
From Embryology
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Lab 4 Online Assessment

  1. The allantois, identified in the placental cord, is continuous with what anatomical structure?
  2. Identify the 3 vascular shunts, and their location, in the embryonic circulation.
  3. Identify the Group project sub-section that you will be researching. (Add to project page and your individual assessment page)

Lab Attendance

--z3272325 18:03, 28 July 2011 (EST)

Lab 1

Identify the origin of In Vitro Fertilization and the 2010 nobel prize winner associated with this technique.

The history if IVF could be said to be traced back to the first successful case of embryo transplantation by Walter Heape n 1891- who was able to successfully transplant an embryo from one species of rabbit to the uterus of another, thereby proving that an embryo could be transplanted into a carrier and have its development unaffected by the movement.

In the 1970s a collaboration between Robert Edwards, a physiologist and Patrick Steptoe, a gynaecologist, resulted in the first incidence of human in-vitro fertilisation (IVF)- with the embryo being implanted in the mother in 1977, and the first human in-vitro fertilised baby being born in 1978.

In 2010, Robert Edwards was awarded the Nobel Prize, for the development of the therapy.

Identify a recent paper on fertilisation and describe its key findings.

The paper describes how strontium can be utilised to activate oocytes and how this subsequently leads to improved fertilisation rates and embryo quality, when used in tandem with intracytoplasmic sperm injection. 1

Identify 2 congenital anomalies. Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia: the baby is born with a hole in the diaphragm, or with the complete absence of the diaphragm

Omphalocele: there is a defect in the development of the muscles of the abdonmial wall, which leads to the abdominal organs to protrude through, in the general area of the umbilical cord.

References 1 Chen J, Qian Y, Tan Y, Mima H. (2010). Successful pregnancy following oocyte activation by strontium in normozoospermic patients of unexplained infertility with fertilisation failures during previous intracytoplasmic sperm injection treatment. Reproduction, Fertility, and Development, 22(5), 852-855. [PMID: 20450837]