
From Embryology
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Lab Attendance

Lab 1 --Z3414515 (talk) 12:46, 6 August 2014 (EST)





My Type in a Group


A Teamworker is the oil between the cogs that keeps the machine that is the team running smoothly. They are good listeners and diplomats, talented at smoothing over conflicts and helping parties understand one other without becoming confrontational. Since the role can be a low-profile one, the beneficial effect of a Teamworker can go unnoticed and unappreciated until they are absent, when the team begins to argue, and small but important things cease to happen. Because of an unwillingness to take sides, a Teamworker may not be able to take decisive action when it is needed.

Lecture Reviews

Lecture 1

Course introduction for embryology as well as the history of embryologists and how the diagrams of embryo changed through time as more advance technology was available. Guidelines to the course was mentioned as well as the assessments and type of work expected for this course.

Lecture 2

In the fertilization lecture the most interesting concept for me was the polar bodies and the sry gene. Every other concepts such as gametes, mitosis, meiosis and fertilization was familiar. Polar bodies and the sry gene was a completely new idea for me. Meiosis 1 releases first polar body and meiosis 2 releases the second polar body. Sometimes meiosis 1 releases first and third polar bodies.

Individual Assessments

Lab 1
