and an Orang, Medical News, 1893.

101. ,, Posterior view. x 1.
(60) Morron, C. A., “The Pathology of Tuberculous Meningitis with reference
to its treatment by tapping the Subarachnoiïid, Brit. Med. Journ., ü., 1891. “The
Opening between the Fourth Ventricle and the Subarachnoid Space,” Brit. Med.
Journ., i., 1893. °

102. ,, Mesial sagittal section. x 1.
(61) JacoBi, G. W., ‘ Lumbar Puncture of the Subarachnoid Space,” N. 7. Met.
Journ., 1895.

103. Ovis aries. Anterior view. x 1.
(62) KoHLMANN, J., Lehrbuch des Entwicklungsgeschichte des Menschen, Jena,

104. » Posterior view. x 1.
(63) Canxiue, A. ‘ Note sur le trou de Luschka,” Journ. de Méd. de Bordeaux,
1897. ‘Contribution à l’étude la voute du quatrième ventricule chez les mammifères,”
Development of the Hind-Brain of the Pig 151

105. Goat. Mesial sagittal section. x 1.
ibid. “ Recherches sur la voute du quatrième ventricule des vertébrés. Les trous
de Magendie et de Luschka,” Bibliogr. Anat., t. vi., 1898.

106. Bos taurus. Mesial sagittal section. x 4.
(64) BockDaLek, ‘‘ Neue Beobachtungenim Gebiet der physiologischen Anatomie,”
Präger Vierteljahrschr, 1849.

107. Equus caballus. Anterior superior view. x à.
(65) Surron, J. BLanD, “The Lateral Recesses of the Fourth Ventricle,” Brain,
vol. ix., 1887.

108. » Posterior view. x à.

109. » Mesial sagittal section. x à.
The outlines of all the figures representing sections were made by means of a
Journ. of Anat. and Physiology, Jan. 1903.] [PLATE XVII.
Leitz camera lucida.

The figures illustrating sections are arranged so that the first figure belonging to
one particular embryo represents the most pasterior section ; the last figure of the
series representing the most anterior. |

- Floccuivs PA
The following reference lettering is common to all the figures :—


a.c. ala cinerea. fu. Flügelwulst.
a.l. alar lamina. h.b. hind-brain.
a.m.v. anterior medullary velum. L.r. lateral recess.
a.p. area postrema. m.b. mid-brain.
b. backward projection of the | n X. etc. nucleus of X etc. cranial
roof of the fourth ventricle. nerve.
b.1. basal lamina. ob. obex.
bl.vs. blood-vessels. o.v. otic vesicle.
cb. cerebellum. pf. paraflocculus.
c.e. central canal. p.m.v. posterior medullary velum.
c.v. cerebellar ventricle. rl rhombic lip. choroid plexus. s-a.s. subarachnoiïd space.
d.m. dura mater. 1,2, 3, etc st, 2nd, 3rd, etc., neuroJloc. flocculus. meral grooves.
f.s. fasciculus solitarius. V. etc. V. etc. cranial nerves.

J.sp. funiculus separans.

Figs. 47-51. 80 mm. embryo. ‘lransverse sections through the hind-brain.
Fig. 50 passes through the posterior part of the lateral recess.

Figs. 52-58. 100 mm. embryo. Transverse sections through the hind-brain.
Figs. 53-55 illustrate the rhombic lip. Figs 56 and 57 pass through the lateral
recess. Fig. 58 shows the cerebellar ventricle.

Figs. 59-64. 150 mm. embryo. Transverse sections through the hind-brain.
Figs. 59-62 illustrate the rhombic lip. Figs. 63 and 64 pass through the lateral

Fic. 52° Fenetre Fic. 53: WU.
1The cost of reproduction of the figures has been defrayed by the Carnegie Trust for the
Universities of Scotland,
Journ. of Anat. and Physiology, January 1906.) [PLATE XIX.

Professor O. CHARNOCK BRADLEY on the Development and
Homology of the Mammalian Cerebellar Fissures.
Journ. of nat. and Physiology, Jan. 1903.] [PLATE XVIII.

Fic. 55.
Fic. 57.

Journ. of Anat. and Physiology, January 1906.1 [PLATE XX

Fic. 58
a À
Fic. 60. ÿ
---- Paraflaceulus.
Fic. 62. ' ä Fic. 64.
Professor O. CHARNOCK BRADLEY on the Development and
Homology of the Mammalian Cerebellar Fissures.
Journ. of Anat. and Physiology, Jan. 1903.] [PLATE XIX.

Fig: SI. , Eee ie oercesne
Parafloceulus. --.
Floceulus, ..--k
Fig. 70.
7) +. d.
Cf Le Floceulus,
V4 CET x
Fiü. 73:
Professor O. CHARNOCK BRADLEY on the Development and
Homology of the Mammalian Cerebellar Fissures.
Journ. of Anat. and Physiology, Jan. 1903.] [PLATE XX.

Journ. of Anat. and Physiology, January 1906.] . [PLATE XXI.
Paroflocculus. .….. ‘
Flocculus 4...
Fic. 78.
% à rh è Fic. 81.
+ Floceulu
Professor O. CHARNOCK BRADLEY on the Development and
Homology of the Mammalian Cerebellar Fissures.
Jottrn. of Anat. and Physiology, Jan. 1903.] [PLATE XXI
. x Parofloceulus
D h ‘
d. GET y
Fic. 4 E , Fic. 85. e .
“1 É
1 à
L': Parafloceulus @- à à

Ta. Pa rafloe eulus

ch pl

Fic. 88. FL.




Professor O. CHARNOCK BRADLEY on the Development and
Homology of the Mammalian Cerebellar Fissures.
Journ. of Anat. and Physiology, January 1906.] [PLaTE XXII.
Journ. of Anat. and Physiology, Jan. 1903.] [PLATE XXII.
TS. Parafloceulus
Professor O. CHARNOCK BRADLEY on the Development and
Homology of the Mammalian Cerebellar Fissures.
Journ. of Anat. and Physiology, Jan. 1903.] [PLATE XXIIT.


FiG. or.
Journ. of Anat. and Physiology, January 1906.]


Te Flocculus.


Fic. 104.
* cb
Journ. of Anat. and Physiology, January 1906.] [PLATE XXIV.


7 Flocculus.
Professor O. CHARNOCK BRADLEY on the Development and
Homology of the Mammalian Cerebellar Fissures.

Latest revision as of 12:15, 7 December 2019



THE RHomgic Lre.

IN 1886, His (13) called attention to a folding over of the dorsal edge of the alar lamina which he named the “ Rautenlippe” and to which he attached great importance as a factor in the development of certain portions of the medulla, and especially of the cerebellum of Man. He stated that the rhombic lip begins to form, in the human embryo, at the beginning of the fifth week, and that it extends from the cervical flexure to the isthmus rhombencephali; in some places being larger, in others smaller.

Since the publication of His’ paper several observers, working on the development of the hind-brain of different mammals, have arrived at diverse conclusions as to the formation and significance of the rhombic lip. Herrick (14) figures it as of extensive development in the guinea-pig, and dilates upon its high position as an agent in the formation of the cerebellum.

Dexter (15), on the other hand, avers that in the rabbit there is no trace ofit. Kuithan (16) also, after following the development of the cerebellum in the sheep, expresses himself as doubtful of the occurrence of a lip.

Blake (12), in 1900, claimed that it is present in several mamimals (pig, sheep, cat, and rat), and gave an illustration of a transverse section through the hind-brain of an embryo rat (3 mm. long) which certainly closely resembled some of the figures given by His. Blake stated that “hitherto it has not been demonstrated in the lower mammalia,” and suggested that this omission may be due to the fact that “it is probably extremely transi tory in an unfused condition.”

Yrônberg (6), writing still more recently, and basing his statement on the examination of Erinaceus embryos, speaks in no uncertain voice against the occurrence of a rhombic lip. Not only does he deny its

1 Figs. 1 to 44 accompany Part I. of this paper, which was published in the last

number of the Journal (Oct. 1905). VOL. XL. (THIRD SER. VOL, I.)—JAN. 1906. 12 134 Professor O. Charnock Bradley

presence in hedgehog embryos, but he even seriously questions its formation in Man.

So far as Man is concerned, the occurrence of à rhombic lip may be assumed to be proved. In regard to its presence in the embryonic brain of the lower mammals, there is not vet sufficient evidence to prove that it is universal or even common. For this reason considerable attention has been paid to the condition of the dorsal border of the alar lamina in the hind-brain of the various pig embryos employed in this research.

In the youngest embryo the edge of the alar lamina passes in a simple manner into the membranous roof of the ventricle. No indication of an outward folding is to be observed in any part of the rhombencephalon of the 19 and 22 days embryos. In the next older embryo (15 mm.) there is a considerable difference. In the most posterior part of the medulla the upper border of the alar lamina is no longer thin, but has become thick and rounded, forming an apparent equivalent to His “ Flügelwulst,” along the lateral border of which the membranous rouf of the ventricle is attached (fig. 12). When sections are followed forwards it is found that not only is the border of the lamina rounded, but there is also the appearance of an outward bending ; that is to say, there is distinct evidence of the formation of a rhombic lip with a well-marked outer and à shallow inner “ Lippenfurche” This is well seen opposite the otic vesicle. Towards the anterior limit of the vesicle the folding-over almost entirely disappears, to be again well developed as soon as the vesicle is completely passed. On a level with the origin of the root-complex of the N. acusticofacialis there is a slight diminution in the size of the lip—a diminution doubtless associated with the exit and entrance of nerve-fibres at this point (fig. 13). Immediately in front of this root the lip assumes its maximum development, both its outer and inner “ Lippenfurchen”” being deep (fig. 14). The root of the N. trigeminus is connected with another diminution in the size of the lip, which is once more clearly marked externally in the region of the lateral recess; the outer “Lippenfurche”” being continued slightly beyond the anterior limit of the recess (fig. 5).

The various neuromeral grooves cross the “ Flügelwulst,” so causing the production of a number of rounded eminences.

With certain reservations it may be said that, so far as concerns the rhombic lip, sections through the hind-brain of this embryo bear à marked resemblance to the figures given by His of a five-weeks’ human embryo. There is, however, none of that flattening of the medulla at the widest part of the ventricle, so conspicuously present in Man. There is, further, as has been previously stated, no clear distinction of alar and basal laminæ in the widest part of the medulla. Development of the Hind-Brain of the Pig 135

It is not possible to follow the rhombic lip for even the shortest distance on to the cerebellum at this stage.

À considerable advance has been made in the growth of the lip between the 15 mm. and the 23 mm. stages. In à 23-mm. embryo it is again poorly developed in the posterior part of the medulla, and fusion is apparently taking place between it and the wall of the brain-tube (fig. 16). Opposite the anterior part of the otic vesiele it would be difficult to say that a rhombic lip had ever existed were it not for the evidence afforded by the younger embryo. In connection with the lateral recess, on the contrary, the lip has grown considerably and now forms a substantial floor to the recess (fig. 18). This region obviously corresponds to the district in which the lip was greatest in the 15-mm. embryo.

At this stage there are unmistakable traces of a folding of the edge of the cerebellar lamina ; but in no part is it so well marked as was formerly the case in the medulla (fig. 19). A cerebellar rhombic lip can be detected in both transverse and sagittal sections; the latter showing it best in the region of the lateral recess. As sagittal sections are followed towards the middle line the lip becomes gradually less and less, but does not entirely disappear until the median plane is closely approached.

In the posterior part of the medulla of à 25-mm. embryo there is a thickened hem appended to the border of the former alar lamina, and to it the membranous roof of the ventricle is attached. The hem is sharply warked off from the rest of the wall of the ventriele by an internal furrow, above which is a rounded ridge-like prominence (figs. 21 and 22). The furrow began to appear in the 23-mm. embryo (ef. fig. 16), and it does not seem altogether unreasonable to compare it with a groove figured by His (fig. 13 (13)) as being present in à five-weeks human embryo internal to the “ Flügelwulste” If such a comparison be allowed, then the rounded ridge above the furrow must be the remains of the “ Flügelwulste.” However this may be, the hem itself may be considered the representative of the rhombic lip, Blake having shown that in the lower mammals it has such an appearance.

In connection with the lateral recess the rhombic lip continues to grow both in thickness and also in an outward direction (fig. 23). Attention has already been called by Blake to the important rôle played by the lip in the formation of the recess, and the material at present described lends support to his statement. It should be added that the N. acustico-facialis has established à close connection with the ventral wall of the recess so formed.

There is still à slight trace of a rhombie lip in connection with the cerebellum in the 25-mm. embryo, but this is the latest stage in which ït can be detected, 136. Professor O. Charnock Bradley

As has been previously stated, the most posterior part of the medulla has become “closed ” in the 32-mm. embryo; the “closed” portion being provided with a dorsal median furrow. Just before the central canal enters into the ventricle à ridge makes its appearance in this furrow (fig. 24). If it be followed forwards it is found that the ridge is continuous with rhombic lips such as were described as occurring in the 25-mm. embryo (figs. 25 et seqg.); that is to say, the closure of the medulla has been caused by the fusion of the lips of the two sides. From this point the rhombic lip can be easily followed forwards—being found to present an appearance not unlike that of the next younger specimen, and gradually increasing in size as the entrance to the lateral recess is approached (figs. 28 and 29).

A slight exagveration in the thickness of the lip is shown in fig. 29. This follows upon a narrowing of the roof of the ventricle just behind the opening into the lateral recess, which causes the lip to incline inwards and forwards. Sections of it, therefore, are eut somewhat obliquely. The obliquity of section, however, does not account for more than a comparatively small part of the width of the lip as illustrated.

That part of the rhombic lip which is associated with the lateral recess has increased in thickness as well as in lateral dimensions. Consequent upon the addition to its width, the lip is now folded farther over the side of the medulla; but there is still no very remarkable degree of fusion between the medulla and the lip. The independence of the two structures is well shown in fig. 29. Fig. 29 also demonstrates that the lateral recess is growing backwards beyond the level of the aperture of communication with the body of the ventricle, and that the N. acustico-facialis is now closely associated with the rhombic lip.

The “elosed ” part of the medulla has increased in length in the 52-mm. embryo. As in the yvounger spechmen, it possesses à dorsal median fissure. And, again, before the central canal opens out into the fourth ventricle a low rounded ridge appears in the fissure, thus materially reducing its depth (fig. 32).

In transverse sections there is an area of tissue, differing structurally from that adjacent to it, stretching from the surface of the medulla down to the central canal, and corresponding in lateral extent to the width of the ridge in the bottom of the dorsal fissure (fig. 32}. It has evidently been produced by the fusion of the two rhombie lips, for the examination of serial sections shows à continuation of the area with lips such as were present in the 32-mm. embryo (figs. 32 and 33).

The disposition of the epithelium over the rhombic lip in the neïghbourhood of the posterior end of the ventricle is noteworthv. Immediately upon the opening up of the central canal to form the ventricle, 4.6. as soon Development of the Hind-Brain of the Pig _- -137

as the area of union of the two rhombic lips is passed, the epithelium, though of the same thickness over the greater part of the wall of the ventricle as in the central canal, becomes remarkably thin over the lips themselves (figs. 33, 34, and 35). This peculiarity is retained for some distance forwards:; but more anteriorly the lip carries as thick an epithelium as the rest of the interior of the ventricle.

Just as the opening into the lateral recess is being reached, there is, as previously, à conspicuous increase in the size of the rhombic lip (fig. 41) —-a condition, however, not demonstrable in older embryos. That part of the lip which assists in bounding the recess is beginning to lose its hitherto remarkable independence.

The appearance presented by the central canal in an 80-mm. embryo is possibly of interest. About the junction of the spinal cord and the medulla the canal is of fair width, and, judging from the arrangement of its epithelium, is undergoing constriction by fusion of its walls both dorsally and ventrally. If the canal be followed forwards, it is first observed to narrow ; and then its lateral walls «ppeur to fuse about their middle, thus producing the appearance of two canals—a dorsal and a ventral. Into the dorsal canal projects a slight dorsal ridge of epithelium. Still farther forwards the dorsal canal enlarges—the ridge of epithelium being still present—and finally appears to form the single central canal which opens into the ventricle Though this is the appearance presented by sections, it is very doubtful if there is even an attempt at fusion of the lateral walls of the canal. Some sections which had doubtless been rather more roughly handled in preparation show the walls separated from each other by à very narrow chink.

This condition of the central canal of the medulla would not have been so fully described were it not that Balfour (17) was originallv of opinion that diminution in the size of the central canal of the spinal cord was produced by a median coalescence of its walls. It was thought that here might possibly be an appearance shmilar to that which led Balfour to his conclusions.

À dorsal median fissure in the “closed” part of the medulla is not present in the 80-mim. embryo. Its place is taken by à triangular area of tissue, scantily provided with nuclei, which represents the opposed and fused rhombic lips (fig. 46). At the apex of the ventricle the lips no longer project from the edge of the medulla: but their extent is determinable as a sparsely nucleated area continuous with the structurally similar field in the “closed”? portion of the medulla (fig. 47).

In view of the condition exhibited in the older material, it is well here to call attention to the fact that there is à manifest thickening of the 138 Professor O. Charnock Bradley

epithelium about the lower limit of the fused rhombic lips (figs. 47 and 48). Over the major part of the lip the epithelium is almost as thin as was found to be the case in the next younger embryo.

On passing forwards the pale area representing the rhombic lip disappears and the lip forms à projection such as has been seen previously (figs. 49 and 50).

Fusion between the floor of the lateral recess and the medulla still goes on, but there is no difficulty in seeing the line along which it has taken place (fig. 51).

In the embryo 100 mm. in length there is again a trace of a dorsal median fissure in the most posterior part of the medulla (fig. 52) As stated above, this was not to be found in the 80-mm. embryo; it appears possible, therefore, that it is a new formation produced by inequalities in the rate of growth of different parts of the medulla. As the groove runs forwards it becomes obliterated by the presence of à pale triangular area like that previously seen (fig. 53). Careful measurements show that the area increases in both its lateral and vertical dimensions as it is followed forwards. Its continuity with the rhombic lips is as evident as it was in the younger embryo (figs. 53, 54, and 55). Contrary to the condition present in the earlier stages, the bulk of the rhombic lip diminishes as the opening into the lateral recess is approached (figs. 55 and 56).

The character of the central canal, and its modification as it opens into the ventricle in the 100-mm. embryo, seem worthy of note. Some little distance (less than 300u) before the canal reaches the ventricle it has the form of a moderately wide vertical slit with à median constriction, but none of that approximation of its lateral walls seen in the 80-mm. embryo (fig. 52). (The constriction is greater in a section 140w farther forwards than the one from which this figure was made.) The constriction produces the appearance of two dilatations in the canal. A little farther forwards the slit is elongated by the occurrence of à third dilatation dorsal in position (fig. 53). Still more anteriorly a cleft sunders the pale area which represents the combined rhombic lips. At the upper edge of the third dilatation and about the lower limit of the rhombic-lip area is a thickened patch of epithelium such as was seen at an earlier stage (fig. 54).

The manner in which the central canal of à 150-nnn. embryo comes to an end differs somewhat from the foregoing description. Here the pale triangular area is present on a level at which the canal is still small ; that is, the third dilatation mentioned in the preceding paragraph has evidently been obliterated by the coalescence of the dorsal part of the walls of the canal. The area itself is even more obvious than before on account of Development of the Hind-Brain of the Pig 139

its marked vascularity. (Blake has directed attention to the fact that the extent of the fused rhombic lips can be determined by the greater vascularity of the area of tissue so produced.) In addition, the area forms a dorsal projection in transverse sections (figs. 59 and 60). In this specimen the antero-posterior diameter of the area is absolutely less than it was in the 100-mm. embryo. In the latter it measured 252u from its most posterior recognisable limit to the point of separation of the two rhombie Lips; in the 150-mm. embryo it only measures 204u between similar points. This circumstance indicates à gradual loss by the area of its distinctive histological characters, the structural change occurring first posteriorly and advancing towards the apex of the ventricle. The area clearly forms the obex of the adult brain.

As the central canal is entering the ventricle it shows the constriction noted in the 100-mm. embryo; but the third—most dorsal—dilatation is replaced by a rounded ridge on each side of the canal. This is the funiculus separans of Retzius (fig. 8). The two funiculi blend posteriorly in such à manner that there is a slight backward prolongation of the cavity of the ventricle above them (figs. 8 and 60). The more dorsal of the two dilatations of the central canal is continued into the ventricle as the ala cinerea (fig. 8). The rhombic lip, passing forwards from the obex, forms the area postrema, which gradually becomes smaller and more and more separated from the bulk of the medulla A little distance behind the opening into the recess it is very small and forms a thin projection : just as the opening is reached it can hardly be said to be present at all.

That the rhombic lip is an important factor in the formation of the tuberculum acusticum has been claimed by Blake. The present research lends support to the claïm (figs. 63 and 64).

From what has been saïd above, it follows that the rhombic lip of the pig differs somewhat from the like structure in Man. From the time of its earliest appearance it is much more perfectly formed in the region of the lateral recess. In the posterior part of the medulla the lip is small in the younger material, but attains a good development later. In the middle district of the medulla there is an imperfect development of the lip during the whole of embryonic life. Immediately behind the opening into the lateral recess it is large enough to be remarkable during the earlier stages covered by the material at present considered: but later this comparative prominence is lost (cf. figs. 41 and 56). At no period is the folding over of the lip so great as has been described by His as occurring in the human embryo; there is never even an approach to the condition as depicted in His’ fig. 16 (18). It is difficult to imagine that the rhombic lip of the pig forms the olivary body, etc.—at any rate in the manner as related by His; 140 Professor O. Charnock Bradley

it seems more probable that the fasciculus solitarius becomes buried as the consequence of migration of neuroblasts independent of the formation of the lip. This would harmonise with the inability of Grônberg and Dexter to find the lip in the hedgehog and rabbit. Further, it cannot be claimed that it plays more than a very small part in the formation of the cerebellum of the pig. The cerebellar rhombic lip appears later than the medullary lip ; it is much smaller, does not reach the middle line, and all traces of it are soon lost.

It must be concluded therefore from these observations on the pig, and from the published results of other investigations, that a rhombic lip is not invariably present in mammals, and, when present, is not so important a factor in the development of the medulla as it is in Man. In connection with the cerebellum its morphologie value is small.


Since the earliest observers were of opinion that the hind-brain presented à yawning cleft in its roof during the first stages of its development, it was natural that they should conceive the cerebellum as arising from a pair of lateral Anlagen which, gradually growing towards each other, ultimately fused in the middle line. This view originated, according to Mihalkovies, with Fracassati (19), and was acquiesced in by all subsequent writers up to the time of the appearance of the first edition of Külliker’s Embryology (9). Tiedemann (20), Serres (21), v. Baer (22), Valentin (23), Schmidt (24), and Kollmann (25) were of this opinion.

Kôlliker gave pause to the prevailing theory when he described the cerebellum as developing as a thickening of the roof of the most anterior part of the hind-brain—the thickening soon attaining the form of a transverse plate. Mihalkovics (26) followed Külliker in considering the cerebellum to grow out of a transverse curved “Kleinhirnlamella”? Lahousse (1888 (27)) and Hertwig (1893 (28)) are examples of moderns who hold with an unpaired cerebellar Anlage.

Most recent writers, however, describe a pair of lateral Anlagen. Goronowitsch (29) so represents the development in Acipenser, and Schaper (8) believes that the cerebellum of Teleosts Springs from a bilaterally symmetrical Anlage.

Stroud (30) doubts w hether the cerebellum as a whole grows out of a thickening occurring in the roof of the hind-brain at the constriction of the isthmus. If this transverse plate is the cerebellum, he asks, “ Where is the valvula ?” He appears to incline to the view that the cerebellum proper develops from a pair of Anlagen which appear posterior to the Development of the Hind-Brain of the Pig 141

thickening, and sums up by saying, “The mammalian cerebellum is developed from the caudal part of the epicælian roof.” '

Kuithan (16), from his observations on the sheep, is of the opinion that the embryonice cerebellum has at first an unpaired Anlage, but later it passes through à stage in which paired Anlagen can be detected. Prenant (31) joins the ranks of those who adhere to the opinion that there are originally two lateral structures from which the cerebellum arises; and Grünberg (6) is led to the same conclusion by his examination of hedgehog embryos.

There appears to be sufficient justitication for the assertion that the cerebellum of the pig develops from à pair of lateral rudiments. The median connection present in the youngest embryo examined (19 days) is so thin that there appears to be no reason for considering it of more importance than the Deckplatte of the spinal cord. It is merely à connecting-link between the alar laminæ of opposite side of the rhombencephalon. Further, the connection so established is of short sagittal extent only.

The rudiments of the cerebellum which are present in the 19-days embryo are not marked off from the medulla by anything more than the occurrence Of à maximum width of the brain tube. The main connection of the two halves of the organ is the thin membranous roof of the ventricle, each half having a border which slopes gradually inwards as it passes forwards. Speaking generally, there is an interval between the two halves of the cerebellum in the form of a moderately elongated isosceles triangle whose base is formed by a line drawn transverse to the long axis of the rhombencephalon on à level with its widest part, and whose apex points forwards.

As development procceds the superficial area of the two moieties of the cerebellum increases, and their median connection is extended anteroposteriorly from an expansion of their line of contact. The median connection, though gradually becoming thicker, does not do so in proportion to the increase in its sagittal extent: the consequence being that, for a long time, the two halves of the cerebellum are joined to each other by a remarkably thin bridge, internal to which is à longitudinal fissure whose relative depth increases, rather than diminishes, up to à certain stage of development. How this fissure develops into the cerebellar ventricle, and how it is not entirely obliterated even in à 100-mm. embryo, have been related.

Concerning the manner in which the originally thin median portion of the cerebellum increases in thickness, with a concomitant diminution in the depth of the internal longitudinal fissure, there has been some divergence of 142 Professor O. Charnock Bradley

opinion. Kuithan inclines to the view that there is an approximation of, and, finally, fusion between the two walls of the fissure. Grünberg, on the other hand, holds that Erinaceus embryos do not exhibit any fusion of the ependyma. Schaper, as the result of his investigations into the development of the cerebellum in teleostean fishes, concludes that the connecting lamina between the two lateral halves does not develop into typical cerebellar tissue.

The question is evidently not one to which a satisfactory answer can be readily found. In the embryo of the pig there is certainly some thickening produced by proliferation of cells within the median part of the cerebellum itself. But there is the possibility that these cells have migrated thither from more lateral areas. It is not without interest to note that a ridge is present, in certain embryos, at the bottom of the internal median fissure of the cerebellum (figs. 30 and 43), not altogether unlike that which appears in the depths of the sulcus centralis of the floor of the ventricle.

The extraordinary uniformity in the architecture of the whole of the hind-brain in the youngest embryo recalls the question as to whether à division of the rhombencephalon into two distinct segments, as originally suggested by v. Baer, is based upon altogether good morphological grounds.

Edinger’s assertion that the cerebellum is in the highest probability one of the oldest segments of the brain (32) does not remove the impression, gained from an examination of the literature, that it is fundamentally merely a continuation of the posterior part of the rhombencephalon; or, as Spitzka has expressed it, a dorsal hypertrophy of the hind-brain.

That the cerebellum of the lower animals is mainly, if not entirely commissural has been shown by the researches of Burckhardt (on Protopterus (33) ), Osborn (on Cryptobranchus and Amphiuma (34)), Fish (on Desmognathus (35) ), Kingsbury (on Necturus (36)), and others. This leads to the deduction that, in its original form, the cerebellum was not an important nerve-centre ; its subsequent attainment to a high morphological position being due to an augmentation in volume and an elaboration of structure rendered necessary by physiological specialisation.

The structural continuity of medulla and cerebellum lends support to the hypothesis that they are merely different parts of one and the same brain segment. In 1888, Goronowitsch (29) made the statement that, in Acipenser, the molecular layer of the cerebellum (with cells of Purkinje) is continued over the tuberculum acusticum as à crest, to which he gave the name of “ Cerebellarleiste.” A like condition has been found to obtain in Amia (Kingsbury (37)), Acipenser rubicundus (Johnston (38)), Mustelus (Houser (39)), and Petromyzon (Johnston (40)). Johnston in particular is very earnest in his insistence upon “the morphological unity of the dorsal Development of the Hind-Brain of the Pig 143

horn, acusticum, and cerebellum ” : a unity rendering à dividing line between the cerebellum and tubereulum acusticum an impossibility.

The relationship between the acusticum and cerebellum is further shown by the fact that the N. acusticus has an end-station in both. This has been demonstrated by à multiplicity of observations on all classes of vertebrates. Of those to whom we owe knowledge of this fact may be mentioned Mayser (41), Goronowitsch (29), Johnston (38 and 40), Kôppen (42), Edinger (43), Sala (44), Brandis (45), and Wallenberg (46). Even in Man himself, in whom the cerebellum has become most highly specialised, the vestibular nerve sends fibres into the cerebellum.

In view of the facts which have been accumulated, and which are still rapidly accumulating, there seems good reason for considering the cerebellum and medulla as part of one segment of the brain, even if we do not go so far as Haller (47) and say that beyond doubt the “ Cerebellarleiste ” and its associated cerebellum have developed from the outer sensory region of the medulla oblongata—thus reducing the cerebellum to the level of a were appendage to the medulla. That even the latter and more extreme conclusion is justitied by some-—not to say many—facts may, however, be readily contended.

The problem being one of much complexity, and further evidence being still needed for its solution, it may be well to suspend judgment and await further developments ; concluding with Wilder (48) that there is no reason why we should not go on “entertaining and employing, «s « convenient “working kypothesis, the interpretation made by v. Baer and accepted by the majority of later authorities upon the subject,” at the same time remaining alive to the possibility that the division of the rhombencephalon into two segments, though convenient, may not be strictly scientific.


À figure given by His (fig. 33 (49)) shows the roof of the embryonic fourth ventricle to be of the same thickness throughout. In the process of development a relative thinning takes place, and it seems probable that, in some mamimals at least, this continues until an actual break occurs at certain points of the roof, whereby the cavity of the ventricle is placed in communication with the sub-arachnoid space. That such à communication is established in Man and the higher apes, at least, appears to have been proved beyond doubt by careful work recently undertaken. Whether all the apertures found in Man occur with the same regularity in all mammals has not been so clearly demonstrated. The older methods of research were

1 The italics are not in the original. 144 Professor O. Charnock Bradley

not such as lent themselves to proving or disproving the existence of small apertures in so delicate à membrane as that which closes in the fourth ventricle. So long as the only method employed was that of ordinary dissection it was only natural that different observers should arrive at different conclusions, the amount of tension requisite for the production of an artificial opening being so very small. Even when the process of embedding and cutting sections in paraffin or celloïdin is used the results may be untrustworthy if there has been any roughness indulged in during the extraction of the brain from the cranium.

The only way in which all danger of producing artifacts can be obviated is by embedding and cutting the whole head-—a matter of obvious difficulty in the case of the larger animals. Embryos lend themselves much more readily to this method than do adult animals. But in the case of the use of embryonic material, negative evidence is of greatly less value than positive. If there be no opening in the embryo, it does not follow that there should also be none in the adult: it is easily conceivable that an intercommunication between the ventricle and the sub-arachnoïid space may be formed after birth. If, however, an opening is found to be present in the embryo there is a strong probability of its being present in the adult also.

In the early part of last century Burdach (50) described the hinder end of the roof of the fourth ventricle as being perfectly closed. But, in 1842, Majendie (51) pointed out that there is normally and constantly an opening in the roof of the human ventricle; this foramen being bounded by the choroid plexus and the posterior medullary velum, and its size differing very much in different individuals.

Since 1842 conflicting opinions have been expressed as to whether the foramen of Majendie is an entity or a chimera Virchow (52) denied the existence of any connection between the ventricle and the sub-arachnoïd space. Luschka (53) succeeded in finding an opening in the tela choroïdea inferior of Man, but added that in many animals the ventricle is closed. In 1861, Reichert (54) averred that the foramen is only produced during the process of removal and manipulation of the brain: whereas, in the same year, Kollmann (25) not only described the opening as being natural, but also stated in what manner it is bounded.

Quincke (55) saw in the foramen à very variable and not always demonstrable opening in the connective tissue of the roof of the ventricle, Key and Retzius (56) examined 100 human brains and found a foramen of Majendie in 98 of them. Sée (57) declared himself on the side of those who denied the existence of the foramen, and stated reasons for his attitude. It is exceedingly easv, he said, to tear the fine membranous roof of the ventricle during the removal of the brain; in several annnals, e.y. horse, Development of the Hind-Brain of the Pig 145

goat, etc., it has been shown that the ventricle is closed, and the overfilling and distension of the ventricle, as the consequence of pathological processes, is not reconcilable with the acceptance of the presence of an opening. Kôülliker (9) held that there is complete closure of the ventricle in the embryo, and that this is the rule in the adult also The foramen of Majendie, when present, he said, is no regular structure.

In 1885 the problem was attacked by Hess (58). He examined the brain of thirty adult human beings, ten new-born children, and seven embryos of different ages. In only one instance did he fail to find an opening. He came to the conclusion, therefore, that the foramen is constant in man. He thought that it is possible that there is always an opening in the roof of the embryonic ventricle, since at five months the aperture is wide. He also found à foramen in the embryo of the cat.

.. Later observations by Wilder (59), Morton (60), Jacobi (61), Kohlmann (62), and others appear to indicate that the foramen as described by Majendie is à natural opening in Man at least. Cannieu (63) is not so sure of the presence of à natural and normal opening in the lower animals.

The subject has received very careful attention at the hands of Blake (12), whose results were published in 1900. He describes à protrusion of the roof of the ventricle in the form of à glove-finger-like projection, which remains closed in the majority of mamimals but becomes an opening in Man and the anthropoid apes.

In the pig there is little that is remarkable in the changes which occur in the roof of the ventricle before the embryo has attained a length of 50 num. The only point which needs mention is the relative thickness of the roof in different regions. In all the younger embryos (except that Of 19 days) an oval patch of the membranous roof differs from the rest in being noticeably much thinner. This occurs about the centre of the “ Rautenfeld,” and can be distinguished as early as the twenty-second day. It is not due to à reduction in the number of the layers of cells forming the membrane but rather to à flattening of the individual cells: for the zone immediately surrounding the patch is provided with no more than one layer of cells, thus agreeing in constitution with the patch itself.

Transverse sections through the “closed” part of the medulla of an SO-mn. embryo show a backward extension of the cavity of the ventricle into a membranous cul-de-sac which lies on the dorsal surface of the medulla. At this stage the cul-de-sac is closely applied to the medulla, to which it is adherent; its extent, in a sagittal direction partly and in à lateral direction entirely, corresponds to a triangular area formed by the coalesced rhombic lips (fig. 46). À younger embryo (52 mm.) shows the commencement of the condition. It is evident that, as the rhombic 146 Professor O. Charnock Bradley

lips fuse together, there is not a corresponding diminution in the anteroposterior diameter of the roof of the ventricle; the “closed” medulla rather, in à sense, burrowing under the roof and so causing a cul-de-sac.

The backward continuation of the cavity of the ventricle is very definite in a 100-mm. embryo. Its form may be well likened to that of a finger of a glove. It extends farther back than the caudal limit of the area produced by the fusion of the rhombic lips, and it is now free, its caudal extremity being some distance removed from the surface of the medulla (fig. 52).

À 150-mm. embryo shows the same kind of protrusion, but much better developed. It now extends backwards almost to a level with the most caudal part of the cerebellum, and is, posteriorly, in even closer relation with the cerebellum than with the medulla. Although the walls of this caudal protrusion are thin, there is no indication of a foramen of Majendie.

The embryo of the pig, therefore, corroborates the statement made by Blake. And, it may be added, à careful examination of the adult brain leads one to assert that the protrusion never becomes an opening.


Although Bockdalek (64), in 1849, stated that the choroïd plexus lies free under the arachnoïd mater in the region of the “ Fullhorn,” the description he gave was not such as to cause modern morphologists to associate his name with the opening in the lateral recess of the fourth ventricle.

Luschka (53), some years after the publication of Bockdalek’s paper, described the outer angle of the ventricle as standing in connection with the sub-arachnoïd space, and the lateral part of the choroïd plexus as lying free under the arachnoïd. This, however, was not supported by Reichert (54), who, after à minute description of the choroïd plexus, concluded with the declaration that there is a membranous closure of the lateral recess of the ventricle. °

There seems little doubt that to Key and Retzius (56) should be viven the credit of having provided the first clear and detailed description of the connection of the cavity of the ventricle with the sub-arachnoïd space through the intermediation of an aperture in the lateral angle of the ventricle. Out of 100 human brains examined by them the communication was found in ail but three.

Kôülliker (9) expressed himself as convinced that the openings are even less of regular structures than the foramen of Majendie, which, as previously mentioned, he held to be usually absent. Hess (58) concluded that the apertures are constant in man. Bland Sutton (65) attached great imDevelopment of the Hind-Brain of the Pig 147

portance to the openings, and stated it as his opinion that their complete absence, or their closure before or after birth, leads to pathological results.

Morton (60) and Jacobi (61) have averred that the openings are normal and always present, whereas Cannieu (63) casts doubt on their natural occurrence in the lower animals.

Blake (12) included the considerations of these openings in the paper to which reference has already been made. The results of his investigations are of great interest, since they indicate that the openings are always present in mamimals, and are even larger in the lower animals than in Man. It would appear that there is a kind of compensatory development. When the foramen of Majendie is absent the openings in the lateral recesses are larger than when the foramen is present.

The first rudiments of lateral recesses occur in the 15-mm. embryo of the pig, 4e. in the same specimen in which a rhombic lip is first observed. From this stage onwards the recess is bounded ventrally by the rhombic lip. Its caudal boundary is very indefinite in the 15-mm. embryo, but in the next older specimen (23 mm.) this limit is clearly formed, for now the recess has à greater antero-posterior diameter than has the opening from it into the body of the ventricle. It extends farther back, as well as farther forward, than the level of the bounds of the opening into it; there has been, therefore, a bulging backwards of the caudal wall of the recess. The disparity between the antero-posterior measurements of the recess and of its opening into the ventricle becomes exaggerated as development proceeds.

As early as the 23-mim. stage the choroïd plexus has invaded the recess (fig. 18). In the 25-nun. embryo, that part of the plexus which invaginates the outer wall of the recess is more anterior in position than the portion of it which belongs to the ventricle itself. Later, the median part of the plexus grows at à greater rate than the lateral portion.

À very important process begins in the 80-mm. embryo. The most posterior part of the recess in this specimen has very attenuated walls, consisting solely of very thin epithelium, which, over blood-vessels especially, can scarcely be said to be perfectly continuous (fig. 50). There is, however, as yet no definite discontinuity of the epithelium. The rest of the wall of the recess is composed of thick nervous tissue except along the line of invagination produced by the choroïd plexus (fig. 51).

In the 100-mim. embryo there is a wide area in the most posterior part of the posterior end of the recess from which the epithelium has entirely disappeared. In fig. 56 the termination of the epithelium is shown to occur abruptly, the contour of the recess remaining imperfectly preserved by loose and delicate connective tissue. In some sections from the same 148 Professor O. Charnock Bradley

embryo this tissue is more scanty and interrupted than in the one from which the figure was made.

The break in the wall of the recess is complete in the 150-mm. embryo (fig. 63), and the communication between the cavity of the ventricle and the sub-arachnoid space is fully established. Sections taken farther back than the one illustrated in the figure show the choroïid plexus lying free in the sub-arachnoïd space at some distance posterior to the caudal end of the recess. It seems worthy of note that the break in the wall does not occur along the line of invagination of the choroïd plexus. Both fig. 56 (100-mm. embryo) and fig. 63 (150-mm. embryo) show that the opening has been produced by à thinning: of the lower part of the outer wall of the recess.

The embryo of the pig, then, lends confirmation to the statement as made by Blake that, while the foramen of Majendie is wanting in the lower animals, openings of large size exist in the lateral recesses.


(1) Kerr, F., Normentafel zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Schweines, Jena, 1897.

(2) Brancey, O. CHarnock, “ Neuromeres of the Rhombencephalon of the Pig,” Rev. Neurol. and Psych., vol. ii., 1904.

(3) Orr, H. B., “Contribution to the Embryology of the Lizard,” Journ. Morph., vol. i., 1887.

(4) Hire, C., “ Developmental History of the Primary Segments of the Vertebrate Head,” Zocl. Juhrb. Abth. f. Anat. u. Ontogenie, Bd. xiii., 1900.

(5) v. Kuprrer, C., “Die Morphogenie des Centralnervensystems,” Handburh der vergleichenden und experimentellen Entwicklungslehre der Wirbeltiere, Herausgegeben von Dr O. Hertwig, Jena, 1903, Lief. 14-15 and 16.

(6) GRônBerG, G., “Die Ontogenese eines niederen Säugerhirns,” Zoo!. Jahrb. Abth. f. Anat. u. Ontogenie, Bd. xv., 1902.

(7) PRENANT, A., ‘Note sur l’existence des replis médullaires chez l'embryon du porc,” Bull. de la Soc. d. Se. de Nancy, sér. 2, t. ix., 1889.

(8) ScHaper, A. “Die morphologische und histologische Entwicklung des Kleinhirns der Teleostier,” Morph. Jahrb., Bd. xxi., 1894.

(9) KôzuiKER, A., Entwicklungsgeschichte des Menschen und der hôheren Thiere, Leipzig, 1861 ; 2te. Aufl., Leipzig, 1879.

(10) Borx, L., “ Hauptzüge der vergleichenden Anatomie des Cerebellum der Säugetiere mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des menschlichen Kleinhirnes,” Monatsch. f. Psych. u. Neurol., Bd. xi., 1902.

(11) Brapzey, O. CHarnock, “On the Development and Homology of the Mammalian Cerebellar Fissures,” Journ. Anat. and Phys., vol xxxvii., 1903.

(12) Braxe, J. A., “The Roof and Lateral Recesses of the Fourth Ventricle,” Journ. Comp. Neurol., vol. x., 1900.

(13) His, W., “Zur Geschichte des Gehirns,” Abhandl. 4. math.-phys. Classe d. k. sächs., Gesell. d. Wissen., Bd. xiv., 1888. Development of the Hind-Brain of the Pig 149

(14) Herrice, C. L., “Illustrations of the Archetectonic of the Cerebellum,” Journ. Comp. Neurol., vol. i., 1890.

(15) Dexrer, F., “ Ein Beitrag zur Morphologie der verlängerten Markes beim Kaninchen,” Arch, f. Anat. u. Phys. 1895.

(16) KUITHAN, W., “Die Entwickelung des Kleinhirns bei Säugetieren,” Miünchener medic. AbhandL., vii. Reihe, 6 Heît, 1895.

(17) Bazrour, F. M. Comparative Embryology, vol. ii., 1881.

(18) His, W., “ Die Entwickelung des menschlichen Rautenhirns vom Ende des ersten bis Beginn des dritten Monate.” Abhandl. d. math.-phys. Classe d. k. säche. Gesell. d. Wissen, Bd. xvii., 1891.

(19) FRACASSATI, “ÆEpistola de cerebro ad M. Malpighium,” Opera omnia Malpighi, T. xi. (Quoted by Mihalkovics.)

(20) TreDEMANN, FR, Anafomie und Bildungsgeschichte des Gehirns im Foetus des Menschen, N ürnberg, 1816.

(21) SERRES, E. R. A., Merckels Archiv, Bd. i., 1815.

(22) v. Baer, K. E,, Ueber Entiwicklungsgeschichte der Thiere, Beobachtung und Reflexion, Künigsburg, 1828. (23) VALENTIN, G., Handbuch der Entwicklungsgeschichte des Menschen, Berlin, 1845.

(24) Scamior, F., “ Beiträge zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des Gehirns,” Zeitschr. J. Wissen. Zool., Bd. xi., 1862.

(25) KoLLMANN, Entwicklung der menschlichen Adergeflechte, Leipzig, 1861.

(26) v. Mixazxovics, V., Entwicklungsgeschichte des Gehirns, Leipzig, 1877.

(27) Lanousse, E., “Recherches sur l’ontogenèse du cervelet,” Arch. de Biol. t. vil, 1888.

(28) HerrwiG, O., Lehrbuch der Entwicklungsgeschichte des Menschen und der Wiüirbelthiere, 3 Auf. Jena, 1893.

(29) GoronowiTscH, N., ‘Das Gehirn und die Cranialnerven von Acipenser ruthenus,” Morph. Jahrb., Bd. xiïi., 1888.

(30) Srroup, B. B., ‘The Mammalian Cerebellum. Part 1: The Development of the Cerebellum in Man and the Cat,” Journ. Comp. Neurol., vol. v., 1895.

(31) PRENANT, À., Éléments d'Embr yologie, Paris, 1896.

(32) Enincer, L., ? Bau der nervüsen Zentralorgane, Leipzig, 1904.

(33) BURCKHARDT, R., Das Centralnervensystem von Protoplerus annectens, Berlin, 1892. |

(34) Ossorn, H. F, ‘A Contribution to the Internal Structure of the Amphibian Brain,” Journ. Morph., vol. ïi., 1888. “ Preliminary Observations upon the Brain of Amphiuma,” Proc. Philadelphian Acad. Nat. Sci., 1893.

(35) Fisx, P. A., “The Central Nervous System of Desmognathus fusca,” Journ. Morph., vol. x., 1895.

(36) KinesBury, B. F., ‘On the Brain of Necturus maculatus,” Journ. Comp. Neurol., vol. v., 1895.

(37) KixesBury, B. F., “The Structure and Morphology of the Oblongata in Fishes,” Journ. Comp. Neurol., vol. vii., 1897.

(38) Jonnsron, J. B., “ Hind-Brain and Cranial Nerves of Acipenser,” Anat. Anz., Bd. xiv., 1898. “The Brain of Acipenser,” Zoo!. Jahrb. Abth. f. Anat. u. Ontogenie, Bd. xv., 1902.

(39) Houser, G. L., “The Neurones and Supporting Elements of a Selachian Brain,” Journ. Comp. Neurol., vol. xi., 1901.

(40) JonnsTon,J.B.,‘“* The Brain of Petromyzon,” Journ, Comp.Neur., vol. xii., 1902,

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(41) Mayser, P., ‘ Vergleichendanatomische Studien über das Gehirn der Knockenfische mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Cyprinoiden,” Zeitschr. f. Wiss. Zool., Bd. xxxvi., 1881.

(42) KôPPen, M., ‘Zur Anatomie des Froschgehirns,” Arch. f. Anat. u. Phys. Anat. Abth., 1888.

(43) Enincer, L., ‘“ Ueber Ursprungsverhältnisse des Acusticus und die directe Kleinhirnbahn,” Neurol. Centralbl, 1886. ‘ Das Cerebellum von Scyllium canicula,” Arch. f. mikrosk. Anat., Bd. lvüi., 1901.

(44) Saza, L., ‘Ueber den Ursprung des Nervus acusticus,” Arch. f. mikrosk. Anat., Bd. xlii., 1893.

(45) BranDis, F., ‘ Untersuchungen uber das Gehirn der Vogel, ii. Th, Ursprung der Nerven der Medulla oblongata,” Arch. f. mikrosk. Anat., Bd. xli. u. xliïi., 1893-1894.

(46) WaLLenBERG, A., ‘‘ Die secundäre Acusticusbahn der Taube,” Anat. Anz., Bd. xiv., 1898.

(47) HaLer, B., “Vom Bau der Wirbeltiergehirns,” i. Th., Morph. Jahrb., Bd. xxvi., 1898.

(48) Wizper, B. G., “Do the Cerebellum and the Oblongata represent Two Segments or only One?” Proc. Amer. Ass. Adv. Science, vol. xxxiii., 1884.

(49) His, W., Die Entwickelung des menschlichen Gehirns während der ersten Monate, Leipzig, 1904.

(50) Burpacx, Bau und Leben des Gehirns, Leipzig, Bd. ü., 1822; Bd. ii, 1826. ‘

(51) MaJENDIE, Recherches anatomiques et physiologiques sur le liquide céphalorachidien, 1842. ‘

(52) VircHow, Handbuch der speciellen Pathologie und Therapie, 1854.

(53) LuscaxaA, H., Die Adergeñflechte des menschlichen Hirns, 1855.

(54) ReicmerT, C. B., Der Bau des menschlichen Gehirns, Leipzig, 1861.

(55) QuinoKe, “Zur Physiologie der Cerebrospinalfiüssigkeit,” Arch. v. Reichert u. du Bois-Reymond, 1872.

(56) Key u. Rerzius, Séudien in der Anatomie des Nervensystems, Stockholm, 1875.

(57) SÉE, M., “Sur la communication des cavités ventriculaires de l’encéphale avec les espaces sous-arachnoïdiens,” Revue Mensuelle, ii. (1878), üïi. (1879). |

(58) Hess, C., “Das Foramen Magendie und die Offnungen an den Recessus lateralis des iv. Ventrikels,” Morph. Jahrb., Bd. x., 1885.

(59) Wien, B. G., “The Foramen of Magendie in Man and the Cat,” W. F. Med. Journ., vol. xxxix., 1884. “Note on the Foramen of Magendie in Man and the Cat,” Journ. Nerv. and Ment. Diseases, vol. xüi., 1886. “The Metapore (Foramen of Magendie) in Man and an Orang, Medical News, 1893.

(60) Morron, C. A., “The Pathology of Tuberculous Meningitis with reference to its treatment by tapping the Subarachnoiïid, Brit. Med. Journ., ü., 1891. “The Opening between the Fourth Ventricle and the Subarachnoid Space,” Brit. Med. Journ., i., 1893. °

(61) JacoBi, G. W., ‘ Lumbar Puncture of the Subarachnoid Space,” N. 7. Met. Journ., 1895.

(62) KoHLMANN, J., Lehrbuch des Entwicklungsgeschichte des Menschen, Jena, 1898.

(63) Canxiue, A. ‘ Note sur le trou de Luschka,” Journ. de Méd. de Bordeaux, 1897. ‘Contribution à l’étude la voute du quatrième ventricule chez les mammifères,” Development of the Hind-Brain of the Pig 151

ibid. “ Recherches sur la voute du quatrième ventricule des vertébrés. Les trous de Magendie et de Luschka,” Bibliogr. Anat., t. vi., 1898.

(64) BockDaLek, ‘‘ Neue Beobachtungenim Gebiet der physiologischen Anatomie,” Präger Vierteljahrschr, 1849.

(65) Surron, J. BLanD, “The Lateral Recesses of the Fourth Ventricle,” Brain, vol. ix., 1887.


The outlines of all the figures representing sections were made by means of a Leitz camera lucida.

The figures illustrating sections are arranged so that the first figure belonging to one particular embryo represents the most pasterior section ; the last figure of the series representing the most anterior. |

The following reference lettering is common to all the figures :—

a.c. ala cinerea. fu. Flügelwulst. a.l. alar lamina. h.b. hind-brain. a.m.v. anterior medullary velum. L.r. lateral recess. a.p. area postrema. m.b. mid-brain. b. backward projection of the | n X. etc. nucleus of X etc. cranial roof of the fourth ventricle. nerve. b.1. basal lamina. ob. obex. bl.vs. blood-vessels. o.v. otic vesicle. cb. cerebellum. pf. paraflocculus. c.e. central canal. p.m.v. posterior medullary velum. c.v. cerebellar ventricle. rl rhombic lip. choroid plexus. s-a.s. subarachnoiïd space. d.m. dura mater. 1,2, 3, etc st, 2nd, 3rd, etc., neuroJloc. flocculus. meral grooves. f.s. fasciculus solitarius. V. etc. V. etc. cranial nerves.

J.sp. funiculus separans.

Figs. 47-51. 80 mm. embryo. ‘lransverse sections through the hind-brain. Fig. 50 passes through the posterior part of the lateral recess.

Figs. 52-58. 100 mm. embryo. Transverse sections through the hind-brain. Figs. 53-55 illustrate the rhombic lip. Figs 56 and 57 pass through the lateral recess. Fig. 58 shows the cerebellar ventricle.

Figs. 59-64. 150 mm. embryo. Transverse sections through the hind-brain. Figs. 59-62 illustrate the rhombic lip. Figs. 63 and 64 pass through the lateral recess.

1The cost of reproduction of the figures has been defrayed by the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of Scotland, Journ. of Anat. and Physiology, January 1906.) [PLATE XIX.


PROFESSOR Q. CHARNOCK BRADLEY, Journ. of Anat. and Physiology, January 1906.1 [PLATE XX

Fig: SI. , Eee ie oercesne

PROFESSOR O. CHARNOCK BRADLEY. Journ. of Anat. and Physiology, January 1906.] . [PLATE XXI.

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PROFESsOR O. CHARNOCK BRADLEY Journ. of Anat. and Physiology, January 1906.] [PLaTE XXII.

PROFESSOR O. CHARNOCK BRADLEY. Journ. of Anat. and Physiology, January 1906.]



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Journ. of Anat. and Physiology, January 1906.] [PLATE XXIV.