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Gellhorn G. Anatomy, pathology and development of the hymen.  (1904) Trans. Am. Gynec. Soc., Philadelphia, 29: 405 - 440.<noinclude>[[Category:Template]][[Category:Reference]][[Category:Historic Embryology]][[Category:Female]][[Category:Genital]][[Category:1900's]]</noinclude>
By George Gellhorn, M.D.,
St. Louis, Mo.
In a discussion of the female genital organs the hymen
must be given separate consideration. An exact knowledge
of the anatomy and pathology of the hymen is important
not only from a practical point of \'iew, but also because it
affords valuable evidence concerning the development of the
female genitaha. Systematic investigations of the nature of
the hJ^nen, however, meet with some difficulty inasmuch as
suitable post-mortem material is not easily obtained and
portions of tissue excised during life are not often at our
disposal. The observations imderlying this article are based
upon the microscopic examination of fifteen specimens of
hymen, as follows:
1. From a fetus 8 inches long.
2. From a fetus 9^ inches long.
3. From a fetus lOf inches long.
4. From a fetus of 25 weeks.
5. From a fetus of 7 months.
6. From a fetus of 8 months.
7. From a newborn (macerated).
8. From a girl of 3 days.
9. From a deflorated girl of 19 years.
10. From a virgin of 20 years.
11. From a virgin of 20 years.
12. From a deflorated girl of 30 years.
13. From a virgin of 62 years.
14. Caruncle from a woman of 49 years.
15. Caruncle from a woman of 76 years.
Anatomy. — The hymen is a membrane situated at the
junction of the vulva and vagina, partially closing the entrance
of the latter. Older reports speak of the site of the hymen
as being sometimes higher up in the vagina. Cumston/ in
a medicolegal essay, refers to a trial for rape, in 1777, at
which trial it was admitted by the medical authorities that
the hymen was in some cases situated an inch or an inch and
a half "beyond the vagina." Krimer^ found, in a woman of
twenty years, the hymen high up, 2 cm. above the vaginal
entrance, the vulvar orifice seeming at first sight to lack the
membrane altogether. Turnipseed' and Fort* stated that
the hymen in the negress is situated from one and a half to
two inches above the entrance of the vagina and is of greater
density than that of the white woman. These statements
were at once contradicted by Hyatt^ and Smythe;° and
inasmuch as no similar observations have since been recorded,
we are safe in attributing them to inaccurate examination or
erroneous diagnosis.
Aside from the human female, the hymen, according to
Hirst,' is formed in the ape, bitch, bear, donkey, hyena, and
giraffe; and according to Nagel,* also in the horse, cow, and
pig. Bischoff," on the other hand, states that the hymen is
lacking in the anthropomorphic apes.
The macroscopic appearance of the hymen is in the
majority of cases that of a semilunar fold. Next to the
crescentic form in frequency is the annular variety, in which
the hymeneal opening is circular in shape. Less frequently
other forms of hymen are found. The septate hymen has
two openings separated by a bridge of tissue. The cribriform
hymen shows a number of small openings resembling a sieve.
The fimbriated hymen has small papillary excrescences upon
its free edge. In the imperforate hymen, the membrane is
completely occluded. INIost modern text-books give instructive illustrations of these and other even more unusual
varieties, and a glance at these pictures explains the macroscopic differences better than words.
Hymen of a Iftus of twenty-five weeks (Case 4). (ieneml survey : h, hymen ;
c. epithelial mantle; c eomieetive-tissue stroma: va. \asina with papjlL-e; vu,
vvilva: ^ laljiuni minus; /.m, labium majus.
% Ir
Hymea of a fetus ol eight mouths (Case 6) : /, fibrous band connecting
the slender basal papillEe (p) with the hymen proper (h) and shutting off a
mass of epithelial cells (e); rti, vulva; m, vagina.
Fig. 3.
Hymen of a fetus of seven months (Case 5): ni, vulva;, vulvar side of
hymen;, vaginal side of hymen.
The color of the hymen is white or hght pink. In the
fetus it is, Hke the vagina, distinctly white and in marked
contrast to the pinkish color of the vestibule. I shall refer
later to this decided difference in color. The thickness and
consistence of the hymen vary widely from a structure
delicate as a spider's web to a dense, ligamentous, even
cartilaginous or "bony" membrane.
In its position and relation to the vulva the hynaen in the
fetus projects forward into the cleft between the labia in the
form of two apposed longitudinal lips. (This condition exists
also in the newborn and in the young child, while in the
virgin the membrane is generally supposed to be stretched in
a more or less vertical plane when the indi\'idual is Ijang in
dorsal posture. Cullingworth,'" however, pointed out that
on separating the labia minora in such a manner as not to
disturb the situs of the structures lying behind them, the
hymen can be seen in the same position as in the fetus and
infant — i. e., eversion of closely apposed longitudinal lips.
In the hymen we distinguish, first, the base, the point at
which it rises from the underlining tissue; second, the edge,
which is differently shaped according to the individual case;
and third, two sides or surfaces, the inner (upper, vaginal)
and outer (lower, vulvar) surface. \Miile, according to
Dohrn," one week after the first appearance of the h^nnen
it is as fully developed as is usual in the newborn, the microscopic picture varies with the age of the bearer. The h_\Tnen
is composed of a dense connective tissue covered on either
side with epitheUum. In the fetus it projects in the form of
a long slender fold exhibiting on either surface numerous
filiform and conical papillfe. Kolliker,'^ Dohrn" and others
describe these papillae only upon the inner surface, but
Schaffer'^ had already pointed out that they are almost invariably found also on the vulvar side. Among the papillje which
in their turn frequently possess smaller secondary papillae,
there is one of conspicuous length found with great frequency
upon the vaginal side springing from the base of the hymen or immeiiiatelT below it and extendio^ more or less panDd to
tbe hTmen itself. This foki of tissue is oonsadered bj SdaSet
&s tbe inDer, vaginal lameila (see p. 171 1; while Kkin" sees
in it tbe rPTnna.nt of tbe septum betB-eec tbe Mulknais ducts.
Tbe epitbelium is of tbe usual multilaTered pavement Qpe.
Tbe cells of the faoLsal la^^er are cubsooqrliQdiic, dien
follows a layer of lower cabk: cells and several la^cts of
polrbedral cells -wfaidi beoome graduallj Sattened tomrd dbe
surface. ik» outensost layers oonsistJng of tfain, plate-Iike
cells. KeratiiiizatioQ does sot occur in this earir stage, the
nucki tbrougbout taking tbe stain readily. UsoaDy the
epitbelium is slightly higher upon tbe Taginal sui&oe. TTie
epitbeHmn iiprai tbe vul-rar ade in these cases has a someirhat compressed appearance; the layeis fo&oving the basal
layers are not poJyhedraJ bat mariEfidlr flattenpd. This condition is -risible in tbe hymens of the sixdi and serentfa fetal
months (Tigs. 2 and 3).
Tbe hymen of the Deirbom is of omsdcEaUy greater size.
A very long papilla was in one of my spedmess foimd upon
tbe vulTar sde Case S. Fig. 4i. From the time betveea
birth and nineteen years no specimens were at my
Case 9 ''nineteien years; and Case 10 ftwenty years ; ]
witbin tbe rather compact hymen nnmeroas sixst and a few
longer slender papilla which peneizated deep into the qiitheJial mantle, without, hcwerer, altenmg ifae smoodi outer
surface- On the other hand, in a seoond case of twenty yea*%
(Case 11), the smfaoe of tbe hymen dxfw&A indentations,
corresponding with the large jajslte there present. The
latter possessed ntimerous secondary japills (Tig. 5j. The
same appearance was present in the hymen of thirty years
{Qzse 12 ). Tbe process from the inner surface of vhidi we
hare spoken abore was in this case maiiedly increased in
H2e- The epihelial mantle in all of these eases was Toy
tiiick but nowhere comiSed. The comaectiTe tissne m the
hymen of the fetus, newborn and adult,!? dense widmnnaeioas
nadei. Only in the papllke is the stroctore somewfaat looser.
The bundles of connective tissue seem to be directly continuous with the vaginal connective-tissue fibres. In the
amount of nuclei as well as in the density of the fibres, the
hymen is readily distinguished from the vulva. The blood
supply is rather rich. Numerous bloodvessels and capillaries
are seen even in the tips of the finest papillae, and in the
hymen of the adult wide lumina are visible (Fig. 5).
In the last specimen, that of a virgin of sixt\-two years
(Case 13), the rather short hymen presents, on cross-section, a
somewhat tongue-shaped appearance and is covered with a few
layers of cells with scanty protoplasma, but well-staining
nuclei. The connective tissue shows no papillar}- elevations
except a few low ones on the vulvar side. It is greatly
increased, especially near the base, and its fibers form large
bundles, with markedly diminished blood supply.
To study the distribution of elastic fibers in the h\-men,
Weigert's stain was used. Broadly speaking, a gradual
increase both in number and thickness of the elastic fibres
takes place throughout the e.xistence of the membrane. In
the fetal hymen elastic fibers are present as soon as the membrane is formed, but they are very delicate and can be seen
only with the oil-immersion lens. Running along the base
of the epithelium can be seen a fine elastic fiber. This fiber
closely follows the contours of the hymen and seems to form
an uninterrupted elastic membrane. Only in some of the
finer papillse is the continuity lacking in the earher stages,
but in the fetal h\-men of eight months the elastic membrane
has reached even these points. This membrane does not send
any processes into the adjoining tissues, and nowhere do
elastic fibers penetrate into the epithehal mantle. In the
connective-tissue stroma there are but a few thin, short
elastic fibers which run in a longitudinal direction, parallel
to the connective-tissue fibers. The capillaries near the tip
of the hymen have no elastic fibers. Only the larger vessels
near the base have a very fine, internal elastic membrane.
An outer circular laver of elastic fibers in the adventitia of arteries is visible only in a few instances in the eight months'
hymen. From this external membrane a few very delicate
fibers emerge into the adjacent bundles of connective-tissue
fibers and there assume a longitudinal direction. ■
In the hjTnen at full term the elastic fibers are readily seen
with the oil immersion. In the papillte they appear in long
bundles which enter into the finest ramifications of the
papillae. They surround the capillaries in the papillje and
near the free edge, without, however, entering into closer
union with them. In the vessels of the deeper layers, the
deUcate internal elastic membrane, upon which lies the
endothehum, can be readily distinguished from the outer
elastic membrane in the adventitia. The two membranes are
connected by a very few elastic fibrils. in the transverse
sections of larger arteries of the base such anastomotic fibers
in the circular muscular layer between the two membranes
are numerous. iThe elastic fibers emanating from the adventitia are hkewise increased in number. The fibers in the
connective tissue run both longitudinally and transversely,
and increase in quantity but not in size nearer the base.
In the adult, the elastic fibers in general are thinner and
less nimierous in the higher portions near the edge than
toward the base. In the latter the field of vision is almost
entirely filled with a network of dehcate fibers surrounding
the connective-tissue bundles. In the hymen of a girl of
nineteen (Case 9), a few months after defloration, the newformation of elastic fibers at the torn edge is excessive. The
elastic membrane at the base of the epithelium, which consisted of but a single fiber in the fetus, is composed of a
complex arrangement of delicate fibers which are wound
about themselves. In general, the elastic fibers may be
divided into two groups, one more or less circular around the
hymeneal opening, the other extending radially towards the
Fin. 4.
Hyiucii (if (he iirwliorii (Case 8): (i. loiifr. slender papilla on vulvar surl'ac
Ximicrous lil()i)(lvc's«-l.s in coniicetive-tissup struma.
Fig. .5.
Hymen nf the adult (I'asc 11. Iweiil\ years). Larsje i)apilla-. Hieh Mood
supply. .\uNierous lymph s|)aees and \ cs.sels.
Fig. e,.
Sensory nerve-endings in hymen excised on account of vaginismus (from
Amann): p, pavement epithelium surrounding a papilla, which is almost
entireh- filled by an enlarged end-bulb of Krause.
fl.B.Streedain del
Genitals of a fetus of twenty-five weeks (Case 4). The longitudinal folds
(/) of the lowest portion of the vagina (ji) turn inward at the vaginal
entrance and run parallel to the hymen (/i), thus simulating l)ilamellation;
h, bladder.
With growing age the elastic fibers perceptibly increase in
quantity and size and take the stain very readily. In the hymen of sixty-two years (Case 13), the elastic tissue is
stained ad maximum after being exposed to the stain but
five minutes. The network at the base of the epithehum consists of a thick, entangled mass. The elastic fibers throughout the hymen are shorter and in some places seem to have
nodular swellings.
Smooth muscle fibers have repeatedly been found in the
normal hymen (Savage,'^ Budin," Hirst'). Their presence,
however, is not the rule. In my specimens I found them but
once, in the hymen of nineteen. In this case in. the deeper
layer near the vulvar side could be seen a few fibers that
took the yellow color of the picric acid in Van Gieson's stain,
though rather diffusely. This hymen was well formed but
not unusually thick. On the other hand, the very fleshy
hymen of a girl of twenty (Case 11, Fig. 5) did not contain
any muscular elements. The fleshy appearance in this case
was produced by an increase of connective tissue and the
very rich blood supply. In certain pathologic conditions,
such as atresia — congenital or acquired — smooth muscle
fibers have been found with greater uniformity. Henkel"
and V. Tussenbroeck'* found numerous smooth muscle fibers
in their cases of hymeneal atresia. In the wall of h}Tneneal
cysts Palm'' and Ziegenspeck^" detected traces of smooth
muscle fibers.
In order to demonstrate nerves and nerve endings in the
hymen the methods of INIarchi and Azoulay and the nigrosin
and uran carmine methods were employed. Numerous
attempts to find the structures in question proved unsuccessful. The great difficulties of staining the peripheral nervous
system are well known, and failure in demonstrating the
nerves should, in the first place, be referred to faulty technic.
The nature of my material made it impossible for me to
employ the methylene-blue method, which is supposed to
give the best result. The possibility of a fault on my part,
therefore, prevents me from passing a definite judgment on
the question of the nerve supply of the hymen. The literature on the subject, moreover, is extremely meager. Only
older reports (E. Klein,^' Budin'°) speak in a somewhat
sweeping way of "the highly vascular and nervous mucous
membrane." On the other hand, authors who have studied
the nerve supply of both the internal and external genital
organs since the introduction of more perfected laboratory
methods (v. Gawronsky," Koestlin"^) do not mention the
hymen at all, though their researches are very exhaustive
otherwise. Wechsberg*' stained an excised portion of an
atresic hymen with hemalaun and eosin and found "here and
there nerves in transverse and longitudinal sections." The
only author who gives a detailed description of nerves in the
hymen is Amann.^^ He found in two hymens excised for
vaginismus Krause's terminal bulbs well developed in the
papillse (Fig. 6).
In this connection I may be permitted to speak of a number
of clinical observations which I have made during the last
year or two. I am aware that the value of such observations
with regard to the question in hand is very limited, but I
think that these investigations possess a certain interest.
As is well knovra, fear or anticipation of being hurt produces, in a great many women, to a certain extent, the
sensation of pain. If we succeed in eliminating this psychic
factor, we obtain a more objective criterion as to the presence
of pain. Thus I have tried to determine the sensitiveness of
the hymen w^th regard to mechanical and thermic irritations.
If the attention of the patient be diverted, I find that one
can exert pressure and even sHght traction upon the intact
hymen by means of a dressing forceps ■n'ithout causing any
pain. In women after defloration in whom the hymen is well
preserved aside from one or two lateral lacerations, the
hymeneal lips may be pressed or pierced without pain.
Neither is there any thermic sensitiveness. If the vestibule
is carefully avoided, the patient cannot state whether she is
touched with a hot or cold instrument. Following the experiments of Calmann,^^ who examined the sensibilitj' of the vagina and uterus, by means of small test tubes filled with
hot and cold water, I arrived at the same results as far as
the hymen was concerned. In two instances pain was caused
by the slightest touch. One of these was a girl of eighteen,
with an intact hymen, who suffered from pruritus vulvae;
the other was a prostitute of twenty-seven, with myrtiform
caruncles, who w^as recently infected with gonorrhea. In
these cases the sensitiveness may have been due to the pathologic condition of the genitals. From the above observations
I am inclined to believe that the pain in defloration is due
to the psychic condition of the indi\-idual and to the forcible
dilatation of the vaginal entrance. Especially the latter seems
to play an important role. In a nulhparous woman of thirtytwo whose hjTneneal lobes were not sensitive to touch or
pressure, coition was extremely painful until a gradual dilatation of the vaginal entrance by means of tubular specula was
effected. The normal dilatation by coition had not taken
place on account of some anomaly on the part of the husband.
I have digressed somewhat from my subject not because
I am able to bring any positive proofs about the presence or
absence of nerves in the hymen, but because I think that
these clinical notes make the existence of a very rich nerve
supply rather improbable. Possibly future attempts to
decide the question liistologically may be more successful.
According to Kollmann,"^ in the newborn mucous glands
are found in the fold between the hjTnen and labia minora.
These glands, which are in great number in the labia minora
and surround the entire vaginal entrance, are found also in
the fossa navicularis in immediate proximity to the h'STuen,
and represent simple or ramified tubules 0.3 to 0.7 mm. in
length. In the hymen itself distinctly glandular structures
were found by Ruge^' and RinchevaP" upon the inner surface
in a case of atresia. Klein," in the hymen of a fetus 27 cm.
in length (five months), observed glandular invaginations of
the epithelium of the outer surface. Such invaginations have
been described by Schatfer as crypts. Similar blind ducts were also found by Fleischmann.^ In his case there was one,
13 mm. in length in the left side of the iiymen, another in
the right side 6 mm. long. The epithelium of these ducts
was directly connected with that of the surface. In.Piering's^
case, small, well-filled vesicles with thin walls were found
near the free edge almost completely surrounding the
hymeneal orifice. Upon histologic examination these vesicles
were found to be lymphectasias.
The latest and most exhaustive researches have been by
R. jNIeyer.^" He found six different varieties of glands or
gland-like structures in the h\Tnen of the fetus and newborn;
viz.: (1) glands of the vaginal type upon the inner, vaginal
side; (2) remnants of the Wolffian ducts; (3) glands or glandular tubules situated about the base of the hymen in the
sulcus nymphohymenalis and in the fossa navicularis and at
times extending into the base of the hymen; (4) real glands
of the outer, vnilvar surface; (5) invaginations of the epithelium of the outer surfaces; (6) genuine pavement cell cysts
underneath the outer surface. I myself found glands in one
instance. The hymen of the eight months' fetus (Case 6)
had at its base a few transverse lumina of glands lined with
a cuboidal epithelium. These were at some distance from
the surface and showed, in several sections, no communication with the latter. No serial sections, however, were made.
Henle^' found exceptionally "erectile tissue" in the hymen.
So far as I know this observation has not yet been corroborated by others.
The elasticity of the hymen is under rare circumstances
so great that it remains unruptured even at childbirth. As
a rule, however, the first coition or accidents such as falling
astride of an object or violent exercise will rupture the delicate
membrane. The number of tears which divide the hymen
into "lobes" varies in the individual case. Heahng takes
place with considerable new-formation of elastic and connective tissue. Very rarely such tears unite; if such should
happen a cicatrix may remain.
Parturition definitely destroys the form of the hymen.
Only small rests — carunculse myrtiformes — resembling warts,
are left. ^Microscopically, the caruncle represents a compact
tissue of rather conical shape and set wdth a few short papillae.
The caruncle of long standing (Case 15, seven ty-si.x years)
appears merely as a dome-shaped elevation whose papillae
have disappeared. The blood supply of the younger caruncle
(Case 14, forty-nine years) is very rich; that of the older very
scanty. The superficial layers of the epithelium are cornified
and the keratinization extends into the deeper laye'rs between
the papilla^. The process of cornification is present only
about the hymen and, in a very few places, in the adjoining
vaginal mucosa, but not in the adjacent portion of the
vestibule. The elastic tissue is greatly increased both in
quantity and in the size of the individual elastic fiber, and
fills almost the entire field of vision.
As to the formation of caruncles, Schroder " holds that the
hymeneal lobes during childbirth are compressed and undergo
gangrene, while Bellien'^ believes that the lacerations of the
hymen, during labor, extend through the base of the membrane into the perivaginal connective tissue; cicatrization and
consequent shrinking of these tears produce caruncles.
I am inclined to ascribe to the elastic tissue a certain role
in the formation of caruncles. As described above, the
elastic fibers are unequally distributed within the hymen, the
portions nearer the base containing more and thicker fibers
than the periphery. So long as the hymen is preserved in
its entirety, or only torn into a few large lobes which but
little alter the form of the hymen, the upper more delicate
fibers encircling the hymeneal opening exert an action counter
to that of the radial fibers which tend to retract toward the
base. If, however, the hymen, in childbirth, is torn into a
number of small pieces, each piece retracts owing to the
more powerful action of the radial fibers. For some time
after, one is able to pull each caruncle to its original length,
but after long standing the retraction results in an atrophy of the entire caruncle to a great extent through insufficient
circulation. Regarding the retraction of elastic fibers, we
know from numerous examinations that only the fibers of
thin or medium size are really elastic. Thick fibers, such as
are found in old age, are unyielding, and only such were
observed in the caruncle referred to above.
Pathology. The pathology of the hj-men may be divided
into: (1) inflammations; (2) malformations; (3) neoplasms.
Inflammation of the hymen may start primarily in this
membrane itself or may originate in adjacent organs and
tissues. As to the latter or secondary form, it is to be expected
that the hymen, as a part of the vagina, may be affected by
inflammatory processes which originate in the vagina and
descend toward the vaginal entrance. Thus the different
varieties of colpitis, including those that are produced by
affections of the uterus, may lead to inflammation of the
hjTnen. Acute infectious diseases such as cholera, variola,
scarlatina, measles, etc., not infrequently produce secondary
inflammations of the entire vaginal tract and, as we shall
later see, play an important role in the origin of acquired
atresia. On the other hand, the inflammatory process may
ascend from the vulva. Gonorrheal infection here deserves
the first place. Contamination with the colon bacillus, or
ascarides emigrating from the neighboring anus may cause
inflammation, and irritation from lack of cleanliness produces
a similar effect. The inflamed hjTnen has a markedly
reddened appearance and bleeds easily. Occasionally small
excoriations are seen. The surrounding tissues have in
general the same appearance. The microscopic changes in
the inflamed hymen have not as yet been studied in detail,
but in analogy with similar processes in the vagina we may
expect to find round-cell infiltration in the connective tissue
and a desquamation of epithelium so that this layer is either
very much thinner or, in places, is altogether absent.
The same pathologic conditions may, after defloration,
affect the hymeneal lobes and, after childbirth, the mjTtiform caruncles. Thus, in a case of recent gonorrhea, I found the
mjTtiform caruncles considerably thickened, deep red in
color and extremely sensitive.
Primary inflammation of the hymen is due either to
masturbation or coitus. In two girls who admitted masturbation, I found the otherwise intact hymen considerably thickened, grayish-white and edematous. Gosselin^' describes
cases in which onanism led to pathologic sensitiveness of the
In some cases the hymen, though normal, is particularly
rigid; in others its orifice is large enough for the introduction
of the penis without laceration. In any of these cases where
there is a pushing back or dilatation of the membrane, it
thickens, inflames, and becomes very sensitive (Pozzi'*).
Fritsch^'^ considers this rigidity of the hymen as secondary
The impotent husband with a non-erectile penis or suffering
from precocious ejaculation does not succeed in perforating
or lacerating the membrane. The continuous insults lead to
inflammation of the introitus vaginje and hjinen, and even
to a purulent discharge. Inflammation of the hjTnen is the
foremost factor in vaginismus.
It might be supposed that the specific lesions of syphihs
and chancroid would occasionally be found upon the hjTuen.
The text-books on venereal diseases, however, which I consulted, make no special mention of such an occurrence; only
Veit'' pictures a hymen whose posterior margin is destroyed
by a hard chancre.
As to dermatologic affections of the hjTnen, recent Hterature contains the report of Carriere.^* This auther observed
three cases of vuhdtis impetiginosa in children. In these
eases the major and minor lips and the hymen were, at first,
reddened and swollen. After a few days, the affected parts
showed an eruption of miliary vesicles which afterward
opened and gave rise to small ulcerations, the latter containing
Traumatisms of the hymen have been extensively dealt with by Veit.*' The majority of injuries occur in the first cohabitation and in childbirth, and as such traumatisms must be
considered physiologic, they have been spoken of in the first
part of this paper on the normal anatomy of the hymen.
Veit is quite right in distinguishing this class of hymeneal
injuries from the severer ones produced by violent or abnormal coition. In such cases a profuse hemorrhage from the
torn hymen may occur which demands medical interference.
The literature on this subject is rather extensive and has been
thoroughly considered by Veit. I agree with this writer that
in cases of copious hymeneal hemorrhage other adjacent parts
must have been injured. In one case in my recollection the
young, newly married woman was brought into the clinic
almost pulseless. Upon examination a deep tear of the
hymen was found which commenced in the left upper
quadrant and extended through the paraurethral tissue into
the base of the clitoris.
Malformations of the hjTiien are either congenital or
acquired. Total absence of hymen, reports of which are
found in older literature, has not been observed by modern
authors, and such authorities as Breisky" and Schaifer,"
while not denying the possibihty, consider this phenomenon
exceedingly rare. It can, however, occur only simultaneously
with total absence of the entire genital tract, which in its turn
is found only in embryos incapable of surviving. In this
connection I might mention as a curiosity the intentional
destruction of the hymen practised in several parts of India
and throughout China. Ploss^' relates that the native nurses
employ digital cleansing of the vagina in earhest childhood
so thoroughly that the hymen in time disappears altogether.
Thus not even the native physicians in Cliina know anything
about the existence of a hymen. Ploss himself examined a
girl of European descent, but born in China, and found no
trace of this structure. Similar customs resulting in the total
demohtion of the hymen exist among several Indian tribes
in South America and certain savage nations of the Malay Archipelago. These manipulations, however, are not dictated
by a desire for cleanliness, but rather by immoral reasons.
The existence of a true double hymen— one behind the
other — has not been proved. Breiskj^' saw, in two newborn
females, a very thin membrane closing the lower portion of
the vagina, close behind a well-formed hymen, and, furthermore, a firm septum retrohymenale in a \irgin fifty-four
years old. Both he and Dohrn" consider these septa due to
a coalescence of folds of the vaginal mucous membrane
immediately behind the hjTnen. Such a formation is facihtated, as Dohrn points out, by the fact that at this point the
lumen of the vagina is narrow even pre\'ious to the appearance of the hymen. ]Moreover, Piana and Bassi^' found that
in this area epithelial conglutinations in the human fetus are
"physiologic." We shall speak later of the h\Tiien bilamellatus of Schaffer in reference to double hymen.
A double hymen — one beside the other — has repeatedly
been found in cases of double vagina and is easily explained
in the light of embryologic studies of the development of the
genital tract.
In connection with these cases of hymen duplex cum
vagina septa it must be emphasized that congenital malformations of the hjTnen are impossible without anomalous
development of the rest of the internal genitals. This holds
true especially of the most frequent form of malformation of
the hymen, viz., atresia.
Nagel' and Veit'° forcibly declare that only a minority of
atresias of the female genitals can be considered as of congenital origin. Those of the hjTnen, hymen imperforatus, are
found only where other parts of the Miillerian ducts are
malformed. That form of hjTneneal atresia which is caused
by a conglutination of the h^nneneal folds in utero, the rest
of the genitals being normal, cannot be classified as a congenital atresia, a "\4tium primos formationis." All other
cases of atresia which show a normal formation of the
internal genitals — and these form the great majority — must be considered as acquired. C. v. Tussenbroeck,'" through
the microscopic study of a case of "hymeneal" atresia,
opposes this theory of Nagel and Veit. Her original publication in the Dutch language was not at my disposal, so that
I had to rely on a short abstract in the ZenfralblaU fiir Gyndkologie and on one of her drawings reproduced in an article
by Stratz.^' v. Tussenbroeck points out that while the
normal hymen consists only of vulvar and vaginal epithelium
and connective tissue between the two epithelia, her case of
hymeneal atresia contained in the intermediary tissue also
smooth muscle fibers and bloodvessels but showed no signs
of a previous inflammation. She takes the stand that in this
case no hymen has been formed and that the septum consisted, in the first place, of the lower ends of the atresic
jNIiillerian ducts with their surrounding secondary layer of
smooth muscle fibers, and, secondly, of the floor of the imperforate sinus urogenitalis. The patient, a girl of twenty-four
years, possessed otherwise perfectly normal internal and
external genitals.
While Stratz, Treub and Bolk expressed their agreement
in the discussion following this demonstration of v. Tussenbroeck, Pincus,^^ who strongly seconds the \'iews of Nagel,
points out that the absence of signs of pre\'ious inflammation
is no positive proof against the supposition of an acquired
atresia, and Henkel," in a similar case of hymeneal atresia,
was able to show microscopically the presence of a chronic
inflammatory condition and to demonstrate numerous mast
cells and leukocytic wander cells.
A critical review of the numerous cases reported as congenital atresias convinces one of the strength of Nagel's
theory. In the light of this theory, cases of pregnancy and
childbirth with imperforate hymen are readily understood.
V. Gu^rard*^ compiled about fifty instances of this sort from
literature and added five observations of his own. This goes
to prove that atresia may occur at any time in the adult.
Even repeated atresias may take place. In this respect the third case of v. Gu^rard is unique. The patient in the
seventh month of her first pregnancy complained of intense
pain in the genitals. Although she had pre\-iously been
operated upon twice for atresia h\-menalis, the vagina was
now fomid completely occluded by a firm and extremely
sensitive membrane. After total excision of this membrane
all symptoms promptly ceased, and normal delivery took
place at term.
In the majority of instances, however, the formation of
atresia dates back to earlier years of life. A careful anamnesis
in such cases will often reveal its cause. Neugebauer," with
his well-known assiduity and admirable thoroughness, has
gathered almost 1000 cases of gynatresias from Uterature.
In 479 of these cases the atresia was undoubtedly acquired.
In almost 300 the anamnesis was negative. Neugebauer
himself says that it would be a mistake to interpret the lack
of data in the history in favor of the congenital origin of the
malformation. He refers to atresias in general, and it is clear
that the same reasons must pertain to hjTiieneal atresias.
The etiologic factor is furnished either by acute infectious
diseases such as were enumerated above, which lead to
inflammatory processes in the genital system, or by vulvovaginitis due to gonorrhea or other causes. The inflammation subsequent to an acute infectious disease may make
itself manifest at once or may remain unnoticed, as for
instance in the case reported by Thienhaus.*^ In the latter
event the result of the inflammation, viz., more or less firm
coalescence of the hymeneal folds, will not be noticed until
at puberty the menstrual flow is obstructed. Even if, at that
time, signs of pre\'ious inflammation should not be found in
the imperforate hymen, this would not speak against the
atresia being acquired. ]\Ieyer" has proved from literature the
acquired origin of atresia even in the absence of any scars,
and Odebrecht" points out that cicatrices acquired in infancy
completely disappear within a few years on account of increased cellular vitality. If several sisters present hymeneal atresia, the inference is justified that the children were simultaneously affected by the same acute infectious disease.
Pincus cites a very interesting case reported by Madge."
Four sisters, two to ten years old, had hymeneal atresia; the
fifth child, a boy, had phimosis. Pincus rejected the supposition of heredity in this case and is inclined to ascribe this
coincidence to the action of some obnoxious factor common
to the five children, such as baths, sponges, or towels.
This somewhat lengthy consideration may be thus summarized : In all cases of hymeneal atresia with normal functionating genital system, the condition is acquired. Here the
occluding membrane causes the retention of menstrual blood
and leads to hematocolpos, hematometra, etc.
The hterature on the histology of hjTiieneal atresia is not
very great. The reports of v. Tussenbroeck'' and Henkel"
have been recorded above. A recent contribution to this subject was furnished by Wechsberg.'^ The patient, a girl aged
fourteen years, had had measles, chicken-pox and whooping cough. She came to the hospital with the symptoms of
hematocolpos, which an examination revealed to have been
caused by an imperforate hymen. Wechsberg excised a small
portion of the membrane. Upon microscopic examination
both surfaces of the specimen showed papillae, those upon
the vaginal side being the larger. The vulvar surface was
covered by pavement epithelium, the vaginal side by a single
layer of high cylindric cells. On the vaginal side, however,
there were at one point, on the outer surface of a conspicuously
large papilla, ex'idences of keratinization. On the vulvar
side, cornification was seen throughout the uppermost layers
of the epithelium. Within the connective-tissue stroma there
were smooth muscle fibers, numerous lymph spaces and
vessels, and a few nerves. There was no round-cell infiltration
nor other signs of previous inflammation such as cicatricial
Wechsberg refers to a similar case reported by Rincheval"
in which there was found multilayered pavement epithelium  upon the outer surface, while the inner surface was lined with
cylindric epithelium which in places presented glandular
invaginations into the dense connective tissue.
In the observation of Kochenburger" the excised hjTnen
had multilayered epithelium on its outer surface and cuboidal
epithelium on its inner side. Kochenburger considered the
latter to be the basal layer of the epithelium after the upper
layers had been macerated by the accumulated blood in the
occluded vagina and had been cast off. This epithelium
resembled that found upon erosions of the portig vaginalis
uteri. In corroboration of this \'iew the upper layers of the
pavement epithelium were seen to persist in some places
while in others they had undergone degenerative processes,
but were still in connection with the basal layers. From his
findings Kochenburger deduced that in hymeneal atresia the
origin of epithelial cells resembling cylindric epithelium is
due to pressure, infiltration, imbibition, atrophy, and necrosis.
Wechsberg, however, maintains that in his and Rincheval's
cases the cylindric epithelium is primary inasmuch as no
signs of cell degeneration could be detected; staining for
mucous degeneration resulted negatively, and the cylindric
cells themselves were high and took the ordinary stains
readily. In his opinion, the differentiation of the cylindric
epithelium primarily present in the vagina of the embryo
into pavement epithelium had not taken place in the small
portion excised. Upon the rest of the hymen and on the
walls of the vagina multilayered pavement epithelium was
These arguments of Wechsberg in favor of an embryonal
origin of the atresia in his case are not convincing. It would
be strained to suppose that only the very small portion which
was excised should have remained in an embrj'onal state. Nor
is the absence of degenerative signs sufficient proof. I believe
Kochenburger is right in comparing this condition with the
erosion of the portio vaginalis uteri. In this affection, after
the upper layers have been destroyed by the pathologic  process and have entirely disappeared, only the basal layer
remains, the cells of which under the irritating influence may
be stimulated to more excessive growth of size and length.
They even invade the underlying tissue, forming the so-called
glands of erosion, and I am inclined to ascribe a similar
origin to the glandular formations mentioned in Rinchcval's
Neoplasms of the hymen are very rare. To this group
belong the cysts. I found in literature a total of 17 cases of
hymeneal cysts reported by Bastelberger,^° Doderlein,^"
Piering,^' Ziegenspeck," ■" Miiller," Goerl,^^ Ulesko-Stroganowa,'* Palm," ^° Marchesi," Lannelongue and Achard,"
Theilhaber,^* and Ricci.^' These cysts occur on either side
of the hymen, but more frequently on the outer surface.
They may attain the size of a cherry and are occasionally
multiple. Ulesko-Stroganowa's case presented one cyst on
either side. In the case of Ricci, there was a small cyst in
the wall of the larger cyst. In Ziegenspeck's third case two
smaller cysts were found at the base of the main -cyst. Piering
observed a number of very small transparent cysts around
the edge of the hjinen. Microscopically, the hymeneal cysts
have been carefully studied. On the outside they are covered
with the hymeneal epithelium. Beneath this lie layers of
more or less dense connective tissue with well-developed
papillae and numerous capillaries, in some cases combined
with smooth muscle fibers. The inner surface is lined with
epithelium, usually of the pavement variety, varying in
thickness. In other cysts the epithelium has a more cuboidal
or even cylindric character (iSIarchesi). This variation
depends upon the source of origin, which we shall presently
consider. The cysts may contain detritus and epithelium, or
a homogeneous, yellowish-brown, jelly-like substance, or else
a watery fluid. The latter may consist of lymph fluid
(Piering), or may contain blood corpuscles (Ulesko-Stroganowa). Ricci's cyst, the size of a cherry, which he so carefully examined, contained 1 c.c. of a thick, dark-brown liquid, the microscopic examination of which revealed
epithelial cells in large number, detritus of blood corpuscles,
fat droplets, glossy masses of amber color apparently consisting of red corpuscles and fat drops, and a small amount of
hematic pigment.
Cysts of the hymen may develop in four different ways,
viz. :
1. By invagination and separation ("Abschniirung") of
hymeneal epithelium (cases of Bastelberger, Ziegenspeck,
2. From rests of embryonal tissue within the substance of
the hymen. This mode of origin is claimed by Ricci for his
case. He cites the observation of Pestalozza,^ who found
ectodermal embryonal rests within the stroma of a hjTnen.
3. By conglutination or coalescence of converging hymeneal
folds. This mode was first suggested by Dotlerlcin, who
observed a pronounced development of folds upon the outer
side which in places approximate. When the tips of these
folds become completely conglutinated, a space is shut off,
which at first is filled with epithelial cells. By gradual
necrosis and liquefaction of the central cells a lumen is
formed and a cyst produced. Doderlein's view is strongly
supported by Schaffer." According to this writer, the folds
of the embryonal hymen are usually obliterated by the
upward growth of the connective tissue. In many instances,
however, these folds coalesce at the end of the papilla, thus
leaving a pocket of epithelium. One of my own specimens
shows that fibrous bands may extend from any point of the
papilla to the hymen and separate a mass of epithelium
which may eventually give rise to a cystic cavity (Fig. 2).
4. By retention of contents : (a) In lymph spaces (Piering) ;
(6) in portions of the ^YolfBan ducts within the hymen. In
the report of Ulesko-Stroganowa and in one of Alarchesi's
cases, the cysts were lined with cylindric epithelium similar
to that of the Wolffian ducts; (c) of a sebaceous gland. Palm
considers his two cysts as true atheromata. This author bases his views upon the macroscopic and microscopic
similarity to genuine atheromata found in other parts of the
body, mainly the labia minora, and upon the supposition that
the few true glands which have been found upon the inner
and outer side of the hjTnen (Ruge, Klein) are of a sebaceous character.
Of other benign neoplasms of the hymen I have found two
observations of polypus" and one case of angioma.'^ The
original articles, however, I could not obtain.
Of malignant diseases of the hymen there exists in literature but one case of sarcoma reported by Sanger.^' A child
of three years had a profuse foul vaginal discharge, and
occasionally a tumor of the size of half a finger appeared at
the entrance of the vagina. From the vulva hung two bodies
like mucous polypi, pediculated from the posterior hymeneal
border. There was a still larger tumor with ulcerated surface,
distending the vagina and sessile on the anterior wall. There
existed, in addition, a number of polypoid excrescences, like
hydatids, occupying various portions of the vaginal membrane, and numerous metastases in the broad ligaments and
the rectovaginal septum. INIicroscopically the tumor proved
to be a typical round-cell sarcoma.
Development. Four theories of the development of the
hymen have been advanced which may be briefly characterized as follows:
1. The hymen is the product of the INIullerian ducts
(KoUiker, Dohrn, Nagel, Klein).
2. The hymen is the product of the sinus urogenitalis
3. The hymen is the product of both the Miillerian ducts
and the sinus urogenitalis (Schaffer).
4. The hj-men is the product of the Wolfiian ducts (Hart).
I begin vnth the last and chronologically latest theory which
is advanced by D. Berry Hart,'^ °^ but was in somewhat
similar form pubUshed by v. Hoffmann^" in 1878. Hart
formulates his theory as follows: The hymen is formed by a special bulbous development of the lower ends of the two
Wolffian ducts aided by an epithelial involution from below
of the cells lining the urogenital sinus. The terminal parts
of the Miillerian ducts are at first solid epithelial cords, the
epithelial mass being derived from the bulbous termination
of the Wolffian ducts. These Wolffian bulbs after having
mapped out the vaginal portion of the uterus and the fornices
of the vagina, coalesce, break down in the center and form
the lumen of the vagina. The coalesced Wolffian bulbs, then
protrude into the urogenital sinus and thus form the hymen.
The epoophoron, the paroophoron, and the Wolffian ducts
near the uterus and upper part of the vagina are all useless
and dangerous relics to women, giving rise to many pathologic conditions simple as well as malignant. Only at the
lower end of the Wolffian ducts do we get an actual normal
utilization in the development of the hymen, the relining of
the vagina and cervix with an ectodermic multilayered
epithelium and the opening up of the imperforate eminence
of Miiller where the IMiillerian ducts end blindly.
This theory was accepted by Keith" and Garrigues" and
seems to be supported by a case of persistence of the urogenital sinus recorded by Purslow." This case is interesting
enough to be quoted more in detail. A well-developed girl
aged twenty-three years sought medical aid for dysmenorrhea.
Micturition was always normal. The pubic hair was well
developed. On separating the labia, there was seen an
unusually well-marked hymen having a crescentic opening
in front, which would admit the index finger. Immediately
within the hymen, but quite distinct from it, was a firm
fibrous ring contracting the opening into the vagina, and just
admitting the tip of the little finger; but the finger could not
be forced through this narrowed part of the canal, which gave
the impression of being about 1 cm. in length. A catheter
passed through the hymeneal opening readily into the bladder,
and urine was v^dthdrawn. The clitoris was not enlarged.
The constriction, together with the hymen, was divided by deep incision wdth a bistoury, and the orifice was well
stretched until it would admit three fingers. It was then
ascertained that the constricted portion communicated at its
upper end wth a capacious vagina, and that at the junction
the bladder opened by an aperture which admitted the tip
of the finger and appeared to have very Uttle sphincter power.
There was no trace of a urethra. In this report there are
several important points of information lacking. From the
history we do not know whether the patient in her childhood
had suffered from any acute infectious disease which might
have led to inflammation and consequent stricture of the
vagina. WTiat was the condition of the uterus and appendages? Was the dysmenorrhea due to a malformation of the
internal genitals, or did it cease after the operation?
In Hart's theory there are several weak points. In the
first place, it is difficult to understand that an organ should
form an intrinsic part of the human economy only at its lower
end while the rest forms a dangerous anomaly. Secondly,
systematic researches of other investigators result in an
altogether different conception of the course of the WolflBan
ducts. Until recently the majority of observers believed that
the Wolffian ducts terminated at or near the cer\nx uteri in
the upper part of the vagina. This view can no longer be
held. Beigel, Dohrn, and v. Ackeren first described rests of
the Wolffian ducts along the entire length of the vagina, and
Klein,'" in 1897, demonstrated in serial sections the course
of the Wolffian ducts at either side of the vagina and the
termination of these ducts in the hymen. These sections
were taken from the genitals of the newborn and of a girl,
aged four and one-half years. The findings of Klein were
confirmed by many observations of Meyer^° in the fetus and
newborn. He found in seventeen cases larger remnants of
the Wolffian ducts in the vagina and especially within the
hymen. Here the ducts entering the base of the hjTnen from
the posterior wall of the vagina run upward within the
hymeneal tissue and usually open at the outer side near the free edge. It must be noted that v. Ackeren, Meyer, Klein,
and Groschuff, Seitz and Hengge, the last three working with
Klein, actually found the Wolffian ducts within the hymen.
Nagel suggests that the ducts of Bartholin's glands might be
mistaken for the Wolffian ducts and I feel inclined thus to
interpret the pictures given by Hart.
While Hart holds that the vagina is derived only in its
upper two-thirds from the Miillerian ducts and in its lower
third from the sinus urogenitalis, all other theories have as
their premise that the vagina in its entirety is of Miillerian
According to the next theory, that of Pozzi,'* the origin of
the hymen is intimately connected with that of the vulva.
On either side of the sinus urogenitalis and below the urethra
lie two corpora spongiosa which, after surrounding the
meatus urinarius, extend upward to the base of the clitoris.
From the superficial portion of these spongious organs which
remain in the fetal state, the hymen develops. I'ozzi bases
his theory upon the aspect of the external genitals and the
analogy with the frenulum in masculine hypospadias, and
upon the following clinical observations: (1) the existence
of the hymen in total absence of the vagina; (2) the presence
of a single hymen in cases of double vagina; (3) the existence
of a urethral hymen— r. e., a prolongation of the ring around
the meatus, partly or even entirely covering this orifice, which
goes to prove the close relationship between the different
parts of the hymen and the ring which surrounds the meatus.
Cases of hymen existing in the absence of the vagina are
occasionally found. In addition to those cited by Pozzi
himself and by Neugebauer,** I have seen in recent literature
reports by Loefqist" (ten cases), Krevet,'^ and Strauss.''
On the other hand, in the majority of cases of total absence
of the vagina, no trace of a hjTnen can be found. Loefqist
himself does not consider his cases as supporting the theory
of Pozzi who, as he points out, ignores the results of embryologic studies altogether and thus denies facts verified by the microscope. In my opinion the microscopic examination of
the atresic vagina or rather of the tissues behind the hymen
will possibly throw light upon this point. The vagina must
either have been normal and become obliterated afterward or
have been atrophic from the beginning. At any rate, the
INIiillerian ducts must have reached the sinus, for otherwise
the origin of a hjTnen is inexplicable. In corroboration of
this, absence of the hymen in absence of the vagina is the
more frequent occurrence. An example is to be seen in the
case recorded by Veit" in which there was a uterus bipartitns,
but no trace of the vagina nor of the hymen could be found.
Even according to Pozzi's theory, the hymen is only then
formed from the vulva when there exists an opening which
the corpora spongiosa can surround. Pozzi's second argument of the presence of one hymen in double vagina is
balanced by observations of double hymen in double vagina.
Only last year two further cases were observed by Benno
MuUer" and ^Marchand."
As to Pozzi's third point, the existence of a membrane
partly or totally occluding the urethra may be admitted as
of vulvar origin but need not necessarily be associated with
the formation of the hymen. According to a recent article by
Dickinson,*^ this "urethral hj-men" is a pathologic structure
due to repeated traction and found only in company with
hypertrophied nymphse. In addition to these remarks, a case
of persistent sinus urogenitalis reported by Kelly'^ is worthy
of note. The patient, a nuUipara, aged forty-six years, had
normal external genitals as far as the introitus of the vagina,
where the only opening between the rectum and clitoris was
found. There was no hymen, and the smooth orifice beneath
the pubic arch had the form of a transverse sUt. From this
orifice a short muscular canal led directly into the bladder.
Into this canal behind the orifice a double vagina opened.
It is at this point, at the opening of the Miillerian ducts into
the sinus, that a hymen should be looked for, though Kelly
does not make mention of it. The absence of an external
hymen speaks strongly against Pozzi's supposition. In conclusion, Pozzi does not bring sufficient e\ndence to prove
the fact that the hymen is independent of the ]\Iullerian
Schaffer," upon a careful study of an unusually large
material, propounds the following theorj-: In the fifth month
of fetal life every hjinen makes its appearance more or less
distinctly in the form of two lamellte (hymen bilamellatus) in
such a way that the inner lamella is formed by the vagina,
the outer by the vulva. Schaffer found this mode of origin
53 times in 190 specimens. In many instances the two
lamellae unite either at once or later; in more than one-fourth
of his cases, they persisted more or less until full term, but
rarely after birth. p]ach lamella is covered with mucous
membrane on both sides so that the h}'men bilamellatus,
properly speaking, consists of four layers. Schaffer supports
his theory with the following observations: (1) frequency of
a distinctly bilamellate form (28.8 per cent.); (2) unity of
the outer lamella with a layer of vulvar mucosa around the
urethral orifice and upward to the cHtoris; (3) different stages
of the coalescence of the two lamellce by means of transverse
processes or papilla?; (4) folds or ridges of mucosa which
spring from the frenulum labiorum, the njonphse, and the
"frenulum masculinum," and end in the outer lamella,
usually at or near the free edge; (5) relation of the urethral
orifice to the outer lamella; (6) difference in the form of the
free edge of the outer and inner lamellae; (7) difference in
color and epitheHal covering of both lamellae; (8) possibility
of dissecting the outer lamellae from the inner; (9) analogy
with the portio vaginalis uteri, the growth of which is, to a
great extent, due to material furnished by the vagina; (10)
cases of single hvmen in double vagina; (11) cases of persistence of both lamellae (hjTnen duplex); (12) cases of presence
of hymen (outer lamella) in absence of vagina.
The painstaking researches of Schaffer deserve earnest
consideration. A number of his observations coincide with those of Pozzi. The extension of the hymen beyond the
urethral orifice, in SchaflFer's description, corresponds to
Pozzi's "bride mascuHne" or "frenuhim mascuUnum." The
relation of the meatus urethrte, the folds from the surrounding vulva stretching to the outer surface of the li}'men and
the possibility of dissecting the superficial layer of the vulvar
mucosa 'hi toto, including the outer surface of the hymen, are
observations common to both authors. Only the interpretation of these facts and the conclusions drawn therefrom are
different. This is most noticeable in the arguments classified
under 10 and 12.
There are several objections, however, to Schaffer's theory :
1. Schaffer states that in the first series of 103 fetuses, 42
had abnormal genitals. In a second series of 87 cases he
gives no detailed data; altogether he found hymen bilamellatus 53 times in these 190 specimens. The large percentage of cases with abnormal sexual organs in addition to the
comparatively small percentage of bilameljate hymens
actually found, to a certain extent detracts from the value
of these observations.
2. While a number of text-books (Gebhard," Chrobak and
Rosthorn'*) reproduce Schaffer's statements without commenting upon them, later workers in the same field emphasize
that they have not yet seen the bilamellate form in a single
instance. I refer to Klein" and Hart." Nor have I been
able to observe this formation in the seven fetal hymens of
my collection. Since Schaffer found the bilamellate hymen
in 28.8 per cent., one would expect to find it at least once in
the dozen or more cases examined by Klein, Hart and myself.
In only one instance, that of a girl, aged twenty years, I
thought at first sight to have noted a case of hymen duplex
(persistence of the two lamellae). The hymen was well
developed and of annular shape. Immediately behind the
hymen there was a second, well-marked, fleshy fold springing
from the left side of the vaginal entrance and running parallel
to the left half of the hymen. At about the median line this fold began to converge slightly toward the h}Tnen and ended
in its posterior surface a little to the right of the median line.
This fold was as high as the hymen itself and exactly like it
in appearance. After cautiously pushing aside the h>Tneneal
membrane it was Seen that this fold was but the continuation
of a longitudinal vaginal ruga which ran directly below the
juncture of the posterior and left walls of the vagina. These
longitudinal folds or rugse are of ordinary occurrence in the
lowest inch of the vagina. Fig. 7 (Case 4) shows this condition in an embryo of twenty-five weeks. Hart** also notes
that the rug£e or columns of the lowest inch of the vagina run
for the most part longitudinally; above this the vagina has
its rugffi transverse. These longitudinal folds (Fig. 7) turn
inward at the vaginal entrance and run parallel or but
slightly converging to the posterior surface of the hjTnen and
fuse with the latter at irregular points, but, as a rule, below
the free edge,
3. As the first formation of the h}Tnen takes place in the
nineteenth week, and as the, according to Schaffer,
persist more or less distinctly until term, the bilamellate form
should be \-isible, at least remnants of it, in microscopic
sections through hymens of a later fetal period. None of my
sections, however, present this form. INIoreover, the hjTiien
of twenty-five weeks, pictured in Fig. 7, which simulates
bilamellation, does not, microscopically, show two lamella?,
though the section comprises Aiilvar and vaginal portions
adjoining the hjTnen. With Klein I consider the high fold
usually found at the vaginal side as one of the numerous
papillae of the vagina and without importance in regard to the
development of the hjTnen.
4. Schaffer mentions the difference in color and epithehal
covering of the two surfaces. While I shall speak later of
the epithelial coverings of the two sides of the hjTnen, I may
say as to the difference in color that in the fetus I observed
the entire hymen, both inside and outside, as white, exactly
like the vagina, and contrasting markedly with the grayish red appearance of the \'ulva. I observed a similar condition
in the h\Ti>en of a \argin of twenty-five.
Klein, '^ in his studies of the development of the h}Tnen,
advances the following theory: The hymen is that part of
the pelvic floor which is thinned out by the ampuUary
enlargement of the lower portion of the vagina. The anlage
of the hj-men is present at the beginning of the third month
when the IMlillerian ducts break through into the sinus
urogenitalis. From the third to the fifth month, the vagina
undergoes an ampullary enlargement in its terminal portion,
which in its turn leads to a stretching and thinning out of
the surrounding pelvic floor. I might suggest that this theory
does not explain the formation of the annular hymen. It is
only the posterior wall of the vagina which undergoes a
dilatation thus producing the ampulla vaginse; the anterior
wall remains unaffected and, consequently, a sj-mmetric
structure hke the annular hymen is impossible.
Klein ascribes to the Miillerian ducts an active part in the
formation of the hjTiien. In this respect, Klein's \dews
coincide with the most generally accepted theory, that
advanced by v. KoUiker,'" v. Mihalkovicz, Budin, Dohrn, and
especially Nagel.' According to these writers the development of the hymen is inseparable from the development of the
vagina. In the human embryo of 8 to 10 mm., the INIiillerian
duct on either side may be divided into a proximal and a
distal part characterized by different kinds of epithehum.
The proximal portion, which later becomes uterus and tube,
is hollow and has cylindric epithelium. The distal part,
which becomes the vagina, has, in the beginning, no lumen,
but is filled with large protoplasmic cells of a more cubic
form. At about the third month, the lower ends of the
Miillerian ducts in their downward growth reach the sinus
urogenitalis and by the protrusion of their blind ends form
the Miillerian eminence. From this eminence the hj-men is
formed. The finer details of this process may, to my mind,
be conceived as follows. When the united Miillerian ducts reach the sinus urogenitalis they push the thin layer of
epitheUum Uning the sinus forward, and by so doing they
make this epithelium even thinner than before. This condition is clearly seen in Nagel's picture (Fig. 8). In this stage
the lower ends of the Mtillerian ducts represent a somewhat
cone-shaped solid epithehal cord. The formation of a lumen
proceeds from above downward, and this canalization corresponds with the curve of the ducts themselves with its concavity anterior. Therefore the point where the lumen of the
ducts breaks through the solid end is, as a rule, nearer the
upper border of the conus, and so is responsible for the
production of the semilunar form of the hymen which is by
far the most common. The concave course of the Miilleriart
ducts is due to the curved abdomen of the embryo. Thereby
every organ in the lower part of the body, the sacrum, rectum,
genital tract, and sinus urogenitalis, acquires a curved axis.
The extremity of the conus (]\liillerian eminence) with a more
or less eccentric lumen protruding into the sinus, consists,
at first, only of the epitheUum of the Miillerian eminence
covered on the outer surface with a very thin layer of sinus
epithelium. Only secondarily is this mass of epithehum
invaded by connective tissue. According to Nagel the
Miillerian ducts originally are composed of large protoplasmic
cells of an epithelial character. Around this mass of cells
which gradually becomes a tube, the mesodermal formative
cells are grouped in a circular arrangement, thus forming
the first anlage of the connective tissue and muscular layer of
the Miillerian ducts. In other words, the connective tissue
appears after the ducts are established and grows in proportion
to, and together with, the downward growth of the ducts.
Thus, when the ends of the ducts protrude into the sinus in
the form of an epithelial protuberance, their connective tissue
comes down with them, grows into the terminal conus and
forms the inner or central layer of the protuberance.
Fig -Sagittal section through the lower third of the Mullcriau duct in a fetus
4 cm. in length (from Xagel) : 1, Miillerian duet; 2, lower end of the same
(anlage of the vagina); 3, cylindric epithelium of the anlage of the uterus;
4. canalis urogenitalis.
If this be the true mode of origin, the hymen is a product
of the Miillerian ducts exclusively. The epithelium of the sinus urogenitalis does not play any active part, but only
covers the outer layers of the epithelium of the ^lullerian
ducts in the form of a very thin cuticle. Thus it is readily
understood why the epithelium of the vulva can be dissected
from the hymen as recorded above in connection with the
theories of Pozzi and ScKaffer.
The ]\Iiillerian theory is further supported by the following
observation. It is asserted by a number of authors (Winckel,"*
Dohrn," Pozzi,'* Roze" and others) that the outer surface of
the h}Tnen is different from the inner and resembles the
structure of the vestibule in that it has, like the latter, no
papillse and that its epithelium is like that of the vestibule.
My sections, however, described above, show that the vulvar
surface has papillse as well as the vaginal surface, and I infer
the same from SchafTer's remarks on this subject. In my
sections, the papillse, it is true, are not quite as numerous nor
are they as high and richly ramified as those on the inner
side, but this difference is but comparative, and can be
explained by physical reasons. The hymen in the embryo
and in the infant, as all observers agree, protrudes into the
vulva. It thus hes in close juxtaposition to the vestibule and
its papillae are subjected to a certain degree of pressure
atrophy while the vaginal surface does not suffer any pressure
from the yielding epitheHum which at that time fills the
vaginal lumen.
The vestibule itself has no papillae at all; its surface in the
vicinity of the hymen is perfectly smooth. It is covered with
but a few layers of flattened epithelium while the vulvar
surface of the hymen is lined with many layers of epithelium.
The slight difference in the number of epithelial layers
between the vulvar and vaginal surfaces of the hymen is,
again, explained by the same physical reasons. These conditions are strikingly ob\aous in the section through the vulva,
hymen, and vagina, of an embryo of twenty-five weeks (Fig. 1),
detailed above. In another section through the hymen of a
seven months' fetus the epithelium on the vaginal side is very thick; that on the vulvar side is only about half as thick.
This latter epithelium appears compressed; the cells adjoining the germinative basal layers are markedly flattened
instead of being polygonal, as is usually the case in multilayered pavement epithelium.
I am well aware that the form of epithelium, because of
its changeability, cannot establish a theory, but it can
support \'iews which are otherwise well founded. Embryologic studies and macroscopic or clinical observations alone
cannot decide the question. It must be supported by
histologic examination, the value of which has thus far been
underestimated. Under this heading I should Hke to call
attention to certain features of the connective-tissue structure
which to my knowledge have not heretofore been pointed
out. In all sections examined the fibers of connective tissue
are distinctly seen to run in a straight line from the vagina
into the hymen. Account of this was given in the first part
of this paper. It may here suffice to reiterfite this observation.
The great mass of the hymen appears as a direct continuation
of the connective tissue of the vagina, and only at the base
a few semicircular fibers connect the hjniien with the stratum
of the vulva. The latter can by its looser structure be
differentiated from the more compact vaginal and hymeneal
connective tissue and so clearly shows the hymen to be of
vaginal origin.
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