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W. I‘‘. R. WELDON. A first study of na.tura,l selection in (L'luu.x-iliu Imm'nalu, Biometrilca, i, 1901-2.
W. I‘‘. R. WELDON. A first study of na.tura,l selection in (L'luu.x-iliu Imm'nalu, Biometrilca, i, 1901-2.
==Chapter III External Factors==
===1. Gravitation===
In the large majority of cases there is no definite relation
between the vertical and either the axis of the egg, the planes
of its segmentation furrows, or the position of the development
of the embryo in it. Thus the eggs of insects are laid with the
axis making any angle with the vertical, and the same may be
said of Crustacean ova. In such eggs as develop freely in the
sea (some Mollnsca, for example, Polyehaeta, Coelenterata, Ctenophora) the axis and the planes of segmentation undergo a perpetual
change of position, and Oscar Hertwig has shown that in the
eggs of Echinoderms there is no necessary fixed relation between
the direction of the planes of segmentation and the vertical. In
these cases it is clear that the features of development referred
to cannot depend upon the force of gravitation.
There are, however, instances in which it seems possible that
the directions of the planes of segmentation—bearing as they do
a constant relation to the axis of the egg-—may depend upon
gravity, since the axis is normally vertical. It was Emil Pfliiger
who in 1883 first brought forward experimental evidence to show
that this was indeed the case.
It is well known that the yolk of the hen’s egg always turns
over so that the germinal disc is uppermost, and the egg of the
Frog, free to rotate inside its jelly membrane, invariably takes up
a position with the black pole uppermost, the white pole below.
This property of the Frog-’s ovum is exhibited alike by the
ovarian, the coelomic, the uterine, and the freshly laid egg, by
the living egg and the dead egg, by the whole egg, and by
portions that contain both kinds of egg-substance, the yolk and
the cytoplasm, as Roux showed by floating eggs or fragments
in a medium of the same specific gravity. It is simply due to
the fact that in the spherical telolecithal egg the heavier yolk
is placed mainly on one side, while on the other the lighter
protoplasm is more abundant, the yolk granules far smaller and
more sparse. The distribution of these two substances determines
indeed the axis about which the egg has a ‘ rotation structure ’
or is radially symmetrical. The symmetry is further marked by
the disposition of the pigment and the position of the nucleus.
The pigment is placed in a thick superficial layer in the protoplasmic portion, it extends over rather more, sometimes considerably more, than a hemisphere, for there is much variation
in this respect, and its boundary is a circle whose plane is at
right angles to the egg-axis—the line which passes through the
centre of the egg, the centre of the pigmented portion or animal
pole and the centre of the unpigmented portion or vegetative
pole. There is also an axial, less-deeply pigmented plug in the
animal hemisphere. The nucleus is placed axially, b11t excentrically, very much nearer the animal than the vegetative pole, in a pigment-free spot or ‘ fovea germinativa ’.
The egg is invested with a layer of jelly (muein), inside which
it becomes eventually free to rotate. This, however, is not possible
when the egg is first laid, for the jelly is at that time closely
adherent to it. In water, however, the jelly swells up, and
a narrow cavity is formed in about three hours between it and
the egg, and the egg then turns over until its axis is vertical.
The formation of the cavity is much more rapid if fertilization
(insemination) has taken place; in this case the egg turns over
in half an hour. The rapid formation of the perivitelline fluid
is the first effect of insemination, and is due to some substance
secreted by or accompanying the sperm, since the spermatozoon
does not reach the egg for another quarter of an hour (0.
Hertwig). A second effect is an alteration in the viscidity or
cohesion of the egg-contents ; for while in the ovarian or uterine
egg no alteration occurs apparently in the disposition of yolk,
cytoplasm, and pigment, although the egg-axis may make any
angle with the vertical, such an alteration is undoubtedly produced by gravitation (see below) after fertilization has occurred.
Another effect noted by Roux is that fertilized (not merely
inseminated) eggs turn over more rapidly in a medium of like
specific gravity than do unfertilized.
The most important first result of fertilization is, however,
the replacement of the radial by a bilateral symmetry. About
two or three hours after insemination a certain portion of the
border of the pigmented area, crescentic in shape and extending;
over about half its periphery, becomes grey by retreat of the
pigment into the interior (Roux). The egg can now be divided
into similar halves by only one plane, the plane of bilateral
symmetry, which includes the axis and the middle of this grey
crescent (Fig. 43).
Fm. 43.—Formation of the grey crescent in the Frog's egg (IE. femparuriu). A, B from the side; 0, D from the vegetative pole. In A, C
there is no crescent, in B, D a. part of the border of the pigmented area
has become grey.
The middle of the grey crescent is always diametrically
opposite to the point of entry of the sperm (Roux and Schulze) ;
the crescent has hence been held by Roux to be directly caused
by that entrance.
The plane of symmetry, as we shall see in another connexion,
becomes in most cases the sagittal plane of the embryo, since the
dorsal lip of the blastopore arises in the region of the grey crescent. This side becomes the dorsal side of the embryo, while
the animal pole marks, approximately, the anterior end.
By complete disappearance of the pigment the grey crescent
becomes added to the white vegetative area of the egg.
The foregoing account applies in particular to Rana temporaria
and R. fusca; I{.11aZusm'n appears to be similar, but in R. escaZenta it is stated that the egg—axis is eventually not vertical but
oblique (Fig. 44). It seems, however, doubtful whether this
obliquity is not rather apparent than real. The grey crescent has
apparently not been recognized as such—-the pigment is not so
deep as in the other species—but included, nevertheless, in the
white area, with the result that the centre of this, the definitive
FIG. 44.——Egg of Rana esculenta after fertilization, in its normal
position with the axis oblique (‘?). A, from the side; B, from above;
an’, egg-axis ; mm, plane of first furrow. (After Korsehelt and Heider.)
white area, has been confounded with the centre of the original
unpigmented area or vegetative pole of the vertical egg-axis.
(Compare Fig. 44 A with Fig. 43 B.)
As is well known, the planes of division during the first few
regular phases of segmentation bear a perfectly definite relation
to the axis. The first two, at right angles to one another, are
meridional and therefore also vertical, the third furrows are parallel
to the equator, therefore also horizontal; the furrows of the
fourth phase are again meridional, and hence vertical, those of
the fifth once more latitudinal and horizontal. It is this obvious
relation of the planes of cleavage to the direction of gravity
which has raised the question whether there is not a causal connexion between the two, the question which Pfliiger attempted
to answer by experiments, performed, however, not on the eggs
of the Frog but on those of a Toad, Bombinator igneus.
The close adherence of the unlaid egg to the glutinous jelly,
which in its turn could be easily fixed to some object, provided
a simple method of keeping the egg in any desired position.
The eggs were removed from the uterus, attached with the axis
at various angles to the vertical to watch glasses and fertilized
with just enough sperm-water to allow of development, but not
enough to permit of the formation of the pcrivitelline space and
rotation of the egg into the normal position with the axis
vertical. In these forcibly inverted eggs it was found that the
furrows of segmentation bore the same relation to the vertical
as in the normal egg; that is to say, the first was vertical, the
second vertical and at right angles to the first, the third horizontal and nearer the upper pole, whatever the inclination of the
egg-axis to the vertical, except in the extreme case where the
white pole was exactly uppermost (180° of inversion), when
segmentation did not occur at all. There was, however, no
definite relation between the plane of the first (and therefore of
subsequent) furrows and the original axis of the egg; the angle
between this axis and the plane of the first furrow, as also that
between the first furrow and the plane including the original
and the actual vertical axes of the egg, might, it was found, have
any value.
Except in a few cases, and where the white area was nearly
exactly uppermost, these eggs gave rise to normal embryos.
The upper smaller cells divided more rapidly than the lower ones,
whether pigmented or unpigmented, and the blastula stage was
reached; the dorsal lip of the blastopore appeared on one side
a little below the (actual) equator, and the lower surface was
covered over by the blastoporic fold in the ordinary Way. Only
in the failure of the whole egg to rotate after the closure of the
blastopore (owing to the close adherence of the jelly) and in
the irregular pigmentation (according to the original degree of
inclination) did these embryos differ from the normal. One
other point is worthy of notice. In the majority of cases the
dorsal lip of the blastopore, marking the sagittal plane, appeared
on the unpigmented side and lay in the plane including the
original, now inclined, and the actual axis, or vertical line of
intersection of the first two furrows. While, therefore, the
cleavage planes are definitely related to the vertical but not to
the original axis of the egg, the median plane of the embryo
appears to be jointly determined by both.
From these experiments Pfliiger drew remarkable and farreachingconclusions. He conceived of the eggas beingmeridionally
polarized, composed of a large number of rows of molecules placed
meridional] y with regard to the original egg-axis. Each row is
equivalent developmentally to every other row, but within the
limits of each the molecules are of difierent value, since one end,
for example, is anterior, the other posterior. .Which of these
equipotential rows shall lie in the sagittal plane of the embryo is
decided by gravity, and by gravity alone. Similarly the vertical
direction of the first two furrows, the horizontal direction of
the third, is due to the operation of some general, though at
present unknown, law, in accordance with which ‘ (lie Schwerkraft
die Organisation beherrseht ’. 1
The original structure of the egg, on the other hand, has no
definite relation either to segmentation or to the symmetry of
the embryo, except, of course, in so far as the original axis
together with the actual vertical axis determines its sagittal
plane, the white side its dorsal side.
‘. . . das befruchtete Ei gar keine wescntliche Beziehung zu
der spiiteren Organisation des 'l‘hieres besitzt, sowenig als die
Sehneeflocke in einer wesentliehen Beziehung zu der Grosse
und Gestalt der Lawine steht, die unter Umstiinden aus ihr sich
entwickclt. Dass aus dem Keime immer dasselbe entsteht,
kommt daher, dass er immer unter dieselben iiusseren Bedingungen gebracht ist.’ 2
It will certainly be agreed that so sweeping and revolutionary
a dogma as this is in need of very substantial support; and
though the facts as stated by Pfliiger are incontrovertible, as
the repetition of his experiments has shown, it is unfortunate
that he did not also take into consideration the internal changes
occurring in his forcibly inverted eggs. The deficiency has been
made good by Born. Like Pfliiger, Born found that in the
’ 1. C. i11fl'a, XXxii- p. 24. 3 I. c. infra, xxxii. p. 64.
forcibly inverted eggs the cleavage planes had the normal relation
to the vertical, but not to the egg-axis; he observed, however,
that the first furrow was usually in or at right angles to the
streaming meridian, the plane, that is, including ‘the original and
the secondary vertical axes. The recent examination of 215
cases by the writer has shown that the first furrow tends to lie
either in, or at right angles to, or at an angle of 45° to this
plane. Subsequent development was normal, and the sagittal
plane coincided with the streaming meridian. The dorsal lip
appeared on the white side, which is thus anterior (antc1'o(l0rsa.l).
The examination of sections, however, showed that in these
FIG. 45.-—Seetions through forcibly inverted Frog's eggs. In A the egg
has just been inverted, in B the streaming of protoplasm upwards and
yolk downwards has begun. Both sections are in the streaming meridian
or gravitation symmetry plane, including both the axis (a a’) and the
vertical. bD, pigmented animal protoplasm; wD, unpigmented vegetative yolk. ct, animal pole; a’, vegetative pole; 1', pigment-free clear
area; A-, nucleus; 1), superficial pigment. (After Born, from Korsehelt
and Heider.)
inverted eggs there had been a redistribution of the contents,
the heavy yolk sinking to the lower side, the lighter protoplasm,
with the pigment and the nucleus, and the spermatozoon rising
to the upper side (Fig. 45). The movement is rotatory, the cytoplasm and yolk ascending and descending in opposite directions ;
and it also takes place naturally parallel to, and in a similar
manner on each side of, the plane in which the primary and
secondary axes lie, hence known as the streaming meridian. That
end of this plane towards which the protoplasm moves in its
ascent, the end, that is, marked by the primary vegetative pole,
is anterior (more correctly, anterodorsal), for it is here that the
dorsal lip of the blastopore appears; the opposite end is posterior
(more correctly, postero-ventral).
The pigment moves with the cytoplasm; it is, however,
unable to completely displace that yolk which remains at the
upper surface in consequence of the greater viscosity of the
superficial rind, and here a ‘white plate’ or ‘grey patch’ is
formed. Similarly, at the lower surface the pigment is not
necessarily wholly displaced by the descending yolk.
There is one special case that may be noticed. When the inversion is complete (l80°) the yolk flows radially and peripherally
away from the upper pole while the cytoplasm ascends in the axis.
Born’s observations make it perfectly clear that gravity rearranges the eontents of these inverted eggs, and so confers
upon them a secondary structure like that of the normal, and
symmetrical about a secondary axis which is likewise vertical.
To this secondary axis the direction of elongation of the karyokinetic spindles, and consequently the cleavage planes, bears the
same relation as in the normal egg; and there is certainly no
more need to explain these directions by reference to gravity,
to suppose, in fact, a causal connexion between the two, in the
one case than in the other. The planes, indeed, may fall where
they do simply because the mitotic figures elongate in the direction of least resistance (Pfliiger) or (O. Hertwig) in that of the
greatest protoplasmic mass, or may be related, in some similar
way, to the structure of the egg alone.
The point can only be determined by an experiment in which
the directive influence of gravity is eliminated. This experiment has been made by Roux. The eggs were fastened in
small vessels, at distances of from one to eight centimetres
from the centre, to a wheel rotating continually about a horizontal axis, but so slowly (one revolution in from one to two
minutes) that the centrifugal force developed was insullicient to
make the eggs turn with the white pole outwards, and therefore
negligible. The direction of the force exerted by gravity upon
them from moment to moment was thus not constant. Of the
eggs some were free to rotate inside their jelly, others were
fixed. To anticipate the objection that the plane of rotation,
the plane of the wheel, is constant, a third set were packed
loosely in test-tubes, and so able to roll over one another in all
directions as they fell from one end of the tube to the other
with each revolution. The first furrow appeared in all these
eggs at the normal time and it was meridional, as in the normal
egg; similarly the second was meridional, the third latitudinal;
but the egg-axes exhibited no definite relation either to the
vertical or to the plane of the wheel. The eggs were allowed
to continue their development on the apparatus, and gave rise
to normal tadpoles.
From this experiment Roux drew the conclusion that it is not
gravity which determines the direction of the planes of cleavage,
and that gravity is not an indispensable necessity for the normal
development of the egg of the Frog.
Incontrovcrtible though this conclusion appears to be on the
evidence, it has nevertheless been disputed by certain embryologists, Sehulze and Moszcowski, the controversy between whom
and Roux upon the subject has new extended over many years.
Schulze has urged (1) that eggs placed on such a machine
do not develop normally, and  that the rotation of the eggs
in their jelly exactly compensates for the rotation of the wheel.
With regard to the latter point Roux has replied that on this
supposition the egg‘-axes ought to be, at any moment, vertical,
which is not the case. To the first objection it is a sufficient
answer that not only Roux, but subsequent investigators
(Morgan, Kathariner and the present writer) have been able
to produce normal tadpoles from such rotated eggs.
It may be noticed here that Kathariner has repeated Roux’s
experiment with a slight variation. The eggs were kept constantly rotating, not in one but in an indefinite number of
planes by a stream of air-bubbles passing through a glass vessel
filled with water. Development was normal. This result does not
differ materially from that obtained by Roux with the test-tube
eggs referred to above, which has indeed been also independently
corroborated by Morgan.
The criticisms of Moszcowski take a different form. This
author urges that gravity always exercises an influence upon
the egg in determining the bilateral symmetry of both egg and
embryo. The grey crescent which appears soon after fertilization and is regarded by Roux as a direct effect of this process, is
supposed by Moszcowski to be produced by the action of gravity
upon the egg-contents during the short interval before the
perivitellinc space is formed and the egg able to turn over,
to be comparable, in fact, to the grey area or white plate
described by Born in his forcibly inverted eggs. Every normal
egg, therefore, has a ‘gravitation’ plane of symmetry which
later on becomes, as in inverted eggs, the median plane of the
embryo ; nor are the eggs on the rotatory apparatus exempt, for
it is held that the work of gravity can be accomplished on them
even in the few moments before they are placed on the machine.
With regard to the latter point both Katharincr and Morgan
have demonstrated that eggs kept in a state of perpetual
rotation in all directions, from the very moment of insemination
develop into perfectly normal, bilaterally symmetrical embryos,
while Roux has replied to the first part of the criticism by
pointing out that the grey area observed by Moszcowski was
not the normal grey crescent produced by the entering spermatozoon, but the ‘white plate’ of Born due to the incomplete
rearrangement of yolk and cytoplasm in an egg which had been
quite unintentionally prevented from assuming its normal
position. The grey crescent, indeed, Roux argues, could not
possibly be due to gravity in a normal egg, for it does not
appear until some time after the axis has become vertical.
There seems, therefore, to be little room for doubt that Roux’s
original contention, that gravity does not determine the symmetry of the egg and embryo in the Frog, is correct, although
it remains a result of considerable importance that this external
factor may be made artificially to induce a bilaterality in the
egg which is sullieiently strong to persist as the symmetry of the
There is one other matter of interest in this connexion. It is
obvious, and has been experimentally shown by O. Hertwig,
that a centrifugal force can replace gravity. On a. wheel rotated
with sufficient velocity the eggs turn with their axes radial, their
white poles outermost. If the velocity is great enough (145 revolutions a minute, radius from 24- to 32 cm.) the yolk is driven inside the egg towards the vegetative pole, and the distinction
between it and the protoplasm accentuated. The segmentation
of such eggs is mcroblastic ; a cap
of small cells is formed, a blastederm, resting upon an undivided,
though nucleated, yolk, and these
yolk-nuclei are large and irregular,
resembling the giant nuclei of
the large-yolked eggs of Elasmobranchs and other forms (Fig. 46).
An experimental confirmation is
FIG- 46-—S8gm6nt9:ti911 Of We thus aiforded of Balfour’s hypoFmgis egg under the Influence thesis tf 'v' rd on com arative
, P11 0).‘: d I)
of a centrifugal force (from KorSchelt and Heldelu after 0- Hert- grounds, that it is on the varying
wi ). The egg consists of a blas- - - _
togerm and an undivided yolk quantity of yolk that differences
(yolk-syncytium): Ich,blastocoel; in the segmentation of eggs prim, yolk-nuclei; d, yolk. marily depend_
If removed from the centrifuge in time, such eggs may continue to develop, though they frequently give rise to monstrosities
(Spina bifizla).
G. BORN. Ueber den Einfluss der Schwerc auf das Frosehei, Arch.
mikr. Auat. xxiv, 1885.
0. HERTWIG. Welchen Einfluss iibt die Schwerkraft auf die Teilung
der Zellen ‘P Jen. Zeitschr. xviii, 1885.
0. HERTWIG. Ueber einige am befruchteten Froschei durch Centrifugalkraft hervorgerufene Mechanomorphosen, S.-B. lci1m'g. preuss. All-ad.
Wiss. Berlin, 1897.
L. KATHARINER. Ueber die bedingte Unabliiingigkeit der Entwicklung des polar differenzirten Eies von der Schwerkraft, Arch. Em.
Mech. xii, 1901.
L. KATHARINER. Weitere Versuche fiber die Sclbstdifferelizirung dcs
Froschcies, Arch. Ent. Mech. xiv, 1902.
F. KEIBEL. Bemerkungen zu Roux’s Aufsatz ‘ Das Niclitiietliigsein der
Schwerkraft fiir die Entwicklung des Froscheies ', Amzf. Anz. xxi, 1902.
T. H. MORGAN. The dispensability of gravity in the development of
the Toad’s egg, Auat. Anz. xxi, 1902.
T. H. MORGAN. The dispensability of the constant action of gravity
and of a. centrifugal force in the development of the Toad‘s egg, Anat.
Anz. xxv, 1904.
M. MOSZCOWSKI. Ueber den Einfluss der Schwerkraft auf die Entstehung und Erhaltung der bilateralen Symmetric des Froscheies, Arch. milcr. Anal. 11:, 1902.
M. MOSZCOWSKI. Zur Analysis der Schwerkraftswirkung auf die
Entwicklung des Froscheies, Arch. milcr. Amzt. lxi, 1903.
E. P1«‘LiiG1«:R. Ueber den Einfluss der Schwerkraft auf die Teilung
der Zellcn, Pfliigeris Amh. xxxi, xxxii, xxxiv, 1883.
W. Roux. Ueber die Entwicklung des Froseheies bei Aufhebung der
riehtenden Wirkung dcr Schwerc, Breslau drtz. Zeitschu, 1884 ; also
Ges. Abh. 19.
W. RoUx. Bemerkung zu O. Schu1ze's Arbeit iiber die Nothwendigkeit, etc., Arch. Ent. Mech. ix, 1900.
W. RoUx. Das Nichtnothigsein der Schwerkraft fiir die Entwicklung
des Froscheies, Arch. Ent. Mech. xiv, 1902.
W. ROUx. Ueber die Ursachen der Bestimmung der Hauptrichtungen
des Embryo im Froschei, Auat. Auz. xxiii, 1903.
O. SCHULZE. Ueber die unbedingte Abhiingigkeit normaler tierischer
Gestaltung von der Wirkung der Schwerkraft, Verh. Anat. Ges. viii, 1894.
O. SCIIULZE. Ueber die Nothwendigkeit der freien Entwicklung des
Embryo, Arch. 1m'kr. Amtt. lv, 1900.
O. SCHULZE. Ueber das crste Auftreten der bilateralen Symmetric
im Verlauf der Entwicklung, Arch. milrr. Anal. lv, 1900.
The necessity of perpetual and violent agitation for the very
numerous pelagic ova which are ordinarily exposed to the stress
of wind and weather is well known to every zoologist who has
attempted to rear such forms in an aquarium, and need not be
further insisted on.’
There are also other eggs which require a small amount of
movement. The Hen turns her eggs every day, and the operation has to be artificially performed in an incubator. Its omission
leads to serious consequences, for, as Dareste has shown, the
allantois sticks to and ruptures the yolk-sac in unturned eggs, the
ruptured yolk-sac cannot be withdrawn into the abdomen, and
the Chick cannot hatch out. Death may ens11e at an early stage.
A violent agitation of the IIen’s egg, on the other hand, is
equally fatal.
Dareste subjected the unincubated eggs to violent shocks at
the rate of 27 a second for varying periods (from %' hour to
1 hour). The percentage of monstrosities observed after three
or four days of incubation was very high indeed, except when
‘ It seems probable that the principal value of the mechanical agita
tion to the larvae is to prevent the Diatoms and Algae, of which their
food consists, from sinking to the bottom.
the eggs were placed vertically with the blunt pole uppermost,
the blastoderm therefore resting against the shell
Marcacci has exposed the eggs, inside the incubator, to continual rotation for 48 hours. The eggs were fastened to horizontal and vertical wheels rotating 40, 80, and 60 times a minute.
At the last mentioned rate of revolution, the direction of rotation
was reversed half-way through the experiment.
Many of the eggs actually hatched out, but the chickens were
feeble and liable to disease, and exhibited malformations of the
muscles or skeleton. Others, however, died before hatching, in
some cases at an early stage, and death seems to have been due
to rupture of the vitelline membrane; this was always fatal.
The vertical motion was, on the whole, more harmful than the
horizontal, owing to the perpetual see-saw.
It may be noted here that Féré has succeeded in producing
retardation and abnormality of development in the Chick by
means of short exposures to sound-vibrations.
Mathews has shown that mechanical agitation —violent
shaking in a test-tube—is sufficient to provoke development
(artificial parthenogenesis) of the unfertilized eggs in As/arias,
but not in /lrlacia (see, however, below, p. 124).
C. DARESTE. Rccherches sur la production des monstruosités par les
secousses imprimées aux ueufs de poules, Comptcs Rendus, xcvi, 1883.
C. DARESTE. Sur le role physiologique du retournement dcs oeufs
pendant l‘incubation, Comptes Remlus, c, 1885.
C. DARESTE. Non velles rccherches concern-ant Pinfluence des secousses
sur le gei-me de 1'wuf de la. poule pendant la période qui sépare la pontc
de la mise en incubation, Comptes Remlus, ci, 1885.
C. DARESTE. Note sur 1‘évolution de l’embryon de la poule soumis
pendant Pincubation in. un mouvenient de rotation continu, Comptes Ilumlus,
cxv, 1892.
C. F1~':R£':. Note sur les differences des effets des vibrations mécaniques
sur l'évo1ution de l’embryon de poulet suivant 1‘époque oil elles agissent,
C. R. Soc. Biol. (10) i, 1894.
C. Ffiné. Note sur Pincubation dc l'oeuf dc poule dans la position
verticalc, C. R. Soc. Biol. (10) iv, 1897.
A. MARCACCI. Influence du mouvement sur le développement (les
ceufs de poule, Arch. Ital. Biol. xi, 1888.
A. P. MATHEWS. Artificial parthenogenesis produced by mechanical
agitation, Amer. Jomw. Phys. vi, 1901-2.
An external agent, to which all eggs are inevitably exposed, is
the natural magnetism of the earth. No evidence has, however,
as yet been brought forward that this agent exercises any directive
influence upon them, although their development may be distorted
by excessive exposure to it.
Thus Windle placed a number of Hens’ eggs between the
poles of a large horse-shoe magnet. Over 50 ‘A of these, when
incubated, gave rise to abnormalities, the area vasculosa being
affected in most cases. No relation could be detected between
the position of the egg in the magnetic field and the kind of
monstrosity produced.
In the case of Trout ova similarly treated a very high deathratc was observed, but this was attributed by the experimenter
to the action of the electric currents set up by the running water
between the poles of the magnet. VVealc electric currents had
less effect.
Silkworms’ eggs, however, suffered no harm.
The effects of the electric current upon the eggs of Amphibia
and Birds were tested by some of the older observers. Rusconi,
Lombardini, and Fasola all found that the development of the
Frog's egg could be accelerated by weak currents. Lombardini
produced monstrosities in the ease of the Chick by this method.
More modern experiments are due to VVindle, Dareste, Rossi,
and Roux.
Windle observed a fairly high death-rate amongst Trout eggs
exposed to the action of the current. Dareste has found a large
percentage of monsters among embryos developed from Hens’
eggs subjected for from one to three minutes to the electric
spark (12 cm. long from Bonnetty’s machine, 3-35 cm. long
from a Rhumkorif coil). Development was, however, normal in
the case of eggs placed for an hour in a Tesla’s solenoid traversed
by a discharge of 500,000 periods a second. Rossi employed
a continuous current passing through the eggs (of Salm/lamb-iua
perspicilla/a) in the direction of the axis. Both yolk and
pigment became aggregated at the animal pole, leading to the
formation there of a grey raised area surrounded more or less
completely by a furrow. When segmentation occurred the first
two blastomeres were unequal and detached; the vegetative
hemisphere was hardly segmented at all in later sta.ges, the
previous divisions having disappeared. The nuclei were affected
in various ways, and the directions of the cleavage spindles
altered. The capacity for resistance to these evil effects was
noticed to increase as development advanced.
The polar area produced in these experiments recalls the polar
areas observed by Roux in Frogs’ eggs exposed to a horizontal current, at right angles, therefore, to the axis. Alternating currents
of 50 and 100 volts were employed. The eggs were fertilized
two or three hours before the commencement of the experiment.
In from fifteen to thirty seconds after exposure two polar
areas appeared in each egg. The polar areas were turned
towards the electrodes. They were marked, dotted in various
ways, and flocked with white extruded drops of yolk, and
separated by furrows from a middle or ‘equatorial’ zone, the
width of which varied directly with the distance of the egg
from the electrode, inversely with the strength of the current
and the duration of exposure.
Unfertilized ova were found to react in the same way. So
also eggs in which segmentation had begun, and in those cases
where the furrow cut the equatorial zone obliquely, the two
halves of the latter turned away from one another.
The polar areas appear too in eggs which are exposed in the
‘ morula ’ stage, each cell having in addition a polar area of its
own. The latter, however, do not appear in enfeebled eggs, but
only the former.
In the gastrula and later stages the reaction occurs, but less
None of the eggs which have been exposed to the current
develops any further. They stick to the jelly, and consequently
lose their power of rotation.
Similar results were obtained by the use of the continuous
current (43 volts), but the anodic and the kathodie areas usually
differed from one another in certain details.
It is important to notice that neither in these experiments,
nor in another in which the eggs were placed inside a glass
tube surrounded by a coil, could any definite relation be satisfactorily made out between the direction of the first furrow and
that of the current. Indeed, though intrinsically interesting,
the experiments throw no particular light upon the problem of
development. Rather should they be classed with the investigations of Verworn and others upon the behaviour of Protozoa
in the electric current, investigationswhich promise to contribute
to the understanding of the structure and movements of living
substanee. It may be noted here that Roux has himself
produced these polar areas on such structures as the heart and
gall-bladder of the Frog and other vertebrates.
C. DARESTE. Rechcrches sur l‘iniluence de l’électi-icité sur 1'4.’-volution
dc l‘embr_yon de la poule, Comples Bemlus, cxxi, 1895.
U. ROSSI. Sull‘ azione dell‘ elettricita nello sviluppo dclle uova
(legli Anfibi, Arch. Ent. Mech. iv, 1897.
W. RoUx. Ueber die morphologisehe Polarisation von Eiern uml
Embryonen durch den electrischen Strom, sowie fiber die Wirkung des
eleetrischen Stroms auf die Riehtung (ler elsten Teilung des Eies,
S’.-B. Icais. Alrud. IViss. Wien, ci, 1891, also Ges. Abh. 25.
B. C. A. WINDLE. On certain early ma.lformn.tions of the embryo,
Jouru. Aunt. and Phys. xxvii, 1892-3.
B. C. A. W1NDLE. The effects of electricity and magnetism on
development, Journ. Aunt. and Phys. xxix, 1895.
As Roux pointed out long ago in the case of the Frog, light
exercises no directive influence upon the development of the
ovum. Blane, indeed, has attempted to prove that the direction
of the embryonic axis in the egg of the Hen may be made to
depend upon the direction of the incident light-rays, but the
experiments are hardly conclusive. The method employed was
to blaeken the shell of the horizontally placed egg with the
exception of one spot to right or left of the blastoderm. On
this spot a beam of light was kept directed during incubation.
In some cases, but not in all, the embryonic axis was found to
deviate from its normal position at right angles to the long
axis of the shell. Further, the head of the embryo might be
turned towards or away from the source of light. There was
no relation between the amplitude of the deviation and the
length of the exposure.
Nor are the processes of growth and differentiation necessarily
affected in any way at all by the presence or absence of light,
or by the kind of light to which the eggs are subjected.
Thus Driesch, who has experimented with the eggs of
I9’o/Mme, P/auorbis, and Rana, maintains that neither red, yellow,
green, blue, nor violet light has the slightest eifect upon the eggs
during the early stages of segmentation and gastrulation, in
what he calls the organ-forming period of development; and
Loeb has asserted that the development of the embryos of the
lish Fzmthzlus is as rapid in darkness as in the light, except that
on the yolk-sac (not in the embryo) far fewer pigment-forming
cells are produced.
Yung, on the other hand, has brought forward evidence to
show that in later stages, at any rate, the embryos of the Frog
react difierently to lights of various wave-lengths, some of which
are harmful, others, apparently, beneficial.
Yung obtained his colours from solutions of fuchsin (red),
potassium bichromate (yellow), nickel nitrate (green), bleu de
Lyon (blue), and viole de Parme (violet). The colours, it may
be noticed, are not absolutely monochromatic.
Freshly laid eggs of Rana tem17omria were placed under the
influence of these lights. After one month, samples of the tadpoles were measured, with the following result in millimetres :
Red. Yellow. Green. Blue. Violet. White.
Length 2158 25-91 18-83 26-83 29-66 25-75
Breadth 4-83 5-58 4-16 5-75 6-83 5-25
The mortality in the green light was great.
After two months the dimensions were as follows :—
Red. Yellow. Green. Blue. Violet. White.
Length 26-25 31-83 All ‘ 33-50 41-30 31-00
Breadth 6-00 7-50 dead. 8-00 10-16 7-33
All the tadpoles in the red light eventually died.
White and yellow light gave the greatest number of perfect
frogs, but, as will be seen, those in the violet were larger. They
were, however, less differentiated, for they did not acquire their
hind legs so soon as did those in the white light. It may be
mentioned, however, that when the tadpoles reared under these
conditions are replaced in ordinary light and starved, those from
the violet exhibit a. greater power of resistance.
Experiments with Rana ésczzlenta gave the same result. In
this case the effect of darkness was also tried and found to be
distinctly unfavourable. Thus after one month the lengths in
darkness and white light were respectively 19-66 mm. and
23-10 mm., the breadths 4-66 mm. and 5-50 mm. ,- after two
months the difference was intensified, the lengths being 21-50 mm.
and 32-16 mm. , the breadths 7-16 mm. and 7-66 mm. The deathrate in the dark was exceedingly high.
The eggs and embryos of the Trout were likewise found by
Yung to be highly sensitive to green and red light, while the
larvae reared in violet hatched out rather more quickly than
those from yellow, blue, or white light.
In an experiment on the eggs of I/inmaca stayizalie, due to the
same investigator, the effect is measured by the time required
for the young to hatch out, as the following table shows :—
Light. Time to hatching in days.
Red . . . . . . 36
Yellow . . . . . . 25
Green . . The heart is formed, then death occurs.
Blue . . . . . . 19
Violet . . . . . . 17
White . . . . . . 27
Dark . . . . . . 33
Green light is evidently fatal; development is retarded in red
light, less so in darkness ; yellow has about the same clfcet as
white light, while there is a considerable acceleration in blue and
The relative effect produced by the various lights is as in the
preceding experiments.
The results obtained by Vernon for Eehinoid larvae are,
however, not quite consonant with this, as may be seen in the
table (Table XII), where the colours are arranged in the order
of the efiect they produce. It will be observed that yellow is
more harmful than red, while green exerts about the same effect
as blue (copper sulphate). The author states, however, that in
two other experiments the larvae were entirely killed off by
the green light though developing perfectly in the white. He
also adds that in violet light no development was possible owing
to the swarms of bacteria.
Percentage change of size.
Semi-darkness . . . . . + 2-5 ‘
Absolute darkness . . . . . — 1-3*
Blue (copper sulphate) . . . . -46
Green . . . . . . . -4-8
Red . . . . . . . -6-9
Blue (bleu de Lyon) . . . . —-7-4
Yellow . . . . — 8-9
* Almost within the limits of experimental error.
In the Pluteus Vernon found that both the oral and the
aboral arm-length decreased in darkness, green and blue (bleu
de Lyon) lights, while blue (copper sulphate), yellow, and red
light exerted little influence on this magnitude.
It only remains to be added here that Blanc and Féré have
brought forward some not very satisfactory evidence to show
that white light is favourable to the development of the Chick.
Féré has also stated that red and orange lights are more
harmful than white, while violet has about the same elfect.
The experiments are, however, vitiated by the fact that the
eggs were not turned over.
L. BLANO. Note sur l‘influence de la lumiere sur l'o1-ientation de
l'embryon dans l’oeuf de poule, C. R. Soc. Biol. (9) iv, 1892.
L. BLANC. Note sur les effets tératogéniques de la lumiere blanche
sur l’oeuf de poule, C. R. Soc. Biol. (9) iv, 1892.
H. Dnmscn. Entwicklungsmechanische Studien II, Zeitschr. wiss.
Zool. liii, 1892.
C. Feat}. Note sur l'influence de la lnmiere blanche et de la lumiere
colorée sur l’ineuba.tion des oeufs de poule, C’. R. Soc. Biol. (9) v, 1893.
'1‘. LIST. Ueber den Einfluss des Lichtes auf die Ablagerung von
Pigment, Arch. Ent. Mech. viii, 1899.
J. LOEB. A contribution to the physiology of coloration in animals,
Journ. Morph. viii, 1893.
J. Lorna. Ueber den Einfluss des Lichtes auf die Organbildung bei
Thieren, Pfl12ger's Arch. lxiii, 1896.
H. M. VERNON. The effect of environment on'the development of
Echinoderni larvae: an experimental enquiry into the causes of variation,
Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. clxxxvi, 1895.
E. YUNG. De 1’influence des milieux physiques sur les étres vivants,
Arch. Zool. Exp. et G'e'n. vii, 1878.
E. YUNG. De Pinfiuence des lumieres colorécs sur le développement
des aniinaux, Mitt. Zoo]. Stat. Neapel, ii, 1881.
As is very well known, those activities by which every
organism maintains its specific form can only be carried on
within certain definite limits of temperature. So also a certain
degree of heat is necessary for the due performance of the
functions of growth and difierentiation ; above or below certain
limits—more or less definite for each organism, but varying in
different organisms—-development is unduly accelerated or retarded, or brought to a standstill, while its form is frequently
distorted as well.
’l‘o Oscar Hertwig we are indebted for a careful inquiry into
the conditions of temperature under which the development of
the Frog-’s egg takes place.
In the case of Ifanaflcsccz Hertwig has found the cardinal
temperature-points to be as follows :—The normal is about
15°—16° C.; above this up to 20°—22° C. development is accelerated without being otherwise altered ; this temperature is therefore the optimum (Fig. 51). Above this point the form of development is altered, a11d at such a high temperature as 30° C. death
follows very quickly. At low temperatures (6°-1° C.) there is considerable retardation, and at the zero-point a complete cessation
of segmentation ; the eggs are often permanently injured.
At the high temperatures referred to—-from 23° C. upwards—
it is the yolk—cells which are primarily affected. At from 29-6‘’
to 27-5" the yolk is unable to divide, though it is nucleated, and
segmentation is confined to the animal hemisphere, and soon
ceases even there (Fig. 47). At 26-5° the first furrow indeed
passes through the yolk, but subsequent segmentation is mereblastic, with the resulting formation of a cap of cells or blastoderm
lying upon and separated by a segmentation cavity from the
JEN xmson 11
98 EX'1‘ERNAL FACTORS 111. 5
nucleated yolk. The eggs then die. At lower temperatures25°-23°—the yolk is also affected, and many eggs die in the
‘ morula’ stage; such as do survive give rise to distortions or
monstrosities (Figs. 48, 49). The injury to the yolk interferes
, °\
A 11
Flo. 47.——Meridional sections of eggs of Rmmfusm developed (A) at
29-5° 0., (B) 26-5“ 0. Five hours ten minutes after fertilization. 7;, nuclei;
p, pigment.
F100.’ 48.—Meridiona.l sections of eggs of Rama fusca developed at
._‘2 -5 C. Qne day after fertilization. /.-, nuclei; kk, blastocoel; 2, cells
imbedded in unsegmented yolk.
FIG. 49.——Abnorma1 embryos of Rauafusca, produced by heat. A, embryo
two days old developed at a. temperature of 24° C. ; 13, embryo three days
old, reared at a. temperature of about 25° 0. br, brain; y.p, yo1k—plug;
Lb, tail-bud ; t,ta.1l; s, sucker ; g, gill.
III. 5 HEAT 99
with the proper closure of the blastopore ,- there is consequently
a. large, persistent yolk-plug surrounded by a thickened blasteporic rim into which the separated halves of the medullary plate
and notoehord are differentiated (spina bifida) (Fig. 50). The
FIG. 50.-~’l‘wo transverse sections through the embyro shown in
Fig. 49 A. A, passes through the blastopore and yolk-plug; B, through
the anterior end. (I, yolk-plug ; m.p, medullary plate; ch, notochord;
mk, mesoblast.
front end of the arehenteron is, however, normally developed if
the temperature is not too high, and in this case the anterior
portion of the nervous system and
notochord are undivided ; posteriorly, however, their right and
left halves diverge round the blastepore, and are continued into the
halves of the double tail when the
latter is formed. Gill slits, protovertebrae, striated muscle—fibres,
the pronephros and its duct, and Fm.51.__Mel_idi0m1section
the tail {in may all be differentiated. of an egg of Rum, f,,_m,, de_
The development of the organs Veloped at 9: t01"Pe1‘°«t“1‘6 0f
f t] t .d f t] b d . f_ 22° C. Six hours fifty minutes
0 1e W0 S‘ es 0 1° 0 Y 1s 1c‘ after fertilization. kh, blaste
quently unequal. coel.
At low temperatures segmentation and the closure of the
blastopore take place very slowly, and at ()° cease altogether.
The eggs are not, however, dead, but will resume their development when replaced under ordinary temperature conditions.
They show abnormalities, however, due to injury of the yolk;
ll 2
Morgan has similarly found that the fertilized (not, however,
the unfertilized) eggs of an American species (If. palust/'18) which
ve been subjected to a temperature of 1° C. and then allowed
elop under normal circumstances exhibit spina bifida and
lze has also observed these abnormalities as the result of
e cold. On one point, however, this author is not quite
ement with O. Hertwig, for he states that eggs and
s exposed to 0° in various stages do continue to develop,
thld of course very sl0\vly. ’.l‘hus, in the ease of eggs exposed
sl8§ after fertilization, the blastula stage was only reached in
ays, while a month elapsed before the bl-astopore was formed.
ie and Knowlton, however, state that in la’. rireecens and
.4m0l_y.s*to1/ta liqrinum segmentation is totally inhibited at 0°.
In another species of Frog (If. esculenla) which spawns much
later in the year——in May and J une——the cardinal points were
found by Ilertwig to be much higher, and the eggs endured
a temperature of 33° C. without injury. They are, in fact,
acclimatized to a higher temperature, and it is very interesting
to notice that Davenport and Castle have succeeded in artificially
acclimatizing the eggs of another Amphibian (Bag/‘o le7zli_qz'/zoszw)
to a considerable degree of heat. Eggs were reared at 15° C.
and 24°—25° C. After four weeks the heat rigor temperature
was 40° C. for the former, 43-2° for the latter; and in another
experiment the temperature was raised to 43-3’ by allowing the
eggs to develop at 33°—34.«° for seventeen days.
A similar lowering of the minimum seems to have been observed
by Lillie and Knowlton in the case of /lmM_y&lo1/za tigrimzi/I. In
this form, which spawns much earlier than Rana vi7'¢m.v, there
is considerably less retardation of development at 4°.
That temperature markedly influences the rate of development,
or, as Hertwig puts it, that the quantity of developmental work
performed per unit of time is a function of the temperature, is
abundantly clear, and is well shown in the annexed diagrams
(from Hertwig), in which the curves show the times taken to
reach various stages at various temperatures (Figs. 52, 53).
It will be seen that as the temperature sinks the rate of
development, or rather of differentiation, decreases, but at an
The rate of growth, however, may increase at an increasing
(or decrease at a) decreasing) rate, as Lillie and Knowlton found
FIG. 52.—Curves showing
development of the Frog (Ramtfusca). The abs '
ture in degrees Centigrade, the ordinates the
each of the stages I to ]X. I
dullnry folds closed, sucker
VII, operculum beginning; VIII, opercnlum closing; IX, rudiments of
hind legs. (After 0. Hertw 98.)
, g:1strula.; II,
V. tail-bud
ig, 18
ae giv
( '3 req
inedullary plate; III,
; V, tail
the effect of temperature upon the rate of
cuss e the tempera»
<11) uired to reach
and gills; VI,
metail fin ;
increasing rate. Lillie and Knowlton have made the same
observation for the species investigated by them.
III. 5
for the tadpoles of Rana viresccns and Bufo lenliginoxzw. The
same authors state that at low temperatures (below 3° in the
case of the Frog, below 6° in the case of the Toad) growth was
altogether inhibited, while at 2° there was an actual shortening
in length in the ease of the Frog tadpole, due, it is suggested,
to a diminution in the turgor of the cells.
The cardinal points have also been determined for the lIen’s
egg. According to Kaestner normal development occurs only
FIG. 53.—Efl'ect of teinperaturc upon the growth of the tadpole of the
frog (Rana fusca). A, B, developed at a temperature of 14-5"--15" (1.;
A, two days old, circular blastopore (Stage I in Fig. 52) ; B, three days
old (Stage II in Fig. 52) ; C, 1), developed at a temperature of 20° C. ;
6', three days old (Stage V in Fig. 52); D, four days old (Stage VI in
Fig. 52). (From Minot, 1907, after 0. Ilertwig, 1898.)
between 95° and 102° F. (35° and 39°C.). The maximum, the
temperature above which the embryo dies, is 43° C.; the minimum, at which development stands still, 28" C. Edwards, however, fixes the minimum or physiological zero at 20°—21” C., for,
as the annexed diagram shows (Fig. 54-),development may continue
between 20° and 29°, though it is, of course, very much retarded.
Edwards has further made the highly interesting observation
III. 5 HEAT 103
FIG. 54.—~'1‘l1c index of; development (percentage of normal development) for the egg of the Hen at tenrperatures varying from 20°C. to
30-75"G. (After Edwards, 1902.)
_-  p , ....I
‘  s=....'é.‘ns 2...
540 .fit!m .... ,.
III: fi
5.40 gig ii
Igga- UIIF I
as? '*“-'
4.40 " 1......
FIG. 55.—Growth of the blastoderm of the Hen’s egg independently of
the appearance of the primitive streak, at low temperatures. (After
Edwards, 1902.)
that at tl1e low temperatures in question growth may occur without
differentiation (Fig. 55). Thus in one series of experiments at
24-5° for six days the blastoderm increased in diameter from
4-4 mm. (the average diameter of the blastoderm in unineubated
eggs) to 6-9 mm. The primitive streak was, however, not formed.
A temporary exposure to low temperatures often inflicts
a permanent injury on the egg and leads to malformations.
Kaestner, by subjecting the eggs at many different stages to
temperatures of 15°—25°, 10° and 5°, has discovered that the
capacity of resistance decreases as development proceeds (though
not with absolute regularity). Thus the maximum exposure to
21° consonant with subsequent normal development was 192
hours for embryos of six hours, 96 hours for embryos of one day,
7 2.’ hours for embryos of two to six days, 4-9 hours for embryos
of eight (lays, and 24 hours for embryos of 20 days.
At these low temperatures development is stated to be completely arrested, though the heart never ceases beating, irregularly
and convulsively. The cooling process may be repeated over and
over again without altering the capacity for future growth and
diiferentiation, or reducing or increasing the maximum capacity
of endurance of cold.
Malformations, as stated above, are of frequent occurrence,
b.ut only in those cases in which the embryo has been exposed in
an early stage, during the first two or three days of incubation,
and only after long exposures.
The Inedullary folds may remain unformed anteriorly, the
two halves of the heart may remain widely separate, the head
amnion fold may be absent and abnormal gill slits be formed;
the heart and blood—vessels are often enormously distended, and
hacmorrhages are frequent. Kaestner attributes these monstrosities not directly to the cold but to the pressure of the
blastoderm against the shell, for in the cooled eggs, owing to
some change in the specific gravity of the albumen or yolk, the
latter rises up ; if the egg is placed with the blunt end uppermost, so that the embryo is pressed against the shcll—membrane,
no monsters are produced.
Mitrophanow is another observer who has utilized low temperatures to cause malformations. High temperatures also give
III. 5 HEAT 105
rise to abnormalities accompanied by acceleration (Féré, Mitrephanow).
The effects of extremes of heat and cold upon the ova and
embryos of certain Invertebrates have been studied by Drieseh,
the brothers Hertwig, Vernon, Sala, and Greeley.
FIG. .")6.—-The effect of heat upon the segmentation of the Echinoid
egg. a, b, c, (1, four successive stages in the segmentation of the same egg
of I9'¢'hinus; e, f, two successive stages in the division of the same egg of
Sphaercchinus. (After Driesch, 1893.)
FIG. 57.— Suppression of cell-, but not of nuclear, division by
heat (E:-hbms). (After Driesch, 1893.)
The first-named observed that by subjecting the fertilized ova of
Sp/zaerec/aiizus to a temperature of 30°—3l° (the normal is 19°) development was accelerated and segmentation abnormal (Fig. 56).
After the first furrow—though not after subsequent divisions——
the blastomeres separated and sometimes remained apart, a fact
which provided a means of watching the independent development of the first two blastomeres. After the four-celled stage
the direction of division became irregular, one spindle being
perpendicular, instead of parallel, to the other three, or two
perpendicular to two, or all irregular; in the next phase the
formation of micromeres was partially or wholly suppressed.
Nevertheless these abnormally segmented eggs produced perfectly
normal Plutei.
It is also possible for nuclear division to continue while celldivision is suppressed, as a result of exposure to high temperatures (Drieseh) (Fig. 57).
FIG. 58.~—'l‘he effect of heat upon the development of S'pl1mu'e¢-/u'nu.s_r/ranulm'z's. a,exogu.strul-a; b, exog.1.strula.,wit.l1 tripartite gut; r, Pluteus,
with tripartite gut; (d) Anenterion, with stoinodaeum, but no gut.
(After Driesch, 1895.)
By exposing the blastulae to the same high temperature
Driesch brought about a very interesting malformation, an Aneuterion (Fig. 58). The arehenteron was formed and constricted
into the normal three portions, but it was evaginated instead of
invaginated. Later on it shrank up and disappeared; the rest
of the embryo, however, became a Pluteus, with a stomodaeum.
Vernon finds the optimum temperature for Echinoid larvae
III. 5 HEAT 107
to be from 17-5° to 21«5° C. Exposure to high or low temperatures after fertilization, either for longer or shorter intervals or
continuously, produced a decrease in body-length of the Plutei.
The arm-length, however, increased with increasing temperature.
Vernon has also made the most interesting observation that
the variability alters with the temperature. Eight-day larvae
were measured, and the mean variability (Galton’s Q) of the
body-length was found to be at 16° to 18°, 22-2, at 18° to
20°, 26-3, at 20° to 22°, 24-8, and at 22° to 24°, 24-0. Thus the
variability is greatest at the temperature most favourable for
development, and conversely.
It is also possible for the cell processes that occur during
fertilization itself to be seriously affected by heat and cold, as
the researches of O. and R. Hertwig have shown.
Moderate exposure (twenty minutes) of the eggs of Sta-ony_ylo—
cenlrotmr to a temperature of 31° C. so weakens the cytoplasm
that many spermatozoa are enabled to enter. Each sperm
forms its own aster, and these combine with one another to
form various irregular mitotic figures (triasters, tetrasters, and
so on). The segmentation of such eggs is very irregular.
With longer exposures the cones of entrance become feebly
developed and the asters are not formed, while the numerous
sperm-nuclei remain unaltered. Greater heat—over 40° C.—
prevents the entrance of the spermatozoa altogether.
This pathological polysperm y may also be produced by cold;
in this case also excessive exposure prevents the formation of the
vitelline membrane, the cones of entrance, and the sperm-asters,
while the spermatozoa remain in the peripheral layer of the egg.
The eifect of a low temperature on eggs which have already
been normally fertilized is seen in the reduction of the astral
rays and spindle fibres, though not of the spheres, and in the
thickening and irregular aggregation of the chromosomes. At
a normal temperature the achromatic figure reappears.
Very similar phenomena have been described by Sala. in
A.9carz'8. This author kept the eggs (the females, that is, containing eggs in all stages of development) at low temperatures
——-from 3° to 8° C.—for from half an hour to five hours and
longer. The eifect of a short exposure to a very low tem108 EXTERNAL FACTORS III. 5
perature is not so harmful as a longer exposure to a less degree
of cold. The processes of maturation and fertilization were
both abnormal. Granules of chromatin took the place of the
tetrads and were unequally distributed to the spindle-poles ; or,
if the chromosomes (tetrads) had been normally formed before
the commencement of the experiment, their division was
irregular, in extreme cases all passing to one pole and into the
first polar body. Again, the formation of the polar bodies
might be suppressed altogether, or abnormal, the second only
being formed, or both as one, or the first polar body might be
as large as the egg itself. 'l‘hc achromatic figure was also
deformed, the spindle being split at one or both poles (pseudotriaster, pseudo-tetraster), and centrosomes appeared instead of
the usual centrosomal granules. The cytoplasm became granular,
the vitelline membrane was not formed, two or more eggs
frequently fused together. Polyspermy, with consequent multiplication of asters and eentrosomes, was very noticeable, aml, in
fertilization stages, a separate pronueleus may be formed from
each female chromosome, or fragment of a chromosome.
Closely connected with the cytoplasmic effects brought about
by these temperature changes is the phenomenon of artificial
parthenogenesis, produced by Morgan and Greeley in Ar/mcia
and .»1stc7-ins by lowering the tempe1'at111'e of the sea—water to
the freezing-point. Greeley has also shown that a lowering of
the temperature, like the raising of the osmotic pressure, results
in a withdrawal of water, the cause to which, as is well known,
Loeb attributed the development of unfertilized ova in his
Greeley has shown that by the combination cl‘ a low temperature with a chemical reagent :1. higher percentage of
swimming blastulac can be obtained.
C. B. DAVENPORT and W. E. CASTLE. Studies in lnorphogencsis;
III. On the acelilnatization of organisms to high temperatures, Arch.
Em. Mesh. ii, 1896.
H. DRIESCH. Entwicklungsmeeh. Stud. IV: Experimentelle Veranderung des Typus der Furehung und ihre Folgen (Wirkungen von
Warmezufuhr und Druck), Zeilschr. u-r'.vs. Zool. lv, 1893.
III. 5 HEAT 109
H. DRIEscH. Entwicklungsmech. Stud. VII: Exogastrula und Anonteria, Mirth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, xi, 1895.
C. L. EDWARDS. The physiological zero and the index of development for the egg of the domestic fowl, Gallus do;msti('u.s‘, Amer. Journ.
Phys. vi, 1901-2. _
A. W. GREELEY. On the efl‘ect of variations in the temperature upon
the process of artificial parthenogenesis, Biol. Bull. iv, 1903.
O. HERTWIG. Ueber den Einfluss verschiedener Temper-aturen auf
die Entwicklung der Froscheier, S.-I3. loom’;/. preuss. Al.-ml. Wis.»-. Berlin,
0. HER'rwI(}. Ueber den Einfluss cler Temperatur auf die Entwicklung
von Rana fusca und esculcnta, Arch. mikr. Anat. li, 1898.
S. KAESTNER. Ueber kiinstliche Kitlteruhe von Hiihncreiern im Verlauf
der Bebriitung, Arch. Anat. Phys. (Anna), 1895.
S. KAESTNER. Ueber die Unterbrechung der Bebriitung von Hiihnereiern a.1s Methode zur Erzeugung von Missbildungen, Verh. Amrt. GeseIIsr'h.,
F. R. LILLIE and E. P. KNOWLTON. On the effect of tempemture on
the development of animals, Zool. Bull. i, 1898.
L. SALA. Experimentelle Untersuchung fiber die Reifung und Befruehtung der Eier bei Ascaris megalocephala, Arch. milcr. Anat. xliv, 1895.
O. SCHULZE. Ueber die Einwirkung niederer Temperatur auf die
Entwickelung des Frosches, I, Anat. Anz. x, 1895.
O. SCHULZE. Ueber die Einwirkung niederer Temperatur auf die
Entwickelung des Frosches, II, Anat. Am. xvi, 1899.
The respiratory exchange, which is so characteristic a function
of adult organisms, is a necessity for the embryo also, and in
some cases can be detected in very early stages indeed.
In the case of the Chick this need of oxygen is shown by the
arrest or distortion of development, or the death of the embryo
when the egg is placed in too confined a space, or when the
shell is varnished, wholly or above only (Mitrophanow, Féré),
though a coat of varnish on the lower side has no effect according to the latter author; or again, when the egg is placed in an
atmosphere of hydrogen, or when the pressure of the ordinary
atmosphere is reduced (Griaeomini).
Giaeomini found that at a pressure of about 600 mm. the
embryos were small and abnormal in respect of the medullary
tube and amnion; the optic vesicles and cranial flexure were
absent, and there were serious disturbances in the area vasculosa,
where, though the blood islands were present, the capillaries
were either not formed or failed to reach the embryo. No
haemoglobin was produced. Embryos exposed at a later stage
(four days) nearly all died in two days of asphyxia, the blood
being dark red and haemorrhages numerous. That these efieets
were due not to the reduced pressure but to the want of oxygen
was shown by the complete normality of embryos reared in an
atmosphere of pure oxygen at the same pressure (except in
certain characters always exhibited by such embryos ; see below).
Similar methods may be employed to demonstrate the necessity of oxygen for the Frog’s egg, a necessity which is indeed
patent to any one who has observed the inferior development,
accompanied by spina bifida and open blastopore (Morgan) of
the eggs in the middle of a mass of spawn.
Thus, according to Rauber, development is retarded at a
pressure of % atmosphere of ordinary air, and the mortality high,
while at pressures of 7}; or 7,1 atmosphere death very rapidly
ensues. As a result of four days’ exposure to pure hydrogen
or nitrogen (ordinary air from which the oxygen had been
removed) Samassa observed retarded segmentation, and subsequently irregularities in development of the type already referred
to. Carbon dioxide produced irregular segmentation and death
in twenty hours.
Godlewski’s experiments are perhaps more thorough. The
eggs subjected to ordinary air at a greatly reduced pressure
(2 .mm.), as well as those kept in thoroughly boiled water,
segmented but little, and cell-division was confined to the
animal hemisphere. In an atmosphere of pure oxygen at the
same low pressure, however, development was, in many cases at
least, neither retarded nor abnormal. Further experiments with
pure oxygen, pure hydrogen, and an atmosphere composed of
oxygen and carbon dioxide in equal parts, gave the same result,
as the subjoined table shows (Table XIII). It is also clear that
the absence of oxygen makes itself felt almost from the beginning, while pure oxygen accelerates development.
~__ 1- Oxygen and :
Hours Oxygen. Hydrogen. Carbon Controls.
3 First furrow in No furrow M-‘ No furrow
3% All but one with One - hall‘ Most with first
first furrow with first furrow
' furrow ,
4 All but one 4 cells The same, 8 All with 2 cells
2 cells ‘J3
5 All with 4 cells Most with 4 g Most with 21 cells;
ce s 4» a few Wltl 4
17% Blastomeres smaller Blastomeres a, Normal
than in controls smallerthan 3;
in controls o
22} Blastomeres very Segmenta.- 7* Normal
small tion ceases _
47 Blastopore closed White) hemisphere
visi le
73 Mcdullary folds Blastopore closed
This method has given similar results for the eggs of the
fishes Cte7z0la6¢'u.s and Fmzriulus (Loeb). One or two points
are, however, worthy of especial notice.
The former develops at the surface of the sea, and is more
sensitive to a lack of oxygen than the latter, the segmentation
of whose egg will indeed continue for twenty-four hours in pure
hydrogen, though an embryo is never formed. In Cleuolabrus,
on the other hand, segmentation never advances further than
the eight-celled stage, and the cell-boundaries already formed
subsequently disappear, though they can be restored on removal
to pure oxygen. In Fvmrlulus the capacity for enduring a lack
of oxygen decreases (or the need of oxygen increases) with the
progress of development; the fatal exposure for a newly
fertilized egg is four days, for a newly formed embryo thirtytwo hours, for an embryo with the circulation established
twenty-four hours, and for the newly hatched larva. shorter
still. Carbon dioxide is quickly fatal to both species.
The lack of oxygen has also a noteworthy eifect on the pigment cells which are found, especially round about the bloodvessels, on the yolk-sac of Fzmrlulus. These pigment cells are
of two kinds, black and red, and when the embryo is deprived of
oxygen the former disappear, the latter diminish only a little.
It has been noticed elsewhere that this pigment is less abundantly
formed in darkness than in light, and Loeb has suggested that
light may promote oxidation.
The ova of Echinoids also require oxygen from the beginning
of their development (Loeb). Without this element segmentation is impossible, or, if segmentation has already begun before
they are deprived of it, the blastomeres swell up and fuse.
According to Lyon the eggs of Arbacia are only sensitive to
a want of oxygen for from fifteen to twenty minutes after
fertilization. Vernon has shown that water saturated with
carbon dioxide and mixed in the proportion of 20 % or more with
sea-water is fatal to the development of these forms.
Exact quantitative determinations of the oxygen absorbed
and the carbon dioxide excreted have been made by Godlewski
for the Frog and by Pott and Preyer for the Chick. The results
are shown in the tables annexed (Tables XIV, XV).
Showing the result of one experiment on the respiration of
the Frog's egg (Godlewski).
Day? anger A111ourz1llI;‘ilnpg§|;.air‘i)I(p:a‘:é;e:')f24 hrs.
femhzatlom 0 absorbed. CO, excreted.
1 __
2 0-4502 0-0995
3 0-7033 0-2131
4 1-0539 0-4193
It thus appears to be the very general rule that the egg begins
to respire at an early age. There is a case, however, A.s-crmlv, in
which not only can the egg endure an atmosphere of nitrogen
or carbon dioxide or nitric oxide for prolonged periods and still
develop, but is actually killed by pure oxygen (at 2-} atmospheres)
(Samassa). The adult worm, of course, is an endoparasite, and
Bungc has shown that it can manage to produce carbon dioxide
though denied access to free oxygen.
The eifect of pure oxygen has also been tried on various embryos.
In such an atmosphere (at ordinary pressure) the development of
the chick is normal, except that skin, allantois, limbs and amniotic fluid are all very red with oxyhaemoglobin; an excessive
amount of carbon dioxide is produced. The amount of this gas
III. 6
excreted by the undeveioped though incubated egg in pure
oxygen is, however, less than in air.
Showing the oxygen a.bso1-bed and carbon dioxide excreted by the Hen’s
egg during incubation. (After Pott and Preyer, from Preyer, Spez.
Days of Amount in grammes per 24 hrs. of
iIl0l1')Mi0l1- O absorbed. CO, excreted.
b‘£r?:::i::5::*5. v«ve»opea— 33132312223.
_1 _ _ _ _____ __
1. 2 ____ _. WM _____
4 ' A"”__" —H‘"_ _ —‘_
N15" " ' _ " $708 '——_: *__‘_'“‘
‘ up-16‘ ' ”—’__ '--11'8"‘
’*“7’'"“ .09 I iliowk 09- _ -08?
W -75-“ -10"“ 11 .15
9 I‘—11'_' "W To .11 -11 _ ‘Wk _*‘i'7" ‘' " 11" _ “M11” M ” W’  ‘gird
_ M _ __-_ _-_ --_______
“W >1’5;" " -24 A I -14__ .2L1"“ I W53 V"
14 “ " ‘ "T15. *\-E323 I
*****  .40 .1‘5‘I .40~_ " I36”
us .42 — .15 " .45 ‘M I 36
I * 17 I ""—_.r»?a"“' -15 .53 £59
15‘ -65 15 52 I -323
19 "W -67 V _—M .544
_ 20 W -68 A -16 55* I 41*”
-H "21" _ -86 -16 —— -6é— " _”_«i7§__
* Pulinonatry respiration begins.
According to Samassa. and Rauber the development of the
Frog-’s egg in pure oxygen is normal, but Godlewski states, as
we have seen, that it is somewhat accelerated. At a pressure of
2% atmospheres, however, segmentation is arrested and death
ensues (Samassa).
When the tadpoles, newly hatched, are exposed to its influence,
the hyoid becomes immensely thickened and the branchial
chamber completely closed; the internal gills weak (Rauber),
and the same author states that ‘ gastrulae’ subjected to three
atmospheres of ordinary air had their development temporarily
arrested, while later embryos, in the stage of the medullary folds,
became small and immobile in air at twice the atmospheric pressure.
This result seems to be due to pressure, not to the oxygen.
In the foregoing the general necessity of respiration for the
life of the developing organism has alone been taken into consideration, but it should not be forgotten that oxygen may
exert a stimulus on some part, the response to wl1ich results in
a process of diiferentiation. Thus His has suggested that the
growth of the blastoderm over the yolk is oxygenotropic, and
IIerbst that the migration of the blastoderm-forming cells to
the surface in Arthropod ova, and the migration of spiculeforming cells in Echinoid larvae are cases of definite reaction
to oxygenotactic stimuli. Loeb, we may note, has found that
the regeneration of the head of ’l'ubularia will only take place
when the stem is supplied with fresh water, and the same author
has suggested that the accumulation of the pigment cells round
the blood-vessels on the yolk-sac of Fmztlulus is also an
C. F1’-Jmé. Note sur l‘inllueuce des entluits particls sur l'ine-ubation dc
l’u.:ul' do poule, C. If. Soc-. Biol. (10) i, 1894.
C. GIACOMINI. Influence de 1‘ iarifié sur le dévcloppemcnt dc
1'ueufde poule, Arch. Ital. Biol. xxii, 1895.
E. GODLEWSKI. Die Einwirkung des Sauerstolfes auf die Entwicklung
von Rana tempormia, Arch. Eut. Mesh. xi, 1901.
C. HERBST. Ueber die Bedeutung der Reizphysiologie fiir die
cauale Auffassung von Vorgangen in der thierischen Ontogenese,
Biol. Cmtralbl. xiv, xv, 1894, 1895.
J. LOEB. Ueber die relative Empfindlichkeit von Froschembryonen
gegen Sauerstoifmangel und Wasserentziehung in verschiedenen Entwicklungsstadien, Pflfigefs Arch. lv, 1894.
J. LOEB. Untersuehungen fiber die physiologischen Wirkungen des
Sauerstoffmangels, P_fliige)"s Arch. lxii, 1896.
P. MITROPHANOW. Einfluss der veritnderten Respirationsbedingungen
auf die erste Entwiekelung des Hfilmerembryos, Arch. Ent. Meclt. x, 1900.
R. Po'r'r. Versuche iibcr die Respiration dcs Hiihner-Embryo in einer
Sauerstoffatinesphiire, If/h'iger’s 47071. xxxi, 1883.
R. Po'r'r und W. PREYER. Ueber den Gaswechsel und die chemischen
Veri‘r_nderungen des Hiihnereies withrend der Bebrutung, Pflz'iger's Arch.
xxvii, 1882.
W. PREYER. Spezielle Physiologic dos Embryo, Leipzig, 1885.
A. RAUBER. Ucber den Einfluss dcrTen1pc1-atur, des atinospliarischen
Druckes nnd vcrschiedener Stoffc auf die Entwicklung thierischer Eier,
S.-B. Nrmuf. Gas. Leipzig, x, 1883.
H. SAMASSA. Ueber die étusseren Entwicklungsbedingungen der Eier
von Rana tomporaria, Verh. ])eutsch. Zeal. (v'cs. vi, 1896.
That growth seems to depend in many cases on the absorption
of water or a watery fluid—in the swelling of the Echinoderm
blastula, for example, or the enlargement of the Mammalian
blastoeyst——has been noticed by several observers; in a. few
instances experimental proof has been given of the relation
between the two.
Although, as is very well known, the Hen’s egg loses weight
daily throughout incubation by loss of water, this loss is due
almost entirely to the slow evaporation of the albumen, and
a humid atmosphere is necessary for development, as Pott and
Preyer have found. Féré’s experiments with eggs incubated
in desiccators demonstrated, during later stages, a slight reta.rdation accompanied by abnormalities and a high death-rate;
in earlier stages, up to about the fourth day, there was on the
contrary an acceleration of development.
Davenport has shown for tadpoles of various Amphibia (Amblystoma, Toads, Frogs) that increase in weight is very largely
due to increase in weight of water. Known numbers of tadpoles, from which superficial water had first been carefully
removed, were placed over sulphuric acid in a. desiccator. Re
I 2
peated weighings were made until a constant minimum was
reached. The results are set forth in the accompanying table
and figure (Table XVI, Fig. 59). It will be seen that the
percentage of water rises very rapidly in the first fortnight,
from 56 % to 96 %, then decreases slightly, afterwards becoming
nearly constant.
Showing the rate of absorption of water by 'l‘u.«lpoles
(after Davenport).
Days after hatching. Percentage of water.
FIG. 59.-—Curve showing change in percentage of water in Frog tadpoles from the first to the eighty-fourth day after hatching. Abscissae,
days; ordinates, percentages. (After Davenport, from Korschelt and
A different, and a less satisfactory, method has been employed
by Loeb, hypertonic solutions being used to prevent the absorption of water. While the newly fertilized eggs of Fimdulus
developed as normally in fresh water as in sea-water, only
a blastoderm with occasionally a dwarf embryo was formed in
a 5 % solution of sodium chloride in sea-water, and segmentation
was arrested in the thirty-two-celled stage when the concentration of the salt was raised to 10 %. Older eggs were, however,
far less sensitive, and after three or four days the embryos could
he placed directly in a. 276 % solution without arresting their
development, though the heart heat more slowly and differentiation was less rapid.
FIG. 60.——A and 0, formation of ex-ovatcs in the egg of Arba('1'(( by
dilution of the sea-water; ls, nucleus; m, egg-membrane; B and 1),
hlastulae formed from A and C; If becomes constricted into two blastulae, each of which gives rise to a. Pluteus; D produces a single
Pluteus. (After Loch, from Kolschelt and lleider.)
The eggs can nevertheless be aeelimatized to the salt. Removed from the 10% solution after the thirty-two cells had
been formed to ordinary sea-water for eighteen hours, they were
capable, when once more replaced in the strong solution, of
giving rise to embryos which lived for a considerable time.
Similar experiments made on Arbacia showed that though
cell-division is suppressed in the hypertonie solution (2 Z sodium
chloride) nuclear division continues all the same, for when returned to seaewater the eggs divided at once into as many cells
as had in the meantime been formed in tlie controls, a,result
confirmed by Morgan.
That the normal egg is in a condition of osmotic equilibrium
with the sea-water is further shown by its behaviour in sea»
\vater diluted to twice its volume ; in this experiment the egg
FIG. 61.—»Va.1-iations in the semnentation of Iu'¢-}u'nu.s- microtubm-culalns
produced by dilution of the sea-water. a, tetrahedral four-eel] stage;
II, eight cells, three premature niieromeres; 0, eight cells, two precocious
microineres ; (I, the same egg afterthe next division, the precociolls micromeres have divided unequally, two normal micromeres have been formed.
(After Driesch, 1895.)
(of /lrl/acia) absorbs water, swells and bursts its membrane and
so produces a large ex-ovate which may develop independently
of the rest of the ovum (Loeb) when replaced under ordinary
conditions (Fig. 60). Driesch has produced irregularities of
segmentation by the same means (Fig. 61).
Although, therefore, it seems reasonable to suppose that in
the cases just quoted the observed eifects really are due to the
increased osmotic pressure of the medium and consequent withdrawal of water from, or prevention of imbibition of water by,
the eggs, the weak point of the experiment, and of all such
experiments, is our ignorance of the extent to which the ova or
embryos are permeable to the substance employed, since the
osmotic effect, or withdrawal of water, will obviously vary inversely with the permeability. The neglect of this possibly
disturbing factor has indeed led in some cases to quite unwarrantable conclusions.
In 1895 O. Hertwig showed that certain abnormalities could
be produced by growing the eggs of the Frog (IF. /‘urea and
FIG. 62.—Three sodium-chloride embryos of Rana fusca. df, yolkplug; hp, brain; Ici, gills; .9, margin of epidermic layer of ectoderm;
sch, tail; m-, lip of blastopore, (After 0. Hertwig, from Korschelt and
esculenta) and of the Axolotl in a solution of common salt. In
stronger solutions (1 % to 0-8 %) segmentation was confined to the
animal hemisphere, though nuclear division went on in the
yolk. Weaker solutions (0-6 %) allowed of further, but distorted, development; the yolk-cells were unable to move
beneath the lip of the blastopore, so that the latter remained
open with a persistent yolk-plug, and the mcdullary folds failed
to close in the region of the brain, a condition recalling the
abnormalities known in Human and Comparative Teratology
as Hemicrania and Aneneephaly (Figs. 62, 65). The exposed
region of the brain underwent a grey deg'enera.tion with dis—
integration of the epithelium. Other organs were, however,
normally formed, the front end of the gut by iiivagination, the
notochord and mesoderin, protovertebrae, heart, pronephros, auditory vesicles, optic vesicles, infnndibulum, and liver, until the embryo died.
The persistence of the yolk-plug has
also been induced by Gurwitsch by
means of halogen salts (sodium bromide
and lithium chloride) and weak solutions of alkaloids (strychnine, caifein,
nicotine) (Fig. 63), by C. B. Wilson
in Hana, C/I0?'0j)/I27’IlS, and A7110/‘I/8/07ll(l
F;G,53__Me,-idiom1sec. by means of sodium chloride and
Egggruffilffiggélzff  Ringei"s solution, and by Morgan ‘with
1,, blagtocoel. (After Gm-. Various lithium salts; and Bataillon,
Witflchs from Korscllelt and who has used isotonic solutions of caneHeider.) . .
sugar, sodium chloride, and a large
number of other salts for the purpose, claims that in this case
the results produced depend upon the osmotic pressure alone, and
are therefore due to a withdrawal of water from the developing
' Fm. 64.—Sections of Frogs‘ eggs grown in solutions of, A, annnoniuin
iodide (1-5%), and, B, urea (2-37,). In both cases segmentation is iiieroblastie, although in A there are a few lai'::,e. divisions in the yolk. In
B the multinueleate cell masses of the animal hcniispliere protrude
above the surface. The nuclei are large, lobed, and lioiiiogeneously
clf'_Iroinal;ic in both cases. (Ammonia is probably present in the solution
0 urea.
Recent experiments made by the author do not, however, bear
out this conclusion. In the first place, it is to be observed that
isotonic solutions (isotonic with a O-625 % NaCl solution) do not
produce the same, but markedly difierent effects. Some solutions
arrest development at an early stage (during segmentation
(Fig. 64), gastrulation, or the formation of the medullary folds);
in others development proceeds but is distorted, the medullary
folds remaining open in whole or in part, and the yolk-plug uncovered, or either of these malformations may occur without the
other; in one case (dextrose) development is quite normal in
form but very considerably retarded, while finally in urea development is normal both in form and rate (Figs. 66, 67). No
legitimate deductions can be made from these experiments, how
FIG. 65.—1<‘rog embryos grown in a -625% solution of sodium chloride.
A and B after five days, 0 and D after six days. In all the yolk-plug is
fully exposed. In A the medullary groove is wholly open, in B and C it
is closed behind, in D it is closed throughout.
ever, until the permeabilities of the tissues to these solutions are
ascertained. The tadpole requires water (Davenport), and the
degree of shrinkage of the tadpoles in these solutions affords a
means of determining the question ; it appears that they are perfectl y permeable to urea, more or less impermeable to cane-sugar,
dextrose, and sodium chloride, the sllrinkage being rather greater
in the first than in the other two. On the assumption that the
permeabilities of the embryo are the same as those of the tadpole,
it follows that the greater effect produced on the former by sodium
chloride than by cane-sugar, or, still more, than by dextrose,
cannot be set down to the osmotic pressure of the solution alone,
a. result which is further corroborated by the constancy in the
relative toxicities of the bases and the acids in the case of the
FIG. 66.——F1-og embryos grown in isotonic solutions of, A, sodium
chloride (-625%); B, cane-sugar (6-6%); 0, dextrose (3-4%); and, D, urea.
(1-14%). In A the medullary folds are closed but the blasto ore open;
in B the medullary groove 18 open but the blastopore close ; in C development is normal, but retarded ; in D development is normal, both in
form and rate, though the embryos die soon after the stage shown in
the figure.
FIG. 67.—A. Longitudinal section of a Frog embryo grown in a -45%
solution of lithium chloride. The medullary groove is open, except in
front and behind. The notochord is bent in several ilaces and the gut
roof much crumpled. B. Longitudinal section of a. ‘rog embryo grown
in a. 6-6% solution of cane-sugar. The medullary groove is open, except
in front, the cells in its floor degenerating. The gut roof is incomplete in
part and there is an evident neurenteric canal.
monobasic salts. The observed deformities are therefore to be
attributed to some other—chcmical or physical——property of
the solutions, though what this is is not known.‘ It may be
added that in Gurwitseh's experiments the concentrations of the
alkaloids employed were certainly far below those which would
be isotonic with a -625% solution of sodium chloride. It also
follows that during the closure of the blastopore the Frog’s eggdoes not need to absorb water from the outside; it may, in fact,
be exposed to a very considerable degree of desiccation at this
period without interfering in the least with the closure of the
blastopore or of the medullary folds, a result which is all the
more surprising in that the newly hatched tadpole imbibes water
at so rapid a rate.
The experiments which have hitherto been considered relate
to the need of water for normal development. There are,
however, certain processes for which not the absorption, but,
on the contrary, the abstraction, or at least the local abstraction,
of water appears to be essential, the phenomena, namely, of
fertilization. Cytologists have observed that the entrance cone
and funnel, the mechanism by which the spermatozoon is swept
into the interior of the egg, appear to be aggregations of
a watery substance about the aerosome or apical body, and that
the sperm sphere and aster are similarly due to the withdrawal
of water by the centrosome in the middle-piece from the cytoplasm ,- in other words, that the stimulus whereby the spermatozoon restores to the egg its lost power of cell-division is
essentially a process of local dehydration.
This inference is substantiated by the familiar experiments
of Loeb, who has succeeded in rearing normal larvae from the
unfertilized eggs of Echinoderms and certain worms by temporary immersion in certain solutions. In his earlier experiments
he found that a mixture in equal parts of a 2,9 a solution of
magnesium chloride and sea-water produced more Plutci than
any other solution tried, and hence believed the result to be
specific and attributable to the magnesium ion. Later, however,
this artificial parthenogeuesis was successfully brought about by
various isotonic solutions (chlorides of sodium, potassium and
calcium, potassium bromide, nitrate and sulphate, cane-sugar
‘ In this view Stockard, as a result of experiments on Fmululus, concurs
(Arch. Em. Mach. xxiii, 1907, and Journ. Exp. Zool. iv, 1907).
and others). The increased osmotic pressure was, therefore,
considered to be the cause of the phenomenon, and it was
suggested that in ordinary fertilization the spermatozoon introduces a substance which has a higher osmotic pressure than,
and is therefore able to withdraw water from, the egg.
Hunter has also shown that sea-water concentrated to 7 0%
of its volume is sufficient to bring about the result. It must
still be remembered that the permeabilities of the ova to the
various solutions are not known; Sollmann, indeed, has proved
the secondary swelling after the primary shrinkage of many
eggs in hypertonie solutions, which must therefore enter and
cause the dissociation of the cytoplasm.
Further, Delage has, as a matter of fact, denied that the
increased osmotic pressure is solely responsible for the results.
The French zoologist succeeded in making the ova develop in
solutions hypertonie to sea-water, but found that isotonic
solutions of different chlorides or mixtures of chlorides did not
all give the same percentage of larvae. He holds, therefore,
that other factors are involved. Other methods, as noticed
elsewhere, are low temperatures and mechanical agitation.
Fischer has successfully demonstrated the phenomenon in the
Chaetopods, Nereis and A7221;/zzhile, Bullot in 01)/(elm, and
Bataillon in Vertebrates (lfamz. _/usca and I’eh-omyzon j/laueri);
but in this last case segmentation did not continue for very long
and the processes of nuclear division were highly irregular. An
attempt made by Gies to incite development (of Echinoids) by
means of extracts of spermatozoa was unsuccessful.
Although in brilliancy of conception and completeness of
execution Loeb’s experiments are certainly pre-eminent over
those of any other investigator, it should not be forgotten that
about the same time Morgan had succeeded in inducing asters,
and even the beginnings of segmentation, in the unfertili7.ed ova
of sea-urchins and some other forms by the use of salts and
other substances, and that the way for all recent work was
really paved by the original labours of (). and R. Hertwig, to be
described in the next section.
Loeb did not undertake an examination of the cytological
changes, but Wilson has shown that ordinary nuclear division
occurs with asters and centrosomes: a primary radia.tion
centring in the nucleus first appears; this then fades away,
and a definite aster with a centrosome is formed just to one
side of the nucleus; this divides to form the first amphiaster
(cleavage-spindle). Asters also arise independently of the
nucleus in the cytoplasm (cytasters) ; these contain centrosomes,
and may divide, and the cytoplasm divide round them. The
part played by the cytasters in development is, however, insignificant; their activity soon comes to an end. The number
of chromosomes is one-half the normal number. This latter
statement is confirmed by Morgan, but denied by Delage, who
asserts that, as in egg fragments enucleated and subsequently
fertilized, the half number becomes doubled.
E. BATAILLON. La pression osmotique et les grands problemes de la
Biologie, Ar:-71. Ent. Mach. xi, 1901.
E. BATAILLON. Etudes expérimentales sur l‘évo1ution des Am-'
phibiens, Arch. Em. Mecli. xii, 1901.
C. B. DAVENPORT. The rele of water in growth, Proc. Boston Soc.
Nat. Hist. xxviii, 1897-8.
C. F1’«:Iu':. Note sur l’influence de la désliydratation sur le développement de Pembryon de poulet, C’. R. Soc. Biol. (10) i, 1894.
A. GURWITSCH. Ueber die formative Wirkung des verandertcn chemischen Mediums auf die embryonale Entwicklung, Arch. Eur. Mach. iii, 1896.
O. HERTWIG. Die Entwicklung des Froscheis unter clem Einfluss
sehwiieherer und stéirkerer Kochsalzlesungen, Arch. milcr. Anat. xliv, 1895.
O. HERTWIG. Die experimentelle Erzeugung thierischer Missbild—
ungen, Fcstsclzr. Gegenbaur, Leipzig, 1896.
J. W. J ENKINSON. On the effect of certain solutions upon the development of the Frog's egg, Arch. Ent. Mach. xxi, 1906.
J. LOEB. Investigations in physiological morphology, Journ. Morph. vii,
J. LOEB. Ueber die relative Empfindlichkeit von Fischembryonen
gegen Sauerstotfmangel und Wasserentziehung in verschiedenen Entwicklungsstadien, Pflfiger’.-c Arch. 1v, 1894.
J. LOEB. Ueber eine einfache Methode zwei oder mehr zusammengewaehsener Embryonen aus einem Ei hervorzubringen, P_/iiige;-'3 Arch. lv,
E. BATAILLON. Nouveaux essais do parthénogénése expérimentale
chez les Vertébrés inférieurs, Arch. Ent. Mech. xviii, 1904.
G. BULLOT. Artificial parthenogenesis and regular segmentation in
an Annelid (Ophdia), Arch. Ent. Mech. xviii, 1904.
Y. DELAGE. Etudes sur la mérogonie, Arch. Z001. E.I:p. et Gén. (3),
vii, 1899.
Y. DELAGE. Etudes expérimentales sur la maturation cytoplasmique
et sur la parthénogénese artifieiclle chez les Echinodermes, Arch. Zool.
Exp. et Gén. (3) ix, 1901.
M. A. FISCHER. Further experiments on artificial parthenogenesis
in Annelids, Amer. Journ. Phys. vii, 1902.
W. J. Gms. Do spermatozoa contain an enzyme having the power of
causing the development of mature ova ? Amer. Joum. Phys. vi, 1901-2.
A. W. GREELEY. Artificial parthenogencsis in the star-fish produced by
lowering the temperature, Amer. Journ. Phys. vi, 1901-2.
A. W. GREELEY. On the analogy between the effects of loss of water
and lowering of temperature, Amer. Journ. Phys. vi, 1901-2.
A. W. GREELEY. On the effect of variations in the temperature upon
the process of artificial parthenogenesis, Biol. Bull. iv, 1903.
R. HERTWIG. Ueber die Entwicklung des unbcfruchteten Seeigeleies, Fesischr. Geyenbaur, Leipzig, 1896.
S. J. HUNTER. On the production of artificial parthenogenesis in
Arbacia by the use of sea-water concentrated by evaporation, AlII('I'.
Journ. Phys. vi, 1901-2.
J. W. JENKINSON. Observations on the maturation and fertilization
of the egg of the Axolotl, Quart. Jam-n. Min-. Sci. xlviii, 1904.
K. KOSTANECKI. Ueber die Veriinderungen im Inneren des unter
dem Einfluss von K01-Gemischen kfinstlich-parthenogenetisch sich entwickelnden Eis von Mactra, Bull. Inlrrn. Acad. Sci. Cracovie, 1904-5.
J. LOEB. On the nature of the process of fertilization and the artificial
production of normal larvae (Plutei) from the unfertilized eggs of the
sea-urchin (two papers), Amer. Journ. Phys. iii, 1899-1900.
J. LOEB. Further experiments on artificial parthenogem-sis, and the
nature of the process of fertilization, Ame)‘. Journ. Phys. iv, 1900-1.
J. LOEB. Experiments on artificial parthenogenesis in Annelids
(Chaetopterus), Amer. Journ. Phys. iv, 1900-1.
A. P. MATHEWS. Artificial parthenogenesis produced by mechanical
agitation, Amer. Journ. Phys. vi, 1901-2.
T. H. MORGAN. The fertilization of non-nucleated fragments of
Echinoderm eggs, Arch. Ent. Mech. ii, 1895-6.
'1‘. H. MORGAN. The production of artificial astrospheres, Arch. Em.
Mech. iii, 1896.
T. II. MORGAN. The action of salt solutions on the unfertilized and
fertilized eggs of Arbaciu, Arch. Ent. Mach. viii, 1899.
T. H. MORGAN. Further studies in the action of salt solutions and
other agents on the eggs of Arbacia, Arch. Em‘. Me('h. x, 1900.
E. B. WILSON. A cytological study of artificial parthenogcncsis in
sea-urchin eggs, Arch. Em. Mech. xii, 1901.
By means of solutions of alkaloids and other substances the
brothers Hertwig have been able to incite very remarkable cytological changes in the eggs of sea.-urchins (Stronyylocemfrotus).
The effects of nicotine are perhaps the most striking (Fig. 68, a-e).
Various solutions—-1 % and less of a concentrated extract——were
allowed to act upon the egg for difierent lengths of time (five to
fifty minutes) before fertilization; the ova. were then replaced in
sea-water and fertilized. The cytoplasm is so paralysed by the
FIG. 68.~The effect of alkaloids and other poisons on the processes
of fertilization and nuclear division in the egg of the sea—urchin,
Sh'ong_:/Iocentrotus lividus. (After R. and 0. Hcrtwig, 1887.)
a. The egg was exposed to nicotine (one drop in 200 c.c. of seawater)
for ten minutes, and then fertilized; drawn fifteen minutes later.
b, c. The same for fifteen minutes; drawn after one and a half hours.
d. The same for ten minutes; drawn after three hours, ten minutes.
2. The same; drawn after three hours. Only part of the complex
figure is shown; the remainder lies in another plane.
f, g, h. Exposed to a 0-05% solution of quinine for twenty minutes one
and a half hours after fertilization; drawn from one to two hours later.
is. 1-5, male pronucleus, 6, female pronucleus. Exposed to chloral
(05%) one minute after fertilization; fixed after 150 minutes.
I, m. Chloral 06% one minute after fertilization; fixed after six hours.
Male and female pronuclei reconstructed and metamorphosing, in m
the ‘fan ’ form with commencing division.
11,0. Placed in chloral 0-5% five minutes after fertilization ; preserved
after ninety minutes.
n. Female pronucleus (four-rayed rosette), and male pronucleus .
(three-rayed rosette).
0. Fusion of pronuclei.
p. The same. Female pronucleus in the pseudo-tetraster forms.
poison that the normal vitelline membrane cannot be formed and
consequently many spermatozoa enter. In such eggs segmentation does not occur in the ordinary fashion by successive binary
divisions, but many small cells are simultaneously formed. The
resulting blastulae are abnormal, the segmentation cavity being
filled with a solid granular mass (Stereoblastulac), and very few
reach the Pluteus stage. The irregularities of segmentation are
due to the complex mitotic figures and divisions which polyspermy entails. One, two, three or more of the spermatozoa
fuse with the female pronucleus ; each has its own aster, which
divides into two. Hence the most complex nuclear figures are
In the case where two sperm-nuclei unite with the eggnucleus a tetraster is formed, that is four asters united by
spindles in a. square or rhombus, or a triaster with an odd
aster united to one angle of the system. The chromosomes are
grouped in the equators of the four, or three, united spindles, as
the case may be, and the egg divides simultaneously into four,
or three.
The arrangement becomes still more involved when there are
other sperms, whether these fuse with the female pronuclcus or
not. Each amphiaster is united by one pole to the tri-, tetra-,
or polyaster developed round the combination nucleus, or to the
poles of other amphiasters; in one case there were nineteen
spindles in all, not, of course, all in one plane. Each centrosphere receives half the chromosomes of the spindle attached
to it, and each cell, when division occurs, contains one or more
Hydrochlorate of morphine will produce similar effects, but
only with longer exposures—a 0-4 % solution for from two to
five hours. Strychnine, however, is poisonous in very weak
doses (-005 % to -25 ‘Z), and quite short exposures are sufficient
to call forth marked results. Other solutions successfully tried
were chloral hydrate (from 0-2 % to 0-5 % for from one to four
and a half hours), cocaine (from 0-025 Z to 1 ‘Z for five minutes),
and sulphate of quinine (-05 % for ten minutes). In quinine
(-05 % for thirty minutes) and chloral (o5 %) the entrance
cone was small and no asters were formed, from which the
Hertwigs argue that the contractility of the cytoplasm is
impaired in these solutions. Chloroform dissolved in sea-water
has the very interesting property of stimulating—without
the addition of spermatozoa—the formation and separation of
the vitelline membrane. The male generative cells are also
sensitive to the action of these alkaloids, but not necessarily in
the same measure. They can resist, for example, the influence
of a solution of nicotine, which is ten times as strong as one
necessary to evoke pathological changes in the ova. Though
chloral hydrate (0-5 %) and quinine (0-05 %) are both temporarily
fatal to the motility of the spermatozoa, sea-water restores the
capacity for fertilization. Strychnine (0-O1 %) and morphine
(0-5 %) are without elfect.
In the experiments just described the abnormalities seem to
be directly due to the initial paralysis of the egg by the reagent
and consequent polyspermy.
Should, however, the egg have been first normally fertilized,
the irregularities produced by the subsequent action of the poison
are, though well marked, not of the same kind, for in this case
the vitelline membrane has already been formed and only one
spermatozoon has gained admittance. Chloral hydrate (Fig. 68,
/:—p) was employed for ten minutes and at varying intervals after
insemination (one, one and a half, five and fifteen minutes).
Exposure to the solution very shortly after insemination first
retards the progress of the sperm-head and the formation of its
aster, and when later on the chromosomes are formed they lie
heaped together in the centre of an achromatic figure described
as a pseudo-tri- or pseudo-tetraster. This consists of three or
four conical groups of fibres, the bases resting on, and the fibres
connected to, the chromosomes, the apices outwardly directed
and sometimes with, sometimes without, asters; in any case,
however, they are not united by spindles, as is the ease in
the complex figures observed in polyspermy. Isolated asters
are also to be seen in the cytoplasm, and, which is perhaps
more remarkable, the female chromosomes are themselves the
centre of a unipolar (fan-shaped) or multipolar apparatus of
the same kind. The reader will not fail to notice the similarity
to the phenomena occurring in artificial parthenogenesis.
Jmrxxuou K
Should the pronuelei unite—-which is only possible before these
pseudasters have been developed, if the eggs have been subjected to the action of the poison immediately (one minute) after
fertilization——the conjugation nucleus itself becomes the focus
of a similar system. In eggs poisoned after a longer interval
(fifteen minutes) the male and female pseudasters may them
selves unite.
The nucleus—or nuclei—divide irregularly, the chromosomes
passing in unequal numbers to the poles of the figure. The
several pseudasters and isolated asters, with which nuclei may
possibly become secondarily associated, may be united by clear
streaks of protoplasm, thus giving rise to a dendritie figure.
Simultaneous and unequal division of the whole ovum follows.
Should the spermaster have already been developed-fifteen
minutes after insemination—it degcnerates. The subsequent
changes comprise the formation of multipolar figures and
irregular cell-division.
In later stages—when fertilization has been completed and
segmentation is about to beg-in—the ova are almost or quite
indiflerent to nicotine, strychnine, and morphine ; but chloral
(0-5 %) destroys the asters which are already in existence and
brings about a reconstitution of the combination nucleus with
subsequent formation of a tetraster and quadruple division. In
future mitoses, however, the spindles are bipolar. Cocaine and
quinine (-05 %) (Fig. 68,./'—/1) have the same effect.
The importance of these experiments does not require to be
emphasized. Not only do they throw a valuable light on the
possible causes of those pathological mitoses that occur in
malignant growths, they also contribute very greatly to the
understanding of the normal processes of fertilization and
Thus from the failure of the asters to appear in eggs treated
with chloral before fertilization the brothers Hertwig argue that
the contraetility of the cytoplasm is diminished by this substance,
and from the failure of the pronuelei to unite in eggs which
have been immersed in the solution shortly after fertilization
they suggest that it is the contractility of the ovum which
normally brings about the union of the pronuelei. Since,
however, both male and female nuclei are able to divide, this
division must be normally incited, not by their union with one
«another, but by the separate action of the cytoplasm on each,
a view which is fully borne out by the phenomena. of artificial
parthenogenesis and merogony (the development of fertilized
enueleate egg fragments), whatever interpretation may eventually
be put on the ‘ contractility ’ of the cytoplasm.‘
Another alkaloid which exerts an injurious influence on the
ova of Echinoderms is atropine, the sulphate of which retards
and dwarfs the development of /lxlericts and /lrbacia (Mathews).
Pilocarpine, on the contrary, has an accelerating efiect, a result
attributed by Mathews to its activity as an oxidizer, while
atropine is regarded as a reducing agent, the property to which
Loeb has also assigned the value of potassium cyanide in prolonging the life of unfertilized ova. The eggs of sea-urchins,
when once laid, are only capable of fertilization and development within a certain definite limit of time, after the expiration
of which they degenerate and die ,- after twenty-four hours,
for example, they are only able, when fertilized, to reach the
gastrula stage, and after thirty-two hours even fertilization is
hardly possible. By treatment with an appropriate solution of
potassium cyanide this limit may be considerably postponed.
In the most successful series of experiments the ova were first
placed in a solution of KCN 7;?) in sea-water, and then
1'emoved successively every twenty-four hours to
7!: 7!
2500’ 3000'
lengths of time, then removed to pure sea-water and fertilized.
As the table shows (Table XVII), segmentation was still possible
after 168 hours’ sojourn in the solution, but the greatest number
of Plutei was obtained after only 66 hours’ stay.
It was also shown that better results could be obtained with
artificial parthenogenesis if the ova were first kept in the
cyanide solution. Loeb points out that in the higher animals
74 7!
1400’ 2000’
In the last solution they were kept for various
‘ Strictly speaking, only the division of the male chromosomes can be
regarded as being stimulated by the egg cytoplasm. What exactly it is
which excites the female nucleus to divide is not at all clear.
the efiects of this substance are due to its inhibition of
oxidation; that this is the real cause of the prolongation of
the life of the eggs is shown by the fact that when kept in‘
an atmosphere of hydrogen for thirty-eight hours they were
still capable of being fertilized and developing intoswimming
Showing the effect of exposures of various length of Sea-urchin
eggs to a solution of KCN§(%—0- (After Loeb.)
Length of exposure in hours. Result.
66 80 7; Plutei, vitelline membrane formed
90 30 ‘Z, Plutei, no vitelline membrane formed
99%‘ 20 Z Plutei) n 91 n n
112 Less than 20 Z Plutei
I20 Gastrulae, but no Plutei
139 A few blastulae
140 Blastulae, not swimming
Eight-celled stage only
Simultaneous lowering of the temperature to the freezing-point
enhanced the value of the cyanide treatment.
In later stages, however, immediately after fertilization and
subsequently, the action of potassium cyanide is by no means
beneficial ,- at this time, as we know, oxygen is a necessity (see
above, p. 112); and Lyon has shown that the moment at
which the ova are particularly sensitive to both KCN and
the lack of oxygen is the same, about fifteen minutes after
Chemical agents are also able to incite irregularities of growth
and abnormalities in later stages of development.
In a long series of experiments Féré has shown that monstrosities can be produced by exposing the Hen’s egg to the
unfavourable influence of a large variety of substances. Vapours
of ether, alcohol, essential oils, nicotine, mercury, and phosphorus,
injections of alkaloids such as morphine, nicotine, strychnine, and
others, of bacterial toxines (those of tubercle, diphtheria), of
peptones, dextrose, glycerine, several alcohols, certain salts (KBr,
KI, S1-Brz), are all baneful, retarding and distorting the embryo
to a. greater or less extent. Ammonia, it may be noted, is fatal
at once.
It has already been shown (p. 123) that the malformations
induced by sodium chloride in Amphibian embryos are to be
set down to some other property than the osmotic pressure
of the solution, and it is here only necessary to advert to
Fm. (S9.-—Gane-sugar‘ (6-6 2,). Two stages in the forma.tion of the notochord from the whole thickness of the roof of the archcnteron in the Frog.
Dextrose (3-4 7,). Secondary degeneration of the gut roof and ventral
part of notochord.
some of the more interesting effects occurring in particular
Although the more poisonous salts (e.g. LiI, CaCl2, SrBr2,
and others) inhibit altogether the formation of the blastoporic
fold, a cause which normally assists in its production—the
proliferation of small cells in the roof of the segmentation
cavity--may continue to operate, with the result that that mof
is thickened and thrown into puckers and folds.
Again, the notochord may be formed from the whole thickness of
the arehenteric roof (cane-sugar)recalling the mode of its development in Urodela and Petromyzon (Fig. 69); the solid medullary
tube observed in potassium chloride and other salts reminds one of
the rudiment of the nervous system in Teleostei and others, while
the mode of closure of the medullary tube in, for example, some
of the magnesium salts resembles that observed in Am];/ziomas ;
the formation of notochordal tissue from the wall of the neural
FIG. 70.-—-Fornmtion of vaeuolated notochordal tissue in the medullary
tube of the Frog embryo under the influence of urea (1-6%). Underneath
the notochord is the subnotochordal rod.
tube and the roof of the arehenteron (Fig. 70) in strong solutions
of urea (1-17' % to 1-56 %) shows that the prospective potentialities
of these organs are not yet fixed, while the development of an
optic cup without a lens in urea, sodium chloride, and sodium
bromide demonstrates that the formation of the former is independent of that of the latter of these two parts of the eye.
The grey degeneration of the exposed part of the medullary
plate (due to the distribution of the pigment throughout the
cell—body), the protrusion of cells (‘framboisia’ of Roux), and
disintegration of the epithelium which is so characteristic in
many of these solutions (cane-sugar, NaCl, LiCl, MgCl2,
MgSO,), have been noticed by many observers (Roux, Hertwig,
Morgan, Bataillon). All the more violent solutions attack the
yolk-granules. In some cases the effect produced appears to be
specific; thus in lithium salts the ectoderm is often pitted and
wrinkled before any degeneration appears in the nervous system,
and in ammonia salts, which are highly poisonous, the nuclei
are much enlarged, lobed, highly chromatic, and homogeneous.
The very similar appearance of the nuclei (Fig. 64) in those
stronger solutions of urea which arrest development in an
early stage suggests that ‘the ammonia set free is the toxic
agent in this case. In solution isotonic with -625 % NaCl urea
permits of normal development up to a certain point, when the
embryos die.
In this connexion it is interesting to notice that Moore has
found that sodium sulphate will act as an antidote to the
poisonous effect of sodium chloride on tadpoles. Thus the
average length of life of tadpoles in a 3 NaCl solution was
four and a quarter days, but was prolonged to twenty-one days
by adding from 4% to 8 X of Na2SO4. The poisonousness of
sodium chloride, sodium nitrate, calcium nitrate, and magnesium
chloride to Fmululus embryos and the value of other salts as
antidotes has been shown by Loeb, while Lillie has noted that
sodium is fatal but magnesium and calcium beneficial to the
ciliary movement of /lrem.'c0/a larvae, a result first obtained by
Loeb for the Plutei of Ea/u'7m3; the muscular contractions of
the larva, on the other hand, are inhibited wholly by magnesium,
partly by calcium, while sodium is necessary for their continuanee. In an artificial solution which combines the three
elements in the proper proportions normal development is
possible. The nature of the part played by the ions——-whether
toxic or antitoxic— is, however, a very open question.
Arguing from the fact that the evil eifects of such salts as
sodium chloride and nitrate may be counteracted by calcium and
magnesium salts, Loeb has suggested that toxicity and antitoxicity are functions of valency, and also of electrical charge,
since it is further stated that toxicity increases with the valency
of the anion, antitoxicity with that of the cation. Ions of the
same valency are not, however, necessarily equally antitoxic
(Loeb and Gies, Lillie, Mathews), and sodium sulphate, as we
have seen, may act as an antidote to the chloride (Moore).
Mathews has accordingly sought for the cause of toxicity in
another physical property, the decomposition tension of the salt,
and has certainly succeeded in showing that the poisononsness
of solutions to the eggs of Fzmrlulzw varies inversely with the
decomposition tension, and that a similar relation holds good in
certain other cases.
Lillie argues that a physiologically balanced solution is
necessary, one in which the electrolytes are in a state of
chemical equilibrium with the necessary ion-proteid compounds
in the tissues. Solutions which only contain some of these
substances, or solutions (for example, non-electrolytes) which
contain none, are poisonous, because they permit of the outward
diffusion of the needful ions.
It must be pointed out, however, that this explanation will
not fit the cases where the embryo develops perfectly well in
fresh water (lllzmtlulus) or in distilled water (the Frog), and that
some other reason must be found for the poisonous effect of
cane-sugar upon the latter. The whole question, however, is one
which belongs more properly to the province of pharmacology.
Poisonous although these salts are, the embryo can still be
acclimatized to them. C. B. Wilson placed the unsegmented
eggs of Amlalyertoma, Rana, and 0/102-op/zilzcs in a 0-05 % solution
of sodium chloride; after twenty-four hours they were removed
to 0-1 %, and then successively to stronger solutions by increments of 0-1% until 10% was reached, a concentration which
quickly causes death under ordinary circumstances. In this
case, however, development was normal, and the larvae hatched
out and lived for some time.
The distortions of development which solutions of salts and
other substances call forth in Amphibian embryos find a parallel
in the malformations which Herbst has produced in Eehinoderm
larvae (I976/dmw, Sp/zaerec/ainus) by similar means; as in the
former case, the results were at first assigned to the increased
osmotic pressure of the media.
When potassium salts are added to the sea-wa.ter—for
example, a 7 % solution in sea-water of a 3-7 % Solution of K01
in tap-water——the egg gives rise to a Pluteus in which, though
the gut is, as normally, tripartite, the skeleton is rudimentary
and the arms suppressed (Fig. 71). Herbst suggests that the
suppression of the arms is" due to the absence of a. stimulus
normally exerted by the skeletal spicules. These abnormal forms
may fuse together to form double monsters.
Such ‘ potassium ’ larvae are developed in sodium salts, but
lithium has a more pronounced elfect (Figs. 72, 73). In this case
FIG. 71.-—Potassium larvae of Echinoids. a. Potassium larva of Sphaerechinus (1860 c.c. sea-wate1'+ 140 c.c. 3-7% KNO3). There is no skeleton.
The rut is tripartite, and the mouth surrounded by the ciliated ring.
I), c. otassium larvae of .E(‘h’i1‘l'llS (20% of 3% K01). Note the buttonshaped apical tuft of cilia, and, in c, the secondarily evaginated archenteron. (After Herbst, 1893.)
the blastula becomes constricted into two portions, a thin-walled
gastrula wall provided with long cilia, and a thick-walled archenteron, which may be muscular and mobile, and is thickly covered
with short cilia. The arehenteron has, in fact, failed to invaginate, and the larva is an ‘ Exogastrula ’. Occasionally there is
an attempt at invagination at the end of the archenteric portion,
and, after temporary exposure, the invaginated part may be
divided into three, and a mouth formed. All the parts of the
gut, however, remain in the same straight line. A middle
section may be formed by further constriction of the archenteron (Ea/aimzs) or of the gastrula wall (Sp/zaerec/liuus). Double
monsters sometimes arise by fusion of these larvae by their
A skeleton is not usually developed; if present it is abnormalin position, the spicules being placed near the animal pole and
FIG. 72.———Lithium larvae of Splmerechin us _qrmmlw'is. a. Larva. partially
constricted into gastrula wall and archentcric portions, the former with
lon , the latter with short cilia. (980 c.c. sea-wa.ter+2O c.c. 3-7% LiCl).
b. imilar larva. to the last, but a neck or connecting piece has been
formed from the ectodermal portion. 0, (1. Progressive diminution of the
ectodermal gastrula. wall portion with increase in the quantity of Li.
the arms of the Pluteus formed under their influence near the
mouth instead of by the side of the anus, in the number of the
spicules, and consequently the number of arms (three, four, or
five, instead of two), and in the number of their radii (four or
five, instead of three).
The gastrula wall is often smaller than the archenteron, and,
as the strength of the solution is increased, becomes still further
reduced, until nothing of it is left but a small button at the
F10. 73.—~a. Larva with three skeletal spicules, and a. ‘ cell-rosette ’ at
the end of the archenteron. Ir. Larva with skeleton—-—more than three
spicu1es—and arms developed. The neck is invaginated into the ectodermal portion, the gut tripartite. c. Five-armed Plutcus with five
skeletal rods. The gut is normally invaginatecl and tripartite. d. Larva.
of Echirms microtuberculatus. There is a neck, and the gut is partly
invaginated. In the blastocoel are aggregations of mesenchyme and
pigment cells. (After Herbst, 1895.)
animal pole, which only indicates its real character by the longcilia which it carries. Such larvae Herbst terms ‘Holoentoblastia’. This nearly complete suppression of the ectodermal
region can, however, only be realized when the salt is allowed
to act at a stage in the blastula when the difierentiation into
the two primary layers is already beginning. Should the
embryos be removed before this stage is reached, after twentyfour hours’ exposure to the solution, only ‘Exogastrulae’, not
‘ Holoentoblastia,’ can be obtained. Should, on the other hand,
older blastulae, or gastrulae, or Plutei be placed in the solutions,
they die without showing any signs of the characteristic abnormal
development. From the fact that equimolecular solutions of
monobasie lithium salts produced like effects (such solutions, it
must be observed, are also chemically equivalent), Herbst concluded at first that the osmotic pressure was responsible for the
abnormalities; but the permanent after-effects of temporary immersion just referred to subsequently convinced him that the ova
were permeable to the lithium ions to which he now attributes
the specific nature of the monstrosity. He suggests further that
they act upon the endoderm cells by increasing their absorptive
activity and their power of cell-division, while at the same time
they inhibit the functions of those mesenchyme cells which are
devoted to the formation of the skeleton.
As in other monstrosities, there is an alteration in the prospective potentialities of cells, elements which would normally be
ectodermal becoming converted into endoderm, and additional
mesenchyme cells being involved in the secretion of skeletal
It is only by lithium salts that the typical ‘ Holoentoblastia’
can be, produced ; but Exogastrulac can be reared in others, in
sodium butyrate, for example; in this solution a stomodaeum is
formed, but is, like the arehenteron, everted. Even lithium,
however, is powerless to cause the ‘ holoentoblastic ’ reduction of
the gastrula wall in the larvae of Aaterias, although exogastrulation "may, but need not, occur. A characteristic deformity is the
absence of the pre-oral region, and the elevation of the mouth
on a sort of hypostome. In Amp/ti0.'D7(8 and Ascidians it is
impossible to obtain even exogastrulae by these methods. It
is evident, therefore, that the specific morphological reaction
depends not only on the nature of the substance employed, but
also on the constitution of the reacting organism.
Herbst has not omitted to point out the significance of theseand indeed of a1l—monstrosities for the theory of the origin of
those larger, discontinuous variations known as ‘sports’, or, in
more modern phraseology, ‘mutations’; and Vernon has been
able to show statistically that the degree of continuous variation
may also be altered by changes in the chemical environment.
In all the foregoing experiments the effect is observed of the
addition of some chemical substance to the medium in which
the embryo is placed. We have now to consider a very remarkable series of investigations, for whose planning and execution
we are indebted to the genius of Curt Herbst, investigations in
which substances which are present in the normal environment
of the larva are omitted, and an insight thus gained into the
part they play, if any, in the normal development of the
organism. Herbst has indeed succeeded in demonstrating in
the most conclusive manner the necessity to the sea-urchin egg
for the normal performance of this or that phase of developmental function of a large number of the elements present in
The sea-water at Naples, where Herbst carried out his work,
has the following c0mp0siti0n:~——
N aCl . . . . . 3 %
KCI . . . . . - 7 %
MgCl2 . . . . . ~32 %
Mg-S04 . . . . . -26 Z
CaSO4 . . . . . "-1 %
It may be said at once that silicon, bromine, and iodine are
unnecessary, and that, though earlier experiments led Herbst
to believe that phosphorus and iron were essential, he has since
assured himself that phosphorus is certainly, and iron probably,
in small quantities.
not. All the other elements, however, can only be omitted under
penalty of retardation, abnormality, or death (Figs. 74 A and B).
The method employed was a simple one. A series of artificial
sea-waters was made up, from which, one by one, each of‘ the
elements was omitted, another being substituted in its place.
Care was taken to make these artificial media approximately
FIG. 74.——'1‘he necessity of substances contained in sea-water for the
normal development of the larvae of sea-urchins.
a. Without OH. Ciliated stereoblastula of Sphaerechinus. b. KOH
has been added. c. Normal blastula of Sphaeiw-hinus. d. Blastula in
a K-free medium. e. Reared in K-free and replaced in sea-water (Sphm=r- '
echinus). f. Larva from a medium devoid of Mg (Sphaerec-himls).
g. Echinus Pluteus with tripartite gut, mouth and coelom sacs, but neither
skeleton nor arms ; reared without CaC0, or CaSO,. h. Normal Pluteus
of Echinus.
isotonic with sea-water, and so exclude a possibly disturbing
factor, the alteration of the osmotic pressure. The réle of each
of these necessary e1ements—or ions—will be considered separately and in some detail. Sp/2ae7'ec/Iinua and E0/timcx were the
forms principally employed.
i. S0,‘.
This is ordinarily provided by Mg-S04 and CaSO4 ; when the
fertilized ova are placed in a solution in which MgCl2 is substituted for it (as, for example, in 3 % NaCl+-07% KCI +
5 % MgCl2 + CaHPO4 + CaCO3) then their development is
retarded from the blastula stage onwards, the embryos are small
and degenerate without reaching the Pluteus stage (Fig. 74- B).
The gut is straight instead of bent, and not divided into the
FIG. 74 B.
a. Normal position of skeletal spicules in Sphaerechimls. b, (1. Abnormal position and number after treatment with S0,-free medium.
c. Larva of Echiuu.s- from a S-free solution. e. Pluteus of Sphaerechinus
with three fenestrated skeletal arms, instead of two. ’l‘rea.ted with
a S0,-free medium and replaced in sea-water. f. Normal Pluteus of
Sphaerechinus. (After Herbst, 1897 and 1904.)
usual three parts ; in S11/zaerec/u'm¢s no mouth is formed, the gut
is evaginated (Exogastrula). The endoderm is very thick, the
cells dark and dense.
The sulphuric acid radiele (sulph-ion) is thus necessary for the
proper development of the gut, and necessary from the very
beginning, for in embryos which have been kept in S0,,-free
water up to the mesenehyme-blastula stage and then replaced
in sea-water the alimentary tract is still abnormal.
Deprived of S04, in fact, the gut remains radially symmetrical,
and the same must be said of the skeleton. Normally there are
two tri-radiate spicules, one to the right, the other to the left
of the gut and some little way from it. Without the needful
sulphate the spicules become placed near the gut, and may with
the growth of the latter be pushed towards the animal pole.
The number of spicules may also be diminished or increased
to one, three, or four, arranged in a circle round the gut. On
timely removal to sea-water, however, a secondary bilateral
symmetry may arise by two of these outgrowing the rest and
stimulating the development of the typical arms of the Pluteus.
It seems that a sulphate is present in the calcareous skeleton
of the Pluteus, as there is in that of the adult urchin.
A ciliated circum- oral ring is formed, but is abnormal in its
position, at right angles instead of parallel to the long axis of
the body. The pigment which should be secreted by the
secondary mesenchyme cells (separated off from the inner end
of the archenteron) remains in abeyance, and the apical tuft of
cilia is hypertrophied. Other processes, however—fertilization,
segmentation, and ciliary motion——arc independent of S0,.
The development of eggs which are allowed to remain in
ordinary sea-water until the blastula stage is no better, whence
Herbst concludes that no S04 is taken up during segmentation.
During the early stages of gastrulation, however, they appear to
absorb a store of it for future needs, for gastrulae reared in
sea-water develop further in the SO,-free solution than do
those embryos which have been kept in it since fertilization.
S04 is equally necessary for the continued life of the Pluteus
and of the Bipinnaria larva of Asterias, and without it the rate
of regeneration of the head of Tubularia is retarded and the
number of tentacles reduced, until eventually a completely
tentaeleless head is evolved.
The necessary sulphate can be, to a certain extent, replaced
by a thio-sulphate. The addition, for instance, of -35% Na2S2O,,
to the SO,-free solution renders it possible for the larvae to reach
the Pluteus stage, though the arms are short, the skeleton small,
and the pigment reduced. The larvae die.
Selenium and tellurium are both poisonous in an early
ii. Cl.
A solution was made up in which the sodium chloride was
replaced by sodium formate, the magnesium chloride by magnesium sulphate, the potassium chloride by potassium sulphate ;
thus, NaCOOH 3- 5 % + MgSO4 -26 % + MgSO4 -4- % + KZSO4
-12 Z + CaSO4 -I Z + CaHPO4+ CaCO3.
The eggs did not segment, and even when KCl and MgCl2
were used in their ordinary proportions, segmentation did not
progress very far. Nor did the substitution of Na2SO4 for
NaCOOH give any better results. A considerable amount of
chlorine appears therefore to be absolutely necessary for the
earliest developmental processes, its function being, Herbst suggests, to transport certain necessary cations, the tissues being
possibly more permeable to NaCl than to Na2SO4. Later stages
——blastulae, gastrulae, Plutci—all die in the Cl—free mixture.
Chlorine can be replaced in some measure by bromine. Plutei
are formed, though with a distorted skeleton, Tubularia regenerates its head and the eggs of the fish Labrax develop as well
as in sea-water. Iodine is, however, poisonous; so also are
iii. Na.
2-96 % of MgCl2 was added to a solution containing the usual
amounts of KCl, MgSO4, CaSO4, CaHPO4, and CaCO3. In this
the ova indeed segmented, but abnormally, the blastomeres being
of unequal size. Death followed; nor was the addition of a certain
small amount (-84: %) of NaCl suflicient to save them, though
segmentation was normal and traces of an archenteron could
be detected; with more NaCl (1-34» %) the gastrula stage was
reached. The sodium which is thus necessary in the earliest
period is also required later on; without it gastrulation is impossible to eggs which have been reared in sea-water even as far
as the mesenchyme—blastula stage.
The part played by sodium is not clearly understood. It
is known that it counteracts the evil eifeets of calcium and is
necessary for the continuance of muscular contractions. Since
calcium is necessary for the cohesion of cells (see below) Herbst
opines that sodium may pull them apart ;. its action in that case
is capillary.
Jnnxmson L
Sodium cannot possibly be replaced by lithium, potassium,
rubidium or caesium, all of which would at the necessary concentrations inevitably be poisonous.
iv. K.
In the artificial solution employed the small quantity (-07 %)
of potassium present in sea-water is simply omitted.
Without it scgmentation—except the first few phases-is
impossible in Ea/cinzw. Sp/zaerec/limts, however, segments, but the
blastocoel is reduced, the cells are opaque and not vacuolated, and
the ova, though ciliated, are motionless and die (Fig. 74 A, rl, e).
Later stages are also sensitive to the want of potassium.
Blastulae gastrulate, but are shrunken, with short archenteron,
and in gastrulae the gut does not divide into three. Plutei, like
all the others, die when deprived of it.
In the K-free medium spermatozoa temporarily lose their
motility, and such spermatozoa cannot effect fertilization. The
fertilization, however, of eggs which have been kept without
potassium is possible ; in fact, at this earliest stage, no potassium
is absorbed, for eggs fertilized in sea—water develop no further
in the K-free solution than do those fertilized and kept continuously in it.
The absence of potassium i11 segmentation leaves its effect
upon later stages. Two days’ exposure is not too long to prevent
normal development on removal to sea-water, but five days’
exposure causes abnormalities of the skeleton (asymmetrical with
several triradiate spicules round the gut) and alimentary canal
(no mouth).
De Vries has shown the importance of potassium for the
turgor of young plant-cells, and its function here is probably
similar, to promote growth, as the subjoined table of measurements shows. Its absence also aifects the rate of development
(Table XVIII).
Potassium can in a measure be replaced by rubidium and
caesium. The use of lithium either has no effect or, in larger
quantities, produces lithium larvae.
Other forms to which the lack of potassium was found to be
fatal were the ova of Asterias and Uotflorfiiza, and the adult
Amp/iioxus. Potassium is also necessary for the contractions of
muscles (umbrella. and tentacles of Obrlia).
Showing the effect of potassium upon the growth of
Sea.-urchin blastulae. (After Herbst.)
‘Ratio (unit 2 Th mm.) of crossdiameter to long diameter.
After Without K. With K.
18 hours . 
24 hours 
45 hours . . . 
Showing the effect of potassium on the rate of development of
Sea—urchin larvae. (After Herbst.)
Artificial sea-water with
After -008 Z KCI. -016 Z KCl. .024 % KC].
36 hours Small gastrulae. Nearly Plutei. Plutei.
60 hours No mouth ; gut not Small Plutei. Fully formed Plutei.
v. Mg.
' The fertilized ova were placed in a solution which did not
include the -32 % MgCl2 and the -26 Z MgSO4 present in seawater.
Segmentation proceeds normally, but the blastula. is slightly
smaller than when magnesium is present (the ratio of the
diameters is §§). The skeleton, however, though bilaterally laid
down, is retarded and deformed (magnesium is present in the
skeleton of the sea-urchin and possibly in that of the Pluteus)
and the gut is not properly diiferentiated, not tripartite and
without a mouth (Fig. 74 A, f).
When the MgSO4 is replaced by an isotonic quantity of
Na2SO4 the results are the same.
In the Mg-free solution cilia cease beating, development is
retarded (Table XIX), and, though the spermatozoa retain their
motility, the ova are so injured that fertilization is impossible
unless they are restored to sea-water. The ova, in fact, seem
to have a store of Mg which they lose in the Mg-free mixture.
Fertilization can, however, take place without magnesium if the
L 2
eggs have been kept in sea-water, and such eggs develop, in
Mg-free water, to precisely the same extent as those which have
been fertilized in sea-water; at this period, therefore, the egg
needs no external magnesium. The original store of this element
apparently suffices also for the first steps in the formation of the
gut; for the lack of it is felt equally in the later stages of its
difierentiation and in the first moments of its development; the
alimentary canal is as abnormal in those larvae which have been
kept without magnesium only up to the time when the mesonchyme and archenteric plate arise as in those which remain in
the solution throughout.
Showing the retardation of development of Sea-urchin larvae
deprived of magnesium. (After Herbst.)
Two solutions were employed, mixed in various proportions; one (1)
has no Mg; the other (2) contains Mg.
Solution. Result after 24 hours.
1 Nearly motionless; archentcron formed.
1+ 10 Z of 2 Larger.
1 +20 Z of 2 Larger still.
1 + 30 Z of 2 Larger; gut constricted ; mouth i'or1ned.
1 % of 2 )1 n n n 7)
1  % of 2 H n H :9 n
2 H H n 7) n
It is, in fact, only after the gastrula stage that magnesium is
absorbed. Eggs, blastulae and young gastrulae, reared in seawater develop far worse when placed in the Mg—free liquid
than do gastrulae.
The formation of pigment and the contractility of muscles
remain unaifected by the absence of Mg.
In Mg-free media tl1e blastomeres of .1.s-/erizw fall apart and
the adult medusae of Obeliu degenerate.
vi. Ca.
The calcium salts present in normal sea-water are C-aCO_.,,
Ca2SO4, CaHPO4, and Ca3(PO,)2.
When the carbonate only is absent the blastulae are crumpled
and opaque; a few gastrul-ate but are markedly abnormal, the
ciliated ring being crumpled, the gut flattened on the oral side
and the skeleton absent (Fig. 74 A, g). Should the skeleton
have already been formed when the larvae are exposed it
becomes dissolved. When the sulphate only is omitted (magnesium sulphate being present) development is still inferior to
the normal, inferior even to development in the presence of
CaSO, but in the absence of MgSO4 ; CaSO4 may be replaced
by CaCl2. It seems, therefore, that the sulphate is necessary as
a calcium salt.
FIG. 75.——a—r. Separation of the blastomeres of Echimts microtubermr
Iulus in a medium containing NaCl, 3-07%, KCI, 0-08%, MgSo,, 0-66%,
MgHPO, and FeCO3, but no Ca. Note the radially striate border, which
is the altered uniting membrane. (1. lilastuln disintegrating in the same
medium. (After Herbst, 1900.)
If only the phosphate (Ca3(PO4)2) is present the egg dies
during segmentation, though, if the other phosphorus compound
is substituted for it, the effect is the same as when the carbonate
alone is omitted.
Should, however, all calcium salts be removed the result is
more serious still (Fig. 75). The blastomeres are unable to
cohere, and separate as fast as division takes place, swimming
about independently for a time, and then dying. The same
phenomenon is witnessed when later stages are placed in such
a. calcium-free mixture.
On removal to sea-water division continues without separation,
and should the egg membrane still be intact all the cells unite
and a whole larva is formed. Even should the egg membrane
be lost, a reunion of the cells is always possible so long as they
remain in contact with one another. The separation is due to
a. change in the surface-tension of the cells; a visible change
takes place, in fact, in the superficial layer which covers and
unites the blastomeres ; it becomes ill-defined and radially
The lack of calcium also aifects the rate of development, and
causes shrinkage, but leaves karyokinesis, ciliary motion, and
pigment formation unaltered.
Calcium is not replaceable by magnesium, strontium, or
vii. CO3.
As has just been pointed out, calcium carbonate is necessary
for the due formation of the skeleton, although a beginning
may be made without it.‘
Whether the crumpling of the larva, due to diminution of
internal osmotic pressure, which is observed in the absence of
calcium carbonate is attributable to the lack of CO3 or the lack
of the hydroxyl ion is difiicult to determine, since, as Herbst
points out, a carbonate necessarily introduces OH, while the
latter can convert into carbonates the CO2 of the atmosphere and
of respiration.
viii. OII.
The alkalinity of the sea-water——reckoned by the number of
free hydroxyl ions—is provided by the calcium carbonate and
calcium hydrogenphosphate. By the omission of these a solution
—-neutral to litmus—may be obtained in which the ova give rise
to thick-walled, opaque blastulae with granular contents, ciliated
1 CaCO,, is necessary for the formation of the skeleton of the larva of
the sponge Sgcandra selosa (0. Maas, S.-B. Ges. Mozph. Phys. Miinchen,
xx, 1905). In a medium devoid of all calcium salts the Amphiblastulae
fall to pieces.
but motionless, and doomed to eventual degeneration and death
(Fig. 74 A, a, 6). Very occasionally a gastrula with a short gut
is formed.
When the blastulae are immersed in the solution they give
rise to small, opaque gastrulae.
A certain degree of alkalinity is necessary for fertilization.
The spermatozoa are less sensitive to a want of alkalinity, more
sensitive to excessive alkalinity than the ova.
By the addition of a small amount of sodium hydrate to the
neutral medium development is accelerated, but an increase of
the alkalinity of ordinary sea-water is unfavourable. Loeb, on
the other hand, has found that the addition of from -006 % to
-008 % sodium hydrate to sea-water accelerates the development
of Aréacia.
The formation of pigment and the vibration of the cilia are
other processes which depend on the presence of the hydroxyl
ion. Plutei die without it and their skeleton is dissolved.
The function of the ion does not appear to be to neutralize
any acids produced by the tissues, for these give a neutral
reaction even in OH-free media.
Since aeration improves the development of eggs in these
media, and the more so if the air is deprived of its carbon dioxide,
Herbst has concluded that one function of the OH ion is to
neutralize the CO2 and allow of the formation of the necessary
carbonates. Another function is possibly, as Loeb suggested,
the acceleration of processes of oxidation.
The experiments which we have been considering are unique
of their kind, and it is impossible to exaggerate their importance.
For, whatever may be the ultimate explanation of the facts, there
can be no doubt whatever that the most complete demonstration
has been given of the absolute necessity of many of the elements
occurring in ordinary sea-water, its normal environment, for the
proper growth and differentiation of the larva of the sea-urchin.
Nor is this all. Some of the substances are necessary for one
part or phase of development, some for another, some from the
very beginning, others only later on. Thus potassium, magnesium, and a certain degree of alkalinity are essential for
fertilization, chlorine and sodium for segmentation, calcium for
the adequate cohesion of the blastomeres, potassium, calcium and
the hydroxyl ion for securing; the internal osmotic pressure necessary for growth, while without the sulph-ion and magnesium
the due differentiation of the alimentary tract and the proper
formation of the skeleton cannot occur; the secretion of pigment
depends on the presence of some sulphate and alkalinity, the
skeleton requires calcium carbonate, cilia will only beat in an
alkaline medium containing potassium and magnesium, and
muscles will only contract when potassium and calcium are there.
The part played by each substance is therefore specific; for
some particular part of the morphogenetie process it is indispensable. Not, of course, independently of internal factors, but
in co-operation with them, it does, in fact, determine the production of organic form; and the relation between the embryo
and the environment in which it develops is in this case, at any
rate, of the closest and most intimate kind.
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Orientierung fiber einige Probleme der embryonalen Entwicklung,
Zeifschr. Biol. xxi, 1885.
D. RYWOSCH. Ueber die Bedeutung der Salze fiir das Leben des
Organismus, Biol. Centralbl. xx, 1900.
T. SOLLMANN. Structural changes of ova in anisotonic ‘solutions and
saponin, Amer. Journ. Phys. xii, 1904-5.
C. B. WILSON. Experiments on the early development of the Amphibian embryo under the influence of Ringer and salt solutions, Arch.
Ent. Mech. v, 1897.
W. D. ZOETI-IOUT. The effects of potassium and calcium ions on
striated muscle, Amer. Jom-n. Phys. vii, 1902.
In the numerous experiments which we have been considering
the efiect is observed upon the development of the embryo of
certain alterations in the constitution of that embryo’s normal
environment. Either some factor which is not usually present
is added to the environment, or else some factor which is
customarily found there is altered by increase or decrease, or
removed altogether.
In some cases development remains undisturbed by this treatment, in others it may be merely generally retarded or accelerated,
in others again it may be altered not merely in rate but in form,
with the production of an abnormality or monstrosity, and if its
eifeet is too intolerable the death of the embryo may ensue.
Throwing light as they do on the causes of the formation of
natural monsters, such experiments are no doubt of the highest
interest from a general teratological point of view. The mere
possibility of the occurrence of such malformations is, however,
itself a fact of the deepest morphological significance. A monster
is an organism in which the development of some part or parts
has either exceeded or fallen short of its normal limitations, and
any such phenomenon points indubitably to a certain mutual
independence of the parts in the growth and differentiation of
the organism; while some pursue their normal course, others
deviate from it. It follows that when such deformations are due
to changes in the external conditions the parts are not equally
sensitive to the unusual influence to which they are exposed.
Thus in the Frog embryos which exhibit persistent yolk-plugs
and open brains when grown in solutions of various kin(ls, the
yolk and the medullary folds are alone susceptible to the action
of the poison, other parts are unaffected and continue their
development as though under normal circumstances: or, again,
a sea—urchin passes through the early stages of segmentation and
gastrulation unchanged when placed in a sea-water from which
magnesium has been removed, but the subsequent differentiation
of the gut and the formation of the skeleton are abnormal ;
magnesium is necessary for these, though not for the earlier
processes. A means is thus afforded of watching the behaviour
of one or more parts independently of others, as, for example, of
the animal cells in the gastrulation of the Frog's egg when the
yolk-cellspare injured, and the most valuable information contributed, often quite unexpectedly, to our understanding of the
events of normal ontogeny.
Quite apart from this such experiments have already contributed, and will probably contribute still more in the future,
to the study of variation. Between conspicuous monstrosities
and those milder abnormalities which are termed ‘sports ’ or
‘ mutations ’ there is every intermediate gradation, just as there
is, on the other hand, no sharply defined limit between these
discontinuous and those far smaller continuous variations to
which the term has been often exclusively applied. The embryo
is particularly sensitive to a change in its environment and reacts
to such change by a variation in its form of greater or less degree.
And not only that ; as Vernon has shown, these changes can produce also an alteration in the variability of the species ; and so
provide greater opportunities for the operation of natural selection.
At the same time teratolugy is not the main inquiry with
which the experimental emhryologist is concerned. The problem that confronts him is to determine the part played by
each factor of the external environment in the processes of
normal, specific growth and differentiation, and for the solution
of this problem only those experiments, of course, are of avail in
which such factors are either altered or removed.
By this means, as we have seen, it has been shown that
a certain constitution of the physical environment, fixed within
certain limits, is needful for the embryo; to these conditions it is
closely adapted; those limits it can only transgress under pain
of abnormality or death.
Every factor, or nearly every factor, is necessary for this or
that phase or part of the process, some for the whole. Light
of a certain wave-length will accelerate development, light of
another kind, or in some instances darkness, will retard it, or stop
it altogether; a certain degree of heat is indispensable ; oxygen
is required for respiration, water for growth ; some eggs demand
constant agitation, others comparative rest; fertilization, or
segmentation, or gastrulation, or some one or other of the later
phases of development may depend absolutely on the presence
of some particular chemical element ; remove the factor in
question, whatever it may be, and that particular process will
not occur, and the specific, typical end which is reached in
normal development will not be attained. Nevertheless, the
achievement of this end does not depend wholly upon extrinsic
forces, for the ovum is no completely homogeneous ‘isotropic’
substance in which the complex circumstances of its environment conspire to produce heterogeneity and coherence. There is
no evidence that any physical factor exerts a directive influence
sufficient of itself to determine any part of the whole specific
cfiect, although this may happen under extraordinary conditions,
as when gravity impresses a bilateral symmetry upon the compulsorily upturned egg of the Frog, and so determines the
median plane of the embryo.
Intimately bound up though these external conditions are
with the proper conduct of the whole series of events whereby
the organism comes gradually to resemble the parents that gave
it birth, they can only operate in conjunction with internal
factors which must be sought for not only in the initial structure
and constitution of the germ-cells, but in the mutual interactions
of the developing parts.

==Appendix A==
==Appendix A==

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Jenkinson JW. Experimental Embryology. (1909) Claredon Press, Oxford.

Jenkinson (1909): 1 Introductory | 2 Cell-Division and Growth | 3 External Factors | 4 Internal Factors | 5 Driesch’s Theories - General Conclusions | 6 Appendices
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Experimental Embryology

Experimental Embryoijogy


J. W. Jenkinson. M.A.. D.Sc.

Lecturer in Embryology in the University of Oxford



For the biologist there are, I conceive, in the main two problems. One is to give an account of those activities or functions by means of which an organism maintains its specific form in an environment. The other is to find the causes which determine the production of that form, whether in the race or in the individual. The solution of the first of these problems is the business of physiology, in the usual sense of the term. The second falls to morphology.

It is with the origin of form that we are here concerned, and in particular with its origin in the individual. The endeavour to discover by experiment the causes of this process — as distinct from the mere description of the process - is a comparatively new branch of biological science, for Experimental Embryology, or, as some prefer to call it, the Mechanics of Development (Entwicklungsmechanik), or the Physiology of Development, really dates from Roux's production of a half-embryo from a. half-blaatomere, and the consequent formulation of the ‘ Mosaik-Theorie’ of self-differentiation. That hypothesis has been the focus of much fruitful criticism and controversy, the experiment has been followed by many others of the same kind, and the present volume is an attempt to sketch the progress of these researches and speculations on the nature and essence of differentiation, as well as of those which deal with growth, cell-division, and the external conditions of development.

In writing this review I have had the very great advantage of an excellent model in the textbook of Korsehelt and Heider (Lehrbuch cler fucrgleichemleat Entwio/cluugsgeschiclzte (Zer 1ve'rbelZo.~e'n T/u'c7'e, Allgemeiner Theil, Jena, 1902). I have indeed followed the general arrangement adopted by these authors fairly closely except in one respect. I believe so strongly that the processes of growth and cell-division, though they always (in the Metazoa) accompany, are yet distinct from, differentiation, that I have felt justified in treating them in a chapter apart from the other internal factors of development. The external factors—whether of growth, celhdivision, or differentiation - are discussed in Chapter III, and the ground is thus cleared for a consideration of the real problem — the differentiation of specific form.

The last chapter is devoted to the theories, scientific and philosophical, of Hans Driesch. I sincerely hope that Herr Driesch will allow my great admiration for the former to atone in some measure for my inability to accept the tenets of nee-vitalism.

It is a very great pleasure to me to acknowledge my indebtedness to the Delegates and Secretaries of the Clarendon Press, and in particular to Professor Osler, for undertaking the publication of this book, as well as for the pains which have been expended in its preparation. Dr. Osler also took the trouble to read through the whole of the manuscript, and Mr. G. V. Smith and Dr. Haldane have been kind enough to look through certain chapters.

To Dr. Ramsden I am under great obligations for his assistance in that part of Chapter II, Section 1, in which surface-tensions are discussed; to Dr. Vernon for calling my attention to Roberts’s work on Anthropometry, and to Mr. Grosvenor for the information embodied in the foot-note on p. 89. Mr. A. D. Lindsay has given me invaluable assistance in those sections of Chapter V which deal with the philosophy of Kant, while, for Aristotle, I was fortunately able to attend Professor Bywater’s lectures on the De Anima.

I can hardly express the debt I owe to Mr. J. A. Smith for much friendly counsel and criticism, although he is, of course, in no way responsible for the philosophical speculations in which I have ventured to indulge.

The illustrations are largely borrowed from Korschelt and Heider’s work, and I must thank Herr Gustav Fischer, of Jena, for his readiness in supplying the blocks. Others are from the original publications‘, and I am obliged to the proprietors for permission to make use of them. A few are my own.

In the appendices will he found an account of some recent work on the relation between the symmetry of the egg and that of the embryo in the Frog, and on the part played by the nucleus in ditt'c1-entiation.

Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, the Journal of Experimental Zoology (Williams 8; Wilkins, Baltimore), the Anm'ir(rn Journal of I‘hysz'ulo_'/_I/ (Ginn & C0., Boston), ZeIIrn~Sfu(Iim (Fischer, Jena), l’erhamIlmI_r/en 410;" A/mlumis-1-hm G(‘.s'¢'”N(‘7I((fl (Fischer, Jena), Er;/cbnisse fiber din Ii'on.m'tzm'ou dcr cIu'onmta'scIzm Kernsubslmz: (Fischer, Jena), .[r¢-kin fiir mik)'osk0])i.s¢*7¢1: .»lm¢tomi(' (Cohen, Bonn), Archizv ff/"r Entwiclcluuysnwvlzanik (Engelinunn, Leipzig), and the Popular Science .llontM3/ (Appleton & Co., New York).


Chapter I Introductory

Chapter II Cell-Division And Growth

1. Ce1l-division 2. Growth

Chapter III External Factors

1. Urrnvitation

2. Mechanical agitation

Electricity and magnetism



Atmospheric pressure. The respiration of the embryo.

Osmotic pressure. The role of water in growth

The chemical composition of the medium


Chapter IV Internal Factors

(1) The initial structure of the germ as a cause of differentiation.

1. The modern form of the prefurmationist doctrine 2. Amphibia 3. Pisces 4. Amphioxus 5. Coe-lenterata 6. Ecliinodcrmata 7. Nemertinen . . . . . . . . 204 8. (.‘tenopho1':i . . . . . . . . 208 9. Chaetopoda and Mollusca . . . . . . 213 10. Ascidia . . . . . . . . . 229 11. General consiileratious and conclusions . . . 240 12. The part. played by the spernmtozoon in the determination of egg-.<ztructm'e . . . . . 247 13. The part played by the nucleus in ilifl'e1'enti;iti0n . . 251 (2) The actions of the parts of the developing oiganism on one another 271

Chapter V Driesch’s Theories Of Development - General Reflections And Conclusions


APPENDIX A On the .’~y)1)l)lL'l2l'y of the egg, the symmetly of scglnentation, and the symmetry of the embryo in the Frog


On the part played by the nucleus in (lifferenti:L’tion

I.\'m<;x or AUTl{0I{



Chapter I Introductory

THAT living creatures reproduce their kind is a fact which is familiar to us all, but it is the peculiar privilege and province of the embryologist to observe and to reflect upon that marvellous series of changes whereby, out of a germ which is comparatively structureless and unformed, a new organism is developed which is, within the limits of variation, like the parents that gave it birth.

Development is the production of specific form. 1<‘rom a particular kind of germ only a particular kind of individual will normally arise, though unusual conditions may lead to the formation of an abnormality or monstrosity. Thus, while the germ is the material basis, development is the mechanism of inheritance. The student of heredity seeks to express in terms which shall be as exact as possible, ultimately mathematically exact, the degree of similarity between the offspring on the one hand, and parents and more remote ancestors on the other. The embryologist has under his very eyes the process by which that similarity is brought about, and even when the resemblance shall have been stated with all possible precision, it will still remain for him to give an explanation of those changes whereby the inheritable peculiarities of the species are handed on from one generation to the next.

Used in the widest sense of the word, development includes not merely the formation of a new individual from a single cell, whether fertilized or not, but also the phenomena of budding and regeneration. In a narrower sense, however, the term is restricted to the first of these processes, and a corresponding distinction is made, however artificially, between Experimental Embryology and Experimental Morphology, when the subject is treated from a physiological point of view.

In development two factors are obviously involved. One is growth, or increase of volume, more correctly increase of mass; the other is differentiation, or increase of structure; and, in multicellular organisms, both these factors are accompanied by division of the nucleus and the cell.

Segmentation is the first sign, or almost the first sign, the developing ovum gives of its activity; and this cutting up of the egg-cell into parts, which marks the beginning, is also continued during the later stages of ontogeny, and goes on as long as the life of the organism endures.

Growth is especially characteristic of the embryonic and of the adolescent organism. It occurs at different rates in the different cells, and indeed the growth of a group of cells is in itself often an act of differentiation. Growth may depend upon the absorption of water or the assimilation of other substances, and this may lead simply to an increase in the size of internal cavities, as in the blastula of lrlc-hinoderms or the Mammalian blastocyst; to an increase in the volume of the living protoplasm ; or to the secretion of intracellular or intercellular substances, either organic (for example, the notochordal vacuoles, the matrix of cartilage and bone) or inorganic (the skeletal spicules of Eehinoderm larvae, Sponges, and Coelenterata). This increase of mass is not only conditioned by the presence of food in the form of substances found in the environment, but depends on such external circumstances as temperature, atmospheric and osmotic pressure, and so forth.

But while the embryo is dividing up its material—a material which is already to a certain extent heterogeneous, composed, for example, of protoplasm and deutoplasm or yolk——while it is increasing its mass, it is also undergoing a process of differentia tion; and, as even a superficial acquaintance with embryology.

will inform us, one of the most characteristic features of differentiation is that it occurs in a series of stages which follow upon one another in regular order and with increasing complexity. When segmentation has been accomplished—sometimes, indeed, during segmentation——certain sets of cells, the germ-layers, become separated from one another. Each germlayer contains the material for the formation of a definite set of organs——the endoderm of a Vertebrate, for instance, contains the material for the alimentary tract and its derivatives-—gill-slits, lungs, liver, bladder, and the like ; the germ-layers are therefore not ultimate but elementary organs, and elementary organs of the first order. In the next stage these primary organs become subdivided into secondary organs——as the arehenteron of an Eehinoderm becomes portioned into gut and eoelom-sac, or the ectoderm of an Earthworm into epidermis, nervous system, and nephridia——and in subsequent stages these again become successively broken up into organs of the third and fourth orders and so on, until finally the ultimate organs or tissues are formed, each with special histological characters of its own. This end is, however, not necessarily reached by all the tissues at the same time. Indeed, it is no uncommon thing for certain of them to attain their final structure while the others are yet in a rudimentary condition; thus, in some Sponges the scleroblasts begin to secrete spicules in the larval period, nematocysts may be formed in the Planula of the Coelenterates, notochordal tissue is differentiated in the newly hatched tadpole of the Frog; and, speaking generally, larval characters are developed at a very early stage.

To this regular sequence of ontogenetie events Driesch has applied the term ‘rhythm ’, the rhythm of development. The organs of the body are, however, by no means all formed of single tissues~—-bone, epithelium, blood, and the rest——but are compounded, frequently of very many tissues, and this ‘ composition ’, to quote a term of Driesch’s again, is another of the obvious features of organogeny.

VVhile, therefore, in the last resort all diiterentiation is histological, that final result, the assumption by the cells of their definitive form, is only achieved after many changes have taken place in the position of the parts relatively to one another while the organs are being compounded, and so its specific shape conferred upon the whole body.

It is possible to find a few general expressions for the manifold changes that take place in the relative positions of the parts. Several years ago, in 1874, His compared the various layers of the chick embryo to elastic plates and tubes; out of these he suggested that some of the principal organs might be moulded by mere local inequalities of growth——the ventricles of the brain, for instance, the alimentary canal, the heart—-and he further succeeded in imitating the formation of these organs by folding, pinching, and cutting india-rubber tubes and plates in various ways. This analysis, however, deals only with the foldings of flat layers, and must be supplemented by a more exhaustive catalogue of the processes concerned in ontogeny, such as that more recently suggested by Davenport. Davenport resolves the changes in question into the movements of cells or cell aggregates, the latter being linear, superficial, or massive, and within the limits of these categories the phenomena are susceptible of further classification. The catalogue proceeds as follows :——

I. THE Movmtaxrs or SINGLE Cams.

1. Migration of nodal thickenings in a network of protoplasm: e. g. the migration of the ‘ cells ’ to the surface of the Arthropod ovum to form a blastoderm, the movements of vitellophags, and yolk-nuclei (Fig. 1).

FIG. 1. — Sections of the egg of Geophilus ferrrlyiuezls showing two stages in the formation of the blastoderiu: bl, blastoderm; dp, yolk pyramids; gr, groups of blastoderni cells on what will be the dorsal side ; L-, nuclei surrounded by masses of protoplasm. (After Sograff, from Korsehelt and Heider.)

2. Migration of free amoeboid bodies: e. g. the mesenchyme cells in the Eehinoderm gastrula, the lower layer cells of Elasmobranchs, the blastomeres amongst the yolk-cells in Triclads and Salps.

3. Aggregation of isolated cells.

a. Linear aggregates: e. g. the kidney of Lamellibranchs, the yolk-gland of Turbellaria, capillary blood-vessels.

6. Superficial aggregates: e. g. the blastoderm of Arthropods, the formation of the imaginal gut-epithelium in some Insects.

0. Massive aggregates : e. g. the gemmule of Sponges, the spleen of Vertebrates.

4. Attachment of isolated cells to another body: e. g. the union of muscles to the shell in Mollusca and Arthropoda, of tendon to bone in Vertebrates, the application of skeletal cells to the notochord.

5. Investment and penetration by isolated cells: e. g. the follicle cells between the blastomeres in Tnnicata, the muscles of the gut in va.rious animals, the septa of the corpus luteum, the formative cells of the vitreous body of the Vertebrate eye, the immigration of the nephric cells in the Earthworm.

6. '1‘ransportation of bodies by wandering cells: e. g. of the buds in Doliolidae.

7. Absorption by wandering cells: e. g. phagocytosis in Insect pupae a11d in the ta(lpole’s tail.

8. We may place here. the frequent alterations in the shapes of cells, which do not apparently involve growth: e. g. when {lat cells become columnar.

II. Tm»; Movi~:.\mNTs or (J1~:r.r. A(:eu1«;(:A'rEs. A. Linear Aggregates.

1. Growth in length: e. g. the growth of the roots and stems of plants, of the stolons and hydranths of Hydroids, the outgrowth of nerves, of the necks of unicellular glands, the growth of the blood-vessels from the area vaseulosa into the body of the Chick embryo, of blood-vessels towards a. parasite, the growth of mesoblastie and other germ-bands in Annelids, the back-growth of the Vertebrate segmental duct, and the like.

2. Splitting.

a. At the end, that is, branching: e.g'. of nerves, bloodvessels, kidney tubules, glands, tentacles.

3. Throughout the length: e.g. the segmental duct of Elasmobranehs, the truncus arteriosus of Mammalia.

3. Anastomoses: e. g. of the dorsal and ventral roots of the spinal nerves, of nerve plexuses, of capillaries, of bile capillaries, of the excretory tubules of Platyhelmia.

4«. Fusion with other org'a11s: e. g-. of a nerve with its endorgan, of the vasa eiferenti-.1. with inesonephrie tubules, of nephriclia with the coelom in Annelida.

B. Superficial aggregates. i. Increase of area. (1.. Growth of a sphere. 1. Equal in all dire(-tions: e.g. the blastula of ]*l(-hinoderms. 2. Unequal.

oz. Unequal in dilferent axes: e.g-. the conversion of a spherical blastula into an ellipsoid Planula in Coelenterata, or into an ellipsoid Sponge larva, or of the spherical into the ellipsoid blastocyst in l\Ia1mnalia.

,8. Unequal at dilferent poles: e. g. the formation of ovoid forms, such as 1’lannlae, the club-shaped glaild of .122/19/ziamzs, the auditory vesicle of Vertebrata.

6. Growth of a plane surface. 1. Equal in all directions: e.;,;'. the growtli of the blastodcrm over the yolk in Sauropsida, or Cephalopoda.

2. Unequal. a. When parts lying in one plane move out of that

plane: c. g. inva,t,;‘i11ations and evaginations of all descriptions.

(Fig. 2).

B. When parts—e. a row of eells——lying in one plane are moved in that plane: e. g. the germ-bands of C/cpsinc, by the growth of the epiblast (Fig. 3).

ii. Alterations of thickness. 1/. Increase: thickenings: e. g. the formation of the central nervous system in Teleostei, the formation of gonads from the I INTRODUCTORY 7

coelomic epithelium, the development of hair follicles, the trophoblast in the Mammalian placenta (Fig. 4).

Fm. 2.—-Three stages of an invagination or evagination. (After Korschelt and Ileider.)

FIG. 3.——Displacement of a row of cells in an epithelium. (After Kor- qQp§§ag!d9“’gQ‘éDO

schelt and Heider.) PI 4 F t _ tlef t, < .——— ours ages 1n 1 orma 1on

uf an epithelial thickening of many layers. (After Korsehelt and Heicler.)

6. Decrease: thinnings: e. g. in the roof of the thalamencephalon a11d medulla, the outer layer of the lens, the trophoblast of the Mammalian blastocyst. 8 INTRODUCTORY I

iii. Interruptions of continuity. a. By the atrophy of part of a, layer: e. g. when the floor of the archenteron tog-ether with the underlying paraderm dis appears in Amniota. (Fig. 5). X . ° UODCIDDUUDDDUDDU °

3 « <2 vacuum

5 canon» «aaaaaan

Fig. 5.——Three stages in the development of am interruption of von~ tinnity pcrpemliculzmr to the surfztce of am epithelium. (l'erfomtion.) (After Korschelt and Heidcr.)

/1. By the detachment of a part: c. g. of the medullary plate from the eetoderm in Amp//ioxus (Fig-. 6), of the notochord from the roof of the archenteron in Urodela. and I’e/r0myzo7z.

FIG 6. - Scheme of the formation of the medullary canal in Amphi0.rIts. (After Korschclt and Heidcr.) I INTRODUCTORY 9

iv. Conerescence of layers. a. By their margins: e. g. the edges of the eetoderm over the medullary plate, the edges of the embryonic eetoderm inside

Fm. 7.- Fusion of two cell plates by their nmrgins. (After Korschclt and Heider.)

the serosa of Si/nmczzlzts, the embryonic plate with the trophohlast in some Mammals (Figs. 7, 9).

(2. By their surfa.c-es (Figs. 8, 9, 10) : e. g. when the stomodaeum or proctodaenm open into the gut, when the mcdullary

FIG. 8. — Fusion of two cell plates by their surfaces. (Aft-er Korsehelt and Heider.) folds meet, when the edges of the peritoneal groove close to form the canal of the oviduct in Amphihia and Amniota.

This concrescence is commonly followed by a communication of the cavities on opposite sides of the adherent layers, as when the stomodaeum opens into the gut, or the amnion-folds unite ; but not necessarily, as when the somatopleure fuses with the trophoblast, or the allantois with the somatopleure in Mammalia.

v. Splitting of a. layer into two: e. g. the inner wall of the pineal vesicle in Lacertilia (Fig. 11). 10

FIG 11. — Three stages in the development of an interruption of continuity parallel to the surface of an epithelium. (Delanlination) (After K01-schclt and Heider.)

0. Massive aggregates.

i. Changes in volume.

a. Unequal in different axes : c. g. when the spherical larva becomes cylindrical in Dicyemidae.

3. Unequal at diflerent points : e. g. the outgrowth of limbbuds of Vertebrates and other forms, of the buds of plants.

ii. Rearrangement of material.

a. Simple rear1‘angement of cells: e.g. in the formation of the concentric corpuscles of the thymus, in the development of kidney tubules in the metanephric. blastema of Amniotn, in the grouping of the cells to form ectoderm, gut and atrium in the Salps.

b. Development of an internal cavity: e.g. segmentation cavities, lumina of ducts and blood-vessels, of the coelom and many generative organs.

c. Dispersion ol’ the elements of an aggregate: e. g. in gcmmule formation in certain Sponges, in unipolar immigration in some Sponges and some (‘oelcntcrates, in the liberation of the germ—celis.

iii. Division of masses.

a. By constriction : c. g. the segmentation of the mesodcrm and neural crest.

b. By splitting: e. the nervous system from the ectodcrm in Teleostei and many Invertebrates, the notochord from the roof of the {l.1'('l1(3lltCl'011.

iv. Fusion of masses : e. g. of originally separate nerve ganglia (Vertebrates, Arthropods, Annelids), of myotomes, of somites in Artln'opods.

v. Attachment of one mass to another: e. g. of selerotome to notoehord.

It will be seen that this ;'¢7.s-/rzzr/‘"3 17 1C principal kinds of movement executed by the dev 11111:) ‘arts extends Ilis’s principle of the local inequality of growth from flat layers to linear and massive aggregates and at the same time includes the movements of isolated cells. Davenport, however, is not content merely to give a simple classification ol the phenomena; he goes further, and endeavours to express them in terms of responses to stimuli, an idea due in the first instance to Ilerbst. 12 INTRODUCTORY I

Thus he suggests that the migrations of vitellophags and mesenchyme cells, the thickenings, thinnings, and perforations of flat layers, the rearrangements of cells in a massive aggregate, their dispersion, the constriction, and splitting and fusion may be regarded as tactic responses, the growth in various ways of linear aggregates, the eoncrescence of layers and masses as so many tropic responses to stimuli which may be positive or negative and exerted by other organs or by agents in the world outside.

Now it is clear that the analyses both of His and Davenport aim at something more than a mere description of ontogenctic events, for a serious attempt is here made to give a causal, if you will a mechanical, explanation of those events, and the subject thereby raised at once from the level of mere morphology or morphography to a loftier, aetiological point of view.

There are, indeed, two methods by which embryology, like any other branch of zoology, may be investigated. One is purely descriptive, anatomical, morphological. By this method, truly, great results have been achieved. The life—l1i_stories of members of all the most important groups of the animal kingdom have been worked out, and the science of Comparative Embryology has been built up. Nor has an explanation of the process been lacking. For ontogeny is, the fundamental Biogenetic Law assures us, a recapitulation of and therefore explicable in terms of phylogeny; and since on this principle the individual repeats in its development the ancestry of its race, embryology affords a means of tracing out the relationships of the organism and establishing the homologies of its parts.

Unfortunately a more intimate acquaintance with the facts has made it abundantly clear that development is no mere repetition of the aneert ‘é~\(_‘ "e1,tliat the organism has manifold ways of attaining its sin k i" ‘.',(\at those resemblances in early stages which were held to .,.:sm. bthe most triumphant vindication of the Biogenetic Law bear no constant relation to the similarities of adult organization, that the attempt to find in development an absolute criterion of homology is vain.

The facts thus remain unexplained, as in truth it was only to be supposed that they would. A method, however comparative, which relies on mere observation, and is content to wait for Nature's own experiments, cannot hope to arrive at sound inductions, or to establish general laws of causation.

There is, however, another \vay. Development, the production of form, may be regarded as one of the activities, one of the functions of the organism, to be investigated. like any other function by the ordinary physiological method of experiment; and the ideal of the experimental or physiological embryologist is to give a complete causal account, whether the causes are external or internal, of each stage, and so of the whole series of ontogenctie changes, his weapon, to borrow Roux’s splendid phrase, ‘die Geistesanatomie, das analytische eausale Denken.’ 1

This effort is, of course, no modern one. Speculation into the nature and essence of development begins, indeed, with the Greeks, and theories of fertilization and development are to be found in the writings of Aristotle? In fertilization the male element, which, according to Aristotle, provides the formal and efficient causes in providing the necessary perceptive soul, acts upon the mere matter, endowed only with a nutritive soul, which is given by the female, in the same sort of way, to use his own illustration, as rennet coagulates milk. In the germ thus formed the parts of the embryo, which can only be said to pre-exist potentially, arise not simultaneously but in gradual succession, first the heart, then the blood, the veins from the heart and the various organs about the veins by a process of condensation and coagulation, the anterior parts of the body being built up first.

This Aristotelian doctrine appears to have persisted through the Middle Ages ; it reappears in the seventeenth century in the pages of Hieronymus Fabricius ab Aquapendentc and his pupil VVilliam Harvey in essentially the same form, although both authors diifer from Aristotle in certain matters of observational detail. Thus l*‘abricius3 states that ‘ ope generatricis facultatis pulli partes, quae prius non erant, produci atque ita ovum in pulli corpus migrate’, while Harvey“ gives to development as thus conceived of the name of ‘Epigenesin sivc partium superadditionem’, though he believes that in some cases (Insects) the

1 Roux, 1885. __ '2 Aristotle, De Gem, i. 20. 18; ii. 4. 43; 5. 2, 3, 10; 6. DeAM., 11.4. 2, 15 ; 5; 6. 3 Fabricius, 1. c., p. 22. ‘ Harvey, l. c., Ex. 44.

process is one of ‘metamorphosis’ or the simultaneous origin of all parts. In generation properly so called, however——in the development of the Chick, for exa1nple——tl1e process ‘a parte aliqua, tanquam ab origine, incipit; eiusque ope reliqua membra adseiscuntur: atque haec per epigenesin fieri dieimus: sensim nempe, partem post partem’, and this ‘pars prima genitalis’ Harvey held, in opposition to Aristotle, to be the blood.‘

But in spite of the exact observation and brilliant exposition of his followers, the teaching of Aristotle was destined to be overshadowed and eclipsed, tempoiarily at least, by a new l1ypo— thesis which, appearing first towards the end of the seventeenth century, swept the schools and universities, and dominated biolog-ieal speculation for a hundred years.

This was the theory of Evolution or Preformation. According to it the future animal or plant is already present in miniature in the. germ with all its parts complete, invisible or hardly visible it may be, but still there, and not merely ‘ potenti-ft’; and in development there is no such thing as ‘generation’, but only growth, whereby that which was before impalpable and invisible becomes tangible and manifest to our eyes. A further and logical outcome of the hypothesis was the doctrine of ‘emboitemcnt’, enthusiastically described by Bonnet as ‘une (les plus belles vietoires que l’entendement pur ait remporté sur les sens ’.3 The organism present already in the germ, with all its parts complete, possesses of necessity the germs of the next generation, and so on in indefinite though not in infinite regress, for as Bonnet is careful to tell us, ‘ Il ne faut pas supposer un emboitcment in l’infini, ce qui scroit absurde. La divisibilité de la matiére 51 l’infini par laquelle on prétendroit soutenir eet emboitement est une vérité géométrique et une erreur physiqne.’3 Swammerdam solved the difliculty in another way. All the’ germs of the human race must have been present. in the bodies of our first parents, and ‘exhaustis his ovis humani generis finem adesse ’.“

The theory became widely held. First put forward by Marcello

‘ Harvey, l. e., EX. 50.

2 Bonnet, Cont. de la nm‘., 71"“ partie, c. ix ; (1a'uLv'cs, vol. iv, p. 270. 3 Bonnet, Consid. sur les rorps 0131., c. viii; (lfiuvres, vol. iii, 1). 74.

‘ Swammerdam, 1679, pp. 21, 22.

Malpighi in the memoir, ‘De formatione pulli in ovo,’ which he presented to the Royal Society of London in 1673, it was not only adopted by biologists of prestige, by Swammerdam, Haller, who in his early days had been an advocate of Epigenesis, dc Buffon, and Bonnet, but secured the adherence of philosophers of such eminence as Malebranche and Leibniz.

In some cases it was accepted as a result of observation. Thus Malpighi,‘ in the treatise referred to, asserted that he had himself observed the chick in the unineubated egg, ‘ inelusum foetum animadvertebam, cuius caput cum appensae carinae staminibns patenter emergebat,’ while de Buifonz expresses himself even more categorically. ‘ J ’ai ouvert,’ he says, ‘ une grande quantité d’eeufs a difiérens temps, avant et apres Pineubation, et je me suis eonvaincu par mes yeux que le poulet existe en entier dans le milieu de la eicatricule a11 moment qu’il sorte (lu corps de la poule.’ To others, however, it was rather a matter of theoretical necessity. Ilaller explains his conversion from the contrary opinion by asking‘ the very pertinent question, ‘(‘ur vis ea essentialis quae sit unica tam divorsas in animali partes semper eodem loco, semper ad eun(lem arehetypum struit ; si materies inorganica mutabilis et ad omnem figuram rccipiendam apta est ? Cur absque ullo errore ex gallinac mista materie ea vis semper pullum, ex pavo11e pavonem fabricatur? ’

‘Nil nisi vis dilatans et progrediens reeipitur. Ab ea nihil sperarem nisi vasorum rete tamdiu continue amplius futurum quamdiu vis expandens resistentiae superandae par est. Cur loeo eius retis cor, eaput, eerebrum, ren struuntur? Cur in singulo animali suus ordo partium? Ad eas quaestiones nulla. datur responsio,’ a charge which is, of course, perfectly just.“

Bonnet’s argument is different. The heart of the chick, he points out, is already present in the egg‘; and since anatomy teaches that all the parts of an animal ‘doivent avoir toujours coexisté ensemble’, preformation follows as a matter of course.“

The belief in preformation continued paramount till towards the end of the eighteenth ceutur , nor was it till the publication in 1774 of Caspar Friedrich Wolff's T/Ieoria Gczze/'atz'om'.9 that the evolutionists were aroused from their dogmatic slumbers. Putting speculation on one side, Wolff returned to the method of Harvey, Fabricius, and may we not say also of Aristotle, the method of exact observation. He demdnstrated the presence in the unincubated egg not of a complete organism, but of ‘globules’; ‘ partes enim eonstitutivae, ex quibus omnes corporis animalis partes in primis initiis componuntur, sunt globuli," and described the epigenetic formation of the heart and blood-vessels, the central nervous system, the limbs and the ‘ Wolffian’ bodies from these primary elements.

‘ Malpighi, 1. e., p. 4. 2 do Buffon, 1. c., p. 351. 3 Haller, 1778, VIII. i. 29, p. 121. _ ‘ Bonnet, Cont. de la nat., 7""? partie, c. ix; (lc'm‘)‘fls, vol. 1v, 1). 261.

Development thus consists of the gradual production and organization of parts; ‘embryonis partes sensim produci, mea observata suadent,’ 2 and again, ‘ suppeditari prius partem, deinde cam organisari iutelligitur ’.3

The ground was thus taken from beneath the feet of the preformationists, and Epigenesis restored to its former place of honour as the fundamental expression of developmental fact.

Tacitly accepted by all the great embryologists of the nineteenth century—~Pander, von Baer, Reichert, Bischoif, Remak, Kolliker, Kowalewsky, IIaeckel——the epigenetie idea continued to control the progress of research. These were men who set themselves to describe the sequence of changes that the embryo passes through with all possible accuracy, and over as wide a range as might be of animal form. 'l‘hey made Comparative Embryology. On the facts that they discovered new light was shed by the doctrine of descent with m0(lilicati0n, or evolution in the wider sense of the word. Von Baer had pointed out that in any group of animals the embryos were more like one another than were the adult organisms, and this now became easily translated by Haeekel into the idea that the form which is in every g-roup——ultimately in all groups—thc common startingpoint of individual development is representative of the common ancestor of the race. Ontogeny was thus not merely expressed but explained in phylogenetic terms.

Now that, as we have already seen, the proposed explanation has very‘ largely broken down, Epigenesis, taken by itself, remains, not a theory in terms of cause and effect, but a mere description of what occurs, and it is the crying need for such a theory that has given birth to modern experimental embryology.

‘ Wolf, 1. c., Praemonenda, lxviii. 2 Id. ib. lxxiii. 3 Id. ib., De Gen. An., § 240.

The new era opens with the publication by Wilhelm His in 1874, just a hundred years after the appearance of the '1’/eeoria G'e2wratiom's, of a remarkable series of essays entitled Uusere K5f])87f07'7)l marl Jae 1;/1_'/siologisc/10 Problem 2'/zrer Eutste/nm_q. In these essays His, who was already in revolt against the ‘ Biogenctie Law’, not only sought to give a mechanical explanation of differentiation, but also laid down his famous ‘Prinzip der organbildenden Keimbezirke.’ According to this principle of ‘germinal localization’, every spot in the blastoderm corresponds to some future organ : ‘ (las Material zur Anlage ist schon in der ebencn Keimseheibe vorhanden, abcr morphologisch nieht abgcglie(lert, und somit als solchesnicht ohne Weiteres erkennbar.’ 1 Conversely, every organ is represented by some region in the blastoderm, and ‘ wenn wir consequent sein wollen’ in the fertilized, or even unfertilized, egg. In other words, although the parts of the embryo cannot be said to be preformed in the germ, the materials for those parts are already there, prelocalized, arranged roughly, at least, as the parts themselves will be later on. In this material unequal growth produces the form of the parts, and so of the whole body. Whether there is a strict causal connexion between each material rudiment and the organ which arises from it, whet-her these rudiments could be interchanged without prejudice to the normality of subsequent development, is a question which is not touched upon by His. It was reserved for another anatomist, Wilhelm Roux, to raise what in IIis’s hands had been merely a principle to the rank of a theory, the ‘ Mosaiktheoric ’, or theory of self-diiferentiation.

1 His, 1. c., §ii.

For Roux, no doubt, the ‘Mosaik-theoric’ was in part the outcome of the theoretical necessity of explaining the specific nature of development ; but it rests also upon a basis of observation and experiment. The coincidence in a majority of Frogs’ eggs of the first furrow with the sagittal plane, the production of local defects in the embryo by local injuries to the egg, th occurrence of certain natural monsters (Hemit/leria anteriora, for example) in which one half of the body is normally developed, the other entirely suppressed, and the experimental demonstration of the formation of a half-embryo from one of the first two blastomercs of the Frog’ s egg when its fellow had been killed, all led Roux to regard the development of the whole and of each part as essentially a process of self-differentiation, a process, that is to say, of which the causes reside wholly within the fertilized ovum and within each part as it is formed, though allowance was made for the possible formative influence of the parts on one another in later stages. External conditions, though they may be necessary in the same sense as they are generally necessary to the maintena.nce of life, are yet of no importance for diiferentiation regarded as a specific activity of the organism.

In the meantime, an experiment of Pfluger’s had apparently shown that, however obviously each part of the egg-cell might be related to the production of a particular organ, the relation was no necessary one, but that, on the contrary, the parts were all equivalent and the ovum ‘isotropic’. Pfliigcr demonstrated that in a Frog-’s egg which had been prevented from assuming its normal position with the axis vertical, the planes of the segmentation furrows bore no constant relation to the original egg-axis, that is to say to the structure of the egg, though they exhibited the same relation to the vertical as when de— veloping in the normal position. Further, in such forcibly upturned eggs the plane which included the original egg-axis and the present vertical axis became the median plane of the embryo, whose axes were disposed with regard to the vertical as in normal cases. Any part of the egg, therefore, might give rise to any part of the embryo, according to the extent to which and the direction in which the egg-axis had been diverted out of its original vertical position, and hence the egg-substance was ‘isotropic’ ; the planes of segmentation and the embryonic axes being determined by gravity. In fact, Pfliiger went so far as to say that an egg only becomes what it does become because it is always placed under the same external conditions.

Nor was this conception of the isotropy of the ovum invalidated by Born’s proof that in these eggs there is a redistribution of yolk and protoplasm owing to the sinking of the former to the lower, the rising of the latter to the upper side of the egg. For though the egg thus comes to acquire a secondary structure about an axis which is vertical, still the arrangement of the parts of the supposed rudiments of the organs must have been disturbed. Yet from such ova normal tadpoles are developed.

It became necessary, therefore, to locate the self-differentiating substance, the ‘idioplasma’, mainly, at any rate, in the nucleus; and this idioplasma was imagined as composed of dissimilar determinant units, each representative of some part or character of the organism and arranged according to a plan or architecture which corresponds in some way with the architecture in the embryo of the organs represented. All that is necessary, then, and all that happens, at least in the early stages of development, is the gradual sundering of these units from one another by successive qualitative divisions of the nucleus and their distribution to the cytoplasm, where each determines the assumption by the cell to which it is allocated of that character which it represents.

Roux’s ‘Mosaik—theoric’ (Roux, 1903) and Weismann’s very similar but more elaborate hypothesis of the constitution and behaviour of the germ-plasm both frankly involve the belief that every separately inheritable quality of the body has its own representative in the germ, with the difference, however, that this preformation, extended by Weismann to the adult characters, is limited by Roux to those of the embryo. The renewed inquiry into the nature and essence of development has thus simply resulted in the resuscitation of the eighteenth-century doctrine of evolution, though in a far more subtle form. Once again we find ourselves face to face with the old alternative, Preformation or Epigenesis ,- and it is to the desire of solving this problem that a very considerable proportion of modern experimental research is attributable. Though much of this has been directed against and been destructive of the ‘ Mosaik-theorie’, which as far as the nucleus is concerned has now been abandoned by Roux himself} renewed investigation has proved the existence in many cases of definite and necessary organ-forming substances in the cytoplasm, while the necessity for finding a causal explanation of what is obviously in some sense a predetermined process, without presupposing the preformation in the germ of morphological units representing every possible iuheritable character, has issued in Herbst’s and Driesclfs conception of the events of ontogeny as so many responses to stimuli exerted by the developing parts on one another. At the same time the need for inquiry into the external conditions and the part they may play in growth and differentiation has not been forgotten.

Thus though it would be vain to pretend that the ideal of a complete causal explanation has yet been realized, still some material has been gathered for an answer to each of the two main questions: what are the internal, what the external conditions that determine the course of development? These questions we shall discuss in the following pages. It will then only remain to inquire whether a causal explanation—-in the accepted sense of the phrase—a mechanics of ontogeny which resolves the single occurrences first into general physiological laws, and these in the last resort into the generalizations of physics and chemistry, can ever afford a theory which may be said to be complete either from a scientific or from a philosophical point of view. Should the mechanical explanation prove to be scientifically insufficient, it may be necessary, with Driesch and the neo-vitalists, to invoke a consciousness of the end to be realized to guide and govern the merely material elements; but even were this not so it would still be incumbent upon us to consider whether the end itself—not the consciousness of it—is not the final, and yet none the less the principal determining cause of the whole process.


ARISTOTLE. Dc gcneratione animalium, ed. Bekkcr, Oxford, 1837. De partibus animaliuin, ed. Bekker, Oxford, 1837. De anima, ed. Trendelenburg, Berlin, 1877.

C. BONNET. (Euvres, Neuchatel, 1781. Contemplation do In. nature, vii“‘° partie; Considerations sur les corps organises; Mémoire sur les gerlnes; Palingénésie philosophique.

G. BORN. Ueber den Einfluss der Schwere ant‘ das Froschei, Arch. mi/rr. Anaf. xxiv, 1885. I INTRODUCTORY 2 1

L. DE I1UFI~‘()N. Histoirc nuturelle, génc’-mle et. pzl1'ti('111ii:1‘e, vol. ii, 1’zu'is, 1749.

C. B. DAV!-:N1*oR'1‘. Studies‘ in morphogenesis: iv. A prelimimtry catalogue of the processes concerned in ontogeny, Bull. 1Iarmr«l Mus. xxvii, 1896.

H. DRIESOII. Anzrlytische Theorie der orgzmischen Entwicklung, Leipzig, 1894.

IL FABRICIUS AB AQUAPENDENTE. De formatione ovi et pulli. Opera. omnia, Lipsiae, 1687.

A. HALLER. Hernmnni Boerhanve pmelectiones ncndemicae: edidit at notas addidit Albertus Haller, v, Gottingne, 1744. Prinme lineae physiologiae, Gottingae, 1747. Elementa. physiologiae corporis humani, Lausannae, 1778.

W. HARVEY. Exercitationes dc genemtione :mima.1ium, London, 1651.

C. Ilmmsr. Ueber die Bedeutung dcr Reizphysiologie fiir die emisale A11f'f'zLss11ng' V011 Vorga"mgeu in der thierisclien Ontogenese, Biol. (‘mil-albl. xiv, xv, 1894, 1895.

\V. HIS. Unsere Korperforin nnd das physiologisclle Problem ihrer Entstehung, Leipzig, 1874.

G. W. LEIBNIZ. (Euvres philosophiques, ed. by 1’. Janet, Paris, 1900. Systeine nouvenu de 1:1. natlire, 1695. Principes de ]:1. nature at de 1:1. gr-free, 1714. Essnis do Théodicée. Préfmze, 1710.

N. MALEBRANCHE. Recherche dc la. vérité, Si1non’s edition, Paris, 1846.

M. MALPIGIII. De formatione pulli in ovo, London, 1673.

E. PFLUGER. Ueber den Einfluss der Schwerkmft uuf die Theilung der Zellen und auf die Entwieklung dos Embryo, Pflc7,«/m".s- An-h. xxxi, xxxii, 1883.

W. ROUX. Ein1eit.11n;;' zu den ‘ Bcitrfigen zur Entwicklungsmechunik des Embryo ’, Zeitsc-hr. Biol. xxi, 1885 ; also Ge.»-. Abh. 13, Leipzig, 1895.

W. Roux. Ueber die kiinstliehe Hervorbringung ‘ha.1ber’ Embryonen, V4'rrIum‘s Arch., 1888 ; also Gas-. Abh. 22.

W. Roux. Ueber Mosuikarbeit mid neuere Entwieklungslnypothesen, Anat. Ilrjffe, 1893 ; also G'(‘.s'. Abh. 27.

VV. Roux. Einleitung, Am-I1. Eut. Jllwclz. i, 1895.

VV. ROUX. Fiir unser 1’rogramn1 und seine Verwirkliehung, Arrlz. Ent. Mech. v, 1897.

VV. RUUX. Ueber die Ursuchen der Bestimmun,g' der H:lll])1.l'iC]|tnngen des Elnbryo im Frosclici, Anat. Anz. xxiii, 1903.

\V. ROUX. Vortri'Lgc und Aufsdtzc fiber Entwvicklungsliieelmnik (ler O1'ga.nismen, Leipzig, 1905.

J. SWAMMERDAM. Mimculum na.tura.c sive uteri muliebris fabrica, Lugdunulu Buta.vorun1, 1679. Histoire génémle des Insectes, Utrecht, 1682.

C. F. WOLFF. 'I‘heo1-in generationis, Hnlle a. d. Szmle, 1774.

Chapter II Cell-Division and Growth

1. Cell-Division

IN a future chapter we shall see that there is no necessary connexion between segmentation and differentiation. Nevertheless, since ccl1~division is the first sign, or almost the first sign, that a developing organism gives of its activity; since, moreover, cell-division accompanies the later processes of growth and differentiation, we may briefly discuss what is known of those factors which determine the direction of division in general, and in particular the pattern of segmentation.

We shall first presume that segmenting ova may be grouped under several distinct types, as follows :—

1. Tim radial I_1//2e. Here the first division is meridional, the second meridional and at right angles to the first, the third equatorial—or more often latitudinal—-and at right angles to both the preceding, the fourth meridional and at forty-five degrees to the first two, the fifth latitudinal. What is characteristic above all of this type is, first, that four surfaces of contact between cells meet in one line; for example, the four surfaees between the first four blastomeres meet in the egg-axis, while each pair of animal cells lies exactly over each pair of vegetative cells after the third division; and secondly, the blastomeres are radially arranged about the axis. This type has been observed in Sponges (Syconl (Sehulze)), in Coelenterates, in Crinoids, Holothurians, and Echinoids (Fig. 12) amongst the Echinoderms, in Eetoproctous Polyzoa, in A111];/ziowz/.e and the

Vertebrates, and in some C1'11stacea—Cc/or/zilzts ((:‘rrobben),’

Luc-g'f'er (Brooks), Cyclops (Hiickcr), L’/‘awe/u'p11.v (Braucr) and some Cirrhipedes. Certain of these cases present special

peculiarities. In Echinoids micromeres are formed at the vegetative pole

by the division of the fourth phase (Fig. 12,

' In 831001: the third cleavage is meridional, the fourth latitudinal. FIG. 12.-Normal development of the sea-urcliin SI;'ong3/Ionenlrolus ”l’i4Il(.\‘. (After Boveri, 1901.)

The animal pole is uppermost in all cases, and in the first two figures the jelly with the canal (micropyle) is shown.

a, primary oocytc, the pigment is uniformly peripheral.

b, ovum after extrusion of polar bodies. The pigment now forms a subequatorial band. The nucleus is ex-axial.

c, d, first division (meridional).

e, 8 cells, the pigment almost wholly in the vegetative blastomeres.

f, formation of mesomeres (animal cells) by meridional division: the vegetative cells have divided into macromeres and micromeres.

_r/, blastula. h, mesenehyme hlastula.

1', j, k, imagination of the pigmented cells to form the archenteron of the gastrula. In j the primary mesenchyme is separated into two groups, in each of which, in Ir, a spicule has been secreted. In is the secondary, pigmented mesenchyme is being budded off from the inner end of the archenteron.

In Asteroids and Ophiuroids the division is at first tetrahedral, and to be classed, therefore, with those of the following type; after the second furrow, however, the blastomeres are rearranged, and division theneeforward is radial.

In Vertebiata segmentation is altered in megaleeithal eggs by the amount of yolk present. It becomes meroblastic; still the radial type is preserved, though the sequence of the furrows is often altered, the third, for instance, being frequently meridional, and the fourth latitudinal. Amongst the Ascidians Pg/rosoma has a large-yolked, telolecithal, and radially segmenting egg. In the Placental Mammals the first two (livisions may conform to this type; but segmentation soon becomes irregular. The accumulation of yolk in the Arthropod egg has resulted in a totally different type of meroblastic segmentation. The yolk is here uniformly distributed about the central protoplasm. In the latter is placed the segmentation nucleus, and this central mass divides into a number of cells, which subsequently migrate to the surface and form a blastoderm ; the egg is then centrolecithal (Fig. 1). The stages of the development of this modification may be seen in the Crustaeea. In certain forms-——thosc alluded to above (with the exception of the (‘irrhipedes)—— division is holoblastic and radial. In (fam/mru.\', Branc/zipux (Brauer), Pellogastcr (Smith) segmentation is at_first total, but the inner yolk-containing ends of the cells subsequently fuse. In C’1'a7z.r/‘on, ]l[0i/ca, I)aj)/mella, ])a[//erzia, Ore/wstia segmentation is superficial. In Isopods and in Deeapods segmentation is internal. In all cases the result in the end is the same, a peripheral blastoderm, a central yolk. But the blastoderm is not always, though it is often, formed simultaneously over the whole surface. There are cases in which it appears first on the ventral side, and by what may be described as a still more precocious formation of the blastoderm, segmentation may begin at this, the future ventral, point, as in Jlfysis and 0m'scu.9. In these cases the egg is teloleeithal.

In the Insects, Arachnids, Myriapods, and Perz';)atus nomezealandiae, the segmentation is meroblastic and the egg comes to be centrolceithal. In Peripatzw capevms and in some other species it would appear that the yolk has been secondarily lost. II. I CELL-DIVISION 25

2. The‘ second type is the so-called spiral form of cleavage (Fig. 13). This is especially characteristic of the eggs of Polyclads, Nemert-ines, Molluscs (except Cephalopods), Annelids, and Sipunculoids (P//((800/(I-_\'0I1l(I). The peculiarity of this mode of division is that after the ’r'our-celled stage the blastomeres usually known as the 1nacromeres—give elf ‘quartettes’ of micromeres towards the animal pole, the first quartette being given off’ dexiotropically (except in cases oi.’ reversed cleavage),

FIG. 13.— Diagram of a ‘ spi1'a‘-Jy ’ segmenting egg in the 16-cell stage. 2 A-2 D macromeres; 2 «:2 d nueromeres of second quartette; ] n 1, 1 n LL Id 1, 1 cl 2 nncronieres of first quartettc.

the second laeotropically, and so on in regular alternation, until four quartcttes have been produced. The cells of each quartette divide meanwhile in conformity with the same law of alternation of direction of cleavage. The direction of division is thus always oblique to the egg-axis, and this ()l’)ll(lflll]_Y can be observed in the division of the first two blastomcres, the result of which is that of the two sister cells A and B A is nearer to the animal pole than B, while in the other pair C is nearer that pole than D; A being to the left of B and C to the left of I) (to an observer standing in the axis with his head to the animal pole), the division is laeotropie. The arrangement of cells approaches the tetrahedral, especially when, as occurs very frequently, A and C are united by a cross, or polar, furrow above, B and D by a polar furrow at the vegetative pole, as in JVc=rci.v, Icfinoc/zitou, Limaw, Plano)‘/153, Lejii/Ionolus, Dixcocelis, and others. In Univ, however, it is B and D that are in contact at the animal, A and C at the vegetative, pole. In other cases

(I/yauassu, Capi/cl/a, Umbra!/a, Clmyiirlzz/a, Amp/u'6m'te, A/‘euicolu, for instance) the furrows are parallel, the same two blastomercs, B and D, being in contact at both poles. In Troc/ms both the ‘parallel furrows’ and the ‘ crossed furrows’ conditions are found. A similar disposition is to be observed amongst the mieromeres of the first quartette. These mieromeres, also, alternate with the macromeres. Not more than three contact surfaces between blastomeres, therefore, meet in one line.

The eggs of certain Lamellibranchs—-Ykrerio, Cg/clas—i11 which the ‘spiral’ arrangement is obscured by the large size of the D maeromere, and possibly the ova of the Rotifera, are to be referred to this type.

The tetrahedral arrangement of the first four cells is conspicuous in Asteroids and Ophiuroids, where the planes of division of the first two cells are at right angles to one another. Before the next division, however, the cells shift their positions and come to lie in one plane, in which, however, the sister cells are not adjacent, but opposite, to one another.

The eggs of Amp/u'0.mzs sometimes segment spirally (Wilson).

After the completion of the spiral period of division, segmentation beeomes radial and then bilateral.

3. The third type of cleavage is the bilateral. The first two divisions intersect in the axis; the next. may he equatorial, as in Aseidi-ans. In this case the hilaterality becomes evident in the succeeding phase, in which the divisions in two adjacent cells of the animal hemisphere meet the first furrow, while in the other two they meet the second. The bilaterality is marked in the reverse way in the vegetative half of the egg. The egg is thus divided into what will be anterior and posterior, dorsal and ventral, and right and left halves. In future divisions the bilateral symmetry is retained.

The egg of ./Imp/ez'o.avzz.s' may divide in this fashion (Wilson), and this is the normal method, according to Roux, in Ram: esculwz/a.

In the Teleostei and some Ganoids (Lepz'do.w‘ws) the bilaterality becomes evident in the third division, which is parallel to the first, the fourth being parallel to the second division. The egg is in fact iso-bilateral.

The Ctenophore egg also possesses two planes of symmetry, for the third division is meridional and unequal in such a manner that the next stage~—eig11t cells—is composed of two opposite pairs of small and two opposite pairs of large cells.

The mesomeres in the sixteen—celled stage of Ecliinoids are bilaterally arranged.

In the Cephalopoda the egg is large-yolked, and segmentation consequently meroblastic. After the firsttwo meridional (livisions

V‘ I1.’ I 01' 1’ Flo. 14.—-Tln-ee segmentation stages in the blastoderm of S'I—'pi(I o_)_7i 4-inalis; the segmentation is of the bilateral type. I, left; 2-, right; I— V,

first to fifth cleavages. The top sides of the fig111‘es are anterior. (After Vialleton, from Korschelt and Heider.)

the bilateral disposition sets in, for the furrows of the third phase are unequally inclined to the first furrow in two halves—— the future anterior and posterior halves—oE the egg (Fig. 14). The egg of A.s'aa7'2's megalocep/m/a also exhibits a bilateral cleavage, but not on the plan just described. The iirst division is equatorial. Then the animal cell divides meridionally, and, as it will prove, transversely, the vegetative cell latitudinally.

Before the next division the most vegetative cell (P._,) slips round to what will be the posterior side. All four cells are bilaterally arranged about the plane in which they all lie, and this will become the sagittal plane of the embryo. The anterior and posterior ends, and therewith the right and left sides, are likewise now determined. The bilateral symmetry is preserved in future divisions, at least in the vegetative hemisphere ; in the animal part of the egg the blastomeres of the left side become t.ilted forwards, those of the right side backwards (Fig. 155, p. 255).

4. In the Triclad Turbellarians, in Trematoda and Cestoda, segmentation is irregular, the blastomeres separate from one another and lie amongst the yolk-cells. The same phenomenon may be witnessed in the Salps, and the separation and subsequent reunion of the blastomeres has also been described in Coelenterates and in Asteroids.

Although these types of segmentation are distinct enough from one another, intermediate conditions are readily found. The radial easily passes into the spiral type for example, for in many eggs of the former kind the ‘cross furrows ’ have been observed at either one or both poles, while the animal blastomercs may be rotated slightly on the vegetative, and so lie not over, but in between, them. The radial symmetry again may become bilateral, as when the meridional furrows of the fourth phase, instead of passing through the animal pole, meet the first or second furrow, symmetrically on either side of one of these divisions; this occurs as a variation in I?ana_/'/mew and (normally (Roux)) in Ifamz excz/Zr’):/rt.

In ()phiuroids and Asteroids the tetrahedral arrangement is lost, and the egg segments radially. In Amp/riuamr: all three types occur.

All three forms may therefore have been derived from one, though what that one was we do not know. In any case, however, one feature is common to them all; in all cases successive divisions are at right angles to one another. This is the law formulated by Sachs long since for the divisions of the cells of plants. It holds good for the segmenting animal ovum, though exceptions may, of course, be found. The alternation of dexiotropic and laeotropic divisions, for instance, in spirally segmenting ova continues for a long period with striking regularity, and it is comparatively rare for a cell to disobey the rule. The rule is, however, no universal law of cell—division. Every embryologist will recollect the continued division of a teloblast in the same direction to form a germ-band, which is such a coilspicuous fact in the development of Molluscs, Annelids, and Arthropods. The four polar nuclei of Insect eggs, lying in one straight line, may also be cited.

The direction of division and the size of the blasfomeres are not, however, the only factors which determine the actual pattern of segmentation. The cells can, and do, shift their positions on one another. This is of common occurrence, and a few examples will suflice. The rearrangement of the tetrahedrally disposed cells in Asteroids and Ophiuroids has been ‘noticed already. In many ‘spiral’ ova the micromeres have been observed to rotate on the macromeres, or one quartette to be pushed out of position by the cells of another. In z1.vca;'is the cell P._, slips to one side. 14‘urther, cells change their shape.

Two factors are therefore involved in the production of the pattern of cleavage, the direction of division, and the movements of the cells, and these factors in their turn demand explanation. To these must be added the shape, the size, and the rate of division of the cells.

The two latter depend very largely upon the amount of yolk present in the egg ; yolk-cells are large, the yolk divides slowly, or not at all. This was expressed long sinee by Balfour in the formula, ‘ The Velocity of segn'1enta,tiQn in ‘ FIG. I5.—' Segnientation Oi‘ the

, . Lro0“s one under the influence any Part 01 the ovum 15) roughly of atbeentliijfiigal force (from Korspeaking, proportional to the eon- sc_he1t and Heider, after 0. Hertcentration of the protoplasm there ; ;l(')1(’l'2l'_l111 gzfilcolilmllsitvsijl 3131: and the size of the segments is (yolk-syneytiuin) 2 I.-h,bln.stocoel; inversely proportional to the eon- ”” y°lk'““°1°17 "’ y 011"’ centration of the protoplasm.’ ‘ The rule has been vindicated by (). I-[ertwig experimentally. If the egg of the Frog be centri ‘ ("omp. Emb. i. C. 3. 30 CELL-DIVISION AND GROWTH II. I

fugalized with suflicient force the yolk is driven still more towards the vegetative pole, while the protoplasm is accumulated in the animal half of the egg. Such eggs segment meroblastically, a cap of cells or blastoderm being formed lying on the surface of a nucleated but undivided yolk. The yolk-nuclei, moreover, are enlarged, as in megalecithal fish eggs (Fig. 15).

The rule is, of course, only applicable to telolecithal eggs, and for many of these it holds good, notably for Vertebrates. In other classes there are, however, exceptions, which are best known in those \vhose segmentation has been most carefully studied, the ‘ spiral’ eggs of Turbellarians, Annelids, and Molluscs. Large cells, in these ova, often divide more quickly than small ones; the second quartette of micromeres, for instance, is formed before the first quartette divides in 07-epitlula, Uuio, Limaw, Troc/ms, Aplg/sia r/epilans, Discocelis, and the cells of the third quartette before the first products of division have had time to divide again in L[maa', Umbrella, and A/2/ysia limacina. 411 is often formed before the corresponding cells in the other quadrants (in Ifizio, for example), but in Crepirlula this is in accordance with the rule, since 4 a, 4 /2, and 40 contain more yolk than 4« cl. In Arem'coZa, though the yolk is uniformly distributed, the cells are still unequal. Other exceptions are to be found in the continued unequal division of teloblasts, in the formation of the micromeres in Echinoids, and in the unequal division of the blastomeres in the third and fourth phases in Ctenophors. According to Ziegler the formation of the micromeres in Ctenophors cannot be due to the presence of yolk, since they are still formed when part of the vegetative hemisphere is removed, as Drieseh and Morgan have also found.

Ziegler indeed puts forward another hypothesis to account for unequal division; he supposes that the centrosomes are heterodynamic. So far there appears to be little evidence in support of this view. It is quite true that in many cases of unequal division the asters—not the centrosomes——-vary in size with the size of the cells. This occurs, for instance, in the division of the first micromeres and of the first somatoblast in Nerei.9, in the formation of the first and second quartettes, and in the division of the first somatoblast in Uuio, in the division of the cell CD in /laplauc/ma, and in the division of the pole cells of Annelids (Wilson and Vejdovsky). It is doubtful, however, whether it is not the inequality in the cells that is responsible for the inequality of the asters, there being more room in a large cell for the outgrowth of the astral rays. At any rate, ‘there are many cases of unequal clcavage——in polar body formation~——where the asters are of the same size. Until evidence is brought forward of a difference in the size of the centrosomes the hypothesis is no more than a conjecture.

Before quitting this subject we should refer to a rule which Zur Strassen has found to hold good for the rate of segmentation of Ascaris megalocep/zala. The cells do not all divide at the same rate, but in certain groups of cells division is found to occur simultaneously. These cells are related, descended from some one cell, and the more nearly related the cells are, the more nearly together do they divide. Coincidence in time of division depends therefore on the degree of cell-relationship.

The direction of division of the cell depends upon that of the nucleus, since, speaking generally, the division occurs in the equatorial plane of the spindle, or, in other words, the plane of division is at right angles to the direction of elongation of the spindle or separation of the ccntrosomes. The latter again depends on the relation between the nuclear spindle and centresomes on the one hand, and on the other the cytoplasm and its contents, more particularly the yolk. The relation between the (resting) nucleus and the cytoplasm has been expressed by O. Hertwig in the following empirical rule: ‘The nucleus always seeks to place itself in the centre of its sphere of activity.’ The sphere of its activity being not the inert yolk but the cytoplasm, we find, in accordance with this rule, that the nucleus places itself in the centre of the egg where the yolk is uniformly distributed (isoleeithal), nearer the animal pole but still in the axis where the yolk is on one side (telolecithal). Examples of the former condition are to be found in Eehinoids (the fertilization nucleus is nearly, but not quite, central) and large-yolked Arthropod ova, of the latter in the eggs of Vertebrates, Molluscs, and many others. The nucleus, however, may wander from this position, as occurs, for instance, in the egg of Eehinoids after the expulsion of the polar bodies and before fertilization. Apart from such exceptions, due very likely to some temporary alteration in the relations of yolk and cytoplasm, the rule is a reliable one.

The relation between the dividing nucleus, the spindle and centrosomes and the cytoplasm has been stated by O. Hertwig in his second empirical rule ‘that the two poles of the division figure come to lie in the direction of the greatest protoplasmic mass ', by Pfliiger in the l'o1-mula, ‘the dividing nucleus elongatcs in the direction of least resistance.’

The objection that has been urged to this latter expression, that in a fluid the pressure is equal in all directions, may be set aside. For though the cytoplasm is fluid it is an extremely viscid fluid, and the presence of the suspended yolk granules

FIG. 16. — Diagram oi the segmentation of the Frog's egg (after 0. llertwig, from Korschclt and Heider). A, first (meridional); B, third (latitudinal) phase of segmentation; p, superficial pigment of animal hemisphere; pr, protoplasm; y, yolk; sp, spindle. must certainly ofl'er a greater resistance than the fluid itself, and greater in proportion to their number and size. Pfliigcr’s formula, therefore, if not merely a truism, resolves itself into a restatement of Hertwig-’s rule. This rule certainly holds good for a large number of cases, for it explains, for instance, the two first meridional divisions of all spherical telolecithal and radially segmenting eggs, the third, latitudinal (in smallyolked eggs 1), and possibly also subsequent meridional and latitudinal divisions (Fig. 16). It will not, however, in the present state of our knowledge, explain the obliquity of the spindles to the egg-axis in spirally dividing ova, nor cases of bilateral division ;

1 ln Sycon the third is meridional, the fourth latitudinal. II. I CELL-DIVISION 33

here, it is evident, other factors must come into play, in the second case probably a bilateral symmetry in the constitution of the cytoplasm. These exceptions may, however, ultimately prove to be special cases of Hertwig’s rule.

A very striking confirmation of the rule is to be found in the division of the egg of Arcane m7_//roreuoxa (Figs. 17, 18). The egg of this worm is ellipsoid. At one end (that turned towards the upper end of the ovary) the polar bodies are extruded, and here the female pronucleus is placed. The spcrmatozoon enters at the opposite end. The line of union of the two pronuclei therefore lies in the long axis of the egg. Nevertheless the fertilization spindle is not formed in the minor axis of the ellipsoid as one might expect. The two pronuclei rotate together through 90°, the spindle is developed, as usual, in a direction at right angles to their line of union, that is to say the axis of the spindle lies in the major axis of the egg, and the rule is confirmed. There is a similar rotation of the fertilization spindle in the egg of another Nematode, Diployaster (Ziegler), and in the Rotifer Airplane/ma the spindle, at first oblique, becomes later coincident with the long axis of the ovum (Jennings).

FIG. 17.- Four stages in the fertilization of the egg of A.»-z-(n-is m'_qroveuosa. (After Auerbach, from Korschelt and Heider.)

Fig. 18.- Tl1ree diagrams of the rotation of the fertilization spindle in the egg of Ascaris nigrovenosa. e, s, the directions in which the female and male pronuclei approached one another in A; 1, 2, 3, successive positions of the spindle. (From Korschelt and Heider, after 0. Hertwig.)

Curiously enough, this rotation of the pronuclei does not occur in another ellipsoid egg, that of the Rotifer Callidiua. According to Zelinka, the polar body is formed at one end of the long axis, but the fertilization spindle lies in the minor axis, the first division includes the major axis, and the law is disobeyed. After the division, however, the cells rotate, and the plane of contact is then, as in Ascaris m'groveuo.m, transverse.

Again, all polar divisions violate the rule, as also does the first division of the fertilized egg of Away-is megalocep/zala, and the division of the cells of the germ-bands of Crustacca parallel to their length (Bergh).

On the other hand, Ilertwig has brought forward experimental evidence in support of his generalization. In the eggs of the Frog the directions of some of the divisions were altered by compression between glass plates. The eggs were just allowed to assume their normal position with the axis vertical. They were then placed between glass plates and compressed.

In the first series of experiments the plates were horizontal. In such eggs the first furrow was meridional and vertical, the second meridional and vertical and at right angles to the first. So far, therefore, division was as in the normal egg. In the third division the furrows were, however, not latitudinal and horizontal, but nearly vertical, being parallel to the first furrow above, to the second furrow below. The surface of contact, therefore, formed by the furrows of this phase must pass through a meridional position in the interior of the egg. The fourth furrows are latitudinal. Born has repeated the experiment and confirmed this result (Fig. 19). He adds, however, that the furrows of the third division pass II. I CELL-DIVISION 35

towards the vegetative pole below, or may even remain parallel to the first furrow throughout. The fourth furrows, Born says, are parallel to the second. I have myself observed that this division may be either parallel to the second, or latitudinal, even in different quadrants of the same egg (Fig. 20). It will be observed that the quadrant in which the third furrow is latitudinal is smaller than the others. It is of great interest to observe the striking similarity between the direction of the third and fourth furrows in these eggs and the corresponding divisions in the Teleostean egg where the blastodisc is compressed by the chorion.

FIG. 19.—- Segmentation of the Frog's egg under pressure. The compression is in the direction of tlie axis. A. v1ew of the egg between horizontal plates; the animal part IS

islraxled. II, (I, I), first (1), second (2), third (3), and fourth (4) divisions as seen from the animal pole. (Alter Born, from Korsehelt and lleider )

FIG. 20. — The first four divisions (I, II, III, IV) in a F10g’s egg compressed between horizontal plates in the direction of the axis. The third furrow is more or less meridional and vertical in three quadrants, horizontal in the fourth, and this a smaller quadrant. 'l‘he fourth furrow is meridional in this quadrant, horizontal in the remaining three.

In the second series of experiments made by Hertwig the glass plates were vertical, the eggs, therefore, compressed not, as before, in, but at right angles to, the axis.

The first furrow was meridional, and therefore vertical, and at right angles to the plates. The second was latitudinal and horizontal, and also at right angles to the plates. The furrows of the third phase were parallel to the first, those of the fourth, in the four upper animal cells, parallel to the plates. Born again

F1G.2l. — Segmentation of the Frog's egg under p1'ess1u'e. The pressure is at right angles to the axis.

A, view of the colnpressed egg. The piglnented animal portion is shaded.

If, C, 1), views of the egg from the animal pole after the first (1), the second (2), and the third (3) divisions.

E, 11‘, 0, views of the egg from the compressed side after the first (1), the second (2), the third (3), and the fourth (4) divisions. The first furrow may pass as (1') in E.

(From Korschelt and Heider, after Born.)

confirms this account (Fig. 21). The direction of the furrows of the third phase is, however, variable ; it may be not parallel to the first, but perpendicular to it. In this case it may be parallel to the second, or so oblique to it as to become nearly parallel to the glass plates. The direction of the fourth division depends on that of the third, to which it is at right angles. It may, therefore, be either oblique and nearly parallel to the plates, as described by Hertwig, or parallel to the second furrow and perpendicular to the plates. In a third series of experiments I-Iertwig placed the plates obliquely, at 45°. In these eggs the yolk sinks slightly from the upper to the lower side, while the cytoplasm rises in the opposite direction; in other words, a bilateral symmetry is conferred upon the egg by the combined action of pressure and gravity. The plane of this symmetry is midway between and parallel to the plates. The first furrow is at right angles to the plates and to the plane of symmetry.

VVe are indebted to Drieseh for a similar series of experiments on Echinoderm eggs. Drieseh compressed the eggs of 15?:/ri/u/.s~ under a cover-glass supported by a bristle. The direction of the egg—axis with regard to the pressure was not known, but the

FIG. 22.——I9'rIu')ms: segmentation under pressure.

(1, preparation for third division (radial); b, preparation for fourth

division (tangential); 11', after fourth division; 0, another form of the 8-cell stage (third division pa1'allcl to first); «I, the same after removal of the pressure. (After Driesch, 1893.) Echinoid egg is nearly isolecithal. VVhen the egg membrane remained intact the first two furrows were vertical, that is, in the direction of the pressure, since the slide and cover-glass were horizontal, and at right angles to one another.

The spindles for the next division are again horizontal, and usually tangential, sometimes, however, radial. The eight-celled stage consists, therel'ore,o[’ a flat plate of cells. At the next division the formation of mieromeres —which would ordinarily occur at this moment——is suppressed; the spindles are horizontal and radial, the furrows, therefore, vertical and tangential (Fig. 22 a, /1, /2’).

In certain cases cell-formation is wholly or partially suppressed. When the pressure is less (in those eggs which lie nearer the bristle) the micromeres may be, but generally are not, formed. The spindles are no longer horizontal. Similar results are obtained when the eggs are released from strong compression.

In another experiment the eggs were first deprived of their membranes. The first and second furrows are vertical and generally at right angles to one another. Sometimes,-however, 38 CELL-DIVISION AND GROWTII II. I

the second is parallel to the first, or one blastomere may lie apart from the other three. Should the eggs be now released from the pressure, each blastomere becomes rounded off, and——after two more cleavages—-the sixteen-celled stage consists of two plates of eight eells lying over one another. But if the pressure is maintained, the spindles are horizontal and the blastomeres lie all, or nearly all, in one plane (Fig. 22 c, (7).

Fig. 23.--Segnieiitatioii of the egg of E(‘7li1lII8 micI'oh¢bcrcuIulus under pressure. (After Ziegler, 1894.)

(V, 8 cells in one plane; 1;, 16 cells, the last division having been tangential ; c, (I, 16-32 cells: the direction of the spindles in c is shown by the line: it is in the greatest length of each cell; c, 64 cells: a cross signifies a vertical or oblique division, a line a horizontal division.

Ziegler has followed the segmentation of the compressed eggs a step further (Fig. 23). As the figures show, the first two divisions are at right angles to one another, while the furrows of the next two phases are, roughly, parallel to the first and second. In the next division-—sixteen to thirty-two cells—the outer cells divide radially, the inner more or less tangentially, these divisions being, like the previous ones, at right angles to the compressing plates. In the following phase, some cells (those marked with a line) still divide in the same direction as before; but in others (distinguished by a cross) the spindle is perpendicular to the II.

plates and the division horizontal. Ziegler points out that, in the former cases, the cells have greater dimensions in the horizontal plane than in the la.tter. This, however, may be the efieet, not the cause, of the direction of the spindle-axis.

Two other pressure experiments maybe mentioned here. In Nereis Wilson produced a flat plate of eight equal cells by applying pressure in the direction of the axis. The formation of the first quartette of micromeres was thus suppressed. On relieving the pressure eight micromcres were formed. For the Ctenophora (]ierb'z') Ziegler has shown that the normal inequality of the third and fourth divisions is not altered by pressure.‘

The foregoing experiments all agree in demonstrating the perfectly definite eft'cct produced by pressure upon the segmenting cgg. The nuclear spindles place themselves at right angles to the direction of pressure, the divisions fall at right angles to the compressing plates. This holds good for the first three or four divisions, at least, and sometimes for later phases still. In all these cases, therefore, the nuclear spindle elongates in a direction of least resistance, and, in the normal uncompressed egg, we may argue, with Ilertwig, the least resistance is offered by the greatest protoplasmic mass.

Even in the compressed eggs, however, the greatest extension of the protoplasm, or the least extent of the yolk, is a factor which must in some cases come into play. When the egg of the Frog is compressed between vertical plates, the nuclear spindle does not elongate in any direction at right angles to the pressure, but in one only, a horizontal ; and this is the direction of the greatest protoplasmic mass, since the egg-axis is vertical.

Speaking generally, therefore, experiment has upheld Hertwig’s contention that the direction of nuclear division, and therefore of cell-division, is determined by the relation between the nucleus with its centrosomes and the cytoplasm with its yolk.

There are one or two experiments which do not support Hertwig’s view. Boveri stretched the eggs of the sea.-urchin St7'o2z_9;yloceul/'0!/1.9 in the direction of the axis. The fertilization spindle lay in the usual equatorial position, occupied, that is, the minor axis of the ellipsoid.

‘ I have recently had occasion to notice that when the egg of Anfedm is compressed in the direction of the axis the third division is meridional instead of latitudinal.

Again, Roux observed that Frogs’ eggs sucked up into a tube with a narrow bore became elongated either parallel or transverse to the length of the tube, the axis of the egg lying in each case lengthways. In the first case the division was at right angles to, in the second usually parallel to, the tube in accordance with the rule; but exceptionally, in the transversely stretched eggs, the division was not perpendicular to, but coincided with, the extent of the greatest protoplasmic mass.

However important a factor the disposition of the yolk may thus be in deciding the direction of cell-division, it is certainly not the only factor. In the eggs pressed between horizontal plates there are many—an infinite number—of' directions of least resistance. In one of these the segmentation spindle elongates, and at right angles to this the first furrow falls. This is probably determined-——-as it is determined in the normal Frog and Sea-urchin egg-——by the point of entrance of the spermatozoon, or at least by the direction of the sperm-path in the egg. The second division is at right angles to the first, and here the direction may very possibly be decided on lIertwig’s principle. But why, in the next phase, should the furrows be at right angles to the second rather than to the first, for the extent of the protoplasmic mass is as great in each of the four cells, in a direction parallel to the first as to the second furrow? Here, it is clear, some other reason must be found for this succession of divisions at right angles to one another. The cause is probably to be sought for in the direction of division of the centrosomes ; for these divide——frequently soon after the telophase—at right angles to the axis of the previous figure. VVe thus gain a new expression for Sachs’ Law.

The original direction of divergence of the centrosomes is, however, by no means always the ultimate one, for the growing spindle may be twisted out of its original position. Conklin has made a careful study of this phenomenon in C’)'¢j[Ii(]l(ltl, in which egg he finds that vortical movements are set up in the cytoplasm by the escape of nuclear sap at the beginning of mitosis. The movements are in opposite directions in sister cells, centre in the spindle poles, and often carry both nucleus and spindle into a fresh place. These currents, which had been noticed previously by other observers (by Mark in Limam and by Iijima in Ale]//zelis), may thus play an important part in the production of the cell pattern. We shall see elsewhere that they, and other protoplasmic movements, are also of the very greatest significance in difierentiation.

There remains now to be noticed another principle, which is especially applicable to plant-cells with fixed walls, though it may possibly be used for the phenomena of animal segmentation as well. Berthold has pointed out that when a newly formed cell-wall places itself perpendicular to the previously existing walls it is——at least in a good many instances—simply obeying tlie laws of capillarity, it merely conforms to the principle of least surfaces formulated by Plateau. This principle is as follows: ‘ Homogeneous systems of fluid lamellae so arrange themselves, the individual lamellac adopt a curvature such that the sum of the (external) surfaces of all is under the given conditions a minimum.’

A fluid lamella, of soap solution, for example, placed across the interior of a hollow, rigid cylinder, or parallelepiped, or cube, is, with the film coating the internal surface of the vessel -in which it lies, a special case of such a system of lamellae, and, in obedience to the principle, the lamella places itself at right angles to the walls of the cavity and transverse to the long axis.

In the ease of the plant-cell, the cell-plate, formed by solidification of the spindle fibres in the equator of the mitotic figiii'e, represents the soap-lamella, and like the latter in its parallelepiped, the cell-platc, or new cell—wall, places itself perpendicular to the old one, and transverse to its length.

There are very numerous cases in which the law is obeyed, but it is not so in all. Under certain conditions the. lamella should be not at right angles, but oblique to the wall of the chamber across which it is stretched. If, to take a concrete case, the lamella be made to move (by abstracting air) towards one end of its receptacle (a cube or parallelepiped), it will reach a critical position in which the principle of least surface can only be satisfied by its occupying an oblique position. The

point at which this occurs is when the lamella is distant 3 from 7r

the end, where a is the length of the side of the cube (short side of the parallelepiped). The lamella new forms the fifth side

to a wedge-sliaped space (quadrant of a cylinder, whose radius

. 4 . . . . is 1- = 9-a), but as more air is abstracted, and it moves still further toward the end, it comes to another critical position when it must lie across one corner, forming so the base of a pyramid, or octant of a sphere. This position is defined by the equation 2-, =11, where 1', is the radius of this sphere. It is impossible, therefore, for a very fiat cell, or short cylinder, to be divided in conformity with the principle parallel to its longest side, and yet this occurs, as, for instance, in cambium cells.

It will also be noticed that this principle does not explain why one particular direction is selected when many are apparently equally possible.

We turn now to a consideration of the remaining factor which assists in determining the shape of the cells and so the geometrical pattern of segmentation ; this is the movement of the cells upon one another.

That such movement does occur we have already seen; the question which immediately suggests itself is whether in taking

up their new positions the cells obey the laws of capillarity as enunciated for systems of fluid lamellac such as soap-bubbles by Plateau in his principle of least surfaces.

This principle, as we have seen, demands that the sum of the external surfaces should be, under the conditions, a minimum, or, expressed in physical rather than in geometrical language, that the total surface energy should be minimal. In accordance with this doctrine of minimal surface energy a drop of fluid floating in a fluid medium assumes, as need hardly be said, the form of a sphere. In a system of drops contact surfaces will be formed between the drops, provided that each possesses a coating film which has a positive energy with the media it separates; a film, that is, of such a nature that the total surface energy would be diminished by apposition, without, however, involving the disappearance of the separating film and fusion of the drops. In other words, the film must be insoluble in both the external and the internal media. A simple example of this is afforded by the behaviour of the spheres of jelly covering the eggs of the Frog, when taken from water and floated between chloroform and benzole. Two or more such drops of jelly cohere by their coating films, and form systems of lamellae —the films, that is, at the external surfaces and between the opposed surfaces of the drops———in which the principle of least surfaces is obeyed. Soapbubbles form similar systems. But where this condition is not fulfilled, as in oil-drops floated, for instance, between alcohol and water, the drops either unite or separate, each retaining its spherical form.

The geometrical analysis of such systems given by Plateau is as follows. In a system of two bubbles the curvature of the

surface of contact is given by the equation r = £7, where 7' is the radius of that surface, p, p’ the radii of the larger and smaller bubbles. Since the pressure varies inversely with the radius, the surface of contact is convex towards the larger bubble. When p = p’, 7- = a, and this surface is plane. Since there is equilibrium the external surfaces of the bubbles and their common surface meet at angles of 120°.

In a system of three bubbles there are three contact surfaces; these meet in one line and make angles of 120° with one another. When there are four bubbles, however, the four con tact surfaces cannot meet in one line except for an inappreciable instant; they immediately shift their positions in such a way that two opposite bubbles meet and separate the other two from one another. There are thus five surfaces of contact, and these make angles of 120° with one another as before. This is the arrangement when four bubbles—whether equal or unequal is no matter—are placed side by side in the same plane. When, however, one bubble is placed in a different plane to the remaining three, four surfaces are formed and disposed in such a manner that the four lines, each formed by the intersection of three of these surfaces, meet in one point, making with one another angles of 109° 28’ 16", the angles at the centre of a tetrahedron. In short, the four are now tetrahedral] y arranged. The systems of drops of jelly alluded to above arrange themselves as do soap-bubbles under similar circumstances. What holds good of four holds good of an assemblage of any number of bubbles. The size of the bubbles is a matter of indifference, except to the curvature of the surfaces of contact, and, to a certain extent, to the arrangement. Thus, if four equal bubbles be placed in a plane, they will form together five surfaces of contact, one of which will be between two opposite bubbles. If these two be now diminished, or the opposite two enlarged, the surface of contact will be between the opposite pair of larger bubbles. On the other hand, it is possible to bring smaller opposite bubbles into contact, while the larger ones remain apart. Again, on four bubbles lying in one plane, four small ones may be superimposed in such a fashion that while two lie at either end of the surface of contact, the other two lie over between the two opposite large bubbles below. If now the two latter small bubbles be enlarged, they will displace the other two until all four come to lie not over but between the

FIG. 24.—Diugra1ns of systems of soap-bubbles.

A-0, four small bubbles superimposed on four large ones. In A and B the bubbles are not compressed ; in C the lower bubbles have been circumscribed by a. cylindrical vessel. In B the upper bubbles are small enough to show the surfaces of contact between each and the two adjacent large bubbles below. These surfaces are invisible in A and C.

D is a system of eight bubbles in one plane, four forming a cross in the centre.

In all figures notice the fifth contact surface or ‘polar furrow ’.

bubbles below, the usual arrangement when four are superimposed on four (Fig. 24 A—C).

The final disposition must depend, therefore, not merely on the principles of least surfaces, but also, provided that the conditions of that principle are fulfilled, on the sizes and initial arrangement of the bubbles.

It will hardly need pointing out that very many ova adopt the form which presents the least external surface, that of a sphere, when placed in a fluid medium, and it is also a familiar fact that after the first (and subsequent) divisions the blastemeres are flattened against one another (Cytarme, to use Roux’s term), and that whether they are compressed by an egg membrane or not (examples of the second alternative are to be found in Unio, .D1'eis3eu8z'a, Umbrella, C'7'q2i(I'/(la, /lp/yxia limecimz, /late;-iae), though the surface of contact is not always curved when the cells are unequal. The two cells, however, often become rounded of and partially separated from one another prior to the next division. Such a separation (Cytochorismus) has also been observed by Roux in the ease of cells of the Frog’s egg, which, having been isolated in albumen or salt solution, have subsequently reunited.

That the cells flatten against instead of repelling one another, as free oil-drops would do, suggests that they, like soap-bubbles, are provided with an insoluble coating-film, while their subsequent separation may be provisionally explained by supposing that this coating-film becomes temporarily dissolved under the action of some substance formed in the cell. This idea is borne out by a striking experiment of Herbst’s, who found that in sea-water deprived of its calcium the blastomeres of the seaurchin egg came apart and resumed their spherical shape. At the same time the surface membrane underwent a visible alteration, becoming radially striated. It seems reasonable to conclude that there is a membrane by which contact is normally effected, and that this is soluble in sea-water devoid of calcium. On the addition of calcium the cells eohere again.

It may be mentioned that when systems of drops of jelly, floating in a medium of oil and united by their coating-films of water, are removed to alcohol, in which both oil and water are soluble, the films disappear and the drops separate.

In the next stage (four cells) the type of segmentation in which the laws of capillarity are most strictly obeyed is obviously that which we have distinguished above as the spiral or tetrahedral type, and Robert has been able to show that successful imitations of the four-, eight-, twelve-, and sixteen-celled stages of the egg of 2’7'oc/we may be made with soap-bubbles.

Four equal bubbles were placed in a porcelain cup, which held them together in the same way that the actual cells are held together by the vitelline membrane. Five surfaces of contact were formed, that between two opposite bubbles representing the cross furrow or polar furrow in the egg. In the fl’/'oc/ms egg, however, the polar furrows need not be parallel at the animal and vegetative pole; they may be at right angles to one another, and this tetrahedral arrangement of crossed polar furrows may be imitated by lifting up one of the bubbles and bringing it into contact with its opposite, one pair of bubbles being new in contact below, the other pair above. This arrangement is, however, unstable whilc the four bubbles remain in one plane, the two bubbles soon coming into contact both above and below. When the bubbles are not confined within a cup the instability of the ‘ crossed-furrow ’ condition is extreme.

By reducing the volume of the bubbles that are in contact the other two may be brought together; as the polar furrow changes positions there is at least a temporary condition when they are crossed.

As we have already pointed out, both conditions—the ‘ parallel furrows’ and the ‘ crossed furrows ’—-are met with in the eggs at the four-celled stage of Molluscs, Annelids, and marine Turbellarians. Whether both opposite pairs or only one opposite pair of blastomeres are in contact does not, however, appear to depend upon whether the vitelline membrane is close to and compresses the egg or not. In most cases of crossed furrows the membrane fits, it is true, quite closely (Nereis, Io/moo/titou, Porlar/cc, Lcpidouotus, Jjiscocelis, P/(yea, and possibly Li)/may and Planorbis, if there is in these two, as in P/13/ea, a very fine membrane between the albumen and the ovum); so also, speaking generally, where the furrows are parallel the membrane is absent (Umbrella, ./ljzlysia, Dreisseueia, Crepirlu/a), but in Am];/aitrile and C/gmzenella it is lightly applied to the egg.

It is remarkable that when the furrows are crossed, it is the A and C cells which meet at the animal pole, the B and D cells at the vegetative (except only in U/tio), and this must depend on other properties of the cells than their surface tensions. But it may be very plausibly suggested that the explanation of the fact that it is the cells B and D which meet to make the ‘parallel’ furrows is to be looked for simply in the large size of D.

Robert has indeed shown that by simply altering the sizes of the bubbles the conditions observed in the four-celled stage of other types—Nereis, A/-euicola, Uuio, zlplysia, I)isc-ocelz'.s°-may be faithfully copied.

It only remains to be added that the contact surfaces of the cells, like those of the bubbles, make angles of 120° with one another.

Robert has also imitated the eig-ht—eelled stage (the four micromeres alternating with the four maeromercs), the stage of twelve cells (division of the micromeres), and that of sixteen cells (second quartettc formed). The bubbles of the second quartette may be made to slide in between the maeromeres and so rotate the whole first quartette, as happens in the egg. The division of the micromeres in the egg results in the arrangement of four cells crosswise in the centre, four others occupying the spaces between the arms of the cross. The bubbles behave in the same manner.

In the eigl1t—celled stage the micromeres alternate with the macrorneres. In the case of the bubbles this is not necessarily so; the two sets of bubbles may be superposed if the ‘polar furrow’ in one tier is at right angles to that in the other, or if, as pointed out above, the upper bubbles are small. Otherwise superposition is a very unstable condition.

It would appear then that many of the patterns exhibited by eggs with a spiral cleavage are explicable by reference to the laws of surface tension. The principle of least surfaces may be extended to other cases. The first four blastomeres of Ophiuroids and Asteroids form a perfect tetrahedron, though this arrangement is subsequently discarded for one which could not be imitated with soap-bubbles (we may notice in passing that in the first case the egg is tightly invested by its membrane, in the second it is perfectly free). In zlscarzlv megalocep/aala the four cells come to lie, as do four bubbles, in one plane, and polar furrows have been seen in many eggs which belong to another type of segmentation (in Coelenterates (llyrlractiuia), Sponges (Spongillu), Crustacea (Brauc/z2'pu.v, Luci/‘er, 0rc/Iestia), Vertebrates (Petra/1z_yzo:2, Rana), Ascidians, and Am/2/u'oama).

The principle of least surfaces——not more than three surfaces meeting in a line, not more than four lines meeting in a point— is, however, not of itself suflicient to explain the whole of the phenomena even in this most favourable tetrahedral type; other factors must intervene, just as other factors intervene in a mass of soap-bubbles—their size and initial arrangement~— in the determination of the actual pattern. These other factors are the direction of cell-, that is of nuclear, division, and the magnitude of the cells; and these, as we have seen, in turn depend upon the relation between the nucleus and the cytoplasm with its included yolk. Thus it is the direction of the spindles which determines whether the mieromeres of the first quartette shall be given ofi laeotropieally or dexiotropically ; the direction of division, oblique to the egg-axis, again determines that the mieromeres shall alternate with the macromeres and not be superimposed upon them ,- the size of the cells and the direction

FIG. 25.-— Mitotic division with elongation of the cell-body in a protozoon,Acanthor_1/stis aculeuta. (After Schaudinn, from Korsehelt and Heider.)

of division may determine the position of the polar furrow, while the rate of division will also not be without effect, since the whole arrangement at any stage depends in part on the disposition at the stage before.

There is one other point that is worthy of notice. The mitotic spindle possesses considerable rigidity, and is able as it elongates to materially alter the shape of the cell. This may be seen in many cases in Annelid, Mollusean and other eggs—the division of the first mieromeres in Nereis is an instance—and in the Protozoa (Fig. 25). Another interesting case is the Rotifer Asplcmc/ma, where, preparatory to the fourth division, the shortest axis of the cells——in which the spindles are placed-—becomes by the elongation of the spindles the longest. This alteration of shape is itself an important factor in deciding the positions to be taken up by the daughter cells. II. I CELL-DIVIS ION 49

In the other types——radial and bilateral——thc principle of least surfaces is obviously disobeyed, for here four or more surfaces meet in one line and at angles other than 120°.

Roux (1897) has, however, shown that if a certain condition be imposed on the system of lamellac, figures may be produced which very closely resemble the patterns presented by radially and bilaterally segmenting ova. This indispensable condition is that the system shall be surrounded by a rigid boundary, as the eggs themselves are by a membrane. Roux’s system was made by dividing into two, four, and eight a drop of paraflin oil suspended in a closely fitting cylindrical vessel between alcohol and water. To this medium was added calcium acetate to prevent the drops reuniting. The drop was divided with a glass rod.

Fm. 2(5.~ltoux's oil-drops. A and B, the drop divided equally; U and D, unequally. Each of the two equal drops divided equally in E, unequally in 1". (From Korschelt and Heider, after Roux.)

When the two drops formed by the first division were equal the surface of contact was flat, when unequal convex towards the larger one, in accordance with the rule (Fig. 26 A—l)).

When the second was also equal, four drops were formed with four surfaces of contact meeting in one line, or enclosing between them a small ‘segmentation’ cavity. If the division of the two equal drops was unequal, and the smaller cells adjacent, they pushed into the larger ones; the result, in fact, was the same as would have been produced by an equal following on an unequal division, the four surfaces meeting in one line as before (Fig. 26 E, F). The appearance presented is like a side view of a radially

Fm. 27.—-Arrangement of four oil-drops produced by unequal division of two equal drops, the small and large drops alternating. The first division is shown by I: the second (II) may pass as in a or in b, but the result is always as in c, the two large drops meeting in a polar furrow and excluding the small drops from the centre; the system is symmetrical (iso~bilateral) about the dotted lines in c. (After Roux, from Korschelt and Heider.)

segmenting egg after the third division. When, however, the smaller drops were 11ot adjacent, but opposite, five surfaces of con ” I 3 /. tact were formed,

a polar furrow appearing between

A A the two larger and

I L 1 joining the centres \ /7 W of mass of the two smaller drops,

I I whether these are unequal or not.

C’ . . The direction 1n

fi which the division of the drops is per” V 3’ formed isirrelevant; the final result is 4% always the same.

/ Should two adjacent

_lfIG. 2S.-— A_and B are diag1':1111s of an oil—drop drops be equal, the divided into four and eight to explain Roux’s 1 f _ - - 1 notation. C is a figure of the oil-drop divided into P0 M m row 15 Sh]

eight equal parts. (From Korsclielt and Heider.) formed by the union of those two which have together the larger mass (Fig. 27).

The length of the polar furrow varies directly with the size of the drops which unite to form it; its direction makes an angle with the plane separating the first two, which varies

FIG. 29. ~ Arrangenicnts of six oil-drops. In all cases A = B = a = b. In A, rt’ = a", b’ = b". In B, a’ > a", b’ > b”. In C, a’ < a”, b’ < b”. I, first furrow; II, second furrow. (From Korsclielt and Heidcr, after Roux.)

FIG. 30. - Various arrangements of eight oil-clrops, all bilaterally syiiiinetrical about the first furrow (1). In all cases the first division has been equal. In A and B the second division (II) has also been equal, but in C 0, b are smaller than A, B. In A, a”, la”, A”, B" < rs’, b’, A’, B’. In B and C, a”, b" < a’, b’, but A", B” = A’, B’; hence a”, I)" < A", B". (From Korschelt and lleider, after Roux.)

_Ei_G. 31. —~ Arrangement of six (A) and eight (13) oil-drops, after iineqnal division of four equal drops (A = B = a = 1;), the smu.llcr and linger drops regularly alternating. (From Korschelt and Hcider, after Roux.)

inversely with its length, so that when all the drops are equal the cross furrow lies in the same plane with the first division, and so disappears.

By another division it is possible to make a ring of eight drops whose surfaces of contact all meet in one line, or in a ‘segmentation’ cavity (Fig. 28). To realize this condition, however, it is necessary that the division should be equal, and its direction accurately radial. If unequal, the larger drop invariably passes towards or wholly into the inside. If oblique or tangential the inner drop passes into the segmentation cavity (Fig. 32).

FIG. 3'Z.——'l‘hree stages in the passage of a large drop (a") into the centre of the system. The fiist stage extremely unstable. (From Korschelt and Heider, after Roux.)

Unequal division of all four equa.l drops produces very interesting patterns, some of which recall the appearance of bilaterally segmenting ova, when the divisions are corresponding-ly unequal on each side of the first or second division (Figs. 29, 30), while others resemble certain phases of ‘ spiral’ division when small and large cells regularly alternate (Fig. 3]). It is a rule for the smaller of the two drops to go to the periphery, while the larger assumes an oblong or wedge shape, passing towards the centre if it does not slip entirely inside. The latter occurs with clean oil, when the large drop is flanked by small ones on both sides.

It is also possible to divide four equal drops horizontally into two tiers. The upper drops, however-—-unless absolutely undistnrbed~quiekly come to alternate with the lower.

In these systems of drops the final arrangement is due to, first, the principle of least surfaces; secondly, the circumscribing boundary; thirdly, the size of the drops; and fourthly, in some cases, the direction in which they are divided.

It only remains for us to consider, with Roux, to what extent the cells of a radially segmenting egg, such as that of Rana fusca, are governed by the same influences as determine the pattern of the drops.

The resemblances, it will be conceded, are often very close. There are also important differences. The polar furrow, which is often present in the Frog’s egg, is not necessarily between the cells with the greatest mass. Again if, in the four-celled stage, with no polar furrow, one of the cells be diminished by puncture, a polar furrow does not always appear, as it would with oil-drops, nor, if it does, is it always formed by the union of the larger cells. 01', if when a polar furrow is present between the larger cells, one of these is diminished by puncture until it, together with its opposite, is less than the other two, the polar furrow nevertheless retains its position.

In the sixteen-celled stage the animal cells together form a ring of eight around the axis. The cells are not necessarily equal, and a small cell may be compressed by, instead of compressing, adjacent large ones, while they, not it, move away to the periphery.

Other differences are that large cells bulge into small, that cells are elongated tangentially instead of radially, that there are amoeboid processes at the inner ends of the cells, and intercellular spaces between them.

Further, Roux has examined the behaviour of the isolated cells of the Frog's egg in the morula stage. The cells were separated in a medium of albumen, or salt-solution, or a mixture of the two. They first approach and then flatten against one another (Cytarme), as do the blastomeres in the egg, completely or incompletely. The contact surface is generally symmetrical to the line joining the centres of mass of the two cells ; it may be concave towards either the small or the large cell. More than two cells may unite to form rows or heaps. The angles made by the surfaces of contact may be 120°, or have other values. Four surfaces may meet in one line ,- at other times the arrangement is tetrahedral. In a 1-25 Z solution of salt the cells are elongated, and united end to end in long branching strings. The pigment, diffused through the cell, later returns to its original position at the surface, or usually to the middle of the free surface of each.

The cells may also move over one another (Cytolisthcsis) by sliding or rotation, or both. Even two cells will glide on one another, as two soap-bubbles will not. In complexes two threesurface lines may unite to form one four-surface line, a behaviour the very opposite of that exhibited by soap-bubbles.

It appears, then, that in the living egg of the Frog (and other radial and bilateral types) there are factors which overcompensate, to use Roux’s expression, the purely physical factors by which the behaviour of the oil-drops is governed. These organic factors are that division is slow, and begins on the outside ; that the direction of division—determined by the yolk—is persistent; that the cell contents are neither perfectly fluid nor perfectly structureless ; that the cells being different, their surface tensions may be of dilferent magnitudes, and the whole system, therefore, not homogeneous; and that the cells possess a more or less solid rind or membrane, the rind which becomes wrinkled transversely to the furrow when the cell divides.

It would seem that this rind is an important factor, for if Roux’s experiments be repeated with drops of albumen suspended between xylol and oil of cloves, to which a little alcohol has been added, it will be seen that each drop gets a su1:erficial membrane, and that by these membranes adjacent drops adhere. In fact, such drops behave more like the cells of the egg‘ than do the oildrops. Thus, a small cell goes towards the inside, or the outside, according" to the way in which the division is made, and, after a horizontal division of four equal cells, the upper remain superimposed upon the lower.

At the same time, it is apparently because the cells have this surface film, which the oil-drops have not, that they are able to flatten against one another as soap-bubbles do; while, on the other hand, it is because the film is solid that the cells are unable to move upon one another and adopt the geometrical arrangement seen in systems of soap-bubbles.

There is still another kind of cell-movement to which brief reference must here be made, since it is found in one type of segmentation at least. In the segmenting eggs of some Platyhelmia (Triclads), Ascidians (Salps), Echinoderms (Asteroids), and Coelenterates (0ceam'a), the blastomeres have been seen to completely separate from one another, afterwards reuniting. Roux has observed a similar reunion of the artificially isolated cells of the Frog’s egg. This Cytotropism, as Roux calls it (Cytotaxis would be a preferable term), is noticed when the slide is kept perfectly horizontal and streaming movements of the medium (albumen) are rigidly excluded. The cells become rounded, and then approach one another in, more or less, a straight line, oscillating slightly backwards and forwards. The cells must not be too far apart, not further than a radius of small, or less of large cells. Groups of two or more cells behave in the same way.

The movement may be simply a surface-tension phenomenon, or, as Roux suggests, more complex, of the nature of a response to a mutual ehcmotactic stimulus.

These various kinds of cell-motion are also an important feature in such processes of differentiation as the union of cells to form muscles, tendon, epithelia, and so forth.

A review of all the facts thus leads us to conclude that while some of the phenomena of segmentation-—-the flattening of cells against one another, the pattern made by the cells in cleavage, especially of the spiral type—are largely referable to the action of the purely physical laws of surface tension, there are many cases, the radial and bilateral types, and the radial and bilateral periods of spirally segmenting eggs, in which the operation of these laws is restricted and confined by other causes. But in any case those laws can only co-operate with other factors, which are to be looked for in the rate and direction of division, and in the magnitude of the cells, factors which themselves are dependent on the relation between the cell and its nucleus.

Before concluding this section we have to call attention to some experiments which may possibly throw some light on an event of fairly frequent occurrence in ontogeny—the division of the nucleus without the division of the cell,‘ as in the formation of coenocytia such as striated muscle fibres and the trophoblast of the placenta ; or the fusion of distinct cells into a syncytium, as in the trophoblast again; or the secondary union of yolk-cells.

In the Alcyonaria the nucleus may divide three, four, or five times before the egg simultaneously breaks up into eight, sixteen, or thirty-two cells. See especially E. B. Wilson, ‘On the development of Renilla,’ Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc, clxxiv, 1883.

Driesch has observed that in the egg of Ea/Linus cell-division may be wholly or partially suppressed by pressure, and also by diluting the sea-water. Nuclear division continues (Fig. 33).

Morgan has found that the egg of another sea-urchin (Arbacia) will not segment in a 2 Z solution of salt in sea-water; on replacing the eggs in sea—water, however, the nucleus divides with great rapidity several times, and this is followed by celldivision. So Loch notices that the eggs when treated in this way, and brought back to their normal medium, divide simul taneously into four. The egg

es of the fish Cteuolabm.s (accord O“ o«° ing to the same author) behaves in a similar fashion when first f I deprived of, and then restored

,, 1, to oxygen. . FIG. 33.—Echinus: suppression of lmf’ again’ has Seen the re cell-division by 1)1'essure, I), and by union Of sister cells and nuclei

heat, a. Nuclear division continues. ' . ' . (After Driesch, 1893.) in the eggs of Avbacza leleased from pressure.

Three distinct agencics——mechanical pressure, increase of osmotic pressure, and decrease of osmotic prcssure—arc all capable of effecting this interesting change in the usual relations of cell and nucleus. We can only guess at the real cause, and surmise that it will be found in an alteration of internal and external surface tensions.


No'rE.—For a complete bibliography of segmentation the well-known textbooks of 0. Hertwig and Korsehelt and Heider must be consulted. The literature of ‘spiral’ segmentation is given by Robert (quoted below).

F. M. BALI-‘OUR. Comparative Embryology, London, 1885.

G. BERTHOLD. Studien fiber Protoplasmameehanik. VII. Theilungsrichtungen und Thcilungsfolge, Leipzig, 1886.

G. BORN. Ucber Druckversuche an Froscheiern, Anat. Anz. viii, 1893.

T. BOVERI. Die Entwiekelung von Asca;-is megalorephala mit beson— derer Riicksieht auf die Kernverhaltnisse, Fesfschr. Xupflkr, Jena, 1899.

E. G. CONKLIN. P1-otoplasniic movement as a factor of differentiation, Woods Hell Biol. Lech, 1898. II. I CELL-DIVISION 57

H. DRIESCH. Entwicklungsmechanische Studien, IV, Zeilschr. wiss. Zool. lv, 1893.

H. DRIESCH. Entwicklungsinechanische Studien, VIII, Mitt. Zool. Stat. Neapel, xi, 1895.

A. FISCIIEL. Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Echinodermen. I. Zur Mechanik der Zelltheilung. II. Versuche mit vitaler Fiirbung, Arch. Ent. Mech. xxii, 1906.

J. H. GEROULD. Studies on the Embryology of the Sipunculidae, Mark Anniversary Volume, New York, 1903. _

A. GRAF. Eine 1-iickgitngig gemachte Furchung, Zool. Anz. xvii, 1894.

C. HERBST. Ueber dais Auseinandergehen von Furchungs- und Gewebezellen in ka.lkfrciem Medium, Arch. Ent. M¢'c7z. ix, 1900.

O. HERTWIG. Die Zelle und die Gewebe, Jena, 1893.

O. HERTWIG. Ueber den Worth der ersten Furchungszellen fiir die Organbildung des Embryo, Arch. nu'l.-r. Anal. xlii, 1893.

O. HERTWIG. Ueber einige mu befruehteten Froschci durch Centrifugalkraft hervorgerufene Mcclnmomorphosen, S.-B. Kimigl. prcuss. All-ad. 11733., Berlin, 1897.

J. LOEB. Investigations in physiological morphology, Joum. Morph. vii, 1892.

J. LOEB. Untersuchungen fiber die physiologischen Wirkungen des Sauerstoffnmngels, I7l:2ger‘s Arch. lxii, 1896.

J. LOEB. Ueber Kerntheilung ohne Zellt-heilung, Arch. Ent. Mech. ii, 1896.

T. H. MORGAN. The action of salt solutions on the unfertilized and fertilized eggs of Arbacia and of other aniimtls, Arch. Ent. Mech. viii, 1899.

E. PFLi'IGER. Ueber die Einwirkung (ler Schwerkra.i't und andere Bedingungen nuf die Richtung der Zclltheilung, 1_’flc'«'ger‘s Arch. xxxiv, 1884.

J. PLATEAU. Statique des liquides, Paris, 1873.

A. RAUBER. Der karyokiuetische Process bei erhohtem und vermin(lertexn Atmosphiirendruck, Vcrs. Deutsch. Naimf. u. Aerzte, Magdaburg, 1884.

A. ROBERT. Rec-herchcs sur le développement des Troques, Arch. Zool. E.1'p. et G6». (3), x, 1902.

W. Roux. Ueber die Zeit der Bestimmung der Hauptrichtungen des Froschembryo, Leipzig, 1883, also Ges. Abh. 16.

W. Roux. Ueber den ‘Cytotropismus’ der Furchungszellen des Grasfrosches (Rmmfusca), Arch. Ent. Mech. i, 1894.

W. ROUX. Ueber die Selbstordnung (Cytotztxis) sich ‘beriihrendcr' Furchungszellen des Froscheies durch Zellonzusammenfiigung, Zellentrennung und Zellengleiten, Arch. Ent. Mech. iii, 1896.

W. Roux. Ueber die Bedeutung ‘geringei-' Verschiedenheiten der relativen Grfisse der Furchungszellen fur den Clim-akter des Furchungsschemas, Arch. Ent. Mech. iv, 1897. 58 CELL-DIVISION AND GROWTH II. 2

G. SMITH. Fauna und Flora. des Golfes von Neapel: Rhizocephala,

Berlin, 1906. O. ZUR STRASSEN. Embryonalentwicklung des Ascarisnmgalorephala,

Arch. Em‘. Jlfcah. iii, 1896. E. B. VVILSON. ( and mosaic work, An-7:. Ivlul. lilo:-72. iii, 1896. H. E. ZIEGLER. Ueber Furchung unter Pressung, Vcrh. Aunt. Gesell.

viii. 1894. H. E. ZIEGLER. Untersuehungen fiber die eisten Entwicklungsvor gétnge der Nematoden, Zeifschr. W1'.s-s. Zool. lx, 1895. H. E. ZIEGLER. Experimentelle Studien fiber die Zelltheilung, Arch. Elli. llferh. vii, 1898.

2. Growth

Following Davenport we define growth as increase in size or volume. Since, therefore, growth is increase in all three dimensions of space, it is most accurately measured not by increase in some one dimension—such as stature——but by increase of mass or weight.

Growth depends upon the intake of food and the absorption of water and exhibits itself in the form of increase in the amount of living matter or of secretions of watery or other substances, organic or inorganic, intra-cellular or extra-cellular, such as ehondrin, fat, muein, cellulose, calcium phosphate, and the like.

That growth depends———in later stages at least—upon the intake of food is obvious. That it is due to the absorption of water has been demonstrated effectively by Davenport for the tadpoles of Amphibia (zlmtlys/oma, Rana, I311/2)). The method employed was to weigh known numbers of the tadpoles at difl:'erent ages, desieeate and weigh again. The results of the investigation are shown in the accompanying figure (Fig. 34-), from which it will be seen that the percentage of water rises with remarkable rapidity———from 56% to 96% during the first fortnight after hatching. After that point the amount of water present slightly but steadily declines.

The same result is brought out by an analysis of the terminal buds and successive internodes of plants. It is found in I/ele7'oceutrou (Kraus) that the percentage of water rises rapidly from the terminal bud to the first internode, more slowly from the first to the second internode, and then remains constant.

It would thus appear that during the period of most rapid growth, growth is efifected by imbibition of water rather than by assimilation, since the weight of dry substance in the tadpole during this period does not increase at all.

In later development the proportion of water slowly falls. This may be seen not only in Davcnport’s table of the growth of Frogs but in the data furnished by Potts for the Chick and by

FIG. 34.— Curve showing change in percentage of water in Frog tadpoles from the first to the eighty-fourth day after hatching. Abscissae, days; ordinates, percentages. (After Davenport, from Korschelt and IIe1der.)

Fehling for the human embryo. These data. are given in the accompanying tables (Tables I, II). The percentage of water, at first high, slowly falls in both cases; conversely, the percentage of other substances increases.

‘ These results indicate that during later development growth is largely effected by excessive assimilation or by storing up formed substance’ (Davenport).

There are other external agencies by which growth may be affected in various ways—-such as heat, light, and atmospheric pressure. These will be discussed in another chapter. For the present let us confine our attention to certain features which are characteristic of growth in general, of the growth of the animal organism under normal conditions. These are the changes that take place during growth in the rate of growth itself, in the variability of the organism and in the magnitude of the correlations between its various parts.


Showing the percentage of water in Chick embryos at various stages up to hatching. ( From Davenport, 1899 (2), after Potts.) ’1_‘he table also shows the hourly and daily percentage increments of weight.

Absolute Hourly Daily

H f . . P r entage

48 0-06 83 54 0-20 0-14 38-3 919-2 90 58 0-33 0-13 16-0 384-0 88 91 1-20 0-87 7-9 189-6 83 96 1-30 0-10 1-7 40-8 68 124 2-03 0-73 2 0 48-0 69 264 6-72 4-69 1 6 38-4 59 TABLE II

Showing the percentage of water in the Human embryo at various stages up to birth. (From Davenport, 1899 (2), after Fehling.) The table also shows the weekly percentage increments of weight.

Age in Absolute weight \Vec-kly per- Percentage

weeks. in grammes. Increase‘ ccntnge increment. of water.

6 0-975 97-5 17 36-5 35-525 331-2 91-8 22 100-0 63 5 34-8 92-0 24 242-0 142-0 71-0 89-9 26 569-0 327-0 67 6 86-4 30 924-0 355-0 15-6 83-7 35 928-0 4 0 0-1 82 9 39 1640-0 712-0 19-2 74-2

VVe follow Minot and Preyer in measuring the rate of growth by the percentage increments of weight (or of other measurements where weight is not available) during a given interval of time ; that is to say, by expressing the increase in weight during a given period as a. percentage of the weight at the beginning (or end) of that period. The change of rate, if any, is found by taking such percentage increments for successive equal increments of time.

As a first example let us consider the data furnished by Minot II. 9. GROWTH 61

himself for the rate of growth, after birth, of guinea.-pigs (Table III, Fig. 35).


Showing the change of rate of growth in male and female Guinea.-pigs. as measured by daily percentage increments of weight. (From Minot, 1891.)

Average daily per cent. Average daily per cent.

Ago in Age in

d“Y‘- Ma1§§°'°m§'§§$1cs. “‘°““‘s- Ma1§§.°r°m°§§:.a1..s. 1-3 0.0 2.1 8 0.05 0.2 4-6 5.6 5.5 9 0.3 0.2 7-9 5.5 5.4 10 0.1 0.1

10-12 4.7 4.7 11 0.04 0.1

13-15 5.0 5.0 12 0.1 0.05

16-18 4.1 4.3 13 -0.2 0.3

19-21 3.9 3.5 14 0.5 -0.03

22-24 3.1 1.7 15 0.2 0.00

25-27 2.3 1.9 16 0.07 0.2

23-30 2.3 2-6 17 -0.1 -0.02

31-33 1.9 1.3 13 -0.05 -0.2

34-36 1.7 1-6 19-21 0.006 -0.1

37-39 1.9 1.3 22-24 0.02 -0.05

40-50 1.2 1.1

55-65 1.3 1.3

70-80 1.2 0.3

35-95 0.9 0.9

100-110 0.7 0.3 115-125 0.6 0.5 130-140 0.1 0.2 145-155 0 4 -0.03 160-170 0.3 0.5 175-135 0.2 0.2 190-200 0.2 0.2 205-215 0.4 0.3

15Il| I7 D E II N 75 I50

FIG. 3-'3.—Curve showing the daily percentage increments in weight of female Guine-.1-pigs. (From Mxnot, 1907 )

An inspection of tlie accompanying table and figure in which Minot’s results are reproduced will show at once that there is in both sexes, almost from the moment of birth, a. decline in the growth-rate. The decline is not, however, uniform. The rate falls rapidly between about the fifth day (when it is from 5% to 6%) and the fiftieth, from the fiftieth day onwards more slowly, becoming eventually very small, zero or even negative. The younger the animal, therefore, the faster it grows; the more developed it is the more slowly it grows. The rate of growth in fact varies inversely with the degree of difierentiation. A mammal, therefore, which is born in a less developed condition than is the guinea-pig ought to grow at first more rapidly still. The rabbit is such an animal, and Minot has been able to show that on the fourth day after birth the young rabbit adds 17 % to its weight. The curve also shows the same rapid decline in the growth-rate as was observed in the guinea-pig, followed by a period of gentle decrease.

Accurate observations on the prenatal rate of growth of these two mammals are lacking, but Henscn’s few observations (quoted by Preyer) on the weight of guinea-pig embryos show that the daily percentage increase descends from 220% on the twenty-first day to 116% on the twenty-ninth day, to 33% on the forty-third (lay, and again to 6% on the sixty-fourth day, that is just after birth, the moment at which Minot’s observations begin. Again, Minot has found, as a result of the investigation of the weight


Showing the decrease in the rate of growth of the Human embryo before birth. Percentage increments calculated from the figures given by

Hecker, Toldt, and Hennig. (From Preyer.)

Average monthly percentage increments of Month. Weight. Length.

(Hecken) (Toldt.) (Hennig.) 1 _ _ __ 2 — 133-3 433 0 3 — 100-0 110-0 4 418-2 71-4 92-8 5 398-2 66-7 69-8 6 123-2 50-0 28-2 7 92-2 16-7 14-2 8 28 8 14-3 11-9 9 25-6 12-5 6-3 10 — 11-1 4 3 II. 2 GROWTH 63

of spirit specimens of rabbit embryos that the mean daily percentage increment is 704 between the ninth and fifteenth days, but between the fifteenth and twentieth days only 212.

The postnatal decline in the growth-rate is therefore only a continuation of a process which has been going on for some time, perhaps from the first moment at which growth began.

The human being forms no exception to this rule. Data of the growth of the human embryo before birth are somewhat meagre, but an inspection of the tables will show that whatever the discrepancies may be between the results obtained by Fehlin g (Table II) and Hecker (Table IV), they agree in this, that the growth-rate falls with great rapidity between the fourth and the sixth months,thereafter more slowly till the end of pregnancy. This is graphically represented in the curve (Fig. 36). It will be observed from the table (Table IV) that the rate of increase of stature also declines, but less abruptly. This is a poi11t to which we shall return. For the study of the postnatal growth of man very numerous data have FIG’ 36' —' Curve Sh°‘”il‘<‘=’

_ monthly prenatal percentage 1nbecn collected byvarious observers. cmments in Man. (From Minot, Measurements of the bed y weight 1907-) have been made on Belgians by Quetelet, on Boston school children by Bowditch, on the school children of Worcester, Mass., and Oakland, Mass., by Boas, and on English of the artisan and the well-to—do classes by Roberts. It is unnecessary to reproduce all these data here, for they all show the same decline in the growth Monnvso-zaascrogm 64 CELL-DIVISION AND GROWTH II. 2

rate, but Quetelet’s measurements for males, being the completest series, are given in the accompanying figure (Fig. 37). The figure shows that at the end of the first year after birth the per.

FIG. 37.——Curve showing the yearly percentage increments in weight of Boys. (From Minot, 1907.)

centage increment is as high as 200% (or nearly), but that then this increment drops to just over 20% at the end of the second year. From this point the decline is slow but sure, until at the thirtieth year the annual percentage increase is only 0-1 %. The change of rate of growth in females is practically the same as in males. The monthly percentage increment immediately before birth is about 20% according to Miihlmann’ s curve (Fig. 36) ; this represents an annual percentage increment of, say, 250 %, and the annual increase at the end of the first year is about 200 %. The postnatal deerease of growth is, therefore, as in other mammals, a continuation of the prenatal change. Further, there are two points at which the rate diminishes with great rapidity-—between the fourth and sixth months of pregnancy and between the first and second years after birth. It would be of the greatest interest to discover the causes of these sudden decreases. Elsewhere the II. 2 GROWTH 65

diminution is gradual. A point of importance is that in both years there is a slight temporary rise in the growth-rate about the time of puberty (see the curve, Fig. 37'). This has been noticed by all observers, but the actual time of its occurrence ditfers in diEercnt cases ; the rise is invariably earlier in females than in males. A comparison of the growth of the three mammals considered is interesting. A Guinea-pig reaches 775 grammes in 43.2 days. A Rabbit ,, 2,500 ,, 395 ,, A Man ,, 63,000 ,, 9,428 ,, or the average daily increment is for a Guinea-pig L82 grammes. Rabbit 6-30 ,, Man 669 ,,

Hence ‘men are larger than rabbits because they grow longer, but rabbits are larger than guinea—pigs because they grow faster’. Minot, however, distinguishes between the ‘rapidity’ of growth, the average actual increment, and the ‘ rate’ of growth, the percentage increment. The average percentage increments for these mammals are

Guinea-pig 0-4-7

Rabbit 0-50

Man 0-02

The rate is, therefore, much slower in man than in the otln r two. These percentages Minot calls the coefficients of growth. Together with the duration of growth they determine the ultimate size of the organisms.

The progressive loss of growth-power Minot speaks of as ‘senescence’, and compares to the loss of the power of celldivision in the ‘senile decay’ of Protozoa. The same author has also brought forward evidence to show that during differentiation there is an increase in the amount of cytoplasm in the cell, a decrease in the size of the nucleus, and a decrease in the ‘mitotic index’, that is in the proportion, in any tissue, of dividing cells. During segmentation, of course, the reverse of this is taking place, since cell-division is rapid and the protoplasm per cell is being constantly diminished until a fixed ratio between nucleus and cytoplasm is reached (Boveri) (see below, p. 268). Minot suggests that ‘ senescence ’ and differentiation alike depend on an increase in the protoplasm.

FIG. 38.— Curves showing the change with age of the rate of growth In the larva of the sen.-urchin Strongylocentrotus (from Vernon's data), and the pond-snail Limnaea (from Semper's figures). The nbscissae are days, the ordinates percentage increments.

The decline of the growth-rate may also be seen in Pott's weighings of the Chick embryo before hatching (Table I) and Minot’ s Weights of young chickens. It appears from these that the daily percentage increment is 919 % at the beginning of the third day of incubation, 189% at the end of the fourth day; at this point there is a sudden drop to 40 Z, which is still the rate of growth after eleven days of incubation; eight days after hatching the ra.te is 9% in the male, not quite 9% in the female, and then comes a period of more or less gradual decline, until when the chicken is 342 days old it is able to add less than 0-5 % to its weight per diem.

Sempei-’s observations on the pond-snail, Limizaea, and Vernon’s on the sea-urchin, St1'0ngyloce7m'ot1m, are other examples which

FIG. 39.—Dai1y percentage increments of weight in tadpoles: the continuous line (a) gives the whole weight, the broken line (b) the dry weight. (After Davenport, 1899.)

may be mentioned. The results of these autl101's are shown in the accompanying charts (Fig. 38). Their measurements are of lengths, not of weights.

So far we have found no exception to the law of the decline in the rate of growth as development proceeds. Davenport's measurements of tadpoles will not, however, conform to the generalization. As the figure shows (Fig. 39), the daily percentage increments, whether of the whole weight or of the weight of dry substance only, first rise abruptly, then descend and then rise again. An explanation of this anomaly may possibly be found in the fact that Davenport/s measurements are 68 CELL-DIVISION AND GROWTH II. 2

taken during that early period when growth is due in the main to absorption of water, the other measurements (as may be seen from Tables I, II) during the later period when the percentage of water has already begun to decline and growth is effected by other means. '

It is_, of course, a commonplace of embryology that the growth of all the organs of the body does not occur at the same rate.

FIG. 40. — Curves showing the alteration during the first twenty years

of life of the rate of growth as measured by weight, stature, and chestgirth in the human being (males). (Constructed from Quetelc-t’s data.) The abscissae are years, the ordinates percentage increments. (The percentage increment of weight for the first year could not be included in the figure. It is given in Fig. 37.) There are nevertheless few cases in which the exact difference in rate has been ascertained. From those few cases, however, it appears that the individual parts, though they do not grow with equal rapidity, still obey the same law as the whole.

Thus human stature exhibits the same loss of growth-power as is shown by the weight of the whole body, with this difference, however, that the rate is not so high in early stages, the descent in later stages less abrupt. This will be seen in Table IV, in which such figures as are obtainable for the prenatal growth-rate are given, and in Fig. 40, in which the curve of change of growth-rate in human stature has been constructed from Q.uetelet’s data (male Belgians). The percentage increment in the first year is only 39-6 as against 190-3 for weight, in the second year 13-3 us against 22-2 for weight. Thenceforward the rate slowly declines, until at the fortieth year it is zero, and after the fiftieth year increasingly negative. The rate of increase of stature is always slightly less than that of weight. Q.uetelet’s figures do not show the rise in rate about the time of puberty, but this phenomenon is apparent in the data furnished by Bowditch, Boas, and Roberts (see Fig. 4-2). The change in the growth-rate is practically the same in women as in men. As with weight, the rise of rate at the time of puberty is earlier.

FIG. 41. — Curves showing the alteration during the first twenty years of life of the rate of growth of stature, length of head, length of vertebral column, and length of leg in the human being (males). (Constructed from Quetelet’s data.) Ordinates, percentage increments; abseissae, years.

The decline in the growth-rate of chest-girth is shown in the same figure (Fig. 40). It will be noticed at once that in this case the drop in the first year is very great indeed, from nearly 50 % to nearly 5 %, and that the rate is only diminished by another 24 ‘Z in the next nineteen years. The weight will depend upon the volume and the volume on both stature and girth; in. fact a rough weight-curve might be constructed from the measurements of stature and girth. It is evident that the sudden loss in the rate of total growth after the first year is due to the very rapid decrease in the percentage increment of girth.

It maybe mentioned that other measurements of girth—girth by the sternum, the waist, the hips, the neck, the biceps, the thigh——show the same exceedingly abrupt decrease, almost to the minimum rate, between the first and second years.

In other cases——distance between the eyes, width of mouth, length of hand, length of foot, arm-length, leg-length, length and breadth of head, distance from the crown of the head to the first vertebra, length of the vertebral column—the change is more gradual ,- the rate of change, however, diifers in different cases. As an instance of this let us consider the measurements—— from the crown to the first vertebra, the length of the vertebral column, and the leg-length——whieh together make up the total stature. The growth-curves of these three and of the whole stature are presented in the figure (Fig. 41), from which it will be seen that the growth of the leg is faster than that of the vertebral column (until the eighteenth year), and this than that of the head. Increase in stature takes place at nearly the same rate as that of the vertebral column , but is on the whole a little faster.

There are few cases—besides man—in which we possess information as to the growth of the parts. In the sea-urchin, S57'07I_q,I/[Odell/7'0tl(8, Vernon has shown that the growth-rate of the oral and aboral arms of the Pluteus diminishes rapidly from the third to the fifth days, more slowly from the fifth to the eighth days. After this the rate becomes negative, as the skeleton of the Pluteus is used up by the developing urchin. The curves of change of rate of growth-—as constructed from Vernon’s figures—-are shown in the chart (Fig. 38).

In Oarcirzm mamas a gradual decrease in the growth-rate of the frontal breadth can be ascertained from Weldon’s data.

We have next to consider another feature of growth, the alteration of variability. The facts at our command are derived from a study of Echinoid larvae (Vernon), Duck embryos (Fisehcl), Guinea-pigs (Minot), the Periwinkle (Bumpus), the Crab, C'arcz'mts (Weldon), and the human being (Bowditch, Pearson, Robeits, and Boas). Vernon has shown that in the Pluteus of Stronyy/ocentrolus the variability of the body-length increases regularly up to the fifth day, and then decreases regularly again to the sixteenth day. So Fischel’s measurements of Duck embryos seem to establish a greater variability in younger than in older stages. This is true of the whole length, the head (as far back as the first somitc), the hand and trunk together, and the total length exclusive of the primitive streak. The data are, however, too few to be treated statistically; the variability can only be roughly estimated from the extent of the limits within which the part varies at each stage.

Minot, who expresses the variability of guinea-pigs by the difference between the mean weight and the mean weight of the individuals above, and of those below, the mean, likewise finds that the range in variation diminishes with age, and further that, in the case of the males, there is a pcriod—-from about the fourth to the ninth months—when the variability is very much less than at any other time. No such sudden fall is observed in the female, only a steady diminution.

A more satisfactory calculation of the altera.tion of variability may be made from the measurements taken by Bumpus of the ‘ventricosity’ (ratio of breadth to length) of the shell of the Periwinkle, Lit/orina lit/area. The series of observations is very large, and includes both British and American forms. In the accompanying table (Table V) the coeflicients of variability (the standard deviation expressed as a percentage of the mean) are given for each age, as determined by length of shell, for the English and American periwinkles separately and also for the complete series. It will be seen that the variability increases slightly and then diminishes again. This is the case also in the American examples, where the fall at the end of growth is greater still, but in the British specimens there is only a slight fall, at 20-21 mm., followed by a considerable rise. The possible significance of this diiference in the behaviour of the same species on the two sides of the Atlantic we shall discuss

in a moment. TABLE V Showing the alteration in the variability of the ventrieosity of the shell of the Periwinkle (Liltorina littorea.) during growth.

Coefficient of variability (E; x 100).

Length in mm. British. American. All. -15 2-77 3-27 3-25

16-17 2-94 3-41 3-34 18-19 3-02 3-39 3-35 20-21 2-93 3-03 3-13

22 3-25 2-84 3-02

In the meantime let us consider another case, the Crab, Cr/rcimc.v mocnas, the variability of the frontal breadth of which was examined by the late Professor VVelden. Weldon found that the variability, as measured by the quartile error , first increased and then suddenly diminished with age (as determined by carapaee length). If the variability is measured by the coefficient of variability (easily calculated from VVel(lon’s data) the result is the same. This will appear from the table

(Table VI). TABLE VI

Showing the change in the variability of the frontal breaulth with age in Curr-inns momms. (After Weldon.)

Cara ace Len th Q. 0'

E, ,,,m_ 3 51- x 100. 7-5 9-42 1-64 8-5 9-83 1-76 9-5 9-51 1-73 10-5 9-58 1-78 11-5 10-25 1-93 12-5 10-79 2-06 13-5 10-09 1-95

For the calculation of the variability at different ages in man data have been provided by Roberts, Bowditch, and Boas. Some II. 2 GROWTH 73

of these results are collected in the following table (Table VII), from which it may be gathered that the variability diminishes at first, then rises until it attains a maximum at about the time of puberty, and then diminishes again, reaching finally a value which is lower than the original. The values for the coeflicient obtained by the diifercnt investigators are fairly similar, and agree very well with those first given by Pearson (for male new—born infants, weight 15-66, stature 6-50; for male adults, weight 10-83, stature 3-66). It may be seen from the values for the newborn that the variability has already undergone adiminution before the age at which the other observations begin.


Showing the change in the value of the coefiieient of variability in the male Human being during growth.

Coeffioieiit of variability (1% X 100).

Vtleight. Stature. Years. Boston Worcester, English Boston Toronto \Vorecstor, (Bowditch). Mass. Artisans (Bowditch \. (Boas). Mass. (Boas). (Roberts). (Boas) 4 14-00 5 11-56 11-48 4-76 4-82 6 10-28 12-04 10-08 4-60 4-34 5-40 7 11-08 11-87 10-29 4-42 4-35 4-24 8 9-92 11-83 10-78 4-49 4-58 4-32 9 11-04 12-29 10-85 4-40 4-41 4-30 10 11-60 12-92 11-06 4-55 4-68 4-44 11 11-76 14-45 11-90 4-70 4-53 4-51 12 13-72 15-56 11-48 4-90 4-85 4-49 13 13-60 18-07 11-76 5-47 5-36 5-21 14 16-80 16-80 12-74 5-79 5-64 5-43 15 15-32 18-28 14-00 5-57 5-71 5-19 16 13-28 13-95 12-95 4-50 3-92 17 12-96 11-23 11-55 4-55 3-32 18 10-40 12-18 3 69 19 10-29 20 9-03 10-50 10-92 12-04

Further, the variability does not merely diminish as the animal grows older. Its diminution accompanies the diminution in the rate of growth, and when—as at the time of puberty in man—that rate increases, the variability increases too.

The variability of such parts as have been examined for the purpose alters in the same way as that of the whole body. Besides weight and stature Boas has recorded measurements of height sitting, head-length, head-width, length of fore-arm, and hand-width.

Though the evidence, it must be admitted, is scanty, it is none the less a remarkable fact that in all the cases we have examined the variability, whether of the whole organism or of its parts, decreases with the decrease in the rate of growth. We seem to be in the presence of a phenomenon of general occurrence, though what the significance of the phenomenon is is not at present clear.

As is well known, Weldon has argued that the decline in the variability of the older crabs is due to a selective death-rate, an argument which is supported by the same author’s observations on the snail Clausilia, since in this form the variability of the adult was found to be the same as the variability of the same individuals when young, but less than the variability of the general population of young. It is possible that the marked decrease in the variability of the American as compared with the British periwinkles may also be attributable to the same cause, since this animal has only recently been introduced into America, and may, therefore, be subjected to a more severe struggle for existence in its new environment.

It is doubtful, however, whether this explanation will fit all cases.

Vernon has suggested that at periods of rapid growth the effect produced upon the organism by a change in its environment must be much greater than at other times, and, since he has further shown that one of the effects of an adverse change of circumstances is an increased variability, he argues that an increase in variability would naturally accompany a high growthrate.

Lastly, Boas points out that the rate of growth is itself a variable magnitude, and this ‘ variation in period’ may, with other causes, be a factor in producing the actual variation at each stage. Should that be so, the variability would necessarily increase and diminish with an increasing and diminishing growthrate, since those that are above the mean would tend to remove themselves further from the mean than those that are below could approach it, and the more so the faster they were growing, and conversely.

We have finally to consider very briefly what little is known of the alteration with growth in the value of the correlation between various organs. Such data as we have indicate that, like variability, this value rises and falls with the growth-rate.

Boas has ascertained the correlation coefficicnt (p) in man between weight, stature, height sitting, length and width of head at diiferent ages. Some of these results are tabulated below (Table VIII) ; from this table it will be evident that the value of p decreases, increases, and decreases again. The values are for girls, and the period of increase is earlier than that found for boys. In the chart (Fig. 42) are given the successive values of growth-rate (stature), variability (height), and correlation coefficient (height sitting and head-length) for boys; the three magnitudes rise at about the time of puberty, and subsequently decline together. Boas urges that if the actual variability is in part the efi’cct of variation in period, this eifect will be greater during periods of rapid development. It follows from this that if the various organs of the body are equally affected by a change in the growth-rate, correlations would be closer during periods of rapid growth than at other periods.


Values of the correlation coefficient, p, during growth for four diflbrent correlations. Girls, Worcester, Mass. (Boas).

Years. Stature and Stature and Stature and Stature and Weight. Height sitting. Length of Head. Width of Head. 7 -73 -74 -30 -21 8 -76 -79 -36 -15 9 -80 -82 -35 -16 10 ~83 -83 -37 -16 ll -81 -84 -37 -25 12 -77 -82 -38 -27 13 -73 -83 .38 -37 14 -67 -82 -30 -25 15 -6!’) -79 -26 -22 16 -60 -74 -25 -10

It will be noticed that the value of p for the different organs is different, being greater between axial organs—stature and height sitting, stature and length of head-—than between longitudinal and transverse parts, such as stature and width of head. The correlation between stature and weight is liigli.

To whatever cause it may be due this diminution of correlation with age is of the greatest interest, since it points to an increasing power of self-difierentiation in the parts of the body. From other sources also there is evidence of a. progressive loss of totipotentiality of the parts, of an inereasing- independence of the parts, of a tendency to be increasingly governed in their development by factors that reside wholly within themselves. But this evidence must be discussed elsewhere.

FIG.42.- Figure to show how the rate of growth (percentage increments of stature), the variability (of stature) and the correlation coefficient (between height sitting and length of head) rise together at the time of puberty in man and then fall together. (Constructed from the tables of Boas.)


F. BOAS. The growth of’ Toronto children, U.S.A. Report of the Commissioner of Ed'ucatz'on, ii, 1897.

F. BoAs and C. WISSLER. Statistics of growth, Unitecl Slates Education Commission, i, 1904.

H. P. BOWDITCII. The growth of children, Massachusetts Sfale Board of Iloalih, 1877.

II. C. BUMPUS. The variations and mutations of the introduced Littorina., Zool. Bull. i, 1898.

C. B. DAVENPORT. The role of water in growth, Proc. Boslou Soc. Nat. Hist. xxviii, 1899 (1).

C. B. DAVENPORT. Experimental morphology, New York, 1899 (2).

A. FISCIIEL. Ueber Varhibilitiit und VVa.ehstl1um des embryonalen Kéirpers, lllurph. Jahrb. xxiv, 1896.

G. KRAUS. Ueber die Wa.sse1-vertheilung in der Pflmize, Fests-rhr. Fem‘ Iuuulertjiilu-. Best. Natmf. Ges., Halle, 1879.

C. S. MINOT. Seneseence and rejuvenation, Jouru. I’h_2/s. xii, 189].

C. S. MINOT. The problem of age, growth and death, Pop. Sci. Jllonthlg/, 1907.

K. PEARSON. Data. for the 1)l‘Ol)1el1l of evolution in man. Ill. On the magnitude of certain coeflicients of correlation in mam. 1’rac. Roy. Soc. lxvi, 1900.

W. PREYER. Spezielle Physiologie (les Embryo. VIII. Dns embryona.le Wachsthum. Leipzig, 1885.

A. QUETELET. Anthropometric, Bruxelles, 1870.

C. ROBERTS. Manual of a.nthropomet1'y, London, 1878.

K. SEMPER. Animal Life, 5th ed., London, 1906.

H. M. VERNON. '1‘he effect of environment on the development of Echinoderm larvae : an experimental enquiry into the causes of variation, Phil. Trams. Roy. Soc. elxxxvi, B, 1895.

II. M. VERNON. Variation, London, 1898.

W. F. R. WELDON. An attempt to measure the death-ra.te due to the selective destruction of (larcinus mamas with respect to a, pu.rticul:|.r dimension, 1’roc. Roy. Soc. lvii, 1894-5.

W. I‘‘. R. WELDON. A first study of na.tura,l selection in (L'luu.x-iliu Imm'nalu, Biometrilca, i, 1901-2.

Appendix A


IN the measurements, referred to above (pp. 165-8), of the angles between the plane of symmetry of the egg (as determined by the position of the grey crescent), the first furrow and the sagittal plane of the embryo, it was found (1) that there was a certain tendency for the first furrow and the sagittal plane to coincide, since in a. large number of cases small angles preponderated over large ones, the standard deviation of this angle from the mean (which was practically = 0°) being a- = 40-39° i-65 ; (2) that there was a much greater tendency for the plane of symmetry and the sagittal plane to coincide, the standard deviation of the angle between these two planes being o'=29-75° _-J; -63 ; (3) that the first furrow tended either to coincide with or to lie at right angles to the plane of symmetry, the standard deviation about 0° being 18-70° i -60, that about 90° being 23-29° j-_ -86, the value of 0' for all the observations being 47-90° 1- 1-19. The correlation between the first furrow and the sagittal plane was found to be p=-138i -031, that between the plane of symmetry

and the sagittal plane p=-372i -025, that between the plane of symmetry and the first furrow p=-O87 i -032.

These results may be tabulated as follows : rr :0 40-39° + -65. -138 i -031.

tal Plane.

Plane of Symmetry and Sagittal Plane. l 2975 -t '63’

Plane of Symmetry and First Furrow.

First Furrow and Sagit- }

.372 i .025.

} 47.9oi1.19. .os7¢_.o32.

Full details of these results will be found in a paper in Biometrika V. 1906.

For the purpose of making these measurements the eggs were placed in rows parallel to the [mat]; of glass slides, and the angles measured between the various planes and lines ruled across the slide. Such eggs compress one another by their jelly coats; further, the eggs taken ‘from the uterus were placed haphazard on the slides with the axis making any direction with the vertical. The egg takes about half-an-hour to turn into its normal position with the axis vertical, and during this interval gravity may possibly act upon the yolk and protoplasm, of different specific gravities, and impress a plane of bilateral gravitation symmetry upon the egg, as occurs when the egg is permanently inverted (see above, pp. 82-87). This obliquity of the axis may possibly afiect the relations between the planes, and the mutual compression may also be a disturbing factor, since it is known that in compressed eggs the nuclear spindle is perpendicular to the direction of the pressure (pp. 34-36).

These angles have therefore now been measured under four different conditions:

(a) The eggs are close to one another in the rows and the axis is horizontal.‘ (Since the rows are parallel to the length of the slide the pressure, if any, must be in the same direction, while the surfaces of compression or contact are across the slide. The eggs were always so placed that the vegetative poles faced in one direction and the planes of ‘ gravitation symmetry ’ were at right angles to the length of the slide. This holds good of all the following experiments.)

(/3) The eggs close, but the. axis vertical with the white pole below. In these there can be no gravitation plane of symmetry.

(y) The eggs spaced, but the axis horizontal. In these the jellies do not touch.

(6) The eggs spaced and the axis vertical. In these, therefore, both the supposedly disturbing factors are removed. The results are given in the following table :—


First Furrow and Plane of Symmetry Plane of Symmetry Sagittal Plane. and Sagittal Plane. and First Furrow.

(.7) .7 = 38-42 g._ -70. .7 = 31-86: -56. .7 = 41-591-_-84. ,7 = -201;-028. ,7 = -263;:-_-027. ,7 -= -118;-029. (.9) .7 = 33-443-_-56. .7 = 30-17:51. .7 = 39-7l_-1;-61. ,7 = 3523-021. .7 = .27si.o22. ,7 = .o23¢.o24. (-,) .7 —_- 33-49;:-_-96. .7 = 27-53¢-84. .7 = 36-60: 1-108. ,. = .292:-039. —_— -399:-036. p = .075:-043. (a) .7 = 31.45133. .7 —_— 26-80¢-82. .7 = 34-46:1-065. ,7 —_- -364:-033. ,7 = -451 1.035. ,7 -_- -186;-043.

It is evident from this that gravity and ‘ mutual compression ’ (as I will for the moment term it, though it is doubtful whether the pressure has anything at all to do with the result) do affect the

magnitude of the angles between these three planes, for in each case the standard deviation falls, while the correlation coeflicient rises, when they are both removed. It will be observed that, while gravitation (y) has less eflect than compression (3) upon the angles B and C, the reverse is the case with the angle A. We may be able to find a reason for this later on.

There is one point worth noticing. It is quite clear that gravity is not indispensable for the development of a grey crescent and plane of symmetry, though it is true that the position of this plane may be aifected by gravity even in the short interval that elapses before the egg turns over.

The values for the compressed eggs with horizontal axes (or) compare fairly well with those previously obtained, except in the case of the plane of symmetry and the first furrow. In the former series the latter tended either to coincide with or to lie at right angles to the former. In the present series this is not the case. This diflerence is probably to be attributed to the fact that many of the eggs in the first series must have been placed on the slide with the white pole upwards: possibly also the ‘ compression ’ was greater then than now.

It is fortunate that the same data enable us to study exactly the relation between the first furrow and the plane of symmetry on the one hand, and the direction of ‘compression’ and of the gravitation symmetry plane on the other. It must be remembered that these two are at right angles to one another.

Consider first the first furrow.

(a) When the eggs are close but the axis horizontal the first furrow tends to lie at right angles to the slide, that is, in the direction of compression, but at right angles to the gravitation symmetry plane. (a-=38-16 i -69.)

(fl) When the eggs are close but the axis vertical this tendency is not quite so marked. (a'=46-67 i -7' 1.)

(y) When the eggs are spaced and the axis horizontal it is still there, but slight. (o-=49-32 ;l-_ 1-40.)

(6) When the eggs are spaced and the axis vertical the direction of the first furrow is random. (zr=52-76¢ 1-17.)

VVe may conclude, therefore, that the first furrow tends to lie in the direction of the ‘ compression’ and at right angles to the plane of gravitation symmetry. The latter tendency, we know, exists in forcibly inverted eggs, together with a tendency to lie in the plane of symmetry and at 45° to it (above, p. 84). Pressure experiments alo show that division is in the direction of pressure (p. 34 sqq.).

The direction taken up by the plane of symmetry under these different circumstances is-quite distinct from that of the first furrow. It appears to be determined in the first instance by gravitation, as it usually lies in the gravitation symmetry plane. It is not, however, only so determined, for if the eggs (compressed and with axi horizontal) be allowed to develop in the light the plane of symmetry lies either in the gravitation symmetry plane, or in the direction of the incident light (parallel to the length of the slide in the experiment , while in the dark it lies only across the slide. That this secon effect is due to the light and not to the pressure is shown by the fact that it occurs when the eggs are spaced, and that it may be made to vary in position by varying the position of the slide with regard to the light. Light, therefore (ordinary daylight), as well as gravity, can help to determine the -position of the plane of symmetry, and when the latter is excluded it appears that this plane is placed either in or at right angles to the source of light.

Light appears to exert no effect u on the first furrow.

It is now intelligible why, when 1 these factors are operative, the relation between the first furrow and the planes of symmetry of egg and embryo should be disturbed, since, in the conditions of the experiment, those factors which determine the position of the former are at right angles to those on which the direction of the latter depends.

It still remains for us to inquire into the internal causes of the direction of these planes in the egg. Roux, as has been pointed out, has asserted that the grey crescent appears on the opposite side of the egg to that on which the spermatozoon has entered (pp. 80, 165), and further that the point of entry of the sperm also determines the meridian of the first furrow, since this either includes the sperm-path, or is parallel to it, or, when it is crooked, includes or is parallel to the inner portion or ‘ copulation ’ path, which is taken to represent the line of approximation of the two pronuclei; the outer part being simply the ‘ penetration’ path. Roux also arbitrarily selected a fertilization meridian (meridian of the sperm-entry), and showed that this became the ventral side (opposite the grey crescent) later on, as well as the ineridian of the first furrow (p. 248).

I have been able to accurately investigate—by means of sections-—the relation between the fertilization meridian, first furrow, and sperm-path in a number of eggs in which the direction of the symmetry plane had been previously determined, and the results of the measurements of these angles are given here. The eggs fall into two series, those which were compressed and had their axes horizontal (a), and those which were spaced and had their axes vertical, the white pole being below (6). In (a) the gravitation symmetry plane and the direction of compression were at right angles to one another, as before.

8 a Meridian of sperm entry a- = 21-02° 1-_ 1-63. o- = 31-04°: 1-34. and first furrow. p = -435 3 -074. 9 =-613 i -038.

Meridian of sperm entry 0' = 25-67° i 1-35. 0 = 41-01° 3-_ 1-78. and symmetry plane. p = -302 i -083. / P = -006 1 -061.

SP§;§§f:;l3(g;§‘}ff1,§§;“ } . .. .—. 17.94° : 1.15. o‘ = 21.47° 1 -93.

From this it is clear that there is a very close relation indeed between the point of entry of the spermatozoon and the direction of the first furrow, especially when the disturbing efiects of pressure and gravity are removed. There is, however, little relation between the sperm meridian and the plane of symmetry even under the most favourable circumstances, and when the conditiofis are not favourable the correlation is negligible. There is however (in the 6 series) a considerable correlation (p = -479 i '070) between the sperm-pat/l and the plane of symmetry. It should be remembered, however, that all these eggs were exposed to the light. From what we know of the eifect of this agent upon the direction of the symmetry plane, it would not perhaps be too hold a hazard to surmise that in darkness there would be a correlation between the sperm entrance and the plane of symmetr .

Eiien after the removal of this disturbance there remain factors which interfere with the completeness of the correlation between these planes; these must probably be looked for in the incomplete radial symmetry of certain eggs—due possibly to pressure in the uterus—and to the slight squeezings and distortions the eggs may be subjected to when they are being taken from the Frog.

It will be seen that the relation between the sperm-path and first furrow is closer than that between the latter and the sperm entrance. This is because though the furrow may be placed to one side of the entrance point, it may still be parallel to the path , or, if not to the ‘penetration ’ path then to the inner or ‘copulation ’ path, as observed by Roux. This ‘ copulation’ path is usually observed when the penetration path is turned away from the first furrow, that i, when it has not been directed towards the egg-axis.

The same data give the position of the point or of entrance with regard to the direction of ‘pressure ’ and ‘gravitation symmetry’. In the (a) series the sperm tends to enter in the direction of ‘pressure’, that is, on that side of the egg on which it is in contact with its neighbours. Hardly a single spermatozoon enters on that side of the egg on which the white pole had been turned up, and very few on the opposite side.

It is scarcely possible to suppose that either the compression of the egg or the gravitation plane brings the spermatozoa round to the side of compression, but it may be imagined that either by capillarity or by some chemotactic stimulus the spermatozoa are especially attracted to the point where the rapidly swelling coats of adjacent eggs come into contact, and that therefore fertilization is principally effected upon this side. This explains why the first furrow lies so often in this direction. The pressure may of course afiect the position of the planes in the egg later on.

When the eggs are spaced the sperm enters on any side at random. The deviation of the sperm entrance from the egg-axis (the angle between sperm-entrance radius and egg-axis) varies in the two series of observations. When the eggs are spaced and the axes vertical, the sperm enters mainly near the equator, never near the animal pole; when the eggs are compressed and the axis horizontal, usually at about 45° from the axis, though it may enter near the pole or near the equator. This difierence obviously depends on the diiference in the initial position of the eggs on the slide. The deviation has apparently very little effect on any of the planes we have been considering.

Finally, let us try and gain some conception of the mechanism by which the direction of the furrow depends on the point of sperm entry. It is apparently quite simple, for the sperm-path is directed usually towards the axis, the sperm nucleus travels along that path to meet the female nucleus, which is also in the axis, the centrosome of the sperm divides at right angles to that path, the fertilization spindle is developed between the diverging centrosomes and cell-division takes place in the equator of the spindle ; the first furrow includes therefore the sperm-path. Should, however, the ‘penetration ’ path not be exactly radial, for whatever reason, the sperm nucleus turns aside to meet the female pronucleus, there is a ‘ copulation’, as distinct from a ‘ penetration’ path, the centrosome divides at right angles to the former, and this, then, is included in or parallel to the plane of the furrow. In those cases in which the sperm-path is parallel to the furrow it is always quite close to it, and we may suppose perhaps that the first division "has not been quite equal. (The division of the centrosomes has not, I believe, been observed in the Frog, and the foregoing description has been taken from the Axolotl. In this genus the definitive centrosome is formed from the sperm nucleus, when the latter has already penetrated some little way into the egg.) .

The causes of the formation of the grey crescent which marks the symmetry plane are not so clear.

Roux describes it as being due to the immigration of superficial pigment. Now we have strong reason for believing that both the entrance-funnel——produced when the spermatozoon first touches the egg-—and the sperm-sphere are local aggregations of watery substance. The accumulation of what appears to be a more watery substance about the middle piece which has been observed in the Axolotl,appears also to occur in the Frog: at least the same formation of large clear vacuoles in the sperm-sphere may be seen in the latter as in the former. Should this be actually so, we may suppose that the streaming movement centred in the entrance-funnel and sperm-sphere is responsible for drawing away the pigment from a certain region of the surface; hence the grey crescent. The sperm-sphere is on the inner side of the sperm nucleus: hence the grey crescent would appear on that side of the egg which is opposite to the entrance of the spermatozoon, should no disturbance of the streaming movement have taken place, and, since the sperm-path is radial, would be symmetrically disposed with regard to it. In this case, fertilization meridian, sperm-path, grey crescent and plane of symmetry, first furrow, and, later on, sagittal plane, would all coincide. There is, as we have seen, a very fair correlation between the sperm-entrance and the first furrow, and again between the sperm-path and the grey crescent. But should some other streaming movement of the cytoplasm be set up by the gravitation of the heavy yolk particles, or by pressure, or by light, then the relation between the two processes, the division of the centrosome which determines the direction of the first furrow, on the one hand, and on the other, the streaming movement towards the sperm-sphere which determines the position of the grey crescent, would be disturbed, and while the entrance point of the sperm might still continue to determine, though not so completely, the position of the furrow, it might come to be without relation to the symmetry of the egg and of the embryo; and this is what is actually observed.

Though it is diflicult to assign the exact cause of each and every deviation from the rule, this much is certain, that however they may coincide in ‘typical’ development (I use R0ux’s expression), the factors which determine cell-division, and those which determine differentiation, may be influenced by different external causes in widely diifering ways, and are therefore presumably distinct. Nor does this artificial separation of the two processes in any wise prejudice the complete normality of the

development of the embryo".

Lillie has shown (Jozmz. Esp. Z002. iii. 1906) that in the egg of C’/Iaetopterus there are granules of difierent kinds which pass, in segmentation, into definite cells. By means of the centrifuge some of these--the endoplasmic—-may be driven to one side of the egg, but in whatever position these organ-forming granules may be thus artificially placed, the cleavage has the same relation to the egg axis (as determined by the polar bodies) as in the normal egg. The factors of cell-division are thus separable from those of differentiation.

To the cases quoted in the summary on pp. 245, 246 might be added the various instances in which an egg may be made, by heat or pressure or shaking, or in artificial parthenogenesis, to segment abnormally and yet give rise to a normal larva.

Appendix B


(i) BOVERI has more recently (Zellen-Studim, vi, Jena, 1907) published a very elaborate account of the irregularities produced by dispermy in Echinoid eggs, in which are brought forward

still more facts in proof of the qualitative difference of the chromosomes.

As has been stated above, p. 263, dispermy is induced by the simple expedient of adding a large quantity of sperm to the eggs. The following types of dispermy are distinguished.

A. Tetracentric, i. e. each sperm centre divides. (i) 'I‘etraster, with four spindles.

(ii) Double spindle, i. e. the female and one male pronucleus lie in one spindle, the other male lies aside in its spindle.

B. Tricentric, one sperm centre remaining undivided. (i) Triaster, a tripolar figure with three spindles.

(ii) Monaster-amphiaster, the undivided sperm centre remaining apart with one sperm nucleus.

C. Dicentric, neither sperm centre dividing. (i) Amphiaster, a spindle is formed between the two centres.

(ii) Double monaster: the centres remain apart, one with one male, the other with the other male and the female pronucleus.

The segmentation of these eggs is as follows.

The tetraster divides simultaneously into four, which may either lie in one plane if the divisions are meridional, or be tetrahedrally arranged. In the first case another meridional division ensues, followed by an equatorial, then ‘eight micromeres are formed, eight macromeres, and sixteen mesomeres. In the latter case not more than three cells can share in the micromere region and only four or six of these are produced. The triaster eggs, having divided simultaneously into three (meridionally), subsequently show six micromeres, six macromeres, and twelve mesomeres.

The segmentation of the double spindle eggs is interesting and important. Usually the egg divides across the two spindles 312 APPENDIX B

into two binucleate cells, but it may divide at once into four, or into three, one of which is binucleate. The interest lies in the binucleate cells, for they continue to produce uni-nucleate and binucleate cells until the latter divide simultaneously into four, and this simultaneous division may sometimes involve an irregular distribution of the chromosomes, with fatal consequences to the cell. Bovcri had already produced evidence of the evil effects of an irregular distribution of the 3 n x 2 chromosomes present in triasters and tetrasters. A more detailed account is now given.

Of the tripartite (triaster) ova about 8 % on an average produced Plutei. In these larvae three regions may be distinguished in the egg by the size of the nuclei (proportional to the number of chromosomes) and the boundaries between them may be shown to correspond to the divisions between the three blastomeres. The form is asymmetrical in skeleton and pigment, but Bovcri shows that both sides are normal, as though the larva had been compounded of two types such as occur, as individual variations, in any culture. It is suggested therefore that the slight differences in the two sides are due to difierences in the two sperms.

Some of the larvae have partial defects in skeleton or pigment, or the skeleton may be much reduced on one side, or one-third of the cells may be pathological, i. e. disintegrate in the segmentation cavity, while the remaining two-thirds are sound and sometimes symmetrical. In this case it is supposed that the degenerate cells had separated from the others at an early stage, and that the remainder had had time to recuperate. In others two-thirds are degenerate, one-third normal, or all three degenerate. When the three blastomeres are isolated and allowed to develop independently, segmentation is partial, with two micromeres, two macromeres, and four mesomeres, and often all three develop normally up to the blastula stage. After that only one or two, rarely all three, become Plutei, the rest giving rise to stereoblastulae or stereogastrulae, full of degenerating cells.

The isolated quarters of tetrasters also segment partially and normally, but few give rise to Plutei. The whole simultaneously quadripartite eggs only rarely give rise to what may be called a Pluteus (2 cases in 1500) ; but very degenerate larvae are found, with masses of disintegrating cells inside, which are assigned to one of the four blastomeres. Stereogastrulae-—with nuclei of all the same size--are frequent.

As has been alread mentioned, Bovcri points out that the probability of each cell’ of a triaster receiving a complete set of the 71. chromosomes of the species when there are 3 n x_2 to be distributed must be greater than‘ that of each cell of tetraster obtaining a full complement, and the probability for one isolated cell must be greater than that for the whole egg. What the mathematical values of these probabilities are Boveri does not know, though he makes an attempt to reckon them—not theoretically, but by means of a mechanical apparatus; the attempt is not quite successful. The fact, however, remains that eight per cent. of the triasters produce normal Plutei, only -06 per cent. of the tetrasters. This does not depend on the cells receiving too much or too little chromatin (see p. 265), nor again on the fact that the ratio between size of nucleus and size of cytoplasm (see pp. 268, 269) can only be satisfied by certain definite numbers of chromosomes, and the only explanation remaining is that for normal development of each and every part the nucleus of each cell must contain a complete set of the specific chrosomomes ; from which it follows that the chromosomes are qualitatively unlike.

A word may be said about the double-spindled eggs (Type A. i). The larvae from these sometimes show abnormal regions, and this is attributed to one or more of the binucleate cells having divided with a tetraster and irregular distribution of chromosomes. Of all such eggs 50 % gave rise to normal Plutei.

The degenerative changes undergone by the nuclei of these larvae are of several types, to be associated again with differences in the combinations of chromosomes.

(ii) Boveri’s experimental proof of the qualitative difference of the chromosomes does not of course of itself involve a belief in the individuality of these bodies, for if the chromatin is concerned in inheritance, it is necessary to suppose that the number of qualitatively distinct bodies is far greater than the number of chromosomes, and these bodies may be differently grouped during each successive resting stage.

The hypothesis of the individuality of the chromosomes, i.e. of a constancy in the manner of grouping of these particles, rests in the first instance on such facts as those observed by Sutton in B2-ac/:3/stola, where in the spermatogonia the chromosomes are of dilferent sizes, which may however be arranged in pairs, together with an odd one or accessory chromosome. 1 In the resting stage the accessory chromosome remains apart in a separate vesicle, while the large chromosomes lie in separate pockets of the nuclear membrane, the small ones, each as a separate reticulum, in the main body of the nucleus. In the spermatocyte a number of bivalent spiremes appear, which show the same dilferences of sizes a the pairs of chromosomes previously, and the accessory chromosome.

The accessory chromosome passes into two only of the four spermatids and is supposed to be a sex-determinant.

Similar facts have been reported by Wilson for several Insects (see Joum. Esp. Zool. ii, iii, 1905, 1906). '

Wilson finds constant size differences between pairs of chromosomes, and either an accessory odd chromosome (which passes into only one half of the germ cells) or a pair of idio-chromosomes of unequal size (one of which goes to one half, the other to the other half of the spermatozoa), or both the accessory and the idio-chromosomes (giving four kinds of spermatozoa). The idiochromosomes are supposed, again, to play a part in sex-determination. Several other observers have found these accessory chromosomes, idio-chromosomes, and pairs of chromosomes of difierent sizes in various Insects (Boring, Journ. E211. Zool. iv. 1907 ; Stevens, ibid. ii. 1905, v. 1908; McClung, Biol. Bull. iii. 1902, ix. 1905; Montgomery, Biol. Bull., vi. 1904; Baumgartner, Biol. Bull. viii. 1904-5 ,- Zweiger, Zool. Anz. xxx. 1906; Nowlin, Jomw. Exp. Zool. iii. 1906); in Spiders (Wallace, Biol. Bull. viii. 1904»-5 ; Berry, Biol. Bull. xi. 1906); and in Myriapods (Blackman, Biol. Bull. v. 1903 ; Medes, Biol. Bull. ix. 1905).

It is a noteworthy fact that the accessory chromosome retains its individuality in the resting stage (looking like a chromatin nucleolus), while the others break up. The belief in the individuality of these others rests therefore on the constancy of the relative sizes from generation to generation.

Further support for the hypothesis may be derived from theoretical speculations. VVe know that only 2; (one-half the normal number) chromosomes are necessary for normal development provided that they comprise a complete set. In sexual reproduction n maternal unite with n paternal. A study of the reducing division shows that 1: whole chromosomes first pair with and are then separated from or whole chromosomes, and that when they dilfer in size those of the same size pair together, and it looks as though paternal were here separated from maternal, though the distribution of paternal and maternal to the two cells will difier, almost certainly, in diiferent cases.

If the particles of which the chromosomes are composed are also to be paired and separated, it would appear to be necessary that their groupin should be constant, in other words that the chromosomes shou d retain their individuality.

(iii) A case of heterogeneous fertilization between eggs of Seaurchins and the sperm of Anletlon has been described above (p. 262). Loeb has recently succeeded in rearing Plutei from the eggs of Slrongylocmlrolue fertilized by the sperm of a Mollusc (0/lloroaloma). Cytological details are not given (Arc/E. Eul. Mecfi. xxvi. 1908). ‘

Index Of Authors

Agassiz: effects of fertilization in Ctenophors, 250.

Aristotle: theory of development, 13.

— the soul in function and development, 292 sqq.

— mechanism and teleology, 296.

Auerbach :' segmentation of Ascuris nigrovenosa, 33.

von Baer, 16.

Balfour: effect of yolk on segmentation, 29, 88.

Bataillon: monstrosities osmotic pressure, 120, 135.

—- artificial parthenogenesis, 124.

Bergh: cell-division in germ-bands of Crustacea, 34.

Berthold: surface-tension and celldivision, 41, 42.

Bischofl‘, 16.

Blane: effect of light upon the development of the Chick, 94, 96.

Boas: rate of growth in man, 63.

— change of variability, 73, 74.

— diminution of correlation coefiicient, 75.

Bonnet : emboitement, 14.

— preformation, 15. Bonnevie : diminution of chromosomes in Ascaris lumbricoidcs, 258. Born : gravity and development, 18, 88-85.

— pressure experiments on Frogs’ eggs, 34, 35.

Boveri : early development of Slrongylocentrotus, 23, 183-185.

— egg of Strongylocentrotus stretched, 39.

— suppression of micromeres in Strongylocentrotus, 186.

-— causes of the pattern of segmentation, 197.

— karyokinetic plane, sperm path,

11 ng first furrow in Strongylocentrotus,

8 .

— potentialities of? animal and vegetative cells, 192.

— stratification of cytoplasmic substances, 242, 280.

-- characters dependent on cytonlmam in Flnhinnid larvae. 261.

due to

Boveri : diminution of chromosomes in Ascaris megalocephala, 252, 255-257.

— due to a difference in the cytoplasm, 257.

— hybrid larva from enucleate egg fragment with characters of male parent, 253, 258-260.

— irregular distribution of chromosomes a cause of abnormality, 253, 263-266.

— individuality of chromosomes and chromatin, 256, 263.

—part played by nucleus in differentiation, 266, 285.

—possiblo significance of reducing divisions, 266.

— number of chromosomes, size of nucleus, and size of cell, 68, 267, 268.

—2méclear division not qualitative,

6 .

Bowditch: rate of growth in man, 63.

-- change of variability, 73.

Brauer : Branchipus, 22, 24.

Brooks: Lucifer, 22.

de Butfon : Preformation, 15.

Bullzt: artificial parthenogenesis, 12 .

Bumpus: change of variability in Litlorina, 71, 72.

Bunge: respiration of Ascaris, 112.

Castle : see Davenpofl: and Castle.

Chabry: segmentation furrows and embryonic axes in Ascidians, 229.

—- development of isolated blastemeres in Ascidians, 229, 230.

Child : critique of Driesch’s vitalism, 292, note.

Chun : isolated blastomeres of Ctenophora, 209.

Conklin: maturation, fertilization, and development of Cynthia, 230236.

— development of isolated blastemeres in Oyntlzia, 237.

— development of pieces of gastrula in Cynthia, 238.

— streaming movements of protonlnsm. 40. 316 INDEX OF

Crampton : isolated blastomeres of Ilycmesaa, 215, 216.

— efieot of removal of the polar lobe, 217.

Dareste: mechanical agitation of the Hen’s egg, 89.

— electricity, 91.

Davenport : catalogue of ontogenetic processes, 4 sqq.

— definition of growth, 58.

— rate of growth, 69.

— the role of water in growth, 58, 59, 115, 116.

- and Castle : acclimatization of eggs of Bufo to heat, 100.

Delage : causes of artificial parthenogenesis, 124.

-- number of chromosomes in artificial parthenogenesis and in merogony, 125. De Vries : importance of potassium for turgor of plant-cells, 146.

Doncaster: hybrid Echinoid larvae, 26].

Driesch: effect of light in development, 94.

— abnormal segmentation in Erhinus produced by heat, 105.

— Anenteria, produced by heat, 106.

—- segmentation made irregular by dilution of sea-water, 118.

—— pressure experiments on Echinoid eggs, 37, 38, 185, 240.

—- cell-division suppressed by pressure and dilute sea-water, 55; and by heat, 105.

—nuclear division not qualitative, 186.

— blastomeres disarranged, 187, 188.

— isolated blastomeres of Echinoids, 190, 191, 193, 194.

— potentialities of animal and vegetative cells, 193, 194, 201, 242, 243.

— fragments of blastulae and gastrulae in Echinoderms, 194.

— potentialities of ectoderm and agghenteron, and their limitations, 1 .

— development of egg fragments of Echinoids, 195, 196.

— germinal value, surface-area of larvae, and number of cells, 197199, 269.

— one larva from two blastulae, 202.

— and Morgan : isolated blastomeres of Ctenophora, 210, 211.

—2e1gg-fragments of Ctenophora, 30,



Drgggchz development of Myzostoma,

— isolated blastomeres and parts of larvae in Phallusia, 288, 289.

— first furrow and sagittal plane in Echinoids, 250.

— characters which depend on cytoplasm in Echinoid larvae, 261, 262.

— number of organ-forming substances in cytoplasm, 246, 284, 286.

—— theory of egg-structure, 281, 286, 292.

— reason for limitation of potentialities, 192-194, 201, 212, 242, 243, 281, 282, 284, 291.

--fate a function of position, 188, 282.

—- return of displaced mesenchyme cells in Echinus, 274.

- stimuli in ontogeny, 20, 277, 28"284.

— part played by nucleus in differentiation, 266, 284, 285.

—— equipotential and inequipotentiul systems, 176, 277, 285.

— rhythm of development, 3.

—- harmony of development, 284.

—- composition in development, 3, 285.

— self-difierentiation, 284.

—- teleology, static, 286, 291, 292, 297.

— —- dynamic, 291, 292, 297.

— vitalism, 20, 289 sqq.

Edwards : physiological zero for Home egg, 102.

-- growth without differentiation, 104.

Endres and Walter : post-generation of missing half-embryo, 171.

Eycleshymer: first furrow sagittal plane in Necturus, 168.


Fabricius : views on development, 13.

Fasola : electric currents, 91.

Fehling : growth of the human embryo, 59, 60, 63.

Feré : effect of sound-vibrations upon the Chick, 90.

_ ._ of light, 96.

— malformations due to high temperatures, 105. .

—- need of oxygen for the Chick, 109.

—— monstrosities produced by various chemical reagents, 18,2. INDEX OF AUTHORS

Fischel, A. : hybrid Echinoid larvae, 261.

— variability of Duck embryos, 71.

Fischel, H. : isolated blastomeres of Ctenophora, 210, 211.

-— derangement of blastomeres in Ctenophora, 211.

Fischer: artificial parthenogenesis, 124. ’ Foot : polar rings in Allolobophom,


Garbowski : function of pigment ring in Strongylocentrotus egg, 192. — first furrow and sagittal plane in

Echinoids, 260.

— grafting of blastulae fragments of Echinus, 202.

Gerassimow: size of nucleus and cells in Spirogyra, 269.

Giacomini: need of oxygen for the Chick, efiect of low atmospheric pressure, 109, 110.

Giardina : difierentiation of chromatin in female cells of Dytiscus.

Godlewski : the respiration of the Frog’s eg, 110, 112, 113.

-— heterogeneous cross-fertilization, 262.

Graf : fusion of blastomeres, 56.

Greeley: artificial parthenogenesis produced by cold, 108.

— low temperatures and absorption of water, 108.

Grobben : Cetochilus, 22.

Groom : effect of fertilization in Cirripedes, 250.

Gigiber: regeneration in Protozoa,


Gurwitsch : monstrosities produced in Amphibian embryos by chemical reagents, 120, 123.

Hacker : Cyclops, 22.

Haeckel: recapitulation, 16.

— development of fragments of blastulao of Crystallodes, 181, note. Hr;ller : preformation and epigenesis,


Harvey: epigenesis, 13.

— metamorphosis, 14.

Hecker: growth of the human embryo, 62, 63.

Hansen: growth of guinea-pig embryos, 62.

Herbst : potassium, sodium, and lithium larvae of Echinoderms, 136-140.

—- significance of monsters for origin of variatiops, 141.


Herbst : necessity of elements present in sea-water for normal development of Echinoid larvae, 141 sqq.

—— separation of blastomeres of Seaurchins in calcium-free sea-water,


— stimuli in ontogeny, 20, 272, 273, 285.

— formation of Arthropod blastederm oxygenotactic, 114.

—— arms of Plutous due to presence of skeleton, 187, 138, 144, 149, 274, 275.

I-Ierl itzka, development of half-blastomeres of Newt, 173.

Hertwig, 0. : centrifugalized Frog’s egg, 29, 87.

—- rules for nuclear and cell division, 31, 32, 85.

— — confirmed by pressure experiments, 34-36.

— gravity and Echinoderm eggs, 78.

—— insemination of Frog's egg, 79.

— cardinal temperatures for Rana

fusca. and csculenta, 97.

— monstrosities produced by high and by low temperatures, 99.

— temperature and rate of development, 100.

—— monstrosities produced in Amphibian embryos by sodium chloride, 119, 135.

— first furrow and sagittal plane in Frog's egg, 165.

— compressedeggs: disproof of qualitative nuclear division, 34—86, 168, 169, 240.

— development of half-blastomere of Frog’s egg, 169.

— mutual interactions of developing parts, 271, 285.

Hertwig, 0. and R. : fertilization processes altered by heat and cold, 107.

— — by alkaloids, 126 sqq., 263.

His: mechanical explanation of development, 3.

—- germinal localization, 17, 158.

— the blastoderm oxygenoti-opic,114.

Hunter: artificial parthenogenesis by concentrated sea-water, 124.

Iijima: spiral asters in Nephelis egg, 40.

Jenkinson: pressure experiments on eggs of Antedon, 37, note.

— abnormalities of Frog embryos produced by various solutions not due to increased osmotic pressure, 120, 133-136. 318

Jenkinson: plane of symmetry, first furrow and sagittal plane in Frog's egg, 165-168.

Jennings: fertilization spindle in Asplanclma, 34.

Kaestner: cardinal temperature points for the Hen‘s egg, 102.

— malformations due to low tem~ peratures, 104. '

Kant : teleology, 286-289, 292, 297.

Kastschenko: injuries to blastoporic lip in Elasmobranchs, 178.

Kathariner: gravity and the gray crescent of the Frog's egg, 86.

King : cause of differentiation of lens, 276, 276.

Knowlton : sec Lillie and Knowlton.

Kolliker: 16.

Kopsch : first furrow and sagittal plane in Frog's egg, 165, 168.

—— efl'ect of injuries to blastoporic lip, 178.

Korschelt: fusion of ova in Ophryotmcha, 202.

— nucleus of egg-cell in Dyfiscus, 252. .

Kostanecki and Wierzejski: efi'ect of fertilization in Physa, 250.

Kowalewsky: 16.

Kraus : the role of water growth of plants, 58.

Lang : effect of fertilization in Polyclads, 250.

Leibnitz : preformation, 15.

Lewis: causes of formation of lens and cornea, 275, 276. Lillie and Knowlton: eflect of low temperatures in Amphibia, 100. — temperature and rate of development, 101.

Lillie: effects of salts on ciliary movement, 135.

— ghysiologically balanced solutions, 1 6.

in the

— toxicity and valency, 136.

Loeb : suppression of cell-division in Echinoids and Fishes, 56, 117. -— eflect of light in development, 94. —the respiration of Otmolabrua and

Fundulua eggs, 111.

—— the respiration of the ova of Echinoids, 112.

— function of oxygen in regeneration of Tubular-ia head and other processes, 114, 278, 274.

-— efi'ect of hypertonic solutions on Fundulus and Arbacia eggs, 117.

--exovates produced by dilute seawater, 118, 190, 194, 195.


Loeb: artificial parthenogenesis, 121, 124.

—- etfect of potassium cyanide in prolonging life of ova, 131, 132.

— eflect of certain salts on Fundulus embryos and on Plutei, 135.

— toxicity and antitoxicity functions of valency, 186.

-— effect of alkalies, 151.

— effect of gravity on Anmmularia, 272, 273.

-gégterogeneous cross-fertilization,

Lombardini : electric currents, 91.

Lyon : need of oxygen for the eggs of Arbacia, 112.

— action of potassium cyanide, 132.

Malebranche : preformation, 15.

Malpighi: preformation, 14, 15.

Marcacci : mechanical agitation of Hen's eggs, 90.

Mark: spiral asters in eggof Lz‘maac,40.

Mathews: artificial parthenogenesis by mechanical agitation, 90.

—— effects of atropine and pilocarpine on Echinoderm eggs, 131.

—toxicity and decomposition tension, 136.

— see also Wilson (E.B.)and Mathews.

Mencl : formation of lensin SaImo,276.

Metsclinikoif : separation of blastemeres of Oceania, 181.

-—fusion of blastulae in Mitrocoma, 202.

Minot : rate of growth defined, 60.

—— change of rate of growth of guineapigs, 61.

— - of rabbits, 62, 68.

— — ofchickens, 67.

— coeflicients of growth, 65.

— senescence, 65.

-- increase of cytoplasm, decrease of mitotic index, 65.

— change of variability in guineapigs, 71. _ — genetic restriction, 246, 277. Mitrophanow: malformations due to low and high temperatures, 104. — necessity of oxygen for the Chick, 109.

Moore : sodium sulphate an antidote to sodium chloride, 135, 186.

Morgan : suppression of cell-division in Arbacia, 56, 118.

- gravity and the gray crescent of the Frog's egg, 86.

-— monstrosities produced by low temperatures in Ranapaluslris, 100.

— need of oxygen for the Frog's egg, 110. INDEX OF AUTHORS

Morgan :lithium salts used to produce alzlgéiormalities in Frog's eggs, 120,

— attempts to induce parthenogenesis, 124.

— number of chromosomes in artificial parthenogenesis, 125.

— artificial parthenogenesis produced by cold, 108. — first furrow, plane of symmetry, and sagittal plane in Frog's egg, 165,168.

— development of half-blastomere of

Frpg's egg ; post-generation, 170,

17 .

— development of vegetative cells of Frog’s egg, 173.

— potentialities of half-blastomeres in Teleostei, relation of flrstfurrow tn sagittal plane, effect of removal of yolk, 178.

— effect of injuries to blastoporic lip, 179.

— number of cells in partial larvae of Amphioxus, 181.

— potentialities of ectoderm in Echinoids, 195.

— development of egg-fragments of Echinoids, 197.

— number of cells in partial larvae of Echinoids, 198.

— fusion of blastulae of Sphaerechinua, 201.

— and Driesch: isolated blastomeres and egg-fragments of Ctenophora, 210-212.

— micromercs of Ctenophore egg, 30.

—- characters of hybrid Echinoid larvae, 260.

Moscowski : gravity and the gray crescent of the Frog's egg, 86.

Miihlmann : prenatal growth-rate in man, 64.


Nfigeli : permutations of original elements in development, 286.

Pander: 16.

Pearson : variability in man, 73.

Pfliiger: isotropy of the cytoplasm, 18, 158.

—--influence oi’ gravity on development, 18, 78, 81-83, 168.

-- rule for direction of nuclear division, 32, 85.

Plateau : principle of least surfaces, 41, 43.

Platnerz 280.

Pott : growth of the Chick, 59, 60, 67.


Pott and Preyer: respiration of the Chick, 112. — loss of weight of Hen’s egg due to evaporation from albumen, 115. Preyer : rate of growth, 60.

Quetelet: change of rate of in man (weight), 68.

— — (stature), 69.

— — (other dimensions), 90.


Rauber : efiect of reduced atmospheric pressure on the Frog’s egg, 110.

— elfect of pure oxygen on the eggs and tadpoles of the Frog, 118, 114.

Reichert: 16.

Remak : 16.

Robert : mechanics of spiral segmentation, 45-47.

— rate of growth in man, 68.

—-— change of variability, 73.

Rossi : efi‘ect of electricity on Amphibian eggs, 91.

Roux : aims of experimental embryology, 13.

— ‘Mosaik-Theorie ’ of self-differentiation, 17, 158, 279, 286, 297.

— qualitative nuclear division abandoned, 19, 159, 240.

— idioplasm and reserve-idioplasm, 159, 266.

— a half-embryo from one of first two blastomeres and post-generation of missing half, 159, 162.

— coincidence of first furrow and sagittal plane in Frog's egg, 17, 159, 165. '

— the spermatozoon and symmetry of the Frog's egg and embryo, 80, 165, 247, 248.

— meaning of karyokinesis, 252.

— dependent diflerentiation, 17, 158, 277, 286.

— functional adaptation, 290.

-— specific gravity of contents of Frog’s eg, 79.

—- gray crescent of Frog's egg, 80, 165.

— influence of gravity on the Frog's egg, 85-87.

— effect of electricity upon the Frog’s egg, &c., 92.

— light and development, 93.

— segmentation of Rana esculenta, 26.

—- Frog's eggs compressed in small tubes, 39, 40.

— comparison of systems of oil drops and segmenting ova, 49-58.

— cytotropism, 55, 278. 320

Roux: cytotaxis, 55.

— cytochorismus, 45.

-— cytarme, 45, 53.

— cytolisthesis, 58.

— ‘ Framboisia’, 135.

Ruseoni : electric currents, 91.

Sachs : law of direction of cell division, 28.

Sala: fertilization processes altered by cold, 108.

- fusion of the eggs of Ascaris, 202.

Samassa: effect of pure oxygen at

pressures on the Frog's egg,

— effect of lack of oxygen on the Frog's egg, 119.

— effect of various gases on the eggs of Ascaris, 112.

—development of animal cells of Frog's egg, 173.

— Schaper: development of tadpoles after removal of brain and eyes, 175.

—- cause of differentiation of lens, 275.

Schulze, F. E. : Sponges, 22. Schulze, 0.: gray crescent of Frog’s

eg, 80, 247.

—— gravity and the Frog’s egg, 86.

—- effect of low temperatures on the Frog's egg, 100.

—— first furrow and sagittal plane in Frog's egg, 165.

— double monsters from Frog’s egg, 171.

Seeliger : hybrid Echinoderm larvae, 260, 269.

Selenka: first furrow and sagittal plane in Echinoids, 250.

Semper: rate of growth in Limnaea, 67.

Smith: Peltogaster, 24.

Sollmann : after effects of hypertonic solutions, 124.

Spemann : development ofconstricted Newt's eggs, and embryos, 174, 175.

— causes of formation of lens and cornea, 275, 276.

Sumner: injuries to blastoporic lip of Teleostei, 178, 246.

Sutton {individuality of chromosomes in Brachyslola, 256.

Swammerdam : preformation, 14, 15.

segmentation of

Vejdovsky : unequal centrosomes in dividing pole-cells, 31.

— polar rings in Rhym.-hclmis, 251.

Vernon: rate of growth in Strongmlocmtrotus, 67, 70.


Vernon : alteration of variability in Echinoid larvae, 71, 74.

-— effect of light on Echinoid larvae, 95, 96. '

— effects of change of temperature on Echinoid larvae, 106, 107.

-— change of variability produced by heat, 107.

— and by chemical agency, 141, 156.

—poisonousness of carbon dioxide to Sea-urchin eggs, 112.

— characters of hybrid Echinoid larvae, 261.

Verworn : behaviour of Protozoa in an electric current, 93.

— regeneration in Protozoa, 254, note.

Walter, sec Endres and Walter.

Weber : law of stimuli, 272.

Weismann: qualitative division, 19, 297.

— idioplasm, and reserve—idioplasm, 159.

Weldon : growth-rate in Carcinus, 71.

— change of variability in Carcinus, 72.

— — in Clausilia, 73.

Wetzel : double monsters Frog’s egg, 172, 245.

Whitman : polar rings in Clepsine, 251.

Wierzejski, see Wierzejski, 250.

Wilson, 0. B. : malformations of Amphibian embryos, 120.

— acclimatizution to salt-solution, 136.

Wilson, E. B. : phioxus, 26.

—— segmentation of Renilla, 55, note.

— unequal centrosomes in dividing pole-cells, 31.

—pressure experiments on eggs of Nareis, 39, 213, 240.

- cytology of artificial parthenogenesis, 124.

— development of isolated blastemeres in Amphioxus, 179, 180.

—— isolated blastomeres of Oerebratulus, and fragments of blastulae, 205, 206.

— isolated blastomeres of Patella, 218-222.

—- of Dentalium, 225, 226.

—— removal of polar lobe, 224.

— effect of fertilization, 222, 223.

— development of egg-fragments, 226, 227.



Kostanecki and segmentation of Am

Wilson (E. B.) and Mathews : spermpath, egg axis, fix-st furrow, and embryonic axes of Toacopneustes, 185, 249, 250. ‘

Windle: effect of magnetism and electricity on development, 91.

Wolff : epigenesis, 16. '

Yatgu: egg-fragments of Cerebratulus,

2 7.

Yung: effect of light on tadpoles, etc., 94.

Zeleny : egg-fragments of Cerebratulus, 206, 207.

Zelinka : fertilization Callidma, 34.

spindle in

Jnxntsonr’ Y

Ziegler : heterodynamic centrosomes, 80.

.— formation of micromeres in Cteno phora, 209, note.

-— pressure experiments on egg gaéiinoids and Ctenophora,

— fertilization of Diplogaster, 84.

— egg and embryonic axes, 250.

Zoja : isolated blastomeres of Hydromedusae, 181, 182.

—— animal and vegetative cells of Strongylocentrotus, 198.

Zur Strassen : segmentation of Asoaiis, 81.

— fusion of the eggs of Ascaris.

s of 88,

Addenda Et Corrigenda

P. 5, 5 lines from bottom, for unicellular read multicellular. P. 28, line 10, after irregular, insert and in Triclads.

P. 57. To Literature acid J. Sacns. Die Anordnung den-Zellen in jiingsten Pflanzentheilen, Arb. Bot. Inst. Wurzburg, ii, 1882. _

P. 114. To Literature add G. BUNGE. Weitere Untersuchungen iiber die Athmung der Wiirmer, Zeitsc-hr. physiol. Chem. xiv, 1890.

P. 140, line 22, for prospective potentialities read prospective significanoes.

P. 225, 2 lines from bottom, for is now placed in road has now moved into.

P. 271. To Literature add W. S. Surrox. On the morphology of the chromosome group in Brachyslola magna, Biol. Bull. iv, 1902.

P. 278. To Literature add J. W. Jnxxmsox. On the effect of certain solutions upon the development of the Frog's egg, Arch. Ent. Mech. xxi, 1906.

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