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==The Futility Of The Human Yolk Sac==
Discussion and Correspondence
Science, New Series, Vol. 55, No. 1427 (May 5, 1922), p. 478
In the current
Record, Professor Arey publishes a brief but
very interesting contribution (No. 90) from the
Anatomical Laboratory of Northwestern University. He describes a human chorion con-
taining two embryos, of 11.5 and 12 mm.
respectively, one of which has a yolk sac, and
the other has none—that is, none was found,
and sections of the umbilical cord showed no
trace of a yolk stalk. Hence the broad conclusion is drawn that “the human yolk sac is a
vestige unessential to growth or differentiation (including vasculogenesis).” It is stated
that one of these embryos “received all, or
essentially all, the cells destined to form a
yolk sac” and that’ “the total absence of a
yolk sac in one embryo, which is otherwise
normal in every way, further demonstrates
conclusively that this organ is not essential to
the growth of an embryo or to the proper differentiation of its parts; indeed, the embryo
in question is slightly larger than its twin.”
Since from the days of Wolff the yolk sae
has been regarded as the source of the intestinal tract, and in young human embryos is
seen to be the organ from which the allantoic
duct and the digestive tube proceed, the
startling nature of this conclusion becomes
apparent. But it is universally recognized that the yolk sac does its work in early stages,
and though the sac usually persists as a functionless rudiment until birth, its duct normally
becomes parted through atrophy in embryos
younger than the one under consideration.
Does Dr. Arey’s case indicate anything more
than the precocious obliteration of the stalk of
an organ no less essential than the placenta,
likewise cast off after its very vital functions
have been performed?
If the question is raised, Where then is the
yolk sae in Dr. Arey’s case? his own studies
furnish a plausible answer, since in another
specimen he has described a single sac with
two stalks, each leading to a separate embryo.
Under such circumstances, the early obliteration of one of the stalks would give rise to the
conditions observed in the second case, and
this possibility must be eliminated before accepting the proposed conclusion. In reading
the account of a human embryo without a yolk
sae, we recall Bentham’s incredulous comment,
“T am very glad, my dear sir, that you saw
that, for had I seen it myself, I wouldn’t have
believed it.”
Freperic T. Lewis
Harvard Medical School,
Boston, Massachusetts

Latest revision as of 10:23, 5 May 2019

A Chronological List of Frederic T. Lewis Publications

1902 The development of the vena cava inferior. Am. J. Anat., 1: 229-244.

1903 The gross anatomy of a 12—mm pig. Am. J. Anat., 2: 211-225.

1904 The intra-embryonic vessels of rabbits from 8% to 13 days. Proc. Am. Assoc. Anatomists, Am. J. Anat., 3: XII, XIII.

1905 The shape of mammalian red blood corpuscles. 513-517.

1906 The question of sinusoids. Anat. Anz., 35: 261-279.

1907 “Umbilical cord” and “Yolk-sac” in Buck’s Reference Handbook of the Medical Sciences, 8: 1-5 and 334-336. William Wood and Co., 1904.

1908 The development of the lymphatic system in rabbits. Am. J . Anat., 5: 95-111.

1909 The development of the veins in the limbs of rabbit embryos. Am. J. Anat., 5: 113-120.

Sclerolepis in New Hampshire. Rhodora, 7: 186-187. (The first record of this plant in New England; perhaps the first north of New Jersey; had it been found in New York?)

The fifth and sixth aortic arches and the related pharyngeal pouches in the rabbit and pig. Anat. Anz., 28: 506-513.

The mixed cerebral nerves in mammals. J. Comp. Neur. and Psych., 16: 177-182.

Stohr’s Histology. Arranged upon an embryological basis by Dr. Frederic T. Lewis. From the twelfth German edition by Dr. Philipp Sttihr. P. Blakiston’s Son and Co., 434 pp., 450 figs.

Miscellaneous Notes and Literature in The American Naturalist, Vol. 41 (Lewis was editor in 1907.) Of special interest to anatomists are (1) his note on “Specific characters in early embryos” (pp. 589592) and (2) the report of anatomists’ contributions to the 7th International Zoological Congress in Boston (pp. 657-671).

The development of pinuate leaves. Am. Nat., 41: 431-441.

A further study of leaf development. Am. Nat., 47: 701-709.

(With Fred W. Thyng.) The regular occurrence of intestinal diverticnla. in embryos of the pig, rabbit, and man. Am. J. Anat., 7’: 505-519. Comparative Anatomy at the Harvard Medical School. Science, 27: 778 781.

Doctor Lobter. Boston Med. and Surg. J., .758: 433.

On the cervical veins and lymphatics in four human embryo, with an interpretation of anomalies of the subclavian and jugular veins in the adult. Am. J. Anat., .9: 33-42.

Keibel’s note on intestinal diverticula. Proc. Am. Assoc. Anat., Anat. Rec, 3: 267-268.

J. Med. Res., 10: 1911






The first lymph glands in rabbit and human embryos. Anat. Ree, 3: 341-353.

The preparation for the study of medicine. Pop. Sci. Monthly, July: 65-74.

Anomalies of the pulmonary artery in Necturus. Stephen R. Williams. Anat. Rec., 3: 409-414. (One of these anomalies, fig. 3, was dissected and drawn by F. T. Lewis.)

Review of “Norrnentafel zur Entwicklungsgcschichte des Menschen,” by Franz Kcibel and Curt Elze. Science, 29: 939-940.

The spring shooting law of Massachusetts. Boston Society of Natural History, Bull. no. 15.

The bi—lobed form of the ventral pancreas in mammals. Am. J. Anat., 12.‘ 389-400.

Die Entwicklung des Darms und der Atmungsorgane. Einleitung. Die friihen Entwicklungsstadien des Entodermrohres und die Bildung seiner Unterabteilungen. In Keibel and Mall’s “Handbuch der Entwick— lungsgeschiehte des Menschen,” 2: 282-324. S. Hirzel, Leipzig.

Die Entwicklung des Oesophagus, des Magens, des Diinndarms, des Dickdarms, der Leber, und des Pancreas. ln Keibel and Mall’s “Handbueh der Entwicklungsgeschichte des Menschen,” 9: 343-436. S. Hirzel, Leipzig.

(The last two publications cited, in the English edition) “Manual of Human Embryology.” J. B. Lippincott C0., 2: 291-334 and 355-445.

The form of the stomach in human embryos, with notes upon the nomenclature of the stomach. Am. J. Anat., 13: 477-503.

A Text-book of Histology Arranged upon an Embryological Basis. 1‘»_v Dr. Frederic T. Lewis and Dr. Philipp Stiihr. 2nd edition. P. 1-“)lakiston’s Son and 00., 539 pp., 495 figs.

Action of the Association of Anatomist regarding college work in preparation for human anatomy. Boston Med. and Surg. J.. 77?: 229-231.

Review of “A Text.-book of Histolog_\"’ by Frederick R. Bailey. Boston Med. and Surg. J., 170: 621.

Charles Sedgwick Minot. Boston Med. and Surg. J., .771: 911-914.

The comnaratire embryology of the mammalian stomach. Anat. Rec-., .9: 102-103.

(With James W. Papez.) Variations in the early development of the kidney in pig embryos with special reference to the production of Anat. Rec., 9: 105-106.

Review of “Vorlcsungen fiber allgemeine Histologie gehalten an der Hoehschule fiir Frauen in St. Peterslnirg” by Alexander Gurwitsoh. Science, 42: 91-92.

Leonard Worcester Williams. Harvard Alumni Bull., 99.

Review of “Die Elemente der Entxvicklunrrslelire des Menschen und der Wirbo1tl1iere.” by Oscar Hertwinz. Science, 453: 129-130.

(‘harles Sedgrwick Minot. Anat. Rec., 10: 133-164.

(With Maude Abbott.) Reversed torsion of the ventricular bend of the embryonic heart in the explanation of certain forms of cardiac anomaly. Internat. Assoc. of Med. Mus.. Bull. 6‘: 111-115. 150

1919 1920








1929 1930

German terms in anatomy. Science, 49: 307-310.

Review of “Contributions to Embryology.” Science, 49: 359-360.

The course of the Wolffian tubules in mammalian embryos. Am. J. Anat., 26‘: 423-435.

Review of Choulant’s “History and Bibliography of Anatomic Illustration in its Relation to Anatomic Science and the Graphic Arts.” Science, 54: 379-381.

The futility of the human yolk sac. Science, 55.‘ 478.

The spiral trend of intestinal muscle fibers. Science, 55: 704-706.

A note on symmetry as a factor in the evolution of plants and animals, reporting an illustrative study of the transformation of the aortic arches in the sheep by Dr. George H. Jackson, Jr. Am. Nat., 57: 5-41.

The significance of the term Hippocampus. J. Comp. Neur., 35: 213-230.

The typical shape of polyhedral cells in vegetable parcnchyma and the restoration of that shape following cell division. Proe. Am. Acad. Arts and Sciences, 58: 537-552.

The nasomaxillary angles— a disregarded feature of tlie upper lip. Anat. Rec., 27: 209.

Jcffries Wyman, Aug. 11, 1814-September 4, 1874. Boston Med. and Snrg. J., 1.91: 429-435.

An unpublished metrical epigram by James Russell Lowell. 60: 333-334.

Letter to the Class of 1925. Aesculapiad, l-larvard Medical School. response to the dedication of this annual to him.)

Letter in regard to “The Bee’s Knees,” Atlantic Monthly, 136: 574575.

A further study of the polyhedral shapes of cells. I. The stellate cells of J’u’I’tCttS effnsas. 11. Cells of human adipose tissue. 111. Stratified cells of human oral epithelium. Proe. Am. Acad. Arts and Sciences, 61 : 1-35.

An objective demonstration of the shape of cells in masses. 63’: 607-609.

Editorial. The shape of cells. J. Am. Med. Assoc, 87: 1649-1650.

The effect of cell division on the shape and size of hexagonal cell. Anat. Rec., 33: 331-355.

The correlation between cell division and the shapes and sizes of prismatic cells in the epidermis of Cucnmis. Anat. Rec, 38: 341-376.

Something new is cytology. N. Eng. J. Med., 1.9.9: 387-388.

The shape of cork cells; a simple demonstration that they are tetrakaidecahedral. Science, 68: 625-626.

John Hnnter’s Embryological Studies. N. Eng. J. Med., 900: 810-823.

Review of “Textbook of Embryology” by Frederick R. Bailey and Adam M. Miller. N. Eng. J. Med., 209: 101.

A volumetric study of growth and cell division in two types of epitheium——the longitudinally prismatic epidermal cells of Tradescantia and the radially prismatic epidermal cells of Cncnmis. Anat. Rec, 47: 59-99.



Science, 1931










A comparison between the mosaic of polygons in a film of artificial emulsion and the pattern of simple epithelium in surface view (cucumber epidermis and human amnion). Anat. Rec., 50: 235-265.

Mathematically precise features of epithelial mosaics: observations on the endothelinm of capillaries. Anat. Rec., 55: 323-341.

The significance of cells as revealed by their polyhedral shapes, with special reference to precnrtilage, and a surmise concerning nerve cells and neuroglia. Proc. Am. Acad. Arts and Sciences, 6'8: 251-284.

Prosenchyma an orientation of parenehymal cells of fundamental importance. Am. J. Bot., 20 (Supplement): 676.

A suggestion as to the origin of oriented smooth-muscle strata in the wall of a tube. Anat. Rec-,., 57’ (Supplement): 86.

Charles Willison Johnson. Proc. Am. Acad. Arts and Sciences, 68: 637638.

The Hollises and Harvard. A record of gifts and benefactions from England to America. The Harvard Graduates’ Magazine, Dec.: 107-120. Conditions requisite for the development of circular and longitudinal muscle fibers in the wall of the intestinal tube. Anat. Ree., 58 (Supple ment): 25.

The osteoblast problem from the standpoint of cell shape. Anat. Ree., 61 (Supplement): 32.

De Generatione, a review of “A History of Embryology” by Joseph Necdham. Science, 82: 39-41.

The shape of the tracheids in the pine. Am. J. Bot., 22: 741-762.

Presidental Address (in part). Science (Supplement), 85 (no. 2205): 10.

The Toronto Meeting of the American Association of Anatomists. Science, 85: 387-388.

The shape of compressed spheres. Science, 86: 609-611.

(With George A. Corner.) The fiftieth anniversarv of the American Association of Anatomists. Science, 87: 531-534.

Review of “The Rise of Embryology” by A. W. Meyer. Anat. Rec., 76: 365-370.

(With H. A. Wolfson.) Review of “The Kosher Code” by S. I. Levin and E. A. Boyden. Science, 9.2: 173-175.

A notable memento of Oliver Wendell Holmes. Harvard Med. Alum. Bull., 15: 39.

A message from England; Dr. Poynton’s gift to the I-l'arvard Medical Library. Harvard Merl. Alum. l3ull., .16‘: 30-31.

Review of “Emanuel Swedenborg. Three transactions on the Cerebrum. Translated by Alfred Acton.” S.cie.nce, .95: 480-482.

The introduction of biological stains: Employment of saflron by Vieussens and Leeuwenhoek. Anat. Rec-,., 8.9: 229-253.

A geometric accounting for diverse shapes of 14-hedral cells; the transition from dodecuhedra to tetrakuidecaliedm. Am. J. Bot., 30: 74-81.

Haphazard as a. factor in the production of tetrakaidecahedra. Torrcya, 43: 4-5. 152



1946 1947




Franklin Paradise Johnson. Anat. Ree., 86: 1-7.

The advent of microscopes in America. Scient. Monthly, 57: 249-259.

The geometry of growth and cell division in epithelial mosaics. Am. J. Bot., 30: 766-776.

Review of “The Embryological Treatises of Hieronymus Fabricius of Aquapendente,” by Howard B. Adehnann. Anat. Rec., 88: 1-5.

The geometry of growth and cell division in columnar parenchyma. Am. J. Bot., 31: 619-629.

John Fallon ’23—poet. Harvard Med. Al11m. Bull., 19: 100.

The passenger pigeon as observed by the Rev. Cotton Mather. The Auk, 6'1: 587-592; also 62: 306-307.

The shape of cells as a mathematical problem. Am. Scientist, 34: 359369.

How radiology arrived at Harvard. Harvard Med. Alum. Bull., 21: 106-107.

(with William A. Wimsatt.) Duplication of the mitral valve and a rare apical interventricular foramcn in the heart of a yak calf. Am. J. Anat., 83: 67-108.

(With Harry G. Trimble.) Harold Lorraine Weatherford. Harvard University Gazette, 44: 57-59.

The analogous shapes of cells and bubbles. Proc. Am. Acad. Arts and Sciences, 77: 149-186.

A letter regarding Sir D’Arc_v Thompson. Am. Scientist, 37: 317-318.

Esophageal atresia with tracheo-esophageal fistula. Embryology. New Eng. J. Med., 240: 990-992.

The correlation in shape a.nd size between epidermal and subepidermal cells. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci., 35: 506-512.

Reciprocal cell division in epidermal and subepidermal cells. Am. J. Bot, 37: 715-721.
