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==Chapter I Introductory==
THAT living creatures reproduce their kind is a fact which is familiar to us all, but it is the peculiar privilege and province of the embryologist to observe and to reflect upon that marvellous series of changes whereby, out of a germ which is comparatively structureless and unformed, a new organism is developed which is, within the limits of variation, like the parents that gave it birth.
Development is the production of specific form. 1<‘rom a particular kind of germ only a particular kind of individual will normally arise, though unusual conditions may lead to the formation of an abnormality or monstrosity. Thus, while the germ is the material basis, development is the mechanism of inheritance. The student of heredity seeks to express in terms which shall be as exact as possible, ultimately mathematically exact, the degree of similarity between the offspring on the one hand, and parents and more remote ancestors on the other. The embryologist has under his very eyes the process by which that similarity is brought about, and even when the resemblance shall have been stated with all possible precision, it will still remain for him to give an explanation of those changes whereby the inheritable peculiarities of the species are handed on from one generation to the next.
Used in the widest sense of the word, development includes not merely the formation of a new individual from a single cell, whether fertilized or not, but also the phenomena of budding and regeneration. In a narrower sense, however, the term is restricted to the first of these processes, and a corresponding distinction is made, however artificially, between Experimental Embryology and Experimental Morphology, when the subject is treated from a physiological point of view.
In development two factors are obviously involved. One is growth, or increase of volume, more correctly increase of mass; the other is differentiation, or increase of structure; and, in multicellular organisms, both these factors are accompanied by division of the nucleus and the cell.
Segmentation is the first sign, or almost the first sign, the developing ovum gives of its activity; and this cutting up of the egg-cell into parts, which marks the beginning, is also continued during the later stages of ontogeny, and goes on as long as the life of the organism endures.
Growth is especially characteristic of the embryonic and of the adolescent organism. It occurs at different rates in the different cells, and indeed the growth of a group of cells is in itself often an act of differentiation. Growth may depend upon the absorption of water or the assimilation of other substances, and this may lead simply to an increase in the size of internal cavities, as in the blastula of lrlc-hinoderms or the Mammalian blastocyst; to an increase in the volume of the living protoplasm ; or to the secretion of intracellular or intercellular substances, either organic (for example, the notochordal vacuoles, the matrix of cartilage and bone) or inorganic (the skeletal spicules of Eehinoderm larvae, Sponges, and Coelenterata). This increase of mass is not only conditioned by the presence of food in the form of substances found in the environment, but depends on such external circumstances as temperature, atmospheric and osmotic pressure, and so forth.
But while the embryo is dividing up its material—a material which is already to a certain extent heterogeneous, composed, for example, of protoplasm and deutoplasm or yolk——while it is increasing its mass, it is also undergoing a process of differentia tion; and, as even a superficial acquaintance with embryology.
will inform us, one of the most characteristic features of differentiation is that it occurs in a series of stages which follow upon one another in regular order and with increasing complexity. When segmentation has been accomplished—sometimes, indeed, during segmentation——certain sets of cells, the germ-layers, become separated from one another. Each germlayer contains the material for the formation of a definite set of  organs——the endoderm of a Vertebrate, for instance, contains the material for the alimentary tract and its derivatives-—gill-slits, lungs, liver, bladder, and the like ; the germ-layers are therefore not ultimate but elementary organs, and elementary organs of the first order. In the next stage these primary organs become subdivided into secondary organs——as the arehenteron of an Eehinoderm becomes portioned into gut and eoelom-sac, or the ectoderm of an Earthworm into epidermis, nervous system, and nephridia——and in subsequent stages these again become successively broken up into organs of the third and fourth orders and so on, until finally the ultimate organs or tissues are formed, each with special histological characters of its own. This end is, however, not necessarily reached by all the tissues at the same time. Indeed, it is no uncommon thing for certain of them to attain their final structure while the others are yet in a rudimentary condition; thus, in some Sponges the scleroblasts begin to secrete spicules in the larval period, nematocysts may be formed in the Planula of the Coelenterates, notochordal tissue is differentiated in the newly hatched tadpole of the Frog; and, speaking generally, larval characters are developed at a very early stage.
To this regular sequence of ontogenetie events Driesch has applied the term ‘rhythm ’, the rhythm of development. The organs of the body are, however, by no means all formed of single tissues~—-bone, epithelium, blood, and the rest——but are compounded, frequently of very many tissues, and this ‘ composition ’, to quote a term of Driesch’s again, is another of the obvious features of organogeny.
VVhile, therefore, in the last resort all diiterentiation is histological, that final result, the assumption by the cells of their definitive form, is only achieved after many changes have taken place in the position of the parts relatively to one another while the organs are being compounded, and so its specific shape conferred upon the whole body.
It is possible to find a few general expressions for the manifold changes that take place in the relative positions of the parts. Several years ago, in 1874, His compared the various layers of the chick embryo to elastic plates and tubes; out of these he suggested that some of the principal organs might be moulded by mere local inequalities of growth——the ventricles of the brain, for instance, the alimentary canal, the heart—-and he further succeeded in imitating the formation of these organs by folding, pinching, and cutting india-rubber tubes and plates in various ways. This analysis, however, deals only with the foldings of flat layers, and must be supplemented by a more exhaustive catalogue of the processes concerned in ontogeny, such as that more recently suggested by Davenport. Davenport resolves the changes in question into the movements of cells or cell aggregates, the latter being linear, superficial, or massive, and within the limits of these categories the phenomena are susceptible of further classification. The catalogue proceeds as follows :——
I. THE Movmtaxrs or SINGLE Cams.
1. Migration of nodal thickenings in a network of protoplasm: e. g. the migration of the ‘ cells ’ to the surface of the Arthropod ovum to form a blastoderm, the movements of vitellophags, and yolk-nuclei (Fig. 1).
FIG. 1. — Sections of the egg of Geophilus ferrrlyiuezls showing two stages in the formation of the blastoderiu: bl, blastoderm; dp, yolk pyramids; gr, groups of blastoderni cells on what will be the dorsal side ; L-, nuclei surrounded by masses of protoplasm. (After Sograff, from Korsehelt and Heider.)
2. Migration of free amoeboid bodies: e. g. the mesenchyme cells in the Eehinoderm gastrula, the lower layer cells of Elasmobranchs, the blastomeres amongst the yolk-cells in Triclads and Salps.
3. Aggregation of isolated cells.
a. Linear aggregates: e. g. the kidney of Lamellibranchs, the yolk-gland of Turbellaria, capillary blood-vessels.
6. Superficial aggregates: e. g. the blastoderm of Arthropods, the formation of the imaginal gut-epithelium in some Insects.
0. Massive aggregates : e. g. the gemmule of Sponges, the spleen of Vertebrates.
4. Attachment of isolated cells to another body: e. g. the union of muscles to the shell in Mollusca and Arthropoda, of tendon to bone in Vertebrates, the application of skeletal cells to the notochord.
5. Investment and penetration by isolated cells: e. g. the follicle cells between the blastomeres in Tnnicata, the muscles of the gut in va.rious animals, the septa of the corpus luteum, the formative cells of the vitreous body of the Vertebrate eye, the immigration of the nephric cells in the Earthworm.
6. '1‘ransportation of bodies by wandering cells: e. g. of the buds in Doliolidae.
7. Absorption by wandering cells: e. g. phagocytosis in Insect pupae a11d in the ta(lpole’s tail.
8. We may place here. the frequent alterations in the shapes of cells, which do not apparently involve growth: e. g. when {lat cells become columnar.
II. Tm»; Movi~:.\mNTs or (J1~:r.r. A(:eu1«;(:A'rEs. A. Linear Aggregates.
1. Growth in length: e. g. the growth of the roots and stems of plants, of the stolons and hydranths of Hydroids, the outgrowth of nerves, of the necks of unicellular glands, the growth of the blood-vessels from the area vaseulosa into the body of the Chick embryo, of blood-vessels towards a. parasite, the growth of mesoblastie and other germ-bands in Annelids, the back-growth of the Vertebrate segmental duct, and the like.
2. Splitting.
a. At the end, that is, branching: e.g'. of nerves, bloodvessels, kidney tubules, glands, tentacles.
3. Throughout the length: e.g. the segmental duct of Elasmobranehs, the truncus arteriosus of Mammalia.
3. Anastomoses: e. g. of the dorsal and ventral roots of the spinal nerves, of nerve plexuses, of capillaries, of bile capillaries, of the excretory tubules of Platyhelmia.
4«. Fusion with other org'a11s: e. g-. of a nerve with its endorgan, of the vasa eiferenti-.1. with inesonephrie tubules, of nephriclia with the coelom in Annelida.
B. Superficial aggregates. i. Increase of area. (1.. Growth of a sphere. 1. Equal in all dire(-tions: e.g. the blastula of ]*l(-hinoderms. 2. Unequal.
oz. Unequal in dilferent axes: e.g-. the conversion of a spherical blastula into an ellipsoid Planula in Coelenterata, or into an ellipsoid Sponge larva, or of the spherical into the ellipsoid blastocyst in l\Ia1mnalia.
,8. Unequal at dilferent poles: e. g. the formation of ovoid forms, such as 1’lannlae, the club-shaped glaild of .122/19/ziamzs, the auditory vesicle of Vertebrata.
6. Growth of a plane surface. 1. Equal in all directions: e.;,;'. the growtli of the blastodcrm over the yolk in Sauropsida, or Cephalopoda.
2. Unequal. a. When parts lying in one plane move out of that
plane: c. g. inva,t,;‘i11ations and evaginations of all descriptions.
(Fig. 2).
B. When parts—e. a row of eells——lying in one plane are moved in that plane: e. g. the germ-bands of C/cpsinc, by the growth of the epiblast (Fig. 3).
ii. Alterations of thickness. 1/. Increase: thickenings: e. g. the formation of the central nervous system in Teleostei, the formation of gonads from the I INTRODUCTORY 7
coelomic epithelium, the development of hair follicles, the trophoblast in the Mammalian placenta (Fig. 4).
Fm. 2.—-Three stages of an invagination or evagination. (After Korschelt and Ileider.)
FIG. 3.——Displacement of a row of cells in an epithelium. (After Kor- qQp§§ag!d9“’gQ‘éDO
schelt and Heider.) PI 4 F t _ tlef t, < .——— ours ages 1n 1 orma 1on
uf an epithelial thickening of many layers. (After Korsehelt and Heicler.)
6. Decrease: thinnings: e. g. in the roof of the thalamencephalon a11d medulla, the outer layer of the lens, the trophoblast of the Mammalian blastocyst. 8 INTRODUCTORY I
iii. Interruptions of continuity. a. By the atrophy of part of a, layer: e. g. when the floor of the archenteron tog-ether with the underlying paraderm dis appears in Amniota. (Fig. 5). X . ° UODCIDDUUDDDUDDU °
3 « <2 vacuum
5 canon» «aaaaaan
Fig. 5.——Three stages in the development of am interruption of von~ tinnity pcrpemliculzmr to the surfztce of am epithelium. (l'erfomtion.) (After Korschelt and Heidcr.)
/1. By the detachment of a part: c. g. of the medullary plate from the eetoderm in Amp//ioxus (Fig-. 6), of the notochord from the roof of the archenteron in Urodela. and I’e/r0myzo7z.
FIG 6. - Scheme of the formation of the medullary canal in Amphi0.rIts. (After Korschclt and Heidcr.) I INTRODUCTORY 9
iv. Conerescence of layers. a. By their margins: e. g. the edges of the eetoderm over the medullary plate, the edges of the embryonic eetoderm inside
Fm. 7.- Fusion of two cell plates by their nmrgins. (After Korschclt and Heider.)
the serosa of Si/nmczzlzts, the embryonic plate with the trophohlast in some Mammals (Figs. 7, 9).
(2. By their surfa.c-es (Figs. 8, 9, 10) : e. g. when the stomodaeum or proctodaenm open into the gut, when the mcdullary
FIG. 8. — Fusion of two cell plates by their surfaces. (Aft-er Korsehelt and Heider.) folds meet, when the edges of the peritoneal groove close to form the canal of the oviduct in Amphihia and Amniota.
This concrescence is commonly followed by a communication of the cavities on opposite sides of the adherent layers, as when the stomodaeum opens into the gut, or the amnion-folds unite ; but not necessarily, as when the somatopleure fuses with the trophoblast, or the allantois with the somatopleure in Mammalia.
v. Splitting of a. layer into two: e. g. the inner wall of the pineal vesicle in Lacertilia (Fig. 11). 10
FIG 11. — Three stages in the development of an interruption of continuity parallel to the surface of an epithelium. (Delanlination) (After K01-schclt and Heider.)
0. Massive aggregates.
i. Changes in volume.
a. Unequal in different axes : c. g. when the spherical larva becomes cylindrical in Dicyemidae.
3. Unequal at diflerent points : e. g. the outgrowth of limbbuds of Vertebrates and other forms, of the buds of plants.
ii. Rearrangement of material.
a. Simple rear1‘angement of cells: e.g. in the formation of the concentric corpuscles of the thymus, in the development of kidney tubules in the metanephric. blastema of Amniotn, in the grouping of the cells to form ectoderm, gut and atrium in the Salps.
b. Development of an internal cavity: e.g. segmentation cavities, lumina of ducts and blood-vessels, of the coelom and many generative organs.
c. Dispersion ol’ the elements of an aggregate: e. g. in gcmmule formation in certain Sponges, in unipolar immigration in some Sponges and some (‘oelcntcrates, in the liberation of the germ—celis.
iii. Division of masses.
a. By constriction : c. g. the segmentation of the mesodcrm and neural crest.
b. By splitting: e. the nervous system from the ectodcrm in Teleostei and many Invertebrates, the notochord from the roof of the {l.1'('l1(3lltCl'011.
iv. Fusion of masses : e. g. of originally separate nerve ganglia (Vertebrates, Arthropods, Annelids), of myotomes, of somites in Artln'opods.
v. Attachment of one mass to another: e. g. of selerotome to notoehord.
It will be seen that this ;'¢7.s-/rzzr/‘"3 17 1C principal kinds of movement executed by the dev 11111:) ‘arts extends Ilis’s principle of the local inequality of growth from flat layers to linear and massive aggregates and at the same time includes the movements of isolated cells. Davenport, however, is not content merely to give a simple classification ol the phenomena; he goes further, and endeavours to express them in terms of responses to stimuli, an idea due in the first instance to Ilerbst. 12 INTRODUCTORY I
Thus he suggests that the migrations of vitellophags and mesenchyme cells, the thickenings, thinnings, and perforations of flat layers, the rearrangements of cells in a massive aggregate, their dispersion, the constriction, and splitting and fusion may be regarded as tactic responses, the growth in various ways of linear aggregates, the eoncrescence of layers and masses as so many tropic responses to stimuli which may be positive or negative and exerted by other organs or by agents in the world outside.
Now it is clear that the analyses both of His and Davenport aim at something more than a mere description of ontogenctic events, for a serious attempt is here made to give a causal, if you will a mechanical, explanation of those events, and the subject thereby raised at once from the level of mere morphology or morphography to a loftier, aetiological point of view.
There are, indeed, two methods by which embryology, like any other branch of zoology, may be investigated. One is purely descriptive, anatomical, morphological. By this method, truly, great results have been achieved. The life—l1i_stories of members of all the most important groups of the animal kingdom have been worked out, and the science of Comparative Embryology has been built up. Nor has an explanation of the process been lacking. For ontogeny is, the fundamental Biogenetic Law assures us, a recapitulation of and therefore explicable in terms of phylogeny; and since on this principle the individual repeats in its development the ancestry of its race, embryology affords a means of tracing out the relationships of the organism and establishing the homologies of its parts.
Unfortunately a more intimate acquaintance with the facts has made it abundantly clear that development is no mere repetition of the aneert ‘é~\(_‘ "e1,tliat the organism has manifold ways of attaining its sin k i" ‘.',(\at those resemblances in early stages which were held to .,.:sm. bthe most triumphant vindication of the Biogenetic Law bear no constant relation to the similarities of adult organization, that the attempt to find in development an absolute criterion of homology is vain.
The facts thus remain unexplained, as in truth it was only to be supposed that they would. A method, however comparative, which relies on mere observation, and is content to wait for Nature's own experiments, cannot hope to arrive at sound inductions, or to establish general laws of causation.
There is, however, another \vay. Development, the production of form, may be regarded as one of the activities, one of the functions of the organism, to be investigated. like any other function by the ordinary physiological method of experiment; and the ideal of the experimental or physiological embryologist is to give a complete causal account, whether the causes are external or internal, of each stage, and so of the whole series of ontogenctie changes, his weapon, to borrow Roux’s splendid phrase, ‘die Geistesanatomie, das analytische eausale Denken.’ 1
This effort is, of course, no modern one. Speculation into the nature and essence of development begins, indeed, with the Greeks, and theories of fertilization and development are to be found in the writings of Aristotle? In fertilization the male element, which, according to Aristotle, provides the formal and efficient causes in providing the necessary perceptive soul, acts upon the mere matter, endowed only with a nutritive soul, which is given by the female, in the same sort of way, to use his own illustration, as rennet coagulates milk. In the germ thus formed the parts of the embryo, which can only be said to pre-exist potentially, arise not simultaneously but in gradual succession, first the heart, then the blood, the veins from the heart and the various organs about the veins by a process of condensation and coagulation, the anterior parts of the body being built up first.
This Aristotelian doctrine appears to have persisted through the Middle Ages ; it reappears in the seventeenth century in the pages of Hieronymus Fabricius ab Aquapendentc and his pupil VVilliam Harvey in essentially the same form, although both authors diifer from Aristotle in certain matters of observational detail. Thus l*‘abricius3 states that ‘ ope generatricis facultatis pulli partes, quae prius non erant, produci atque ita ovum in pulli corpus migrate’, while Harvey“ gives to development as thus conceived of the name of ‘Epigenesin sivc partium superadditionem’, though he believes that in some cases (Insects) the
1 Roux, 1885. __ '2 Aristotle, De Gem, i. 20. 18; ii. 4. 43; 5. 2, 3, 10; 6. DeAM., 11.4. 2, 15 ; 5; 6. 3 Fabricius, 1. c., p. 22. ‘ Harvey, l. c., Ex. 44.
process is one of ‘metamorphosis’ or the simultaneous origin of all parts. In generation properly so called, however——in the development of the Chick, for exa1nple——tl1e process ‘a parte aliqua, tanquam ab origine, incipit; eiusque ope reliqua membra adseiscuntur: atque haec per epigenesin fieri dieimus: sensim nempe, partem post partem’, and this ‘pars prima genitalis’ Harvey held, in opposition to Aristotle, to be the blood.‘
But in spite of the exact observation and brilliant exposition of his followers, the teaching of Aristotle was destined to be overshadowed and eclipsed, tempoiarily at least, by a new l1ypo— thesis which, appearing first towards the end of the seventeenth century, swept the schools and universities, and dominated biolog-ieal speculation for a hundred years.
This was the theory of Evolution or Preformation. According to it the future animal or plant is already present in miniature in the. germ with all its parts complete, invisible or hardly visible it may be, but still there, and not merely ‘ potenti-ft’; and in development there is no such thing as ‘generation’, but only growth, whereby that which was before impalpable and invisible becomes tangible and manifest to our eyes. A further and logical outcome of the hypothesis was the doctrine of ‘emboitemcnt’, enthusiastically described by Bonnet as ‘une (les plus belles vietoires que l’entendement pur ait remporté sur les sens ’.3 The organism present already in the germ, with all its parts complete, possesses of necessity the germs of the next generation, and so on in indefinite though not in infinite regress, for as Bonnet is careful to tell us, ‘ Il ne faut pas supposer un emboitcment in l’infini, ce qui scroit absurde. La divisibilité de la matiére 51 l’infini par laquelle on prétendroit soutenir eet emboitement est une vérité géométrique et une erreur physiqne.’3 Swammerdam solved the difliculty in another way. All the’ germs of the human race must have been present. in the bodies of our first parents, and ‘exhaustis his ovis humani generis finem adesse ’.“
The theory became widely held. First put forward by Marcello
‘ Harvey, l. e., EX. 50.
2 Bonnet, Cont. de la nm‘., 71"“ partie, c. ix ; (1a'uLv'cs, vol. iv, p. 270. 3 Bonnet, Consid. sur les rorps 0131., c. viii; (lfiuvres, vol. iii, 1). 74.
‘ Swammerdam, 1679, pp. 21, 22.
Malpighi in the memoir, ‘De formatione pulli in ovo,’ which he presented to the Royal Society of London in 1673, it was not only adopted by biologists of prestige, by Swammerdam, Haller, who in his early days had been an advocate of Epigenesis, dc Buffon, and Bonnet, but secured the adherence of philosophers of such eminence as Malebranche and Leibniz.
In some cases it was accepted as a result of observation. Thus Malpighi,‘ in the treatise referred to, asserted that he had himself observed the chick in the unineubated egg, ‘ inelusum foetum animadvertebam, cuius caput cum appensae carinae staminibns patenter emergebat,’ while de Buifonz expresses himself even more categorically. ‘ J ’ai ouvert,’ he says, ‘ une grande quantité d’eeufs a difiérens temps, avant et apres Pineubation, et je me suis eonvaincu par mes yeux que le poulet existe en entier dans le milieu de la eicatricule a11 moment qu’il sorte (lu corps de la poule.’ To others, however, it was rather a matter of theoretical necessity. Ilaller explains his conversion from the contrary opinion by asking‘ the very pertinent question, ‘(‘ur vis ea essentialis quae sit unica tam divorsas in animali partes semper eodem loco, semper ad eun(lem arehetypum struit ; si materies inorganica mutabilis et ad omnem figuram rccipiendam apta est ? Cur absque ullo errore ex gallinac mista materie ea vis semper pullum, ex pavo11e pavonem fabricatur? ’
‘Nil nisi vis dilatans et progrediens reeipitur. Ab ea nihil sperarem nisi vasorum rete tamdiu continue amplius futurum quamdiu vis expandens resistentiae superandae par est. Cur loeo eius retis cor, eaput, eerebrum, ren struuntur? Cur in singulo animali suus ordo partium? Ad eas quaestiones nulla. datur responsio,’ a charge which is, of course, perfectly just.“
Bonnet’s argument is different. The heart of the chick, he points out, is already present in the egg‘; and since anatomy teaches that all the parts of an animal ‘doivent avoir toujours coexisté ensemble’, preformation follows as a matter of course.“
The belief in preformation continued paramount till towards the end of the eighteenth ceutur , nor was it till the publication in 1774 of Caspar Friedrich Wolff's T/Ieoria Gczze/'atz'om'.9 that the evolutionists were aroused from their dogmatic slumbers. Putting speculation on one side, Wolff returned to the method of Harvey, Fabricius, and may we not say also of Aristotle, the method of exact observation. He demdnstrated the presence in the unincubated egg not of a complete organism, but of ‘globules’; ‘ partes enim eonstitutivae, ex quibus omnes corporis animalis partes in primis initiis componuntur, sunt globuli," and described the epigenetic formation of the heart and blood-vessels, the central nervous system, the limbs and the ‘ Wolffian’ bodies from these primary elements.
‘ Malpighi, 1. e., p. 4. 2 do Buffon, 1. c., p. 351. 3 Haller, 1778, VIII. i. 29, p. 121. _ ‘ Bonnet, Cont. de la nat., 7""? partie, c. ix; (lc'm‘)‘fls, vol. 1v, 1). 261.
Development thus consists of the gradual production and organization of parts; ‘embryonis partes sensim produci, mea observata suadent,’ 2 and again, ‘ suppeditari prius partem, deinde cam organisari iutelligitur ’.3
The ground was thus taken from beneath the feet of the preformationists, and Epigenesis restored to its former place of honour as the fundamental expression of developmental fact.
Tacitly accepted by all the great embryologists of the nineteenth century—~Pander, von Baer, Reichert, Bischoif, Remak, Kolliker, Kowalewsky, IIaeckel——the epigenetie idea continued to control the progress of research. These were men who set themselves to describe the sequence of changes that the embryo passes through with all possible accuracy, and over as wide a range as might be of animal form. 'l‘hey made Comparative Embryology. On the facts that they discovered new light was shed by the doctrine of descent with m0(lilicati0n, or evolution in the wider sense of the word. Von Baer had pointed out that in any group of animals the embryos were more like one another than were the adult organisms, and this now became easily translated by Haeekel into the idea that the form which is in every g-roup——ultimately in all groups—thc common startingpoint of individual development is representative of the common ancestor of the race. Ontogeny was thus not merely expressed but explained in phylogenetic terms.
Now that, as we have already seen, the proposed explanation has very‘ largely broken down, Epigenesis, taken by itself, remains, not a theory in terms of cause and effect, but a mere description of what occurs, and it is the crying need for such a theory that has given birth to modern experimental embryology.
‘ Wolf, 1. c., Praemonenda, lxviii. 2 Id. ib. lxxiii. 3 Id. ib., De Gen. An., § 240.
The new era opens with the publication by Wilhelm His in 1874, just a hundred years after the appearance of the '1’/eeoria G'e2wratiom's, of a remarkable series of essays entitled Uusere K5f])87f07'7)l marl Jae 1;/1_'/siologisc/10 Problem 2'/zrer Eutste/nm_q. In these essays His, who was already in revolt against the ‘ Biogenctie Law’, not only sought to give a mechanical explanation of differentiation, but also laid down his famous ‘Prinzip der organbildenden Keimbezirke.’ According to this principle of ‘germinal localization’, every spot in the blastoderm corresponds to some future organ : ‘ (las Material zur Anlage ist schon in der ebencn Keimseheibe vorhanden, abcr morphologisch nieht abgcglie(lert, und somit als solchesnicht ohne Weiteres erkennbar.’ 1 Conversely, every organ is represented by some region in the blastoderm, and ‘ wenn wir consequent sein wollen’ in the fertilized, or even unfertilized, egg. In other words, although the parts of the embryo cannot be said to be preformed in the germ, the materials for those parts are already there, prelocalized, arranged roughly, at least, as the parts themselves will be later on. In this material unequal growth produces the form of the parts, and so of the whole body. Whether there is a strict causal connexion between each material rudiment and the organ which arises from it, whet-her these rudiments could be interchanged without prejudice to the normality of subsequent development, is a question which is not touched upon by His. It was reserved for another anatomist, Wilhelm Roux, to raise what in IIis’s hands had been merely a principle to the rank of a theory, the ‘ Mosaiktheoric ’, or theory of self-diiferentiation.
1 His, 1. c., §ii.
For Roux, no doubt, the ‘Mosaik-theoric’ was in part the outcome of the theoretical necessity of explaining the specific nature of development ; but it rests also upon a basis of observation and experiment. The coincidence in a majority of Frogs’ eggs of the first furrow with the sagittal plane, the production of local defects in the embryo by local injuries to the egg, th occurrence of certain natural monsters (Hemit/leria anteriora, for example) in which one half of the body is normally developed, the other entirely suppressed, and the experimental demonstration of the formation of a half-embryo from one of the first two blastomercs of the Frog’ s egg when its fellow had been killed, all led Roux to regard the development of the whole and of each part as essentially a process of self-differentiation, a process, that is to say, of which the causes reside wholly within the fertilized ovum and within each part as it is formed, though allowance was made for the possible formative influence of the parts on one another in later stages. External conditions, though they may be necessary in the same sense as they are generally necessary to the maintena.nce of life, are yet of no importance for diiferentiation regarded as a specific activity of the organism.
In the meantime, an experiment of Pfluger’s had apparently shown that, however obviously each part of the egg-cell might be related to the production of a particular organ, the relation was no necessary one, but that, on the contrary, the parts were all equivalent and the ovum ‘isotropic’. Pfliigcr demonstrated that in a Frog-’s egg which had been prevented from assuming its normal position with the axis vertical, the planes of the segmentation furrows bore no constant relation to the original egg-axis, that is to say to the structure of the egg, though they exhibited the same relation to the vertical as when de— veloping in the normal position. Further, in such forcibly upturned eggs the plane which included the original egg-axis and the present vertical axis became the median plane of the embryo, whose axes were disposed with regard to the vertical as in normal cases. Any part of the egg, therefore, might give rise to any part of the embryo, according to the extent to which and the direction in which the egg-axis had been diverted out of its original vertical position, and hence the egg-substance was ‘isotropic’ ; the planes of segmentation and the embryonic axes being determined by gravity. In fact, Pfliiger went so far as to say that an egg only becomes what it does become because it is always placed under the same external conditions.
Nor was this conception of the isotropy of the ovum invalidated by Born’s proof that in these eggs there is a redistribution of yolk and protoplasm owing to the sinking of the former to the lower, the rising of the latter to the upper side of the egg. For though the egg thus comes to acquire a secondary structure about an axis which is vertical, still the arrangement of the parts of the supposed rudiments of the organs must have been disturbed. Yet from such ova normal tadpoles are developed.
It became necessary, therefore, to locate the self-differentiating substance, the ‘idioplasma’, mainly, at any rate, in the nucleus; and this idioplasma was imagined as composed of dissimilar determinant units, each representative of some part or character of the organism and arranged according to a plan or architecture which corresponds in some way with the architecture in the embryo of the organs represented. All that is necessary, then, and all that happens, at least in the early stages of development, is the gradual sundering of these units from one another by successive qualitative divisions of the nucleus and their distribution to the cytoplasm, where each determines the assumption by the cell to which it is allocated of that character which it represents.
Roux’s ‘Mosaik—theoric’ (Roux, 1903) and Weismann’s very similar but more elaborate hypothesis of the constitution and behaviour of the germ-plasm both frankly involve the belief that every separately inheritable quality of the body has its own representative in the germ, with the difference, however, that this preformation, extended by Weismann to the adult characters, is limited by Roux to those of the embryo. The renewed inquiry into the nature and essence of development has thus simply resulted in the resuscitation of the eighteenth-century doctrine of evolution, though in a far more subtle form. Once again we find ourselves face to face with the old alternative, Preformation or Epigenesis ,- and it is to the desire of solving this problem that a very considerable proportion of modern experimental research is attributable. Though much of this has been directed against and been destructive of the ‘ Mosaik-theorie’, which as far as the nucleus is concerned has now been abandoned by Roux himself} renewed investigation has proved the existence in many cases of definite and necessary organ-forming substances in the cytoplasm, while the necessity for finding a causal explanation of what is obviously in some sense a predetermined process, without presupposing the preformation in the germ of morphological units representing every possible iuheritable character, has issued in Herbst’s and Driesclfs conception of the events of ontogeny as so many responses to stimuli exerted by the developing parts on one another. At the same time the need for inquiry into the external conditions and the part they may play in growth and differentiation has not been forgotten.
Thus though it would be vain to pretend that the ideal of a complete causal explanation has yet been realized, still some material has been gathered for an answer to each of the two main questions: what are the internal, what the external conditions that determine the course of development? These questions we shall discuss in the following pages. It will then only remain to inquire whether a causal explanation—-in the accepted sense of the phrase—a mechanics of ontogeny which resolves the single occurrences first into general physiological laws, and these in the last resort into the generalizations of physics and chemistry, can ever afford a theory which may be said to be complete either from a scientific or from a philosophical point of view. Should the mechanical explanation prove to be scientifically insufficient, it may be necessary, with Driesch and the neo-vitalists, to invoke a consciousness of the end to be realized to guide and govern the merely material elements; but even were this not so it would still be incumbent upon us to consider whether the end itself—not the consciousness of it—is not the final, and yet none the less the principal determining cause of the whole process.
ARISTOTLE. Dc gcneratione animalium, ed. Bekkcr, Oxford, 1837. De partibus animaliuin, ed. Bekker, Oxford, 1837. De anima, ed. Trendelenburg, Berlin, 1877.
C. BONNET. (Euvres, Neuchatel, 1781. Contemplation do In. nature, vii“‘° partie; Considerations sur les corps organises; Mémoire sur les gerlnes; Palingénésie philosophique.
G. BORN. Ueber den Einfluss der Schwere ant‘ das Froschei, Arch. mi/rr. Anaf. xxiv, 1885. I INTRODUCTORY 2 1
L. DE I1UFI~‘()N. Histoirc nuturelle, génc’-mle et. pzl1'ti('111ii:1‘e, vol. ii, 1’zu'is, 1749.
C. B. DAV!-:N1*oR'1‘. Studies‘ in morphogenesis: iv. A prelimimtry catalogue of the processes concerned in ontogeny, Bull. 1Iarmr«l Mus. xxvii, 1896.
H. DRIESOII. Anzrlytische Theorie der orgzmischen Entwicklung, Leipzig, 1894.
IL FABRICIUS AB AQUAPENDENTE. De formatione ovi et pulli. Opera. omnia, Lipsiae, 1687.
A. HALLER. Hernmnni Boerhanve pmelectiones ncndemicae: edidit at notas addidit Albertus Haller, v, Gottingne, 1744. Prinme lineae physiologiae, Gottingae, 1747. Elementa. physiologiae corporis humani, Lausannae, 1778.
W. HARVEY. Exercitationes dc genemtione :mima.1ium, London, 1651.
C. Ilmmsr. Ueber die Bedeutung dcr Reizphysiologie fiir die emisale A11f'f'zLss11ng' V011 Vorga"mgeu in der thierisclien Ontogenese, Biol. (‘mil-albl. xiv, xv, 1894, 1895.
\V. HIS. Unsere Korperforin nnd das physiologisclle Problem ihrer Entstehung, Leipzig, 1874.
G. W. LEIBNIZ. (Euvres philosophiques, ed. by 1’. Janet, Paris, 1900. Systeine nouvenu de 1:1. natlire, 1695. Principes de ]:1. nature at de 1:1. gr-free, 1714. Essnis do Théodicée. Préfmze, 1710.
N. MALEBRANCHE. Recherche dc la. vérité, Si1non’s edition, Paris, 1846.
M. MALPIGIII. De formatione pulli in ovo, London, 1673.
E. PFLUGER. Ueber den Einfluss der Schwerkmft uuf die Theilung der Zellen und auf die Entwieklung dos Embryo, Pflc7,«/m".s- An-h. xxxi, xxxii, 1883.
W. ROUX. Ein1eit.11n;;' zu den ‘ Bcitrfigen zur Entwicklungsmechunik des Embryo ’, Zeitsc-hr. Biol. xxi, 1885 ; also Ge.»-. Abh. 13, Leipzig, 1895.
W. Roux. Ueber die kiinstliehe Hervorbringung ‘ha.1ber’ Embryonen, V4'rrIum‘s Arch., 1888 ; also Gas-. Abh. 22.
W. Roux. Ueber Mosuikarbeit mid neuere Entwieklungslnypothesen, Anat. Ilrjffe, 1893 ; also G'(‘.s'. Abh. 27.
VV. Roux. Einleitung, Am-I1. Eut. Jllwclz. i, 1895.
VV. ROUX. Fiir unser 1’rogramn1 und seine Verwirkliehung, Arrlz. Ent. Mech. v, 1897.
VV. RUUX. Ueber die Ursuchen der Bestimmun,g' der H:lll])1.l'iC]|tnngen des Elnbryo im Frosclici, Anat. Anz. xxiii, 1903.
\V. ROUX. Vortri'Lgc und Aufsdtzc fiber Entwvicklungsliieelmnik (ler O1'ga.nismen, Leipzig, 1905.
J. SWAMMERDAM. Mimculum na.tura.c sive uteri muliebris fabrica, Lugdunulu Buta.vorun1, 1679. Histoire génémle des Insectes, Utrecht, 1682.
C. F. WOLFF. 'I‘heo1-in generationis, Hnlle a. d. Szmle, 1774.

==Appendix A==
==Appendix A==

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Jenkinson JW. Experimental Embryology. (1909) Claredon Press, Oxford.

Jenkinson (1909): 1 Introductory | 2 Cell-Division and Growth | 3 External Factors | 4 Internal Factors | 5 Driesch’s Theories - General Conclusions | 6 Appendices
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Experimental Embryology

Experimental Embryoijogy


J. W. Jenkinson. M.A.. D.Sc.

Lecturer in Embryology in the University of Oxford



For the biologist there are, I conceive, in the main two problems. One is to give an account of those activities or functions by means of which an organism maintains its specific form in an environment. The other is to find the causes which determine the production of that form, whether in the race or in the individual. The solution of the first of these problems is the business of physiology, in the usual sense of the term. The second falls to morphology.

It is with the origin of form that we are here concerned, and in particular with its origin in the individual. The endeavour to discover by experiment the causes of this process — as distinct from the mere description of the process - is a comparatively new branch of biological science, for Experimental Embryology, or, as some prefer to call it, the Mechanics of Development (Entwicklungsmechanik), or the Physiology of Development, really dates from Roux's production of a half-embryo from a. half-blaatomere, and the consequent formulation of the ‘ Mosaik-Theorie’ of self-differentiation. That hypothesis has been the focus of much fruitful criticism and controversy, the experiment has been followed by many others of the same kind, and the present volume is an attempt to sketch the progress of these researches and speculations on the nature and essence of differentiation, as well as of those which deal with growth, cell-division, and the external conditions of development.

In writing this review I have had the very great advantage of an excellent model in the textbook of Korsehelt and Heider (Lehrbuch cler fucrgleichemleat Entwio/cluugsgeschiclzte (Zer 1ve'rbelZo.~e'n T/u'c7'e, Allgemeiner Theil, Jena, 1902). I have indeed followed the general arrangement adopted by these authors fairly closely except in one respect. I believe so strongly that the processes of growth and cell-division, though they always (in the Metazoa) accompany, are yet distinct from, differentiation, that I have felt justified in treating them in a chapter apart from the other internal factors of development. The external factors—whether of growth, celhdivision, or differentiation - are discussed in Chapter III, and the ground is thus cleared for a consideration of the real problem — the differentiation of specific form.

The last chapter is devoted to the theories, scientific and philosophical, of Hans Driesch. I sincerely hope that Herr Driesch will allow my great admiration for the former to atone in some measure for my inability to accept the tenets of nee-vitalism.

It is a very great pleasure to me to acknowledge my indebtedness to the Delegates and Secretaries of the Clarendon Press, and in particular to Professor Osler, for undertaking the publication of this book, as well as for the pains which have been expended in its preparation. Dr. Osler also took the trouble to read through the whole of the manuscript, and Mr. G. V. Smith and Dr. Haldane have been kind enough to look through certain chapters.

To Dr. Ramsden I am under great obligations for his assistance in that part of Chapter II, Section 1, in which surface-tensions are discussed; to Dr. Vernon for calling my attention to Roberts’s work on Anthropometry, and to Mr. Grosvenor for the information embodied in the foot-note on p. 89. Mr. A. D. Lindsay has given me invaluable assistance in those sections of Chapter V which deal with the philosophy of Kant, while, for Aristotle, I was fortunately able to attend Professor Bywater’s lectures on the De Anima.

I can hardly express the debt I owe to Mr. J. A. Smith for much friendly counsel and criticism, although he is, of course, in no way responsible for the philosophical speculations in which I have ventured to indulge.

The illustrations are largely borrowed from Korschelt and Heider’s work, and I must thank Herr Gustav Fischer, of Jena, for his readiness in supplying the blocks. Others are from the original publications‘, and I am obliged to the proprietors for permission to make use of them. A few are my own.

In the appendices will he found an account of some recent work on the relation between the symmetry of the egg and that of the embryo in the Frog, and on the part played by the nucleus in ditt'c1-entiation.

Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, the Journal of Experimental Zoology (Williams 8; Wilkins, Baltimore), the Anm'ir(rn Journal of I‘hysz'ulo_'/_I/ (Ginn & C0., Boston), ZeIIrn~Sfu(Iim (Fischer, Jena), l’erhamIlmI_r/en 410;" A/mlumis-1-hm G(‘.s'¢'”N(‘7I((fl (Fischer, Jena), Er;/cbnisse fiber din Ii'on.m'tzm'ou dcr cIu'onmta'scIzm Kernsubslmz: (Fischer, Jena), .[r¢-kin fiir mik)'osk0])i.s¢*7¢1: .»lm¢tomi(' (Cohen, Bonn), Archizv ff/"r Entwiclcluuysnwvlzanik (Engelinunn, Leipzig), and the Popular Science .llontM3/ (Appleton & Co., New York).


Chapter I Introductory

Chapter II Cell-Division And Growth

1. Ce1l-division 2. Growth

Chapter III External Factors

1. Urrnvitation

2. Mechanical agitation

Electricity and magnetism



Atmospheric pressure. The respiration of the embryo.

Osmotic pressure. The role of water in growth

The chemical composition of the medium


Chapter IV Internal Factors

(1) The initial structure of the germ as a cause of differentiation.

1. The modern form of the prefurmationist doctrine 2. Amphibia 3. Pisces 4. Amphioxus 5. Coe-lenterata 6. Ecliinodcrmata 7. Nemertinen . . . . . . . . 204 8. (.‘tenopho1':i . . . . . . . . 208 9. Chaetopoda and Mollusca . . . . . . 213 10. Ascidia . . . . . . . . . 229 11. General consiileratious and conclusions . . . 240 12. The part. played by the spernmtozoon in the determination of egg-.<ztructm'e . . . . . 247 13. The part played by the nucleus in ilifl'e1'enti;iti0n . . 251 (2) The actions of the parts of the developing oiganism on one another 271

Chapter V Driesch’s Theories Of Development - General Reflections And Conclusions


APPENDIX A On the .’~y)1)l)lL'l2l'y of the egg, the symmetly of scglnentation, and the symmetry of the embryo in the Frog


On the part played by the nucleus in (lifferenti:L’tion

I.\'m<;x or AUTl{0I{



Appendix A


IN the measurements, referred to above (pp. 165-8), of the angles between the plane of symmetry of the egg (as determined by the position of the grey crescent), the first furrow and the sagittal plane of the embryo, it was found (1) that there was a certain tendency for the first furrow and the sagittal plane to coincide, since in a. large number of cases small angles preponderated over large ones, the standard deviation of this angle from the mean (which was practically = 0°) being a- = 40-39° i-65 ; (2) that there was a much greater tendency for the plane of symmetry and the sagittal plane to coincide, the standard deviation of the angle between these two planes being o'=29-75° _-J; -63 ; (3) that the first furrow tended either to coincide with or to lie at right angles to the plane of symmetry, the standard deviation about 0° being 18-70° i -60, that about 90° being 23-29° j-_ -86, the value of 0' for all the observations being 47-90° 1- 1-19. The correlation between the first furrow and the sagittal plane was found to be p=-138i -031, that between the plane of symmetry

and the sagittal plane p=-372i -025, that between the plane of symmetry and the first furrow p=-O87 i -032.

These results may be tabulated as follows : rr :0 40-39° + -65. -138 i -031.

tal Plane.

Plane of Symmetry and Sagittal Plane. l 2975 -t '63’

Plane of Symmetry and First Furrow.

First Furrow and Sagit- }

.372 i .025.

} 47.9oi1.19. .os7¢_.o32.

Full details of these results will be found in a paper in Biometrika V. 1906.

For the purpose of making these measurements the eggs were placed in rows parallel to the [mat]; of glass slides, and the angles measured between the various planes and lines ruled across the slide. Such eggs compress one another by their jelly coats; further, the eggs taken ‘from the uterus were placed haphazard on the slides with the axis making any direction with the vertical. The egg takes about half-an-hour to turn into its normal position with the axis vertical, and during this interval gravity may possibly act upon the yolk and protoplasm, of different specific gravities, and impress a plane of bilateral gravitation symmetry upon the egg, as occurs when the egg is permanently inverted (see above, pp. 82-87). This obliquity of the axis may possibly afiect the relations between the planes, and the mutual compression may also be a disturbing factor, since it is known that in compressed eggs the nuclear spindle is perpendicular to the direction of the pressure (pp. 34-36).

These angles have therefore now been measured under four different conditions:

(a) The eggs are close to one another in the rows and the axis is horizontal.‘ (Since the rows are parallel to the length of the slide the pressure, if any, must be in the same direction, while the surfaces of compression or contact are across the slide. The eggs were always so placed that the vegetative poles faced in one direction and the planes of ‘ gravitation symmetry ’ were at right angles to the length of the slide. This holds good of all the following experiments.)

(/3) The eggs close, but the. axis vertical with the white pole below. In these there can be no gravitation plane of symmetry.

(y) The eggs spaced, but the axis horizontal. In these the jellies do not touch.

(6) The eggs spaced and the axis vertical. In these, therefore, both the supposedly disturbing factors are removed. The results are given in the following table :—


First Furrow and Plane of Symmetry Plane of Symmetry Sagittal Plane. and Sagittal Plane. and First Furrow.

(.7) .7 = 38-42 g._ -70. .7 = 31-86: -56. .7 = 41-591-_-84. ,7 = -201;-028. ,7 = -263;:-_-027. ,7 -= -118;-029. (.9) .7 = 33-443-_-56. .7 = 30-17:51. .7 = 39-7l_-1;-61. ,7 = 3523-021. .7 = .27si.o22. ,7 = .o23¢.o24. (-,) .7 —_- 33-49;:-_-96. .7 = 27-53¢-84. .7 = 36-60: 1-108. ,. = .292:-039. —_— -399:-036. p = .075:-043. (a) .7 = 31.45133. .7 —_— 26-80¢-82. .7 = 34-46:1-065. ,7 —_- -364:-033. ,7 = -451 1.035. ,7 -_- -186;-043.

It is evident from this that gravity and ‘ mutual compression ’ (as I will for the moment term it, though it is doubtful whether the pressure has anything at all to do with the result) do affect the

magnitude of the angles between these three planes, for in each case the standard deviation falls, while the correlation coeflicient rises, when they are both removed. It will be observed that, while gravitation (y) has less eflect than compression (3) upon the angles B and C, the reverse is the case with the angle A. We may be able to find a reason for this later on.

There is one point worth noticing. It is quite clear that gravity is not indispensable for the development of a grey crescent and plane of symmetry, though it is true that the position of this plane may be aifected by gravity even in the short interval that elapses before the egg turns over.

The values for the compressed eggs with horizontal axes (or) compare fairly well with those previously obtained, except in the case of the plane of symmetry and the first furrow. In the former series the latter tended either to coincide with or to lie at right angles to the former. In the present series this is not the case. This diflerence is probably to be attributed to the fact that many of the eggs in the first series must have been placed on the slide with the white pole upwards: possibly also the ‘ compression ’ was greater then than now.

It is fortunate that the same data enable us to study exactly the relation between the first furrow and the plane of symmetry on the one hand, and the direction of ‘compression’ and of the gravitation symmetry plane on the other. It must be remembered that these two are at right angles to one another.

Consider first the first furrow.

(a) When the eggs are close but the axis horizontal the first furrow tends to lie at right angles to the slide, that is, in the direction of compression, but at right angles to the gravitation symmetry plane. (a-=38-16 i -69.)

(fl) When the eggs are close but the axis vertical this tendency is not quite so marked. (a'=46-67 i -7' 1.)

(y) When the eggs are spaced and the axis horizontal it is still there, but slight. (o-=49-32 ;l-_ 1-40.)

(6) When the eggs are spaced and the axis vertical the direction of the first furrow is random. (zr=52-76¢ 1-17.)

VVe may conclude, therefore, that the first furrow tends to lie in the direction of the ‘ compression’ and at right angles to the plane of gravitation symmetry. The latter tendency, we know, exists in forcibly inverted eggs, together with a tendency to lie in the plane of symmetry and at 45° to it (above, p. 84). Pressure experiments alo show that division is in the direction of pressure (p. 34 sqq.).

The direction taken up by the plane of symmetry under these different circumstances is-quite distinct from that of the first furrow. It appears to be determined in the first instance by gravitation, as it usually lies in the gravitation symmetry plane. It is not, however, only so determined, for if the eggs (compressed and with axi horizontal) be allowed to develop in the light the plane of symmetry lies either in the gravitation symmetry plane, or in the direction of the incident light (parallel to the length of the slide in the experiment , while in the dark it lies only across the slide. That this secon effect is due to the light and not to the pressure is shown by the fact that it occurs when the eggs are spaced, and that it may be made to vary in position by varying the position of the slide with regard to the light. Light, therefore (ordinary daylight), as well as gravity, can help to determine the -position of the plane of symmetry, and when the latter is excluded it appears that this plane is placed either in or at right angles to the source of light.

Light appears to exert no effect u on the first furrow.

It is now intelligible why, when 1 these factors are operative, the relation between the first furrow and the planes of symmetry of egg and embryo should be disturbed, since, in the conditions of the experiment, those factors which determine the position of the former are at right angles to those on which the direction of the latter depends.

It still remains for us to inquire into the internal causes of the direction of these planes in the egg. Roux, as has been pointed out, has asserted that the grey crescent appears on the opposite side of the egg to that on which the spermatozoon has entered (pp. 80, 165), and further that the point of entry of the sperm also determines the meridian of the first furrow, since this either includes the sperm-path, or is parallel to it, or, when it is crooked, includes or is parallel to the inner portion or ‘ copulation ’ path, which is taken to represent the line of approximation of the two pronuclei; the outer part being simply the ‘ penetration’ path. Roux also arbitrarily selected a fertilization meridian (meridian of the sperm-entry), and showed that this became the ventral side (opposite the grey crescent) later on, as well as the ineridian of the first furrow (p. 248).

I have been able to accurately investigate—by means of sections-—the relation between the fertilization meridian, first furrow, and sperm-path in a number of eggs in which the direction of the symmetry plane had been previously determined, and the results of the measurements of these angles are given here. The eggs fall into two series, those which were compressed and had their axes horizontal (a), and those which were spaced and had their axes vertical, the white pole being below (6). In (a) the gravitation symmetry plane and the direction of compression were at right angles to one another, as before.

8 a Meridian of sperm entry a- = 21-02° 1-_ 1-63. o- = 31-04°: 1-34. and first furrow. p = -435 3 -074. 9 =-613 i -038.

Meridian of sperm entry 0' = 25-67° i 1-35. 0 = 41-01° 3-_ 1-78. and symmetry plane. p = -302 i -083. / P = -006 1 -061.

SP§;§§f:;l3(g;§‘}ff1,§§;“ } . .. .—. 17.94° : 1.15. o‘ = 21.47° 1 -93.

From this it is clear that there is a very close relation indeed between the point of entry of the spermatozoon and the direction of the first furrow, especially when the disturbing efiects of pressure and gravity are removed. There is, however, little relation between the sperm meridian and the plane of symmetry even under the most favourable circumstances, and when the conditiofis are not favourable the correlation is negligible. There is however (in the 6 series) a considerable correlation (p = -479 i '070) between the sperm-pat/l and the plane of symmetry. It should be remembered, however, that all these eggs were exposed to the light. From what we know of the eifect of this agent upon the direction of the symmetry plane, it would not perhaps be too hold a hazard to surmise that in darkness there would be a correlation between the sperm entrance and the plane of symmetr .

Eiien after the removal of this disturbance there remain factors which interfere with the completeness of the correlation between these planes; these must probably be looked for in the incomplete radial symmetry of certain eggs—due possibly to pressure in the uterus—and to the slight squeezings and distortions the eggs may be subjected to when they are being taken from the Frog.

It will be seen that the relation between the sperm-path and first furrow is closer than that between the latter and the sperm entrance. This is because though the furrow may be placed to one side of the entrance point, it may still be parallel to the path , or, if not to the ‘penetration ’ path then to the inner or ‘copulation ’ path, as observed by Roux. This ‘ copulation’ path is usually observed when the penetration path is turned away from the first furrow, that i, when it has not been directed towards the egg-axis.

The same data give the position of the point or of entrance with regard to the direction of ‘pressure ’ and ‘gravitation symmetry’. In the (a) series the sperm tends to enter in the direction of ‘pressure’, that is, on that side of the egg on which it is in contact with its neighbours. Hardly a single spermatozoon enters on that side of the egg on which the white pole had been turned up, and very few on the opposite side.

It is scarcely possible to suppose that either the compression of the egg or the gravitation plane brings the spermatozoa round to the side of compression, but it may be imagined that either by capillarity or by some chemotactic stimulus the spermatozoa are especially attracted to the point where the rapidly swelling coats of adjacent eggs come into contact, and that therefore fertilization is principally effected upon this side. This explains why the first furrow lies so often in this direction. The pressure may of course afiect the position of the planes in the egg later on.

When the eggs are spaced the sperm enters on any side at random. The deviation of the sperm entrance from the egg-axis (the angle between sperm-entrance radius and egg-axis) varies in the two series of observations. When the eggs are spaced and the axes vertical, the sperm enters mainly near the equator, never near the animal pole; when the eggs are compressed and the axis horizontal, usually at about 45° from the axis, though it may enter near the pole or near the equator. This difierence obviously depends on the diiference in the initial position of the eggs on the slide. The deviation has apparently very little effect on any of the planes we have been considering.

Finally, let us try and gain some conception of the mechanism by which the direction of the furrow depends on the point of sperm entry. It is apparently quite simple, for the sperm-path is directed usually towards the axis, the sperm nucleus travels along that path to meet the female nucleus, which is also in the axis, the centrosome of the sperm divides at right angles to that path, the fertilization spindle is developed between the diverging centrosomes and cell-division takes place in the equator of the spindle ; the first furrow includes therefore the sperm-path. Should, however, the ‘penetration ’ path not be exactly radial, for whatever reason, the sperm nucleus turns aside to meet the female pronucleus, there is a ‘ copulation’, as distinct from a ‘ penetration’ path, the centrosome divides at right angles to the former, and this, then, is included in or parallel to the plane of the furrow. In those cases in which the sperm-path is parallel to the furrow it is always quite close to it, and we may suppose perhaps that the first division "has not been quite equal. (The division of the centrosomes has not, I believe, been observed in the Frog, and the foregoing description has been taken from the Axolotl. In this genus the definitive centrosome is formed from the sperm nucleus, when the latter has already penetrated some little way into the egg.) .

The causes of the formation of the grey crescent which marks the symmetry plane are not so clear.

Roux describes it as being due to the immigration of superficial pigment. Now we have strong reason for believing that both the entrance-funnel——produced when the spermatozoon first touches the egg-—and the sperm-sphere are local aggregations of watery substance. The accumulation of what appears to be a more watery substance about the middle piece which has been observed in the Axolotl,appears also to occur in the Frog: at least the same formation of large clear vacuoles in the sperm-sphere may be seen in the latter as in the former. Should this be actually so, we may suppose that the streaming movement centred in the entrance-funnel and sperm-sphere is responsible for drawing away the pigment from a certain region of the surface; hence the grey crescent. The sperm-sphere is on the inner side of the sperm nucleus: hence the grey crescent would appear on that side of the egg which is opposite to the entrance of the spermatozoon, should no disturbance of the streaming movement have taken place, and, since the sperm-path is radial, would be symmetrically disposed with regard to it. In this case, fertilization meridian, sperm-path, grey crescent and plane of symmetry, first furrow, and, later on, sagittal plane, would all coincide. There is, as we have seen, a very fair correlation between the sperm-entrance and the first furrow, and again between the sperm-path and the grey crescent. But should some other streaming movement of the cytoplasm be set up by the gravitation of the heavy yolk particles, or by pressure, or by light, then the relation between the two processes, the division of the centrosome which determines the direction of the first furrow, on the one hand, and on the other, the streaming movement towards the sperm-sphere which determines the position of the grey crescent, would be disturbed, and while the entrance point of the sperm might still continue to determine, though not so completely, the position of the furrow, it might come to be without relation to the symmetry of the egg and of the embryo; and this is what is actually observed.

Though it is diflicult to assign the exact cause of each and every deviation from the rule, this much is certain, that however they may coincide in ‘typical’ development (I use R0ux’s expression), the factors which determine cell-division, and those which determine differentiation, may be influenced by different external causes in widely diifering ways, and are therefore presumably distinct. Nor does this artificial separation of the two processes in any wise prejudice the complete normality of the

development of the embryo".

Lillie has shown (Jozmz. Esp. Z002. iii. 1906) that in the egg of C’/Iaetopterus there are granules of difierent kinds which pass, in segmentation, into definite cells. By means of the centrifuge some of these--the endoplasmic—-may be driven to one side of the egg, but in whatever position these organ-forming granules may be thus artificially placed, the cleavage has the same relation to the egg axis (as determined by the polar bodies) as in the normal egg. The factors of cell-division are thus separable from those of differentiation.

To the cases quoted in the summary on pp. 245, 246 might be added the various instances in which an egg may be made, by heat or pressure or shaking, or in artificial parthenogenesis, to segment abnormally and yet give rise to a normal larva.

Appendix B


(i) BOVERI has more recently (Zellen-Studim, vi, Jena, 1907) published a very elaborate account of the irregularities produced by dispermy in Echinoid eggs, in which are brought forward

still more facts in proof of the qualitative difference of the chromosomes.

As has been stated above, p. 263, dispermy is induced by the simple expedient of adding a large quantity of sperm to the eggs. The following types of dispermy are distinguished.

A. Tetracentric, i. e. each sperm centre divides. (i) 'I‘etraster, with four spindles.

(ii) Double spindle, i. e. the female and one male pronucleus lie in one spindle, the other male lies aside in its spindle.

B. Tricentric, one sperm centre remaining undivided. (i) Triaster, a tripolar figure with three spindles.

(ii) Monaster-amphiaster, the undivided sperm centre remaining apart with one sperm nucleus.

C. Dicentric, neither sperm centre dividing. (i) Amphiaster, a spindle is formed between the two centres.

(ii) Double monaster: the centres remain apart, one with one male, the other with the other male and the female pronucleus.

The segmentation of these eggs is as follows.

The tetraster divides simultaneously into four, which may either lie in one plane if the divisions are meridional, or be tetrahedrally arranged. In the first case another meridional division ensues, followed by an equatorial, then ‘eight micromeres are formed, eight macromeres, and sixteen mesomeres. In the latter case not more than three cells can share in the micromere region and only four or six of these are produced. The triaster eggs, having divided simultaneously into three (meridionally), subsequently show six micromeres, six macromeres, and twelve mesomeres.

The segmentation of the double spindle eggs is interesting and important. Usually the egg divides across the two spindles 312 APPENDIX B

into two binucleate cells, but it may divide at once into four, or into three, one of which is binucleate. The interest lies in the binucleate cells, for they continue to produce uni-nucleate and binucleate cells until the latter divide simultaneously into four, and this simultaneous division may sometimes involve an irregular distribution of the chromosomes, with fatal consequences to the cell. Bovcri had already produced evidence of the evil effects of an irregular distribution of the 3 n x 2 chromosomes present in triasters and tetrasters. A more detailed account is now given.

Of the tripartite (triaster) ova about 8 % on an average produced Plutei. In these larvae three regions may be distinguished in the egg by the size of the nuclei (proportional to the number of chromosomes) and the boundaries between them may be shown to correspond to the divisions between the three blastomeres. The form is asymmetrical in skeleton and pigment, but Bovcri shows that both sides are normal, as though the larva had been compounded of two types such as occur, as individual variations, in any culture. It is suggested therefore that the slight differences in the two sides are due to difierences in the two sperms.

Some of the larvae have partial defects in skeleton or pigment, or the skeleton may be much reduced on one side, or one-third of the cells may be pathological, i. e. disintegrate in the segmentation cavity, while the remaining two-thirds are sound and sometimes symmetrical. In this case it is supposed that the degenerate cells had separated from the others at an early stage, and that the remainder had had time to recuperate. In others two-thirds are degenerate, one-third normal, or all three degenerate. When the three blastomeres are isolated and allowed to develop independently, segmentation is partial, with two micromeres, two macromeres, and four mesomeres, and often all three develop normally up to the blastula stage. After that only one or two, rarely all three, become Plutei, the rest giving rise to stereoblastulae or stereogastrulae, full of degenerating cells.

The isolated quarters of tetrasters also segment partially and normally, but few give rise to Plutei. The whole simultaneously quadripartite eggs only rarely give rise to what may be called a Pluteus (2 cases in 1500) ; but very degenerate larvae are found, with masses of disintegrating cells inside, which are assigned to one of the four blastomeres. Stereogastrulae-—with nuclei of all the same size--are frequent.

As has been alread mentioned, Bovcri points out that the probability of each cell’ of a triaster receiving a complete set of the 71. chromosomes of the species when there are 3 n x_2 to be distributed must be greater than‘ that of each cell of tetraster obtaining a full complement, and the probability for one isolated cell must be greater than that for the whole egg. What the mathematical values of these probabilities are Boveri does not know, though he makes an attempt to reckon them—not theoretically, but by means of a mechanical apparatus; the attempt is not quite successful. The fact, however, remains that eight per cent. of the triasters produce normal Plutei, only -06 per cent. of the tetrasters. This does not depend on the cells receiving too much or too little chromatin (see p. 265), nor again on the fact that the ratio between size of nucleus and size of cytoplasm (see pp. 268, 269) can only be satisfied by certain definite numbers of chromosomes, and the only explanation remaining is that for normal development of each and every part the nucleus of each cell must contain a complete set of the specific chrosomomes ; from which it follows that the chromosomes are qualitatively unlike.

A word may be said about the double-spindled eggs (Type A. i). The larvae from these sometimes show abnormal regions, and this is attributed to one or more of the binucleate cells having divided with a tetraster and irregular distribution of chromosomes. Of all such eggs 50 % gave rise to normal Plutei.

The degenerative changes undergone by the nuclei of these larvae are of several types, to be associated again with differences in the combinations of chromosomes.

(ii) Boveri’s experimental proof of the qualitative difference of the chromosomes does not of course of itself involve a belief in the individuality of these bodies, for if the chromatin is concerned in inheritance, it is necessary to suppose that the number of qualitatively distinct bodies is far greater than the number of chromosomes, and these bodies may be differently grouped during each successive resting stage.

The hypothesis of the individuality of the chromosomes, i.e. of a constancy in the manner of grouping of these particles, rests in the first instance on such facts as those observed by Sutton in B2-ac/:3/stola, where in the spermatogonia the chromosomes are of dilferent sizes, which may however be arranged in pairs, together with an odd one or accessory chromosome. 1 In the resting stage the accessory chromosome remains apart in a separate vesicle, while the large chromosomes lie in separate pockets of the nuclear membrane, the small ones, each as a separate reticulum, in the main body of the nucleus. In the spermatocyte a number of bivalent spiremes appear, which show the same dilferences of sizes a the pairs of chromosomes previously, and the accessory chromosome.

The accessory chromosome passes into two only of the four spermatids and is supposed to be a sex-determinant.

Similar facts have been reported by Wilson for several Insects (see Joum. Esp. Zool. ii, iii, 1905, 1906). '

Wilson finds constant size differences between pairs of chromosomes, and either an accessory odd chromosome (which passes into only one half of the germ cells) or a pair of idio-chromosomes of unequal size (one of which goes to one half, the other to the other half of the spermatozoa), or both the accessory and the idio-chromosomes (giving four kinds of spermatozoa). The idiochromosomes are supposed, again, to play a part in sex-determination. Several other observers have found these accessory chromosomes, idio-chromosomes, and pairs of chromosomes of difierent sizes in various Insects (Boring, Journ. E211. Zool. iv. 1907 ; Stevens, ibid. ii. 1905, v. 1908; McClung, Biol. Bull. iii. 1902, ix. 1905; Montgomery, Biol. Bull., vi. 1904; Baumgartner, Biol. Bull. viii. 1904-5 ,- Zweiger, Zool. Anz. xxx. 1906; Nowlin, Jomw. Exp. Zool. iii. 1906); in Spiders (Wallace, Biol. Bull. viii. 1904»-5 ; Berry, Biol. Bull. xi. 1906); and in Myriapods (Blackman, Biol. Bull. v. 1903 ; Medes, Biol. Bull. ix. 1905).

It is a noteworthy fact that the accessory chromosome retains its individuality in the resting stage (looking like a chromatin nucleolus), while the others break up. The belief in the individuality of these others rests therefore on the constancy of the relative sizes from generation to generation.

Further support for the hypothesis may be derived from theoretical speculations. VVe know that only 2; (one-half the normal number) chromosomes are necessary for normal development provided that they comprise a complete set. In sexual reproduction n maternal unite with n paternal. A study of the reducing division shows that 1: whole chromosomes first pair with and are then separated from or whole chromosomes, and that when they dilfer in size those of the same size pair together, and it looks as though paternal were here separated from maternal, though the distribution of paternal and maternal to the two cells will difier, almost certainly, in diiferent cases.

If the particles of which the chromosomes are composed are also to be paired and separated, it would appear to be necessary that their groupin should be constant, in other words that the chromosomes shou d retain their individuality.

(iii) A case of heterogeneous fertilization between eggs of Seaurchins and the sperm of Anletlon has been described above (p. 262). Loeb has recently succeeded in rearing Plutei from the eggs of Slrongylocmlrolue fertilized by the sperm of a Mollusc (0/lloroaloma). Cytological details are not given (Arc/E. Eul. Mecfi. xxvi. 1908). ‘

Index Of Authors

Agassiz: effects of fertilization in Ctenophors, 250.

Aristotle: theory of development, 13.

— the soul in function and development, 292 sqq.

— mechanism and teleology, 296.

Auerbach :' segmentation of Ascuris nigrovenosa, 33.

von Baer, 16.

Balfour: effect of yolk on segmentation, 29, 88.

Bataillon: monstrosities osmotic pressure, 120, 135.

—- artificial parthenogenesis, 124.

Bergh: cell-division in germ-bands of Crustacea, 34.

Berthold: surface-tension and celldivision, 41, 42.

Bischofl‘, 16.

Blane: effect of light upon the development of the Chick, 94, 96.

Boas: rate of growth in man, 63.

— change of variability, 73, 74.

— diminution of correlation coefiicient, 75.

Bonnet : emboitement, 14.

— preformation, 15. Bonnevie : diminution of chromosomes in Ascaris lumbricoidcs, 258. Born : gravity and development, 18, 88-85.

— pressure experiments on Frogs’ eggs, 34, 35.

Boveri : early development of Slrongylocentrotus, 23, 183-185.

— egg of Strongylocentrotus stretched, 39.

— suppression of micromeres in Strongylocentrotus, 186.

-— causes of the pattern of segmentation, 197.

— karyokinetic plane, sperm path,

11 ng first furrow in Strongylocentrotus,

8 .

— potentialities of? animal and vegetative cells, 192.

— stratification of cytoplasmic substances, 242, 280.

-- characters dependent on cytonlmam in Flnhinnid larvae. 261.

due to

Boveri : diminution of chromosomes in Ascaris megalocephala, 252, 255-257.

— due to a difference in the cytoplasm, 257.

— hybrid larva from enucleate egg fragment with characters of male parent, 253, 258-260.

— irregular distribution of chromosomes a cause of abnormality, 253, 263-266.

— individuality of chromosomes and chromatin, 256, 263.

—part played by nucleus in differentiation, 266, 285.

—possiblo significance of reducing divisions, 266.

— number of chromosomes, size of nucleus, and size of cell, 68, 267, 268.

—2méclear division not qualitative,

6 .

Bowditch: rate of growth in man, 63.

-- change of variability, 73.

Brauer : Branchipus, 22, 24.

Brooks: Lucifer, 22.

de Butfon : Preformation, 15.

Bullzt: artificial parthenogenesis, 12 .

Bumpus: change of variability in Litlorina, 71, 72.

Bunge: respiration of Ascaris, 112.

Castle : see Davenpofl: and Castle.

Chabry: segmentation furrows and embryonic axes in Ascidians, 229.

—- development of isolated blastemeres in Ascidians, 229, 230.

Child : critique of Driesch’s vitalism, 292, note.

Chun : isolated blastomeres of Ctenophora, 209.

Conklin: maturation, fertilization, and development of Cynthia, 230236.

— development of isolated blastemeres in Oyntlzia, 237.

— development of pieces of gastrula in Cynthia, 238.

— streaming movements of protonlnsm. 40. 316 INDEX OF

Crampton : isolated blastomeres of Ilycmesaa, 215, 216.

— efieot of removal of the polar lobe, 217.

Dareste: mechanical agitation of the Hen’s egg, 89.

— electricity, 91.

Davenport : catalogue of ontogenetic processes, 4 sqq.

— definition of growth, 58.

— rate of growth, 69.

— the role of water in growth, 58, 59, 115, 116.

- and Castle : acclimatization of eggs of Bufo to heat, 100.

Delage : causes of artificial parthenogenesis, 124.

-- number of chromosomes in artificial parthenogenesis and in merogony, 125. De Vries : importance of potassium for turgor of plant-cells, 146.

Doncaster: hybrid Echinoid larvae, 26].

Driesch: effect of light in development, 94.

— abnormal segmentation in Erhinus produced by heat, 105.

— Anenteria, produced by heat, 106.

—- segmentation made irregular by dilution of sea-water, 118.

—— pressure experiments on Echinoid eggs, 37, 38, 185, 240.

—- cell-division suppressed by pressure and dilute sea-water, 55; and by heat, 105.

—nuclear division not qualitative, 186.

— blastomeres disarranged, 187, 188.

— isolated blastomeres of Echinoids, 190, 191, 193, 194.

— potentialities of animal and vegetative cells, 193, 194, 201, 242, 243.

— fragments of blastulae and gastrulae in Echinoderms, 194.

— potentialities of ectoderm and agghenteron, and their limitations, 1 .

— development of egg fragments of Echinoids, 195, 196.

— germinal value, surface-area of larvae, and number of cells, 197199, 269.

— one larva from two blastulae, 202.

— and Morgan : isolated blastomeres of Ctenophora, 210, 211.

—2e1gg-fragments of Ctenophora, 30,



Drgggchz development of Myzostoma,

— isolated blastomeres and parts of larvae in Phallusia, 288, 289.

— first furrow and sagittal plane in Echinoids, 250.

— characters which depend on cytoplasm in Echinoid larvae, 261, 262.

— number of organ-forming substances in cytoplasm, 246, 284, 286.

—— theory of egg-structure, 281, 286, 292.

— reason for limitation of potentialities, 192-194, 201, 212, 242, 243, 281, 282, 284, 291.

--fate a function of position, 188, 282.

—- return of displaced mesenchyme cells in Echinus, 274.

- stimuli in ontogeny, 20, 277, 28"284.

— part played by nucleus in differentiation, 266, 284, 285.

—— equipotential and inequipotentiul systems, 176, 277, 285.

— rhythm of development, 3.

—- harmony of development, 284.

—- composition in development, 3, 285.

— self-difierentiation, 284.

—- teleology, static, 286, 291, 292, 297.

— —- dynamic, 291, 292, 297.

— vitalism, 20, 289 sqq.

Edwards : physiological zero for Home egg, 102.

-- growth without differentiation, 104.

Endres and Walter : post-generation of missing half-embryo, 171.

Eycleshymer: first furrow sagittal plane in Necturus, 168.


Fabricius : views on development, 13.

Fasola : electric currents, 91.

Fehling : growth of the human embryo, 59, 60, 63.

Feré : effect of sound-vibrations upon the Chick, 90.

_ ._ of light, 96.

— malformations due to high temperatures, 105. .

—- need of oxygen for the Chick, 109.

—— monstrosities produced by various chemical reagents, 18,2. INDEX OF AUTHORS

Fischel, A. : hybrid Echinoid larvae, 261.

— variability of Duck embryos, 71.

Fischel, H. : isolated blastomeres of Ctenophora, 210, 211.

-— derangement of blastomeres in Ctenophora, 211.

Fischer: artificial parthenogenesis, 124. ’ Foot : polar rings in Allolobophom,


Garbowski : function of pigment ring in Strongylocentrotus egg, 192. — first furrow and sagittal plane in

Echinoids, 260.

— grafting of blastulae fragments of Echinus, 202.

Gerassimow: size of nucleus and cells in Spirogyra, 269.

Giacomini: need of oxygen for the Chick, efiect of low atmospheric pressure, 109, 110.

Giardina : difierentiation of chromatin in female cells of Dytiscus.

Godlewski : the respiration of the Frog’s eg, 110, 112, 113.

-— heterogeneous cross-fertilization, 262.

Graf : fusion of blastomeres, 56.

Greeley: artificial parthenogenesis produced by cold, 108.

— low temperatures and absorption of water, 108.

Grobben : Cetochilus, 22.

Groom : effect of fertilization in Cirripedes, 250.

Gigiber: regeneration in Protozoa,


Gurwitsch : monstrosities produced in Amphibian embryos by chemical reagents, 120, 123.

Hacker : Cyclops, 22.

Haeckel: recapitulation, 16.

— development of fragments of blastulao of Crystallodes, 181, note. Hr;ller : preformation and epigenesis,


Harvey: epigenesis, 13.

— metamorphosis, 14.

Hecker: growth of the human embryo, 62, 63.

Hansen: growth of guinea-pig embryos, 62.

Herbst : potassium, sodium, and lithium larvae of Echinoderms, 136-140.

—- significance of monsters for origin of variatiops, 141.


Herbst : necessity of elements present in sea-water for normal development of Echinoid larvae, 141 sqq.

—— separation of blastomeres of Seaurchins in calcium-free sea-water,


— stimuli in ontogeny, 20, 272, 273, 285.

— formation of Arthropod blastederm oxygenotactic, 114.

—— arms of Plutous due to presence of skeleton, 187, 138, 144, 149, 274, 275.

I-Ierl itzka, development of half-blastomeres of Newt, 173.

Hertwig, 0. : centrifugalized Frog’s egg, 29, 87.

—- rules for nuclear and cell division, 31, 32, 85.

— — confirmed by pressure experiments, 34-36.

— gravity and Echinoderm eggs, 78.

—— insemination of Frog's egg, 79.

— cardinal temperatures for Rana

fusca. and csculenta, 97.

— monstrosities produced by high and by low temperatures, 99.

— temperature and rate of development, 100.

—— monstrosities produced in Amphibian embryos by sodium chloride, 119, 135.

— first furrow and sagittal plane in Frog's egg, 165.

— compressedeggs: disproof of qualitative nuclear division, 34—86, 168, 169, 240.

— development of half-blastomere of Frog’s egg, 169.

— mutual interactions of developing parts, 271, 285.

Hertwig, 0. and R. : fertilization processes altered by heat and cold, 107.

— — by alkaloids, 126 sqq., 263.

His: mechanical explanation of development, 3.

—- germinal localization, 17, 158.

— the blastoderm oxygenoti-opic,114.

Hunter: artificial parthenogenesis by concentrated sea-water, 124.

Iijima: spiral asters in Nephelis egg, 40.

Jenkinson: pressure experiments on eggs of Antedon, 37, note.

— abnormalities of Frog embryos produced by various solutions not due to increased osmotic pressure, 120, 133-136. 318

Jenkinson: plane of symmetry, first furrow and sagittal plane in Frog's egg, 165-168.

Jennings: fertilization spindle in Asplanclma, 34.

Kaestner: cardinal temperature points for the Hen‘s egg, 102.

— malformations due to low tem~ peratures, 104. '

Kant : teleology, 286-289, 292, 297.

Kastschenko: injuries to blastoporic lip in Elasmobranchs, 178.

Kathariner: gravity and the gray crescent of the Frog's egg, 86.

King : cause of differentiation of lens, 276, 276.

Knowlton : sec Lillie and Knowlton.

Kolliker: 16.

Kopsch : first furrow and sagittal plane in Frog's egg, 165, 168.

—— efl'ect of injuries to blastoporic lip, 178.

Korschelt: fusion of ova in Ophryotmcha, 202.

— nucleus of egg-cell in Dyfiscus, 252. .

Kostanecki and Wierzejski: efi'ect of fertilization in Physa, 250.

Kowalewsky: 16.

Kraus : the role of water growth of plants, 58.

Lang : effect of fertilization in Polyclads, 250.

Leibnitz : preformation, 15.

Lewis: causes of formation of lens and cornea, 275, 276. Lillie and Knowlton: eflect of low temperatures in Amphibia, 100. — temperature and rate of development, 101.

Lillie: effects of salts on ciliary movement, 135.

— ghysiologically balanced solutions, 1 6.

in the

— toxicity and valency, 136.

Loeb : suppression of cell-division in Echinoids and Fishes, 56, 117. -— eflect of light in development, 94. —the respiration of Otmolabrua and

Fundulua eggs, 111.

—— the respiration of the ova of Echinoids, 112.

— function of oxygen in regeneration of Tubular-ia head and other processes, 114, 278, 274.

-— efi'ect of hypertonic solutions on Fundulus and Arbacia eggs, 117.

--exovates produced by dilute seawater, 118, 190, 194, 195.


Loeb: artificial parthenogenesis, 121, 124.

—- etfect of potassium cyanide in prolonging life of ova, 131, 132.

— eflect of certain salts on Fundulus embryos and on Plutei, 135.

— toxicity and antitoxicity functions of valency, 186.

-— effect of alkalies, 151.

— effect of gravity on Anmmularia, 272, 273.

-gégterogeneous cross-fertilization,

Lombardini : electric currents, 91.

Lyon : need of oxygen for the eggs of Arbacia, 112.

— action of potassium cyanide, 132.

Malebranche : preformation, 15.

Malpighi: preformation, 14, 15.

Marcacci : mechanical agitation of Hen's eggs, 90.

Mark: spiral asters in eggof Lz‘maac,40.

Mathews: artificial parthenogenesis by mechanical agitation, 90.

—— effects of atropine and pilocarpine on Echinoderm eggs, 131.

—toxicity and decomposition tension, 136.

— see also Wilson (E.B.)and Mathews.

Mencl : formation of lensin SaImo,276.

Metsclinikoif : separation of blastemeres of Oceania, 181.

-—fusion of blastulae in Mitrocoma, 202.

Minot : rate of growth defined, 60.

—— change of rate of growth of guineapigs, 61.

— - of rabbits, 62, 68.

— — ofchickens, 67.

— coeflicients of growth, 65.

— senescence, 65.

-- increase of cytoplasm, decrease of mitotic index, 65.

— change of variability in guineapigs, 71. _ — genetic restriction, 246, 277. Mitrophanow: malformations due to low and high temperatures, 104. — necessity of oxygen for the Chick, 109.

Moore : sodium sulphate an antidote to sodium chloride, 135, 186.

Morgan : suppression of cell-division in Arbacia, 56, 118.

- gravity and the gray crescent of the Frog's egg, 86.

-— monstrosities produced by low temperatures in Ranapaluslris, 100.

— need of oxygen for the Frog's egg, 110. INDEX OF AUTHORS

Morgan :lithium salts used to produce alzlgéiormalities in Frog's eggs, 120,

— attempts to induce parthenogenesis, 124.

— number of chromosomes in artificial parthenogenesis, 125.

— artificial parthenogenesis produced by cold, 108. — first furrow, plane of symmetry, and sagittal plane in Frog's egg, 165,168.

— development of half-blastomere of

Frpg's egg ; post-generation, 170,

17 .

— development of vegetative cells of Frog’s egg, 173.

— potentialities of half-blastomeres in Teleostei, relation of flrstfurrow tn sagittal plane, effect of removal of yolk, 178.

— effect of injuries to blastoporic lip, 179.

— number of cells in partial larvae of Amphioxus, 181.

— potentialities of ectoderm in Echinoids, 195.

— development of egg-fragments of Echinoids, 197.

— number of cells in partial larvae of Echinoids, 198.

— fusion of blastulae of Sphaerechinua, 201.

— and Driesch: isolated blastomeres and egg-fragments of Ctenophora, 210-212.

— micromercs of Ctenophore egg, 30.

—- characters of hybrid Echinoid larvae, 260.

Moscowski : gravity and the gray crescent of the Frog's egg, 86.

Miihlmann : prenatal growth-rate in man, 64.


Nfigeli : permutations of original elements in development, 286.

Pander: 16.

Pearson : variability in man, 73.

Pfliiger: isotropy of the cytoplasm, 18, 158.

—--influence oi’ gravity on development, 18, 78, 81-83, 168.

-- rule for direction of nuclear division, 32, 85.

Plateau : principle of least surfaces, 41, 43.

Platnerz 280.

Pott : growth of the Chick, 59, 60, 67.


Pott and Preyer: respiration of the Chick, 112. — loss of weight of Hen’s egg due to evaporation from albumen, 115. Preyer : rate of growth, 60.

Quetelet: change of rate of in man (weight), 68.

— — (stature), 69.

— — (other dimensions), 90.


Rauber : efiect of reduced atmospheric pressure on the Frog’s egg, 110.

— elfect of pure oxygen on the eggs and tadpoles of the Frog, 118, 114.

Reichert: 16.

Remak : 16.

Robert : mechanics of spiral segmentation, 45-47.

— rate of growth in man, 68.

—-— change of variability, 73.

Rossi : efi‘ect of electricity on Amphibian eggs, 91.

Roux : aims of experimental embryology, 13.

— ‘Mosaik-Theorie ’ of self-differentiation, 17, 158, 279, 286, 297.

— qualitative nuclear division abandoned, 19, 159, 240.

— idioplasm and reserve-idioplasm, 159, 266.

— a half-embryo from one of first two blastomeres and post-generation of missing half, 159, 162.

— coincidence of first furrow and sagittal plane in Frog's egg, 17, 159, 165. '

— the spermatozoon and symmetry of the Frog's egg and embryo, 80, 165, 247, 248.

— meaning of karyokinesis, 252.

— dependent diflerentiation, 17, 158, 277, 286.

— functional adaptation, 290.

-— specific gravity of contents of Frog’s eg, 79.

—- gray crescent of Frog's egg, 80, 165.

— influence of gravity on the Frog's egg, 85-87.

— effect of electricity upon the Frog’s egg, &c., 92.

— light and development, 93.

— segmentation of Rana esculenta, 26.

—- Frog's eggs compressed in small tubes, 39, 40.

— comparison of systems of oil drops and segmenting ova, 49-58.

— cytotropism, 55, 278. 320

Roux: cytotaxis, 55.

— cytochorismus, 45.

-— cytarme, 45, 53.

— cytolisthesis, 58.

— ‘ Framboisia’, 135.

Ruseoni : electric currents, 91.

Sachs : law of direction of cell division, 28.

Sala: fertilization processes altered by cold, 108.

- fusion of the eggs of Ascaris, 202.

Samassa: effect of pure oxygen at

pressures on the Frog's egg,

— effect of lack of oxygen on the Frog's egg, 119.

— effect of various gases on the eggs of Ascaris, 112.

—development of animal cells of Frog's egg, 173.

— Schaper: development of tadpoles after removal of brain and eyes, 175.

—- cause of differentiation of lens, 275.

Schulze, F. E. : Sponges, 22. Schulze, 0.: gray crescent of Frog’s

eg, 80, 247.

—— gravity and the Frog’s egg, 86.

—- effect of low temperatures on the Frog's egg, 100.

—— first furrow and sagittal plane in Frog's egg, 165.

— double monsters from Frog’s egg, 171.

Seeliger : hybrid Echinoderm larvae, 260, 269.

Selenka: first furrow and sagittal plane in Echinoids, 250.

Semper: rate of growth in Limnaea, 67.

Smith: Peltogaster, 24.

Sollmann : after effects of hypertonic solutions, 124.

Spemann : development ofconstricted Newt's eggs, and embryos, 174, 175.

— causes of formation of lens and cornea, 275, 276.

Sumner: injuries to blastoporic lip of Teleostei, 178, 246.

Sutton {individuality of chromosomes in Brachyslola, 256.

Swammerdam : preformation, 14, 15.

segmentation of

Vejdovsky : unequal centrosomes in dividing pole-cells, 31.

— polar rings in Rhym.-hclmis, 251.

Vernon: rate of growth in Strongmlocmtrotus, 67, 70.


Vernon : alteration of variability in Echinoid larvae, 71, 74.

-— effect of light on Echinoid larvae, 95, 96. '

— effects of change of temperature on Echinoid larvae, 106, 107.

-— change of variability produced by heat, 107.

— and by chemical agency, 141, 156.

—poisonousness of carbon dioxide to Sea-urchin eggs, 112.

— characters of hybrid Echinoid larvae, 261.

Verworn : behaviour of Protozoa in an electric current, 93.

— regeneration in Protozoa, 254, note.

Walter, sec Endres and Walter.

Weber : law of stimuli, 272.

Weismann: qualitative division, 19, 297.

— idioplasm, and reserve—idioplasm, 159.

Weldon : growth-rate in Carcinus, 71.

— change of variability in Carcinus, 72.

— — in Clausilia, 73.

Wetzel : double monsters Frog’s egg, 172, 245.

Whitman : polar rings in Clepsine, 251.

Wierzejski, see Wierzejski, 250.

Wilson, 0. B. : malformations of Amphibian embryos, 120.

— acclimatizution to salt-solution, 136.

Wilson, E. B. : phioxus, 26.

—— segmentation of Renilla, 55, note.

— unequal centrosomes in dividing pole-cells, 31.

—pressure experiments on eggs of Nareis, 39, 213, 240.

- cytology of artificial parthenogenesis, 124.

— development of isolated blastemeres in Amphioxus, 179, 180.

—— isolated blastomeres of Oerebratulus, and fragments of blastulae, 205, 206.

— isolated blastomeres of Patella, 218-222.

—- of Dentalium, 225, 226.

—— removal of polar lobe, 224.

— effect of fertilization, 222, 223.

— development of egg-fragments, 226, 227.



Kostanecki and segmentation of Am

Wilson (E. B.) and Mathews : spermpath, egg axis, fix-st furrow, and embryonic axes of Toacopneustes, 185, 249, 250. ‘

Windle: effect of magnetism and electricity on development, 91.

Wolff : epigenesis, 16. '

Yatgu: egg-fragments of Cerebratulus,

2 7.

Yung: effect of light on tadpoles, etc., 94.

Zeleny : egg-fragments of Cerebratulus, 206, 207.

Zelinka : fertilization Callidma, 34.

spindle in

Jnxntsonr’ Y

Ziegler : heterodynamic centrosomes, 80.

.— formation of micromeres in Cteno phora, 209, note.

-— pressure experiments on egg gaéiinoids and Ctenophora,

— fertilization of Diplogaster, 84.

— egg and embryonic axes, 250.

Zoja : isolated blastomeres of Hydromedusae, 181, 182.

—— animal and vegetative cells of Strongylocentrotus, 198.

Zur Strassen : segmentation of Asoaiis, 81.

— fusion of the eggs of Ascaris.

s of 88,

Addenda Et Corrigenda

P. 5, 5 lines from bottom, for unicellular read multicellular. P. 28, line 10, after irregular, insert and in Triclads.

P. 57. To Literature acid J. Sacns. Die Anordnung den-Zellen in jiingsten Pflanzentheilen, Arb. Bot. Inst. Wurzburg, ii, 1882. _

P. 114. To Literature add G. BUNGE. Weitere Untersuchungen iiber die Athmung der Wiirmer, Zeitsc-hr. physiol. Chem. xiv, 1890.

P. 140, line 22, for prospective potentialities read prospective significanoes.

P. 225, 2 lines from bottom, for is now placed in road has now moved into.

P. 271. To Literature add W. S. Surrox. On the morphology of the chromosome group in Brachyslola magna, Biol. Bull. iv, 1902.

P. 278. To Literature add J. W. Jnxxmsox. On the effect of certain solutions upon the development of the Frog's egg, Arch. Ent. Mech. xxi, 1906.

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