Template:Mall1908a table15

From Embryology
Table XV. Arrested Development of the Embryo (Seventh Week)
Specimen Embryo Chorion Menstrual Age

Length of Dimensions of Menstrual

No. Embryo. Chorioni Age. Changes in the Chonon. I 320 18 70 x so x 40 ' Some fibrous. Ovum swollen and :1 fewmasses of 1eucocytes. 338a. I8 45 x45 6’co8wks. Normal. 293 19 3 01' 4 months 345 I9 60 X 50 x 50 94 20 5o x 40 x 30 Atrophic and invaded by leucocytes. 128 20 50x43 76 Normal. 201 2o Fibrous and invaded by leucocytes and syncytium. 307 2o 40 x 40 x 40 Invaded by leucocytes. 268 22 226 24 6011602130