Quicktime Historic Animation - Heart 02

From Embryology
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<Flowplayer height="260" width="320" autoplay="false">Heart_historic_002.flv‎</Flowplayer> Sinus venosus - draining fluid and blood cells from 3 pairs of vessels (vitelline veins, umbilical veins, common cardinal veins)

common cardinal veins = ducts of Cuvier (Scale bar 1 mm)

  • Heart tube - bends ventrally to the right
  • Caudal to cranial sequence: sinus venosus - primitive atria - conus - truncus arteriosus - aortic arches

Middle Week 3 (Gestational Age - week 5)

  • Splanchnopleuric mesoderm - differentiated into epimyocardial mantle around the tubes
  • Two heart tubes - brought together by the folding of the body
  • Foregut - lies dorsal to the heart tubes

End Week 3

  • Spontaneous cardiac contractions
  • Detachment of the heart tube dorsally
  • Primordia of transverse sinus of the pericardium

Next: Part 3