
From Embryology

Lab 4 Online Assessment

  1. The allantois, identified in the placental cord, is continuous with what anatomical structure?
  2. Identify the 3 vascular shunts, and their location, in the embryonic circulation.
  3. Identify the Group project sub-section that you will be researching. (Add to project page and your individual assessment page)

Lab Attendance

--Z3288729 12:16, 28 July 2011 (EST)

--z3288729 11:12, 4 August 2011 (EST)

Lab One

Identify the origin of In Vitro Fertilization and the 2010 nobel prize winner associated with this technique.

In vitro fertilisation began in 1978 when Edwards RG successfully carried out the process. He won the nobel prize for his work in 2010.

Identify a recent paper on fertilisation and describe its key findings.

Actin, more than just a housekeeping protein at the scene of fertilization.

This research project looked into the role of actin in fertilisation. It was found that it is an important molecule, significant in modulation of fertilisation. The rearrangement of the actin cytoskeleton of a fertilised egg plays a role in allowing only one sperm to enter the cell. [1]

Identify 2 congenital anomalies.

Ectrodactyly- a lack of one or more digits of the hand or foot

Spina Bifida- incomplete closing of the embryonic neural tube

Lab Two

Reference List

  1. Actin, more than just a housekeeping protein at the scene of fertilization