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==Final Assessment==
--[[User:Z8600021|Mark Hill]] ([[User talk:Z8600021|talk]]) 16:48, 31 October 2014 (EST) Transferred [[2014_Group_Project_8_part_2]] to the project page.
* I am aware that this group had fewer students than other project groups (you had the opportunity earlier in semester to combine with another group).
* Introduction section could have done with a figure to set the concepts of the project.
* Embryonic development is clearly identified, but you have not identified as well the muscular development occurring within the fetal period.
* I liked the work you have put into developing your own myogenesis movie. As it is in a collapsing table, you could have made the movie larger by specifying width and height parameters.
* Figure - Mouse limb tissue development (existing website image) is a good summary for the mouse model, you should have built upon this by characterising the matching human timeline, even if this was just from matching the overall mouse/human timeline.
* Tendon molecular development is covered well (no timeline) and could have benefited from some research images to illustrate your text.
* Gluteus Maximus muscle is a reasonable example to include, though much is known about
Image: Mesoderm-cartoon3.jpg|Existing website image.
Image: Somite_cartoon5.png|Existing website image.
File: Skeletal muscle structure.jpg|Structure striated muscle Z3418989
File: Myogenesis_molecular.jpg|Myogenesis Z3418989 Student drawn image
File:Mouse limb tissue development.jpg|Mouse limb tissue development Existing website image.
File:Gluteus Maximus, Representative Primordia.png|Gluteus Maximus Z3418779 Student drawn image
File:Progressive myofiber replacement by fibrotic and fat tissue in Dmdmdx rats..jpg|Myofiber replacement by fibrotic tissue DMD  rats Z3418779
File:Amyoplasia hand contraction.png|Amyoplasia Partial Contracture of Hands  Z3418779 Student drawn image
=Section to alter since continual errors on Friday 24th 4 pm=
===Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy(DMD)===
[[File:Progressive myofiber replacement by fibrotic and fat tissue in Dmdmdx rats..jpg|frame|right|600x400px|Progressive myofiber replacement by fibrotic and fat tissue in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy rats <ref name="PMID 25310701"><pubmed> 25310701</pubmed></ref>]]
Caused by a mutation of the gene that encodes the 427-kDa cytoskeletal protein dystrophin on locus Xp21<ref name="PMID PMC1299132"><pubmed> PMC1299132</pubmed></ref>; this protein complex connects the cytoskeleton of muscle fibres to the extracellular matrix. Abnormal dystrophin results in a degradation of cellular integrity, excessive penetration of sarcolemma by calcium and water entering mitochondria increasing pressure and bursting<ref name="PMID 18974549"><pubmed> 18974549</pubmed></ref>. The lack of significant load during fetal development results in minimal wasting, it is detected in postnatal babies at 3-5 years old with muscles resisting gravity being the first to waste. Patients are restricted to wheelchairs by their early teens<ref name="PMID 18974549"><pubmed> 18974549</pubmed></ref> and have a life expectancy of 25 years . The incidence in male infants is 1 in 36,000.
Typically males are affected while females are carriers. In the offspring of a carrier mother and unaffected father; sons have 50% chance of affected and daughter’s 50% chance of becoming carriers. Since the disease is a terminal illness killing in mid-twenties; affected fathers are not considered in the situation. Absence of affected fathers means it is very unlikely for daughters to be affected.
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy has no present cure, treatment is aimed at altering onset of symptoms and maximising quality of life. <ref name="PMID 25187493"><pubmed> 25187493</pubmed></ref> The most common approach is Corticosteroid based medication, which significantly improves muscle strength and function over a short term. Patients using the drugs long term gradually have reduced doses to avoid severe side effects which can include; weight gain, behavioural disorders and osteoporosis. Most effective corticosteroids are prednisolone, and deflazacort. Theories on how the steroids work include; include activation of T-Cell pathways, directly reducing muscle regeneration, modulating cell inflammation and enhancement of myogenic precursors. <ref name="PMID 17541998"><pubmed> 17541998</pubmed></ref>
Additionally assisted ventilation, supportive equipment, proton-pump inhibitors, increased excercise, beta-blockers and diuretics culminate to reduce symptoms and increase sufferers quality of life. <ref name="PMID 8143083"><pubmed> 8143083</pubmed></ref> <ref name="PMID 12467747"><pubmed> 12467747</pubmed></ref> <ref name="PMID 19945914"><pubmed> 19945914</pubmed></ref> <ref name="PMID 19945913"><pubmed> 19945913</pubmed></ref>
==Peer Reviews==
Let me start by saying that the “Muscle Gains” section is funny but obviously very irrelevant to the project. Looking at the contents of this page, there seem to be a lot of focus on the development and very little on the other sections. The development section is well-researched and great job on the in-text citations! Some parts look a bit bulky though so maybe try to break some of them down into bulletpoints if possible. A timeline of development is also very helpful in this project.
On abnormalities, very concise and detailed. Try to  write about 3-4 abnormalities and find information on how they’re treated or managed presently. As for historic findings, there is a section on the Wikipage that has old books on embryology. It’s under the “Explore” tab and you’ll see “Historic embryo”. Those books have a lot of information regarding that section. Don’t forget to write about current findings as well. Another thing, try to use images since these really help with understanding the content of the page. Overall, a lot of work has to be done before the due date. I do understand why because there are only two people in this group. Goodluck and I wish you the best in finishing this project!
The key points of musculoskeletal development appear as headings however there is still much that needs to be clearly discussed beneath each of these points. The main headings are good and specific but some are way too specific and should be under much larger headings, for example, 1.2-1.9 could be subheadings that come under the heading ‘System Development’. ‘Background embryonic development’ is useful to understand but perhaps it is better to not have so much detail, or summarise it in a table. The ‘Abnormalities’ heading is done well, with one disease listed (Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy).  It might be better to have more than one abnormality listed and clearly described as well. I particularly like the use of statistics and genetic references. It seems most of the key points relating to system development have been clearly described, but some tidying up in terms of editing needs to be done.
Also, more work needs to be done on historic findings, current research, models and findings.  Once all the research parts are completed, the timeline can be correctly constructed. Also like the idea of putting a timeline and the heading shows that this is intended. More subheadings could be used to make the page look more organised and pleasing to the eye.
There are also no graphs or tables as well as pictures. A table could be used to make the timeline or highlight the differences between the second, third trimesters and neonatal periods of fetal muscular development. Maybe the initial heading of the page should be changed to ‘Muscular Fetal Development’ to indicate that muscular development is actually being covered instead of both muscular and skeletal. There also isn’t much information regarding limb fetal development, so maybe it would be good to go through that on a deeper level.
It could also help to have images loaded onto the page or to draw flow diagrams to assist in the description of how the muscles develop in the fetal period. For example, upload an image showing the difference between slow twitch and fast twitch muscle fibres or draw a flow chart to show better understanding of the molecular and cellular regulation of fetal myogenesis.
References need to be in one larger section at the end under the heading ‘References’, not two and scattered throughout as is seen. The major section of references appears to be referenced correctly and in-cite references are done very well. There are also many references which are good and show that this group has thoroughly researched their topic.
Overall, this group has done very well and just needs to add more information for certain headings, as well as organise the page a bit better in neater headings and subheadings. Pictures should be added, as well as graphs, tables and own student-drawn images.
There is no introduction that allows the audience an insight to your project page. This is something that needs to be worked on and maybe add some images also. I’m not sure what I think about the “making gains” section, it’s funny however needs a bit of work. However I do see what you are trying to do here, trying to make it more inviting, interesting and alluring the audience and I appreciate that.
The Muscle development timeline needs some work and progress. I don’t see a timeline, or dot points, maybe work on format here even if it’s in a table format for this section.
Most of the following sections have great amount of detail with a number of in text citations and this is great to see. However I do notice that there is no images what so ever, not sure if you are having trouble finding, or if you have left this until the last thing, try and draw images, or look at a youtube video that sums one section or maybe the entire system. This could help balance the amount of text you have, making the page more interesting, not overwhelming. Also work on making things more concise and simplifying paragraphs.
Third trimester, neonatal and mechanisms are all sections that need more content in there whether it be images or information there is not much attention given to these areas.
Overall this project page has room for improvement by giving certain sections of the page the attention they deserve. Images are imperative in allowing a balance between text and the image itself. It can sometimes be refreshing, and less overwhelming to see an image among paragraphs of content. Also try and look for a youtube video that can help summaries the content on your page. Try and work on time management, or set a group deadline that everyone has to meet so that all the information can be well up before the due date so your group can have time to edit and add images and play around with the page comfortably.
Overall the Group project page seems to be set out quite well with its headings and sub headings.  Just needs a bit more info for some of the sub headings particularly from ‘second trimester muscular development’ onwards and a few formatting adjustments. The use of timelines, tables and dot points might help in those sections. The content provided is written well and in a detailed manner, which is still understood.  There is a significant amount of research presented and this is seen through the in text citations and then further identified in the reference list. A good use of referencing is seen supporting the content info provided.  The content uses examples of past and current research to help develop and establish ideas that are presented well. The abnormalities section on ‘Duchenne muscular dystrophy’ is described really well, maybe other abnormalities could also be added later.
To improve the page some suggestions include the use of diagrams and images, would help to add a bit more vibrancy to the page. Images and drawings are a great way to help in understanding the content.  They are also a great way to make the content clearer especially if there are a number of processes involved in the development.  Some of the longer paragraphs of content may also be formatted into dot points just to avoid lengthy paragraphs of info. It might also be useful to include some of the headings mentioned on the assessment page (identify current research models and findings, historic findings etc.).
Finally, the page so far is done well however it will need a little bit more work to be completely finished. Try to just gather as much info as you can to ensure you have enough content and then add images and any other visual aids later. Keep up the good work and good luck :).
Firstly, I thought the “Making Gains” bit was great- and I can guess who came up with that. I know you’ll take it our prior to submission though haha. The structure of your project is quite good, and the subheadings would make it much easier to read- the only thing is you need to add more content! I think because your system encompasses quite a lot, it would be a better idea for you to put as much information as you can into tables and include diagrams- I saw that musculoskeletal development has quite a few visual resources so it you should use them!
There are some areas where the content is really sparse, yet others where it is extremely heavy. In these areas, you may benefit from putting your information into bullet points so as to alleviate any confusion that may arise and overall enhance the clarity of your work. The references you have done are quite good, but there appears to be some missing.
Overall, I think your project would greatly benefit from the incorporation of images and diagrams. Because you are describing so much, a visual aid will help you immensely and also assist in retaining the attention of the reader throughout the entirety of the piece.  Also, I see that you have deviated from the recommended headings. This may be a good idea to individualise your project- but make sure all topics are covered.  I think it’s a good start considering you only have two team members, and I’m sure you will be able to pull it all together by the time it is due.
There is no introduction that has been added - you should really add one because its great to introduce the readers to what will be in the wiki page. I hope the person incharge of the first two sections of your group will / does have some work to add soon. Hardly any information has been added to the majority of the assignment, and to be honest, this wiki project has had the least amount of work done on it. You need pictures, diagrams, graphs and a LOT more information. You guys are doing a “musculoskeletal” topic, and I can’t find anything on “skeletal” on your page yet. Mark has posted that your page will only be focusing on fetal muscle development - why not change the name of the page from musculoskeletal to muscular only? That will prepare the reader in regards to the topic being addressed.
As for abnormalities, all the other pages have on average 5 abnormalities being introduced, whereas this page only has 1. Although it is really well worded and introduced, I think you should try to find at least another 2 abnormalities to put into your group project.
Sections for historic findings, current research, models and findings will need to be added.
Your page seems to focus only on how the actual muscle fibres develop, but perhaps, you could write about skeletal muscle development contributing to limb development or something to widen your topics?
Overall, your page needs a lot more work! Hope you can get a lot of work done until the project is due, make sure to add pictures!
In this project the development section is well-researched however introduction, historical findings, current models and abnormalities still need some work. The development section is very informative with appropriate use of in-text referencing. However, to prevent having bulks of text, you can create diagrams and flow charts or use bullet points. It would also be great if you could provide a timeline under “muscle development general timeline” section. Background embryonic development section is very helpful but we do not need this much information on embryonic period for this project. You can summarise this information in introduction, so that it provides a starting point and fetal development can be further expanded through the project. The rest of the information regarding system development seems to cover the important points; however it still needs work (for e.g. “second trimester muscular development” section is clearly missing some bits).
The abnormality section only includes one abnormality (Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy). This abnormality is well described but it needs to be referenced. An image of the clinical manifestation of the disease can clearly help with understanding. There are lots of other abnormalities that you can include in this section (We learnt from the musculoskeletal development lecture that musculoskeletal conditions form 20% of all abnormalities at birth). You can also refer to “limb development lecture” to find information on musculoskeletal abnormalities.
Finding information on historic findings might be a little challenging. A suggestion I can make is to search for old articles in PubMed (by adjusting the year). These articles can include key historical events. Review articles that summarise historic findings related to musculoskeletal development may also be helpful. You also need to find information on current research.
Finally, you should add an introduction to your project. It seems like you are more focused on muscular development rather than “musculoskeletal” so you can mention that in your introduction. You can also show creativity by drawing your own diagrams, adding images, and tabulating timeline data. You should also fix the references by putting all the references under one subheading in the bottom of the page.
I think this page needs a lot of work in improving the overall layout. First, I think the page would benefit from a more formal introduction that introduces the content of the page in a way that is helpful to your audience. The age could also be improved by breaking it up into ‘Development’, ‘Historic Findings’, ‘Current Research Models and Findings’ as well as the Abnormalities section already included to make it flow better.
The text in under the ‘Molecular and Cellular Reputation of Fetal Myogenesis’ is really good but it is appears as a large slab of information that would be better presented with dot points to break it up and images to make it more interesting. The Abnormalities section is well written but is very brief. This section could be improved by including more abnormalities and the appropriate images.
Overall there is a lot of work to be carried out for this page but I understand that this is a smaller group. Perhaps breaking the work up into those smaller headings mentioned will help you split the work evenly. When all the text is uploaded, make sure that there is an effort to include in text citations to support all your information and images to make the page interesting. Try to avoid writing big slabs of information – tabulate or use dot points to break up large portions of text.
I think the group has found some useful and relevant sources of information however there still needs to be work done in writing up content under some headings. The structure of the wiki page has been laid out and I think the idea of splitting up the developmental process into three trimesters is a good idea to avoid lengthy paragraphs or an overly lengthy timeline that may be difficult to absorb. I would suggest using a table to write up the timeline with a brief description of what exactly the process occurring involves. There are some references that are missing in the tendon development section.
I think the ‘Molecular and Cellular regulation of fetal myogenesis’ section was the most well written section with a thorough description of the process involved. Try to find relevant pictures and diagrams to accompany this text, they will make the explanation much more beneficial and easier to understand.
Overall a good  structure has been laid out for the wiki page but more content still needs to be added.
I understand that you only have two people in your group so you have made a good start considering this. It does seem a bit unorganized at the moment though. Be aware that mark has set out guidelines that include that include making sure you have an introduction, historic findings and models. These can be found when you click on the student projects at the top of the page.
The information you do have is good but your page isn’t visually entertaining as there are no images. Adding images makes it more interesting and I particularly recommend student images to make it more student-like and in my opinion these will attract attention from the viewer. Obviously the making gains part, while blatantly funny it is quite irrelevant.
Referencing appears to be a bit of an issue at the moment as some parts have been done well with in text citations but you need to make sure all of the text has in text citations. Also it would be a good idea to put all your references down the bottom of the page to make it look more tidy and aesthetically pleasing.
I like how you have split your page into different parts, it would be a good idea if you were to finish off the general timeline at the start as well. Think about tabulating it as this has been done by other projects and it looks really good. I think the fact that you have only two people you have got just about all the information you need there as it is difficult to do as much as the other groups when there is only two of you. So even the abnormalities part it’s good that you have even one to the effort to have it there.
Overall, a very good start from both of you. I think it’s important to make sure that everything mark has mentioned is put into your page at the start even if there isn’t as much information in each as other pages have. Also make sure you include some sort of images because it’s a bit monotonous at the moment. The referencing needs  a bit of tweaking as well. Best of luck with the rest of the assignment.
The Making Gains section is quite funny but as you said, this is not Broscience and I’m sure it will be removed for the final submission. Once that is removed, begin the project with an introduction and the developmental general timeline. The main idea of the timeline is present, however when constructing one, use specific weeks within the foetal period and what developmental changes occur in those weeks. The information found under Background Embryonic development may be used to form the introduction, but if you are going to do that do not make the introduction as detailed as this section is, particularly in terms of the transcription factors and signalling molecules, they can be moved and added into the other sections that look at the various musculoskeletal developments individually.
It is evident that there is great understanding of this topic and that it is only a case of further research and addition of those information to complete the sections. Certain sections lack information all together, such as the Third Trimester Muscular development and Recent findings, whereas other sections only contain the research articles and no summaries of them such as Abnormalities. However I understand this is a draft and that all those areas will be addressed adequately, contributing to the final copy.
Only the Background Embryonic development and Molecular and Cellular regulation of foetal myogenesis have in text citations, whereas the other sections that do contain information are not cited. It might become difficult to later find the correct article from which you obtained the information so it is advised to cite the text while adding it. In terms of the citations present, there is no need for a comma between the superscripts and you have also allocated two sections to references, one subsequent to Abnormalities and another at the bottom of the page, it is best to collate all the references in one list at the end of the page. This is also the case for Abnormalities as there are two subheadings for it, merge them into one.
No images, tables, or timelines are added. The information you have now is well written and divided into small paragraphs, which is a good way of presenting the information, however other forms such as images and tables should be used. A timeline should be added under the Muscle development General Timeline subheading, this may be done as a table or a drawing and uploaded as it simplifies the information and breaks the page from continuous writing.
Overall this group project page is great, containing all the headings and articles present. It is only a matter of summarising those articles and adding the information. All the information present thus far is appropriate and emphasises great research skills.
The project is split up into different sections well but you need to include an introduction to your project. Really good information and references but use bullet points and diagrams to break up the text so that it is easier to read. There is good information on DMD but you could possibly write about another abnormality linked to muscle development.
Introduction is missing. Some information about the functions of the systems and topics going to be covered should be included here. The section ‘making gains’ is funny. However, more work has to be done to make it more interesting.
For the timeline, more information is needed. It would be great to include a table here and describe the changes during different stages (microfibers formation…). Table is also useful to explain the second trimester muscular development
The information under background embryonic development can be summarised and put under introduction as this project should be focused on fetal development.
It is great to have molecular and cellular regulation. However, more diagrams are needed here. It would be better if they are stated in several points rather than a big paragraph. Also, more images are needed for other sections, it would be good to draw the picture as well.
For abnormalities, in-text references are needed. Also, some more abnormalities should be included with the use of images to illustrate them.
Overall, there is a pretty good structure of the website. It could be improved by including some current and historic researches on this topic. Also, more images are needed (as there is none now) to make the webpage more interesting and informative. More contents should be included as well.
A few sentences should be added to your introduction to better introduce what the project page is about and the main objectives or aims. Timeline needs some work, a few ideas could include a bullet point structure or the use of a simple table with images to accompany the overview of musculoskeletal development. The background embryonic development section is particularly useful to giving the project some background information- internal citations are also well presented. Molecular and cellular regulation section could use some images to increase the visual appeal – perhaps from some recent research papers. Tendon development and abnormalities section could also use some more detail and images. Perhaps some hand drawn images would be useful to help describe difficult concepts. References section is well presented and developed- although a few errors need to be fixed with a few references. 
This project is still in its early days but the layout and plan is very good. With additional information added to the subheadings, it will be a very interesting student wiki page. Reviewing what has already been completed on this page, it is too content heavy. There are a lot of large chunks of text indicating the student has gone to a lot of effort to find complex research papers. This is further supported by the huge amount of references at the end of the page. However as this is to be a student embryology wiki page, it would help if the passages of text were broken up into bullet points and tables. Furthermore there are no images or student drawn diagrams. These would also help convey the main messages of musculoskeletal development. The sections after tendon development are unfinished and very brief. Furthermore the only in text referencing present is in the first two sections. Citations should be carried through the entire page.
The second trimester muscular development section is particularly clear and to the point. However the information present doesn’t stretch much further than what was covered in the lecture material. By adding diagrams of the pharyngeal arch origins and including further research into this section, its quality will be greatly improved.
The page is disorganised in certain aspects. The first heading is not appropriate and is not teaching at peer level. Timeline is incomplete could have phases (first trimester, second trimester etc.) and key events put into a table and shown.
There’s good information about the muscle development from myofiber to tubules etc. however there is no period of time given to when the event occurs so it can get confusing maybe include the week in the information. Molecular and cellular regulation is well described but some information such as how IFG1 has found to enhance protein synthesis could be put into a different heading specific on research findings.  Tendon development is much clearer and easier to understand as it to the point and tells it as a series of event. Could include when the process ends only has shown that it started in 20th Carnegie stage
Second and Third trimester information is incomplete although the summary in second Trimester heading is easy to understand it can be expanded upon.  Does anything happen to limb buds in fetal stage maybe could include information of muscles in that. The one Abnormality given is relevant and well summarised. It has been defined and shows how common it is which is good to include. There should be more abnormalities added into this section and possibly picture or diagram helping to visualise how it may look.
Referencing is done in the correct format and it’s good everything is shown as a list on the bottom of the page. Overall the page needs improvement there is some evident of research done however there needs to be more headings added such as Historic findings. The recent finding heading could be placed more up on the page, before abnormality heading. Can have the different trimesters as subheading instead of separate headings. Can include a timeline in table format and also some diagrams or pictures of muscle development in head region and tendon development as well as possibly a video. Good background of embryonic development but since embryonic development is not related the project can summarise it a bit more and add more into fetal development of muscles.
The introduction to your page is extremely funny, but this is completely irrelevant to the project and should be taken out before you submit the assignment. There are long blocks of texts  on the page, with no tables or any pictures sadly. There should be a some images/digarams/videos for each heading. There is a number of good headings, with information within that needs to be further developed. There is great potential for this group project to develop further.
There is a Heading labelled, 'Muscle development general timeline' however, underneath this section, there is only a small paragraph with no timeline whatsoever. If you don't want to have a timeline in this section of your project, then remove the word 'timeline from this heading'. However, I think a timeline would be a great way to show an overview of the key events of the muscoskeletal system.
There is an broad, and long section of information under "background embryonic development". Just remember that our projects are about fetal development and not the embryonic stage of the system our project is about. The time spent on writing this section could have been spent on working on other parts of the assignment that require greater attention.
Towards the end of the references list, there are references that have not properly been citied. There also exists a format error in your reference list that would need to be fixed before the final group submission.
All Text and no images. Not a good look to go through. some formatting of the text would be a good idea to break up the text in addition to adding images.
The referencing is well done for the content at the top of the page. Whoever is doing the tendon section onward needs to take note of this and add all their references in the same style.
The humour section is unnecessary "information" that i doubt needs to be there. definately consider removing.
The information you have here is good. It will require a lot of work to get it to a point that it is well presented. I understand that it will be difficult with only the two of you in the group. Just keep adding a little bit each day to the sections.
This page needs a lot of work; there are sections with little to no information, while others have just slabs of text, some of which have no references. Of those that have info presented, the topic is well covered with the large amount of content. You should use some dot points for some areas where you have a lot of info. You also need to use some images!! They will help to alleviate the slabs of content you have and add some colour to the page. Make sure you caption and reference them correctly, and add the correct copyright info.
Overall, there isn’t much I can say except add content, reference is correctly both in text and at the bottom of the page, and images and use some dot points and/or tables; don’t write everything in large slabs of text. Also, maybe get rid of that 'Muscle Gains' section, unless you actually plan to write something relevant in there haha. Otherwise, Good luck!
Let me start by saying, for only having two people in the group, well done. The page should have an introduction though, and this is missing. Just by simply summarizing all the information that will be covered in the page and adding it to the introduction, will improve the overall presentation significantly, you may wish to leave this to last, or edit as you go along.
The section “Making gains” is amusing, but inappropriate and should be omitted from the final submission. The timeline for the page I believe should be put into a table to save time and add to the presentation of the page, it can be easily done if you follow the steps outlined in the ‘editing basics’ page
The background information is comprehensive, however, the page is in desperate need of some images as there are just slabs of text. Images will really help break up the contents of the page and make it visually appealing.
The abnormalities section also seems to be coming along quite well. Keep up the good work.
This is great work so far from a group consisting of only 2 people. Keep up the good work and continue to work hard in finishing this page. Very admirable.
Overall, I would suggest reformatting and adding pictures to enhance the presentation of this page. Consider the use of lists and tables, throughout this wiki.
Instead of the rather hilarious (but rather inappropriate) ‘Making gains’ subheading, I believe an introduction should be added. Remember to clearly indicate the outcomes that the page hopes to achieve.
I also believe that the development/timeline section of this page is informative, with a very good use of headings and sub-headings. There is excellent evidence of significant scientific research and is correctly referenced and cited. However, this section could be further summarised or improved through the use of a table I believe- just a suggestion however. Adding pictures would also add to the overall understanding of this section.
This page has no information for the “recent findings” or “historic findings” section. Remember to include relevant information/pictures and references to these sections.
The abnormalities section is also looking very promising. Include more varying abnormalities. The abnormality included, DMD, is well written and informative. It needs to be correctly referenced however.
In this review I hope to highlight the merits of your project and suggest some areas for improvement in line with the marking criteria.
I see that you have conducted a great amount of research on the fetal development of the musculoskeletal system. The content clearly goes beyond the material covered in the lectures. It was interesting to read about the different transcriptions factors involved in induction and regulation of myoblast differentiation. I think it will be good to see a summary of all this information in a timeline format. I suggest simply highlighting the main developments at each stage.
You have made a good start on abnormalities. I suggest that you begin by selecting one abnormality include Description; Epidemiology; Cause and Treatment. You can add more later.
The page needs a little more structure. Make sure you include appropriate sub-heading and organise the information before you submit the project. Remember we were asked specifically to address the topics of current research and historic findings.
Finally it would be good see some images to support the text. Perhaps diagrams on tendon development would help summarise the process.
Great work so far!! Hope this feed back helps.
Overall, the project has some very detailed sections and some sections where content is scarce. It would be helpful to start off with an introduction of the musculoskeletal system so the reader is aware of its components and what the page intends to cover. The timeline of muscle development has good potential, I understand it is still being planned at this stage and with further research, it could definitely be effective. A table format would be useful to present this information. The following sections on background embryonic development and fetal myogenesis are well-researched and have a lot of content, however I would consider breaking it down into dot points to improve readability. The sections are cited correctly in-text though, which is good to see.
There is much more improvement in the tendon and second trimester development sections, as the chunks of text have been reduced to provide a succinct summary, however these need to have citations also. The use of some images here, either hand-drawn or from online would be beneficial, to have a balance between text and pictures and make the page more visually appealing. Other than the abnormalities section which provides a good, concise summary of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, the following sections seem to be only references at this stage. As long as these are used to compose some relevant paragraphs/dot points, this is fine considering there is still time to improve the page.
Overall, this page has good potential as the groundwork has been completed; it is now more a matter of writing up more information, adding images and possibly a relevant video. The part on ‘making gains’ would need to be removed for the final, but otherwise, it is definitely a decent amount of work so far, especially considering the few group members involved.
“Making Gains” is pretty funny but offcourse irrelevant to this project.
Your timeline needs a lot of work done as it is missing copious amounts of information.
Background embryonic development section is well detailed though it lacks images to aid the information. Also molecular and cellular regulation of fetal myogenesis section is the same; it is well informed but lacks images.
Much more is needed on tendon development, second and third trimester muscular development, neonatal, mechanisms/structure of muscle fibres and abnormalities.
Over all very good in text citations for the development (top) section. References from the background section should be at the bottom of the page with other references. The page mostly looks like a bulk of writing so include images where possible. A LOT more work is needed but I understand your situation as your group only has 2 members now so do as much as you can and GOOD LUCK!
The project doesn’t have an introduction yet; however information such as what the Musculoskeletal system is about, the features of the system as well as the difference between the embryonic and fetal stages of development should be mentioned. Not to mention a brief summary of each key subheading such as abnormalities under introduction e.g. any deformations in the fetal stages of musculoskeletal development can result in to such and such abnormalities which will be addressed. This will help the viewer’s understand what the project will be going through. I like the ‘making gains’ subheading as it adds humour to the page and engages the viewers. The general timeline needs information including what events take place at certain phases of fetal development. This could be present in a table to make the information more clear. It’s good that the project has information on the embryonic development so that the viewers can understand how the fetus arises to that point in development (fetal period).
All of the content seems to relate to the key topic and is appropriately paragraphed. However much of the content is still missing such as in ‘recent findings’ and ‘introduction’. More information could be added under the associated ‘trimesters’ and ‘abnormalities’. There are no historic findings which is great to have on your page for viewer’s fascination into the group project. Members could search on pubmed about the musculoskeletal system and view dates on the side that may contain key findings for historical events. Also a glossary list should be added to help viewers understand the content more instead of just being confused at some sections.
There are no images on this page and definitely needs to be added with the appropriate information such as the description, referencing, copyright issues and ‘student template’. If images are not readily available, it is best to draw them. Also captions should be added on the page to state what the images are showing. As for referencing, there are  some sections which shows incite referencing such as in the content under ‘Molecular and Cellular regulation of fetal myogenesis’ and some that don’t have any like in ‘tendon development’. There needs to be references in all sections. There is a huge list of references under ‘abnormalities’ which need to be placed all under one ‘references subheading’; similarly to any other reference list on the page. Number 15 of the reference list has an error in it and needs to be fixed right away. Overall, this is a working progress and if the group makes edits based on the peer-reviews received, this could enhance their project.

Week 5  
Week 5  
Line 23: Line 289:
*The muscles I would suggest to include in are all muscles which have attachments to the appendicular skeleton including axioappendicular muscles (petoralis major, pectoralis minor, subclavious, serratus anterior, Latissimus Dorsi, Traps, levator scap, rhomboid major and minor.
*The muscles I would suggest to include in are all muscles which have attachments to the appendicular skeleton including axioappendicular muscles (petoralis major, pectoralis minor, subclavious, serratus anterior, Latissimus Dorsi, Traps, levator scap, rhomboid major and minor.
*Joints and tendons are included in the musculoskeletal system, we should about wether we want to have a section for them.
*Joints and tendons are included in the musculoskeletal system, we should about wether we want to have a section for them.
--[[User:Z3418779|Z3418779]] ([[User talk:Z3418779|talk]]) 09:05, 31 August 2014 (EST)
Hi guys just posted the topics of abnormalities of muscle and skeletal system im gonna talk bout and references of relevant articles to the topics. Sorry for being late btw
--[[User:Z3418779|Z3418779]] ([[User talk:Z3418779|talk]]) 14:57, 9 September 2014 (EST)
Disregard the rest of the stuff I said in earlier discussions, I believe that to make it significantly easier we just do muscular system. I will Reformat everything to make it make sense.
--[[User:Z3418989|Z3418989]] ([[User talk:Z3418989|talk]]) 01:51, 10 September 2014 (EST)
Yeah completely agree, I think focusing on the muscular system would be much easier than doing both. Appendicular muscles sounds good - so muscles of limbs. Could divide it into upper and lower limbs. May have to talk about bone/cartilage a bit to describe how the muscle forms around it. Maybe how developing of muscles in embryonic development is important and eventually affects origin and insertions and actions of muscles when fully developed.
--[[User:Z3418779|Z3418779]] ([[User talk:Z3418779|talk]]) 12:56, 17 September 2014 (EST) This link shows a very good description of myogenesis;
--[[User:Z3418989|Z3418989]] ([[User talk:Z3418989|talk]]) 12:27, 20 September 2014 (EST)
Ill add a bit more on embryonic muscle development guys
--[[User:Z3418779|Z3418779]] ([[User talk:Z3418779|talk]]) 22:30, 6 October 2014 (EST)
Here are some article which would probably be helpful
Nrk2b-mediated NAD+ production regulates cell adhesion and is required for muscle morphogenesis in vivo: Nrk2b and NAD+ in muscle morphogenesis
Coexpression of two distinct muscle acetylcholine receptor a-subunits during development
At the moment I have a general structure for tendon development and abnormalities will add to wiki tommorrow.
the good indepth morphogenesis studies focus on gluteus maxximus, extrenal urethra spincter, tensor veli palatini very little are done of the other muscles, so will try to apply the conclusions from these studies to related skeltal muscles
--[[User:Z3418779|Z3418779]] ([[User talk:Z3418779|talk]]) 12:11, 15 October 2014 (EST) Will add Fetal akinesia deformation sequence (FADS) to abnomralities and amyoplasia
----[[User:Z3418989|Z3418989]] ([[User talk:Z3418989|talk]]) 12:58, 15 October 2014 (EST)

Latest revision as of 10:25, 9 November 2014

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  • The following collapsed tables provide starting points for students during project work, you also have tutorials built into practical classes and practice exercises for individual assessmet items.
Group Assessment Criteria
Mark Hill.jpg
  1. The key points relating to the topic that your group allocated are clearly described.
  2. The choice of content, headings and sub-headings, diagrams, tables, graphs show a good understanding of the topic area.
  3. Content is correctly cited and referenced.
  4. The wiki has an element of teaching at a peer level using the student's own innovative diagrams, tables or figures and/or using interesting examples or explanations.
  5. Evidence of significant research relating to basic and applied sciences that goes beyond the formal teaching activities.
  6. Relates the topic and content of the Wiki entry to learning aims of embryology.
  7. Clearly reflects on editing/feedback from group peers and articulates how the Wiki could be improved (or not) based on peer comments/feedback. Demonstrates an ability to review own work when criticised in an open edited wiki format. Reflects on what was learned from the process of editing a peer's wiki.
  8. Evaluates own performance and that of group peers to give a rounded summary of this wiki process in terms of group effort and achievement.
  9. The content of the wiki should demonstrate to the reader that your group has researched adequately on this topic and covered the key areas necessary to inform your peers in their learning.
  10. Develops and edits the wiki entries in accordance with the above guidelines.
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Mark Hill.jpg First Read the help page Referencing

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Mark Hill.jpg First Read the help page Copyright Tutorial

Currently all students originally assigned to each group are listed as equal authors/contributors to their project. If you have not contributed the content you had originally agreed to, nor participated in the group work process, then you should contact the course coordinator immediately and either discuss your contribution or request removal from the group author list. Remember that all student online contributions are recorded by date, time and the actual contributed content. A similar email reminder of this information was sent to all current students.

Please note the Universities Policy regarding Plagiarism

In particular this example:

"Claiming credit for a proportion of work contributed to a group assessment item that is greater than that actually contributed;"

Academic Misconduct carries penalties. If a student is found guilty of academic misconduct, the penalties include warnings, remedial educative action, being failed in an assignment or excluded from the University for two years.

Please also read Copyright Tutorial with regard to content that can be used in your project.

Project Analysis 24 Sep
Group 2014 project edits 24sep.png

--Mark Hill (talk) 09:57, 24 September 2014 (EST) Individual student data for each group has also been analysed.

Student 2014 project edits 24sep.png

--Mark Hill (talk) 09:57, 24 September 2014 (EST) I have masked student ID.

  • Individual students will know how much work you have been doing to date.
  • I will be contacting those student on 5 edits or below.

2014 Student Projects: Group 1 | Group 2 | Group 3 | Group 4 | Group 5 | Group 6 | Group 7 | Group 8

--Mark Hill (talk) 17:54, 31 October 2014 (EST) These student projects have now been finalised and undergoing final assessment.

Group Assessment Criteria
  1. The key points relating to the topic that your group allocated are clearly described.
  2. The choice of content, headings and sub-headings, diagrams, tables, graphs show a good understanding of the topic area.
  3. Content is correctly cited and referenced.
  4. The wiki has an element of teaching at a peer level using the student's own innovative diagrams, tables or figures and/or using interesting examples or explanations.
  5. Evidence of significant research relating to basic and applied sciences that goes beyond the formal teaching activities.
  6. Relates the topic and content of the Wiki entry to learning aims of embryology.
  7. Clearly reflects on editing/feedback from group peers and articulates how the Wiki could be improved (or not) based on peer comments/feedback. Demonstrates an ability to review own work when criticised in an open edited wiki format. Reflects on what was learned from the process of editing a peer's wiki.
  8. Evaluates own performance and that of group peers to give a rounded summary of this wiki process in terms of group effort and achievement.
  9. The content of the wiki should demonstrate to the reader that your group has researched adequately on this topic and covered the key areas necessary to inform your peers in their learning.
  10. Develops and edits the wiki entries in accordance with the above guidelines.

Final Assessment

--Mark Hill (talk) 16:48, 31 October 2014 (EST) Transferred 2014_Group_Project_8_part_2 to the project page.

  • I am aware that this group had fewer students than other project groups (you had the opportunity earlier in semester to combine with another group).
  • Introduction section could have done with a figure to set the concepts of the project.
  • Embryonic development is clearly identified, but you have not identified as well the muscular development occurring within the fetal period.
  • I liked the work you have put into developing your own myogenesis movie. As it is in a collapsing table, you could have made the movie larger by specifying width and height parameters.
  • Figure - Mouse limb tissue development (existing website image) is a good summary for the mouse model, you should have built upon this by characterising the matching human timeline, even if this was just from matching the overall mouse/human timeline.
  • Tendon molecular development is covered well (no timeline) and could have benefited from some research images to illustrate your text.
  • Gluteus Maximus muscle is a reasonable example to include, though much is known about


Section to alter since continual errors on Friday 24th 4 pm

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy(DMD)

Progressive myofiber replacement by fibrotic and fat tissue in Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy rats [1]

Caused by a mutation of the gene that encodes the 427-kDa cytoskeletal protein dystrophin on locus Xp21[2]; this protein complex connects the cytoskeleton of muscle fibres to the extracellular matrix. Abnormal dystrophin results in a degradation of cellular integrity, excessive penetration of sarcolemma by calcium and water entering mitochondria increasing pressure and bursting[3]. The lack of significant load during fetal development results in minimal wasting, it is detected in postnatal babies at 3-5 years old with muscles resisting gravity being the first to waste. Patients are restricted to wheelchairs by their early teens[3] and have a life expectancy of 25 years . The incidence in male infants is 1 in 36,000. Typically males are affected while females are carriers. In the offspring of a carrier mother and unaffected father; sons have 50% chance of affected and daughter’s 50% chance of becoming carriers. Since the disease is a terminal illness killing in mid-twenties; affected fathers are not considered in the situation. Absence of affected fathers means it is very unlikely for daughters to be affected.

Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy has no present cure, treatment is aimed at altering onset of symptoms and maximising quality of life. [4] The most common approach is Corticosteroid based medication, which significantly improves muscle strength and function over a short term. Patients using the drugs long term gradually have reduced doses to avoid severe side effects which can include; weight gain, behavioural disorders and osteoporosis. Most effective corticosteroids are prednisolone, and deflazacort. Theories on how the steroids work include; include activation of T-Cell pathways, directly reducing muscle regeneration, modulating cell inflammation and enhancement of myogenic precursors. [5] Additionally assisted ventilation, supportive equipment, proton-pump inhibitors, increased excercise, beta-blockers and diuretics culminate to reduce symptoms and increase sufferers quality of life. [6] [7] [8] [9]

Peer Reviews


Let me start by saying that the “Muscle Gains” section is funny but obviously very irrelevant to the project. Looking at the contents of this page, there seem to be a lot of focus on the development and very little on the other sections. The development section is well-researched and great job on the in-text citations! Some parts look a bit bulky though so maybe try to break some of them down into bulletpoints if possible. A timeline of development is also very helpful in this project.

On abnormalities, very concise and detailed. Try to write about 3-4 abnormalities and find information on how they’re treated or managed presently. As for historic findings, there is a section on the Wikipage that has old books on embryology. It’s under the “Explore” tab and you’ll see “Historic embryo”. Those books have a lot of information regarding that section. Don’t forget to write about current findings as well. Another thing, try to use images since these really help with understanding the content of the page. Overall, a lot of work has to be done before the due date. I do understand why because there are only two people in this group. Goodluck and I wish you the best in finishing this project!


The key points of musculoskeletal development appear as headings however there is still much that needs to be clearly discussed beneath each of these points. The main headings are good and specific but some are way too specific and should be under much larger headings, for example, 1.2-1.9 could be subheadings that come under the heading ‘System Development’. ‘Background embryonic development’ is useful to understand but perhaps it is better to not have so much detail, or summarise it in a table. The ‘Abnormalities’ heading is done well, with one disease listed (Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy). It might be better to have more than one abnormality listed and clearly described as well. I particularly like the use of statistics and genetic references. It seems most of the key points relating to system development have been clearly described, but some tidying up in terms of editing needs to be done.

Also, more work needs to be done on historic findings, current research, models and findings. Once all the research parts are completed, the timeline can be correctly constructed. Also like the idea of putting a timeline and the heading shows that this is intended. More subheadings could be used to make the page look more organised and pleasing to the eye.

There are also no graphs or tables as well as pictures. A table could be used to make the timeline or highlight the differences between the second, third trimesters and neonatal periods of fetal muscular development. Maybe the initial heading of the page should be changed to ‘Muscular Fetal Development’ to indicate that muscular development is actually being covered instead of both muscular and skeletal. There also isn’t much information regarding limb fetal development, so maybe it would be good to go through that on a deeper level.

It could also help to have images loaded onto the page or to draw flow diagrams to assist in the description of how the muscles develop in the fetal period. For example, upload an image showing the difference between slow twitch and fast twitch muscle fibres or draw a flow chart to show better understanding of the molecular and cellular regulation of fetal myogenesis.

References need to be in one larger section at the end under the heading ‘References’, not two and scattered throughout as is seen. The major section of references appears to be referenced correctly and in-cite references are done very well. There are also many references which are good and show that this group has thoroughly researched their topic.

Overall, this group has done very well and just needs to add more information for certain headings, as well as organise the page a bit better in neater headings and subheadings. Pictures should be added, as well as graphs, tables and own student-drawn images.


There is no introduction that allows the audience an insight to your project page. This is something that needs to be worked on and maybe add some images also. I’m not sure what I think about the “making gains” section, it’s funny however needs a bit of work. However I do see what you are trying to do here, trying to make it more inviting, interesting and alluring the audience and I appreciate that. The Muscle development timeline needs some work and progress. I don’t see a timeline, or dot points, maybe work on format here even if it’s in a table format for this section.

Most of the following sections have great amount of detail with a number of in text citations and this is great to see. However I do notice that there is no images what so ever, not sure if you are having trouble finding, or if you have left this until the last thing, try and draw images, or look at a youtube video that sums one section or maybe the entire system. This could help balance the amount of text you have, making the page more interesting, not overwhelming. Also work on making things more concise and simplifying paragraphs.

Third trimester, neonatal and mechanisms are all sections that need more content in there whether it be images or information there is not much attention given to these areas.

Overall this project page has room for improvement by giving certain sections of the page the attention they deserve. Images are imperative in allowing a balance between text and the image itself. It can sometimes be refreshing, and less overwhelming to see an image among paragraphs of content. Also try and look for a youtube video that can help summaries the content on your page. Try and work on time management, or set a group deadline that everyone has to meet so that all the information can be well up before the due date so your group can have time to edit and add images and play around with the page comfortably. Goodluck!


Overall the Group project page seems to be set out quite well with its headings and sub headings. Just needs a bit more info for some of the sub headings particularly from ‘second trimester muscular development’ onwards and a few formatting adjustments. The use of timelines, tables and dot points might help in those sections. The content provided is written well and in a detailed manner, which is still understood. There is a significant amount of research presented and this is seen through the in text citations and then further identified in the reference list. A good use of referencing is seen supporting the content info provided. The content uses examples of past and current research to help develop and establish ideas that are presented well. The abnormalities section on ‘Duchenne muscular dystrophy’ is described really well, maybe other abnormalities could also be added later.

To improve the page some suggestions include the use of diagrams and images, would help to add a bit more vibrancy to the page. Images and drawings are a great way to help in understanding the content. They are also a great way to make the content clearer especially if there are a number of processes involved in the development. Some of the longer paragraphs of content may also be formatted into dot points just to avoid lengthy paragraphs of info. It might also be useful to include some of the headings mentioned on the assessment page (identify current research models and findings, historic findings etc.). Finally, the page so far is done well however it will need a little bit more work to be completely finished. Try to just gather as much info as you can to ensure you have enough content and then add images and any other visual aids later. Keep up the good work and good luck :).


Firstly, I thought the “Making Gains” bit was great- and I can guess who came up with that. I know you’ll take it our prior to submission though haha. The structure of your project is quite good, and the subheadings would make it much easier to read- the only thing is you need to add more content! I think because your system encompasses quite a lot, it would be a better idea for you to put as much information as you can into tables and include diagrams- I saw that musculoskeletal development has quite a few visual resources so it you should use them! There are some areas where the content is really sparse, yet others where it is extremely heavy. In these areas, you may benefit from putting your information into bullet points so as to alleviate any confusion that may arise and overall enhance the clarity of your work. The references you have done are quite good, but there appears to be some missing.

Overall, I think your project would greatly benefit from the incorporation of images and diagrams. Because you are describing so much, a visual aid will help you immensely and also assist in retaining the attention of the reader throughout the entirety of the piece. Also, I see that you have deviated from the recommended headings. This may be a good idea to individualise your project- but make sure all topics are covered. I think it’s a good start considering you only have two team members, and I’m sure you will be able to pull it all together by the time it is due.


Musculoskeletal There is no introduction that has been added - you should really add one because its great to introduce the readers to what will be in the wiki page. I hope the person incharge of the first two sections of your group will / does have some work to add soon. Hardly any information has been added to the majority of the assignment, and to be honest, this wiki project has had the least amount of work done on it. You need pictures, diagrams, graphs and a LOT more information. You guys are doing a “musculoskeletal” topic, and I can’t find anything on “skeletal” on your page yet. Mark has posted that your page will only be focusing on fetal muscle development - why not change the name of the page from musculoskeletal to muscular only? That will prepare the reader in regards to the topic being addressed. As for abnormalities, all the other pages have on average 5 abnormalities being introduced, whereas this page only has 1. Although it is really well worded and introduced, I think you should try to find at least another 2 abnormalities to put into your group project. Sections for historic findings, current research, models and findings will need to be added. Your page seems to focus only on how the actual muscle fibres develop, but perhaps, you could write about skeletal muscle development contributing to limb development or something to widen your topics? Overall, your page needs a lot more work! Hope you can get a lot of work done until the project is due, make sure to add pictures!


In this project the development section is well-researched however introduction, historical findings, current models and abnormalities still need some work. The development section is very informative with appropriate use of in-text referencing. However, to prevent having bulks of text, you can create diagrams and flow charts or use bullet points. It would also be great if you could provide a timeline under “muscle development general timeline” section. Background embryonic development section is very helpful but we do not need this much information on embryonic period for this project. You can summarise this information in introduction, so that it provides a starting point and fetal development can be further expanded through the project. The rest of the information regarding system development seems to cover the important points; however it still needs work (for e.g. “second trimester muscular development” section is clearly missing some bits).

The abnormality section only includes one abnormality (Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy). This abnormality is well described but it needs to be referenced. An image of the clinical manifestation of the disease can clearly help with understanding. There are lots of other abnormalities that you can include in this section (We learnt from the musculoskeletal development lecture that musculoskeletal conditions form 20% of all abnormalities at birth). You can also refer to “limb development lecture” to find information on musculoskeletal abnormalities.

Finding information on historic findings might be a little challenging. A suggestion I can make is to search for old articles in PubMed (by adjusting the year). These articles can include key historical events. Review articles that summarise historic findings related to musculoskeletal development may also be helpful. You also need to find information on current research.

Finally, you should add an introduction to your project. It seems like you are more focused on muscular development rather than “musculoskeletal” so you can mention that in your introduction. You can also show creativity by drawing your own diagrams, adding images, and tabulating timeline data. You should also fix the references by putting all the references under one subheading in the bottom of the page.


I think this page needs a lot of work in improving the overall layout. First, I think the page would benefit from a more formal introduction that introduces the content of the page in a way that is helpful to your audience. The age could also be improved by breaking it up into ‘Development’, ‘Historic Findings’, ‘Current Research Models and Findings’ as well as the Abnormalities section already included to make it flow better.

The text in under the ‘Molecular and Cellular Reputation of Fetal Myogenesis’ is really good but it is appears as a large slab of information that would be better presented with dot points to break it up and images to make it more interesting. The Abnormalities section is well written but is very brief. This section could be improved by including more abnormalities and the appropriate images.

Overall there is a lot of work to be carried out for this page but I understand that this is a smaller group. Perhaps breaking the work up into those smaller headings mentioned will help you split the work evenly. When all the text is uploaded, make sure that there is an effort to include in text citations to support all your information and images to make the page interesting. Try to avoid writing big slabs of information – tabulate or use dot points to break up large portions of text.


I think the group has found some useful and relevant sources of information however there still needs to be work done in writing up content under some headings. The structure of the wiki page has been laid out and I think the idea of splitting up the developmental process into three trimesters is a good idea to avoid lengthy paragraphs or an overly lengthy timeline that may be difficult to absorb. I would suggest using a table to write up the timeline with a brief description of what exactly the process occurring involves. There are some references that are missing in the tendon development section.

I think the ‘Molecular and Cellular regulation of fetal myogenesis’ section was the most well written section with a thorough description of the process involved. Try to find relevant pictures and diagrams to accompany this text, they will make the explanation much more beneficial and easier to understand.

Overall a good structure has been laid out for the wiki page but more content still needs to be added.


I understand that you only have two people in your group so you have made a good start considering this. It does seem a bit unorganized at the moment though. Be aware that mark has set out guidelines that include that include making sure you have an introduction, historic findings and models. These can be found when you click on the student projects at the top of the page.

The information you do have is good but your page isn’t visually entertaining as there are no images. Adding images makes it more interesting and I particularly recommend student images to make it more student-like and in my opinion these will attract attention from the viewer. Obviously the making gains part, while blatantly funny it is quite irrelevant.

Referencing appears to be a bit of an issue at the moment as some parts have been done well with in text citations but you need to make sure all of the text has in text citations. Also it would be a good idea to put all your references down the bottom of the page to make it look more tidy and aesthetically pleasing.

I like how you have split your page into different parts, it would be a good idea if you were to finish off the general timeline at the start as well. Think about tabulating it as this has been done by other projects and it looks really good. I think the fact that you have only two people you have got just about all the information you need there as it is difficult to do as much as the other groups when there is only two of you. So even the abnormalities part it’s good that you have even one to the effort to have it there.

Overall, a very good start from both of you. I think it’s important to make sure that everything mark has mentioned is put into your page at the start even if there isn’t as much information in each as other pages have. Also make sure you include some sort of images because it’s a bit monotonous at the moment. The referencing needs a bit of tweaking as well. Best of luck with the rest of the assignment.


The Making Gains section is quite funny but as you said, this is not Broscience and I’m sure it will be removed for the final submission. Once that is removed, begin the project with an introduction and the developmental general timeline. The main idea of the timeline is present, however when constructing one, use specific weeks within the foetal period and what developmental changes occur in those weeks. The information found under Background Embryonic development may be used to form the introduction, but if you are going to do that do not make the introduction as detailed as this section is, particularly in terms of the transcription factors and signalling molecules, they can be moved and added into the other sections that look at the various musculoskeletal developments individually.

It is evident that there is great understanding of this topic and that it is only a case of further research and addition of those information to complete the sections. Certain sections lack information all together, such as the Third Trimester Muscular development and Recent findings, whereas other sections only contain the research articles and no summaries of them such as Abnormalities. However I understand this is a draft and that all those areas will be addressed adequately, contributing to the final copy.

Only the Background Embryonic development and Molecular and Cellular regulation of foetal myogenesis have in text citations, whereas the other sections that do contain information are not cited. It might become difficult to later find the correct article from which you obtained the information so it is advised to cite the text while adding it. In terms of the citations present, there is no need for a comma between the superscripts and you have also allocated two sections to references, one subsequent to Abnormalities and another at the bottom of the page, it is best to collate all the references in one list at the end of the page. This is also the case for Abnormalities as there are two subheadings for it, merge them into one.

No images, tables, or timelines are added. The information you have now is well written and divided into small paragraphs, which is a good way of presenting the information, however other forms such as images and tables should be used. A timeline should be added under the Muscle development General Timeline subheading, this may be done as a table or a drawing and uploaded as it simplifies the information and breaks the page from continuous writing.

Overall this group project page is great, containing all the headings and articles present. It is only a matter of summarising those articles and adding the information. All the information present thus far is appropriate and emphasises great research skills.


The project is split up into different sections well but you need to include an introduction to your project. Really good information and references but use bullet points and diagrams to break up the text so that it is easier to read. There is good information on DMD but you could possibly write about another abnormality linked to muscle development.


Introduction is missing. Some information about the functions of the systems and topics going to be covered should be included here. The section ‘making gains’ is funny. However, more work has to be done to make it more interesting.

For the timeline, more information is needed. It would be great to include a table here and describe the changes during different stages (microfibers formation…). Table is also useful to explain the second trimester muscular development

The information under background embryonic development can be summarised and put under introduction as this project should be focused on fetal development.

It is great to have molecular and cellular regulation. However, more diagrams are needed here. It would be better if they are stated in several points rather than a big paragraph. Also, more images are needed for other sections, it would be good to draw the picture as well.

For abnormalities, in-text references are needed. Also, some more abnormalities should be included with the use of images to illustrate them.

Overall, there is a pretty good structure of the website. It could be improved by including some current and historic researches on this topic. Also, more images are needed (as there is none now) to make the webpage more interesting and informative. More contents should be included as well.


A few sentences should be added to your introduction to better introduce what the project page is about and the main objectives or aims. Timeline needs some work, a few ideas could include a bullet point structure or the use of a simple table with images to accompany the overview of musculoskeletal development. The background embryonic development section is particularly useful to giving the project some background information- internal citations are also well presented. Molecular and cellular regulation section could use some images to increase the visual appeal – perhaps from some recent research papers. Tendon development and abnormalities section could also use some more detail and images. Perhaps some hand drawn images would be useful to help describe difficult concepts. References section is well presented and developed- although a few errors need to be fixed with a few references.


This project is still in its early days but the layout and plan is very good. With additional information added to the subheadings, it will be a very interesting student wiki page. Reviewing what has already been completed on this page, it is too content heavy. There are a lot of large chunks of text indicating the student has gone to a lot of effort to find complex research papers. This is further supported by the huge amount of references at the end of the page. However as this is to be a student embryology wiki page, it would help if the passages of text were broken up into bullet points and tables. Furthermore there are no images or student drawn diagrams. These would also help convey the main messages of musculoskeletal development. The sections after tendon development are unfinished and very brief. Furthermore the only in text referencing present is in the first two sections. Citations should be carried through the entire page.

The second trimester muscular development section is particularly clear and to the point. However the information present doesn’t stretch much further than what was covered in the lecture material. By adding diagrams of the pharyngeal arch origins and including further research into this section, its quality will be greatly improved.


The page is disorganised in certain aspects. The first heading is not appropriate and is not teaching at peer level. Timeline is incomplete could have phases (first trimester, second trimester etc.) and key events put into a table and shown.

There’s good information about the muscle development from myofiber to tubules etc. however there is no period of time given to when the event occurs so it can get confusing maybe include the week in the information. Molecular and cellular regulation is well described but some information such as how IFG1 has found to enhance protein synthesis could be put into a different heading specific on research findings. Tendon development is much clearer and easier to understand as it to the point and tells it as a series of event. Could include when the process ends only has shown that it started in 20th Carnegie stage

Second and Third trimester information is incomplete although the summary in second Trimester heading is easy to understand it can be expanded upon. Does anything happen to limb buds in fetal stage maybe could include information of muscles in that. The one Abnormality given is relevant and well summarised. It has been defined and shows how common it is which is good to include. There should be more abnormalities added into this section and possibly picture or diagram helping to visualise how it may look.

Referencing is done in the correct format and it’s good everything is shown as a list on the bottom of the page. Overall the page needs improvement there is some evident of research done however there needs to be more headings added such as Historic findings. The recent finding heading could be placed more up on the page, before abnormality heading. Can have the different trimesters as subheading instead of separate headings. Can include a timeline in table format and also some diagrams or pictures of muscle development in head region and tendon development as well as possibly a video. Good background of embryonic development but since embryonic development is not related the project can summarise it a bit more and add more into fetal development of muscles.


The introduction to your page is extremely funny, but this is completely irrelevant to the project and should be taken out before you submit the assignment. There are long blocks of texts on the page, with no tables or any pictures sadly. There should be a some images/digarams/videos for each heading. There is a number of good headings, with information within that needs to be further developed. There is great potential for this group project to develop further.

There is a Heading labelled, 'Muscle development general timeline' however, underneath this section, there is only a small paragraph with no timeline whatsoever. If you don't want to have a timeline in this section of your project, then remove the word 'timeline from this heading'. However, I think a timeline would be a great way to show an overview of the key events of the muscoskeletal system.

There is an broad, and long section of information under "background embryonic development". Just remember that our projects are about fetal development and not the embryonic stage of the system our project is about. The time spent on writing this section could have been spent on working on other parts of the assignment that require greater attention.

Towards the end of the references list, there are references that have not properly been citied. There also exists a format error in your reference list that would need to be fixed before the final group submission.


All Text and no images. Not a good look to go through. some formatting of the text would be a good idea to break up the text in addition to adding images.

The referencing is well done for the content at the top of the page. Whoever is doing the tendon section onward needs to take note of this and add all their references in the same style.

The humour section is unnecessary "information" that i doubt needs to be there. definately consider removing.

The information you have here is good. It will require a lot of work to get it to a point that it is well presented. I understand that it will be difficult with only the two of you in the group. Just keep adding a little bit each day to the sections.


This page needs a lot of work; there are sections with little to no information, while others have just slabs of text, some of which have no references. Of those that have info presented, the topic is well covered with the large amount of content. You should use some dot points for some areas where you have a lot of info. You also need to use some images!! They will help to alleviate the slabs of content you have and add some colour to the page. Make sure you caption and reference them correctly, and add the correct copyright info.

Overall, there isn’t much I can say except add content, reference is correctly both in text and at the bottom of the page, and images and use some dot points and/or tables; don’t write everything in large slabs of text. Also, maybe get rid of that 'Muscle Gains' section, unless you actually plan to write something relevant in there haha. Otherwise, Good luck!


Let me start by saying, for only having two people in the group, well done. The page should have an introduction though, and this is missing. Just by simply summarizing all the information that will be covered in the page and adding it to the introduction, will improve the overall presentation significantly, you may wish to leave this to last, or edit as you go along.

The section “Making gains” is amusing, but inappropriate and should be omitted from the final submission. The timeline for the page I believe should be put into a table to save time and add to the presentation of the page, it can be easily done if you follow the steps outlined in the ‘editing basics’ page

The background information is comprehensive, however, the page is in desperate need of some images as there are just slabs of text. Images will really help break up the contents of the page and make it visually appealing.

The abnormalities section also seems to be coming along quite well. Keep up the good work.


This is great work so far from a group consisting of only 2 people. Keep up the good work and continue to work hard in finishing this page. Very admirable.

Overall, I would suggest reformatting and adding pictures to enhance the presentation of this page. Consider the use of lists and tables, throughout this wiki.

Instead of the rather hilarious (but rather inappropriate) ‘Making gains’ subheading, I believe an introduction should be added. Remember to clearly indicate the outcomes that the page hopes to achieve.

I also believe that the development/timeline section of this page is informative, with a very good use of headings and sub-headings. There is excellent evidence of significant scientific research and is correctly referenced and cited. However, this section could be further summarised or improved through the use of a table I believe- just a suggestion however. Adding pictures would also add to the overall understanding of this section.

This page has no information for the “recent findings” or “historic findings” section. Remember to include relevant information/pictures and references to these sections.

The abnormalities section is also looking very promising. Include more varying abnormalities. The abnormality included, DMD, is well written and informative. It needs to be correctly referenced however.


In this review I hope to highlight the merits of your project and suggest some areas for improvement in line with the marking criteria.

I see that you have conducted a great amount of research on the fetal development of the musculoskeletal system. The content clearly goes beyond the material covered in the lectures. It was interesting to read about the different transcriptions factors involved in induction and regulation of myoblast differentiation. I think it will be good to see a summary of all this information in a timeline format. I suggest simply highlighting the main developments at each stage.

You have made a good start on abnormalities. I suggest that you begin by selecting one abnormality include Description; Epidemiology; Cause and Treatment. You can add more later.

The page needs a little more structure. Make sure you include appropriate sub-heading and organise the information before you submit the project. Remember we were asked specifically to address the topics of current research and historic findings.

Finally it would be good see some images to support the text. Perhaps diagrams on tendon development would help summarise the process.

Great work so far!! Hope this feed back helps.


Overall, the project has some very detailed sections and some sections where content is scarce. It would be helpful to start off with an introduction of the musculoskeletal system so the reader is aware of its components and what the page intends to cover. The timeline of muscle development has good potential, I understand it is still being planned at this stage and with further research, it could definitely be effective. A table format would be useful to present this information. The following sections on background embryonic development and fetal myogenesis are well-researched and have a lot of content, however I would consider breaking it down into dot points to improve readability. The sections are cited correctly in-text though, which is good to see.

There is much more improvement in the tendon and second trimester development sections, as the chunks of text have been reduced to provide a succinct summary, however these need to have citations also. The use of some images here, either hand-drawn or from online would be beneficial, to have a balance between text and pictures and make the page more visually appealing. Other than the abnormalities section which provides a good, concise summary of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, the following sections seem to be only references at this stage. As long as these are used to compose some relevant paragraphs/dot points, this is fine considering there is still time to improve the page.

Overall, this page has good potential as the groundwork has been completed; it is now more a matter of writing up more information, adding images and possibly a relevant video. The part on ‘making gains’ would need to be removed for the final, but otherwise, it is definitely a decent amount of work so far, especially considering the few group members involved.


“Making Gains” is pretty funny but offcourse irrelevant to this project. Your timeline needs a lot of work done as it is missing copious amounts of information. Background embryonic development section is well detailed though it lacks images to aid the information. Also molecular and cellular regulation of fetal myogenesis section is the same; it is well informed but lacks images. Much more is needed on tendon development, second and third trimester muscular development, neonatal, mechanisms/structure of muscle fibres and abnormalities. Over all very good in text citations for the development (top) section. References from the background section should be at the bottom of the page with other references. The page mostly looks like a bulk of writing so include images where possible. A LOT more work is needed but I understand your situation as your group only has 2 members now so do as much as you can and GOOD LUCK!


The project doesn’t have an introduction yet; however information such as what the Musculoskeletal system is about, the features of the system as well as the difference between the embryonic and fetal stages of development should be mentioned. Not to mention a brief summary of each key subheading such as abnormalities under introduction e.g. any deformations in the fetal stages of musculoskeletal development can result in to such and such abnormalities which will be addressed. This will help the viewer’s understand what the project will be going through. I like the ‘making gains’ subheading as it adds humour to the page and engages the viewers. The general timeline needs information including what events take place at certain phases of fetal development. This could be present in a table to make the information more clear. It’s good that the project has information on the embryonic development so that the viewers can understand how the fetus arises to that point in development (fetal period).

All of the content seems to relate to the key topic and is appropriately paragraphed. However much of the content is still missing such as in ‘recent findings’ and ‘introduction’. More information could be added under the associated ‘trimesters’ and ‘abnormalities’. There are no historic findings which is great to have on your page for viewer’s fascination into the group project. Members could search on pubmed about the musculoskeletal system and view dates on the side that may contain key findings for historical events. Also a glossary list should be added to help viewers understand the content more instead of just being confused at some sections.

There are no images on this page and definitely needs to be added with the appropriate information such as the description, referencing, copyright issues and ‘student template’. If images are not readily available, it is best to draw them. Also captions should be added on the page to state what the images are showing. As for referencing, there are some sections which shows incite referencing such as in the content under ‘Molecular and Cellular regulation of fetal myogenesis’ and some that don’t have any like in ‘tendon development’. There needs to be references in all sections. There is a huge list of references under ‘abnormalities’ which need to be placed all under one ‘references subheading’; similarly to any other reference list on the page. Number 15 of the reference list has an error in it and needs to be fixed right away. Overall, this is a working progress and if the group makes edits based on the peer-reviews received, this could enhance their project.


Week 5

--Z3418989 (talk) 22:34, 26 August 2014 (EST) Hi guys After discussing in lab last week we tried to divide the categories and work as following;

  • skeletal and cartilaginous development - Joel
  • muscular development - Gowtem
  • overall skeletal and muscular arrangement macroscopically - Danny

What do you guys think about addressing these topics as well

  • Historical findings
  • Abnormalities
  • New findings

--Z3418779 (talk) 12:44, 27 August 2014 (EST) Great idea m8 Danny can probably also do abnormalities, remember to post any articles of particular relevance to New/historical findings. To complete after main content assembled

--Z3418779 (talk) 01:02, 28 August 2014 (EST) I would suggest that we narrow down the topic to focusing on the appendicular musculoskeletal system, so that;

  • To make work load more managable
  • To avoid the multiple highly specialised and irregular muscles/bones of the head
  • The muscles I would suggest to include in are all muscles which have attachments to the appendicular skeleton including axioappendicular muscles (petoralis major, pectoralis minor, subclavious, serratus anterior, Latissimus Dorsi, Traps, levator scap, rhomboid major and minor.
  • Joints and tendons are included in the musculoskeletal system, we should about wether we want to have a section for them.

--Z3418779 (talk) 09:05, 31 August 2014 (EST)

Hi guys just posted the topics of abnormalities of muscle and skeletal system im gonna talk bout and references of relevant articles to the topics. Sorry for being late btw

--Z3418779 (talk) 14:57, 9 September 2014 (EST) Disregard the rest of the stuff I said in earlier discussions, I believe that to make it significantly easier we just do muscular system. I will Reformat everything to make it make sense.

--Z3418989 (talk) 01:51, 10 September 2014 (EST) Yeah completely agree, I think focusing on the muscular system would be much easier than doing both. Appendicular muscles sounds good - so muscles of limbs. Could divide it into upper and lower limbs. May have to talk about bone/cartilage a bit to describe how the muscle forms around it. Maybe how developing of muscles in embryonic development is important and eventually affects origin and insertions and actions of muscles when fully developed.

--Z3418779 (talk) 12:56, 17 September 2014 (EST) This link shows a very good description of myogenesis;

--Z3418989 (talk) 12:27, 20 September 2014 (EST) Ill add a bit more on embryonic muscle development guys

--Z3418779 (talk) 22:30, 6 October 2014 (EST) Here are some article which would probably be helpful Nrk2b-mediated NAD+ production regulates cell adhesion and is required for muscle morphogenesis in vivo: Nrk2b and NAD+ in muscle morphogenesis Coexpression of two distinct muscle acetylcholine receptor a-subunits during development

At the moment I have a general structure for tendon development and abnormalities will add to wiki tommorrow.

the good indepth morphogenesis studies focus on gluteus maxximus, extrenal urethra spincter, tensor veli palatini very little are done of the other muscles, so will try to apply the conclusions from these studies to related skeltal muscles

--Z3418779 (talk) 12:11, 15 October 2014 (EST) Will add Fetal akinesia deformation sequence (FADS) to abnomralities and amyoplasia

Z3418989 (talk) 12:58, 15 October 2014 (EST)

  1. <pubmed> 25310701</pubmed>
  2. <pubmed> PMC1299132</pubmed>
  3. 3.0 3.1 <pubmed> 18974549</pubmed>
  4. <pubmed> 25187493</pubmed>
  5. <pubmed> 17541998</pubmed>
  6. <pubmed> 8143083</pubmed>
  7. <pubmed> 12467747</pubmed>
  8. <pubmed> 19945914</pubmed>
  9. <pubmed> 19945913</pubmed>