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Vol. XL-No. 106.1  
Vol. XI - No. 106.1  

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operation that this statement may be qualified to a considerable degree. Since August of 1899 thirty-two herniotomies  
operation that this statement may be qualified to a considerable degree. Since August of 1899 thirty-two herniotomies  
with cocaine or eucaine ,5 have been performed upon young
with cocaine or eucaine ,5 have been performed upon young
men who might without risk have taken a general anaesthetic,
and in manv instances absolutely without the infliction of pain
other than that incidental to the first insertion of the needle.
Daring the fall this procedure became so popularized in the
ward where our hernia cases were admitted that the operation
under the local anaesthetic became the method of the
patient's choice. An individual awaiting operation needed to
remain in the ward only long enough to compare the convalescence of an ether case with that of one done under cocaine
to choose the latter for himself. Such patients usually regard
the shaving and skin preparation as the most trying part of
their operative ordeal, and most of the original observations
on cutaneous anaesthesia were made on these cases during the
operation and immediately after closing the wound. It has
been found also that the patient can assist not a little in certain steps of the operation, as, for example, when the neck of
i he sac is closed, in making negative abdominal pressure to
prevent the omentum, or bowel, from being pushed down
between the peritoneal sutures.
Observations prom Cocaine Operations upon the
Neural Anatomy of the Hernial Region.
The application of an anatomical familiarity with the peripheral distribution of the spinal nerves, which since the
introduction of ether and chloroform has fallen into abeyance,
has become once more of interest and importance to the surgeon in extensive operations under local anaesthesia. Furthermore, no condition has ever afforded similar opportunities for
the accurate investigation of the sensory distribution of these
uerves, since methods of dissection are necessarily gross, and
physiological experiments upon animals naturally present
variations from the human type.
The principles of cocainization of main trunks of nerves,
introduced as early as 1885, have since heen utilized ill
operations on the extremities for minor and even major amputations,* for the anesthetization of areas on the thigh preliminary to the removal of Thiersch grafts and like procedures,
but I tun unaware that heretofore similar methods have been
made use of in operations on the trunk. To insure success in
any major operation attempted under local anaesthesia, an
accurate knowledge of the course and situation of the nerves
likely to be encountered is most essential, since the accidental
division of an unexpected sensory nerve-trunk is often sufficient to overcome whatever preliminary inhibition to pain the
patient may have had. and thus to make recourse to complete
narcosis necessary in eases where it should, perhaps, be specially avoided. In our earlier hernia operations pain was not
infrequently inflicted where now none is occasioned, owing
to greater familiarity with the course and distribution of the
• concerned.
•Absolutely painless amputations cf the lower extremity for
senile gangrene in individuals to whom it seemed unwise to administer ether have on two recent occasions been performed at this
hospital after preliminary exposure and cocainization of t fie sciaticnerve in the thigh (under cocaine). This procedure is free from
the objections which seem to attend Bier's method {Deutsche Zeittchriftfur Chirurgie, 1899) of cocainization of the spinal cord.
Ill the accompanying sketch (Fig. 1) an attempt has been
made to show diagrammatically the usual cutaneous distribution of the inguino-scrotal nerves as well as the deeper situation of the main trunks. Through the kindness of Dr.
Bardeen I have been able to compare with my results a great
number of sketches made in the anatomical department for
an unpublished report on the peripheral nervous system, ami
though there is considerable variation in the situation and
anastomoses of the particular nerves of this region, as may
be seen by consulting Griffin's article (Journal of Anatomy
and Physiology. 1891), we have taken what may represent tin
Lateral Cutan's of 12 O
Fig. 1. — Showing inguino-scrotal nerves, their peripheral distribution
and relation .if the main trunks to the hernia incision, f. iliohypogastric; If. [lio-ingninal ; III. Genito-crural ; IV. Genital branch; V.
Crural branch.
Superficial Nerves encountered by the Incision. — The skin
incision, as ordinarily made, passes in a line which separates
the ventral and lateral cutaneous branches of the twelfth
dorsal and lirst lumbar nerves. The lower angle of the
incision, however, quite uniformly overlaps the at
branches of the first lumbar (ilio-hypogastric) nerve, as they
sweep downward and outward from their point of em
through the aponeurosis, about five centimetres above the
external ring. The upper angle of the incision, depending
[No. 108.
somewhat on its distance from the median line, and also upon
the variable and complementary length of filaments of the
Fig. .'. — Areas of anesthesia after double cocaine herniotomy.
Anaesthesia lies to the inner side of left incision, which was made
nearer Poupart's ligament and has divided lateral cutaneous branches
of twelfth dorsal. It lies to the outer side of the right incision made
farther from Poupart's and dividing fibres from the anterior division of
twelfth dorsal. This was one of our earlier cases in which no attempt
was made to preserve the nerves, and the anesthesia is permanent.
ventral and lateral branches of the twelfth thoracic, ma} 7
divide fibres from one or the other of these sources, and thus
lead to a subsequent area of anaesthesia to the inner or outer
side of this upper angle of the incision. This is well illustrated by the accompanying photograph (Fig. 2) of a double
Fig. 3. — Showing small post-operative area of anaesthesia to the inner
side of the incision, consequent to the division of lateral cutaneous
branches of the twelfth dorsal. In this case the ilio-inguinal and
genital branch of the genito-crural had been divided with loss of cremasteric reflex, but without producing any cutaneous amesthesia.
herniotomy, in which the incisions were made at different
distances from the median line. This bordering anaesthesia,
on one side or other of the skin incision, may occasionally
represent the entire area of post-operative cutaneous anaes
thesia, even when the ilio-inguinal and the genital branch of the
genito-crural have been divided or cocainized, as is shown in
photograph (Fig. 3). Presumably in such instances the
crural branch of the genito-crural supplies the area on the
inner side of the thigh (cf. Fig. 4) usually innervated by the
former two nerves. (Such an arrangement occurs not
infrequently in Dr. Bardeen's diagrams. On several occasions
there has been no resulting post-operative area of cutaneous
anaesthesia whatever.
Deeper Nerves met in the Operation. — The ilio-inguinal nerve
emerges from the external ring, and near by, or also through
the ring, the genital branch of the genito-crural appears. In
the canal they frequently are found anastomosed as one trunk,
the early cocainization of which at the deeper part of the
canal, after splitting the aponeurosis beyond the internal ring,
is perhaps the most important step of the operation. As has
been stated above, this may result in no additional cutaneous
anaesthesia. The usual anaesthetic sequel, however, is represented bv a complete loss of sensation of the entire scrotal
contents, cord, hernial sac, and testicle, with the possible
exception of its lower vascular supply (superficial perineal),
Fig. 4. — Area of anaesthesia of ilio-hypogastric, ilio-inguinal, ami
genital branch of genito-crural in a unilateral cocaine case, following
operation. This began to fade by the tweuty-tirst day, with return of
cremasteric reflex. This represents the most complete type of anaesthesia in unilateral cases, and is the same even after division of the cord
and castration, and consequent section of all possible cutaneous filaments of the genital branch of the genito-crural and the ilio-inguinal.
and by a cutaneous area of anaesthesia which occupies the
inner side of Scarpa's triangle, spreading over the adductor
tendons. Division of the nerve is uuassociated with any surface anaesthesia of the scrotum whatever (cf. Fig. 4). It is
ordinarily stated, to the contrary, that these nerves are a
source of cutaneous supply to the scrotum; for instance,
Professor Thane says (Quaiu's "Anatomy," Vol. iii, Pt. II,
p. 341, 1895), " The root of the penis, on its dorsal aspect, and a
part of the scrotum anteriorly are supplied by the ilio-inguinal
and genito-crural nerves." It was of extreme interest, consequently, to find that the ilio-inguinal, supplying most of the
contents of the scrotum, was not represented by any cutaneous
distribution to the same. The inferior pudendal branch of the
March, 1900.]
small sciatic and superficial perineal of the internal pudic,
therefore, supply in most cases, at all events, its en tirecutaneous
surface. Jt is possible that, on the principle of Sherrington's
observation concerning the overlapping of sensory areas, we
might account for the failure of anaesthesia after division of
the single nerve to appear over the whole territory innervated
by it. but as will be seen by comparing segmental spinal
lesions such an explanation will not hold, and probably the
whole scrotal cutaneous supply is from the sacral and not the
lumbar plexus. A case of fracture-dislocation of the spine at
Fig. 5. — Areas of cutaneous anaesthesia result from ;i compression
fracture of the twelfth dorsal vertebra, producing a total transverse
lesion at the tifth lumbar segment. Scrotal and penile anaesthesia are
complete, though the lesion lies below the first lumbar (ilio-inguinal)
segmental level.
the twelfth dorsal vertebra, with transverse lesion of the cord,
entered the hospital at the time these observations were being
made, and offered confirmatory evidence of what has jusl bei □
stated. The anaesthetic areas resulting from this injury, and
which are shown in the accompanying diagrams plotted by
Dr. Yates (Fig. 5), offered an interesting negative of the
anaesthesia following the hernia cases. Though tin
penis and scrotum in this case were devoid of sensation, the
transverse lesion of the cord was situated at the fifth lumbar
segment, — that is, between the level of origin of the ilioinguinal (first lumbar) and that of the small sciatic and
internal pudic (second and third sacral) nerves. If the ilioinguinal normally overlapped the latter nerves, the root of the
penis and upper part of the scrotum would naturally have
retained sensation. A similar condition is shown in one of
Kocher's diagrams of a case of fracture-dislocation at this
level. (Die Lasionen des RuchenmarJcs u. s. v., S. o-. 1 ; i. In
another of his cases {Ibid., S. 631), in which the segmental
lesion is at the 3-4 sacral level, the upper portion of the
scrotum has retained sensation as the inferior pudendal
i 1-2 sacral) has escaped injury.
Furthermore, in this spina! case, as would be expected, the
cremasteric reflex was retained, whereas we have observed that
after division or cocainization of the ilio-inguinal andgenitoerural nerves, this reflex is. temporarily, at all events, lost on
the side of division.* On the other hand, the vermicular
movements of the dartos, supplied together with the skin by
the sacral nerves, are preserved after divisions of the ilioinguinal, but were lost in the spinal case together with the
cutaneous anaesthesia.
The ilio-hypogastric, as will be seen in the diagram (Fig.
1). may be twice encountered in the operation ; its superficial
filaments by the sktu incision, as has been described, and its
deeper trunk, as it lies upon the muscle-fibres of the internal
oblique at a varying distance from the lower edge of the
muscle (Fig. 6). Cocainization of the edge of this muscle,
consequently, before its division as in the Halsted operation,
is very necessary, especially since, in addition to this main
trunk, which may usually be easily recognized after exposure
of the internal oblique, there are, contrary to Griffin's observations, offshoots to the muscle itself from this nerve, given
off dorsad to the portion exposed by the iucision. There are
fibres from the genito-crural (Thane) as well, which are
similarly distributed to this lower border of the internal
oblique. The ana of cutaneous anaesthesia, which follows
ansesthetization or division of this main stem id' the iliohypogastric at its point of exposure, surrounds the lower
angle of the incision, and extends from a level about seven
centimetres above the root of the penis to within one or two
centimetres of that organ. No anaesthetic area has ever
been found corresponding to Macalister's described branches
reaching up towards the umbilicus. In unilateral cases this
ilio-hypogastric anaesthesia does not extend to the median
line, owing to the overlapping of fibres from the opposite
side, so that in bilateral cases alone, such as are illustrated by
Fig. 2, can its limits be definitely made out.
The Anesthetic, and Application of Anatomical
Observations to the Operation.
It is not within the scope of this paper to discuss the relative merits of various local anaesthetics; suffice it to say that
we have found the combination advocated by v >
("Schmertzlose Operationen," L899) to be as efficacious as any
with which we have experimented. His solution >>"o.
taining the following ingredients:
* It is important, therefore, to guard against division of these
nerves in varicocele operations in which it is desirable to preserve
cremasteric tone
[No. 108.
Cocainas mur., 0.1
Morphine mur., 0.02
Sodii chlor., 0.2
Aqua destillata, ad 100.00
has best served our purpose, and has been without the objections usually accredited to cocaine solutions, — viz., toxicity
and dissolution when sterilized. Solutions in strength of 1
to 20,000. Scbleich claims to be efficient for infiltration, and
capable of producing anaesthesia winch is free from the
prodromal hyperesthesia, the "anaesthesia dolorosa," which
accompanies aqueous and saline infiltrations. Amounts of the
1 to 1000 solution, however, greatly in excess of what is
needed for the longest operation, have failed to give toxic
symptoms, and, contrary to the experience of many, we have
found that one or two sterilizations fail to diminish its
efficiency. Experience with eucaine ( 3, which Braun (Archiv
fur Jclinische Ghirurgie, 1898) and Hentze (Archir fur pathologische Anatomie und Phi/siologie, 1898) have so strongly
advocated, has failed to demonstrate in our hands that it
possesses any superiority over the 0.1 percent cocaine solution
of Schleich. In fact, we have been impressed by the fleeting
nature of the anesthesia and by its tardy appearance.
On several occasions long skin incisions have been made
through a linear area of anaesthesia, produced half with sterilized Schleich's solution and half with the eucaine ,5 combination, which Braun advocates. If the operation is prolonged
over an hour, pain is occasioned on placing the subcuticular
suture of closure in the eucaine area, while none appears in
that which had been infiltrated with cocaine. The fact that
its toxicity is five times greater than that of eucaine does not
argue in its disfavor, provided one uses solutions weak enough
to avoid toxic effects. For anesthetization of the individual
nerve-trunks I have used a •> to 1 per cent sterilized solution
usually of cocaine which is injected directly into the nerve
Steps of the Operation. — Individuals — and it is especially
important for those advanced in years — are usually kept in bed
for a day or two preliminary to the operation, to give an indication of their ability to endure recumbency and for the purpose of training them to void their urine in this position.
Evacuation of the bladder is usually accomplished by the aid
of an enema if any postural difficulty is experienced, and it is
a matter of satisfaction that but one of the cases reported in
which these precautions were taken required post-operative
catheterization, an old man, sixty-eight years of age, who had
symptoms of prostatic hypertrophy.
It has been the custom to administer hypodermically a
tenth or an eighth of a grain of morphine, three- quarters of
an hour before, and to repeat this shortly before the operation.
Ceci has emphasized the efficiency of this morphia-cocaine
combination, and I have found it most satisfactory. The drug
must be used with caution, however, since occasionally even
small doses of morphine in old people may confine the bowels
and lead to distention, which may be troublesome, as one of
our cases illustrated. Similarly, in old people with tardy
bladders, it may inhibit the proper evacuation of the urine,
though we have never had the misfortune to observe this.
Patients past middle age also are usually shaved and cleaned
on the operating-table, to avoid any exposure incidental to an
open-ward preparation. The skin in the line of proposed
incision is infiltrated with Schleich's cocaine solution, and the
incision may be immediately made through the linear wheal
thus produced. It is common experience to find the infiltrated tissues more vascular than usual, and it is important
that all bleeding points be immediately clamped, since a dry
and unstained field is essential to the success of the dissection.*
Fig. 6. — Sketch showing usual situation of nerves as exposed after
reflection of the divided aponeurosis.
It is unnecessary and useless to attempt to anesthetize the
panniculus. As Schleich has shown, only tissues which can
be " cedematized " are fitted for the infiltration method, and in
the panniculus, at the upper angle of incision practically no
nerves are encountered. If, however, throughout its whole
length, this incision is carried down to the aponeurosis,
unanesthetized fibres of the ilio-hypogastric will be encountered in the superficial fat at the lower angle, together with
one or two large veins, division of which is painful, so that
anesthetization of the panniculus layer would here he necessary. A much better method is to carry the incision only at
*A good index of one's skill and familiarity with the hernia operation can be drawn from the condition of the tissues at the time of
closure, for they should be as free from blood-staining as when
first incised. This, of course, is the most important factor in
obtaining perfect healing, and for the accomplishment of this a
good assistant is indispensable. A perfect hernia operation is not
a " one-man " operation.
March, 1900.]
the upper angle down to the aponeurosis, which is then opened
in line of fibres from the external ring, and the ilio-hypogastric and inguinal nerves immediately cocainized with a 1 per
cent solution as they are thus exposed. After this procedure
the lower angle of the incision may be painlessly carried down
to the external ring, and the remaining intercolumnar fibres
of the aponeurotic insertion divided. Reflection of the pillars
of the ring then gives the view shown in the accompanying
sketch (Fig. 6). In the Halsted operation at this stage the
internal oblique fibres are divided, preliminary cocainization
of the edge of muscle being necessary for the reasons given
above. There is, under ordinary circumstances, no further
need of the anaesthetic, as we are working in an area freed
from all sensation. The combined ilioinguinal and genital
branch, which has been cocainized at the outer limit of
exposure, is now reflected usually to the outer side, care being
taken not to divide it, since this leads apparently to a more or
less permanent paralysis of the cremaster, which is to be
avoided. I believe the accidental division of this nerve leads
to the great relaxation of the scrotum so often seen after
hernia and varicocele operations. In the latter operation,
especially, it would be detrimental to the best interests of a
successful result to interfere with the cremasteric function in
any way. I think it not impossible also that the division of
these nerves and interference with the sympathetic plexus
about the cord may be responsible for the occasional atrophy
of the testicle which has followed the great denudation of the
vas deferens in some operations. The remainder of the operation, the exposure of the sac and cord after a longitudinal
division of the infundibuliform fascia, the amputation of the
sac at its neck, and closure of the peritoneal opening, the
excision of the fundus of the sac, division of the cord and castration — if deemed advisable in senile cases— may now be done
practically without pain. Occasionally, however, some stray
fibres of the genito-crural may be encountered about the neck
of the sac, and also during castration I have found that ligation of the veins at the lower pole of the testicle may be painful, though division of the cord above is not. Possibly the
superficial perineal branches which have been unanaesthetized
furnish nerves to this lower blood-supply.
The closure of the parietes by any of the more commonly
employed methods may now be painlessly accomplished. Not
infrequently in these cases, in old people with large hernias
of long standing, the two rings have become concentric, and
the falciform expansion of the conjoined tendon is no longer
present. It is in such cases that Bloodgood has advocated
transplantation of the rectus fibres after opening of the
sheath and exposure of this muscle, so that a muscle-lined
wound may be formed throughout the whole length of the
inguinal canal. Xo additional cocainization is necessary for
this step, since innervation of this portion of the rectus
comes by the nerves already cocainized. Tightening the deep
sutures in closing the wound may elicit a dull sensation of
pain, which the patient usually describes as an uncomfortable
sensation of " pressure" and it is occasionally possible that
the upper one of the deep sutures must be placed above the
field which is completely anaesthetized and thus be painful.
For this reason it should be left to the last. The subcuticular
silver suture, used in closing the skin, does not pass beyond
the limits of the original area of cutaneous infiltration, and
consequently it may be placed without pain. Interrupted
" through and through " cutaneous sutures, of course, must
be avoided, as they would emerge outside of the limits of
original cutaneous infiltration.
It occasionally happens during the operation, whether
from slight ability on the patient's part to endure discomfort
or from the accidental division of some sensory fibres, that
what inhibition towards pain he may have at first possessed
becomes exhausted, and recourse must be had to a general
anaesthetic. Under these circumstances we have found that
a few inhalations- of chloroform — not enough, however, to
make the patient lose consciousness — are sufficient to tide him
over the most difficult parts of the operation. It is remarkable, under such circumstances, how small an amount of the
general anaesthetic is requisite to benumb sensation. We
may justly speak, therefore, of the method of anaesthesia
which is employed as a morphia-cocaine-chloroform combination, the first and last drugs being merely adjuvants of the
local anaesthetic, which in most cases suffices alone.
An assistant in these cases, who takes the place of the
anaesthetist, occupies by no means an unimportant position.
The usual record of pulse and respiration is kept, and by
occupying his attention and by timely encouragement the
patient may be tided over the more trying periods of his
operative ordeal; duties which otherwise devolving upon the
operator may be distracting. Lilienthal {Annals of Surgery,
1898, p. 58) speaks of this position as that of a "moral
Patients have never complained of post-cocainization pain
in the region of the incision, and healing seems to have been
absolutely unaffected by the local infiltration. In none of
these cases has there been other than primary union. It is
very unusual for the large, starched, or plaster dressings,
immobilizing thigh and pelvis, to be cut down before the
tenth or twelfth day, when the suture is removed.
Advantages of the Local Anmsthetic. — There is an avoidance
of unpleasant or dangerous post-etherization secpuelae. There
is no vomiting or retching to put strain upon the recent
sutures. Urinary disturbances are much less apt to occur,
and catheterization is rarely necessary. The diet may
practically be continued as before the operation. There is no
backache, since there is no narcosis to induce relaxation of
spinal muscles, and thus put strain upon the ligaments. The
dressings may be applied originally to suit the comfort of the
patient — which is of especial importance in old people — and
there is no subsequent disarrangement of them. Above all is
the advantage gained in being able to operate with comparative safety in patients who would incur immediate risk in
submitting to general anaesthesia.
Disadvantages. — These seem trivial in comparison. More
time is consumed in the operation, and there is necessarily some
distraction to the surgeon. In two exceptional instances there
has been some post-operative nausea for a few hours — possibly
from an idiosyncrasy toward cocaine. The operation is doubtless more difficult and some pain is inflicted. The degree of
this depends entirely, however, upon the surgeon's familiarity
[No. 108.
with the use of local anaesthetics in abdominal work, as well as
with the steps of the hernia operation and also upon his knowledge of the anatomical distribution of the sensory nerves of the
region concerned. On many occasions no actual pain whatever
need be experienced, and should there be some, it is small in
comparison with the discomforts of an ether convalescence;
and the greater difficulties which confront the surgeon at the
operating-table are more than compensated for by his subsequent freedom from the anxiety which, in this particular
class of cases, attends the administration of, and convalescence from, general anaesthesia.
By Henry J. Berkley, M. D., Clinical Professor of Psychiatry.
The detailed clinical history of this case can be found in
Brain, Vol. XIV, Part IV, 1891. A careful search of the
medical literature has disclosed no similar instance occurring
either before or since the date of its publication.
A synopsis of the clinical record as then published shows:
(1) A strong hereditary tendency to nervous instability; the
mother, two maternal uncles, two brothers and two sisters
having been insane. The father had died of tuberculosis.
(2) A syphilitic infection acquired from her husband at the
age of twenty-nine years, subsequent to which the patient had
several abortions, sore throat and falling out of the hair.
For twenty-two years after the subsidence of acute symptoms due to the syphilitic process there was fair health.
Then came an attack of acute arthritis, after which the
patient never fully recovered her former physical condition.
Within a few months thereafter, her eyesight began to grow
dim, there were sudden flashes of light before the eyes, and
vision was gradually extinguished, only sufficient remaining
to enable her to distinguish light from darkness.
In the early summer of 1889, nearly six years after the
rheumatic attack, the patient began to experience a general
tingling and formication in the skin of the entire body,
which was shortly followed by several spells of uncontrollable
A consensus of the numerous examinations made during
the years 1889 and 1890 showed a total loss of thermic, pain,
olfactory, gustatory, equilibrium, pressure and weight sensations; almost total of the visual sense; and a partial loss
of tactile and muscular imjiressions, muscular sense and
auditory perceptions. None of the special senses, or cutaneous sensations remained wholly uninvolved.
Besides these disturbances of the sensory apparatus several
other symptoms of almost equal prominence were recorded.
The musculature while responding to the will did so in
such a feeble manner that the patient was incapacitated from
helping herself to any extent. Thus the dynamometer when
taken in the hand and squeezed was so feebly compressed that
the indicator showed no movement on the dial, though the
woman exerted every effort in the trial. Despite this fact,
however, both nerves and muscles responded promptly to the
galvanic and faradic currents, nor was there anything
abnormal noticeable about the quality or time of the reaction,
The cutaneous reflexes were all abolished. The faucial and
pharyngeal reflex movements were absent, and a sound could ■
be passed over the epiglottis into the larynx withoutelicitinga
sensation of discomfort or inducing cough. During the
attacks of emesis there was no sensation of nausea.
When first examined the knee jerks were present and
normal. The biceps jerk could also be elicited with some
little trouble. The reaction of the abdominal muscles was
lost, and the ankle beat was feeble. By the middle of July,
1890, the right knee reflex had disappeared, and the left one
was weak. All other reflexes, deep and cutaneous, had been
completely abolished. A year later the jerk of the left
patella tendon was found to be extinguished.
Furthermore, with auditory perceptions a progressive dulling could be noted. When the woman was first admitted to
the hospital, the sense of hearing was fairly acute in both
ears. Gradually the difficulty in receiving auditory impressions increased, until finally the voice could not be heard
except with strenuous effort.
The ophthalmoscopic examination showed an extensive
choroiditis pigmentosa with atrophy of the optic nerves.
Only a few vessels could be seen in the retina, aud these were
of minute size. In both lenses there was a beginning cataract.
Whether the optic nerve atrophy should be considered part
of the general disease-process, beginning as it did long before
the other symptoms, is somewhat problematical, though in
tabes the same trouble is not infrequently noted as a forerunner of definite symptoms of the disease.
The pupils were at first in a state of mid-dilatation, and
responded slowly to light, direct or reflected. They did not
dilate on irritation of the cervical sympathetic. At a later
stage the pupils became somewhat narrower, but remained
sluggish to stimuli.
There were a number of interesting disturbances of the
glandular secretions. During the fall of 1889 the mouth
was found to be almost absolutely dry, the tongue heavily
cracked, the epithelium eroded from its tip and sides, while
the entire buccal surface was red and congested. At the
same time the secretions of the lachrymal glands had almost
ceased, the surfaces of the conjunctivae being dry and injected.
The skin was also dry aud devoid of odor. After a course
of potassium iodide these phenomena slowly abated, and the
secretions returned to a more normal state.
March, 1900.]
Various unusual sensations troubled the patient at times.
Tramps of the gastrocuemii, sensations of burning h
the scapula?, a girdle feeling around the abdomen and neuralgic twinges in the nerves of the extremities were often
complained of. Occasionally there were clonic fibrillary
spasms of the small muscles of the thumbs.
Attacks of diarrhoea, refractory to treatment with drugs,
though yielding to a continued milk diet, occurred in the
latter part of the winter of 1890. These were on several
occasions followed by a protracted vomiting without pain or
Trophic symptoms in the form of a bulbous appearance of
the finger tips and ridgiug of the nails, together with purpuric spots, developed late in 1891.
Throughout the long course of the illness there was never
the slightest departure from normal mentality on the part of
the patient; no hysterical attacks, no pathological depression
or exaltation, and no delusions or hallucinations were ever
noted. A slight apathy was the only perceptible change in
the mental phenomena, but this was not greater than is
frequently noticed in those who have become blind and
In discussing the etiology of the sensory phenomena in the
previous article, three possibilities were suggested : (1) that
the malady was functional, an opinion largely influenced by
the pathological findings in the three autopsies on cases of
general cutaneous and sensory anaesthesia, reported by Von
Ziemssen, Krukenberg and Schiippel respectively. This view
was held to be hardly consistent with the presence of an
optic neuritis, loss of the reflexes and the trophic manifestations ; (2) that the case was an obscure instance of syringomyelia ; or (3) that the terminal end-apparatus of the
peripheral nerve fibres was diseased.
Though many points are not cleared up by the autopsy, and
subsequent microscopic examination of the tissues, the
results obtained are sufficient to show that none of these
explanations would hold good, the nearest approach to a
correct diagnosis being found in the last conjecture — disturbance of the peripheral nervous system.
The patient's condition did not materially alter after the
record of the case was published. The anaesthetic and other
symptoms, from the reports of the House Physicians to the
Hospital, remained about stationary, and on the rare occasions
on which I saw her, there were no additional phenomena to
he noted other than a steady though slow decline of the vital
powers. Late in the year 1893, another ophthalmoscopic
examination was made by Dr. H. Friedenwald, who found in
the left eye an extensive and typical retinitis pigmentosa, the
papilla being blurred and of a dirty yellow color. Fewvessels could be seen. In the right eye the clouding of the
lens was so profound that the retina could not be seen.
About the middle of May, 1898, Mrs. R. became slightly
lethargic, a condition that slowly increased to coma, in which
state she died on the 25th of the month.
The autopsy, performed ten hours after death, was distinctly
negative, all portions of the central and peripheral nervous
systems showing an apparently natural condition. 'I Inlarger vessels of the thorax, abdominal and cranial cavities,
showed scattered atheromatous plaques, but were not considerably thickened. The right middle cerebellar and both
posterior communicating arteries of the circle of Willis were
congenitally rudimentary. There was some gelatinous thickening of the pia over the central regions of the hemispheres.
The optic nerves showed but faint signs of a diseased condition, although the left nerve was a little smaller than the
right one. Both kidneys were atrophic, weighing 100 grams
each, the loss being principally in the cortex.
After proper hardening for the various Nissl, Weigert,
Marchi, and other stains, sections of the entire nervous system
were made and studied. The results obtained were to a degree
remarkable, and for the sake of convenience may be separated
into three categories. (1) Lesions appertaining to the blood
vessels, (2) those of the proper nerve elements, and (3) those
belonging to the membranes surrounding the encephalon and
There being some difference in the intensity of the vascular
lesions in the several portions of the nervous system, it is
perhaps better to describe the appearances in the several
sections in detail. Those of the arteries of the cord being
the best defined will be first studied.
The arteries and veins contained in the pia mater are all
immensely thickened, but the morbid process varies considerably in its histological characters in different vessels. In the
largest arteries, for example, in the arteria spinalis anterior,
the iutima is approximately normal, while the middle lamina
is greatly hypertrophied. In this latter layer the nuclei are
too numerous, though few of them correspond in morphological characters to the nuclei of smooth muscle cells. The
adventitia shows no alteration either in respect to its nuclei,
or to the connective-tissue fibres.
In a few arteries running longitudinally in the cord's
envelope the endothelium and fenestrata have separated from
the muscularis — probably a post-mortem change — while the
latter layer has assumed a coarsely fibrous aspect, and holds
but few nuclei of any kind. The fibres making up the
former muscular layer are arranged in a convoluted fashion,
resembling to some extent the iufoldiugs of a fenestrata, and
on a superficial examination the whole layer might be taken
for a multiplied membrana elastica. That such is not the case
is readily determined by the fact that a perfect lamina is
often found internal to the fibrous middle layer.
In a few of the medium-sized arteries, the lumen is completely closed, solely from an overgrowth of the middle
layer. The fibrous tissue composing this media shows
no evidence of a hyaline degeneration.
The contents of the lumen of such vessels as are not obliterated are interesting. With eosin hematoxylin or the Van
Gieson stain, the whole canal is seen to be filled with a
material containing no blood cells, and homogeneous except
for a faint granulation. In preparations by other stains, this
homogeneous substance is found to contain a few epithelioid
cells with round nuclei. Naturally, vessels that are entirely
obliterated, or have their lumen filled by a partly organized
mass, were in the minority, the greater number having sufficient blood-carrying capacity to perform a portion of their
vital functions.
[No. 108.
The smaller arteries also present considerable variation in
their structural conditions. A majority have walls thickened
in the same manner as is present in the larger ones, while with
others there is a minor though distinct degree of hyaline
degeneration of the middle coat— it now assuming a yellowbrown tint with picric-acid fuchsin. When this hyaline condition is preseut, the nuclei are sparse and deformed. In a
few arteries the elastica is reduplicated, or even quadruplicated, while at the same time the lumen is so narrowed as to be
obliterated here and there, or the small opening internal to
the intima is filled with a mass of epithelioid cells, in which
stainable nuclei are uncommon.
The walls of the larger veins are almost as thick as those of
the arteries, but the lumen is dilated rather than narrowed,
and often with an irregular outline.
The root fibres of the entire cerebrospinal axis contain
numbers of thickened vessels, some patulous, some obliterated.
Many of these vessels show a considerable degree of hyaline
alteration of the muscularis. Nowhere, however, do the nerve
bundles present any considerable augmentation of the connective-tissue elements.
At one point surrounding an artery coursing longitudinally
in the meninges, just outside of the external margin of the left
Burdach column, lies a nodule of disintegrated round cells,
which bears much resemblance to a gummatous neoplasm,
which after growing a certain extent had degenerated. The
size of this new formation was very small.
The walls of the vessels within the substance of the cord
were also greatly thickened, some of those in the anterior
horns being visible to the naked eye. Others in the medullated regions are almost equally large. Everywhere there is
hypertrophy of the vascular walls, principally of the middle
layer and at times it is difficult to distinguish between vein
and artery.
The vessels appear to be unduly numerous everywhere;
there is no actual new formation of vessels, but the smallest
arterioles, even the capillaries, are so thickened as to be
unusually prominent in the microscopic field.
This condition of affairs is more especially true for the
gray horns than for the medullary tracts. The horns seem
to be everywhere strewn with vessels of all sizes, from those
noticeable by the unaided eye to enlarged capillaries. The
region containing the greatest number of diseased vessels lies
lateral, on both sides, to the gray commissure and in Clark's
There was considerable variation in the intensity of the
vascular disease in the several regions of the cord and bulb.
In the lumbar and cervical levels, while the morbid process
was distinct, it had not the same severity as in certain
regions of the medulla, and especially in the lower levels of
the dorsal cord, where the lesions seemed to have reached
their acme of intensity.
The diseased arteries and veins within the nervous tissues
have now only one type of alteration. The intima is but
slightly affected, a little thickening of the subendothelial
tissue being now and then visible, but it is upon the media
that the greatest stress of the pathological condition has
fallen. This layer is greatly thickened, and presents either a
hyaline or fibrous appearance, according to the intensity and
duration of the process, the hyaline degeneration apparently
preceding the fibrous change. In some of the vessels the
peculiarly shaped nuclei of the muscular structures are to be
seen at infrequent intervals, distorted and shrunken to such
an extent as to be hardly recognizable. In others no nuclei
at all are to be found, and the lamina though fibrous is
homogeneous in character. With the Van Gieson stain, the
media of a number of vessels takes on a red coloring, but this
is diffuse over all the layers, and not confined to the middle
one. In still others, the stain acts differently; the intima
and adventitia are tinged red, while the muscularis takes
only the yellow of the picric acid, and appears not striated
but homogeneous.
Externally to the muscularis, lymph spaces are often noted
corresponding to local dilatations of the intravascular space.
These sometimes contain a few leucocytes. In the adventitia
around the altered vessels there is little or no morbid change.
It is not unduly thick or fibrous in character, and contains a
moderate number of round and oval nuclei. In eosin-hsematoxylin preparations a greater degree of intimal involvement
is noticeable. There is distinct though slight hypertrophy of
the layer, with multiplication to a limited degree of the
endothelial cells. The lamina are nowhere closed, though
there may be great thickening of the media. The regular
ring-like appearance of the lumen is rarely disturbed.
Vascular lesions in the cortex and ganglia of the brain are
not nearly so profound as in the cord, though here and there
a vessel considerably thickened may be noted, the alteration
affecting principally the middle layer.
In the meninges of the encephalon fairly numerous thickened arteries are to be seen. They are not equally distributed
everywhere, but occur locally. The points of selection in the
basal regions for the most altered vessels are in the nerve
roots, and especially in the arteries lying between the nerve
bundles. In nearly all of the cranial nerves several of these
pathological vessels are to be seen, though it is only rarely
that a degenerated nerve fibre is to be discovered near them,
with the exception of the optic nerve tracts where all the fibres
have atrophied.
The arteries of the integument showed precisely the same
lesions as those of the cord and meninges. In some the morbid process is more extensive than in others, and pronounced
hyaline changes in the media are noticeable. The muscular
nuclei have for the most part disappeared. The endothelial
and subendothelial structures are slightly hypertrophied.
Lesions of the nerve elements varied in direct concordance
with the severity of the vascular disease, reaching their acme
in the lower portion of the dorsal cord and in the medulla.
There was a subsidence of the acuity of the process in the
upper region of the cord and in the cortex cerebri. All the
changes of a pathological nature were strictly of an atrophic
order, and of these the fatty pigmentary degeneration of the
cells was the most prominent. Of secondary importance was
a condition of simple atrophy of the entire nerve body with
shrinkage of the protoplasm and nucleus. The lesions of the
conducting fibres were also entirely of a degenerative type.
Throughout the cord, but especially in the dorsal region,
March, L900.1
many of the cells in the gray horns were completely filled with
coarse yellow pigment grains, among which a shrunken
nucleus is now and then discernible. No nucleolus is visible
in the atrophied vesicles. In rather infrequent instances the
nucleus is pushed to the periphery of the cell. The cells of
the columns of Clark seem to have suffered more severely than
in those cells in which the accumulation of pigment is not
BO considerable, the Xissl bodies are coarse, do not retain their
regular arrangement in the protoplasm, but are irregularly
distributed throughout the substance. At times these granula also show a tendency to group themselves together at the
periphery of the cell-body. leaving a clear ring of considerable extent around the neighborhood of the nucleus. In still
other nerve bodies there are scattered clumps of granula in
the protoplasm, with large spaces in between devoid of any
staiuable substance. Lying among these better preserved
cells are others that are shrunken to a mass of fine granular
material in which neither nucleus nor nucleolus is visible.
The state of the nucleus varies considerably in the least
damaged cells. In a majority the caryoplasm and chromatin
particles are natural, but there are also a variable number in
each section in which the vesicle has the appearance of being
swollen, aud the nuclear substance is unstainable. In a very
few instances there is a double nucleolus marking the presence
of an irritative process.
In the upper cervical enlargement and medulla the state of
the cells was almost precisely similar to that at the lower
levels, though a larger proportion shows a normal arrangement
by the Nissl methylene blue. In a considerable number
the protoplasm is filled with masses of yellow pigment, which
sometimes covers and obscures the nucleus. The irregular
disposition of the Xissl bodies in some nerve elements is shown
with great distinctness, but in others the granula are diffused
throughout the cytoplasm, and their ordinary appearance is
(oat. Quite a number of the nuclei exhibit a shrinkage of
their volume and irregularity of contour. The vesicle also
has a tendency to retire to the periphery of the protoplasm.
In the medulla, there were cells among the scattered nuclei
on the floor of the ventricle that showed displacement and
distortion of the cell-nuclei, but pathological cells on the
whole are not common, and few of the nuclei of origin of the
cranial nerves contain any considerable numbers of them.
In the higher regions of the medulla oblongata the cell-nuclei
are much more frequently displaced than lower down, and the
bodies of the cells show greater atrophy. In the region lateral
to the V-shaped point of the ventricle there are numerous
heavily pigmented cells. The entire cytoplasm is now filled
with it, and the nucleus is no longer visible. Some of the nerve
elements are in process of disintegration, and double nucleoli
are by no means infrequent within the nuclear ring. The
morbid process is most marked in the nuclei of origin of the
.\, XI and XII cranial pairs. Corresponding with the degree
of cellular degeneration there is here an advanced degree of
arterial disease.
In the anterior portion of the medulla the superior olivary
bodies show a pathological state, in that their cells contain
heavy masses of pigment equally diffused through the bodies.
Elsewhere the accumulation of metaplastic material can hardly
be said to be greater than is ordinarily found in persons of
somewhat advanced age. The Xissl bodies are fairly well
stained in such cells as are not considerably pigmented. The
cells of the glossopharyngeal nucleus have less pigment in
them than any other nerve elements of this region.
At the level of the pons the cells of the nucleus acusticus
dorsalis are filled with metaplastic granules; all others are
freer from the accumulation of grains than in the medulla.
The nuclei in the cells of the acusticus are displaced, and the
outlines of the vesicles are indistinct.
Few changes can be determined among the nerve bodies of
the cerebellum, and the vascular lesions are correspondingly
In the cortex the quantity of the pigment granules in the
pyramidal cells was not above the normal, and is not diffuse
but confined to one corner of the cell. The nuclei and
nucleoli are perfect. The cells of the corpora striata and
lenticular bodies were a little more pigmented than those of
the cortex owing to the more extensive vascular implication.
Taking into consideration the severity of the vascular
lesions and the degree of pigmentary atrophy of the protoplasm
of the nerve bodies consequent thereto, there is singularly
little degeneration of the medullated portion of the neurone,
aud when it does occur, it is only where the vascular disease
has reached its maximum of intensity. But two of the
cranial nerves showed any varicosity or atrophy of the nerve
fibres. The gray degeneration of the optic nerves had
apparently long antedated the other lesions, being far more
advanced. Few medullated tubes in the tracts showed any
blue-black coloring with the Weigert stain, aud all were
atrophied; yet there was a very trivial thickening of the
interstitial connective tissue between the bundles of fibres,
and uo multiplication of the fixed nuclei. The degeneration
of the fibres among the bundles of the hypoglossal nerve was
limited to a single strand, and was probably a direct consequence of the occlusion of an artery that ran longitudinally
through it.
The examination of the root fibres of the superior portions
of the spinal cord was negative. In the dorsal region a
greater number than usual of small medullated tubes were
discovered, and some of these were blackened by the Marchi
stain, but altogether the number was inconsiderable. No
varicose fibres were to be seen anywhere.
Within the substance of the cord, two sclerotic tracts, both
of small size and among the ascending fasciculi were found.
The lumbar cord was free from any trace of medullary
degeneration, and it was not until the level of the ninth
dorsal vertebra was reached that any disease of the white
columns became manifest. At this level, a small area of
degenerated fibres first becomes visible, situated in the right
column of Burdach in close proximity to that of Goll. The
area occupied is very small. It was at first entirely separated
from the pia, but soon approached it more closely, and finally
touched the margin. The form of the degenerated tract was
irregularly pyramidal, the base broad, lying upon the external
margin, the apex, sharply defined, penetrating more deeply.
Nearly all of the nerve tubes within this area are atrophied,
[No. 108.
with here and there an enlarged axis cylinder among them.
This degenerated zone disappeared entirely before the cervical
enlargement was reached.
A few millimetres above the beginning of the first degenerated tract (at the level of the lowermost border of the seventh
dorsal vertebra), a new area of degeneration was noticed, this
time in the left postero-lateral column. At first it appears
under a magnification of 80 diameters, as a circular patch not
larger than the head of a pin, lying close to the Lissauer zone
though not within the indirect pyramidal tract, and well
separated from the external border of the cord. Very shortly
it enlarges, and assumes a wedge-shaped form, having its
broad base on the external border of the cord, and its apex
turned towards the deeper regions. It now lies well within
the direct cerebellar fasciculus.
Tn the lower cervical region, the sclerotic area broadens, and
at the same time moves from the posterior part of the column
to a position almost in the middle of the lateral region, now
occupying a place along the posterior edge of the Gower's
tract. The irregular wedge-shape is retained throughout this
region, the borders of the degenerated being sharply defined
from the normal tissue.
In the uppermost region of the cervical cord, the sclerotic
zone again moves slightly forward (ventrally) until it comes
almost directly into the Gower' tract, then at the level of the
lower portion of the pyramidal decussation it decreases perceptibly in size, and at length becomes reduced to a narrow
band along the anterior border of the cord, completely within
the Gower's bundle.
The sclerotic tract now rapidly decreases in size until it is
finally lost at the level of the uppermost portion of the
decussation, no degenerated fibres being found in the direct
cerebellar tract or extending in the direction of the nucleus
lateralis. The cells of this nucleus are numerous, not
atrophied in the least, and do not differ in any way from those
in the adjacent nuclei of origin of the nerve roots. Sections
carried through the medulla aud pons failed to show any
further degenerated tracts. Prom the lowermost dorsal to
the level of the lower cervical enlargement, the fibres contained
in the posterior commissure were much less numerous than
Except in the sclerotic fasciculi, an examination of the
neuroglia cells failed to show any participation on their part
in the morbid process. While in places about the root fibres
of the nerves or origin, the pia was to some extent thickened,
this alteration was never considerable, aud w hat thickening
there was of the membrane was dependent upon an hypertrophy of the fibre elements aud not upon multiplication
of round cells.
To recapitulate: — The fundamental pathological basis for
the various nervous phenomena described in the clinical history of the case is as follows: (1) A hyaline-fibrous degeneration of the arterial system existed, which was not confined to
the central nervous regions, but was equally evident in the
roots of the spinal nerves and iu the skin tissues. The degree
of alteration varied from slight thickening of the muscular
layer to complete closure of the lumen from hypertrophy of
the middle coat of the vessel walls. The morbid change was
accordingly not uniform, but reached its maximum of
intensity in the vessels of the lower dorsal cord, the meninges
of the bulb and cord, aud also in certain of the root bundles
of the cerebro-spinal nerves. (2) As a consequence of the
vascular lesions there were degenerations of an atrophic
order in the nerve cells of the gray horns of the cord, more
particularly in those of Clark's column, and in the medulla
oblongata. To this alteration in the central nervous substance
at least a portion of the various symptoms must be attributed.
Besides the principal lesions there were others of considerable, though minor importance.
The degeneration of scattered fibres in the bundles of the
spinal and bulbar nerves played some part in the general
symptomatology, being shown during life by the lowering of
tone as regards the innervation of the muscles, as well as by
disturbances of the functions of the nerves extending from
the terminal apparatus.
The sclerosis of a portion of the outer zone of Burdach's
column would siguify that fibres ascending through the
posterior root zones were degenerated, though the small area
involved shows that their numbers were inconsiderable. The
lesion of the tract itself has but little significance, the fibres
involved belonging to short inter-connecting bands.
The lesion of the direct cerebellar tract is not only of more
importance, but presents some rather peculiar features. The
absence of the majority of the medullated fibres from the
posterior commissure, over considerable regions of the
medulla spinalis, favors the view that a portion of the cerebellar bundle is formed from the fibres of this commissure.
The gradual change of position in the sclerotic area shows also
that the fibres — at least in this instance — do not proceed
directly upward in the column, but are gradually diverted as
other fibres enter, and assume a more and more anterior
position ; and, furthermore, that a portion of the fibres are lost
in the upper cervical and lower regions of the medulla and
do not proceed to higher levels. This ending of the ascending fibres has been ascertained for a part of Gower's bundle,
but is not usual in the case of the component medullated
fibres of the direct cerebellar tract. At its beginning, the
degenerated area almost touched the left posterior root zone,
while iu the upper cervical region it verged upon, if it did
not enter, the area assigned to Gower's bundle. The total
disappearance of the degenerated area at the lowermost level
of the medulla may be considered to have sufficient anatomical value upon which to base the theory that in the so-called
direct cerebellar tract other fibre bundles, which are at
present unknown, enter into its formation, and that these
correspond more closely, in their manner of termination,
to the bundles of the Gower's system than to those of the
cerebellar paths. The deportment of the sclerotic fasciculus may also give rise to the supposition that we have to do
more here with an undescribed bundle, running from the
dorsal to the uppermost cervical region.
As an explanation of the numerous symptoms of the case,
it would appear most reasonable to suppose the existence of a
disease-process affecting simultaneously both the peripheral
and central nervous systems. Assuming that the arterial
lesions were of late specific origin — and of this there can be
March, 1900.]
but little reasonable doubt — a chronic progressive involvement of the nutrient channels, here and there leading to
marked narrowing or even to closure of isolated vessels,
might certainly have produced just such a train of symptoms
as was present. Of primary importance would be the
involvement of the arteries of the anterior and posterior nerve
roots of the bulbo-spiual system, though the direct lesions of
the nutrient supply to the terminal nerve apparatus — which
have to be inferred as they could not be definitely determined —
would be of equal value. This inference of the implication of
the end-apparatus is justifiable, since the arterial degeneration
in the skin was quite extensive, and whenever there is starvation of a nerve tissue there result pathological reactions
which may be manifest in a multitude of ways.
The slowly progressive character of the symptoms is also
consistent with the theory of tissue-starvation. All the
lesions of the nerve cells of the cord and bulb are of this
type — atrophy and pigmentary degeneration from malnutrition.
Whenever nutrition is at a low ebb, metaplastic granules
accumulate in the protoplasm of the cell.
The condition of the optic tracts — in which the lesions are
identical with those of other nerve roots except that they are
more advanced— would argue that the thickening of the
blood-vessels was of long standing, and that only when the
process had advanced to an extreme degree did any definite
symptoms show themselves. This is exemplified more particularly in the state of the cortex cerebri. Though in this
region vascular disease was manifest and diffuse, it had not
advanced nearly to such an extent as in the gray matter of the
dorsal cord or in the adjacent meninges. As a consequence,
the functions of the cortex, while not as perfect as in youth,
were not reduced to the same low level as those of the cord
and bull).
One pathological fact should be remembered in considering
the clinical symptoms, namely, that it is not necessary for a
vascular lesion to proceed to such a profound degree as to
cause the entire shutting off of the nutrient supply before a
nerve tissue will show signs of deviation from its normal
functions. With a reduced supply of nutrient plasma,
definite manifestations of nervous exhaustion are brought
about, and these are not due to a degeneration of the component portions of the neurone which is visible in the tissue
after death, by our present methods of preparation, in the
form of morbid alterations of the cytoplasm, axone or myelin.
Long before this stage is reached the entire neurone is incapable of performing its natural functions in an efficient
manner, and as a consequence, anaesthesias, parasthesias,
diminution or exaltation of the reflexes, and dulling of the
special senses can be noted. Almost precisely similar results
are encountered in advanced stages of progressive paralysis,
especially in the syphilitic cases in which, when vascular
lesions of the arteries of the cerebrum and cord have
advanced to a profound degree, there is a gradual but progressive dulling of cutaneous sensibilities and special sensations.
By W. G. MacCallcm, M. D., Assistant in Pathology.
The literature on the congenital malformations of the heart
is very extensive, but is well represented by the works of
Eokitansky,* Peacock,f Bauchfuss % and Vierordt§ That of
Eokitansky, dealing with the defects of the septa, is, perhaps,
the foundation of our accurate knowledge of these anomalies,
while Rauchfuss, Peacock and others have added greatly to
the observations of anomalies of the heart in general, and
have done much to determine their relations to one another.
Vierordt, writing in the light of the more recent embryological work of His and Born, presents the whole subject in the
most concise and lucid way.
The following is intended to be a brief synopsis of the various malformations to serve as the legend to the photographic
illustrations which are taken from the specimens iu the pathological museum, and also in a way as a catalogue of those
•Rokitansky: Die Defecte der Seheklewiinde des Herzens.
Wien, 1875.
t Peacock : On malformations of the human heart, with original
cases. London, 1853.
X Rauchfuss : Die angeborenen Entwicklungsfehler des Her/ens.
Gerhardt's Handb. d. Kinderkrankh. Tubingen, 1878. Bd. IV, 1
\ Vierordt : Die Angeborenen Herzkrankheiten. Wien, 1898.
A. — Open foramen ovale. This is perhaps to be considered a
malformation only when the defect is large, as it is so extremely
common to find a small interauricular opening well guarded
by the valvnla foraminis ovalis. Even when widely open in
persons who have reached adult life, the symptoms it produces
are indefinite or none. It may occur pure or in association
with a variety of other defects. The symptoms are more
definite when it is associated with mitral insufficiency, for there
is then pulsation of the veins of the neck. The so-called paradoxical embolism is the result of the passage of the embolus
through the open foramen into the systemic arteries, by which
means the sifting-out action of the pulmonary circulation is
Fig. 1 allows a glass rod passed through the foramen ovale. The fossa
ovalis in this case is deep and the valvula foraminis ovalis hulged into
the left auricle. It was, however, able to completely close the opening.
B. — Defects in /lie septum ventriculorum. Rokitansky considered the pars membranacea as derived from the ventricular
wall, while more recent writers trace its origin to the aortic
septum; defects in the septum are most commonly in this
small area, the " undefended space" of English writers. They
may, however, be at other points in the septum, seldom near
the apex. The defect seldom occurs pure, but is oftenest
associated with narrowing of the pulmonary orifice. Cyanosis
[No. 108.
appears wheu the pulmonary is narrowed (Roger's disease),
and there is generally a single, loud, constant murmur in the
upper median precordial region, beginning in systole and
covering both sounds. The absence of a murmur in diastole
is explained by the covering of the defect by the tricuspid
and mitral valves.
Aneurismal dilatation of the membranous portion of the
septum may occur, the saccular projection appearing in the
right ventricle underneath the tricuspid leaflet to which it is
often attached. This sacculation may be actually perforated,
hut neither of the two specimens in this collection shows this
The origin of this condition is variously explained as being
due to arteriosclerosis, differences in intracardiac pressure,
and traction by the adherent tricuspid leaflet.
Fig. 2. The pars menibranacea septi is pierced by a round hole about
1 cm. in diameter. The pulmonary orifice in this case was narrowed
by a thickening and contraction of the valves.
Fig. 3. The pars membranacea septi is in this case bulged into the
right ventricle, forming a saccular projection beneath the tricuspid
valve. The mouth of this sac is seen just below the aortic valves.
C. — Stenosis of pulmonary. This is the commonest of the
malformations of the heart. It is explained as due either to
abnormal division of the truncus arteriosus or to congenital
inflammatory disease. The narrowing may occur in or above
the valves, by the constriction of a fibrous ring in the artery
or lastly by a constriction in the conus.
It is often associated with defects in the septa. The right
ventricle is hypertrophied unless the pulmonary is completely
atresic and the septum ventriculorum closed.
Clinically there is cyanosis with various sounds on auscultation, none of which are typical. Often there is a loud systolic murmur in the 2nd and 3rd left interspaces. The 2nd
pulmonary sound may be weak, but is strong if the ductus
arteriosus is widely open.
The so-called " Eechtslage " is a condition in which extreme
narrowing of the pulmonary orifice is associated with a wide
defect in the septum ventriculorum and a shifting of the aortic
orifice so that it opens directly over the septum and thus communicates with both ventricles.
Figs, i and 5. " Rechtslage." A, stenosed pulmonary orifice; B,
aorta opening into each ventricle; C, mitral, and D, tricuspid orifice.
In Fig. 5 a rod is passed through the left ventricle from its apex into
the aortic orifice. The figure shows the aortic orifice as seen through
the right ventricle.
As regards the general idea that tuberculosis of the lungs
is especially frequent in cases of pulmonary stenosis, it is
found by a consideration of the statistics that while tuberculosis is frequent in these cases it is not relatively more so
than in the other conditions (of heart and general) that produce a predisposing depression of the nutrition of the pulmonary tissues.
D. — Anomalies in the division of the truncus arteriosus.
1. Persistence of truncus due to a failure of division.
2. Stenosis or atresia of the pulmonary from the defective
course of the dividing septum.
3. Transposition of the arterial ostia.
Rokitansky's classical work on the transposition of the
arterial trunks has lent a great theoretical interest to this
group; but as the collection contains no representative, no
illustration is given. With transposition of vessels we may
have the vessels opening from their proper ventricles or from
the opposite ventricles, this depending on the behavior of
the septum membrauaceum, which by a change in its relations
may correct the anomaly. There is generally extreme
cyanosis, but this may be prevented by a widening of the
bronchial arteries.
E. — Anomalies in the semilunar valves. Anomalies in the
semilunar valves occur more often at the pulmonary orifice
than at the aortic. At either orifice there may be but two
segments, or on the other hand there may be four or five.
They have been explained as due to an excess of the endothelial cushions which go to form the valves.
F. — Anomalies in the aorta. The ductus arteriosus may
persist as an open communication between the arterial trunks
with hypertrophy of the heart. No cyanosis and sometimes a
systolic murmur in the 2nd left interspace.
Stenosis or obliteration of the aorta near the entrance of the
ductus arteriosus is not uncommon. The stenosis assumes
various forms and relations to the position of the ductus — the
point of predilection is in the isthmus aortas. The pulmonary
is dilated and the arch of the aorta and the arteries springing
from above the structure greatly widened. Collateral circulation to the lower portions of the body is effected by anastomoses between the internal mammaries and intercostals. The
pathogenesis of the condition is rather obscure. The process
is by some thought to be an extension of the obliterative
changes going on in the ductus.
There is seldom cyanosis; sometimes cedema: the superficial arteries become tortuous and pulsate visibly, there is
inequality in radial and femoral pulse and often a systolic
murmur varying in its location.
Fig. 6. Stenosis of aorta (B) just below entrance of ductus arteriosus (C). A is placed upon the widened pulmonary artery. The specimen shows great dilatation of the arterial branches and arch of aorta
above the stricture.
G. — Anomalies in the auricular ventricular valves. The
remaining anomalies are chiefly those affecting the tricuspid
and mitral valves, and these cases are so rare that it is difficult
to make auy general statements concerning them.
The representative of this group in the collection is so curious that it seems to deserve to he reported in some detail.
The case was that of an artist who had always been blue
and who died at the age of 30 of pulmonary tuberculosis.
At the autopsy there was found to be a chronic tuberculosis
of the lungs, with chronic passive congestion of the viscera.
The heart was enlarged, the enlargement being especially in
the right side. The Eustachian valve is found to persist as a
large apparently functional valve. The valvula foraminis
ovalis also persists, but is not competent to close the foramen
ovale, which is open to a width of about 1 cm. The very huge
appendix auriculas opens by two mouths into the auricle,
which is somewhat constricted near its middle by a muscular
March, 1900.]
The tricuspid valves are ballooned out into the right ventricle and have apparently become closely grown together
with the ventricular wall. Two of the segments are visible
against the interventricular septum and toward the left —
these are wrinkled and folded membranes, which are very
soon fused with the ventricular wall and are apparently
f unctionless. The remaining segment seems to furnish the
whole membrane which lines the ventricular wall and septum ;
and below, roofing the trabecular, forms the floor of a sort of
intervalvular chamber. This chamber opens into the ventricle
through a round opening, situated toward the left, just below
the conns arteriosus and guarded by a flap-like fold of the
chamber wall. It further opens through several small openings, each guarded by tiny valves which are furnished with
chorda; tendineae and papillary muscles. The pulmonary artery
is slightly narrowed, and the ductus arteriosus persists as a
cord, but otherwise the heart is approximately normal.
Ebstein * has reported a case in which the malformation of
the heart coincides in every detail with this one, and although
no other such cases are reported the recurrence of the malformation in every detail suggests in a way that cannot be
ignored the existence as a cause of a definite sequence of
events. A possible explanation is as follows: The valves are,
of course, formed on the medial side by a prolongation from
the septum intermedium — on the lateral side by an involution
of the wall of the auricular canal. If in an early stage these
endothelial cushions reach a greater extent than normal, and
retain their attachment to the muscular trabecular, they
would in time become a membrane, supported by muscular
trabecular. This might occur only on the lateral side, the
* Ebstein. Arch. f. Anat. and Phys.,'1866, S. 238.
valves produced from the septum, developing in part normally.
The free edge has possibly lost its muscular attachment as a
result of the inefficiency of muscular action in the direction
in which the blood stream affects it.
The association of pulmonary tuberculosis with this malformation (also observed in Ebstein's case) is interesting in
connection with what was said above as to pulmonary stenosis.
Naturally the effect of such an insufficiency of the tricuspid —
for the mere presence of a large inner chamber, acted upon
by the contraction of the ventricle, but not guarded from the
auricle constitutes an insufficiency — is the same as that of the
pulmonary stenosis in producing a poor nutrition of the lung
tissue. The compensating persistence and development of the
Eustachian valve is also to be noted.
Figs. 7 and 8 illustrate this malformation. Fig. 7 shows the
right auricle and ventricular portion of the heart laid open. The open
foramen ovale (A), and the two mouths of the auricular appendix are
readily seen ; B points to the large round opening into the ventricle ;
C, the apical portion of the functional ventricle; D, the medial leaflets
of the tricuspid valve.
In Fig. 8, the conus arteriosus pulmonalis is laid open, showing
the larger portion of the functional right ventricular cavity with the
opening B just below the pulmonary orifice and guarded by the flaplike valve.
In connection with several malformations, it may be stated
that the theories as to their origin, ascribed them formerly
either to a true congenital malformation, or to a fcetal
endocarditis. The majority of authors, however, now lean to
the view that the role of foetal endocarditis is relatively unimportant, and that the vegetations so often seen on malformed
valves, on the edges of septal defects, etc., are to be explained
as the result of the predisposition of such malformed parts
to inflammatory processes.
Thomas R. Brown, M. D. Internal Medicine. — Maryland
Medical Journal, February, 1900.
Robert Reuling, M. D. Pathology. — Maryland Medical
Journal, February, 1900.
Hugh H. Young, M. D. Surgery. — Maryland Medical Journal, February, 1900.
William Osler, M. D., and Thomas McCrab, M. D. Latent
Cancer of the Stomach. — Philadelphia Medical Journal,
February, 1900.
Henry J. Berkley, M. D. General Pathology of Mental
Diseases. — American Journal of Insanity, January, 1900.
Henry J. Berkley, M. D. Transitory Alienation Following
Distressing Pain. — American Journal of Insanity, January,
William Osler, M. D. After Twenty-Five Years. — Montreal
Medical Journcd, November, 1899.
Patrick Cassidy, M. D. Report of a Severe X-Ray Injury.
— Medical Record, February 3, 1900.
Irving Phillips Lyon, M. D. The Inoculation of Malaria
by the Mosquito. — Medical Record, February 17, 1900.
Lewellys F. Barker, M. D., and Joseph Marshall
Flint. A Visit to the Plague District in India. — The New
York Medical Journal, February 3, 1900.
The Hospital Bulletin contains details of hospital and dispensary practice, abstracts of papers read and other proceedings of the
Medical Society of the Hospital reports of lectures, and other matters of general interest in connection with the work of the Hospital
It is issued monthly.
Volume XI is now in progress. The subscription price is $1.00 per year. The set of ten volumes will be sold for $20,00.
[No. 108.
Monday, February 5, 1900.
The meeting was called to order by the President, Dr. H.
M. Thomas.
Exhibition of Patients.— Dr. W. B. Platt.
Case 1. — Infant, seven months old, came to the Garrett
Hospital when five months of age with a sinus just below the
right eye and a history that pus occasionally escaped from
the right nostril. An examination showed an empyema in
the right antrum with necrosis of the bony wall in at least
two places. The sinus above had caused contraction of the
lower eyelid. There is also an opening into the nose apparently one-eighth inch in diameter. I removed a molar tooth as
the best way of getting a free opening into the antrum to
clean it out. The child improved immediately, the sinus
above healed up, and the discharge was not more than a drop
a day, and the child was sent home. A small piece of necrosed
bone was also removed from the alveolus.
The child returned in seven weeks with the history of a
recurrence. Pus now escapes through the right nostril and
from the sinus below the right eye. I do not find any record
of cases similar to this in infants, and the exact cause is not
clear. It may be an osteomyelitis. The probability is that
there was an abnormally large opening from the antrum into
the nose which became infected during child birth, with subsequent involvement of the delicate bone wall.
Case 2. — This boy, seven years old, has a curious defect, a
hole J inch in diameter in the palatoglossus muscle of the left
side. There is every reason to believe that it is a congenital
defect. Of course, one may suppose it a case of congenital or
inherited syphilis, but in view of the frequent defects in the
development of the soft palate, it is probably one of this kind.
Case 3. — This is a case of congenital hip-joint dislocation.
The girl, six years old, was sent to the Garrett Hospital from
Virginia, with the history that she had always limped, and
became fatigued on prolonged exertion. An examination of
the right limb will show you that it is not hip-joint disease.
She has perfect mobility, not the slightest hampering of the
movements of the limb and no bowing up of the lumbar region
on flexion of the thigh on the pelvis. On first looking at it I
thought of infantile paralysis, because the whole limb is
somewhat atrophied in appearance as compared with the
other. The distance from the right anterior superior spine
to a horizontal line drawn through the right trochanter is
three-quarters of an inch less than corresponding measurements on the left side. On drawing down the right thigh limb
and letting it go we get a distinct, though slight, telescoping.
What is to be done with children of this sort? If the
telescoping amounts to three or four inches, if the gait is very
bad, or fatigue or pain follows moderate exertion, an operation
must be done. Statistics show that after two or three years
the hip in many cases again telescopes. A man of large
experience has said that fifty per cent, of the operated
cases relapse. This little girl walks and runs so well that we
have tried only massage to increase the strength of the
gluteal muscles. Some cases have done well by use of the
ordinary hip-joint apparatus to keep the hip extended and
pressed into the socket for some months. A certain number
of these cases never have anything more than a slight limp.
Changes in the Cells of the Nucleus Dorsalis resulting from
Pressure upon the Upper Portion of the Spinal Cord. —
Dr. Barker.
The specimen is from a case of compression of the upper
part of the thoracic cord, the section being taken from the
lower part of the thoracic portion. It will be recalled that
the thoracic portion of the cord is characterized by the
presence of a column, or nucleus, of gray matter on each side
called Clarke's nucleus, or the nucleus dorsalis. The cells in
this nucleus, give off axis-cylinder processes which run out
into the dorsolateral region of the cord and then turn
upward, ascending through the cord to the cerebellum, the
whole bundle being known as the fasciculus spinocerebellaris
dorsolateralis, or direct cerebellar tract. If one cuts through
a medullated axoue, there result changes in the whole neurone.
If the axone of a neurone be cut anywhere between its cellbody of origin and the end of its axis-cylinder process, the
nucleus becomes displaced in the cell-body, assuming an
eccentric position, usually very close to the axone hillock; in
addition to this change the tigroid masses, or Nissl bodies,
break down into very minute granules, like fine dust, which
become diffused through the cell. If the ulnar nerve, for
example, be cut, one finds in the spinal cord that all the cells
which give origin to the fibers of the ulnar nerve show this
peculiar form of degeneration — so-called "reaction at a
distance." If then the cells of Clarke's nucleus send their
axones to the cerebellum, we should expect, in compression of
the upper thoracic cord, to find this change below the lesion,
in all the cell-bodies which send their axis-cylinder processes to a part of the cord above the lesion. Accordingly
sections from this cord below the lesion ought to show
degeneration of the cells of Clarke's nucleus. The specimen
under the microscope illustrates the alterations well. The
cells show the change described in varying degrees of
intensity. I have before pointed out the occurrence of similar
changes in the nucleus dorsalis in inflammations of the soft
meninges {Brit. M. J., Loud., 1897, ii, pp. 1839-1841). The
superficial position of the fibers of the direct cerebellar tract
makes it especially liable to injury.
Area of Necrosis in Internal Capsule in Typhoid Fever. —
Dr. Barker.
It was not easy to make out the lesion when the brain was
first cut up. The brain was put into formaline immediately
after its removal and was divided by the method of Petri
some days later. On cutting through the brain it was found
that the formaline had not penetrated the whole substance of
each hemisphere, there being a large area that was soft. No
definite area of necrosis was made out. In view of the marked
clinical symptoms it seemed necessary to keep the tissue of
March, 1900.]
the right side for microscopic examination. These pieces
were put back into the formaline in order to complete the
The hardening has now become complete and the lesion is
perfectly well-defined and easily visible. It is an ana of
softening in the upper part of the right internal capsule, ahoul
the size of a small hickory nut, situated just lateral from the
caudate nucleus a little medial and slightly dorsal from the
upper border of the cortex of the island of Reil.
The necrosis must have involved practically all of the fibers
of the pyramidal tract on the right side, and is undoubtedly
due to a plugging of a branch of the artery supplying the
area. The tissue is to be thoroughly worked up microscopi dally, but it seemed to be worth while before cutting the
pieces into sections that the gross lesion should be presented
to the Society.
Poisonous Snakes. — Dr. Kelly.
Dr. Kelly concluded his demonstration of the poisonous
snakes of North America by exhibiting: 2 specimens of
Elaps fulvius, one of which had caused the death of a man
by biting him in the hand ; 1 boa constrictor (young) showing
remarkable difference from native snakes in the fine bead-like
appearance of the body due to the scales in S3 rows, and the
peculiar pear-shaped head also covered with minute scales;
1 Sistrurus miliarias, or ground rattlesnake ; 2 large diamond-back rattlesnakes ; 1 living moccasin, Trigonocepkalus
piscivorus ; 1 mountain blacksnake, Bascanium constrictor ;
and casts of snakes made by Mr. John W. Thompson, of the
Philadelphia Zoological Gardens, one finely colored Texas
copperhead, one very large diamond-back rattlesnake, and
one very large moccasin.
An Experimental Research into Surgical Shock. By George W.
Chile, A.M., M. D., Ph.D. Svo. pp. 160. (Philadelphia : J.
B. Lippincoll Company, 1S98.)
Due mainly to the leadership of the German and French schools
of pathology, the research work of most surgical laboratories in
this country to-day is devoted largely to the investigation of problems which the comparatively modern subjects of pathological
histology and bacteriology have offered for solution. In consequence it has gradually come about that the methods of investigation best known to the physiologist have fallen into abeyance in
spite of the valuable data relative to surgical principles which may
be obtained by their employment. Prompted by some preliminary
research conducte 1 in the laboratory of his quondam preceptor,
Mr. Victor Horsley, Dr. Crile, making use of physiological methods
of experimentation, has undertaken an investigation concerning
the nature of surgical shock ; a subject which has always been
somewhat nebular in its indefiniteness and offering problems the
solution of which can only be approached by employing these
The results of this excellent piece of work are comprised in a
small volume of 160 pages which received the Cartwright Prize in
The essay represents the results of entirely personal observations,
and in this lies, perhaps, the chief occasion for congratulation ; and
yet, on the other hand, for criticism of the author's published work,
the value of which, considerable a3 it now stands, would have been
greatly enhanced as a book of reference had the bibliography of the
subject been given, and the comparative results of other investigators in the same direction been cited. A cursory review of the
theories of shock advanced by various writers is contained on the
introductory four or five pages of the volume without references to
the articles which have evidently been consulted.
After a brief description of the "Modes of investigation and
annotation " which, though original with the author, are those commonly employed in the physiological laboratory, the chief part of
the essay (100 pages) is given up to the detail of the individual protocols of the 148 experiments upon anesthetized dogs.
In these experiments, observations were made of the effects upon
the respiratory, cardiac and vascular mechanism of all conceivable
forms of traumatism upon the individual tissues and organs of the
body, somatic, splanchnic and neural. These experiments evidence
the author's thoroughness and ingenuity, and though their record,
from necessary repetition, makes the protocols uninteresting reading, an excellent index renders it possible to abstract data from
them, otherwise buried in the mass of material, which will be of
value to those pursuing similar lines of investigation.
The author has given an interesting summary of bis experimental
findings in the latter part of the volume, with 35 composite charts
of manometric readings, illustrating the effects produced upon the
blood pressure by the various experiments. These included procedures showing the rise in blood pressure consequent upon burning the skin, injuries of the periosteum, dilatation of the sphincter
ani, etc.; procedures showing the negative effect of certain manipulations, as upon the joints: procedures showing the great
"depressor" effect of cutting away the cerebral hemispheres, of
manipulation of the larynx, the testicle, the parietal peritoneum,
the intestines, etc. It was furthermore demonstrated that when an
animal was exhausted, as late in an experiment, and with shock
present or pending, the application of stimuli, ordinarily producing a temporary rise in blood pressure, under these circumstances
would be followed by a fall.
Possibly, from a practical standpoint, the most valuable suggestions
from Dr. Crile's work originate in the results of his observations
upon the "blocking" effect of the preliminary local administration
of cocaine as a preventive measure toward shock in anticipation of
those peripheral manipulations which ordinarily have a marked
depressor effect. This is most strikingly shown in one of the composite charts (near page 127. These charts unfortunately are not
numbered) which illustrates the great fall in blood pressure which
ordinarily follows upon manipulations of the larynx, and the inhibitory effect of preliminary cocainization of the mucosa upon this
As prophylactic measures toward shock the author emphasizes
the necessity of careful hsemostasis under all circumstances ; of
atropine in operations on the larynx or in procedures which might
cause mechanical stimulation of the vagi ; of a proper respect for
tissues and the avoidance of tearing or finger dissections unfortunately used by many operators. Precautions toward over anesthetization, especially with chloroform, are dwelt upon as most
likely to occur in those operative procedures which are associated
with an acceleration of the respiratory rate, and in abdominal, anal
and other operations. Emphasis is also laid upon the likelihood
of shock, in consequence of operations in the gall-bladder or pyloric
region, due to pressure on the venous trunks, diaphragm and
splanchnic nerves. He truly says, "The severity of shock produced in abdominal operations is in direct ratio to the distance
from the pelvis."
Dr. Crile offers nothing new in the matter of treatment, believing
that small and frequently repeated hypodermic injections of
strychnia and intravenous saline infusions to he the most efficacious
measures, with elevation of the lower extremities, application of
heat, etc. Emphasis is rightly given to the fact that intelligent
prevention is more valuable than treatment.
[No. 108.
In the etiological factors producing shock the author does not
seem in his views to differ widely from the theories proposed by
Fischer, Goltz and Seabrook. An attempt is made to differentiate
collapse and shock, the latter being regarded as especially dependent
upon " vasomotor impairment or break down," the degree of shock
being proportionate to the failure of the pressor action. Factors,
cardiac, respiratory and hemorrhagic, may add to shock, or, if their
effects are severe and immediate, may produce collapse. Certain
widespread vasomotor action, as that following section of the
splanchnic nerves, may, however, produce the same condition.
Dr. Crile's work is important in the effect it will have in stimulating investigation of surgical problems on physiological lines. It
is to be hoped that observations by the methods of Nissl will be
made upon the histological changes in the medullary nerve centers
and ganglia responsible for these vasomotor disturbances, and
also that mercurial manometers, constructed so as to be applied to
the extremities, may be employed in surgical operating-rooms for
the purpose of recording vasomotor effects and changes in blood
pressure, and to indicate impending shock more definitely than at
present is possible through the medium of the anasthetizer's finger
on a peripheral artery. Cushing.
Essentials of Diseases of the Skin, including the Syphilodermata,
arranged in the form of Questions and Answers prepared especially for Students of Medicine. By Henry W. Stelwagon,
M. D., Ph.D., Clinical Professor of Dermatology in the Jefferson
Medical College, etc. Fourth Edition, thoroughly revised.
Illustrated. (Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders, 1899.)
In the present edition, the whole book has been subjected to careful scrutiny and revision, and the text has undergone numerous
small but important changes in order that it may reflect the present
state of knowledge of cutaneous diseases. The rarer affections like
hydroa vacciniforme, blastomycetic dermatitis, and erythema
induratum are briefly but adequately described. The book is
extremely useful to students of medicine who wish to review the
A Text-Book of Embryology for Students of Medicine. By J. C.
Heisler, M.D. (Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders, 1899.)
The work thus presented to us is an attempt to supply the real
need of a concise text-book of embryology, written in the English
language, and planned especially for the average medical student
who is learning anatomy.
A few words will characterize the book. It is not a new account,
but a condensed familiar one. It is a fairly straightforward statement of human development, such as one might write who was
acquainted with anatomy, and who wrote the embryological story
from a reliable knowledge of four or five well-known textbooks ;
as, for instance, Mark's translation of Hertwig's work (the influence
of which is very strongly manifest) ; the American text-book of
obstetrics; Minot's embryology ; Piersol's histology, etc.
The press-work is good, and large-type headings are convenient
for reference. Comparative references and discussions are eliminated wherever possible ; making it easy to quickly find the main
facts of development as here given for any special structure.
The weakest portion of the book is that devoted to the earlier
phenomena : fertilization, the ovum, maturation, the sperm, cleavage, germ-layers, foetal appendages, etc.
On reading these pages (and the same is true of other sections),
we wonder how the writer of a text-book to-day can be satisfied
with such an antiquated and incomplete resume\ Certainly, there
has been no lack of remarkable discoveries and well-founded generalizations by the embryologists and cytologists of the last ten years,
from which to formulate a modern and comprehensive statement,
however brief.
In all fairness to the science it attempts to treat, a good text-book
should be at least up to date, representing the most recent advances
in all lines of investigation. The book before us would be greatly
improved by the incorporation of what is found to be valuable,
after a judicial sifting of the original contributions of recent embryological research.
We must not, however, be too severe on those who seek to adapt
the good work of others to a special need— a difficult task. Even
if the result be little more than a fairly clear restatement of the
conceptions of two or three master minds, who have already
brought together the main threads of research, those who may be
introduced to the subject in this indirect manner, will, at any rate,
receive many valuable and reliable facts. H. Mc. E. K.
Essentials of Anatomy, including the Anatomy of the Viscera,
arranged in the form of Questions and Answers prepared especially for Students of Medicine- By Charles B. Nancrede,
M. D., Professor of Surgery, etc., in the University of Michigan.
Sixth Edition, thoroughly revised by Fred. J. Brockw ay, M. D.,
Asst. Demonstrator of Anatomy, Columbia University, New
York. (Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1899.)
This is a thoroughly revised sixth edition of a useful little book
which has been approved by long service in medical schools and
training schools for nurses. It is concise without the sacrifice of
clearness, and the excellent illustrations assist the text.
The Hygiene of Transmissible Diseases ; their Causation, modes of
Dissemination and methods of Prevention. By A. C. Abbott,
M.D., Professor of Hygiene and Bacteriology, and Director of
the Laboratory of Hygiene. University of Pennsylvania. Illustrated. (Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders, 1899.)
As the title indicates, this volume of 300 pages gives an account
of transmissible diseases with details, more or less complete, as to
their proper and successful management. The section on the causation of disease is probably the most satisfactory and philosophical
of the whole book. It treats of the influence of age, sex, race,
occupation, density of population, heredity and season, upon diseases in general ; and also of chemical, physical, mechanical, parasitic and bacterial agencies as exciting causes of the actual development of diseases. This section is well illustrated by tables, charts
and diagrams. The following section, on the causation, modes of
dissemination and prevention of special diseases, contains much
information as to diseases which are transmitted from one person
to another. The account which is here given of the bacteriology
of transmissible diseases is full and extremely satisfactory, as
would naturally be expected from so accomplished and skillful
an observer. The sections on prophylaxis and disinfection are
also valuable, and the directions which they contain are sensible
and practical. The book is well calculated to meet a want which
has long been felt by physicians and nurses.
The Bulletin of the Ohio Hospital for Epileptics, Vol. I, Nos. 2
and 3. Gallipolis, O. The Hospital, 1898.
The volume consists of a number of papers by Dr. A. P. Ohlmacher,
with an introductory statistical report by H. C. Butter, manager of
the hospital. The first two of Dr. Ohlmacher's papers form an
account of the autopsies in cases of epilepsy performed during his
service, which he prefaces with a somewhat detailed description of a
rather ordinary autopsy technique. In these cases, special attention
has been directed to the association of the lymphatic constitution
with epilepsy, and throughout the report the effort is made to show
that "idiopathic" epilepsy may perhaps be the direct result of the
presence of the " constitutia lymphatica." It is sometimes difficult to follow the chain of arguments which connects the
lymphatic constitution with epilepsy, rhachitis, tetany and exophthalmic goitre on the one hand and with the causation of
gliomata on the other.
March, 1900.]
Two other papers are concerned with the description of various
tumors of the central nervous system, with secondary epileptic
symptoms. It is to be regretted that amid the profusion of illustrations there are no drawings of the microscopical appearances of
the tumors to supplement the descriptions. In the fifth paper, there
is described the case of an idiot child with immense thickening of
the skin and subcutaneous tissues in association with atrophy of
the thyroid, and another case in which there was a localized area
of thickening of the skin without thyroid atrophy. Finally, the
last paper is devoted to the description of tumors occurring in
various animals.
The report is marked by a diffuseness which seems unfortunately common in neurological literature, but the suggestions contained are very worthy of confirmatory work. It seems especially
desirable, too, that such work on comparative pathology as is embodied in the last paper should be more extensively carried out.
A Manual of the Practice of Medicine. By A. A. Stevens, M. D.,
of Philadelphia. (Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1900.)
This is the fifth edition of this work, which shows its popularity.
Any extended notice regarding the book is unnecessary. Dr.
Stevens has succeeded in condensing much into 500 small pages.
The material chosen, and the method of its arrangement, make it
one of the best books of its kind.
The American Year-Book of Medicine and Surgery, edited by
George M. Gould, M. D. Medicine. (Philadelphia : W. B.
Saunders, 1900.)
The current volume of the Year-Book is a welcome addition to
the library shelves. In these days, unaided by the Index Medicus,
the gleaning of the fields of literature has become a heavy and
often well-nigh impossible task. In this the series of volumes of
the Year-Book is of valuable help. The work is too well-known to
require any description of its characteristics. This yearsees a new
departure in the division of the work into two volumes, which will
be found most convenient. In one volume it was growing beyond
the bounds of easy handling. Dr. Gould, in the preface to the
volume on Medicine, notes some changes in the editorial staff.
Dr. Riesman takes charge of the section on Pathology in place of
Dr. Guiteras. Drs. Wilcox and Stevens edit the department of
Materia Medica and Therapeutics, while Dr. Abel is succeeded in
Physiologic Chemistry by Drs. Hunt and Jones of Baltimore.
The present volume sustains the previous high character of the
work. Not the least useful feature is the complete index. "We
hope the work is having the pecuniary recognition that it
Letter, Word and Mind-Blindness. By James Hinshet.wood,
M. D., of Glasgow. (London : II. K. Lewis, 1900.)
These are lectures delivered before the Glasgow Medico-Chirurgical Society which appeared in the Lancet and are now published
in a book of 85 pages. The writer takes up the general subject of
visual memory and then discusses the various groups of cases
designated in the title. He is able to report several cases of bis
own, which were unaccompanied by derangements of the auditory
and speech-motor centers. From the study of bis cases and those
in the literature, the writer considers that there are separate
cerebral areas for the usual memory of numbers, letters and \\ ords.
The lectures are well and clearly written, and the study of the
cases given throws light on an exceedingly interesting subject.
Dr. Hinshelwood shows how much may be made out of a few cases
by thorough analysis.
Archives of Neurology and Psychopathology. Vol. II. Nos. 1-2.
1899. 8vo. 319 pages. State-Hospitals Press, Utica, N. Y.
Transaction* of the Clinical Society of London. Volume the thirtysecond. 1899. 8vo. LVII-f- 296 pages. Longmans, Green &
Co., London.
Transactions of the Texas State Medical Association. Thirty-first
annual session held at San Antonio, Texas, April 25-28, 1899.
8vo. 347 pages. Von Boeckman, Schutze & Company, Printers,
Austin, Texas.
A Manual of Modern Surgery, General and Operative. By John
Chalmers Da Costa, M. D. Second edition. With 386 illustratious. 1898. 8vo. 911 pages. AV. B. Saunders, Philadelphia.
A Text-Book of Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacology. By
George Frank Butler, Ph.G., M. D. Third edition, thoroughly
revised. 1899. 8vo. 874 pages. W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia.
A Text-Book of the Practice of Medicine. By James M. Anders,
M. D., Ph.D., LL. D. Third edition, revised. Illustrated.
1899. 8vo. 1292 pages. W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia.
A Manual of the Diagnosis and Treatment of the Diseases of the Eye.
By Edward Jackson, A. M., M. D. With 178 illustrations and
2 colored plates. 1900. 12mo. 604 pages. W. B. Saunders,
A Manual of the Practice of Medicine. Prepared especially for
students. By A. A. Stevens, A.M., M. D. Fifth edition,
revised and enlarged. Illustrated. 1898. 12mo. XV + 519
pages. W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia.
A Text- Book of Diseases of Women. By Charles B. Penrose, M. D.,
Ph.D. Third edition, revised. Illustrated. 1900. 8vo. 531
pages. W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia.
Hints on Elementary Physiology. By Florence A. Haig-Brown.
With twenty-one illustrations. IGmo. 1897. XII + 121 pages.
P. Blakiston, Son & Co., Philadelphia.
The Medical Annual Synoptical Index to Remedies and Diseases. For
the twelve years, 1887 to 1898. 12mo. 411 pages. [1899.]
John Wright & Co., Bristol. Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton,
Kent & Co., Ltd., London.
Progressive Medicine. A Quarterly Digest of Advances, Discoveries
and Improvements in the Medical and Surgical Sciences.
Edited by Hobart Amory Hare, M. D. Volumes I, II, III, IV.
March, June, September, December, 1899. 8vo. Lea Brothers
& Co. Philadelphia and New York.
A System of Medicine. By Many Writers. Edited by Thomas Clifford Allbutt, M. A., M. D., LL. D., F. R. C. P., F. R. S., F. L. S.,
F. S. A. Volumes VI, VII, VIII. 1899. 8vo. The Mac-MilIan Company, New York.
Transactions of the American Ophthalmologic^ Society. Thirty-fifth
annual meeting, New London, Conn. 1899. 8vo. 469-592
pages. Published by the Society, Hartford.
Saint Bartholomew's Hospital Reports. Edited by Norman Moore,
M. D., and D'Arcy Power, F. R.C.S. Vol. 35. 1900. 8vo.
356 and 246 pages. Smith, Elder & Co., London.
Transactions of the Louisiana State Medical Society. Twentieth
annual session held at New Orleans, La., May 16, 17, 18, 1899.
8vo. 173 pages. New Orleans.
[No. 108.
Practice of Medicine. A manual for students and practitioners.
(Lea's Series of Pocket Text-Books) by George E. Malsbary,
M. D. Series edited by Bern B. Gallaudet, M. D. Illustrated
with forty-five engravings. 1S99. 12mo. 404 pages. Lea
Brothers & Co., Philadelphia and New York.
The American Year-book of Medicine and Surgery. Collected and
arranged with critical editorial comments by S. W. Abbott,
M. D., Archibald Church, M. D., e! al. Under the general
editorial charge of George M. Gould, M. D. Two Vols. 1900.
Svo. W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia.
Annual and Analytical Cyclopmdia of Practical Medicine. By Charles
E. de M. Sajous, M. D., and one hundred associate editors,
assisted by corresponding editors, collaborators and correspondents. Volume IV. 1S99. 4to. 622 pages. The F. A.
Davis Co., Philadelphia, New York, Chicago.
Proceedings of the New York Pathological Society. For the years
1897 and 1898. Svo. XVIII + 289 pages. 1899. Printed for
the Society.
Seventh Report of the Slate Veterinarian of Maryland. December 1,
1899. Svo. 249 pages. Baltimore.
Essentials of Anatomy, including Anatomy of the Viscera. Arranged
in the form of questions and answers. Prepared especially for
students of medicine. (Saunders' Question-Compends, No. 3.)
By Charles B. Nancrede, M. D. Sixth edition, thoroughly
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W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia.
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also questions of medical physics, chemical philosophy, analytical processes, toxicology, etc. Prepared especially for students
of medicine. (Saunders' Question-Compends, No. 4.) By
Lawrence Wolff, M. D. Fifth edition, thoroughly revised by
Smith Ely Jelliffe, M. D., Ph. D. 1899. 12mo. 222 pages.
W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia.
Essentials of Diseases of the Skin, including the Syphilodermata. Arranged in the form of questions and answers. Prepared
especially for students of medicine. (Saunders' QuestionCompends, No. 11.) By Henry W. Stelwagon, M. D., Ph. D.
Fourth edition, thoroughly revised. Illustrated. 1896. 12mo.
276 pages. W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia.
The following papers are reprinted from Vols. I, IV, V, VI and
VIII of the Reports, for those who desire to purchase in this form:
STUDIES IN DERMATOLOGY. By T. C. Gilchrist, M. D., and
Emmet Rixford, M. D. 1 volume of 164 pages and 41 fullpage plates. Price, bound in paper, $3.00.
M. D., and J. Hewetson, M. D. And A STUDY OF SOME
FATAL CASES OF MALARIA. By Lewellys F. Barker, M.
B. 1 volume of 280 pages. Price, in paper, $2.75.
STUDIES IN TYPHOID FEVER. By William Osler, M. D., and
others. Extracted from Vols. IV and V of the Johns Hopkins
Hospital Reports. 1 volume of 481 pages. Price, bound in
paper, $3.00.
Simon Flexner, M. D. Volume of 150 pages with 4 full-page
lithographs. Price, bound in paper, $200.
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Subscriptions for the above publications may be sent to
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It is customary in Germany for the pupils of a great teacher to
express their appreciation and gratitude by dedicating to him a
volume of their contributions to learning. The pupils of Dr. Wm.
H. Welch, of Baltimore, have decided to give expression to their
regard for him in a similar way and the publication of a volume
to mark his twenty-fifth year as a teacher and investigator is now
in progress.
During the past twenty-five years some seventy-five persons
have undertaken investigation under Dr. Welch's leadership, and
nearly half of these will contribute to the volume mentioned. The
edition will necessarily be limited by the number of subscribers.
An early announcement of the publication is made to give opportunity for subscription so that the committee can decide upon the
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The volume will be royal octavo in size and will contain at least
five hundred pages of printed matter. It will, in addition, be
illustrated with many lithographic plates and text figures. The
price has been fixed at five dollars. The book will contain contributions to pathology and to correlated sciences agreeing in scope
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The Committee of publication consists of :
A. C. Abbott, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.
L. F. Barker, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.
Wm. T. Councilman, Harvard University, Boston, Mass.
Simon Flexner, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.
W. S. Halsted, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.
A. C. Herter, University and Bellevue Hospital Medical College,
New York.
Wyatt Johnston, McGill University, Montreal, Canada.
F. P. Mall, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.
Walter Reed, Army Medical Museum, Washington, D. C.
Geo. M. Sternberg, Surgeon General's Office, Washington, D. C.
All communications and subscriptions should be addressed to
Dr. F. P. Mall (Secretary), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore,
Baltimore, November 11, 1S99.
Five essays relating to the construction, organization and
management of Hospitals, contributed by their authors for the use
of The Johns Hopkins Hospital.
These essays were written by Drs. John S. Billings, of the
U. S. Army, Norton Folsom, of Boston, Joseph Jones of New
Orleans, Caspar Morris, of Philadelphia, and Stephen Smith, of
New York. They were originally published in 1875. One volume
bound in cloth, price $5.00.
The Hospital Bulletin contains announcements of courses of
lectures, programmes of clinical and pathological study, details of
hospital and dispensary practice, abstracts of papers read and other
proceedings of the Medical Society of the Hospital, reports of
lectures, and other matters of general interest in connection with
the work of the Hospital. It is issued monthly.
Volume XI is now in progress.
The subscription price is $1.00 per year.
The set of ten volumes will be sold for $20.00.
The Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletins are issued monthly. They are printed by TEE FRIEDENWALD CO., Baltimore. Single copies
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c MAYS 1900 c>
Vol. Xl.-No. 109.1
[Price, 15 Cents.
An Unusual Method of Performing Hysteromyotnectomy.
By Otto G. Ramsay, 51. D., -77
A Squamous-Celled Carcinomatous Degeneration of an Ovarian
Dermoid Cyst ; also an Adenocarcinoma of the Ovary
Associated with an Ovarian Dermoid Cyst. By Lindsay
Peters, M. D., - • 78
Pulmonary Tuberculosis, with Diffuse Pneumonic Consolidation, in a Lion. By W. G. MacCallum, M. D., and A. W.
Clement, V. P., 85
Arsenical Pigmentation and Keratosis. By Louis P. Hamburger. 51. D.. - 87
Uncontaminated Urine. By Howard A. Kelly, M. D., - - 91
Summaries or Titles of Papers by Members of the Hospital
and Medical School Staff appearing Elsewhere than in the
Bulletin, ----- 92
A Note on a Series of New Vesical Specula. By Howard A.
Kelly, M. D.,
Proceedings of Societies :
Hospital Medical Society,
The Pathological Findings in a Case of General Cutaneous
and Sensory Anaesthesia [Dr. Berkley] ; — Specimens of
False Porencephalia [Dr. Berkley] ;— On a form of Conjugation of the Malarial Parasite [Dr. Ewing].
By Otto G. Eamsay, M. D., Instructor in Gynecology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.
An article in the Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin
of March, 1900, by Dr. Kelly, entitled "A Preliminary Report
on the Surgical Treatment of Complicated Fibroid Tumors
of the "Womb, with a Description of Two New Methods,"
describes two unusual methods of performing hysteromyomectomy in difficult cases, which reminds me of a somewhat
similar operation I performed for the removal of a myomatous uterus on September 23rd, 1898.
The patient, admitted to The Johns Hopkins Hospital complaining of " tumors of the womb," was 29 years of age, and
had been sick for about seven years, beginning at that time to
complain of abdominal pains. The abdominal tumor was
first noticed by her six years ago, and it had increased in size
considerably since then.
On examination, the abdomen was found distended, especially in its lower portion, by a symmetrical tumor, which, on
palpation, was found to be composed of several nodules, the
largest measuring about 15 by 15 cm.
By vaginal examination, a rounded tumor was felt lying in
the cul-de-sac behind the cervix and extending downward
between the rectum and the vagina nearly to the vaginal outlet. The cervix could not be found by the vagina, even under
ether, being displaced above the symphysis, and the tumor
itself was lying quite firmly pressed against the symphysis,
giving the impression that the tumor was adherent in the
cul-de-sac. This rounded tumor was connected directly with
the masses felt through the abdominal wall, and on pressure
through the vagina the abdominal mass could be moved
slightly. It was, however, impossible to move the growth
much by making pressure either through the vagina or
through the rectum. (See Fig. 1.)
Operation. — The usual median incision was made, taking
the precaution to enter the peritoneal cavity high up rather
than in the usual position, so as to avoid an elevated bladder.
(Kelly.) On entering the peritoneal cavity, the bladder was
found displaced upward, and when the incision was lengthened, it was seen bulging out above the symphysis pubis. On
examining the relations of the tumor-mass and the surrounding structures to decide in what manner it might be best
attacked, it was found that it could not be delivered through
the incision usually made in a hysteromyomectomy, and, on
further examination, the reason for this was discovered to be
the extension of the growth into the cul-de-sac.
As the usual transverse operation could not be made, the
next question was, by what new plan the growth might be
removed. The tubes, with the broad ligaments and ovaries,
were found raised up but lying somewhat anterior to the
main mass of tumor, and on tracing them to their origin, the
tumor was found to have arisen entirely from the fundus and
posterior surface of the uterus, and the cervix and lower por
[No. 109.
tion of the body of the uterus could be recognized lying covered by the bladder on the anterior surface of the tumor
proper. (See Fig. 2.)
In the first place, the vesical peritoneal reflection onto the
uterus, which was much higher than usual, was definitely
recognized and the peritoneum at this point incised, the bladder was then pushed down for a distance of 5 or 6 cm.,
exposing the lower portion of the body of the uterus and the
cervix. When this had been accomplished, the uterine vessels on each side could be felt pulsating distinctly where they
passed to the cervix. The plan of the operation which I then
determined to follow was to tie the uterine vessels on both
sides, then to cut across the cervix, and after that, to deliver
the tumor from the cul-de-sac, thus reversing the usual steps
in the operation. I first freed the ovaries from the tumor by
a series of ligatures near the uterine cornu, as it was my
iutention not to remove them ; this was easily accomplished,
as their relations were not much distorted from the normal.
The uterine arteries were tied just at the point where they
curve up to reach the cervix. Then, as previously determined, the uterus was cut across from side to side, thus
loosening the tumor entirely from its cervical and broad
ligament attachments. The tumor was then fixed in the
abdominal cavity only by its extension into the cul-de-sac;
on attempting to raise it from this position, it was found
densely adherent to the whole cul-de-sac and to the rectum
posteriorly. These adhesions were carefully separated by
raising the tumor slowly and dividing them with the Angelas they came into view. The densest adhesions were found
between the rectum and the tumor, and here some difficulty
was experienced in the detachment, though a slow removal
prevented any injury to the rectal coats. After removal of
tin- tumor the remainder of the operation was carried out in
the usual manner, the amputated cervix was closed in with
catgut sutures, and the bare area on the floor of the pelvis cov
ered by drawing the anterior and the posterior layers of the
peritoneum together with catgut sutures. The large overdistended bladder was left puckered over the cervix, and the
wound appeared as usual after a normal hysteromyomectomy.
Several oozing points on the rectum were checked by fine catgut sutures, the peritoneal cavity was cleansed and the abdominal incision closed in the usual manner.
The convalescence was normal, save for a slight collection
of blood above the stump of the cervix between it and the
bladder, which was easily evacuated by dilating the cervical
canal, otherwise the patient recovered in a perfectly satisfactory mauuer.
The chief points of interest in this case are the peculiar
developments of the myomatous tumor from the posterior
surface of the uterus and its extension into the eul-de-sac ;
the upward displacement of the bladder covering the whole
anterior surface of the uterus, and the method of attacking
such a tumor.
Such a growth is rarely seen, and, therefore, this method of
operation will only be useful in a certain number of abnormal
cases. The principle, however, would seem to me to be a
good one, and it might also be applicable in other conditions
besides cases of posterior myomatous development. Thus,
for instance, in densely adherent pelvic structures, or in cases
with large pelvic abscesses, it would be easier to separate the
bladder from the uterus anteriorly where there are usually
but few adhesions, and to tie the uterine arteries on each side
before any attempt is made to remove the adherent masses,
thus obviating one of the chief difficulties in such an operation, namely, hasmorrhage from the misplaced or with difficulty
accessible uterine artery.
The cervix, in these cases, could be cut across after
tying the vessels, and a point of leverage obtained to remove
more easily the adherent structures.
By Lindsay Peteus, M. D.
(From the Gynecological Department of The Johns Hopkins Hospital.)
Out of 7,600 patients admitted to the wards of the Gynecological Department of the Johns Hopkins Hospital since
September, 1889, (there being 42 cases of dermoid cysts among
that number), only two cases of carcinoma associated with a
dermoid cyst have been observed. There was one case of
dermoid cyst of the ovary coexisting with squamous-celled
carcinoma of the cervix uteri, the latter extending out into
the broad ligaments and to the tubes, not, however, involving
the dermoid cyst. The combination of carcinoma and dermoid in the same tumor in any manner is rare, and carcinoma
developed primarily from epithelial structures in a dermoid
is very seldom seen.
In discussing the relations of carcinoma to dermoid cysts
it is necessary to bear in mind the various possibilities, which
are: First, a carcinomatous degeneration of the dermoid
tumor itself; second, the carcinomatous degeneration of a
part of an ovary, another part of which contains a dermoid
cyst; third, the original association of a multilocular cyst
with a dermoid cyst, followed by a carcinomatous degeneration of the multilocular tumor, (Gessner), and fourth, the
possibility of a dermoid cyst of the ovary being invaded by a
carcinoma from some contiguous organ.
The first case to be described in this report is one of carcinomatous degeneration of an ovarian dermoid cyst. Dr. Kelly
Fig. 1.— Shows tlie relations of the tumor to the rectum, bladder, and symphysis pubis and its extension into the cul-de-sac.
Top of
Fig. '.'. — Tom I appear through the domlnal wall, showing ■
surrounding structures. Th'- relations ol the bladder to the cervix and bodj "I the uterus can be well seen.
April, 1900.]
has already reported this case briefly before the Medical
Society of the Johns Hopkins Hospital,* and I shall, therefore, not dwell upon the points which he has brought out,
but shall endeavor to add to what he has reported something
of the subsequent history of the case, and a more detailed
description of the pathological findings. 1 am indebted to
Dr. Kelly for placing the case in my hands for thorough
description and publication.
Case I. (Gynecological No. 7394).— Mrs. H. T., white, aged 46
years, was admitted to the Johns Hopkins Hospital, Nov. 24, 1899.
Complaint, ''pain in bowels."
The patient has had 10 children, no miscarriages. There is
nothing of interest in the history of her labors except that she
had puerperal septicaemia after the birth of her 9th child, 14 years
ago. and that the birth of her last child, 10 years ago, was induced
at the 8th month on account of haemorrhages which began in the
6th month of gestation and ceased soon after delivery.
Menstruation has always been regular and normal. The last
menstruation before operation was on Nov. 4, 1899.
She has had slight leucorrhcea, from time to time, for many
Her family history is good, excepting that her mother died of
heart disease.
Her past history is good.
The history of her present illness is as follows. Since the birth
of her 9th child, 14 years ago, she has suffered with soreness in
both inguinal regions, and with distressing bladder symptoms— a
sensation of weight or pressure on the bladder and, at times,
incontinence of urine, at other times prolonged and painful
retention of urine. Seven or eight years ago she noticed for the
first time a tumor low down in the left side of the abdomen. This
was freely movable and changed its position whenever the patient
assumed certain postures. She thinks that the tumor remained
the same size from the time she first noticed it until about three
months ago, when it seemed to rise and cause" knots" or "lumps"
in the abdomen. About this same time (three months ago), having
previously been able to go about and attend to her duties, she took
to her bed on account of the severity of the bladder symptoms
mentioned above, and has remained in bed ever since. For the
past two weeks she has been unable to void urine, except a very
little at a time, and that only while standing.
Physical examination on admission. — The patient is emaciated ;
her cheeks are sunken, the complexion is sallow, the eyes
watery, the mucous membranes pale, the tongue clean.
The pulse is regular in force and rhythm, of fair volume, but
rather low tension, 96 per minute. The vessel-wall is palpable.
The lungs are negative.
The heart is also negative.
Vaginal examination. — The external genitalia are normally developed, but somewhat atrophic. The vaginal outlet is markedly
relaxed. The posterior vaginal wall presents at the vulval orifice
over an area of about one square inch. The cervix cannot be
distinctly outlined, but is apparently pushed upward an inch or
two above the upper border of the symphysis, and to the right
side. Here a small polyp can be felt. Filling the whole of the
pelvis and extending to within 1J in. of the vulval orifice, pushing
forward the posterior vaginal wall, is a tumor mass. This is in
places hard and firm, in other places fluctuant. It is apparently
firmly fixed in the pelvis, especially on the right side. The
rectum is pushed well to the left side of the pelvis and its lumen
is encroached upon by the mass. The uterus is apparently situated upon the anterior face of the tumor, its fundus being about
10 to 12 cm. above the upper border of the symphysis. The
•Philadelphia Med. Journ., 1S'J«, Vol. IV, No. 36, p. 1208.
bladder is greatly distended, extending to the top of this mass
which we consider to be the uterus. During examination urine
passes freely from the meatus. The tumor, which apparently
springs from the right side of the pelvis, extends to the umbilicus above. It is irregular in outline, somewhat nodular. It is
fluctuant and tense over most of its surface and is apparently
firmly fixed in the pelvis. Slight crepitation can be felt over
the left anterior surface of the tumor.
Operation (Cystectomy by Br. Kelly). — A median incision, IS cm.
long, was made, exposing the uterus flattened against the anterior abdominal wall. Several small, hard nodules in the bladder
peritoneum were excised, and others were seen over the peritoneal surface. The tumor was densely adherent to the sigmoid,
rectum and pelvic walls. A large leash of blood-vessels running
in the infundibulo-pelvic ligament on the left were ligated and
cut. The tumor contents (dermoid) were drawn off by a large
trocar. The peritoneal coat of the tumor was incised and the
tumor-wall separated, by blunt dissection along the surface of
cleavage, from its adhesions to the intestines, pelvis, etc. There
was moderate oozing until, on detachingthe tumor from the rectum
and vagina, low down on the posterior wall of the pelvis, near the
anus, a carcinomatous mass was encountered, which bled freely
and was curetted away. After curettage, removing about 12 cc.
of friable material, resembling an advanced cervical cancer, an
opening into the posterior vaginal vault was made with the end
of blunt forceps and stretched the full width of the vagina for
drainage. Washed-out iodoform gauze was laid in the pelvis
and brought out into the vagina. The question then was,
how to protect this cancerous area, sure to break down
immediately, from the peritoneal cavity above. This was
done by taking the large, somewhat plastic uterine body,
with its right tube and ovary amputated, but with the left
tube and ovary intact, and drawing it back into retroflexion,
when it snugly and exactly filled the opening at the pelvic
brim. The uterus was then sewed to the brim of the
pelvis by continuous catgut suture, beginning with the right
round ligament and suturing it for about 2 cm. to the brim and
then continuing on around the fundus on a line between the
tubal ends, anterior to the amputated surface on the right, over
to the opposite tube and ovary and beneath them, leaving them
projecting up into the abdominal cavity. The rectum was protected from sutures by a thick fold of membrane left from the
capsule of the tumor. After extirpation, the rectum just had
snug room at the brim of the pelvis. The left round ligament
was not sutured, as the suturing ended with the infundibulopelvic ligament. Several bleeding points on the sac-wall were
ligated. The abdomen was flushed out with normal salt solution
and closed with interrupted silkworm-gut and catgut sutures.
Description of the Tumor.— Gynecological-pathological
No. 3647.
Gross description. — The specimen consists of a cyst, a
Fallopian tube and numerous small scraps of tissue of irregular shapes, which were removed by curettage from the posterior wall of the pelvis.
The cyst is 13 cm. in diameter. Exteriorly it is pinkishyellow in color and for the most part smooth, though in
places, especially towards the base, dense adhesions are seen.
Also near the base, on the right, postero-inferior portion of
the outer surface, is a circular, rough excrescence, about 5
cm. in diameter and raised about 5 to 7 mm. above the surrounding surface. This is composed of pale-pink, somewhat
hard, coarsely granular tissue, some parts of which are quite
friable, other parts firmly held together by a stout fibrous
[No. 109.
network. At about the centre of this circular area there is
a small opening, 5 mm. in diameter, into the cyst-cavity,
apparently made by tearing of the cyst-wall in removal of the
tumor. There is another small opening, about 2 5 cm. long,
in the upper wall of the cyst, made during the operation for
the purpose of evacuating the contained fluid. The thicknpss of the wall varies from 1 to 4 mm., except in one part
of the cyst near its base, where long, high, narrow ridges of
tissue, to which wisps of long, fine, blonde hair are attached,
project into the cyst-cavity. The thickness of these ridges
from side to side varies from .5 to I cm. They rise from 1 to
2.5 cm. above the surrounding surface and are from 2 to 4
cm. long. The wisps of hair are matted together by a large
amount of greasy, sebaceous secretion. In the wall, beneath
the base of the highest of the ridges of tissue just described,
there is found a mass of hard bone, about 2 cm. in its greatest diameter, of very irregular shape. There are also, on
various parts of the inner surface, smooth, slightly elevated
ridges which represent the remains of previously existing
septa. The remainder of the inner surface has a puckered
or rugous appearance and, in general, is of an opaque,
yellowish-white color. But there are numerous areas from 3
mm. to 2 cm. in diameter which are very sligh ly (scarcely
.5 mm.) elevated, of a reddish-brown color and have sharply
defined, circular or irregular outlines. They have a somewhat velvety appearance owing to numerous minute, columnar
and papilla-like projections of which they are composed. The
inner surface of the cyst opposite the rough, circular area on
the outer surface is comparatively smooth, except immediately
around the small opening at the centre of the rough area,
where there is a border about 2 to 3 mm. in diameter, composed of slightly raised, coarsely granular tissue.
The Fallopian tube is 5.5 cm. long, having a practically
uniform diameter of 6 mm. It is enveloped by dense
adhesions. The fimbria? are matted together, the ostium
abdominale occluded. Just below the tube, betweeu the
layers of the broad ligament, 1 cm. from its outer extremity,
are three small, thin-walled, translucent cysts, side by side, 3
to 5 mm. in diameter.
The irregular pieces of tissue removed by curettage are firm
in consistency, dark red in color, for the most part very
friable, and have many slender projections on their surfaces.
They vary from 1 to 2.5 cm. in greatest diameter.
With the exception of the scraps of tissue removed by
curettage from the posterior wall of the pelvis, which were
preserved in a 5 per cent solution of formalin, the gross
specimen was preserved in Mi'iller's fluid and afterwards
washed in running water, then placed in 95 per cent alcohol.
Sections were cut for microscopic study from (re) the ridges
of tissue from which the wisps of hair took origin ; (b) various
parts of the wall, not including the rough excrescence on the
outer surface; (c) the portion of the wall occupied by the
rough excrescence; (d) from the scraps of tissue curetted
from the posterior wall of the pelvis ; (e) from the Fallopian
tube. These, after being properly hardened by the usual
method, were embedded in celloidin. Microtome sections
were then cut and were stained with hematoxylin and eosin.
Microscopic description, (a). Sections through the ridges
of tissue from which the wisps of hair took origin are seen to
have very uneven surfaces, presenting alternate, irregular
projections and depressions. Upon the surface is a layer of
stratified squamous epithelial cells, which varies from 2 or 3
to 6 or 7 cells in thickness. The most superficial of these
epithelial cells have degenerated and have been cast off from
the surface either singly or in homogeneous, deeply eosinstained bands formed by the coalescence of the superficial
cells. Definite prickle-cells are seen in the deepest stratum
of the layer. In many places the epithelium covering the
surface is degenerated throughout the thickness of the layer,
being converted into a mass of retractile, disintegrated, deeply
eosin-stained tissue. In the stroma beneath the layer of
surface epithelium there are many cross and oblique sections
of hair follicles and numerous normal sebaceous and sudoriparous glands. Some of the hair follicles contain hairs, others
do not. The stroma is composed of dense, wavy fibrous tissue,
poor in nuclei, and running through it are many thin-walled
blood-vessels. There are also many masses of colored bloodcorpuscles in the stroma, some of which are free in the tissues,
others contained in the walls of congested blood-vessels. The
tissues, in many places, show beginning hyaline change.
Scattered through all the tissues of the wall are fairly
numerous small round cells and a few polymorphonuclear
leucocytes. The degree of the leucocy tic invasion varies very
much in different parts of the specimens, being quite dense
in many places near the inner surface.
(b~). On examining many sections from various parts of the
wall (not including the rough excrescence on the outer surface), it is found to be composed for the most part of dense
fibrous tissue which, iu mauy places, shows hyaline degeneration. In a few places, small bundles of non-striated musclefibres are seen. The fibrous tissue is densest next to the outer
surface, where, in some places, its appearance is suggestive of
ovarian stroma. The outer surface is generally smooth and
even, but here and there thick, non-vascular tags of adhesions
are seen. There are also a few slit-like spaces just beneath
the outer surface lined by a single layer of flattened, endothelial cells. Blood-vessels of considerable size aie scattered in
moderate abundance through all parts of the wall.
The inner surface is, for the most part, devoid of any epithelial lining, although in some places it is covered by layers of
stratified epithelium from 2 or 3 to 15 or 20 cells in thickness. The cells in the thickest layers are, in general, flattened from side to side instead of from above downward, as
in the stratified squamous epithelium of normal structures
such as the cervix uteri, vagina, skin, etc. In the thinnest
layers they are flattened from above downward, and in the
layers intermediate in thickness they are much less compressed, i. e., more polyhedral in form Some of the cells in
the deepest strata are prickle-cells. No definite papilla? are
formed beneath the epithelium. The portions of the inner
surface not covered by epithelium are wavy in outline and
composed of fibrous tissue, which, iu many places, resembles
chronic granulation-tissue, containing many very small, wellformed, congested blood-vessels. The tissues, a short distance below the surface, are permeated by extravasated blood.
The reddish-brown, slightly elevated areas on the inner

Revision as of 22:34, 20 February 2020



Vol. XI - No. 106.1


[Price, 15 Cents.


Contributions to the Surgery of the Bile Passages, especially

of the Common Bile-Duct. By W. S. Halsted, M. D., - - 1 Early Exploratory Operations in Tuberculosis of the Hip. By

Joseph C. Bloodgood, M. D., - jj

Gunshot Injuries by the Weapons of Reduced Calibre. By

L. A. LaGardb, U. 8. A., - - - - - . oq

A Reconstruction of a Glomerulus of the Human Kidney.

William B. Johnston, - - - -Medical Commission to the Philippines.

Barker, M. D.,


Ry Lewellys F.

An Apparatus to Aid the Introduction of a Catheter or Bougie. By George Walker, M. D.,

Summaries or Titles of Papers by Members of the Hospital and Medical School Staff appearing Elsewhere than in the Bulletin, ------ Proceedings of Societies :

Hospital Medical Society, - - Exhibition of Surgical Cases [Dr. Mitchell] ;— An Improved Stethoscope [Dr. Cabot] ;— The Pulmonic Second Sound [Dr. Cabot].

Books Received,





By W. S. H.lstkd, M. D., Baltimore, Surgeon-in-Chief to the Johns Hopkins Hospital, Professor of Surgery in the Johns

Hopkins University.

Just now I am very much impressed with the splendid results of operations for gall-stones in the common duct, for we have had of late a series of cases very desperately ill, and so transformed by their emaciation and discoloration, and so feeble in body and mind, that I could hardly picture to myself the various stages of metamorphosis toward convalescence. Every one has seen a patient whose life has been despaired of convalesce from acute disease ; they watched his rapid decline and expected an almost equally rapid recovery; but when the decline has covered a period of five or ten or perhaps twenty years the changes wrought are so great and apparently of such permanent character that the complete restoration to health is the more astonishing. The large cirrhotic liver, the dry slateyellow skin, the enfeebled intellect, the body emaciated to the last degree, seem at times almost to preclude all hopes of recovery to the practitioner who has not witnessed the changes so quickly brought about by nature as soon as the mechanical obstacles to recovery have been removed by the surgeon. What nature accomplishes without the surgeon's aid in her attempts to rid herself of the obstruction in the gall-passages and to

•Read at a Meeting of the Surgical Section of the Suffolk District Medical Society, May 3, 1899.

repair self-inflicted damage is marvelous ; but her methods are very crude and attended with much suffering and great danger, immediate and remote. I have, however, in mind at this moment two particularly creditable examples of nature's surgery.

In the first one the gall-passages were shortened to just the length of the two large stones which completely filled them. One occupied the gall-bladder, the other the pancreatic portion of the common duct; the duodenum was not only adherent to the gall-bladder, but served in place of its anterior wall, which had been destroyed; the stone in the gall-bladder, therefore, rested on the wall of the duodenum, which was pasted, so to speak, over the great hole in the front wall of the bladder. There was nothing that could be called cystic duct ; the choleductus was almost completely covered by the duodenum; the hepatic duct was much distended, admitting easily one finger. All signs of inflammation, except its results, had disappeared. The simplest conditions had been produced, and those most favorable to the expulsion of the stones in some subsequent attack ; gall-bladder and common duct were reduced to a short, wide, nearly straight tube, which bore a striking resemblance to an atheromatous aorta. The stone in the common duct was behind the duodenum and buried in its wall.


[No. 106.

The second patient had his first colic twenty-one years before admission to the hospital. He was never jaundiced. In the third attack, which began one month prior to operation, his temperature reached 106°. A physician aspirated pus from the distended gallbladder about twenty-four days after the onset of the third attack, or three or four days before we operated. The gall-bladder was opened in two acts. The fluid in the gall-bladder was almost clear and not bile-stained. Diagnosis : Stone in the cystic duct. Cover-slips showed few bacilli. Cultures yielded bacillus coli communis, pure. Patient applied for re-admission in eighteen months, because he had noticed a hard body just beneath the skin in the mouth of the sinus. By simply dilating the sinus I removed four large, very darkgreen, almost perfectly cylindrical stones, which were piled up upon each other in this sinus, forming a column 10 centimeters high. Nature would herself have extruded these stones which she had brought to the surface without causing the patient any discomfort.

Equally marvelous are the processes by which nature destroys all traces of her surgical handiwork. I have operated upon two cases in which perforation of the gall-passages and intestinal walls, and the expulsion of the stone, had undoubtedly occurred, but was unable in one of them to find any evidence of the perforation other than a few light and easily separable adhesions. Again, in a case of appendicitis, followed by gangrene of the greater part of the cecum and a wide preternatural anus, there were, within a year, only a few very light adhesions about a pinhole opening in the colon to tell the story. These facts are enough to make the ordinary operations for suspension of the spleen, liver, uterus, etc., seem ridiculous. Adhesions about an artificial opening fortunately never disappear. If innocent fistula? could be established, with the organs to be suspended, the problem might in a way be solved.

I wish to ask your attention to-night to a few of the unusual facts observed by us in our operations upon the bile-passages j particularly the common bile-duct. Almost every one of our common duct cases has presented us with a new fact or two which can hardly fail to interest the general practitioner, as well as those who concern themselves with the surgery of the bile-passages. To be as brief as possible, for the time is short, I will summarize at the outset some of the more noteworthy incidents observed by us in this department of surgery.

I. Dilatation of the first part of the duodenum caused by constricting adhesions ; as the result, perhaps, of tlie dilatation, an ulcer (" distention ulcer" — Kocher) on the confines of the pylorus ; the ulcer gave rise to a dissecting submucous abscess (chronic), rich in organisms because not reached by the most painstaking sterilization of the stomach. This abscess was punctured during the operation and a fatal peritonitis resulted (terminal infection), although, literally, only a drop or two escaped, and these were carefully wiped away.

II. Primary carcinoma of the duodenal papilla and diverticulum Vateri.

First operation. — Excision of portions of the duodenum (nearly its entire circumference), pancreas, common bile-duct and pancreatic duct in order to give the little growth, no larger than a pea, a wide berth ; circular suture of the duodenum and

transplantation of the stumps of the common duct and the pancreatic duct (Wirsung's) into the line of this suture.

Second operation. — Cholecystcysticoenterostomy by the writer's method* for intestinal lateral anastomosis.

III. Dynamic dilatation of the first portion of the duodenum and of the pyloric portion of the stomach, corresponding accurately to the limits of a sharply-circumscribed peritonitis; gall-stones in the gall-bladder; hydrops vesicas. Case full of interest for diagnostician. Beautiful instance of circumscribed dynamic dilatation caused by local inflammation ; no adhesions.

IV. Conditions suggesting hepaticocholecystostenterostomy (hepaticocholecystostcholecystenterostomy) as a possible operation ; common and cystic ducts reduced to fibrous cords ; dilated hepatic duct and gall-bladder. Remarkable toxic (?) renal colic resembling closely intestinal colic, associated with anuria ; colic and anuria entirely relieved by salt infusion.

V. Choledochotomy performed twice. The gall-bladder, which was shriveled at the first operation when two stones were probably in the common duct, was large and distended at the second operation when only one stone occupied the common duct (the ampulla). Hematemesis after the second operation.

VI. The densest adhesions that I have ever encountered in these operations, and probably the most difficult of my operations upon the bile passages. A small abscess in the midst of the adhesions; muscular coat of the duodenum converted into fibrous tissue; the exposed submucosa resembled gall-bladder so closely that the duodenum was aspirated and opened.

VII. Case illustrating the rapidity with which adhesions after perforation and extrusion of stone can be absorbed. Renal pains resembling intestinal colic (third observation of the kind within eighteen months). Tachycardia, believed to be due to toxemia of some kind (possibly benign embolism), suddenly disappeared during counting of pulse and while preparations were being made for subcutaneous infusion.

VIII. Discharge of pus and blood by mouth and rectum during severe gall-stone attack. Two years later, adhesions so extensive and so dense that the common duct was reached by a retroperitoneal route, over the right kidney. A stone in the ampulla had just ulcerated through the wall of the common duct and through its duodenal coverings.

Case I. — Duodenal stenosis from gall-stones ; dilatation of the stomach and of the pyloric end of the duodenum ; duodenal ulcer giving rise to a dissecting abscess. — J. S., age thirty-six, admitted February 5, 1899. Never had typhoid fever. Had malarial fever ten years ago with shaking chills. Never suffered from stomach trouble until present illness. Ever since he was eight years old has had sick headaches, lasting three to four hours, once a month ; these would be relieved by emptying his stomach. Has never been jaundiced nor had clay-colored stools. Present illness began very gradually. Three years ago, he noticed that his stomach would swell after eating and hardly regain its normal size before the next meal. Had more or less pain in the epigastrium, which was most marked about one hour after eating. No nausea or vomiting at first ; bowels regular. About the first of last October the pain became worse, and his sick headaches were more numerous and more severe. His vomiting now began. The vomiting was accompanied by colic, so severe as to double him up. Patient was obliged to stop

"Bulletin of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, No. 10, 1891.

January, 1900.]


work for two weeks. He then resumed work until Christmas, since which time he has been unable to work. Patient now vomits much more frequently. The vomiting is preceded by heartburn for about three hours and much pain in the epigastrium. Patient feels greatly relieved after the vomiting. For two weeks after Christmas he had eructations of gas ; none since then. Bowels usually constipated ; sometimes did not move for three weeks. He still suffers much from headache. His appetite is good, but he is afraid to eat. In October, 189S, patient weighed one hundred and forty-five pounds ; he now weighs one hundred and twentythree pounds, and is very weak. Neither stools nor vomitus have ever been blood-stained. Urine normal. Stools clay-colored. Patient not jaundiced.

On palpation of the abdomen no distinct tumor can be felt, but one detects an increased resistance just to the right of the umbilicus. The stomach's longest diameter is 31 cm.; its shortest diameter, 21 cm. The lowest limit of the stomach (tympanitic) is 3^ cm. below the umbilicus. Spleen not palpable. Heart and lungs normal. Glands nowhere enlarged. Pulse slow, feeble, 60 beats to the minute.

January 24th. Test breakfast (Ewald). Two hundred and sixty cc. removed one hour later ; green color ; acid. Total acidity, 5.9 cc. ; 0.1 normal NaOH. Free hydrochloric acid ; no lactic acid. No sarcinse nor Opper-Boas bacilli.

February 4th. Test breakfast. Sixty cc. removed. Total acidity, 20. No hydrochloric acid ; no lactic acid. A few Opper-Boas bacilli (?).

February 5th. Stomach tympanitic. Clapatage readily obtained. Stomach peristalsis quite marked at times. Gurgling felt over small intestines. Stomach washing with sterile salt solution, as preparation for operation, begun. Stomach holds about two liters. Cover-slip preparations show streptococci and staphylococci and numerous bacilli.

February 7th. Stomach washing continued. Cultures taken from the residual material. Cover-slips show only a few streptococci in short chains ; number much decreased since February 5th.

February 8th. Only a trace of free hydrochloric acid ; no lactic acid. Total acidity, 6.2 cc, 0.1 NaOH solution. Stomach peristalsis readily seen at times. Patient has been kept on sterile diet ever since his transfer to the surgical side. Has carbolic-acid gargle three times daily. Teeth cleansed three times daily with listerine and brush. Ingesta are boiled water, boiled milk, softboiled eggs, albumin. Micro-organisms seem to have entirely disappeared from the stomach, for the Petri plates are now sterile. Patient has shown great irregularity in amount of hydrochloric acid — at one time five per cent., at another zero.

February 9th. Operation.— Vertical incision through left rectus. This incision was made with the expectation of a possible gastroenterostomy. Stomach much dilated. In the region of the gallbladder is a mass of tissue tangled by dense adhesions. In this mass are gall-bladder and pylorus. The mass feels not unlike a new growth. Search for metastases negative, but a small, hard, dark tumor, the size of a pea, is discovered in the right lobe of the liver, near its edge, evidently an angiosarcoma. Pylorus separated from gall-bladder with the greatest difficulty. The separation had to be effected with the knife. It was impossible at first to determine accurately the relations of the gall-bladder, pylorus and duodenum to each other. In the course of the dissection a pinhole opening was made in what proved to be the duodenum. The surrounding parts had been well protected against such an accident. A drop of fluid escaped, and from these cultures were taken. The little hole was immediately sutured. The gall-bladder was next opened, and not until then could it be determined positively that the pinhole opening was not in the gall-bladder, the contents of duodenum and gall-bladder so closely resembled each other ; it was a thick, ropy, mucoid, colorless material. The gall-bladder was finally completely isolated. It was small and misshapen and

contained two or three hard mulberry-like gall-stones. The cystic duct contained no stones ami seemed to be very short and very fine. It was surrounded by numerous small vessels, two of which were tied. There was no bile in the freely opened gall-bladder, which was drained in the usual way with a rubber tube, a catgut purse-string suture sealing the bladder hermetically about the tube. Bismuth gauze was packed about the outside of the gallbladder. The peritoneum was closed with silk ; the muscles, fascia and skin with silver. Patient bore the operation very well. At G p. m , temperature 101°; respirations quiet and regular. Some distention of upper abdomen.

February 10th. Patient has been vomiting. Complains of pains in stomach and tightness across abdomen. Pulse 108 and feeble ; respirations 24 ; temperature 101°. Leucocytes at 12.30 p. m., 26,800 ; at 1.30 p. m., 34,000 ; 5.30 p. it., 36,000 ; 7 p. m., 37,800. At 6 p. m. patient drowsy, quiet ; respirations, 34 ; hands cold ; pulse barely perceptible. Cover-slips show no micro-organisms in the blood. Five hundred cc. salt solution infused under each breast. At 10 p. m. 1000 cc. salt solution infused under breasts. Pulse improved, 140 to minute ; low tension but regular rhythm. Respirations 36 ; expirations accompanied by short groans. Occasional hiccough ; no vomiting; no nausea ; no pain.

February 11th, 2.15 a. m. Patient died quietly.

Autopsy. — General peritonitis. Organisms, streptococcus pure. In the walls of the first portion of the duodenum, very near the pylorus, was an accumulation of thin mucopurulent fluid. This was held in bounds by a soft wall of granulations ; it was evidently an old abscess between mucosa and submucosa, which communicated with the lumen of the duodenum by a fine opening. A minute ulcer had perhaps been the starting point.

The first portion of the duodenum was distended, and the stomach was dilated ; the distention was due to the constriction produced by the adhesions, for which the gall-stones were responsible ; as a consequence, perhaps, of the distention and the resulting venous stasis, a minute duodenal ulcer ; and from the ulcer, the abscess, which was probably responsible for the fatal streptococcus peritonitis.

Of special interest in this case is: (1) the fact that carcinoma had been suspected — the duodenal stenosis, the dilatation of the stomach, the presence of Opper-Boas bacilli (?) justified the suspicion ; (2) the success which attended Dr. Cushing's efforts to sterilize the stomach ; the micro-organisms had apparently entirely disappeared from the stomach on the day preceding the operation, for the Petri plates, which from day to day showed fewer colonies, for that day were sterile; (3) the dissecting intramural abscess, starting probably from an ulcer which may have been due to thrombosis of a small artery, or to distention of the first part of the duodenum, or to vascular disturbances of some kind, infectious or mechanical. Although thrombosis of a small intestinal artery does not lead to infarction it may cause hemorrhages into the lumen of the intestine and slight intramural extravasations.*

Kocherf has demonstrated that in consequence of distention of the gut by retention of its contents and the resulting venous stasis, very considerable changes take place in the wall of the intestine. He writes as follows: "Arnd has proved that in strangulated hernias, when the circulation is greatly interfered with, micro-organisms make their way into the mucous mem

  • Archiv fur pathol. Anat. u. Physiol., 1875.

t Kocher : Mittheilungen aus den Grenzgebieten der Medizin und Chirurgie, Bd. iv, Heft 2, 1898.


[No. 106.

brane and can pass through the intestinal wall (diapedesis of the micro-organisms). On the other hand, Cassin* and Charrin f have shown how very important the normal epithelium of the intestine is as a protection to the intestinal wall against micro-organisms as well as ferments. The absence of this protection against ferments and bacteria leads to intoxication and infection. Finally, Beichel J has demonstrated that the considerable accumulation of fluid above the site of the obstruction is due in part to a hypersecretion of the mucous glands. Under the influence of the intestinal contents which, increased in amount and stagnating, are the more rapidly decomposing (the ofttimes considerable phenoluria and indicanuria is proof of the increased decomposition), the epithelium in the first place becomes destroyed because its nutrition is interfered with under the influence of the venous stasis. There result circumscribed necroses and hence ulcerations of mucous membrane, particularly in places where the venous stasis led to ecchymosis, and, finally, perforation of the serosa and peritonitis may occur. For the origin of these ulcers which, many times observed, have not been properly estimated in their relations to ileus, various explanations have been given. The most substantial explanation is the one which attributes them to the pressure of hard scybala, and it is not to be doubted that hardened fecal matter, just as foreign bodies — gall-stones, for example — can have pressure ulcers as a consequence. But the ulcers which we have pictured are certainly not dependent upon hard intestinal contents and the decubitus which they may mechanically bring about. They occur in jejunum and ileum as well as in colon by the filling up of these intestines with fluid or gas. The only factor which constantly accompanies these ulcers is overdistention of the intestine. Inasmuch as one can experimentally bring about a significant impairment of the circulation of the intestinal wall and its consequences, by overstretching of the gut, we hold to the proposition that the ulcers are best called distention-ulcers (Dehnungageschwure). Long ago I called attention to the fact that ulcers of just this kind could also in cases of strangulated hernia lead to a fatal peritonitis after constriction had been relieved, or a gangrenous loop of intestine had been resected and an entirely trustworthy suture had been made."

Case II. — Primary carcinoma of the duodenal papilla and diverticulum of the Vater, successfully removed by operation ; cyslico-enterostomy three months after the first operation. — Mrs. M. L., age sixty. Until August, 1897, patient was well. Her first symptom was itching of the skin, which came on suddenly and soon became severe. Patient says jaundice did not appear for nearly a month after the onset of the itching. Before the appearance of jaundice diarrhea set in, and there were six or seven stools a day which were watery and clay-colored. Patient has had no chills, no fever and no sweating. With the onset of the jaundice she noticed shortness of breath and an occasional swelling of the feet and legs. About the firstof January, 1898, she had persistent bleeding of the gums for three days, following the extraction of a tooth. At times the hemorrhage was profuse.

  • Mittheilungen aus Kliniken der Schweiz, Basel, 1898.

fFonctions protectrices de la muquese intestinale, Soc. de biologie, December, 1895. }Zur Pathologie der Ileus, Deutsche Zeitschrift fur Chirurgie.

Two months ago a tumor was noticed in the region of the gallbladder. This tumor does not seem to the patient to have increased in size and has never been tender. In March, 1897, she had several attacks of severe pain in the epigastrium. These attacks were not accompanied by vomiting or fever or sweating. A few weeks later she had a second but milder attack. The stools were light in color for two or three days at the beginning of these attacks, but patient recalls no change in the color of the urine or the skin at that time. The daughter of the patient states that these attacks of pain were very severe, and that her mother seemed very ill.

Examination February 14, 1898. — Patient somewhat emaciated, but fairly well-nourished. Mucous membranes pale. Heart and lungs normal. There is a distinct prominence on the right side, the highest point of which is midway between the umbilicus and anterior superior spine. The prominence descends markedly with inspiration. On palpation the prominent area proves to be pearshaped and distinctly fluctuating. The border of the liver, which reaches almost to the crest of the ileum, can be distinctly felt.

February 14, 1898. Operation. — Vertical incision through rectus muscle. A greatly dilated but not especially dense gall-bladder presented no adhesions. Liver projects five cm. below costal margin. Four silk sutures* placed in fundus of gall-bladder with French needles. Small aspirator introduced in center, between sutures; syringeful of clear fluid withdrawn. Gall-bladder opened ; contents evacuated. In the latter part of the fluid were many fine, sand-like, hard, greenish, round particles, suggesting miniature gall-stones. Common and cystic ducts were dilated to the size of one's thumb. A longitudinal opening two cm. long was made in the common duct. The same colorless fluid escaped from this incision. Duct explored with probe and finger. What seems to be a small, very hard stone is felt at site of ampulla. To determine the nature of this body, an incision was made through the wall of the duodenum. Noglandular metastases discoverable. Thestonelike body proved to be, as was feared, a carcinoma of the papilla.

Excision of the cancerous growth. — To give the growth a wide margin, a large piece of duodenum was excised, a wedge-shaped piece with the apex at the mesenteric border of the intestine. About three-quarters of an inch of the common duct and a shorter piece of the pancreatic duct were excised. The wound in the duodenum was closed in the usual way with mattress sutures. This was practically an end-to-end anastomosis of the duodenum. The common duct and pancreatic duct were transplanted into the duodenum along the line of suture. A linear incision into the common duet, which had been made for diagnostic purposes, was closed over a hammer. The gall-bladder was sutured to the peritoneum.

Abdominal wound closed in the usual way ; the peritoneum with a running silk suture, the muscles and fascia with buried silver sutures, and the skin with a continuous subcuticular silver suture. Bismuth gauze inserted to protect the suture of the intestine and common duct. Drainage tube surrounded by bismuth gauze, and gutta-percha tissue inserted into gall-bladder and held in place by a purse-string suture of catgut. Wound dressed with silver foil. Gutta-percha tissue placed between the raw edges of the skin and the gauze packing. Operation lasted three hours and ten minutes. Patient experienced apparently no shock from the operation.

February 16, 1898, first dressing. Profuse discharge of bile in dressing. Icterus less intense. Considerable abdominal distention, but no signs of peritonitis.

  • We find this a very useful procedure. The gall-bladder is manipulated by

these sutures and handling is thus avoided. These sutures are of additional service when it seems advisable to distend, subsequently, the gall-bladder with (iuid, and when it is desirable to close it temporarily during the operation.

January, 1900.]


February IS, 1898. Distention has almost completely disappeared. Tongue clean. Patient comfortable.

February 22nd. Discharge of bile into dressings still profuse. Stools becoming distinctly bile-stained. Icterus rapidly disappearing. Urine dark and gives bile reaction. Patient hungry.

February 27th. Skin sutures, tube from gall-bladder and the last of the bismuth gauze removed. Evacuations not bile-stained.

March 4th. Discharge of bile diminishing. Opening in gallbladder has been plugged for several days with bismuth gauze in order to determine, if possible, whether or not the transplanted common duct is patulous. Yesterday patient vomited 125 cc. of brownish fluid.

March 5th. Patient has had a large stool, quite dark in color. There is very little leakage from the opening into the gall-bladder, which is almost closed.

March 13th. Icterus continues undiminished. Stools are still slightly bile-stained. Abdomen somewhat distended. Active peristalsis is occasionally visible through the abdominal walls. Liver still readily palpable, the right lobe extending almost to the iliac crest. Appetite good ; tongue clean ; no indigestion.

March 27th. Attempts to plug the opening of the gall-bladder, with the hope of forcing bile into the intestine, not satisfactory, although there is some bile in the stools. Patient's general health good. Icterus has disappeared. Patient able to walk about, and is gaining strength rapidly.

April 5th. The conjunctivae are clear, but there remains still some evidence of bile pigment in the skin. No bile whatever in the stools, although the opening into the gall-bladder is almost closed ; it is barely large enough to admit a probe. Patient is beginning to have indigestion. The appetite as a rule, however, is good. The liver is diminished in size.

April 8th. Patient complains of colic and abdominal pain. Considerable abdominal distention. Dressings bile-stained. No nausea ; tongue is clear.

April 12th. Some nausea and vomiting. No distention of abdomen. Dressings very slightly bile-stained.

April loth. Abdomen soft and relaxed, but borborygmi heard by attendant and appreciated by patient. Little or no bile in dressings.

May 5th. Second operation: cholycyslduodenostomy, or eysticoduodenostomy. — Snture of fundus of gall-bladder. Complete closure of abdominal wound except for drainage. Incision alongside of old cicatrix, circumscribing fistula. Gall-bladder quite small, no larger than one's thumb. Liver about normal in size. Many fine adhesions about gall-bladder, which were easily separated. Gallbladder and ducts thoroughly exposed. The line of suture of common duct at previous operation was readily distinguishable by black-silk stitches, but it was almost impossible to find any trace of the duodenal suture. Common duct incised at site of old suture. Probe cannot be passed into the duodenum, but there is no positive evidence of the recurrence of the cancer. Unsuccessful attempts had been made before the operation to pass a probe from the gall-bladder through the common duct into the duodenum. Opening into the common duct closed in the usual way with mattress sutures over hammer. An anastomosis between duodenum and the gall-bladder or cystic duct was effected without much difficulty, although the parts to be sutured were very deeply situated and inaccessible. The duodenum was probably a little less freely movable than at the previous operation, and the gallbladder was so much reduced in size that we were compelled to pass some of the stitches into what seemed to be the cystic duct; in any event, the neck of the gall-bladder had to be used for the anastomosis. A bougie a boule, passed into the gall-bladder, was used as a darning ball to assist in the placing of the sutures. All the sutures were passed (none of them tied) before the openings into the neck of the gall-bladder and duodenum were made, the method employed being that which I described many years

ago for intestinal anastomosis. The opening in the fundus of the gall-bladder was closed with mattress sutures which inverted the wall. The abdominal wound was completely closed except for protective wicks which were passed through this line of suture into the gall-bladder. What seemed to be an enlarged gland was palpated during the operation but not removed ; it was forgotten. Patient suffered little or no shock from the operation.

May 6th, 4.30 p. m. Patient very restless, tossing about and occasionally vomiting. Ten p. m., has had occasional quiet naps and is more comfortable.

May 7th. Complains of pain in back and abdomen.

May 8th. Is very comfortable. Yellow stool, containing small particles of brown fecal matter.

May 9th. Large greenish-yellow stool.

May 11th. Patient has had daily, since last note, one or two greenish-yellow soft stools. She still complains of slight pain in abdomen.

May 12th. A large, quite well-formed greenish-brown stool. Considerable flatus expelled ; complains of gas in stomach. Slight nausea. Four p. it., vomited thick, mucus-like, chocolate-colored fluid containing milky curd.

May 29th. Patient complains of itching in the hands where the pruritus has always been the greatest when icterus was pronounced. No jaundice, however, is apparent.

June 8th. Slight chill, followed by rise of temperature to 39°. Trace of bile in the urine. Nausea, but no vomiting. No pain and scarcely any tenderness of the abdomen. Wound almost completely closed.

June 9th. Temperature normal ; patient feels well.

In the early autumn of 1898 this patient returned to the hospital too ill for operative interference, and in a few weeks died. During the summer I had corresponded with her, urging her to return to the hospital, for it was clear from her letters that the fistulous communication between the gall-bladder and the duodenum was not working well. At the autopsy it was found that the carcinoma had recurred in the head of the pancreas and duodenum closing the common duct and interfering with the perfect action of the cholecystenterostomy, or cystico-enterostomy. The anastomosis, as we had supposed, had been made between the dilated cystic duct and the duodenum ; the fistula was still perfectly pervious and should have acted nicely except for the interference, a little twisting or bending, created by the new growth.

The result in this case is not encouraging, for it was my opinion at the time of the operation that the case could not have been more favorable. But I did in this case what I never do if it can be avoided, namely, cut well down to or perhaps a little way into the new growth for the sake of diagnosis. It is furthermore a rule in myelinic that pieces shall not be excised from new growths in vivo for diagnostic purposes ; we must learn to make the diagnosis in other ways. In the case of a very small breast tumor it is occasionally impossible to make the diagnosis before operation. I have sometimes approached the tumor with the knife very cautiously, and could tell before I reached the growth, from the findings in the outlying tissues, whether we had a malignant tumor to deal with or not. I shall have more to say about this at another time, but I feel that one cannot condemn too strongly the universal practice of exploring tumors with the knife or with the harpoon or even with the needle. After investigating the subject superficially, I have the impression that amputations for the truly malignant


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sarcomata have comparatively seldom been successful when preliminary exploration has been done. If I find it necessary to make an incision into a sarcoma of an extremity, I first apply an Esmarch bandage, and if the tumor is a malignant growth, the bandage is not removed until the growth has been removed. So, too, in cysts of the breast; we should not aspirate them, because (1) they may be malignant and the aspiration harmful, and (2) if maliguant, the aspiration does not tell us so. This is the first and I believe the only instance in which an operation for primary carcinoma of the duodenal papilla has been done ; moreover, I know of no other case of excision of a portion of the common duct. Heidenhain* (Worms) demonstrated last year at the twenty-seventh Congress of German Surgeons, a shriveled gall-bladder which he had removed for a small cancer of its wall ; after extracting six calculi from the bladder, a little button-like prominence on its wall caught his eye. The microscopical examination showed little or no thickening of the mucous membrane, but unmistakable alveoli in the muscular wall of the gall-bladder; furthermore, some of the lymph-vessels were plugged with cancer cells. In three months the patient succumbed to livercancer which had attained great dimensions, although at the time of the operation the liver was apparently perfectly normal. At the same session Hollander! (Berlin) reported an extirpation of the gall-bladder and cystic duct and resection of a portion of the liver for cancer, which per continuitatem involved the liver. The result he could not give, for he had performed the operation only three weeks before. There can be little doubt as to the ultimate result of Hollander's operation, although, having operated only three weeks previous to his report, he could not give it.

Case III. — Dynamic or paralytic dilatation of first portion of duodenum and of the pyloric end of the stomach correspondiyig accurately to the limits of a sharply circumscribed peritonitis. Oall-stones in gallbladder and cystic duct. Obstruction of cystic duct and hydrops vesical. — Mrs. S. G. M., age forty six. Admitted January 31, 1899. Never had typhoid fever. Headaches at intervals all her life, sometimes very severe and lasting several days; especially severe during menstruation. Digestion has been bad for sixteen years. After meals a heavy feeling in epigastrium followed by fullness and a feeling of suffocation. Belching of gas common; occasionally would regurgitate a mouthful or two of food. Rarely vomited ; never any blood in vomitus. Bowels generally constipated. Micturition frequent, occasionally twenty times a day ; generally several times at night. Menses regular. Average weight, one hundred and fifteen pounds. Has lost in weight of late. Present illness, patient states, began December 31, 1898, although she was much run down before that time. This attack came on gradually. Some distention of stomach, and in the afternoon some pain which became severe at night. The pain was in the epigastrium — a colicky pain — which, as she expressed it "went through the abdomen." Morphia exhibited. Next morning patient felt easier. Morphia continued for next two days. Pain relieved but not entirely subdued. Stools after this were very black, like tar. Physician found something in the stools which he thought might possibly be a gall-stone. Since this attack patient has never been well ; constantly in bed. Great deal of soreness through abdomen, and at times attacks of colic. These

  • Heidenhain : Verhandl. d. deutsch. Ges. f.Chirurgie, 1898, p. 126.

t Hollander, I. c. p. 131.

attacks usually came on in the evening without known cause. Much belching of gas. Bowels regular. Stools not clay-colored. No jaundice. Patient's daughter states that for many years her mother has had attacks of abdominal pain, for which the doctor gave morphia hypodermically. There were intervals of several months between the attacks.

Examination. — On palpation no tenderness except beneath the right costal margin. Here there is to be felt a rounded mass resembling a distended gall-bladder. Right rectus muscle very hard. The mass which is to be felt at the outer edge of this muscle seems lobulated.

January 29th. Attack of what patient calls "colic." She ia nervous and distressed, and complains of abdominal pain. Swallows air and belches it up again.

January 31st. Transferred to surgical side. On inspection a distended piece of gut between umbilicus and tumor, extending obliquely from the left and above to the right and below, probably six or eight inches in length. Peristalsis is to be observed at intervals ; it is not very active, but at times is quite constant. A tumor suggesting gall-bladder projects from the lower border of the liver. It seems to be nodular, or rather has a nodule on it at its upper part. This tumor descends with respiration, and is somewhat tender. The edge of the liver can be felt on each side of the tumor.

February 3d. Operation. — Vertical incision through right rectus muscle. No fluid in abdomen. Gall-bladder distended to size shown in diagram on blackboard. Its walls were thickened and white. The first portion of the duodenum and the pyloric end of the stomach were distinctly distended. Corresponding accurately to the distended portion of the bowel was a slight peritonitis, scarcely more than an injection of the serosa, and an exudate, only enough to cause very fresh adhesions between the duodenum and the gall-bladder. We should hardly call them adhesions ; the duodenum seemed rather to be lightly glued to the gall-bladder just as it might be an hour or two after an operation.

I was extremely interested to find that the vascular injection seemed to correspond accurately to the limits of the dilatation (almost ileus at times). The adhesions, if we choose to call them such, were so fresh that they were separated by very slight pressure of the finger. The general abdomen being walled off by gauze packing, the gall-bladder was opened. Its contents were colorless and in consistency like the white of an egg. Cover-slips were negative. First, one large gall-stone was found with a facet at each end. Then a second stone was detected with a probe in the cystic duct, but it could not be dislodged. Cysticotomy was performed and the stone removed in fragments. The previous attempts to dislodge it had evidently broken up the stone. Incision in cystic duct closed by mattress sutures. Gall-bladder treated in the usual way, namely, hermetically sealed about a rubber tube and protected by bismuth gauze, from the general peritoneal cavity. Abdominal wound closed in the usual way.

At first no bile escaped by the tube, but on the 10th of February, bile was abundant in the dressings.

March 2d. Wound has completely healed. Patient discharged eured.

Various diagnoses had been made in this case : (a) distended gall-bladder with adhesions ; (b) cancer of bile-ducts and liver, involving secondarily the colon; (c) carcinoma of the colon, involving secondarily the gall-bladder and gall-ducts. The distended intestine I watched with much interest several times. It seemed to me too small for colon : and no mass could be felt in the distal side of the distended gut to explain the distention. Peritonitis is undoubtedly the most common cause of paralytic ileus, and I have repeatedly observed in appendicitis that dilatation of the cecum and of the ileum may

Jaxuart, 1900.]


be caused by a very slight, perhaps merely a toxic peritonitis, but I have never before noticed such a sharp line of demarcation between the inflamed and noninflamed portion of the intestine. The dilatation corresponded accurately to the vascular injection. This was the more striking because two portions of intestine so very different were involved. That the comparatively thin wall of the duodenum should be more or less affected by inflammation of its serosa is to be expected, but that such a thick-walled gut as the pylorus and the pyloric end of the stomach should be paralyzed by such a very slight inflammation of the serosa was surprising.

Case IV. — Conditions suggesting hepaticocholecystostcholecysienterostomy as a possible operation. Common and cystic ducts reduced to fibrous cords, dilated hepatic duct and gall-bladder. Renal colic

stimulating intestinal colic; relieved by salt infusion. — Mr. ,

age sixty, had been suffering from gall-stones for several years, but not until be became persistently icteric and very ill was the first operation performed. The operator, a distinguished surgeon, found most difficult conditions confronting him. The entire common duct was impervious and reduced to a librous cord ; the cystic duct, greatly narrowed, was probably impervious ; the gall-bladder and hepatic ducts were dilated. The surgeon, very skillfully, I am told, attempted to construct a new common duct over a tube or catheter from the tissue which he had at his disposal. Just what these available tissues were I do not quite understand. For about five weeks, and until this tube was removed and the surgeon went away on his vacation, the patient was fairly comfortable and seemed to be gaining a little. Then he developed high daily fever and occasional chills, and became jaundiced again. I saw the patient in consultation with Dr. Gardner, of Providence, about one week, I believe, after the fever and the symptoms of obstruction had manifested themselves. The gall-bladder could not be felt. There was perhaps a little more muscle resistance on the right side over the region of the bile-ducts than on the left side, also perhaps the suggestion, rather indefinite, of a little induration such as might be caused by fresh adhesions. It occurred to me that in case the gall-bladder and hepatic ducts were still both dilated one might establish a fistulous communication between them, making an hepaticocholecystostomy and then, immediately, a cholecystenterostomy ; in all an hepaticocholecystostenterostomy. In any event, we thought that an operation for the relief of the symptoms was imperative. Accordingly a vertical incision through the inner margin of the right rectus muscle was made, avoiding the fistulous tract which remained after the withdrawal of the tube over which the new common duct had been constructed. I worked for two hours trying to identify and to separate the parts concerned in this operation. The gall-bladder, the ducts and the duodenum were glued tightly together and to the under surface of the liver. The gall-bladder which was finally extricated from the tangle was very small, contracted and empty ; the cystic duct was a fibrous cord. When bile was at last reached the patient was in such bad condition that the operation had to be discontinued. The parts in the neighborhood of the common and hepatic ducts were so firmly matted together that neither the latter nor the remains of the former had been demonstrated when it was necessary to bring the operation to a flose.

The patient rallied satisfactorily from the immediate effects of the operation ; but twelve or fourteen hours thereafter complained of very severe abdominal pain, which, as he indicated the location of it, ?eemed to be in the region of the colon and passing from right to left. The pain, though perhaps constant, became excessive during the paroxysms. It was never referred by the patient to his back or sides, nor did it radiate to the testicles or groin or crest or ilium. The abdomen was perfectly flat, and peristalsis could

not be observed. Nevertheless, large high enemata of hot water were given, but without appreciable relief- The urine was scanty and very dark and contained albumin and casts and a few bloodcells. Dr. Gardner promptly attributed the pains to the kidney, and related a somewhat similar case. Believing his interpretation of the pains to be correct and recognizing the fact that something must be done quickly for the relief of the kidneys, I transfused about 750 cc. under the breasts. The pulse, which was alarmingly rapid before the transfusion, dropped 40 beats within thirty minutes, and 20 beats within five minutes, and the colicky abdominal pains disappeared. Within twenty-four hours the infusion was repeated with similar results. The kidneys responded promptly to both infusions.

I report this case because (1) it suggested a new operation, hepaticocholecystostcholecystenterostomy, or hepaticocholecystosteuterostomy ; (2) it was the first of three cases of colic which I have seen associated with scanty high-colored urine ; and (3) it was, so far as I know, the first instance of subcutaneous infusion of salt solution for the relief of toxic renal colic. Soon after this Dr. Young, by salt infusions, undoubtedly saved the life of one of my patients whom I had operated upon for appendicitis, and who was suffering from perhaps the most furiously rapid toxemia that I have ever known of. This case has been reported by Dr. Young in the Maryland Medical Journal. The resemblance to intestinal colic is so great that it would undoubtedly be mistaken for it even by experienced practitioners of medicine. This was a valuable lesson for me, for since then I have twice recognized as renal colic this pain, which had been regarded as intestinal colic and treated with high injections. Our list of desperate cases of toxemia treated advantageously with infusions of salt solution is assuming large proportions.

Case V .—Choledochotomy performed twice within four and onehalf months. The gall-bladder, small and contracted at the first operation, when two stones were in the common duct, was large and distended when only one stone occupied the common duct (the ampulla). — Mrs. M. P. E., age fifty-eight, admitted May 3, 1897. October, 1892, patient began to have moderately severe attacks of pain in the region of the gall-bladder. The attacks would come ou suddenly and last several hours unless relieved by anodynes. The pain, milder at first, would gradually increase until it became very severe ; it commenced in the epigastrium and extended into the right hypochrondrium. During the winter of 1892-1893 the attacks occurred every two or three days. Occasionally there would be an interval of two or three weeks. During the remainder of 1893 and all of 1894, the attacks persisted at longer or shorter intervals, the pain always beginning in the epigastrium and radiating to the back. Sometimes during a severe attack there would be slight vomiting. Morphia generally gave relief. Patient says that the attacks were not accompanied by tenderness nor tumefaction. In the attacks observed by me there was always tenderness and, after the first operation, distention of the gall-bladder. In the spring of 1895, she went to Hot Springs, Va., where she remained several months. After this she had no pain for fifteen months, but did not seem to gain or improve in health. In September, 1896, in Italy, the pain returned. The attacks recurred with great regularity for seven or eight weeks. Most of them were attended by nausea and some by vomiting. She became jaundiced for the first time in December, 1896, and has remained more or less icteric until admission. Just after the paroxysms the icteric is deeper. For the past five months she had remained in bed most of the time. She vomits frequently, is seldom free from nausea. The bowels


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have not been markedly constipated ; appetite is poor ; headaches occasional but not severe. Prior to this illness, however, she suffered very much from headaches. At no time has she had chills or sweating.

Examination. — Patient is quite deeply jaundiced ; her color is a dark slate-yellow ; tongue heavily coated ; body much emaciated ; expression rather dull, eyes lusterless. Heart not enlarged ; no adventitious sounds. Lungs negative. Urine dark, almost coffeecolored, trace of albumin, much bile-stained sediment. A few bilestained casts and epithelial cells. Red blood-corpuscles, 4,220,000 ; white, 6,000.

May 4, 1897. First operation. — Longitudinal incision through right rectus muscle ; resection of cartilages of eighth, ninth and tenth ribs, because the common bile-duct was very inaccessible. Choledochotomy ; removal of one small mulberry calculus. Exploration of duct fails to detect a second stone. Suture of duct wound. Gall-bladder atrophied and not opened. Bismuth gauze packing to suture in duct. Peritoneum sutured with fine silk, muscles and fascia with silver wire, and skin with a buried suture of catgut. Little or no shock from the operation.

On opening the abdomen the tissues were bile-stained. There was no fluid in the peritoneal cavity. The outer surface of the contracted gall-bladder was covered with new connective tissue in which were little masses of fat. The omentum was loosely adherent to the gall-bladder. The cystic and common ducts were easily isolated after division of three of the costal cartilages. No stones could be felt in the bladder or cystic duct. The stone found in the common duct could be moved quite freely up and down in this duct, but could be forced into the cystic duct, the common duct, about 1J cm. in diameter, being uniformly dilated. Bile flowed from it when opened. It was carefully explored with the fingers but not with an instrument. The gall-bladder was not opened. Two mattress sutures closed the opening in the duct, one preliminary suture being taken before the duct was opened. The sutures were passed without difficulty, the wall of the duct being about 3 mm. in thickness. No leakage occurred after the stitches were tied. The calculus, without facets, was spherical, about 1.6 cm. in diameter, and had a granular surface like a mulberry calculus.

May loth. Patient has recovered uneventfully from the operation. She is easily nauseated, however, and has very little desire for food. The stools have about the color of dark coffee and the skin has become lightened perceptibly. She complains, however, of an aching pain in the back, not relieved by posture.

May 24th. Patient has no inclination to eat; takes almost nothing by mouth. Nutritive enemata, which have been administered uninterruptedly since the operation, are still well borne. About every two days there is quite a definite attack of pain in the umbilical region and back, ushered in by nausea. Vomiting usually follows in a few hours and the distress is relieved.

May 29th. Condition little changed. Patient is fairly comfortable except for the attacks. Takes a little more food. Stools semi-solid and still quite dark. Urine has trace of bile.

June 13th. No bile in urine. Vomitus contains considerable hydrochloric acid.

June 26th. Appetite and digestion have steadily improved. Nausea less constant, often absent. Patient constipated, requires enemata; stools normal as to color.

July 4th. Much more comfortable. Nausea has disappeared ; color greatly improved, but the attacks of pain continue, although they are less frequent.

July 13th. Slight chill at 5.30 p. m., accompanied by pain in the back and head. Temperature reached 103° at 7.30 p. m.; fell to 99.2° at 5 a. m. Examination of blood for malaria, negative.

July 25th. Patient has lost one and one-half pounds in weight in the past week. The right lobe of the liver is enlarging. The spleen is palpable. Patient is having short attacks of fever accompanied by slight chills ; headache and yawning usually associated

with them. The attacks of pain continue ; they are still controlled by very small doses of morphia, one-sixtieth to one-fortieth of a grain. She sits up out of bed most of the time.

July 27th. The pain in the back has of late been accompanied by a slight rise of temperature, 99.2° to 105.5°. The urine contains no bile. The stools consist of light and dark portions sharply separated. Patient is gaining quite rapidy in weight.

August 5tb. Stools clay-colored. Temperature reached 102° last night during an attack of pain. Skin is becoming icteric ; urine contains bile ; slight pruritus. Patient's weight has increased five pounds in ten days. From August 8th to 12th no bile in urine.

Sept. 12th. The attacks of pain and the pyrexia continue. Patient is decidedly icteric after some of the more severe attacks. What we have feared ever since the operation we are now quite certain of, namely, that there is still a stone in the common duct, probably in Vater's diverticulum. The liver is considerably enlarged, but the gall-bladder has not been definitely made out.

September 13th. Second Operation. — Vertical incision near linea alba. Adhesions from previous operation separated without much difficulty. Liver much enlarged ; gall-bladder and common duct distended with bile. The wall of the common duct was much thicker; the wall of the gall-bladder, on the other hand, was probably thinner than at the previous operation. A small stone was palpated deep down behind the duodenum, presumably in the ampulla. The line of the old suture in the ductus choledochus could not be very definitely made out, but a short yellowish-white streak, evidently cicatricial tissue, corresponded, I thought, to the site of the original slit in the duct. A fine suture was placed in the common duct to serve as a handle for the subsequent manipulations. The duct was opened, and about 60 cc. of clear greenish bile escaped. A gauze plug was inserted into the proximal end of the slit to prevent the stone from slipping into the hepatic duct. Interrupted sutures were taken over a hammer of the proper size. The dislodgment of the stone was somewhat difficult. It was a little smaller than the first stone, but otherwise repeated the original exactly. The gall-bladder was opened, sewed to the peritoneum, and drained in the usual way ; a rubber tube surrounded first by gauze and then by protective being held in place by a purse-string suture of catgut. Wicks of bismuth gauze protected the line of suture in the common duct. The operation was attended with very little shock and the patient reacted very well.

Sept. 20th. There has been more or less nausea ever since the operation. Patient objects decidedly to stomach washing. Bile is draining actively from the tube. There has been little or no nausea to-day, but patient is weak and much depressed. The removal of a piece of gauze from the gall-bladder gives patient the first sensation of "heartburn," which she has had since the operation ; it lasted several hours.

Sept. 22d. Patient is thin and emaciated and alarmingly weak ; speaking is a great exertion to her. Temperature subnormal. There are no wound complications, nor any signs of peritoneal irritation or obstruction. Alimentation is almost exclusively rectal ; 6 p. m. vomited 1000 cc of fluid thick with "coffee grounds." Patient very restless. Examination of vomitus: No bile; bloodcorpuscles abundant; altered blood pigment; free hydrochloric acid ; no lactic acid.

Sept. 23d. Patient has vomited several times during the day ; in all about 2000 cm. of the same dark coffee ground vomitus. The pulse is very feeble.

Sept. 24th, 8 a. if. Pulse barely susceptible early this morning ; rallied a little after exhibition of salt solution per rectum. Still vomiting large amounts of same fluid, though nothing is being administered by mouth. 12 m. Patient is very low but still conscious. Infusions of salt solution were given under breast and in buttocks. 5.15 p. m. One drachm of one per cent, solution cocaine given by mouth. 5.30 p. m. Patient vomited 360 cc. of same dark fluid. Cocaine given again. No vomiting since second dose.

January, 1900.]


Sept. 25th, 1 a. m. Patient responds a little to the saline infusions. She is moaning and restless. Her nose and extremities are cold. She sleeps in short naps, with her eyes open and eyeballs rolled up. Complains greatly of thirst. Champagne and albumin retained and apparently relished.

Sept. 28th. Infusion again soon after midnight. Involuntary stools and small amount of dark vomitus. Is somewhat flighty at times. Pulse is thready, irregular, and cannot be accurately counted. She is sighing and seems almost moribund. Too weak to recognize surroundings or members of the family. About noon to-day I saw the patient for the first time since the third day after the operation, having returned to town as rapidly as possible in response to a telegram sent forty-eight hours ago. Dr. Cushing, house surgeon, who had attended her constantly, day and night, met me at the door of the hospital with the words, " no hope, she is dying. We went to her room ; she was cold and almost unconscious ; her eyes were open, the eyeballs rolled up ; the lower jaw had dopped. She had had more involuntary movements and could retain no nourishment. Her pulse was littre better than a flutter and could not be counted. In less than forty-five minutes I returned to the patient and found her pulse 120, and fairly regular in force and rhythm. I doubted my senses when I counted it. She was moreover not so cold, her eyes were not staring, and her lower jaw was raised. A miracle ! From that moment her convalescence was uninterrupted. She slept an hour, and on waking looked better than she had in two or three days. For twenty-four hours she was so weak that she could barely move her arms. She remembers nothing that transpired on the 23d, 24th and 25th of September.

In eight weeks, on November 22d, this patient left the hospital, not only able to walk but to take a long journey on the railroad. In one period of seven days she gained nine pounds. Her liver was rapidly diminishing in size.

In April, 1898, I had the pleasure of seeing this patient again. Her color was natural, her digestion excellent, her weight above normal and her strength steadily increasing. Her liver did not extend below the costal margin.

I have seen many cases regarded as hopeless recover, but never a being so near death as this have I known to escape it. I have speculated much as to the possible explanation of the very sudden change in her favor, but it would lead us beyond the limits of this paper to discuss the matter. In toxemias I have noted almost instantaneous drops in the pulse rate. Twice within a month I have observed a fall of 30 beats to the minute follow in less than thirty seconds the opening of an abscess. The abscesses were large and very acute ; one was a suppurating laparotomy wound and the other was a circumscribed abscess in the peritoneal cavity. The very instant that the abscesses were opened the change in the pulse was noted. A few months ago we were preparing to infuse with salt solution a patient upon whom I had operated for gall-stones and whose condition gave me not a little anxiety. His respirations were about 40 per minute and his pulse between 130 and 140. The physical signs indicated not very clearly some consolidation of the lower lobe of the right lung. While the instruments were being sterilized for the infusion, and while Dr. Cushing, the house surgeon, was counting the pulse, it fell to less than 100.

Was the hemorrhage from the stomach in the case of Mrs. R. (Case V) due simply to the prolonged vomiting; or to interference with the circulation of the portal vein (liver cirrhosis, pressure of packing) ; or to thrombosisof a small arterial branch:

or to a retrograde embolism (Recklinghausen,* von Eiselsbergt) or malposition of the pylorus or duodenum? It could hardly have been due to sepsis for there were no signs of infection. As long ago as 186?, Billroth J remarked that in septic cases we might have duodenal ulcers and fatal hemorrhages therefrom. He showed in his experiments upon animals that sepsis might cause intestinal hemorrhage, although, in his experience, it seldom did so in man; if, however, there existed an obstruction to the circulation, such as liver cirrhosis causes, little hemorrhages in the stomach plus the action of the gastric juices might lead to the formation of ulcers. The nausea began almost immediately after the operation. Whatever was the cause of this almost continuous nausea and frequent vomiting was also, probably, at least the remote cause of the hemorrhage. Von Eiselsberg has just reported seven cases of stomach and duodenal hemorrhage following operations upon the abdomen. Hematemesis occurred in six of his cases, and never later than the second, usually on the first day. The hemorrhages were demonstrated in three cases post mortem.

In my case the vomiting of" coffee grounds " was not observed until the tenth day. This patient was so carefully watched that I am quite sure that if hematemesis had occurred earlier it would not have been overlooked. In seeking for a common cause for the stomach and duodenal hemorrhages, Von Eiselsberg excludes vomiting because in two cases there was no vomiting, and in two, hematemesis occurred only a single time; he also excludes sepsis because in four of the cases there was no infection, and reaches the conclusion that " If the behavior of the wound is to be regarded as the cause of the hematemesis, then it must be assumed that in the cases which healed by first intention a retrograde embolism from a non-infected thrombus had taken place."

I wish that there was time to discuss this feature of the case more fully, but I must pass on to the consideration of another fact which this remarkable case developed. There were at the first operation almost certainly two stones in the common duct, one in the ampulla, the other more or less freely movable in the duct, although it fitted it quite snugly; but the gallbladder was small and contracted and not opened, and the liver was little if at all enlarged; the color of the skin was a light slate-yellow or ash-yellow — not the darker bronze-yellow of complete obstruction. At the second operation, however, when there was only one stone in the common duct, the gall-bladder was distended with bile and quite large, and the liver was greatly enlarged, its right lobe almost reaching the crest of the ilium. The patient's color and symptoms indicated that the stone in the ampulla did not at all times obstruct the duct completely. It sounds almost paradoxical to say that the removal of a stone should increase the obstruction, or that the one stone plugged the duct more completely than the two. I believe that a stone in the diverticulum, particularly a small

  • Die Storungen des Blutkreislaufes.

t Die Verhandlungen der duutschen Gesellschaft fur Chirurgie, 1899.

t Ueber Duodenalgeschwurebei Septicaemia. Wiener med. Wochenschr., 1867.



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one, is more likely to block the duct effectually and to lead to distention of the gall-bladder than a stone, however large it may be, elsewhere in the common duct. A stone in the middle of the duct may at first occlude it completely, but the duct wall soon becomes infiltrated and thickened, it loses its elasticity, and, when distended with bile, stretches. The stone no longer plugs the duct tightly and bile trickles by into the intestine even when a second stone occupies the diverticulum, but when the proximal stone is removed, the bile instead of trickling up to the distal stone is probably jetted against it with sufficient force to hold it as a ball-valve. Furthermore, dilatation should not occur so readily in the portion of the common duct protected by the duodenal wall as in the free portion. In 1885 I operated upon a patient whose common duct contained a stone larger than the largest pecan-nut; at times one half of this stone projected into the duodenum, the other half occupied the duct; a flange had been cut on the calculus by the cicatricial ring, which engaged it and prevented it from slipping into the intestine; and yet this patient was so very slightly jaundiced that a stone in the common duct had not been suspected.

Cask VI. Miss M. H., age thirty. Transferred to surgical from medical side, January 27, 1896. Indigestion for eight years. For past four years the " gastric distress " has been very great. Patient describes a "gnawing sensation" in the epigastrium. Colicky pains radiated throughout thorax, but were at times very severe " in the back." Two years ago she had typhoid fever. For the past six months she has had frequent definite sharp gall-stone attacks with nausea, and four times with vomiting. Never blood in the vomitus. No chills, fever nor jaundice. Patient is a confirmed invalid. She suffers from headache and occasionally from vertigo.

Examination. — Abdomen flat. On deep inspiration spheroidal tumor is to be seen just below the costal margin on the right side. This tumor can also be felt. It moves with the enlarged liver, ascending and descending with the respirations. Last September patient first began to have attacks of pain in right hypogastrium, and accompanied by nausea and sometimes by vomiting. Spleen not palpable. The severe pain suffered by patient could be relieved by drawing up the knees. This pain radiated to the right shoulder-blade.

January 28, 1896. Operation. — Cholecystostomy. Vertical incision through the right rectus muscle. Elongated right lobe of liver. Very dense fibrous adhesions between the gall-bladder and duodenum. These adhesions were divided with great difficulty, and finally what appeared to be gall-bladder presented. It was aspirated, and a thick greenish fluid withdrawn. It was consequently opened with some confidence, but proved to be duodenum. It was sutured again at once, the suturing being very difficult because the muscular coat had been separated from the submucous coat during the dissection of the adhesions. The muscular coat, owing to the chronic inflammation which had existed for so many years, had become sufficiently fibrous to resemble cicatricial tissue, and consequently was unintentionally stripped from the submucosa. When the submucosa presented, it did so in the form of a little knob-like bladder, this coat resembling almost precisely the wall of the gall-bladder. The gall-bladder was finally found, deeply imbedded in adhesions, almost four cm. to the right of its usual position and far under the enlarged liver. It was opened, and one large oval stone, two cm. by one cm., removed. In the course of the operation a small abscess was discovered in the midst of the adhesions. Patient's recovery was considerably retarded by digestion disturbances, which finally disappeared completely

April, 1899. Patient says that she is in robust health and wishes to become a masseuse.

Cask VII. The history of this case cannot be published at present.

Case VIII. Discharge of pus and blood by mouth and rectum during severe gall-stone attack. Tteo years later adhesions so extensive and so dense that the common duct was reached by a retroperitoneal route, over the right kidney. — Mrs. M., age thirty-five. Admitted March, 1895. No typhoid fever. First attack of gall-stones, six years ago, began with sharp attack of pain in the right side of the abdomen. Two years ago miscarriage at seventh month ; was ill in bed thereafter four months. While in bed patient had great pain in region of gall-bladder, with high fever, for ten weeks; was continually blistered over liver. Eight weeks after the abortion she felt suddenly something "give way" ; this giving way was followed by great relief, and by horribly offensive discharge of pus and blood from the rectum and mouth. These discharges were irritating, gave her a very sore throat and mouth. She spat blood and matter for two or three weeks, and the stools during this time were very offensive. She has had pain and tenderness constantly, with occasionally severe attacks since that time ; has been jaundiced more or less ever since, but more markedly so since last July. On admission, body jaundiced and greatly emaciated; tenderness over the entire abdomen, especially in the region of the gall-bladder. Liver, in deep inspirations, extends two fingers' breadth below costal margin, and has a fairly sharp edge. Spleen palpable; stools acholic.

March 19, 1895. — Operation. Liver small, barely reaches costal margin ; its high position complicated the operation. Colon adherent to liver by rather loose bands ; gall-bladder exposed when these were divided. It was high up under the liver and no larger than the tip of the little finger; it was not opened. Adhesions were so dense over the common duct that the peritoneum was opened over the right kidney, and the common duct approached from behind under the peritoneum. A stone being felt, the common duct was the more readily exposed ; the stone was extracted through a hole made by ulceration. This hole proved to be at the junction of the duct and the duodenum, and was shut off from the peritoneal cavity by very delicate adhesions. The intestinal part of the opening was closed completely, the duct part as well as possible. The sutures were passed with great difficulty. The opening in the duct could not be completely closed, the tissues being necrotic, and bile escaped through it even after the sutures were drawn tight. Probing of the duct was carefully done. No other stones were found.

October, 1895. Six months after operation, patient is very well, She weighs one hundred pounds.

April, 1S99. Examined in my private office : patient still enjoys perfect health ; she now weighs one hundred and ninety pounds. Patient states that she has recently given birth to a healthy child.

I report the case of this woman because (1) she was so very ill when operated upon; (2) it is one of the two cases in which intestinal perforation had undoubtedly occurred prior to operation ; (3) the common duct was approached in a new way, namely, from behind the peritoneum ; (4) the stone, in the ampulla, had ulcerated through the walls of the ductus choledochus and the duodenum, and would perhaps soon have been extruded ; (5) the increase in the weight of the patient seemed phenomenal ; it was almost doubled within the year following the operation.

What the result to the patient would have been if this stone had ulcerated its way out of the common duct is quite certain, and yet I have several times found stones imbedded in adhe

January, 1900.]



sious outside of the bile passages; they were usually close to the gall-bladder. Once I discovered a stone in the wall of a thick-walled gall-bladder; it was completely buried and was causing no disturbance, and was detected in the process of sewing in the drainage tube. This is, I believe, the only case in which I have not divided all of the adhesions encountered. If no contraindication exists, such as necessity for abbreviating

the operation, we should separate the adhesions if possible. The chance of meeting fistulous openings between bile passages and the intestine I regard as an indication for thorough exploration rather than a contraindication to it. Not infrequently adhesions alone are responsible for the symptoms which persist after the calculi have been removed by the surgeon or have escaped in other ways.



(From the Clinic of Prof. Halsted, The Johns Hopkins Hospital).

By Joseph 0. Bloodgood, M. D., Associate in Surgery.

I wish to report a case of early operation in tuberculosis of the hip, and am sorry the patient is not here to demonstrate the very happy result.

Case I. — Tuberculosis of left hip, of seven weeks' duration. Operation: Capsule distended; tubercular synovitis; small tubercular focus in the neck of the femur. Result, January, 1899 (13 months), perfect. No restriction of motion.

M.K. Surg. No. 8380. Male, set. 42 years, butcher by trade, was first admitted to the hospital October 6, 1893, 5 years ago, suffering from tubercular arthritis of the left shoulder joint. The disease of the soft parts and bone was extensive ; for this reason excision was performed at once. Although 3 cm. of the shaft of the humerus were removed, the functional use of the arm is an excellent one.

It is of interest to note the possible etiology of the arthritis of the shoulder. This man had always been in excellent health. He could remember no cases of tuberculosis in his family. Eight months ago, he cut his left wrist with a dirty butcher-knife. The wound healed in about one week. One month later he noticed pain in the left shoulder, which was followed by a slight stiffness. The condition was treated for rheumatism. Five weeks ago he noticed a swelling of the upper third of the arm to the inner (medial) side of the biceps muscle.

The patient was readmitted November 30, 1898 (5 years later), complaining of pain and stiffness of the left hip joint. The following are the important facts in the history:

About seven weeks before admission, without any recollection of a traumatism, he experienced, when getting out of bed one morning, pain in the left hip. This pain has been increasing, and is now and then referred to the knee. During the last two weeks the joint has become almost immovable. He baa been able to walk some, although it gives him a good deal of pain. He limped into the hospital.

Examination. — When the patient lies flat on his back with both legs extended, the anterior superior iliac spines appear to be on a level. There is very slight apparent shortening of the

  • Read before the Johns Hopkins Hospital Medical Society. May

8th, 1899.

left leg. This, however, is due to real shortening between the trochanter and external malleolus. There is no shortening between the iliac spine and great trochanter. The hip is fixed at about 25°. There is no apparent abduction or adduction. Any attempt at motion at the hip joint gives pain, and with each motion the pelvis moves with the limb. There is no swelling about the hip joint except on the anterior surface of the thigh. This swelling is situated below the outer twothirds of Poupart's ligament, to the outer side of the vessels and extends downwards a distance of about 4 cm. It is most prominent 2 cm. within the line of the tensor vaginas femoris and 2 cm. below the iliac spine. The swelling is not very painful and on palpation seems to fluctuate. When the patient is quiet in bed and does not attempt to move the limb he suffers no pain. The leg is only painful when he attempts to walk or when some one attemps to bend it at the hip joint. The examination of the lungs was negative. The general health of the patient appears to be excellent. The patient remained under observation from November 30th to December 8th. On December 2nd, following an injection of 2 milligrams of tuberculin, the temperature rose to 100.5°. On December 4th, following 4 milligrams of tuberculin, the temperature rose to 100°. With these two exceptions, a two-hour chart shows a registration of rectal temperature between 98.5° and 99.5°. Following the injections of tuberculin the patient complained of no discomfort whatever. The only fact to be noted was that shown in the slight fever. The leucocyte count before operation was 4,000.

The arthritis was considered to be, without much doubt, tubercular, and the swelling on the anterior surface of the thigh to be due to distention of the capsule of the hip joint which had not yet ruptured.

Operation. — December 8, 1898. Anaesthetic, ether. When the patient was fully narcotized, it was demonstrated that with the exception of flexion there was but little restriction of motion in the hip joint. An incision was made in the anterior surface of the thigh, beginning at the anterior iliac spine, and the capsule of the hip joint was exposed by separating the tensor vaginaa femoris on the outer side from the rectus muscle on the medial side. As soon as the muscles were sepanih sd a tense swelling was found, which upon its surface was smooth



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and white in color. Upon its outer surface there was no exudate, nor was it adherent by connective tissue to any of the surrounding structures. When incised, it was found to be from 3 to 4 mm. in thickness, of firm white tissue, and proved to be the distended capsule of the joint. The cavity contained a large amount of viscid serous fluid containing numerous flakes of lymph and some necrotic material. The inner surface of the capsule of the joint presented the ordinary picture of tubercular synovitis. Here and there one saw cedematous hemorrhagic granulation tissue, in which were areas of yellow necrotic tissue, which could be easily scraped from its fibrous base. Between these areas of granulation tissue were smooth areas paler in color. On retracting the muscles more widely and enlarging the opening in the capsule, the head and neck of the femur were easily exposed. The examining finger at once found a small cavity on the inferior and slightly anterior surface of the neck, near its junction with the head of the bone, which about admitted the index finger (Fig. 1 «). One could also see the cavity, and in its

Case I. Fig. 1. bone removed.

Focus of tubercular osteomyelitis, b. Area of

center was a small area of yellow necrotic tissue. The bone lining the cavity was slightly hemorrhagic, but when cut with the ehisel was found not to be very soft. About 3 to 4 mm. of bone about the cavity were removed with the chisel (Fig. 1 b.) Beyond this, the cancellous bone appeared to be normal. The head of the femur was easily seen. The cartilage was not eroded. The cartilage lining the cotyloid cavity could be seen only at the rim about the head. It also appeared to be normal. The trochanter and shaft of the femur were exposed. The periosteum was not thickened. The entire surface of the capsule of

the joint was curetted. The bone cavity in the neck, and the surface of the synovial membrane after curetting were swabbed with pure carbolic. The wound was then thoroughly irrigated with 1 to 1000 bichloride, followed with salt solution. After mixing iodoform powder with the blood clot, the wound was closed, leaving a small drain extending into the capsule but not into the cavity in the bone. The entire limb and pelvis were fixed in a fully extended and slightly abducted position in plaster.

Notes after Operation. — The patient was perfectly comfortable and at no time during the convalescence experienced pain in the wound. The night after operation the temperature rose to 103.2°, falling to normal in the morning. On the second evening it rose to 104°; on the third to 103°; and on the fourth to 102°, falling to normal each morning. With this rise of temperature there was very little change in the pulse. The leucocyte count varied from 2700 to 4000. Nothing was found to explain the fever. Culture and coverslips from the serum in the wound were sterile. From December 12th to January 28th the temperature chart records no fever. The drain was removed on the sixteenth day. For four weeks the sinus communicating with the joint was irrigated daily with 1 to 1000 bichloride and injected with an emulsion of iodoformized oil. The wound at no time showed any evidence of infection and was completely closed at the end of five weeks. The patient was kept in bed in extension for six weeks, and then allowed to get up in plaster.

Note, August 14, 1899. The patient returns to the hospital walking without crutches or cane. It is eight months since the operation and six months since the plaster cast was removed. For five months the patient has been able to return to his work as a butcher. He has had no further pain. The wound is healed solidly. Careful measurements show no difference in the length of the bone or between the anterior iliac spine and trochanter, except the one noted before operation of 1 cm. shortening between the trochanter and external malleolus. Motions in the left hip joint are possible in every direction, and are but very little restricted in each (see Figs. 2, 3, 4). Forced motions are painless. Previous to operation the left leg was flexed to 25 degrees ; it now can be fully extended without change in the pelvis.

Examination. — January 10, 1900. The patient's condition is the same as that noted in August. The result so far appears to be a perfect one, not only with every evidence of an eradication of the disease, but with complete function of the joint. (See Case IX for operation in the right hip.)

Case II. — Tuberculosis of right hip, of seven years' duration. Operation: Firm fibrous ankylosis; no evidence of bone or joint tuberculosis; incapsulated extra-articular tubercular abscess. Result, Jan. 1900, 9 months, excellent.

Surg. No. 3540. There is at present (May, 1899) in the wards, a young girl who was admitted to the hospital November, 1, 1894. At that time she was suffering with tuberculosis of the right hip, the onset of which had been two years previous, when she was eleven years of age; that is, seven years ago.

Examination. — November 5, 1894, under ether. No apparent shortening. The right (affected) limb is flexed to 45 degrees,


Fig. 2. — Result lu Case I, eight months after operation.

Fig. 3. — Limit of abduction, Case I

Fig. 4.— Limit of flexion, Cum- I

January, 1900.]



slightly abducted and slightly rotated out. Apparently do real shortening between anterior iliac spine and trochanter or trochanter and external malleolus. The measured shortening between anterior iliac spine and internal malleolus 1 cm. (due to abduction).

Examination. — April 25, 1895, after seven months. The flexion is less 20 degrees. Apparent shortening 1 cm., due to tilting up of the pelvis. Measured shortening between iliac spine and external malleolus 2.5 cm. Keal shortening between iliac spine and trochanter perhaps 1 cm. Patient is very fat, and these measurements are difficult to make. The leg is still slightly abducted. Kotation out less.

Examination. — December 8, 1896, after two years. Apparent shortening 3 cm. Keal shortening between anterior iliac spine and trochanter 1 to 1.5 cm.; between trochanter and external malleolus 2.5 cm. (about equally distributed between thigh and leg). These measurements demonstrate that within the last two years, under the best orthopedic treatment, a centimeter of real shortening has taken place, and there has been a lack of growth in the shaft of the femur of 2.5 cm.

Examination. — April, 1898. Very little if any change.

From November, 1894, up to the present time, a period of almost five years, she has been under treatment. After her first admission to the hospital she remained in the wards for two years. The treatment consisted of iodoform injections, and later of fixation in plaster. During this time her general health has remained about the same. There has been little or no loss of flesh, no fever, and no evidence of tuberculosis elsewhere. On December 6, 1896, she was given tuberculin, which was followed by no evidence of reaction. Four weeks later an abscess formed below the great trochanter. It was opened, and healed rapidly. In October, 1897, there was slight reaction to tuberculin. About four weeks ago she returned to the hospital for inspection. She was still using crutches, and suffered a good deal of pain in the hip, not only during the day when she was sitting in a chair or walking on her crutches, but also at night. This pain was generally relieved by extension.

Operation. — April 20, 1899. Ether. Under the anaesthetic it was found that the hip joint was almost completely fixed in a flexed and very slightly abducted position, with no rotation. An incision similar to that employed in the first case was made. On dividing the fascia lata about 5 cm. below the anterior iliac spine, a small cavity (2 cm. in diameter) was opened. In the center of the cavity was a mass of yellow necrotic material and a little clear serous fluid. The wall of the cavity was of smooth white fibrous tissue. No granulation tissue could be found. This cavity corresponded in position to the abscess which formed and healed a year and a half ago. It was completely excised and no communication between it and the bone or joint could be demonstrated. (A very small healed sinus, however, might have been overlooked). On exposing the joint, the head and neck and trochanter of the femur were covered with dense connective tissue. This was excised, exposing the periosteum over the trochanter and upper part of the shaft. The periosteum was slightly thickened, and on stripping it back the bone was a little rough. The outer layers of the bone of the shaft and trochanter were very thin, also that of the neck. The anterior surface of the neck, troch

anter and shaft was removed with a chisel (Fig. 5 a). The cancellous bone was very softand hemorrhagic; the marrow was also fatty and very hemorrhagic. The head of the bone and t he acetabular cavity were covered with scar tissue, in which no granulation tissue could be found. Over a small portion of the head of the bone which was exposed there was normal cartilage. No disease of the pelvic bones about the acetabular cavity could be demonstrated. About the acetabular cavity there was a narrow ridge of new bone (Fig. 5 c). The wound was thoroughly irrigated, and the small bone cavity made during the exploration was allowed to fill with blood clot mixed with iodoform, and the wound closed without drainage.

Case II. Fig. 5. — a. Area of outer table removed to expose neck, epiphysial line and head. 6. Gouge groove to explore acetabulum through head. c. New bone about rim of acetabulum.

At the operation, although the junction of the neck and the shaft was exposed, it was difficult to tell whether the angle between the neck and the shaft were more or less than normal. The neck, however appeared to be shorter than normal. Following the operation, the patient had no discomfort and the wound healed perfectly. She was discharged September 15, 1899, wearing a splint and using crutches. This supporting apparatus was used because I feared that following the removal of the bone, the neck of the femur might possibly have been weakened, and that to allow the patient to walk without some support might be followed by bending of the neck with its resultant deformity. While in the hospital, especially after the patient was up and about on crutches, the pain complained of before operation was not present.

Examination. — January 19, 1900. The patient has no pain. She walks much better but still uses the crutches and wears



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the splint. No change in measurement. Advised to discontinue crutches and later the splint.

I have reported these cases to the Society to illustrate the happy result, in the first case, after an early operation. Here, seven weeks after the beginning of the disease, we found a greatly distended capsule filled with necrotic material and lined by tubercular granulation tissue and a tubercular focus in the neck of the femur. Following the partial removal of the disease of the soft parts and the apparent complete removal of the disease of the bone, we have every evidence of the complete cure of the disease, and three months after operation the patient is able to resume his occupation as a butcher, and the functional use of the joint is almost perfect.

In the second case, after seven years of conscientious orthopedic treatment, the patient is practically in the same condition. The exploratory operation, however, demonstrated that the disease was to all appearances cured. In this latter case an earlier exploratory operation, if it had demonstrated the same condition, would have relieved the patient of a number of years of enforced rest, or, if the disease had been present, would have allowed its earlier eradication.


Note, January, 1900. — Since the above report was made, twelve cases of tuberculosis of the hip have been subjected to operation. Nine are here reported — three cases of very recent date not being included in this report. In all, the immediate results have been very encouraging.

Case III. — Tuberculosis of left hip, of 15 months' duration. No relief of symptoms after two and a half months' treatment with extension in bed. Operation: Distention of capside ; erosion of head and neck ; no bone foci found ; immediate relief of symptoms. Residt January 1 , 1899, six months, excellent G. L. H. Surgical No. 8874. Male, at. 10. Was admitted April 19, 1899, complaining of pain in the left leg. His father died of tuberculosis of lungs, and one brother had been operated upon in this hospital for genu varum. About fifteen months ago this patient complained of pain in the left hip. The pain was intermittent, but had not prevented him from going to school or playing about ; now and then he would limp ; for different periods he would be free from pain and limping ; no history of trauma. About six weeks ago, after a well interval, he complained of sudden pain in the left hip and began to limp. The pain in a day increased so rapidly that he went to bed, being unable to walk, and that night, for the first time, cried out from pain. Being more comfortable the next day he was taken to a hospital where he remained a few days, and left with a brace. Yesterday, twenty-four hours before admission, he fell on the brace and had passed a very uncomfortable night.

Examination. — The left hip was so tender that any attempt at motion produced much pain, and an examination was made with difficulty. There was flexion (40°), abduction (45°), but no aversion. From April 20th to May 12th (22 days) the patient was placed in extension, and was more comfortable. Measurements made on the last day showed apparent shortening of .5 cm., due to slight adduction, but no real shortening. The hip was still very tender and fixed. April 29, reaction to tuberculin. From May 28th to July 2nd, although the patient was in extension, night cries increased and he was uncomfortable. From July 2nd it was noticed that there was a fullness in Scarpa's triangle. The hip was still very painful and fixed in a position of flexion and adduction. For this reason an operation was decided upon.

July 3, 1899. Operation (Dr. Cushing): Ether ; anterior incision. The joint capsule was distended and thickened ; no evidence of rupture. On incising the capsule, about an ounce of seropurulent fluid escaped. A part of the cartilage over the head was roughened and slightly elevated from the bone. The joint cavity was full of tubercular granulation tissue. In places one could see that the cartilage of the acetabulum was eroded and lifted from its base. A portion of the anterior surface of the head and neck was chiseled away, showing the epiphysial line. No focus of disease in the bone was found. The area of most marked erosion of the cartilage, and the erosion of the bone at the edge of the epiphysis, as shown in (Fig. 6, a. a. a.) were chiseled away. After disinfection

Case III. Fig. 6. — a. a. a. Areas of superficial erosion, b. Areas removed.

of the joint and bone cavity, dry iodoform was dusted in the wound, which was closed without drainage. The operation lasted one hour and five minutes.

For a few days previous to operation the pulse ranged between 90 and 100, and for three days after operation it ranged between 120 and 150 ; the temperature rose to 102°. By the seventh day pulse and temperature had reached normal. The patient was comfortable.

On August 2nd (thirty days after), a small sinus opened in the wound, discharging a clear, serous fluid, which completely healed on August 29th. Measurements made on August 30th showed a lengthening of 1 cm. and no real shortening. The flexion had disappeared, and there was a slight tendency to outward rotation. Motion in the joint was much less restricted. On August 31st, two months after the operation, the patient was fitted with a brace. On September 6th he left the hospital wearing a brace.

In this case the usual orthopedic treatment of extension and rest in bed had been given a fair trial, but did not relieve the symptoms. At the operation, tension was relieved by incision and drainage of the distended capsule, after which the patient was much more comfortable. The incision of the capsule also allowed

January, 1900.]



correction of the flexion, and a short time after the operation all movements of the hip joint were freer and without pain.

Case IV. — Tuberculosis of left hip, of <>ne year's duration. Operation : Distended eapsuie, with purulent material ; synovial membrane convt rted into granulation tissue; sliglit erosion of head and neck and acetabulum ; wound closed ; healing per primam. Result, January, 1899, six months, excellent.

Surgical No. 9234. W. C, colored boy, aet. 2 years. Admitted July 26, 1899. One year ago the child complained of pain and tenderness in the left hip, and in a few days began to limp. The parents noticed that the leg became shorter ; the pain was worse at night, and there were night cries. The child continued to walk a little.

Examination. — The general condition was good; no evidence of rickets. The left leg was flexed to 70 degrees at the hip and 45 degrees at the knee, and adducted. Motions at the hip are restricted in all directions, but not at the knee. It was difficult to make accurate measurements, but there appeared to be no real shortening.

August 2nd (six days after admission). Operation (Dr. Mitchell): Ether: anterior incision. The capsule of the joint was thickened and ccdematous. On incising the capsule, an ounce of thin, brownish, purulent and necrotic material escaped. The synovial tissue seemed to be converted into granulation tissue. There was noticed a slight erosion on the anterior and superior surfaces of the neck at its junction with the head ; round ligaments, intact ; the rim of the acetabular cavity was covered with grayish granulation tissue ; both of these areas, as well as the capsule of the joint, were curetted. The wound was irrigated with salt solution, dusted with dry iodoform powder, and closed without drainage. The full time of the operation was fifty-five minutes.

Pulse previous to the operation was 120; during the operation, 140. The chart registers an average pulse of 120 previous to operation and one rise of temperature to 103°, which, however, followed tuberculin given on the 27th of July. Following the operation the highest temperature was 101.5°, the evening of the first day, and the pulse rose to 180, but fell that evening to' 130; up to November 27th. when patient was discharged, the average pulse was from 110 to 120. With the exception of a slight rise of temperature to 102° on October 2nd, there was no fever after August 4th, 48 hours after operation. The patient left the hospital on November 27th in plaster. The wound healed per primam.

Case V. — Tuberndosis of left hip. Subgluteal extraarticular abscess. Operation : Incision of abscess and arthrotomy ; tubercular synovitis ; erosion of head and neck ; posterior perforation of capsule. Result, January 1, 1899, two months, improved.

J. W. G.. colored boy, set. 2 years. Admitted November 9, 1899. The parents not being with the child it was impossible to get a history.

Examination. — The child is placed flat on his back. The left anterior iliac spine (the affected side) is a little lower than the right. There is a marked lumbar lordosis unless the left hip is flexed to a position of 90 degrees ; motion at the hip joint in this position is possible in all directions, but only to a few degrees. The knee is flexed to an angle of 90 degrees. Extension is only possible to a few degrees ; no rotation of thigh. If the right leg is placed in a similar flexed position at the knee and hip, there is an apparent shortening of about 1 cm., but no real shortening of the left leg. Between the anterior iliac spine and trochanter on the outer surface of the left thigh and beneath the gluteal muscles there is a fluctuating swelling.

Operation.— November 11, 1899. Ether. Under complete narcosis the leg can be veiy slightly flexed and extended. This restriction almost completely disappeared after the abscess was incised. The abscess was situated beneath the gluteal muscles and fascia

lata and contained thick, gelatinous, purulent material, with shreds of necrotic tissue, and was found to communicate with the hip joint through a small opening in the posterior wall of the capsule. The joint capsule, which was not distended, was opened through the usual anterior incision. The synovial membrane was covered with tubercular granulation tissue. On account of the youth of the child, a large incision was not made, so that the head, neck and acetabular cavity were not seen, but with the index finger erosions were felt on the anterior surface of the head and neck, which were curetted Theabscessaud thecapsuleof the joint were also curetted, swabbed with pure carbolic, irrigated with salt solution and filled with emulsion of iodoform and oil. The operation took fifty-five minutes. Very little ether was given. The condition of the patient at the end of operation was excellent.

January 15, 1900. The child is still in extension, which has reduced the flexion of both knee and hip from 90 to 35 degrees. There are no night cries. The patient appears to be perfectly comfortable. The wound is now a superficial granulating area.

Case VI. Tubercidosis of left hip, of seven months' 1 duration. No relief of symptoms after one month's treatment with extension. Operation: Tense distended capsule ; no bone focus of disease; slight erosion of the head, with loosening q) articular cartilage ; round ligaments separated ; wound closed ; healing per primam. In six weeks the wound reopened. Second operation. Result. January, 1899. after two months, excellent. Wound closed.

Surgical No. 9117. G. B.. aet. 4A years; admitted June 26, 1899. One and one-half years ago the boy fell on the ice and bruised his left hip. An area of ecchymosis over the hip remained some days. Following the injury, however, there was no special pain complained of and no limp. Eleven months later (that is, 7 months ago), the parents noticed that the child began to limp, and complain of pain, first in the calf of the leg, later in the ankle, then in the knee. About two months later the parents noticed that the affected leg was shorter and the boy walked on his toes. In about a month he began to have night cries. For the past two weeks the boy has been unable to walk on account of pain.

Examination —The left leg is flexed at the knee and thigh, with marked adduction ; no rotation ; very little motion at the hip joint. The patient was placed in extension from June 26th to July 24th. He cried a good deal at night, when asleep or awake. All attempts to overcome the flexion by extension were unsuccessful. Manipulation of the hip joint continued to be painful ; for this reason operation was decided upon.

Operation.— July 24,1899 (Dr. Cushing) : Ether: anterior incision. After separating the muscles a very tense distended capsule was exposed ; it was incised, and about an ounce of flocculent, yellow, serous fluid was evacuated. The joint, head and neck of the bone were thoroughly exposed. The round ligament seemed to be destroyed. When the thigh was flexed, one got a good view of the acetabular cavity. The lining cartilage seemed smooth. The cartilage over the head of the bone appeared to be loose. The head epiphysial line was exposed by chiseling. No focus of disease was seen. The wound was irrigated with salt solution, dusted with dry iodoform powder, and closed without drainage.

Dr. Cushing noticed that under an anaesthetic the leg could not be fully extended. As soon as the capsule was incised and the tension was relieved, full extension was possible. Time of operation about fifty-five minutes ; pulse before operation, 120 ; during operation about 140. As in the previous cases in children there was a slight tachycardia after the operation for five days, and some fever for three days. The wound healed per primam.

It was noticed on August 5th, 11 days after operation, that the leg was but slightly flexed, very little adducted, but there was slight outward rotation. On the 14th of August there was no flexion. At this time he was sent into the country in a brace.

On September 6, 1899, about a month later, he was readmitted



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to the hospital, not in as good condition as when he left. He had night cries and some pain. Twenty days after admission a sinus formed in the wound which discharged tubercular pus.

From September 28th to November 4th he was placed in extension. November 3d, measurements: Apparent shortening of 1 cm., and real shortening from trochanter to anterior iliac spine of about 1 cm. No abduction or adduction or flexion, but marked outward rotation. The hip is pretty firmly fixed in this position except that it can be slightly rotated in.

Operation, November 4, 1899 (Bloodgood) : Ether. It was found that the sinus of the previous operation passed through the rectus muscle into the joint. At this second operation the joint was exposed by an incision which separated the tensor vaginas femoris and gluteus medius on the outer side and the sartorius and rectus on the medial side. The sinus and cavity corresponding to the capsule of the joint were lined with tubercular granulation tissue. It was found that the head and neck of the bone were intact. A few pieces of partly separated cartilage were removed from the head of the femur. The outer surface of the neck was rough, soft and hemorrhagic. On extending the femur and pushing it upwards, the head of the bone moved a little in each direction. Under ether there was very little restriction of motion at the hip joint. The soft parts and bone surface were curetted, the exposed surfaces were swabbed with pure carbolic, the wound irrigated with salt solution, dusted with dry iodoform powder, and closed with a piece of protective drain into the joint cavity- No loss of blood ; no shock. Time of operation was about sixty minutes. Average pulse about 140.

Following the operation there was a slight tachycardia for a few days, but no rise of temperature. The operation in this case was a secondary one and of less extent than others. The patient was put up in plaster and later in extension, and was much more comfort able than previous to operation. The wound was irrigated, and at frequent intervals swabbed with pure carbolic and filled with emulsion of oil.

Note. — December 9, 1899, 35 days after operation. Measurements between iliac spine and trochanter and iliac spine and malleoli are about equal. Position of leg after removal of extension is as follows : The left (affected) anterior iliac spine is elevated 1 cm., the left leg is rotated out perhaps a little more than the right (this outward rotation is much less than previous to operation). The apparent shortening (1 cm.) corresponds to the elevation of the iliac spine. There is no flexion. The motions of the hip joint are about 10 degrees in flexion and extension ; adduction to a few degrees ; no restriction of outward rotation ; a marked restriction of inward rotation and abduction. Although the hip is pretty well fixed, the position could not be a better one- Attempts at motion are not painful. The wound has healed.

December 15, 1899. The patient is in the hospital, and is walking about on crutches, in a brace.

Case VII. Tuberculosis of left hip, of one year's duration. Subgluteal, extra-articular abscess and abscess beneath the adductor muscles. These abscesses developed during orthopedic treatment. Operation: Incision of subgluteal abscess; anterior arthrotomy of joint; anterior and posterior perforation of joint ; abscess beneath adductors drained through joint ; tubercular focus in neck. Result, January, 1899. two months, improved.

Surgical No. 8201. Boy, set. 8 years. Admitted October 6, 1898, one year ago. The arthritis of the left hip had been present one year, following traumatism. The limb was in a position of flexion (28 degrees) and adduction (21 degrees), with slight internal rotation. Apparent shortening, 4 cm. ; real shortening (anterior iliac spine to trochanter), 1 cm. Muscle spasm was marked. There was no evidence of abscess. The patient was placed in bed in an extension apparatus, which at once relieved the pain. He was discharged February 28, 1899 (five months), wearing a splint, and

appeared to be in excellent health. This patient was readmitted October 1, 1899, not because he was suffering any pain or discomfort, but in answer to a letter inquiring as to his present condition. He was still wearing the splint and walking with crutches. When the splint was removed and the patient placed in bed, and the anterior iliac spines fixed to the same horizontal plane, the left affected leg was so adducted that it crossed its fellow on a level with the patella. There was a large abscess behind the great trochanter in the gluteal region, and a slight fullness beneath the adductor muscles. The patient was observed in the hospital from October 1st to October 28th. There was no fever. He suffered no pain except when the apparatus was removed or when forced motions were attempted at the hip.

Operation.— October 29, 1899. Ether. The gluteal abscess was incised. It was situated between the gluteus minimus and medius and extended down to the middle third of the leg beneath the fascia lata. Passing the index finger, one could feel the capsule of the joint on its posterior surface. In this position a probe found communication with the joint cavity.

The usual exploratory incision on the anterior surface of the thigh was then made. The capsule of the joint when exposed was slightly distended, but on i:s outer surface there was no exudate and no adhesions. When incised, it was slightly thickened, and the joint cavity contained a moderate amount of seropurulent material filled with cheesy necrotic masses. The head and neck of the bone were easily felt and seen, and on the anterior and slightly inferior surface of the neck, near its junction with the head, a small tubercular bone focus was found. (Similar to Case I, Fig. 1.) This was removed with a chisel. The head of the bone seemed firmly in place in the joint cavity, and there was very little restriction of motion. The rim of cartilage which could be seen was not eroded. By pressure over the thigh in the adductor region, a great amount of tubercular pus was expressed into the joint cavity, and the finger and probe demonstrated a second opening in the capsule of the joint leading to a large abscess cavity on the lateral surface of the thigh, beneath the adductor muscles. This opening was enlarged and the cavity curetted out. The patient had a comfortable convalescence. January, 1900. Extension has corrected to some extent the adduction and flexion. The patient walks well in his brace. The wounds are almost healed. The marked adduction will need further operative treatment.

Case VIII. — Tuberculosis of right hip; orthopedic treatment for 12 months, during which time an iliac abscess, from perforation of the acetabulum, developed. Operation : Incision of abscess and arthrotomy of joint ; tubercular synovitis ; slight erosions of head and neck, with partial separation of the articular cartilage of head and acetabulum. Residt, January 1899, two months, excellent.

Surgical No. 8086. R. H., ast. 4. First admitted September 7th, 1898, with the following history : About five months ago it was noticed that the child limped; at the same time the parents noticed that the right ankle was swollen. Six weeks later the child wakened at night, crj-ing from pain in the hip ; next day was unable to walk ; this pain and inability to walk disappeared in a few days, the night cries and pain at night continuing. About eight weeks ago a slight trauma was received by the right knee; The knee became swollen and was put up in plaster by a physician. Night cries continued. The hip became more stiff.

Examination. The child walked into the hospital. The limb is flexed; slightly adducted; no rotation of foot; apparent shortening of about 1 cm; no real shortening between anterior iliac spine and trochanter; no fullness in Scarpa's triangle; adduction is impossible, and there is about 10 degrees of abduction. Patient was placed in extension September 2oth. 18 days later, he was discharged from the hospital, wearing a brace and using crutches, with a high shoe on the left foot. March 29, 1899, 7i months, patient was readmitted.

January, 1900.]



Examination. Perfectly comfortable. Night cries have ceased. Examination reveals no muscle spasm. There is no flexion, abduction or adduction. Apparent shortening is \i cm. There is very little motion at the hip. No real shortening between trochanter and anterior iliac spine. May 6th, 37 days, discharged, wearing a splint and using high crutches and high shoe. On October 27, 1899, tive months latter, he was readmitted, not because of any pain or discomfort, but on account of swelling which had been noted for two weeks over the outer third of Poupart's ligament. Measurements : No apparent shortening; no real shortening. Leg is in a straight position, slightly rotated out. Flexion is possible to 30 degrees; abduction to 10 degrees, but adduction is impossible. There is only slight muscle spasm, associated with attempts at motion. On account of the abscess an operation was decided upon.

Operation.— November 4, 1899. Ether. Usual anterior incision, which also opened into the abscess. The abscess cavity was between the skin and fascia of the muscle. From it a sinus led below Poupart's ligament, passing between the sartorius and tensor vaginse femoris. then into the iliac fossa, anterior to the sheath of the iliac muscle. After curetting this abscess cavity the joint capsule was exposed by separating the rectus from the tensor vaginse femoris. No infiltration of the tissues outside the capsule. By pressure over the capsule a purulent material was expressed from the sinus, but on opening the capsule of the joint a direct communication could not be found. The cartilage of the head of the femur was soft and separated easily : it was removed by catching it with a clamp. The base consisted of soft hemorrhagic bone, the gross picture of tuberculosis. The anterior surface of the head and neck was chiseled. There was no evidence of disease in the neck, which seemed to be confined to the head of the bone, especially beneath the cartilage. The round ligaments had been torn and that portion of the acetabular cavity which was exposed showed evidence of disease. The cartilage was soft, and some could be pulled away, leaving a base of soft hemorrhagic bone. No attempt was made to find out the direct communication between the joint and the iliac abscess, as it would have required too much destruction of bone. The abscess cavity was traced into the pelvis between the iliac and the psoas muscle. The wounds were swabbed out with pure carbolic, irrigated with salt solution and dusted with dry iodoform. A protective drain was left into the abscess cavity and into the joint. Time of operation was about one hour and thirty-five minutes. Patient was in excellent condition.

Following the operation there was the usual tachycardia pulse of 130 to 160 for about ten hours ; no rise in temperature ; no pain or discomfort.

Examination. — December 1, 1899, twenty-seven days since operation. There is no apparent shortening. The anterior iliac spines are about even. Both legs are straight ; no outward rotation ; no real shortening ; position of the leg is perfect. Flexion, extension, abduction and adduction and outward rotation are possible only to a few degrees. Inward rotation from a position of outward rotation is possible to a greater extent than outward rotation. Attempts at motion give no pain.

Wound healed except a small granulating area and a sinus communicating with the abscess cavity. Patient is ordered brace, high shoe and crutches.

January, 1900. No change.

Case IX. Tuberculosis of right hip. Slight symptoms four months; very acute symptoms three days. Operation at once. Capsule distended, very tense; synovial membrane hyperemic; on chiseling outer table of neck, a definite bone focus found in the neck near epiphysial line. January 1, i900, six weeks, excellent result.

Surgical No. 9699. N. K.. set. 40. Admitted November 32, 1899. In July (four months ago) patient began to have pain in the right hip, and he stopped work and rested for about two weeks. Was comfortable when he kept quiet. Returning to work, he was free

from pain for a couple of weeks, but since that time he has found that he has to rest quite frequently during the day when these attacks of pain come on. He is a butcher by trade and has to stand a good deal. Three days before admission, while at work, he was seized suddenly with severe pain, so intense that he went home to bed, and sent for a physician who gave him morphia, but this did not relieve the pain. He was brought to the hospital on a stretcher in the ambulance.

The right leg was fixed in a position of flexion of about 45 degrees. Any attempt at motion was intensely painful. Extension was at once applied in this flexed position, which in a few hours relieved the patient of the pain. Next morning he was more comfortable. On examination there was a distinct fullness in Scarpa's triangle. The history and the present condition were similar to the attack in the left hip joint (Case I). There is no apparent or real shortening. The result in the left hip is a perfect one. The patient was in extension with complete relief of symptoms from November 22nd to November 27th, but any attempt at motion gave him pain. Chart records a temperature between 99° and 101° ; pulse of 70 to 80.

Case IX. Fig. 7. — a. Tubercular osteomyelitic focus, b. Area of outer table chiseled to expose aud remove a and 6. c. Area of softened cancellous bone.

Operation.— November 27, 1899. Cocaine and chloroform. The usual anterior incision was made without difficulty under cocaine, but it was found that the retraction of the muscles necessary to expose the hip joint was so painful that chloroform was given. As soon as the patient was under the anaesthetic it was still found that complete extension was impossible. The capsule of the joint was distended. On incision a fluid spurted out. demonstrating the great tension. It was a seropurulent fluid filled with coagulated lymph. On examining the capsule carefully, it was found that the synovial membrane was intensely injected and hyperemic. There was no evidence of granulation tissue. The head of the bone was easily seen in the acetabular cavity, and the cartilage, both on the head and acetabular rim, seemed normal and was not sepa



[No. 106.

rated. No disease could be seen at the head or neck or trochanter of the femur. The bone of the anterior surface of the neck, between head and trochanter, was chiseled ( Fig. 76) , and in the epiphysial line, between the head and neck, on the anterior and inferior surface, a small focus (about 5 mm. in diameter) of definitely tuberculous bone was found (Fig. 7 a). Surrounding this and extending into the head and neck, the bone was soft and hemorrhagic (Fig. 7c.) The tuberculous area and this softer cancellous bone were removed with the curette. The appearance of the bone lining the cavity was normal except perhaps slightly hemorrhagic but firm. The bone cavity and joint capsule were swabbed out with pure carbolic, irrigated with salt solution, and the bone cavity allowed to fill with blood mixed with iodoform. The wound was closed with a small drain extending into the capsule but not into the bone cavity. Operation required two hours and ten minutes. There was no shock, and the condition of the patient at the end of the operation was excellent.

Examination.— December 16, 1899. Wound is healed with the exception of a small sinus which was filled with iodoform and organized blood clot. Patient has had absolutely no discomfort since operation, and for about seven days has moved his right hip in every direction, and we find on examination to day that one is able to flex, abductaud adduct, rotate in and rotate the hip outwards to quite a marked degree, but not completely. These motions are without pain. January 12, 1900. The patient is up on crutches ; the wound is healed except a small superficial area. Passive and active motions with hip are but slightly restricted and give no pain.

For some years before this report, which I made to the Society in May, 1899, I had given a good deal of consideration to the subject of tuberculosis of the joints, and especially of the hip, and had been forced to the conclusion that there was much room for improvement upon the usual orthopedic treatment. I had in mind early exploratory operations in which the surgeon might be fortunate to find the focus of the disease in the bone at a period when its complete excision ; or, if the tubercular osteomyelitis were more extensive, a partial excision might be done without interfering with the continuity of the bone or function of the joint. From early experiences, especially in the knee, arthrotomy with irrigations with antiseptics and injections of large quantities of iodoform seems to have been the best procedure for treatment of the tuberculosis of the synovial membrane.

The majority of surgeons now follow the more conservative and orthopedic treatment. In the past many, and at present, without doubt, some, surgeons resort to operation, even early in the disease, but as a rule such operations have been accompanied with excision of at least the head of the femur and frequently more, of the neck and trochanter.

My first object in the early operation for tuberculosis of the hip was to avoid a complete removal of the head or of an amount of bone sufficient to interfere with the continuity of the upper end of the femur, or function of the joint, to excise the diseased bone only in small areas by a gouge and curette, trusting to antiseptic irrigation, and especially to the healing process, to check the further extension of the tubercular processes, and to encourage healing of the tissues already diseased, both of bone and soft parts. Every surgeon must have observed, especially in excisions of the knee, that tuberculous bone has frequently been left behind, but that the disease has been cured. Change of circulation, due to the operative interference, and the scar tissue of the healing process, both seem to exert a curative influence on the tubercular tissues.

The more frequently one operates, and the earlier in the disease, the more frequently he may be fortunate in finding single focus, of tubercular osteomyelitis which can be completely excised without injury to the continuity of the bone or function of the joint as in Cases I and IX. As our experience grows, I trust we will find that early operations check the disease with more certainty and in a greater number of cases than the usual orthopedic treatment. I trust also we will find that it shortens the period of treatment.

In five of these cases the joint capsule was greatly distended. It would seem beyond question that arthrotomy and irrigation in such cases are the only reasonable treatment. The symptoms due to tension are relieved, and both the infiltrated and uninfiltrated tissues, relieved of this pressure, are better able to take care of the tubercular process. In addition, the arthrotomy allows a thorough local disinfection of the surfaces of the capsule and bone, and with the aid of a small gouge one is able to explore the trochanter and neck and head of the femur without endangering the continuity of the bone. In this early exploration, any focus of bone can be completely or partly excised according to its extent. Loose articular cartilage, both on the head of the femur and on the acetabulum, can be removed and the diseased bone beneath subjected to local disinfection.

From these observations it would seem that in many cases of tuberculosis of the hip, synovitis with effusion is present early in the disease ; in a number of cases the capsule ruptures and extra-articular abscesses form. An anterior arthrotomy, if performed before rupture takes place, would effectually prevent this complication.

In three of our Cases, Nos. V, VII and VIII, extra-articular abscesses were preseut at the operation. The joint capsule in these three cases was not distended but perforation and communication with the abscess cavity were found in each case. In addition to the incision of the abscess, the joint was opened by the usual anterior incision and drained. In Case VII there were two abscesses; the one beneath the adductor muscles, on the inner lateral surface of the thigh was drained through the joint capsule. Microscopic examination of the wall of abscesses from tuberculous bone, demonstrates, especially early in the disease, that the wall of such " cold " abscesses is composed of ordinary granulation tissue. We seldom find evidence of tuberculosis. Clinical observations demonstrate that extensive excisions of the abscess wall are not necessary. The most important point in the treatment is the removal of the source of infection in the bone. For this reason in operations for tuberculosis of the hip in which extra-articular abscesses are present, I believe it is better in every case to simply incise the abscess, curetting and thoroughly disinfecting in addition, if you wish, but most important of all in every case to explore the joint and search for the focus of tubercular osteomyelitis. We however, will have to wait before forming definite conclusions, and compare the immediate and ultimate results in these cases with those in which the extra-articular abscesses have simply been incised. Kecent observations, however, have impressed me with the value of early exploratory arthrotomies in tuberculosis of the hip, not only for a confirmation of the diagnosis early iu the disease, but for treatment.

January, 1900.]



In all the joints, especially the hip and knee, the synovial sac can be thoroughly disinfected and filled with iodoform, and with a small chisel the more common positions for the tubercular focus can be explored. To open and irrigate a normal joint, even with 1 : 1000 bichloride of mercury solution, is not followed by any restriction of motion, and Case I demonstrates that the hip joint can be drained for six weeks and yet almost complete restoration of the function result. Anterior arthrotomy of the hip is a simple operation and its dangers should be confined almost entirely to the danger of the anaesthetic. However, it must always be borne in mind that a virulent pyogenic infection of the wound at the operation or later would be a serious complication, and if we found that this occurred with any degree of frequency, it would most certainly detract from the results, even in comparison with the orthopedic treatment. More extended experience will be necessary before we can judge of the risk of infection. (There has been no iufection in our series of 12 cases.)

The anterior incision in cases of tuberculosis of the hip is not a new procedure. Mr. Barker (Manual of Surgical Operations, 1887) describes it as R. W. Parker's operation. More recently, in Treves' System of Surgery, Mr. Barker again gives this incision first place, and in addition states that Professor Hueter, of Greifswald, described asimilar method independently but at about the same date of Mr. Parker's. (Transactions of Clinical Society of London, 1880, page 105.) Bradford and Lovett (Orthopedic Surgery, second edition, 1899) describe the anterior incision for the excision of the joint, but prefer the posterior incision. As far as I am able to find in the more recent authorities, the suggestions made and the methods followed in these cases are sufficiently original to justify their publication.

To repeat, the chief object in the early operation for tuberculosis of the hip is to take the disease in its early stage, to relieve the tension of the distended capsule, to check and cure the tubercular synovitis by disinfection and drainage, to explore the bone with the hope of finding the tubercular osteomyelitis, in which case it can be partially or completely excised ; trusting also to disinfection, drainage and the healing process to check and later cure the disease of the bone without injury to its continuity. The acetabular cavity can be explored, as shown in (Fig. 55) by chiseling through the head ; more extensive operations on the acetabulum, however, could not be performed without removal or temporary dislocation of the head. It is too early to judge of the results, except in Case I, in which the patient has now a perfectly functional joint one year after operation.

In operations for tuberculosis of the joints, one must always bear in mind the possibility of disseminating the tubercle bacilli. In operations on joints where the Esmarch can be used, this danger may not be as great as in operations on the hip and shoulder. It will require, however, a number of years and careful observation to get at data for this study. The method of operation is clearly described in the details of the history of the nine cases reported. The most important anatomical point is to bear in mind the deep external circumflex vessels. Sometimes it is not necessary to divide these, but if it is found that more room is required, these vessels should

be carefully ligated. The joint can be exposed easily without dividing the muscle by separating the tensor vagina' femoris and the glutei muscles on the outer side and the sartorius and rectus to the inner (medial) side. I believe it is a better plan to lengthen the incision rather than to make a cross cut of the muscles. The separation of the muscle leaves a cleaner and a less ragged wound, and perhaps detracts much from the danger, not only of pyogenic infection but of tubercular dissemination. Through this wound, by separating the muscles, one can clearly see the capsule of the joint and the trochanter and upper portion of the shaft of the femur. On dividing the capsule, one can explore with great ease the neck and head of the femur. In these operations the head has not been dislocated from the acetabular cavity, but if one found the round ligaments destroyed, with extensive disease of the head and acetabular cavity, the head of the bone could easily be temporarily displaced to allow a better treatment of the head itself and the acetabular cavity, after which it could be replaced. This course was followed in a recent case by Professor Halsted.


Dk. Halsted. — To indicate what we may hope for as a final result in certain cases of hip-joint disease, even when a considerable portion of the head of the femur has been removed, and in support of what Dr. Bloodgood has said, I will refer very briefly to a case which I intend very soon to report in full with other interesting hip-joint cases. The patient, a boy, thirteen years old on admission, had an acute osteomyelitis in 1895, at the age of eleven, which involved the entire diaphysis of the right femur. Eleven months he spent in bed, and for seven months could not lie on the affected side. After walking about with a cane and without much pain for more than a month he had to take to his bed again for about a week during a second acute attack of pain in the same bone. Two or three months later two abscesses appeared, one behind the knee and one internal to the trochanter. The boy was thenceforth for nearly a year quite comfortable and considered himself sufficiently well, until the 1st of November, 1897, when he was hit in the right groin by a wagon-pole. He suffered greatly from this blow, and the following morning could not flex his . thigh. Two weeks later, November 19, 1897, he was brought to us by his physician, who stated that for several days he had been having very high fever with daily intermissions. The boy was emaciated; his expression anxious and indicative of suffering. He lay on his back; the right thigh was abducted, rotated outwards and slightly flexed ; the groove in the right groin was obliterated and there was an appreciable fullness over the head and neck of the femur. Pressure over the joint and all attempts to move the head of the femur caused pain. About the level of the top of the trochanter of the right femur, but internal and anterior to it, was a sinus from which pus escaped. Behind the inner hamstring tendons was the orifice of a second sinus discharging more pus than the other. The femur was much enlarged, and the soft parts of the thigh were swollen. An involucrum had evidently replaced the entire diaphysis. A probe in the popliteal sinus touched rough bone. The measurements, which developed a fact or two of interest, I will give at another time.



[No. 106.

1st Operation. Nov. 2J,, 1S97.— Excision of One-Half (Anterior) of the Head, Neck and Upper Portion of Trochanter of the Eight Femuk by Frontal Section. There was a small abscess containing only a few drachms of pus just below and in front of the capsule of the hip joint, which communicated with this joint. The wall of the abscess was carefully excised. Having made the frontal section of the trochanter, neck and head of femur, the extent of the disease in these parts could be accurately determined. The upper end of the soft sequestrum was cut off. The disease had involved the neck and head and had finally, perhaps just after the blow from the pole, infected the hip joint. By some oversight no drawing was made of the lesions in the head, neck and trochanter. Nowhere were there signs of active bone disease; there was a little sequestrum near the top of the trochanter, and a little, very slender bit of sequestrated bone in the neck; the shape of the head and of the neck was not altered by the disease; the head of the bone had lost some of its cartilage, and granulations were growing from the denuded parts. The infection of the joint was probably recent, and it could be demonstrated how this might have taken place. It was not contemplated at the outset to do more at the first operation than to relieve the trouble about the hip joint, for the patient's condition contraindicated an extensive operation. The patient recovered promptly from this and from two subsequent operations upon the middle and lower thigh. As you may see in the photographs, the boy can extend his thigh perfectly, and can flex it to nearly a right angle. He walks without a cane and says that he finds the right thigh as useful as the left. The operated thigh is from 1 to 1.5 cm. longer than the other; and there are 2 cm. of apparent

lengthening on the right or operated side. This apparent lengthening is due in part to abduction and will undoubtedly disappear.

This case sheds a new light upon the surgery of the hipjoint, proving as it does that not only a useful but functionally an almost perfect joint may be obtained even when onehalf of the head and neck of the femur have been removed by, approximately, a frontal section. We may, therefore, attack tuberculous cases in the early stages in some such conservative way, taking a fine and very thin slice from the anterior surface of the neck or head, or trochanter, or from all, and having located the disease, excise only as much as may be necessary. The acetabulum can be explored in a similar manner. If the disease is operated upon early it would probably rarely if ever be necessary to remove the whole head of the femur ; and we may find that having removed a part of the disease the remainder, as in tuberculous peritonitis, may take care of itself the better for having been interfered with aud assisted.

The hip joint, a simple ball and socket joint, promises more for these conservative operations than any other joint ; large surfaces covered with cartilage do not lend themselves so readily to the formation of strong adhesions and ankylosis as the less simple joints; of all the joints the knee is perhaps the least suitable for conservative surgery. With its ligaments and reduplication of synovial membrane, with its fibro-cartilages and numerous recesses and pockets it furnishes conditions well suited to the propagation of the tubercle bacillus ; and when the crucial and lateral ligaments have been much weakened by the disease, an ankylosed joint is usually more serviceable and more comfortable than one in which motion has been secured.


By L. A. LaGarde, Surgeon, U. S. A.

My first acquaintance with the military weapons of reduced calibre dates from a time wheu I was pursuing studies with firearms in this institution. I am, therefore, very happy to return here to-night to talk of guns and missiles with you. .

In considering the effects of the modern arm, experimenters have generally studied it by comparison with the older weapon. I hold in my hand the Springfield rifle, calibre 45, which was used by our foot troops from 1874 to 1892. It is a single loader and in expert hands it is capable of delivering 20 shots per minute.

Its projectile has a velocity of translation of 1301 f. s., a Telocity of rotation on its long axis of 800 turns per second, and a maximum effective range of almost 2000 yards. It is made of lead hardened with antimony, cylindro-conoidal in shape, weighing 500 grains, and is propelled by 70 grains of black powder.

I will now exhibit our present service rifle — the KragJorgensen — adopted in 1892 for use by the foot troops. It is

♦Read before the Johns Hopkins Hospital Medical Society, Nov. 10, 1899.

a typical example of the reduced-calibre weapons at present in use by all the powers. It is provided with a magazine which holds five cartridges. In expert hands it is capable of delivering as many as 40 shots per minute. Its projectile weighs 220 grains, 30 calibre, composed of a nucleus of lead, enclosed iu a hard steel mantle. Its velocity of translation is 2000 f. s., the velocity of rotation 2400 turns per minute; whilst it possesses a maximum effective ran^e of 4000 yards, propelled by 37 grains of smokeless powder.

In some experiments which I conducted iu 1892 at Frankford Arseual, under the orders of the Secretary of War, my efforts were especially directed to the difference in destructive effects between the missile of the 45 calibre weapon, and that of a missile so similar to the Krag-Jorgensen bullet, that for all practical purposes they may be regarded alike.

We fired the two bullets altogether one hundred and ten times, into ten cadavers. Our aim was to traverse similar parts of the body or parts offering about the same resistance, with first one and then the other bullet at all the ranges — from 100 to 2000 yards. The ranges were not actual ; they were simulated by reducing the charge of powder so that the projectile was

January, 1900.]



given the remaining velocity which was common to it for any given range.

Impart. — The first thing to attract our attention at the outset of our experiment was the difference in the amount of shock imparted to a member when hit first with one and then with the other bullet. The shock was estimated by the oscillation of a limb when suspended. As might have been expected, the greater sectional area and greater weight, of the 15-calibre projectile, caused greater shock than that noted by the smaller and lighter bullet on impact with a resistant bone. Indeed, the difference was so marked that it often happened that the presence of a fracture from the latter was only noticeable upon close inspection, whereas it was invariably predicated by the motion imparted to the member when traversed by the larger bullet. The shock from either bullet as judged by the motion to the limb, was nil when soft parts alone were hit.

The minimum amount of shock from the smaller calibre bullet has been the cause of much concern among military men. The English in the Soudan, and in the Ashanti campaign were so doubtful of the efficacy of this small calibre missile to arrest the impetus of savage tribes that they resorted to the practice of making their missile explosive by filing the nose through the steel casing enough to expose the lead core. This is the famous Dum-Dum bullet which takes its name from the place of its manufacture in India. When the lead is exposed, as stated, the projectile disintegrates on impact with a resistant structure. The fragments of the steel mantle and lead core, acting as individual missiles add greatly to the destructive effects in the foyer of fracture.

Explosive Effects. — Our observations with the old and new rifles were next directed to explosive effects. We noticed these so called explosive effects with the new weapon up to 350 yards, whilst they were seldom exhibited with the old arm beyond 200 yards. Explosive effects in gunshot wounds are peculiar to rifle projectiles impressed with high velocities. Within the zone of explosive effects they are common in the experience of the military surgeon, whereas they are seldom witnessed by the civil surgeon whose experience is almost entirely confined to wounds by pistols, whose projectiles are possessed of comparatively low velocities.

In speaking of explosive effects, one should not confound the term explosive effects with explosive action. The latter term should be restricted to those wounds caused by an explosive bullet — that is, a projectile that explodes on impact. Such a projectile is hollow, charged with explosive materials which ignite when the bullet strikes against a hard substance, like bone. The bullet is thus torn asunder, causing usually an extensive lacerated wound. On the other hand the projectiles possessed of superior velocities do not explode on impact. They are solid, and at most, seldom become altered in shape. Indeed, those of the small calibre, enclosed in a mantle of the hardest steel, do not even deform when they collide with the most resistant parts of the human body; and yet they are proverbial for their explosive effects in the proximal ranges.

Explosive effects are well exhibited by firing the projectile of the old and new arm into tin cans at close range. For the

purpose of comparison, if the experiment is done by firing into tins when empty, and into another set of tins of similar capacity filled with water, the empty cans will exhibit no alteration in shape. The orifice of entrance and exit of the bullet will correspond in size to the sectional area of the projectile; on the other hand the tins that were filled with water will show great alteration in shape. The sides of the vessels will exhibit a bulging as if some interior force had exerted an outward pressure in all directions. The orifice of entrance will usually correspond to the calibre of the projectile, whilst the orifice of exit will be marked by a large irregular opening with everted edges.

If the exjieriments are continued upon a cadaver at close range, impact with a resistant bone will present certain characteristic features: The wound of entrance in the skin will correspond in size to the diameter of the bullet; the wound of exit will be marked by a bursting forth of the skin. "The track leading to the bone is conical in shape, the base of the core corresponds to the wound of exit in the skin, and the apex of the core corresponds to the seat of fracture. The bone is finely comminuted. A close inspection shows that the bony particles have been driven into the tissues at right angles to the bullet track ; it is not uncommon to find bony sand in the wound of entrance."

Five theories have been advanced to explain these explosive effects.

1. Hydraulic Pressure.

2. Compressed air, or the projectile air.

3. Rotation of the bullet.

4. Deformation of the bullet.

5. Heating of the bullet.

1. Hydraulic Pressure. — The term " hydraulic theory " has been employed by many writers to explain the highly destructive effects often found in gunshot wounds at the proximal ranges. It is based on the principle of Pascal. This principle is only applicable to a closed vessel tilled with liquid. In accordance with this principle if a certain pressure is made upon a given area of the imprisoned liquid a similar pressure will be exerted within on like areas of the vessel walls.

The experiments of Coler, Stephenson and others have effectually disproved this so-called hydraulic theory. They have shown that the highly destructive effects noted by firing into sealed vessels filled with liquid were to be noted in the same way when the vessels were unsealed. Ordinary tin buckets filled with water whether the tops were in place or not sustained the same amount of destruction.

2. Compressed air, or projectile air. — This is called the projectile air of Melsens, because it is he who recently revived this theory of projectile air in explanation of the destruction in wounds that so often suggest explosive action. Boys lias succeeded in making exact photographs of bullets in transit. He caused the bullet to cross an electric circuit. At the moment of contact with the circuit the bullet and the immediate vicinity of its trajectory are illumined by a spark which serves to throw the image upon a photographic plate. A study of the views thus obtained distinctly shows a pad of compressed air in front of the projectile. Melsens believed



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that this cushion of air entered the tissues at the moment the skin was penetrated or before, and that the destruction of tissues was to be accounted for by the explosion which occurred when the compressed air again regained its normal volume. The tissues fail to show any evidence of air having been forced into them, such as one might infer from the presence of emphysema, and altogether it may be said that the theory of projectile air has but little to recommend it to consideration.

3. Rotation of the bullet. — The rotation of a rifle bullet is imparted to it by the twist in the barrel. The longer the bullet the sharper must the twist be. The old Springfield 45-calibre bullet, which was but two calibres in length, and which revolved 800 turns per minute at the muzzle described one complete turn in 22 inches, because the twist in the barrel corresponded to one complete turn in 22 inches. In the present rifle the twist is sharper, viz., 1 turn in about 10 inches, and the rate of revolution is estimated at 2400 turus per minute. It is generally admitted by ballisticians that the velocity of rotation is well maintained, — that it does not diminish with the velocity of translation. Taking for granted that the projectile makes a complete turn in ten inches, we must admit that the rotation of the bullet can have but a minimum amount of effect to disjday in traversing a thigh bone which may be but one inch in diameter, because in traversing it the ball is making only T \ of a turn.

4. Defortri'ition. — The fact that the old leaden bullet became deformed when colliding with a resistant bone, especially at short range, added greatly to the amount of destructive effects. Deformation can find no plea as a cause of destructive effect in all cases since the steel-clad bullet that does not deform is proverbial for the creation of explosive effects.

5. Heating. Heating of the bullet by the act of ignition to explain explosive effects found adherents long ago, and it was not until recent years that this erroneous notion was set aside. It is not necessary to explain to an audience like this in the very institution where the significance of heat imparted to missiles was forever determined. We ware able to show in 1892 that the heat on a bullet caused by the ignition of the powder is not sufficient to destroy the ordinary septic germs. The experiments were conducted with missiles from lowvelocity rifles and the weapons of reduced calibre with the same result. To speak briefly we can truthfully say that the heat of a missile cuts no figure in gunshot wounds.*

The true cause of explosive effects is the superior energy possessed by the bullet at the moment of impact. The bone, and even the soft parts, receive a large amount of this energy and move "outwards in lines radiating from the long axis of the bullet-track with such a degree of force that they act as secondary missiles on the neighboring tissues and cause still further smashing and pulping of the tissues. Even fluid particles participate in this secondary action but it is all the more marked when fragments of bone are driven apart in this manner." (Stephenson.)

Soft Parts. — Our next experiment at Frankford with the

♦Proceedings Pan American Congress for 1893, Vol. 1. N. Y., Med. Record, Vol. 47, No. 25.

small-diameter bullet demonstrated that the wound of entrance was usually round, the size corresponding to the diameter of the bullet; the edges of the wound were at times clear cut, but more often they were rolled in and often blackened like the wound of entrance of the old leaden bullets. This, as you know, once gave rise to the idea that the edges of the wound were discolored by burning ; but thanks to the assistance of Professors Welch and Councilman, as already stated, this idea was refuted for all time in the laboratory of this institution.

The wound of exit of the small-calibre bullet was generally larger than the wound of entrance, and beyond the zone of explosive effects especially it was generally round, marked at times by a mere slit; again it was star-shaped, T-shaped, semicircular, &c; the edges were generally turned out.

Diaphyses of long bones. — Our next observations at Frankford Arsenal referred to the effects of the small-calibre bullet upon the compact substance of long bones. Here I may state that the destructive effects of the old and new bullet up to 350 yards were alike, and severe. Beyond 350 yards the lesion in the bony tissue changed perceptibly with the smaller bullet, the comminution was less, the fissures were larger, and the spiculae of bone were not so often detached. The general tendency with the little bullet between 500 and 1500 yards was to inflict a wound approaching a perforation, although a clear-cut perforation in the diaphysis itself was seldom seen. At 2000 yards the small bullet showed a tendency to again shatter the bone.

Effects upon the epiphysial ends of long bones. — Clear-cut perforations were generally observed when the small bullet traversed the spongy ends of bones. This was especially true after the zone of explosive effects and even within this zone — 350 yards — complete perforations with little or no Assuring were often seen.

Actual Conditions. — Of the wounds noticed in Cuba during the Santiago campaign I may add that they partook the general characters of the wounds that I have described as exrjerimental wounds. The wounds of the soft parts healed immediately, without an exception to my knowledge, under antiseptic dressings. The wounds of joints, including the knee, elbow, shoulder and hip were immobilized, dressed antiseptically, and they all did well. The wounds of the skull, including brain substance almost invariably suppurated, owing no doubt to the amount of dirt introduced from the scalp with the bullet.

Wounds of the lungs. — Those that survived 24 hours generally did well. In the majority of instances it was difficult to restrain the men after two or three days.

The wounds of the abdomen were generally fatal. Four or five men recovered with gunshot wounds that appeared outwardly to have perforated the intestines, but no actual proof of such perforation was obtainable. I was told that three laparotomies for gunshot injury of the abdomen were done at one of the field hospitals. The patients all died in a few hours after operation. For mauy reasons laparotomy for gunshot wound in the abdomen on the field was not considered safe or practicable. Upon the whole, the gunshot injuries by the Mauser, the reduced-calibre rifle of the Spaniards, were in keeping with those humane effects so confidently predicted by

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experimenters generally. The wounds of soft parts healed without suppuration. The lesions of bone that formerly caused such a high mortality in the statistics of wars were most successfully treated by antiseptic dressings and the proper use of immobilizing materials. Comminution, and Assuring were noticed in the diaphyses. It was, however, seldom necessary to cut down for the purpose of removing spiculse of boue, as the displacement of fragments did not require this amount of interference. The clean-cut perforations of the epiphyses, without fracture, rendered joint injuries the most favorable of all bone lesions for rapid healing, with little or no loss of function. This was especially true of gunshots of the knee.

The difference between the gunshot wounds of civil and military hospitals will be more marked in the future. The civil surgeon will continue to treat pistol-shots in which the balls often lodge. Some lesions from this source often show complete separation of fragments, which necessitates cutting down. The joint lesions are often severe, necessitating the opening of the joint, under antiseptic precautions, turning out blood clots, removing fragments, etc. Such precautions are necessary to insure against sepsis. On the other hand, it may be said that the action of the steel-clad bullets from the present military weapons and the use of antiseptics have so modified the results in the gunshot wounds of warfare that the burden of the military surgeon and the sufferings of the patient, immediate and remote, will be very much lessened.


Exhibition of Radiographs showing Results of SmallCalibre injuries. — Dr. W. C. Borden, U. S. A. — During the late war I was stationed at Key West with an X-ray machine, and from a study of the wounded soldiers I have arrived at some general conclusions relative to the effects of the small-calibre bullets on the human body, more particularly upon the bones. Dr. LaGarde has gone over the consideration of the theoretical effects of the bullets and these pictures will show the clinical effects as demonstrated by the Roentgen ray.

It seems to me that there are four main elements that influence the effect upon bone tissue — (1) the velocity of the bullet — (2) the part of the bone struck — (3) the angle of incidence and (4) the form of the bullet. Clinically, there is one thing above all others that affects the course of the case, and that is the presence or absence of sepsis in the wound.

When the bullet is traveling at extremely high velocity the explosive effects are produced whether the bullet strikes the bone, I mean now the shaft of the bone, at any angle or in any part. For instance, if it strikes the bone perpendicularly, it will produce a bad fracture, and it will do this equally if it merely grazes the bone. When the bullet strikes the bone laterally, merely grazing the periosteum at a high velocity, it produces a fracture that may be termed a fracture by contact. Here is an illustration (showing radiograph) ; the bullet passed across the front of the forearm, just grazing the radius, and yet, as you see, it shattered the bone completely; and here is an example showing a similar effect upon the hand at short

range. In this case the whole distal end of one of the metacarpal bones has been blown completely out, and yet the wound of exit was very little larger than the wound of entrance; the range was five hundred yards.

So much for the effect upon the human body when the velocity of the bullet is at its greatest. Now, the angle of incidence seems to me to have a marked influence. When the bullet strikes the bone in the median line with perpendicular impact, it shatters the bone as badly as if it were within the explosive range. Here is an illustration of a fractured thigh, in which the bullet went straight through, striking the femur with a median impact, and you see how badly the femur is shattered. In a little over a year after the injury I radiographed this same case; the wound had healed readily without any suppuration, and though there is a tremendous callous formed about the fracture, the position and function of the limb are almost perfect. Now as to tangential impact, when the bullet strikes the bone at an angle the fracture and Assuring are not so great, no matter what the range may be, provided it is outside the explosive zone. In this case (showing radiograph) the bullet struck the outer side of the radius, tore off a piece of bone and made a straight fracture.

Now as to the form of the bullet. Dr. LaGarde has spoken only of the bullet as it strikes after passing through the air; but in war it may ricochet, strike some object, become deformed and then strike the body. In these cases the effect of the bullet is decidedly different from that of the plain undeformed bullet. In this case (showing radiograph), for instance, the bullet struck some object before it hit the man, and the whole end of it became flattened so that it was practically like a Dum-Dum bullet. The velocity was low, for the bullet lodged in the tissues and yet because of its extreme deformity when it struck the bone it shattered it immensely. Here is an injury of the same class showing two bullets in the same limb. Both bullets were deformed and the shattering was very great. Here is a photograph of several Mauser bullets removed after X-ray examinations of the patient. All but one of them are deformed.

Here is a rather interesting radiograph showing the passing of a Mauser bullet through a phalanx. The bullet is so small and travels with such velocity that it may pass through a finger and not tear it off as would a larger bullet. Relative to this case I would say that gunshot injuries of the hand always cause some permanent loss of function. This is due to injury to the soft parts; and in regard to injury to the soft parts by the small-calibre bullet I would say that we have had a great many cases where, though the bones were markedly shattered, if the soft parts were not much torn there was not much loss of function ; but if the soft parts were greatly disturbed, the resulting cicatrizing tissues caused considerable disturbance of function.

The injury produced by these bullets to the ends of long bones is quite different from that of the shafts. In the shaft the Assuring and comminution are always greater than in the extremities. Whatever the theory of explosive effect may be it is certainly true that the dense tissue of the shaft transmits the shock more than the softer tissues and causes greater solution of continuity.



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Concerning the humane effect of these bullets I should say that where they do not kill outright they are certainly much more humane than the old bullets were. I saw some cases, — one I remember in particular — where the bullet passed through

the abdomen, directly through the liver, and yet the patient was up and ran away from the hospital eleven days after receiving the injury.


By William B. Johnston.

(From the Anatomical Laboratory of the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore.) WITH SIX FIGURES.

Since the appearance of Carl Ludwig's article upon the Kidney in 1872,* in which he devotes but a few words to the structure of the glomerulus, and in which are reproduced a few drawings of the glomeruli of mammalian kidneys, other investigators have been inclined to pass over this part of the vascular mechanism of the kidney, mentioning only its afferent and efferent vessels. The difficulty of seeing anything but the exterior of a glomerulus has, of course, always obscured its intimate structure. For these reasons it has appeared advisable to make a more careful study of the arrangement of the blood-vessels of the glomerulus by means of the method of reconstruction.

The requirements for such a reconstruction are a perfect set of serial sections through a well injected glomerulus, the sections being thin enough to pass at least twice through any of its vessels which may be struck parallel to the plane of cutting, as well as a conception of the outward form of the glomerulus previous to cutting.

Preliminary injections of the dog's kidney with a variety of substances brought out the advantages of a supersaturated aqueous solution of Berlin blue over other injection masses, and the advisability of selecting and cutting a single glomerulus. Adult human kidneys from the autopsy table were usually abnormal and always failed to be well injected. In order, therefore, to obtain a good injection of a normal glomerulus, the kidney of a child three months old, dead but a few hours, was injected in situ through the abdominal aorta until the Berlin blue appeared in the renal vein. The difficulty of obtaining a faultless series of very thin sections was greater than that of selecting and cutting out a well-iujected glomerulus from clear bits of this kidney, though very many seemingly perfect glomeruli proved to be but partially injected. A chosen glomerulus from the child's kidney was imbedded in paraffin in the usual way and cut into serial sections 3 /x thick. The 3-1 sections through this glomerulus were then stained in Upson's carmine and mounted in balsam. Drawings of each of these sections enlarged 1333 diameters, the greatest convenient enlargement, were made with a camera lucida (Figs. 4, 5, 6) and the corrected drawings transferred with carbon paper to wax plates 4 mm. thick, i. e. 1333 times as thick as the original sections.

•Handbuch der Lehre von den Geweben des Menschen und tier Thiere. S. Strieker, Vol. 1.

Before beginning the reconstruction, that part of each plate representing the glomerulus proper was cut out, the line of iucision following the outer borders of the external vessels, leaving Bowman's capsule in the outer shell. The remaining wax shells thus obtained were carefully piled in order, and a plaster-of-Paris cast made of the cavity. The solid cast roughly indicated the external form of the enlarged glomerulus. As a further guide to the reconstruction, the sections of the blood-vessels appearing in each plate were cut out with the exception of wax bridges connecting them. The internal relation of these sections in wax representing the blood-vessels was thus preserved, which aided materially in piling and blending the individual sections.


Fig. 1. — Was model of the glomerulus, enlarged 444 diameters, seen in profile from the left side. A F afferent vessel ; E Fefferent vessel.

From the model thus made it appears that the afferent vessel of the glomerulus, after entering the capsule of Bowman, immediately divides into five diverging branches, which with their subdivisions and with the efferent vessel form an almost spherical tuft of blood-vessels. For the sake of description we may assume that the glomerulus is suspended from its afferent vessel. The efferent vessel originates, roughly speaking, from a loop of capillaries which projects in the equatorial plane from the side of the glomerulus opposite the efferent vessel, but to the right of the median line (Fig. 2 E. V.). From this point the course of the efferent vessel is upward, inward, and to the left, grooving the superior surface of the glomerulus and dividing it into two unequal parts. This vessel leaves the glomerulus a little superior and

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anterior to the point where the afferent vessel divides and in a direction opposite to that of the efferent vessel. (Fig. 1.)

Fig. 2. — Wax model of the glomerulus, same enlargement and same view as in Fig. 1. The left lateral group of capillaries is separated from the median group and turned back, exposing the interior of the glomerulus, a. A short section of a capillary of the median group is removed to show the course of the deeper-lying capillaries.

Externally the upper half of the glomerulus is seen to be composed of freely anastomosing capillaries, somewhat more pronounced on the left than on the right side. The capillaries of the lower half, except on the posterior surface, are loDger and more direct. The projecting loop of capillaries mentioned above, the course taken by the efferent vessel within the glomerulus, and the tendency of many of the external capillaries to turn towards the right side, give the glomerulus the appearance of being twisted to the right. Except on the superior surface where the left half is a little above the right, the spherical form is well preserved. Lobulation where it appears at all is superficial. (Fig. 1.)

Fig. 3 — Diagram of the wax model seen from the left side. Enlarged 444 times. The right lateral group of capillaries is turned back from the main group. The group E F is a connecting loop turned over to expose deeper capillaries. The lines marked Figs. 4, 5 and 6 indicate that Figs. 4, 5 and •', are taken from those planes, representing sections 7, 17 and 30 respectively of the original series.

The capillaries of the glomerulus can be roughly divided into a right, a left and a median group, corresponding to a right branch (Fig. 3 A), a left branch (Fig. 2 B) and a median branch (Figs. 2-3 C) of the afferent vessel. Two additional branches, a right lateral branch (Fig. 3 D) and a

left lateral brauch (Fig. 2 E ), take part in the fornmtiou of the lateral group of the corresponding side and of the median group. All rive branches arise from the afferent vessel at the same time though at different angles. The distances between their points of origin are not the same. According to Ludwig, the glomerulus is composed of from 4 to 8 groups of bloodvessels.

Each main brauch from the efferent vessel subdivides almost immediately. Each of the two lateral branches (D and E) has three subdivisions which are soon lost in the three main groups. They have in general the same arrangement.

Fig 4.

In the upper half of the left group (Figs. 1-2) there is a complex network of anastomosing capillaries. In the right group (Fig. 3), which is smaller than the left group and lies at a lower level, the course of the capillaries is more direct.

Fig. 5.

FlOS. 4, r> and fl. — Camera tracings of sections 7, 17, and 30, showing the capillaries, reticulum nuclei and Bowman's capsule. Enlarged 444 diameters.

The capillaries of the median group nearest to and farthest from the origin of the median branch (C) are in general longer and freer than those of the other group. The intermediate capillaries are short and the anastomoses frequent

In addition to the many connections between capillaries of the same group, the three groups or lobules are intimately connected with one another by numerous anastomoses. The capillary connections between the median group and the right group on one hand (Fig. 2) are of the same frequency, although unlike those between the left group and the median group on the other hand (Fig. 3). At one point there is an anastomosis of all three groups (Fig. 2 d, d', Fig. 3 d, c, c', c"). The number and varied character of these connections show the impossibility of dividing the capillaries of the glomerulus completely into distinct groups.

r«:: ftC

Fig 6.

Through the divisions of the main branches of the glomerulus and their subsequent anastomoses, all the capillaries are concentrated at two distinct levels (Fig. 2 F. G) in the median plane opposite the afferent vessel. Though the formation of the efferent vessel is clearly indicated at each level in the sections, it cannot be said to actually originate until the last capillary from the glomerulus has united with it (Fig. 3 L).

It is seen that the blood in passing from the afferent to the efferent vessel has the choice of numerous paths of varying lengths. The shortest path is that from the right lateral branch of the afferent vessel just above the central point of the glomerulus and in the median line (Fig. 3 D, c). Passing outward from this point to the periphery of the glomerulus, the paths become longer and more complex. The longest path is that of the median branch and its subdivisions along the inferior surface of the glomerulus. It is three times as long as the shortest path (Figs. 2-3). Yet the shorter course is

zigzag and is composed of the smallest capillaries. As the course between the afferent and efferent vessel becomes longer and longer, the capillaries become straighter and larger, thus correspondingly favoring the blood circulation through them.

The afferent vessel is larger than its branches, especially just before the point of division ; the branches are larger than their subdivisions. The efferent vessel is of the same size as the main branches of the afferent vessel. The increased diameter of the afferent vessel and its first branches is no doubt due to the pressure in the artery when the glomerulus was injected. Excluding this factor it is probable that the diameter of the various vessels of the glomerulus is the same from the afferent to the efferent vessel.

The very fine serial sections of the glomerulus not only served as a basis for the reconstruction of the blood-vessels, but also enabled me to study more carefully the relation of Bowman's capsule to the glomerulus. Ludwig* has shown that the basement membrane of the uriniferous tubules is elastic and when treated with reagents is very likely to swell. Later Mallf showed by digesting frozen sections of various organs with pancreatin that the interstitial tissue and so-called basement membranes resolved themselves into fibrils, showing some characteristics of yellow elastic tissue, some of white fibrous tissue and some peculiar to themselves. This set of fibrils (reticulum) is widely distributed and makes up the main framework of the kidney. It is these fibrils of reticulum which form the basement membrane of Bowman's capsule.

As the afferent vessel pierces Bowman's capsule, the reticulum fibrils forming it separate as shown in Figs. 4 and 5. They are not reflected over the glomerulus, but, at the point of separation, fibrils arise which penetrate the glomerulus passing in all directions between its capillaries. The fibrils are densest at the point these vessels penetrate the capsule and gradually become less and less numerous as the periphery of the glomerulus is approached. Up to the present I have not determined the nature of these fibrils but on account of their arrangement as well as the connection with them of Bowman's capsule, I do not hesitate to class them with the other reticulum fibrils.

  • Ludwig, Strieker's Handbuch, 1871, p. 495.

fMall, Abhandl. d. K. S. Ges. d. Wiss.,Bd. 17, 1891 ; also Riihle, His's Arch., 1896, and Disse, Sitzungsber. d. Ges. z. Beford. d. ges. Naturwiss. Marburg, 1898.


It is matter of general belief that scientists in the retirement of the laboratory pursue their abstruse investigations oblivious of wars, revolutions, and the manifold variations in the phases of international politics, and it is, perhaps, well on the whole that there is some basis for the belief. But, as a matter of fact, it will be found that the trend of scientific research is, at times, enormously influenced by changes in the outside world; for with these changes new problems arise upon the solution of which depends the ultimate success of national undertakings. No more striking example of such

influence could perhaps be adduced than the extraordinary attention which is at present being paid to the study of the causes, prevention and cure of diseases prevalent in the tropics. While there have been, it is true, notable instances of medical research prosecuted with brilliant results in tropical fields in the past, it is only since Northern and Western nations have turned their faces resolutely towards the South and the East— faces stern in the determination to hold their own in the fierce international rivalry for conquest and control of trade — that the importance of the medical problems

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of the hotter regions of the earth has begun to be fully appreciated, and that organized bauds of skilled investigators have been seut iuto them to study the diseases to which a large mass of their fellow countrymen will henceforth be exposed.

The earlier observations on the conditions aud diseases of tropical countries we owe to missionaries and explorers, men of roving instincts and venturesome habits, who partly in self-defense, partly from desire to benefit other travelers or the natives of the regions traveled through, observed the sick and examined the methods of treatment in vogue in those lands. All such studies were necessarily fragmentary and of a desultory character, but no one with a knowledge of the subject would speak of them disparagingly, for they represent the beginnings of an important movement, and have been, moreover, attended by valuable discoveries, some of which have proved to be of the greatest benefit to humanity. It is only necessary to mention the introduction of cinchona bark into Europe in the 17th century by the Jesuits, who had seen its beneficial effects in Peru, and to recall the immense part played by its alkaloid, quinine, in the treatment of malarial diseases to-day, to realize the significance of at least one of these discoveries. Millions of lives have been saved, and whole continents made accessible to civilization, for the dangers of forest and morass have largely ceased to be prohibitive since the white man has learned to carry quinine in his blood.

Later, white traders and white soldiers, the natural successors of missionary and explorer, on entering the tropical regions took with them civil and military physicians, who by virtue of their better medical and scientific training were able to describe climatic conditions, investigate the symptomatology of diseases, and study their causes, nature and treatment far more accurately than their predecessors had done. Thanks to their efforts we are already in possession of an analysis of the more prevalent diseases peculiar to the tropics and of the many facts of importance concerning etiology, pathology, prophylaxis aud cure. Among the most fertile in results has been the work done by Fayrer in India, and in Cochin China by Calmette, on snake poison ; in Algiers by Laveran, and in India by Koss, on the malarial infections ; in Bombay by Vandyke Carter and Obermeier, on relapsing fever; in China and other countries, by Manson, on filariasis; and in the West Indies and South America, by Sternberg, Guiteras and Sanarelli, on yellow fever.

During the last thirty years, however, remarkable advauces have been made in pathological and especially in bacteriological technique. A large number of scientific investigators in all civilized countries have been gradually overcoming difficulties which had hitherto been insurmountable, but which, by the new methods at their disposal could now be satisfactorily attacked. The field of medicine has become so wide and divided into so many departments that one man can scarcely hope to cover all of them. Much as we have to thank civil and military physicians in the past for the good work they have done, we can scarcely ask in the future men who have to devote a large share of their time to the treatment of patients and to the performance of executive functions to undertake the complicated researches necessary for the

isolation of the causative agent in obscure diseases. There has to be a division of labor and the practical man must be helped out by individuals who have been especially trained in particular lines of work, and who can give all their time to such work. Accordingly, of late, European governments and educational institutions have been sending into tropical regions men especially prepared and commissioned to investigate disease, and these men have been relieved of all duties except those actually connected with their original research. In this way, Koch and Gaft'ky went to Egypt and India, in 1883, to study Asiatic cholera, an expedition which resulted in the discovery of the cause of the disease; and at Hong Kong, in 1894, Yersin isolated the bacillus of bubonic plague. That such special investigations of the causes of disease justify the education of specialists and the expenditure of the time and money required is fully evidenced by the practical results which have followed. Cholera, now that the spirillum, the growth and activity of which in human beings cause the symptoms of the disease, is known aud its habits of life and mode of dissemination have been studied, can in civilized countries be absolutely controlled; the disease can no longer gain a permanent foothold in a city in which modern methods of sanitation are employed. Plague which swept away whole populations at a breath in former times need now scarcely be feared among Western nations; for even if the hygienic precautions of the end of the century fail to keep the disease out of the West, the method of preventive inoculation which has been devised since the discovery of the causative bacillus will protect those who avail themselves of this prophylactic measure.

In the light of these facts the authorities of the medical department of the Johns Hopkins University decided in March of the present year to send two of their staff, Dr. Simon Flexner and Dr. Lewellys F. Barker, to the Philippine Islands, equipped with a complete outfit for the study of disease by modern clinical and pathological methods. They were instructed to study the diseases which prevail in the islands "with the hope not only of making contributions to the science of medicine, but also of being of service to the American forces in those islands, to the natives of the country, and to humanity at large." The expenses of the expedition were defrayed through the generosity of a few friends of the University. Two advanced medical students, Mr. Joseph Marshall Flint, of Chicago and Mr. Frederick P. Gay, of Boston, went as volunteers and at their own expense to assist in the medical work at Manila. Mr. John W. Garrett, of Baltimore, interested in the political relations of the archipelago, made a fifth member of the party.

The voyage out was made by way of Vancouver, Japan and Hong Kong. Ten days were spent in Japan and the experience there proved of great value as an introduction to the work in Manila, inasmuch as Japanese scientists have studied and. indeed, with considerable success, several of the problems which confront the investigator in the tropics. With Doctors AoyoBia and Miura in Tokyo, several cases of kakke were observed, a disease which in the Philippines and in other countries, is more generally known under the name of beri beri.



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The researches of the Japanese into the nature of this malady are among tbe most interesting and important extant. Dr. Aoyoma, who when investigating plague in Hong Kong was himself attacked by the disease and for a considerable period lay in a most precarious condition, showed no ill effects of the ordeal passed through, but was as active and enthusiastic as ever in the observation and treatment of disease. In the laboratory of Dr. Kitasato, the celebrated bacteriologist, of Tokyo, opportunity was afforded for looking into the work done by Dr. Shiga, one of the assistants in that laboratory, on the cause and treatment of dysentery. Dr. Shiga, who has isolated a bacillus which he regards as the cause of epidemic dysentery in Japan, has also, by inoculation of tbe bacillus into animals, prepared a curative serum which he believes will be of value in the treatment of human cases.

At Hong Kong, the members of the Commission, through the courtesy of Dr. Lowson, had their first opportunity of studying cases of bubonic plague, clinically in the wards of the isolation hospital and pathologically in the dead-house. The disease is constantly present there, though to a varying degree, among the Chinese inhabitants, Europeans being occasionally, though but rarely, attacked. A member of the Commission, speaking of experience with plague, remarked upon the curious mental phases passed through on encountering for the first time such a world-dreaded disease. During the first visit to the morgue in which the dead bodies of plague patients were kept, great care was taken to come into no personal contact with the dead, and even draughts of air leading from the vicinity of the cadavers were avoided. On the second day, the swellings (or buboes) in the groin, axilla or neck were palpated, but with some care; and on the third day, they found themselves making post-mortem examinations of the internal organs. Though Dr. Aoyoma developed the disease as a result of his studies, and Dr. Miiller, of Vienna, died from plague contracted while attending a nurse sick of it, it is probable that pathologists, provided they take the necessary precautions to avoid infection, have less to fear than is ordinarily supposed. If one work much with the disease, however, he would be very unwise did he not take advantage of the protection afforded by Haffkine's preventive inoculation.

The members of the Commission arrived in Manila at the beginning of May and at once, thanks to letters from Surgeon-General Sternberg, and the courtesy of Colonel Woodhull, the chief surgeon of the American forces in the islands, were enabled to begin their work in the military hospitals there. The majority of the American sick in Manila are cared for in two large base hospitals known respectively as the First and Second Reserve Hospitals. In the former institution, with Major Crosby in control, are some twelve hundred patients; while in the latter, under the management of Captain (now Major) Keefer, there are perhaps onefourth as many. Assoon as the patients are convalescent, those who require further building up are sent to the pleasantly situated Convalescent Hospital on Corregidor Island. This hospital is situated on the shore snugly nestled beneath the fort which fired on Admiral Dewey's ships as he entered Manila Bay. In addition to the military institutions men

tioned, there are numerous "district" and "regimental" hosjjitals in Manila, Cavite and other places whei^American troops are stationed. It was a matter of pleasant surprise to see how efficiently large military hospitals, seven or eight thousand miles away from home, could be organized for medical and surgical work. Whatever criticisms may have been made in America with regard to the administration of military affairs, nothing but praise is to be recorded of the medical services rendered by Colonel Woodhull and his staff in the Philippine campaign.

On account of the especial facilities and material obtainable at the First Reserve Hospital, working headquarters were established there, Lieutenant Strong generously sharing his laboratory with the newcomers, and in every way possible, lending his aid to the investigations undertaken. The time at their disposal being limited, the members of the Commission decided to choose, out of the many attractive problems which immediately suggested themselves for investigation, certain only which seemed to them of the greatest importance and which could be most advantageously approached. It was found that among the American soldiers in Manila the two most fatal diseases in May and June were dysentery and typhoid fever, while among the natives tuberculosis and beri beri were common and destructive maladies. The dysenteries and tropical diseases of the liver met with were made the object of especial study, and one of the most important results of the expedition was the isolation by Dr. Flexner, from the dejecta of patients, of a bacillus which is almost certainly the cause of the acute dysentery studied. The causative agent in this disease once known, it is perhaps not too much to hope that a preventive inoculation may be devised which will render individuals going to the islands immune from attack. Such a prophylactic measure if invented would be of incalculable value, since, according to an authoritative text book, " In the tropics dysentery destroys more lives than cholera, and it has been more fatal to armies than powder and shot." Malarial fevers are frequently encountered, and in Manila the parasites of the tertian and of the asstivo-autumnal variety are easily demonstrable in the blood of patients suffering from these types of the infection. The frequency and malignancy of the cases vary with the locality and with the season of the year. The deadly calentura perniciosa is much feared in certain districts, and as soon as the country is settled this form of malaria should be thoroughly studied. The forests of the interior of Mindoro and the regions adjacent to the Rio Agusan in Mindanao are localities of unusual interest in this connection. The relation of mosquitoes to malaria, so vital a question at the moment, is one well worthy of attack in the Malayan archipelago. Not uninteresting too, in passing, is the statement in certain of the Jesuitical records of Mindanao that the natives of that island recognized as far back as two centuries ago a relation between the intermittent fevers and the prevalence of mosquitoes.

At Cavite, an outbreak of some two hundred cases of beri beri among the Filipino prisoners yielded wide opportunity for the study of this disease in its various clinical and pathological aspects. In the same town a large epidemic of what was probably Dengue fever occurred.

January, 1900.]



The cases at the Spanish hospital of Sau Juan de Dios, those at San Lazarus, the leprosy hospital, and those at the city asylum, were made accessible to study through the kindness of Major Frank Bourns, of the Provost-Marshal's department. There were still a few smallpox cases in the city, though through the strenuous exertions of the officer mentioned, in the way of compulsory vaccination and the establishment of a carabao vaccine farm, this disease, which claimed so many victims from among the American soldiers at the beginning of the occupation, was practically stamped out of Manila. Skin diseases are very prevalent among the natives, and the affection known as dhobie itch (for the most part a form of ringworm) attacked large numbers of American soldiers.

A considerable amout of pathological material was collected by the members of the Commission especially from cases of beri beri, leprosy and dysentery, and this was brought back to America for farther study. An abundance of plague material was similarily collected at Houg Kong. Bubonic plague does not exist in Manila, and a careful search through the older records would make it appear that it has never broken out in the Philippines.

The climate, though trying, owing to the continuous heat and moisture, is believed to be supportable if Americans will take certain necessary precautions. As one genial Englishman who has lived in Manila nineteen years, and who is now in perfect health, put it, "it is not so much the climate as the glass bottle which injures people out here." The visit of the Commission to the islands was made in the hottest season of the year, and at the beginning of July the onset of the rains by increasing the moisture in the air added much to the discomfort. However, if one carefully chooses his diet, eschews iced drinks, clothes himself rationally, avoids excesses both physical and mental, keeps out of the sun during the hottest time of the day, sleeps under mosquito-netting and does not bathe in too cold water, he may live a fairly comfortable life and will probably enjoy good health. Indeed, some Americans have found themselves in better health in Manila than at home, though this is the exception rather than the rule. Diarrheal troubles are very frequent and are to be combated by rest, a simple diet and, if necessary, by wearing a woolen abdominal band. Much has been written about the drinking of boiled water by the soldiers. Outside Manila this is certainly desirable, but any attempt to persuade soldiers on the march to follow this custom will probably prove futile. The Johns Hopkins party walked one afternoon from the Bag Bag river to San Fernando, and before the end of the journey found themselves drinking any water available, some of it certainly far from pure.

Early in July, Mr. Garrett left Manila for a trip through Java, and a few days later the rest of the party returned to Hong Kong, and began the homeward voyage which was made by way of Suez and London. Two members of the Commission spent three weeks in India, and there examined as fully as possible in the time, the outbreaks of plague which existed and the plague measures adopted by English officers in the Indian Empire. In Bombay, Colonel Weir, and in Poona, Major Keid and Major Windle accompanied them to the scene of the outbreaks.

The excursion to Poona was most impressive. Traveling upward for hours through the Western Ghats, the country

was so beautiful and the air so much cooler than at the sea level, that one could scarcely believe that he was approaching, in the plain, a little lower down on the other side, the peststricken city of Poona. On arrival at the railway station, however, the first signs of distress were noticed. Train-loads of people were fleeing from the place. A drive through the town to the office of the chief plague authority showed how rapidly it was being deserted. Many of the streets were almost empty, shop doors and windows were closed and barricaded, plague notices were pasted on the wall, a preternatural stillness was everywhere noticeable, the few people encountered walking quietly along with heads bowed and faces sorrowful. A visit was made to some houses whence plague cases had just been reported with the native editor of the principal Poona newspaper, this gentlemen having volunteered his services as plague inspector. In a small hovel, scarcely larger than a ship's cabin, one might find a patient surrounded by several of his friends awaiting the arrival of the inspector. The chances for contact contamination were manifold.

At the general plague hospital, there were some eight hundred cases of the disease under the charge of Major Windle. He was assisted by eight European nurses and a number of native helpers. He complained that it was almost impossible to retain natives as workmen ; even washermen and grave-diggers could not be employed in sufficient numbers owing to the fears and prejudices of the people. Cartloads of the newly attacked were being brought into the hospital at its entrance, while a body was carried out from the wards every ten minutes to the morgue at the rear. Those who live in the West can scarcely appreciate the enormous disadvantages under which medical men fight plague in India. The people are ignorant and superstitious, the rigid caste rules prevent any successful application of modern hygienic measures, and even the preventive inoculation cannot be utilized to any great extent, owing to the fact that thus far the bacilli have been grown in beef-broth, and the natives will not countenance such a profanation of the sacred animal. Even in death, caste rules have to be observed, and it was found at the morgue that partitions had to be put up separating the low-caste Hindoos from those of high caste, from the Mohammedans and from the Parsees and Christians. The floor of the morgue presented a melancholy sight; in one of the rooms no less than thirtytwo bodies lay upon the ground as closely packed as was possible without actually piling the bodies upon one another. Mohammedans are buried, and high-caste Hindoos are burned, but the bodies sometimes accumulate so fast that they cannot be disposed of by the usual methods. Major Windle stated thai one day, a short time before, he had burned twenty-four bodies in one heap. It is absolutely impossible in Poona to employ occidental methods in the way of segregation or disinfection. The natives prefer to die rather than submit to rules which are obnoxious to them. It is no uncommon sight to see a widow, after uttering the death wail, beating her face and breasts and throwing herself violent ly upon the body of her dead husband, kissing his face and lips ; it is very strange that no more than do contract the disease. One left Poona and



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Bombay thankful that in America no such unfavorable religious and social conditions prevail.

Of the results which have been obtained by the Commission, it is too early as yet to speak more than generally. The observations made in Manila have to be supplemented and controlled by further microscopical and bacteriological studies upon the material collected. It will be some months at least before a full report can be looked for.

At present the observations concerning the causation of dysentery, the differentiation of the fevers of the region, the relative prevalence of typhoid fever and malaria, the studies of the varieties of the malarial parasite there found, and the investigations of beri beri, may be specified as among the more important scientific results of the expedition. The influence of the scientific spirit and methods, with the demonstration of their practical utility, so beneficial in medical ceutres at home and exerted at so early a period in the American regime in the Philippines, can scarcely fail to be of significance in the further development of medicine there.

It is probable that in the near future other expeditions will be undertaken as only a beginning in the study of tropical medicine has been made. England and Germany are alive to

the importance of such investigations. Major Ross has recently been sent to East Africa to continue his studies upon the part played by mosquitoes in the dissemination of malarial parasites, and Dr. Wright is being sent by the English government to establish a laboratory in the Malay peninsula for the study of beri beri. Prof. Koch, of Berlin, has also lately been sent on another expedition for the investigation of the malarial fevers in the tropics. Schools of tropical medicine are being established at various English and continental ports. The time seems ripe also for undertaking instruction in tropical diseases in America. The establishment of investigating institutes, and of teaching departments in such cities as San Francisco, New Orleans, Baltimore and New York, would be an additional safeguard to the country, since these are ports most likely to be infected. Moreover, careful instruction as regards diseases peculiar to the tropics and the special character assumed by other diseases when they occur in the hotter regions of the earth would seem to be essentials for those American physicians and surgeons who comtemplate residence or practice in our tropical possessions.

Lewellys F. Barker.


By George Walker, M. D., Ohief of Clinic out-door Surgical Department, Johns Hopkins Hospital.

The accompanying cutis an apparatus which I have devised to facilitate the passage of a filiform bougie, or catheter, through a strictured urethra. The object of this instrument, is to distend the canal, and in this way to enlarge the narrowed portion, so that an instrument will pass through.

Fig. I (a) is a glass cylinder, the shape and size as seen in the cut, with three openings; the first (J) is to communicate with the urethra; the second (p) permits the entrance of oil from cylinder (rri), Fig. Ill ; the third (d) is for the reception of a rubber stopper carrying a catheter, or bougie; (/) is a pure rubber stopper, through the center of which is passed a glass tube (g) ; on the inner end of this is fitted a small ring of rubber tubing (n). Through this glass tube a catheter (e) is passed, and the rubber on the end is so fitted that it serves to prevent an outward flow of oil.

Fig. II is a rubber stopper similar to the above, with a very small opening through it, just large enough to admit easily the passage of a filiform bougie (I) and small enough to prevent the escape of oil or other fluid.

Fig. Ill (wi) is a cylindrical glass vessel for the reception of oil ; it is to be hung on wall and is connected with Fig. I, by a rubber tube (t) of varying lengths.

A rather stiff silk catheter should be used, as a soft-rubber one has a tendency to bend in the glass cylinder. The free end of the catheter is closed with a clamp or hard-rubber stopper, so as to prevent the escape of oil.

When required for use the cylinder (d) is filled with oil by slightly opening the pinch-cock (A) ; the end (b) is then introduced into the meatus and firmly held there by an assistant so as to prevent the escape of oil between the glass and

urethra. The catheter, or bougie, is then passed into the urethra as far as the strictured part; the stop-cock (A) is now

Tig. I


opened, and the oil allowed to flow in and distend the urethra. As this is being done the catheter, or bougie, is firmly pushed

January, 1900.]



inward, and as the walls are distended the stricture is slightly opened, and the instrument allowed to slip through.

Fig. IV. — An Improved Urethral Irrigating Nozzle.

I do not say that by its use all urethra can be made permeable, but certainly filiforms can be thus introduced in a num

ber of cases which without it would be impossible, and catheters passed through diseased portions that otherwise would admit only filiform. Thanks are due Dr. Andrew Stewart, of Washington, for some suggestions.

Fig. IV represents an irrigating nozzle showing an addition to the ordinary straight nozzle in the form of a disc-shaped flange attached to the body near the urethral end. The disc serves to protect one's hands and other objects in the vicinity from becoming soiled by the fluids which are ejected from the meatus during irrigation. The straight nozzle which I have used resembles in some particulars those of Valentine and Young. The complete nozzle is made in one piece; it is simple, cleanly, small and entirely efficacious.


J. Whitridge Williams, M. D. The Frequency of Contracted Pelves in the First Thousand Women Delivered in the Obstetrical Department of the Johns Hopkins Hospital. — Obstetrics, Vol. I, Nos. 5 and 6, 1899.

1. In our material, the frequency of contracted pelves (13.1 per cent.) corresponds very closely with the general average of frequency observed in Germany.

2. This is due, in large part, to the presence of a large black population in Baltimore, 469 out of our 1,000 cases being colored women.

3. Contracted pelves are 2.77 times more frequent in black than in white women, and occur in 19.83 per cent, of the former and 7.14 per cent, of the latter.

4. The statistics of Reynolds Crossen and myself indicate that contracted pelves are observed in about 7 per cent, of the white women of this country, or about once in every fourteenth case.

5. Contracted pelves, accordingly, occur in our white women about as frequently as in many German clinics, notably, Rostock, Breslau and Basel.

6. And occur quite as frequently as in Paris (Pinard and Budin) and more frequently than in Vienna.

7. As every fourteenth white and every fifth colored woman possesses a contracted pelvis, the necessity for routine pelvimetry becomes apparent.

J. Whitridge Williams, M. D. A Case of Spondylolisthesis, with Description of the Pelvis. — American Journal of Obstetrics, Vol. XL, pp. 145-171 ; also, Transactions of the American Gynecological Society, Vol. XXIV, pp. 49-79.

In this article is described the pelvis obtained from a woman dying after a symphyseotomy performed on account of a pelvis contracted by spondylolisthesis. The smallest antero-posterior diameter of the pelvis, extending from the lower margin of the third lumbar vertebra, to the upper and posterior margin of the symphysis pubis, was 6yi cm.

The article is accompanied by numerous illustrations, which clearly illustrate the deformity, as well as its mode of production. This is the first American case which has been described anatomically, though such cases have been observed clinically by Blake, Lombard, Flint, Gibney and Lovett.

A full list of the literature on the subject accompanies the article.

J. Whitridge Williams, M. D. Report of the Committee of the American Gynecological Society, of which Dr. Williams was Chairman, "On the Value of Antistreptococcic Serum in the Treatment of Puerperal Infection." — American Journal of Obstetrics, Vol. XL, pp. 289-314 ; and Transactions of the American Gynaecological Society, Vol. XXIV, pp. 80-110.

I. A study of the literature shows that 352 cases of puerperal infection have been treated by many observers, with a mortality of 20.74 per cent.; where streptococci were positively demonstrated the mortality was 33 per cent.

II. Marmorek's claim that his antistreptococcic serum will cure streptococcic puerperal infection, does not appear to be substantiated by the results thus far reported.

III. Experimental work has cast grave doubts upon the efficiency of antistreptococcic serum in clinical work, by showing that a serum which is obtained from a given streptococcus may protect an animal from that organism, but may be absolutely inefficient against another streptococcus, and that the number of serums which may be prepared is limited only by the number of varieties of streptococci which may exist.

IV. Thus far the only definite result of Marmorek's work is the development of a method by which we can increase the virulence of certain streptococci to an almost inconceivable extent, so that one hundred-billionth of a cubic centimeter of a culture will kill a rabbit.

V. The personal experience of your committee has shown that the mortality of streptococcus endometritis, if not interfered with, is something less than 5 per cent., and that such cases tend to recover if Nature's work is not undone by too energetic local treatment.

VI. We unhesitatingly condemn curettage and total hysterectomy in streptococcus infections after a full-term delivery, and attribute a large part of the excessive mortality in the literature to the former operation.

VII. In puerperal infections a portion of the uterine lochia should be removed by Di'ulerlein's tube for bacteriological examination, and an intra-uterine douche of four to five liters of sterile salt solution given just afterward. If the infection be due to streptococci, the uterus should not be touched again, and the patient be given very large doses of strychnia and alcohol, if necessary. If the infection be due to other organisms, repeated douchings and even curettage may be advisable.

VIII. If the infection extends toward the peritoneal cavity,



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and in gravely septicemic cases, Pryor's method of isolating the uterus by packing the pelvis with iodoform gauze may be of service. IX. The experience of one of the members of the committee with antistreptococcus serum has shown that it has no deleterious effect upon the patient, and therefore may be tried if desired. But we find nothing in the clinical or experimental literature or in our own experience, to indicate that its employment will materially improve the general results in the treatment of streptococcus puerperal infection.

Howard A. Kelly, M. D. A Curette for Cervical Cancer.— American Journal of Obstetrics, Vol. XL, 1899, p. 829.

The author has devised a toothed curette for the removal of redundant carcinomatous material in cases of cancer of the

cervix, which he considers much more satisfactory than any of the dull or sharp scoops now in use.

The instrument consists of a stout handle 9i cm. long, a shank 114. cm., tapering to an ovoid bowl which is 4 cm. long, 17 mm. wide, and 14 mm. deep. The essential feature of the curette is the series of crenations, each 2 mm. in height and 2\ mm. wide at the base, surmounting its blunt margin. These little teeth are very effective in removing the diseased tissue. A smaller instrument, two-thirds the size of the one described, is also used.

W. H. Welch, M. D. Thrombosis and Embolism. — Albutt' s System

of Medicine, Vol. VII, 1899. The Material Needs of Medical Education. — Journal of the

Alumni Association of the College of Physicians and Surge ni,

Vol.11, No. 4, 1900.


THE JOHNS HOPKINS HOSPITAL MEDICAL SOCIETY. Tuesday, December 5, 1899. Exhibition of Surgical Cases.— Dr. Mitchell.

We have to show three cases that have been treated in the service of Dr. Halsted, during the last few months, all traumatic and all having been serious accidents.

Case I. — The first man, a miner, aged 28 years, was admitted in August with the history of an injury received 32 hours previously, haying been crushed under a mass of falling coal. He was unable to walk after the accident on account of pain, though he had perfect motion of the limbs and could stand. He had retention of urine and was catheterized by a physician at the mines aud the bladder was later aspirated. The urine obtained by catheterization contained a great deal of blood, but the aspirated secretion was clear. He was operated upon immediately after his entrance to the hospital.

On examination, the patient was unable to stand, the bladder was much distended, reaching almost to the umbilicus; the perineum was infiltrated with blood. A perineal incision was made, opening a cavity beneath the symphysis pubis, which was filled with blood clots and urine ; the bladder still remained distended. A catheter passed through the meatus entered this cavity in the perineum, thus locating one end of the ruptured urethra. Suprapubic cystotomy was then done and retrograde catheterization showed the proximal end of the urethra, which had been ruptured just beneath the symphysis pubis. The urine in the bladder was perfectly clear. There was a fracture of the ascending and descending ramus of the left pubic bone, and a separation of the symphysis pubis. By attaching a piece of silk to a soft-rubber catheter, we were able to pass it through the entire course of the urethra. The urethra was not sutured because of the wide separation. A Bloodgood suprapubic tube was fixed in the bladder, and the perineal wound packed with gauze. The patient did very well. The bladder could be irrigated through the catheter and there was no trouble from infection. The catheter was allowed to stay in until September, when it was removed because blocked with salts, and a new one introduced. This was finally removed, nearly two months after the

operation, but the urethra still opened in the perineum. On October 23rd, the suprapubic tube was removed and the wound allowed to close, and from that time he has been voiding partly through the meatus and partly from the perineal wound, the latter having closed only within the last few days. The urethra has been dilated from time to time and a number 27 sound can be introduced with ease. He walks without evidence of trouble. The pubis is evidently firmly united.

Uase II. — This is a case of recovery after very great shock. The man was admitted ten days ago, about 6.30 p. m., in very bad condition and with the history of an injury to his right arm a short time before. He was working in a guano factory wheu his arm was caught in the machinery, and the forearm and hand very badly crushed. The skin of the arm was torn from the shoulder, down just as you would tear out the sleeve of a coat. His pulse was 80 aud very weak, respiration 40, temperature 97.5°, and he was crying with pain aud begging to have the arm taken off. He was immediately put to bed, the arm dressed with sterile gauze, the foot of the bed elevated and he was infused with 600 cc. of salt solution in the breast, and given i gr. morphia and a hot enema of coffee and salt solution. Up to 10 o'clock he improved, his pulse had become much stronger, he was quiet, his respiration slower and altogether he seemed better. After that time he began to go down again rapidly and there was considerable oozing from the dressings. He was in very bad condition when put on the table at 11 p. m., and though he was under ether only 10 minutes his condition became much worse during that time. He was given strychnia hypodermically and salt solution infusion during the operation. The foot of the table was elevated and his legs tightly bandaged. The operation itself lasted only 5 minutes. Dr. Bloodgood controlled the vessels by digital pressure in the axilla and the arm was amputated just below the shoulder. The vessels were quickly tied and the wound packed with gauze. At the end of this brief period, however, the radial pulse could not be felt, and the heartsounds were so weak that the second sound could not be heard after the operation. The foot of his bed was kept elevated, he was infused again with salt solution and given

January, 1900.]



hypodermics of strychnia and morphia with hot enemata of coffee and salt solution. His condition remained very alarming during all that night, the pulse being rapid and weak. the temperature rising to 103.6° and he became delirious, attempting to bite and scratch the assistants. Towards morning, however, he became quiet and from that time on has made a rapid convalescence. The wound was inspected a few days after the operation and everything was found clean and in good shape. His blood-count has been somewhat interesting. The night of the operation it was practically normal, although there had been a great deal of hemorrhage — red corpuscles 5,000,000, leucocytes 23,000, and hemoglobin 70 percent. Thirty-six hours later it showed reds 3,000,000, leucocytes 12,000 and hemoglobin 50 per cent.

Case III. This case has been very interesting to us in connection with the question of nerve regeneration. He is a German, 38 years of age, and was admitted on the 10th of November with an injury of the inner and posterior part of the left arm, having been in contact with a buzz-saw. He was admitted in fairly good condition and kept quiet for two hours before operation, when he was put on the table and the arm cleaned very thoroughly. No anesthetic was used and although the operation lasted two hours or more, no bad effect was produced so far as we could see. There were three main cuts with numerous lacerations extending from them. The upper cut exposed the musculospiral and ulnar nerves and divided the internal cutaneous. The second cut divided the ulnar, made a large ojjening into the bone and divided the musculospiral just where it winds around the bone, while the third cut divided the median nerve just above the elbow, without exposing the artery. The triceps muscle was extensively lacerated and the ulnar nerve was hanging in this mass of lacerated muscle which was torn entirely from the bone at one point. The biceps was also partially divided and there was extensive laceration of the skin. We identified the peripheral portion of the nerves by pinching the ends slightly and getting a corresponding contraction. The central portions could be identified by pain when they were seized. A hasty examination for anesthesia was made and it was thought to be complete, but since then we find that we were mistaken. Tbe nerves were sutured, the muscles brought together with buried silver and catgut sutures, and the skin approximated loosely over the wound. The man has made a perfect recovery and everything has healed per primam except the portions where there was no skin and these are covered by healthy blood clot. At the first dressing we found complete anesthesia of those portions supplied by the median, ulnar and musculospiral nerves. The only sensitive area was that supplied by the external cutaneous and some filaments of the musculospiral that came off above the injury.


Db. Thomas. — Was there any difficulty in bringing the ends of the nerves together ?

Dr. Mitchell. — They were very far apart at the time, but we had no difficulty in approximating them and suturing without tension.

Dr. Thomas.— It will be very interesting to watch his recovery and note where regeneration first takes place, since all the nerves were completely divided.

An Improved Stethoscope. Dr. Cabot. — I have with me a stethoscope that I have used on about 40 cases adav for five months and which pleases me so much that I thought it worth while to bring it before you. It was invented by a gentleman in Boston, not a physician, who had seen the ordinary stethoscope and who thought he could make an instrument that would combine the advantages of this with those of the phoueudoscope. It consists of a simple diaphragm of metal like that of the telephone connected with the chamber into which the tube of the stethoscope enters. It magnifies all sounds and it might be said to bear the same relation to the ordinary stethoscope that the high power of the microscope does to the low power. With it you can, I think, also hear sounds deeper in the chest than those heard with any other stethoscope. I have used it constantly for examination of the lungs and heart and find it exceedingly valuable for both. It enables you to hear cardiac murmurs, especially those of aortic regurgitation that can not be heard in any other way and this seems to me to be a point of great importance. The murmurs of mitral stenosis are not always, however, heard as well as with the ordinary stethoscope; that fact I can not account for.

A very obvious advantage of the instrument is that in listening to cases of pneumonia of the posterior lobes where the patient is very weak and you do not want to turn him, you can slip this flat edge under the back and hear the sounds with ease. I have known of an instance of a consultant being called from New York to Boston in such a case and feeling that he had not the right to turn the patient or raise him no examination of the lungs was made for two days. With such instrument as this such a delay could not occur.

I think also it is not an exaggeration to say that you can hear as much of the heart-sounds through the clothes with this instrument as you can with any other instrument next the skin. You should not listen to the lungs through the clothes, because the friction sounds of the clothes are so much like those of the lungs.

There are certain things that you can not do with it. If the patient has a very thin bony chest you do not get good effects, and it is not always good for very superficial sounds. I always carry the bell of the ordinary stethoscope to slip on for such cases. I don't think I should want the instrument alone without this arrangement, but I certainly should not want ever to be without this instrument again. I feel sure that any one who ever tries it will not give it up until something better is invented.

The Pulmonic Second Sound. Dr. Cabot.— About one year ago, in reading Gibson's recent work on the heart, I noticed some observations concerning the second sound in health that disturbed me a great deal. I had always been taught that in health the pulmonary second sound was not so loud as the corresponding sound from the other side. Dr. Sarah li. (,'reightou went over one thousand cases



[No. 106.

this summer in my clinic with reference to this point, throwing out all cases where there w r as anything wrong with the heart. She showed that in each decade, there is a rising percentage of aortic and a diminishing percentage of pulmonic accentuation as compared with the preceding decade. In other words, unless these one thousand cases are very deceptive, the accentuation of the aortic sound is a matter of age, the pulmonic sound being louder in the young and the aortic in older persons.

One other point that has struck me in the last two years in the examination of the normal chest is the presence in healthy persons of fine rales at the base of each axilla. If you listen in persons over 40 years of age, you will hear in a large proportion of cases these fine crepitant rales at the end of inspiration. They are heard over a very small area, frequently not larger than half the size of your palm. The explanation of this phenomenon is entirely dark to me. I thought it might be due to the formation of pleural adhesions, but I find it in connection with Litteu's phenomenon so frecpaently that I can not see how that explanation can be accepted, so that I leave the observation as a purely clinical oue without explanation.


Transactions of the American Surgical Association. Volume the

seventeenth. Edited by De Forest Willard, A. M., M. D., Ph. D.

1899. 8vo. XLII+319 pages. Printed for the Association,

Philadelphia. Transactions of the American Orthopedic Association. Thirteenth

session, held at New York, N. Y., May 31 and June 1 and 2, 1899.

Volume XII. 8vo. XXVIII+367 pages. 1899. Published by

the Association, Philadelphia. King's College Hospital Reports; being the annual report of King's

College Hospital and the medical department of King's College.

Edited by Nestor Tirard, M. D., F. R. C. P., et al. Volume V.

(Oct. 1st, 1897-Sept. 30th, 1898). 1899. 8vo. XVII+270 pages.

Printed by Adlard and Son, London. An Experimental Research into Surgical Shock. An Essay awarded

the Cartwright Prize for 1897. By George W. Crile, A.M., M.D.,

Ph. D. 1899. 8vo. 160 pages. J. B. Lippincott Co., Philadelphia. The Serum Diagnosis of Disease. By Richard C. Cabot, M. D. 1899.

8vo. VII+154 pages. William Wood and Company, New York. The Principles of Bacteriology. A practical manual for students and

physicians. By A. C. Abbott, M. D. Fifth edition, enlarged

and thoroughly revised. With 109 illustrations, of which 26 are

colored. 1899. 12mo. XI+590 pages. Lea Brothers and Co.,

Philadelphia and New York. A Text-Book of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, or the Action of Drugs

in Health and Disease. By Arthur R. Cushny, M. A., M. D.,

Aberd. Illustrated with forty-seven engravings. 1899. 8vo.

730 pages. Lea Brothers and Co., Philadelphia and New York. A Practical Treatise on Fractures and Dislocations. By Lewis A.

Stimson, B. A., M. D. With 326 illustrations and 20 plates in

monotint. 1899. 8vo. XIX+822 pages. Lea Brothers and Co.,

New York and Philadelphia. Transactions of the American Gynecological Society. Volume XXIV.

1899. 8vo. XLVII+520 pases. Wm. J. Dornan, Printer, Phila. Transactions of the Indiana Slate Medical Society, 1899. Fiftieth

annual session held in Indianapolis, Indiana, June first and

second, 1899. 8vo. 552 pages. Central Printing Company,

Indianapolis, Indiana. Thirtieth Annual Report of the State Board of Health of Massachusetts,

1898. 8vo. XXXIX+878 pages. 1899. Wright and Potter

Printing Company, Boston.


It is customary in Germany for the pupils of a great teacher to express their appreciation and gratitude by dedicating to him a volume of their contributions to learning. The pupils of Dr. Wm. H. Welch, of Baltimore, have decided to give expression to their regard for him in a similar way and the publication of a volume to mark his twenty-fifth year as a teacher and investigator is now in progress.

During the past twenty-five years some seventy-five persons have undertaken investigation under Dr. Welch's leadership, and nearly half of these will contribute to the volume mentioned. The edition will necessarily be limited by the number of subscribers. An early announcement of the publication is made to give opportunity for subscription so that the committee can decide upon the number of copies to be printed.

The volume will be royal octavo in size and will contain at least five hundred pages of printed matter. It will, in addition, be illustrated with many lithographic plates and text figures. The price has been fixed at five dollars. The book will contain contributions to pathology and to correlated sciences agreeing in scope with that of the leading scientific medical journals.

The Committee of publication consists of :

A. C. Abbott, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.

L. F. Barker, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.

Wm. T. Councilman, Harvard University, Boston, Mass.

Simon Flexner, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.

W. S. Halsted, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.

A. C. Herter, University and Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York.

Wyatt Johnston, McGill University, Montreal, Canada.

F. P. Mall, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.

Walter Reed, Army Medical Museum, Washington, D. C.

Geo. M. Sternberg, Surgeon General's Office, Washington, D. C.

All communications and subscriptions should be addressed to Dr. F. P. Mall (Secretary), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.

Baltimore, November 11, 1899.


The following papers are reprinted from Vols. I, IV, V, VI and VIII of the Reports, for those who desire to purchase in this form:

STUDIES IN DERMATOLOGY. By T. C. Gilchrist, M. D., and Emmet Rixford, M. D. 1 volume of 164 pages and 41 fullpage plates. Price, bound in paper, $3.00.

THE MALARIAL FEVERS OF BALTIMORE. By W. S. Thayer, M. D., and J. Hewetson, M. D. And A STUDY OF SOME FATAL CASES OF MALARIA. By Lewellys F. Baker, M. B. 1 volume of 280 pages. Price, in paper, $2.75.

STUDIES IN TYPHOID FEVER. By William Osler, M. D., and others. Extracted from Vols. IV and V of the Johns Hopkins Hospital Reports. 1 volume of 481 pages. Price, bound in paper, $3.00.

THE PATHOLOGY OF TOXA.LBUMIN INTOXICATIONS. By Simon Flexner, M. D Volume of 150 pages with 4 full-page lithographs. Price, bound in paper, $200.

THE RESULTS OF OPERATIONS FOR THE CURE OF INGUINAL HERNIA. By Joseph C. Bloodgood, M. D. Price, in paper, $3.00.

Subscriptions for the above publications may be sent to

The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, Md.


Five essays relating to the construction, organization and management of Hospitals, contributed by their authors for the use of The Johns Hopkins Hospital.

These essays were written by Drs. John S. Billings, of the U. S. Army, Norton Folsom, of Boston, Joseph Jones of New Orleans, Caspar Morris, of Philadelphia, and Stephen Smith, of New York. They were originally published in 1875. One volume bound in cloth, price $5.00.

January, 1900.]





Danibl C. Oilman, LL. D., President.

William H. Welch, M. D., LL. U , Professor of Pathology. Ira Kh.sisEN, M. D., Ph. D , LL. D.. Professor of Chemistry. WILLIAM Oslbr, M. D., LL. D., F. R. C. P., Professor of the F

.Medicine, and Dean of the Medical Faculty. Hknrv M. Hi'KD, M. H., LL. D., Professor of Psychiatry. William S. Halsteo. M. D., Professor of Surgery. Howaki> A. Kbllv, M. D., Professor of Gynecology. Franklin P. Mall, M D.. Professor of Anatomy. John J. Abel, M. D-, Professor of Pharmacology. William H. Howell, Ph. D., M. D., Professor of Physiology.

Thomas B. Futchi Joseph C. Bl

iples and Practice of

R, M. B., Ass

ioi>, M. V., A

n, M. B., Assoi

N, Ph. D., Assc

.. _,Ph. L>., M. D., Assc JohnG. Clark, M.L)., A



Willia.i K Bkooks, Ph. D., LL. D J. Whiiruigb Williams, M. D., Pro'fes: John- S. Killings, M. D., LL D., Lectu Albxanubk C. Abbot., M. D., Lecturer Chakles Wari Rolbkt Flbtc

of Comparative Anatomy and Zobloev of Obstetrics. B>

on the History and Literature of Medicine Hygiene. Ph. D., M. S . Lecturer on Medical Zoology. , M li , M. R. C. S. (Eng.). Lecturer on Forensic Medu


vs F. Bar



1 S. Tha'


-. M

. T. Finn


P. Drbvi


■ W. Rus



L. Rand.

. M. D., Clinical Professor of Pediatrics

kbnzie, M U., Clinical Professor of Laryngology and Rhinology.

jbald, M. D . Clinical Professor of Ophthalmology and Otology. HOMAS. M. D., Clinical Professor of Neurology.

Lord, M- D , Clinical Professor of Dermatology and Instructor in Anatomy. ilchrist, M. R C. S., London, Clinical Professor of Dermatology. rklby, M D., Clinical Professor of Psychiatry.

r, M. B , Associate Professor of Pathology.

, M D., Associate Professor of Medicine.

i\l. D., Associate Professor of Surgery.

Ph. D , Associate in Physiology.

l, M. Ii, Associate in Gynecology.

•H, M. D.. Associate in Ophthalmology and Otology.

iatein Medicine,

iociate in Surgery, ate in Gynecology.

iate in Pharmacology. — jn Gynecology. Charles R. Bardbbn, M. D., Associate in Anatomy. Harvey W. Lushing, M. D., Associate in Surgery. George W. Dobbin, M. D., Associate in Obstetrics.

Walter Jones, Ph. D., Associate in Physiological Chemistry and Toxicology Frank R. Smith, M. D., Instructor in Medicine. Hbnrv B. Jacobs. M. D., Instructor in Medicine. Hugh H. Young, M. D , Instructor in Genito-Urinary Diseases Otto G. Ramsav, M.D., Instructor in Gynecology. Thomas McCrae, M. B., Instructor in Medicine Albert C. Crawford, M. D., Assistant in Pharmacology Sidney M. Cone. M. D., Assistant in Surgical Pathology. Norman MacL. Harris, M. B., Assistant in Bacteriology. Jesse W. Lazear, M. D., Assistant in Clinical Microscopy. Stewart Paton, M. D., Assistant in Clinical Neurology.

Lee W


Percy M. D..

Louis P. H»> Melv.n T. Si Norman B. G

Ph. G.. eth Hukdon, M. D., Assis O. Reik, M. D., Assistant m G MacCallum, M. D. hology.

n, M. D., Ass

GER, M. D., (

r, Ph. D., As. , M. B.. Demi

ant in Gynecology.

n Ophthalmology and Otology.

Assistant in Pathology and Curator of the Mu

1 Clinical Microscopy.


The Medical Department of the Johns Hopkins University was opened for the instruction of students October, 1893. This School of iMedicine is an integral and coordinate part of the Johns Hopkins University, and it also derives great advantages from its close affiliation with the Johns Hopkins Hospital. The required period of study for the degree of Doctor of Medicine is four years. The academic year begins on the first of October and ends the middle of June, with short recesses at Christmas and Easter. Men and women are admitted upon the same terms.

In the methods of instruction especial emphasis is laid upon practical work in the Laboratories and in the Dispensary and Wards of the Hospital While the aim of the School is primarily to train practitioners of medicine and surgery, it is recognized that the medical art should rest upon a suitable preliminary education and upon thorough training in the medical sciences. The first two years of the course are devoted mainly to practical work, combined with demonstrations, recitations and, when deemed necessary, lectures, in the Laboratories of Anatomy, Physiology Physiological Chemistry, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Pathology and Bacteriology. During the last two years the student is given abundant opportunity for the personal study of cases of disease, his time being spent largely in the Hospital Wards and' Dispensary and in the Clinical Laboratories. Especially advantageous for thorough clinical training are the arrangements by which the students, divided into groups, engage in practical work in the Dispensary, and throughout the fourth year serve as clinical clerks and surgical dressers in the wards of the Hospital.


As candidates for the degree of Doctor of Medicine the school receives:

1. Those who have satisfactorily completed the Chemical-Biological course which leads to the A. B. degree in this university.

2. Graduates of approved colleges or scientific schools who can furnish evidence : (a) That they have acquaintance with Latin and a good reading knowledge of French and German; (b) That they have such knowledge of physics, chemistry, and biology as is imparted by the regular minor courses given in these subjects in this university.

The phrase "a minor course," as here employed, means a course that requires a year for its completion. In physics, four class-room exercises and three hours a week in the laboratory are required; in chemistry and biology, four class-room exercises and five hours a week in the laboratory in each subject.

3. Those who give evidence by examination that they possess the general education implied by a degree in arts or in science from an approved college or scientific school, and the knowledge of French, German, Latin, physics, chemistry, and biology above indicated.

Applicants for admission will receive blanks to be filled out relating to their previous courses of study.

They are required to furnish certificates from officers of the colleges or scientific schools where they have studied, as to the courses pursued in physics, chemistry and biology. If such certificates are satisfactory, no examination in these subjects will be required from those who possess a degree in arts or science from an approved college or scientific school.

Candidates who have not received a degree in arts or in science from an approved college or scientific school, will be required (1) to pass at the beginning of the session in October, the matriculation examination for admission to the collegiate department of the Johns Hopkins University (2) then to pass examinations equivalent to those taken by students completing the Chemical-Biological course which leads to the A. B. degree in this University, and (3) to furnish satisfactory certificates that they have had the requisite laboratory training as specified above. It is expected that only in very rare instances will applicants who do not possess a degree in arts or science be able to meet these requirements for admission.

Hearers and special workers, not candidates for a degree, will be received at the discretion of the Faculty.


Applicants for admission to advanced standing must furnish evidence (1) that the foregoing terms of admission as regards preliminary training have been fulfilled (2) that courses equivalent In kind and amount to those given here, preceding that year of the course for admission to which application Is made have been satisfactorily 1 completed, and |3i must pass examinations at the beginning of the session in October In all the subjects that have been already puraued by the class to which admission Is sought. Certificates of standing elsewhere cannot be accepted in place of these examinations.


Since the opening of the Johns Hopkins Hospital in 1889, courses of instruction have been offered to graduates In medicine. The attendance upon these courses has steadily Increased with each succeeding year and indicates gratifying appreciatl >u of the special advantages here afforded, with the completed organization of the Medical School, it was found ueceesary to give the courses Intended especially for physicians at a later period of the academic year than that hitherto seleoted It Is however, believed that the period now chosen for this purpose is more convenient tor the majority of those desiring to take the courses than tho former one The special of Instruction for graduates in medicine are now given annually during the months of May and June. During April there Is a preliminary course In Normal ■ — s are In Pathology. Bacteriology. Clinical Mlcl Medicine. Surgery, Gynecology. Dermatology. Diseases of Children Diseases of the

Nervous System, Genlto-Urlnary Diseases, Laryngology and Rhinology, and Ophthalne logy and Otology. T he instruction is Intended to meet tho requirements of practitioners of medicine, and Is almost wholly of a practical character. It Includes laboratory courses, demonstrations, bedside teaching, and clinical Instruction In the wards, dispensary, amphitheatre, and operating rooms of the Hospital. These courses are open to those who have taken a medical degree and who give evidence satisfactory to the several Instructors that they are prepared to profit by the opportunities here offered. The number of students who can be accommodated In some of the practical- , . irUy limited. For these the places an ' i ng to the date of application.

During October a select number of physicians will be admitted to a special clas-» for the study of the important tropical diseases mot with In this region. The Annual Announcement and Catalogue will be sent upon application. Inquiries should be addressed to the




[No. 106.


THE JOHNS HOPKINS HOSPITAL REPORTS. Volume I. 423 pages, 99 plates.

Report In Pathology.

The Vessels and Walls of the Dog's Stomach; A Study of the Intestinal Contraction; ^ HeaUng of Intestinal Sutures; Reversal of the Intestine; The Contraction of the

Vena Portae and its Influence upon the Circulation. By F. P. Mall, M. U. a Contribution to the Pathology of the Gelatinous Type of Cerebellar Sclerosis

(Atrophy). By Henry J. Berkley, M. D. „.. ,. „„ „ „

Reticulated Tissue and its Relation to the Connective Tissue Fibrils. By F. P.

Mall, M. D.

Report in Dermatology. Two Cases of Protozoan (Coccidioidal) Infection of the Skin and other Organs. By

T C Gilchrist, M. D., and Emmet Riiford, M. D. A Case of BhXmycetic Dermatitis in Man; Comparisons of the Two Varieties of

P?otozoa7lnd the Blastomyces found in the preceding Case, with the so-called

Sites found in Various Lesions of the Skin etc.; Two Cases of Molluscurn

Fibrosum; The Pathology of a Case of Dermatitis Herpetiformis (Duhnng). By

T. C. Gilchrist, M. D.

Report In Pathology. An Experimental Study of the Thyroid Gland of Dogs with especial consideration

of Hypertrophy of this Gland. By W. S. Halsted, M. D.

Volume II. 570 pages, with 28 plates and figures.

Report in Medicine.

On Fever of Hepatic Origin, particularly the Intermittent Pyrexia associated with

Gallstones. By William Osler, M. D. Some Remarks C n Anomalies of the Uvula. By John N. Mackenzie, M. D. On Pyrodin. By H. A. Lafleur, M. D. Cases of Postfebrile Insanity. By William Obler, M. D. A^te Tuberculosis in an Infant of Four Months. By Harry Toulmin, M. D. Rare Forms of Cardiac Thrombi. By William Osler. M. . D. Notes on Endocarditis in Phthisis. By William Osler, M. D.

Report in Medicine. Tubercular Peritonitis. By William Osler, M. D. A Case of Raynaud's Disease. By H. M. Thomas, M. D. Acute Nephritis in Typhoid Fever. By William Osler, M. D. Report in Gynecology.

The KSS X-o fXZoXZTU; «chV-1890. By Howard The1ie^t L ;^he D Auto^i H Jfn E Tw R o C B ase i U D yin g in the Gynecological Wards without Operation ; Composite Temperature and Pulse Charts of Forty Cases of Abdominal Section. By Howard A. Kelly, M. D. ne Management of the Drainage Tube in Abdominal Section. By Hunter Robs,

TheGonococcus in Pyosalpinx; Tuberculosis of the Fallopian Tubes and Peritoneum;

Ovarian Tumor; General Gynecological Operations from October 16, 1889, to

March 4, 1890. By Howard A. Kelly, M. D. n „_.„„

Report of the Urinary Examination of Ninety-one Gynecological Cases. By Howabd

A. Kelly, M. D., and Albert A. Ghriskby, M. D. Lhrature of the Trunks of the Uterine and Ovarian Arteries as a Means of Checking

Hemorrhage from the Uterus, etc. By Howard A. Kelly, M. D. Carcinoma of the Cervix Uteri in the Negress. By J. W Williams, M. D. Elephantiasis of the Clitoris. By Howard A. Kelly, M. D.

Myxo-Sarcoma of the Clitoris. By Hunter Robb, M. D. „,„.„.

Kolpo-Ureterotomy. Incision of the Ureter through the Vagina, for the treatment

of Ureteral Stricture; Record of Deaths following Gynecological Operations. By

Howard A. Kelly, M. D.

Report in Snrgery, I. The Treatment of Wounds with Especial Reference to the Value of the Blood Clot

in the Management of Dead Spaces. By W. S. Halsted, M. D. Report in Neurology, I. A Case of Chorea Insaniens. By Henry J. Berkley, M. D. Acute Angio-Neurotic Oedema. By Charles E. Simon, M. D.

Haematomyelia. By AU0U6T Hoch, M. D. ... , iV o_t i r, • ».

A Case of Cerebrospinal SyphiliB, with an unusual LeBion in the Spinal Cord. By

Henry M. Thomas, M. D.

Report in Pathology, I. Amosbic Dysentery. By William T. Councilman, M. D., and Henri A. Lafleob, M. D.

Volume III. 766 pages, with 69 plates and figures.

Report in Pathology.

Papillomatous Tumors of the Ovary. By J. Whitriooe Williams, M. D.

Tuberculosis of the Female Generative Organs. By J. Whitridoe Williams, M. D. Report in Pathology.

Multiple Lympho-Sarcomata, with a report of Two Cases. By Simon Fleiner, M. D.

The Cerebellar Cortex of the Dog. By Henry J. Berkley, M. D.

A Case of Chronic Nephritis in a Cow. By W. T. Councilman, M. D.

Bacteria in their Relation to Vegetable Tissue. By H. L. Russell, Ph. D.

Heart Hypertrophy. By Wm. T. Howard, Jr., M. D.

Report in Gynecology.

The Gynecological Operating Room; An External Direct Method of Measuring the Conjugata Vera; Prolapsus Uteri without Diverticulum and with Anterior Enterocele- Lipoma of the Labium Majus; Deviations of the Rectum and Sigmoid Flexure associated with Constipation a Source of Error in Gynecological Diag nosis; Operation for the Suspension of the Retroflexed Uterus. By Howard A Kelly, M. D. . . , . . .. ___ . _ -.

Potassium Permanganate and Oxalic Acid as Germicides against the Pyogenic Cocci. By Mary Sherwood, M. D.

Intestinal Worms as a Complication in Abdominal Surgery. By A. L. Stavely, M. p

Gynecological Operations not involving Coeliotomy. By Howard A. Kelly, M. 1>. Tabulated by A. L. Stavely, M. D.

The Employment of an Artiflcial Retroposition of the Uterus in covering Extensive Denuded Areas about the Pelvic Floor; Some Sources of Hemorrhage in Abdominal Pelvic Operations. By Howard A. Kelly, M. D.

Photography applied to Surgery. By A. S. Murray.

Traumatic Atresia of the Vagina with Haematokolpos and Haematometra. By Howard A. Kelly, M. D.

Urinalysis in Gynecology. By W. W. Russell, M. D.

The Importance of employing Anaesthesia in the Diagnosis of Intra-Pelvic Gynecological Conditions. By Hunter Robb, M. D.

Resuscitation in Chloroform Asphyxia. By Howarr A. Kelly, M. D.

One Hundred Cases of Ovariotomy performed on Women over Seventy Years of Age. By Howard A. Kelly, M. D., and Mary Sherwood, M. D.

Abdominal Operations performed in the Gynecological Department, from March 5. 1890, to December 17, 1892. By Howard A. Kelly, M. D.

Record of Deaths occurring in the Gynecological Department from June 6, 1890, to May 4, 1892.

Volume IV. 504 pages, 33 charts and illustrations.

Report on Typhoid Fever.

By William Osler, M. D., with additional papers by W. S. Thayer, M. D., and J. Hewetson, M. D.

Report in Neurology. Dementia Paralytica in the Negro Race; Studies in the Histology of the Liver; The Intrinsic Pulmonary Nerves in Mammalia; The Intrinsic Nerve Supply of the Cardiac Ventricles in Certain Vertebrates; The Intrinsic Nerves of the Submaxillary Gland of Mut mtuctdus; The Intrinsic NerveB of the Thyroid Gland of the Dog; The Nerve Elements of the Pituitary Gland. By Henry J. Berkley, M. D.

Report in Surgery. The Results of Operations for the Cure of Cancer of the Breast, from June, 1889, to January, 1894. By W. S. Halsted, M. D.

Report in Gynecology. Hydrosalpinx, with a report of twenty-seven cases; Post-Operative Septic Peritonitis; Tuberculosis of the Endometrium. By T. S. Cullen, M. B. Report in Pathology. Deciduoma Malignum. By J. Whitribge Williams, M. D.

Volume V. 480 pages, with 32 charts and illustrations.

CONTENTS: The Malarial Fevers of Baltimore. By W. S. Thayer. M. D., and J. Hewetson, M. D. A Study of some Fatal Cases of Malaria. By Lewellys F. Barker, M. B.

Studies in Typhoid Fever. By William Osler, M. D., with additional papers by G. Blumer, M. D., Simon Fleiner, M. D., Walter Reed, M. D., and H. C. Parsons, M. D.

Volume VI. 414 pages, with 79 plates and figures.

Report in Neurology.

Studies on the Lesions produced by the Action of Certain Poisons on the Cortical Nerve Cell (Studies Nos. I to V). By Henry J. Berkley, M. D.

Introductory.— Recent Literature on the Pathology of Diseases of the Brain by the Chromate of Silver Methods; Part i. — Alcohol Poisoning. — Experimental Lesions produced by Chronic Alcoholic Poisoning (Ethyl Alcohol). 2. Experimental Lesions produced by Acute Alcoholic Poisoning (Ethyl Alcohol); Part II. — Serum Poisoning.— Experimental Lesions induced by the Action of the Dog's Serum on the Cortical Nerve Cell; Part III.— Ricin Poisoning.— Experimental Lesions Induced by Acute Ricin Poisoning. 2. Experimental Lesions induced by Chronic Ricin Poisoning; Part IV.— Hydrophobic Toxaemia.— Lesions of the Cortical Nerve Cell produced by the Toxine of Experimental Rabies; Part V.— Pathological Alterations in the Nuclei and Nucleoli of Nerve Cells from the Effects of Alcohol and Ricin Intoxication; Nerve Fibre Terminal Apparatus; Asthenic Bulbar Paralysis. By Henry J. Berkley, M. D.

Report in Pathology.

Fatal Puerperal Sepsis due to the Introduction of an Elm Tent. By Thomas S. Cullen, M. B.

Pregnancy in a Rudimentary Uterine Horn. Rupture. Death. Probable Migration of Ovum and Spermatozoa. By Thomas S. Cullen, M. B., and G. L. Wilkins. M. D.

Adeno-Myoma Uteri DirTusum Benignum. By Thomas S. Cullen, M. B.

A Bacteriological and Anatomical Study of the Summer Diarrhoeas of Infants. By William D. Booker, M. D.

The Pathology of Toxalbumin Intoxications. By Simon Fleiner, M. D.

Volume VII. 537 pages with illustrations. (Now ready.)

I. A Critical Review of Seventeen Hundred Cases of Abdominal Section from the standpoint of Intraperitoneal Drainage. By .1. <■. (lark. M. 1>. II. The Etiology and Structure of true Vaginal Cysts. By James Ernest Stokes, M. U. III. A Review of the Pathology of Superficial Burns, with a Contribution to our Knowlr.lj the Pathological changes in the organs in cases of rapidly fatal burns. By


IV. The Origin, Growth and Fate of the Corpus Lutemn. By .1. G. Clark, M. D. V The Results of Operations for the Cure of Inguinal Hernia. By Joseph C. Blood,M.D.

Volume VIII. About 500 pages with illustrations. (In


Studies in Typhoid Fever.

By William Oslkr. M. I>.. with additional yaper! M.D., I. P. Lyon. M. D„ L.P. Rambir Mitchell. M.D.

Tltc price of a set bound hi cloth [Vols. I-1'II] of the Hospital Beports is $35.00. Vols. I. II noil III ore not sold separately. Tin- price of Vols. IV, V, VI noil VII is $3.00 end,.

Subscriptions for the above publications may be sent to

The Johns Hopkins Press, Balti;


The Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletins are issued monthly. They are printed by THE FRIEDENWALD CO., Baltimore. Single copies may be procured from Messrs. CUSH1NQ & CO. and the BALTIMORE NEWS COMPANY. Baltimore. Subscriptions, $1.00 a year, may be addressed to the publishers, THE JOHNS HOPKINS PRESS, BALTIMORE; single copies will be sent by mail for fifteen cents each.




Vol. Xl.-No. 107.1


[Price, 15 Cents.


Report upon an Expedition Sent by the Johns Hopkins University to Investigate the Prevalent Diseases in the Philippines. By Simon Flexner, M. D., and Lewellys F. Barker, M.B., - - - - 37

A Case of Multiple Gangrene in Malarial Fever. By William Osler, M. D., ----- - 41

Benjamin Jesty : A Pre-Jennerian Vaccinator. By Thomas McCrae, M. B., - 42

Haemophilia in the Negro- By Walter R. Steiner,

Summaries or Titles of Papers by Members of th

and Medical School Staff appearing Elsewh

Bulletin, ------------ Proceedings of Societies :

Hospital Medical Society,

Exhibition of Medical Cases [Dr. Futcher].|

Notes on New Books,


To President Gilman, Doctors Welch and Osler,

Philippine Committee of the Johns Hopkins University Medical School.

Gentlemen : — We have the honor to submit to you a brief account of our work and movements in carrying out your commission to study the prevalent diseases in the Philippine Archipelago. Your commissioners, consisting of Dr. Simon Flexner and Dr. L. F. Barker, to whom were voluntarily attached Messrs. J. M. Flint and F. P. Gay, of the Medical School, the latter having given their time and paid all their own expenses, sailed from Vancouver on March 29th, 1899, and arrived in Manila, May 4th, where they immediately established themselves for the purpose of the work mentioned. Owing to the military situation it was found impracticable to visit other ports in the Archipelago or to penetrate into the interior of the Island of Luzon. The entire time of the commission, therefore, was spent in the study of disease existing among the natives and American troops in Manila and at Cavite.

Work in Japan and Hong-Kong.

As transport sailings were uncertain, and the passage out by them slow, it was decided to save time and go by fast steamer, the Canadian Pacific Railway giving special rates to the commission on tickets around the world.

The original plan of your commissioners was to proceed directly to Manila by way of Hong-Kong, at which latter port

it was intended to stop only long enough to outfit for the tropics and to catch the earliest steamer sailing for Manila. After consideration of the probability that certain new kinds or phases of disease, not occurring in temperate regions, might be encountered in the Archipelago, and of the fact that the diseases of the Philippines would probably have much in common with those of Japan, it was decided to spend one week in Japan, where modern hospitals could be visited and advantage taken of the results of the study of tropical disease by highly trained and eminent Japanese physicians. The decision proved to be valuable in many ways ; and we especially desire to express our obligations to Professors Aoyama, Mitsukuri, Miura and Kitasato, who showed us many courtesies. The opportunity to see in the Japanese hospitals pure and mixed examples of beri-beri assisted us greatly in our subsequent studies, as did also the observations on dysentery made in the Institute for Infectious Diseases at Tokio.

While outfitting at Hong-Kong we improved the opportunity to study the bubonic plague, which was still prevailing at that port. This study was made easy by tin.' generosity and courtesy of the English Civil Physician, Dr. James Lowson, in charge of the Plague Hospital and Mortuary. The study, begun in this way, was extended when two months later we returned to Hong-Kong, en route to America. At this time a considerable exacerbation of the disease had taken place, and within a week or ten days we saw several scores of cases and performed many



[No. 107

autopsies. The several forms of infection : inguinal, axillary, tonsilar, cervical and pulmonary, were thus encountered. Bacteriological examinations were made and tissues collected for future study. Two of the party (Dr. Barker and Mr. Flint) spent ou the return journey three weeks (at their own expense) in India, where the great epidemics of plague there raging were observed.

Arrival in Manila.

Immediately upon our arrival in Manila, quarters were sought at the " Hotel de Oriente." Very insufficient accommodations were secured for a limited time, as the sudden accession of families of Army and Naval officers had strained the hotel to its fullest capacity. Having been forewarned of the conditions of living in Manila, we took the precaution to bring with us from Hong-Kong a group of Chinese servants, intending to set up housekeeping if practicable. After much difficulty a small house was secured in San Miguel, where, by hiring parts of the furnishings and buying what could not be rented, a temporary establishment was secured.

Within a few hours after our arrival, the credentials and private letters brought were presented to Colonel Woodhull, Surgeon-in-Chief to the 8th Army Corps, and to General Otis. Colonel Woodhull afforded us every opportunity to prosecute our work in the military hospitals. Although no special introduction was in our possession, we quickly met Dr. Bournes, chief health officer of Manila, who opened to us the hospitals under his charge. Somewhat later we met Dr. Pearson, Chief Naval Surgeon, who opened to us the Naval Hospital at Cavite.

Hospitals in Manila.

Civil Hospitals. These consist of a large hospital within the walled city, San Juan de Dios. It has a capacity of from 250 to 300 beds, and accommodated, during our stay, both natives and Europeans. The number of European patients was small. When the military hospitals were much crowded a certain number of wounded prisoners of war were accommodated. The hospital contained chiefly native medical cases of both sexes. The San Lazaro or leper hospital, in the outskirts of Manila, contained from 80 to 100 lepers during our stay. These had come from Luzon, almost exclusively from Manila and its immediate surroundings. The two sexes are provided for in separate, large and airy wards. One wing of the building, having a private entrance, is devoted to native prostitutes who apply regularly for examination, and are incarcerated here and treated medically when found to be suffering from venereal disease.

Military Hospitals. These consisted, besides the regimental hospitals which were virtually detention camps, of three Eeserve Hospitals — the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Reserve Hospitals; a convalescent hospital on Corregidor Island and the Hospital Ship Relief, which was anchored in the bay. The First Eeserve Hospital, under the control of Major Crosby, had been originally the Spanish military hospital. It has been from time to time, by the erection of tents over platforms raised a foot or two from the ground, increased in capacity until in July it contained 1200 or more beds. The Second Reserve Hospital, under the control of Major Keefer, was a transformed

modern school- building, and because of its limited capacity (250 beds), high ceilings and wide corridors it made a model hospital. The Third Reserve Hospital had just been established towards the end of our visit, and was smaller than the others and intended as a convalescent hospital. The hospital at Corregidor is a temporary structure and intended for convalescents. It is especially well adapted for its purpose because of the high and hilly character of the island and its complete investment by the sea. The Relief was used as a hospital for acute cases ; but some time before we left, the acute cases were transferred to the Reserve Hospitals, and the Relief sailed for San Francisco with invalided men.

The Reserve Hospitals accommodated especially American sick and wounded ; but a ward in the First Reserve Hospital was set aside for the Filipino wounded.

After the outbreak of beri-beri at Cavite, a hospital under military control was established at San Roque in the remains of the Spanish Marine Hospital which had been wrecked by the insurgents.

Naval Hospital. A small hospital for sick seamen and marines was established at Cavite. Through the courtesy of Dr. Pearson this was open to us for clinical studies.

Clinical, Pathological and Bacteriological Laboratory. Through the kindness of Colonel Woodhull and of Major Crosby, the officer-in-chief of the First Reserve Hospital, a small Filipino house, situated on the banks of the Pasig, was given us in which to establish a laboratory. This was done on the second floor of the house. The expense of putting up workingtables was kindly borne by the Medical Corps of the Army. The laboratory equipment was set up in this building, and within a very few days after our arrival work was begun. We desire to speak of the co-operation of the Medical Staff of the hospital who afforded us every opportunity to visit the wards, and many of whom joined or assisted us in clinical and pathological work. We wish especially to acknowledge the co-operation and assistance of Lieut. Richard P. Strong, a graduate of the Johns Hopkins University Medical School, who had on our arrival already begun to do laboratory work and who gave up much of his valuable time in furthering our interests. It was found unnecessary to establish laboratories in the other hospitals, in the first place, because all were connected with the First Reserve by the Signal Service telegraphic system of which we had free use; and next, because all the dead were carried to the morgue in conjunction with the First Reserve Hospital. We went or were frequently called to the other hospitals to make clinical and bacteriological examinations.

With few exceptions, all the dead were subject to autopsy. Post-mortem examinations were made at the Civil Hospitals upon natives, and at the Military Hospital upon all that died. Exceptions were made only in the cases of those dead from gun-shot wounds, when, if pressed for time, necropsies were sometimes omitted.

Prevailing Diseases.

The subject of the prevalent diseases may be considered as they affect (1) the natives, and (2) Europeans and Americans, especially the American garrison.

February, 1900.]



Diseases affecting Natives, (a) Skin Diseases. Of the skin diseases prevailing among the natives, aside from small-pox and other specific exanthemata, may be mentioned (1 ) of the scalp, which are very frequent; (2) dhobie itch; and (3) an affection which resembles closely, and which is probably identical with, Aleppo boil (Delhi boil, Biskra button, epidemisehe Beulenkrankheif). (b) Small-pox. This disease has been so generally prevalent in Luzon that the natives have, to a large extent, lost fear of it. All evidence points to the greatest carelessness in preventing its spread during Spanish times. Isolation of the sick and disinfection of the habitations seem not to have been attempted; and vaccination, even among the Spanish garrison, had not been carried out. Under these circumstances it could be no surprise that after the American occupation the disease should appear and even become epidemic. The epidemic which appeared early last year was promptly met by Dr. Bournes, who caused the Spanish garrison still in Manila, and natives and Chinese within the city to be vaccinated. In order to insure satisfactory results he found it necessary tore-establish a vaccine farm in which young caraiao were used for the preparation of the virus. Under the influence of this measure and by the aid of isolation of the sick, the disease had, in May, practically disappeared within the military liues about Manila, (c) Leprosy. A definite focus of this disease exists in Luzon. The cases, in the neighborhood of 100, which are confined in the San Lazaro Hospital, came from Manila and the country immediately surrounding that city. The disease affected both sexes, being more frequent in adults, although also present in half-grown boys and girls. The commonest forms were the tubercular and mutilating. Autopsies were performed upon several cases that had died during our stay, (d) Ttiberculosis. Accurate statistics of the extent of the prevalence of this disease are difficult if not impossible to obtain. That the disease is a common one is indicated by several facts. It is frequently met with in the native hospitals, where it may have been recognized duriug life or is disclosed at autopsy. Many cases of supposed beriberi which we autopsied at San Juan de Dios proved to be tuberculosis. It is possible that the two diseases had co existed, for we found such combinations freely recognized by •Tapanese physicians in the hospitals in Japan. Tuberculosis of the lungs was also found as a common complication in leprous individuals that came to autopsy. Not very infrequent spectacles met with on the streets are much emaciated and weak natives affected with suggestive coughs and free expectoration. While it is not certain that these individuals were examples of tuberculosis, there is strong probability that this explanation of their condition is the correct one. (e) il Diseases. Syphilis, by general agreement (statistics not available), does not prevail unduly. Chancroids and gonorrhoea are, on the other hand, very common. The majority of the prostitutes confined in the San Lazaro were victims of these two diseases. A very common complication of the soft sore, owing to lack of cleanliness, is swelling and suppuration of the inguinal glands, (f) Beri-Beri. This disease is well known among the natives. It would appear to be epidemic and endemic in Luzon. It is, judging from cases met with in San Juan de Dios Hospital and the statements of native phys

icians, constantly appearing in a sporadic form. During our stay an epidemic appeared among the Filipino prisoners confined at Cavite. Some 200 cases developed in a few weeks ; the mortality ranged from 20 to 30 per cent. The several recognized forms of the disease— cedematous, paralytic, and mixed — were encountered. Clinical and bacteriological studies were made upon the living, and the dead were subjected to autopsy and bacteriological examination. The difficulty of getting to and fro between Manila and Cavite, on account of the impossibility of land communication, made this part of our work difficult and time-consuming. A considerable collection of pathological material and other data has been made. This material is now in process of study and arrangement.

Diseases affecting Americans. The chief causes of disability among American land forces are the enteric diseases. These are diarrhoea, dysentery, typhoid fever, and gastro-intestinal catarrhs. Many of the diarrhoeas are merely preliminary to the symptoms of dysentery. Other infectious fevers are relatively infrequent. A small number of cases of scarlet fever and diphtheria only were encountered. The malarial fevers prevailed but not seriously during the months of .May, June and July, (a) Dysentery. This disease is responsible for the greatest amount of invalidation and the highest mortality. It appears in acute, sub-acute, and chronic forms. The chronic form is sometimes attended by secondary abscess of the liver. The acute form may end in 24, 48, or 72 hours. In it the whole of the large intestine and usually the lower portion of the ileum are involved. The mucous membrane of the gut is swollen, congested and cedematous, in places hemorrhages have taken place into the mucous membrane, and the submucosa is swollen and its blood-vessels greatly dilated. No ulcers existed in such cases. Amoebae were absent or very difficult to find in the fresh stools and in the intestinal contents immediately after death. In the sub. acute and chronic forms ulcers are present in the mucosa; the coats of the intestine are greatly thickened ; at times large sloughs of mucous membrane, partly detached, occur, and t lie lesions are confined to the large intestine. Amoebae are more commonly present in these cases, but are variable as to actual occurrence and numbers. Large hepatic abscesses, usually single, were encountered in a number of these cases. Amoebae were variable in the contents of the abscesses. In one very large abscess, occupying both right and left lobes of the liver, no amoebae were seen, but a pure culture of the Staphylococcus pyogenes citreus was obtained. The clinical studj of the cases of dysentery with reference to amoebae was equally unsatisfactory. In cases with marked symptoms both in patients confined to bed and those beginning to go about but still with persistently loose bowels, these organisms were frequently missed : while in instances ready to be discharged, they might, at certain examinations, be found to be very abundant. In morphology, the amoebae studied corresponded with the amoebae coli found in Egypt and in this country. The bacteriological study of cases of dysentery was carried out upon the fresh stools of acute and chronic cases, and with the intestinal contents, mesenteric

glands, liver, etc., of can dyi i subjected to autopsy.

The intestinal flora was studied in its entirety by means of plate cultures. Varieties of micro-organisms were separated.



[No. 107.

Many of these were well-known species or occurred normally in the situations in which found. Tests with blood sera for agglutination were made, and those organisms giving positive reactions were separated for further study. Two groups of bacilli were thus differentiated : (1) Having affinities with the group of bacillus coli communis. The agglutination was variable, being constant and sensitive with the blood-serum of the same individual (host), and inconstant, and active in relatively strong solutions only, in serums from other individuals. (2) Having affinities with the group of bacilli of which the bacillus typhosus is the type. Agglutination was constant and sensitive with blood-serum of host as well as the sera of other individuals suffering from dysentery. Inactive with normal serum and serum from cases of typhoid fever, malaria and beriberi. A bacillus belonging to the second group, which is still under study, would seem to agree with the bacillus dysenteriae isolated by Shiga from cases of endemic dysentery occurring in Japan. It is regarded by us as an important factor in the causation of the dysentery of the Philippine Islands. Experiments in immunization of animals and the production of vaccine are in progress, (b) Typhoid Fever. The total number of cases of typhoid fever in the hospitals during May, June and July was far below that of dysentery ; the number of deaths also was less. It was, however, a frequent affection among Americans. The examination of the blood, microscopically and with the Widal test, was of the greatest help in diagnosis. The disease came to autopsy presenting the classical intestinal lesions and also in atypical forms. In the small number of autopsies made upon those dead of this disease, several instances of slight intestinal involvement or even entire escape were met with. These cases would have remained very obscure or even undetermined except for the Widal reaction and bacteriological examination. In some instances the typhoid bacillus was found widely disseminated throughout the body, the autopsy being made immediately after death, (c) Malarial Fevers. A large proportion of the cases were sent in from the field and outlying military stations where examinations had to be hastily made, as instances of " malaria " or " intermittent fever " turned out to be cases of other diseases (typhoid fever, dysentery, etc.). A number of true cases of malarial fever were, however, met with, and in the blood of these the characteristic parasites, identical with those occurring in other places in which studies of the blood have been made, were found. No quartan parasites were met with, but cases of quartan affection doubtless exist. Typical infections with the " tertian " and "aestivo-antumnal " varieties of the parasite were encountered by us, and by microscopists among the Army physicians in the Reserve Hospitals and on the Relief. One of the fatal cases of malaria was complicated with acute lobar pneumonia. The cases of " calentura perniciosa" which occur in Mindoro, Mindanao and in certain parts of Luzon should be studied as soon as these regions are accessible. The Archipelago is favorable also for the study of the relation of mosquitoes and other insects to malarial infection. Some of the malarial cases were undoubtedly recidives, imported from Cuba or elsewhere. A very small number of deaths were referable to malaria. Two instances of acute malarial infection came to us for autopsy.

On the other hand, several instances of malarial pigmentations of the organs, in persons dying from other diseases, were encountered. Parasites in the latter cases were absent. These men had, as a rule, been in Cuba or Porto Rico during the Spanish war.

(d) Tuberculosis. A number of cases of pulmonary tuberculosis developed among the soldiers in the American troops. A definite history of exposure to wet and various hardships was elicitable iu many of these cases.

(e) Dengue. At Cavite there occurred a large outbreak of an epidemic fever of short duration (a few days), known locally as Cavite fever. Almost all who remained in Cavite for any length of time were attacked. Second and third attacks were common. Muscular pains were severe in some cases and not in others. A slight exanthem was present in many of the cases. Flushing of the face, restlessness and general malaise accompanied the fever and rapid heart action. Malarial parasites were not present in the blood, nor did the serum from such cases agglutinate cultures of the typhoid bacillus. The epidemic is regarded as one of Dengue.

(f) Tropical Ulcers. A number of the American soldiers suffered from a form of indolent ulceration, locally known as " tropical ulcer." These ulcers occurred singly sometimes, but were more often multiple. They began as small pustules, which gradually extended. They were most frequent among those who had been compelled to make long marches through swampy districts, and the patients themselves attributed the ulceration to " poisoning " in the marshes.

(g) Wound Infection. Our experience with wound infections was rather limited. The other problems undertaken, regarded as more important as bearing on the general question of disease and its causation in the Islands, left but little time and opportunity to attack this interesting subject. Certain observations of interest were made. Pyogenic infections due to the common pus cocci occurred. In a small number of gun-shot wounds causing compound fractures emphysematous gaugrene occurred and the bacillus aerogenes capsulatus was isolated. In oue instance of compound fracture of the tibia, a spore-bearing bacillus was associated with the bacillus aerogenes capsulatus. It was found in cover-slip preparations from the original wound and in the first set of cultures. It could not be further transplanted and hence was not identified. In two other cases was the bacillus aerogenes met with, one a case of jDeritonitis following infection of the intestine from an incarcerated hernia, and the other also a case of peritonitis but secondary to perforation of a typhoid ulcer of the intestine. The army surgeons were enthusiastic as to the adequacy of the "First-Aid Package" in limiting the number of wound infections.

Clihatological and Hygienic Conditions. The climate is that of continual summer. There is a wet season (S. W. Monsoon) and a dry season (N. E. Monsoon). The hottest period is at the end of the dry aud the beginning of the wet season — precisely the period of our visit. The climate from November to March is said to be delightful. In the worst season of the year the climate is very trying, and especial precautions are to be taken if Americans are to keep

Fig. 3. \ Fn

To illustrate Dr. Osier's Ca -i Mu" ' gangrene in Malarial Fever

February, 1900.]



well there. The extremes of temperature are not great, but the constancy of the high temperature, together with a high degree of humidity, makes the climate peculiarly enervating. We were interviewed at length while in Manila, officially by the l". S. Philippine Commission, with regard to climate and the hygieuic precautions to be observed, as well as with regard to other medical problems in the Islands. The climatic conditions and the hygienic precautions to be taken will form the subject of a fuller report to be made later.

The above represents, briefly stated, the results achieved by your expedition sent to the Philippines. As will be patent to you. Dot a little yet remains to be done before the scientific portion of the work is completed. This portion of the report is for the present only hinted at or withheld until it shall have been finished. It is the intention of your commissioners to make careful studies of the material relating to beri-beri, dysentery, malarial and typhoid fevers, leprosy, and the bubonic plague, which has been collected. These studies, with the exception of that relating to dysentery, will be carried out upon preserved material, and the labor involved, which has been divided between Baltimore and Philadelphia, will necessitate that some time must elapse before the finished report is forthcoming. The task of completing the study of the bacillus isolated from cases of dysentery has been assigned

to Dr. Flexner, who was principally engaged with that- theme during the residence in Manila. In order to carry out the experiments as designed, an outlay for experimental animals and their maintenance will need to be made. It is known to you that the original sum so generously contributed by friends of the University and appropriated for the use of your commission, has been exhausted, and that private means have been drawn upon to defray a part of the expense involved. We would respectfully draw attention to this fact and to the further expenses to be incurred, and request direction as to your wishes regarding these matters.

We wish to express our deep gratitude to Messrs. Flint and Gay, whose untiring efforts during our residence in Manila made it possible to accomplish far more than we could have done unaided. It is a pleasure to acknowledge also many kindnesses on the part of Mr. John W. Garrett.

That we are deeply indebted to the officers in the Medical Service of the U. S. Army and Navy for opportunities and aid, is evident from the report preceding. Courtesies and kindnesses extended by various citizens of Manila, European and native, are here also gratefully acknowledged. Very respectfully,

Simon Flexner, Lewellts F. Barker.


(with illustrations.) By William Osler, M. D., Professor of Medicine, Johns Hopkins University.

There are three groups of cases of multiple gangrene:

(1.) Raynaud's disease. — There have been previous wellmarked vascular disturbances in the extremities (syncope, asphyxia or hyperasmia), the gangrene is very often symmetrical, is usually slight in extent and limited to the fingers or toes, more rarely to the ear-tips or nose.

(2.) Multiple spontaneous gangrene of limbs. — In young or middle-aged persons, without any obvious cause, massive gangrene of one, two or three extremities occurs. Many illustrations of this are recorded in the literature.

(3.) Multiple spontaneous gangrene in association with the acute infections. — In measles, typhoid fever, typhus fever, scarlet fever, diphtheria and malaria, local gangrene may occur. There are multiple patches, not symmetrical, and the skin and subjacent tissues are more frequently affected than the extremities. While of course the phenomena of Raynaud's disease may occur as a sequence of any of the specific fevers, a large proportion of all the cases of local gangrene occurring during or after one of the fevers have nothing whatever U< do with this affection.

The relationship between malarial fever and Raynaud's disease is believed to be very close. Many references are given to cases (a majority from French sources) by Barlow in his article in Allbutt's System, and more fully by Monro in his excellent monograph on the disease. (Glasgow, James Maclehose & Son, 1899.) Altogether, in the cases he has col

lected, there were only 8.3 per cent, with malarious antecedents. I have looked over the notes of cases of Raynaud's disease which I have seen in Baltimore, nine in number, and I do not find malaria to be related as an etiological factor in any one of them, nor, so far as I know, in our very large series of cases of malaria during the past ten years has there been a single instance of Raynaud's disease.

The following case is a very remarkable illustration of multiple gangrene occurring in a case of aastivo-autumnal malaria. Similar cases have been reported in the literature, and are referred to by Monro in his monograph (page 96), but they seem to be exceedingly rare.

Clinical Summary. — Malaria when six years old — typhoid fever twice — last attack four months before onset of present illness — illness in the middle of October, supposed to be influenza, but more probably malaria— on November 2nd, onset of spots of gangrene in various parts— rapid extension— condition on admission as shown in the figures — complexion muddy — spleen enlarged — blood showed very many cestivoautumnal organisms —temperature slightly elevated at first— subsequently no fever — rapid recovery.

V. W. B., aged 23, bar-tender, admitted to Ward E, Thursday, November 29, 1899, complainiugof sores on various parts of his body.

Family history.— Mother died of consumption. No history of rheumatism or of any special disorders of the skin.



[No. 107.

Personal his fori/. — As a child he had measles, mumps and whooping cough. When six years old he had malaria. Five years ago he had a very severe attack of typhoid fever, after which he had an abscess in the abdominal wall, which opened spontaneously and discharged for two mouths, leaving a large scar. lie had at the same time many boils. Last year he went south with the Fifth Regiment, and in August he had a second attack of typhoid fever, and was ill for two months. He has had gonorrhoea twice; has never had lues. He has used tobacco freely ; whiskey and beer in moderation.

Present illness. — -The patient has been living in Baltimore this autumn, and has been very well until the middle of October, when he was ill in bed for nearly two weeks with pains in the back and general weakness; no fever, no chills, no herpes. The doctor called it influenza. The patient got up and was about for a few days, when, on November 2nd, just twenty-seven days ago, he noticed blebs about half an inch in diameter on both hands, which were slightly swollen. The nest day a mottled area appeared on the instep of the left foot. It had a bruised appearance. A similar one appeared on the buttocks and on the dorsum of the right foot. Other spots came iu the situation to be subsequently mentioned.

The hands and feet became very much swollen. The blebs broke and discharged a dark fluid ; the skin around the affected areas was very red. There was no itching. He had some pain at night. Ten days ago he had slight chilly feelings. There had been no redness, nor swelling, nor blueness of the fingers or toes, and there had been no numbness or tingling. The urine had been clear. Dr. Futcher made the following note on the day after his admission.

"The patient is a large-framed, well-nourished man; complexion rather sallow. The skin of whole body is pigmented, markedly so about nipple and umbilicus, to slight extent about geuitalia; no increase in either axilla. The lips and mucous membranes are of fairly good color ; no pigmentation of mucous membranes. Over dorsum of left hand, just behind knuckles, there are four whitish scars, the result of healing vesicles. Over the ring, middle and little fingers there is a brownish-yellow discoloration of the skin which is gradually peeling off where the blebs are healing. On palmar surface of same fingers the skin is raised in large blebs. The skin has a brownish-yellow color, and over the ring finger is quite gangrenous, and there is involvement of the subcutaneous tissue. The thumb aud index finger are not involved.

" Right hand. — The dorsum of baud is unaffected. On the

dorsal surface of first and second inter-phalangeal joints of index, middle and ring fingers the skin is thickened, brownish in color, no vesicles. Over the hypothenar eminences on palm is a large area, measuring 5x6 cm., in which the skin is loosened from the subjacent tissue, markedly discolored, and at one point a serous fluid is exuding. The palmar surface of all four fingers shows a gangrenous condition of the skin with vesiculation and oozing of fluid, most extensive on ring finger, where the process invades the palm of the hand.

" Right foot. — Over dorsum of foot, below ankle, is an area, 5x3 cm., in which the skin is gangrenous and exceedingly black; slough still adherent to adjacent tissue; surrounding skin, slightly pigmented. Over the heel there is an area of brown, discolored, thickened skin, measuring 5x6 cm.: this area is sensitive to the touch.

" Left foot. — Below external malleolus is an area, 5x3 cm., of gaugrenous and sloughing black skin.

" Left buttock. — Just over the spine at the junction of the dorsal and lumbar regions there is a patch of dry gangrenous skin l*x2 cm. Over left gluteal region there is an irregular gangrenous patch, quite dry, measuring 4$x2 cm., slightly sensitive to pressure.

"Occiput. — Over the lower part of occiput, on each side, there are two areas in which the scalp has a gangrenous appearance, slight oozing of fluid causing matting of hair.'"

Though the history did not suggest malaria, as in the routine examination of the abdomen the spleen was found to be considerably enlarged, the blood was at once examined, and very large numbers of aistivo-autumnal organisms were found. The crescents were in unusually large numbers. Cultures taken from the blood proved negative. There was no leucocytosis, and the differential count was practically normal. The eosinophiles were only 2 per cent. The patient was at once given quinine in full doses, and he began to improve rapidly. The larger sloughs were treated with linseed poultices made with bichloride solution. Crescents and ovoids persisted in the blood for some time, though by December 15th they were rapidly disappearing. On December 14th, the gangrenous patches on both hands had healed. On the feet the sloughs had separated, leaving deep ulcers, the sheaths of the tendons being exposed. The urine examinations were negative throughout. The patient had a slight rise of temperature (100°) at first; subsequently none at all. The figures from photographs, by Dr. Brownell, illustrate the condition on admission.


By Thomas McCrae, M. B., {Tor .), Instructor in Medicine and Physician in charge of the Clinical Laboratory,

Tlie Johns Hopkins Hospital.

"That a disorder communicated to the human animal from one of the brutes should protect the former against the contagion of small-pox, is one of the most interesting facts in the whole history of medicine. How glimpses of a truth so remarkable were first revealed to the casual observation of certain peasants, and how the result of this chance observation was gradually ' matured into a

rational and scientific form by a mind deeply imbued with the best principles of sound philosophy,' I have not leisure to tell you in detail."— (Watson's Practice of Physic.)

Tradition has it that there were many instances of the "glimpses" of the truth of vaccination referred to by Watson,


Copy of print in the Fi ft i i ction. ot the Johns Hopkins Hospital.




This Print of Mr. Benjamin Jesty, from a Picture in the possession of the institution, i- respectfullj inscribed by their devoted Serv't,


Mr. B. Jesty, Farmer of Downshay, Isle ol Purbecl ' who inoculated his Wife and Two Sons for the Vaccim Pocl

1774, from his Cows al thai time disorder'd bj the ( ind who ubscquently, from the raosl rigorous rrial

found unsusceptible of the Small Pox Having rations Example of Vaccine Inoculation from his own knowledge ol the

fact of [Insusceptibility of the Small Pox after casual I oh P k in Iiis own person and in thai of others, and from knowing the

ssness of the Complaint. To commemmorate thi I r ol these historical truths the Vaccine In titutiou have procured

this Portrait. Extract from tht Minutes oj tht Original I ■■< tilution, Broad Street, Golden Square, Seplembi r, 1805

London, Publishi i Dec l'. 1805, bj the Engraver, 92 S on St.. Marylebone. 1731 1816

February, 1900.]



long before the great work done by Jenner. But the majority of these lack certain proof as cases of the employment of the inoculation of cow-pox as a preventive of small-pox. 11* the evidence regarding the subject of this sketch seems thoroughly authenticated, and there can be no doubt of Jesty having performed vaccination in 1774. The date of Jenner'a Bret vaccination was 179»5. although for many years before he had been making observations regarding it. The material relating to Jesty has been very fully collected by Crookshank in his work on " The History and Pathology of Vaccination," from which much of my information is obtained. Jenner appeals to have regarded the account of Jesty as au invention likely to from the credit due to himself. But it can in no way lessen Jenner'a fame. The early instances were only isolated occurrences without influence further than their own surroundings, while Jenner introduced vaccination and gave it to the world.

Benjamin Jesty was born at Yetminster in Dorset, and was a fanner. Subsequently he moved to the farm of Downshay in the Isle of Purbeck, in Dorset, situated not far from Swanage. Judging from what has come down to us concerning him, he appears to have been au eccentric man, full of quaint ways of action and speech, but with a good share of the power of observation and of sensible reflection over what he had observed. In 1774. small -pox was prevalent in his locality. He was thought to be in no danger of it himself, having had the cow-pox previously by taking it casually from the cows. This was a matter of tradition through the countryside. Some of his family were not so protected, and the fact that two of his maid-servants, who had previously had the disorder from the cows, attended patients suffering from small-pox without infection, seems to have determined Jesty to inoculate the cow-pox into his own family as a preventive of small-pox. The farmer is said to have argued thus : " For his part he preferred taking infection from an innocuous animal like the cow, subject to so few disorders, to taking it from the human body, liable to so many and such diseases, and that he had experience on his side, as the casual cow-pox was not attended with danger like the variolous infection; and that beside there appeared to him little risk in introducing into the human constitution matter from the cow, as we already eat the flesh and blood, drink the milk and cover ourselves with the skin of this innocuous animal." ( Extract from the communication of Rev. Dr. Bell).

Accordingly, Jesty carried out his ideas and inoculated his wife and two sons, aged two and three years, with the cow-pox. The patients went into the fields, and the virus was taken on the spot from the teats of the cows. A stocking-needle was the instrument used; Mrs. Jesty being inoculated under the elbow, the sons above. The latter had the disorder in a favorable way, but in the course of a week Airs. Jesty's arm was much inflamed. She had fever, and was so ill that a neighboring surgeon, Mr. Trowbridge of Cerne, was called. He said " You have done a bold thing, but I will get you through it if 1 can." She soon recovered perfectly. Dr. Bell states that the boldness and novelty of the attempt produced no small alarm in the family and no small sensation in the neighborhood. Fifteen years later, in 1789, the sons were inoculated for the small-pox by Mr. Trowbridge, along with others who had nol

had the cow-pox. At this time the inoculation of small-pox was a common procedure. The arms of the Jestya inflamed, but this soon subsided, and no fever or other variolous symptoms were observed. The unprotected individuals went through the usual course of inoculated small-pox. Subsequently -Mrs. Jesty and her sons were often exposed to small-pox without taking it, while in 1805 one of the sons was inoculated for small-pox with a negative result.

It is a wonder, as Dr. Bell notes, that nothing of these cases was known to Jenner, as they would have been valuable evidence in support of his doctrines of the value of vaccination. But when one considers the means of communication of the (lav. it is easily understood why this experiment of a south-ofEnglaud farmer should have only become known to a very local district. Statements regarding these facts were drawn up in 1803 by Dr. Bell and Mr. Banks, the member for Corfe Castle, which is close by. These came before a committee of the House of Commons and the Jennerian Society. In 1804, the Society endeavored to get Jesty to come to London in order that they might see him and investigate the matter, but an attack of gout j>reveuted. The following year the secretary of

the society wrote : —

London, July 25th, 1805.

Sir : — I am desired to propose to you that, provided you will come to town at your own convenience, but as soon as possible, to stay not longer than five days unless you desire it, for ttie purpose of taking your portrait as the earliest inoculator for Cow Pock, at the expense of the institution, you will receive 15 guineas for your expenses and the members of the establishment will be happy to show you any civility during your stay in London, on which account it is hoped you will be put to little or no expense. I have the honor to remain, Sir.

Your obedient humble servant,

Will Sancho.

Mr. Jesty accepted the invitation and journeyed to London, taking one of his sons with him. It is seated that they met with great attention from the members of the Jennerian Society who were much amused by Jesty's ways. Some idea of his characteristics is given by various incidents reported. His family tried to induce him before coming to dress more fashionably, but he said ;i he did not see why he should dress better in Loudon than in the country." Mr. Colson writes that on his return he gave a very unfavorable account of the metropolis, but said there was one great comfort there, viz., that he could be shaved every day. While there he was inoculated for the cow-pox, and his son for the small-pox, but neither took effect. This was done by the Society probably for the sake of their investigations. Mr. Jesty was presented with a pair of very handsome gold-mounted lancets, and his portrait was taken by Mr. Sharp; but he proved an impatient sitter, and it is said would only be kept quiet by Mrs. Sharp's playing on the piano for him. The portrait was presented to the Vaccine Institution, and is said by Crookshank to be now in the possession of Jesty's great grandson. There is an excellent copy of it in the Fisher collection of medical portraits in the Hospital.

The members of the Jennerian Society drew up a statement which among other things testified— " that Jesty had given decisive evidence of having vaccinated his wife and two sons in 1774, who were thereby rendered unsusceptible of the small



[No. 107.

pox as appears from their frequent exposure and inoculation. He was led to this from knowing the common opinion regarding the protection of cow-pox against small-pox and that he himself for the same reason was incapable of taking small-pox and from observation of the same thing in others. He believed that cow-pox was free from danger and that by it he should avoid various human diseases, such as the evil, madness, lues and many bad humors as he called them." The year after his visit to London, Jesty seems to have suggested an application for some pecuniary reward, but as the secretary of the Vaccine Institution considered any grant improbable, the matter was dropped.

Last summer, in company with Dr. Osier, a visit was made to the locality where Jesty lived. To-day, the ordinary native of the district does not know the name of Jesty. His farm, Downshay, is in the Isle of Purbeck in the county of Dorset. It occupies a delightful situation in a valley between the Purbeck Hills and Nine Barrow Down, a few miles from Corfe Castle. Leaving the Kingston road, the house is reached by a rough way through the fields with many steep descents. It is not seen at first, indeed we did not look for it, as our whole attention was centred on the superb outlook. To the left, in the setting sun, were the ruins of Corfe Castle guarding the gateway to the Isle of Purbeck; to the right, Swanage and its bay, with far off on the horizon the white cliffs of the Isle of Wight (The Needles) ; while across the valley was the fine sweep of the Nine Barrow Down. Encircled by trees and in a depression, we did not see- the house until we reached the barnyard, when we were greeted by a jolly looking dairy-man who was just driving out his herd. The entrance to the garden was through a fine old stone gateway with pillars of a quaint design. The house was of a type common on the island, of two stories

and well built, looking very fresh and clean after its more than 250 years. The date of building, 1635, was carved on the side of the house.

From the farm-house, a drive of a few miles brings one to the village of Worth Matravers where Jesty is buried. This is situated on the point of land known as St. Alban's Head. Here, in the parish church, a picture of Jesty with a suitable inscription is found hung up in the vestry. In the church-yard adjacent is his grave with that of Mrs. Jesty alongside. His tombstone bears this inscription: —






April lGth, 1816 Aged 79 years.

He ivas born at Yetminster in this County and was an upright honest man, particularly noted for having been the first person (known) that introduced the Cow Pox by inoculation and who, from his great strength of mind, made the experiment from the cow on his wife and two sons in the year 177 Jf.

One feels that Jesty was in advance of his generation, and a man who saw probably better than he knew. He did his little to blaze out the path which has since become a highway. That he could do but little to advance vaccination, his circumstances decided. To another was the honor of giving vaccination to the world.


By Walter E. Steiner, M. D.

Although the disease haemophilia appears to have been known since the time of Albucasis,' the great Arabian physician, yet the two, or possibly three, cases reported before FordyceV short article appeared, contain no real contribution to the study of this disease. In the year 1784, its hereditary character was pointed out by Fordyce. Nineteen years later the term "bleeder" was given by Otto 5 to those who had haemophilia, and in addition to this he showed the general immunity of the females and their tendency to transmit the bleeding disposition to their offspring. Following these writers a number of American and German physicians did much in contributing to the knowledge of this disease. Schonlein' named it " haemoph ilia " about 1828, and gave it a place in his text-book on " Pathology and Therapeutics." Its later history is closely associated with the name of the British physician J. Wickham Legg. 5

The first attempt to collect all of the reported cases was made by Naas," in Germany, in a paper published in 1820. He also endeavored to give a systematic description of the affection.

This work was followed by other statistical articles by Lange, 7 Grandidier, 9 and Dunn, 9 the last appearing in 1883.

Many cases have been reported among different races. The Anglo-Germanic race has furnished most of them, followed by the Latin, Scandinavian and Teutonic races. Individual instances have also been given by Heymann '" in a Mohammedan family from Palembang, on the Island of Sumatra, where this diathesis was found in three generations, and by Koch " in a possible case of haemophilia in a Creole from Port of Spain, Trinidad. But in all the literature on the subject there is but one well-defined case in the negro mentioned.

This case was reported by Dr. Hadlock ,= before the Academy of Medicine of Cincinnati, on November 16, 1874. The patiept was a mulatto boy, aged seven years, who was found, on the doctor's visit, to be bleeding from the mouth. On examination Dr. Hadlock considered the hasmorrhage due to a decayed snag of a tooth which had become loosened. The tooth was accordingly extracted with the result that the haemorrhage became alarming in character. A compress steeped

February, 1900.]



in a solution of the persulphate of iron checked it for a time, but on the next day it seemed to be more violent than ever. The ig point was then cauterized and astringents were also given, all of which succeeded in arresting the hemorrhage temporarily. It recurred again, however ; all efforts to check it were in vain, ami the boy diet', in forty-eight hours. "On inquiring into the history of the boy's family" Dr. Hadlock found -that many of its members had died from haemorrhage from slight wounds. An uncle had cut himself with a scythe and died in consequence. His father had received a slight

i from a briar and bled to death."

The following case, which was admitted to the Johns Hopkins Hospital on April 10, 1899, is consequently the second to be recorded in the negro race.

Alverta W., aged 14 years (Medical History, No. 9764), complains of haemorrhage from the nose and mouth, and headache.

Family history (obtained mostly from patient's mother). — Father, mother and two brothers, alive and well; a sister died of throat trouble, aged 6 years. No history of tuberculosis, rheumatism, or any neoplasm in the family.*

HmmophiUc history. — Patient's great-grandmother was a bleeder from early childhood till her death, June 8, L898, from old age and la grippe. Her doctor frequently told her the bleeding was due to the fact that she had " too much blood." Patient's mother (Alverta S.) says she can distinctly remember the doctor coming about twice a year to remove some of

oo-much blood," by cupping or leeches. The greatgrandmother had fourteen children, ten boys and four girls.

Of these, the patient's mother remembered the names of eleven only, seven boys and four girls. (See family tree.) The seven known personally to the patient's mother were all of them bleeders, and are now all dead but William T. One

.died from hemorrhages from the no mouth in 1895, in Philadelphia, at the age of thirty-four years. He had had luemorrhages from early childhood, but during his last five years they were more severe. The doctor told his wife he did not have consumption, but what diagnosis was made of the case is unknown. The patient's grandmother used to bleed from the nose occasionally. She died December 30, 1898 (aged 60), of -asthma, dropsy, Bright's disease and heart disease."

Patient's mother frequently bled from the nose till her sixteenth year. She has had no attacks since.

Patient's brothers have occasional attacks of epistaxis. and bleed considerably from the slightest cuts and bruises. /' • history. — As a child, had measles, mumps and ing cough. Ulcerated sore throat" of two weeks' duration

  • One brother, William W. iSurgical History, Xo. 9080), was later

admitted tc the Johns Hopkins Hospital, on the surgical side, complaining of a swollen right ankle. He gave the history of an attack of gonorrhoea one month previously. The swelling in the ankle seemed located in the tissues about the joint, tie n apparently no effusion in the joint itself. The diagnosis of gonorrheal arthritis was made. Patient left the Bospita

advice, being only slightly improved. In view of the occurrence of joint troubles in haemophilia, added interest is given to this case.

one year ago. She gives a somewhat indefinite history of malaria in the spring of 1896. No chills, but thinks she had chilly sensations and fever. Was living in Baltimore at the time.

She has been a sufferer from severe frontal headaches ever since she can remember.

Menstruation has not yet been established.

HmmophiUc history. — Has bled easily from the slightest scratches since early childhood, but the amount of blood lost

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[No. 107.

has been very slight in every instance. No attacks of epistaxis till present illness.

Present illness.— About two and a half months ago, she woke up one morning and found her pillow and night-dress bathed in blood, which came from her nose. By eating some salt, she checked the haemorrhage after she had bled about a cupful. Since then she has not enjoyed her customary good health, but has felt very weak and drowsy. Five days prior to her admission to the Hospital, she was awakened by an attack of epistaxis. It started with a sudden gush of blood, but soon amounted to only a slight ooze, and so continued for three days. Salt was also used on this occasion, but to no purpose. Two days after this, she found she had had her third nosebleed, during the night. It was very slight, however, and she was not awakened by it. In all, she thinks she lost about " half a wash-basin of blood."

Her only symptom in these attacks has been constant frontal headaches.

No bleeding from, or swelling of her gums, has ever been noticed, nor has any blood ever been detected in her urine or faces. On admission, temperature, 100.4°; pulse, 104; respiration, 24.

Physical examination— Patient is a quite well-developed, dark-skinned negro girl. Lips and mucous membranes are rather pale. Her tongue has a reddened, glazed appearance. The gums are swollen, and inflamed, but no bleeding points can be seen, nor can the gums be made to bleed on pressure. Thorax.— Negative on examination. Pulse 100 to the minute, regular in force and rhythm, good volume and tension. . Abdomen.— Negative. Extremities.— Negative. No petechia? or purpuric spots seen anywhere. Blood examination negative for malarial parasites. Leucocytes, 10,500. The day following admission, a small herpetic area was noted on her lower lip. The nose examination was negative. Four purpuric spots, about 2 mm. in diameter, were seen about the right clavicle.

Blood examination.— Coagulation time, between 3-4 minutes; red blood corpuscles, 5,088,000; white blood corpuscles, 4,500 ; haemoglobin, 60 per cent. ; blood platelets, 212,000.

On the third day a few additional purpuric spots were seen about the flexor and extensor surfaces of both arms and legs, at the elbows and knees. For the past two nights there has been slight bleeding from her gums.

On April 14th, the following note was made by Dr. Futcher: Patient's gums are still distinctly swollen, but less so than on admission. They bleed easily on pressure.

Seven days later the gums were considerably less swollen, and could not be made to bleed on pressure. At the time this note was made, patient had been up and about the ward for four days.

Blood examination, April 23.— Red blood corpuscles, 5,020,000 ; white blood corpuscles, 6,000 ; haemoglobin, 47 percent.; blood platelets, 280,000.

The patient improved wonderfully during her stay in the Hospital, and was discharged April 24th. No more petechial spots were noted after those seen April 12th, and those then seen quickly vanished.

Urine.— On entrance the urine was straw-yellow in color, clear, 1021 in specific gravity, faintly acid in reaction, negative for sugar, but contained a trace of albumen. There was a white flocculent precipitate. Microscopically a few hyaline and granular casts were seen as well as a number of epithelial cells, and calcium oxalate crystals. Mucous strands were also seen. The urine gradually cleared up, and on the last examination (April 21), no casts nor albumen were found. Her temperature nine hours after admission rose to 101.2°, but gradually fell till the next day, when it was 99.8°. From this time on there were daily elevations, the highest point reached being 100.7° on April 14th.

Treatment.— Patient was given calcium chloride (grs. xv t. i. d.), a drug which was first introduced by Wright ,3 for the treatment of this disease. It was given in the following prescription, as advised by Wright:

Oalcii chloridi, Aquae chloroformi Aquae aurantii fiorum, Aquae q. s. ad. M. S. §ss. t. i. d. p. c.




It is interesting to note that both the cases of haemophilia were not in patients of pure negro blood.

In a study of the family tree of the second case we find :

(1.) The extraordinary fertility of bleeder's families (a fact first pointed out by Wachsmuth ,, ) is well shown in the family of our patient's great-grandmother. Five of her children died early, and none of the others, save one, now survives.

(2.) Of these, three children out of the six known to patient's mother died young. This accords with the fact that a large percentage of the bleeders die early.

(3.) Contrary to the usual statement, both the males and the females seem to have been bleeders, but only one (a male) died from the effects of haemorrhages.

(4.) The preponderance of the males is seen in two of the families named. This excess of sons over daughters has been given as a reason for the rarity of this disease.

(5.) The bleeding tendency in each instance was transmitted through the females.

In conclusion, I wish to thank Or. Osier for allowing me to report this case.


1 Liber Theoricae nee non Practicae Alsabaravii ; the reference is found in Tractatus XXXI, Sectio II, Capitulum, XV, Folio, CXLV. " De Passione fluxns sanguines a quocumque


2. Fordyce: Fragmenta Chirurgica et Medica, L,onu.

1784, p. 41.

3. Otto: Medical Repository, N. Y., 1803, \ I, 1-4.

4 J. Wickham Legg: Article on Haemophilia in Allbutt's System of Medicine, Vol. VI, p. 548. Schonlein's account of the disease first appeared in his "Vorlesungen" which afterwards formed his text-book on pathology and therapeutics.

5. J. Wickham Legg : (a) A Treatise on Haemophilia, Lond., 1872 158 pp.: (b) Report on Haemophilia, St. Barth. Hosp. RepJ Lond., 1881, XVII, pp. 303-320; and other articles.

February, 1900.]



6. Naas: Archiv. f. med. Erfahr., Berl., 1820, 1, 385-434.

7. Lunge: Zeitschr. f d. ges. -Med., Bamb.,1850, XLV, 145-231.

8. Grandidier: Schmidt's Jahrb., Leipz., 1863, CXVII, 329 341. Ibid., 1872, CLIV, 81-102. Ibid., 1877, CLXXII, 185 L93.

9. Dunn: Am. .Tourn. of Med. Sc, Jan., 1883.

10. Heymann: Archiv f. path. An;il., etc., Berl., 1S59, XVI, 182-183.

11. Koch: Brit. M. J., Lond., L890, I, 1301.

12. Hadlock: Clinic, Cincin., L874, VII, 241.

13. Wright: Brit. M. J., L891, II, 1306.

14. Wachsnmlli : Zeitschr. d. deutsch. Chir. Ver., Magdeb., 1849, III, 459-517.


Robert L. Randolph, M.D. Acoin: A New Local Anaesthetic— The Ophthalmic Record, Chicago, August, 1899.

Acoin in solutions of 1 : 100 and 1:300 produces satisfactory anaesthesia in an unirritated eye in about tbe same length of time as cocaine.

2. In more than one case where the eye was congested, repeated instillations of acoin were inadequate to produce satisfactory anaesthesia.

3. Inspection of the cornea with a high-power lens failed to show any defects in the epithelium after its use.

4. Acoin has no effect upon accommodation.

5. It has no effect upon the size of the pupil.

6. It does not increase the intraocular tension.

7. Several experiments demonstrated that the staphylococcus pyogenes albus did not grow in agar which contained acoin in the proportion used in the clinic, and, furthermore, that exposure of this organism to the action of acoin for twenty-four hours was followed by death of the organism. This would look as though acoin were not only an inhibitor of the growth of this organism, but that it also killed this organism after a certain length of time. It is evident that conclusions drawn from this limited experience with acoin may have to undergo more or less modification with further trial.

Expulsive Intra-ocular Hemorrhage after Preliminary

Irideccomy for Cataract. — TJie Ophthalmic Review, London, December, 1899.

The case reported was an old lady of 76. She was exceedingly nervous ami refused to enter the hospital, but preferred remaining at hume and being nursed by members of her own family. From the uniformly favorable results attending preliminary iridectomy for cataract, this operation was first performed with intention of removing the lens a few weeks later. The operation was perfectly smooth. On the morning of the third day, it was found that the anterior chamber was almost completely obliterated, and that the lens was pressed so far forward as to force the iris against the posterior surface of the cornea. The condition grew worse, till the lens was almost forced through the old wound, when it was thought remove the lens. This was done and immediately there was a flow of bloody vitreous. Oozing kept up for four days. Light perception was gone, and in six months the eye had shrunken tc half its original size. Six months later glaucoma appeared in the other eye. She was unwilling for iridectomy, and with the history of the fellow eye it was thought best not to urge such a measure. The development of glaucoma in this eye justifies us in concluding that the same condition was present, in aless advanced stage, in the right eye at the time of the preliminary iridectomy. The case is of exceptional interest inasmuch as the haemorrhage followed iridectomy, for, as a rule, such catastrophies are seen only after removal of the lens. It is interesting to note the fact that intra-ocular bleeding did not commence till hours after the iridec

tomy. The nature of the trouble was not suspected till the morning of the third day, when the evidence of pressure behind the lens was unmistakable, so that bleeding must have been going on intermittingly fordays before the lens was removed . The constant reduction of intra-ocular tension caused by the yielding of the eyeball at the point of the wound would explain the persistent character of the haemorrhage. It is needless to add that we undoubtedly had in this case senile degeneration of the bloodvessel walls— so strong a predisposing cause to such results.

P. H. Verhoeef, Ph. B., M. D. Shadow Images on the

Retina. — Psychological Review, January, 1900.

The usual pin-hole experiment is produced by pricking a small hole in a card, which Is then held before the eye, but within the point of distinct vision. Under these conditions, if a pin is held between the hole, which serves as a source of light, and the eye, it casts an erect shadow upon the retina, and this shadow is projected as an inverted image of the pin. This experiment was described and explained by Le Cat in 1740. It is possible, however, that he was not the first to describe it, for he does not, in his work, claim that the experiment was original with him.

To show the dependence of the position of the projected image upon the relative position of the pin-hole, the experiment may be modified in the following interesting way. If, for instance, the eye is focused for the near point and the pin-hole is held beyond this point, the shadow of an interposed pin will appear erect. Under these conditions, if the pin-hole is gradually brought closer to the eye, the image of the pin becomes more and more blurred and finally disappears when the hole is at the near point, that is, when the eye is accommodated for the source of light. If the hole is brought still nearer, the original experiment is reproduced, the image of the pin again appears but is now inverted. This experiment is rendered easier if the accommodation is assisted by a convex lens, one of about ten diopters being very convenient. The lens is held close to the eye and the pin in front of the lens, or better, immediately behind it. Then if the pin-hole is placed beyond 10 cm. from the supposedly emmetropic eye, it will appear out of focus and the shadow will be upright. As it is brought closer, the phenomenon just described takes place.

If a sheet of white paper or a piece of ground glass is taken, and a small black spot is made upon it about the size of a pin-head, and this spot is used in place of the pin-hole in the above experiment, a white streak will be seen crossing the black spot. The phenomenon is best obtained without a lens, and is not an easy thing for most persons to see, since it requires that the accommodation shall be relaxed at will. This white shadow behaves in exactly the same manner as does the black shadow in the pin-hole experiment —under the same conditions it may be seen upright, inverted, or be made to disappear. The experiment should be conducted in a good light, and a piece of white paper about five centimeters square should be used. This phenomenon may also be obtained with a photographic camera.



[No. 107.

The explanation of this phenomenon lies in the fact that the black spot, under the conditions mentioned, produces only a blurred image upon the retina, and while the interposed pin reduces the illumination of the margins of the spot, it has no appreciable effect upon the middle of the latter, the resulting difference in illumination thus producing the appearance of a white streak.

If a sufficiently large spot is used, it will be noticed that on relaxing the accommodation, the center (of its image) appears much darker than the rest of the image. This is due to the fact that as the spot is made larger it cuts off more and more rays which otherwise would have reached the center of its image, and when it is as large as the pupil, it cuts off all the rays parallel to the primary axis, thus producing a small spot in the center of its image totally devoid of light. But even when the spot is much less than half the size of the pupil, the image appears darker in the center, since many rays will even then be cut off from the center of the image. This circumstance explains the fact that if a moderately large black spot is used for the shadow experiment, the white shadow of the pin is broken by a dark central spot into two white lines, somewhat resemblins crescents. If a large black spot with a small white one in the center is used, the appearance of these two crescents may be obtained, and in addition the usual black shadow is seen over the central white spot.

If, in place of a spot, a black line is used, the pin will produce a white line running down the middle of its image ; the shadow in this case is more marked and more easily obtained than when a small black spot is used. Two lines drawn at a slight angle to each other, will give a bend in the white shadow at their intersection, but the shadow leaves one or both of the lines at a certain distance from this point. When a narrow red line is used instead of a black one, and a lens is employed to aid the eye, the white shadow takes on a greenish or bluish color. By the use of a lens a narrow line may be so blurred as not to be seen, but a pin in front of the eye decreases so much the amount of light reaching the lateral portions of the image on the retina, as to produce the appearance of a well-defined white shadow. The same thing is also true for a point.

Scheiner's experiment in which two pin-holes placed close together are held before the eye and a double image of a pin is produced, may be explained in the same way as the white shadow just considered, since the two images obtained of the pin may be regarded as one image with a white shadow down its middle produced by the portion of the card-board between the two pin-holes.

When simply blurring a line by relaxing the accommodation, it can be noticed that if the line is not too large, one can always

obtain a white line running down its middle, and within this line a faint dark line. In the case of a small black spot, a white spot is obtained in the center of its blurred image. This is probably due in most part to the denser and probably less transparent nucleus of the crystalline lens shutting off more rays than the rest of the refractive apparatus of the eye- This appearance is not produced by a photographic camera and hence must be mainly due to some such peculiarity of the eye as that suggested. It is possible, however, that the positive aberration of the eye may play some part in its production.

Thomas R. Brown, M. D. Recent Work iu Typhoid Fever. — Maryland Medical Journal, January, 1900.

Arthur W. Elting, M. D. The Antitoxin Treatment of Tetanus.— Albany Medical Annals, January, 1900.

T. Caspar Gilchrist, M. D. Progress in Dermatology. — Maryland Medical Journal, January, 1900.

William G. MacCallum and Thomas W. Hastings, M. D. Acute Endocarditis caused by Micrococcus Zymogenes (Nov. Spec), with a Description of the Micro-Organisms. — Journal Experimental Medicine, September-November, 1900.

William Osler, M. D. The Home Treatment of Consumption. — Maryland Medical Journal, January, 1900.

A Rhode Island Philosopher (Elisha Bartlett.)— The

Boston Medical and Surgical Journal, January, 18 and 25, 1900.

Stewart Paton, M. D. Certain Essential Points iu the Technic of Staining Nerve-Cells. — Philadelphia Medical Journal, January 13, 1900.

Robert Reuling, M. D. Pathology and Bacteriology. — Maryland Medical Journal, January. 1900.

William R. Stokes, M. D. Recent Advances in the Study of Tuberculosis. — Maryland Medical Journal, January, 1900.

Hugh H. Young, M. D. Recent Reports on the Operative Treatment of Hernia.— Maryland Medical Journal, January, 1900.



Exhibition of Medical Cases.— Dr. Futcher.

During the past three or four months we have had a number of interesting cases of embolism and thrombosis in the medical wards. A brief report of these cases may be of interest.

Case 1. Thrombosis of the left external jugular subclavian and axillary veins, associated with mitral stenosis, with subsequent embolism of the left popliteal artery.

One of these cases was referred to, at a previous meeting, by Dr. Welch when speaking of thrombosis of the veins of the upper extremity associated with heart disease. The patient, a woman aged 35, had had an attack of chorea when seven years

old, and previous to admission had several attacks of acute articular rheumatism. There were marked signs of mitral stenosis with a rapidly-acting heart and cardiac hypertrophy. The first point of interest in the case was the development of some swelling over the left side of the neck, first seen on January 19th, 1899, two weeks after her admission. She complained of slight pain in the left side of the neck and down the inner part of the arm. The pain and swelling gradually increased, so that within a week there was very marked swelling over the left side of the neck, shoulder, arm and dorsal surface of the fore-arm. There was marked tenderness over the sternocleido-mastoid muscle and along the course of the external jugular vein. There was no special elevation of temperature

February, 1900.]



du ing the attack. There was no doubt that the patient was Buffering with thrombosis of the external jugular vein and, also, apparently, of the subclavian and axillary veins.

Thrombosis of the peripheral veins in cardiac disease is more common in the upper than in the lower extremities. According to Bouchut. the ratio of thromboses of the veins of the upper extremity to those of the lower is placed at 1 to 50, but in cardiac disease- the ratio is decidedly reversed. Dr. Welch was only able to find 26 cases in the literature of venous thrombosis of the peripheral veins in association with heart disease, and of those, 1? were in the veins of the neck or upper extremity, and it is interesting to note that the left side is much more frequently involved than the right.

To return to our case, by March 13th all the local symptoms had subsided and nothing of special importance developed until November "24th, 1899. when, at 12 o'clock, the patient suddenly complained of intense pain in the left foot, associated with a feeling of the pricking of pins or needles and some numbness. I was in the ward at the time the pain came on, and examined the foot, but nothing could be made out by the examination. The pain continued very severe during the afternoon, and at 4.30 P. M. the foot and leg still showed no changes on inspection. The next morning there was marked cyanosis of the left lower extremity as high as the tubercle of the tibia; the foot was cold, and there was great tenderness over the dorsum of the foot and about the shin. Dr. Osier saw the patient and made a diagnosis of embolism of the popliteal artery. The femoral artery pulsated, but there was no pulsation of the popliteal. The next day, November 26th, contrary to expectations, the cyanosis had largely disappeared, and the foot had become almost as warm as that of the other side. From that time on the symptoms gradually subsided, though she still has paroxysms of acute pain at times. The point of interest in connection with the case is the recovery without local gangrene. A great many of these cases result in gangrene of some portion of the extremity. In embolism of the arteries the onset of pain is usually very sudden, differing in this respect from thrombosis, where the pain is more gradual in its development.

Case 2. Thrombosis of the left femoral vein in a case of pulmonary tuberculosis. This condition is not so very uncommon in tuberculosis, usually occurring in the veins of the lower extremities. The patient, a man 55 years of age, was admitted Oct. 22nd, with marked signs of advanced pulmonary tuberculosis. About two weeks after admission, he began to complain about midnight of severe pain in Scarpa's triangle. The next morning his leg was definitely swollen, being 3 cm. larger than the other leg at the calf. The superficial veins were distinctly dilated, and the temperature on that side was, if anything, a little higher than that of the other leg, though there was no change in its color. The pain persisted for about ten days. Tne swelling has gradually diminished, and at present there is a definite thickening to be made out along the course of the femoral vein. Thrombosis in tuberculosis is generally held to be due to the development of marantic bhrombi. Dodwell and others think that they are of infectious origin due to various pyogenic micro-organisms. Arterial thrombosis in tuberculosis is a rare event. It occurs most commonly as a thrombosis of the pulmonary artery or its branches in tuber

culosis of the lungs. Very rarely it occurs as a result of tuberculous involvement of the intima of the arterial walls.

Case 3. Thrombosis of the right axillary and brachial veins, occurring in the course of a malarial nephritis. The patient, a man aged 39 years, was admitted Oct. Kith, 1899, suffering from malarial nephritis. He had a marked amount of albumen in the urine, with numerous casts. He was distinctly anaemic, showing less than 3,000,000 red blood corpuscles, and about 50 per cent, of haemaglobin. .Estivo-autumnal malarial parasites were found in the blood. On Oct. 18th, it was noticed that the right arm was somewhat swollen, and this condition increased during the next three or four weeks to such an extent that it was deemed necessary to make incisions in the skin to let out the fluid. Considerable relief followed this procedure. The swelling eventually diminished, and, although suspicion was entertained of a venous thrombosis, it was not until the oedema had markedly disappeared that a marked thrombosis of the right axillary and brachial veins was found to exist.

Just what the cause of the thrombosis was in this case is hard to say. It is doubtful whether malaria had anything to do with it. French observers have claimed that malaria does, at times, cause a thrombosis of the veins, but Dr. Welch is inclined to believe that there is really no relationship between the malaria and the thrombosis in these cases. In over 2000 cases of malaria in Dr. Osier's department, no instance of thrombosis was found. It is probable that the thrombosis in this case was due either to the nephritis or to the anaemia.


Annual and Analytical Cyclopaedia of Practical Medicine. By Charles E. de M. Sajous, Philadelphia. (Philadelphia: The F. A. Davis Company, 1899.)

This is the fourth volume of the publication and includes subjects from "Infants, Diarrhceal Diseases of," to "Mercury." In a work of this kind a uniform excellency is not to be expected, but in this volume the editor is to be congratulated on the general high character of the articles. The task set is no easy one— to embody much in small space, and to make satisfactory extracts from large numbers of articles. The editor notes in the preface the death of one of his associates, Dr. Robe of Baltimore, who contributed the article on " Insanity " in this volume. It is one of his last contributions.

The volume opens with an article on "The Diarrhceal Diseases of Infants, " by Dr. Blackadar, of Montreal, which is full of practical points. The sections on classification and treatment are especially good. " Intubation of the Larynx " is treated of by F. E. Waxham of Chicago. This is an excellent paper and especially so in its practical character. We should like to draw attention to this feature which is often lacking. Too rarely do writers bear in mind that those who will profit by their articles have had little or no experience in the subject discussed. Details which to the experienced writer seem trivial or unnecessary are really the essential parts for the reader. Dr. A. McPhedran of Toronto, contributes two excellent articles on "Jaundice" and on " Diseases of the Liver and Gall-Bladder." He has succeeded in giving much matter in small space, and lias made very comprehensive selections from the literature. The longest article is that on " Malarial Fevers" by Drs. J. C. Wilson and T. G. Ashton of Philadelphia. They have given a very full account of the disease and of the latest



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investigations as to the manner of infection. The plates used to illustrate the parasites are those of Mannaberg's recent work.

It is not possible to refer to all the articles in detail ; those of W. B. Pritchard of New York on "Locomotor Ataxia" and of C. M. Hay of Philadelphia on "Meningitis" are worthy of notice. Altogether this volume is an excellent one.

A Text-Book of the Practice of Medicine. By J. M. Anders, M. D., Philadelphia. Third edition. (Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders, 1899.)

The appearance of a third edition of this work shows that there was ample room for it. Many of the articles have been rewritten for this edition and some added. The author pays considerable attention to diagnosis and gives many differential diagnosis tables. We are unable to agree with him as to the value of these. We refer not particularly to these of Dr. Anders, which are good, but to the general principle. Students are too apt to attempt to memorize them, thinking it an easy path to knowledge, only to discover later that their labor has become sorrow. In discussing cardiac diseases he evidently considers the apex diastolic, or so-called Flint murmur, in aortic insufficiency as of rare occurrence, and dismisses it in a few lines. The widely divergent views as to the frequency of this murmur are interesting. The section on "Chronic Valvular Disease " is especially well-put and practical. We should hardly consider "systolic pulsation of the larynx and trachea" as a good description of Oliver's tracheal tugging. It is surprising to find no mention of eosinophilia in the discussion of trichinosis. Throughout the book the sections on treatment are full, comprehensive and practical, which is a most valuable feature.

The Medical Annual Synoptical Index. For the twelve years, 1887 to 1S98. [Bristol, England: John Wright & Co., 1899.) This is an index to the contents of the Medical Annual for the years 1887 to 1898. To those who know this work it will be evident to what a large amount of material this index is the key. In addition to its being an index, it also contains many briefly-put extracts regarding new drugs and points of treatment. In the synoptical index these are put in various subdivisions under each heading. By these any special point is readily found. The notes on treatment embody much in small space. A summary of the chief changes in the new pharmacopoeia is a valuable feature. There is also a supplementary index giving many cross references. The general plan of the book is excellent, and it cannot fail to be of great help to the busy practitioner. In these days of profuse medical literature, an index such as this is always of assistance.

Bacteriology in Medicine and Surgery. By Wii. H. Park, M. D., Assoc. Professor of Bacteriology and Hygiene, Univ. and Bellevue Hosp. Med. College, New York. (Philadelphia and New York: Lea Bros. & Co., 1899.)

Amongst the large numbers of publications appearing every year, dealing with the subject of bacteriology for the use of medical practitioners and students, it is noticeable that the many are of doubtful helpfulness, whilst the lesser numbers only are of real service to the classes which they were intended to benefit.

It is therefore from amidst the latter sort that we single out the work by Dr. Park as worthy the attention of our readers.

It consists of an introduction dealing in an excellent manner witli the history of bacteriological science, followed by forty chapters which treat of the general morphology of bacteria, their vital phenomena and their relation to disease, and the biological features of the most important pathogenic varieties; the theories of infection, immunity and recovery ; the principles and practice of disinfection ; the methods of procuring material for examination; the technique of staining and cultivating the bacteria ; and the analysis of air and water. Inclusive is an appendix descriptive of patho

genic forms of the higher fungi, formerly classified with the bacteria.

Friendly criticism being healthful, we shall briefly deal with the failings as well as the good features of the book.

The subject matter of the chapters descriptive of the general characteristics, morphology, vital phenomena and environments of bacteria, is extensive and so lucid that the reader very readily grasps the various facts set forth. It is only to be regretted that the author did not see fit to have chapters VIII, IX, and XVII incorporated with, or made to follow chapters I, II, and III, as the sequence is undoubtedly marred by the present arrangement.

In like manner, the valuable material in chapters IV, V, VI, and VII, dealing with the relation of bacteria to disease, infection, immunity and recovery, would undoubtedly have been placed to better advantage had chapters IV and VII been combined, and chapters V and VI formed another.

The technique of mounting, staining and examining bacteria is plainly stated in chapter XII.

Chapter XIII deals with the usual methods of preparing media, the technique of inoculating and making plate cultures, and the methods of anaerobic culture. There are an unfortunate obscurity and lack of arrangement in that part dealing with the making of plate cultures, otherwise the chapter is free from faults, though somewhat terse.

A most welcome message is expressed in chapter XV. For what worker in a large laboratory has not at one time or another been greatly annoyed by the display of ignorance by those submitting specimens for examination.

One prominent feature of the book is the treatise on disinfection contained in chapters X and XL Here we have Dr. Park's valuable and wide experiences in this one matter of Public Health, strongly and succinctly stated ; and a careful perusal of these chapters amplifies one's knowledge very considerably. For in most textbooks dealing with bacteriology these important points of practical disinfection are too often passed over hurriedly, or not mentioned.

Another feature worthy of comment is the ample and thorough manner in which the chapters dealing with the biological features of the various organisms, are discussed- Especially would we draw attention to those descriptive of tuberculosis, diphtheria, typhoid fever, pneumonia, gonorrhoea, cholera, glanders and rabies.

Notwithstanding some occasional obscurities in grammatical construction, and what we have considered as shortcomings, Dr. Park's work can be considered as of valuable assistance to those of the medical profession and its students, who stand in need of reliable information and help in pursuing their studies in the important subject of bacteriology.

The book is gotten up in excellent style, being printed upon good paper with clear type, and is well supplied with suitable engravings and half-tone photographs of many of the well-known bacteria.

N. MacL. H.

Diseases of the Nervous System. By LudwigHirt. Translated by A. Hoch, M. D., and F. R. Smith, M. D. (New York : D. Appleton & Co., 1899.)

The first English translation of this work appeared in 1893, and from the present title-page it appears that this is in no sense a second edition, but merely a reprint of the first edition ; that is, that no essential changes have been made in the text either by the author or his translators, since the book was first published in America.

In the past ten years since the author published his volume first in Germany , the advances in neuro-pathology have been enormous, but though we know so much more of the finer anatomical structure of the whole nervous system, yet we are by no means able to use all this accumulated knowledge either in the diagnosis or treatment of

February, 1900.]



nervous diseases, anil it is for this reason that the work under discussion only appears as a reprint and not as a second edition.

But the value of the work is thus in no wise diminished, and as a guide to the study of nervous diseases Hirt's treatise ranks as one of the very best both for the student and specialist in this line of work. The intrinsic merits of the work are clearly set forth in the introduction by Osier, who quotes Weir Mitchell's praise of the book, and the reviewer feels that when two such leaders of medicine unite in commendation of a work, this is the best review that the book can have.

Although the study of nervous diseases is one of the hardest in medicine, yet the style of the author is so clear and easy, that it is a real pleasure to read his volume ; which cannot be said of most German works, even when they are so well translated as is here the case. Hirt may fairly be compared with Strumpell in the lucidity with which he writes, and his novel arrangement or description of diseases has a very distinct attraction for the reader, which the reviewer finds makes the study of nervous disorders more comprehensible than is sometimes the case.

The illustrations are excellent, there is a good index, and both type and paper are satisfactory.

Archives of Neurology. From the Pathological Laboratory of the London County Asylums, Claybury, Essex ; Edited by Frederick Walker Mott, F. R. S., M. D., F. R. C. P., Director of the Liboratory, and Pathologist to the London County Asylums ; Physician in Charge of Outpatients, Charing Cross Hospital. ( Westminster : P. S. King & Son, 1899.)

The tendency toward an increase of laboratory work in connection with neurology and psychiatry in England and America is obvious. While in Germany and in Paris the association of microscopic studies of post-mortem material with careful clinical work in neurology and psychiatry has for a number of years been a prominent feature, England and America have been slower to adopt the plan. Of late, however, vigorous efforts have been made to bring psychiatry in English-speaking countries up to a higher level. The establishment of the pathological institute in New York in connection with the asylums of the state of New York, and the development of a laboratory at the Ohio Hospital for Epileptics, together with the excellent laboratories connected with several Massachusetts institutions — the McLean hospital, Worcester hospital and Danvers hospital, — are notable results of such efforts. Other asylums for the insane and institutions for the care of epileptics and the feeble-minded are rapidly making arrangements for the institution of well-equipped modern laboratories in connection with them.

The publications of the results of studies from such laboratories are beginning to appear. The Bulletin of the Ohio Hospital for Epileptics and the Archives of Neurology and Psycho-pathology from New York are well known to our readers. These, together with the results of research published in Asylum Reports are pratically the only representatives in America of a class of publications quitecommon in Germany. Obersteiner' B Arbeiten, Wernicke's Arbeiten, Pick's Beitrdge, Henschen's Studien, Mobius' Beitrage, Kraepelin's Arbeiten and other examples will be immediately called to mind.

One of the most important of the more recent laboratory establishments is that in connection with the London County Asylums. The London County Council has authorized the building of a laboratory in connection with the asylum at Claybury in Essex, and has equipped it well for scientific work by modern methods. Autopsies are made at all the asylums, but the laboratory at the Claybury institution is the headquarters for the working up of the tissues. The Council has been fortunate enough to secure as director of the laboratory and pathologist to the asylums, Dr. Frederick Walker Mott, well known in this country as well as in Europe for his important researches in the experimental physi

ology and pathology of the nervous system. At the end of 1899, Dr. Mott has published a large volume entitled "The Archives of Neurology," which includes the more important researches made in the laboratory by himself and others during the past year. The Archives are to be published annually, and will thus contain the collected papers dealing with the pathological work of the London County asylums.

The first volume includes some twenty-four papers, ten of which bear the editor's name. The papers are all interesting, and a number of them are of unusual importance. Dr. Mott's studies on "Brain Syphilis," on the "^Etiology and Pathology of General Paralysis," on "Juvenile General Paralysis," and on "The Chemistry of Nerve Degeneration," must be studied with care by all who are more than superficially interested in the problems to which these titles refer. Dr. Hamilton Wright contributes valuable papers upon "The Tangential System of Fibres of the Inferior Frontal Con volution in General Paralysis," on "Alcoholic Atrophy ' ' and, in connection with Dr. Mott, upon the " Changes in the Spinal Ganglia and Peripheral Cutaneous Nerves in a Case of General Paralysis with Bullous Eruption." One of the most interesting casuistic reports is that by Dr. Mott dealing with the spinal cord, peripheral nerves and muscles in a case of acute poliomyelitis in which the fatal termination occurred sixteen days from the onset. The sensory ganglia in tabes have been studied by Mr. Salaman. Dr. Barratt describes the results of his observations on the normal anatomy of several cerebral nerves, and also on the amount of water and phosphorus contained in the cerebral hemispheres and spinal cord in several pathological conditions.

The volume is printed upon heavy paper, of good quality, and the articles are liberally illustrated, many of the illustrations consisting of excellent colored plates. The publication can be heartily recommended to all students of neurology and psychiatrv, and represents by all odds the most important recent addition to the bibliography of these subjects.

Those interested in the introduction of pathological work into asylums will do well to read the preface to the volume, written by Dr. W. J. Collins, who was formerly chairman of the London County Council. Dr. Collins, after speaking of the importance of the study of the pathological lesions in cases of insanity, describes the origin of the Claybury institution and refers briefly to the plan of the pathological laboratory established there. A significant feature is the endowment by the Technical Education Board of several research scholarships. The fact that such well-known names are connected with these scholarships proves the desirability of such endowments. Where a group of trained investigators can be gathered together under one roof, the output of a laboratory ought to be much greater than where the same individuals work independently in different places. The danger of accumulating, by the scholarship method, a group of dilettanti is not aserious one, provided the choice of men for the positions is relegated to the active pathologist in charge.

Lewellys F. Barker.

A Laboratory Manual of Physiological Chemistry. By E. W. Rockwood, B. S., M. D. {Philadelphia : F. A. Davis Co., 1899.)

Instructors in physiological chemistry have long felt the need of an English manual which will contain clear and accurate descriptions of well-selected experiments, noting the precautions that must be observed in order that the experiments may be brought to a successful conclusion, and giving at the same time a sufficient amount of descriptive material to make the object of each experiment intelligible.

This little book, which might more properly be termed an elementary manual, certainly fulfills these conditions. The material is printed in two kinds of type, so that it is optional with the instructor whether the course be made one of moderate duration or a somewhat shorter one. The student is introduced to chemical



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processes which are more or less confined to physiological chemical work, by an introductory series of experiments on the three great classes of organic foods ; then follow brief chapters on the various tissues and fluids of the animal body. Cuts of microscopic preparations, tables for the preparation of re-agents, and a rather poor spectroscopic chart are also given.

The manual however is not above serious criticism. The whole modern science of physical chemistry is simply ignored, and the author believes that urinary indican is formed somewhere in the body by the union of potassium and sulphuric acid with indoxyl. In spite of these and numerous other short-comings which could be cited, we believe the book to be, on the whole, worthy of recommendation as an experimental guide.

The Cranial and First Spinal Nerves of Menidia. A Contribution upon the Nerve Components of the Bony Fishes. By C. Judson Herrick, Associate in Comparative Neurology, Pathological Institute of the New York State Hospitals, pp. 1-299, with seven plates and several illustrations in the text. (Ulica: State Hospitals' Press, 1S99.)

If one looks over the contributions to neurology, which have been made by American investigators in recent years, he is struck by the fact that a large proportion of these refer to the comparative anatomy of the nervous system. This is doubtless due, in the first place, to the high standards which have been set in biological work in this country; and secondly, to the fact that, of the large number of investigators trained in biological laboratories, several of the best men have been attracted toward neurological problems. While it may be true, that many of the studies in comparative neurology have appeared to have but little bearing upon moredistinctly medical problems, medical neurologists have, of late, come to appreciate the marked advantages derivable from a view of the human nervous system from the standpoint of comparative anatomy. The studies upon the phylogeny of the cerebral cortex, and upon the primary and secondary visual and auditory centres need only be mentioned in order to recall to mind the new light upon the structure and functions of the human nervous system, which is attributable to such studies.

The investigations of O. S. Strong, upon the cerebral nerves of the amphibia, inaugurated a new series of researches, the results of which promise to be of very high importance also for human neurology. The application of the doctrine of nerve components to the cerebral nerves followed naturally upon the "four-root theory" earlier formulated for the spinal nerves. Strong's researches on the tadpole established, for the first time in the same type, both the central and the peripheral relations of the sensory components of the cerebral nerves. Since his studies, a number of students have undertaken similar problems connected with other types. The extreme diversity in structure met with among the various groups of fishes makes them particularly suitable for the continuation of such researches, and a number of investigators are at present directing their attention in large part toward the study of the morphological variations met with in these animals.

The work before us represents a most elaborate contribution to our knowledge of this particular subject, dealing as it does with the nerve components in Menidia, the ordinary species called "silver-sides," so abundant in shallow water near Woods Holl, Massachusetts. Dr. Herrick,| after an introductory section, discusses the lateral-line canals and their organs, the central relations of the cranial components, the spinal nerves, the nerves of the vagus group, the auditory nerve, the trigemino-facial complex, the sympathetic nervous system, the eye-muscle nerves, the optic nerve and the olfactory nerve and nasal organ. Space will not permit us to enter into a description of his findings or discussion of his results. It will suffice to call the attention of neurologists to this very valuable research. It must be read by

every worker who wishes to be familiar with the newer studies in the domain with which it deals. Dr. Herrick's section XII, devoted to certain general considerations, makes especially interesting reading. In his section XIII, he has epitomized his results, and if one has not the time to master the whole article, he can find in this chapter, succinctly recapitulated, the principal points of the paper. To the reviewer it seems a matter of very high interest, that the comparative anatomists have been able to isolate so perfectly the various components of the cerebral nerves. The solutions of many of the problems, as worked out in these lower forms, can scarcely fail to be of great help in the clearing up of certain very complex problems which now puzzle the human anatomist, especially in connection with the rhombencephalon.


Recollections of a Rebel Surgeon (and other sketches), or, In the Doctor's Happy Days. By F. E. Daniel, M. D. Illustrated. (Austin, 1899.)

This little book comes to us from the Texas Medical Journal, and contains a number of sketches which have appeared in that Journal during the past year. They are often humorous ; sometimes pathetic ; and at all times interesting. They are especially of value, as giving a picture of the state of things in the Southern Confederacy during the Civil War, and as such must always be read with interest. The humor is sometimes a little coarse ; sometimes far-fetched, but the general effect of the book is pleasant, and one who has started to read it is likely to continue to the end.

Proceedings of the New York Pathological Society, 1897-1898.

Besides containing the pathological descriptions of a very large number of anatomical specimens brought before the society, this volume is also enriched by a long and valuable paper by W. T. Sedgwick, "On the Establishment and Conservation of Purity in Public Water Supplies." A great variety of subjects were presented for consideration to the society, and there are many interesting discussions on abnormal hearts, livers, lungs, kidneys, etc. There is an index to the volume, so that it is easy to look up any subject in which one may be interested; but the index should be better arranged — it is needlessly complex, with double references.

The Modern Treatment of Wounds. By John C. Simmers, Jr., M. D. (Omaha: Medical Publishing Company, 1S99.)

It is a pleasure to come across a small work of this kind, which can be highly praised and recommended. The treatment of surgeons varies like that of doctors, but this is a work which can safely be put into the hands of any young surgeon, and it will do many an older surgeon good to read this book. It is supplied with a good index, and with a few illustrations, some of which might have been better chosen, but it is the text which is essential, and this deserves commendation. There is one point on which we believe the author is somewhat too progressive in his surgery, and that is in the treatment of perforating wounds of the orbit, and skull as a whole. Somewhat more conservatism in the treatment of such wounds seems to us advisable. We note also that he says nothing of the value of prolonged baths in the treatment of severe wounds of large surfaces of the body, and it appears to us also that the strength of the solutions of bichloride of mercury, which he uses for burns, is too high. That the book, however, will be found most useful by many practitioners, we have no doubt.

Love and its Affinities. By George F. Butler, M. D. (Chicago: Q. P. Engelhard & Co., 1899.)

Under this somewhat illusive title, the author attempts to make clear in a short treatise the psychology and binding links of lust, love, and religion. The thesis shows a wide reading of both ancient

February, 1900.]



and modern authors, especially the poets; but while it will do no one any harm to read this little work, it is doubtful whether after having read it, he will find himself any the wiser. That this triune is intimately bound together, none will attempt to deny, but like so many other problems in psychology and philosophy, the explanation of this unity seems to lie outside the power of words to express. We understand their association, but no one can explain love, any more than he can explain any other pure mental or physical quality; for the mind and body, are so intimately connected, that it is almost impossible to separate one from the other. However, the author has treated his subject delicately, and deserves praise for this, for it is difficult to treat lust and love in the same category, for the ideal passion is much more intangible and inexpressible than the physical.

Hints on Elementary Physiology. By Florence Haig-Brown. (Philadelphia : P. Blakiston, Son & Co., 1897.)

This is an excellent little primer for nurses ; and the introduction, by Dr. William M. Ord, is a recognition of its merit. He says: "As an evidence of earnest diligence in preparation for what is one of the most responsible and certainly the very hardest possible occupation in life (nursing), it calls for all praise and respect. The qualities of the hook will, I am well assured, command the success which I most heartily wish for it." It is abundantly illustrated, and the plates are for the most part good, but some should be changed in a second edition, especially that one illustrating the mucous surface of the ileum, on page 79. We do not desire to be hypercritical, but on page 101 the author states that the tongue " is composed of muscle, fat, the hyoid bone, and the lingual vessels and nerves." In such an elementary treatise as this, is it not a little misleading to consider the hyoid bone as a portion of the tongue? Under the title of ventilation, we find the temperatures, given as suitable for dwelling rooms, surgical and medical wards, etc., very low — much lower than is the custom here in America to keep such rooms, and we believe too low for health in many cases. This little book is, in spite of any small deficiencies, far superior to many larger works on this subject written for nurses, and it is to be hoped it may have a wide circulation.


The following papers are reprinted from Vols. I, IV, V, VI and VIII of the Reports, for those who desire to purchase in this form:

STUDIES IX DERMATOLOGY. By T. C. Gilchrist, M. D., and Emmet Rixpord, M. D. 1 volume of 164 pages and 41 fullpage plates. Price, bound in paper, $3.00.

THE MALARIAL FEVERS OF BALTIMORE. By W. S. Thayer, M. D., and J. Hewetson, M. D. And A STUDY OF SOME FATAL CASES OF MALARIA. By Lewellys F. Baker, M. B. 1 volume of 280 pages. Price, in paper, $2.75.

STUDIES IN TYPHOID FEVER. By William Osler, M. D., and others. Extracted from Vols. IV and V of the Johns Hopkins Hospital Reports. 1 volume of 481 pages. Price, bound in paper, $3.00.

THE PATHOLOGY OFTOXALBUMIN INTOXICATIONS. By Simon Fleaner, M. D. Volume of 150 pages with 4 full-page lithographs. Price, bound in paper, $2 00.

THE RESULTS OF OPERATIONS FOR THE CURE OF INGUINAL HERNIA. By Joseph C. Bloodgood, M. D. Price, in paper, $3.00.

Subscriptions for the above publications may be sent to

The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, Md.


It is customary in Germany for the pupils of a great teacher to express their appreciation and gratitude by dedicating to him a volume of their contributions to learning. The pupils of Dr. Wm. H. Welch, of Baltimore, have decided to give expression to their regard for him in a similar way and the publication of a volume to mark his twenty-fifth year as a teacher and investigator is now in progress.

During the past twenty-five years some seventy-five persons have undertaken investigation under Dr. Welch's leadership, and nearly half of these will contribute to the volume mentioned. The edition will necessarily be limited by the number of subscribers. An early announcement of the publication is made to give opportunity for subscription so that the committee can decide upon the number of copies to be printed.

The volume will be royal octavo in size and will contain at least five hundred pages of printed matter. It will, in addition, be illustrated with many lithographic plates and text figures. The price has been fixed at five dollars. The book will contain contributions to pathology and to correlated sciences agreeing in scope with that of the leading scientific medical journals.

The Committee of publication consists of :

A. C. Abbott, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.

L. F. Barker, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.

Wm. T. Councilman, Harvard University, Boston, Mass.

Simon Flexner, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.

W. S. Halsted, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.

A. C. Herter, University and Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York.

Wyatt Johnston, McGill University, Montreal, Canada.

F. P. Mall, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.

Walter Reed, Army Medical Museum, Washington, D. C.

Geo. M. Sternberg, Surgeon General's Office, Washington, D. C.

All communications and subscriptions should be addressed to Dr. F. P. Mall (Secretary), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.

Baltimore, November 11, 1899.


Five essays relating to the construction, organization and management of Hospitals, contributed by their authors for the use of The Johns Hopkins Hospital.

These essays were written by Drs. John S. Billings, of the U. S. Army, Norton Folsom, of Boston, Joseph Jones of New Orleans, Caspar Morris, of Philadelphia, and Stephen Smith, of New York. They were originally published in 1875. One volume bound in cloth, price $5.00.


The Hospital Bulletin contains announcements of courses of lectures, programmes of clinical and pathological study, details of hospital and dispensary practice, abstracts of papers read and other proceedings of the Medical Society of the Hospital, reports of lectures, and other matters of general interest in connection with the work of the Hospital. It is issued monthly.

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The set of ten volumes will be sold for $20.00.



[No. 107.


THE JOHNS HOPKINS HOSPITAL REPORTS. Volume I. 423 pages, 99 plates.

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Kolpo-Ureterotomy. Incision of the Ureter through the Vagina, for the treatment

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Haematomyelia. By AuausT Hoch, M. D. . ,..„,.'.„

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Report in Pathology.

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Multiple Lympho-Sarcomata, with a report of Two Cases. By Simon Flexner, M. D.

The Cerebellar Cortex of the Dog. By Henry J. Berkley, M. D.

A Case of Chronic Nephritis in a Cow. By W. T. Councilman, M. D.

Bacteria in their Relation to Vegetable Tissue. By H. L. Russell, Ph. D.

Heart Hypertrophy. By W». T. Howard, Jr., M. D.

Report in Gynecology.

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Potassium Permanganate and Oxalic Acid as Germicides against the Pyogenic Cocci. By Mary Sherwood, M. D.

Intestinal Worm! as a Complication in Abdominal Surgery. By A. L. Stavzlt, M. D

Gynecological Operations not involving Coeliotomy. By Howard A. Kelly, M. D Tabulated by A. L. Stavelt, M. D.

The Employment of an Artificial Retroposition of the Uterus in covering Extensive Denuded Areas about the Pelvic Floor; Some Sources of Hemorrhage in Abdominal Pelvic Operations. By Howard A. Kelly, M. D.

Photography applied to Surgery. By A. S. Murray.

Traumatic Atresia of the Vagina with HaematokolpoB and Hsmatometra. By Howabd A. Kelly, M. D.

Urinalysis in Gynecology. By W. W. Russell, M. D.

The Importance of employing Anaesthesia in the Diagnosis of Intra-Pelvic Gynecological Conditions. By Hunter Robb, M. D.

Resuscitation in Chloroform Asphyxia. By Howard A. Kelly, M. D.

One Hundred Cases of Ovariotomy performed on Women over Seventy Years of Age. By Howard A. Kelly, M. D., and Mary Sherwood, M. D.

Abdominal Operations performed in the Gynecological Department, from March 5, 1890, to December 17, 1892. By Howard A. Kelly, M. D.

Record of Deaths occurring in the Gynecological Department from June 6, 1890, to May 4, 1892.

Volume IV. 504 pages, 33 charts and illustrations.

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Report in Surgery. The Results of Operations for the Cure of Cancer of the Breast, from June, 1889, to January, 1894. By W. S. Halsted, M. D.

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Report In Pathology.

Fatal Puerperal Sepsis due to the Introduction of an Elm Tent. By Thomas S. Cullen, M. B.

Pregnancy in a Rudimentary Uterine Horn. Rupture, Death. Probable Migration of Ovum and Spermatozoa. By Thomas S. Cullen, M. B., and G. L. Wilkins, M. D.

Adeno-Myoma Uteri Diffusum Benignum. By Thomas S. Cullen, M. B.

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Volume VIII. About 500 pages with illustration?. (In


Studies In Typhoid Fever.

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Vol. Xl.-No. 108.]


LPrice, 15 Cents.


Notes on an Improved Method of Removing the Cancerous Uterus by the Vagina. By Howard A. Kelly, M. D., - A Preliminary Report on the Surgical Treatment of Complicated Fibroid Tumors of the Womb, with a Description of Two Methods of Operating. By Howard A. Kelly, M. D.,

Observations upon the Neural Anatomy of the Inguinal Region Relative to the Performance of Herniotomy Under Local Anesthesia. By Harvey Cushino, M. D.,

The Pathological Findings in a Case of General Cutaneous and Sensory Anesthesia without Psychical Implication. By Henry J. Berkley, M. D.,

Congenital Malformations of the Heart as Illustrated by the Specimens in the Pathological Museum of the Johns Hopkins Hospital. By W. G. MacCallum, M. D.,

Summaries or Titles of Papers by Members of the Hospital and Medical School Staff appearing Elsewhere than in the Bulletin, ----- 71

Proceedings of Societies :

Hospital Medical Society, .-72

Exhibition of Patients [Dr. Platt] ; — Changes in the Cells of the Nucleus Dorsalis resulting from Pressure upon the Upper Portion of the Spinal Cord ; Area of Necrosis in Internal Capsule in Typhoid Fever [Dr. Barker] ; — Poisonous Snakes [Dr. Kelly].

Notes on New Books,

Books Received,


By. Howard A. Kelly, M. U., Gynecohgist-in- Chief, the Johns Hopkins Hospital.

My ideas upon the subject of the extirpation of the cancerous uterus (cervical cancer) bare undergone considerable change within the past year. A careful examination of my material and reports from other clinics have shown that we dare not reason too closely upon a supposed analogy between cancer of the uterus and cancer of the breast ; in other words, glaudular metastases, which play such an important part in the extension of mammary cancer are relatively unimportant, and as a rule, only observed in the latest stages of uterine cancer.

More careful histological studies show that the uterine cancer extends progressively through the tissues from its cervical focus. The great aim of the operation for the extirpation of cancer, becomes, therefore, that of giving the diseased cervix the widest possible berth, instead of being, as before supposed, the removal of the uterus plus the extirpation of the pelvic glands.

In the first place the frequent recurrence of the disei the scar tissue of the vaginal vault points to the importance of commencing the enucleation on the vaginal side at a point far below the manifest limits of the invasion, not less than 2-2 J cm. distant or even more.

In order to give the diseased cervix the widest possible berth in the direction outwards into the bases of the broad ligaments, I would again insist upon the necessity of catheterizing the ureters in every case as a preliminary to the radical operation. This can be done by putting the patient in the knee-breast position, and introducing my open vesical speculum, and carrying one of my renal catheters up into one kidney and then catheterizing the other. The patient is then turned on her back and the air allowed to escape from the bladder through a vesical catheter, and the enucleation proceeded with.

If this preliminary catheterization is not done, the operator is forced to adopt one of two courses, both of which are bad ; either he must skin out the cervix for fear of including the ureters in his ligatures, or he must consume a long time in a difficult dissection of the ureters not marked out by the bougie. Tin' latter alternative many feeble patients will not stand. I insist, therefore, with the utmost earnestness and emphasis that the surgeon who proposes to give his patient the besi possible chance of recovery is under the absolute necessity of learning to catheterize the ureters.

After this most important preliminary and after a thorough



[No. 108.

curettage of the diseased area, I cut through the vagina on all sides and proceed to strip it loose from the bladder, so as to expose the vesico-uterine peritoneum, and to open the peritoneum as widely as possible at this point. If the bladder is diseased, the base of it may be cut off and left sticking to the cervix.

The peritoneum is now also opened posteriorly into the recto-uterine pouch so that the uterus remains attached by its broad ligaments alone.

A gauze pack is then put into the pelvis behind the uterus and the cervix is thrust back against it, while the anterior uterine wall is caught with museau forceps step by step and drawn down through the anterior incision until the fundus appears at the vaginal outlet.

The next step now is to bisect the uterus from above downward ; this is not attended with any serious bleeding.

The surgeon now proceeds to remove the uterus in the following manner: one half of the body of the uterus is caught by a stout museau forceps, while the other half is allowed to retract within the vagina; then, catching the cervix of the same side with the forceps, the body is completely severed from the cervix by dividing from within outward. As soon as the division is completed, the uterine vessels are clamped in the exposed cellular tissue, and the detached body is now pulled further out and the round ligament clamped, and lastly the uterine cornu. In this way one quadrant of the uterus is removed. The body of the uterus on the opposite side is next removed in like manner.

Ligatures are then applied in place of the clamps. The ovaries and tubes are removed after the body of the uterus. It is, as a rule, much easier to remove the ovaries and tubes in this way when there is more room secured than to take them out with the body of the uterus. The removal of the body of the uterus in this way affords so much room that it now becomes an easy matter to take out the cervix on the side which is least implicated, under all circumstances giving it the widest possible berth, and keeping the rigid catheterized ureter under touch all the time during the enucleation.

The steps of the operation as thus far described, which have been rapidly and easily conducted, may be looked upon as more or less preliminary; three-quarters of the uterus have been removed and the remaining quadrant, that half of the cervix which is on the side where the infiltration of the broad ligament is most marked, now remains to be extirpated also, completing the operation.

In reality so important is this last step that the operation may at this point be looked upon as only having just begun. All the skill of the operator must be concentrated upon this step, upon securing the most thorough, wide extirpation of this remaining piece.

In order to do this as effectively as possible, the extirpation of the three portions indicated has afforded a maximum space, and the operator is not now embarrassed by the presence of the uterine body in the pelvis. He holds in the grasp of his forceps a small nodule, one-half of the cervix, and his desire is to get it out with perfect control of the vessels giving it the widest possible berth. This may be done in some cases by ligature, but will be better done in other cases by cautery clamps such as have been devised by Dr. Skene, of Brooklyn, or by igniextirpatiou as extensively practised by Mackenrodt of Berlin (see Martin's Festschrift, 1895, p. 100).

If the ureter lies clearly beyond the diseased area and- is unaffected, it may be dissected out and left intact; in many of these cases, however, the operator must not hesitate a moment in cutting off the ureter above the diseased area, and proceeding with the wide enucleation of the nodule as if the ureter did not exist. After the enucleation is over, the ureter may then be readily turned into the denuded bladder and stitched there (uretero-cysto-neostomy).

The anterior and posterior peritoneal surfaces are then drawn down and attached to the vagina, and are again sutured together in the middle line, so as to leave but two small openings up into the pelvis which are loosely stuffed with gauze.

While the cases operated upon are still too recent to he offered in evidence, there can be no doubt whatever that this plan of operating, like any other plan which gives the disease a wider berth, must give a better percentage of permanent recoveries.

Cases: F. J., Nov. 7, 1899, Gyn. No. 7351.

S. S., Nov. 14, 1899, E. J., Nov. 14, 1899, S. T., Nov. 18, 1899, K. -M.. Nov. 29, 1899, K. H., Nov. 30, 1899, M. J., Dec. 21, 1S99, M. H., Jan. 10, 1900, I. B., Feb. 24, 1900,

7370. 7371.

7384. 7405. 7411. 7428. 7495. 7582.


By Howard A. Kelly, M. D., Gynecologist-in- Chief, the Johns Hopkins Hospital.

It is now four years and a half since I described before the Southern Gynecological Association, at a meeting in Washington, November 12, 1895, a new method of performing a supravaginal myomectomy for fibroid tumors of the uterus.*

! See Bulletin of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, Feb., 189G.

This new method of enucleation was by means of a continuous incision through first the ovarian, then the uterine vessels of one side, down under the tumor, cutting across the cervix, and catching the uterine vessels of the opposite side as they are exposed, and up the broad ligament to the round ligament, and last of all the corresponding ovarian vessels. By means of this rapid plan of enucleation the tumor and

March, 1900.]



the part of the uterus involved with it are rolled out and all the vessels controlled within three or four minutes.

Complications on the part of the tubes and ovaries, in the form of adhesions, hydrosalpinx and pelvic abscesses, are also more easily dealt with under this plan of enucleation than under any other. It is always easier to attack an inflamed tube and an ovary from the front of the broad ligament which is opeued up in this way, than to attack the same inflamed structure from the posterior part of the pelvis before enucleating the tumor.

The large experience which I have gained since publishing tlie paper above referred to has only served to confirm my conviction that no other plan of operating can rival this one in simplicity, in rapidity, and in affording complete control of the complications referred to.

While this plan is the best for the vast majority of cases, occasionally a complicated case turns up in which it can only be applied with difficulty. I have in mind several cases which have recently passed through my hands where neither the common method of performing hysteromyomectomy, that of tying down on both sides to and including the uterine vessels, and then amputating the cervix, nor my own method of the continuous transverse incision epitomized above was applicable without great difficulty and considerable risk to the patient.

The first case in which I found it necessary to make a radical departure in the method of enucleation belonged to the group of cervical myomata. In this instance there was no cervix to be felt by the vagina, and on opening the abdomen the bladder was found raised half way up the umbilicus by an ovoid tumor choking the pelvis, with its long axis vertical. The body of the uterus containing a few small nodules sat high up in the abdomen above the umbilicus like a cap on top of this tumor and on the right and on the left sides the displaced uterine and ovarian vessels were spread out in a network. I began the enucleation by trying to tie off these vessels wherever I could catch them on the left side. There was a great deal of hemorrhage from the surface of the tumor, and as soon as I commenced to detach the ligated vessels and to push them down the hemorrhage increased. It was evident that the patient, who was already feeble and anaemic, could not survive the operation if there was to be any additional considerable loss of blood. I then at once resorted to the following plan which promptly overcame the difficulty and speedily terminated the operation without further loss of blood:

I took two long-jawed pedicle forceps and controlled all the vessels on each side of the uterus on top of the tumor by thrusting one of the open jaws of the forceps through the capsule of the tumor on one side at about the level of the round ligament from the front of the broad ligament until the point appeared on the posterior surface of the tumor behind the broad ligament; I then clamped the forceps powerfully down on the uterine and ovarian vessels, entirely controlling the circulation. Both sides were treated in this way.

I then took a long-bladed knife, and grasping each uterine cornu with stout short-toothed museau forceps and pulling

in opposite directions, I bisected the uterus and cut on down into the tumor as far as the vesical peritoneum, which was freed and pushed down, when the tumor was completely bisected.

The next steps were the enucleation of the left and the right halves of the tumor. Grasping the left half of the tumor at a convenient point and pulling it away from its bed with a pair of museau forceps it was rapidly enucleated from its uterine bed by means of a blunt cremated spatula, which I always use in the enucleation of myomata. The right half was then enucleated in the same way. All these steps were carried out without a particle of hemorrhage, in remarkable contrast to the beginning of the ojteration.

With the enucleation of the large cervical tumor the tissues surrounding it collapsed, and the uterine artery was easily reached and tied at a selected point below the body of the uterus, and all the difficulties of the situation vanished and the case became a simple one. The two halves of the uterus were enucleated separately and the bed of the tumor closed by buried sutures and the vesical peritoneum drawn over and attached to the posterior peritoneum concealing the wound and the operation finished.

The enucleation of the bisected uterine body may be done after the removal of the tumor in one of two ways — either by tying the ovarian vessels, now easily reached, and the round ligaments and lastly the uterine vessels and then amputating, or by severing first one then the other half of the uterus from the cervix below, cutting from within outwards, from the centre of the cervix towards the broad ligament, and so exposing and catching the uterine vessels, after which they are divided and each half is pulled up in turn by its cervical extremity and the round ligaments of the ovarian vessels tied in order. The direction of the enucleation in this case is from below up, the reverse of the direction ordinarily taken ; the extirpation in this way is facilitated by the sagittal bisection of the uterus.

The patient made an excellent, uninterrupted recovery, and has returned to her home and duties in the country.

I would urge this plan of dealing with fibroid tumors of large size occupying the lower uterine segment, and elevating the uterine as well as the ovarian vessels, and choking the pelvis; in these cases the vessels cannot be tied in mass, but require numerous separate ligatures, and the operator is constantly embarrassed by hemorrhage if the ordinary plan is pursued.

The other case in which still a different plan of operating was found necessary was that of a fibroid tumor filling the pelvis and reaching as high as the umbilicus. The patient, when put on the table, had a rapid small pulse which speedily ran up to 140.

I opened the abdomen, and after releasing some omental adhesions, found the large tumor firmly fixed in front of the vertebral column behind the umbilicus by extensive dense adhesions. The colon was so intimately attached to it that it soon became evident as I tried to detach it that a continued dissection would necessitate an extensive resection of the bowel. I then resorted to a plan successfully adopted in a previous case, January 24, 189J (See Gym Reports, No. 2, p.



[No. 108.

582), that of leaving a thin layer of the tumor upon the bowel, that is, of sacrificing the tumor for the sake of the bowel. As soon, however, as I cut into the tumor it began to bleed freely, and I did not dare to go ahead on account of the condition of the patient.

I then turned to the lower pelvic pole of the tumor, hoping to be able to free it by tying off the vessels from above downwards and amputating the cervix ; I found it attached to the whole anterior surface of the uterus above the cervix, pushing the fundus of the uterus down to the pelvic floor out of reach. I was able to place two clamps on the tops of the broad ligaments controlling the ovarian vessels, but this was not a necessary step in the following procedure then adopted, which met the complications in a satisfactory manner.

The cervix which could be felt at the vesical reflection was caught by stout short-toothed museau forceps and pulled up within reach; the vesical peritoneum was detached and pulled down, exposing more of the cervix, which was caught with a second pair of forceps.

A knife was then plunged through the cervix in an anteroposterior direction between the two pairs of forceps, and the cervix was cautiously divided from side to side (that is to .-:i\ coronally or transversely) by pulling the divided cervix apart. The cellular tissue to the left of the cervix was first exposed, and the uterine vessels, not yet seen, clamped with a short, stout forceps; the uterine vessels on the right side were next controlled in the same way.

When these important vascular trunks were thus secured, the upper forceps was forcibly used to drag up the tumor and uterine body, rotating them on a transverse axis, exposing first the round ligaments and then the ovarian vessels of the left and the right sides, respectively; these structures were clamped and the whole mass disconnected from its j^elvic attachments. The tumor now only remained adherent by the dense adhesions at its upper pole. The next step was the rupture of an enormous abscess lying behind it and extending from the centre of the tumor into a sac bordered posteriorly

by the lumbar vertebra? and above by the mesocolon and discharging through a large opening into the transverse colon. The tumor now rolled out, being enucleated from behind forward without added injury of the bowel, other than was rendered necessary by the opening into its lumen. The contaminated abdominal cavity and the abscess cavity, containing at least a litre of thick yellow pus, were cleansed, the opening in the bowel sutured and the long abdominal wound closed, leaving a large iodoform gauze drain about the umbilicus into the remainder of the sac under the colon.

The patient has made an excellent recovery with a small rapidly closing fistulous tract.

This type of operation is, I think, the very best that can be adopted for those cases in which there are dense adhesions to the upper pole of the tumor which cannot be dealt with without great risk by attacking them in a direction from before backwards.

I have tried the first plan of operating by bisecting the fibroid uterus in eight cases in all; it has so happened that several complicated cases of tumor developed in the cervical region have recently come into my hands. In the other cases I simply made the enucleation in this fashion in order to demonstrate its feasibility. The continuous transverse incision must always remain the operation of elective choice.

The second plan of operation has been followed in but one case (K. H.).

Cases: A. W., December 10, 1899, No. 7438.

C. W., December 21, 1899, No. 7460. T. B., January 1, 1900, No. 7474.

A. S., January 3, 1900. (Sanatorium.) M. B., January 27, 1900, No. 7537.

D. 0., February 4, 1900, No. 7552.

E. H., February 24, 1900, No. 7583. M. K., February 26, 1900, No. 7597.

K. H., February 1, 1900, No. 7549. (Myoma with abscess opening into colon.)


By Harvey Cushing, M. D., Associate in Surgery, the Johns Hopkins University.


During the past two years in a considerable percentage of the large number of herniotomies performed in Dr. Halsted's clinic recourse has been made to methods of local anaesthesia. In thirty of these cases definite contraindications to the employment of general narcosis have been present, and from this number two definite groups may be recognized:

i I I Those cases in which immediate operative intervention is demanded, as in strangulation, and in which ether is contraiudicated from the shock and vomiting associated with ileus;

And (II) the cases in individuals advanced in years who desire to become rid of an annoying hernia, and who a few

  • Extracted from The Annah of Surgery, Vol. XXXI, 1900, p. 1.

years ago were uniformly refused operation, since associated cardiovascular lesions, chronic bronchitis and emphysema with other senile changes made them submit to the administration of general anaesthesia with notorious uncertainty.

When there exists no apparent contraindication to the administration of ether or chloroform, however, it may safely be said that the anaesthesia of the operator's choice will continue to be a general and uot a local one. Nevertheless, during the past few months observations upon the nervous anatomy of the inguinal region to be reviewed in this paper, have so greatly assisted us in the development of a painless operation that this statement may be qualified to a considerable degree. Since August of 1899 thirty-two herniotomies with cocaine or eucaine ,5 have been performed upon young

men who might without risk have taken a general anaesthetic, and in manv instances absolutely without the infliction of pain other than that incidental to the first insertion of the needle. Daring the fall this procedure became so popularized in the

ward where our hernia cases were admitted that the operation under the local anaesthetic became the method of the patient's choice. An individual awaiting operation needed to remain in the ward only long enough to compare the convalescence of an ether case with that of one done under cocaine to choose the latter for himself. Such patients usually regard the shaving and skin preparation as the most trying part of their operative ordeal, and most of the original observations on cutaneous anaesthesia were made on these cases during the operation and immediately after closing the wound. It has been found also that the patient can assist not a little in certain steps of the operation, as, for example, when the neck of i he sac is closed, in making negative abdominal pressure to prevent the omentum, or bowel, from being pushed down between the peritoneal sutures.

Observations prom Cocaine Operations upon the Neural Anatomy of the Hernial Region.

The application of an anatomical familiarity with the peripheral distribution of the spinal nerves, which since the introduction of ether and chloroform has fallen into abeyance, has become once more of interest and importance to the surgeon in extensive operations under local anaesthesia. Furthermore, no condition has ever afforded similar opportunities for the accurate investigation of the sensory distribution of these uerves, since methods of dissection are necessarily gross, and physiological experiments upon animals naturally present variations from the human type.

The principles of cocainization of main trunks of nerves, introduced as early as 1885, have since heen utilized ill operations on the extremities for minor and even major amputations,* for the anesthetization of areas on the thigh preliminary to the removal of Thiersch grafts and like procedures, but I tun unaware that heretofore similar methods have been made use of in operations on the trunk. To insure success in any major operation attempted under local anaesthesia, an accurate knowledge of the course and situation of the nerves likely to be encountered is most essential, since the accidental division of an unexpected sensory nerve-trunk is often sufficient to overcome whatever preliminary inhibition to pain the patient may have had. and thus to make recourse to complete narcosis necessary in eases where it should, perhaps, be specially avoided. In our earlier hernia operations pain was not infrequently inflicted where now none is occasioned, owing to greater familiarity with the course and distribution of the • concerned.

•Absolutely painless amputations cf the lower extremity for senile gangrene in individuals to whom it seemed unwise to administer ether have on two recent occasions been performed at this hospital after preliminary exposure and cocainization of t fie sciaticnerve in the thigh (under cocaine). This procedure is free from the objections which seem to attend Bier's method {Deutsche Zeittchriftfur Chirurgie, 1899) of cocainization of the spinal cord.

Ill the accompanying sketch (Fig. 1) an attempt has been made to show diagrammatically the usual cutaneous distribution of the inguino-scrotal nerves as well as the deeper situation of the main trunks. Through the kindness of Dr. Bardeen I have been able to compare with my results a great number of sketches made in the anatomical department for an unpublished report on the peripheral nervous system, ami though there is considerable variation in the situation and anastomoses of the particular nerves of this region, as may be seen by consulting Griffin's article (Journal of Anatomy and Physiology. 1891), we have taken what may represent tin average.

Lateral Cutan's of 12 O

Fig. 1. — Showing inguino-scrotal nerves, their peripheral distribution and relation .if the main trunks to the hernia incision, f. iliohypogastric; If. [lio-ingninal ; III. Genito-crural ; IV. Genital branch; V. Crural branch.

Superficial Nerves encountered by the Incision. — The skin incision, as ordinarily made, passes in a line which separates the ventral and lateral cutaneous branches of the twelfth dorsal and lirst lumbar nerves. The lower angle of the incision, however, quite uniformly overlaps the at branches of the first lumbar (ilio-hypogastric) nerve, as they sweep downward and outward from their point of em through the aponeurosis, about five centimetres above the external ring. The upper angle of the incision, depending



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somewhat on its distance from the median line, and also upon the variable and complementary length of filaments of the

Fig. .'. — Areas of anesthesia after double cocaine herniotomy. Anaesthesia lies to the inner side of left incision, which was made nearer Poupart's ligament and has divided lateral cutaneous branches of twelfth dorsal. It lies to the outer side of the right incision made farther from Poupart's and dividing fibres from the anterior division of twelfth dorsal. This was one of our earlier cases in which no attempt was made to preserve the nerves, and the anesthesia is permanent.

ventral and lateral branches of the twelfth thoracic, ma} 7 divide fibres from one or the other of these sources, and thus lead to a subsequent area of anaesthesia to the inner or outer side of this upper angle of the incision. This is well illustrated by the accompanying photograph (Fig. 2) of a double

Fig. 3. — Showing small post-operative area of anaesthesia to the inner

side of the incision, consequent to the division of lateral cutaneous branches of the twelfth dorsal. In this case the ilio-inguinal and genital branch of the genito-crural had been divided with loss of cremasteric reflex, but without producing any cutaneous amesthesia.

herniotomy, in which the incisions were made at different distances from the median line. This bordering anaesthesia, on one side or other of the skin incision, may occasionally represent the entire area of post-operative cutaneous anaes

thesia, even when the ilio-inguinal and the genital branch of the genito-crural have been divided or cocainized, as is shown in photograph (Fig. 3). Presumably in such instances the crural branch of the genito-crural supplies the area on the inner side of the thigh (cf. Fig. 4) usually innervated by the former two nerves. (Such an arrangement occurs not infrequently in Dr. Bardeen's diagrams. On several occasions there has been no resulting post-operative area of cutaneous anaesthesia whatever.

Deeper Nerves met in the Operation. — The ilio-inguinal nerve emerges from the external ring, and near by, or also through the ring, the genital branch of the genito-crural appears. In the canal they frequently are found anastomosed as one trunk, the early cocainization of which at the deeper part of the canal, after splitting the aponeurosis beyond the internal ring, is perhaps the most important step of the operation. As has been stated above, this may result in no additional cutaneous anaesthesia. The usual anaesthetic sequel, however, is represented bv a complete loss of sensation of the entire scrotal contents, cord, hernial sac, and testicle, with the possible exception of its lower vascular supply (superficial perineal),

Fig. 4. — Area of anaesthesia of ilio-hypogastric, ilio-inguinal, ami genital branch of genito-crural in a unilateral cocaine case, following operation. This began to fade by the tweuty-tirst day, with return of cremasteric reflex. This represents the most complete type of anaesthesia in unilateral cases, and is the same even after division of the cord and castration, and consequent section of all possible cutaneous filaments of the genital branch of the genito-crural and the ilio-inguinal.

and by a cutaneous area of anaesthesia which occupies the inner side of Scarpa's triangle, spreading over the adductor tendons. Division of the nerve is uuassociated with any surface anaesthesia of the scrotum whatever (cf. Fig. 4). It is ordinarily stated, to the contrary, that these nerves are a source of cutaneous supply to the scrotum; for instance, Professor Thane says (Quaiu's "Anatomy," Vol. iii, Pt. II, p. 341, 1895), " The root of the penis, on its dorsal aspect, and a part of the scrotum anteriorly are supplied by the ilio-inguinal and genito-crural nerves." It was of extreme interest, consequently, to find that the ilio-inguinal, supplying most of the contents of the scrotum, was not represented by any cutaneous distribution to the same. The inferior pudendal branch of the

March, 1900.]



small sciatic and superficial perineal of the internal pudic, therefore, supply in most cases, at all events, its en tirecutaneous surface. Jt is possible that, on the principle of Sherrington's observation concerning the overlapping of sensory areas, we might account for the failure of anaesthesia after division of the single nerve to appear over the whole territory innervated by it. but as will be seen by comparing segmental spinal lesions such an explanation will not hold, and probably the whole scrotal cutaneous supply is from the sacral and not the lumbar plexus. A case of fracture-dislocation of the spine at

Fig. 5. — Areas of cutaneous anaesthesia result from ;i compression fracture of the twelfth dorsal vertebra, producing a total transverse

lesion at the tifth lumbar segment. Scrotal and penile anaesthesia are complete, though the lesion lies below the first lumbar (ilio-inguinal) segmental level.

the twelfth dorsal vertebra, with transverse lesion of the cord, entered the hospital at the time these observations were being made, and offered confirmatory evidence of what has jusl bei □ stated. The anaesthetic areas resulting from this injury, and which are shown in the accompanying diagrams plotted by Dr. Yates (Fig. 5), offered an interesting negative of the anaesthesia following the hernia cases. Though tin penis and scrotum in this case were devoid of sensation, the transverse lesion of the cord was situated at the fifth lumbar segment, — that is, between the level of origin of the ilioinguinal (first lumbar) and that of the small sciatic and

internal pudic (second and third sacral) nerves. If the ilioinguinal normally overlapped the latter nerves, the root of the penis and upper part of the scrotum would naturally have retained sensation. A similar condition is shown in one of Kocher's diagrams of a case of fracture-dislocation at this level. (Die Lasionen des RuchenmarJcs u. s. v., S. o-. 1 ; i. In another of his cases {Ibid., S. 631), in which the segmental lesion is at the 3-4 sacral level, the upper portion of the scrotum has retained sensation as the inferior pudendal i 1-2 sacral) has escaped injury.

Furthermore, in this spina! case, as would be expected, the cremasteric reflex was retained, whereas we have observed that after division or cocainization of the ilio-inguinal andgenitoerural nerves, this reflex is. temporarily, at all events, lost on the side of division.* On the other hand, the vermicular movements of the dartos, supplied together with the skin by the sacral nerves, are preserved after divisions of the ilioinguinal, but were lost in the spinal case together with the cutaneous anaesthesia.

The ilio-hypogastric, as will be seen in the diagram (Fig. 1). may be twice encountered in the operation ; its superficial filaments by the sktu incision, as has been described, and its deeper trunk, as it lies upon the muscle-fibres of the internal oblique at a varying distance from the lower edge of the muscle (Fig. 6). Cocainization of the edge of this muscle, consequently, before its division as in the Halsted operation, is very necessary, especially since, in addition to this main trunk, which may usually be easily recognized after exposure of the internal oblique, there are, contrary to Griffin's observations, offshoots to the muscle itself from this nerve, given off dorsad to the portion exposed by the iucision. There are fibres from the genito-crural (Thane) as well, which are similarly distributed to this lower border of the internal oblique. The ana of cutaneous anaesthesia, which follows ansesthetization or division of this main stem id' the iliohypogastric at its point of exposure, surrounds the lower angle of the incision, and extends from a level about seven centimetres above the root of the penis to within one or two centimetres of that organ. No anaesthetic area has ever been found corresponding to Macalister's described branches reaching up towards the umbilicus. In unilateral cases this ilio-hypogastric anaesthesia does not extend to the median line, owing to the overlapping of fibres from the opposite side, so that in bilateral cases alone, such as are illustrated by Fig. 2, can its limits be definitely made out.

The Anesthetic, and Application of Anatomical Observations to the Operation.

It is not within the scope of this paper to discuss the relative merits of various local anaesthetics; suffice it to say that we have found the combination advocated by v > ("Schmertzlose Operationen," L899) to be as efficacious as any with which we have experimented. His solution >>"o. taining the following ingredients:

  • It is important, therefore, to guard against division of these

nerves in varicocele operations in which it is desirable to preserve cremasteric tone



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Cocainas mur., 0.1

Morphine mur., 0.02

Sodii chlor., 0.2

Aqua destillata, ad 100.00

has best served our purpose, and has been without the objections usually accredited to cocaine solutions, — viz., toxicity and dissolution when sterilized. Solutions in strength of 1 to 20,000. Scbleich claims to be efficient for infiltration, and capable of producing anaesthesia winch is free from the prodromal hyperesthesia, the "anaesthesia dolorosa," which accompanies aqueous and saline infiltrations. Amounts of the 1 to 1000 solution, however, greatly in excess of what is needed for the longest operation, have failed to give toxic symptoms, and, contrary to the experience of many, we have found that one or two sterilizations fail to diminish its efficiency. Experience with eucaine ( 3, which Braun (Archiv fur Jclinische Ghirurgie, 1898) and Hentze (Archir fur pathologische Anatomie und Phi/siologie, 1898) have so strongly advocated, has failed to demonstrate in our hands that it possesses any superiority over the 0.1 percent cocaine solution of Schleich. In fact, we have been impressed by the fleeting nature of the anesthesia and by its tardy appearance.

On several occasions long skin incisions have been made through a linear area of anaesthesia, produced half with sterilized Schleich's solution and half with the eucaine ,5 combination, which Braun advocates. If the operation is prolonged over an hour, pain is occasioned on placing the subcuticular suture of closure in the eucaine area, while none appears in that which had been infiltrated with cocaine. The fact that its toxicity is five times greater than that of eucaine does not argue in its disfavor, provided one uses solutions weak enough to avoid toxic effects. For anesthetization of the individual nerve-trunks I have used a •> to 1 per cent sterilized solution usually of cocaine which is injected directly into the nerve sheath.

Steps of the Operation. — Individuals — and it is especially important for those advanced in years — are usually kept in bed for a day or two preliminary to the operation, to give an indication of their ability to endure recumbency and for the purpose of training them to void their urine in this position. Evacuation of the bladder is usually accomplished by the aid of an enema if any postural difficulty is experienced, and it is a matter of satisfaction that but one of the cases reported in which these precautions were taken required post-operative catheterization, an old man, sixty-eight years of age, who had symptoms of prostatic hypertrophy.

It has been the custom to administer hypodermically a tenth or an eighth of a grain of morphine, three- quarters of an hour before, and to repeat this shortly before the operation. Ceci has emphasized the efficiency of this morphia-cocaine combination, and I have found it most satisfactory. The drug must be used with caution, however, since occasionally even small doses of morphine in old people may confine the bowels and lead to distention, which may be troublesome, as one of our cases illustrated. Similarly, in old people with tardy bladders, it may inhibit the proper evacuation of the urine, though we have never had the misfortune to observe this.

Patients past middle age also are usually shaved and cleaned

on the operating-table, to avoid any exposure incidental to an open-ward preparation. The skin in the line of proposed incision is infiltrated with Schleich's cocaine solution, and the incision may be immediately made through the linear wheal thus produced. It is common experience to find the infiltrated tissues more vascular than usual, and it is important that all bleeding points be immediately clamped, since a dry and unstained field is essential to the success of the dissection.*

Fig. 6. — Sketch showing usual situation of nerves as exposed after reflection of the divided aponeurosis.

It is unnecessary and useless to attempt to anesthetize the panniculus. As Schleich has shown, only tissues which can be " cedematized " are fitted for the infiltration method, and in the panniculus, at the upper angle of incision practically no nerves are encountered. If, however, throughout its whole length, this incision is carried down to the aponeurosis, unanesthetized fibres of the ilio-hypogastric will be encountered in the superficial fat at the lower angle, together with one or two large veins, division of which is painful, so that anesthetization of the panniculus layer would here he necessary. A much better method is to carry the incision only at

  • A good index of one's skill and familiarity with the hernia operation can be drawn from the condition of the tissues at the time of

closure, for they should be as free from blood-staining as when first incised. This, of course, is the most important factor in obtaining perfect healing, and for the accomplishment of this a good assistant is indispensable. A perfect hernia operation is not a " one-man " operation.

March, 1900.]



the upper angle down to the aponeurosis, which is then opened in line of fibres from the external ring, and the ilio-hypogastric and inguinal nerves immediately cocainized with a 1 per cent solution as they are thus exposed. After this procedure the lower angle of the incision may be painlessly carried down to the external ring, and the remaining intercolumnar fibres of the aponeurotic insertion divided. Reflection of the pillars of the ring then gives the view shown in the accompanying sketch (Fig. 6). In the Halsted operation at this stage the internal oblique fibres are divided, preliminary cocainization of the edge of muscle being necessary for the reasons given above. There is, under ordinary circumstances, no further need of the anaesthetic, as we are working in an area freed from all sensation. The combined ilioinguinal and genital branch, which has been cocainized at the outer limit of exposure, is now reflected usually to the outer side, care being taken not to divide it, since this leads apparently to a more or less permanent paralysis of the cremaster, which is to be avoided. I believe the accidental division of this nerve leads to the great relaxation of the scrotum so often seen after hernia and varicocele operations. In the latter operation, especially, it would be detrimental to the best interests of a successful result to interfere with the cremasteric function in any way. I think it not impossible also that the division of these nerves and interference with the sympathetic plexus about the cord may be responsible for the occasional atrophy of the testicle which has followed the great denudation of the vas deferens in some operations. The remainder of the operation, the exposure of the sac and cord after a longitudinal division of the infundibuliform fascia, the amputation of the sac at its neck, and closure of the peritoneal opening, the excision of the fundus of the sac, division of the cord and castration — if deemed advisable in senile cases— may now be done practically without pain. Occasionally, however, some stray fibres of the genito-crural may be encountered about the neck of the sac, and also during castration I have found that ligation of the veins at the lower pole of the testicle may be painful, though division of the cord above is not. Possibly the superficial perineal branches which have been unanaesthetized furnish nerves to this lower blood-supply.

The closure of the parietes by any of the more commonly employed methods may now be painlessly accomplished. Not infrequently in these cases, in old people with large hernias of long standing, the two rings have become concentric, and the falciform expansion of the conjoined tendon is no longer present. It is in such cases that Bloodgood has advocated transplantation of the rectus fibres after opening of the sheath and exposure of this muscle, so that a muscle-lined wound may be formed throughout the whole length of the inguinal canal. Xo additional cocainization is necessary for this step, since innervation of this portion of the rectus comes by the nerves already cocainized. Tightening the deep sutures in closing the wound may elicit a dull sensation of pain, which the patient usually describes as an uncomfortable sensation of " pressure" and it is occasionally possible that the upper one of the deep sutures must be placed above the field which is completely anaesthetized and thus be painful. For this reason it should be left to the last. The subcuticular

silver suture, used in closing the skin, does not pass beyond the limits of the original area of cutaneous infiltration, and consequently it may be placed without pain. Interrupted " through and through " cutaneous sutures, of course, must be avoided, as they would emerge outside of the limits of original cutaneous infiltration.

It occasionally happens during the operation, whether from slight ability on the patient's part to endure discomfort or from the accidental division of some sensory fibres, that what inhibition towards pain he may have at first possessed becomes exhausted, and recourse must be had to a general anaesthetic. Under these circumstances we have found that a few inhalations- of chloroform — not enough, however, to make the patient lose consciousness — are sufficient to tide him over the most difficult parts of the operation. It is remarkable, under such circumstances, how small an amount of the general anaesthetic is requisite to benumb sensation. We may justly speak, therefore, of the method of anaesthesia which is employed as a morphia-cocaine-chloroform combination, the first and last drugs being merely adjuvants of the local anaesthetic, which in most cases suffices alone.

An assistant in these cases, who takes the place of the anaesthetist, occupies by no means an unimportant position. The usual record of pulse and respiration is kept, and by occupying his attention and by timely encouragement the patient may be tided over the more trying periods of his operative ordeal; duties which otherwise devolving upon the operator may be distracting. Lilienthal {Annals of Surgery, 1898, p. 58) speaks of this position as that of a "moral anaesthetist."

Patients have never complained of post-cocainization pain in the region of the incision, and healing seems to have been absolutely unaffected by the local infiltration. In none of these cases has there been other than primary union. It is very unusual for the large, starched, or plaster dressings, immobilizing thigh and pelvis, to be cut down before the tenth or twelfth day, when the suture is removed.

Advantages of the Local Anmsthetic. — There is an avoidance of unpleasant or dangerous post-etherization secpuelae. There is no vomiting or retching to put strain upon the recent sutures. Urinary disturbances are much less apt to occur, and catheterization is rarely necessary. The diet may practically be continued as before the operation. There is no backache, since there is no narcosis to induce relaxation of spinal muscles, and thus put strain upon the ligaments. The dressings may be applied originally to suit the comfort of the patient — which is of especial importance in old people — and there is no subsequent disarrangement of them. Above all is the advantage gained in being able to operate with comparative safety in patients who would incur immediate risk in submitting to general anaesthesia.

Disadvantages. — These seem trivial in comparison. More time is consumed in the operation, and there is necessarily some distraction to the surgeon. In two exceptional instances there has been some post-operative nausea for a few hours — possibly from an idiosyncrasy toward cocaine. The operation is doubtless more difficult and some pain is inflicted. The degree of this depends entirely, however, upon the surgeon's familiarity



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with the use of local anaesthetics in abdominal work, as well as with the steps of the hernia operation and also upon his knowledge of the anatomical distribution of the sensory nerves of the region concerned. On many occasions no actual pain whatever need be experienced, and should there be some, it is small in comparison with the discomforts of an ether convalescence;

and the greater difficulties which confront the surgeon at the operating-table are more than compensated for by his subsequent freedom from the anxiety which, in this particular class of cases, attends the administration of, and convalescence from, general anaesthesia.


ABSTRACT PAPER. By Henry J. Berkley, M. D., Clinical Professor of Psychiatry.

The detailed clinical history of this case can be found in Brain, Vol. XIV, Part IV, 1891. A careful search of the medical literature has disclosed no similar instance occurring either before or since the date of its publication.

A synopsis of the clinical record as then published shows:

(1) A strong hereditary tendency to nervous instability; the mother, two maternal uncles, two brothers and two sisters having been insane. The father had died of tuberculosis.

(2) A syphilitic infection acquired from her husband at the age of twenty-nine years, subsequent to which the patient had several abortions, sore throat and falling out of the hair.

For twenty-two years after the subsidence of acute symptoms due to the syphilitic process there was fair health. Then came an attack of acute arthritis, after which the patient never fully recovered her former physical condition. Within a few months thereafter, her eyesight began to grow dim, there were sudden flashes of light before the eyes, and vision was gradually extinguished, only sufficient remaining to enable her to distinguish light from darkness.

In the early summer of 1889, nearly six years after the rheumatic attack, the patient began to experience a general tingling and formication in the skin of the entire body, which was shortly followed by several spells of uncontrollable vomiting.

A consensus of the numerous examinations made during the years 1889 and 1890 showed a total loss of thermic, pain, olfactory, gustatory, equilibrium, pressure and weight sensations; almost total of the visual sense; and a partial loss of tactile and muscular imjiressions, muscular sense and auditory perceptions. None of the special senses, or cutaneous sensations remained wholly uninvolved.

Besides these disturbances of the sensory apparatus several other symptoms of almost equal prominence were recorded.

The musculature while responding to the will did so in such a feeble manner that the patient was incapacitated from helping herself to any extent. Thus the dynamometer when taken in the hand and squeezed was so feebly compressed that the indicator showed no movement on the dial, though the woman exerted every effort in the trial. Despite this fact, however, both nerves and muscles responded promptly to the galvanic and faradic currents, nor was there anything abnormal noticeable about the quality or time of the reaction,

The cutaneous reflexes were all abolished. The faucial and pharyngeal reflex movements were absent, and a sound could ■ be passed over the epiglottis into the larynx withoutelicitinga sensation of discomfort or inducing cough. During the attacks of emesis there was no sensation of nausea.

When first examined the knee jerks were present and normal. The biceps jerk could also be elicited with some little trouble. The reaction of the abdominal muscles was lost, and the ankle beat was feeble. By the middle of July, 1890, the right knee reflex had disappeared, and the left one was weak. All other reflexes, deep and cutaneous, had been completely abolished. A year later the jerk of the left patella tendon was found to be extinguished.

Furthermore, with auditory perceptions a progressive dulling could be noted. When the woman was first admitted to the hospital, the sense of hearing was fairly acute in both ears. Gradually the difficulty in receiving auditory impressions increased, until finally the voice could not be heard except with strenuous effort.

The ophthalmoscopic examination showed an extensive choroiditis pigmentosa with atrophy of the optic nerves. Only a few vessels could be seen in the retina, aud these were of minute size. In both lenses there was a beginning cataract.

Whether the optic nerve atrophy should be considered part of the general disease-process, beginning as it did long before the other symptoms, is somewhat problematical, though in tabes the same trouble is not infrequently noted as a forerunner of definite symptoms of the disease.

The pupils were at first in a state of mid-dilatation, and responded slowly to light, direct or reflected. They did not dilate on irritation of the cervical sympathetic. At a later stage the pupils became somewhat narrower, but remained sluggish to stimuli.

There were a number of interesting disturbances of the glandular secretions. During the fall of 1889 the mouth was found to be almost absolutely dry, the tongue heavily cracked, the epithelium eroded from its tip and sides, while the entire buccal surface was red and congested. At the same time the secretions of the lachrymal glands had almost ceased, the surfaces of the conjunctivae being dry and injected. The skin was also dry aud devoid of odor. After a course of potassium iodide these phenomena slowly abated, and the secretions returned to a more normal state.

March, 1900.]



Various unusual sensations troubled the patient at times. Tramps of the gastrocuemii, sensations of burning h the scapula?, a girdle feeling around the abdomen and neuralgic twinges in the nerves of the extremities were often complained of. Occasionally there were clonic fibrillary spasms of the small muscles of the thumbs.

Attacks of diarrhoea, refractory to treatment with drugs, though yielding to a continued milk diet, occurred in the latter part of the winter of 1890. These were on several occasions followed by a protracted vomiting without pain or nausea.

Trophic symptoms in the form of a bulbous appearance of the finger tips and ridgiug of the nails, together with purpuric spots, developed late in 1891.

Throughout the long course of the illness there was never the slightest departure from normal mentality on the part of the patient; no hysterical attacks, no pathological depression or exaltation, and no delusions or hallucinations were ever noted. A slight apathy was the only perceptible change in the mental phenomena, but this was not greater than is frequently noticed in those who have become blind and helpless.

In discussing the etiology of the sensory phenomena in the previous article, three possibilities were suggested : (1) that the malady was functional, an opinion largely influenced by the pathological findings in the three autopsies on cases of general cutaneous and sensory anaesthesia, reported by Von Ziemssen, Krukenberg and Schiippel respectively. This view was held to be hardly consistent with the presence of an optic neuritis, loss of the reflexes and the trophic manifestations ; (2) that the case was an obscure instance of syringomyelia ; or (3) that the terminal end-apparatus of the peripheral nerve fibres was diseased.

Though many points are not cleared up by the autopsy, and subsequent microscopic examination of the tissues, the results obtained are sufficient to show that none of these explanations would hold good, the nearest approach to a correct diagnosis being found in the last conjecture — disturbance of the peripheral nervous system.

The patient's condition did not materially alter after the record of the case was published. The anaesthetic and other symptoms, from the reports of the House Physicians to the Hospital, remained about stationary, and on the rare occasions on which I saw her, there were no additional phenomena to he noted other than a steady though slow decline of the vital powers. Late in the year 1893, another ophthalmoscopic examination was made by Dr. H. Friedenwald, who found in the left eye an extensive and typical retinitis pigmentosa, the papilla being blurred and of a dirty yellow color. Fewvessels could be seen. In the right eye the clouding of the lens was so profound that the retina could not be seen.

About the middle of May, 1898, Mrs. R. became slightly lethargic, a condition that slowly increased to coma, in which state she died on the 25th of the month.

The autopsy, performed ten hours after death, was distinctly negative, all portions of the central and peripheral nervous systems showing an apparently natural condition. 'I Inlarger vessels of the thorax, abdominal and cranial cavities,

showed scattered atheromatous plaques, but were not considerably thickened. The right middle cerebellar and both posterior communicating arteries of the circle of Willis were congenitally rudimentary. There was some gelatinous thickening of the pia over the central regions of the hemispheres. The optic nerves showed but faint signs of a diseased condition, although the left nerve was a little smaller than the right one. Both kidneys were atrophic, weighing 100 grams each, the loss being principally in the cortex.

After proper hardening for the various Nissl, Weigert, Marchi, and other stains, sections of the entire nervous system were made and studied. The results obtained were to a degree remarkable, and for the sake of convenience may be separated into three categories. (1) Lesions appertaining to the blood vessels, (2) those of the proper nerve elements, and (3) those belonging to the membranes surrounding the encephalon and cord.

There being some difference in the intensity of the vascular lesions in the several portions of the nervous system, it is perhaps better to describe the appearances in the several sections in detail. Those of the arteries of the cord being the best defined will be first studied.

The arteries and veins contained in the pia mater are all immensely thickened, but the morbid process varies considerably in its histological characters in different vessels. In the largest arteries, for example, in the arteria spinalis anterior, the iutima is approximately normal, while the middle lamina is greatly hypertrophied. In this latter layer the nuclei are too numerous, though few of them correspond in morphological characters to the nuclei of smooth muscle cells. The adventitia shows no alteration either in respect to its nuclei, or to the connective-tissue fibres.

In a few arteries running longitudinally in the cord's envelope the endothelium and fenestrata have separated from the muscularis — probably a post-mortem change — while the latter layer has assumed a coarsely fibrous aspect, and holds but few nuclei of any kind. The fibres making up the former muscular layer are arranged in a convoluted fashion, resembling to some extent the iufoldiugs of a fenestrata, and on a superficial examination the whole layer might be taken for a multiplied membrana elastica. That such is not the case is readily determined by the fact that a perfect lamina is often found internal to the fibrous middle layer.

In a few of the medium-sized arteries, the lumen is completely closed, solely from an overgrowth of the middle layer. The fibrous tissue composing this media shows no evidence of a hyaline degeneration.

The contents of the lumen of such vessels as are not obliterated are interesting. With eosin hematoxylin or the Van Gieson stain, the whole canal is seen to be filled with a material containing no blood cells, and homogeneous except for a faint granulation. In preparations by other stains, this homogeneous substance is found to contain a few epithelioid cells with round nuclei. Naturally, vessels that are entirely obliterated, or have their lumen filled by a partly organized mass, were in the minority, the greater number having sufficient blood-carrying capacity to perform a portion of their vital functions.



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The smaller arteries also present considerable variation in their structural conditions. A majority have walls thickened in the same manner as is present in the larger ones, while with others there is a minor though distinct degree of hyaline degeneration of the middle coat— it now assuming a yellowbrown tint with picric-acid fuchsin. When this hyaline condition is preseut, the nuclei are sparse and deformed. In a few arteries the elastica is reduplicated, or even quadruplicated, while at the same time the lumen is so narrowed as to be obliterated here and there, or the small opening internal to the intima is filled with a mass of epithelioid cells, in which stainable nuclei are uncommon.

The walls of the larger veins are almost as thick as those of the arteries, but the lumen is dilated rather than narrowed, and often with an irregular outline.

The root fibres of the entire cerebrospinal axis contain numbers of thickened vessels, some patulous, some obliterated. Many of these vessels show a considerable degree of hyaline alteration of the muscularis. Nowhere, however, do the nerve bundles present any considerable augmentation of the connective-tissue elements.

At one point surrounding an artery coursing longitudinally in the meninges, just outside of the external margin of the left Burdach column, lies a nodule of disintegrated round cells, which bears much resemblance to a gummatous neoplasm, which after growing a certain extent had degenerated. The size of this new formation was very small.

The walls of the vessels within the substance of the cord were also greatly thickened, some of those in the anterior horns being visible to the naked eye. Others in the medullated regions are almost equally large. Everywhere there is hypertrophy of the vascular walls, principally of the middle layer and at times it is difficult to distinguish between vein and artery.

The vessels appear to be unduly numerous everywhere; there is no actual new formation of vessels, but the smallest arterioles, even the capillaries, are so thickened as to be unusually prominent in the microscopic field.

This condition of affairs is more especially true for the gray horns than for the medullary tracts. The horns seem to be everywhere strewn with vessels of all sizes, from those noticeable by the unaided eye to enlarged capillaries. The region containing the greatest number of diseased vessels lies lateral, on both sides, to the gray commissure and in Clark's columns.

There was considerable variation in the intensity of the vascular disease in the several regions of the cord and bulb. In the lumbar and cervical levels, while the morbid process was distinct, it had not the same severity as in certain regions of the medulla, and especially in the lower levels of the dorsal cord, where the lesions seemed to have reached their acme of intensity.

The diseased arteries and veins within the nervous tissues have now only one type of alteration. The intima is but slightly affected, a little thickening of the subendothelial tissue being now and then visible, but it is upon the media that the greatest stress of the pathological condition has fallen. This layer is greatly thickened, and presents either a

hyaline or fibrous appearance, according to the intensity and duration of the process, the hyaline degeneration apparently preceding the fibrous change. In some of the vessels the peculiarly shaped nuclei of the muscular structures are to be seen at infrequent intervals, distorted and shrunken to such an extent as to be hardly recognizable. In others no nuclei at all are to be found, and the lamina though fibrous is homogeneous in character. With the Van Gieson stain, the media of a number of vessels takes on a red coloring, but this is diffuse over all the layers, and not confined to the middle one. In still others, the stain acts differently; the intima and adventitia are tinged red, while the muscularis takes only the yellow of the picric acid, and appears not striated but homogeneous.

Externally to the muscularis, lymph spaces are often noted corresponding to local dilatations of the intravascular space. These sometimes contain a few leucocytes. In the adventitia around the altered vessels there is little or no morbid change. It is not unduly thick or fibrous in character, and contains a moderate number of round and oval nuclei. In eosin-hsematoxylin preparations a greater degree of intimal involvement is noticeable. There is distinct though slight hypertrophy of the layer, with multiplication to a limited degree of the endothelial cells. The lamina are nowhere closed, though there may be great thickening of the media. The regular ring-like appearance of the lumen is rarely disturbed.

Vascular lesions in the cortex and ganglia of the brain are not nearly so profound as in the cord, though here and there a vessel considerably thickened may be noted, the alteration affecting principally the middle layer.

In the meninges of the encephalon fairly numerous thickened arteries are to be seen. They are not equally distributed everywhere, but occur locally. The points of selection in the basal regions for the most altered vessels are in the nerve roots, and especially in the arteries lying between the nerve bundles. In nearly all of the cranial nerves several of these pathological vessels are to be seen, though it is only rarely that a degenerated nerve fibre is to be discovered near them, with the exception of the optic nerve tracts where all the fibres have atrophied.

The arteries of the integument showed precisely the same lesions as those of the cord and meninges. In some the morbid process is more extensive than in others, and pronounced hyaline changes in the media are noticeable. The muscular nuclei have for the most part disappeared. The endothelial and subendothelial structures are slightly hypertrophied.

Lesions of the nerve elements varied in direct concordance with the severity of the vascular disease, reaching their acme in the lower portion of the dorsal cord and in the medulla. There was a subsidence of the acuity of the process in the upper region of the cord and in the cortex cerebri. All the changes of a pathological nature were strictly of an atrophic order, and of these the fatty pigmentary degeneration of the cells was the most prominent. Of secondary importance was a condition of simple atrophy of the entire nerve body with shrinkage of the protoplasm and nucleus. The lesions of the conducting fibres were also entirely of a degenerative type.

Throughout the cord, but especially in the dorsal region,

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many of the cells in the gray horns were completely filled with

coarse yellow pigment grains, among which a shrunken nucleus is now and then discernible. No nucleolus is visible in the atrophied vesicles. In rather infrequent instances the nucleus is pushed to the periphery of the cell. The cells of the columns of Clark seem to have suffered more severely than elsewhere.

in those cells in which the accumulation of pigment is not BO considerable, the Xissl bodies are coarse, do not retain their regular arrangement in the protoplasm, but are irregularly distributed throughout the substance. At times these granula also show a tendency to group themselves together at the periphery of the cell-body. leaving a clear ring of considerable extent around the neighborhood of the nucleus. In still other nerve bodies there are scattered clumps of granula in the protoplasm, with large spaces in between devoid of any staiuable substance. Lying among these better preserved cells are others that are shrunken to a mass of fine granular material in which neither nucleus nor nucleolus is visible.

The state of the nucleus varies considerably in the least damaged cells. In a majority the caryoplasm and chromatin particles are natural, but there are also a variable number in each section in which the vesicle has the appearance of being swollen, aud the nuclear substance is unstainable. In a very few instances there is a double nucleolus marking the presence of an irritative process.

In the upper cervical enlargement and medulla the state of the cells was almost precisely similar to that at the lower levels, though a larger proportion shows a normal arrangement by the Nissl methylene blue. In a considerable number the protoplasm is filled with masses of yellow pigment, which sometimes covers and obscures the nucleus. The irregular disposition of the Xissl bodies in some nerve elements is shown with great distinctness, but in others the granula are diffused throughout the cytoplasm, and their ordinary appearance is (oat. Quite a number of the nuclei exhibit a shrinkage of their volume and irregularity of contour. The vesicle also has a tendency to retire to the periphery of the protoplasm.

In the medulla, there were cells among the scattered nuclei on the floor of the ventricle that showed displacement and distortion of the cell-nuclei, but pathological cells on the whole are not common, and few of the nuclei of origin of the cranial nerves contain any considerable numbers of them.

In the higher regions of the medulla oblongata the cell-nuclei are much more frequently displaced than lower down, and the bodies of the cells show greater atrophy. In the region lateral to the V-shaped point of the ventricle there are numerous heavily pigmented cells. The entire cytoplasm is now filled with it, and the nucleus is no longer visible. Some of the nerve elements are in process of disintegration, and double nucleoli are by no means infrequent within the nuclear ring. The morbid process is most marked in the nuclei of origin of the .\, XI and XII cranial pairs. Corresponding with the degree of cellular degeneration there is here an advanced degree of arterial disease.

In the anterior portion of the medulla the superior olivary bodies show a pathological state, in that their cells contain heavy masses of pigment equally diffused through the bodies.

Elsewhere the accumulation of metaplastic material can hardly be said to be greater than is ordinarily found in persons of

somewhat advanced age. The Xissl bodies are fairly well stained in such cells as are not considerably pigmented. The cells of the glossopharyngeal nucleus have less pigment in them than any other nerve elements of this region.

At the level of the pons the cells of the nucleus acusticus dorsalis are filled with metaplastic granules; all others are freer from the accumulation of grains than in the medulla. The nuclei in the cells of the acusticus are displaced, and the outlines of the vesicles are indistinct.

Few changes can be determined among the nerve bodies of the cerebellum, and the vascular lesions are correspondingly slight.

In the cortex the quantity of the pigment granules in the pyramidal cells was not above the normal, and is not diffuse but confined to one corner of the cell. The nuclei and nucleoli are perfect. The cells of the corpora striata and lenticular bodies were a little more pigmented than those of the cortex owing to the more extensive vascular implication.

Taking into consideration the severity of the vascular lesions and the degree of pigmentary atrophy of the protoplasm of the nerve bodies consequent thereto, there is singularly little degeneration of the medullated portion of the neurone, aud when it does occur, it is only where the vascular disease has reached its maximum of intensity. But two of the cranial nerves showed any varicosity or atrophy of the nerve fibres. The gray degeneration of the optic nerves had apparently long antedated the other lesions, being far more advanced. Few medullated tubes in the tracts showed any blue-black coloring with the Weigert stain, aud all were atrophied; yet there was a very trivial thickening of the interstitial connective tissue between the bundles of fibres, and uo multiplication of the fixed nuclei. The degeneration of the fibres among the bundles of the hypoglossal nerve was limited to a single strand, and was probably a direct consequence of the occlusion of an artery that ran longitudinally through it.

The examination of the root fibres of the superior portions of the spinal cord was negative. In the dorsal region a greater number than usual of small medullated tubes were discovered, and some of these were blackened by the Marchi stain, but altogether the number was inconsiderable. No varicose fibres were to be seen anywhere.

Within the substance of the cord, two sclerotic tracts, both of small size and among the ascending fasciculi were found. The lumbar cord was free from any trace of medullary degeneration, and it was not until the level of the ninth dorsal vertebra was reached that any disease of the white columns became manifest. At this level, a small area of degenerated fibres first becomes visible, situated in the right column of Burdach in close proximity to that of Goll. The area occupied is very small. It was at first entirely separated from the pia, but soon approached it more closely, and finally touched the margin. The form of the degenerated tract was irregularly pyramidal, the base broad, lying upon the external margin, the apex, sharply defined, penetrating more deeply. Nearly all of the nerve tubes within this area are atrophied,



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with here and there an enlarged axis cylinder among them. This degenerated zone disappeared entirely before the cervical enlargement was reached.

A few millimetres above the beginning of the first degenerated tract (at the level of the lowermost border of the seventh dorsal vertebra), a new area of degeneration was noticed, this time in the left postero-lateral column. At first it appears under a magnification of 80 diameters, as a circular patch not larger than the head of a pin, lying close to the Lissauer zone though not within the indirect pyramidal tract, and well separated from the external border of the cord. Very shortly it enlarges, and assumes a wedge-shaped form, having its broad base on the external border of the cord, and its apex turned towards the deeper regions. It now lies well within the direct cerebellar fasciculus.

Tn the lower cervical region, the sclerotic area broadens, and at the same time moves from the posterior part of the column to a position almost in the middle of the lateral region, now occupying a place along the posterior edge of the Gower's tract. The irregular wedge-shape is retained throughout this region, the borders of the degenerated being sharply defined from the normal tissue.

In the uppermost region of the cervical cord, the sclerotic zone again moves slightly forward (ventrally) until it comes almost directly into the Gower' tract, then at the level of the lower portion of the pyramidal decussation it decreases perceptibly in size, and at length becomes reduced to a narrow band along the anterior border of the cord, completely within the Gower's bundle.

The sclerotic tract now rapidly decreases in size until it is finally lost at the level of the uppermost portion of the decussation, no degenerated fibres being found in the direct cerebellar tract or extending in the direction of the nucleus lateralis. The cells of this nucleus are numerous, not atrophied in the least, and do not differ in any way from those in the adjacent nuclei of origin of the nerve roots. Sections carried through the medulla aud pons failed to show any further degenerated tracts. Prom the lowermost dorsal to the level of the lower cervical enlargement, the fibres contained in the posterior commissure were much less numerous than usual.

Except in the sclerotic fasciculi, an examination of the neuroglia cells failed to show any participation on their part in the morbid process. While in places about the root fibres of the nerves or origin, the pia was to some extent thickened, this alteration was never considerable, aud w hat thickening there was of the membrane was dependent upon an hypertrophy of the fibre elements aud not upon multiplication of round cells.

To recapitulate: — The fundamental pathological basis for the various nervous phenomena described in the clinical history of the case is as follows: (1) A hyaline-fibrous degeneration of the arterial system existed, which was not confined to the central nervous regions, but was equally evident in the roots of the spinal nerves and iu the skin tissues. The degree of alteration varied from slight thickening of the muscular layer to complete closure of the lumen from hypertrophy of the middle coat of the vessel walls. The morbid change was

accordingly not uniform, but reached its maximum of intensity in the vessels of the lower dorsal cord, the meninges of the bulb and cord, aud also in certain of the root bundles of the cerebro-spinal nerves. (2) As a consequence of the vascular lesions there were degenerations of an atrophic order in the nerve cells of the gray horns of the cord, more particularly in those of Clark's column, and in the medulla oblongata. To this alteration in the central nervous substance at least a portion of the various symptoms must be attributed. Besides the principal lesions there were others of considerable, though minor importance.

The degeneration of scattered fibres in the bundles of the spinal and bulbar nerves played some part in the general symptomatology, being shown during life by the lowering of tone as regards the innervation of the muscles, as well as by disturbances of the functions of the nerves extending from the terminal apparatus.

The sclerosis of a portion of the outer zone of Burdach's column would siguify that fibres ascending through the posterior root zones were degenerated, though the small area involved shows that their numbers were inconsiderable. The lesion of the tract itself has but little significance, the fibres involved belonging to short inter-connecting bands.

The lesion of the direct cerebellar tract is not only of more importance, but presents some rather peculiar features. The absence of the majority of the medullated fibres from the posterior commissure, over considerable regions of the medulla spinalis, favors the view that a portion of the cerebellar bundle is formed from the fibres of this commissure. The gradual change of position in the sclerotic area shows also that the fibres — at least in this instance — do not proceed directly upward in the column, but are gradually diverted as other fibres enter, and assume a more and more anterior position ; and, furthermore, that a portion of the fibres are lost in the upper cervical and lower regions of the medulla and do not proceed to higher levels. This ending of the ascending fibres has been ascertained for a part of Gower's bundle, but is not usual in the case of the component medullated fibres of the direct cerebellar tract. At its beginning, the degenerated area almost touched the left posterior root zone, while iu the upper cervical region it verged upon, if it did not enter, the area assigned to Gower's bundle. The total disappearance of the degenerated area at the lowermost level of the medulla may be considered to have sufficient anatomical value upon which to base the theory that in the so-called direct cerebellar tract other fibre bundles, which are at present unknown, enter into its formation, and that these correspond more closely, in their manner of termination, to the bundles of the Gower's system than to those of the cerebellar paths. The deportment of the sclerotic fasciculus may also give rise to the supposition that we have to do more here with an undescribed bundle, running from the dorsal to the uppermost cervical region.

As an explanation of the numerous symptoms of the case, it would appear most reasonable to suppose the existence of a disease-process affecting simultaneously both the peripheral and central nervous systems. Assuming that the arterial lesions were of late specific origin — and of this there can be

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but little reasonable doubt — a chronic progressive involvement of the nutrient channels, here and there leading to marked narrowing or even to closure of isolated vessels, might certainly have produced just such a train of symptoms as was present. Of primary importance would be the involvement of the arteries of the anterior and posterior nerve roots of the bulbo-spiual system, though the direct lesions of the nutrient supply to the terminal nerve apparatus — which have to be inferred as they could not be definitely determined — would be of equal value. This inference of the implication of the end-apparatus is justifiable, since the arterial degeneration in the skin was quite extensive, and whenever there is starvation of a nerve tissue there result pathological reactions which may be manifest in a multitude of ways.

The slowly progressive character of the symptoms is also consistent with the theory of tissue-starvation. All the lesions of the nerve cells of the cord and bulb are of this type — atrophy and pigmentary degeneration from malnutrition. Whenever nutrition is at a low ebb, metaplastic granules accumulate in the protoplasm of the cell.

The condition of the optic tracts — in which the lesions are identical with those of other nerve roots except that they are more advanced— would argue that the thickening of the blood-vessels was of long standing, and that only when the process had advanced to an extreme degree did any definite symptoms show themselves. This is exemplified more particularly in the state of the cortex cerebri. Though in this

region vascular disease was manifest and diffuse, it had not advanced nearly to such an extent as in the gray matter of the dorsal cord or in the adjacent meninges. As a consequence, the functions of the cortex, while not as perfect as in youth, were not reduced to the same low level as those of the cord and bull).

One pathological fact should be remembered in considering the clinical symptoms, namely, that it is not necessary for a vascular lesion to proceed to such a profound degree as to cause the entire shutting off of the nutrient supply before a nerve tissue will show signs of deviation from its normal functions. With a reduced supply of nutrient plasma, definite manifestations of nervous exhaustion are brought about, and these are not due to a degeneration of the component portions of the neurone which is visible in the tissue after death, by our present methods of preparation, in the form of morbid alterations of the cytoplasm, axone or myelin. Long before this stage is reached the entire neurone is incapable of performing its natural functions in an efficient manner, and as a consequence, anaesthesias, parasthesias, diminution or exaltation of the reflexes, and dulling of the special senses can be noted. Almost precisely similar results are encountered in advanced stages of progressive paralysis, especially in the syphilitic cases in which, when vascular lesions of the arteries of the cerebrum and cord have advanced to a profound degree, there is a gradual but progressive dulling of cutaneous sensibilities and special sensations.


By W. G. MacCallcm, M. D., Assistant in Pathology.

The literature on the congenital malformations of the heart is very extensive, but is well represented by the works of Eokitansky,* Peacock,f Bauchfuss % and Vierordt§ That of Eokitansky, dealing with the defects of the septa, is, perhaps, the foundation of our accurate knowledge of these anomalies, while Rauchfuss, Peacock and others have added greatly to the observations of anomalies of the heart in general, and have done much to determine their relations to one another. Vierordt, writing in the light of the more recent embryological work of His and Born, presents the whole subject in the most concise and lucid way.

The following is intended to be a brief synopsis of the various malformations to serve as the legend to the photographic illustrations which are taken from the specimens iu the pathological museum, and also in a way as a catalogue of those specimens:

•Rokitansky: Die Defecte der Seheklewiinde des Herzens. Wien, 1875.

t Peacock : On malformations of the human heart, with original cases. London, 1853.

X Rauchfuss : Die angeborenen Entwicklungsfehler des Her/ens. Gerhardt's Handb. d. Kinderkrankh. Tubingen, 1878. Bd. IV, 1 abth.

\ Vierordt : Die Angeborenen Herzkrankheiten. Wien, 1898.

A. — Open foramen ovale. This is perhaps to be considered a malformation only when the defect is large, as it is so extremely common to find a small interauricular opening well guarded by the valvnla foraminis ovalis. Even when widely open in persons who have reached adult life, the symptoms it produces are indefinite or none. It may occur pure or in association with a variety of other defects. The symptoms are more definite when it is associated with mitral insufficiency, for there is then pulsation of the veins of the neck. The so-called paradoxical embolism is the result of the passage of the embolus through the open foramen into the systemic arteries, by which means the sifting-out action of the pulmonary circulation is avoided.

Fig. 1 allows a glass rod passed through the foramen ovale. The fossa ovalis in this case is deep and the valvula foraminis ovalis hulged into the left auricle. It was, however, able to completely close the opening.

B. — Defects in /lie septum ventriculorum. Rokitansky considered the pars membranacea as derived from the ventricular wall, while more recent writers trace its origin to the aortic septum; defects in the septum are most commonly in this small area, the " undefended space" of English writers. They may, however, be at other points in the septum, seldom near the apex. The defect seldom occurs pure, but is oftenest associated with narrowing of the pulmonary orifice. Cyanosis



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appears wheu the pulmonary is narrowed (Roger's disease), and there is generally a single, loud, constant murmur in the upper median precordial region, beginning in systole and covering both sounds. The absence of a murmur in diastole is explained by the covering of the defect by the tricuspid and mitral valves.

Aneurismal dilatation of the membranous portion of the septum may occur, the saccular projection appearing in the right ventricle underneath the tricuspid leaflet to which it is often attached. This sacculation may be actually perforated, hut neither of the two specimens in this collection shows this perforation.

The origin of this condition is variously explained as being due to arteriosclerosis, differences in intracardiac pressure, and traction by the adherent tricuspid leaflet.

Fig. 2. The pars menibranacea septi is pierced by a round hole about 1 cm. in diameter. The pulmonary orifice in this case was narrowed by a thickening and contraction of the valves.

Fig. 3. The pars membranacea septi is in this case bulged into the right ventricle, forming a saccular projection beneath the tricuspid valve. The mouth of this sac is seen just below the aortic valves.

C. — Stenosis of pulmonary. This is the commonest of the malformations of the heart. It is explained as due either to abnormal division of the truncus arteriosus or to congenital inflammatory disease. The narrowing may occur in or above the valves, by the constriction of a fibrous ring in the artery or lastly by a constriction in the conus.

It is often associated with defects in the septa. The right ventricle is hypertrophied unless the pulmonary is completely atresic and the septum ventriculorum closed.

Clinically there is cyanosis with various sounds on auscultation, none of which are typical. Often there is a loud systolic murmur in the 2nd and 3rd left interspaces. The 2nd pulmonary sound may be weak, but is strong if the ductus arteriosus is widely open.

The so-called " Eechtslage " is a condition in which extreme narrowing of the pulmonary orifice is associated with a wide defect in the septum ventriculorum and a shifting of the aortic orifice so that it opens directly over the septum and thus communicates with both ventricles.

Figs, i and 5. " Rechtslage." A, stenosed pulmonary orifice; B, aorta opening into each ventricle; C, mitral, and D, tricuspid orifice. In Fig. 5 a rod is passed through the left ventricle from its apex into the aortic orifice. The figure shows the aortic orifice as seen through the right ventricle.

As regards the general idea that tuberculosis of the lungs is especially frequent in cases of pulmonary stenosis, it is found by a consideration of the statistics that while tuberculosis is frequent in these cases it is not relatively more so than in the other conditions (of heart and general) that produce a predisposing depression of the nutrition of the pulmonary tissues.

D. — Anomalies in the division of the truncus arteriosus.

1. Persistence of truncus due to a failure of division.

2. Stenosis or atresia of the pulmonary from the defective course of the dividing septum.

3. Transposition of the arterial ostia.

Rokitansky's classical work on the transposition of the arterial trunks has lent a great theoretical interest to this group; but as the collection contains no representative, no illustration is given. With transposition of vessels we may have the vessels opening from their proper ventricles or from the opposite ventricles, this depending on the behavior of the septum membrauaceum, which by a change in its relations may correct the anomaly. There is generally extreme cyanosis, but this may be prevented by a widening of the bronchial arteries.

E. — Anomalies in the semilunar valves. Anomalies in the semilunar valves occur more often at the pulmonary orifice than at the aortic. At either orifice there may be but two segments, or on the other hand there may be four or five. They have been explained as due to an excess of the endothelial cushions which go to form the valves.

F. — Anomalies in the aorta. The ductus arteriosus may persist as an open communication between the arterial trunks with hypertrophy of the heart. No cyanosis and sometimes a systolic murmur in the 2nd left interspace.

Stenosis or obliteration of the aorta near the entrance of the ductus arteriosus is not uncommon. The stenosis assumes various forms and relations to the position of the ductus — the point of predilection is in the isthmus aortas. The pulmonary is dilated and the arch of the aorta and the arteries springing from above the structure greatly widened. Collateral circulation to the lower portions of the body is effected by anastomoses between the internal mammaries and intercostals. The pathogenesis of the condition is rather obscure. The process is by some thought to be an extension of the obliterative changes going on in the ductus.

There is seldom cyanosis; sometimes cedema: the superficial arteries become tortuous and pulsate visibly, there is inequality in radial and femoral pulse and often a systolic murmur varying in its location.

Fig. 6. Stenosis of aorta (B) just below entrance of ductus arteriosus (C). A is placed upon the widened pulmonary artery. The specimen shows great dilatation of the arterial branches and arch of aorta above the stricture.

G. — Anomalies in the auricular ventricular valves. The remaining anomalies are chiefly those affecting the tricuspid and mitral valves, and these cases are so rare that it is difficult to make auy general statements concerning them.

The representative of this group in the collection is so curious that it seems to deserve to he reported in some detail.

The case was that of an artist who had always been blue and who died at the age of 30 of pulmonary tuberculosis. At the autopsy there was found to be a chronic tuberculosis of the lungs, with chronic passive congestion of the viscera. The heart was enlarged, the enlargement being especially in the right side. The Eustachian valve is found to persist as a large apparently functional valve. The valvula foraminis ovalis also persists, but is not competent to close the foramen ovale, which is open to a width of about 1 cm. The very huge appendix auriculas opens by two mouths into the auricle, which is somewhat constricted near its middle by a muscular ring.

March, 1900.]



The tricuspid valves are ballooned out into the right ventricle and have apparently become closely grown together with the ventricular wall. Two of the segments are visible against the interventricular septum and toward the left — these are wrinkled and folded membranes, which are very soon fused with the ventricular wall and are apparently f unctionless. The remaining segment seems to furnish the whole membrane which lines the ventricular wall and septum ; and below, roofing the trabecular, forms the floor of a sort of intervalvular chamber. This chamber opens into the ventricle through a round opening, situated toward the left, just below the conns arteriosus and guarded by a flap-like fold of the chamber wall. It further opens through several small openings, each guarded by tiny valves which are furnished with chorda; tendineae and papillary muscles. The pulmonary artery is slightly narrowed, and the ductus arteriosus persists as a cord, but otherwise the heart is approximately normal.

Ebstein * has reported a case in which the malformation of the heart coincides in every detail with this one, and although no other such cases are reported the recurrence of the malformation in every detail suggests in a way that cannot be ignored the existence as a cause of a definite sequence of events. A possible explanation is as follows: The valves are, of course, formed on the medial side by a prolongation from the septum intermedium — on the lateral side by an involution of the wall of the auricular canal. If in an early stage these endothelial cushions reach a greater extent than normal, and retain their attachment to the muscular trabecular, they would in time become a membrane, supported by muscular trabecular. This might occur only on the lateral side, the

  • Ebstein. Arch. f. Anat. and Phys.,'1866, S. 238.

valves produced from the septum, developing in part normally. The free edge has possibly lost its muscular attachment as a result of the inefficiency of muscular action in the direction in which the blood stream affects it.

The association of pulmonary tuberculosis with this malformation (also observed in Ebstein's case) is interesting in connection with what was said above as to pulmonary stenosis. Naturally the effect of such an insufficiency of the tricuspid — for the mere presence of a large inner chamber, acted upon by the contraction of the ventricle, but not guarded from the auricle constitutes an insufficiency — is the same as that of the pulmonary stenosis in producing a poor nutrition of the lung tissue. The compensating persistence and development of the Eustachian valve is also to be noted.

Figs. 7 and 8 illustrate this malformation. Fig. 7 shows the right auricle and ventricular portion of the heart laid open. The open foramen ovale (A), and the two mouths of the auricular appendix are readily seen ; B points to the large round opening into the ventricle ; C, the apical portion of the functional ventricle; D, the medial leaflets of the tricuspid valve.

In Fig. 8, the conus arteriosus pulmonalis is laid open, showing the larger portion of the functional right ventricular cavity with the opening B just below the pulmonary orifice and guarded by the flaplike valve.

In connection with several malformations, it may be stated that the theories as to their origin, ascribed them formerly either to a true congenital malformation, or to a fcetal endocarditis. The majority of authors, however, now lean to the view that the role of foetal endocarditis is relatively unimportant, and that the vegetations so often seen on malformed valves, on the edges of septal defects, etc., are to be explained as the result of the predisposition of such malformed parts to inflammatory processes.


Thomas R. Brown, M. D. Internal Medicine. — Maryland Medical Journal, February, 1900.

Robert Reuling, M. D. Pathology. — Maryland Medical Journal, February, 1900.

Hugh H. Young, M. D. Surgery. — Maryland Medical Journal, February, 1900.

William Osler, M. D., and Thomas McCrab, M. D. Latent Cancer of the Stomach. — Philadelphia Medical Journal, February, 1900.

Henry J. Berkley, M. D. General Pathology of Mental Diseases. — American Journal of Insanity, January, 1900.

Henry J. Berkley, M. D. Transitory Alienation Following Distressing Pain. — American Journal of Insanity, January, 1900.

William Osler, M. D. After Twenty-Five Years. — Montreal Medical Journcd, November, 1899.

Patrick Cassidy, M. D. Report of a Severe X-Ray Injury. — Medical Record, February 3, 1900.

Irving Phillips Lyon, M. D. The Inoculation of Malaria by the Mosquito. — Medical Record, February 17, 1900.

Lewellys F. Barker, M. D., and Joseph Marshall Flint. A Visit to the Plague District in India. — The New York Medical Journal, February 3, 1900.


The Hospital Bulletin contains details of hospital and dispensary practice, abstracts of papers read and other proceedings of the Medical Society of the Hospital reports of lectures, and other matters of general interest in connection with the work of the Hospital It is issued monthly.

Volume XI is now in progress. The subscription price is $1.00 per year. The set of ten volumes will be sold for $20,00.



[No. 108.



Monday, February 5, 1900.

The meeting was called to order by the President, Dr. H. M. Thomas.

Exhibition of Patients.— Dr. W. B. Platt.

Case 1. — Infant, seven months old, came to the Garrett Hospital when five months of age with a sinus just below the right eye and a history that pus occasionally escaped from the right nostril. An examination showed an empyema in the right antrum with necrosis of the bony wall in at least two places. The sinus above had caused contraction of the lower eyelid. There is also an opening into the nose apparently one-eighth inch in diameter. I removed a molar tooth as the best way of getting a free opening into the antrum to clean it out. The child improved immediately, the sinus above healed up, and the discharge was not more than a drop a day, and the child was sent home. A small piece of necrosed bone was also removed from the alveolus.

The child returned in seven weeks with the history of a recurrence. Pus now escapes through the right nostril and from the sinus below the right eye. I do not find any record of cases similar to this in infants, and the exact cause is not clear. It may be an osteomyelitis. The probability is that there was an abnormally large opening from the antrum into the nose which became infected during child birth, with subsequent involvement of the delicate bone wall.

Case 2. — This boy, seven years old, has a curious defect, a hole J inch in diameter in the palatoglossus muscle of the left side. There is every reason to believe that it is a congenital defect. Of course, one may suppose it a case of congenital or inherited syphilis, but in view of the frequent defects in the development of the soft palate, it is probably one of this kind.

Case 3. — This is a case of congenital hip-joint dislocation. The girl, six years old, was sent to the Garrett Hospital from Virginia, with the history that she had always limped, and became fatigued on prolonged exertion. An examination of the right limb will show you that it is not hip-joint disease. She has perfect mobility, not the slightest hampering of the movements of the limb and no bowing up of the lumbar region on flexion of the thigh on the pelvis. On first looking at it I thought of infantile paralysis, because the whole limb is somewhat atrophied in appearance as compared with the other. The distance from the right anterior superior spine to a horizontal line drawn through the right trochanter is three-quarters of an inch less than corresponding measurements on the left side. On drawing down the right thigh limb and letting it go we get a distinct, though slight, telescoping.

What is to be done with children of this sort? If the telescoping amounts to three or four inches, if the gait is very bad, or fatigue or pain follows moderate exertion, an operation must be done. Statistics show that after two or three years the hip in many cases again telescopes. A man of large experience has said that fifty per cent, of the operated cases relapse. This little girl walks and runs so well that we

have tried only massage to increase the strength of the gluteal muscles. Some cases have done well by use of the ordinary hip-joint apparatus to keep the hip extended and pressed into the socket for some months. A certain number of these cases never have anything more than a slight limp.

Changes in the Cells of the Nucleus Dorsalis resulting from Pressure upon the Upper Portion of the Spinal Cord. —

Dr. Barker.

The specimen is from a case of compression of the upper part of the thoracic cord, the section being taken from the lower part of the thoracic portion. It will be recalled that the thoracic portion of the cord is characterized by the presence of a column, or nucleus, of gray matter on each side called Clarke's nucleus, or the nucleus dorsalis. The cells in this nucleus, give off axis-cylinder processes which run out into the dorsolateral region of the cord and then turn upward, ascending through the cord to the cerebellum, the whole bundle being known as the fasciculus spinocerebellaris dorsolateralis, or direct cerebellar tract. If one cuts through a medullated axoue, there result changes in the whole neurone. If the axone of a neurone be cut anywhere between its cellbody of origin and the end of its axis-cylinder process, the nucleus becomes displaced in the cell-body, assuming an eccentric position, usually very close to the axone hillock; in addition to this change the tigroid masses, or Nissl bodies, break down into very minute granules, like fine dust, which become diffused through the cell. If the ulnar nerve, for example, be cut, one finds in the spinal cord that all the cells which give origin to the fibers of the ulnar nerve show this peculiar form of degeneration — so-called "reaction at a distance." If then the cells of Clarke's nucleus send their axones to the cerebellum, we should expect, in compression of the upper thoracic cord, to find this change below the lesion, in all the cell-bodies which send their axis-cylinder processes to a part of the cord above the lesion. Accordingly sections from this cord below the lesion ought to show degeneration of the cells of Clarke's nucleus. The specimen under the microscope illustrates the alterations well. The cells show the change described in varying degrees of intensity. I have before pointed out the occurrence of similar changes in the nucleus dorsalis in inflammations of the soft meninges {Brit. M. J., Loud., 1897, ii, pp. 1839-1841). The superficial position of the fibers of the direct cerebellar tract makes it especially liable to injury.

Area of Necrosis in Internal Capsule in Typhoid Fever. —

Dr. Barker. It was not easy to make out the lesion when the brain was first cut up. The brain was put into formaline immediately after its removal and was divided by the method of Petri some days later. On cutting through the brain it was found that the formaline had not penetrated the whole substance of each hemisphere, there being a large area that was soft. No definite area of necrosis was made out. In view of the marked clinical symptoms it seemed necessary to keep the tissue of

March, 1900.]



the right side for microscopic examination. These pieces were put back into the formaline in order to complete the hardening.

The hardening has now become complete and the lesion is perfectly well-defined and easily visible. It is an ana of softening in the upper part of the right internal capsule, ahoul the size of a small hickory nut, situated just lateral from the caudate nucleus a little medial and slightly dorsal from the upper border of the cortex of the island of Reil.

The necrosis must have involved practically all of the fibers of the pyramidal tract on the right side, and is undoubtedly due to a plugging of a branch of the artery supplying the area. The tissue is to be thoroughly worked up microscopi dally, but it seemed to be worth while before cutting the pieces into sections that the gross lesion should be presented to the Society.

Poisonous Snakes. — Dr. Kelly.

Dr. Kelly concluded his demonstration of the poisonous snakes of North America by exhibiting: 2 specimens of Elaps fulvius, one of which had caused the death of a man by biting him in the hand ; 1 boa constrictor (young) showing remarkable difference from native snakes in the fine bead-like appearance of the body due to the scales in S3 rows, and the peculiar pear-shaped head also covered with minute scales; 1 Sistrurus miliarias, or ground rattlesnake ; 2 large diamond-back rattlesnakes ; 1 living moccasin, Trigonocepkalus piscivorus ; 1 mountain blacksnake, Bascanium constrictor ; and casts of snakes made by Mr. John W. Thompson, of the Philadelphia Zoological Gardens, one finely colored Texas copperhead, one very large diamond-back rattlesnake, and one very large moccasin.


An Experimental Research into Surgical Shock. By George W. Chile, A.M., M. D., Ph.D. Svo. pp. 160. (Philadelphia : J.

B. Lippincoll Company, 1S98.)

Due mainly to the leadership of the German and French schools of pathology, the research work of most surgical laboratories in this country to-day is devoted largely to the investigation of problems which the comparatively modern subjects of pathological histology and bacteriology have offered for solution. In consequence it has gradually come about that the methods of investigation best known to the physiologist have fallen into abeyance in spite of the valuable data relative to surgical principles which may be obtained by their employment. Prompted by some preliminary research conducte 1 in the laboratory of his quondam preceptor, Mr. Victor Horsley, Dr. Crile, making use of physiological methods of experimentation, has undertaken an investigation concerning the nature of surgical shock ; a subject which has always been somewhat nebular in its indefiniteness and offering problems the solution of which can only be approached by employing these methods.

The results of this excellent piece of work are comprised in a small volume of 160 pages which received the Cartwright Prize in 1897.

The essay represents the results of entirely personal observations, and in this lies, perhaps, the chief occasion for congratulation ; and yet, on the other hand, for criticism of the author's published work, the value of which, considerable a3 it now stands, would have been

greatly enhanced as a book of reference had the bibliography of the subject been given, and the comparative results of other investigators in the same direction been cited. A cursory review of the theories of shock advanced by various writers is contained on the introductory four or five pages of the volume without references to the articles which have evidently been consulted.

After a brief description of the "Modes of investigation and annotation " which, though original with the author, are those commonly employed in the physiological laboratory, the chief part of the essay (100 pages) is given up to the detail of the individual protocols of the 148 experiments upon anesthetized dogs.

In these experiments, observations were made of the effects upon the respiratory, cardiac and vascular mechanism of all conceivable forms of traumatism upon the individual tissues and organs of the body, somatic, splanchnic and neural. These experiments evidence the author's thoroughness and ingenuity, and though their record, from necessary repetition, makes the protocols uninteresting reading, an excellent index renders it possible to abstract data from them, otherwise buried in the mass of material, which will be of value to those pursuing similar lines of investigation.

The author has given an interesting summary of bis experimental findings in the latter part of the volume, with 35 composite charts of manometric readings, illustrating the effects produced upon the blood pressure by the various experiments. These included procedures showing the rise in blood pressure consequent upon burning the skin, injuries of the periosteum, dilatation of the sphincter ani, etc.; procedures showing the negative effect of certain manipulations, as upon the joints: procedures showing the great "depressor" effect of cutting away the cerebral hemispheres, of manipulation of the larynx, the testicle, the parietal peritoneum, the intestines, etc. It was furthermore demonstrated that when an animal was exhausted, as late in an experiment, and with shock present or pending, the application of stimuli, ordinarily producing a temporary rise in blood pressure, under these circumstances would be followed by a fall.

Possibly, from a practical standpoint, the most valuable suggestions from Dr. Crile's work originate in the results of his observations upon the "blocking" effect of the preliminary local administration of cocaine as a preventive measure toward shock in anticipation of those peripheral manipulations which ordinarily have a marked depressor effect. This is most strikingly shown in one of the composite charts (near page 127. These charts unfortunately are not numbered) which illustrates the great fall in blood pressure which ordinarily follows upon manipulations of the larynx, and the inhibitory effect of preliminary cocainization of the mucosa upon this fall.

As prophylactic measures toward shock the author emphasizes the necessity of careful hsemostasis under all circumstances ; of atropine in operations on the larynx or in procedures which might cause mechanical stimulation of the vagi ; of a proper respect for tissues and the avoidance of tearing or finger dissections unfortunately used by many operators. Precautions toward over anesthetization, especially with chloroform, are dwelt upon as most likely to occur in those operative procedures which are associated with an acceleration of the respiratory rate, and in abdominal, anal and other operations. Emphasis is also laid upon the likelihood of shock, in consequence of operations in the gall-bladder or pyloric region, due to pressure on the venous trunks, diaphragm and splanchnic nerves. He truly says, "The severity of shock produced in abdominal operations is in direct ratio to the distance from the pelvis."

Dr. Crile offers nothing new in the matter of treatment, believing that small and frequently repeated hypodermic injections of strychnia and intravenous saline infusions to he the most efficacious measures, with elevation of the lower extremities, application of heat, etc. Emphasis is rightly given to the fact that intelligent prevention is more valuable than treatment.



[No. 108.

In the etiological factors producing shock the author does not seem in his views to differ widely from the theories proposed by Fischer, Goltz and Seabrook. An attempt is made to differentiate collapse and shock, the latter being regarded as especially dependent upon " vasomotor impairment or break down," the degree of shock being proportionate to the failure of the pressor action. Factors, cardiac, respiratory and hemorrhagic, may add to shock, or, if their effects are severe and immediate, may produce collapse. Certain widespread vasomotor action, as that following section of the splanchnic nerves, may, however, produce the same condition.

Dr. Crile's work is important in the effect it will have in stimulating investigation of surgical problems on physiological lines. It is to be hoped that observations by the methods of Nissl will be made upon the histological changes in the medullary nerve centers and ganglia responsible for these vasomotor disturbances, and also that mercurial manometers, constructed so as to be applied to the extremities, may be employed in surgical operating-rooms for the purpose of recording vasomotor effects and changes in blood pressure, and to indicate impending shock more definitely than at present is possible through the medium of the anasthetizer's finger on a peripheral artery. Cushing.

Essentials of Diseases of the Skin, including the Syphilodermata, arranged in the form of Questions and Answers prepared especially for Students of Medicine. By Henry W. Stelwagon, M. D., Ph.D., Clinical Professor of Dermatology in the Jefferson Medical College, etc. Fourth Edition, thoroughly revised. Illustrated. (Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders, 1899.) In the present edition, the whole book has been subjected to careful scrutiny and revision, and the text has undergone numerous small but important changes in order that it may reflect the present state of knowledge of cutaneous diseases. The rarer affections like hydroa vacciniforme, blastomycetic dermatitis, and erythema induratum are briefly but adequately described. The book is extremely useful to students of medicine who wish to review the subject.

A Text-Book of Embryology for Students of Medicine. By J. C. Heisler, M.D. (Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders, 1899.) The work thus presented to us is an attempt to supply the real need of a concise text-book of embryology, written in the English language, and planned especially for the average medical student who is learning anatomy.

A few words will characterize the book. It is not a new account, but a condensed familiar one. It is a fairly straightforward statement of human development, such as one might write who was acquainted with anatomy, and who wrote the embryological story from a reliable knowledge of four or five well-known textbooks ; as, for instance, Mark's translation of Hertwig's work (the influence of which is very strongly manifest) ; the American text-book of obstetrics; Minot's embryology ; Piersol's histology, etc.

The press-work is good, and large-type headings are convenient for reference. Comparative references and discussions are eliminated wherever possible ; making it easy to quickly find the main facts of development as here given for any special structure.

The weakest portion of the book is that devoted to the earlier phenomena : fertilization, the ovum, maturation, the sperm, cleavage, germ-layers, foetal appendages, etc.

On reading these pages (and the same is true of other sections), we wonder how the writer of a text-book to-day can be satisfied with such an antiquated and incomplete resume\ Certainly, there has been no lack of remarkable discoveries and well-founded generalizations by the embryologists and cytologists of the last ten years, from which to formulate a modern and comprehensive statement, however brief. In all fairness to the science it attempts to treat, a good text-book

should be at least up to date, representing the most recent advances in all lines of investigation. The book before us would be greatly improved by the incorporation of what is found to be valuable, after a judicial sifting of the original contributions of recent embryological research.

We must not, however, be too severe on those who seek to adapt the good work of others to a special need— a difficult task. Even if the result be little more than a fairly clear restatement of the conceptions of two or three master minds, who have already brought together the main threads of research, those who may be introduced to the subject in this indirect manner, will, at any rate, receive many valuable and reliable facts. H. Mc. E. K.

Essentials of Anatomy, including the Anatomy of the Viscera, arranged in the form of Questions and Answers prepared especially for Students of Medicine- By Charles B. Nancrede, M. D., Professor of Surgery, etc., in the University of Michigan. Sixth Edition, thoroughly revised by Fred. J. Brockw ay, M. D., Asst. Demonstrator of Anatomy, Columbia University, New York. (Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1899.) This is a thoroughly revised sixth edition of a useful little book which has been approved by long service in medical schools and training schools for nurses. It is concise without the sacrifice of clearness, and the excellent illustrations assist the text.

The Hygiene of Transmissible Diseases ; their Causation, modes of Dissemination and methods of Prevention. By A. C. Abbott, M.D., Professor of Hygiene and Bacteriology, and Director of the Laboratory of Hygiene. University of Pennsylvania. Illustrated. (Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders, 1899.) As the title indicates, this volume of 300 pages gives an account of transmissible diseases with details, more or less complete, as to their proper and successful management. The section on the causation of disease is probably the most satisfactory and philosophical of the whole book. It treats of the influence of age, sex, race, occupation, density of population, heredity and season, upon diseases in general ; and also of chemical, physical, mechanical, parasitic and bacterial agencies as exciting causes of the actual development of diseases. This section is well illustrated by tables, charts and diagrams. The following section, on the causation, modes of dissemination and prevention of special diseases, contains much information as to diseases which are transmitted from one person to another. The account which is here given of the bacteriology of transmissible diseases is full and extremely satisfactory, as would naturally be expected from so accomplished and skillful an observer. The sections on prophylaxis and disinfection are also valuable, and the directions which they contain are sensible and practical. The book is well calculated to meet a want which has long been felt by physicians and nurses.

The Bulletin of the Ohio Hospital for Epileptics, Vol. I, Nos. 2 and 3. Gallipolis, O. The Hospital, 1898. The volume consists of a number of papers by Dr. A. P. Ohlmacher, with an introductory statistical report by H. C. Butter, manager of the hospital. The first two of Dr. Ohlmacher's papers form an account of the autopsies in cases of epilepsy performed during his service, which he prefaces with a somewhat detailed description of a rather ordinary autopsy technique. In these cases, special attention has been directed to the association of the lymphatic constitution with epilepsy, and throughout the report the effort is made to show that "idiopathic" epilepsy may perhaps be the direct result of the presence of the " constitutia lymphatica." It is sometimes difficult to follow the chain of arguments which connects the lymphatic constitution with epilepsy, rhachitis, tetany and exophthalmic goitre on the one hand and with the causation of gliomata on the other.

March, 1900.]



Two other papers are concerned with the description of various tumors of the central nervous system, with secondary epileptic symptoms. It is to be regretted that amid the profusion of illustrations there are no drawings of the microscopical appearances of the tumors to supplement the descriptions. In the fifth paper, there is described the case of an idiot child with immense thickening of the skin and subcutaneous tissues in association with atrophy of the thyroid, and another case in which there was a localized area of thickening of the skin without thyroid atrophy. Finally, the last paper is devoted to the description of tumors occurring in various animals.

The report is marked by a diffuseness which seems unfortunately common in neurological literature, but the suggestions contained are very worthy of confirmatory work. It seems especially desirable, too, that such work on comparative pathology as is embodied in the last paper should be more extensively carried out.

A Manual of the Practice of Medicine. By A. A. Stevens, M. D., of Philadelphia. (Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1900.)

This is the fifth edition of this work, which shows its popularity. Any extended notice regarding the book is unnecessary. Dr. Stevens has succeeded in condensing much into 500 small pages. The material chosen, and the method of its arrangement, make it one of the best books of its kind.

The American Year-Book of Medicine and Surgery, edited by George M. Gould, M. D. Medicine. (Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1900.)

The current volume of the Year-Book is a welcome addition to the library shelves. In these days, unaided by the Index Medicus, the gleaning of the fields of literature has become a heavy and often well-nigh impossible task. In this the series of volumes of the Year-Book is of valuable help. The work is too well-known to require any description of its characteristics. This yearsees a new departure in the division of the work into two volumes, which will be found most convenient. In one volume it was growing beyond the bounds of easy handling. Dr. Gould, in the preface to the volume on Medicine, notes some changes in the editorial staff. Dr. Riesman takes charge of the section on Pathology in place of Dr. Guiteras. Drs. Wilcox and Stevens edit the department of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, while Dr. Abel is succeeded in Physiologic Chemistry by Drs. Hunt and Jones of Baltimore. The present volume sustains the previous high character of the work. Not the least useful feature is the complete index. "We hope the work is having the pecuniary recognition that it deserves.

Letter, Word and Mind-Blindness. By James Hinshet.wood, M. D., of Glasgow. (London : II. K. Lewis, 1900.)

These are lectures delivered before the Glasgow Medico-Chirurgical Society which appeared in the Lancet and are now published in a book of 85 pages. The writer takes up the general subject of visual memory and then discusses the various groups of cases designated in the title. He is able to report several cases of bis own, which were unaccompanied by derangements of the auditory and speech-motor centers. From the study of bis cases and those in the literature, the writer considers that there are separate cerebral areas for the usual memory of numbers, letters and \\ ords. The lectures are well and clearly written, and the study of the cases given throws light on an exceedingly interesting subject. Dr. Hinshelwood shows how much may be made out of a few cases by thorough analysis.


Archives of Neurology and Psychopathology. Vol. II. Nos. 1-2. 1899. 8vo. 319 pages. State-Hospitals Press, Utica, N. Y.

Transaction* of the Clinical Society of London. Volume the thirtysecond. 1899. 8vo. LVII-f- 296 pages. Longmans, Green & Co., London.

Transactions of the Texas State Medical Association. Thirty-first annual session held at San Antonio, Texas, April 25-28, 1899. 8vo. 347 pages. Von Boeckman, Schutze & Company, Printers, Austin, Texas.

A Manual of Modern Surgery, General and Operative. By John Chalmers Da Costa, M. D. Second edition. With 386 illustratious. 1898. 8vo. 911 pages. AV. B. Saunders, Philadelphia.

A Text-Book of Materia Medica, Therapeutics and Pharmacology. By George Frank Butler, Ph.G., M. D. Third edition, thoroughly revised. 1899. 8vo. 874 pages. W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia.

A Text-Book of the Practice of Medicine. By James M. Anders, M. D., Ph.D., LL. D. Third edition, revised. Illustrated. 1899. 8vo. 1292 pages. W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia.

A Manual of the Diagnosis and Treatment of the Diseases of the Eye. By Edward Jackson, A. M., M. D. With 178 illustrations and 2 colored plates. 1900. 12mo. 604 pages. W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia.

A Manual of the Practice of Medicine. Prepared especially for students. By A. A. Stevens, A.M., M. D. Fifth edition, revised and enlarged. Illustrated. 1898. 12mo. XV + 519 pages. W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia.

A Text- Book of Diseases of Women. By Charles B. Penrose, M. D., Ph.D. Third edition, revised. Illustrated. 1900. 8vo. 531 pages. W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia.

Hints on Elementary Physiology. By Florence A. Haig-Brown. With twenty-one illustrations. IGmo. 1897. XII + 121 pages. P. Blakiston, Son & Co., Philadelphia.

The Medical Annual Synoptical Index to Remedies and Diseases. For the twelve years, 1887 to 1898. 12mo. 411 pages. [1899.] John Wright & Co., Bristol. Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent & Co., Ltd., London.

Progressive Medicine. A Quarterly Digest of Advances, Discoveries and Improvements in the Medical and Surgical Sciences. Edited by Hobart Amory Hare, M. D. Volumes I, II, III, IV. March, June, September, December, 1899. 8vo. Lea Brothers & Co. Philadelphia and New York.

A System of Medicine. By Many Writers. Edited by Thomas Clifford Allbutt, M. A., M. D., LL. D., F. R. C. P., F. R. S., F. L. S., F. S. A. Volumes VI, VII, VIII. 1899. 8vo. The Mac-MilIan Company, New York.

Transactions of the American Ophthalmologic^ Society. Thirty-fifth annual meeting, New London, Conn. 1899. 8vo. 469-592 pages. Published by the Society, Hartford.

Saint Bartholomew's Hospital Reports. Edited by Norman Moore, M. D., and D'Arcy Power, F. R.C.S. Vol. 35. 1900. 8vo. 356 and 246 pages. Smith, Elder & Co., London.

Transactions of the Louisiana State Medical Society. Twentieth annual session held at New Orleans, La., May 16, 17, 18, 1899. 8vo. 173 pages. New Orleans.



[No. 108.

Practice of Medicine. A manual for students and practitioners. (Lea's Series of Pocket Text-Books) by George E. Malsbary, M. D. Series edited by Bern B. Gallaudet, M. D. Illustrated with forty-five engravings. 1S99. 12mo. 404 pages. Lea Brothers & Co., Philadelphia and New York.

The American Year-book of Medicine and Surgery. Collected and arranged with critical editorial comments by S. W. Abbott, M. D., Archibald Church, M. D., e! al. Under the general editorial charge of George M. Gould, M. D. Two Vols. 1900. Svo. W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia.

Annual and Analytical Cyclopmdia of Practical Medicine. By Charles E. de M. Sajous, M. D., and one hundred associate editors, assisted by corresponding editors, collaborators and correspondents. Volume IV. 1S99. 4to. 622 pages. The F. A. Davis Co., Philadelphia, New York, Chicago.

Proceedings of the New York Pathological Society. For the years 1897 and 1898. Svo. XVIII + 289 pages. 1899. Printed for the Society.

Seventh Report of the Slate Veterinarian of Maryland. December 1, 1899. Svo. 249 pages. Baltimore.

Essentials of Anatomy, including Anatomy of the Viscera. Arranged in the form of questions and answers. Prepared especially for students of medicine. (Saunders' Question-Compends, No. 3.) By Charles B. Nancrede, M. D. Sixth edition, thoroughly revised by Fred. J. Brockway, M. D. 1899. 12mo. 419 pages. W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia.

Essentials of Medical Chemistry, Organic and Inorganic. Containing also questions of medical physics, chemical philosophy, analytical processes, toxicology, etc. Prepared especially for students of medicine. (Saunders' Question-Compends, No. 4.) By Lawrence Wolff, M. D. Fifth edition, thoroughly revised by Smith Ely Jelliffe, M. D., Ph. D. 1899. 12mo. 222 pages. W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia.

Essentials of Diseases of the Skin, including the Syphilodermata. Arranged in the form of questions and answers. Prepared especially for students of medicine. (Saunders' QuestionCompends, No. 11.) By Henry W. Stelwagon, M. D., Ph. D. Fourth edition, thoroughly revised. Illustrated. 1896. 12mo. 276 pages. W. B. Saunders, Philadelphia.


The following papers are reprinted from Vols. I, IV, V, VI and VIII of the Reports, for those who desire to purchase in this form: STUDIES IN DERMATOLOGY. By T. C. Gilchrist, M. D., and Emmet Rixford, M. D. 1 volume of 164 pages and 41 fullpage plates. Price, bound in paper, $3.00. THE MALARIAL FEVERS OF BALTIMORE. By W. S. Thayer, M. D., and J. Hewetson, M. D. And A STUDY OF SOME FATAL CASES OF MALARIA. By Lewellys F. Barker, M. B. 1 volume of 280 pages. Price, in paper, $2.75. STUDIES IN TYPHOID FEVER. By William Osler, M. D., and others. Extracted from Vols. IV and V of the Johns Hopkins Hospital Reports. 1 volume of 481 pages. Price, bound in paper, $3.00.

THE PATHOLOGY OF TOXALBUMIN INTOXICATIONS. By Simon Flexner, M. D. Volume of 150 pages with 4 full-page lithographs. Price, bound in paper, $200.

THE RESULTS OF OPERATIONS FOR THE CURE OF INGUINAL HERNIA. By Joseph C. Bloodgood, M. D. Price, in paper, $3.00.

Subscriptions for the above publications may be sent to

The Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, Md.


It is customary in Germany for the pupils of a great teacher to express their appreciation and gratitude by dedicating to him a volume of their contributions to learning. The pupils of Dr. Wm. H. Welch, of Baltimore, have decided to give expression to their regard for him in a similar way and the publication of a volume to mark his twenty-fifth year as a teacher and investigator is now in progress.

During the past twenty-five years some seventy-five persons have undertaken investigation under Dr. Welch's leadership, and nearly half of these will contribute to the volume mentioned. The edition will necessarily be limited by the number of subscribers. An early announcement of the publication is made to give opportunity for subscription so that the committee can decide upon the number of copies to be printed.

The volume will be royal octavo in size and will contain at least five hundred pages of printed matter. It will, in addition, be illustrated with many lithographic plates and text figures. The price has been fixed at five dollars. The book will contain contributions to pathology and to correlated sciences agreeing in scope with that of the leading scientific medical journals.

The Committee of publication consists of :

A. C. Abbott, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.

L. F. Barker, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.

Wm. T. Councilman, Harvard University, Boston, Mass.

Simon Flexner, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.

W. S. Halsted, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.

A. C. Herter, University and Bellevue Hospital Medical College, New York.

Wyatt Johnston, McGill University, Montreal, Canada.

F. P. Mall, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.

Walter Reed, Army Medical Museum, Washington, D. C.

Geo. M. Sternberg, Surgeon General's Office, Washington, D. C.

All communications and subscriptions should be addressed to Dr. F. P. Mall (Secretary), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.

Baltimore, November 11, 1S99.


Five essays relating to the construction, organization and management of Hospitals, contributed by their authors for the use of The Johns Hopkins Hospital.

These essays were written by Drs. John S. Billings, of the U. S. Army, Norton Folsom, of Boston, Joseph Jones of New Orleans, Caspar Morris, of Philadelphia, and Stephen Smith, of New York. They were originally published in 1875. One volume bound in cloth, price $5.00.


The Hospital Bulletin contains announcements of courses of lectures, programmes of clinical and pathological study, details of hospital and dispensary practice, abstracts of papers read and other proceedings of the Medical Society of the Hospital, reports of lectures, and other matters of general interest in connection with the work of the Hospital. It is issued monthly.

Volume XI is now in progress.

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c MAYS 1900 c>


Vol. Xl.-No. 109.1


[Price, 15 Cents.


An Unusual Method of Performing Hysteromyotnectomy. By Otto G. Ramsay, 51. D., -77

A Squamous-Celled Carcinomatous Degeneration of an Ovarian Dermoid Cyst ; also an Adenocarcinoma of the Ovary Associated with an Ovarian Dermoid Cyst. By Lindsay Peters, M. D., - • 78

Pulmonary Tuberculosis, with Diffuse Pneumonic Consolidation, in a Lion. By W. G. MacCallum, M. D., and A. W. Clement, V. P., 85

Arsenical Pigmentation and Keratosis. By Louis P. Hamburger. 51. D.. - 87


Uncontaminated Urine. By Howard A. Kelly, M. D., - - 91

Summaries or Titles of Papers by Members of the Hospital and Medical School Staff appearing Elsewhere than in the Bulletin, ----- 92

A Note on a Series of New Vesical Specula. By Howard A. Kelly, M. D.,

Proceedings of Societies :

Hospital Medical Society, The Pathological Findings in a Case of General Cutaneous and Sensory Anaesthesia [Dr. Berkley] ; — Specimens of False Porencephalia [Dr. Berkley] ;— On a form of Conjugation of the Malarial Parasite [Dr. Ewing].




By Otto G. Eamsay, M. D., Instructor in Gynecology, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.

An article in the Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin of March, 1900, by Dr. Kelly, entitled "A Preliminary Report on the Surgical Treatment of Complicated Fibroid Tumors of the "Womb, with a Description of Two New Methods," describes two unusual methods of performing hysteromyomectomy in difficult cases, which reminds me of a somewhat similar operation I performed for the removal of a myomatous uterus on September 23rd, 1898.

The patient, admitted to The Johns Hopkins Hospital complaining of " tumors of the womb," was 29 years of age, and had been sick for about seven years, beginning at that time to complain of abdominal pains. The abdominal tumor was first noticed by her six years ago, and it had increased in size considerably since then.

On examination, the abdomen was found distended, especially in its lower portion, by a symmetrical tumor, which, on palpation, was found to be composed of several nodules, the largest measuring about 15 by 15 cm.

By vaginal examination, a rounded tumor was felt lying in the cul-de-sac behind the cervix and extending downward between the rectum and the vagina nearly to the vaginal outlet. The cervix could not be found by the vagina, even under ether, being displaced above the symphysis, and the tumor itself was lying quite firmly pressed against the symphysis, giving the impression that the tumor was adherent in the

cul-de-sac. This rounded tumor was connected directly with the masses felt through the abdominal wall, and on pressure through the vagina the abdominal mass could be moved slightly. It was, however, impossible to move the growth much by making pressure either through the vagina or through the rectum. (See Fig. 1.)

Operation. — The usual median incision was made, taking the precaution to enter the peritoneal cavity high up rather than in the usual position, so as to avoid an elevated bladder. (Kelly.) On entering the peritoneal cavity, the bladder was found displaced upward, and when the incision was lengthened, it was seen bulging out above the symphysis pubis. On examining the relations of the tumor-mass and the surrounding structures to decide in what manner it might be best attacked, it was found that it could not be delivered through the incision usually made in a hysteromyomectomy, and, on further examination, the reason for this was discovered to be the extension of the growth into the cul-de-sac.

As the usual transverse operation could not be made, the next question was, by what new plan the growth might be removed. The tubes, with the broad ligaments and ovaries, were found raised up but lying somewhat anterior to the main mass of tumor, and on tracing them to their origin, the tumor was found to have arisen entirely from the fundus and posterior surface of the uterus, and the cervix and lower por



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tion of the body of the uterus could be recognized lying covered by the bladder on the anterior surface of the tumor proper. (See Fig. 2.)

In the first place, the vesical peritoneal reflection onto the uterus, which was much higher than usual, was definitely recognized and the peritoneum at this point incised, the bladder was then pushed down for a distance of 5 or 6 cm., exposing the lower portion of the body of the uterus and the cervix. When this had been accomplished, the uterine vessels on each side could be felt pulsating distinctly where they passed to the cervix. The plan of the operation which I then determined to follow was to tie the uterine vessels on both sides, then to cut across the cervix, and after that, to deliver the tumor from the cul-de-sac, thus reversing the usual steps in the operation. I first freed the ovaries from the tumor by a series of ligatures near the uterine cornu, as it was my iutention not to remove them ; this was easily accomplished, as their relations were not much distorted from the normal. The uterine arteries were tied just at the point where they curve up to reach the cervix. Then, as previously determined, the uterus was cut across from side to side, thus loosening the tumor entirely from its cervical and broad ligament attachments. The tumor was then fixed in the abdominal cavity only by its extension into the cul-de-sac; on attempting to raise it from this position, it was found densely adherent to the whole cul-de-sac and to the rectum posteriorly. These adhesions were carefully separated by raising the tumor slowly and dividing them with the Angelas they came into view. The densest adhesions were found between the rectum and the tumor, and here some difficulty was experienced in the detachment, though a slow removal prevented any injury to the rectal coats. After removal of tin- tumor the remainder of the operation was carried out in the usual manner, the amputated cervix was closed in with catgut sutures, and the bare area on the floor of the pelvis cov

ered by drawing the anterior and the posterior layers of the peritoneum together with catgut sutures. The large overdistended bladder was left puckered over the cervix, and the wound appeared as usual after a normal hysteromyomectomy. Several oozing points on the rectum were checked by fine catgut sutures, the peritoneal cavity was cleansed and the abdominal incision closed in the usual manner.

The convalescence was normal, save for a slight collection of blood above the stump of the cervix between it and the bladder, which was easily evacuated by dilating the cervical canal, otherwise the patient recovered in a perfectly satisfactory mauuer.


The chief points of interest in this case are the peculiar developments of the myomatous tumor from the posterior surface of the uterus and its extension into the eul-de-sac ; the upward displacement of the bladder covering the whole anterior surface of the uterus, and the method of attacking such a tumor.

Such a growth is rarely seen, and, therefore, this method of operation will only be useful in a certain number of abnormal cases. The principle, however, would seem to me to be a good one, and it might also be applicable in other conditions besides cases of posterior myomatous development. Thus, for instance, in densely adherent pelvic structures, or in cases with large pelvic abscesses, it would be easier to separate the bladder from the uterus anteriorly where there are usually but few adhesions, and to tie the uterine arteries on each side before any attempt is made to remove the adherent masses, thus obviating one of the chief difficulties in such an operation, namely, hasmorrhage from the misplaced or with difficulty accessible uterine artery.

The cervix, in these cases, could be cut across after tying the vessels, and a point of leverage obtained to remove more easily the adherent structures.




By Lindsay Peteus, M. D.

(From the Gynecological Department of The Johns Hopkins Hospital.)

Out of 7,600 patients admitted to the wards of the Gynecological Department of the Johns Hopkins Hospital since September, 1889, (there being 42 cases of dermoid cysts among that number), only two cases of carcinoma associated with a dermoid cyst have been observed. There was one case of dermoid cyst of the ovary coexisting with squamous-celled carcinoma of the cervix uteri, the latter extending out into the broad ligaments and to the tubes, not, however, involving the dermoid cyst. The combination of carcinoma and dermoid in the same tumor in any manner is rare, and carcinoma developed primarily from epithelial structures in a dermoid is very seldom seen.

In discussing the relations of carcinoma to dermoid cysts it is necessary to bear in mind the various possibilities, which are: First, a carcinomatous degeneration of the dermoid tumor itself; second, the carcinomatous degeneration of a part of an ovary, another part of which contains a dermoid cyst; third, the original association of a multilocular cyst with a dermoid cyst, followed by a carcinomatous degeneration of the multilocular tumor, (Gessner), and fourth, the possibility of a dermoid cyst of the ovary being invaded by a carcinoma from some contiguous organ.

The first case to be described in this report is one of carcinomatous degeneration of an ovarian dermoid cyst. Dr. Kelly



Fig. 1.— Shows tlie relations of the tumor to the rectum, bladder, and symphysis pubis and its extension into the cul-de-sac.

Top of

Fig. '.'. — Tom I appear through the domlnal wall, showing ■

surrounding structures. Th'- relations ol the bladder to the cervix and bodj "I the uterus can be well seen.

April, 1900.]



has already reported this case briefly before the Medical Society of the Johns Hopkins Hospital,* and I shall, therefore, not dwell upon the points which he has brought out, but shall endeavor to add to what he has reported something of the subsequent history of the case, and a more detailed description of the pathological findings. 1 am indebted to Dr. Kelly for placing the case in my hands for thorough description and publication.

Case I. (Gynecological No. 7394).— Mrs. H. T., white, aged 46 years, was admitted to the Johns Hopkins Hospital, Nov. 24, 1899.

Complaint, pain in bowels."

The patient has had 10 children, no miscarriages. There is nothing of interest in the history of her labors except that she had puerperal septicaemia after the birth of her 9th child, 14 years ago. and that the birth of her last child, 10 years ago, was induced at the 8th month on account of haemorrhages which began in the 6th month of gestation and ceased soon after delivery.

Menstruation has always been regular and normal. The last menstruation before operation was on Nov. 4, 1899.

She has had slight leucorrhcea, from time to time, for many years.

Her family history is good, excepting that her mother died of heart disease.

Her past history is good.

The history of her present illness is as follows. Since the birth of her 9th child, 14 years ago, she has suffered with soreness in both inguinal regions, and with distressing bladder symptoms— a sensation of weight or pressure on the bladder and, at times, incontinence of urine, at other times prolonged and painful retention of urine. Seven or eight years ago she noticed for the first time a tumor low down in the left side of the abdomen. This was freely movable and changed its position whenever the patient assumed certain postures. She thinks that the tumor remained the same size from the time she first noticed it until about three months ago, when it seemed to rise and cause" knots" or "lumps" in the abdomen. About this same time (three months ago), having previously been able to go about and attend to her duties, she took to her bed on account of the severity of the bladder symptoms mentioned above, and has remained in bed ever since. For the past two weeks she has been unable to void urine, except a very little at a time, and that only while standing.

Physical examination on admission. — The patient is emaciated ; her cheeks are sunken, the complexion is sallow, the eyes watery, the mucous membranes pale, the tongue clean.

The pulse is regular in force and rhythm, of fair volume, but rather low tension, 96 per minute. The vessel-wall is palpable.

The lungs are negative.

The heart is also negative.

Vaginal examination. — The external genitalia are normally developed, but somewhat atrophic. The vaginal outlet is markedly relaxed. The posterior vaginal wall presents at the vulval orifice over an area of about one square inch. The cervix cannot be distinctly outlined, but is apparently pushed upward an inch or two above the upper border of the symphysis, and to the right side. Here a small polyp can be felt. Filling the whole of the pelvis and extending to within 1J in. of the vulval orifice, pushing forward the posterior vaginal wall, is a tumor mass. This is in places hard and firm, in other places fluctuant. It is apparently firmly fixed in the pelvis, especially on the right side. The rectum is pushed well to the left side of the pelvis and its lumen is encroached upon by the mass. The uterus is apparently situated upon the anterior face of the tumor, its fundus being about 10 to 12 cm. above the upper border of the symphysis. The

•Philadelphia Med. Journ., 1S'J«, Vol. IV, No. 36, p. 1208.

bladder is greatly distended, extending to the top of this mass which we consider to be the uterus. During examination urine passes freely from the meatus. The tumor, which apparently springs from the right side of the pelvis, extends to the umbilicus above. It is irregular in outline, somewhat nodular. It is fluctuant and tense over most of its surface and is apparently firmly fixed in the pelvis. Slight crepitation can be felt over the left anterior surface of the tumor.

Operation (Cystectomy by Br. Kelly). — A median incision, IS cm. long, was made, exposing the uterus flattened against the anterior abdominal wall. Several small, hard nodules in the bladder peritoneum were excised, and others were seen over the peritoneal surface. The tumor was densely adherent to the sigmoid, rectum and pelvic walls. A large leash of blood-vessels running in the infundibulo-pelvic ligament on the left were ligated and cut. The tumor contents (dermoid) were drawn off by a large trocar. The peritoneal coat of the tumor was incised and the tumor-wall separated, by blunt dissection along the surface of cleavage, from its adhesions to the intestines, pelvis, etc. There was moderate oozing until, on detachingthe tumor from the rectum and vagina, low down on the posterior wall of the pelvis, near the anus, a carcinomatous mass was encountered, which bled freely and was curetted away. After curettage, removing about 12 cc. of friable material, resembling an advanced cervical cancer, an opening into the posterior vaginal vault was made with the end of blunt forceps and stretched the full width of the vagina for drainage. Washed-out iodoform gauze was laid in the pelvis and brought out into the vagina. The question then was, how to protect this cancerous area, sure to break down immediately, from the peritoneal cavity above. This was done by taking the large, somewhat plastic uterine body, with its right tube and ovary amputated, but with the left tube and ovary intact, and drawing it back into retroflexion, when it snugly and exactly filled the opening at the pelvic brim. The uterus was then sewed to the brim of the pelvis by continuous catgut suture, beginning with the right round ligament and suturing it for about 2 cm. to the brim and then continuing on around the fundus on a line between the tubal ends, anterior to the amputated surface on the right, over to the opposite tube and ovary and beneath them, leaving them projecting up into the abdominal cavity. The rectum was protected from sutures by a thick fold of membrane left from the capsule of the tumor. After extirpation, the rectum just had snug room at the brim of the pelvis. The left round ligament was not sutured, as the suturing ended with the infundibulopelvic ligament. Several bleeding points on the sac-wall were ligated. The abdomen was flushed out with normal salt solution and closed with interrupted silkworm-gut and catgut sutures.

Description of the Tumor.— Gynecological-pathological No. 3647.

Gross description. — The specimen consists of a cyst, a Fallopian tube and numerous small scraps of tissue of irregular shapes, which were removed by curettage from the posterior wall of the pelvis.

The cyst is 13 cm. in diameter. Exteriorly it is pinkishyellow in color and for the most part smooth, though in places, especially towards the base, dense adhesions are seen. Also near the base, on the right, postero-inferior portion of the outer surface, is a circular, rough excrescence, about 5 cm. in diameter and raised about 5 to 7 mm. above the surrounding surface. This is composed of pale-pink, somewhat hard, coarsely granular tissue, some parts of which are quite friable, other parts firmly held together by a stout fibrous



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network. At about the centre of this circular area there is a small opening, 5 mm. in diameter, into the cyst-cavity, apparently made by tearing of the cyst-wall in removal of the tumor. There is another small opening, about 2 5 cm. long, in the upper wall of the cyst, made during the operation for the purpose of evacuating the contained fluid. The thicknpss of the wall varies from 1 to 4 mm., except in one part of the cyst near its base, where long, high, narrow ridges of tissue, to which wisps of long, fine, blonde hair are attached, project into the cyst-cavity. The thickness of these ridges from side to side varies from .5 to I cm. They rise from 1 to 2.5 cm. above the surrounding surface and are from 2 to 4 cm. long. The wisps of hair are matted together by a large amount of greasy, sebaceous secretion. In the wall, beneath the base of the highest of the ridges of tissue just described, there is found a mass of hard bone, about 2 cm. in its greatest diameter, of very irregular shape. There are also, on various parts of the inner surface, smooth, slightly elevated ridges which represent the remains of previously existing septa. The remainder of the inner surface has a puckered or rugous appearance and, in general, is of an opaque, yellowish-white color. But there are numerous areas from 3 mm. to 2 cm. in diameter which are very sligh ly (scarcely .5 mm.) elevated, of a reddish-brown color and have sharply defined, circular or irregular outlines. They have a somewhat velvety appearance owing to numerous minute, columnar and papilla-like projections of which they are composed. The inner surface of the cyst opposite the rough, circular area on the outer surface is comparatively smooth, except immediately around the small opening at the centre of the rough area, where there is a border about 2 to 3 mm. in diameter, composed of slightly raised, coarsely granular tissue.

The Fallopian tube is 5.5 cm. long, having a practically uniform diameter of 6 mm. It is enveloped by dense adhesions. The fimbria? are matted together, the ostium abdominale occluded. Just below the tube, betweeu the layers of the broad ligament, 1 cm. from its outer extremity, are three small, thin-walled, translucent cysts, side by side, 3 to 5 mm. in diameter.

The irregular pieces of tissue removed by curettage are firm in consistency, dark red in color, for the most part very friable, and have many slender projections on their surfaces. They vary from 1 to 2.5 cm. in greatest diameter.

With the exception of the scraps of tissue removed by curettage from the posterior wall of the pelvis, which were preserved in a 5 per cent solution of formalin, the gross specimen was preserved in Mi'iller's fluid and afterwards washed in running water, then placed in 95 per cent alcohol. Sections were cut for microscopic study from (re) the ridges of tissue from which the wisps of hair took origin ; (b) various parts of the wall, not including the rough excrescence on the outer surface; (c) the portion of the wall occupied by the rough excrescence; (d) from the scraps of tissue curetted from the posterior wall of the pelvis ; (e) from the Fallopian tube. These, after being properly hardened by the usual method, were embedded in celloidin. Microtome sections were then cut and were stained with hematoxylin and eosin.

Microscopic description, (a). Sections through the ridges

of tissue from which the wisps of hair took origin are seen to have very uneven surfaces, presenting alternate, irregular projections and depressions. Upon the surface is a layer of stratified squamous epithelial cells, which varies from 2 or 3 to 6 or 7 cells in thickness. The most superficial of these epithelial cells have degenerated and have been cast off from the surface either singly or in homogeneous, deeply eosinstained bands formed by the coalescence of the superficial cells. Definite prickle-cells are seen in the deepest stratum of the layer. In many places the epithelium covering the surface is degenerated throughout the thickness of the layer, being converted into a mass of retractile, disintegrated, deeply eosin-stained tissue. In the stroma beneath the layer of surface epithelium there are many cross and oblique sections of hair follicles and numerous normal sebaceous and sudoriparous glands. Some of the hair follicles contain hairs, others do not. The stroma is composed of dense, wavy fibrous tissue, poor in nuclei, and running through it are many thin-walled blood-vessels. There are also many masses of colored bloodcorpuscles in the stroma, some of which are free in the tissues, others contained in the walls of congested blood-vessels. The tissues, in many places, show beginning hyaline change. Scattered through all the tissues of the wall are fairly numerous small round cells and a few polymorphonuclear leucocytes. The degree of the leucocy tic invasion varies very much in different parts of the specimens, being quite dense in many places near the inner surface.

(b~). On examining many sections from various parts of the wall (not including the rough excrescence on the outer surface), it is found to be composed for the most part of dense fibrous tissue which, iu mauy places, shows hyaline degeneration. In a few places, small bundles of non-striated musclefibres are seen. The fibrous tissue is densest next to the outer surface, where, in some places, its appearance is suggestive of ovarian stroma. The outer surface is generally smooth and even, but here and there thick, non-vascular tags of adhesions are seen. There are also a few slit-like spaces just beneath the outer surface lined by a single layer of flattened, endothelial cells. Blood-vessels of considerable size aie scattered in moderate abundance through all parts of the wall.

The inner surface is, for the most part, devoid of any epithelial lining, although in some places it is covered by layers of stratified epithelium from 2 or 3 to 15 or 20 cells in thickness. The cells in the thickest layers are, in general, flattened from side to side instead of from above downward, as in the stratified squamous epithelium of normal structures such as the cervix uteri, vagina, skin, etc. In the thinnest layers they are flattened from above downward, and in the layers intermediate in thickness they are much less compressed, i. e., more polyhedral in form Some of the cells in the deepest strata are prickle-cells. No definite papilla? are formed beneath the epithelium. The portions of the inner surface not covered by epithelium are wavy in outline and composed of fibrous tissue, which, iu many places, resembles chronic granulation-tissue, containing many very small, wellformed, congested blood-vessels. The tissues, a short distance below the surface, are permeated by extravasated blood.

The reddish-brown, slightly elevated areas on the inner