
From Embryology

Group 2

Chorionic Villus Sampling


--z3265772 23:43, 28 July 2010 (UTC)

--z3265772 22:57, 4 August 2010 (UTC)

--z3265772 23:14, 11 August 2010 (UTC)

--z3265772 00:03, 19 August 2010 (UTC)

Lab Questions

Lab 1 Questions

Complete tasks associated with the online individual and group assessments including:

1. Demonstrate the ability to create an attendance signature.

2. Create a subheading, link and add an image to student page.

3. Vote here (with student signature) for the major topic for the group project before Lab 2.

Lab 2 Questions

1. What factor do the synctiotrophoblast cells secrete to support the ongoing pregnancy?

Syncytiotrophoblasts secrete Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG) hormone, which prevents degeneration of the corpus luteum

2. What does the corpus luteum secrete to prevent continuation of the menstrual cycle?

Progesterone, which helps make the endometrial lining ready for implantation if an egg is fertilized. Progesterone also changes the endometrium to a secretory lining (from proliferative), which creates an ideal environment for the blastocyst.

Lab 3 Questions

1. What Carnegie stages occur during week 3 and week 4?

Carnegie stages 7 (gastrulation and notochord formation) to 13 (Somite no. 21-29, caudal neuropore closes)

2. What is the change in overall embryo size form the beginning of week 3 to the end of week 4?

embryo has grown 2.6mm to 4.6mm. (week 4. 3mm to 5mm - week 3. 0.4mm)

3. Approximately when do the cranial (anterior) and caudal (posterior) neuropores close in the human embryo?

Cranial neuropore closes at carnegie stage 11, which is 23-26 days

Caudal neuropore closes at carnegie stage 12-13, which is 26-30 days

Lab 4 Questions

1. Name the vessels that drain into the sinus venosus?

the three venous inputs that drain into the sinus venosus are the vitelline vein, umbilical vein and common cardinal vein

2. What is the fate of the vitelline artery and vitelline vein?

Vitelline arteries - arises from dorsal aorta, contribute to adult GIT arteries, fuse to become superior mesenteric artery

Vitelline veins - empties into sinus venosus, contribute to the adult portal system

3. Name the 4 layers that constitute the placental barrier?

syncitiotrophoblast, cytotrophoblast, villi connective tissue and fetal capillary endothelium

4. What stem cells are found in abundance, and may be harvested from the placenta for therapeutic uses?

hematopoietic stem cells

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lecture 2


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