Talk:Book - Sex and internal secretions (1961) 6

From Embryology

L Gross Structure, Homologies, and I. Gross Structure, Homologies, and Occurrence in Mammalian Orders. 366 Occurrence in Mammalian

A. Introduction c566 „ ,

B. General Characteristics 367 Ureters

C. Survey of the Glands 368 j^ INTRODUCTION

1. Bulbo-urethral and bulbovestibu- ^, • , , ^ , ,

la,!- 368 The genital system of male mammals con 2. Male and female prostate glands. . 369 sists of three component parts. These are:

3. Seminal vesicles 376 ( 1) paired testes, the primary sex organs in

4. Ampullary glands ■ • ■ • ■ 376 ^^^j^j^j-, spermatozoa are formed and andro U. Evolutionarv Historv of Accessory • i j. j /ov

Reproductive Glands in Mammals 376 g^nic hormones are secreted; (2) accessory

II. Function ofMale Accessory Glands.. 377 reproductive organs, a continuous series of

A. Introduction 377 ducts in which spermatozoa are transported

B. Volumetric Studies of Secretion 378 fpo^ the testes, stored in the tail of the epi 1. Prostatic isolation operation^. 378 .^^^^ ■ ^nd finallv carried to the exterior

2. Prostatic translocation operation. 380 , - . , ,. ' ,

C. Chemical Composition of the Glandu- ^^hen ejaculation occurs, and various

lar Secretions 380 glands, the secretions of which provide the

I). Metabolism of the Prostate and Sem- carrying medium for the spermatozoa at

inal Vesicle 394 emission ; ( 3) external genitalia, the penis

K. Coagulation of Semen 396 , , , . , ,

III. Structure and Function in Relation ^r copuhitory organ and, m most mammals,

TO Hormones 398 i^ scrotum in which the testes come to lie

A. Introduction 398 more or less permanently, or only periodi B. Effects of Androgens 399 p.^Hy during the breeding season.

1. Testicular andn,gens 399 ^^ ^^jj^ -^ ^j^^ epithelial lining of the

2. Adrenal androgens 423 / . i i j r l ^ c

3. Ovarian androgens 424 ^ttcrent, epididymal, and deferent parts of

4. Progesterone 425 the duct system have secretory functions,

C. Effects of Estrogens 426 but all male mammals develop discrete and

I). Hormonal Control ()f Spontaneous ^^^ specialized glands which are associated with

1. Benign growtU.""^ '.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 429 ^Pecific regions of the reproductive tract and

2. Prostatic cancer 430 eject their secretions into it at seminal

E. I'^ffects of Carcinogenic Aromatic Hy emission. The degree of development of

drocarbons 430 these large, conspicuous glands is a unique

F. Effects of Nonsteroid Hormones 433 .ij^r^cteristic of mammals.

1. I'rolactin (LTH) 433 _, i x- i j u

2. Growth hormone (STH) 434 The accessory reproductive glands can be

IV. References 435 grouped logically into those ^vhich arise