Talk:Book - Aids to Embryology (1948) 14

From Embryology


Accessory tubercle of pinna, 74 Acoustico-facial complex, 71 Acrocephaly, 167 Acrosome, 3 Adrenal gland, 61 Alimentary canal, 75 Allantois, 34, 141, 142 Amnion, 15, 32 Amnio tic cavity, 15, 16 fluid, 33 Amastia, 43 Anencephaly, 59 Angiogenesis, 34 Aorta, branches of, 114 coarctation of, 118 Aortic arches, 109 trunk, 105

Appendicular skeleton, 166 Appendix, 92 Artery or arteries, axial, lower limb, 116 femoral, 116 intersegmental, 113 pulmonary, 117 radial, 115 ulnar, 115 of upper limb, 115 anomalies of, 118 development of, 116 Atresia, of aorta, 108 intestinal, 93 of pulmonary artery, 108 Atria, development of, 104 Atrio-ventricular bundle, 106 Auditory apparatus, development of, 73 Auditory nerve, 71 ossicles, 74

Autonomic nervous system, 61 Axial skeleton, 161

Bicornuate uterus, 151 Bipartite uterus, 151 Bladder, development of, 143 Blastocyst, 14 Blood cells, 130 Body stalk, 99

Bone, histogensis of, 159 Bony labyrinth, 72 Bowman’s capsule, 140 Brain, development of, 58 Branchial arch arteries, 109 Branchio-motor cells, 52 Breast, anomalies of, 43 Buccopharyngeal membrane, 36, 75

Bulbus cordis, 100

Caecum, 90, 92 Canal of Schlemm, 66 Cardiogenic area, 100 Carotid body, 112 sinus, 1 12

Central nervous system, anomalies of, 59 Cerebral aqueduct, 53 commissures, 56 cortex, 57 Cervix, 148 Chorion, 29, 99 frondosum, 31 laeve, 31 Choroid, 66 Chromaffin cells, 61 Chromosomes, 9 Circulation, at birth, 128 foetal, 128

Circulatory system, 99 Cleft palate, 86 sternum, 167

Clitoris, hypertrophy of, 155 Cloaca, 1 41 persistent, 144 Cloacal membrane, 75 Club-foot, congenital, 167 Coarctation of aorta, 118 Cochlea, 71, 73

Coelom, extra-embryonic, 19 Coelomic cavities, 132 Coloboma, congenital, 67 Colon, 92 Cornea, 66 Corona radiata, 8 Coronary sinus, 105

Corpus albicans, 21 callosum, 57 luteum, 20, 21 striatum, 56 Corti, organ of, 72 Cotyledons, 31 Crista acoustica, 71 Cyclopia, 68

Cystic kidney, congenital, 140 Cuvier, duct of, 119

Deafness, congenital, 74 Decidua capsularis, 29, 31 Deciduous teeth, 80 Dental fibrils of Tomes, 81 papilla, 80 Dextrocardia, 108 Diencephalon, 48, 53 Dorsal aorta, branches of, 112 Double heart, 108 Ductus arteriosus, no persistence of, 118 Ductus reuniens, 71 Duodenal stenosis, 93 Duodenum, 91 Dura mater, 58 Dwarfism, 167

Dysostosis cleido-cranialis, 167

Ear, anomalies of, 74 Ectoderm, 35, 3 8 Ectopia testis, 153 vesicae, 144 Embryo, 15 age of, 38 Embryonic axis, 1 7 disc, 17 mesoderm, 18 Encephalocoele, 59 Endochondrial ossification, 159 Entoderm, 35, 3 8 Epibranchial placodes, 7 5 Epididymis, duct of, 146 Epiglottis, 99 Epispadias, 155 Epoophoron, 148 Eye, 63

congenital cystic, 68 development of, 67 Eyelids, 66

Face, 77

anomalies of, 85 Facial cleft, oblique, 86 Femoral artery, 116 Fertilization, 24 Foetal age, estimation of, 39 Foetal circulation, 128 Follicular atresia, 8, 20 Follicle stimulating hormone, 20, 23 Foramen, caecum, 79 of Majendie, 52 ovale, 108

patent interventricular, 108

Gall bladder, 94 Gartner, duct of, 148 Genitalia, female, 154 male, 153 Genetics, 169 Genital glands, descent of, 151

Genital glands and ducts, 144 Genital system, anomalies of, 151

development of, 150 Genitals external, 154 Germinal epithelium, 5 Gigantism, 167 Glaucoma, congenital, 68 Glycogen, 23 Gonads, 151 Graffian follicle, 6 Gubemaculum, 15 1 Gut, fore, 75 hind, 75 mid, 75 primitive, 87 Gynaecomastia, 43

Haemocytoblasts, 131 Hair, 41 Hare lip, 86 Haploid number, 13 Heart, 100

anomalies of, 108 development of, 107 valves, 106 Hensen’s node, 17, 18

Hereditary characters, 168 Hermaphroditism, 155 Hernia, congenital inguinal, 153 Hippocampal gyrus, 57 Hormone, follicle stimulating, 20 luteal, 21, 23 Horseshoe kidney, 14 1 Hyaloid artery, 66 Hydrochloric acid, 89 Hydramnios, 34 Hydrocephalus, congenital, 59 Hymen, 149, 150 imperforate, 151 Hyoid arch, 76 Hypermastia, 43 Hypophysis, 54 Hypospadias, 155

Imperforate hymen, 151 Implantation, 26 interstitial, 28 Incus, 72

Infundibulum, 55 Inferior vena cava, 122, 128 Interatrial septa, 102 Interventricular septum, 105 Intestine, 89

non-rotation of, 94 Intestinal atresia, 93 Intestinal tract, anomalies of, 93 Iris, 67

Kidney, development of, 140 pelvic, 14 1

Labia minora, hypertrophy of, 155

Lachrymal glands, 66 Lactiferous ducts, 43 Lamina, alar, 48, 51 basal, 48, 51 Lanugo, 42 Lens, 64

Ligament of Marshall, 122 Limb muscles, 158 Lissauer’s bundle, 46

Liver, 89, 94

anomalies of, 98 development of, 97 Lymphatic vessels and glands, 129 Lymphoblasts, 131

Malleus, 72

Majendie, foramen of, 7 2 Mammary glands, 42 Mandible, 162 Marshall, ligament of, 122 Maxillary process, 162 Meckel’s cartilage, 72 diverticulum, 93 Medulla oblongata, 49 Mendelian laws, 171 Meninges, 58 Meningocoele, 59 Menstruation, 21 Mesencephalon, 48, 53 Mesoderm, 35

extra-embryonic, 19 Mesogastrium, dorsal, 89 Mesonephros, 136 Metanephros, 138 Metencephalon, 49, 52 Microcephaly, 59 Mid-brain flexure, 51 Milk teeth, 80 Mitosis, 8 Mucin, 23

Mullerian duct, 146 tubercle, 146 Myelencephalon, 49, 51 Myelocytes, 131 Myotomes, 157

Nails, 41

Naso-lachrymal duct, 41 groove, 77

Nerve, abducent, 60, 62 auditory, 60 facial, 60, 62 glossopharyngeal, 60, 62 hypoglossal, 60, 62 oculomotor, 60, 62 olfactory, 60 optic, 60

trigeminal, 60, 62

trochlear, 60, 62

vagus and accessory, 60, 62

Neuroblasts, 48 Neurocranium, 162 Neuroglia, 48 Notochord, 35 Notochordal canal, 17 Nucleus ambiguus, 51

Oesophagus, 88 Oestrogen, 23 Olfactory organ, 63 pit, 77 tract, 57 Oligamnios, 34 Oogenesis, 6 Optic cup, 63 Oro-nasal groove, 77 Ossicles, auditory, 74 Osteoblasts, 159 Osteoclasts, 159 Otocyst, 69

Ovaries, absence of, 151 Ovary, 5

round ligament of, 153

Palate, 78 Palatine tonsil, 85 Pancreas, 95 anomalies of, 98 development of, 97 Paradidymis, 147 Parathyroids, 84 Parotid gland, 82 Paroophorn, 148 Patent interventricular foramen, 108 Pelvic kidney, 141 Penis, double, 155 Pericardial cavity, 132 Peripheral nervous system, 62 Persistent foramen ovale, 108 Pharyngeal region, 75 anomalies of, 85 development of, 85 Pharyngeal grooves, 83 pouches, 83

Pharyngo-tympanic tube, 74 Phimosis, 155 Pineal gland, 54 Pinna, 73

accessory tubercles of, 74

Pituitary gland, 54 Placenta, 15, 31 Placodes, epibranchial, 75 Plagiocephaly, 167 Pleural cavities and diaphragm, 134 Polydactyly, 167 Pontine nuclei, 52 Prepuce, 155 Primitive atrium, 100 ventricle, 100 Processus vaginalis, 15 1 Progesterone, 20, 24 Pronephros, 136 Pronucleus, female, 13 male, 12

Prostate gland, 142 Pulmonary arteries, 117 trunk, 105

Puncta lachrymalia, 68

Rachischisis, 59, 166 Rathke’s pouch, 55 Rectum, malformations of, 93

Reichert’s cartilage, 72 Rennin, 89

Respiratory system, 98

Rhombic lip, 52

Ribs, supernumerary, 166

Saccule, 73 Salivary glands, 82 Scaphocephaly, 167 Schlemm, canal of, 66 Schlera, 66 Schlerotomes, 161 Scrotum, 15 1 Sebaceous glands, 42 Segmentation nucleus, 13 Septum, posterior median, 48 transversum, 36 Sinus, inferior sagittal, 120 superior sagittal, 120 venosus, 100, 105 Situs inversus, 94 Skeleton, anomalies of, 166 Skin, 40 Skull, 1 61 Somites, 157

Spermatogenesis, 2, 26 Spermatozoon, 4, 26 Sphenoid, 162 Spinal cord, 46 anomalies of, 48 development of, 47 Spinal nerves, 59 Splanchnopleure, 19 Spleen, 131 Split tongue, 86 Spongioblasts, 48 Stomach, 88 Stomatodaeum, 36, 77 Stenosis of aorta, 108

of pulmonary artery, 108 Stratum basale, 22 spongiosum, 21 Sublingual gland, 82 Submandibular gland, 82 Sudoriferous glands, 42 Sulcus, calcarine, 58 central, 58 collateral, 58 hypothalamieus, 53 limitans, 53 terminahs, 79 Superior vena cava, 128 Sweat glands, 42 Syndactyly, 167 Synotus, 74

Teeth, decidual or milk, 80 enamel of, 80 permanent, 80 Telencephalon, 48, 55 Testis, 1, 145 absence of, 151 fused, 15 1 Thalamus, 53 Theca interna, 7 Thymus, 83 Thyro-glossal duct, 79 Thyroid, 84

Tomes’ dental fibrils, 81 Tongue, 79 split, 86 Tonsils, 83 Trabeculae, 95 Trophoblast, 15 Tunica albuginea, 145

Tympanic antrum, 74 cavity, 72 membrane, 73

Umbilical cord, 31, 35 hernia, congenital, 93 veins, 95

Urachus, cysts of, 144 Ureter, 140 double, 1 41 Ureteric bud, 140 Urethra, 142 stenosis of, 155 Urorectal septum, 141 Uterine milk, 5, 148 tubes, 5, 148 Uterus, 5

round ligament of, 153

Vagina, anomalies of, 151 Valves, atrio-ventricular, 105 Vas deferens, 147 Vasa efferentia, 147 Veins, anterior cardinal, 119 posterior cardinal, 122 anomalies of, 128 Vena cava, inferior, 105 superior, 105 Venous system, 118 development of, 126

Villi, 15

anchoring, 30 chorionic, 29 Viscerocranium, 164 Vitreous humour, 66 Vocal cords, 99

Wharton’s jelly, 35 Witch’s milk, 43

Yolk sac, I 5 -I 7 , 34 , 99

Zona pellucida, 6, Zygote, 12

12, 15