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Lab Assesment 1

Influence of zona pellucida thickness of human embryos on clinical pregnancy outcome following in vitro fertilization treatment.

The success rate of IVF treatment is typically determined by clinical implantation and interplay of clinical and nonclinical variables such as endometrial receptivity, ovulation induction protocols, patient’s age, etiology of infertility and gamete to embryo quality. Embryo grading prior to the embryo transfer is a widely researched topic, however the current embryo grading systems don’t support enough research and new reliable parameters are needed to be found. One of these parameters are predicting IVF outcomes based on the thickness of the Zona Pellucida during fertilisation. Two clinical evidence are in support of this parameter. Evidence has shown that the implantation rates of human embryos correlate with the Zona Pellucida thickness ranging from 10-29%. Also adverse influences of prolonged embryo culture conditions in vito, that are manifested in the thickening and hardening of the Zona Pellucida, is leading to failure of up to 75% of IVF embryo hatching due to micro assisted fertilization techniques such as zona thinning and hatching. Throughout other research conducted, there has shown a strong influence of Zona Pellucida thickness of the transferred embryos on clinical IVF outcomes. However certain research has also shown that Zona Pellucida thickness can be a reliable indicator for predicting the success of in vito fertilisation. The test conducted by Anette Gabrielsen and others, was performed on 141 women to shown if there is any correlation between the thickness of the Zona Pellucida of embryos during intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) treatment cycles. The result was the thickness of the Zona Pellucida shows a strong correlation with the clinical outcomes following IVF treatment, Indicating Zona Pellucida thickness can be a reliable indicator for determining the outcome of IVF treatment

Anette Gabrielsen, Piyush R. Bhatnager, Karsten Petersen, Svend Lindenberg Influence of zona pellucida thickness of human embryos on clinical pregnancy outcome following in vitro fertilization treatment. J Assist Reprod Genet. 2000 Jul 17(6) 323-8. [1]

Factors affecting fertilization: endometrial placental protein 14 reduces the capacity of human spermatozoa to bind to the human zona pellucida.

Human spermatozoa must travel and reach an oocyte for fertilisation, many factors affect the amount or strength of the spermatozoa when released from ovulation. Of these factors, endometrial placental protein 14 is a glycoprotein that is secreted during the secretory phase endometrium and decidua in females. Researches have tested endometrial placental protein 14 to determine whether this glycoprotein reduces the capacity of spermatozoa to bind to the Zona Pellucida. Oehninger and Coddington performed an investigation by evaluated sperm samples from fertile men which were incubated with and with the endometrial placental protein 14. A quick recap of the experimental method was the biologically active endometrial placental protein 14 was purified from human amniotic fluid via anion exchange. Once the separation has taken place, the spermatozoa was incubated for 30 minutes with and without the endometrial placental protein 14, then washed and used in a variety of assays. The ability of the binding of the Zona pelluicda were assayed in a 4 hour gamete incubation. Using a computerised sperm analyser, the acrosome reaction was determined. This time consuming investigation concluded that endometrial placental protein 14 produces a fast, potent and dose dependent inhibition of binding of spermatozoa to the zona pellucida while not affecting other event such as the acrosomal reaction. The spermatozoa binding to the zona pellucida interaction has shown to be specific for this endometrial placental protein and has fundamental bearance to the process of fertilisation.

Oehninger S, Coddington CC, Hodgen GD, Seppala M. Factors affecting fertilization: endometrial placental protein 14 reduces the capacity of human spermatozoa to bind to the human zona pellucida. Fertil Steril. 1995 Feb 63(2) 377-83. [2]

Lab Assessment 2

Xin Sun, Erik N. Meyers, Mark Lewandoski and Gail R. Martin, Targeted disruption of Fgf8 causes failure of cell migration in the gastrulating mouse embryo Genes Dev. 1999 13(14):1834–1846

[3]Article [4] Image

Lab Assessment 4

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{The paraxial mesoderm of the neural tube gives rise to which of the following? |type="()"} - Heart + Somites - Body cavities - Gastrointestinal Tract - Urogenital System ||Yes, the Somites are derived from the paraxial mesoderm via the neural tube in early stage 7. The Urogenital System is developed in the intermediate mesoderm while the body cavities, GIT and heart are developed in the lateral plate mesoderm.

{In which week is the descent of the heart stopped by the enlargement of the liver? |type="()"} - Week 6 - Week 4 - Month 7 - Month 3-6 + Week 7 ||Due to the enlargement of the liver, the hearts descent is stopped after beginning in week 6

{Which of the following statements regarding the placenta is incorrect? |type="()"} - 3 types of placental classification include Haemochorial, Endotheliochorial and Epitheliochorial. - The secondary stage of chorionic villi is developed in week 3. + Fetal surface contains cotyledons. - Cord knotting is a type of placental cord abnormality. - Trophoblast cells are the major source of placental hormones. ||The fetal surface does not contain cotyledons, they are present in the maternal side, The fetal side is covered with an amniotic membrane and is attached to chorionic plate

Lab Assessment 5

What is the difference between gastroschisis and omphalocele?

Gastroschisis is a congenital birth defect which results in the anterior abdominal wall failing to completely close during early development. It occurs during the 4th week of pregnancy and happens 1 in every 5000 births with a 75% chance of occurring in the first born child [5]. A small 2 inch opening can be seen right of the umbilical cord which results in the abdominal organs (Intestines, sometimes stomach and very rarely the liver) to protrude outside of the body lacking a peritoneal membrane. The hole is caused by a herniation of the abdominal viscera in the amniotic cavity. The external organs that are left floating in the amniotic fluid which can cause swelling, shortening of the intestines, less blood flow and even twisting of the bowel [6].

In order to diagnosis an infant with Gastroschisis, physical examination is required. The infant will have problems with absorption and movement in the gut. Conducting a prenatal ultrasound, will successfully identify if there is any extra amniotic fluid. Treatment of Gastroschisis varies based on the amount of abdominal organs that are protruding out. If only a small amount is floating in the amniotic fluid, then a primary surgery repair is only required. However if there are large amounts of abdominal organs floating in the amniotic fluid, then staged repair is needed which lasts from 3 to 10 days. Omphalocele (exomphalos) is an abdominal wall defect similar to Gastroschisis, as it results in a hole with abdominal organs protruding out. However the difference in Omphalocele is that the umbilical cord is herniated and leaves a hole located at the belly button area with the abdominal organs spilling out but covered in a transparent sac [7].

Omphalocele occurs during week 11 of pregnancy and happens 1 in every 5300 babies. Causes of these abdominal wall defects are unknown, but research suggests that alcohol and tobacco use, certain medications and obesity lead to an increased chance of having one of these defects [8]. Omphalocele can be diagnoses by physical examination and a prenatal ultrasound. If an infant suffers from Omphalocele, then surgery can be used, however as the abdominal organs that protrude out are covered by a transparent sac, they are protected from unnecessary exposure to amniotic fluid. If surgery is undertaken, then a material is placed on the sac which results in the abdominal organs slowly pushing back into the abdominal cavity [9].