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Black = leucocytes.
Broken = temperature.

October, 1894.]
Date Admitted.
Previous Duration.
Type of
3 S
5* »
? 2
K.-Malo, 26.
August 18, 1893.
Aug. 18.
Beginning of chill.
Illness began August 16, 1893.
4 P.M.
Daily paroxysms.
6 P. M.
12 mid.
M.— Male, 33.
August 16, 1893.
Aug. 19.
1.45 P. M.
Beginning of chill.;
Illness began August 11, 1893.
Aug. 20.
10 A. M.
Daily paroxysms.
10 P. M.
Chill began at 2 P.M.
Aug. 21.
a A. M.
S.-Male, n.
August 31, 1893.
Illness began August 14, 1891.
Aug. 23.
10 A. M.
Beginning of chill.
Paroxysms every other day.
11 A. M.
12 M.
1 P. M.
4 P. M.
Aug. 24.
13 M.
Same case.
Aug. 25.
8 A.M.
Beginning of chill.
10 A. M.
13 M.
70 8
3 P. M.
4 P. M.
8 P.M.
S.-Male, 20.
August 24, 1893.
Aug. 34.
8 P.M.
Illness began August 10, 1893.
Daily paroxysms.
Aug. 25.
13 P. M.
1 A. M.
Beginning of chill.
3 A. M.
3 A.M.
4 A. M.
6 A. M.
8 A. M.
B.-Male, 20.
August 2.5, 1893.
Aug. 26.
8 A. M.
Just before chill.
Illness began August 20, 1893.
2 P.M.
13 8
Daily paroxysms.
6 P.M.
Aug. 37.
8 A. M.
P.-Male, 19.
August 28, 1893.
Aug. 39.
10 P. M.
Just before chill.
Illness began August 35, 1893.
12 P. M.
Daily paroxysms.
Aug. 30.
12 M.
W.-Male, 27.
March 6, 1894.
March 6.
1.15 P. M.
Beginning of chill.
Illness began March 4, 1894.
4.15 P. M.
Daily paroxysms.
March 7.
8.m A. M.
March 8.
9 A. M.
March 9.
11 A. M.
March 10.
11.30 A.M.
G.-Male, 22.
August 14, 1894.
Aug. 15.
3.30 P. M.
Beginning of chill.
Illness began August 9, 1891.
10 P. M.
Daily paroxysms.
Aug. 16.
8 A.M.
2.30 P. M.
Just before chill.
J.-Male, 48.
August 14, 1894.
Aug. 16.
12 M.
Illness began August 6, 1894.
Aug. 17.
2 P. M.
Beginning of chill.
Daily paroxysms.
5 30 P. M.
10 P. M.
n.— Female, 13.
August 24, 1.S93.
Aug. 27.
8 P. M.
I Temperature not normal
62 8
Illness began August 14, 1893.
Aug. 28.
8 P.M.
f since admission.
Irregular fever since that date.
Aug. 30.
8 P.M.
First normal temperature.
T.— Male, 8.
September 2, 1893.
Sept. 3.
10 A. M.
Irregulfir fever temp, not
touching normal for 3 days.
Illness began August 12, 1893.
6 P. M.
Irregular I'over since that date.
Sept. 4.
4 P. M.
i. e., until the 5th.
Sept. 5.
8 A.M.
C.-Male, 30.
September 11, 1893.
Sept. 11.
4 P. M.
64 OO
Height of febrile paro.\jfm
Illness began September 0,1893.
Sept. 12.
8 A.M.
lasting 24 hours.
Irregular fever with uight
12 7
C.-Male, 27.
September 16, 1893.
Sept. 17.
8 A. M.
Illness began August 7, 1803.
8 P.M.
Height of iiaroxysni la.stinc
Irregular febrile paroxysms
Sept. 18.
12 M.
with sweating.
M.-Malc, 20.
August 16, 1894.
Aug. 16.
3.30 P. M.
Temp, falling.
Illness began .August 12, 1894.
Aug. 17.
10 A. M.
Temp. Iwgan to rise at 2 P- -M.
Irregular febrile paroxysms
5 P. M.
with cliills and sweating.
K.— Male, 13.
.luly 19, 1891.
•luly 21.
8 A. M.
Previous history uot obtainable.
July 22.
S P. M.
8 A. M.
Height of slight pjtroxysm.
[No. 42.
and until proof to the contrary be offered, we are justified in
thinking it to take place regularly. The relative numerical
proportion of the various forms of leucocytes is stated by
Ehrlich to be as follows :
Polynuclears, 70 to 75 per cent ; lymphocytes, 15 to 25 per
cent; mononuclear and transitional forms, 6 per cent, and
eosinophiles, 1 to 5 per cent.
Uskow gives it as follows : Tjymphocytes and small mononuclears, 18 per cent; transparent and transitional forms,
per cent, and polynuclears and eosinophiles, 76 per cent.
The two classifications practically correspond, and we will
adopt the latter as our standard.
Taking up first the polyuuclear leucocytes, it is seen that
they arc markedly diminished, both relatively and absolutely.
In one case (No. 8) they are as low as 43.2 per cent. The
greatest reduction is, as a rule, at the end of the paroxysm.
In six cases there is a distinct increase in their number during
the first three hours of the paroxysm, corresponding to the
increase in number of the leucocytes as a whole. The small
mononuclear elements vary widely, from -30.1 per cent in Case
8 to 6.4 per cent in Case 7. Nothing definite is to be made
out concerning the variations in their percentage.
The large mononuclear elements are, as a rule, greatly increased, both absolutely and relatively. The highest count is
33.2 per cent in Case 2 ; the lowest, 4.2 per cent in Case 8.
They are above normal in all but two instances, and seem to
reach their maximum towards the end of the paroxysm, thus
counterbalancing the polyuuclear forms, which reach their
minimum at that time. The percentage of eosinophiles is
rather below normal, but nothing worthy of note is to be
made out concerning them.
In the cases of malaria of the fall type it is impossible to
arrive at as definite conclusions as in the tertian cases. The
onset of the paroxysm is almost always gradual, the temperature rising and falling relatively slowly as compai-ed to the
temperature in the tertian cases. The paroxysms average
about 36 hours in length. It seems, however, from our cases
that there is a distinct though slight diminution, in number
of the leucocytes at the end of the paroxysm, the reparation
in number of the leucocytes taking place during the interval.
The polyuuclear elements are distinctly decreased in number,
while there is a corresponding increase in the number of the
large mononuclear elements. The small mononuclears and
the eosinophiles seem relatively unaffected.
In the one case of quartan malaria which came under
observation, no variations in number of the leucocytes could
be made out. The differential count of the leucocytes, however, showed the same condition of affairs already noted in
the tertian and fall cases.
Besides the observations here reported, a sufficient number
of extra counts were made to bring the total number of counts
up to one hundred, the average result Ijeing 4323. .So that
if we take 7<iO() per cmni. as the average normal number of
leucocytes in human blood, in malarial fever there is on an
average a diminution of about 38 per cent.
This is possibly to be explained as Bastianelli says, by the
necrosis of the phagocytic leucocytes which have taken up
altered blood pigment, malarial organisms and degenerated
red blood corpuscles. At any rate the diminution in number
of the leucocytes does occur, whatever nuiy be the cause.
The average numerical proportions of the various forms of
leucocytes in the 16 cases are as follows:
Polynuclears. Small Mononuclears. Large Mononuclears. Eosinopliiks.
65.04 per ct. 1G.9 per cent. 16.9 per cent. 0.96 per cent.
The increase in the number of the polyuuclear forms just
after the chill is to be explained possibly as a manifestation
of chemotaxis due to toxiues circulating in the blood, or as an
evidence of regeneration.
The confusion of typhoid with malarial fever, especially the
fall type of the latter, is something that we must be on our
guard against. In the latter form of malarial fever the
temperature is often elevated for days, the patient is dull and
listless, the tongue is heavily coated, the sjjleen is readily palpable, and Ehrlich's diazo-reaction occurs in the urine. In
short, with the exception of the absence of the diarrhoea and
rose-spots, there is a tolerably complete picture of typhoid
fever. In Cases 11 and 12 the temperature remained elevated
for four and three days respectively. The organisms of this
type of malarial fever are very easily overlooked. For the
first week or so after the beginning of the illness the only
forms of organism present in the peripheral circulation are
the so-called "hyaline" bodies. These are very small, and
to one unaccustomed to examining malarial blood are readily
confused with vacuoles in the red corpuscles. The crescentic
forms of the organism do not appear until later in the disease,
and the segmenting forms are not found in the peripheral
Uskow has called attention to the fact that in typhoid fever
there is no leucocytosis, and that there is a diminution in the
percentage of the polyuuclear leucocytes with a corresjjonding
increase in the percentage of the large mononuclear forms.
This he believes to occur regularly in uncomplicated cases
of typhoid fever, and his statement has been verified by a
number of counts made by Dr. W. 8. Thayer and myself at
the .Johns Hopkins Hospital. But this condition of the
blood is exactly the same as the one which obtains in malarial
fever of the fall or ffistivo-autumnal type. So that the estimation of the number of leucocytes, and the determination
of the proportions of the various forms by means of stained
specimens, are not sufficient for the diagnosis of typhoid unless
we can definitely rule out the presence of malarial organisms.
In conclusion, a few words may be added about the leucocytes in malarial anemia.
While the occurrence of a leucocytosis in most secondary
anannias is the rule, it is never very marked, rarely being
above 15 to 18,000. In four cases of malarial ana-mia which
we have had under observation the increase in the number of
leucocytes was striking. In two cases where the red corpuscles ranged just above 3,000,000 per cmm. the leucocytes
were 28,000 and 30,000 respectively. In another case the red
corpuscles were just under 2,000,000, while the leucocytes
reached 40,000. In the fourth ease the red corpuscles were
3,600,000, a relatively mild anremia, while the leucocytes
ranged above 20,000 for a week. In all four cases the increase
was solely in the polyuuclear leucocytes.
October, 1894.]
By Lewellys F. Barker, M. B., Associate in Atiatomy, Johns Hopkins University.
A short time ago, while, making some experiments concerning the metabolism of the parasites of malaria, I treated a
number of smeared cover-slip preparations of blood taken from
patients suffering from the disease, with reagents used for the
micro-chemical demonstration of iron.
Among other tests, the delicate method elaboi-ated by
Macallum* of Toronto, for the demonstration of iron in
chromatin, was employed. Dr. Macallum has found that by
treating freshly teased cells from various tissues, both animal
and vegetable, Avith a mixture of recently prepared ainmonium snljjhide and glycerine, and leaving the jjreparation
on a glass-slide under a cover-glass in the thermostat at
60° 0. for some days, that the chi'omatiu of the cell-nuclei
assumes a distinct green or greenish-black tinge, indicating
the presence of iron. He was able to demonstrate, too, in his
experiments on the absorption of ironf in certain animals, the
presence of that metal in the epithelial cells of the intestine
and within the protoplasm of many leucocytes, especially at the
beginning of the central lacteals in the villi. Iron, not demonstrable by the ordinary micro-chemical reactions, ("masked
iron "), could easily be rendered apparent by the prolonged
action of the heated sulphide and glycerine, especially if teased
preparations were used so that the reagent could surround on
all sides the cells to be acted upon.
In my experiments, cover-glass preparations, such as are
employed for the color-analysis of the leucocytes according to
the methods of Ehrlich, were heated on the copper bar at a
temperature of 12(1° C. for from one to two hours, and were
then treated in the following way: A drop of solution of
ammonium sulphide, prepared just before using, was placed
upon the smeared surface of the cover-slip, and this was
immediately laid upon a drop of glycerine, the glycerine and
sulphide-solution mixing, upon a large thick glass-slide. The
jireparation was then placed in the thermostat at 60° C. t)nce
as early as after 6 hours, but usually at the end of 24 hours,
and more markedly at the end of 48 hours, the greenish-black
iron reaction in the chromatin of the nuclei of the white
corpuscles was apparent in the specimens. By this time the
hiBinoglobin of the red corpuscles had assumed only a slight
* Macallum, A. B., On the demonstration of the presence of iron
in chromatin by micro-chemical methods. Proc. Roy. Soc, Vol. 50.
f Joui'nal of Physiology, Vol. XVI, Nos. 3 and 4.
greenish tint. In an occasional leucocyte, however, granule.^
of the size and shape of the eosinophile granules were veiT
distinctly stained yellowish-green.
To make sure that the granules were really those of the
eosinophile-leucocytes (although the morphology of these
granules is in itself so typical that they can as u rule be recognized in fresh unstained specimens of blood), some cover-slip
preparations known by control-studies of slides stained with
the triple stain to contain a much larger number of eosinophile-leucocytes than normal, were submitted to the same test.
In these too the eosinophile granules stained sharply. The
blood taken from a patient whose blood contained 18 percent,
of eosiuophiles yielded very striking pictures.
The granules in the sulphide-glycerine preparations do not
assume quite the same tint as do the nuclei of the leucocytes ;
the latter are stained greenish-black and have a dull appearance; the eosinophile granules by contrast are more highly
refractive, and while stained greeuish-black show also a slisrht
yellowish tint.
The finer neutrophilic granules within the protoplasm of
the leucocytes with polymorphous nuclei do not yield anv
visible iron-reaction.
Sherrington in his article* on the changes in the leucocytes,
in certain infiammatious, describes carefully the various forms
of white corpuscles, including the eosinophiles (coarselv grauular leucocytes). He did not notice any marked alteration in
the coarse granules on treatment with ammonium-sulphide
(p. 300), probably because the specimens were not submitted
to the high temperature necessary for the demonstration of
•• masked " iron. Sherrington found, however, that witli the
ammonium-molybdate test as applied in micro-cheuiical work
by Lilienfeld and Monti, that the eosinophile grauuk'S yielded
a distinct though faint reaction for phosphorus. He also
convinced himself of the presence of a basophilic membi-.ine
surrounding the eosinophilic (oxyphile) granules.
The significance of the leucocytic granulations is as yet
not fully understood. An attempt has been made to assign
to the eosinophile granules a definite function in protecting
the organism against bacterial invasion. It may be that the
results of the micro-chemical test.s above referreti to will be of
some aid in coming to a conclusion reganiing their import
*Proc. Roy. Soc, Vol. LV, No. 332, pp. 161-20«>.
By henry J. BERKLEY, M. D.
Contents: I.— Dementia Paralytica in the Negro Race. IT.— Studies in the Histology of the Liver. III.— The Intrinsic Pulmonary
Nerves in Mammalia. IV.— The Intrinsic Nerve Supply of the Cardiac Ventricles in Certain Vertebrates. V.— The Intrinsic Nerves of the
Submaxilhuy Gland of .^f<is mutculm. VI.— The Intrinsic Nerves of tlie Thyroid Gland of the Dog. VII.— The Nerve Elements of the
Pituitary Gland.
Price, $1.50. .\ddress The .Tohns Hopkins Press. B.vltimorb, Md.
[No. 42.
By L. p. Hamburger.
(From the Pharmacological Laboratory of the Johna Hopkins Unirersity.)
Ainoug the many researches that have been made on the
physiological, therapeutical aud toxicological properties of
morphine since its isolation by Sertiirner in 1817, those of
Marme,* Leineweber,t A]t,J aud Tauber,§ demonstrating its
elimination by the gastric mucous membrane take a leading
place. The medical profession in general does not seem,
however, to be familiar with the practical applications that
may be made of this discovery and it is worth while to record
the following case of opium-poisoning in which a chemical
examination was made of the urine and of successive stomach
washings, especially since the results agree with those found
by the above-mentioned investigators in their experiments on
On the evening of May 2, 1894, 6G0 cc. of a sherry-red fluid
was sent from the hospital to the pharmacological laboratory,
the liquid being part of the washings of the stomach of a
Chinaman, Lee Hee, who had attempted suicide.
A report was requested as to the kind of poison ^that had
lieen taken. The fluid was clear, with a few bits of orange pulp
floating in it, and it smelled faintly of crude opium; it w-as
liltered and gave the characteristic mecouic acid reaction,
luimelv, the red color with ferric chloride or ferrous sulphate
which persisted on the addition of hydrochloric acid and also
when boiled. A second portion of the filtered fluid was made
alkaline with sodium hydrate, shaken up with ether, the ether
removed and evaporated, the yellowish-white residue from
the ether dissolved in a little acidulated water and this solution examined for alkaloids. It responded perfectly to the
following reagents : platinic choloride, iodine in potassium iodide solution, sodium molybdate in sulphuric acid
(Frohde). potassium-bismuth iodide aud potassium-mercuric
iodide. The presence of meconic acid and of alkaloids being
demonstrated, it became evident that we were dealing with
poisoning by opium.
Lee Hee is supposed to have taken the opium at about 10
a. m., and the quantity taken we estimated to be at least ten
grams, judging from the amount that still remained in the
little jar which was known to have- been full when the suicide
was attempted.
About half-past five Lee Hee was brought into one of Prof.
Osier's wards in a comatose condition and it was evident from
the state of his respiration and circulation that he was not
likely to recover. At this time the stomach was first washed
out and the process was repeated until the physicians in charge
* UnterHUchungen zur acuten u. cbroniscben Morpliinvergiftung.
Deutsche Meil. Wochenschr., 1883, nr. 14.
t Ueber Elimination stibciitan applicirter .\rzneimittel durch die
Magensclileimliaiit. Inang. Dissert. Gottingen, 188H.
t Unteraucliungen iiber die .\us8clieidung des Bubcutan injicirten
Morpliins dnrcb den Mai;en. Herl. Klin. Wochenscbr., 1889, nr. 25.
g Arcb. f. exp. Path. u. Pbarmakol., Bd. 27, S. 330.
had reason to think that there was no longer any opium in the
stomach. A second lavage was made at 8 p. m., aud a third
at half-past eleven, a quarter of an hour before death. The
fluid secured in these last two washings was colorless and frou)
this fact it may be concluded that all the crude opium had
been removed by the first washing, though unfortunately this
conclusion could not receive positive proof, since the last
portion of the first washing was not kept separate from the
rest and chemically examined. All three washings were examined for ojjium and morphine and the results, which will
presently be given, at least demonstrate the practical value of
repeated stomach washings, even after all ordinary signs of
opium, such as color and odor, are no longer found.
At G p. m., 75 cc. of urine was removed by the catheter
and submitted to a chemical examiqatiou by Landsberg's
method for the detectiou of morphine in the urine.* The
residue finally obtained was a mixture of ui'ea and morphine. Xo difficulty wa^experienced in identifying the former,
it appeared in the characteristic four-sided prisms with pyramidal ends. Tn addition to these ci'vstals of urea there were
seen numerous very small rhombic prisms. Whether the latter
were certainly crystals of morphine was not determined;
nevertheless the chemical tests demonstrated the presence of
morphine in considerable amount. This difficulty in separating
morphine from urea is not peculiar to this case,! but is due to
the fact that both behave toward solvents in much the same
way. Control tests showed that urea does not interfere with
the following morphine reactions. A minute quantity of the
residue dissolved in water and treated on a porcelain dish
with a drop of ammonium molybdate, gave a yellow precipitate,
and the addition of a drop or two of concentrated sulphuric
acid caused that beautiful play of colors, violet, blue and
green, which solutions of morphine give under the same conditions (Frohde). A fragment of iodic acid added to the
<liluted residue was reduced and the free iodine recognized by
shaking with chloroform. In this way the presence of morphine in the urine was demonstrated. In the present case,
therefore, there was no difficulty in proving the elimination
of at least a part of the ingested alkaloid through the urine.
Yet there is probably no point in the physiological history
of morphine which has given rise to more controversy than its
presence or absence in this excretion. The controversy involves
not only the immediate experimental results but the more
general problem of the fate of morphine in the body. Thus,
some observers after demonstrating that the alkaloid was
present in the urine claimed that it passed through the body
unchanged; others, failing to find it, argued that it suffered a
destructive oxidation and could not be demonstrated as mor
* Pfluger's Archiv, Bd. 23, S 425 (1880).
tNeubauer u. Vogcl, Analyse des Hams, Th. 1, S. 359.
October, 1894.]
pliiue in the urine. But it is now generally admitted that
after large doses of the alkaloid a small quantity appears in
the urine.
It is in the stomach, however, that the elimination of
morphine proceeds most actively. The practical importance
of this gastric excretion will be evident upon considering
the results of the stomach washings in the present case.
Of these there were three as already mentioned. The first
was the sherry-red fluid giving meconic acid reactions, and
upon treatment by the method of Stas, alkaloidal reactions.
This fluid was treated like the urine and a similar brown
residue was obtained. This residue was dissolved in water,
acidulated with hydrochloric acid and again evaporated.
During this evaporation a white precipitate separated out
which upon examination was found to be calcium phosphate,
one of the inorganic constituents of opium. Having removed
this salt, the residue was dissolved in warm absolute alcohol
and allowed to evaporate spontaneously. Morphine crystals
of a definite type were not obtained, but the solution gave
beautiful morphine reactions ; reducing iodic acid, responding
to Frohde's reagent, and giving a pink color with sulphuric
and nitric acids (Husemann).
As already stated, it was believed that all the opium was
removed during the first washing, and the fact that the second
washing came out colorless seems to confirm this view. Nevertheless the latter liquid gave fine alkaloidal reactions, but did
not respond to the tests for meconic acid. In other words, at
the first washing the ingested but unabsorbed opium was
removed; between this first lavage and the second the alkaloids had accumulated again. How ? It could only have been
through an excretion by the gastric mucous membrane. Nor
did the elimination of the poison stop at this period ; for, the
third washing made several hours later, colorless also, still
gave good reactions.
The meaning of these results must be clear. They point to
the excretion of the alkaloids of opium by the mucous membrane of the stomach and suggest a practical application of
this fact. If, as has been shown, these alkaloids, and morphine
in particular, are excreted into the stomach, then washing this
viscus repeatedly and at very short intervals to remove the
alkaloids as fast as they are eliminated, must certainly be a
life-saving process whether the poison has been taken by
mouth or hypodermically. Poisoning by the latter method
has not, as far as can be ascertained, been treated in this
manner in spite of Alt's demonstration of the presence of
morphine in the stomach washings of men who had received
3 eg. of the hydrochlorate subcutaneously. The quantity of
the alkaloid capable of being removed by repeated washings
has beeu estimated at almost one-half. Tauber also recovered
41.3 per cent, from the faeces of dogs to whom morphine was
administered subcutaneously but where the stomach had not
been washed out. Alt has ascertained that for dogs, doses of
more than 10-12 eg. morphine pro kilo may be considered
lethal; 17 eg. pro kilo almost invariably caused death. On
the other hand, if, immediately after the injection, the stomach
was washed and the lavage continued for forty-five minutes,
then 10-13 eg. pro kilo never produced serious symptoms, and
indeed with ] 7 eg. and even 20 eg. pro kilo the symptoms of
poisoning were not so severe as when 12 eg. were administered
without repeated washing. Two dogs were saved after the
injection of so large a quantity as 24 eg. pro kilo. This evidence goes to prove that the excreted morphine is reabsorbed
and that it still has toxic properties ; and may not the frequent
relapses following ajiparent recoveries from overdoses of morphine* also furnish proof of such reabsorptiou 't By a continuous lavage the exchange that goes on between the gastrointestinal mucous membrane and the general system would be
interrupted, and in proportion as the alkaloids excreted by
the mucous membrane are removed the effects of their reabsorptiou would be avoided. Conformably to the results of
Alt's experiments, the lavage should be repeated at short
intervals, and the sooner this can be done after the opium or
morphine has been taken, the better. In the case cited in this
paper no successful outcome could be anticipated, because too
long a time elapsed between the talking of the opium and the
beginning of the treatment.
In connection with this subject it may be well to repeat
Kobert'sf suggestion', that a chemical examination of the
faeces should be made in cases where the morphine habit is
suspected but is denied by the patient, and where for various
reasons it is difficult to secure conclusive evidence of the fact
in other ways.
•See for example, Souclion : "On relapses following recoveries
from overdoses of injections of morphine," N. Orl. JI. & S. J., XIV,
pp. -ir.T-oO, 1886-S7 ; Taylor : " Lancet," Vol. I, p. 937 (1884).
f Lehrbucli der Intoxikationeii, p. 5(U.
Minute adopted by tiik Hoard of Tki'stkks of
The Trustees of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, having learned
with deep sorrow of the sudden death of J.vmes Carey, one
of its most faithful and conscientious members, desire to put
upon permanent record their appreciation of his character and
services. He was the soul of integrity and uprightness iu
every relation in life. His heart was full of sympathy for the
sick, the sorrowing and the unfortunate. It can be said of
him ihat he wronged no man iu thought, word or deetl, but
was kind ;itul helpful to all. lie had no enemies, but many
I'lieuds. lie ki\ed chilihrn, and was tender and gentle with
THK .Toiixs HoPKiKS Hospital. October 0, 1804.
them to a remarkable degree. He took great interest iu the
Johns Hopkins Colored Orphan Asylum and was eager to
develop a better work in the new buildings in course of erection. At the last meeting of the Trustees he attt^uded he was
iu full sympathy with new plans for the care and training of
colored orphans. He was also peculiarly interested in all the
humanitarian aims and work of the Hospital, and bis sound
judgment and wise counsel commanded the highest resjHH^t of
his associates. After a pure life, full of good deeds and
kindly impulses, he hsis gone to his reward.
[No. 42.
The epidemic of the black plague which broke out in May
last in IIong-Kong and was very destructive to the Chinese
population, will be nuxde memorable in the history of modern
medicine on account of the simultaneous discovery by a French
and a. Japanese investigator of the micro-organism which there
is reason to believe is the cause of the disease. These two
investigators, who are already well known to the scientific
world through their important previous contributions to the
literature of bacteriology, are Drs. Yersin and Kitasato.
The former, Dr. Yersin, who was sent by the French government, owing to the danger to their Indo-Chinese possessions,
with instructions to study the nature of the plague, the conditions under which it is propagated, and to search for more
effective means for preventing the invasion of their possessions,
arrived in Hong-Kong on June 15th.
Dr. Kitasato, accompanied by Dr. Aoyama, was sent by the
Japanese government, and arrived at Hong-Kong on June 12th.
Dr. Aoyama was delegated to study the clinical and pathological
features of the disease, whereas Dr. Kitasato was to undertake
the investigation into its aetiology. Dr. Aoyama became
infected with the disease, but recovered. Hence tho report of
their investigations relates quite exclusively to the bacteriology
of the disease.
On June 14th the first autopsy was conducted by Dr.
Aoyama, and the blood and organs were studied for microorganisms by Dr. Kitasato, who at the same time made cultures.
Under the microscope bacilli were found in the cover-slips,
but as the individual had been dead 11 hours the result was
not considered conclusive. However, guinea-pigs were inoculated with a bit of the spleen and the blood from tho case.
On the same day, in the blood taken from the tip of the
finger of patients sick of the disease, bacilli agreeing in form
with those found at the autopsy were again met with. The
next day (June 1.5th) the blood-serum cultures nuulc from
the autopsy of the previous day showed upon examination a
growth of micro-organisms which resembled the bacilli already
seen. From these cultures a guinea-pig, mouse, rabbit and
pigeon were inoculated.
The guinea-pigs inoculated from the spleen and the blood of
the patient dead of the disease, were dead on the second day,
and the autopsy U2)on tliese animals showed oedema at the seat
•The importance of the discovery of the micro-org.anism believed
to be the cause of the idague seems to justify tlie publication of
abstracts of tlie two original pajjcrs wliicli have just appeared on
the Biihjcct. Moreover, as one of tliem (Kilasato's) appeared
originally in Japanese and is therefore relatively inaccessible to
English readers, it seemn less necessary to apologize for presenting
the results together at this time. This it would have heen impossible for me to do hut for the kindness of Dr. S. H. Sanobe, now
attending u))on the post-graduate courses at the Johns Hopkins
Hospital, who kindly read the Japanese jiajier to me. The two
riapers are to be founil in the .Sei-i-Kwoi (Medical Journal), TOkyo,
for Sept. 8, 1894, and Le Bnlletin Medical, Sept. 23, 1894. In the
latter a French abstract of the report of Dr. Kitasato is also given.
— Simon Flbxmeu.
of inoculation, and the bacilli were recovered from the viscera
of the animals. Of the animals inoculated with the growth
from the serum-cultures, all died, in from 1 to 4 days, according to the size of the animal, excepting the pigeon. The
latter survived. The post-mortem examinations of these
animals confirmed the conditions observed in the first experimental guinea-pigs.
Kitasato found the blood of human beings, dead of the
plague, to contain the bacilli often in such small numbers that
in many preparations perhaps not more than 2 or 3 organisms
could be found ; while the lymph glands, spleen, liver, lungs,
brain and intestines always showed many bacilli, which could
be cultivated. At times in cover-slips made from the inguinal
glands and spleen the number of organisms was so great as to
suggest that they had been made from a culture. In all the
inoculations from the organs a single organism in pure
culture was invariably obtained.
The characters of the bacillus. — The micro-organism obtained
in all instances consists of short rods, with rounded ends,
resembling the bacillus of chicken cholera, and possessing a
capsule. This capsule is at times quite distinctly marked, at
others it is difficult to see. The bacillus stains in aniline
dyes, the ends staining mor deeply than the middle portion.
According to Yersin it is decolorized by Gram's staining
method. It is described by Kitasato as being very motile.
Upon blood-serum, after 34 to 48 hours, at the body temperature, the bacillus grows abundantly, the growth appearing moist and of a yellowish-gray color. No liquefaction of
the blood-serum occurs. It also grows upon agar, but better
upon glyceriue-agar, forming a grayish-white surface growth.
The colonies in agar plates show a bluish translucence.
They are round, or present slightly irregular contours, and are
moist in texture. The young colonies are glass-like in apjjearance, but in the older ones the central part becomes thicker
and more opaque. In bouillon, according to Kitasato, a cloud
is produced, whereas Yersin compares the growth in this
medium with the appearance produced by the streptococcus
erysipelatos, namely, the fornuxtion of small granules which
settle upon the sides and to the bottom of the test-tube. Stab
cultures show after 1 to 2 days a fine dust-like line of growth.
The bacillus does not grow on potato, in 10 days, at the
ordinary temperature, but after two days at the temj)erature
of 37.5° 0. a growth, gray in color and with a dry surface, was
observed. The mean temperature of Hong-Kong was too high
to permit of gelatine being used.
The most favorable temperature for the growth of the
bacillus seems to be from 36° C. to 39° C. According to
Kitasato, it docs not form spores. Cover-slip preparations
from young agar-agar cultures show forms resembling chains
of cocci, but older ones present distinct bacillary forms.
Effects upon animals. — The animals used for experiments
were those previously mentioned, namely, rabbits, guinea-pigs,
rats, mice and pigeons, and in Kitasato's experiments, sheep.
With the exception of jtiiicous, all tlu'.se aiiinials jtroved to be
October, 1894.]
susceptible. The symptoms of the disease developed in the
inoculated animals from the first to the fourth day, depending
upon the size of the animals. According to Kitasato, the
animals are uniformly small at Hong-Kong, the average
weight of guinea-pigs being 115, and of rabbits 200 to 250
The first effects of the subcutaneous inoculation were already
perceptible in Yersin's cases after a few hours. The seat of
inoculation became oedematous, and the adjacent lymphglands could be felt. After 24 hours the animal is quiet, the
hair is rumpled, tears run from the eyes, later convulsions
set in which usually continue until death occurs. At the
seat of inoculation there is hemorrhagic cedema, the lymphglands are swollen, the intestine is sometimes hyperiemic, the
adrenal glands congested, the kidneys purple, the liver large
and congested, and the spleen is much enlarged, showing, at
times, according to Yersin, £to eruption of miliary tuberclelike nodules. The bacilli can be recovered from the organs
of the experimental animals.
In this connection it is interesting to note that in the i^art
of the city where the disease prevailed many rats were found
lying dead upon the ground and in the houses of the diseased;
and it is stated by Yersin that in the epidemics of Pakhoi and
of Lien-Chu, in the province of Canton, it had been observed
that before the plague attacked human beings it raged with
great intensity among mice, rats and swine.
Hahital of the hacillus. — It has already been mentioned that
the blood and organs of human beings and experimental
animals dead of the plague contain the bacillus. The same
organism has been obtained from the rats found dead in the
infected district, and Yersin having observed that the flies
which infested the laboratory in which his autopsies on experimental animals had been conducted were dying in large
numbers, found on making cultures from one that it contained
the organism. Kitasato inoculated three guinea-pigs with the
dust derived from the room in which there was a case of the
plague. Of these two died of tetanus ; the remaining one
died with the symptoms of the plague, and the bacillus was
obtained from the internal organs. Yersin obtained earth at
a distance of 4 to 5 centimeters below the surface from the
soil of an infected house. From this cultures wei"e made, and
bacilli having the cultural properties and the form of the
plague bacillus were isolated. These were, however, devoid of
Yersin pointed out in a previous part of his paper tliat
in cultures from the glands or the blood the colonies grow
with different degrees of rapidity, and the more rapidly
growing ones are less virulent than the slower ones. Thus
the growth derived from a particular colony might kill
guinea-pigs after a longer period of incubation, or not at all,
and yet be fatal to mice. He also obtained from a gland
which had been removed in the third week of the disease, a
culture of the organism which was destitute of pathogenic
pro})erties, even for mice.
Healthy mice placed in tlie same; cage with inoeulaied mice
succumb to the disease, aUliougli later than the infected
ones; and susceptible animals fed with food containing the
bacillus may die and present the characteristic lesions.
Action of physical and chemical agents on tJie mtalily of the
hacillus. — These experiments were conducted by Kitasato.
a) Physical. — 1st. Drying. Cover-slips were made from the
infected lymph-gland, and exposed in a room having a temperature of 28° to 30" C, being protected from sunlight.
These were dropped into bouillon at varying periods. Those
exposed from 1 to 36 hours gave a growth when kept in the
thermostat for two days, while cover-slips which had been
exjjosed for four days gave no growth in bouillon at the end
of seven days in the thermostat. — 2d. Sunlight. Cover-slips
prepared in the described manner failed to give any growth
whatever after an exposure to the direct rays of the sun for
3 to 4 hours. The experiments were repeated with a pure
culture of the bacillus made upon blood-serum with the
same results. — 3d. Heat. Bouillon-cultures were killed in §
hour at 80° C. In steam at 100° C. all the organisms were
killed in a few minutes.
b) Chemical. — 1st. Carbolic acid. Three-day old bouillon
cultures were treated with quantities of carbolic acid equaling
0.5 per cent., 0.75 per cent, and 1.0 per cent, of their volume.
From these mixtures inoculations were made into fresh bouillon every few minutes.
0.5 per cent, carbolic acid. After one hour's contact at
room temperature, a growth in two days at temperature of
the thermostat.
0.75 per cent, carbolic acid. Same result.
1.0 per cent, carbolic acid. After one hour's contact no
growth in one week at 37.5° C.
0.5 per cent, carbolic acid. After two hours' contact at
room temperature, no growth in one week at 37.5° C.
2nd. Milk of lime. The same plan was pursued, using the
solutions of the same strength.
0.5 per cent, milk of lime. After 2 hours' contact a very
slight growth.
0.5 per cent, milk of lime. After 3 hours' contact no growth.
1.0 per cent, milk of lime. After 2 hours' contact no growth.
Symptoms of the disease. — The disease comes on suddenly
after an incubation period of 3 to G days. There is great
lassitude and prostration. The temperature rises, and delirium
may be present. In 75 jjer cent, of the cases the glands of the
groin become swollen, in 10 per cent, those of the axilla, and
rarely those of the neck and other regions. The tongue is
heavily coated and black in color. Vomiting and diarrhoea
may occur, and are considered as being very unfavorable.
Death may occur in 48 hours, and frequently it takes place
sooner. Should the patient live until the 5th or 6th da}' the
prognosis is better. The enlarged glands may go on to suppuration and the abscesses so formed heal very slowly. The
disease attacks males and females, the old and the young.
The mortality in this epidemic is given by Kitasato as 75 to
85 per cent., by Yersin as 05 per cent,
Kitasato examined the blood of 30 cases, 25 of which
gave positive results. Of the remaining five, two were
proven not to have the disease; the remaining three were
doubtful. The organisms are difficult to see in cover-slips
from the blood ; it is therefore necessary to make cultures.
The conclusions which are ap^wuded to Dr. Kitiisato's report
are as follows :
[No. 42.
1. In the plague, bacilli are found in the blood, glands and
3. Tills particular bacillus is not found in any other disease.
3. Obtained in pure culture it is capable of producing in
inoculated animals the same effects as in human beings.
4. It gains entrance into the body through (a) the respiratory tract, (b) excoriations of the surface, (c) the digestive tract.
5. The disease prevails especially under faulty hygienic
conditions; it is therefore urged that general hygienic measures be carried out. Proper receptacles for sewage should be
provided ; a pure water supply afforded ; houses and streams
are to be cleansed; all persons sick of the disease isolated ; the
furniture of the sick washed with a 2-per cent, carbolic acid
solution in milk of lime; old clothes and bedding are to be
steamed at 100° C. for at least 1 hour, or exposed for a few
hours to sunlight. If feasible, all infected articles should be
burned. The evacuations of the sick are to be mixed with
milk of lime; and those who die of the disease are to be
buried at a depth of 3 metres, or, pi-eferably, cremated. After
recovery the patient is to be kept in isolation at least one
month. In one case he was able to demonstrate bacilli in the
blood after the third week. All contact with the sick is to
be avoided, and great care is to be exercised with reference
to food and drink.
Meeting of May 7, 1894 {continued).
Dr. Kelly in the Chair.
Report of Twelve Cases of Complete Radical Cure of Hernia,
by Halstcd's method, of over two years standing:. Silver
wire sntnres. — Du. Halstkd.
Dr. Bloodgood has very kindly written to all of the old hernia
cases in town and to several living out of town, requesting them to
come to show themselves to-night. It is now nearly five years tliat
we have done this operation for the radical cure of hernia. You
may remember that a little more than a year ago we reported 89
cases of hernia, and that there were no recurrences in the cases of
union by first intention. In G cases there was more or less of a
recurrence, but all of these cases had suppurated for some reason
or other, and had liealed by granulation. It remains to be seen
wh&ther or not there are any returns amongst the cases here tonight.
This first man v/as operated upon only two weeks ago to-day. In
this case and other recent cases we have used silver suluies instead
of silk, not because we wish anything stronger than silk, l)ut because
of the results of experiments which Dr. Bolton has kindly made
for us, and which we liave made, to determine the |iower of different
metals to inhibit tlio growth of bacteria. This line of exjicrimentation is not entirely original with us. Dr. Bolton has found that
zinc and cadmium and copper are perhaps the best metals to inhibit
tiie growth of organisms. Silver is perhaps the next best metal,
and we are using therefore silver wire altogether, botli for deep
buried sutures and for the continuous Ijuried skin sutures. This is
a beautiful instance of healing by first intention.
Since my last report of a year ago we liave Iiad a groat many cases
of hernia, and so far tliere have been, we believe, no recurrences.
Case 1. J. B., let. 48. Had a very large right, oblique, inguinoscrotal, reducible hernia of fifteen years standing. Operation in
August, 1889 (four years and six months ago). The bladder was
caught in one of the stitclies, and tlie wound consequently was
laid open and allowe<l to Ileal by granulation. The scar now is
firm, <lepressed, 12i cm. long, and about 1 cm. in width, there is no
impulse on coughing, no change in the cord or testicles, the man
Buffers no inconvenience from the wound.
Case 2. F. F., a;t. 7 (boy). Small, right, congenital, inguinal, reducible hernia. Operation in October, 1889 (four years and four
months ago). Wound healed per primam ; there is a narrow linear
scar, no impulse on coughing, no change in cord or testicles, no discomfort from wound.
Case 3. H. S., set. 37 (colored). Large, right, inguinal, reducible
hernia of two years duration. Operation February, 1890 (four years
ago). Healed per primam ; there is a narrow linear scar 9 cm. long,
firm, no impulse, the little finger can detect the opening in the
muscle through which the transplanted cord passes, no inconvenience from wound, no change in cord or testicles. Patient does
heavy work.
Case 4. E. P., ret. 7 (girl). Small, right, oblique, inguinal, reducible hernia of two months duration. Operation November, 1S90
(three years and four months ago). Healed per primam, except a
small superficial stitch abscess, the scar is white, 11 cm. long and
about 4 cm. wide, firm, no impulse, no discomfort.
Case 5. A. E., set. 5. Small, right, oblique, inguinal, reducible
hernia of four years duration. Operation by Dr. Brock way (McBurney's method) in July, 1890. The hernia recurred, and in November, 1890 (three and one-half months afterward), a second operation
by Halsted's method was performed. The wound healed per primam, notwithstanding the fact that the child had whooping-cough.
It is now three years and three months since the last operation, and
there is no return of the hernia.
Case 6. F. S., £et. 27. Small, left oblique, inguinal, reducible
hernia of two months duration, following typhoid fever. Operation February, 1891. Healing per primam, except for a small
superficial stitch abscess. It is now three years since the operation.
The scar is firm, white, 12 cm. long. There is no imjiulse on coughing. No discomfort. Testicles and cords normal.
Case 7. J. T., ret. 47. Small, right, oblique, inguinal,-reducible
hernia of six weeks duration. Ojieration February, 1891 (three
years ago). Healed per ])rimam. The scar is narrow and white,
13 cm. long, firm. No impulse on coughing. No discomfort. Testicles and cords normal.
Case 8. W. C. W., set. 2*. Small, right, inguino-scrotal, congenital, reducible hernia. Operation July, 1891 (two years and
eight months ago). Scar wdiite, linear, 8 cm. long, firm. No impulse on coughing. No change in cord or testicle.
Case 9. G. B., ict. 22. Right, oblique, inguino-scrotal, reducible
hernia, noticed at birth ; wore a truss from eight to thirteen years
old. Operation August, 1891 (two years and seven months ago).
The scar is 13 mm. wide and 12 cm. long, white, firm. No discomfort. On coughing there is a slight impulse at the lower en<l of the
scar just above the pubes, corresponding to the external ring.
There is no return of the hernia..
Case 10. A. McI., a;t. 26 (colored). Right, oblique, inguino-scrotal hernia, reducible for four years, strangulated on admission.
Operation August, 1891 (two years and seven months ago). The
veins were very large and excised, healing per primam, exce)it at
the upper end, in which there was superficial suppuration, November, 1893. Hydrocele and testicle, on the same side, removed
October, 1894.]
because they gave discomfort. Tlie .scar is firm, there is no impulse on cou<;hing. No discomfort.
Case 11. J. W. B., vl'I. 5. Small, left, oblique, inguino. reducible hernia, following whooping-cough at four months of age.
Operation September, 1891 (two years and five months ago). The
wound suppurated at its upper third and healed by granulation.
The scar is 2 mm. wide, it has stretched some. Is 8 cm. long and
firm. No impulse on coughing. Testicle and cord normal. There
had been an epididymitis following the operation, the induration
from which lasted for six months.
Case 12. H. P., aet. 29. Small, right, inguinal, irreducible hernia
of two years duration. Operation October, 1891 (two years and five
months ago). There were no adhesions in the sac. Wound suppurated and healeil by granulation. There was a stitch sinus for
three months. The scar is firm, but has stretched a little. It is 11 J
cm. long. The abdominal walls of this patient are so very thin
that on coughing there is an impulse above Poupart's ligament on
both sides. The impulse is as great on one side as on the other.
Recent Results in Hysteromyomectomy.— Dk. Kelly.
The technique of no operation in the field of gynecology has
been so rapidly advanced as that of hysteromyomectomy. Until
a few years ago the removal of a myomatous uterus was considered
one of the most dangerous operations, and was only resorted to
wheu the patient's life was in imminent danger from the further
growth of the tumor or from the secondary results such as high
grade ansemia, pressure from adjacent organs, etc.
Less than twenty years ago the first attempts at the extirpation
of these myomatous uteri were made, and the mortality following
these operations was so appalling as to cause all but a few to shrink
from the operation.
Some ten years ago, Professor Scliroeder, of Berlin, with the
courage of his convictions, began with great earnestness to advocate
the total extirpation of myomatous tumors, and although his attempts were followed by a very high rate of mortality he persisted,
believing that better results would follow as the steps of the operation were perfected. These anticipations were not realized during
his life, but in the light of the statistics of to-day his prophecy for
the future is well sustained. At the present time the mortality
following this operation is little if any greater than that following
the average run of ovariotomies.
We now consider the operation indicated when the tumor is
rapidly growing even though no uncomfortable symptoms are produced by its presence, as sooner or later, in the great majority of
cases, untoward symptoms will arise which not only endanger the
patient's life, but also render the operation in the presence of these
complications much more difficult.
As will be seen from the analysis of 50 cases of hysteromyomectomy, made for me by Dr. Clark, there are quite a number of
indications for operation.
From the standpoint of relative frequency of myoma in the white
and colored race this analysis of 50 cases, while small in number,
yet serves to bear out a statement made by me some months ago
before the South Carolina Medical Society, that myomata were as
frequent in white as in black women.
A number of those present at that meeting took exception to this
remark, claiming that white women were able, being better situated
financially, to come greater distances for treatment than were the
impoverished colored women who, perforce of circumstances, must
remain at home.
But according to the relative frequency as indicated by this table
the proportion is as 61 to 1, there being 43 whites to 7 blacks. Of
the latter G appeared to be of pure African descent, the seventh was
a mulatto.
While the criticism olTered l)y these gentlemen bears a certain
weight, yet from the very fact that we are in the center of a large
negro population in Maryland aud the adjacent States of Virginia
and Delaware, the proportion should be very different from this
which I present, if the statement that myomata are more frequent
in the colored than in the white race is to be sustained.
The ages of the patients at time of the operation averaged 42.5
years, the oldest being 59 and the youngest 25 years of age.
This part of the analysis is interesting as showing the prevalence
both among physicians and laity of the belief that these tumors
will disappear or cease to give rise to discomfort after the menopause.
In a number of these cases the tumor had been discovered two or
three years, in a few instances many years before the operation,
the patients having delayed operation in the hope that the menopause would relieve them.
Although the above opinion is still held by many worthy gynecologists I give it little credence, as according to my experience,
instead of decreasing in size, a number of these tumors take on their
most active growth after the menopause, while in many other cases
the menopause is delayed five years or longer by their presence.
Continuing the analysis further, I find that 37 of the women
were married and thirteen single. Of the former, twenty-three bore
fifty-six children. Seventeen miscarriages occurred among this
number ; one patient, however, furnishing ten of these, the remaining seven being distributed among the 22 other women.
The prevailing belief is that these women are as a rule sterile.
In the great majority of these cases which I report no children
had been borne after the tumor had attained a great size, but on
the average the fertility of these women was little below normal.
The following data relating to the menstrual (low bear out the
usual statement, namely, that there is deranged menstruation,
usually tending to profuse and irregular flow. Of the 50 cases, 9
were normal as to menstrual function ; in 35 the How was excessive,
often inclined to free or profuse hemorrhage ; while 5 had passed
the climacteric.
The major indications for operation were increasing size of
tumor, secondary anaemia from persistent or profuse hemorrhage,
and pressure symptoms ; of the 50 cases, 30 presenting tliis group of
symptoms. In two cases excessive hemorrhage alone was the
indication ; in four, rapidly increasing size of tumor, although
accompanied by no unpleasant symptoms ; in five, severe pain.
Another indication is the urgent request of a patient to be relieved of
her tumor. In such cases I usually advise the patient to wait a certain length of time, usually from six months to one year, and if
she is then still urgent in her request I will operate. Two cases in
this list were of this character. In one case there was profound
mental dejiression, verging closely on to melancholia, caused by
constantly brooding over the fact that she had "a tumor." Operation was followed promptly by complete restoration of the patient's
In one case the tumor was not detected until pregnancy was six
months advanced, and then it so blocked the inferior strait as to
require Caesarean section for the delivery of the child. In this
case the uterus was amputated and the pedicle dropped and the
abdomen closed as in the ordinary hysteromyomectomy.
Of the remaining 50, one was the subject of an intense pruritus
vulva?, from constant discharge ; another, of prolapsus uteri, and a
third had attacks of urinary suppression, while two had peritonitis.
Although myomatous tumors are often thought to be unaccompanied by pain, yet my analysis shows that of the 50 cases, 21 complained of pain of varying intensity, from a heavy dragging sensation in the pelvis to acute pain in the region of the uterus or
ovaries, often resembling " toothache." A considerable proportion
referred their pains to the legs and groins, evidently due to pressure
on the sacral and lumbar plexuses.
A complication not infrequently associated with these tumors is
infiammatory disease of the appendages, v.irying in degree from
slight adhesions to purulent salpingitis. In this list which I present one such case is found. The presence of pus necessarily
renders the operation more dangerous, as the liability to infection
[No. 42.
is very greatly increased. In a second case there was a pyometra,
the pas escaping into the pelvis when tlie uterus was amputated.
I'liis i>atient, however, made an uncomplicated recovery. As a
precaution against the general distribution of the pus the stump
was surrounded by pads of gauze, and at the completion of the
operation, before closing the abdomen, the pelvis was thoroughly
irrigated with salt solution.
A few words as to the evolution of hysteromyomectomy.
The first mode of operation systematically described and generally adopted was that of Hegar.
According to his method the abdomen was opened, the tumor
lifted out, a rubber ligature thrown around the pedicle, the
uterus amputated, and the pedicle suspended in the abdominal
wound by means of pins. The stump was dressed for two weeks or
longer until it gradually separated, leaving a granulating pit in
the bottom of the wound. Schroeder soon modified this method
by dropping the stump, but his operations were followed by such a
high rate of mortality as to prevent the general adoption of this
After having followed Hegar's method in two cases, in Philadelphia, I devised a new operation, which I described as the combined
extra- and intraperitoneal method. This included the best principles of Hegar's and Schroeder's methods. Hemorrhage frequently arose from the slipping of the constricting ligature in the
Hegar operation. The pedicle was often large, and the encircling
ligature, although controlling the hemorrhage during the operation,
would subsequently slip after the disappearance of the temporary
oidema, and fatal bleeding would follow. This no doubt was the
cause of death in manj' cases.
Schroeder, as did the general surgical world, assigned his high
rate of mortality to two causes — sepsis and hemorrhage.
It was accepted without question that the sepsis came from the
cervical canal. I was convinced of this fact, and only conducted
the first part of my operation according to the plan of Schroeder.
After amputating the tumor I carefully approximated the cervical
stump, leaving the sutures long, by means of which I drew the
stump up into the lower angle of the abdominal wound, and detained
it there by catching the ligatures with artery forceps.
I then attached the peritoneum to tlie stump on all sides, and
closed the abdomen down to the lower angle. Without exception
these cases did well, and the wound filled in nicely with granulation tissue.
After having employed this method satisfactorily in a great many
cases, I decided to drop the stump completely into the abdominal
cavity as one does the pedicle of an ovarian tumor. <
Since adopting this method 1 have performed 50 operations, with
only three deaths, the latter being in no way traceable to infection
from the stump.
One death was due to septic catgut, another to shock, and the
third to sepsis which arose from a superficial eczematous patch in the
fold of the abdomen. This patch was protected by a sealed dressing, but during the operation it became displaced. There was
extensive infection of the abdominal wound in this case, the peritoneal cavity being free of pus.
Looking back at Schroeder's high rate of mortality we can arrive
at but one conclusion, and that is that his antiseptic precautions
were not sufDcient.
I am now quite certain that a healthy cervical canal does not
give rise to infection in these operations.
With regard to hemorrhage, there is little danger if the ligatures
are properly placed. There are but four great channels of blood
supply to these tumors, regardless of their size, be they large or
small, the two ovarian and two uterine arteries.
The two ovarian arteries can be caught easily above and tied off.
riie accompanying veins are fre<iuently enormously enlarged, and
care must be ob.served not to i>rick them with the needle, as
embarrassing liumorrhaKo will follow such an accident.
These vessels should bo tieil also on the uterine side, and cut
between the ligatures, thus preventing the blood which remains in
the tumor from running down and obscuring the field of operation.
Having secured this source of licmorrhage, the broad ligaments are
opened, and by dissecting down between their layers with the
finger the uterine arteries, the remaining sources of blood supply,
are felt beneath the finger on the floor of the pelvis. If these
are firmly ligated there is no necessity of throwing a provisional
rubber ligature around the base of the tumor while it is being
The tumor is removed by a circular incision, the vesical peritoneum being first dissected off, as it will be used later to form a
hood for the stump. The pedicle is cupped, and with three or four
silk sutures of medium size (No. 2) the surfaces of the flaps are
brought into apposition. The edges usually require two or three
sutures to complete a snug approximation. The redundant peritoneum is then brought together with a continuous silk suture
(No. 2), and the female pelvis is converted into one of the male
type, all of the structures between the rectum and bladder having
been removed.
From the analysis of 50 cases it will be seen that the operation
for the total extirpation of myomatous uteri is eminently successful,
and w hen a case presents any of the indications enumerated above
should be operated upon.
Summary of 50 Cases of HysTEROMyoMECTOMy.
Age. — Youngest, 25 years; oldest, 59 years; average, 42.5 years.
29 of the 50 cases between the ages of 40 and 50.
Married. — 37.
Single. —13.
Color. — 6 blacks ; 1 mulatto ; 43 whites.
Children. — 13 married were sterile ; 23 married women gave birth
to 56 children.
Miscarriages. — 17 miscarriages occurred, one patient furnishing 10
of these, leaving only 7 to the remaining 22 married women.
Menstrual history. — Menses normal, 9 cases ; menses profuse,
often inclined to free or continuous hemorrhage, 36 cases ; climacteric, 5 cases.
Indications for Operation. — Profuse hemorrhage, increasing size of
tumor, secondary aniemia, and pressure symptoms, 30 cases ; excessive hemorrhage, 2 cases; increasing size of tumor, 4 cases; pain,
5 cases ; urgent request of patient, 2 cases ; mental depression
caused by presence of tumor, 1 case; myoma blocking inferior
strait, preventing delivery of child, 1 case : suppression of urine,
1 case ; intense pruritis, 1 case ; prolapsus uteri, 1 case ; peritonitis,
2 cases.
Of the 50 cases, 23 complained of pain, frequently quite severe, in
the region of the tumor.
Drainage.— Gsmze, G cases ; no drainage, 44 cases.
Stitch-hole abscess. — i cases.
Mortality. — 6 per cent.*
• Since reporting these cases before the Johns Hopkins Medical Society I
have completed my seventieth operation without any increase in the mortnllty.
Professor of Oynccology in the Johns Haitians UnivcrHty and Gynecologist to
the Johns Hophins Hospital.
This report containing 460 pages, large octavo, and G3 plates and
figures, is now ready. It includes many papers of interest and
importance to gynecologists. Price $3.00. Price of Vol. 3 complete,
October, 1894.]
Burdett's Hospital and Charities Annual, 1894 : being the Year-book
of Pbilantbropy. Edited by Henry C. Burdett, Author of
"Hospitals and Asylums," etc. {London: The Scientific Press
(Limited). New York: G. Scrihiier & Sons.)
One hardly knows which to admire most, the patience displayed
in collecting the immense store of statistical information contained
in this volume of more than 500 pages, or the skill shown in marshaling and handling the facts to bring about better hospital
administration. The book is a marvel of laborious compilation :
how great the labor few can realize who have not had a similar task
in wringing statistics from indifferent, over-worked or procrastinating public officials. Many of the statistics are of purely local
interest, and many of the topics referred to have special bearing
upon the English hospitals and training schools for nurses, but the
book, as a whole, is proiitable to hospital workers throughout the
Among them may be mentioned such subjects as the training of
nurses in mental cases, hospitals for consumption, homes for the
dying, and hospital finances. The author, with a prescience born of
long experience, has touched a vital point of hospital administration
in his chapter on hospital finances. As he so clearly points out, it
is only by a comparison of the figures presented by each hospital
that we can accurately determine what good is being accomiilished
and whether money is judiciously expended.
It is safe to say that those hospitals alone will endure which are
able by the results attained to show a reason for their existence.
The author had previously presented in another little volume, "A
Uniform System of Accounts for Hospitals and Public Institutions,"
a scheme of classification of expenditures which in his judgment
should be generally adopted, and the figures presented in the
''Annual" indicate that gratifying progress has been made in
securing the adoption of the scheme in England. It is very desirable that some corresponding although probably not identical scheme
should be adopted in America, as the conditions of our hospitals,
while varying somewhat in details, are essentially the same. In
some respects they could be improved. The unit of expenditure
should be one day instead of one week, for example, and the cost of
maintenance should be reckoned upon the actual number o/Ai^s of
hospital care given, and not upon the weekly cost of the average number
of beds occupied during the year. The cost of out-patients should be
reckoned separately. It is interesting to note how widely the conditions of admission and support of patients differ in Great Britain
and America. In twelve large hospitals in Great Britain each
in-patient must provide for himself tea, butter and sugar. In three
hospitals he must bring, in addition, a teacup and saucer, spoon,
knife and fork, soap and towel. In fifteen hospitals he must provide a change of personal linen and pay for his own washing. In
eighteen hospitals alone are in-patients freed from these extra
charges, which must be a serious burden upon their friends and a
prolific source of misunderstanding between nurses and patients.
In such a wealth of information as is here given upon all topics
connected with hospital and training school management, it is
diilicult to discuss any toi)ic with any adequate fullness in this brief
review. The book must be carefully examined by practical hospital
workers to be fully appreciated.
Disease and Race. By Jaduoo. (London : Swan Soniienschcin tt
Co., 1894.)
The object of this little book is stated to be " an endeavor to show
some continuity in disease, to evolve a little order out of existing
chaos." The attempt is commendable, hut the success of the effort
is not great. The order evolved out of existing chaos is largely
theoretical and hypothetical, and tends to confuse rather than to
nnike plain. Leprosy is first spoken of, and an effort is made to
show that the leprosy of the Bible differs in many rcsjiects from
leprosy as it appears to-day. Instead of reaching the obvious conclusion that the term translated by the word leprosy possibly included a variety of diseases like psoriasis, scabies and otiier forms
of contagious disease, the author considers that true leprosy as it
now appears is a hybrid disease produced by the combination of
Jewish or white leprosy and some other disease wliich has developed
in the countries bordering on the Mediterranean in modern times.
This he suggests probably originally came from America, and meeting the existing form of leprosy, the two diseases produced a compound or hybrid, taking most of the effects and symptoms of each
of them and continuing their course through succeeding generations
as one disease, neither being to a sufficient degree either liereditary
or contagious to extinguish the other by successive natural inoculations. The result has been to modify the character and especially
the contagiousness of leprosy, until as now it appears considerable
doubt is expressed by some authors as to its being contagious at all.
He further reasons that leprosy and gonorrhoea have produced
syphilis, whicli in turn has been modified by successive transmissions into scrofula, and finally into tuberculosis. Whooping-cough
iias been modified into measles, and Aleppo-button into plague, and
the two latter have combined and produced small-pox. Malarial
fever has been modified into miliary fever, and this has been transformed into scarlet fever, and finally into di]ihtheria — this is surely
"a continuity in disease" which would be interesting to study if
true. These conclusions are evidently based upon the fact which
has long been known, that many forms of disease become modified
by passing through individuals, until a severe type at the beginning
of an epidemic may become a comparatively mild one at the latter
point of it, and the added fact that one attack of an infectious disease often confers an immunity from subsequent attacks. Reasoning from these analogies, our author believes that diseases are so
modified as to become essentially new diseases which finally find
the race immune to their attacks. This, however, is pure hypothesis.
As a matter of fact we have no reason to think the poison of smallpox any less severe except where the severity of the disease has
been modified by vaccination. Plague and measles would probably
be as severe and contagious as formerly were it not for improved
sanitation and more healthful modes of living. Tuberculosis is
probably more wide-spread and more fatal now than ever before.
The following will serve as a good example of his reasoning :
" That the American continent was either the original home of
leprosy or one of its modifications is extremely probable, by the
fact of the comparative immunity of the pure-blooded aborigines
from leprosy ; and this does not shut out the possibility that the
disease arose and ran its course in America prior to the commencement of the disease in the Old World from a like cause." This is
not unlike the old reason why syphilis was thought to have originated in America because guaiacum was found native here, and it
was altogether probable that this disease and what regarded
its only infallible remedy must have been associated. The theory
of hybrid diseases enunciated by the author has no countenance in
modern bacteriology and cannot be accepted. The book, while
interesting as a contribution to speculative medicine, is inconclusive and unsatisfactory.
"The Nurse's Dictionary of Medical Terms and Nursing Treatment,
compiled for the use of nurses, and containing descriptions of the
principal medical and nursing terras and abbreviations, instruments, drugs, diseases, accidents, treatments, physiological names,
operations, foods, appliances, etc., etc., encountered in the ward
or sick room. By Honnkr Morten. {PhiUidclpfiia : W. B. Saundert.
London : The Scientific Press, Limited.)
Whatever may be said as to the wisdom of publishing compiI.<i.
tions of this character, which do not attain the dignity of dictionaries or nurses' manuals and are uns;itisfaolory from Ixith
standpoints, there can be no question that the modicum of knowledge contained in them should be free from misleading errors. The
[No. 42.
number of typoprapliical errors in the volume before us seems
extraordinarily large, as for example, accouclier for accoucheur,
Bssafcctida for asafcetida, bulbus oceuli for bulhus oculi, cacoglactic
instead of cacogalactic, concha oris instead of concha auris, phagosites instead of phagocytes, pierotoxine instead of picrotoxine, salens
instead of soUus, bilirubrin for bilirubin, etc.
The combination of medical definitions and nursing directions is
also far from a happy one. The following will serve as good examples
of the method. "Abdomen : The belly ; the cavity betweenthe chest
and the groins. In abdominal injuries a nurse has usually to
keep her patient at rest and watch for signs of peritonitis. Laparotomy is the operation likely to be performed." "Antitoxines : Injections of serum to counteract a disease. Tetanus is sometimes treated
by injections from rabbits rendered incapable of taking the disease."
The definitions alone seem hanlly more happy, as a few will
readily show, e. g. "Anthracosis : Carbuncular disease (?) caused by
inspiring particles of coal." "Argyll-Robertson pupil : Pupil of the
eye which does not contract when subjected to light." " Bacteria :
Rod-like uncTohes supposed to infect the blood with different diseases.
They are unicellular and of fungous growth." Manj' important
words are omitted, and many unimportant quack preparations are
mentioned and defined, e. g. Warner's Safe Cure, Vinolia preparations, Beecham's Pills, and other equally unnecessary articles.
It would seem much better to divide "Medical Terms" from
" Nursing Treatment," as the two portions of the book have little in
common. A good dictionary of terms which nurses will meet with,
correctly spelled and concisely, accurately defined, would be a great
convenience to nurses. A similar little volume, giving plain, simple
descriptions of diseased conditions and furnishing clear directions
as to the course to be pursued in emergencies, would also serve an
excellent purpose. The combination attempted in the present book
cannot be commended. The book is clearly, neatly printed, and
the volume is a convenient size to carry in the pocket.
Chorea and Choreiform Affections. By William Osler, M. D.
(H. K. Lewis, London, 1894.)
In- this monograph of 120 pages of letterpress, Prof. Osier has
presented to the medical profession a concise treatise upon the
various forms of chorea and allied muscular spasms, which constitutes a distinct advance on former publications upon these subjects.
In the opening chapter a very interesting account is given of the
earlier historic writings upon the subject, and a few pages further
on, the principal more recent contributions to the literature, from
England, the European continent, and from America, ftre outlined.
In the next chapter the obscure etiology of the disorder is fully
considered. Symptomatology occupies the succeeding two chapters,
with a number of abstracts of graphic cases of mild and severe
chorea. Chapter IV, "The Heart in Chorea Minor," is one of
more than usual interest, and the great frequency of endocarditis
in chorea is brought to the attention of the reader with the author's
usual care and fidelity of detail. Attention is drawn to the fact that
in the majority of cases of endocardial trouble in chorea minor,
"the endocarditis is independent of, and not associated with acute
arthritis, and that in a considerable proportion of cases, much
larger than has hitherto been supposed, the complicating endocarditis lays the foundation of organic heart disease."
Chapter V treats of the anatomy, pathology, and treatment of the
disorder. The author appears to be more inclined to consider
chorea, in the strict sense of the word, to be of infectious rather
than other nature, though truly, as he states, "we are evidently
as yet only upon the threshold of the essential cause of either acute
rheumatism or chorea. In both disorders there are facts highly
suggestive of an infectious nature, but more than this cannot be
said at present."
Chapter VI leads to the consideration of choreiform affections.
The various forms of habit spasm are very clearly defined, and it is
pleasing to the reader to note how clearly Dr. Osier has drawn the
distinction between these affections, so many of which are commonly confounded with the chorea of Sydenham. A considerable
number of illustrative cases are introduced for the purpose of differentiating the various forms of spasm.
In the final chapter of the book, " Chronic Progressive Chorea " is
considered from an historical, etiological, and clinical standpoint,
but nothing especially new is developed. The last nine pages of the
work are occupied by a careful analysis of seventy-three fatal cases
of chorea minor, all but four showing heart lesions mainly in the
form of endocarditis.
The monograph, from the introduction to the last page, is well
written and very readable ; and will probably for a long time
occupy a standard place in the literature of one of the most extraordinary maladies that affects the human race. H. J. B.
Vol. v.- No. 43.
Papillo-Cystoma of the Ovary. By T. S. Cullen, M. B., - - 103
The Leucocytes in Croupous Pneumonia. By John S. Billings, Jr., M. D., 105
A Postscript to the Report on Appendicitis. By W. S. HalSTED, M. D., 113
Therapeutic Use of Extract of Bone Marrow. By John S.
Billings, Jb., M. D., - - - 115
Proceeilinga of Societies :
Hospital Medical Society, 119
Case of Hereditary Chorea [Dr. Osler] ;— Oliver Wendell
Holmes [Dr. Osler] ;— Ureterotomy [Dr. Kelly] ;— Sarcoma in the Floor of the Mouth. Excision followed by
Hypertrophy of the left Submaxillary Gland [Dr. Bloodgood] ; — A Case of Typhoid-Septicaemia associated with
Focal Abscesses in the Kidney, due to the Typhoid Bacillus [Dr. Flexner] ; — On the Presence of Iron in the Granules of the Eosinophile-Leucocytes [Dr. Barker].
Notes on New Books, 121
By T. S. Cullen, M. B.,
Although papilloma of the ovary is not particularly rare,
this case is published on account of the involvement of
both ovaries and because the places of origin are considered
as being of interest. Moreover, as will be seen, the specimen
was quite perfect.
Mrs. K., admitted to the service of Dr. Kelly, 2, 14, 1894.
^t. 41, married.
The patient comphiined of abdominal enlargement accompanied by loss of flesh and strength. She has been married 22
years and had one normal labor 20 years ago. Her only previous illness was typhoid fever, 10 years ago.
Present Illness. — In February, 1893, she began to feel
languid, and was with difficulty able to continue her housework. In July she noticed a slight burning sensation in the
right hypogastrium, not affected by exercise nor influenced by
menstruation. Her body weight began to decrease. About
September the abdomen commenced to enlarge and continued
to increase in size. Tlie weakness and emaciation also were
progressive. In November she vomited a greenish fluid.
Defecation was accompanied by some pain in the pelvis. Since
that time there has been little change.
Menstruation commenced in her eleventh year, was regular,
moderate in amount and somewhat painful. In November,
the menses suddenhj ceased and have not recurred.
Physical Examination. — The patient is fairly well nourished.
Her mucous membranes are somewhat anaMuic. Heart and
Assistant in Gynecology.
lungs apparently normal. Liver dulness not increased. The
abdomen is enormously and symmetrically distended. The
greatest prominence is below the umbilicus. The linese albicantes in the lower abdominal zone are very prominent. The
superficial veins are distended.
Palpation. — Some superficial a?dema above the symphysis
pubis. No masses to be felt.
Percussion. — No tympanitic note can be elicited below the
umbilicus. A distinct wave of fluctuation is felt. Above the
umbilicus the tympany extends 16 cm. to the right and 12 cm.
to the left of the median line.
Abdominal Measurements. —
Umbilicus to ensiform cartilage 21 cm.
" " pubes 27 "
" " right anterior superior spine 27 "
" " left anterior superior spine 27 "
Greatest circumference 145 cm., at the umbilicus.
Vaginal Examifmtion. — The outlet is greatly relaxed. The
cervix is in the axis of the vagina ; uterus retroflexed. apparently fixed in the pelvis. No tumor felt
Per rectum. — In Douglas's pouch a mass of indefinite size
can be detected, conveying the impression of small papillomatous masses.
2, 17, 1894. Operation by Dr. Kelly, double cystectomy.
On opening the abdomen 17 litres of fluid were found free in
[No. 43.
the cavity. Ou both sides large cj'sts were seen, occupying
Douglas's cul-de-sac ; by these the uterus was pushed forward.
The left side was elevated, tied ofE and removed without difficulty. The right side was enucleated after being liberated
from dense adhesions to the broad ligament and to the
postei-ior surface of the uterus. Adhesions between the
bladder and broad ligament were cut, and about eight small
papillary nodules were excised from the pelvic floor. It was
impossible, however, to remove all of them on account of their
intimate relation to the bowel. The peritoneum was thoroughly sponged out and the wound closed. Silk sutures were
used throughout. During the third week the temperature
rose to 101.8° and fluctuated between that and 99.5° for throe
days, otherwise the patient had an uninterrupted recovery,
and was discharged on March 20, feeling well.
Pathological Jieport. — RigJit side, the ovary is replaced by a
tumor 8.5x8x7 cm. This is irregular in contour, being made
up of several cysts, varying in size. These cysts ai'C bluishwhite and translucent. The most dependent part of the tumor
is yellowish in color. Springing from the uterine side of the
tumor is a pinkish cauliflower-like mass which has a somewhat narrowed base. The interior of the tumor is occupied
by Ave cysts; these are smooth-walled, but have, developed
upon their inner surfaces, small papillary-like masses. The
fluid in the large cyst is somewhat tenacious, in the smaller
ones limpid. The tube is 4 cm. long, 5 mm. in, diameter.
Its flmbrlated end is free. Parovarium is normal.
Microscopically. — The cyst walls are composed of connective
tissue moderately rich In cells. Several corpora fibrosa are
scattered throughout the wall. The outer surface is lined
by flat epithelium. The papillary masses springing from the
outer surface are composed of finger-like projections of connective tissue which become branched toward their termination. The connective tissue near its attachment to the cyst
wall is moderately rich in cells, but as it passes outward the
cells diminish in number and the stroma presents a hyaline
appearance. The surface epithelium as it approaches the papillary masses becomes cuboidal, and where covering the masses
is cylindrical. The inner surface of the cyst wall, is lined by
cylindrical epithelium. The papillary masses springing from
the interior. Fig. 3, present the same appearance as those on the
outer surface, but appear to have no connection with them.
Left Side. — The ovary is converted into a similar tumor of
the same size ; here, however, the papillary masses tended to
spring from the depressions between the cysts. Both tubes
Source of Origin. — The outer ones undoubtedly spring from
the germinal epithelium. It is the opinion of Professor
Welch that those on the inner surface of the cysts originated
in the cells of the Graafian follicles ; the cysts forming first,
and the papillary masses developing secondarily. This mode
of origin is, we consider, indicated by the small number of
cysts present. The small masses from the tissue surrounding
the rectum presented a typical papillary appearance.
Professor Abel made a chemical examination of the fluid
from the abdominal cavity. The fluid was yellowish in color
and presented a greenish tinge, was alkaline in reaction and
had a specific gravity of 1020. It contained serum albumen,
serum globulin, a trace of sugar and fibi'in.
Although the prognosis in this case was considered unfavorable owing to the incomplete operation, the patient has,
during the six months following the operation, gained 49
The sudden cessation of menstruation is of especial interest
as associated with the diseased condition of the ovaries.
Description of Plate.
Fig. 1.— Natural size of tumor from right side, hardened in Miiller's fluid and then cut open. Springing from its outer surface are
papillary masses. Internally it is composed of one large and several
smaller cysts. Projecting from the inner surface of these are papillary masses. The large cyst, c, contains a tens^cious fluid which was
coagulated by the Miiller's fluid, a is a cross section of the normal
Fallopian tube.
Fig. 2 is the other half of Fig. 1. The coagulated fluid has been
washed out of the large cyst cavity, enabling one to see the papillary masses more distinctly.
Fig. 3 is a section of a small nodule taken from the inner surface
of the cyst in Fig. 1 at the point represented by b. (Winckel Ocul.
I, Obj. 3.) d is the cyst wall, which is composed of wavy fibrous
tissue poor in blood supply. The inner surface of the cyst is covered by one layer of cylindrical epithelium. The papillary mass
presents a tree-like appearance. It also is composed of connective tissue, which becomes less dense tlie farther it is away from
the cyst wall. All the folds and convolutions of this papillary
mass are covered by one layer of cylindrical epithelium. In
some places the cells have been cut slantingly and then look
somewhat like squamous epithelium. The orange-colored areas
are blood-vessels.

By John S. Billings, Jr., Assistant Resident Physician, Johns HopTcins Hospital.  
By John S. Billings, Jr., Assistant Resident Physician, Johns HopTcins Hospital.  

Revision as of 17:34, 20 February 2020

Black = leucocytes. Broken = temperature.

October, 1894.]











Date Admitted. Previous Duration.

Type of Organism.



p. a

3 S



5* » ? 2

o3 §0


=2 0. 0-5


K.-Malo, 26.

August 18, 1893.


Aug. 18.




Beginning of chill.






Illness began August 16, 1893.


4 P.M.







Daily paroxysms.

6 P. M. 12 mid.



4100 3000

63.4 54.7

15.3 20.5

20.3 33.8

2.1 1.


M.— Male, 33.

August 16, 1893.


Aug. 19.

1.45 P. M.



Beginning of chill.;






Illness began August 11, 1893.


Aug. 20.

10 A. M.







Daily paroxysms.

10 P. M.



Chill began at 2 P.M.





Aug. 21.

a A. M.








S.-Male, n. White.

August 31, 1893. Illness began August 14, 1891.

Tertian (single).

Aug. 23.

A.M. 10 A. M.

100.2° 103.6°

6000 7750

Beginning of chill.





Paroxysms every other day.

11 A. M.

12 M.

1 P. M. 4 P. M.

103.2° 102.6° 100.1° 99°

7500 4750 5000 3500


75.8 66.'

7.1 22.4



i.i ii

Aug. 24.

13 M.








Same case.

Aug. 25.

8 A.M.



Beginning of chill.





10 A. M.







13 M.




70 8




3 P. M.







4 P. M.



8 P.M.








S.-Male, 20.

August 24, 1893.


Aug. 34.

8 P.M.








Illness began August 10, 1893. Daily paroxysms.


Aug. 25.

11P.M. 13 P. M. 1 A. M.

105° 105° 104.9°

2350 3000 4300

Beginning of chill.





3 A. M.







3 A.M.




4 A. M.










6 A. M.



8 A. M.








B.-Male, 20.

August 2.5, 1893.


Aug. 26.

8 A. M.



Just before chill.






Illness began August 20, 1893.


2 P.M.




13 8



Daily paroxysms.

6 P.M.








Aug. 37.

8 A. M.








P.-Male, 19.

August 28, 1893.


Aug. 39.

10 P. M.



Just before chill.






Illness began August 35, 1893.


12 P. M.







Daily paroxysms.

Aug. 30.

12 M.








W.-Male, 27.

March 6, 1894.


March 6.

1.15 P. M.



Beginning of chill.






Illness began March 4, 1894.


4.15 P. M.







Daily paroxysms.

March 7.

8.m A. M.







March 8.

9 A. M.







March 9.

11 A. M.







March 10.

11.30 A.M.








G.-Male, 22.

August 14, 1894.


Aug. 15.

3.30 P. M.



Beginning of chill.






Illness began August 9, 1891.


10 P. M.







Daily paroxysms.

Aug. 16.

8 A.M.







2.30 P. M.



Just before chill.






J.-Male, 48.

August 14, 1894.


Aug. 16.

12 M.








Illness began August 6, 1894.


Aug. 17.

2 P. M.



Beginning of chill.





Daily paroxysms.

5 30 P. M.








10 P. M.








n.— Female, 13.

August 24, 1.S93.


Aug. 27.

8 P. M.



I Temperature not normal

62 8





Illness began August 14, 1893.


Aug. 28.

8 P.M.



f since admission.





Irregular fever since that date.

Aug. 30.

8 P.M.



First normal temperature.





T.— Male, 8.

September 2, 1893.


Sept. 3.

10 A. M.



Irregulfir fever temp, not touching normal for 3 days.






Illness began August 12, 1893.


6 P. M.







Irregular I'over since that date.

Sept. 4.

4 P. M.



i. e., until the 5th.





Sept. 5.

8 A.M.








C.-Male, 30.

September 11, 1893.


Sept. 11.

4 P. M.


64 OO

Height of febrile paro.\jfm






Illness began September 0,1893.


Sept. 12.

8 A.M.



lasting 24 hours.





Irregular fever with uight





12 7





C.-Male, 27.

September 16, 1893.


Sept. 17.

8 A. M.








Illness began August 7, 1803.


8 P.M.



Height of iiaroxysni la.stinc 20hours.





Irregular febrile paroxysms

Sept. 18.

12 M.






with sweating.


M.-Malc, 20.

August 16, 1894.


Aug. 16.

3.30 P. M.



Temp, falling.






Illness began .August 12, 1894.


Aug. 17.

10 A. M.



Temp. Iwgan to rise at 2 P- -M.





Irregular febrile paroxysms

5 P. M.







with cliills and sweating.


K.— Male, 13.

.luly 19, 1891.


•luly 21.

8 A. M.








Previous history uot obtainable.

July 22.

S P. M. 8 A. M.

100.5° 98.6°

6100 6200

Height of slight pjtroxysm.

61.3 68.

J7.8 17.2

1S.S 1&.1



[No. 42.

and until proof to the contrary be offered, we are justified in thinking it to take place regularly. The relative numerical proportion of the various forms of leucocytes is stated by Ehrlich to be as follows :

Polynuclears, 70 to 75 per cent ; lymphocytes, 15 to 25 per cent; mononuclear and transitional forms, 6 per cent, and eosinophiles, 1 to 5 per cent.

Uskow gives it as follows : Tjymphocytes and small mononuclears, 18 per cent; transparent and transitional forms, per cent, and polynuclears and eosinophiles, 76 per cent. The two classifications practically correspond, and we will adopt the latter as our standard.

Taking up first the polyuuclear leucocytes, it is seen that they arc markedly diminished, both relatively and absolutely. In one case (No. 8) they are as low as 43.2 per cent. The greatest reduction is, as a rule, at the end of the paroxysm. In six cases there is a distinct increase in their number during the first three hours of the paroxysm, corresponding to the increase in number of the leucocytes as a whole. The small mononuclear elements vary widely, from -30.1 per cent in Case 8 to 6.4 per cent in Case 7. Nothing definite is to be made out concerning the variations in their percentage.

The large mononuclear elements are, as a rule, greatly increased, both absolutely and relatively. The highest count is 33.2 per cent in Case 2 ; the lowest, 4.2 per cent in Case 8. They are above normal in all but two instances, and seem to reach their maximum towards the end of the paroxysm, thus counterbalancing the polyuuclear forms, which reach their minimum at that time. The percentage of eosinophiles is rather below normal, but nothing worthy of note is to be made out concerning them.

In the cases of malaria of the fall type it is impossible to arrive at as definite conclusions as in the tertian cases. The onset of the paroxysm is almost always gradual, the temperature rising and falling relatively slowly as compai-ed to the temperature in the tertian cases. The paroxysms average about 36 hours in length. It seems, however, from our cases that there is a distinct though slight diminution, in number of the leucocytes at the end of the paroxysm, the reparation in number of the leucocytes taking place during the interval. The polyuuclear elements are distinctly decreased in number, while there is a corresponding increase in the number of the large mononuclear elements. The small mononuclears and the eosinophiles seem relatively unaffected.

In the one case of quartan malaria which came under observation, no variations in number of the leucocytes could be made out. The differential count of the leucocytes, however, showed the same condition of affairs already noted in the tertian and fall cases.

Besides the observations here reported, a sufficient number of extra counts were made to bring the total number of counts up to one hundred, the average result Ijeing 4323. .So that if we take 7<iO() per cmni. as the average normal number of leucocytes in human blood, in malarial fever there is on an average a diminution of about 38 per cent.

This is possibly to be explained as Bastianelli says, by the necrosis of the phagocytic leucocytes which have taken up altered blood pigment, malarial organisms and degenerated

red blood corpuscles. At any rate the diminution in number of the leucocytes does occur, whatever nuiy be the cause.

The average numerical proportions of the various forms of leucocytes in the 16 cases are as follows:

Polynuclears. Small Mononuclears. Large Mononuclears. Eosinopliiks. 65.04 per ct. 1G.9 per cent. 16.9 per cent. 0.96 per cent.

The increase in the number of the polyuuclear forms just after the chill is to be explained possibly as a manifestation of chemotaxis due to toxiues circulating in the blood, or as an evidence of regeneration.

The confusion of typhoid with malarial fever, especially the fall type of the latter, is something that we must be on our guard against. In the latter form of malarial fever the temperature is often elevated for days, the patient is dull and listless, the tongue is heavily coated, the sjjleen is readily palpable, and Ehrlich's diazo-reaction occurs in the urine. In short, with the exception of the absence of the diarrhoea and rose-spots, there is a tolerably complete picture of typhoid fever. In Cases 11 and 12 the temperature remained elevated for four and three days respectively. The organisms of this type of malarial fever are very easily overlooked. For the first week or so after the beginning of the illness the only forms of organism present in the peripheral circulation are the so-called "hyaline" bodies. These are very small, and to one unaccustomed to examining malarial blood are readily confused with vacuoles in the red corpuscles. The crescentic forms of the organism do not appear until later in the disease, and the segmenting forms are not found in the peripheral circulation.

Uskow has called attention to the fact that in typhoid fever there is no leucocytosis, and that there is a diminution in the percentage of the polyuuclear leucocytes with a corresjjonding increase in the percentage of the large mononuclear forms. This he believes to occur regularly in uncomplicated cases of typhoid fever, and his statement has been verified by a number of counts made by Dr. W. 8. Thayer and myself at the .Johns Hopkins Hospital. But this condition of the blood is exactly the same as the one which obtains in malarial fever of the fall or ffistivo-autumnal type. So that the estimation of the number of leucocytes, and the determination of the proportions of the various forms by means of stained specimens, are not sufficient for the diagnosis of typhoid unless we can definitely rule out the presence of malarial organisms.

In conclusion, a few words may be added about the leucocytes in malarial anemia.

While the occurrence of a leucocytosis in most secondary anannias is the rule, it is never very marked, rarely being above 15 to 18,000. In four cases of malarial ana-mia which we have had under observation the increase in the number of leucocytes was striking. In two cases where the red corpuscles ranged just above 3,000,000 per cmm. the leucocytes were 28,000 and 30,000 respectively. In another case the red corpuscles were just under 2,000,000, while the leucocytes reached 40,000. In the fourth ease the red corpuscles were 3,600,000, a relatively mild anremia, while the leucocytes ranged above 20,000 for a week. In all four cases the increase was solely in the polyuuclear leucocytes.

October, 1894.]




By Lewellys F. Barker, M. B., Associate in Atiatomy, Johns Hopkins University.

A short time ago, while, making some experiments concerning the metabolism of the parasites of malaria, I treated a number of smeared cover-slip preparations of blood taken from patients suffering from the disease, with reagents used for the micro-chemical demonstration of iron.

Among other tests, the delicate method elaboi-ated by Macallum* of Toronto, for the demonstration of iron in chromatin, was employed. Dr. Macallum has found that by treating freshly teased cells from various tissues, both animal and vegetable, Avith a mixture of recently prepared ainmonium snljjhide and glycerine, and leaving the jjreparation on a glass-slide under a cover-glass in the thermostat at 60° 0. for some days, that the chi'omatiu of the cell-nuclei assumes a distinct green or greenish-black tinge, indicating the presence of iron. He was able to demonstrate, too, in his experiments on the absorption of ironf in certain animals, the presence of that metal in the epithelial cells of the intestine and within the protoplasm of many leucocytes, especially at the beginning of the central lacteals in the villi. Iron, not demonstrable by the ordinary micro-chemical reactions, ("masked iron "), could easily be rendered apparent by the prolonged action of the heated sulphide and glycerine, especially if teased preparations were used so that the reagent could surround on all sides the cells to be acted upon.

In my experiments, cover-glass preparations, such as are employed for the color-analysis of the leucocytes according to the methods of Ehrlich, were heated on the copper bar at a temperature of 12(1° C. for from one to two hours, and were then treated in the following way: A drop of solution of ammonium sulphide, prepared just before using, was placed upon the smeared surface of the cover-slip, and this was immediately laid upon a drop of glycerine, the glycerine and sulphide-solution mixing, upon a large thick glass-slide. The jireparation was then placed in the thermostat at 60° C. t)nce as early as after 6 hours, but usually at the end of 24 hours, and more markedly at the end of 48 hours, the greenish-black iron reaction in the chromatin of the nuclei of the white corpuscles was apparent in the specimens. By this time the hiBinoglobin of the red corpuscles had assumed only a slight

  • Macallum, A. B., On the demonstration of the presence of iron

in chromatin by micro-chemical methods. Proc. Roy. Soc, Vol. 50. f Joui'nal of Physiology, Vol. XVI, Nos. 3 and 4.

greenish tint. In an occasional leucocyte, however, granule.^ of the size and shape of the eosinophile granules were veiT distinctly stained yellowish-green.

To make sure that the granules were really those of the eosinophile-leucocytes (although the morphology of these granules is in itself so typical that they can as u rule be recognized in fresh unstained specimens of blood), some cover-slip preparations known by control-studies of slides stained with the triple stain to contain a much larger number of eosinophile-leucocytes than normal, were submitted to the same test. In these too the eosinophile granules stained sharply. The blood taken from a patient whose blood contained 18 percent, of eosiuophiles yielded very striking pictures.

The granules in the sulphide-glycerine preparations do not assume quite the same tint as do the nuclei of the leucocytes ; the latter are stained greenish-black and have a dull appearance; the eosinophile granules by contrast are more highly refractive, and while stained greeuish-black show also a slisrht yellowish tint.

The finer neutrophilic granules within the protoplasm of the leucocytes with polymorphous nuclei do not yield anv visible iron-reaction.

Sherrington in his article* on the changes in the leucocytes, in certain infiammatious, describes carefully the various forms of white corpuscles, including the eosinophiles (coarselv grauular leucocytes). He did not notice any marked alteration in the coarse granules on treatment with ammonium-sulphide (p. 300), probably because the specimens were not submitted to the high temperature necessary for the demonstration of •• masked " iron. Sherrington found, however, that witli the ammonium-molybdate test as applied in micro-cheuiical work by Lilienfeld and Monti, that the eosinophile grauuk'S yielded a distinct though faint reaction for phosphorus. He also convinced himself of the presence of a basophilic membi-.ine surrounding the eosinophilic (oxyphile) granules.

The significance of the leucocytic granulations is as yet not fully understood. An attempt has been made to assign to the eosinophile granules a definite function in protecting the organism against bacterial invasion. It may be that the results of the micro-chemical test.s above referreti to will be of some aid in coming to a conclusion reganiing their import

  • Proc. Roy. Soc, Vol. LV, No. 332, pp. 161-20«>.


By henry J. BERKLEY, M. D.

Contents: I.— Dementia Paralytica in the Negro Race. IT.— Studies in the Histology of the Liver. III.— The Intrinsic Pulmonary Nerves in Mammalia. IV.— The Intrinsic Nerve Supply of the Cardiac Ventricles in Certain Vertebrates. V.— The Intrinsic Nerves of the Submaxilhuy Gland of .^f<is mutculm. VI.— The Intrinsic Nerves of tlie Thyroid Gland of the Dog. VII.— The Nerve Elements of the Pituitary Gland.

Price, $1.50. .\ddress The .Tohns Hopkins Press. B.vltimorb, Md.



[No. 42.


By L. p. Hamburger. (From the Pharmacological Laboratory of the Johna Hopkins Unirersity.)

Ainoug the many researches that have been made on the physiological, therapeutical aud toxicological properties of morphine since its isolation by Sertiirner in 1817, those of Marme,* Leineweber,t A]t,J aud Tauber,§ demonstrating its elimination by the gastric mucous membrane take a leading place. The medical profession in general does not seem, however, to be familiar with the practical applications that may be made of this discovery and it is worth while to record the following case of opium-poisoning in which a chemical examination was made of the urine and of successive stomach washings, especially since the results agree with those found by the above-mentioned investigators in their experiments on animals.

On the evening of May 2, 1894, 6G0 cc. of a sherry-red fluid was sent from the hospital to the pharmacological laboratory, the liquid being part of the washings of the stomach of a Chinaman, Lee Hee, who had attempted suicide.

A report was requested as to the kind of poison ^that had lieen taken. The fluid was clear, with a few bits of orange pulp floating in it, and it smelled faintly of crude opium; it w-as liltered and gave the characteristic mecouic acid reaction, luimelv, the red color with ferric chloride or ferrous sulphate which persisted on the addition of hydrochloric acid and also when boiled. A second portion of the filtered fluid was made alkaline with sodium hydrate, shaken up with ether, the ether removed and evaporated, the yellowish-white residue from the ether dissolved in a little acidulated water and this solution examined for alkaloids. It responded perfectly to the following reagents : platinic choloride, iodine in potassium iodide solution, sodium molybdate in sulphuric acid (Frohde). potassium-bismuth iodide aud potassium-mercuric iodide. The presence of meconic acid and of alkaloids being demonstrated, it became evident that we were dealing with poisoning by opium.

Lee Hee is supposed to have taken the opium at about 10 a. m., and the quantity taken we estimated to be at least ten grams, judging from the amount that still remained in the little jar which was known to have- been full when the suicide was attempted.

About half-past five Lee Hee was brought into one of Prof. Osier's wards in a comatose condition and it was evident from the state of his respiration and circulation that he was not likely to recover. At this time the stomach was first washed out and the process was repeated until the physicians in charge

  • UnterHUchungen zur acuten u. cbroniscben Morpliinvergiftung.

Deutsche Meil. Wochenschr., 1883, nr. 14.

t Ueber Elimination stibciitan applicirter .\rzneimittel durch die Magensclileimliaiit. Inang. Dissert. Gottingen, 188H.

t Unteraucliungen iiber die .\us8clieidung des Bubcutan injicirten Morpliins dnrcb den Mai;en. Herl. Klin. Wochenscbr., 1889, nr. 25.

g Arcb. f. exp. Path. u. Pbarmakol., Bd. 27, S. 330.

had reason to think that there was no longer any opium in the stomach. A second lavage was made at 8 p. m., aud a third at half-past eleven, a quarter of an hour before death. The fluid secured in these last two washings was colorless and frou) this fact it may be concluded that all the crude opium had been removed by the first washing, though unfortunately this conclusion could not receive positive proof, since the last portion of the first washing was not kept separate from the rest and chemically examined. All three washings were examined for ojjium and morphine and the results, which will presently be given, at least demonstrate the practical value of repeated stomach washings, even after all ordinary signs of opium, such as color and odor, are no longer found.

At G p. m., 75 cc. of urine was removed by the catheter and submitted to a chemical examiqatiou by Landsberg's method for the detectiou of morphine in the urine.* The residue finally obtained was a mixture of ui'ea and morphine. Xo difficulty wa^experienced in identifying the former, it appeared in the characteristic four-sided prisms with pyramidal ends. Tn addition to these ci'vstals of urea there were seen numerous very small rhombic prisms. Whether the latter were certainly crystals of morphine was not determined; nevertheless the chemical tests demonstrated the presence of morphine in considerable amount. This difficulty in separating morphine from urea is not peculiar to this case,! but is due to the fact that both behave toward solvents in much the same way. Control tests showed that urea does not interfere with the following morphine reactions. A minute quantity of the residue dissolved in water and treated on a porcelain dish with a drop of ammonium molybdate, gave a yellow precipitate, and the addition of a drop or two of concentrated sulphuric acid caused that beautiful play of colors, violet, blue and green, which solutions of morphine give under the same conditions (Frohde). A fragment of iodic acid added to the <liluted residue was reduced and the free iodine recognized by shaking with chloroform. In this way the presence of morphine in the urine was demonstrated. In the present case, therefore, there was no difficulty in proving the elimination of at least a part of the ingested alkaloid through the urine. Yet there is probably no point in the physiological history of morphine which has given rise to more controversy than its presence or absence in this excretion. The controversy involves not only the immediate experimental results but the more general problem of the fate of morphine in the body. Thus, some observers after demonstrating that the alkaloid was present in the urine claimed that it passed through the body unchanged; others, failing to find it, argued that it suffered a destructive oxidation and could not be demonstrated as mor

  • Pfluger's Archiv, Bd. 23, S 425 (1880).

tNeubauer u. Vogcl, Analyse des Hams, Th. 1, S. 359.

October, 1894.]



pliiue in the urine. But it is now generally admitted that after large doses of the alkaloid a small quantity appears in the urine.

It is in the stomach, however, that the elimination of morphine proceeds most actively. The practical importance of this gastric excretion will be evident upon considering the results of the stomach washings in the present case.

Of these there were three as already mentioned. The first was the sherry-red fluid giving meconic acid reactions, and upon treatment by the method of Stas, alkaloidal reactions. This fluid was treated like the urine and a similar brown residue was obtained. This residue was dissolved in water, acidulated with hydrochloric acid and again evaporated. During this evaporation a white precipitate separated out which upon examination was found to be calcium phosphate, one of the inorganic constituents of opium. Having removed this salt, the residue was dissolved in warm absolute alcohol and allowed to evaporate spontaneously. Morphine crystals of a definite type were not obtained, but the solution gave beautiful morphine reactions ; reducing iodic acid, responding to Frohde's reagent, and giving a pink color with sulphuric and nitric acids (Husemann).

As already stated, it was believed that all the opium was removed during the first washing, and the fact that the second washing came out colorless seems to confirm this view. Nevertheless the latter liquid gave fine alkaloidal reactions, but did not respond to the tests for meconic acid. In other words, at the first washing the ingested but unabsorbed opium was removed; between this first lavage and the second the alkaloids had accumulated again. How ? It could only have been through an excretion by the gastric mucous membrane. Nor did the elimination of the poison stop at this period ; for, the third washing made several hours later, colorless also, still gave good reactions.

The meaning of these results must be clear. They point to the excretion of the alkaloids of opium by the mucous membrane of the stomach and suggest a practical application of this fact. If, as has been shown, these alkaloids, and morphine in particular, are excreted into the stomach, then washing this viscus repeatedly and at very short intervals to remove the alkaloids as fast as they are eliminated, must certainly be a life-saving process whether the poison has been taken by mouth or hypodermically. Poisoning by the latter method

has not, as far as can be ascertained, been treated in this manner in spite of Alt's demonstration of the presence of morphine in the stomach washings of men who had received 3 eg. of the hydrochlorate subcutaneously. The quantity of the alkaloid capable of being removed by repeated washings has beeu estimated at almost one-half. Tauber also recovered 41.3 per cent, from the faeces of dogs to whom morphine was administered subcutaneously but where the stomach had not been washed out. Alt has ascertained that for dogs, doses of more than 10-12 eg. morphine pro kilo may be considered lethal; 17 eg. pro kilo almost invariably caused death. On the other hand, if, immediately after the injection, the stomach was washed and the lavage continued for forty-five minutes, then 10-13 eg. pro kilo never produced serious symptoms, and indeed with ] 7 eg. and even 20 eg. pro kilo the symptoms of poisoning were not so severe as when 12 eg. were administered without repeated washing. Two dogs were saved after the injection of so large a quantity as 24 eg. pro kilo. This evidence goes to prove that the excreted morphine is reabsorbed and that it still has toxic properties ; and may not the frequent relapses following ajiparent recoveries from overdoses of morphine* also furnish proof of such reabsorptiou 't By a continuous lavage the exchange that goes on between the gastrointestinal mucous membrane and the general system would be interrupted, and in proportion as the alkaloids excreted by the mucous membrane are removed the effects of their reabsorptiou would be avoided. Conformably to the results of Alt's experiments, the lavage should be repeated at short intervals, and the sooner this can be done after the opium or morphine has been taken, the better. In the case cited in this paper no successful outcome could be anticipated, because too long a time elapsed between the talking of the opium and the beginning of the treatment.

In connection with this subject it may be well to repeat Kobert'sf suggestion', that a chemical examination of the faeces should be made in cases where the morphine habit is suspected but is denied by the patient, and where for various reasons it is difficult to secure conclusive evidence of the fact in other ways.

•See for example, Souclion : "On relapses following recoveries from overdoses of injections of morphine," N. Orl. JI. & S. J., XIV, pp. -ir.T-oO, 1886-S7 ; Taylor : " Lancet," Vol. I, p. 937 (1884).

f Lehrbucli der Intoxikationeii, p. 5(U.


Minute adopted by tiik Hoard of Tki'stkks of The Trustees of the Johns Hopkins Hospital, having learned with deep sorrow of the sudden death of J.vmes Carey, one of its most faithful and conscientious members, desire to put upon permanent record their appreciation of his character and services. He was the soul of integrity and uprightness iu every relation in life. His heart was full of sympathy for the sick, the sorrowing and the unfortunate. It can be said of him ihat he wronged no man iu thought, word or deetl, but was kind ;itul helpful to all. lie had no enemies, but many I'lieuds. lie ki\ed chilihrn, and was tender and gentle with

THK .Toiixs HoPKiKS Hospital. October 0, 1804. them to a remarkable degree. He took great interest iu the Johns Hopkins Colored Orphan Asylum and was eager to develop a better work in the new buildings in course of erection. At the last meeting of the Trustees he attt^uded he was iu full sympathy with new plans for the care and training of colored orphans. He was also peculiarly interested in all the humanitarian aims and work of the Hospital, and bis sound judgment and wise counsel commanded the highest resjHH^t of his associates. After a pure life, full of good deeds and kindly impulses, he hsis gone to his reward.



[No. 42.



The epidemic of the black plague which broke out in May last in IIong-Kong and was very destructive to the Chinese population, will be nuxde memorable in the history of modern medicine on account of the simultaneous discovery by a French and a. Japanese investigator of the micro-organism which there is reason to believe is the cause of the disease. These two investigators, who are already well known to the scientific world through their important previous contributions to the literature of bacteriology, are Drs. Yersin and Kitasato.

The former, Dr. Yersin, who was sent by the French government, owing to the danger to their Indo-Chinese possessions, with instructions to study the nature of the plague, the conditions under which it is propagated, and to search for more effective means for preventing the invasion of their possessions, arrived in Hong-Kong on June 15th.

Dr. Kitasato, accompanied by Dr. Aoyama, was sent by the Japanese government, and arrived at Hong-Kong on June 12th. Dr. Aoyama was delegated to study the clinical and pathological features of the disease, whereas Dr. Kitasato was to undertake the investigation into its aetiology. Dr. Aoyama became infected with the disease, but recovered. Hence tho report of their investigations relates quite exclusively to the bacteriology of the disease.

On June 14th the first autopsy was conducted by Dr. Aoyama, and the blood and organs were studied for microorganisms by Dr. Kitasato, who at the same time made cultures. Under the microscope bacilli were found in the cover-slips, but as the individual had been dead 11 hours the result was not considered conclusive. However, guinea-pigs were inoculated with a bit of the spleen and the blood from tho case.

On the same day, in the blood taken from the tip of the finger of patients sick of the disease, bacilli agreeing in form with those found at the autopsy were again met with. The next day (June 1.5th) the blood-serum cultures nuulc from the autopsy of the previous day showed upon examination a growth of micro-organisms which resembled the bacilli already seen. From these cultures a guinea-pig, mouse, rabbit and pigeon were inoculated.

The guinea-pigs inoculated from the spleen and the blood of the patient dead of the disease, were dead on the second day, and the autopsy U2)on tliese animals showed oedema at the seat

•The importance of the discovery of the micro-org.anism believed to be the cause of the idague seems to justify tlie publication of abstracts of tlie two original pajjcrs wliicli have just appeared on the Biihjcct. Moreover, as one of tliem (Kilasato's) appeared originally in Japanese and is therefore relatively inaccessible to English readers, it seemn less necessary to apologize for presenting the results together at this time. This it would have heen impossible for me to do hut for the kindness of Dr. S. H. Sanobe, now attending u))on the post-graduate courses at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, who kindly read the Japanese jiajier to me. The two riapers are to be founil in the .Sei-i-Kwoi (Medical Journal), TOkyo, for Sept. 8, 1894, and Le Bnlletin Medical, Sept. 23, 1894. In the latter a French abstract of the report of Dr. Kitasato is also given. — Simon Flbxmeu.

of inoculation, and the bacilli were recovered from the viscera of the animals. Of the animals inoculated with the growth from the serum-cultures, all died, in from 1 to 4 days, according to the size of the animal, excepting the pigeon. The latter survived. The post-mortem examinations of these animals confirmed the conditions observed in the first experimental guinea-pigs.

Kitasato found the blood of human beings, dead of the plague, to contain the bacilli often in such small numbers that in many preparations perhaps not more than 2 or 3 organisms could be found ; while the lymph glands, spleen, liver, lungs, brain and intestines always showed many bacilli, which could be cultivated. At times in cover-slips made from the inguinal glands and spleen the number of organisms was so great as to suggest that they had been made from a culture. In all the inoculations from the organs a single organism in pure culture was invariably obtained.

The characters of the bacillus. — The micro-organism obtained in all instances consists of short rods, with rounded ends, resembling the bacillus of chicken cholera, and possessing a capsule. This capsule is at times quite distinctly marked, at others it is difficult to see. The bacillus stains in aniline dyes, the ends staining mor deeply than the middle portion. According to Yersin it is decolorized by Gram's staining method. It is described by Kitasato as being very motile.

Upon blood-serum, after 34 to 48 hours, at the body temperature, the bacillus grows abundantly, the growth appearing moist and of a yellowish-gray color. No liquefaction of the blood-serum occurs. It also grows upon agar, but better upon glyceriue-agar, forming a grayish-white surface growth. The colonies in agar plates show a bluish translucence. They are round, or present slightly irregular contours, and are moist in texture. The young colonies are glass-like in apjjearance, but in the older ones the central part becomes thicker and more opaque. In bouillon, according to Kitasato, a cloud is produced, whereas Yersin compares the growth in this medium with the appearance produced by the streptococcus erysipelatos, namely, the fornuxtion of small granules which settle upon the sides and to the bottom of the test-tube. Stab cultures show after 1 to 2 days a fine dust-like line of growth. The bacillus does not grow on potato, in 10 days, at the ordinary temperature, but after two days at the temj)erature of 37.5° 0. a growth, gray in color and with a dry surface, was observed. The mean temperature of Hong-Kong was too high to permit of gelatine being used.

The most favorable temperature for the growth of the bacillus seems to be from 36° C. to 39° C. According to Kitasato, it docs not form spores. Cover-slip preparations from young agar-agar cultures show forms resembling chains of cocci, but older ones present distinct bacillary forms.

Effects upon animals. — The animals used for experiments were those previously mentioned, namely, rabbits, guinea-pigs, rats, mice and pigeons, and in Kitasato's experiments, sheep. With the exception of jtiiicous, all tlu'.se aiiinials jtroved to be

October, 1894.]



susceptible. The symptoms of the disease developed in the inoculated animals from the first to the fourth day, depending upon the size of the animals. According to Kitasato, the animals are uniformly small at Hong-Kong, the average weight of guinea-pigs being 115, and of rabbits 200 to 250 grams.

The first effects of the subcutaneous inoculation were already perceptible in Yersin's cases after a few hours. The seat of inoculation became oedematous, and the adjacent lymphglands could be felt. After 24 hours the animal is quiet, the hair is rumpled, tears run from the eyes, later convulsions set in which usually continue until death occurs. At the seat of inoculation there is hemorrhagic cedema, the lymphglands are swollen, the intestine is sometimes hyperiemic, the adrenal glands congested, the kidneys purple, the liver large and congested, and the spleen is much enlarged, showing, at times, according to Yersin, £to eruption of miliary tuberclelike nodules. The bacilli can be recovered from the organs of the experimental animals.

In this connection it is interesting to note that in the i^art of the city where the disease prevailed many rats were found lying dead upon the ground and in the houses of the diseased; and it is stated by Yersin that in the epidemics of Pakhoi and of Lien-Chu, in the province of Canton, it had been observed that before the plague attacked human beings it raged with great intensity among mice, rats and swine.

Hahital of the hacillus. — It has already been mentioned that the blood and organs of human beings and experimental animals dead of the plague contain the bacillus. The same organism has been obtained from the rats found dead in the infected district, and Yersin having observed that the flies which infested the laboratory in which his autopsies on experimental animals had been conducted were dying in large numbers, found on making cultures from one that it contained the organism. Kitasato inoculated three guinea-pigs with the dust derived from the room in which there was a case of the plague. Of these two died of tetanus ; the remaining one died with the symptoms of the plague, and the bacillus was obtained from the internal organs. Yersin obtained earth at a distance of 4 to 5 centimeters below the surface from the soil of an infected house. From this cultures wei"e made, and bacilli having the cultural properties and the form of the plague bacillus were isolated. These were, however, devoid of virulence.

Yersin pointed out in a previous part of his paper tliat in cultures from the glands or the blood the colonies grow with different degrees of rapidity, and the more rapidly growing ones are less virulent than the slower ones. Thus the growth derived from a particular colony might kill guinea-pigs after a longer period of incubation, or not at all, and yet be fatal to mice. He also obtained from a gland which had been removed in the third week of the disease, a culture of the organism which was destitute of pathogenic pro})erties, even for mice.

Healthy mice placed in tlie same; cage with inoeulaied mice succumb to the disease, aUliougli later than the infected ones; and susceptible animals fed with food containing the bacillus may die and present the characteristic lesions.

Action of physical and chemical agents on tJie mtalily of the hacillus. — These experiments were conducted by Kitasato.

a) Physical. — 1st. Drying. Cover-slips were made from the infected lymph-gland, and exposed in a room having a temperature of 28° to 30" C, being protected from sunlight. These were dropped into bouillon at varying periods. Those exposed from 1 to 36 hours gave a growth when kept in the thermostat for two days, while cover-slips which had been exjjosed for four days gave no growth in bouillon at the end of seven days in the thermostat. — 2d. Sunlight. Cover-slips prepared in the described manner failed to give any growth whatever after an exposure to the direct rays of the sun for 3 to 4 hours. The experiments were repeated with a pure culture of the bacillus made upon blood-serum with the same results. — 3d. Heat. Bouillon-cultures were killed in § hour at 80° C. In steam at 100° C. all the organisms were killed in a few minutes.

b) Chemical. — 1st. Carbolic acid. Three-day old bouillon cultures were treated with quantities of carbolic acid equaling 0.5 per cent., 0.75 per cent, and 1.0 per cent, of their volume. From these mixtures inoculations were made into fresh bouillon every few minutes.

0.5 per cent, carbolic acid. After one hour's contact at room temperature, a growth in two days at temperature of the thermostat.

0.75 per cent, carbolic acid. Same result.

1.0 per cent, carbolic acid. After one hour's contact no growth in one week at 37.5° C.

0.5 per cent, carbolic acid. After two hours' contact at room temperature, no growth in one week at 37.5° C.

2nd. Milk of lime. The same plan was pursued, using the solutions of the same strength.

0.5 per cent, milk of lime. After 2 hours' contact a very slight growth.

0.5 per cent, milk of lime. After 3 hours' contact no growth.

1.0 per cent, milk of lime. After 2 hours' contact no growth.

Symptoms of the disease. — The disease comes on suddenly after an incubation period of 3 to G days. There is great lassitude and prostration. The temperature rises, and delirium may be present. In 75 jjer cent, of the cases the glands of the groin become swollen, in 10 per cent, those of the axilla, and rarely those of the neck and other regions. The tongue is heavily coated and black in color. Vomiting and diarrhoea may occur, and are considered as being very unfavorable. Death may occur in 48 hours, and frequently it takes place sooner. Should the patient live until the 5th or 6th da}' the prognosis is better. The enlarged glands may go on to suppuration and the abscesses so formed heal very slowly. The disease attacks males and females, the old and the young. The mortality in this epidemic is given by Kitasato as 75 to 85 per cent., by Yersin as 05 per cent,

Kitasato examined the blood of 30 cases, 25 of which gave positive results. Of the remaining five, two were proven not to have the disease; the remaining three were doubtful. The organisms are difficult to see in cover-slips from the blood ; it is therefore necessary to make cultures.

The conclusions which are ap^wuded to Dr. Kitiisato's report are as follows :



[No. 42.

1. In the plague, bacilli are found in the blood, glands and viscera.

3. Tills particular bacillus is not found in any other disease.

3. Obtained in pure culture it is capable of producing in inoculated animals the same effects as in human beings.

4. It gains entrance into the body through (a) the respiratory tract, (b) excoriations of the surface, (c) the digestive tract.

5. The disease prevails especially under faulty hygienic conditions; it is therefore urged that general hygienic measures be carried out. Proper receptacles for sewage should be provided ; a pure water supply afforded ; houses and streams are to be cleansed; all persons sick of the disease isolated ; the

furniture of the sick washed with a 2-per cent, carbolic acid solution in milk of lime; old clothes and bedding are to be steamed at 100° C. for at least 1 hour, or exposed for a few hours to sunlight. If feasible, all infected articles should be burned. The evacuations of the sick are to be mixed with milk of lime; and those who die of the disease are to be buried at a depth of 3 metres, or, pi-eferably, cremated. After recovery the patient is to be kept in isolation at least one month. In one case he was able to demonstrate bacilli in the blood after the third week. All contact with the sick is to be avoided, and great care is to be exercised with reference to food and drink.



Meeting of May 7, 1894 {continued).

Dr. Kelly in the Chair.

Report of Twelve Cases of Complete Radical Cure of Hernia, by Halstcd's method, of over two years standing:. Silver wire sntnres. — Du. Halstkd.

Dr. Bloodgood has very kindly written to all of the old hernia cases in town and to several living out of town, requesting them to come to show themselves to-night. It is now nearly five years tliat we have done this operation for the radical cure of hernia. You may remember that a little more than a year ago we reported 89 cases of hernia, and that there were no recurrences in the cases of union by first intention. In G cases there was more or less of a recurrence, but all of these cases had suppurated for some reason or other, and had liealed by granulation. It remains to be seen wh&ther or not there are any returns amongst the cases here tonight.

This first man v/as operated upon only two weeks ago to-day. In this case and other recent cases we have used silver suluies instead of silk, not because we wish anything stronger than silk, l)ut because of the results of experiments which Dr. Bolton has kindly made for us, and which we liave made, to determine the |iower of different metals to inhibit tlio growth of bacteria. This line of exjicrimentation is not entirely original with us. Dr. Bolton has found that zinc and cadmium and copper are perhaps the best metals to inhibit tiie growth of organisms. Silver is perhaps the next best metal, and we are using therefore silver wire altogether, botli for deep buried sutures and for the continuous Ijuried skin sutures. This is a beautiful instance of healing by first intention.

Since my last report of a year ago we liave Iiad a groat many cases of hernia, and so far tliere have been, we believe, no recurrences.


Case 1. J. B., let. 48. Had a very large right, oblique, inguinoscrotal, reducible hernia of fifteen years standing. Operation in August, 1889 (four years and six months ago). The bladder was caught in one of the stitclies, and tlie wound consequently was laid open and allowe<l to Ileal by granulation. The scar now is firm, <lepressed, 12i cm. long, and about 1 cm. in width, there is no impulse on coughing, no change in the cord or testicles, the man Buffers no inconvenience from the wound.

Case 2. F. F., a;t. 7 (boy). Small, right, congenital, inguinal, reducible hernia. Operation in October, 1889 (four years and four months ago). Wound healed per primam ; there is a narrow linear scar, no impulse on coughing, no change in cord or testicles, no discomfort from wound.

Case 3. H. S., set. 37 (colored). Large, right, inguinal, reducible hernia of two years duration. Operation February, 1890 (four years ago). Healed per primam ; there is a narrow linear scar 9 cm. long, firm, no impulse, the little finger can detect the opening in the muscle through which the transplanted cord passes, no inconvenience from wound, no change in cord or testicles. Patient does heavy work.

Case 4. E. P., ret. 7 (girl). Small, right, oblique, inguinal, reducible hernia of two months duration. Operation November, 1S90 (three years and four months ago). Healed per primam, except a small superficial stitch abscess, the scar is white, 11 cm. long and about 4 cm. wide, firm, no impulse, no discomfort.

Case 5. A. E., set. 5. Small, right, oblique, inguinal, reducible hernia of four years duration. Operation by Dr. Brock way (McBurney's method) in July, 1890. The hernia recurred, and in November, 1890 (three and one-half months afterward), a second operation by Halsted's method was performed. The wound healed per primam, notwithstanding the fact that the child had whooping-cough. It is now three years and three months since the last operation, and there is no return of the hernia.

Case 6. F. S., £et. 27. Small, left oblique, inguinal, reducible hernia of two months duration, following typhoid fever. Operation February, 1891. Healing per primam, except for a small superficial stitch abscess. It is now three years since the operation. The scar is firm, white, 12 cm. long. There is no imjiulse on coughing. No discomfort. Testicles and cords normal.

Case 7. J. T., ret. 47. Small, right, oblique, inguinal,-reducible hernia of six weeks duration. Ojieration February, 1891 (three years ago). Healed per ])rimam. The scar is narrow and white, 13 cm. long, firm. No impulse on coughing. No discomfort. Testicles and cords normal.

Case 8. W. C. W., set. 2*. Small, right, inguino-scrotal, congenital, reducible hernia. Operation July, 1891 (two years and eight months ago). Scar wdiite, linear, 8 cm. long, firm. No impulse on coughing. No change in cord or testicle.

Case 9. G. B., ict. 22. Right, oblique, inguino-scrotal, reducible hernia, noticed at birth ; wore a truss from eight to thirteen years old. Operation August, 1891 (two years and seven months ago). The scar is 13 mm. wide and 12 cm. long, white, firm. No discomfort. On coughing there is a slight impulse at the lower en<l of the scar just above the pubes, corresponding to the external ring. There is no return of the hernia..

Case 10. A. McI., a;t. 26 (colored). Right, oblique, inguino-scrotal hernia, reducible for four years, strangulated on admission. Operation August, 1891 (two years and seven months ago). The veins were very large and excised, healing per primam, exce)it at the upper end, in which there was superficial suppuration, November, 1893. Hydrocele and testicle, on the same side, removed

October, 1894.]



because they gave discomfort. Tlie .scar is firm, there is no impulse on cou<;hing. No discomfort.

Case 11. J. W. B., vl'I. 5. Small, left, oblique, inguino. reducible hernia, following whooping-cough at four months of age. Operation September, 1891 (two years and five months ago). The wound suppurated at its upper third and healed by granulation. The scar is 2 mm. wide, it has stretched some. Is 8 cm. long and firm. No impulse on coughing. Testicle and cord normal. There had been an epididymitis following the operation, the induration from which lasted for six months.

Case 12. H. P., aet. 29. Small, right, inguinal, irreducible hernia of two years duration. Operation October, 1891 (two years and five months ago). There were no adhesions in the sac. Wound suppurated and healeil by granulation. There was a stitch sinus for three months. The scar is firm, but has stretched a little. It is 11 J cm. long. The abdominal walls of this patient are so very thin that on coughing there is an impulse above Poupart's ligament on both sides. The impulse is as great on one side as on the other.

Recent Results in Hysteromyomectomy.— Dk. Kelly.

The technique of no operation in the field of gynecology has been so rapidly advanced as that of hysteromyomectomy. Until a few years ago the removal of a myomatous uterus was considered one of the most dangerous operations, and was only resorted to wheu the patient's life was in imminent danger from the further growth of the tumor or from the secondary results such as high grade ansemia, pressure from adjacent organs, etc.

Less than twenty years ago the first attempts at the extirpation of these myomatous uteri were made, and the mortality following these operations was so appalling as to cause all but a few to shrink from the operation.

Some ten years ago, Professor Scliroeder, of Berlin, with the courage of his convictions, began with great earnestness to advocate the total extirpation of myomatous tumors, and although his attempts were followed by a very high rate of mortality he persisted, believing that better results would follow as the steps of the operation were perfected. These anticipations were not realized during his life, but in the light of the statistics of to-day his prophecy for the future is well sustained. At the present time the mortality following this operation is little if any greater than that following the average run of ovariotomies.

We now consider the operation indicated when the tumor is rapidly growing even though no uncomfortable symptoms are produced by its presence, as sooner or later, in the great majority of cases, untoward symptoms will arise which not only endanger the patient's life, but also render the operation in the presence of these complications much more difficult.

As will be seen from the analysis of 50 cases of hysteromyomectomy, made for me by Dr. Clark, there are quite a number of indications for operation.

From the standpoint of relative frequency of myoma in the white and colored race this analysis of 50 cases, while small in number, yet serves to bear out a statement made by me some months ago before the South Carolina Medical Society, that myomata were as frequent in white as in black women.

A number of those present at that meeting took exception to this remark, claiming that white women were able, being better situated financially, to come greater distances for treatment than were the impoverished colored women who, perforce of circumstances, must remain at home.

But according to the relative frequency as indicated by this table the proportion is as 61 to 1, there being 43 whites to 7 blacks. Of the latter G appeared to be of pure African descent, the seventh was a mulatto.

While the criticism olTered l)y these gentlemen bears a certain weight, yet from the very fact that we are in the center of a large negro population in Maryland aud the adjacent States of Virginia

and Delaware, the proportion should be very different from this which I present, if the statement that myomata are more frequent in the colored than in the white race is to be sustained.

The ages of the patients at time of the operation averaged 42.5 years, the oldest being 59 and the youngest 25 years of age.

This part of the analysis is interesting as showing the prevalence both among physicians and laity of the belief that these tumors will disappear or cease to give rise to discomfort after the menopause.

In a number of these cases the tumor had been discovered two or three years, in a few instances many years before the operation, the patients having delayed operation in the hope that the menopause would relieve them.

Although the above opinion is still held by many worthy gynecologists I give it little credence, as according to my experience, instead of decreasing in size, a number of these tumors take on their most active growth after the menopause, while in many other cases the menopause is delayed five years or longer by their presence.

Continuing the analysis further, I find that 37 of the women were married and thirteen single. Of the former, twenty-three bore fifty-six children. Seventeen miscarriages occurred among this number ; one patient, however, furnishing ten of these, the remaining seven being distributed among the 22 other women.

The prevailing belief is that these women are as a rule sterile. In the great majority of these cases which I report no children had been borne after the tumor had attained a great size, but on the average the fertility of these women was little below normal.

The following data relating to the menstrual (low bear out the usual statement, namely, that there is deranged menstruation, usually tending to profuse and irregular flow. Of the 50 cases, 9 were normal as to menstrual function ; in 35 the How was excessive, often inclined to free or profuse hemorrhage ; while 5 had passed the climacteric.

The major indications for operation were increasing size of tumor, secondary anaemia from persistent or profuse hemorrhage, and pressure symptoms ; of the 50 cases, 30 presenting tliis group of symptoms. In two cases excessive hemorrhage alone was the indication ; in four, rapidly increasing size of tumor, although accompanied by no unpleasant symptoms ; in five, severe pain. Another indication is the urgent request of a patient to be relieved of her tumor. In such cases I usually advise the patient to wait a certain length of time, usually from six months to one year, and if she is then still urgent in her request I will operate. Two cases in this list were of this character. In one case there was profound mental dejiression, verging closely on to melancholia, caused by constantly brooding over the fact that she had "a tumor." Operation was followed promptly by complete restoration of the patient's spirits.

In one case the tumor was not detected until pregnancy was six months advanced, and then it so blocked the inferior strait as to require Caesarean section for the delivery of the child. In this case the uterus was amputated and the pedicle dropped and the abdomen closed as in the ordinary hysteromyomectomy.

Of the remaining 50, one was the subject of an intense pruritus vulva?, from constant discharge ; another, of prolapsus uteri, and a third had attacks of urinary suppression, while two had peritonitis.

Although myomatous tumors are often thought to be unaccompanied by pain, yet my analysis shows that of the 50 cases, 21 complained of pain of varying intensity, from a heavy dragging sensation in the pelvis to acute pain in the region of the uterus or ovaries, often resembling " toothache." A considerable proportion referred their pains to the legs and groins, evidently due to pressure on the sacral and lumbar plexuses.

A complication not infrequently associated with these tumors is infiammatory disease of the appendages, v.irying in degree from slight adhesions to purulent salpingitis. In this list which I present one such case is found. The presence of pus necessarily renders the operation more dangerous, as the liability to infection



[No. 42.

is very greatly increased. In a second case there was a pyometra, the pas escaping into the pelvis when tlie uterus was amputated. I'liis i>atient, however, made an uncomplicated recovery. As a precaution against the general distribution of the pus the stump was surrounded by pads of gauze, and at the completion of the operation, before closing the abdomen, the pelvis was thoroughly irrigated with salt solution.

A few words as to the evolution of hysteromyomectomy.

The first mode of operation systematically described and generally adopted was that of Hegar.

According to his method the abdomen was opened, the tumor lifted out, a rubber ligature thrown around the pedicle, the uterus amputated, and the pedicle suspended in the abdominal wound by means of pins. The stump was dressed for two weeks or longer until it gradually separated, leaving a granulating pit in the bottom of the wound. Schroeder soon modified this method by dropping the stump, but his operations were followed by such a high rate of mortality as to prevent the general adoption of this operation.

After having followed Hegar's method in two cases, in Philadelphia, I devised a new operation, which I described as the combined extra- and intraperitoneal method. This included the best principles of Hegar's and Schroeder's methods. Hemorrhage frequently arose from the slipping of the constricting ligature in the Hegar operation. The pedicle was often large, and the encircling ligature, although controlling the hemorrhage during the operation, would subsequently slip after the disappearance of the temporary oidema, and fatal bleeding would follow. This no doubt was the cause of death in manj' cases.

Schroeder, as did the general surgical world, assigned his high rate of mortality to two causes — sepsis and hemorrhage.

It was accepted without question that the sepsis came from the cervical canal. I was convinced of this fact, and only conducted the first part of my operation according to the plan of Schroeder.

After amputating the tumor I carefully approximated the cervical stump, leaving the sutures long, by means of which I drew the stump up into the lower angle of the abdominal wound, and detained it there by catching the ligatures with artery forceps.

I then attached the peritoneum to tlie stump on all sides, and closed the abdomen down to the lower angle. Without exception these cases did well, and the wound filled in nicely with granulation tissue.

After having employed this method satisfactorily in a great many cases, I decided to drop the stump completely into the abdominal cavity as one does the pedicle of an ovarian tumor. <

Since adopting this method 1 have performed 50 operations, with only three deaths, the latter being in no way traceable to infection from the stump.

One death was due to septic catgut, another to shock, and the third to sepsis which arose from a superficial eczematous patch in the fold of the abdomen. This patch was protected by a sealed dressing, but during the operation it became displaced. There was extensive infection of the abdominal wound in this case, the peritoneal cavity being free of pus.

Looking back at Schroeder's high rate of mortality we can arrive at but one conclusion, and that is that his antiseptic precautions were not sufDcient.

I am now quite certain that a healthy cervical canal does not give rise to infection in these operations.

With regard to hemorrhage, there is little danger if the ligatures are properly placed. There are but four great channels of blood supply to these tumors, regardless of their size, be they large or small, the two ovarian and two uterine arteries.

The two ovarian arteries can be caught easily above and tied off. riie accompanying veins are fre<iuently enormously enlarged, and care must be ob.served not to i>rick them with the needle, as embarrassing liumorrhaKo will follow such an accident.

These vessels should bo tieil also on the uterine side, and cut

between the ligatures, thus preventing the blood which remains in the tumor from running down and obscuring the field of operation. Having secured this source of licmorrhage, the broad ligaments are opened, and by dissecting down between their layers with the finger the uterine arteries, the remaining sources of blood supply, are felt beneath the finger on the floor of the pelvis. If these are firmly ligated there is no necessity of throwing a provisional rubber ligature around the base of the tumor while it is being amputated.

The tumor is removed by a circular incision, the vesical peritoneum being first dissected off, as it will be used later to form a hood for the stump. The pedicle is cupped, and with three or four silk sutures of medium size (No. 2) the surfaces of the flaps are brought into apposition. The edges usually require two or three sutures to complete a snug approximation. The redundant peritoneum is then brought together with a continuous silk suture (No. 2), and the female pelvis is converted into one of the male type, all of the structures between the rectum and bladder having been removed.

From the analysis of 50 cases it will be seen that the operation for the total extirpation of myomatous uteri is eminently successful, and w hen a case presents any of the indications enumerated above should be operated upon.

Summary of 50 Cases of HysTEROMyoMECTOMy.

Age. — Youngest, 25 years; oldest, 59 years; average, 42.5 years. 29 of the 50 cases between the ages of 40 and 50.

Married. — 37.

Single. —13.

Color. — 6 blacks ; 1 mulatto ; 43 whites.

Children. — 13 married were sterile ; 23 married women gave birth to 56 children.

Miscarriages. — 17 miscarriages occurred, one patient furnishing 10 of these, leaving only 7 to the remaining 22 married women.

Menstrual history. — Menses normal, 9 cases ; menses profuse, often inclined to free or continuous hemorrhage, 36 cases ; climacteric, 5 cases.

Indications for Operation. — Profuse hemorrhage, increasing size of tumor, secondary aniemia, and pressure symptoms, 30 cases ; excessive hemorrhage, 2 cases; increasing size of tumor, 4 cases; pain, 5 cases ; urgent request of patient, 2 cases ; mental depression caused by presence of tumor, 1 case; myoma blocking inferior strait, preventing delivery of child, 1 case : suppression of urine,

1 case ; intense pruritis, 1 case ; prolapsus uteri, 1 case ; peritonitis,

2 cases.

Of the 50 cases, 23 complained of pain, frequently quite severe, in the region of the tumor. Drainage.— Gsmze, G cases ; no drainage, 44 cases. Stitch-hole abscess. — i cases. Mortality. — 6 per cent.*

• Since reporting these cases before the Johns Hopkins Medical Society I have completed my seventieth operation without any increase in the mortnllty.




Professor of Oynccology in the Johns Haitians UnivcrHty and Gynecologist to the Johns Hophins Hospital.

This report containing 460 pages, large octavo, and G3 plates and figures, is now ready. It includes many papers of interest and importance to gynecologists. Price $3.00. Price of Vol. 3 complete, $5.00.

October, 1894.]




Burdett's Hospital and Charities Annual, 1894 : being the Year-book of Pbilantbropy. Edited by Henry C. Burdett, Author of "Hospitals and Asylums," etc. {London: The Scientific Press (Limited). New York: G. Scrihiier & Sons.)

One hardly knows which to admire most, the patience displayed in collecting the immense store of statistical information contained in this volume of more than 500 pages, or the skill shown in marshaling and handling the facts to bring about better hospital administration. The book is a marvel of laborious compilation : how great the labor few can realize who have not had a similar task in wringing statistics from indifferent, over-worked or procrastinating public officials. Many of the statistics are of purely local interest, and many of the topics referred to have special bearing upon the English hospitals and training schools for nurses, but the book, as a whole, is proiitable to hospital workers throughout the world.

Among them may be mentioned such subjects as the training of nurses in mental cases, hospitals for consumption, homes for the dying, and hospital finances. The author, with a prescience born of long experience, has touched a vital point of hospital administration in his chapter on hospital finances. As he so clearly points out, it is only by a comparison of the figures presented by each hospital that we can accurately determine what good is being accomiilished and whether money is judiciously expended.

It is safe to say that those hospitals alone will endure which are able by the results attained to show a reason for their existence. The author had previously presented in another little volume, "A Uniform System of Accounts for Hospitals and Public Institutions," a scheme of classification of expenditures which in his judgment should be generally adopted, and the figures presented in the Annual" indicate that gratifying progress has been made in securing the adoption of the scheme in England. It is very desirable that some corresponding although probably not identical scheme should be adopted in America, as the conditions of our hospitals, while varying somewhat in details, are essentially the same. In some respects they could be improved. The unit of expenditure should be one day instead of one week, for example, and the cost of maintenance should be reckoned upon the actual number o/Ai^s of hospital care given, and not upon the weekly cost of the average number of beds occupied during the year. The cost of out-patients should be reckoned separately. It is interesting to note how widely the conditions of admission and support of patients differ in Great Britain and America. In twelve large hospitals in Great Britain each in-patient must provide for himself tea, butter and sugar. In three hospitals he must bring, in addition, a teacup and saucer, spoon, knife and fork, soap and towel. In fifteen hospitals he must provide a change of personal linen and pay for his own washing. In eighteen hospitals alone are in-patients freed from these extra charges, which must be a serious burden upon their friends and a prolific source of misunderstanding between nurses and patients. In such a wealth of information as is here given upon all topics connected with hospital and training school management, it is diilicult to discuss any toi)ic with any adequate fullness in this brief review. The book must be carefully examined by practical hospital workers to be fully appreciated.

Disease and Race. By Jaduoo. (London : Swan Soniienschcin tt Co., 1894.)

The object of this little book is stated to be " an endeavor to show some continuity in disease, to evolve a little order out of existing chaos." The attempt is commendable, hut the success of the effort is not great. The order evolved out of existing chaos is largely theoretical and hypothetical, and tends to confuse rather than to nnike plain. Leprosy is first spoken of, and an effort is made to show that the leprosy of the Bible differs in many rcsjiects from

leprosy as it appears to-day. Instead of reaching the obvious conclusion that the term translated by the word leprosy possibly included a variety of diseases like psoriasis, scabies and otiier forms of contagious disease, the author considers that true leprosy as it now appears is a hybrid disease produced by the combination of Jewish or white leprosy and some other disease wliich has developed in the countries bordering on the Mediterranean in modern times. This he suggests probably originally came from America, and meeting the existing form of leprosy, the two diseases produced a compound or hybrid, taking most of the effects and symptoms of each of them and continuing their course through succeeding generations as one disease, neither being to a sufficient degree either liereditary or contagious to extinguish the other by successive natural inoculations. The result has been to modify the character and especially the contagiousness of leprosy, until as now it appears considerable doubt is expressed by some authors as to its being contagious at all. He further reasons that leprosy and gonorrhoea have produced syphilis, whicli in turn has been modified by successive transmissions into scrofula, and finally into tuberculosis. Whooping-cough iias been modified into measles, and Aleppo-button into plague, and the two latter have combined and produced small-pox. Malarial fever has been modified into miliary fever, and this has been transformed into scarlet fever, and finally into di]ihtheria — this is surely "a continuity in disease" which would be interesting to study if true. These conclusions are evidently based upon the fact which has long been known, that many forms of disease become modified by passing through individuals, until a severe type at the beginning of an epidemic may become a comparatively mild one at the latter point of it, and the added fact that one attack of an infectious disease often confers an immunity from subsequent attacks. Reasoning from these analogies, our author believes that diseases are so modified as to become essentially new diseases which finally find the race immune to their attacks. This, however, is pure hypothesis. As a matter of fact we have no reason to think the poison of smallpox any less severe except where the severity of the disease has been modified by vaccination. Plague and measles would probably be as severe and contagious as formerly were it not for improved sanitation and more healthful modes of living. Tuberculosis is probably more wide-spread and more fatal now than ever before. The following will serve as a good example of his reasoning :

" That the American continent was either the original home of leprosy or one of its modifications is extremely probable, by the fact of the comparative immunity of the pure-blooded aborigines from leprosy ; and this does not shut out the possibility that the disease arose and ran its course in America prior to the commencement of the disease in the Old World from a like cause." This is not unlike the old reason why syphilis was thought to have originated in America because guaiacum was found native here, and it was altogether probable that this disease and what regarded its only infallible remedy must have been associated. The theory of hybrid diseases enunciated by the author has no countenance in modern bacteriology and cannot be accepted. The book, while interesting as a contribution to speculative medicine, is inconclusive and unsatisfactory.

"The Nurse's Dictionary of Medical Terms and Nursing Treatment, compiled for the use of nurses, and containing descriptions of the principal medical and nursing terras and abbreviations, instruments, drugs, diseases, accidents, treatments, physiological names, operations, foods, appliances, etc., etc., encountered in the ward or sick room. By Honnkr Morten. {PhiUidclpfiia : W. B. Saundert. London : The Scientific Press, Limited.)

Whatever may be said as to the wisdom of publishing compiI.<i. tions of this character, which do not attain the dignity of dictionaries or nurses' manuals and are uns;itisfaolory from Ixith standpoints, there can be no question that the modicum of knowledge contained in them should be free from misleading errors. The



[No. 42.

number of typoprapliical errors in the volume before us seems extraordinarily large, as for example, accouclier for accoucheur, Bssafcctida for asafcetida, bulbus oceuli for bulhus oculi, cacoglactic instead of cacogalactic, concha oris instead of concha auris, phagosites instead of phagocytes, pierotoxine instead of picrotoxine, salens instead of soUus, bilirubrin for bilirubin, etc.

The combination of medical definitions and nursing directions is also far from a happy one. The following will serve as good examples of the method. "Abdomen : The belly ; the cavity betweenthe chest and the groins. In abdominal injuries a nurse has usually to keep her patient at rest and watch for signs of peritonitis. Laparotomy is the operation likely to be performed." "Antitoxines : Injections of serum to counteract a disease. Tetanus is sometimes treated by injections from rabbits rendered incapable of taking the disease."

The definitions alone seem hanlly more happy, as a few will readily show, e. g. "Anthracosis : Carbuncular disease (?) caused by inspiring particles of coal." "Argyll-Robertson pupil : Pupil of the eye which does not contract when subjected to light." " Bacteria : Rod-like uncTohes supposed to infect the blood with different diseases. They are unicellular and of fungous growth." Manj' important words are omitted, and many unimportant quack preparations are mentioned and defined, e. g. Warner's Safe Cure, Vinolia preparations, Beecham's Pills, and other equally unnecessary articles.

It would seem much better to divide "Medical Terms" from " Nursing Treatment," as the two portions of the book have little in common. A good dictionary of terms which nurses will meet with, correctly spelled and concisely, accurately defined, would be a great convenience to nurses. A similar little volume, giving plain, simple descriptions of diseased conditions and furnishing clear directions as to the course to be pursued in emergencies, would also serve an excellent purpose. The combination attempted in the present book cannot be commended. The book is clearly, neatly printed, and the volume is a convenient size to carry in the pocket.

Chorea and Choreiform Affections. By William Osler, M. D. (H. K. Lewis, London, 1894.)

In- this monograph of 120 pages of letterpress, Prof. Osier has presented to the medical profession a concise treatise upon the various forms of chorea and allied muscular spasms, which constitutes a distinct advance on former publications upon these subjects.

In the opening chapter a very interesting account is given of the earlier historic writings upon the subject, and a few pages further on, the principal more recent contributions to the literature, from England, the European continent, and from America, ftre outlined. In the next chapter the obscure etiology of the disorder is fully considered. Symptomatology occupies the succeeding two chapters, with a number of abstracts of graphic cases of mild and severe chorea. Chapter IV, "The Heart in Chorea Minor," is one of more than usual interest, and the great frequency of endocarditis in chorea is brought to the attention of the reader with the author's usual care and fidelity of detail. Attention is drawn to the fact that in the majority of cases of endocardial trouble in chorea minor, "the endocarditis is independent of, and not associated with acute arthritis, and that in a considerable proportion of cases, much larger than has hitherto been supposed, the complicating endocarditis lays the foundation of organic heart disease."

Chapter V treats of the anatomy, pathology, and treatment of the disorder. The author appears to be more inclined to consider chorea, in the strict sense of the word, to be of infectious rather than other nature, though truly, as he states, "we are evidently as yet only upon the threshold of the essential cause of either acute rheumatism or chorea. In both disorders there are facts highly

suggestive of an infectious nature, but more than this cannot be said at present."

Chapter VI leads to the consideration of choreiform affections. The various forms of habit spasm are very clearly defined, and it is pleasing to the reader to note how clearly Dr. Osier has drawn the distinction between these affections, so many of which are commonly confounded with the chorea of Sydenham. A considerable number of illustrative cases are introduced for the purpose of differentiating the various forms of spasm.

In the final chapter of the book, " Chronic Progressive Chorea " is considered from an historical, etiological, and clinical standpoint, but nothing especially new is developed. The last nine pages of the work are occupied by a careful analysis of seventy-three fatal cases of chorea minor, all but four showing heart lesions mainly in the form of endocarditis.

The monograph, from the introduction to the last page, is well written and very readable ; and will probably for a long time occupy a standard place in the literature of one of the most extraordinary maladies that affects the human race. H. J. B.



Vol. v.- No. 43.




Papillo-Cystoma of the Ovary. By T. S. Cullen, M. B., - - 103

The Leucocytes in Croupous Pneumonia. By John S. Billings, Jr., M. D., 105

A Postscript to the Report on Appendicitis. By W. S. HalSTED, M. D., 113

Therapeutic Use of Extract of Bone Marrow. By John S.

Billings, Jb., M. D., - - - 115

Proceeilinga of Societies : Hospital Medical Society, 119

Case of Hereditary Chorea [Dr. Osler] ;— Oliver Wendell Holmes [Dr. Osler] ;— Ureterotomy [Dr. Kelly] ;— Sarcoma in the Floor of the Mouth. Excision followed by Hypertrophy of the left Submaxillary Gland [Dr. Bloodgood] ; — A Case of Typhoid-Septicaemia associated with Focal Abscesses in the Kidney, due to the Typhoid Bacillus [Dr. Flexner] ; — On the Presence of Iron in the Granules of the Eosinophile-Leucocytes [Dr. Barker]. Notes on New Books, 121


By T. S. Cullen, M. B.,

Although papilloma of the ovary is not particularly rare, this case is published on account of the involvement of both ovaries and because the places of origin are considered as being of interest. Moreover, as will be seen, the specimen was quite perfect.

Mrs. K., admitted to the service of Dr. Kelly, 2, 14, 1894. ^t. 41, married.

The patient comphiined of abdominal enlargement accompanied by loss of flesh and strength. She has been married 22 years and had one normal labor 20 years ago. Her only previous illness was typhoid fever, 10 years ago.

Present Illness. — In February, 1893, she began to feel languid, and was with difficulty able to continue her housework. In July she noticed a slight burning sensation in the right hypogastrium, not affected by exercise nor influenced by menstruation. Her body weight began to decrease. About September the abdomen commenced to enlarge and continued to increase in size. Tlie weakness and emaciation also were progressive. In November she vomited a greenish fluid. Defecation was accompanied by some pain in the pelvis. Since that time there has been little change.

Menstruation commenced in her eleventh year, was regular, moderate in amount and somewhat painful. In November, the menses suddenhj ceased and have not recurred.

Physical Examination. — The patient is fairly well nourished. Her mucous membranes are somewhat anaMuic. Heart and

Assistant in Gynecology.

lungs apparently normal. Liver dulness not increased. The abdomen is enormously and symmetrically distended. The greatest prominence is below the umbilicus. The linese albicantes in the lower abdominal zone are very prominent. The superficial veins are distended.

Palpation. — Some superficial a?dema above the symphysis pubis. No masses to be felt.

Percussion. — No tympanitic note can be elicited below the umbilicus. A distinct wave of fluctuation is felt. Above the umbilicus the tympany extends 16 cm. to the right and 12 cm. to the left of the median line.

Abdominal Measurements. —

Umbilicus to ensiform cartilage 21 cm.

" " pubes 27 "

" " right anterior superior spine 27 "

" " left anterior superior spine 27 "

Greatest circumference 145 cm., at the umbilicus.

Vaginal Examifmtion. — The outlet is greatly relaxed. The cervix is in the axis of the vagina ; uterus retroflexed. apparently fixed in the pelvis. No tumor felt

Per rectum. — In Douglas's pouch a mass of indefinite size can be detected, conveying the impression of small papillomatous masses.

2, 17, 1894. Operation by Dr. Kelly, double cystectomy. On opening the abdomen 17 litres of fluid were found free in



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the cavity. Ou both sides large cj'sts were seen, occupying Douglas's cul-de-sac ; by these the uterus was pushed forward. The left side was elevated, tied ofE and removed without difficulty. The right side was enucleated after being liberated from dense adhesions to the broad ligament and to the postei-ior surface of the uterus. Adhesions between the bladder and broad ligament were cut, and about eight small papillary nodules were excised from the pelvic floor. It was impossible, however, to remove all of them on account of their intimate relation to the bowel. The peritoneum was thoroughly sponged out and the wound closed. Silk sutures were used throughout. During the third week the temperature rose to 101.8° and fluctuated between that and 99.5° for throe days, otherwise the patient had an uninterrupted recovery, and was discharged on March 20, feeling well.

Pathological Jieport. — RigJit side, the ovary is replaced by a tumor 8.5x8x7 cm. This is irregular in contour, being made up of several cysts, varying in size. These cysts ai'C bluishwhite and translucent. The most dependent part of the tumor is yellowish in color. Springing from the uterine side of the tumor is a pinkish cauliflower-like mass which has a somewhat narrowed base. The interior of the tumor is occupied by Ave cysts; these are smooth-walled, but have, developed upon their inner surfaces, small papillary-like masses. The fluid in the large cyst is somewhat tenacious, in the smaller ones limpid. The tube is 4 cm. long, 5 mm. in, diameter. Its flmbrlated end is free. Parovarium is normal.

Microscopically. — The cyst walls are composed of connective tissue moderately rich In cells. Several corpora fibrosa are scattered throughout the wall. The outer surface is lined by flat epithelium. The papillary masses springing from the outer surface are composed of finger-like projections of connective tissue which become branched toward their termination. The connective tissue near its attachment to the cyst wall is moderately rich in cells, but as it passes outward the cells diminish in number and the stroma presents a hyaline appearance. The surface epithelium as it approaches the papillary masses becomes cuboidal, and where covering the masses is cylindrical. The inner surface of the cyst wall, is lined by cylindrical epithelium. The papillary masses springing from the interior. Fig. 3, present the same appearance as those on the outer surface, but appear to have no connection with them.

Left Side. — The ovary is converted into a similar tumor of

the same size ; here, however, the papillary masses tended to spring from the depressions between the cysts. Both tubes normal.

Source of Origin. — The outer ones undoubtedly spring from the germinal epithelium. It is the opinion of Professor Welch that those on the inner surface of the cysts originated in the cells of the Graafian follicles ; the cysts forming first, and the papillary masses developing secondarily. This mode of origin is, we consider, indicated by the small number of cysts present. The small masses from the tissue surrounding the rectum presented a typical papillary appearance.

Professor Abel made a chemical examination of the fluid from the abdominal cavity. The fluid was yellowish in color and presented a greenish tinge, was alkaline in reaction and had a specific gravity of 1020. It contained serum albumen, serum globulin, a trace of sugar and fibi'in.

Although the prognosis in this case was considered unfavorable owing to the incomplete operation, the patient has, during the six months following the operation, gained 49 pounds.

The sudden cessation of menstruation is of especial interest as associated with the diseased condition of the ovaries.

Description of Plate.

Fig. 1.— Natural size of tumor from right side, hardened in Miiller's fluid and then cut open. Springing from its outer surface are papillary masses. Internally it is composed of one large and several smaller cysts. Projecting from the inner surface of these are papillary masses. The large cyst, c, contains a tens^cious fluid which was coagulated by the Miiller's fluid, a is a cross section of the normal Fallopian tube.

Fig. 2 is the other half of Fig. 1. The coagulated fluid has been washed out of the large cyst cavity, enabling one to see the papillary masses more distinctly.

Fig. 3 is a section of a small nodule taken from the inner surface of the cyst in Fig. 1 at the point represented by b. (Winckel Ocul. I, Obj. 3.) d is the cyst wall, which is composed of wavy fibrous tissue poor in blood supply. The inner surface of the cyst is covered by one layer of cylindrical epithelium. The papillary mass presents a tree-like appearance. It also is composed of connective tissue, which becomes less dense tlie farther it is away from the cyst wall. All the folds and convolutions of this papillary mass are covered by one layer of cylindrical epithelium. In some places the cells have been cut slantingly and then look somewhat like squamous epithelium. The orange-colored areas are blood-vessels.


By John S. Billings, Jr., Assistant Resident Physician, Johns HopTcins Hospital.

The increase in the number of leucocytes in the blood in croupous pneumonia may be said to have been first noticed by Piorry'in 1839. He remarked that the so-called "crusta phlogistica," seen above the clotted blood withdrawn by venesection from patients suffering from any of the acute inflammatory diseases, was most marked in pneumonia. It was thickest at about the seventh or eighth day, just before the crisis, and he thought it to be due to an hsmitis or an actual inflammation of the blood itself.

Virchow^ in 1871 spoke of a leucocytosis in pneumonia and held that there was an actual new formation of leucocytes, i. e. an absolute increase in the total number present in the circulation, but only in those cases in which there was swelling of the bronchial glands.

Since then there have been many investigations on the subject, especially in the last four years. Nasse,' Koblanck, Sorensen and Pee all noted the presence of a leucocytosis during the course of croupous pneumonia, but they did not speak of its relation to the temperature, nor to prognosis.

Halla' in 1883 was the first to report a series of cases, fourteen in number. In twelve of these there was a leucocytosis, while in the I'emaining two the leucocytes were not increased. Both the latter cases ended fatally. He was the first to call attention to the fact that the absence of leucocytosis is of biid omen. He found no correspondence between the temperature and leucocyte curves in those cases ending in recovery.

Hayem and Gilbert* in 1884 remarked upon the typhoid character of those cases of pneumonia in which there is no leucocytosis.

Tumas" in 1887 stated that there was a rough daily correspondence between the temperature and the leucocytes, and that the number of the latter was greatest at the severest stages of the disease. He also noted that the leucocytes did not reach normal at the same time as the temperature, but remained elevated for three or four days after the crisis.

Boekniaun' and Von Jaksch' claim that there is a constant relation between the number of leucocytes and the temperature in various acute infectious diseases, and particularly in pneumonia.

Kikodse' states that leucocytosis is absent only in fatal cases. He believes that the leucocytosis begins before the involvement of the lung takes place, that it runs parallel with the temperature, and falls to a jxiint below normal with the crisis in temperature.

Eoemer" believes the leucocytosis in pneumonia to be caused by the products of destruction (bacteria, cells, etc.) brought about by the alkali-proteins, and not directly by the alkaliproteins themselves.

Von Jaksch," recognizing the bad prognosis in cases which showed no leucocytosis, and believing that the fatal termination was due directly to its absence, I'ecommended the use of drugs which would produce an increase in the number of leucocytes in the blood. (Antipyrin, pilocarpin, etc.) Such treatment was ineffectual, as will be demonstrated later.

Maragliano" does not think that the number of leucocytes is of any prognostic value.

Rieder" rejjorts his observations in twenty-six cases. He finds that the fall of the leucocytes generally precedes the fall of temperature, but that the number of the leucocytes, while beginning to fall first, may often remain elevated for several days after the temperature has touched normal. This is particularly marked in cases of delayed resolution. In cases ending by lysis the leucocytes fall correspondingly slowly. A pseudo-crisis may be recognized by the fact that while the temperature may fall to normal, the leucocytes remain steadily elevated. He finds no correspondence of the leucocyte and temperature curves. The leucocytosis was present in one case six hours' after the chill. In fatal cases there was no leucocytosis, but the blood showed the characteristic change noted in so-called pure leucocytoses, i. e., a marked relative increase in the number of so-called polynuclear elements. He does not think there is any relation between the amount of leucocytosis and extent of lung involved.

V. Limbeck" holds that only those infectious diseases with exudation into the tissues show an increase in number of the leucocytes. The amount of leucocytosis depends upon the quality and quantity of the exudate, i. e., the more cells and the larger the exudate, the greater the leucocytosis. He states that in pneumonia the leucocytosis disappears with the fever. Should there be a new extension of the disease and a rise of fever, the leucocytosis reappears a few hours before the rise in temperature takes place. A pseudo-crisis may be recognized by a steady leucocytosis. A fatal ending is foreshadowed by a steady rise in the number of the leucocytes.

Tchistovitch inoculated rabbits with cultures of pneumococcus and found a leucocytosis only in those cases ending in recovery. The use of sti'onger cultures which killed the animal did not cause any leucocytosis, but brought about an actual reduction in the number of the leucocytes, t. e., a so-called Icukolysis. This was confirmed by Kieder (1. c).

Laehr'^ reports observations of the leucocytes iu sixteen cases of pneumonia. He found the leucocytosis in one ease to be present eight hours after the chill. The leucocytes rise one to two days before the crisis, to sink again before the crisis takes place. The temperature reaches normal Ix'fore the leucocytes. lie finds no exact correspondence between the number of leucocytes, the fever and the amount of lung involved, but thinks they do correspond roughly. He believes the leucocytosis to be due to chemotaxis, the attracting substances being the alkali-proteins, etc.. produceii by the pueumococcus. Persistence of the leucocytosis signifies delayed resolution of the pneumonic consolidation, and its reqijH'arance indicates a recurrence of the disease.

Schulz"' states that the leucocytosis observetl iu pneumonia, as well as all other inflammatory leucocytoses, is not due to any absolute increase in the numltor of leucocytes iu the circulation, but only an altereti division. He believes that in health the large abdominal vessels contain manv more leuco



[No. 43.

cyt€s ("Wandstaadig ") than the peripheral vessels. In disease the presence of abnormal chemotactic substances in the blood, and the increased rapidity and force of the respiration and circulation, are enough to drive these e.xtra leucocytes out i:ito the circulation and to those points where they may be needed.

Rovighi" states that in pneumonia the leucocytes reach their highest point during the period of fall of temperature. He bases this statement on the results of experiments going to show that when the body is heated the number of leucocytes in the peripheral circulation diminishes, while cooling the body increases their number. These are purely local phenomena, not due in any way to changes on the part of the blood-making organs.

Cabot" reports observations in seventy -two cases of pneumonia. Seven of these ended fatally, and six out of the seven showed no leucocytosis. In one case ending in recover}^ which showed no leucocytosis at first, there was a steady rise in the number of the leucocytes towards the end of the disease. He does not think that there is any relation between the amount of leucocytosis, the degree of severity of the case, and amount of lung involved.

Ewing^" reports a number of cases, and draws the following conclusions. 1. The greater the amount of lung involved, the greater the leucocytosis. 2. The amount of leucocytosis corresponds to the "systemic reaction," the latter being judged by the temperature, pulse and general condition of the patient : i. e., in fatal cases there is no leucocytosis, and 7nce versa. 3. A well marked leucocytosis indicates a severe infection, a low leucocytosis is unfavorable, and the absence of any leucocytosis makes the prognosis very grave.

Tchistovitch"' reports the results of some further inoculation experiments upon animals. As is well known, the inoculation of animals with certain substances (tuberculin, sterile culture of staph, py. aur., and pilocarpin) produces first a temporary leukolysis (so-called), which is followed by a marked leucocytosis. He found that those substances which produce a leucocytosis in healthy rabbits do not do so when injected into rabbits previously inoculated with virulent cultures of pneumococcus. The progressive diminution of the leucocytes caused by the latter substance steadily continues, or at most there is only a slight transient leucocytosis, which is followed by a fresh fall. He holds this to show that those cases of pneumonia which succumb to the great virulence of the specific pneumococcus, should show no leucocytosis, and that no stimulant of leucocytosis should be able to produce any leucocytosis in such cases. So that the presence of a leucocytosis in fatal cases of pneumonia should make us doubt that the virulence of the specific pneumococcus was the cause of death, and we should seek some other cause of death in such cases, such as extensive involvement of the lungs or localization of the disease in the heart or in the brain.

When he injected the pneumococcus culture into the brain of tlie animal there was produced a meningo-encephalitis with a marked rise in the number of leucocytes in the blood. The amount of culture used was just so much as, injected elsewhere in the body, would bring about a severe infection with leukolysis, but without fatal termination. In conclusion, he holds that the presence or absence of leucocytosis only shows

the virulence of the poison and is not a criterion of absolute prognosis.

He saw four fatal cases of pneumonia. In one there was no leucocytosis. Of the other three, all of which showed a leucocytosis, one had endocarditis and meningitis, another meningitis, while the third case showed extensive consolidation of both lungs.

Biegauski'" reports a series of cases, paying especial attention to the relative numerical proportions of the various forms of leucocytes. In cases showing a marked leucocytosis, 80 to 90 per cent, of the leucocytes are polynuclears, while the eosinophiles and blood-plates are practically absent. Just after the crisis in temperature the polynuclears sink to below 60 per cent., wliile the eosinophiles and blood-plates reappear in increased numbers, about three days being taken for the blood to return to its normal condition. In fatal cases the polynuclears are reduced to 50 per cent, or below. Such a condition of the blood together with an absence of leucocytosis makes the prognosis unfavorable.

He holds that the leucocytosis in pneumonia is due to a lessened destruction of the polynuclear forms. This is brought about by the toxines of bacterial origin which are circulating in the blood. The mononuclear elements are unaffected and continue to enter the circulation and to develop there into polynuclears. Here all progress ceases and there is neither any destruction of the polynuclears with formation of blood plates, nor further development of the polynuclears into eosinophiles. In the fatal cases the toxines are supposed to have a paralyzing effect upon the development of all the forms of leucocytes, and also to prevent the entrance of young forms into the circulation.

The twenty-two cases here reported were not picked ones, excepting that eight or ten were thrown out, either because too few counts were made or because the crisis in temperature occurred witliin twenty-four hours after entry into hospital. The methods and precautions used in counting the blood, and in examining and preparing tkied and stained specimens, were exactly the same as those employed in the investigations of the leucocytes in malarial fever reported by the writer in the October number of this journal for 1894.

In each case charts were made of the leucocyte and temperature curves, so that comparison of the two could readily be made. Three of these charts are reproduced in this article. The leucocytes were counted on an average of twice a day during the febrile period.


1. W. R., a;t. 26. Illness lasted 12 days. Right middle, right lower and left lower lobes involved. Temperature ranged high until sixth day, when it .fell by lysis, taking 6 days to reach normal. Leucocytes 39,500 six hours after chill. \o daily correspondence with temperature curve ; they reached their highest point (50,000) two hours after temperature began to fall. Thenceforth they fell steadil}', reaching normal one day after temperature.

2. S. F., fet. 51. Illness lasted 8 days. Right middle and lower lobes involved. Temperature ranged at 102° for 6 days ; fell by lysis, reaching normal in 50 hours. Leucocytes 42,000

Case 4. Pneumonia and Rheumatic Fever. Showing fall hy Lysis.

8 hours after chill. They fell steadily until temperature began to fall, when they rose sharply to 38,000, reaching normal 3 days after temperature.

3. H. H., ffit. 23. Illness lasted 17 days. Right middle and lower lobes involved, with delayed resolution. Temperature fell on seventh day of disease, to rise again sharply to 102°. Fell again by lysis, reaching normal in .5 days. Leucocytes ranged between 20,000 and 28,000 until the day the temperature touched normal, when they began to fall, reaching normal eleven days after temperature.

4. E. E., a?t. 42. Illness lasted 9 days. Right middle and lower lobes involved. For temperature and leucocytes see chart. Leucocytes reached highest point (27,000) during period of fall of temperature. They reached normal at the same time as the temperature. Two days afterwards P. was taken with acute rheumatic fever, with a simultaneous rise of temperature and leucocytes. P. still had rheumatism when discharged at his own request.

5. J. 8., set. 13. Illness lasted (i days. Right middle and lower lobes involved. For temperature and leucocytes see chart. Leucocytes rose during fall of temperature, but had reached their maximum before that time. They reached normal 36 hours after temperature, the crisis in which took 34 hours.

6. E. W., !Pt. 7. Illness lasted 9 days. Left lower lobe involved. Temperature ranged high until 8th day, when there was a pseudo-crisis, the temperature rising sharply afterwards. Crisis took place the following morning, lasting 2 hours. Leucocytes ranged at 34,000 until the true crisis took place, when they began to fall, but did not reach normal until two days after temperature.

7. G. S., set. 40. Alcoholic history. Illness lasted 7 days. Left upper lobe. Temperature ranged at 105 until 5th day, when it began to fall, reaching normal in 36 hours. leucocytes ranged very low during whole course of disease, reaching their maximum (13,000) during the period of fall of temperature. This, together with the history and situation of disease, made the prognosis a grave one, but patient made an uuiuterrupted recovery. ■

8. E. F., »t. 20. Illuess lasted 8 days. Right middle and lower lobes were involved, with delayed resolution. Temperature ranged high until the 7th day. when it fell by crisis, reaching nornuil in 10 hours. Leucocytes ranged at about 25,000 until crisis iu temperature, when there was a slight fall to 16,000, followed by a gradual rise to 27,000. the leucocytes not reaching normal until 7 days after temperature.

9. C. J., a?t, 30, Patient was admitted for tertian ui.alarial fever. Lungs were clear on admission, and the pneumonia

Case h. Pseumonia. Showing fall by Crisis.

began .36 hours later. For temperature and leucocytes see chart. Quinine was given on the evening of the chill, and the malarial organisms rajiidly disappeared, and with their disappearance the number of leucocytes rapidly increased. There was successive involvement of the right lower, right middle and left lower lobes, each fresh extension of the disease being followed by a sharp rise in the number of the leucocytes. Leucocytes reached highest point (68,000) just before the fall in temperature began, and thenceforth decreased in number, reaching normal 6 days after temperature.

10. E. M., ffit. 4.5. Illness lasted 10 days. Left upper lobe involved. Temperature ranged at 103° until 9th day, when it fell by crisis, reaching normal in IG hours. Leucocytes readied maximum (36,000) two days before crisis. They fell with temperature, but did not reach iionnal until two days after crisis.

11. C, aet. 26. Illness lasted 13 days. Kight upper, middle and lower lobes involved. Temperature ranged at 104° until

11th day, when it fell by crisis, i-eachiug normal in 48 hours. Leucocytes low on admission; reached ma.ximum (29,000) during period of fall of temperature. Did not reach normal until 7 days after temperature.

12. L. K., ffit. 24. Illness lasted 8 days. Right lower lobe involved. Temperature ranged high until 8th day, when it fell to normal in 24 hours. Leucocytes ranged at 25,000 until crisis in temperature occurred, when they fell to 16,000, but rose again to 29,000 (maximum). They did not reach normal until 8 days after temperature. Delayed resolution.

13. J. IL, ajt. 41. Illness lasted 10 days. Right upper lobe involved. Temperature ranged between 102° and 104° until day of death, when it fell, being 100° 2 hours before death. Leucocytes 22,000 on admission, rose to 38,000 that p. m., falling steadily afterwards. 10,000 just before death. No autopsy.

14. J. W., net. 73. Illness lasted 8 days. Right upper, middle and lower lobes involved. Temperature ranged at

Case 9. Pneumonia and Malaria. Siiouinc. fall by Ckisis.

101° until .30 hours before deiitli, wlieu it rose to 10-1°. Leucocytes ranged at 25,000 from admission until death. Autopsy. In addition to pneumonic consolidation above noted, P. had an acute fibrino-purulent meningitis due to the dip. pneumoniae.

15. G. W., aet. 35. Illness lasted 10 days. Right upper, middle and lower and left lower lobes involved. Temperature ranged from 101.5° to 104°, being 104.3° at death. Leucocytes 8,000 on admission, rose steadily until time of death 8 days later, when they were 30,000. Autopsy showed the pneumonic consolidation above noted. No meningitis nor endocarditis.

16. K. D., a;t. 47. Illness lasted 4 days. Right upper and middle lobes involved. Temperature ranged at 102.5° until death, with a pseudo-crisis to 99° 12 hours before death. Leucocytes 18,000 on admission, where they ranged until death. 15,000 just before death. No autopsy.

17. C. L., a?t. 3G. Illness lasted 21 days (,?V Lower lobes of both lungs involved. Temperature ranged steadily at 102° until 12 hours before death, when there was a pseudo-crisis to 99°, with a sharp rise to 103° just before death. Leucocytes 13,000 on admission, fell gradually to normal iu two davs. They began to rise 36 hours before death, reaching 32.000 just before the end. No autopsy.

18. J. C, a;t. 63. Illness Listed 11 days. Right middle and lower lobes involved. Temperature ranged at 103.5° until 2 days before death, when it rose to 106.2°, falling to 104° just before death. leucocytes S.OOO ou admission. Remained normal until day before death, when they rose to 30.000. falling to 14.000 before death. No autopsy.

19. F. tS.. :et. 50. History of alcoholism. Illness lasted 24 days (?). Right upper and middle lobes iavolve<L Temix^rature ranged at 104° during the four days preceding death.



[No. 43.

The afternoon of the fourth day the P., being left alone for a moment, climbed through the top of a window and fell to the ground outside, breaking vertebral column and both bones of right leg. Unsatisfactory coroner's inquest showed nothing beyond the fractures and the pneumonic consolidation above noted. Leucocytes 15,000 on admission; for the first 3 days fell gradually to 11,000, but after the accident above referred to, rose to 18,000. P. lived 4 hours after the accident occurred.

•ZO. H. L., tet. 41. Illness lasted 5 days. Right lower base involved. Temperature on admission 102.5°. For next three days it ranged at 104°, being 103.8° just before death. Leucocytes 10,000 on admission, after which time they ranged steadily below normal ; from 6,000 to 1,500. They were 4,000 just before death. Ko autopsy.

21. A. N., set. 47. Illness lasted 12 days. Lower lobes of both lungs involved. Temperature ranged from 103.5°-105°, until shortly before death, when it rose to 107°. Leucocytes 15,000 on admission ; 3 days later they rose to 28,000. Eanged at 22,000 until just before death, when they touched 30,000. So autopsy.

22. A. P., set. 22. Illness lasted 3 days. Left lower lobe

leucocytes were 39,500 and 43,000 6 and 8 hours after the chill, respectively.

Of the eight eases ending by crisis, in all but one there was a marked leucocytosis during the febrile period of the disease. In the remaining case the leucocytes, while ranging at normal during the greater period of the disease, touched 13,000 on one occasion. [Case 7.] Examination of the combined charts showed no daily correspondence of the two curves before crisis occurred. The leucocytes began to fall before the temperature in three cases, with it in two, and after it in three. The fall of leucocytes was only partial in six cases, however, and they did not reach normal until from two to eight days after the temperature. In cases 6 and 7 the leucocytes and temperature reached normal at the same time. In cases 7, 9, 11 and 12 the leucocytes reached their maximum daring the period of fall of temperature. In cases 5 and 8 there was a rise of leucocytes during that period, but the maximum had been previously attained. Most of these points are well shown in a combined chart of the eight cases, showing the average temperature and number of leucocytes, twelve, twenty-four and thirty-six hours before and after the crisis in temperature.

involved. Temperatui'e ranged steadily at 103° until death. Leucocytes 50,000 on admission ; fell steadily, being 20,000 when death occurred. Autopsy showed beside a double lobar

Taking up hrst the four cases ending by lysis, we see that in all there was a marked leucocytosis at some period of the disease. Examination of the combined leucocyte and temperature charts showed that before the temperature began to

fall there was no daily correspondence between the two curves. In all four cases the two curves began to fall together, the leucocytes not reaching normal until one, four and 'fourteen days after the temperature in cases 1, 2 and 3 respectively. In case 3 there was delayed resolution of the consolidation, it not having entirely cleared up on discharge.

In cases 1 and 3 the leucocytes reached their niaxiDuun during the period of fall of temperature. There was a iff&rp rise during that period in case 3, but the maximum had been reached before the temperature began to fall.

In case 1, where there was involvement of both lungs, the leucocytes reached 50,000. In the other three cases the lower portion of the right lung was involved and the range of the leucocyte curves was moderate, being above 30,000 in only one instance.

In cases 1,2 and 4 the fall in temperature preceded the fall of leucocytes.

Case 4 is interesting on account of its complication with rheumatism. The combined chart is given and it shows well the correspondence of the two curves. The occurrence of a moderate leucocytosis during the course of rheumatic fever has been mentioned by several observers. In cases 1 and 2 the

Blaclt = Uuciciitcs. Drnhcn = tfinpa-ature.

Chart showing Temperature and Leucocyte Curves op

Pneumonia. Crisis.

In case 9 the lower portions of both lobes were involved and the leucocytes touched the highest point reached in any of the cases, viz., 68,000. In case 11 however, where there was the same extent of involvement, the leucocytes only reached 29,000. In case 7 only the left upper lobe was involved and the leucocyte range was practically normal, only once being above 10,000. The prognosis in this case was thought to be grave at first on account of the absence of leucocytosis, the position of the consolidation, the alcoholic history and patient's age. The patient made an uninterrupted recovery however, and the infection was evidently a very mild one. In the other live cases only a portion of one lung was involved and the leucocyte curve ranged moderately high.

In only one of the eight cases was it possible to count the blood before and after the chill. This was case 9, in which the pneumonia came on while patient was being treated for malarial fever of the double tertian type. In the article on the leucocytes in malarial fever, previously referred to, the

November, 1894.]



fact is brought out that in malarial fever the leucocytes range constantly below normal during the course of the disease. This is due in some way to the presence of the malarial organism in the blood. It is not settled as to whether it is a leukocytolysis (an actual destruction of leucocytes) or a leukopenia (a diminished production). Now in case 9 there was no leucocytosis either before or after the chill, until the exhibition of quinine caused the disappearance of the malarial organisms from the blood, when the leucocytes promptly rose. It is interesting to note how, as each new portion of the lung was involved, there was a corresponding rise in the number of the leucocytes. [See chart.]

Of the ten fatal cases only one (No. 20) showed a complete absence of leucocytosis during the entire course of the disease. In cases IG and 19 the leucocytes, while being always above normal, ranged relatively low, never being above 19,000. In case 14 the leucocytes behaved as one would expect them to in an uncomplicated case ending in recovery. In cases 1.5, 17 and 21 the leucocytes were practically normal on admission, biit gradually rose dui'ing the ensuing three or four days, touching just before death .30,000, 32,000 and 30,000 respectively. In cases 13 and 22 the leucocytes were high on admission, but fell steadily from that time on until death. In case 18 they were normal for the iirst two days, but rose sharply to 20,000 24 hours before death, falling slightly just before the end.

Thus we see that in fatal cases the behavior of the leiicocytes varies widely. In six cases there was absence of leucocytosis at some period of the disease, but the continuous absence is the exception, not the rule. In none of the cases was there any daily correspondence between the temperature and leucocyte curves. In the four cases in which the leucocytes rose at the end however, there was a corresponding rise in temperature. As regards the relation of the amount of leucocytosis to the extent of lung involvement, no definite conclusions can be drawn. In case 15, where the entire right lung and a portion of the left were involved, the maximum leucocytosis was only 30,000 just before death. None of the cases were seen until at least twenty-four hours after the chill, so that no data are furnished as to how early the leucocytosis appears.

Autopsies were obtainable in only three out of the ten cases. This does not include the coroner's inquest on case 19. The results of these autopsies bear out Tchistovitch's statements however. In case 14, where the leucocytes ranged above 20,000, an acute fibrino-purulent meningitis was found to be present. In case 15, where the leucocytes ranged from 17,000 to 30,000 for 5 days, extensive involvement of both lungs was found. In case 22, where the leucocytes ranged from 50,000 to 20,000, there was found at autopsy double lobar pneumonia, acute nephritis, fatty degeneration of the heart muscle, and haemorrhage into the pericardial sac, with the presence of the diplococcus pneumoniae in the latter situation. In case 19, where the leucocytes ranged at 18,000, the fracture of the spine was probably the immediate cause of death. In case 21 there was involvement of both lungs, with a leucocyte range above 20,000. All the remaining cases, with the exception of No. 13, showed a low range of leucocytes, and it is only fair

to consider it possible that in case 13 also, an autopsy might have revealed some complication or condition accounting for the relatively high leucocytosis.

There are a number of theories as to the cause of leucocytosis. Virchow held that it was due to proliferation within the lymph glands, that it only occurred in those cases of disease associated with glandular enlargement ; also that acute glandular enlargement was followed by leucocytosis. This is negatived by the absence of leucocytosis in many diseases accompanied by glandular enlargement (tuberculosis, acute Hodgkin's disease, etc.), and by the presence of marked leucocytosis in diseases associated with very slight glandular enlargement. [Pneumonia.] Every leucocytosis is probably associated with some glandular enlargement however. Such a leucocytosis as Virchow supposes would be a lymphocytosis, which is not the case.

Schulz's theory has been already mentioned. Its falsity would seem to be proved by the work of Goldscheider and Jacob (to be referred to later), who found that in cases showing a leucocytosis in the peripheral circulation, there was no corresponding diminution in the leucocytes in the central blood-vessels.

Romer (1. c.) thinks the increase due to direct multiplication (by amitosis) of the leucocytes, the exciting cause of such multiplication being the destruction-products of the alkaliproteins, as has been mentioned. He thinks chemotaxis to play a large part. No such changes as he infers are to be made out in the blood.

Von Limbeck (1. c.) holds leucocytosis to be due to the action (" Fernwirkung ") of the bacterial products themselves upon the leucocytes. He does not speculate as to the source from which the increase is drawn.

Bieganski's theory has been mentioned. Too little is known about the so-called blood-plates and eosinophiles to justify us in drawing conclusions from any variations in their number. Most authorities deny that the blood-plates are end-products of the polyuuclear leucocytes.

Lowit" holds that every leucocytosis is preceded by a diminution in the number of leucocytes. This is due, he thinks. to an actual destruction of the leucocytes, and he calls it leukolysis. This leukolysis is in turn followed by a pouring forth of young elements from the ha?matopoietic organs. This reparation far exceeds the destruction, in this way j^ii|ing about a leucocytosis. He demonstrates by injection experiments that the artificially-produced leucocytosis is preceded by a leukolysis. His ideas as to the source from which the increase is drawn would seem to l>e negatived by the absence of evidence of new formation. Were new formation to occur, the blood would show a large number of young elements. This it does not do.

The latest work on the subject is that of Goldscheider and Jacob". They make use of the t«?rms hypo- and hyj>erleucocytosis for leukolysis and leucocytosis respectively. Their conclusious are as follows : Ilypoleucocytosis is due to the leucocytes being driven into and detained within the capillaries of certain orgiius of the body. Actual destruction plays a minor role. Hyperleueocytosis is due to an increiised quantity of leucocvtes being carried to the blood by the lymph stream.



[No. 43

There is no new formation of leucocytes, its absence being offset by the supposition that in the bone-marrow and spleen there are a large number of adult leucocytes held in reserve, as it were, which are carried off by the lymph stream into the general circulation when occasion arises. The occurrence of new formation is negatived by the absence of young forms in dried specimens.

All these phenomena are primarily due to the bacterial products or chemical substances in the blood. In most acute infectious diseases these substances are introduced into the circulation slowly and cause no diminution in number of the leucocytes, the latter rising immediately. This statement is borne out by experiment. This would mean that in pneumonia the leucocytosis would be found to be present at the time of the chill.

The authors are led to believe that the sources of the leucocytosis are the blood-making organs. But there is no evidence of new formation ; hence their theory of a reserve force of adult leucocytes within those organs. This theory seems rather to be constructed to meet the necessity of the case than to be founded on sufficient evidence.

Sherrington^ in a recent article reports observations of his own on inflammatory leucocytosis. He discusses most of the prevailing ideas, but formulates no new theory.

It is beyond the province of this article to enter into any further discussion of these theories. All we can sayis that the leucocytosis in pneumonia is probably due in some way to the products of the diplococcus pneumoniie. While the bacteria do not enter the blood as a rule, their products do, and in this way can influence the various organs of the body. There is probably no new formation of leucocytes, or at any rate it plays a minor role in the process, and some other source for the increase in number of the leucocytes must be sought for.

The behavior of the leucocytes depends upon the virulence of the bacterial products. In fatal cases where the virulence is great, a rise in the number of leucocytes is rendered impossible. It is doubtful whether there is any actual diminution of their number, there being no evidence that actual 'destruction of leucocytes takes place. The virulence may be so modified as to permit of a gradual increase in number of the leucocytes, yet still be potent to cause death. Cases may begin favorably and the leucocytes may range high at first ; the virulence of the bacterial products may then increase, causing a gradual reduction of the leucocytes, and death. The sharp rises sometimes observed just before death may be associated in some way with the pre-agonal leucocytoses. We must not forget that the disease may be present in so mild a form that the leucocytes are unaffected and remain normal throughout. This is shown in case 7 of our series. Most of the above points are shown in the following table:

1. V'ery mild infection : No effect on leucocytes. Normal range.

2. Moderate infection: Moderate leucocytosis.

3. Severe infection (as to e.\tent of lung involvement): Marked leucocytosis.

4. Severe infection (as to virulence of bacterial product): .Moderate leucocytosis.

.5. Very severe infection : No leucocytosis.

It has not been proved, as will be shown later, that the blood condition in the fatal cases differs in any way from the normal as regards the relative numerical proportions of the various forms of leucocytes.

If this be true, it is easy to see that the examination of the blood in pneumonia is not of absolute prognostic value. The blood only furnishes an indication of the virulence of the bacterial products; the extent of lung involvement, the general condition of the patient, and the temperature must also be taken into account in every case. For instance, should we be guided by the blood condition alone, our prognosis in cases coming under the heads of 1 and 5 in the above table would be either favorable or unfavorable according to the view we took. The error would of course be fatal.

The absence of leucocytosis in the fatal cases is evidently not the cause of death. Hence the failure of Von Jaksch's treatment by injecting such substances as would produce a leucocytosis in the healthy individual.

Regarding the question of the variations of the various forms of leucocytes, too much time was taken up by the actual counting to allow of much work in this direction. Twenty counts were made in the various cases showing a marked leucocytosis, with the following average result: Polynuclears, 91.2 per cent.; mononuclears, 9.6 jier cent.; eosinophiles, 0.2 per cent. Three counts were made in cases showing no leucocytosis, and the results were practically those which would have been obtained in counting the leucocytes in normal blood, thus agreeing with neither Rieder nor Bieganski.


(rt) 71.8 per cent.

(b) 73.5

(c) 76.1

Count (c) was in case 18. As has been mentioned, the leucocytes rose sharply just before death. A count was made two hours before death and the increase was found to be in tlie polynuclears solely. Polynuclears, 95.4 per cent. ; mononuclears, 4.3 per cent. ; eosinophiles, 0.3 per cent.

These counts would seem to make it doubtful that Bieganski's conclusions hold. The number of counts however, is too small to have any weight.


1. In cases of pneumonia pursuing a favorable course there is, as a rule, a marked increase in the number of the leucocytes during the febrile period of the disease. This leucocytosis is probably present at the time of the chill, and may be very marked within a few hours. There is no correspondence between the daily tonipcraturc and leucocyte curves during the febrile period.

2. In those cases in which the temperature curve falls by crisis, the leucocyte curve begins to fall within a few hours of the same time. The fall of the latter is only partial however, and rarely reaches normal as soon as the temperature curve, generally taking about 48 hours longer. In cases ending by lysis the two curves fall together, the temperature always reaching nornuil first. In cases of delayed resolution the leucocytes nuiy remain elevated for days.



28.2 per cent.


0.4 per cent



November, 1894.]



3. In a majority of the cases the leucocyte curve rises during the period of fali of temperature, and may reach its maximum at that time. Such a rise is only transient, however, and is soon follpwed by a fresh fall.

4. In cases showing extensive involvement of both lungs, the leucocytes are apt to reach a higher point than in those cases whei'e the involvement is only moderate. The correspondence of lung involvement and amount of leucocytosis is a very rough one however.

5. The fatal cases may show either the presence or absence of leucocytosis. In those cases showing a leucocytosis, some other cause of death than the virulence of the bacterial poison must be sought for.

6. The prognosis in cases showing a complete and continuous absence of leucocytosis is unfavorable as a rule. A continuous absence of leucocytosis is the exception, most cases showing a leucocytosis at some period of the disease. The possibility of the absence of leucocytosis being due to extreme mildness of the disease must not be overlooked.

7. The leucocytosis in pneumonia is a so-called pure leucocytosis, i. e. an increase in the polynuclear elements solely. In cases showing no leucocytosis, the blood condition according to the observations here reported, is normal. Further investigations are necessary before the work of previous observers can be positively contradicted.

8. The presence or absence of leucocytosis only shows the

virulence of the bacterial poison, absolute prognosis.


It is not a criterion of

Hamatopatliol., Leipzig, 1839.

Cellular Pathologie, 1871.

Untersuch. z. Phys. u. Path., 1889.

Prag. Zeitsch. f. Heilk., IV Bd., S. 198, 188.3.

Arch. Gen. d. Med., p. 257, 1884.

Deutsch. Arch. f. Klin. Med., Vol. 41, p. 323, 1837.

Arch. f. Klin. Med., Vol. 29, p. 481.

Festschr. f. Henoch., 1890.

Path. Anat. d. Blut. b. Croup. Lungcnentziindung. Inaug. Diss.,

Petersburgh, 1890. Berl. Klin. Woch., No. 36 & 51, 1891. Cb. f. Klin. Med., No. 5, 1892. Berl. Klin. Woch., p. 765, 1892. Beit, z Kennt. d. Leucocytose, Leipzig, 1892. Grundriss z. Klin. Path. d. Blutes, Jena, 1892. Ann. d. I'lnst. Pasteur, Vol. 5, pt. 7. Berl. Klin. Woch., No. 36 & 37, 1893. Arch. f. Klin. Med., 1893. 2 and 3. Arch. Ital. d. Clin. Med., No. 3, 1893. Bost. Med. and Surg. Jour., Vol. cxxx, No. 12. N. Y. Med. Jour., Dec. 16, 1S93.

Arch. d. Sc. Biol. Imp. Inst. St. Petersburgh, Vol. 2, No. 5, 1893. Deutsch. Arch. f. Klin. Med., Vol. 53, pts. 3 and 4, 1891. Studien z. Phys. und Path. d. Blut. u. d. Lymphe, Jena, 1892. Zeitsch. f. Klin. Med., Vol. 25, Pt. 5, 1894. Proc. Roy. Soc, Vol. 55, No. 332, pp. 161-206.


By W. S. Halsted, M. D., Surgcon-in-Chief, etc.

Dr. Finney's remarks on the treatment of the wound in cases of appendicitis have been abbreviated so much as possibly to mislead those who are not familiar with our methods. When he speaks of "leaving the abdominal wound open" he means that the wound is drained with gauze, and not that no attempt is made to close it. The fact is that the wound is sewed up tight about the gauze, so tight that it is sometimes necessary to cut one stitch in order to remove the packing. Whenever pus is encountered either within the appendix or outside of it the wound is drained. Sometimes one or two narrow strips of gauze are sutlicient, sometimes very many broad strips are required. Ordinarily all of the gauze is brought out at one point and between stitches which, as I have said, embrace it snugly. The gauze is used not only for drainage, but quite as much to stimulate adhesions between the coils of intestine which surround it and thus effectually shut off the general peritoneal cavity from its infected portion. The gauze is gently packed about the stump of the appendix, and should reach into every recess of the pus cavity. AVhen tlie abscess is a large and ramifying one, or when there are several abscesses, we may bring the gauze packing out of the abdomen at more than one point in the wound.

These wounds are closed with mattress sutures ; but the sutures are not always buried as they are in all uninfected

  • See Johns Hopkins Hospital Bulletin, June-July, ISOl.

abdomiinil wounds which are completely closed and in which the danger of stitch infection is not so great. The stitches, where they are not buried, are prevented from cutting into the skin by pieces of rubber tubing or of gauze. These wounds should be stitched with great care. All of the divided tissues (the peritoneum excepted) should be included in each stitch unless the stitches are buried. Inasmuch as the muscles retract unevenly the sewing is sometimes a difficult task. If the wound is sewed in this way, and if sufficient care is exercised to avoid the infection of the stitches as they are being introduced and tied, there is little if any danger that a hernia will ensue.*

Even the point at which the gauze traverses the abdominal wall is not a weak one. A connective tissue membniue, the wall of the obliterated sinus, extends from the stump of the appendix to this point in the wound and binds thciutestiues to

  • At the meetingof the Johns Hopkins MedioAl Society, November

5, 1891, I presented a case of appendicitis to illustrate our tre.itment of the incision. Buried sutures of silver wire had been used to bring together the cut edges of the abdominal muscles, and an uninterrupted buried suture of silver wire closed the wound in the skin. The latter suture already been withdrawn and a fine pink line indicated \vhere the skin incision had been made. A little below the centre of the wound was the orifice of a sinus from which a narrow strip of gaure had just been removed. The cicatrix was three weeks old.



[No. 43.

each other, and to the underside of the lips of the open part of the wound. The thickness of this membrane depends principally upon the length of time that the gauze is allowed to remain undisturbed. I have found it so strong after ten days that I could with difficulty thrust my finger through it. This membrane atrophies in time. After two years I have found the walls of a sinus to the gall bladder attenuated to little more than a trace.

With our present resources it is not justifiable to attempt to disinfect an abscess cavity of the peritoneum, no matter how infiuitesimally small this abscess maybe. Bull and two others, whose names I am not at liberty to mention, are probably not the only ones who have furnished disastrous instances of such attempts.

In operations for appendicitis we have always the strangulated stump of the appendix and usually tissues more or less necrotic in its immediate vicinity as a complication. My experiments* demonstrated conclusively the result of inoculation of strangulated tissues in the peritoneal cavity.

The problem is a very different one when we have an abscess in the cancellous tissue of bone or in highly vascular soft parts to deal with. We may safely close such abscess cavities. If, for example, the so-called pyogenic wall of an abscess in muscle is excised and the parts are then thoroughly washed with an antiseptic solution, we may so far inhibit the pyogenic organisms that the tissues or, if there is a 'dead space, the prolific granulations, assisted possibly by the blood, may altogether destroy them. In the cancellous tissue of bone a cavity large enough to hold a hickory nut becomes completely filled with granulations in about three days. Blood clots occupying such cavities, if inoculated with virulent cultures of staphylococcus aureus, rarely break down. As a rule, the so-called organization of the clot takes place in from two to four days without suppuration. But an abscess in the peritoneal ca\ity is a very different affair because (1) the wall of the abscess consists in part of strangulated or more or less necrotic tissue which we cannot excise; (2) attempts. to disinfect such an abscess would probably be futile and might be worse than futile; (3) failure to disinfect might mean general peritonitis and the death of the patient, and not merely the retardation of healing.

There cannot be a definite incision for appendicitis. In general, if there is a large abscess, the incision should be made as near as possible to the crest of the ileum, so as to diminish the chances of entering the clean peritoneal cavity and to lessen the possibility of a hernia. The muscles are thick in this region, and when divided offer broad surfaces for coaptation by suture; and if the incision is too close to the ileum to admit

  • The Johns Hopkins Hospital Reports. Report in Surgery, I.

of suture there is little danger of hernia resulting, as we know from a long experience with psoas abscesses, which we open by preference in this region. But the position of the abscess or, if there is no i^us or too little pus to be detected, the position of the appendix in the given case should determine the site of the incision. If there is an abscess the tissues over it should be most carefully studied as they are being incised for signs of infiltration with inflammatory products. A little oedema of the deeper muscles (transversalis or internal oblique) may guide us to a circumscribed spot of adhesion of caecum or omentum to parietal peritoneum and enable us to empty a large abscess without entering the uninfected part of the peritoneal cavity, or to thoroughly protect the intestines about the encapsulated pus cavity from the danger of infection before the pus is liberated. AYe place several yards of gauze between the healthy intestines and the abscess before opening the latter.

From a bacteriological point of view, we must often, if not always, inoculate the healthy peritoneum, but thus far we have not in a single instance had peritonitis supervene upon an operation for appendicitis, nor have we a single death to attribute to the operation. In the case of a large abscess, which we have evacuated without entering the uninfected peritoneal cavity, we still hesitate to search for and remove the appendix if its removal would necessitate our entering the clean peritoneal cavity.

When there is little or no pus to be discovered we make our incision directly over the appendix, which can usually be palpated. Here, too, we try to cut through thick muscles if possible. The instant that the peritoneum is opened, and before it is widely incised, v>'e introduce large towels of gauze, and with these press the intestines over the appendix out of the way and towards the left. AVhen the appendix is nicely exposed and a clear field for operation obtained, we introduce more gauze to serve as an inner lining to the outer ring of gauze. The adhesions which bind down the appendix are then slowly broken up by gentle finger pressure, and if pus is present it is caught as it leaks out by additional gauze sponges. If the iuner layer of gauze packing should by accident become soiled it is immediately replaced by fresh packing, the opening into the abscess being meanwhile stopped with a gauze sponge. And so, little by little, the abscess is emptied, and finally the appendix removed. After ligating the appendix and its mesentery we may excise the mucosa which is cut off by the ligature. We never sew up the end of the stump in the infected cases, as some surgeons have advised. This would be a foolish waste of time ; for the circulation of the part stitched has been cut off by the ligature applied to the appendix. The gauze for packing is rubbed full of a mixture of iodoform and bismuth and then sterilized.


Volume IV, No. 6 (Report in 8urgei*y II), !N"o\v Ready.

Contents: The Results of Opekatioxs for the CritE of Cancku of the Breast, performed at the Johns Hopkins

Hospital from June, 1889, to January, 1894.

By WM. S. HALSTED, M. D., Profensor of Surgery, Johns Hopkins Univerrily, and Surgtonin-Chitfto the Johnu Hopkins Hospital.

Price, $1.00.

Address Thk Johns Hopkins Pkkss, Balti.mure, Mu.

November, 1894.]




By John 8. ]}illixgs, Jr., Assistant Resident Physician. {Head before the Johns Hopkins Hospital Medical Society, .November 5, 1894.)

The use of bone marrow in cases of anaemia and in certain diseases of the blood-making organs was probably suggested by the success of the treatment of myxcedema with thyroid extract. The marrow is thought by most authorities to be the principal seat of formation of the red blood corpuscles. A diminution in number of the red corpuscles may be due to increased destruction or to diminished formation, and it was hoped that in either case the administration of the marrow as a medicine would stimulate the blood-making organs to increased activity, and thus make up the loss in red corpuscles.

The first case of anaemia treated in this manner was reported by Fraser.' A diagnosis of pernicious anaemia was made, based upon the histoi-y of the case, the number of red corpuscles and per cent, of haemoglobin, and the poikilocytosis of the red corpuscles. No mention was made as to the occurrence of nucleated red corpuscles, the presence of which in the blood in pernicious anremia being a point upon which Ehrlich lays considerable stress. The case was given bone marrow with arsenic for the first two months, then bone marrow alone for a month, and finally bone marrow and iron for three months. In the first two months the corpuscles rose from 1,006,000 per cmm. to 4,000,000, ranging at the latter point until discharge, four months later.

Bigger' reports a case of leucocytheemia in a boy, which was treated with the bone marrow. There was rapid diminution in the size of the spleen and marked improvement within a week. No mention is made of any examination of the blood, and it is possible that the case may have been one of splenic ana?mia or of the pseudoleukaemic infantile anfemia of Von Jaksch.

Danforth' reports a case of pernicious anajmia apparently cured by the use of bone marrow. Here also the report of the blood condition is incomjilete, as only the number of red corpuscles and per cent, of haemoglobin are stated. The latter rose from 35 per cent, to 80 percent. The bone marrow in this case, as in that of Fraser, was given in combination with arsenic.

In our own cases the marrow was given in the form of a glycerin extract which was prepared in the following manner. Twelve sheep's ribs, carefully scraped, were chopped into small fragments and rubbed up in a mortar with one pound of glycerin. This was allowed to macerate for three or four days, being kept in a refrigerator during that time. It was then strained through gauze, and the resultant liquid administered in teaspoonful doses three times a day. No complaint was made by the patients with regard to its taste.

Case 1.— Chlorosis. Girl, aged 20 ; admitted June 21, 1894, complaining of dyspnoea and weakness. Past history was negative. Present illness of four niontlis' duration. Physical examination

' Brit. Med. Jour., June 2, 1894. 'Lanoet, September 22, 1894. 'Chicago Clin. Review, IV, 1894.

showed nothing beyond marked anamia, and a loud functional murmur along the left sternal margin.

Blood count on admission, reds 2,898,000, whites oCOO ; haemoglobin 32 per cent. Stained specimens of the blood showed nothing beyond the pallor of the centre of the red corpuscles, so characteristic of chlorosis. No treatment was instituted for the first ten days, i. e. until July 1st, when the extract of bone marrow was begun. The blood count at that time was, reds 3,198,000, whites 5500 ; hfemoglobin 38 per cent. The extract was discontinued July 16, as patient insisted on leaving the hospital. The blood count on the morning of discharge was, reds 4,192,000, white 7000; hemoglobin 40 per cent. She was given Blaud's pills, and subsequently did well.

Case 2. — Chloro-anoemia in a boy. Past history was negative. For a month had complained of headache and gradually increasing weakness. Inspection showed a moderate grade of ansemia, physical examination being otherwise negative. On admission the blood count was, reds 3,290,000 per cmm.; haemoglobin 35 per cent. Stained specimens of the blood showed nothing beyond the pallor of the centre of the red corpuscles. Such a blood condition in a young female would certainly lead to a diagnosis of chlorosis, but the diagnosis of chlorosis in the male is always hazardous. The extract of marrow w'as ordered, and the condition of the blood gradually improved, the red corpuscles reaching a normal point (5,000,000 per cmm.) in about a month. The hfemoglobin rose more slowly, and on discharge (see chart 3) was only (38 per cent. As a rule, in chlorosis we must be satisfied if we can get the basmoglobin as high as 75 to 80 per cent.

Case 3. — Pernicious anaemia. Man, aged 51, admitted Jnne 15, 1894, complaining of vomiting and progressive weakness. He was very pale, and had first noticed the pallor ten weeks before. Had not lost very much in weight. Inspection showed a marked grade of ansemia, with the lemon-yellow discolorization of the skin so frequently seen in pernicious aniemia. Physical examination and examination of the stomach contents were negative. The case was at first suspected to be one of cancer of the stomach, but the absence of tumor, the readiness with which the gastric symptoms yielded to treatment, and finally the condition of the blood, all pointed to its being a case of the idiopathic ana;mia of Addison, th£ so-called primary pernicious anemia. Blood count on admission, reds 1,148,( 00, whites 4400 ; bsemoglobin 27 per cent. By July Ist the red corpuscles had sunk to 918,000, and the htemoglobin to 17 per cent. Stained specimens showed marked poikilocytosis and polychromatophilic staining of the red corpuscles. Several nucleated red corpuscles seen, the greater number being normoblasts. The remainder were typical megaloblasts, w^ith large pale nuclei and polychromatophilic protoplasm. Many micro- and megalocytes. A differential count of the leucocytes showed the per cent, of the small mononuclear forms or lymphocytes to be increased to 34 per cent., almost twice the normal. This description of the blood condition is given to show the grounds on which the diagnosis was based. The absence of any .npp.irent causative factor, and the fact that the per cent, of hjemoglobin was relatively higher than that of the red corpuscles, confirmed the diagnosis. The use of the extract of bone marrow was begun June 30th. At fiist the blood condition improved, the red corpuscles rising to 1,400.000. They fell again to 970,000, however, and the extract was discontinued July ISth, it having been given 19 days without causing improvement. Fowler's solution was ordered in increasing doses, and the patient gradually improved, being discharged October 12th in fairly good condition. Blood count on discharge, reds 3,(5C0,lC0, whiles 7C00 ;

red corpuscles. 'BroHtn=^\ia:mrnjlohin. = colo?le««(

No. 1. J. K. Pernicious An;emia. Case 3.

liKmoglobin C9 per cent. Stained specimens showed no poikilocytosis, no nucleated red corpuscles, and the per cent, of the various forms of leucocytes was normal. (See chart 1.)

Cau 4.— Pernicious antcmia. Man, aged 6.5, admitted August 15, 1894, complaining of weakness and shortness of breath. Illness began about one year before admission, and has been gradually progressive ever since. Has lost very little weight. Physical examination negative beyond a marked grade of ancemia Skin distinctly lemon-tinged. The urine was high-colored, but of low specific gravity, a condition which has been frequently observed in pernicious anromia, and whirh is supposed by Hunter to be due to the presence of pathological urobilin in the urine. The recent investi

gations of Hopkins (Guy's Hosp. Rep., 1893) would seem to make the existence of this substance improbable. He found only normal urobilin and hxmatoporphyrin in the urine in pernicious anremia. Blood count August 18, reds 2.048,000, whites 5000 ; hicmoglobin 45 per cent. Stained specimens showed a moderate grade of poikilocytosis, such as is seen in severe secondary anivmia. No nucleated red corpuscles. Percentages of leucocytes normal. The number of red corpuscles gradually sank, and between September 8th and October 6th ranged between 1,120,000 and 1,392,000; during this time patient was taking Fowler's solution.

Stained specimensof the blood taken September2d showed marked poikilocytosis, many micro- and megalocytes and many polychro

November, 1894.]


Blac7c = red corpuscies. Brokctt= hminonlohiii. - ■ No. 2. J. R. Pernicious Anaemia.

- ^ co/or/c-w corpuscles. Cask 4.

matophilic red corpuscles. A relatively large number of nucleated red corpuscles were seen, 80 per cent, of which were typical megaloblasts, the remainder being normoblasts. A differential count of the leucocytes showed the lymphocytes to be distinctly increased (26.5 per cent.). On October (ith the blood count was, reds l,3-)8,000, whites, 30no ; haemoglobin 31 per cent. Up to this time the patient had had two courses of Fowler's solution, but the physiological limit of the dose had not been readied. On October 10th the extract of bone marrow was ordered, the blood count next morning being, reds 1,550,000, whites 3500; haemoglobin 35 per cent. The marrow was continued for two weeks, .luring which time the patient failed visibly, the red corpuscles sinking to 822,000 ; heemoglobin 18 per cent. On October 27 the extract was discontinue! and Fowler's solution in increasing doses was ordered.

Stained specimens of the blood, taken on Oct. 27th, showed an interesting state of things. While the poikilocytosis. or deformity in shape and size of the red corimscles, was markedly increased, the nucleated reil corpuscles had almost entirely disappeared, only one megaloblast being seen in four specimens. Such a disappearance of the nucleated red corpuscles from the circulation may be interpreted in two ways: either the blood condition has improved to such an extent that great activity on the part of the bloo<i-making organs is no longer necessary, or it has deteriorated so much that new formation is no longer ]>ossible. The latter condition obtained in a case of fatal purpura h.-emorrhagica rejwrted by the writer in the John.i Uopkim JfoajiiUit J5iill<!tin. May, 1894. Ehrlich has also reported two cases. In the present case this was also the condition that probably prevailed. Blood count Nov. 3d, reds









d on Nov. 3d showed about the same condition of things as on Sept. 2d. The differential count of the leucocytes is so typical that it will be given in full :

Large. Polynuclears. Lymphocytes, mononuclears. Transition. Eoslnopliiles. 52.1 per cent. 32.2 per cent. 2.4 per cent. 4.2 per cent. 6.1 per cent.

Nucleated red corpuscles again appeared in the blood in relatively large numbers, 59 being seen while making a differential count of 500 leucocytes.* This reappearance of the nucleated red corpuscles

may be taken as a relatively favorable sign, showing that the bloodmaking organs are once more active. If improvement occurs in this case under the use of arsenic it will be slow, as it requires some time to safely increase the dose to the physiological limit (20 to 25 min. t. i. d.). The general record of the case is given in chart 2.t

• This Is a very convenient mode of expressing tUc number of nucleated red c»v|iiisc1e8 pro.ipnt In n specimen of blood, but wo must always take Into vonsiilcraticin tlie numlicr of leucocytes per cmm. For example, suppose case

A shows 2000 leucocytes per cmm., and case H flUOO. Now while making B difTcrentinl count of 500 leucocytes in a stained specimen from A we see 12 nucleated reds, in a similar count in a specimen from case B we see only * nucleated reds. Yet the number of nucleated red corpuscles in the blood is about equal in the two cases, as in case B we cover only one-third of the ground that we do in case A.

tSincc the above went to press this imtlent has died. A final blood couut on Nov. 16, made SI hours before death, showed only 700,000 reds, 1000 whites: hiemoglobin 17 per cent. No autopsy.

November, 1894.]



It will be seen that the two cases of chlorosis were benefited by the use of extract of bone marrow, while the two cases of pernicious aufemia were unimj^roved. It is difficult to understand how this remedy could be of service in cases of pernicious anaemia. Its effects can hardly be considered as analogous to those produced by thyroid extract in myxoedema. In the latter case there is atrophy of the gland, giving rise to defective secretion, so that there is an indication for attempting to supply this defect by the administration of thyroid extract. But the marrow in pernicious anemia is, if anything, in a state of hypertrophy, and the condition is far more analogous to that of the hypertrophied and supposedly over-active thyroid glaud in exophthalmic goitre than to that of the atrophied gland in myxosdema. Besides, there is no proof whatever that the marrow acts as a gland in the ordinary sense of the word. The formation of red blood corpuscles by the bone marrow cannot be properly termed a secretion, it being rather a process of cell multiplication and development, and there is no proof that this process is influenced in any way by any chemical product of the marrow itself. As regards the cases reported by previous observers, two things may be noted.

First, there is room for doubt that they were true cases of pernicious anaemia. Second, the patients were given arsenic together with the bone marrow. ISTow it is well known that some cases of pernicious ansmia do remarkably well on arsenic, and several instances of apparent cure have been reported. Such an improvement is shown in Case 3 of our series.

It is different as regards the use of bone marrow in chlorosis. The marrow contains iron in considerable quantity, and we may reasonably suppose that the glycerin extract' contains sufficient iron in organic combination to be of service in chlorosis, a disease which yields so readily to iron in almost any form. Whether its value in such cases is greater than that of the various forms of iron used in medicine is doubtful. This is well shown in chart .3, where a blood chart of a case of chlorosis treated with Blaud's pills is given together with that of Case 2 of our series. The former does not suffer bv the comparison. The conclusion is that the extract of "bone marrow may be of value in cases of ordinary ana?niia and chlorosis, such as would be benefited by iron in other forms, but that there is no proof of its being of value in cases of primary pernicious ansemia.



Meeting of October 1, 1894. Dr. Kelly in the Chair.

Prof. J. J. Abel was elected Chairman for the coming year, and Dr. J. G. Clark was made Secretary.

Prof. W. D. Miller.of the University of Berlin, delivered an illustrated lecture in the amphitheater before an audience of Baltimore physicians and dentists, on "Some Points in Oral Pathology in Relation to Diseases of the Associated Parts and to general Diseases."

Meeting of October 15, 1894. Dr. Abel in the Chair. Case of Hereditary Chorea.— Dr. Osler.

Dr. Osier presented the case as illustrating a somewhat unusual feature in the family form of chorea, namely, the onset at a comparatively early age.

F. T., aged 28, a native of North Ware, N. H., was admitted Oct. 6, 1894, complaining of nervousness.

His father died at 59, after an illness of two weeks' duration. His mother died when 49 years old, of a disease similar to that with which he now suffers. She had nervous twitching for as long as he can remember. The trouble grew gradually worse, so tluit she could not move from her cliair and she finally became bedridden. He does not think that any other members of his mother's family were affected. He has liad four sisters and two brothers. One brother died at the age of 32, of inlluenza, afier he hail Iwen .afllicted for eight years with the .same sort of disease as the mother. The other brother and the sisters are well and strong and have no muscular twitchings.

Personal History. As a child he had the usual disorders, but he was very well and strong until the eighteenth year. He had a comfortable homo upon a farm, and though of a nervous temperament and troubled with weak eyes at times, he remained very well. He had an accident to the right elbow when he was fifteen years

of age. When seventeen he had occasional rheumatic pains in the joints, but which never kept him from work. He has never had gonorrhoea or syphilis.

The present trouble began when in his eighteenth year. It was first noticed as a very slight twitching of the arms and hands. The movements afterwards involved the other parts of the bodv— face, shoulders and legs. He thinks the latter were involved about eight months after the arms, and a little later the muscles of the face. The twitchings have persisted uninterruptedly to the present time. He has been able to work, however, until July of last year, but the involuntary movements now interfere with his doing manual labor. In 1888 he went to California for his health, having been troubled with a cough.





Vol. V.-Nos. 44-45.




A Contribution to our Knowledge of Organic Sulphur Compounds in tlie Field of Animal Chemistry. By Joun J. Abel, M.D., 123

A Case of Paranoia, with a Study of the Cerebral Convolutions. By Heney J. Berkley, M. D., 130

Angio-Sarcoma of the Ovary. By Thos. S. Cullen, M. B., - 134

Proceedings of Societies :

The Hospital Medical Society, 136

Exhibition of Specimens from a Case of Deciduoma Ma

lignum [Dr. J. Whitridge Williams] ; — The Best Method of Sharpening a Microtome Knife [Dr. Lotsy] ; — Ureterotomy [Dr. Kelly] ; — A New Method of exploring the Rectum and Sigmoid Flexure [Dr. Kelly] ;— Double Castration for Hypertrophy of the Prostate Gland [Dr. Finney].

Notes on New Books, 138

Books Received, 140

Index to Volume V, 141


By John J. Abel, M. D., Professor of Pharmacology. {From the Pharmacological Laboratory of the Johns Hopkins University.)

It is well known to workers in the field of aniuiiil chemistry that when freshly voided dog's urine is shaken up with milk of lime, or is made thoroughly alkaline with sodium or potassium hydrate, a peculiar, penetrating, offensive odor is developed ; but beyond the merest passing references, nothing can be found in literature regarding the compound yielding this odor, and nothing seems to have been done toward determining its nature. Thus,' Biihrn and Lauge, discussing the applicability of Schlosing's method to the determination of ammonia in the dog's urine, remark that the addition to the urine of milk of lime gives rise to a peculiar, penetrating, garlicky odor, filling the whole bell-jar even after the lapse of 48-72 hours. V. Knieriem ' makes a similar reference, but no one has gone farther than to note the presence of this odor.

' The substance of a paper with the title : " On the occurrence of ethyl sulphide in the urine of the dog; on the behavior of ethyl sulphide dissolved in concentrated sulphuric acid toward oxidizing agents, and on certain reactions for llio detection of alkyl sulphides," appearing in the December number of the Zeilschr. f. physiol. Chemie.

'Archiv f. exp. Pathol, u. Pharmakol., Bd. 2, p. 368.

»Zeitschr. f. Biol., Bd. X, p. 2l>9.

There .ire many substances known to chemistry which may be said to have a penetrating, offensive, stupefying, and in some cases, garlicky odor. Among these are the mercaptmis, the organic sulphides, selenides and tellurides, the phosphines and the isocyanides, but in the present instance no help was derived from tlie smell in identifying the body, as no one whose judgment was asked in the matter could state positively that the odor was like lUiy other known to him.

I was obliged to direct my first efforts toward gaining some notion of the ultimate qualitative composition of the body. To this end I proceeded as follows: Air from an ordinary large glass gasometer was made to bubble through two liters of urine to which about 100 cc. of thick cream of lime had been added, and the whole thoroughly agitated for a few moments, and this air, laden with the odorous substance, was forced through an empty wash bottle, then through two Muencke's wash bottles made entirely of glass, each containing a 10 per cent, solution of hydrochloric acid, then through two similar wash bottles filled with a 40 per cent, solution of sodium hydrate, then through an empty Kettle, and then through a piece of combustion tubing 60 centimeters long, filled in its middle third with asbestos fiber which had preri



[Nos. 44-45

oiisly been heated piece by piece to a white heat iu the flame of a l^arthel's alcohol blast-lamp. Pure oxygeu taken from an Elkan's cylinder and well washed by being made to pass through both acid and alkali, was forced into the tube containing the purified asbestos at the point where the air laden with the odoriferous body entered it.

From the tube filled with the asbestos the current of air was next passed into a Geissler potash bulb half filled with a 2 per cent, solution of the purest hydrate of sodium. With the ap})aratus arranged as described, the combustion tube containing the asbestos was kept at a red heat in a short four-burner furnace for five hours, the air and oxygen passing at about the rate that is usual iu combustion analyses.

At the end of this time a portion of the sodium liydrate solution in the Geissler bulb was acidulated with hydrochloric acid and tested with a few drops of a solution of barium chloride, with the result that an immediate precipitation of barium sulphate occurred. It may here be noted that the air current after it had passed the heated tube turned a blue litmus strip red, whereas it had no action on litmus before being heated, thus demonstrating that the sulphur of our conij)Ound had l)ecn turned from a neutral into an acid combination. A blank experiment in which the urine was replaced hv distilled water was carried on for six hours, but in this case the sodium hydrate yielded no trace of sulphate. Our conclusion must therefore be that the volatile, odoriferous compound contains sulphur.

At this point two questions present themselves: First, can this sulphur compound be referred for its origin to the action of the hydrate of calcium upon one of the known so-called ' " neutral " sulphur compounds of the urine, such as cystin and allied compounds, or such as hyposulphurous, sulphocyanic or mercapturic acids ?

Second, does the air after passing through the system of wash bottles used in the combustion experiment, contain any other substances than this odoriferous compound 'i

The first question can be answered with considerable certainty by the method of exclusion. Cystin does not seem to be decomposed by treatment with milk of lime at room temperature. Baumann and Brenziger ^ have shown, however, that when ethyl cystein is heated with a free alkali, ethyl mercaptan is split off. M. v. Nencki' was the first to demonstrate that the nausesiting odor of the urine after asparagus has been eaten is due to methyl mercaptan, and also that methyl mercaptan is one of the products of the bacterial decomposition of proteids.' Karplus' has also found methyl mercaptan in the urine as the product of a special bacterium, and L. v. Nencki ° finds that it is always present among the gases of the large intestine. Because, then, of the proved occurrence of mercaptjms in animal fluids, one cannot neglect making the proper tests for them where an offensive, not strictly definable odor is

'Salkowski : Archiv f. path. Anat. u. Physiol., Bd. 58, p. 472. 'Zeitschr. f. physiolog. Chem., Bd. 16, p. 565. "Archiv f. exp. Pathol, u. Pharmakol., B.l. 28, pp. 200-209.

  • M. v. Nencki and N. Sieber: Monatsli . f . Chemie, Bd. 10, pp. 52G-31 .

'Archiv f. pathol. Anat. u. Physiol., Bd. 131, pp. 210-222. •Sitzb. d. kaia. Akad. in Wien, Mathum. Classe III, Abth. 98, pp. 437-8.

met with. But in the case under consideration the making of such tests will be seen to be unnecessary, for the very process of setting free our odoriferous compound with alkalies would have bound the mercaptans and prevented them from leaving the bottle, and an impassible barrier would also have been found in the wash bottles filled with sodium hydrate.

As for the other neutral sulphur compounds of the urine, the acids above mentioned, it may be remarked that the calcium and alkali salts of at least one of them, sulphocyanic acid, is stable and therefore could not come in question. The alkali salts of hyposulphurous acid are readily soluble and stable; the calcium salt is equally soluble but unstable.

Now, to exclude hyposulphurous acid as a possible source of the sulphur found in our combustion experiment, we have only to state that this experiment yielded the same result when fixed alkali instead of milk of lime was used to free the odoriferous substance. But even with the employment of calcium hydrate it seems hardly possible for sulphur dioxide to escape from a fluid containing such an excess of lime.

As to the mercapturic acids being a possible source of our sulphur compound, we have only to note Baumann's ' discovery that when they are decomposed with alkalies mercaptans are split off, a fact that has been adopted into the methods of urinary analysis. But we have demonstrated that it would be impossible for a mercaptan to pass over into the combustion tube. A further proof that excludes both the mercaptans and also sulphureted hydrogen is seen in the fact that two strips of filter paper moistened with alkaline lead solution and placed, the one between the bottle of urine and the first wash bottle, and the other between the last wash bottle and the combustion tube, never showed the slightest change of color.

It is therefore fair to conclude that our sulphur compound is not a derivative of one of the known " neutral " sulphur compounds of the urine, but that it is split off by the milk of lime from a still unknown sulphur compound of the urine.

We now turn to the second question : Does the air after passing through the system of wash bottles used iu the combustion experiment contain any other substance besides this odoriferous compound ? If we bear in mind the contents of the series of wash bottles, it will be seen that no substance with acid or basic properties could have passed them ; in other words, that only a chemically indifferent substance could have been found with the sulphur compound at the end of the series of bottles. This disposes not only of the mercaptans, but of all the various compounds spoken of in the beginning as having an odor similar to the compound in question, with the sole exception of the organic sulphides."

The phosphines, too, are excluded, for, being basic substances,' they would be held back by the hydrochloric acid. Then, too, the phosphines are very readily oxidized, and in

' Baumann : Zeitschr. f. physiolog. Ch., Bd. 8, p. 194.

■The selenides and tellurides are obviously out of theciuestion as constant products of animal metabolism, but see a late interestinfi paper by F. Hofmeister in Arch. f. exp. Pathol, u. Pharmakol., Bd. 33, p. 198, on the ability of the organism to form the nauseating methyl telluride and selenide on the introduction of selenium and tellurium or the salts of their acids.

" With the exception of the primary phosphineB.

December, 1894.]



sniiill amoniits could not be made to bubble np through so many wash bottles without being destroyed by this long contact with the air. A long series of experiments was, in fact, undertaken to determine whether or not a volatile phosphorus compound was present along with the sulphur eoniponnd before it was washed, but all with negative results.

It therefore seemed fair to assume that our sulphur compound was the only substance carried by the air through the series of wash bottles, and all the subsequent experiments made to establish its identity furnish additional support for this assumption.


A series of experiments was next undertaken to determine how this sulphur compound could be collected in suiBcient quantities for study and analysis. It was finally found that concentrated sulphuric acid completely absorbed the body and the resulting solution is without color and also without odor unless the air current is allowed to bubble through the sulphuric acid for several days, when a faint oniony smell is perceptible. In concentrated sulphuric acid we have then a means of storing considerable quantities of this sulphur compound.

Chapman suction pumps were used to draw air through large flasks containing urine and milk of lime, then through two wash bottles containing a 10 per cent, solution of hydrochloric acid, then through two wash bottles filled with a 40 per cent, solution of sodium hydrate, then through a U tube 12 inches high and 1 inch in diameter filled with pieces of potassium hydrate, then through two similar TJ tubes filled with granular calcium chloride, and from this last tube the air hiden with the sulphur compound passed through a Geissler bulb or through a small wash bottle containing concentrated sulphuric acid. The connections beiween the bottles were glass to glass held in place by the best black English tubin<r Iwo such circuits were usually kept at work bv the same suction pump, and the pump was operated day and night -Vfter about 72 hours, in which time 1.5-30 liters'of dog's urine had been exhausted of the sulphur compound, the (Jeissler bulb containing sulphuric acid was replaced bv another. On diluting with water some of this concentrated sulphuric acid hat has been charged with the body, or on neutralizing it with ree alkalies, or on the addition of almost any metallic salt at hand, an intense odor like that of one of the organic sulphides pervades the room. These properties of dissolvincr i„ considerable quantities in sulphuric acid and of formino- ^vith it a nearly or quite odorless solution, and of being^set free unchanged on dilution with water or on neutralization of the su phuric acid, are possessed, so far as I know, bv the sulphides' only among organic sulphur compounds. I have repeatedly dissolved 10 or 12 grams of ethyl sulphi.le in 100 cc. of concentrated sulphuric acid, having previously cooled both fluids and found that the resulting solution had no odor whatever but^i^idduigjo this solution half its weight of water, or,"

'In all probability, however, the analogous seleni.les and telh.rIdes behave in the same way toward concentrated sulplinric acid.

better still, of ice, the ethyl sulphide soon appeared floating on the top of the diluted sulphuric acid. Dimethyl sulphide and methyl ethyl sulphide were found to behave in the same way. Reference books on chemistry do not mention this property, and It was only after the completion of mv experiments that I learned that this method is employed in refining crude Ohio petroleum, and that Mabery and Smith ' had by it= help recovered alkyl sulphides from the "distillates of crude petroleum."


The alkyl sulphides arereadily oxidized to the fluid sulphoxides, and then further to the very stable crystalline sulphones. Ihus, if ethyl sulphide, (CJUS, is oxidized with nitric acid specific gravity 1.2, ethyl sulphoxide, (aH;;,SO, is produced, a thick, unstable fluid, easily soluble in water. If. however, fuming nitric acid is used, then diethyl sulphone, (C.H,),SoJ results, which crystallizes in large rhombic plates vefy soluble in water, melting at 70° and distilling at 248° without decomposition. The sulphoxides have the property of being reducible with zinc and sulphuric acid to the original sulphide. The sulphones, however, are very stable substances, unaffected bv treatment with zinc and sulphuric acid. It was hoped that oxidation of the concentrated sulphuric acid solution of the sulphide from the dog's urine with potassium permanganate would yield a sulphone, the composition and properties of which would determine which particular sulphide we were dealing with. Accordingly, about 100 cc. of a concentrated sulphuric acid solution containing the sulphur compound rallected from about 25 liters of dog's urine was treated in the following manner: A beaker containing it was placed in pounded ice, and from time to time were added a few drops of a concentrated aqueous solution of potassium permano-anate also cooled to 0° C. When the permanganate ceased to be decolorized, a cold 4 per cent, solution of sulphuric acid wa* slowly added until the acid in the beaker was reduced in strength to about a 20 per cent, solution. The whole was then heated on the wat«r-bath. while potassium permanganate was again added.

I'nder the influence of the heat an additional quantity of the permanganate was reduced, and the heating on the waterbath was kept up as long as any permanganate was decolorized.

The slight excels of permanganate, when reduction no longer occurred, was removed bv the addition of a little sodium formate.

The solution was then made alkaline with potassium hydrate, evaporated till crusts of potassium sulphate formed; the potassium sulphate filtered off, ajrain concentrated, again filtered, and now evaporated to dryness. The drv residue was extracted with a little absolute alcohol, half of thealcohol evaporated on the w ater-bath and the rest allowed to evaporate

' Americ. Chem. Journ., Vol. 13, p. 243, and Vol. 16, p. 3S. R. H. Smith h»s also treated ethyl fulphide with an equal hulk of strong sulphuric acid diluted with much waterand neutralized with barium carbonate for the purpose of forming barium-ethvl-hvposa!pbite, but makes no mention of the separation of the sulphide on dilution with water. Journ. of tlie Chem. Soc, 22 (1S69), p. 302.



[Nos. 44-45.

spontaneously. A small quantity of a deliquescent compound remained. To remove all trace of potassium carbonate, the residue was extracted a third time with absolute alcohol and the alcohol again evaporated. On the addition of dilute sulphuric acid to some of the deliquescent residue, the odor of acetic. acid became very apparent. The characteristic odor of acetic ether was at once brought out on gently heating with the addition of concentrated sulphuric acid and alcohol, and the addition of ferric chloride to a neutral solution gave the characteristic blood red color of a solution of ferric acetate. These properties, viz., the deliquescence of the potassium salt, the odor of the free acetic acid and of its acetic ether, and the color of its ferric salt, leave no doubt of the occurrence of acetic acid as an oxidation product of the sulphur compound under examination. I was unprepared for this outcome, as I had hoped to secure a sulphone. On the supposition that a little of the sulphone might yet be mixed with the acetate, I acidulated its aqueous solution with sulphuric acid, drove away the acetic acid as far as possible on the water-bath, and again extracted the dry residue with alcohol, but only a trace of potassium acetate and sulphate was taken up. I now repeated the oxidation experiment twice over, making slight . variations in the method, such as the employment of finely powdered potassium permanganate instead of an aqueous solution, and sodium instead of potassium hydrate, yi the neutralization. 1 used also a little less than the necessary amount of permanganate, so as to avoid the after-use of sodium formate, but the iinal outcome was the same as before: an acetate again appeared.

A blank oxidation experiment was next undertaken in order to determine whether the reagents used contained any thing oxidizable to acetic acid, but not a trace of acetate was found.

We may therefore safely conclude that our sulphur compound contains one or two ethyl groups. It is not easy to draw conclusions as to the presence of a methyl group in the sulphide, as such a group would have been oxidized to carbon dioxide and water. Carbon dioxide is, in fact, given off when the acid solution and permanganate are boiled, but this can be referred to the destructive oxidation of some of the sulphide, for it also takes place when synthetically prepared diethyl sulphide is treated in the same way.


It was now in order to compare the behavior of synthetically prepared ethyl sulphide with our sulphide. Accordingly, a preliminary experiment was first made as follows: Five grams of ethyl sulphide, which distilled at 91.9°-92° C, were dissolved in .50 cc. of sulphuric acid, and oxidized by adding small quantities of powdered permanganate very gradually to the concentrated sulphuric acid kept in a freezing mixture, an hour and a half being consumed in adding 12 grams. When too much was added at one time, a Hash of light would appear, showing that some of the sulphide was being completely oxidized, and the odor of ethyl sulphide also became apparent. 25 cc. of cold concentrated sulphuric acid were now stirred into the mixture, and from time to time

small portions of a concentrated aqueous solution of permanganate were added together with about 20 cc. of water. A colorless solution of an oniony odor now resulted and this was slowly diluted with water up to a liter, permanganate still being added. The solution was then boiled for a short time and as the permanganate was still being reduced, more was added. AVhen no more permanganate was reduced about 200 cc. of the fluid was distilled off. This distillate, which was plainly acid, was caught in a little strong potassium hydrate and subsequently enough more hydrate was added to give a neutral reaction, and it was then evaporated on the water-bath. There was obtained a small quantity of a deliquescent salt consisting of potassium carbonate and potassium acetate, which gave the reactions that we have already mentioned as sufficient to identify acetic acid. In a similar experiment it was observed that when the distillation was undertaken before the oxidation was complete, that is, at a time when the permanganate was still being reduced, the distillate had a most disagreeable odor, reminding one both of onions and of acetic acid. Also when evaporated to dryness with an alkali, it gives all the reactions of a sulphite, viz., it reduces permanganate, it yields sulphureted hydrogen on reduction with zinc and sulphuric acid, it decolorizes an iodine starch solution, it gives a red color to a weak solution of sodium uitroprusside, and it gives off the peculiar stinging odor of sulphur dioxide on acidulation with sulphuric acid. In such a case, therefore, one must first oxidize the sulphurous acid with permanganate before undertaking the tests for acetic acid or the preparation of one of its salts. When boiling is resorted to in order to hasten the progress of the oxidation, it is found that much carbon dioxide is given off. It is evident that in the above experiments the greater part of the sulphide was oxidized to the end products, sulphuric anhydride, carbon dioxide and water.

As, to my knowledge, the alkyl sulphides have hitherto only been oxidized to sulphoxides and sulphones, and not as in the manner indicated above, to acetic and sulphuric acids, it seemed worth while to attempt the quantitative oxidation of ethyl sulphide to these latter products. Accordingly, 12 grams were dissolved in 100 cc. of concentrated sulphuric acid, the latter being cooled in a freezing mixture; 65 grams of finely powdered permanganate, somewhat less than the quantity theoretically necessary to oxidize the sulphide to acetic and sulphuric acid, were then dissolved in 200 cc. of cold sulphuric acid, and this solution was slowly added to the cold solution of the sulphide. The permanganate was at first entirely decolorized and none of the sulphide was liberated or destroyed, but toward the end of the operation, as more and more of the oily heptoxide of manganese from the bottom of the beaker came to be added, the black mixture began to foam up, flames now and then shot forth and much carbon dioxide was given off. A repetition of the exi)eriment led to no better results. In both cases, however, water was added to the black, agitated mass, and after diluting to about a liter, the odor of acetic acid became plainly perceptible. When diluted to several liters and distilled, a little of the distillate treated as before gave all the tests for acetic acid. A little silver acetate was also produced which crystallized out of water in

December, 1894.]



long, shiuing needles, gave off fumes of acetic acid, deposited silver on gentle incineration, and also emitted the odor of ethyl acetate on treatment with concentrated sulphuric acid and alcohol.

On account of the fact, however, that by far the greater part of the sulphide had been destroyed, it was evident that it would be useless to attempt the estimation of the amount of acetic acid produced. It would seem, therefore, impracticable to oxidize ethyl sulphide in this way with the intention of securing a large output of acetic acid, but any one can convince himself by an off-hand experiment that acetic acid IS one of the products of the oxidation of diethyl sulphide under the above circumstances. This is another point of agreement between the sulphide from dog's urine and ethvl sulphide.

What light this oxidation throws on the natureof tJie union existing between ethyl sulphide and concentrated sulphuric acid, and also whether thio-acetic acid may not be an intermediate product in the oxidation with permanganate, 1 cannot here discuss.


As the new sulphur compound from the dog's urine has so many points m common with ethyl sulphide, its behavior towards mercuric chloride was next examined.

Some of the concentrated sulphuric acid solution of the sulphide from the dog's urine was placed in an ice mixture and diluted with a cold 4 per cent, solution of sulphuric acid until the resultant liquid was equal in strength to about a 30 per cent, sulphuric acid solution. The odor found to arise from such large amounts of the diluted fluid was vei-y strong, and not to be distinguished from the odor of ethyl sulphide dissolved in concentrated sulphuric acid and treated in the same way. Indeed, none of the workers in mv laboratory could tell in any given case whether I was using the compound obtained from dog's urine or that svntheticallv prepared. The diluted solution of the sulphide was now shaken out with ether and the separated ether was washed twice with distilled water; an alcoholic solution containing 1 gram of mercuric chloride was then added to the ether and the whole evaporated to about one-third on the water-bath, after wliich It was allowed to stand in vacuo over sulphuric acid. The residue, which smelled strongly of the sulphide, was well washed on a filter with water in order to dissolve away the excess of mercuric chloride. It was then dried on the filter over sulphuric acid, dissolved when dry in a little alcohol and allowed to crystallize. Some of the crystals, long, slender in-isms mixed with some amorphous material were collected and their melting-point taken without further purification I his was found to be in one case about U5° C, and in another batcii of crystals prepared in a verv similar manner, ir>0° C. The noteworthy fact in both determinations was that the crystals melted to a black fluid, and after the capillary tubes had cooled, long slender prisms could be seen to stand out from the congealed drop.

I am personally convinced that this sulphide from the urine of the dog forms a double compound with mercuric chloride aUhough it must he a.lniitted tiiat Iho evidence, so far as it*'

melting-point is concerned, does not furnish conclusive proof that this compound is (CJi^\S.KgC\.

In support of this opinion that a double compound is formed, we may urge the odor of the compound, its insolubility in water, its solubility 'in alcohol, its behavior in the melting tube and its crystalline character. After standing over sulphuric acid /« vacuo, no odor, or at least onlv a very faint odor, is perceptible; but exposed to the air fo"r only" a few moments, the odor of the sulphide becomes very marked. The mercuric chloride compound of ethyl sulphide behaves in the same manner.

It is exceedingly difficult to separate a small amount of this unstable double compound, say a few centigrams, from an excess of mercuric chloride ; the various operations, such as the long and repeated washings with water, the necessary drying, etc., all involve so much loss of substance that sharj) results cannot be obtained when there is onlv little material on hand.


The plan that was followed above in the attempt to secure and purify the double compound of ethyl sulphide from the dog's urine was based on previous experiments made in the same way with synthetically prepared ethvl sulphide. Five grams (boiling-point 91.9° C.) were dissolved in 50 cc. of concentrated sulphuric acid, and by following out the method described above, except that less of the theoreticallv required amount of mercuric chloride was used, the double compound crystallizing out of absolute alcohol in long, transparent. highly refracting prisms was obtained. This"^ recrvstallized out of alcohol, washed with cold absolute alcohol aiid ether, and dried in vacuo over sulphuric acid and paraffine, began to melt at 118° C. and melted to a coloriess fluid at 119° C. Subsequent recrystallizations out of ether caused no change in the melting-point. When the double compound is prepar^ by mixing alcoholic solutions of the sulphides and of mercuric chloride the melting-point is also 119°.

AVheu some of the finely powdered crvstals that show a melting-point of 119° are allowed to sbmd'over sulphuric acid forjiwo weeks, the melting-point is found to have risen to 131° C. Some of the unbroken crystals, however, that had stood for the same length of time over sulphuric acid melted at 120° C. When the temperature reached 180°-1S5° C. a rapid evolution of gas bubbles took place, but the liquid remained transparent and did not blacken.

Now Loir' gives 90° C. as the melting-point of cC^H.^S.HgCl, crystallized out of ether. An observation made bv me in'^the course of the above experiments may perhaps explain how Loir came to put the melting-point at 90° C. I prepared some of the ethyl sulphide mercuric chloride, recrystjillized it out of absolute alcohol, washed it with absolute alcohol and ether, and exposed it for half an hour to an air current produced by a Bunsen suction pump. At the expiration of this time the melting-point was taken and it was found that the substance melted at 80° C, yielding a perfectly transparent, colorless

'.\nn. il. Chem. u. riiarm. S7, p. 370.



[Nos. 44-45.

liquid. After standing for twelve hours over sulphuric acid in vacuo the melting-point was found to have risen to 119° C. It may be remarked in passing that Blomstrand ' finds one of Loir's melting-points, that of the platinum compound 2(C,H,.),S.PtCl„ 70° too low, it "being in reality 178° instead of 108° as given by Loir.


It must be remembered that we- are confined to solutions of the urinary sulphide in concentrated sulphuric acid for a study of its properties. The behavior of bromine and iodine toward these solutions is characteristic and in every respect like their behavior toward similar solutions of synthetically prepared ethyl sulphide. If a drop or two of a 2 per cent, solution of bromine in potassium bromide be added to a sulphuric acid solution of the urinary sulphide, or to an equally weiik solution of ethyl sulphide, it will be observed that bromine is absorbed. The same thing is observed when bromine vapor is allowed to fall into a sulphuric acid solution that has previously been diluted with a few drops of water. If the sulphuric acid be poured off from the undissolved drop of bromine after having been thoroughly agitated with it, and then be diluted with water, it will be found that the sulphide odor no longer returns. If a piece of pure washed zinc and a litt>e more concentrated sulphuric acid be added, the sulphide odor returns as the reduction proceeds. A solution of ethyl sulphide of about the same strength as that from the dog's urine behaves in the same way. But if a strong solution be made, the absorption of bromine is very evident, for now considerable bromine may be added before some of it remains undissolved. Such a concentrated solution of ethyl sulphide treated with bromine still smells somewhat of the sulphide after dilution with water, but if left to stand for a few days the odor disappears, and may then be caused to reappear on reduction with zinc and sulphuric acid. We are in all probability dealing here with the bromine addition compound (Ci;H5)jSBr„, which, as described by Rathke," forms with water a colorless solution. Out of its aqueous solutions, iodine in potassium iodide precipitates an iodine addition product, (CJl5)jSI„ as a dark oily iluid.

Far more striking is the behavior of iodine, the study of which has led to a reaction which may under certain circumstances serve to indicate the presence of an alkyl sulphide. On the addition of a few drops of a 6-10 per cent, solution of iodine in potassium iodide, or of a ^^ normal iodine solution, an immediate precipitation occurs. The sulphuric acid solution becomes a dark brown, turbid fluid in which a precipitate of infinite fineness is suspended. After standing over night a small quantity of a dark brown oil separates out in minute droplets and settles to the bottom. This is undoubtedly the addition product (C,H*5)aSI,."

If the acid be poured off and water be added to this oily substance, the odor of a sulphide becomes at once apparent. The addition of a few drops of potassium hydrate immediately

' ' ,Tour. f. pract. Chem. (n. f.), Vol. 24, p. 190. 'Ann. d. Chem. u. Pharmac, BH. 162, p. 214. ' Kalhke, loe. rit.

causes the oil droplets to dissolve, and bringsout the sulphide odor in full strength. Iodine solutions also cause the dark cloudy precipitations in sulphuric acid solutions of the sulphides even when these are very much diluted with water, so that this reaction must be regarded as a very sensitive one.

Furthermore, a drop or two of the sulphide shaken up with much distilled water, say 60 cc, also gives a cloudy precipitate on the addition of a ^V^ormal iodine solution, and this precipitation occurs even when the aqueous solution has been allowed to stand for weeks, when we niily be sure that the ethyl sulphide is really dissolved and not merely suspended. Out of these aqueous solutions of the sulphide to which iodine solutions have been added, the oily product referred to also settles on standing. This last reaction demonstrates very clearly that ethyl sulphide, contrary to the usual statements, is by no means insoluble in water. I daresay that its solubility in water is fully equal to that of ethyl mercaptan.

Methyl sulphide and methyl ethyl sulphide behave in almost the same way toward solutions of iodine. The oily compound that is precipitated from dilute solutions of methyl sulphide in sulphuric acid seems, however, to pass again into solution on standing.

If to a distillate of dog's urine that has been shaken with milk of lime or made strongly alkaline with a free alkali, a few drops of an ^"^-iodine solution be added, a cloudy precipitation, very like that seen under the same circumstances in aqueous solutions of ethyl sulphide, will be observed. In this instance, however, the reaction is of uncertain meaning, for Schiff ' has shown that the distillate of the dog's urine contains a primary amine, and Abbott ' has found that aqueous solutions of amines give cloudy precipitates on addition of /^-iodine solution.


While trying to establish the identity of the sulphide treated of in this paper, I observed that when a drop of an aqueous 5 per cent, solution of sodium nitrite was added to some of the sulphuric acid solution of the sulphide from the dog's urine, the latter at once took on a beautiful deep green color. A drop or two of Liebermann's' nitrose sulphuric acid solution gives the same color and is preferable as a reagent to an aqueous solution of a nitrite, as if used in e.xcess it does not so readily cause the disappearance of the green color. The color persists for some time, but disappears if the solution is left to stand over night, and when the nitrite is not added in excess the reaction will be found to be of great delicacy.

To get this reaction with the urinary sulphide in perfection it is best to conduct the well-dried air and sulphide as

' Zeitschr. f. physiol. Chemie, Bd. IV, p. 54.

  • Private communication from Dr. A. C. Abbott, of the hygienic

laboratory of the University of Pennsylvania, on the detection of amines in sewer air with N/20-iodine solution, which induced me to study the behavior of aqueous solutions of ethyl sulphide toward iodine solutions.

•• Ber, d. deutsch. chem. Gesellsch., Bd. 20, p. 3231 b. In making up the solution of a nitrite in cone, sulph. acid I used sodium instead of potassium nitrite.

DXCEMBEU, 1894.]



described on p. 135, with at least 5 or 6 liters of urine in the circuit, through a few cc. of concentrated sulphuric acid in a test tube an entire day. Special attention must be given to the drying of the air laden with the sulphide, for it is only when a completely dry current is passed into the concentrated sulphuric acid for the length of time named that a solution is obtained which will give at once the deep green color referred to, although solutions that have not remained so long in the circuit will also give a tinge of green, in which case, however, only a mere trace of the nitrite, such as adheres to a glass rod dipped into a solution of it, should be added. Now a drop or two of pure ethyl sulphide dissolved in a few cc. of concentrated sulphuric acid gives identically the same reaction on the addition of a drop or two of a nitrite solution or of nitrose sulphuric acid.


As long as the color persists, the sulphide can be liberated by the addition of small pieces of ice or by dilution with water, but after standing over night exposed to the action of an excess of the nitrose sulphuric acid, the now colorless solution no longer throws out the sulphide on the addition of ice. The reason for this is that the sulphide has been slowly oxidized by the nitrous acid to a sulphoxide, while the latter is reduced to nitric or niti'ous oxide. That this oxidation has occurred is demonstrated by adding a few pieces of zinc and allowing the reduction to continue for some hours and then diluting with crushed ice, when the original sulphide will again make its appearance. No further demonstration is needed to prove that the sulphide has been oxidized to a sulphoxide in the above exjjeriment. Since methyl sulphide and methyl ethyl sulphide also behave in the same way toward nitrose suljjhuric acid, it is fair to conclude that the reaction holds for the series of sulphides of the general formula

(C„H,„^,).« It might be suspected that the color reaction just described is due to thiophene formed on dissolving the sulphide in concentrated sulphuric acid, in analogy with the pyrogenous synthesis of thiophene first demonstrated by Kekule.' That we are not dealing with thiophene is, however, shown by the absence of that characteristic play of colors (green, blue to purple) that is always observed when a little nitrose sulphuric acid is added to a freshly prepared, sulphuric acid solution of thiophene, and by the fact that a solution of thiophene in concentrated sulphuric acid soon fails to give Lieberniann's reaction, in consequence of the rapid conversion of the thiophene into thiophene sulphonic acid. Then, too, that the green color described does not owe its origin to thiophene is proved by the fact that solutions of ethyl sulphide in concentrated sulphuric acid do not give the indophenine reaction, a reaction quite as delicate as Liebernuiun's reaction for thiophene.

The mercaptans, too, do not appear to give this reaction. As is well known, these sulphur compounds, when dissolved in concentrated suli)huric acid, are changed to the corresponding disulphides. Sulphuric acid solutions of ethyl mercaptau, the only one of the mercaptans that 1 have thus far

'See V. Meyer : Ber. il. ileutsch. chem. Gesell., Bd. 18, p. lilTa.

prepared for comparison, become murky and take on a reddish yellow color on the addition of a few drops of Liebermann's solution. The sulphides of the series C„Hj„S also fail to give this reaction.' Ethylene sulphide and propylene sulphide, when dissolved in concentrated sulphuric acid in small amounts, yield slightly green solutions. On the addition of a few drops of nitrose sulphuric acid the green color instantly disappears, giving place in the propylene solution to a 3-ellowioh turbidity, while the ethylene solution remains colorless. Methylene sulphide gives a colorless solution with concentrated sulphuric acid, which undergoes no change on the addition of the nitrose sulphuric acid.

It may be mentioned in conclusion that the vapor of pure ethyl sulphide was subjected to a destructive oxidation by passing it mixed with moist oxygen over asbestos heated to redness, exactly as described in the combustion experiment with the urinary sulphide in the early part of this paper. Here, too, the air that escaped from the combustion tube was laden with acid vapors, and an examination of the weak sodium hydrate solution in the Geissler bulb showed that sulphuric acid was present. When the supply of oxygen was insufficient, the bulb also contained sulphurous acid.


'J'he fact that methyl mercaptan is found among the gases of the large intestine,' and that there exists between ethyl mercaptan and ethyl sulphide a close relationship, suggests for the latter a possible intestinal origin, and that after absorption it unites with a compound that prevents its oxidation to end products and allows of its excretion in the urine. But an experiment in intestinal antisepsis' with calomel performed on a large well-nourished dog, showed after six days of abstention from all food except water and the administration of a total of 8 grams of calomel during the last three days, no appreciable diminution of the amount of the sulphide yielded to concentrated sulphuric acid. While this result is not absolutely conclusive because of the lack of quantitative methods for estimating the sulphide, and also because we cannot be certain that the bacterial activity in the intestines was completely suppressed, yet the evidence, so far as it goes, is against the bacterial origin of the sulphide. More conclusive is the negative outcome of all attempts to tiud the sulphide in the fseces of the dog by the use of the methods successfully applied to the urine.

The negative outcome of both experiments at least points to the probability.- that ethyl sulphide is a product of retrogressive metabolism. The urine, too, appears to contain decidedly more of the compound when the dogs are put ou an exclusively meat diet than when fed on the mixetl diet of refuse from the hospital kitchens.

So far as I have been able to discover, crude petroleum is the only other natural source besides the dog's uriue, of the

' This point was not established in time for its appearance in the German version of this paper.

' L. v. Nencki : Sitzb. d. kais. .\kad. in Wieu, Malhem. Classe III. Abth. 9S. 43:--13S.

■' Baumann : Zeiteohr. f. physiol. Chem., Bd. 10, 1SS6, S. 129.



[Nos. 44-45.

saturated alkyl sulphides. Now that we have methods for their detectiou, it is not unlikely that they will be found to be as widely distributed as are the mercaptaus. I hope soon to be able to offer something definite as to the properties of the compound from which the sulphide is liberated in the dog's urine on treatment with alkalis, and also to be able to isolate the pure sulphide in sufficient amount for the determination of its boiling-point, etc. It is only after having accomplished the isolation of the compound with which the sulphide is united that wc can say anything definite as to amounts in which the sulphide is excreted. Since, however, easily demonstrable quantities of sulphuric anhydride can be obtained by o.xidizing its vapor, one is justified in the opinion that it is present in equal or greater quantity than are such compounds as sulphocyanic or thiosulphuric acid. And it seems fair to conclude that it will be found on quantitative estimation to answer to the still uuideutified sulphur compounds in the dog's urine.


It will be seen that the difficulties encountered in the collection and study of the new compound were not few. The following points have, however, been clearly established :

1. When dog's urine is treated with alkalies, an odoriferous compound is liberated which contains sulphur and which is taken up with avidity by concentrated sulphuric acid and from which it is again liberated on dilution with water or on neutralization. The odor arising during the progress of the dilution or neutralization is not to be distinguished from that of ethyl sulphide, (0,115)38. Ethyl sulphide is likewise absorbed by concentrated sulphuric acid with great avidity.

2. Oxidation of the urinary compound in the form of its solution in concentrated sulphuric acid yields sulphuric aud acetic acids, thus demonstrating the presence in it of an ethyl group. Oxidation of ethyl sulphide under the same conditions yields the same products.

3. Mercuric chloride forms with the urinary sul2)hide a double compound which behaves, as far as could be determined, in regard to odor, solubility and crystallization, like the corresponding ethyl sulphide mercuric chloride, (CaHJjS.HgClj.

■1. Bromine and iodine behave toward its solutions in concentrated sulphuric acid in every way as toward similar solutions of ethyl sulphide.

."). A nitrite added to its solutions in couceutrated sulphuric acid gives the same intense green color as with solutions of ethyl sulphide.

6. The organic sulphide thus shown to exist in dog's urine is ethyl sulphide, (CjH5)jS. The mixed sulphide, methyl ethyl sulphide (CHj.CJIs)^, might be thought to have an equal claim with ethyl sulphide as a urinary constituent, since its solutions in concentrated sulphuric acid behave in the same way toward bromine, iodine and nitrous acid, and since the products of its oxidation by the method described are the same, but pure methyl ethyl sulphide that has been several times rectified is easily distinguishable from ethyl sulphide by its odor, which has an additional smell like that of rotten cabbages, not possessed by the latter.'


The points of more especial chemical interest are :

1. The oxidation of ethyl sulphide to acetic and sulj)huric


3. Its great solubility in concentrated sulphuric acid, and the

ease with which it can again be liberated from this solution

even when dissolved in minute quantities.

3. Its oxidation to a sulphoxide by nitrous acid ;ind its green color reaction with this reagent.

4. Its solubility in water and the ease with which its aqueous solutions can be detected with solutions of iodine in potassium iodide.

5. Also to be noted is the fact that the melting-point of ethyl sulphide mercuric chloride lies at 119° C, and not at 90° C. as stated by Loir and since his time in all- reference books on chemistry.

' See J. Finckh (Ber. d. deutsch. cliem. Gesellsch., 1894, No. 9, p. 1239), wlio finds that these organic sulphides lose their nauseating odor on being repeatedly heated to 290°-300° C. in a sealed tube with powdered copper.


By Henry J. Berkley, M. D., Clinical Lecturer in Psychiatry.

Since the pathology of the mental disease known as primary paranoia is entirely unknown, the macroscopic examiiuvtion of the brain in this case nuiy not be devoid of clinical interest. The reader's attention is i)articularly called in the right hemisphere to the region of the post-central furrow, the very broken arrangement of the gyri of the parietal region, the unusual development of the third f rontjil convolution, short, broad, and standing isolated from the other convolutions of the lobe except on its orbital aspect. The external aspect of the left hemisphere is much more in conformity to recognized types, but the inner surface has many points of dissimilarity with the opposite brain-half. Altogether the impression given by

both hemispheres is considerably at variance with the usual types of convolutional development, and the asymmetry between the hemispheres is very marked.

The early history of the patient, Sarah Janet N u, is to

a large extent shrouded in obscurity. Born in Scotland of respectable parents, she was given a fairly good education, and though moderately intelligent, she preferred wandering in the fields with the sheep and heather, to attending school.

She stated that she was always on good terms with her school companions, but at home was restless, all her affections centering in a sister, to the exclusion of the rest of the household. The parents, as well as the brothers and sisters, are

DegembSr, 1894.]



represented as being healthy, mentally and physically. She also stated that she was married at an early age, and had two children by this husband and another by a lover.

About the age of thirty-five years she emigrated to this country and obtained employment as a housekeeper. She seems to have been fairly successful in giving satisfaction to her employers, though there were several changes during the five years previous to her admission to the City Asylum, and she was discharged from her last situation by reason of her quarrelsome disposition.

In 1890, when she was in her thirty-ninth year, the climacteric began, and by the commencement of July, 1891, all evidence of menstruation had ceased. There were during tlie menopause hemorrhages of some intensity from the uterus, for which she was treated at one of the city hospitals, where she resided several months and until she was obliged to leave. Finally she was sent to the City Almshouse (admitted August 6, 1889), where it was soon recognized that she was insane, being irritable, suspicious, and having marked delusions of persecution, the principal ones being that for a person of her position she was not treated with sufficient respect by the officers of the institution, and that her food was poisoned.

These delusions led to a number of outbreaks of violence against the inmates of the almshouse, and proceeded to the extent of an attack upon the superintendent, and on July 27, 1892, she was transferred to the City Insane Asylum.

At the time of her admission N. was extremely suspicious, and it took the physicians in attendance some time to gain her confidence, and then only by a complete acquiescence with her delusions, the slightest correction annihilating any one in her esteem, and afterwards it was impossible to make her hold any communication.

The jDatient was a tall, angular woman, without any marked signs of somatic degeneration. The skull was sub-brachycephalic, without irregularity in the cranial bones. Physical examination showed the viscera to be healthy with the exception of the lungs, these showing the signs of a beginning tuberculosis at the apices. The heart's action was steady, regular, and without abnormal murmur. There was no history of a traumatism, alcoholism, or of a previous attack of any of the infectious diseases, to supply an etiological factor for the development of the mental trouble.

After the few days necessary to overcome the suspicions she entertained in respect to the medical stafE of the liospit^il, she unburdened herself fully of her troubles and insistent ideas. Delusions of persecution were strongly marked, but by no means paramount. On account of her mission she was molested and persecuted by a multitude of enemies, and though she made a strong effort to preserve outward calmness, occasionally she burst into a torrent of invective upon the heads of her enemies, magnifying the smallest offense against herself into mountains of malice and wickedness.

The delusions of persecution were, however, of small interest in comparison with other fixed ideas, and by contrast sank into the. background. N. believed that she was a prophetess called of God, and was the " woman clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet, and upon her head a crown of twelve stars," of the XII chap, of the book of the Revelation, and

that her present abode represented the allegorical wilderness where she was to be fed for a space of one thousand three hundred and threescore days, the time representing that of her earthly tribulations, at the end of which period there was to be the judgment day, and without dying she was to be translated to the presence of God. Not only was she to be translated undying, but in some way now unknown to her, and only to be revealed on that great and awful day, she was to take a chief part in the redemption of the human race and intercede between them and the Almighty. At the end of the day of judgment she was to ascend to her prepared abode in the heavenly Jerusalem amidst the rejoicings of the multitude and the "voice of mighty thunderings, saying Alleluia, for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. Let us be glad and rejoice and give honor to him, for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife has made herself ready" (Eev. xix).

The child spoken of in the first quoted chapter played a very secondary part in her delusion ; she considered the passage to refer to the last of her two male children and the subject played no further part in her history.

The mission on earth was to be a secret one, and while not hesitating to inform those in the immediate circle of her confidence of its purport, she chose not to herald it to the world, preferring to bide the proper time for the revelation.

N. had in her possession a small, well-thumbed Bible, which she carried with her even at meal-times, and coustiintly referred to; in truth, the principal part of her time was spent in delving over its pages, searching for references to herself. Each one when found she marked with a round lead-pencil mark of a definite size. Not only were the passages referring to her marked, but a large number of scattered verses of different import were equally distinguished by a mark, having special reference to some idea or thought.

A few typical passages referring to her may be selected, as (Judges xiii) " Behold thou shalt conceive and bear a son, and now drink no wine nor strong drink, neither eat any unclean thing," a mandate she faithfully endeavored to carry out : or. (I Kings iii) " 1 have given thee a wise and undersbiudiug heart, so that there was none like before thee, neither after thee shall any arise like unto thee," or, "For thy Maker is thine husband, the Lord of hosts is his name, and thv Redeemer the Holy one of Israel, the Lord of the whole earth shall he be called."

The other passages marked in the Hible were exceedinglj numerous. Commencing with a systematic indication in Judges, they increased greatly in .Fob and Psalms, gradually diminished in Isaiah and Jeremiah, and decreased to a small number in the latter books of the Old Testament, In the four Gospels they were comparatively infrequent, increase*! very slightly in the Acts and Epistles, except in Corinthians and Hebrews, where the marks were frequent, and then gradually diminished to Revelation, where only a few chapters were marked, these having especial reference to herself and the New Jerusalem. A rather pathetic notice of the loss of her personal liberty occurred in II Corinthians, where she had m.wked '• where the spirit of the Lord is, there is lil»erty."

The other very nnmerous marked verses may be arrayed under six headings: (1\ Every passage concerning women in



[Nos. 44-45.

travail and labor ; (2), all passages referring to the rebuilding of the Temple and descriptions of the New Jerusalem, which she appeared to confound ; (3), numerous references to her troubles: (4), ajjpeals for help; (5), occasional songs of rejoicing ; and lastly, denunciatory passages, which were everywhere indicated and were the most numerous of all, for example, " Behold the day of the Lord conieth, cruel both with wrath and tierce anger to lay the land desolate, and He shall destroy the sinners thereof out of it" (Isaiah xiii).

A considerable number of mouths passed, N. still retaining her delusions perfectly tixed and systematized, without the addition of hallucinations either visual or aural. She refuted all assertions combating any of these ideas by references to various passages in the Bible, and by the argument that all things in that book are from the mouth of God and therefore beyond the possibility of dispute.

Toward the end of the year 1893 the pulmonary tuberculosis began to make rapid advances, persistent diarrhceas set in, accompanied by much abdominal pain that narcotics only partially relieved. Neuralgic pains in the intercostal nerves also added greatly to her sufferings. Nevertheless she clung persistently to life and waited patiently for the day of her translation, not believing in the least that death would result from disease. Albuminuria now shortly developed, and finally death occurred on February 3, 1894.

A summary of the autopsy shows little of interest. All the principal organs with the exception of the lungs were normal. The brain was slightly reduced in volume; the membranes were normal, the gray matter not reduced in thickness to any appreciable extent. The general texture of the cerebral substance was firm.

The Desckiption of the CuREUituM akteii Hahdeninu. a) The Principal Fis^iireit.

The Sylvian fissures conform to the usual arrangement, neither ascending limb penetrating upward more than is ordinarily seen.

The Rolandic sulci of neither side show any unusual variations, though the right reaches a little closer to the interhemispheric fissure than its companion sulcus.

Inter-parietal sulci. — In the right hemisphere the post-central furrow commences in the depths of the Sylvian fissure, and extends to within 3 mm. of the margin of the interhemispheric fissure. It is unbroken by secondary gyri throughout its entire length. The inter-parietal furrow commences 33 mm. above the edge of the Sylvian fissure, and is entirely .separated from the post-central furrow by a tongue of cortical substance extending from the gyri of the superior parietal lobe to the inferior parietal lobe. After running oblicpiely upwards and backwards about 30 mm., the fissure is broken by a broad convolution connecting the upper parietal lobe with the region of the angular gyrus. x\gain commencing behind this gyrus, it immediately throws off a rectangular branch toward the median surface of the brain, the furrow being deeper and longer than is usual, and then following its usual course 30 mm. further, it breaks up into six deep but short radii, and ends, not pene

trating downward into the occipital region after the usual fashion.

The companion sulcus of the opposite hemisphere commences at the margin of the Sylvian fissure, runs obliquely upwards, then horizontally, and descending, penetrates deeply into the occipital lobe. The post-central gyrus of this side offers no anomalies in conformation.

The occipito-parietal sulci of both sides are deep; the left extends 3 mm. further into the lateral surface of the brain than the right, and at its innermost point there is a considerable depression, out of which extend five short branchlets, all having their origin in the fissure. The left fissure extends into the fissure of the hippocampal gyrus, the right runs into the calcariue fissure.

The calcarine fissures and tlie furrow of the corpus callosum follow the usual type.

The formation of the convolutions presents considerable variations from what may be considered the usual development.

b) (■omparison of Ike Conrohitions.

The gyri of the orbital surfaces of the frontal lobes, the convolutions of the island of Keil,the cerebellum and medulla oblongata, present neither asymmetry nor departure from the usual type.

The Frontal Lobes.— Eight Hemisphere.— The superior frontal is very narrow, only 14 mm. in average breadth ; and at its posterior end is almost completely separated from the paracentral lobe by a deep upward extension from the sulcus prtecentralis crossing through the lobe to the median aspect of the hemisphere. At its anterior end it is fused with the substance of the middle frontal gyrus. The surface is furrowed by a few transverse sulci of little depth. The superior frontal sulcus has nothing noteworthy.

Left Hemisphere.— The first frontal of this side is also narrow, averaging 13 mm. The posterior half of the convolution is split into two separate gyri by a horizontal extension forward of a branch of the pra-central sulcus. The upper limb of the convolution joins the convolutions of the prsecentral region, the lower turns obliquely downwards and joins the base of the middle frontal. At its anterior end it is fused with the intricate convolutions of the tip of the lobe. The first frontal sulcus is free from bridging.

Middle Frontal, Left Hemisphere. — This convolution is single, though in its posterior half it is 43 mm. broad, and is conjoined with the anterior central gyrus by a deep-seated pli-de-passage. The gyrus has a large number of short horizontal and transverse sulci of short extent.

Middle Frontal, Kight Hemisphere.— The convolution is much broken by short tertiary fissures, and averages 35 mm. in breadth. At its base a strong bridge is thrown across the pnecentral sulcus, uniting it with the gyrus cent. ant. About midway of its anterior border, a gyrus 6 mm. in breadth crosses the inferior frontal sulcus to the inferior frontal convolution, and divides the sulcus into two unequal portions, the anterior being the longer. The posterior limb of the sulcus turns downward, penetrates completely through the third frontal, and ends far within the fissure of Sylvius.

The Inferior Frontal, Left Side.— This convolution is

December, 1894.]



diminutive in comparison with the extraordinarily thick though short fellow of the op2)osite hemisphere. It averages 11 mm. in breadth, and as already described, is united in its middle portion with the second frontal, and at its anterior extremity with the convolutions of the orbital aspect of the lobe, the inf. frontal sulcus extending far forwards, separating it completelv from the convolutions of the second frontal in this region.

The Inferior Frontal, liight ISide. — This convolution is of rounded oval form, averaging 32 mm. in width by 59 mm. in length. It is completely separated from all other convolutions of the lateral surface of the lobe ; in its posterior portion by the praicentral sulcus, and in all other regions by the inferior frontal sulcus, which winds completely around it and descends to the orbital surface of the lobe. This sulcus is confluent at its posterior end with the prajcentral furrow. The convolution is much more complicated than any other of the lobe, the tertiary gyri being numerous. The opercular regions present a uniform view in both lobes.

The sulci prsecentrales presentthe usual bridging extending from the frontal convolutions to the gyrus pri^centralis.

Right Prajcenti'al Gyrus. — This gyrus averages 11 mm. in breadth, and is sjjlit at its base by a deep tertiary fissure extending from the depths of the Sylvian fissure obliquely upward, finally debouching into the prajcentral furrow, thus separating off a portion of the convolution nearly Vi mm. in length. The superior third of the' gyrus is slightly broader than th,e middle portion, and is cut off from the pai-acentral convolution by a deejj transverse incision.

Left Paracentral Gyrus. — This convolution averages 10 nun. in breadth, and is completely broken in its middle third by an unusually deep transverse incision from the sulcus pra^centralis penetrating into the IJolandic fissure just above tlie mentioned bridge from the middle frontal. This deep incision is the only furrow on (he convolution, the remaining portions being smooth.

Right Postcentral Gyrus. — The convolution only averages 8 mm., otherwise there is nothing to note.

Left Postcentral Gyrus. — This fold is exceedingly uneven and rugged; in some portions it is (i mm. wide, in otiiers it is 15 mm.

Right Parietal Lobe. — Besides the unusual development of the gyri crossing the interparietal fissure, the upper lobe is much broken by small vertical sulci, some communicating with the interparietal sulci, others separate from it. In the upper lobe, the gyri supermarginales, while complicated, are not irregular. The angular gyrus is connected with the upper lobe by the above-mentioned inconstant gyrus, otherwise the usual api)earance of the region is retained.

Left Parietal Lobe. — The upper parietal lobe is divided into four gyri running vertically from tlie margin of the interparietal furrow. 'IMie inferior lobe luis no departure from the customary type.

The occipital convolutions on both sides conform to the ordinary arrangement. The intervening sulci are deep.

Right Temporal Region.— The superior convolutions are doubled in their posterior portions by tertiary sulci, and are correspondingly broad. The inferior convolution is narrow in its anterior half, but broadens out considerably where it is confluent with the third occipital gyrus. The fissures present nothing of importance. Tlie occipito-parietal and hippocampal gyri also have no departure from the usual form.

The left temjjoral region is in conformity with the usual type.

Median Aspect of the Right Hemisphere. — The inner aspect of the superior frontal averages 20 mm., in breadth, and is much broken by shallow transverse fissures. !Ncar the paracentral lobe a number of oblique fissures mingle with the transverse. The sulcus calloso-marginalis follows its customary course. The gyrus fornicatus is smooth, except where it merges into the pnecuneus, and averages 10 mm. in width.

The precuneus, cuneus, and the internal aspect of the occipital convolutions have no departure from the common types. The sulcus hippocampi is unbroken by bridges.

Median AsjDect of the Left Hemisphere. — The internal portion of the superior frontal averages 13 mm. in breadth, and is deeply incised by a tertiary furrow at the point where it joins the paracentral lobule.

Passing toward the corpus callosum we immediately come upon a secondary furrow, which, beginning under the knee of the corpus callosum, extends without break to the middle of the inner aspect of the paracentral lobule, ending within the lobule in a forked branch. Beneath- this fissure is a second convolution exactly paralleling the superior frontal, ha^^ng a breadth of 10 mm. It begins in a thin fold confluent with the superior frontal at a point 10 mm. in front of the optic commissure, and extends from tliis point unbroken by any deep incision into the anterior portion of the paracentral lobule, joining it just in front of the sulcus paracentralis by a tongue 3 mm. wide. Beneath this convolution lies the proper sulcus calloso-marginalis, which begins by an incision reaching nearly to the floor of the brain and immediately in front of the optic commissure, and after following the course of the corpus callosum, giving off on the way the sulcus paracentralis, it ends in the usiuil place behind the sulcus centralis. This configuration of the region gives a very broken lobus paracentralis, of less size than ordinary.

The gyrus fornicatns parallels the corpus callosum. is narrow and smooth, and joins with the i)i-a?cuneus after the usual manner.

There is nothing unusual to note in the configuration of the prtvcuueus, cuneus or lingual lobe, except that they are more broken into minor convolutions than in the corresponding regions of the opposite hemisphere.



[Nos. 44-45.

^:ngio-s^rcom^ ok the ov^^ry.

By Thos. S. Cullen. M. B.

(Reported at the Johns Hopkins Medical Society, Notember 5, 1894.)

L. R, £et. 48. Admitted to the .lohus Hopkins Hospital in the service of Dr. Kelly, July 3, 1894.

Upon entering, the patient complained of enlargement in the lower part of the abdomen, pain in the abdomen and also in the back.

Menstruation commenced at 14 years, has ahvays been regular. She has been married over twenty years, has had two children, the youngest of which is 12 years of age. There is also a history of numerous miscarriages.

Family history unimportant.

History of present illness. — In January the menses became profuse and painful and have continued to be so. During May she first experienced severe grinding pain in the left ovarian region. This has continued and at times radiates down the thighs. Simultaneous with the first appearance of the pain a mass was noticed in the abdomen just above the pubes ; this gradually increased in size.

On physical examination the lower zone of the abdomen is found distended. The superficial veins are congested, and palpation reveals a firm bilobate mass springing from the pelvis. This extends slightly higher on the left than on the right side.

The anterior lip of the cervix is flush with the vaginal wall ; the OS is very patulous, admitting the index finger, and on the left side of the cervical canal a soft mass can be felt. The uterus is enlarged and appears to be continuous with the mass on the left side.

July 7, 1894. Operation by Dr. Kelly. Patient in Trendelenburg position.

An incision 19 cm. long was made in the abdominal wall. On the left side the pelvis was found to be choked by a soft mass ; this was slightly movable, and extending over it was the rectum, which had been displaced toward the right side.

Both the rectum and sigmoid flexure were attached to the tumor by their posterior surfaces. The left ovarian vessels Avere secured and enucleation commenced. In loosening the left side the tumor conmienced to tear, and it was necessary to hurry the operation as much as possible on account of hemorrhage. The uterus was then amputated at the cervix and the cervical stump closed by five silk sutures. Nodules of the growth still remained in Douglas's cul-de-sac, on the left side where the tumor had been separated, and also between the cervical stump and the posterior wall of the bladder.

A large gauze drain was placed in the lower angle of the wound and the abdomen closed by silkworm-gut sutures which included all the abdominal coats. Duration of the operation 51 minutes.

On the following day the drain was removed and about 15 cc. of thick bloody fluid escaped. The discharge gradually assumed the character of pus, and was still present when the patient left the hospital. There was a slight rise of temperature for the first two weeks, 102.5° F. being the highest point reached T'atient discharged .September :i 1.S94.

Pathological report. — That portion of the uterus present is 10x12x9 cm. It is irregularly globular, bright red in color, and covered both anteriorly and posteriorly by a few delicate adhesions. The under cut surface is 5 cm. in diameter. The uterus is firm and non-yielding ; its walls average 2.5 cm. in thickness, and scattered throughout them are numerous homogeneous fatty-like masses, varying from .5 to 1.5 cm. in diameter. One of these presents dark red patches which are apparently small blood-vessels. The posterior part of the fundus is occupied by a submucous nodule 8x7x5 cm. This is somewhat lobulated and resembles raw beef in color. Springing from the lower margin of the nodule and continuous with it is a finger-like mass 6x4x1.5 cm. This projects into the cavity, and its lower teat-like extremity protrudes from thicervix. The uterine cavity is 7 cm. long and approximately 2.5 cm. in diameter. The mucosa on the anterior surface is whitish yellow in color and 1 mm. in thickness.

.Springing from the right side of the cavity is a polyp 1.5 cm. in diameter. The large submucous nodule which projects into the uteriue cavity is not covered by mucosa, but presents a slightly worm-eaten appearance.

The right tube and ovary are of small size and apparently normal.

On the left side of the uterus is a mutilated liiduey-shaped mass 16x10.5 cm., the convexity of which is directed away from the uterus, while the concave portion is adherent over an area 8x9 cm. During operation the tumor was partially divided into three lobulated masses. On separating these still further from one another, they are seen to be composed of fibres which run in parallel rows. These fibres are light red in color and resemble strands of muscle. In the centre of each fibre and running parallel with it is a delicate blood-vessel. Other portions of the tumor are pale, homogeneous and resemble brain tissue, but on further examination are found to be also composed of fibres. There is apparently no breaking down of the tissue. The left tube is 11 cm. long, 5 mm. in diameter. Its outer extremity is adherent to the tumor. The parovarian is intact. No trace of the ovary is to be made out.

Histological examination. — The left ovary is found intimately adherent to the tumor, there being no dividing lintbetween the two. A portion of the ovary is recognized by several large corpora fibrosa and a corpus luteum. The tumor mass is composed of spindle cells cut longitudinally and transversely, these tending to arrange themselves around bloodvessels, which are very numerous.

The vessels have an inner lining of endothelium, surrounding which in some places is a delicate muscular coat, the outer portions of which appear to have undergone hyaline degeneration. Immediately surrounding the muscular coat are 8 to 10 la)'ers of spindle-shaped cells running parallel to the vessel. Such is the condition present where the vascular fibres were seen.





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C <

December, 1894.]



In other portions of the tumor the blood-vessels are not so abundant, and the spindle cells do not maintain any definite arrangement. Many of the spindle cells have large oval nuclei, others show nuclear figures, while some apparently contain 2 to 3 deeply staining nuclei.

Here and there the tumor shows coagulation necrosis, sometimes with, sometimes without nuclear fragmentation, while in other places polyuuclear leucocytes are present.

The Uterus. — The nodules scattei'ed throughout the uterine wall are composed of cells precisely similar to those of the tumor. There is, however, no tendency toward the arrangement around blood-vessels. The large nodule projecting into the uterine cavity is similar in nature and presents numerous necrotic areas. On its free surface very little degeneration can be made out.

Uterine mucosa. — The cervical glands are for the most part normal ; a few, however, ai'e dilated. The change from the cervical to the uterine mucosa is gradual, the latter being exceedingly thin. The surface epithelium is intact. The glands are scanty in number, cylindrical, and have an intact epithelial lining. Those glands in the depth of the mucosa run parallel to the surface. The stroma of uterine mucosa is of moderate density.

The left tube presents some hemorrhage in the muscular coat, and a few calcareous nodules are seen just beneath the peritoneum. Tiie right tube and ovary also contain a few calcareous nodules.

Z)f«^?iOA'js.— Angio-sarcoma of left ovary. Extension into uterus by continuity and also apparently by metastases, the growth in the uterus being a spindle-celled sarcoma. Atrophy of uterine mucosa, calcareous nodules in both tubes and also in right ovary.

Round and spindle-celled sarcomata of the ovary, although not common, occur with a moderate degree of frequency, and we have been able to gather more than 70 cases from the literature.

Angio-sarconia of this organ is, however, rare, and in most instances has been described under the title " Endothelioma."

Macroscopically the ovary may retain its normal contour, but be greatly enlarged ; sometimes it is lobulated and may be either firm or soft. On section it is often found to contain cyst-like cavities. Some of the tumors appear to be composed of fibres with blood-vessels traversing the centre of each fibre. In these cases a diagnosis can immediately be made.

These tumors have two chief sources of origin : 1st, those arising from the blood-vessels (Aniann (4 cases), Ackermann, Bckardt, Marchand) ; 3d, those springing from the lymphatics (Amann, Flaischlen, Leopold, Marchand, Pomorski, V. Rosthorn, v. Velits and Voigt). These two divisions are again subdivided according as the sarcoma arises from the outer sheath of the vessels or from their endothelial lining,

Otir ease was uniloubfedly perithelial in origin, growing from the outer coats of the blood-vessels. As it is sometimes very difficult, and in fact impossil)lo to say whether it arises from the outer or inner sheath of the vessels, we think the two

divisions are sufficient, viz., those arising from the bloodvessels and those springing from the lymphatics.

These tumors have occurred in children 7 years of age, and in women 64 years old. The average of 11 cases was 33 years.

The chief points in our case were the marked adherence of the tumor to the surrounding structures, the typical vascnlar fibres enabling us at once to diagnose it as angio-sarcoma, and the metastases in the uterus.

Dr. Welch. — I have jjut under the microscope a specimen of an angio-sarcoma which is parallel to that of Dr. Cullen's. It is a most typical example of angio-sarcoma. A large tumor had grown in the axillary region, developing from the axillary lymphatic glands. It was operated upon by Dr. Keyes in New York. The operation was of unusual difficulty on account of the severe and almost uncontrollable hemorrhage. After the operation the tumor rapidly returned and there were metastases widely distributed in many organs of the body.

Dr. Cullen described his tumor as looking like a mass of muscle fibres. In my case it looked more like a mass of nerve fibres running parallel to each other, each fibre presenting a small central lumen. The tumor consists of blood-vessels running parallel with each other, and the tumor cells form the covering to the blood-vessels. There is an endothelial wall, then a few strands of circular muscle, then a little hyaline material, and then the tiimor cells proper. The tissue between these strands is made up to a large extent of extravasation of blood, a few cells and a few strands of connective tissue.

Amann : Arcliiv f. Gyn., lS<t4, Bd. XLVI, S. 4S4.

Eckardt : Zeitschr. f. Geb. u. Gyn., 1SS9, XVI, S. 344.

Flaischlen : Zeitschr. f. Geb. u. Gyn., Bd. VII, S. 449.

Leopold : Arehiv f. Gyn., 1873-74, Bd. VI, S. 202.

Marchand : Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Ovarien-Tumoren, Halle, 1879, S. 50.

Pomorski: Endothelioma Ovarii. Zeitschr. f. Geb. n. Gyn., 1890, XVIII, S. 92.

v. Rosthorn: .Archivf. Gyn., 1891, XLI, S. 328.

V. Velits : Zeitschr. f. Geb. u. Gyn., 1890, XVIII, S. 106.

Voigt : Z'lr Kenntniss des Endothelioma Ovarii. Arcliiv f. Gyn., 1894, XLVII, S. 560.

Description of Pl.vte. f natural size.

The specimen is viewed from behind, the uterus being cut open. On the left side a large, somewhat lobulated and torn mass is se«n ; attached to the outer margins of this are a good many adhesions. The lower and inner portion of the tumor is composetl almost exclusively of fibres running parallel to one another. The mass is intimately adherent to theleft side of the uterus.

The uterus is at least three time.'* its normal siie, its walls being twice their usual thickness, while studding the uterine niascle are irregularly lobulated or round nodules. These are of a yellowish waxy appearance and stand out prominently. The uterine cavity is occupied by a large submucous nodule, attached to the lower surface of which is a ragged mivss that projects into the cervix. The lower portion of the uterine cavity and 'a small part of the cervical cjinal are visible.

To the right of the uterus portions of the right tul>e and ovary can be distinguished.



[N08. 44-45.



Meeting of November 5, 1894.

Dr. Kelly in the Chair.